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Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. name: Towny
  2. version: 0.36
  3. language: english
  4. author: ElgarL
  5. website: ''
  6. description: >
  7. Language file for all game messages. Do not alter this file.
  8. If you wish to change any of the entries, make a copy named something else.
  9. Alternate language files can be enabled by altering the
  10. [language] entry in config.yml
  12. #
  13. #
  14. # You MUST retain spacing in the texts.
  15. # If a text begins or ends with a space, it must remain that way.
  16. #
  17. #
  18. # %s = data to be supplied by the plugin.
  20. # Text colouring
  21. # --------------
  22. # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4
  23. # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8
  24. # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b
  25. # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f
  28. default_towny_prefix: '&b&lCittà &8» '
  29. default_town_prefix: '&6[%s] &b'
  30. default_nation_prefix: '&6[%s] &6'
  32. unclaimed_plot_name: 'Lotto della città'
  33. unclaimed_zone_name: 'Lotto della natura'
  35. ############################################################
  36. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  37. # |help messages | #
  38. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  39. ############################################################
  42. help_0: 'Informazioni generali sulle città'
  43. help_1: 'Prova i seguenti comandi per imparare di più sulle città.'
  44. help_2: 'Chat della città'
  45. help_3: 'Chat della nazione'
  47. town_help_1: 'Informazioni sulla tua città.'
  48. town_help_2: '[sindaco]'
  49. town_help_3: 'Informazioni sulla città selezionata.'
  50. town_help_4: 'Scorciatoia per informazioni sulla città sul luogo dove ti trovi.'
  51. town_help_5: 'Teletrasporto allo spawn della città.'
  52. town_help_6: 'Nuova città con te come sindaco.'
  53. town_help_7: 'Nuova città con il bersaglio come sindaco.'
  54. town_help_8: 'Lista dei comandi di un sindaco.'
  55. town_help_9: 'Oggi è il giorno!'
  56. town_help_10: 'Mostra i giocatori online di una città.'
  58. mayor_help_3: 'Prendi possesso di un lotto staccato dagli alti della città.'
  59. mayor_help_4: 'Prendi possesso dei lotti in un raggio x.'
  60. mayor_help_5: 'Prendi possesso dei lottti nel raggio massimo.'
  61. mayor_help_6: 'Perdi possesso di un lotto della città.'
  62. mayor_help_7: 'Tentativo di perdere possesso dei lotti della città vicini.'
  63. mayor_help_8: 'Tentativo di perdere possesso di tutti i lotti della città.'
  65. nation_help_1: 'Informazioni della tua nazione.'
  66. nation_help_2: '[nazione].'
  67. nation_help_3: 'Target nations status.'
  68. nation_help_4: 'Lista delle nazioni.'
  69. nation_help_5: 'Abbandona la tua nazione.'
  70. nation_help_6: 'Crea una nuova nazione.'
  71. nation_help_7: 'List the king commands.'
  72. nation_help_8: 'Crea una nuova nazione.'
  73. nation_help_9: 'Elenca tutti i residenti online in ogni nazione.'
  75. king_help_1: 'Nation King Help'
  76. king_help_2: 'Stringi un' alleanza con un'altra città.'
  77. king_help_3: 'Dichiara nemica un'altra città.'
  79. res_1: 'Il tuo stato sociale.'
  80. res_2: '[residente].'
  81. res_3: 'Mette come bersaglio lo stato del player.'
  82. res_4: 'Lista di tutti gli utenti online.'
  83. res_5: 'Per aiuto.'
  84. res_6: 'Incontro Online'
  85. res_7: 'Nome esatto'
  87. mode_1: 'Mostra la mappa tra ogni blocco della città'
  88. mode_2: 'Prendi possesso dei lotti sui quali cammini'
  89. mode_3: 'Togli il possesso dei lotti sui quali cammini'
  90. mode_4: 'Cambia la chat comune con quella della città'
  91. mode_5: 'Cambia la chat comune con quella della nazione'
  92. mode_6: 'Puoi piazzare %s nei confini nemici per fare zone di guerra.'
  94. plot_perms: 'Usa %s al posto di %s per i permessi del lotto.'
  95. plot_perms_1: 'I lotti residenziali non fanno uso di permessi esterni.'
  97. res_list: 'Residenti'
  98. res_sing: 'Residente'
  99. mayor_sing: 'Sindaco'
  100. admin_sing: 'Admin'
  101. town_sing: 'Città'
  102. nation_sing: 'Nazione'
  103. nation_plu: 'Nazioni'
  104. king_sing: 'Re'
  105. town_plu: 'Città'
  106. world_plu: 'Mondi'
  107. world_sing: 'Mondo'
  109. world_help_1: 'Stato del mondo attuale'
  110. world_help_2: '[mondo]'
  111. world_help_3: 'Stato del mondo scelto'
  112. world_help_4: 'Lista di tutti i mondi'
  113. world_help_5: 'Rigenerare tutti i chunk'
  114. townyadmin_help_1: 'Togliere il tuo dominio su questo blocco.'
  115. townyadmin_help_2: 'Cerca di togliere il tuo dominio attorno a te.'
  117. ta_panel_1: 'Pannello dell'admin della città'
  118. ta_panel_2: 'Tempo di Guerra: '
  119. ta_panel_3: 'Rigenerazione della vita: '
  120. ta_panel_4: 'Rimozione dei mob nel mondo: '
  121. ta_panel_4_1: 'Rimozione dei mob nella città: '
  122. ta_panel_5: 'Timer giornaliero: '
  123. ta_panel_6: 'Economia: '
  124. ta_panel_7: 'Conto in banca: '
  125. ta_panel_8: 'Server'
  126. ta_panel_9: 'Memoria: '
  127. ta_panel_10: 'Discussioni: '
  128. ta_panel_11: 'Tempo: '
  130. admin_panel_1: 'Pannello dell'admin'
  131. admin_panel_2: 'Ricaricare la città'
  132. admin_panel_3: 'Avvia il nuovo codice della giornata'
  134. msg_block_claim: 'Ottieni il dominio su questo blocco della città'
  135. msg_plot_nfs: 'Metti un lotto in vendita'
  136. msg_nfs_abr: '&e''fs'' e ''nfs'' sono delle breviazioni accettate per''forsale'' e ''notforsale''.'
  137. msg_plot_fs: 'Metti quest'area pronta per una vendita all'asta.'
  139. ############################################################
  140. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  141. # | Messages | #
  142. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  143. ############################################################
  145. msg_buy: '&bCompra %d %s per %s.'
  146. msg_buy_resident_plot: '&b%s Compra %s''il lotto per %s!'
  147. msg_couldnt_pay_taxes: '&b%s non ha potuto pagare le tasse ed è stato rimosso dalla %s.'
  148. msg_couldnt_pay_plot_taxes: '&b%s non ha potuto pagare le tasse ed ha perso la proprietà del lotto .'
  149. msg_payed_town_tax: '&bHa pagato le tasse della città con un acconto di '
  150. msg_payed_plot_cost: '&bHa pagato %s per %s il lotto %s'
  151. msg_payed_resident_tax: '&bHa paggato la tassa di residenza per'
  152. msg_bankrupt_town: ' Non è riuscito a permettersi di rimanere nella città.'
  153. msg_bankrupt_nation: 'Non è riuscito a permettersi di rimanere nella nazione.'
  154. msg_nation_not_peaceful: '&bLa nazione non può permettersi la modalità pacifica per lo stato.'
  155. msg_nation_cant_peaceful: '&bLa nazione non può permettersi di diventare una nazione pacifica.'
  156. msg_peaceful_disabled: '&bLa pace Nazionale è disabilitata nel mondo.'
  157. msg_you_paid: '&bHai pagato %s per impostare la modalità pacifica.'
  158. msg_nation_set_peace: '&bHai cambiato con successo lo stato della nazione.'
  159. msg_nation_allow_peaceful: '&bI permessi della nazione per rimanere pacifici sono ora: %s'
  160. msg_mobremoval_world: '&bBloccando il mob spawning nel mondo: %s'
  161. msg_mobremoval_town: '&bPermetti di bloccare il mob spawning all'interno della città: %s'
  162. msg_nation_peaceful: '&bLa tua nazione è ora:'
  163. msg_tax_exempt: '&bI moderatori della città sono esenti dal pagare le tasse.'
  164. msg_del_nation: '&bLa nazione %s è stata congedata!'
  165. msg_del_resident: '&b%s ha perso tutti i suoi dati della città!'
  166. msg_del_town: '&bLa città di %s è caduta in rovina!'
  167. msg_join_nation: '&bLa città di %s è entrata nella nazione !'
  168. msg_join_town: '&b%s è entrata in città !'
  169. msg_friend_add: '&b%s ti ha aggiunto come amico.'
  170. msg_friend_remove: '&b%s ti ha rimosso come amico.'
  171. msg_removed: '&bRimosso '
  172. msg_to_list: ' alla tua lista amici.'
  173. msg_from_list: ' dalla tua lista amici.'
  174. msg_left_town: '&b%s è uscito dalla città '
  175. msg_you_left: '&b Sei uscito%s.'
  176. msg_not_mayor: '&bTu non sei il sindaco.'
  177. msg_not_king: '&bTu non sei il re .'
  178. msg_not_mayor_ass: '&bTu non sei il sindaco oppure un assistente.'
  179. msg_not_king_ass: '&bTu non sei il sindaco oppure un assistente.'
  180. msg_own_nation_disallow: '&bNon puoi farlo alla tua nazione.'
  181. msg_no_perms_claim: '&bNon hai il permesso di espandere la tua città.'
  182. msg_outpost_disable: '&bGli avamposti non sono disponibili.'
  183. msg_kicked_by: '&Sei stato cacciato dalla città da %s.'
  184. msg_kicked: '&b%s ha cacciato %s dalla città.'
  185. msg_nation_kicked_by: '&bLa vostra città è stata cacciata dalla nazione %s.'
  186. msg_town_left_nation: '&bLa tua città ha lasciato la nazione di %s.'
  187. msg_nation_town_left: '&bLa città di %s ha abbandonato la nazione .'
  188. msg_nation_kicked: '&b%s è stato rimosso %s dalla nazione .'
  189. msg_raised_ass: '&b%s è stato sollevato %s da %s assistente.'
  190. msg_lowered_to_res_by: '&bè stato retrocesso a un residente regolare da %s.'
  191. msg_lowered_to_res: '&b%s è stato retrocesso %s a un regolare residente.'
  192. msg_invalid_name: '&bNessuno fra questi nomi era valido.'
  193. msg_invited_join_town: '&b%s ti ha invitato %s nella città.'
  194. msg_invited_join_nation: '&b%s ti ha invitato %s nella nazione .'
  195. msg_deny_invite: '&b%s ha revocato il tuo invito.'
  196. msg_invited: '&bSei stato invitato a unirti al%s.'
  197. msg_town_online: 'Online in città'
  198. msg_nation_online: 'Online nella nazione'
  200. msg_allied_nations: '&b%s alleato con le nazioni %s.'
  201. msg_enemy_nations: '&b%s sviluppato un odio per le nazioni %s.'
  202. msg_enemy_to_neutral: '&b%s ha cambiato il suo stato a pacifico %s.'
  203. msg_added_ally: '&b%s alleato con la tua nazione.'
  204. msg_removed_ally: '&b%s cancellato l'alleanza con la tua nazione.'
  205. msg_added_enemy: '&b%s ha sviluppato un odio verso la tua nazione.'
  206. msg_removed_enemy: '&b%s è diventato pacifico nei confronti della tua nazione.'
  207. msg_unable_ally_enemy: '&cIncapace di allearsi %s perchè siete nemici.'
  208. msg_deny_ally: '&b%s ha negato la tua richiesta di un'alleanza.'
  209. msg_accept_ally: '&bLa nazione %s ha accettato la tua richiesta di alleanza.'
  210. msg_ally_req_sent: '&bLa richiesta di un'alleanza è stata inviata alla nazione %s.'
  211. msg_ally_request: '&bThe %s would like to form an alliance.'
  212. msg_unable_ally_offline: "&cUnable to request an alliance because the mayor of the target nation is offline."
  213. msg_unable_ally_npc: "&cUnable to request an alliance because the mayor of the target nation is an NPC."
  215. msg_claimed: '&2Successfully claimed'
  216. msg_unclaimed: '&2Successfully unclaimed'
  217. msg_not_claimable: '&cThis world is not claimable.'
  218. msg_abandoned_area: '&bAbandoned area %s'
  219. msg_admin_unclaim_area: '&cForcefully unclaimed area %s'
  220. msg_abandoned_area_1: '&bYour town abandoned the area'
  221. msg_no_money_purchase_plot: '&cYou don''t have enough money to purchase this plot.'
  222. msg_town_no_money_purchase_plot: '&cThe town doesn''t have enough money to purchase back this plot.'
  223. msg_no_funds_new_town: '&c%s can''t afford to settle a new town here.'
  224. msg_no_funds_claim: '&cTown cannot afford to claim %s town blocks costing %s. Add more money into the town bank.'
  225. msg_no_funds_to_buy: '&cTown cannot afford to buy %s %s costing %s. Add more money into the town bank.'
  226. msg_annexed_area: '&2Annexed area %s'
  227. msg_max_plot_own: '&cYou cannot own more than %s plots.'
  228. msg_max_outposts_own: '&cYou cannot own more than %s outposts.'
  229. msg_wait_locked: '&2Please be patient, the plots will become available soon.'
  230. msg_no_funds_new_nation: '&cThe town can''t afford to start a new nation.'
  231. msg_already_claimed: '&cThis area has already been claimed by: %s'
  232. msg_already_claimed_1: '&cThis area (%s) already belongs to someone.'
  233. msg_already_claimed_2: '&cThis area has already been claimed.'
  234. msg_too_close: '&cThis area is too close to another town.'
  235. msg_too_far: '&cThis area is too far away from the other towns.'
  236. msg_not_claimed: '&bThis area (%s) hasn''t been claimed.'
  237. msg_not_claimed_1: '&bThis area has not been claimed.'
  238. msg_not_own_area: '&cYou do not own the selected area.'
  239. msg_not_own_place: '&bThis place is not owned by anyone.'
  240. msg_area_not_own: '&cThis area does not belong to you.'
  241. msg_area_not_recog: '&cThis area isn''t recognized by Towny.'
  242. msg_specify_name: '&bSpecify town name'
  243. msg_specify_nation_name: '&bSpecify nation name'
  244. msg_peasant_right: '&bA peasant hasn''t the right to force his leaders into the throne.'
  245. msg_cost_spawn: '&bYou were charged %s to teleport to the town''s spawn.'
  246. msg_cost_spawn_refund: '&bYou were refunded the charge for using town spawn.'
  247. msg_town_spawn_warmup: '&bWaiting to teleport...'
  248. msg_town_rename_disabled: '&bTown Renaming Disabled'
  249. msg_town_set_name: '&b%s renamed town to %s.'
  250. msg_nation_set_name: '&b%s renamed nation to %s.'
  252. msg_changed_pvp: '&c%s PVP has been %s.'
  253. msg_changed_public: '&cThe Town''s public status is now %s.'
  254. msg_changed_expl: '&cExplosions in %s are now %s.'
  255. msg_changed_fire: '&cFirespread in %s is now %s.'
  256. msg_changed_mobs: '&cMonster spawns in %s are now %s.'
  257. msg_changed_taxpercent: '&cPercentage based taxes are now %s.'
  258. msg_changed_open: '&cInviteless joining is now %s.'
  259. msg_toggle_open_on_warning: 'Warning: Townperms should be turned off if town is set open. Type ''/town set perm off'' followed by ''/town set perm reset''.'
  261. msg_changed_world_setting: '&c%s for %s is: %s.'
  263. msg_world_pvp: '&cThis world is PvP only.'
  264. msg_world_mobs: '&cThis world has Monster spawns forced on.'
  265. msg_world_expl: '&cThis world has Explosions forced on.'
  266. msg_world_fire: '&cThis world has Fire spread forced on.'
  268. msg_plot_pvp: '&cPVP can not be toggled in an Arena Plot.'
  269. msg_plot_regen_wrong_size: '&cRegen can only be performed when the default plot size (16) is used.'
  271. msg_reloaded: '&2Towny''s settings were reloaded.'
  272. msg_undo_complete: '&2Undo complete.'
  273. msg_give_total: '&bGave %s bonus. (Total: %s)'
  274. mag_backup_success: '&2Backup successful.'
  275. msg_xx_withdrew_xx: '&b%s withdrew %s from the %s bank.'
  276. msg_xx_deposited_xx: '&b%s deposited %s into the %s bank.'
  277. msg_insuf_funds: '&cYou don''t have that much.'
  278. msg_err_withdraw_disabled: 'Withdrawing from this bank is disabled!'
  279. msg_err_deposit_capped: 'Unable to desposit money. This bank is capped at %s.'
  281. msg_set_town_home: '&bSuccessfully changed town''s home block to %s'
  282. msg_set_town_spawn: '&bSuccessfully changed town''s spawn.'
  283. msg_set_outpost_spawn: '&bSuccessfully changed outpost''s spawn.'
  284. msg_set_title: '&b%s was granted the title of ''%s''.'
  285. msg_set_surname: '&b%s was granted the surname of ''%s''.'
  286. msg_clear_title_surname: '&bThe %s for ''%s'' was cleared.'
  288. msg_clear_plot_material: '&bThe plot was cleared of all %s''s.'
  290. msg_set_perms: '&bSuccessfully changed permissions to:'
  291. msg_set_claim: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s claimability to %s'
  292. msg_set_perms_reset: '&bSuccessfully reset permissions on all %s plots.'
  294. msg_usedefault: '&bThis world (%s) is now using the global default settings.'
  295. msg_set_wild_perms: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild permissions %s'
  296. msg_set_wild_ignore: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild ignore blocks to %s'
  297. msg_set_wild_name: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild name to %s'
  298. msg_set_wild_regen: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild regen to ''%s'''
  299. msg_set_use_towny_on: '&bThis world now follows towny rules.'
  300. msg_set_use_towny_off: '&cThis world is exempt of all towny interactions.'
  302. msg_error_must_be_int: '&bAmount must be an integer.'
  303. msg_error_must_be_num: '&bAmount must be a number.'
  304. msg_must_specify_amnt: '&bMust specify amount. Eg: %s 54'
  305. msg_town_set_tax: '&b%s has set the daily resident tax at %s'
  306. msg_town_set_plottax: '&b%s has set the daily tax of plots at %s'
  307. msg_town_set_plotprice: '&b%s has set the price of plots at %s'
  308. msg_town_set_alttax: '&b%s has set the daily tax of %s plots at %s'
  309. msg_town_set_altprice: '&b%s has set the price of %s plots at %s'
  310. msg_town_set_nation_tax: '&b%s has set the nation tax at %s'
  312. msg_set_nation_tag: '&b%s has set the nation tag to [%s]'
  313. msg_set_town_tag: '&b%s has set the town tag to [%s]'
  314. msg_reset_nation_tag: '&b%s has cleared the nation tag.'
  315. msg_reset_town_tag: '&b%s has cleared the town tag.'
  317. msg_mayor_abandon: '&bYou would abandon your people? Choose another mayor with ''/town set mayor'' if you''re sure.'
  318. msg_new_day_tax: '&bA new day is here! Taxes and rent have been collected'
  319. msg_new_day: '&bA new day is here!'
  320. msg_new_king: '&b%s is now the king of %s!'
  321. msg_err_new_king_notmayor: '&cNew King is not a mayor.'
  322. msg_err_king_not_in_nation: '&cNew King doesn''t belong to this nation.'
  323. msg_err_fight_like_king: '&cPeace is not an option! Fight like a King!'
  324. msg_no_access_nation_bank: '&cYou don''t have access to the nation''s bank.'
  325. msg_err_no_money: '&cThere is not enough money in the bank.'
  326. msg_new_mayor: '&b%s is now the mayor!'
  327. msg_new_nation: '&b%s created a new nation called %s'
  328. msg_new_town: '&b%s created a new town called %s'
  329. msg_plot_for_sale: '&b%s put the plot (%s) up for sale!'
  330. msg_plot_set_type: '&bPlot type set to %s'
  331. msg_registration: '&eWelcome %s to the server!'
  332. msg_war_eliminated: '&6[War]&b %s was eliminated from the war.'
  333. msg_war_forfeited: '&6[War]&b %s forfeited.'
  334. msg_war_join: '&6[War] &b%s joined the fight!'
  335. msg_war_join_forced: '&6[War]&b The nation of %s has been forced into war due to global settings!'
  336. msg_war_join_nation: '&6[War]&b The nation of %s has joined the war!'
  337. msg_war_lose_block: '&6[War]&b (%s) belonging to %s has fallen.'
  338. msg_war_score: '&6[War]&b %s scored %d points!'
  339. msg_war_score_nation_elim: '&6[War]&b %s was awarded %d points for eliminating the nation %s!'
  340. msg_war_score_town_elim: '&6[War]&b %s was awarded %d points for eliminating the town %s! (%d town blocks captured)'
  341. msg_war_score_townblock_elim: '&6[War]&b %s was awarded %d points for eliminating the town block %s!'
  342. msg_war_score_player_kill: '&6[War]&b %s killed %s. (%d points for %s)'
  343. msg_war_score_player_kill_defending: '&6[War]&b %s killed %s while %s was defending. (%d points for %s)'
  344. msg_war_king_killed: '&6[War]&b %s''s king was killed!'
  345. msg_war_mayor_killed: '&6[War]&b %s''s mayor was killed!'
  346. msg_war_winning_nation_spoils: '&6[War]&b Winning Nation: %s won %s.'
  347. msg_war_winning_town_spoils: '&6[War]&b Highest Score: %s won %s with the score %d.'
  348. msg_war_cannot_do: '&cYou cannot do this when the world is at war.'
  349. msg_war_started: '&eStarted the war countdown.'
  350. msg_war_ended: '&eEnded the current war.'
  352. msg_enemy_war_area_under_attack: '&6[War]&b %s (%s) is under attack by %s!'
  353. msg_enemy_war_area_won: '&6[War]&b %s (%s) won (%s)!'
  354. msg_enemy_war_area_defended: '&6[War]&b %s defended (%s)!'
  355. msg_err_enemy_war_must_be_placed_above_ground: '&6[War]&c Must place flag above ground.'
  356. msg_err_enemy_war_not_part_of_nation: '&6[War]&c This area doesn''t belong to a nation.'
  357. msg_err_enemy_war_is_peaceful: '&6[War]&c %s is peaceful.'
  358. msg_err_enemy_war_require_online: '&6[War]&c Require at least %d people online in %s to attack.'
  359. msg_err_enemy_war_not_on_edge_of_town: '&6[War]&c Only allowed to attack the borders of a town.'
  360. msg_err_enemy_war_cell_already_under_attack: '&6[War]&c This area is already under attack by %s.'
  361. msg_err_enemy_war_reached_max_active_flags: '&6[War]&c You can''t attack more than %d areas at once.'
  363. msg_cache_block_error: '&cYou have not been registered with Towny. Try relogging.'
  364. msg_cache_block_error_wild: '&cNot allowed to %s in the wild.'
  365. msg_cache_block_error_plot: '&cOwner doesn''t allow %s to %s here.'
  366. msg_cache_block_error_locked: '&cThis plot is locked!'
  367. msg_cache_block_error_town_resident: '&cResidents aren''t allowed to %s here.'
  368. msg_cache_block_error_town_allies: '&cAllies aren''t allowed to %s.'
  369. msg_cache_block_error_town_outsider: '&cOutsiders aren''t allowed to %s.'
  371. msg_err_cant_afford_tp_town: '&cCannot afford to teleport to %s.'
  372. msg_err_not_public: '&cThat town is not public.'
  373. msg_err_not_open: '&cThe town %s does not have it''s doors open to everyone. Ask the mayor or an assistant to join.'
  374. msg_err_town_spawn_forbidden: '&cTown spawn travel is forbidden.'
  375. msg_err_town_spawn_nation_forbidden: '&cTown spawn travel to other towns in your nation is forbidden.'
  376. msg_err_town_spawn_ally_forbidden: '&cTown spawn travel to towns allied with your nation is forbidden.'
  377. msg_err_public_spawn_forbidden: '&cPublic spawn travel to other towns is forbidden.'
  378. msg_err_public_spawn_enemy: '&cPublic spawn travel is forbidden for enemies.'
  379. msg_err_town_spawn_disallowed_from: '&cTown spawn is not allowed from %s.'
  380. msg_err_outpost_spawn: '&cThere are no outpost spawns set for this town.'
  382. msg_err_cant_afford_tp: '&bCannot afford to teleport to your town''s spawn.'
  383. msg_err_plot_nfs: '&cThis plot is not for sale.'
  384. msg_err_not_part_town: '&cSelected area is not part of your town.'
  385. msg_err_not_attached_edge: '&cSelected area not attached to edge.'
  386. msg_err_empty_area_selection: '&cSelected area contains no valid plots.'
  387. msg_err_not_enough_blocks: '&cNot enough available town blocks to claim this selection.'
  388. msg_err_cant_afford_blocks: '&cTown cannot afford to claim %s town blocks costing %s'
  389. msg_err_not_in_town_claim: '&cYou must belong to a town in order to claim plots.'
  390. msg_err_must_belong_town: '&cYou must belong to a town.'
  391. msg_err_dont_belong_town: '&cYou don''t belong to a town.'
  392. msg_err_dont_belong_nation: '&bYou don''t belong to a nation.'
  393. msg_err_not_same_nation: '&b%s doesn''t belong to your nation.'
  394. msg_err_rect_auto: '&cOnly towns and residents can use auto.'
  395. msg_err_invalid_radius: '&cInvalid radius. Use an integer or ''auto''.'
  396. msg_err_not_configured: '&cThis world has not been configured by Towny.'
  397. msg_err_updating_item_perms: '&cError updating item use permissions cache.'
  398. msg_err_updating_switch_perms: '&cError updating switch permissions cache.'
  399. msg_err_updating_destroy_perms: '&cError updating destroy permissions cache.'
  400. msg_err_updating_build_perms: '&cError updating build permissions cache.'
  401. msg_err_admin_only: '&cOnly an admin can use this command.'
  402. msg_err_admin_only_delete: '&cOnly an admin can delete other resident data.'
  403. msg_err_admin_only_delete_town: '&cOnly an admin can delete other town data.'
  404. msg_err_admin_only_delete_nation: '&cOnly an admin can delete other nation data.'
  405. msg_err_online_or_npc: '&c%s is Online or is an NPC.'
  406. msg_err_not_registered: '&cYou are not registered'
  407. msg_err_not_registered_1: '&c%s is not registered'
  408. msg_err_invalid_name: '&c%s is an invalid name.'
  409. msg_err_already_res: '&c%s already belongs to a town.'
  410. msg_err_already_in_town: '&c%s is already a part of %s.'
  411. msg_err_already_nation: '&cTarget town already belongs to a nation.'
  412. msg_err_invalid_property: '&cInvalid ''%s'' property.'
  413. msg_err_not_supported: '&cNot yet supported.'
  414. msg_err_invalid_input: '&cInvalid input. Use %s'
  415. msg_err_negative: '&cInput cannot be negative.'
  416. msg_err_input_too_long: '&cInput is too long.'
  417. msg_err_invalid_choice: '&cInvalid choice'
  418. msg_err_invalid_sub: '&cInvalid sub command.'
  419. msg_err_command_disable: '&cYou don''t have enough permissions for that command.'
  420. msg_err_universe_limit: '&cThe universe cannot hold any more towns.'
  421. msg_err_too_many_npc: '&cToo many npc''s registered.'
  422. msg_err_negative_money: '&cYou cannot have negative money.'
  423. msg_err_not_percentage: '&cPercentages must be below 100.'
  424. msg_err_no_economy: '&cEconomy has not been turned on.'
  425. msg_err_not_block_type: '&cThat is not a valid plot type!'
  426. msg_not_allowed_join: '&c%s is not permitted to join a town.'
  427. msg_offline_no_join: '&c%s is offline but using permissions so can''t join a town.'
  428. msg_err_warzone_cannot_edit_material: '&cCannot %s %s in warzone.'
  429. msg_err_warzone_cannot_use_switches: '&cCannot use switches in warzone.'
  430. msg_err_warzone_cannot_use_item: '&cCannot use this item in a warzones.'
  431. msg_err_cannot_perform_action: '&cCannot perform this action in the %s.'
  432. msg_npc_flag: '&bNPC flag is now %s for %s.'
  434. # WarFlag Economy
  435. msg_enemy_war_purchased_warflag: '&6[War]&c You paid %s in fees to attack.'
  436. msg_enemy_war_area_won_pillage: '&6[War]&c %s pillaged %s from %s.'
  437. msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding: '&6[War]&c %s paid %s to %s for rebuilding.'
  438. msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding_err: 'You don''t have enough to pay %s %s to aid in rebuilding.'
  439. msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding_err_global: '%s could not pay the %s. Attack at %s was canceled.'
  440. msg_err_insuficient_funds_warflag: 'You require %s in order to place a warflag.'
  441. msg_err_insuficient_funds_future: 'You require %s in the event you need to pay for %s.'
  442. name_defended_attack: 'defended attack'
  443. name_rebuilding: 'rebuilding fine'
  444. msg_enemy_war_area_defended_attacker: '&6[War]&c You were forced to pay %s %s for your failed attack.'
  445. msg_enemy_war_area_defended_defender: '&6[War]&c %s payed you %s for the failed attack.'
  446. msg_enemy_war_area_defended_greater_forces: '&6[War]&c Your failed attack costed you %s.'
  448. msg_warning_delete: '&4*** WARNING, %s WILL BE DELETED AT NEXT NEW DAY DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS ***'
  450. # these messages are only used if town/nation creation is set to admins only
  452. msg_admin_only_create_nation: '&cOnly admins are allowed to create nations.'
  453. msg_admin_only_create_town: '&cOnly admins are allowed to create towns.'
  455. # Required residents to be part of a nation
  456. msg_err_not_enough_residents_new_nation: '&cYour town does not have enough residents to create a nation.'
  457. msg_err_not_enough_residents_join_nation: '&bThe town %s does not have enough residents to join a nation.'
  458. msg_not_enough_residents_no_longer_capital: '&bThe nation''s old capital no longer has enough residents to be the capital of the nation. The new capital of the nation is %s.'
  459. msg_town_not_enough_residents_left_nation: '&bThe town %s no longer has enough residents to be a member of a nation, and has been removed from the nation.'
  460. msg_nation_disbanded_town_not_enough_residents: '&bThe town %s no longer has enough residents to run the nation and has forced the nation to disband.'
  461. msg_not_enough_residents_refunded: '&bYou have been refunded $%s for your nation being disbanded due to not having enough residents.'
  462. msg_not_enough_residents_capital: '&bThe town %s does not have enough residents to be the capital of the nation.'
  464. list_page: '&bPage %s of %s'
  465. list_err_not_enough_pages: '&cOnly %s pages available'
  467. # Added in 0.30
  468. msg_war_a_player_has_no_town: '&6[War]&f One of the players in combat has no town and cannot interfere during the War Event.'
  469. msg_war_a_player_has_no_nation: '&6[War]&f One of the players in combat has a town without a nation and cannot interfere during the War Event.'
  470. msg_war_a_player_has_a_neutral_nation: '&6[War]&f One of the players in combat is part of a neutral nation and cannot interfere during the War Event.'
  471. msg_war_a_player_has_been_removed_from_war: '&6[War]&f One of the players in combat is part of a town which cannot interfere with the War Event.'
  472. msg_war_a_player_is_an_ally: '&6[War]&f One of the players in combat considers the other an ally.'
  474. msg_war_player_cant_be_jailed_plot_fallen: '&6[War]&f The player could not be put in jail, the jail plot has 0 hp.'
  476. # Added in 0.31
  477. msg_err_tax_minimum_not_met: 'You cannot set your town tax below %s.'
  479. msg_unknown_rank_available_ranks: 'Unknown rank %s. Permissible ranks are %s.'
  480. msg_no_permission_to_give_rank: 'You do not have permission to grant this rank.'
  481. msg_you_have_been_given_rank: 'You have been granted the %s rank of %s.'
  482. msg_you_have_given_rank: 'You have granted the %s rank of %s to %s.'
  483. msg_resident_not_your_town: 'That resident isn''t a member of a town!'
  484. msg_resident_already_has_rank: '%s already holds this %s rank.'
  485. msg_you_have_had_rank_taken: 'You have been demoted from the %s rank of %s.'
  486. msg_you_have_taken_rank_from: 'You have removed the %s rank of %s from %s.'
  487. msg_resident_doesnt_have_rank: '%s doesn''t hold this %s rank.'
  489. msg_town_has_no_jails: 'Town does not have any jails set.'
  490. msg_no_permission_to_jail_your_residents: 'You do not have permission to jail your own residents.'
  491. msg_resident_not_part_of_any_town: 'That player is not a part of any town.'
  492. msg_player_not_jailed_in_your_town: 'That player is not jailed in your town.'
  493. msg_cannot_spawn_while_jailed: 'Can not spawn while Jailed.'
  494. msg_cannot_abandon_town_while_jailed: 'Abandoning your town is not allowed when you are jailed.'
  495. msg_player_escaped_jail_by_leaving_town: '%s has escaped jail by becoming a nomad.'
  496. msg_set_jail_spawn: 'Successfully set jail plot''s spawn.'
  497. msg_killed_attempting_to_escape_jail: '&4%s was killed attempting to escape jail.'
  498. msg_err_jailed_players_no_teleport: '&4Jailed players cannot be teleported!'
  499. msg_player_escaped_jail_into_wilderness: '&4%s has escaped jail by running into the %s'
  501. msg_err_invalid_string_board_not_set: 'Invalid string, Town Board not set.'
  503. msg_plot_name_removed: 'Plot name removed.'
  504. msg_plot_name_set_to: 'Plot name set to [%s].'
  505. msg_plot_price_too_expensive: 'Plot price too expensive.'
  507. msg_you_robbed_player: 'You robbed %s of %s.'
  508. msg_player_robbed_you: '%s robbed you of %s.'
  509. msg_you_lost_money: 'You lost %s for dying.'
  510. msg_player_couldnt_pay_player_town_bank_paying_instead: '%s''s wallet couldn''t satisfy %s. %s taken from town bank.'
  512. msg_err_wartime_could_not_take_deathfunds: 'Could not take wartime death funds.'
  513. msg_err_could_not_take_deathfunds: 'Could not take death funds.'
  514. msg_you_lost_money_dying: 'You lost %s.'
  515. msg_your_town_lost_money_dying: 'Your town lost %s.'
  516. msg_your_nation_lost_money_dying: 'Your nation lost %s.'
  517. msg_err_couldnt_take_deathfunds: 'Could not take death funds.'
  518. msg_err_couldnt_take_town_deathfunds: 'Could not take town death funds.'
  519. msg_err_couldnt_take_nation_deathfunds: 'Could not take nation death funds.'
  520. msg_you_gained_money_for_killing: 'You gained %s for killing %s.'
  522. msg_err_ender_pearls_disabled: '&4Ender Pearls are disabled!'
  523. msg_err_no_sleep_in_enemy_inn: '&4You cannot sleep in an enemy''s Inn.'
  524. msg_err_cant_use_bed: '&4You do not own the land this bed occupies and it is not an Inn plot.'
  526. msg_war_seeding_spoils_with: '&6[War]&f Seeding spoils of war with %s'
  527. msg_war_total_seeding_spoils: '&6[War]&f Total spoils of war at play for this war: %s'
  528. msg_war_activate_war_hud_tip: '&6[War]&f Use ''/towny war hud'' to activate the War hud.'
  529. msg_war_town_under_attack: 'Your town is under attack!'
  530. msg_war_nation_under_attack: 'Your nation is under attack!'
  531. msg_war_nations_ally_under_attack: 'Your nation''s ally %s, is under attack!'
  532. msg_war_homeblock_under_attack: 'Your town''s homeblock is under attack!'
  533. msg_war_nation_member_homeblock_under_attack: 'Your nation member %s''s townblock is under attack!'
  534. msg_war_nation_ally_homeblock_under_attack: 'Your nation''s ally %s''s homeblock is under attack!'
  535. msg_war_town_ran_out_of_money: 'Your town ran out of funds to support itself in war.'
  536. msg_war_town_lost_money_townblock: 'Your town lost %s.'
  537. msg_war_jailbreak: '&6[War]&f There has been a jailbreak in %s, freeing %s prisioner(s)!'
  538. msg_war_town_removed_from_war_titlemsg: 'Your town has been removed from the war'
  539. msg_war_nation_removed_from_war_titlemsg: 'Your nation has been removed from the war'
  540. msg_war_append_townblocks_fallen: ' town blocks fallen)'
  542. msg_town_plots_revenue_disclaimer: '&aRevenue shown is estimated and whether the owner of the plot can pay is a factor.'
  543. msg_town_set_perm_syntax_error: 'Invalid word combination for this command. See ''/town set perm ?'' For proper command syntax.'
  544. msg_plot_set_perm_syntax_error: 'Invalid word combination for this command. See ''/plot set perm ?'' For proper command syntax.'
  546. # Added in 0.32
  547. msg_err_townadmintownrank_wrong_town: 'That resident doesn''t belong to that town.'
  548. msg_err_resident_already_an_outlaw: 'That player is already considered an outlaw by your town.'
  549. msg_err_not_outlaw_in_your_town: 'You cannot set a town member as an outlaw.'
  550. msg_you_have_been_declared_outlaw: 'You have been declared an outlaw in %s. Don''t be caught dead in that town.'
  551. msg_you_have_declared_an_outlaw: '%s has been declared an outlaw in %s.'
  552. msg_you_have_been_undeclared_outlaw: 'You are no longer an outlaw in %s.'
  553. msg_you_have_undeclared_an_outlaw: '%s is no longer an outlaw in %s.'
  554. msg_err_player_not_an_outlaw: 'That player was not listed as an outlaw.'
  555. msg_err_outlaw_in_open_town: 'You cannot join an open town that has deemed you an outlaw.'
  556. msg_you_are_an_outlaw_in_this_town: '&4Be careful %s considers you an outlaw, dying here could mean jail.'
  557. msg_err_town_not_close_enough_to_nation: '%s''s homeblock isn''t near enough to your capital''s homeblock to join your nation.'
  558. msg_nation_town_moved_their_homeblock_too_far: '%s''s homeblock was moved too far away from your nation''s capital''s homeblock and has been removed from your nation.'
  560. # Added in 0.33
  561. msg_err_invalid_radius_number: '&cInvalid radius amount. Use an %s or less.'
  563. # Added in 0.34
  564. msg_err_max_residents_per_town_reached: '&cMaximum number of residents (%s) already reached.'
  566. # Added in 0.35
  567. msg_err_resident_doesnt_meet_invite_cooldown: '&cThe player %s has not been on the server long enough to be invited to a town, please wait.'
  568. msg_cant_toggle_pvp_outsider_in_town: 'There is an outsider in your town, you can''t change your pvp status!'
  569. msg_err_unclaim_not_outpost: 'Unable to unclaim, this plot is not an outpost!'
  570. outpost_plu: 'Outposts'
  572. # Added in 0.36
  573. msg_err_not_enough_residents: 'There are not enough residents in this town to do that.'
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