
ex180 day1 sept 21

Sep 14th, 2021
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  1. [student@podman sample-dockerfile]$ history
  2. 1 sudo -i
  3. 2 sudo podman search ubi
  4. 3 sudo podman search ubi | less
  5. 4 sudo podman pull ubi8/ubi
  6. 5 podman images
  7. 6 sudo podman images
  8. 7 podman run ubi8
  9. 8 podman ps
  10. 9 podman ps -a
  11. 10 podman run ubi8/ubi echo hello world
  12. 11 podman ps
  13. 12 podman ps -a
  14. 13 podman run nginx
  15. 14 podman run -d nginx
  16. 15 podman ps
  17. 16 podman run -it ubi8/ubi /bin/bash
  18. 17 sudo yum install -y git
  19. 18 git clone
  20. 19 cd ex180/
  21. 20 podman ps
  22. 21 ls
  23. 22 cd ..
  24. 23 git clone
  25. 24 luth/countdown
  26. 25 luth/countdown 12
  27. 26 podman ps
  28. 27 sudo ip a
  29. 28 podman inspect -l | less
  30. 29 podman inspect -l -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"
  31. 30 sudo podman run -d nginx
  32. 31 sudo ip a
  33. 32 sudo podman inspect -l -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"
  34. 33 podman run -it ubuntu sh
  35. 34 ps fax | less
  36. 35 sudo podman run mariadb
  37. 36 sudo podman ps
  38. 37 sudo podman ps -a
  39. 38 sudo podman logs serene_feistel
  40. 39 sudo podman run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mariadb
  41. 40 sudo podman ps
  42. 41 ip a
  43. 42 sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf
  44. 43 podman login -u
  45. 44 podman login -u sandervanvugt
  46. 45 podman pull
  47. 46 docker images
  48. 47 podman images
  49. 48 podman pull nginx:1.14
  50. 49 podman login -u
  51. 50 podman pull nginx:1.15
  52. 51 sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf
  53. 52 podman images
  54. 53 sudo yum module install container-tools
  55. 54 podman images
  56. 55 skopeo inspect
  57. 56 skopeo inspect
  58. 57 skopeo inspect docker://
  59. 58 luth/countdown 12
  60. 59 podman run nginx --name newnginx
  61. 60 podman run --name newnginx nginx
  62. 61 podman run -d --name newnginx nginx
  63. 62 podman rm newnginx
  64. 63 podman ps -a
  65. 64 podman run -d --name newnginx nginx
  66. 65 podman exec -it newnginx sh
  67. 66 podman diff newnginx
  68. 67 podman commit -h | less
  69. 68 podman commit newnginx
  70. 69 podman images
  71. 70 podman commit newnginx mynginx
  72. 71 podman images
  73. 72 podman rmi 411edf30bbe2
  74. 73 podman ps
  75. 74 podman inspect exciting_bohr | less
  76. 75 podman images
  77. 76 podman inspect localhost/mynginx
  78. 77 podman inspect localhost/mynginx | less
  79. 78 podman run -it nginx sh
  80. 79 podman ps -a
  81. 80 podman run -d nginx
  82. 81 podman ps
  83. 82 podman exec -it brave_spence sh
  84. 83 podman ps
  85. 84 podman search mysql
  86. 85 podman search mysql | less
  87. 86 sudo podman pull
  88. 87 sudo podman images
  89. 88 sudo podman inspect
  90. 89 sudo podman inspect | less
  91. 90 sudo grep 27 /etc/passwd
  92. 91 sudo mkdir /srv/dbfiles
  93. 92 sudo chown -R 27:27 /srv/dbfiles
  94. 93 ls -ld /srv/dbfiles/
  95. 94 sudo ls -ldZ /srv/dbfiles/
  96. 95 sudo semanage fcontext -a -t container_file_t "/srv/dbfiles(/.*)?"
  97. 96 sudo restorecon -Rv /srv/dbfiles
  98. 97 sudo podman run -d -v /srv/dbfiles:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
  99. 98 ls -l /srv/dbfiles/
  100. 99 ls -lZ /srv/dbfiles/
  101. 100 man semanage-fcontext
  102. 101 pwd
  103. 102 mkdir dbfiles
  104. 103 ls -ldZ dbfiles/
  105. 104 podman run -d -v /home/student/dbfiles:/var/lib/mysql:Z -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
  106. 105 ls -lZ dbfiles/
  107. 106 ls -lZd dbfiles/
  108. 107 podman ps
  109. 108 podman ps -a
  110. 109 podman logs eloquent_antonelli
  111. 110 luth/countdown 18
  112. 111 cat /etc/redhat-release
  113. 112 sudo podman run -d -p 8088:80 nginx
  114. 113 sudo podman ps
  115. 114 curl localhost:80888
  116. 115 curl localhost:8088
  117. 116 sudo podman port
  118. 117 sudo podman run -it bash
  119. 118 sudo podman run -it sh
  120. 119 ps aux | grep sleep
  121. 120 podman run -it sh
  122. 121 ps aux | grep sleep
  123. 122 sudo podman run -it -u 27 sh
  124. 123 ps aux | grep sleep
  125. 124 podman run -it -u 27 sh
  126. 125 ps aux | grep sleep
  127. 126 useradd -u 2345 bob
  128. 127 sudo useradd -u 2345 bob
  129. 128 sudo su - bob
  130. 129 podman run -it sh
  131. 130 podman run -it ubi8/ubi bash
  132. 131 ps aux | grep 5000
  133. 132 podman top -l user huser args
  134. 133 ls
  135. 134 cd ex180/0
  136. 135 cd ex180/
  137. 136 ls
  138. 137 cd sample-dockerfile/
  139. 138 ls
  140. 139 vim Dockerfile
  141. 140 podman build -t mymap .
  142. 141 podman images
  143. 142 podman run localhost/mymap
  144. 143 ../../luth/countdown 12
  145. 144 man -k podman
  146. 145 man podman-build
  147. 146 man -k containerfile
  148. 147 sudo find / -name "Dockerfile*"
  149. 148 yum provodes "*/Dockerfile"
  150. 149 sudo yum provodes "*/Dockerfile"
  151. 150 sudo yum provides "*/Dockerfile"
  152. 151 yum install -y buildah-test
  153. 152 sudo yum install -y buildah-test
  154. 153 sudo yum install -y buildah-tests
  155. 154 sudo less /usr/share/buildah/test/system/bud/volume-ownership/Dockerfile
  156. 155 history
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