

Apr 11th, 2018
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  1. Dolleyes: you think just because youre off parole
  2. Dolleyes: you can make people uncomfortable again
  3. Dolleyes: and be a creepy asshole
  4. MeKLiN: stfu idiot
  5. Dolleyes: lol
  6. Dolleyes: meklin
  7. Dolleyes: im telling you rn
  8. Dolleyes: you wouldnt say that to me face to face
  9. MeKLiN: yeah i would
  10. Dolleyes: no.
  11. Dolleyes: you would cower to your feet meklin
  12. MeKLiN: sure buddy
  13. Dolleyes: lol.
  14. Dolleyes: youre going to be behind bars
  15. Dolleyes: in no time
  16. Dolleyes: with all the screenshots of harassment/threats to multiple local users
  17. Dolleyes: js
  18. MeKLiN: neat
  19. Dolleyes: your record will give claims of feeling unsafe quite alot of weight
  20. Dolleyes: especially with your priors.
  21. MeKLiN: so leave the chat room
  22. Dolleyes: crimes of violence against women
  23. Dolleyes: specifically
  24. MeKLiN: yup
  25. Dolleyes: my advice meklin
  26. MeKLiN: i dont take advice from retards
  27. Dolleyes: just stay in your room and dont hurt anymore people
  28. Dolleyes: you creep
  29. MeKLiN: people like you are retards and not worth acknowledging
  30. Dolleyes: lol
  31. Dolleyes: youre trash
  32. Dolleyes: meklin
  33. Dolleyes: retards like me have expendable cash
  34. MeKLiN: reality is preferable to that of your opinion
  35. Dolleyes: i spent 60$ on a hair cut while youre scraping up the rest of your dads welfare
  36. Dolleyes: dont talk to me you bum ass
  37. MeKLiN: *thumbs up*
  38. Dolleyes: lol whose the real retard
  39. Dolleyes: youre a failure
  40. MeKLiN: ur lucky that i dont have a sister or i would send her after u
  41. Dolleyes: youre just a leech
  42. MeKLiN: not that ur worth it
  43. Dolleyes: on the system
  44. Dolleyes: youre a leech
  45. Dolleyes: and a predator
  46. MeKLiN: ok wacko
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