
one hour peestuck fic [jane]

Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. gustyGumshoe [GG] began bothering tipsyGnostalgic [TG] at 12:30
  2. TG: oh jnaney baby
  3. TG: *janey
  4. GG: Yes, Roxy?
  5. TG: wow woah snippy much cocker
  6. TG: *crocker lamo
  7. GG: I’m just miffed at my dad! He grounded me again, and I think he’s really serious about it!
  8. TG: bummer watcha do this time jane
  9. GG: Oh nothing! There was just a tiny assassination attempt on me again.
  10. TG: !!!
  11. GG: But this one was terrible, he wouldn’t have been able to stab himself out of a paper bag.
  12. GG: So I gave him a good what-for, hoohoohoo!
  13. TG: listen my bfffsy we are goin to have
  14. TG: a fuking serious chat about this assy business
  15. TG: right after i give di stri the bsnasty
  16. tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased bothering gustyGumshoe [GG]
  18. Jane frowned at the abrupt disconnection; it happened fairly often with Roxy but now was perhaps one of the most inopportune times. Sighing, she reached for one of the water bottles on her desk and took a drink, finishing nearly half the bottle without realizing it. She could probably try talking to Dirk, but he was an unreasonably hard fellow to get a hold of. That left Jake as her last friend to try talking to, but even the thought made her face heat up; perhaps later when she had steeled her nerves. With no one else to talk to and definitely no chance of sneaking out of the house, Jane decided to make the best of the situation and pop in one of her favorite DVDs, her prized Blue Collar Comedy Tour three pack. She didn’t care so much for Larry the Cable Guy or Ron White but Jeff Foxworthy made all 320 minutes worth it. Seating herself comfortably at the computer desk, the bespectacled teen rummaged around in the drawers for a few of the snacks she kept for such an occasion.
  20. “Oh, Mr. Foxworthy, why can’t more people understand your genius?” Her soft voice was muffled around the handful of gummy-worms she munched on, the overly sweet candy tickling her throat, encouraging her to pop open a can of generic cola. It was warm from sitting in her room for ages but she didn’t mind drinking it heated up, it was easier for her to knock back an entire can in a few sips when it the carbonation wasn’t so bad. Shifting in her seat a bit, Jane found herself completely enthralled in her DVD, despite knowing at least half the jokes by heart now; she even mouthed along to Bill Engvall’s entire bit. Mindlessly enjoying her movie, Jane found her hands wandering time and again towards her various snacks; gummy worms, chocolate bars, pretzels, all of which irritated her throat, which in turn made her reach for another bottle of water. She finished this one faster than the first, tossing the empty bottle behind her without much care. As White took a bow and headed off stage, Jane could feel a twinge in her bladder, however it was nothing serious enough to warrant pausing when Foxworthy was so close. Simply leaning back in her chair made the feeling go away; so with legs crossed at the ankles and stretched before her, Jane continued on enjoying her movie and snacks.
  22. Halfway through Foxworthy’s arguably best joke, Jane once again felt her bladder throb. She groaned, shifting in her seat to try to get rid of the feeling. Huffing a bit, she sat herself up and quickly pressed a hand up her skirt to rest against her panties. The feeling subsided and the dark haired girl let herself relax to the sound of Foxworthy. She was finding herself more and more distracted by her bladder as the movie progressed, the feeling of her all her drinks churning in her belly making her squirm in her seat. She crossed her legs, bouncing her knees repeatedly even as she giggled and snickered at the jokes. Twisting herself one way and then the other, Jane re-crossed her legs several times over the course of Foxworthy’s rant about marriage, until finally she doubled over arms pulling her knees as close to her as she could stand.
  24. “Guhhhh….” Side to side, her butt wiggled in her computer chair, her body bouncing and trembling constantly as the urge to pee grew worse, her voice straining nearly as hard as her sphincter was. Her head peeked up from her lap so she could watch Foxworthy take a bow, and she let out a long breath. Fumbling with shaky hands, she paused her computer and quickly stood up. Clutching her protruding belly with one hand, she quickly shuffled towards her door, practically running to get to the loo. When she jiggled the handle with no success, panic dropped a heavy weight in her stomach. When her dad said she was grounded surely he couldn’t have locked her in her room; the thought frightened her and she tried with renewed urgency to open her door.
  26. “Dad please! Open the door!” Her small fists pounded against the door, her legs wrapping around themselves so she could press herself into her thighs. No amount of banging, pleading, or crying managed to convince her father to open the door, though, and after what felt like ages, Jane resorted to grabbing herself with one hand. She could feel herself sweating with worry, legs scissoring open and closed as she pondered what she could do. The constant flexing and throbbing of her rock hard bladder made it hard to focus; her thoughts straying incessantly back to her desire to pee. Mumbling under her breath as if it would help her hold on longer, Jane balled her hands into fists, both resting atop her skirt as she pushed her thighs together almost painfully, silently pleading with every god she could think of to help her out of this predicament. Letting out a shaky breath, the fifteen year old tried once again to get her father’s attention, taking one fist to hammer against the door and using her other hand to reach under her skirt to massage against herself.
  28. When her hand finally started to feel sore, Jane gave up on trying to reach her father, instead bringing her second hand down to grab at her stinging privates. Her insides throbbed with the beat of her heart, all that water and soda nestled right in her gut and waiting to pour out of her. Jane could feel herself tearing up, her nose stinging as she sniffled and clutched herself harder. She was steadily leaking down, short spurts bursting out of her with increased frequency, dampening her panties and fingers and trickling down her legs. It was literally burning to keep stemming the flow and more than once she faltered enough to let a steady drip flow straight through her underwear. She only managed to keep her spurts trickling out for a few minutes before her body trembled once last time and the floodgates opened. Her legs buckled and she finally let herself go slack, dropping down but unable to bring herself to remove her hands, if to at least give the illusion she hadn’t completely given up. Squatting down with her legs spread, Jane could feel her hot urine sleep between her fingers, her panties squishing in her grip as she tearfully continued to wet herself. Hopefully no one would ever find out about this.
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