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Jan 21st, 2020
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  1. damionbthunder has joined the chat
  2. TessaDious has joined the chat
  3. ButterflyAngelQueen has joined the chat
  4. RoseDHDevine has joined the chat
  5. DrucillaRDevine has joined the chat
  6. damionbthunder: Welcome Drinae
  7. TessaDious: Hello and welcome
  8. ButterflyAngelQueen: Welcome Drinae
  9. xVTMxDrinae: Greetings, and thank you.
  10. damionbthunder: Tess this is the 2 in charge of the VTM and asked for a meeting so she could tell her side
  11. TessaDious: It is a please and happy you could come
  12. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed says start meeting
  13. xVTMxDrinae: The pleasure is all mine.
  14. DrucillaRDevine: he is looking over our shoulder so if he says anything we will put his name first so you know
  15. damionbthunder: ok everyones here for now
  16. damionbthunder: ok
  17. damionbthunder: so let star
  18. damionbthunder: Drinae you why dont you start
  19. TessaDious: Ok
  20. damionbthunder: and tell us your side
  21. xVTMxDrinae: Very well.
  22. TessaDious: and do come have a seat Drinae
  23. damionbthunder: oh well she is typeing the log of this chat is going to be saved just so everyone knows
  24. xVTMxDrinae: I hail from the xVTMx Empire. VTM stands for Violate the Masses. We are a PvP Empire, specializing in Death Matches and Assassinations. We are not a story RP at this time.
  25. xVTMxDrinae: We have had issues before with a user known as HomicidalSeclusion. He has claimed to be a hacker, to harass fellow members, lie about certain instances and involvements with our members, etc.
  26. xVTMxDrinae: A few days ago, he had been caught making fake VTM Accounts with his alts, going around different rooms and claiming 'war' in our name.
  27. xVTMxDrinae: From my understanding, you all have been harassed with these fake accounts as well
  28. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: Darkblood eyes are also watching
  29. TessaDious: I have not, but Dam has brought it to me because we are allis
  30. damionbthunder: Drinae none here have been threated this are the counsel member of my empire since i was asked to look in to the issues
  31. xVTMxDrinae: Ah, I see. My apologies then for misunderstanding that.
  32. xVTMxDrinae: However, if needed, we have proof of fake and alt accounts going to other rooms
  33. damionbthunder: its fine my fault for not saying that
  34. damionbthunder: yes i have the logs they will be persented as evadince
  35. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: then other empires/kingdoms as well warned so word gets out
  36. xVTMxDrinae: Aye. I have sent notices out to multiple kingdoms, as well as told our own members that they are now required to have their VTM badge on their canvas at all times.
  37. damionbthunder: i will do a pulse after this
  38. xVTMxDrinae: We only have one ally, and they do not speak in our name. We speak for our own. Thus, any 'friend or ally' speaking for us about this, as well as any fake VTM account without a VTM badge on their canvas - is not a real member
  39. TessaDious: So all your members should have a badge on their card?
  40. xVTMxDrinae: Correct
  41. TessaDious nods
  42. DrucillaRDevine: My empire does not have a badge but we have stickers for homepages
  43. ButterflyAngelQueen: Please excuse me for a moment in a happen to leave I will come back
  44. ButterflyAngelQueen: If*
  45. damionbthunder: ok
  46. xVTMxDrinae: That is also a wise thing to do. However, this particular person loves to copy things and pass it off as 'authentic'.
  47. xVTMxDrinae: Hence why we decided our badge; tis harder and more expesive to copy
  48. DrucillaRDevine: all my stuff that I have made have a seal hidden in them
  49. ButterflyAngelQueen: Ok I'm back but I will be here and taking care of my son he is sick sorry to be off topic
  50. damionbthunder: so im going to ask Drinae just so everyone here see it did you make anythreat to the people i metioed to u last night
  51. TessaDious: No worries
  52. xVTMxDrinae: No
  53. damionbthunder: nor did any of your members
  54. xVTMxDrinae: No, none of my members did.
  55. DrucillaRDevine: If I may ask Drinae a question
  56. damionbthunder: plz
  57. xVTMxDrinae: Ask away
  58. DrucillaRDevine: You mentioned Death Matches and Assassinations so we are clear cause I dont want misunderstanding there is no force to other kingdoms correct
  59. xVTMxDrinae: Aye. We initate and challenge Death Matches to other PvP T1 Members as a challenge. We do Assassinations if hired. We do not 'force' other kingdoms to anything.
  60. DrucillaRDevine: thank you for clearifing that
  61. DrucillaRDevine: what happens if they deny your challange
  62. xVTMxDrinae: Nothing, really. We will say that you ran away from a challenge if we hear you talk shit about us. However, that is as far as that goes.
  63. damionbthunder: Fair i would say
  64. damionbthunder: well like i said i do have links for anyone that want them proving that thair are inposters
  65. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: If I was deny a challange it is because nothing worth fighting for. however if there is a a reason/stake then yes
  66. TessaDious: If memory serives me in T-1 if an changle is issued and you decline I do believe is still counts as a loss beacue you accpted it.
  67. DrucillaRDevine: I think that other kingdoms should know about what is going on. It is said that we have idiots/fools/scum that want to start issues for others. I believe that these people faking on being apart of the VTM are in wrong and others again should know about it.
  68. xVTMxDrinae: False. It only counts as a loss if you accept the challenge, then later run away
  69. xVTMxDrinae: Because, as you said, you accepted it.
  70. xVTMxDrinae: If you declined from the beginning, then there is nothing to lose.
  71. DrucillaRDevine: Drinae is there going to be anything done to these fake people who are claiming to be you
  72. DrucillaRDevine: I am wondering what you are planing to do
  73. TessaDious nods "been a while since I did T-1 any thing been trying to get back into it. But in short you are not a force group
  74. xVTMxDrinae: We are trying to see what can be done. Sadly, IMVU cannot do much. However, exposure and holding them accountable is something. 'HomicidalSeclusion' is the name, 'The Black Oath Empire' is the room he runs.
  75. xVTMxDrinae: Aye, we are not.
  76. ButterflyAngelQueen: Please excuse me I'm going to switch to my laptop
  77. ButterflyAngelQueen has left the chat
  78. TessaDious: May I ask how we know the fake accounts are his?
  79. ButterflyAngelQueen has joined the chat
  80. DrucillaRDevine: wb
  81. TessaDious: welcome back
  82. xVTMxDrinae:
  83. ButterflyAngelQueen: tv Devine
  84. ButterflyAngelQueen: ty Tessa
  85. damionbthunder: well with her testominy and the logs The VTM is cleared what we need to think about is what we do from here
  86. xVTMxDrinae: Once we out'd it was him, he never returned.
  87. xVTMxDrinae: He is also under the name Thaelydor, who has been harassing us and out'd as Judge weeks ago.
  88. damionbthunder: yes i been putting a list of names togeather
  89. TessaDious: Sounds like he is out to make trouble for you
  90. TessaDious: I would like to make a suggestion
  91. DrucillaRDevine: please send me a copy of those names
  92. xVTMxDrinae: Aye. This all started last year, when he falsely claimed to have beaten our Emperor in a DM without proof. It's been a downward spiral from there.
  93. damionbthunder: i will
  94. xVTMxDrinae: Yes?
  95. damionbthunder: i will send them to everyone here
  96. TessaDious: Other then the pulses and letting others know
  97. TessaDious: I would like to reah a hand out as it wore to your group as a group here to help you with him
  98. TessaDious: One way to fight a bully is with a bigger one as Alpha puts it
  99. xVTMxDrinae: One thing that's been effective lately is just showing proof of his lies.
  100. TessaDious: once he sees you have more people knowing what is going on, and willing to help you he should slowly start leaving you be
  101. DrucillaRDevine: I can also help you out with the Black Oath Empire. I can see if he is even apart of them and so forth for you
  102. xVTMxDrinae: He rules it
  103. damionbthunder: he is
  104. DrucillaRDevine: I know another that is apart of that from way back he is who I would talk to and he will listen he always does
  105. DrucillaRDevine: he has pull in that empire
  106. damionbthunder: way head of you mom and all ready have the room on my fav so i can see who gose in
  107. damionbthunder: weith the family leader ok i think send a message to this person with all are names one say we stand with the vtm and it members and we know what is going on my help
  108. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: please please lets not jump to conclusions on anything we need to get facts first then straighten things out
  109. damionbthunder: the facts are in the links grampa i dont know if mom saved them from last night but she read them and i can send a copy of them to u
  110. DrucillaRDevine: I have them
  111. damionbthunder: we know he did this we know part of his plan i even know him from years ago under one of his old acc
  112. damionbthunder: why dont we all reconvien at anouther time when everyone has had a cance to read everything and do some poking around
  113. DrucillaRDevine: I agree on that
  114. TessaDious nods
  115. TessaDious: Agreed
  116. xVTMxDrinae: Very well
  117. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: I agree as well but isnt this meeting about throwing things in open
  118. TessaDious: Yes
  119. DrucillaRDevine: tyvm
  120. TessaDious nods
  121. xVTMxDrinae: Any other questions for me?
  122. damionbthunder: i have none
  123. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: Please keep us posted on situation
  124. TessaDious: I do believe war, Dam is only suggestion that everyone read the links if they haven't already so that when we meet back up everyone knows as much at the rest
  125. RoseDHDevine: i agree
  126. DrucillaRDevine: once we all have read it we can then meet and all be on same pages
  127. damionbthunder: we grampa anything ik mom knows
  128. damionbthunder: will*
  129. damionbthunder: i update her nightly on anything i find
  130. DrucillaRDevine: i will fill him in on the evidence as well as your aunt
  131. damionbthunder: ok
  132. damionbthunder: and i will be doing more digging
  133. damionbthunder: so if thair so other buisness i say we close the meeting
  134. TessaDious: I do believe it is fair to say at this point that VTM is not a fault for what has been going on
  135. damionbthunder: agreed
  136. DrucillaRDevine: I agree for now
  137. damionbthunder: i think the only issue is what we do next
  138. DrucillaRDevine: warbleed: I agree as well for now
  139. TessaDious: I am not saying we vote on this now I am just saying baised on what is known they are just having issues with someone who wishes to make trouble for them and making them out to be something they are not
  140. TessaDious: Then let us leave off with that, as coming up with what we need to do to solve the proplem
  141. DrucillaRDevine: I think we should let it be for now and when we meet again we can then at that time vote 100% on what we all agree.
  142. TessaDious: anyone have an idea of when they wish to have that part of the meeting?
  143. DrucillaRDevine: How does two weeks sound
  144. damionbthunder: yes mom i was saying that all we have left for the next meeting is to decide if we do anything and why dont we set the next meeting
  145. TessaDious: and Drinae do you mind if I add you?
  146. xVTMxDrinae: I do not mind
  147. damionbthunder: thank you mom
  148. TessaDious: sounds good
  149. damionbthunder: yes two weeks
  150. damionbthunder: hun is two weeks good for you
  151. xVTMxDrinae: Aye
  152. DrucillaRDevine: I think that would be enough time to have everything done with reading the evidence and any digging anyone does
  153. damionbthunder: yes'
  154. TessaDious: I agree
  155. ButterflyAngelQueen: yes that is fine
  156. damionbthunder: and plz do give wolf my best tessa
  157. DrucillaRDevine: so question is this
  158. TessaDious: I will I am sure he is in bed
  159. DrucillaRDevine: when we meet do we do formal or just like this
  160. TessaDious: Or at least I hope
  161. damionbthunder: im sure he is
  162. damionbthunder: we have never talked about that
  163. damionbthunder: i say somewhat formal
  164. DrucillaRDevine: ok
  165. TessaDious: I like to leave that up the each indvagle seeing as some like a more relaxed, and others more formal
  166. damionbthunder: ok
  167. DrucillaRDevine: war_agreed
  168. TessaDious nods
  169. damionbthunder: hopefull the computer works next time gramps
  170. DrucillaRDevine: ha ha ha
  171. TessaDious: If their is nothing eals I say we call this meeting over and may everyone be well and safe till the next one
  172. damionbthunder: agreed
  173. DrucillaRDevine: agreed
  174. RoseDHDevine: Agreed
  175. damionbthunder: hun
  176. ButterflyAngelQueen: yes
  177. damionbthunder: well Tess stay well
  178. TessaDious: You as well
  179. TessaDious: I think I may stay and work on the room a bit
  180. damionbthunder: Drinae stay well
  181. TessaDious: and I will leave the room open for anyone who wishes to use it
  182. damionbthunder: Drinae if the VTM need anything just message me
  183. damionbthunder: thank you tess
  184. xVTMxDrinae: Likewise
  185. TessaDious nods
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