
Nomont: Conceptualizing Mana-Siphon Tool

Feb 14th, 2021
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  1. [16:45] The nonmagus had a mission to accomplish -- and so he'd see to it. He had to find a means of treating magic-based and perpetrated wounds without the means of manipulating magic himself. Truly an undertaking that'd take much more than he alone could commit to...
  3. But he knew the forces that'd be, gave him more influence he'd initially be let on. He couldn't use magic because his personal circuitry was inert -- However, magic was everywhere. If Achyon could discover means of creating technological marvels, surely a lot of it ran on magic. It couldn't necessarily be too hard to figure out a solution, right?
  5. A meeting was called in his storage unit, bringing about the congregation of a whole dozen of nonmagus citizens to hear him out.
  7. "My people..." Asura started, "I've been put to recognize a massive undertaking... Something that no nonmagus has dared to try before...."
  8. He cleared his throat. "The creation of methodology for the unmagical to examine and interact with the supernatural." He proclaimed. "It's something I'd imagine is on par with what Achyon themselves have been accommodating, however... It will not be Achyon… It will not be Osronian magi... It will be us."
  10. The weight of such a phenomenon seemed heavy at the shoulders. "Thus, I plan on starting with the acquisition of various ores to test and examine their properties..." He claimed, with eyes scouring over the numbers, "Though, I need open minds... Thinking minds... Innovative ideas and mindsets... What do you think we can do, to answer the problem: 'How does a man or woman, remove magic from a magi?'"
  12. There was silence, before some murmuring amongst his gathered crowd. All the while, the businessman waiting patiently.
  14. 'Word has it that potions can do it!' - voiced one from the gathering, earning the businessman's attention, '-but it's said to kill them.'
  15. The interest on Asura's face faltered almost as quickly as it manifested. "We're not trying to get ourselves executed for murder." The Nomont stated dully.
  17. 'How about we try using magic crystals!' - voiced another member of the group, turning Asura's head in their direction. The employee continued, 'We can try using a magic crystal from some of the creatures in the wilderness, if we catch it off guard and slay it before it can expend much of it.' They explained, "That could be dangerous... But promising." The Nomont poked in the direction of the suggesting party, "We'll hold on to that one... Is there anyone else wi--"
  19. 'We can try using Tyrium!' - a voice interrupted the man.
  20. The very mention of the ore rose a brow.
  21. "Tyrium?" Asura parroted back in quizzical fashion.
  23. The crowd parted to reveal a younger member of the audience, perhaps the youngest of them all.
  25. 'Yes, sir. If we can create tools of a sturdy base with a coating of Tyrium, perhaps it can be enough to siphon the foreign mana out.' they explained, 'It'd have to be in small quantity though, so it doesn't actually hurt the person holding it... Or kill the person being operated on.'
  27. The concept seemed quite interesting, but dangerous all the same. "... Yes. We'll have to be sure that no one comes in direct contact with it though, and avoid prolonged exposure." suggested the Nomont.
  29. (Asura Nomont)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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