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Apr 2nd, 2012
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  1. ## Available Tags:
  2. # %player = The player
  3. # %opponent = PVP Opponent
  4. # %weapon = weapon person was killed with, only available in PvP.
  6. # You can add unlimited items to each node. Messages are randomly chosen from that li
  8. # Why do we have PVPFist and PVPWeapon? because, grammatically, it is difficult to ma
  9. # "fist" work with messages that include weapons
  11. # This requires CraftIRC 3.1
  12. report-to-irc: true
  14. # If true, all items and blocks will be named
  15. # If false, all items apart from weapons will be called 'Fists'
  16. enable-all-names: true
  18. PVPFist:
  19. - "&9%opponent &fbeat &2%player &fto a pulp&f."
  20. - "&9%opponent &fslapped &2%player &faround a bit too hard&f."
  21. - "&9%opponent &fjust laid a beat down on &2%player&f."
  22. - "&9%opponent &fand &2%player's sparring match went to far&f."
  23. PVPWeapon:
  24. - "&2%player &fwas killed with a &C%weapon &fby &9%opponent&f!"
  25. - "&2%player &fgot beat to a pulp by &9%opponent &fwho was holding a &C%weapon&f!"
  26. - "&9%opponent &ffound a &C%weapon &fto be suitable for dispatching &2%player&f."
  27. - "&9%opponent &fshowed &2%player &fthe cold release of death&f."
  28. PVPBow:
  29. - "&9%opponent &fshot &2%player &fin the knee."
  30. - "&9%opponent &fended the adventure of &2%player&f."
  31. - "&2%player &fwas target practice for &9%opponent&f."
  32. PVPWolf:
  33. - "&2%player &fgot ripped to shreds by &9%opponent%'s &CWolf&f!"
  34. - "&2%player &fgot his ankles chewed off by &9%opponent%'s &CWolf&f!"
  35. - "&2%player &flooked juciy to &9%opponent's &CWolf!"
  36. Wolf:
  37. - "&2%player &fgot slaughtered by a &CWolf&f!"
  38. - "&2%player &fbecame lunch for a hungry &CWolf&f!"
  39. Skeleton:
  40. - "&2%player &fwas out adventuring, much like yourself.. and then he took an arrow to the knee."
  41. - "&2%player &fjust got snipe'd by a &CSkeleton&f!"
  42. - "&2%player &fis now rushing for their loot, thanks a lot &CSkeleton&f."
  43. Spider:
  44. - "&2%player &fgot munched on by a &CSpider&f&f!"
  45. - "&2%player &fdid not receive fantastic powers from their &CSpider &fbite."
  46. CaveSpider:
  47. - "&2%player &fgot poisoned by a &CCave Spider&f. Gave up the ghost."
  48. - "&2%player &fwas out treasure hunting but ended up as lunch for a &CCave Spider&f."
  49. Creeper:
  50. - "&2%player &fwas blown to bits by a &CCreepy Creeping Creeper&f!"
  51. - "&fHugging &CCreepers &fis not recommended, &2%player&f. Remember that next time."
  52. Silverfish:
  53. - "&2%player &fjust got killed by an ankle-biting &CSilverfish&f. How pathetic."
  54. Zombie:
  55. - "&2%player &flost their mind to a &CZombie&f!"
  56. - "&2%player &fbecame breakfast for a hungry &CZombie&f!"
  57. Giant:
  58. - "&9%opponent &fended the adventure of &2%player&f."
  59. PVPWolf:
  60. - "&2%player &fgot ripped to shreds by &9%opponent%'s &CWolf&f!"
  61. - "&2%player &fgot his ankles chewed off by &9%opponent%'s &CWolf&f!"
  62. Wolf:
  63. - "&2%player &fgot slaughtered by a &CWolf&f!"
  64. - "&2%player &fbecame lunch for a hungry &CWolf&f!"
  65. - "&fWolf: NOM NOM NOM &2%player&f: X("
  66. Skeleton:
  67. - "&2%player &fwas out adventuring, much like yourself.. and then he took an arrow to$"
  68. - "&2%player &fjust got snipe'd by a &CSkeleton&f!"
  69. Spider:
  70. - "&2%player &fgot munched on by a &CSpider&f&f!"
  71. CaveSpider:
  72. - "&2%player &fgot poisoned by a &CCave Spider&f. Gave up the ghost."
  73. - "&2%player &fwas out treasure hunting but ended up as lunch for a &CCave Spider&f."
  74. Creeper:
  75. - "&2%player &fwas blown to bits by a &CCreepy Creeping Creeper&f!"
  76. - "&fHugging &CCreepers &fis not recommended, &2%player&f. Remember that next time."
  77. - "&2%player &fmade a little green buddy."
  78. - "&f there is a new crater thanks to &2%player&f."
  79. Silverfish:
  80. - "&2%player &fjust got killed by an ankle-biting &CSilverfish&f. How pathetic."
  81. Zombie:
  82. - "&2%player &flost their mind to a &CZombie&f!"
  83. - "&2%player &fbecame breakfast for a hungry &CZombie&f!"
  84. - "&fZombie: Ima poke u! &2%player&f: AAAAaaaahhhhh..... . ."
  85. Giant:
  86. - "&2%player &fjust got stomped on by a &CGiant&f!"
  87. - "&2%player &fis now a waffle."
  88. Ghast:
  89. - "&2%player &fgot &Cfireball'd &fby a &CGhast&f!"
  90. - "&2%player &fgot gibbed by a &CGhast&f!"
  91. PigZombie:
  92. - "&2%player &flost their mind to a &CPig Zombie&f!"
  93. - "&2%player &fangered the &CPig Zombies&f!"
  94. Blaze:
  95. - "&2%player &fwas set ablaze by a &CBlaze&f."
  96. - "&2%player &fis smokin'. Needs to avoid the &CBlaze&f."
  97. Slime:
  98. - "&2%player &fjust got &CSlimed&f!"
  99. - "&2%player &fdiscovered that &CSlime &fis not something you wear&."
  100. MagmaCube:
  101. - "&2%player &fjust got splattered with &Chot magma&f."
  102. - "&2%player &fintroduced theirself to the kind and gentle &CMagma Cube. &fSince you are seeing this message, it wasn't terribly kind nor gentle."
  103. Enderman:
  104. - "&2%player's &flife got ended by an &CEnderman&f."
  105. - "&2%player &fgot griefed by an &CEnderman. &fThen killed by said &CEnderman&f."
  106. EnderDragon:
  107. - "&2%player &fmet with the lord of the End. The End."
  108. - "&2%player &ftried to steal &CHerobrine's &fsweet ride. Turned into lunch."
  109. - "&2%player &freached their final chapter."
  110. - "&2%player &ftry to put out the pillars!"
  111. Dispenser:
  112. - "&2%player &fdid not see the &CDispenser &fand is now full of holes."
  113. TNT:
  114. - "&2%player &fwas blown to bits by a pile of &CTNT&f!"
  115. - "&2%player &ftried to launch himself into orbit using &CTNT&f. Result: &CFailure&f!"
  116. Lava:
  117. - "&2%player &fhad hoped to take a warm bath. Didn't realize said bath was filled with &Clava&f."
  118. - "&2%player &fis now expressing great remorse over the loss of an inventory. &b#Lavaisbad"
  119. - "&2%player &f thought they were part Zombiepigman."
  120. Fire:
  121. - "&2%player &fdied in a &Cfire&f!"
  122. - "&2%player &fhas a new, slightly charred look!"
  123. - "&2%player &&flearned, fire bad."
  124. Fall:
  125. - "&fThat first step is a real doozy. &2%player &fis a real mess now."
  126. - "&fSkydiving without a parachute again, &2%player&f?"
  127. - "&2%player &fis now more pancake than man&f."
  128. - "&2%player &fwondered if the ground would be friends with them&f."
  129. - "&2%player &ftook a trip and had a great fall."
  130. - "&2%player &fremembered about falling."
  131. Suffocate:
  132. - "&2%player &fforgot that breathing is necessary for the maintenance of life. He is no longer with us."
  133. - "&2%player &fsuccessfully held his breath until he died! I think we need a new definition for 'success'."
  134. Drowning:
  135. - "&2%player &fmade sounds somewhat similar to, 'gurgle, gurgle, splurt, sputter', before sinking into the darkness."
  136. - "&2%player &fis now hanging out with Davey Jones. In his locker. Creepy."
  137. - "&2%player &fattempted to grow gills."
  138. Cactus:
  139. - "&2%player discovered that mounting ones' self upon a &Ccactus &fcan be rather uncomfortable. In fact, it can lead to death. As it did in this case."
  140. - "&2%player &fmistook the cactus for a creeper. Went in for a hug. &CCactus &fwon."
  141. Lightning:
  142. - "&2Zeus &fgot ticked off at &2%player &fand gave him a shocking revelation."
  143. - "&2%player &fjust had a rather &Cshocking &fexperience."
  144. - "&2Zeus &f was tired of &2%player's insolence."
  145. Void:
  146. - "&2%player &ffound the &Cvoid&f."
  147. - "&fYou need to avoid the &Cvoid&f, &2%player&f."
  148. Suicide:
  149. - "&2%player &fwas feeling &Cforeveralone.jpg &fand slayed himself most brutally."
  150. - "&2%player &fdiscovered &CHerobrine's realm&f. It did not end well."
  151. Starve:
  152. - "&2%player &fstarved."
  153. - "&2%player &fdieted a bit too much."
  154. - "&2%player &ffailed to nom."
  155. Unknown:
  156. - "&2%player &fwas killed for no reason."
  157. - "&2%player &fwas there and then they weren't."
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