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May 24th, 2018
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  1. # Onions
  2. - [3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion](https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/) DuckDuckGo
  3. - [nzh3fv6jc6jskki3.onion](http://nzh3fv6jc6jskki3.onion/) RiseUp
  4. - [diasporaaqmjixh5.onion](http://diasporaaqmjixh5.onion/) JoinDiaspora
  5. - [expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion](http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion/) Tor Project
  6. - [zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion](http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) Hidden Wiki
  7. - [endchan5doxvprs5.onion](http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/) Endchan
  8. - [cockmailwwfvrtqj.onion](http://cockmailwwfvrtqj.onion/)
  9. - [webmail](http://mail.cockmailwwfvrtqj.onion/)
  10. - [Abika]( some new search engine
  12. Services
  13. ========
  14. - [AlternativeTo](
  15. - [Crowd sourced comparisons](
  16. - [Tarsnap]( online backups (paid storage, open source)
  17. - [DigitalOcean]( VPS with good FreeBSD support
  18. - [HackerNews](
  19. - [Sandstorm]( self-hostable web products
  20. - []( OpenSource discovery service
  22. ## Mail
  23. - [](
  24. - [ProtonMail](
  25. - [Tutanota](
  27. ## Git repositories
  28. - [GitHub](
  29. - [GitLab]( private repos
  30. - [BitBucket](
  31. - []( private repos, mail, file vault
  33. ## Search engines
  34. - [](
  35. - [](,
  36. [](
  38. Unix
  39. ====
  40. Linux
  41. -----
  42. - []( Linux news
  43. - [Linux Journey]( introduction to Linux
  44. - [install gentoo]( 4chan /g/ wiki
  45. - [](
  46. - [Linux Insides]( book about the Linux kernel and its insides
  47. - [Do we really need swap?](
  48. - [Vault7 - Linux](
  49. - [LinuxAcademy Guides](
  50. - [Awesome Linux Software](
  51. - [Writing a simple Linux Kernel Module](
  52. - [Using GOTO in Linux kernel code](
  53. - [Benchmarking OS primitives](
  55. ### Distros
  56. - [Gentoo]( excellent wiki
  57. - [Qubes OS]( Xen virtualization based security
  58. - [Void]( runit libressl (optionally musl)
  59. - [Tails]( amnesic live distro with Tor integration
  60. - [Subgraph OS]( hardened desktop with Tor integration and application firewall
  61. - [Alpine Linux]( small, musl, busybox, hardened
  62. - [someone's configs for NixOS](
  63. - [Kali Linux tools listing](
  65. ### Security and hardening
  66. - [iptables]( on Debian Wiki, useful examples
  67. - [Soukromí v DNS prakticky](
  68. - [Containers, Zones, Jails, VMs differences](
  69. - [OpenSnitch]( application firewall
  70. - [Subuser]( Docker based sandbox
  71. - [Better Web Browsing]( page.
  72. - [iptables Basics](
  73. - [The Stack Clash]( exploit
  74. - []( feed with security vulnerabilities
  75. - []( feed with security vulnerabilities
  76. - [Jak na viry v Linuxu](
  77. - [Running Firefox a bit more safely HOWTO](
  78. - [user.js]( hardened firefox configs
  79. - [Introduction to Linux namespaces](
  80. - [iptables tutorial](
  81. - [Namespaces in operation pt1](
  82. - [ZSH, tmux, Emacs and SSH: A copy-paste story](
  83. - [Linux sandboxing improvements in Firefox 60](
  84. - [Linux RNG flaws](
  85. - [Inside the Linux boot process](
  86. - [The Docker Book](
  88. ### Madness
  89. - [Minimal Base Gentoo]( 10MB system
  90. - [Build yourself a Linux](
  91. - [Building a "real" Linux distro](
  92. - [Linux From Scratch](
  93. - [Linux Containers Internals](
  94. - [Install Linux on Chromebook](
  95. - [Linux tracing systems](
  96. - [Linux Graphics stack](
  97. - [Build your own Linux](
  98. - [PulseAudio under the hood](
  99. - [Linux syscall table](
  100. - [Linux containers in 500 loc](
  101. - [Battery life and management]( by System76
  102. - [Shared library - security issues](
  103. - [Breaking the links: Exploiting the linker](
  104. - [Adding a syscall to Linux kernel]( talk
  105. - [Programming the Linux Framebuffer](
  106. - [DTrace for Linux](
  107. - [Ubuntu's Minimal image](
  108. - [Building embedded Linux system with Qemu](
  109. - [Linux Raw Sockets](
  110. - [In defence of swap: common misconceptions](
  111. - [Fuchsia is not Linux](
  112. - [Patch can run ed, and ed can run anything](
  113. - [Xplain]( explaining X Window System
  114. - [How programs get run: ELF binaries](
  116. BSD
  117. ---
  118. - [tedunangst]( OpenBSD developer's blog
  119. - [The many ways of running Firefox on OpenBSD]( mailing list post
  120. - [sndio]( reddit post on OpenBSD's sound system
  121. - [Tab completion in OpenBSD's ksh](
  122. - [How to apply patches on OpenBSD system/kernel and packages easily](
  123. - [Installing OpenBSD on laptop](
  124. - [Trying to learn OpenBSD]( reddit post request for resources
  125. - [Lessons learned about TRIM]( SSD and OpenBSD
  126. - [torbsd]( Tor BSD Diversity Project
  127. - [Reading OpenBSD source code daily](
  128. - [Writing NetBSD kernel module](
  129. - [OpenBSD daily reading](
  130. - [Docker on OpenBSD and vmm](
  131. - [FreeBSD tips and tricks](
  132. - [Planet OpenBSD](
  133. - [OpenBSD Ansible Cookbook](
  134. - [NTFS-3G]( FUSE for NTFS
  135. - [OpenBSD on desktop](
  136. - [libtls example](
  137. - [wireless]( tool for OpenBSD to manage wifi
  138. - [IPsec encrypted link](
  139. - [Screencasting with OpenBSD, ffmpeg and X tools](
  140. - [Calomel]( useful guides mostly on BSD
  141. - [Getting started with OpenBSD device driver dev]( presentation from EuroBSDcon 2017
  142. - [Fugulta]( OpenBSD live system
  143. - [Adding syscall to OpenBSD](
  144. - [better FreeBSD defaults](
  145. - [OpenBSD VPN IKEv2 between Windows 8](
  146. - [xodo]( tool to run X apps as another user
  147. - [vmm hypervisor report](
  148. - [snap]( update tool for OpenBSD
  149. - [ blog]( with some OpenBSD related posts
  150. - [OpenBSD desktop HOWTO](
  151. - [Network Manager for OpenBSD](
  152. - [Anatomy of tee program on OpenBSD](
  153. - [OpenBSD's network stack](
  154. - [vedetta]( OpenBSD Router Boilerplate
  155. - [balu-wiki]( OpenBSD tips
  156. - [strlcpy and strlcat]( safer string functions in C
  157. - [Install OpenBSD on dedibox with FDE](
  158. - [OpenBSD hotplugd automount script](
  159. - [OpenBSD's ACME client]( not the Plan9 editor
  160. - [OpenSMTPD audit report](
  161. - [OpenBSD kernel internals guide](
  162. - [Secure Architecture with OpenBSD]( payed book
  163. - [Introduction to basic FreeBSD maintenance](
  164. - [Puffy Security]( guide for IPSEC+OpenIKED VPN
  165. - [kqueue tutorial]( event handling tool, epoll alternative on BSD systems
  166. - [Event multiplexing: epoll vs kqueue vs other](
  167. - [Arcan Graphics system on OpenBSD](
  168. - [Remote Debugging the running OpenBSD kernel](
  169. - [Installing OpenBSD 6.3 on Raspberry pi 3](
  170. - [OpenUnix]( blog with some info on BSDs
  171. - [OpenBSD and the modern laptop](
  172. - [Email Configuration for plan9 Acme on OpenBSD](
  173. - [KARL - kernel address randomization link](
  174. - [Userland PCI drivers](
  175. - [Dumping your USB](
  176. - [Brad/GRsecurity is pissed because he feels OpenBSD markets old concepts as their new ideas](
  177. - [ournaling versus Soft Updates](
  179. Plan 9
  180. ------
  181. - [Adding a System Call](
  182. - [Plan9port](
  183. - [P9 server from scratch]( plan 9's distributed storage protocol (since more things in plan 9 are file, this was pretty general purpose)
  184. - [Structural Regexes]( on perlmonk
  185. - [9front on VirtualBox](
  186. - [GooFS]( ErlangOnXen's use of 9P protocol for cloud filesystem
  187. - [9P2000 protocol Erlang extension]( specs for 9P protocol on ErlangOnXen
  188. - [Writing a 9P server from scratch]( in Go
  189. - [9front install guide](
  190. - [9front tutorials](
  191. - [Plan 9 Newbie's Guide](
  192. - [Plan 9: Not only a Better Unix](
  193. - [How to use the Plan 9 C Compiler](
  194. - [9gridchan](
  195. - [rio and other plan9 on Unix systems](
  196. - [patched Acme](
  197. - [even more patched Acme](
  198. - [rc shell](
  199. - [Inferno on RPi](
  200. - [9gridchan]( 4chan/g/ project around Plan9
  201. - [Octopus Protocol]( modified 9P for better performance on high-latency networks
  202. - [9P comparison with NFS](
  203. - [Nemo book]( Notes on the Plan 9 3rd edition Kernel Source
  204. - [Introduction to OS Abstractions Using Plan 9 from Bell Labs](
  205. - [Comment on graphics stack and kernel](
  206. - [Acid debugger]( video
  207. - [9upspinfs]( 9P file server in Go for Plan 9
  208. - [9gridchan FAQ](
  209. - [9grid discussion on HN](
  210. - [9front gallery](
  211. - [Acme Editor introduction](
  213. Command line
  214. ------------
  215. - [Bropages]( practical examples for everything
  216. - [](
  217. - [Linux command cheat sheet](
  218. - [curl vs Wget](
  219. - [moreutils]( collection of the unix tools that nobody thought of
  220. - [How to create a bootable USB with command line](
  221. - [An Introduction to Unix](
  222. - [Softpanorama](
  223. - [es shell]( inspired by rc
  224. - [Useful unix commands](
  225. - [GNU Parallel Tutorial](
  226. - [Parallel processing with unix tools](
  227. - [Find files based on permissions](
  228. - [SSH Escape Sequences](
  229. - [Unix as IDE](
  230. - [sed guide](
  231. - [Comparison of ack, ag, git-grep, GNU grep, ripgrep](
  232. - [Moving efficiently in CLI](
  233. - [Understanding Awk - practical guide]()
  234. - [Rosetta Stone for Unix](
  235. - [A look at terminal emulators, part 1](, [pt2](
  236. - [Writing man-pages](
  237. - [Using better CLIs](
  238. - [List of command line tools for manipulating CSV, XML, HTML, JSON, INI, etc.](
  239. - [Modernish: a shell moderniser library](
  240. - [ANSI/VT100 Terminal Control Escape Sequences](
  242. Networking
  243. ----------
  244. - [Network examples](
  245. - [nginx Pitfalls and Common Mistakes](
  246. - [SSH keys]( video by GrayWolfTech
  247. - [Upgrade your SSH keys!]( overview of authentication in SSH
  248. - [Linux Brigde - how it works](
  249. - [IPv4 route lookup on Linux](
  250. - [Crack WPA/WPA2](
  251. - [Wireshark+PlantUML](
  252. - [TCP/IP Network Protocol](
  253. - [Hosting web server](
  254. - [Modern IRC protocol](
  255. - [Internet protocols are changing](
  256. - [CBOR]( binary serialization format, see External links for other (ASN.1, BSON, MsgPack, Protobuf, thrift)
  257. - [Cap'n proto]( binary serialization format and RPC
  258. - [Advanced Distributed Systems](
  259. - [BATMAN protocol]( for celular couting
  260. - [Enterprise Information Security (OpenSSH, IAM, Fundamentals, and More)](
  261. - [Virtual private networks with WireGuard](
  262. - [SSH Check – public SSH server testing tool](
  263. - [An online interactive Kubernetes playground](
  264. - [Decentralized Web Primer](
  265. - [How to Connect to Wifi without a network manager](
  266. - [/g/ternet mesh network wiki](
  267. - [Securing Network Time](
  269. Education
  270. =========
  271. ## Books and courses
  272. - [](
  273. - [cs007: Personal Finances for Engineers](
  274. - [NASA APPEL program](
  275. - [/g/'s pastebin with resourses](
  276. - [Computer Science and Engineering /sci/ Wiki](
  278. ## Mathematics & algebra
  279. - [Linear Algebra Done Right]( video series
  280. - [3Blue1Brown]( animated math
  281. - [How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University](
  282. - [Even Odd]( Decomposing a function into its even and odd parts
  283. - [Georgia Tech's free math textbook collective](
  284. - [Computational Linear Algebra](
  285. - [Introduction to Simple Computational Geometry Concepts Using C++ (](
  286. - [Mathematics for Computer Science](
  287. - [Mathematics I Use (2012)](
  288. - [Types of Regression Analysis](
  289. - [Intuitive Linear Algebra and 3D Geometry](
  291. ## seL4
  292. - [From L3 to seL4 what have we learnt in 20 years of L4 microkernels?](
  293. - [Microkernels are slow and Elvis didn’t do no drugs](
  294. - [seL4's dev blog](
  295. - [secure microkernel project](
  296. - [Genode: possible foundation for SAFE OS?](
  297. - [dvanced Operating Systems COMP9242 2017/S2]( course, includes seL4
  299. ## CS, algos and data structures
  300. - [CS for All](
  301. - [Tearch yourself CS](
  302. - [Open Data structures](
  303. - [Advanced Data Structures]( 6.851
  304. - [Myers Diff algo](
  305. - [Principles of Imperative Computation](
  306. - [Intro to Computer Systems](
  307. - [MIT OpenCourseWare](
  308. - [Standford Compilers Courses](
  309. - [Data Structures for Text Sequences](
  310. - [The math and algos behind a search library](
  311. - [Quickperm - Permutation Algorithm Using Iteration and Base-N-Odometer Model (Without Recusrion)](
  312. - [Parallel and Sequencial Algorithm Design](
  313. - [Learning Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms over Graphs](
  314. - [Category Theory](
  315. - [Aggregate Magic Algorithms](\(Ones%20Count\)) for counting bits, looking for zero byte in bigger integer etc.
  316. - [Adam Chlopala]( and code verification and proofs
  317. - [Shunting-yard algorithm]( parsing infix notation to RPN
  318. - [Recursive descent parser](
  319. - [A quick tutorial on generating a huffman tree](
  320. - [VisuAlgo](
  321. - [Big-O misconceptions](
  322. - [Fisher-Yates shuffle](
  323. - [CS109 Data Science](
  324. - [A Global Optimization Algorithm Worth Using](
  325. - [Algorithms, Etc. (2015)](
  326. - [When algorithms surprise us](
  327. - [A Self-Learning, Modern Computer Science Curriculum](
  328. - [An Invitation to Applied Category Theory](
  329. - [A Library of Parallel Algorithms](
  330. - [Kruskal Count Card Trick](
  331. - [How to store a set of four 5-bit values in one 16-bit value](
  332. - [Notes on Data Structures and Programming Techniques](
  333. - [Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years](
  334. - [Algorithms Behind Modern Storage Systems](
  335. - [The Markov Property, Chain, Reward Process and Decision Process](
  336. - [Trie]( prefix tree for string lookups in static tree
  338. Programming
  339. ===========
  340. - [12 Factor App](
  341. - [File formats]( from binary perspective
  342. - [Functional programming jargon](
  343. - [Open Source]( contribution guide
  344. - [Latency numbers]( every programmer should know
  345. - [Low-level programming]( topics overview and links
  346. - [Programming books]( you might want to consider reading
  347. - [Learn X in Y minutes](
  348. - [Algorithms and Data Structures]( list with some examples
  349. - [DevopsWiki]( massive list of developers tools and guides
  350. - [Competitive Programmer's Handbook](
  351. - [Learning projects]( HN request post
  352. - [Awesome falsehoods](
  353. - [Scructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
  354. - [How to Design Programs]( newer book
  355. - [Useful websites for programmers](
  356. - [Wizard Code: A View on Low-Level Programming](
  357. - [Good enough practices in scientific computing](
  358. - [OSS Blog]( many lists with free books
  359. - [Ethereum]( smart contracts basics
  360. - [Bresenham's Algorithm](
  361. - [List of free programming books](
  362. - [Guide to Parsing](
  363. - [Text editor - Data structures](
  364. - [Piece Table]( undo/redo data structure
  365. - [Five Minute Guide to Software Security](
  366. - [LLVM toolchain commands](
  367. - [Top database index](
  368. - [Search library algorithms](
  369. - [Types and Programming Languages]( book on type systems
  370. - [Latency numbers: 1977-2017](
  371. - [Netstrings]( string encoding that fits network protocols by DJB
  372. - [Simple CGI]( proposal
  373. - [Thoughts on security on QMail]( by DJB
  374. - [Understanding the Cell Microprocessor](
  375. - [Interactive GPU Programming](
  376. - [Sunrise Sunset algorithm](
  377. - [Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem](
  378. - [Shannon's source coding theorem](
  379. - [Gauss–Newton algorithm](
  380. - [](
  381. - [A README maturity model](
  382. - [Introduction to Continuous Integration Tools](
  383. - [Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers](
  384. - [dude719 github](
  385. - [project-based-learning](
  386. - [Projects-from-Scratch](
  387. - [build-your-own-x]( and [discussion]( with bunch of similar lists
  388. - [Project-Based-Tutorials-in-C](
  389. - [Handmade network]( very educational projetcs of high quality
  390. - [How much of the Internet is using QUIC?](
  391. - [Infosec fundamentals](
  392. - [nsz](
  393. - [Secure Programming HOWTO](
  395. ## Articles and Talks
  396. - [Scott Meyers: Things that Matters]( DConf2017
  397. - [Talks that changed the way I think about programming](
  398. - [Stop teaching C]( talk against teaching C as intro to C++
  399. - [CPU Utilization is Wrong]( blocking vs busy
  400. - [WTF is NoSQL?](
  401. - [NoSQL data modeling techniques](
  402. - [LL and LR Parsing Demystified](
  403. - [Why is GNU 'yes' so fast](
  404. - [What is parser-combinator](
  405. - [Learn Regex](
  406. - [Rethinking D-Bus messaging](
  407. - [JavaScript string encoding](
  408. - [The Sacred Art of Concurrent and Parallel Programming]( in Clojure
  409. - [Every Programmer should know List](
  410. - [Graphs not Grids](
  411. - [Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming](
  412. - [A Minimalist Guide to SQLite](
  413. - [Quiz on SQL indexing performance and mistakes](
  414. - [Statistics for Hackers](
  415. - [Simple Top-down parsing using Python](
  416. - [Introduction to Recursive Descent Parsing](
  417. - [Nothing but Functions]( lambda calculus
  418. - [Simplest regex(-like) engine](
  419. - [S-Expressions]( proposal paper
  420. - [T-expressions]( like S-Expressions but without parenthesis and more insane
  421. - [Solving Minesweeper](
  422. - [building RISC-V processor](
  423. - [blocking in PosgreSQL](
  424. - [Container patterns](
  425. - [Z Garbage collector intro](
  426. - [KAISER Meltdown initial performance regression](
  427. - [Evidence behind static vs dynamic languages](
  428. - [When to use Dictionary Compression](
  429. - [Inheritance Often Doesn't Make Sense](
  430. - [The Power of Ten]( 10 Rules for Writing Safety Critical Code
  431. - [An Essay on Endian Order - Little vs Big Endian](
  432. - [Understanding caching in Postgres – An in-depth guide (2016)](
  433. - [What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic](
  434. - [What every systems programmer should know about lockless concurrency](
  435. - [Is sorted using SIMD instructions](
  436. - [Exercises in Programming Style](
  437. - [A Branchless UTF-8 Decoder](
  438. - [How to learn Hacking?](
  439. - [Compression FAQ index](
  440. - [Let's build an MP3-decoder](
  441. - [Neural network AI is simple. So… Stop pretending you are a genius](
  442. - [B-Heap vs. Binary Heap](
  443. - [Make your own build system](
  444. - [Is big-endian dead?](
  445. - [Fast base64 encoding and decoding](
  446. - [High Performance Browser Networking](
  447. - [Rant on Solidity - language for Ether](
  448. - [Message-Oriented Programming](
  449. - [Tips for finding security issues in GitHub projects](
  450. - [Writing a Wayland Compositor](
  451. - [Formal verification]( talk
  452. - [Memories of writing a parser for man pages](
  453. - [string interfaces](
  454. - [The Fast Meme Transform: Convert Audio Into Linux Commands](
  455. - [TempleOS Hardest Question in Programming]( start-end block in switch statement
  456. - [Terry on few aspects of TempleOS](
  457. - [Validating UTF-8 strings using as little as 0.7 cycles per byte](
  458. - [On null](
  459. - [Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman](
  460. - [A Year Using Matrix and Riot](
  461. - [Enter the Matrix – A technical overview and guide to all things Matrix](
  462. - [Is Prefix of String in Table? a Journey into SIMD String Processing](
  463. - [Non-Recursive Make Considered Harmful: Build Systems at Scale](
  464. - [Tarballs, the ultimate container image format](
  465. - [criticism on tar format](
  466. - [The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets](
  467. - [A Formal Security Analysis of the Signal Messaging Protocol](
  468. - [The weirdest bug I’ve found in a compiler: MSVC 2017](
  470. ## Git
  471. - [How to write commit messages](
  472. - [Git book]( and website
  473. - [Git Tips]( from wiki
  474. - [Oh shit git!]( fixing mistakes
  475. - [Little Things I like to Do with Git](
  476. - [Better Git Configuration](
  477. - [Vault7 - Git](
  478. - [akras14's git cheatsheet](
  479. - [Git Cheat Sheet]( by Alex Kras
  480. - [Git rebase with Magit and Emacs](
  481. - [How to get list of users and their line count](
  482. - [Git for ages 4 and up]( intro talk
  483. - [Git Exercises](
  484. - [13 Git tips for Git's 13th birthday](
  485. - [Why SQLite Does Not Use Git](
  486. - [Git Magic](
  487. - [Git log - the good parts](
  488. - [Introducing Git protocol version 2](
  489. - [Learn Git Branching](
  491. ## Crypto
  492. - [Crypto 101]( talk and book
  493. - [You Wouldn't Base64 a Password!]( Cryptography Terms and Concepts for Developers
  494. - [Noise Protocol Framework]( - used by Wireguard
  495. - [How to securely hash passwords]( StackExchange post
  496. - [Blockchain-stuff]( Blockchain and cryptocurrency resources
  497. - [How HTTPS Handshake Happens](
  498. - [Explain Kerberos](
  499. - [A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography](
  500. - [Applied Cryptography](
  501. - [Crypto for kids](
  502. - [Blockchain basics](
  503. - [Practical Public Key Cryptography](
  504. - [Ellicpic Curve Crypto for Beginners](
  505. - [How to defeat Ed25519 and EdDSA using faults](
  506. - [Shamir's secret sharing]( ssss scheme to generate multiple keys that together reveale original key
  507. - [Is AES-256 weaker than AES-128?]( spoiler: not really
  508. - [Write-up on Wireguard progress](
  509. - [Deployment and comparisons of some crypto stuff](
  510. - [How RSA works: TLS Foundation](
  511. - [Blockchain in less than 200 loc](
  512. - [How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions](
  513. - [DHT]( distributed hash table
  514. - [Diceware passphrase](
  515. - [Why Constant-time crypto](
  516. - [A Detailed Elliptic Curve Cryptography Tutorial](
  517. - [Is Schneier's Applied Cryptography current?](
  518. - [SafeCurve - choosing safe curves for elliptic-curve cryptography](
  519. - [codecrypt]( Post-quantum cryptography tool
  520. - [Hash-based Signatures: An illustrated Primer](
  521. - [Should you encrypt or compress first?](
  522. - [34C3 - LatticeHacks]( talk by Bernstein, Heninger and Lange
  523. - [EFail – Vulnerabilities in end-to-end encryption technologies OpenPGP and S/MIME](
  524. - [No, PGP is not broken, not even with the Efail vulnerabilities](
  525. - [Stanford CS255 Introduction to Cryptography](
  526. - [Anders Blockchain demo](
  527. - [MIT Cryptography courses](
  528. - [Coursera Stanford Cryptography course](
  529. - [A Stick Figure Guide to the AES](
  530. - [34C3 - The Noise Protocol Framework]( talk
  531. - [Developing Blockchain Software]( talk
  533. ## Gamedev
  534. - [Handmade Hero](
  535. - [Bisqwit creating Doom clone](
  536. - [Game Programming Patterns](
  537. - [4chan /vg/ Amateur Gamedev General](
  538. - [SFML Game Development Book]( source code repo
  539. - [ThinMatrix OpenGL series](
  540. - [GLFW]( library for window/context/surface/events/input API and OpenGL/Vulkan context. No 2D rendering unlike SFML or SDL.
  541. - [Fix Your Timestep]( about framerates in rendering
  542. - [Rewind implementation in Braid]( by JonBlow
  543. - [Lisp Game Jam 2018](
  544. - [Tiled Map Editor](
  545. - [Game Programming Gems](
  546. - [Lua and LOVE](
  547. - [Harvard Introduction to Game Development](
  548. - [CS50 TV](
  549. - [Junio Graphics Programmer interview questions](
  550. - [Why I'm using the Cerny Method of Game Development](
  551. - [Sin and Cos: The Programmer's Pals](
  552. - [Game Engine Architecture Lectures](
  553. - [Quake III Arena GPL Source Release](
  554. - [EASTL]( C++ Standard Template Library
  555. - [System Shock 1 source code released under GPL](
  556. - [A Tiny Wolfenstein-Like Software Engine]( in C and SDL2
  557. - [I Am Graphics And So Can You](
  558. - [Writing a Portable CPU/GPU Ray Tracer in C#](
  560. ## Webdev
  561. - [Learn REST](
  562. - [REST Anti-Patterns](
  563. - [Coding "Snake" in 4min 30sec](
  564. - [JavaScript fatigue](
  565. - [Textpattern]( some optimization
  566. - [Building multiplayer games with and HTML5 Canvas](
  567. - [Learning web design resources](
  568. - [Introduction to HTTP](
  569. - [Optimizing a Static Site](
  570. - [Web Development in 2018 - A Practical Guide](
  571. - [Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018](
  572. - [What is setup for your static blog generator?](
  573. - [The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web](
  574. - [HTTP headers we don't want](
  576. ### Javascript
  577. - [TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript](
  578. - [Functional programming in JavaScript is an antipattern](
  579. - [Javascript fast and precise type checking](
  580. - [Learn web development](
  581. - [Modern JavaScript Explained for Dinosaurs](
  582. - [Babeljs]( compile newest ECMAScript features to older JS
  583. - [Eloquent Javascript]( book
  584. - [Flow]( Facebook's JS type checker
  585. - []( precise time in JS
  586. - [Typed arrays](
  587. - [Optimizing JavaScript case](
  589. ### Front-end
  590. - [Mozilla HTML tips](
  591. - [Web Design in 4 minutes](
  592. - [Google HTML/CSS Style Guide](
  593. - [InternetingIsHard]( simple design guide
  594. - [All-in-one beginner's React Guide](
  595. - [Modern Javascript](
  596. - [Elm Guides](
  597. - [Modern JavaScript cheatsheet](
  598. - [OOP in vanilla Javascript](
  599. - [Flexbox and Grids](
  600. - [Tufte CSS](
  601. - [CSS Grid](
  602. - [CSS grid thread on HN](
  603. - [Firefox Debugger](
  604. - [CSS Grid](
  605. - [Modern CSS explained](
  606. - [Learn CSS Grid through interactive screencasts](
  607. - [CSS Grid for UI Layouts by Mozilla](
  608. - [10 JavaScript Libraries for Front End](
  609. - [CSS: The bad bits and how to avoid them](
  611. ### Back-end
  612. - []( BSD, C, httpd, SQLite web stack
  613. - [Elixir School](
  614. - [Comparing Elixir and Go](
  616. ### DevOps
  617. - [Ask HN: DevOps resources](
  618. - [When Simple Wins: Power of 2 Load Balancing](
  619. - [AWS Security Primer](
  620. - [Docker cheatsheet](
  622. ## Compilers
  623. - [Build Your Own Lisp](
  624. - [Compile Bib]( resources for Amateur Compiler Writers
  625. - [Super Tiny Compiler](
  626. - [Crafting Interpretes](
  627. - [Devirtualization in LLVM and clang](
  628. - [How to write your own compiler](
  629. - [My first fifteen compilers](
  630. - [minilisp]( in less than 1k lines
  631. - [Low Hanging Fruit of Programming Language Design](
  632. - [Lisp in fewer than 200 lines of C](
  633. - [Writing a C compiler - pt.1](, [pt.2](, [pt.5](
  634. - [Memory Management Reference](
  635. - [How to write a CHIP-8 interpreter](
  636. - [minimal x86-64 JIT compiler in C++](
  637. - [Rust as a Language for High Performance GC Implementation]( irrelevant rust, but presents some Garbage Collectors knowledge and models
  638. - [Compiler Construction]( course
  639. - [Conservative GC: Is It Really That Bad?](
  640. - [Ask HN: Resources for learning to write compilers?](
  641. - [Generalized algebraic data type](
  642. - [The Stack Frame](
  643. - [Memory allocation for the curious](
  645. ## OS dev
  646. - [Little OS Book](
  647. - [ThinkOS]( brief intro to Operating Systems
  648. - [Writing an OS in Rust](
  649. - [Writing kernels that boot with Qemu and Grub](
  650. - [How to make an OS in C/C++](
  651. - [OS Dev Wiki](
  652. - [OS dever](
  653. - [NAND2Tetris]( building a computer from first principles
  654. - [Simple microkernel](
  655. - [Kernel 101](
  656. - [Kernel 201]( adding keyboard driver
  657. - [git repo](
  658. - [Writing a Bootloader](
  659. - [mkernel]( minimalistic kernel
  660. - [OS kernel in Go](
  661. - [Write a Simple OS from Scratch]( Birmingham
  662. - [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
  663. - [Commentary on 6th Edition Unix](
  664. - [Baking Pi course](
  665. - [QEMU serial port redirection]( can serve as kernel logging to outside VM
  666. - [Bran's Kernel Dev Tutorial](
  667. - [xOS]( small OS in assembly
  668. - [another kernel in C](
  669. - [The Problem with Threads](
  670. - [xv6 learning kernel](
  671. - [From Pure C to SSE Optimized Micro Kernels](
  672. - [AC'97]( audo codec for Intel architecture, might not need more sound than this
  673. - [Brushing up on operating systems and C programming](
  674. - [Realmode Assembly – Hello World Bootloader](
  675. - [Building an Operating System for the Raspberry Pi](
  676. - [Operating System Design Book Series](
  677. - [Thoughts on Low Latency Interrupt Handling](
  679. ## Machine learning
  680. - [Naked Tensor]( simple TensorFlow examples
  681. - [Neural Network Architectures](
  682. - [Stanford Deep Learning](
  683. - [TensorFlow examples](
  684. - [Deep Learning papers reading Roadmap](
  685. - [Neural Network in 11 Lines of Python](
  687. Languages
  688. ---------
  689. ### C
  690. - [C for Python programmers]( nice intro to C
  691. - [c-faq](
  692. - [The C Book]( M. Banahan, D. Brady, M. Doran
  693. - [C programming]( Wikibooks
  694. - [Teaching C]( collection of sources
  695. - [SEI CERT C Coding Standard](
  696. - [Modern C]( (draft)
  697. - [Advanced Linux Programming](
  698. - [Linux Kernel Module programming Guide](
  699. - [Beej's Guide to Network Programming](
  700. - [Beej's Guide to C Programming](
  701. - [Vault7 - C conding conventions](
  702. - [libulz]( a collection of functions and data structures
  703. - [What Every C Programmer should know about Undefined Behavior]( LLVM Project Blog
  704. - [Everything you need to know about pointers in C](
  705. - [movfuscator]( compile only to `mov`
  706. - [Coroutines in C](
  707. - [kilo]( build your own text editor
  708. - [authors website listing other nice projects](
  709. - [Declaring C String Constants The Right Way]( array vs pointer
  710. - [C without standard library](
  711. - [Anatomy of Linux dynamic libraries](
  712. - [Awesome C]( collection of libraries, tools and resources
  713. - [Write shell in C](
  714. - [Plan 9 ed](
  715. - [Using select(2)](
  716. - [Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition](,%203rd%20Edition.pdf)
  717. - [Understanding lvalues and rvalues](
  718. - [Rolling shutter simulation in C](
  719. - [Makefile intro](
  720. - [Another Makefile intro](
  721. - [Simple Makefile is a unicorn](
  722. - [Lex and Yacc primer HOWTO](
  723. - [Lex and Yacc guide](
  724. - [Intro to Concurrency in Unix-based GNU C](
  725. - [Writing hashtables in C](
  726. - [LD\_PRELOAD tutorial]( can be used for pledge sandbox
  727. - [GeeksForGeeks C guide](
  728. - [tinywm](
  729. - [Building SQLite clone database](
  730. - [Simple memory allocator](
  731. - [Frama-C]( code analysis tool
  732. - [American fuzzy lop](
  733. - [splint]( C linter
  734. - [Static Code Analysis]( in C article
  735. - [How to C in 2016](
  736. - [C and Data structures course from Yale](
  737. - [Cleaner LD\_PRELOAD wrapper](
  738. - [How to C in 2016](
  739. - [Hardening C/C++ with stack protector](
  740. - [Learn C]( interactive tutorial
  741. - [C Traps and Pitfalls](
  742. - [__cleanup__ attribute GCC extension](
  743. - [gel]( simple 3D model rendering with SDL
  744. - [GCC C Extensions](
  745. - [POSIX Threads Programming]( and other parallel programming guides
  746. - [GNU C Programming tutorial](
  747. - [Russ Cox on Implementing Regular Expressions](
  748. - [How I program C]( interesting screencast
  749. - [LLVM for Grad Students](
  750. - [nothings/stb]( single-file public domain libs for C/C++
  751. - [Understanding C/C++ memory model](
  752. - [C99 and type-punning](
  753. - [Warning flags for Clang](
  754. - [Definitive C Book Guide and List](
  755. - [PIC, PIE and Sanitizers](
  756. - [GCC for debugging: -Og and -g3](
  757. - [OpenMPI]( message passing interface for high performance computing
  758. - [restricted pointers]( draft, is in C99
  759. - [10 C99 tricks](
  760. - [Simplest AI tricks]( mentiones Enum to String trick
  761. - [C is not low-level language](
  762. - [Modern C features](
  763. - [C Primer](
  764. - [GCC and Make: Compiling, Linking and Building C/C++ Applications](
  765. - [C Bootcamp](
  766. - [C for All](
  767. - [Stanford Essential C](
  768. - [Glibc manual](
  769. - [Gettext]( localization tool
  770. - [Don't Learn C The Wrong Way](
  771. - [Unit Testing C Code]( stackoverflow question
  772. - [Unit Testing C code with the GoogleTest framework](
  773. - [Test-Driven Development for Embedded C]( book
  774. - [Parsing binary data in C](
  775. - [Simple virtual machine in C](
  776. - [Building GCC as a cross compiler for Raspberry Pi](
  777. - [Struct, typedef, enum & union](
  778. - [How to Get Fired Using Switch Statements & Statement Expressions]( comedy post, mind blown
  779. - [Mandelbrot Set with SIMD Intrinsics](
  780. - [Linus on sizeof with parens](
  781. - [Linus Re: detecting integer constant expressions in macros](
  782. - [Cost of forsaking C](
  783. - [Data structures and algorithms problems collection in C/C++](
  784. - [Useful GCC warning options not enabled by -Wall -Wextra](
  785. - [GCC command options for debugging: -Og and -g3](
  786. - [The Evolution of C Programming Practices: A Study of Unix](
  787. - [Tinn: A tiny neural network library written in C99](
  788. - [CDSA – A library of generic data structures and algorithms in ANSI C](
  789. - [ Programming Tutorials]( on C, Perl, pthreads, OpenMP and git
  790. - [What happens before main() is executed in C and why is it important?](
  791. - [Seventeen steps to safer C code](
  792. - [mpv's creator ranting on POSIX locales](
  793. - [Dave Prosser's C Preprocessing Algorithm]( implementation of C preprocessor, apparently it was hard challenge
  794. - [Infrequently Asked Questions in comp.lang.c](
  796. ### Rust
  797. - [24 days of Rust]( examples for popular crates
  798. - [Ripgrep]( code review
  799. - [stdx]( missing batteries of Rust
  800. - [stdx-dev]( missing development batteries of Rust
  801. - [Rust Book 2nd Edition](
  802. - [Flamegraph and perf profiling](
  803. - [Profiling Rust applications](
  804. - [Hashing algos in Rust comparison](
  805. - [Think Before you Parallelize]( slightly about Rayon
  806. - [How to write scripts](
  807. - [cis198-2016 Spring]( and [cis198-2016 Fall](
  808. - [Elegant APIs](
  809. - [Rust Performance Pitfalls](
  810. - [Practical Intro to Macros in Rust](
  811. - [Rewrite Linux kernel in Rust?](
  812. - [Bugs You'll probably only have in Rust](
  813. - [Algorithm Cookbook in Rust](
  814. - [Parser with nom]( paper
  815. - [Shell in Rust](
  816. - [Rust: Not So Great For Codec Implementing](
  817. - [Have you considered Rewriting It In Rust?](
  818. - [Parallelization in Rust with fork-join](
  820. ### Golang
  821. - [Network programming with Go]( archived
  822. - [Understanding Go pointers](
  823. - [Go and Simplicity Debt](
  824. - [Go and Simplicity Debt Redux](
  825. - [Web Application Secure Coding Practices](
  826. - [Practical Cryptography with Go](
  827. - [Golang templates](
  828. - [SQLX guide](
  829. - [Gonum]( numerical computing for Go
  830. - [Go and Makefiles](
  831. - [Go and Flamegraph profiling](
  832. - [Snippets for JSON, XML and more](
  833. - [Way to do things]( some design patterns talk
  834. - [Orange Forum]( light forum in Go
  835. - [Porting medium-sized web backend from Python to Go](
  836. - [Termbox]( and [tcell]( terminal interfaces
  837. - [Using Go Guru](
  838. - [Understanding Go panic output](
  839. - [Go, don't collect my garbage]( article how Go's GC scales on multithreading microbenchmark
  840. - [Visual guide to Go Enums](
  841. - [Modern garbage collection]( critical look at Go's GC and some GC theory
  842. - [sexp]( S-Expression library
  843. - [Error Handling in Upspin](
  844. - [Origins of Go Concurrency style]( talk by Rob Pike
  845. - [Lexical scanning]( talk by Rob Pike
  846. - [Curated Go]( twitter feed
  847. - [HTTP file upload and download with Go](
  848. - []( tutorials
  849. - [Property-based testing](
  850. - [golang-samples](
  851. - [Max & Ben Try Distributed Systems]( series of screencasts
  852. - [Russ Cox's advocation of Go's toolchain](
  853. - [gopher-lua]( blogpost by ted unangst
  854. - [goroutine leaks](
  855. - [More Gotchas of Defer in Go pt.2](
  856. - [Go database/sql tutorial](
  857. - [Go best practices](
  858. - [golangspec]( blog exploring Go's specifications
  859. - [Delve debugger](
  860. - [Writing Space Invaders with Go](
  861. - [go9p]( implementation of 9P protocol
  862. - [Go Perfbook](
  863. - [Go tools](
  864. - [10 things you (probably) don't know about Go](
  865. - [Guide to Writing Dockerfiles for Go Web-apps](
  866. - [Embedded resources in Golang](
  867. - [Jaeger UI]( tracer
  868. - [Bleve: full-text search in indexing for Go](
  869. - [HighwayHash with optimized assembly implementations](
  870. - [Profiling Go Applications with Flamegraph](
  871. - [Games With Go](
  872. - [How to Use Go Interfaces](
  873. - [Gopher Reading List]( A curated selection of blog posts on Go
  874. - [gomandel]( mandelbrot set in golang
  875. - [Learn Go by writing tests](
  876. - [Go: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly](
  877. - [5 things about programming I learned with Go](
  878. - [Go Is a Great Fit for Lambda](
  879. - [Go-internals: Chapter 2, “Interfaces” released](
  880. - [Primer on Go Assembly](
  881. - [Functional programming in Go](
  882. - [Bleve: full-text search and indexing for Go](
  883. - [An Analysis of vgo](
  884. - [Tail call optimization discussion](!msg/golang-nuts/nOS2FEiIAaM/miAg83qEn-AJ)
  885. - [Build exploit with Golang](
  886. - [How I write Go HTTP services after seven years](
  888. ### C++
  889. - [C++ Core Guidelines]( by Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter
  890. - [Google C++ Style Guide](
  891. - [SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard](
  892. - [Modern C++ features](
  893. - [AAA style]( Almost Always Auto
  894. - [Memory safety in C++]( talk
  895. - [Modern C++: What You Need to Know]( talk
  896. - [10 Core Guidelines You Need to Start Using Now]( Kate Gregory talk
  897. - [Jonathan Blow on Exceptions in C++]( rant
  898. - [C++17 constexpr](
  899. - [Data structures and algorithms problems in C++](
  900. - [googletest]( ok testing framework
  901. - [The Care and Feeding of C++'s Dragons]( talk on clang/llvm tools and sanitizers (clang-modernize is now clang-tidy)
  902. - [C++11 constexpr fnv1a hash]( compile-time implementation of hashing function
  903. - [C++ Weekly - Intro to clang-tidy](
  904. - [TheChernoProject]( YouTube channel
  905. - [Stanford CS106X: Programming Abstractions in C++](
  906. - [Systematic Error Handling in C++]( talk
  907. - [Curious Recurring C++ Bugs](
  908. - [C++ in VS Code and live demo](
  909. - [Rule of Three/Five](\(C%2B%2B_programming\)) on when to implement const/dest/copy/move for class
  910. - [LearnCpp](
  911. - [C++ Tutorials](
  912. - [ISO C++ FAQ](
  913. - [C++17 Fold Expressions](
  914. - [SuperString library](
  915. - [GotW #5 quiz on overriding virtual function](
  916. - [C++ FAQ](
  917. - [Fluent Cpp](
  918. - [Best Way to learn modern C++?](
  919. - [C++17 Compiler Bug Hunt](
  920. - [POCO C++ Libraries](
  921. - [folly]( Facebook's C++ libraries
  922. - [A guide to better embedded C++](
  923. - [180+ Algorithm & Data Structure Problems using C++](
  924. - [CppCon 2014: Google Style Guide]( talk
  925. - [CppCon 2015: Titus Winters "Lessons in Sustainability...”](
  926. - [Using C++17 std::optional](
  927. - [IncluceOS]( small OS for running on hyperviser without real guest OS
  928. - [Software optimization resources, C++ and assembly](
  929. - [Optimizing C++ Wikibook](
  930. - [C++ Optimization Strategies and Techniques](
  931. - [Exception Safety: Concepts and Techniques](
  932. - [Zero-overhead deterministic exceptions](
  933. - [Bisqwit's guide to OpenMP](
  934. - [Simple Tutorial with OpenMP](
  936. ### Python
  937. - [Python Numpy tutorial](
  938. - [Python for Computational Science and Engineering](
  939. - [Key differences between Python 2.7 and 3](
  940. - [Weird python integers](
  941. - [pip hack to upgrade all packages](
  942. - [Python Data Science Handbook](
  943. - [Introduction to statistics using NumPy](
  944. - [Twisted]( network library with event loop
  945. - [Logging](
  946. - [Beyond PEP 8]( talk aboud idiomatic Python
  947. - [Stop Writing Classes]( simplification of trivial classes and API talk
  948. - [Introduction to C++ python extensions]( talk, Boost.Python, Pybind11, Python C API
  949. - [Github sources](
  950. - [Boost.Python examples](
  951. - [Pybind11]( probly best way for C++ extensions
  952. - [Python Notes for Engineers](
  953. - [Interfacing Python and C: Advanced "ctype" fearures](
  954. - [Writing a basic x86-64 JIT compiler from scratch in stock Python](
  955. - [Extending Python with C or C++ with Pybind 11](
  956. - [Guide to Optimizing Pandas](
  957. - [Google Python Style Guide](
  958. - [Automate the Boring Stuff with Python]( book
  959. - [Numpy Tricks and Pitfalls](
  960. - [Video editing with Python](
  961. - [Numpy excercises for Data Analysis](
  962. - [Formatted printing overview](
  963. - [seaborn: statistical data visualization](
  964. - [Qt for Python](
  965. - [Building CRUD webapp with Flask](
  966. - [Getting started with Python testing](
  967. - [Google's Python Class](
  968. - [Memory efficiency of parallel IO operations in Python](
  969. - [Python 3.7: Introducing Data Classes](
  970. - [Norvig's Python programs to practice or demonstrate skills](
  971. - [Flask website example](
  972. - [The Flask Mega tutorial](
  973. - [Flask example website from official docs](
  974. - [Jupyter, Mathematica, and the Future of the Research Paper](
  975. - [A Guide to Python's Magic Methods](
  976. - [CPython internals: Ten-hour codewalk through the interpreter source code](
  978. ### Shell scripting
  979. - [The Shell Hater's Handbook]( actually good intro talk
  980. - []( The POSIX Shell and Utilities
  981. - [Kron shell (ksh) Programming]( default shell on OpenBSD
  982. - [The Bash Guide]( on
  983. - [LinuxCommand](
  984. - [Bourne Shell Scripting]( Wikibook
  985. - [Bash scripting utilities](
  986. - [Advancing in the Bash](
  987. - [Awk Intro](
  988. - [A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming](
  989. - [Bash Snippets](
  990. - [Bash cheatsheet](
  991. - [Troubleshooters Shellscripts Guide](
  992. - [Bash script cheatsheet](
  993. - [Shell antipatterns](
  994. - []( archived
  995. - [Awk for multimedia](
  996. - [Ten Things I Wish I’d Known About bash](
  997. - [Safe ways to do things in bash](
  998. - [Google's Shell Style Guide](
  1000. ### Elixir and Erlang
  1001. - [ElixirSips]( jew unpaid episodes
  1002. - [What can I only do in Erlang?](
  1003. - [MMO game in Erlang]( talk
  1004. - [Elixir Casts](
  1005. - [Learning Elixir](
  1006. - [30 days of Elixir](
  1007. - [Introducing Banchee]( benchmarking tool
  1008. - [Supercompiler pass for Erlang](
  1009. - [Practicing Elixir](
  1010. - [Erlang Garbage Collector](
  1011. - [Minimal Viable Program]( on Erlang's ticket system, also Joe Armstring's blog
  1012. - [The Joy of Erlang](
  1013. - [Elixir binary pattern matching of Integer or Convert Integer to binary](
  1014. - [Learning Elixir: My side-project](
  1015. - [What Erlang Taught Me About Distributed Systems](
  1016. - [Learning Erlang as an Experienced Developer](
  1017. - [Zen of Erlang](
  1018. - [What sucks about Erlang](
  1020. ### Lisp family
  1021. - [It's Not About Macros, It's About Read](,-It-s-About-Read)
  1022. - [PicoLisp](
  1023. - [Common Lisp cookbook](
  1024. - [LISP magazine](
  1025. - [Quicklisp]( library manager for Common Lisp
  1026. - [Mal]( lisp in 68 languages
  1027. - [Clojure Design Patterns](
  1028. - [SICP for Clojure](
  1029. - [Practical Common Lisp]( free book
  1030. - [Paredit cheatsheet](
  1031. - [Why SICP matters](
  1032. - [Common Lisp v. Scheme](
  1033. - [Land of Lisp - Learn Lisp One Game At A Time!]( book
  1034. - [Debugging Lisp Part 1: Recompilation](
  1036. ### SQL
  1037. - [PostgreQuide](
  1038. - [SQLBolt]( interactive SQL guide
  1039. - [My Favorite PostgreSQL Queries and Why They Matter](
  1040. - [How I Write SQL, Part 1: Naming Conventions (2014)](
  1041. - [We’re happy with SQLite and not urgently interested in a fancier DBMS (2016)](
  1042. - [A Minimalist Guide to SQLite](
  1043. - [SQLite Query Language: upsert](
  1045. ### Other
  1046. - [x86 Assembly Guide](
  1047. - [Writing ARM Assembly](
  1048. - [brainfuck game](
  1049. - [R for MATLAB users](
  1050. - [Intro to R Programming](
  1051. - [Simple Haskell](
  1052. - [Intro to logic programming with Prolog](
  1053. - [Easy 6502]( assembly guide, e.g. for Commodore 64
  1054. - [Assembly Programming Tutorial]( NASM guide on tutorialspoint
  1055. - [Introduction to reverse engineering and assembly](
  1056. - [POPCNT instruction]( and x86 references
  1057. - [radate]( reverse-engineering framework
  1058. - [Reason ML](
  1059. - [Jai Programming Language - Resources and Information]( info on JobBlow's language, might be outdated
  1060. - [Testing the Jai Compiler](
  1061. - [Advent of D - Concurrency I can finally understand and write correctly](
  1062. - [A History of APL in 50 Functions](
  1063. - [A Modern Syntax for Ada](
  1064. - [GHC (Haskell compiler) Parser Principles](
  1065. - [Programming in Prolog intro - Facts, Rules, Queries](
  1066. - [ATS Programming Language](
  1067. - [Towards λ-calculus](
  1068. - [Lightweight Concurrency in Lua](
  1069. - [OCaml CS 3110 Spring 2018 ]( course
  1070. - [Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers](
  1071. - [On Competing with C Using Haskell](
  1072. - [If Haskell is so great, why hasn't it taken over the world?](
  1074. Tools & Software
  1075. ================
  1076. - [WireGuard]( simple secure VPN
  1077. - [Ansible]( automation framework
  1078. - [Streisand]( Ansible playbooks for installing OpenVPN, IPsec, Tor, etc.
  1079. - [Pandoc]( universal document converter
  1080. - [Asciinema]( record terminal session
  1081. - [ngrok]( secure tunnels to localhost
  1082. - [Borg]( deduplicating backups
  1083. - [Gnuplot]( plots, graphs and visualization library (not related to GNU)
  1084. - [Shodan]( talk - network and port search engine
  1085. - [IPFS]( distributed hypermedia protocol
  1086. - [Awesome IPFS](
  1087. - [How the Catalan government uses IPFS to sidestep Spain's legal block](
  1088. - [smugboard]( image board on IPFS
  1089. - [ImageMagick]( guide
  1090. - [Rofi]( stylish switcher/run dialog, dmenu alternative
  1091. - [Taskwarrior](
  1092. - [Taskwarrior, where have you been all my life?](
  1093. - [Ledger]( accounting system
  1094. - [PlantUML]( reference guide
  1095. - [dmenu productivity](
  1096. - [minishell]( small shell in C to look at
  1097. - [ne]( nice terminal editor, pretty small yet feature rich
  1098. - [uzbl]( web browser with unix philosophy
  1099. - [noteshrink]( compressing and enhancing hand-written notes
  1100. - [howmanypeoplearearoung]( count people around with wifi signals
  1101. - [glances]( system monitoring
  1102. - [Begin Latex in minutes](
  1103. - [Differences between Tmux and Screen](
  1104. - [Silver Searcher (ag)](
  1105. - [SecureLogin]( alternative to OAuth2
  1106. - [How video encodings work](
  1107. - [EditorConfig](
  1108. - [Ggplot2]( and R
  1109. - [NSA OSS Technologies](
  1110. - [Casync](
  1111. - [Pencil - GUI prototyping tool](
  1112. - [tiny matrix bot](
  1113. - [bash art](
  1114. - [Monitorix](
  1115. - [micro]( terminal editor in Go
  1116. - [Magic PNG Thumbnails](
  1117. - [Matchcha]( online Mathematics Editor
  1118. - [The Tao of tmux](
  1119. - [sqlmap]( automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
  1120. - [UTF-8 icons](
  1121. - [normalize]( balance sound volume
  1122. - [MessagePack]( something between JSON and binary
  1123. - [Bash-it]( oh-my-zsh clone for Bash
  1124. - [Highlight]( simple
  1125. cli tool for syntax highlighting, used by ranger
  1126. - [ImageMagick scripts](
  1127. - [Edit]( editor based on Acme, similar to vis
  1128. - [btcd]( Go implementation of full bitcoid node, easier to compile on off-tier platforms
  1129. - [Gravity programming language]( for GUI
  1130. - [Upspin]( solution for remote storage
  1131. - [Rob Pike's talk](
  1132. - [JSONFeed]( RSS but in JSON over XML
  1133. - [sct]( screen color shifter on 80 loc by Ted Unangst
  1134. - [noice]( small file browser
  1135. - [sxiv]( simple X image viewer
  1136. - [godothecorrectthings]( plumber-like script for linux and X11 based on xclip
  1137. - [ctags for vis](
  1138. - [Sixel]( bitmap format for terminal, [ReGIS]( vector drawings using Sixel
  1139. - [Dunst]( standalone notification daemon
  1140. - [QArt Coder]( find QR Code with given image
  1141. - [Learn FFmpeg the hard way](
  1142. - [PlotKit]( JS plotting library
  1143. - [PipeWire]( new sound stack on Linux
  1144. - [Markdown over LaTeX]( also R Markdown, but not in article
  1145. - [CommonMark]( strongly defined specification of Markdown
  1146. - [DaringFireball Markdown]( original markdown specs
  1147. - [Pandoc Markdown](
  1148. - [Tomb]( file and directory encryption
  1149. - [cdist]( simple configuration manager
  1150. - [darkhttp]( simple webserver, static content
  1151. - [Ivy: a minimalist static site generator in Python](
  1152. - [Tis-interpreter: An interpreter for detecting undefined behavior in standard C](
  1153. - [Tinc VPN: Secure Private Network Between Hosts](
  1154. - [SuperCollider](
  1155. - [GNU Mcron]( cron with Guile
  1156. - [zstd]( new popular compression by Facebook
  1157. - [AV1 Introduction]( new general purpose video codec
  1158. - [libao]( a cross platform audio library
  1159. - [microG]( free re-implementation of Google's proprietary Android user space apps and libraries
  1160. - [winfile]( Original Windows File Manager (winfile) with enhancements
  1161. - [Alternatives to Bloatware list](
  1162. - [Firefox bullshit removal about:config](
  1163. - [user.js]( Firefox configuration hardening
  1164. - [Xi: an editor for the next 20 years](
  1165. - [Cockpit – create tmux panes and windows with ease](
  1166. - [Gnulib]( The GNU Portability Library
  1167. - [SeaFour]( someone's encrypted chat engine
  1168. - [Sortix - small OS](
  1169. - [OpenHub]( statistics on OS projects
  1170. - [AquillaOS]( small POSIX OS
  1171. - [GNU Shepherd]( init deamon with Guile
  1172. - [MacOS command line version of the WireGuard VPN is now available for testing](
  1173. - [AsciiDoc format](
  1174. - [INI file format]( for simpler configs
  1176. Emacs
  1177. -----
  1178. - [ErgoEmacs](
  1179. - [Org-mode cookbook](
  1180. - [Awesome Emacs]( collection of packages, links and dotfiles
  1181. - [Sacha Chuan]( blog
  1182. - [Your Editor is Malware]( article on TLS in Emacs
  1183. - [Emacs for Python](
  1184. - [Emacs for PHP](
  1185. - [Emacs for C/C++](
  1186. - [My Workflow with Org Agenda](
  1187. - [Less intrusive color theme](
  1188. - [Emacs Tutor](
  1189. - [Speeding Up Emacs](
  1190. - [Zemansky]( guides, youtube and configs
  1191. - [Mastering Emacs in one year](
  1192. - [Package management with Cask ang Pallet](
  1193. - [Getting started with Emacs Lisp](
  1194. - [Spacemacs]( guide on Arch wiki
  1195. - [Emacs for Clojure](
  1197. ### Kickstart configs
  1198. - [Spacemacs](
  1199. - [Prelude](
  1200. - [Overtone - Emacs Live](
  1201. - [spacelite](
  1202. - [Doom-emacs](
  1204. ### configs
  1205. - [larstvei](
  1206. - [purcell](
  1207. - [mfoo](
  1208. - [hlissner](
  1209. - [howardabrams](
  1210. - [bboozzoo](
  1211. - [Ogbe](
  1212. - [gongzhitaao](
  1213. - [0rdy](
  1214. - [buildfinthings](
  1215. - [nasseralkmim]( also use-package cheatsheet
  1216. - [novoid](
  1218. GnuPG & PGP
  1219. -----------
  1220. - [A Pretty Good Introduction to Pretty Good Privacy]( talk
  1221. - [GNU Privacy Handbook](
  1222. - [GPG Quick Start](
  1223. - [GPG Tutorial](
  1224. - [Advanced Intro to GnuPG](
  1225. - [How to use GPG to encrypt and sign messages](
  1227. Ricing & swag
  1228. -------------
  1229. - []( color scheme tester
  1230. - [color scheme collection](
  1231. - [After Dark]( Hugo framework theme
  1232. - [Userstyle]( (not just) Firefox themes
  1233. - [Adapta]( GTK theme
  1234. - [Color Scripts](
  1235. - [urxvt configurator](
  1236. - [Subtle patterns](
  1238. ### dotfiles
  1239. - [brianclemens](
  1240. - [](
  1241. - [milomouse](
  1242. - [TaylanTatli](
  1243. - [Neon colors]( /u/Psilioxus
  1244. - [sn0rlax]( hlwm and tint2
  1246. Vim
  1247. ---
  1248. - [The Vim Editor: Philosophy, Principles and Practice]( lecture
  1249. - [Vim]( another lecture
  1250. - [Learn Vim Progressively](
  1251. - [Vim antipatterns](
  1252. - [Let Vim do the typing](
  1253. - [vim-plug configuration](
  1254. - [productive vim shortcuts?]( discussion on interesting shortcuts
  1255. - [vi commands](
  1256. - [Vim configuration]((
  1257. - [Vim plugins and config walkthrough](
  1258. - [Vim python IDE](
  1259. - [Seven habits of effective text editing](
  1261. Entertainment
  1262. =============
  1263. ## Games and challenges
  1264. - [Binary Puzzle](
  1265. - [WeChall]( Wargame community
  1266. - [TrailOfBits CTF Guide](
  1267. - [OpenSecurityTraining](
  1268. - [OSS clone of Age of Empires II engine](
  1269. - [Spot The Bug challenge 2018 warm-up](
  1270. - [Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory](
  1271. - [Jason Rohrer](
  1272. - [Seven Puzzles You Think You Must Not Have Heard Correctly](
  1274. ### CTF
  1275. - [](
  1276. - [](
  1277. - [OverTheWire]( wargames over SSH
  1278. - [Exploit-Exercises](
  1279. - [CTF TIME]( ranking and events
  1281. ## Articles
  1282. - [How I Cracked a Keylogger and Ended Up in Someone's Inbox](
  1283. - [Things every hacker once knew]( by ESR
  1284. - [How to write an essay](
  1285. - [A Survival Guide to PhD](
  1286. - [Quantum: What is a browser engine](
  1287. - [How sandboxing works in Fuschia](
  1288. - [Hexagonal Grids](
  1289. - [WTF is Ethereum](
  1290. - [Bram Moole-Laaw - attempts to rewrite Vim](
  1291. - [Human-readable passwords]( not xkcd-style
  1292. - [0x5f3759df]( magic constant for fast inverse square root
  1293. - [UTF-8 Everywhere](
  1294. - [UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ](
  1295. - [How not to sort by Average Rating](
  1296. - [Origins of quoting](
  1297. - [Wilson's Algorithm](
  1298. - [Minsky circle algorithm](
  1299. - [FBI papers on Nikola Tesla](
  1300. - [Largest number factored on a quantum device is 56,153](
  1301. - [Quantum computing explained](
  1302. - [Image optimization](
  1303. - [Don't Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice](
  1304. - [DNA seen through the eyes of a coder](
  1305. - [Start your own ISP](
  1306. - [What sugar does to your brain](
  1307. - [Webpage tracking using only CSS](
  1308. - [Let's learn about Waveforms](
  1309. - [Performance Debugging case](
  1310. - [Telemetry not being disabled in VSCode](
  1311. - [Ladder Anxiety](
  1312. - [Prismata - inflation](
  1313. - [Static linking considered harmful](
  1314. - [DNA facial prediction](
  1315. - [Calabi-Yau manifold](
  1316. - [Xz format inadequate for long-term archiving](
  1317. - [Tor Project "Almost 100% Funded By The US Government": FOIA](
  1318. - [Random quantum circuit easiest way to beat classical computer](
  1319. - [Quantum Algorithm Implementations for Beginners](
  1320. - [Quantum Algorithm Zoo](
  1321. - [Why Quantum Computers Might Not Break Cryptography](
  1322. - [How Shor's Algorithm works](
  1323. - [Shtetl-Optimized algorithm](
  1324. - [Most images of black holes are illustrations. Here’s what our telescopes capture](
  1325. - [How to Fall Asleep in Two Minutes or Less](
  1326. - [Origins of the myth of dopamine as the ‘pleasure chemical’](
  1327. - [Things no one tells you before an Antarctic expedition (2015)](
  1328. - [Color: From Hex codes to Eyeballs](
  1329. - [Thinning in brain regions important for memory linked to sedentary habits](
  1330. - [The Many Ways Google Harvests Data](
  1331. - [Managing modafinil]( ESR's experience with this medical drug
  1332. - [Raspberry Pi microSD card performance comparison - 2018](
  1333. - [how much of your information the likes of Facebook and Google store](
  1334. - [Plantext Offenders]( list of sites storing passwords in plaintext
  1335. - [Let's Learn About Waveforms](
  1336. - [NSA encryption plan for ‘internet of things’ rejected by ISO](
  1337. - [Death of the sampling theorem?](
  1338. - [Five minute guide to better typography](
  1339. - ["Pwned Passwords" V2 With Half a Billion Passwords](
  1340. - [Why soap bubbles are colourful and windowpanes are not](
  1341. - [Easy, Cheap, POWERFUL Bow (NO Power Tools or Heat Needed)](
  1342. - [Carbon Nanotubes]( lighter than air
  1343. - [PowerHammer: Exfiltrating Data from Air-Gapped Computers through Power Lines](
  1344. - [Rankine scale](
  1345. - [Kids can't use computers... and this is why it should worry you](
  1346. - [The Evolution of Religion by Daniel Dennett](
  1347. - [Peterson on Religion at JRE](
  1348. - [How a “location API” allows cops to figure out where we all are in real-time](
  1349. - [MPEG-2 Patents Have Expired](
  1350. - [JRE and Randall Carison on mamuths and disappearence of coast](
  1351. - [JRE and Staments on Fungal intelligence](
  1352. - [JRE on Hemp](
  1353. - [JRE on diet and hemp protein](
  1354. - [About Hiroshimoot](
  1355. - [Why read old philosophy?](
  1356. - [How to disappear from the internet](
  1358. ## Channels and blogs
  1359. - [Explain xkcd]( better than just xkcd
  1360. - [LiveOverflow]( basic exploits and pentesting
  1361. - [n-gate](
  1362. - [Bisqwit](
  1363. - [Luke Smith](
  1364. - [Unofficial TempleOS]( GitHub mirror
  1365. - [Spectral Layers]( sound manipulation
  1366. - [Vault 8]( sources from Vault 7
  1367. - [Anti-Facebook](
  1368. - [SPIDR]( news site
  1369. - [Packet Storm]( news about security
  1370. - [ vids on sound](
  1371. - []( website of AFL creator
  1373. ## Comedy
  1374. - [Wat]( lightning talk
  1375. - [xkcd 1537]( Wat inspired episode
  1376. - [Classic IT short jokes](
  1377. - [UML: The Positive Spin](
  1379. ## Media
  1380. - [Motivational Posters](
  1381. - [12 Animals]( that are definitely not an Octopus
  1382. - [Negative Space Illustrations]( of Animal Predators and Their Preys
  1383. - [What are clouds made of?](
  1384. - [Death is Near]( pen art
  1385. - [NSFW cartoon movies](, also Fritz the Cat has sequal (nine lifes of ftc)
  1386. - [Kolento portrait](
  1387. - [Vintage/Retro Scifi]( screens
  1388. - [The Grand Budapest Hotel]( screens
  1389. - [Slavic folklore](
  1390. - [Throne Wars]( poster
  1391. - [Nature is Badass](
  1392. - [Big Trouble in Little Chine]( screens
  1393. - [Population heatmap](
  1394. - [Sick images](
  1395. - [Coloring Books](
  1396. - [Four Horsemen](
  1397. - [B-Flat generative music](
  1398. - [Pixel Art tutorials](
  1399. - [Who Goes There]( novel that inspired The Thing
  1400. - [The Most Relaxing Songs of All Time, According to Science](
  1401. - [Side by Side Comparison on How Alphonse Mucha Used His Models](
  1402. - [The Hobbit: A Long-Expected Autopsy (Part 1/2)](
  1403. - [The Matrix: Why Cypher did it](
  1404. - [Peterson on Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment"](
  1405. - [Neil Gaiman's Sandman: What Dreams Cost](
  1406. - [Orcs](
  1408. ## Fit
  1409. - [Dlouholetý otužilec Tomáš Prokop: Ledovou vodou si lze zlepšit zdraví](
  1410. - [Starting Strength](
  1411. - [Spot reduction]( doesn't work
  1412. - [What to Know when doing Wim Hof method]( good explanation on the breathing technique
  1413. - [Control your Breath and Body (Wim Hof explained)](
  1414. - [Wim Hof's Cold Trickery]( criticism on some aspects such as failed journey
  1415. - [compilation of research papers on Wim Hof]( and [direct](
  1416. - [The world's largest library of historical European martial arts books](
  1417. - [Molding Mobility](
  1418. - [Starting Stretching](
  1419. - [Grapplearts BJJ book and courses](
  1420. - [NoFap Anecdotal Evidence](
  1421. - [Fordyce spots]( and [Hirsuties coronae glandis](
  1422. - [German school of fencing](
  1423. - [Intense sweetness surpasses cocaine reward](
  1424. - [Rhonda's Ultimate Micronutrient Smoothie](
  1425. - [Rhonda at JRE](
  1426. - [Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease & More](
  1427. - [Jordan Peterson: "I take antidepressants & will forever” (2012)](
  1428. - [Best Running Shoes](
  1429. - [Kegel Exercises](
  1430. - [Do artificial sweeteners spike insulin?](
  1431. - [Images of few exercises](
  1432. - [Mingyur Rinpoche Google talk](
  1433. - [A Guided Meditation on the Body, Space, and Awareness with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche](
  1434. - [Thich Nhat Hanh: "Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health" | Talks at Google](
  1435. - [Weekly Podcast at the Hammer]( on meditation
  1436. - [Westside for Skinny Bastards](
  1437. - [Brain serotonin, carbohydrate-craving, obesity and depression.](
  1438. - [Yoga With Adriane](
  1439. - [The Book of Five Rings](
  1441. ## Movies
  1442. - [Dogma](
  1443. - [Die Welle](
  1444. - [The Ref](
  1445. - [Rob Roy](
  1446. - [Lovely Molly](
  1447. - [A Dark Song](
  1448. - [A Cure for Wellness](
  1449. - [Banshee Chapter](
  1450. - [Nacho Libre](
  1451. - [Dark City](
  1452. - [Absentia: Season 1](
  1453. - [Prince of Darkness](
  1454. - [The Autopsy of Jane Doe](
  1455. - [solarmoviez](
  1456. - [Analysis of Fight Club](
  1458. ## Music
  1459. TODO move this to music playlist file
  1461. - [Kurt Cobain's Top 50 Albums](
  1462. - [Nirvana - Paramount Live](
  1463. - [Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)](
  1464. - [joji - In Tongues](
  1465. - [Bill Callahan, Smog](
  1466. - [Radiohead - How to Disappear Completely](
  1467. - [Varsity - So Sad, So Sad](
  1468. - [Understanding Arctic Monkeys](
  1469. - [Nirvana Butchers "Smells Like Teen Spirit" On Purpose](
  1470. - [How Flea Plays Bass](
  1471. - [How Nirvana Writes A Chord Progression](
  1472. - [Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Doldrums](
  1474. # TODO
  1483. Bug-Bounties
  1484. BugCrowd - Easiest to use, begginer-friendly |
  1485. Google - Google's reward program for its apps |
  1487. Cryptography
  1488. Gary Kessler - A quick and meaty rundown on cryptography |
  1492. Courses
  1493. Cybrary - Plethore of free cybersecurity courses |
  1494. FSU Offensive Computer Security - All-in-one Red Team curriculum |
  1496. Free Shit for Students
  1497. GitHub - Boatload of credits for servers |
  1499. Link Lists
  1500. Awesome InfoSec - Large list of everything infosec |
  1501. Sectools - Ranked list of (popular) infosec tools |
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