Guest User


a guest
Jun 22nd, 2018
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text 33.72 KB | None | 0 0
  1. import discord
  2. import asyncio
  3. import random
  4. from discord.ext import commands
  5. import time
  7. chat_filter = ["TNC","VTNC", "VTC", "FDP", "VIADO", "VIADINHO", "MERDA", "CUZAO", "PUTA", "PIRANHA", "SAFADO", "PORRA", "PORR@", "VSF", "FUDER", "PQP", "PUTA"]
  8. bypass_list = []
  10. client = discord.Client()
  12. # default
  13. COR =0x690FC3
  14. msg_id = None
  15. msg_user = None
  17. @client.event
  18. async def on_member_remove(member):
  19. canal = client.get_channel("436999573488009226")
  20. msg = ":inbox_tray: {} => **Saiu do Servidor!**\n**Me Aguarde**, terá volta!".format(member.mention)
  21. await client.send_message(canal, msg) # substitua canal por member para enviar a msg no DM do membro
  23. @client.event
  24. async def on_member_join(member):
  25. canal = client.get_channel("436999573488009226")
  26. msg = ":inbox_tray: {} => **Entrou no Servidor!**\nSeja bem-vindo! - Converse conosco :)".format(member.mention)
  27. await client.send_message(canal, msg) # substitua canal por member para enviar a msg no DM do membro
  29. @client.event
  30. async def on_ready():
  31. print('Bot Online... Olá!')
  32. print(
  33. print(
  34. print('-----556------')
  35. await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=""))
  37. @client.event
  38. async def on_message(message):
  39. contents = message.content.split(" ") #contents is a list type
  40. for word in contents:
  41. if word.upper() in chat_filter:
  42. if not in bypass_list:
  43. try:
  44. await client.delete_message(message)
  45. msg = await client.send_message(, "**Hey!** Você não pode falar palavras de baixo calão!")
  46. await asyncio.sleep(2.5)
  47. await client.delete_message(msg)
  48. except discord.errors.NotFound:
  49. return
  51. if message.content.lower().startswith('.teste'):
  52. userID =
  53. await client.send_message(, '<@%s>, estou vivo, blz? é nois cachorro!' % (userID) )
  54. if message.content.lower().startswith('.cu'):
  55. await client.send_message(, '😍')
  56. if message.content.lower().startswith('.ajuda'):
  57. userID =
  58. await client.send_message(, '<@%s> Precisando de Ajuda? digite `.suporte`' % (userID) )
  59. if message.content.lower().startswith('.help'):
  60. userID =
  61. await client.send_message(, '<@%s> Precisando de Ajuda? digite `.suporte`' % (userID) )
  62. if message.content.startswith('.convidar'):
  63. await client.send_message(, "Me adicione com esse Link {}".format(discord.utils.oauth_url(
  65. if message.content.startswith('.perguntar'):
  66. args = message.content.split(" ")
  68. if len(args[1:]) < 1:
  69. # .pergunta aqui
  70. embed = discord.Embed(title="🤔 .perguntar", description="Veja se você está certo ou não ;)\n",
  71. color=0x3DF270)
  72. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas", icon_url=str(
  73. embed.add_field(name="💁‍ **Como Usar**", value="`.perguntar Sou bonito?`", inline=True)
  74. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  76. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  78. else:
  79. # .perguntar aqui
  80. choice = random.randint(1, 15)
  82. if choice == 1:
  83. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  84. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x3DF270)
  85. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  86. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Sim, e.e', inline=True)
  87. embed.set_image(
  88. url="")
  89. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  90. icon_url="")
  91. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  92. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  93. if choice == 2:
  94. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  95. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xDF013A)
  96. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  97. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Complicado ;(', inline=True)
  98. embed.set_image(
  99. url="")
  100. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  101. icon_url="")
  102. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  103. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  104. if choice == 3:
  105. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  106. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xDF3A01)
  107. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  108. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='nunca duvidei... ', inline=True)
  109. embed.set_image(
  110. url="")
  111. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  112. icon_url="")
  113. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  114. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  115. if choice == 4:
  116. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  117. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xFF4000)
  118. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  119. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='**LOL**, por essa eu não esperava', inline=True)
  120. embed.set_image(
  121. url="")
  122. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  123. icon_url="")
  124. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  125. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  126. if choice == 5:
  127. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  128. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xDF01D7)
  129. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  130. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Ele nunca me fude#', inline=True)
  131. embed.set_image(
  132. url="")
  133. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  134. icon_url="")
  135. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  136. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  137. if choice == 6:
  138. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  139. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x2E2EFE)
  140. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  141. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Não...ele é homem eu **acho**', inline=True)
  142. embed.set_image(
  143. url="")
  144. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  145. icon_url="")
  146. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  147. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  148. if choice == 7:
  149. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  150. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xFFFFFF)
  151. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  152. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Só sei que nada sei...', inline=True)
  153. embed.set_image(
  154. url="")
  155. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  156. icon_url="")
  157. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  158. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  159. if choice == 8:
  160. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  161. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x6E6E6E)
  162. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  163. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='Eu sou legal né? **ATA**', inline=True)
  164. embed.set_image(
  165. url="")
  166. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  167. icon_url="")
  168. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  169. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  170. if choice == 9:
  171. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  172. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x2E2E2E)
  173. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  174. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='vai ficar enxendo o saco mesmo?', inline=True)
  175. embed.set_image(
  176. url="")
  177. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  178. icon_url="")
  179. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  180. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  181. if choice == 10:
  182. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  183. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x6E6E6E)
  184. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  185. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='concordo plenamente em sua opinião', inline=True)
  186. embed.set_image(
  187. url="")
  188. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  189. icon_url="")
  190. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  191. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  192. if choice == 11:
  193. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  194. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x00FF00)
  195. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  196. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='vai dar certo!', inline=True)
  197. embed.set_image(
  198. url="")
  199. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  200. icon_url="")
  201. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  202. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  203. if choice == 12:
  204. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  205. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xFFFF00)
  206. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  207. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='isso q é **homem**...', inline=True)
  208. embed.set_image(
  209. url="")
  210. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  211. icon_url="")
  212. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  213. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  214. if choice == 13:
  215. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  216. embed = discord.Embed(color=0xACFA58)
  217. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  218. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='já disseram que você é doido?', inline=True)
  219. embed.set_image(
  220. url="")
  221. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  222. icon_url="")
  223. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  224. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  225. if choice == 14:
  226. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  227. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x151515)
  228. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  229. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='só sei que vai dar **B.O** e eu não quero ser **preso** :(', inline=True)
  230. embed.set_image(
  231. url="")
  232. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  233. icon_url="")
  234. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  235. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  236. if choice == 15:
  237. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  238. embed = discord.Embed(color=0x151515)
  239. embed.add_field(name="Pergunta ✏", value=msg, inline=True)
  240. embed.add_field(name="Resposta ❗", value='agora tá bom? <3', inline=True)
  241. embed.set_image(
  242. url="")
  243. embed.set_author(name="Perguntas e Respostas",
  244. icon_url="")
  245. embed.set_footer(text="Pedido por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  246. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  247. if message.content.startswith('.anunciar'):
  248. if not == "Dono":
  249. return await client.send_message(, "Sem permissão para executar o comando.")
  250. msg = str(message.content[9:])
  251. embed = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=0x3DF270, timestamp=message.timestamp)
  252. embed.set_author(name="Anúncio", icon_url="")
  253. embed.set_footer(text="Enviado por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  254. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '@here')
  255. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), embed=embed)
  256. if message.content.startswith('.changelog'):
  257. if not == "Dono":
  258. return await client.send_message(, "Sem permissão para executar o comando.")
  259. msg = str(message.content[10:])
  260. embed = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=0x3DF270, timestamp=message.timestamp)
  261. embed.set_author(name="ChangeLog", icon_url="")
  262. embed.set_footer(text="Enviado por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  263. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="459459762589794304"), embed=embed)
  265. if message.content.startswith('.suporte'):
  266. embed=discord.Embed(title="Suporte", description="Selecione a categoria que deseja receber as informações. Para selecionar a categoria, você precisa clicar no emoji que ela representa (nas reações desta mensagem).", color=0x3DF270)
  267. embed.add_field(name="Categorias", value="💳 : Loja\n📷 : Mídias\n❓ : Outros\n❗ : Comandos", inline=True)
  268. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556", icon_url="")
  269. msg = await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  270. await client.add_reaction(msg, "💳")
  271. await client.add_reaction(msg, "📷")
  272. await client.add_reaction(msg, "❓")
  273. await client.add_reaction(msg, "❗")
  274. msg2_id =
  275. bb =
  276. @client.event
  277. async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
  278. if reaction.emoji == "💳" and == msg2_id and ==
  279. await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
  280. #embed = discord.Embed(title="Loja - Clique Aqui", url="",
  281. # description="Loja com o Bot de Discord com **Promoção**!", color=0x3DF270)
  282. embed = discord.Embed(title="Loja - Em Breve", description="Loja com a venda do Bot Discord", color=0x3DF270)
  283. embed.set_author(name="Loja - Filipe556 ©", icon_url="")
  284. #embed.set_thumbnail(url="*OoXboCzk0gYvTNwNnV4S9A@2x.png")
  285. embed.add_field(name="Bot - Discord", value="R$12 - Até 5 Funções de Texto/Anúncios", inline=True)
  286. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556", icon_url="")
  287. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  289. # LOJA
  291. if reaction.emoji == "📷" and == msg2_id and ==
  292. await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
  293. embed = discord.Embed(title='Mídias Sociais',
  294. description="Contatos ;)\n\n", color=0x3DF270)
  295. embed.set_author(name="Filipe556 ©", icon_url="")
  296. embed.set_thumbnail(url="*OoXboCzk0gYvTNwNnV4S9A@2x.png")
  297. embed.add_field(name="Links", value="Twitter :\nSite :\nEmail :", inline=True)
  298. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556", icon_url="")
  299. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  301. ### OUTROS
  303. if reaction.emoji == "❓" and == msg2_id and ==
  304. await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
  305. embed = (discord.Embed(description="Desenvolvido por **Filipe556**", colour=0x3DF270))
  306. embed.set_author(name="Filipe556 ©‎",
  307. icon_url='')
  308. embed.add_field(name="🤔", value="Bot na Versão 0.9 **Alpha**")
  309. embed.add_field(name="😱", value="Disponível em breve...")
  310. embed.add_field(name="🙄",
  311. value="Estou **online** a {0} hora(s) e {1} minuto(s)".format(hour, minutes,
  312. message.server))
  313. embed.add_field(name="✉", value="Email: \nTwitter: @Filipe556_", inline=True)
  314. embed.add_field(name="Feito com muito ❤", value="Copyright 2018 © Filipe556", inline=True)
  315. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  316. icon_url="")
  317. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  319. if reaction.emoji == "❗" and == msg2_id and ==
  320. await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
  321. msg3 = discord.Embed(
  322. description='💳 : **.suporte** - Acesso a informações do Bot\n\n📷 : **.midias** - Redes Sociais do Criador do Bot\n\n❗ : **.comandos** - Lista atual\n\n❓ : **.outros** - Créditos do Bot :P\n\n❓ : **.perguntar** - Vamos brincar :) ',
  323. color=0x3DF270)
  324. msg3.set_author(name="Lista de Comandos:")
  325. msg3.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  326. icon_url="")
  327. await client.send_message(, embed=msg3)
  329. if message.content.startswith('.serverinfo'):
  330. serverinfo_embed = discord.Embed(title="\n", description="Abaixo está as informaçoes principais do servidor!",
  331. color=0x3DF270)
  332. serverinfo_embed.set_thumbnail(url=message.server.icon_url)
  333. serverinfo_embed.set_footer(, icon_url=client.user.avatar_url)
  334. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Nome:",, inline=True)
  335. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Dono:", value=message.server.owner.mention)
  336. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="ID:",, inline=True)
  337. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Cargos:", value=len(message.server.roles), inline=True)
  338. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Membros:", value=len(message.server.members), inline=True)
  339. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Criado em:", value=message.server.created_at.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"))
  340. serverinfo_embed.add_field(name="Região:", value=str(message.server.region).title())
  341. await client.send_message(, embed=serverinfo_embed)
  344. if message.content.startswith('.uptime'):
  345. await client.send_message(, "```Estou online a {0} hora(s) e {1} minuto(s)!```".format(hour, minutes, message.server))
  347. if message.content.startswith('.comandos'):
  348. msg3 = discord.Embed(
  349. description='💳 : **.suporte** - Acesso a informações do Bot\n\n📷 : **.midias** - Redes Sociais do Criador do Bot\n\n❗ : **.comandos** - Lista atual\n\n❓ : **.outros** - Créditos do Bot :P\n\n❓ : **.perguntar** - Vamos brincar :) ',
  350. color=0x3DF270)
  351. msg3.set_author(name="Lista de Comandos:")
  352. msg3.set_footer(text="Copyright 2018 © Filipe556")
  353. await client.send_message(, embed=msg3)
  355. if message.content.startswith('.midias'):
  356. social = discord.Embed(title='Mídias Sociais',
  357. description="Contatos ;)\n\n", color=0x3DF270)
  358. social.set_author(name="Filipe556 ©",
  359. icon_url="")
  360. social.set_thumbnail(url="*OoXboCzk0gYvTNwNnV4S9A@2x.png")
  361. social.add_field(name="Links",
  362. value="Twitter :\nSite :\nEmail :",
  363. inline=True)
  364. social.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  365. icon_url="")
  366. await client.send_message(, embed=social)
  368. if message.content.startswith('.outros'):
  369. msg3 = discord.Embed(
  370. description='📝 : **@Filipe556_** - Desenvolvedor Geral\n\n📝 : **@sirarantes** - Colaborador\n\n📝 : **Alef** - Testador\n\n',
  371. color=0x3DF270)
  372. msg3.set_author(name="Créditos:")
  373. msg3.set_footer(text="Copyright 2018 © Filipe556")
  374. await client.send_message(, embed=msg3)
  376. if message.content.lower().startswith(".ban"):
  377. try:
  378. #Vai verificar se quem usou o comando tem permissão de adm
  379. if not
  380. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Permissão insuficiente')
  381. author =
  382. user = message.mentions[0]
  383. motivo = message.content[27:]
  384. await client.ban(user)
  385. embed = (discord.Embed(description="Registro de Ban", colour=0x3DF270))
  386. embed.add_field(name="🤔 Nick", value=user)
  387. embed.add_field(name="😱 Banido por", value=str(
  388. embed.add_field(name="🙄 Motivo",
  389. value="{}.".format(motivo))
  390. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  391. icon_url="")
  392. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="459379483019837441"), embed=embed)
  393. except discord.errors.Forbidden:
  394. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Não posso banir o administrador :{}'.format(user.mention))
  396. if message.content.startswith('.mute'):
  397. args = message.content.split(" ")
  398. if not
  399. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Permissão insuficiente')
  400. if len(args[1:]) < 1:
  401. # .pergunta aqui
  402. embed = discord.Embed(title="🤔 .mute", description="Mute um Membro\n",
  403. color=0x3DF270)
  404. embed.add_field(name="💁‍ **Como Usar**", value="```.mute @Filipe556```", inline=True)
  405. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  406. icon_url="")
  407. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  408. else:
  409. # vai verificar se quem usou o comando possui permissão de adm
  410. if not
  411. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Permissão insuficiente')
  412. author =
  413. user = message.mentions[0]
  414. motivo = message.content[27:]
  415. """Lembrando que tem que ter o cargo mutado no seu server"""
  416. """Lembrando que vc tem que retirar todas permissões do cargo mutado"""
  417. cargo = discord.utils.get(, name='Mutado')
  418. await client.add_roles(user, cargo)
  419. embed = (discord.Embed(description="Registro de Mute", colour=0x3DF270))
  420. embed.add_field(name="🤔 Nick", value=user)
  421. embed.add_field(name="😱 Mutado por", value=str(
  422. embed.add_field(name="🙄 Motivo",
  423. value="{}.".format(motivo))
  424. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  425. icon_url="")
  426. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="459379483019837441"), embed=embed)
  428. if message.content.startswith('.unmute'):
  429. args = message.content.split(" ")
  430. if not
  431. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Permissão insuficiente')
  432. if len(args[1:]) < 1:
  433. # .pergunta aqui
  434. embed = discord.Embed(title="🤔 .unmute", description="Desmute um Membro\n",
  435. color=0x3DF270)
  436. # embed.set_author(name="Sistema de Mute", icon_url=str(
  437. embed.add_field(name="💁‍ **Como Usar**", value="```.unmute @Filipe556 Falta de Provas```", inline=True)
  438. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 WorldNetwork",
  439. icon_url="")
  440. await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
  441. else:
  442. # vai verificar se quem usou o comando possui permissão de adm
  443. if not
  444. return await client.send_message(, '⚠️Permissão insuficiente')
  445. author =
  446. user = message.mentions[0]
  447. motivo = message.content[29:]
  448. """Lembrando que tem que ter o cargo mutado no seu server"""
  449. cargo = discord.utils.get(, name='Mutado')
  450. await client.remove_roles(user, cargo)
  451. embed = (discord.Embed(description="Registro de Unmute", colour=0x3DF270))
  452. embed.add_field(name="🤔 Nick", value=user)
  453. embed.add_field(name="😱 Desmutado por", value=str(
  454. embed.add_field(name="🙄 Motivo",
  455. value="{}.".format(motivo))
  456. embed.set_footer(text="Copyright © 2018 Filipe556",
  457. icon_url="")
  458. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="459379483019837441"), embed=embed)
  460. if message.content.startswith('.votacao'):
  461. msg = str(message.content[9:])
  462. if not
  463. return await client.send_message(, "Sem permissão para executar o comando.")
  464. embed = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=0x3DF270)
  465. embed.set_author(name="Votação", icon_url="")
  466. embed.set_footer(text="Criada por " + str(, icon_url=str(
  467. votar = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="458058389189296130"), embed=embed)
  468. await client.add_reaction(votar, "✅")
  469. await client.add_reaction(votar, "⛔")
  470. await client.delete_message(message)
  471. h = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), 'Votação válida por 1 hora, @here')
  472. await asyncio.sleep(5400)
  473. a = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '`10 minutos restantes,` @here')
  474. await asyncio.sleep(596)
  475. await client.delete_message(h)
  476. b = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '`3 segundos restantes`')
  477. await asyncio.sleep(1)
  478. await client.delete_message(a)
  479. c = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '`2 segundos restantes`')
  480. await asyncio.sleep(1)
  481. await client.delete_message(b)
  482. d = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '`1 segundo restante`')
  483. await asyncio.sleep(1)
  484. await client.delete_message(c)
  485. e = await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="436999633722671109"), '`Votação Finalizada` @here')
  486. await asyncio.sleep(1)
  487. await client.delete_message(d)
  488. await asyncio.sleep(3)
  489. await client.delete_message(e)
  490. await client.send_message(discord.Object(id="458058389189296130"), 'Resultados :)')
  492. if message.content.startswith('.say'):
  493. if not
  494. return await client.send_message(, "Sem permissão para executar o comando.")
  495. botmsg = str(message.content[5:])
  496. msg1 = await client.send_message(, botmsg)
  497. await client.delete_message(message)
  498. await client.add_reaction(msg1, '👀')
  499. await client.add_reaction(msg1, '💯')
  500. await client.add_reaction(msg1, '🔔')
  502. async def tutorial_uptime():
  503. await client.wait_until_ready()
  504. global minutes
  505. minutes = 0
  506. global hour
  507. hour = 0
  508. while not client.is_closed:
  509. await asyncio.sleep(60)
  510. minutes += 1
  511. if minutes == 60:
  512. minutes = 0
  513. hour += 1
  515. client.loop.create_task(tutorial_uptime())
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