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- caption=SCP-3489 in containment
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- **Item #:** SCP-3489
- **Object Class:** Safe
- **Special Containment Procedures:**
- --SCP-3489 is to be stored in a standard safe-class object storage locker in Site-██. Staff wishing to perform tests with SCP-3489 must submit a written proposal describing all intended tests (including rationale for each) which must be approved by Dr. ███.--
- Update 07/██/201█: SCP-3489 is to be stored in a high-security object storage locker in Site-██, which requires no fewer than two keys to open. All testing involving SCP-3489 has been forbidden by O5 decree.
- **Description:**
- SCP-3489 is a black, gray, and brown braided bracelet with a silver pendant and clasp. Chemical tests have shown SCP-3489 to be comprised of non-anomalous materials, however it demonstrates shear strength and tensile strength at least 8 times greater than similar non-anomalous objects. The origin of its anomalous properties remains unknown.
- When worn, SCP-3489 will give the impression of ‘rewinding’ time by 4 to 7 minutes upon the death of the wearer. The wearer will retain any memories gained during the ‘rewound’ time, allowing them to effectively predict and avoid their cause of death. It is unknown whether or not SCP-3489 actually affects the passage of time, or if it merely gives the appearance of doing so. SCP-3489 will not 'rewind' to a time before the wearer was wearing the object - instead the wearer will simply die as normal.
- All outside observers do not retain any memories from this ‘rewound’ time. This makes it difficult to test the limits of SCP-3489, as only the wearer knows how many times it has activated.
- [[collapsible show="+ Addendum: Testing Logs" hide="- Hide Logs"]]
- **Researcher:** Dr. ███
- **Subject:** D-8826
- **Procedure:** D-8826 instructed to wear SCP-3489, and told that the test will be over once they learn and repeat the “secret passphrase”. Dr. ███ will inform D-8826 of the passphrase 6 minutes into the test, and terminate D-8826 using a standard-issue security handgun 10 minutes into the test.
- **Result:** D-8826 displayed signs of extreme confusion and distress at approximately 5 minutes into the test, and spoke the correct passphrase. Dr. ███ had not shared the passphrase at this time. D-8826 later described a “daydream” in which Dr. ███ had killed them with a handgun, as she had planned to do.
- **Notes:** //This has a lot of interesting potential. -Dr. ███//
- **Researcher:** Dr. ███
- **Subjects:** D-8827, D-8828, D-8829
- **Procedure:** Subjects placed in a locked testing chamber. D-8827 instructed to wear SCP-3489. D-8828 and D-8829 each outfitted with a standard-issue security handgun and a combat knife, and instructed to kill D-8827 after 5 minutes have elapsed.
- **Result:** D-8827 evades all shots fired by D-8828 and D-8829, incapacitates D-8829 by impacting D-8829’s head with the chamber wall, takes D-8829’s combat knife, and uses it to terminate D-8828 and D-8829. D-8827 was unscathed. Upon termination of D-8828 and D-8829, D-8827 enters a foetal position and demonstrates signs of extreme trauma. Interviews later determine that D-8827 underwent approximately 50 deaths before terminating the other test subjects.
- **Notes:** //It’s like a video game. Every time you die, you get to try again and again until you figure out how to not die. I can see this being an extremely useful tool for dangerous exploration missions. -Dr. ███//
- **Researcher:** Junior Researcher Murphy
- **Subject:** Junior Researcher Murphy
- **Procedure:** Subject equipped with a standard security-issue handgun. Subject wears SCP-3489, waits 5 minutes, then terminates themselves using the handgun.
- **Result:** Subject appears nervous for 22 seconds, then startles and makes a sound of distress.
- **Notes:** //On second thought, I probably should’ve gotten a D-class to do that one for me; I never thought dying would hurt so much. -Jr. Researcher Murphy//
- **Researcher:** Dr. ███
- **Subject:** D-3302
- **Procedure:** Subject instructed to wear SCP-3489 for 5 minutes before being placed in a locked testing chamber containing an automated anti-personnel gun, programmed to shoot any entities within view after a 5-minute grace period, mounted 8 meters from the floor.
- **Result:** D-3302 expresses nervousness at the presence of the gun for 34 seconds. Subject then becomes extremely agitated; they begin pulling their hair out, clawing at the walls, and screaming the phrase “please make it stop” 87 times. At 4 minutes 37 seconds, subject stops struggling and begins to sob. Subject then removes SCP-3489 from their wrist, sits on the floor of the chamber, and is terminated by the anti-personnel gun at 5 minutes.
- **Notes:** //I need a subject with a stronger will if I'm going to figure out this thing's limits. -Dr. ███//
- **Researcher:** Dr. ███
- **Subject:** D-3313, selected for having demonstrated extreme tenacity in previous tests with other SCP objects.
- **Procedure:** Identical to previous test, except the gun will be deactivated if the subject removes SCP-3489 from their wrist.
- **Result:** On the way to the testing chamber, D-3313 rapidly incapacitates and obtains a standard-issue security handgun from one of their armed escorts. Subject uses this weapon to terminate Dr. ███ as well as 3 other nearby personnel, evading all attempts at retaliation. Subject proceeds through Site-██ for 17 minutes, utilising suspected foreknowledge of personnel and camera locations to remain undetected. Lockdown procedure triggered when the corpses of Dr. ███ and nearby personnel are discovered by Junior Researcher Murphy. D-3313 eventually incapacitated when Junior Researcher Murphy delivers a blow to their head using a coffee pot from the on-site kitchen. SCP-3489 forcibly removed and subject terminated.
- **Notes:** //All further testing with SCP-3489 is hereby prohibited. If one untrained D-class can do this much just by wearing the bracelet, imagine what anyone more capable and sufficiently motivated could achieve. -O5-█//
- Following this event, containment procedures have been updated.
- [[/collapsible]]
- [[collapsible show="+ Addendum: Acquisition Log" hide="- Hide Log"]]
- SCP-3489 was discovered in a home located in ██████, CA after the Foundation received reports of several SWAT teams going missing when sent to the residence. A deceased woman (later identified by DNA testing to be Joyce ███████, a former spy for the U.S. government gone rogue) was found on a bed in the building. SCP-3489, along with a handwritten note, were discovered on a table beside the bed. A transcript of the note is recorded below.
- > Nobody believed me when I tried to tell them the truth. The shadowy organizations behind every government in the world, hiding fucked up creatures that make nightmares sound tame, doing horrendous things to convicts in the name of science. The world needs to know, but they don't //want// to.
- > Put this bracelet on, you'll need it. Then [DATA EXPUNGED]. Then you'll believe me. Maybe you can get the people to believe me too. Godspeed.
- The note described a procedure for infiltrating Site-19, including locations of all security cameras, timings for all guard rotations, and methods for accessing several Keter-class containment cells, all confirmed to be accurate as of ██/██/201█. No records of any security breaches of this nature have been recorded.
- A small jewellery box designed to contain a bracelet was discovered in a closet in the residence. Inside was a printed note reading "From Ian, with love". Research into the identity of "Ian" is ongoing.
- [[/collapsible]]
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