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Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. PS: This is only word of mouth so inaccuracy may occur.
  2. The play is much lighter compared to any stage show before it. Literally 2.5D Hanamaru. No human characters, no HRA, only swords shenanigans. The story is immediately after Jurakutei event where Chougi is in the Citadel and the entire first half is involved trying to hide both Manba's existence from each other. It involves many passive Chougi bullying, many caps been flipped. Practically everyone is in it except for the two. There are other minor plots like Mutsu trying to clean a storage, Gokotai trying to find something missing (no not tigers sadly, they aren't in this one). There was a scene where everyone is drunk, Jirou did an elegant dance and offer all the tantou booze. Gokotai goes comatose from a sip and must be carried out. Nyansen, who has been glorified citadel cat who scratches on to moving boxes in Mutsu's storage plotline, drank and immediately tried to hump a Chougi. Chougi met Manba after first half of the show, much Fake-kun was muttered. There was a competition plot, sparring competition between three teams. Manba schooled Chougi so hard he gone full mess. Manba tried to continue fight him when he is down but is stopped by Bushi. Gokotai found what he was after, which is an omamori looking thing, Bushi opens it and found acorns in it. Cue a Jiji talk, Manba after what happened, strengthen his resolve and went to Kiwame.
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