

Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. root@6f254745382a:/app# bundle exec derailed exec perf:stackprof
  2. Booting: production
  3. Endpoint: "/"
  4. /usr/local/bundle/gems/derailed_benchmarks-1.3.4/lib/derailed_benchmarks/tasks.rb:86: warning: already initialized constant DERAILED_APP
  5. /usr/local/bundle/gems/derailed_benchmarks-1.3.4/lib/derailed_benchmarks/tasks.rb:23: warning: previous definition of DERAILED_APP was here
  6. /usr/local/bundle/gems/derailed_benchmarks-1.3.4/lib/derailed_benchmarks/tasks.rb:137: warning: already initialized constant TEST_COUNT
  7. /usr/local/bundle/gems/derailed_benchmarks-1.3.4/lib/derailed_benchmarks/tasks.rb:66: warning: previous definition of TEST_COUNT was here
  8. user system total real
  9. 100 requests 1.090000 0.080000 1.190000 ( 1.226004)
  10. Running `stackprof tmp/2018-07-20T07:43:23+00:00-stackprof-cpu-myapp.dump`. Execute `stackprof --help` for more info
  11. ==================================
  12. Mode: cpu(1000)
  13. Samples: 1161 (0.26% miss rate)
  14. GC: 138 (11.89%)
  15. ==================================
  16. TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME
  17. 138 (11.9%) 138 (11.9%) (garbage collection)
  18. 38 (3.3%) 38 (3.3%) Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend#[]
  19. 36 (3.1%) 36 (3.1%) Logger::Formatter#format_datetime
  20. 32 (2.8%) 32 (2.8%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#initialize
  21. 30 (2.6%) 18 (1.6%) Logger::LogDevice#write
  22. 31 (2.7%) 18 (1.6%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#safe_concat
  23. 18 (1.6%) 18 (1.6%) IO#read_nonblock
  24. 16 (1.4%) 16 (1.4%) IO#write_nonblock
  25. 17 (1.5%) 16 (1.4%) ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder#tag_option
  26. 54 (4.7%) 15 (1.3%) Logger::Formatter#call
  27. 15 (1.3%) 15 (1.3%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#html_safe?
  28. 14 (1.2%) 14 (1.2%) Nokogiri::XML::Document#initialize
  29. 14 (1.2%) 14 (1.2%) ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry#instance
  30. 11 (0.9%) 11 (0.9%) block (2 levels) in url_helpers
  31. 11 (0.9%) 11 (0.9%) ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event#initialize
  32. 13 (1.1%) 10 (0.9%) ActionController::UrlFor#url_options
  33. 10 (0.9%) 10 (0.9%) Rack::Request::Env#get_header
  34. 11 (0.9%) 10 (0.9%) Nokogiri::XML::Node#write_to
  35. 27 (2.3%) 9 (0.8%) Redis::Connection::SocketMixin#_read_from_socket
  36. 9 (0.8%) 9 (0.8%) ActionDispatch::Journey::Format#evaluate
  37. 9 (0.8%) 9 (0.8%) ActionView::PartialRenderer#retrieve_variable
  38. 9 (0.8%) 9 (0.8%) block (4 levels) in class_attribute
  39. 10 (0.9%) 9 (0.8%) ActionView::LogSubscriber#from_rails_root
  40. 20 (1.7%) 8 (0.7%) ActionDispatch::Journey::GTG::Builder#transition_table
  41. 8 (0.7%) 8 (0.7%) Set#include?
  42. 9 (0.8%) 8 (0.7%) block (2 levels) in class_attribute
  43. 7 (0.6%) 7 (0.6%) MonitorMixin#mon_enter
  44. 7 (0.6%) 7 (0.6%) ActiveSupport::Configurable#config
  45. 6 (0.5%) 6 (0.5%) MonitorMixin#mon_enter
  46. 661 (56.9%) 6 (0.5%) ActionView::AbstractRenderer#instrument
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