
Jian - The Water Temple

Jan 31st, 2014
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  1. [06:28] <Jian> ...Many hours, many scrolls and many tentative spells later, Jian walks through the early evening air towards the Water Temple. He wanted to see how Rei was doing... And perhaps have the Water Mentor look at his arm. Just to be sure. He glances down at the fresh bandage on his left palm. He could ask about that... But he felt like he already knew the answer.
  2. [06:34] <Deedles> As he approached the Temple he could see something on the left side of the temple, floating on the lake surrounding the sides and back of it.
  3. [06:35] <Jian> Jian changes course, heading towards the lake and peering at this new presence...
  4. [06:36] <Deedles> As he gets closer he can see that it's Reisuki, sat cross-legged over the water, close to the edge of the lake. Her back is turned to him, her hands resting in front of her.
  5. [06:37] <Jian> Jian walks to the edge of the lake and then pauses, letting his senses extend out over the lake, sensing the girl and her Chi.
  6. [06:45] <Deedles> It's calm and moving slowly, focused at her feet and legs even though it streams through her whole body and the lake below, the chi of the girl and of the massive pool of water flowing in harmony.
  7. [06:45] <Jian> Jian speaks, then, loud enough for her to hear. "...Your Chi is beautiful, Rei."
  8. [06:47] <Deedles> Rei's eyes open, Jian can sense by the way her head rises slightly "... Thank you, Jian." she replies, a tranquil smile on her face, before she slowly begins to stand, turning around to walk back towards the shore.
  9. [06:49] <Jian> Jian is more focused on her Chi than on the water, watching as it ripples and flows between her and the lake beneath her. "...It is so different from how I was taught... Metal Chi is forged, refined and compressed, made into a sharp blade or a shield, or armour, utterly focused and direct... Your Chi seems to flow through all things, expansive and endless."
  10. [06:53] <Deedles> "Like all water is." Rei replies with a soft smile as she joins him on the shore, her hands clasped behind her. "It flows through all things, always changing, and yet remaining the same."
  11. [06:55] <Jian> "Metal can flow, when it is fresh from the fire... But you only have a few moments to change it, before it settles into a final shape. Sharp, bright steel... I think it is beautiful. But it is refreshing to see beauty in other things. Is that your meditation?" He gestures to where she was on the surface of the lake.
  12. [06:56] <Deedles> "Yeah, it was something Master Ziulong instructed me to do..." Reisuki says as she turns back to look out over the lake "... He's an interesting one."
  13. [06:56] <Jian> "I was coming by to ask how you were finding it here." He smiles. "It sounds like it is going well."
  14. [06:57] <Deedles> "It's been nice so far. He doesn't say much, but he doesn't need to. His teaching just ... flows." Rei says with a slight laugh.
  15. [07:00] <Jian> "Is the Master available? He was my doctor, when I was growing up here... I could use a checkup."
  16. [07:05] <Deedles> "He should be inside." Reisuki tells him
  17. [07:05] <Jian> He nods to her. "Thank you. I'll leave you to your meditation... But perhaps we could talk, afterwards?"
  18. [07:06] <Deedles> "I'm done for now, but I don't mind waiting, I like this place." She admits with a smile
  19. [07:08] <Jian> He nods. "It is tranquil. I will see you later, then." He turns and moves on into the temple... Slightly nervous, it must be said.
  20. [07:08] <Deedles> Inside he finds the main hall of the temple empty, so Ziulong must be somewhere in the back
  21. [07:09] <Jian> He walks with a respectfully slow pace, each footfall loud to announce his presence. "...Master Ziulong?"
  22. [07:11] <Deedles> He sees a hand pop out from the medical office, gesturing for him to come that way.
  23. [07:11] <Jian> Jian makes his way over quickly. "...I am sorry to trouble you so late. I was hoping I could get some, ah, medical advice?"
  24. [07:13] <Deedles> Ziulong waves a hand a him as if to dismiss the apology before pointing at the bed "Sit." he says without even looking at the swordsman, currently nose-deep in a book of some sorts.
  25. [07:14] <Jian> Jian nods, moving over and rolling up his right sleeve, revealing the line between old and new flesh. "...I lost my arm, and had it regrown by a Seed of Renewal. Mingxia, ah, The Heir, was the one who administered it, but I wanted to be sure the effects had run their course without issue."
  26. [07:15] <Deedles> Ziulong instantly looks up from the book, snapping it shut as he peers down at Jian's arm. He kneels down and runs his fingers across the pale skin with an intrigued look on his face.
  27. [07:16] <Jian> Jian stays quiet as the doctor makes his inspection...
  28. [07:31] <Deedles> He emits a hum of thought "... Interesting..." he mutters as he moves away and up to one of the shelves, grabbing a book that he begins flicking through.
  29. [07:32] <Jian> "...Is anything wrong?"
  30. [07:33] <Deedles> "No." he answers simply as he continues to look through the book until he suddenly stops, finding the page he was looking for.
  31. [07:34] <Jian> ...Jian goes quiet again. But he can't help looking a little worried.
  32. [07:35] <Deedles> "Hmm..." Ziulong puts the book to the side as he moves over to Jian again, checking a few different pressure points before he concludes, calmly. "You're fine."
  33. [07:37] <Jian> He breathes a sigh of relief. "I am glad. I was worried my..." He glances at the master, and sigh softly. "...My body harbouring Corrupt Chi could have disturbed it... I think it's causing this." He moves to unwrap the bandage on his left hand, revealing a livid wound that looks so fresh it could have been cut only moments before. "...It's been like this for more than two weeks."
  34. [07:38] <Deedles> Ziulong grips his hand and looks at the wound "Corrupt chi festers in it." he tells the swordsman plainly
  35. [07:39] <Jian> He nods. "I tried cleansing it... But more came, from within." He sighs again, rewrapping the bandage and closing the fist around it. "...I've gotten used to the pain. But it will never heal?"
  36. [07:40] <Deedles> "If you never use corrupt chi again it might." The Water Mentor tells him as he picks up the book he'd gotten and puts it back in its place.
  37. [07:40] <Jian> Jian nods. "...Maybe I will be able to do that. Maybe not. Thank you, Doctor." He gives the man a nod. "...And thank you for looking after Reisuki."
  38. [07:41] <Deedles> Ziulong glances at Jian before looking up at the ceiling "... Interesting..." he mutters again
  39. [07:42] <Jian> "...What is?"
  40. [07:44] <Deedles> Ziulong shrugs, but doesn't reply, lifting the book he'd originally been reading when Jian arrived again.
  41. [07:44] <Jian> "...Very well. I will, ah, probably see you again before we leave." He stands, giving the Water Mentor a bow, and then moves to leave.
  42. [07:48] <Deedles> Ziulong bows in return before Jian leaves¨
  43. [17:59] <Earthflame> As he leaves the temple, Jian glances around for Rei.
  44. [18:02] <@Deedles> Reisuki is sat by the edge of the lake, arms behind her as she props herself up on them.
  45. [18:02] <Earthflame> Jian walks over, sitting down beside her with a smile. "Thank you for waiting."
  46. [18:04] <@Deedles> "Anytime... This is a nice place, but I feel rather out of place when I'm not with you, Yoshi, Shen or Ming." Rei admits as she glances at him, before looking out over the lake again.
  47. [18:06] <Earthflame> Jian sighs a little at that. "...It may seem strange, but I have felt out of place since we have arrived here."
  48. [18:10] <@Deedles> Rei chuckles slightly "That's not strange at all. I would be surprised if any of you don't feel that way."
  49. [18:11] <Earthflame> "Perhaps, after seeing the world below..." He lets a hand fall, touching the surface of the lake with his fingertips. "...I still fear what I brought back with me."
  50. [18:23] <@Deedles> "Don't fear it, but be cautious..." Reisuki tells him as she lays a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
  51. [18:24] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "I wonder... What makes blood different from water?"
  52. [18:28] <@Deedles> "It's thicker, for one." She says with a faint laugh "And water holds no iron." she adds with a shrug "They're both fluids, and holders of life, but in very different ways."
  53. [18:31] <Earthflame> He nods. "I am still trying to get used to it... I had always known that my nature was that of a sword. That steel and the edge of a blade would be how I live my life... But does this mean there is the corruption inherent in the concept of a sword? That every weapon that sheds blood is touched by darkness?"
  54. [18:39] <@Deedles> Rei looks up at the sky as she looks thoughtful "We had a legend back in Opheria..." she begins to say, her eyes turning distant as she finds herself delving into a memory. "A spirit of darkness, Juo, was tormenting the mortals of the nation, and while the other spirits tried to stop him none of them were ready to kill him, until a spirit of Light, Kala, had enough
  55. [18:39] <@Deedles> of the Juo's wicked ways. He fought and slew Juo, but upon doing so he was stained by Juo's blood. The moral of the story is that sometimes we do dark deeds because we have to. It may stain us, but that is only because there needs to be a balance. Light cannot survive without dark." she turns to him as she speaks, looking serious and a bit sad,
  56. [18:44] <Earthflame> Jian nods slowly, contemplating. "...Perhaps that is my fate. To carry the stain." He chuckles. "My mentor did name me the Yin Yang Blade. That which contains both light and shadow."
  57. [18:45] <@Deedles> "People think that darkness is bad and light is good, but that isn't entirely true." Rei states softly
  58. [18:47] <Earthflame> He nods at that. "The summer sun can be harsh and painful, tiring the mind and body... And the night can be warm and soothing, washing away the aches of the day."
  59. [18:48] <@Deedles> "And Light can be too absolute, too merciless in its judgement." She continues, leaning forward slightly as she rests her arms across her knees.
  60. [18:51] <Earthflame> Jian frowns. "...We met Shen's father today. He looked at me like I was scum."
  61. [18:57] <@Deedles> Reisuki actually chuckles "That Rending Thunder guy? He reminds me of my Master..." she admits with a sad smile.
  62. [18:57] <Earthflame> Jian gives her a curious glance. "How?"
  63. [18:58] <@Deedles> "He was also stern and uptight... Somewhat judgemental, but he had his reasons." She replies softly
  64. [19:00] <Earthflame> He frowns. "...You mean, before? Your master in Opheria?"
  65. [19:00] <@Deedles> "Yeah..."
  66. [19:01] <Earthflame> He reaches across to squeeze her shoulder, unsure what to say.
  67. [19:02] <@Deedles> "Whatever he said I don't think you should take it personally." Rei advices him in a quiet tone
  68. [19:04] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "I am trying not to... My teacher and Taishin both told me to keep a hold on anger. It is... Difficult."
  69. [19:05] <@Deedles> "People like him often don't say things because they're trying to insult you personally, they're just jaded and suspicious."
  70. [19:06] <Earthflame> "Were you not trusted?"
  71. [19:11] <@Deedles> "Of course I were, but he was still the same type of man. He was a hard ass, everything I did could be done better. He was harsh, but I appreciate it as it made me stronger in the end." Reisuki says with a faint smile.
  72. [19:13] <Earthflame> Jian chuckles. "...Reminds me of my mother. It was strange, when I came home... She was more gentle than I ever remembered."
  73. [19:15] <@Deedles> "She probably missed and worried about you... and the fact that you made it back proves that you are strong." Rei muses as she looks thoughtful
  74. [19:17] <Earthflame> Jian smiles at that. "...She spent every day training me to be strong. But when it came down to it... She didn't want to tell me the name of the man who killed my father. She was worried about me."
  75. [19:19] <@Deedles> Reisuki nods slowly "Yeah... Sounds like it." she agrees as she lays down on her back to stare up at the sky.
  76. [19:22] <Earthflame> He pauses again, looking at her. "I'm sorry... Talking about home, about family... It must be painful for you."
  77. [19:23] <@Deedles> She ponders on that "Yeah... A bit, but... I haven't had much chance to speak about it all since it happened." she confesses
  78. [19:25] <Earthflame> "...I would like to hear about it. If you want to talk." He says, a little uncertainly, as he lies back alongside her.
  79. [19:26] <@Deedles> Rei hesitates, not so much because she didn't wish to speak of it, but because she simply wasn't sure where to start "I... I just miss it. My parents, my siblings..." she murmurs, closing her eyes as she feels them sting.
  80. [19:26] <Earthflame> He reaches across again, resting his hand against her shoulder, but not saying a word...
  81. [19:28] <@Deedles> She stiffens slightly at his touch, but she doesn't push his hand away, instead she continues. "My parents fought bravely, as did my older brother, while I was in charge of getting my younger siblings out of there..."
  82. [19:29] <Earthflame> Jian closes his eyes, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze as he lets the word paint images in his mind... Dark visions of a past that cannot be changed.
  83. [19:33] <@Deedles> Rei sighs silently "They fell, they all fell. I tried to fight, but... somehow they got one of my younger sisters and if I fought they would... So I stood down, but th-they still..." she shifts away from him, sitting up with her back facing him as she hugs her own legs tightly.
  84. [19:37] <Earthflame> Jian rises slowly, hand reaching for her shoulder but then stopping. "...Monsters."
  85. [19:39] <@Deedles> "I tried to stop them, but Katashi got in the way... I didn't stand a chance..."
  86. [19:41] <Earthflame> "...When faced with a superior opponent, fuelled by Corrupt Chi... One would always feel powerless..." His voice is strained, holding back the anger, and his fingertips lightly come to rest on her shoulder again.
  87. [19:42] <@Deedles> She doesn't stiffen that time, she doesn't react to his touch at all, completely consumed by the memories she's reliving. She bites her lower lip, tears streaming down her face as she keeps it turned away from him.
  88. [19:43] <Earthflame> "...Rei." Jian reaches forward, a hand on each shoulder, squeezing them as he kneels behind her.
  89. [19:46] <@Deedles> She sits like that for a moment before she turns around and hugs him tightly, burrying her face in his shoulder. She didn't say another word, she didn't want to.
  90. [19:46] <Earthflame> Jian, for once, responds quickly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and squeezing tightly.
  91. [19:47] <@Deedles> Reisuki bites her lower lip as her shoulders twitch from her surpressed sobs, trying to get her emotions under control again. "S-sorry..."
  92. [19:48] <Earthflame> "Why?" He asks softly, still holding her. "You have done nothing wrong, Rei... Everyone needs to cry, sometimes."
  93. [19:49] <@Deedles> "I g-got so good ... at keeping it in... it almost feels wrong... to show it now." Rei replies between deep breaths.
  94. [19:50] <Earthflame> "Suppressed emotions can explode violently... I know from experience." He murmurs, but he mostly focuses on squeezing her tightly.
  95. [19:52] <@Deedles> She grips onto the back of his robe, pressing her forehead against his shoulder "T-thank you..."
  96. [19:53] <Earthflame> He rubs her back. "You are my friend, Rei. You don't need to..." He sounds a little awkward at that, but he's trying his best.
  97. [19:55] <@Deedles> Her hold of him tightens as she nods, showing him she understood what he was trying to say anyway.
  98. [19:55] <Earthflame> "But... If I may, I would ask something of you...?"
  99. [20:00] <@Deedles> "S-sure..." she replies breathlessly
  100. [20:02] <Earthflame> "...Perhaps not now, but another time... I would like to hear more about your home, and your family. Not how they ended... But how they lived their lives. How it was before the Corrupt arrived... I wish to remember them, as much as I can. A people such as that should not be forgotten... Their loss is yet another failure of this country, to prevent the Corruption growing stronger and more far reaching."
  101. [20:09] <Deedles> Reisuki is quiet for a while before she answers "Yes... Maybe..." not seeming entirely sure what she wants, her mind being in an uproar as it was already.
  102. [20:11] <Deedles> Reisuki is quiet for a while before she answers "Yes... Maybe..." not seeming entirely sure what she wants, her mind being in an uproar as it was already.
  103. [20:13] <Earthflame> "Not now..." Jian speaks softly again, holding her close.
  104. [20:14] <Deedles> She snuggles closer and nods "Okay..." she goes quiet again, just remaining there. Somewhere in her subconscious she admitted that being close to someone without feeling repulsed felt nice...
  105. [20:17] <Earthflame> Jian closes his eyes a moment, and then speaks softly. "...Shen, Yoshi and I have a long journey ahead of us, Rei... We can't be sure where it will take us, or how long it will be. I know you can take care of yourself... But when we return to Haizhou, I'll send word to Jinlong. If you wish to be there, when we tear down the Corrupt and free the town from their influence... You have more
  106. [20:17] <Earthflame> right than any of us."
  107. [20:19] <Deedles> Reisuki nods slowly "Thank you..." she says, her eyes sliding close as she rests against him.
  108. [20:19] <Earthflame> He raises a hand to stroke her hair. "...I'm glad you didn't have to cut it."
  109. [20:25] <Deedles> She stiffens, but only for the briefest of moments before she nods again "So... so am I..." she replies quietly.
  110. [20:27] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "...I'm glad you've found a measure of peace, Rei... And when we save this country together, I'm sure we can put the old ghosts to rest..."
  111. [20:42] <Deedles> "I would really like that..." Rei admits, lifting her face slightly so she can look up at him, returning his smile weakly.
  112. [20:42] <Earthflame> "And... Perhaps after it's all over... We'll return to Opheria. I know they left nothing of what it was... But call it a pilgrimage, to appease your heart."
  113. [20:43] <Deedles> Her smile fades as she looks thoughtful "Maybe..." she says quietly
  114. [20:43] <Earthflame> He rubs her back. "Who knows... Maybe it could be resettled, and begun anew."
  115. [20:46] <Deedles> Reisuki shakes her head, but doesn't say anything, silent tears creeping down her cheeks.
  116. [20:46] <Earthflame> Jian stops talking, and starts hugging again.
  117. [20:46] <Deedles> She hugs him back, curling up slightly as she calm downs a bit.
  118. [20:47] <Earthflame> Jian just lets the hug go on, as evening fades away in the background...
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