
BlackXanthus, Christian, and their poor integrity

Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. 3:27:53 PM+LowInformationVoterWhat should I do when a Christian operator attacks me repeatedly in PM?
  2. 3:28:34 PM@BlackXanthusdid I miss Homosexuality hour?
  3. 3:29:17 PM+RenaissanceManBlackXanthus: No. I think it must be coming up. <checks the schedule>
  4. 3:29:18 PM+mugz!kjv heb 1:9
  5. 3:29:30 PM* mugz has returned
  6. 3:29:33 PM+LowInformationVoterChristianity is not a successful system when it comes to sexuality.
  7. 3:29:40 PM+RenaissanceManBlackXanthus: The schedule says EVERY hour is homosexuality hour. So you're right on time.
  8. 3:29:57 PM@BlackXanthusRenaissanceMan: though it is likely replaced with "Trump is great/MAGA" hour, especially as the pressure increases for him to be a president of note.
  9. 3:30:13 PM+LowInformationVoterEvangelica support for Trump is at an all time high.
  10. 3:30:14 PM@BlackXanthusRenaissanceMan: You are too cynical for this place. This is a place of light and joy.
  11. 3:30:18 PM+LowInformationVoterTherefore, American Christianity is broken.
  12. 3:30:20 PM+mugzPM is like Las Vegas :)
  13. 3:30:33 PM+mugzwhat happens in PM stays in PM
  14. 3:30:52 PM+LowInformationVoterBlackXanthus: As an operator in this channel, are you concerned with your fellow Christian operators attacking chatters repeatedly in PM?
  15. 3:31:41 PM@BlackXanthusLowInformationVoter: I don't talk about fellow opearators in channel. If you have an issue with an operator, you can take it up with them. If that doesn't work, you can escalate it by talking in the ops channel, and from there to the SOPs.
  16. 3:32:00 PM+LowInformationVoterBlackXanthus: I attempted to talk to the operator. They denied the reality.
  17. 3:32:11 PM+Thacker-hmm, light and joy... the traditional definition for that was "gay"
  18. 3:32:11 PM+RenaissanceManBlackXanthus: You may be right. Although perhaps not incurably so. I didn't get a chance to compliment you on your defense of moderate christianity the last time I saw you in channel.
  19. 3:32:13 PM+LowInformationVoterI presented the log of the PM conversation.
  20. 3:32:31 PM@BlackXanthusRenaissanceMan: why thank you. I do my best.
  21. 3:32:52 PM@BlackXanthusLowInformationVoter: again, the mail part of the channel is not the part for this.
  22. 3:33:16 PM+Thacker-see, light and joy now is measured in how much one can kiss another's posterior, there is some comminality I guess
  23. 3:33:17 PM+LowInformationVoterBlackXanthus: Do you think the pattern of operators in this channel not holding their abusive counterparts to account is sociologically/cognitively the same phenomenon as the shuffling of priests in the Catholic church accussed of sexual misconduct against children?
  24. 3:33:33 PM+LowInformationVoterI think it is.
  25. 3:33:36 PM@BlackXanthusLowInformationVoter: move on.
  26. 3:33:44 PM Ignoring BlackXanthus!*@*
  27. 3:33:56 PM+Thacker-hey LowInformationVoter
  28. 3:34:08 PM+LowInformationVoterBlackXanthus: I ended my conversation with you for my perception of you having low integrity.
  29. 3:34:50 PM+LowInformationVoterFor the record, "don't talk about fellow operators in channel", but you do give commands to non-operators interested in discussing the connections between sin in our own house v. sin in Christianity at large.
  30. 3:35:00 PM← XaKep has left (Leaving)
  31. 3:35:19 PM+LowInformationVoterThe answer is, yes, the phenomenon is the same, sociologically and cognitively.
  32. 3:35:27 PM+LowInformationVoterThat phenomenon is known as factionalism.
  33. 3:35:38 PM[Thacker-]dude, you are right here, re BlackXanthus... but its not going to end well :)
  34. 3:35:51 PMⓘ BlackXanthus set mode -v LowInformationVoter
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