
Jeff Dove

Sep 29th, 2015
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  1. Saddam Najail: kladsso: question for you siu scum
  2. Saddam Najail: ?
  3. kladsso: how can you tell who is on duty without metagaming
  4. Saddam Najail: well you corrupt shit, we go on the roster of who's on duty and check it with the GPS locations on the map
  5. kladsso: LOL
  6. kladsso: what roster
  7. Saddam Najail: the one that is labeled "team" on the map
  8. kladsso: can it be used as evidence?
  9. Saddam Najail: yeah, why]
  10. kladsso: well thats bullshit, i cant even be corrupt without getting caught
  11. kladsso: like theres no way to get away with it
  12. Saddam Najail: pretty much
  13. kladsso: goddamnit you sneaky shits
  14. Saddam Najail: how bout dont sell guns, not like u have any civ friends anymore on here and money is easy af to get
  15. kladsso: im not gonna sell guns
  16. kladsso: im going to kill all of you
  17. Saddam Najail: wow, douche
  18. kladsso: but obviously i wont be able to get away with it
  19. kladsso: well that sux
  20. kladsso: what if i RP that I went offline :D
  21. kladsso: this is all out of character you shit
  22. Saddam Najail: ofcourse, i mean idk what u gain, i guess ur just bored
  23. kladsso: yes
  24. kladsso: is there any other way you could possibly imagine?
  25. kladsso: because im about to ruin your worlds
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