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a guest
Dec 29th, 2018
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  1. [ Balloons {
  2. dataValues:
  3. { id: 1,
  4. size: 'large',
  5. color: 'red',
  6. createdAt: 2018-12-29T05:48:38.000Z,
  7. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T05:48:38.000Z },
  8. _previousDataValues:
  9. { id: 1,
  10. size: 'large',
  11. color: 'red',
  12. createdAt: 2018-12-29T05:48:38.000Z,
  13. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T05:48:38.000Z },
  14. _changed: {},
  15. _modelOptions:
  16. { timestamps: true,
  17. validate: {},
  18. freezeTableName: false,
  19. underscored: false,
  20. underscoredAll: false,
  21. paranoid: false,
  22. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  23. whereCollection: null,
  24. schema: null,
  25. schemaDelimiter: '',
  26. defaultScope: {},
  27. scopes: [],
  28. indexes: [],
  29. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  30. omitNull: false,
  31. sequelize:
  32. Sequelize {
  33. options:
  34. { dialect: 'mysql',
  35. dialectModulePath: null,
  36. host: 'localhost',
  37. protocol: 'tcp',
  38. define: {},
  39. query: {},
  40. sync: {},
  41. timezone: '+00:00',
  42. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  43. omitNull: false,
  44. native: false,
  45. replication: false,
  46. ssl: undefined,
  47. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  48. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  49. hooks: {},
  50. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  51. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  52. isolationLevel: null,
  53. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  54. typeValidation: false,
  55. benchmark: false,
  56. operatorsAliases: false },
  57. config:
  58. { database: 'lbry',
  59. username: 'root',
  60. password: 'abcd1234',
  61. host: 'localhost',
  62. port: 3306,
  63. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  64. protocol: 'tcp',
  65. native: false,
  66. ssl: undefined,
  67. replication: false,
  68. dialectModulePath: null,
  69. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  70. dialectOptions: undefined },
  71. dialect:
  72. MysqlDialect {
  73. sequelize: [Circular],
  74. connectionManager:
  75. ConnectionManager {
  76. sequelize: [Circular],
  77. config:
  78. { database: 'lbry',
  79. username: 'root',
  80. password: 'abcd1234',
  81. host: 'localhost',
  82. port: undefined,
  83. pool:
  84. { max: 5,
  85. min: 0,
  86. acquire: 30000,
  87. idle: 10000,
  88. evict: 10000,
  89. handleDisconnects: true,
  90. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  91. Promise:
  92. { [Function: Promise]
  93. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  94. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  95. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  96. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  97. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  98. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  99. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  100. _peekContext: [Function],
  101. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  102. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  103. longStackTraces: [Function],
  104. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  105. config: [Function],
  106. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  107. is: [Function],
  108. fromCallback: [Function],
  109. fromNode: [Function],
  110. all: [Function],
  111. cast: [Function],
  112. fulfilled: [Function],
  113. resolve: [Function],
  114. rejected: [Function],
  115. reject: [Function],
  116. setScheduler: [Function],
  117. pending: [Function],
  118. defer: [Function],
  119. method: [Function],
  120. try: [Function],
  121. attempt: [Function],
  122. bind: [Function],
  123. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  124. join: [Function],
  125. Promise: [Circular],
  126. version: '3.5.3',
  127. map: [Function],
  128. using: [Function],
  129. delay: [Function],
  130. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  131. spawn: [Function],
  132. promisify: [Function],
  133. promisifyAll: [Function],
  134. props: [Function],
  135. race: [Function],
  136. reduce: [Function],
  137. settle: [Function],
  138. some: [Function],
  139. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  140. filter: [Function],
  141. each: [Function],
  142. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  143. any: [Function],
  144. default: [Circular] } },
  145. protocol: 'tcp',
  146. native: false,
  147. ssl: undefined,
  148. replication: false,
  149. dialectModulePath: null,
  150. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  151. dialectOptions: undefined },
  152. dialect: [Circular],
  153. versionPromise: null,
  154. dialectName: 'mysql',
  155. pool:
  156. Pool {
  157. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  158. _eventsCount: 0,
  159. _maxListeners: undefined,
  160. _config:
  161. PoolOptions {
  162. fifo: true,
  163. priorityRange: 1,
  164. testOnBorrow: true,
  165. testOnReturn: false,
  166. autostart: false,
  167. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  168. max: 5,
  169. min: 0,
  170. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  171. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  172. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  173. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  174. Promise:
  175. { [Function: Promise]
  176. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  177. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  178. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  179. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  180. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  181. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  182. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  183. _peekContext: [Function],
  184. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  185. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  186. longStackTraces: [Function],
  187. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  188. config: [Function],
  189. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  190. is: [Function],
  191. fromCallback: [Function],
  192. fromNode: [Function],
  193. all: [Function],
  194. cast: [Function],
  195. fulfilled: [Function],
  196. resolve: [Function],
  197. rejected: [Function],
  198. reject: [Function],
  199. setScheduler: [Function],
  200. pending: [Function],
  201. defer: [Function],
  202. method: [Function],
  203. try: [Function],
  204. attempt: [Function],
  205. bind: [Function],
  206. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  207. join: [Function],
  208. Promise: [Circular],
  209. version: '3.5.3',
  210. map: [Function],
  211. using: [Function],
  212. delay: [Function],
  213. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  214. spawn: [Function],
  215. promisify: [Function],
  216. promisifyAll: [Function],
  217. props: [Function],
  218. race: [Function],
  219. reduce: [Function],
  220. settle: [Function],
  221. some: [Function],
  222. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  223. filter: [Function],
  224. each: [Function],
  225. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  226. any: [Function],
  227. default: [Circular] } },
  228. _Promise:
  229. { [Function: Promise]
  230. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  231. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  232. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  233. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  234. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  235. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  236. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  237. _peekContext: [Function],
  238. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  239. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  240. longStackTraces: [Function],
  241. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  242. config: [Function],
  243. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  244. is: [Function],
  245. fromCallback: [Function],
  246. fromNode: [Function],
  247. all: [Function],
  248. cast: [Function],
  249. fulfilled: [Function],
  250. resolve: [Function],
  251. rejected: [Function],
  252. reject: [Function],
  253. setScheduler: [Function],
  254. pending: [Function],
  255. defer: [Function],
  256. method: [Function],
  257. try: [Function],
  258. attempt: [Function],
  259. bind: [Function],
  260. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  261. join: [Function],
  262. Promise: [Circular],
  263. version: '3.5.3',
  264. map: [Function],
  265. using: [Function],
  266. delay: [Function],
  267. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  268. spawn: [Function],
  269. promisify: [Function],
  270. promisifyAll: [Function],
  271. props: [Function],
  272. race: [Function],
  273. reduce: [Function],
  274. settle: [Function],
  275. some: [Function],
  276. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  277. filter: [Function],
  278. each: [Function],
  279. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  280. any: [Function],
  281. default: [Circular] },
  282. _factory:
  283. { create: [Function: create],
  284. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  285. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  286. _draining: false,
  287. _started: true,
  288. _waitingClientsQueue:
  289. PriorityQueue {
  290. _size: 1,
  291. _slots:
  292. [ Queue {
  293. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  294. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  295. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  296. _availableObjects:
  297. Deque {
  298. _list:
  299. DoublyLinkedList {
  300. head:
  301. { prev: null,
  302. next:
  303. { prev: [Circular],
  304. next: null,
  305. data:
  306. PooledResource {
  307. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  308. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  309. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  310. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  311. obj:
  312. Connection {
  313. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  314. _eventsCount: 1,
  315. _maxListeners: undefined,
  316. config:
  317. ConnectionConfig {
  318. isServer: undefined,
  319. stream: undefined,
  320. host: 'localhost',
  321. port: 3306,
  322. localAddress: undefined,
  323. socketPath: undefined,
  324. user: 'root',
  325. password: 'abcd1234',
  326. passwordSha1: undefined,
  327. database: 'lbry',
  328. connectTimeout: 10000,
  329. insecureAuth: false,
  330. supportBigNumbers: true,
  331. bigNumberStrings: false,
  332. decimalNumbers: false,
  333. dateStrings: false,
  334. debug: undefined,
  335. trace: true,
  336. stringifyObjects: false,
  337. timezone: '+00:00',
  338. queryFormat: undefined,
  339. pool: undefined,
  340. ssl: false,
  341. multipleStatements: false,
  342. rowsAsArray: false,
  343. namedPlaceholders: false,
  344. nestTables: undefined,
  345. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  346. maxPacketSize: 0,
  347. charsetNumber: 224,
  348. compress: false,
  349. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  350. clientFlags: 8582093,
  351. connectAttributes: undefined,
  352. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  353. stream:
  354. Socket {
  355. connecting: false,
  356. _hadError: false,
  357. _handle:
  358. TCP {
  359. reading: true,
  360. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  361. onconnection: null,
  362. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  363. _parent: null,
  364. _host: 'localhost',
  365. _readableState:
  366. ReadableState {
  367. objectMode: false,
  368. highWaterMark: 16384,
  369. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  370. length: 0,
  371. pipes: null,
  372. pipesCount: 0,
  373. flowing: true,
  374. ended: false,
  375. endEmitted: false,
  376. reading: true,
  377. sync: false,
  378. needReadable: true,
  379. emittedReadable: false,
  380. readableListening: false,
  381. resumeScheduled: false,
  382. emitClose: false,
  383. autoDestroy: false,
  384. destroyed: false,
  385. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  386. awaitDrain: 0,
  387. readingMore: false,
  388. decoder: null,
  389. encoding: null },
  390. readable: true,
  391. _events:
  392. [Object: null prototype] {
  393. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  394. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  395. data: [Function],
  396. close: [Function] },
  397. _eventsCount: 4,
  398. _maxListeners: undefined,
  399. _writableState:
  400. WritableState {
  401. objectMode: false,
  402. highWaterMark: 16384,
  403. finalCalled: false,
  404. needDrain: false,
  405. ending: false,
  406. ended: false,
  407. finished: false,
  408. destroyed: false,
  409. decodeStrings: false,
  410. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  411. length: 0,
  412. writing: false,
  413. corked: 0,
  414. sync: false,
  415. bufferProcessing: false,
  416. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  417. writecb: null,
  418. writelen: 0,
  419. bufferedRequest: null,
  420. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  421. pendingcb: 0,
  422. prefinished: false,
  423. errorEmitted: false,
  424. emitClose: false,
  425. autoDestroy: false,
  426. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  427. corkedRequestsFree:
  428. { next: null,
  429. entry: null,
  430. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  431. writable: true,
  432. allowHalfOpen: false,
  433. _sockname: null,
  434. _pendingData: null,
  435. _pendingEncoding: '',
  436. server: null,
  437. _server: null,
  438. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  439. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  440. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  441. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  442. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  443. _internalId: 1,
  444. _commands:
  445. Denque {
  446. _head: 0,
  447. _tail: 0,
  448. _capacityMask: 3,
  449. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  450. _command: undefined,
  451. _paused: false,
  452. _paused_packets:
  453. Denque {
  454. _head: 0,
  455. _tail: 0,
  456. _capacityMask: 3,
  457. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  458. _statements:
  459. LRUCache {
  460. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  461. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  462. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  463. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  464. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  465. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  466. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  467. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  468. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  469. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  470. authorized: true,
  471. sequenceId: 23,
  472. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  473. threadId: 1303,
  474. _handshakePacket:
  475. Handshake {
  476. protocolVersion: 10,
  477. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  478. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  479. connectionId: 1303,
  480. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  481. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  482. characterSet: 255,
  483. statusFlags: 2 },
  484. _fatalError: null,
  485. _protocolError: null,
  486. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  487. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  488. packetParser:
  489. PacketParser {
  490. buffer: [],
  491. bufferLength: 0,
  492. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  493. headerLen: 0,
  494. length: 5,
  495. largePacketParts: [],
  496. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  497. onPacket: [Function],
  498. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  499. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  500. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  501. connectTimeout: null,
  502. connectionId: 1303 },
  503. state: 'IDLE' } },
  504. data:
  505. PooledResource {
  506. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  507. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  508. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  509. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  510. obj:
  511. Connection {
  512. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  513. _eventsCount: 1,
  514. _maxListeners: undefined,
  515. config:
  516. ConnectionConfig {
  517. isServer: undefined,
  518. stream: undefined,
  519. host: 'localhost',
  520. port: 3306,
  521. localAddress: undefined,
  522. socketPath: undefined,
  523. user: 'root',
  524. password: 'abcd1234',
  525. passwordSha1: undefined,
  526. database: 'lbry',
  527. connectTimeout: 10000,
  528. insecureAuth: false,
  529. supportBigNumbers: true,
  530. bigNumberStrings: false,
  531. decimalNumbers: false,
  532. dateStrings: false,
  533. debug: undefined,
  534. trace: true,
  535. stringifyObjects: false,
  536. timezone: '+00:00',
  537. queryFormat: undefined,
  538. pool: undefined,
  539. ssl: false,
  540. multipleStatements: false,
  541. rowsAsArray: false,
  542. namedPlaceholders: false,
  543. nestTables: undefined,
  544. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  545. maxPacketSize: 0,
  546. charsetNumber: 224,
  547. compress: false,
  548. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  549. clientFlags: 8582093,
  550. connectAttributes: undefined,
  551. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  552. stream:
  553. Socket {
  554. connecting: false,
  555. _hadError: false,
  556. _handle:
  557. TCP {
  558. reading: true,
  559. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  560. onconnection: null,
  561. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  562. _parent: null,
  563. _host: 'localhost',
  564. _readableState:
  565. ReadableState {
  566. objectMode: false,
  567. highWaterMark: 16384,
  568. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  569. length: 0,
  570. pipes: null,
  571. pipesCount: 0,
  572. flowing: true,
  573. ended: false,
  574. endEmitted: false,
  575. reading: true,
  576. sync: false,
  577. needReadable: true,
  578. emittedReadable: false,
  579. readableListening: false,
  580. resumeScheduled: false,
  581. emitClose: false,
  582. autoDestroy: false,
  583. destroyed: false,
  584. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  585. awaitDrain: 0,
  586. readingMore: false,
  587. decoder: null,
  588. encoding: null },
  589. readable: true,
  590. _events:
  591. [Object: null prototype] {
  592. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  593. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  594. data: [Function],
  595. close: [Function] },
  596. _eventsCount: 4,
  597. _maxListeners: undefined,
  598. _writableState:
  599. WritableState {
  600. objectMode: false,
  601. highWaterMark: 16384,
  602. finalCalled: false,
  603. needDrain: false,
  604. ending: false,
  605. ended: false,
  606. finished: false,
  607. destroyed: false,
  608. decodeStrings: false,
  609. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  610. length: 0,
  611. writing: false,
  612. corked: 0,
  613. sync: false,
  614. bufferProcessing: false,
  615. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  616. writecb: null,
  617. writelen: 0,
  618. bufferedRequest: null,
  619. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  620. pendingcb: 0,
  621. prefinished: false,
  622. errorEmitted: false,
  623. emitClose: false,
  624. autoDestroy: false,
  625. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  626. corkedRequestsFree:
  627. { next: null,
  628. entry: null,
  629. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  630. writable: true,
  631. allowHalfOpen: false,
  632. _sockname: null,
  633. _pendingData: null,
  634. _pendingEncoding: '',
  635. server: null,
  636. _server: null,
  637. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  638. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  639. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  640. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  641. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  642. _internalId: 2,
  643. _commands:
  644. Denque {
  645. _head: 0,
  646. _tail: 0,
  647. _capacityMask: 3,
  648. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  649. _command: undefined,
  650. _paused: false,
  651. _paused_packets:
  652. Denque {
  653. _head: 0,
  654. _tail: 0,
  655. _capacityMask: 3,
  656. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  657. _statements:
  658. LRUCache {
  659. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  660. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  661. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  662. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  663. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  664. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  665. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  666. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  667. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  668. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  669. authorized: true,
  670. sequenceId: 2,
  671. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  672. threadId: 1302,
  673. _handshakePacket:
  674. Handshake {
  675. protocolVersion: 10,
  676. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  677. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  678. connectionId: 1302,
  679. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  680. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  681. characterSet: 255,
  682. statusFlags: 2 },
  683. _fatalError: null,
  684. _protocolError: null,
  685. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  686. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  687. packetParser:
  688. PacketParser {
  689. buffer: [],
  690. bufferLength: 0,
  691. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  692. headerLen: 0,
  693. length: 7,
  694. largePacketParts: [],
  695. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  696. onPacket: [Function],
  697. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  698. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  699. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  700. connectTimeout: null,
  701. connectionId: 1302 },
  702. state: 'IDLE' } },
  703. tail:
  704. { prev:
  705. { prev: null,
  706. next: [Circular],
  707. data:
  708. PooledResource {
  709. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  710. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  711. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  712. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  713. obj:
  714. Connection {
  715. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  716. _eventsCount: 1,
  717. _maxListeners: undefined,
  718. config:
  719. ConnectionConfig {
  720. isServer: undefined,
  721. stream: undefined,
  722. host: 'localhost',
  723. port: 3306,
  724. localAddress: undefined,
  725. socketPath: undefined,
  726. user: 'root',
  727. password: 'abcd1234',
  728. passwordSha1: undefined,
  729. database: 'lbry',
  730. connectTimeout: 10000,
  731. insecureAuth: false,
  732. supportBigNumbers: true,
  733. bigNumberStrings: false,
  734. decimalNumbers: false,
  735. dateStrings: false,
  736. debug: undefined,
  737. trace: true,
  738. stringifyObjects: false,
  739. timezone: '+00:00',
  740. queryFormat: undefined,
  741. pool: undefined,
  742. ssl: false,
  743. multipleStatements: false,
  744. rowsAsArray: false,
  745. namedPlaceholders: false,
  746. nestTables: undefined,
  747. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  748. maxPacketSize: 0,
  749. charsetNumber: 224,
  750. compress: false,
  751. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  752. clientFlags: 8582093,
  753. connectAttributes: undefined,
  754. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  755. stream:
  756. Socket {
  757. connecting: false,
  758. _hadError: false,
  759. _handle:
  760. TCP {
  761. reading: true,
  762. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  763. onconnection: null,
  764. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  765. _parent: null,
  766. _host: 'localhost',
  767. _readableState:
  768. ReadableState {
  769. objectMode: false,
  770. highWaterMark: 16384,
  771. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  772. length: 0,
  773. pipes: null,
  774. pipesCount: 0,
  775. flowing: true,
  776. ended: false,
  777. endEmitted: false,
  778. reading: true,
  779. sync: false,
  780. needReadable: true,
  781. emittedReadable: false,
  782. readableListening: false,
  783. resumeScheduled: false,
  784. emitClose: false,
  785. autoDestroy: false,
  786. destroyed: false,
  787. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  788. awaitDrain: 0,
  789. readingMore: false,
  790. decoder: null,
  791. encoding: null },
  792. readable: true,
  793. _events:
  794. [Object: null prototype] {
  795. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  796. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  797. data: [Function],
  798. close: [Function] },
  799. _eventsCount: 4,
  800. _maxListeners: undefined,
  801. _writableState:
  802. WritableState {
  803. objectMode: false,
  804. highWaterMark: 16384,
  805. finalCalled: false,
  806. needDrain: false,
  807. ending: false,
  808. ended: false,
  809. finished: false,
  810. destroyed: false,
  811. decodeStrings: false,
  812. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  813. length: 0,
  814. writing: false,
  815. corked: 0,
  816. sync: false,
  817. bufferProcessing: false,
  818. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  819. writecb: null,
  820. writelen: 0,
  821. bufferedRequest: null,
  822. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  823. pendingcb: 0,
  824. prefinished: false,
  825. errorEmitted: false,
  826. emitClose: false,
  827. autoDestroy: false,
  828. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  829. corkedRequestsFree:
  830. { next: null,
  831. entry: null,
  832. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  833. writable: true,
  834. allowHalfOpen: false,
  835. _sockname: null,
  836. _pendingData: null,
  837. _pendingEncoding: '',
  838. server: null,
  839. _server: null,
  840. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  841. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  842. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  843. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  844. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  845. _internalId: 2,
  846. _commands:
  847. Denque {
  848. _head: 0,
  849. _tail: 0,
  850. _capacityMask: 3,
  851. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  852. _command: undefined,
  853. _paused: false,
  854. _paused_packets:
  855. Denque {
  856. _head: 0,
  857. _tail: 0,
  858. _capacityMask: 3,
  859. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  860. _statements:
  861. LRUCache {
  862. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  863. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  864. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  865. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  866. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  867. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  868. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  869. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  870. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  871. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  872. authorized: true,
  873. sequenceId: 2,
  874. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  875. threadId: 1302,
  876. _handshakePacket:
  877. Handshake {
  878. protocolVersion: 10,
  879. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  880. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  881. connectionId: 1302,
  882. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  883. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  884. characterSet: 255,
  885. statusFlags: 2 },
  886. _fatalError: null,
  887. _protocolError: null,
  888. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  889. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  890. packetParser:
  891. PacketParser {
  892. buffer: [],
  893. bufferLength: 0,
  894. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  895. headerLen: 0,
  896. length: 7,
  897. largePacketParts: [],
  898. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  899. onPacket: [Function],
  900. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  901. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  902. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  903. connectTimeout: null,
  904. connectionId: 1302 },
  905. state: 'IDLE' } },
  906. next: null,
  907. data:
  908. PooledResource {
  909. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  910. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  911. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  912. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  913. obj:
  914. Connection {
  915. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  916. _eventsCount: 1,
  917. _maxListeners: undefined,
  918. config:
  919. ConnectionConfig {
  920. isServer: undefined,
  921. stream: undefined,
  922. host: 'localhost',
  923. port: 3306,
  924. localAddress: undefined,
  925. socketPath: undefined,
  926. user: 'root',
  927. password: 'abcd1234',
  928. passwordSha1: undefined,
  929. database: 'lbry',
  930. connectTimeout: 10000,
  931. insecureAuth: false,
  932. supportBigNumbers: true,
  933. bigNumberStrings: false,
  934. decimalNumbers: false,
  935. dateStrings: false,
  936. debug: undefined,
  937. trace: true,
  938. stringifyObjects: false,
  939. timezone: '+00:00',
  940. queryFormat: undefined,
  941. pool: undefined,
  942. ssl: false,
  943. multipleStatements: false,
  944. rowsAsArray: false,
  945. namedPlaceholders: false,
  946. nestTables: undefined,
  947. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  948. maxPacketSize: 0,
  949. charsetNumber: 224,
  950. compress: false,
  951. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  952. clientFlags: 8582093,
  953. connectAttributes: undefined,
  954. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  955. stream:
  956. Socket {
  957. connecting: false,
  958. _hadError: false,
  959. _handle:
  960. TCP {
  961. reading: true,
  962. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  963. onconnection: null,
  964. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  965. _parent: null,
  966. _host: 'localhost',
  967. _readableState:
  968. ReadableState {
  969. objectMode: false,
  970. highWaterMark: 16384,
  971. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  972. length: 0,
  973. pipes: null,
  974. pipesCount: 0,
  975. flowing: true,
  976. ended: false,
  977. endEmitted: false,
  978. reading: true,
  979. sync: false,
  980. needReadable: true,
  981. emittedReadable: false,
  982. readableListening: false,
  983. resumeScheduled: false,
  984. emitClose: false,
  985. autoDestroy: false,
  986. destroyed: false,
  987. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  988. awaitDrain: 0,
  989. readingMore: false,
  990. decoder: null,
  991. encoding: null },
  992. readable: true,
  993. _events:
  994. [Object: null prototype] {
  995. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  996. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  997. data: [Function],
  998. close: [Function] },
  999. _eventsCount: 4,
  1000. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1001. _writableState:
  1002. WritableState {
  1003. objectMode: false,
  1004. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1005. finalCalled: false,
  1006. needDrain: false,
  1007. ending: false,
  1008. ended: false,
  1009. finished: false,
  1010. destroyed: false,
  1011. decodeStrings: false,
  1012. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1013. length: 0,
  1014. writing: false,
  1015. corked: 0,
  1016. sync: false,
  1017. bufferProcessing: false,
  1018. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  1019. writecb: null,
  1020. writelen: 0,
  1021. bufferedRequest: null,
  1022. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  1023. pendingcb: 0,
  1024. prefinished: false,
  1025. errorEmitted: false,
  1026. emitClose: false,
  1027. autoDestroy: false,
  1028. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  1029. corkedRequestsFree:
  1030. { next: null,
  1031. entry: null,
  1032. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  1033. writable: true,
  1034. allowHalfOpen: false,
  1035. _sockname: null,
  1036. _pendingData: null,
  1037. _pendingEncoding: '',
  1038. server: null,
  1039. _server: null,
  1040. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  1041. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  1042. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  1043. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  1044. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  1045. _internalId: 1,
  1046. _commands:
  1047. Denque {
  1048. _head: 0,
  1049. _tail: 0,
  1050. _capacityMask: 3,
  1051. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1052. _command: undefined,
  1053. _paused: false,
  1054. _paused_packets:
  1055. Denque {
  1056. _head: 0,
  1057. _tail: 0,
  1058. _capacityMask: 3,
  1059. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1060. _statements:
  1061. LRUCache {
  1062. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  1063. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  1064. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  1065. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  1066. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  1067. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  1068. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  1069. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  1070. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  1071. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1072. authorized: true,
  1073. sequenceId: 23,
  1074. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  1075. threadId: 1303,
  1076. _handshakePacket:
  1077. Handshake {
  1078. protocolVersion: 10,
  1079. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  1080. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1081. connectionId: 1303,
  1082. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  1083. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  1084. characterSet: 255,
  1085. statusFlags: 2 },
  1086. _fatalError: null,
  1087. _protocolError: null,
  1088. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  1089. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  1090. packetParser:
  1091. PacketParser {
  1092. buffer: [],
  1093. bufferLength: 0,
  1094. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  1095. headerLen: 0,
  1096. length: 5,
  1097. largePacketParts: [],
  1098. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  1099. onPacket: [Function],
  1100. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  1101. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  1102. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  1103. connectTimeout: null,
  1104. connectionId: 1303 },
  1105. state: 'IDLE' } },
  1106. length: 2 } },
  1107. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  1108. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  1109. _validationOperations: Set {},
  1110. _allObjects:
  1111. Set {
  1112. PooledResource {
  1113. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  1114. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  1115. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  1116. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  1117. obj:
  1118. Connection {
  1119. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  1120. _eventsCount: 1,
  1121. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1122. config:
  1123. ConnectionConfig {
  1124. isServer: undefined,
  1125. stream: undefined,
  1126. host: 'localhost',
  1127. port: 3306,
  1128. localAddress: undefined,
  1129. socketPath: undefined,
  1130. user: 'root',
  1131. password: 'abcd1234',
  1132. passwordSha1: undefined,
  1133. database: 'lbry',
  1134. connectTimeout: 10000,
  1135. insecureAuth: false,
  1136. supportBigNumbers: true,
  1137. bigNumberStrings: false,
  1138. decimalNumbers: false,
  1139. dateStrings: false,
  1140. debug: undefined,
  1141. trace: true,
  1142. stringifyObjects: false,
  1143. timezone: '+00:00',
  1144. queryFormat: undefined,
  1145. pool: undefined,
  1146. ssl: false,
  1147. multipleStatements: false,
  1148. rowsAsArray: false,
  1149. namedPlaceholders: false,
  1150. nestTables: undefined,
  1151. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  1152. maxPacketSize: 0,
  1153. charsetNumber: 224,
  1154. compress: false,
  1155. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  1156. clientFlags: 8582093,
  1157. connectAttributes: undefined,
  1158. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  1159. stream:
  1160. Socket {
  1161. connecting: false,
  1162. _hadError: false,
  1163. _handle:
  1164. TCP {
  1165. reading: true,
  1166. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  1167. onconnection: null,
  1168. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  1169. _parent: null,
  1170. _host: 'localhost',
  1171. _readableState:
  1172. ReadableState {
  1173. objectMode: false,
  1174. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1175. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  1176. length: 0,
  1177. pipes: null,
  1178. pipesCount: 0,
  1179. flowing: true,
  1180. ended: false,
  1181. endEmitted: false,
  1182. reading: true,
  1183. sync: false,
  1184. needReadable: true,
  1185. emittedReadable: false,
  1186. readableListening: false,
  1187. resumeScheduled: false,
  1188. emitClose: false,
  1189. autoDestroy: false,
  1190. destroyed: false,
  1191. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1192. awaitDrain: 0,
  1193. readingMore: false,
  1194. decoder: null,
  1195. encoding: null },
  1196. readable: true,
  1197. _events:
  1198. [Object: null prototype] {
  1199. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  1200. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  1201. data: [Function],
  1202. close: [Function] },
  1203. _eventsCount: 4,
  1204. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1205. _writableState:
  1206. WritableState {
  1207. objectMode: false,
  1208. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1209. finalCalled: false,
  1210. needDrain: false,
  1211. ending: false,
  1212. ended: false,
  1213. finished: false,
  1214. destroyed: false,
  1215. decodeStrings: false,
  1216. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1217. length: 0,
  1218. writing: false,
  1219. corked: 0,
  1220. sync: false,
  1221. bufferProcessing: false,
  1222. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  1223. writecb: null,
  1224. writelen: 0,
  1225. bufferedRequest: null,
  1226. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  1227. pendingcb: 0,
  1228. prefinished: false,
  1229. errorEmitted: false,
  1230. emitClose: false,
  1231. autoDestroy: false,
  1232. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  1233. corkedRequestsFree:
  1234. { next: null,
  1235. entry: null,
  1236. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  1237. writable: true,
  1238. allowHalfOpen: false,
  1239. _sockname: null,
  1240. _pendingData: null,
  1241. _pendingEncoding: '',
  1242. server: null,
  1243. _server: null,
  1244. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  1245. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  1246. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  1247. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  1248. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  1249. _internalId: 2,
  1250. _commands:
  1251. Denque {
  1252. _head: 0,
  1253. _tail: 0,
  1254. _capacityMask: 3,
  1255. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1256. _command: undefined,
  1257. _paused: false,
  1258. _paused_packets:
  1259. Denque {
  1260. _head: 0,
  1261. _tail: 0,
  1262. _capacityMask: 3,
  1263. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1264. _statements:
  1265. LRUCache {
  1266. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  1267. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  1268. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  1269. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  1270. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  1271. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  1272. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  1273. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  1274. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  1275. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1276. authorized: true,
  1277. sequenceId: 2,
  1278. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  1279. threadId: 1302,
  1280. _handshakePacket:
  1281. Handshake {
  1282. protocolVersion: 10,
  1283. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  1284. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1285. connectionId: 1302,
  1286. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  1287. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  1288. characterSet: 255,
  1289. statusFlags: 2 },
  1290. _fatalError: null,
  1291. _protocolError: null,
  1292. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  1293. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  1294. packetParser:
  1295. PacketParser {
  1296. buffer: [],
  1297. bufferLength: 0,
  1298. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  1299. headerLen: 0,
  1300. length: 7,
  1301. largePacketParts: [],
  1302. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  1303. onPacket: [Function],
  1304. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  1305. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  1306. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  1307. connectTimeout: null,
  1308. connectionId: 1302 },
  1309. state: 'IDLE' },
  1310. PooledResource {
  1311. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  1312. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  1313. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  1314. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  1315. obj:
  1316. Connection {
  1317. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  1318. _eventsCount: 1,
  1319. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1320. config:
  1321. ConnectionConfig {
  1322. isServer: undefined,
  1323. stream: undefined,
  1324. host: 'localhost',
  1325. port: 3306,
  1326. localAddress: undefined,
  1327. socketPath: undefined,
  1328. user: 'root',
  1329. password: 'abcd1234',
  1330. passwordSha1: undefined,
  1331. database: 'lbry',
  1332. connectTimeout: 10000,
  1333. insecureAuth: false,
  1334. supportBigNumbers: true,
  1335. bigNumberStrings: false,
  1336. decimalNumbers: false,
  1337. dateStrings: false,
  1338. debug: undefined,
  1339. trace: true,
  1340. stringifyObjects: false,
  1341. timezone: '+00:00',
  1342. queryFormat: undefined,
  1343. pool: undefined,
  1344. ssl: false,
  1345. multipleStatements: false,
  1346. rowsAsArray: false,
  1347. namedPlaceholders: false,
  1348. nestTables: undefined,
  1349. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  1350. maxPacketSize: 0,
  1351. charsetNumber: 224,
  1352. compress: false,
  1353. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  1354. clientFlags: 8582093,
  1355. connectAttributes: undefined,
  1356. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  1357. stream:
  1358. Socket {
  1359. connecting: false,
  1360. _hadError: false,
  1361. _handle:
  1362. TCP {
  1363. reading: true,
  1364. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  1365. onconnection: null,
  1366. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  1367. _parent: null,
  1368. _host: 'localhost',
  1369. _readableState:
  1370. ReadableState {
  1371. objectMode: false,
  1372. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1373. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  1374. length: 0,
  1375. pipes: null,
  1376. pipesCount: 0,
  1377. flowing: true,
  1378. ended: false,
  1379. endEmitted: false,
  1380. reading: true,
  1381. sync: false,
  1382. needReadable: true,
  1383. emittedReadable: false,
  1384. readableListening: false,
  1385. resumeScheduled: false,
  1386. emitClose: false,
  1387. autoDestroy: false,
  1388. destroyed: false,
  1389. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1390. awaitDrain: 0,
  1391. readingMore: false,
  1392. decoder: null,
  1393. encoding: null },
  1394. readable: true,
  1395. _events:
  1396. [Object: null prototype] {
  1397. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  1398. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  1399. data: [Function],
  1400. close: [Function] },
  1401. _eventsCount: 4,
  1402. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1403. _writableState:
  1404. WritableState {
  1405. objectMode: false,
  1406. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1407. finalCalled: false,
  1408. needDrain: false,
  1409. ending: false,
  1410. ended: false,
  1411. finished: false,
  1412. destroyed: false,
  1413. decodeStrings: false,
  1414. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1415. length: 0,
  1416. writing: false,
  1417. corked: 0,
  1418. sync: false,
  1419. bufferProcessing: false,
  1420. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  1421. writecb: null,
  1422. writelen: 0,
  1423. bufferedRequest: null,
  1424. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  1425. pendingcb: 0,
  1426. prefinished: false,
  1427. errorEmitted: false,
  1428. emitClose: false,
  1429. autoDestroy: false,
  1430. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  1431. corkedRequestsFree:
  1432. { next: null,
  1433. entry: null,
  1434. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  1435. writable: true,
  1436. allowHalfOpen: false,
  1437. _sockname: null,
  1438. _pendingData: null,
  1439. _pendingEncoding: '',
  1440. server: null,
  1441. _server: null,
  1442. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  1443. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  1444. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  1445. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  1446. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  1447. _internalId: 1,
  1448. _commands:
  1449. Denque {
  1450. _head: 0,
  1451. _tail: 0,
  1452. _capacityMask: 3,
  1453. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1454. _command: undefined,
  1455. _paused: false,
  1456. _paused_packets:
  1457. Denque {
  1458. _head: 0,
  1459. _tail: 0,
  1460. _capacityMask: 3,
  1461. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1462. _statements:
  1463. LRUCache {
  1464. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  1465. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  1466. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  1467. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  1468. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  1469. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  1470. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  1471. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  1472. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  1473. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1474. authorized: true,
  1475. sequenceId: 23,
  1476. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  1477. threadId: 1303,
  1478. _handshakePacket:
  1479. Handshake {
  1480. protocolVersion: 10,
  1481. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  1482. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1483. connectionId: 1303,
  1484. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  1485. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  1486. characterSet: 255,
  1487. statusFlags: 2 },
  1488. _fatalError: null,
  1489. _protocolError: null,
  1490. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  1491. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  1492. packetParser:
  1493. PacketParser {
  1494. buffer: [],
  1495. bufferLength: 0,
  1496. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  1497. headerLen: 0,
  1498. length: 5,
  1499. largePacketParts: [],
  1500. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  1501. onPacket: [Function],
  1502. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  1503. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  1504. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  1505. connectTimeout: null,
  1506. connectionId: 1303 },
  1507. state: 'IDLE' } },
  1508. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  1509. _evictionIterator:
  1510. DequeIterator {
  1511. _list:
  1512. DoublyLinkedList {
  1513. head:
  1514. { prev: null,
  1515. next:
  1516. { prev: [Circular],
  1517. next: null,
  1518. data:
  1519. PooledResource {
  1520. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  1521. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  1522. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  1523. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  1524. obj:
  1525. Connection {
  1526. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  1527. _eventsCount: 1,
  1528. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1529. config:
  1530. ConnectionConfig {
  1531. isServer: undefined,
  1532. stream: undefined,
  1533. host: 'localhost',
  1534. port: 3306,
  1535. localAddress: undefined,
  1536. socketPath: undefined,
  1537. user: 'root',
  1538. password: 'abcd1234',
  1539. passwordSha1: undefined,
  1540. database: 'lbry',
  1541. connectTimeout: 10000,
  1542. insecureAuth: false,
  1543. supportBigNumbers: true,
  1544. bigNumberStrings: false,
  1545. decimalNumbers: false,
  1546. dateStrings: false,
  1547. debug: undefined,
  1548. trace: true,
  1549. stringifyObjects: false,
  1550. timezone: '+00:00',
  1551. queryFormat: undefined,
  1552. pool: undefined,
  1553. ssl: false,
  1554. multipleStatements: false,
  1555. rowsAsArray: false,
  1556. namedPlaceholders: false,
  1557. nestTables: undefined,
  1558. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  1559. maxPacketSize: 0,
  1560. charsetNumber: 224,
  1561. compress: false,
  1562. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  1563. clientFlags: 8582093,
  1564. connectAttributes: undefined,
  1565. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  1566. stream:
  1567. Socket {
  1568. connecting: false,
  1569. _hadError: false,
  1570. _handle:
  1571. TCP {
  1572. reading: true,
  1573. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  1574. onconnection: null,
  1575. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  1576. _parent: null,
  1577. _host: 'localhost',
  1578. _readableState:
  1579. ReadableState {
  1580. objectMode: false,
  1581. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1582. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  1583. length: 0,
  1584. pipes: null,
  1585. pipesCount: 0,
  1586. flowing: true,
  1587. ended: false,
  1588. endEmitted: false,
  1589. reading: true,
  1590. sync: false,
  1591. needReadable: true,
  1592. emittedReadable: false,
  1593. readableListening: false,
  1594. resumeScheduled: false,
  1595. emitClose: false,
  1596. autoDestroy: false,
  1597. destroyed: false,
  1598. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1599. awaitDrain: 0,
  1600. readingMore: false,
  1601. decoder: null,
  1602. encoding: null },
  1603. readable: true,
  1604. _events:
  1605. [Object: null prototype] {
  1606. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  1607. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  1608. data: [Function],
  1609. close: [Function] },
  1610. _eventsCount: 4,
  1611. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1612. _writableState:
  1613. WritableState {
  1614. objectMode: false,
  1615. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1616. finalCalled: false,
  1617. needDrain: false,
  1618. ending: false,
  1619. ended: false,
  1620. finished: false,
  1621. destroyed: false,
  1622. decodeStrings: false,
  1623. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1624. length: 0,
  1625. writing: false,
  1626. corked: 0,
  1627. sync: false,
  1628. bufferProcessing: false,
  1629. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  1630. writecb: null,
  1631. writelen: 0,
  1632. bufferedRequest: null,
  1633. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  1634. pendingcb: 0,
  1635. prefinished: false,
  1636. errorEmitted: false,
  1637. emitClose: false,
  1638. autoDestroy: false,
  1639. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  1640. corkedRequestsFree:
  1641. { next: null,
  1642. entry: null,
  1643. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  1644. writable: true,
  1645. allowHalfOpen: false,
  1646. _sockname: null,
  1647. _pendingData: null,
  1648. _pendingEncoding: '',
  1649. server: null,
  1650. _server: null,
  1651. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  1652. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  1653. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  1654. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  1655. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  1656. _internalId: 1,
  1657. _commands:
  1658. Denque {
  1659. _head: 0,
  1660. _tail: 0,
  1661. _capacityMask: 3,
  1662. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1663. _command: undefined,
  1664. _paused: false,
  1665. _paused_packets:
  1666. Denque {
  1667. _head: 0,
  1668. _tail: 0,
  1669. _capacityMask: 3,
  1670. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1671. _statements:
  1672. LRUCache {
  1673. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  1674. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  1675. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  1676. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  1677. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  1678. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  1679. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  1680. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  1681. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  1682. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1683. authorized: true,
  1684. sequenceId: 23,
  1685. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  1686. threadId: 1303,
  1687. _handshakePacket:
  1688. Handshake {
  1689. protocolVersion: 10,
  1690. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  1691. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1692. connectionId: 1303,
  1693. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  1694. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  1695. characterSet: 255,
  1696. statusFlags: 2 },
  1697. _fatalError: null,
  1698. _protocolError: null,
  1699. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  1700. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  1701. packetParser:
  1702. PacketParser {
  1703. buffer: [],
  1704. bufferLength: 0,
  1705. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  1706. headerLen: 0,
  1707. length: 5,
  1708. largePacketParts: [],
  1709. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  1710. onPacket: [Function],
  1711. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  1712. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  1713. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  1714. connectTimeout: null,
  1715. connectionId: 1303 },
  1716. state: 'IDLE' } },
  1717. data:
  1718. PooledResource {
  1719. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  1720. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  1721. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  1722. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  1723. obj:
  1724. Connection {
  1725. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  1726. _eventsCount: 1,
  1727. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1728. config:
  1729. ConnectionConfig {
  1730. isServer: undefined,
  1731. stream: undefined,
  1732. host: 'localhost',
  1733. port: 3306,
  1734. localAddress: undefined,
  1735. socketPath: undefined,
  1736. user: 'root',
  1737. password: 'abcd1234',
  1738. passwordSha1: undefined,
  1739. database: 'lbry',
  1740. connectTimeout: 10000,
  1741. insecureAuth: false,
  1742. supportBigNumbers: true,
  1743. bigNumberStrings: false,
  1744. decimalNumbers: false,
  1745. dateStrings: false,
  1746. debug: undefined,
  1747. trace: true,
  1748. stringifyObjects: false,
  1749. timezone: '+00:00',
  1750. queryFormat: undefined,
  1751. pool: undefined,
  1752. ssl: false,
  1753. multipleStatements: false,
  1754. rowsAsArray: false,
  1755. namedPlaceholders: false,
  1756. nestTables: undefined,
  1757. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  1758. maxPacketSize: 0,
  1759. charsetNumber: 224,
  1760. compress: false,
  1761. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  1762. clientFlags: 8582093,
  1763. connectAttributes: undefined,
  1764. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  1765. stream:
  1766. Socket {
  1767. connecting: false,
  1768. _hadError: false,
  1769. _handle:
  1770. TCP {
  1771. reading: true,
  1772. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  1773. onconnection: null,
  1774. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  1775. _parent: null,
  1776. _host: 'localhost',
  1777. _readableState:
  1778. ReadableState {
  1779. objectMode: false,
  1780. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1781. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  1782. length: 0,
  1783. pipes: null,
  1784. pipesCount: 0,
  1785. flowing: true,
  1786. ended: false,
  1787. endEmitted: false,
  1788. reading: true,
  1789. sync: false,
  1790. needReadable: true,
  1791. emittedReadable: false,
  1792. readableListening: false,
  1793. resumeScheduled: false,
  1794. emitClose: false,
  1795. autoDestroy: false,
  1796. destroyed: false,
  1797. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1798. awaitDrain: 0,
  1799. readingMore: false,
  1800. decoder: null,
  1801. encoding: null },
  1802. readable: true,
  1803. _events:
  1804. [Object: null prototype] {
  1805. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  1806. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  1807. data: [Function],
  1808. close: [Function] },
  1809. _eventsCount: 4,
  1810. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1811. _writableState:
  1812. WritableState {
  1813. objectMode: false,
  1814. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1815. finalCalled: false,
  1816. needDrain: false,
  1817. ending: false,
  1818. ended: false,
  1819. finished: false,
  1820. destroyed: false,
  1821. decodeStrings: false,
  1822. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  1823. length: 0,
  1824. writing: false,
  1825. corked: 0,
  1826. sync: false,
  1827. bufferProcessing: false,
  1828. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  1829. writecb: null,
  1830. writelen: 0,
  1831. bufferedRequest: null,
  1832. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  1833. pendingcb: 0,
  1834. prefinished: false,
  1835. errorEmitted: false,
  1836. emitClose: false,
  1837. autoDestroy: false,
  1838. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  1839. corkedRequestsFree:
  1840. { next: null,
  1841. entry: null,
  1842. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  1843. writable: true,
  1844. allowHalfOpen: false,
  1845. _sockname: null,
  1846. _pendingData: null,
  1847. _pendingEncoding: '',
  1848. server: null,
  1849. _server: null,
  1850. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  1851. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  1852. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  1853. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  1854. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  1855. _internalId: 2,
  1856. _commands:
  1857. Denque {
  1858. _head: 0,
  1859. _tail: 0,
  1860. _capacityMask: 3,
  1861. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1862. _command: undefined,
  1863. _paused: false,
  1864. _paused_packets:
  1865. Denque {
  1866. _head: 0,
  1867. _tail: 0,
  1868. _capacityMask: 3,
  1869. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  1870. _statements:
  1871. LRUCache {
  1872. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  1873. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  1874. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  1875. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  1876. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  1877. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  1878. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  1879. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  1880. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  1881. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1882. authorized: true,
  1883. sequenceId: 2,
  1884. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  1885. threadId: 1302,
  1886. _handshakePacket:
  1887. Handshake {
  1888. protocolVersion: 10,
  1889. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  1890. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  1891. connectionId: 1302,
  1892. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  1893. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  1894. characterSet: 255,
  1895. statusFlags: 2 },
  1896. _fatalError: null,
  1897. _protocolError: null,
  1898. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  1899. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  1900. packetParser:
  1901. PacketParser {
  1902. buffer: [],
  1903. bufferLength: 0,
  1904. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  1905. headerLen: 0,
  1906. length: 7,
  1907. largePacketParts: [],
  1908. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  1909. onPacket: [Function],
  1910. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  1911. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  1912. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  1913. connectTimeout: null,
  1914. connectionId: 1302 },
  1915. state: 'IDLE' } },
  1916. tail:
  1917. { prev:
  1918. { prev: null,
  1919. next: [Circular],
  1920. data:
  1921. PooledResource {
  1922. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  1923. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  1924. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  1925. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  1926. obj:
  1927. Connection {
  1928. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  1929. _eventsCount: 1,
  1930. _maxListeners: undefined,
  1931. config:
  1932. ConnectionConfig {
  1933. isServer: undefined,
  1934. stream: undefined,
  1935. host: 'localhost',
  1936. port: 3306,
  1937. localAddress: undefined,
  1938. socketPath: undefined,
  1939. user: 'root',
  1940. password: 'abcd1234',
  1941. passwordSha1: undefined,
  1942. database: 'lbry',
  1943. connectTimeout: 10000,
  1944. insecureAuth: false,
  1945. supportBigNumbers: true,
  1946. bigNumberStrings: false,
  1947. decimalNumbers: false,
  1948. dateStrings: false,
  1949. debug: undefined,
  1950. trace: true,
  1951. stringifyObjects: false,
  1952. timezone: '+00:00',
  1953. queryFormat: undefined,
  1954. pool: undefined,
  1955. ssl: false,
  1956. multipleStatements: false,
  1957. rowsAsArray: false,
  1958. namedPlaceholders: false,
  1959. nestTables: undefined,
  1960. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  1961. maxPacketSize: 0,
  1962. charsetNumber: 224,
  1963. compress: false,
  1964. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  1965. clientFlags: 8582093,
  1966. connectAttributes: undefined,
  1967. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  1968. stream:
  1969. Socket {
  1970. connecting: false,
  1971. _hadError: false,
  1972. _handle:
  1973. TCP {
  1974. reading: true,
  1975. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  1976. onconnection: null,
  1977. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  1978. _parent: null,
  1979. _host: 'localhost',
  1980. _readableState:
  1981. ReadableState {
  1982. objectMode: false,
  1983. highWaterMark: 16384,
  1984. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  1985. length: 0,
  1986. pipes: null,
  1987. pipesCount: 0,
  1988. flowing: true,
  1989. ended: false,
  1990. endEmitted: false,
  1991. reading: true,
  1992. sync: false,
  1993. needReadable: true,
  1994. emittedReadable: false,
  1995. readableListening: false,
  1996. resumeScheduled: false,
  1997. emitClose: false,
  1998. autoDestroy: false,
  1999. destroyed: false,
  2000. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  2001. awaitDrain: 0,
  2002. readingMore: false,
  2003. decoder: null,
  2004. encoding: null },
  2005. readable: true,
  2006. _events:
  2007. [Object: null prototype] {
  2008. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  2009. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  2010. data: [Function],
  2011. close: [Function] },
  2012. _eventsCount: 4,
  2013. _maxListeners: undefined,
  2014. _writableState:
  2015. WritableState {
  2016. objectMode: false,
  2017. highWaterMark: 16384,
  2018. finalCalled: false,
  2019. needDrain: false,
  2020. ending: false,
  2021. ended: false,
  2022. finished: false,
  2023. destroyed: false,
  2024. decodeStrings: false,
  2025. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  2026. length: 0,
  2027. writing: false,
  2028. corked: 0,
  2029. sync: false,
  2030. bufferProcessing: false,
  2031. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  2032. writecb: null,
  2033. writelen: 0,
  2034. bufferedRequest: null,
  2035. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  2036. pendingcb: 0,
  2037. prefinished: false,
  2038. errorEmitted: false,
  2039. emitClose: false,
  2040. autoDestroy: false,
  2041. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  2042. corkedRequestsFree:
  2043. { next: null,
  2044. entry: null,
  2045. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  2046. writable: true,
  2047. allowHalfOpen: false,
  2048. _sockname: null,
  2049. _pendingData: null,
  2050. _pendingEncoding: '',
  2051. server: null,
  2052. _server: null,
  2053. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  2054. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  2055. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  2056. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  2057. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  2058. _internalId: 2,
  2059. _commands:
  2060. Denque {
  2061. _head: 0,
  2062. _tail: 0,
  2063. _capacityMask: 3,
  2064. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  2065. _command: undefined,
  2066. _paused: false,
  2067. _paused_packets:
  2068. Denque {
  2069. _head: 0,
  2070. _tail: 0,
  2071. _capacityMask: 3,
  2072. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  2073. _statements:
  2074. LRUCache {
  2075. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  2076. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  2077. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  2078. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  2079. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  2080. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  2081. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  2082. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  2083. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  2084. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  2085. authorized: true,
  2086. sequenceId: 2,
  2087. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  2088. threadId: 1302,
  2089. _handshakePacket:
  2090. Handshake {
  2091. protocolVersion: 10,
  2092. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  2093. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  2094. connectionId: 1302,
  2095. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  2096. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  2097. characterSet: 255,
  2098. statusFlags: 2 },
  2099. _fatalError: null,
  2100. _protocolError: null,
  2101. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  2102. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  2103. packetParser:
  2104. PacketParser {
  2105. buffer: [],
  2106. bufferLength: 0,
  2107. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  2108. headerLen: 0,
  2109. length: 7,
  2110. largePacketParts: [],
  2111. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  2112. onPacket: [Function],
  2113. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  2114. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  2115. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  2116. connectTimeout: null,
  2117. connectionId: 1302 },
  2118. state: 'IDLE' } },
  2119. next: null,
  2120. data:
  2121. PooledResource {
  2122. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  2123. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  2124. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  2125. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  2126. obj:
  2127. Connection {
  2128. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  2129. _eventsCount: 1,
  2130. _maxListeners: undefined,
  2131. config:
  2132. ConnectionConfig {
  2133. isServer: undefined,
  2134. stream: undefined,
  2135. host: 'localhost',
  2136. port: 3306,
  2137. localAddress: undefined,
  2138. socketPath: undefined,
  2139. user: 'root',
  2140. password: 'abcd1234',
  2141. passwordSha1: undefined,
  2142. database: 'lbry',
  2143. connectTimeout: 10000,
  2144. insecureAuth: false,
  2145. supportBigNumbers: true,
  2146. bigNumberStrings: false,
  2147. decimalNumbers: false,
  2148. dateStrings: false,
  2149. debug: undefined,
  2150. trace: true,
  2151. stringifyObjects: false,
  2152. timezone: '+00:00',
  2153. queryFormat: undefined,
  2154. pool: undefined,
  2155. ssl: false,
  2156. multipleStatements: false,
  2157. rowsAsArray: false,
  2158. namedPlaceholders: false,
  2159. nestTables: undefined,
  2160. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  2161. maxPacketSize: 0,
  2162. charsetNumber: 224,
  2163. compress: false,
  2164. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  2165. clientFlags: 8582093,
  2166. connectAttributes: undefined,
  2167. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  2168. stream:
  2169. Socket {
  2170. connecting: false,
  2171. _hadError: false,
  2172. _handle:
  2173. TCP {
  2174. reading: true,
  2175. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  2176. onconnection: null,
  2177. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  2178. _parent: null,
  2179. _host: 'localhost',
  2180. _readableState:
  2181. ReadableState {
  2182. objectMode: false,
  2183. highWaterMark: 16384,
  2184. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  2185. length: 0,
  2186. pipes: null,
  2187. pipesCount: 0,
  2188. flowing: true,
  2189. ended: false,
  2190. endEmitted: false,
  2191. reading: true,
  2192. sync: false,
  2193. needReadable: true,
  2194. emittedReadable: false,
  2195. readableListening: false,
  2196. resumeScheduled: false,
  2197. emitClose: false,
  2198. autoDestroy: false,
  2199. destroyed: false,
  2200. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  2201. awaitDrain: 0,
  2202. readingMore: false,
  2203. decoder: null,
  2204. encoding: null },
  2205. readable: true,
  2206. _events:
  2207. [Object: null prototype] {
  2208. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  2209. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  2210. data: [Function],
  2211. close: [Function] },
  2212. _eventsCount: 4,
  2213. _maxListeners: undefined,
  2214. _writableState:
  2215. WritableState {
  2216. objectMode: false,
  2217. highWaterMark: 16384,
  2218. finalCalled: false,
  2219. needDrain: false,
  2220. ending: false,
  2221. ended: false,
  2222. finished: false,
  2223. destroyed: false,
  2224. decodeStrings: false,
  2225. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  2226. length: 0,
  2227. writing: false,
  2228. corked: 0,
  2229. sync: false,
  2230. bufferProcessing: false,
  2231. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  2232. writecb: null,
  2233. writelen: 0,
  2234. bufferedRequest: null,
  2235. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  2236. pendingcb: 0,
  2237. prefinished: false,
  2238. errorEmitted: false,
  2239. emitClose: false,
  2240. autoDestroy: false,
  2241. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  2242. corkedRequestsFree:
  2243. { next: null,
  2244. entry: null,
  2245. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  2246. writable: true,
  2247. allowHalfOpen: false,
  2248. _sockname: null,
  2249. _pendingData: null,
  2250. _pendingEncoding: '',
  2251. server: null,
  2252. _server: null,
  2253. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  2254. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  2255. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  2256. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  2257. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  2258. _internalId: 1,
  2259. _commands:
  2260. Denque {
  2261. _head: 0,
  2262. _tail: 0,
  2263. _capacityMask: 3,
  2264. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  2265. _command: undefined,
  2266. _paused: false,
  2267. _paused_packets:
  2268. Denque {
  2269. _head: 0,
  2270. _tail: 0,
  2271. _capacityMask: 3,
  2272. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  2273. _statements:
  2274. LRUCache {
  2275. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  2276. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  2277. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  2278. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  2279. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  2280. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  2281. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  2282. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  2283. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  2284. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  2285. authorized: true,
  2286. sequenceId: 23,
  2287. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  2288. threadId: 1303,
  2289. _handshakePacket:
  2290. Handshake {
  2291. protocolVersion: 10,
  2292. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  2293. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  2294. connectionId: 1303,
  2295. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  2296. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  2297. characterSet: 255,
  2298. statusFlags: 2 },
  2299. _fatalError: null,
  2300. _protocolError: null,
  2301. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  2302. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  2303. packetParser:
  2304. PacketParser {
  2305. buffer: [],
  2306. bufferLength: 0,
  2307. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  2308. headerLen: 0,
  2309. length: 5,
  2310. largePacketParts: [],
  2311. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  2312. onPacket: [Function],
  2313. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  2314. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  2315. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  2316. connectTimeout: null,
  2317. connectionId: 1303 },
  2318. state: 'IDLE' } },
  2319. length: 2 },
  2320. _direction: 'next',
  2321. _startPosition: 'head',
  2322. _started: false,
  2323. _cursor: null,
  2324. _done: false },
  2325. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  2326. _scheduledEviction:
  2327. Timeout {
  2328. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  2329. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  2330. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  2331. _idleStart: 432,
  2332. _onTimeout: [Function],
  2333. _timerArgs: undefined,
  2334. _repeat: null,
  2335. _destroyed: false,
  2336. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  2337. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  2338. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  2339. lib:
  2340. { createConnection: [Function],
  2341. connect: [Function],
  2342. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  2343. createPool: [Function],
  2344. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  2345. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  2346. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  2347. createServer: [Function],
  2348. PoolConnection:
  2349. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  2350. escape: [Function: escape],
  2351. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  2352. format: [Function: format],
  2353. raw: [Function: raw],
  2354. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  2355. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  2356. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  2357. Types: [Getter],
  2358. Charsets: [Getter],
  2359. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  2360. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  2361. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  2362. QueryGenerator:
  2363. { dialect: 'mysql',
  2364. OperatorMap:
  2365. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  2366. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  2367. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  2368. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  2369. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  2370. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  2371. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  2372. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  2373. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  2374. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  2375. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  2376. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  2377. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  2378. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  2379. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  2380. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  2381. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  2382. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  2383. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  2384. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  2385. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  2386. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  2387. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  2388. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  2389. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  2390. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  2391. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  2392. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  2393. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  2394. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  2395. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  2396. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  2397. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  2398. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  2399. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  2400. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  2401. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  2402. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  2403. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  2404. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  2405. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  2406. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  2407. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  2408. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  2409. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  2410. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  2411. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  2412. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  2413. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  2414. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  2415. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  2416. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  2417. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  2418. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  2419. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  2420. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  2421. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  2422. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  2423. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  2424. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  2425. _templateSettings:
  2426. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2427. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2428. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2429. variable: '',
  2430. imports:
  2431. { _:
  2432. { [Function: lodash]
  2433. templateSettings: [Circular],
  2434. after: [Function: after],
  2435. ary: [Function: ary],
  2436. assign: [Function],
  2437. assignIn: [Function],
  2438. assignInWith: [Function],
  2439. assignWith: [Function],
  2440. at: [Function],
  2441. before: [Function: before],
  2442. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2443. bindAll: [Function],
  2444. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2445. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  2446. chain: [Function: chain],
  2447. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  2448. compact: [Function: compact],
  2449. concat: [Function: concat],
  2450. cond: [Function: cond],
  2451. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  2452. constant: [Function: constant],
  2453. countBy: [Function],
  2454. create: [Function: create],
  2455. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2456. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2457. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  2458. defaults: [Function],
  2459. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  2460. defer: [Function],
  2461. delay: [Function],
  2462. difference: [Function],
  2463. differenceBy: [Function],
  2464. differenceWith: [Function],
  2465. drop: [Function: drop],
  2466. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  2467. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  2468. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  2469. fill: [Function: fill],
  2470. filter: [Function: filter],
  2471. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  2472. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  2473. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  2474. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  2475. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  2476. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  2477. flip: [Function: flip],
  2478. flow: [Function],
  2479. flowRight: [Function],
  2480. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  2481. functions: [Function: functions],
  2482. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  2483. groupBy: [Function],
  2484. initial: [Function: initial],
  2485. intersection: [Function],
  2486. intersectionBy: [Function],
  2487. intersectionWith: [Function],
  2488. invert: [Function],
  2489. invertBy: [Function],
  2490. invokeMap: [Function],
  2491. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  2492. keyBy: [Function],
  2493. keys: [Function: keys],
  2494. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  2495. map: [Function: map],
  2496. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  2497. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  2498. matches: [Function: matches],
  2499. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  2500. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  2501. merge: [Function],
  2502. mergeWith: [Function],
  2503. method: [Function],
  2504. methodOf: [Function],
  2505. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  2506. negate: [Function: negate],
  2507. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  2508. omit: [Function],
  2509. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  2510. once: [Function: once],
  2511. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  2512. over: [Function],
  2513. overArgs: [Function],
  2514. overEvery: [Function],
  2515. overSome: [Function],
  2516. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2517. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2518. partition: [Function],
  2519. pick: [Function],
  2520. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  2521. property: [Function: property],
  2522. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  2523. pull: [Function],
  2524. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  2525. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  2526. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  2527. pullAt: [Function],
  2528. range: [Function],
  2529. rangeRight: [Function],
  2530. rearg: [Function],
  2531. reject: [Function: reject],
  2532. remove: [Function: remove],
  2533. rest: [Function: rest],
  2534. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  2535. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  2536. set: [Function: set],
  2537. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  2538. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  2539. slice: [Function: slice],
  2540. sortBy: [Function],
  2541. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  2542. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  2543. split: [Function: split],
  2544. spread: [Function: spread],
  2545. tail: [Function: tail],
  2546. take: [Function: take],
  2547. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  2548. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  2549. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  2550. tap: [Function: tap],
  2551. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  2552. thru: [Function: thru],
  2553. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  2554. toPairs: [Function],
  2555. toPairsIn: [Function],
  2556. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  2557. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  2558. transform: [Function: transform],
  2559. unary: [Function: unary],
  2560. union: [Function],
  2561. unionBy: [Function],
  2562. unionWith: [Function],
  2563. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  2564. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  2565. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  2566. unset: [Function: unset],
  2567. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  2568. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  2569. update: [Function: update],
  2570. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  2571. values: [Function: values],
  2572. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  2573. without: [Function],
  2574. words: [Function: words],
  2575. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  2576. xor: [Function],
  2577. xorBy: [Function],
  2578. xorWith: [Function],
  2579. zip: [Function],
  2580. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  2581. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  2582. zipWith: [Function],
  2583. entries: [Function],
  2584. entriesIn: [Function],
  2585. extend: [Function],
  2586. extendWith: [Function],
  2587. add: [Function],
  2588. attempt: [Function],
  2589. camelCase: [Function],
  2590. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  2591. ceil: [Function],
  2592. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  2593. clone: [Function: clone],
  2594. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  2595. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  2596. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  2597. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  2598. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  2599. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  2600. divide: [Function],
  2601. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  2602. eq: [Function: eq],
  2603. escape: [Function: escape],
  2604. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  2605. every: [Function: every],
  2606. find: [Function],
  2607. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  2608. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  2609. findLast: [Function],
  2610. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  2611. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  2612. floor: [Function],
  2613. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  2614. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  2615. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  2616. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  2617. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  2618. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  2619. get: [Function: get],
  2620. gt: [Function],
  2621. gte: [Function],
  2622. has: [Function: has],
  2623. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  2624. head: [Function: head],
  2625. identity: [Function: identity],
  2626. includes: [Function: includes],
  2627. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  2628. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  2629. invoke: [Function],
  2630. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  2631. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  2632. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  2633. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  2634. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  2635. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  2636. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  2637. isDate: [Function],
  2638. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  2639. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  2640. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  2641. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  2642. isError: [Function: isError],
  2643. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  2644. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  2645. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  2646. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  2647. isMap: [Function],
  2648. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  2649. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  2650. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  2651. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  2652. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  2653. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  2654. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  2655. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  2656. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  2657. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  2658. isRegExp: [Function],
  2659. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  2660. isSet: [Function],
  2661. isString: [Function: isString],
  2662. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  2663. isTypedArray: [Function],
  2664. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  2665. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  2666. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  2667. join: [Function: join],
  2668. kebabCase: [Function],
  2669. last: [Function: last],
  2670. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  2671. lowerCase: [Function],
  2672. lowerFirst: [Function],
  2673. lt: [Function],
  2674. lte: [Function],
  2675. max: [Function: max],
  2676. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  2677. mean: [Function: mean],
  2678. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  2679. min: [Function: min],
  2680. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  2681. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  2682. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  2683. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  2684. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  2685. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  2686. multiply: [Function],
  2687. nth: [Function: nth],
  2688. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  2689. noop: [Function: noop],
  2690. now: [Function],
  2691. pad: [Function: pad],
  2692. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  2693. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  2694. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  2695. random: [Function: random],
  2696. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  2697. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  2698. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  2699. replace: [Function: replace],
  2700. result: [Function: result],
  2701. round: [Function],
  2702. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  2703. sample: [Function: sample],
  2704. size: [Function: size],
  2705. snakeCase: [Function],
  2706. some: [Function: some],
  2707. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  2708. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  2709. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  2710. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  2711. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  2712. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  2713. startCase: [Function],
  2714. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  2715. subtract: [Function],
  2716. sum: [Function: sum],
  2717. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  2718. template: [Function: template],
  2719. times: [Function: times],
  2720. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  2721. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  2722. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  2723. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  2724. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  2725. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  2726. toString: [Function: toString],
  2727. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  2728. trim: [Function: trim],
  2729. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  2730. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  2731. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  2732. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  2733. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  2734. upperCase: [Function],
  2735. upperFirst: [Function],
  2736. each: [Function: forEach],
  2737. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  2738. first: [Function: head],
  2739. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  2740. options:
  2741. { dialect: 'mysql',
  2742. dialectModulePath: null,
  2743. host: 'localhost',
  2744. protocol: 'tcp',
  2745. define: {},
  2746. query: {},
  2747. sync: {},
  2748. timezone: '+00:00',
  2749. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  2750. omitNull: false,
  2751. native: false,
  2752. replication: false,
  2753. ssl: undefined,
  2754. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  2755. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  2756. hooks: {},
  2757. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  2758. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  2759. isolationLevel: null,
  2760. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  2761. typeValidation: false,
  2762. benchmark: false,
  2763. operatorsAliases: false },
  2764. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  2765. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  2766. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  2767. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  2768. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  2769. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  2770. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  2771. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  2772. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  2773. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  2774. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  2775. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  2776. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  2777. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  2778. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  2779. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  2780. quote: [Function: quote],
  2781. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  2782. escape: [Function: escape],
  2783. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  2784. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  2785. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  2786. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  2787. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  2788. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  2789. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  2790. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  2791. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  2792. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  2793. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  2794. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  2795. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  2796. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  2797. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  2798. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  2799. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  2800. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  2801. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  2802. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  2803. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  2804. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  2805. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  2806. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  2807. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  2808. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  2809. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  2810. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  2811. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  2812. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  2813. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  2814. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  2815. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  2816. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  2817. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  2818. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  2819. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  2820. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  2821. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  2822. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  2823. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  2824. _dialect: [Circular],
  2825. sequelize: [Circular],
  2826. typeValidation: undefined } },
  2827. queryInterface:
  2828. QueryInterface {
  2829. sequelize: [Circular],
  2830. QueryGenerator:
  2831. { dialect: 'mysql',
  2832. OperatorMap:
  2833. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  2834. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  2835. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  2836. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  2837. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  2838. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  2839. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  2840. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  2841. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  2842. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  2843. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  2844. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  2845. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  2846. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  2847. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  2848. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  2849. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  2850. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  2851. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  2852. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  2853. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  2854. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  2855. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  2856. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  2857. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  2858. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  2859. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  2860. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  2861. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  2862. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  2863. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  2864. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  2865. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  2866. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  2867. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  2868. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  2869. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  2870. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  2871. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  2872. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  2873. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  2874. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  2875. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  2876. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  2877. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  2878. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  2879. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  2880. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  2881. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  2882. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  2883. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  2884. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  2885. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  2886. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  2887. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  2888. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  2889. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  2890. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  2891. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  2892. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  2893. _templateSettings:
  2894. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2895. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2896. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  2897. variable: '',
  2898. imports:
  2899. { _:
  2900. { [Function: lodash]
  2901. templateSettings: [Circular],
  2902. after: [Function: after],
  2903. ary: [Function: ary],
  2904. assign: [Function],
  2905. assignIn: [Function],
  2906. assignInWith: [Function],
  2907. assignWith: [Function],
  2908. at: [Function],
  2909. before: [Function: before],
  2910. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2911. bindAll: [Function],
  2912. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2913. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  2914. chain: [Function: chain],
  2915. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  2916. compact: [Function: compact],
  2917. concat: [Function: concat],
  2918. cond: [Function: cond],
  2919. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  2920. constant: [Function: constant],
  2921. countBy: [Function],
  2922. create: [Function: create],
  2923. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2924. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2925. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  2926. defaults: [Function],
  2927. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  2928. defer: [Function],
  2929. delay: [Function],
  2930. difference: [Function],
  2931. differenceBy: [Function],
  2932. differenceWith: [Function],
  2933. drop: [Function: drop],
  2934. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  2935. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  2936. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  2937. fill: [Function: fill],
  2938. filter: [Function: filter],
  2939. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  2940. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  2941. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  2942. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  2943. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  2944. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  2945. flip: [Function: flip],
  2946. flow: [Function],
  2947. flowRight: [Function],
  2948. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  2949. functions: [Function: functions],
  2950. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  2951. groupBy: [Function],
  2952. initial: [Function: initial],
  2953. intersection: [Function],
  2954. intersectionBy: [Function],
  2955. intersectionWith: [Function],
  2956. invert: [Function],
  2957. invertBy: [Function],
  2958. invokeMap: [Function],
  2959. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  2960. keyBy: [Function],
  2961. keys: [Function: keys],
  2962. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  2963. map: [Function: map],
  2964. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  2965. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  2966. matches: [Function: matches],
  2967. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  2968. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  2969. merge: [Function],
  2970. mergeWith: [Function],
  2971. method: [Function],
  2972. methodOf: [Function],
  2973. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  2974. negate: [Function: negate],
  2975. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  2976. omit: [Function],
  2977. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  2978. once: [Function: once],
  2979. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  2980. over: [Function],
  2981. overArgs: [Function],
  2982. overEvery: [Function],
  2983. overSome: [Function],
  2984. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2985. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  2986. partition: [Function],
  2987. pick: [Function],
  2988. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  2989. property: [Function: property],
  2990. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  2991. pull: [Function],
  2992. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  2993. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  2994. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  2995. pullAt: [Function],
  2996. range: [Function],
  2997. rangeRight: [Function],
  2998. rearg: [Function],
  2999. reject: [Function: reject],
  3000. remove: [Function: remove],
  3001. rest: [Function: rest],
  3002. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  3003. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  3004. set: [Function: set],
  3005. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  3006. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  3007. slice: [Function: slice],
  3008. sortBy: [Function],
  3009. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  3010. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  3011. split: [Function: split],
  3012. spread: [Function: spread],
  3013. tail: [Function: tail],
  3014. take: [Function: take],
  3015. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  3016. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  3017. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  3018. tap: [Function: tap],
  3019. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  3020. thru: [Function: thru],
  3021. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  3022. toPairs: [Function],
  3023. toPairsIn: [Function],
  3024. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  3025. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  3026. transform: [Function: transform],
  3027. unary: [Function: unary],
  3028. union: [Function],
  3029. unionBy: [Function],
  3030. unionWith: [Function],
  3031. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  3032. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  3033. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  3034. unset: [Function: unset],
  3035. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  3036. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  3037. update: [Function: update],
  3038. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  3039. values: [Function: values],
  3040. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  3041. without: [Function],
  3042. words: [Function: words],
  3043. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  3044. xor: [Function],
  3045. xorBy: [Function],
  3046. xorWith: [Function],
  3047. zip: [Function],
  3048. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  3049. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  3050. zipWith: [Function],
  3051. entries: [Function],
  3052. entriesIn: [Function],
  3053. extend: [Function],
  3054. extendWith: [Function],
  3055. add: [Function],
  3056. attempt: [Function],
  3057. camelCase: [Function],
  3058. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  3059. ceil: [Function],
  3060. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  3061. clone: [Function: clone],
  3062. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  3063. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  3064. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  3065. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  3066. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  3067. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  3068. divide: [Function],
  3069. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  3070. eq: [Function: eq],
  3071. escape: [Function: escape],
  3072. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  3073. every: [Function: every],
  3074. find: [Function],
  3075. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  3076. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  3077. findLast: [Function],
  3078. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  3079. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  3080. floor: [Function],
  3081. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  3082. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  3083. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  3084. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  3085. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  3086. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  3087. get: [Function: get],
  3088. gt: [Function],
  3089. gte: [Function],
  3090. has: [Function: has],
  3091. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  3092. head: [Function: head],
  3093. identity: [Function: identity],
  3094. includes: [Function: includes],
  3095. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  3096. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  3097. invoke: [Function],
  3098. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  3099. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  3100. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  3101. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  3102. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  3103. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  3104. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  3105. isDate: [Function],
  3106. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  3107. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  3108. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  3109. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  3110. isError: [Function: isError],
  3111. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  3112. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  3113. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  3114. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  3115. isMap: [Function],
  3116. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  3117. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  3118. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  3119. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  3120. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  3121. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  3122. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  3123. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  3124. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  3125. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  3126. isRegExp: [Function],
  3127. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  3128. isSet: [Function],
  3129. isString: [Function: isString],
  3130. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  3131. isTypedArray: [Function],
  3132. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  3133. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  3134. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  3135. join: [Function: join],
  3136. kebabCase: [Function],
  3137. last: [Function: last],
  3138. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  3139. lowerCase: [Function],
  3140. lowerFirst: [Function],
  3141. lt: [Function],
  3142. lte: [Function],
  3143. max: [Function: max],
  3144. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  3145. mean: [Function: mean],
  3146. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  3147. min: [Function: min],
  3148. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  3149. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  3150. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  3151. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  3152. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  3153. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  3154. multiply: [Function],
  3155. nth: [Function: nth],
  3156. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  3157. noop: [Function: noop],
  3158. now: [Function],
  3159. pad: [Function: pad],
  3160. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  3161. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  3162. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  3163. random: [Function: random],
  3164. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  3165. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  3166. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  3167. replace: [Function: replace],
  3168. result: [Function: result],
  3169. round: [Function],
  3170. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  3171. sample: [Function: sample],
  3172. size: [Function: size],
  3173. snakeCase: [Function],
  3174. some: [Function: some],
  3175. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  3176. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  3177. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  3178. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  3179. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  3180. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  3181. startCase: [Function],
  3182. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  3183. subtract: [Function],
  3184. sum: [Function: sum],
  3185. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  3186. template: [Function: template],
  3187. times: [Function: times],
  3188. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  3189. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  3190. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  3191. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  3192. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  3193. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  3194. toString: [Function: toString],
  3195. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  3196. trim: [Function: trim],
  3197. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  3198. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  3199. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  3200. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  3201. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  3202. upperCase: [Function],
  3203. upperFirst: [Function],
  3204. each: [Function: forEach],
  3205. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  3206. first: [Function: head],
  3207. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  3208. options:
  3209. { dialect: 'mysql',
  3210. dialectModulePath: null,
  3211. host: 'localhost',
  3212. protocol: 'tcp',
  3213. define: {},
  3214. query: {},
  3215. sync: {},
  3216. timezone: '+00:00',
  3217. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  3218. omitNull: false,
  3219. native: false,
  3220. replication: false,
  3221. ssl: undefined,
  3222. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  3223. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  3224. hooks: {},
  3225. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  3226. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  3227. isolationLevel: null,
  3228. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  3229. typeValidation: false,
  3230. benchmark: false,
  3231. operatorsAliases: false },
  3232. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  3233. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  3234. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  3235. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  3236. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  3237. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  3238. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  3239. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  3240. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  3241. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  3242. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  3243. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  3244. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  3245. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  3246. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  3247. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  3248. quote: [Function: quote],
  3249. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  3250. escape: [Function: escape],
  3251. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  3252. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  3253. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  3254. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  3255. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  3256. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  3257. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  3258. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  3259. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  3260. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  3261. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  3262. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  3263. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  3264. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  3265. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  3266. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  3267. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  3268. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  3269. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  3270. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  3271. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  3272. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  3273. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  3274. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  3275. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  3276. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  3277. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  3278. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  3279. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  3280. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  3281. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  3282. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  3283. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  3284. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  3285. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  3286. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  3287. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  3288. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  3289. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  3290. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  3291. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  3292. _dialect:
  3293. MysqlDialect {
  3294. sequelize: [Circular],
  3295. connectionManager:
  3296. ConnectionManager {
  3297. sequelize: [Circular],
  3298. config:
  3299. { database: 'lbry',
  3300. username: 'root',
  3301. password: 'abcd1234',
  3302. host: 'localhost',
  3303. port: undefined,
  3304. pool:
  3305. { max: 5,
  3306. min: 0,
  3307. acquire: 30000,
  3308. idle: 10000,
  3309. evict: 10000,
  3310. handleDisconnects: true,
  3311. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  3312. Promise:
  3313. { [Function: Promise]
  3314. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  3315. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  3316. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  3317. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  3318. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3319. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3320. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  3321. _peekContext: [Function],
  3322. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  3323. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  3324. longStackTraces: [Function],
  3325. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  3326. config: [Function],
  3327. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  3328. is: [Function],
  3329. fromCallback: [Function],
  3330. fromNode: [Function],
  3331. all: [Function],
  3332. cast: [Function],
  3333. fulfilled: [Function],
  3334. resolve: [Function],
  3335. rejected: [Function],
  3336. reject: [Function],
  3337. setScheduler: [Function],
  3338. pending: [Function],
  3339. defer: [Function],
  3340. method: [Function],
  3341. try: [Function],
  3342. attempt: [Function],
  3343. bind: [Function],
  3344. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  3345. join: [Function],
  3346. Promise: [Circular],
  3347. version: '3.5.3',
  3348. map: [Function],
  3349. using: [Function],
  3350. delay: [Function],
  3351. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  3352. spawn: [Function],
  3353. promisify: [Function],
  3354. promisifyAll: [Function],
  3355. props: [Function],
  3356. race: [Function],
  3357. reduce: [Function],
  3358. settle: [Function],
  3359. some: [Function],
  3360. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  3361. filter: [Function],
  3362. each: [Function],
  3363. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  3364. any: [Function],
  3365. default: [Circular] } },
  3366. protocol: 'tcp',
  3367. native: false,
  3368. ssl: undefined,
  3369. replication: false,
  3370. dialectModulePath: null,
  3371. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  3372. dialectOptions: undefined },
  3373. dialect: [Circular],
  3374. versionPromise: null,
  3375. dialectName: 'mysql',
  3376. pool:
  3377. Pool {
  3378. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  3379. _eventsCount: 0,
  3380. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3381. _config:
  3382. PoolOptions {
  3383. fifo: true,
  3384. priorityRange: 1,
  3385. testOnBorrow: true,
  3386. testOnReturn: false,
  3387. autostart: false,
  3388. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  3389. max: 5,
  3390. min: 0,
  3391. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  3392. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  3393. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  3394. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  3395. Promise:
  3396. { [Function: Promise]
  3397. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  3398. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  3399. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  3400. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  3401. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3402. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3403. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  3404. _peekContext: [Function],
  3405. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  3406. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  3407. longStackTraces: [Function],
  3408. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  3409. config: [Function],
  3410. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  3411. is: [Function],
  3412. fromCallback: [Function],
  3413. fromNode: [Function],
  3414. all: [Function],
  3415. cast: [Function],
  3416. fulfilled: [Function],
  3417. resolve: [Function],
  3418. rejected: [Function],
  3419. reject: [Function],
  3420. setScheduler: [Function],
  3421. pending: [Function],
  3422. defer: [Function],
  3423. method: [Function],
  3424. try: [Function],
  3425. attempt: [Function],
  3426. bind: [Function],
  3427. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  3428. join: [Function],
  3429. Promise: [Circular],
  3430. version: '3.5.3',
  3431. map: [Function],
  3432. using: [Function],
  3433. delay: [Function],
  3434. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  3435. spawn: [Function],
  3436. promisify: [Function],
  3437. promisifyAll: [Function],
  3438. props: [Function],
  3439. race: [Function],
  3440. reduce: [Function],
  3441. settle: [Function],
  3442. some: [Function],
  3443. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  3444. filter: [Function],
  3445. each: [Function],
  3446. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  3447. any: [Function],
  3448. default: [Circular] } },
  3449. _Promise:
  3450. { [Function: Promise]
  3451. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  3452. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  3453. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  3454. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  3455. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3456. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  3457. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  3458. _peekContext: [Function],
  3459. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  3460. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  3461. longStackTraces: [Function],
  3462. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  3463. config: [Function],
  3464. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  3465. is: [Function],
  3466. fromCallback: [Function],
  3467. fromNode: [Function],
  3468. all: [Function],
  3469. cast: [Function],
  3470. fulfilled: [Function],
  3471. resolve: [Function],
  3472. rejected: [Function],
  3473. reject: [Function],
  3474. setScheduler: [Function],
  3475. pending: [Function],
  3476. defer: [Function],
  3477. method: [Function],
  3478. try: [Function],
  3479. attempt: [Function],
  3480. bind: [Function],
  3481. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  3482. join: [Function],
  3483. Promise: [Circular],
  3484. version: '3.5.3',
  3485. map: [Function],
  3486. using: [Function],
  3487. delay: [Function],
  3488. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  3489. spawn: [Function],
  3490. promisify: [Function],
  3491. promisifyAll: [Function],
  3492. props: [Function],
  3493. race: [Function],
  3494. reduce: [Function],
  3495. settle: [Function],
  3496. some: [Function],
  3497. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  3498. filter: [Function],
  3499. each: [Function],
  3500. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  3501. any: [Function],
  3502. default: [Circular] },
  3503. _factory:
  3504. { create: [Function: create],
  3505. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  3506. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  3507. _draining: false,
  3508. _started: true,
  3509. _waitingClientsQueue:
  3510. PriorityQueue {
  3511. _size: 1,
  3512. _slots:
  3513. [ Queue {
  3514. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  3515. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  3516. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  3517. _availableObjects:
  3518. Deque {
  3519. _list:
  3520. DoublyLinkedList {
  3521. head:
  3522. { prev: null,
  3523. next:
  3524. { prev: [Circular],
  3525. next: null,
  3526. data:
  3527. PooledResource {
  3528. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  3529. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  3530. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  3531. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  3532. obj:
  3533. Connection {
  3534. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  3535. _eventsCount: 1,
  3536. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3537. config:
  3538. ConnectionConfig {
  3539. isServer: undefined,
  3540. stream: undefined,
  3541. host: 'localhost',
  3542. port: 3306,
  3543. localAddress: undefined,
  3544. socketPath: undefined,
  3545. user: 'root',
  3546. password: 'abcd1234',
  3547. passwordSha1: undefined,
  3548. database: 'lbry',
  3549. connectTimeout: 10000,
  3550. insecureAuth: false,
  3551. supportBigNumbers: true,
  3552. bigNumberStrings: false,
  3553. decimalNumbers: false,
  3554. dateStrings: false,
  3555. debug: undefined,
  3556. trace: true,
  3557. stringifyObjects: false,
  3558. timezone: '+00:00',
  3559. queryFormat: undefined,
  3560. pool: undefined,
  3561. ssl: false,
  3562. multipleStatements: false,
  3563. rowsAsArray: false,
  3564. namedPlaceholders: false,
  3565. nestTables: undefined,
  3566. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  3567. maxPacketSize: 0,
  3568. charsetNumber: 224,
  3569. compress: false,
  3570. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  3571. clientFlags: 8582093,
  3572. connectAttributes: undefined,
  3573. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  3574. stream:
  3575. Socket {
  3576. connecting: false,
  3577. _hadError: false,
  3578. _handle:
  3579. TCP {
  3580. reading: true,
  3581. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  3582. onconnection: null,
  3583. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  3584. _parent: null,
  3585. _host: 'localhost',
  3586. _readableState:
  3587. ReadableState {
  3588. objectMode: false,
  3589. highWaterMark: 16384,
  3590. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  3591. length: 0,
  3592. pipes: null,
  3593. pipesCount: 0,
  3594. flowing: true,
  3595. ended: false,
  3596. endEmitted: false,
  3597. reading: true,
  3598. sync: false,
  3599. needReadable: true,
  3600. emittedReadable: false,
  3601. readableListening: false,
  3602. resumeScheduled: false,
  3603. emitClose: false,
  3604. autoDestroy: false,
  3605. destroyed: false,
  3606. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  3607. awaitDrain: 0,
  3608. readingMore: false,
  3609. decoder: null,
  3610. encoding: null },
  3611. readable: true,
  3612. _events:
  3613. [Object: null prototype] {
  3614. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  3615. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  3616. data: [Function],
  3617. close: [Function] },
  3618. _eventsCount: 4,
  3619. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3620. _writableState:
  3621. WritableState {
  3622. objectMode: false,
  3623. highWaterMark: 16384,
  3624. finalCalled: false,
  3625. needDrain: false,
  3626. ending: false,
  3627. ended: false,
  3628. finished: false,
  3629. destroyed: false,
  3630. decodeStrings: false,
  3631. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  3632. length: 0,
  3633. writing: false,
  3634. corked: 0,
  3635. sync: false,
  3636. bufferProcessing: false,
  3637. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  3638. writecb: null,
  3639. writelen: 0,
  3640. bufferedRequest: null,
  3641. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  3642. pendingcb: 0,
  3643. prefinished: false,
  3644. errorEmitted: false,
  3645. emitClose: false,
  3646. autoDestroy: false,
  3647. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  3648. corkedRequestsFree:
  3649. { next: null,
  3650. entry: null,
  3651. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  3652. writable: true,
  3653. allowHalfOpen: false,
  3654. _sockname: null,
  3655. _pendingData: null,
  3656. _pendingEncoding: '',
  3657. server: null,
  3658. _server: null,
  3659. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  3660. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  3661. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  3662. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  3663. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  3664. _internalId: 1,
  3665. _commands:
  3666. Denque {
  3667. _head: 0,
  3668. _tail: 0,
  3669. _capacityMask: 3,
  3670. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  3671. _command: undefined,
  3672. _paused: false,
  3673. _paused_packets:
  3674. Denque {
  3675. _head: 0,
  3676. _tail: 0,
  3677. _capacityMask: 3,
  3678. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  3679. _statements:
  3680. LRUCache {
  3681. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  3682. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  3683. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  3684. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  3685. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  3686. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  3687. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  3688. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  3689. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  3690. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  3691. authorized: true,
  3692. sequenceId: 23,
  3693. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  3694. threadId: 1303,
  3695. _handshakePacket:
  3696. Handshake {
  3697. protocolVersion: 10,
  3698. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  3699. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  3700. connectionId: 1303,
  3701. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  3702. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  3703. characterSet: 255,
  3704. statusFlags: 2 },
  3705. _fatalError: null,
  3706. _protocolError: null,
  3707. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  3708. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  3709. packetParser:
  3710. PacketParser {
  3711. buffer: [],
  3712. bufferLength: 0,
  3713. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  3714. headerLen: 0,
  3715. length: 5,
  3716. largePacketParts: [],
  3717. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  3718. onPacket: [Function],
  3719. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  3720. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  3721. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  3722. connectTimeout: null,
  3723. connectionId: 1303 },
  3724. state: 'IDLE' } },
  3725. data:
  3726. PooledResource {
  3727. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  3728. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  3729. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  3730. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  3731. obj:
  3732. Connection {
  3733. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  3734. _eventsCount: 1,
  3735. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3736. config:
  3737. ConnectionConfig {
  3738. isServer: undefined,
  3739. stream: undefined,
  3740. host: 'localhost',
  3741. port: 3306,
  3742. localAddress: undefined,
  3743. socketPath: undefined,
  3744. user: 'root',
  3745. password: 'abcd1234',
  3746. passwordSha1: undefined,
  3747. database: 'lbry',
  3748. connectTimeout: 10000,
  3749. insecureAuth: false,
  3750. supportBigNumbers: true,
  3751. bigNumberStrings: false,
  3752. decimalNumbers: false,
  3753. dateStrings: false,
  3754. debug: undefined,
  3755. trace: true,
  3756. stringifyObjects: false,
  3757. timezone: '+00:00',
  3758. queryFormat: undefined,
  3759. pool: undefined,
  3760. ssl: false,
  3761. multipleStatements: false,
  3762. rowsAsArray: false,
  3763. namedPlaceholders: false,
  3764. nestTables: undefined,
  3765. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  3766. maxPacketSize: 0,
  3767. charsetNumber: 224,
  3768. compress: false,
  3769. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  3770. clientFlags: 8582093,
  3771. connectAttributes: undefined,
  3772. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  3773. stream:
  3774. Socket {
  3775. connecting: false,
  3776. _hadError: false,
  3777. _handle:
  3778. TCP {
  3779. reading: true,
  3780. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  3781. onconnection: null,
  3782. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  3783. _parent: null,
  3784. _host: 'localhost',
  3785. _readableState:
  3786. ReadableState {
  3787. objectMode: false,
  3788. highWaterMark: 16384,
  3789. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  3790. length: 0,
  3791. pipes: null,
  3792. pipesCount: 0,
  3793. flowing: true,
  3794. ended: false,
  3795. endEmitted: false,
  3796. reading: true,
  3797. sync: false,
  3798. needReadable: true,
  3799. emittedReadable: false,
  3800. readableListening: false,
  3801. resumeScheduled: false,
  3802. emitClose: false,
  3803. autoDestroy: false,
  3804. destroyed: false,
  3805. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  3806. awaitDrain: 0,
  3807. readingMore: false,
  3808. decoder: null,
  3809. encoding: null },
  3810. readable: true,
  3811. _events:
  3812. [Object: null prototype] {
  3813. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  3814. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  3815. data: [Function],
  3816. close: [Function] },
  3817. _eventsCount: 4,
  3818. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3819. _writableState:
  3820. WritableState {
  3821. objectMode: false,
  3822. highWaterMark: 16384,
  3823. finalCalled: false,
  3824. needDrain: false,
  3825. ending: false,
  3826. ended: false,
  3827. finished: false,
  3828. destroyed: false,
  3829. decodeStrings: false,
  3830. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  3831. length: 0,
  3832. writing: false,
  3833. corked: 0,
  3834. sync: false,
  3835. bufferProcessing: false,
  3836. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  3837. writecb: null,
  3838. writelen: 0,
  3839. bufferedRequest: null,
  3840. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  3841. pendingcb: 0,
  3842. prefinished: false,
  3843. errorEmitted: false,
  3844. emitClose: false,
  3845. autoDestroy: false,
  3846. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  3847. corkedRequestsFree:
  3848. { next: null,
  3849. entry: null,
  3850. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  3851. writable: true,
  3852. allowHalfOpen: false,
  3853. _sockname: null,
  3854. _pendingData: null,
  3855. _pendingEncoding: '',
  3856. server: null,
  3857. _server: null,
  3858. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  3859. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  3860. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  3861. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  3862. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  3863. _internalId: 2,
  3864. _commands:
  3865. Denque {
  3866. _head: 0,
  3867. _tail: 0,
  3868. _capacityMask: 3,
  3869. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  3870. _command: undefined,
  3871. _paused: false,
  3872. _paused_packets:
  3873. Denque {
  3874. _head: 0,
  3875. _tail: 0,
  3876. _capacityMask: 3,
  3877. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  3878. _statements:
  3879. LRUCache {
  3880. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  3881. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  3882. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  3883. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  3884. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  3885. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  3886. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  3887. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  3888. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  3889. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  3890. authorized: true,
  3891. sequenceId: 2,
  3892. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  3893. threadId: 1302,
  3894. _handshakePacket:
  3895. Handshake {
  3896. protocolVersion: 10,
  3897. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  3898. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  3899. connectionId: 1302,
  3900. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  3901. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  3902. characterSet: 255,
  3903. statusFlags: 2 },
  3904. _fatalError: null,
  3905. _protocolError: null,
  3906. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  3907. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  3908. packetParser:
  3909. PacketParser {
  3910. buffer: [],
  3911. bufferLength: 0,
  3912. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  3913. headerLen: 0,
  3914. length: 7,
  3915. largePacketParts: [],
  3916. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  3917. onPacket: [Function],
  3918. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  3919. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  3920. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  3921. connectTimeout: null,
  3922. connectionId: 1302 },
  3923. state: 'IDLE' } },
  3924. tail:
  3925. { prev:
  3926. { prev: null,
  3927. next: [Circular],
  3928. data:
  3929. PooledResource {
  3930. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  3931. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  3932. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  3933. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  3934. obj:
  3935. Connection {
  3936. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  3937. _eventsCount: 1,
  3938. _maxListeners: undefined,
  3939. config:
  3940. ConnectionConfig {
  3941. isServer: undefined,
  3942. stream: undefined,
  3943. host: 'localhost',
  3944. port: 3306,
  3945. localAddress: undefined,
  3946. socketPath: undefined,
  3947. user: 'root',
  3948. password: 'abcd1234',
  3949. passwordSha1: undefined,
  3950. database: 'lbry',
  3951. connectTimeout: 10000,
  3952. insecureAuth: false,
  3953. supportBigNumbers: true,
  3954. bigNumberStrings: false,
  3955. decimalNumbers: false,
  3956. dateStrings: false,
  3957. debug: undefined,
  3958. trace: true,
  3959. stringifyObjects: false,
  3960. timezone: '+00:00',
  3961. queryFormat: undefined,
  3962. pool: undefined,
  3963. ssl: false,
  3964. multipleStatements: false,
  3965. rowsAsArray: false,
  3966. namedPlaceholders: false,
  3967. nestTables: undefined,
  3968. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  3969. maxPacketSize: 0,
  3970. charsetNumber: 224,
  3971. compress: false,
  3972. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  3973. clientFlags: 8582093,
  3974. connectAttributes: undefined,
  3975. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  3976. stream:
  3977. Socket {
  3978. connecting: false,
  3979. _hadError: false,
  3980. _handle:
  3981. TCP {
  3982. reading: true,
  3983. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  3984. onconnection: null,
  3985. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  3986. _parent: null,
  3987. _host: 'localhost',
  3988. _readableState:
  3989. ReadableState {
  3990. objectMode: false,
  3991. highWaterMark: 16384,
  3992. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  3993. length: 0,
  3994. pipes: null,
  3995. pipesCount: 0,
  3996. flowing: true,
  3997. ended: false,
  3998. endEmitted: false,
  3999. reading: true,
  4000. sync: false,
  4001. needReadable: true,
  4002. emittedReadable: false,
  4003. readableListening: false,
  4004. resumeScheduled: false,
  4005. emitClose: false,
  4006. autoDestroy: false,
  4007. destroyed: false,
  4008. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4009. awaitDrain: 0,
  4010. readingMore: false,
  4011. decoder: null,
  4012. encoding: null },
  4013. readable: true,
  4014. _events:
  4015. [Object: null prototype] {
  4016. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  4017. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  4018. data: [Function],
  4019. close: [Function] },
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  4021. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4022. _writableState:
  4023. WritableState {
  4024. objectMode: false,
  4025. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4026. finalCalled: false,
  4027. needDrain: false,
  4028. ending: false,
  4029. ended: false,
  4030. finished: false,
  4031. destroyed: false,
  4032. decodeStrings: false,
  4033. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4034. length: 0,
  4035. writing: false,
  4036. corked: 0,
  4037. sync: false,
  4038. bufferProcessing: false,
  4039. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  4041. writelen: 0,
  4042. bufferedRequest: null,
  4043. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  4044. pendingcb: 0,
  4045. prefinished: false,
  4046. errorEmitted: false,
  4047. emitClose: false,
  4048. autoDestroy: false,
  4049. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  4050. corkedRequestsFree:
  4051. { next: null,
  4052. entry: null,
  4053. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  4054. writable: true,
  4055. allowHalfOpen: false,
  4056. _sockname: null,
  4057. _pendingData: null,
  4058. _pendingEncoding: '',
  4059. server: null,
  4060. _server: null,
  4061. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  4062. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  4063. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  4064. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  4065. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  4066. _internalId: 2,
  4067. _commands:
  4068. Denque {
  4069. _head: 0,
  4070. _tail: 0,
  4071. _capacityMask: 3,
  4072. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4073. _command: undefined,
  4074. _paused: false,
  4075. _paused_packets:
  4076. Denque {
  4077. _head: 0,
  4078. _tail: 0,
  4079. _capacityMask: 3,
  4080. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4081. _statements:
  4082. LRUCache {
  4083. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  4084. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  4085. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  4086. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  4087. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  4088. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  4089. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  4090. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  4091. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  4092. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4093. authorized: true,
  4094. sequenceId: 2,
  4095. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  4096. threadId: 1302,
  4097. _handshakePacket:
  4098. Handshake {
  4099. protocolVersion: 10,
  4100. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  4101. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4102. connectionId: 1302,
  4103. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  4104. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  4105. characterSet: 255,
  4106. statusFlags: 2 },
  4107. _fatalError: null,
  4108. _protocolError: null,
  4109. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  4110. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  4111. packetParser:
  4112. PacketParser {
  4113. buffer: [],
  4114. bufferLength: 0,
  4115. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  4116. headerLen: 0,
  4117. length: 7,
  4118. largePacketParts: [],
  4119. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  4120. onPacket: [Function],
  4121. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  4122. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  4123. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  4124. connectTimeout: null,
  4125. connectionId: 1302 },
  4126. state: 'IDLE' } },
  4127. next: null,
  4128. data:
  4129. PooledResource {
  4130. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  4131. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  4132. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  4133. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  4134. obj:
  4135. Connection {
  4136. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  4137. _eventsCount: 1,
  4138. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4139. config:
  4140. ConnectionConfig {
  4141. isServer: undefined,
  4142. stream: undefined,
  4143. host: 'localhost',
  4144. port: 3306,
  4145. localAddress: undefined,
  4146. socketPath: undefined,
  4147. user: 'root',
  4148. password: 'abcd1234',
  4149. passwordSha1: undefined,
  4150. database: 'lbry',
  4151. connectTimeout: 10000,
  4152. insecureAuth: false,
  4153. supportBigNumbers: true,
  4154. bigNumberStrings: false,
  4155. decimalNumbers: false,
  4156. dateStrings: false,
  4157. debug: undefined,
  4158. trace: true,
  4159. stringifyObjects: false,
  4160. timezone: '+00:00',
  4161. queryFormat: undefined,
  4162. pool: undefined,
  4163. ssl: false,
  4164. multipleStatements: false,
  4165. rowsAsArray: false,
  4166. namedPlaceholders: false,
  4167. nestTables: undefined,
  4168. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  4169. maxPacketSize: 0,
  4170. charsetNumber: 224,
  4171. compress: false,
  4172. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  4173. clientFlags: 8582093,
  4174. connectAttributes: undefined,
  4175. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  4176. stream:
  4177. Socket {
  4178. connecting: false,
  4179. _hadError: false,
  4180. _handle:
  4181. TCP {
  4182. reading: true,
  4183. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  4184. onconnection: null,
  4185. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  4186. _parent: null,
  4187. _host: 'localhost',
  4188. _readableState:
  4189. ReadableState {
  4190. objectMode: false,
  4191. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4192. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  4193. length: 0,
  4194. pipes: null,
  4195. pipesCount: 0,
  4196. flowing: true,
  4197. ended: false,
  4198. endEmitted: false,
  4199. reading: true,
  4200. sync: false,
  4201. needReadable: true,
  4202. emittedReadable: false,
  4203. readableListening: false,
  4204. resumeScheduled: false,
  4205. emitClose: false,
  4206. autoDestroy: false,
  4207. destroyed: false,
  4208. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4209. awaitDrain: 0,
  4210. readingMore: false,
  4211. decoder: null,
  4212. encoding: null },
  4213. readable: true,
  4214. _events:
  4215. [Object: null prototype] {
  4216. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  4217. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  4218. data: [Function],
  4219. close: [Function] },
  4220. _eventsCount: 4,
  4221. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4222. _writableState:
  4223. WritableState {
  4224. objectMode: false,
  4225. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4226. finalCalled: false,
  4227. needDrain: false,
  4228. ending: false,
  4229. ended: false,
  4230. finished: false,
  4231. destroyed: false,
  4232. decodeStrings: false,
  4233. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4234. length: 0,
  4235. writing: false,
  4236. corked: 0,
  4237. sync: false,
  4238. bufferProcessing: false,
  4239. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  4241. writelen: 0,
  4242. bufferedRequest: null,
  4243. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  4244. pendingcb: 0,
  4245. prefinished: false,
  4246. errorEmitted: false,
  4247. emitClose: false,
  4248. autoDestroy: false,
  4249. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  4250. corkedRequestsFree:
  4251. { next: null,
  4252. entry: null,
  4253. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  4254. writable: true,
  4255. allowHalfOpen: false,
  4256. _sockname: null,
  4257. _pendingData: null,
  4258. _pendingEncoding: '',
  4259. server: null,
  4260. _server: null,
  4261. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  4262. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  4263. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  4264. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  4265. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  4266. _internalId: 1,
  4267. _commands:
  4268. Denque {
  4269. _head: 0,
  4270. _tail: 0,
  4271. _capacityMask: 3,
  4272. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4273. _command: undefined,
  4274. _paused: false,
  4275. _paused_packets:
  4276. Denque {
  4277. _head: 0,
  4278. _tail: 0,
  4279. _capacityMask: 3,
  4280. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4281. _statements:
  4282. LRUCache {
  4283. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  4284. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  4285. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  4286. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  4287. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  4288. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  4289. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  4290. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  4291. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  4292. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4293. authorized: true,
  4294. sequenceId: 23,
  4295. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  4296. threadId: 1303,
  4297. _handshakePacket:
  4298. Handshake {
  4299. protocolVersion: 10,
  4300. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  4301. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4302. connectionId: 1303,
  4303. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  4304. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  4305. characterSet: 255,
  4306. statusFlags: 2 },
  4307. _fatalError: null,
  4308. _protocolError: null,
  4309. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  4310. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  4311. packetParser:
  4312. PacketParser {
  4313. buffer: [],
  4314. bufferLength: 0,
  4315. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  4316. headerLen: 0,
  4317. length: 5,
  4318. largePacketParts: [],
  4319. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  4320. onPacket: [Function],
  4321. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  4322. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  4323. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  4324. connectTimeout: null,
  4325. connectionId: 1303 },
  4326. state: 'IDLE' } },
  4327. length: 2 } },
  4328. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  4329. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  4330. _validationOperations: Set {},
  4331. _allObjects:
  4332. Set {
  4333. PooledResource {
  4334. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  4335. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  4336. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  4337. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  4338. obj:
  4339. Connection {
  4340. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  4341. _eventsCount: 1,
  4342. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4343. config:
  4344. ConnectionConfig {
  4345. isServer: undefined,
  4346. stream: undefined,
  4347. host: 'localhost',
  4348. port: 3306,
  4349. localAddress: undefined,
  4350. socketPath: undefined,
  4351. user: 'root',
  4352. password: 'abcd1234',
  4353. passwordSha1: undefined,
  4354. database: 'lbry',
  4355. connectTimeout: 10000,
  4356. insecureAuth: false,
  4357. supportBigNumbers: true,
  4358. bigNumberStrings: false,
  4359. decimalNumbers: false,
  4360. dateStrings: false,
  4361. debug: undefined,
  4362. trace: true,
  4363. stringifyObjects: false,
  4364. timezone: '+00:00',
  4365. queryFormat: undefined,
  4366. pool: undefined,
  4367. ssl: false,
  4368. multipleStatements: false,
  4369. rowsAsArray: false,
  4370. namedPlaceholders: false,
  4371. nestTables: undefined,
  4372. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  4373. maxPacketSize: 0,
  4374. charsetNumber: 224,
  4375. compress: false,
  4376. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  4377. clientFlags: 8582093,
  4378. connectAttributes: undefined,
  4379. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  4380. stream:
  4381. Socket {
  4382. connecting: false,
  4383. _hadError: false,
  4384. _handle:
  4385. TCP {
  4386. reading: true,
  4387. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  4388. onconnection: null,
  4389. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  4390. _parent: null,
  4391. _host: 'localhost',
  4392. _readableState:
  4393. ReadableState {
  4394. objectMode: false,
  4395. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4396. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  4397. length: 0,
  4398. pipes: null,
  4399. pipesCount: 0,
  4400. flowing: true,
  4401. ended: false,
  4402. endEmitted: false,
  4403. reading: true,
  4404. sync: false,
  4405. needReadable: true,
  4406. emittedReadable: false,
  4407. readableListening: false,
  4408. resumeScheduled: false,
  4409. emitClose: false,
  4410. autoDestroy: false,
  4411. destroyed: false,
  4412. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4413. awaitDrain: 0,
  4414. readingMore: false,
  4415. decoder: null,
  4416. encoding: null },
  4417. readable: true,
  4418. _events:
  4419. [Object: null prototype] {
  4420. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  4421. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  4422. data: [Function],
  4423. close: [Function] },
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  4425. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4426. _writableState:
  4427. WritableState {
  4428. objectMode: false,
  4429. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4430. finalCalled: false,
  4431. needDrain: false,
  4432. ending: false,
  4433. ended: false,
  4434. finished: false,
  4435. destroyed: false,
  4436. decodeStrings: false,
  4437. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4438. length: 0,
  4439. writing: false,
  4440. corked: 0,
  4441. sync: false,
  4442. bufferProcessing: false,
  4443. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  4445. writelen: 0,
  4446. bufferedRequest: null,
  4447. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  4448. pendingcb: 0,
  4449. prefinished: false,
  4450. errorEmitted: false,
  4451. emitClose: false,
  4452. autoDestroy: false,
  4453. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  4454. corkedRequestsFree:
  4455. { next: null,
  4456. entry: null,
  4457. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  4458. writable: true,
  4459. allowHalfOpen: false,
  4460. _sockname: null,
  4461. _pendingData: null,
  4462. _pendingEncoding: '',
  4463. server: null,
  4464. _server: null,
  4465. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  4466. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  4467. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  4468. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  4469. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  4470. _internalId: 2,
  4471. _commands:
  4472. Denque {
  4473. _head: 0,
  4474. _tail: 0,
  4475. _capacityMask: 3,
  4476. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4477. _command: undefined,
  4478. _paused: false,
  4479. _paused_packets:
  4480. Denque {
  4481. _head: 0,
  4482. _tail: 0,
  4483. _capacityMask: 3,
  4484. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4485. _statements:
  4486. LRUCache {
  4487. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  4488. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  4489. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  4490. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  4491. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  4492. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  4493. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  4494. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  4495. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  4496. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4497. authorized: true,
  4498. sequenceId: 2,
  4499. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  4500. threadId: 1302,
  4501. _handshakePacket:
  4502. Handshake {
  4503. protocolVersion: 10,
  4504. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  4505. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4506. connectionId: 1302,
  4507. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  4508. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  4509. characterSet: 255,
  4510. statusFlags: 2 },
  4511. _fatalError: null,
  4512. _protocolError: null,
  4513. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  4514. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  4515. packetParser:
  4516. PacketParser {
  4517. buffer: [],
  4518. bufferLength: 0,
  4519. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  4520. headerLen: 0,
  4521. length: 7,
  4522. largePacketParts: [],
  4523. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  4524. onPacket: [Function],
  4525. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  4526. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  4527. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  4528. connectTimeout: null,
  4529. connectionId: 1302 },
  4530. state: 'IDLE' },
  4531. PooledResource {
  4532. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  4533. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  4534. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  4535. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  4536. obj:
  4537. Connection {
  4538. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  4539. _eventsCount: 1,
  4540. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4541. config:
  4542. ConnectionConfig {
  4543. isServer: undefined,
  4544. stream: undefined,
  4545. host: 'localhost',
  4546. port: 3306,
  4547. localAddress: undefined,
  4548. socketPath: undefined,
  4549. user: 'root',
  4550. password: 'abcd1234',
  4551. passwordSha1: undefined,
  4552. database: 'lbry',
  4553. connectTimeout: 10000,
  4554. insecureAuth: false,
  4555. supportBigNumbers: true,
  4556. bigNumberStrings: false,
  4557. decimalNumbers: false,
  4558. dateStrings: false,
  4559. debug: undefined,
  4560. trace: true,
  4561. stringifyObjects: false,
  4562. timezone: '+00:00',
  4563. queryFormat: undefined,
  4564. pool: undefined,
  4565. ssl: false,
  4566. multipleStatements: false,
  4567. rowsAsArray: false,
  4568. namedPlaceholders: false,
  4569. nestTables: undefined,
  4570. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  4571. maxPacketSize: 0,
  4572. charsetNumber: 224,
  4573. compress: false,
  4574. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  4575. clientFlags: 8582093,
  4576. connectAttributes: undefined,
  4577. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  4578. stream:
  4579. Socket {
  4580. connecting: false,
  4581. _hadError: false,
  4582. _handle:
  4583. TCP {
  4584. reading: true,
  4585. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  4586. onconnection: null,
  4587. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  4588. _parent: null,
  4589. _host: 'localhost',
  4590. _readableState:
  4591. ReadableState {
  4592. objectMode: false,
  4593. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4594. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  4595. length: 0,
  4596. pipes: null,
  4597. pipesCount: 0,
  4598. flowing: true,
  4599. ended: false,
  4600. endEmitted: false,
  4601. reading: true,
  4602. sync: false,
  4603. needReadable: true,
  4604. emittedReadable: false,
  4605. readableListening: false,
  4606. resumeScheduled: false,
  4607. emitClose: false,
  4608. autoDestroy: false,
  4609. destroyed: false,
  4610. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4611. awaitDrain: 0,
  4612. readingMore: false,
  4613. decoder: null,
  4614. encoding: null },
  4615. readable: true,
  4616. _events:
  4617. [Object: null prototype] {
  4618. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  4619. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  4620. data: [Function],
  4621. close: [Function] },
  4622. _eventsCount: 4,
  4623. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4624. _writableState:
  4625. WritableState {
  4626. objectMode: false,
  4627. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4628. finalCalled: false,
  4629. needDrain: false,
  4630. ending: false,
  4631. ended: false,
  4632. finished: false,
  4633. destroyed: false,
  4634. decodeStrings: false,
  4635. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4636. length: 0,
  4637. writing: false,
  4638. corked: 0,
  4639. sync: false,
  4640. bufferProcessing: false,
  4641. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  4642. writecb: null,
  4643. writelen: 0,
  4644. bufferedRequest: null,
  4645. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  4646. pendingcb: 0,
  4647. prefinished: false,
  4648. errorEmitted: false,
  4649. emitClose: false,
  4650. autoDestroy: false,
  4651. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  4652. corkedRequestsFree:
  4653. { next: null,
  4654. entry: null,
  4655. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  4656. writable: true,
  4657. allowHalfOpen: false,
  4658. _sockname: null,
  4659. _pendingData: null,
  4660. _pendingEncoding: '',
  4661. server: null,
  4662. _server: null,
  4663. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  4664. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  4665. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  4666. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  4667. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  4668. _internalId: 1,
  4669. _commands:
  4670. Denque {
  4671. _head: 0,
  4672. _tail: 0,
  4673. _capacityMask: 3,
  4674. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4675. _command: undefined,
  4676. _paused: false,
  4677. _paused_packets:
  4678. Denque {
  4679. _head: 0,
  4680. _tail: 0,
  4681. _capacityMask: 3,
  4682. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4683. _statements:
  4684. LRUCache {
  4685. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  4686. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  4687. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  4688. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  4689. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  4690. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  4691. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  4692. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  4693. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  4694. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4695. authorized: true,
  4696. sequenceId: 23,
  4697. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  4698. threadId: 1303,
  4699. _handshakePacket:
  4700. Handshake {
  4701. protocolVersion: 10,
  4702. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  4703. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4704. connectionId: 1303,
  4705. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  4706. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  4707. characterSet: 255,
  4708. statusFlags: 2 },
  4709. _fatalError: null,
  4710. _protocolError: null,
  4711. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  4712. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  4713. packetParser:
  4714. PacketParser {
  4715. buffer: [],
  4716. bufferLength: 0,
  4717. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  4718. headerLen: 0,
  4719. length: 5,
  4720. largePacketParts: [],
  4721. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  4722. onPacket: [Function],
  4723. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  4724. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  4725. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  4726. connectTimeout: null,
  4727. connectionId: 1303 },
  4728. state: 'IDLE' } },
  4729. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  4730. _evictionIterator:
  4731. DequeIterator {
  4732. _list:
  4733. DoublyLinkedList {
  4734. head:
  4735. { prev: null,
  4736. next:
  4737. { prev: [Circular],
  4738. next: null,
  4739. data:
  4740. PooledResource {
  4741. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  4742. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  4743. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  4744. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  4745. obj:
  4746. Connection {
  4747. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  4748. _eventsCount: 1,
  4749. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4750. config:
  4751. ConnectionConfig {
  4752. isServer: undefined,
  4753. stream: undefined,
  4754. host: 'localhost',
  4755. port: 3306,
  4756. localAddress: undefined,
  4757. socketPath: undefined,
  4758. user: 'root',
  4759. password: 'abcd1234',
  4760. passwordSha1: undefined,
  4761. database: 'lbry',
  4762. connectTimeout: 10000,
  4763. insecureAuth: false,
  4764. supportBigNumbers: true,
  4765. bigNumberStrings: false,
  4766. decimalNumbers: false,
  4767. dateStrings: false,
  4768. debug: undefined,
  4769. trace: true,
  4770. stringifyObjects: false,
  4771. timezone: '+00:00',
  4772. queryFormat: undefined,
  4773. pool: undefined,
  4774. ssl: false,
  4775. multipleStatements: false,
  4776. rowsAsArray: false,
  4777. namedPlaceholders: false,
  4778. nestTables: undefined,
  4779. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  4780. maxPacketSize: 0,
  4781. charsetNumber: 224,
  4782. compress: false,
  4783. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  4784. clientFlags: 8582093,
  4785. connectAttributes: undefined,
  4786. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  4787. stream:
  4788. Socket {
  4789. connecting: false,
  4790. _hadError: false,
  4791. _handle:
  4792. TCP {
  4793. reading: true,
  4794. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  4795. onconnection: null,
  4796. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  4797. _parent: null,
  4798. _host: 'localhost',
  4799. _readableState:
  4800. ReadableState {
  4801. objectMode: false,
  4802. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4803. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  4804. length: 0,
  4805. pipes: null,
  4806. pipesCount: 0,
  4807. flowing: true,
  4808. ended: false,
  4809. endEmitted: false,
  4810. reading: true,
  4811. sync: false,
  4812. needReadable: true,
  4813. emittedReadable: false,
  4814. readableListening: false,
  4815. resumeScheduled: false,
  4816. emitClose: false,
  4817. autoDestroy: false,
  4818. destroyed: false,
  4819. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4820. awaitDrain: 0,
  4821. readingMore: false,
  4822. decoder: null,
  4823. encoding: null },
  4824. readable: true,
  4825. _events:
  4826. [Object: null prototype] {
  4827. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  4828. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  4829. data: [Function],
  4830. close: [Function] },
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  4832. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4833. _writableState:
  4834. WritableState {
  4835. objectMode: false,
  4836. highWaterMark: 16384,
  4837. finalCalled: false,
  4838. needDrain: false,
  4839. ending: false,
  4840. ended: false,
  4841. finished: false,
  4842. destroyed: false,
  4843. decodeStrings: false,
  4844. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  4845. length: 0,
  4846. writing: false,
  4847. corked: 0,
  4848. sync: false,
  4849. bufferProcessing: false,
  4850. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  4852. writelen: 0,
  4853. bufferedRequest: null,
  4854. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  4855. pendingcb: 0,
  4856. prefinished: false,
  4857. errorEmitted: false,
  4858. emitClose: false,
  4859. autoDestroy: false,
  4860. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  4861. corkedRequestsFree:
  4862. { next: null,
  4863. entry: null,
  4864. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  4865. writable: true,
  4866. allowHalfOpen: false,
  4867. _sockname: null,
  4868. _pendingData: null,
  4869. _pendingEncoding: '',
  4870. server: null,
  4871. _server: null,
  4872. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  4873. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  4874. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  4875. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  4876. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  4877. _internalId: 1,
  4878. _commands:
  4879. Denque {
  4880. _head: 0,
  4881. _tail: 0,
  4882. _capacityMask: 3,
  4883. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4884. _command: undefined,
  4885. _paused: false,
  4886. _paused_packets:
  4887. Denque {
  4888. _head: 0,
  4889. _tail: 0,
  4890. _capacityMask: 3,
  4891. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  4892. _statements:
  4893. LRUCache {
  4894. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  4895. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  4896. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  4897. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  4898. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  4899. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  4900. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  4901. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  4902. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  4903. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4904. authorized: true,
  4905. sequenceId: 23,
  4906. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  4907. threadId: 1303,
  4908. _handshakePacket:
  4909. Handshake {
  4910. protocolVersion: 10,
  4911. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  4912. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  4913. connectionId: 1303,
  4914. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  4915. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  4916. characterSet: 255,
  4917. statusFlags: 2 },
  4918. _fatalError: null,
  4919. _protocolError: null,
  4920. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  4921. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  4922. packetParser:
  4923. PacketParser {
  4924. buffer: [],
  4925. bufferLength: 0,
  4926. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  4927. headerLen: 0,
  4928. length: 5,
  4929. largePacketParts: [],
  4930. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  4931. onPacket: [Function],
  4932. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  4933. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  4934. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  4935. connectTimeout: null,
  4936. connectionId: 1303 },
  4937. state: 'IDLE' } },
  4938. data:
  4939. PooledResource {
  4940. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  4941. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  4942. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  4943. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  4944. obj:
  4945. Connection {
  4946. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  4947. _eventsCount: 1,
  4948. _maxListeners: undefined,
  4949. config:
  4950. ConnectionConfig {
  4951. isServer: undefined,
  4952. stream: undefined,
  4953. host: 'localhost',
  4954. port: 3306,
  4955. localAddress: undefined,
  4956. socketPath: undefined,
  4957. user: 'root',
  4958. password: 'abcd1234',
  4959. passwordSha1: undefined,
  4960. database: 'lbry',
  4961. connectTimeout: 10000,
  4962. insecureAuth: false,
  4963. supportBigNumbers: true,
  4964. bigNumberStrings: false,
  4965. decimalNumbers: false,
  4966. dateStrings: false,
  4967. debug: undefined,
  4968. trace: true,
  4969. stringifyObjects: false,
  4970. timezone: '+00:00',
  4971. queryFormat: undefined,
  4972. pool: undefined,
  4973. ssl: false,
  4974. multipleStatements: false,
  4975. rowsAsArray: false,
  4976. namedPlaceholders: false,
  4977. nestTables: undefined,
  4978. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  4979. maxPacketSize: 0,
  4980. charsetNumber: 224,
  4981. compress: false,
  4982. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  4983. clientFlags: 8582093,
  4984. connectAttributes: undefined,
  4985. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  4986. stream:
  4987. Socket {
  4988. connecting: false,
  4989. _hadError: false,
  4990. _handle:
  4991. TCP {
  4992. reading: true,
  4993. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  4994. onconnection: null,
  4995. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  4996. _parent: null,
  4997. _host: 'localhost',
  4998. _readableState:
  4999. ReadableState {
  5000. objectMode: false,
  5001. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5002. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  5003. length: 0,
  5004. pipes: null,
  5005. pipesCount: 0,
  5006. flowing: true,
  5007. ended: false,
  5008. endEmitted: false,
  5009. reading: true,
  5010. sync: false,
  5011. needReadable: true,
  5012. emittedReadable: false,
  5013. readableListening: false,
  5014. resumeScheduled: false,
  5015. emitClose: false,
  5016. autoDestroy: false,
  5017. destroyed: false,
  5018. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5019. awaitDrain: 0,
  5020. readingMore: false,
  5021. decoder: null,
  5022. encoding: null },
  5023. readable: true,
  5024. _events:
  5025. [Object: null prototype] {
  5026. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  5027. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  5028. data: [Function],
  5029. close: [Function] },
  5030. _eventsCount: 4,
  5031. _maxListeners: undefined,
  5032. _writableState:
  5033. WritableState {
  5034. objectMode: false,
  5035. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5036. finalCalled: false,
  5037. needDrain: false,
  5038. ending: false,
  5039. ended: false,
  5040. finished: false,
  5041. destroyed: false,
  5042. decodeStrings: false,
  5043. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5044. length: 0,
  5045. writing: false,
  5046. corked: 0,
  5047. sync: false,
  5048. bufferProcessing: false,
  5049. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  5050. writecb: null,
  5051. writelen: 0,
  5052. bufferedRequest: null,
  5053. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  5054. pendingcb: 0,
  5055. prefinished: false,
  5056. errorEmitted: false,
  5057. emitClose: false,
  5058. autoDestroy: false,
  5059. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  5060. corkedRequestsFree:
  5061. { next: null,
  5062. entry: null,
  5063. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  5064. writable: true,
  5065. allowHalfOpen: false,
  5066. _sockname: null,
  5067. _pendingData: null,
  5068. _pendingEncoding: '',
  5069. server: null,
  5070. _server: null,
  5071. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  5072. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  5073. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  5074. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  5075. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  5076. _internalId: 2,
  5077. _commands:
  5078. Denque {
  5079. _head: 0,
  5080. _tail: 0,
  5081. _capacityMask: 3,
  5082. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5083. _command: undefined,
  5084. _paused: false,
  5085. _paused_packets:
  5086. Denque {
  5087. _head: 0,
  5088. _tail: 0,
  5089. _capacityMask: 3,
  5090. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5091. _statements:
  5092. LRUCache {
  5093. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  5094. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  5095. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  5096. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  5097. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  5098. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  5099. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  5100. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  5101. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  5102. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5103. authorized: true,
  5104. sequenceId: 2,
  5105. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  5106. threadId: 1302,
  5107. _handshakePacket:
  5108. Handshake {
  5109. protocolVersion: 10,
  5110. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  5111. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5112. connectionId: 1302,
  5113. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  5114. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  5115. characterSet: 255,
  5116. statusFlags: 2 },
  5117. _fatalError: null,
  5118. _protocolError: null,
  5119. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  5120. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  5121. packetParser:
  5122. PacketParser {
  5123. buffer: [],
  5124. bufferLength: 0,
  5125. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  5126. headerLen: 0,
  5127. length: 7,
  5128. largePacketParts: [],
  5129. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  5130. onPacket: [Function],
  5131. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  5132. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  5133. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  5134. connectTimeout: null,
  5135. connectionId: 1302 },
  5136. state: 'IDLE' } },
  5137. tail:
  5138. { prev:
  5139. { prev: null,
  5140. next: [Circular],
  5141. data:
  5142. PooledResource {
  5143. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  5144. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  5145. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  5146. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  5147. obj:
  5148. Connection {
  5149. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  5150. _eventsCount: 1,
  5151. _maxListeners: undefined,
  5152. config:
  5153. ConnectionConfig {
  5154. isServer: undefined,
  5155. stream: undefined,
  5156. host: 'localhost',
  5157. port: 3306,
  5158. localAddress: undefined,
  5159. socketPath: undefined,
  5160. user: 'root',
  5161. password: 'abcd1234',
  5162. passwordSha1: undefined,
  5163. database: 'lbry',
  5164. connectTimeout: 10000,
  5165. insecureAuth: false,
  5166. supportBigNumbers: true,
  5167. bigNumberStrings: false,
  5168. decimalNumbers: false,
  5169. dateStrings: false,
  5170. debug: undefined,
  5171. trace: true,
  5172. stringifyObjects: false,
  5173. timezone: '+00:00',
  5174. queryFormat: undefined,
  5175. pool: undefined,
  5176. ssl: false,
  5177. multipleStatements: false,
  5178. rowsAsArray: false,
  5179. namedPlaceholders: false,
  5180. nestTables: undefined,
  5181. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  5182. maxPacketSize: 0,
  5183. charsetNumber: 224,
  5184. compress: false,
  5185. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  5186. clientFlags: 8582093,
  5187. connectAttributes: undefined,
  5188. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  5189. stream:
  5190. Socket {
  5191. connecting: false,
  5192. _hadError: false,
  5193. _handle:
  5194. TCP {
  5195. reading: true,
  5196. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  5197. onconnection: null,
  5198. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  5199. _parent: null,
  5200. _host: 'localhost',
  5201. _readableState:
  5202. ReadableState {
  5203. objectMode: false,
  5204. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5205. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  5206. length: 0,
  5207. pipes: null,
  5208. pipesCount: 0,
  5209. flowing: true,
  5210. ended: false,
  5211. endEmitted: false,
  5212. reading: true,
  5213. sync: false,
  5214. needReadable: true,
  5215. emittedReadable: false,
  5216. readableListening: false,
  5217. resumeScheduled: false,
  5218. emitClose: false,
  5219. autoDestroy: false,
  5220. destroyed: false,
  5221. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5222. awaitDrain: 0,
  5223. readingMore: false,
  5224. decoder: null,
  5225. encoding: null },
  5226. readable: true,
  5227. _events:
  5228. [Object: null prototype] {
  5229. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  5230. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  5231. data: [Function],
  5232. close: [Function] },
  5233. _eventsCount: 4,
  5234. _maxListeners: undefined,
  5235. _writableState:
  5236. WritableState {
  5237. objectMode: false,
  5238. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5239. finalCalled: false,
  5240. needDrain: false,
  5241. ending: false,
  5242. ended: false,
  5243. finished: false,
  5244. destroyed: false,
  5245. decodeStrings: false,
  5246. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5247. length: 0,
  5248. writing: false,
  5249. corked: 0,
  5250. sync: false,
  5251. bufferProcessing: false,
  5252. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  5253. writecb: null,
  5254. writelen: 0,
  5255. bufferedRequest: null,
  5256. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  5257. pendingcb: 0,
  5258. prefinished: false,
  5259. errorEmitted: false,
  5260. emitClose: false,
  5261. autoDestroy: false,
  5262. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  5263. corkedRequestsFree:
  5264. { next: null,
  5265. entry: null,
  5266. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  5267. writable: true,
  5268. allowHalfOpen: false,
  5269. _sockname: null,
  5270. _pendingData: null,
  5271. _pendingEncoding: '',
  5272. server: null,
  5273. _server: null,
  5274. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  5275. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  5276. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  5277. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  5278. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  5279. _internalId: 2,
  5280. _commands:
  5281. Denque {
  5282. _head: 0,
  5283. _tail: 0,
  5284. _capacityMask: 3,
  5285. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5286. _command: undefined,
  5287. _paused: false,
  5288. _paused_packets:
  5289. Denque {
  5290. _head: 0,
  5291. _tail: 0,
  5292. _capacityMask: 3,
  5293. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5294. _statements:
  5295. LRUCache {
  5296. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  5297. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  5298. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  5299. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  5300. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  5301. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  5302. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  5303. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  5304. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  5305. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5306. authorized: true,
  5307. sequenceId: 2,
  5308. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  5309. threadId: 1302,
  5310. _handshakePacket:
  5311. Handshake {
  5312. protocolVersion: 10,
  5313. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  5314. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5315. connectionId: 1302,
  5316. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  5317. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  5318. characterSet: 255,
  5319. statusFlags: 2 },
  5320. _fatalError: null,
  5321. _protocolError: null,
  5322. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  5323. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  5324. packetParser:
  5325. PacketParser {
  5326. buffer: [],
  5327. bufferLength: 0,
  5328. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  5329. headerLen: 0,
  5330. length: 7,
  5331. largePacketParts: [],
  5332. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  5333. onPacket: [Function],
  5334. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  5335. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  5336. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  5337. connectTimeout: null,
  5338. connectionId: 1302 },
  5339. state: 'IDLE' } },
  5340. next: null,
  5341. data:
  5342. PooledResource {
  5343. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  5344. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  5345. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  5346. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  5347. obj:
  5348. Connection {
  5349. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  5350. _eventsCount: 1,
  5351. _maxListeners: undefined,
  5352. config:
  5353. ConnectionConfig {
  5354. isServer: undefined,
  5355. stream: undefined,
  5356. host: 'localhost',
  5357. port: 3306,
  5358. localAddress: undefined,
  5359. socketPath: undefined,
  5360. user: 'root',
  5361. password: 'abcd1234',
  5362. passwordSha1: undefined,
  5363. database: 'lbry',
  5364. connectTimeout: 10000,
  5365. insecureAuth: false,
  5366. supportBigNumbers: true,
  5367. bigNumberStrings: false,
  5368. decimalNumbers: false,
  5369. dateStrings: false,
  5370. debug: undefined,
  5371. trace: true,
  5372. stringifyObjects: false,
  5373. timezone: '+00:00',
  5374. queryFormat: undefined,
  5375. pool: undefined,
  5376. ssl: false,
  5377. multipleStatements: false,
  5378. rowsAsArray: false,
  5379. namedPlaceholders: false,
  5380. nestTables: undefined,
  5381. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  5382. maxPacketSize: 0,
  5383. charsetNumber: 224,
  5384. compress: false,
  5385. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  5386. clientFlags: 8582093,
  5387. connectAttributes: undefined,
  5388. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  5389. stream:
  5390. Socket {
  5391. connecting: false,
  5392. _hadError: false,
  5393. _handle:
  5394. TCP {
  5395. reading: true,
  5396. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  5397. onconnection: null,
  5398. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  5399. _parent: null,
  5400. _host: 'localhost',
  5401. _readableState:
  5402. ReadableState {
  5403. objectMode: false,
  5404. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5405. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  5406. length: 0,
  5407. pipes: null,
  5408. pipesCount: 0,
  5409. flowing: true,
  5410. ended: false,
  5411. endEmitted: false,
  5412. reading: true,
  5413. sync: false,
  5414. needReadable: true,
  5415. emittedReadable: false,
  5416. readableListening: false,
  5417. resumeScheduled: false,
  5418. emitClose: false,
  5419. autoDestroy: false,
  5420. destroyed: false,
  5421. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5422. awaitDrain: 0,
  5423. readingMore: false,
  5424. decoder: null,
  5425. encoding: null },
  5426. readable: true,
  5427. _events:
  5428. [Object: null prototype] {
  5429. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  5430. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  5431. data: [Function],
  5432. close: [Function] },
  5433. _eventsCount: 4,
  5434. _maxListeners: undefined,
  5435. _writableState:
  5436. WritableState {
  5437. objectMode: false,
  5438. highWaterMark: 16384,
  5439. finalCalled: false,
  5440. needDrain: false,
  5441. ending: false,
  5442. ended: false,
  5443. finished: false,
  5444. destroyed: false,
  5445. decodeStrings: false,
  5446. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  5447. length: 0,
  5448. writing: false,
  5449. corked: 0,
  5450. sync: false,
  5451. bufferProcessing: false,
  5452. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  5453. writecb: null,
  5454. writelen: 0,
  5455. bufferedRequest: null,
  5456. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  5457. pendingcb: 0,
  5458. prefinished: false,
  5459. errorEmitted: false,
  5460. emitClose: false,
  5461. autoDestroy: false,
  5462. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  5463. corkedRequestsFree:
  5464. { next: null,
  5465. entry: null,
  5466. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  5467. writable: true,
  5468. allowHalfOpen: false,
  5469. _sockname: null,
  5470. _pendingData: null,
  5471. _pendingEncoding: '',
  5472. server: null,
  5473. _server: null,
  5474. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  5475. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  5476. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  5477. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  5478. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  5479. _internalId: 1,
  5480. _commands:
  5481. Denque {
  5482. _head: 0,
  5483. _tail: 0,
  5484. _capacityMask: 3,
  5485. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5486. _command: undefined,
  5487. _paused: false,
  5488. _paused_packets:
  5489. Denque {
  5490. _head: 0,
  5491. _tail: 0,
  5492. _capacityMask: 3,
  5493. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  5494. _statements:
  5495. LRUCache {
  5496. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  5497. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  5498. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  5499. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  5500. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  5501. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  5502. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  5503. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  5504. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  5505. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5506. authorized: true,
  5507. sequenceId: 23,
  5508. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  5509. threadId: 1303,
  5510. _handshakePacket:
  5511. Handshake {
  5512. protocolVersion: 10,
  5513. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  5514. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  5515. connectionId: 1303,
  5516. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  5517. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  5518. characterSet: 255,
  5519. statusFlags: 2 },
  5520. _fatalError: null,
  5521. _protocolError: null,
  5522. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  5523. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  5524. packetParser:
  5525. PacketParser {
  5526. buffer: [],
  5527. bufferLength: 0,
  5528. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  5529. headerLen: 0,
  5530. length: 5,
  5531. largePacketParts: [],
  5532. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  5533. onPacket: [Function],
  5534. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  5535. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  5536. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  5537. connectTimeout: null,
  5538. connectionId: 1303 },
  5539. state: 'IDLE' } },
  5540. length: 2 },
  5541. _direction: 'next',
  5542. _startPosition: 'head',
  5543. _started: false,
  5544. _cursor: null,
  5545. _done: false },
  5546. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  5547. _scheduledEviction:
  5548. Timeout {
  5549. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  5550. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  5551. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  5552. _idleStart: 432,
  5553. _onTimeout: [Function],
  5554. _timerArgs: undefined,
  5555. _repeat: null,
  5556. _destroyed: false,
  5557. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  5558. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  5559. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  5560. lib:
  5561. { createConnection: [Function],
  5562. connect: [Function],
  5563. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  5564. createPool: [Function],
  5565. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  5566. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  5567. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  5568. createServer: [Function],
  5569. PoolConnection:
  5570. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  5571. escape: [Function: escape],
  5572. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  5573. format: [Function: format],
  5574. raw: [Function: raw],
  5575. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  5576. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  5577. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  5578. Types: [Getter],
  5579. Charsets: [Getter],
  5580. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  5581. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  5582. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  5583. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  5584. sequelize: [Circular],
  5585. typeValidation: undefined } },
  5586. models:
  5587. { Balloons:
  5588. { [Function: Balloons]
  5589. sequelize: [Circular],
  5590. options: [Circular],
  5591. associations: {},
  5592. underscored: undefined,
  5593. tableName: 'Balloons',
  5594. _schema: null,
  5595. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  5596. rawAttributes:
  5597. { id:
  5598. { type:
  5599. INTEGER {
  5600. options: { length: undefined },
  5601. _length: undefined,
  5602. _zerofill: undefined,
  5603. _decimals: undefined,
  5604. _precision: undefined,
  5605. _scale: undefined,
  5606. _unsigned: undefined },
  5607. allowNull: false,
  5608. primaryKey: true,
  5609. autoIncrement: true,
  5610. _autoGenerated: true,
  5611. Model: [Circular],
  5612. fieldName: 'id',
  5613. _modelAttribute: true,
  5614. field: 'id' },
  5615. size:
  5616. { type:
  5617. STRING {
  5618. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5619. _binary: undefined,
  5620. _length: 255 },
  5621. Model: [Circular],
  5622. fieldName: 'size',
  5623. _modelAttribute: true,
  5624. field: 'size' },
  5625. color:
  5626. { type:
  5627. STRING {
  5628. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5629. _binary: undefined,
  5630. _length: 255 },
  5631. Model: [Circular],
  5632. fieldName: 'color',
  5633. _modelAttribute: true,
  5634. field: 'color' },
  5635. createdAt:
  5636. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5637. allowNull: false,
  5638. _autoGenerated: true,
  5639. Model: [Circular],
  5640. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  5641. _modelAttribute: true,
  5642. field: 'createdAt' },
  5643. updatedAt:
  5644. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5645. allowNull: false,
  5646. _autoGenerated: true,
  5647. Model: [Circular],
  5648. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  5649. _modelAttribute: true,
  5650. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  5651. primaryKeys:
  5652. { id:
  5653. { type:
  5654. INTEGER {
  5655. options: { length: undefined },
  5656. _length: undefined,
  5657. _zerofill: undefined,
  5658. _decimals: undefined,
  5659. _precision: undefined,
  5660. _scale: undefined,
  5661. _unsigned: undefined },
  5662. allowNull: false,
  5663. primaryKey: true,
  5664. autoIncrement: true,
  5665. _autoGenerated: true,
  5666. Model: [Circular],
  5667. fieldName: 'id',
  5668. _modelAttribute: true,
  5669. field: 'id' } },
  5670. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  5671. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  5672. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  5673. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  5674. { [Function: memoized]
  5675. cache:
  5676. MapCache {
  5677. size: 0,
  5678. __data__:
  5679. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5680. map: Map {},
  5681. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5682. _dataTypeChanges:
  5683. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  5684. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  5685. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  5686. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  5687. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  5688. _booleanAttributes: [],
  5689. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  5690. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  5691. _rangeAttributes: [],
  5692. _jsonAttributes: [],
  5693. _geometryAttributes: [],
  5694. _virtualAttributes: [],
  5695. _defaultValues: {},
  5696. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  5697. { id:
  5698. { type:
  5699. INTEGER {
  5700. options: { length: undefined },
  5701. _length: undefined,
  5702. _zerofill: undefined,
  5703. _decimals: undefined,
  5704. _precision: undefined,
  5705. _scale: undefined,
  5706. _unsigned: undefined },
  5707. allowNull: false,
  5708. primaryKey: true,
  5709. autoIncrement: true,
  5710. _autoGenerated: true,
  5711. Model: [Circular],
  5712. fieldName: 'id',
  5713. _modelAttribute: true,
  5714. field: 'id' },
  5715. size:
  5716. { type:
  5717. STRING {
  5718. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5719. _binary: undefined,
  5720. _length: 255 },
  5721. Model: [Circular],
  5722. fieldName: 'size',
  5723. _modelAttribute: true,
  5724. field: 'size' },
  5725. color:
  5726. { type:
  5727. STRING {
  5728. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5729. _binary: undefined,
  5730. _length: 255 },
  5731. Model: [Circular],
  5732. fieldName: 'color',
  5733. _modelAttribute: true,
  5734. field: 'color' },
  5735. createdAt:
  5736. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5737. allowNull: false,
  5738. _autoGenerated: true,
  5739. Model: [Circular],
  5740. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  5741. _modelAttribute: true,
  5742. field: 'createdAt' },
  5743. updatedAt:
  5744. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5745. allowNull: false,
  5746. _autoGenerated: true,
  5747. Model: [Circular],
  5748. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  5749. _modelAttribute: true,
  5750. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  5751. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  5752. uniqueKeys: {},
  5753. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  5754. _isBooleanAttribute:
  5755. { [Function: memoized]
  5756. cache:
  5757. MapCache {
  5758. size: 0,
  5759. __data__:
  5760. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5761. map: Map {},
  5762. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5763. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  5764. _isDateAttribute:
  5765. { [Function: memoized]
  5766. cache:
  5767. MapCache {
  5768. size: 0,
  5769. __data__:
  5770. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5771. map: Map {},
  5772. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5773. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  5774. _isHstoreAttribute:
  5775. { [Function: memoized]
  5776. cache:
  5777. MapCache {
  5778. size: 0,
  5779. __data__:
  5780. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5781. map: Map {},
  5782. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5783. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  5784. _isRangeAttribute:
  5785. { [Function: memoized]
  5786. cache:
  5787. MapCache {
  5788. size: 0,
  5789. __data__:
  5790. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5791. map: Map {},
  5792. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5793. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  5794. _isJsonAttribute:
  5795. { [Function: memoized]
  5796. cache:
  5797. MapCache {
  5798. size: 0,
  5799. __data__:
  5800. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5801. map: Map {},
  5802. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5803. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  5804. _isVirtualAttribute:
  5805. { [Function: memoized]
  5806. cache:
  5807. MapCache {
  5808. size: 5,
  5809. __data__:
  5810. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5811. map: Map {},
  5812. string:
  5813. Hash {
  5814. __data__:
  5815. [Object: null prototype] {
  5816. id: false,
  5817. size: false,
  5818. color: false,
  5819. createdAt: false,
  5820. updatedAt: false },
  5821. size: 5 } } } },
  5822. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  5823. _isGeometryAttribute:
  5824. { [Function: memoized]
  5825. cache:
  5826. MapCache {
  5827. size: 0,
  5828. __data__:
  5829. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5830. map: Map {},
  5831. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5832. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  5833. attributes:
  5834. { id:
  5835. { type:
  5836. INTEGER {
  5837. options: { length: undefined },
  5838. _length: undefined,
  5839. _zerofill: undefined,
  5840. _decimals: undefined,
  5841. _precision: undefined,
  5842. _scale: undefined,
  5843. _unsigned: undefined },
  5844. allowNull: false,
  5845. primaryKey: true,
  5846. autoIncrement: true,
  5847. _autoGenerated: true,
  5848. Model: [Circular],
  5849. fieldName: 'id',
  5850. _modelAttribute: true,
  5851. field: 'id' },
  5852. size:
  5853. { type:
  5854. STRING {
  5855. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5856. _binary: undefined,
  5857. _length: 255 },
  5858. Model: [Circular],
  5859. fieldName: 'size',
  5860. _modelAttribute: true,
  5861. field: 'size' },
  5862. color:
  5863. { type:
  5864. STRING {
  5865. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5866. _binary: undefined,
  5867. _length: 255 },
  5868. Model: [Circular],
  5869. fieldName: 'color',
  5870. _modelAttribute: true,
  5871. field: 'color' },
  5872. createdAt:
  5873. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5874. allowNull: false,
  5875. _autoGenerated: true,
  5876. Model: [Circular],
  5877. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  5878. _modelAttribute: true,
  5879. field: 'createdAt' },
  5880. updatedAt:
  5881. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5882. allowNull: false,
  5883. _autoGenerated: true,
  5884. Model: [Circular],
  5885. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  5886. _modelAttribute: true,
  5887. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  5888. tableAttributes:
  5889. { id:
  5890. { type:
  5891. INTEGER {
  5892. options: { length: undefined },
  5893. _length: undefined,
  5894. _zerofill: undefined,
  5895. _decimals: undefined,
  5896. _precision: undefined,
  5897. _scale: undefined,
  5898. _unsigned: undefined },
  5899. allowNull: false,
  5900. primaryKey: true,
  5901. autoIncrement: true,
  5902. _autoGenerated: true,
  5903. Model: [Circular],
  5904. fieldName: 'id',
  5905. _modelAttribute: true,
  5906. field: 'id' },
  5907. size:
  5908. { type:
  5909. STRING {
  5910. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5911. _binary: undefined,
  5912. _length: 255 },
  5913. Model: [Circular],
  5914. fieldName: 'size',
  5915. _modelAttribute: true,
  5916. field: 'size' },
  5917. color:
  5918. { type:
  5919. STRING {
  5920. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5921. _binary: undefined,
  5922. _length: 255 },
  5923. Model: [Circular],
  5924. fieldName: 'color',
  5925. _modelAttribute: true,
  5926. field: 'color' },
  5927. createdAt:
  5928. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5929. allowNull: false,
  5930. _autoGenerated: true,
  5931. Model: [Circular],
  5932. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  5933. _modelAttribute: true,
  5934. field: 'createdAt' },
  5935. updatedAt:
  5936. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  5937. allowNull: false,
  5938. _autoGenerated: true,
  5939. Model: [Circular],
  5940. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  5941. _modelAttribute: true,
  5942. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  5943. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  5944. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  5945. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  5946. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  5947. _isPrimaryKey:
  5948. { [Function: memoized]
  5949. cache:
  5950. MapCache {
  5951. size: 0,
  5952. __data__:
  5953. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  5954. map: Map {},
  5955. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  5956. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  5957. _scope: {},
  5958. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  5959. modelManager:
  5960. ModelManager {
  5961. models:
  5962. [ { [Function: Balloons]
  5963. sequelize: [Circular],
  5964. options: [Circular],
  5965. associations: {},
  5966. underscored: undefined,
  5967. tableName: 'Balloons',
  5968. _schema: null,
  5969. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  5970. rawAttributes:
  5971. { id:
  5972. { type:
  5973. INTEGER {
  5974. options: { length: undefined },
  5975. _length: undefined,
  5976. _zerofill: undefined,
  5977. _decimals: undefined,
  5978. _precision: undefined,
  5979. _scale: undefined,
  5980. _unsigned: undefined },
  5981. allowNull: false,
  5982. primaryKey: true,
  5983. autoIncrement: true,
  5984. _autoGenerated: true,
  5985. Model: [Circular],
  5986. fieldName: 'id',
  5987. _modelAttribute: true,
  5988. field: 'id' },
  5989. size:
  5990. { type:
  5991. STRING {
  5992. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  5993. _binary: undefined,
  5994. _length: 255 },
  5995. Model: [Circular],
  5996. fieldName: 'size',
  5997. _modelAttribute: true,
  5998. field: 'size' },
  5999. color:
  6000. { type:
  6001. STRING {
  6002. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6003. _binary: undefined,
  6004. _length: 255 },
  6005. Model: [Circular],
  6006. fieldName: 'color',
  6007. _modelAttribute: true,
  6008. field: 'color' },
  6009. createdAt:
  6010. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6011. allowNull: false,
  6012. _autoGenerated: true,
  6013. Model: [Circular],
  6014. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  6015. _modelAttribute: true,
  6016. field: 'createdAt' },
  6017. updatedAt:
  6018. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6019. allowNull: false,
  6020. _autoGenerated: true,
  6021. Model: [Circular],
  6022. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  6023. _modelAttribute: true,
  6024. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  6025. primaryKeys:
  6026. { id:
  6027. { type:
  6028. INTEGER {
  6029. options: { length: undefined },
  6030. _length: undefined,
  6031. _zerofill: undefined,
  6032. _decimals: undefined,
  6033. _precision: undefined,
  6034. _scale: undefined,
  6035. _unsigned: undefined },
  6036. allowNull: false,
  6037. primaryKey: true,
  6038. autoIncrement: true,
  6039. _autoGenerated: true,
  6040. Model: [Circular],
  6041. fieldName: 'id',
  6042. _modelAttribute: true,
  6043. field: 'id' } },
  6044. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  6045. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  6046. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  6047. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  6048. { [Function: memoized]
  6049. cache:
  6050. MapCache {
  6051. size: 0,
  6052. __data__:
  6053. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6054. map: Map {},
  6055. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6056. _dataTypeChanges:
  6057. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  6058. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  6059. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  6060. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  6061. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  6062. _booleanAttributes: [],
  6063. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  6064. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  6065. _rangeAttributes: [],
  6066. _jsonAttributes: [],
  6067. _geometryAttributes: [],
  6068. _virtualAttributes: [],
  6069. _defaultValues: {},
  6070. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  6071. { id:
  6072. { type:
  6073. INTEGER {
  6074. options: { length: undefined },
  6075. _length: undefined,
  6076. _zerofill: undefined,
  6077. _decimals: undefined,
  6078. _precision: undefined,
  6079. _scale: undefined,
  6080. _unsigned: undefined },
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  6082. primaryKey: true,
  6083. autoIncrement: true,
  6084. _autoGenerated: true,
  6085. Model: [Circular],
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  6087. _modelAttribute: true,
  6088. field: 'id' },
  6089. size:
  6090. { type:
  6091. STRING {
  6092. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6093. _binary: undefined,
  6094. _length: 255 },
  6095. Model: [Circular],
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  6097. _modelAttribute: true,
  6098. field: 'size' },
  6099. color:
  6100. { type:
  6101. STRING {
  6102. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6103. _binary: undefined,
  6104. _length: 255 },
  6105. Model: [Circular],
  6106. fieldName: 'color',
  6107. _modelAttribute: true,
  6108. field: 'color' },
  6109. createdAt:
  6110. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6111. allowNull: false,
  6112. _autoGenerated: true,
  6113. Model: [Circular],
  6114. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  6115. _modelAttribute: true,
  6116. field: 'createdAt' },
  6117. updatedAt:
  6118. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6119. allowNull: false,
  6120. _autoGenerated: true,
  6121. Model: [Circular],
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  6123. _modelAttribute: true,
  6124. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  6125. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  6126. uniqueKeys: {},
  6127. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  6128. _isBooleanAttribute:
  6129. { [Function: memoized]
  6130. cache:
  6131. MapCache {
  6132. size: 0,
  6133. __data__:
  6134. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6135. map: Map {},
  6136. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6137. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  6138. _isDateAttribute:
  6139. { [Function: memoized]
  6140. cache:
  6141. MapCache {
  6142. size: 0,
  6143. __data__:
  6144. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6145. map: Map {},
  6146. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6147. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  6148. _isHstoreAttribute:
  6149. { [Function: memoized]
  6150. cache:
  6151. MapCache {
  6152. size: 0,
  6153. __data__:
  6154. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6155. map: Map {},
  6156. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6157. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  6158. _isRangeAttribute:
  6159. { [Function: memoized]
  6160. cache:
  6161. MapCache {
  6162. size: 0,
  6163. __data__:
  6164. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6165. map: Map {},
  6166. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6167. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
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  6169. { [Function: memoized]
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  6171. MapCache {
  6172. size: 0,
  6173. __data__:
  6174. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6175. map: Map {},
  6176. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6177. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  6178. _isVirtualAttribute:
  6179. { [Function: memoized]
  6180. cache:
  6181. MapCache {
  6182. size: 5,
  6183. __data__:
  6184. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6185. map: Map {},
  6186. string:
  6187. Hash {
  6188. __data__:
  6189. [Object: null prototype] {
  6190. id: false,
  6191. size: false,
  6192. color: false,
  6193. createdAt: false,
  6194. updatedAt: false },
  6195. size: 5 } } } },
  6196. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  6197. _isGeometryAttribute:
  6198. { [Function: memoized]
  6199. cache:
  6200. MapCache {
  6201. size: 0,
  6202. __data__:
  6203. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6204. map: Map {},
  6205. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6206. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  6207. attributes:
  6208. { id:
  6209. { type:
  6210. INTEGER {
  6211. options: { length: undefined },
  6212. _length: undefined,
  6213. _zerofill: undefined,
  6214. _decimals: undefined,
  6215. _precision: undefined,
  6216. _scale: undefined,
  6217. _unsigned: undefined },
  6218. allowNull: false,
  6219. primaryKey: true,
  6220. autoIncrement: true,
  6221. _autoGenerated: true,
  6222. Model: [Circular],
  6223. fieldName: 'id',
  6224. _modelAttribute: true,
  6225. field: 'id' },
  6226. size:
  6227. { type:
  6228. STRING {
  6229. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6230. _binary: undefined,
  6231. _length: 255 },
  6232. Model: [Circular],
  6233. fieldName: 'size',
  6234. _modelAttribute: true,
  6235. field: 'size' },
  6236. color:
  6237. { type:
  6238. STRING {
  6239. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6240. _binary: undefined,
  6241. _length: 255 },
  6242. Model: [Circular],
  6243. fieldName: 'color',
  6244. _modelAttribute: true,
  6245. field: 'color' },
  6246. createdAt:
  6247. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6248. allowNull: false,
  6249. _autoGenerated: true,
  6250. Model: [Circular],
  6251. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  6252. _modelAttribute: true,
  6253. field: 'createdAt' },
  6254. updatedAt:
  6255. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6256. allowNull: false,
  6257. _autoGenerated: true,
  6258. Model: [Circular],
  6259. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  6260. _modelAttribute: true,
  6261. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  6262. tableAttributes:
  6263. { id:
  6264. { type:
  6265. INTEGER {
  6266. options: { length: undefined },
  6267. _length: undefined,
  6268. _zerofill: undefined,
  6269. _decimals: undefined,
  6270. _precision: undefined,
  6271. _scale: undefined,
  6272. _unsigned: undefined },
  6273. allowNull: false,
  6274. primaryKey: true,
  6275. autoIncrement: true,
  6276. _autoGenerated: true,
  6277. Model: [Circular],
  6278. fieldName: 'id',
  6279. _modelAttribute: true,
  6280. field: 'id' },
  6281. size:
  6282. { type:
  6283. STRING {
  6284. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6285. _binary: undefined,
  6286. _length: 255 },
  6287. Model: [Circular],
  6288. fieldName: 'size',
  6289. _modelAttribute: true,
  6290. field: 'size' },
  6291. color:
  6292. { type:
  6293. STRING {
  6294. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  6295. _binary: undefined,
  6296. _length: 255 },
  6297. Model: [Circular],
  6298. fieldName: 'color',
  6299. _modelAttribute: true,
  6300. field: 'color' },
  6301. createdAt:
  6302. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6303. allowNull: false,
  6304. _autoGenerated: true,
  6305. Model: [Circular],
  6306. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  6307. _modelAttribute: true,
  6308. field: 'createdAt' },
  6309. updatedAt:
  6310. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  6311. allowNull: false,
  6312. _autoGenerated: true,
  6313. Model: [Circular],
  6314. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  6315. _modelAttribute: true,
  6316. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  6317. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  6318. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  6319. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  6320. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  6321. _isPrimaryKey:
  6322. { [Function: memoized]
  6323. cache:
  6324. MapCache {
  6325. size: 0,
  6326. __data__:
  6327. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  6328. map: Map {},
  6329. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  6330. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  6331. _scope: {},
  6332. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  6333. sequelize: [Circular] },
  6334. connectionManager:
  6335. ConnectionManager {
  6336. sequelize: [Circular],
  6337. config:
  6338. { database: 'lbry',
  6339. username: 'root',
  6340. password: 'abcd1234',
  6341. host: 'localhost',
  6342. port: undefined,
  6343. pool:
  6344. { max: 5,
  6345. min: 0,
  6346. acquire: 30000,
  6347. idle: 10000,
  6348. evict: 10000,
  6349. handleDisconnects: true,
  6350. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  6351. Promise:
  6352. { [Function: Promise]
  6353. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  6354. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  6355. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  6356. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  6357. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6358. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6359. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  6360. _peekContext: [Function],
  6361. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  6362. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  6363. longStackTraces: [Function],
  6364. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  6365. config: [Function],
  6366. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  6367. is: [Function],
  6368. fromCallback: [Function],
  6369. fromNode: [Function],
  6370. all: [Function],
  6371. cast: [Function],
  6372. fulfilled: [Function],
  6373. resolve: [Function],
  6374. rejected: [Function],
  6375. reject: [Function],
  6376. setScheduler: [Function],
  6377. pending: [Function],
  6378. defer: [Function],
  6379. method: [Function],
  6380. try: [Function],
  6381. attempt: [Function],
  6382. bind: [Function],
  6383. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  6384. join: [Function],
  6385. Promise: [Circular],
  6386. version: '3.5.3',
  6387. map: [Function],
  6388. using: [Function],
  6389. delay: [Function],
  6390. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  6391. spawn: [Function],
  6392. promisify: [Function],
  6393. promisifyAll: [Function],
  6394. props: [Function],
  6395. race: [Function],
  6396. reduce: [Function],
  6397. settle: [Function],
  6398. some: [Function],
  6399. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  6400. filter: [Function],
  6401. each: [Function],
  6402. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  6403. any: [Function],
  6404. default: [Circular] } },
  6405. protocol: 'tcp',
  6406. native: false,
  6407. ssl: undefined,
  6408. replication: false,
  6409. dialectModulePath: null,
  6410. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  6411. dialectOptions: undefined },
  6412. dialect:
  6413. MysqlDialect {
  6414. sequelize: [Circular],
  6415. connectionManager: [Circular],
  6416. QueryGenerator:
  6417. { dialect: 'mysql',
  6418. OperatorMap:
  6419. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  6420. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  6421. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  6422. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  6423. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  6424. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  6425. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  6426. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  6427. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  6428. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  6429. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  6430. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  6431. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  6432. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  6433. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  6434. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  6435. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  6436. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  6437. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  6438. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  6439. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  6440. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  6441. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  6442. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  6443. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  6444. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  6445. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  6446. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  6447. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  6448. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  6449. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  6450. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  6451. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  6452. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  6453. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  6454. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  6455. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  6456. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  6457. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  6458. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  6459. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  6460. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  6461. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  6462. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  6463. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  6464. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  6465. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  6466. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  6467. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  6468. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  6469. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  6470. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  6471. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  6472. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  6473. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  6474. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  6475. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  6476. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  6477. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  6478. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  6479. _templateSettings:
  6480. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  6481. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  6482. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  6483. variable: '',
  6484. imports:
  6485. { _:
  6486. { [Function: lodash]
  6487. templateSettings: [Circular],
  6488. after: [Function: after],
  6489. ary: [Function: ary],
  6490. assign: [Function],
  6491. assignIn: [Function],
  6492. assignInWith: [Function],
  6493. assignWith: [Function],
  6494. at: [Function],
  6495. before: [Function: before],
  6496. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6497. bindAll: [Function],
  6498. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6499. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  6500. chain: [Function: chain],
  6501. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  6502. compact: [Function: compact],
  6503. concat: [Function: concat],
  6504. cond: [Function: cond],
  6505. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  6506. constant: [Function: constant],
  6507. countBy: [Function],
  6508. create: [Function: create],
  6509. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6510. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6511. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  6512. defaults: [Function],
  6513. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  6514. defer: [Function],
  6515. delay: [Function],
  6516. difference: [Function],
  6517. differenceBy: [Function],
  6518. differenceWith: [Function],
  6519. drop: [Function: drop],
  6520. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  6521. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  6522. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  6523. fill: [Function: fill],
  6524. filter: [Function: filter],
  6525. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  6526. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  6527. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  6528. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  6529. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  6530. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  6531. flip: [Function: flip],
  6532. flow: [Function],
  6533. flowRight: [Function],
  6534. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  6535. functions: [Function: functions],
  6536. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  6537. groupBy: [Function],
  6538. initial: [Function: initial],
  6539. intersection: [Function],
  6540. intersectionBy: [Function],
  6541. intersectionWith: [Function],
  6542. invert: [Function],
  6543. invertBy: [Function],
  6544. invokeMap: [Function],
  6545. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  6546. keyBy: [Function],
  6547. keys: [Function: keys],
  6548. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  6549. map: [Function: map],
  6550. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  6551. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  6552. matches: [Function: matches],
  6553. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  6554. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  6555. merge: [Function],
  6556. mergeWith: [Function],
  6557. method: [Function],
  6558. methodOf: [Function],
  6559. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  6560. negate: [Function: negate],
  6561. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  6562. omit: [Function],
  6563. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  6564. once: [Function: once],
  6565. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  6566. over: [Function],
  6567. overArgs: [Function],
  6568. overEvery: [Function],
  6569. overSome: [Function],
  6570. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6571. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  6572. partition: [Function],
  6573. pick: [Function],
  6574. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  6575. property: [Function: property],
  6576. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  6577. pull: [Function],
  6578. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  6579. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  6580. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  6581. pullAt: [Function],
  6582. range: [Function],
  6583. rangeRight: [Function],
  6584. rearg: [Function],
  6585. reject: [Function: reject],
  6586. remove: [Function: remove],
  6587. rest: [Function: rest],
  6588. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  6589. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  6590. set: [Function: set],
  6591. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  6592. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  6593. slice: [Function: slice],
  6594. sortBy: [Function],
  6595. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  6596. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  6597. split: [Function: split],
  6598. spread: [Function: spread],
  6599. tail: [Function: tail],
  6600. take: [Function: take],
  6601. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  6602. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  6603. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  6604. tap: [Function: tap],
  6605. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  6606. thru: [Function: thru],
  6607. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  6608. toPairs: [Function],
  6609. toPairsIn: [Function],
  6610. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  6611. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  6612. transform: [Function: transform],
  6613. unary: [Function: unary],
  6614. union: [Function],
  6615. unionBy: [Function],
  6616. unionWith: [Function],
  6617. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  6618. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  6619. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  6620. unset: [Function: unset],
  6621. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  6622. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  6623. update: [Function: update],
  6624. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  6625. values: [Function: values],
  6626. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  6627. without: [Function],
  6628. words: [Function: words],
  6629. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  6630. xor: [Function],
  6631. xorBy: [Function],
  6632. xorWith: [Function],
  6633. zip: [Function],
  6634. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  6635. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  6636. zipWith: [Function],
  6637. entries: [Function],
  6638. entriesIn: [Function],
  6639. extend: [Function],
  6640. extendWith: [Function],
  6641. add: [Function],
  6642. attempt: [Function],
  6643. camelCase: [Function],
  6644. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  6645. ceil: [Function],
  6646. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  6647. clone: [Function: clone],
  6648. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  6649. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  6650. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  6651. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  6652. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  6653. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  6654. divide: [Function],
  6655. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  6656. eq: [Function: eq],
  6657. escape: [Function: escape],
  6658. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  6659. every: [Function: every],
  6660. find: [Function],
  6661. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  6662. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  6663. findLast: [Function],
  6664. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  6665. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  6666. floor: [Function],
  6667. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  6668. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  6669. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  6670. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  6671. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  6672. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  6673. get: [Function: get],
  6674. gt: [Function],
  6675. gte: [Function],
  6676. has: [Function: has],
  6677. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  6678. head: [Function: head],
  6679. identity: [Function: identity],
  6680. includes: [Function: includes],
  6681. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  6682. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  6683. invoke: [Function],
  6684. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  6685. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  6686. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  6687. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  6688. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  6689. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  6690. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  6691. isDate: [Function],
  6692. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  6693. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  6694. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  6695. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  6696. isError: [Function: isError],
  6697. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  6698. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  6699. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  6700. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  6701. isMap: [Function],
  6702. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  6703. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  6704. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  6705. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  6706. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  6707. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  6708. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  6709. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  6710. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  6711. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  6712. isRegExp: [Function],
  6713. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  6714. isSet: [Function],
  6715. isString: [Function: isString],
  6716. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  6717. isTypedArray: [Function],
  6718. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  6719. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  6720. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  6721. join: [Function: join],
  6722. kebabCase: [Function],
  6723. last: [Function: last],
  6724. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  6725. lowerCase: [Function],
  6726. lowerFirst: [Function],
  6727. lt: [Function],
  6728. lte: [Function],
  6729. max: [Function: max],
  6730. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  6731. mean: [Function: mean],
  6732. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  6733. min: [Function: min],
  6734. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  6735. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  6736. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  6737. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  6738. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  6739. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  6740. multiply: [Function],
  6741. nth: [Function: nth],
  6742. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  6743. noop: [Function: noop],
  6744. now: [Function],
  6745. pad: [Function: pad],
  6746. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  6747. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  6748. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  6749. random: [Function: random],
  6750. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  6751. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  6752. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  6753. replace: [Function: replace],
  6754. result: [Function: result],
  6755. round: [Function],
  6756. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  6757. sample: [Function: sample],
  6758. size: [Function: size],
  6759. snakeCase: [Function],
  6760. some: [Function: some],
  6761. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  6762. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  6763. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  6764. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  6765. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  6766. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  6767. startCase: [Function],
  6768. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  6769. subtract: [Function],
  6770. sum: [Function: sum],
  6771. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  6772. template: [Function: template],
  6773. times: [Function: times],
  6774. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  6775. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  6776. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  6777. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  6778. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  6779. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  6780. toString: [Function: toString],
  6781. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  6782. trim: [Function: trim],
  6783. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  6784. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  6785. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  6786. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  6787. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  6788. upperCase: [Function],
  6789. upperFirst: [Function],
  6790. each: [Function: forEach],
  6791. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  6792. first: [Function: head],
  6793. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  6794. options:
  6795. { dialect: 'mysql',
  6796. dialectModulePath: null,
  6797. host: 'localhost',
  6798. protocol: 'tcp',
  6799. define: {},
  6800. query: {},
  6801. sync: {},
  6802. timezone: '+00:00',
  6803. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  6804. omitNull: false,
  6805. native: false,
  6806. replication: false,
  6807. ssl: undefined,
  6808. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  6809. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  6810. hooks: {},
  6811. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  6812. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  6813. isolationLevel: null,
  6814. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  6815. typeValidation: false,
  6816. benchmark: false,
  6817. operatorsAliases: false },
  6818. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  6819. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  6820. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  6821. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  6822. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  6823. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  6824. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  6825. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  6826. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  6827. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  6828. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  6829. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  6830. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  6831. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  6832. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  6833. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  6834. quote: [Function: quote],
  6835. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  6836. escape: [Function: escape],
  6837. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  6838. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  6839. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  6840. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  6841. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  6842. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  6843. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  6844. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  6845. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  6846. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  6847. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  6848. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  6849. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  6850. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  6851. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  6852. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  6853. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  6854. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  6855. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  6856. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  6857. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  6858. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  6859. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  6860. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  6861. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  6862. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  6863. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  6864. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  6865. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  6866. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  6867. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  6868. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  6869. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  6870. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  6871. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  6872. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  6873. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  6874. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  6875. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  6876. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  6877. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  6878. _dialect: [Circular],
  6879. sequelize: [Circular],
  6880. typeValidation: undefined } },
  6881. versionPromise: null,
  6882. dialectName: 'mysql',
  6883. pool:
  6884. Pool {
  6885. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  6886. _eventsCount: 0,
  6887. _maxListeners: undefined,
  6888. _config:
  6889. PoolOptions {
  6890. fifo: true,
  6891. priorityRange: 1,
  6892. testOnBorrow: true,
  6893. testOnReturn: false,
  6894. autostart: false,
  6895. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  6896. max: 5,
  6897. min: 0,
  6898. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  6899. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  6900. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  6901. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  6902. Promise:
  6903. { [Function: Promise]
  6904. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  6905. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  6906. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  6907. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  6908. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6909. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6910. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  6911. _peekContext: [Function],
  6912. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  6913. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  6914. longStackTraces: [Function],
  6915. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  6916. config: [Function],
  6917. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  6918. is: [Function],
  6919. fromCallback: [Function],
  6920. fromNode: [Function],
  6921. all: [Function],
  6922. cast: [Function],
  6923. fulfilled: [Function],
  6924. resolve: [Function],
  6925. rejected: [Function],
  6926. reject: [Function],
  6927. setScheduler: [Function],
  6928. pending: [Function],
  6929. defer: [Function],
  6930. method: [Function],
  6931. try: [Function],
  6932. attempt: [Function],
  6933. bind: [Function],
  6934. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  6935. join: [Function],
  6936. Promise: [Circular],
  6937. version: '3.5.3',
  6938. map: [Function],
  6939. using: [Function],
  6940. delay: [Function],
  6941. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  6942. spawn: [Function],
  6943. promisify: [Function],
  6944. promisifyAll: [Function],
  6945. props: [Function],
  6946. race: [Function],
  6947. reduce: [Function],
  6948. settle: [Function],
  6949. some: [Function],
  6950. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  6951. filter: [Function],
  6952. each: [Function],
  6953. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  6954. any: [Function],
  6955. default: [Circular] } },
  6956. _Promise:
  6957. { [Function: Promise]
  6958. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  6959. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  6960. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  6961. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  6962. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6963. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  6964. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  6965. _peekContext: [Function],
  6966. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  6967. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  6968. longStackTraces: [Function],
  6969. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  6970. config: [Function],
  6971. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  6972. is: [Function],
  6973. fromCallback: [Function],
  6974. fromNode: [Function],
  6975. all: [Function],
  6976. cast: [Function],
  6977. fulfilled: [Function],
  6978. resolve: [Function],
  6979. rejected: [Function],
  6980. reject: [Function],
  6981. setScheduler: [Function],
  6982. pending: [Function],
  6983. defer: [Function],
  6984. method: [Function],
  6985. try: [Function],
  6986. attempt: [Function],
  6987. bind: [Function],
  6988. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  6989. join: [Function],
  6990. Promise: [Circular],
  6991. version: '3.5.3',
  6992. map: [Function],
  6993. using: [Function],
  6994. delay: [Function],
  6995. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  6996. spawn: [Function],
  6997. promisify: [Function],
  6998. promisifyAll: [Function],
  6999. props: [Function],
  7000. race: [Function],
  7001. reduce: [Function],
  7002. settle: [Function],
  7003. some: [Function],
  7004. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  7005. filter: [Function],
  7006. each: [Function],
  7007. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  7008. any: [Function],
  7009. default: [Circular] },
  7010. _factory:
  7011. { create: [Function: create],
  7012. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  7013. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  7014. _draining: false,
  7015. _started: true,
  7016. _waitingClientsQueue:
  7017. PriorityQueue {
  7018. _size: 1,
  7019. _slots:
  7020. [ Queue {
  7021. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  7022. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  7023. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  7024. _availableObjects:
  7025. Deque {
  7026. _list:
  7027. DoublyLinkedList {
  7028. head:
  7029. { prev: null,
  7030. next:
  7031. { prev: [Circular],
  7032. next: null,
  7033. data:
  7034. PooledResource {
  7035. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  7036. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  7037. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  7038. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  7039. obj:
  7040. Connection {
  7041. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  7042. _eventsCount: 1,
  7043. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7044. config:
  7045. ConnectionConfig {
  7046. isServer: undefined,
  7047. stream: undefined,
  7048. host: 'localhost',
  7049. port: 3306,
  7050. localAddress: undefined,
  7051. socketPath: undefined,
  7052. user: 'root',
  7053. password: 'abcd1234',
  7054. passwordSha1: undefined,
  7055. database: 'lbry',
  7056. connectTimeout: 10000,
  7057. insecureAuth: false,
  7058. supportBigNumbers: true,
  7059. bigNumberStrings: false,
  7060. decimalNumbers: false,
  7061. dateStrings: false,
  7062. debug: undefined,
  7063. trace: true,
  7064. stringifyObjects: false,
  7065. timezone: '+00:00',
  7066. queryFormat: undefined,
  7067. pool: undefined,
  7068. ssl: false,
  7069. multipleStatements: false,
  7070. rowsAsArray: false,
  7071. namedPlaceholders: false,
  7072. nestTables: undefined,
  7073. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  7074. maxPacketSize: 0,
  7075. charsetNumber: 224,
  7076. compress: false,
  7077. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  7078. clientFlags: 8582093,
  7079. connectAttributes: undefined,
  7080. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  7081. stream:
  7082. Socket {
  7083. connecting: false,
  7084. _hadError: false,
  7085. _handle:
  7086. TCP {
  7087. reading: true,
  7088. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  7089. onconnection: null,
  7090. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  7091. _parent: null,
  7092. _host: 'localhost',
  7093. _readableState:
  7094. ReadableState {
  7095. objectMode: false,
  7096. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7097. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  7098. length: 0,
  7099. pipes: null,
  7100. pipesCount: 0,
  7101. flowing: true,
  7102. ended: false,
  7103. endEmitted: false,
  7104. reading: true,
  7105. sync: false,
  7106. needReadable: true,
  7107. emittedReadable: false,
  7108. readableListening: false,
  7109. resumeScheduled: false,
  7110. emitClose: false,
  7111. autoDestroy: false,
  7112. destroyed: false,
  7113. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7114. awaitDrain: 0,
  7115. readingMore: false,
  7116. decoder: null,
  7117. encoding: null },
  7118. readable: true,
  7119. _events:
  7120. [Object: null prototype] {
  7121. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  7122. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  7123. data: [Function],
  7124. close: [Function] },
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  7126. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  7130. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7131. finalCalled: false,
  7132. needDrain: false,
  7133. ending: false,
  7134. ended: false,
  7135. finished: false,
  7136. destroyed: false,
  7137. decodeStrings: false,
  7138. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7139. length: 0,
  7140. writing: false,
  7141. corked: 0,
  7142. sync: false,
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  7144. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  7146. writelen: 0,
  7147. bufferedRequest: null,
  7148. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  7149. pendingcb: 0,
  7150. prefinished: false,
  7151. errorEmitted: false,
  7152. emitClose: false,
  7153. autoDestroy: false,
  7154. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  7155. corkedRequestsFree:
  7156. { next: null,
  7157. entry: null,
  7158. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  7159. writable: true,
  7160. allowHalfOpen: false,
  7161. _sockname: null,
  7162. _pendingData: null,
  7163. _pendingEncoding: '',
  7164. server: null,
  7165. _server: null,
  7166. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  7167. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  7168. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  7169. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  7170. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  7171. _internalId: 1,
  7172. _commands:
  7173. Denque {
  7174. _head: 0,
  7175. _tail: 0,
  7176. _capacityMask: 3,
  7177. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7178. _command: undefined,
  7179. _paused: false,
  7180. _paused_packets:
  7181. Denque {
  7182. _head: 0,
  7183. _tail: 0,
  7184. _capacityMask: 3,
  7185. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7186. _statements:
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  7188. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  7189. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  7190. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  7191. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  7192. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  7193. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  7194. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  7195. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  7196. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  7197. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7198. authorized: true,
  7199. sequenceId: 23,
  7200. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  7201. threadId: 1303,
  7202. _handshakePacket:
  7203. Handshake {
  7204. protocolVersion: 10,
  7205. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  7206. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7207. connectionId: 1303,
  7208. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  7209. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  7210. characterSet: 255,
  7211. statusFlags: 2 },
  7212. _fatalError: null,
  7213. _protocolError: null,
  7214. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  7215. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  7216. packetParser:
  7217. PacketParser {
  7218. buffer: [],
  7219. bufferLength: 0,
  7220. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  7221. headerLen: 0,
  7222. length: 5,
  7223. largePacketParts: [],
  7224. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  7225. onPacket: [Function],
  7226. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  7227. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  7228. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  7229. connectTimeout: null,
  7230. connectionId: 1303 },
  7231. state: 'IDLE' } },
  7232. data:
  7233. PooledResource {
  7234. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  7235. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  7236. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  7237. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  7238. obj:
  7239. Connection {
  7240. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  7241. _eventsCount: 1,
  7242. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7243. config:
  7244. ConnectionConfig {
  7245. isServer: undefined,
  7246. stream: undefined,
  7247. host: 'localhost',
  7248. port: 3306,
  7249. localAddress: undefined,
  7250. socketPath: undefined,
  7251. user: 'root',
  7252. password: 'abcd1234',
  7253. passwordSha1: undefined,
  7254. database: 'lbry',
  7255. connectTimeout: 10000,
  7256. insecureAuth: false,
  7257. supportBigNumbers: true,
  7258. bigNumberStrings: false,
  7259. decimalNumbers: false,
  7260. dateStrings: false,
  7261. debug: undefined,
  7262. trace: true,
  7263. stringifyObjects: false,
  7264. timezone: '+00:00',
  7265. queryFormat: undefined,
  7266. pool: undefined,
  7267. ssl: false,
  7268. multipleStatements: false,
  7269. rowsAsArray: false,
  7270. namedPlaceholders: false,
  7271. nestTables: undefined,
  7272. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  7273. maxPacketSize: 0,
  7274. charsetNumber: 224,
  7275. compress: false,
  7276. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  7277. clientFlags: 8582093,
  7278. connectAttributes: undefined,
  7279. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  7280. stream:
  7281. Socket {
  7282. connecting: false,
  7283. _hadError: false,
  7284. _handle:
  7285. TCP {
  7286. reading: true,
  7287. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  7288. onconnection: null,
  7289. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  7290. _parent: null,
  7291. _host: 'localhost',
  7292. _readableState:
  7293. ReadableState {
  7294. objectMode: false,
  7295. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7296. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  7297. length: 0,
  7298. pipes: null,
  7299. pipesCount: 0,
  7300. flowing: true,
  7301. ended: false,
  7302. endEmitted: false,
  7303. reading: true,
  7304. sync: false,
  7305. needReadable: true,
  7306. emittedReadable: false,
  7307. readableListening: false,
  7308. resumeScheduled: false,
  7309. emitClose: false,
  7310. autoDestroy: false,
  7311. destroyed: false,
  7312. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7313. awaitDrain: 0,
  7314. readingMore: false,
  7315. decoder: null,
  7316. encoding: null },
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  7318. _events:
  7319. [Object: null prototype] {
  7320. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  7321. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  7322. data: [Function],
  7323. close: [Function] },
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  7325. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  7327. WritableState {
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  7329. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7330. finalCalled: false,
  7331. needDrain: false,
  7332. ending: false,
  7333. ended: false,
  7334. finished: false,
  7335. destroyed: false,
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  7337. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7338. length: 0,
  7339. writing: false,
  7340. corked: 0,
  7341. sync: false,
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  7346. bufferedRequest: null,
  7347. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  7348. pendingcb: 0,
  7349. prefinished: false,
  7350. errorEmitted: false,
  7351. emitClose: false,
  7352. autoDestroy: false,
  7353. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  7354. corkedRequestsFree:
  7355. { next: null,
  7356. entry: null,
  7357. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  7358. writable: true,
  7359. allowHalfOpen: false,
  7360. _sockname: null,
  7361. _pendingData: null,
  7362. _pendingEncoding: '',
  7363. server: null,
  7364. _server: null,
  7365. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  7366. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  7367. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  7368. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  7369. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  7370. _internalId: 2,
  7371. _commands:
  7372. Denque {
  7373. _head: 0,
  7374. _tail: 0,
  7375. _capacityMask: 3,
  7376. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7377. _command: undefined,
  7378. _paused: false,
  7379. _paused_packets:
  7380. Denque {
  7381. _head: 0,
  7382. _tail: 0,
  7383. _capacityMask: 3,
  7384. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  7386. LRUCache {
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  7388. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  7389. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  7390. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  7391. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  7392. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  7393. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  7394. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  7395. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  7396. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7397. authorized: true,
  7398. sequenceId: 2,
  7399. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  7400. threadId: 1302,
  7401. _handshakePacket:
  7402. Handshake {
  7403. protocolVersion: 10,
  7404. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  7405. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7406. connectionId: 1302,
  7407. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  7408. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  7409. characterSet: 255,
  7410. statusFlags: 2 },
  7411. _fatalError: null,
  7412. _protocolError: null,
  7413. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  7414. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  7415. packetParser:
  7416. PacketParser {
  7417. buffer: [],
  7418. bufferLength: 0,
  7419. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  7420. headerLen: 0,
  7421. length: 7,
  7422. largePacketParts: [],
  7423. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  7424. onPacket: [Function],
  7425. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  7426. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  7427. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  7428. connectTimeout: null,
  7429. connectionId: 1302 },
  7430. state: 'IDLE' } },
  7431. tail:
  7432. { prev:
  7433. { prev: null,
  7434. next: [Circular],
  7435. data:
  7436. PooledResource {
  7437. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  7438. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  7439. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  7440. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  7441. obj:
  7442. Connection {
  7443. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  7444. _eventsCount: 1,
  7445. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7446. config:
  7447. ConnectionConfig {
  7448. isServer: undefined,
  7449. stream: undefined,
  7450. host: 'localhost',
  7451. port: 3306,
  7452. localAddress: undefined,
  7453. socketPath: undefined,
  7454. user: 'root',
  7455. password: 'abcd1234',
  7456. passwordSha1: undefined,
  7457. database: 'lbry',
  7458. connectTimeout: 10000,
  7459. insecureAuth: false,
  7460. supportBigNumbers: true,
  7461. bigNumberStrings: false,
  7462. decimalNumbers: false,
  7463. dateStrings: false,
  7464. debug: undefined,
  7465. trace: true,
  7466. stringifyObjects: false,
  7467. timezone: '+00:00',
  7468. queryFormat: undefined,
  7469. pool: undefined,
  7470. ssl: false,
  7471. multipleStatements: false,
  7472. rowsAsArray: false,
  7473. namedPlaceholders: false,
  7474. nestTables: undefined,
  7475. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  7476. maxPacketSize: 0,
  7477. charsetNumber: 224,
  7478. compress: false,
  7479. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  7480. clientFlags: 8582093,
  7481. connectAttributes: undefined,
  7482. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  7483. stream:
  7484. Socket {
  7485. connecting: false,
  7486. _hadError: false,
  7487. _handle:
  7488. TCP {
  7489. reading: true,
  7490. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  7491. onconnection: null,
  7492. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  7493. _parent: null,
  7494. _host: 'localhost',
  7495. _readableState:
  7496. ReadableState {
  7497. objectMode: false,
  7498. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7499. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  7500. length: 0,
  7501. pipes: null,
  7502. pipesCount: 0,
  7503. flowing: true,
  7504. ended: false,
  7505. endEmitted: false,
  7506. reading: true,
  7507. sync: false,
  7508. needReadable: true,
  7509. emittedReadable: false,
  7510. readableListening: false,
  7511. resumeScheduled: false,
  7512. emitClose: false,
  7513. autoDestroy: false,
  7514. destroyed: false,
  7515. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7516. awaitDrain: 0,
  7517. readingMore: false,
  7518. decoder: null,
  7519. encoding: null },
  7520. readable: true,
  7521. _events:
  7522. [Object: null prototype] {
  7523. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  7524. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  7525. data: [Function],
  7526. close: [Function] },
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  7528. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  7530. WritableState {
  7531. objectMode: false,
  7532. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7533. finalCalled: false,
  7534. needDrain: false,
  7535. ending: false,
  7536. ended: false,
  7537. finished: false,
  7538. destroyed: false,
  7539. decodeStrings: false,
  7540. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7541. length: 0,
  7542. writing: false,
  7543. corked: 0,
  7544. sync: false,
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  7546. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  7548. writelen: 0,
  7549. bufferedRequest: null,
  7550. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  7551. pendingcb: 0,
  7552. prefinished: false,
  7553. errorEmitted: false,
  7554. emitClose: false,
  7555. autoDestroy: false,
  7556. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  7557. corkedRequestsFree:
  7558. { next: null,
  7559. entry: null,
  7560. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  7561. writable: true,
  7562. allowHalfOpen: false,
  7563. _sockname: null,
  7564. _pendingData: null,
  7565. _pendingEncoding: '',
  7566. server: null,
  7567. _server: null,
  7568. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  7569. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  7570. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  7571. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  7572. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  7573. _internalId: 2,
  7574. _commands:
  7575. Denque {
  7576. _head: 0,
  7577. _tail: 0,
  7578. _capacityMask: 3,
  7579. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7580. _command: undefined,
  7581. _paused: false,
  7582. _paused_packets:
  7583. Denque {
  7584. _head: 0,
  7585. _tail: 0,
  7586. _capacityMask: 3,
  7587. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7588. _statements:
  7589. LRUCache {
  7590. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  7591. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  7592. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  7593. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  7594. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  7595. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  7596. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  7597. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  7598. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  7599. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7600. authorized: true,
  7601. sequenceId: 2,
  7602. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  7603. threadId: 1302,
  7604. _handshakePacket:
  7605. Handshake {
  7606. protocolVersion: 10,
  7607. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  7608. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7609. connectionId: 1302,
  7610. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  7611. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  7612. characterSet: 255,
  7613. statusFlags: 2 },
  7614. _fatalError: null,
  7615. _protocolError: null,
  7616. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  7617. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  7618. packetParser:
  7619. PacketParser {
  7620. buffer: [],
  7621. bufferLength: 0,
  7622. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  7623. headerLen: 0,
  7624. length: 7,
  7625. largePacketParts: [],
  7626. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  7627. onPacket: [Function],
  7628. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  7629. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  7630. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  7631. connectTimeout: null,
  7632. connectionId: 1302 },
  7633. state: 'IDLE' } },
  7634. next: null,
  7635. data:
  7636. PooledResource {
  7637. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  7638. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  7639. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  7640. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  7641. obj:
  7642. Connection {
  7643. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  7644. _eventsCount: 1,
  7645. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7646. config:
  7647. ConnectionConfig {
  7648. isServer: undefined,
  7649. stream: undefined,
  7650. host: 'localhost',
  7651. port: 3306,
  7652. localAddress: undefined,
  7653. socketPath: undefined,
  7654. user: 'root',
  7655. password: 'abcd1234',
  7656. passwordSha1: undefined,
  7657. database: 'lbry',
  7658. connectTimeout: 10000,
  7659. insecureAuth: false,
  7660. supportBigNumbers: true,
  7661. bigNumberStrings: false,
  7662. decimalNumbers: false,
  7663. dateStrings: false,
  7664. debug: undefined,
  7665. trace: true,
  7666. stringifyObjects: false,
  7667. timezone: '+00:00',
  7668. queryFormat: undefined,
  7669. pool: undefined,
  7670. ssl: false,
  7671. multipleStatements: false,
  7672. rowsAsArray: false,
  7673. namedPlaceholders: false,
  7674. nestTables: undefined,
  7675. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  7676. maxPacketSize: 0,
  7677. charsetNumber: 224,
  7678. compress: false,
  7679. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  7680. clientFlags: 8582093,
  7681. connectAttributes: undefined,
  7682. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  7683. stream:
  7684. Socket {
  7685. connecting: false,
  7686. _hadError: false,
  7687. _handle:
  7688. TCP {
  7689. reading: true,
  7690. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  7691. onconnection: null,
  7692. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  7693. _parent: null,
  7694. _host: 'localhost',
  7695. _readableState:
  7696. ReadableState {
  7697. objectMode: false,
  7698. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7699. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  7700. length: 0,
  7701. pipes: null,
  7702. pipesCount: 0,
  7703. flowing: true,
  7704. ended: false,
  7705. endEmitted: false,
  7706. reading: true,
  7707. sync: false,
  7708. needReadable: true,
  7709. emittedReadable: false,
  7710. readableListening: false,
  7711. resumeScheduled: false,
  7712. emitClose: false,
  7713. autoDestroy: false,
  7714. destroyed: false,
  7715. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7716. awaitDrain: 0,
  7717. readingMore: false,
  7718. decoder: null,
  7719. encoding: null },
  7720. readable: true,
  7721. _events:
  7722. [Object: null prototype] {
  7723. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  7724. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  7725. data: [Function],
  7726. close: [Function] },
  7727. _eventsCount: 4,
  7728. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7729. _writableState:
  7730. WritableState {
  7731. objectMode: false,
  7732. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7733. finalCalled: false,
  7734. needDrain: false,
  7735. ending: false,
  7736. ended: false,
  7737. finished: false,
  7738. destroyed: false,
  7739. decodeStrings: false,
  7740. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7741. length: 0,
  7742. writing: false,
  7743. corked: 0,
  7744. sync: false,
  7745. bufferProcessing: false,
  7746. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  7747. writecb: null,
  7748. writelen: 0,
  7749. bufferedRequest: null,
  7750. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  7751. pendingcb: 0,
  7752. prefinished: false,
  7753. errorEmitted: false,
  7754. emitClose: false,
  7755. autoDestroy: false,
  7756. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  7757. corkedRequestsFree:
  7758. { next: null,
  7759. entry: null,
  7760. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  7761. writable: true,
  7762. allowHalfOpen: false,
  7763. _sockname: null,
  7764. _pendingData: null,
  7765. _pendingEncoding: '',
  7766. server: null,
  7767. _server: null,
  7768. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  7769. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  7770. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  7771. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  7772. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  7773. _internalId: 1,
  7774. _commands:
  7775. Denque {
  7776. _head: 0,
  7777. _tail: 0,
  7778. _capacityMask: 3,
  7779. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7780. _command: undefined,
  7781. _paused: false,
  7782. _paused_packets:
  7783. Denque {
  7784. _head: 0,
  7785. _tail: 0,
  7786. _capacityMask: 3,
  7787. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7788. _statements:
  7789. LRUCache {
  7790. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  7791. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  7792. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  7793. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  7794. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  7795. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  7796. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  7797. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  7798. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  7799. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7800. authorized: true,
  7801. sequenceId: 23,
  7802. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  7803. threadId: 1303,
  7804. _handshakePacket:
  7805. Handshake {
  7806. protocolVersion: 10,
  7807. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  7808. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  7809. connectionId: 1303,
  7810. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  7811. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  7812. characterSet: 255,
  7813. statusFlags: 2 },
  7814. _fatalError: null,
  7815. _protocolError: null,
  7816. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  7817. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  7818. packetParser:
  7819. PacketParser {
  7820. buffer: [],
  7821. bufferLength: 0,
  7822. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  7823. headerLen: 0,
  7824. length: 5,
  7825. largePacketParts: [],
  7826. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  7827. onPacket: [Function],
  7828. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  7829. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  7830. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  7831. connectTimeout: null,
  7832. connectionId: 1303 },
  7833. state: 'IDLE' } },
  7834. length: 2 } },
  7835. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  7836. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  7837. _validationOperations: Set {},
  7838. _allObjects:
  7839. Set {
  7840. PooledResource {
  7841. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  7842. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  7843. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  7844. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  7845. obj:
  7846. Connection {
  7847. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  7848. _eventsCount: 1,
  7849. _maxListeners: undefined,
  7850. config:
  7851. ConnectionConfig {
  7852. isServer: undefined,
  7853. stream: undefined,
  7854. host: 'localhost',
  7855. port: 3306,
  7856. localAddress: undefined,
  7857. socketPath: undefined,
  7858. user: 'root',
  7859. password: 'abcd1234',
  7860. passwordSha1: undefined,
  7861. database: 'lbry',
  7862. connectTimeout: 10000,
  7863. insecureAuth: false,
  7864. supportBigNumbers: true,
  7865. bigNumberStrings: false,
  7866. decimalNumbers: false,
  7867. dateStrings: false,
  7868. debug: undefined,
  7869. trace: true,
  7870. stringifyObjects: false,
  7871. timezone: '+00:00',
  7872. queryFormat: undefined,
  7873. pool: undefined,
  7874. ssl: false,
  7875. multipleStatements: false,
  7876. rowsAsArray: false,
  7877. namedPlaceholders: false,
  7878. nestTables: undefined,
  7879. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  7880. maxPacketSize: 0,
  7881. charsetNumber: 224,
  7882. compress: false,
  7883. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  7884. clientFlags: 8582093,
  7885. connectAttributes: undefined,
  7886. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  7887. stream:
  7888. Socket {
  7889. connecting: false,
  7890. _hadError: false,
  7891. _handle:
  7892. TCP {
  7893. reading: true,
  7894. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  7895. onconnection: null,
  7896. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  7897. _parent: null,
  7898. _host: 'localhost',
  7899. _readableState:
  7900. ReadableState {
  7901. objectMode: false,
  7902. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7903. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  7904. length: 0,
  7905. pipes: null,
  7906. pipesCount: 0,
  7907. flowing: true,
  7908. ended: false,
  7909. endEmitted: false,
  7910. reading: true,
  7911. sync: false,
  7912. needReadable: true,
  7913. emittedReadable: false,
  7914. readableListening: false,
  7915. resumeScheduled: false,
  7916. emitClose: false,
  7917. autoDestroy: false,
  7918. destroyed: false,
  7919. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7920. awaitDrain: 0,
  7921. readingMore: false,
  7922. decoder: null,
  7923. encoding: null },
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  7925. _events:
  7926. [Object: null prototype] {
  7927. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  7928. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  7929. data: [Function],
  7930. close: [Function] },
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  7932. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  7936. highWaterMark: 16384,
  7937. finalCalled: false,
  7938. needDrain: false,
  7939. ending: false,
  7940. ended: false,
  7941. finished: false,
  7942. destroyed: false,
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  7944. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  7945. length: 0,
  7946. writing: false,
  7947. corked: 0,
  7948. sync: false,
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  7952. writelen: 0,
  7953. bufferedRequest: null,
  7954. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  7955. pendingcb: 0,
  7956. prefinished: false,
  7957. errorEmitted: false,
  7958. emitClose: false,
  7959. autoDestroy: false,
  7960. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  7961. corkedRequestsFree:
  7962. { next: null,
  7963. entry: null,
  7964. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  7965. writable: true,
  7966. allowHalfOpen: false,
  7967. _sockname: null,
  7968. _pendingData: null,
  7969. _pendingEncoding: '',
  7970. server: null,
  7971. _server: null,
  7972. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  7973. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  7974. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  7975. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  7976. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  7977. _internalId: 2,
  7978. _commands:
  7979. Denque {
  7980. _head: 0,
  7981. _tail: 0,
  7982. _capacityMask: 3,
  7983. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7984. _command: undefined,
  7985. _paused: false,
  7986. _paused_packets:
  7987. Denque {
  7988. _head: 0,
  7989. _tail: 0,
  7990. _capacityMask: 3,
  7991. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  7992. _statements:
  7993. LRUCache {
  7994. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  7995. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  7996. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  7997. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  7998. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  7999. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  8000. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  8001. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  8002. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  8003. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8004. authorized: true,
  8005. sequenceId: 2,
  8006. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  8007. threadId: 1302,
  8008. _handshakePacket:
  8009. Handshake {
  8010. protocolVersion: 10,
  8011. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  8012. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8013. connectionId: 1302,
  8014. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  8015. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  8016. characterSet: 255,
  8017. statusFlags: 2 },
  8018. _fatalError: null,
  8019. _protocolError: null,
  8020. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  8021. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  8022. packetParser:
  8023. PacketParser {
  8024. buffer: [],
  8025. bufferLength: 0,
  8026. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  8027. headerLen: 0,
  8028. length: 7,
  8029. largePacketParts: [],
  8030. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  8031. onPacket: [Function],
  8032. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  8033. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  8034. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  8035. connectTimeout: null,
  8036. connectionId: 1302 },
  8037. state: 'IDLE' },
  8038. PooledResource {
  8039. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  8040. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  8041. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  8042. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  8043. obj:
  8044. Connection {
  8045. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  8046. _eventsCount: 1,
  8047. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8048. config:
  8049. ConnectionConfig {
  8050. isServer: undefined,
  8051. stream: undefined,
  8052. host: 'localhost',
  8053. port: 3306,
  8054. localAddress: undefined,
  8055. socketPath: undefined,
  8056. user: 'root',
  8057. password: 'abcd1234',
  8058. passwordSha1: undefined,
  8059. database: 'lbry',
  8060. connectTimeout: 10000,
  8061. insecureAuth: false,
  8062. supportBigNumbers: true,
  8063. bigNumberStrings: false,
  8064. decimalNumbers: false,
  8065. dateStrings: false,
  8066. debug: undefined,
  8067. trace: true,
  8068. stringifyObjects: false,
  8069. timezone: '+00:00',
  8070. queryFormat: undefined,
  8071. pool: undefined,
  8072. ssl: false,
  8073. multipleStatements: false,
  8074. rowsAsArray: false,
  8075. namedPlaceholders: false,
  8076. nestTables: undefined,
  8077. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  8078. maxPacketSize: 0,
  8079. charsetNumber: 224,
  8080. compress: false,
  8081. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  8082. clientFlags: 8582093,
  8083. connectAttributes: undefined,
  8084. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  8085. stream:
  8086. Socket {
  8087. connecting: false,
  8088. _hadError: false,
  8089. _handle:
  8090. TCP {
  8091. reading: true,
  8092. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  8093. onconnection: null,
  8094. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  8095. _parent: null,
  8096. _host: 'localhost',
  8097. _readableState:
  8098. ReadableState {
  8099. objectMode: false,
  8100. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8101. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  8102. length: 0,
  8103. pipes: null,
  8104. pipesCount: 0,
  8105. flowing: true,
  8106. ended: false,
  8107. endEmitted: false,
  8108. reading: true,
  8109. sync: false,
  8110. needReadable: true,
  8111. emittedReadable: false,
  8112. readableListening: false,
  8113. resumeScheduled: false,
  8114. emitClose: false,
  8115. autoDestroy: false,
  8116. destroyed: false,
  8117. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8118. awaitDrain: 0,
  8119. readingMore: false,
  8120. decoder: null,
  8121. encoding: null },
  8122. readable: true,
  8123. _events:
  8124. [Object: null prototype] {
  8125. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  8126. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  8127. data: [Function],
  8128. close: [Function] },
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  8130. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  8132. WritableState {
  8133. objectMode: false,
  8134. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8135. finalCalled: false,
  8136. needDrain: false,
  8137. ending: false,
  8138. ended: false,
  8139. finished: false,
  8140. destroyed: false,
  8141. decodeStrings: false,
  8142. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8143. length: 0,
  8144. writing: false,
  8145. corked: 0,
  8146. sync: false,
  8147. bufferProcessing: false,
  8148. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  8150. writelen: 0,
  8151. bufferedRequest: null,
  8152. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  8153. pendingcb: 0,
  8154. prefinished: false,
  8155. errorEmitted: false,
  8156. emitClose: false,
  8157. autoDestroy: false,
  8158. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  8159. corkedRequestsFree:
  8160. { next: null,
  8161. entry: null,
  8162. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  8163. writable: true,
  8164. allowHalfOpen: false,
  8165. _sockname: null,
  8166. _pendingData: null,
  8167. _pendingEncoding: '',
  8168. server: null,
  8169. _server: null,
  8170. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  8171. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  8172. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  8173. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  8174. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  8175. _internalId: 1,
  8176. _commands:
  8177. Denque {
  8178. _head: 0,
  8179. _tail: 0,
  8180. _capacityMask: 3,
  8181. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8182. _command: undefined,
  8183. _paused: false,
  8184. _paused_packets:
  8185. Denque {
  8186. _head: 0,
  8187. _tail: 0,
  8188. _capacityMask: 3,
  8189. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8190. _statements:
  8191. LRUCache {
  8192. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  8193. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  8194. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  8195. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  8196. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  8197. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  8198. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  8199. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  8200. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  8201. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8202. authorized: true,
  8203. sequenceId: 23,
  8204. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  8205. threadId: 1303,
  8206. _handshakePacket:
  8207. Handshake {
  8208. protocolVersion: 10,
  8209. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  8210. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8211. connectionId: 1303,
  8212. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  8213. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  8214. characterSet: 255,
  8215. statusFlags: 2 },
  8216. _fatalError: null,
  8217. _protocolError: null,
  8218. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  8219. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  8220. packetParser:
  8221. PacketParser {
  8222. buffer: [],
  8223. bufferLength: 0,
  8224. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  8225. headerLen: 0,
  8226. length: 5,
  8227. largePacketParts: [],
  8228. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  8229. onPacket: [Function],
  8230. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  8231. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  8232. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  8233. connectTimeout: null,
  8234. connectionId: 1303 },
  8235. state: 'IDLE' } },
  8236. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  8237. _evictionIterator:
  8238. DequeIterator {
  8239. _list:
  8240. DoublyLinkedList {
  8241. head:
  8242. { prev: null,
  8243. next:
  8244. { prev: [Circular],
  8245. next: null,
  8246. data:
  8247. PooledResource {
  8248. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  8249. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  8250. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  8251. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  8252. obj:
  8253. Connection {
  8254. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  8255. _eventsCount: 1,
  8256. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8257. config:
  8258. ConnectionConfig {
  8259. isServer: undefined,
  8260. stream: undefined,
  8261. host: 'localhost',
  8262. port: 3306,
  8263. localAddress: undefined,
  8264. socketPath: undefined,
  8265. user: 'root',
  8266. password: 'abcd1234',
  8267. passwordSha1: undefined,
  8268. database: 'lbry',
  8269. connectTimeout: 10000,
  8270. insecureAuth: false,
  8271. supportBigNumbers: true,
  8272. bigNumberStrings: false,
  8273. decimalNumbers: false,
  8274. dateStrings: false,
  8275. debug: undefined,
  8276. trace: true,
  8277. stringifyObjects: false,
  8278. timezone: '+00:00',
  8279. queryFormat: undefined,
  8280. pool: undefined,
  8281. ssl: false,
  8282. multipleStatements: false,
  8283. rowsAsArray: false,
  8284. namedPlaceholders: false,
  8285. nestTables: undefined,
  8286. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  8287. maxPacketSize: 0,
  8288. charsetNumber: 224,
  8289. compress: false,
  8290. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  8291. clientFlags: 8582093,
  8292. connectAttributes: undefined,
  8293. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  8294. stream:
  8295. Socket {
  8296. connecting: false,
  8297. _hadError: false,
  8298. _handle:
  8299. TCP {
  8300. reading: true,
  8301. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  8302. onconnection: null,
  8303. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  8304. _parent: null,
  8305. _host: 'localhost',
  8306. _readableState:
  8307. ReadableState {
  8308. objectMode: false,
  8309. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8310. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  8311. length: 0,
  8312. pipes: null,
  8313. pipesCount: 0,
  8314. flowing: true,
  8315. ended: false,
  8316. endEmitted: false,
  8317. reading: true,
  8318. sync: false,
  8319. needReadable: true,
  8320. emittedReadable: false,
  8321. readableListening: false,
  8322. resumeScheduled: false,
  8323. emitClose: false,
  8324. autoDestroy: false,
  8325. destroyed: false,
  8326. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8327. awaitDrain: 0,
  8328. readingMore: false,
  8329. decoder: null,
  8330. encoding: null },
  8331. readable: true,
  8332. _events:
  8333. [Object: null prototype] {
  8334. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  8335. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  8336. data: [Function],
  8337. close: [Function] },
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  8339. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8340. _writableState:
  8341. WritableState {
  8342. objectMode: false,
  8343. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8344. finalCalled: false,
  8345. needDrain: false,
  8346. ending: false,
  8347. ended: false,
  8348. finished: false,
  8349. destroyed: false,
  8350. decodeStrings: false,
  8351. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8352. length: 0,
  8353. writing: false,
  8354. corked: 0,
  8355. sync: false,
  8356. bufferProcessing: false,
  8357. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  8359. writelen: 0,
  8360. bufferedRequest: null,
  8361. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  8362. pendingcb: 0,
  8363. prefinished: false,
  8364. errorEmitted: false,
  8365. emitClose: false,
  8366. autoDestroy: false,
  8367. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  8368. corkedRequestsFree:
  8369. { next: null,
  8370. entry: null,
  8371. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  8372. writable: true,
  8373. allowHalfOpen: false,
  8374. _sockname: null,
  8375. _pendingData: null,
  8376. _pendingEncoding: '',
  8377. server: null,
  8378. _server: null,
  8379. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  8380. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  8381. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  8382. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  8383. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  8384. _internalId: 1,
  8385. _commands:
  8386. Denque {
  8387. _head: 0,
  8388. _tail: 0,
  8389. _capacityMask: 3,
  8390. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8391. _command: undefined,
  8392. _paused: false,
  8393. _paused_packets:
  8394. Denque {
  8395. _head: 0,
  8396. _tail: 0,
  8397. _capacityMask: 3,
  8398. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8399. _statements:
  8400. LRUCache {
  8401. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  8402. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  8403. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  8404. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  8405. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  8406. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  8407. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  8408. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  8409. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  8410. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8411. authorized: true,
  8412. sequenceId: 23,
  8413. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  8414. threadId: 1303,
  8415. _handshakePacket:
  8416. Handshake {
  8417. protocolVersion: 10,
  8418. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  8419. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8420. connectionId: 1303,
  8421. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  8422. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  8423. characterSet: 255,
  8424. statusFlags: 2 },
  8425. _fatalError: null,
  8426. _protocolError: null,
  8427. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  8428. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  8429. packetParser:
  8430. PacketParser {
  8431. buffer: [],
  8432. bufferLength: 0,
  8433. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  8434. headerLen: 0,
  8435. length: 5,
  8436. largePacketParts: [],
  8437. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  8438. onPacket: [Function],
  8439. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  8440. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  8441. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  8442. connectTimeout: null,
  8443. connectionId: 1303 },
  8444. state: 'IDLE' } },
  8445. data:
  8446. PooledResource {
  8447. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  8448. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  8449. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  8450. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  8451. obj:
  8452. Connection {
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  8454. _eventsCount: 1,
  8455. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8456. config:
  8457. ConnectionConfig {
  8458. isServer: undefined,
  8459. stream: undefined,
  8460. host: 'localhost',
  8461. port: 3306,
  8462. localAddress: undefined,
  8463. socketPath: undefined,
  8464. user: 'root',
  8465. password: 'abcd1234',
  8466. passwordSha1: undefined,
  8467. database: 'lbry',
  8468. connectTimeout: 10000,
  8469. insecureAuth: false,
  8470. supportBigNumbers: true,
  8471. bigNumberStrings: false,
  8472. decimalNumbers: false,
  8473. dateStrings: false,
  8474. debug: undefined,
  8475. trace: true,
  8476. stringifyObjects: false,
  8477. timezone: '+00:00',
  8478. queryFormat: undefined,
  8479. pool: undefined,
  8480. ssl: false,
  8481. multipleStatements: false,
  8482. rowsAsArray: false,
  8483. namedPlaceholders: false,
  8484. nestTables: undefined,
  8485. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  8486. maxPacketSize: 0,
  8487. charsetNumber: 224,
  8488. compress: false,
  8489. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  8490. clientFlags: 8582093,
  8491. connectAttributes: undefined,
  8492. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  8494. Socket {
  8495. connecting: false,
  8496. _hadError: false,
  8497. _handle:
  8498. TCP {
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  8500. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  8501. onconnection: null,
  8502. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  8503. _parent: null,
  8504. _host: 'localhost',
  8505. _readableState:
  8506. ReadableState {
  8507. objectMode: false,
  8508. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8509. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  8510. length: 0,
  8511. pipes: null,
  8512. pipesCount: 0,
  8513. flowing: true,
  8514. ended: false,
  8515. endEmitted: false,
  8516. reading: true,
  8517. sync: false,
  8518. needReadable: true,
  8519. emittedReadable: false,
  8520. readableListening: false,
  8521. resumeScheduled: false,
  8522. emitClose: false,
  8523. autoDestroy: false,
  8524. destroyed: false,
  8525. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8526. awaitDrain: 0,
  8527. readingMore: false,
  8528. decoder: null,
  8529. encoding: null },
  8530. readable: true,
  8531. _events:
  8532. [Object: null prototype] {
  8533. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  8534. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  8535. data: [Function],
  8536. close: [Function] },
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  8538. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  8541. objectMode: false,
  8542. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8543. finalCalled: false,
  8544. needDrain: false,
  8545. ending: false,
  8546. ended: false,
  8547. finished: false,
  8548. destroyed: false,
  8549. decodeStrings: false,
  8550. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8551. length: 0,
  8552. writing: false,
  8553. corked: 0,
  8554. sync: false,
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  8556. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  8558. writelen: 0,
  8559. bufferedRequest: null,
  8560. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  8561. pendingcb: 0,
  8562. prefinished: false,
  8563. errorEmitted: false,
  8564. emitClose: false,
  8565. autoDestroy: false,
  8566. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  8567. corkedRequestsFree:
  8568. { next: null,
  8569. entry: null,
  8570. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  8571. writable: true,
  8572. allowHalfOpen: false,
  8573. _sockname: null,
  8574. _pendingData: null,
  8575. _pendingEncoding: '',
  8576. server: null,
  8577. _server: null,
  8578. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  8579. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  8580. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  8581. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  8582. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  8583. _internalId: 2,
  8584. _commands:
  8585. Denque {
  8586. _head: 0,
  8587. _tail: 0,
  8588. _capacityMask: 3,
  8589. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8590. _command: undefined,
  8591. _paused: false,
  8592. _paused_packets:
  8593. Denque {
  8594. _head: 0,
  8595. _tail: 0,
  8596. _capacityMask: 3,
  8597. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8598. _statements:
  8599. LRUCache {
  8600. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  8601. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  8602. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  8603. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  8604. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  8605. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  8606. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  8607. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  8608. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  8609. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8610. authorized: true,
  8611. sequenceId: 2,
  8612. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  8613. threadId: 1302,
  8614. _handshakePacket:
  8615. Handshake {
  8616. protocolVersion: 10,
  8617. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  8618. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8619. connectionId: 1302,
  8620. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  8621. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  8622. characterSet: 255,
  8623. statusFlags: 2 },
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  8625. _protocolError: null,
  8626. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  8627. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  8628. packetParser:
  8629. PacketParser {
  8630. buffer: [],
  8631. bufferLength: 0,
  8632. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  8633. headerLen: 0,
  8634. length: 7,
  8635. largePacketParts: [],
  8636. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  8637. onPacket: [Function],
  8638. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  8639. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  8640. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  8641. connectTimeout: null,
  8642. connectionId: 1302 },
  8643. state: 'IDLE' } },
  8644. tail:
  8645. { prev:
  8646. { prev: null,
  8647. next: [Circular],
  8648. data:
  8649. PooledResource {
  8650. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  8651. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  8652. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  8653. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  8654. obj:
  8655. Connection {
  8656. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  8657. _eventsCount: 1,
  8658. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8659. config:
  8660. ConnectionConfig {
  8661. isServer: undefined,
  8662. stream: undefined,
  8663. host: 'localhost',
  8664. port: 3306,
  8665. localAddress: undefined,
  8666. socketPath: undefined,
  8667. user: 'root',
  8668. password: 'abcd1234',
  8669. passwordSha1: undefined,
  8670. database: 'lbry',
  8671. connectTimeout: 10000,
  8672. insecureAuth: false,
  8673. supportBigNumbers: true,
  8674. bigNumberStrings: false,
  8675. decimalNumbers: false,
  8676. dateStrings: false,
  8677. debug: undefined,
  8678. trace: true,
  8679. stringifyObjects: false,
  8680. timezone: '+00:00',
  8681. queryFormat: undefined,
  8682. pool: undefined,
  8683. ssl: false,
  8684. multipleStatements: false,
  8685. rowsAsArray: false,
  8686. namedPlaceholders: false,
  8687. nestTables: undefined,
  8688. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  8689. maxPacketSize: 0,
  8690. charsetNumber: 224,
  8691. compress: false,
  8692. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  8693. clientFlags: 8582093,
  8694. connectAttributes: undefined,
  8695. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  8696. stream:
  8697. Socket {
  8698. connecting: false,
  8699. _hadError: false,
  8700. _handle:
  8701. TCP {
  8702. reading: true,
  8703. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  8704. onconnection: null,
  8705. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  8706. _parent: null,
  8707. _host: 'localhost',
  8708. _readableState:
  8709. ReadableState {
  8710. objectMode: false,
  8711. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8712. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  8713. length: 0,
  8714. pipes: null,
  8715. pipesCount: 0,
  8716. flowing: true,
  8717. ended: false,
  8718. endEmitted: false,
  8719. reading: true,
  8720. sync: false,
  8721. needReadable: true,
  8722. emittedReadable: false,
  8723. readableListening: false,
  8724. resumeScheduled: false,
  8725. emitClose: false,
  8726. autoDestroy: false,
  8727. destroyed: false,
  8728. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8729. awaitDrain: 0,
  8730. readingMore: false,
  8731. decoder: null,
  8732. encoding: null },
  8733. readable: true,
  8734. _events:
  8735. [Object: null prototype] {
  8736. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  8737. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  8738. data: [Function],
  8739. close: [Function] },
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  8741. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  8743. WritableState {
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  8745. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8746. finalCalled: false,
  8747. needDrain: false,
  8748. ending: false,
  8749. ended: false,
  8750. finished: false,
  8751. destroyed: false,
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  8753. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8754. length: 0,
  8755. writing: false,
  8756. corked: 0,
  8757. sync: false,
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  8761. writelen: 0,
  8762. bufferedRequest: null,
  8763. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  8764. pendingcb: 0,
  8765. prefinished: false,
  8766. errorEmitted: false,
  8767. emitClose: false,
  8768. autoDestroy: false,
  8769. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  8770. corkedRequestsFree:
  8771. { next: null,
  8772. entry: null,
  8773. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  8774. writable: true,
  8775. allowHalfOpen: false,
  8776. _sockname: null,
  8777. _pendingData: null,
  8778. _pendingEncoding: '',
  8779. server: null,
  8780. _server: null,
  8781. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  8782. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  8783. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  8784. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  8785. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  8786. _internalId: 2,
  8787. _commands:
  8788. Denque {
  8789. _head: 0,
  8790. _tail: 0,
  8791. _capacityMask: 3,
  8792. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8793. _command: undefined,
  8794. _paused: false,
  8795. _paused_packets:
  8796. Denque {
  8797. _head: 0,
  8798. _tail: 0,
  8799. _capacityMask: 3,
  8800. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8801. _statements:
  8802. LRUCache {
  8803. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  8804. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  8805. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  8806. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  8807. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  8808. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  8809. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  8810. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  8811. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  8812. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8813. authorized: true,
  8814. sequenceId: 2,
  8815. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  8816. threadId: 1302,
  8817. _handshakePacket:
  8818. Handshake {
  8819. protocolVersion: 10,
  8820. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  8821. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  8822. connectionId: 1302,
  8823. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  8824. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  8825. characterSet: 255,
  8826. statusFlags: 2 },
  8827. _fatalError: null,
  8828. _protocolError: null,
  8829. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  8830. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  8831. packetParser:
  8832. PacketParser {
  8833. buffer: [],
  8834. bufferLength: 0,
  8835. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  8836. headerLen: 0,
  8837. length: 7,
  8838. largePacketParts: [],
  8839. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  8840. onPacket: [Function],
  8841. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  8842. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  8843. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  8844. connectTimeout: null,
  8845. connectionId: 1302 },
  8846. state: 'IDLE' } },
  8847. next: null,
  8848. data:
  8849. PooledResource {
  8850. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  8851. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  8852. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  8853. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  8854. obj:
  8855. Connection {
  8856. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  8857. _eventsCount: 1,
  8858. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8859. config:
  8860. ConnectionConfig {
  8861. isServer: undefined,
  8862. stream: undefined,
  8863. host: 'localhost',
  8864. port: 3306,
  8865. localAddress: undefined,
  8866. socketPath: undefined,
  8867. user: 'root',
  8868. password: 'abcd1234',
  8869. passwordSha1: undefined,
  8870. database: 'lbry',
  8871. connectTimeout: 10000,
  8872. insecureAuth: false,
  8873. supportBigNumbers: true,
  8874. bigNumberStrings: false,
  8875. decimalNumbers: false,
  8876. dateStrings: false,
  8877. debug: undefined,
  8878. trace: true,
  8879. stringifyObjects: false,
  8880. timezone: '+00:00',
  8881. queryFormat: undefined,
  8882. pool: undefined,
  8883. ssl: false,
  8884. multipleStatements: false,
  8885. rowsAsArray: false,
  8886. namedPlaceholders: false,
  8887. nestTables: undefined,
  8888. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  8889. maxPacketSize: 0,
  8890. charsetNumber: 224,
  8891. compress: false,
  8892. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  8893. clientFlags: 8582093,
  8894. connectAttributes: undefined,
  8895. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  8896. stream:
  8897. Socket {
  8898. connecting: false,
  8899. _hadError: false,
  8900. _handle:
  8901. TCP {
  8902. reading: true,
  8903. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  8904. onconnection: null,
  8905. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  8906. _parent: null,
  8907. _host: 'localhost',
  8908. _readableState:
  8909. ReadableState {
  8910. objectMode: false,
  8911. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8912. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  8913. length: 0,
  8914. pipes: null,
  8915. pipesCount: 0,
  8916. flowing: true,
  8917. ended: false,
  8918. endEmitted: false,
  8919. reading: true,
  8920. sync: false,
  8921. needReadable: true,
  8922. emittedReadable: false,
  8923. readableListening: false,
  8924. resumeScheduled: false,
  8925. emitClose: false,
  8926. autoDestroy: false,
  8927. destroyed: false,
  8928. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8929. awaitDrain: 0,
  8930. readingMore: false,
  8931. decoder: null,
  8932. encoding: null },
  8933. readable: true,
  8934. _events:
  8935. [Object: null prototype] {
  8936. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  8937. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  8938. data: [Function],
  8939. close: [Function] },
  8940. _eventsCount: 4,
  8941. _maxListeners: undefined,
  8942. _writableState:
  8943. WritableState {
  8944. objectMode: false,
  8945. highWaterMark: 16384,
  8946. finalCalled: false,
  8947. needDrain: false,
  8948. ending: false,
  8949. ended: false,
  8950. finished: false,
  8951. destroyed: false,
  8952. decodeStrings: false,
  8953. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  8954. length: 0,
  8955. writing: false,
  8956. corked: 0,
  8957. sync: false,
  8958. bufferProcessing: false,
  8959. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  8961. writelen: 0,
  8962. bufferedRequest: null,
  8963. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  8964. pendingcb: 0,
  8965. prefinished: false,
  8966. errorEmitted: false,
  8967. emitClose: false,
  8968. autoDestroy: false,
  8969. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  8970. corkedRequestsFree:
  8971. { next: null,
  8972. entry: null,
  8973. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  8974. writable: true,
  8975. allowHalfOpen: false,
  8976. _sockname: null,
  8977. _pendingData: null,
  8978. _pendingEncoding: '',
  8979. server: null,
  8980. _server: null,
  8981. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  8982. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  8983. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  8984. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  8985. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  8986. _internalId: 1,
  8987. _commands:
  8988. Denque {
  8989. _head: 0,
  8990. _tail: 0,
  8991. _capacityMask: 3,
  8992. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  8993. _command: undefined,
  8994. _paused: false,
  8995. _paused_packets:
  8996. Denque {
  8997. _head: 0,
  8998. _tail: 0,
  8999. _capacityMask: 3,
  9000. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  9001. _statements:
  9002. LRUCache {
  9003. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  9004. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  9005. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  9006. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  9007. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  9008. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  9009. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  9010. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  9011. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  9012. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9013. authorized: true,
  9014. sequenceId: 23,
  9015. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  9016. threadId: 1303,
  9017. _handshakePacket:
  9018. Handshake {
  9019. protocolVersion: 10,
  9020. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  9021. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9022. connectionId: 1303,
  9023. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  9024. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  9025. characterSet: 255,
  9026. statusFlags: 2 },
  9027. _fatalError: null,
  9028. _protocolError: null,
  9029. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  9030. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  9031. packetParser:
  9032. PacketParser {
  9033. buffer: [],
  9034. bufferLength: 0,
  9035. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  9036. headerLen: 0,
  9037. length: 5,
  9038. largePacketParts: [],
  9039. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  9040. onPacket: [Function],
  9041. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  9042. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  9043. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  9044. connectTimeout: null,
  9045. connectionId: 1303 },
  9046. state: 'IDLE' } },
  9047. length: 2 },
  9048. _direction: 'next',
  9049. _startPosition: 'head',
  9050. _started: false,
  9051. _cursor: null,
  9052. _done: false },
  9053. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  9054. _scheduledEviction:
  9055. Timeout {
  9056. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  9057. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  9058. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  9059. _idleStart: 432,
  9060. _onTimeout: [Function],
  9061. _timerArgs: undefined,
  9062. _repeat: null,
  9063. _destroyed: false,
  9064. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  9065. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  9066. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  9067. lib:
  9068. { createConnection: [Function],
  9069. connect: [Function],
  9070. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  9071. createPool: [Function],
  9072. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  9073. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  9074. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  9075. createServer: [Function],
  9076. PoolConnection:
  9077. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  9078. escape: [Function: escape],
  9079. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  9080. format: [Function: format],
  9081. raw: [Function: raw],
  9082. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  9083. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  9084. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  9085. Types: [Getter],
  9086. Charsets: [Getter],
  9087. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  9088. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  9089. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  9090. importCache: {},
  9091. test:
  9092. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  9093. _runningQueries: 0,
  9094. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  9095. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  9096. hooks: {},
  9097. uniqueKeys: {} },
  9098. _options:
  9099. { isNewRecord: false,
  9100. _schema: null,
  9101. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  9102. raw: true,
  9103. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  9104. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  9105. isNewRecord: false },
  9106. Balloons {
  9107. dataValues:
  9108. { id: 2,
  9109. size: 'large',
  9110. color: 'red',
  9111. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:03:35.000Z,
  9112. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:03:35.000Z },
  9113. _previousDataValues:
  9114. { id: 2,
  9115. size: 'large',
  9116. color: 'red',
  9117. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:03:35.000Z,
  9118. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:03:35.000Z },
  9119. _changed: {},
  9120. _modelOptions:
  9121. { timestamps: true,
  9122. validate: {},
  9123. freezeTableName: false,
  9124. underscored: false,
  9125. underscoredAll: false,
  9126. paranoid: false,
  9127. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  9128. whereCollection: null,
  9129. schema: null,
  9130. schemaDelimiter: '',
  9131. defaultScope: {},
  9132. scopes: [],
  9133. indexes: [],
  9134. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  9135. omitNull: false,
  9136. sequelize:
  9137. Sequelize {
  9138. options:
  9139. { dialect: 'mysql',
  9140. dialectModulePath: null,
  9141. host: 'localhost',
  9142. protocol: 'tcp',
  9143. define: {},
  9144. query: {},
  9145. sync: {},
  9146. timezone: '+00:00',
  9147. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  9148. omitNull: false,
  9149. native: false,
  9150. replication: false,
  9151. ssl: undefined,
  9152. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  9153. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  9154. hooks: {},
  9155. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  9156. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  9157. isolationLevel: null,
  9158. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  9159. typeValidation: false,
  9160. benchmark: false,
  9161. operatorsAliases: false },
  9162. config:
  9163. { database: 'lbry',
  9164. username: 'root',
  9165. password: 'abcd1234',
  9166. host: 'localhost',
  9167. port: 3306,
  9168. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  9169. protocol: 'tcp',
  9170. native: false,
  9171. ssl: undefined,
  9172. replication: false,
  9173. dialectModulePath: null,
  9174. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  9175. dialectOptions: undefined },
  9176. dialect:
  9177. MysqlDialect {
  9178. sequelize: [Circular],
  9179. connectionManager:
  9180. ConnectionManager {
  9181. sequelize: [Circular],
  9182. config:
  9183. { database: 'lbry',
  9184. username: 'root',
  9185. password: 'abcd1234',
  9186. host: 'localhost',
  9187. port: undefined,
  9188. pool:
  9189. { max: 5,
  9190. min: 0,
  9191. acquire: 30000,
  9192. idle: 10000,
  9193. evict: 10000,
  9194. handleDisconnects: true,
  9195. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  9196. Promise:
  9197. { [Function: Promise]
  9198. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  9199. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  9200. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  9201. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  9202. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9203. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9204. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  9205. _peekContext: [Function],
  9206. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  9207. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  9208. longStackTraces: [Function],
  9209. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  9210. config: [Function],
  9211. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  9212. is: [Function],
  9213. fromCallback: [Function],
  9214. fromNode: [Function],
  9215. all: [Function],
  9216. cast: [Function],
  9217. fulfilled: [Function],
  9218. resolve: [Function],
  9219. rejected: [Function],
  9220. reject: [Function],
  9221. setScheduler: [Function],
  9222. pending: [Function],
  9223. defer: [Function],
  9224. method: [Function],
  9225. try: [Function],
  9226. attempt: [Function],
  9227. bind: [Function],
  9228. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  9229. join: [Function],
  9230. Promise: [Circular],
  9231. version: '3.5.3',
  9232. map: [Function],
  9233. using: [Function],
  9234. delay: [Function],
  9235. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  9236. spawn: [Function],
  9237. promisify: [Function],
  9238. promisifyAll: [Function],
  9239. props: [Function],
  9240. race: [Function],
  9241. reduce: [Function],
  9242. settle: [Function],
  9243. some: [Function],
  9244. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  9245. filter: [Function],
  9246. each: [Function],
  9247. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  9248. any: [Function],
  9249. default: [Circular] } },
  9250. protocol: 'tcp',
  9251. native: false,
  9252. ssl: undefined,
  9253. replication: false,
  9254. dialectModulePath: null,
  9255. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  9256. dialectOptions: undefined },
  9257. dialect: [Circular],
  9258. versionPromise: null,
  9259. dialectName: 'mysql',
  9260. pool:
  9261. Pool {
  9262. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  9263. _eventsCount: 0,
  9264. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9265. _config:
  9266. PoolOptions {
  9267. fifo: true,
  9268. priorityRange: 1,
  9269. testOnBorrow: true,
  9270. testOnReturn: false,
  9271. autostart: false,
  9272. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  9273. max: 5,
  9274. min: 0,
  9275. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  9276. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  9277. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  9278. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  9279. Promise:
  9280. { [Function: Promise]
  9281. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  9282. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  9283. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  9284. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  9285. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9286. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9287. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  9288. _peekContext: [Function],
  9289. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  9290. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  9291. longStackTraces: [Function],
  9292. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  9293. config: [Function],
  9294. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  9295. is: [Function],
  9296. fromCallback: [Function],
  9297. fromNode: [Function],
  9298. all: [Function],
  9299. cast: [Function],
  9300. fulfilled: [Function],
  9301. resolve: [Function],
  9302. rejected: [Function],
  9303. reject: [Function],
  9304. setScheduler: [Function],
  9305. pending: [Function],
  9306. defer: [Function],
  9307. method: [Function],
  9308. try: [Function],
  9309. attempt: [Function],
  9310. bind: [Function],
  9311. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  9312. join: [Function],
  9313. Promise: [Circular],
  9314. version: '3.5.3',
  9315. map: [Function],
  9316. using: [Function],
  9317. delay: [Function],
  9318. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  9319. spawn: [Function],
  9320. promisify: [Function],
  9321. promisifyAll: [Function],
  9322. props: [Function],
  9323. race: [Function],
  9324. reduce: [Function],
  9325. settle: [Function],
  9326. some: [Function],
  9327. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  9328. filter: [Function],
  9329. each: [Function],
  9330. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  9331. any: [Function],
  9332. default: [Circular] } },
  9333. _Promise:
  9334. { [Function: Promise]
  9335. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  9336. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  9337. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  9338. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  9339. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9340. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  9341. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  9342. _peekContext: [Function],
  9343. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  9344. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  9345. longStackTraces: [Function],
  9346. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  9347. config: [Function],
  9348. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  9349. is: [Function],
  9350. fromCallback: [Function],
  9351. fromNode: [Function],
  9352. all: [Function],
  9353. cast: [Function],
  9354. fulfilled: [Function],
  9355. resolve: [Function],
  9356. rejected: [Function],
  9357. reject: [Function],
  9358. setScheduler: [Function],
  9359. pending: [Function],
  9360. defer: [Function],
  9361. method: [Function],
  9362. try: [Function],
  9363. attempt: [Function],
  9364. bind: [Function],
  9365. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  9366. join: [Function],
  9367. Promise: [Circular],
  9368. version: '3.5.3',
  9369. map: [Function],
  9370. using: [Function],
  9371. delay: [Function],
  9372. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  9373. spawn: [Function],
  9374. promisify: [Function],
  9375. promisifyAll: [Function],
  9376. props: [Function],
  9377. race: [Function],
  9378. reduce: [Function],
  9379. settle: [Function],
  9380. some: [Function],
  9381. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  9382. filter: [Function],
  9383. each: [Function],
  9384. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  9385. any: [Function],
  9386. default: [Circular] },
  9387. _factory:
  9388. { create: [Function: create],
  9389. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  9390. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  9391. _draining: false,
  9392. _started: true,
  9393. _waitingClientsQueue:
  9394. PriorityQueue {
  9395. _size: 1,
  9396. _slots:
  9397. [ Queue {
  9398. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  9399. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  9400. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  9401. _availableObjects:
  9402. Deque {
  9403. _list:
  9404. DoublyLinkedList {
  9405. head:
  9406. { prev: null,
  9407. next:
  9408. { prev: [Circular],
  9409. next: null,
  9410. data:
  9411. PooledResource {
  9412. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  9413. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  9414. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  9415. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  9416. obj:
  9417. Connection {
  9418. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  9419. _eventsCount: 1,
  9420. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9421. config:
  9422. ConnectionConfig {
  9423. isServer: undefined,
  9424. stream: undefined,
  9425. host: 'localhost',
  9426. port: 3306,
  9427. localAddress: undefined,
  9428. socketPath: undefined,
  9429. user: 'root',
  9430. password: 'abcd1234',
  9431. passwordSha1: undefined,
  9432. database: 'lbry',
  9433. connectTimeout: 10000,
  9434. insecureAuth: false,
  9435. supportBigNumbers: true,
  9436. bigNumberStrings: false,
  9437. decimalNumbers: false,
  9438. dateStrings: false,
  9439. debug: undefined,
  9440. trace: true,
  9441. stringifyObjects: false,
  9442. timezone: '+00:00',
  9443. queryFormat: undefined,
  9444. pool: undefined,
  9445. ssl: false,
  9446. multipleStatements: false,
  9447. rowsAsArray: false,
  9448. namedPlaceholders: false,
  9449. nestTables: undefined,
  9450. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  9451. maxPacketSize: 0,
  9452. charsetNumber: 224,
  9453. compress: false,
  9454. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  9455. clientFlags: 8582093,
  9456. connectAttributes: undefined,
  9457. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  9458. stream:
  9459. Socket {
  9460. connecting: false,
  9461. _hadError: false,
  9462. _handle:
  9463. TCP {
  9464. reading: true,
  9465. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  9466. onconnection: null,
  9467. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  9468. _parent: null,
  9469. _host: 'localhost',
  9470. _readableState:
  9471. ReadableState {
  9472. objectMode: false,
  9473. highWaterMark: 16384,
  9474. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  9475. length: 0,
  9476. pipes: null,
  9477. pipesCount: 0,
  9478. flowing: true,
  9479. ended: false,
  9480. endEmitted: false,
  9481. reading: true,
  9482. sync: false,
  9483. needReadable: true,
  9484. emittedReadable: false,
  9485. readableListening: false,
  9486. resumeScheduled: false,
  9487. emitClose: false,
  9488. autoDestroy: false,
  9489. destroyed: false,
  9490. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9491. awaitDrain: 0,
  9492. readingMore: false,
  9493. decoder: null,
  9494. encoding: null },
  9495. readable: true,
  9496. _events:
  9497. [Object: null prototype] {
  9498. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  9499. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  9500. data: [Function],
  9501. close: [Function] },
  9502. _eventsCount: 4,
  9503. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9504. _writableState:
  9505. WritableState {
  9506. objectMode: false,
  9507. highWaterMark: 16384,
  9508. finalCalled: false,
  9509. needDrain: false,
  9510. ending: false,
  9511. ended: false,
  9512. finished: false,
  9513. destroyed: false,
  9514. decodeStrings: false,
  9515. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9516. length: 0,
  9517. writing: false,
  9518. corked: 0,
  9519. sync: false,
  9520. bufferProcessing: false,
  9521. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  9522. writecb: null,
  9523. writelen: 0,
  9524. bufferedRequest: null,
  9525. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  9526. pendingcb: 0,
  9527. prefinished: false,
  9528. errorEmitted: false,
  9529. emitClose: false,
  9530. autoDestroy: false,
  9531. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  9532. corkedRequestsFree:
  9533. { next: null,
  9534. entry: null,
  9535. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  9536. writable: true,
  9537. allowHalfOpen: false,
  9538. _sockname: null,
  9539. _pendingData: null,
  9540. _pendingEncoding: '',
  9541. server: null,
  9542. _server: null,
  9543. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  9544. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  9545. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  9546. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  9547. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  9548. _internalId: 1,
  9549. _commands:
  9550. Denque {
  9551. _head: 0,
  9552. _tail: 0,
  9553. _capacityMask: 3,
  9554. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  9555. _command: undefined,
  9556. _paused: false,
  9557. _paused_packets:
  9558. Denque {
  9559. _head: 0,
  9560. _tail: 0,
  9561. _capacityMask: 3,
  9562. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  9563. _statements:
  9564. LRUCache {
  9565. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  9566. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  9567. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  9568. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  9569. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  9570. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  9571. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  9572. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  9573. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  9574. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9575. authorized: true,
  9576. sequenceId: 23,
  9577. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  9578. threadId: 1303,
  9579. _handshakePacket:
  9580. Handshake {
  9581. protocolVersion: 10,
  9582. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  9583. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9584. connectionId: 1303,
  9585. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  9586. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  9587. characterSet: 255,
  9588. statusFlags: 2 },
  9589. _fatalError: null,
  9590. _protocolError: null,
  9591. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  9592. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  9593. packetParser:
  9594. PacketParser {
  9595. buffer: [],
  9596. bufferLength: 0,
  9597. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  9598. headerLen: 0,
  9599. length: 5,
  9600. largePacketParts: [],
  9601. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  9602. onPacket: [Function],
  9603. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  9604. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  9605. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  9606. connectTimeout: null,
  9607. connectionId: 1303 },
  9608. state: 'IDLE' } },
  9609. data:
  9610. PooledResource {
  9611. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  9612. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  9613. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  9614. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  9615. obj:
  9616. Connection {
  9617. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  9618. _eventsCount: 1,
  9619. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9620. config:
  9621. ConnectionConfig {
  9622. isServer: undefined,
  9623. stream: undefined,
  9624. host: 'localhost',
  9625. port: 3306,
  9626. localAddress: undefined,
  9627. socketPath: undefined,
  9628. user: 'root',
  9629. password: 'abcd1234',
  9630. passwordSha1: undefined,
  9631. database: 'lbry',
  9632. connectTimeout: 10000,
  9633. insecureAuth: false,
  9634. supportBigNumbers: true,
  9635. bigNumberStrings: false,
  9636. decimalNumbers: false,
  9637. dateStrings: false,
  9638. debug: undefined,
  9639. trace: true,
  9640. stringifyObjects: false,
  9641. timezone: '+00:00',
  9642. queryFormat: undefined,
  9643. pool: undefined,
  9644. ssl: false,
  9645. multipleStatements: false,
  9646. rowsAsArray: false,
  9647. namedPlaceholders: false,
  9648. nestTables: undefined,
  9649. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  9650. maxPacketSize: 0,
  9651. charsetNumber: 224,
  9652. compress: false,
  9653. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  9654. clientFlags: 8582093,
  9655. connectAttributes: undefined,
  9656. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  9657. stream:
  9658. Socket {
  9659. connecting: false,
  9660. _hadError: false,
  9661. _handle:
  9662. TCP {
  9663. reading: true,
  9664. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  9665. onconnection: null,
  9666. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  9667. _parent: null,
  9668. _host: 'localhost',
  9669. _readableState:
  9670. ReadableState {
  9671. objectMode: false,
  9672. highWaterMark: 16384,
  9673. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  9674. length: 0,
  9675. pipes: null,
  9676. pipesCount: 0,
  9677. flowing: true,
  9678. ended: false,
  9679. endEmitted: false,
  9680. reading: true,
  9681. sync: false,
  9682. needReadable: true,
  9683. emittedReadable: false,
  9684. readableListening: false,
  9685. resumeScheduled: false,
  9686. emitClose: false,
  9687. autoDestroy: false,
  9688. destroyed: false,
  9689. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9690. awaitDrain: 0,
  9691. readingMore: false,
  9692. decoder: null,
  9693. encoding: null },
  9694. readable: true,
  9695. _events:
  9696. [Object: null prototype] {
  9697. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  9698. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  9699. data: [Function],
  9700. close: [Function] },
  9701. _eventsCount: 4,
  9702. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9703. _writableState:
  9704. WritableState {
  9705. objectMode: false,
  9706. highWaterMark: 16384,
  9707. finalCalled: false,
  9708. needDrain: false,
  9709. ending: false,
  9710. ended: false,
  9711. finished: false,
  9712. destroyed: false,
  9713. decodeStrings: false,
  9714. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9715. length: 0,
  9716. writing: false,
  9717. corked: 0,
  9718. sync: false,
  9719. bufferProcessing: false,
  9720. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  9722. writelen: 0,
  9723. bufferedRequest: null,
  9724. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  9725. pendingcb: 0,
  9726. prefinished: false,
  9727. errorEmitted: false,
  9728. emitClose: false,
  9729. autoDestroy: false,
  9730. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  9731. corkedRequestsFree:
  9732. { next: null,
  9733. entry: null,
  9734. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  9735. writable: true,
  9736. allowHalfOpen: false,
  9737. _sockname: null,
  9738. _pendingData: null,
  9739. _pendingEncoding: '',
  9740. server: null,
  9741. _server: null,
  9742. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  9743. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  9744. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  9745. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  9746. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  9747. _internalId: 2,
  9748. _commands:
  9749. Denque {
  9750. _head: 0,
  9751. _tail: 0,
  9752. _capacityMask: 3,
  9753. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  9754. _command: undefined,
  9755. _paused: false,
  9756. _paused_packets:
  9757. Denque {
  9758. _head: 0,
  9759. _tail: 0,
  9760. _capacityMask: 3,
  9761. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  9762. _statements:
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  9764. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
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  9766. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  9767. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  9768. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  9769. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  9770. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  9771. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  9772. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  9773. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9774. authorized: true,
  9775. sequenceId: 2,
  9776. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  9777. threadId: 1302,
  9778. _handshakePacket:
  9779. Handshake {
  9780. protocolVersion: 10,
  9781. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  9782. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9783. connectionId: 1302,
  9784. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  9785. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  9786. characterSet: 255,
  9787. statusFlags: 2 },
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  9789. _protocolError: null,
  9790. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  9791. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  9792. packetParser:
  9793. PacketParser {
  9794. buffer: [],
  9795. bufferLength: 0,
  9796. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  9797. headerLen: 0,
  9798. length: 7,
  9799. largePacketParts: [],
  9800. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  9801. onPacket: [Function],
  9802. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  9804. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  9805. connectTimeout: null,
  9806. connectionId: 1302 },
  9807. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  9809. { prev:
  9810. { prev: null,
  9811. next: [Circular],
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  9813. PooledResource {
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  9815. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  9816. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  9817. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  9818. obj:
  9819. Connection {
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  9821. _eventsCount: 1,
  9822. _maxListeners: undefined,
  9823. config:
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  9826. stream: undefined,
  9827. host: 'localhost',
  9828. port: 3306,
  9829. localAddress: undefined,
  9830. socketPath: undefined,
  9831. user: 'root',
  9832. password: 'abcd1234',
  9833. passwordSha1: undefined,
  9834. database: 'lbry',
  9835. connectTimeout: 10000,
  9836. insecureAuth: false,
  9837. supportBigNumbers: true,
  9838. bigNumberStrings: false,
  9839. decimalNumbers: false,
  9840. dateStrings: false,
  9841. debug: undefined,
  9842. trace: true,
  9843. stringifyObjects: false,
  9844. timezone: '+00:00',
  9845. queryFormat: undefined,
  9846. pool: undefined,
  9847. ssl: false,
  9848. multipleStatements: false,
  9849. rowsAsArray: false,
  9850. namedPlaceholders: false,
  9851. nestTables: undefined,
  9852. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  9853. maxPacketSize: 0,
  9854. charsetNumber: 224,
  9855. compress: false,
  9856. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  9857. clientFlags: 8582093,
  9858. connectAttributes: undefined,
  9859. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  9861. Socket {
  9862. connecting: false,
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  9865. TCP {
  9866. reading: true,
  9867. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  9868. onconnection: null,
  9869. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  9870. _parent: null,
  9871. _host: 'localhost',
  9872. _readableState:
  9873. ReadableState {
  9874. objectMode: false,
  9875. highWaterMark: 16384,
  9876. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  9877. length: 0,
  9878. pipes: null,
  9879. pipesCount: 0,
  9880. flowing: true,
  9881. ended: false,
  9882. endEmitted: false,
  9883. reading: true,
  9884. sync: false,
  9885. needReadable: true,
  9886. emittedReadable: false,
  9887. readableListening: false,
  9888. resumeScheduled: false,
  9889. emitClose: false,
  9890. autoDestroy: false,
  9891. destroyed: false,
  9892. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9893. awaitDrain: 0,
  9894. readingMore: false,
  9895. decoder: null,
  9896. encoding: null },
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  9899. [Object: null prototype] {
  9900. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  9901. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  9902. data: [Function],
  9903. close: [Function] },
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  9905. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  9910. finalCalled: false,
  9911. needDrain: false,
  9912. ending: false,
  9913. ended: false,
  9914. finished: false,
  9915. destroyed: false,
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  9917. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  9918. length: 0,
  9919. writing: false,
  9920. corked: 0,
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  9927. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  9928. pendingcb: 0,
  9929. prefinished: false,
  9930. errorEmitted: false,
  9931. emitClose: false,
  9932. autoDestroy: false,
  9933. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  9934. corkedRequestsFree:
  9935. { next: null,
  9936. entry: null,
  9937. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  9939. allowHalfOpen: false,
  9940. _sockname: null,
  9941. _pendingData: null,
  9942. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  9944. _server: null,
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  9946. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  9947. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  9948. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  9949. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  9952. Denque {
  9953. _head: 0,
  9954. _tail: 0,
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  9956. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  9960. Denque {
  9961. _head: 0,
  9962. _tail: 0,
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  9964. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  9970. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  9971. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  9972. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  9973. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  9974. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  9975. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  9976. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9977. authorized: true,
  9978. sequenceId: 2,
  9979. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  9980. threadId: 1302,
  9981. _handshakePacket:
  9982. Handshake {
  9983. protocolVersion: 10,
  9984. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  9985. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  9986. connectionId: 1302,
  9987. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  9988. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  9989. characterSet: 255,
  9990. statusFlags: 2 },
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  9992. _protocolError: null,
  9993. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  9994. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  9995. packetParser:
  9996. PacketParser {
  9997. buffer: [],
  9998. bufferLength: 0,
  9999. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  10000. headerLen: 0,
  10001. length: 7,
  10002. largePacketParts: [],
  10003. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  10004. onPacket: [Function],
  10005. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  10006. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  10007. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  10008. connectTimeout: null,
  10009. connectionId: 1302 },
  10010. state: 'IDLE' } },
  10011. next: null,
  10012. data:
  10013. PooledResource {
  10014. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  10015. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  10016. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  10017. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  10018. obj:
  10019. Connection {
  10020. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  10021. _eventsCount: 1,
  10022. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10023. config:
  10024. ConnectionConfig {
  10025. isServer: undefined,
  10026. stream: undefined,
  10027. host: 'localhost',
  10028. port: 3306,
  10029. localAddress: undefined,
  10030. socketPath: undefined,
  10031. user: 'root',
  10032. password: 'abcd1234',
  10033. passwordSha1: undefined,
  10034. database: 'lbry',
  10035. connectTimeout: 10000,
  10036. insecureAuth: false,
  10037. supportBigNumbers: true,
  10038. bigNumberStrings: false,
  10039. decimalNumbers: false,
  10040. dateStrings: false,
  10041. debug: undefined,
  10042. trace: true,
  10043. stringifyObjects: false,
  10044. timezone: '+00:00',
  10045. queryFormat: undefined,
  10046. pool: undefined,
  10047. ssl: false,
  10048. multipleStatements: false,
  10049. rowsAsArray: false,
  10050. namedPlaceholders: false,
  10051. nestTables: undefined,
  10052. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  10053. maxPacketSize: 0,
  10054. charsetNumber: 224,
  10055. compress: false,
  10056. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  10057. clientFlags: 8582093,
  10058. connectAttributes: undefined,
  10059. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  10060. stream:
  10061. Socket {
  10062. connecting: false,
  10063. _hadError: false,
  10064. _handle:
  10065. TCP {
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  10067. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  10069. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  10071. _host: 'localhost',
  10072. _readableState:
  10073. ReadableState {
  10074. objectMode: false,
  10075. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10076. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  10077. length: 0,
  10078. pipes: null,
  10079. pipesCount: 0,
  10080. flowing: true,
  10081. ended: false,
  10082. endEmitted: false,
  10083. reading: true,
  10084. sync: false,
  10085. needReadable: true,
  10086. emittedReadable: false,
  10087. readableListening: false,
  10088. resumeScheduled: false,
  10089. emitClose: false,
  10090. autoDestroy: false,
  10091. destroyed: false,
  10092. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10093. awaitDrain: 0,
  10094. readingMore: false,
  10095. decoder: null,
  10096. encoding: null },
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  10099. [Object: null prototype] {
  10100. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  10101. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  10102. data: [Function],
  10103. close: [Function] },
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  10105. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  10107. WritableState {
  10108. objectMode: false,
  10109. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10110. finalCalled: false,
  10111. needDrain: false,
  10112. ending: false,
  10113. ended: false,
  10114. finished: false,
  10115. destroyed: false,
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  10117. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10118. length: 0,
  10119. writing: false,
  10120. corked: 0,
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  10125. writelen: 0,
  10126. bufferedRequest: null,
  10127. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  10128. pendingcb: 0,
  10129. prefinished: false,
  10130. errorEmitted: false,
  10131. emitClose: false,
  10132. autoDestroy: false,
  10133. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  10134. corkedRequestsFree:
  10135. { next: null,
  10136. entry: null,
  10137. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  10138. writable: true,
  10139. allowHalfOpen: false,
  10140. _sockname: null,
  10141. _pendingData: null,
  10142. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  10144. _server: null,
  10145. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  10146. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  10147. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  10148. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  10149. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  10150. _internalId: 1,
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  10152. Denque {
  10153. _head: 0,
  10154. _tail: 0,
  10155. _capacityMask: 3,
  10156. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10157. _command: undefined,
  10158. _paused: false,
  10159. _paused_packets:
  10160. Denque {
  10161. _head: 0,
  10162. _tail: 0,
  10163. _capacityMask: 3,
  10164. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  10166. LRUCache {
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  10169. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  10170. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  10171. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  10172. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  10173. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  10174. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  10175. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  10176. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10177. authorized: true,
  10178. sequenceId: 23,
  10179. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  10180. threadId: 1303,
  10181. _handshakePacket:
  10182. Handshake {
  10183. protocolVersion: 10,
  10184. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  10185. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10186. connectionId: 1303,
  10187. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  10188. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  10189. characterSet: 255,
  10190. statusFlags: 2 },
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  10192. _protocolError: null,
  10193. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  10194. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  10195. packetParser:
  10196. PacketParser {
  10197. buffer: [],
  10198. bufferLength: 0,
  10199. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  10200. headerLen: 0,
  10201. length: 5,
  10202. largePacketParts: [],
  10203. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  10204. onPacket: [Function],
  10205. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  10206. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  10207. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  10208. connectTimeout: null,
  10209. connectionId: 1303 },
  10210. state: 'IDLE' } },
  10211. length: 2 } },
  10212. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  10213. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  10214. _validationOperations: Set {},
  10215. _allObjects:
  10216. Set {
  10217. PooledResource {
  10218. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  10219. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  10220. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  10221. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  10222. obj:
  10223. Connection {
  10224. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  10225. _eventsCount: 1,
  10226. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10227. config:
  10228. ConnectionConfig {
  10229. isServer: undefined,
  10230. stream: undefined,
  10231. host: 'localhost',
  10232. port: 3306,
  10233. localAddress: undefined,
  10234. socketPath: undefined,
  10235. user: 'root',
  10236. password: 'abcd1234',
  10237. passwordSha1: undefined,
  10238. database: 'lbry',
  10239. connectTimeout: 10000,
  10240. insecureAuth: false,
  10241. supportBigNumbers: true,
  10242. bigNumberStrings: false,
  10243. decimalNumbers: false,
  10244. dateStrings: false,
  10245. debug: undefined,
  10246. trace: true,
  10247. stringifyObjects: false,
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  10249. queryFormat: undefined,
  10250. pool: undefined,
  10251. ssl: false,
  10252. multipleStatements: false,
  10253. rowsAsArray: false,
  10254. namedPlaceholders: false,
  10255. nestTables: undefined,
  10256. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  10257. maxPacketSize: 0,
  10258. charsetNumber: 224,
  10259. compress: false,
  10260. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  10261. clientFlags: 8582093,
  10262. connectAttributes: undefined,
  10263. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  10264. stream:
  10265. Socket {
  10266. connecting: false,
  10267. _hadError: false,
  10268. _handle:
  10269. TCP {
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  10271. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  10272. onconnection: null,
  10273. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  10275. _host: 'localhost',
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  10277. ReadableState {
  10278. objectMode: false,
  10279. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10280. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  10281. length: 0,
  10282. pipes: null,
  10283. pipesCount: 0,
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  10285. ended: false,
  10286. endEmitted: false,
  10287. reading: true,
  10288. sync: false,
  10289. needReadable: true,
  10290. emittedReadable: false,
  10291. readableListening: false,
  10292. resumeScheduled: false,
  10293. emitClose: false,
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  10295. destroyed: false,
  10296. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10297. awaitDrain: 0,
  10298. readingMore: false,
  10299. decoder: null,
  10300. encoding: null },
  10301. readable: true,
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  10303. [Object: null prototype] {
  10304. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  10305. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  10306. data: [Function],
  10307. close: [Function] },
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  10309. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  10311. WritableState {
  10312. objectMode: false,
  10313. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10314. finalCalled: false,
  10315. needDrain: false,
  10316. ending: false,
  10317. ended: false,
  10318. finished: false,
  10319. destroyed: false,
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  10321. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10322. length: 0,
  10323. writing: false,
  10324. corked: 0,
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  10330. bufferedRequest: null,
  10331. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  10332. pendingcb: 0,
  10333. prefinished: false,
  10334. errorEmitted: false,
  10335. emitClose: false,
  10336. autoDestroy: false,
  10337. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  10338. corkedRequestsFree:
  10339. { next: null,
  10340. entry: null,
  10341. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  10342. writable: true,
  10343. allowHalfOpen: false,
  10344. _sockname: null,
  10345. _pendingData: null,
  10346. _pendingEncoding: '',
  10347. server: null,
  10348. _server: null,
  10349. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  10350. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  10351. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  10352. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  10353. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  10354. _internalId: 2,
  10355. _commands:
  10356. Denque {
  10357. _head: 0,
  10358. _tail: 0,
  10359. _capacityMask: 3,
  10360. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10361. _command: undefined,
  10362. _paused: false,
  10363. _paused_packets:
  10364. Denque {
  10365. _head: 0,
  10366. _tail: 0,
  10367. _capacityMask: 3,
  10368. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10369. _statements:
  10370. LRUCache {
  10371. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  10372. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  10373. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  10374. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  10375. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  10376. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  10377. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  10378. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  10379. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  10380. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10381. authorized: true,
  10382. sequenceId: 2,
  10383. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  10384. threadId: 1302,
  10385. _handshakePacket:
  10386. Handshake {
  10387. protocolVersion: 10,
  10388. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  10389. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10390. connectionId: 1302,
  10391. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  10392. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  10393. characterSet: 255,
  10394. statusFlags: 2 },
  10395. _fatalError: null,
  10396. _protocolError: null,
  10397. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  10398. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  10399. packetParser:
  10400. PacketParser {
  10401. buffer: [],
  10402. bufferLength: 0,
  10403. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  10404. headerLen: 0,
  10405. length: 7,
  10406. largePacketParts: [],
  10407. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  10408. onPacket: [Function],
  10409. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  10410. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  10411. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  10412. connectTimeout: null,
  10413. connectionId: 1302 },
  10414. state: 'IDLE' },
  10415. PooledResource {
  10416. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  10417. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  10418. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  10419. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  10420. obj:
  10421. Connection {
  10422. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  10423. _eventsCount: 1,
  10424. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10425. config:
  10426. ConnectionConfig {
  10427. isServer: undefined,
  10428. stream: undefined,
  10429. host: 'localhost',
  10430. port: 3306,
  10431. localAddress: undefined,
  10432. socketPath: undefined,
  10433. user: 'root',
  10434. password: 'abcd1234',
  10435. passwordSha1: undefined,
  10436. database: 'lbry',
  10437. connectTimeout: 10000,
  10438. insecureAuth: false,
  10439. supportBigNumbers: true,
  10440. bigNumberStrings: false,
  10441. decimalNumbers: false,
  10442. dateStrings: false,
  10443. debug: undefined,
  10444. trace: true,
  10445. stringifyObjects: false,
  10446. timezone: '+00:00',
  10447. queryFormat: undefined,
  10448. pool: undefined,
  10449. ssl: false,
  10450. multipleStatements: false,
  10451. rowsAsArray: false,
  10452. namedPlaceholders: false,
  10453. nestTables: undefined,
  10454. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  10455. maxPacketSize: 0,
  10456. charsetNumber: 224,
  10457. compress: false,
  10458. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  10459. clientFlags: 8582093,
  10460. connectAttributes: undefined,
  10461. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  10462. stream:
  10463. Socket {
  10464. connecting: false,
  10465. _hadError: false,
  10466. _handle:
  10467. TCP {
  10468. reading: true,
  10469. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  10470. onconnection: null,
  10471. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  10472. _parent: null,
  10473. _host: 'localhost',
  10474. _readableState:
  10475. ReadableState {
  10476. objectMode: false,
  10477. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10478. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  10479. length: 0,
  10480. pipes: null,
  10481. pipesCount: 0,
  10482. flowing: true,
  10483. ended: false,
  10484. endEmitted: false,
  10485. reading: true,
  10486. sync: false,
  10487. needReadable: true,
  10488. emittedReadable: false,
  10489. readableListening: false,
  10490. resumeScheduled: false,
  10491. emitClose: false,
  10492. autoDestroy: false,
  10493. destroyed: false,
  10494. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10495. awaitDrain: 0,
  10496. readingMore: false,
  10497. decoder: null,
  10498. encoding: null },
  10499. readable: true,
  10500. _events:
  10501. [Object: null prototype] {
  10502. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  10503. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  10504. data: [Function],
  10505. close: [Function] },
  10506. _eventsCount: 4,
  10507. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10508. _writableState:
  10509. WritableState {
  10510. objectMode: false,
  10511. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10512. finalCalled: false,
  10513. needDrain: false,
  10514. ending: false,
  10515. ended: false,
  10516. finished: false,
  10517. destroyed: false,
  10518. decodeStrings: false,
  10519. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10520. length: 0,
  10521. writing: false,
  10522. corked: 0,
  10523. sync: false,
  10524. bufferProcessing: false,
  10525. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  10526. writecb: null,
  10527. writelen: 0,
  10528. bufferedRequest: null,
  10529. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  10530. pendingcb: 0,
  10531. prefinished: false,
  10532. errorEmitted: false,
  10533. emitClose: false,
  10534. autoDestroy: false,
  10535. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  10536. corkedRequestsFree:
  10537. { next: null,
  10538. entry: null,
  10539. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  10540. writable: true,
  10541. allowHalfOpen: false,
  10542. _sockname: null,
  10543. _pendingData: null,
  10544. _pendingEncoding: '',
  10545. server: null,
  10546. _server: null,
  10547. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  10548. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  10549. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  10550. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  10551. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  10552. _internalId: 1,
  10553. _commands:
  10554. Denque {
  10555. _head: 0,
  10556. _tail: 0,
  10557. _capacityMask: 3,
  10558. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10559. _command: undefined,
  10560. _paused: false,
  10561. _paused_packets:
  10562. Denque {
  10563. _head: 0,
  10564. _tail: 0,
  10565. _capacityMask: 3,
  10566. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10567. _statements:
  10568. LRUCache {
  10569. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  10570. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  10571. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  10572. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  10573. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  10574. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  10575. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  10576. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  10577. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  10578. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10579. authorized: true,
  10580. sequenceId: 23,
  10581. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  10582. threadId: 1303,
  10583. _handshakePacket:
  10584. Handshake {
  10585. protocolVersion: 10,
  10586. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  10587. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10588. connectionId: 1303,
  10589. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  10590. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  10591. characterSet: 255,
  10592. statusFlags: 2 },
  10593. _fatalError: null,
  10594. _protocolError: null,
  10595. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  10596. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  10597. packetParser:
  10598. PacketParser {
  10599. buffer: [],
  10600. bufferLength: 0,
  10601. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  10602. headerLen: 0,
  10603. length: 5,
  10604. largePacketParts: [],
  10605. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  10606. onPacket: [Function],
  10607. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  10608. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  10609. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  10610. connectTimeout: null,
  10611. connectionId: 1303 },
  10612. state: 'IDLE' } },
  10613. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  10614. _evictionIterator:
  10615. DequeIterator {
  10616. _list:
  10617. DoublyLinkedList {
  10618. head:
  10619. { prev: null,
  10620. next:
  10621. { prev: [Circular],
  10622. next: null,
  10623. data:
  10624. PooledResource {
  10625. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  10626. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  10627. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  10628. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  10629. obj:
  10630. Connection {
  10631. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  10632. _eventsCount: 1,
  10633. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10634. config:
  10635. ConnectionConfig {
  10636. isServer: undefined,
  10637. stream: undefined,
  10638. host: 'localhost',
  10639. port: 3306,
  10640. localAddress: undefined,
  10641. socketPath: undefined,
  10642. user: 'root',
  10643. password: 'abcd1234',
  10644. passwordSha1: undefined,
  10645. database: 'lbry',
  10646. connectTimeout: 10000,
  10647. insecureAuth: false,
  10648. supportBigNumbers: true,
  10649. bigNumberStrings: false,
  10650. decimalNumbers: false,
  10651. dateStrings: false,
  10652. debug: undefined,
  10653. trace: true,
  10654. stringifyObjects: false,
  10655. timezone: '+00:00',
  10656. queryFormat: undefined,
  10657. pool: undefined,
  10658. ssl: false,
  10659. multipleStatements: false,
  10660. rowsAsArray: false,
  10661. namedPlaceholders: false,
  10662. nestTables: undefined,
  10663. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  10664. maxPacketSize: 0,
  10665. charsetNumber: 224,
  10666. compress: false,
  10667. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  10668. clientFlags: 8582093,
  10669. connectAttributes: undefined,
  10670. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  10671. stream:
  10672. Socket {
  10673. connecting: false,
  10674. _hadError: false,
  10675. _handle:
  10676. TCP {
  10677. reading: true,
  10678. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  10679. onconnection: null,
  10680. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  10681. _parent: null,
  10682. _host: 'localhost',
  10683. _readableState:
  10684. ReadableState {
  10685. objectMode: false,
  10686. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10687. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  10688. length: 0,
  10689. pipes: null,
  10690. pipesCount: 0,
  10691. flowing: true,
  10692. ended: false,
  10693. endEmitted: false,
  10694. reading: true,
  10695. sync: false,
  10696. needReadable: true,
  10697. emittedReadable: false,
  10698. readableListening: false,
  10699. resumeScheduled: false,
  10700. emitClose: false,
  10701. autoDestroy: false,
  10702. destroyed: false,
  10703. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10704. awaitDrain: 0,
  10705. readingMore: false,
  10706. decoder: null,
  10707. encoding: null },
  10708. readable: true,
  10709. _events:
  10710. [Object: null prototype] {
  10711. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  10712. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  10713. data: [Function],
  10714. close: [Function] },
  10715. _eventsCount: 4,
  10716. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10717. _writableState:
  10718. WritableState {
  10719. objectMode: false,
  10720. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10721. finalCalled: false,
  10722. needDrain: false,
  10723. ending: false,
  10724. ended: false,
  10725. finished: false,
  10726. destroyed: false,
  10727. decodeStrings: false,
  10728. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10729. length: 0,
  10730. writing: false,
  10731. corked: 0,
  10732. sync: false,
  10733. bufferProcessing: false,
  10734. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  10735. writecb: null,
  10736. writelen: 0,
  10737. bufferedRequest: null,
  10738. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  10739. pendingcb: 0,
  10740. prefinished: false,
  10741. errorEmitted: false,
  10742. emitClose: false,
  10743. autoDestroy: false,
  10744. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  10745. corkedRequestsFree:
  10746. { next: null,
  10747. entry: null,
  10748. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  10749. writable: true,
  10750. allowHalfOpen: false,
  10751. _sockname: null,
  10752. _pendingData: null,
  10753. _pendingEncoding: '',
  10754. server: null,
  10755. _server: null,
  10756. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  10757. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  10758. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  10759. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  10760. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  10761. _internalId: 1,
  10762. _commands:
  10763. Denque {
  10764. _head: 0,
  10765. _tail: 0,
  10766. _capacityMask: 3,
  10767. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10768. _command: undefined,
  10769. _paused: false,
  10770. _paused_packets:
  10771. Denque {
  10772. _head: 0,
  10773. _tail: 0,
  10774. _capacityMask: 3,
  10775. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10776. _statements:
  10777. LRUCache {
  10778. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  10779. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  10780. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  10781. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  10782. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  10783. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  10784. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  10785. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  10786. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  10787. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10788. authorized: true,
  10789. sequenceId: 23,
  10790. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  10791. threadId: 1303,
  10792. _handshakePacket:
  10793. Handshake {
  10794. protocolVersion: 10,
  10795. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  10796. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10797. connectionId: 1303,
  10798. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  10799. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  10800. characterSet: 255,
  10801. statusFlags: 2 },
  10802. _fatalError: null,
  10803. _protocolError: null,
  10804. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  10805. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  10806. packetParser:
  10807. PacketParser {
  10808. buffer: [],
  10809. bufferLength: 0,
  10810. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  10811. headerLen: 0,
  10812. length: 5,
  10813. largePacketParts: [],
  10814. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  10815. onPacket: [Function],
  10816. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  10817. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  10818. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  10819. connectTimeout: null,
  10820. connectionId: 1303 },
  10821. state: 'IDLE' } },
  10822. data:
  10823. PooledResource {
  10824. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  10825. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  10826. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  10827. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  10828. obj:
  10829. Connection {
  10830. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  10831. _eventsCount: 1,
  10832. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10833. config:
  10834. ConnectionConfig {
  10835. isServer: undefined,
  10836. stream: undefined,
  10837. host: 'localhost',
  10838. port: 3306,
  10839. localAddress: undefined,
  10840. socketPath: undefined,
  10841. user: 'root',
  10842. password: 'abcd1234',
  10843. passwordSha1: undefined,
  10844. database: 'lbry',
  10845. connectTimeout: 10000,
  10846. insecureAuth: false,
  10847. supportBigNumbers: true,
  10848. bigNumberStrings: false,
  10849. decimalNumbers: false,
  10850. dateStrings: false,
  10851. debug: undefined,
  10852. trace: true,
  10853. stringifyObjects: false,
  10854. timezone: '+00:00',
  10855. queryFormat: undefined,
  10856. pool: undefined,
  10857. ssl: false,
  10858. multipleStatements: false,
  10859. rowsAsArray: false,
  10860. namedPlaceholders: false,
  10861. nestTables: undefined,
  10862. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  10863. maxPacketSize: 0,
  10864. charsetNumber: 224,
  10865. compress: false,
  10866. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  10867. clientFlags: 8582093,
  10868. connectAttributes: undefined,
  10869. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  10870. stream:
  10871. Socket {
  10872. connecting: false,
  10873. _hadError: false,
  10874. _handle:
  10875. TCP {
  10876. reading: true,
  10877. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  10878. onconnection: null,
  10879. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  10880. _parent: null,
  10881. _host: 'localhost',
  10882. _readableState:
  10883. ReadableState {
  10884. objectMode: false,
  10885. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10886. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  10887. length: 0,
  10888. pipes: null,
  10889. pipesCount: 0,
  10890. flowing: true,
  10891. ended: false,
  10892. endEmitted: false,
  10893. reading: true,
  10894. sync: false,
  10895. needReadable: true,
  10896. emittedReadable: false,
  10897. readableListening: false,
  10898. resumeScheduled: false,
  10899. emitClose: false,
  10900. autoDestroy: false,
  10901. destroyed: false,
  10902. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10903. awaitDrain: 0,
  10904. readingMore: false,
  10905. decoder: null,
  10906. encoding: null },
  10907. readable: true,
  10908. _events:
  10909. [Object: null prototype] {
  10910. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  10911. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  10912. data: [Function],
  10913. close: [Function] },
  10914. _eventsCount: 4,
  10915. _maxListeners: undefined,
  10916. _writableState:
  10917. WritableState {
  10918. objectMode: false,
  10919. highWaterMark: 16384,
  10920. finalCalled: false,
  10921. needDrain: false,
  10922. ending: false,
  10923. ended: false,
  10924. finished: false,
  10925. destroyed: false,
  10926. decodeStrings: false,
  10927. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  10928. length: 0,
  10929. writing: false,
  10930. corked: 0,
  10931. sync: false,
  10932. bufferProcessing: false,
  10933. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  10934. writecb: null,
  10935. writelen: 0,
  10936. bufferedRequest: null,
  10937. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  10938. pendingcb: 0,
  10939. prefinished: false,
  10940. errorEmitted: false,
  10941. emitClose: false,
  10942. autoDestroy: false,
  10943. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  10944. corkedRequestsFree:
  10945. { next: null,
  10946. entry: null,
  10947. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  10948. writable: true,
  10949. allowHalfOpen: false,
  10950. _sockname: null,
  10951. _pendingData: null,
  10952. _pendingEncoding: '',
  10953. server: null,
  10954. _server: null,
  10955. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  10956. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  10957. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  10958. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  10959. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  10960. _internalId: 2,
  10961. _commands:
  10962. Denque {
  10963. _head: 0,
  10964. _tail: 0,
  10965. _capacityMask: 3,
  10966. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10967. _command: undefined,
  10968. _paused: false,
  10969. _paused_packets:
  10970. Denque {
  10971. _head: 0,
  10972. _tail: 0,
  10973. _capacityMask: 3,
  10974. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  10975. _statements:
  10976. LRUCache {
  10977. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  10978. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  10979. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  10980. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  10981. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  10982. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  10983. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  10984. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  10985. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  10986. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10987. authorized: true,
  10988. sequenceId: 2,
  10989. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  10990. threadId: 1302,
  10991. _handshakePacket:
  10992. Handshake {
  10993. protocolVersion: 10,
  10994. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  10995. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  10996. connectionId: 1302,
  10997. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  10998. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  10999. characterSet: 255,
  11000. statusFlags: 2 },
  11001. _fatalError: null,
  11002. _protocolError: null,
  11003. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  11004. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  11005. packetParser:
  11006. PacketParser {
  11007. buffer: [],
  11008. bufferLength: 0,
  11009. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  11010. headerLen: 0,
  11011. length: 7,
  11012. largePacketParts: [],
  11013. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  11014. onPacket: [Function],
  11015. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  11016. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  11017. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  11018. connectTimeout: null,
  11019. connectionId: 1302 },
  11020. state: 'IDLE' } },
  11021. tail:
  11022. { prev:
  11023. { prev: null,
  11024. next: [Circular],
  11025. data:
  11026. PooledResource {
  11027. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  11028. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  11029. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  11030. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  11031. obj:
  11032. Connection {
  11033. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  11034. _eventsCount: 1,
  11035. _maxListeners: undefined,
  11036. config:
  11037. ConnectionConfig {
  11038. isServer: undefined,
  11039. stream: undefined,
  11040. host: 'localhost',
  11041. port: 3306,
  11042. localAddress: undefined,
  11043. socketPath: undefined,
  11044. user: 'root',
  11045. password: 'abcd1234',
  11046. passwordSha1: undefined,
  11047. database: 'lbry',
  11048. connectTimeout: 10000,
  11049. insecureAuth: false,
  11050. supportBigNumbers: true,
  11051. bigNumberStrings: false,
  11052. decimalNumbers: false,
  11053. dateStrings: false,
  11054. debug: undefined,
  11055. trace: true,
  11056. stringifyObjects: false,
  11057. timezone: '+00:00',
  11058. queryFormat: undefined,
  11059. pool: undefined,
  11060. ssl: false,
  11061. multipleStatements: false,
  11062. rowsAsArray: false,
  11063. namedPlaceholders: false,
  11064. nestTables: undefined,
  11065. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  11066. maxPacketSize: 0,
  11067. charsetNumber: 224,
  11068. compress: false,
  11069. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  11070. clientFlags: 8582093,
  11071. connectAttributes: undefined,
  11072. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  11073. stream:
  11074. Socket {
  11075. connecting: false,
  11076. _hadError: false,
  11077. _handle:
  11078. TCP {
  11079. reading: true,
  11080. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  11081. onconnection: null,
  11082. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  11083. _parent: null,
  11084. _host: 'localhost',
  11085. _readableState:
  11086. ReadableState {
  11087. objectMode: false,
  11088. highWaterMark: 16384,
  11089. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  11090. length: 0,
  11091. pipes: null,
  11092. pipesCount: 0,
  11093. flowing: true,
  11094. ended: false,
  11095. endEmitted: false,
  11096. reading: true,
  11097. sync: false,
  11098. needReadable: true,
  11099. emittedReadable: false,
  11100. readableListening: false,
  11101. resumeScheduled: false,
  11102. emitClose: false,
  11103. autoDestroy: false,
  11104. destroyed: false,
  11105. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  11106. awaitDrain: 0,
  11107. readingMore: false,
  11108. decoder: null,
  11109. encoding: null },
  11110. readable: true,
  11111. _events:
  11112. [Object: null prototype] {
  11113. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  11114. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  11115. data: [Function],
  11116. close: [Function] },
  11117. _eventsCount: 4,
  11118. _maxListeners: undefined,
  11119. _writableState:
  11120. WritableState {
  11121. objectMode: false,
  11122. highWaterMark: 16384,
  11123. finalCalled: false,
  11124. needDrain: false,
  11125. ending: false,
  11126. ended: false,
  11127. finished: false,
  11128. destroyed: false,
  11129. decodeStrings: false,
  11130. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  11131. length: 0,
  11132. writing: false,
  11133. corked: 0,
  11134. sync: false,
  11135. bufferProcessing: false,
  11136. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  11137. writecb: null,
  11138. writelen: 0,
  11139. bufferedRequest: null,
  11140. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  11141. pendingcb: 0,
  11142. prefinished: false,
  11143. errorEmitted: false,
  11144. emitClose: false,
  11145. autoDestroy: false,
  11146. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  11147. corkedRequestsFree:
  11148. { next: null,
  11149. entry: null,
  11150. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  11151. writable: true,
  11152. allowHalfOpen: false,
  11153. _sockname: null,
  11154. _pendingData: null,
  11155. _pendingEncoding: '',
  11156. server: null,
  11157. _server: null,
  11158. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  11159. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  11160. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  11161. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  11162. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  11163. _internalId: 2,
  11164. _commands:
  11165. Denque {
  11166. _head: 0,
  11167. _tail: 0,
  11168. _capacityMask: 3,
  11169. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  11170. _command: undefined,
  11171. _paused: false,
  11172. _paused_packets:
  11173. Denque {
  11174. _head: 0,
  11175. _tail: 0,
  11176. _capacityMask: 3,
  11177. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  11178. _statements:
  11179. LRUCache {
  11180. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  11181. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  11182. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  11183. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  11184. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  11185. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  11186. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  11187. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  11188. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  11189. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  11190. authorized: true,
  11191. sequenceId: 2,
  11192. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  11193. threadId: 1302,
  11194. _handshakePacket:
  11195. Handshake {
  11196. protocolVersion: 10,
  11197. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  11198. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  11199. connectionId: 1302,
  11200. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  11201. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  11202. characterSet: 255,
  11203. statusFlags: 2 },
  11204. _fatalError: null,
  11205. _protocolError: null,
  11206. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  11207. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  11208. packetParser:
  11209. PacketParser {
  11210. buffer: [],
  11211. bufferLength: 0,
  11212. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  11213. headerLen: 0,
  11214. length: 7,
  11215. largePacketParts: [],
  11216. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  11217. onPacket: [Function],
  11218. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  11219. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  11220. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  11221. connectTimeout: null,
  11222. connectionId: 1302 },
  11223. state: 'IDLE' } },
  11224. next: null,
  11225. data:
  11226. PooledResource {
  11227. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  11228. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  11229. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  11230. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  11231. obj:
  11232. Connection {
  11233. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  11234. _eventsCount: 1,
  11235. _maxListeners: undefined,
  11236. config:
  11237. ConnectionConfig {
  11238. isServer: undefined,
  11239. stream: undefined,
  11240. host: 'localhost',
  11241. port: 3306,
  11242. localAddress: undefined,
  11243. socketPath: undefined,
  11244. user: 'root',
  11245. password: 'abcd1234',
  11246. passwordSha1: undefined,
  11247. database: 'lbry',
  11248. connectTimeout: 10000,
  11249. insecureAuth: false,
  11250. supportBigNumbers: true,
  11251. bigNumberStrings: false,
  11252. decimalNumbers: false,
  11253. dateStrings: false,
  11254. debug: undefined,
  11255. trace: true,
  11256. stringifyObjects: false,
  11257. timezone: '+00:00',
  11258. queryFormat: undefined,
  11259. pool: undefined,
  11260. ssl: false,
  11261. multipleStatements: false,
  11262. rowsAsArray: false,
  11263. namedPlaceholders: false,
  11264. nestTables: undefined,
  11265. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  11266. maxPacketSize: 0,
  11267. charsetNumber: 224,
  11268. compress: false,
  11269. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  11270. clientFlags: 8582093,
  11271. connectAttributes: undefined,
  11272. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  11273. stream:
  11274. Socket {
  11275. connecting: false,
  11276. _hadError: false,
  11277. _handle:
  11278. TCP {
  11279. reading: true,
  11280. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  11281. onconnection: null,
  11282. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  11283. _parent: null,
  11284. _host: 'localhost',
  11285. _readableState:
  11286. ReadableState {
  11287. objectMode: false,
  11288. highWaterMark: 16384,
  11289. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  11290. length: 0,
  11291. pipes: null,
  11292. pipesCount: 0,
  11293. flowing: true,
  11294. ended: false,
  11295. endEmitted: false,
  11296. reading: true,
  11297. sync: false,
  11298. needReadable: true,
  11299. emittedReadable: false,
  11300. readableListening: false,
  11301. resumeScheduled: false,
  11302. emitClose: false,
  11303. autoDestroy: false,
  11304. destroyed: false,
  11305. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  11306. awaitDrain: 0,
  11307. readingMore: false,
  11308. decoder: null,
  11309. encoding: null },
  11310. readable: true,
  11311. _events:
  11312. [Object: null prototype] {
  11313. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  11314. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  11315. data: [Function],
  11316. close: [Function] },
  11317. _eventsCount: 4,
  11318. _maxListeners: undefined,
  11319. _writableState:
  11320. WritableState {
  11321. objectMode: false,
  11322. highWaterMark: 16384,
  11323. finalCalled: false,
  11324. needDrain: false,
  11325. ending: false,
  11326. ended: false,
  11327. finished: false,
  11328. destroyed: false,
  11329. decodeStrings: false,
  11330. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  11331. length: 0,
  11332. writing: false,
  11333. corked: 0,
  11334. sync: false,
  11335. bufferProcessing: false,
  11336. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  11337. writecb: null,
  11338. writelen: 0,
  11339. bufferedRequest: null,
  11340. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  11341. pendingcb: 0,
  11342. prefinished: false,
  11343. errorEmitted: false,
  11344. emitClose: false,
  11345. autoDestroy: false,
  11346. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  11347. corkedRequestsFree:
  11348. { next: null,
  11349. entry: null,
  11350. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  11351. writable: true,
  11352. allowHalfOpen: false,
  11353. _sockname: null,
  11354. _pendingData: null,
  11355. _pendingEncoding: '',
  11356. server: null,
  11357. _server: null,
  11358. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  11359. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  11360. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  11361. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  11362. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  11363. _internalId: 1,
  11364. _commands:
  11365. Denque {
  11366. _head: 0,
  11367. _tail: 0,
  11368. _capacityMask: 3,
  11369. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  11370. _command: undefined,
  11371. _paused: false,
  11372. _paused_packets:
  11373. Denque {
  11374. _head: 0,
  11375. _tail: 0,
  11376. _capacityMask: 3,
  11377. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  11378. _statements:
  11379. LRUCache {
  11380. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  11381. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  11382. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  11383. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  11384. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  11385. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  11386. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  11387. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  11388. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  11389. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  11390. authorized: true,
  11391. sequenceId: 23,
  11392. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  11393. threadId: 1303,
  11394. _handshakePacket:
  11395. Handshake {
  11396. protocolVersion: 10,
  11397. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  11398. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  11399. connectionId: 1303,
  11400. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  11401. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  11402. characterSet: 255,
  11403. statusFlags: 2 },
  11404. _fatalError: null,
  11405. _protocolError: null,
  11406. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  11407. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  11408. packetParser:
  11409. PacketParser {
  11410. buffer: [],
  11411. bufferLength: 0,
  11412. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  11413. headerLen: 0,
  11414. length: 5,
  11415. largePacketParts: [],
  11416. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  11417. onPacket: [Function],
  11418. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  11419. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  11420. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  11421. connectTimeout: null,
  11422. connectionId: 1303 },
  11423. state: 'IDLE' } },
  11424. length: 2 },
  11425. _direction: 'next',
  11426. _startPosition: 'head',
  11427. _started: false,
  11428. _cursor: null,
  11429. _done: false },
  11430. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  11431. _scheduledEviction:
  11432. Timeout {
  11433. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  11434. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  11435. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  11436. _idleStart: 432,
  11437. _onTimeout: [Function],
  11438. _timerArgs: undefined,
  11439. _repeat: null,
  11440. _destroyed: false,
  11441. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  11442. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  11443. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  11444. lib:
  11445. { createConnection: [Function],
  11446. connect: [Function],
  11447. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  11448. createPool: [Function],
  11449. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  11450. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  11451. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  11452. createServer: [Function],
  11453. PoolConnection:
  11454. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  11455. escape: [Function: escape],
  11456. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  11457. format: [Function: format],
  11458. raw: [Function: raw],
  11459. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  11460. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  11461. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  11462. Types: [Getter],
  11463. Charsets: [Getter],
  11464. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  11465. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  11466. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  11467. QueryGenerator:
  11468. { dialect: 'mysql',
  11469. OperatorMap:
  11470. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  11471. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  11472. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  11473. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  11474. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  11475. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  11476. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  11477. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  11478. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  11479. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  11480. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  11481. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  11482. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  11483. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  11484. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  11485. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  11486. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  11487. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  11488. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  11489. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  11490. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  11491. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  11492. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  11493. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  11494. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  11495. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  11496. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  11497. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  11498. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  11499. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  11500. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  11501. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  11502. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  11503. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  11504. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  11505. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  11506. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  11507. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  11508. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  11509. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  11510. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  11511. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  11512. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  11513. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  11514. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  11515. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  11516. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  11517. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  11518. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  11519. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  11520. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  11521. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  11522. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  11523. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  11524. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  11525. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  11526. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  11527. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  11528. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  11529. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  11530. _templateSettings:
  11531. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  11532. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  11533. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  11534. variable: '',
  11535. imports:
  11536. { _:
  11537. { [Function: lodash]
  11538. templateSettings: [Circular],
  11539. after: [Function: after],
  11540. ary: [Function: ary],
  11541. assign: [Function],
  11542. assignIn: [Function],
  11543. assignInWith: [Function],
  11544. assignWith: [Function],
  11545. at: [Function],
  11546. before: [Function: before],
  11547. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11548. bindAll: [Function],
  11549. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11550. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  11551. chain: [Function: chain],
  11552. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  11553. compact: [Function: compact],
  11554. concat: [Function: concat],
  11555. cond: [Function: cond],
  11556. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  11557. constant: [Function: constant],
  11558. countBy: [Function],
  11559. create: [Function: create],
  11560. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11561. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11562. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  11563. defaults: [Function],
  11564. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  11565. defer: [Function],
  11566. delay: [Function],
  11567. difference: [Function],
  11568. differenceBy: [Function],
  11569. differenceWith: [Function],
  11570. drop: [Function: drop],
  11571. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  11572. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  11573. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  11574. fill: [Function: fill],
  11575. filter: [Function: filter],
  11576. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  11577. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  11578. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  11579. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  11580. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  11581. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  11582. flip: [Function: flip],
  11583. flow: [Function],
  11584. flowRight: [Function],
  11585. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  11586. functions: [Function: functions],
  11587. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  11588. groupBy: [Function],
  11589. initial: [Function: initial],
  11590. intersection: [Function],
  11591. intersectionBy: [Function],
  11592. intersectionWith: [Function],
  11593. invert: [Function],
  11594. invertBy: [Function],
  11595. invokeMap: [Function],
  11596. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  11597. keyBy: [Function],
  11598. keys: [Function: keys],
  11599. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  11600. map: [Function: map],
  11601. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  11602. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  11603. matches: [Function: matches],
  11604. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  11605. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  11606. merge: [Function],
  11607. mergeWith: [Function],
  11608. method: [Function],
  11609. methodOf: [Function],
  11610. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  11611. negate: [Function: negate],
  11612. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  11613. omit: [Function],
  11614. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  11615. once: [Function: once],
  11616. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  11617. over: [Function],
  11618. overArgs: [Function],
  11619. overEvery: [Function],
  11620. overSome: [Function],
  11621. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11622. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  11623. partition: [Function],
  11624. pick: [Function],
  11625. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  11626. property: [Function: property],
  11627. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  11628. pull: [Function],
  11629. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  11630. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  11631. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  11632. pullAt: [Function],
  11633. range: [Function],
  11634. rangeRight: [Function],
  11635. rearg: [Function],
  11636. reject: [Function: reject],
  11637. remove: [Function: remove],
  11638. rest: [Function: rest],
  11639. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  11640. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  11641. set: [Function: set],
  11642. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  11643. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  11644. slice: [Function: slice],
  11645. sortBy: [Function],
  11646. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  11647. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  11648. split: [Function: split],
  11649. spread: [Function: spread],
  11650. tail: [Function: tail],
  11651. take: [Function: take],
  11652. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  11653. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  11654. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  11655. tap: [Function: tap],
  11656. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  11657. thru: [Function: thru],
  11658. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  11659. toPairs: [Function],
  11660. toPairsIn: [Function],
  11661. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  11662. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  11663. transform: [Function: transform],
  11664. unary: [Function: unary],
  11665. union: [Function],
  11666. unionBy: [Function],
  11667. unionWith: [Function],
  11668. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  11669. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  11670. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  11671. unset: [Function: unset],
  11672. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  11673. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  11674. update: [Function: update],
  11675. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  11676. values: [Function: values],
  11677. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  11678. without: [Function],
  11679. words: [Function: words],
  11680. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  11681. xor: [Function],
  11682. xorBy: [Function],
  11683. xorWith: [Function],
  11684. zip: [Function],
  11685. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  11686. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  11687. zipWith: [Function],
  11688. entries: [Function],
  11689. entriesIn: [Function],
  11690. extend: [Function],
  11691. extendWith: [Function],
  11692. add: [Function],
  11693. attempt: [Function],
  11694. camelCase: [Function],
  11695. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  11696. ceil: [Function],
  11697. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  11698. clone: [Function: clone],
  11699. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  11700. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  11701. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  11702. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  11703. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  11704. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  11705. divide: [Function],
  11706. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  11707. eq: [Function: eq],
  11708. escape: [Function: escape],
  11709. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  11710. every: [Function: every],
  11711. find: [Function],
  11712. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  11713. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  11714. findLast: [Function],
  11715. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  11716. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  11717. floor: [Function],
  11718. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  11719. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  11720. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  11721. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  11722. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  11723. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  11724. get: [Function: get],
  11725. gt: [Function],
  11726. gte: [Function],
  11727. has: [Function: has],
  11728. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  11729. head: [Function: head],
  11730. identity: [Function: identity],
  11731. includes: [Function: includes],
  11732. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  11733. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  11734. invoke: [Function],
  11735. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  11736. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  11737. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  11738. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  11739. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  11740. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  11741. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  11742. isDate: [Function],
  11743. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  11744. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  11745. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  11746. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  11747. isError: [Function: isError],
  11748. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  11749. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  11750. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  11751. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  11752. isMap: [Function],
  11753. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  11754. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  11755. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  11756. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  11757. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  11758. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  11759. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  11760. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  11761. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  11762. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  11763. isRegExp: [Function],
  11764. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  11765. isSet: [Function],
  11766. isString: [Function: isString],
  11767. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  11768. isTypedArray: [Function],
  11769. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  11770. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  11771. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  11772. join: [Function: join],
  11773. kebabCase: [Function],
  11774. last: [Function: last],
  11775. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  11776. lowerCase: [Function],
  11777. lowerFirst: [Function],
  11778. lt: [Function],
  11779. lte: [Function],
  11780. max: [Function: max],
  11781. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  11782. mean: [Function: mean],
  11783. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  11784. min: [Function: min],
  11785. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  11786. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  11787. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  11788. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  11789. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  11790. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  11791. multiply: [Function],
  11792. nth: [Function: nth],
  11793. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  11794. noop: [Function: noop],
  11795. now: [Function],
  11796. pad: [Function: pad],
  11797. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  11798. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  11799. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  11800. random: [Function: random],
  11801. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  11802. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  11803. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  11804. replace: [Function: replace],
  11805. result: [Function: result],
  11806. round: [Function],
  11807. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  11808. sample: [Function: sample],
  11809. size: [Function: size],
  11810. snakeCase: [Function],
  11811. some: [Function: some],
  11812. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  11813. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  11814. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  11815. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  11816. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  11817. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  11818. startCase: [Function],
  11819. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  11820. subtract: [Function],
  11821. sum: [Function: sum],
  11822. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  11823. template: [Function: template],
  11824. times: [Function: times],
  11825. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  11826. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  11827. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  11828. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  11829. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  11830. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  11831. toString: [Function: toString],
  11832. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  11833. trim: [Function: trim],
  11834. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  11835. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  11836. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  11837. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  11838. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  11839. upperCase: [Function],
  11840. upperFirst: [Function],
  11841. each: [Function: forEach],
  11842. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  11843. first: [Function: head],
  11844. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  11845. options:
  11846. { dialect: 'mysql',
  11847. dialectModulePath: null,
  11848. host: 'localhost',
  11849. protocol: 'tcp',
  11850. define: {},
  11851. query: {},
  11852. sync: {},
  11853. timezone: '+00:00',
  11854. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  11855. omitNull: false,
  11856. native: false,
  11857. replication: false,
  11858. ssl: undefined,
  11859. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  11860. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  11861. hooks: {},
  11862. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  11863. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  11864. isolationLevel: null,
  11865. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  11866. typeValidation: false,
  11867. benchmark: false,
  11868. operatorsAliases: false },
  11869. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  11870. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  11871. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  11872. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  11873. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  11874. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  11875. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  11876. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  11877. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  11878. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  11879. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  11880. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  11881. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  11882. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  11883. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  11884. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  11885. quote: [Function: quote],
  11886. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  11887. escape: [Function: escape],
  11888. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  11889. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  11890. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  11891. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  11892. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  11893. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  11894. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  11895. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  11896. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  11897. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  11898. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  11899. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  11900. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  11901. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  11902. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  11903. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  11904. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  11905. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  11906. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  11907. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  11908. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  11909. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  11910. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  11911. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  11912. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  11913. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  11914. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  11915. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  11916. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  11917. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  11918. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  11919. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  11920. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  11921. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  11922. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  11923. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  11924. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  11925. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  11926. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  11927. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  11928. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  11929. _dialect: [Circular],
  11930. sequelize: [Circular],
  11931. typeValidation: undefined } },
  11932. queryInterface:
  11933. QueryInterface {
  11934. sequelize: [Circular],
  11935. QueryGenerator:
  11936. { dialect: 'mysql',
  11937. OperatorMap:
  11938. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  11939. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  11940. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  11941. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  11942. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  11943. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  11944. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  11945. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  11946. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  11947. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  11948. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  11949. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  11950. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  11951. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  11952. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  11953. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  11954. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  11955. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  11956. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  11957. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  11958. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  11959. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  11960. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  11961. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  11962. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  11963. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  11964. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  11965. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  11966. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  11967. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  11968. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  11969. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  11970. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  11971. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  11972. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  11973. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  11974. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  11975. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  11976. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  11977. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  11978. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  11979. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  11980. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  11981. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  11982. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  11983. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  11984. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  11985. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  11986. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  11987. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  11988. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  11989. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  11990. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  11991. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  11992. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  11993. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  11994. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  11995. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  11996. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  11997. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  11998. _templateSettings:
  11999. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  12000. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  12001. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  12002. variable: '',
  12003. imports:
  12004. { _:
  12005. { [Function: lodash]
  12006. templateSettings: [Circular],
  12007. after: [Function: after],
  12008. ary: [Function: ary],
  12009. assign: [Function],
  12010. assignIn: [Function],
  12011. assignInWith: [Function],
  12012. assignWith: [Function],
  12013. at: [Function],
  12014. before: [Function: before],
  12015. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12016. bindAll: [Function],
  12017. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12018. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  12019. chain: [Function: chain],
  12020. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  12021. compact: [Function: compact],
  12022. concat: [Function: concat],
  12023. cond: [Function: cond],
  12024. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  12025. constant: [Function: constant],
  12026. countBy: [Function],
  12027. create: [Function: create],
  12028. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12029. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12030. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  12031. defaults: [Function],
  12032. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  12033. defer: [Function],
  12034. delay: [Function],
  12035. difference: [Function],
  12036. differenceBy: [Function],
  12037. differenceWith: [Function],
  12038. drop: [Function: drop],
  12039. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  12040. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  12041. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  12042. fill: [Function: fill],
  12043. filter: [Function: filter],
  12044. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  12045. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  12046. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  12047. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  12048. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  12049. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  12050. flip: [Function: flip],
  12051. flow: [Function],
  12052. flowRight: [Function],
  12053. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  12054. functions: [Function: functions],
  12055. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  12056. groupBy: [Function],
  12057. initial: [Function: initial],
  12058. intersection: [Function],
  12059. intersectionBy: [Function],
  12060. intersectionWith: [Function],
  12061. invert: [Function],
  12062. invertBy: [Function],
  12063. invokeMap: [Function],
  12064. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  12065. keyBy: [Function],
  12066. keys: [Function: keys],
  12067. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  12068. map: [Function: map],
  12069. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  12070. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  12071. matches: [Function: matches],
  12072. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  12073. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  12074. merge: [Function],
  12075. mergeWith: [Function],
  12076. method: [Function],
  12077. methodOf: [Function],
  12078. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  12079. negate: [Function: negate],
  12080. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  12081. omit: [Function],
  12082. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  12083. once: [Function: once],
  12084. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  12085. over: [Function],
  12086. overArgs: [Function],
  12087. overEvery: [Function],
  12088. overSome: [Function],
  12089. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12090. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  12091. partition: [Function],
  12092. pick: [Function],
  12093. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  12094. property: [Function: property],
  12095. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  12096. pull: [Function],
  12097. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  12098. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  12099. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  12100. pullAt: [Function],
  12101. range: [Function],
  12102. rangeRight: [Function],
  12103. rearg: [Function],
  12104. reject: [Function: reject],
  12105. remove: [Function: remove],
  12106. rest: [Function: rest],
  12107. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  12108. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  12109. set: [Function: set],
  12110. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  12111. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  12112. slice: [Function: slice],
  12113. sortBy: [Function],
  12114. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  12115. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  12116. split: [Function: split],
  12117. spread: [Function: spread],
  12118. tail: [Function: tail],
  12119. take: [Function: take],
  12120. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  12121. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  12122. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  12123. tap: [Function: tap],
  12124. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  12125. thru: [Function: thru],
  12126. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  12127. toPairs: [Function],
  12128. toPairsIn: [Function],
  12129. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  12130. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  12131. transform: [Function: transform],
  12132. unary: [Function: unary],
  12133. union: [Function],
  12134. unionBy: [Function],
  12135. unionWith: [Function],
  12136. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  12137. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  12138. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  12139. unset: [Function: unset],
  12140. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  12141. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  12142. update: [Function: update],
  12143. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  12144. values: [Function: values],
  12145. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  12146. without: [Function],
  12147. words: [Function: words],
  12148. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  12149. xor: [Function],
  12150. xorBy: [Function],
  12151. xorWith: [Function],
  12152. zip: [Function],
  12153. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  12154. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  12155. zipWith: [Function],
  12156. entries: [Function],
  12157. entriesIn: [Function],
  12158. extend: [Function],
  12159. extendWith: [Function],
  12160. add: [Function],
  12161. attempt: [Function],
  12162. camelCase: [Function],
  12163. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  12164. ceil: [Function],
  12165. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  12166. clone: [Function: clone],
  12167. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  12168. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  12169. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  12170. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  12171. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  12172. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  12173. divide: [Function],
  12174. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  12175. eq: [Function: eq],
  12176. escape: [Function: escape],
  12177. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  12178. every: [Function: every],
  12179. find: [Function],
  12180. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  12181. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  12182. findLast: [Function],
  12183. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  12184. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  12185. floor: [Function],
  12186. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  12187. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  12188. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  12189. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  12190. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  12191. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  12192. get: [Function: get],
  12193. gt: [Function],
  12194. gte: [Function],
  12195. has: [Function: has],
  12196. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  12197. head: [Function: head],
  12198. identity: [Function: identity],
  12199. includes: [Function: includes],
  12200. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  12201. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  12202. invoke: [Function],
  12203. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  12204. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  12205. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  12206. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  12207. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  12208. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  12209. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  12210. isDate: [Function],
  12211. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  12212. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  12213. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  12214. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  12215. isError: [Function: isError],
  12216. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  12217. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  12218. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  12219. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  12220. isMap: [Function],
  12221. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  12222. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  12223. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  12224. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  12225. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  12226. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  12227. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  12228. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  12229. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  12230. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  12231. isRegExp: [Function],
  12232. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  12233. isSet: [Function],
  12234. isString: [Function: isString],
  12235. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  12236. isTypedArray: [Function],
  12237. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  12238. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  12239. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  12240. join: [Function: join],
  12241. kebabCase: [Function],
  12242. last: [Function: last],
  12243. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  12244. lowerCase: [Function],
  12245. lowerFirst: [Function],
  12246. lt: [Function],
  12247. lte: [Function],
  12248. max: [Function: max],
  12249. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  12250. mean: [Function: mean],
  12251. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  12252. min: [Function: min],
  12253. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  12254. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  12255. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  12256. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  12257. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  12258. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  12259. multiply: [Function],
  12260. nth: [Function: nth],
  12261. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  12262. noop: [Function: noop],
  12263. now: [Function],
  12264. pad: [Function: pad],
  12265. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  12266. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  12267. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  12268. random: [Function: random],
  12269. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  12270. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  12271. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  12272. replace: [Function: replace],
  12273. result: [Function: result],
  12274. round: [Function],
  12275. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  12276. sample: [Function: sample],
  12277. size: [Function: size],
  12278. snakeCase: [Function],
  12279. some: [Function: some],
  12280. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  12281. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  12282. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  12283. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  12284. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  12285. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  12286. startCase: [Function],
  12287. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  12288. subtract: [Function],
  12289. sum: [Function: sum],
  12290. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  12291. template: [Function: template],
  12292. times: [Function: times],
  12293. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  12294. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  12295. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  12296. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  12297. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  12298. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  12299. toString: [Function: toString],
  12300. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  12301. trim: [Function: trim],
  12302. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  12303. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  12304. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  12305. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  12306. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  12307. upperCase: [Function],
  12308. upperFirst: [Function],
  12309. each: [Function: forEach],
  12310. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  12311. first: [Function: head],
  12312. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  12313. options:
  12314. { dialect: 'mysql',
  12315. dialectModulePath: null,
  12316. host: 'localhost',
  12317. protocol: 'tcp',
  12318. define: {},
  12319. query: {},
  12320. sync: {},
  12321. timezone: '+00:00',
  12322. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  12323. omitNull: false,
  12324. native: false,
  12325. replication: false,
  12326. ssl: undefined,
  12327. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  12328. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  12329. hooks: {},
  12330. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  12331. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  12332. isolationLevel: null,
  12333. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  12334. typeValidation: false,
  12335. benchmark: false,
  12336. operatorsAliases: false },
  12337. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  12338. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  12339. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  12340. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  12341. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  12342. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  12343. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  12344. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  12345. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  12346. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  12347. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  12348. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  12349. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  12350. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  12351. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  12352. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  12353. quote: [Function: quote],
  12354. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  12355. escape: [Function: escape],
  12356. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  12357. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  12358. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  12359. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  12360. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  12361. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  12362. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  12363. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  12364. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  12365. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  12366. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  12367. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  12368. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  12369. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  12370. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  12371. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  12372. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  12373. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  12374. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  12375. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  12376. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  12377. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  12378. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  12379. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  12380. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  12381. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  12382. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  12383. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  12384. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  12385. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  12386. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  12387. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  12388. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  12389. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  12390. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  12391. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  12392. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  12393. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  12394. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  12395. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  12396. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  12397. _dialect:
  12398. MysqlDialect {
  12399. sequelize: [Circular],
  12400. connectionManager:
  12401. ConnectionManager {
  12402. sequelize: [Circular],
  12403. config:
  12404. { database: 'lbry',
  12405. username: 'root',
  12406. password: 'abcd1234',
  12407. host: 'localhost',
  12408. port: undefined,
  12409. pool:
  12410. { max: 5,
  12411. min: 0,
  12412. acquire: 30000,
  12413. idle: 10000,
  12414. evict: 10000,
  12415. handleDisconnects: true,
  12416. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  12417. Promise:
  12418. { [Function: Promise]
  12419. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  12420. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  12421. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  12422. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  12423. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12424. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12425. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  12426. _peekContext: [Function],
  12427. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  12428. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  12429. longStackTraces: [Function],
  12430. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  12431. config: [Function],
  12432. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  12433. is: [Function],
  12434. fromCallback: [Function],
  12435. fromNode: [Function],
  12436. all: [Function],
  12437. cast: [Function],
  12438. fulfilled: [Function],
  12439. resolve: [Function],
  12440. rejected: [Function],
  12441. reject: [Function],
  12442. setScheduler: [Function],
  12443. pending: [Function],
  12444. defer: [Function],
  12445. method: [Function],
  12446. try: [Function],
  12447. attempt: [Function],
  12448. bind: [Function],
  12449. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  12450. join: [Function],
  12451. Promise: [Circular],
  12452. version: '3.5.3',
  12453. map: [Function],
  12454. using: [Function],
  12455. delay: [Function],
  12456. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  12457. spawn: [Function],
  12458. promisify: [Function],
  12459. promisifyAll: [Function],
  12460. props: [Function],
  12461. race: [Function],
  12462. reduce: [Function],
  12463. settle: [Function],
  12464. some: [Function],
  12465. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  12466. filter: [Function],
  12467. each: [Function],
  12468. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  12469. any: [Function],
  12470. default: [Circular] } },
  12471. protocol: 'tcp',
  12472. native: false,
  12473. ssl: undefined,
  12474. replication: false,
  12475. dialectModulePath: null,
  12476. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  12477. dialectOptions: undefined },
  12478. dialect: [Circular],
  12479. versionPromise: null,
  12480. dialectName: 'mysql',
  12481. pool:
  12482. Pool {
  12483. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  12484. _eventsCount: 0,
  12485. _maxListeners: undefined,
  12486. _config:
  12487. PoolOptions {
  12488. fifo: true,
  12489. priorityRange: 1,
  12490. testOnBorrow: true,
  12491. testOnReturn: false,
  12492. autostart: false,
  12493. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  12494. max: 5,
  12495. min: 0,
  12496. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  12497. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  12498. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  12499. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  12500. Promise:
  12501. { [Function: Promise]
  12502. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  12503. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  12504. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  12505. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  12506. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12507. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12508. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  12509. _peekContext: [Function],
  12510. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  12511. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  12512. longStackTraces: [Function],
  12513. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  12514. config: [Function],
  12515. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  12516. is: [Function],
  12517. fromCallback: [Function],
  12518. fromNode: [Function],
  12519. all: [Function],
  12520. cast: [Function],
  12521. fulfilled: [Function],
  12522. resolve: [Function],
  12523. rejected: [Function],
  12524. reject: [Function],
  12525. setScheduler: [Function],
  12526. pending: [Function],
  12527. defer: [Function],
  12528. method: [Function],
  12529. try: [Function],
  12530. attempt: [Function],
  12531. bind: [Function],
  12532. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  12533. join: [Function],
  12534. Promise: [Circular],
  12535. version: '3.5.3',
  12536. map: [Function],
  12537. using: [Function],
  12538. delay: [Function],
  12539. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  12540. spawn: [Function],
  12541. promisify: [Function],
  12542. promisifyAll: [Function],
  12543. props: [Function],
  12544. race: [Function],
  12545. reduce: [Function],
  12546. settle: [Function],
  12547. some: [Function],
  12548. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  12549. filter: [Function],
  12550. each: [Function],
  12551. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  12552. any: [Function],
  12553. default: [Circular] } },
  12554. _Promise:
  12555. { [Function: Promise]
  12556. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  12557. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  12558. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  12559. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  12560. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12561. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  12562. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  12563. _peekContext: [Function],
  12564. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  12565. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  12566. longStackTraces: [Function],
  12567. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  12568. config: [Function],
  12569. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  12570. is: [Function],
  12571. fromCallback: [Function],
  12572. fromNode: [Function],
  12573. all: [Function],
  12574. cast: [Function],
  12575. fulfilled: [Function],
  12576. resolve: [Function],
  12577. rejected: [Function],
  12578. reject: [Function],
  12579. setScheduler: [Function],
  12580. pending: [Function],
  12581. defer: [Function],
  12582. method: [Function],
  12583. try: [Function],
  12584. attempt: [Function],
  12585. bind: [Function],
  12586. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  12587. join: [Function],
  12588. Promise: [Circular],
  12589. version: '3.5.3',
  12590. map: [Function],
  12591. using: [Function],
  12592. delay: [Function],
  12593. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  12594. spawn: [Function],
  12595. promisify: [Function],
  12596. promisifyAll: [Function],
  12597. props: [Function],
  12598. race: [Function],
  12599. reduce: [Function],
  12600. settle: [Function],
  12601. some: [Function],
  12602. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  12603. filter: [Function],
  12604. each: [Function],
  12605. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  12606. any: [Function],
  12607. default: [Circular] },
  12608. _factory:
  12609. { create: [Function: create],
  12610. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  12611. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  12612. _draining: false,
  12613. _started: true,
  12614. _waitingClientsQueue:
  12615. PriorityQueue {
  12616. _size: 1,
  12617. _slots:
  12618. [ Queue {
  12619. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  12620. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  12621. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  12622. _availableObjects:
  12623. Deque {
  12624. _list:
  12625. DoublyLinkedList {
  12626. head:
  12627. { prev: null,
  12628. next:
  12629. { prev: [Circular],
  12630. next: null,
  12631. data:
  12632. PooledResource {
  12633. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  12634. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  12635. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  12636. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  12637. obj:
  12638. Connection {
  12639. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  12640. _eventsCount: 1,
  12641. _maxListeners: undefined,
  12642. config:
  12643. ConnectionConfig {
  12644. isServer: undefined,
  12645. stream: undefined,
  12646. host: 'localhost',
  12647. port: 3306,
  12648. localAddress: undefined,
  12649. socketPath: undefined,
  12650. user: 'root',
  12651. password: 'abcd1234',
  12652. passwordSha1: undefined,
  12653. database: 'lbry',
  12654. connectTimeout: 10000,
  12655. insecureAuth: false,
  12656. supportBigNumbers: true,
  12657. bigNumberStrings: false,
  12658. decimalNumbers: false,
  12659. dateStrings: false,
  12660. debug: undefined,
  12661. trace: true,
  12662. stringifyObjects: false,
  12663. timezone: '+00:00',
  12664. queryFormat: undefined,
  12665. pool: undefined,
  12666. ssl: false,
  12667. multipleStatements: false,
  12668. rowsAsArray: false,
  12669. namedPlaceholders: false,
  12670. nestTables: undefined,
  12671. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  12672. maxPacketSize: 0,
  12673. charsetNumber: 224,
  12674. compress: false,
  12675. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  12676. clientFlags: 8582093,
  12677. connectAttributes: undefined,
  12678. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  12679. stream:
  12680. Socket {
  12681. connecting: false,
  12682. _hadError: false,
  12683. _handle:
  12684. TCP {
  12685. reading: true,
  12686. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  12687. onconnection: null,
  12688. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  12689. _parent: null,
  12690. _host: 'localhost',
  12691. _readableState:
  12692. ReadableState {
  12693. objectMode: false,
  12694. highWaterMark: 16384,
  12695. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  12696. length: 0,
  12697. pipes: null,
  12698. pipesCount: 0,
  12699. flowing: true,
  12700. ended: false,
  12701. endEmitted: false,
  12702. reading: true,
  12703. sync: false,
  12704. needReadable: true,
  12705. emittedReadable: false,
  12706. readableListening: false,
  12707. resumeScheduled: false,
  12708. emitClose: false,
  12709. autoDestroy: false,
  12710. destroyed: false,
  12711. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  12712. awaitDrain: 0,
  12713. readingMore: false,
  12714. decoder: null,
  12715. encoding: null },
  12716. readable: true,
  12717. _events:
  12718. [Object: null prototype] {
  12719. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  12720. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  12721. data: [Function],
  12722. close: [Function] },
  12723. _eventsCount: 4,
  12724. _maxListeners: undefined,
  12725. _writableState:
  12726. WritableState {
  12727. objectMode: false,
  12728. highWaterMark: 16384,
  12729. finalCalled: false,
  12730. needDrain: false,
  12731. ending: false,
  12732. ended: false,
  12733. finished: false,
  12734. destroyed: false,
  12735. decodeStrings: false,
  12736. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  12737. length: 0,
  12738. writing: false,
  12739. corked: 0,
  12740. sync: false,
  12741. bufferProcessing: false,
  12742. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  12743. writecb: null,
  12744. writelen: 0,
  12745. bufferedRequest: null,
  12746. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  12747. pendingcb: 0,
  12748. prefinished: false,
  12749. errorEmitted: false,
  12750. emitClose: false,
  12751. autoDestroy: false,
  12752. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  12753. corkedRequestsFree:
  12754. { next: null,
  12755. entry: null,
  12756. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  12757. writable: true,
  12758. allowHalfOpen: false,
  12759. _sockname: null,
  12760. _pendingData: null,
  12761. _pendingEncoding: '',
  12762. server: null,
  12763. _server: null,
  12764. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  12765. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  12766. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  12767. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  12768. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  12769. _internalId: 1,
  12770. _commands:
  12771. Denque {
  12772. _head: 0,
  12773. _tail: 0,
  12774. _capacityMask: 3,
  12775. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  12776. _command: undefined,
  12777. _paused: false,
  12778. _paused_packets:
  12779. Denque {
  12780. _head: 0,
  12781. _tail: 0,
  12782. _capacityMask: 3,
  12783. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  12784. _statements:
  12785. LRUCache {
  12786. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  12787. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  12788. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  12789. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  12790. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  12791. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  12792. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  12793. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  12794. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  12795. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  12796. authorized: true,
  12797. sequenceId: 23,
  12798. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  12799. threadId: 1303,
  12800. _handshakePacket:
  12801. Handshake {
  12802. protocolVersion: 10,
  12803. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  12804. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  12805. connectionId: 1303,
  12806. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  12807. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  12808. characterSet: 255,
  12809. statusFlags: 2 },
  12810. _fatalError: null,
  12811. _protocolError: null,
  12812. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  12813. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  12814. packetParser:
  12815. PacketParser {
  12816. buffer: [],
  12817. bufferLength: 0,
  12818. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  12819. headerLen: 0,
  12820. length: 5,
  12821. largePacketParts: [],
  12822. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  12823. onPacket: [Function],
  12824. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  12825. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  12826. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  12827. connectTimeout: null,
  12828. connectionId: 1303 },
  12829. state: 'IDLE' } },
  12830. data:
  12831. PooledResource {
  12832. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  12833. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  12834. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  12835. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  12836. obj:
  12837. Connection {
  12838. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  12839. _eventsCount: 1,
  12840. _maxListeners: undefined,
  12841. config:
  12842. ConnectionConfig {
  12843. isServer: undefined,
  12844. stream: undefined,
  12845. host: 'localhost',
  12846. port: 3306,
  12847. localAddress: undefined,
  12848. socketPath: undefined,
  12849. user: 'root',
  12850. password: 'abcd1234',
  12851. passwordSha1: undefined,
  12852. database: 'lbry',
  12853. connectTimeout: 10000,
  12854. insecureAuth: false,
  12855. supportBigNumbers: true,
  12856. bigNumberStrings: false,
  12857. decimalNumbers: false,
  12858. dateStrings: false,
  12859. debug: undefined,
  12860. trace: true,
  12861. stringifyObjects: false,
  12862. timezone: '+00:00',
  12863. queryFormat: undefined,
  12864. pool: undefined,
  12865. ssl: false,
  12866. multipleStatements: false,
  12867. rowsAsArray: false,
  12868. namedPlaceholders: false,
  12869. nestTables: undefined,
  12870. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  12871. maxPacketSize: 0,
  12872. charsetNumber: 224,
  12873. compress: false,
  12874. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  12875. clientFlags: 8582093,
  12876. connectAttributes: undefined,
  12877. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  12878. stream:
  12879. Socket {
  12880. connecting: false,
  12881. _hadError: false,
  12882. _handle:
  12883. TCP {
  12884. reading: true,
  12885. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  12886. onconnection: null,
  12887. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  12888. _parent: null,
  12889. _host: 'localhost',
  12890. _readableState:
  12891. ReadableState {
  12892. objectMode: false,
  12893. highWaterMark: 16384,
  12894. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  12895. length: 0,
  12896. pipes: null,
  12897. pipesCount: 0,
  12898. flowing: true,
  12899. ended: false,
  12900. endEmitted: false,
  12901. reading: true,
  12902. sync: false,
  12903. needReadable: true,
  12904. emittedReadable: false,
  12905. readableListening: false,
  12906. resumeScheduled: false,
  12907. emitClose: false,
  12908. autoDestroy: false,
  12909. destroyed: false,
  12910. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  12911. awaitDrain: 0,
  12912. readingMore: false,
  12913. decoder: null,
  12914. encoding: null },
  12915. readable: true,
  12916. _events:
  12917. [Object: null prototype] {
  12918. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  12919. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  12920. data: [Function],
  12921. close: [Function] },
  12922. _eventsCount: 4,
  12923. _maxListeners: undefined,
  12924. _writableState:
  12925. WritableState {
  12926. objectMode: false,
  12927. highWaterMark: 16384,
  12928. finalCalled: false,
  12929. needDrain: false,
  12930. ending: false,
  12931. ended: false,
  12932. finished: false,
  12933. destroyed: false,
  12934. decodeStrings: false,
  12935. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  12936. length: 0,
  12937. writing: false,
  12938. corked: 0,
  12939. sync: false,
  12940. bufferProcessing: false,
  12941. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  12943. writelen: 0,
  12944. bufferedRequest: null,
  12945. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  12946. pendingcb: 0,
  12947. prefinished: false,
  12948. errorEmitted: false,
  12949. emitClose: false,
  12950. autoDestroy: false,
  12951. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  12952. corkedRequestsFree:
  12953. { next: null,
  12954. entry: null,
  12955. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  12956. writable: true,
  12957. allowHalfOpen: false,
  12958. _sockname: null,
  12959. _pendingData: null,
  12960. _pendingEncoding: '',
  12961. server: null,
  12962. _server: null,
  12963. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  12964. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  12965. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  12966. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  12967. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  12968. _internalId: 2,
  12969. _commands:
  12970. Denque {
  12971. _head: 0,
  12972. _tail: 0,
  12973. _capacityMask: 3,
  12974. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  12975. _command: undefined,
  12976. _paused: false,
  12977. _paused_packets:
  12978. Denque {
  12979. _head: 0,
  12980. _tail: 0,
  12981. _capacityMask: 3,
  12982. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  12983. _statements:
  12984. LRUCache {
  12985. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  12986. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  12987. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  12988. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  12989. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  12990. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  12991. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  12992. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  12993. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  12994. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  12995. authorized: true,
  12996. sequenceId: 2,
  12997. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  12998. threadId: 1302,
  12999. _handshakePacket:
  13000. Handshake {
  13001. protocolVersion: 10,
  13002. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  13003. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13004. connectionId: 1302,
  13005. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  13006. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  13007. characterSet: 255,
  13008. statusFlags: 2 },
  13009. _fatalError: null,
  13010. _protocolError: null,
  13011. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  13012. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  13013. packetParser:
  13014. PacketParser {
  13015. buffer: [],
  13016. bufferLength: 0,
  13017. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  13018. headerLen: 0,
  13019. length: 7,
  13020. largePacketParts: [],
  13021. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  13022. onPacket: [Function],
  13023. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  13024. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  13025. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  13026. connectTimeout: null,
  13027. connectionId: 1302 },
  13028. state: 'IDLE' } },
  13029. tail:
  13030. { prev:
  13031. { prev: null,
  13032. next: [Circular],
  13033. data:
  13034. PooledResource {
  13035. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  13036. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  13037. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  13038. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  13039. obj:
  13040. Connection {
  13041. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  13042. _eventsCount: 1,
  13043. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13044. config:
  13045. ConnectionConfig {
  13046. isServer: undefined,
  13047. stream: undefined,
  13048. host: 'localhost',
  13049. port: 3306,
  13050. localAddress: undefined,
  13051. socketPath: undefined,
  13052. user: 'root',
  13053. password: 'abcd1234',
  13054. passwordSha1: undefined,
  13055. database: 'lbry',
  13056. connectTimeout: 10000,
  13057. insecureAuth: false,
  13058. supportBigNumbers: true,
  13059. bigNumberStrings: false,
  13060. decimalNumbers: false,
  13061. dateStrings: false,
  13062. debug: undefined,
  13063. trace: true,
  13064. stringifyObjects: false,
  13065. timezone: '+00:00',
  13066. queryFormat: undefined,
  13067. pool: undefined,
  13068. ssl: false,
  13069. multipleStatements: false,
  13070. rowsAsArray: false,
  13071. namedPlaceholders: false,
  13072. nestTables: undefined,
  13073. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  13074. maxPacketSize: 0,
  13075. charsetNumber: 224,
  13076. compress: false,
  13077. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  13078. clientFlags: 8582093,
  13079. connectAttributes: undefined,
  13080. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  13081. stream:
  13082. Socket {
  13083. connecting: false,
  13084. _hadError: false,
  13085. _handle:
  13086. TCP {
  13087. reading: true,
  13088. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  13089. onconnection: null,
  13090. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  13091. _parent: null,
  13092. _host: 'localhost',
  13093. _readableState:
  13094. ReadableState {
  13095. objectMode: false,
  13096. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13097. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  13098. length: 0,
  13099. pipes: null,
  13100. pipesCount: 0,
  13101. flowing: true,
  13102. ended: false,
  13103. endEmitted: false,
  13104. reading: true,
  13105. sync: false,
  13106. needReadable: true,
  13107. emittedReadable: false,
  13108. readableListening: false,
  13109. resumeScheduled: false,
  13110. emitClose: false,
  13111. autoDestroy: false,
  13112. destroyed: false,
  13113. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13114. awaitDrain: 0,
  13115. readingMore: false,
  13116. decoder: null,
  13117. encoding: null },
  13118. readable: true,
  13119. _events:
  13120. [Object: null prototype] {
  13121. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  13122. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  13123. data: [Function],
  13124. close: [Function] },
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  13126. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13127. _writableState:
  13128. WritableState {
  13129. objectMode: false,
  13130. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13131. finalCalled: false,
  13132. needDrain: false,
  13133. ending: false,
  13134. ended: false,
  13135. finished: false,
  13136. destroyed: false,
  13137. decodeStrings: false,
  13138. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13139. length: 0,
  13140. writing: false,
  13141. corked: 0,
  13142. sync: false,
  13143. bufferProcessing: false,
  13144. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  13146. writelen: 0,
  13147. bufferedRequest: null,
  13148. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  13149. pendingcb: 0,
  13150. prefinished: false,
  13151. errorEmitted: false,
  13152. emitClose: false,
  13153. autoDestroy: false,
  13154. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  13155. corkedRequestsFree:
  13156. { next: null,
  13157. entry: null,
  13158. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  13159. writable: true,
  13160. allowHalfOpen: false,
  13161. _sockname: null,
  13162. _pendingData: null,
  13163. _pendingEncoding: '',
  13164. server: null,
  13165. _server: null,
  13166. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  13167. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  13168. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  13169. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  13170. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  13171. _internalId: 2,
  13172. _commands:
  13173. Denque {
  13174. _head: 0,
  13175. _tail: 0,
  13176. _capacityMask: 3,
  13177. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13178. _command: undefined,
  13179. _paused: false,
  13180. _paused_packets:
  13181. Denque {
  13182. _head: 0,
  13183. _tail: 0,
  13184. _capacityMask: 3,
  13185. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13186. _statements:
  13187. LRUCache {
  13188. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  13189. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  13190. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  13191. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  13192. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  13193. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  13194. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  13195. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  13196. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  13197. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13198. authorized: true,
  13199. sequenceId: 2,
  13200. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  13201. threadId: 1302,
  13202. _handshakePacket:
  13203. Handshake {
  13204. protocolVersion: 10,
  13205. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  13206. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13207. connectionId: 1302,
  13208. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  13209. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  13210. characterSet: 255,
  13211. statusFlags: 2 },
  13212. _fatalError: null,
  13213. _protocolError: null,
  13214. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  13215. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  13216. packetParser:
  13217. PacketParser {
  13218. buffer: [],
  13219. bufferLength: 0,
  13220. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  13221. headerLen: 0,
  13222. length: 7,
  13223. largePacketParts: [],
  13224. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  13225. onPacket: [Function],
  13226. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  13227. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  13228. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  13229. connectTimeout: null,
  13230. connectionId: 1302 },
  13231. state: 'IDLE' } },
  13232. next: null,
  13233. data:
  13234. PooledResource {
  13235. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  13236. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  13237. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  13238. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  13239. obj:
  13240. Connection {
  13241. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  13242. _eventsCount: 1,
  13243. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13244. config:
  13245. ConnectionConfig {
  13246. isServer: undefined,
  13247. stream: undefined,
  13248. host: 'localhost',
  13249. port: 3306,
  13250. localAddress: undefined,
  13251. socketPath: undefined,
  13252. user: 'root',
  13253. password: 'abcd1234',
  13254. passwordSha1: undefined,
  13255. database: 'lbry',
  13256. connectTimeout: 10000,
  13257. insecureAuth: false,
  13258. supportBigNumbers: true,
  13259. bigNumberStrings: false,
  13260. decimalNumbers: false,
  13261. dateStrings: false,
  13262. debug: undefined,
  13263. trace: true,
  13264. stringifyObjects: false,
  13265. timezone: '+00:00',
  13266. queryFormat: undefined,
  13267. pool: undefined,
  13268. ssl: false,
  13269. multipleStatements: false,
  13270. rowsAsArray: false,
  13271. namedPlaceholders: false,
  13272. nestTables: undefined,
  13273. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  13274. maxPacketSize: 0,
  13275. charsetNumber: 224,
  13276. compress: false,
  13277. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  13278. clientFlags: 8582093,
  13279. connectAttributes: undefined,
  13280. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  13281. stream:
  13282. Socket {
  13283. connecting: false,
  13284. _hadError: false,
  13285. _handle:
  13286. TCP {
  13287. reading: true,
  13288. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  13289. onconnection: null,
  13290. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  13291. _parent: null,
  13292. _host: 'localhost',
  13293. _readableState:
  13294. ReadableState {
  13295. objectMode: false,
  13296. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13297. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  13298. length: 0,
  13299. pipes: null,
  13300. pipesCount: 0,
  13301. flowing: true,
  13302. ended: false,
  13303. endEmitted: false,
  13304. reading: true,
  13305. sync: false,
  13306. needReadable: true,
  13307. emittedReadable: false,
  13308. readableListening: false,
  13309. resumeScheduled: false,
  13310. emitClose: false,
  13311. autoDestroy: false,
  13312. destroyed: false,
  13313. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13314. awaitDrain: 0,
  13315. readingMore: false,
  13316. decoder: null,
  13317. encoding: null },
  13318. readable: true,
  13319. _events:
  13320. [Object: null prototype] {
  13321. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  13322. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  13323. data: [Function],
  13324. close: [Function] },
  13325. _eventsCount: 4,
  13326. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13327. _writableState:
  13328. WritableState {
  13329. objectMode: false,
  13330. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13331. finalCalled: false,
  13332. needDrain: false,
  13333. ending: false,
  13334. ended: false,
  13335. finished: false,
  13336. destroyed: false,
  13337. decodeStrings: false,
  13338. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13339. length: 0,
  13340. writing: false,
  13341. corked: 0,
  13342. sync: false,
  13343. bufferProcessing: false,
  13344. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  13346. writelen: 0,
  13347. bufferedRequest: null,
  13348. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  13349. pendingcb: 0,
  13350. prefinished: false,
  13351. errorEmitted: false,
  13352. emitClose: false,
  13353. autoDestroy: false,
  13354. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  13355. corkedRequestsFree:
  13356. { next: null,
  13357. entry: null,
  13358. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  13359. writable: true,
  13360. allowHalfOpen: false,
  13361. _sockname: null,
  13362. _pendingData: null,
  13363. _pendingEncoding: '',
  13364. server: null,
  13365. _server: null,
  13366. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  13367. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  13368. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  13369. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  13370. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  13371. _internalId: 1,
  13372. _commands:
  13373. Denque {
  13374. _head: 0,
  13375. _tail: 0,
  13376. _capacityMask: 3,
  13377. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13378. _command: undefined,
  13379. _paused: false,
  13380. _paused_packets:
  13381. Denque {
  13382. _head: 0,
  13383. _tail: 0,
  13384. _capacityMask: 3,
  13385. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13386. _statements:
  13387. LRUCache {
  13388. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  13389. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  13390. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  13391. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  13392. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  13393. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  13394. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  13395. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  13396. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  13397. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13398. authorized: true,
  13399. sequenceId: 23,
  13400. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  13401. threadId: 1303,
  13402. _handshakePacket:
  13403. Handshake {
  13404. protocolVersion: 10,
  13405. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  13406. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13407. connectionId: 1303,
  13408. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  13409. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  13410. characterSet: 255,
  13411. statusFlags: 2 },
  13412. _fatalError: null,
  13413. _protocolError: null,
  13414. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  13415. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  13416. packetParser:
  13417. PacketParser {
  13418. buffer: [],
  13419. bufferLength: 0,
  13420. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  13421. headerLen: 0,
  13422. length: 5,
  13423. largePacketParts: [],
  13424. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  13425. onPacket: [Function],
  13426. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  13427. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  13428. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  13429. connectTimeout: null,
  13430. connectionId: 1303 },
  13431. state: 'IDLE' } },
  13432. length: 2 } },
  13433. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  13434. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  13435. _validationOperations: Set {},
  13436. _allObjects:
  13437. Set {
  13438. PooledResource {
  13439. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  13440. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  13441. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  13442. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  13443. obj:
  13444. Connection {
  13445. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  13446. _eventsCount: 1,
  13447. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13448. config:
  13449. ConnectionConfig {
  13450. isServer: undefined,
  13451. stream: undefined,
  13452. host: 'localhost',
  13453. port: 3306,
  13454. localAddress: undefined,
  13455. socketPath: undefined,
  13456. user: 'root',
  13457. password: 'abcd1234',
  13458. passwordSha1: undefined,
  13459. database: 'lbry',
  13460. connectTimeout: 10000,
  13461. insecureAuth: false,
  13462. supportBigNumbers: true,
  13463. bigNumberStrings: false,
  13464. decimalNumbers: false,
  13465. dateStrings: false,
  13466. debug: undefined,
  13467. trace: true,
  13468. stringifyObjects: false,
  13469. timezone: '+00:00',
  13470. queryFormat: undefined,
  13471. pool: undefined,
  13472. ssl: false,
  13473. multipleStatements: false,
  13474. rowsAsArray: false,
  13475. namedPlaceholders: false,
  13476. nestTables: undefined,
  13477. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  13478. maxPacketSize: 0,
  13479. charsetNumber: 224,
  13480. compress: false,
  13481. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  13482. clientFlags: 8582093,
  13483. connectAttributes: undefined,
  13484. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  13485. stream:
  13486. Socket {
  13487. connecting: false,
  13488. _hadError: false,
  13489. _handle:
  13490. TCP {
  13491. reading: true,
  13492. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  13493. onconnection: null,
  13494. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  13495. _parent: null,
  13496. _host: 'localhost',
  13497. _readableState:
  13498. ReadableState {
  13499. objectMode: false,
  13500. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13501. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  13502. length: 0,
  13503. pipes: null,
  13504. pipesCount: 0,
  13505. flowing: true,
  13506. ended: false,
  13507. endEmitted: false,
  13508. reading: true,
  13509. sync: false,
  13510. needReadable: true,
  13511. emittedReadable: false,
  13512. readableListening: false,
  13513. resumeScheduled: false,
  13514. emitClose: false,
  13515. autoDestroy: false,
  13516. destroyed: false,
  13517. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13518. awaitDrain: 0,
  13519. readingMore: false,
  13520. decoder: null,
  13521. encoding: null },
  13522. readable: true,
  13523. _events:
  13524. [Object: null prototype] {
  13525. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  13526. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  13527. data: [Function],
  13528. close: [Function] },
  13529. _eventsCount: 4,
  13530. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13531. _writableState:
  13532. WritableState {
  13533. objectMode: false,
  13534. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13535. finalCalled: false,
  13536. needDrain: false,
  13537. ending: false,
  13538. ended: false,
  13539. finished: false,
  13540. destroyed: false,
  13541. decodeStrings: false,
  13542. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13543. length: 0,
  13544. writing: false,
  13545. corked: 0,
  13546. sync: false,
  13547. bufferProcessing: false,
  13548. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  13549. writecb: null,
  13550. writelen: 0,
  13551. bufferedRequest: null,
  13552. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  13553. pendingcb: 0,
  13554. prefinished: false,
  13555. errorEmitted: false,
  13556. emitClose: false,
  13557. autoDestroy: false,
  13558. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  13559. corkedRequestsFree:
  13560. { next: null,
  13561. entry: null,
  13562. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  13563. writable: true,
  13564. allowHalfOpen: false,
  13565. _sockname: null,
  13566. _pendingData: null,
  13567. _pendingEncoding: '',
  13568. server: null,
  13569. _server: null,
  13570. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  13571. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  13572. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  13573. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  13574. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  13575. _internalId: 2,
  13576. _commands:
  13577. Denque {
  13578. _head: 0,
  13579. _tail: 0,
  13580. _capacityMask: 3,
  13581. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13582. _command: undefined,
  13583. _paused: false,
  13584. _paused_packets:
  13585. Denque {
  13586. _head: 0,
  13587. _tail: 0,
  13588. _capacityMask: 3,
  13589. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13590. _statements:
  13591. LRUCache {
  13592. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  13593. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  13594. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  13595. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  13596. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  13597. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  13598. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  13599. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  13600. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  13601. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13602. authorized: true,
  13603. sequenceId: 2,
  13604. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  13605. threadId: 1302,
  13606. _handshakePacket:
  13607. Handshake {
  13608. protocolVersion: 10,
  13609. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  13610. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13611. connectionId: 1302,
  13612. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  13613. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  13614. characterSet: 255,
  13615. statusFlags: 2 },
  13616. _fatalError: null,
  13617. _protocolError: null,
  13618. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  13619. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  13620. packetParser:
  13621. PacketParser {
  13622. buffer: [],
  13623. bufferLength: 0,
  13624. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  13625. headerLen: 0,
  13626. length: 7,
  13627. largePacketParts: [],
  13628. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  13629. onPacket: [Function],
  13630. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  13631. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  13632. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  13633. connectTimeout: null,
  13634. connectionId: 1302 },
  13635. state: 'IDLE' },
  13636. PooledResource {
  13637. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  13638. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  13639. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  13640. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  13641. obj:
  13642. Connection {
  13643. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  13644. _eventsCount: 1,
  13645. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13646. config:
  13647. ConnectionConfig {
  13648. isServer: undefined,
  13649. stream: undefined,
  13650. host: 'localhost',
  13651. port: 3306,
  13652. localAddress: undefined,
  13653. socketPath: undefined,
  13654. user: 'root',
  13655. password: 'abcd1234',
  13656. passwordSha1: undefined,
  13657. database: 'lbry',
  13658. connectTimeout: 10000,
  13659. insecureAuth: false,
  13660. supportBigNumbers: true,
  13661. bigNumberStrings: false,
  13662. decimalNumbers: false,
  13663. dateStrings: false,
  13664. debug: undefined,
  13665. trace: true,
  13666. stringifyObjects: false,
  13667. timezone: '+00:00',
  13668. queryFormat: undefined,
  13669. pool: undefined,
  13670. ssl: false,
  13671. multipleStatements: false,
  13672. rowsAsArray: false,
  13673. namedPlaceholders: false,
  13674. nestTables: undefined,
  13675. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  13676. maxPacketSize: 0,
  13677. charsetNumber: 224,
  13678. compress: false,
  13679. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  13680. clientFlags: 8582093,
  13681. connectAttributes: undefined,
  13682. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  13683. stream:
  13684. Socket {
  13685. connecting: false,
  13686. _hadError: false,
  13687. _handle:
  13688. TCP {
  13689. reading: true,
  13690. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  13691. onconnection: null,
  13692. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  13693. _parent: null,
  13694. _host: 'localhost',
  13695. _readableState:
  13696. ReadableState {
  13697. objectMode: false,
  13698. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13699. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  13700. length: 0,
  13701. pipes: null,
  13702. pipesCount: 0,
  13703. flowing: true,
  13704. ended: false,
  13705. endEmitted: false,
  13706. reading: true,
  13707. sync: false,
  13708. needReadable: true,
  13709. emittedReadable: false,
  13710. readableListening: false,
  13711. resumeScheduled: false,
  13712. emitClose: false,
  13713. autoDestroy: false,
  13714. destroyed: false,
  13715. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13716. awaitDrain: 0,
  13717. readingMore: false,
  13718. decoder: null,
  13719. encoding: null },
  13720. readable: true,
  13721. _events:
  13722. [Object: null prototype] {
  13723. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  13724. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  13725. data: [Function],
  13726. close: [Function] },
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  13728. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  13730. WritableState {
  13731. objectMode: false,
  13732. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13733. finalCalled: false,
  13734. needDrain: false,
  13735. ending: false,
  13736. ended: false,
  13737. finished: false,
  13738. destroyed: false,
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  13740. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13741. length: 0,
  13742. writing: false,
  13743. corked: 0,
  13744. sync: false,
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  13746. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  13748. writelen: 0,
  13749. bufferedRequest: null,
  13750. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  13751. pendingcb: 0,
  13752. prefinished: false,
  13753. errorEmitted: false,
  13754. emitClose: false,
  13755. autoDestroy: false,
  13756. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  13757. corkedRequestsFree:
  13758. { next: null,
  13759. entry: null,
  13760. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  13761. writable: true,
  13762. allowHalfOpen: false,
  13763. _sockname: null,
  13764. _pendingData: null,
  13765. _pendingEncoding: '',
  13766. server: null,
  13767. _server: null,
  13768. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  13769. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  13770. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  13771. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  13772. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  13773. _internalId: 1,
  13774. _commands:
  13775. Denque {
  13776. _head: 0,
  13777. _tail: 0,
  13778. _capacityMask: 3,
  13779. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13780. _command: undefined,
  13781. _paused: false,
  13782. _paused_packets:
  13783. Denque {
  13784. _head: 0,
  13785. _tail: 0,
  13786. _capacityMask: 3,
  13787. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13788. _statements:
  13789. LRUCache {
  13790. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  13791. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  13792. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  13793. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  13794. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  13795. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  13796. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  13797. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  13798. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  13799. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13800. authorized: true,
  13801. sequenceId: 23,
  13802. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  13803. threadId: 1303,
  13804. _handshakePacket:
  13805. Handshake {
  13806. protocolVersion: 10,
  13807. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  13808. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  13809. connectionId: 1303,
  13810. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  13811. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  13812. characterSet: 255,
  13813. statusFlags: 2 },
  13814. _fatalError: null,
  13815. _protocolError: null,
  13816. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  13817. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  13818. packetParser:
  13819. PacketParser {
  13820. buffer: [],
  13821. bufferLength: 0,
  13822. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  13823. headerLen: 0,
  13824. length: 5,
  13825. largePacketParts: [],
  13826. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  13827. onPacket: [Function],
  13828. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  13829. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  13830. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  13831. connectTimeout: null,
  13832. connectionId: 1303 },
  13833. state: 'IDLE' } },
  13834. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  13835. _evictionIterator:
  13836. DequeIterator {
  13837. _list:
  13838. DoublyLinkedList {
  13839. head:
  13840. { prev: null,
  13841. next:
  13842. { prev: [Circular],
  13843. next: null,
  13844. data:
  13845. PooledResource {
  13846. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  13847. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  13848. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  13849. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  13850. obj:
  13851. Connection {
  13852. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  13853. _eventsCount: 1,
  13854. _maxListeners: undefined,
  13855. config:
  13856. ConnectionConfig {
  13857. isServer: undefined,
  13858. stream: undefined,
  13859. host: 'localhost',
  13860. port: 3306,
  13861. localAddress: undefined,
  13862. socketPath: undefined,
  13863. user: 'root',
  13864. password: 'abcd1234',
  13865. passwordSha1: undefined,
  13866. database: 'lbry',
  13867. connectTimeout: 10000,
  13868. insecureAuth: false,
  13869. supportBigNumbers: true,
  13870. bigNumberStrings: false,
  13871. decimalNumbers: false,
  13872. dateStrings: false,
  13873. debug: undefined,
  13874. trace: true,
  13875. stringifyObjects: false,
  13876. timezone: '+00:00',
  13877. queryFormat: undefined,
  13878. pool: undefined,
  13879. ssl: false,
  13880. multipleStatements: false,
  13881. rowsAsArray: false,
  13882. namedPlaceholders: false,
  13883. nestTables: undefined,
  13884. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  13885. maxPacketSize: 0,
  13886. charsetNumber: 224,
  13887. compress: false,
  13888. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  13889. clientFlags: 8582093,
  13890. connectAttributes: undefined,
  13891. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  13892. stream:
  13893. Socket {
  13894. connecting: false,
  13895. _hadError: false,
  13896. _handle:
  13897. TCP {
  13898. reading: true,
  13899. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  13900. onconnection: null,
  13901. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  13902. _parent: null,
  13903. _host: 'localhost',
  13904. _readableState:
  13905. ReadableState {
  13906. objectMode: false,
  13907. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13908. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  13909. length: 0,
  13910. pipes: null,
  13911. pipesCount: 0,
  13912. flowing: true,
  13913. ended: false,
  13914. endEmitted: false,
  13915. reading: true,
  13916. sync: false,
  13917. needReadable: true,
  13918. emittedReadable: false,
  13919. readableListening: false,
  13920. resumeScheduled: false,
  13921. emitClose: false,
  13922. autoDestroy: false,
  13923. destroyed: false,
  13924. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13925. awaitDrain: 0,
  13926. readingMore: false,
  13927. decoder: null,
  13928. encoding: null },
  13929. readable: true,
  13930. _events:
  13931. [Object: null prototype] {
  13932. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  13933. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  13934. data: [Function],
  13935. close: [Function] },
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  13937. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  13939. WritableState {
  13940. objectMode: false,
  13941. highWaterMark: 16384,
  13942. finalCalled: false,
  13943. needDrain: false,
  13944. ending: false,
  13945. ended: false,
  13946. finished: false,
  13947. destroyed: false,
  13948. decodeStrings: false,
  13949. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  13950. length: 0,
  13951. writing: false,
  13952. corked: 0,
  13953. sync: false,
  13954. bufferProcessing: false,
  13955. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  13957. writelen: 0,
  13958. bufferedRequest: null,
  13959. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  13960. pendingcb: 0,
  13961. prefinished: false,
  13962. errorEmitted: false,
  13963. emitClose: false,
  13964. autoDestroy: false,
  13965. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  13966. corkedRequestsFree:
  13967. { next: null,
  13968. entry: null,
  13969. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  13970. writable: true,
  13971. allowHalfOpen: false,
  13972. _sockname: null,
  13973. _pendingData: null,
  13974. _pendingEncoding: '',
  13975. server: null,
  13976. _server: null,
  13977. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  13978. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  13979. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  13980. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  13981. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  13982. _internalId: 1,
  13983. _commands:
  13984. Denque {
  13985. _head: 0,
  13986. _tail: 0,
  13987. _capacityMask: 3,
  13988. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13989. _command: undefined,
  13990. _paused: false,
  13991. _paused_packets:
  13992. Denque {
  13993. _head: 0,
  13994. _tail: 0,
  13995. _capacityMask: 3,
  13996. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  13997. _statements:
  13998. LRUCache {
  13999. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  14000. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  14001. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  14002. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  14003. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  14004. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  14005. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  14006. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  14007. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  14008. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14009. authorized: true,
  14010. sequenceId: 23,
  14011. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  14012. threadId: 1303,
  14013. _handshakePacket:
  14014. Handshake {
  14015. protocolVersion: 10,
  14016. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  14017. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14018. connectionId: 1303,
  14019. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  14020. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  14021. characterSet: 255,
  14022. statusFlags: 2 },
  14023. _fatalError: null,
  14024. _protocolError: null,
  14025. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  14026. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  14027. packetParser:
  14028. PacketParser {
  14029. buffer: [],
  14030. bufferLength: 0,
  14031. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  14032. headerLen: 0,
  14033. length: 5,
  14034. largePacketParts: [],
  14035. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  14036. onPacket: [Function],
  14037. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  14038. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  14039. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  14040. connectTimeout: null,
  14041. connectionId: 1303 },
  14042. state: 'IDLE' } },
  14043. data:
  14044. PooledResource {
  14045. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  14046. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  14047. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  14048. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  14049. obj:
  14050. Connection {
  14051. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  14052. _eventsCount: 1,
  14053. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14054. config:
  14055. ConnectionConfig {
  14056. isServer: undefined,
  14057. stream: undefined,
  14058. host: 'localhost',
  14059. port: 3306,
  14060. localAddress: undefined,
  14061. socketPath: undefined,
  14062. user: 'root',
  14063. password: 'abcd1234',
  14064. passwordSha1: undefined,
  14065. database: 'lbry',
  14066. connectTimeout: 10000,
  14067. insecureAuth: false,
  14068. supportBigNumbers: true,
  14069. bigNumberStrings: false,
  14070. decimalNumbers: false,
  14071. dateStrings: false,
  14072. debug: undefined,
  14073. trace: true,
  14074. stringifyObjects: false,
  14075. timezone: '+00:00',
  14076. queryFormat: undefined,
  14077. pool: undefined,
  14078. ssl: false,
  14079. multipleStatements: false,
  14080. rowsAsArray: false,
  14081. namedPlaceholders: false,
  14082. nestTables: undefined,
  14083. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  14084. maxPacketSize: 0,
  14085. charsetNumber: 224,
  14086. compress: false,
  14087. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  14088. clientFlags: 8582093,
  14089. connectAttributes: undefined,
  14090. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  14091. stream:
  14092. Socket {
  14093. connecting: false,
  14094. _hadError: false,
  14095. _handle:
  14096. TCP {
  14097. reading: true,
  14098. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  14099. onconnection: null,
  14100. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  14101. _parent: null,
  14102. _host: 'localhost',
  14103. _readableState:
  14104. ReadableState {
  14105. objectMode: false,
  14106. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14107. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  14108. length: 0,
  14109. pipes: null,
  14110. pipesCount: 0,
  14111. flowing: true,
  14112. ended: false,
  14113. endEmitted: false,
  14114. reading: true,
  14115. sync: false,
  14116. needReadable: true,
  14117. emittedReadable: false,
  14118. readableListening: false,
  14119. resumeScheduled: false,
  14120. emitClose: false,
  14121. autoDestroy: false,
  14122. destroyed: false,
  14123. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14124. awaitDrain: 0,
  14125. readingMore: false,
  14126. decoder: null,
  14127. encoding: null },
  14128. readable: true,
  14129. _events:
  14130. [Object: null prototype] {
  14131. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  14132. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  14133. data: [Function],
  14134. close: [Function] },
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  14136. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14137. _writableState:
  14138. WritableState {
  14139. objectMode: false,
  14140. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14141. finalCalled: false,
  14142. needDrain: false,
  14143. ending: false,
  14144. ended: false,
  14145. finished: false,
  14146. destroyed: false,
  14147. decodeStrings: false,
  14148. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14149. length: 0,
  14150. writing: false,
  14151. corked: 0,
  14152. sync: false,
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  14154. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  14156. writelen: 0,
  14157. bufferedRequest: null,
  14158. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  14159. pendingcb: 0,
  14160. prefinished: false,
  14161. errorEmitted: false,
  14162. emitClose: false,
  14163. autoDestroy: false,
  14164. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  14165. corkedRequestsFree:
  14166. { next: null,
  14167. entry: null,
  14168. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  14169. writable: true,
  14170. allowHalfOpen: false,
  14171. _sockname: null,
  14172. _pendingData: null,
  14173. _pendingEncoding: '',
  14174. server: null,
  14175. _server: null,
  14176. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  14177. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  14178. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  14179. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  14180. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  14181. _internalId: 2,
  14182. _commands:
  14183. Denque {
  14184. _head: 0,
  14185. _tail: 0,
  14186. _capacityMask: 3,
  14187. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14188. _command: undefined,
  14189. _paused: false,
  14190. _paused_packets:
  14191. Denque {
  14192. _head: 0,
  14193. _tail: 0,
  14194. _capacityMask: 3,
  14195. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14196. _statements:
  14197. LRUCache {
  14198. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  14199. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  14200. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  14201. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  14202. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  14203. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  14204. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  14205. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  14206. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  14207. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14208. authorized: true,
  14209. sequenceId: 2,
  14210. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  14211. threadId: 1302,
  14212. _handshakePacket:
  14213. Handshake {
  14214. protocolVersion: 10,
  14215. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  14216. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14217. connectionId: 1302,
  14218. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  14219. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  14220. characterSet: 255,
  14221. statusFlags: 2 },
  14222. _fatalError: null,
  14223. _protocolError: null,
  14224. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  14225. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  14226. packetParser:
  14227. PacketParser {
  14228. buffer: [],
  14229. bufferLength: 0,
  14230. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  14231. headerLen: 0,
  14232. length: 7,
  14233. largePacketParts: [],
  14234. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  14235. onPacket: [Function],
  14236. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  14237. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  14238. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  14239. connectTimeout: null,
  14240. connectionId: 1302 },
  14241. state: 'IDLE' } },
  14242. tail:
  14243. { prev:
  14244. { prev: null,
  14245. next: [Circular],
  14246. data:
  14247. PooledResource {
  14248. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  14249. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  14250. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  14251. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  14252. obj:
  14253. Connection {
  14254. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  14255. _eventsCount: 1,
  14256. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14257. config:
  14258. ConnectionConfig {
  14259. isServer: undefined,
  14260. stream: undefined,
  14261. host: 'localhost',
  14262. port: 3306,
  14263. localAddress: undefined,
  14264. socketPath: undefined,
  14265. user: 'root',
  14266. password: 'abcd1234',
  14267. passwordSha1: undefined,
  14268. database: 'lbry',
  14269. connectTimeout: 10000,
  14270. insecureAuth: false,
  14271. supportBigNumbers: true,
  14272. bigNumberStrings: false,
  14273. decimalNumbers: false,
  14274. dateStrings: false,
  14275. debug: undefined,
  14276. trace: true,
  14277. stringifyObjects: false,
  14278. timezone: '+00:00',
  14279. queryFormat: undefined,
  14280. pool: undefined,
  14281. ssl: false,
  14282. multipleStatements: false,
  14283. rowsAsArray: false,
  14284. namedPlaceholders: false,
  14285. nestTables: undefined,
  14286. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  14287. maxPacketSize: 0,
  14288. charsetNumber: 224,
  14289. compress: false,
  14290. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  14291. clientFlags: 8582093,
  14292. connectAttributes: undefined,
  14293. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  14294. stream:
  14295. Socket {
  14296. connecting: false,
  14297. _hadError: false,
  14298. _handle:
  14299. TCP {
  14300. reading: true,
  14301. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  14302. onconnection: null,
  14303. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  14304. _parent: null,
  14305. _host: 'localhost',
  14306. _readableState:
  14307. ReadableState {
  14308. objectMode: false,
  14309. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14310. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  14311. length: 0,
  14312. pipes: null,
  14313. pipesCount: 0,
  14314. flowing: true,
  14315. ended: false,
  14316. endEmitted: false,
  14317. reading: true,
  14318. sync: false,
  14319. needReadable: true,
  14320. emittedReadable: false,
  14321. readableListening: false,
  14322. resumeScheduled: false,
  14323. emitClose: false,
  14324. autoDestroy: false,
  14325. destroyed: false,
  14326. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14327. awaitDrain: 0,
  14328. readingMore: false,
  14329. decoder: null,
  14330. encoding: null },
  14331. readable: true,
  14332. _events:
  14333. [Object: null prototype] {
  14334. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  14335. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  14336. data: [Function],
  14337. close: [Function] },
  14338. _eventsCount: 4,
  14339. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14340. _writableState:
  14341. WritableState {
  14342. objectMode: false,
  14343. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14344. finalCalled: false,
  14345. needDrain: false,
  14346. ending: false,
  14347. ended: false,
  14348. finished: false,
  14349. destroyed: false,
  14350. decodeStrings: false,
  14351. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14352. length: 0,
  14353. writing: false,
  14354. corked: 0,
  14355. sync: false,
  14356. bufferProcessing: false,
  14357. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  14358. writecb: null,
  14359. writelen: 0,
  14360. bufferedRequest: null,
  14361. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  14362. pendingcb: 0,
  14363. prefinished: false,
  14364. errorEmitted: false,
  14365. emitClose: false,
  14366. autoDestroy: false,
  14367. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  14368. corkedRequestsFree:
  14369. { next: null,
  14370. entry: null,
  14371. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  14372. writable: true,
  14373. allowHalfOpen: false,
  14374. _sockname: null,
  14375. _pendingData: null,
  14376. _pendingEncoding: '',
  14377. server: null,
  14378. _server: null,
  14379. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  14380. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  14381. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  14382. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  14383. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  14384. _internalId: 2,
  14385. _commands:
  14386. Denque {
  14387. _head: 0,
  14388. _tail: 0,
  14389. _capacityMask: 3,
  14390. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14391. _command: undefined,
  14392. _paused: false,
  14393. _paused_packets:
  14394. Denque {
  14395. _head: 0,
  14396. _tail: 0,
  14397. _capacityMask: 3,
  14398. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14399. _statements:
  14400. LRUCache {
  14401. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  14402. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  14403. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  14404. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  14405. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  14406. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  14407. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  14408. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  14409. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  14410. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14411. authorized: true,
  14412. sequenceId: 2,
  14413. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  14414. threadId: 1302,
  14415. _handshakePacket:
  14416. Handshake {
  14417. protocolVersion: 10,
  14418. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  14419. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14420. connectionId: 1302,
  14421. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  14422. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  14423. characterSet: 255,
  14424. statusFlags: 2 },
  14425. _fatalError: null,
  14426. _protocolError: null,
  14427. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  14428. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  14429. packetParser:
  14430. PacketParser {
  14431. buffer: [],
  14432. bufferLength: 0,
  14433. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  14434. headerLen: 0,
  14435. length: 7,
  14436. largePacketParts: [],
  14437. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  14438. onPacket: [Function],
  14439. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  14440. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  14441. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  14442. connectTimeout: null,
  14443. connectionId: 1302 },
  14444. state: 'IDLE' } },
  14445. next: null,
  14446. data:
  14447. PooledResource {
  14448. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  14449. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  14450. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  14451. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  14452. obj:
  14453. Connection {
  14454. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  14455. _eventsCount: 1,
  14456. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14457. config:
  14458. ConnectionConfig {
  14459. isServer: undefined,
  14460. stream: undefined,
  14461. host: 'localhost',
  14462. port: 3306,
  14463. localAddress: undefined,
  14464. socketPath: undefined,
  14465. user: 'root',
  14466. password: 'abcd1234',
  14467. passwordSha1: undefined,
  14468. database: 'lbry',
  14469. connectTimeout: 10000,
  14470. insecureAuth: false,
  14471. supportBigNumbers: true,
  14472. bigNumberStrings: false,
  14473. decimalNumbers: false,
  14474. dateStrings: false,
  14475. debug: undefined,
  14476. trace: true,
  14477. stringifyObjects: false,
  14478. timezone: '+00:00',
  14479. queryFormat: undefined,
  14480. pool: undefined,
  14481. ssl: false,
  14482. multipleStatements: false,
  14483. rowsAsArray: false,
  14484. namedPlaceholders: false,
  14485. nestTables: undefined,
  14486. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  14487. maxPacketSize: 0,
  14488. charsetNumber: 224,
  14489. compress: false,
  14490. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  14491. clientFlags: 8582093,
  14492. connectAttributes: undefined,
  14493. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  14494. stream:
  14495. Socket {
  14496. connecting: false,
  14497. _hadError: false,
  14498. _handle:
  14499. TCP {
  14500. reading: true,
  14501. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  14502. onconnection: null,
  14503. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  14504. _parent: null,
  14505. _host: 'localhost',
  14506. _readableState:
  14507. ReadableState {
  14508. objectMode: false,
  14509. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14510. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  14511. length: 0,
  14512. pipes: null,
  14513. pipesCount: 0,
  14514. flowing: true,
  14515. ended: false,
  14516. endEmitted: false,
  14517. reading: true,
  14518. sync: false,
  14519. needReadable: true,
  14520. emittedReadable: false,
  14521. readableListening: false,
  14522. resumeScheduled: false,
  14523. emitClose: false,
  14524. autoDestroy: false,
  14525. destroyed: false,
  14526. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14527. awaitDrain: 0,
  14528. readingMore: false,
  14529. decoder: null,
  14530. encoding: null },
  14531. readable: true,
  14532. _events:
  14533. [Object: null prototype] {
  14534. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  14535. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  14536. data: [Function],
  14537. close: [Function] },
  14538. _eventsCount: 4,
  14539. _maxListeners: undefined,
  14540. _writableState:
  14541. WritableState {
  14542. objectMode: false,
  14543. highWaterMark: 16384,
  14544. finalCalled: false,
  14545. needDrain: false,
  14546. ending: false,
  14547. ended: false,
  14548. finished: false,
  14549. destroyed: false,
  14550. decodeStrings: false,
  14551. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  14552. length: 0,
  14553. writing: false,
  14554. corked: 0,
  14555. sync: false,
  14556. bufferProcessing: false,
  14557. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  14558. writecb: null,
  14559. writelen: 0,
  14560. bufferedRequest: null,
  14561. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  14562. pendingcb: 0,
  14563. prefinished: false,
  14564. errorEmitted: false,
  14565. emitClose: false,
  14566. autoDestroy: false,
  14567. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  14568. corkedRequestsFree:
  14569. { next: null,
  14570. entry: null,
  14571. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  14572. writable: true,
  14573. allowHalfOpen: false,
  14574. _sockname: null,
  14575. _pendingData: null,
  14576. _pendingEncoding: '',
  14577. server: null,
  14578. _server: null,
  14579. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  14580. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  14581. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  14582. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  14583. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  14584. _internalId: 1,
  14585. _commands:
  14586. Denque {
  14587. _head: 0,
  14588. _tail: 0,
  14589. _capacityMask: 3,
  14590. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14591. _command: undefined,
  14592. _paused: false,
  14593. _paused_packets:
  14594. Denque {
  14595. _head: 0,
  14596. _tail: 0,
  14597. _capacityMask: 3,
  14598. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  14599. _statements:
  14600. LRUCache {
  14601. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  14602. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  14603. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  14604. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  14605. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  14606. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  14607. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  14608. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  14609. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  14610. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14611. authorized: true,
  14612. sequenceId: 23,
  14613. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  14614. threadId: 1303,
  14615. _handshakePacket:
  14616. Handshake {
  14617. protocolVersion: 10,
  14618. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  14619. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  14620. connectionId: 1303,
  14621. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  14622. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  14623. characterSet: 255,
  14624. statusFlags: 2 },
  14625. _fatalError: null,
  14626. _protocolError: null,
  14627. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  14628. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  14629. packetParser:
  14630. PacketParser {
  14631. buffer: [],
  14632. bufferLength: 0,
  14633. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  14634. headerLen: 0,
  14635. length: 5,
  14636. largePacketParts: [],
  14637. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  14638. onPacket: [Function],
  14639. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  14640. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  14641. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  14642. connectTimeout: null,
  14643. connectionId: 1303 },
  14644. state: 'IDLE' } },
  14645. length: 2 },
  14646. _direction: 'next',
  14647. _startPosition: 'head',
  14648. _started: false,
  14649. _cursor: null,
  14650. _done: false },
  14651. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  14652. _scheduledEviction:
  14653. Timeout {
  14654. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  14655. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  14656. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  14657. _idleStart: 432,
  14658. _onTimeout: [Function],
  14659. _timerArgs: undefined,
  14660. _repeat: null,
  14661. _destroyed: false,
  14662. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  14663. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  14664. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  14665. lib:
  14666. { createConnection: [Function],
  14667. connect: [Function],
  14668. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  14669. createPool: [Function],
  14670. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  14671. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  14672. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  14673. createServer: [Function],
  14674. PoolConnection:
  14675. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  14676. escape: [Function: escape],
  14677. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  14678. format: [Function: format],
  14679. raw: [Function: raw],
  14680. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  14681. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  14682. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  14683. Types: [Getter],
  14684. Charsets: [Getter],
  14685. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  14686. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  14687. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  14688. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  14689. sequelize: [Circular],
  14690. typeValidation: undefined } },
  14691. models:
  14692. { Balloons:
  14693. { [Function: Balloons]
  14694. sequelize: [Circular],
  14695. options: [Circular],
  14696. associations: {},
  14697. underscored: undefined,
  14698. tableName: 'Balloons',
  14699. _schema: null,
  14700. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  14701. rawAttributes:
  14702. { id:
  14703. { type:
  14704. INTEGER {
  14705. options: { length: undefined },
  14706. _length: undefined,
  14707. _zerofill: undefined,
  14708. _decimals: undefined,
  14709. _precision: undefined,
  14710. _scale: undefined,
  14711. _unsigned: undefined },
  14712. allowNull: false,
  14713. primaryKey: true,
  14714. autoIncrement: true,
  14715. _autoGenerated: true,
  14716. Model: [Circular],
  14717. fieldName: 'id',
  14718. _modelAttribute: true,
  14719. field: 'id' },
  14720. size:
  14721. { type:
  14722. STRING {
  14723. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  14724. _binary: undefined,
  14725. _length: 255 },
  14726. Model: [Circular],
  14727. fieldName: 'size',
  14728. _modelAttribute: true,
  14729. field: 'size' },
  14730. color:
  14731. { type:
  14732. STRING {
  14733. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  14734. _binary: undefined,
  14735. _length: 255 },
  14736. Model: [Circular],
  14737. fieldName: 'color',
  14738. _modelAttribute: true,
  14739. field: 'color' },
  14740. createdAt:
  14741. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  14742. allowNull: false,
  14743. _autoGenerated: true,
  14744. Model: [Circular],
  14745. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  14746. _modelAttribute: true,
  14747. field: 'createdAt' },
  14748. updatedAt:
  14749. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  14750. allowNull: false,
  14751. _autoGenerated: true,
  14752. Model: [Circular],
  14753. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  14754. _modelAttribute: true,
  14755. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  14756. primaryKeys:
  14757. { id:
  14758. { type:
  14759. INTEGER {
  14760. options: { length: undefined },
  14761. _length: undefined,
  14762. _zerofill: undefined,
  14763. _decimals: undefined,
  14764. _precision: undefined,
  14765. _scale: undefined,
  14766. _unsigned: undefined },
  14767. allowNull: false,
  14768. primaryKey: true,
  14769. autoIncrement: true,
  14770. _autoGenerated: true,
  14771. Model: [Circular],
  14772. fieldName: 'id',
  14773. _modelAttribute: true,
  14774. field: 'id' } },
  14775. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  14776. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  14777. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  14778. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  14779. { [Function: memoized]
  14780. cache:
  14781. MapCache {
  14782. size: 0,
  14783. __data__:
  14784. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  14785. map: Map {},
  14786. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  14787. _dataTypeChanges:
  14788. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  14789. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  14790. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  14791. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  14792. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  14793. _booleanAttributes: [],
  14794. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  14795. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  14796. _rangeAttributes: [],
  14797. _jsonAttributes: [],
  14798. _geometryAttributes: [],
  14799. _virtualAttributes: [],
  14800. _defaultValues: {},
  14801. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  14802. { id:
  14803. { type:
  14804. INTEGER {
  14805. options: { length: undefined },
  14806. _length: undefined,
  14807. _zerofill: undefined,
  14808. _decimals: undefined,
  14809. _precision: undefined,
  14810. _scale: undefined,
  14811. _unsigned: undefined },
  14812. allowNull: false,
  14813. primaryKey: true,
  14814. autoIncrement: true,
  14815. _autoGenerated: true,
  14816. Model: [Circular],
  14817. fieldName: 'id',
  14818. _modelAttribute: true,
  14819. field: 'id' },
  14820. size:
  14821. { type:
  14822. STRING {
  14823. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  14824. _binary: undefined,
  14825. _length: 255 },
  14826. Model: [Circular],
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  14828. _modelAttribute: true,
  14829. field: 'size' },
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  14832. STRING {
  14833. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  14834. _binary: undefined,
  14835. _length: 255 },
  14836. Model: [Circular],
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  14839. field: 'color' },
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  14843. _autoGenerated: true,
  14844. Model: [Circular],
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  14846. _modelAttribute: true,
  14847. field: 'createdAt' },
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  14851. _autoGenerated: true,
  14852. Model: [Circular],
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  14854. _modelAttribute: true,
  14855. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  14886. map: Map {},
  14887. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  14896. map: Map {},
  14897. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  14906. map: Map {},
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  14916. map: Map {},
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  14925. updatedAt: false },
  14926. size: 5 } } } },
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  14934. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  14935. map: Map {},
  14936. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  14940. { type:
  14941. INTEGER {
  14942. options: { length: undefined },
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  14945. _decimals: undefined,
  14946. _precision: undefined,
  14947. _scale: undefined,
  14948. _unsigned: undefined },
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  14955. _modelAttribute: true,
  14956. field: 'id' },
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  14959. STRING {
  14960. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  14962. _length: 255 },
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  14966. field: 'size' },
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  14969. STRING {
  14970. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  14971. _binary: undefined,
  14972. _length: 255 },
  14973. Model: [Circular],
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  14975. _modelAttribute: true,
  14976. field: 'color' },
  14977. createdAt:
  14978. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  14980. _autoGenerated: true,
  14981. Model: [Circular],
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  14983. _modelAttribute: true,
  14984. field: 'createdAt' },
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  14987. allowNull: false,
  14988. _autoGenerated: true,
  14989. Model: [Circular],
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  14991. _modelAttribute: true,
  14992. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  14996. INTEGER {
  14997. options: { length: undefined },
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  15001. _precision: undefined,
  15002. _scale: undefined,
  15003. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15008. Model: [Circular],
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  15010. _modelAttribute: true,
  15011. field: 'id' },
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  15013. { type:
  15014. STRING {
  15015. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15016. _binary: undefined,
  15017. _length: 255 },
  15018. Model: [Circular],
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  15020. _modelAttribute: true,
  15021. field: 'size' },
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  15023. { type:
  15024. STRING {
  15025. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15026. _binary: undefined,
  15027. _length: 255 },
  15028. Model: [Circular],
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  15030. _modelAttribute: true,
  15031. field: 'color' },
  15032. createdAt:
  15033. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  15034. allowNull: false,
  15035. _autoGenerated: true,
  15036. Model: [Circular],
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  15038. _modelAttribute: true,
  15039. field: 'createdAt' },
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  15046. _modelAttribute: true,
  15047. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  15057. __data__:
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  15059. map: Map {},
  15060. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  15062. _scope: {},
  15063. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
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  15066. models:
  15067. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  15071. underscored: undefined,
  15072. tableName: 'Balloons',
  15073. _schema: null,
  15074. _schemaDelimiter: '',
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  15077. { type:
  15078. INTEGER {
  15079. options: { length: undefined },
  15080. _length: undefined,
  15081. _zerofill: undefined,
  15082. _decimals: undefined,
  15083. _precision: undefined,
  15084. _scale: undefined,
  15085. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15090. Model: [Circular],
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  15092. _modelAttribute: true,
  15093. field: 'id' },
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  15096. STRING {
  15097. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15098. _binary: undefined,
  15099. _length: 255 },
  15100. Model: [Circular],
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  15103. field: 'size' },
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  15106. STRING {
  15107. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15108. _binary: undefined,
  15109. _length: 255 },
  15110. Model: [Circular],
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  15112. _modelAttribute: true,
  15113. field: 'color' },
  15114. createdAt:
  15115. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  15117. _autoGenerated: true,
  15118. Model: [Circular],
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  15120. _modelAttribute: true,
  15121. field: 'createdAt' },
  15122. updatedAt:
  15123. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  15124. allowNull: false,
  15125. _autoGenerated: true,
  15126. Model: [Circular],
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  15128. _modelAttribute: true,
  15129. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  15131. { id:
  15132. { type:
  15133. INTEGER {
  15134. options: { length: undefined },
  15135. _length: undefined,
  15136. _zerofill: undefined,
  15137. _decimals: undefined,
  15138. _precision: undefined,
  15139. _scale: undefined,
  15140. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15145. Model: [Circular],
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  15147. _modelAttribute: true,
  15148. field: 'id' } },
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  15155. MapCache {
  15156. size: 0,
  15157. __data__:
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  15159. map: Map {},
  15160. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  15163. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  15166. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
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  15171. _jsonAttributes: [],
  15172. _geometryAttributes: [],
  15173. _virtualAttributes: [],
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  15178. INTEGER {
  15179. options: { length: undefined },
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  15185. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15193. field: 'id' },
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  15196. STRING {
  15197. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  15203. field: 'size' },
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  15206. STRING {
  15207. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15208. _binary: undefined,
  15209. _length: 255 },
  15210. Model: [Circular],
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  15212. _modelAttribute: true,
  15213. field: 'color' },
  15214. createdAt:
  15215. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  15216. allowNull: false,
  15217. _autoGenerated: true,
  15218. Model: [Circular],
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  15220. _modelAttribute: true,
  15221. field: 'createdAt' },
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  15224. allowNull: false,
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  15229. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  15240. map: Map {},
  15241. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  15250. map: Map {},
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  15260. map: Map {},
  15261. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  15280. map: Map {},
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  15290. map: Map {},
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  15297. color: false,
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  15299. updatedAt: false },
  15300. size: 5 } } } },
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  15309. map: Map {},
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  15315. INTEGER {
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  15322. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15330. field: 'id' },
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  15333. STRING {
  15334. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  15336. _length: 255 },
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  15340. field: 'size' },
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  15342. { type:
  15343. STRING {
  15344. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15345. _binary: undefined,
  15346. _length: 255 },
  15347. Model: [Circular],
  15348. fieldName: 'color',
  15349. _modelAttribute: true,
  15350. field: 'color' },
  15351. createdAt:
  15352. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  15353. allowNull: false,
  15354. _autoGenerated: true,
  15355. Model: [Circular],
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  15357. _modelAttribute: true,
  15358. field: 'createdAt' },
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  15361. allowNull: false,
  15362. _autoGenerated: true,
  15363. Model: [Circular],
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  15365. _modelAttribute: true,
  15366. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  15368. { id:
  15369. { type:
  15370. INTEGER {
  15371. options: { length: undefined },
  15372. _length: undefined,
  15373. _zerofill: undefined,
  15374. _decimals: undefined,
  15375. _precision: undefined,
  15376. _scale: undefined,
  15377. _unsigned: undefined },
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  15382. Model: [Circular],
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  15384. _modelAttribute: true,
  15385. field: 'id' },
  15386. size:
  15387. { type:
  15388. STRING {
  15389. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15390. _binary: undefined,
  15391. _length: 255 },
  15392. Model: [Circular],
  15393. fieldName: 'size',
  15394. _modelAttribute: true,
  15395. field: 'size' },
  15396. color:
  15397. { type:
  15398. STRING {
  15399. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  15400. _binary: undefined,
  15401. _length: 255 },
  15402. Model: [Circular],
  15403. fieldName: 'color',
  15404. _modelAttribute: true,
  15405. field: 'color' },
  15406. createdAt:
  15407. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  15408. allowNull: false,
  15409. _autoGenerated: true,
  15410. Model: [Circular],
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  15412. _modelAttribute: true,
  15413. field: 'createdAt' },
  15414. updatedAt:
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  15421. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  15426. _isPrimaryKey:
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  15429. MapCache {
  15430. size: 0,
  15431. __data__:
  15432. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  15433. map: Map {},
  15434. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  15435. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  15436. _scope: {},
  15437. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  15438. sequelize: [Circular] },
  15439. connectionManager:
  15440. ConnectionManager {
  15441. sequelize: [Circular],
  15442. config:
  15443. { database: 'lbry',
  15444. username: 'root',
  15445. password: 'abcd1234',
  15446. host: 'localhost',
  15447. port: undefined,
  15448. pool:
  15449. { max: 5,
  15450. min: 0,
  15451. acquire: 30000,
  15452. idle: 10000,
  15453. evict: 10000,
  15454. handleDisconnects: true,
  15455. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  15456. Promise:
  15457. { [Function: Promise]
  15458. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  15459. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  15460. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  15461. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  15462. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  15463. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  15464. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  15465. _peekContext: [Function],
  15466. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  15467. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  15468. longStackTraces: [Function],
  15469. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  15470. config: [Function],
  15471. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  15472. is: [Function],
  15473. fromCallback: [Function],
  15474. fromNode: [Function],
  15475. all: [Function],
  15476. cast: [Function],
  15477. fulfilled: [Function],
  15478. resolve: [Function],
  15479. rejected: [Function],
  15480. reject: [Function],
  15481. setScheduler: [Function],
  15482. pending: [Function],
  15483. defer: [Function],
  15484. method: [Function],
  15485. try: [Function],
  15486. attempt: [Function],
  15487. bind: [Function],
  15488. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  15489. join: [Function],
  15490. Promise: [Circular],
  15491. version: '3.5.3',
  15492. map: [Function],
  15493. using: [Function],
  15494. delay: [Function],
  15495. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  15496. spawn: [Function],
  15497. promisify: [Function],
  15498. promisifyAll: [Function],
  15499. props: [Function],
  15500. race: [Function],
  15501. reduce: [Function],
  15502. settle: [Function],
  15503. some: [Function],
  15504. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  15505. filter: [Function],
  15506. each: [Function],
  15507. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  15508. any: [Function],
  15509. default: [Circular] } },
  15510. protocol: 'tcp',
  15511. native: false,
  15512. ssl: undefined,
  15513. replication: false,
  15514. dialectModulePath: null,
  15515. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  15516. dialectOptions: undefined },
  15517. dialect:
  15518. MysqlDialect {
  15519. sequelize: [Circular],
  15520. connectionManager: [Circular],
  15521. QueryGenerator:
  15522. { dialect: 'mysql',
  15523. OperatorMap:
  15524. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  15525. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  15526. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  15527. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  15528. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  15529. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  15530. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  15531. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  15532. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  15533. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  15534. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  15535. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  15536. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  15537. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  15538. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  15539. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  15540. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  15541. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  15542. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  15543. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  15544. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  15545. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  15546. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  15547. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  15548. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  15549. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  15550. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  15551. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  15552. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  15553. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  15554. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  15555. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  15556. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  15557. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  15558. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  15559. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  15560. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  15561. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  15562. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  15563. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  15564. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  15565. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  15566. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  15567. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  15568. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  15569. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  15570. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  15571. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  15572. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  15573. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  15574. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  15575. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  15576. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  15577. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  15578. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  15579. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  15580. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  15581. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  15582. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  15583. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  15584. _templateSettings:
  15585. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  15586. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  15587. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  15588. variable: '',
  15589. imports:
  15590. { _:
  15591. { [Function: lodash]
  15592. templateSettings: [Circular],
  15593. after: [Function: after],
  15594. ary: [Function: ary],
  15595. assign: [Function],
  15596. assignIn: [Function],
  15597. assignInWith: [Function],
  15598. assignWith: [Function],
  15599. at: [Function],
  15600. before: [Function: before],
  15601. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15602. bindAll: [Function],
  15603. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15604. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  15605. chain: [Function: chain],
  15606. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  15607. compact: [Function: compact],
  15608. concat: [Function: concat],
  15609. cond: [Function: cond],
  15610. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  15611. constant: [Function: constant],
  15612. countBy: [Function],
  15613. create: [Function: create],
  15614. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15615. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15616. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  15617. defaults: [Function],
  15618. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  15619. defer: [Function],
  15620. delay: [Function],
  15621. difference: [Function],
  15622. differenceBy: [Function],
  15623. differenceWith: [Function],
  15624. drop: [Function: drop],
  15625. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  15626. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  15627. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  15628. fill: [Function: fill],
  15629. filter: [Function: filter],
  15630. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  15631. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  15632. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  15633. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  15634. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  15635. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  15636. flip: [Function: flip],
  15637. flow: [Function],
  15638. flowRight: [Function],
  15639. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  15640. functions: [Function: functions],
  15641. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  15642. groupBy: [Function],
  15643. initial: [Function: initial],
  15644. intersection: [Function],
  15645. intersectionBy: [Function],
  15646. intersectionWith: [Function],
  15647. invert: [Function],
  15648. invertBy: [Function],
  15649. invokeMap: [Function],
  15650. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  15651. keyBy: [Function],
  15652. keys: [Function: keys],
  15653. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  15654. map: [Function: map],
  15655. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  15656. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  15657. matches: [Function: matches],
  15658. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  15659. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  15660. merge: [Function],
  15661. mergeWith: [Function],
  15662. method: [Function],
  15663. methodOf: [Function],
  15664. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  15665. negate: [Function: negate],
  15666. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  15667. omit: [Function],
  15668. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  15669. once: [Function: once],
  15670. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  15671. over: [Function],
  15672. overArgs: [Function],
  15673. overEvery: [Function],
  15674. overSome: [Function],
  15675. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15676. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  15677. partition: [Function],
  15678. pick: [Function],
  15679. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  15680. property: [Function: property],
  15681. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  15682. pull: [Function],
  15683. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  15684. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  15685. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  15686. pullAt: [Function],
  15687. range: [Function],
  15688. rangeRight: [Function],
  15689. rearg: [Function],
  15690. reject: [Function: reject],
  15691. remove: [Function: remove],
  15692. rest: [Function: rest],
  15693. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  15694. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  15695. set: [Function: set],
  15696. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  15697. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  15698. slice: [Function: slice],
  15699. sortBy: [Function],
  15700. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  15701. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  15702. split: [Function: split],
  15703. spread: [Function: spread],
  15704. tail: [Function: tail],
  15705. take: [Function: take],
  15706. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  15707. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  15708. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  15709. tap: [Function: tap],
  15710. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  15711. thru: [Function: thru],
  15712. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  15713. toPairs: [Function],
  15714. toPairsIn: [Function],
  15715. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  15716. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  15717. transform: [Function: transform],
  15718. unary: [Function: unary],
  15719. union: [Function],
  15720. unionBy: [Function],
  15721. unionWith: [Function],
  15722. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  15723. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  15724. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  15725. unset: [Function: unset],
  15726. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  15727. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  15728. update: [Function: update],
  15729. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  15730. values: [Function: values],
  15731. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  15732. without: [Function],
  15733. words: [Function: words],
  15734. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  15735. xor: [Function],
  15736. xorBy: [Function],
  15737. xorWith: [Function],
  15738. zip: [Function],
  15739. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  15740. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  15741. zipWith: [Function],
  15742. entries: [Function],
  15743. entriesIn: [Function],
  15744. extend: [Function],
  15745. extendWith: [Function],
  15746. add: [Function],
  15747. attempt: [Function],
  15748. camelCase: [Function],
  15749. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  15750. ceil: [Function],
  15751. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  15752. clone: [Function: clone],
  15753. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  15754. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  15755. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  15756. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  15757. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  15758. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  15759. divide: [Function],
  15760. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  15761. eq: [Function: eq],
  15762. escape: [Function: escape],
  15763. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  15764. every: [Function: every],
  15765. find: [Function],
  15766. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  15767. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  15768. findLast: [Function],
  15769. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  15770. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  15771. floor: [Function],
  15772. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  15773. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  15774. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  15775. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  15776. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  15777. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  15778. get: [Function: get],
  15779. gt: [Function],
  15780. gte: [Function],
  15781. has: [Function: has],
  15782. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  15783. head: [Function: head],
  15784. identity: [Function: identity],
  15785. includes: [Function: includes],
  15786. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  15787. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  15788. invoke: [Function],
  15789. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  15790. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  15791. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  15792. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  15793. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  15794. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  15795. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  15796. isDate: [Function],
  15797. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  15798. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  15799. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  15800. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  15801. isError: [Function: isError],
  15802. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  15803. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  15804. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  15805. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  15806. isMap: [Function],
  15807. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  15808. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  15809. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  15810. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  15811. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  15812. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  15813. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  15814. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  15815. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  15816. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  15817. isRegExp: [Function],
  15818. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  15819. isSet: [Function],
  15820. isString: [Function: isString],
  15821. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  15822. isTypedArray: [Function],
  15823. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  15824. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  15825. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  15826. join: [Function: join],
  15827. kebabCase: [Function],
  15828. last: [Function: last],
  15829. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  15830. lowerCase: [Function],
  15831. lowerFirst: [Function],
  15832. lt: [Function],
  15833. lte: [Function],
  15834. max: [Function: max],
  15835. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  15836. mean: [Function: mean],
  15837. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  15838. min: [Function: min],
  15839. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  15840. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  15841. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  15842. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  15843. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  15844. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  15845. multiply: [Function],
  15846. nth: [Function: nth],
  15847. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  15848. noop: [Function: noop],
  15849. now: [Function],
  15850. pad: [Function: pad],
  15851. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  15852. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  15853. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  15854. random: [Function: random],
  15855. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  15856. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  15857. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  15858. replace: [Function: replace],
  15859. result: [Function: result],
  15860. round: [Function],
  15861. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  15862. sample: [Function: sample],
  15863. size: [Function: size],
  15864. snakeCase: [Function],
  15865. some: [Function: some],
  15866. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  15867. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  15868. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  15869. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  15870. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  15871. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  15872. startCase: [Function],
  15873. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  15874. subtract: [Function],
  15875. sum: [Function: sum],
  15876. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  15877. template: [Function: template],
  15878. times: [Function: times],
  15879. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  15880. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  15881. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  15882. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  15883. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  15884. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  15885. toString: [Function: toString],
  15886. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  15887. trim: [Function: trim],
  15888. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  15889. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  15890. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  15891. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  15892. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  15893. upperCase: [Function],
  15894. upperFirst: [Function],
  15895. each: [Function: forEach],
  15896. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  15897. first: [Function: head],
  15898. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  15899. options:
  15900. { dialect: 'mysql',
  15901. dialectModulePath: null,
  15902. host: 'localhost',
  15903. protocol: 'tcp',
  15904. define: {},
  15905. query: {},
  15906. sync: {},
  15907. timezone: '+00:00',
  15908. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  15909. omitNull: false,
  15910. native: false,
  15911. replication: false,
  15912. ssl: undefined,
  15913. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  15914. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  15915. hooks: {},
  15916. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  15917. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  15918. isolationLevel: null,
  15919. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  15920. typeValidation: false,
  15921. benchmark: false,
  15922. operatorsAliases: false },
  15923. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  15924. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  15925. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  15926. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  15927. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  15928. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  15929. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  15930. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  15931. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  15932. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  15933. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  15934. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  15935. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  15936. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  15937. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  15938. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  15939. quote: [Function: quote],
  15940. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  15941. escape: [Function: escape],
  15942. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  15943. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  15944. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  15945. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  15946. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  15947. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  15948. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  15949. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  15950. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  15951. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  15952. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  15953. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  15954. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  15955. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  15956. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  15957. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  15958. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  15959. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  15960. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  15961. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  15962. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  15963. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  15964. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  15965. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  15966. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  15967. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  15968. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  15969. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  15970. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  15971. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  15972. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  15973. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  15974. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  15975. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  15976. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  15977. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  15978. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  15979. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  15980. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  15981. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  15982. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  15983. _dialect: [Circular],
  15984. sequelize: [Circular],
  15985. typeValidation: undefined } },
  15986. versionPromise: null,
  15987. dialectName: 'mysql',
  15988. pool:
  15989. Pool {
  15990. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  15991. _eventsCount: 0,
  15992. _maxListeners: undefined,
  15993. _config:
  15994. PoolOptions {
  15995. fifo: true,
  15996. priorityRange: 1,
  15997. testOnBorrow: true,
  15998. testOnReturn: false,
  15999. autostart: false,
  16000. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  16001. max: 5,
  16002. min: 0,
  16003. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  16004. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  16005. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  16006. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  16007. Promise:
  16008. { [Function: Promise]
  16009. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  16010. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  16011. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  16012. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  16013. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  16014. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  16015. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  16016. _peekContext: [Function],
  16017. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  16018. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  16019. longStackTraces: [Function],
  16020. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  16021. config: [Function],
  16022. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  16023. is: [Function],
  16024. fromCallback: [Function],
  16025. fromNode: [Function],
  16026. all: [Function],
  16027. cast: [Function],
  16028. fulfilled: [Function],
  16029. resolve: [Function],
  16030. rejected: [Function],
  16031. reject: [Function],
  16032. setScheduler: [Function],
  16033. pending: [Function],
  16034. defer: [Function],
  16035. method: [Function],
  16036. try: [Function],
  16037. attempt: [Function],
  16038. bind: [Function],
  16039. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  16040. join: [Function],
  16041. Promise: [Circular],
  16042. version: '3.5.3',
  16043. map: [Function],
  16044. using: [Function],
  16045. delay: [Function],
  16046. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  16047. spawn: [Function],
  16048. promisify: [Function],
  16049. promisifyAll: [Function],
  16050. props: [Function],
  16051. race: [Function],
  16052. reduce: [Function],
  16053. settle: [Function],
  16054. some: [Function],
  16055. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  16056. filter: [Function],
  16057. each: [Function],
  16058. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  16059. any: [Function],
  16060. default: [Circular] } },
  16061. _Promise:
  16062. { [Function: Promise]
  16063. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  16064. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  16065. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  16066. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  16067. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  16068. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  16069. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  16070. _peekContext: [Function],
  16071. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  16072. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  16073. longStackTraces: [Function],
  16074. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  16075. config: [Function],
  16076. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  16077. is: [Function],
  16078. fromCallback: [Function],
  16079. fromNode: [Function],
  16080. all: [Function],
  16081. cast: [Function],
  16082. fulfilled: [Function],
  16083. resolve: [Function],
  16084. rejected: [Function],
  16085. reject: [Function],
  16086. setScheduler: [Function],
  16087. pending: [Function],
  16088. defer: [Function],
  16089. method: [Function],
  16090. try: [Function],
  16091. attempt: [Function],
  16092. bind: [Function],
  16093. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  16094. join: [Function],
  16095. Promise: [Circular],
  16096. version: '3.5.3',
  16097. map: [Function],
  16098. using: [Function],
  16099. delay: [Function],
  16100. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  16101. spawn: [Function],
  16102. promisify: [Function],
  16103. promisifyAll: [Function],
  16104. props: [Function],
  16105. race: [Function],
  16106. reduce: [Function],
  16107. settle: [Function],
  16108. some: [Function],
  16109. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  16110. filter: [Function],
  16111. each: [Function],
  16112. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  16113. any: [Function],
  16114. default: [Circular] },
  16115. _factory:
  16116. { create: [Function: create],
  16117. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  16118. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  16119. _draining: false,
  16120. _started: true,
  16121. _waitingClientsQueue:
  16122. PriorityQueue {
  16123. _size: 1,
  16124. _slots:
  16125. [ Queue {
  16126. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  16127. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  16128. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  16129. _availableObjects:
  16130. Deque {
  16131. _list:
  16132. DoublyLinkedList {
  16133. head:
  16134. { prev: null,
  16135. next:
  16136. { prev: [Circular],
  16137. next: null,
  16138. data:
  16139. PooledResource {
  16140. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  16141. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  16142. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  16143. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  16144. obj:
  16145. Connection {
  16146. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  16147. _eventsCount: 1,
  16148. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16149. config:
  16150. ConnectionConfig {
  16151. isServer: undefined,
  16152. stream: undefined,
  16153. host: 'localhost',
  16154. port: 3306,
  16155. localAddress: undefined,
  16156. socketPath: undefined,
  16157. user: 'root',
  16158. password: 'abcd1234',
  16159. passwordSha1: undefined,
  16160. database: 'lbry',
  16161. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16162. insecureAuth: false,
  16163. supportBigNumbers: true,
  16164. bigNumberStrings: false,
  16165. decimalNumbers: false,
  16166. dateStrings: false,
  16167. debug: undefined,
  16168. trace: true,
  16169. stringifyObjects: false,
  16170. timezone: '+00:00',
  16171. queryFormat: undefined,
  16172. pool: undefined,
  16173. ssl: false,
  16174. multipleStatements: false,
  16175. rowsAsArray: false,
  16176. namedPlaceholders: false,
  16177. nestTables: undefined,
  16178. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  16179. maxPacketSize: 0,
  16180. charsetNumber: 224,
  16181. compress: false,
  16182. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  16183. clientFlags: 8582093,
  16184. connectAttributes: undefined,
  16185. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  16186. stream:
  16187. Socket {
  16188. connecting: false,
  16189. _hadError: false,
  16190. _handle:
  16191. TCP {
  16192. reading: true,
  16193. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  16194. onconnection: null,
  16195. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  16196. _parent: null,
  16197. _host: 'localhost',
  16198. _readableState:
  16199. ReadableState {
  16200. objectMode: false,
  16201. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16202. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  16203. length: 0,
  16204. pipes: null,
  16205. pipesCount: 0,
  16206. flowing: true,
  16207. ended: false,
  16208. endEmitted: false,
  16209. reading: true,
  16210. sync: false,
  16211. needReadable: true,
  16212. emittedReadable: false,
  16213. readableListening: false,
  16214. resumeScheduled: false,
  16215. emitClose: false,
  16216. autoDestroy: false,
  16217. destroyed: false,
  16218. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16219. awaitDrain: 0,
  16220. readingMore: false,
  16221. decoder: null,
  16222. encoding: null },
  16223. readable: true,
  16224. _events:
  16225. [Object: null prototype] {
  16226. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  16227. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  16228. data: [Function],
  16229. close: [Function] },
  16230. _eventsCount: 4,
  16231. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16232. _writableState:
  16233. WritableState {
  16234. objectMode: false,
  16235. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16236. finalCalled: false,
  16237. needDrain: false,
  16238. ending: false,
  16239. ended: false,
  16240. finished: false,
  16241. destroyed: false,
  16242. decodeStrings: false,
  16243. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16244. length: 0,
  16245. writing: false,
  16246. corked: 0,
  16247. sync: false,
  16248. bufferProcessing: false,
  16249. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  16251. writelen: 0,
  16252. bufferedRequest: null,
  16253. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  16254. pendingcb: 0,
  16255. prefinished: false,
  16256. errorEmitted: false,
  16257. emitClose: false,
  16258. autoDestroy: false,
  16259. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  16260. corkedRequestsFree:
  16261. { next: null,
  16262. entry: null,
  16263. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  16264. writable: true,
  16265. allowHalfOpen: false,
  16266. _sockname: null,
  16267. _pendingData: null,
  16268. _pendingEncoding: '',
  16269. server: null,
  16270. _server: null,
  16271. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  16272. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  16273. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  16274. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  16275. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  16276. _internalId: 1,
  16277. _commands:
  16278. Denque {
  16279. _head: 0,
  16280. _tail: 0,
  16281. _capacityMask: 3,
  16282. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16283. _command: undefined,
  16284. _paused: false,
  16285. _paused_packets:
  16286. Denque {
  16287. _head: 0,
  16288. _tail: 0,
  16289. _capacityMask: 3,
  16290. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16291. _statements:
  16292. LRUCache {
  16293. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  16294. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  16295. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  16296. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  16297. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  16298. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  16299. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  16300. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  16301. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  16302. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16303. authorized: true,
  16304. sequenceId: 23,
  16305. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  16306. threadId: 1303,
  16307. _handshakePacket:
  16308. Handshake {
  16309. protocolVersion: 10,
  16310. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  16311. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16312. connectionId: 1303,
  16313. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  16314. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  16315. characterSet: 255,
  16316. statusFlags: 2 },
  16317. _fatalError: null,
  16318. _protocolError: null,
  16319. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  16320. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  16321. packetParser:
  16322. PacketParser {
  16323. buffer: [],
  16324. bufferLength: 0,
  16325. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  16326. headerLen: 0,
  16327. length: 5,
  16328. largePacketParts: [],
  16329. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  16330. onPacket: [Function],
  16331. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  16332. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  16333. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  16334. connectTimeout: null,
  16335. connectionId: 1303 },
  16336. state: 'IDLE' } },
  16337. data:
  16338. PooledResource {
  16339. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  16340. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  16341. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  16342. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  16343. obj:
  16344. Connection {
  16345. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  16346. _eventsCount: 1,
  16347. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16348. config:
  16349. ConnectionConfig {
  16350. isServer: undefined,
  16351. stream: undefined,
  16352. host: 'localhost',
  16353. port: 3306,
  16354. localAddress: undefined,
  16355. socketPath: undefined,
  16356. user: 'root',
  16357. password: 'abcd1234',
  16358. passwordSha1: undefined,
  16359. database: 'lbry',
  16360. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16361. insecureAuth: false,
  16362. supportBigNumbers: true,
  16363. bigNumberStrings: false,
  16364. decimalNumbers: false,
  16365. dateStrings: false,
  16366. debug: undefined,
  16367. trace: true,
  16368. stringifyObjects: false,
  16369. timezone: '+00:00',
  16370. queryFormat: undefined,
  16371. pool: undefined,
  16372. ssl: false,
  16373. multipleStatements: false,
  16374. rowsAsArray: false,
  16375. namedPlaceholders: false,
  16376. nestTables: undefined,
  16377. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  16378. maxPacketSize: 0,
  16379. charsetNumber: 224,
  16380. compress: false,
  16381. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  16382. clientFlags: 8582093,
  16383. connectAttributes: undefined,
  16384. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  16385. stream:
  16386. Socket {
  16387. connecting: false,
  16388. _hadError: false,
  16389. _handle:
  16390. TCP {
  16391. reading: true,
  16392. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  16393. onconnection: null,
  16394. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  16395. _parent: null,
  16396. _host: 'localhost',
  16397. _readableState:
  16398. ReadableState {
  16399. objectMode: false,
  16400. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16401. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  16402. length: 0,
  16403. pipes: null,
  16404. pipesCount: 0,
  16405. flowing: true,
  16406. ended: false,
  16407. endEmitted: false,
  16408. reading: true,
  16409. sync: false,
  16410. needReadable: true,
  16411. emittedReadable: false,
  16412. readableListening: false,
  16413. resumeScheduled: false,
  16414. emitClose: false,
  16415. autoDestroy: false,
  16416. destroyed: false,
  16417. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16418. awaitDrain: 0,
  16419. readingMore: false,
  16420. decoder: null,
  16421. encoding: null },
  16422. readable: true,
  16423. _events:
  16424. [Object: null prototype] {
  16425. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  16426. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  16427. data: [Function],
  16428. close: [Function] },
  16429. _eventsCount: 4,
  16430. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16431. _writableState:
  16432. WritableState {
  16433. objectMode: false,
  16434. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16435. finalCalled: false,
  16436. needDrain: false,
  16437. ending: false,
  16438. ended: false,
  16439. finished: false,
  16440. destroyed: false,
  16441. decodeStrings: false,
  16442. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16443. length: 0,
  16444. writing: false,
  16445. corked: 0,
  16446. sync: false,
  16447. bufferProcessing: false,
  16448. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  16449. writecb: null,
  16450. writelen: 0,
  16451. bufferedRequest: null,
  16452. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  16453. pendingcb: 0,
  16454. prefinished: false,
  16455. errorEmitted: false,
  16456. emitClose: false,
  16457. autoDestroy: false,
  16458. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  16459. corkedRequestsFree:
  16460. { next: null,
  16461. entry: null,
  16462. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  16463. writable: true,
  16464. allowHalfOpen: false,
  16465. _sockname: null,
  16466. _pendingData: null,
  16467. _pendingEncoding: '',
  16468. server: null,
  16469. _server: null,
  16470. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  16471. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  16472. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  16473. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  16474. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  16475. _internalId: 2,
  16476. _commands:
  16477. Denque {
  16478. _head: 0,
  16479. _tail: 0,
  16480. _capacityMask: 3,
  16481. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16482. _command: undefined,
  16483. _paused: false,
  16484. _paused_packets:
  16485. Denque {
  16486. _head: 0,
  16487. _tail: 0,
  16488. _capacityMask: 3,
  16489. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16490. _statements:
  16491. LRUCache {
  16492. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  16493. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  16494. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  16495. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  16496. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  16497. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  16498. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  16499. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  16500. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  16501. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16502. authorized: true,
  16503. sequenceId: 2,
  16504. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  16505. threadId: 1302,
  16506. _handshakePacket:
  16507. Handshake {
  16508. protocolVersion: 10,
  16509. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  16510. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16511. connectionId: 1302,
  16512. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  16513. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  16514. characterSet: 255,
  16515. statusFlags: 2 },
  16516. _fatalError: null,
  16517. _protocolError: null,
  16518. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  16519. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  16520. packetParser:
  16521. PacketParser {
  16522. buffer: [],
  16523. bufferLength: 0,
  16524. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  16525. headerLen: 0,
  16526. length: 7,
  16527. largePacketParts: [],
  16528. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  16529. onPacket: [Function],
  16530. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  16531. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  16532. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  16533. connectTimeout: null,
  16534. connectionId: 1302 },
  16535. state: 'IDLE' } },
  16536. tail:
  16537. { prev:
  16538. { prev: null,
  16539. next: [Circular],
  16540. data:
  16541. PooledResource {
  16542. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  16543. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  16544. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  16545. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  16546. obj:
  16547. Connection {
  16548. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  16549. _eventsCount: 1,
  16550. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16551. config:
  16552. ConnectionConfig {
  16553. isServer: undefined,
  16554. stream: undefined,
  16555. host: 'localhost',
  16556. port: 3306,
  16557. localAddress: undefined,
  16558. socketPath: undefined,
  16559. user: 'root',
  16560. password: 'abcd1234',
  16561. passwordSha1: undefined,
  16562. database: 'lbry',
  16563. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16564. insecureAuth: false,
  16565. supportBigNumbers: true,
  16566. bigNumberStrings: false,
  16567. decimalNumbers: false,
  16568. dateStrings: false,
  16569. debug: undefined,
  16570. trace: true,
  16571. stringifyObjects: false,
  16572. timezone: '+00:00',
  16573. queryFormat: undefined,
  16574. pool: undefined,
  16575. ssl: false,
  16576. multipleStatements: false,
  16577. rowsAsArray: false,
  16578. namedPlaceholders: false,
  16579. nestTables: undefined,
  16580. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  16581. maxPacketSize: 0,
  16582. charsetNumber: 224,
  16583. compress: false,
  16584. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  16585. clientFlags: 8582093,
  16586. connectAttributes: undefined,
  16587. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  16588. stream:
  16589. Socket {
  16590. connecting: false,
  16591. _hadError: false,
  16592. _handle:
  16593. TCP {
  16594. reading: true,
  16595. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  16596. onconnection: null,
  16597. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  16598. _parent: null,
  16599. _host: 'localhost',
  16600. _readableState:
  16601. ReadableState {
  16602. objectMode: false,
  16603. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16604. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  16605. length: 0,
  16606. pipes: null,
  16607. pipesCount: 0,
  16608. flowing: true,
  16609. ended: false,
  16610. endEmitted: false,
  16611. reading: true,
  16612. sync: false,
  16613. needReadable: true,
  16614. emittedReadable: false,
  16615. readableListening: false,
  16616. resumeScheduled: false,
  16617. emitClose: false,
  16618. autoDestroy: false,
  16619. destroyed: false,
  16620. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16621. awaitDrain: 0,
  16622. readingMore: false,
  16623. decoder: null,
  16624. encoding: null },
  16625. readable: true,
  16626. _events:
  16627. [Object: null prototype] {
  16628. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  16629. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  16630. data: [Function],
  16631. close: [Function] },
  16632. _eventsCount: 4,
  16633. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16634. _writableState:
  16635. WritableState {
  16636. objectMode: false,
  16637. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16638. finalCalled: false,
  16639. needDrain: false,
  16640. ending: false,
  16641. ended: false,
  16642. finished: false,
  16643. destroyed: false,
  16644. decodeStrings: false,
  16645. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16646. length: 0,
  16647. writing: false,
  16648. corked: 0,
  16649. sync: false,
  16650. bufferProcessing: false,
  16651. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  16652. writecb: null,
  16653. writelen: 0,
  16654. bufferedRequest: null,
  16655. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  16656. pendingcb: 0,
  16657. prefinished: false,
  16658. errorEmitted: false,
  16659. emitClose: false,
  16660. autoDestroy: false,
  16661. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  16662. corkedRequestsFree:
  16663. { next: null,
  16664. entry: null,
  16665. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  16666. writable: true,
  16667. allowHalfOpen: false,
  16668. _sockname: null,
  16669. _pendingData: null,
  16670. _pendingEncoding: '',
  16671. server: null,
  16672. _server: null,
  16673. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  16674. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  16675. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  16676. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  16677. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  16678. _internalId: 2,
  16679. _commands:
  16680. Denque {
  16681. _head: 0,
  16682. _tail: 0,
  16683. _capacityMask: 3,
  16684. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16685. _command: undefined,
  16686. _paused: false,
  16687. _paused_packets:
  16688. Denque {
  16689. _head: 0,
  16690. _tail: 0,
  16691. _capacityMask: 3,
  16692. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16693. _statements:
  16694. LRUCache {
  16695. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  16696. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  16697. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  16698. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  16699. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  16700. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  16701. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  16702. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  16703. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  16704. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16705. authorized: true,
  16706. sequenceId: 2,
  16707. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  16708. threadId: 1302,
  16709. _handshakePacket:
  16710. Handshake {
  16711. protocolVersion: 10,
  16712. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  16713. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16714. connectionId: 1302,
  16715. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  16716. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  16717. characterSet: 255,
  16718. statusFlags: 2 },
  16719. _fatalError: null,
  16720. _protocolError: null,
  16721. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  16722. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  16723. packetParser:
  16724. PacketParser {
  16725. buffer: [],
  16726. bufferLength: 0,
  16727. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  16728. headerLen: 0,
  16729. length: 7,
  16730. largePacketParts: [],
  16731. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  16732. onPacket: [Function],
  16733. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  16734. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  16735. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  16736. connectTimeout: null,
  16737. connectionId: 1302 },
  16738. state: 'IDLE' } },
  16739. next: null,
  16740. data:
  16741. PooledResource {
  16742. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  16743. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  16744. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  16745. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  16746. obj:
  16747. Connection {
  16748. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  16749. _eventsCount: 1,
  16750. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16751. config:
  16752. ConnectionConfig {
  16753. isServer: undefined,
  16754. stream: undefined,
  16755. host: 'localhost',
  16756. port: 3306,
  16757. localAddress: undefined,
  16758. socketPath: undefined,
  16759. user: 'root',
  16760. password: 'abcd1234',
  16761. passwordSha1: undefined,
  16762. database: 'lbry',
  16763. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16764. insecureAuth: false,
  16765. supportBigNumbers: true,
  16766. bigNumberStrings: false,
  16767. decimalNumbers: false,
  16768. dateStrings: false,
  16769. debug: undefined,
  16770. trace: true,
  16771. stringifyObjects: false,
  16772. timezone: '+00:00',
  16773. queryFormat: undefined,
  16774. pool: undefined,
  16775. ssl: false,
  16776. multipleStatements: false,
  16777. rowsAsArray: false,
  16778. namedPlaceholders: false,
  16779. nestTables: undefined,
  16780. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  16781. maxPacketSize: 0,
  16782. charsetNumber: 224,
  16783. compress: false,
  16784. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  16785. clientFlags: 8582093,
  16786. connectAttributes: undefined,
  16787. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  16788. stream:
  16789. Socket {
  16790. connecting: false,
  16791. _hadError: false,
  16792. _handle:
  16793. TCP {
  16794. reading: true,
  16795. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  16796. onconnection: null,
  16797. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  16798. _parent: null,
  16799. _host: 'localhost',
  16800. _readableState:
  16801. ReadableState {
  16802. objectMode: false,
  16803. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16804. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  16805. length: 0,
  16806. pipes: null,
  16807. pipesCount: 0,
  16808. flowing: true,
  16809. ended: false,
  16810. endEmitted: false,
  16811. reading: true,
  16812. sync: false,
  16813. needReadable: true,
  16814. emittedReadable: false,
  16815. readableListening: false,
  16816. resumeScheduled: false,
  16817. emitClose: false,
  16818. autoDestroy: false,
  16819. destroyed: false,
  16820. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16821. awaitDrain: 0,
  16822. readingMore: false,
  16823. decoder: null,
  16824. encoding: null },
  16825. readable: true,
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  16827. [Object: null prototype] {
  16828. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  16829. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  16830. data: [Function],
  16831. close: [Function] },
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  16833. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  16835. WritableState {
  16836. objectMode: false,
  16837. highWaterMark: 16384,
  16838. finalCalled: false,
  16839. needDrain: false,
  16840. ending: false,
  16841. ended: false,
  16842. finished: false,
  16843. destroyed: false,
  16844. decodeStrings: false,
  16845. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  16846. length: 0,
  16847. writing: false,
  16848. corked: 0,
  16849. sync: false,
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  16851. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  16853. writelen: 0,
  16854. bufferedRequest: null,
  16855. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  16856. pendingcb: 0,
  16857. prefinished: false,
  16858. errorEmitted: false,
  16859. emitClose: false,
  16860. autoDestroy: false,
  16861. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  16862. corkedRequestsFree:
  16863. { next: null,
  16864. entry: null,
  16865. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  16866. writable: true,
  16867. allowHalfOpen: false,
  16868. _sockname: null,
  16869. _pendingData: null,
  16870. _pendingEncoding: '',
  16871. server: null,
  16872. _server: null,
  16873. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  16874. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  16875. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  16876. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  16877. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  16878. _internalId: 1,
  16879. _commands:
  16880. Denque {
  16881. _head: 0,
  16882. _tail: 0,
  16883. _capacityMask: 3,
  16884. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16885. _command: undefined,
  16886. _paused: false,
  16887. _paused_packets:
  16888. Denque {
  16889. _head: 0,
  16890. _tail: 0,
  16891. _capacityMask: 3,
  16892. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  16893. _statements:
  16894. LRUCache {
  16895. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  16896. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  16897. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  16898. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  16899. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  16900. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  16901. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  16902. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  16903. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  16904. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16905. authorized: true,
  16906. sequenceId: 23,
  16907. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  16908. threadId: 1303,
  16909. _handshakePacket:
  16910. Handshake {
  16911. protocolVersion: 10,
  16912. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  16913. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  16914. connectionId: 1303,
  16915. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  16916. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  16917. characterSet: 255,
  16918. statusFlags: 2 },
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  16920. _protocolError: null,
  16921. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  16922. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  16923. packetParser:
  16924. PacketParser {
  16925. buffer: [],
  16926. bufferLength: 0,
  16927. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  16928. headerLen: 0,
  16929. length: 5,
  16930. largePacketParts: [],
  16931. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  16932. onPacket: [Function],
  16933. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  16934. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  16935. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  16936. connectTimeout: null,
  16937. connectionId: 1303 },
  16938. state: 'IDLE' } },
  16939. length: 2 } },
  16940. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  16941. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  16942. _validationOperations: Set {},
  16943. _allObjects:
  16944. Set {
  16945. PooledResource {
  16946. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  16947. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  16948. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  16949. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  16950. obj:
  16951. Connection {
  16952. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  16953. _eventsCount: 1,
  16954. _maxListeners: undefined,
  16955. config:
  16956. ConnectionConfig {
  16957. isServer: undefined,
  16958. stream: undefined,
  16959. host: 'localhost',
  16960. port: 3306,
  16961. localAddress: undefined,
  16962. socketPath: undefined,
  16963. user: 'root',
  16964. password: 'abcd1234',
  16965. passwordSha1: undefined,
  16966. database: 'lbry',
  16967. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16968. insecureAuth: false,
  16969. supportBigNumbers: true,
  16970. bigNumberStrings: false,
  16971. decimalNumbers: false,
  16972. dateStrings: false,
  16973. debug: undefined,
  16974. trace: true,
  16975. stringifyObjects: false,
  16976. timezone: '+00:00',
  16977. queryFormat: undefined,
  16978. pool: undefined,
  16979. ssl: false,
  16980. multipleStatements: false,
  16981. rowsAsArray: false,
  16982. namedPlaceholders: false,
  16983. nestTables: undefined,
  16984. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  16985. maxPacketSize: 0,
  16986. charsetNumber: 224,
  16987. compress: false,
  16988. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  16989. clientFlags: 8582093,
  16990. connectAttributes: undefined,
  16991. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  16992. stream:
  16993. Socket {
  16994. connecting: false,
  16995. _hadError: false,
  16996. _handle:
  16997. TCP {
  16998. reading: true,
  16999. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  17000. onconnection: null,
  17001. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  17002. _parent: null,
  17003. _host: 'localhost',
  17004. _readableState:
  17005. ReadableState {
  17006. objectMode: false,
  17007. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17008. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  17009. length: 0,
  17010. pipes: null,
  17011. pipesCount: 0,
  17012. flowing: true,
  17013. ended: false,
  17014. endEmitted: false,
  17015. reading: true,
  17016. sync: false,
  17017. needReadable: true,
  17018. emittedReadable: false,
  17019. readableListening: false,
  17020. resumeScheduled: false,
  17021. emitClose: false,
  17022. autoDestroy: false,
  17023. destroyed: false,
  17024. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17025. awaitDrain: 0,
  17026. readingMore: false,
  17027. decoder: null,
  17028. encoding: null },
  17029. readable: true,
  17030. _events:
  17031. [Object: null prototype] {
  17032. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  17033. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  17034. data: [Function],
  17035. close: [Function] },
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  17037. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  17039. WritableState {
  17040. objectMode: false,
  17041. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17042. finalCalled: false,
  17043. needDrain: false,
  17044. ending: false,
  17045. ended: false,
  17046. finished: false,
  17047. destroyed: false,
  17048. decodeStrings: false,
  17049. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17050. length: 0,
  17051. writing: false,
  17052. corked: 0,
  17053. sync: false,
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  17055. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  17057. writelen: 0,
  17058. bufferedRequest: null,
  17059. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  17060. pendingcb: 0,
  17061. prefinished: false,
  17062. errorEmitted: false,
  17063. emitClose: false,
  17064. autoDestroy: false,
  17065. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  17066. corkedRequestsFree:
  17067. { next: null,
  17068. entry: null,
  17069. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  17070. writable: true,
  17071. allowHalfOpen: false,
  17072. _sockname: null,
  17073. _pendingData: null,
  17074. _pendingEncoding: '',
  17075. server: null,
  17076. _server: null,
  17077. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  17078. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  17079. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  17080. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  17081. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  17082. _internalId: 2,
  17083. _commands:
  17084. Denque {
  17085. _head: 0,
  17086. _tail: 0,
  17087. _capacityMask: 3,
  17088. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17089. _command: undefined,
  17090. _paused: false,
  17091. _paused_packets:
  17092. Denque {
  17093. _head: 0,
  17094. _tail: 0,
  17095. _capacityMask: 3,
  17096. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17097. _statements:
  17098. LRUCache {
  17099. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  17100. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  17101. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  17102. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  17103. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  17104. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  17105. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  17106. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  17107. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  17108. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17109. authorized: true,
  17110. sequenceId: 2,
  17111. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  17112. threadId: 1302,
  17113. _handshakePacket:
  17114. Handshake {
  17115. protocolVersion: 10,
  17116. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  17117. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17118. connectionId: 1302,
  17119. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  17120. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  17121. characterSet: 255,
  17122. statusFlags: 2 },
  17123. _fatalError: null,
  17124. _protocolError: null,
  17125. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  17126. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  17127. packetParser:
  17128. PacketParser {
  17129. buffer: [],
  17130. bufferLength: 0,
  17131. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  17132. headerLen: 0,
  17133. length: 7,
  17134. largePacketParts: [],
  17135. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  17136. onPacket: [Function],
  17137. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  17138. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  17139. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  17140. connectTimeout: null,
  17141. connectionId: 1302 },
  17142. state: 'IDLE' },
  17143. PooledResource {
  17144. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  17145. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  17146. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  17147. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  17148. obj:
  17149. Connection {
  17150. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  17151. _eventsCount: 1,
  17152. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17153. config:
  17154. ConnectionConfig {
  17155. isServer: undefined,
  17156. stream: undefined,
  17157. host: 'localhost',
  17158. port: 3306,
  17159. localAddress: undefined,
  17160. socketPath: undefined,
  17161. user: 'root',
  17162. password: 'abcd1234',
  17163. passwordSha1: undefined,
  17164. database: 'lbry',
  17165. connectTimeout: 10000,
  17166. insecureAuth: false,
  17167. supportBigNumbers: true,
  17168. bigNumberStrings: false,
  17169. decimalNumbers: false,
  17170. dateStrings: false,
  17171. debug: undefined,
  17172. trace: true,
  17173. stringifyObjects: false,
  17174. timezone: '+00:00',
  17175. queryFormat: undefined,
  17176. pool: undefined,
  17177. ssl: false,
  17178. multipleStatements: false,
  17179. rowsAsArray: false,
  17180. namedPlaceholders: false,
  17181. nestTables: undefined,
  17182. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  17183. maxPacketSize: 0,
  17184. charsetNumber: 224,
  17185. compress: false,
  17186. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  17187. clientFlags: 8582093,
  17188. connectAttributes: undefined,
  17189. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  17190. stream:
  17191. Socket {
  17192. connecting: false,
  17193. _hadError: false,
  17194. _handle:
  17195. TCP {
  17196. reading: true,
  17197. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  17198. onconnection: null,
  17199. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  17200. _parent: null,
  17201. _host: 'localhost',
  17202. _readableState:
  17203. ReadableState {
  17204. objectMode: false,
  17205. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17206. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  17207. length: 0,
  17208. pipes: null,
  17209. pipesCount: 0,
  17210. flowing: true,
  17211. ended: false,
  17212. endEmitted: false,
  17213. reading: true,
  17214. sync: false,
  17215. needReadable: true,
  17216. emittedReadable: false,
  17217. readableListening: false,
  17218. resumeScheduled: false,
  17219. emitClose: false,
  17220. autoDestroy: false,
  17221. destroyed: false,
  17222. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17223. awaitDrain: 0,
  17224. readingMore: false,
  17225. decoder: null,
  17226. encoding: null },
  17227. readable: true,
  17228. _events:
  17229. [Object: null prototype] {
  17230. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  17231. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  17232. data: [Function],
  17233. close: [Function] },
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  17235. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17236. _writableState:
  17237. WritableState {
  17238. objectMode: false,
  17239. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17240. finalCalled: false,
  17241. needDrain: false,
  17242. ending: false,
  17243. ended: false,
  17244. finished: false,
  17245. destroyed: false,
  17246. decodeStrings: false,
  17247. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17248. length: 0,
  17249. writing: false,
  17250. corked: 0,
  17251. sync: false,
  17252. bufferProcessing: false,
  17253. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  17255. writelen: 0,
  17256. bufferedRequest: null,
  17257. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  17258. pendingcb: 0,
  17259. prefinished: false,
  17260. errorEmitted: false,
  17261. emitClose: false,
  17262. autoDestroy: false,
  17263. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  17264. corkedRequestsFree:
  17265. { next: null,
  17266. entry: null,
  17267. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  17268. writable: true,
  17269. allowHalfOpen: false,
  17270. _sockname: null,
  17271. _pendingData: null,
  17272. _pendingEncoding: '',
  17273. server: null,
  17274. _server: null,
  17275. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  17276. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  17277. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  17278. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  17279. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  17280. _internalId: 1,
  17281. _commands:
  17282. Denque {
  17283. _head: 0,
  17284. _tail: 0,
  17285. _capacityMask: 3,
  17286. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17287. _command: undefined,
  17288. _paused: false,
  17289. _paused_packets:
  17290. Denque {
  17291. _head: 0,
  17292. _tail: 0,
  17293. _capacityMask: 3,
  17294. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17295. _statements:
  17296. LRUCache {
  17297. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  17298. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  17299. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  17300. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  17301. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  17302. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  17303. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  17304. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  17305. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  17306. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17307. authorized: true,
  17308. sequenceId: 23,
  17309. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  17310. threadId: 1303,
  17311. _handshakePacket:
  17312. Handshake {
  17313. protocolVersion: 10,
  17314. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  17315. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17316. connectionId: 1303,
  17317. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  17318. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  17319. characterSet: 255,
  17320. statusFlags: 2 },
  17321. _fatalError: null,
  17322. _protocolError: null,
  17323. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  17324. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  17325. packetParser:
  17326. PacketParser {
  17327. buffer: [],
  17328. bufferLength: 0,
  17329. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  17330. headerLen: 0,
  17331. length: 5,
  17332. largePacketParts: [],
  17333. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  17334. onPacket: [Function],
  17335. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  17336. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  17337. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  17338. connectTimeout: null,
  17339. connectionId: 1303 },
  17340. state: 'IDLE' } },
  17341. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  17342. _evictionIterator:
  17343. DequeIterator {
  17344. _list:
  17345. DoublyLinkedList {
  17346. head:
  17347. { prev: null,
  17348. next:
  17349. { prev: [Circular],
  17350. next: null,
  17351. data:
  17352. PooledResource {
  17353. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  17354. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  17355. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  17356. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  17357. obj:
  17358. Connection {
  17359. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  17360. _eventsCount: 1,
  17361. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17362. config:
  17363. ConnectionConfig {
  17364. isServer: undefined,
  17365. stream: undefined,
  17366. host: 'localhost',
  17367. port: 3306,
  17368. localAddress: undefined,
  17369. socketPath: undefined,
  17370. user: 'root',
  17371. password: 'abcd1234',
  17372. passwordSha1: undefined,
  17373. database: 'lbry',
  17374. connectTimeout: 10000,
  17375. insecureAuth: false,
  17376. supportBigNumbers: true,
  17377. bigNumberStrings: false,
  17378. decimalNumbers: false,
  17379. dateStrings: false,
  17380. debug: undefined,
  17381. trace: true,
  17382. stringifyObjects: false,
  17383. timezone: '+00:00',
  17384. queryFormat: undefined,
  17385. pool: undefined,
  17386. ssl: false,
  17387. multipleStatements: false,
  17388. rowsAsArray: false,
  17389. namedPlaceholders: false,
  17390. nestTables: undefined,
  17391. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  17392. maxPacketSize: 0,
  17393. charsetNumber: 224,
  17394. compress: false,
  17395. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  17396. clientFlags: 8582093,
  17397. connectAttributes: undefined,
  17398. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  17399. stream:
  17400. Socket {
  17401. connecting: false,
  17402. _hadError: false,
  17403. _handle:
  17404. TCP {
  17405. reading: true,
  17406. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  17407. onconnection: null,
  17408. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  17409. _parent: null,
  17410. _host: 'localhost',
  17411. _readableState:
  17412. ReadableState {
  17413. objectMode: false,
  17414. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17415. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  17416. length: 0,
  17417. pipes: null,
  17418. pipesCount: 0,
  17419. flowing: true,
  17420. ended: false,
  17421. endEmitted: false,
  17422. reading: true,
  17423. sync: false,
  17424. needReadable: true,
  17425. emittedReadable: false,
  17426. readableListening: false,
  17427. resumeScheduled: false,
  17428. emitClose: false,
  17429. autoDestroy: false,
  17430. destroyed: false,
  17431. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17432. awaitDrain: 0,
  17433. readingMore: false,
  17434. decoder: null,
  17435. encoding: null },
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  17438. [Object: null prototype] {
  17439. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  17440. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  17441. data: [Function],
  17442. close: [Function] },
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  17444. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  17448. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17449. finalCalled: false,
  17450. needDrain: false,
  17451. ending: false,
  17452. ended: false,
  17453. finished: false,
  17454. destroyed: false,
  17455. decodeStrings: false,
  17456. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17457. length: 0,
  17458. writing: false,
  17459. corked: 0,
  17460. sync: false,
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  17462. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  17464. writelen: 0,
  17465. bufferedRequest: null,
  17466. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  17467. pendingcb: 0,
  17468. prefinished: false,
  17469. errorEmitted: false,
  17470. emitClose: false,
  17471. autoDestroy: false,
  17472. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  17473. corkedRequestsFree:
  17474. { next: null,
  17475. entry: null,
  17476. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  17477. writable: true,
  17478. allowHalfOpen: false,
  17479. _sockname: null,
  17480. _pendingData: null,
  17481. _pendingEncoding: '',
  17482. server: null,
  17483. _server: null,
  17484. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  17485. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  17486. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  17487. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  17488. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  17489. _internalId: 1,
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  17491. Denque {
  17492. _head: 0,
  17493. _tail: 0,
  17494. _capacityMask: 3,
  17495. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  17497. _paused: false,
  17498. _paused_packets:
  17499. Denque {
  17500. _head: 0,
  17501. _tail: 0,
  17502. _capacityMask: 3,
  17503. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  17506. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  17507. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  17508. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  17509. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  17510. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  17511. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  17512. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  17513. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  17514. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  17515. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17516. authorized: true,
  17517. sequenceId: 23,
  17518. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  17519. threadId: 1303,
  17520. _handshakePacket:
  17521. Handshake {
  17522. protocolVersion: 10,
  17523. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  17524. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17525. connectionId: 1303,
  17526. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  17527. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  17528. characterSet: 255,
  17529. statusFlags: 2 },
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  17531. _protocolError: null,
  17532. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  17533. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  17534. packetParser:
  17535. PacketParser {
  17536. buffer: [],
  17537. bufferLength: 0,
  17538. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  17539. headerLen: 0,
  17540. length: 5,
  17541. largePacketParts: [],
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  17543. onPacket: [Function],
  17544. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  17545. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  17546. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  17547. connectTimeout: null,
  17548. connectionId: 1303 },
  17549. state: 'IDLE' } },
  17550. data:
  17551. PooledResource {
  17552. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  17553. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  17554. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  17555. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  17556. obj:
  17557. Connection {
  17558. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  17559. _eventsCount: 1,
  17560. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17561. config:
  17562. ConnectionConfig {
  17563. isServer: undefined,
  17564. stream: undefined,
  17565. host: 'localhost',
  17566. port: 3306,
  17567. localAddress: undefined,
  17568. socketPath: undefined,
  17569. user: 'root',
  17570. password: 'abcd1234',
  17571. passwordSha1: undefined,
  17572. database: 'lbry',
  17573. connectTimeout: 10000,
  17574. insecureAuth: false,
  17575. supportBigNumbers: true,
  17576. bigNumberStrings: false,
  17577. decimalNumbers: false,
  17578. dateStrings: false,
  17579. debug: undefined,
  17580. trace: true,
  17581. stringifyObjects: false,
  17582. timezone: '+00:00',
  17583. queryFormat: undefined,
  17584. pool: undefined,
  17585. ssl: false,
  17586. multipleStatements: false,
  17587. rowsAsArray: false,
  17588. namedPlaceholders: false,
  17589. nestTables: undefined,
  17590. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  17591. maxPacketSize: 0,
  17592. charsetNumber: 224,
  17593. compress: false,
  17594. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  17595. clientFlags: 8582093,
  17596. connectAttributes: undefined,
  17597. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  17599. Socket {
  17600. connecting: false,
  17601. _hadError: false,
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  17603. TCP {
  17604. reading: true,
  17605. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  17607. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  17609. _host: 'localhost',
  17610. _readableState:
  17611. ReadableState {
  17612. objectMode: false,
  17613. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17614. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  17615. length: 0,
  17616. pipes: null,
  17617. pipesCount: 0,
  17618. flowing: true,
  17619. ended: false,
  17620. endEmitted: false,
  17621. reading: true,
  17622. sync: false,
  17623. needReadable: true,
  17624. emittedReadable: false,
  17625. readableListening: false,
  17626. resumeScheduled: false,
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  17628. autoDestroy: false,
  17629. destroyed: false,
  17630. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17631. awaitDrain: 0,
  17632. readingMore: false,
  17633. decoder: null,
  17634. encoding: null },
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  17637. [Object: null prototype] {
  17638. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  17639. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  17640. data: [Function],
  17641. close: [Function] },
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  17643. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  17648. finalCalled: false,
  17649. needDrain: false,
  17650. ending: false,
  17651. ended: false,
  17652. finished: false,
  17653. destroyed: false,
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  17655. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17656. length: 0,
  17657. writing: false,
  17658. corked: 0,
  17659. sync: false,
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  17663. writelen: 0,
  17664. bufferedRequest: null,
  17665. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  17666. pendingcb: 0,
  17667. prefinished: false,
  17668. errorEmitted: false,
  17669. emitClose: false,
  17670. autoDestroy: false,
  17671. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  17672. corkedRequestsFree:
  17673. { next: null,
  17674. entry: null,
  17675. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  17676. writable: true,
  17677. allowHalfOpen: false,
  17678. _sockname: null,
  17679. _pendingData: null,
  17680. _pendingEncoding: '',
  17681. server: null,
  17682. _server: null,
  17683. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  17684. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  17685. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  17686. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  17687. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  17688. _internalId: 2,
  17689. _commands:
  17690. Denque {
  17691. _head: 0,
  17692. _tail: 0,
  17693. _capacityMask: 3,
  17694. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17695. _command: undefined,
  17696. _paused: false,
  17697. _paused_packets:
  17698. Denque {
  17699. _head: 0,
  17700. _tail: 0,
  17701. _capacityMask: 3,
  17702. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  17704. LRUCache {
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  17706. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  17707. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  17708. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  17709. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  17710. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  17711. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  17712. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  17713. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  17714. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17715. authorized: true,
  17716. sequenceId: 2,
  17717. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  17718. threadId: 1302,
  17719. _handshakePacket:
  17720. Handshake {
  17721. protocolVersion: 10,
  17722. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  17723. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17724. connectionId: 1302,
  17725. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  17726. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  17727. characterSet: 255,
  17728. statusFlags: 2 },
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  17730. _protocolError: null,
  17731. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  17732. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  17733. packetParser:
  17734. PacketParser {
  17735. buffer: [],
  17736. bufferLength: 0,
  17737. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  17738. headerLen: 0,
  17739. length: 7,
  17740. largePacketParts: [],
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  17742. onPacket: [Function],
  17743. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  17744. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  17745. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  17746. connectTimeout: null,
  17747. connectionId: 1302 },
  17748. state: 'IDLE' } },
  17749. tail:
  17750. { prev:
  17751. { prev: null,
  17752. next: [Circular],
  17753. data:
  17754. PooledResource {
  17755. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  17756. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  17757. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  17758. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  17759. obj:
  17760. Connection {
  17761. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  17762. _eventsCount: 1,
  17763. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17764. config:
  17765. ConnectionConfig {
  17766. isServer: undefined,
  17767. stream: undefined,
  17768. host: 'localhost',
  17769. port: 3306,
  17770. localAddress: undefined,
  17771. socketPath: undefined,
  17772. user: 'root',
  17773. password: 'abcd1234',
  17774. passwordSha1: undefined,
  17775. database: 'lbry',
  17776. connectTimeout: 10000,
  17777. insecureAuth: false,
  17778. supportBigNumbers: true,
  17779. bigNumberStrings: false,
  17780. decimalNumbers: false,
  17781. dateStrings: false,
  17782. debug: undefined,
  17783. trace: true,
  17784. stringifyObjects: false,
  17785. timezone: '+00:00',
  17786. queryFormat: undefined,
  17787. pool: undefined,
  17788. ssl: false,
  17789. multipleStatements: false,
  17790. rowsAsArray: false,
  17791. namedPlaceholders: false,
  17792. nestTables: undefined,
  17793. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  17794. maxPacketSize: 0,
  17795. charsetNumber: 224,
  17796. compress: false,
  17797. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  17798. clientFlags: 8582093,
  17799. connectAttributes: undefined,
  17800. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  17801. stream:
  17802. Socket {
  17803. connecting: false,
  17804. _hadError: false,
  17805. _handle:
  17806. TCP {
  17807. reading: true,
  17808. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  17809. onconnection: null,
  17810. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  17811. _parent: null,
  17812. _host: 'localhost',
  17813. _readableState:
  17814. ReadableState {
  17815. objectMode: false,
  17816. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17817. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  17818. length: 0,
  17819. pipes: null,
  17820. pipesCount: 0,
  17821. flowing: true,
  17822. ended: false,
  17823. endEmitted: false,
  17824. reading: true,
  17825. sync: false,
  17826. needReadable: true,
  17827. emittedReadable: false,
  17828. readableListening: false,
  17829. resumeScheduled: false,
  17830. emitClose: false,
  17831. autoDestroy: false,
  17832. destroyed: false,
  17833. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17834. awaitDrain: 0,
  17835. readingMore: false,
  17836. decoder: null,
  17837. encoding: null },
  17838. readable: true,
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  17840. [Object: null prototype] {
  17841. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  17842. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  17843. data: [Function],
  17844. close: [Function] },
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  17846. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  17848. WritableState {
  17849. objectMode: false,
  17850. highWaterMark: 16384,
  17851. finalCalled: false,
  17852. needDrain: false,
  17853. ending: false,
  17854. ended: false,
  17855. finished: false,
  17856. destroyed: false,
  17857. decodeStrings: false,
  17858. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  17859. length: 0,
  17860. writing: false,
  17861. corked: 0,
  17862. sync: false,
  17863. bufferProcessing: false,
  17864. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  17866. writelen: 0,
  17867. bufferedRequest: null,
  17868. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  17869. pendingcb: 0,
  17870. prefinished: false,
  17871. errorEmitted: false,
  17872. emitClose: false,
  17873. autoDestroy: false,
  17874. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  17875. corkedRequestsFree:
  17876. { next: null,
  17877. entry: null,
  17878. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  17879. writable: true,
  17880. allowHalfOpen: false,
  17881. _sockname: null,
  17882. _pendingData: null,
  17883. _pendingEncoding: '',
  17884. server: null,
  17885. _server: null,
  17886. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  17887. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  17888. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  17889. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  17890. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  17891. _internalId: 2,
  17892. _commands:
  17893. Denque {
  17894. _head: 0,
  17895. _tail: 0,
  17896. _capacityMask: 3,
  17897. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17898. _command: undefined,
  17899. _paused: false,
  17900. _paused_packets:
  17901. Denque {
  17902. _head: 0,
  17903. _tail: 0,
  17904. _capacityMask: 3,
  17905. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  17906. _statements:
  17907. LRUCache {
  17908. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  17909. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  17910. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  17911. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  17912. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  17913. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  17914. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  17915. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  17916. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  17917. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17918. authorized: true,
  17919. sequenceId: 2,
  17920. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  17921. threadId: 1302,
  17922. _handshakePacket:
  17923. Handshake {
  17924. protocolVersion: 10,
  17925. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  17926. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  17927. connectionId: 1302,
  17928. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  17929. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  17930. characterSet: 255,
  17931. statusFlags: 2 },
  17932. _fatalError: null,
  17933. _protocolError: null,
  17934. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  17935. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  17936. packetParser:
  17937. PacketParser {
  17938. buffer: [],
  17939. bufferLength: 0,
  17940. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  17941. headerLen: 0,
  17942. length: 7,
  17943. largePacketParts: [],
  17944. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  17945. onPacket: [Function],
  17946. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  17947. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  17948. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  17949. connectTimeout: null,
  17950. connectionId: 1302 },
  17951. state: 'IDLE' } },
  17952. next: null,
  17953. data:
  17954. PooledResource {
  17955. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  17956. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  17957. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  17958. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  17959. obj:
  17960. Connection {
  17961. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  17962. _eventsCount: 1,
  17963. _maxListeners: undefined,
  17964. config:
  17965. ConnectionConfig {
  17966. isServer: undefined,
  17967. stream: undefined,
  17968. host: 'localhost',
  17969. port: 3306,
  17970. localAddress: undefined,
  17971. socketPath: undefined,
  17972. user: 'root',
  17973. password: 'abcd1234',
  17974. passwordSha1: undefined,
  17975. database: 'lbry',
  17976. connectTimeout: 10000,
  17977. insecureAuth: false,
  17978. supportBigNumbers: true,
  17979. bigNumberStrings: false,
  17980. decimalNumbers: false,
  17981. dateStrings: false,
  17982. debug: undefined,
  17983. trace: true,
  17984. stringifyObjects: false,
  17985. timezone: '+00:00',
  17986. queryFormat: undefined,
  17987. pool: undefined,
  17988. ssl: false,
  17989. multipleStatements: false,
  17990. rowsAsArray: false,
  17991. namedPlaceholders: false,
  17992. nestTables: undefined,
  17993. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  17994. maxPacketSize: 0,
  17995. charsetNumber: 224,
  17996. compress: false,
  17997. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  17998. clientFlags: 8582093,
  17999. connectAttributes: undefined,
  18000. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  18001. stream:
  18002. Socket {
  18003. connecting: false,
  18004. _hadError: false,
  18005. _handle:
  18006. TCP {
  18007. reading: true,
  18008. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  18009. onconnection: null,
  18010. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  18011. _parent: null,
  18012. _host: 'localhost',
  18013. _readableState:
  18014. ReadableState {
  18015. objectMode: false,
  18016. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18017. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  18018. length: 0,
  18019. pipes: null,
  18020. pipesCount: 0,
  18021. flowing: true,
  18022. ended: false,
  18023. endEmitted: false,
  18024. reading: true,
  18025. sync: false,
  18026. needReadable: true,
  18027. emittedReadable: false,
  18028. readableListening: false,
  18029. resumeScheduled: false,
  18030. emitClose: false,
  18031. autoDestroy: false,
  18032. destroyed: false,
  18033. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18034. awaitDrain: 0,
  18035. readingMore: false,
  18036. decoder: null,
  18037. encoding: null },
  18038. readable: true,
  18039. _events:
  18040. [Object: null prototype] {
  18041. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  18042. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  18043. data: [Function],
  18044. close: [Function] },
  18045. _eventsCount: 4,
  18046. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18047. _writableState:
  18048. WritableState {
  18049. objectMode: false,
  18050. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18051. finalCalled: false,
  18052. needDrain: false,
  18053. ending: false,
  18054. ended: false,
  18055. finished: false,
  18056. destroyed: false,
  18057. decodeStrings: false,
  18058. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18059. length: 0,
  18060. writing: false,
  18061. corked: 0,
  18062. sync: false,
  18063. bufferProcessing: false,
  18064. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  18065. writecb: null,
  18066. writelen: 0,
  18067. bufferedRequest: null,
  18068. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  18069. pendingcb: 0,
  18070. prefinished: false,
  18071. errorEmitted: false,
  18072. emitClose: false,
  18073. autoDestroy: false,
  18074. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  18075. corkedRequestsFree:
  18076. { next: null,
  18077. entry: null,
  18078. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  18079. writable: true,
  18080. allowHalfOpen: false,
  18081. _sockname: null,
  18082. _pendingData: null,
  18083. _pendingEncoding: '',
  18084. server: null,
  18085. _server: null,
  18086. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  18087. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  18088. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  18089. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  18090. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  18091. _internalId: 1,
  18092. _commands:
  18093. Denque {
  18094. _head: 0,
  18095. _tail: 0,
  18096. _capacityMask: 3,
  18097. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18098. _command: undefined,
  18099. _paused: false,
  18100. _paused_packets:
  18101. Denque {
  18102. _head: 0,
  18103. _tail: 0,
  18104. _capacityMask: 3,
  18105. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18106. _statements:
  18107. LRUCache {
  18108. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  18109. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  18110. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  18111. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  18112. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  18113. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  18114. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  18115. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  18116. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  18117. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18118. authorized: true,
  18119. sequenceId: 23,
  18120. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  18121. threadId: 1303,
  18122. _handshakePacket:
  18123. Handshake {
  18124. protocolVersion: 10,
  18125. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  18126. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18127. connectionId: 1303,
  18128. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  18129. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  18130. characterSet: 255,
  18131. statusFlags: 2 },
  18132. _fatalError: null,
  18133. _protocolError: null,
  18134. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  18135. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  18136. packetParser:
  18137. PacketParser {
  18138. buffer: [],
  18139. bufferLength: 0,
  18140. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  18141. headerLen: 0,
  18142. length: 5,
  18143. largePacketParts: [],
  18144. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  18145. onPacket: [Function],
  18146. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  18147. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  18148. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  18149. connectTimeout: null,
  18150. connectionId: 1303 },
  18151. state: 'IDLE' } },
  18152. length: 2 },
  18153. _direction: 'next',
  18154. _startPosition: 'head',
  18155. _started: false,
  18156. _cursor: null,
  18157. _done: false },
  18158. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  18159. _scheduledEviction:
  18160. Timeout {
  18161. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  18162. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  18163. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  18164. _idleStart: 432,
  18165. _onTimeout: [Function],
  18166. _timerArgs: undefined,
  18167. _repeat: null,
  18168. _destroyed: false,
  18169. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  18170. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  18171. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  18172. lib:
  18173. { createConnection: [Function],
  18174. connect: [Function],
  18175. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  18176. createPool: [Function],
  18177. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  18178. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  18179. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  18180. createServer: [Function],
  18181. PoolConnection:
  18182. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  18183. escape: [Function: escape],
  18184. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  18185. format: [Function: format],
  18186. raw: [Function: raw],
  18187. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  18188. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  18189. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  18190. Types: [Getter],
  18191. Charsets: [Getter],
  18192. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  18193. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  18194. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  18195. importCache: {},
  18196. test:
  18197. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  18198. _runningQueries: 0,
  18199. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  18200. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  18201. hooks: {},
  18202. uniqueKeys: {} },
  18203. _options:
  18204. { isNewRecord: false,
  18205. _schema: null,
  18206. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  18207. raw: true,
  18208. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  18209. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  18210. isNewRecord: false },
  18211. Balloons {
  18212. dataValues:
  18213. { id: 3,
  18214. size: 'large',
  18215. color: 'red',
  18216. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:05:31.000Z,
  18217. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:05:31.000Z },
  18218. _previousDataValues:
  18219. { id: 3,
  18220. size: 'large',
  18221. color: 'red',
  18222. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:05:31.000Z,
  18223. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:05:31.000Z },
  18224. _changed: {},
  18225. _modelOptions:
  18226. { timestamps: true,
  18227. validate: {},
  18228. freezeTableName: false,
  18229. underscored: false,
  18230. underscoredAll: false,
  18231. paranoid: false,
  18232. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  18233. whereCollection: null,
  18234. schema: null,
  18235. schemaDelimiter: '',
  18236. defaultScope: {},
  18237. scopes: [],
  18238. indexes: [],
  18239. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  18240. omitNull: false,
  18241. sequelize:
  18242. Sequelize {
  18243. options:
  18244. { dialect: 'mysql',
  18245. dialectModulePath: null,
  18246. host: 'localhost',
  18247. protocol: 'tcp',
  18248. define: {},
  18249. query: {},
  18250. sync: {},
  18251. timezone: '+00:00',
  18252. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  18253. omitNull: false,
  18254. native: false,
  18255. replication: false,
  18256. ssl: undefined,
  18257. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  18258. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  18259. hooks: {},
  18260. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  18261. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  18262. isolationLevel: null,
  18263. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  18264. typeValidation: false,
  18265. benchmark: false,
  18266. operatorsAliases: false },
  18267. config:
  18268. { database: 'lbry',
  18269. username: 'root',
  18270. password: 'abcd1234',
  18271. host: 'localhost',
  18272. port: 3306,
  18273. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  18274. protocol: 'tcp',
  18275. native: false,
  18276. ssl: undefined,
  18277. replication: false,
  18278. dialectModulePath: null,
  18279. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  18280. dialectOptions: undefined },
  18281. dialect:
  18282. MysqlDialect {
  18283. sequelize: [Circular],
  18284. connectionManager:
  18285. ConnectionManager {
  18286. sequelize: [Circular],
  18287. config:
  18288. { database: 'lbry',
  18289. username: 'root',
  18290. password: 'abcd1234',
  18291. host: 'localhost',
  18292. port: undefined,
  18293. pool:
  18294. { max: 5,
  18295. min: 0,
  18296. acquire: 30000,
  18297. idle: 10000,
  18298. evict: 10000,
  18299. handleDisconnects: true,
  18300. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  18301. Promise:
  18302. { [Function: Promise]
  18303. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  18304. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  18305. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  18306. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  18307. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18308. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18309. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  18310. _peekContext: [Function],
  18311. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  18312. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  18313. longStackTraces: [Function],
  18314. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  18315. config: [Function],
  18316. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  18317. is: [Function],
  18318. fromCallback: [Function],
  18319. fromNode: [Function],
  18320. all: [Function],
  18321. cast: [Function],
  18322. fulfilled: [Function],
  18323. resolve: [Function],
  18324. rejected: [Function],
  18325. reject: [Function],
  18326. setScheduler: [Function],
  18327. pending: [Function],
  18328. defer: [Function],
  18329. method: [Function],
  18330. try: [Function],
  18331. attempt: [Function],
  18332. bind: [Function],
  18333. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  18334. join: [Function],
  18335. Promise: [Circular],
  18336. version: '3.5.3',
  18337. map: [Function],
  18338. using: [Function],
  18339. delay: [Function],
  18340. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  18341. spawn: [Function],
  18342. promisify: [Function],
  18343. promisifyAll: [Function],
  18344. props: [Function],
  18345. race: [Function],
  18346. reduce: [Function],
  18347. settle: [Function],
  18348. some: [Function],
  18349. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  18350. filter: [Function],
  18351. each: [Function],
  18352. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  18353. any: [Function],
  18354. default: [Circular] } },
  18355. protocol: 'tcp',
  18356. native: false,
  18357. ssl: undefined,
  18358. replication: false,
  18359. dialectModulePath: null,
  18360. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  18361. dialectOptions: undefined },
  18362. dialect: [Circular],
  18363. versionPromise: null,
  18364. dialectName: 'mysql',
  18365. pool:
  18366. Pool {
  18367. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  18368. _eventsCount: 0,
  18369. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18370. _config:
  18371. PoolOptions {
  18372. fifo: true,
  18373. priorityRange: 1,
  18374. testOnBorrow: true,
  18375. testOnReturn: false,
  18376. autostart: false,
  18377. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  18378. max: 5,
  18379. min: 0,
  18380. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  18381. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  18382. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  18383. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  18384. Promise:
  18385. { [Function: Promise]
  18386. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  18387. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  18388. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  18389. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  18390. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18391. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18392. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  18393. _peekContext: [Function],
  18394. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  18395. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  18396. longStackTraces: [Function],
  18397. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  18398. config: [Function],
  18399. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  18400. is: [Function],
  18401. fromCallback: [Function],
  18402. fromNode: [Function],
  18403. all: [Function],
  18404. cast: [Function],
  18405. fulfilled: [Function],
  18406. resolve: [Function],
  18407. rejected: [Function],
  18408. reject: [Function],
  18409. setScheduler: [Function],
  18410. pending: [Function],
  18411. defer: [Function],
  18412. method: [Function],
  18413. try: [Function],
  18414. attempt: [Function],
  18415. bind: [Function],
  18416. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  18417. join: [Function],
  18418. Promise: [Circular],
  18419. version: '3.5.3',
  18420. map: [Function],
  18421. using: [Function],
  18422. delay: [Function],
  18423. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  18424. spawn: [Function],
  18425. promisify: [Function],
  18426. promisifyAll: [Function],
  18427. props: [Function],
  18428. race: [Function],
  18429. reduce: [Function],
  18430. settle: [Function],
  18431. some: [Function],
  18432. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  18433. filter: [Function],
  18434. each: [Function],
  18435. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  18436. any: [Function],
  18437. default: [Circular] } },
  18438. _Promise:
  18439. { [Function: Promise]
  18440. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  18441. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  18442. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  18443. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  18444. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18445. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  18446. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  18447. _peekContext: [Function],
  18448. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  18449. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  18450. longStackTraces: [Function],
  18451. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  18452. config: [Function],
  18453. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  18454. is: [Function],
  18455. fromCallback: [Function],
  18456. fromNode: [Function],
  18457. all: [Function],
  18458. cast: [Function],
  18459. fulfilled: [Function],
  18460. resolve: [Function],
  18461. rejected: [Function],
  18462. reject: [Function],
  18463. setScheduler: [Function],
  18464. pending: [Function],
  18465. defer: [Function],
  18466. method: [Function],
  18467. try: [Function],
  18468. attempt: [Function],
  18469. bind: [Function],
  18470. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  18471. join: [Function],
  18472. Promise: [Circular],
  18473. version: '3.5.3',
  18474. map: [Function],
  18475. using: [Function],
  18476. delay: [Function],
  18477. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  18478. spawn: [Function],
  18479. promisify: [Function],
  18480. promisifyAll: [Function],
  18481. props: [Function],
  18482. race: [Function],
  18483. reduce: [Function],
  18484. settle: [Function],
  18485. some: [Function],
  18486. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  18487. filter: [Function],
  18488. each: [Function],
  18489. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  18490. any: [Function],
  18491. default: [Circular] },
  18492. _factory:
  18493. { create: [Function: create],
  18494. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  18495. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  18496. _draining: false,
  18497. _started: true,
  18498. _waitingClientsQueue:
  18499. PriorityQueue {
  18500. _size: 1,
  18501. _slots:
  18502. [ Queue {
  18503. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  18504. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  18505. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  18506. _availableObjects:
  18507. Deque {
  18508. _list:
  18509. DoublyLinkedList {
  18510. head:
  18511. { prev: null,
  18512. next:
  18513. { prev: [Circular],
  18514. next: null,
  18515. data:
  18516. PooledResource {
  18517. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  18518. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  18519. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  18520. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  18521. obj:
  18522. Connection {
  18523. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  18524. _eventsCount: 1,
  18525. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18526. config:
  18527. ConnectionConfig {
  18528. isServer: undefined,
  18529. stream: undefined,
  18530. host: 'localhost',
  18531. port: 3306,
  18532. localAddress: undefined,
  18533. socketPath: undefined,
  18534. user: 'root',
  18535. password: 'abcd1234',
  18536. passwordSha1: undefined,
  18537. database: 'lbry',
  18538. connectTimeout: 10000,
  18539. insecureAuth: false,
  18540. supportBigNumbers: true,
  18541. bigNumberStrings: false,
  18542. decimalNumbers: false,
  18543. dateStrings: false,
  18544. debug: undefined,
  18545. trace: true,
  18546. stringifyObjects: false,
  18547. timezone: '+00:00',
  18548. queryFormat: undefined,
  18549. pool: undefined,
  18550. ssl: false,
  18551. multipleStatements: false,
  18552. rowsAsArray: false,
  18553. namedPlaceholders: false,
  18554. nestTables: undefined,
  18555. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  18556. maxPacketSize: 0,
  18557. charsetNumber: 224,
  18558. compress: false,
  18559. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  18560. clientFlags: 8582093,
  18561. connectAttributes: undefined,
  18562. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  18563. stream:
  18564. Socket {
  18565. connecting: false,
  18566. _hadError: false,
  18567. _handle:
  18568. TCP {
  18569. reading: true,
  18570. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  18571. onconnection: null,
  18572. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  18573. _parent: null,
  18574. _host: 'localhost',
  18575. _readableState:
  18576. ReadableState {
  18577. objectMode: false,
  18578. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18579. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  18580. length: 0,
  18581. pipes: null,
  18582. pipesCount: 0,
  18583. flowing: true,
  18584. ended: false,
  18585. endEmitted: false,
  18586. reading: true,
  18587. sync: false,
  18588. needReadable: true,
  18589. emittedReadable: false,
  18590. readableListening: false,
  18591. resumeScheduled: false,
  18592. emitClose: false,
  18593. autoDestroy: false,
  18594. destroyed: false,
  18595. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18596. awaitDrain: 0,
  18597. readingMore: false,
  18598. decoder: null,
  18599. encoding: null },
  18600. readable: true,
  18601. _events:
  18602. [Object: null prototype] {
  18603. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  18604. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  18605. data: [Function],
  18606. close: [Function] },
  18607. _eventsCount: 4,
  18608. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18609. _writableState:
  18610. WritableState {
  18611. objectMode: false,
  18612. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18613. finalCalled: false,
  18614. needDrain: false,
  18615. ending: false,
  18616. ended: false,
  18617. finished: false,
  18618. destroyed: false,
  18619. decodeStrings: false,
  18620. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18621. length: 0,
  18622. writing: false,
  18623. corked: 0,
  18624. sync: false,
  18625. bufferProcessing: false,
  18626. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  18627. writecb: null,
  18628. writelen: 0,
  18629. bufferedRequest: null,
  18630. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  18631. pendingcb: 0,
  18632. prefinished: false,
  18633. errorEmitted: false,
  18634. emitClose: false,
  18635. autoDestroy: false,
  18636. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  18637. corkedRequestsFree:
  18638. { next: null,
  18639. entry: null,
  18640. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  18641. writable: true,
  18642. allowHalfOpen: false,
  18643. _sockname: null,
  18644. _pendingData: null,
  18645. _pendingEncoding: '',
  18646. server: null,
  18647. _server: null,
  18648. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  18649. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  18650. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  18651. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  18652. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  18653. _internalId: 1,
  18654. _commands:
  18655. Denque {
  18656. _head: 0,
  18657. _tail: 0,
  18658. _capacityMask: 3,
  18659. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18660. _command: undefined,
  18661. _paused: false,
  18662. _paused_packets:
  18663. Denque {
  18664. _head: 0,
  18665. _tail: 0,
  18666. _capacityMask: 3,
  18667. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18668. _statements:
  18669. LRUCache {
  18670. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  18671. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  18672. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  18673. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  18674. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  18675. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  18676. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  18677. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  18678. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  18679. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18680. authorized: true,
  18681. sequenceId: 23,
  18682. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  18683. threadId: 1303,
  18684. _handshakePacket:
  18685. Handshake {
  18686. protocolVersion: 10,
  18687. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  18688. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18689. connectionId: 1303,
  18690. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  18691. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  18692. characterSet: 255,
  18693. statusFlags: 2 },
  18694. _fatalError: null,
  18695. _protocolError: null,
  18696. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  18697. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  18698. packetParser:
  18699. PacketParser {
  18700. buffer: [],
  18701. bufferLength: 0,
  18702. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  18703. headerLen: 0,
  18704. length: 5,
  18705. largePacketParts: [],
  18706. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  18707. onPacket: [Function],
  18708. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  18709. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  18710. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  18711. connectTimeout: null,
  18712. connectionId: 1303 },
  18713. state: 'IDLE' } },
  18714. data:
  18715. PooledResource {
  18716. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  18717. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  18718. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  18719. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  18720. obj:
  18721. Connection {
  18722. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  18723. _eventsCount: 1,
  18724. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18725. config:
  18726. ConnectionConfig {
  18727. isServer: undefined,
  18728. stream: undefined,
  18729. host: 'localhost',
  18730. port: 3306,
  18731. localAddress: undefined,
  18732. socketPath: undefined,
  18733. user: 'root',
  18734. password: 'abcd1234',
  18735. passwordSha1: undefined,
  18736. database: 'lbry',
  18737. connectTimeout: 10000,
  18738. insecureAuth: false,
  18739. supportBigNumbers: true,
  18740. bigNumberStrings: false,
  18741. decimalNumbers: false,
  18742. dateStrings: false,
  18743. debug: undefined,
  18744. trace: true,
  18745. stringifyObjects: false,
  18746. timezone: '+00:00',
  18747. queryFormat: undefined,
  18748. pool: undefined,
  18749. ssl: false,
  18750. multipleStatements: false,
  18751. rowsAsArray: false,
  18752. namedPlaceholders: false,
  18753. nestTables: undefined,
  18754. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  18755. maxPacketSize: 0,
  18756. charsetNumber: 224,
  18757. compress: false,
  18758. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  18759. clientFlags: 8582093,
  18760. connectAttributes: undefined,
  18761. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  18762. stream:
  18763. Socket {
  18764. connecting: false,
  18765. _hadError: false,
  18766. _handle:
  18767. TCP {
  18768. reading: true,
  18769. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  18770. onconnection: null,
  18771. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  18772. _parent: null,
  18773. _host: 'localhost',
  18774. _readableState:
  18775. ReadableState {
  18776. objectMode: false,
  18777. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18778. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  18779. length: 0,
  18780. pipes: null,
  18781. pipesCount: 0,
  18782. flowing: true,
  18783. ended: false,
  18784. endEmitted: false,
  18785. reading: true,
  18786. sync: false,
  18787. needReadable: true,
  18788. emittedReadable: false,
  18789. readableListening: false,
  18790. resumeScheduled: false,
  18791. emitClose: false,
  18792. autoDestroy: false,
  18793. destroyed: false,
  18794. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18795. awaitDrain: 0,
  18796. readingMore: false,
  18797. decoder: null,
  18798. encoding: null },
  18799. readable: true,
  18800. _events:
  18801. [Object: null prototype] {
  18802. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  18803. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  18804. data: [Function],
  18805. close: [Function] },
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  18807. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18808. _writableState:
  18809. WritableState {
  18810. objectMode: false,
  18811. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18812. finalCalled: false,
  18813. needDrain: false,
  18814. ending: false,
  18815. ended: false,
  18816. finished: false,
  18817. destroyed: false,
  18818. decodeStrings: false,
  18819. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18820. length: 0,
  18821. writing: false,
  18822. corked: 0,
  18823. sync: false,
  18824. bufferProcessing: false,
  18825. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  18827. writelen: 0,
  18828. bufferedRequest: null,
  18829. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  18830. pendingcb: 0,
  18831. prefinished: false,
  18832. errorEmitted: false,
  18833. emitClose: false,
  18834. autoDestroy: false,
  18835. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  18836. corkedRequestsFree:
  18837. { next: null,
  18838. entry: null,
  18839. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  18840. writable: true,
  18841. allowHalfOpen: false,
  18842. _sockname: null,
  18843. _pendingData: null,
  18844. _pendingEncoding: '',
  18845. server: null,
  18846. _server: null,
  18847. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  18848. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  18849. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  18850. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  18851. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  18852. _internalId: 2,
  18853. _commands:
  18854. Denque {
  18855. _head: 0,
  18856. _tail: 0,
  18857. _capacityMask: 3,
  18858. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18859. _command: undefined,
  18860. _paused: false,
  18861. _paused_packets:
  18862. Denque {
  18863. _head: 0,
  18864. _tail: 0,
  18865. _capacityMask: 3,
  18866. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  18867. _statements:
  18868. LRUCache {
  18869. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  18870. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  18871. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  18872. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  18873. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  18874. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  18875. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  18876. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  18877. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  18878. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18879. authorized: true,
  18880. sequenceId: 2,
  18881. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  18882. threadId: 1302,
  18883. _handshakePacket:
  18884. Handshake {
  18885. protocolVersion: 10,
  18886. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  18887. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  18888. connectionId: 1302,
  18889. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  18890. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  18891. characterSet: 255,
  18892. statusFlags: 2 },
  18893. _fatalError: null,
  18894. _protocolError: null,
  18895. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  18896. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  18897. packetParser:
  18898. PacketParser {
  18899. buffer: [],
  18900. bufferLength: 0,
  18901. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  18902. headerLen: 0,
  18903. length: 7,
  18904. largePacketParts: [],
  18905. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  18906. onPacket: [Function],
  18907. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  18908. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  18909. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  18910. connectTimeout: null,
  18911. connectionId: 1302 },
  18912. state: 'IDLE' } },
  18913. tail:
  18914. { prev:
  18915. { prev: null,
  18916. next: [Circular],
  18917. data:
  18918. PooledResource {
  18919. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  18920. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  18921. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  18922. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  18923. obj:
  18924. Connection {
  18925. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  18926. _eventsCount: 1,
  18927. _maxListeners: undefined,
  18928. config:
  18929. ConnectionConfig {
  18930. isServer: undefined,
  18931. stream: undefined,
  18932. host: 'localhost',
  18933. port: 3306,
  18934. localAddress: undefined,
  18935. socketPath: undefined,
  18936. user: 'root',
  18937. password: 'abcd1234',
  18938. passwordSha1: undefined,
  18939. database: 'lbry',
  18940. connectTimeout: 10000,
  18941. insecureAuth: false,
  18942. supportBigNumbers: true,
  18943. bigNumberStrings: false,
  18944. decimalNumbers: false,
  18945. dateStrings: false,
  18946. debug: undefined,
  18947. trace: true,
  18948. stringifyObjects: false,
  18949. timezone: '+00:00',
  18950. queryFormat: undefined,
  18951. pool: undefined,
  18952. ssl: false,
  18953. multipleStatements: false,
  18954. rowsAsArray: false,
  18955. namedPlaceholders: false,
  18956. nestTables: undefined,
  18957. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  18958. maxPacketSize: 0,
  18959. charsetNumber: 224,
  18960. compress: false,
  18961. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  18962. clientFlags: 8582093,
  18963. connectAttributes: undefined,
  18964. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  18965. stream:
  18966. Socket {
  18967. connecting: false,
  18968. _hadError: false,
  18969. _handle:
  18970. TCP {
  18971. reading: true,
  18972. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  18973. onconnection: null,
  18974. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  18975. _parent: null,
  18976. _host: 'localhost',
  18977. _readableState:
  18978. ReadableState {
  18979. objectMode: false,
  18980. highWaterMark: 16384,
  18981. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  18982. length: 0,
  18983. pipes: null,
  18984. pipesCount: 0,
  18985. flowing: true,
  18986. ended: false,
  18987. endEmitted: false,
  18988. reading: true,
  18989. sync: false,
  18990. needReadable: true,
  18991. emittedReadable: false,
  18992. readableListening: false,
  18993. resumeScheduled: false,
  18994. emitClose: false,
  18995. autoDestroy: false,
  18996. destroyed: false,
  18997. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  18998. awaitDrain: 0,
  18999. readingMore: false,
  19000. decoder: null,
  19001. encoding: null },
  19002. readable: true,
  19003. _events:
  19004. [Object: null prototype] {
  19005. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  19006. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  19007. data: [Function],
  19008. close: [Function] },
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  19010. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19011. _writableState:
  19012. WritableState {
  19013. objectMode: false,
  19014. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19015. finalCalled: false,
  19016. needDrain: false,
  19017. ending: false,
  19018. ended: false,
  19019. finished: false,
  19020. destroyed: false,
  19021. decodeStrings: false,
  19022. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19023. length: 0,
  19024. writing: false,
  19025. corked: 0,
  19026. sync: false,
  19027. bufferProcessing: false,
  19028. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  19030. writelen: 0,
  19031. bufferedRequest: null,
  19032. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  19033. pendingcb: 0,
  19034. prefinished: false,
  19035. errorEmitted: false,
  19036. emitClose: false,
  19037. autoDestroy: false,
  19038. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  19039. corkedRequestsFree:
  19040. { next: null,
  19041. entry: null,
  19042. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  19043. writable: true,
  19044. allowHalfOpen: false,
  19045. _sockname: null,
  19046. _pendingData: null,
  19047. _pendingEncoding: '',
  19048. server: null,
  19049. _server: null,
  19050. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  19051. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  19052. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  19053. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  19054. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  19055. _internalId: 2,
  19056. _commands:
  19057. Denque {
  19058. _head: 0,
  19059. _tail: 0,
  19060. _capacityMask: 3,
  19061. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19062. _command: undefined,
  19063. _paused: false,
  19064. _paused_packets:
  19065. Denque {
  19066. _head: 0,
  19067. _tail: 0,
  19068. _capacityMask: 3,
  19069. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19070. _statements:
  19071. LRUCache {
  19072. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  19073. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  19074. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  19075. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  19076. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  19077. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  19078. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  19079. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  19080. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  19081. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19082. authorized: true,
  19083. sequenceId: 2,
  19084. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  19085. threadId: 1302,
  19086. _handshakePacket:
  19087. Handshake {
  19088. protocolVersion: 10,
  19089. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  19090. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19091. connectionId: 1302,
  19092. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  19093. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  19094. characterSet: 255,
  19095. statusFlags: 2 },
  19096. _fatalError: null,
  19097. _protocolError: null,
  19098. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  19099. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  19100. packetParser:
  19101. PacketParser {
  19102. buffer: [],
  19103. bufferLength: 0,
  19104. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  19105. headerLen: 0,
  19106. length: 7,
  19107. largePacketParts: [],
  19108. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  19109. onPacket: [Function],
  19110. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  19111. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  19112. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  19113. connectTimeout: null,
  19114. connectionId: 1302 },
  19115. state: 'IDLE' } },
  19116. next: null,
  19117. data:
  19118. PooledResource {
  19119. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  19120. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  19121. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  19122. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  19123. obj:
  19124. Connection {
  19125. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  19126. _eventsCount: 1,
  19127. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19128. config:
  19129. ConnectionConfig {
  19130. isServer: undefined,
  19131. stream: undefined,
  19132. host: 'localhost',
  19133. port: 3306,
  19134. localAddress: undefined,
  19135. socketPath: undefined,
  19136. user: 'root',
  19137. password: 'abcd1234',
  19138. passwordSha1: undefined,
  19139. database: 'lbry',
  19140. connectTimeout: 10000,
  19141. insecureAuth: false,
  19142. supportBigNumbers: true,
  19143. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19144. decimalNumbers: false,
  19145. dateStrings: false,
  19146. debug: undefined,
  19147. trace: true,
  19148. stringifyObjects: false,
  19149. timezone: '+00:00',
  19150. queryFormat: undefined,
  19151. pool: undefined,
  19152. ssl: false,
  19153. multipleStatements: false,
  19154. rowsAsArray: false,
  19155. namedPlaceholders: false,
  19156. nestTables: undefined,
  19157. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  19158. maxPacketSize: 0,
  19159. charsetNumber: 224,
  19160. compress: false,
  19161. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  19162. clientFlags: 8582093,
  19163. connectAttributes: undefined,
  19164. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  19165. stream:
  19166. Socket {
  19167. connecting: false,
  19168. _hadError: false,
  19169. _handle:
  19170. TCP {
  19171. reading: true,
  19172. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  19173. onconnection: null,
  19174. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  19175. _parent: null,
  19176. _host: 'localhost',
  19177. _readableState:
  19178. ReadableState {
  19179. objectMode: false,
  19180. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19181. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  19182. length: 0,
  19183. pipes: null,
  19184. pipesCount: 0,
  19185. flowing: true,
  19186. ended: false,
  19187. endEmitted: false,
  19188. reading: true,
  19189. sync: false,
  19190. needReadable: true,
  19191. emittedReadable: false,
  19192. readableListening: false,
  19193. resumeScheduled: false,
  19194. emitClose: false,
  19195. autoDestroy: false,
  19196. destroyed: false,
  19197. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19198. awaitDrain: 0,
  19199. readingMore: false,
  19200. decoder: null,
  19201. encoding: null },
  19202. readable: true,
  19203. _events:
  19204. [Object: null prototype] {
  19205. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  19206. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  19207. data: [Function],
  19208. close: [Function] },
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  19210. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19211. _writableState:
  19212. WritableState {
  19213. objectMode: false,
  19214. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19215. finalCalled: false,
  19216. needDrain: false,
  19217. ending: false,
  19218. ended: false,
  19219. finished: false,
  19220. destroyed: false,
  19221. decodeStrings: false,
  19222. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19223. length: 0,
  19224. writing: false,
  19225. corked: 0,
  19226. sync: false,
  19227. bufferProcessing: false,
  19228. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  19230. writelen: 0,
  19231. bufferedRequest: null,
  19232. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  19233. pendingcb: 0,
  19234. prefinished: false,
  19235. errorEmitted: false,
  19236. emitClose: false,
  19237. autoDestroy: false,
  19238. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  19239. corkedRequestsFree:
  19240. { next: null,
  19241. entry: null,
  19242. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  19243. writable: true,
  19244. allowHalfOpen: false,
  19245. _sockname: null,
  19246. _pendingData: null,
  19247. _pendingEncoding: '',
  19248. server: null,
  19249. _server: null,
  19250. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  19251. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  19252. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  19253. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  19254. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  19255. _internalId: 1,
  19256. _commands:
  19257. Denque {
  19258. _head: 0,
  19259. _tail: 0,
  19260. _capacityMask: 3,
  19261. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19262. _command: undefined,
  19263. _paused: false,
  19264. _paused_packets:
  19265. Denque {
  19266. _head: 0,
  19267. _tail: 0,
  19268. _capacityMask: 3,
  19269. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19270. _statements:
  19271. LRUCache {
  19272. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  19273. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  19274. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  19275. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  19276. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  19277. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  19278. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  19279. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  19280. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  19281. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19282. authorized: true,
  19283. sequenceId: 23,
  19284. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  19285. threadId: 1303,
  19286. _handshakePacket:
  19287. Handshake {
  19288. protocolVersion: 10,
  19289. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  19290. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19291. connectionId: 1303,
  19292. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  19293. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  19294. characterSet: 255,
  19295. statusFlags: 2 },
  19296. _fatalError: null,
  19297. _protocolError: null,
  19298. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  19299. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  19300. packetParser:
  19301. PacketParser {
  19302. buffer: [],
  19303. bufferLength: 0,
  19304. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  19305. headerLen: 0,
  19306. length: 5,
  19307. largePacketParts: [],
  19308. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  19309. onPacket: [Function],
  19310. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  19311. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  19312. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  19313. connectTimeout: null,
  19314. connectionId: 1303 },
  19315. state: 'IDLE' } },
  19316. length: 2 } },
  19317. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  19318. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  19319. _validationOperations: Set {},
  19320. _allObjects:
  19321. Set {
  19322. PooledResource {
  19323. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  19324. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  19325. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  19326. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  19327. obj:
  19328. Connection {
  19329. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  19330. _eventsCount: 1,
  19331. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19332. config:
  19333. ConnectionConfig {
  19334. isServer: undefined,
  19335. stream: undefined,
  19336. host: 'localhost',
  19337. port: 3306,
  19338. localAddress: undefined,
  19339. socketPath: undefined,
  19340. user: 'root',
  19341. password: 'abcd1234',
  19342. passwordSha1: undefined,
  19343. database: 'lbry',
  19344. connectTimeout: 10000,
  19345. insecureAuth: false,
  19346. supportBigNumbers: true,
  19347. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19348. decimalNumbers: false,
  19349. dateStrings: false,
  19350. debug: undefined,
  19351. trace: true,
  19352. stringifyObjects: false,
  19353. timezone: '+00:00',
  19354. queryFormat: undefined,
  19355. pool: undefined,
  19356. ssl: false,
  19357. multipleStatements: false,
  19358. rowsAsArray: false,
  19359. namedPlaceholders: false,
  19360. nestTables: undefined,
  19361. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  19362. maxPacketSize: 0,
  19363. charsetNumber: 224,
  19364. compress: false,
  19365. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  19366. clientFlags: 8582093,
  19367. connectAttributes: undefined,
  19368. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  19369. stream:
  19370. Socket {
  19371. connecting: false,
  19372. _hadError: false,
  19373. _handle:
  19374. TCP {
  19375. reading: true,
  19376. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  19377. onconnection: null,
  19378. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  19379. _parent: null,
  19380. _host: 'localhost',
  19381. _readableState:
  19382. ReadableState {
  19383. objectMode: false,
  19384. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19385. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  19386. length: 0,
  19387. pipes: null,
  19388. pipesCount: 0,
  19389. flowing: true,
  19390. ended: false,
  19391. endEmitted: false,
  19392. reading: true,
  19393. sync: false,
  19394. needReadable: true,
  19395. emittedReadable: false,
  19396. readableListening: false,
  19397. resumeScheduled: false,
  19398. emitClose: false,
  19399. autoDestroy: false,
  19400. destroyed: false,
  19401. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19402. awaitDrain: 0,
  19403. readingMore: false,
  19404. decoder: null,
  19405. encoding: null },
  19406. readable: true,
  19407. _events:
  19408. [Object: null prototype] {
  19409. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  19410. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  19411. data: [Function],
  19412. close: [Function] },
  19413. _eventsCount: 4,
  19414. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19415. _writableState:
  19416. WritableState {
  19417. objectMode: false,
  19418. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19419. finalCalled: false,
  19420. needDrain: false,
  19421. ending: false,
  19422. ended: false,
  19423. finished: false,
  19424. destroyed: false,
  19425. decodeStrings: false,
  19426. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19427. length: 0,
  19428. writing: false,
  19429. corked: 0,
  19430. sync: false,
  19431. bufferProcessing: false,
  19432. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  19433. writecb: null,
  19434. writelen: 0,
  19435. bufferedRequest: null,
  19436. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  19437. pendingcb: 0,
  19438. prefinished: false,
  19439. errorEmitted: false,
  19440. emitClose: false,
  19441. autoDestroy: false,
  19442. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  19443. corkedRequestsFree:
  19444. { next: null,
  19445. entry: null,
  19446. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  19447. writable: true,
  19448. allowHalfOpen: false,
  19449. _sockname: null,
  19450. _pendingData: null,
  19451. _pendingEncoding: '',
  19452. server: null,
  19453. _server: null,
  19454. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  19455. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  19456. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  19457. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  19458. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  19459. _internalId: 2,
  19460. _commands:
  19461. Denque {
  19462. _head: 0,
  19463. _tail: 0,
  19464. _capacityMask: 3,
  19465. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19466. _command: undefined,
  19467. _paused: false,
  19468. _paused_packets:
  19469. Denque {
  19470. _head: 0,
  19471. _tail: 0,
  19472. _capacityMask: 3,
  19473. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19474. _statements:
  19475. LRUCache {
  19476. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  19477. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  19478. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  19479. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  19480. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  19481. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  19482. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  19483. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  19484. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  19485. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19486. authorized: true,
  19487. sequenceId: 2,
  19488. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  19489. threadId: 1302,
  19490. _handshakePacket:
  19491. Handshake {
  19492. protocolVersion: 10,
  19493. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  19494. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19495. connectionId: 1302,
  19496. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  19497. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  19498. characterSet: 255,
  19499. statusFlags: 2 },
  19500. _fatalError: null,
  19501. _protocolError: null,
  19502. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  19503. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  19504. packetParser:
  19505. PacketParser {
  19506. buffer: [],
  19507. bufferLength: 0,
  19508. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  19509. headerLen: 0,
  19510. length: 7,
  19511. largePacketParts: [],
  19512. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  19513. onPacket: [Function],
  19514. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  19515. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  19516. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  19517. connectTimeout: null,
  19518. connectionId: 1302 },
  19519. state: 'IDLE' },
  19520. PooledResource {
  19521. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  19522. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  19523. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  19524. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  19525. obj:
  19526. Connection {
  19527. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  19528. _eventsCount: 1,
  19529. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19530. config:
  19531. ConnectionConfig {
  19532. isServer: undefined,
  19533. stream: undefined,
  19534. host: 'localhost',
  19535. port: 3306,
  19536. localAddress: undefined,
  19537. socketPath: undefined,
  19538. user: 'root',
  19539. password: 'abcd1234',
  19540. passwordSha1: undefined,
  19541. database: 'lbry',
  19542. connectTimeout: 10000,
  19543. insecureAuth: false,
  19544. supportBigNumbers: true,
  19545. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19546. decimalNumbers: false,
  19547. dateStrings: false,
  19548. debug: undefined,
  19549. trace: true,
  19550. stringifyObjects: false,
  19551. timezone: '+00:00',
  19552. queryFormat: undefined,
  19553. pool: undefined,
  19554. ssl: false,
  19555. multipleStatements: false,
  19556. rowsAsArray: false,
  19557. namedPlaceholders: false,
  19558. nestTables: undefined,
  19559. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  19560. maxPacketSize: 0,
  19561. charsetNumber: 224,
  19562. compress: false,
  19563. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  19564. clientFlags: 8582093,
  19565. connectAttributes: undefined,
  19566. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  19567. stream:
  19568. Socket {
  19569. connecting: false,
  19570. _hadError: false,
  19571. _handle:
  19572. TCP {
  19573. reading: true,
  19574. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  19575. onconnection: null,
  19576. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  19577. _parent: null,
  19578. _host: 'localhost',
  19579. _readableState:
  19580. ReadableState {
  19581. objectMode: false,
  19582. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19583. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  19584. length: 0,
  19585. pipes: null,
  19586. pipesCount: 0,
  19587. flowing: true,
  19588. ended: false,
  19589. endEmitted: false,
  19590. reading: true,
  19591. sync: false,
  19592. needReadable: true,
  19593. emittedReadable: false,
  19594. readableListening: false,
  19595. resumeScheduled: false,
  19596. emitClose: false,
  19597. autoDestroy: false,
  19598. destroyed: false,
  19599. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19600. awaitDrain: 0,
  19601. readingMore: false,
  19602. decoder: null,
  19603. encoding: null },
  19604. readable: true,
  19605. _events:
  19606. [Object: null prototype] {
  19607. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  19608. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  19609. data: [Function],
  19610. close: [Function] },
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  19612. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19613. _writableState:
  19614. WritableState {
  19615. objectMode: false,
  19616. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19617. finalCalled: false,
  19618. needDrain: false,
  19619. ending: false,
  19620. ended: false,
  19621. finished: false,
  19622. destroyed: false,
  19623. decodeStrings: false,
  19624. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19625. length: 0,
  19626. writing: false,
  19627. corked: 0,
  19628. sync: false,
  19629. bufferProcessing: false,
  19630. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  19631. writecb: null,
  19632. writelen: 0,
  19633. bufferedRequest: null,
  19634. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  19635. pendingcb: 0,
  19636. prefinished: false,
  19637. errorEmitted: false,
  19638. emitClose: false,
  19639. autoDestroy: false,
  19640. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  19641. corkedRequestsFree:
  19642. { next: null,
  19643. entry: null,
  19644. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  19645. writable: true,
  19646. allowHalfOpen: false,
  19647. _sockname: null,
  19648. _pendingData: null,
  19649. _pendingEncoding: '',
  19650. server: null,
  19651. _server: null,
  19652. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  19653. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  19654. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  19655. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  19656. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  19657. _internalId: 1,
  19658. _commands:
  19659. Denque {
  19660. _head: 0,
  19661. _tail: 0,
  19662. _capacityMask: 3,
  19663. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19664. _command: undefined,
  19665. _paused: false,
  19666. _paused_packets:
  19667. Denque {
  19668. _head: 0,
  19669. _tail: 0,
  19670. _capacityMask: 3,
  19671. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19672. _statements:
  19673. LRUCache {
  19674. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  19675. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  19676. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  19677. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  19678. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  19679. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  19680. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  19681. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  19682. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  19683. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19684. authorized: true,
  19685. sequenceId: 23,
  19686. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  19687. threadId: 1303,
  19688. _handshakePacket:
  19689. Handshake {
  19690. protocolVersion: 10,
  19691. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  19692. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19693. connectionId: 1303,
  19694. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  19695. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  19696. characterSet: 255,
  19697. statusFlags: 2 },
  19698. _fatalError: null,
  19699. _protocolError: null,
  19700. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  19701. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  19702. packetParser:
  19703. PacketParser {
  19704. buffer: [],
  19705. bufferLength: 0,
  19706. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  19707. headerLen: 0,
  19708. length: 5,
  19709. largePacketParts: [],
  19710. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  19711. onPacket: [Function],
  19712. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  19713. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  19714. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  19715. connectTimeout: null,
  19716. connectionId: 1303 },
  19717. state: 'IDLE' } },
  19718. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  19719. _evictionIterator:
  19720. DequeIterator {
  19721. _list:
  19722. DoublyLinkedList {
  19723. head:
  19724. { prev: null,
  19725. next:
  19726. { prev: [Circular],
  19727. next: null,
  19728. data:
  19729. PooledResource {
  19730. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  19731. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  19732. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  19733. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  19734. obj:
  19735. Connection {
  19736. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  19737. _eventsCount: 1,
  19738. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19739. config:
  19740. ConnectionConfig {
  19741. isServer: undefined,
  19742. stream: undefined,
  19743. host: 'localhost',
  19744. port: 3306,
  19745. localAddress: undefined,
  19746. socketPath: undefined,
  19747. user: 'root',
  19748. password: 'abcd1234',
  19749. passwordSha1: undefined,
  19750. database: 'lbry',
  19751. connectTimeout: 10000,
  19752. insecureAuth: false,
  19753. supportBigNumbers: true,
  19754. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19755. decimalNumbers: false,
  19756. dateStrings: false,
  19757. debug: undefined,
  19758. trace: true,
  19759. stringifyObjects: false,
  19760. timezone: '+00:00',
  19761. queryFormat: undefined,
  19762. pool: undefined,
  19763. ssl: false,
  19764. multipleStatements: false,
  19765. rowsAsArray: false,
  19766. namedPlaceholders: false,
  19767. nestTables: undefined,
  19768. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  19769. maxPacketSize: 0,
  19770. charsetNumber: 224,
  19771. compress: false,
  19772. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  19773. clientFlags: 8582093,
  19774. connectAttributes: undefined,
  19775. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  19776. stream:
  19777. Socket {
  19778. connecting: false,
  19779. _hadError: false,
  19780. _handle:
  19781. TCP {
  19782. reading: true,
  19783. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  19784. onconnection: null,
  19785. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  19786. _parent: null,
  19787. _host: 'localhost',
  19788. _readableState:
  19789. ReadableState {
  19790. objectMode: false,
  19791. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19792. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  19793. length: 0,
  19794. pipes: null,
  19795. pipesCount: 0,
  19796. flowing: true,
  19797. ended: false,
  19798. endEmitted: false,
  19799. reading: true,
  19800. sync: false,
  19801. needReadable: true,
  19802. emittedReadable: false,
  19803. readableListening: false,
  19804. resumeScheduled: false,
  19805. emitClose: false,
  19806. autoDestroy: false,
  19807. destroyed: false,
  19808. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19809. awaitDrain: 0,
  19810. readingMore: false,
  19811. decoder: null,
  19812. encoding: null },
  19813. readable: true,
  19814. _events:
  19815. [Object: null prototype] {
  19816. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  19817. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  19818. data: [Function],
  19819. close: [Function] },
  19820. _eventsCount: 4,
  19821. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19822. _writableState:
  19823. WritableState {
  19824. objectMode: false,
  19825. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19826. finalCalled: false,
  19827. needDrain: false,
  19828. ending: false,
  19829. ended: false,
  19830. finished: false,
  19831. destroyed: false,
  19832. decodeStrings: false,
  19833. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  19834. length: 0,
  19835. writing: false,
  19836. corked: 0,
  19837. sync: false,
  19838. bufferProcessing: false,
  19839. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  19840. writecb: null,
  19841. writelen: 0,
  19842. bufferedRequest: null,
  19843. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  19844. pendingcb: 0,
  19845. prefinished: false,
  19846. errorEmitted: false,
  19847. emitClose: false,
  19848. autoDestroy: false,
  19849. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  19850. corkedRequestsFree:
  19851. { next: null,
  19852. entry: null,
  19853. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  19854. writable: true,
  19855. allowHalfOpen: false,
  19856. _sockname: null,
  19857. _pendingData: null,
  19858. _pendingEncoding: '',
  19859. server: null,
  19860. _server: null,
  19861. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  19862. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  19863. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  19864. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  19865. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  19866. _internalId: 1,
  19867. _commands:
  19868. Denque {
  19869. _head: 0,
  19870. _tail: 0,
  19871. _capacityMask: 3,
  19872. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19873. _command: undefined,
  19874. _paused: false,
  19875. _paused_packets:
  19876. Denque {
  19877. _head: 0,
  19878. _tail: 0,
  19879. _capacityMask: 3,
  19880. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  19881. _statements:
  19882. LRUCache {
  19883. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  19884. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  19885. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  19886. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  19887. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  19888. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  19889. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  19890. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  19891. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  19892. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19893. authorized: true,
  19894. sequenceId: 23,
  19895. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  19896. threadId: 1303,
  19897. _handshakePacket:
  19898. Handshake {
  19899. protocolVersion: 10,
  19900. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  19901. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  19902. connectionId: 1303,
  19903. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  19904. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  19905. characterSet: 255,
  19906. statusFlags: 2 },
  19907. _fatalError: null,
  19908. _protocolError: null,
  19909. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  19910. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  19911. packetParser:
  19912. PacketParser {
  19913. buffer: [],
  19914. bufferLength: 0,
  19915. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  19916. headerLen: 0,
  19917. length: 5,
  19918. largePacketParts: [],
  19919. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  19920. onPacket: [Function],
  19921. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  19922. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  19923. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  19924. connectTimeout: null,
  19925. connectionId: 1303 },
  19926. state: 'IDLE' } },
  19927. data:
  19928. PooledResource {
  19929. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  19930. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  19931. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  19932. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  19933. obj:
  19934. Connection {
  19935. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  19936. _eventsCount: 1,
  19937. _maxListeners: undefined,
  19938. config:
  19939. ConnectionConfig {
  19940. isServer: undefined,
  19941. stream: undefined,
  19942. host: 'localhost',
  19943. port: 3306,
  19944. localAddress: undefined,
  19945. socketPath: undefined,
  19946. user: 'root',
  19947. password: 'abcd1234',
  19948. passwordSha1: undefined,
  19949. database: 'lbry',
  19950. connectTimeout: 10000,
  19951. insecureAuth: false,
  19952. supportBigNumbers: true,
  19953. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19954. decimalNumbers: false,
  19955. dateStrings: false,
  19956. debug: undefined,
  19957. trace: true,
  19958. stringifyObjects: false,
  19959. timezone: '+00:00',
  19960. queryFormat: undefined,
  19961. pool: undefined,
  19962. ssl: false,
  19963. multipleStatements: false,
  19964. rowsAsArray: false,
  19965. namedPlaceholders: false,
  19966. nestTables: undefined,
  19967. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  19968. maxPacketSize: 0,
  19969. charsetNumber: 224,
  19970. compress: false,
  19971. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  19972. clientFlags: 8582093,
  19973. connectAttributes: undefined,
  19974. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  19975. stream:
  19976. Socket {
  19977. connecting: false,
  19978. _hadError: false,
  19979. _handle:
  19980. TCP {
  19981. reading: true,
  19982. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  19983. onconnection: null,
  19984. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  19985. _parent: null,
  19986. _host: 'localhost',
  19987. _readableState:
  19988. ReadableState {
  19989. objectMode: false,
  19990. highWaterMark: 16384,
  19991. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  19992. length: 0,
  19993. pipes: null,
  19994. pipesCount: 0,
  19995. flowing: true,
  19996. ended: false,
  19997. endEmitted: false,
  19998. reading: true,
  19999. sync: false,
  20000. needReadable: true,
  20001. emittedReadable: false,
  20002. readableListening: false,
  20003. resumeScheduled: false,
  20004. emitClose: false,
  20005. autoDestroy: false,
  20006. destroyed: false,
  20007. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20008. awaitDrain: 0,
  20009. readingMore: false,
  20010. decoder: null,
  20011. encoding: null },
  20012. readable: true,
  20013. _events:
  20014. [Object: null prototype] {
  20015. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  20016. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  20017. data: [Function],
  20018. close: [Function] },
  20019. _eventsCount: 4,
  20020. _maxListeners: undefined,
  20021. _writableState:
  20022. WritableState {
  20023. objectMode: false,
  20024. highWaterMark: 16384,
  20025. finalCalled: false,
  20026. needDrain: false,
  20027. ending: false,
  20028. ended: false,
  20029. finished: false,
  20030. destroyed: false,
  20031. decodeStrings: false,
  20032. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20033. length: 0,
  20034. writing: false,
  20035. corked: 0,
  20036. sync: false,
  20037. bufferProcessing: false,
  20038. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  20039. writecb: null,
  20040. writelen: 0,
  20041. bufferedRequest: null,
  20042. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  20043. pendingcb: 0,
  20044. prefinished: false,
  20045. errorEmitted: false,
  20046. emitClose: false,
  20047. autoDestroy: false,
  20048. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  20049. corkedRequestsFree:
  20050. { next: null,
  20051. entry: null,
  20052. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  20053. writable: true,
  20054. allowHalfOpen: false,
  20055. _sockname: null,
  20056. _pendingData: null,
  20057. _pendingEncoding: '',
  20058. server: null,
  20059. _server: null,
  20060. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  20061. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  20062. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  20063. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  20064. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  20065. _internalId: 2,
  20066. _commands:
  20067. Denque {
  20068. _head: 0,
  20069. _tail: 0,
  20070. _capacityMask: 3,
  20071. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20072. _command: undefined,
  20073. _paused: false,
  20074. _paused_packets:
  20075. Denque {
  20076. _head: 0,
  20077. _tail: 0,
  20078. _capacityMask: 3,
  20079. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20080. _statements:
  20081. LRUCache {
  20082. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  20083. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  20084. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  20085. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  20086. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  20087. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  20088. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  20089. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  20090. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  20091. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20092. authorized: true,
  20093. sequenceId: 2,
  20094. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  20095. threadId: 1302,
  20096. _handshakePacket:
  20097. Handshake {
  20098. protocolVersion: 10,
  20099. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  20100. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20101. connectionId: 1302,
  20102. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  20103. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  20104. characterSet: 255,
  20105. statusFlags: 2 },
  20106. _fatalError: null,
  20107. _protocolError: null,
  20108. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  20109. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  20110. packetParser:
  20111. PacketParser {
  20112. buffer: [],
  20113. bufferLength: 0,
  20114. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  20115. headerLen: 0,
  20116. length: 7,
  20117. largePacketParts: [],
  20118. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  20119. onPacket: [Function],
  20120. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  20121. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  20122. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  20123. connectTimeout: null,
  20124. connectionId: 1302 },
  20125. state: 'IDLE' } },
  20126. tail:
  20127. { prev:
  20128. { prev: null,
  20129. next: [Circular],
  20130. data:
  20131. PooledResource {
  20132. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  20133. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  20134. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  20135. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  20136. obj:
  20137. Connection {
  20138. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  20139. _eventsCount: 1,
  20140. _maxListeners: undefined,
  20141. config:
  20142. ConnectionConfig {
  20143. isServer: undefined,
  20144. stream: undefined,
  20145. host: 'localhost',
  20146. port: 3306,
  20147. localAddress: undefined,
  20148. socketPath: undefined,
  20149. user: 'root',
  20150. password: 'abcd1234',
  20151. passwordSha1: undefined,
  20152. database: 'lbry',
  20153. connectTimeout: 10000,
  20154. insecureAuth: false,
  20155. supportBigNumbers: true,
  20156. bigNumberStrings: false,
  20157. decimalNumbers: false,
  20158. dateStrings: false,
  20159. debug: undefined,
  20160. trace: true,
  20161. stringifyObjects: false,
  20162. timezone: '+00:00',
  20163. queryFormat: undefined,
  20164. pool: undefined,
  20165. ssl: false,
  20166. multipleStatements: false,
  20167. rowsAsArray: false,
  20168. namedPlaceholders: false,
  20169. nestTables: undefined,
  20170. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  20171. maxPacketSize: 0,
  20172. charsetNumber: 224,
  20173. compress: false,
  20174. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  20175. clientFlags: 8582093,
  20176. connectAttributes: undefined,
  20177. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  20178. stream:
  20179. Socket {
  20180. connecting: false,
  20181. _hadError: false,
  20182. _handle:
  20183. TCP {
  20184. reading: true,
  20185. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  20186. onconnection: null,
  20187. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  20188. _parent: null,
  20189. _host: 'localhost',
  20190. _readableState:
  20191. ReadableState {
  20192. objectMode: false,
  20193. highWaterMark: 16384,
  20194. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  20195. length: 0,
  20196. pipes: null,
  20197. pipesCount: 0,
  20198. flowing: true,
  20199. ended: false,
  20200. endEmitted: false,
  20201. reading: true,
  20202. sync: false,
  20203. needReadable: true,
  20204. emittedReadable: false,
  20205. readableListening: false,
  20206. resumeScheduled: false,
  20207. emitClose: false,
  20208. autoDestroy: false,
  20209. destroyed: false,
  20210. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20211. awaitDrain: 0,
  20212. readingMore: false,
  20213. decoder: null,
  20214. encoding: null },
  20215. readable: true,
  20216. _events:
  20217. [Object: null prototype] {
  20218. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  20219. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  20220. data: [Function],
  20221. close: [Function] },
  20222. _eventsCount: 4,
  20223. _maxListeners: undefined,
  20224. _writableState:
  20225. WritableState {
  20226. objectMode: false,
  20227. highWaterMark: 16384,
  20228. finalCalled: false,
  20229. needDrain: false,
  20230. ending: false,
  20231. ended: false,
  20232. finished: false,
  20233. destroyed: false,
  20234. decodeStrings: false,
  20235. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20236. length: 0,
  20237. writing: false,
  20238. corked: 0,
  20239. sync: false,
  20240. bufferProcessing: false,
  20241. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  20242. writecb: null,
  20243. writelen: 0,
  20244. bufferedRequest: null,
  20245. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  20246. pendingcb: 0,
  20247. prefinished: false,
  20248. errorEmitted: false,
  20249. emitClose: false,
  20250. autoDestroy: false,
  20251. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  20252. corkedRequestsFree:
  20253. { next: null,
  20254. entry: null,
  20255. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  20256. writable: true,
  20257. allowHalfOpen: false,
  20258. _sockname: null,
  20259. _pendingData: null,
  20260. _pendingEncoding: '',
  20261. server: null,
  20262. _server: null,
  20263. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  20264. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  20265. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  20266. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  20267. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  20268. _internalId: 2,
  20269. _commands:
  20270. Denque {
  20271. _head: 0,
  20272. _tail: 0,
  20273. _capacityMask: 3,
  20274. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20275. _command: undefined,
  20276. _paused: false,
  20277. _paused_packets:
  20278. Denque {
  20279. _head: 0,
  20280. _tail: 0,
  20281. _capacityMask: 3,
  20282. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20283. _statements:
  20284. LRUCache {
  20285. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  20286. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  20287. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  20288. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  20289. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  20290. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  20291. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  20292. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  20293. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  20294. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20295. authorized: true,
  20296. sequenceId: 2,
  20297. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  20298. threadId: 1302,
  20299. _handshakePacket:
  20300. Handshake {
  20301. protocolVersion: 10,
  20302. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  20303. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20304. connectionId: 1302,
  20305. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  20306. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  20307. characterSet: 255,
  20308. statusFlags: 2 },
  20309. _fatalError: null,
  20310. _protocolError: null,
  20311. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  20312. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  20313. packetParser:
  20314. PacketParser {
  20315. buffer: [],
  20316. bufferLength: 0,
  20317. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  20318. headerLen: 0,
  20319. length: 7,
  20320. largePacketParts: [],
  20321. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  20322. onPacket: [Function],
  20323. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  20324. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  20325. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  20326. connectTimeout: null,
  20327. connectionId: 1302 },
  20328. state: 'IDLE' } },
  20329. next: null,
  20330. data:
  20331. PooledResource {
  20332. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  20333. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  20334. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  20335. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  20336. obj:
  20337. Connection {
  20338. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  20339. _eventsCount: 1,
  20340. _maxListeners: undefined,
  20341. config:
  20342. ConnectionConfig {
  20343. isServer: undefined,
  20344. stream: undefined,
  20345. host: 'localhost',
  20346. port: 3306,
  20347. localAddress: undefined,
  20348. socketPath: undefined,
  20349. user: 'root',
  20350. password: 'abcd1234',
  20351. passwordSha1: undefined,
  20352. database: 'lbry',
  20353. connectTimeout: 10000,
  20354. insecureAuth: false,
  20355. supportBigNumbers: true,
  20356. bigNumberStrings: false,
  20357. decimalNumbers: false,
  20358. dateStrings: false,
  20359. debug: undefined,
  20360. trace: true,
  20361. stringifyObjects: false,
  20362. timezone: '+00:00',
  20363. queryFormat: undefined,
  20364. pool: undefined,
  20365. ssl: false,
  20366. multipleStatements: false,
  20367. rowsAsArray: false,
  20368. namedPlaceholders: false,
  20369. nestTables: undefined,
  20370. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  20371. maxPacketSize: 0,
  20372. charsetNumber: 224,
  20373. compress: false,
  20374. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  20375. clientFlags: 8582093,
  20376. connectAttributes: undefined,
  20377. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  20378. stream:
  20379. Socket {
  20380. connecting: false,
  20381. _hadError: false,
  20382. _handle:
  20383. TCP {
  20384. reading: true,
  20385. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  20386. onconnection: null,
  20387. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  20388. _parent: null,
  20389. _host: 'localhost',
  20390. _readableState:
  20391. ReadableState {
  20392. objectMode: false,
  20393. highWaterMark: 16384,
  20394. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  20395. length: 0,
  20396. pipes: null,
  20397. pipesCount: 0,
  20398. flowing: true,
  20399. ended: false,
  20400. endEmitted: false,
  20401. reading: true,
  20402. sync: false,
  20403. needReadable: true,
  20404. emittedReadable: false,
  20405. readableListening: false,
  20406. resumeScheduled: false,
  20407. emitClose: false,
  20408. autoDestroy: false,
  20409. destroyed: false,
  20410. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20411. awaitDrain: 0,
  20412. readingMore: false,
  20413. decoder: null,
  20414. encoding: null },
  20415. readable: true,
  20416. _events:
  20417. [Object: null prototype] {
  20418. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  20419. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  20420. data: [Function],
  20421. close: [Function] },
  20422. _eventsCount: 4,
  20423. _maxListeners: undefined,
  20424. _writableState:
  20425. WritableState {
  20426. objectMode: false,
  20427. highWaterMark: 16384,
  20428. finalCalled: false,
  20429. needDrain: false,
  20430. ending: false,
  20431. ended: false,
  20432. finished: false,
  20433. destroyed: false,
  20434. decodeStrings: false,
  20435. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  20436. length: 0,
  20437. writing: false,
  20438. corked: 0,
  20439. sync: false,
  20440. bufferProcessing: false,
  20441. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  20442. writecb: null,
  20443. writelen: 0,
  20444. bufferedRequest: null,
  20445. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  20446. pendingcb: 0,
  20447. prefinished: false,
  20448. errorEmitted: false,
  20449. emitClose: false,
  20450. autoDestroy: false,
  20451. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  20452. corkedRequestsFree:
  20453. { next: null,
  20454. entry: null,
  20455. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  20456. writable: true,
  20457. allowHalfOpen: false,
  20458. _sockname: null,
  20459. _pendingData: null,
  20460. _pendingEncoding: '',
  20461. server: null,
  20462. _server: null,
  20463. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  20464. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  20465. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  20466. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  20467. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  20468. _internalId: 1,
  20469. _commands:
  20470. Denque {
  20471. _head: 0,
  20472. _tail: 0,
  20473. _capacityMask: 3,
  20474. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20475. _command: undefined,
  20476. _paused: false,
  20477. _paused_packets:
  20478. Denque {
  20479. _head: 0,
  20480. _tail: 0,
  20481. _capacityMask: 3,
  20482. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  20483. _statements:
  20484. LRUCache {
  20485. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  20486. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  20487. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  20488. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  20489. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  20490. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  20491. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  20492. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  20493. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  20494. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20495. authorized: true,
  20496. sequenceId: 23,
  20497. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  20498. threadId: 1303,
  20499. _handshakePacket:
  20500. Handshake {
  20501. protocolVersion: 10,
  20502. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  20503. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  20504. connectionId: 1303,
  20505. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  20506. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  20507. characterSet: 255,
  20508. statusFlags: 2 },
  20509. _fatalError: null,
  20510. _protocolError: null,
  20511. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  20512. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  20513. packetParser:
  20514. PacketParser {
  20515. buffer: [],
  20516. bufferLength: 0,
  20517. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  20518. headerLen: 0,
  20519. length: 5,
  20520. largePacketParts: [],
  20521. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  20522. onPacket: [Function],
  20523. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  20524. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  20525. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  20526. connectTimeout: null,
  20527. connectionId: 1303 },
  20528. state: 'IDLE' } },
  20529. length: 2 },
  20530. _direction: 'next',
  20531. _startPosition: 'head',
  20532. _started: false,
  20533. _cursor: null,
  20534. _done: false },
  20535. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  20536. _scheduledEviction:
  20537. Timeout {
  20538. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  20539. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  20540. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  20541. _idleStart: 432,
  20542. _onTimeout: [Function],
  20543. _timerArgs: undefined,
  20544. _repeat: null,
  20545. _destroyed: false,
  20546. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  20547. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  20548. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  20549. lib:
  20550. { createConnection: [Function],
  20551. connect: [Function],
  20552. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  20553. createPool: [Function],
  20554. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  20555. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  20556. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  20557. createServer: [Function],
  20558. PoolConnection:
  20559. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  20560. escape: [Function: escape],
  20561. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  20562. format: [Function: format],
  20563. raw: [Function: raw],
  20564. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  20565. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  20566. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  20567. Types: [Getter],
  20568. Charsets: [Getter],
  20569. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  20570. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  20571. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  20572. QueryGenerator:
  20573. { dialect: 'mysql',
  20574. OperatorMap:
  20575. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  20576. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  20577. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  20578. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  20579. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  20580. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  20581. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  20582. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  20583. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  20584. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  20585. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  20586. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  20587. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  20588. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  20589. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  20590. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  20591. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  20592. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  20593. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  20594. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  20595. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  20596. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  20597. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  20598. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  20599. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  20600. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  20601. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  20602. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  20603. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  20604. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  20605. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  20606. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  20607. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  20608. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  20609. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  20610. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  20611. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  20612. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  20613. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  20614. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  20615. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  20616. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  20617. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  20618. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  20619. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  20620. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  20621. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  20622. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  20623. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  20624. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  20625. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  20626. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  20627. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  20628. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  20629. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  20630. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  20631. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  20632. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  20633. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  20634. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  20635. _templateSettings:
  20636. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  20637. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  20638. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  20639. variable: '',
  20640. imports:
  20641. { _:
  20642. { [Function: lodash]
  20643. templateSettings: [Circular],
  20644. after: [Function: after],
  20645. ary: [Function: ary],
  20646. assign: [Function],
  20647. assignIn: [Function],
  20648. assignInWith: [Function],
  20649. assignWith: [Function],
  20650. at: [Function],
  20651. before: [Function: before],
  20652. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20653. bindAll: [Function],
  20654. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20655. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  20656. chain: [Function: chain],
  20657. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  20658. compact: [Function: compact],
  20659. concat: [Function: concat],
  20660. cond: [Function: cond],
  20661. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  20662. constant: [Function: constant],
  20663. countBy: [Function],
  20664. create: [Function: create],
  20665. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20666. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20667. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  20668. defaults: [Function],
  20669. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  20670. defer: [Function],
  20671. delay: [Function],
  20672. difference: [Function],
  20673. differenceBy: [Function],
  20674. differenceWith: [Function],
  20675. drop: [Function: drop],
  20676. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  20677. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  20678. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  20679. fill: [Function: fill],
  20680. filter: [Function: filter],
  20681. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  20682. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  20683. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  20684. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  20685. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  20686. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  20687. flip: [Function: flip],
  20688. flow: [Function],
  20689. flowRight: [Function],
  20690. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  20691. functions: [Function: functions],
  20692. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  20693. groupBy: [Function],
  20694. initial: [Function: initial],
  20695. intersection: [Function],
  20696. intersectionBy: [Function],
  20697. intersectionWith: [Function],
  20698. invert: [Function],
  20699. invertBy: [Function],
  20700. invokeMap: [Function],
  20701. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  20702. keyBy: [Function],
  20703. keys: [Function: keys],
  20704. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  20705. map: [Function: map],
  20706. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  20707. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  20708. matches: [Function: matches],
  20709. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  20710. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  20711. merge: [Function],
  20712. mergeWith: [Function],
  20713. method: [Function],
  20714. methodOf: [Function],
  20715. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  20716. negate: [Function: negate],
  20717. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  20718. omit: [Function],
  20719. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  20720. once: [Function: once],
  20721. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  20722. over: [Function],
  20723. overArgs: [Function],
  20724. overEvery: [Function],
  20725. overSome: [Function],
  20726. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20727. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  20728. partition: [Function],
  20729. pick: [Function],
  20730. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  20731. property: [Function: property],
  20732. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  20733. pull: [Function],
  20734. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  20735. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  20736. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  20737. pullAt: [Function],
  20738. range: [Function],
  20739. rangeRight: [Function],
  20740. rearg: [Function],
  20741. reject: [Function: reject],
  20742. remove: [Function: remove],
  20743. rest: [Function: rest],
  20744. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  20745. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  20746. set: [Function: set],
  20747. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  20748. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  20749. slice: [Function: slice],
  20750. sortBy: [Function],
  20751. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  20752. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  20753. split: [Function: split],
  20754. spread: [Function: spread],
  20755. tail: [Function: tail],
  20756. take: [Function: take],
  20757. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  20758. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  20759. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  20760. tap: [Function: tap],
  20761. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  20762. thru: [Function: thru],
  20763. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  20764. toPairs: [Function],
  20765. toPairsIn: [Function],
  20766. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  20767. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  20768. transform: [Function: transform],
  20769. unary: [Function: unary],
  20770. union: [Function],
  20771. unionBy: [Function],
  20772. unionWith: [Function],
  20773. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  20774. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  20775. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  20776. unset: [Function: unset],
  20777. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  20778. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  20779. update: [Function: update],
  20780. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  20781. values: [Function: values],
  20782. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  20783. without: [Function],
  20784. words: [Function: words],
  20785. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  20786. xor: [Function],
  20787. xorBy: [Function],
  20788. xorWith: [Function],
  20789. zip: [Function],
  20790. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  20791. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  20792. zipWith: [Function],
  20793. entries: [Function],
  20794. entriesIn: [Function],
  20795. extend: [Function],
  20796. extendWith: [Function],
  20797. add: [Function],
  20798. attempt: [Function],
  20799. camelCase: [Function],
  20800. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  20801. ceil: [Function],
  20802. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  20803. clone: [Function: clone],
  20804. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  20805. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  20806. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  20807. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  20808. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  20809. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  20810. divide: [Function],
  20811. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  20812. eq: [Function: eq],
  20813. escape: [Function: escape],
  20814. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  20815. every: [Function: every],
  20816. find: [Function],
  20817. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  20818. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  20819. findLast: [Function],
  20820. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  20821. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  20822. floor: [Function],
  20823. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  20824. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  20825. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  20826. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  20827. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  20828. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  20829. get: [Function: get],
  20830. gt: [Function],
  20831. gte: [Function],
  20832. has: [Function: has],
  20833. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  20834. head: [Function: head],
  20835. identity: [Function: identity],
  20836. includes: [Function: includes],
  20837. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  20838. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  20839. invoke: [Function],
  20840. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  20841. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  20842. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  20843. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  20844. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  20845. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  20846. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  20847. isDate: [Function],
  20848. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  20849. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  20850. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  20851. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  20852. isError: [Function: isError],
  20853. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  20854. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  20855. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  20856. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  20857. isMap: [Function],
  20858. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  20859. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  20860. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  20861. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  20862. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  20863. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  20864. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  20865. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  20866. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  20867. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  20868. isRegExp: [Function],
  20869. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  20870. isSet: [Function],
  20871. isString: [Function: isString],
  20872. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  20873. isTypedArray: [Function],
  20874. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  20875. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  20876. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  20877. join: [Function: join],
  20878. kebabCase: [Function],
  20879. last: [Function: last],
  20880. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  20881. lowerCase: [Function],
  20882. lowerFirst: [Function],
  20883. lt: [Function],
  20884. lte: [Function],
  20885. max: [Function: max],
  20886. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  20887. mean: [Function: mean],
  20888. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  20889. min: [Function: min],
  20890. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  20891. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  20892. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  20893. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  20894. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  20895. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  20896. multiply: [Function],
  20897. nth: [Function: nth],
  20898. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  20899. noop: [Function: noop],
  20900. now: [Function],
  20901. pad: [Function: pad],
  20902. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  20903. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  20904. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  20905. random: [Function: random],
  20906. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  20907. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  20908. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  20909. replace: [Function: replace],
  20910. result: [Function: result],
  20911. round: [Function],
  20912. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  20913. sample: [Function: sample],
  20914. size: [Function: size],
  20915. snakeCase: [Function],
  20916. some: [Function: some],
  20917. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  20918. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  20919. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  20920. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  20921. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  20922. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  20923. startCase: [Function],
  20924. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  20925. subtract: [Function],
  20926. sum: [Function: sum],
  20927. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  20928. template: [Function: template],
  20929. times: [Function: times],
  20930. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  20931. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  20932. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  20933. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  20934. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  20935. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  20936. toString: [Function: toString],
  20937. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  20938. trim: [Function: trim],
  20939. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  20940. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  20941. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  20942. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  20943. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  20944. upperCase: [Function],
  20945. upperFirst: [Function],
  20946. each: [Function: forEach],
  20947. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  20948. first: [Function: head],
  20949. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  20950. options:
  20951. { dialect: 'mysql',
  20952. dialectModulePath: null,
  20953. host: 'localhost',
  20954. protocol: 'tcp',
  20955. define: {},
  20956. query: {},
  20957. sync: {},
  20958. timezone: '+00:00',
  20959. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  20960. omitNull: false,
  20961. native: false,
  20962. replication: false,
  20963. ssl: undefined,
  20964. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  20965. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  20966. hooks: {},
  20967. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  20968. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  20969. isolationLevel: null,
  20970. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  20971. typeValidation: false,
  20972. benchmark: false,
  20973. operatorsAliases: false },
  20974. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  20975. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  20976. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  20977. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  20978. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  20979. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  20980. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  20981. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  20982. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  20983. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  20984. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  20985. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  20986. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  20987. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  20988. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  20989. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  20990. quote: [Function: quote],
  20991. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  20992. escape: [Function: escape],
  20993. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  20994. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  20995. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  20996. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  20997. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  20998. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  20999. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  21000. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  21001. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  21002. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  21003. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  21004. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  21005. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  21006. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  21007. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  21008. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  21009. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  21010. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  21011. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  21012. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  21013. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  21014. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  21015. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  21016. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  21017. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  21018. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  21019. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  21020. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  21021. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  21022. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  21023. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  21024. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  21025. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  21026. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  21027. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  21028. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  21029. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  21030. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  21031. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  21032. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  21033. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  21034. _dialect: [Circular],
  21035. sequelize: [Circular],
  21036. typeValidation: undefined } },
  21037. queryInterface:
  21038. QueryInterface {
  21039. sequelize: [Circular],
  21040. QueryGenerator:
  21041. { dialect: 'mysql',
  21042. OperatorMap:
  21043. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  21044. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  21045. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  21046. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  21047. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  21048. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  21049. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  21050. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  21051. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  21052. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  21053. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  21054. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  21055. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  21056. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  21057. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  21058. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  21059. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  21060. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  21061. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  21062. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  21063. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  21064. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  21065. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  21066. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  21067. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  21068. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  21069. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  21070. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  21071. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  21072. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  21073. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  21074. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  21075. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  21076. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  21077. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  21078. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  21079. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  21080. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  21081. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  21082. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  21083. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  21084. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  21085. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  21086. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  21087. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  21088. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  21089. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  21090. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  21091. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  21092. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  21093. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  21094. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  21095. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  21096. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  21097. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  21098. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  21099. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  21100. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  21101. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  21102. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  21103. _templateSettings:
  21104. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  21105. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  21106. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  21107. variable: '',
  21108. imports:
  21109. { _:
  21110. { [Function: lodash]
  21111. templateSettings: [Circular],
  21112. after: [Function: after],
  21113. ary: [Function: ary],
  21114. assign: [Function],
  21115. assignIn: [Function],
  21116. assignInWith: [Function],
  21117. assignWith: [Function],
  21118. at: [Function],
  21119. before: [Function: before],
  21120. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21121. bindAll: [Function],
  21122. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21123. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  21124. chain: [Function: chain],
  21125. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  21126. compact: [Function: compact],
  21127. concat: [Function: concat],
  21128. cond: [Function: cond],
  21129. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  21130. constant: [Function: constant],
  21131. countBy: [Function],
  21132. create: [Function: create],
  21133. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21134. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21135. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  21136. defaults: [Function],
  21137. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  21138. defer: [Function],
  21139. delay: [Function],
  21140. difference: [Function],
  21141. differenceBy: [Function],
  21142. differenceWith: [Function],
  21143. drop: [Function: drop],
  21144. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  21145. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  21146. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  21147. fill: [Function: fill],
  21148. filter: [Function: filter],
  21149. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  21150. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  21151. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  21152. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  21153. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  21154. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  21155. flip: [Function: flip],
  21156. flow: [Function],
  21157. flowRight: [Function],
  21158. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  21159. functions: [Function: functions],
  21160. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  21161. groupBy: [Function],
  21162. initial: [Function: initial],
  21163. intersection: [Function],
  21164. intersectionBy: [Function],
  21165. intersectionWith: [Function],
  21166. invert: [Function],
  21167. invertBy: [Function],
  21168. invokeMap: [Function],
  21169. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  21170. keyBy: [Function],
  21171. keys: [Function: keys],
  21172. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  21173. map: [Function: map],
  21174. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  21175. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  21176. matches: [Function: matches],
  21177. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  21178. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  21179. merge: [Function],
  21180. mergeWith: [Function],
  21181. method: [Function],
  21182. methodOf: [Function],
  21183. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  21184. negate: [Function: negate],
  21185. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  21186. omit: [Function],
  21187. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  21188. once: [Function: once],
  21189. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  21190. over: [Function],
  21191. overArgs: [Function],
  21192. overEvery: [Function],
  21193. overSome: [Function],
  21194. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21195. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  21196. partition: [Function],
  21197. pick: [Function],
  21198. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  21199. property: [Function: property],
  21200. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  21201. pull: [Function],
  21202. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  21203. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  21204. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  21205. pullAt: [Function],
  21206. range: [Function],
  21207. rangeRight: [Function],
  21208. rearg: [Function],
  21209. reject: [Function: reject],
  21210. remove: [Function: remove],
  21211. rest: [Function: rest],
  21212. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  21213. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  21214. set: [Function: set],
  21215. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  21216. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  21217. slice: [Function: slice],
  21218. sortBy: [Function],
  21219. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  21220. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  21221. split: [Function: split],
  21222. spread: [Function: spread],
  21223. tail: [Function: tail],
  21224. take: [Function: take],
  21225. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  21226. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  21227. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  21228. tap: [Function: tap],
  21229. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  21230. thru: [Function: thru],
  21231. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  21232. toPairs: [Function],
  21233. toPairsIn: [Function],
  21234. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  21235. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  21236. transform: [Function: transform],
  21237. unary: [Function: unary],
  21238. union: [Function],
  21239. unionBy: [Function],
  21240. unionWith: [Function],
  21241. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  21242. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  21243. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  21244. unset: [Function: unset],
  21245. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  21246. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  21247. update: [Function: update],
  21248. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  21249. values: [Function: values],
  21250. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  21251. without: [Function],
  21252. words: [Function: words],
  21253. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  21254. xor: [Function],
  21255. xorBy: [Function],
  21256. xorWith: [Function],
  21257. zip: [Function],
  21258. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  21259. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  21260. zipWith: [Function],
  21261. entries: [Function],
  21262. entriesIn: [Function],
  21263. extend: [Function],
  21264. extendWith: [Function],
  21265. add: [Function],
  21266. attempt: [Function],
  21267. camelCase: [Function],
  21268. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  21269. ceil: [Function],
  21270. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  21271. clone: [Function: clone],
  21272. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  21273. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  21274. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  21275. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  21276. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  21277. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  21278. divide: [Function],
  21279. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  21280. eq: [Function: eq],
  21281. escape: [Function: escape],
  21282. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  21283. every: [Function: every],
  21284. find: [Function],
  21285. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  21286. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  21287. findLast: [Function],
  21288. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  21289. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  21290. floor: [Function],
  21291. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  21292. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  21293. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  21294. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  21295. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  21296. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  21297. get: [Function: get],
  21298. gt: [Function],
  21299. gte: [Function],
  21300. has: [Function: has],
  21301. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  21302. head: [Function: head],
  21303. identity: [Function: identity],
  21304. includes: [Function: includes],
  21305. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  21306. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  21307. invoke: [Function],
  21308. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  21309. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  21310. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  21311. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  21312. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  21313. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  21314. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  21315. isDate: [Function],
  21316. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  21317. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  21318. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  21319. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  21320. isError: [Function: isError],
  21321. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  21322. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  21323. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  21324. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  21325. isMap: [Function],
  21326. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  21327. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  21328. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  21329. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  21330. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  21331. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  21332. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  21333. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  21334. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  21335. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  21336. isRegExp: [Function],
  21337. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  21338. isSet: [Function],
  21339. isString: [Function: isString],
  21340. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  21341. isTypedArray: [Function],
  21342. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  21343. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  21344. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  21345. join: [Function: join],
  21346. kebabCase: [Function],
  21347. last: [Function: last],
  21348. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  21349. lowerCase: [Function],
  21350. lowerFirst: [Function],
  21351. lt: [Function],
  21352. lte: [Function],
  21353. max: [Function: max],
  21354. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  21355. mean: [Function: mean],
  21356. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  21357. min: [Function: min],
  21358. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  21359. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  21360. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  21361. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  21362. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  21363. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  21364. multiply: [Function],
  21365. nth: [Function: nth],
  21366. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  21367. noop: [Function: noop],
  21368. now: [Function],
  21369. pad: [Function: pad],
  21370. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  21371. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  21372. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  21373. random: [Function: random],
  21374. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  21375. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  21376. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  21377. replace: [Function: replace],
  21378. result: [Function: result],
  21379. round: [Function],
  21380. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  21381. sample: [Function: sample],
  21382. size: [Function: size],
  21383. snakeCase: [Function],
  21384. some: [Function: some],
  21385. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  21386. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  21387. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  21388. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  21389. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  21390. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  21391. startCase: [Function],
  21392. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  21393. subtract: [Function],
  21394. sum: [Function: sum],
  21395. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  21396. template: [Function: template],
  21397. times: [Function: times],
  21398. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  21399. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  21400. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  21401. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  21402. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  21403. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  21404. toString: [Function: toString],
  21405. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  21406. trim: [Function: trim],
  21407. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  21408. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  21409. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  21410. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  21411. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  21412. upperCase: [Function],
  21413. upperFirst: [Function],
  21414. each: [Function: forEach],
  21415. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  21416. first: [Function: head],
  21417. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  21418. options:
  21419. { dialect: 'mysql',
  21420. dialectModulePath: null,
  21421. host: 'localhost',
  21422. protocol: 'tcp',
  21423. define: {},
  21424. query: {},
  21425. sync: {},
  21426. timezone: '+00:00',
  21427. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  21428. omitNull: false,
  21429. native: false,
  21430. replication: false,
  21431. ssl: undefined,
  21432. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  21433. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  21434. hooks: {},
  21435. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  21436. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  21437. isolationLevel: null,
  21438. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  21439. typeValidation: false,
  21440. benchmark: false,
  21441. operatorsAliases: false },
  21442. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  21443. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  21444. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  21445. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  21446. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  21447. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  21448. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  21449. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  21450. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  21451. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  21452. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  21453. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  21454. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  21455. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  21456. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  21457. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  21458. quote: [Function: quote],
  21459. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  21460. escape: [Function: escape],
  21461. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  21462. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  21463. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  21464. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  21465. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  21466. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  21467. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  21468. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  21469. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  21470. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  21471. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  21472. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  21473. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  21474. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  21475. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  21476. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  21477. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  21478. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  21479. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  21480. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  21481. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  21482. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  21483. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  21484. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  21485. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  21486. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  21487. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  21488. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  21489. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  21490. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  21491. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  21492. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  21493. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  21494. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  21495. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  21496. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  21497. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  21498. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  21499. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  21500. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  21501. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  21502. _dialect:
  21503. MysqlDialect {
  21504. sequelize: [Circular],
  21505. connectionManager:
  21506. ConnectionManager {
  21507. sequelize: [Circular],
  21508. config:
  21509. { database: 'lbry',
  21510. username: 'root',
  21511. password: 'abcd1234',
  21512. host: 'localhost',
  21513. port: undefined,
  21514. pool:
  21515. { max: 5,
  21516. min: 0,
  21517. acquire: 30000,
  21518. idle: 10000,
  21519. evict: 10000,
  21520. handleDisconnects: true,
  21521. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  21522. Promise:
  21523. { [Function: Promise]
  21524. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  21525. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  21526. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  21527. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  21528. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21529. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21530. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  21531. _peekContext: [Function],
  21532. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  21533. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  21534. longStackTraces: [Function],
  21535. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  21536. config: [Function],
  21537. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  21538. is: [Function],
  21539. fromCallback: [Function],
  21540. fromNode: [Function],
  21541. all: [Function],
  21542. cast: [Function],
  21543. fulfilled: [Function],
  21544. resolve: [Function],
  21545. rejected: [Function],
  21546. reject: [Function],
  21547. setScheduler: [Function],
  21548. pending: [Function],
  21549. defer: [Function],
  21550. method: [Function],
  21551. try: [Function],
  21552. attempt: [Function],
  21553. bind: [Function],
  21554. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  21555. join: [Function],
  21556. Promise: [Circular],
  21557. version: '3.5.3',
  21558. map: [Function],
  21559. using: [Function],
  21560. delay: [Function],
  21561. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  21562. spawn: [Function],
  21563. promisify: [Function],
  21564. promisifyAll: [Function],
  21565. props: [Function],
  21566. race: [Function],
  21567. reduce: [Function],
  21568. settle: [Function],
  21569. some: [Function],
  21570. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  21571. filter: [Function],
  21572. each: [Function],
  21573. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  21574. any: [Function],
  21575. default: [Circular] } },
  21576. protocol: 'tcp',
  21577. native: false,
  21578. ssl: undefined,
  21579. replication: false,
  21580. dialectModulePath: null,
  21581. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  21582. dialectOptions: undefined },
  21583. dialect: [Circular],
  21584. versionPromise: null,
  21585. dialectName: 'mysql',
  21586. pool:
  21587. Pool {
  21588. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  21589. _eventsCount: 0,
  21590. _maxListeners: undefined,
  21591. _config:
  21592. PoolOptions {
  21593. fifo: true,
  21594. priorityRange: 1,
  21595. testOnBorrow: true,
  21596. testOnReturn: false,
  21597. autostart: false,
  21598. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  21599. max: 5,
  21600. min: 0,
  21601. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  21602. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  21603. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  21604. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  21605. Promise:
  21606. { [Function: Promise]
  21607. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  21608. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  21609. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  21610. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  21611. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21612. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21613. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  21614. _peekContext: [Function],
  21615. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  21616. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  21617. longStackTraces: [Function],
  21618. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  21619. config: [Function],
  21620. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  21621. is: [Function],
  21622. fromCallback: [Function],
  21623. fromNode: [Function],
  21624. all: [Function],
  21625. cast: [Function],
  21626. fulfilled: [Function],
  21627. resolve: [Function],
  21628. rejected: [Function],
  21629. reject: [Function],
  21630. setScheduler: [Function],
  21631. pending: [Function],
  21632. defer: [Function],
  21633. method: [Function],
  21634. try: [Function],
  21635. attempt: [Function],
  21636. bind: [Function],
  21637. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  21638. join: [Function],
  21639. Promise: [Circular],
  21640. version: '3.5.3',
  21641. map: [Function],
  21642. using: [Function],
  21643. delay: [Function],
  21644. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  21645. spawn: [Function],
  21646. promisify: [Function],
  21647. promisifyAll: [Function],
  21648. props: [Function],
  21649. race: [Function],
  21650. reduce: [Function],
  21651. settle: [Function],
  21652. some: [Function],
  21653. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  21654. filter: [Function],
  21655. each: [Function],
  21656. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  21657. any: [Function],
  21658. default: [Circular] } },
  21659. _Promise:
  21660. { [Function: Promise]
  21661. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  21662. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  21663. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  21664. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  21665. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21666. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  21667. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  21668. _peekContext: [Function],
  21669. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  21670. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  21671. longStackTraces: [Function],
  21672. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  21673. config: [Function],
  21674. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  21675. is: [Function],
  21676. fromCallback: [Function],
  21677. fromNode: [Function],
  21678. all: [Function],
  21679. cast: [Function],
  21680. fulfilled: [Function],
  21681. resolve: [Function],
  21682. rejected: [Function],
  21683. reject: [Function],
  21684. setScheduler: [Function],
  21685. pending: [Function],
  21686. defer: [Function],
  21687. method: [Function],
  21688. try: [Function],
  21689. attempt: [Function],
  21690. bind: [Function],
  21691. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  21692. join: [Function],
  21693. Promise: [Circular],
  21694. version: '3.5.3',
  21695. map: [Function],
  21696. using: [Function],
  21697. delay: [Function],
  21698. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  21699. spawn: [Function],
  21700. promisify: [Function],
  21701. promisifyAll: [Function],
  21702. props: [Function],
  21703. race: [Function],
  21704. reduce: [Function],
  21705. settle: [Function],
  21706. some: [Function],
  21707. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  21708. filter: [Function],
  21709. each: [Function],
  21710. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  21711. any: [Function],
  21712. default: [Circular] },
  21713. _factory:
  21714. { create: [Function: create],
  21715. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  21716. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  21717. _draining: false,
  21718. _started: true,
  21719. _waitingClientsQueue:
  21720. PriorityQueue {
  21721. _size: 1,
  21722. _slots:
  21723. [ Queue {
  21724. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  21725. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  21726. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  21727. _availableObjects:
  21728. Deque {
  21729. _list:
  21730. DoublyLinkedList {
  21731. head:
  21732. { prev: null,
  21733. next:
  21734. { prev: [Circular],
  21735. next: null,
  21736. data:
  21737. PooledResource {
  21738. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  21739. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  21740. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  21741. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  21742. obj:
  21743. Connection {
  21744. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  21745. _eventsCount: 1,
  21746. _maxListeners: undefined,
  21747. config:
  21748. ConnectionConfig {
  21749. isServer: undefined,
  21750. stream: undefined,
  21751. host: 'localhost',
  21752. port: 3306,
  21753. localAddress: undefined,
  21754. socketPath: undefined,
  21755. user: 'root',
  21756. password: 'abcd1234',
  21757. passwordSha1: undefined,
  21758. database: 'lbry',
  21759. connectTimeout: 10000,
  21760. insecureAuth: false,
  21761. supportBigNumbers: true,
  21762. bigNumberStrings: false,
  21763. decimalNumbers: false,
  21764. dateStrings: false,
  21765. debug: undefined,
  21766. trace: true,
  21767. stringifyObjects: false,
  21768. timezone: '+00:00',
  21769. queryFormat: undefined,
  21770. pool: undefined,
  21771. ssl: false,
  21772. multipleStatements: false,
  21773. rowsAsArray: false,
  21774. namedPlaceholders: false,
  21775. nestTables: undefined,
  21776. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  21777. maxPacketSize: 0,
  21778. charsetNumber: 224,
  21779. compress: false,
  21780. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  21781. clientFlags: 8582093,
  21782. connectAttributes: undefined,
  21783. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  21784. stream:
  21785. Socket {
  21786. connecting: false,
  21787. _hadError: false,
  21788. _handle:
  21789. TCP {
  21790. reading: true,
  21791. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  21792. onconnection: null,
  21793. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  21794. _parent: null,
  21795. _host: 'localhost',
  21796. _readableState:
  21797. ReadableState {
  21798. objectMode: false,
  21799. highWaterMark: 16384,
  21800. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  21801. length: 0,
  21802. pipes: null,
  21803. pipesCount: 0,
  21804. flowing: true,
  21805. ended: false,
  21806. endEmitted: false,
  21807. reading: true,
  21808. sync: false,
  21809. needReadable: true,
  21810. emittedReadable: false,
  21811. readableListening: false,
  21812. resumeScheduled: false,
  21813. emitClose: false,
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  21815. destroyed: false,
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  21817. awaitDrain: 0,
  21818. readingMore: false,
  21819. decoder: null,
  21820. encoding: null },
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  21824. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  21825. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  21826. data: [Function],
  21827. close: [Function] },
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  21834. finalCalled: false,
  21835. needDrain: false,
  21836. ending: false,
  21837. ended: false,
  21838. finished: false,
  21839. destroyed: false,
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  21841. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  21842. length: 0,
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  21844. corked: 0,
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  21851. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  21852. pendingcb: 0,
  21853. prefinished: false,
  21854. errorEmitted: false,
  21855. emitClose: false,
  21856. autoDestroy: false,
  21857. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  21858. corkedRequestsFree:
  21859. { next: null,
  21860. entry: null,
  21861. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  21865. _pendingData: null,
  21866. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  21868. _server: null,
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  21870. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  21871. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  21872. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  21873. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  21877. _head: 0,
  21878. _tail: 0,
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  21880. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  21883. _paused_packets:
  21884. Denque {
  21885. _head: 0,
  21886. _tail: 0,
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  21888. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  21893. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  21894. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  21895. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  21896. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  21897. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  21898. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  21899. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  21900. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  21901. authorized: true,
  21902. sequenceId: 23,
  21903. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  21904. threadId: 1303,
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  21906. Handshake {
  21907. protocolVersion: 10,
  21908. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  21909. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  21912. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  21913. characterSet: 255,
  21914. statusFlags: 2 },
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  21916. _protocolError: null,
  21917. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  21920. PacketParser {
  21921. buffer: [],
  21922. bufferLength: 0,
  21923. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  21924. headerLen: 0,
  21925. length: 5,
  21926. largePacketParts: [],
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  21928. onPacket: [Function],
  21929. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  21931. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  21932. connectTimeout: null,
  21933. connectionId: 1303 },
  21934. state: 'IDLE' } },
  21935. data:
  21936. PooledResource {
  21937. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  21938. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  21939. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  21940. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  21941. obj:
  21942. Connection {
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  21950. host: 'localhost',
  21951. port: 3306,
  21952. localAddress: undefined,
  21953. socketPath: undefined,
  21954. user: 'root',
  21955. password: 'abcd1234',
  21956. passwordSha1: undefined,
  21957. database: 'lbry',
  21958. connectTimeout: 10000,
  21959. insecureAuth: false,
  21960. supportBigNumbers: true,
  21961. bigNumberStrings: false,
  21962. decimalNumbers: false,
  21963. dateStrings: false,
  21964. debug: undefined,
  21965. trace: true,
  21966. stringifyObjects: false,
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  21968. queryFormat: undefined,
  21969. pool: undefined,
  21970. ssl: false,
  21971. multipleStatements: false,
  21972. rowsAsArray: false,
  21973. namedPlaceholders: false,
  21974. nestTables: undefined,
  21975. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  21976. maxPacketSize: 0,
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  21978. compress: false,
  21979. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  21980. clientFlags: 8582093,
  21981. connectAttributes: undefined,
  21982. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  21983. stream:
  21984. Socket {
  21985. connecting: false,
  21986. _hadError: false,
  21987. _handle:
  21988. TCP {
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  21990. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  21992. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  21994. _host: 'localhost',
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  21996. ReadableState {
  21997. objectMode: false,
  21998. highWaterMark: 16384,
  21999. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  22000. length: 0,
  22001. pipes: null,
  22002. pipesCount: 0,
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  22005. endEmitted: false,
  22006. reading: true,
  22007. sync: false,
  22008. needReadable: true,
  22009. emittedReadable: false,
  22010. readableListening: false,
  22011. resumeScheduled: false,
  22012. emitClose: false,
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  22014. destroyed: false,
  22015. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22016. awaitDrain: 0,
  22017. readingMore: false,
  22018. decoder: null,
  22019. encoding: null },
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  22022. [Object: null prototype] {
  22023. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  22024. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  22025. data: [Function],
  22026. close: [Function] },
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  22034. needDrain: false,
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  22036. ended: false,
  22037. finished: false,
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  22043. corked: 0,
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  22058. { next: null,
  22059. entry: null,
  22060. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  22065. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  22069. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  22070. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  22071. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  22072. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  22075. Denque {
  22076. _head: 0,
  22077. _tail: 0,
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  22079. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22083. Denque {
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  22085. _tail: 0,
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  22087. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22093. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  22094. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  22096. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  22097. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  22098. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  22100. authorized: true,
  22101. sequenceId: 2,
  22102. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  22103. threadId: 1302,
  22104. _handshakePacket:
  22105. Handshake {
  22106. protocolVersion: 10,
  22107. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  22108. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22109. connectionId: 1302,
  22110. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  22111. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  22112. characterSet: 255,
  22113. statusFlags: 2 },
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  22115. _protocolError: null,
  22116. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  22117. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
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  22119. PacketParser {
  22120. buffer: [],
  22121. bufferLength: 0,
  22122. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  22123. headerLen: 0,
  22124. length: 7,
  22125. largePacketParts: [],
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  22127. onPacket: [Function],
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  22130. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  22131. connectTimeout: null,
  22132. connectionId: 1302 },
  22133. state: 'IDLE' } },
  22134. tail:
  22135. { prev:
  22136. { prev: null,
  22137. next: [Circular],
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  22139. PooledResource {
  22140. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  22141. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  22142. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  22143. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  22144. obj:
  22145. Connection {
  22146. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  22147. _eventsCount: 1,
  22148. _maxListeners: undefined,
  22149. config:
  22150. ConnectionConfig {
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  22152. stream: undefined,
  22153. host: 'localhost',
  22154. port: 3306,
  22155. localAddress: undefined,
  22156. socketPath: undefined,
  22157. user: 'root',
  22158. password: 'abcd1234',
  22159. passwordSha1: undefined,
  22160. database: 'lbry',
  22161. connectTimeout: 10000,
  22162. insecureAuth: false,
  22163. supportBigNumbers: true,
  22164. bigNumberStrings: false,
  22165. decimalNumbers: false,
  22166. dateStrings: false,
  22167. debug: undefined,
  22168. trace: true,
  22169. stringifyObjects: false,
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  22176. namedPlaceholders: false,
  22177. nestTables: undefined,
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  22181. compress: false,
  22182. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  22183. clientFlags: 8582093,
  22184. connectAttributes: undefined,
  22185. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  22187. Socket {
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  22191. TCP {
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  22193. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  22195. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  22199. ReadableState {
  22200. objectMode: false,
  22201. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22202. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  22203. length: 0,
  22204. pipes: null,
  22205. pipesCount: 0,
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  22213. readableListening: false,
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  22217. destroyed: false,
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  22220. readingMore: false,
  22221. decoder: null,
  22222. encoding: null },
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  22225. [Object: null prototype] {
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  22227. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  22228. data: [Function],
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  22237. needDrain: false,
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  22239. ended: false,
  22240. finished: false,
  22241. destroyed: false,
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  22246. corked: 0,
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  22259. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  22260. corkedRequestsFree:
  22261. { next: null,
  22262. entry: null,
  22263. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  22268. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  22270. _server: null,
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  22272. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  22273. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  22274. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  22275. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  22278. Denque {
  22279. _head: 0,
  22280. _tail: 0,
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  22282. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22284. _paused: false,
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  22286. Denque {
  22287. _head: 0,
  22288. _tail: 0,
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  22290. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22296. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  22297. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  22298. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  22299. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  22300. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  22301. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  22302. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22303. authorized: true,
  22304. sequenceId: 2,
  22305. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  22306. threadId: 1302,
  22307. _handshakePacket:
  22308. Handshake {
  22309. protocolVersion: 10,
  22310. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  22311. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22312. connectionId: 1302,
  22313. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  22314. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  22315. characterSet: 255,
  22316. statusFlags: 2 },
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  22318. _protocolError: null,
  22319. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  22321. packetParser:
  22322. PacketParser {
  22323. buffer: [],
  22324. bufferLength: 0,
  22325. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  22326. headerLen: 0,
  22327. length: 7,
  22328. largePacketParts: [],
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  22330. onPacket: [Function],
  22331. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  22332. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  22333. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  22334. connectTimeout: null,
  22335. connectionId: 1302 },
  22336. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  22338. data:
  22339. PooledResource {
  22340. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  22341. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  22342. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  22343. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  22344. obj:
  22345. Connection {
  22346. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  22347. _eventsCount: 1,
  22348. _maxListeners: undefined,
  22349. config:
  22350. ConnectionConfig {
  22351. isServer: undefined,
  22352. stream: undefined,
  22353. host: 'localhost',
  22354. port: 3306,
  22355. localAddress: undefined,
  22356. socketPath: undefined,
  22357. user: 'root',
  22358. password: 'abcd1234',
  22359. passwordSha1: undefined,
  22360. database: 'lbry',
  22361. connectTimeout: 10000,
  22362. insecureAuth: false,
  22363. supportBigNumbers: true,
  22364. bigNumberStrings: false,
  22365. decimalNumbers: false,
  22366. dateStrings: false,
  22367. debug: undefined,
  22368. trace: true,
  22369. stringifyObjects: false,
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  22372. pool: undefined,
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  22376. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  22380. charsetNumber: 224,
  22381. compress: false,
  22382. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  22383. clientFlags: 8582093,
  22384. connectAttributes: undefined,
  22385. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  22387. Socket {
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  22391. TCP {
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  22393. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  22395. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  22397. _host: 'localhost',
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  22399. ReadableState {
  22400. objectMode: false,
  22401. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22402. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  22403. length: 0,
  22404. pipes: null,
  22405. pipesCount: 0,
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  22413. readableListening: false,
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  22417. destroyed: false,
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  22419. awaitDrain: 0,
  22420. readingMore: false,
  22421. decoder: null,
  22422. encoding: null },
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  22425. [Object: null prototype] {
  22426. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  22427. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  22428. data: [Function],
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  22437. needDrain: false,
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  22439. ended: false,
  22440. finished: false,
  22441. destroyed: false,
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  22443. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22444. length: 0,
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  22446. corked: 0,
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  22456. errorEmitted: false,
  22457. emitClose: false,
  22458. autoDestroy: false,
  22459. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  22460. corkedRequestsFree:
  22461. { next: null,
  22462. entry: null,
  22463. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  22467. _pendingData: null,
  22468. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  22470. _server: null,
  22471. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  22472. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  22473. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  22474. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  22475. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  22476. _internalId: 1,
  22477. _commands:
  22478. Denque {
  22479. _head: 0,
  22480. _tail: 0,
  22481. _capacityMask: 3,
  22482. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  22483. _command: undefined,
  22484. _paused: false,
  22485. _paused_packets:
  22486. Denque {
  22487. _head: 0,
  22488. _tail: 0,
  22489. _capacityMask: 3,
  22490. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  22491. _statements:
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  22493. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
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  22495. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  22496. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  22497. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  22498. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  22499. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  22500. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  22501. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  22502. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22503. authorized: true,
  22504. sequenceId: 23,
  22505. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  22506. threadId: 1303,
  22507. _handshakePacket:
  22508. Handshake {
  22509. protocolVersion: 10,
  22510. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  22511. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22512. connectionId: 1303,
  22513. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  22514. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  22515. characterSet: 255,
  22516. statusFlags: 2 },
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  22518. _protocolError: null,
  22519. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  22520. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  22521. packetParser:
  22522. PacketParser {
  22523. buffer: [],
  22524. bufferLength: 0,
  22525. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  22526. headerLen: 0,
  22527. length: 5,
  22528. largePacketParts: [],
  22529. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  22530. onPacket: [Function],
  22531. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  22532. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  22533. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  22534. connectTimeout: null,
  22535. connectionId: 1303 },
  22536. state: 'IDLE' } },
  22537. length: 2 } },
  22538. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  22539. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  22540. _validationOperations: Set {},
  22541. _allObjects:
  22542. Set {
  22543. PooledResource {
  22544. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  22545. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  22546. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  22547. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  22548. obj:
  22549. Connection {
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  22551. _eventsCount: 1,
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  22556. stream: undefined,
  22557. host: 'localhost',
  22558. port: 3306,
  22559. localAddress: undefined,
  22560. socketPath: undefined,
  22561. user: 'root',
  22562. password: 'abcd1234',
  22563. passwordSha1: undefined,
  22564. database: 'lbry',
  22565. connectTimeout: 10000,
  22566. insecureAuth: false,
  22567. supportBigNumbers: true,
  22568. bigNumberStrings: false,
  22569. decimalNumbers: false,
  22570. dateStrings: false,
  22571. debug: undefined,
  22572. trace: true,
  22573. stringifyObjects: false,
  22574. timezone: '+00:00',
  22575. queryFormat: undefined,
  22576. pool: undefined,
  22577. ssl: false,
  22578. multipleStatements: false,
  22579. rowsAsArray: false,
  22580. namedPlaceholders: false,
  22581. nestTables: undefined,
  22582. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  22583. maxPacketSize: 0,
  22584. charsetNumber: 224,
  22585. compress: false,
  22586. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  22587. clientFlags: 8582093,
  22588. connectAttributes: undefined,
  22589. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  22591. Socket {
  22592. connecting: false,
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  22595. TCP {
  22596. reading: true,
  22597. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  22598. onconnection: null,
  22599. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  22601. _host: 'localhost',
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  22603. ReadableState {
  22604. objectMode: false,
  22605. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22606. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  22607. length: 0,
  22608. pipes: null,
  22609. pipesCount: 0,
  22610. flowing: true,
  22611. ended: false,
  22612. endEmitted: false,
  22613. reading: true,
  22614. sync: false,
  22615. needReadable: true,
  22616. emittedReadable: false,
  22617. readableListening: false,
  22618. resumeScheduled: false,
  22619. emitClose: false,
  22620. autoDestroy: false,
  22621. destroyed: false,
  22622. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22623. awaitDrain: 0,
  22624. readingMore: false,
  22625. decoder: null,
  22626. encoding: null },
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  22629. [Object: null prototype] {
  22630. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  22631. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  22632. data: [Function],
  22633. close: [Function] },
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  22639. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22640. finalCalled: false,
  22641. needDrain: false,
  22642. ending: false,
  22643. ended: false,
  22644. finished: false,
  22645. destroyed: false,
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  22647. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22648. length: 0,
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  22650. corked: 0,
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  22655. writelen: 0,
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  22657. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  22658. pendingcb: 0,
  22659. prefinished: false,
  22660. errorEmitted: false,
  22661. emitClose: false,
  22662. autoDestroy: false,
  22663. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  22664. corkedRequestsFree:
  22665. { next: null,
  22666. entry: null,
  22667. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  22668. writable: true,
  22669. allowHalfOpen: false,
  22670. _sockname: null,
  22671. _pendingData: null,
  22672. _pendingEncoding: '',
  22673. server: null,
  22674. _server: null,
  22675. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  22676. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  22677. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  22678. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  22679. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  22680. _internalId: 2,
  22681. _commands:
  22682. Denque {
  22683. _head: 0,
  22684. _tail: 0,
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  22686. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22689. _paused_packets:
  22690. Denque {
  22691. _head: 0,
  22692. _tail: 0,
  22693. _capacityMask: 3,
  22694. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22699. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  22700. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  22701. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  22702. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  22703. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  22704. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  22705. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  22706. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22707. authorized: true,
  22708. sequenceId: 2,
  22709. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  22710. threadId: 1302,
  22711. _handshakePacket:
  22712. Handshake {
  22713. protocolVersion: 10,
  22714. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  22715. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22716. connectionId: 1302,
  22717. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  22718. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  22719. characterSet: 255,
  22720. statusFlags: 2 },
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  22722. _protocolError: null,
  22723. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  22724. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  22725. packetParser:
  22726. PacketParser {
  22727. buffer: [],
  22728. bufferLength: 0,
  22729. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  22730. headerLen: 0,
  22731. length: 7,
  22732. largePacketParts: [],
  22733. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  22734. onPacket: [Function],
  22735. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  22736. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  22737. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  22738. connectTimeout: null,
  22739. connectionId: 1302 },
  22740. state: 'IDLE' },
  22741. PooledResource {
  22742. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  22743. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  22744. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  22745. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  22746. obj:
  22747. Connection {
  22748. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  22749. _eventsCount: 1,
  22750. _maxListeners: undefined,
  22751. config:
  22752. ConnectionConfig {
  22753. isServer: undefined,
  22754. stream: undefined,
  22755. host: 'localhost',
  22756. port: 3306,
  22757. localAddress: undefined,
  22758. socketPath: undefined,
  22759. user: 'root',
  22760. password: 'abcd1234',
  22761. passwordSha1: undefined,
  22762. database: 'lbry',
  22763. connectTimeout: 10000,
  22764. insecureAuth: false,
  22765. supportBigNumbers: true,
  22766. bigNumberStrings: false,
  22767. decimalNumbers: false,
  22768. dateStrings: false,
  22769. debug: undefined,
  22770. trace: true,
  22771. stringifyObjects: false,
  22772. timezone: '+00:00',
  22773. queryFormat: undefined,
  22774. pool: undefined,
  22775. ssl: false,
  22776. multipleStatements: false,
  22777. rowsAsArray: false,
  22778. namedPlaceholders: false,
  22779. nestTables: undefined,
  22780. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  22781. maxPacketSize: 0,
  22782. charsetNumber: 224,
  22783. compress: false,
  22784. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  22785. clientFlags: 8582093,
  22786. connectAttributes: undefined,
  22787. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  22789. Socket {
  22790. connecting: false,
  22791. _hadError: false,
  22792. _handle:
  22793. TCP {
  22794. reading: true,
  22795. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  22796. onconnection: null,
  22797. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  22798. _parent: null,
  22799. _host: 'localhost',
  22800. _readableState:
  22801. ReadableState {
  22802. objectMode: false,
  22803. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22804. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  22805. length: 0,
  22806. pipes: null,
  22807. pipesCount: 0,
  22808. flowing: true,
  22809. ended: false,
  22810. endEmitted: false,
  22811. reading: true,
  22812. sync: false,
  22813. needReadable: true,
  22814. emittedReadable: false,
  22815. readableListening: false,
  22816. resumeScheduled: false,
  22817. emitClose: false,
  22818. autoDestroy: false,
  22819. destroyed: false,
  22820. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22821. awaitDrain: 0,
  22822. readingMore: false,
  22823. decoder: null,
  22824. encoding: null },
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  22827. [Object: null prototype] {
  22828. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  22829. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  22830. data: [Function],
  22831. close: [Function] },
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  22837. highWaterMark: 16384,
  22838. finalCalled: false,
  22839. needDrain: false,
  22840. ending: false,
  22841. ended: false,
  22842. finished: false,
  22843. destroyed: false,
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  22845. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  22846. length: 0,
  22847. writing: false,
  22848. corked: 0,
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  22855. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  22856. pendingcb: 0,
  22857. prefinished: false,
  22858. errorEmitted: false,
  22859. emitClose: false,
  22860. autoDestroy: false,
  22861. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  22862. corkedRequestsFree:
  22863. { next: null,
  22864. entry: null,
  22865. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  22866. writable: true,
  22867. allowHalfOpen: false,
  22868. _sockname: null,
  22869. _pendingData: null,
  22870. _pendingEncoding: '',
  22871. server: null,
  22872. _server: null,
  22873. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  22874. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  22875. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  22876. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  22877. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  22878. _internalId: 1,
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  22880. Denque {
  22881. _head: 0,
  22882. _tail: 0,
  22883. _capacityMask: 3,
  22884. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  22885. _command: undefined,
  22886. _paused: false,
  22887. _paused_packets:
  22888. Denque {
  22889. _head: 0,
  22890. _tail: 0,
  22891. _capacityMask: 3,
  22892. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  22894. LRUCache {
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  22896. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  22897. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  22898. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  22899. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  22900. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  22901. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  22902. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  22903. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  22904. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22905. authorized: true,
  22906. sequenceId: 23,
  22907. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  22908. threadId: 1303,
  22909. _handshakePacket:
  22910. Handshake {
  22911. protocolVersion: 10,
  22912. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  22913. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  22914. connectionId: 1303,
  22915. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  22916. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  22917. characterSet: 255,
  22918. statusFlags: 2 },
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  22920. _protocolError: null,
  22921. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  22922. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  22923. packetParser:
  22924. PacketParser {
  22925. buffer: [],
  22926. bufferLength: 0,
  22927. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  22928. headerLen: 0,
  22929. length: 5,
  22930. largePacketParts: [],
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  22932. onPacket: [Function],
  22933. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  22934. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  22935. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  22936. connectTimeout: null,
  22937. connectionId: 1303 },
  22938. state: 'IDLE' } },
  22939. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  22940. _evictionIterator:
  22941. DequeIterator {
  22942. _list:
  22943. DoublyLinkedList {
  22944. head:
  22945. { prev: null,
  22946. next:
  22947. { prev: [Circular],
  22948. next: null,
  22949. data:
  22950. PooledResource {
  22951. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  22952. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  22953. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  22954. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  22955. obj:
  22956. Connection {
  22957. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  22958. _eventsCount: 1,
  22959. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  22961. ConnectionConfig {
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  22963. stream: undefined,
  22964. host: 'localhost',
  22965. port: 3306,
  22966. localAddress: undefined,
  22967. socketPath: undefined,
  22968. user: 'root',
  22969. password: 'abcd1234',
  22970. passwordSha1: undefined,
  22971. database: 'lbry',
  22972. connectTimeout: 10000,
  22973. insecureAuth: false,
  22974. supportBigNumbers: true,
  22975. bigNumberStrings: false,
  22976. decimalNumbers: false,
  22977. dateStrings: false,
  22978. debug: undefined,
  22979. trace: true,
  22980. stringifyObjects: false,
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  22982. queryFormat: undefined,
  22983. pool: undefined,
  22984. ssl: false,
  22985. multipleStatements: false,
  22986. rowsAsArray: false,
  22987. namedPlaceholders: false,
  22988. nestTables: undefined,
  22989. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  22990. maxPacketSize: 0,
  22991. charsetNumber: 224,
  22992. compress: false,
  22993. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  22994. clientFlags: 8582093,
  22995. connectAttributes: undefined,
  22996. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  22997. stream:
  22998. Socket {
  22999. connecting: false,
  23000. _hadError: false,
  23001. _handle:
  23002. TCP {
  23003. reading: true,
  23004. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  23005. onconnection: null,
  23006. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  23007. _parent: null,
  23008. _host: 'localhost',
  23009. _readableState:
  23010. ReadableState {
  23011. objectMode: false,
  23012. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23013. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  23014. length: 0,
  23015. pipes: null,
  23016. pipesCount: 0,
  23017. flowing: true,
  23018. ended: false,
  23019. endEmitted: false,
  23020. reading: true,
  23021. sync: false,
  23022. needReadable: true,
  23023. emittedReadable: false,
  23024. readableListening: false,
  23025. resumeScheduled: false,
  23026. emitClose: false,
  23027. autoDestroy: false,
  23028. destroyed: false,
  23029. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23030. awaitDrain: 0,
  23031. readingMore: false,
  23032. decoder: null,
  23033. encoding: null },
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  23036. [Object: null prototype] {
  23037. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  23038. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  23039. data: [Function],
  23040. close: [Function] },
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  23042. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  23044. WritableState {
  23045. objectMode: false,
  23046. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23047. finalCalled: false,
  23048. needDrain: false,
  23049. ending: false,
  23050. ended: false,
  23051. finished: false,
  23052. destroyed: false,
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  23054. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23055. length: 0,
  23056. writing: false,
  23057. corked: 0,
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  23062. writelen: 0,
  23063. bufferedRequest: null,
  23064. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  23065. pendingcb: 0,
  23066. prefinished: false,
  23067. errorEmitted: false,
  23068. emitClose: false,
  23069. autoDestroy: false,
  23070. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  23071. corkedRequestsFree:
  23072. { next: null,
  23073. entry: null,
  23074. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  23075. writable: true,
  23076. allowHalfOpen: false,
  23077. _sockname: null,
  23078. _pendingData: null,
  23079. _pendingEncoding: '',
  23080. server: null,
  23081. _server: null,
  23082. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  23083. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  23084. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  23085. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  23086. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  23087. _internalId: 1,
  23088. _commands:
  23089. Denque {
  23090. _head: 0,
  23091. _tail: 0,
  23092. _capacityMask: 3,
  23093. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23094. _command: undefined,
  23095. _paused: false,
  23096. _paused_packets:
  23097. Denque {
  23098. _head: 0,
  23099. _tail: 0,
  23100. _capacityMask: 3,
  23101. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23102. _statements:
  23103. LRUCache {
  23104. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  23105. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  23106. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  23107. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  23108. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  23109. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  23110. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  23111. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  23112. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  23113. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23114. authorized: true,
  23115. sequenceId: 23,
  23116. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  23117. threadId: 1303,
  23118. _handshakePacket:
  23119. Handshake {
  23120. protocolVersion: 10,
  23121. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  23122. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23123. connectionId: 1303,
  23124. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  23125. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  23126. characterSet: 255,
  23127. statusFlags: 2 },
  23128. _fatalError: null,
  23129. _protocolError: null,
  23130. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  23131. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  23132. packetParser:
  23133. PacketParser {
  23134. buffer: [],
  23135. bufferLength: 0,
  23136. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  23137. headerLen: 0,
  23138. length: 5,
  23139. largePacketParts: [],
  23140. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  23141. onPacket: [Function],
  23142. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  23143. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  23144. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  23145. connectTimeout: null,
  23146. connectionId: 1303 },
  23147. state: 'IDLE' } },
  23148. data:
  23149. PooledResource {
  23150. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  23151. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  23152. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  23153. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  23154. obj:
  23155. Connection {
  23156. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  23157. _eventsCount: 1,
  23158. _maxListeners: undefined,
  23159. config:
  23160. ConnectionConfig {
  23161. isServer: undefined,
  23162. stream: undefined,
  23163. host: 'localhost',
  23164. port: 3306,
  23165. localAddress: undefined,
  23166. socketPath: undefined,
  23167. user: 'root',
  23168. password: 'abcd1234',
  23169. passwordSha1: undefined,
  23170. database: 'lbry',
  23171. connectTimeout: 10000,
  23172. insecureAuth: false,
  23173. supportBigNumbers: true,
  23174. bigNumberStrings: false,
  23175. decimalNumbers: false,
  23176. dateStrings: false,
  23177. debug: undefined,
  23178. trace: true,
  23179. stringifyObjects: false,
  23180. timezone: '+00:00',
  23181. queryFormat: undefined,
  23182. pool: undefined,
  23183. ssl: false,
  23184. multipleStatements: false,
  23185. rowsAsArray: false,
  23186. namedPlaceholders: false,
  23187. nestTables: undefined,
  23188. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  23189. maxPacketSize: 0,
  23190. charsetNumber: 224,
  23191. compress: false,
  23192. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  23193. clientFlags: 8582093,
  23194. connectAttributes: undefined,
  23195. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  23196. stream:
  23197. Socket {
  23198. connecting: false,
  23199. _hadError: false,
  23200. _handle:
  23201. TCP {
  23202. reading: true,
  23203. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  23204. onconnection: null,
  23205. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  23206. _parent: null,
  23207. _host: 'localhost',
  23208. _readableState:
  23209. ReadableState {
  23210. objectMode: false,
  23211. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23212. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  23213. length: 0,
  23214. pipes: null,
  23215. pipesCount: 0,
  23216. flowing: true,
  23217. ended: false,
  23218. endEmitted: false,
  23219. reading: true,
  23220. sync: false,
  23221. needReadable: true,
  23222. emittedReadable: false,
  23223. readableListening: false,
  23224. resumeScheduled: false,
  23225. emitClose: false,
  23226. autoDestroy: false,
  23227. destroyed: false,
  23228. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23229. awaitDrain: 0,
  23230. readingMore: false,
  23231. decoder: null,
  23232. encoding: null },
  23233. readable: true,
  23234. _events:
  23235. [Object: null prototype] {
  23236. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  23237. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  23238. data: [Function],
  23239. close: [Function] },
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  23241. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  23243. WritableState {
  23244. objectMode: false,
  23245. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23246. finalCalled: false,
  23247. needDrain: false,
  23248. ending: false,
  23249. ended: false,
  23250. finished: false,
  23251. destroyed: false,
  23252. decodeStrings: false,
  23253. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23254. length: 0,
  23255. writing: false,
  23256. corked: 0,
  23257. sync: false,
  23258. bufferProcessing: false,
  23259. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  23261. writelen: 0,
  23262. bufferedRequest: null,
  23263. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  23264. pendingcb: 0,
  23265. prefinished: false,
  23266. errorEmitted: false,
  23267. emitClose: false,
  23268. autoDestroy: false,
  23269. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  23270. corkedRequestsFree:
  23271. { next: null,
  23272. entry: null,
  23273. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  23274. writable: true,
  23275. allowHalfOpen: false,
  23276. _sockname: null,
  23277. _pendingData: null,
  23278. _pendingEncoding: '',
  23279. server: null,
  23280. _server: null,
  23281. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  23282. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  23283. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  23284. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  23285. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  23286. _internalId: 2,
  23287. _commands:
  23288. Denque {
  23289. _head: 0,
  23290. _tail: 0,
  23291. _capacityMask: 3,
  23292. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23293. _command: undefined,
  23294. _paused: false,
  23295. _paused_packets:
  23296. Denque {
  23297. _head: 0,
  23298. _tail: 0,
  23299. _capacityMask: 3,
  23300. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23301. _statements:
  23302. LRUCache {
  23303. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  23304. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  23305. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  23306. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  23307. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  23308. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  23309. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  23310. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  23311. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  23312. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23313. authorized: true,
  23314. sequenceId: 2,
  23315. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  23316. threadId: 1302,
  23317. _handshakePacket:
  23318. Handshake {
  23319. protocolVersion: 10,
  23320. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  23321. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23322. connectionId: 1302,
  23323. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  23324. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  23325. characterSet: 255,
  23326. statusFlags: 2 },
  23327. _fatalError: null,
  23328. _protocolError: null,
  23329. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  23330. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  23331. packetParser:
  23332. PacketParser {
  23333. buffer: [],
  23334. bufferLength: 0,
  23335. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  23336. headerLen: 0,
  23337. length: 7,
  23338. largePacketParts: [],
  23339. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  23340. onPacket: [Function],
  23341. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  23342. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  23343. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  23344. connectTimeout: null,
  23345. connectionId: 1302 },
  23346. state: 'IDLE' } },
  23347. tail:
  23348. { prev:
  23349. { prev: null,
  23350. next: [Circular],
  23351. data:
  23352. PooledResource {
  23353. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  23354. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  23355. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  23356. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  23357. obj:
  23358. Connection {
  23359. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  23360. _eventsCount: 1,
  23361. _maxListeners: undefined,
  23362. config:
  23363. ConnectionConfig {
  23364. isServer: undefined,
  23365. stream: undefined,
  23366. host: 'localhost',
  23367. port: 3306,
  23368. localAddress: undefined,
  23369. socketPath: undefined,
  23370. user: 'root',
  23371. password: 'abcd1234',
  23372. passwordSha1: undefined,
  23373. database: 'lbry',
  23374. connectTimeout: 10000,
  23375. insecureAuth: false,
  23376. supportBigNumbers: true,
  23377. bigNumberStrings: false,
  23378. decimalNumbers: false,
  23379. dateStrings: false,
  23380. debug: undefined,
  23381. trace: true,
  23382. stringifyObjects: false,
  23383. timezone: '+00:00',
  23384. queryFormat: undefined,
  23385. pool: undefined,
  23386. ssl: false,
  23387. multipleStatements: false,
  23388. rowsAsArray: false,
  23389. namedPlaceholders: false,
  23390. nestTables: undefined,
  23391. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  23392. maxPacketSize: 0,
  23393. charsetNumber: 224,
  23394. compress: false,
  23395. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  23396. clientFlags: 8582093,
  23397. connectAttributes: undefined,
  23398. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  23399. stream:
  23400. Socket {
  23401. connecting: false,
  23402. _hadError: false,
  23403. _handle:
  23404. TCP {
  23405. reading: true,
  23406. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  23407. onconnection: null,
  23408. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  23409. _parent: null,
  23410. _host: 'localhost',
  23411. _readableState:
  23412. ReadableState {
  23413. objectMode: false,
  23414. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23415. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  23416. length: 0,
  23417. pipes: null,
  23418. pipesCount: 0,
  23419. flowing: true,
  23420. ended: false,
  23421. endEmitted: false,
  23422. reading: true,
  23423. sync: false,
  23424. needReadable: true,
  23425. emittedReadable: false,
  23426. readableListening: false,
  23427. resumeScheduled: false,
  23428. emitClose: false,
  23429. autoDestroy: false,
  23430. destroyed: false,
  23431. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23432. awaitDrain: 0,
  23433. readingMore: false,
  23434. decoder: null,
  23435. encoding: null },
  23436. readable: true,
  23437. _events:
  23438. [Object: null prototype] {
  23439. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  23440. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  23441. data: [Function],
  23442. close: [Function] },
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  23444. _maxListeners: undefined,
  23445. _writableState:
  23446. WritableState {
  23447. objectMode: false,
  23448. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23449. finalCalled: false,
  23450. needDrain: false,
  23451. ending: false,
  23452. ended: false,
  23453. finished: false,
  23454. destroyed: false,
  23455. decodeStrings: false,
  23456. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23457. length: 0,
  23458. writing: false,
  23459. corked: 0,
  23460. sync: false,
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  23462. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  23464. writelen: 0,
  23465. bufferedRequest: null,
  23466. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  23467. pendingcb: 0,
  23468. prefinished: false,
  23469. errorEmitted: false,
  23470. emitClose: false,
  23471. autoDestroy: false,
  23472. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  23473. corkedRequestsFree:
  23474. { next: null,
  23475. entry: null,
  23476. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  23477. writable: true,
  23478. allowHalfOpen: false,
  23479. _sockname: null,
  23480. _pendingData: null,
  23481. _pendingEncoding: '',
  23482. server: null,
  23483. _server: null,
  23484. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  23485. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  23486. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  23487. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  23488. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  23489. _internalId: 2,
  23490. _commands:
  23491. Denque {
  23492. _head: 0,
  23493. _tail: 0,
  23494. _capacityMask: 3,
  23495. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23496. _command: undefined,
  23497. _paused: false,
  23498. _paused_packets:
  23499. Denque {
  23500. _head: 0,
  23501. _tail: 0,
  23502. _capacityMask: 3,
  23503. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23504. _statements:
  23505. LRUCache {
  23506. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  23507. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  23508. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  23509. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  23510. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  23511. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  23512. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  23513. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  23514. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  23515. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23516. authorized: true,
  23517. sequenceId: 2,
  23518. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  23519. threadId: 1302,
  23520. _handshakePacket:
  23521. Handshake {
  23522. protocolVersion: 10,
  23523. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  23524. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23525. connectionId: 1302,
  23526. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  23527. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  23528. characterSet: 255,
  23529. statusFlags: 2 },
  23530. _fatalError: null,
  23531. _protocolError: null,
  23532. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  23533. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  23534. packetParser:
  23535. PacketParser {
  23536. buffer: [],
  23537. bufferLength: 0,
  23538. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  23539. headerLen: 0,
  23540. length: 7,
  23541. largePacketParts: [],
  23542. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  23543. onPacket: [Function],
  23544. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  23545. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  23546. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  23547. connectTimeout: null,
  23548. connectionId: 1302 },
  23549. state: 'IDLE' } },
  23550. next: null,
  23551. data:
  23552. PooledResource {
  23553. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  23554. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  23555. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  23556. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  23557. obj:
  23558. Connection {
  23559. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  23560. _eventsCount: 1,
  23561. _maxListeners: undefined,
  23562. config:
  23563. ConnectionConfig {
  23564. isServer: undefined,
  23565. stream: undefined,
  23566. host: 'localhost',
  23567. port: 3306,
  23568. localAddress: undefined,
  23569. socketPath: undefined,
  23570. user: 'root',
  23571. password: 'abcd1234',
  23572. passwordSha1: undefined,
  23573. database: 'lbry',
  23574. connectTimeout: 10000,
  23575. insecureAuth: false,
  23576. supportBigNumbers: true,
  23577. bigNumberStrings: false,
  23578. decimalNumbers: false,
  23579. dateStrings: false,
  23580. debug: undefined,
  23581. trace: true,
  23582. stringifyObjects: false,
  23583. timezone: '+00:00',
  23584. queryFormat: undefined,
  23585. pool: undefined,
  23586. ssl: false,
  23587. multipleStatements: false,
  23588. rowsAsArray: false,
  23589. namedPlaceholders: false,
  23590. nestTables: undefined,
  23591. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  23592. maxPacketSize: 0,
  23593. charsetNumber: 224,
  23594. compress: false,
  23595. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  23596. clientFlags: 8582093,
  23597. connectAttributes: undefined,
  23598. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  23599. stream:
  23600. Socket {
  23601. connecting: false,
  23602. _hadError: false,
  23603. _handle:
  23604. TCP {
  23605. reading: true,
  23606. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  23607. onconnection: null,
  23608. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  23609. _parent: null,
  23610. _host: 'localhost',
  23611. _readableState:
  23612. ReadableState {
  23613. objectMode: false,
  23614. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23615. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  23616. length: 0,
  23617. pipes: null,
  23618. pipesCount: 0,
  23619. flowing: true,
  23620. ended: false,
  23621. endEmitted: false,
  23622. reading: true,
  23623. sync: false,
  23624. needReadable: true,
  23625. emittedReadable: false,
  23626. readableListening: false,
  23627. resumeScheduled: false,
  23628. emitClose: false,
  23629. autoDestroy: false,
  23630. destroyed: false,
  23631. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23632. awaitDrain: 0,
  23633. readingMore: false,
  23634. decoder: null,
  23635. encoding: null },
  23636. readable: true,
  23637. _events:
  23638. [Object: null prototype] {
  23639. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  23640. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  23641. data: [Function],
  23642. close: [Function] },
  23643. _eventsCount: 4,
  23644. _maxListeners: undefined,
  23645. _writableState:
  23646. WritableState {
  23647. objectMode: false,
  23648. highWaterMark: 16384,
  23649. finalCalled: false,
  23650. needDrain: false,
  23651. ending: false,
  23652. ended: false,
  23653. finished: false,
  23654. destroyed: false,
  23655. decodeStrings: false,
  23656. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  23657. length: 0,
  23658. writing: false,
  23659. corked: 0,
  23660. sync: false,
  23661. bufferProcessing: false,
  23662. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  23664. writelen: 0,
  23665. bufferedRequest: null,
  23666. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  23667. pendingcb: 0,
  23668. prefinished: false,
  23669. errorEmitted: false,
  23670. emitClose: false,
  23671. autoDestroy: false,
  23672. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  23673. corkedRequestsFree:
  23674. { next: null,
  23675. entry: null,
  23676. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  23677. writable: true,
  23678. allowHalfOpen: false,
  23679. _sockname: null,
  23680. _pendingData: null,
  23681. _pendingEncoding: '',
  23682. server: null,
  23683. _server: null,
  23684. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  23685. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  23686. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  23687. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  23688. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  23689. _internalId: 1,
  23690. _commands:
  23691. Denque {
  23692. _head: 0,
  23693. _tail: 0,
  23694. _capacityMask: 3,
  23695. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23696. _command: undefined,
  23697. _paused: false,
  23698. _paused_packets:
  23699. Denque {
  23700. _head: 0,
  23701. _tail: 0,
  23702. _capacityMask: 3,
  23703. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  23704. _statements:
  23705. LRUCache {
  23706. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  23707. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  23708. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  23709. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  23710. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  23711. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  23712. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  23713. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  23714. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  23715. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23716. authorized: true,
  23717. sequenceId: 23,
  23718. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  23719. threadId: 1303,
  23720. _handshakePacket:
  23721. Handshake {
  23722. protocolVersion: 10,
  23723. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  23724. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  23725. connectionId: 1303,
  23726. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  23727. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  23728. characterSet: 255,
  23729. statusFlags: 2 },
  23730. _fatalError: null,
  23731. _protocolError: null,
  23732. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  23733. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  23734. packetParser:
  23735. PacketParser {
  23736. buffer: [],
  23737. bufferLength: 0,
  23738. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  23739. headerLen: 0,
  23740. length: 5,
  23741. largePacketParts: [],
  23742. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  23743. onPacket: [Function],
  23744. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  23745. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  23746. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  23747. connectTimeout: null,
  23748. connectionId: 1303 },
  23749. state: 'IDLE' } },
  23750. length: 2 },
  23751. _direction: 'next',
  23752. _startPosition: 'head',
  23753. _started: false,
  23754. _cursor: null,
  23755. _done: false },
  23756. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  23757. _scheduledEviction:
  23758. Timeout {
  23759. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  23760. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  23761. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  23762. _idleStart: 432,
  23763. _onTimeout: [Function],
  23764. _timerArgs: undefined,
  23765. _repeat: null,
  23766. _destroyed: false,
  23767. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  23768. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  23769. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  23770. lib:
  23771. { createConnection: [Function],
  23772. connect: [Function],
  23773. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  23774. createPool: [Function],
  23775. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  23776. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  23777. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  23778. createServer: [Function],
  23779. PoolConnection:
  23780. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  23781. escape: [Function: escape],
  23782. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  23783. format: [Function: format],
  23784. raw: [Function: raw],
  23785. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  23786. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  23787. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  23788. Types: [Getter],
  23789. Charsets: [Getter],
  23790. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  23791. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  23792. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  23793. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  23794. sequelize: [Circular],
  23795. typeValidation: undefined } },
  23796. models:
  23797. { Balloons:
  23798. { [Function: Balloons]
  23799. sequelize: [Circular],
  23800. options: [Circular],
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  24461. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  24462. _modelAttribute: true,
  24463. field: 'createdAt' },
  24464. updatedAt:
  24465. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  24466. allowNull: false,
  24467. _autoGenerated: true,
  24468. Model: [Circular],
  24469. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  24470. _modelAttribute: true,
  24471. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  24472. tableAttributes:
  24473. { id:
  24474. { type:
  24475. INTEGER {
  24476. options: { length: undefined },
  24477. _length: undefined,
  24478. _zerofill: undefined,
  24479. _decimals: undefined,
  24480. _precision: undefined,
  24481. _scale: undefined,
  24482. _unsigned: undefined },
  24483. allowNull: false,
  24484. primaryKey: true,
  24485. autoIncrement: true,
  24486. _autoGenerated: true,
  24487. Model: [Circular],
  24488. fieldName: 'id',
  24489. _modelAttribute: true,
  24490. field: 'id' },
  24491. size:
  24492. { type:
  24493. STRING {
  24494. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  24495. _binary: undefined,
  24496. _length: 255 },
  24497. Model: [Circular],
  24498. fieldName: 'size',
  24499. _modelAttribute: true,
  24500. field: 'size' },
  24501. color:
  24502. { type:
  24503. STRING {
  24504. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  24505. _binary: undefined,
  24506. _length: 255 },
  24507. Model: [Circular],
  24508. fieldName: 'color',
  24509. _modelAttribute: true,
  24510. field: 'color' },
  24511. createdAt:
  24512. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  24513. allowNull: false,
  24514. _autoGenerated: true,
  24515. Model: [Circular],
  24516. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  24517. _modelAttribute: true,
  24518. field: 'createdAt' },
  24519. updatedAt:
  24520. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  24521. allowNull: false,
  24522. _autoGenerated: true,
  24523. Model: [Circular],
  24524. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  24525. _modelAttribute: true,
  24526. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  24527. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  24528. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  24529. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  24530. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  24531. _isPrimaryKey:
  24532. { [Function: memoized]
  24533. cache:
  24534. MapCache {
  24535. size: 0,
  24536. __data__:
  24537. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  24538. map: Map {},
  24539. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  24540. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  24541. _scope: {},
  24542. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  24543. sequelize: [Circular] },
  24544. connectionManager:
  24545. ConnectionManager {
  24546. sequelize: [Circular],
  24547. config:
  24548. { database: 'lbry',
  24549. username: 'root',
  24550. password: 'abcd1234',
  24551. host: 'localhost',
  24552. port: undefined,
  24553. pool:
  24554. { max: 5,
  24555. min: 0,
  24556. acquire: 30000,
  24557. idle: 10000,
  24558. evict: 10000,
  24559. handleDisconnects: true,
  24560. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  24561. Promise:
  24562. { [Function: Promise]
  24563. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  24564. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  24565. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  24566. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  24567. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  24568. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  24569. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  24570. _peekContext: [Function],
  24571. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  24572. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  24573. longStackTraces: [Function],
  24574. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  24575. config: [Function],
  24576. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  24577. is: [Function],
  24578. fromCallback: [Function],
  24579. fromNode: [Function],
  24580. all: [Function],
  24581. cast: [Function],
  24582. fulfilled: [Function],
  24583. resolve: [Function],
  24584. rejected: [Function],
  24585. reject: [Function],
  24586. setScheduler: [Function],
  24587. pending: [Function],
  24588. defer: [Function],
  24589. method: [Function],
  24590. try: [Function],
  24591. attempt: [Function],
  24592. bind: [Function],
  24593. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  24594. join: [Function],
  24595. Promise: [Circular],
  24596. version: '3.5.3',
  24597. map: [Function],
  24598. using: [Function],
  24599. delay: [Function],
  24600. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  24601. spawn: [Function],
  24602. promisify: [Function],
  24603. promisifyAll: [Function],
  24604. props: [Function],
  24605. race: [Function],
  24606. reduce: [Function],
  24607. settle: [Function],
  24608. some: [Function],
  24609. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  24610. filter: [Function],
  24611. each: [Function],
  24612. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  24613. any: [Function],
  24614. default: [Circular] } },
  24615. protocol: 'tcp',
  24616. native: false,
  24617. ssl: undefined,
  24618. replication: false,
  24619. dialectModulePath: null,
  24620. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  24621. dialectOptions: undefined },
  24622. dialect:
  24623. MysqlDialect {
  24624. sequelize: [Circular],
  24625. connectionManager: [Circular],
  24626. QueryGenerator:
  24627. { dialect: 'mysql',
  24628. OperatorMap:
  24629. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  24630. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  24631. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  24632. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  24633. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  24634. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  24635. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  24636. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  24637. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  24638. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  24639. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  24640. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  24641. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  24642. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  24643. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  24644. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  24645. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  24646. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  24647. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  24648. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  24649. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  24650. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  24651. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  24652. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  24653. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  24654. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  24655. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  24656. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  24657. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  24658. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  24659. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  24660. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  24661. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  24662. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  24663. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  24664. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  24665. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  24666. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  24667. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  24668. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  24669. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  24670. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  24671. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  24672. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  24673. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  24674. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  24675. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  24676. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  24677. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  24678. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  24679. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  24680. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  24681. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  24682. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  24683. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  24684. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  24685. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  24686. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  24687. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  24688. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  24689. _templateSettings:
  24690. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  24691. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  24692. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  24693. variable: '',
  24694. imports:
  24695. { _:
  24696. { [Function: lodash]
  24697. templateSettings: [Circular],
  24698. after: [Function: after],
  24699. ary: [Function: ary],
  24700. assign: [Function],
  24701. assignIn: [Function],
  24702. assignInWith: [Function],
  24703. assignWith: [Function],
  24704. at: [Function],
  24705. before: [Function: before],
  24706. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24707. bindAll: [Function],
  24708. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24709. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  24710. chain: [Function: chain],
  24711. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  24712. compact: [Function: compact],
  24713. concat: [Function: concat],
  24714. cond: [Function: cond],
  24715. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  24716. constant: [Function: constant],
  24717. countBy: [Function],
  24718. create: [Function: create],
  24719. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24720. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24721. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  24722. defaults: [Function],
  24723. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  24724. defer: [Function],
  24725. delay: [Function],
  24726. difference: [Function],
  24727. differenceBy: [Function],
  24728. differenceWith: [Function],
  24729. drop: [Function: drop],
  24730. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  24731. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  24732. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  24733. fill: [Function: fill],
  24734. filter: [Function: filter],
  24735. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  24736. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  24737. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  24738. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  24739. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  24740. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  24741. flip: [Function: flip],
  24742. flow: [Function],
  24743. flowRight: [Function],
  24744. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  24745. functions: [Function: functions],
  24746. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  24747. groupBy: [Function],
  24748. initial: [Function: initial],
  24749. intersection: [Function],
  24750. intersectionBy: [Function],
  24751. intersectionWith: [Function],
  24752. invert: [Function],
  24753. invertBy: [Function],
  24754. invokeMap: [Function],
  24755. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  24756. keyBy: [Function],
  24757. keys: [Function: keys],
  24758. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  24759. map: [Function: map],
  24760. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  24761. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  24762. matches: [Function: matches],
  24763. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  24764. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  24765. merge: [Function],
  24766. mergeWith: [Function],
  24767. method: [Function],
  24768. methodOf: [Function],
  24769. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  24770. negate: [Function: negate],
  24771. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  24772. omit: [Function],
  24773. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  24774. once: [Function: once],
  24775. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  24776. over: [Function],
  24777. overArgs: [Function],
  24778. overEvery: [Function],
  24779. overSome: [Function],
  24780. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24781. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  24782. partition: [Function],
  24783. pick: [Function],
  24784. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  24785. property: [Function: property],
  24786. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  24787. pull: [Function],
  24788. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  24789. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  24790. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  24791. pullAt: [Function],
  24792. range: [Function],
  24793. rangeRight: [Function],
  24794. rearg: [Function],
  24795. reject: [Function: reject],
  24796. remove: [Function: remove],
  24797. rest: [Function: rest],
  24798. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  24799. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  24800. set: [Function: set],
  24801. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  24802. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  24803. slice: [Function: slice],
  24804. sortBy: [Function],
  24805. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  24806. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  24807. split: [Function: split],
  24808. spread: [Function: spread],
  24809. tail: [Function: tail],
  24810. take: [Function: take],
  24811. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  24812. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  24813. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  24814. tap: [Function: tap],
  24815. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  24816. thru: [Function: thru],
  24817. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  24818. toPairs: [Function],
  24819. toPairsIn: [Function],
  24820. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  24821. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  24822. transform: [Function: transform],
  24823. unary: [Function: unary],
  24824. union: [Function],
  24825. unionBy: [Function],
  24826. unionWith: [Function],
  24827. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  24828. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  24829. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  24830. unset: [Function: unset],
  24831. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  24832. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  24833. update: [Function: update],
  24834. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  24835. values: [Function: values],
  24836. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  24837. without: [Function],
  24838. words: [Function: words],
  24839. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  24840. xor: [Function],
  24841. xorBy: [Function],
  24842. xorWith: [Function],
  24843. zip: [Function],
  24844. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  24845. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  24846. zipWith: [Function],
  24847. entries: [Function],
  24848. entriesIn: [Function],
  24849. extend: [Function],
  24850. extendWith: [Function],
  24851. add: [Function],
  24852. attempt: [Function],
  24853. camelCase: [Function],
  24854. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  24855. ceil: [Function],
  24856. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  24857. clone: [Function: clone],
  24858. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  24859. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  24860. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  24861. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  24862. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  24863. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  24864. divide: [Function],
  24865. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  24866. eq: [Function: eq],
  24867. escape: [Function: escape],
  24868. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  24869. every: [Function: every],
  24870. find: [Function],
  24871. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  24872. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  24873. findLast: [Function],
  24874. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  24875. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  24876. floor: [Function],
  24877. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  24878. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  24879. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  24880. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  24881. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  24882. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  24883. get: [Function: get],
  24884. gt: [Function],
  24885. gte: [Function],
  24886. has: [Function: has],
  24887. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  24888. head: [Function: head],
  24889. identity: [Function: identity],
  24890. includes: [Function: includes],
  24891. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  24892. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  24893. invoke: [Function],
  24894. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  24895. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  24896. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  24897. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  24898. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  24899. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  24900. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  24901. isDate: [Function],
  24902. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  24903. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  24904. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  24905. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  24906. isError: [Function: isError],
  24907. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  24908. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  24909. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  24910. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  24911. isMap: [Function],
  24912. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  24913. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  24914. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  24915. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  24916. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  24917. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  24918. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  24919. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  24920. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  24921. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  24922. isRegExp: [Function],
  24923. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  24924. isSet: [Function],
  24925. isString: [Function: isString],
  24926. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  24927. isTypedArray: [Function],
  24928. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  24929. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  24930. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  24931. join: [Function: join],
  24932. kebabCase: [Function],
  24933. last: [Function: last],
  24934. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  24935. lowerCase: [Function],
  24936. lowerFirst: [Function],
  24937. lt: [Function],
  24938. lte: [Function],
  24939. max: [Function: max],
  24940. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  24941. mean: [Function: mean],
  24942. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  24943. min: [Function: min],
  24944. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  24945. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  24946. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  24947. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  24948. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  24949. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  24950. multiply: [Function],
  24951. nth: [Function: nth],
  24952. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  24953. noop: [Function: noop],
  24954. now: [Function],
  24955. pad: [Function: pad],
  24956. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  24957. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  24958. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  24959. random: [Function: random],
  24960. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  24961. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  24962. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  24963. replace: [Function: replace],
  24964. result: [Function: result],
  24965. round: [Function],
  24966. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  24967. sample: [Function: sample],
  24968. size: [Function: size],
  24969. snakeCase: [Function],
  24970. some: [Function: some],
  24971. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  24972. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  24973. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  24974. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  24975. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  24976. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  24977. startCase: [Function],
  24978. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  24979. subtract: [Function],
  24980. sum: [Function: sum],
  24981. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  24982. template: [Function: template],
  24983. times: [Function: times],
  24984. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  24985. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  24986. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  24987. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  24988. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  24989. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  24990. toString: [Function: toString],
  24991. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  24992. trim: [Function: trim],
  24993. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  24994. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  24995. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  24996. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  24997. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  24998. upperCase: [Function],
  24999. upperFirst: [Function],
  25000. each: [Function: forEach],
  25001. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  25002. first: [Function: head],
  25003. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  25004. options:
  25005. { dialect: 'mysql',
  25006. dialectModulePath: null,
  25007. host: 'localhost',
  25008. protocol: 'tcp',
  25009. define: {},
  25010. query: {},
  25011. sync: {},
  25012. timezone: '+00:00',
  25013. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  25014. omitNull: false,
  25015. native: false,
  25016. replication: false,
  25017. ssl: undefined,
  25018. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  25019. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  25020. hooks: {},
  25021. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  25022. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  25023. isolationLevel: null,
  25024. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  25025. typeValidation: false,
  25026. benchmark: false,
  25027. operatorsAliases: false },
  25028. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  25029. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  25030. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  25031. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  25032. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  25033. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  25034. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  25035. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  25036. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  25037. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  25038. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  25039. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  25040. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  25041. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  25042. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  25043. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  25044. quote: [Function: quote],
  25045. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  25046. escape: [Function: escape],
  25047. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  25048. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  25049. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  25050. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  25051. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  25052. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  25053. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  25054. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  25055. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  25056. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  25057. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  25058. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  25059. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  25060. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  25061. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  25062. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  25063. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  25064. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  25065. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  25066. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  25067. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  25068. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  25069. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  25070. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  25071. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  25072. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  25073. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  25074. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  25075. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  25076. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  25077. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  25078. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  25079. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  25080. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  25081. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  25082. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  25083. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  25084. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  25085. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  25086. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  25087. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  25088. _dialect: [Circular],
  25089. sequelize: [Circular],
  25090. typeValidation: undefined } },
  25091. versionPromise: null,
  25092. dialectName: 'mysql',
  25093. pool:
  25094. Pool {
  25095. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  25096. _eventsCount: 0,
  25097. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25098. _config:
  25099. PoolOptions {
  25100. fifo: true,
  25101. priorityRange: 1,
  25102. testOnBorrow: true,
  25103. testOnReturn: false,
  25104. autostart: false,
  25105. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  25106. max: 5,
  25107. min: 0,
  25108. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  25109. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  25110. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  25111. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  25112. Promise:
  25113. { [Function: Promise]
  25114. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  25115. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  25116. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  25117. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  25118. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  25119. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  25120. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  25121. _peekContext: [Function],
  25122. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  25123. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  25124. longStackTraces: [Function],
  25125. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  25126. config: [Function],
  25127. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  25128. is: [Function],
  25129. fromCallback: [Function],
  25130. fromNode: [Function],
  25131. all: [Function],
  25132. cast: [Function],
  25133. fulfilled: [Function],
  25134. resolve: [Function],
  25135. rejected: [Function],
  25136. reject: [Function],
  25137. setScheduler: [Function],
  25138. pending: [Function],
  25139. defer: [Function],
  25140. method: [Function],
  25141. try: [Function],
  25142. attempt: [Function],
  25143. bind: [Function],
  25144. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  25145. join: [Function],
  25146. Promise: [Circular],
  25147. version: '3.5.3',
  25148. map: [Function],
  25149. using: [Function],
  25150. delay: [Function],
  25151. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  25152. spawn: [Function],
  25153. promisify: [Function],
  25154. promisifyAll: [Function],
  25155. props: [Function],
  25156. race: [Function],
  25157. reduce: [Function],
  25158. settle: [Function],
  25159. some: [Function],
  25160. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  25161. filter: [Function],
  25162. each: [Function],
  25163. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  25164. any: [Function],
  25165. default: [Circular] } },
  25166. _Promise:
  25167. { [Function: Promise]
  25168. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  25169. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  25170. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  25171. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  25172. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  25173. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  25174. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  25175. _peekContext: [Function],
  25176. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  25177. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  25178. longStackTraces: [Function],
  25179. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  25180. config: [Function],
  25181. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  25182. is: [Function],
  25183. fromCallback: [Function],
  25184. fromNode: [Function],
  25185. all: [Function],
  25186. cast: [Function],
  25187. fulfilled: [Function],
  25188. resolve: [Function],
  25189. rejected: [Function],
  25190. reject: [Function],
  25191. setScheduler: [Function],
  25192. pending: [Function],
  25193. defer: [Function],
  25194. method: [Function],
  25195. try: [Function],
  25196. attempt: [Function],
  25197. bind: [Function],
  25198. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  25199. join: [Function],
  25200. Promise: [Circular],
  25201. version: '3.5.3',
  25202. map: [Function],
  25203. using: [Function],
  25204. delay: [Function],
  25205. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  25206. spawn: [Function],
  25207. promisify: [Function],
  25208. promisifyAll: [Function],
  25209. props: [Function],
  25210. race: [Function],
  25211. reduce: [Function],
  25212. settle: [Function],
  25213. some: [Function],
  25214. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  25215. filter: [Function],
  25216. each: [Function],
  25217. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  25218. any: [Function],
  25219. default: [Circular] },
  25220. _factory:
  25221. { create: [Function: create],
  25222. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  25223. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  25224. _draining: false,
  25225. _started: true,
  25226. _waitingClientsQueue:
  25227. PriorityQueue {
  25228. _size: 1,
  25229. _slots:
  25230. [ Queue {
  25231. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  25232. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  25233. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  25234. _availableObjects:
  25235. Deque {
  25236. _list:
  25237. DoublyLinkedList {
  25238. head:
  25239. { prev: null,
  25240. next:
  25241. { prev: [Circular],
  25242. next: null,
  25243. data:
  25244. PooledResource {
  25245. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  25246. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  25247. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  25248. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  25249. obj:
  25250. Connection {
  25251. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  25252. _eventsCount: 1,
  25253. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25254. config:
  25255. ConnectionConfig {
  25256. isServer: undefined,
  25257. stream: undefined,
  25258. host: 'localhost',
  25259. port: 3306,
  25260. localAddress: undefined,
  25261. socketPath: undefined,
  25262. user: 'root',
  25263. password: 'abcd1234',
  25264. passwordSha1: undefined,
  25265. database: 'lbry',
  25266. connectTimeout: 10000,
  25267. insecureAuth: false,
  25268. supportBigNumbers: true,
  25269. bigNumberStrings: false,
  25270. decimalNumbers: false,
  25271. dateStrings: false,
  25272. debug: undefined,
  25273. trace: true,
  25274. stringifyObjects: false,
  25275. timezone: '+00:00',
  25276. queryFormat: undefined,
  25277. pool: undefined,
  25278. ssl: false,
  25279. multipleStatements: false,
  25280. rowsAsArray: false,
  25281. namedPlaceholders: false,
  25282. nestTables: undefined,
  25283. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  25284. maxPacketSize: 0,
  25285. charsetNumber: 224,
  25286. compress: false,
  25287. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  25288. clientFlags: 8582093,
  25289. connectAttributes: undefined,
  25290. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  25291. stream:
  25292. Socket {
  25293. connecting: false,
  25294. _hadError: false,
  25295. _handle:
  25296. TCP {
  25297. reading: true,
  25298. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  25299. onconnection: null,
  25300. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  25301. _parent: null,
  25302. _host: 'localhost',
  25303. _readableState:
  25304. ReadableState {
  25305. objectMode: false,
  25306. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25307. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  25308. length: 0,
  25309. pipes: null,
  25310. pipesCount: 0,
  25311. flowing: true,
  25312. ended: false,
  25313. endEmitted: false,
  25314. reading: true,
  25315. sync: false,
  25316. needReadable: true,
  25317. emittedReadable: false,
  25318. readableListening: false,
  25319. resumeScheduled: false,
  25320. emitClose: false,
  25321. autoDestroy: false,
  25322. destroyed: false,
  25323. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25324. awaitDrain: 0,
  25325. readingMore: false,
  25326. decoder: null,
  25327. encoding: null },
  25328. readable: true,
  25329. _events:
  25330. [Object: null prototype] {
  25331. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  25332. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  25333. data: [Function],
  25334. close: [Function] },
  25335. _eventsCount: 4,
  25336. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25337. _writableState:
  25338. WritableState {
  25339. objectMode: false,
  25340. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25341. finalCalled: false,
  25342. needDrain: false,
  25343. ending: false,
  25344. ended: false,
  25345. finished: false,
  25346. destroyed: false,
  25347. decodeStrings: false,
  25348. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25349. length: 0,
  25350. writing: false,
  25351. corked: 0,
  25352. sync: false,
  25353. bufferProcessing: false,
  25354. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  25355. writecb: null,
  25356. writelen: 0,
  25357. bufferedRequest: null,
  25358. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  25359. pendingcb: 0,
  25360. prefinished: false,
  25361. errorEmitted: false,
  25362. emitClose: false,
  25363. autoDestroy: false,
  25364. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  25365. corkedRequestsFree:
  25366. { next: null,
  25367. entry: null,
  25368. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  25369. writable: true,
  25370. allowHalfOpen: false,
  25371. _sockname: null,
  25372. _pendingData: null,
  25373. _pendingEncoding: '',
  25374. server: null,
  25375. _server: null,
  25376. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  25377. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  25378. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  25379. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  25380. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  25381. _internalId: 1,
  25382. _commands:
  25383. Denque {
  25384. _head: 0,
  25385. _tail: 0,
  25386. _capacityMask: 3,
  25387. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  25388. _command: undefined,
  25389. _paused: false,
  25390. _paused_packets:
  25391. Denque {
  25392. _head: 0,
  25393. _tail: 0,
  25394. _capacityMask: 3,
  25395. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  25396. _statements:
  25397. LRUCache {
  25398. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  25399. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  25400. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  25401. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  25402. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  25403. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  25404. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  25405. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  25406. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  25407. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25408. authorized: true,
  25409. sequenceId: 23,
  25410. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  25411. threadId: 1303,
  25412. _handshakePacket:
  25413. Handshake {
  25414. protocolVersion: 10,
  25415. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  25416. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25417. connectionId: 1303,
  25418. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  25419. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  25420. characterSet: 255,
  25421. statusFlags: 2 },
  25422. _fatalError: null,
  25423. _protocolError: null,
  25424. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  25425. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  25426. packetParser:
  25427. PacketParser {
  25428. buffer: [],
  25429. bufferLength: 0,
  25430. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  25431. headerLen: 0,
  25432. length: 5,
  25433. largePacketParts: [],
  25434. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  25435. onPacket: [Function],
  25436. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  25437. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  25438. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  25439. connectTimeout: null,
  25440. connectionId: 1303 },
  25441. state: 'IDLE' } },
  25442. data:
  25443. PooledResource {
  25444. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  25445. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  25446. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  25447. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  25448. obj:
  25449. Connection {
  25450. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  25451. _eventsCount: 1,
  25452. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25453. config:
  25454. ConnectionConfig {
  25455. isServer: undefined,
  25456. stream: undefined,
  25457. host: 'localhost',
  25458. port: 3306,
  25459. localAddress: undefined,
  25460. socketPath: undefined,
  25461. user: 'root',
  25462. password: 'abcd1234',
  25463. passwordSha1: undefined,
  25464. database: 'lbry',
  25465. connectTimeout: 10000,
  25466. insecureAuth: false,
  25467. supportBigNumbers: true,
  25468. bigNumberStrings: false,
  25469. decimalNumbers: false,
  25470. dateStrings: false,
  25471. debug: undefined,
  25472. trace: true,
  25473. stringifyObjects: false,
  25474. timezone: '+00:00',
  25475. queryFormat: undefined,
  25476. pool: undefined,
  25477. ssl: false,
  25478. multipleStatements: false,
  25479. rowsAsArray: false,
  25480. namedPlaceholders: false,
  25481. nestTables: undefined,
  25482. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  25483. maxPacketSize: 0,
  25484. charsetNumber: 224,
  25485. compress: false,
  25486. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  25487. clientFlags: 8582093,
  25488. connectAttributes: undefined,
  25489. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  25490. stream:
  25491. Socket {
  25492. connecting: false,
  25493. _hadError: false,
  25494. _handle:
  25495. TCP {
  25496. reading: true,
  25497. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  25498. onconnection: null,
  25499. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  25500. _parent: null,
  25501. _host: 'localhost',
  25502. _readableState:
  25503. ReadableState {
  25504. objectMode: false,
  25505. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25506. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  25507. length: 0,
  25508. pipes: null,
  25509. pipesCount: 0,
  25510. flowing: true,
  25511. ended: false,
  25512. endEmitted: false,
  25513. reading: true,
  25514. sync: false,
  25515. needReadable: true,
  25516. emittedReadable: false,
  25517. readableListening: false,
  25518. resumeScheduled: false,
  25519. emitClose: false,
  25520. autoDestroy: false,
  25521. destroyed: false,
  25522. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25523. awaitDrain: 0,
  25524. readingMore: false,
  25525. decoder: null,
  25526. encoding: null },
  25527. readable: true,
  25528. _events:
  25529. [Object: null prototype] {
  25530. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  25531. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  25532. data: [Function],
  25533. close: [Function] },
  25534. _eventsCount: 4,
  25535. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25536. _writableState:
  25537. WritableState {
  25538. objectMode: false,
  25539. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25540. finalCalled: false,
  25541. needDrain: false,
  25542. ending: false,
  25543. ended: false,
  25544. finished: false,
  25545. destroyed: false,
  25546. decodeStrings: false,
  25547. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25548. length: 0,
  25549. writing: false,
  25550. corked: 0,
  25551. sync: false,
  25552. bufferProcessing: false,
  25553. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  25554. writecb: null,
  25555. writelen: 0,
  25556. bufferedRequest: null,
  25557. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  25558. pendingcb: 0,
  25559. prefinished: false,
  25560. errorEmitted: false,
  25561. emitClose: false,
  25562. autoDestroy: false,
  25563. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  25564. corkedRequestsFree:
  25565. { next: null,
  25566. entry: null,
  25567. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  25568. writable: true,
  25569. allowHalfOpen: false,
  25570. _sockname: null,
  25571. _pendingData: null,
  25572. _pendingEncoding: '',
  25573. server: null,
  25574. _server: null,
  25575. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  25576. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  25577. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  25578. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  25579. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  25580. _internalId: 2,
  25581. _commands:
  25582. Denque {
  25583. _head: 0,
  25584. _tail: 0,
  25585. _capacityMask: 3,
  25586. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  25587. _command: undefined,
  25588. _paused: false,
  25589. _paused_packets:
  25590. Denque {
  25591. _head: 0,
  25592. _tail: 0,
  25593. _capacityMask: 3,
  25594. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  25595. _statements:
  25596. LRUCache {
  25597. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  25598. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  25599. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  25600. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  25601. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  25602. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  25603. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  25604. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  25605. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  25606. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25607. authorized: true,
  25608. sequenceId: 2,
  25609. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  25610. threadId: 1302,
  25611. _handshakePacket:
  25612. Handshake {
  25613. protocolVersion: 10,
  25614. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  25615. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25616. connectionId: 1302,
  25617. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  25618. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  25619. characterSet: 255,
  25620. statusFlags: 2 },
  25621. _fatalError: null,
  25622. _protocolError: null,
  25623. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  25624. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  25625. packetParser:
  25626. PacketParser {
  25627. buffer: [],
  25628. bufferLength: 0,
  25629. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  25630. headerLen: 0,
  25631. length: 7,
  25632. largePacketParts: [],
  25633. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  25634. onPacket: [Function],
  25635. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  25636. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  25637. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  25638. connectTimeout: null,
  25639. connectionId: 1302 },
  25640. state: 'IDLE' } },
  25641. tail:
  25642. { prev:
  25643. { prev: null,
  25644. next: [Circular],
  25645. data:
  25646. PooledResource {
  25647. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  25648. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  25649. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  25650. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  25651. obj:
  25652. Connection {
  25653. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  25654. _eventsCount: 1,
  25655. _maxListeners: undefined,
  25656. config:
  25657. ConnectionConfig {
  25658. isServer: undefined,
  25659. stream: undefined,
  25660. host: 'localhost',
  25661. port: 3306,
  25662. localAddress: undefined,
  25663. socketPath: undefined,
  25664. user: 'root',
  25665. password: 'abcd1234',
  25666. passwordSha1: undefined,
  25667. database: 'lbry',
  25668. connectTimeout: 10000,
  25669. insecureAuth: false,
  25670. supportBigNumbers: true,
  25671. bigNumberStrings: false,
  25672. decimalNumbers: false,
  25673. dateStrings: false,
  25674. debug: undefined,
  25675. trace: true,
  25676. stringifyObjects: false,
  25677. timezone: '+00:00',
  25678. queryFormat: undefined,
  25679. pool: undefined,
  25680. ssl: false,
  25681. multipleStatements: false,
  25682. rowsAsArray: false,
  25683. namedPlaceholders: false,
  25684. nestTables: undefined,
  25685. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  25686. maxPacketSize: 0,
  25687. charsetNumber: 224,
  25688. compress: false,
  25689. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  25690. clientFlags: 8582093,
  25691. connectAttributes: undefined,
  25692. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  25694. Socket {
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  25698. TCP {
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  25700. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  25702. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  25704. _host: 'localhost',
  25705. _readableState:
  25706. ReadableState {
  25707. objectMode: false,
  25708. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25709. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  25710. length: 0,
  25711. pipes: null,
  25712. pipesCount: 0,
  25713. flowing: true,
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  25715. endEmitted: false,
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  25717. sync: false,
  25718. needReadable: true,
  25719. emittedReadable: false,
  25720. readableListening: false,
  25721. resumeScheduled: false,
  25722. emitClose: false,
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  25724. destroyed: false,
  25725. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25726. awaitDrain: 0,
  25727. readingMore: false,
  25728. decoder: null,
  25729. encoding: null },
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  25732. [Object: null prototype] {
  25733. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  25734. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  25735. data: [Function],
  25736. close: [Function] },
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  25743. finalCalled: false,
  25744. needDrain: false,
  25745. ending: false,
  25746. ended: false,
  25747. finished: false,
  25748. destroyed: false,
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  25750. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  25751. length: 0,
  25752. writing: false,
  25753. corked: 0,
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  25760. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  25761. pendingcb: 0,
  25762. prefinished: false,
  25763. errorEmitted: false,
  25764. emitClose: false,
  25765. autoDestroy: false,
  25766. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  25767. corkedRequestsFree:
  25768. { next: null,
  25769. entry: null,
  25770. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  25771. writable: true,
  25772. allowHalfOpen: false,
  25773. _sockname: null,
  25774. _pendingData: null,
  25775. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  25777. _server: null,
  25778. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  25779. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  25780. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  25781. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  25782. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  25785. Denque {
  25786. _head: 0,
  25787. _tail: 0,
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  25789. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  25793. Denque {
  25794. _head: 0,
  25795. _tail: 0,
  25796. _capacityMask: 3,
  25797. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  25802. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  25803. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  25804. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  25805. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  25806. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  25807. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  25808. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  25809. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25810. authorized: true,
  25811. sequenceId: 2,
  25812. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  25813. threadId: 1302,
  25814. _handshakePacket:
  25815. Handshake {
  25816. protocolVersion: 10,
  25817. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  25818. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  25819. connectionId: 1302,
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  25821. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  25822. characterSet: 255,
  25823. statusFlags: 2 },
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  25825. _protocolError: null,
  25826. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  25829. PacketParser {
  25830. buffer: [],
  25831. bufferLength: 0,
  25832. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  25833. headerLen: 0,
  25834. length: 7,
  25835. largePacketParts: [],
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  25837. onPacket: [Function],
  25838. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  25840. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  25841. connectTimeout: null,
  25842. connectionId: 1302 },
  25843. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  25845. data:
  25846. PooledResource {
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  25848. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  25849. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  25850. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  25851. obj:
  25852. Connection {
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  25859. stream: undefined,
  25860. host: 'localhost',
  25861. port: 3306,
  25862. localAddress: undefined,
  25863. socketPath: undefined,
  25864. user: 'root',
  25865. password: 'abcd1234',
  25866. passwordSha1: undefined,
  25867. database: 'lbry',
  25868. connectTimeout: 10000,
  25869. insecureAuth: false,
  25870. supportBigNumbers: true,
  25871. bigNumberStrings: false,
  25872. decimalNumbers: false,
  25873. dateStrings: false,
  25874. debug: undefined,
  25875. trace: true,
  25876. stringifyObjects: false,
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  25878. queryFormat: undefined,
  25879. pool: undefined,
  25880. ssl: false,
  25881. multipleStatements: false,
  25882. rowsAsArray: false,
  25883. namedPlaceholders: false,
  25884. nestTables: undefined,
  25885. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  25887. charsetNumber: 224,
  25888. compress: false,
  25889. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  25890. clientFlags: 8582093,
  25891. connectAttributes: undefined,
  25892. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  25894. Socket {
  25895. connecting: false,
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  25897. _handle:
  25898. TCP {
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  25900. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  25902. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  25904. _host: 'localhost',
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  25906. ReadableState {
  25907. objectMode: false,
  25908. highWaterMark: 16384,
  25909. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  25910. length: 0,
  25911. pipes: null,
  25912. pipesCount: 0,
  25913. flowing: true,
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  25917. sync: false,
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  25920. readableListening: false,
  25921. resumeScheduled: false,
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  25924. destroyed: false,
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  25926. awaitDrain: 0,
  25927. readingMore: false,
  25928. decoder: null,
  25929. encoding: null },
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  25933. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  25944. needDrain: false,
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  25946. ended: false,
  25947. finished: false,
  25948. destroyed: false,
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  25960. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  25961. pendingcb: 0,
  25962. prefinished: false,
  25963. errorEmitted: false,
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  25965. autoDestroy: false,
  25966. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  25967. corkedRequestsFree:
  25968. { next: null,
  25969. entry: null,
  25970. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  25975. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  25979. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  25980. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  25981. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  25982. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  25985. Denque {
  25986. _head: 0,
  25987. _tail: 0,
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  25989. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  25993. Denque {
  25994. _head: 0,
  25995. _tail: 0,
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  25997. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26003. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  26004. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  26005. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  26006. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  26007. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  26008. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  26009. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26010. authorized: true,
  26011. sequenceId: 23,
  26012. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  26013. threadId: 1303,
  26014. _handshakePacket:
  26015. Handshake {
  26016. protocolVersion: 10,
  26017. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  26018. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26019. connectionId: 1303,
  26020. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  26021. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  26022. characterSet: 255,
  26023. statusFlags: 2 },
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  26025. _protocolError: null,
  26026. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  26027. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  26028. packetParser:
  26029. PacketParser {
  26030. buffer: [],
  26031. bufferLength: 0,
  26032. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  26033. headerLen: 0,
  26034. length: 5,
  26035. largePacketParts: [],
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  26037. onPacket: [Function],
  26038. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  26039. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  26040. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  26041. connectTimeout: null,
  26042. connectionId: 1303 },
  26043. state: 'IDLE' } },
  26044. length: 2 } },
  26045. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  26046. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  26047. _validationOperations: Set {},
  26048. _allObjects:
  26049. Set {
  26050. PooledResource {
  26051. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  26052. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  26053. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  26054. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  26055. obj:
  26056. Connection {
  26057. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  26058. _eventsCount: 1,
  26059. _maxListeners: undefined,
  26060. config:
  26061. ConnectionConfig {
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  26063. stream: undefined,
  26064. host: 'localhost',
  26065. port: 3306,
  26066. localAddress: undefined,
  26067. socketPath: undefined,
  26068. user: 'root',
  26069. password: 'abcd1234',
  26070. passwordSha1: undefined,
  26071. database: 'lbry',
  26072. connectTimeout: 10000,
  26073. insecureAuth: false,
  26074. supportBigNumbers: true,
  26075. bigNumberStrings: false,
  26076. decimalNumbers: false,
  26077. dateStrings: false,
  26078. debug: undefined,
  26079. trace: true,
  26080. stringifyObjects: false,
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  26082. queryFormat: undefined,
  26083. pool: undefined,
  26084. ssl: false,
  26085. multipleStatements: false,
  26086. rowsAsArray: false,
  26087. namedPlaceholders: false,
  26088. nestTables: undefined,
  26089. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  26091. charsetNumber: 224,
  26092. compress: false,
  26093. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  26094. clientFlags: 8582093,
  26095. connectAttributes: undefined,
  26096. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  26098. Socket {
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  26102. TCP {
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  26104. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  26106. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  26110. ReadableState {
  26111. objectMode: false,
  26112. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26113. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  26114. length: 0,
  26115. pipes: null,
  26116. pipesCount: 0,
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  26120. reading: true,
  26121. sync: false,
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  26124. readableListening: false,
  26125. resumeScheduled: false,
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  26128. destroyed: false,
  26129. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  26130. awaitDrain: 0,
  26131. readingMore: false,
  26132. decoder: null,
  26133. encoding: null },
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  26136. [Object: null prototype] {
  26137. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  26138. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  26139. data: [Function],
  26140. close: [Function] },
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  26142. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  26147. finalCalled: false,
  26148. needDrain: false,
  26149. ending: false,
  26150. ended: false,
  26151. finished: false,
  26152. destroyed: false,
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  26155. length: 0,
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  26157. corked: 0,
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  26162. writelen: 0,
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  26164. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  26165. pendingcb: 0,
  26166. prefinished: false,
  26167. errorEmitted: false,
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  26169. autoDestroy: false,
  26170. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  26172. { next: null,
  26173. entry: null,
  26174. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  26176. allowHalfOpen: false,
  26177. _sockname: null,
  26178. _pendingData: null,
  26179. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  26181. _server: null,
  26182. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  26183. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  26184. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  26185. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  26186. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  26187. _internalId: 2,
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  26189. Denque {
  26190. _head: 0,
  26191. _tail: 0,
  26192. _capacityMask: 3,
  26193. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26195. _paused: false,
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  26197. Denque {
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  26199. _tail: 0,
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  26201. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26205. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
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  26207. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  26208. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  26209. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  26210. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  26211. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  26212. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  26213. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26214. authorized: true,
  26215. sequenceId: 2,
  26216. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  26217. threadId: 1302,
  26218. _handshakePacket:
  26219. Handshake {
  26220. protocolVersion: 10,
  26221. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  26222. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26223. connectionId: 1302,
  26224. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  26225. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  26226. characterSet: 255,
  26227. statusFlags: 2 },
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  26229. _protocolError: null,
  26230. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  26232. packetParser:
  26233. PacketParser {
  26234. buffer: [],
  26235. bufferLength: 0,
  26236. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  26237. headerLen: 0,
  26238. length: 7,
  26239. largePacketParts: [],
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  26241. onPacket: [Function],
  26242. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  26243. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  26244. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  26245. connectTimeout: null,
  26246. connectionId: 1302 },
  26247. state: 'IDLE' },
  26248. PooledResource {
  26249. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  26250. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  26251. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  26252. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  26253. obj:
  26254. Connection {
  26255. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  26256. _eventsCount: 1,
  26257. _maxListeners: undefined,
  26258. config:
  26259. ConnectionConfig {
  26260. isServer: undefined,
  26261. stream: undefined,
  26262. host: 'localhost',
  26263. port: 3306,
  26264. localAddress: undefined,
  26265. socketPath: undefined,
  26266. user: 'root',
  26267. password: 'abcd1234',
  26268. passwordSha1: undefined,
  26269. database: 'lbry',
  26270. connectTimeout: 10000,
  26271. insecureAuth: false,
  26272. supportBigNumbers: true,
  26273. bigNumberStrings: false,
  26274. decimalNumbers: false,
  26275. dateStrings: false,
  26276. debug: undefined,
  26277. trace: true,
  26278. stringifyObjects: false,
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  26280. queryFormat: undefined,
  26281. pool: undefined,
  26282. ssl: false,
  26283. multipleStatements: false,
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  26285. namedPlaceholders: false,
  26286. nestTables: undefined,
  26287. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  26290. compress: false,
  26291. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  26292. clientFlags: 8582093,
  26293. connectAttributes: undefined,
  26294. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  26296. Socket {
  26297. connecting: false,
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  26300. TCP {
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  26302. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  26304. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  26306. _host: 'localhost',
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  26308. ReadableState {
  26309. objectMode: false,
  26310. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26311. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  26312. length: 0,
  26313. pipes: null,
  26314. pipesCount: 0,
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  26316. ended: false,
  26317. endEmitted: false,
  26318. reading: true,
  26319. sync: false,
  26320. needReadable: true,
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  26322. readableListening: false,
  26323. resumeScheduled: false,
  26324. emitClose: false,
  26325. autoDestroy: false,
  26326. destroyed: false,
  26327. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  26328. awaitDrain: 0,
  26329. readingMore: false,
  26330. decoder: null,
  26331. encoding: null },
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  26334. [Object: null prototype] {
  26335. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  26336. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  26337. data: [Function],
  26338. close: [Function] },
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  26342. WritableState {
  26343. objectMode: false,
  26344. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26345. finalCalled: false,
  26346. needDrain: false,
  26347. ending: false,
  26348. ended: false,
  26349. finished: false,
  26350. destroyed: false,
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  26352. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  26353. length: 0,
  26354. writing: false,
  26355. corked: 0,
  26356. sync: false,
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  26358. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  26360. writelen: 0,
  26361. bufferedRequest: null,
  26362. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  26363. pendingcb: 0,
  26364. prefinished: false,
  26365. errorEmitted: false,
  26366. emitClose: false,
  26367. autoDestroy: false,
  26368. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  26369. corkedRequestsFree:
  26370. { next: null,
  26371. entry: null,
  26372. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  26373. writable: true,
  26374. allowHalfOpen: false,
  26375. _sockname: null,
  26376. _pendingData: null,
  26377. _pendingEncoding: '',
  26378. server: null,
  26379. _server: null,
  26380. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  26381. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  26382. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  26383. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  26384. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  26385. _internalId: 1,
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  26387. Denque {
  26388. _head: 0,
  26389. _tail: 0,
  26390. _capacityMask: 3,
  26391. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26394. _paused_packets:
  26395. Denque {
  26396. _head: 0,
  26397. _tail: 0,
  26398. _capacityMask: 3,
  26399. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26404. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  26405. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  26406. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  26407. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  26408. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  26409. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  26410. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  26412. authorized: true,
  26413. sequenceId: 23,
  26414. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  26415. threadId: 1303,
  26416. _handshakePacket:
  26417. Handshake {
  26418. protocolVersion: 10,
  26419. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  26420. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26421. connectionId: 1303,
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  26423. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  26424. characterSet: 255,
  26425. statusFlags: 2 },
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  26427. _protocolError: null,
  26428. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  26429. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  26430. packetParser:
  26431. PacketParser {
  26432. buffer: [],
  26433. bufferLength: 0,
  26434. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  26435. headerLen: 0,
  26436. length: 5,
  26437. largePacketParts: [],
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  26439. onPacket: [Function],
  26440. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  26441. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  26442. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  26443. connectTimeout: null,
  26444. connectionId: 1303 },
  26445. state: 'IDLE' } },
  26446. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  26447. _evictionIterator:
  26448. DequeIterator {
  26449. _list:
  26450. DoublyLinkedList {
  26451. head:
  26452. { prev: null,
  26453. next:
  26454. { prev: [Circular],
  26455. next: null,
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  26459. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  26460. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  26461. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  26463. Connection {
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  26465. _eventsCount: 1,
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  26470. stream: undefined,
  26471. host: 'localhost',
  26472. port: 3306,
  26473. localAddress: undefined,
  26474. socketPath: undefined,
  26475. user: 'root',
  26476. password: 'abcd1234',
  26477. passwordSha1: undefined,
  26478. database: 'lbry',
  26479. connectTimeout: 10000,
  26480. insecureAuth: false,
  26481. supportBigNumbers: true,
  26482. bigNumberStrings: false,
  26483. decimalNumbers: false,
  26484. dateStrings: false,
  26485. debug: undefined,
  26486. trace: true,
  26487. stringifyObjects: false,
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  26489. queryFormat: undefined,
  26490. pool: undefined,
  26491. ssl: false,
  26492. multipleStatements: false,
  26493. rowsAsArray: false,
  26494. namedPlaceholders: false,
  26495. nestTables: undefined,
  26496. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  26498. charsetNumber: 224,
  26499. compress: false,
  26500. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  26501. clientFlags: 8582093,
  26502. connectAttributes: undefined,
  26503. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  26505. Socket {
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  26509. TCP {
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  26511. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  26513. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  26515. _host: 'localhost',
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  26517. ReadableState {
  26518. objectMode: false,
  26519. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26520. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  26521. length: 0,
  26522. pipes: null,
  26523. pipesCount: 0,
  26524. flowing: true,
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  26526. endEmitted: false,
  26527. reading: true,
  26528. sync: false,
  26529. needReadable: true,
  26530. emittedReadable: false,
  26531. readableListening: false,
  26532. resumeScheduled: false,
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  26535. destroyed: false,
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  26537. awaitDrain: 0,
  26538. readingMore: false,
  26539. decoder: null,
  26540. encoding: null },
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  26543. [Object: null prototype] {
  26544. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  26545. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  26546. data: [Function],
  26547. close: [Function] },
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  26554. finalCalled: false,
  26555. needDrain: false,
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  26557. ended: false,
  26558. finished: false,
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  26564. corked: 0,
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  26572. pendingcb: 0,
  26573. prefinished: false,
  26574. errorEmitted: false,
  26575. emitClose: false,
  26576. autoDestroy: false,
  26577. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  26579. { next: null,
  26580. entry: null,
  26581. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  26586. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  26588. _server: null,
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  26591. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  26592. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  26593. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  26598. _tail: 0,
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  26600. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26604. Denque {
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  26606. _tail: 0,
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  26608. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26614. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  26615. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  26616. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  26617. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  26618. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  26619. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  26620. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26621. authorized: true,
  26622. sequenceId: 23,
  26623. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  26624. threadId: 1303,
  26625. _handshakePacket:
  26626. Handshake {
  26627. protocolVersion: 10,
  26628. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  26629. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26630. connectionId: 1303,
  26631. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  26632. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  26633. characterSet: 255,
  26634. statusFlags: 2 },
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  26636. _protocolError: null,
  26637. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  26638. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  26639. packetParser:
  26640. PacketParser {
  26641. buffer: [],
  26642. bufferLength: 0,
  26643. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  26644. headerLen: 0,
  26645. length: 5,
  26646. largePacketParts: [],
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  26648. onPacket: [Function],
  26649. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  26650. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  26651. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  26652. connectTimeout: null,
  26653. connectionId: 1303 },
  26654. state: 'IDLE' } },
  26655. data:
  26656. PooledResource {
  26657. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  26658. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  26659. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  26660. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  26661. obj:
  26662. Connection {
  26663. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  26664. _eventsCount: 1,
  26665. _maxListeners: undefined,
  26666. config:
  26667. ConnectionConfig {
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  26669. stream: undefined,
  26670. host: 'localhost',
  26671. port: 3306,
  26672. localAddress: undefined,
  26673. socketPath: undefined,
  26674. user: 'root',
  26675. password: 'abcd1234',
  26676. passwordSha1: undefined,
  26677. database: 'lbry',
  26678. connectTimeout: 10000,
  26679. insecureAuth: false,
  26680. supportBigNumbers: true,
  26681. bigNumberStrings: false,
  26682. decimalNumbers: false,
  26683. dateStrings: false,
  26684. debug: undefined,
  26685. trace: true,
  26686. stringifyObjects: false,
  26687. timezone: '+00:00',
  26688. queryFormat: undefined,
  26689. pool: undefined,
  26690. ssl: false,
  26691. multipleStatements: false,
  26692. rowsAsArray: false,
  26693. namedPlaceholders: false,
  26694. nestTables: undefined,
  26695. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  26697. charsetNumber: 224,
  26698. compress: false,
  26699. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  26700. clientFlags: 8582093,
  26701. connectAttributes: undefined,
  26702. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  26704. Socket {
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  26708. TCP {
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  26710. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  26712. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  26714. _host: 'localhost',
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  26716. ReadableState {
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  26718. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26719. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  26720. length: 0,
  26721. pipes: null,
  26722. pipesCount: 0,
  26723. flowing: true,
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  26725. endEmitted: false,
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  26727. sync: false,
  26728. needReadable: true,
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  26730. readableListening: false,
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  26734. destroyed: false,
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  26736. awaitDrain: 0,
  26737. readingMore: false,
  26738. decoder: null,
  26739. encoding: null },
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  26742. [Object: null prototype] {
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  26745. data: [Function],
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  26754. needDrain: false,
  26755. ending: false,
  26756. ended: false,
  26757. finished: false,
  26758. destroyed: false,
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  26761. length: 0,
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  26763. corked: 0,
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  26769. bufferedRequest: null,
  26770. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  26771. pendingcb: 0,
  26772. prefinished: false,
  26773. errorEmitted: false,
  26774. emitClose: false,
  26775. autoDestroy: false,
  26776. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  26777. corkedRequestsFree:
  26778. { next: null,
  26779. entry: null,
  26780. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  26782. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  26784. _pendingData: null,
  26785. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  26787. _server: null,
  26788. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  26789. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  26790. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  26791. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  26792. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  26795. Denque {
  26796. _head: 0,
  26797. _tail: 0,
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  26799. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26801. _paused: false,
  26802. _paused_packets:
  26803. Denque {
  26804. _head: 0,
  26805. _tail: 0,
  26806. _capacityMask: 3,
  26807. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  26812. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  26813. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  26814. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  26815. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  26816. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  26817. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  26818. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  26819. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26820. authorized: true,
  26821. sequenceId: 2,
  26822. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  26823. threadId: 1302,
  26824. _handshakePacket:
  26825. Handshake {
  26826. protocolVersion: 10,
  26827. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  26828. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  26829. connectionId: 1302,
  26830. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  26831. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  26832. characterSet: 255,
  26833. statusFlags: 2 },
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  26835. _protocolError: null,
  26836. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  26837. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  26838. packetParser:
  26839. PacketParser {
  26840. buffer: [],
  26841. bufferLength: 0,
  26842. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  26843. headerLen: 0,
  26844. length: 7,
  26845. largePacketParts: [],
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  26847. onPacket: [Function],
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  26850. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  26851. connectTimeout: null,
  26852. connectionId: 1302 },
  26853. state: 'IDLE' } },
  26854. tail:
  26855. { prev:
  26856. { prev: null,
  26857. next: [Circular],
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  26859. PooledResource {
  26860. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  26861. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  26862. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  26863. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  26864. obj:
  26865. Connection {
  26866. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  26867. _eventsCount: 1,
  26868. _maxListeners: undefined,
  26869. config:
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  26872. stream: undefined,
  26873. host: 'localhost',
  26874. port: 3306,
  26875. localAddress: undefined,
  26876. socketPath: undefined,
  26877. user: 'root',
  26878. password: 'abcd1234',
  26879. passwordSha1: undefined,
  26880. database: 'lbry',
  26881. connectTimeout: 10000,
  26882. insecureAuth: false,
  26883. supportBigNumbers: true,
  26884. bigNumberStrings: false,
  26885. decimalNumbers: false,
  26886. dateStrings: false,
  26887. debug: undefined,
  26888. trace: true,
  26889. stringifyObjects: false,
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  26891. queryFormat: undefined,
  26892. pool: undefined,
  26893. ssl: false,
  26894. multipleStatements: false,
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  26896. namedPlaceholders: false,
  26897. nestTables: undefined,
  26898. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  26900. charsetNumber: 224,
  26901. compress: false,
  26902. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  26903. clientFlags: 8582093,
  26904. connectAttributes: undefined,
  26905. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  26907. Socket {
  26908. connecting: false,
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  26910. _handle:
  26911. TCP {
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  26913. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  26915. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  26919. ReadableState {
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  26921. highWaterMark: 16384,
  26922. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  26923. length: 0,
  26924. pipes: null,
  26925. pipesCount: 0,
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  26930. sync: false,
  26931. needReadable: true,
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  26933. readableListening: false,
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  26937. destroyed: false,
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  26939. awaitDrain: 0,
  26940. readingMore: false,
  26941. decoder: null,
  26942. encoding: null },
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  26945. [Object: null prototype] {
  26946. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  26947. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  26948. data: [Function],
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  26953. WritableState {
  26954. objectMode: false,
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  26956. finalCalled: false,
  26957. needDrain: false,
  26958. ending: false,
  26959. ended: false,
  26960. finished: false,
  26961. destroyed: false,
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  26964. length: 0,
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  26966. corked: 0,
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  26971. writelen: 0,
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  26973. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  26974. pendingcb: 0,
  26975. prefinished: false,
  26976. errorEmitted: false,
  26977. emitClose: false,
  26978. autoDestroy: false,
  26979. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  26980. corkedRequestsFree:
  26981. { next: null,
  26982. entry: null,
  26983. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  26985. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  26987. _pendingData: null,
  26988. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  26990. _server: null,
  26991. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  26992. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  26993. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  26994. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  26995. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  26997. _commands:
  26998. Denque {
  26999. _head: 0,
  27000. _tail: 0,
  27001. _capacityMask: 3,
  27002. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  27003. _command: undefined,
  27004. _paused: false,
  27005. _paused_packets:
  27006. Denque {
  27007. _head: 0,
  27008. _tail: 0,
  27009. _capacityMask: 3,
  27010. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  27011. _statements:
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  27014. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  27015. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  27016. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  27017. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  27018. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  27019. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  27020. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  27021. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  27022. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27023. authorized: true,
  27024. sequenceId: 2,
  27025. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  27026. threadId: 1302,
  27027. _handshakePacket:
  27028. Handshake {
  27029. protocolVersion: 10,
  27030. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  27031. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27032. connectionId: 1302,
  27033. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  27034. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  27035. characterSet: 255,
  27036. statusFlags: 2 },
  27037. _fatalError: null,
  27038. _protocolError: null,
  27039. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  27040. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  27041. packetParser:
  27042. PacketParser {
  27043. buffer: [],
  27044. bufferLength: 0,
  27045. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  27046. headerLen: 0,
  27047. length: 7,
  27048. largePacketParts: [],
  27049. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  27050. onPacket: [Function],
  27051. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  27052. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  27053. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  27054. connectTimeout: null,
  27055. connectionId: 1302 },
  27056. state: 'IDLE' } },
  27057. next: null,
  27058. data:
  27059. PooledResource {
  27060. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  27061. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  27062. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  27063. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  27064. obj:
  27065. Connection {
  27066. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  27067. _eventsCount: 1,
  27068. _maxListeners: undefined,
  27069. config:
  27070. ConnectionConfig {
  27071. isServer: undefined,
  27072. stream: undefined,
  27073. host: 'localhost',
  27074. port: 3306,
  27075. localAddress: undefined,
  27076. socketPath: undefined,
  27077. user: 'root',
  27078. password: 'abcd1234',
  27079. passwordSha1: undefined,
  27080. database: 'lbry',
  27081. connectTimeout: 10000,
  27082. insecureAuth: false,
  27083. supportBigNumbers: true,
  27084. bigNumberStrings: false,
  27085. decimalNumbers: false,
  27086. dateStrings: false,
  27087. debug: undefined,
  27088. trace: true,
  27089. stringifyObjects: false,
  27090. timezone: '+00:00',
  27091. queryFormat: undefined,
  27092. pool: undefined,
  27093. ssl: false,
  27094. multipleStatements: false,
  27095. rowsAsArray: false,
  27096. namedPlaceholders: false,
  27097. nestTables: undefined,
  27098. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  27099. maxPacketSize: 0,
  27100. charsetNumber: 224,
  27101. compress: false,
  27102. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  27103. clientFlags: 8582093,
  27104. connectAttributes: undefined,
  27105. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  27106. stream:
  27107. Socket {
  27108. connecting: false,
  27109. _hadError: false,
  27110. _handle:
  27111. TCP {
  27112. reading: true,
  27113. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  27114. onconnection: null,
  27115. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  27116. _parent: null,
  27117. _host: 'localhost',
  27118. _readableState:
  27119. ReadableState {
  27120. objectMode: false,
  27121. highWaterMark: 16384,
  27122. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  27123. length: 0,
  27124. pipes: null,
  27125. pipesCount: 0,
  27126. flowing: true,
  27127. ended: false,
  27128. endEmitted: false,
  27129. reading: true,
  27130. sync: false,
  27131. needReadable: true,
  27132. emittedReadable: false,
  27133. readableListening: false,
  27134. resumeScheduled: false,
  27135. emitClose: false,
  27136. autoDestroy: false,
  27137. destroyed: false,
  27138. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27139. awaitDrain: 0,
  27140. readingMore: false,
  27141. decoder: null,
  27142. encoding: null },
  27143. readable: true,
  27144. _events:
  27145. [Object: null prototype] {
  27146. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  27147. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  27148. data: [Function],
  27149. close: [Function] },
  27150. _eventsCount: 4,
  27151. _maxListeners: undefined,
  27152. _writableState:
  27153. WritableState {
  27154. objectMode: false,
  27155. highWaterMark: 16384,
  27156. finalCalled: false,
  27157. needDrain: false,
  27158. ending: false,
  27159. ended: false,
  27160. finished: false,
  27161. destroyed: false,
  27162. decodeStrings: false,
  27163. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27164. length: 0,
  27165. writing: false,
  27166. corked: 0,
  27167. sync: false,
  27168. bufferProcessing: false,
  27169. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  27170. writecb: null,
  27171. writelen: 0,
  27172. bufferedRequest: null,
  27173. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  27174. pendingcb: 0,
  27175. prefinished: false,
  27176. errorEmitted: false,
  27177. emitClose: false,
  27178. autoDestroy: false,
  27179. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  27180. corkedRequestsFree:
  27181. { next: null,
  27182. entry: null,
  27183. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  27184. writable: true,
  27185. allowHalfOpen: false,
  27186. _sockname: null,
  27187. _pendingData: null,
  27188. _pendingEncoding: '',
  27189. server: null,
  27190. _server: null,
  27191. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  27192. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  27193. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  27194. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  27195. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  27196. _internalId: 1,
  27197. _commands:
  27198. Denque {
  27199. _head: 0,
  27200. _tail: 0,
  27201. _capacityMask: 3,
  27202. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  27203. _command: undefined,
  27204. _paused: false,
  27205. _paused_packets:
  27206. Denque {
  27207. _head: 0,
  27208. _tail: 0,
  27209. _capacityMask: 3,
  27210. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  27211. _statements:
  27212. LRUCache {
  27213. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  27214. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  27215. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  27216. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  27217. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  27218. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  27219. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  27220. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  27221. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  27222. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27223. authorized: true,
  27224. sequenceId: 23,
  27225. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  27226. threadId: 1303,
  27227. _handshakePacket:
  27228. Handshake {
  27229. protocolVersion: 10,
  27230. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  27231. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27232. connectionId: 1303,
  27233. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  27234. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  27235. characterSet: 255,
  27236. statusFlags: 2 },
  27237. _fatalError: null,
  27238. _protocolError: null,
  27239. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  27240. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  27241. packetParser:
  27242. PacketParser {
  27243. buffer: [],
  27244. bufferLength: 0,
  27245. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  27246. headerLen: 0,
  27247. length: 5,
  27248. largePacketParts: [],
  27249. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  27250. onPacket: [Function],
  27251. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  27252. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  27253. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  27254. connectTimeout: null,
  27255. connectionId: 1303 },
  27256. state: 'IDLE' } },
  27257. length: 2 },
  27258. _direction: 'next',
  27259. _startPosition: 'head',
  27260. _started: false,
  27261. _cursor: null,
  27262. _done: false },
  27263. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  27264. _scheduledEviction:
  27265. Timeout {
  27266. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  27267. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  27268. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  27269. _idleStart: 432,
  27270. _onTimeout: [Function],
  27271. _timerArgs: undefined,
  27272. _repeat: null,
  27273. _destroyed: false,
  27274. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  27275. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  27276. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  27277. lib:
  27278. { createConnection: [Function],
  27279. connect: [Function],
  27280. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  27281. createPool: [Function],
  27282. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  27283. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  27284. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  27285. createServer: [Function],
  27286. PoolConnection:
  27287. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  27288. escape: [Function: escape],
  27289. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  27290. format: [Function: format],
  27291. raw: [Function: raw],
  27292. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  27293. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  27294. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  27295. Types: [Getter],
  27296. Charsets: [Getter],
  27297. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  27298. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  27299. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  27300. importCache: {},
  27301. test:
  27302. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  27303. _runningQueries: 0,
  27304. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  27305. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  27306. hooks: {},
  27307. uniqueKeys: {} },
  27308. _options:
  27309. { isNewRecord: false,
  27310. _schema: null,
  27311. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  27312. raw: true,
  27313. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  27314. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  27315. isNewRecord: false },
  27316. Balloons {
  27317. dataValues:
  27318. { id: 4,
  27319. size: 'large',
  27320. color: 'red',
  27321. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:06:23.000Z,
  27322. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:06:23.000Z },
  27323. _previousDataValues:
  27324. { id: 4,
  27325. size: 'large',
  27326. color: 'red',
  27327. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:06:23.000Z,
  27328. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:06:23.000Z },
  27329. _changed: {},
  27330. _modelOptions:
  27331. { timestamps: true,
  27332. validate: {},
  27333. freezeTableName: false,
  27334. underscored: false,
  27335. underscoredAll: false,
  27336. paranoid: false,
  27337. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  27338. whereCollection: null,
  27339. schema: null,
  27340. schemaDelimiter: '',
  27341. defaultScope: {},
  27342. scopes: [],
  27343. indexes: [],
  27344. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  27345. omitNull: false,
  27346. sequelize:
  27347. Sequelize {
  27348. options:
  27349. { dialect: 'mysql',
  27350. dialectModulePath: null,
  27351. host: 'localhost',
  27352. protocol: 'tcp',
  27353. define: {},
  27354. query: {},
  27355. sync: {},
  27356. timezone: '+00:00',
  27357. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  27358. omitNull: false,
  27359. native: false,
  27360. replication: false,
  27361. ssl: undefined,
  27362. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  27363. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  27364. hooks: {},
  27365. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  27366. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  27367. isolationLevel: null,
  27368. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  27369. typeValidation: false,
  27370. benchmark: false,
  27371. operatorsAliases: false },
  27372. config:
  27373. { database: 'lbry',
  27374. username: 'root',
  27375. password: 'abcd1234',
  27376. host: 'localhost',
  27377. port: 3306,
  27378. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  27379. protocol: 'tcp',
  27380. native: false,
  27381. ssl: undefined,
  27382. replication: false,
  27383. dialectModulePath: null,
  27384. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  27385. dialectOptions: undefined },
  27386. dialect:
  27387. MysqlDialect {
  27388. sequelize: [Circular],
  27389. connectionManager:
  27390. ConnectionManager {
  27391. sequelize: [Circular],
  27392. config:
  27393. { database: 'lbry',
  27394. username: 'root',
  27395. password: 'abcd1234',
  27396. host: 'localhost',
  27397. port: undefined,
  27398. pool:
  27399. { max: 5,
  27400. min: 0,
  27401. acquire: 30000,
  27402. idle: 10000,
  27403. evict: 10000,
  27404. handleDisconnects: true,
  27405. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  27406. Promise:
  27407. { [Function: Promise]
  27408. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  27409. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  27410. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  27411. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  27412. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27413. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27414. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  27415. _peekContext: [Function],
  27416. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  27417. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  27418. longStackTraces: [Function],
  27419. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  27420. config: [Function],
  27421. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  27422. is: [Function],
  27423. fromCallback: [Function],
  27424. fromNode: [Function],
  27425. all: [Function],
  27426. cast: [Function],
  27427. fulfilled: [Function],
  27428. resolve: [Function],
  27429. rejected: [Function],
  27430. reject: [Function],
  27431. setScheduler: [Function],
  27432. pending: [Function],
  27433. defer: [Function],
  27434. method: [Function],
  27435. try: [Function],
  27436. attempt: [Function],
  27437. bind: [Function],
  27438. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  27439. join: [Function],
  27440. Promise: [Circular],
  27441. version: '3.5.3',
  27442. map: [Function],
  27443. using: [Function],
  27444. delay: [Function],
  27445. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  27446. spawn: [Function],
  27447. promisify: [Function],
  27448. promisifyAll: [Function],
  27449. props: [Function],
  27450. race: [Function],
  27451. reduce: [Function],
  27452. settle: [Function],
  27453. some: [Function],
  27454. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  27455. filter: [Function],
  27456. each: [Function],
  27457. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  27458. any: [Function],
  27459. default: [Circular] } },
  27460. protocol: 'tcp',
  27461. native: false,
  27462. ssl: undefined,
  27463. replication: false,
  27464. dialectModulePath: null,
  27465. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  27466. dialectOptions: undefined },
  27467. dialect: [Circular],
  27468. versionPromise: null,
  27469. dialectName: 'mysql',
  27470. pool:
  27471. Pool {
  27472. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  27473. _eventsCount: 0,
  27474. _maxListeners: undefined,
  27475. _config:
  27476. PoolOptions {
  27477. fifo: true,
  27478. priorityRange: 1,
  27479. testOnBorrow: true,
  27480. testOnReturn: false,
  27481. autostart: false,
  27482. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  27483. max: 5,
  27484. min: 0,
  27485. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  27486. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  27487. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  27488. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  27489. Promise:
  27490. { [Function: Promise]
  27491. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  27492. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  27493. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  27494. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  27495. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27496. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27497. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  27498. _peekContext: [Function],
  27499. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  27500. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  27501. longStackTraces: [Function],
  27502. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  27503. config: [Function],
  27504. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  27505. is: [Function],
  27506. fromCallback: [Function],
  27507. fromNode: [Function],
  27508. all: [Function],
  27509. cast: [Function],
  27510. fulfilled: [Function],
  27511. resolve: [Function],
  27512. rejected: [Function],
  27513. reject: [Function],
  27514. setScheduler: [Function],
  27515. pending: [Function],
  27516. defer: [Function],
  27517. method: [Function],
  27518. try: [Function],
  27519. attempt: [Function],
  27520. bind: [Function],
  27521. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  27522. join: [Function],
  27523. Promise: [Circular],
  27524. version: '3.5.3',
  27525. map: [Function],
  27526. using: [Function],
  27527. delay: [Function],
  27528. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  27529. spawn: [Function],
  27530. promisify: [Function],
  27531. promisifyAll: [Function],
  27532. props: [Function],
  27533. race: [Function],
  27534. reduce: [Function],
  27535. settle: [Function],
  27536. some: [Function],
  27537. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  27538. filter: [Function],
  27539. each: [Function],
  27540. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  27541. any: [Function],
  27542. default: [Circular] } },
  27543. _Promise:
  27544. { [Function: Promise]
  27545. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  27546. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  27547. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  27548. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  27549. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27550. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  27551. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  27552. _peekContext: [Function],
  27553. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  27554. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  27555. longStackTraces: [Function],
  27556. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  27557. config: [Function],
  27558. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  27559. is: [Function],
  27560. fromCallback: [Function],
  27561. fromNode: [Function],
  27562. all: [Function],
  27563. cast: [Function],
  27564. fulfilled: [Function],
  27565. resolve: [Function],
  27566. rejected: [Function],
  27567. reject: [Function],
  27568. setScheduler: [Function],
  27569. pending: [Function],
  27570. defer: [Function],
  27571. method: [Function],
  27572. try: [Function],
  27573. attempt: [Function],
  27574. bind: [Function],
  27575. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  27576. join: [Function],
  27577. Promise: [Circular],
  27578. version: '3.5.3',
  27579. map: [Function],
  27580. using: [Function],
  27581. delay: [Function],
  27582. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  27583. spawn: [Function],
  27584. promisify: [Function],
  27585. promisifyAll: [Function],
  27586. props: [Function],
  27587. race: [Function],
  27588. reduce: [Function],
  27589. settle: [Function],
  27590. some: [Function],
  27591. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  27592. filter: [Function],
  27593. each: [Function],
  27594. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  27595. any: [Function],
  27596. default: [Circular] },
  27597. _factory:
  27598. { create: [Function: create],
  27599. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  27600. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  27601. _draining: false,
  27602. _started: true,
  27603. _waitingClientsQueue:
  27604. PriorityQueue {
  27605. _size: 1,
  27606. _slots:
  27607. [ Queue {
  27608. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  27609. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  27610. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  27611. _availableObjects:
  27612. Deque {
  27613. _list:
  27614. DoublyLinkedList {
  27615. head:
  27616. { prev: null,
  27617. next:
  27618. { prev: [Circular],
  27619. next: null,
  27620. data:
  27621. PooledResource {
  27622. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  27623. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  27624. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  27625. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  27626. obj:
  27627. Connection {
  27628. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  27629. _eventsCount: 1,
  27630. _maxListeners: undefined,
  27631. config:
  27632. ConnectionConfig {
  27633. isServer: undefined,
  27634. stream: undefined,
  27635. host: 'localhost',
  27636. port: 3306,
  27637. localAddress: undefined,
  27638. socketPath: undefined,
  27639. user: 'root',
  27640. password: 'abcd1234',
  27641. passwordSha1: undefined,
  27642. database: 'lbry',
  27643. connectTimeout: 10000,
  27644. insecureAuth: false,
  27645. supportBigNumbers: true,
  27646. bigNumberStrings: false,
  27647. decimalNumbers: false,
  27648. dateStrings: false,
  27649. debug: undefined,
  27650. trace: true,
  27651. stringifyObjects: false,
  27652. timezone: '+00:00',
  27653. queryFormat: undefined,
  27654. pool: undefined,
  27655. ssl: false,
  27656. multipleStatements: false,
  27657. rowsAsArray: false,
  27658. namedPlaceholders: false,
  27659. nestTables: undefined,
  27660. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  27661. maxPacketSize: 0,
  27662. charsetNumber: 224,
  27663. compress: false,
  27664. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  27665. clientFlags: 8582093,
  27666. connectAttributes: undefined,
  27667. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  27668. stream:
  27669. Socket {
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  27673. TCP {
  27674. reading: true,
  27675. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  27676. onconnection: null,
  27677. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  27678. _parent: null,
  27679. _host: 'localhost',
  27680. _readableState:
  27681. ReadableState {
  27682. objectMode: false,
  27683. highWaterMark: 16384,
  27684. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  27685. length: 0,
  27686. pipes: null,
  27687. pipesCount: 0,
  27688. flowing: true,
  27689. ended: false,
  27690. endEmitted: false,
  27691. reading: true,
  27692. sync: false,
  27693. needReadable: true,
  27694. emittedReadable: false,
  27695. readableListening: false,
  27696. resumeScheduled: false,
  27697. emitClose: false,
  27698. autoDestroy: false,
  27699. destroyed: false,
  27700. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27701. awaitDrain: 0,
  27702. readingMore: false,
  27703. decoder: null,
  27704. encoding: null },
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  27707. [Object: null prototype] {
  27708. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  27709. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  27710. data: [Function],
  27711. close: [Function] },
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  27713. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  27717. highWaterMark: 16384,
  27718. finalCalled: false,
  27719. needDrain: false,
  27720. ending: false,
  27721. ended: false,
  27722. finished: false,
  27723. destroyed: false,
  27724. decodeStrings: false,
  27725. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27726. length: 0,
  27727. writing: false,
  27728. corked: 0,
  27729. sync: false,
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  27733. writelen: 0,
  27734. bufferedRequest: null,
  27735. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  27736. pendingcb: 0,
  27737. prefinished: false,
  27738. errorEmitted: false,
  27739. emitClose: false,
  27740. autoDestroy: false,
  27741. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  27742. corkedRequestsFree:
  27743. { next: null,
  27744. entry: null,
  27745. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  27747. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  27749. _pendingData: null,
  27750. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  27752. _server: null,
  27753. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  27754. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  27755. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  27756. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  27757. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  27758. _internalId: 1,
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  27760. Denque {
  27761. _head: 0,
  27762. _tail: 0,
  27763. _capacityMask: 3,
  27764. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  27766. _paused: false,
  27767. _paused_packets:
  27768. Denque {
  27769. _head: 0,
  27770. _tail: 0,
  27771. _capacityMask: 3,
  27772. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  27775. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
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  27777. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  27778. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  27779. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  27780. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  27781. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  27782. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  27783. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  27784. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27785. authorized: true,
  27786. sequenceId: 23,
  27787. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  27788. threadId: 1303,
  27789. _handshakePacket:
  27790. Handshake {
  27791. protocolVersion: 10,
  27792. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  27793. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27794. connectionId: 1303,
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  27796. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  27797. characterSet: 255,
  27798. statusFlags: 2 },
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  27800. _protocolError: null,
  27801. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  27802. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  27803. packetParser:
  27804. PacketParser {
  27805. buffer: [],
  27806. bufferLength: 0,
  27807. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  27808. headerLen: 0,
  27809. length: 5,
  27810. largePacketParts: [],
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  27812. onPacket: [Function],
  27813. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  27814. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  27815. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  27816. connectTimeout: null,
  27817. connectionId: 1303 },
  27818. state: 'IDLE' } },
  27819. data:
  27820. PooledResource {
  27821. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  27822. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  27823. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  27824. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  27825. obj:
  27826. Connection {
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  27828. _eventsCount: 1,
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  27833. stream: undefined,
  27834. host: 'localhost',
  27835. port: 3306,
  27836. localAddress: undefined,
  27837. socketPath: undefined,
  27838. user: 'root',
  27839. password: 'abcd1234',
  27840. passwordSha1: undefined,
  27841. database: 'lbry',
  27842. connectTimeout: 10000,
  27843. insecureAuth: false,
  27844. supportBigNumbers: true,
  27845. bigNumberStrings: false,
  27846. decimalNumbers: false,
  27847. dateStrings: false,
  27848. debug: undefined,
  27849. trace: true,
  27850. stringifyObjects: false,
  27851. timezone: '+00:00',
  27852. queryFormat: undefined,
  27853. pool: undefined,
  27854. ssl: false,
  27855. multipleStatements: false,
  27856. rowsAsArray: false,
  27857. namedPlaceholders: false,
  27858. nestTables: undefined,
  27859. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  27860. maxPacketSize: 0,
  27861. charsetNumber: 224,
  27862. compress: false,
  27863. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  27864. clientFlags: 8582093,
  27865. connectAttributes: undefined,
  27866. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  27868. Socket {
  27869. connecting: false,
  27870. _hadError: false,
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  27872. TCP {
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  27874. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  27876. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  27878. _host: 'localhost',
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  27880. ReadableState {
  27881. objectMode: false,
  27882. highWaterMark: 16384,
  27883. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  27884. length: 0,
  27885. pipes: null,
  27886. pipesCount: 0,
  27887. flowing: true,
  27888. ended: false,
  27889. endEmitted: false,
  27890. reading: true,
  27891. sync: false,
  27892. needReadable: true,
  27893. emittedReadable: false,
  27894. readableListening: false,
  27895. resumeScheduled: false,
  27896. emitClose: false,
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  27898. destroyed: false,
  27899. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27900. awaitDrain: 0,
  27901. readingMore: false,
  27902. decoder: null,
  27903. encoding: null },
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  27906. [Object: null prototype] {
  27907. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  27908. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  27909. data: [Function],
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  27917. finalCalled: false,
  27918. needDrain: false,
  27919. ending: false,
  27920. ended: false,
  27921. finished: false,
  27922. destroyed: false,
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  27924. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  27925. length: 0,
  27926. writing: false,
  27927. corked: 0,
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  27934. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  27935. pendingcb: 0,
  27936. prefinished: false,
  27937. errorEmitted: false,
  27938. emitClose: false,
  27939. autoDestroy: false,
  27940. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  27941. corkedRequestsFree:
  27942. { next: null,
  27943. entry: null,
  27944. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  27946. allowHalfOpen: false,
  27947. _sockname: null,
  27948. _pendingData: null,
  27949. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  27951. _server: null,
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  27953. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  27954. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  27955. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  27956. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  27957. _internalId: 2,
  27958. _commands:
  27959. Denque {
  27960. _head: 0,
  27961. _tail: 0,
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  27963. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  27966. _paused_packets:
  27967. Denque {
  27968. _head: 0,
  27969. _tail: 0,
  27970. _capacityMask: 3,
  27971. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  27976. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  27977. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  27978. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  27979. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  27980. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  27981. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  27982. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  27983. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27984. authorized: true,
  27985. sequenceId: 2,
  27986. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  27987. threadId: 1302,
  27988. _handshakePacket:
  27989. Handshake {
  27990. protocolVersion: 10,
  27991. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  27992. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  27993. connectionId: 1302,
  27994. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  27995. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  27996. characterSet: 255,
  27997. statusFlags: 2 },
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  27999. _protocolError: null,
  28000. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  28001. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  28002. packetParser:
  28003. PacketParser {
  28004. buffer: [],
  28005. bufferLength: 0,
  28006. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  28007. headerLen: 0,
  28008. length: 7,
  28009. largePacketParts: [],
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  28011. onPacket: [Function],
  28012. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  28013. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  28014. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  28015. connectTimeout: null,
  28016. connectionId: 1302 },
  28017. state: 'IDLE' } },
  28018. tail:
  28019. { prev:
  28020. { prev: null,
  28021. next: [Circular],
  28022. data:
  28023. PooledResource {
  28024. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  28025. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  28026. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  28027. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  28028. obj:
  28029. Connection {
  28030. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  28031. _eventsCount: 1,
  28032. _maxListeners: undefined,
  28033. config:
  28034. ConnectionConfig {
  28035. isServer: undefined,
  28036. stream: undefined,
  28037. host: 'localhost',
  28038. port: 3306,
  28039. localAddress: undefined,
  28040. socketPath: undefined,
  28041. user: 'root',
  28042. password: 'abcd1234',
  28043. passwordSha1: undefined,
  28044. database: 'lbry',
  28045. connectTimeout: 10000,
  28046. insecureAuth: false,
  28047. supportBigNumbers: true,
  28048. bigNumberStrings: false,
  28049. decimalNumbers: false,
  28050. dateStrings: false,
  28051. debug: undefined,
  28052. trace: true,
  28053. stringifyObjects: false,
  28054. timezone: '+00:00',
  28055. queryFormat: undefined,
  28056. pool: undefined,
  28057. ssl: false,
  28058. multipleStatements: false,
  28059. rowsAsArray: false,
  28060. namedPlaceholders: false,
  28061. nestTables: undefined,
  28062. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  28064. charsetNumber: 224,
  28065. compress: false,
  28066. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  28067. clientFlags: 8582093,
  28068. connectAttributes: undefined,
  28069. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  28071. Socket {
  28072. connecting: false,
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  28075. TCP {
  28076. reading: true,
  28077. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  28079. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  28081. _host: 'localhost',
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  28083. ReadableState {
  28084. objectMode: false,
  28085. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28086. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  28087. length: 0,
  28088. pipes: null,
  28089. pipesCount: 0,
  28090. flowing: true,
  28091. ended: false,
  28092. endEmitted: false,
  28093. reading: true,
  28094. sync: false,
  28095. needReadable: true,
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  28097. readableListening: false,
  28098. resumeScheduled: false,
  28099. emitClose: false,
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  28101. destroyed: false,
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  28103. awaitDrain: 0,
  28104. readingMore: false,
  28105. decoder: null,
  28106. encoding: null },
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  28109. [Object: null prototype] {
  28110. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  28111. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  28112. data: [Function],
  28113. close: [Function] },
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  28115. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  28117. WritableState {
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  28119. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28120. finalCalled: false,
  28121. needDrain: false,
  28122. ending: false,
  28123. ended: false,
  28124. finished: false,
  28125. destroyed: false,
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  28127. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28128. length: 0,
  28129. writing: false,
  28130. corked: 0,
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  28135. writelen: 0,
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  28137. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  28138. pendingcb: 0,
  28139. prefinished: false,
  28140. errorEmitted: false,
  28141. emitClose: false,
  28142. autoDestroy: false,
  28143. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  28144. corkedRequestsFree:
  28145. { next: null,
  28146. entry: null,
  28147. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  28149. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  28151. _pendingData: null,
  28152. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  28154. _server: null,
  28155. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  28156. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  28157. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  28158. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  28159. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  28160. _internalId: 2,
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  28162. Denque {
  28163. _head: 0,
  28164. _tail: 0,
  28165. _capacityMask: 3,
  28166. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  28168. _paused: false,
  28169. _paused_packets:
  28170. Denque {
  28171. _head: 0,
  28172. _tail: 0,
  28173. _capacityMask: 3,
  28174. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  28178. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  28179. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  28180. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  28181. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  28182. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  28183. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  28184. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  28185. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  28186. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28187. authorized: true,
  28188. sequenceId: 2,
  28189. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  28190. threadId: 1302,
  28191. _handshakePacket:
  28192. Handshake {
  28193. protocolVersion: 10,
  28194. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  28195. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28196. connectionId: 1302,
  28197. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  28198. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  28199. characterSet: 255,
  28200. statusFlags: 2 },
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  28202. _protocolError: null,
  28203. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  28204. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  28205. packetParser:
  28206. PacketParser {
  28207. buffer: [],
  28208. bufferLength: 0,
  28209. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  28210. headerLen: 0,
  28211. length: 7,
  28212. largePacketParts: [],
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  28214. onPacket: [Function],
  28215. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  28216. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  28217. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  28218. connectTimeout: null,
  28219. connectionId: 1302 },
  28220. state: 'IDLE' } },
  28221. next: null,
  28222. data:
  28223. PooledResource {
  28224. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  28225. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  28226. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  28227. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  28228. obj:
  28229. Connection {
  28230. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  28231. _eventsCount: 1,
  28232. _maxListeners: undefined,
  28233. config:
  28234. ConnectionConfig {
  28235. isServer: undefined,
  28236. stream: undefined,
  28237. host: 'localhost',
  28238. port: 3306,
  28239. localAddress: undefined,
  28240. socketPath: undefined,
  28241. user: 'root',
  28242. password: 'abcd1234',
  28243. passwordSha1: undefined,
  28244. database: 'lbry',
  28245. connectTimeout: 10000,
  28246. insecureAuth: false,
  28247. supportBigNumbers: true,
  28248. bigNumberStrings: false,
  28249. decimalNumbers: false,
  28250. dateStrings: false,
  28251. debug: undefined,
  28252. trace: true,
  28253. stringifyObjects: false,
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  28255. queryFormat: undefined,
  28256. pool: undefined,
  28257. ssl: false,
  28258. multipleStatements: false,
  28259. rowsAsArray: false,
  28260. namedPlaceholders: false,
  28261. nestTables: undefined,
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  28264. charsetNumber: 224,
  28265. compress: false,
  28266. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  28267. clientFlags: 8582093,
  28268. connectAttributes: undefined,
  28269. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  28271. Socket {
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  28275. TCP {
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  28277. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  28279. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  28281. _host: 'localhost',
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  28283. ReadableState {
  28284. objectMode: false,
  28285. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28286. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  28287. length: 0,
  28288. pipes: null,
  28289. pipesCount: 0,
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  28291. ended: false,
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  28297. readableListening: false,
  28298. resumeScheduled: false,
  28299. emitClose: false,
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  28301. destroyed: false,
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  28303. awaitDrain: 0,
  28304. readingMore: false,
  28305. decoder: null,
  28306. encoding: null },
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  28309. [Object: null prototype] {
  28310. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  28311. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  28312. data: [Function],
  28313. close: [Function] },
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  28317. WritableState {
  28318. objectMode: false,
  28319. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28320. finalCalled: false,
  28321. needDrain: false,
  28322. ending: false,
  28323. ended: false,
  28324. finished: false,
  28325. destroyed: false,
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  28327. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28328. length: 0,
  28329. writing: false,
  28330. corked: 0,
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  28333. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  28335. writelen: 0,
  28336. bufferedRequest: null,
  28337. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  28338. pendingcb: 0,
  28339. prefinished: false,
  28340. errorEmitted: false,
  28341. emitClose: false,
  28342. autoDestroy: false,
  28343. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  28344. corkedRequestsFree:
  28345. { next: null,
  28346. entry: null,
  28347. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  28348. writable: true,
  28349. allowHalfOpen: false,
  28350. _sockname: null,
  28351. _pendingData: null,
  28352. _pendingEncoding: '',
  28353. server: null,
  28354. _server: null,
  28355. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  28356. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  28357. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  28358. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  28359. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  28360. _internalId: 1,
  28361. _commands:
  28362. Denque {
  28363. _head: 0,
  28364. _tail: 0,
  28365. _capacityMask: 3,
  28366. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  28367. _command: undefined,
  28368. _paused: false,
  28369. _paused_packets:
  28370. Denque {
  28371. _head: 0,
  28372. _tail: 0,
  28373. _capacityMask: 3,
  28374. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  28375. _statements:
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  28377. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  28378. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  28379. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  28380. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  28381. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  28382. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  28383. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  28384. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  28385. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  28386. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28387. authorized: true,
  28388. sequenceId: 23,
  28389. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  28390. threadId: 1303,
  28391. _handshakePacket:
  28392. Handshake {
  28393. protocolVersion: 10,
  28394. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  28395. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28396. connectionId: 1303,
  28397. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  28398. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  28399. characterSet: 255,
  28400. statusFlags: 2 },
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  28402. _protocolError: null,
  28403. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  28404. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  28405. packetParser:
  28406. PacketParser {
  28407. buffer: [],
  28408. bufferLength: 0,
  28409. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  28410. headerLen: 0,
  28411. length: 5,
  28412. largePacketParts: [],
  28413. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  28414. onPacket: [Function],
  28415. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  28416. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  28417. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  28418. connectTimeout: null,
  28419. connectionId: 1303 },
  28420. state: 'IDLE' } },
  28421. length: 2 } },
  28422. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  28423. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  28424. _validationOperations: Set {},
  28425. _allObjects:
  28426. Set {
  28427. PooledResource {
  28428. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  28429. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  28430. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  28431. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  28432. obj:
  28433. Connection {
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  28435. _eventsCount: 1,
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  28438. ConnectionConfig {
  28439. isServer: undefined,
  28440. stream: undefined,
  28441. host: 'localhost',
  28442. port: 3306,
  28443. localAddress: undefined,
  28444. socketPath: undefined,
  28445. user: 'root',
  28446. password: 'abcd1234',
  28447. passwordSha1: undefined,
  28448. database: 'lbry',
  28449. connectTimeout: 10000,
  28450. insecureAuth: false,
  28451. supportBigNumbers: true,
  28452. bigNumberStrings: false,
  28453. decimalNumbers: false,
  28454. dateStrings: false,
  28455. debug: undefined,
  28456. trace: true,
  28457. stringifyObjects: false,
  28458. timezone: '+00:00',
  28459. queryFormat: undefined,
  28460. pool: undefined,
  28461. ssl: false,
  28462. multipleStatements: false,
  28463. rowsAsArray: false,
  28464. namedPlaceholders: false,
  28465. nestTables: undefined,
  28466. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  28467. maxPacketSize: 0,
  28468. charsetNumber: 224,
  28469. compress: false,
  28470. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  28471. clientFlags: 8582093,
  28472. connectAttributes: undefined,
  28473. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  28475. Socket {
  28476. connecting: false,
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  28478. _handle:
  28479. TCP {
  28480. reading: true,
  28481. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  28482. onconnection: null,
  28483. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  28485. _host: 'localhost',
  28486. _readableState:
  28487. ReadableState {
  28488. objectMode: false,
  28489. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28490. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  28491. length: 0,
  28492. pipes: null,
  28493. pipesCount: 0,
  28494. flowing: true,
  28495. ended: false,
  28496. endEmitted: false,
  28497. reading: true,
  28498. sync: false,
  28499. needReadable: true,
  28500. emittedReadable: false,
  28501. readableListening: false,
  28502. resumeScheduled: false,
  28503. emitClose: false,
  28504. autoDestroy: false,
  28505. destroyed: false,
  28506. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28507. awaitDrain: 0,
  28508. readingMore: false,
  28509. decoder: null,
  28510. encoding: null },
  28511. readable: true,
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  28513. [Object: null prototype] {
  28514. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  28515. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  28516. data: [Function],
  28517. close: [Function] },
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  28519. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  28523. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28524. finalCalled: false,
  28525. needDrain: false,
  28526. ending: false,
  28527. ended: false,
  28528. finished: false,
  28529. destroyed: false,
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  28531. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28532. length: 0,
  28533. writing: false,
  28534. corked: 0,
  28535. sync: false,
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  28541. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  28542. pendingcb: 0,
  28543. prefinished: false,
  28544. errorEmitted: false,
  28545. emitClose: false,
  28546. autoDestroy: false,
  28547. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  28548. corkedRequestsFree:
  28549. { next: null,
  28550. entry: null,
  28551. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  28552. writable: true,
  28553. allowHalfOpen: false,
  28554. _sockname: null,
  28555. _pendingData: null,
  28556. _pendingEncoding: '',
  28557. server: null,
  28558. _server: null,
  28559. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  28560. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  28561. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  28562. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  28563. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  28564. _internalId: 2,
  28565. _commands:
  28566. Denque {
  28567. _head: 0,
  28568. _tail: 0,
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  28570. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  28573. _paused_packets:
  28574. Denque {
  28575. _head: 0,
  28576. _tail: 0,
  28577. _capacityMask: 3,
  28578. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  28582. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  28583. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  28584. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  28585. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  28586. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  28587. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  28588. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  28589. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  28590. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28591. authorized: true,
  28592. sequenceId: 2,
  28593. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  28594. threadId: 1302,
  28595. _handshakePacket:
  28596. Handshake {
  28597. protocolVersion: 10,
  28598. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  28599. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28600. connectionId: 1302,
  28601. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  28602. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  28603. characterSet: 255,
  28604. statusFlags: 2 },
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  28606. _protocolError: null,
  28607. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  28608. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  28609. packetParser:
  28610. PacketParser {
  28611. buffer: [],
  28612. bufferLength: 0,
  28613. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  28614. headerLen: 0,
  28615. length: 7,
  28616. largePacketParts: [],
  28617. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  28618. onPacket: [Function],
  28619. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  28620. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  28621. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  28622. connectTimeout: null,
  28623. connectionId: 1302 },
  28624. state: 'IDLE' },
  28625. PooledResource {
  28626. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  28627. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  28628. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  28629. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  28630. obj:
  28631. Connection {
  28632. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  28633. _eventsCount: 1,
  28634. _maxListeners: undefined,
  28635. config:
  28636. ConnectionConfig {
  28637. isServer: undefined,
  28638. stream: undefined,
  28639. host: 'localhost',
  28640. port: 3306,
  28641. localAddress: undefined,
  28642. socketPath: undefined,
  28643. user: 'root',
  28644. password: 'abcd1234',
  28645. passwordSha1: undefined,
  28646. database: 'lbry',
  28647. connectTimeout: 10000,
  28648. insecureAuth: false,
  28649. supportBigNumbers: true,
  28650. bigNumberStrings: false,
  28651. decimalNumbers: false,
  28652. dateStrings: false,
  28653. debug: undefined,
  28654. trace: true,
  28655. stringifyObjects: false,
  28656. timezone: '+00:00',
  28657. queryFormat: undefined,
  28658. pool: undefined,
  28659. ssl: false,
  28660. multipleStatements: false,
  28661. rowsAsArray: false,
  28662. namedPlaceholders: false,
  28663. nestTables: undefined,
  28664. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  28665. maxPacketSize: 0,
  28666. charsetNumber: 224,
  28667. compress: false,
  28668. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  28669. clientFlags: 8582093,
  28670. connectAttributes: undefined,
  28671. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  28673. Socket {
  28674. connecting: false,
  28675. _hadError: false,
  28676. _handle:
  28677. TCP {
  28678. reading: true,
  28679. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  28680. onconnection: null,
  28681. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  28682. _parent: null,
  28683. _host: 'localhost',
  28684. _readableState:
  28685. ReadableState {
  28686. objectMode: false,
  28687. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28688. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  28689. length: 0,
  28690. pipes: null,
  28691. pipesCount: 0,
  28692. flowing: true,
  28693. ended: false,
  28694. endEmitted: false,
  28695. reading: true,
  28696. sync: false,
  28697. needReadable: true,
  28698. emittedReadable: false,
  28699. readableListening: false,
  28700. resumeScheduled: false,
  28701. emitClose: false,
  28702. autoDestroy: false,
  28703. destroyed: false,
  28704. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28705. awaitDrain: 0,
  28706. readingMore: false,
  28707. decoder: null,
  28708. encoding: null },
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  28711. [Object: null prototype] {
  28712. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  28713. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  28714. data: [Function],
  28715. close: [Function] },
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  28717. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  28719. WritableState {
  28720. objectMode: false,
  28721. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28722. finalCalled: false,
  28723. needDrain: false,
  28724. ending: false,
  28725. ended: false,
  28726. finished: false,
  28727. destroyed: false,
  28728. decodeStrings: false,
  28729. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28730. length: 0,
  28731. writing: false,
  28732. corked: 0,
  28733. sync: false,
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  28737. writelen: 0,
  28738. bufferedRequest: null,
  28739. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  28740. pendingcb: 0,
  28741. prefinished: false,
  28742. errorEmitted: false,
  28743. emitClose: false,
  28744. autoDestroy: false,
  28745. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  28746. corkedRequestsFree:
  28747. { next: null,
  28748. entry: null,
  28749. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  28750. writable: true,
  28751. allowHalfOpen: false,
  28752. _sockname: null,
  28753. _pendingData: null,
  28754. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  28756. _server: null,
  28757. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  28758. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  28759. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  28760. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  28761. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  28762. _internalId: 1,
  28763. _commands:
  28764. Denque {
  28765. _head: 0,
  28766. _tail: 0,
  28767. _capacityMask: 3,
  28768. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  28769. _command: undefined,
  28770. _paused: false,
  28771. _paused_packets:
  28772. Denque {
  28773. _head: 0,
  28774. _tail: 0,
  28775. _capacityMask: 3,
  28776. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  28778. LRUCache {
  28779. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  28780. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  28781. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  28782. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  28783. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  28784. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  28785. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  28786. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  28787. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  28788. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28789. authorized: true,
  28790. sequenceId: 23,
  28791. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  28792. threadId: 1303,
  28793. _handshakePacket:
  28794. Handshake {
  28795. protocolVersion: 10,
  28796. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  28797. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28798. connectionId: 1303,
  28799. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  28800. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  28801. characterSet: 255,
  28802. statusFlags: 2 },
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  28804. _protocolError: null,
  28805. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  28806. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  28807. packetParser:
  28808. PacketParser {
  28809. buffer: [],
  28810. bufferLength: 0,
  28811. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  28812. headerLen: 0,
  28813. length: 5,
  28814. largePacketParts: [],
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  28816. onPacket: [Function],
  28817. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  28818. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  28819. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  28820. connectTimeout: null,
  28821. connectionId: 1303 },
  28822. state: 'IDLE' } },
  28823. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  28824. _evictionIterator:
  28825. DequeIterator {
  28826. _list:
  28827. DoublyLinkedList {
  28828. head:
  28829. { prev: null,
  28830. next:
  28831. { prev: [Circular],
  28832. next: null,
  28833. data:
  28834. PooledResource {
  28835. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  28836. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  28837. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  28838. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  28839. obj:
  28840. Connection {
  28841. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  28842. _eventsCount: 1,
  28843. _maxListeners: undefined,
  28844. config:
  28845. ConnectionConfig {
  28846. isServer: undefined,
  28847. stream: undefined,
  28848. host: 'localhost',
  28849. port: 3306,
  28850. localAddress: undefined,
  28851. socketPath: undefined,
  28852. user: 'root',
  28853. password: 'abcd1234',
  28854. passwordSha1: undefined,
  28855. database: 'lbry',
  28856. connectTimeout: 10000,
  28857. insecureAuth: false,
  28858. supportBigNumbers: true,
  28859. bigNumberStrings: false,
  28860. decimalNumbers: false,
  28861. dateStrings: false,
  28862. debug: undefined,
  28863. trace: true,
  28864. stringifyObjects: false,
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  28866. queryFormat: undefined,
  28867. pool: undefined,
  28868. ssl: false,
  28869. multipleStatements: false,
  28870. rowsAsArray: false,
  28871. namedPlaceholders: false,
  28872. nestTables: undefined,
  28873. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  28874. maxPacketSize: 0,
  28875. charsetNumber: 224,
  28876. compress: false,
  28877. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  28878. clientFlags: 8582093,
  28879. connectAttributes: undefined,
  28880. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  28881. stream:
  28882. Socket {
  28883. connecting: false,
  28884. _hadError: false,
  28885. _handle:
  28886. TCP {
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  28888. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  28889. onconnection: null,
  28890. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  28891. _parent: null,
  28892. _host: 'localhost',
  28893. _readableState:
  28894. ReadableState {
  28895. objectMode: false,
  28896. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28897. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  28898. length: 0,
  28899. pipes: null,
  28900. pipesCount: 0,
  28901. flowing: true,
  28902. ended: false,
  28903. endEmitted: false,
  28904. reading: true,
  28905. sync: false,
  28906. needReadable: true,
  28907. emittedReadable: false,
  28908. readableListening: false,
  28909. resumeScheduled: false,
  28910. emitClose: false,
  28911. autoDestroy: false,
  28912. destroyed: false,
  28913. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28914. awaitDrain: 0,
  28915. readingMore: false,
  28916. decoder: null,
  28917. encoding: null },
  28918. readable: true,
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  28920. [Object: null prototype] {
  28921. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  28922. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  28923. data: [Function],
  28924. close: [Function] },
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  28928. WritableState {
  28929. objectMode: false,
  28930. highWaterMark: 16384,
  28931. finalCalled: false,
  28932. needDrain: false,
  28933. ending: false,
  28934. ended: false,
  28935. finished: false,
  28936. destroyed: false,
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  28938. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  28939. length: 0,
  28940. writing: false,
  28941. corked: 0,
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  28946. writelen: 0,
  28947. bufferedRequest: null,
  28948. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  28949. pendingcb: 0,
  28950. prefinished: false,
  28951. errorEmitted: false,
  28952. emitClose: false,
  28953. autoDestroy: false,
  28954. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  28955. corkedRequestsFree:
  28956. { next: null,
  28957. entry: null,
  28958. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  28959. writable: true,
  28960. allowHalfOpen: false,
  28961. _sockname: null,
  28962. _pendingData: null,
  28963. _pendingEncoding: '',
  28964. server: null,
  28965. _server: null,
  28966. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  28967. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  28968. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  28969. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  28970. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  28971. _internalId: 1,
  28972. _commands:
  28973. Denque {
  28974. _head: 0,
  28975. _tail: 0,
  28976. _capacityMask: 3,
  28977. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  28978. _command: undefined,
  28979. _paused: false,
  28980. _paused_packets:
  28981. Denque {
  28982. _head: 0,
  28983. _tail: 0,
  28984. _capacityMask: 3,
  28985. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  28986. _statements:
  28987. LRUCache {
  28988. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  28989. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  28990. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  28991. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  28992. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  28993. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  28994. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  28995. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  28996. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  28997. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  28998. authorized: true,
  28999. sequenceId: 23,
  29000. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  29001. threadId: 1303,
  29002. _handshakePacket:
  29003. Handshake {
  29004. protocolVersion: 10,
  29005. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  29006. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29007. connectionId: 1303,
  29008. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  29009. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  29010. characterSet: 255,
  29011. statusFlags: 2 },
  29012. _fatalError: null,
  29013. _protocolError: null,
  29014. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  29015. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  29016. packetParser:
  29017. PacketParser {
  29018. buffer: [],
  29019. bufferLength: 0,
  29020. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  29021. headerLen: 0,
  29022. length: 5,
  29023. largePacketParts: [],
  29024. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  29025. onPacket: [Function],
  29026. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  29027. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  29028. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  29029. connectTimeout: null,
  29030. connectionId: 1303 },
  29031. state: 'IDLE' } },
  29032. data:
  29033. PooledResource {
  29034. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  29035. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  29036. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  29037. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  29038. obj:
  29039. Connection {
  29040. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  29041. _eventsCount: 1,
  29042. _maxListeners: undefined,
  29043. config:
  29044. ConnectionConfig {
  29045. isServer: undefined,
  29046. stream: undefined,
  29047. host: 'localhost',
  29048. port: 3306,
  29049. localAddress: undefined,
  29050. socketPath: undefined,
  29051. user: 'root',
  29052. password: 'abcd1234',
  29053. passwordSha1: undefined,
  29054. database: 'lbry',
  29055. connectTimeout: 10000,
  29056. insecureAuth: false,
  29057. supportBigNumbers: true,
  29058. bigNumberStrings: false,
  29059. decimalNumbers: false,
  29060. dateStrings: false,
  29061. debug: undefined,
  29062. trace: true,
  29063. stringifyObjects: false,
  29064. timezone: '+00:00',
  29065. queryFormat: undefined,
  29066. pool: undefined,
  29067. ssl: false,
  29068. multipleStatements: false,
  29069. rowsAsArray: false,
  29070. namedPlaceholders: false,
  29071. nestTables: undefined,
  29072. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  29073. maxPacketSize: 0,
  29074. charsetNumber: 224,
  29075. compress: false,
  29076. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  29077. clientFlags: 8582093,
  29078. connectAttributes: undefined,
  29079. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  29080. stream:
  29081. Socket {
  29082. connecting: false,
  29083. _hadError: false,
  29084. _handle:
  29085. TCP {
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  29087. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  29088. onconnection: null,
  29089. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  29090. _parent: null,
  29091. _host: 'localhost',
  29092. _readableState:
  29093. ReadableState {
  29094. objectMode: false,
  29095. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29096. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  29097. length: 0,
  29098. pipes: null,
  29099. pipesCount: 0,
  29100. flowing: true,
  29101. ended: false,
  29102. endEmitted: false,
  29103. reading: true,
  29104. sync: false,
  29105. needReadable: true,
  29106. emittedReadable: false,
  29107. readableListening: false,
  29108. resumeScheduled: false,
  29109. emitClose: false,
  29110. autoDestroy: false,
  29111. destroyed: false,
  29112. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29113. awaitDrain: 0,
  29114. readingMore: false,
  29115. decoder: null,
  29116. encoding: null },
  29117. readable: true,
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  29119. [Object: null prototype] {
  29120. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  29121. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  29122. data: [Function],
  29123. close: [Function] },
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  29125. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  29127. WritableState {
  29128. objectMode: false,
  29129. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29130. finalCalled: false,
  29131. needDrain: false,
  29132. ending: false,
  29133. ended: false,
  29134. finished: false,
  29135. destroyed: false,
  29136. decodeStrings: false,
  29137. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29138. length: 0,
  29139. writing: false,
  29140. corked: 0,
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  29145. writelen: 0,
  29146. bufferedRequest: null,
  29147. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  29148. pendingcb: 0,
  29149. prefinished: false,
  29150. errorEmitted: false,
  29151. emitClose: false,
  29152. autoDestroy: false,
  29153. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  29154. corkedRequestsFree:
  29155. { next: null,
  29156. entry: null,
  29157. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  29158. writable: true,
  29159. allowHalfOpen: false,
  29160. _sockname: null,
  29161. _pendingData: null,
  29162. _pendingEncoding: '',
  29163. server: null,
  29164. _server: null,
  29165. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  29166. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  29167. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  29168. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  29169. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  29170. _internalId: 2,
  29171. _commands:
  29172. Denque {
  29173. _head: 0,
  29174. _tail: 0,
  29175. _capacityMask: 3,
  29176. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  29178. _paused: false,
  29179. _paused_packets:
  29180. Denque {
  29181. _head: 0,
  29182. _tail: 0,
  29183. _capacityMask: 3,
  29184. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  29187. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  29188. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  29189. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  29190. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  29191. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  29192. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  29193. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  29194. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  29195. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  29196. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29197. authorized: true,
  29198. sequenceId: 2,
  29199. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  29200. threadId: 1302,
  29201. _handshakePacket:
  29202. Handshake {
  29203. protocolVersion: 10,
  29204. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  29205. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29206. connectionId: 1302,
  29207. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  29208. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  29209. characterSet: 255,
  29210. statusFlags: 2 },
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  29212. _protocolError: null,
  29213. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  29214. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  29215. packetParser:
  29216. PacketParser {
  29217. buffer: [],
  29218. bufferLength: 0,
  29219. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  29220. headerLen: 0,
  29221. length: 7,
  29222. largePacketParts: [],
  29223. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  29224. onPacket: [Function],
  29225. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  29226. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  29227. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  29228. connectTimeout: null,
  29229. connectionId: 1302 },
  29230. state: 'IDLE' } },
  29231. tail:
  29232. { prev:
  29233. { prev: null,
  29234. next: [Circular],
  29235. data:
  29236. PooledResource {
  29237. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  29238. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  29239. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  29240. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  29241. obj:
  29242. Connection {
  29243. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  29244. _eventsCount: 1,
  29245. _maxListeners: undefined,
  29246. config:
  29247. ConnectionConfig {
  29248. isServer: undefined,
  29249. stream: undefined,
  29250. host: 'localhost',
  29251. port: 3306,
  29252. localAddress: undefined,
  29253. socketPath: undefined,
  29254. user: 'root',
  29255. password: 'abcd1234',
  29256. passwordSha1: undefined,
  29257. database: 'lbry',
  29258. connectTimeout: 10000,
  29259. insecureAuth: false,
  29260. supportBigNumbers: true,
  29261. bigNumberStrings: false,
  29262. decimalNumbers: false,
  29263. dateStrings: false,
  29264. debug: undefined,
  29265. trace: true,
  29266. stringifyObjects: false,
  29267. timezone: '+00:00',
  29268. queryFormat: undefined,
  29269. pool: undefined,
  29270. ssl: false,
  29271. multipleStatements: false,
  29272. rowsAsArray: false,
  29273. namedPlaceholders: false,
  29274. nestTables: undefined,
  29275. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  29276. maxPacketSize: 0,
  29277. charsetNumber: 224,
  29278. compress: false,
  29279. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  29280. clientFlags: 8582093,
  29281. connectAttributes: undefined,
  29282. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  29283. stream:
  29284. Socket {
  29285. connecting: false,
  29286. _hadError: false,
  29287. _handle:
  29288. TCP {
  29289. reading: true,
  29290. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  29291. onconnection: null,
  29292. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  29293. _parent: null,
  29294. _host: 'localhost',
  29295. _readableState:
  29296. ReadableState {
  29297. objectMode: false,
  29298. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29299. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  29300. length: 0,
  29301. pipes: null,
  29302. pipesCount: 0,
  29303. flowing: true,
  29304. ended: false,
  29305. endEmitted: false,
  29306. reading: true,
  29307. sync: false,
  29308. needReadable: true,
  29309. emittedReadable: false,
  29310. readableListening: false,
  29311. resumeScheduled: false,
  29312. emitClose: false,
  29313. autoDestroy: false,
  29314. destroyed: false,
  29315. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29316. awaitDrain: 0,
  29317. readingMore: false,
  29318. decoder: null,
  29319. encoding: null },
  29320. readable: true,
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  29322. [Object: null prototype] {
  29323. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  29324. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  29325. data: [Function],
  29326. close: [Function] },
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  29328. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  29330. WritableState {
  29331. objectMode: false,
  29332. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29333. finalCalled: false,
  29334. needDrain: false,
  29335. ending: false,
  29336. ended: false,
  29337. finished: false,
  29338. destroyed: false,
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  29340. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29341. length: 0,
  29342. writing: false,
  29343. corked: 0,
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  29348. writelen: 0,
  29349. bufferedRequest: null,
  29350. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  29351. pendingcb: 0,
  29352. prefinished: false,
  29353. errorEmitted: false,
  29354. emitClose: false,
  29355. autoDestroy: false,
  29356. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  29357. corkedRequestsFree:
  29358. { next: null,
  29359. entry: null,
  29360. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  29361. writable: true,
  29362. allowHalfOpen: false,
  29363. _sockname: null,
  29364. _pendingData: null,
  29365. _pendingEncoding: '',
  29366. server: null,
  29367. _server: null,
  29368. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  29369. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  29370. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  29371. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  29372. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  29373. _internalId: 2,
  29374. _commands:
  29375. Denque {
  29376. _head: 0,
  29377. _tail: 0,
  29378. _capacityMask: 3,
  29379. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  29380. _command: undefined,
  29381. _paused: false,
  29382. _paused_packets:
  29383. Denque {
  29384. _head: 0,
  29385. _tail: 0,
  29386. _capacityMask: 3,
  29387. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  29390. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  29391. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  29392. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  29393. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  29394. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  29395. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  29396. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  29397. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  29398. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  29399. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29400. authorized: true,
  29401. sequenceId: 2,
  29402. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  29403. threadId: 1302,
  29404. _handshakePacket:
  29405. Handshake {
  29406. protocolVersion: 10,
  29407. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  29408. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29409. connectionId: 1302,
  29410. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  29411. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  29412. characterSet: 255,
  29413. statusFlags: 2 },
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  29415. _protocolError: null,
  29416. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  29417. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  29418. packetParser:
  29419. PacketParser {
  29420. buffer: [],
  29421. bufferLength: 0,
  29422. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  29423. headerLen: 0,
  29424. length: 7,
  29425. largePacketParts: [],
  29426. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  29427. onPacket: [Function],
  29428. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  29429. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  29430. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  29431. connectTimeout: null,
  29432. connectionId: 1302 },
  29433. state: 'IDLE' } },
  29434. next: null,
  29435. data:
  29436. PooledResource {
  29437. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  29438. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  29439. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  29440. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  29441. obj:
  29442. Connection {
  29443. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  29444. _eventsCount: 1,
  29445. _maxListeners: undefined,
  29446. config:
  29447. ConnectionConfig {
  29448. isServer: undefined,
  29449. stream: undefined,
  29450. host: 'localhost',
  29451. port: 3306,
  29452. localAddress: undefined,
  29453. socketPath: undefined,
  29454. user: 'root',
  29455. password: 'abcd1234',
  29456. passwordSha1: undefined,
  29457. database: 'lbry',
  29458. connectTimeout: 10000,
  29459. insecureAuth: false,
  29460. supportBigNumbers: true,
  29461. bigNumberStrings: false,
  29462. decimalNumbers: false,
  29463. dateStrings: false,
  29464. debug: undefined,
  29465. trace: true,
  29466. stringifyObjects: false,
  29467. timezone: '+00:00',
  29468. queryFormat: undefined,
  29469. pool: undefined,
  29470. ssl: false,
  29471. multipleStatements: false,
  29472. rowsAsArray: false,
  29473. namedPlaceholders: false,
  29474. nestTables: undefined,
  29475. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  29476. maxPacketSize: 0,
  29477. charsetNumber: 224,
  29478. compress: false,
  29479. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  29480. clientFlags: 8582093,
  29481. connectAttributes: undefined,
  29482. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  29483. stream:
  29484. Socket {
  29485. connecting: false,
  29486. _hadError: false,
  29487. _handle:
  29488. TCP {
  29489. reading: true,
  29490. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  29491. onconnection: null,
  29492. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  29493. _parent: null,
  29494. _host: 'localhost',
  29495. _readableState:
  29496. ReadableState {
  29497. objectMode: false,
  29498. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29499. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  29500. length: 0,
  29501. pipes: null,
  29502. pipesCount: 0,
  29503. flowing: true,
  29504. ended: false,
  29505. endEmitted: false,
  29506. reading: true,
  29507. sync: false,
  29508. needReadable: true,
  29509. emittedReadable: false,
  29510. readableListening: false,
  29511. resumeScheduled: false,
  29512. emitClose: false,
  29513. autoDestroy: false,
  29514. destroyed: false,
  29515. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29516. awaitDrain: 0,
  29517. readingMore: false,
  29518. decoder: null,
  29519. encoding: null },
  29520. readable: true,
  29521. _events:
  29522. [Object: null prototype] {
  29523. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  29524. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  29525. data: [Function],
  29526. close: [Function] },
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  29528. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  29530. WritableState {
  29531. objectMode: false,
  29532. highWaterMark: 16384,
  29533. finalCalled: false,
  29534. needDrain: false,
  29535. ending: false,
  29536. ended: false,
  29537. finished: false,
  29538. destroyed: false,
  29539. decodeStrings: false,
  29540. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  29541. length: 0,
  29542. writing: false,
  29543. corked: 0,
  29544. sync: false,
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  29546. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  29548. writelen: 0,
  29549. bufferedRequest: null,
  29550. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  29551. pendingcb: 0,
  29552. prefinished: false,
  29553. errorEmitted: false,
  29554. emitClose: false,
  29555. autoDestroy: false,
  29556. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  29557. corkedRequestsFree:
  29558. { next: null,
  29559. entry: null,
  29560. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  29561. writable: true,
  29562. allowHalfOpen: false,
  29563. _sockname: null,
  29564. _pendingData: null,
  29565. _pendingEncoding: '',
  29566. server: null,
  29567. _server: null,
  29568. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  29569. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  29570. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  29571. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  29572. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  29573. _internalId: 1,
  29574. _commands:
  29575. Denque {
  29576. _head: 0,
  29577. _tail: 0,
  29578. _capacityMask: 3,
  29579. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  29580. _command: undefined,
  29581. _paused: false,
  29582. _paused_packets:
  29583. Denque {
  29584. _head: 0,
  29585. _tail: 0,
  29586. _capacityMask: 3,
  29587. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  29588. _statements:
  29589. LRUCache {
  29590. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  29591. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  29592. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  29593. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  29594. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  29595. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  29596. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  29597. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  29598. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  29599. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29600. authorized: true,
  29601. sequenceId: 23,
  29602. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  29603. threadId: 1303,
  29604. _handshakePacket:
  29605. Handshake {
  29606. protocolVersion: 10,
  29607. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  29608. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  29609. connectionId: 1303,
  29610. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  29611. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  29612. characterSet: 255,
  29613. statusFlags: 2 },
  29614. _fatalError: null,
  29615. _protocolError: null,
  29616. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  29617. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  29618. packetParser:
  29619. PacketParser {
  29620. buffer: [],
  29621. bufferLength: 0,
  29622. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  29623. headerLen: 0,
  29624. length: 5,
  29625. largePacketParts: [],
  29626. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  29627. onPacket: [Function],
  29628. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  29629. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  29630. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  29631. connectTimeout: null,
  29632. connectionId: 1303 },
  29633. state: 'IDLE' } },
  29634. length: 2 },
  29635. _direction: 'next',
  29636. _startPosition: 'head',
  29637. _started: false,
  29638. _cursor: null,
  29639. _done: false },
  29640. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  29641. _scheduledEviction:
  29642. Timeout {
  29643. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  29644. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  29645. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  29646. _idleStart: 432,
  29647. _onTimeout: [Function],
  29648. _timerArgs: undefined,
  29649. _repeat: null,
  29650. _destroyed: false,
  29651. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  29652. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  29653. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  29654. lib:
  29655. { createConnection: [Function],
  29656. connect: [Function],
  29657. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  29658. createPool: [Function],
  29659. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  29660. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  29661. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  29662. createServer: [Function],
  29663. PoolConnection:
  29664. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  29665. escape: [Function: escape],
  29666. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  29667. format: [Function: format],
  29668. raw: [Function: raw],
  29669. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  29670. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  29671. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  29672. Types: [Getter],
  29673. Charsets: [Getter],
  29674. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  29675. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  29676. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  29677. QueryGenerator:
  29678. { dialect: 'mysql',
  29679. OperatorMap:
  29680. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  29681. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  29682. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  29683. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  29684. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  29685. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  29686. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  29687. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  29688. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  29689. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  29690. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  29691. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  29692. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  29693. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  29694. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  29695. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  29696. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  29697. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  29698. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  29699. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  29700. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  29701. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  29702. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  29703. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  29704. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  29705. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  29706. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  29707. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  29708. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  29709. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  29710. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  29711. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  29712. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  29713. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  29714. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  29715. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  29716. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  29717. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  29718. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  29719. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  29720. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  29721. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  29722. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  29723. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  29724. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  29725. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  29726. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  29727. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  29728. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  29729. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  29730. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  29731. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  29732. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  29733. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  29734. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  29735. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  29736. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  29737. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  29738. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  29739. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  29740. _templateSettings:
  29741. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  29742. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  29743. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  29744. variable: '',
  29745. imports:
  29746. { _:
  29747. { [Function: lodash]
  29748. templateSettings: [Circular],
  29749. after: [Function: after],
  29750. ary: [Function: ary],
  29751. assign: [Function],
  29752. assignIn: [Function],
  29753. assignInWith: [Function],
  29754. assignWith: [Function],
  29755. at: [Function],
  29756. before: [Function: before],
  29757. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29758. bindAll: [Function],
  29759. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29760. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  29761. chain: [Function: chain],
  29762. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  29763. compact: [Function: compact],
  29764. concat: [Function: concat],
  29765. cond: [Function: cond],
  29766. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  29767. constant: [Function: constant],
  29768. countBy: [Function],
  29769. create: [Function: create],
  29770. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29771. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29772. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  29773. defaults: [Function],
  29774. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  29775. defer: [Function],
  29776. delay: [Function],
  29777. difference: [Function],
  29778. differenceBy: [Function],
  29779. differenceWith: [Function],
  29780. drop: [Function: drop],
  29781. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  29782. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  29783. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  29784. fill: [Function: fill],
  29785. filter: [Function: filter],
  29786. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  29787. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  29788. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  29789. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  29790. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  29791. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  29792. flip: [Function: flip],
  29793. flow: [Function],
  29794. flowRight: [Function],
  29795. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  29796. functions: [Function: functions],
  29797. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  29798. groupBy: [Function],
  29799. initial: [Function: initial],
  29800. intersection: [Function],
  29801. intersectionBy: [Function],
  29802. intersectionWith: [Function],
  29803. invert: [Function],
  29804. invertBy: [Function],
  29805. invokeMap: [Function],
  29806. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  29807. keyBy: [Function],
  29808. keys: [Function: keys],
  29809. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  29810. map: [Function: map],
  29811. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  29812. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  29813. matches: [Function: matches],
  29814. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  29815. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  29816. merge: [Function],
  29817. mergeWith: [Function],
  29818. method: [Function],
  29819. methodOf: [Function],
  29820. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  29821. negate: [Function: negate],
  29822. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  29823. omit: [Function],
  29824. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  29825. once: [Function: once],
  29826. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  29827. over: [Function],
  29828. overArgs: [Function],
  29829. overEvery: [Function],
  29830. overSome: [Function],
  29831. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29832. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  29833. partition: [Function],
  29834. pick: [Function],
  29835. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  29836. property: [Function: property],
  29837. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  29838. pull: [Function],
  29839. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  29840. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  29841. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  29842. pullAt: [Function],
  29843. range: [Function],
  29844. rangeRight: [Function],
  29845. rearg: [Function],
  29846. reject: [Function: reject],
  29847. remove: [Function: remove],
  29848. rest: [Function: rest],
  29849. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  29850. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  29851. set: [Function: set],
  29852. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  29853. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  29854. slice: [Function: slice],
  29855. sortBy: [Function],
  29856. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  29857. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  29858. split: [Function: split],
  29859. spread: [Function: spread],
  29860. tail: [Function: tail],
  29861. take: [Function: take],
  29862. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  29863. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  29864. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  29865. tap: [Function: tap],
  29866. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  29867. thru: [Function: thru],
  29868. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  29869. toPairs: [Function],
  29870. toPairsIn: [Function],
  29871. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  29872. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  29873. transform: [Function: transform],
  29874. unary: [Function: unary],
  29875. union: [Function],
  29876. unionBy: [Function],
  29877. unionWith: [Function],
  29878. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  29879. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  29880. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  29881. unset: [Function: unset],
  29882. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  29883. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  29884. update: [Function: update],
  29885. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  29886. values: [Function: values],
  29887. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  29888. without: [Function],
  29889. words: [Function: words],
  29890. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  29891. xor: [Function],
  29892. xorBy: [Function],
  29893. xorWith: [Function],
  29894. zip: [Function],
  29895. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  29896. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  29897. zipWith: [Function],
  29898. entries: [Function],
  29899. entriesIn: [Function],
  29900. extend: [Function],
  29901. extendWith: [Function],
  29902. add: [Function],
  29903. attempt: [Function],
  29904. camelCase: [Function],
  29905. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  29906. ceil: [Function],
  29907. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  29908. clone: [Function: clone],
  29909. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  29910. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  29911. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  29912. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  29913. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  29914. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  29915. divide: [Function],
  29916. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  29917. eq: [Function: eq],
  29918. escape: [Function: escape],
  29919. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  29920. every: [Function: every],
  29921. find: [Function],
  29922. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  29923. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  29924. findLast: [Function],
  29925. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  29926. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  29927. floor: [Function],
  29928. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  29929. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  29930. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  29931. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  29932. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  29933. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  29934. get: [Function: get],
  29935. gt: [Function],
  29936. gte: [Function],
  29937. has: [Function: has],
  29938. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  29939. head: [Function: head],
  29940. identity: [Function: identity],
  29941. includes: [Function: includes],
  29942. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  29943. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  29944. invoke: [Function],
  29945. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  29946. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  29947. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  29948. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  29949. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  29950. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  29951. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  29952. isDate: [Function],
  29953. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  29954. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  29955. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  29956. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  29957. isError: [Function: isError],
  29958. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  29959. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  29960. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  29961. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  29962. isMap: [Function],
  29963. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  29964. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  29965. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  29966. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  29967. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  29968. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  29969. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  29970. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  29971. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  29972. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  29973. isRegExp: [Function],
  29974. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  29975. isSet: [Function],
  29976. isString: [Function: isString],
  29977. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  29978. isTypedArray: [Function],
  29979. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  29980. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  29981. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  29982. join: [Function: join],
  29983. kebabCase: [Function],
  29984. last: [Function: last],
  29985. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  29986. lowerCase: [Function],
  29987. lowerFirst: [Function],
  29988. lt: [Function],
  29989. lte: [Function],
  29990. max: [Function: max],
  29991. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  29992. mean: [Function: mean],
  29993. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  29994. min: [Function: min],
  29995. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  29996. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  29997. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  29998. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  29999. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  30000. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  30001. multiply: [Function],
  30002. nth: [Function: nth],
  30003. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  30004. noop: [Function: noop],
  30005. now: [Function],
  30006. pad: [Function: pad],
  30007. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  30008. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  30009. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  30010. random: [Function: random],
  30011. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  30012. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  30013. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  30014. replace: [Function: replace],
  30015. result: [Function: result],
  30016. round: [Function],
  30017. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  30018. sample: [Function: sample],
  30019. size: [Function: size],
  30020. snakeCase: [Function],
  30021. some: [Function: some],
  30022. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  30023. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  30024. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  30025. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  30026. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  30027. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  30028. startCase: [Function],
  30029. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  30030. subtract: [Function],
  30031. sum: [Function: sum],
  30032. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  30033. template: [Function: template],
  30034. times: [Function: times],
  30035. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  30036. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  30037. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  30038. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  30039. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  30040. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  30041. toString: [Function: toString],
  30042. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  30043. trim: [Function: trim],
  30044. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  30045. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  30046. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  30047. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  30048. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  30049. upperCase: [Function],
  30050. upperFirst: [Function],
  30051. each: [Function: forEach],
  30052. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  30053. first: [Function: head],
  30054. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  30055. options:
  30056. { dialect: 'mysql',
  30057. dialectModulePath: null,
  30058. host: 'localhost',
  30059. protocol: 'tcp',
  30060. define: {},
  30061. query: {},
  30062. sync: {},
  30063. timezone: '+00:00',
  30064. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  30065. omitNull: false,
  30066. native: false,
  30067. replication: false,
  30068. ssl: undefined,
  30069. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  30070. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  30071. hooks: {},
  30072. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  30073. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  30074. isolationLevel: null,
  30075. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  30076. typeValidation: false,
  30077. benchmark: false,
  30078. operatorsAliases: false },
  30079. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  30080. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  30081. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  30082. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  30083. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  30084. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  30085. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  30086. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  30087. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  30088. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  30089. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  30090. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  30091. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  30092. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  30093. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  30094. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  30095. quote: [Function: quote],
  30096. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  30097. escape: [Function: escape],
  30098. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  30099. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  30100. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  30101. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  30102. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  30103. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  30104. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  30105. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  30106. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  30107. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  30108. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  30109. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  30110. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  30111. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  30112. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  30113. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  30114. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  30115. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  30116. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  30117. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  30118. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  30119. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  30120. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  30121. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  30122. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  30123. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  30124. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  30125. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  30126. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  30127. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  30128. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  30129. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  30130. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  30131. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  30132. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  30133. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  30134. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  30135. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  30136. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  30137. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  30138. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  30139. _dialect: [Circular],
  30140. sequelize: [Circular],
  30141. typeValidation: undefined } },
  30142. queryInterface:
  30143. QueryInterface {
  30144. sequelize: [Circular],
  30145. QueryGenerator:
  30146. { dialect: 'mysql',
  30147. OperatorMap:
  30148. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  30149. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  30150. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  30151. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  30152. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  30153. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  30154. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  30155. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  30156. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  30157. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  30158. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  30159. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  30160. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  30161. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  30162. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  30163. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  30164. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  30165. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  30166. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  30167. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  30168. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  30169. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  30170. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  30171. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  30172. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  30173. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  30174. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  30175. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  30176. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  30177. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  30178. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  30179. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  30180. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  30181. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  30182. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  30183. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  30184. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  30185. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  30186. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  30187. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  30188. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  30189. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  30190. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  30191. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  30192. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  30193. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  30194. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  30195. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  30196. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  30197. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  30198. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  30199. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  30200. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  30201. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  30202. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  30203. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  30204. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  30205. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  30206. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  30207. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  30208. _templateSettings:
  30209. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  30210. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  30211. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  30212. variable: '',
  30213. imports:
  30214. { _:
  30215. { [Function: lodash]
  30216. templateSettings: [Circular],
  30217. after: [Function: after],
  30218. ary: [Function: ary],
  30219. assign: [Function],
  30220. assignIn: [Function],
  30221. assignInWith: [Function],
  30222. assignWith: [Function],
  30223. at: [Function],
  30224. before: [Function: before],
  30225. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30226. bindAll: [Function],
  30227. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30228. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  30229. chain: [Function: chain],
  30230. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  30231. compact: [Function: compact],
  30232. concat: [Function: concat],
  30233. cond: [Function: cond],
  30234. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  30235. constant: [Function: constant],
  30236. countBy: [Function],
  30237. create: [Function: create],
  30238. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30239. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30240. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  30241. defaults: [Function],
  30242. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  30243. defer: [Function],
  30244. delay: [Function],
  30245. difference: [Function],
  30246. differenceBy: [Function],
  30247. differenceWith: [Function],
  30248. drop: [Function: drop],
  30249. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  30250. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  30251. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  30252. fill: [Function: fill],
  30253. filter: [Function: filter],
  30254. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  30255. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  30256. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  30257. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  30258. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  30259. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  30260. flip: [Function: flip],
  30261. flow: [Function],
  30262. flowRight: [Function],
  30263. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  30264. functions: [Function: functions],
  30265. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  30266. groupBy: [Function],
  30267. initial: [Function: initial],
  30268. intersection: [Function],
  30269. intersectionBy: [Function],
  30270. intersectionWith: [Function],
  30271. invert: [Function],
  30272. invertBy: [Function],
  30273. invokeMap: [Function],
  30274. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  30275. keyBy: [Function],
  30276. keys: [Function: keys],
  30277. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  30278. map: [Function: map],
  30279. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  30280. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  30281. matches: [Function: matches],
  30282. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  30283. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  30284. merge: [Function],
  30285. mergeWith: [Function],
  30286. method: [Function],
  30287. methodOf: [Function],
  30288. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  30289. negate: [Function: negate],
  30290. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  30291. omit: [Function],
  30292. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  30293. once: [Function: once],
  30294. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  30295. over: [Function],
  30296. overArgs: [Function],
  30297. overEvery: [Function],
  30298. overSome: [Function],
  30299. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30300. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  30301. partition: [Function],
  30302. pick: [Function],
  30303. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  30304. property: [Function: property],
  30305. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  30306. pull: [Function],
  30307. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  30308. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  30309. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  30310. pullAt: [Function],
  30311. range: [Function],
  30312. rangeRight: [Function],
  30313. rearg: [Function],
  30314. reject: [Function: reject],
  30315. remove: [Function: remove],
  30316. rest: [Function: rest],
  30317. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  30318. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  30319. set: [Function: set],
  30320. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  30321. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  30322. slice: [Function: slice],
  30323. sortBy: [Function],
  30324. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  30325. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  30326. split: [Function: split],
  30327. spread: [Function: spread],
  30328. tail: [Function: tail],
  30329. take: [Function: take],
  30330. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  30331. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  30332. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  30333. tap: [Function: tap],
  30334. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  30335. thru: [Function: thru],
  30336. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  30337. toPairs: [Function],
  30338. toPairsIn: [Function],
  30339. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  30340. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  30341. transform: [Function: transform],
  30342. unary: [Function: unary],
  30343. union: [Function],
  30344. unionBy: [Function],
  30345. unionWith: [Function],
  30346. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  30347. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  30348. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  30349. unset: [Function: unset],
  30350. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  30351. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  30352. update: [Function: update],
  30353. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  30354. values: [Function: values],
  30355. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  30356. without: [Function],
  30357. words: [Function: words],
  30358. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  30359. xor: [Function],
  30360. xorBy: [Function],
  30361. xorWith: [Function],
  30362. zip: [Function],
  30363. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  30364. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  30365. zipWith: [Function],
  30366. entries: [Function],
  30367. entriesIn: [Function],
  30368. extend: [Function],
  30369. extendWith: [Function],
  30370. add: [Function],
  30371. attempt: [Function],
  30372. camelCase: [Function],
  30373. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  30374. ceil: [Function],
  30375. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  30376. clone: [Function: clone],
  30377. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  30378. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  30379. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  30380. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  30381. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  30382. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  30383. divide: [Function],
  30384. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  30385. eq: [Function: eq],
  30386. escape: [Function: escape],
  30387. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  30388. every: [Function: every],
  30389. find: [Function],
  30390. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  30391. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  30392. findLast: [Function],
  30393. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  30394. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  30395. floor: [Function],
  30396. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  30397. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  30398. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  30399. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  30400. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  30401. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  30402. get: [Function: get],
  30403. gt: [Function],
  30404. gte: [Function],
  30405. has: [Function: has],
  30406. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  30407. head: [Function: head],
  30408. identity: [Function: identity],
  30409. includes: [Function: includes],
  30410. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  30411. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  30412. invoke: [Function],
  30413. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  30414. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  30415. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  30416. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  30417. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  30418. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  30419. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  30420. isDate: [Function],
  30421. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  30422. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  30423. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  30424. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  30425. isError: [Function: isError],
  30426. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  30427. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  30428. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  30429. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  30430. isMap: [Function],
  30431. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  30432. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  30433. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  30434. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  30435. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  30436. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  30437. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  30438. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  30439. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  30440. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  30441. isRegExp: [Function],
  30442. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  30443. isSet: [Function],
  30444. isString: [Function: isString],
  30445. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  30446. isTypedArray: [Function],
  30447. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  30448. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  30449. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  30450. join: [Function: join],
  30451. kebabCase: [Function],
  30452. last: [Function: last],
  30453. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  30454. lowerCase: [Function],
  30455. lowerFirst: [Function],
  30456. lt: [Function],
  30457. lte: [Function],
  30458. max: [Function: max],
  30459. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  30460. mean: [Function: mean],
  30461. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  30462. min: [Function: min],
  30463. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  30464. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  30465. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  30466. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  30467. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  30468. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  30469. multiply: [Function],
  30470. nth: [Function: nth],
  30471. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  30472. noop: [Function: noop],
  30473. now: [Function],
  30474. pad: [Function: pad],
  30475. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  30476. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  30477. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  30478. random: [Function: random],
  30479. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  30480. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  30481. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  30482. replace: [Function: replace],
  30483. result: [Function: result],
  30484. round: [Function],
  30485. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  30486. sample: [Function: sample],
  30487. size: [Function: size],
  30488. snakeCase: [Function],
  30489. some: [Function: some],
  30490. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  30491. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  30492. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  30493. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  30494. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  30495. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  30496. startCase: [Function],
  30497. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  30498. subtract: [Function],
  30499. sum: [Function: sum],
  30500. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  30501. template: [Function: template],
  30502. times: [Function: times],
  30503. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  30504. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  30505. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  30506. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  30507. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  30508. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  30509. toString: [Function: toString],
  30510. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  30511. trim: [Function: trim],
  30512. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  30513. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  30514. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  30515. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  30516. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  30517. upperCase: [Function],
  30518. upperFirst: [Function],
  30519. each: [Function: forEach],
  30520. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  30521. first: [Function: head],
  30522. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  30523. options:
  30524. { dialect: 'mysql',
  30525. dialectModulePath: null,
  30526. host: 'localhost',
  30527. protocol: 'tcp',
  30528. define: {},
  30529. query: {},
  30530. sync: {},
  30531. timezone: '+00:00',
  30532. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  30533. omitNull: false,
  30534. native: false,
  30535. replication: false,
  30536. ssl: undefined,
  30537. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  30538. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  30539. hooks: {},
  30540. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  30541. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  30542. isolationLevel: null,
  30543. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  30544. typeValidation: false,
  30545. benchmark: false,
  30546. operatorsAliases: false },
  30547. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  30548. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  30549. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  30550. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  30551. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  30552. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  30553. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  30554. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  30555. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  30556. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  30557. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  30558. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  30559. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  30560. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  30561. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  30562. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  30563. quote: [Function: quote],
  30564. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  30565. escape: [Function: escape],
  30566. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  30567. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  30568. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  30569. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  30570. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  30571. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  30572. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  30573. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  30574. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  30575. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  30576. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  30577. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  30578. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  30579. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  30580. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  30581. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  30582. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  30583. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  30584. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  30585. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  30586. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  30587. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  30588. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  30589. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  30590. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  30591. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  30592. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  30593. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  30594. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  30595. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  30596. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  30597. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  30598. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  30599. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  30600. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  30601. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  30602. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  30603. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  30604. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  30605. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  30606. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  30607. _dialect:
  30608. MysqlDialect {
  30609. sequelize: [Circular],
  30610. connectionManager:
  30611. ConnectionManager {
  30612. sequelize: [Circular],
  30613. config:
  30614. { database: 'lbry',
  30615. username: 'root',
  30616. password: 'abcd1234',
  30617. host: 'localhost',
  30618. port: undefined,
  30619. pool:
  30620. { max: 5,
  30621. min: 0,
  30622. acquire: 30000,
  30623. idle: 10000,
  30624. evict: 10000,
  30625. handleDisconnects: true,
  30626. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  30627. Promise:
  30628. { [Function: Promise]
  30629. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  30630. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  30631. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  30632. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  30633. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30634. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30635. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  30636. _peekContext: [Function],
  30637. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  30638. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  30639. longStackTraces: [Function],
  30640. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  30641. config: [Function],
  30642. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  30643. is: [Function],
  30644. fromCallback: [Function],
  30645. fromNode: [Function],
  30646. all: [Function],
  30647. cast: [Function],
  30648. fulfilled: [Function],
  30649. resolve: [Function],
  30650. rejected: [Function],
  30651. reject: [Function],
  30652. setScheduler: [Function],
  30653. pending: [Function],
  30654. defer: [Function],
  30655. method: [Function],
  30656. try: [Function],
  30657. attempt: [Function],
  30658. bind: [Function],
  30659. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  30660. join: [Function],
  30661. Promise: [Circular],
  30662. version: '3.5.3',
  30663. map: [Function],
  30664. using: [Function],
  30665. delay: [Function],
  30666. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  30667. spawn: [Function],
  30668. promisify: [Function],
  30669. promisifyAll: [Function],
  30670. props: [Function],
  30671. race: [Function],
  30672. reduce: [Function],
  30673. settle: [Function],
  30674. some: [Function],
  30675. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  30676. filter: [Function],
  30677. each: [Function],
  30678. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  30679. any: [Function],
  30680. default: [Circular] } },
  30681. protocol: 'tcp',
  30682. native: false,
  30683. ssl: undefined,
  30684. replication: false,
  30685. dialectModulePath: null,
  30686. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  30687. dialectOptions: undefined },
  30688. dialect: [Circular],
  30689. versionPromise: null,
  30690. dialectName: 'mysql',
  30691. pool:
  30692. Pool {
  30693. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  30694. _eventsCount: 0,
  30695. _maxListeners: undefined,
  30696. _config:
  30697. PoolOptions {
  30698. fifo: true,
  30699. priorityRange: 1,
  30700. testOnBorrow: true,
  30701. testOnReturn: false,
  30702. autostart: false,
  30703. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  30704. max: 5,
  30705. min: 0,
  30706. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  30707. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  30708. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  30709. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  30710. Promise:
  30711. { [Function: Promise]
  30712. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  30713. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  30714. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  30715. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  30716. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30717. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30718. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  30719. _peekContext: [Function],
  30720. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  30721. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  30722. longStackTraces: [Function],
  30723. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  30724. config: [Function],
  30725. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  30726. is: [Function],
  30727. fromCallback: [Function],
  30728. fromNode: [Function],
  30729. all: [Function],
  30730. cast: [Function],
  30731. fulfilled: [Function],
  30732. resolve: [Function],
  30733. rejected: [Function],
  30734. reject: [Function],
  30735. setScheduler: [Function],
  30736. pending: [Function],
  30737. defer: [Function],
  30738. method: [Function],
  30739. try: [Function],
  30740. attempt: [Function],
  30741. bind: [Function],
  30742. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  30743. join: [Function],
  30744. Promise: [Circular],
  30745. version: '3.5.3',
  30746. map: [Function],
  30747. using: [Function],
  30748. delay: [Function],
  30749. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  30750. spawn: [Function],
  30751. promisify: [Function],
  30752. promisifyAll: [Function],
  30753. props: [Function],
  30754. race: [Function],
  30755. reduce: [Function],
  30756. settle: [Function],
  30757. some: [Function],
  30758. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  30759. filter: [Function],
  30760. each: [Function],
  30761. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  30762. any: [Function],
  30763. default: [Circular] } },
  30764. _Promise:
  30765. { [Function: Promise]
  30766. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  30767. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  30768. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  30769. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  30770. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30771. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  30772. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  30773. _peekContext: [Function],
  30774. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  30775. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  30776. longStackTraces: [Function],
  30777. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  30778. config: [Function],
  30779. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  30780. is: [Function],
  30781. fromCallback: [Function],
  30782. fromNode: [Function],
  30783. all: [Function],
  30784. cast: [Function],
  30785. fulfilled: [Function],
  30786. resolve: [Function],
  30787. rejected: [Function],
  30788. reject: [Function],
  30789. setScheduler: [Function],
  30790. pending: [Function],
  30791. defer: [Function],
  30792. method: [Function],
  30793. try: [Function],
  30794. attempt: [Function],
  30795. bind: [Function],
  30796. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  30797. join: [Function],
  30798. Promise: [Circular],
  30799. version: '3.5.3',
  30800. map: [Function],
  30801. using: [Function],
  30802. delay: [Function],
  30803. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  30804. spawn: [Function],
  30805. promisify: [Function],
  30806. promisifyAll: [Function],
  30807. props: [Function],
  30808. race: [Function],
  30809. reduce: [Function],
  30810. settle: [Function],
  30811. some: [Function],
  30812. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  30813. filter: [Function],
  30814. each: [Function],
  30815. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  30816. any: [Function],
  30817. default: [Circular] },
  30818. _factory:
  30819. { create: [Function: create],
  30820. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  30821. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  30822. _draining: false,
  30823. _started: true,
  30824. _waitingClientsQueue:
  30825. PriorityQueue {
  30826. _size: 1,
  30827. _slots:
  30828. [ Queue {
  30829. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  30830. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  30831. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  30832. _availableObjects:
  30833. Deque {
  30834. _list:
  30835. DoublyLinkedList {
  30836. head:
  30837. { prev: null,
  30838. next:
  30839. { prev: [Circular],
  30840. next: null,
  30841. data:
  30842. PooledResource {
  30843. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  30844. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  30845. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  30846. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  30847. obj:
  30848. Connection {
  30849. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  30850. _eventsCount: 1,
  30851. _maxListeners: undefined,
  30852. config:
  30853. ConnectionConfig {
  30854. isServer: undefined,
  30855. stream: undefined,
  30856. host: 'localhost',
  30857. port: 3306,
  30858. localAddress: undefined,
  30859. socketPath: undefined,
  30860. user: 'root',
  30861. password: 'abcd1234',
  30862. passwordSha1: undefined,
  30863. database: 'lbry',
  30864. connectTimeout: 10000,
  30865. insecureAuth: false,
  30866. supportBigNumbers: true,
  30867. bigNumberStrings: false,
  30868. decimalNumbers: false,
  30869. dateStrings: false,
  30870. debug: undefined,
  30871. trace: true,
  30872. stringifyObjects: false,
  30873. timezone: '+00:00',
  30874. queryFormat: undefined,
  30875. pool: undefined,
  30876. ssl: false,
  30877. multipleStatements: false,
  30878. rowsAsArray: false,
  30879. namedPlaceholders: false,
  30880. nestTables: undefined,
  30881. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  30882. maxPacketSize: 0,
  30883. charsetNumber: 224,
  30884. compress: false,
  30885. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  30886. clientFlags: 8582093,
  30887. connectAttributes: undefined,
  30888. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  30889. stream:
  30890. Socket {
  30891. connecting: false,
  30892. _hadError: false,
  30893. _handle:
  30894. TCP {
  30895. reading: true,
  30896. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  30897. onconnection: null,
  30898. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  30899. _parent: null,
  30900. _host: 'localhost',
  30901. _readableState:
  30902. ReadableState {
  30903. objectMode: false,
  30904. highWaterMark: 16384,
  30905. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  30906. length: 0,
  30907. pipes: null,
  30908. pipesCount: 0,
  30909. flowing: true,
  30910. ended: false,
  30911. endEmitted: false,
  30912. reading: true,
  30913. sync: false,
  30914. needReadable: true,
  30915. emittedReadable: false,
  30916. readableListening: false,
  30917. resumeScheduled: false,
  30918. emitClose: false,
  30919. autoDestroy: false,
  30920. destroyed: false,
  30921. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  30922. awaitDrain: 0,
  30923. readingMore: false,
  30924. decoder: null,
  30925. encoding: null },
  30926. readable: true,
  30927. _events:
  30928. [Object: null prototype] {
  30929. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  30930. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  30931. data: [Function],
  30932. close: [Function] },
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  30934. _maxListeners: undefined,
  30935. _writableState:
  30936. WritableState {
  30937. objectMode: false,
  30938. highWaterMark: 16384,
  30939. finalCalled: false,
  30940. needDrain: false,
  30941. ending: false,
  30942. ended: false,
  30943. finished: false,
  30944. destroyed: false,
  30945. decodeStrings: false,
  30946. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  30947. length: 0,
  30948. writing: false,
  30949. corked: 0,
  30950. sync: false,
  30951. bufferProcessing: false,
  30952. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  30954. writelen: 0,
  30955. bufferedRequest: null,
  30956. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  30957. pendingcb: 0,
  30958. prefinished: false,
  30959. errorEmitted: false,
  30960. emitClose: false,
  30961. autoDestroy: false,
  30962. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  30963. corkedRequestsFree:
  30964. { next: null,
  30965. entry: null,
  30966. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  30967. writable: true,
  30968. allowHalfOpen: false,
  30969. _sockname: null,
  30970. _pendingData: null,
  30971. _pendingEncoding: '',
  30972. server: null,
  30973. _server: null,
  30974. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  30975. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  30976. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  30977. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  30978. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  30979. _internalId: 1,
  30980. _commands:
  30981. Denque {
  30982. _head: 0,
  30983. _tail: 0,
  30984. _capacityMask: 3,
  30985. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  30986. _command: undefined,
  30987. _paused: false,
  30988. _paused_packets:
  30989. Denque {
  30990. _head: 0,
  30991. _tail: 0,
  30992. _capacityMask: 3,
  30993. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  30994. _statements:
  30995. LRUCache {
  30996. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  30997. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  30998. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  30999. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  31000. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  31001. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  31002. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  31003. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  31004. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  31005. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31006. authorized: true,
  31007. sequenceId: 23,
  31008. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  31009. threadId: 1303,
  31010. _handshakePacket:
  31011. Handshake {
  31012. protocolVersion: 10,
  31013. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  31014. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31015. connectionId: 1303,
  31016. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  31017. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  31018. characterSet: 255,
  31019. statusFlags: 2 },
  31020. _fatalError: null,
  31021. _protocolError: null,
  31022. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  31023. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  31024. packetParser:
  31025. PacketParser {
  31026. buffer: [],
  31027. bufferLength: 0,
  31028. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  31029. headerLen: 0,
  31030. length: 5,
  31031. largePacketParts: [],
  31032. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  31033. onPacket: [Function],
  31034. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  31035. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  31036. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  31037. connectTimeout: null,
  31038. connectionId: 1303 },
  31039. state: 'IDLE' } },
  31040. data:
  31041. PooledResource {
  31042. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  31043. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  31044. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  31045. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  31046. obj:
  31047. Connection {
  31048. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  31049. _eventsCount: 1,
  31050. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31051. config:
  31052. ConnectionConfig {
  31053. isServer: undefined,
  31054. stream: undefined,
  31055. host: 'localhost',
  31056. port: 3306,
  31057. localAddress: undefined,
  31058. socketPath: undefined,
  31059. user: 'root',
  31060. password: 'abcd1234',
  31061. passwordSha1: undefined,
  31062. database: 'lbry',
  31063. connectTimeout: 10000,
  31064. insecureAuth: false,
  31065. supportBigNumbers: true,
  31066. bigNumberStrings: false,
  31067. decimalNumbers: false,
  31068. dateStrings: false,
  31069. debug: undefined,
  31070. trace: true,
  31071. stringifyObjects: false,
  31072. timezone: '+00:00',
  31073. queryFormat: undefined,
  31074. pool: undefined,
  31075. ssl: false,
  31076. multipleStatements: false,
  31077. rowsAsArray: false,
  31078. namedPlaceholders: false,
  31079. nestTables: undefined,
  31080. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  31081. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31082. charsetNumber: 224,
  31083. compress: false,
  31084. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  31085. clientFlags: 8582093,
  31086. connectAttributes: undefined,
  31087. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  31088. stream:
  31089. Socket {
  31090. connecting: false,
  31091. _hadError: false,
  31092. _handle:
  31093. TCP {
  31094. reading: true,
  31095. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  31096. onconnection: null,
  31097. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  31098. _parent: null,
  31099. _host: 'localhost',
  31100. _readableState:
  31101. ReadableState {
  31102. objectMode: false,
  31103. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31104. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  31105. length: 0,
  31106. pipes: null,
  31107. pipesCount: 0,
  31108. flowing: true,
  31109. ended: false,
  31110. endEmitted: false,
  31111. reading: true,
  31112. sync: false,
  31113. needReadable: true,
  31114. emittedReadable: false,
  31115. readableListening: false,
  31116. resumeScheduled: false,
  31117. emitClose: false,
  31118. autoDestroy: false,
  31119. destroyed: false,
  31120. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31121. awaitDrain: 0,
  31122. readingMore: false,
  31123. decoder: null,
  31124. encoding: null },
  31125. readable: true,
  31126. _events:
  31127. [Object: null prototype] {
  31128. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  31129. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  31130. data: [Function],
  31131. close: [Function] },
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  31133. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31134. _writableState:
  31135. WritableState {
  31136. objectMode: false,
  31137. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31138. finalCalled: false,
  31139. needDrain: false,
  31140. ending: false,
  31141. ended: false,
  31142. finished: false,
  31143. destroyed: false,
  31144. decodeStrings: false,
  31145. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31146. length: 0,
  31147. writing: false,
  31148. corked: 0,
  31149. sync: false,
  31150. bufferProcessing: false,
  31151. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  31153. writelen: 0,
  31154. bufferedRequest: null,
  31155. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  31156. pendingcb: 0,
  31157. prefinished: false,
  31158. errorEmitted: false,
  31159. emitClose: false,
  31160. autoDestroy: false,
  31161. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  31162. corkedRequestsFree:
  31163. { next: null,
  31164. entry: null,
  31165. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  31166. writable: true,
  31167. allowHalfOpen: false,
  31168. _sockname: null,
  31169. _pendingData: null,
  31170. _pendingEncoding: '',
  31171. server: null,
  31172. _server: null,
  31173. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  31174. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  31175. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  31176. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  31177. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  31178. _internalId: 2,
  31179. _commands:
  31180. Denque {
  31181. _head: 0,
  31182. _tail: 0,
  31183. _capacityMask: 3,
  31184. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31185. _command: undefined,
  31186. _paused: false,
  31187. _paused_packets:
  31188. Denque {
  31189. _head: 0,
  31190. _tail: 0,
  31191. _capacityMask: 3,
  31192. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31193. _statements:
  31194. LRUCache {
  31195. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  31196. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  31197. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  31198. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  31199. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  31200. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  31201. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  31202. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  31203. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  31204. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31205. authorized: true,
  31206. sequenceId: 2,
  31207. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  31208. threadId: 1302,
  31209. _handshakePacket:
  31210. Handshake {
  31211. protocolVersion: 10,
  31212. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  31213. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31214. connectionId: 1302,
  31215. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  31216. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  31217. characterSet: 255,
  31218. statusFlags: 2 },
  31219. _fatalError: null,
  31220. _protocolError: null,
  31221. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  31222. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  31223. packetParser:
  31224. PacketParser {
  31225. buffer: [],
  31226. bufferLength: 0,
  31227. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  31228. headerLen: 0,
  31229. length: 7,
  31230. largePacketParts: [],
  31231. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  31232. onPacket: [Function],
  31233. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  31234. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  31235. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  31236. connectTimeout: null,
  31237. connectionId: 1302 },
  31238. state: 'IDLE' } },
  31239. tail:
  31240. { prev:
  31241. { prev: null,
  31242. next: [Circular],
  31243. data:
  31244. PooledResource {
  31245. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  31246. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  31247. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  31248. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  31249. obj:
  31250. Connection {
  31251. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  31252. _eventsCount: 1,
  31253. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31254. config:
  31255. ConnectionConfig {
  31256. isServer: undefined,
  31257. stream: undefined,
  31258. host: 'localhost',
  31259. port: 3306,
  31260. localAddress: undefined,
  31261. socketPath: undefined,
  31262. user: 'root',
  31263. password: 'abcd1234',
  31264. passwordSha1: undefined,
  31265. database: 'lbry',
  31266. connectTimeout: 10000,
  31267. insecureAuth: false,
  31268. supportBigNumbers: true,
  31269. bigNumberStrings: false,
  31270. decimalNumbers: false,
  31271. dateStrings: false,
  31272. debug: undefined,
  31273. trace: true,
  31274. stringifyObjects: false,
  31275. timezone: '+00:00',
  31276. queryFormat: undefined,
  31277. pool: undefined,
  31278. ssl: false,
  31279. multipleStatements: false,
  31280. rowsAsArray: false,
  31281. namedPlaceholders: false,
  31282. nestTables: undefined,
  31283. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  31284. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31285. charsetNumber: 224,
  31286. compress: false,
  31287. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  31288. clientFlags: 8582093,
  31289. connectAttributes: undefined,
  31290. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  31291. stream:
  31292. Socket {
  31293. connecting: false,
  31294. _hadError: false,
  31295. _handle:
  31296. TCP {
  31297. reading: true,
  31298. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  31299. onconnection: null,
  31300. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  31301. _parent: null,
  31302. _host: 'localhost',
  31303. _readableState:
  31304. ReadableState {
  31305. objectMode: false,
  31306. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31307. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  31308. length: 0,
  31309. pipes: null,
  31310. pipesCount: 0,
  31311. flowing: true,
  31312. ended: false,
  31313. endEmitted: false,
  31314. reading: true,
  31315. sync: false,
  31316. needReadable: true,
  31317. emittedReadable: false,
  31318. readableListening: false,
  31319. resumeScheduled: false,
  31320. emitClose: false,
  31321. autoDestroy: false,
  31322. destroyed: false,
  31323. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31324. awaitDrain: 0,
  31325. readingMore: false,
  31326. decoder: null,
  31327. encoding: null },
  31328. readable: true,
  31329. _events:
  31330. [Object: null prototype] {
  31331. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  31332. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  31333. data: [Function],
  31334. close: [Function] },
  31335. _eventsCount: 4,
  31336. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31337. _writableState:
  31338. WritableState {
  31339. objectMode: false,
  31340. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31341. finalCalled: false,
  31342. needDrain: false,
  31343. ending: false,
  31344. ended: false,
  31345. finished: false,
  31346. destroyed: false,
  31347. decodeStrings: false,
  31348. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31349. length: 0,
  31350. writing: false,
  31351. corked: 0,
  31352. sync: false,
  31353. bufferProcessing: false,
  31354. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  31355. writecb: null,
  31356. writelen: 0,
  31357. bufferedRequest: null,
  31358. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  31359. pendingcb: 0,
  31360. prefinished: false,
  31361. errorEmitted: false,
  31362. emitClose: false,
  31363. autoDestroy: false,
  31364. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  31365. corkedRequestsFree:
  31366. { next: null,
  31367. entry: null,
  31368. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  31369. writable: true,
  31370. allowHalfOpen: false,
  31371. _sockname: null,
  31372. _pendingData: null,
  31373. _pendingEncoding: '',
  31374. server: null,
  31375. _server: null,
  31376. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  31377. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  31378. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  31379. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  31380. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  31381. _internalId: 2,
  31382. _commands:
  31383. Denque {
  31384. _head: 0,
  31385. _tail: 0,
  31386. _capacityMask: 3,
  31387. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31388. _command: undefined,
  31389. _paused: false,
  31390. _paused_packets:
  31391. Denque {
  31392. _head: 0,
  31393. _tail: 0,
  31394. _capacityMask: 3,
  31395. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31396. _statements:
  31397. LRUCache {
  31398. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  31399. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  31400. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  31401. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  31402. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  31403. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  31404. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  31405. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  31406. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  31407. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31408. authorized: true,
  31409. sequenceId: 2,
  31410. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  31411. threadId: 1302,
  31412. _handshakePacket:
  31413. Handshake {
  31414. protocolVersion: 10,
  31415. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  31416. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31417. connectionId: 1302,
  31418. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  31419. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  31420. characterSet: 255,
  31421. statusFlags: 2 },
  31422. _fatalError: null,
  31423. _protocolError: null,
  31424. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  31425. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  31426. packetParser:
  31427. PacketParser {
  31428. buffer: [],
  31429. bufferLength: 0,
  31430. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  31431. headerLen: 0,
  31432. length: 7,
  31433. largePacketParts: [],
  31434. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  31435. onPacket: [Function],
  31436. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  31437. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  31438. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  31439. connectTimeout: null,
  31440. connectionId: 1302 },
  31441. state: 'IDLE' } },
  31442. next: null,
  31443. data:
  31444. PooledResource {
  31445. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  31446. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  31447. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  31448. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  31449. obj:
  31450. Connection {
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  31452. _eventsCount: 1,
  31453. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31454. config:
  31455. ConnectionConfig {
  31456. isServer: undefined,
  31457. stream: undefined,
  31458. host: 'localhost',
  31459. port: 3306,
  31460. localAddress: undefined,
  31461. socketPath: undefined,
  31462. user: 'root',
  31463. password: 'abcd1234',
  31464. passwordSha1: undefined,
  31465. database: 'lbry',
  31466. connectTimeout: 10000,
  31467. insecureAuth: false,
  31468. supportBigNumbers: true,
  31469. bigNumberStrings: false,
  31470. decimalNumbers: false,
  31471. dateStrings: false,
  31472. debug: undefined,
  31473. trace: true,
  31474. stringifyObjects: false,
  31475. timezone: '+00:00',
  31476. queryFormat: undefined,
  31477. pool: undefined,
  31478. ssl: false,
  31479. multipleStatements: false,
  31480. rowsAsArray: false,
  31481. namedPlaceholders: false,
  31482. nestTables: undefined,
  31483. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  31484. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31485. charsetNumber: 224,
  31486. compress: false,
  31487. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  31488. clientFlags: 8582093,
  31489. connectAttributes: undefined,
  31490. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  31491. stream:
  31492. Socket {
  31493. connecting: false,
  31494. _hadError: false,
  31495. _handle:
  31496. TCP {
  31497. reading: true,
  31498. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  31499. onconnection: null,
  31500. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  31501. _parent: null,
  31502. _host: 'localhost',
  31503. _readableState:
  31504. ReadableState {
  31505. objectMode: false,
  31506. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31507. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  31508. length: 0,
  31509. pipes: null,
  31510. pipesCount: 0,
  31511. flowing: true,
  31512. ended: false,
  31513. endEmitted: false,
  31514. reading: true,
  31515. sync: false,
  31516. needReadable: true,
  31517. emittedReadable: false,
  31518. readableListening: false,
  31519. resumeScheduled: false,
  31520. emitClose: false,
  31521. autoDestroy: false,
  31522. destroyed: false,
  31523. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31524. awaitDrain: 0,
  31525. readingMore: false,
  31526. decoder: null,
  31527. encoding: null },
  31528. readable: true,
  31529. _events:
  31530. [Object: null prototype] {
  31531. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  31532. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  31533. data: [Function],
  31534. close: [Function] },
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  31536. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31537. _writableState:
  31538. WritableState {
  31539. objectMode: false,
  31540. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31541. finalCalled: false,
  31542. needDrain: false,
  31543. ending: false,
  31544. ended: false,
  31545. finished: false,
  31546. destroyed: false,
  31547. decodeStrings: false,
  31548. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31549. length: 0,
  31550. writing: false,
  31551. corked: 0,
  31552. sync: false,
  31553. bufferProcessing: false,
  31554. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  31556. writelen: 0,
  31557. bufferedRequest: null,
  31558. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  31559. pendingcb: 0,
  31560. prefinished: false,
  31561. errorEmitted: false,
  31562. emitClose: false,
  31563. autoDestroy: false,
  31564. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  31565. corkedRequestsFree:
  31566. { next: null,
  31567. entry: null,
  31568. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  31569. writable: true,
  31570. allowHalfOpen: false,
  31571. _sockname: null,
  31572. _pendingData: null,
  31573. _pendingEncoding: '',
  31574. server: null,
  31575. _server: null,
  31576. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  31577. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  31578. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  31579. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  31580. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  31581. _internalId: 1,
  31582. _commands:
  31583. Denque {
  31584. _head: 0,
  31585. _tail: 0,
  31586. _capacityMask: 3,
  31587. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31588. _command: undefined,
  31589. _paused: false,
  31590. _paused_packets:
  31591. Denque {
  31592. _head: 0,
  31593. _tail: 0,
  31594. _capacityMask: 3,
  31595. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31596. _statements:
  31597. LRUCache {
  31598. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  31599. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  31600. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  31601. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  31602. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  31603. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  31604. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  31605. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  31606. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  31607. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31608. authorized: true,
  31609. sequenceId: 23,
  31610. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  31611. threadId: 1303,
  31612. _handshakePacket:
  31613. Handshake {
  31614. protocolVersion: 10,
  31615. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  31616. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31617. connectionId: 1303,
  31618. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  31619. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  31620. characterSet: 255,
  31621. statusFlags: 2 },
  31622. _fatalError: null,
  31623. _protocolError: null,
  31624. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  31625. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  31626. packetParser:
  31627. PacketParser {
  31628. buffer: [],
  31629. bufferLength: 0,
  31630. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  31631. headerLen: 0,
  31632. length: 5,
  31633. largePacketParts: [],
  31634. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  31635. onPacket: [Function],
  31636. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  31637. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  31638. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  31639. connectTimeout: null,
  31640. connectionId: 1303 },
  31641. state: 'IDLE' } },
  31642. length: 2 } },
  31643. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  31644. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  31645. _validationOperations: Set {},
  31646. _allObjects:
  31647. Set {
  31648. PooledResource {
  31649. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  31650. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  31651. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  31652. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  31653. obj:
  31654. Connection {
  31655. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  31656. _eventsCount: 1,
  31657. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31658. config:
  31659. ConnectionConfig {
  31660. isServer: undefined,
  31661. stream: undefined,
  31662. host: 'localhost',
  31663. port: 3306,
  31664. localAddress: undefined,
  31665. socketPath: undefined,
  31666. user: 'root',
  31667. password: 'abcd1234',
  31668. passwordSha1: undefined,
  31669. database: 'lbry',
  31670. connectTimeout: 10000,
  31671. insecureAuth: false,
  31672. supportBigNumbers: true,
  31673. bigNumberStrings: false,
  31674. decimalNumbers: false,
  31675. dateStrings: false,
  31676. debug: undefined,
  31677. trace: true,
  31678. stringifyObjects: false,
  31679. timezone: '+00:00',
  31680. queryFormat: undefined,
  31681. pool: undefined,
  31682. ssl: false,
  31683. multipleStatements: false,
  31684. rowsAsArray: false,
  31685. namedPlaceholders: false,
  31686. nestTables: undefined,
  31687. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  31688. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31689. charsetNumber: 224,
  31690. compress: false,
  31691. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  31692. clientFlags: 8582093,
  31693. connectAttributes: undefined,
  31694. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  31695. stream:
  31696. Socket {
  31697. connecting: false,
  31698. _hadError: false,
  31699. _handle:
  31700. TCP {
  31701. reading: true,
  31702. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  31703. onconnection: null,
  31704. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  31705. _parent: null,
  31706. _host: 'localhost',
  31707. _readableState:
  31708. ReadableState {
  31709. objectMode: false,
  31710. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31711. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  31712. length: 0,
  31713. pipes: null,
  31714. pipesCount: 0,
  31715. flowing: true,
  31716. ended: false,
  31717. endEmitted: false,
  31718. reading: true,
  31719. sync: false,
  31720. needReadable: true,
  31721. emittedReadable: false,
  31722. readableListening: false,
  31723. resumeScheduled: false,
  31724. emitClose: false,
  31725. autoDestroy: false,
  31726. destroyed: false,
  31727. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31728. awaitDrain: 0,
  31729. readingMore: false,
  31730. decoder: null,
  31731. encoding: null },
  31732. readable: true,
  31733. _events:
  31734. [Object: null prototype] {
  31735. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  31736. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  31737. data: [Function],
  31738. close: [Function] },
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  31740. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  31742. WritableState {
  31743. objectMode: false,
  31744. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31745. finalCalled: false,
  31746. needDrain: false,
  31747. ending: false,
  31748. ended: false,
  31749. finished: false,
  31750. destroyed: false,
  31751. decodeStrings: false,
  31752. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31753. length: 0,
  31754. writing: false,
  31755. corked: 0,
  31756. sync: false,
  31757. bufferProcessing: false,
  31758. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  31760. writelen: 0,
  31761. bufferedRequest: null,
  31762. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  31763. pendingcb: 0,
  31764. prefinished: false,
  31765. errorEmitted: false,
  31766. emitClose: false,
  31767. autoDestroy: false,
  31768. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  31769. corkedRequestsFree:
  31770. { next: null,
  31771. entry: null,
  31772. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  31773. writable: true,
  31774. allowHalfOpen: false,
  31775. _sockname: null,
  31776. _pendingData: null,
  31777. _pendingEncoding: '',
  31778. server: null,
  31779. _server: null,
  31780. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  31781. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  31782. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  31783. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  31784. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  31785. _internalId: 2,
  31786. _commands:
  31787. Denque {
  31788. _head: 0,
  31789. _tail: 0,
  31790. _capacityMask: 3,
  31791. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31792. _command: undefined,
  31793. _paused: false,
  31794. _paused_packets:
  31795. Denque {
  31796. _head: 0,
  31797. _tail: 0,
  31798. _capacityMask: 3,
  31799. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31800. _statements:
  31801. LRUCache {
  31802. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  31803. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  31804. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  31805. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  31806. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  31807. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  31808. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  31809. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  31810. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  31811. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31812. authorized: true,
  31813. sequenceId: 2,
  31814. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  31815. threadId: 1302,
  31816. _handshakePacket:
  31817. Handshake {
  31818. protocolVersion: 10,
  31819. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  31820. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  31821. connectionId: 1302,
  31822. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  31823. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  31824. characterSet: 255,
  31825. statusFlags: 2 },
  31826. _fatalError: null,
  31827. _protocolError: null,
  31828. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  31829. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  31830. packetParser:
  31831. PacketParser {
  31832. buffer: [],
  31833. bufferLength: 0,
  31834. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  31835. headerLen: 0,
  31836. length: 7,
  31837. largePacketParts: [],
  31838. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  31839. onPacket: [Function],
  31840. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  31841. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  31842. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  31843. connectTimeout: null,
  31844. connectionId: 1302 },
  31845. state: 'IDLE' },
  31846. PooledResource {
  31847. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  31848. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  31849. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  31850. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  31851. obj:
  31852. Connection {
  31853. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  31854. _eventsCount: 1,
  31855. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31856. config:
  31857. ConnectionConfig {
  31858. isServer: undefined,
  31859. stream: undefined,
  31860. host: 'localhost',
  31861. port: 3306,
  31862. localAddress: undefined,
  31863. socketPath: undefined,
  31864. user: 'root',
  31865. password: 'abcd1234',
  31866. passwordSha1: undefined,
  31867. database: 'lbry',
  31868. connectTimeout: 10000,
  31869. insecureAuth: false,
  31870. supportBigNumbers: true,
  31871. bigNumberStrings: false,
  31872. decimalNumbers: false,
  31873. dateStrings: false,
  31874. debug: undefined,
  31875. trace: true,
  31876. stringifyObjects: false,
  31877. timezone: '+00:00',
  31878. queryFormat: undefined,
  31879. pool: undefined,
  31880. ssl: false,
  31881. multipleStatements: false,
  31882. rowsAsArray: false,
  31883. namedPlaceholders: false,
  31884. nestTables: undefined,
  31885. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  31886. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31887. charsetNumber: 224,
  31888. compress: false,
  31889. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  31890. clientFlags: 8582093,
  31891. connectAttributes: undefined,
  31892. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  31893. stream:
  31894. Socket {
  31895. connecting: false,
  31896. _hadError: false,
  31897. _handle:
  31898. TCP {
  31899. reading: true,
  31900. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  31901. onconnection: null,
  31902. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  31903. _parent: null,
  31904. _host: 'localhost',
  31905. _readableState:
  31906. ReadableState {
  31907. objectMode: false,
  31908. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31909. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  31910. length: 0,
  31911. pipes: null,
  31912. pipesCount: 0,
  31913. flowing: true,
  31914. ended: false,
  31915. endEmitted: false,
  31916. reading: true,
  31917. sync: false,
  31918. needReadable: true,
  31919. emittedReadable: false,
  31920. readableListening: false,
  31921. resumeScheduled: false,
  31922. emitClose: false,
  31923. autoDestroy: false,
  31924. destroyed: false,
  31925. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31926. awaitDrain: 0,
  31927. readingMore: false,
  31928. decoder: null,
  31929. encoding: null },
  31930. readable: true,
  31931. _events:
  31932. [Object: null prototype] {
  31933. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  31934. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  31935. data: [Function],
  31936. close: [Function] },
  31937. _eventsCount: 4,
  31938. _maxListeners: undefined,
  31939. _writableState:
  31940. WritableState {
  31941. objectMode: false,
  31942. highWaterMark: 16384,
  31943. finalCalled: false,
  31944. needDrain: false,
  31945. ending: false,
  31946. ended: false,
  31947. finished: false,
  31948. destroyed: false,
  31949. decodeStrings: false,
  31950. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  31951. length: 0,
  31952. writing: false,
  31953. corked: 0,
  31954. sync: false,
  31955. bufferProcessing: false,
  31956. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  31958. writelen: 0,
  31959. bufferedRequest: null,
  31960. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  31961. pendingcb: 0,
  31962. prefinished: false,
  31963. errorEmitted: false,
  31964. emitClose: false,
  31965. autoDestroy: false,
  31966. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  31967. corkedRequestsFree:
  31968. { next: null,
  31969. entry: null,
  31970. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  31971. writable: true,
  31972. allowHalfOpen: false,
  31973. _sockname: null,
  31974. _pendingData: null,
  31975. _pendingEncoding: '',
  31976. server: null,
  31977. _server: null,
  31978. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  31979. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  31980. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  31981. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  31982. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  31983. _internalId: 1,
  31984. _commands:
  31985. Denque {
  31986. _head: 0,
  31987. _tail: 0,
  31988. _capacityMask: 3,
  31989. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31990. _command: undefined,
  31991. _paused: false,
  31992. _paused_packets:
  31993. Denque {
  31994. _head: 0,
  31995. _tail: 0,
  31996. _capacityMask: 3,
  31997. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  31998. _statements:
  31999. LRUCache {
  32000. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  32001. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  32002. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  32003. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  32004. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  32005. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  32006. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  32007. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  32008. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  32009. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32010. authorized: true,
  32011. sequenceId: 23,
  32012. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  32013. threadId: 1303,
  32014. _handshakePacket:
  32015. Handshake {
  32016. protocolVersion: 10,
  32017. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  32018. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32019. connectionId: 1303,
  32020. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  32021. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  32022. characterSet: 255,
  32023. statusFlags: 2 },
  32024. _fatalError: null,
  32025. _protocolError: null,
  32026. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  32027. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  32028. packetParser:
  32029. PacketParser {
  32030. buffer: [],
  32031. bufferLength: 0,
  32032. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  32033. headerLen: 0,
  32034. length: 5,
  32035. largePacketParts: [],
  32036. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  32037. onPacket: [Function],
  32038. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  32039. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  32040. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  32041. connectTimeout: null,
  32042. connectionId: 1303 },
  32043. state: 'IDLE' } },
  32044. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  32045. _evictionIterator:
  32046. DequeIterator {
  32047. _list:
  32048. DoublyLinkedList {
  32049. head:
  32050. { prev: null,
  32051. next:
  32052. { prev: [Circular],
  32053. next: null,
  32054. data:
  32055. PooledResource {
  32056. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  32057. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  32058. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  32059. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  32060. obj:
  32061. Connection {
  32062. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  32063. _eventsCount: 1,
  32064. _maxListeners: undefined,
  32065. config:
  32066. ConnectionConfig {
  32067. isServer: undefined,
  32068. stream: undefined,
  32069. host: 'localhost',
  32070. port: 3306,
  32071. localAddress: undefined,
  32072. socketPath: undefined,
  32073. user: 'root',
  32074. password: 'abcd1234',
  32075. passwordSha1: undefined,
  32076. database: 'lbry',
  32077. connectTimeout: 10000,
  32078. insecureAuth: false,
  32079. supportBigNumbers: true,
  32080. bigNumberStrings: false,
  32081. decimalNumbers: false,
  32082. dateStrings: false,
  32083. debug: undefined,
  32084. trace: true,
  32085. stringifyObjects: false,
  32086. timezone: '+00:00',
  32087. queryFormat: undefined,
  32088. pool: undefined,
  32089. ssl: false,
  32090. multipleStatements: false,
  32091. rowsAsArray: false,
  32092. namedPlaceholders: false,
  32093. nestTables: undefined,
  32094. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  32095. maxPacketSize: 0,
  32096. charsetNumber: 224,
  32097. compress: false,
  32098. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  32099. clientFlags: 8582093,
  32100. connectAttributes: undefined,
  32101. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  32102. stream:
  32103. Socket {
  32104. connecting: false,
  32105. _hadError: false,
  32106. _handle:
  32107. TCP {
  32108. reading: true,
  32109. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  32110. onconnection: null,
  32111. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  32112. _parent: null,
  32113. _host: 'localhost',
  32114. _readableState:
  32115. ReadableState {
  32116. objectMode: false,
  32117. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32118. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  32119. length: 0,
  32120. pipes: null,
  32121. pipesCount: 0,
  32122. flowing: true,
  32123. ended: false,
  32124. endEmitted: false,
  32125. reading: true,
  32126. sync: false,
  32127. needReadable: true,
  32128. emittedReadable: false,
  32129. readableListening: false,
  32130. resumeScheduled: false,
  32131. emitClose: false,
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  32133. destroyed: false,
  32134. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32135. awaitDrain: 0,
  32136. readingMore: false,
  32137. decoder: null,
  32138. encoding: null },
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  32141. [Object: null prototype] {
  32142. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  32143. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  32144. data: [Function],
  32145. close: [Function] },
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  32147. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  32149. WritableState {
  32150. objectMode: false,
  32151. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32152. finalCalled: false,
  32153. needDrain: false,
  32154. ending: false,
  32155. ended: false,
  32156. finished: false,
  32157. destroyed: false,
  32158. decodeStrings: false,
  32159. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32160. length: 0,
  32161. writing: false,
  32162. corked: 0,
  32163. sync: false,
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  32165. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  32167. writelen: 0,
  32168. bufferedRequest: null,
  32169. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  32170. pendingcb: 0,
  32171. prefinished: false,
  32172. errorEmitted: false,
  32173. emitClose: false,
  32174. autoDestroy: false,
  32175. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  32176. corkedRequestsFree:
  32177. { next: null,
  32178. entry: null,
  32179. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  32180. writable: true,
  32181. allowHalfOpen: false,
  32182. _sockname: null,
  32183. _pendingData: null,
  32184. _pendingEncoding: '',
  32185. server: null,
  32186. _server: null,
  32187. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  32188. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  32189. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  32190. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  32191. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  32192. _internalId: 1,
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  32194. Denque {
  32195. _head: 0,
  32196. _tail: 0,
  32197. _capacityMask: 3,
  32198. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  32200. _paused: false,
  32201. _paused_packets:
  32202. Denque {
  32203. _head: 0,
  32204. _tail: 0,
  32205. _capacityMask: 3,
  32206. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  32209. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  32210. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  32211. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  32212. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  32213. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  32214. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  32215. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  32216. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  32217. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  32218. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32219. authorized: true,
  32220. sequenceId: 23,
  32221. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  32222. threadId: 1303,
  32223. _handshakePacket:
  32224. Handshake {
  32225. protocolVersion: 10,
  32226. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  32227. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32228. connectionId: 1303,
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  32230. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  32231. characterSet: 255,
  32232. statusFlags: 2 },
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  32234. _protocolError: null,
  32235. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  32236. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  32237. packetParser:
  32238. PacketParser {
  32239. buffer: [],
  32240. bufferLength: 0,
  32241. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  32242. headerLen: 0,
  32243. length: 5,
  32244. largePacketParts: [],
  32245. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  32246. onPacket: [Function],
  32247. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  32248. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  32249. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  32250. connectTimeout: null,
  32251. connectionId: 1303 },
  32252. state: 'IDLE' } },
  32253. data:
  32254. PooledResource {
  32255. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  32256. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  32257. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  32258. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  32259. obj:
  32260. Connection {
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  32262. _eventsCount: 1,
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  32264. config:
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  32267. stream: undefined,
  32268. host: 'localhost',
  32269. port: 3306,
  32270. localAddress: undefined,
  32271. socketPath: undefined,
  32272. user: 'root',
  32273. password: 'abcd1234',
  32274. passwordSha1: undefined,
  32275. database: 'lbry',
  32276. connectTimeout: 10000,
  32277. insecureAuth: false,
  32278. supportBigNumbers: true,
  32279. bigNumberStrings: false,
  32280. decimalNumbers: false,
  32281. dateStrings: false,
  32282. debug: undefined,
  32283. trace: true,
  32284. stringifyObjects: false,
  32285. timezone: '+00:00',
  32286. queryFormat: undefined,
  32287. pool: undefined,
  32288. ssl: false,
  32289. multipleStatements: false,
  32290. rowsAsArray: false,
  32291. namedPlaceholders: false,
  32292. nestTables: undefined,
  32293. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  32294. maxPacketSize: 0,
  32295. charsetNumber: 224,
  32296. compress: false,
  32297. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  32298. clientFlags: 8582093,
  32299. connectAttributes: undefined,
  32300. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  32302. Socket {
  32303. connecting: false,
  32304. _hadError: false,
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  32306. TCP {
  32307. reading: true,
  32308. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  32309. onconnection: null,
  32310. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  32311. _parent: null,
  32312. _host: 'localhost',
  32313. _readableState:
  32314. ReadableState {
  32315. objectMode: false,
  32316. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32317. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  32318. length: 0,
  32319. pipes: null,
  32320. pipesCount: 0,
  32321. flowing: true,
  32322. ended: false,
  32323. endEmitted: false,
  32324. reading: true,
  32325. sync: false,
  32326. needReadable: true,
  32327. emittedReadable: false,
  32328. readableListening: false,
  32329. resumeScheduled: false,
  32330. emitClose: false,
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  32332. destroyed: false,
  32333. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32334. awaitDrain: 0,
  32335. readingMore: false,
  32336. decoder: null,
  32337. encoding: null },
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  32340. [Object: null prototype] {
  32341. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  32342. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  32343. data: [Function],
  32344. close: [Function] },
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  32350. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32351. finalCalled: false,
  32352. needDrain: false,
  32353. ending: false,
  32354. ended: false,
  32355. finished: false,
  32356. destroyed: false,
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  32358. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32359. length: 0,
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  32361. corked: 0,
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  32368. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  32369. pendingcb: 0,
  32370. prefinished: false,
  32371. errorEmitted: false,
  32372. emitClose: false,
  32373. autoDestroy: false,
  32374. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  32375. corkedRequestsFree:
  32376. { next: null,
  32377. entry: null,
  32378. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  32380. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  32382. _pendingData: null,
  32383. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  32385. _server: null,
  32386. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  32387. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  32388. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  32389. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  32390. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  32393. Denque {
  32394. _head: 0,
  32395. _tail: 0,
  32396. _capacityMask: 3,
  32397. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  32399. _paused: false,
  32400. _paused_packets:
  32401. Denque {
  32402. _head: 0,
  32403. _tail: 0,
  32404. _capacityMask: 3,
  32405. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  32409. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  32410. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  32411. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  32412. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  32413. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  32414. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  32415. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  32416. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  32417. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32418. authorized: true,
  32419. sequenceId: 2,
  32420. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  32421. threadId: 1302,
  32422. _handshakePacket:
  32423. Handshake {
  32424. protocolVersion: 10,
  32425. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  32426. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32427. connectionId: 1302,
  32428. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  32429. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  32430. characterSet: 255,
  32431. statusFlags: 2 },
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  32433. _protocolError: null,
  32434. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  32435. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  32436. packetParser:
  32437. PacketParser {
  32438. buffer: [],
  32439. bufferLength: 0,
  32440. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  32441. headerLen: 0,
  32442. length: 7,
  32443. largePacketParts: [],
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  32445. onPacket: [Function],
  32446. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  32447. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  32448. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  32449. connectTimeout: null,
  32450. connectionId: 1302 },
  32451. state: 'IDLE' } },
  32452. tail:
  32453. { prev:
  32454. { prev: null,
  32455. next: [Circular],
  32456. data:
  32457. PooledResource {
  32458. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  32459. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  32460. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  32461. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  32462. obj:
  32463. Connection {
  32464. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  32465. _eventsCount: 1,
  32466. _maxListeners: undefined,
  32467. config:
  32468. ConnectionConfig {
  32469. isServer: undefined,
  32470. stream: undefined,
  32471. host: 'localhost',
  32472. port: 3306,
  32473. localAddress: undefined,
  32474. socketPath: undefined,
  32475. user: 'root',
  32476. password: 'abcd1234',
  32477. passwordSha1: undefined,
  32478. database: 'lbry',
  32479. connectTimeout: 10000,
  32480. insecureAuth: false,
  32481. supportBigNumbers: true,
  32482. bigNumberStrings: false,
  32483. decimalNumbers: false,
  32484. dateStrings: false,
  32485. debug: undefined,
  32486. trace: true,
  32487. stringifyObjects: false,
  32488. timezone: '+00:00',
  32489. queryFormat: undefined,
  32490. pool: undefined,
  32491. ssl: false,
  32492. multipleStatements: false,
  32493. rowsAsArray: false,
  32494. namedPlaceholders: false,
  32495. nestTables: undefined,
  32496. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  32497. maxPacketSize: 0,
  32498. charsetNumber: 224,
  32499. compress: false,
  32500. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  32501. clientFlags: 8582093,
  32502. connectAttributes: undefined,
  32503. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  32504. stream:
  32505. Socket {
  32506. connecting: false,
  32507. _hadError: false,
  32508. _handle:
  32509. TCP {
  32510. reading: true,
  32511. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  32512. onconnection: null,
  32513. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  32515. _host: 'localhost',
  32516. _readableState:
  32517. ReadableState {
  32518. objectMode: false,
  32519. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32520. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  32521. length: 0,
  32522. pipes: null,
  32523. pipesCount: 0,
  32524. flowing: true,
  32525. ended: false,
  32526. endEmitted: false,
  32527. reading: true,
  32528. sync: false,
  32529. needReadable: true,
  32530. emittedReadable: false,
  32531. readableListening: false,
  32532. resumeScheduled: false,
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  32535. destroyed: false,
  32536. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32537. awaitDrain: 0,
  32538. readingMore: false,
  32539. decoder: null,
  32540. encoding: null },
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  32543. [Object: null prototype] {
  32544. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  32545. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  32546. data: [Function],
  32547. close: [Function] },
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  32549. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  32551. WritableState {
  32552. objectMode: false,
  32553. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32554. finalCalled: false,
  32555. needDrain: false,
  32556. ending: false,
  32557. ended: false,
  32558. finished: false,
  32559. destroyed: false,
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  32561. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32562. length: 0,
  32563. writing: false,
  32564. corked: 0,
  32565. sync: false,
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  32569. writelen: 0,
  32570. bufferedRequest: null,
  32571. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  32572. pendingcb: 0,
  32573. prefinished: false,
  32574. errorEmitted: false,
  32575. emitClose: false,
  32576. autoDestroy: false,
  32577. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  32578. corkedRequestsFree:
  32579. { next: null,
  32580. entry: null,
  32581. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  32582. writable: true,
  32583. allowHalfOpen: false,
  32584. _sockname: null,
  32585. _pendingData: null,
  32586. _pendingEncoding: '',
  32587. server: null,
  32588. _server: null,
  32589. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  32590. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  32591. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  32592. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  32593. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  32594. _internalId: 2,
  32595. _commands:
  32596. Denque {
  32597. _head: 0,
  32598. _tail: 0,
  32599. _capacityMask: 3,
  32600. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  32601. _command: undefined,
  32602. _paused: false,
  32603. _paused_packets:
  32604. Denque {
  32605. _head: 0,
  32606. _tail: 0,
  32607. _capacityMask: 3,
  32608. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  32610. LRUCache {
  32611. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  32612. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  32613. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  32614. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  32615. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  32616. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  32617. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  32618. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  32619. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  32620. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32621. authorized: true,
  32622. sequenceId: 2,
  32623. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  32624. threadId: 1302,
  32625. _handshakePacket:
  32626. Handshake {
  32627. protocolVersion: 10,
  32628. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  32629. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32630. connectionId: 1302,
  32631. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  32632. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  32633. characterSet: 255,
  32634. statusFlags: 2 },
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  32636. _protocolError: null,
  32637. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  32638. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  32639. packetParser:
  32640. PacketParser {
  32641. buffer: [],
  32642. bufferLength: 0,
  32643. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  32644. headerLen: 0,
  32645. length: 7,
  32646. largePacketParts: [],
  32647. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  32648. onPacket: [Function],
  32649. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  32650. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  32651. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  32652. connectTimeout: null,
  32653. connectionId: 1302 },
  32654. state: 'IDLE' } },
  32655. next: null,
  32656. data:
  32657. PooledResource {
  32658. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  32659. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  32660. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  32661. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  32662. obj:
  32663. Connection {
  32664. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  32665. _eventsCount: 1,
  32666. _maxListeners: undefined,
  32667. config:
  32668. ConnectionConfig {
  32669. isServer: undefined,
  32670. stream: undefined,
  32671. host: 'localhost',
  32672. port: 3306,
  32673. localAddress: undefined,
  32674. socketPath: undefined,
  32675. user: 'root',
  32676. password: 'abcd1234',
  32677. passwordSha1: undefined,
  32678. database: 'lbry',
  32679. connectTimeout: 10000,
  32680. insecureAuth: false,
  32681. supportBigNumbers: true,
  32682. bigNumberStrings: false,
  32683. decimalNumbers: false,
  32684. dateStrings: false,
  32685. debug: undefined,
  32686. trace: true,
  32687. stringifyObjects: false,
  32688. timezone: '+00:00',
  32689. queryFormat: undefined,
  32690. pool: undefined,
  32691. ssl: false,
  32692. multipleStatements: false,
  32693. rowsAsArray: false,
  32694. namedPlaceholders: false,
  32695. nestTables: undefined,
  32696. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  32697. maxPacketSize: 0,
  32698. charsetNumber: 224,
  32699. compress: false,
  32700. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  32701. clientFlags: 8582093,
  32702. connectAttributes: undefined,
  32703. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  32704. stream:
  32705. Socket {
  32706. connecting: false,
  32707. _hadError: false,
  32708. _handle:
  32709. TCP {
  32710. reading: true,
  32711. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  32712. onconnection: null,
  32713. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  32714. _parent: null,
  32715. _host: 'localhost',
  32716. _readableState:
  32717. ReadableState {
  32718. objectMode: false,
  32719. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32720. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  32721. length: 0,
  32722. pipes: null,
  32723. pipesCount: 0,
  32724. flowing: true,
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  32726. endEmitted: false,
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  32728. sync: false,
  32729. needReadable: true,
  32730. emittedReadable: false,
  32731. readableListening: false,
  32732. resumeScheduled: false,
  32733. emitClose: false,
  32734. autoDestroy: false,
  32735. destroyed: false,
  32736. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32737. awaitDrain: 0,
  32738. readingMore: false,
  32739. decoder: null,
  32740. encoding: null },
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  32743. [Object: null prototype] {
  32744. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  32745. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  32746. data: [Function],
  32747. close: [Function] },
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  32749. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  32751. WritableState {
  32752. objectMode: false,
  32753. highWaterMark: 16384,
  32754. finalCalled: false,
  32755. needDrain: false,
  32756. ending: false,
  32757. ended: false,
  32758. finished: false,
  32759. destroyed: false,
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  32761. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  32762. length: 0,
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  32764. corked: 0,
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  32769. writelen: 0,
  32770. bufferedRequest: null,
  32771. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  32772. pendingcb: 0,
  32773. prefinished: false,
  32774. errorEmitted: false,
  32775. emitClose: false,
  32776. autoDestroy: false,
  32777. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  32778. corkedRequestsFree:
  32779. { next: null,
  32780. entry: null,
  32781. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  32782. writable: true,
  32783. allowHalfOpen: false,
  32784. _sockname: null,
  32785. _pendingData: null,
  32786. _pendingEncoding: '',
  32787. server: null,
  32788. _server: null,
  32789. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  32790. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  32791. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  32792. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  32793. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  32794. _internalId: 1,
  32795. _commands:
  32796. Denque {
  32797. _head: 0,
  32798. _tail: 0,
  32799. _capacityMask: 3,
  32800. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  32801. _command: undefined,
  32802. _paused: false,
  32803. _paused_packets:
  32804. Denque {
  32805. _head: 0,
  32806. _tail: 0,
  32807. _capacityMask: 3,
  32808. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  32809. _statements:
  32810. LRUCache {
  32811. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  32812. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  32813. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  32814. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  32815. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  32816. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  32817. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  32818. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  32819. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  32820. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32821. authorized: true,
  32822. sequenceId: 23,
  32823. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  32824. threadId: 1303,
  32825. _handshakePacket:
  32826. Handshake {
  32827. protocolVersion: 10,
  32828. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  32829. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  32830. connectionId: 1303,
  32831. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  32832. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  32833. characterSet: 255,
  32834. statusFlags: 2 },
  32835. _fatalError: null,
  32836. _protocolError: null,
  32837. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  32838. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  32839. packetParser:
  32840. PacketParser {
  32841. buffer: [],
  32842. bufferLength: 0,
  32843. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  32844. headerLen: 0,
  32845. length: 5,
  32846. largePacketParts: [],
  32847. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  32848. onPacket: [Function],
  32849. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  32850. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  32851. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  32852. connectTimeout: null,
  32853. connectionId: 1303 },
  32854. state: 'IDLE' } },
  32855. length: 2 },
  32856. _direction: 'next',
  32857. _startPosition: 'head',
  32858. _started: false,
  32859. _cursor: null,
  32860. _done: false },
  32861. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  32862. _scheduledEviction:
  32863. Timeout {
  32864. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  32865. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  32866. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  32867. _idleStart: 432,
  32868. _onTimeout: [Function],
  32869. _timerArgs: undefined,
  32870. _repeat: null,
  32871. _destroyed: false,
  32872. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  32873. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  32874. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  32875. lib:
  32876. { createConnection: [Function],
  32877. connect: [Function],
  32878. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  32879. createPool: [Function],
  32880. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  32881. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  32882. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  32883. createServer: [Function],
  32884. PoolConnection:
  32885. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  32886. escape: [Function: escape],
  32887. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  32888. format: [Function: format],
  32889. raw: [Function: raw],
  32890. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  32891. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  32892. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  32893. Types: [Getter],
  32894. Charsets: [Getter],
  32895. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  32896. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  32897. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  32898. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  32899. sequelize: [Circular],
  32900. typeValidation: undefined } },
  32901. models:
  32902. { Balloons:
  32903. { [Function: Balloons]
  32904. sequelize: [Circular],
  32905. options: [Circular],
  32906. associations: {},
  32907. underscored: undefined,
  32908. tableName: 'Balloons',
  32909. _schema: null,
  32910. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  32911. rawAttributes:
  32912. { id:
  32913. { type:
  32914. INTEGER {
  32915. options: { length: undefined },
  32916. _length: undefined,
  32917. _zerofill: undefined,
  32918. _decimals: undefined,
  32919. _precision: undefined,
  32920. _scale: undefined,
  32921. _unsigned: undefined },
  32922. allowNull: false,
  32923. primaryKey: true,
  32924. autoIncrement: true,
  32925. _autoGenerated: true,
  32926. Model: [Circular],
  32927. fieldName: 'id',
  32928. _modelAttribute: true,
  32929. field: 'id' },
  32930. size:
  32931. { type:
  32932. STRING {
  32933. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  32934. _binary: undefined,
  32935. _length: 255 },
  32936. Model: [Circular],
  32937. fieldName: 'size',
  32938. _modelAttribute: true,
  32939. field: 'size' },
  32940. color:
  32941. { type:
  32942. STRING {
  32943. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  32944. _binary: undefined,
  32945. _length: 255 },
  32946. Model: [Circular],
  32947. fieldName: 'color',
  32948. _modelAttribute: true,
  32949. field: 'color' },
  32950. createdAt:
  32951. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  32952. allowNull: false,
  32953. _autoGenerated: true,
  32954. Model: [Circular],
  32955. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  32956. _modelAttribute: true,
  32957. field: 'createdAt' },
  32958. updatedAt:
  32959. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  32960. allowNull: false,
  32961. _autoGenerated: true,
  32962. Model: [Circular],
  32963. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  32964. _modelAttribute: true,
  32965. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  32966. primaryKeys:
  32967. { id:
  32968. { type:
  32969. INTEGER {
  32970. options: { length: undefined },
  32971. _length: undefined,
  32972. _zerofill: undefined,
  32973. _decimals: undefined,
  32974. _precision: undefined,
  32975. _scale: undefined,
  32976. _unsigned: undefined },
  32977. allowNull: false,
  32978. primaryKey: true,
  32979. autoIncrement: true,
  32980. _autoGenerated: true,
  32981. Model: [Circular],
  32982. fieldName: 'id',
  32983. _modelAttribute: true,
  32984. field: 'id' } },
  32985. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  32986. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  32987. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  32988. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  32989. { [Function: memoized]
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  32991. MapCache {
  32992. size: 0,
  32993. __data__:
  32994. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  32995. map: Map {},
  32996. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  32999. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  33001. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  33002. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  33003. _booleanAttributes: [],
  33004. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  33005. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  33006. _rangeAttributes: [],
  33007. _jsonAttributes: [],
  33008. _geometryAttributes: [],
  33009. _virtualAttributes: [],
  33010. _defaultValues: {},
  33011. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  33012. { id:
  33013. { type:
  33014. INTEGER {
  33015. options: { length: undefined },
  33016. _length: undefined,
  33017. _zerofill: undefined,
  33018. _decimals: undefined,
  33019. _precision: undefined,
  33020. _scale: undefined,
  33021. _unsigned: undefined },
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  33023. primaryKey: true,
  33024. autoIncrement: true,
  33025. _autoGenerated: true,
  33026. Model: [Circular],
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  33028. _modelAttribute: true,
  33029. field: 'id' },
  33030. size:
  33031. { type:
  33032. STRING {
  33033. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33034. _binary: undefined,
  33035. _length: 255 },
  33036. Model: [Circular],
  33037. fieldName: 'size',
  33038. _modelAttribute: true,
  33039. field: 'size' },
  33040. color:
  33041. { type:
  33042. STRING {
  33043. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33044. _binary: undefined,
  33045. _length: 255 },
  33046. Model: [Circular],
  33047. fieldName: 'color',
  33048. _modelAttribute: true,
  33049. field: 'color' },
  33050. createdAt:
  33051. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33052. allowNull: false,
  33053. _autoGenerated: true,
  33054. Model: [Circular],
  33055. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33056. _modelAttribute: true,
  33057. field: 'createdAt' },
  33058. updatedAt:
  33059. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33060. allowNull: false,
  33061. _autoGenerated: true,
  33062. Model: [Circular],
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  33064. _modelAttribute: true,
  33065. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33066. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  33067. uniqueKeys: {},
  33068. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  33069. _isBooleanAttribute:
  33070. { [Function: memoized]
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  33072. MapCache {
  33073. size: 0,
  33074. __data__:
  33075. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33076. map: Map {},
  33077. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33078. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  33079. _isDateAttribute:
  33080. { [Function: memoized]
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  33082. MapCache {
  33083. size: 0,
  33084. __data__:
  33085. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33086. map: Map {},
  33087. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33088. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  33089. _isHstoreAttribute:
  33090. { [Function: memoized]
  33091. cache:
  33092. MapCache {
  33093. size: 0,
  33094. __data__:
  33095. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33096. map: Map {},
  33097. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33098. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  33099. _isRangeAttribute:
  33100. { [Function: memoized]
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  33102. MapCache {
  33103. size: 0,
  33104. __data__:
  33105. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33106. map: Map {},
  33107. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33108. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  33109. _isJsonAttribute:
  33110. { [Function: memoized]
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  33112. MapCache {
  33113. size: 0,
  33114. __data__:
  33115. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33116. map: Map {},
  33117. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33118. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  33119. _isVirtualAttribute:
  33120. { [Function: memoized]
  33121. cache:
  33122. MapCache {
  33123. size: 5,
  33124. __data__:
  33125. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33126. map: Map {},
  33127. string:
  33128. Hash {
  33129. __data__:
  33130. [Object: null prototype] {
  33131. id: false,
  33132. size: false,
  33133. color: false,
  33134. createdAt: false,
  33135. updatedAt: false },
  33136. size: 5 } } } },
  33137. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  33138. _isGeometryAttribute:
  33139. { [Function: memoized]
  33140. cache:
  33141. MapCache {
  33142. size: 0,
  33143. __data__:
  33144. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33145. map: Map {},
  33146. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33147. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  33148. attributes:
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  33150. { type:
  33151. INTEGER {
  33152. options: { length: undefined },
  33153. _length: undefined,
  33154. _zerofill: undefined,
  33155. _decimals: undefined,
  33156. _precision: undefined,
  33157. _scale: undefined,
  33158. _unsigned: undefined },
  33159. allowNull: false,
  33160. primaryKey: true,
  33161. autoIncrement: true,
  33162. _autoGenerated: true,
  33163. Model: [Circular],
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  33165. _modelAttribute: true,
  33166. field: 'id' },
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  33168. { type:
  33169. STRING {
  33170. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33171. _binary: undefined,
  33172. _length: 255 },
  33173. Model: [Circular],
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  33175. _modelAttribute: true,
  33176. field: 'size' },
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  33178. { type:
  33179. STRING {
  33180. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33181. _binary: undefined,
  33182. _length: 255 },
  33183. Model: [Circular],
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  33185. _modelAttribute: true,
  33186. field: 'color' },
  33187. createdAt:
  33188. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33189. allowNull: false,
  33190. _autoGenerated: true,
  33191. Model: [Circular],
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  33193. _modelAttribute: true,
  33194. field: 'createdAt' },
  33195. updatedAt:
  33196. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33197. allowNull: false,
  33198. _autoGenerated: true,
  33199. Model: [Circular],
  33200. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  33201. _modelAttribute: true,
  33202. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33203. tableAttributes:
  33204. { id:
  33205. { type:
  33206. INTEGER {
  33207. options: { length: undefined },
  33208. _length: undefined,
  33209. _zerofill: undefined,
  33210. _decimals: undefined,
  33211. _precision: undefined,
  33212. _scale: undefined,
  33213. _unsigned: undefined },
  33214. allowNull: false,
  33215. primaryKey: true,
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  33217. _autoGenerated: true,
  33218. Model: [Circular],
  33219. fieldName: 'id',
  33220. _modelAttribute: true,
  33221. field: 'id' },
  33222. size:
  33223. { type:
  33224. STRING {
  33225. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33226. _binary: undefined,
  33227. _length: 255 },
  33228. Model: [Circular],
  33229. fieldName: 'size',
  33230. _modelAttribute: true,
  33231. field: 'size' },
  33232. color:
  33233. { type:
  33234. STRING {
  33235. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33236. _binary: undefined,
  33237. _length: 255 },
  33238. Model: [Circular],
  33239. fieldName: 'color',
  33240. _modelAttribute: true,
  33241. field: 'color' },
  33242. createdAt:
  33243. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33244. allowNull: false,
  33245. _autoGenerated: true,
  33246. Model: [Circular],
  33247. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33248. _modelAttribute: true,
  33249. field: 'createdAt' },
  33250. updatedAt:
  33251. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33252. allowNull: false,
  33253. _autoGenerated: true,
  33254. Model: [Circular],
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  33256. _modelAttribute: true,
  33257. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33258. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  33259. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  33260. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  33261. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  33262. _isPrimaryKey:
  33263. { [Function: memoized]
  33264. cache:
  33265. MapCache {
  33266. size: 0,
  33267. __data__:
  33268. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33269. map: Map {},
  33270. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33271. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  33272. _scope: {},
  33273. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  33274. modelManager:
  33275. ModelManager {
  33276. models:
  33277. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  33279. options: [Circular],
  33280. associations: {},
  33281. underscored: undefined,
  33282. tableName: 'Balloons',
  33283. _schema: null,
  33284. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  33285. rawAttributes:
  33286. { id:
  33287. { type:
  33288. INTEGER {
  33289. options: { length: undefined },
  33290. _length: undefined,
  33291. _zerofill: undefined,
  33292. _decimals: undefined,
  33293. _precision: undefined,
  33294. _scale: undefined,
  33295. _unsigned: undefined },
  33296. allowNull: false,
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  33298. autoIncrement: true,
  33299. _autoGenerated: true,
  33300. Model: [Circular],
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  33302. _modelAttribute: true,
  33303. field: 'id' },
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  33306. STRING {
  33307. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33308. _binary: undefined,
  33309. _length: 255 },
  33310. Model: [Circular],
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  33312. _modelAttribute: true,
  33313. field: 'size' },
  33314. color:
  33315. { type:
  33316. STRING {
  33317. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33318. _binary: undefined,
  33319. _length: 255 },
  33320. Model: [Circular],
  33321. fieldName: 'color',
  33322. _modelAttribute: true,
  33323. field: 'color' },
  33324. createdAt:
  33325. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33326. allowNull: false,
  33327. _autoGenerated: true,
  33328. Model: [Circular],
  33329. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33330. _modelAttribute: true,
  33331. field: 'createdAt' },
  33332. updatedAt:
  33333. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33334. allowNull: false,
  33335. _autoGenerated: true,
  33336. Model: [Circular],
  33337. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  33338. _modelAttribute: true,
  33339. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33340. primaryKeys:
  33341. { id:
  33342. { type:
  33343. INTEGER {
  33344. options: { length: undefined },
  33345. _length: undefined,
  33346. _zerofill: undefined,
  33347. _decimals: undefined,
  33348. _precision: undefined,
  33349. _scale: undefined,
  33350. _unsigned: undefined },
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  33354. _autoGenerated: true,
  33355. Model: [Circular],
  33356. fieldName: 'id',
  33357. _modelAttribute: true,
  33358. field: 'id' } },
  33359. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  33360. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  33361. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  33362. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  33363. { [Function: memoized]
  33364. cache:
  33365. MapCache {
  33366. size: 0,
  33367. __data__:
  33368. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33369. map: Map {},
  33370. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  33372. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  33373. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  33375. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  33376. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  33377. _booleanAttributes: [],
  33378. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  33379. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  33380. _rangeAttributes: [],
  33381. _jsonAttributes: [],
  33382. _geometryAttributes: [],
  33383. _virtualAttributes: [],
  33384. _defaultValues: {},
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  33387. { type:
  33388. INTEGER {
  33389. options: { length: undefined },
  33390. _length: undefined,
  33391. _zerofill: undefined,
  33392. _decimals: undefined,
  33393. _precision: undefined,
  33394. _scale: undefined,
  33395. _unsigned: undefined },
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  33399. _autoGenerated: true,
  33400. Model: [Circular],
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  33402. _modelAttribute: true,
  33403. field: 'id' },
  33404. size:
  33405. { type:
  33406. STRING {
  33407. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33408. _binary: undefined,
  33409. _length: 255 },
  33410. Model: [Circular],
  33411. fieldName: 'size',
  33412. _modelAttribute: true,
  33413. field: 'size' },
  33414. color:
  33415. { type:
  33416. STRING {
  33417. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33418. _binary: undefined,
  33419. _length: 255 },
  33420. Model: [Circular],
  33421. fieldName: 'color',
  33422. _modelAttribute: true,
  33423. field: 'color' },
  33424. createdAt:
  33425. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33426. allowNull: false,
  33427. _autoGenerated: true,
  33428. Model: [Circular],
  33429. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33430. _modelAttribute: true,
  33431. field: 'createdAt' },
  33432. updatedAt:
  33433. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33434. allowNull: false,
  33435. _autoGenerated: true,
  33436. Model: [Circular],
  33437. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  33438. _modelAttribute: true,
  33439. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33440. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  33441. uniqueKeys: {},
  33442. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  33443. _isBooleanAttribute:
  33444. { [Function: memoized]
  33445. cache:
  33446. MapCache {
  33447. size: 0,
  33448. __data__:
  33449. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33450. map: Map {},
  33451. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33452. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  33453. _isDateAttribute:
  33454. { [Function: memoized]
  33455. cache:
  33456. MapCache {
  33457. size: 0,
  33458. __data__:
  33459. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33460. map: Map {},
  33461. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33462. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  33463. _isHstoreAttribute:
  33464. { [Function: memoized]
  33465. cache:
  33466. MapCache {
  33467. size: 0,
  33468. __data__:
  33469. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33470. map: Map {},
  33471. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33472. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  33473. _isRangeAttribute:
  33474. { [Function: memoized]
  33475. cache:
  33476. MapCache {
  33477. size: 0,
  33478. __data__:
  33479. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33480. map: Map {},
  33481. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33482. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  33483. _isJsonAttribute:
  33484. { [Function: memoized]
  33485. cache:
  33486. MapCache {
  33487. size: 0,
  33488. __data__:
  33489. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33490. map: Map {},
  33491. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33492. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  33493. _isVirtualAttribute:
  33494. { [Function: memoized]
  33495. cache:
  33496. MapCache {
  33497. size: 5,
  33498. __data__:
  33499. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33500. map: Map {},
  33501. string:
  33502. Hash {
  33503. __data__:
  33504. [Object: null prototype] {
  33505. id: false,
  33506. size: false,
  33507. color: false,
  33508. createdAt: false,
  33509. updatedAt: false },
  33510. size: 5 } } } },
  33511. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  33512. _isGeometryAttribute:
  33513. { [Function: memoized]
  33514. cache:
  33515. MapCache {
  33516. size: 0,
  33517. __data__:
  33518. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33519. map: Map {},
  33520. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33521. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  33522. attributes:
  33523. { id:
  33524. { type:
  33525. INTEGER {
  33526. options: { length: undefined },
  33527. _length: undefined,
  33528. _zerofill: undefined,
  33529. _decimals: undefined,
  33530. _precision: undefined,
  33531. _scale: undefined,
  33532. _unsigned: undefined },
  33533. allowNull: false,
  33534. primaryKey: true,
  33535. autoIncrement: true,
  33536. _autoGenerated: true,
  33537. Model: [Circular],
  33538. fieldName: 'id',
  33539. _modelAttribute: true,
  33540. field: 'id' },
  33541. size:
  33542. { type:
  33543. STRING {
  33544. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33545. _binary: undefined,
  33546. _length: 255 },
  33547. Model: [Circular],
  33548. fieldName: 'size',
  33549. _modelAttribute: true,
  33550. field: 'size' },
  33551. color:
  33552. { type:
  33553. STRING {
  33554. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33555. _binary: undefined,
  33556. _length: 255 },
  33557. Model: [Circular],
  33558. fieldName: 'color',
  33559. _modelAttribute: true,
  33560. field: 'color' },
  33561. createdAt:
  33562. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33563. allowNull: false,
  33564. _autoGenerated: true,
  33565. Model: [Circular],
  33566. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33567. _modelAttribute: true,
  33568. field: 'createdAt' },
  33569. updatedAt:
  33570. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33571. allowNull: false,
  33572. _autoGenerated: true,
  33573. Model: [Circular],
  33574. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  33575. _modelAttribute: true,
  33576. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33577. tableAttributes:
  33578. { id:
  33579. { type:
  33580. INTEGER {
  33581. options: { length: undefined },
  33582. _length: undefined,
  33583. _zerofill: undefined,
  33584. _decimals: undefined,
  33585. _precision: undefined,
  33586. _scale: undefined,
  33587. _unsigned: undefined },
  33588. allowNull: false,
  33589. primaryKey: true,
  33590. autoIncrement: true,
  33591. _autoGenerated: true,
  33592. Model: [Circular],
  33593. fieldName: 'id',
  33594. _modelAttribute: true,
  33595. field: 'id' },
  33596. size:
  33597. { type:
  33598. STRING {
  33599. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33600. _binary: undefined,
  33601. _length: 255 },
  33602. Model: [Circular],
  33603. fieldName: 'size',
  33604. _modelAttribute: true,
  33605. field: 'size' },
  33606. color:
  33607. { type:
  33608. STRING {
  33609. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  33610. _binary: undefined,
  33611. _length: 255 },
  33612. Model: [Circular],
  33613. fieldName: 'color',
  33614. _modelAttribute: true,
  33615. field: 'color' },
  33616. createdAt:
  33617. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33618. allowNull: false,
  33619. _autoGenerated: true,
  33620. Model: [Circular],
  33621. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  33622. _modelAttribute: true,
  33623. field: 'createdAt' },
  33624. updatedAt:
  33625. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  33626. allowNull: false,
  33627. _autoGenerated: true,
  33628. Model: [Circular],
  33629. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  33630. _modelAttribute: true,
  33631. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  33632. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  33633. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  33634. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  33635. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  33636. _isPrimaryKey:
  33637. { [Function: memoized]
  33638. cache:
  33639. MapCache {
  33640. size: 0,
  33641. __data__:
  33642. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  33643. map: Map {},
  33644. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  33645. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  33646. _scope: {},
  33647. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  33648. sequelize: [Circular] },
  33649. connectionManager:
  33650. ConnectionManager {
  33651. sequelize: [Circular],
  33652. config:
  33653. { database: 'lbry',
  33654. username: 'root',
  33655. password: 'abcd1234',
  33656. host: 'localhost',
  33657. port: undefined,
  33658. pool:
  33659. { max: 5,
  33660. min: 0,
  33661. acquire: 30000,
  33662. idle: 10000,
  33663. evict: 10000,
  33664. handleDisconnects: true,
  33665. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  33666. Promise:
  33667. { [Function: Promise]
  33668. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  33669. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  33670. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  33671. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  33672. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  33673. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  33674. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  33675. _peekContext: [Function],
  33676. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  33677. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  33678. longStackTraces: [Function],
  33679. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  33680. config: [Function],
  33681. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  33682. is: [Function],
  33683. fromCallback: [Function],
  33684. fromNode: [Function],
  33685. all: [Function],
  33686. cast: [Function],
  33687. fulfilled: [Function],
  33688. resolve: [Function],
  33689. rejected: [Function],
  33690. reject: [Function],
  33691. setScheduler: [Function],
  33692. pending: [Function],
  33693. defer: [Function],
  33694. method: [Function],
  33695. try: [Function],
  33696. attempt: [Function],
  33697. bind: [Function],
  33698. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  33699. join: [Function],
  33700. Promise: [Circular],
  33701. version: '3.5.3',
  33702. map: [Function],
  33703. using: [Function],
  33704. delay: [Function],
  33705. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  33706. spawn: [Function],
  33707. promisify: [Function],
  33708. promisifyAll: [Function],
  33709. props: [Function],
  33710. race: [Function],
  33711. reduce: [Function],
  33712. settle: [Function],
  33713. some: [Function],
  33714. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  33715. filter: [Function],
  33716. each: [Function],
  33717. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  33718. any: [Function],
  33719. default: [Circular] } },
  33720. protocol: 'tcp',
  33721. native: false,
  33722. ssl: undefined,
  33723. replication: false,
  33724. dialectModulePath: null,
  33725. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  33726. dialectOptions: undefined },
  33727. dialect:
  33728. MysqlDialect {
  33729. sequelize: [Circular],
  33730. connectionManager: [Circular],
  33731. QueryGenerator:
  33732. { dialect: 'mysql',
  33733. OperatorMap:
  33734. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  33735. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  33736. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  33737. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  33738. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  33739. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  33740. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  33741. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  33742. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  33743. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  33744. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  33745. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  33746. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  33747. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  33748. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  33749. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  33750. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  33751. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  33752. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  33753. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  33754. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  33755. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  33756. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  33757. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  33758. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  33759. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  33760. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  33761. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  33762. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  33763. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  33764. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  33765. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  33766. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  33767. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  33768. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  33769. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  33770. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  33771. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  33772. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  33773. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  33774. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  33775. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  33776. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  33777. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  33778. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  33779. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  33780. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  33781. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  33782. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  33783. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  33784. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  33785. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  33786. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  33787. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  33788. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  33789. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  33790. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  33791. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  33792. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  33793. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  33794. _templateSettings:
  33795. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  33796. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  33797. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  33798. variable: '',
  33799. imports:
  33800. { _:
  33801. { [Function: lodash]
  33802. templateSettings: [Circular],
  33803. after: [Function: after],
  33804. ary: [Function: ary],
  33805. assign: [Function],
  33806. assignIn: [Function],
  33807. assignInWith: [Function],
  33808. assignWith: [Function],
  33809. at: [Function],
  33810. before: [Function: before],
  33811. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33812. bindAll: [Function],
  33813. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33814. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  33815. chain: [Function: chain],
  33816. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  33817. compact: [Function: compact],
  33818. concat: [Function: concat],
  33819. cond: [Function: cond],
  33820. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  33821. constant: [Function: constant],
  33822. countBy: [Function],
  33823. create: [Function: create],
  33824. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33825. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33826. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  33827. defaults: [Function],
  33828. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  33829. defer: [Function],
  33830. delay: [Function],
  33831. difference: [Function],
  33832. differenceBy: [Function],
  33833. differenceWith: [Function],
  33834. drop: [Function: drop],
  33835. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  33836. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  33837. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  33838. fill: [Function: fill],
  33839. filter: [Function: filter],
  33840. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  33841. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  33842. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  33843. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  33844. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  33845. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  33846. flip: [Function: flip],
  33847. flow: [Function],
  33848. flowRight: [Function],
  33849. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  33850. functions: [Function: functions],
  33851. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  33852. groupBy: [Function],
  33853. initial: [Function: initial],
  33854. intersection: [Function],
  33855. intersectionBy: [Function],
  33856. intersectionWith: [Function],
  33857. invert: [Function],
  33858. invertBy: [Function],
  33859. invokeMap: [Function],
  33860. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  33861. keyBy: [Function],
  33862. keys: [Function: keys],
  33863. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  33864. map: [Function: map],
  33865. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  33866. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  33867. matches: [Function: matches],
  33868. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  33869. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  33870. merge: [Function],
  33871. mergeWith: [Function],
  33872. method: [Function],
  33873. methodOf: [Function],
  33874. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  33875. negate: [Function: negate],
  33876. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  33877. omit: [Function],
  33878. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  33879. once: [Function: once],
  33880. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  33881. over: [Function],
  33882. overArgs: [Function],
  33883. overEvery: [Function],
  33884. overSome: [Function],
  33885. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33886. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  33887. partition: [Function],
  33888. pick: [Function],
  33889. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  33890. property: [Function: property],
  33891. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  33892. pull: [Function],
  33893. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  33894. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  33895. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  33896. pullAt: [Function],
  33897. range: [Function],
  33898. rangeRight: [Function],
  33899. rearg: [Function],
  33900. reject: [Function: reject],
  33901. remove: [Function: remove],
  33902. rest: [Function: rest],
  33903. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  33904. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  33905. set: [Function: set],
  33906. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  33907. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  33908. slice: [Function: slice],
  33909. sortBy: [Function],
  33910. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  33911. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  33912. split: [Function: split],
  33913. spread: [Function: spread],
  33914. tail: [Function: tail],
  33915. take: [Function: take],
  33916. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  33917. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  33918. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  33919. tap: [Function: tap],
  33920. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  33921. thru: [Function: thru],
  33922. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  33923. toPairs: [Function],
  33924. toPairsIn: [Function],
  33925. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  33926. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  33927. transform: [Function: transform],
  33928. unary: [Function: unary],
  33929. union: [Function],
  33930. unionBy: [Function],
  33931. unionWith: [Function],
  33932. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  33933. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  33934. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  33935. unset: [Function: unset],
  33936. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  33937. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  33938. update: [Function: update],
  33939. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  33940. values: [Function: values],
  33941. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  33942. without: [Function],
  33943. words: [Function: words],
  33944. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  33945. xor: [Function],
  33946. xorBy: [Function],
  33947. xorWith: [Function],
  33948. zip: [Function],
  33949. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  33950. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  33951. zipWith: [Function],
  33952. entries: [Function],
  33953. entriesIn: [Function],
  33954. extend: [Function],
  33955. extendWith: [Function],
  33956. add: [Function],
  33957. attempt: [Function],
  33958. camelCase: [Function],
  33959. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  33960. ceil: [Function],
  33961. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  33962. clone: [Function: clone],
  33963. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  33964. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  33965. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  33966. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  33967. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  33968. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  33969. divide: [Function],
  33970. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  33971. eq: [Function: eq],
  33972. escape: [Function: escape],
  33973. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  33974. every: [Function: every],
  33975. find: [Function],
  33976. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  33977. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  33978. findLast: [Function],
  33979. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  33980. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  33981. floor: [Function],
  33982. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  33983. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  33984. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  33985. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  33986. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  33987. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  33988. get: [Function: get],
  33989. gt: [Function],
  33990. gte: [Function],
  33991. has: [Function: has],
  33992. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  33993. head: [Function: head],
  33994. identity: [Function: identity],
  33995. includes: [Function: includes],
  33996. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  33997. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  33998. invoke: [Function],
  33999. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  34000. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  34001. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  34002. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  34003. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  34004. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  34005. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  34006. isDate: [Function],
  34007. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  34008. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  34009. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  34010. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  34011. isError: [Function: isError],
  34012. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  34013. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  34014. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  34015. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  34016. isMap: [Function],
  34017. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  34018. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  34019. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  34020. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  34021. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  34022. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  34023. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  34024. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  34025. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  34026. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  34027. isRegExp: [Function],
  34028. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  34029. isSet: [Function],
  34030. isString: [Function: isString],
  34031. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  34032. isTypedArray: [Function],
  34033. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  34034. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  34035. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  34036. join: [Function: join],
  34037. kebabCase: [Function],
  34038. last: [Function: last],
  34039. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  34040. lowerCase: [Function],
  34041. lowerFirst: [Function],
  34042. lt: [Function],
  34043. lte: [Function],
  34044. max: [Function: max],
  34045. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  34046. mean: [Function: mean],
  34047. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  34048. min: [Function: min],
  34049. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  34050. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  34051. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  34052. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  34053. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  34054. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  34055. multiply: [Function],
  34056. nth: [Function: nth],
  34057. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  34058. noop: [Function: noop],
  34059. now: [Function],
  34060. pad: [Function: pad],
  34061. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  34062. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  34063. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  34064. random: [Function: random],
  34065. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  34066. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  34067. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  34068. replace: [Function: replace],
  34069. result: [Function: result],
  34070. round: [Function],
  34071. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  34072. sample: [Function: sample],
  34073. size: [Function: size],
  34074. snakeCase: [Function],
  34075. some: [Function: some],
  34076. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  34077. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  34078. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  34079. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  34080. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  34081. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  34082. startCase: [Function],
  34083. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  34084. subtract: [Function],
  34085. sum: [Function: sum],
  34086. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  34087. template: [Function: template],
  34088. times: [Function: times],
  34089. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  34090. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  34091. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  34092. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  34093. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  34094. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  34095. toString: [Function: toString],
  34096. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  34097. trim: [Function: trim],
  34098. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  34099. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  34100. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  34101. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  34102. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  34103. upperCase: [Function],
  34104. upperFirst: [Function],
  34105. each: [Function: forEach],
  34106. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  34107. first: [Function: head],
  34108. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  34109. options:
  34110. { dialect: 'mysql',
  34111. dialectModulePath: null,
  34112. host: 'localhost',
  34113. protocol: 'tcp',
  34114. define: {},
  34115. query: {},
  34116. sync: {},
  34117. timezone: '+00:00',
  34118. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  34119. omitNull: false,
  34120. native: false,
  34121. replication: false,
  34122. ssl: undefined,
  34123. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  34124. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  34125. hooks: {},
  34126. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  34127. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  34128. isolationLevel: null,
  34129. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  34130. typeValidation: false,
  34131. benchmark: false,
  34132. operatorsAliases: false },
  34133. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  34134. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  34135. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  34136. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  34137. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  34138. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  34139. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  34140. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  34141. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  34142. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  34143. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  34144. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  34145. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  34146. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  34147. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  34148. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  34149. quote: [Function: quote],
  34150. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  34151. escape: [Function: escape],
  34152. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  34153. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  34154. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  34155. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  34156. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  34157. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  34158. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  34159. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  34160. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  34161. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  34162. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  34163. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  34164. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  34165. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  34166. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  34167. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  34168. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  34169. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  34170. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  34171. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  34172. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  34173. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  34174. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  34175. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  34176. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  34177. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  34178. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  34179. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  34180. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  34181. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  34182. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  34183. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  34184. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  34185. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  34186. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  34187. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  34188. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  34189. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  34190. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  34191. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  34192. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  34193. _dialect: [Circular],
  34194. sequelize: [Circular],
  34195. typeValidation: undefined } },
  34196. versionPromise: null,
  34197. dialectName: 'mysql',
  34198. pool:
  34199. Pool {
  34200. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  34201. _eventsCount: 0,
  34202. _maxListeners: undefined,
  34203. _config:
  34204. PoolOptions {
  34205. fifo: true,
  34206. priorityRange: 1,
  34207. testOnBorrow: true,
  34208. testOnReturn: false,
  34209. autostart: false,
  34210. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  34211. max: 5,
  34212. min: 0,
  34213. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  34214. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  34215. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  34216. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  34217. Promise:
  34218. { [Function: Promise]
  34219. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  34220. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  34221. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  34222. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  34223. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  34224. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  34225. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  34226. _peekContext: [Function],
  34227. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  34228. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  34229. longStackTraces: [Function],
  34230. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  34231. config: [Function],
  34232. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  34233. is: [Function],
  34234. fromCallback: [Function],
  34235. fromNode: [Function],
  34236. all: [Function],
  34237. cast: [Function],
  34238. fulfilled: [Function],
  34239. resolve: [Function],
  34240. rejected: [Function],
  34241. reject: [Function],
  34242. setScheduler: [Function],
  34243. pending: [Function],
  34244. defer: [Function],
  34245. method: [Function],
  34246. try: [Function],
  34247. attempt: [Function],
  34248. bind: [Function],
  34249. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  34250. join: [Function],
  34251. Promise: [Circular],
  34252. version: '3.5.3',
  34253. map: [Function],
  34254. using: [Function],
  34255. delay: [Function],
  34256. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  34257. spawn: [Function],
  34258. promisify: [Function],
  34259. promisifyAll: [Function],
  34260. props: [Function],
  34261. race: [Function],
  34262. reduce: [Function],
  34263. settle: [Function],
  34264. some: [Function],
  34265. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  34266. filter: [Function],
  34267. each: [Function],
  34268. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  34269. any: [Function],
  34270. default: [Circular] } },
  34271. _Promise:
  34272. { [Function: Promise]
  34273. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  34274. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  34275. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  34276. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  34277. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  34278. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  34279. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  34280. _peekContext: [Function],
  34281. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  34282. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  34283. longStackTraces: [Function],
  34284. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  34285. config: [Function],
  34286. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  34287. is: [Function],
  34288. fromCallback: [Function],
  34289. fromNode: [Function],
  34290. all: [Function],
  34291. cast: [Function],
  34292. fulfilled: [Function],
  34293. resolve: [Function],
  34294. rejected: [Function],
  34295. reject: [Function],
  34296. setScheduler: [Function],
  34297. pending: [Function],
  34298. defer: [Function],
  34299. method: [Function],
  34300. try: [Function],
  34301. attempt: [Function],
  34302. bind: [Function],
  34303. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  34304. join: [Function],
  34305. Promise: [Circular],
  34306. version: '3.5.3',
  34307. map: [Function],
  34308. using: [Function],
  34309. delay: [Function],
  34310. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  34311. spawn: [Function],
  34312. promisify: [Function],
  34313. promisifyAll: [Function],
  34314. props: [Function],
  34315. race: [Function],
  34316. reduce: [Function],
  34317. settle: [Function],
  34318. some: [Function],
  34319. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  34320. filter: [Function],
  34321. each: [Function],
  34322. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  34323. any: [Function],
  34324. default: [Circular] },
  34325. _factory:
  34326. { create: [Function: create],
  34327. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  34328. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  34329. _draining: false,
  34330. _started: true,
  34331. _waitingClientsQueue:
  34332. PriorityQueue {
  34333. _size: 1,
  34334. _slots:
  34335. [ Queue {
  34336. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  34337. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  34338. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  34339. _availableObjects:
  34340. Deque {
  34341. _list:
  34342. DoublyLinkedList {
  34343. head:
  34344. { prev: null,
  34345. next:
  34346. { prev: [Circular],
  34347. next: null,
  34348. data:
  34349. PooledResource {
  34350. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  34351. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  34352. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  34353. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  34354. obj:
  34355. Connection {
  34356. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  34357. _eventsCount: 1,
  34358. _maxListeners: undefined,
  34359. config:
  34360. ConnectionConfig {
  34361. isServer: undefined,
  34362. stream: undefined,
  34363. host: 'localhost',
  34364. port: 3306,
  34365. localAddress: undefined,
  34366. socketPath: undefined,
  34367. user: 'root',
  34368. password: 'abcd1234',
  34369. passwordSha1: undefined,
  34370. database: 'lbry',
  34371. connectTimeout: 10000,
  34372. insecureAuth: false,
  34373. supportBigNumbers: true,
  34374. bigNumberStrings: false,
  34375. decimalNumbers: false,
  34376. dateStrings: false,
  34377. debug: undefined,
  34378. trace: true,
  34379. stringifyObjects: false,
  34380. timezone: '+00:00',
  34381. queryFormat: undefined,
  34382. pool: undefined,
  34383. ssl: false,
  34384. multipleStatements: false,
  34385. rowsAsArray: false,
  34386. namedPlaceholders: false,
  34387. nestTables: undefined,
  34388. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  34389. maxPacketSize: 0,
  34390. charsetNumber: 224,
  34391. compress: false,
  34392. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  34393. clientFlags: 8582093,
  34394. connectAttributes: undefined,
  34395. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  34396. stream:
  34397. Socket {
  34398. connecting: false,
  34399. _hadError: false,
  34400. _handle:
  34401. TCP {
  34402. reading: true,
  34403. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  34404. onconnection: null,
  34405. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  34406. _parent: null,
  34407. _host: 'localhost',
  34408. _readableState:
  34409. ReadableState {
  34410. objectMode: false,
  34411. highWaterMark: 16384,
  34412. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  34413. length: 0,
  34414. pipes: null,
  34415. pipesCount: 0,
  34416. flowing: true,
  34417. ended: false,
  34418. endEmitted: false,
  34419. reading: true,
  34420. sync: false,
  34421. needReadable: true,
  34422. emittedReadable: false,
  34423. readableListening: false,
  34424. resumeScheduled: false,
  34425. emitClose: false,
  34426. autoDestroy: false,
  34427. destroyed: false,
  34428. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  34429. awaitDrain: 0,
  34430. readingMore: false,
  34431. decoder: null,
  34432. encoding: null },
  34433. readable: true,
  34434. _events:
  34435. [Object: null prototype] {
  34436. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  34437. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  34438. data: [Function],
  34439. close: [Function] },
  34440. _eventsCount: 4,
  34441. _maxListeners: undefined,
  34442. _writableState:
  34443. WritableState {
  34444. objectMode: false,
  34445. highWaterMark: 16384,
  34446. finalCalled: false,
  34447. needDrain: false,
  34448. ending: false,
  34449. ended: false,
  34450. finished: false,
  34451. destroyed: false,
  34452. decodeStrings: false,
  34453. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  34454. length: 0,
  34455. writing: false,
  34456. corked: 0,
  34457. sync: false,
  34458. bufferProcessing: false,
  34459. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  34460. writecb: null,
  34461. writelen: 0,
  34462. bufferedRequest: null,
  34463. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  34464. pendingcb: 0,
  34465. prefinished: false,
  34466. errorEmitted: false,
  34467. emitClose: false,
  34468. autoDestroy: false,
  34469. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  34470. corkedRequestsFree:
  34471. { next: null,
  34472. entry: null,
  34473. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  34474. writable: true,
  34475. allowHalfOpen: false,
  34476. _sockname: null,
  34477. _pendingData: null,
  34478. _pendingEncoding: '',
  34479. server: null,
  34480. _server: null,
  34481. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  34482. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  34483. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  34484. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  34485. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  34486. _internalId: 1,
  34487. _commands:
  34488. Denque {
  34489. _head: 0,
  34490. _tail: 0,
  34491. _capacityMask: 3,
  34492. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  34493. _command: undefined,
  34494. _paused: false,
  34495. _paused_packets:
  34496. Denque {
  34497. _head: 0,
  34498. _tail: 0,
  34499. _capacityMask: 3,
  34500. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  34501. _statements:
  34502. LRUCache {
  34503. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  34504. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  34505. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  34506. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  34507. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  34508. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  34509. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  34510. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  34511. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  34512. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34513. authorized: true,
  34514. sequenceId: 23,
  34515. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  34516. threadId: 1303,
  34517. _handshakePacket:
  34518. Handshake {
  34519. protocolVersion: 10,
  34520. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  34521. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34522. connectionId: 1303,
  34523. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  34524. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  34525. characterSet: 255,
  34526. statusFlags: 2 },
  34527. _fatalError: null,
  34528. _protocolError: null,
  34529. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  34530. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  34531. packetParser:
  34532. PacketParser {
  34533. buffer: [],
  34534. bufferLength: 0,
  34535. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  34536. headerLen: 0,
  34537. length: 5,
  34538. largePacketParts: [],
  34539. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  34540. onPacket: [Function],
  34541. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  34542. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  34543. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  34544. connectTimeout: null,
  34545. connectionId: 1303 },
  34546. state: 'IDLE' } },
  34547. data:
  34548. PooledResource {
  34549. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  34550. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  34551. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  34552. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  34553. obj:
  34554. Connection {
  34555. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  34556. _eventsCount: 1,
  34557. _maxListeners: undefined,
  34558. config:
  34559. ConnectionConfig {
  34560. isServer: undefined,
  34561. stream: undefined,
  34562. host: 'localhost',
  34563. port: 3306,
  34564. localAddress: undefined,
  34565. socketPath: undefined,
  34566. user: 'root',
  34567. password: 'abcd1234',
  34568. passwordSha1: undefined,
  34569. database: 'lbry',
  34570. connectTimeout: 10000,
  34571. insecureAuth: false,
  34572. supportBigNumbers: true,
  34573. bigNumberStrings: false,
  34574. decimalNumbers: false,
  34575. dateStrings: false,
  34576. debug: undefined,
  34577. trace: true,
  34578. stringifyObjects: false,
  34579. timezone: '+00:00',
  34580. queryFormat: undefined,
  34581. pool: undefined,
  34582. ssl: false,
  34583. multipleStatements: false,
  34584. rowsAsArray: false,
  34585. namedPlaceholders: false,
  34586. nestTables: undefined,
  34587. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  34588. maxPacketSize: 0,
  34589. charsetNumber: 224,
  34590. compress: false,
  34591. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  34592. clientFlags: 8582093,
  34593. connectAttributes: undefined,
  34594. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  34595. stream:
  34596. Socket {
  34597. connecting: false,
  34598. _hadError: false,
  34599. _handle:
  34600. TCP {
  34601. reading: true,
  34602. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  34603. onconnection: null,
  34604. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  34605. _parent: null,
  34606. _host: 'localhost',
  34607. _readableState:
  34608. ReadableState {
  34609. objectMode: false,
  34610. highWaterMark: 16384,
  34611. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  34612. length: 0,
  34613. pipes: null,
  34614. pipesCount: 0,
  34615. flowing: true,
  34616. ended: false,
  34617. endEmitted: false,
  34618. reading: true,
  34619. sync: false,
  34620. needReadable: true,
  34621. emittedReadable: false,
  34622. readableListening: false,
  34623. resumeScheduled: false,
  34624. emitClose: false,
  34625. autoDestroy: false,
  34626. destroyed: false,
  34627. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  34628. awaitDrain: 0,
  34629. readingMore: false,
  34630. decoder: null,
  34631. encoding: null },
  34632. readable: true,
  34633. _events:
  34634. [Object: null prototype] {
  34635. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  34636. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  34637. data: [Function],
  34638. close: [Function] },
  34639. _eventsCount: 4,
  34640. _maxListeners: undefined,
  34641. _writableState:
  34642. WritableState {
  34643. objectMode: false,
  34644. highWaterMark: 16384,
  34645. finalCalled: false,
  34646. needDrain: false,
  34647. ending: false,
  34648. ended: false,
  34649. finished: false,
  34650. destroyed: false,
  34651. decodeStrings: false,
  34652. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  34653. length: 0,
  34654. writing: false,
  34655. corked: 0,
  34656. sync: false,
  34657. bufferProcessing: false,
  34658. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  34659. writecb: null,
  34660. writelen: 0,
  34661. bufferedRequest: null,
  34662. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  34663. pendingcb: 0,
  34664. prefinished: false,
  34665. errorEmitted: false,
  34666. emitClose: false,
  34667. autoDestroy: false,
  34668. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  34669. corkedRequestsFree:
  34670. { next: null,
  34671. entry: null,
  34672. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  34674. allowHalfOpen: false,
  34675. _sockname: null,
  34676. _pendingData: null,
  34677. _pendingEncoding: '',
  34678. server: null,
  34679. _server: null,
  34680. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  34681. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  34682. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  34683. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  34684. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  34685. _internalId: 2,
  34686. _commands:
  34687. Denque {
  34688. _head: 0,
  34689. _tail: 0,
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  34691. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  34693. _paused: false,
  34694. _paused_packets:
  34695. Denque {
  34696. _head: 0,
  34697. _tail: 0,
  34698. _capacityMask: 3,
  34699. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  34701. LRUCache {
  34702. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  34703. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  34704. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  34705. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  34706. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  34707. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  34708. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  34709. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  34710. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  34711. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34712. authorized: true,
  34713. sequenceId: 2,
  34714. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  34715. threadId: 1302,
  34716. _handshakePacket:
  34717. Handshake {
  34718. protocolVersion: 10,
  34719. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  34720. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34721. connectionId: 1302,
  34722. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  34723. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  34724. characterSet: 255,
  34725. statusFlags: 2 },
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  34727. _protocolError: null,
  34728. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  34729. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  34730. packetParser:
  34731. PacketParser {
  34732. buffer: [],
  34733. bufferLength: 0,
  34734. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  34735. headerLen: 0,
  34736. length: 7,
  34737. largePacketParts: [],
  34738. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  34739. onPacket: [Function],
  34740. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  34741. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  34742. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  34743. connectTimeout: null,
  34744. connectionId: 1302 },
  34745. state: 'IDLE' } },
  34746. tail:
  34747. { prev:
  34748. { prev: null,
  34749. next: [Circular],
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  34751. PooledResource {
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  34753. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  34754. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  34755. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  34756. obj:
  34757. Connection {
  34758. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  34759. _eventsCount: 1,
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  34764. stream: undefined,
  34765. host: 'localhost',
  34766. port: 3306,
  34767. localAddress: undefined,
  34768. socketPath: undefined,
  34769. user: 'root',
  34770. password: 'abcd1234',
  34771. passwordSha1: undefined,
  34772. database: 'lbry',
  34773. connectTimeout: 10000,
  34774. insecureAuth: false,
  34775. supportBigNumbers: true,
  34776. bigNumberStrings: false,
  34777. decimalNumbers: false,
  34778. dateStrings: false,
  34779. debug: undefined,
  34780. trace: true,
  34781. stringifyObjects: false,
  34782. timezone: '+00:00',
  34783. queryFormat: undefined,
  34784. pool: undefined,
  34785. ssl: false,
  34786. multipleStatements: false,
  34787. rowsAsArray: false,
  34788. namedPlaceholders: false,
  34789. nestTables: undefined,
  34790. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  34792. charsetNumber: 224,
  34793. compress: false,
  34794. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  34795. clientFlags: 8582093,
  34796. connectAttributes: undefined,
  34797. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  34799. Socket {
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  34803. TCP {
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  34805. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  34807. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  34809. _host: 'localhost',
  34810. _readableState:
  34811. ReadableState {
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  34813. highWaterMark: 16384,
  34814. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  34815. length: 0,
  34816. pipes: null,
  34817. pipesCount: 0,
  34818. flowing: true,
  34819. ended: false,
  34820. endEmitted: false,
  34821. reading: true,
  34822. sync: false,
  34823. needReadable: true,
  34824. emittedReadable: false,
  34825. readableListening: false,
  34826. resumeScheduled: false,
  34827. emitClose: false,
  34828. autoDestroy: false,
  34829. destroyed: false,
  34830. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  34831. awaitDrain: 0,
  34832. readingMore: false,
  34833. decoder: null,
  34834. encoding: null },
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  34837. [Object: null prototype] {
  34838. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  34839. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  34840. data: [Function],
  34841. close: [Function] },
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  34843. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  34848. finalCalled: false,
  34849. needDrain: false,
  34850. ending: false,
  34851. ended: false,
  34852. finished: false,
  34853. destroyed: false,
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  34856. length: 0,
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  34858. corked: 0,
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  34865. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  34866. pendingcb: 0,
  34867. prefinished: false,
  34868. errorEmitted: false,
  34869. emitClose: false,
  34870. autoDestroy: false,
  34871. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  34872. corkedRequestsFree:
  34873. { next: null,
  34874. entry: null,
  34875. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  34879. _pendingData: null,
  34880. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  34882. _server: null,
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  34884. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  34885. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  34886. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  34887. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  34890. Denque {
  34891. _head: 0,
  34892. _tail: 0,
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  34894. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  34897. _paused_packets:
  34898. Denque {
  34899. _head: 0,
  34900. _tail: 0,
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  34902. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  34908. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  34909. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  34910. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  34911. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  34912. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  34913. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  34914. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34915. authorized: true,
  34916. sequenceId: 2,
  34917. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  34918. threadId: 1302,
  34919. _handshakePacket:
  34920. Handshake {
  34921. protocolVersion: 10,
  34922. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  34923. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  34924. connectionId: 1302,
  34925. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  34926. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  34927. characterSet: 255,
  34928. statusFlags: 2 },
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  34930. _protocolError: null,
  34931. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  34932. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  34933. packetParser:
  34934. PacketParser {
  34935. buffer: [],
  34936. bufferLength: 0,
  34937. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  34938. headerLen: 0,
  34939. length: 7,
  34940. largePacketParts: [],
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  34942. onPacket: [Function],
  34943. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  34944. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  34945. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  34946. connectTimeout: null,
  34947. connectionId: 1302 },
  34948. state: 'IDLE' } },
  34949. next: null,
  34950. data:
  34951. PooledResource {
  34952. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  34953. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  34954. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  34955. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  34956. obj:
  34957. Connection {
  34958. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  34959. _eventsCount: 1,
  34960. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  34962. ConnectionConfig {
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  34964. stream: undefined,
  34965. host: 'localhost',
  34966. port: 3306,
  34967. localAddress: undefined,
  34968. socketPath: undefined,
  34969. user: 'root',
  34970. password: 'abcd1234',
  34971. passwordSha1: undefined,
  34972. database: 'lbry',
  34973. connectTimeout: 10000,
  34974. insecureAuth: false,
  34975. supportBigNumbers: true,
  34976. bigNumberStrings: false,
  34977. decimalNumbers: false,
  34978. dateStrings: false,
  34979. debug: undefined,
  34980. trace: true,
  34981. stringifyObjects: false,
  34982. timezone: '+00:00',
  34983. queryFormat: undefined,
  34984. pool: undefined,
  34985. ssl: false,
  34986. multipleStatements: false,
  34987. rowsAsArray: false,
  34988. namedPlaceholders: false,
  34989. nestTables: undefined,
  34990. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  34991. maxPacketSize: 0,
  34992. charsetNumber: 224,
  34993. compress: false,
  34994. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  34995. clientFlags: 8582093,
  34996. connectAttributes: undefined,
  34997. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  34999. Socket {
  35000. connecting: false,
  35001. _hadError: false,
  35002. _handle:
  35003. TCP {
  35004. reading: true,
  35005. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  35007. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  35009. _host: 'localhost',
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  35011. ReadableState {
  35012. objectMode: false,
  35013. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35014. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  35015. length: 0,
  35016. pipes: null,
  35017. pipesCount: 0,
  35018. flowing: true,
  35019. ended: false,
  35020. endEmitted: false,
  35021. reading: true,
  35022. sync: false,
  35023. needReadable: true,
  35024. emittedReadable: false,
  35025. readableListening: false,
  35026. resumeScheduled: false,
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  35029. destroyed: false,
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  35031. awaitDrain: 0,
  35032. readingMore: false,
  35033. decoder: null,
  35034. encoding: null },
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  35037. [Object: null prototype] {
  35038. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  35039. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  35040. data: [Function],
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  35048. finalCalled: false,
  35049. needDrain: false,
  35050. ending: false,
  35051. ended: false,
  35052. finished: false,
  35053. destroyed: false,
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  35055. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35056. length: 0,
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  35058. corked: 0,
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  35065. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  35066. pendingcb: 0,
  35067. prefinished: false,
  35068. errorEmitted: false,
  35069. emitClose: false,
  35070. autoDestroy: false,
  35071. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  35073. { next: null,
  35074. entry: null,
  35075. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  35077. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  35079. _pendingData: null,
  35080. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  35082. _server: null,
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  35084. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  35085. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  35086. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  35087. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  35090. Denque {
  35091. _head: 0,
  35092. _tail: 0,
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  35094. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  35096. _paused: false,
  35097. _paused_packets:
  35098. Denque {
  35099. _head: 0,
  35100. _tail: 0,
  35101. _capacityMask: 3,
  35102. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  35108. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  35109. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  35110. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  35111. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  35112. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  35113. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  35115. authorized: true,
  35116. sequenceId: 23,
  35117. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  35118. threadId: 1303,
  35119. _handshakePacket:
  35120. Handshake {
  35121. protocolVersion: 10,
  35122. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  35123. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35124. connectionId: 1303,
  35125. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  35126. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  35127. characterSet: 255,
  35128. statusFlags: 2 },
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  35130. _protocolError: null,
  35131. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  35132. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  35133. packetParser:
  35134. PacketParser {
  35135. buffer: [],
  35136. bufferLength: 0,
  35137. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  35138. headerLen: 0,
  35139. length: 5,
  35140. largePacketParts: [],
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  35142. onPacket: [Function],
  35143. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  35144. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  35145. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  35146. connectTimeout: null,
  35147. connectionId: 1303 },
  35148. state: 'IDLE' } },
  35149. length: 2 } },
  35150. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  35151. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  35152. _validationOperations: Set {},
  35153. _allObjects:
  35154. Set {
  35155. PooledResource {
  35156. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  35157. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  35158. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  35159. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  35160. obj:
  35161. Connection {
  35162. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  35163. _eventsCount: 1,
  35164. _maxListeners: undefined,
  35165. config:
  35166. ConnectionConfig {
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  35168. stream: undefined,
  35169. host: 'localhost',
  35170. port: 3306,
  35171. localAddress: undefined,
  35172. socketPath: undefined,
  35173. user: 'root',
  35174. password: 'abcd1234',
  35175. passwordSha1: undefined,
  35176. database: 'lbry',
  35177. connectTimeout: 10000,
  35178. insecureAuth: false,
  35179. supportBigNumbers: true,
  35180. bigNumberStrings: false,
  35181. decimalNumbers: false,
  35182. dateStrings: false,
  35183. debug: undefined,
  35184. trace: true,
  35185. stringifyObjects: false,
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  35187. queryFormat: undefined,
  35188. pool: undefined,
  35189. ssl: false,
  35190. multipleStatements: false,
  35191. rowsAsArray: false,
  35192. namedPlaceholders: false,
  35193. nestTables: undefined,
  35194. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  35196. charsetNumber: 224,
  35197. compress: false,
  35198. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  35199. clientFlags: 8582093,
  35200. connectAttributes: undefined,
  35201. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  35202. stream:
  35203. Socket {
  35204. connecting: false,
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  35207. TCP {
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  35209. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  35210. onconnection: null,
  35211. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  35213. _host: 'localhost',
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  35215. ReadableState {
  35216. objectMode: false,
  35217. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35218. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  35219. length: 0,
  35220. pipes: null,
  35221. pipesCount: 0,
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  35226. sync: false,
  35227. needReadable: true,
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  35229. readableListening: false,
  35230. resumeScheduled: false,
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  35233. destroyed: false,
  35234. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35235. awaitDrain: 0,
  35236. readingMore: false,
  35237. decoder: null,
  35238. encoding: null },
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  35241. [Object: null prototype] {
  35242. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  35243. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  35244. data: [Function],
  35245. close: [Function] },
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  35249. WritableState {
  35250. objectMode: false,
  35251. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35252. finalCalled: false,
  35253. needDrain: false,
  35254. ending: false,
  35255. ended: false,
  35256. finished: false,
  35257. destroyed: false,
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  35259. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35260. length: 0,
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  35262. corked: 0,
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  35269. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  35270. pendingcb: 0,
  35271. prefinished: false,
  35272. errorEmitted: false,
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  35274. autoDestroy: false,
  35275. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  35276. corkedRequestsFree:
  35277. { next: null,
  35278. entry: null,
  35279. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  35280. writable: true,
  35281. allowHalfOpen: false,
  35282. _sockname: null,
  35283. _pendingData: null,
  35284. _pendingEncoding: '',
  35285. server: null,
  35286. _server: null,
  35287. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  35288. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  35289. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  35290. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  35291. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  35294. Denque {
  35295. _head: 0,
  35296. _tail: 0,
  35297. _capacityMask: 3,
  35298. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  35299. _command: undefined,
  35300. _paused: false,
  35301. _paused_packets:
  35302. Denque {
  35303. _head: 0,
  35304. _tail: 0,
  35305. _capacityMask: 3,
  35306. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  35310. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  35311. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  35312. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  35313. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  35314. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  35315. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  35316. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  35317. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  35318. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35319. authorized: true,
  35320. sequenceId: 2,
  35321. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  35322. threadId: 1302,
  35323. _handshakePacket:
  35324. Handshake {
  35325. protocolVersion: 10,
  35326. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  35327. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35328. connectionId: 1302,
  35329. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  35330. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  35331. characterSet: 255,
  35332. statusFlags: 2 },
  35333. _fatalError: null,
  35334. _protocolError: null,
  35335. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  35336. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  35337. packetParser:
  35338. PacketParser {
  35339. buffer: [],
  35340. bufferLength: 0,
  35341. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  35342. headerLen: 0,
  35343. length: 7,
  35344. largePacketParts: [],
  35345. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  35346. onPacket: [Function],
  35347. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  35348. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  35349. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  35350. connectTimeout: null,
  35351. connectionId: 1302 },
  35352. state: 'IDLE' },
  35353. PooledResource {
  35354. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  35355. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  35356. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  35357. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  35358. obj:
  35359. Connection {
  35360. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  35361. _eventsCount: 1,
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  35363. config:
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  35366. stream: undefined,
  35367. host: 'localhost',
  35368. port: 3306,
  35369. localAddress: undefined,
  35370. socketPath: undefined,
  35371. user: 'root',
  35372. password: 'abcd1234',
  35373. passwordSha1: undefined,
  35374. database: 'lbry',
  35375. connectTimeout: 10000,
  35376. insecureAuth: false,
  35377. supportBigNumbers: true,
  35378. bigNumberStrings: false,
  35379. decimalNumbers: false,
  35380. dateStrings: false,
  35381. debug: undefined,
  35382. trace: true,
  35383. stringifyObjects: false,
  35384. timezone: '+00:00',
  35385. queryFormat: undefined,
  35386. pool: undefined,
  35387. ssl: false,
  35388. multipleStatements: false,
  35389. rowsAsArray: false,
  35390. namedPlaceholders: false,
  35391. nestTables: undefined,
  35392. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  35393. maxPacketSize: 0,
  35394. charsetNumber: 224,
  35395. compress: false,
  35396. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  35397. clientFlags: 8582093,
  35398. connectAttributes: undefined,
  35399. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  35401. Socket {
  35402. connecting: false,
  35403. _hadError: false,
  35404. _handle:
  35405. TCP {
  35406. reading: true,
  35407. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  35408. onconnection: null,
  35409. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  35410. _parent: null,
  35411. _host: 'localhost',
  35412. _readableState:
  35413. ReadableState {
  35414. objectMode: false,
  35415. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35416. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  35417. length: 0,
  35418. pipes: null,
  35419. pipesCount: 0,
  35420. flowing: true,
  35421. ended: false,
  35422. endEmitted: false,
  35423. reading: true,
  35424. sync: false,
  35425. needReadable: true,
  35426. emittedReadable: false,
  35427. readableListening: false,
  35428. resumeScheduled: false,
  35429. emitClose: false,
  35430. autoDestroy: false,
  35431. destroyed: false,
  35432. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35433. awaitDrain: 0,
  35434. readingMore: false,
  35435. decoder: null,
  35436. encoding: null },
  35437. readable: true,
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  35439. [Object: null prototype] {
  35440. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  35441. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  35442. data: [Function],
  35443. close: [Function] },
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  35445. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  35448. objectMode: false,
  35449. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35450. finalCalled: false,
  35451. needDrain: false,
  35452. ending: false,
  35453. ended: false,
  35454. finished: false,
  35455. destroyed: false,
  35456. decodeStrings: false,
  35457. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35458. length: 0,
  35459. writing: false,
  35460. corked: 0,
  35461. sync: false,
  35462. bufferProcessing: false,
  35463. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  35465. writelen: 0,
  35466. bufferedRequest: null,
  35467. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  35468. pendingcb: 0,
  35469. prefinished: false,
  35470. errorEmitted: false,
  35471. emitClose: false,
  35472. autoDestroy: false,
  35473. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  35474. corkedRequestsFree:
  35475. { next: null,
  35476. entry: null,
  35477. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  35478. writable: true,
  35479. allowHalfOpen: false,
  35480. _sockname: null,
  35481. _pendingData: null,
  35482. _pendingEncoding: '',
  35483. server: null,
  35484. _server: null,
  35485. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  35486. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  35487. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  35488. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  35489. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  35490. _internalId: 1,
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  35492. Denque {
  35493. _head: 0,
  35494. _tail: 0,
  35495. _capacityMask: 3,
  35496. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  35498. _paused: false,
  35499. _paused_packets:
  35500. Denque {
  35501. _head: 0,
  35502. _tail: 0,
  35503. _capacityMask: 3,
  35504. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  35505. _statements:
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  35507. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  35508. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  35509. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  35510. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  35511. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  35512. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  35513. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  35514. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  35515. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  35516. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35517. authorized: true,
  35518. sequenceId: 23,
  35519. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  35520. threadId: 1303,
  35521. _handshakePacket:
  35522. Handshake {
  35523. protocolVersion: 10,
  35524. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  35525. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35526. connectionId: 1303,
  35527. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  35528. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  35529. characterSet: 255,
  35530. statusFlags: 2 },
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  35532. _protocolError: null,
  35533. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  35534. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  35535. packetParser:
  35536. PacketParser {
  35537. buffer: [],
  35538. bufferLength: 0,
  35539. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  35540. headerLen: 0,
  35541. length: 5,
  35542. largePacketParts: [],
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  35544. onPacket: [Function],
  35545. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  35546. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  35547. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  35548. connectTimeout: null,
  35549. connectionId: 1303 },
  35550. state: 'IDLE' } },
  35551. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  35552. _evictionIterator:
  35553. DequeIterator {
  35554. _list:
  35555. DoublyLinkedList {
  35556. head:
  35557. { prev: null,
  35558. next:
  35559. { prev: [Circular],
  35560. next: null,
  35561. data:
  35562. PooledResource {
  35563. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  35564. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  35565. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  35566. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  35567. obj:
  35568. Connection {
  35569. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  35570. _eventsCount: 1,
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  35572. config:
  35573. ConnectionConfig {
  35574. isServer: undefined,
  35575. stream: undefined,
  35576. host: 'localhost',
  35577. port: 3306,
  35578. localAddress: undefined,
  35579. socketPath: undefined,
  35580. user: 'root',
  35581. password: 'abcd1234',
  35582. passwordSha1: undefined,
  35583. database: 'lbry',
  35584. connectTimeout: 10000,
  35585. insecureAuth: false,
  35586. supportBigNumbers: true,
  35587. bigNumberStrings: false,
  35588. decimalNumbers: false,
  35589. dateStrings: false,
  35590. debug: undefined,
  35591. trace: true,
  35592. stringifyObjects: false,
  35593. timezone: '+00:00',
  35594. queryFormat: undefined,
  35595. pool: undefined,
  35596. ssl: false,
  35597. multipleStatements: false,
  35598. rowsAsArray: false,
  35599. namedPlaceholders: false,
  35600. nestTables: undefined,
  35601. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  35602. maxPacketSize: 0,
  35603. charsetNumber: 224,
  35604. compress: false,
  35605. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  35606. clientFlags: 8582093,
  35607. connectAttributes: undefined,
  35608. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  35610. Socket {
  35611. connecting: false,
  35612. _hadError: false,
  35613. _handle:
  35614. TCP {
  35615. reading: true,
  35616. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  35617. onconnection: null,
  35618. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  35619. _parent: null,
  35620. _host: 'localhost',
  35621. _readableState:
  35622. ReadableState {
  35623. objectMode: false,
  35624. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35625. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  35626. length: 0,
  35627. pipes: null,
  35628. pipesCount: 0,
  35629. flowing: true,
  35630. ended: false,
  35631. endEmitted: false,
  35632. reading: true,
  35633. sync: false,
  35634. needReadable: true,
  35635. emittedReadable: false,
  35636. readableListening: false,
  35637. resumeScheduled: false,
  35638. emitClose: false,
  35639. autoDestroy: false,
  35640. destroyed: false,
  35641. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35642. awaitDrain: 0,
  35643. readingMore: false,
  35644. decoder: null,
  35645. encoding: null },
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  35648. [Object: null prototype] {
  35649. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  35650. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  35651. data: [Function],
  35652. close: [Function] },
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  35654. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  35658. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35659. finalCalled: false,
  35660. needDrain: false,
  35661. ending: false,
  35662. ended: false,
  35663. finished: false,
  35664. destroyed: false,
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  35666. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35667. length: 0,
  35668. writing: false,
  35669. corked: 0,
  35670. sync: false,
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  35675. bufferedRequest: null,
  35676. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  35677. pendingcb: 0,
  35678. prefinished: false,
  35679. errorEmitted: false,
  35680. emitClose: false,
  35681. autoDestroy: false,
  35682. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  35683. corkedRequestsFree:
  35684. { next: null,
  35685. entry: null,
  35686. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  35687. writable: true,
  35688. allowHalfOpen: false,
  35689. _sockname: null,
  35690. _pendingData: null,
  35691. _pendingEncoding: '',
  35692. server: null,
  35693. _server: null,
  35694. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  35695. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  35696. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  35697. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  35698. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  35699. _internalId: 1,
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  35701. Denque {
  35702. _head: 0,
  35703. _tail: 0,
  35704. _capacityMask: 3,
  35705. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  35708. _paused_packets:
  35709. Denque {
  35710. _head: 0,
  35711. _tail: 0,
  35712. _capacityMask: 3,
  35713. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  35714. _statements:
  35715. LRUCache {
  35716. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  35717. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  35718. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  35719. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  35720. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  35721. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  35722. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  35723. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  35724. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  35725. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35726. authorized: true,
  35727. sequenceId: 23,
  35728. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  35729. threadId: 1303,
  35730. _handshakePacket:
  35731. Handshake {
  35732. protocolVersion: 10,
  35733. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  35734. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35735. connectionId: 1303,
  35736. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  35737. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  35738. characterSet: 255,
  35739. statusFlags: 2 },
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  35741. _protocolError: null,
  35742. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  35743. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  35744. packetParser:
  35745. PacketParser {
  35746. buffer: [],
  35747. bufferLength: 0,
  35748. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  35749. headerLen: 0,
  35750. length: 5,
  35751. largePacketParts: [],
  35752. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  35753. onPacket: [Function],
  35754. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  35755. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  35756. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  35757. connectTimeout: null,
  35758. connectionId: 1303 },
  35759. state: 'IDLE' } },
  35760. data:
  35761. PooledResource {
  35762. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  35763. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  35764. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  35765. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  35766. obj:
  35767. Connection {
  35768. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  35769. _eventsCount: 1,
  35770. _maxListeners: undefined,
  35771. config:
  35772. ConnectionConfig {
  35773. isServer: undefined,
  35774. stream: undefined,
  35775. host: 'localhost',
  35776. port: 3306,
  35777. localAddress: undefined,
  35778. socketPath: undefined,
  35779. user: 'root',
  35780. password: 'abcd1234',
  35781. passwordSha1: undefined,
  35782. database: 'lbry',
  35783. connectTimeout: 10000,
  35784. insecureAuth: false,
  35785. supportBigNumbers: true,
  35786. bigNumberStrings: false,
  35787. decimalNumbers: false,
  35788. dateStrings: false,
  35789. debug: undefined,
  35790. trace: true,
  35791. stringifyObjects: false,
  35792. timezone: '+00:00',
  35793. queryFormat: undefined,
  35794. pool: undefined,
  35795. ssl: false,
  35796. multipleStatements: false,
  35797. rowsAsArray: false,
  35798. namedPlaceholders: false,
  35799. nestTables: undefined,
  35800. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  35801. maxPacketSize: 0,
  35802. charsetNumber: 224,
  35803. compress: false,
  35804. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  35805. clientFlags: 8582093,
  35806. connectAttributes: undefined,
  35807. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  35808. stream:
  35809. Socket {
  35810. connecting: false,
  35811. _hadError: false,
  35812. _handle:
  35813. TCP {
  35814. reading: true,
  35815. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  35816. onconnection: null,
  35817. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  35818. _parent: null,
  35819. _host: 'localhost',
  35820. _readableState:
  35821. ReadableState {
  35822. objectMode: false,
  35823. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35824. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  35825. length: 0,
  35826. pipes: null,
  35827. pipesCount: 0,
  35828. flowing: true,
  35829. ended: false,
  35830. endEmitted: false,
  35831. reading: true,
  35832. sync: false,
  35833. needReadable: true,
  35834. emittedReadable: false,
  35835. readableListening: false,
  35836. resumeScheduled: false,
  35837. emitClose: false,
  35838. autoDestroy: false,
  35839. destroyed: false,
  35840. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35841. awaitDrain: 0,
  35842. readingMore: false,
  35843. decoder: null,
  35844. encoding: null },
  35845. readable: true,
  35846. _events:
  35847. [Object: null prototype] {
  35848. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  35849. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  35850. data: [Function],
  35851. close: [Function] },
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  35853. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  35855. WritableState {
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  35857. highWaterMark: 16384,
  35858. finalCalled: false,
  35859. needDrain: false,
  35860. ending: false,
  35861. ended: false,
  35862. finished: false,
  35863. destroyed: false,
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  35865. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  35866. length: 0,
  35867. writing: false,
  35868. corked: 0,
  35869. sync: false,
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  35871. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  35873. writelen: 0,
  35874. bufferedRequest: null,
  35875. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  35876. pendingcb: 0,
  35877. prefinished: false,
  35878. errorEmitted: false,
  35879. emitClose: false,
  35880. autoDestroy: false,
  35881. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  35882. corkedRequestsFree:
  35883. { next: null,
  35884. entry: null,
  35885. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  35886. writable: true,
  35887. allowHalfOpen: false,
  35888. _sockname: null,
  35889. _pendingData: null,
  35890. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  35892. _server: null,
  35893. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  35894. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  35895. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  35896. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  35897. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  35898. _internalId: 2,
  35899. _commands:
  35900. Denque {
  35901. _head: 0,
  35902. _tail: 0,
  35903. _capacityMask: 3,
  35904. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  35905. _command: undefined,
  35906. _paused: false,
  35907. _paused_packets:
  35908. Denque {
  35909. _head: 0,
  35910. _tail: 0,
  35911. _capacityMask: 3,
  35912. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  35913. _statements:
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  35916. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  35917. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  35918. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  35919. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  35920. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  35921. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  35922. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  35923. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  35924. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35925. authorized: true,
  35926. sequenceId: 2,
  35927. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  35928. threadId: 1302,
  35929. _handshakePacket:
  35930. Handshake {
  35931. protocolVersion: 10,
  35932. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  35933. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  35934. connectionId: 1302,
  35935. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  35936. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  35937. characterSet: 255,
  35938. statusFlags: 2 },
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  35940. _protocolError: null,
  35941. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  35942. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  35943. packetParser:
  35944. PacketParser {
  35945. buffer: [],
  35946. bufferLength: 0,
  35947. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  35948. headerLen: 0,
  35949. length: 7,
  35950. largePacketParts: [],
  35951. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  35952. onPacket: [Function],
  35953. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  35954. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  35955. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  35956. connectTimeout: null,
  35957. connectionId: 1302 },
  35958. state: 'IDLE' } },
  35959. tail:
  35960. { prev:
  35961. { prev: null,
  35962. next: [Circular],
  35963. data:
  35964. PooledResource {
  35965. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  35966. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  35967. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  35968. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  35969. obj:
  35970. Connection {
  35971. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  35972. _eventsCount: 1,
  35973. _maxListeners: undefined,
  35974. config:
  35975. ConnectionConfig {
  35976. isServer: undefined,
  35977. stream: undefined,
  35978. host: 'localhost',
  35979. port: 3306,
  35980. localAddress: undefined,
  35981. socketPath: undefined,
  35982. user: 'root',
  35983. password: 'abcd1234',
  35984. passwordSha1: undefined,
  35985. database: 'lbry',
  35986. connectTimeout: 10000,
  35987. insecureAuth: false,
  35988. supportBigNumbers: true,
  35989. bigNumberStrings: false,
  35990. decimalNumbers: false,
  35991. dateStrings: false,
  35992. debug: undefined,
  35993. trace: true,
  35994. stringifyObjects: false,
  35995. timezone: '+00:00',
  35996. queryFormat: undefined,
  35997. pool: undefined,
  35998. ssl: false,
  35999. multipleStatements: false,
  36000. rowsAsArray: false,
  36001. namedPlaceholders: false,
  36002. nestTables: undefined,
  36003. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  36004. maxPacketSize: 0,
  36005. charsetNumber: 224,
  36006. compress: false,
  36007. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  36008. clientFlags: 8582093,
  36009. connectAttributes: undefined,
  36010. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  36011. stream:
  36012. Socket {
  36013. connecting: false,
  36014. _hadError: false,
  36015. _handle:
  36016. TCP {
  36017. reading: true,
  36018. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  36019. onconnection: null,
  36020. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  36021. _parent: null,
  36022. _host: 'localhost',
  36023. _readableState:
  36024. ReadableState {
  36025. objectMode: false,
  36026. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36027. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  36028. length: 0,
  36029. pipes: null,
  36030. pipesCount: 0,
  36031. flowing: true,
  36032. ended: false,
  36033. endEmitted: false,
  36034. reading: true,
  36035. sync: false,
  36036. needReadable: true,
  36037. emittedReadable: false,
  36038. readableListening: false,
  36039. resumeScheduled: false,
  36040. emitClose: false,
  36041. autoDestroy: false,
  36042. destroyed: false,
  36043. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36044. awaitDrain: 0,
  36045. readingMore: false,
  36046. decoder: null,
  36047. encoding: null },
  36048. readable: true,
  36049. _events:
  36050. [Object: null prototype] {
  36051. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  36052. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  36053. data: [Function],
  36054. close: [Function] },
  36055. _eventsCount: 4,
  36056. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36057. _writableState:
  36058. WritableState {
  36059. objectMode: false,
  36060. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36061. finalCalled: false,
  36062. needDrain: false,
  36063. ending: false,
  36064. ended: false,
  36065. finished: false,
  36066. destroyed: false,
  36067. decodeStrings: false,
  36068. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36069. length: 0,
  36070. writing: false,
  36071. corked: 0,
  36072. sync: false,
  36073. bufferProcessing: false,
  36074. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  36075. writecb: null,
  36076. writelen: 0,
  36077. bufferedRequest: null,
  36078. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  36079. pendingcb: 0,
  36080. prefinished: false,
  36081. errorEmitted: false,
  36082. emitClose: false,
  36083. autoDestroy: false,
  36084. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  36085. corkedRequestsFree:
  36086. { next: null,
  36087. entry: null,
  36088. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  36089. writable: true,
  36090. allowHalfOpen: false,
  36091. _sockname: null,
  36092. _pendingData: null,
  36093. _pendingEncoding: '',
  36094. server: null,
  36095. _server: null,
  36096. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  36097. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  36098. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  36099. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  36100. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  36101. _internalId: 2,
  36102. _commands:
  36103. Denque {
  36104. _head: 0,
  36105. _tail: 0,
  36106. _capacityMask: 3,
  36107. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36108. _command: undefined,
  36109. _paused: false,
  36110. _paused_packets:
  36111. Denque {
  36112. _head: 0,
  36113. _tail: 0,
  36114. _capacityMask: 3,
  36115. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36116. _statements:
  36117. LRUCache {
  36118. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  36119. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  36120. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  36121. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  36122. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  36123. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  36124. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  36125. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  36126. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  36127. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36128. authorized: true,
  36129. sequenceId: 2,
  36130. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  36131. threadId: 1302,
  36132. _handshakePacket:
  36133. Handshake {
  36134. protocolVersion: 10,
  36135. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  36136. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36137. connectionId: 1302,
  36138. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  36139. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  36140. characterSet: 255,
  36141. statusFlags: 2 },
  36142. _fatalError: null,
  36143. _protocolError: null,
  36144. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  36145. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  36146. packetParser:
  36147. PacketParser {
  36148. buffer: [],
  36149. bufferLength: 0,
  36150. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  36151. headerLen: 0,
  36152. length: 7,
  36153. largePacketParts: [],
  36154. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  36155. onPacket: [Function],
  36156. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  36157. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  36158. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  36159. connectTimeout: null,
  36160. connectionId: 1302 },
  36161. state: 'IDLE' } },
  36162. next: null,
  36163. data:
  36164. PooledResource {
  36165. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  36166. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  36167. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  36168. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  36169. obj:
  36170. Connection {
  36171. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  36172. _eventsCount: 1,
  36173. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36174. config:
  36175. ConnectionConfig {
  36176. isServer: undefined,
  36177. stream: undefined,
  36178. host: 'localhost',
  36179. port: 3306,
  36180. localAddress: undefined,
  36181. socketPath: undefined,
  36182. user: 'root',
  36183. password: 'abcd1234',
  36184. passwordSha1: undefined,
  36185. database: 'lbry',
  36186. connectTimeout: 10000,
  36187. insecureAuth: false,
  36188. supportBigNumbers: true,
  36189. bigNumberStrings: false,
  36190. decimalNumbers: false,
  36191. dateStrings: false,
  36192. debug: undefined,
  36193. trace: true,
  36194. stringifyObjects: false,
  36195. timezone: '+00:00',
  36196. queryFormat: undefined,
  36197. pool: undefined,
  36198. ssl: false,
  36199. multipleStatements: false,
  36200. rowsAsArray: false,
  36201. namedPlaceholders: false,
  36202. nestTables: undefined,
  36203. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  36204. maxPacketSize: 0,
  36205. charsetNumber: 224,
  36206. compress: false,
  36207. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  36208. clientFlags: 8582093,
  36209. connectAttributes: undefined,
  36210. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  36211. stream:
  36212. Socket {
  36213. connecting: false,
  36214. _hadError: false,
  36215. _handle:
  36216. TCP {
  36217. reading: true,
  36218. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  36219. onconnection: null,
  36220. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  36221. _parent: null,
  36222. _host: 'localhost',
  36223. _readableState:
  36224. ReadableState {
  36225. objectMode: false,
  36226. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36227. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  36228. length: 0,
  36229. pipes: null,
  36230. pipesCount: 0,
  36231. flowing: true,
  36232. ended: false,
  36233. endEmitted: false,
  36234. reading: true,
  36235. sync: false,
  36236. needReadable: true,
  36237. emittedReadable: false,
  36238. readableListening: false,
  36239. resumeScheduled: false,
  36240. emitClose: false,
  36241. autoDestroy: false,
  36242. destroyed: false,
  36243. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36244. awaitDrain: 0,
  36245. readingMore: false,
  36246. decoder: null,
  36247. encoding: null },
  36248. readable: true,
  36249. _events:
  36250. [Object: null prototype] {
  36251. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  36252. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  36253. data: [Function],
  36254. close: [Function] },
  36255. _eventsCount: 4,
  36256. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36257. _writableState:
  36258. WritableState {
  36259. objectMode: false,
  36260. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36261. finalCalled: false,
  36262. needDrain: false,
  36263. ending: false,
  36264. ended: false,
  36265. finished: false,
  36266. destroyed: false,
  36267. decodeStrings: false,
  36268. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36269. length: 0,
  36270. writing: false,
  36271. corked: 0,
  36272. sync: false,
  36273. bufferProcessing: false,
  36274. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  36275. writecb: null,
  36276. writelen: 0,
  36277. bufferedRequest: null,
  36278. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  36279. pendingcb: 0,
  36280. prefinished: false,
  36281. errorEmitted: false,
  36282. emitClose: false,
  36283. autoDestroy: false,
  36284. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  36285. corkedRequestsFree:
  36286. { next: null,
  36287. entry: null,
  36288. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  36289. writable: true,
  36290. allowHalfOpen: false,
  36291. _sockname: null,
  36292. _pendingData: null,
  36293. _pendingEncoding: '',
  36294. server: null,
  36295. _server: null,
  36296. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  36297. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  36298. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  36299. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  36300. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  36301. _internalId: 1,
  36302. _commands:
  36303. Denque {
  36304. _head: 0,
  36305. _tail: 0,
  36306. _capacityMask: 3,
  36307. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36308. _command: undefined,
  36309. _paused: false,
  36310. _paused_packets:
  36311. Denque {
  36312. _head: 0,
  36313. _tail: 0,
  36314. _capacityMask: 3,
  36315. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36316. _statements:
  36317. LRUCache {
  36318. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  36319. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  36320. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  36321. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  36322. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  36323. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  36324. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  36325. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  36326. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  36327. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36328. authorized: true,
  36329. sequenceId: 23,
  36330. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  36331. threadId: 1303,
  36332. _handshakePacket:
  36333. Handshake {
  36334. protocolVersion: 10,
  36335. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  36336. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36337. connectionId: 1303,
  36338. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  36339. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  36340. characterSet: 255,
  36341. statusFlags: 2 },
  36342. _fatalError: null,
  36343. _protocolError: null,
  36344. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  36345. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  36346. packetParser:
  36347. PacketParser {
  36348. buffer: [],
  36349. bufferLength: 0,
  36350. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  36351. headerLen: 0,
  36352. length: 5,
  36353. largePacketParts: [],
  36354. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  36355. onPacket: [Function],
  36356. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  36357. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  36358. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  36359. connectTimeout: null,
  36360. connectionId: 1303 },
  36361. state: 'IDLE' } },
  36362. length: 2 },
  36363. _direction: 'next',
  36364. _startPosition: 'head',
  36365. _started: false,
  36366. _cursor: null,
  36367. _done: false },
  36368. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  36369. _scheduledEviction:
  36370. Timeout {
  36371. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  36372. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  36373. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  36374. _idleStart: 432,
  36375. _onTimeout: [Function],
  36376. _timerArgs: undefined,
  36377. _repeat: null,
  36378. _destroyed: false,
  36379. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  36380. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  36381. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  36382. lib:
  36383. { createConnection: [Function],
  36384. connect: [Function],
  36385. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  36386. createPool: [Function],
  36387. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  36388. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  36389. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  36390. createServer: [Function],
  36391. PoolConnection:
  36392. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  36393. escape: [Function: escape],
  36394. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  36395. format: [Function: format],
  36396. raw: [Function: raw],
  36397. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  36398. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  36399. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  36400. Types: [Getter],
  36401. Charsets: [Getter],
  36402. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  36403. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  36404. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  36405. importCache: {},
  36406. test:
  36407. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  36408. _runningQueries: 0,
  36409. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  36410. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  36411. hooks: {},
  36412. uniqueKeys: {} },
  36413. _options:
  36414. { isNewRecord: false,
  36415. _schema: null,
  36416. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  36417. raw: true,
  36418. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  36419. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  36420. isNewRecord: false },
  36421. Balloons {
  36422. dataValues:
  36423. { id: 5,
  36424. size: 'large',
  36425. color: 'red',
  36426. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:09:35.000Z,
  36427. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:09:35.000Z },
  36428. _previousDataValues:
  36429. { id: 5,
  36430. size: 'large',
  36431. color: 'red',
  36432. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:09:35.000Z,
  36433. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:09:35.000Z },
  36434. _changed: {},
  36435. _modelOptions:
  36436. { timestamps: true,
  36437. validate: {},
  36438. freezeTableName: false,
  36439. underscored: false,
  36440. underscoredAll: false,
  36441. paranoid: false,
  36442. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  36443. whereCollection: null,
  36444. schema: null,
  36445. schemaDelimiter: '',
  36446. defaultScope: {},
  36447. scopes: [],
  36448. indexes: [],
  36449. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  36450. omitNull: false,
  36451. sequelize:
  36452. Sequelize {
  36453. options:
  36454. { dialect: 'mysql',
  36455. dialectModulePath: null,
  36456. host: 'localhost',
  36457. protocol: 'tcp',
  36458. define: {},
  36459. query: {},
  36460. sync: {},
  36461. timezone: '+00:00',
  36462. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  36463. omitNull: false,
  36464. native: false,
  36465. replication: false,
  36466. ssl: undefined,
  36467. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  36468. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  36469. hooks: {},
  36470. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  36471. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  36472. isolationLevel: null,
  36473. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  36474. typeValidation: false,
  36475. benchmark: false,
  36476. operatorsAliases: false },
  36477. config:
  36478. { database: 'lbry',
  36479. username: 'root',
  36480. password: 'abcd1234',
  36481. host: 'localhost',
  36482. port: 3306,
  36483. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  36484. protocol: 'tcp',
  36485. native: false,
  36486. ssl: undefined,
  36487. replication: false,
  36488. dialectModulePath: null,
  36489. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  36490. dialectOptions: undefined },
  36491. dialect:
  36492. MysqlDialect {
  36493. sequelize: [Circular],
  36494. connectionManager:
  36495. ConnectionManager {
  36496. sequelize: [Circular],
  36497. config:
  36498. { database: 'lbry',
  36499. username: 'root',
  36500. password: 'abcd1234',
  36501. host: 'localhost',
  36502. port: undefined,
  36503. pool:
  36504. { max: 5,
  36505. min: 0,
  36506. acquire: 30000,
  36507. idle: 10000,
  36508. evict: 10000,
  36509. handleDisconnects: true,
  36510. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  36511. Promise:
  36512. { [Function: Promise]
  36513. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  36514. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  36515. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  36516. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  36517. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36518. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36519. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  36520. _peekContext: [Function],
  36521. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  36522. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  36523. longStackTraces: [Function],
  36524. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  36525. config: [Function],
  36526. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  36527. is: [Function],
  36528. fromCallback: [Function],
  36529. fromNode: [Function],
  36530. all: [Function],
  36531. cast: [Function],
  36532. fulfilled: [Function],
  36533. resolve: [Function],
  36534. rejected: [Function],
  36535. reject: [Function],
  36536. setScheduler: [Function],
  36537. pending: [Function],
  36538. defer: [Function],
  36539. method: [Function],
  36540. try: [Function],
  36541. attempt: [Function],
  36542. bind: [Function],
  36543. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  36544. join: [Function],
  36545. Promise: [Circular],
  36546. version: '3.5.3',
  36547. map: [Function],
  36548. using: [Function],
  36549. delay: [Function],
  36550. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  36551. spawn: [Function],
  36552. promisify: [Function],
  36553. promisifyAll: [Function],
  36554. props: [Function],
  36555. race: [Function],
  36556. reduce: [Function],
  36557. settle: [Function],
  36558. some: [Function],
  36559. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  36560. filter: [Function],
  36561. each: [Function],
  36562. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  36563. any: [Function],
  36564. default: [Circular] } },
  36565. protocol: 'tcp',
  36566. native: false,
  36567. ssl: undefined,
  36568. replication: false,
  36569. dialectModulePath: null,
  36570. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  36571. dialectOptions: undefined },
  36572. dialect: [Circular],
  36573. versionPromise: null,
  36574. dialectName: 'mysql',
  36575. pool:
  36576. Pool {
  36577. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  36578. _eventsCount: 0,
  36579. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36580. _config:
  36581. PoolOptions {
  36582. fifo: true,
  36583. priorityRange: 1,
  36584. testOnBorrow: true,
  36585. testOnReturn: false,
  36586. autostart: false,
  36587. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  36588. max: 5,
  36589. min: 0,
  36590. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  36591. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  36592. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  36593. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  36594. Promise:
  36595. { [Function: Promise]
  36596. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  36597. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  36598. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  36599. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  36600. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36601. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36602. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  36603. _peekContext: [Function],
  36604. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  36605. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  36606. longStackTraces: [Function],
  36607. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  36608. config: [Function],
  36609. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  36610. is: [Function],
  36611. fromCallback: [Function],
  36612. fromNode: [Function],
  36613. all: [Function],
  36614. cast: [Function],
  36615. fulfilled: [Function],
  36616. resolve: [Function],
  36617. rejected: [Function],
  36618. reject: [Function],
  36619. setScheduler: [Function],
  36620. pending: [Function],
  36621. defer: [Function],
  36622. method: [Function],
  36623. try: [Function],
  36624. attempt: [Function],
  36625. bind: [Function],
  36626. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  36627. join: [Function],
  36628. Promise: [Circular],
  36629. version: '3.5.3',
  36630. map: [Function],
  36631. using: [Function],
  36632. delay: [Function],
  36633. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  36634. spawn: [Function],
  36635. promisify: [Function],
  36636. promisifyAll: [Function],
  36637. props: [Function],
  36638. race: [Function],
  36639. reduce: [Function],
  36640. settle: [Function],
  36641. some: [Function],
  36642. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  36643. filter: [Function],
  36644. each: [Function],
  36645. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  36646. any: [Function],
  36647. default: [Circular] } },
  36648. _Promise:
  36649. { [Function: Promise]
  36650. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  36651. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  36652. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  36653. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  36654. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36655. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  36656. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  36657. _peekContext: [Function],
  36658. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  36659. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  36660. longStackTraces: [Function],
  36661. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  36662. config: [Function],
  36663. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  36664. is: [Function],
  36665. fromCallback: [Function],
  36666. fromNode: [Function],
  36667. all: [Function],
  36668. cast: [Function],
  36669. fulfilled: [Function],
  36670. resolve: [Function],
  36671. rejected: [Function],
  36672. reject: [Function],
  36673. setScheduler: [Function],
  36674. pending: [Function],
  36675. defer: [Function],
  36676. method: [Function],
  36677. try: [Function],
  36678. attempt: [Function],
  36679. bind: [Function],
  36680. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  36681. join: [Function],
  36682. Promise: [Circular],
  36683. version: '3.5.3',
  36684. map: [Function],
  36685. using: [Function],
  36686. delay: [Function],
  36687. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  36688. spawn: [Function],
  36689. promisify: [Function],
  36690. promisifyAll: [Function],
  36691. props: [Function],
  36692. race: [Function],
  36693. reduce: [Function],
  36694. settle: [Function],
  36695. some: [Function],
  36696. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  36697. filter: [Function],
  36698. each: [Function],
  36699. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  36700. any: [Function],
  36701. default: [Circular] },
  36702. _factory:
  36703. { create: [Function: create],
  36704. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  36705. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  36706. _draining: false,
  36707. _started: true,
  36708. _waitingClientsQueue:
  36709. PriorityQueue {
  36710. _size: 1,
  36711. _slots:
  36712. [ Queue {
  36713. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  36714. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  36715. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  36716. _availableObjects:
  36717. Deque {
  36718. _list:
  36719. DoublyLinkedList {
  36720. head:
  36721. { prev: null,
  36722. next:
  36723. { prev: [Circular],
  36724. next: null,
  36725. data:
  36726. PooledResource {
  36727. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  36728. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  36729. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  36730. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  36731. obj:
  36732. Connection {
  36733. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  36734. _eventsCount: 1,
  36735. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36736. config:
  36737. ConnectionConfig {
  36738. isServer: undefined,
  36739. stream: undefined,
  36740. host: 'localhost',
  36741. port: 3306,
  36742. localAddress: undefined,
  36743. socketPath: undefined,
  36744. user: 'root',
  36745. password: 'abcd1234',
  36746. passwordSha1: undefined,
  36747. database: 'lbry',
  36748. connectTimeout: 10000,
  36749. insecureAuth: false,
  36750. supportBigNumbers: true,
  36751. bigNumberStrings: false,
  36752. decimalNumbers: false,
  36753. dateStrings: false,
  36754. debug: undefined,
  36755. trace: true,
  36756. stringifyObjects: false,
  36757. timezone: '+00:00',
  36758. queryFormat: undefined,
  36759. pool: undefined,
  36760. ssl: false,
  36761. multipleStatements: false,
  36762. rowsAsArray: false,
  36763. namedPlaceholders: false,
  36764. nestTables: undefined,
  36765. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  36766. maxPacketSize: 0,
  36767. charsetNumber: 224,
  36768. compress: false,
  36769. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  36770. clientFlags: 8582093,
  36771. connectAttributes: undefined,
  36772. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  36773. stream:
  36774. Socket {
  36775. connecting: false,
  36776. _hadError: false,
  36777. _handle:
  36778. TCP {
  36779. reading: true,
  36780. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  36781. onconnection: null,
  36782. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  36783. _parent: null,
  36784. _host: 'localhost',
  36785. _readableState:
  36786. ReadableState {
  36787. objectMode: false,
  36788. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36789. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  36790. length: 0,
  36791. pipes: null,
  36792. pipesCount: 0,
  36793. flowing: true,
  36794. ended: false,
  36795. endEmitted: false,
  36796. reading: true,
  36797. sync: false,
  36798. needReadable: true,
  36799. emittedReadable: false,
  36800. readableListening: false,
  36801. resumeScheduled: false,
  36802. emitClose: false,
  36803. autoDestroy: false,
  36804. destroyed: false,
  36805. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36806. awaitDrain: 0,
  36807. readingMore: false,
  36808. decoder: null,
  36809. encoding: null },
  36810. readable: true,
  36811. _events:
  36812. [Object: null prototype] {
  36813. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  36814. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  36815. data: [Function],
  36816. close: [Function] },
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  36818. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  36820. WritableState {
  36821. objectMode: false,
  36822. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36823. finalCalled: false,
  36824. needDrain: false,
  36825. ending: false,
  36826. ended: false,
  36827. finished: false,
  36828. destroyed: false,
  36829. decodeStrings: false,
  36830. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  36831. length: 0,
  36832. writing: false,
  36833. corked: 0,
  36834. sync: false,
  36835. bufferProcessing: false,
  36836. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  36838. writelen: 0,
  36839. bufferedRequest: null,
  36840. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  36841. pendingcb: 0,
  36842. prefinished: false,
  36843. errorEmitted: false,
  36844. emitClose: false,
  36845. autoDestroy: false,
  36846. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  36847. corkedRequestsFree:
  36848. { next: null,
  36849. entry: null,
  36850. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  36851. writable: true,
  36852. allowHalfOpen: false,
  36853. _sockname: null,
  36854. _pendingData: null,
  36855. _pendingEncoding: '',
  36856. server: null,
  36857. _server: null,
  36858. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  36859. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  36860. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  36861. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  36862. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  36863. _internalId: 1,
  36864. _commands:
  36865. Denque {
  36866. _head: 0,
  36867. _tail: 0,
  36868. _capacityMask: 3,
  36869. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36870. _command: undefined,
  36871. _paused: false,
  36872. _paused_packets:
  36873. Denque {
  36874. _head: 0,
  36875. _tail: 0,
  36876. _capacityMask: 3,
  36877. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  36878. _statements:
  36879. LRUCache {
  36880. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  36881. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  36882. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  36883. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  36884. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  36885. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  36886. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  36887. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  36888. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  36889. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36890. authorized: true,
  36891. sequenceId: 23,
  36892. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  36893. threadId: 1303,
  36894. _handshakePacket:
  36895. Handshake {
  36896. protocolVersion: 10,
  36897. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  36898. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  36899. connectionId: 1303,
  36900. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  36901. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  36902. characterSet: 255,
  36903. statusFlags: 2 },
  36904. _fatalError: null,
  36905. _protocolError: null,
  36906. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  36907. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  36908. packetParser:
  36909. PacketParser {
  36910. buffer: [],
  36911. bufferLength: 0,
  36912. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  36913. headerLen: 0,
  36914. length: 5,
  36915. largePacketParts: [],
  36916. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  36917. onPacket: [Function],
  36918. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  36919. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  36920. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  36921. connectTimeout: null,
  36922. connectionId: 1303 },
  36923. state: 'IDLE' } },
  36924. data:
  36925. PooledResource {
  36926. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  36927. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  36928. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  36929. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  36930. obj:
  36931. Connection {
  36932. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  36933. _eventsCount: 1,
  36934. _maxListeners: undefined,
  36935. config:
  36936. ConnectionConfig {
  36937. isServer: undefined,
  36938. stream: undefined,
  36939. host: 'localhost',
  36940. port: 3306,
  36941. localAddress: undefined,
  36942. socketPath: undefined,
  36943. user: 'root',
  36944. password: 'abcd1234',
  36945. passwordSha1: undefined,
  36946. database: 'lbry',
  36947. connectTimeout: 10000,
  36948. insecureAuth: false,
  36949. supportBigNumbers: true,
  36950. bigNumberStrings: false,
  36951. decimalNumbers: false,
  36952. dateStrings: false,
  36953. debug: undefined,
  36954. trace: true,
  36955. stringifyObjects: false,
  36956. timezone: '+00:00',
  36957. queryFormat: undefined,
  36958. pool: undefined,
  36959. ssl: false,
  36960. multipleStatements: false,
  36961. rowsAsArray: false,
  36962. namedPlaceholders: false,
  36963. nestTables: undefined,
  36964. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  36965. maxPacketSize: 0,
  36966. charsetNumber: 224,
  36967. compress: false,
  36968. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  36969. clientFlags: 8582093,
  36970. connectAttributes: undefined,
  36971. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  36972. stream:
  36973. Socket {
  36974. connecting: false,
  36975. _hadError: false,
  36976. _handle:
  36977. TCP {
  36978. reading: true,
  36979. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  36980. onconnection: null,
  36981. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  36982. _parent: null,
  36983. _host: 'localhost',
  36984. _readableState:
  36985. ReadableState {
  36986. objectMode: false,
  36987. highWaterMark: 16384,
  36988. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  36989. length: 0,
  36990. pipes: null,
  36991. pipesCount: 0,
  36992. flowing: true,
  36993. ended: false,
  36994. endEmitted: false,
  36995. reading: true,
  36996. sync: false,
  36997. needReadable: true,
  36998. emittedReadable: false,
  36999. readableListening: false,
  37000. resumeScheduled: false,
  37001. emitClose: false,
  37002. autoDestroy: false,
  37003. destroyed: false,
  37004. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37005. awaitDrain: 0,
  37006. readingMore: false,
  37007. decoder: null,
  37008. encoding: null },
  37009. readable: true,
  37010. _events:
  37011. [Object: null prototype] {
  37012. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  37013. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  37014. data: [Function],
  37015. close: [Function] },
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  37017. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37018. _writableState:
  37019. WritableState {
  37020. objectMode: false,
  37021. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37022. finalCalled: false,
  37023. needDrain: false,
  37024. ending: false,
  37025. ended: false,
  37026. finished: false,
  37027. destroyed: false,
  37028. decodeStrings: false,
  37029. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37030. length: 0,
  37031. writing: false,
  37032. corked: 0,
  37033. sync: false,
  37034. bufferProcessing: false,
  37035. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  37037. writelen: 0,
  37038. bufferedRequest: null,
  37039. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  37040. pendingcb: 0,
  37041. prefinished: false,
  37042. errorEmitted: false,
  37043. emitClose: false,
  37044. autoDestroy: false,
  37045. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  37046. corkedRequestsFree:
  37047. { next: null,
  37048. entry: null,
  37049. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  37050. writable: true,
  37051. allowHalfOpen: false,
  37052. _sockname: null,
  37053. _pendingData: null,
  37054. _pendingEncoding: '',
  37055. server: null,
  37056. _server: null,
  37057. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  37058. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  37059. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  37060. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  37061. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  37062. _internalId: 2,
  37063. _commands:
  37064. Denque {
  37065. _head: 0,
  37066. _tail: 0,
  37067. _capacityMask: 3,
  37068. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37069. _command: undefined,
  37070. _paused: false,
  37071. _paused_packets:
  37072. Denque {
  37073. _head: 0,
  37074. _tail: 0,
  37075. _capacityMask: 3,
  37076. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37077. _statements:
  37078. LRUCache {
  37079. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  37080. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  37081. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  37082. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  37083. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  37084. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  37085. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  37086. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  37087. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  37088. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37089. authorized: true,
  37090. sequenceId: 2,
  37091. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  37092. threadId: 1302,
  37093. _handshakePacket:
  37094. Handshake {
  37095. protocolVersion: 10,
  37096. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  37097. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37098. connectionId: 1302,
  37099. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  37100. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  37101. characterSet: 255,
  37102. statusFlags: 2 },
  37103. _fatalError: null,
  37104. _protocolError: null,
  37105. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  37106. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  37107. packetParser:
  37108. PacketParser {
  37109. buffer: [],
  37110. bufferLength: 0,
  37111. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  37112. headerLen: 0,
  37113. length: 7,
  37114. largePacketParts: [],
  37115. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  37116. onPacket: [Function],
  37117. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  37118. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  37119. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  37120. connectTimeout: null,
  37121. connectionId: 1302 },
  37122. state: 'IDLE' } },
  37123. tail:
  37124. { prev:
  37125. { prev: null,
  37126. next: [Circular],
  37127. data:
  37128. PooledResource {
  37129. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  37130. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  37131. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  37132. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  37133. obj:
  37134. Connection {
  37135. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  37136. _eventsCount: 1,
  37137. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37138. config:
  37139. ConnectionConfig {
  37140. isServer: undefined,
  37141. stream: undefined,
  37142. host: 'localhost',
  37143. port: 3306,
  37144. localAddress: undefined,
  37145. socketPath: undefined,
  37146. user: 'root',
  37147. password: 'abcd1234',
  37148. passwordSha1: undefined,
  37149. database: 'lbry',
  37150. connectTimeout: 10000,
  37151. insecureAuth: false,
  37152. supportBigNumbers: true,
  37153. bigNumberStrings: false,
  37154. decimalNumbers: false,
  37155. dateStrings: false,
  37156. debug: undefined,
  37157. trace: true,
  37158. stringifyObjects: false,
  37159. timezone: '+00:00',
  37160. queryFormat: undefined,
  37161. pool: undefined,
  37162. ssl: false,
  37163. multipleStatements: false,
  37164. rowsAsArray: false,
  37165. namedPlaceholders: false,
  37166. nestTables: undefined,
  37167. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  37168. maxPacketSize: 0,
  37169. charsetNumber: 224,
  37170. compress: false,
  37171. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  37172. clientFlags: 8582093,
  37173. connectAttributes: undefined,
  37174. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  37175. stream:
  37176. Socket {
  37177. connecting: false,
  37178. _hadError: false,
  37179. _handle:
  37180. TCP {
  37181. reading: true,
  37182. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  37183. onconnection: null,
  37184. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  37185. _parent: null,
  37186. _host: 'localhost',
  37187. _readableState:
  37188. ReadableState {
  37189. objectMode: false,
  37190. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37191. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  37192. length: 0,
  37193. pipes: null,
  37194. pipesCount: 0,
  37195. flowing: true,
  37196. ended: false,
  37197. endEmitted: false,
  37198. reading: true,
  37199. sync: false,
  37200. needReadable: true,
  37201. emittedReadable: false,
  37202. readableListening: false,
  37203. resumeScheduled: false,
  37204. emitClose: false,
  37205. autoDestroy: false,
  37206. destroyed: false,
  37207. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37208. awaitDrain: 0,
  37209. readingMore: false,
  37210. decoder: null,
  37211. encoding: null },
  37212. readable: true,
  37213. _events:
  37214. [Object: null prototype] {
  37215. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  37216. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  37217. data: [Function],
  37218. close: [Function] },
  37219. _eventsCount: 4,
  37220. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37221. _writableState:
  37222. WritableState {
  37223. objectMode: false,
  37224. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37225. finalCalled: false,
  37226. needDrain: false,
  37227. ending: false,
  37228. ended: false,
  37229. finished: false,
  37230. destroyed: false,
  37231. decodeStrings: false,
  37232. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37233. length: 0,
  37234. writing: false,
  37235. corked: 0,
  37236. sync: false,
  37237. bufferProcessing: false,
  37238. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  37240. writelen: 0,
  37241. bufferedRequest: null,
  37242. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  37243. pendingcb: 0,
  37244. prefinished: false,
  37245. errorEmitted: false,
  37246. emitClose: false,
  37247. autoDestroy: false,
  37248. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  37249. corkedRequestsFree:
  37250. { next: null,
  37251. entry: null,
  37252. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  37253. writable: true,
  37254. allowHalfOpen: false,
  37255. _sockname: null,
  37256. _pendingData: null,
  37257. _pendingEncoding: '',
  37258. server: null,
  37259. _server: null,
  37260. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  37261. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  37262. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  37263. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  37264. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  37265. _internalId: 2,
  37266. _commands:
  37267. Denque {
  37268. _head: 0,
  37269. _tail: 0,
  37270. _capacityMask: 3,
  37271. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37272. _command: undefined,
  37273. _paused: false,
  37274. _paused_packets:
  37275. Denque {
  37276. _head: 0,
  37277. _tail: 0,
  37278. _capacityMask: 3,
  37279. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37280. _statements:
  37281. LRUCache {
  37282. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  37283. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  37284. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  37285. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  37286. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  37287. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  37288. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  37289. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  37290. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  37291. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37292. authorized: true,
  37293. sequenceId: 2,
  37294. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  37295. threadId: 1302,
  37296. _handshakePacket:
  37297. Handshake {
  37298. protocolVersion: 10,
  37299. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  37300. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37301. connectionId: 1302,
  37302. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  37303. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  37304. characterSet: 255,
  37305. statusFlags: 2 },
  37306. _fatalError: null,
  37307. _protocolError: null,
  37308. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  37309. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  37310. packetParser:
  37311. PacketParser {
  37312. buffer: [],
  37313. bufferLength: 0,
  37314. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  37315. headerLen: 0,
  37316. length: 7,
  37317. largePacketParts: [],
  37318. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  37319. onPacket: [Function],
  37320. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  37321. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  37322. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  37323. connectTimeout: null,
  37324. connectionId: 1302 },
  37325. state: 'IDLE' } },
  37326. next: null,
  37327. data:
  37328. PooledResource {
  37329. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  37330. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  37331. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  37332. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  37333. obj:
  37334. Connection {
  37335. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  37336. _eventsCount: 1,
  37337. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37338. config:
  37339. ConnectionConfig {
  37340. isServer: undefined,
  37341. stream: undefined,
  37342. host: 'localhost',
  37343. port: 3306,
  37344. localAddress: undefined,
  37345. socketPath: undefined,
  37346. user: 'root',
  37347. password: 'abcd1234',
  37348. passwordSha1: undefined,
  37349. database: 'lbry',
  37350. connectTimeout: 10000,
  37351. insecureAuth: false,
  37352. supportBigNumbers: true,
  37353. bigNumberStrings: false,
  37354. decimalNumbers: false,
  37355. dateStrings: false,
  37356. debug: undefined,
  37357. trace: true,
  37358. stringifyObjects: false,
  37359. timezone: '+00:00',
  37360. queryFormat: undefined,
  37361. pool: undefined,
  37362. ssl: false,
  37363. multipleStatements: false,
  37364. rowsAsArray: false,
  37365. namedPlaceholders: false,
  37366. nestTables: undefined,
  37367. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  37368. maxPacketSize: 0,
  37369. charsetNumber: 224,
  37370. compress: false,
  37371. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  37372. clientFlags: 8582093,
  37373. connectAttributes: undefined,
  37374. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  37375. stream:
  37376. Socket {
  37377. connecting: false,
  37378. _hadError: false,
  37379. _handle:
  37380. TCP {
  37381. reading: true,
  37382. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  37384. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  37385. _parent: null,
  37386. _host: 'localhost',
  37387. _readableState:
  37388. ReadableState {
  37389. objectMode: false,
  37390. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37391. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  37392. length: 0,
  37393. pipes: null,
  37394. pipesCount: 0,
  37395. flowing: true,
  37396. ended: false,
  37397. endEmitted: false,
  37398. reading: true,
  37399. sync: false,
  37400. needReadable: true,
  37401. emittedReadable: false,
  37402. readableListening: false,
  37403. resumeScheduled: false,
  37404. emitClose: false,
  37405. autoDestroy: false,
  37406. destroyed: false,
  37407. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37408. awaitDrain: 0,
  37409. readingMore: false,
  37410. decoder: null,
  37411. encoding: null },
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  37414. [Object: null prototype] {
  37415. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  37416. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  37417. data: [Function],
  37418. close: [Function] },
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  37420. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  37423. objectMode: false,
  37424. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37425. finalCalled: false,
  37426. needDrain: false,
  37427. ending: false,
  37428. ended: false,
  37429. finished: false,
  37430. destroyed: false,
  37431. decodeStrings: false,
  37432. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37433. length: 0,
  37434. writing: false,
  37435. corked: 0,
  37436. sync: false,
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  37438. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  37440. writelen: 0,
  37441. bufferedRequest: null,
  37442. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  37443. pendingcb: 0,
  37444. prefinished: false,
  37445. errorEmitted: false,
  37446. emitClose: false,
  37447. autoDestroy: false,
  37448. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  37449. corkedRequestsFree:
  37450. { next: null,
  37451. entry: null,
  37452. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  37454. allowHalfOpen: false,
  37455. _sockname: null,
  37456. _pendingData: null,
  37457. _pendingEncoding: '',
  37458. server: null,
  37459. _server: null,
  37460. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  37461. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  37462. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  37463. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  37464. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  37465. _internalId: 1,
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  37467. Denque {
  37468. _head: 0,
  37469. _tail: 0,
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  37471. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  37474. _paused_packets:
  37475. Denque {
  37476. _head: 0,
  37477. _tail: 0,
  37478. _capacityMask: 3,
  37479. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  37482. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  37483. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  37484. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  37485. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  37486. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  37487. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  37488. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  37489. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  37490. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  37491. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37492. authorized: true,
  37493. sequenceId: 23,
  37494. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  37495. threadId: 1303,
  37496. _handshakePacket:
  37497. Handshake {
  37498. protocolVersion: 10,
  37499. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  37500. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37501. connectionId: 1303,
  37502. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  37503. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  37504. characterSet: 255,
  37505. statusFlags: 2 },
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  37507. _protocolError: null,
  37508. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  37509. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  37510. packetParser:
  37511. PacketParser {
  37512. buffer: [],
  37513. bufferLength: 0,
  37514. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  37515. headerLen: 0,
  37516. length: 5,
  37517. largePacketParts: [],
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  37519. onPacket: [Function],
  37520. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  37521. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  37522. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  37523. connectTimeout: null,
  37524. connectionId: 1303 },
  37525. state: 'IDLE' } },
  37526. length: 2 } },
  37527. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  37528. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  37529. _validationOperations: Set {},
  37530. _allObjects:
  37531. Set {
  37532. PooledResource {
  37533. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  37534. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  37535. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  37536. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  37537. obj:
  37538. Connection {
  37539. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  37540. _eventsCount: 1,
  37541. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  37543. ConnectionConfig {
  37544. isServer: undefined,
  37545. stream: undefined,
  37546. host: 'localhost',
  37547. port: 3306,
  37548. localAddress: undefined,
  37549. socketPath: undefined,
  37550. user: 'root',
  37551. password: 'abcd1234',
  37552. passwordSha1: undefined,
  37553. database: 'lbry',
  37554. connectTimeout: 10000,
  37555. insecureAuth: false,
  37556. supportBigNumbers: true,
  37557. bigNumberStrings: false,
  37558. decimalNumbers: false,
  37559. dateStrings: false,
  37560. debug: undefined,
  37561. trace: true,
  37562. stringifyObjects: false,
  37563. timezone: '+00:00',
  37564. queryFormat: undefined,
  37565. pool: undefined,
  37566. ssl: false,
  37567. multipleStatements: false,
  37568. rowsAsArray: false,
  37569. namedPlaceholders: false,
  37570. nestTables: undefined,
  37571. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  37572. maxPacketSize: 0,
  37573. charsetNumber: 224,
  37574. compress: false,
  37575. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  37576. clientFlags: 8582093,
  37577. connectAttributes: undefined,
  37578. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  37579. stream:
  37580. Socket {
  37581. connecting: false,
  37582. _hadError: false,
  37583. _handle:
  37584. TCP {
  37585. reading: true,
  37586. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  37587. onconnection: null,
  37588. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  37589. _parent: null,
  37590. _host: 'localhost',
  37591. _readableState:
  37592. ReadableState {
  37593. objectMode: false,
  37594. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37595. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  37596. length: 0,
  37597. pipes: null,
  37598. pipesCount: 0,
  37599. flowing: true,
  37600. ended: false,
  37601. endEmitted: false,
  37602. reading: true,
  37603. sync: false,
  37604. needReadable: true,
  37605. emittedReadable: false,
  37606. readableListening: false,
  37607. resumeScheduled: false,
  37608. emitClose: false,
  37609. autoDestroy: false,
  37610. destroyed: false,
  37611. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37612. awaitDrain: 0,
  37613. readingMore: false,
  37614. decoder: null,
  37615. encoding: null },
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  37618. [Object: null prototype] {
  37619. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  37620. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  37621. data: [Function],
  37622. close: [Function] },
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  37624. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  37627. objectMode: false,
  37628. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37629. finalCalled: false,
  37630. needDrain: false,
  37631. ending: false,
  37632. ended: false,
  37633. finished: false,
  37634. destroyed: false,
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  37636. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37637. length: 0,
  37638. writing: false,
  37639. corked: 0,
  37640. sync: false,
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  37644. writelen: 0,
  37645. bufferedRequest: null,
  37646. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  37647. pendingcb: 0,
  37648. prefinished: false,
  37649. errorEmitted: false,
  37650. emitClose: false,
  37651. autoDestroy: false,
  37652. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  37653. corkedRequestsFree:
  37654. { next: null,
  37655. entry: null,
  37656. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  37657. writable: true,
  37658. allowHalfOpen: false,
  37659. _sockname: null,
  37660. _pendingData: null,
  37661. _pendingEncoding: '',
  37662. server: null,
  37663. _server: null,
  37664. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  37665. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  37666. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  37667. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  37668. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  37669. _internalId: 2,
  37670. _commands:
  37671. Denque {
  37672. _head: 0,
  37673. _tail: 0,
  37674. _capacityMask: 3,
  37675. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37676. _command: undefined,
  37677. _paused: false,
  37678. _paused_packets:
  37679. Denque {
  37680. _head: 0,
  37681. _tail: 0,
  37682. _capacityMask: 3,
  37683. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  37687. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  37688. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  37689. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  37690. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  37691. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  37692. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  37693. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  37694. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  37695. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37696. authorized: true,
  37697. sequenceId: 2,
  37698. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  37699. threadId: 1302,
  37700. _handshakePacket:
  37701. Handshake {
  37702. protocolVersion: 10,
  37703. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  37704. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37705. connectionId: 1302,
  37706. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  37707. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  37708. characterSet: 255,
  37709. statusFlags: 2 },
  37710. _fatalError: null,
  37711. _protocolError: null,
  37712. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  37713. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  37714. packetParser:
  37715. PacketParser {
  37716. buffer: [],
  37717. bufferLength: 0,
  37718. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  37719. headerLen: 0,
  37720. length: 7,
  37721. largePacketParts: [],
  37722. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  37723. onPacket: [Function],
  37724. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  37725. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  37726. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  37727. connectTimeout: null,
  37728. connectionId: 1302 },
  37729. state: 'IDLE' },
  37730. PooledResource {
  37731. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  37732. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  37733. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  37734. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  37735. obj:
  37736. Connection {
  37737. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  37738. _eventsCount: 1,
  37739. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37740. config:
  37741. ConnectionConfig {
  37742. isServer: undefined,
  37743. stream: undefined,
  37744. host: 'localhost',
  37745. port: 3306,
  37746. localAddress: undefined,
  37747. socketPath: undefined,
  37748. user: 'root',
  37749. password: 'abcd1234',
  37750. passwordSha1: undefined,
  37751. database: 'lbry',
  37752. connectTimeout: 10000,
  37753. insecureAuth: false,
  37754. supportBigNumbers: true,
  37755. bigNumberStrings: false,
  37756. decimalNumbers: false,
  37757. dateStrings: false,
  37758. debug: undefined,
  37759. trace: true,
  37760. stringifyObjects: false,
  37761. timezone: '+00:00',
  37762. queryFormat: undefined,
  37763. pool: undefined,
  37764. ssl: false,
  37765. multipleStatements: false,
  37766. rowsAsArray: false,
  37767. namedPlaceholders: false,
  37768. nestTables: undefined,
  37769. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  37770. maxPacketSize: 0,
  37771. charsetNumber: 224,
  37772. compress: false,
  37773. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  37774. clientFlags: 8582093,
  37775. connectAttributes: undefined,
  37776. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  37777. stream:
  37778. Socket {
  37779. connecting: false,
  37780. _hadError: false,
  37781. _handle:
  37782. TCP {
  37783. reading: true,
  37784. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  37785. onconnection: null,
  37786. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  37787. _parent: null,
  37788. _host: 'localhost',
  37789. _readableState:
  37790. ReadableState {
  37791. objectMode: false,
  37792. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37793. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  37794. length: 0,
  37795. pipes: null,
  37796. pipesCount: 0,
  37797. flowing: true,
  37798. ended: false,
  37799. endEmitted: false,
  37800. reading: true,
  37801. sync: false,
  37802. needReadable: true,
  37803. emittedReadable: false,
  37804. readableListening: false,
  37805. resumeScheduled: false,
  37806. emitClose: false,
  37807. autoDestroy: false,
  37808. destroyed: false,
  37809. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37810. awaitDrain: 0,
  37811. readingMore: false,
  37812. decoder: null,
  37813. encoding: null },
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  37815. _events:
  37816. [Object: null prototype] {
  37817. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  37818. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  37819. data: [Function],
  37820. close: [Function] },
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  37822. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  37824. WritableState {
  37825. objectMode: false,
  37826. highWaterMark: 16384,
  37827. finalCalled: false,
  37828. needDrain: false,
  37829. ending: false,
  37830. ended: false,
  37831. finished: false,
  37832. destroyed: false,
  37833. decodeStrings: false,
  37834. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  37835. length: 0,
  37836. writing: false,
  37837. corked: 0,
  37838. sync: false,
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  37840. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  37842. writelen: 0,
  37843. bufferedRequest: null,
  37844. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  37845. pendingcb: 0,
  37846. prefinished: false,
  37847. errorEmitted: false,
  37848. emitClose: false,
  37849. autoDestroy: false,
  37850. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  37851. corkedRequestsFree:
  37852. { next: null,
  37853. entry: null,
  37854. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  37855. writable: true,
  37856. allowHalfOpen: false,
  37857. _sockname: null,
  37858. _pendingData: null,
  37859. _pendingEncoding: '',
  37860. server: null,
  37861. _server: null,
  37862. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  37863. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  37864. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  37865. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  37866. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  37867. _internalId: 1,
  37868. _commands:
  37869. Denque {
  37870. _head: 0,
  37871. _tail: 0,
  37872. _capacityMask: 3,
  37873. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37874. _command: undefined,
  37875. _paused: false,
  37876. _paused_packets:
  37877. Denque {
  37878. _head: 0,
  37879. _tail: 0,
  37880. _capacityMask: 3,
  37881. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  37882. _statements:
  37883. LRUCache {
  37884. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  37885. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  37886. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  37887. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  37888. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  37889. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  37890. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  37891. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  37892. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  37893. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37894. authorized: true,
  37895. sequenceId: 23,
  37896. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  37897. threadId: 1303,
  37898. _handshakePacket:
  37899. Handshake {
  37900. protocolVersion: 10,
  37901. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  37902. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  37903. connectionId: 1303,
  37904. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  37905. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  37906. characterSet: 255,
  37907. statusFlags: 2 },
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  37909. _protocolError: null,
  37910. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  37911. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  37912. packetParser:
  37913. PacketParser {
  37914. buffer: [],
  37915. bufferLength: 0,
  37916. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  37917. headerLen: 0,
  37918. length: 5,
  37919. largePacketParts: [],
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  37921. onPacket: [Function],
  37922. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  37923. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  37924. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  37925. connectTimeout: null,
  37926. connectionId: 1303 },
  37927. state: 'IDLE' } },
  37928. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  37929. _evictionIterator:
  37930. DequeIterator {
  37931. _list:
  37932. DoublyLinkedList {
  37933. head:
  37934. { prev: null,
  37935. next:
  37936. { prev: [Circular],
  37937. next: null,
  37938. data:
  37939. PooledResource {
  37940. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  37941. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  37942. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  37943. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  37944. obj:
  37945. Connection {
  37946. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  37947. _eventsCount: 1,
  37948. _maxListeners: undefined,
  37949. config:
  37950. ConnectionConfig {
  37951. isServer: undefined,
  37952. stream: undefined,
  37953. host: 'localhost',
  37954. port: 3306,
  37955. localAddress: undefined,
  37956. socketPath: undefined,
  37957. user: 'root',
  37958. password: 'abcd1234',
  37959. passwordSha1: undefined,
  37960. database: 'lbry',
  37961. connectTimeout: 10000,
  37962. insecureAuth: false,
  37963. supportBigNumbers: true,
  37964. bigNumberStrings: false,
  37965. decimalNumbers: false,
  37966. dateStrings: false,
  37967. debug: undefined,
  37968. trace: true,
  37969. stringifyObjects: false,
  37970. timezone: '+00:00',
  37971. queryFormat: undefined,
  37972. pool: undefined,
  37973. ssl: false,
  37974. multipleStatements: false,
  37975. rowsAsArray: false,
  37976. namedPlaceholders: false,
  37977. nestTables: undefined,
  37978. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  37979. maxPacketSize: 0,
  37980. charsetNumber: 224,
  37981. compress: false,
  37982. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  37983. clientFlags: 8582093,
  37984. connectAttributes: undefined,
  37985. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  37986. stream:
  37987. Socket {
  37988. connecting: false,
  37989. _hadError: false,
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  37991. TCP {
  37992. reading: true,
  37993. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  37994. onconnection: null,
  37995. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  37996. _parent: null,
  37997. _host: 'localhost',
  37998. _readableState:
  37999. ReadableState {
  38000. objectMode: false,
  38001. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38002. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  38003. length: 0,
  38004. pipes: null,
  38005. pipesCount: 0,
  38006. flowing: true,
  38007. ended: false,
  38008. endEmitted: false,
  38009. reading: true,
  38010. sync: false,
  38011. needReadable: true,
  38012. emittedReadable: false,
  38013. readableListening: false,
  38014. resumeScheduled: false,
  38015. emitClose: false,
  38016. autoDestroy: false,
  38017. destroyed: false,
  38018. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38019. awaitDrain: 0,
  38020. readingMore: false,
  38021. decoder: null,
  38022. encoding: null },
  38023. readable: true,
  38024. _events:
  38025. [Object: null prototype] {
  38026. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  38027. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  38028. data: [Function],
  38029. close: [Function] },
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  38031. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  38034. objectMode: false,
  38035. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38036. finalCalled: false,
  38037. needDrain: false,
  38038. ending: false,
  38039. ended: false,
  38040. finished: false,
  38041. destroyed: false,
  38042. decodeStrings: false,
  38043. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38044. length: 0,
  38045. writing: false,
  38046. corked: 0,
  38047. sync: false,
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  38049. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  38051. writelen: 0,
  38052. bufferedRequest: null,
  38053. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  38054. pendingcb: 0,
  38055. prefinished: false,
  38056. errorEmitted: false,
  38057. emitClose: false,
  38058. autoDestroy: false,
  38059. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  38060. corkedRequestsFree:
  38061. { next: null,
  38062. entry: null,
  38063. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  38064. writable: true,
  38065. allowHalfOpen: false,
  38066. _sockname: null,
  38067. _pendingData: null,
  38068. _pendingEncoding: '',
  38069. server: null,
  38070. _server: null,
  38071. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  38072. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  38073. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  38074. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  38075. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  38076. _internalId: 1,
  38077. _commands:
  38078. Denque {
  38079. _head: 0,
  38080. _tail: 0,
  38081. _capacityMask: 3,
  38082. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38083. _command: undefined,
  38084. _paused: false,
  38085. _paused_packets:
  38086. Denque {
  38087. _head: 0,
  38088. _tail: 0,
  38089. _capacityMask: 3,
  38090. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38091. _statements:
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  38093. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  38094. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  38095. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  38096. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  38097. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  38098. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  38099. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  38100. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  38101. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  38102. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38103. authorized: true,
  38104. sequenceId: 23,
  38105. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  38106. threadId: 1303,
  38107. _handshakePacket:
  38108. Handshake {
  38109. protocolVersion: 10,
  38110. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  38111. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38112. connectionId: 1303,
  38113. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  38114. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  38115. characterSet: 255,
  38116. statusFlags: 2 },
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  38118. _protocolError: null,
  38119. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  38120. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  38121. packetParser:
  38122. PacketParser {
  38123. buffer: [],
  38124. bufferLength: 0,
  38125. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  38126. headerLen: 0,
  38127. length: 5,
  38128. largePacketParts: [],
  38129. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  38130. onPacket: [Function],
  38131. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  38132. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  38133. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  38134. connectTimeout: null,
  38135. connectionId: 1303 },
  38136. state: 'IDLE' } },
  38137. data:
  38138. PooledResource {
  38139. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  38140. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  38141. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  38142. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  38143. obj:
  38144. Connection {
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  38146. _eventsCount: 1,
  38147. _maxListeners: undefined,
  38148. config:
  38149. ConnectionConfig {
  38150. isServer: undefined,
  38151. stream: undefined,
  38152. host: 'localhost',
  38153. port: 3306,
  38154. localAddress: undefined,
  38155. socketPath: undefined,
  38156. user: 'root',
  38157. password: 'abcd1234',
  38158. passwordSha1: undefined,
  38159. database: 'lbry',
  38160. connectTimeout: 10000,
  38161. insecureAuth: false,
  38162. supportBigNumbers: true,
  38163. bigNumberStrings: false,
  38164. decimalNumbers: false,
  38165. dateStrings: false,
  38166. debug: undefined,
  38167. trace: true,
  38168. stringifyObjects: false,
  38169. timezone: '+00:00',
  38170. queryFormat: undefined,
  38171. pool: undefined,
  38172. ssl: false,
  38173. multipleStatements: false,
  38174. rowsAsArray: false,
  38175. namedPlaceholders: false,
  38176. nestTables: undefined,
  38177. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  38178. maxPacketSize: 0,
  38179. charsetNumber: 224,
  38180. compress: false,
  38181. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  38182. clientFlags: 8582093,
  38183. connectAttributes: undefined,
  38184. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  38185. stream:
  38186. Socket {
  38187. connecting: false,
  38188. _hadError: false,
  38189. _handle:
  38190. TCP {
  38191. reading: true,
  38192. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  38193. onconnection: null,
  38194. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  38196. _host: 'localhost',
  38197. _readableState:
  38198. ReadableState {
  38199. objectMode: false,
  38200. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38201. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  38202. length: 0,
  38203. pipes: null,
  38204. pipesCount: 0,
  38205. flowing: true,
  38206. ended: false,
  38207. endEmitted: false,
  38208. reading: true,
  38209. sync: false,
  38210. needReadable: true,
  38211. emittedReadable: false,
  38212. readableListening: false,
  38213. resumeScheduled: false,
  38214. emitClose: false,
  38215. autoDestroy: false,
  38216. destroyed: false,
  38217. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38218. awaitDrain: 0,
  38219. readingMore: false,
  38220. decoder: null,
  38221. encoding: null },
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  38224. [Object: null prototype] {
  38225. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  38226. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  38227. data: [Function],
  38228. close: [Function] },
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  38230. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  38234. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38235. finalCalled: false,
  38236. needDrain: false,
  38237. ending: false,
  38238. ended: false,
  38239. finished: false,
  38240. destroyed: false,
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  38242. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38243. length: 0,
  38244. writing: false,
  38245. corked: 0,
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  38250. writelen: 0,
  38251. bufferedRequest: null,
  38252. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  38253. pendingcb: 0,
  38254. prefinished: false,
  38255. errorEmitted: false,
  38256. emitClose: false,
  38257. autoDestroy: false,
  38258. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  38259. corkedRequestsFree:
  38260. { next: null,
  38261. entry: null,
  38262. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  38263. writable: true,
  38264. allowHalfOpen: false,
  38265. _sockname: null,
  38266. _pendingData: null,
  38267. _pendingEncoding: '',
  38268. server: null,
  38269. _server: null,
  38270. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  38271. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  38272. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  38273. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  38274. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  38275. _internalId: 2,
  38276. _commands:
  38277. Denque {
  38278. _head: 0,
  38279. _tail: 0,
  38280. _capacityMask: 3,
  38281. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  38283. _paused: false,
  38284. _paused_packets:
  38285. Denque {
  38286. _head: 0,
  38287. _tail: 0,
  38288. _capacityMask: 3,
  38289. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  38291. LRUCache {
  38292. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  38293. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  38294. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  38295. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  38296. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  38297. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  38298. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  38299. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  38300. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  38301. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38302. authorized: true,
  38303. sequenceId: 2,
  38304. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  38305. threadId: 1302,
  38306. _handshakePacket:
  38307. Handshake {
  38308. protocolVersion: 10,
  38309. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  38310. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38311. connectionId: 1302,
  38312. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  38313. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  38314. characterSet: 255,
  38315. statusFlags: 2 },
  38316. _fatalError: null,
  38317. _protocolError: null,
  38318. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  38319. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  38320. packetParser:
  38321. PacketParser {
  38322. buffer: [],
  38323. bufferLength: 0,
  38324. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  38325. headerLen: 0,
  38326. length: 7,
  38327. largePacketParts: [],
  38328. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  38329. onPacket: [Function],
  38330. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  38331. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  38332. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  38333. connectTimeout: null,
  38334. connectionId: 1302 },
  38335. state: 'IDLE' } },
  38336. tail:
  38337. { prev:
  38338. { prev: null,
  38339. next: [Circular],
  38340. data:
  38341. PooledResource {
  38342. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  38343. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  38344. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  38345. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  38346. obj:
  38347. Connection {
  38348. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  38349. _eventsCount: 1,
  38350. _maxListeners: undefined,
  38351. config:
  38352. ConnectionConfig {
  38353. isServer: undefined,
  38354. stream: undefined,
  38355. host: 'localhost',
  38356. port: 3306,
  38357. localAddress: undefined,
  38358. socketPath: undefined,
  38359. user: 'root',
  38360. password: 'abcd1234',
  38361. passwordSha1: undefined,
  38362. database: 'lbry',
  38363. connectTimeout: 10000,
  38364. insecureAuth: false,
  38365. supportBigNumbers: true,
  38366. bigNumberStrings: false,
  38367. decimalNumbers: false,
  38368. dateStrings: false,
  38369. debug: undefined,
  38370. trace: true,
  38371. stringifyObjects: false,
  38372. timezone: '+00:00',
  38373. queryFormat: undefined,
  38374. pool: undefined,
  38375. ssl: false,
  38376. multipleStatements: false,
  38377. rowsAsArray: false,
  38378. namedPlaceholders: false,
  38379. nestTables: undefined,
  38380. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  38381. maxPacketSize: 0,
  38382. charsetNumber: 224,
  38383. compress: false,
  38384. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  38385. clientFlags: 8582093,
  38386. connectAttributes: undefined,
  38387. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  38388. stream:
  38389. Socket {
  38390. connecting: false,
  38391. _hadError: false,
  38392. _handle:
  38393. TCP {
  38394. reading: true,
  38395. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  38396. onconnection: null,
  38397. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  38398. _parent: null,
  38399. _host: 'localhost',
  38400. _readableState:
  38401. ReadableState {
  38402. objectMode: false,
  38403. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38404. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  38405. length: 0,
  38406. pipes: null,
  38407. pipesCount: 0,
  38408. flowing: true,
  38409. ended: false,
  38410. endEmitted: false,
  38411. reading: true,
  38412. sync: false,
  38413. needReadable: true,
  38414. emittedReadable: false,
  38415. readableListening: false,
  38416. resumeScheduled: false,
  38417. emitClose: false,
  38418. autoDestroy: false,
  38419. destroyed: false,
  38420. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38421. awaitDrain: 0,
  38422. readingMore: false,
  38423. decoder: null,
  38424. encoding: null },
  38425. readable: true,
  38426. _events:
  38427. [Object: null prototype] {
  38428. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  38429. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  38430. data: [Function],
  38431. close: [Function] },
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  38433. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  38435. WritableState {
  38436. objectMode: false,
  38437. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38438. finalCalled: false,
  38439. needDrain: false,
  38440. ending: false,
  38441. ended: false,
  38442. finished: false,
  38443. destroyed: false,
  38444. decodeStrings: false,
  38445. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38446. length: 0,
  38447. writing: false,
  38448. corked: 0,
  38449. sync: false,
  38450. bufferProcessing: false,
  38451. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  38453. writelen: 0,
  38454. bufferedRequest: null,
  38455. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  38456. pendingcb: 0,
  38457. prefinished: false,
  38458. errorEmitted: false,
  38459. emitClose: false,
  38460. autoDestroy: false,
  38461. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  38462. corkedRequestsFree:
  38463. { next: null,
  38464. entry: null,
  38465. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  38466. writable: true,
  38467. allowHalfOpen: false,
  38468. _sockname: null,
  38469. _pendingData: null,
  38470. _pendingEncoding: '',
  38471. server: null,
  38472. _server: null,
  38473. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  38474. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  38475. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  38476. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  38477. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  38478. _internalId: 2,
  38479. _commands:
  38480. Denque {
  38481. _head: 0,
  38482. _tail: 0,
  38483. _capacityMask: 3,
  38484. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38485. _command: undefined,
  38486. _paused: false,
  38487. _paused_packets:
  38488. Denque {
  38489. _head: 0,
  38490. _tail: 0,
  38491. _capacityMask: 3,
  38492. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38493. _statements:
  38494. LRUCache {
  38495. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  38496. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  38497. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  38498. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  38499. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  38500. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  38501. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  38502. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  38503. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  38504. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38505. authorized: true,
  38506. sequenceId: 2,
  38507. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  38508. threadId: 1302,
  38509. _handshakePacket:
  38510. Handshake {
  38511. protocolVersion: 10,
  38512. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  38513. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38514. connectionId: 1302,
  38515. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  38516. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  38517. characterSet: 255,
  38518. statusFlags: 2 },
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  38520. _protocolError: null,
  38521. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  38522. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  38523. packetParser:
  38524. PacketParser {
  38525. buffer: [],
  38526. bufferLength: 0,
  38527. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  38528. headerLen: 0,
  38529. length: 7,
  38530. largePacketParts: [],
  38531. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  38532. onPacket: [Function],
  38533. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  38534. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  38535. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  38536. connectTimeout: null,
  38537. connectionId: 1302 },
  38538. state: 'IDLE' } },
  38539. next: null,
  38540. data:
  38541. PooledResource {
  38542. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  38543. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  38544. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  38545. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  38546. obj:
  38547. Connection {
  38548. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  38549. _eventsCount: 1,
  38550. _maxListeners: undefined,
  38551. config:
  38552. ConnectionConfig {
  38553. isServer: undefined,
  38554. stream: undefined,
  38555. host: 'localhost',
  38556. port: 3306,
  38557. localAddress: undefined,
  38558. socketPath: undefined,
  38559. user: 'root',
  38560. password: 'abcd1234',
  38561. passwordSha1: undefined,
  38562. database: 'lbry',
  38563. connectTimeout: 10000,
  38564. insecureAuth: false,
  38565. supportBigNumbers: true,
  38566. bigNumberStrings: false,
  38567. decimalNumbers: false,
  38568. dateStrings: false,
  38569. debug: undefined,
  38570. trace: true,
  38571. stringifyObjects: false,
  38572. timezone: '+00:00',
  38573. queryFormat: undefined,
  38574. pool: undefined,
  38575. ssl: false,
  38576. multipleStatements: false,
  38577. rowsAsArray: false,
  38578. namedPlaceholders: false,
  38579. nestTables: undefined,
  38580. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  38581. maxPacketSize: 0,
  38582. charsetNumber: 224,
  38583. compress: false,
  38584. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  38585. clientFlags: 8582093,
  38586. connectAttributes: undefined,
  38587. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  38588. stream:
  38589. Socket {
  38590. connecting: false,
  38591. _hadError: false,
  38592. _handle:
  38593. TCP {
  38594. reading: true,
  38595. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  38596. onconnection: null,
  38597. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  38598. _parent: null,
  38599. _host: 'localhost',
  38600. _readableState:
  38601. ReadableState {
  38602. objectMode: false,
  38603. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38604. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  38605. length: 0,
  38606. pipes: null,
  38607. pipesCount: 0,
  38608. flowing: true,
  38609. ended: false,
  38610. endEmitted: false,
  38611. reading: true,
  38612. sync: false,
  38613. needReadable: true,
  38614. emittedReadable: false,
  38615. readableListening: false,
  38616. resumeScheduled: false,
  38617. emitClose: false,
  38618. autoDestroy: false,
  38619. destroyed: false,
  38620. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38621. awaitDrain: 0,
  38622. readingMore: false,
  38623. decoder: null,
  38624. encoding: null },
  38625. readable: true,
  38626. _events:
  38627. [Object: null prototype] {
  38628. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  38629. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  38630. data: [Function],
  38631. close: [Function] },
  38632. _eventsCount: 4,
  38633. _maxListeners: undefined,
  38634. _writableState:
  38635. WritableState {
  38636. objectMode: false,
  38637. highWaterMark: 16384,
  38638. finalCalled: false,
  38639. needDrain: false,
  38640. ending: false,
  38641. ended: false,
  38642. finished: false,
  38643. destroyed: false,
  38644. decodeStrings: false,
  38645. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  38646. length: 0,
  38647. writing: false,
  38648. corked: 0,
  38649. sync: false,
  38650. bufferProcessing: false,
  38651. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  38652. writecb: null,
  38653. writelen: 0,
  38654. bufferedRequest: null,
  38655. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  38656. pendingcb: 0,
  38657. prefinished: false,
  38658. errorEmitted: false,
  38659. emitClose: false,
  38660. autoDestroy: false,
  38661. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  38662. corkedRequestsFree:
  38663. { next: null,
  38664. entry: null,
  38665. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  38666. writable: true,
  38667. allowHalfOpen: false,
  38668. _sockname: null,
  38669. _pendingData: null,
  38670. _pendingEncoding: '',
  38671. server: null,
  38672. _server: null,
  38673. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  38674. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  38675. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  38676. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  38677. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  38678. _internalId: 1,
  38679. _commands:
  38680. Denque {
  38681. _head: 0,
  38682. _tail: 0,
  38683. _capacityMask: 3,
  38684. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38685. _command: undefined,
  38686. _paused: false,
  38687. _paused_packets:
  38688. Denque {
  38689. _head: 0,
  38690. _tail: 0,
  38691. _capacityMask: 3,
  38692. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  38693. _statements:
  38694. LRUCache {
  38695. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  38696. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  38697. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  38698. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  38699. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  38700. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  38701. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  38702. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  38703. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  38704. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38705. authorized: true,
  38706. sequenceId: 23,
  38707. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  38708. threadId: 1303,
  38709. _handshakePacket:
  38710. Handshake {
  38711. protocolVersion: 10,
  38712. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  38713. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  38714. connectionId: 1303,
  38715. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  38716. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  38717. characterSet: 255,
  38718. statusFlags: 2 },
  38719. _fatalError: null,
  38720. _protocolError: null,
  38721. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  38722. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  38723. packetParser:
  38724. PacketParser {
  38725. buffer: [],
  38726. bufferLength: 0,
  38727. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  38728. headerLen: 0,
  38729. length: 5,
  38730. largePacketParts: [],
  38731. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  38732. onPacket: [Function],
  38733. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  38734. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  38735. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  38736. connectTimeout: null,
  38737. connectionId: 1303 },
  38738. state: 'IDLE' } },
  38739. length: 2 },
  38740. _direction: 'next',
  38741. _startPosition: 'head',
  38742. _started: false,
  38743. _cursor: null,
  38744. _done: false },
  38745. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  38746. _scheduledEviction:
  38747. Timeout {
  38748. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  38749. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  38750. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  38751. _idleStart: 432,
  38752. _onTimeout: [Function],
  38753. _timerArgs: undefined,
  38754. _repeat: null,
  38755. _destroyed: false,
  38756. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  38757. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  38758. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  38759. lib:
  38760. { createConnection: [Function],
  38761. connect: [Function],
  38762. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  38763. createPool: [Function],
  38764. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  38765. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  38766. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  38767. createServer: [Function],
  38768. PoolConnection:
  38769. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  38770. escape: [Function: escape],
  38771. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  38772. format: [Function: format],
  38773. raw: [Function: raw],
  38774. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  38775. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  38776. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  38777. Types: [Getter],
  38778. Charsets: [Getter],
  38779. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  38780. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  38781. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  38782. QueryGenerator:
  38783. { dialect: 'mysql',
  38784. OperatorMap:
  38785. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  38786. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  38787. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  38788. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  38789. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  38790. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  38791. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  38792. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  38793. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  38794. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  38795. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  38796. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  38797. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  38798. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  38799. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  38800. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  38801. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  38802. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  38803. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  38804. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  38805. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  38806. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  38807. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  38808. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  38809. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  38810. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  38811. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  38812. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  38813. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  38814. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  38815. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  38816. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  38817. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  38818. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  38819. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  38820. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  38821. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  38822. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  38823. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  38824. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  38825. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  38826. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  38827. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  38828. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  38829. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  38830. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  38831. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  38832. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  38833. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  38834. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  38835. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  38836. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  38837. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  38838. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  38839. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  38840. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  38841. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  38842. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  38843. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  38844. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  38845. _templateSettings:
  38846. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  38847. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  38848. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  38849. variable: '',
  38850. imports:
  38851. { _:
  38852. { [Function: lodash]
  38853. templateSettings: [Circular],
  38854. after: [Function: after],
  38855. ary: [Function: ary],
  38856. assign: [Function],
  38857. assignIn: [Function],
  38858. assignInWith: [Function],
  38859. assignWith: [Function],
  38860. at: [Function],
  38861. before: [Function: before],
  38862. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38863. bindAll: [Function],
  38864. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38865. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  38866. chain: [Function: chain],
  38867. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  38868. compact: [Function: compact],
  38869. concat: [Function: concat],
  38870. cond: [Function: cond],
  38871. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  38872. constant: [Function: constant],
  38873. countBy: [Function],
  38874. create: [Function: create],
  38875. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38876. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38877. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  38878. defaults: [Function],
  38879. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  38880. defer: [Function],
  38881. delay: [Function],
  38882. difference: [Function],
  38883. differenceBy: [Function],
  38884. differenceWith: [Function],
  38885. drop: [Function: drop],
  38886. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  38887. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  38888. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  38889. fill: [Function: fill],
  38890. filter: [Function: filter],
  38891. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  38892. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  38893. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  38894. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  38895. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  38896. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  38897. flip: [Function: flip],
  38898. flow: [Function],
  38899. flowRight: [Function],
  38900. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  38901. functions: [Function: functions],
  38902. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  38903. groupBy: [Function],
  38904. initial: [Function: initial],
  38905. intersection: [Function],
  38906. intersectionBy: [Function],
  38907. intersectionWith: [Function],
  38908. invert: [Function],
  38909. invertBy: [Function],
  38910. invokeMap: [Function],
  38911. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  38912. keyBy: [Function],
  38913. keys: [Function: keys],
  38914. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  38915. map: [Function: map],
  38916. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  38917. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  38918. matches: [Function: matches],
  38919. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  38920. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  38921. merge: [Function],
  38922. mergeWith: [Function],
  38923. method: [Function],
  38924. methodOf: [Function],
  38925. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  38926. negate: [Function: negate],
  38927. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  38928. omit: [Function],
  38929. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  38930. once: [Function: once],
  38931. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  38932. over: [Function],
  38933. overArgs: [Function],
  38934. overEvery: [Function],
  38935. overSome: [Function],
  38936. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38937. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  38938. partition: [Function],
  38939. pick: [Function],
  38940. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  38941. property: [Function: property],
  38942. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  38943. pull: [Function],
  38944. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  38945. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  38946. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  38947. pullAt: [Function],
  38948. range: [Function],
  38949. rangeRight: [Function],
  38950. rearg: [Function],
  38951. reject: [Function: reject],
  38952. remove: [Function: remove],
  38953. rest: [Function: rest],
  38954. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  38955. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  38956. set: [Function: set],
  38957. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  38958. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  38959. slice: [Function: slice],
  38960. sortBy: [Function],
  38961. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  38962. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  38963. split: [Function: split],
  38964. spread: [Function: spread],
  38965. tail: [Function: tail],
  38966. take: [Function: take],
  38967. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  38968. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  38969. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  38970. tap: [Function: tap],
  38971. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  38972. thru: [Function: thru],
  38973. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  38974. toPairs: [Function],
  38975. toPairsIn: [Function],
  38976. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  38977. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  38978. transform: [Function: transform],
  38979. unary: [Function: unary],
  38980. union: [Function],
  38981. unionBy: [Function],
  38982. unionWith: [Function],
  38983. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  38984. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  38985. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  38986. unset: [Function: unset],
  38987. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  38988. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  38989. update: [Function: update],
  38990. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  38991. values: [Function: values],
  38992. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  38993. without: [Function],
  38994. words: [Function: words],
  38995. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  38996. xor: [Function],
  38997. xorBy: [Function],
  38998. xorWith: [Function],
  38999. zip: [Function],
  39000. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  39001. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  39002. zipWith: [Function],
  39003. entries: [Function],
  39004. entriesIn: [Function],
  39005. extend: [Function],
  39006. extendWith: [Function],
  39007. add: [Function],
  39008. attempt: [Function],
  39009. camelCase: [Function],
  39010. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  39011. ceil: [Function],
  39012. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  39013. clone: [Function: clone],
  39014. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  39015. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  39016. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  39017. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  39018. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  39019. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  39020. divide: [Function],
  39021. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  39022. eq: [Function: eq],
  39023. escape: [Function: escape],
  39024. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  39025. every: [Function: every],
  39026. find: [Function],
  39027. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  39028. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  39029. findLast: [Function],
  39030. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  39031. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  39032. floor: [Function],
  39033. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  39034. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  39035. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  39036. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  39037. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  39038. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  39039. get: [Function: get],
  39040. gt: [Function],
  39041. gte: [Function],
  39042. has: [Function: has],
  39043. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  39044. head: [Function: head],
  39045. identity: [Function: identity],
  39046. includes: [Function: includes],
  39047. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  39048. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  39049. invoke: [Function],
  39050. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  39051. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  39052. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  39053. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  39054. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  39055. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  39056. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  39057. isDate: [Function],
  39058. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  39059. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  39060. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  39061. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  39062. isError: [Function: isError],
  39063. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  39064. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  39065. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  39066. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  39067. isMap: [Function],
  39068. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  39069. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  39070. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  39071. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  39072. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  39073. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  39074. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  39075. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  39076. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  39077. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  39078. isRegExp: [Function],
  39079. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  39080. isSet: [Function],
  39081. isString: [Function: isString],
  39082. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  39083. isTypedArray: [Function],
  39084. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  39085. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  39086. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  39087. join: [Function: join],
  39088. kebabCase: [Function],
  39089. last: [Function: last],
  39090. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  39091. lowerCase: [Function],
  39092. lowerFirst: [Function],
  39093. lt: [Function],
  39094. lte: [Function],
  39095. max: [Function: max],
  39096. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  39097. mean: [Function: mean],
  39098. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  39099. min: [Function: min],
  39100. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  39101. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  39102. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  39103. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  39104. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  39105. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  39106. multiply: [Function],
  39107. nth: [Function: nth],
  39108. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  39109. noop: [Function: noop],
  39110. now: [Function],
  39111. pad: [Function: pad],
  39112. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  39113. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  39114. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  39115. random: [Function: random],
  39116. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  39117. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  39118. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  39119. replace: [Function: replace],
  39120. result: [Function: result],
  39121. round: [Function],
  39122. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  39123. sample: [Function: sample],
  39124. size: [Function: size],
  39125. snakeCase: [Function],
  39126. some: [Function: some],
  39127. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  39128. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  39129. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  39130. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  39131. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  39132. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  39133. startCase: [Function],
  39134. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  39135. subtract: [Function],
  39136. sum: [Function: sum],
  39137. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  39138. template: [Function: template],
  39139. times: [Function: times],
  39140. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  39141. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  39142. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  39143. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  39144. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  39145. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  39146. toString: [Function: toString],
  39147. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  39148. trim: [Function: trim],
  39149. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  39150. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  39151. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  39152. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  39153. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  39154. upperCase: [Function],
  39155. upperFirst: [Function],
  39156. each: [Function: forEach],
  39157. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  39158. first: [Function: head],
  39159. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  39160. options:
  39161. { dialect: 'mysql',
  39162. dialectModulePath: null,
  39163. host: 'localhost',
  39164. protocol: 'tcp',
  39165. define: {},
  39166. query: {},
  39167. sync: {},
  39168. timezone: '+00:00',
  39169. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  39170. omitNull: false,
  39171. native: false,
  39172. replication: false,
  39173. ssl: undefined,
  39174. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  39175. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  39176. hooks: {},
  39177. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  39178. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  39179. isolationLevel: null,
  39180. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  39181. typeValidation: false,
  39182. benchmark: false,
  39183. operatorsAliases: false },
  39184. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  39185. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  39186. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  39187. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  39188. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  39189. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  39190. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  39191. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  39192. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  39193. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  39194. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  39195. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  39196. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  39197. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  39198. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  39199. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  39200. quote: [Function: quote],
  39201. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  39202. escape: [Function: escape],
  39203. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  39204. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  39205. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  39206. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  39207. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  39208. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  39209. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  39210. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  39211. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  39212. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  39213. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  39214. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  39215. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  39216. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  39217. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  39218. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  39219. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  39220. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  39221. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  39222. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  39223. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  39224. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  39225. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  39226. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  39227. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  39228. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  39229. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  39230. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  39231. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  39232. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  39233. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  39234. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  39235. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  39236. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  39237. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  39238. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  39239. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  39240. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  39241. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  39242. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  39243. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  39244. _dialect: [Circular],
  39245. sequelize: [Circular],
  39246. typeValidation: undefined } },
  39247. queryInterface:
  39248. QueryInterface {
  39249. sequelize: [Circular],
  39250. QueryGenerator:
  39251. { dialect: 'mysql',
  39252. OperatorMap:
  39253. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  39254. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  39255. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  39256. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  39257. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  39258. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  39259. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  39260. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  39261. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  39262. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  39263. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  39264. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  39265. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  39266. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  39267. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  39268. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  39269. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  39270. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  39271. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  39272. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  39273. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  39274. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  39275. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  39276. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  39277. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  39278. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  39279. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  39280. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  39281. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  39282. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  39283. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  39284. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  39285. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  39286. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  39287. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  39288. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  39289. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  39290. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  39291. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  39292. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  39293. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  39294. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  39295. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  39296. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  39297. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  39298. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  39299. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  39300. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  39301. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  39302. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  39303. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  39304. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  39305. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  39306. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  39307. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  39308. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  39309. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  39310. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  39311. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  39312. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  39313. _templateSettings:
  39314. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  39315. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  39316. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  39317. variable: '',
  39318. imports:
  39319. { _:
  39320. { [Function: lodash]
  39321. templateSettings: [Circular],
  39322. after: [Function: after],
  39323. ary: [Function: ary],
  39324. assign: [Function],
  39325. assignIn: [Function],
  39326. assignInWith: [Function],
  39327. assignWith: [Function],
  39328. at: [Function],
  39329. before: [Function: before],
  39330. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39331. bindAll: [Function],
  39332. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39333. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  39334. chain: [Function: chain],
  39335. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  39336. compact: [Function: compact],
  39337. concat: [Function: concat],
  39338. cond: [Function: cond],
  39339. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  39340. constant: [Function: constant],
  39341. countBy: [Function],
  39342. create: [Function: create],
  39343. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39344. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39345. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  39346. defaults: [Function],
  39347. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  39348. defer: [Function],
  39349. delay: [Function],
  39350. difference: [Function],
  39351. differenceBy: [Function],
  39352. differenceWith: [Function],
  39353. drop: [Function: drop],
  39354. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  39355. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  39356. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  39357. fill: [Function: fill],
  39358. filter: [Function: filter],
  39359. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  39360. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  39361. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  39362. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  39363. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  39364. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  39365. flip: [Function: flip],
  39366. flow: [Function],
  39367. flowRight: [Function],
  39368. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  39369. functions: [Function: functions],
  39370. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  39371. groupBy: [Function],
  39372. initial: [Function: initial],
  39373. intersection: [Function],
  39374. intersectionBy: [Function],
  39375. intersectionWith: [Function],
  39376. invert: [Function],
  39377. invertBy: [Function],
  39378. invokeMap: [Function],
  39379. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  39380. keyBy: [Function],
  39381. keys: [Function: keys],
  39382. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  39383. map: [Function: map],
  39384. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  39385. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  39386. matches: [Function: matches],
  39387. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  39388. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  39389. merge: [Function],
  39390. mergeWith: [Function],
  39391. method: [Function],
  39392. methodOf: [Function],
  39393. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  39394. negate: [Function: negate],
  39395. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  39396. omit: [Function],
  39397. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  39398. once: [Function: once],
  39399. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  39400. over: [Function],
  39401. overArgs: [Function],
  39402. overEvery: [Function],
  39403. overSome: [Function],
  39404. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39405. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  39406. partition: [Function],
  39407. pick: [Function],
  39408. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  39409. property: [Function: property],
  39410. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  39411. pull: [Function],
  39412. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  39413. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  39414. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  39415. pullAt: [Function],
  39416. range: [Function],
  39417. rangeRight: [Function],
  39418. rearg: [Function],
  39419. reject: [Function: reject],
  39420. remove: [Function: remove],
  39421. rest: [Function: rest],
  39422. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  39423. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  39424. set: [Function: set],
  39425. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  39426. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  39427. slice: [Function: slice],
  39428. sortBy: [Function],
  39429. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  39430. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  39431. split: [Function: split],
  39432. spread: [Function: spread],
  39433. tail: [Function: tail],
  39434. take: [Function: take],
  39435. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  39436. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  39437. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  39438. tap: [Function: tap],
  39439. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  39440. thru: [Function: thru],
  39441. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  39442. toPairs: [Function],
  39443. toPairsIn: [Function],
  39444. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  39445. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  39446. transform: [Function: transform],
  39447. unary: [Function: unary],
  39448. union: [Function],
  39449. unionBy: [Function],
  39450. unionWith: [Function],
  39451. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  39452. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  39453. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  39454. unset: [Function: unset],
  39455. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  39456. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  39457. update: [Function: update],
  39458. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  39459. values: [Function: values],
  39460. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  39461. without: [Function],
  39462. words: [Function: words],
  39463. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  39464. xor: [Function],
  39465. xorBy: [Function],
  39466. xorWith: [Function],
  39467. zip: [Function],
  39468. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  39469. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  39470. zipWith: [Function],
  39471. entries: [Function],
  39472. entriesIn: [Function],
  39473. extend: [Function],
  39474. extendWith: [Function],
  39475. add: [Function],
  39476. attempt: [Function],
  39477. camelCase: [Function],
  39478. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  39479. ceil: [Function],
  39480. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  39481. clone: [Function: clone],
  39482. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  39483. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  39484. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  39485. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  39486. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  39487. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  39488. divide: [Function],
  39489. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  39490. eq: [Function: eq],
  39491. escape: [Function: escape],
  39492. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  39493. every: [Function: every],
  39494. find: [Function],
  39495. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  39496. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  39497. findLast: [Function],
  39498. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  39499. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  39500. floor: [Function],
  39501. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  39502. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  39503. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  39504. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  39505. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  39506. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  39507. get: [Function: get],
  39508. gt: [Function],
  39509. gte: [Function],
  39510. has: [Function: has],
  39511. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  39512. head: [Function: head],
  39513. identity: [Function: identity],
  39514. includes: [Function: includes],
  39515. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  39516. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  39517. invoke: [Function],
  39518. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  39519. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  39520. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  39521. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  39522. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  39523. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  39524. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  39525. isDate: [Function],
  39526. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  39527. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  39528. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  39529. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  39530. isError: [Function: isError],
  39531. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  39532. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  39533. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  39534. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  39535. isMap: [Function],
  39536. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  39537. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  39538. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  39539. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  39540. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  39541. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  39542. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  39543. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  39544. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  39545. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  39546. isRegExp: [Function],
  39547. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  39548. isSet: [Function],
  39549. isString: [Function: isString],
  39550. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  39551. isTypedArray: [Function],
  39552. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  39553. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  39554. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  39555. join: [Function: join],
  39556. kebabCase: [Function],
  39557. last: [Function: last],
  39558. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  39559. lowerCase: [Function],
  39560. lowerFirst: [Function],
  39561. lt: [Function],
  39562. lte: [Function],
  39563. max: [Function: max],
  39564. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  39565. mean: [Function: mean],
  39566. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  39567. min: [Function: min],
  39568. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  39569. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  39570. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  39571. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  39572. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  39573. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  39574. multiply: [Function],
  39575. nth: [Function: nth],
  39576. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  39577. noop: [Function: noop],
  39578. now: [Function],
  39579. pad: [Function: pad],
  39580. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  39581. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  39582. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  39583. random: [Function: random],
  39584. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  39585. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  39586. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  39587. replace: [Function: replace],
  39588. result: [Function: result],
  39589. round: [Function],
  39590. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  39591. sample: [Function: sample],
  39592. size: [Function: size],
  39593. snakeCase: [Function],
  39594. some: [Function: some],
  39595. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  39596. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  39597. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  39598. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  39599. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  39600. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  39601. startCase: [Function],
  39602. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  39603. subtract: [Function],
  39604. sum: [Function: sum],
  39605. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  39606. template: [Function: template],
  39607. times: [Function: times],
  39608. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  39609. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  39610. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  39611. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  39612. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  39613. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  39614. toString: [Function: toString],
  39615. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  39616. trim: [Function: trim],
  39617. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  39618. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  39619. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  39620. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  39621. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  39622. upperCase: [Function],
  39623. upperFirst: [Function],
  39624. each: [Function: forEach],
  39625. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  39626. first: [Function: head],
  39627. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  39628. options:
  39629. { dialect: 'mysql',
  39630. dialectModulePath: null,
  39631. host: 'localhost',
  39632. protocol: 'tcp',
  39633. define: {},
  39634. query: {},
  39635. sync: {},
  39636. timezone: '+00:00',
  39637. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  39638. omitNull: false,
  39639. native: false,
  39640. replication: false,
  39641. ssl: undefined,
  39642. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  39643. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  39644. hooks: {},
  39645. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  39646. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  39647. isolationLevel: null,
  39648. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  39649. typeValidation: false,
  39650. benchmark: false,
  39651. operatorsAliases: false },
  39652. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  39653. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  39654. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  39655. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  39656. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  39657. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  39658. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  39659. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  39660. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  39661. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  39662. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  39663. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  39664. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  39665. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  39666. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  39667. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  39668. quote: [Function: quote],
  39669. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  39670. escape: [Function: escape],
  39671. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  39672. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  39673. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  39674. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  39675. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  39676. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  39677. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  39678. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  39679. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  39680. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  39681. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  39682. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  39683. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  39684. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  39685. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  39686. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  39687. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  39688. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  39689. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  39690. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  39691. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  39692. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  39693. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  39694. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  39695. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  39696. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  39697. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  39698. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  39699. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  39700. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  39701. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  39702. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  39703. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  39704. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  39705. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  39706. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  39707. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  39708. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  39709. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  39710. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  39711. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  39712. _dialect:
  39713. MysqlDialect {
  39714. sequelize: [Circular],
  39715. connectionManager:
  39716. ConnectionManager {
  39717. sequelize: [Circular],
  39718. config:
  39719. { database: 'lbry',
  39720. username: 'root',
  39721. password: 'abcd1234',
  39722. host: 'localhost',
  39723. port: undefined,
  39724. pool:
  39725. { max: 5,
  39726. min: 0,
  39727. acquire: 30000,
  39728. idle: 10000,
  39729. evict: 10000,
  39730. handleDisconnects: true,
  39731. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  39732. Promise:
  39733. { [Function: Promise]
  39734. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  39735. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  39736. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  39737. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  39738. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39739. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39740. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  39741. _peekContext: [Function],
  39742. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  39743. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  39744. longStackTraces: [Function],
  39745. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  39746. config: [Function],
  39747. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  39748. is: [Function],
  39749. fromCallback: [Function],
  39750. fromNode: [Function],
  39751. all: [Function],
  39752. cast: [Function],
  39753. fulfilled: [Function],
  39754. resolve: [Function],
  39755. rejected: [Function],
  39756. reject: [Function],
  39757. setScheduler: [Function],
  39758. pending: [Function],
  39759. defer: [Function],
  39760. method: [Function],
  39761. try: [Function],
  39762. attempt: [Function],
  39763. bind: [Function],
  39764. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  39765. join: [Function],
  39766. Promise: [Circular],
  39767. version: '3.5.3',
  39768. map: [Function],
  39769. using: [Function],
  39770. delay: [Function],
  39771. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  39772. spawn: [Function],
  39773. promisify: [Function],
  39774. promisifyAll: [Function],
  39775. props: [Function],
  39776. race: [Function],
  39777. reduce: [Function],
  39778. settle: [Function],
  39779. some: [Function],
  39780. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  39781. filter: [Function],
  39782. each: [Function],
  39783. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  39784. any: [Function],
  39785. default: [Circular] } },
  39786. protocol: 'tcp',
  39787. native: false,
  39788. ssl: undefined,
  39789. replication: false,
  39790. dialectModulePath: null,
  39791. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  39792. dialectOptions: undefined },
  39793. dialect: [Circular],
  39794. versionPromise: null,
  39795. dialectName: 'mysql',
  39796. pool:
  39797. Pool {
  39798. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  39799. _eventsCount: 0,
  39800. _maxListeners: undefined,
  39801. _config:
  39802. PoolOptions {
  39803. fifo: true,
  39804. priorityRange: 1,
  39805. testOnBorrow: true,
  39806. testOnReturn: false,
  39807. autostart: false,
  39808. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  39809. max: 5,
  39810. min: 0,
  39811. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  39812. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  39813. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  39814. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  39815. Promise:
  39816. { [Function: Promise]
  39817. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  39818. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  39819. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  39820. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  39821. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39822. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39823. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  39824. _peekContext: [Function],
  39825. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  39826. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  39827. longStackTraces: [Function],
  39828. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  39829. config: [Function],
  39830. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  39831. is: [Function],
  39832. fromCallback: [Function],
  39833. fromNode: [Function],
  39834. all: [Function],
  39835. cast: [Function],
  39836. fulfilled: [Function],
  39837. resolve: [Function],
  39838. rejected: [Function],
  39839. reject: [Function],
  39840. setScheduler: [Function],
  39841. pending: [Function],
  39842. defer: [Function],
  39843. method: [Function],
  39844. try: [Function],
  39845. attempt: [Function],
  39846. bind: [Function],
  39847. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  39848. join: [Function],
  39849. Promise: [Circular],
  39850. version: '3.5.3',
  39851. map: [Function],
  39852. using: [Function],
  39853. delay: [Function],
  39854. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  39855. spawn: [Function],
  39856. promisify: [Function],
  39857. promisifyAll: [Function],
  39858. props: [Function],
  39859. race: [Function],
  39860. reduce: [Function],
  39861. settle: [Function],
  39862. some: [Function],
  39863. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  39864. filter: [Function],
  39865. each: [Function],
  39866. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  39867. any: [Function],
  39868. default: [Circular] } },
  39869. _Promise:
  39870. { [Function: Promise]
  39871. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  39872. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  39873. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  39874. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  39875. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39876. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  39877. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  39878. _peekContext: [Function],
  39879. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  39880. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  39881. longStackTraces: [Function],
  39882. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  39883. config: [Function],
  39884. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  39885. is: [Function],
  39886. fromCallback: [Function],
  39887. fromNode: [Function],
  39888. all: [Function],
  39889. cast: [Function],
  39890. fulfilled: [Function],
  39891. resolve: [Function],
  39892. rejected: [Function],
  39893. reject: [Function],
  39894. setScheduler: [Function],
  39895. pending: [Function],
  39896. defer: [Function],
  39897. method: [Function],
  39898. try: [Function],
  39899. attempt: [Function],
  39900. bind: [Function],
  39901. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  39902. join: [Function],
  39903. Promise: [Circular],
  39904. version: '3.5.3',
  39905. map: [Function],
  39906. using: [Function],
  39907. delay: [Function],
  39908. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  39909. spawn: [Function],
  39910. promisify: [Function],
  39911. promisifyAll: [Function],
  39912. props: [Function],
  39913. race: [Function],
  39914. reduce: [Function],
  39915. settle: [Function],
  39916. some: [Function],
  39917. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  39918. filter: [Function],
  39919. each: [Function],
  39920. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  39921. any: [Function],
  39922. default: [Circular] },
  39923. _factory:
  39924. { create: [Function: create],
  39925. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  39926. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  39927. _draining: false,
  39928. _started: true,
  39929. _waitingClientsQueue:
  39930. PriorityQueue {
  39931. _size: 1,
  39932. _slots:
  39933. [ Queue {
  39934. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  39935. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  39936. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  39937. _availableObjects:
  39938. Deque {
  39939. _list:
  39940. DoublyLinkedList {
  39941. head:
  39942. { prev: null,
  39943. next:
  39944. { prev: [Circular],
  39945. next: null,
  39946. data:
  39947. PooledResource {
  39948. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  39949. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  39950. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  39951. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  39952. obj:
  39953. Connection {
  39954. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  39955. _eventsCount: 1,
  39956. _maxListeners: undefined,
  39957. config:
  39958. ConnectionConfig {
  39959. isServer: undefined,
  39960. stream: undefined,
  39961. host: 'localhost',
  39962. port: 3306,
  39963. localAddress: undefined,
  39964. socketPath: undefined,
  39965. user: 'root',
  39966. password: 'abcd1234',
  39967. passwordSha1: undefined,
  39968. database: 'lbry',
  39969. connectTimeout: 10000,
  39970. insecureAuth: false,
  39971. supportBigNumbers: true,
  39972. bigNumberStrings: false,
  39973. decimalNumbers: false,
  39974. dateStrings: false,
  39975. debug: undefined,
  39976. trace: true,
  39977. stringifyObjects: false,
  39978. timezone: '+00:00',
  39979. queryFormat: undefined,
  39980. pool: undefined,
  39981. ssl: false,
  39982. multipleStatements: false,
  39983. rowsAsArray: false,
  39984. namedPlaceholders: false,
  39985. nestTables: undefined,
  39986. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  39987. maxPacketSize: 0,
  39988. charsetNumber: 224,
  39989. compress: false,
  39990. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  39991. clientFlags: 8582093,
  39992. connectAttributes: undefined,
  39993. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  39994. stream:
  39995. Socket {
  39996. connecting: false,
  39997. _hadError: false,
  39998. _handle:
  39999. TCP {
  40000. reading: true,
  40001. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  40002. onconnection: null,
  40003. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  40004. _parent: null,
  40005. _host: 'localhost',
  40006. _readableState:
  40007. ReadableState {
  40008. objectMode: false,
  40009. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40010. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  40011. length: 0,
  40012. pipes: null,
  40013. pipesCount: 0,
  40014. flowing: true,
  40015. ended: false,
  40016. endEmitted: false,
  40017. reading: true,
  40018. sync: false,
  40019. needReadable: true,
  40020. emittedReadable: false,
  40021. readableListening: false,
  40022. resumeScheduled: false,
  40023. emitClose: false,
  40024. autoDestroy: false,
  40025. destroyed: false,
  40026. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40027. awaitDrain: 0,
  40028. readingMore: false,
  40029. decoder: null,
  40030. encoding: null },
  40031. readable: true,
  40032. _events:
  40033. [Object: null prototype] {
  40034. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  40035. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  40036. data: [Function],
  40037. close: [Function] },
  40038. _eventsCount: 4,
  40039. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40040. _writableState:
  40041. WritableState {
  40042. objectMode: false,
  40043. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40044. finalCalled: false,
  40045. needDrain: false,
  40046. ending: false,
  40047. ended: false,
  40048. finished: false,
  40049. destroyed: false,
  40050. decodeStrings: false,
  40051. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40052. length: 0,
  40053. writing: false,
  40054. corked: 0,
  40055. sync: false,
  40056. bufferProcessing: false,
  40057. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  40058. writecb: null,
  40059. writelen: 0,
  40060. bufferedRequest: null,
  40061. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  40062. pendingcb: 0,
  40063. prefinished: false,
  40064. errorEmitted: false,
  40065. emitClose: false,
  40066. autoDestroy: false,
  40067. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  40068. corkedRequestsFree:
  40069. { next: null,
  40070. entry: null,
  40071. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  40072. writable: true,
  40073. allowHalfOpen: false,
  40074. _sockname: null,
  40075. _pendingData: null,
  40076. _pendingEncoding: '',
  40077. server: null,
  40078. _server: null,
  40079. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  40080. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  40081. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  40082. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  40083. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  40084. _internalId: 1,
  40085. _commands:
  40086. Denque {
  40087. _head: 0,
  40088. _tail: 0,
  40089. _capacityMask: 3,
  40090. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40091. _command: undefined,
  40092. _paused: false,
  40093. _paused_packets:
  40094. Denque {
  40095. _head: 0,
  40096. _tail: 0,
  40097. _capacityMask: 3,
  40098. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40099. _statements:
  40100. LRUCache {
  40101. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  40102. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  40103. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  40104. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  40105. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  40106. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  40107. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  40108. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  40109. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  40110. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40111. authorized: true,
  40112. sequenceId: 23,
  40113. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  40114. threadId: 1303,
  40115. _handshakePacket:
  40116. Handshake {
  40117. protocolVersion: 10,
  40118. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  40119. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40120. connectionId: 1303,
  40121. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  40122. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  40123. characterSet: 255,
  40124. statusFlags: 2 },
  40125. _fatalError: null,
  40126. _protocolError: null,
  40127. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  40128. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  40129. packetParser:
  40130. PacketParser {
  40131. buffer: [],
  40132. bufferLength: 0,
  40133. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  40134. headerLen: 0,
  40135. length: 5,
  40136. largePacketParts: [],
  40137. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  40138. onPacket: [Function],
  40139. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  40140. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  40141. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  40142. connectTimeout: null,
  40143. connectionId: 1303 },
  40144. state: 'IDLE' } },
  40145. data:
  40146. PooledResource {
  40147. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  40148. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  40149. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  40150. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  40151. obj:
  40152. Connection {
  40153. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  40154. _eventsCount: 1,
  40155. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40156. config:
  40157. ConnectionConfig {
  40158. isServer: undefined,
  40159. stream: undefined,
  40160. host: 'localhost',
  40161. port: 3306,
  40162. localAddress: undefined,
  40163. socketPath: undefined,
  40164. user: 'root',
  40165. password: 'abcd1234',
  40166. passwordSha1: undefined,
  40167. database: 'lbry',
  40168. connectTimeout: 10000,
  40169. insecureAuth: false,
  40170. supportBigNumbers: true,
  40171. bigNumberStrings: false,
  40172. decimalNumbers: false,
  40173. dateStrings: false,
  40174. debug: undefined,
  40175. trace: true,
  40176. stringifyObjects: false,
  40177. timezone: '+00:00',
  40178. queryFormat: undefined,
  40179. pool: undefined,
  40180. ssl: false,
  40181. multipleStatements: false,
  40182. rowsAsArray: false,
  40183. namedPlaceholders: false,
  40184. nestTables: undefined,
  40185. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  40186. maxPacketSize: 0,
  40187. charsetNumber: 224,
  40188. compress: false,
  40189. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  40190. clientFlags: 8582093,
  40191. connectAttributes: undefined,
  40192. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  40193. stream:
  40194. Socket {
  40195. connecting: false,
  40196. _hadError: false,
  40197. _handle:
  40198. TCP {
  40199. reading: true,
  40200. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  40201. onconnection: null,
  40202. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  40203. _parent: null,
  40204. _host: 'localhost',
  40205. _readableState:
  40206. ReadableState {
  40207. objectMode: false,
  40208. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40209. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  40210. length: 0,
  40211. pipes: null,
  40212. pipesCount: 0,
  40213. flowing: true,
  40214. ended: false,
  40215. endEmitted: false,
  40216. reading: true,
  40217. sync: false,
  40218. needReadable: true,
  40219. emittedReadable: false,
  40220. readableListening: false,
  40221. resumeScheduled: false,
  40222. emitClose: false,
  40223. autoDestroy: false,
  40224. destroyed: false,
  40225. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40226. awaitDrain: 0,
  40227. readingMore: false,
  40228. decoder: null,
  40229. encoding: null },
  40230. readable: true,
  40231. _events:
  40232. [Object: null prototype] {
  40233. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  40234. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  40235. data: [Function],
  40236. close: [Function] },
  40237. _eventsCount: 4,
  40238. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40239. _writableState:
  40240. WritableState {
  40241. objectMode: false,
  40242. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40243. finalCalled: false,
  40244. needDrain: false,
  40245. ending: false,
  40246. ended: false,
  40247. finished: false,
  40248. destroyed: false,
  40249. decodeStrings: false,
  40250. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40251. length: 0,
  40252. writing: false,
  40253. corked: 0,
  40254. sync: false,
  40255. bufferProcessing: false,
  40256. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  40257. writecb: null,
  40258. writelen: 0,
  40259. bufferedRequest: null,
  40260. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  40261. pendingcb: 0,
  40262. prefinished: false,
  40263. errorEmitted: false,
  40264. emitClose: false,
  40265. autoDestroy: false,
  40266. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  40267. corkedRequestsFree:
  40268. { next: null,
  40269. entry: null,
  40270. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  40271. writable: true,
  40272. allowHalfOpen: false,
  40273. _sockname: null,
  40274. _pendingData: null,
  40275. _pendingEncoding: '',
  40276. server: null,
  40277. _server: null,
  40278. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  40279. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  40280. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  40281. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  40282. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  40283. _internalId: 2,
  40284. _commands:
  40285. Denque {
  40286. _head: 0,
  40287. _tail: 0,
  40288. _capacityMask: 3,
  40289. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40290. _command: undefined,
  40291. _paused: false,
  40292. _paused_packets:
  40293. Denque {
  40294. _head: 0,
  40295. _tail: 0,
  40296. _capacityMask: 3,
  40297. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40298. _statements:
  40299. LRUCache {
  40300. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  40301. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  40302. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  40303. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  40304. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  40305. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  40306. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  40307. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  40308. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  40309. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40310. authorized: true,
  40311. sequenceId: 2,
  40312. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  40313. threadId: 1302,
  40314. _handshakePacket:
  40315. Handshake {
  40316. protocolVersion: 10,
  40317. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  40318. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40319. connectionId: 1302,
  40320. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  40321. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  40322. characterSet: 255,
  40323. statusFlags: 2 },
  40324. _fatalError: null,
  40325. _protocolError: null,
  40326. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  40327. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  40328. packetParser:
  40329. PacketParser {
  40330. buffer: [],
  40331. bufferLength: 0,
  40332. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  40333. headerLen: 0,
  40334. length: 7,
  40335. largePacketParts: [],
  40336. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  40337. onPacket: [Function],
  40338. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  40339. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  40340. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  40341. connectTimeout: null,
  40342. connectionId: 1302 },
  40343. state: 'IDLE' } },
  40344. tail:
  40345. { prev:
  40346. { prev: null,
  40347. next: [Circular],
  40348. data:
  40349. PooledResource {
  40350. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  40351. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  40352. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  40353. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  40354. obj:
  40355. Connection {
  40356. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  40357. _eventsCount: 1,
  40358. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40359. config:
  40360. ConnectionConfig {
  40361. isServer: undefined,
  40362. stream: undefined,
  40363. host: 'localhost',
  40364. port: 3306,
  40365. localAddress: undefined,
  40366. socketPath: undefined,
  40367. user: 'root',
  40368. password: 'abcd1234',
  40369. passwordSha1: undefined,
  40370. database: 'lbry',
  40371. connectTimeout: 10000,
  40372. insecureAuth: false,
  40373. supportBigNumbers: true,
  40374. bigNumberStrings: false,
  40375. decimalNumbers: false,
  40376. dateStrings: false,
  40377. debug: undefined,
  40378. trace: true,
  40379. stringifyObjects: false,
  40380. timezone: '+00:00',
  40381. queryFormat: undefined,
  40382. pool: undefined,
  40383. ssl: false,
  40384. multipleStatements: false,
  40385. rowsAsArray: false,
  40386. namedPlaceholders: false,
  40387. nestTables: undefined,
  40388. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  40389. maxPacketSize: 0,
  40390. charsetNumber: 224,
  40391. compress: false,
  40392. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  40393. clientFlags: 8582093,
  40394. connectAttributes: undefined,
  40395. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  40396. stream:
  40397. Socket {
  40398. connecting: false,
  40399. _hadError: false,
  40400. _handle:
  40401. TCP {
  40402. reading: true,
  40403. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  40404. onconnection: null,
  40405. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  40406. _parent: null,
  40407. _host: 'localhost',
  40408. _readableState:
  40409. ReadableState {
  40410. objectMode: false,
  40411. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40412. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  40413. length: 0,
  40414. pipes: null,
  40415. pipesCount: 0,
  40416. flowing: true,
  40417. ended: false,
  40418. endEmitted: false,
  40419. reading: true,
  40420. sync: false,
  40421. needReadable: true,
  40422. emittedReadable: false,
  40423. readableListening: false,
  40424. resumeScheduled: false,
  40425. emitClose: false,
  40426. autoDestroy: false,
  40427. destroyed: false,
  40428. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40429. awaitDrain: 0,
  40430. readingMore: false,
  40431. decoder: null,
  40432. encoding: null },
  40433. readable: true,
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  40435. [Object: null prototype] {
  40436. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  40437. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  40438. data: [Function],
  40439. close: [Function] },
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  40441. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  40444. objectMode: false,
  40445. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40446. finalCalled: false,
  40447. needDrain: false,
  40448. ending: false,
  40449. ended: false,
  40450. finished: false,
  40451. destroyed: false,
  40452. decodeStrings: false,
  40453. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40454. length: 0,
  40455. writing: false,
  40456. corked: 0,
  40457. sync: false,
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  40459. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  40461. writelen: 0,
  40462. bufferedRequest: null,
  40463. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  40464. pendingcb: 0,
  40465. prefinished: false,
  40466. errorEmitted: false,
  40467. emitClose: false,
  40468. autoDestroy: false,
  40469. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  40470. corkedRequestsFree:
  40471. { next: null,
  40472. entry: null,
  40473. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  40474. writable: true,
  40475. allowHalfOpen: false,
  40476. _sockname: null,
  40477. _pendingData: null,
  40478. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  40480. _server: null,
  40481. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  40482. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  40483. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  40484. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  40485. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  40486. _internalId: 2,
  40487. _commands:
  40488. Denque {
  40489. _head: 0,
  40490. _tail: 0,
  40491. _capacityMask: 3,
  40492. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  40495. _paused_packets:
  40496. Denque {
  40497. _head: 0,
  40498. _tail: 0,
  40499. _capacityMask: 3,
  40500. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  40504. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  40505. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  40506. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  40507. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  40508. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  40509. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  40510. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  40511. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  40512. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40513. authorized: true,
  40514. sequenceId: 2,
  40515. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  40516. threadId: 1302,
  40517. _handshakePacket:
  40518. Handshake {
  40519. protocolVersion: 10,
  40520. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  40521. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40522. connectionId: 1302,
  40523. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  40524. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  40525. characterSet: 255,
  40526. statusFlags: 2 },
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  40528. _protocolError: null,
  40529. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  40531. packetParser:
  40532. PacketParser {
  40533. buffer: [],
  40534. bufferLength: 0,
  40535. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  40536. headerLen: 0,
  40537. length: 7,
  40538. largePacketParts: [],
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  40540. onPacket: [Function],
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  40543. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  40544. connectTimeout: null,
  40545. connectionId: 1302 },
  40546. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  40548. data:
  40549. PooledResource {
  40550. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  40551. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  40552. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  40553. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  40554. obj:
  40555. Connection {
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  40557. _eventsCount: 1,
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  40562. stream: undefined,
  40563. host: 'localhost',
  40564. port: 3306,
  40565. localAddress: undefined,
  40566. socketPath: undefined,
  40567. user: 'root',
  40568. password: 'abcd1234',
  40569. passwordSha1: undefined,
  40570. database: 'lbry',
  40571. connectTimeout: 10000,
  40572. insecureAuth: false,
  40573. supportBigNumbers: true,
  40574. bigNumberStrings: false,
  40575. decimalNumbers: false,
  40576. dateStrings: false,
  40577. debug: undefined,
  40578. trace: true,
  40579. stringifyObjects: false,
  40580. timezone: '+00:00',
  40581. queryFormat: undefined,
  40582. pool: undefined,
  40583. ssl: false,
  40584. multipleStatements: false,
  40585. rowsAsArray: false,
  40586. namedPlaceholders: false,
  40587. nestTables: undefined,
  40588. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  40589. maxPacketSize: 0,
  40590. charsetNumber: 224,
  40591. compress: false,
  40592. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  40593. clientFlags: 8582093,
  40594. connectAttributes: undefined,
  40595. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  40597. Socket {
  40598. connecting: false,
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  40601. TCP {
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  40603. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  40605. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  40607. _host: 'localhost',
  40608. _readableState:
  40609. ReadableState {
  40610. objectMode: false,
  40611. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40612. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  40613. length: 0,
  40614. pipes: null,
  40615. pipesCount: 0,
  40616. flowing: true,
  40617. ended: false,
  40618. endEmitted: false,
  40619. reading: true,
  40620. sync: false,
  40621. needReadable: true,
  40622. emittedReadable: false,
  40623. readableListening: false,
  40624. resumeScheduled: false,
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  40627. destroyed: false,
  40628. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40629. awaitDrain: 0,
  40630. readingMore: false,
  40631. decoder: null,
  40632. encoding: null },
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  40636. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  40637. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  40638. data: [Function],
  40639. close: [Function] },
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  40646. finalCalled: false,
  40647. needDrain: false,
  40648. ending: false,
  40649. ended: false,
  40650. finished: false,
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  40654. length: 0,
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  40656. corked: 0,
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  40663. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  40665. prefinished: false,
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  40668. autoDestroy: false,
  40669. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  40670. corkedRequestsFree:
  40671. { next: null,
  40672. entry: null,
  40673. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  40675. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  40678. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  40680. _server: null,
  40681. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  40682. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  40683. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  40684. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  40685. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  40686. _internalId: 1,
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  40688. Denque {
  40689. _head: 0,
  40690. _tail: 0,
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  40692. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  40695. _paused_packets:
  40696. Denque {
  40697. _head: 0,
  40698. _tail: 0,
  40699. _capacityMask: 3,
  40700. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  40706. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  40707. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  40708. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  40709. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  40710. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  40711. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  40712. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40713. authorized: true,
  40714. sequenceId: 23,
  40715. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  40716. threadId: 1303,
  40717. _handshakePacket:
  40718. Handshake {
  40719. protocolVersion: 10,
  40720. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  40721. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40722. connectionId: 1303,
  40723. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  40724. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  40725. characterSet: 255,
  40726. statusFlags: 2 },
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  40728. _protocolError: null,
  40729. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  40730. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  40731. packetParser:
  40732. PacketParser {
  40733. buffer: [],
  40734. bufferLength: 0,
  40735. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  40736. headerLen: 0,
  40737. length: 5,
  40738. largePacketParts: [],
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  40740. onPacket: [Function],
  40741. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  40742. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  40743. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  40744. connectTimeout: null,
  40745. connectionId: 1303 },
  40746. state: 'IDLE' } },
  40747. length: 2 } },
  40748. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  40749. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  40750. _validationOperations: Set {},
  40751. _allObjects:
  40752. Set {
  40753. PooledResource {
  40754. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  40755. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  40756. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  40757. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  40758. obj:
  40759. Connection {
  40760. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  40761. _eventsCount: 1,
  40762. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40763. config:
  40764. ConnectionConfig {
  40765. isServer: undefined,
  40766. stream: undefined,
  40767. host: 'localhost',
  40768. port: 3306,
  40769. localAddress: undefined,
  40770. socketPath: undefined,
  40771. user: 'root',
  40772. password: 'abcd1234',
  40773. passwordSha1: undefined,
  40774. database: 'lbry',
  40775. connectTimeout: 10000,
  40776. insecureAuth: false,
  40777. supportBigNumbers: true,
  40778. bigNumberStrings: false,
  40779. decimalNumbers: false,
  40780. dateStrings: false,
  40781. debug: undefined,
  40782. trace: true,
  40783. stringifyObjects: false,
  40784. timezone: '+00:00',
  40785. queryFormat: undefined,
  40786. pool: undefined,
  40787. ssl: false,
  40788. multipleStatements: false,
  40789. rowsAsArray: false,
  40790. namedPlaceholders: false,
  40791. nestTables: undefined,
  40792. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  40793. maxPacketSize: 0,
  40794. charsetNumber: 224,
  40795. compress: false,
  40796. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  40797. clientFlags: 8582093,
  40798. connectAttributes: undefined,
  40799. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  40801. Socket {
  40802. connecting: false,
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  40805. TCP {
  40806. reading: true,
  40807. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  40808. onconnection: null,
  40809. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  40810. _parent: null,
  40811. _host: 'localhost',
  40812. _readableState:
  40813. ReadableState {
  40814. objectMode: false,
  40815. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40816. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  40817. length: 0,
  40818. pipes: null,
  40819. pipesCount: 0,
  40820. flowing: true,
  40821. ended: false,
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  40823. reading: true,
  40824. sync: false,
  40825. needReadable: true,
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  40827. readableListening: false,
  40828. resumeScheduled: false,
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  40831. destroyed: false,
  40832. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40833. awaitDrain: 0,
  40834. readingMore: false,
  40835. decoder: null,
  40836. encoding: null },
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  40839. [Object: null prototype] {
  40840. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  40841. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  40842. data: [Function],
  40843. close: [Function] },
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  40845. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  40849. highWaterMark: 16384,
  40850. finalCalled: false,
  40851. needDrain: false,
  40852. ending: false,
  40853. ended: false,
  40854. finished: false,
  40855. destroyed: false,
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  40857. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  40858. length: 0,
  40859. writing: false,
  40860. corked: 0,
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  40866. bufferedRequest: null,
  40867. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  40868. pendingcb: 0,
  40869. prefinished: false,
  40870. errorEmitted: false,
  40871. emitClose: false,
  40872. autoDestroy: false,
  40873. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  40874. corkedRequestsFree:
  40875. { next: null,
  40876. entry: null,
  40877. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  40878. writable: true,
  40879. allowHalfOpen: false,
  40880. _sockname: null,
  40881. _pendingData: null,
  40882. _pendingEncoding: '',
  40883. server: null,
  40884. _server: null,
  40885. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  40886. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  40887. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  40888. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  40889. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  40890. _internalId: 2,
  40891. _commands:
  40892. Denque {
  40893. _head: 0,
  40894. _tail: 0,
  40895. _capacityMask: 3,
  40896. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40897. _command: undefined,
  40898. _paused: false,
  40899. _paused_packets:
  40900. Denque {
  40901. _head: 0,
  40902. _tail: 0,
  40903. _capacityMask: 3,
  40904. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  40905. _statements:
  40906. LRUCache {
  40907. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  40908. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  40909. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  40910. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  40911. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  40912. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  40913. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  40914. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  40915. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  40916. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40917. authorized: true,
  40918. sequenceId: 2,
  40919. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  40920. threadId: 1302,
  40921. _handshakePacket:
  40922. Handshake {
  40923. protocolVersion: 10,
  40924. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  40925. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  40926. connectionId: 1302,
  40927. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  40928. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  40929. characterSet: 255,
  40930. statusFlags: 2 },
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  40932. _protocolError: null,
  40933. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  40934. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  40935. packetParser:
  40936. PacketParser {
  40937. buffer: [],
  40938. bufferLength: 0,
  40939. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  40940. headerLen: 0,
  40941. length: 7,
  40942. largePacketParts: [],
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  40944. onPacket: [Function],
  40945. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  40946. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  40947. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  40948. connectTimeout: null,
  40949. connectionId: 1302 },
  40950. state: 'IDLE' },
  40951. PooledResource {
  40952. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  40953. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  40954. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  40955. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  40956. obj:
  40957. Connection {
  40958. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  40959. _eventsCount: 1,
  40960. _maxListeners: undefined,
  40961. config:
  40962. ConnectionConfig {
  40963. isServer: undefined,
  40964. stream: undefined,
  40965. host: 'localhost',
  40966. port: 3306,
  40967. localAddress: undefined,
  40968. socketPath: undefined,
  40969. user: 'root',
  40970. password: 'abcd1234',
  40971. passwordSha1: undefined,
  40972. database: 'lbry',
  40973. connectTimeout: 10000,
  40974. insecureAuth: false,
  40975. supportBigNumbers: true,
  40976. bigNumberStrings: false,
  40977. decimalNumbers: false,
  40978. dateStrings: false,
  40979. debug: undefined,
  40980. trace: true,
  40981. stringifyObjects: false,
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  40983. queryFormat: undefined,
  40984. pool: undefined,
  40985. ssl: false,
  40986. multipleStatements: false,
  40987. rowsAsArray: false,
  40988. namedPlaceholders: false,
  40989. nestTables: undefined,
  40990. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  40992. charsetNumber: 224,
  40993. compress: false,
  40994. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  40995. clientFlags: 8582093,
  40996. connectAttributes: undefined,
  40997. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  40999. Socket {
  41000. connecting: false,
  41001. _hadError: false,
  41002. _handle:
  41003. TCP {
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  41005. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  41006. onconnection: null,
  41007. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  41008. _parent: null,
  41009. _host: 'localhost',
  41010. _readableState:
  41011. ReadableState {
  41012. objectMode: false,
  41013. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41014. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  41015. length: 0,
  41016. pipes: null,
  41017. pipesCount: 0,
  41018. flowing: true,
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  41021. reading: true,
  41022. sync: false,
  41023. needReadable: true,
  41024. emittedReadable: false,
  41025. readableListening: false,
  41026. resumeScheduled: false,
  41027. emitClose: false,
  41028. autoDestroy: false,
  41029. destroyed: false,
  41030. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41031. awaitDrain: 0,
  41032. readingMore: false,
  41033. decoder: null,
  41034. encoding: null },
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  41037. [Object: null prototype] {
  41038. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  41039. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  41040. data: [Function],
  41041. close: [Function] },
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  41045. WritableState {
  41046. objectMode: false,
  41047. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41048. finalCalled: false,
  41049. needDrain: false,
  41050. ending: false,
  41051. ended: false,
  41052. finished: false,
  41053. destroyed: false,
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  41055. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41056. length: 0,
  41057. writing: false,
  41058. corked: 0,
  41059. sync: false,
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  41065. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  41066. pendingcb: 0,
  41067. prefinished: false,
  41068. errorEmitted: false,
  41069. emitClose: false,
  41070. autoDestroy: false,
  41071. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  41072. corkedRequestsFree:
  41073. { next: null,
  41074. entry: null,
  41075. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  41076. writable: true,
  41077. allowHalfOpen: false,
  41078. _sockname: null,
  41079. _pendingData: null,
  41080. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  41082. _server: null,
  41083. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  41084. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  41085. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  41086. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  41087. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  41088. _internalId: 1,
  41089. _commands:
  41090. Denque {
  41091. _head: 0,
  41092. _tail: 0,
  41093. _capacityMask: 3,
  41094. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41095. _command: undefined,
  41096. _paused: false,
  41097. _paused_packets:
  41098. Denque {
  41099. _head: 0,
  41100. _tail: 0,
  41101. _capacityMask: 3,
  41102. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41103. _statements:
  41104. LRUCache {
  41105. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  41106. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  41107. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  41108. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  41109. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  41110. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  41111. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  41112. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  41113. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  41114. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41115. authorized: true,
  41116. sequenceId: 23,
  41117. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  41118. threadId: 1303,
  41119. _handshakePacket:
  41120. Handshake {
  41121. protocolVersion: 10,
  41122. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  41123. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41124. connectionId: 1303,
  41125. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  41126. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  41127. characterSet: 255,
  41128. statusFlags: 2 },
  41129. _fatalError: null,
  41130. _protocolError: null,
  41131. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  41132. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  41133. packetParser:
  41134. PacketParser {
  41135. buffer: [],
  41136. bufferLength: 0,
  41137. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  41138. headerLen: 0,
  41139. length: 5,
  41140. largePacketParts: [],
  41141. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  41142. onPacket: [Function],
  41143. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  41144. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  41145. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  41146. connectTimeout: null,
  41147. connectionId: 1303 },
  41148. state: 'IDLE' } },
  41149. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  41150. _evictionIterator:
  41151. DequeIterator {
  41152. _list:
  41153. DoublyLinkedList {
  41154. head:
  41155. { prev: null,
  41156. next:
  41157. { prev: [Circular],
  41158. next: null,
  41159. data:
  41160. PooledResource {
  41161. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  41162. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  41163. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  41164. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  41165. obj:
  41166. Connection {
  41167. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  41168. _eventsCount: 1,
  41169. _maxListeners: undefined,
  41170. config:
  41171. ConnectionConfig {
  41172. isServer: undefined,
  41173. stream: undefined,
  41174. host: 'localhost',
  41175. port: 3306,
  41176. localAddress: undefined,
  41177. socketPath: undefined,
  41178. user: 'root',
  41179. password: 'abcd1234',
  41180. passwordSha1: undefined,
  41181. database: 'lbry',
  41182. connectTimeout: 10000,
  41183. insecureAuth: false,
  41184. supportBigNumbers: true,
  41185. bigNumberStrings: false,
  41186. decimalNumbers: false,
  41187. dateStrings: false,
  41188. debug: undefined,
  41189. trace: true,
  41190. stringifyObjects: false,
  41191. timezone: '+00:00',
  41192. queryFormat: undefined,
  41193. pool: undefined,
  41194. ssl: false,
  41195. multipleStatements: false,
  41196. rowsAsArray: false,
  41197. namedPlaceholders: false,
  41198. nestTables: undefined,
  41199. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  41200. maxPacketSize: 0,
  41201. charsetNumber: 224,
  41202. compress: false,
  41203. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  41204. clientFlags: 8582093,
  41205. connectAttributes: undefined,
  41206. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  41207. stream:
  41208. Socket {
  41209. connecting: false,
  41210. _hadError: false,
  41211. _handle:
  41212. TCP {
  41213. reading: true,
  41214. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  41215. onconnection: null,
  41216. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  41217. _parent: null,
  41218. _host: 'localhost',
  41219. _readableState:
  41220. ReadableState {
  41221. objectMode: false,
  41222. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41223. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  41224. length: 0,
  41225. pipes: null,
  41226. pipesCount: 0,
  41227. flowing: true,
  41228. ended: false,
  41229. endEmitted: false,
  41230. reading: true,
  41231. sync: false,
  41232. needReadable: true,
  41233. emittedReadable: false,
  41234. readableListening: false,
  41235. resumeScheduled: false,
  41236. emitClose: false,
  41237. autoDestroy: false,
  41238. destroyed: false,
  41239. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41240. awaitDrain: 0,
  41241. readingMore: false,
  41242. decoder: null,
  41243. encoding: null },
  41244. readable: true,
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  41246. [Object: null prototype] {
  41247. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  41248. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  41249. data: [Function],
  41250. close: [Function] },
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  41252. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  41256. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41257. finalCalled: false,
  41258. needDrain: false,
  41259. ending: false,
  41260. ended: false,
  41261. finished: false,
  41262. destroyed: false,
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  41264. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41265. length: 0,
  41266. writing: false,
  41267. corked: 0,
  41268. sync: false,
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  41272. writelen: 0,
  41273. bufferedRequest: null,
  41274. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  41275. pendingcb: 0,
  41276. prefinished: false,
  41277. errorEmitted: false,
  41278. emitClose: false,
  41279. autoDestroy: false,
  41280. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  41281. corkedRequestsFree:
  41282. { next: null,
  41283. entry: null,
  41284. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  41285. writable: true,
  41286. allowHalfOpen: false,
  41287. _sockname: null,
  41288. _pendingData: null,
  41289. _pendingEncoding: '',
  41290. server: null,
  41291. _server: null,
  41292. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  41293. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  41294. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  41295. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  41296. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  41297. _internalId: 1,
  41298. _commands:
  41299. Denque {
  41300. _head: 0,
  41301. _tail: 0,
  41302. _capacityMask: 3,
  41303. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41304. _command: undefined,
  41305. _paused: false,
  41306. _paused_packets:
  41307. Denque {
  41308. _head: 0,
  41309. _tail: 0,
  41310. _capacityMask: 3,
  41311. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41312. _statements:
  41313. LRUCache {
  41314. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  41315. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  41316. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  41317. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  41318. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  41319. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  41320. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  41321. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  41322. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  41323. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41324. authorized: true,
  41325. sequenceId: 23,
  41326. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  41327. threadId: 1303,
  41328. _handshakePacket:
  41329. Handshake {
  41330. protocolVersion: 10,
  41331. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  41332. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41333. connectionId: 1303,
  41334. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  41335. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  41336. characterSet: 255,
  41337. statusFlags: 2 },
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  41339. _protocolError: null,
  41340. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  41341. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  41342. packetParser:
  41343. PacketParser {
  41344. buffer: [],
  41345. bufferLength: 0,
  41346. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  41347. headerLen: 0,
  41348. length: 5,
  41349. largePacketParts: [],
  41350. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  41351. onPacket: [Function],
  41352. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  41353. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  41354. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  41355. connectTimeout: null,
  41356. connectionId: 1303 },
  41357. state: 'IDLE' } },
  41358. data:
  41359. PooledResource {
  41360. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  41361. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  41362. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  41363. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  41364. obj:
  41365. Connection {
  41366. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  41367. _eventsCount: 1,
  41368. _maxListeners: undefined,
  41369. config:
  41370. ConnectionConfig {
  41371. isServer: undefined,
  41372. stream: undefined,
  41373. host: 'localhost',
  41374. port: 3306,
  41375. localAddress: undefined,
  41376. socketPath: undefined,
  41377. user: 'root',
  41378. password: 'abcd1234',
  41379. passwordSha1: undefined,
  41380. database: 'lbry',
  41381. connectTimeout: 10000,
  41382. insecureAuth: false,
  41383. supportBigNumbers: true,
  41384. bigNumberStrings: false,
  41385. decimalNumbers: false,
  41386. dateStrings: false,
  41387. debug: undefined,
  41388. trace: true,
  41389. stringifyObjects: false,
  41390. timezone: '+00:00',
  41391. queryFormat: undefined,
  41392. pool: undefined,
  41393. ssl: false,
  41394. multipleStatements: false,
  41395. rowsAsArray: false,
  41396. namedPlaceholders: false,
  41397. nestTables: undefined,
  41398. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  41399. maxPacketSize: 0,
  41400. charsetNumber: 224,
  41401. compress: false,
  41402. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  41403. clientFlags: 8582093,
  41404. connectAttributes: undefined,
  41405. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  41406. stream:
  41407. Socket {
  41408. connecting: false,
  41409. _hadError: false,
  41410. _handle:
  41411. TCP {
  41412. reading: true,
  41413. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  41414. onconnection: null,
  41415. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  41416. _parent: null,
  41417. _host: 'localhost',
  41418. _readableState:
  41419. ReadableState {
  41420. objectMode: false,
  41421. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41422. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  41423. length: 0,
  41424. pipes: null,
  41425. pipesCount: 0,
  41426. flowing: true,
  41427. ended: false,
  41428. endEmitted: false,
  41429. reading: true,
  41430. sync: false,
  41431. needReadable: true,
  41432. emittedReadable: false,
  41433. readableListening: false,
  41434. resumeScheduled: false,
  41435. emitClose: false,
  41436. autoDestroy: false,
  41437. destroyed: false,
  41438. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41439. awaitDrain: 0,
  41440. readingMore: false,
  41441. decoder: null,
  41442. encoding: null },
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  41445. [Object: null prototype] {
  41446. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  41447. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  41448. data: [Function],
  41449. close: [Function] },
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  41451. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  41455. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41456. finalCalled: false,
  41457. needDrain: false,
  41458. ending: false,
  41459. ended: false,
  41460. finished: false,
  41461. destroyed: false,
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  41463. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41464. length: 0,
  41465. writing: false,
  41466. corked: 0,
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  41469. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  41471. writelen: 0,
  41472. bufferedRequest: null,
  41473. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  41474. pendingcb: 0,
  41475. prefinished: false,
  41476. errorEmitted: false,
  41477. emitClose: false,
  41478. autoDestroy: false,
  41479. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  41480. corkedRequestsFree:
  41481. { next: null,
  41482. entry: null,
  41483. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  41484. writable: true,
  41485. allowHalfOpen: false,
  41486. _sockname: null,
  41487. _pendingData: null,
  41488. _pendingEncoding: '',
  41489. server: null,
  41490. _server: null,
  41491. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  41492. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  41493. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  41494. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  41495. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  41496. _internalId: 2,
  41497. _commands:
  41498. Denque {
  41499. _head: 0,
  41500. _tail: 0,
  41501. _capacityMask: 3,
  41502. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41503. _command: undefined,
  41504. _paused: false,
  41505. _paused_packets:
  41506. Denque {
  41507. _head: 0,
  41508. _tail: 0,
  41509. _capacityMask: 3,
  41510. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41511. _statements:
  41512. LRUCache {
  41513. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  41514. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  41515. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  41516. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  41517. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  41518. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  41519. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  41520. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  41521. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  41522. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41523. authorized: true,
  41524. sequenceId: 2,
  41525. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  41526. threadId: 1302,
  41527. _handshakePacket:
  41528. Handshake {
  41529. protocolVersion: 10,
  41530. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  41531. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41532. connectionId: 1302,
  41533. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  41534. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  41535. characterSet: 255,
  41536. statusFlags: 2 },
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  41538. _protocolError: null,
  41539. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  41540. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  41541. packetParser:
  41542. PacketParser {
  41543. buffer: [],
  41544. bufferLength: 0,
  41545. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  41546. headerLen: 0,
  41547. length: 7,
  41548. largePacketParts: [],
  41549. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  41550. onPacket: [Function],
  41551. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  41552. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  41553. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  41554. connectTimeout: null,
  41555. connectionId: 1302 },
  41556. state: 'IDLE' } },
  41557. tail:
  41558. { prev:
  41559. { prev: null,
  41560. next: [Circular],
  41561. data:
  41562. PooledResource {
  41563. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  41564. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  41565. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  41566. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  41567. obj:
  41568. Connection {
  41569. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  41570. _eventsCount: 1,
  41571. _maxListeners: undefined,
  41572. config:
  41573. ConnectionConfig {
  41574. isServer: undefined,
  41575. stream: undefined,
  41576. host: 'localhost',
  41577. port: 3306,
  41578. localAddress: undefined,
  41579. socketPath: undefined,
  41580. user: 'root',
  41581. password: 'abcd1234',
  41582. passwordSha1: undefined,
  41583. database: 'lbry',
  41584. connectTimeout: 10000,
  41585. insecureAuth: false,
  41586. supportBigNumbers: true,
  41587. bigNumberStrings: false,
  41588. decimalNumbers: false,
  41589. dateStrings: false,
  41590. debug: undefined,
  41591. trace: true,
  41592. stringifyObjects: false,
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  41594. queryFormat: undefined,
  41595. pool: undefined,
  41596. ssl: false,
  41597. multipleStatements: false,
  41598. rowsAsArray: false,
  41599. namedPlaceholders: false,
  41600. nestTables: undefined,
  41601. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  41602. maxPacketSize: 0,
  41603. charsetNumber: 224,
  41604. compress: false,
  41605. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  41606. clientFlags: 8582093,
  41607. connectAttributes: undefined,
  41608. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  41609. stream:
  41610. Socket {
  41611. connecting: false,
  41612. _hadError: false,
  41613. _handle:
  41614. TCP {
  41615. reading: true,
  41616. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  41617. onconnection: null,
  41618. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  41619. _parent: null,
  41620. _host: 'localhost',
  41621. _readableState:
  41622. ReadableState {
  41623. objectMode: false,
  41624. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41625. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  41626. length: 0,
  41627. pipes: null,
  41628. pipesCount: 0,
  41629. flowing: true,
  41630. ended: false,
  41631. endEmitted: false,
  41632. reading: true,
  41633. sync: false,
  41634. needReadable: true,
  41635. emittedReadable: false,
  41636. readableListening: false,
  41637. resumeScheduled: false,
  41638. emitClose: false,
  41639. autoDestroy: false,
  41640. destroyed: false,
  41641. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41642. awaitDrain: 0,
  41643. readingMore: false,
  41644. decoder: null,
  41645. encoding: null },
  41646. readable: true,
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  41648. [Object: null prototype] {
  41649. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  41650. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  41651. data: [Function],
  41652. close: [Function] },
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  41654. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  41656. WritableState {
  41657. objectMode: false,
  41658. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41659. finalCalled: false,
  41660. needDrain: false,
  41661. ending: false,
  41662. ended: false,
  41663. finished: false,
  41664. destroyed: false,
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  41666. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41667. length: 0,
  41668. writing: false,
  41669. corked: 0,
  41670. sync: false,
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  41674. writelen: 0,
  41675. bufferedRequest: null,
  41676. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  41677. pendingcb: 0,
  41678. prefinished: false,
  41679. errorEmitted: false,
  41680. emitClose: false,
  41681. autoDestroy: false,
  41682. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  41683. corkedRequestsFree:
  41684. { next: null,
  41685. entry: null,
  41686. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  41687. writable: true,
  41688. allowHalfOpen: false,
  41689. _sockname: null,
  41690. _pendingData: null,
  41691. _pendingEncoding: '',
  41692. server: null,
  41693. _server: null,
  41694. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  41695. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  41696. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  41697. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  41698. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  41699. _internalId: 2,
  41700. _commands:
  41701. Denque {
  41702. _head: 0,
  41703. _tail: 0,
  41704. _capacityMask: 3,
  41705. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41706. _command: undefined,
  41707. _paused: false,
  41708. _paused_packets:
  41709. Denque {
  41710. _head: 0,
  41711. _tail: 0,
  41712. _capacityMask: 3,
  41713. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41714. _statements:
  41715. LRUCache {
  41716. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  41717. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  41718. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  41719. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  41720. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  41721. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  41722. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  41723. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  41724. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  41725. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41726. authorized: true,
  41727. sequenceId: 2,
  41728. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  41729. threadId: 1302,
  41730. _handshakePacket:
  41731. Handshake {
  41732. protocolVersion: 10,
  41733. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  41734. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41735. connectionId: 1302,
  41736. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  41737. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  41738. characterSet: 255,
  41739. statusFlags: 2 },
  41740. _fatalError: null,
  41741. _protocolError: null,
  41742. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  41743. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  41744. packetParser:
  41745. PacketParser {
  41746. buffer: [],
  41747. bufferLength: 0,
  41748. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  41749. headerLen: 0,
  41750. length: 7,
  41751. largePacketParts: [],
  41752. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  41753. onPacket: [Function],
  41754. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  41755. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  41756. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  41757. connectTimeout: null,
  41758. connectionId: 1302 },
  41759. state: 'IDLE' } },
  41760. next: null,
  41761. data:
  41762. PooledResource {
  41763. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  41764. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  41765. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  41766. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  41767. obj:
  41768. Connection {
  41769. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  41770. _eventsCount: 1,
  41771. _maxListeners: undefined,
  41772. config:
  41773. ConnectionConfig {
  41774. isServer: undefined,
  41775. stream: undefined,
  41776. host: 'localhost',
  41777. port: 3306,
  41778. localAddress: undefined,
  41779. socketPath: undefined,
  41780. user: 'root',
  41781. password: 'abcd1234',
  41782. passwordSha1: undefined,
  41783. database: 'lbry',
  41784. connectTimeout: 10000,
  41785. insecureAuth: false,
  41786. supportBigNumbers: true,
  41787. bigNumberStrings: false,
  41788. decimalNumbers: false,
  41789. dateStrings: false,
  41790. debug: undefined,
  41791. trace: true,
  41792. stringifyObjects: false,
  41793. timezone: '+00:00',
  41794. queryFormat: undefined,
  41795. pool: undefined,
  41796. ssl: false,
  41797. multipleStatements: false,
  41798. rowsAsArray: false,
  41799. namedPlaceholders: false,
  41800. nestTables: undefined,
  41801. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  41802. maxPacketSize: 0,
  41803. charsetNumber: 224,
  41804. compress: false,
  41805. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  41806. clientFlags: 8582093,
  41807. connectAttributes: undefined,
  41808. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  41809. stream:
  41810. Socket {
  41811. connecting: false,
  41812. _hadError: false,
  41813. _handle:
  41814. TCP {
  41815. reading: true,
  41816. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  41817. onconnection: null,
  41818. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  41819. _parent: null,
  41820. _host: 'localhost',
  41821. _readableState:
  41822. ReadableState {
  41823. objectMode: false,
  41824. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41825. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  41826. length: 0,
  41827. pipes: null,
  41828. pipesCount: 0,
  41829. flowing: true,
  41830. ended: false,
  41831. endEmitted: false,
  41832. reading: true,
  41833. sync: false,
  41834. needReadable: true,
  41835. emittedReadable: false,
  41836. readableListening: false,
  41837. resumeScheduled: false,
  41838. emitClose: false,
  41839. autoDestroy: false,
  41840. destroyed: false,
  41841. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41842. awaitDrain: 0,
  41843. readingMore: false,
  41844. decoder: null,
  41845. encoding: null },
  41846. readable: true,
  41847. _events:
  41848. [Object: null prototype] {
  41849. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  41850. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  41851. data: [Function],
  41852. close: [Function] },
  41853. _eventsCount: 4,
  41854. _maxListeners: undefined,
  41855. _writableState:
  41856. WritableState {
  41857. objectMode: false,
  41858. highWaterMark: 16384,
  41859. finalCalled: false,
  41860. needDrain: false,
  41861. ending: false,
  41862. ended: false,
  41863. finished: false,
  41864. destroyed: false,
  41865. decodeStrings: false,
  41866. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  41867. length: 0,
  41868. writing: false,
  41869. corked: 0,
  41870. sync: false,
  41871. bufferProcessing: false,
  41872. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  41873. writecb: null,
  41874. writelen: 0,
  41875. bufferedRequest: null,
  41876. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  41877. pendingcb: 0,
  41878. prefinished: false,
  41879. errorEmitted: false,
  41880. emitClose: false,
  41881. autoDestroy: false,
  41882. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  41883. corkedRequestsFree:
  41884. { next: null,
  41885. entry: null,
  41886. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  41887. writable: true,
  41888. allowHalfOpen: false,
  41889. _sockname: null,
  41890. _pendingData: null,
  41891. _pendingEncoding: '',
  41892. server: null,
  41893. _server: null,
  41894. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  41895. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  41896. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  41897. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  41898. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  41899. _internalId: 1,
  41900. _commands:
  41901. Denque {
  41902. _head: 0,
  41903. _tail: 0,
  41904. _capacityMask: 3,
  41905. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41906. _command: undefined,
  41907. _paused: false,
  41908. _paused_packets:
  41909. Denque {
  41910. _head: 0,
  41911. _tail: 0,
  41912. _capacityMask: 3,
  41913. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  41914. _statements:
  41915. LRUCache {
  41916. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  41917. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  41918. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  41919. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  41920. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  41921. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  41922. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  41923. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  41924. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  41925. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41926. authorized: true,
  41927. sequenceId: 23,
  41928. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  41929. threadId: 1303,
  41930. _handshakePacket:
  41931. Handshake {
  41932. protocolVersion: 10,
  41933. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  41934. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  41935. connectionId: 1303,
  41936. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  41937. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  41938. characterSet: 255,
  41939. statusFlags: 2 },
  41940. _fatalError: null,
  41941. _protocolError: null,
  41942. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  41943. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  41944. packetParser:
  41945. PacketParser {
  41946. buffer: [],
  41947. bufferLength: 0,
  41948. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  41949. headerLen: 0,
  41950. length: 5,
  41951. largePacketParts: [],
  41952. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  41953. onPacket: [Function],
  41954. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  41955. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  41956. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  41957. connectTimeout: null,
  41958. connectionId: 1303 },
  41959. state: 'IDLE' } },
  41960. length: 2 },
  41961. _direction: 'next',
  41962. _startPosition: 'head',
  41963. _started: false,
  41964. _cursor: null,
  41965. _done: false },
  41966. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  41967. _scheduledEviction:
  41968. Timeout {
  41969. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  41970. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  41971. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  41972. _idleStart: 432,
  41973. _onTimeout: [Function],
  41974. _timerArgs: undefined,
  41975. _repeat: null,
  41976. _destroyed: false,
  41977. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  41978. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  41979. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  41980. lib:
  41981. { createConnection: [Function],
  41982. connect: [Function],
  41983. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  41984. createPool: [Function],
  41985. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  41986. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  41987. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  41988. createServer: [Function],
  41989. PoolConnection:
  41990. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  41991. escape: [Function: escape],
  41992. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  41993. format: [Function: format],
  41994. raw: [Function: raw],
  41995. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  41996. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  41997. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  41998. Types: [Getter],
  41999. Charsets: [Getter],
  42000. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  42001. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  42002. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  42003. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  42004. sequelize: [Circular],
  42005. typeValidation: undefined } },
  42006. models:
  42007. { Balloons:
  42008. { [Function: Balloons]
  42009. sequelize: [Circular],
  42010. options: [Circular],
  42011. associations: {},
  42012. underscored: undefined,
  42013. tableName: 'Balloons',
  42014. _schema: null,
  42015. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  42016. rawAttributes:
  42017. { id:
  42018. { type:
  42019. INTEGER {
  42020. options: { length: undefined },
  42021. _length: undefined,
  42022. _zerofill: undefined,
  42023. _decimals: undefined,
  42024. _precision: undefined,
  42025. _scale: undefined,
  42026. _unsigned: undefined },
  42027. allowNull: false,
  42028. primaryKey: true,
  42029. autoIncrement: true,
  42030. _autoGenerated: true,
  42031. Model: [Circular],
  42032. fieldName: 'id',
  42033. _modelAttribute: true,
  42034. field: 'id' },
  42035. size:
  42036. { type:
  42037. STRING {
  42038. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42039. _binary: undefined,
  42040. _length: 255 },
  42041. Model: [Circular],
  42042. fieldName: 'size',
  42043. _modelAttribute: true,
  42044. field: 'size' },
  42045. color:
  42046. { type:
  42047. STRING {
  42048. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42049. _binary: undefined,
  42050. _length: 255 },
  42051. Model: [Circular],
  42052. fieldName: 'color',
  42053. _modelAttribute: true,
  42054. field: 'color' },
  42055. createdAt:
  42056. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42057. allowNull: false,
  42058. _autoGenerated: true,
  42059. Model: [Circular],
  42060. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42061. _modelAttribute: true,
  42062. field: 'createdAt' },
  42063. updatedAt:
  42064. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42065. allowNull: false,
  42066. _autoGenerated: true,
  42067. Model: [Circular],
  42068. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42069. _modelAttribute: true,
  42070. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42071. primaryKeys:
  42072. { id:
  42073. { type:
  42074. INTEGER {
  42075. options: { length: undefined },
  42076. _length: undefined,
  42077. _zerofill: undefined,
  42078. _decimals: undefined,
  42079. _precision: undefined,
  42080. _scale: undefined,
  42081. _unsigned: undefined },
  42082. allowNull: false,
  42083. primaryKey: true,
  42084. autoIncrement: true,
  42085. _autoGenerated: true,
  42086. Model: [Circular],
  42087. fieldName: 'id',
  42088. _modelAttribute: true,
  42089. field: 'id' } },
  42090. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  42091. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  42092. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  42093. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  42094. { [Function: memoized]
  42095. cache:
  42096. MapCache {
  42097. size: 0,
  42098. __data__:
  42099. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42100. map: Map {},
  42101. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42102. _dataTypeChanges:
  42103. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  42104. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  42105. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  42106. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  42107. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  42108. _booleanAttributes: [],
  42109. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  42110. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  42111. _rangeAttributes: [],
  42112. _jsonAttributes: [],
  42113. _geometryAttributes: [],
  42114. _virtualAttributes: [],
  42115. _defaultValues: {},
  42116. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  42117. { id:
  42118. { type:
  42119. INTEGER {
  42120. options: { length: undefined },
  42121. _length: undefined,
  42122. _zerofill: undefined,
  42123. _decimals: undefined,
  42124. _precision: undefined,
  42125. _scale: undefined,
  42126. _unsigned: undefined },
  42127. allowNull: false,
  42128. primaryKey: true,
  42129. autoIncrement: true,
  42130. _autoGenerated: true,
  42131. Model: [Circular],
  42132. fieldName: 'id',
  42133. _modelAttribute: true,
  42134. field: 'id' },
  42135. size:
  42136. { type:
  42137. STRING {
  42138. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42139. _binary: undefined,
  42140. _length: 255 },
  42141. Model: [Circular],
  42142. fieldName: 'size',
  42143. _modelAttribute: true,
  42144. field: 'size' },
  42145. color:
  42146. { type:
  42147. STRING {
  42148. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42149. _binary: undefined,
  42150. _length: 255 },
  42151. Model: [Circular],
  42152. fieldName: 'color',
  42153. _modelAttribute: true,
  42154. field: 'color' },
  42155. createdAt:
  42156. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42157. allowNull: false,
  42158. _autoGenerated: true,
  42159. Model: [Circular],
  42160. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42161. _modelAttribute: true,
  42162. field: 'createdAt' },
  42163. updatedAt:
  42164. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42165. allowNull: false,
  42166. _autoGenerated: true,
  42167. Model: [Circular],
  42168. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42169. _modelAttribute: true,
  42170. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42171. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  42172. uniqueKeys: {},
  42173. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  42174. _isBooleanAttribute:
  42175. { [Function: memoized]
  42176. cache:
  42177. MapCache {
  42178. size: 0,
  42179. __data__:
  42180. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42181. map: Map {},
  42182. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42183. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  42184. _isDateAttribute:
  42185. { [Function: memoized]
  42186. cache:
  42187. MapCache {
  42188. size: 0,
  42189. __data__:
  42190. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42191. map: Map {},
  42192. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42193. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  42194. _isHstoreAttribute:
  42195. { [Function: memoized]
  42196. cache:
  42197. MapCache {
  42198. size: 0,
  42199. __data__:
  42200. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42201. map: Map {},
  42202. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42203. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  42204. _isRangeAttribute:
  42205. { [Function: memoized]
  42206. cache:
  42207. MapCache {
  42208. size: 0,
  42209. __data__:
  42210. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42211. map: Map {},
  42212. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42213. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  42214. _isJsonAttribute:
  42215. { [Function: memoized]
  42216. cache:
  42217. MapCache {
  42218. size: 0,
  42219. __data__:
  42220. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42221. map: Map {},
  42222. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42223. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  42224. _isVirtualAttribute:
  42225. { [Function: memoized]
  42226. cache:
  42227. MapCache {
  42228. size: 5,
  42229. __data__:
  42230. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42231. map: Map {},
  42232. string:
  42233. Hash {
  42234. __data__:
  42235. [Object: null prototype] {
  42236. id: false,
  42237. size: false,
  42238. color: false,
  42239. createdAt: false,
  42240. updatedAt: false },
  42241. size: 5 } } } },
  42242. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  42243. _isGeometryAttribute:
  42244. { [Function: memoized]
  42245. cache:
  42246. MapCache {
  42247. size: 0,
  42248. __data__:
  42249. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42250. map: Map {},
  42251. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42252. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  42253. attributes:
  42254. { id:
  42255. { type:
  42256. INTEGER {
  42257. options: { length: undefined },
  42258. _length: undefined,
  42259. _zerofill: undefined,
  42260. _decimals: undefined,
  42261. _precision: undefined,
  42262. _scale: undefined,
  42263. _unsigned: undefined },
  42264. allowNull: false,
  42265. primaryKey: true,
  42266. autoIncrement: true,
  42267. _autoGenerated: true,
  42268. Model: [Circular],
  42269. fieldName: 'id',
  42270. _modelAttribute: true,
  42271. field: 'id' },
  42272. size:
  42273. { type:
  42274. STRING {
  42275. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42276. _binary: undefined,
  42277. _length: 255 },
  42278. Model: [Circular],
  42279. fieldName: 'size',
  42280. _modelAttribute: true,
  42281. field: 'size' },
  42282. color:
  42283. { type:
  42284. STRING {
  42285. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42286. _binary: undefined,
  42287. _length: 255 },
  42288. Model: [Circular],
  42289. fieldName: 'color',
  42290. _modelAttribute: true,
  42291. field: 'color' },
  42292. createdAt:
  42293. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42294. allowNull: false,
  42295. _autoGenerated: true,
  42296. Model: [Circular],
  42297. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42298. _modelAttribute: true,
  42299. field: 'createdAt' },
  42300. updatedAt:
  42301. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42302. allowNull: false,
  42303. _autoGenerated: true,
  42304. Model: [Circular],
  42305. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42306. _modelAttribute: true,
  42307. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42308. tableAttributes:
  42309. { id:
  42310. { type:
  42311. INTEGER {
  42312. options: { length: undefined },
  42313. _length: undefined,
  42314. _zerofill: undefined,
  42315. _decimals: undefined,
  42316. _precision: undefined,
  42317. _scale: undefined,
  42318. _unsigned: undefined },
  42319. allowNull: false,
  42320. primaryKey: true,
  42321. autoIncrement: true,
  42322. _autoGenerated: true,
  42323. Model: [Circular],
  42324. fieldName: 'id',
  42325. _modelAttribute: true,
  42326. field: 'id' },
  42327. size:
  42328. { type:
  42329. STRING {
  42330. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42331. _binary: undefined,
  42332. _length: 255 },
  42333. Model: [Circular],
  42334. fieldName: 'size',
  42335. _modelAttribute: true,
  42336. field: 'size' },
  42337. color:
  42338. { type:
  42339. STRING {
  42340. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42341. _binary: undefined,
  42342. _length: 255 },
  42343. Model: [Circular],
  42344. fieldName: 'color',
  42345. _modelAttribute: true,
  42346. field: 'color' },
  42347. createdAt:
  42348. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42349. allowNull: false,
  42350. _autoGenerated: true,
  42351. Model: [Circular],
  42352. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42353. _modelAttribute: true,
  42354. field: 'createdAt' },
  42355. updatedAt:
  42356. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42357. allowNull: false,
  42358. _autoGenerated: true,
  42359. Model: [Circular],
  42360. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42361. _modelAttribute: true,
  42362. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42363. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  42364. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  42365. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  42366. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  42367. _isPrimaryKey:
  42368. { [Function: memoized]
  42369. cache:
  42370. MapCache {
  42371. size: 0,
  42372. __data__:
  42373. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42374. map: Map {},
  42375. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42376. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  42377. _scope: {},
  42378. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  42379. modelManager:
  42380. ModelManager {
  42381. models:
  42382. [ { [Function: Balloons]
  42383. sequelize: [Circular],
  42384. options: [Circular],
  42385. associations: {},
  42386. underscored: undefined,
  42387. tableName: 'Balloons',
  42388. _schema: null,
  42389. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  42390. rawAttributes:
  42391. { id:
  42392. { type:
  42393. INTEGER {
  42394. options: { length: undefined },
  42395. _length: undefined,
  42396. _zerofill: undefined,
  42397. _decimals: undefined,
  42398. _precision: undefined,
  42399. _scale: undefined,
  42400. _unsigned: undefined },
  42401. allowNull: false,
  42402. primaryKey: true,
  42403. autoIncrement: true,
  42404. _autoGenerated: true,
  42405. Model: [Circular],
  42406. fieldName: 'id',
  42407. _modelAttribute: true,
  42408. field: 'id' },
  42409. size:
  42410. { type:
  42411. STRING {
  42412. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42413. _binary: undefined,
  42414. _length: 255 },
  42415. Model: [Circular],
  42416. fieldName: 'size',
  42417. _modelAttribute: true,
  42418. field: 'size' },
  42419. color:
  42420. { type:
  42421. STRING {
  42422. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42423. _binary: undefined,
  42424. _length: 255 },
  42425. Model: [Circular],
  42426. fieldName: 'color',
  42427. _modelAttribute: true,
  42428. field: 'color' },
  42429. createdAt:
  42430. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42431. allowNull: false,
  42432. _autoGenerated: true,
  42433. Model: [Circular],
  42434. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42435. _modelAttribute: true,
  42436. field: 'createdAt' },
  42437. updatedAt:
  42438. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42439. allowNull: false,
  42440. _autoGenerated: true,
  42441. Model: [Circular],
  42442. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42443. _modelAttribute: true,
  42444. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42445. primaryKeys:
  42446. { id:
  42447. { type:
  42448. INTEGER {
  42449. options: { length: undefined },
  42450. _length: undefined,
  42451. _zerofill: undefined,
  42452. _decimals: undefined,
  42453. _precision: undefined,
  42454. _scale: undefined,
  42455. _unsigned: undefined },
  42456. allowNull: false,
  42457. primaryKey: true,
  42458. autoIncrement: true,
  42459. _autoGenerated: true,
  42460. Model: [Circular],
  42461. fieldName: 'id',
  42462. _modelAttribute: true,
  42463. field: 'id' } },
  42464. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  42465. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  42466. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  42467. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  42468. { [Function: memoized]
  42469. cache:
  42470. MapCache {
  42471. size: 0,
  42472. __data__:
  42473. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42474. map: Map {},
  42475. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42476. _dataTypeChanges:
  42477. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  42478. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  42479. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  42480. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  42481. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  42482. _booleanAttributes: [],
  42483. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  42484. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  42485. _rangeAttributes: [],
  42486. _jsonAttributes: [],
  42487. _geometryAttributes: [],
  42488. _virtualAttributes: [],
  42489. _defaultValues: {},
  42490. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  42491. { id:
  42492. { type:
  42493. INTEGER {
  42494. options: { length: undefined },
  42495. _length: undefined,
  42496. _zerofill: undefined,
  42497. _decimals: undefined,
  42498. _precision: undefined,
  42499. _scale: undefined,
  42500. _unsigned: undefined },
  42501. allowNull: false,
  42502. primaryKey: true,
  42503. autoIncrement: true,
  42504. _autoGenerated: true,
  42505. Model: [Circular],
  42506. fieldName: 'id',
  42507. _modelAttribute: true,
  42508. field: 'id' },
  42509. size:
  42510. { type:
  42511. STRING {
  42512. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42513. _binary: undefined,
  42514. _length: 255 },
  42515. Model: [Circular],
  42516. fieldName: 'size',
  42517. _modelAttribute: true,
  42518. field: 'size' },
  42519. color:
  42520. { type:
  42521. STRING {
  42522. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42523. _binary: undefined,
  42524. _length: 255 },
  42525. Model: [Circular],
  42526. fieldName: 'color',
  42527. _modelAttribute: true,
  42528. field: 'color' },
  42529. createdAt:
  42530. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42531. allowNull: false,
  42532. _autoGenerated: true,
  42533. Model: [Circular],
  42534. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42535. _modelAttribute: true,
  42536. field: 'createdAt' },
  42537. updatedAt:
  42538. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42539. allowNull: false,
  42540. _autoGenerated: true,
  42541. Model: [Circular],
  42542. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42543. _modelAttribute: true,
  42544. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42545. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  42546. uniqueKeys: {},
  42547. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  42548. _isBooleanAttribute:
  42549. { [Function: memoized]
  42550. cache:
  42551. MapCache {
  42552. size: 0,
  42553. __data__:
  42554. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42555. map: Map {},
  42556. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42557. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  42558. _isDateAttribute:
  42559. { [Function: memoized]
  42560. cache:
  42561. MapCache {
  42562. size: 0,
  42563. __data__:
  42564. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42565. map: Map {},
  42566. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42567. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  42568. _isHstoreAttribute:
  42569. { [Function: memoized]
  42570. cache:
  42571. MapCache {
  42572. size: 0,
  42573. __data__:
  42574. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42575. map: Map {},
  42576. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42577. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  42578. _isRangeAttribute:
  42579. { [Function: memoized]
  42580. cache:
  42581. MapCache {
  42582. size: 0,
  42583. __data__:
  42584. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42585. map: Map {},
  42586. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42587. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  42588. _isJsonAttribute:
  42589. { [Function: memoized]
  42590. cache:
  42591. MapCache {
  42592. size: 0,
  42593. __data__:
  42594. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42595. map: Map {},
  42596. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42597. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  42598. _isVirtualAttribute:
  42599. { [Function: memoized]
  42600. cache:
  42601. MapCache {
  42602. size: 5,
  42603. __data__:
  42604. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42605. map: Map {},
  42606. string:
  42607. Hash {
  42608. __data__:
  42609. [Object: null prototype] {
  42610. id: false,
  42611. size: false,
  42612. color: false,
  42613. createdAt: false,
  42614. updatedAt: false },
  42615. size: 5 } } } },
  42616. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  42617. _isGeometryAttribute:
  42618. { [Function: memoized]
  42619. cache:
  42620. MapCache {
  42621. size: 0,
  42622. __data__:
  42623. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42624. map: Map {},
  42625. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42626. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  42627. attributes:
  42628. { id:
  42629. { type:
  42630. INTEGER {
  42631. options: { length: undefined },
  42632. _length: undefined,
  42633. _zerofill: undefined,
  42634. _decimals: undefined,
  42635. _precision: undefined,
  42636. _scale: undefined,
  42637. _unsigned: undefined },
  42638. allowNull: false,
  42639. primaryKey: true,
  42640. autoIncrement: true,
  42641. _autoGenerated: true,
  42642. Model: [Circular],
  42643. fieldName: 'id',
  42644. _modelAttribute: true,
  42645. field: 'id' },
  42646. size:
  42647. { type:
  42648. STRING {
  42649. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42650. _binary: undefined,
  42651. _length: 255 },
  42652. Model: [Circular],
  42653. fieldName: 'size',
  42654. _modelAttribute: true,
  42655. field: 'size' },
  42656. color:
  42657. { type:
  42658. STRING {
  42659. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42660. _binary: undefined,
  42661. _length: 255 },
  42662. Model: [Circular],
  42663. fieldName: 'color',
  42664. _modelAttribute: true,
  42665. field: 'color' },
  42666. createdAt:
  42667. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42668. allowNull: false,
  42669. _autoGenerated: true,
  42670. Model: [Circular],
  42671. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42672. _modelAttribute: true,
  42673. field: 'createdAt' },
  42674. updatedAt:
  42675. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42676. allowNull: false,
  42677. _autoGenerated: true,
  42678. Model: [Circular],
  42679. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42680. _modelAttribute: true,
  42681. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42682. tableAttributes:
  42683. { id:
  42684. { type:
  42685. INTEGER {
  42686. options: { length: undefined },
  42687. _length: undefined,
  42688. _zerofill: undefined,
  42689. _decimals: undefined,
  42690. _precision: undefined,
  42691. _scale: undefined,
  42692. _unsigned: undefined },
  42693. allowNull: false,
  42694. primaryKey: true,
  42695. autoIncrement: true,
  42696. _autoGenerated: true,
  42697. Model: [Circular],
  42698. fieldName: 'id',
  42699. _modelAttribute: true,
  42700. field: 'id' },
  42701. size:
  42702. { type:
  42703. STRING {
  42704. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42705. _binary: undefined,
  42706. _length: 255 },
  42707. Model: [Circular],
  42708. fieldName: 'size',
  42709. _modelAttribute: true,
  42710. field: 'size' },
  42711. color:
  42712. { type:
  42713. STRING {
  42714. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  42715. _binary: undefined,
  42716. _length: 255 },
  42717. Model: [Circular],
  42718. fieldName: 'color',
  42719. _modelAttribute: true,
  42720. field: 'color' },
  42721. createdAt:
  42722. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42723. allowNull: false,
  42724. _autoGenerated: true,
  42725. Model: [Circular],
  42726. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  42727. _modelAttribute: true,
  42728. field: 'createdAt' },
  42729. updatedAt:
  42730. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  42731. allowNull: false,
  42732. _autoGenerated: true,
  42733. Model: [Circular],
  42734. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  42735. _modelAttribute: true,
  42736. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  42737. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  42738. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  42739. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  42740. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  42741. _isPrimaryKey:
  42742. { [Function: memoized]
  42743. cache:
  42744. MapCache {
  42745. size: 0,
  42746. __data__:
  42747. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  42748. map: Map {},
  42749. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  42750. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  42751. _scope: {},
  42752. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  42753. sequelize: [Circular] },
  42754. connectionManager:
  42755. ConnectionManager {
  42756. sequelize: [Circular],
  42757. config:
  42758. { database: 'lbry',
  42759. username: 'root',
  42760. password: 'abcd1234',
  42761. host: 'localhost',
  42762. port: undefined,
  42763. pool:
  42764. { max: 5,
  42765. min: 0,
  42766. acquire: 30000,
  42767. idle: 10000,
  42768. evict: 10000,
  42769. handleDisconnects: true,
  42770. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  42771. Promise:
  42772. { [Function: Promise]
  42773. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  42774. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  42775. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  42776. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  42777. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  42778. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  42779. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  42780. _peekContext: [Function],
  42781. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  42782. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  42783. longStackTraces: [Function],
  42784. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  42785. config: [Function],
  42786. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  42787. is: [Function],
  42788. fromCallback: [Function],
  42789. fromNode: [Function],
  42790. all: [Function],
  42791. cast: [Function],
  42792. fulfilled: [Function],
  42793. resolve: [Function],
  42794. rejected: [Function],
  42795. reject: [Function],
  42796. setScheduler: [Function],
  42797. pending: [Function],
  42798. defer: [Function],
  42799. method: [Function],
  42800. try: [Function],
  42801. attempt: [Function],
  42802. bind: [Function],
  42803. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  42804. join: [Function],
  42805. Promise: [Circular],
  42806. version: '3.5.3',
  42807. map: [Function],
  42808. using: [Function],
  42809. delay: [Function],
  42810. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  42811. spawn: [Function],
  42812. promisify: [Function],
  42813. promisifyAll: [Function],
  42814. props: [Function],
  42815. race: [Function],
  42816. reduce: [Function],
  42817. settle: [Function],
  42818. some: [Function],
  42819. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  42820. filter: [Function],
  42821. each: [Function],
  42822. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  42823. any: [Function],
  42824. default: [Circular] } },
  42825. protocol: 'tcp',
  42826. native: false,
  42827. ssl: undefined,
  42828. replication: false,
  42829. dialectModulePath: null,
  42830. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  42831. dialectOptions: undefined },
  42832. dialect:
  42833. MysqlDialect {
  42834. sequelize: [Circular],
  42835. connectionManager: [Circular],
  42836. QueryGenerator:
  42837. { dialect: 'mysql',
  42838. OperatorMap:
  42839. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  42840. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  42841. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  42842. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  42843. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  42844. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  42845. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  42846. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  42847. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  42848. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  42849. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  42850. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  42851. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  42852. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  42853. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  42854. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  42855. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  42856. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  42857. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  42858. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  42859. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  42860. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  42861. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  42862. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  42863. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  42864. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  42865. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  42866. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  42867. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  42868. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  42869. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  42870. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  42871. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  42872. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  42873. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  42874. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  42875. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  42876. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  42877. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  42878. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  42879. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  42880. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  42881. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  42882. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  42883. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  42884. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  42885. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  42886. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  42887. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  42888. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  42889. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  42890. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  42891. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  42892. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  42893. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  42894. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  42895. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  42896. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  42897. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  42898. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  42899. _templateSettings:
  42900. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  42901. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  42902. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  42903. variable: '',
  42904. imports:
  42905. { _:
  42906. { [Function: lodash]
  42907. templateSettings: [Circular],
  42908. after: [Function: after],
  42909. ary: [Function: ary],
  42910. assign: [Function],
  42911. assignIn: [Function],
  42912. assignInWith: [Function],
  42913. assignWith: [Function],
  42914. at: [Function],
  42915. before: [Function: before],
  42916. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42917. bindAll: [Function],
  42918. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42919. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  42920. chain: [Function: chain],
  42921. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  42922. compact: [Function: compact],
  42923. concat: [Function: concat],
  42924. cond: [Function: cond],
  42925. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  42926. constant: [Function: constant],
  42927. countBy: [Function],
  42928. create: [Function: create],
  42929. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42930. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42931. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  42932. defaults: [Function],
  42933. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  42934. defer: [Function],
  42935. delay: [Function],
  42936. difference: [Function],
  42937. differenceBy: [Function],
  42938. differenceWith: [Function],
  42939. drop: [Function: drop],
  42940. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  42941. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  42942. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  42943. fill: [Function: fill],
  42944. filter: [Function: filter],
  42945. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  42946. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  42947. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  42948. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  42949. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  42950. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  42951. flip: [Function: flip],
  42952. flow: [Function],
  42953. flowRight: [Function],
  42954. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  42955. functions: [Function: functions],
  42956. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  42957. groupBy: [Function],
  42958. initial: [Function: initial],
  42959. intersection: [Function],
  42960. intersectionBy: [Function],
  42961. intersectionWith: [Function],
  42962. invert: [Function],
  42963. invertBy: [Function],
  42964. invokeMap: [Function],
  42965. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  42966. keyBy: [Function],
  42967. keys: [Function: keys],
  42968. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  42969. map: [Function: map],
  42970. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  42971. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  42972. matches: [Function: matches],
  42973. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  42974. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  42975. merge: [Function],
  42976. mergeWith: [Function],
  42977. method: [Function],
  42978. methodOf: [Function],
  42979. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  42980. negate: [Function: negate],
  42981. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  42982. omit: [Function],
  42983. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  42984. once: [Function: once],
  42985. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  42986. over: [Function],
  42987. overArgs: [Function],
  42988. overEvery: [Function],
  42989. overSome: [Function],
  42990. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42991. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  42992. partition: [Function],
  42993. pick: [Function],
  42994. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  42995. property: [Function: property],
  42996. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  42997. pull: [Function],
  42998. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  42999. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  43000. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  43001. pullAt: [Function],
  43002. range: [Function],
  43003. rangeRight: [Function],
  43004. rearg: [Function],
  43005. reject: [Function: reject],
  43006. remove: [Function: remove],
  43007. rest: [Function: rest],
  43008. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  43009. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  43010. set: [Function: set],
  43011. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  43012. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  43013. slice: [Function: slice],
  43014. sortBy: [Function],
  43015. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  43016. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  43017. split: [Function: split],
  43018. spread: [Function: spread],
  43019. tail: [Function: tail],
  43020. take: [Function: take],
  43021. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  43022. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  43023. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  43024. tap: [Function: tap],
  43025. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  43026. thru: [Function: thru],
  43027. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  43028. toPairs: [Function],
  43029. toPairsIn: [Function],
  43030. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  43031. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  43032. transform: [Function: transform],
  43033. unary: [Function: unary],
  43034. union: [Function],
  43035. unionBy: [Function],
  43036. unionWith: [Function],
  43037. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  43038. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  43039. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  43040. unset: [Function: unset],
  43041. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  43042. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  43043. update: [Function: update],
  43044. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  43045. values: [Function: values],
  43046. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  43047. without: [Function],
  43048. words: [Function: words],
  43049. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  43050. xor: [Function],
  43051. xorBy: [Function],
  43052. xorWith: [Function],
  43053. zip: [Function],
  43054. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  43055. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  43056. zipWith: [Function],
  43057. entries: [Function],
  43058. entriesIn: [Function],
  43059. extend: [Function],
  43060. extendWith: [Function],
  43061. add: [Function],
  43062. attempt: [Function],
  43063. camelCase: [Function],
  43064. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  43065. ceil: [Function],
  43066. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  43067. clone: [Function: clone],
  43068. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  43069. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  43070. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  43071. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  43072. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  43073. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  43074. divide: [Function],
  43075. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  43076. eq: [Function: eq],
  43077. escape: [Function: escape],
  43078. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  43079. every: [Function: every],
  43080. find: [Function],
  43081. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  43082. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  43083. findLast: [Function],
  43084. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  43085. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  43086. floor: [Function],
  43087. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  43088. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  43089. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  43090. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  43091. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  43092. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  43093. get: [Function: get],
  43094. gt: [Function],
  43095. gte: [Function],
  43096. has: [Function: has],
  43097. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  43098. head: [Function: head],
  43099. identity: [Function: identity],
  43100. includes: [Function: includes],
  43101. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  43102. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  43103. invoke: [Function],
  43104. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  43105. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  43106. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  43107. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  43108. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  43109. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  43110. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  43111. isDate: [Function],
  43112. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  43113. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  43114. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  43115. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  43116. isError: [Function: isError],
  43117. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  43118. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  43119. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  43120. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  43121. isMap: [Function],
  43122. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  43123. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  43124. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  43125. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  43126. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  43127. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  43128. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  43129. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  43130. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  43131. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  43132. isRegExp: [Function],
  43133. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  43134. isSet: [Function],
  43135. isString: [Function: isString],
  43136. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  43137. isTypedArray: [Function],
  43138. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  43139. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  43140. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  43141. join: [Function: join],
  43142. kebabCase: [Function],
  43143. last: [Function: last],
  43144. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  43145. lowerCase: [Function],
  43146. lowerFirst: [Function],
  43147. lt: [Function],
  43148. lte: [Function],
  43149. max: [Function: max],
  43150. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  43151. mean: [Function: mean],
  43152. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  43153. min: [Function: min],
  43154. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  43155. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  43156. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  43157. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  43158. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  43159. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  43160. multiply: [Function],
  43161. nth: [Function: nth],
  43162. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  43163. noop: [Function: noop],
  43164. now: [Function],
  43165. pad: [Function: pad],
  43166. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  43167. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  43168. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  43169. random: [Function: random],
  43170. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  43171. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  43172. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  43173. replace: [Function: replace],
  43174. result: [Function: result],
  43175. round: [Function],
  43176. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  43177. sample: [Function: sample],
  43178. size: [Function: size],
  43179. snakeCase: [Function],
  43180. some: [Function: some],
  43181. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  43182. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  43183. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  43184. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  43185. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  43186. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  43187. startCase: [Function],
  43188. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  43189. subtract: [Function],
  43190. sum: [Function: sum],
  43191. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  43192. template: [Function: template],
  43193. times: [Function: times],
  43194. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  43195. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  43196. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  43197. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  43198. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  43199. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  43200. toString: [Function: toString],
  43201. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  43202. trim: [Function: trim],
  43203. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  43204. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  43205. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  43206. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  43207. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  43208. upperCase: [Function],
  43209. upperFirst: [Function],
  43210. each: [Function: forEach],
  43211. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  43212. first: [Function: head],
  43213. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  43214. options:
  43215. { dialect: 'mysql',
  43216. dialectModulePath: null,
  43217. host: 'localhost',
  43218. protocol: 'tcp',
  43219. define: {},
  43220. query: {},
  43221. sync: {},
  43222. timezone: '+00:00',
  43223. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  43224. omitNull: false,
  43225. native: false,
  43226. replication: false,
  43227. ssl: undefined,
  43228. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  43229. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  43230. hooks: {},
  43231. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  43232. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  43233. isolationLevel: null,
  43234. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  43235. typeValidation: false,
  43236. benchmark: false,
  43237. operatorsAliases: false },
  43238. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  43239. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  43240. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  43241. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  43242. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  43243. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  43244. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  43245. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  43246. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  43247. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  43248. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  43249. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  43250. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  43251. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  43252. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  43253. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  43254. quote: [Function: quote],
  43255. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  43256. escape: [Function: escape],
  43257. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  43258. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  43259. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  43260. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  43261. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  43262. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  43263. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  43264. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  43265. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  43266. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  43267. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  43268. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  43269. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  43270. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  43271. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  43272. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  43273. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  43274. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  43275. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  43276. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  43277. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  43278. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  43279. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  43280. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  43281. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  43282. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  43283. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  43284. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  43285. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  43286. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  43287. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  43288. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  43289. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  43290. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  43291. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  43292. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  43293. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  43294. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  43295. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  43296. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  43297. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  43298. _dialect: [Circular],
  43299. sequelize: [Circular],
  43300. typeValidation: undefined } },
  43301. versionPromise: null,
  43302. dialectName: 'mysql',
  43303. pool:
  43304. Pool {
  43305. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  43306. _eventsCount: 0,
  43307. _maxListeners: undefined,
  43308. _config:
  43309. PoolOptions {
  43310. fifo: true,
  43311. priorityRange: 1,
  43312. testOnBorrow: true,
  43313. testOnReturn: false,
  43314. autostart: false,
  43315. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  43316. max: 5,
  43317. min: 0,
  43318. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  43319. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  43320. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  43321. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  43322. Promise:
  43323. { [Function: Promise]
  43324. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  43325. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  43326. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  43327. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  43328. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  43329. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  43330. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  43331. _peekContext: [Function],
  43332. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  43333. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  43334. longStackTraces: [Function],
  43335. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  43336. config: [Function],
  43337. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  43338. is: [Function],
  43339. fromCallback: [Function],
  43340. fromNode: [Function],
  43341. all: [Function],
  43342. cast: [Function],
  43343. fulfilled: [Function],
  43344. resolve: [Function],
  43345. rejected: [Function],
  43346. reject: [Function],
  43347. setScheduler: [Function],
  43348. pending: [Function],
  43349. defer: [Function],
  43350. method: [Function],
  43351. try: [Function],
  43352. attempt: [Function],
  43353. bind: [Function],
  43354. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  43355. join: [Function],
  43356. Promise: [Circular],
  43357. version: '3.5.3',
  43358. map: [Function],
  43359. using: [Function],
  43360. delay: [Function],
  43361. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  43362. spawn: [Function],
  43363. promisify: [Function],
  43364. promisifyAll: [Function],
  43365. props: [Function],
  43366. race: [Function],
  43367. reduce: [Function],
  43368. settle: [Function],
  43369. some: [Function],
  43370. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  43371. filter: [Function],
  43372. each: [Function],
  43373. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  43374. any: [Function],
  43375. default: [Circular] } },
  43376. _Promise:
  43377. { [Function: Promise]
  43378. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  43379. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  43380. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  43381. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  43382. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  43383. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  43384. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  43385. _peekContext: [Function],
  43386. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  43387. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  43388. longStackTraces: [Function],
  43389. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  43390. config: [Function],
  43391. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  43392. is: [Function],
  43393. fromCallback: [Function],
  43394. fromNode: [Function],
  43395. all: [Function],
  43396. cast: [Function],
  43397. fulfilled: [Function],
  43398. resolve: [Function],
  43399. rejected: [Function],
  43400. reject: [Function],
  43401. setScheduler: [Function],
  43402. pending: [Function],
  43403. defer: [Function],
  43404. method: [Function],
  43405. try: [Function],
  43406. attempt: [Function],
  43407. bind: [Function],
  43408. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  43409. join: [Function],
  43410. Promise: [Circular],
  43411. version: '3.5.3',
  43412. map: [Function],
  43413. using: [Function],
  43414. delay: [Function],
  43415. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  43416. spawn: [Function],
  43417. promisify: [Function],
  43418. promisifyAll: [Function],
  43419. props: [Function],
  43420. race: [Function],
  43421. reduce: [Function],
  43422. settle: [Function],
  43423. some: [Function],
  43424. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  43425. filter: [Function],
  43426. each: [Function],
  43427. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  43428. any: [Function],
  43429. default: [Circular] },
  43430. _factory:
  43431. { create: [Function: create],
  43432. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  43433. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  43434. _draining: false,
  43435. _started: true,
  43436. _waitingClientsQueue:
  43437. PriorityQueue {
  43438. _size: 1,
  43439. _slots:
  43440. [ Queue {
  43441. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  43442. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  43443. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  43444. _availableObjects:
  43445. Deque {
  43446. _list:
  43447. DoublyLinkedList {
  43448. head:
  43449. { prev: null,
  43450. next:
  43451. { prev: [Circular],
  43452. next: null,
  43453. data:
  43454. PooledResource {
  43455. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  43456. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  43457. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  43458. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  43459. obj:
  43460. Connection {
  43461. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  43462. _eventsCount: 1,
  43463. _maxListeners: undefined,
  43464. config:
  43465. ConnectionConfig {
  43466. isServer: undefined,
  43467. stream: undefined,
  43468. host: 'localhost',
  43469. port: 3306,
  43470. localAddress: undefined,
  43471. socketPath: undefined,
  43472. user: 'root',
  43473. password: 'abcd1234',
  43474. passwordSha1: undefined,
  43475. database: 'lbry',
  43476. connectTimeout: 10000,
  43477. insecureAuth: false,
  43478. supportBigNumbers: true,
  43479. bigNumberStrings: false,
  43480. decimalNumbers: false,
  43481. dateStrings: false,
  43482. debug: undefined,
  43483. trace: true,
  43484. stringifyObjects: false,
  43485. timezone: '+00:00',
  43486. queryFormat: undefined,
  43487. pool: undefined,
  43488. ssl: false,
  43489. multipleStatements: false,
  43490. rowsAsArray: false,
  43491. namedPlaceholders: false,
  43492. nestTables: undefined,
  43493. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  43494. maxPacketSize: 0,
  43495. charsetNumber: 224,
  43496. compress: false,
  43497. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  43498. clientFlags: 8582093,
  43499. connectAttributes: undefined,
  43500. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  43501. stream:
  43502. Socket {
  43503. connecting: false,
  43504. _hadError: false,
  43505. _handle:
  43506. TCP {
  43507. reading: true,
  43508. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  43509. onconnection: null,
  43510. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  43511. _parent: null,
  43512. _host: 'localhost',
  43513. _readableState:
  43514. ReadableState {
  43515. objectMode: false,
  43516. highWaterMark: 16384,
  43517. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  43518. length: 0,
  43519. pipes: null,
  43520. pipesCount: 0,
  43521. flowing: true,
  43522. ended: false,
  43523. endEmitted: false,
  43524. reading: true,
  43525. sync: false,
  43526. needReadable: true,
  43527. emittedReadable: false,
  43528. readableListening: false,
  43529. resumeScheduled: false,
  43530. emitClose: false,
  43531. autoDestroy: false,
  43532. destroyed: false,
  43533. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  43534. awaitDrain: 0,
  43535. readingMore: false,
  43536. decoder: null,
  43537. encoding: null },
  43538. readable: true,
  43539. _events:
  43540. [Object: null prototype] {
  43541. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  43542. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  43543. data: [Function],
  43544. close: [Function] },
  43545. _eventsCount: 4,
  43546. _maxListeners: undefined,
  43547. _writableState:
  43548. WritableState {
  43549. objectMode: false,
  43550. highWaterMark: 16384,
  43551. finalCalled: false,
  43552. needDrain: false,
  43553. ending: false,
  43554. ended: false,
  43555. finished: false,
  43556. destroyed: false,
  43557. decodeStrings: false,
  43558. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  43559. length: 0,
  43560. writing: false,
  43561. corked: 0,
  43562. sync: false,
  43563. bufferProcessing: false,
  43564. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  43565. writecb: null,
  43566. writelen: 0,
  43567. bufferedRequest: null,
  43568. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  43569. pendingcb: 0,
  43570. prefinished: false,
  43571. errorEmitted: false,
  43572. emitClose: false,
  43573. autoDestroy: false,
  43574. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  43575. corkedRequestsFree:
  43576. { next: null,
  43577. entry: null,
  43578. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  43579. writable: true,
  43580. allowHalfOpen: false,
  43581. _sockname: null,
  43582. _pendingData: null,
  43583. _pendingEncoding: '',
  43584. server: null,
  43585. _server: null,
  43586. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  43587. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  43588. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  43589. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  43590. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  43591. _internalId: 1,
  43592. _commands:
  43593. Denque {
  43594. _head: 0,
  43595. _tail: 0,
  43596. _capacityMask: 3,
  43597. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  43598. _command: undefined,
  43599. _paused: false,
  43600. _paused_packets:
  43601. Denque {
  43602. _head: 0,
  43603. _tail: 0,
  43604. _capacityMask: 3,
  43605. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  43606. _statements:
  43607. LRUCache {
  43608. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  43609. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  43610. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  43611. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  43612. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  43613. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  43614. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  43615. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  43616. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  43617. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  43618. authorized: true,
  43619. sequenceId: 23,
  43620. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  43621. threadId: 1303,
  43622. _handshakePacket:
  43623. Handshake {
  43624. protocolVersion: 10,
  43625. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  43626. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  43627. connectionId: 1303,
  43628. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  43629. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  43630. characterSet: 255,
  43631. statusFlags: 2 },
  43632. _fatalError: null,
  43633. _protocolError: null,
  43634. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  43635. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  43636. packetParser:
  43637. PacketParser {
  43638. buffer: [],
  43639. bufferLength: 0,
  43640. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  43641. headerLen: 0,
  43642. length: 5,
  43643. largePacketParts: [],
  43644. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  43645. onPacket: [Function],
  43646. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  43647. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  43648. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  43649. connectTimeout: null,
  43650. connectionId: 1303 },
  43651. state: 'IDLE' } },
  43652. data:
  43653. PooledResource {
  43654. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  43655. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  43656. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  43657. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  43658. obj:
  43659. Connection {
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  43661. _eventsCount: 1,
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  43666. stream: undefined,
  43667. host: 'localhost',
  43668. port: 3306,
  43669. localAddress: undefined,
  43670. socketPath: undefined,
  43671. user: 'root',
  43672. password: 'abcd1234',
  43673. passwordSha1: undefined,
  43674. database: 'lbry',
  43675. connectTimeout: 10000,
  43676. insecureAuth: false,
  43677. supportBigNumbers: true,
  43678. bigNumberStrings: false,
  43679. decimalNumbers: false,
  43680. dateStrings: false,
  43681. debug: undefined,
  43682. trace: true,
  43683. stringifyObjects: false,
  43684. timezone: '+00:00',
  43685. queryFormat: undefined,
  43686. pool: undefined,
  43687. ssl: false,
  43688. multipleStatements: false,
  43689. rowsAsArray: false,
  43690. namedPlaceholders: false,
  43691. nestTables: undefined,
  43692. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  43693. maxPacketSize: 0,
  43694. charsetNumber: 224,
  43695. compress: false,
  43696. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  43697. clientFlags: 8582093,
  43698. connectAttributes: undefined,
  43699. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  43701. Socket {
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  43705. TCP {
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  43707. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  43709. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  43711. _host: 'localhost',
  43712. _readableState:
  43713. ReadableState {
  43714. objectMode: false,
  43715. highWaterMark: 16384,
  43716. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  43717. length: 0,
  43718. pipes: null,
  43719. pipesCount: 0,
  43720. flowing: true,
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  43722. endEmitted: false,
  43723. reading: true,
  43724. sync: false,
  43725. needReadable: true,
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  43727. readableListening: false,
  43728. resumeScheduled: false,
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  43731. destroyed: false,
  43732. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  43733. awaitDrain: 0,
  43734. readingMore: false,
  43735. decoder: null,
  43736. encoding: null },
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  43739. [Object: null prototype] {
  43740. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  43741. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  43742. data: [Function],
  43743. close: [Function] },
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  43750. finalCalled: false,
  43751. needDrain: false,
  43752. ending: false,
  43753. ended: false,
  43754. finished: false,
  43755. destroyed: false,
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  43757. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  43758. length: 0,
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  43760. corked: 0,
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  43767. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  43768. pendingcb: 0,
  43769. prefinished: false,
  43770. errorEmitted: false,
  43771. emitClose: false,
  43772. autoDestroy: false,
  43773. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  43774. corkedRequestsFree:
  43775. { next: null,
  43776. entry: null,
  43777. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  43779. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  43781. _pendingData: null,
  43782. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  43784. _server: null,
  43785. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  43786. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  43787. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  43788. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  43789. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  43790. _internalId: 2,
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  43792. Denque {
  43793. _head: 0,
  43794. _tail: 0,
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  43796. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  43798. _paused: false,
  43799. _paused_packets:
  43800. Denque {
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  43802. _tail: 0,
  43803. _capacityMask: 3,
  43804. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  43809. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  43810. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  43811. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  43812. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  43813. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  43814. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  43815. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  43817. authorized: true,
  43818. sequenceId: 2,
  43819. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  43820. threadId: 1302,
  43821. _handshakePacket:
  43822. Handshake {
  43823. protocolVersion: 10,
  43824. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  43825. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  43826. connectionId: 1302,
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  43828. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  43829. characterSet: 255,
  43830. statusFlags: 2 },
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  43832. _protocolError: null,
  43833. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  43835. packetParser:
  43836. PacketParser {
  43837. buffer: [],
  43838. bufferLength: 0,
  43839. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  43840. headerLen: 0,
  43841. length: 7,
  43842. largePacketParts: [],
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  43847. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  43848. connectTimeout: null,
  43849. connectionId: 1302 },
  43850. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  43852. { prev:
  43853. { prev: null,
  43854. next: [Circular],
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  43856. PooledResource {
  43857. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  43858. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  43859. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  43860. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  43861. obj:
  43862. Connection {
  43863. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  43864. _eventsCount: 1,
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  43869. stream: undefined,
  43870. host: 'localhost',
  43871. port: 3306,
  43872. localAddress: undefined,
  43873. socketPath: undefined,
  43874. user: 'root',
  43875. password: 'abcd1234',
  43876. passwordSha1: undefined,
  43877. database: 'lbry',
  43878. connectTimeout: 10000,
  43879. insecureAuth: false,
  43880. supportBigNumbers: true,
  43881. bigNumberStrings: false,
  43882. decimalNumbers: false,
  43883. dateStrings: false,
  43884. debug: undefined,
  43885. trace: true,
  43886. stringifyObjects: false,
  43887. timezone: '+00:00',
  43888. queryFormat: undefined,
  43889. pool: undefined,
  43890. ssl: false,
  43891. multipleStatements: false,
  43892. rowsAsArray: false,
  43893. namedPlaceholders: false,
  43894. nestTables: undefined,
  43895. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  43898. compress: false,
  43899. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  43900. clientFlags: 8582093,
  43901. connectAttributes: undefined,
  43902. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  43904. Socket {
  43905. connecting: false,
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  43908. TCP {
  43909. reading: true,
  43910. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  43912. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  43914. _host: 'localhost',
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  43916. ReadableState {
  43917. objectMode: false,
  43918. highWaterMark: 16384,
  43919. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  43920. length: 0,
  43921. pipes: null,
  43922. pipesCount: 0,
  43923. flowing: true,
  43924. ended: false,
  43925. endEmitted: false,
  43926. reading: true,
  43927. sync: false,
  43928. needReadable: true,
  43929. emittedReadable: false,
  43930. readableListening: false,
  43931. resumeScheduled: false,
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  43934. destroyed: false,
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  43937. readingMore: false,
  43938. decoder: null,
  43939. encoding: null },
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  43942. [Object: null prototype] {
  43943. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  43944. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  43945. data: [Function],
  43946. close: [Function] },
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  43953. finalCalled: false,
  43954. needDrain: false,
  43955. ending: false,
  43956. ended: false,
  43957. finished: false,
  43958. destroyed: false,
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  43961. length: 0,
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  43963. corked: 0,
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  43970. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  43971. pendingcb: 0,
  43972. prefinished: false,
  43973. errorEmitted: false,
  43974. emitClose: false,
  43975. autoDestroy: false,
  43976. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  43977. corkedRequestsFree:
  43978. { next: null,
  43979. entry: null,
  43980. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  43982. allowHalfOpen: false,
  43983. _sockname: null,
  43984. _pendingData: null,
  43985. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  43987. _server: null,
  43988. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  43989. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  43990. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  43991. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  43992. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  43993. _internalId: 2,
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  43995. Denque {
  43996. _head: 0,
  43997. _tail: 0,
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  43999. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  44002. _paused_packets:
  44003. Denque {
  44004. _head: 0,
  44005. _tail: 0,
  44006. _capacityMask: 3,
  44007. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  44011. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  44012. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  44013. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  44014. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  44015. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  44016. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  44017. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  44018. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  44019. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44020. authorized: true,
  44021. sequenceId: 2,
  44022. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  44023. threadId: 1302,
  44024. _handshakePacket:
  44025. Handshake {
  44026. protocolVersion: 10,
  44027. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  44028. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44029. connectionId: 1302,
  44030. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  44031. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  44032. characterSet: 255,
  44033. statusFlags: 2 },
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  44035. _protocolError: null,
  44036. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  44038. packetParser:
  44039. PacketParser {
  44040. buffer: [],
  44041. bufferLength: 0,
  44042. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  44043. headerLen: 0,
  44044. length: 7,
  44045. largePacketParts: [],
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  44050. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  44051. connectTimeout: null,
  44052. connectionId: 1302 },
  44053. state: 'IDLE' } },
  44054. next: null,
  44055. data:
  44056. PooledResource {
  44057. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  44058. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  44059. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  44060. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  44061. obj:
  44062. Connection {
  44063. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  44064. _eventsCount: 1,
  44065. _maxListeners: undefined,
  44066. config:
  44067. ConnectionConfig {
  44068. isServer: undefined,
  44069. stream: undefined,
  44070. host: 'localhost',
  44071. port: 3306,
  44072. localAddress: undefined,
  44073. socketPath: undefined,
  44074. user: 'root',
  44075. password: 'abcd1234',
  44076. passwordSha1: undefined,
  44077. database: 'lbry',
  44078. connectTimeout: 10000,
  44079. insecureAuth: false,
  44080. supportBigNumbers: true,
  44081. bigNumberStrings: false,
  44082. decimalNumbers: false,
  44083. dateStrings: false,
  44084. debug: undefined,
  44085. trace: true,
  44086. stringifyObjects: false,
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  44088. queryFormat: undefined,
  44089. pool: undefined,
  44090. ssl: false,
  44091. multipleStatements: false,
  44092. rowsAsArray: false,
  44093. namedPlaceholders: false,
  44094. nestTables: undefined,
  44095. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  44098. compress: false,
  44099. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  44100. clientFlags: 8582093,
  44101. connectAttributes: undefined,
  44102. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  44103. stream:
  44104. Socket {
  44105. connecting: false,
  44106. _hadError: false,
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  44108. TCP {
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  44110. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  44111. onconnection: null,
  44112. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  44114. _host: 'localhost',
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  44116. ReadableState {
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  44118. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44119. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  44120. length: 0,
  44121. pipes: null,
  44122. pipesCount: 0,
  44123. flowing: true,
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  44127. sync: false,
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  44130. readableListening: false,
  44131. resumeScheduled: false,
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  44134. destroyed: false,
  44135. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44136. awaitDrain: 0,
  44137. readingMore: false,
  44138. decoder: null,
  44139. encoding: null },
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  44142. [Object: null prototype] {
  44143. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  44144. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  44145. data: [Function],
  44146. close: [Function] },
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  44150. WritableState {
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  44153. finalCalled: false,
  44154. needDrain: false,
  44155. ending: false,
  44156. ended: false,
  44157. finished: false,
  44158. destroyed: false,
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  44160. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44161. length: 0,
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  44163. corked: 0,
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  44170. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  44171. pendingcb: 0,
  44172. prefinished: false,
  44173. errorEmitted: false,
  44174. emitClose: false,
  44175. autoDestroy: false,
  44176. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  44177. corkedRequestsFree:
  44178. { next: null,
  44179. entry: null,
  44180. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  44182. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  44184. _pendingData: null,
  44185. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  44187. _server: null,
  44188. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  44189. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  44190. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  44191. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  44192. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  44195. Denque {
  44196. _head: 0,
  44197. _tail: 0,
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  44199. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  44201. _paused: false,
  44202. _paused_packets:
  44203. Denque {
  44204. _head: 0,
  44205. _tail: 0,
  44206. _capacityMask: 3,
  44207. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  44211. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
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  44213. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  44214. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  44215. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  44216. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  44217. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  44218. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  44219. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44220. authorized: true,
  44221. sequenceId: 23,
  44222. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  44223. threadId: 1303,
  44224. _handshakePacket:
  44225. Handshake {
  44226. protocolVersion: 10,
  44227. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  44228. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44229. connectionId: 1303,
  44230. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  44231. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  44232. characterSet: 255,
  44233. statusFlags: 2 },
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  44235. _protocolError: null,
  44236. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  44237. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  44238. packetParser:
  44239. PacketParser {
  44240. buffer: [],
  44241. bufferLength: 0,
  44242. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  44243. headerLen: 0,
  44244. length: 5,
  44245. largePacketParts: [],
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  44247. onPacket: [Function],
  44248. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  44249. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  44250. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  44251. connectTimeout: null,
  44252. connectionId: 1303 },
  44253. state: 'IDLE' } },
  44254. length: 2 } },
  44255. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  44256. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  44257. _validationOperations: Set {},
  44258. _allObjects:
  44259. Set {
  44260. PooledResource {
  44261. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  44262. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  44263. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  44264. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  44265. obj:
  44266. Connection {
  44267. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  44268. _eventsCount: 1,
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  44270. config:
  44271. ConnectionConfig {
  44272. isServer: undefined,
  44273. stream: undefined,
  44274. host: 'localhost',
  44275. port: 3306,
  44276. localAddress: undefined,
  44277. socketPath: undefined,
  44278. user: 'root',
  44279. password: 'abcd1234',
  44280. passwordSha1: undefined,
  44281. database: 'lbry',
  44282. connectTimeout: 10000,
  44283. insecureAuth: false,
  44284. supportBigNumbers: true,
  44285. bigNumberStrings: false,
  44286. decimalNumbers: false,
  44287. dateStrings: false,
  44288. debug: undefined,
  44289. trace: true,
  44290. stringifyObjects: false,
  44291. timezone: '+00:00',
  44292. queryFormat: undefined,
  44293. pool: undefined,
  44294. ssl: false,
  44295. multipleStatements: false,
  44296. rowsAsArray: false,
  44297. namedPlaceholders: false,
  44298. nestTables: undefined,
  44299. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  44300. maxPacketSize: 0,
  44301. charsetNumber: 224,
  44302. compress: false,
  44303. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  44304. clientFlags: 8582093,
  44305. connectAttributes: undefined,
  44306. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  44307. stream:
  44308. Socket {
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  44312. TCP {
  44313. reading: true,
  44314. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  44315. onconnection: null,
  44316. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  44317. _parent: null,
  44318. _host: 'localhost',
  44319. _readableState:
  44320. ReadableState {
  44321. objectMode: false,
  44322. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44323. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  44324. length: 0,
  44325. pipes: null,
  44326. pipesCount: 0,
  44327. flowing: true,
  44328. ended: false,
  44329. endEmitted: false,
  44330. reading: true,
  44331. sync: false,
  44332. needReadable: true,
  44333. emittedReadable: false,
  44334. readableListening: false,
  44335. resumeScheduled: false,
  44336. emitClose: false,
  44337. autoDestroy: false,
  44338. destroyed: false,
  44339. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44340. awaitDrain: 0,
  44341. readingMore: false,
  44342. decoder: null,
  44343. encoding: null },
  44344. readable: true,
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  44346. [Object: null prototype] {
  44347. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  44348. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  44349. data: [Function],
  44350. close: [Function] },
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  44352. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  44355. objectMode: false,
  44356. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44357. finalCalled: false,
  44358. needDrain: false,
  44359. ending: false,
  44360. ended: false,
  44361. finished: false,
  44362. destroyed: false,
  44363. decodeStrings: false,
  44364. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44365. length: 0,
  44366. writing: false,
  44367. corked: 0,
  44368. sync: false,
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  44370. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  44372. writelen: 0,
  44373. bufferedRequest: null,
  44374. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  44375. pendingcb: 0,
  44376. prefinished: false,
  44377. errorEmitted: false,
  44378. emitClose: false,
  44379. autoDestroy: false,
  44380. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  44381. corkedRequestsFree:
  44382. { next: null,
  44383. entry: null,
  44384. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  44385. writable: true,
  44386. allowHalfOpen: false,
  44387. _sockname: null,
  44388. _pendingData: null,
  44389. _pendingEncoding: '',
  44390. server: null,
  44391. _server: null,
  44392. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  44393. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  44394. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  44395. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  44396. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  44397. _internalId: 2,
  44398. _commands:
  44399. Denque {
  44400. _head: 0,
  44401. _tail: 0,
  44402. _capacityMask: 3,
  44403. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  44404. _command: undefined,
  44405. _paused: false,
  44406. _paused_packets:
  44407. Denque {
  44408. _head: 0,
  44409. _tail: 0,
  44410. _capacityMask: 3,
  44411. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  44412. _statements:
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  44414. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  44415. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  44416. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  44417. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  44418. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  44419. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  44420. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  44421. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  44422. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  44423. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44424. authorized: true,
  44425. sequenceId: 2,
  44426. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  44427. threadId: 1302,
  44428. _handshakePacket:
  44429. Handshake {
  44430. protocolVersion: 10,
  44431. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  44432. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44433. connectionId: 1302,
  44434. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  44435. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  44436. characterSet: 255,
  44437. statusFlags: 2 },
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  44439. _protocolError: null,
  44440. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  44441. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  44442. packetParser:
  44443. PacketParser {
  44444. buffer: [],
  44445. bufferLength: 0,
  44446. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  44447. headerLen: 0,
  44448. length: 7,
  44449. largePacketParts: [],
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  44451. onPacket: [Function],
  44452. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  44453. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  44454. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  44455. connectTimeout: null,
  44456. connectionId: 1302 },
  44457. state: 'IDLE' },
  44458. PooledResource {
  44459. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  44460. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  44461. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  44462. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  44463. obj:
  44464. Connection {
  44465. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  44466. _eventsCount: 1,
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  44471. stream: undefined,
  44472. host: 'localhost',
  44473. port: 3306,
  44474. localAddress: undefined,
  44475. socketPath: undefined,
  44476. user: 'root',
  44477. password: 'abcd1234',
  44478. passwordSha1: undefined,
  44479. database: 'lbry',
  44480. connectTimeout: 10000,
  44481. insecureAuth: false,
  44482. supportBigNumbers: true,
  44483. bigNumberStrings: false,
  44484. decimalNumbers: false,
  44485. dateStrings: false,
  44486. debug: undefined,
  44487. trace: true,
  44488. stringifyObjects: false,
  44489. timezone: '+00:00',
  44490. queryFormat: undefined,
  44491. pool: undefined,
  44492. ssl: false,
  44493. multipleStatements: false,
  44494. rowsAsArray: false,
  44495. namedPlaceholders: false,
  44496. nestTables: undefined,
  44497. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  44498. maxPacketSize: 0,
  44499. charsetNumber: 224,
  44500. compress: false,
  44501. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  44502. clientFlags: 8582093,
  44503. connectAttributes: undefined,
  44504. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  44505. stream:
  44506. Socket {
  44507. connecting: false,
  44508. _hadError: false,
  44509. _handle:
  44510. TCP {
  44511. reading: true,
  44512. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  44513. onconnection: null,
  44514. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  44516. _host: 'localhost',
  44517. _readableState:
  44518. ReadableState {
  44519. objectMode: false,
  44520. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44521. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  44522. length: 0,
  44523. pipes: null,
  44524. pipesCount: 0,
  44525. flowing: true,
  44526. ended: false,
  44527. endEmitted: false,
  44528. reading: true,
  44529. sync: false,
  44530. needReadable: true,
  44531. emittedReadable: false,
  44532. readableListening: false,
  44533. resumeScheduled: false,
  44534. emitClose: false,
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  44536. destroyed: false,
  44537. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44538. awaitDrain: 0,
  44539. readingMore: false,
  44540. decoder: null,
  44541. encoding: null },
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  44544. [Object: null prototype] {
  44545. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  44546. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  44547. data: [Function],
  44548. close: [Function] },
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  44555. finalCalled: false,
  44556. needDrain: false,
  44557. ending: false,
  44558. ended: false,
  44559. finished: false,
  44560. destroyed: false,
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  44562. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44563. length: 0,
  44564. writing: false,
  44565. corked: 0,
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  44572. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  44573. pendingcb: 0,
  44574. prefinished: false,
  44575. errorEmitted: false,
  44576. emitClose: false,
  44577. autoDestroy: false,
  44578. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  44579. corkedRequestsFree:
  44580. { next: null,
  44581. entry: null,
  44582. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  44583. writable: true,
  44584. allowHalfOpen: false,
  44585. _sockname: null,
  44586. _pendingData: null,
  44587. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  44589. _server: null,
  44590. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  44591. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  44592. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  44593. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  44594. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  44595. _internalId: 1,
  44596. _commands:
  44597. Denque {
  44598. _head: 0,
  44599. _tail: 0,
  44600. _capacityMask: 3,
  44601. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  44602. _command: undefined,
  44603. _paused: false,
  44604. _paused_packets:
  44605. Denque {
  44606. _head: 0,
  44607. _tail: 0,
  44608. _capacityMask: 3,
  44609. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  44613. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  44614. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  44615. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  44616. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  44617. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  44618. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  44619. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  44620. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  44621. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44622. authorized: true,
  44623. sequenceId: 23,
  44624. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  44625. threadId: 1303,
  44626. _handshakePacket:
  44627. Handshake {
  44628. protocolVersion: 10,
  44629. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  44630. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44631. connectionId: 1303,
  44632. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  44633. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  44634. characterSet: 255,
  44635. statusFlags: 2 },
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  44637. _protocolError: null,
  44638. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  44639. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  44640. packetParser:
  44641. PacketParser {
  44642. buffer: [],
  44643. bufferLength: 0,
  44644. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  44645. headerLen: 0,
  44646. length: 5,
  44647. largePacketParts: [],
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  44649. onPacket: [Function],
  44650. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  44651. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  44652. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  44653. connectTimeout: null,
  44654. connectionId: 1303 },
  44655. state: 'IDLE' } },
  44656. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  44657. _evictionIterator:
  44658. DequeIterator {
  44659. _list:
  44660. DoublyLinkedList {
  44661. head:
  44662. { prev: null,
  44663. next:
  44664. { prev: [Circular],
  44665. next: null,
  44666. data:
  44667. PooledResource {
  44668. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  44669. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  44670. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  44671. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  44672. obj:
  44673. Connection {
  44674. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  44675. _eventsCount: 1,
  44676. _maxListeners: undefined,
  44677. config:
  44678. ConnectionConfig {
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  44680. stream: undefined,
  44681. host: 'localhost',
  44682. port: 3306,
  44683. localAddress: undefined,
  44684. socketPath: undefined,
  44685. user: 'root',
  44686. password: 'abcd1234',
  44687. passwordSha1: undefined,
  44688. database: 'lbry',
  44689. connectTimeout: 10000,
  44690. insecureAuth: false,
  44691. supportBigNumbers: true,
  44692. bigNumberStrings: false,
  44693. decimalNumbers: false,
  44694. dateStrings: false,
  44695. debug: undefined,
  44696. trace: true,
  44697. stringifyObjects: false,
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  44699. queryFormat: undefined,
  44700. pool: undefined,
  44701. ssl: false,
  44702. multipleStatements: false,
  44703. rowsAsArray: false,
  44704. namedPlaceholders: false,
  44705. nestTables: undefined,
  44706. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  44707. maxPacketSize: 0,
  44708. charsetNumber: 224,
  44709. compress: false,
  44710. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  44711. clientFlags: 8582093,
  44712. connectAttributes: undefined,
  44713. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  44714. stream:
  44715. Socket {
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  44718. _handle:
  44719. TCP {
  44720. reading: true,
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  44723. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  44724. _parent: null,
  44725. _host: 'localhost',
  44726. _readableState:
  44727. ReadableState {
  44728. objectMode: false,
  44729. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44730. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  44731. length: 0,
  44732. pipes: null,
  44733. pipesCount: 0,
  44734. flowing: true,
  44735. ended: false,
  44736. endEmitted: false,
  44737. reading: true,
  44738. sync: false,
  44739. needReadable: true,
  44740. emittedReadable: false,
  44741. readableListening: false,
  44742. resumeScheduled: false,
  44743. emitClose: false,
  44744. autoDestroy: false,
  44745. destroyed: false,
  44746. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44747. awaitDrain: 0,
  44748. readingMore: false,
  44749. decoder: null,
  44750. encoding: null },
  44751. readable: true,
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  44753. [Object: null prototype] {
  44754. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  44755. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  44756. data: [Function],
  44757. close: [Function] },
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  44763. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44764. finalCalled: false,
  44765. needDrain: false,
  44766. ending: false,
  44767. ended: false,
  44768. finished: false,
  44769. destroyed: false,
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  44771. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44772. length: 0,
  44773. writing: false,
  44774. corked: 0,
  44775. sync: false,
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  44779. writelen: 0,
  44780. bufferedRequest: null,
  44781. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  44782. pendingcb: 0,
  44783. prefinished: false,
  44784. errorEmitted: false,
  44785. emitClose: false,
  44786. autoDestroy: false,
  44787. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  44788. corkedRequestsFree:
  44789. { next: null,
  44790. entry: null,
  44791. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  44792. writable: true,
  44793. allowHalfOpen: false,
  44794. _sockname: null,
  44795. _pendingData: null,
  44796. _pendingEncoding: '',
  44797. server: null,
  44798. _server: null,
  44799. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  44800. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  44801. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  44802. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  44803. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  44804. _internalId: 1,
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  44806. Denque {
  44807. _head: 0,
  44808. _tail: 0,
  44809. _capacityMask: 3,
  44810. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  44811. _command: undefined,
  44812. _paused: false,
  44813. _paused_packets:
  44814. Denque {
  44815. _head: 0,
  44816. _tail: 0,
  44817. _capacityMask: 3,
  44818. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  44819. _statements:
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  44822. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  44823. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  44824. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  44825. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  44826. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  44827. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  44828. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  44829. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  44830. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44831. authorized: true,
  44832. sequenceId: 23,
  44833. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  44834. threadId: 1303,
  44835. _handshakePacket:
  44836. Handshake {
  44837. protocolVersion: 10,
  44838. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  44839. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  44840. connectionId: 1303,
  44841. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  44842. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  44843. characterSet: 255,
  44844. statusFlags: 2 },
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  44846. _protocolError: null,
  44847. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  44848. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  44849. packetParser:
  44850. PacketParser {
  44851. buffer: [],
  44852. bufferLength: 0,
  44853. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  44854. headerLen: 0,
  44855. length: 5,
  44856. largePacketParts: [],
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  44858. onPacket: [Function],
  44859. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  44860. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  44861. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  44862. connectTimeout: null,
  44863. connectionId: 1303 },
  44864. state: 'IDLE' } },
  44865. data:
  44866. PooledResource {
  44867. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  44868. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  44869. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  44870. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  44871. obj:
  44872. Connection {
  44873. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  44874. _eventsCount: 1,
  44875. _maxListeners: undefined,
  44876. config:
  44877. ConnectionConfig {
  44878. isServer: undefined,
  44879. stream: undefined,
  44880. host: 'localhost',
  44881. port: 3306,
  44882. localAddress: undefined,
  44883. socketPath: undefined,
  44884. user: 'root',
  44885. password: 'abcd1234',
  44886. passwordSha1: undefined,
  44887. database: 'lbry',
  44888. connectTimeout: 10000,
  44889. insecureAuth: false,
  44890. supportBigNumbers: true,
  44891. bigNumberStrings: false,
  44892. decimalNumbers: false,
  44893. dateStrings: false,
  44894. debug: undefined,
  44895. trace: true,
  44896. stringifyObjects: false,
  44897. timezone: '+00:00',
  44898. queryFormat: undefined,
  44899. pool: undefined,
  44900. ssl: false,
  44901. multipleStatements: false,
  44902. rowsAsArray: false,
  44903. namedPlaceholders: false,
  44904. nestTables: undefined,
  44905. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  44906. maxPacketSize: 0,
  44907. charsetNumber: 224,
  44908. compress: false,
  44909. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  44910. clientFlags: 8582093,
  44911. connectAttributes: undefined,
  44912. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  44914. Socket {
  44915. connecting: false,
  44916. _hadError: false,
  44917. _handle:
  44918. TCP {
  44919. reading: true,
  44920. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  44921. onconnection: null,
  44922. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  44923. _parent: null,
  44924. _host: 'localhost',
  44925. _readableState:
  44926. ReadableState {
  44927. objectMode: false,
  44928. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44929. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  44930. length: 0,
  44931. pipes: null,
  44932. pipesCount: 0,
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  44934. ended: false,
  44935. endEmitted: false,
  44936. reading: true,
  44937. sync: false,
  44938. needReadable: true,
  44939. emittedReadable: false,
  44940. readableListening: false,
  44941. resumeScheduled: false,
  44942. emitClose: false,
  44943. autoDestroy: false,
  44944. destroyed: false,
  44945. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44946. awaitDrain: 0,
  44947. readingMore: false,
  44948. decoder: null,
  44949. encoding: null },
  44950. readable: true,
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  44952. [Object: null prototype] {
  44953. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  44954. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  44955. data: [Function],
  44956. close: [Function] },
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  44958. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  44960. WritableState {
  44961. objectMode: false,
  44962. highWaterMark: 16384,
  44963. finalCalled: false,
  44964. needDrain: false,
  44965. ending: false,
  44966. ended: false,
  44967. finished: false,
  44968. destroyed: false,
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  44970. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  44971. length: 0,
  44972. writing: false,
  44973. corked: 0,
  44974. sync: false,
  44975. bufferProcessing: false,
  44976. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  44977. writecb: null,
  44978. writelen: 0,
  44979. bufferedRequest: null,
  44980. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  44981. pendingcb: 0,
  44982. prefinished: false,
  44983. errorEmitted: false,
  44984. emitClose: false,
  44985. autoDestroy: false,
  44986. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  44987. corkedRequestsFree:
  44988. { next: null,
  44989. entry: null,
  44990. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  44991. writable: true,
  44992. allowHalfOpen: false,
  44993. _sockname: null,
  44994. _pendingData: null,
  44995. _pendingEncoding: '',
  44996. server: null,
  44997. _server: null,
  44998. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  44999. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  45000. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  45001. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  45002. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  45003. _internalId: 2,
  45004. _commands:
  45005. Denque {
  45006. _head: 0,
  45007. _tail: 0,
  45008. _capacityMask: 3,
  45009. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45010. _command: undefined,
  45011. _paused: false,
  45012. _paused_packets:
  45013. Denque {
  45014. _head: 0,
  45015. _tail: 0,
  45016. _capacityMask: 3,
  45017. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45018. _statements:
  45019. LRUCache {
  45020. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  45021. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  45022. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  45023. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  45024. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  45025. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  45026. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  45027. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  45028. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  45029. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45030. authorized: true,
  45031. sequenceId: 2,
  45032. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  45033. threadId: 1302,
  45034. _handshakePacket:
  45035. Handshake {
  45036. protocolVersion: 10,
  45037. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  45038. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45039. connectionId: 1302,
  45040. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  45041. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  45042. characterSet: 255,
  45043. statusFlags: 2 },
  45044. _fatalError: null,
  45045. _protocolError: null,
  45046. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  45047. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  45048. packetParser:
  45049. PacketParser {
  45050. buffer: [],
  45051. bufferLength: 0,
  45052. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  45053. headerLen: 0,
  45054. length: 7,
  45055. largePacketParts: [],
  45056. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  45057. onPacket: [Function],
  45058. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  45059. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  45060. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  45061. connectTimeout: null,
  45062. connectionId: 1302 },
  45063. state: 'IDLE' } },
  45064. tail:
  45065. { prev:
  45066. { prev: null,
  45067. next: [Circular],
  45068. data:
  45069. PooledResource {
  45070. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  45071. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  45072. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  45073. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  45074. obj:
  45075. Connection {
  45076. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  45077. _eventsCount: 1,
  45078. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45079. config:
  45080. ConnectionConfig {
  45081. isServer: undefined,
  45082. stream: undefined,
  45083. host: 'localhost',
  45084. port: 3306,
  45085. localAddress: undefined,
  45086. socketPath: undefined,
  45087. user: 'root',
  45088. password: 'abcd1234',
  45089. passwordSha1: undefined,
  45090. database: 'lbry',
  45091. connectTimeout: 10000,
  45092. insecureAuth: false,
  45093. supportBigNumbers: true,
  45094. bigNumberStrings: false,
  45095. decimalNumbers: false,
  45096. dateStrings: false,
  45097. debug: undefined,
  45098. trace: true,
  45099. stringifyObjects: false,
  45100. timezone: '+00:00',
  45101. queryFormat: undefined,
  45102. pool: undefined,
  45103. ssl: false,
  45104. multipleStatements: false,
  45105. rowsAsArray: false,
  45106. namedPlaceholders: false,
  45107. nestTables: undefined,
  45108. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  45109. maxPacketSize: 0,
  45110. charsetNumber: 224,
  45111. compress: false,
  45112. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  45113. clientFlags: 8582093,
  45114. connectAttributes: undefined,
  45115. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  45116. stream:
  45117. Socket {
  45118. connecting: false,
  45119. _hadError: false,
  45120. _handle:
  45121. TCP {
  45122. reading: true,
  45123. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  45124. onconnection: null,
  45125. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  45126. _parent: null,
  45127. _host: 'localhost',
  45128. _readableState:
  45129. ReadableState {
  45130. objectMode: false,
  45131. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45132. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  45133. length: 0,
  45134. pipes: null,
  45135. pipesCount: 0,
  45136. flowing: true,
  45137. ended: false,
  45138. endEmitted: false,
  45139. reading: true,
  45140. sync: false,
  45141. needReadable: true,
  45142. emittedReadable: false,
  45143. readableListening: false,
  45144. resumeScheduled: false,
  45145. emitClose: false,
  45146. autoDestroy: false,
  45147. destroyed: false,
  45148. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45149. awaitDrain: 0,
  45150. readingMore: false,
  45151. decoder: null,
  45152. encoding: null },
  45153. readable: true,
  45154. _events:
  45155. [Object: null prototype] {
  45156. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  45157. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  45158. data: [Function],
  45159. close: [Function] },
  45160. _eventsCount: 4,
  45161. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45162. _writableState:
  45163. WritableState {
  45164. objectMode: false,
  45165. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45166. finalCalled: false,
  45167. needDrain: false,
  45168. ending: false,
  45169. ended: false,
  45170. finished: false,
  45171. destroyed: false,
  45172. decodeStrings: false,
  45173. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45174. length: 0,
  45175. writing: false,
  45176. corked: 0,
  45177. sync: false,
  45178. bufferProcessing: false,
  45179. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  45181. writelen: 0,
  45182. bufferedRequest: null,
  45183. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  45184. pendingcb: 0,
  45185. prefinished: false,
  45186. errorEmitted: false,
  45187. emitClose: false,
  45188. autoDestroy: false,
  45189. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  45190. corkedRequestsFree:
  45191. { next: null,
  45192. entry: null,
  45193. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  45194. writable: true,
  45195. allowHalfOpen: false,
  45196. _sockname: null,
  45197. _pendingData: null,
  45198. _pendingEncoding: '',
  45199. server: null,
  45200. _server: null,
  45201. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  45202. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  45203. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  45204. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  45205. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  45206. _internalId: 2,
  45207. _commands:
  45208. Denque {
  45209. _head: 0,
  45210. _tail: 0,
  45211. _capacityMask: 3,
  45212. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45213. _command: undefined,
  45214. _paused: false,
  45215. _paused_packets:
  45216. Denque {
  45217. _head: 0,
  45218. _tail: 0,
  45219. _capacityMask: 3,
  45220. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45221. _statements:
  45222. LRUCache {
  45223. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  45224. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  45225. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  45226. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  45227. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  45228. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  45229. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  45230. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  45231. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  45232. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45233. authorized: true,
  45234. sequenceId: 2,
  45235. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  45236. threadId: 1302,
  45237. _handshakePacket:
  45238. Handshake {
  45239. protocolVersion: 10,
  45240. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  45241. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45242. connectionId: 1302,
  45243. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  45244. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  45245. characterSet: 255,
  45246. statusFlags: 2 },
  45247. _fatalError: null,
  45248. _protocolError: null,
  45249. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  45250. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  45251. packetParser:
  45252. PacketParser {
  45253. buffer: [],
  45254. bufferLength: 0,
  45255. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  45256. headerLen: 0,
  45257. length: 7,
  45258. largePacketParts: [],
  45259. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  45260. onPacket: [Function],
  45261. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  45262. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  45263. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  45264. connectTimeout: null,
  45265. connectionId: 1302 },
  45266. state: 'IDLE' } },
  45267. next: null,
  45268. data:
  45269. PooledResource {
  45270. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  45271. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  45272. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  45273. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  45274. obj:
  45275. Connection {
  45276. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  45277. _eventsCount: 1,
  45278. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45279. config:
  45280. ConnectionConfig {
  45281. isServer: undefined,
  45282. stream: undefined,
  45283. host: 'localhost',
  45284. port: 3306,
  45285. localAddress: undefined,
  45286. socketPath: undefined,
  45287. user: 'root',
  45288. password: 'abcd1234',
  45289. passwordSha1: undefined,
  45290. database: 'lbry',
  45291. connectTimeout: 10000,
  45292. insecureAuth: false,
  45293. supportBigNumbers: true,
  45294. bigNumberStrings: false,
  45295. decimalNumbers: false,
  45296. dateStrings: false,
  45297. debug: undefined,
  45298. trace: true,
  45299. stringifyObjects: false,
  45300. timezone: '+00:00',
  45301. queryFormat: undefined,
  45302. pool: undefined,
  45303. ssl: false,
  45304. multipleStatements: false,
  45305. rowsAsArray: false,
  45306. namedPlaceholders: false,
  45307. nestTables: undefined,
  45308. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  45309. maxPacketSize: 0,
  45310. charsetNumber: 224,
  45311. compress: false,
  45312. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  45313. clientFlags: 8582093,
  45314. connectAttributes: undefined,
  45315. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  45316. stream:
  45317. Socket {
  45318. connecting: false,
  45319. _hadError: false,
  45320. _handle:
  45321. TCP {
  45322. reading: true,
  45323. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  45324. onconnection: null,
  45325. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  45326. _parent: null,
  45327. _host: 'localhost',
  45328. _readableState:
  45329. ReadableState {
  45330. objectMode: false,
  45331. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45332. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  45333. length: 0,
  45334. pipes: null,
  45335. pipesCount: 0,
  45336. flowing: true,
  45337. ended: false,
  45338. endEmitted: false,
  45339. reading: true,
  45340. sync: false,
  45341. needReadable: true,
  45342. emittedReadable: false,
  45343. readableListening: false,
  45344. resumeScheduled: false,
  45345. emitClose: false,
  45346. autoDestroy: false,
  45347. destroyed: false,
  45348. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45349. awaitDrain: 0,
  45350. readingMore: false,
  45351. decoder: null,
  45352. encoding: null },
  45353. readable: true,
  45354. _events:
  45355. [Object: null prototype] {
  45356. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  45357. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  45358. data: [Function],
  45359. close: [Function] },
  45360. _eventsCount: 4,
  45361. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45362. _writableState:
  45363. WritableState {
  45364. objectMode: false,
  45365. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45366. finalCalled: false,
  45367. needDrain: false,
  45368. ending: false,
  45369. ended: false,
  45370. finished: false,
  45371. destroyed: false,
  45372. decodeStrings: false,
  45373. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45374. length: 0,
  45375. writing: false,
  45376. corked: 0,
  45377. sync: false,
  45378. bufferProcessing: false,
  45379. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  45380. writecb: null,
  45381. writelen: 0,
  45382. bufferedRequest: null,
  45383. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  45384. pendingcb: 0,
  45385. prefinished: false,
  45386. errorEmitted: false,
  45387. emitClose: false,
  45388. autoDestroy: false,
  45389. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  45390. corkedRequestsFree:
  45391. { next: null,
  45392. entry: null,
  45393. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  45394. writable: true,
  45395. allowHalfOpen: false,
  45396. _sockname: null,
  45397. _pendingData: null,
  45398. _pendingEncoding: '',
  45399. server: null,
  45400. _server: null,
  45401. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  45402. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  45403. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  45404. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  45405. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  45406. _internalId: 1,
  45407. _commands:
  45408. Denque {
  45409. _head: 0,
  45410. _tail: 0,
  45411. _capacityMask: 3,
  45412. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45413. _command: undefined,
  45414. _paused: false,
  45415. _paused_packets:
  45416. Denque {
  45417. _head: 0,
  45418. _tail: 0,
  45419. _capacityMask: 3,
  45420. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45421. _statements:
  45422. LRUCache {
  45423. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  45424. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  45425. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  45426. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  45427. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  45428. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  45429. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  45430. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  45431. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  45432. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45433. authorized: true,
  45434. sequenceId: 23,
  45435. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  45436. threadId: 1303,
  45437. _handshakePacket:
  45438. Handshake {
  45439. protocolVersion: 10,
  45440. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  45441. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45442. connectionId: 1303,
  45443. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  45444. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  45445. characterSet: 255,
  45446. statusFlags: 2 },
  45447. _fatalError: null,
  45448. _protocolError: null,
  45449. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  45450. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  45451. packetParser:
  45452. PacketParser {
  45453. buffer: [],
  45454. bufferLength: 0,
  45455. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  45456. headerLen: 0,
  45457. length: 5,
  45458. largePacketParts: [],
  45459. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  45460. onPacket: [Function],
  45461. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  45462. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  45463. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  45464. connectTimeout: null,
  45465. connectionId: 1303 },
  45466. state: 'IDLE' } },
  45467. length: 2 },
  45468. _direction: 'next',
  45469. _startPosition: 'head',
  45470. _started: false,
  45471. _cursor: null,
  45472. _done: false },
  45473. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  45474. _scheduledEviction:
  45475. Timeout {
  45476. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  45477. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  45478. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  45479. _idleStart: 432,
  45480. _onTimeout: [Function],
  45481. _timerArgs: undefined,
  45482. _repeat: null,
  45483. _destroyed: false,
  45484. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  45485. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  45486. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  45487. lib:
  45488. { createConnection: [Function],
  45489. connect: [Function],
  45490. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  45491. createPool: [Function],
  45492. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  45493. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  45494. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  45495. createServer: [Function],
  45496. PoolConnection:
  45497. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  45498. escape: [Function: escape],
  45499. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  45500. format: [Function: format],
  45501. raw: [Function: raw],
  45502. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  45503. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  45504. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  45505. Types: [Getter],
  45506. Charsets: [Getter],
  45507. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  45508. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  45509. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  45510. importCache: {},
  45511. test:
  45512. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  45513. _runningQueries: 0,
  45514. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  45515. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  45516. hooks: {},
  45517. uniqueKeys: {} },
  45518. _options:
  45519. { isNewRecord: false,
  45520. _schema: null,
  45521. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  45522. raw: true,
  45523. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  45524. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  45525. isNewRecord: false },
  45526. Balloons {
  45527. dataValues:
  45528. { id: 6,
  45529. size: 'large',
  45530. color: 'red',
  45531. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:10:51.000Z,
  45532. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:10:51.000Z },
  45533. _previousDataValues:
  45534. { id: 6,
  45535. size: 'large',
  45536. color: 'red',
  45537. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:10:51.000Z,
  45538. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:10:51.000Z },
  45539. _changed: {},
  45540. _modelOptions:
  45541. { timestamps: true,
  45542. validate: {},
  45543. freezeTableName: false,
  45544. underscored: false,
  45545. underscoredAll: false,
  45546. paranoid: false,
  45547. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  45548. whereCollection: null,
  45549. schema: null,
  45550. schemaDelimiter: '',
  45551. defaultScope: {},
  45552. scopes: [],
  45553. indexes: [],
  45554. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  45555. omitNull: false,
  45556. sequelize:
  45557. Sequelize {
  45558. options:
  45559. { dialect: 'mysql',
  45560. dialectModulePath: null,
  45561. host: 'localhost',
  45562. protocol: 'tcp',
  45563. define: {},
  45564. query: {},
  45565. sync: {},
  45566. timezone: '+00:00',
  45567. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  45568. omitNull: false,
  45569. native: false,
  45570. replication: false,
  45571. ssl: undefined,
  45572. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  45573. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  45574. hooks: {},
  45575. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  45576. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  45577. isolationLevel: null,
  45578. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  45579. typeValidation: false,
  45580. benchmark: false,
  45581. operatorsAliases: false },
  45582. config:
  45583. { database: 'lbry',
  45584. username: 'root',
  45585. password: 'abcd1234',
  45586. host: 'localhost',
  45587. port: 3306,
  45588. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  45589. protocol: 'tcp',
  45590. native: false,
  45591. ssl: undefined,
  45592. replication: false,
  45593. dialectModulePath: null,
  45594. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  45595. dialectOptions: undefined },
  45596. dialect:
  45597. MysqlDialect {
  45598. sequelize: [Circular],
  45599. connectionManager:
  45600. ConnectionManager {
  45601. sequelize: [Circular],
  45602. config:
  45603. { database: 'lbry',
  45604. username: 'root',
  45605. password: 'abcd1234',
  45606. host: 'localhost',
  45607. port: undefined,
  45608. pool:
  45609. { max: 5,
  45610. min: 0,
  45611. acquire: 30000,
  45612. idle: 10000,
  45613. evict: 10000,
  45614. handleDisconnects: true,
  45615. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  45616. Promise:
  45617. { [Function: Promise]
  45618. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  45619. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  45620. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  45621. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  45622. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45623. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45624. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  45625. _peekContext: [Function],
  45626. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  45627. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  45628. longStackTraces: [Function],
  45629. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  45630. config: [Function],
  45631. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  45632. is: [Function],
  45633. fromCallback: [Function],
  45634. fromNode: [Function],
  45635. all: [Function],
  45636. cast: [Function],
  45637. fulfilled: [Function],
  45638. resolve: [Function],
  45639. rejected: [Function],
  45640. reject: [Function],
  45641. setScheduler: [Function],
  45642. pending: [Function],
  45643. defer: [Function],
  45644. method: [Function],
  45645. try: [Function],
  45646. attempt: [Function],
  45647. bind: [Function],
  45648. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  45649. join: [Function],
  45650. Promise: [Circular],
  45651. version: '3.5.3',
  45652. map: [Function],
  45653. using: [Function],
  45654. delay: [Function],
  45655. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  45656. spawn: [Function],
  45657. promisify: [Function],
  45658. promisifyAll: [Function],
  45659. props: [Function],
  45660. race: [Function],
  45661. reduce: [Function],
  45662. settle: [Function],
  45663. some: [Function],
  45664. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  45665. filter: [Function],
  45666. each: [Function],
  45667. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  45668. any: [Function],
  45669. default: [Circular] } },
  45670. protocol: 'tcp',
  45671. native: false,
  45672. ssl: undefined,
  45673. replication: false,
  45674. dialectModulePath: null,
  45675. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  45676. dialectOptions: undefined },
  45677. dialect: [Circular],
  45678. versionPromise: null,
  45679. dialectName: 'mysql',
  45680. pool:
  45681. Pool {
  45682. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  45683. _eventsCount: 0,
  45684. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45685. _config:
  45686. PoolOptions {
  45687. fifo: true,
  45688. priorityRange: 1,
  45689. testOnBorrow: true,
  45690. testOnReturn: false,
  45691. autostart: false,
  45692. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  45693. max: 5,
  45694. min: 0,
  45695. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  45696. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  45697. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  45698. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  45699. Promise:
  45700. { [Function: Promise]
  45701. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  45702. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  45703. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  45704. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  45705. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45706. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45707. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  45708. _peekContext: [Function],
  45709. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  45710. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  45711. longStackTraces: [Function],
  45712. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  45713. config: [Function],
  45714. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  45715. is: [Function],
  45716. fromCallback: [Function],
  45717. fromNode: [Function],
  45718. all: [Function],
  45719. cast: [Function],
  45720. fulfilled: [Function],
  45721. resolve: [Function],
  45722. rejected: [Function],
  45723. reject: [Function],
  45724. setScheduler: [Function],
  45725. pending: [Function],
  45726. defer: [Function],
  45727. method: [Function],
  45728. try: [Function],
  45729. attempt: [Function],
  45730. bind: [Function],
  45731. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  45732. join: [Function],
  45733. Promise: [Circular],
  45734. version: '3.5.3',
  45735. map: [Function],
  45736. using: [Function],
  45737. delay: [Function],
  45738. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  45739. spawn: [Function],
  45740. promisify: [Function],
  45741. promisifyAll: [Function],
  45742. props: [Function],
  45743. race: [Function],
  45744. reduce: [Function],
  45745. settle: [Function],
  45746. some: [Function],
  45747. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  45748. filter: [Function],
  45749. each: [Function],
  45750. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  45751. any: [Function],
  45752. default: [Circular] } },
  45753. _Promise:
  45754. { [Function: Promise]
  45755. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  45756. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  45757. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  45758. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  45759. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45760. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  45761. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  45762. _peekContext: [Function],
  45763. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  45764. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  45765. longStackTraces: [Function],
  45766. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  45767. config: [Function],
  45768. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  45769. is: [Function],
  45770. fromCallback: [Function],
  45771. fromNode: [Function],
  45772. all: [Function],
  45773. cast: [Function],
  45774. fulfilled: [Function],
  45775. resolve: [Function],
  45776. rejected: [Function],
  45777. reject: [Function],
  45778. setScheduler: [Function],
  45779. pending: [Function],
  45780. defer: [Function],
  45781. method: [Function],
  45782. try: [Function],
  45783. attempt: [Function],
  45784. bind: [Function],
  45785. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  45786. join: [Function],
  45787. Promise: [Circular],
  45788. version: '3.5.3',
  45789. map: [Function],
  45790. using: [Function],
  45791. delay: [Function],
  45792. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  45793. spawn: [Function],
  45794. promisify: [Function],
  45795. promisifyAll: [Function],
  45796. props: [Function],
  45797. race: [Function],
  45798. reduce: [Function],
  45799. settle: [Function],
  45800. some: [Function],
  45801. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  45802. filter: [Function],
  45803. each: [Function],
  45804. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  45805. any: [Function],
  45806. default: [Circular] },
  45807. _factory:
  45808. { create: [Function: create],
  45809. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  45810. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  45811. _draining: false,
  45812. _started: true,
  45813. _waitingClientsQueue:
  45814. PriorityQueue {
  45815. _size: 1,
  45816. _slots:
  45817. [ Queue {
  45818. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  45819. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  45820. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  45821. _availableObjects:
  45822. Deque {
  45823. _list:
  45824. DoublyLinkedList {
  45825. head:
  45826. { prev: null,
  45827. next:
  45828. { prev: [Circular],
  45829. next: null,
  45830. data:
  45831. PooledResource {
  45832. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  45833. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  45834. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  45835. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  45836. obj:
  45837. Connection {
  45838. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  45839. _eventsCount: 1,
  45840. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45841. config:
  45842. ConnectionConfig {
  45843. isServer: undefined,
  45844. stream: undefined,
  45845. host: 'localhost',
  45846. port: 3306,
  45847. localAddress: undefined,
  45848. socketPath: undefined,
  45849. user: 'root',
  45850. password: 'abcd1234',
  45851. passwordSha1: undefined,
  45852. database: 'lbry',
  45853. connectTimeout: 10000,
  45854. insecureAuth: false,
  45855. supportBigNumbers: true,
  45856. bigNumberStrings: false,
  45857. decimalNumbers: false,
  45858. dateStrings: false,
  45859. debug: undefined,
  45860. trace: true,
  45861. stringifyObjects: false,
  45862. timezone: '+00:00',
  45863. queryFormat: undefined,
  45864. pool: undefined,
  45865. ssl: false,
  45866. multipleStatements: false,
  45867. rowsAsArray: false,
  45868. namedPlaceholders: false,
  45869. nestTables: undefined,
  45870. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  45871. maxPacketSize: 0,
  45872. charsetNumber: 224,
  45873. compress: false,
  45874. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  45875. clientFlags: 8582093,
  45876. connectAttributes: undefined,
  45877. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  45878. stream:
  45879. Socket {
  45880. connecting: false,
  45881. _hadError: false,
  45882. _handle:
  45883. TCP {
  45884. reading: true,
  45885. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  45886. onconnection: null,
  45887. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  45888. _parent: null,
  45889. _host: 'localhost',
  45890. _readableState:
  45891. ReadableState {
  45892. objectMode: false,
  45893. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45894. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  45895. length: 0,
  45896. pipes: null,
  45897. pipesCount: 0,
  45898. flowing: true,
  45899. ended: false,
  45900. endEmitted: false,
  45901. reading: true,
  45902. sync: false,
  45903. needReadable: true,
  45904. emittedReadable: false,
  45905. readableListening: false,
  45906. resumeScheduled: false,
  45907. emitClose: false,
  45908. autoDestroy: false,
  45909. destroyed: false,
  45910. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45911. awaitDrain: 0,
  45912. readingMore: false,
  45913. decoder: null,
  45914. encoding: null },
  45915. readable: true,
  45916. _events:
  45917. [Object: null prototype] {
  45918. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  45919. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  45920. data: [Function],
  45921. close: [Function] },
  45922. _eventsCount: 4,
  45923. _maxListeners: undefined,
  45924. _writableState:
  45925. WritableState {
  45926. objectMode: false,
  45927. highWaterMark: 16384,
  45928. finalCalled: false,
  45929. needDrain: false,
  45930. ending: false,
  45931. ended: false,
  45932. finished: false,
  45933. destroyed: false,
  45934. decodeStrings: false,
  45935. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  45936. length: 0,
  45937. writing: false,
  45938. corked: 0,
  45939. sync: false,
  45940. bufferProcessing: false,
  45941. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  45942. writecb: null,
  45943. writelen: 0,
  45944. bufferedRequest: null,
  45945. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  45946. pendingcb: 0,
  45947. prefinished: false,
  45948. errorEmitted: false,
  45949. emitClose: false,
  45950. autoDestroy: false,
  45951. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  45952. corkedRequestsFree:
  45953. { next: null,
  45954. entry: null,
  45955. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  45956. writable: true,
  45957. allowHalfOpen: false,
  45958. _sockname: null,
  45959. _pendingData: null,
  45960. _pendingEncoding: '',
  45961. server: null,
  45962. _server: null,
  45963. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  45964. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  45965. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  45966. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  45967. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  45968. _internalId: 1,
  45969. _commands:
  45970. Denque {
  45971. _head: 0,
  45972. _tail: 0,
  45973. _capacityMask: 3,
  45974. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45975. _command: undefined,
  45976. _paused: false,
  45977. _paused_packets:
  45978. Denque {
  45979. _head: 0,
  45980. _tail: 0,
  45981. _capacityMask: 3,
  45982. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  45983. _statements:
  45984. LRUCache {
  45985. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  45986. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  45987. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  45988. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  45989. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  45990. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  45991. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  45992. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  45993. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  45994. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  45995. authorized: true,
  45996. sequenceId: 23,
  45997. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  45998. threadId: 1303,
  45999. _handshakePacket:
  46000. Handshake {
  46001. protocolVersion: 10,
  46002. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  46003. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46004. connectionId: 1303,
  46005. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  46006. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  46007. characterSet: 255,
  46008. statusFlags: 2 },
  46009. _fatalError: null,
  46010. _protocolError: null,
  46011. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  46012. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  46013. packetParser:
  46014. PacketParser {
  46015. buffer: [],
  46016. bufferLength: 0,
  46017. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  46018. headerLen: 0,
  46019. length: 5,
  46020. largePacketParts: [],
  46021. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  46022. onPacket: [Function],
  46023. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  46024. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  46025. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  46026. connectTimeout: null,
  46027. connectionId: 1303 },
  46028. state: 'IDLE' } },
  46029. data:
  46030. PooledResource {
  46031. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  46032. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  46033. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  46034. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  46035. obj:
  46036. Connection {
  46037. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  46038. _eventsCount: 1,
  46039. _maxListeners: undefined,
  46040. config:
  46041. ConnectionConfig {
  46042. isServer: undefined,
  46043. stream: undefined,
  46044. host: 'localhost',
  46045. port: 3306,
  46046. localAddress: undefined,
  46047. socketPath: undefined,
  46048. user: 'root',
  46049. password: 'abcd1234',
  46050. passwordSha1: undefined,
  46051. database: 'lbry',
  46052. connectTimeout: 10000,
  46053. insecureAuth: false,
  46054. supportBigNumbers: true,
  46055. bigNumberStrings: false,
  46056. decimalNumbers: false,
  46057. dateStrings: false,
  46058. debug: undefined,
  46059. trace: true,
  46060. stringifyObjects: false,
  46061. timezone: '+00:00',
  46062. queryFormat: undefined,
  46063. pool: undefined,
  46064. ssl: false,
  46065. multipleStatements: false,
  46066. rowsAsArray: false,
  46067. namedPlaceholders: false,
  46068. nestTables: undefined,
  46069. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  46070. maxPacketSize: 0,
  46071. charsetNumber: 224,
  46072. compress: false,
  46073. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  46074. clientFlags: 8582093,
  46075. connectAttributes: undefined,
  46076. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  46077. stream:
  46078. Socket {
  46079. connecting: false,
  46080. _hadError: false,
  46081. _handle:
  46082. TCP {
  46083. reading: true,
  46084. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  46085. onconnection: null,
  46086. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  46087. _parent: null,
  46088. _host: 'localhost',
  46089. _readableState:
  46090. ReadableState {
  46091. objectMode: false,
  46092. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46093. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  46094. length: 0,
  46095. pipes: null,
  46096. pipesCount: 0,
  46097. flowing: true,
  46098. ended: false,
  46099. endEmitted: false,
  46100. reading: true,
  46101. sync: false,
  46102. needReadable: true,
  46103. emittedReadable: false,
  46104. readableListening: false,
  46105. resumeScheduled: false,
  46106. emitClose: false,
  46107. autoDestroy: false,
  46108. destroyed: false,
  46109. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46110. awaitDrain: 0,
  46111. readingMore: false,
  46112. decoder: null,
  46113. encoding: null },
  46114. readable: true,
  46115. _events:
  46116. [Object: null prototype] {
  46117. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  46118. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  46119. data: [Function],
  46120. close: [Function] },
  46121. _eventsCount: 4,
  46122. _maxListeners: undefined,
  46123. _writableState:
  46124. WritableState {
  46125. objectMode: false,
  46126. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46127. finalCalled: false,
  46128. needDrain: false,
  46129. ending: false,
  46130. ended: false,
  46131. finished: false,
  46132. destroyed: false,
  46133. decodeStrings: false,
  46134. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46135. length: 0,
  46136. writing: false,
  46137. corked: 0,
  46138. sync: false,
  46139. bufferProcessing: false,
  46140. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  46141. writecb: null,
  46142. writelen: 0,
  46143. bufferedRequest: null,
  46144. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  46145. pendingcb: 0,
  46146. prefinished: false,
  46147. errorEmitted: false,
  46148. emitClose: false,
  46149. autoDestroy: false,
  46150. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  46151. corkedRequestsFree:
  46152. { next: null,
  46153. entry: null,
  46154. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  46155. writable: true,
  46156. allowHalfOpen: false,
  46157. _sockname: null,
  46158. _pendingData: null,
  46159. _pendingEncoding: '',
  46160. server: null,
  46161. _server: null,
  46162. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  46163. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  46164. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  46165. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  46166. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  46167. _internalId: 2,
  46168. _commands:
  46169. Denque {
  46170. _head: 0,
  46171. _tail: 0,
  46172. _capacityMask: 3,
  46173. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  46174. _command: undefined,
  46175. _paused: false,
  46176. _paused_packets:
  46177. Denque {
  46178. _head: 0,
  46179. _tail: 0,
  46180. _capacityMask: 3,
  46181. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  46182. _statements:
  46183. LRUCache {
  46184. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  46185. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  46186. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  46187. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  46188. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  46189. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  46190. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  46191. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  46192. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  46193. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46194. authorized: true,
  46195. sequenceId: 2,
  46196. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  46197. threadId: 1302,
  46198. _handshakePacket:
  46199. Handshake {
  46200. protocolVersion: 10,
  46201. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  46202. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46203. connectionId: 1302,
  46204. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  46205. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  46206. characterSet: 255,
  46207. statusFlags: 2 },
  46208. _fatalError: null,
  46209. _protocolError: null,
  46210. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  46211. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  46212. packetParser:
  46213. PacketParser {
  46214. buffer: [],
  46215. bufferLength: 0,
  46216. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  46217. headerLen: 0,
  46218. length: 7,
  46219. largePacketParts: [],
  46220. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  46221. onPacket: [Function],
  46222. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  46223. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  46224. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  46225. connectTimeout: null,
  46226. connectionId: 1302 },
  46227. state: 'IDLE' } },
  46228. tail:
  46229. { prev:
  46230. { prev: null,
  46231. next: [Circular],
  46232. data:
  46233. PooledResource {
  46234. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  46235. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  46236. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  46237. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  46238. obj:
  46239. Connection {
  46240. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  46241. _eventsCount: 1,
  46242. _maxListeners: undefined,
  46243. config:
  46244. ConnectionConfig {
  46245. isServer: undefined,
  46246. stream: undefined,
  46247. host: 'localhost',
  46248. port: 3306,
  46249. localAddress: undefined,
  46250. socketPath: undefined,
  46251. user: 'root',
  46252. password: 'abcd1234',
  46253. passwordSha1: undefined,
  46254. database: 'lbry',
  46255. connectTimeout: 10000,
  46256. insecureAuth: false,
  46257. supportBigNumbers: true,
  46258. bigNumberStrings: false,
  46259. decimalNumbers: false,
  46260. dateStrings: false,
  46261. debug: undefined,
  46262. trace: true,
  46263. stringifyObjects: false,
  46264. timezone: '+00:00',
  46265. queryFormat: undefined,
  46266. pool: undefined,
  46267. ssl: false,
  46268. multipleStatements: false,
  46269. rowsAsArray: false,
  46270. namedPlaceholders: false,
  46271. nestTables: undefined,
  46272. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  46273. maxPacketSize: 0,
  46274. charsetNumber: 224,
  46275. compress: false,
  46276. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  46277. clientFlags: 8582093,
  46278. connectAttributes: undefined,
  46279. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  46280. stream:
  46281. Socket {
  46282. connecting: false,
  46283. _hadError: false,
  46284. _handle:
  46285. TCP {
  46286. reading: true,
  46287. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  46288. onconnection: null,
  46289. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  46291. _host: 'localhost',
  46292. _readableState:
  46293. ReadableState {
  46294. objectMode: false,
  46295. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46296. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  46297. length: 0,
  46298. pipes: null,
  46299. pipesCount: 0,
  46300. flowing: true,
  46301. ended: false,
  46302. endEmitted: false,
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  46304. sync: false,
  46305. needReadable: true,
  46306. emittedReadable: false,
  46307. readableListening: false,
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  46309. emitClose: false,
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  46311. destroyed: false,
  46312. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46313. awaitDrain: 0,
  46314. readingMore: false,
  46315. decoder: null,
  46316. encoding: null },
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  46319. [Object: null prototype] {
  46320. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  46321. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  46322. data: [Function],
  46323. close: [Function] },
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  46325. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  46329. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46330. finalCalled: false,
  46331. needDrain: false,
  46332. ending: false,
  46333. ended: false,
  46334. finished: false,
  46335. destroyed: false,
  46336. decodeStrings: false,
  46337. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46338. length: 0,
  46339. writing: false,
  46340. corked: 0,
  46341. sync: false,
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  46347. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  46348. pendingcb: 0,
  46349. prefinished: false,
  46350. errorEmitted: false,
  46351. emitClose: false,
  46352. autoDestroy: false,
  46353. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  46354. corkedRequestsFree:
  46355. { next: null,
  46356. entry: null,
  46357. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  46358. writable: true,
  46359. allowHalfOpen: false,
  46360. _sockname: null,
  46361. _pendingData: null,
  46362. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  46364. _server: null,
  46365. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  46366. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  46367. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  46368. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  46369. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  46372. Denque {
  46373. _head: 0,
  46374. _tail: 0,
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  46376. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  46378. _paused: false,
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  46380. Denque {
  46381. _head: 0,
  46382. _tail: 0,
  46383. _capacityMask: 3,
  46384. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  46387. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  46388. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  46389. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  46390. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  46391. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  46392. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  46393. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  46394. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  46395. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  46396. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46397. authorized: true,
  46398. sequenceId: 2,
  46399. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  46400. threadId: 1302,
  46401. _handshakePacket:
  46402. Handshake {
  46403. protocolVersion: 10,
  46404. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  46405. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46406. connectionId: 1302,
  46407. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  46408. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  46409. characterSet: 255,
  46410. statusFlags: 2 },
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  46412. _protocolError: null,
  46413. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  46415. packetParser:
  46416. PacketParser {
  46417. buffer: [],
  46418. bufferLength: 0,
  46419. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  46420. headerLen: 0,
  46421. length: 7,
  46422. largePacketParts: [],
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  46424. onPacket: [Function],
  46425. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  46426. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  46427. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  46428. connectTimeout: null,
  46429. connectionId: 1302 },
  46430. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  46432. data:
  46433. PooledResource {
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  46435. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  46436. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  46437. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  46438. obj:
  46439. Connection {
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  46441. _eventsCount: 1,
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  46446. stream: undefined,
  46447. host: 'localhost',
  46448. port: 3306,
  46449. localAddress: undefined,
  46450. socketPath: undefined,
  46451. user: 'root',
  46452. password: 'abcd1234',
  46453. passwordSha1: undefined,
  46454. database: 'lbry',
  46455. connectTimeout: 10000,
  46456. insecureAuth: false,
  46457. supportBigNumbers: true,
  46458. bigNumberStrings: false,
  46459. decimalNumbers: false,
  46460. dateStrings: false,
  46461. debug: undefined,
  46462. trace: true,
  46463. stringifyObjects: false,
  46464. timezone: '+00:00',
  46465. queryFormat: undefined,
  46466. pool: undefined,
  46467. ssl: false,
  46468. multipleStatements: false,
  46469. rowsAsArray: false,
  46470. namedPlaceholders: false,
  46471. nestTables: undefined,
  46472. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  46474. charsetNumber: 224,
  46475. compress: false,
  46476. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  46477. clientFlags: 8582093,
  46478. connectAttributes: undefined,
  46479. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  46481. Socket {
  46482. connecting: false,
  46483. _hadError: false,
  46484. _handle:
  46485. TCP {
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  46487. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  46489. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  46491. _host: 'localhost',
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  46493. ReadableState {
  46494. objectMode: false,
  46495. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46496. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  46497. length: 0,
  46498. pipes: null,
  46499. pipesCount: 0,
  46500. flowing: true,
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  46504. sync: false,
  46505. needReadable: true,
  46506. emittedReadable: false,
  46507. readableListening: false,
  46508. resumeScheduled: false,
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  46511. destroyed: false,
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  46513. awaitDrain: 0,
  46514. readingMore: false,
  46515. decoder: null,
  46516. encoding: null },
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  46519. [Object: null prototype] {
  46520. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  46521. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  46522. data: [Function],
  46523. close: [Function] },
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  46530. finalCalled: false,
  46531. needDrain: false,
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  46533. ended: false,
  46534. finished: false,
  46535. destroyed: false,
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  46538. length: 0,
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  46540. corked: 0,
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  46547. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  46549. prefinished: false,
  46550. errorEmitted: false,
  46551. emitClose: false,
  46552. autoDestroy: false,
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  46555. { next: null,
  46556. entry: null,
  46557. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  46562. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  46564. _server: null,
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  46566. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  46567. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  46568. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  46569. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  46572. Denque {
  46573. _head: 0,
  46574. _tail: 0,
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  46576. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  46580. Denque {
  46581. _head: 0,
  46582. _tail: 0,
  46583. _capacityMask: 3,
  46584. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  46590. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  46591. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  46592. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  46593. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  46594. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  46595. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  46596. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46597. authorized: true,
  46598. sequenceId: 23,
  46599. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  46600. threadId: 1303,
  46601. _handshakePacket:
  46602. Handshake {
  46603. protocolVersion: 10,
  46604. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  46605. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46606. connectionId: 1303,
  46607. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  46608. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  46609. characterSet: 255,
  46610. statusFlags: 2 },
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  46612. _protocolError: null,
  46613. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  46614. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  46615. packetParser:
  46616. PacketParser {
  46617. buffer: [],
  46618. bufferLength: 0,
  46619. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  46620. headerLen: 0,
  46621. length: 5,
  46622. largePacketParts: [],
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  46624. onPacket: [Function],
  46625. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  46626. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  46627. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  46628. connectTimeout: null,
  46629. connectionId: 1303 },
  46630. state: 'IDLE' } },
  46631. length: 2 } },
  46632. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  46633. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  46634. _validationOperations: Set {},
  46635. _allObjects:
  46636. Set {
  46637. PooledResource {
  46638. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  46639. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  46640. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  46641. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  46642. obj:
  46643. Connection {
  46644. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  46645. _eventsCount: 1,
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  46648. ConnectionConfig {
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  46650. stream: undefined,
  46651. host: 'localhost',
  46652. port: 3306,
  46653. localAddress: undefined,
  46654. socketPath: undefined,
  46655. user: 'root',
  46656. password: 'abcd1234',
  46657. passwordSha1: undefined,
  46658. database: 'lbry',
  46659. connectTimeout: 10000,
  46660. insecureAuth: false,
  46661. supportBigNumbers: true,
  46662. bigNumberStrings: false,
  46663. decimalNumbers: false,
  46664. dateStrings: false,
  46665. debug: undefined,
  46666. trace: true,
  46667. stringifyObjects: false,
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  46669. queryFormat: undefined,
  46670. pool: undefined,
  46671. ssl: false,
  46672. multipleStatements: false,
  46673. rowsAsArray: false,
  46674. namedPlaceholders: false,
  46675. nestTables: undefined,
  46676. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  46678. charsetNumber: 224,
  46679. compress: false,
  46680. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  46681. clientFlags: 8582093,
  46682. connectAttributes: undefined,
  46683. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  46685. Socket {
  46686. connecting: false,
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  46689. TCP {
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  46691. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  46693. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  46695. _host: 'localhost',
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  46697. ReadableState {
  46698. objectMode: false,
  46699. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46700. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  46701. length: 0,
  46702. pipes: null,
  46703. pipesCount: 0,
  46704. flowing: true,
  46705. ended: false,
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  46708. sync: false,
  46709. needReadable: true,
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  46711. readableListening: false,
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  46713. emitClose: false,
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  46715. destroyed: false,
  46716. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46717. awaitDrain: 0,
  46718. readingMore: false,
  46719. decoder: null,
  46720. encoding: null },
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  46723. [Object: null prototype] {
  46724. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  46725. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  46726. data: [Function],
  46727. close: [Function] },
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  46729. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  46732. objectMode: false,
  46733. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46734. finalCalled: false,
  46735. needDrain: false,
  46736. ending: false,
  46737. ended: false,
  46738. finished: false,
  46739. destroyed: false,
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  46741. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46742. length: 0,
  46743. writing: false,
  46744. corked: 0,
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  46749. writelen: 0,
  46750. bufferedRequest: null,
  46751. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  46752. pendingcb: 0,
  46753. prefinished: false,
  46754. errorEmitted: false,
  46755. emitClose: false,
  46756. autoDestroy: false,
  46757. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  46758. corkedRequestsFree:
  46759. { next: null,
  46760. entry: null,
  46761. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  46762. writable: true,
  46763. allowHalfOpen: false,
  46764. _sockname: null,
  46765. _pendingData: null,
  46766. _pendingEncoding: '',
  46767. server: null,
  46768. _server: null,
  46769. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  46770. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  46771. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  46772. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  46773. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  46774. _internalId: 2,
  46775. _commands:
  46776. Denque {
  46777. _head: 0,
  46778. _tail: 0,
  46779. _capacityMask: 3,
  46780. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  46781. _command: undefined,
  46782. _paused: false,
  46783. _paused_packets:
  46784. Denque {
  46785. _head: 0,
  46786. _tail: 0,
  46787. _capacityMask: 3,
  46788. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  46792. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  46793. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  46794. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  46795. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  46796. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  46797. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  46798. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  46799. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  46800. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46801. authorized: true,
  46802. sequenceId: 2,
  46803. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  46804. threadId: 1302,
  46805. _handshakePacket:
  46806. Handshake {
  46807. protocolVersion: 10,
  46808. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  46809. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46810. connectionId: 1302,
  46811. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  46812. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  46813. characterSet: 255,
  46814. statusFlags: 2 },
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  46816. _protocolError: null,
  46817. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  46819. packetParser:
  46820. PacketParser {
  46821. buffer: [],
  46822. bufferLength: 0,
  46823. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  46824. headerLen: 0,
  46825. length: 7,
  46826. largePacketParts: [],
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  46828. onPacket: [Function],
  46829. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  46830. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  46831. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  46832. connectTimeout: null,
  46833. connectionId: 1302 },
  46834. state: 'IDLE' },
  46835. PooledResource {
  46836. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  46837. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  46838. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  46839. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  46840. obj:
  46841. Connection {
  46842. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  46843. _eventsCount: 1,
  46844. _maxListeners: undefined,
  46845. config:
  46846. ConnectionConfig {
  46847. isServer: undefined,
  46848. stream: undefined,
  46849. host: 'localhost',
  46850. port: 3306,
  46851. localAddress: undefined,
  46852. socketPath: undefined,
  46853. user: 'root',
  46854. password: 'abcd1234',
  46855. passwordSha1: undefined,
  46856. database: 'lbry',
  46857. connectTimeout: 10000,
  46858. insecureAuth: false,
  46859. supportBigNumbers: true,
  46860. bigNumberStrings: false,
  46861. decimalNumbers: false,
  46862. dateStrings: false,
  46863. debug: undefined,
  46864. trace: true,
  46865. stringifyObjects: false,
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  46867. queryFormat: undefined,
  46868. pool: undefined,
  46869. ssl: false,
  46870. multipleStatements: false,
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  46872. namedPlaceholders: false,
  46873. nestTables: undefined,
  46874. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  46877. compress: false,
  46878. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  46879. clientFlags: 8582093,
  46880. connectAttributes: undefined,
  46881. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  46883. Socket {
  46884. connecting: false,
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  46887. TCP {
  46888. reading: true,
  46889. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  46890. onconnection: null,
  46891. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  46893. _host: 'localhost',
  46894. _readableState:
  46895. ReadableState {
  46896. objectMode: false,
  46897. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46898. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  46899. length: 0,
  46900. pipes: null,
  46901. pipesCount: 0,
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  46903. ended: false,
  46904. endEmitted: false,
  46905. reading: true,
  46906. sync: false,
  46907. needReadable: true,
  46908. emittedReadable: false,
  46909. readableListening: false,
  46910. resumeScheduled: false,
  46911. emitClose: false,
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  46913. destroyed: false,
  46914. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46915. awaitDrain: 0,
  46916. readingMore: false,
  46917. decoder: null,
  46918. encoding: null },
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  46921. [Object: null prototype] {
  46922. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  46923. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  46924. data: [Function],
  46925. close: [Function] },
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  46929. WritableState {
  46930. objectMode: false,
  46931. highWaterMark: 16384,
  46932. finalCalled: false,
  46933. needDrain: false,
  46934. ending: false,
  46935. ended: false,
  46936. finished: false,
  46937. destroyed: false,
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  46939. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  46940. length: 0,
  46941. writing: false,
  46942. corked: 0,
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  46947. writelen: 0,
  46948. bufferedRequest: null,
  46949. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  46950. pendingcb: 0,
  46951. prefinished: false,
  46952. errorEmitted: false,
  46953. emitClose: false,
  46954. autoDestroy: false,
  46955. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  46956. corkedRequestsFree:
  46957. { next: null,
  46958. entry: null,
  46959. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  46960. writable: true,
  46961. allowHalfOpen: false,
  46962. _sockname: null,
  46963. _pendingData: null,
  46964. _pendingEncoding: '',
  46965. server: null,
  46966. _server: null,
  46967. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  46968. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  46969. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  46970. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  46971. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  46972. _internalId: 1,
  46973. _commands:
  46974. Denque {
  46975. _head: 0,
  46976. _tail: 0,
  46977. _capacityMask: 3,
  46978. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  46979. _command: undefined,
  46980. _paused: false,
  46981. _paused_packets:
  46982. Denque {
  46983. _head: 0,
  46984. _tail: 0,
  46985. _capacityMask: 3,
  46986. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  46987. _statements:
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  46989. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  46990. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  46991. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  46992. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  46993. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  46994. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  46995. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  46996. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  46997. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  46998. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  46999. authorized: true,
  47000. sequenceId: 23,
  47001. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  47002. threadId: 1303,
  47003. _handshakePacket:
  47004. Handshake {
  47005. protocolVersion: 10,
  47006. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  47007. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47008. connectionId: 1303,
  47009. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  47010. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  47011. characterSet: 255,
  47012. statusFlags: 2 },
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  47014. _protocolError: null,
  47015. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  47016. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  47017. packetParser:
  47018. PacketParser {
  47019. buffer: [],
  47020. bufferLength: 0,
  47021. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  47022. headerLen: 0,
  47023. length: 5,
  47024. largePacketParts: [],
  47025. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  47026. onPacket: [Function],
  47027. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  47028. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  47029. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  47030. connectTimeout: null,
  47031. connectionId: 1303 },
  47032. state: 'IDLE' } },
  47033. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  47034. _evictionIterator:
  47035. DequeIterator {
  47036. _list:
  47037. DoublyLinkedList {
  47038. head:
  47039. { prev: null,
  47040. next:
  47041. { prev: [Circular],
  47042. next: null,
  47043. data:
  47044. PooledResource {
  47045. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  47046. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  47047. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  47048. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  47049. obj:
  47050. Connection {
  47051. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  47052. _eventsCount: 1,
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  47054. config:
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  47056. isServer: undefined,
  47057. stream: undefined,
  47058. host: 'localhost',
  47059. port: 3306,
  47060. localAddress: undefined,
  47061. socketPath: undefined,
  47062. user: 'root',
  47063. password: 'abcd1234',
  47064. passwordSha1: undefined,
  47065. database: 'lbry',
  47066. connectTimeout: 10000,
  47067. insecureAuth: false,
  47068. supportBigNumbers: true,
  47069. bigNumberStrings: false,
  47070. decimalNumbers: false,
  47071. dateStrings: false,
  47072. debug: undefined,
  47073. trace: true,
  47074. stringifyObjects: false,
  47075. timezone: '+00:00',
  47076. queryFormat: undefined,
  47077. pool: undefined,
  47078. ssl: false,
  47079. multipleStatements: false,
  47080. rowsAsArray: false,
  47081. namedPlaceholders: false,
  47082. nestTables: undefined,
  47083. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  47084. maxPacketSize: 0,
  47085. charsetNumber: 224,
  47086. compress: false,
  47087. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  47088. clientFlags: 8582093,
  47089. connectAttributes: undefined,
  47090. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  47091. stream:
  47092. Socket {
  47093. connecting: false,
  47094. _hadError: false,
  47095. _handle:
  47096. TCP {
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  47098. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  47099. onconnection: null,
  47100. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  47101. _parent: null,
  47102. _host: 'localhost',
  47103. _readableState:
  47104. ReadableState {
  47105. objectMode: false,
  47106. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47107. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  47108. length: 0,
  47109. pipes: null,
  47110. pipesCount: 0,
  47111. flowing: true,
  47112. ended: false,
  47113. endEmitted: false,
  47114. reading: true,
  47115. sync: false,
  47116. needReadable: true,
  47117. emittedReadable: false,
  47118. readableListening: false,
  47119. resumeScheduled: false,
  47120. emitClose: false,
  47121. autoDestroy: false,
  47122. destroyed: false,
  47123. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47124. awaitDrain: 0,
  47125. readingMore: false,
  47126. decoder: null,
  47127. encoding: null },
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  47130. [Object: null prototype] {
  47131. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  47132. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  47133. data: [Function],
  47134. close: [Function] },
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  47141. finalCalled: false,
  47142. needDrain: false,
  47143. ending: false,
  47144. ended: false,
  47145. finished: false,
  47146. destroyed: false,
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  47148. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47149. length: 0,
  47150. writing: false,
  47151. corked: 0,
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  47157. bufferedRequest: null,
  47158. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  47159. pendingcb: 0,
  47160. prefinished: false,
  47161. errorEmitted: false,
  47162. emitClose: false,
  47163. autoDestroy: false,
  47164. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  47165. corkedRequestsFree:
  47166. { next: null,
  47167. entry: null,
  47168. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  47169. writable: true,
  47170. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  47172. _pendingData: null,
  47173. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  47175. _server: null,
  47176. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  47177. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  47178. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  47179. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  47180. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  47183. Denque {
  47184. _head: 0,
  47185. _tail: 0,
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  47187. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  47190. _paused_packets:
  47191. Denque {
  47192. _head: 0,
  47193. _tail: 0,
  47194. _capacityMask: 3,
  47195. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  47199. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  47200. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  47201. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  47202. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  47203. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  47204. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  47205. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  47206. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  47207. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47208. authorized: true,
  47209. sequenceId: 23,
  47210. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  47211. threadId: 1303,
  47212. _handshakePacket:
  47213. Handshake {
  47214. protocolVersion: 10,
  47215. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  47216. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47217. connectionId: 1303,
  47218. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  47219. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  47220. characterSet: 255,
  47221. statusFlags: 2 },
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  47223. _protocolError: null,
  47224. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  47225. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  47226. packetParser:
  47227. PacketParser {
  47228. buffer: [],
  47229. bufferLength: 0,
  47230. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  47231. headerLen: 0,
  47232. length: 5,
  47233. largePacketParts: [],
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  47235. onPacket: [Function],
  47236. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  47237. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  47238. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  47239. connectTimeout: null,
  47240. connectionId: 1303 },
  47241. state: 'IDLE' } },
  47242. data:
  47243. PooledResource {
  47244. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  47245. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  47246. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  47247. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  47248. obj:
  47249. Connection {
  47250. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  47251. _eventsCount: 1,
  47252. _maxListeners: undefined,
  47253. config:
  47254. ConnectionConfig {
  47255. isServer: undefined,
  47256. stream: undefined,
  47257. host: 'localhost',
  47258. port: 3306,
  47259. localAddress: undefined,
  47260. socketPath: undefined,
  47261. user: 'root',
  47262. password: 'abcd1234',
  47263. passwordSha1: undefined,
  47264. database: 'lbry',
  47265. connectTimeout: 10000,
  47266. insecureAuth: false,
  47267. supportBigNumbers: true,
  47268. bigNumberStrings: false,
  47269. decimalNumbers: false,
  47270. dateStrings: false,
  47271. debug: undefined,
  47272. trace: true,
  47273. stringifyObjects: false,
  47274. timezone: '+00:00',
  47275. queryFormat: undefined,
  47276. pool: undefined,
  47277. ssl: false,
  47278. multipleStatements: false,
  47279. rowsAsArray: false,
  47280. namedPlaceholders: false,
  47281. nestTables: undefined,
  47282. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  47283. maxPacketSize: 0,
  47284. charsetNumber: 224,
  47285. compress: false,
  47286. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  47287. clientFlags: 8582093,
  47288. connectAttributes: undefined,
  47289. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  47290. stream:
  47291. Socket {
  47292. connecting: false,
  47293. _hadError: false,
  47294. _handle:
  47295. TCP {
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  47297. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  47298. onconnection: null,
  47299. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  47300. _parent: null,
  47301. _host: 'localhost',
  47302. _readableState:
  47303. ReadableState {
  47304. objectMode: false,
  47305. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47306. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  47307. length: 0,
  47308. pipes: null,
  47309. pipesCount: 0,
  47310. flowing: true,
  47311. ended: false,
  47312. endEmitted: false,
  47313. reading: true,
  47314. sync: false,
  47315. needReadable: true,
  47316. emittedReadable: false,
  47317. readableListening: false,
  47318. resumeScheduled: false,
  47319. emitClose: false,
  47320. autoDestroy: false,
  47321. destroyed: false,
  47322. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47323. awaitDrain: 0,
  47324. readingMore: false,
  47325. decoder: null,
  47326. encoding: null },
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  47329. [Object: null prototype] {
  47330. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  47331. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  47332. data: [Function],
  47333. close: [Function] },
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  47335. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  47337. WritableState {
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  47339. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47340. finalCalled: false,
  47341. needDrain: false,
  47342. ending: false,
  47343. ended: false,
  47344. finished: false,
  47345. destroyed: false,
  47346. decodeStrings: false,
  47347. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47348. length: 0,
  47349. writing: false,
  47350. corked: 0,
  47351. sync: false,
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  47355. writelen: 0,
  47356. bufferedRequest: null,
  47357. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  47358. pendingcb: 0,
  47359. prefinished: false,
  47360. errorEmitted: false,
  47361. emitClose: false,
  47362. autoDestroy: false,
  47363. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  47364. corkedRequestsFree:
  47365. { next: null,
  47366. entry: null,
  47367. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  47368. writable: true,
  47369. allowHalfOpen: false,
  47370. _sockname: null,
  47371. _pendingData: null,
  47372. _pendingEncoding: '',
  47373. server: null,
  47374. _server: null,
  47375. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  47376. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  47377. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  47378. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  47379. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  47380. _internalId: 2,
  47381. _commands:
  47382. Denque {
  47383. _head: 0,
  47384. _tail: 0,
  47385. _capacityMask: 3,
  47386. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  47387. _command: undefined,
  47388. _paused: false,
  47389. _paused_packets:
  47390. Denque {
  47391. _head: 0,
  47392. _tail: 0,
  47393. _capacityMask: 3,
  47394. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  47396. LRUCache {
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  47398. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  47399. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  47400. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  47401. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  47402. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  47403. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  47404. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  47405. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  47406. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47407. authorized: true,
  47408. sequenceId: 2,
  47409. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  47410. threadId: 1302,
  47411. _handshakePacket:
  47412. Handshake {
  47413. protocolVersion: 10,
  47414. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  47415. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47416. connectionId: 1302,
  47417. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  47418. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  47419. characterSet: 255,
  47420. statusFlags: 2 },
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  47422. _protocolError: null,
  47423. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  47424. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  47425. packetParser:
  47426. PacketParser {
  47427. buffer: [],
  47428. bufferLength: 0,
  47429. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  47430. headerLen: 0,
  47431. length: 7,
  47432. largePacketParts: [],
  47433. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  47434. onPacket: [Function],
  47435. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  47436. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  47437. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  47438. connectTimeout: null,
  47439. connectionId: 1302 },
  47440. state: 'IDLE' } },
  47441. tail:
  47442. { prev:
  47443. { prev: null,
  47444. next: [Circular],
  47445. data:
  47446. PooledResource {
  47447. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  47448. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  47449. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  47450. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  47451. obj:
  47452. Connection {
  47453. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  47454. _eventsCount: 1,
  47455. _maxListeners: undefined,
  47456. config:
  47457. ConnectionConfig {
  47458. isServer: undefined,
  47459. stream: undefined,
  47460. host: 'localhost',
  47461. port: 3306,
  47462. localAddress: undefined,
  47463. socketPath: undefined,
  47464. user: 'root',
  47465. password: 'abcd1234',
  47466. passwordSha1: undefined,
  47467. database: 'lbry',
  47468. connectTimeout: 10000,
  47469. insecureAuth: false,
  47470. supportBigNumbers: true,
  47471. bigNumberStrings: false,
  47472. decimalNumbers: false,
  47473. dateStrings: false,
  47474. debug: undefined,
  47475. trace: true,
  47476. stringifyObjects: false,
  47477. timezone: '+00:00',
  47478. queryFormat: undefined,
  47479. pool: undefined,
  47480. ssl: false,
  47481. multipleStatements: false,
  47482. rowsAsArray: false,
  47483. namedPlaceholders: false,
  47484. nestTables: undefined,
  47485. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  47486. maxPacketSize: 0,
  47487. charsetNumber: 224,
  47488. compress: false,
  47489. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  47490. clientFlags: 8582093,
  47491. connectAttributes: undefined,
  47492. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  47493. stream:
  47494. Socket {
  47495. connecting: false,
  47496. _hadError: false,
  47497. _handle:
  47498. TCP {
  47499. reading: true,
  47500. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  47501. onconnection: null,
  47502. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  47503. _parent: null,
  47504. _host: 'localhost',
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  47506. ReadableState {
  47507. objectMode: false,
  47508. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47509. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  47510. length: 0,
  47511. pipes: null,
  47512. pipesCount: 0,
  47513. flowing: true,
  47514. ended: false,
  47515. endEmitted: false,
  47516. reading: true,
  47517. sync: false,
  47518. needReadable: true,
  47519. emittedReadable: false,
  47520. readableListening: false,
  47521. resumeScheduled: false,
  47522. emitClose: false,
  47523. autoDestroy: false,
  47524. destroyed: false,
  47525. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47526. awaitDrain: 0,
  47527. readingMore: false,
  47528. decoder: null,
  47529. encoding: null },
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  47532. [Object: null prototype] {
  47533. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  47534. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  47535. data: [Function],
  47536. close: [Function] },
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  47540. WritableState {
  47541. objectMode: false,
  47542. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47543. finalCalled: false,
  47544. needDrain: false,
  47545. ending: false,
  47546. ended: false,
  47547. finished: false,
  47548. destroyed: false,
  47549. decodeStrings: false,
  47550. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47551. length: 0,
  47552. writing: false,
  47553. corked: 0,
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  47558. writelen: 0,
  47559. bufferedRequest: null,
  47560. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  47561. pendingcb: 0,
  47562. prefinished: false,
  47563. errorEmitted: false,
  47564. emitClose: false,
  47565. autoDestroy: false,
  47566. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  47567. corkedRequestsFree:
  47568. { next: null,
  47569. entry: null,
  47570. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  47571. writable: true,
  47572. allowHalfOpen: false,
  47573. _sockname: null,
  47574. _pendingData: null,
  47575. _pendingEncoding: '',
  47576. server: null,
  47577. _server: null,
  47578. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  47579. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  47580. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  47581. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  47582. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  47583. _internalId: 2,
  47584. _commands:
  47585. Denque {
  47586. _head: 0,
  47587. _tail: 0,
  47588. _capacityMask: 3,
  47589. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  47590. _command: undefined,
  47591. _paused: false,
  47592. _paused_packets:
  47593. Denque {
  47594. _head: 0,
  47595. _tail: 0,
  47596. _capacityMask: 3,
  47597. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  47598. _statements:
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  47601. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  47602. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  47603. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  47604. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  47605. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  47606. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  47607. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  47608. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  47609. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47610. authorized: true,
  47611. sequenceId: 2,
  47612. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  47613. threadId: 1302,
  47614. _handshakePacket:
  47615. Handshake {
  47616. protocolVersion: 10,
  47617. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  47618. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47619. connectionId: 1302,
  47620. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  47621. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  47622. characterSet: 255,
  47623. statusFlags: 2 },
  47624. _fatalError: null,
  47625. _protocolError: null,
  47626. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  47627. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  47628. packetParser:
  47629. PacketParser {
  47630. buffer: [],
  47631. bufferLength: 0,
  47632. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  47633. headerLen: 0,
  47634. length: 7,
  47635. largePacketParts: [],
  47636. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  47637. onPacket: [Function],
  47638. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  47639. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  47640. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  47641. connectTimeout: null,
  47642. connectionId: 1302 },
  47643. state: 'IDLE' } },
  47644. next: null,
  47645. data:
  47646. PooledResource {
  47647. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  47648. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  47649. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  47650. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  47651. obj:
  47652. Connection {
  47653. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  47654. _eventsCount: 1,
  47655. _maxListeners: undefined,
  47656. config:
  47657. ConnectionConfig {
  47658. isServer: undefined,
  47659. stream: undefined,
  47660. host: 'localhost',
  47661. port: 3306,
  47662. localAddress: undefined,
  47663. socketPath: undefined,
  47664. user: 'root',
  47665. password: 'abcd1234',
  47666. passwordSha1: undefined,
  47667. database: 'lbry',
  47668. connectTimeout: 10000,
  47669. insecureAuth: false,
  47670. supportBigNumbers: true,
  47671. bigNumberStrings: false,
  47672. decimalNumbers: false,
  47673. dateStrings: false,
  47674. debug: undefined,
  47675. trace: true,
  47676. stringifyObjects: false,
  47677. timezone: '+00:00',
  47678. queryFormat: undefined,
  47679. pool: undefined,
  47680. ssl: false,
  47681. multipleStatements: false,
  47682. rowsAsArray: false,
  47683. namedPlaceholders: false,
  47684. nestTables: undefined,
  47685. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  47686. maxPacketSize: 0,
  47687. charsetNumber: 224,
  47688. compress: false,
  47689. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  47690. clientFlags: 8582093,
  47691. connectAttributes: undefined,
  47692. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  47693. stream:
  47694. Socket {
  47695. connecting: false,
  47696. _hadError: false,
  47697. _handle:
  47698. TCP {
  47699. reading: true,
  47700. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  47701. onconnection: null,
  47702. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  47703. _parent: null,
  47704. _host: 'localhost',
  47705. _readableState:
  47706. ReadableState {
  47707. objectMode: false,
  47708. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47709. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  47710. length: 0,
  47711. pipes: null,
  47712. pipesCount: 0,
  47713. flowing: true,
  47714. ended: false,
  47715. endEmitted: false,
  47716. reading: true,
  47717. sync: false,
  47718. needReadable: true,
  47719. emittedReadable: false,
  47720. readableListening: false,
  47721. resumeScheduled: false,
  47722. emitClose: false,
  47723. autoDestroy: false,
  47724. destroyed: false,
  47725. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47726. awaitDrain: 0,
  47727. readingMore: false,
  47728. decoder: null,
  47729. encoding: null },
  47730. readable: true,
  47731. _events:
  47732. [Object: null prototype] {
  47733. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  47734. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  47735. data: [Function],
  47736. close: [Function] },
  47737. _eventsCount: 4,
  47738. _maxListeners: undefined,
  47739. _writableState:
  47740. WritableState {
  47741. objectMode: false,
  47742. highWaterMark: 16384,
  47743. finalCalled: false,
  47744. needDrain: false,
  47745. ending: false,
  47746. ended: false,
  47747. finished: false,
  47748. destroyed: false,
  47749. decodeStrings: false,
  47750. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  47751. length: 0,
  47752. writing: false,
  47753. corked: 0,
  47754. sync: false,
  47755. bufferProcessing: false,
  47756. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  47757. writecb: null,
  47758. writelen: 0,
  47759. bufferedRequest: null,
  47760. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  47761. pendingcb: 0,
  47762. prefinished: false,
  47763. errorEmitted: false,
  47764. emitClose: false,
  47765. autoDestroy: false,
  47766. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  47767. corkedRequestsFree:
  47768. { next: null,
  47769. entry: null,
  47770. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  47771. writable: true,
  47772. allowHalfOpen: false,
  47773. _sockname: null,
  47774. _pendingData: null,
  47775. _pendingEncoding: '',
  47776. server: null,
  47777. _server: null,
  47778. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  47779. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  47780. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  47781. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  47782. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  47783. _internalId: 1,
  47784. _commands:
  47785. Denque {
  47786. _head: 0,
  47787. _tail: 0,
  47788. _capacityMask: 3,
  47789. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  47790. _command: undefined,
  47791. _paused: false,
  47792. _paused_packets:
  47793. Denque {
  47794. _head: 0,
  47795. _tail: 0,
  47796. _capacityMask: 3,
  47797. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  47798. _statements:
  47799. LRUCache {
  47800. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  47801. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  47802. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  47803. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  47804. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  47805. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  47806. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  47807. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  47808. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  47809. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47810. authorized: true,
  47811. sequenceId: 23,
  47812. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  47813. threadId: 1303,
  47814. _handshakePacket:
  47815. Handshake {
  47816. protocolVersion: 10,
  47817. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  47818. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  47819. connectionId: 1303,
  47820. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  47821. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  47822. characterSet: 255,
  47823. statusFlags: 2 },
  47824. _fatalError: null,
  47825. _protocolError: null,
  47826. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  47827. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  47828. packetParser:
  47829. PacketParser {
  47830. buffer: [],
  47831. bufferLength: 0,
  47832. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  47833. headerLen: 0,
  47834. length: 5,
  47835. largePacketParts: [],
  47836. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  47837. onPacket: [Function],
  47838. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  47839. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  47840. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  47841. connectTimeout: null,
  47842. connectionId: 1303 },
  47843. state: 'IDLE' } },
  47844. length: 2 },
  47845. _direction: 'next',
  47846. _startPosition: 'head',
  47847. _started: false,
  47848. _cursor: null,
  47849. _done: false },
  47850. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  47851. _scheduledEviction:
  47852. Timeout {
  47853. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  47854. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  47855. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  47856. _idleStart: 432,
  47857. _onTimeout: [Function],
  47858. _timerArgs: undefined,
  47859. _repeat: null,
  47860. _destroyed: false,
  47861. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  47862. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  47863. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  47864. lib:
  47865. { createConnection: [Function],
  47866. connect: [Function],
  47867. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  47868. createPool: [Function],
  47869. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  47870. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  47871. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  47872. createServer: [Function],
  47873. PoolConnection:
  47874. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  47875. escape: [Function: escape],
  47876. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  47877. format: [Function: format],
  47878. raw: [Function: raw],
  47879. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  47880. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  47881. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  47882. Types: [Getter],
  47883. Charsets: [Getter],
  47884. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  47885. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  47886. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  47887. QueryGenerator:
  47888. { dialect: 'mysql',
  47889. OperatorMap:
  47890. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  47891. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  47892. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  47893. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  47894. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  47895. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  47896. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  47897. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  47898. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  47899. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  47900. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  47901. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  47902. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  47903. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  47904. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  47905. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  47906. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  47907. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  47908. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  47909. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  47910. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  47911. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  47912. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  47913. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  47914. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  47915. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  47916. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  47917. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  47918. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  47919. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  47920. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  47921. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  47922. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  47923. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  47924. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  47925. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  47926. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  47927. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  47928. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  47929. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  47930. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  47931. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  47932. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  47933. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  47934. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  47935. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  47936. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  47937. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  47938. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  47939. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  47940. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  47941. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  47942. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  47943. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  47944. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  47945. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  47946. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  47947. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  47948. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  47949. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  47950. _templateSettings:
  47951. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  47952. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  47953. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  47954. variable: '',
  47955. imports:
  47956. { _:
  47957. { [Function: lodash]
  47958. templateSettings: [Circular],
  47959. after: [Function: after],
  47960. ary: [Function: ary],
  47961. assign: [Function],
  47962. assignIn: [Function],
  47963. assignInWith: [Function],
  47964. assignWith: [Function],
  47965. at: [Function],
  47966. before: [Function: before],
  47967. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  47968. bindAll: [Function],
  47969. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  47970. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  47971. chain: [Function: chain],
  47972. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  47973. compact: [Function: compact],
  47974. concat: [Function: concat],
  47975. cond: [Function: cond],
  47976. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  47977. constant: [Function: constant],
  47978. countBy: [Function],
  47979. create: [Function: create],
  47980. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  47981. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  47982. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  47983. defaults: [Function],
  47984. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  47985. defer: [Function],
  47986. delay: [Function],
  47987. difference: [Function],
  47988. differenceBy: [Function],
  47989. differenceWith: [Function],
  47990. drop: [Function: drop],
  47991. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  47992. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  47993. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  47994. fill: [Function: fill],
  47995. filter: [Function: filter],
  47996. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  47997. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  47998. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  47999. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  48000. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  48001. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  48002. flip: [Function: flip],
  48003. flow: [Function],
  48004. flowRight: [Function],
  48005. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  48006. functions: [Function: functions],
  48007. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  48008. groupBy: [Function],
  48009. initial: [Function: initial],
  48010. intersection: [Function],
  48011. intersectionBy: [Function],
  48012. intersectionWith: [Function],
  48013. invert: [Function],
  48014. invertBy: [Function],
  48015. invokeMap: [Function],
  48016. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  48017. keyBy: [Function],
  48018. keys: [Function: keys],
  48019. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  48020. map: [Function: map],
  48021. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  48022. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  48023. matches: [Function: matches],
  48024. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  48025. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  48026. merge: [Function],
  48027. mergeWith: [Function],
  48028. method: [Function],
  48029. methodOf: [Function],
  48030. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  48031. negate: [Function: negate],
  48032. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  48033. omit: [Function],
  48034. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  48035. once: [Function: once],
  48036. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  48037. over: [Function],
  48038. overArgs: [Function],
  48039. overEvery: [Function],
  48040. overSome: [Function],
  48041. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48042. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48043. partition: [Function],
  48044. pick: [Function],
  48045. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  48046. property: [Function: property],
  48047. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  48048. pull: [Function],
  48049. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  48050. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  48051. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  48052. pullAt: [Function],
  48053. range: [Function],
  48054. rangeRight: [Function],
  48055. rearg: [Function],
  48056. reject: [Function: reject],
  48057. remove: [Function: remove],
  48058. rest: [Function: rest],
  48059. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  48060. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  48061. set: [Function: set],
  48062. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  48063. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  48064. slice: [Function: slice],
  48065. sortBy: [Function],
  48066. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  48067. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  48068. split: [Function: split],
  48069. spread: [Function: spread],
  48070. tail: [Function: tail],
  48071. take: [Function: take],
  48072. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  48073. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  48074. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  48075. tap: [Function: tap],
  48076. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  48077. thru: [Function: thru],
  48078. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  48079. toPairs: [Function],
  48080. toPairsIn: [Function],
  48081. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  48082. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  48083. transform: [Function: transform],
  48084. unary: [Function: unary],
  48085. union: [Function],
  48086. unionBy: [Function],
  48087. unionWith: [Function],
  48088. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  48089. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  48090. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  48091. unset: [Function: unset],
  48092. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  48093. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  48094. update: [Function: update],
  48095. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  48096. values: [Function: values],
  48097. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  48098. without: [Function],
  48099. words: [Function: words],
  48100. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  48101. xor: [Function],
  48102. xorBy: [Function],
  48103. xorWith: [Function],
  48104. zip: [Function],
  48105. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  48106. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  48107. zipWith: [Function],
  48108. entries: [Function],
  48109. entriesIn: [Function],
  48110. extend: [Function],
  48111. extendWith: [Function],
  48112. add: [Function],
  48113. attempt: [Function],
  48114. camelCase: [Function],
  48115. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  48116. ceil: [Function],
  48117. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  48118. clone: [Function: clone],
  48119. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  48120. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  48121. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  48122. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  48123. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  48124. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  48125. divide: [Function],
  48126. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  48127. eq: [Function: eq],
  48128. escape: [Function: escape],
  48129. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  48130. every: [Function: every],
  48131. find: [Function],
  48132. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  48133. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  48134. findLast: [Function],
  48135. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  48136. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  48137. floor: [Function],
  48138. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  48139. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  48140. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  48141. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  48142. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  48143. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  48144. get: [Function: get],
  48145. gt: [Function],
  48146. gte: [Function],
  48147. has: [Function: has],
  48148. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  48149. head: [Function: head],
  48150. identity: [Function: identity],
  48151. includes: [Function: includes],
  48152. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  48153. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  48154. invoke: [Function],
  48155. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  48156. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  48157. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  48158. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  48159. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  48160. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  48161. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  48162. isDate: [Function],
  48163. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  48164. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  48165. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  48166. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  48167. isError: [Function: isError],
  48168. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  48169. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  48170. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  48171. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  48172. isMap: [Function],
  48173. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  48174. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  48175. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  48176. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  48177. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  48178. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  48179. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  48180. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  48181. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  48182. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  48183. isRegExp: [Function],
  48184. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  48185. isSet: [Function],
  48186. isString: [Function: isString],
  48187. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  48188. isTypedArray: [Function],
  48189. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  48190. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  48191. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  48192. join: [Function: join],
  48193. kebabCase: [Function],
  48194. last: [Function: last],
  48195. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  48196. lowerCase: [Function],
  48197. lowerFirst: [Function],
  48198. lt: [Function],
  48199. lte: [Function],
  48200. max: [Function: max],
  48201. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  48202. mean: [Function: mean],
  48203. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  48204. min: [Function: min],
  48205. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  48206. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  48207. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  48208. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  48209. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  48210. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  48211. multiply: [Function],
  48212. nth: [Function: nth],
  48213. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  48214. noop: [Function: noop],
  48215. now: [Function],
  48216. pad: [Function: pad],
  48217. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  48218. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  48219. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  48220. random: [Function: random],
  48221. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  48222. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  48223. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  48224. replace: [Function: replace],
  48225. result: [Function: result],
  48226. round: [Function],
  48227. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  48228. sample: [Function: sample],
  48229. size: [Function: size],
  48230. snakeCase: [Function],
  48231. some: [Function: some],
  48232. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  48233. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  48234. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  48235. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  48236. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  48237. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  48238. startCase: [Function],
  48239. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  48240. subtract: [Function],
  48241. sum: [Function: sum],
  48242. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  48243. template: [Function: template],
  48244. times: [Function: times],
  48245. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  48246. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  48247. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  48248. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  48249. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  48250. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  48251. toString: [Function: toString],
  48252. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  48253. trim: [Function: trim],
  48254. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  48255. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  48256. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  48257. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  48258. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  48259. upperCase: [Function],
  48260. upperFirst: [Function],
  48261. each: [Function: forEach],
  48262. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  48263. first: [Function: head],
  48264. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  48265. options:
  48266. { dialect: 'mysql',
  48267. dialectModulePath: null,
  48268. host: 'localhost',
  48269. protocol: 'tcp',
  48270. define: {},
  48271. query: {},
  48272. sync: {},
  48273. timezone: '+00:00',
  48274. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  48275. omitNull: false,
  48276. native: false,
  48277. replication: false,
  48278. ssl: undefined,
  48279. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  48280. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  48281. hooks: {},
  48282. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  48283. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  48284. isolationLevel: null,
  48285. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  48286. typeValidation: false,
  48287. benchmark: false,
  48288. operatorsAliases: false },
  48289. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  48290. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  48291. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  48292. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  48293. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  48294. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  48295. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  48296. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  48297. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  48298. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  48299. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  48300. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  48301. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  48302. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  48303. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  48304. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  48305. quote: [Function: quote],
  48306. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  48307. escape: [Function: escape],
  48308. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  48309. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  48310. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  48311. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  48312. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  48313. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  48314. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  48315. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  48316. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  48317. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  48318. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  48319. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  48320. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  48321. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  48322. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  48323. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  48324. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  48325. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  48326. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  48327. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  48328. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  48329. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  48330. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  48331. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  48332. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  48333. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  48334. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  48335. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  48336. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  48337. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  48338. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  48339. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  48340. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  48341. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  48342. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  48343. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  48344. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  48345. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  48346. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  48347. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  48348. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  48349. _dialect: [Circular],
  48350. sequelize: [Circular],
  48351. typeValidation: undefined } },
  48352. queryInterface:
  48353. QueryInterface {
  48354. sequelize: [Circular],
  48355. QueryGenerator:
  48356. { dialect: 'mysql',
  48357. OperatorMap:
  48358. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  48359. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  48360. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  48361. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  48362. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  48363. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  48364. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  48365. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  48366. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  48367. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  48368. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  48369. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  48370. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  48371. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  48372. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  48373. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  48374. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  48375. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  48376. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  48377. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  48378. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  48379. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  48380. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  48381. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  48382. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  48383. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  48384. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  48385. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  48386. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  48387. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  48388. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  48389. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  48390. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  48391. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  48392. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  48393. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  48394. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  48395. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  48396. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  48397. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  48398. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  48399. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  48400. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  48401. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  48402. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  48403. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  48404. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  48405. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  48406. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  48407. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  48408. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  48409. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  48410. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  48411. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  48412. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  48413. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  48414. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  48415. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  48416. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  48417. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  48418. _templateSettings:
  48419. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  48420. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  48421. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  48422. variable: '',
  48423. imports:
  48424. { _:
  48425. { [Function: lodash]
  48426. templateSettings: [Circular],
  48427. after: [Function: after],
  48428. ary: [Function: ary],
  48429. assign: [Function],
  48430. assignIn: [Function],
  48431. assignInWith: [Function],
  48432. assignWith: [Function],
  48433. at: [Function],
  48434. before: [Function: before],
  48435. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48436. bindAll: [Function],
  48437. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48438. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  48439. chain: [Function: chain],
  48440. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  48441. compact: [Function: compact],
  48442. concat: [Function: concat],
  48443. cond: [Function: cond],
  48444. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  48445. constant: [Function: constant],
  48446. countBy: [Function],
  48447. create: [Function: create],
  48448. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48449. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48450. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  48451. defaults: [Function],
  48452. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  48453. defer: [Function],
  48454. delay: [Function],
  48455. difference: [Function],
  48456. differenceBy: [Function],
  48457. differenceWith: [Function],
  48458. drop: [Function: drop],
  48459. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  48460. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  48461. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  48462. fill: [Function: fill],
  48463. filter: [Function: filter],
  48464. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  48465. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  48466. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  48467. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  48468. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  48469. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  48470. flip: [Function: flip],
  48471. flow: [Function],
  48472. flowRight: [Function],
  48473. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  48474. functions: [Function: functions],
  48475. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  48476. groupBy: [Function],
  48477. initial: [Function: initial],
  48478. intersection: [Function],
  48479. intersectionBy: [Function],
  48480. intersectionWith: [Function],
  48481. invert: [Function],
  48482. invertBy: [Function],
  48483. invokeMap: [Function],
  48484. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  48485. keyBy: [Function],
  48486. keys: [Function: keys],
  48487. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  48488. map: [Function: map],
  48489. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  48490. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  48491. matches: [Function: matches],
  48492. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  48493. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  48494. merge: [Function],
  48495. mergeWith: [Function],
  48496. method: [Function],
  48497. methodOf: [Function],
  48498. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  48499. negate: [Function: negate],
  48500. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  48501. omit: [Function],
  48502. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  48503. once: [Function: once],
  48504. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  48505. over: [Function],
  48506. overArgs: [Function],
  48507. overEvery: [Function],
  48508. overSome: [Function],
  48509. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48510. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  48511. partition: [Function],
  48512. pick: [Function],
  48513. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  48514. property: [Function: property],
  48515. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  48516. pull: [Function],
  48517. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  48518. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  48519. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  48520. pullAt: [Function],
  48521. range: [Function],
  48522. rangeRight: [Function],
  48523. rearg: [Function],
  48524. reject: [Function: reject],
  48525. remove: [Function: remove],
  48526. rest: [Function: rest],
  48527. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  48528. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  48529. set: [Function: set],
  48530. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  48531. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  48532. slice: [Function: slice],
  48533. sortBy: [Function],
  48534. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  48535. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  48536. split: [Function: split],
  48537. spread: [Function: spread],
  48538. tail: [Function: tail],
  48539. take: [Function: take],
  48540. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  48541. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  48542. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  48543. tap: [Function: tap],
  48544. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  48545. thru: [Function: thru],
  48546. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  48547. toPairs: [Function],
  48548. toPairsIn: [Function],
  48549. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  48550. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  48551. transform: [Function: transform],
  48552. unary: [Function: unary],
  48553. union: [Function],
  48554. unionBy: [Function],
  48555. unionWith: [Function],
  48556. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  48557. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  48558. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  48559. unset: [Function: unset],
  48560. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  48561. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  48562. update: [Function: update],
  48563. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  48564. values: [Function: values],
  48565. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  48566. without: [Function],
  48567. words: [Function: words],
  48568. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  48569. xor: [Function],
  48570. xorBy: [Function],
  48571. xorWith: [Function],
  48572. zip: [Function],
  48573. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  48574. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  48575. zipWith: [Function],
  48576. entries: [Function],
  48577. entriesIn: [Function],
  48578. extend: [Function],
  48579. extendWith: [Function],
  48580. add: [Function],
  48581. attempt: [Function],
  48582. camelCase: [Function],
  48583. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  48584. ceil: [Function],
  48585. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  48586. clone: [Function: clone],
  48587. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  48588. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  48589. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  48590. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  48591. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  48592. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  48593. divide: [Function],
  48594. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  48595. eq: [Function: eq],
  48596. escape: [Function: escape],
  48597. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  48598. every: [Function: every],
  48599. find: [Function],
  48600. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  48601. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  48602. findLast: [Function],
  48603. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  48604. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  48605. floor: [Function],
  48606. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  48607. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  48608. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  48609. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  48610. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  48611. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  48612. get: [Function: get],
  48613. gt: [Function],
  48614. gte: [Function],
  48615. has: [Function: has],
  48616. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  48617. head: [Function: head],
  48618. identity: [Function: identity],
  48619. includes: [Function: includes],
  48620. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  48621. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  48622. invoke: [Function],
  48623. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  48624. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  48625. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  48626. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  48627. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  48628. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  48629. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  48630. isDate: [Function],
  48631. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  48632. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  48633. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  48634. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  48635. isError: [Function: isError],
  48636. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  48637. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  48638. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  48639. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  48640. isMap: [Function],
  48641. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  48642. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  48643. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  48644. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  48645. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  48646. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  48647. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  48648. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  48649. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  48650. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  48651. isRegExp: [Function],
  48652. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  48653. isSet: [Function],
  48654. isString: [Function: isString],
  48655. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  48656. isTypedArray: [Function],
  48657. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  48658. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  48659. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  48660. join: [Function: join],
  48661. kebabCase: [Function],
  48662. last: [Function: last],
  48663. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  48664. lowerCase: [Function],
  48665. lowerFirst: [Function],
  48666. lt: [Function],
  48667. lte: [Function],
  48668. max: [Function: max],
  48669. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  48670. mean: [Function: mean],
  48671. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  48672. min: [Function: min],
  48673. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  48674. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  48675. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  48676. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  48677. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  48678. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  48679. multiply: [Function],
  48680. nth: [Function: nth],
  48681. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  48682. noop: [Function: noop],
  48683. now: [Function],
  48684. pad: [Function: pad],
  48685. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  48686. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  48687. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  48688. random: [Function: random],
  48689. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  48690. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  48691. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  48692. replace: [Function: replace],
  48693. result: [Function: result],
  48694. round: [Function],
  48695. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  48696. sample: [Function: sample],
  48697. size: [Function: size],
  48698. snakeCase: [Function],
  48699. some: [Function: some],
  48700. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  48701. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  48702. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  48703. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  48704. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  48705. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  48706. startCase: [Function],
  48707. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  48708. subtract: [Function],
  48709. sum: [Function: sum],
  48710. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  48711. template: [Function: template],
  48712. times: [Function: times],
  48713. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  48714. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  48715. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  48716. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  48717. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  48718. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  48719. toString: [Function: toString],
  48720. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  48721. trim: [Function: trim],
  48722. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  48723. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  48724. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  48725. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  48726. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  48727. upperCase: [Function],
  48728. upperFirst: [Function],
  48729. each: [Function: forEach],
  48730. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  48731. first: [Function: head],
  48732. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  48733. options:
  48734. { dialect: 'mysql',
  48735. dialectModulePath: null,
  48736. host: 'localhost',
  48737. protocol: 'tcp',
  48738. define: {},
  48739. query: {},
  48740. sync: {},
  48741. timezone: '+00:00',
  48742. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  48743. omitNull: false,
  48744. native: false,
  48745. replication: false,
  48746. ssl: undefined,
  48747. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  48748. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  48749. hooks: {},
  48750. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  48751. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  48752. isolationLevel: null,
  48753. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  48754. typeValidation: false,
  48755. benchmark: false,
  48756. operatorsAliases: false },
  48757. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  48758. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  48759. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  48760. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  48761. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  48762. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  48763. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  48764. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  48765. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  48766. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  48767. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  48768. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  48769. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  48770. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  48771. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  48772. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  48773. quote: [Function: quote],
  48774. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  48775. escape: [Function: escape],
  48776. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  48777. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  48778. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  48779. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  48780. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  48781. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  48782. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  48783. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  48784. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  48785. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  48786. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  48787. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  48788. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  48789. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  48790. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  48791. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  48792. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  48793. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  48794. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  48795. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  48796. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  48797. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  48798. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  48799. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  48800. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  48801. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  48802. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  48803. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  48804. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  48805. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  48806. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  48807. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  48808. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  48809. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  48810. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  48811. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  48812. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  48813. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  48814. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  48815. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  48816. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  48817. _dialect:
  48818. MysqlDialect {
  48819. sequelize: [Circular],
  48820. connectionManager:
  48821. ConnectionManager {
  48822. sequelize: [Circular],
  48823. config:
  48824. { database: 'lbry',
  48825. username: 'root',
  48826. password: 'abcd1234',
  48827. host: 'localhost',
  48828. port: undefined,
  48829. pool:
  48830. { max: 5,
  48831. min: 0,
  48832. acquire: 30000,
  48833. idle: 10000,
  48834. evict: 10000,
  48835. handleDisconnects: true,
  48836. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  48837. Promise:
  48838. { [Function: Promise]
  48839. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  48840. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  48841. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  48842. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  48843. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48844. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48845. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  48846. _peekContext: [Function],
  48847. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  48848. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  48849. longStackTraces: [Function],
  48850. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  48851. config: [Function],
  48852. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  48853. is: [Function],
  48854. fromCallback: [Function],
  48855. fromNode: [Function],
  48856. all: [Function],
  48857. cast: [Function],
  48858. fulfilled: [Function],
  48859. resolve: [Function],
  48860. rejected: [Function],
  48861. reject: [Function],
  48862. setScheduler: [Function],
  48863. pending: [Function],
  48864. defer: [Function],
  48865. method: [Function],
  48866. try: [Function],
  48867. attempt: [Function],
  48868. bind: [Function],
  48869. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  48870. join: [Function],
  48871. Promise: [Circular],
  48872. version: '3.5.3',
  48873. map: [Function],
  48874. using: [Function],
  48875. delay: [Function],
  48876. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  48877. spawn: [Function],
  48878. promisify: [Function],
  48879. promisifyAll: [Function],
  48880. props: [Function],
  48881. race: [Function],
  48882. reduce: [Function],
  48883. settle: [Function],
  48884. some: [Function],
  48885. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  48886. filter: [Function],
  48887. each: [Function],
  48888. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  48889. any: [Function],
  48890. default: [Circular] } },
  48891. protocol: 'tcp',
  48892. native: false,
  48893. ssl: undefined,
  48894. replication: false,
  48895. dialectModulePath: null,
  48896. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  48897. dialectOptions: undefined },
  48898. dialect: [Circular],
  48899. versionPromise: null,
  48900. dialectName: 'mysql',
  48901. pool:
  48902. Pool {
  48903. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  48904. _eventsCount: 0,
  48905. _maxListeners: undefined,
  48906. _config:
  48907. PoolOptions {
  48908. fifo: true,
  48909. priorityRange: 1,
  48910. testOnBorrow: true,
  48911. testOnReturn: false,
  48912. autostart: false,
  48913. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  48914. max: 5,
  48915. min: 0,
  48916. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  48917. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  48918. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  48919. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  48920. Promise:
  48921. { [Function: Promise]
  48922. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  48923. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  48924. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  48925. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  48926. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48927. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48928. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  48929. _peekContext: [Function],
  48930. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  48931. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  48932. longStackTraces: [Function],
  48933. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  48934. config: [Function],
  48935. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  48936. is: [Function],
  48937. fromCallback: [Function],
  48938. fromNode: [Function],
  48939. all: [Function],
  48940. cast: [Function],
  48941. fulfilled: [Function],
  48942. resolve: [Function],
  48943. rejected: [Function],
  48944. reject: [Function],
  48945. setScheduler: [Function],
  48946. pending: [Function],
  48947. defer: [Function],
  48948. method: [Function],
  48949. try: [Function],
  48950. attempt: [Function],
  48951. bind: [Function],
  48952. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  48953. join: [Function],
  48954. Promise: [Circular],
  48955. version: '3.5.3',
  48956. map: [Function],
  48957. using: [Function],
  48958. delay: [Function],
  48959. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  48960. spawn: [Function],
  48961. promisify: [Function],
  48962. promisifyAll: [Function],
  48963. props: [Function],
  48964. race: [Function],
  48965. reduce: [Function],
  48966. settle: [Function],
  48967. some: [Function],
  48968. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  48969. filter: [Function],
  48970. each: [Function],
  48971. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  48972. any: [Function],
  48973. default: [Circular] } },
  48974. _Promise:
  48975. { [Function: Promise]
  48976. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  48977. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  48978. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  48979. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  48980. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48981. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  48982. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  48983. _peekContext: [Function],
  48984. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  48985. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  48986. longStackTraces: [Function],
  48987. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  48988. config: [Function],
  48989. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  48990. is: [Function],
  48991. fromCallback: [Function],
  48992. fromNode: [Function],
  48993. all: [Function],
  48994. cast: [Function],
  48995. fulfilled: [Function],
  48996. resolve: [Function],
  48997. rejected: [Function],
  48998. reject: [Function],
  48999. setScheduler: [Function],
  49000. pending: [Function],
  49001. defer: [Function],
  49002. method: [Function],
  49003. try: [Function],
  49004. attempt: [Function],
  49005. bind: [Function],
  49006. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  49007. join: [Function],
  49008. Promise: [Circular],
  49009. version: '3.5.3',
  49010. map: [Function],
  49011. using: [Function],
  49012. delay: [Function],
  49013. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  49014. spawn: [Function],
  49015. promisify: [Function],
  49016. promisifyAll: [Function],
  49017. props: [Function],
  49018. race: [Function],
  49019. reduce: [Function],
  49020. settle: [Function],
  49021. some: [Function],
  49022. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  49023. filter: [Function],
  49024. each: [Function],
  49025. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  49026. any: [Function],
  49027. default: [Circular] },
  49028. _factory:
  49029. { create: [Function: create],
  49030. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  49031. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  49032. _draining: false,
  49033. _started: true,
  49034. _waitingClientsQueue:
  49035. PriorityQueue {
  49036. _size: 1,
  49037. _slots:
  49038. [ Queue {
  49039. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  49040. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  49041. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  49042. _availableObjects:
  49043. Deque {
  49044. _list:
  49045. DoublyLinkedList {
  49046. head:
  49047. { prev: null,
  49048. next:
  49049. { prev: [Circular],
  49050. next: null,
  49051. data:
  49052. PooledResource {
  49053. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  49054. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  49055. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  49056. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  49057. obj:
  49058. Connection {
  49059. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  49060. _eventsCount: 1,
  49061. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49062. config:
  49063. ConnectionConfig {
  49064. isServer: undefined,
  49065. stream: undefined,
  49066. host: 'localhost',
  49067. port: 3306,
  49068. localAddress: undefined,
  49069. socketPath: undefined,
  49070. user: 'root',
  49071. password: 'abcd1234',
  49072. passwordSha1: undefined,
  49073. database: 'lbry',
  49074. connectTimeout: 10000,
  49075. insecureAuth: false,
  49076. supportBigNumbers: true,
  49077. bigNumberStrings: false,
  49078. decimalNumbers: false,
  49079. dateStrings: false,
  49080. debug: undefined,
  49081. trace: true,
  49082. stringifyObjects: false,
  49083. timezone: '+00:00',
  49084. queryFormat: undefined,
  49085. pool: undefined,
  49086. ssl: false,
  49087. multipleStatements: false,
  49088. rowsAsArray: false,
  49089. namedPlaceholders: false,
  49090. nestTables: undefined,
  49091. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  49092. maxPacketSize: 0,
  49093. charsetNumber: 224,
  49094. compress: false,
  49095. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  49096. clientFlags: 8582093,
  49097. connectAttributes: undefined,
  49098. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  49099. stream:
  49100. Socket {
  49101. connecting: false,
  49102. _hadError: false,
  49103. _handle:
  49104. TCP {
  49105. reading: true,
  49106. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  49107. onconnection: null,
  49108. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  49109. _parent: null,
  49110. _host: 'localhost',
  49111. _readableState:
  49112. ReadableState {
  49113. objectMode: false,
  49114. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49115. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  49116. length: 0,
  49117. pipes: null,
  49118. pipesCount: 0,
  49119. flowing: true,
  49120. ended: false,
  49121. endEmitted: false,
  49122. reading: true,
  49123. sync: false,
  49124. needReadable: true,
  49125. emittedReadable: false,
  49126. readableListening: false,
  49127. resumeScheduled: false,
  49128. emitClose: false,
  49129. autoDestroy: false,
  49130. destroyed: false,
  49131. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49132. awaitDrain: 0,
  49133. readingMore: false,
  49134. decoder: null,
  49135. encoding: null },
  49136. readable: true,
  49137. _events:
  49138. [Object: null prototype] {
  49139. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  49140. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  49141. data: [Function],
  49142. close: [Function] },
  49143. _eventsCount: 4,
  49144. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49145. _writableState:
  49146. WritableState {
  49147. objectMode: false,
  49148. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49149. finalCalled: false,
  49150. needDrain: false,
  49151. ending: false,
  49152. ended: false,
  49153. finished: false,
  49154. destroyed: false,
  49155. decodeStrings: false,
  49156. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49157. length: 0,
  49158. writing: false,
  49159. corked: 0,
  49160. sync: false,
  49161. bufferProcessing: false,
  49162. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  49163. writecb: null,
  49164. writelen: 0,
  49165. bufferedRequest: null,
  49166. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  49167. pendingcb: 0,
  49168. prefinished: false,
  49169. errorEmitted: false,
  49170. emitClose: false,
  49171. autoDestroy: false,
  49172. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  49173. corkedRequestsFree:
  49174. { next: null,
  49175. entry: null,
  49176. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  49177. writable: true,
  49178. allowHalfOpen: false,
  49179. _sockname: null,
  49180. _pendingData: null,
  49181. _pendingEncoding: '',
  49182. server: null,
  49183. _server: null,
  49184. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  49185. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  49186. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  49187. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  49188. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  49189. _internalId: 1,
  49190. _commands:
  49191. Denque {
  49192. _head: 0,
  49193. _tail: 0,
  49194. _capacityMask: 3,
  49195. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49196. _command: undefined,
  49197. _paused: false,
  49198. _paused_packets:
  49199. Denque {
  49200. _head: 0,
  49201. _tail: 0,
  49202. _capacityMask: 3,
  49203. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49204. _statements:
  49205. LRUCache {
  49206. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  49207. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  49208. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  49209. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  49210. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  49211. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  49212. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  49213. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  49214. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  49215. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49216. authorized: true,
  49217. sequenceId: 23,
  49218. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  49219. threadId: 1303,
  49220. _handshakePacket:
  49221. Handshake {
  49222. protocolVersion: 10,
  49223. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  49224. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49225. connectionId: 1303,
  49226. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  49227. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  49228. characterSet: 255,
  49229. statusFlags: 2 },
  49230. _fatalError: null,
  49231. _protocolError: null,
  49232. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  49233. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  49234. packetParser:
  49235. PacketParser {
  49236. buffer: [],
  49237. bufferLength: 0,
  49238. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  49239. headerLen: 0,
  49240. length: 5,
  49241. largePacketParts: [],
  49242. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  49243. onPacket: [Function],
  49244. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  49245. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  49246. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  49247. connectTimeout: null,
  49248. connectionId: 1303 },
  49249. state: 'IDLE' } },
  49250. data:
  49251. PooledResource {
  49252. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  49253. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  49254. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  49255. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  49256. obj:
  49257. Connection {
  49258. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  49259. _eventsCount: 1,
  49260. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49261. config:
  49262. ConnectionConfig {
  49263. isServer: undefined,
  49264. stream: undefined,
  49265. host: 'localhost',
  49266. port: 3306,
  49267. localAddress: undefined,
  49268. socketPath: undefined,
  49269. user: 'root',
  49270. password: 'abcd1234',
  49271. passwordSha1: undefined,
  49272. database: 'lbry',
  49273. connectTimeout: 10000,
  49274. insecureAuth: false,
  49275. supportBigNumbers: true,
  49276. bigNumberStrings: false,
  49277. decimalNumbers: false,
  49278. dateStrings: false,
  49279. debug: undefined,
  49280. trace: true,
  49281. stringifyObjects: false,
  49282. timezone: '+00:00',
  49283. queryFormat: undefined,
  49284. pool: undefined,
  49285. ssl: false,
  49286. multipleStatements: false,
  49287. rowsAsArray: false,
  49288. namedPlaceholders: false,
  49289. nestTables: undefined,
  49290. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  49291. maxPacketSize: 0,
  49292. charsetNumber: 224,
  49293. compress: false,
  49294. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  49295. clientFlags: 8582093,
  49296. connectAttributes: undefined,
  49297. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  49298. stream:
  49299. Socket {
  49300. connecting: false,
  49301. _hadError: false,
  49302. _handle:
  49303. TCP {
  49304. reading: true,
  49305. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  49306. onconnection: null,
  49307. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  49308. _parent: null,
  49309. _host: 'localhost',
  49310. _readableState:
  49311. ReadableState {
  49312. objectMode: false,
  49313. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49314. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  49315. length: 0,
  49316. pipes: null,
  49317. pipesCount: 0,
  49318. flowing: true,
  49319. ended: false,
  49320. endEmitted: false,
  49321. reading: true,
  49322. sync: false,
  49323. needReadable: true,
  49324. emittedReadable: false,
  49325. readableListening: false,
  49326. resumeScheduled: false,
  49327. emitClose: false,
  49328. autoDestroy: false,
  49329. destroyed: false,
  49330. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49331. awaitDrain: 0,
  49332. readingMore: false,
  49333. decoder: null,
  49334. encoding: null },
  49335. readable: true,
  49336. _events:
  49337. [Object: null prototype] {
  49338. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  49339. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  49340. data: [Function],
  49341. close: [Function] },
  49342. _eventsCount: 4,
  49343. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49344. _writableState:
  49345. WritableState {
  49346. objectMode: false,
  49347. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49348. finalCalled: false,
  49349. needDrain: false,
  49350. ending: false,
  49351. ended: false,
  49352. finished: false,
  49353. destroyed: false,
  49354. decodeStrings: false,
  49355. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49356. length: 0,
  49357. writing: false,
  49358. corked: 0,
  49359. sync: false,
  49360. bufferProcessing: false,
  49361. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  49362. writecb: null,
  49363. writelen: 0,
  49364. bufferedRequest: null,
  49365. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  49366. pendingcb: 0,
  49367. prefinished: false,
  49368. errorEmitted: false,
  49369. emitClose: false,
  49370. autoDestroy: false,
  49371. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  49372. corkedRequestsFree:
  49373. { next: null,
  49374. entry: null,
  49375. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  49376. writable: true,
  49377. allowHalfOpen: false,
  49378. _sockname: null,
  49379. _pendingData: null,
  49380. _pendingEncoding: '',
  49381. server: null,
  49382. _server: null,
  49383. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  49384. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  49385. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  49386. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  49387. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  49388. _internalId: 2,
  49389. _commands:
  49390. Denque {
  49391. _head: 0,
  49392. _tail: 0,
  49393. _capacityMask: 3,
  49394. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49395. _command: undefined,
  49396. _paused: false,
  49397. _paused_packets:
  49398. Denque {
  49399. _head: 0,
  49400. _tail: 0,
  49401. _capacityMask: 3,
  49402. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49403. _statements:
  49404. LRUCache {
  49405. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  49406. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  49407. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  49408. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  49409. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  49410. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  49411. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  49412. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  49413. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  49414. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49415. authorized: true,
  49416. sequenceId: 2,
  49417. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  49418. threadId: 1302,
  49419. _handshakePacket:
  49420. Handshake {
  49421. protocolVersion: 10,
  49422. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  49423. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49424. connectionId: 1302,
  49425. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  49426. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  49427. characterSet: 255,
  49428. statusFlags: 2 },
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  49430. _protocolError: null,
  49431. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  49432. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  49433. packetParser:
  49434. PacketParser {
  49435. buffer: [],
  49436. bufferLength: 0,
  49437. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  49438. headerLen: 0,
  49439. length: 7,
  49440. largePacketParts: [],
  49441. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  49442. onPacket: [Function],
  49443. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  49444. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  49445. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  49446. connectTimeout: null,
  49447. connectionId: 1302 },
  49448. state: 'IDLE' } },
  49449. tail:
  49450. { prev:
  49451. { prev: null,
  49452. next: [Circular],
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  49454. PooledResource {
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  49456. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  49457. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  49458. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  49459. obj:
  49460. Connection {
  49461. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  49462. _eventsCount: 1,
  49463. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49464. config:
  49465. ConnectionConfig {
  49466. isServer: undefined,
  49467. stream: undefined,
  49468. host: 'localhost',
  49469. port: 3306,
  49470. localAddress: undefined,
  49471. socketPath: undefined,
  49472. user: 'root',
  49473. password: 'abcd1234',
  49474. passwordSha1: undefined,
  49475. database: 'lbry',
  49476. connectTimeout: 10000,
  49477. insecureAuth: false,
  49478. supportBigNumbers: true,
  49479. bigNumberStrings: false,
  49480. decimalNumbers: false,
  49481. dateStrings: false,
  49482. debug: undefined,
  49483. trace: true,
  49484. stringifyObjects: false,
  49485. timezone: '+00:00',
  49486. queryFormat: undefined,
  49487. pool: undefined,
  49488. ssl: false,
  49489. multipleStatements: false,
  49490. rowsAsArray: false,
  49491. namedPlaceholders: false,
  49492. nestTables: undefined,
  49493. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  49494. maxPacketSize: 0,
  49495. charsetNumber: 224,
  49496. compress: false,
  49497. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  49498. clientFlags: 8582093,
  49499. connectAttributes: undefined,
  49500. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  49502. Socket {
  49503. connecting: false,
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  49505. _handle:
  49506. TCP {
  49507. reading: true,
  49508. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  49510. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  49512. _host: 'localhost',
  49513. _readableState:
  49514. ReadableState {
  49515. objectMode: false,
  49516. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49517. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  49518. length: 0,
  49519. pipes: null,
  49520. pipesCount: 0,
  49521. flowing: true,
  49522. ended: false,
  49523. endEmitted: false,
  49524. reading: true,
  49525. sync: false,
  49526. needReadable: true,
  49527. emittedReadable: false,
  49528. readableListening: false,
  49529. resumeScheduled: false,
  49530. emitClose: false,
  49531. autoDestroy: false,
  49532. destroyed: false,
  49533. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49534. awaitDrain: 0,
  49535. readingMore: false,
  49536. decoder: null,
  49537. encoding: null },
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  49540. [Object: null prototype] {
  49541. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  49542. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  49543. data: [Function],
  49544. close: [Function] },
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  49546. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  49550. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49551. finalCalled: false,
  49552. needDrain: false,
  49553. ending: false,
  49554. ended: false,
  49555. finished: false,
  49556. destroyed: false,
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  49558. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49559. length: 0,
  49560. writing: false,
  49561. corked: 0,
  49562. sync: false,
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  49566. writelen: 0,
  49567. bufferedRequest: null,
  49568. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  49569. pendingcb: 0,
  49570. prefinished: false,
  49571. errorEmitted: false,
  49572. emitClose: false,
  49573. autoDestroy: false,
  49574. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  49575. corkedRequestsFree:
  49576. { next: null,
  49577. entry: null,
  49578. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  49579. writable: true,
  49580. allowHalfOpen: false,
  49581. _sockname: null,
  49582. _pendingData: null,
  49583. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  49585. _server: null,
  49586. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  49587. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  49588. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  49589. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  49590. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  49591. _internalId: 2,
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  49593. Denque {
  49594. _head: 0,
  49595. _tail: 0,
  49596. _capacityMask: 3,
  49597. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49598. _command: undefined,
  49599. _paused: false,
  49600. _paused_packets:
  49601. Denque {
  49602. _head: 0,
  49603. _tail: 0,
  49604. _capacityMask: 3,
  49605. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  49608. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  49609. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  49610. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  49611. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  49612. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  49613. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  49614. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  49615. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  49616. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  49617. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49618. authorized: true,
  49619. sequenceId: 2,
  49620. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  49621. threadId: 1302,
  49622. _handshakePacket:
  49623. Handshake {
  49624. protocolVersion: 10,
  49625. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  49626. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49627. connectionId: 1302,
  49628. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  49629. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  49630. characterSet: 255,
  49631. statusFlags: 2 },
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  49633. _protocolError: null,
  49634. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  49635. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  49636. packetParser:
  49637. PacketParser {
  49638. buffer: [],
  49639. bufferLength: 0,
  49640. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  49641. headerLen: 0,
  49642. length: 7,
  49643. largePacketParts: [],
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  49645. onPacket: [Function],
  49646. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  49647. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  49648. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  49649. connectTimeout: null,
  49650. connectionId: 1302 },
  49651. state: 'IDLE' } },
  49652. next: null,
  49653. data:
  49654. PooledResource {
  49655. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  49656. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  49657. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  49658. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  49659. obj:
  49660. Connection {
  49661. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  49662. _eventsCount: 1,
  49663. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49664. config:
  49665. ConnectionConfig {
  49666. isServer: undefined,
  49667. stream: undefined,
  49668. host: 'localhost',
  49669. port: 3306,
  49670. localAddress: undefined,
  49671. socketPath: undefined,
  49672. user: 'root',
  49673. password: 'abcd1234',
  49674. passwordSha1: undefined,
  49675. database: 'lbry',
  49676. connectTimeout: 10000,
  49677. insecureAuth: false,
  49678. supportBigNumbers: true,
  49679. bigNumberStrings: false,
  49680. decimalNumbers: false,
  49681. dateStrings: false,
  49682. debug: undefined,
  49683. trace: true,
  49684. stringifyObjects: false,
  49685. timezone: '+00:00',
  49686. queryFormat: undefined,
  49687. pool: undefined,
  49688. ssl: false,
  49689. multipleStatements: false,
  49690. rowsAsArray: false,
  49691. namedPlaceholders: false,
  49692. nestTables: undefined,
  49693. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  49694. maxPacketSize: 0,
  49695. charsetNumber: 224,
  49696. compress: false,
  49697. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  49698. clientFlags: 8582093,
  49699. connectAttributes: undefined,
  49700. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  49701. stream:
  49702. Socket {
  49703. connecting: false,
  49704. _hadError: false,
  49705. _handle:
  49706. TCP {
  49707. reading: true,
  49708. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  49710. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  49712. _host: 'localhost',
  49713. _readableState:
  49714. ReadableState {
  49715. objectMode: false,
  49716. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49717. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  49718. length: 0,
  49719. pipes: null,
  49720. pipesCount: 0,
  49721. flowing: true,
  49722. ended: false,
  49723. endEmitted: false,
  49724. reading: true,
  49725. sync: false,
  49726. needReadable: true,
  49727. emittedReadable: false,
  49728. readableListening: false,
  49729. resumeScheduled: false,
  49730. emitClose: false,
  49731. autoDestroy: false,
  49732. destroyed: false,
  49733. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49734. awaitDrain: 0,
  49735. readingMore: false,
  49736. decoder: null,
  49737. encoding: null },
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  49740. [Object: null prototype] {
  49741. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  49742. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  49743. data: [Function],
  49744. close: [Function] },
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  49746. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  49748. WritableState {
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  49751. finalCalled: false,
  49752. needDrain: false,
  49753. ending: false,
  49754. ended: false,
  49755. finished: false,
  49756. destroyed: false,
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  49758. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49759. length: 0,
  49760. writing: false,
  49761. corked: 0,
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  49766. writelen: 0,
  49767. bufferedRequest: null,
  49768. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  49769. pendingcb: 0,
  49770. prefinished: false,
  49771. errorEmitted: false,
  49772. emitClose: false,
  49773. autoDestroy: false,
  49774. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  49775. corkedRequestsFree:
  49776. { next: null,
  49777. entry: null,
  49778. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  49779. writable: true,
  49780. allowHalfOpen: false,
  49781. _sockname: null,
  49782. _pendingData: null,
  49783. _pendingEncoding: '',
  49784. server: null,
  49785. _server: null,
  49786. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  49787. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  49788. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  49789. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  49790. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  49791. _internalId: 1,
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  49793. Denque {
  49794. _head: 0,
  49795. _tail: 0,
  49796. _capacityMask: 3,
  49797. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49798. _command: undefined,
  49799. _paused: false,
  49800. _paused_packets:
  49801. Denque {
  49802. _head: 0,
  49803. _tail: 0,
  49804. _capacityMask: 3,
  49805. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  49806. _statements:
  49807. LRUCache {
  49808. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  49809. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  49810. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  49811. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  49812. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  49813. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  49814. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  49815. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  49816. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  49817. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49818. authorized: true,
  49819. sequenceId: 23,
  49820. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  49821. threadId: 1303,
  49822. _handshakePacket:
  49823. Handshake {
  49824. protocolVersion: 10,
  49825. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  49826. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  49827. connectionId: 1303,
  49828. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  49829. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  49830. characterSet: 255,
  49831. statusFlags: 2 },
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  49833. _protocolError: null,
  49834. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  49835. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  49836. packetParser:
  49837. PacketParser {
  49838. buffer: [],
  49839. bufferLength: 0,
  49840. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  49841. headerLen: 0,
  49842. length: 5,
  49843. largePacketParts: [],
  49844. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  49845. onPacket: [Function],
  49846. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  49847. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  49848. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  49849. connectTimeout: null,
  49850. connectionId: 1303 },
  49851. state: 'IDLE' } },
  49852. length: 2 } },
  49853. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  49854. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  49855. _validationOperations: Set {},
  49856. _allObjects:
  49857. Set {
  49858. PooledResource {
  49859. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  49860. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  49861. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  49862. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  49863. obj:
  49864. Connection {
  49865. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  49866. _eventsCount: 1,
  49867. _maxListeners: undefined,
  49868. config:
  49869. ConnectionConfig {
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  49871. stream: undefined,
  49872. host: 'localhost',
  49873. port: 3306,
  49874. localAddress: undefined,
  49875. socketPath: undefined,
  49876. user: 'root',
  49877. password: 'abcd1234',
  49878. passwordSha1: undefined,
  49879. database: 'lbry',
  49880. connectTimeout: 10000,
  49881. insecureAuth: false,
  49882. supportBigNumbers: true,
  49883. bigNumberStrings: false,
  49884. decimalNumbers: false,
  49885. dateStrings: false,
  49886. debug: undefined,
  49887. trace: true,
  49888. stringifyObjects: false,
  49889. timezone: '+00:00',
  49890. queryFormat: undefined,
  49891. pool: undefined,
  49892. ssl: false,
  49893. multipleStatements: false,
  49894. rowsAsArray: false,
  49895. namedPlaceholders: false,
  49896. nestTables: undefined,
  49897. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  49898. maxPacketSize: 0,
  49899. charsetNumber: 224,
  49900. compress: false,
  49901. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  49902. clientFlags: 8582093,
  49903. connectAttributes: undefined,
  49904. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  49905. stream:
  49906. Socket {
  49907. connecting: false,
  49908. _hadError: false,
  49909. _handle:
  49910. TCP {
  49911. reading: true,
  49912. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  49913. onconnection: null,
  49914. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  49915. _parent: null,
  49916. _host: 'localhost',
  49917. _readableState:
  49918. ReadableState {
  49919. objectMode: false,
  49920. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49921. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  49922. length: 0,
  49923. pipes: null,
  49924. pipesCount: 0,
  49925. flowing: true,
  49926. ended: false,
  49927. endEmitted: false,
  49928. reading: true,
  49929. sync: false,
  49930. needReadable: true,
  49931. emittedReadable: false,
  49932. readableListening: false,
  49933. resumeScheduled: false,
  49934. emitClose: false,
  49935. autoDestroy: false,
  49936. destroyed: false,
  49937. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49938. awaitDrain: 0,
  49939. readingMore: false,
  49940. decoder: null,
  49941. encoding: null },
  49942. readable: true,
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  49944. [Object: null prototype] {
  49945. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  49946. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  49947. data: [Function],
  49948. close: [Function] },
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  49950. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  49952. WritableState {
  49953. objectMode: false,
  49954. highWaterMark: 16384,
  49955. finalCalled: false,
  49956. needDrain: false,
  49957. ending: false,
  49958. ended: false,
  49959. finished: false,
  49960. destroyed: false,
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  49962. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  49963. length: 0,
  49964. writing: false,
  49965. corked: 0,
  49966. sync: false,
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  49970. writelen: 0,
  49971. bufferedRequest: null,
  49972. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  49973. pendingcb: 0,
  49974. prefinished: false,
  49975. errorEmitted: false,
  49976. emitClose: false,
  49977. autoDestroy: false,
  49978. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  49979. corkedRequestsFree:
  49980. { next: null,
  49981. entry: null,
  49982. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  49983. writable: true,
  49984. allowHalfOpen: false,
  49985. _sockname: null,
  49986. _pendingData: null,
  49987. _pendingEncoding: '',
  49988. server: null,
  49989. _server: null,
  49990. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  49991. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  49992. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  49993. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  49994. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  49995. _internalId: 2,
  49996. _commands:
  49997. Denque {
  49998. _head: 0,
  49999. _tail: 0,
  50000. _capacityMask: 3,
  50001. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50002. _command: undefined,
  50003. _paused: false,
  50004. _paused_packets:
  50005. Denque {
  50006. _head: 0,
  50007. _tail: 0,
  50008. _capacityMask: 3,
  50009. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50010. _statements:
  50011. LRUCache {
  50012. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  50013. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  50014. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  50015. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  50016. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  50017. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  50018. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  50019. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  50020. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  50021. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50022. authorized: true,
  50023. sequenceId: 2,
  50024. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  50025. threadId: 1302,
  50026. _handshakePacket:
  50027. Handshake {
  50028. protocolVersion: 10,
  50029. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  50030. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50031. connectionId: 1302,
  50032. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  50033. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  50034. characterSet: 255,
  50035. statusFlags: 2 },
  50036. _fatalError: null,
  50037. _protocolError: null,
  50038. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  50039. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  50040. packetParser:
  50041. PacketParser {
  50042. buffer: [],
  50043. bufferLength: 0,
  50044. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  50045. headerLen: 0,
  50046. length: 7,
  50047. largePacketParts: [],
  50048. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  50049. onPacket: [Function],
  50050. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  50051. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  50052. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  50053. connectTimeout: null,
  50054. connectionId: 1302 },
  50055. state: 'IDLE' },
  50056. PooledResource {
  50057. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  50058. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  50059. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  50060. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  50061. obj:
  50062. Connection {
  50063. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  50064. _eventsCount: 1,
  50065. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50066. config:
  50067. ConnectionConfig {
  50068. isServer: undefined,
  50069. stream: undefined,
  50070. host: 'localhost',
  50071. port: 3306,
  50072. localAddress: undefined,
  50073. socketPath: undefined,
  50074. user: 'root',
  50075. password: 'abcd1234',
  50076. passwordSha1: undefined,
  50077. database: 'lbry',
  50078. connectTimeout: 10000,
  50079. insecureAuth: false,
  50080. supportBigNumbers: true,
  50081. bigNumberStrings: false,
  50082. decimalNumbers: false,
  50083. dateStrings: false,
  50084. debug: undefined,
  50085. trace: true,
  50086. stringifyObjects: false,
  50087. timezone: '+00:00',
  50088. queryFormat: undefined,
  50089. pool: undefined,
  50090. ssl: false,
  50091. multipleStatements: false,
  50092. rowsAsArray: false,
  50093. namedPlaceholders: false,
  50094. nestTables: undefined,
  50095. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  50096. maxPacketSize: 0,
  50097. charsetNumber: 224,
  50098. compress: false,
  50099. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  50100. clientFlags: 8582093,
  50101. connectAttributes: undefined,
  50102. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  50103. stream:
  50104. Socket {
  50105. connecting: false,
  50106. _hadError: false,
  50107. _handle:
  50108. TCP {
  50109. reading: true,
  50110. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  50111. onconnection: null,
  50112. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  50113. _parent: null,
  50114. _host: 'localhost',
  50115. _readableState:
  50116. ReadableState {
  50117. objectMode: false,
  50118. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50119. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  50120. length: 0,
  50121. pipes: null,
  50122. pipesCount: 0,
  50123. flowing: true,
  50124. ended: false,
  50125. endEmitted: false,
  50126. reading: true,
  50127. sync: false,
  50128. needReadable: true,
  50129. emittedReadable: false,
  50130. readableListening: false,
  50131. resumeScheduled: false,
  50132. emitClose: false,
  50133. autoDestroy: false,
  50134. destroyed: false,
  50135. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50136. awaitDrain: 0,
  50137. readingMore: false,
  50138. decoder: null,
  50139. encoding: null },
  50140. readable: true,
  50141. _events:
  50142. [Object: null prototype] {
  50143. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  50144. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  50145. data: [Function],
  50146. close: [Function] },
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  50148. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  50150. WritableState {
  50151. objectMode: false,
  50152. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50153. finalCalled: false,
  50154. needDrain: false,
  50155. ending: false,
  50156. ended: false,
  50157. finished: false,
  50158. destroyed: false,
  50159. decodeStrings: false,
  50160. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50161. length: 0,
  50162. writing: false,
  50163. corked: 0,
  50164. sync: false,
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  50166. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  50168. writelen: 0,
  50169. bufferedRequest: null,
  50170. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  50171. pendingcb: 0,
  50172. prefinished: false,
  50173. errorEmitted: false,
  50174. emitClose: false,
  50175. autoDestroy: false,
  50176. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  50177. corkedRequestsFree:
  50178. { next: null,
  50179. entry: null,
  50180. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  50181. writable: true,
  50182. allowHalfOpen: false,
  50183. _sockname: null,
  50184. _pendingData: null,
  50185. _pendingEncoding: '',
  50186. server: null,
  50187. _server: null,
  50188. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  50189. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  50190. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  50191. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  50192. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  50193. _internalId: 1,
  50194. _commands:
  50195. Denque {
  50196. _head: 0,
  50197. _tail: 0,
  50198. _capacityMask: 3,
  50199. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50200. _command: undefined,
  50201. _paused: false,
  50202. _paused_packets:
  50203. Denque {
  50204. _head: 0,
  50205. _tail: 0,
  50206. _capacityMask: 3,
  50207. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50208. _statements:
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  50210. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  50211. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  50212. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  50213. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  50214. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  50215. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  50216. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  50217. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  50218. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  50219. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50220. authorized: true,
  50221. sequenceId: 23,
  50222. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  50223. threadId: 1303,
  50224. _handshakePacket:
  50225. Handshake {
  50226. protocolVersion: 10,
  50227. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  50228. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50229. connectionId: 1303,
  50230. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  50231. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  50232. characterSet: 255,
  50233. statusFlags: 2 },
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  50235. _protocolError: null,
  50236. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  50237. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  50238. packetParser:
  50239. PacketParser {
  50240. buffer: [],
  50241. bufferLength: 0,
  50242. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  50243. headerLen: 0,
  50244. length: 5,
  50245. largePacketParts: [],
  50246. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  50247. onPacket: [Function],
  50248. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  50249. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  50250. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  50251. connectTimeout: null,
  50252. connectionId: 1303 },
  50253. state: 'IDLE' } },
  50254. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  50255. _evictionIterator:
  50256. DequeIterator {
  50257. _list:
  50258. DoublyLinkedList {
  50259. head:
  50260. { prev: null,
  50261. next:
  50262. { prev: [Circular],
  50263. next: null,
  50264. data:
  50265. PooledResource {
  50266. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  50267. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  50268. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  50269. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  50270. obj:
  50271. Connection {
  50272. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  50273. _eventsCount: 1,
  50274. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50275. config:
  50276. ConnectionConfig {
  50277. isServer: undefined,
  50278. stream: undefined,
  50279. host: 'localhost',
  50280. port: 3306,
  50281. localAddress: undefined,
  50282. socketPath: undefined,
  50283. user: 'root',
  50284. password: 'abcd1234',
  50285. passwordSha1: undefined,
  50286. database: 'lbry',
  50287. connectTimeout: 10000,
  50288. insecureAuth: false,
  50289. supportBigNumbers: true,
  50290. bigNumberStrings: false,
  50291. decimalNumbers: false,
  50292. dateStrings: false,
  50293. debug: undefined,
  50294. trace: true,
  50295. stringifyObjects: false,
  50296. timezone: '+00:00',
  50297. queryFormat: undefined,
  50298. pool: undefined,
  50299. ssl: false,
  50300. multipleStatements: false,
  50301. rowsAsArray: false,
  50302. namedPlaceholders: false,
  50303. nestTables: undefined,
  50304. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  50305. maxPacketSize: 0,
  50306. charsetNumber: 224,
  50307. compress: false,
  50308. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  50309. clientFlags: 8582093,
  50310. connectAttributes: undefined,
  50311. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  50312. stream:
  50313. Socket {
  50314. connecting: false,
  50315. _hadError: false,
  50316. _handle:
  50317. TCP {
  50318. reading: true,
  50319. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  50320. onconnection: null,
  50321. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  50322. _parent: null,
  50323. _host: 'localhost',
  50324. _readableState:
  50325. ReadableState {
  50326. objectMode: false,
  50327. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50328. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  50329. length: 0,
  50330. pipes: null,
  50331. pipesCount: 0,
  50332. flowing: true,
  50333. ended: false,
  50334. endEmitted: false,
  50335. reading: true,
  50336. sync: false,
  50337. needReadable: true,
  50338. emittedReadable: false,
  50339. readableListening: false,
  50340. resumeScheduled: false,
  50341. emitClose: false,
  50342. autoDestroy: false,
  50343. destroyed: false,
  50344. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50345. awaitDrain: 0,
  50346. readingMore: false,
  50347. decoder: null,
  50348. encoding: null },
  50349. readable: true,
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  50351. [Object: null prototype] {
  50352. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  50353. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  50354. data: [Function],
  50355. close: [Function] },
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  50357. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  50359. WritableState {
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  50361. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50362. finalCalled: false,
  50363. needDrain: false,
  50364. ending: false,
  50365. ended: false,
  50366. finished: false,
  50367. destroyed: false,
  50368. decodeStrings: false,
  50369. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50370. length: 0,
  50371. writing: false,
  50372. corked: 0,
  50373. sync: false,
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  50378. bufferedRequest: null,
  50379. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  50380. pendingcb: 0,
  50381. prefinished: false,
  50382. errorEmitted: false,
  50383. emitClose: false,
  50384. autoDestroy: false,
  50385. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  50386. corkedRequestsFree:
  50387. { next: null,
  50388. entry: null,
  50389. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  50390. writable: true,
  50391. allowHalfOpen: false,
  50392. _sockname: null,
  50393. _pendingData: null,
  50394. _pendingEncoding: '',
  50395. server: null,
  50396. _server: null,
  50397. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  50398. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  50399. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  50400. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  50401. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  50402. _internalId: 1,
  50403. _commands:
  50404. Denque {
  50405. _head: 0,
  50406. _tail: 0,
  50407. _capacityMask: 3,
  50408. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50409. _command: undefined,
  50410. _paused: false,
  50411. _paused_packets:
  50412. Denque {
  50413. _head: 0,
  50414. _tail: 0,
  50415. _capacityMask: 3,
  50416. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50417. _statements:
  50418. LRUCache {
  50419. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  50420. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  50421. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  50422. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  50423. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  50424. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  50425. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  50426. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  50427. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  50428. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50429. authorized: true,
  50430. sequenceId: 23,
  50431. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  50432. threadId: 1303,
  50433. _handshakePacket:
  50434. Handshake {
  50435. protocolVersion: 10,
  50436. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  50437. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50438. connectionId: 1303,
  50439. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  50440. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  50441. characterSet: 255,
  50442. statusFlags: 2 },
  50443. _fatalError: null,
  50444. _protocolError: null,
  50445. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  50446. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  50447. packetParser:
  50448. PacketParser {
  50449. buffer: [],
  50450. bufferLength: 0,
  50451. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  50452. headerLen: 0,
  50453. length: 5,
  50454. largePacketParts: [],
  50455. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  50456. onPacket: [Function],
  50457. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  50458. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  50459. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  50460. connectTimeout: null,
  50461. connectionId: 1303 },
  50462. state: 'IDLE' } },
  50463. data:
  50464. PooledResource {
  50465. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  50466. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  50467. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  50468. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  50469. obj:
  50470. Connection {
  50471. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  50472. _eventsCount: 1,
  50473. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50474. config:
  50475. ConnectionConfig {
  50476. isServer: undefined,
  50477. stream: undefined,
  50478. host: 'localhost',
  50479. port: 3306,
  50480. localAddress: undefined,
  50481. socketPath: undefined,
  50482. user: 'root',
  50483. password: 'abcd1234',
  50484. passwordSha1: undefined,
  50485. database: 'lbry',
  50486. connectTimeout: 10000,
  50487. insecureAuth: false,
  50488. supportBigNumbers: true,
  50489. bigNumberStrings: false,
  50490. decimalNumbers: false,
  50491. dateStrings: false,
  50492. debug: undefined,
  50493. trace: true,
  50494. stringifyObjects: false,
  50495. timezone: '+00:00',
  50496. queryFormat: undefined,
  50497. pool: undefined,
  50498. ssl: false,
  50499. multipleStatements: false,
  50500. rowsAsArray: false,
  50501. namedPlaceholders: false,
  50502. nestTables: undefined,
  50503. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  50504. maxPacketSize: 0,
  50505. charsetNumber: 224,
  50506. compress: false,
  50507. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  50508. clientFlags: 8582093,
  50509. connectAttributes: undefined,
  50510. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  50511. stream:
  50512. Socket {
  50513. connecting: false,
  50514. _hadError: false,
  50515. _handle:
  50516. TCP {
  50517. reading: true,
  50518. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  50519. onconnection: null,
  50520. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  50521. _parent: null,
  50522. _host: 'localhost',
  50523. _readableState:
  50524. ReadableState {
  50525. objectMode: false,
  50526. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50527. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  50528. length: 0,
  50529. pipes: null,
  50530. pipesCount: 0,
  50531. flowing: true,
  50532. ended: false,
  50533. endEmitted: false,
  50534. reading: true,
  50535. sync: false,
  50536. needReadable: true,
  50537. emittedReadable: false,
  50538. readableListening: false,
  50539. resumeScheduled: false,
  50540. emitClose: false,
  50541. autoDestroy: false,
  50542. destroyed: false,
  50543. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50544. awaitDrain: 0,
  50545. readingMore: false,
  50546. decoder: null,
  50547. encoding: null },
  50548. readable: true,
  50549. _events:
  50550. [Object: null prototype] {
  50551. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  50552. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  50553. data: [Function],
  50554. close: [Function] },
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  50556. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50557. _writableState:
  50558. WritableState {
  50559. objectMode: false,
  50560. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50561. finalCalled: false,
  50562. needDrain: false,
  50563. ending: false,
  50564. ended: false,
  50565. finished: false,
  50566. destroyed: false,
  50567. decodeStrings: false,
  50568. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50569. length: 0,
  50570. writing: false,
  50571. corked: 0,
  50572. sync: false,
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  50574. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  50576. writelen: 0,
  50577. bufferedRequest: null,
  50578. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  50579. pendingcb: 0,
  50580. prefinished: false,
  50581. errorEmitted: false,
  50582. emitClose: false,
  50583. autoDestroy: false,
  50584. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  50585. corkedRequestsFree:
  50586. { next: null,
  50587. entry: null,
  50588. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  50589. writable: true,
  50590. allowHalfOpen: false,
  50591. _sockname: null,
  50592. _pendingData: null,
  50593. _pendingEncoding: '',
  50594. server: null,
  50595. _server: null,
  50596. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  50597. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  50598. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  50599. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  50600. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  50601. _internalId: 2,
  50602. _commands:
  50603. Denque {
  50604. _head: 0,
  50605. _tail: 0,
  50606. _capacityMask: 3,
  50607. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50608. _command: undefined,
  50609. _paused: false,
  50610. _paused_packets:
  50611. Denque {
  50612. _head: 0,
  50613. _tail: 0,
  50614. _capacityMask: 3,
  50615. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50616. _statements:
  50617. LRUCache {
  50618. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  50619. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  50620. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  50621. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  50622. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  50623. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  50624. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  50625. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  50626. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  50627. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50628. authorized: true,
  50629. sequenceId: 2,
  50630. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  50631. threadId: 1302,
  50632. _handshakePacket:
  50633. Handshake {
  50634. protocolVersion: 10,
  50635. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  50636. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50637. connectionId: 1302,
  50638. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  50639. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  50640. characterSet: 255,
  50641. statusFlags: 2 },
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  50643. _protocolError: null,
  50644. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  50645. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  50646. packetParser:
  50647. PacketParser {
  50648. buffer: [],
  50649. bufferLength: 0,
  50650. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  50651. headerLen: 0,
  50652. length: 7,
  50653. largePacketParts: [],
  50654. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  50655. onPacket: [Function],
  50656. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  50657. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  50658. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  50659. connectTimeout: null,
  50660. connectionId: 1302 },
  50661. state: 'IDLE' } },
  50662. tail:
  50663. { prev:
  50664. { prev: null,
  50665. next: [Circular],
  50666. data:
  50667. PooledResource {
  50668. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  50669. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  50670. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  50671. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  50672. obj:
  50673. Connection {
  50674. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  50675. _eventsCount: 1,
  50676. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50677. config:
  50678. ConnectionConfig {
  50679. isServer: undefined,
  50680. stream: undefined,
  50681. host: 'localhost',
  50682. port: 3306,
  50683. localAddress: undefined,
  50684. socketPath: undefined,
  50685. user: 'root',
  50686. password: 'abcd1234',
  50687. passwordSha1: undefined,
  50688. database: 'lbry',
  50689. connectTimeout: 10000,
  50690. insecureAuth: false,
  50691. supportBigNumbers: true,
  50692. bigNumberStrings: false,
  50693. decimalNumbers: false,
  50694. dateStrings: false,
  50695. debug: undefined,
  50696. trace: true,
  50697. stringifyObjects: false,
  50698. timezone: '+00:00',
  50699. queryFormat: undefined,
  50700. pool: undefined,
  50701. ssl: false,
  50702. multipleStatements: false,
  50703. rowsAsArray: false,
  50704. namedPlaceholders: false,
  50705. nestTables: undefined,
  50706. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  50707. maxPacketSize: 0,
  50708. charsetNumber: 224,
  50709. compress: false,
  50710. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  50711. clientFlags: 8582093,
  50712. connectAttributes: undefined,
  50713. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  50714. stream:
  50715. Socket {
  50716. connecting: false,
  50717. _hadError: false,
  50718. _handle:
  50719. TCP {
  50720. reading: true,
  50721. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  50722. onconnection: null,
  50723. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  50724. _parent: null,
  50725. _host: 'localhost',
  50726. _readableState:
  50727. ReadableState {
  50728. objectMode: false,
  50729. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50730. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  50731. length: 0,
  50732. pipes: null,
  50733. pipesCount: 0,
  50734. flowing: true,
  50735. ended: false,
  50736. endEmitted: false,
  50737. reading: true,
  50738. sync: false,
  50739. needReadable: true,
  50740. emittedReadable: false,
  50741. readableListening: false,
  50742. resumeScheduled: false,
  50743. emitClose: false,
  50744. autoDestroy: false,
  50745. destroyed: false,
  50746. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50747. awaitDrain: 0,
  50748. readingMore: false,
  50749. decoder: null,
  50750. encoding: null },
  50751. readable: true,
  50752. _events:
  50753. [Object: null prototype] {
  50754. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  50755. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  50756. data: [Function],
  50757. close: [Function] },
  50758. _eventsCount: 4,
  50759. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50760. _writableState:
  50761. WritableState {
  50762. objectMode: false,
  50763. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50764. finalCalled: false,
  50765. needDrain: false,
  50766. ending: false,
  50767. ended: false,
  50768. finished: false,
  50769. destroyed: false,
  50770. decodeStrings: false,
  50771. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50772. length: 0,
  50773. writing: false,
  50774. corked: 0,
  50775. sync: false,
  50776. bufferProcessing: false,
  50777. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  50778. writecb: null,
  50779. writelen: 0,
  50780. bufferedRequest: null,
  50781. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  50782. pendingcb: 0,
  50783. prefinished: false,
  50784. errorEmitted: false,
  50785. emitClose: false,
  50786. autoDestroy: false,
  50787. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  50788. corkedRequestsFree:
  50789. { next: null,
  50790. entry: null,
  50791. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  50792. writable: true,
  50793. allowHalfOpen: false,
  50794. _sockname: null,
  50795. _pendingData: null,
  50796. _pendingEncoding: '',
  50797. server: null,
  50798. _server: null,
  50799. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  50800. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  50801. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  50802. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  50803. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  50804. _internalId: 2,
  50805. _commands:
  50806. Denque {
  50807. _head: 0,
  50808. _tail: 0,
  50809. _capacityMask: 3,
  50810. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50811. _command: undefined,
  50812. _paused: false,
  50813. _paused_packets:
  50814. Denque {
  50815. _head: 0,
  50816. _tail: 0,
  50817. _capacityMask: 3,
  50818. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  50819. _statements:
  50820. LRUCache {
  50821. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  50822. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  50823. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  50824. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  50825. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  50826. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  50827. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  50828. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  50829. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  50830. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50831. authorized: true,
  50832. sequenceId: 2,
  50833. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  50834. threadId: 1302,
  50835. _handshakePacket:
  50836. Handshake {
  50837. protocolVersion: 10,
  50838. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  50839. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  50840. connectionId: 1302,
  50841. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  50842. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  50843. characterSet: 255,
  50844. statusFlags: 2 },
  50845. _fatalError: null,
  50846. _protocolError: null,
  50847. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  50848. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  50849. packetParser:
  50850. PacketParser {
  50851. buffer: [],
  50852. bufferLength: 0,
  50853. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  50854. headerLen: 0,
  50855. length: 7,
  50856. largePacketParts: [],
  50857. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  50858. onPacket: [Function],
  50859. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  50860. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  50861. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  50862. connectTimeout: null,
  50863. connectionId: 1302 },
  50864. state: 'IDLE' } },
  50865. next: null,
  50866. data:
  50867. PooledResource {
  50868. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  50869. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  50870. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  50871. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  50872. obj:
  50873. Connection {
  50874. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  50875. _eventsCount: 1,
  50876. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50877. config:
  50878. ConnectionConfig {
  50879. isServer: undefined,
  50880. stream: undefined,
  50881. host: 'localhost',
  50882. port: 3306,
  50883. localAddress: undefined,
  50884. socketPath: undefined,
  50885. user: 'root',
  50886. password: 'abcd1234',
  50887. passwordSha1: undefined,
  50888. database: 'lbry',
  50889. connectTimeout: 10000,
  50890. insecureAuth: false,
  50891. supportBigNumbers: true,
  50892. bigNumberStrings: false,
  50893. decimalNumbers: false,
  50894. dateStrings: false,
  50895. debug: undefined,
  50896. trace: true,
  50897. stringifyObjects: false,
  50898. timezone: '+00:00',
  50899. queryFormat: undefined,
  50900. pool: undefined,
  50901. ssl: false,
  50902. multipleStatements: false,
  50903. rowsAsArray: false,
  50904. namedPlaceholders: false,
  50905. nestTables: undefined,
  50906. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  50907. maxPacketSize: 0,
  50908. charsetNumber: 224,
  50909. compress: false,
  50910. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  50911. clientFlags: 8582093,
  50912. connectAttributes: undefined,
  50913. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  50914. stream:
  50915. Socket {
  50916. connecting: false,
  50917. _hadError: false,
  50918. _handle:
  50919. TCP {
  50920. reading: true,
  50921. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  50922. onconnection: null,
  50923. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  50924. _parent: null,
  50925. _host: 'localhost',
  50926. _readableState:
  50927. ReadableState {
  50928. objectMode: false,
  50929. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50930. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  50931. length: 0,
  50932. pipes: null,
  50933. pipesCount: 0,
  50934. flowing: true,
  50935. ended: false,
  50936. endEmitted: false,
  50937. reading: true,
  50938. sync: false,
  50939. needReadable: true,
  50940. emittedReadable: false,
  50941. readableListening: false,
  50942. resumeScheduled: false,
  50943. emitClose: false,
  50944. autoDestroy: false,
  50945. destroyed: false,
  50946. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50947. awaitDrain: 0,
  50948. readingMore: false,
  50949. decoder: null,
  50950. encoding: null },
  50951. readable: true,
  50952. _events:
  50953. [Object: null prototype] {
  50954. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  50955. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  50956. data: [Function],
  50957. close: [Function] },
  50958. _eventsCount: 4,
  50959. _maxListeners: undefined,
  50960. _writableState:
  50961. WritableState {
  50962. objectMode: false,
  50963. highWaterMark: 16384,
  50964. finalCalled: false,
  50965. needDrain: false,
  50966. ending: false,
  50967. ended: false,
  50968. finished: false,
  50969. destroyed: false,
  50970. decodeStrings: false,
  50971. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  50972. length: 0,
  50973. writing: false,
  50974. corked: 0,
  50975. sync: false,
  50976. bufferProcessing: false,
  50977. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  50978. writecb: null,
  50979. writelen: 0,
  50980. bufferedRequest: null,
  50981. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  50982. pendingcb: 0,
  50983. prefinished: false,
  50984. errorEmitted: false,
  50985. emitClose: false,
  50986. autoDestroy: false,
  50987. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  50988. corkedRequestsFree:
  50989. { next: null,
  50990. entry: null,
  50991. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  50992. writable: true,
  50993. allowHalfOpen: false,
  50994. _sockname: null,
  50995. _pendingData: null,
  50996. _pendingEncoding: '',
  50997. server: null,
  50998. _server: null,
  50999. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  51000. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  51001. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  51002. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  51003. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  51004. _internalId: 1,
  51005. _commands:
  51006. Denque {
  51007. _head: 0,
  51008. _tail: 0,
  51009. _capacityMask: 3,
  51010. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  51011. _command: undefined,
  51012. _paused: false,
  51013. _paused_packets:
  51014. Denque {
  51015. _head: 0,
  51016. _tail: 0,
  51017. _capacityMask: 3,
  51018. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  51019. _statements:
  51020. LRUCache {
  51021. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  51022. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  51023. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  51024. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  51025. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  51026. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  51027. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  51028. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  51029. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  51030. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  51031. authorized: true,
  51032. sequenceId: 23,
  51033. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  51034. threadId: 1303,
  51035. _handshakePacket:
  51036. Handshake {
  51037. protocolVersion: 10,
  51038. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  51039. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  51040. connectionId: 1303,
  51041. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  51042. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  51043. characterSet: 255,
  51044. statusFlags: 2 },
  51045. _fatalError: null,
  51046. _protocolError: null,
  51047. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  51048. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  51049. packetParser:
  51050. PacketParser {
  51051. buffer: [],
  51052. bufferLength: 0,
  51053. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  51054. headerLen: 0,
  51055. length: 5,
  51056. largePacketParts: [],
  51057. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  51058. onPacket: [Function],
  51059. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  51060. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  51061. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  51062. connectTimeout: null,
  51063. connectionId: 1303 },
  51064. state: 'IDLE' } },
  51065. length: 2 },
  51066. _direction: 'next',
  51067. _startPosition: 'head',
  51068. _started: false,
  51069. _cursor: null,
  51070. _done: false },
  51071. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  51072. _scheduledEviction:
  51073. Timeout {
  51074. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  51075. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  51076. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  51077. _idleStart: 432,
  51078. _onTimeout: [Function],
  51079. _timerArgs: undefined,
  51080. _repeat: null,
  51081. _destroyed: false,
  51082. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  51083. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  51084. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  51085. lib:
  51086. { createConnection: [Function],
  51087. connect: [Function],
  51088. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  51089. createPool: [Function],
  51090. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  51091. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  51092. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  51093. createServer: [Function],
  51094. PoolConnection:
  51095. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  51096. escape: [Function: escape],
  51097. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  51098. format: [Function: format],
  51099. raw: [Function: raw],
  51100. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  51101. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  51102. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  51103. Types: [Getter],
  51104. Charsets: [Getter],
  51105. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  51106. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  51107. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  51108. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  51109. sequelize: [Circular],
  51110. typeValidation: undefined } },
  51111. models:
  51112. { Balloons:
  51113. { [Function: Balloons]
  51114. sequelize: [Circular],
  51115. options: [Circular],
  51116. associations: {},
  51117. underscored: undefined,
  51118. tableName: 'Balloons',
  51119. _schema: null,
  51120. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  51121. rawAttributes:
  51122. { id:
  51123. { type:
  51124. INTEGER {
  51125. options: { length: undefined },
  51126. _length: undefined,
  51127. _zerofill: undefined,
  51128. _decimals: undefined,
  51129. _precision: undefined,
  51130. _scale: undefined,
  51131. _unsigned: undefined },
  51132. allowNull: false,
  51133. primaryKey: true,
  51134. autoIncrement: true,
  51135. _autoGenerated: true,
  51136. Model: [Circular],
  51137. fieldName: 'id',
  51138. _modelAttribute: true,
  51139. field: 'id' },
  51140. size:
  51141. { type:
  51142. STRING {
  51143. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51144. _binary: undefined,
  51145. _length: 255 },
  51146. Model: [Circular],
  51147. fieldName: 'size',
  51148. _modelAttribute: true,
  51149. field: 'size' },
  51150. color:
  51151. { type:
  51152. STRING {
  51153. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51154. _binary: undefined,
  51155. _length: 255 },
  51156. Model: [Circular],
  51157. fieldName: 'color',
  51158. _modelAttribute: true,
  51159. field: 'color' },
  51160. createdAt:
  51161. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51162. allowNull: false,
  51163. _autoGenerated: true,
  51164. Model: [Circular],
  51165. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51166. _modelAttribute: true,
  51167. field: 'createdAt' },
  51168. updatedAt:
  51169. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51170. allowNull: false,
  51171. _autoGenerated: true,
  51172. Model: [Circular],
  51173. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51174. _modelAttribute: true,
  51175. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51176. primaryKeys:
  51177. { id:
  51178. { type:
  51179. INTEGER {
  51180. options: { length: undefined },
  51181. _length: undefined,
  51182. _zerofill: undefined,
  51183. _decimals: undefined,
  51184. _precision: undefined,
  51185. _scale: undefined,
  51186. _unsigned: undefined },
  51187. allowNull: false,
  51188. primaryKey: true,
  51189. autoIncrement: true,
  51190. _autoGenerated: true,
  51191. Model: [Circular],
  51192. fieldName: 'id',
  51193. _modelAttribute: true,
  51194. field: 'id' } },
  51195. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  51196. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  51197. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  51198. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  51199. { [Function: memoized]
  51200. cache:
  51201. MapCache {
  51202. size: 0,
  51203. __data__:
  51204. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51205. map: Map {},
  51206. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51207. _dataTypeChanges:
  51208. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  51209. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  51210. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  51211. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  51212. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  51213. _booleanAttributes: [],
  51214. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  51215. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  51216. _rangeAttributes: [],
  51217. _jsonAttributes: [],
  51218. _geometryAttributes: [],
  51219. _virtualAttributes: [],
  51220. _defaultValues: {},
  51221. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  51222. { id:
  51223. { type:
  51224. INTEGER {
  51225. options: { length: undefined },
  51226. _length: undefined,
  51227. _zerofill: undefined,
  51228. _decimals: undefined,
  51229. _precision: undefined,
  51230. _scale: undefined,
  51231. _unsigned: undefined },
  51232. allowNull: false,
  51233. primaryKey: true,
  51234. autoIncrement: true,
  51235. _autoGenerated: true,
  51236. Model: [Circular],
  51237. fieldName: 'id',
  51238. _modelAttribute: true,
  51239. field: 'id' },
  51240. size:
  51241. { type:
  51242. STRING {
  51243. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51244. _binary: undefined,
  51245. _length: 255 },
  51246. Model: [Circular],
  51247. fieldName: 'size',
  51248. _modelAttribute: true,
  51249. field: 'size' },
  51250. color:
  51251. { type:
  51252. STRING {
  51253. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51254. _binary: undefined,
  51255. _length: 255 },
  51256. Model: [Circular],
  51257. fieldName: 'color',
  51258. _modelAttribute: true,
  51259. field: 'color' },
  51260. createdAt:
  51261. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51262. allowNull: false,
  51263. _autoGenerated: true,
  51264. Model: [Circular],
  51265. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51266. _modelAttribute: true,
  51267. field: 'createdAt' },
  51268. updatedAt:
  51269. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51270. allowNull: false,
  51271. _autoGenerated: true,
  51272. Model: [Circular],
  51273. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51274. _modelAttribute: true,
  51275. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51276. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  51277. uniqueKeys: {},
  51278. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  51279. _isBooleanAttribute:
  51280. { [Function: memoized]
  51281. cache:
  51282. MapCache {
  51283. size: 0,
  51284. __data__:
  51285. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51286. map: Map {},
  51287. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51288. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  51289. _isDateAttribute:
  51290. { [Function: memoized]
  51291. cache:
  51292. MapCache {
  51293. size: 0,
  51294. __data__:
  51295. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51296. map: Map {},
  51297. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51298. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  51299. _isHstoreAttribute:
  51300. { [Function: memoized]
  51301. cache:
  51302. MapCache {
  51303. size: 0,
  51304. __data__:
  51305. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51306. map: Map {},
  51307. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51308. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  51309. _isRangeAttribute:
  51310. { [Function: memoized]
  51311. cache:
  51312. MapCache {
  51313. size: 0,
  51314. __data__:
  51315. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51316. map: Map {},
  51317. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51318. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  51319. _isJsonAttribute:
  51320. { [Function: memoized]
  51321. cache:
  51322. MapCache {
  51323. size: 0,
  51324. __data__:
  51325. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51326. map: Map {},
  51327. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51328. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  51329. _isVirtualAttribute:
  51330. { [Function: memoized]
  51331. cache:
  51332. MapCache {
  51333. size: 5,
  51334. __data__:
  51335. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51336. map: Map {},
  51337. string:
  51338. Hash {
  51339. __data__:
  51340. [Object: null prototype] {
  51341. id: false,
  51342. size: false,
  51343. color: false,
  51344. createdAt: false,
  51345. updatedAt: false },
  51346. size: 5 } } } },
  51347. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  51348. _isGeometryAttribute:
  51349. { [Function: memoized]
  51350. cache:
  51351. MapCache {
  51352. size: 0,
  51353. __data__:
  51354. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51355. map: Map {},
  51356. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51357. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  51358. attributes:
  51359. { id:
  51360. { type:
  51361. INTEGER {
  51362. options: { length: undefined },
  51363. _length: undefined,
  51364. _zerofill: undefined,
  51365. _decimals: undefined,
  51366. _precision: undefined,
  51367. _scale: undefined,
  51368. _unsigned: undefined },
  51369. allowNull: false,
  51370. primaryKey: true,
  51371. autoIncrement: true,
  51372. _autoGenerated: true,
  51373. Model: [Circular],
  51374. fieldName: 'id',
  51375. _modelAttribute: true,
  51376. field: 'id' },
  51377. size:
  51378. { type:
  51379. STRING {
  51380. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51381. _binary: undefined,
  51382. _length: 255 },
  51383. Model: [Circular],
  51384. fieldName: 'size',
  51385. _modelAttribute: true,
  51386. field: 'size' },
  51387. color:
  51388. { type:
  51389. STRING {
  51390. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51391. _binary: undefined,
  51392. _length: 255 },
  51393. Model: [Circular],
  51394. fieldName: 'color',
  51395. _modelAttribute: true,
  51396. field: 'color' },
  51397. createdAt:
  51398. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51399. allowNull: false,
  51400. _autoGenerated: true,
  51401. Model: [Circular],
  51402. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51403. _modelAttribute: true,
  51404. field: 'createdAt' },
  51405. updatedAt:
  51406. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51407. allowNull: false,
  51408. _autoGenerated: true,
  51409. Model: [Circular],
  51410. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51411. _modelAttribute: true,
  51412. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51413. tableAttributes:
  51414. { id:
  51415. { type:
  51416. INTEGER {
  51417. options: { length: undefined },
  51418. _length: undefined,
  51419. _zerofill: undefined,
  51420. _decimals: undefined,
  51421. _precision: undefined,
  51422. _scale: undefined,
  51423. _unsigned: undefined },
  51424. allowNull: false,
  51425. primaryKey: true,
  51426. autoIncrement: true,
  51427. _autoGenerated: true,
  51428. Model: [Circular],
  51429. fieldName: 'id',
  51430. _modelAttribute: true,
  51431. field: 'id' },
  51432. size:
  51433. { type:
  51434. STRING {
  51435. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51436. _binary: undefined,
  51437. _length: 255 },
  51438. Model: [Circular],
  51439. fieldName: 'size',
  51440. _modelAttribute: true,
  51441. field: 'size' },
  51442. color:
  51443. { type:
  51444. STRING {
  51445. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51446. _binary: undefined,
  51447. _length: 255 },
  51448. Model: [Circular],
  51449. fieldName: 'color',
  51450. _modelAttribute: true,
  51451. field: 'color' },
  51452. createdAt:
  51453. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51454. allowNull: false,
  51455. _autoGenerated: true,
  51456. Model: [Circular],
  51457. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51458. _modelAttribute: true,
  51459. field: 'createdAt' },
  51460. updatedAt:
  51461. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51462. allowNull: false,
  51463. _autoGenerated: true,
  51464. Model: [Circular],
  51465. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51466. _modelAttribute: true,
  51467. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51468. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  51469. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  51470. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  51471. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  51472. _isPrimaryKey:
  51473. { [Function: memoized]
  51474. cache:
  51475. MapCache {
  51476. size: 0,
  51477. __data__:
  51478. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51479. map: Map {},
  51480. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51481. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  51482. _scope: {},
  51483. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  51484. modelManager:
  51485. ModelManager {
  51486. models:
  51487. [ { [Function: Balloons]
  51488. sequelize: [Circular],
  51489. options: [Circular],
  51490. associations: {},
  51491. underscored: undefined,
  51492. tableName: 'Balloons',
  51493. _schema: null,
  51494. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  51495. rawAttributes:
  51496. { id:
  51497. { type:
  51498. INTEGER {
  51499. options: { length: undefined },
  51500. _length: undefined,
  51501. _zerofill: undefined,
  51502. _decimals: undefined,
  51503. _precision: undefined,
  51504. _scale: undefined,
  51505. _unsigned: undefined },
  51506. allowNull: false,
  51507. primaryKey: true,
  51508. autoIncrement: true,
  51509. _autoGenerated: true,
  51510. Model: [Circular],
  51511. fieldName: 'id',
  51512. _modelAttribute: true,
  51513. field: 'id' },
  51514. size:
  51515. { type:
  51516. STRING {
  51517. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51518. _binary: undefined,
  51519. _length: 255 },
  51520. Model: [Circular],
  51521. fieldName: 'size',
  51522. _modelAttribute: true,
  51523. field: 'size' },
  51524. color:
  51525. { type:
  51526. STRING {
  51527. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51528. _binary: undefined,
  51529. _length: 255 },
  51530. Model: [Circular],
  51531. fieldName: 'color',
  51532. _modelAttribute: true,
  51533. field: 'color' },
  51534. createdAt:
  51535. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51536. allowNull: false,
  51537. _autoGenerated: true,
  51538. Model: [Circular],
  51539. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51540. _modelAttribute: true,
  51541. field: 'createdAt' },
  51542. updatedAt:
  51543. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51544. allowNull: false,
  51545. _autoGenerated: true,
  51546. Model: [Circular],
  51547. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51548. _modelAttribute: true,
  51549. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51550. primaryKeys:
  51551. { id:
  51552. { type:
  51553. INTEGER {
  51554. options: { length: undefined },
  51555. _length: undefined,
  51556. _zerofill: undefined,
  51557. _decimals: undefined,
  51558. _precision: undefined,
  51559. _scale: undefined,
  51560. _unsigned: undefined },
  51561. allowNull: false,
  51562. primaryKey: true,
  51563. autoIncrement: true,
  51564. _autoGenerated: true,
  51565. Model: [Circular],
  51566. fieldName: 'id',
  51567. _modelAttribute: true,
  51568. field: 'id' } },
  51569. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  51570. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  51571. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  51572. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  51573. { [Function: memoized]
  51574. cache:
  51575. MapCache {
  51576. size: 0,
  51577. __data__:
  51578. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51579. map: Map {},
  51580. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51581. _dataTypeChanges:
  51582. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  51583. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  51584. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  51585. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  51586. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  51587. _booleanAttributes: [],
  51588. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  51589. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  51590. _rangeAttributes: [],
  51591. _jsonAttributes: [],
  51592. _geometryAttributes: [],
  51593. _virtualAttributes: [],
  51594. _defaultValues: {},
  51595. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  51596. { id:
  51597. { type:
  51598. INTEGER {
  51599. options: { length: undefined },
  51600. _length: undefined,
  51601. _zerofill: undefined,
  51602. _decimals: undefined,
  51603. _precision: undefined,
  51604. _scale: undefined,
  51605. _unsigned: undefined },
  51606. allowNull: false,
  51607. primaryKey: true,
  51608. autoIncrement: true,
  51609. _autoGenerated: true,
  51610. Model: [Circular],
  51611. fieldName: 'id',
  51612. _modelAttribute: true,
  51613. field: 'id' },
  51614. size:
  51615. { type:
  51616. STRING {
  51617. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51618. _binary: undefined,
  51619. _length: 255 },
  51620. Model: [Circular],
  51621. fieldName: 'size',
  51622. _modelAttribute: true,
  51623. field: 'size' },
  51624. color:
  51625. { type:
  51626. STRING {
  51627. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51628. _binary: undefined,
  51629. _length: 255 },
  51630. Model: [Circular],
  51631. fieldName: 'color',
  51632. _modelAttribute: true,
  51633. field: 'color' },
  51634. createdAt:
  51635. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51636. allowNull: false,
  51637. _autoGenerated: true,
  51638. Model: [Circular],
  51639. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51640. _modelAttribute: true,
  51641. field: 'createdAt' },
  51642. updatedAt:
  51643. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51644. allowNull: false,
  51645. _autoGenerated: true,
  51646. Model: [Circular],
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  51648. _modelAttribute: true,
  51649. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51650. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  51651. uniqueKeys: {},
  51652. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  51653. _isBooleanAttribute:
  51654. { [Function: memoized]
  51655. cache:
  51656. MapCache {
  51657. size: 0,
  51658. __data__:
  51659. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51660. map: Map {},
  51661. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51662. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  51663. _isDateAttribute:
  51664. { [Function: memoized]
  51665. cache:
  51666. MapCache {
  51667. size: 0,
  51668. __data__:
  51669. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51670. map: Map {},
  51671. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51672. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  51673. _isHstoreAttribute:
  51674. { [Function: memoized]
  51675. cache:
  51676. MapCache {
  51677. size: 0,
  51678. __data__:
  51679. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51680. map: Map {},
  51681. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51682. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  51683. _isRangeAttribute:
  51684. { [Function: memoized]
  51685. cache:
  51686. MapCache {
  51687. size: 0,
  51688. __data__:
  51689. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51690. map: Map {},
  51691. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51692. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  51693. _isJsonAttribute:
  51694. { [Function: memoized]
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  51696. MapCache {
  51697. size: 0,
  51698. __data__:
  51699. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51700. map: Map {},
  51701. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51702. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  51703. _isVirtualAttribute:
  51704. { [Function: memoized]
  51705. cache:
  51706. MapCache {
  51707. size: 5,
  51708. __data__:
  51709. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51710. map: Map {},
  51711. string:
  51712. Hash {
  51713. __data__:
  51714. [Object: null prototype] {
  51715. id: false,
  51716. size: false,
  51717. color: false,
  51718. createdAt: false,
  51719. updatedAt: false },
  51720. size: 5 } } } },
  51721. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  51722. _isGeometryAttribute:
  51723. { [Function: memoized]
  51724. cache:
  51725. MapCache {
  51726. size: 0,
  51727. __data__:
  51728. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51729. map: Map {},
  51730. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51731. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  51732. attributes:
  51733. { id:
  51734. { type:
  51735. INTEGER {
  51736. options: { length: undefined },
  51737. _length: undefined,
  51738. _zerofill: undefined,
  51739. _decimals: undefined,
  51740. _precision: undefined,
  51741. _scale: undefined,
  51742. _unsigned: undefined },
  51743. allowNull: false,
  51744. primaryKey: true,
  51745. autoIncrement: true,
  51746. _autoGenerated: true,
  51747. Model: [Circular],
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  51749. _modelAttribute: true,
  51750. field: 'id' },
  51751. size:
  51752. { type:
  51753. STRING {
  51754. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51755. _binary: undefined,
  51756. _length: 255 },
  51757. Model: [Circular],
  51758. fieldName: 'size',
  51759. _modelAttribute: true,
  51760. field: 'size' },
  51761. color:
  51762. { type:
  51763. STRING {
  51764. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51765. _binary: undefined,
  51766. _length: 255 },
  51767. Model: [Circular],
  51768. fieldName: 'color',
  51769. _modelAttribute: true,
  51770. field: 'color' },
  51771. createdAt:
  51772. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51773. allowNull: false,
  51774. _autoGenerated: true,
  51775. Model: [Circular],
  51776. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51777. _modelAttribute: true,
  51778. field: 'createdAt' },
  51779. updatedAt:
  51780. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51781. allowNull: false,
  51782. _autoGenerated: true,
  51783. Model: [Circular],
  51784. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51785. _modelAttribute: true,
  51786. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51787. tableAttributes:
  51788. { id:
  51789. { type:
  51790. INTEGER {
  51791. options: { length: undefined },
  51792. _length: undefined,
  51793. _zerofill: undefined,
  51794. _decimals: undefined,
  51795. _precision: undefined,
  51796. _scale: undefined,
  51797. _unsigned: undefined },
  51798. allowNull: false,
  51799. primaryKey: true,
  51800. autoIncrement: true,
  51801. _autoGenerated: true,
  51802. Model: [Circular],
  51803. fieldName: 'id',
  51804. _modelAttribute: true,
  51805. field: 'id' },
  51806. size:
  51807. { type:
  51808. STRING {
  51809. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51810. _binary: undefined,
  51811. _length: 255 },
  51812. Model: [Circular],
  51813. fieldName: 'size',
  51814. _modelAttribute: true,
  51815. field: 'size' },
  51816. color:
  51817. { type:
  51818. STRING {
  51819. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  51820. _binary: undefined,
  51821. _length: 255 },
  51822. Model: [Circular],
  51823. fieldName: 'color',
  51824. _modelAttribute: true,
  51825. field: 'color' },
  51826. createdAt:
  51827. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51828. allowNull: false,
  51829. _autoGenerated: true,
  51830. Model: [Circular],
  51831. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  51832. _modelAttribute: true,
  51833. field: 'createdAt' },
  51834. updatedAt:
  51835. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  51836. allowNull: false,
  51837. _autoGenerated: true,
  51838. Model: [Circular],
  51839. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  51840. _modelAttribute: true,
  51841. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  51842. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  51843. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  51844. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  51845. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  51846. _isPrimaryKey:
  51847. { [Function: memoized]
  51848. cache:
  51849. MapCache {
  51850. size: 0,
  51851. __data__:
  51852. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  51853. map: Map {},
  51854. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  51855. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  51856. _scope: {},
  51857. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  51858. sequelize: [Circular] },
  51859. connectionManager:
  51860. ConnectionManager {
  51861. sequelize: [Circular],
  51862. config:
  51863. { database: 'lbry',
  51864. username: 'root',
  51865. password: 'abcd1234',
  51866. host: 'localhost',
  51867. port: undefined,
  51868. pool:
  51869. { max: 5,
  51870. min: 0,
  51871. acquire: 30000,
  51872. idle: 10000,
  51873. evict: 10000,
  51874. handleDisconnects: true,
  51875. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  51876. Promise:
  51877. { [Function: Promise]
  51878. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  51879. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  51880. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  51881. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  51882. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  51883. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  51884. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  51885. _peekContext: [Function],
  51886. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  51887. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  51888. longStackTraces: [Function],
  51889. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  51890. config: [Function],
  51891. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  51892. is: [Function],
  51893. fromCallback: [Function],
  51894. fromNode: [Function],
  51895. all: [Function],
  51896. cast: [Function],
  51897. fulfilled: [Function],
  51898. resolve: [Function],
  51899. rejected: [Function],
  51900. reject: [Function],
  51901. setScheduler: [Function],
  51902. pending: [Function],
  51903. defer: [Function],
  51904. method: [Function],
  51905. try: [Function],
  51906. attempt: [Function],
  51907. bind: [Function],
  51908. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  51909. join: [Function],
  51910. Promise: [Circular],
  51911. version: '3.5.3',
  51912. map: [Function],
  51913. using: [Function],
  51914. delay: [Function],
  51915. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  51916. spawn: [Function],
  51917. promisify: [Function],
  51918. promisifyAll: [Function],
  51919. props: [Function],
  51920. race: [Function],
  51921. reduce: [Function],
  51922. settle: [Function],
  51923. some: [Function],
  51924. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  51925. filter: [Function],
  51926. each: [Function],
  51927. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  51928. any: [Function],
  51929. default: [Circular] } },
  51930. protocol: 'tcp',
  51931. native: false,
  51932. ssl: undefined,
  51933. replication: false,
  51934. dialectModulePath: null,
  51935. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  51936. dialectOptions: undefined },
  51937. dialect:
  51938. MysqlDialect {
  51939. sequelize: [Circular],
  51940. connectionManager: [Circular],
  51941. QueryGenerator:
  51942. { dialect: 'mysql',
  51943. OperatorMap:
  51944. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  51945. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  51946. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  51947. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  51948. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  51949. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  51950. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  51951. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  51952. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  51953. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  51954. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  51955. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  51956. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  51957. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  51958. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  51959. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  51960. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  51961. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  51962. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  51963. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  51964. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  51965. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  51966. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  51967. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  51968. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  51969. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  51970. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  51971. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  51972. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  51973. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  51974. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  51975. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  51976. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  51977. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  51978. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  51979. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  51980. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  51981. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  51982. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  51983. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  51984. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  51985. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  51986. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  51987. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  51988. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  51989. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  51990. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  51991. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  51992. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  51993. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  51994. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  51995. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  51996. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  51997. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  51998. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  51999. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  52000. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  52001. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  52002. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  52003. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  52004. _templateSettings:
  52005. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  52006. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  52007. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  52008. variable: '',
  52009. imports:
  52010. { _:
  52011. { [Function: lodash]
  52012. templateSettings: [Circular],
  52013. after: [Function: after],
  52014. ary: [Function: ary],
  52015. assign: [Function],
  52016. assignIn: [Function],
  52017. assignInWith: [Function],
  52018. assignWith: [Function],
  52019. at: [Function],
  52020. before: [Function: before],
  52021. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52022. bindAll: [Function],
  52023. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52024. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  52025. chain: [Function: chain],
  52026. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  52027. compact: [Function: compact],
  52028. concat: [Function: concat],
  52029. cond: [Function: cond],
  52030. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  52031. constant: [Function: constant],
  52032. countBy: [Function],
  52033. create: [Function: create],
  52034. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52035. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52036. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  52037. defaults: [Function],
  52038. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  52039. defer: [Function],
  52040. delay: [Function],
  52041. difference: [Function],
  52042. differenceBy: [Function],
  52043. differenceWith: [Function],
  52044. drop: [Function: drop],
  52045. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  52046. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  52047. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  52048. fill: [Function: fill],
  52049. filter: [Function: filter],
  52050. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  52051. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  52052. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  52053. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  52054. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  52055. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  52056. flip: [Function: flip],
  52057. flow: [Function],
  52058. flowRight: [Function],
  52059. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  52060. functions: [Function: functions],
  52061. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  52062. groupBy: [Function],
  52063. initial: [Function: initial],
  52064. intersection: [Function],
  52065. intersectionBy: [Function],
  52066. intersectionWith: [Function],
  52067. invert: [Function],
  52068. invertBy: [Function],
  52069. invokeMap: [Function],
  52070. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  52071. keyBy: [Function],
  52072. keys: [Function: keys],
  52073. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  52074. map: [Function: map],
  52075. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  52076. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  52077. matches: [Function: matches],
  52078. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  52079. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  52080. merge: [Function],
  52081. mergeWith: [Function],
  52082. method: [Function],
  52083. methodOf: [Function],
  52084. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  52085. negate: [Function: negate],
  52086. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  52087. omit: [Function],
  52088. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  52089. once: [Function: once],
  52090. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  52091. over: [Function],
  52092. overArgs: [Function],
  52093. overEvery: [Function],
  52094. overSome: [Function],
  52095. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52096. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  52097. partition: [Function],
  52098. pick: [Function],
  52099. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  52100. property: [Function: property],
  52101. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  52102. pull: [Function],
  52103. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  52104. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  52105. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  52106. pullAt: [Function],
  52107. range: [Function],
  52108. rangeRight: [Function],
  52109. rearg: [Function],
  52110. reject: [Function: reject],
  52111. remove: [Function: remove],
  52112. rest: [Function: rest],
  52113. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  52114. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  52115. set: [Function: set],
  52116. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  52117. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  52118. slice: [Function: slice],
  52119. sortBy: [Function],
  52120. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  52121. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  52122. split: [Function: split],
  52123. spread: [Function: spread],
  52124. tail: [Function: tail],
  52125. take: [Function: take],
  52126. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  52127. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  52128. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  52129. tap: [Function: tap],
  52130. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  52131. thru: [Function: thru],
  52132. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  52133. toPairs: [Function],
  52134. toPairsIn: [Function],
  52135. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  52136. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  52137. transform: [Function: transform],
  52138. unary: [Function: unary],
  52139. union: [Function],
  52140. unionBy: [Function],
  52141. unionWith: [Function],
  52142. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  52143. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  52144. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  52145. unset: [Function: unset],
  52146. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  52147. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  52148. update: [Function: update],
  52149. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  52150. values: [Function: values],
  52151. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  52152. without: [Function],
  52153. words: [Function: words],
  52154. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  52155. xor: [Function],
  52156. xorBy: [Function],
  52157. xorWith: [Function],
  52158. zip: [Function],
  52159. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  52160. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  52161. zipWith: [Function],
  52162. entries: [Function],
  52163. entriesIn: [Function],
  52164. extend: [Function],
  52165. extendWith: [Function],
  52166. add: [Function],
  52167. attempt: [Function],
  52168. camelCase: [Function],
  52169. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  52170. ceil: [Function],
  52171. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  52172. clone: [Function: clone],
  52173. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  52174. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  52175. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  52176. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  52177. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  52178. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  52179. divide: [Function],
  52180. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  52181. eq: [Function: eq],
  52182. escape: [Function: escape],
  52183. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  52184. every: [Function: every],
  52185. find: [Function],
  52186. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  52187. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  52188. findLast: [Function],
  52189. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  52190. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  52191. floor: [Function],
  52192. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  52193. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  52194. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  52195. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  52196. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  52197. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  52198. get: [Function: get],
  52199. gt: [Function],
  52200. gte: [Function],
  52201. has: [Function: has],
  52202. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  52203. head: [Function: head],
  52204. identity: [Function: identity],
  52205. includes: [Function: includes],
  52206. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  52207. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  52208. invoke: [Function],
  52209. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  52210. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  52211. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  52212. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  52213. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  52214. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  52215. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  52216. isDate: [Function],
  52217. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  52218. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  52219. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  52220. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  52221. isError: [Function: isError],
  52222. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  52223. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  52224. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  52225. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  52226. isMap: [Function],
  52227. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  52228. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  52229. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  52230. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  52231. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  52232. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  52233. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  52234. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  52235. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  52236. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  52237. isRegExp: [Function],
  52238. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  52239. isSet: [Function],
  52240. isString: [Function: isString],
  52241. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  52242. isTypedArray: [Function],
  52243. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  52244. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  52245. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  52246. join: [Function: join],
  52247. kebabCase: [Function],
  52248. last: [Function: last],
  52249. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  52250. lowerCase: [Function],
  52251. lowerFirst: [Function],
  52252. lt: [Function],
  52253. lte: [Function],
  52254. max: [Function: max],
  52255. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  52256. mean: [Function: mean],
  52257. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  52258. min: [Function: min],
  52259. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  52260. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  52261. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  52262. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  52263. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  52264. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  52265. multiply: [Function],
  52266. nth: [Function: nth],
  52267. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  52268. noop: [Function: noop],
  52269. now: [Function],
  52270. pad: [Function: pad],
  52271. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  52272. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  52273. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  52274. random: [Function: random],
  52275. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  52276. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  52277. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  52278. replace: [Function: replace],
  52279. result: [Function: result],
  52280. round: [Function],
  52281. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  52282. sample: [Function: sample],
  52283. size: [Function: size],
  52284. snakeCase: [Function],
  52285. some: [Function: some],
  52286. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  52287. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  52288. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  52289. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  52290. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  52291. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  52292. startCase: [Function],
  52293. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  52294. subtract: [Function],
  52295. sum: [Function: sum],
  52296. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  52297. template: [Function: template],
  52298. times: [Function: times],
  52299. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  52300. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  52301. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  52302. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  52303. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  52304. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  52305. toString: [Function: toString],
  52306. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  52307. trim: [Function: trim],
  52308. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  52309. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  52310. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  52311. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  52312. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  52313. upperCase: [Function],
  52314. upperFirst: [Function],
  52315. each: [Function: forEach],
  52316. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  52317. first: [Function: head],
  52318. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  52319. options:
  52320. { dialect: 'mysql',
  52321. dialectModulePath: null,
  52322. host: 'localhost',
  52323. protocol: 'tcp',
  52324. define: {},
  52325. query: {},
  52326. sync: {},
  52327. timezone: '+00:00',
  52328. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  52329. omitNull: false,
  52330. native: false,
  52331. replication: false,
  52332. ssl: undefined,
  52333. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  52334. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  52335. hooks: {},
  52336. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  52337. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  52338. isolationLevel: null,
  52339. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  52340. typeValidation: false,
  52341. benchmark: false,
  52342. operatorsAliases: false },
  52343. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  52344. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  52345. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  52346. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  52347. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  52348. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  52349. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  52350. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  52351. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  52352. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  52353. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  52354. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  52355. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  52356. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  52357. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  52358. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  52359. quote: [Function: quote],
  52360. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  52361. escape: [Function: escape],
  52362. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  52363. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  52364. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  52365. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  52366. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  52367. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  52368. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  52369. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  52370. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  52371. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  52372. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  52373. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  52374. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  52375. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  52376. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  52377. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  52378. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  52379. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  52380. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  52381. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  52382. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  52383. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  52384. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  52385. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  52386. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  52387. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  52388. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  52389. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  52390. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  52391. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  52392. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  52393. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  52394. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  52395. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  52396. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  52397. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  52398. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  52399. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  52400. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  52401. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  52402. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  52403. _dialect: [Circular],
  52404. sequelize: [Circular],
  52405. typeValidation: undefined } },
  52406. versionPromise: null,
  52407. dialectName: 'mysql',
  52408. pool:
  52409. Pool {
  52410. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  52411. _eventsCount: 0,
  52412. _maxListeners: undefined,
  52413. _config:
  52414. PoolOptions {
  52415. fifo: true,
  52416. priorityRange: 1,
  52417. testOnBorrow: true,
  52418. testOnReturn: false,
  52419. autostart: false,
  52420. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  52421. max: 5,
  52422. min: 0,
  52423. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  52424. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  52425. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  52426. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  52427. Promise:
  52428. { [Function: Promise]
  52429. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  52430. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  52431. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  52432. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  52433. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  52434. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  52435. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  52436. _peekContext: [Function],
  52437. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  52438. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  52439. longStackTraces: [Function],
  52440. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  52441. config: [Function],
  52442. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  52443. is: [Function],
  52444. fromCallback: [Function],
  52445. fromNode: [Function],
  52446. all: [Function],
  52447. cast: [Function],
  52448. fulfilled: [Function],
  52449. resolve: [Function],
  52450. rejected: [Function],
  52451. reject: [Function],
  52452. setScheduler: [Function],
  52453. pending: [Function],
  52454. defer: [Function],
  52455. method: [Function],
  52456. try: [Function],
  52457. attempt: [Function],
  52458. bind: [Function],
  52459. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  52460. join: [Function],
  52461. Promise: [Circular],
  52462. version: '3.5.3',
  52463. map: [Function],
  52464. using: [Function],
  52465. delay: [Function],
  52466. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  52467. spawn: [Function],
  52468. promisify: [Function],
  52469. promisifyAll: [Function],
  52470. props: [Function],
  52471. race: [Function],
  52472. reduce: [Function],
  52473. settle: [Function],
  52474. some: [Function],
  52475. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  52476. filter: [Function],
  52477. each: [Function],
  52478. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  52479. any: [Function],
  52480. default: [Circular] } },
  52481. _Promise:
  52482. { [Function: Promise]
  52483. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  52484. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  52485. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  52486. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  52487. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  52488. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  52489. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  52490. _peekContext: [Function],
  52491. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  52492. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  52493. longStackTraces: [Function],
  52494. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  52495. config: [Function],
  52496. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  52497. is: [Function],
  52498. fromCallback: [Function],
  52499. fromNode: [Function],
  52500. all: [Function],
  52501. cast: [Function],
  52502. fulfilled: [Function],
  52503. resolve: [Function],
  52504. rejected: [Function],
  52505. reject: [Function],
  52506. setScheduler: [Function],
  52507. pending: [Function],
  52508. defer: [Function],
  52509. method: [Function],
  52510. try: [Function],
  52511. attempt: [Function],
  52512. bind: [Function],
  52513. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  52514. join: [Function],
  52515. Promise: [Circular],
  52516. version: '3.5.3',
  52517. map: [Function],
  52518. using: [Function],
  52519. delay: [Function],
  52520. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  52521. spawn: [Function],
  52522. promisify: [Function],
  52523. promisifyAll: [Function],
  52524. props: [Function],
  52525. race: [Function],
  52526. reduce: [Function],
  52527. settle: [Function],
  52528. some: [Function],
  52529. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  52530. filter: [Function],
  52531. each: [Function],
  52532. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  52533. any: [Function],
  52534. default: [Circular] },
  52535. _factory:
  52536. { create: [Function: create],
  52537. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  52538. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  52539. _draining: false,
  52540. _started: true,
  52541. _waitingClientsQueue:
  52542. PriorityQueue {
  52543. _size: 1,
  52544. _slots:
  52545. [ Queue {
  52546. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  52547. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  52548. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  52549. _availableObjects:
  52550. Deque {
  52551. _list:
  52552. DoublyLinkedList {
  52553. head:
  52554. { prev: null,
  52555. next:
  52556. { prev: [Circular],
  52557. next: null,
  52558. data:
  52559. PooledResource {
  52560. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  52561. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  52562. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  52563. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  52564. obj:
  52565. Connection {
  52566. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  52567. _eventsCount: 1,
  52568. _maxListeners: undefined,
  52569. config:
  52570. ConnectionConfig {
  52571. isServer: undefined,
  52572. stream: undefined,
  52573. host: 'localhost',
  52574. port: 3306,
  52575. localAddress: undefined,
  52576. socketPath: undefined,
  52577. user: 'root',
  52578. password: 'abcd1234',
  52579. passwordSha1: undefined,
  52580. database: 'lbry',
  52581. connectTimeout: 10000,
  52582. insecureAuth: false,
  52583. supportBigNumbers: true,
  52584. bigNumberStrings: false,
  52585. decimalNumbers: false,
  52586. dateStrings: false,
  52587. debug: undefined,
  52588. trace: true,
  52589. stringifyObjects: false,
  52590. timezone: '+00:00',
  52591. queryFormat: undefined,
  52592. pool: undefined,
  52593. ssl: false,
  52594. multipleStatements: false,
  52595. rowsAsArray: false,
  52596. namedPlaceholders: false,
  52597. nestTables: undefined,
  52598. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  52599. maxPacketSize: 0,
  52600. charsetNumber: 224,
  52601. compress: false,
  52602. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  52603. clientFlags: 8582093,
  52604. connectAttributes: undefined,
  52605. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  52606. stream:
  52607. Socket {
  52608. connecting: false,
  52609. _hadError: false,
  52610. _handle:
  52611. TCP {
  52612. reading: true,
  52613. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  52614. onconnection: null,
  52615. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  52616. _parent: null,
  52617. _host: 'localhost',
  52618. _readableState:
  52619. ReadableState {
  52620. objectMode: false,
  52621. highWaterMark: 16384,
  52622. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  52623. length: 0,
  52624. pipes: null,
  52625. pipesCount: 0,
  52626. flowing: true,
  52627. ended: false,
  52628. endEmitted: false,
  52629. reading: true,
  52630. sync: false,
  52631. needReadable: true,
  52632. emittedReadable: false,
  52633. readableListening: false,
  52634. resumeScheduled: false,
  52635. emitClose: false,
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  52637. destroyed: false,
  52638. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  52639. awaitDrain: 0,
  52640. readingMore: false,
  52641. decoder: null,
  52642. encoding: null },
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  52645. [Object: null prototype] {
  52646. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  52647. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  52648. data: [Function],
  52649. close: [Function] },
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  52651. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  52655. highWaterMark: 16384,
  52656. finalCalled: false,
  52657. needDrain: false,
  52658. ending: false,
  52659. ended: false,
  52660. finished: false,
  52661. destroyed: false,
  52662. decodeStrings: false,
  52663. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  52664. length: 0,
  52665. writing: false,
  52666. corked: 0,
  52667. sync: false,
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  52671. writelen: 0,
  52672. bufferedRequest: null,
  52673. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  52674. pendingcb: 0,
  52675. prefinished: false,
  52676. errorEmitted: false,
  52677. emitClose: false,
  52678. autoDestroy: false,
  52679. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  52680. corkedRequestsFree:
  52681. { next: null,
  52682. entry: null,
  52683. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  52684. writable: true,
  52685. allowHalfOpen: false,
  52686. _sockname: null,
  52687. _pendingData: null,
  52688. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  52690. _server: null,
  52691. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  52692. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  52693. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  52694. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  52695. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  52696. _internalId: 1,
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  52698. Denque {
  52699. _head: 0,
  52700. _tail: 0,
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  52702. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  52704. _paused: false,
  52705. _paused_packets:
  52706. Denque {
  52707. _head: 0,
  52708. _tail: 0,
  52709. _capacityMask: 3,
  52710. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  52713. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  52714. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  52715. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  52716. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  52717. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  52718. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  52719. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  52720. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  52721. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  52722. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  52723. authorized: true,
  52724. sequenceId: 23,
  52725. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  52726. threadId: 1303,
  52727. _handshakePacket:
  52728. Handshake {
  52729. protocolVersion: 10,
  52730. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  52731. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  52732. connectionId: 1303,
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  52734. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  52735. characterSet: 255,
  52736. statusFlags: 2 },
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  52738. _protocolError: null,
  52739. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  52740. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  52741. packetParser:
  52742. PacketParser {
  52743. buffer: [],
  52744. bufferLength: 0,
  52745. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  52746. headerLen: 0,
  52747. length: 5,
  52748. largePacketParts: [],
  52749. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  52750. onPacket: [Function],
  52751. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  52752. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  52753. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  52754. connectTimeout: null,
  52755. connectionId: 1303 },
  52756. state: 'IDLE' } },
  52757. data:
  52758. PooledResource {
  52759. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  52760. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  52761. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  52762. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  52763. obj:
  52764. Connection {
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  52766. _eventsCount: 1,
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  52769. ConnectionConfig {
  52770. isServer: undefined,
  52771. stream: undefined,
  52772. host: 'localhost',
  52773. port: 3306,
  52774. localAddress: undefined,
  52775. socketPath: undefined,
  52776. user: 'root',
  52777. password: 'abcd1234',
  52778. passwordSha1: undefined,
  52779. database: 'lbry',
  52780. connectTimeout: 10000,
  52781. insecureAuth: false,
  52782. supportBigNumbers: true,
  52783. bigNumberStrings: false,
  52784. decimalNumbers: false,
  52785. dateStrings: false,
  52786. debug: undefined,
  52787. trace: true,
  52788. stringifyObjects: false,
  52789. timezone: '+00:00',
  52790. queryFormat: undefined,
  52791. pool: undefined,
  52792. ssl: false,
  52793. multipleStatements: false,
  52794. rowsAsArray: false,
  52795. namedPlaceholders: false,
  52796. nestTables: undefined,
  52797. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  52798. maxPacketSize: 0,
  52799. charsetNumber: 224,
  52800. compress: false,
  52801. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  52802. clientFlags: 8582093,
  52803. connectAttributes: undefined,
  52804. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  52806. Socket {
  52807. connecting: false,
  52808. _hadError: false,
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  52810. TCP {
  52811. reading: true,
  52812. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  52814. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  52816. _host: 'localhost',
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  52818. ReadableState {
  52819. objectMode: false,
  52820. highWaterMark: 16384,
  52821. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  52822. length: 0,
  52823. pipes: null,
  52824. pipesCount: 0,
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  52827. endEmitted: false,
  52828. reading: true,
  52829. sync: false,
  52830. needReadable: true,
  52831. emittedReadable: false,
  52832. readableListening: false,
  52833. resumeScheduled: false,
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  52836. destroyed: false,
  52837. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  52838. awaitDrain: 0,
  52839. readingMore: false,
  52840. decoder: null,
  52841. encoding: null },
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  52844. [Object: null prototype] {
  52845. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  52846. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  52847. data: [Function],
  52848. close: [Function] },
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  52855. finalCalled: false,
  52856. needDrain: false,
  52857. ending: false,
  52858. ended: false,
  52859. finished: false,
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  52863. length: 0,
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  52865. corked: 0,
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  52872. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  52873. pendingcb: 0,
  52874. prefinished: false,
  52875. errorEmitted: false,
  52876. emitClose: false,
  52877. autoDestroy: false,
  52878. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  52879. corkedRequestsFree:
  52880. { next: null,
  52881. entry: null,
  52882. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  52884. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  52886. _pendingData: null,
  52887. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  52889. _server: null,
  52890. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  52891. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  52892. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  52893. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  52894. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  52895. _internalId: 2,
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  52897. Denque {
  52898. _head: 0,
  52899. _tail: 0,
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  52901. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  52904. _paused_packets:
  52905. Denque {
  52906. _head: 0,
  52907. _tail: 0,
  52908. _capacityMask: 3,
  52909. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  52911. LRUCache {
  52912. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  52913. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  52914. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  52915. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  52916. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  52917. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  52918. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  52919. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  52920. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  52921. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  52922. authorized: true,
  52923. sequenceId: 2,
  52924. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  52925. threadId: 1302,
  52926. _handshakePacket:
  52927. Handshake {
  52928. protocolVersion: 10,
  52929. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  52930. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  52931. connectionId: 1302,
  52932. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  52933. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  52934. characterSet: 255,
  52935. statusFlags: 2 },
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  52937. _protocolError: null,
  52938. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  52939. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  52940. packetParser:
  52941. PacketParser {
  52942. buffer: [],
  52943. bufferLength: 0,
  52944. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  52945. headerLen: 0,
  52946. length: 7,
  52947. largePacketParts: [],
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  52949. onPacket: [Function],
  52950. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  52951. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  52952. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  52953. connectTimeout: null,
  52954. connectionId: 1302 },
  52955. state: 'IDLE' } },
  52956. tail:
  52957. { prev:
  52958. { prev: null,
  52959. next: [Circular],
  52960. data:
  52961. PooledResource {
  52962. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  52963. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  52964. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  52965. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  52966. obj:
  52967. Connection {
  52968. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  52969. _eventsCount: 1,
  52970. _maxListeners: undefined,
  52971. config:
  52972. ConnectionConfig {
  52973. isServer: undefined,
  52974. stream: undefined,
  52975. host: 'localhost',
  52976. port: 3306,
  52977. localAddress: undefined,
  52978. socketPath: undefined,
  52979. user: 'root',
  52980. password: 'abcd1234',
  52981. passwordSha1: undefined,
  52982. database: 'lbry',
  52983. connectTimeout: 10000,
  52984. insecureAuth: false,
  52985. supportBigNumbers: true,
  52986. bigNumberStrings: false,
  52987. decimalNumbers: false,
  52988. dateStrings: false,
  52989. debug: undefined,
  52990. trace: true,
  52991. stringifyObjects: false,
  52992. timezone: '+00:00',
  52993. queryFormat: undefined,
  52994. pool: undefined,
  52995. ssl: false,
  52996. multipleStatements: false,
  52997. rowsAsArray: false,
  52998. namedPlaceholders: false,
  52999. nestTables: undefined,
  53000. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  53001. maxPacketSize: 0,
  53002. charsetNumber: 224,
  53003. compress: false,
  53004. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  53005. clientFlags: 8582093,
  53006. connectAttributes: undefined,
  53007. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  53008. stream:
  53009. Socket {
  53010. connecting: false,
  53011. _hadError: false,
  53012. _handle:
  53013. TCP {
  53014. reading: true,
  53015. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  53017. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  53019. _host: 'localhost',
  53020. _readableState:
  53021. ReadableState {
  53022. objectMode: false,
  53023. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53024. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  53025. length: 0,
  53026. pipes: null,
  53027. pipesCount: 0,
  53028. flowing: true,
  53029. ended: false,
  53030. endEmitted: false,
  53031. reading: true,
  53032. sync: false,
  53033. needReadable: true,
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  53035. readableListening: false,
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  53037. emitClose: false,
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  53039. destroyed: false,
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  53041. awaitDrain: 0,
  53042. readingMore: false,
  53043. decoder: null,
  53044. encoding: null },
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  53047. [Object: null prototype] {
  53048. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  53049. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  53050. data: [Function],
  53051. close: [Function] },
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  53053. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  53055. WritableState {
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  53058. finalCalled: false,
  53059. needDrain: false,
  53060. ending: false,
  53061. ended: false,
  53062. finished: false,
  53063. destroyed: false,
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  53065. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53066. length: 0,
  53067. writing: false,
  53068. corked: 0,
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  53073. writelen: 0,
  53074. bufferedRequest: null,
  53075. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  53076. pendingcb: 0,
  53077. prefinished: false,
  53078. errorEmitted: false,
  53079. emitClose: false,
  53080. autoDestroy: false,
  53081. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  53082. corkedRequestsFree:
  53083. { next: null,
  53084. entry: null,
  53085. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  53086. writable: true,
  53087. allowHalfOpen: false,
  53088. _sockname: null,
  53089. _pendingData: null,
  53090. _pendingEncoding: '',
  53091. server: null,
  53092. _server: null,
  53093. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  53094. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  53095. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  53096. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  53097. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  53098. _internalId: 2,
  53099. _commands:
  53100. Denque {
  53101. _head: 0,
  53102. _tail: 0,
  53103. _capacityMask: 3,
  53104. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53105. _command: undefined,
  53106. _paused: false,
  53107. _paused_packets:
  53108. Denque {
  53109. _head: 0,
  53110. _tail: 0,
  53111. _capacityMask: 3,
  53112. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  53114. LRUCache {
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  53116. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  53117. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  53118. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  53119. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  53120. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  53121. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  53122. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  53123. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  53124. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53125. authorized: true,
  53126. sequenceId: 2,
  53127. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  53128. threadId: 1302,
  53129. _handshakePacket:
  53130. Handshake {
  53131. protocolVersion: 10,
  53132. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  53133. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53134. connectionId: 1302,
  53135. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  53136. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  53137. characterSet: 255,
  53138. statusFlags: 2 },
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  53140. _protocolError: null,
  53141. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  53142. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  53143. packetParser:
  53144. PacketParser {
  53145. buffer: [],
  53146. bufferLength: 0,
  53147. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  53148. headerLen: 0,
  53149. length: 7,
  53150. largePacketParts: [],
  53151. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  53152. onPacket: [Function],
  53153. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  53154. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  53155. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  53156. connectTimeout: null,
  53157. connectionId: 1302 },
  53158. state: 'IDLE' } },
  53159. next: null,
  53160. data:
  53161. PooledResource {
  53162. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  53163. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  53164. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  53165. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  53166. obj:
  53167. Connection {
  53168. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  53169. _eventsCount: 1,
  53170. _maxListeners: undefined,
  53171. config:
  53172. ConnectionConfig {
  53173. isServer: undefined,
  53174. stream: undefined,
  53175. host: 'localhost',
  53176. port: 3306,
  53177. localAddress: undefined,
  53178. socketPath: undefined,
  53179. user: 'root',
  53180. password: 'abcd1234',
  53181. passwordSha1: undefined,
  53182. database: 'lbry',
  53183. connectTimeout: 10000,
  53184. insecureAuth: false,
  53185. supportBigNumbers: true,
  53186. bigNumberStrings: false,
  53187. decimalNumbers: false,
  53188. dateStrings: false,
  53189. debug: undefined,
  53190. trace: true,
  53191. stringifyObjects: false,
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  53193. queryFormat: undefined,
  53194. pool: undefined,
  53195. ssl: false,
  53196. multipleStatements: false,
  53197. rowsAsArray: false,
  53198. namedPlaceholders: false,
  53199. nestTables: undefined,
  53200. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  53201. maxPacketSize: 0,
  53202. charsetNumber: 224,
  53203. compress: false,
  53204. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  53205. clientFlags: 8582093,
  53206. connectAttributes: undefined,
  53207. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  53208. stream:
  53209. Socket {
  53210. connecting: false,
  53211. _hadError: false,
  53212. _handle:
  53213. TCP {
  53214. reading: true,
  53215. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  53216. onconnection: null,
  53217. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  53218. _parent: null,
  53219. _host: 'localhost',
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  53221. ReadableState {
  53222. objectMode: false,
  53223. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53224. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  53225. length: 0,
  53226. pipes: null,
  53227. pipesCount: 0,
  53228. flowing: true,
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  53230. endEmitted: false,
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  53233. needReadable: true,
  53234. emittedReadable: false,
  53235. readableListening: false,
  53236. resumeScheduled: false,
  53237. emitClose: false,
  53238. autoDestroy: false,
  53239. destroyed: false,
  53240. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53241. awaitDrain: 0,
  53242. readingMore: false,
  53243. decoder: null,
  53244. encoding: null },
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  53247. [Object: null prototype] {
  53248. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  53249. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  53250. data: [Function],
  53251. close: [Function] },
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  53255. WritableState {
  53256. objectMode: false,
  53257. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53258. finalCalled: false,
  53259. needDrain: false,
  53260. ending: false,
  53261. ended: false,
  53262. finished: false,
  53263. destroyed: false,
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  53265. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53266. length: 0,
  53267. writing: false,
  53268. corked: 0,
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  53273. writelen: 0,
  53274. bufferedRequest: null,
  53275. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  53276. pendingcb: 0,
  53277. prefinished: false,
  53278. errorEmitted: false,
  53279. emitClose: false,
  53280. autoDestroy: false,
  53281. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  53282. corkedRequestsFree:
  53283. { next: null,
  53284. entry: null,
  53285. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  53286. writable: true,
  53287. allowHalfOpen: false,
  53288. _sockname: null,
  53289. _pendingData: null,
  53290. _pendingEncoding: '',
  53291. server: null,
  53292. _server: null,
  53293. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  53294. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  53295. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  53296. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  53297. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  53298. _internalId: 1,
  53299. _commands:
  53300. Denque {
  53301. _head: 0,
  53302. _tail: 0,
  53303. _capacityMask: 3,
  53304. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53305. _command: undefined,
  53306. _paused: false,
  53307. _paused_packets:
  53308. Denque {
  53309. _head: 0,
  53310. _tail: 0,
  53311. _capacityMask: 3,
  53312. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53313. _statements:
  53314. LRUCache {
  53315. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  53316. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  53317. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  53318. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  53319. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  53320. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  53321. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  53322. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  53323. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  53324. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53325. authorized: true,
  53326. sequenceId: 23,
  53327. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  53328. threadId: 1303,
  53329. _handshakePacket:
  53330. Handshake {
  53331. protocolVersion: 10,
  53332. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  53333. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53334. connectionId: 1303,
  53335. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  53336. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  53337. characterSet: 255,
  53338. statusFlags: 2 },
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  53340. _protocolError: null,
  53341. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  53342. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  53343. packetParser:
  53344. PacketParser {
  53345. buffer: [],
  53346. bufferLength: 0,
  53347. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  53348. headerLen: 0,
  53349. length: 5,
  53350. largePacketParts: [],
  53351. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  53352. onPacket: [Function],
  53353. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  53354. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  53355. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  53356. connectTimeout: null,
  53357. connectionId: 1303 },
  53358. state: 'IDLE' } },
  53359. length: 2 } },
  53360. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  53361. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  53362. _validationOperations: Set {},
  53363. _allObjects:
  53364. Set {
  53365. PooledResource {
  53366. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  53367. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  53368. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  53369. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  53370. obj:
  53371. Connection {
  53372. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  53373. _eventsCount: 1,
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  53375. config:
  53376. ConnectionConfig {
  53377. isServer: undefined,
  53378. stream: undefined,
  53379. host: 'localhost',
  53380. port: 3306,
  53381. localAddress: undefined,
  53382. socketPath: undefined,
  53383. user: 'root',
  53384. password: 'abcd1234',
  53385. passwordSha1: undefined,
  53386. database: 'lbry',
  53387. connectTimeout: 10000,
  53388. insecureAuth: false,
  53389. supportBigNumbers: true,
  53390. bigNumberStrings: false,
  53391. decimalNumbers: false,
  53392. dateStrings: false,
  53393. debug: undefined,
  53394. trace: true,
  53395. stringifyObjects: false,
  53396. timezone: '+00:00',
  53397. queryFormat: undefined,
  53398. pool: undefined,
  53399. ssl: false,
  53400. multipleStatements: false,
  53401. rowsAsArray: false,
  53402. namedPlaceholders: false,
  53403. nestTables: undefined,
  53404. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  53405. maxPacketSize: 0,
  53406. charsetNumber: 224,
  53407. compress: false,
  53408. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  53409. clientFlags: 8582093,
  53410. connectAttributes: undefined,
  53411. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  53412. stream:
  53413. Socket {
  53414. connecting: false,
  53415. _hadError: false,
  53416. _handle:
  53417. TCP {
  53418. reading: true,
  53419. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  53420. onconnection: null,
  53421. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  53422. _parent: null,
  53423. _host: 'localhost',
  53424. _readableState:
  53425. ReadableState {
  53426. objectMode: false,
  53427. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53428. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  53429. length: 0,
  53430. pipes: null,
  53431. pipesCount: 0,
  53432. flowing: true,
  53433. ended: false,
  53434. endEmitted: false,
  53435. reading: true,
  53436. sync: false,
  53437. needReadable: true,
  53438. emittedReadable: false,
  53439. readableListening: false,
  53440. resumeScheduled: false,
  53441. emitClose: false,
  53442. autoDestroy: false,
  53443. destroyed: false,
  53444. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53445. awaitDrain: 0,
  53446. readingMore: false,
  53447. decoder: null,
  53448. encoding: null },
  53449. readable: true,
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  53451. [Object: null prototype] {
  53452. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  53453. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  53454. data: [Function],
  53455. close: [Function] },
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  53457. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  53461. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53462. finalCalled: false,
  53463. needDrain: false,
  53464. ending: false,
  53465. ended: false,
  53466. finished: false,
  53467. destroyed: false,
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  53469. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53470. length: 0,
  53471. writing: false,
  53472. corked: 0,
  53473. sync: false,
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  53477. writelen: 0,
  53478. bufferedRequest: null,
  53479. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  53480. pendingcb: 0,
  53481. prefinished: false,
  53482. errorEmitted: false,
  53483. emitClose: false,
  53484. autoDestroy: false,
  53485. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  53486. corkedRequestsFree:
  53487. { next: null,
  53488. entry: null,
  53489. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  53490. writable: true,
  53491. allowHalfOpen: false,
  53492. _sockname: null,
  53493. _pendingData: null,
  53494. _pendingEncoding: '',
  53495. server: null,
  53496. _server: null,
  53497. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  53498. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  53499. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  53500. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  53501. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  53502. _internalId: 2,
  53503. _commands:
  53504. Denque {
  53505. _head: 0,
  53506. _tail: 0,
  53507. _capacityMask: 3,
  53508. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  53510. _paused: false,
  53511. _paused_packets:
  53512. Denque {
  53513. _head: 0,
  53514. _tail: 0,
  53515. _capacityMask: 3,
  53516. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  53519. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  53520. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  53521. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  53522. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  53523. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  53524. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  53525. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  53526. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  53527. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  53528. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53529. authorized: true,
  53530. sequenceId: 2,
  53531. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  53532. threadId: 1302,
  53533. _handshakePacket:
  53534. Handshake {
  53535. protocolVersion: 10,
  53536. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  53537. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53538. connectionId: 1302,
  53539. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  53540. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  53541. characterSet: 255,
  53542. statusFlags: 2 },
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  53544. _protocolError: null,
  53545. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  53546. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  53547. packetParser:
  53548. PacketParser {
  53549. buffer: [],
  53550. bufferLength: 0,
  53551. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  53552. headerLen: 0,
  53553. length: 7,
  53554. largePacketParts: [],
  53555. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  53556. onPacket: [Function],
  53557. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  53558. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  53559. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  53560. connectTimeout: null,
  53561. connectionId: 1302 },
  53562. state: 'IDLE' },
  53563. PooledResource {
  53564. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  53565. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  53566. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  53567. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  53568. obj:
  53569. Connection {
  53570. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  53571. _eventsCount: 1,
  53572. _maxListeners: undefined,
  53573. config:
  53574. ConnectionConfig {
  53575. isServer: undefined,
  53576. stream: undefined,
  53577. host: 'localhost',
  53578. port: 3306,
  53579. localAddress: undefined,
  53580. socketPath: undefined,
  53581. user: 'root',
  53582. password: 'abcd1234',
  53583. passwordSha1: undefined,
  53584. database: 'lbry',
  53585. connectTimeout: 10000,
  53586. insecureAuth: false,
  53587. supportBigNumbers: true,
  53588. bigNumberStrings: false,
  53589. decimalNumbers: false,
  53590. dateStrings: false,
  53591. debug: undefined,
  53592. trace: true,
  53593. stringifyObjects: false,
  53594. timezone: '+00:00',
  53595. queryFormat: undefined,
  53596. pool: undefined,
  53597. ssl: false,
  53598. multipleStatements: false,
  53599. rowsAsArray: false,
  53600. namedPlaceholders: false,
  53601. nestTables: undefined,
  53602. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  53603. maxPacketSize: 0,
  53604. charsetNumber: 224,
  53605. compress: false,
  53606. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  53607. clientFlags: 8582093,
  53608. connectAttributes: undefined,
  53609. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  53610. stream:
  53611. Socket {
  53612. connecting: false,
  53613. _hadError: false,
  53614. _handle:
  53615. TCP {
  53616. reading: true,
  53617. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  53618. onconnection: null,
  53619. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  53620. _parent: null,
  53621. _host: 'localhost',
  53622. _readableState:
  53623. ReadableState {
  53624. objectMode: false,
  53625. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53626. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  53627. length: 0,
  53628. pipes: null,
  53629. pipesCount: 0,
  53630. flowing: true,
  53631. ended: false,
  53632. endEmitted: false,
  53633. reading: true,
  53634. sync: false,
  53635. needReadable: true,
  53636. emittedReadable: false,
  53637. readableListening: false,
  53638. resumeScheduled: false,
  53639. emitClose: false,
  53640. autoDestroy: false,
  53641. destroyed: false,
  53642. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53643. awaitDrain: 0,
  53644. readingMore: false,
  53645. decoder: null,
  53646. encoding: null },
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  53649. [Object: null prototype] {
  53650. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  53651. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  53652. data: [Function],
  53653. close: [Function] },
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  53655. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  53657. WritableState {
  53658. objectMode: false,
  53659. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53660. finalCalled: false,
  53661. needDrain: false,
  53662. ending: false,
  53663. ended: false,
  53664. finished: false,
  53665. destroyed: false,
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  53667. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53668. length: 0,
  53669. writing: false,
  53670. corked: 0,
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  53675. writelen: 0,
  53676. bufferedRequest: null,
  53677. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  53678. pendingcb: 0,
  53679. prefinished: false,
  53680. errorEmitted: false,
  53681. emitClose: false,
  53682. autoDestroy: false,
  53683. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  53684. corkedRequestsFree:
  53685. { next: null,
  53686. entry: null,
  53687. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  53688. writable: true,
  53689. allowHalfOpen: false,
  53690. _sockname: null,
  53691. _pendingData: null,
  53692. _pendingEncoding: '',
  53693. server: null,
  53694. _server: null,
  53695. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  53696. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  53697. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  53698. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  53699. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  53700. _internalId: 1,
  53701. _commands:
  53702. Denque {
  53703. _head: 0,
  53704. _tail: 0,
  53705. _capacityMask: 3,
  53706. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53707. _command: undefined,
  53708. _paused: false,
  53709. _paused_packets:
  53710. Denque {
  53711. _head: 0,
  53712. _tail: 0,
  53713. _capacityMask: 3,
  53714. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53715. _statements:
  53716. LRUCache {
  53717. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  53718. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  53719. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  53720. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  53721. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  53722. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  53723. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  53724. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  53725. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  53726. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53727. authorized: true,
  53728. sequenceId: 23,
  53729. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  53730. threadId: 1303,
  53731. _handshakePacket:
  53732. Handshake {
  53733. protocolVersion: 10,
  53734. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  53735. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53736. connectionId: 1303,
  53737. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  53738. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  53739. characterSet: 255,
  53740. statusFlags: 2 },
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  53742. _protocolError: null,
  53743. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  53744. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  53745. packetParser:
  53746. PacketParser {
  53747. buffer: [],
  53748. bufferLength: 0,
  53749. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  53750. headerLen: 0,
  53751. length: 5,
  53752. largePacketParts: [],
  53753. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  53754. onPacket: [Function],
  53755. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  53756. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  53757. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  53758. connectTimeout: null,
  53759. connectionId: 1303 },
  53760. state: 'IDLE' } },
  53761. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  53762. _evictionIterator:
  53763. DequeIterator {
  53764. _list:
  53765. DoublyLinkedList {
  53766. head:
  53767. { prev: null,
  53768. next:
  53769. { prev: [Circular],
  53770. next: null,
  53771. data:
  53772. PooledResource {
  53773. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  53774. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  53775. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  53776. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  53777. obj:
  53778. Connection {
  53779. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  53780. _eventsCount: 1,
  53781. _maxListeners: undefined,
  53782. config:
  53783. ConnectionConfig {
  53784. isServer: undefined,
  53785. stream: undefined,
  53786. host: 'localhost',
  53787. port: 3306,
  53788. localAddress: undefined,
  53789. socketPath: undefined,
  53790. user: 'root',
  53791. password: 'abcd1234',
  53792. passwordSha1: undefined,
  53793. database: 'lbry',
  53794. connectTimeout: 10000,
  53795. insecureAuth: false,
  53796. supportBigNumbers: true,
  53797. bigNumberStrings: false,
  53798. decimalNumbers: false,
  53799. dateStrings: false,
  53800. debug: undefined,
  53801. trace: true,
  53802. stringifyObjects: false,
  53803. timezone: '+00:00',
  53804. queryFormat: undefined,
  53805. pool: undefined,
  53806. ssl: false,
  53807. multipleStatements: false,
  53808. rowsAsArray: false,
  53809. namedPlaceholders: false,
  53810. nestTables: undefined,
  53811. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  53812. maxPacketSize: 0,
  53813. charsetNumber: 224,
  53814. compress: false,
  53815. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  53816. clientFlags: 8582093,
  53817. connectAttributes: undefined,
  53818. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  53819. stream:
  53820. Socket {
  53821. connecting: false,
  53822. _hadError: false,
  53823. _handle:
  53824. TCP {
  53825. reading: true,
  53826. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  53827. onconnection: null,
  53828. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  53829. _parent: null,
  53830. _host: 'localhost',
  53831. _readableState:
  53832. ReadableState {
  53833. objectMode: false,
  53834. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53835. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  53836. length: 0,
  53837. pipes: null,
  53838. pipesCount: 0,
  53839. flowing: true,
  53840. ended: false,
  53841. endEmitted: false,
  53842. reading: true,
  53843. sync: false,
  53844. needReadable: true,
  53845. emittedReadable: false,
  53846. readableListening: false,
  53847. resumeScheduled: false,
  53848. emitClose: false,
  53849. autoDestroy: false,
  53850. destroyed: false,
  53851. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53852. awaitDrain: 0,
  53853. readingMore: false,
  53854. decoder: null,
  53855. encoding: null },
  53856. readable: true,
  53857. _events:
  53858. [Object: null prototype] {
  53859. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  53860. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  53861. data: [Function],
  53862. close: [Function] },
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  53864. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  53866. WritableState {
  53867. objectMode: false,
  53868. highWaterMark: 16384,
  53869. finalCalled: false,
  53870. needDrain: false,
  53871. ending: false,
  53872. ended: false,
  53873. finished: false,
  53874. destroyed: false,
  53875. decodeStrings: false,
  53876. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  53877. length: 0,
  53878. writing: false,
  53879. corked: 0,
  53880. sync: false,
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  53882. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  53884. writelen: 0,
  53885. bufferedRequest: null,
  53886. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  53887. pendingcb: 0,
  53888. prefinished: false,
  53889. errorEmitted: false,
  53890. emitClose: false,
  53891. autoDestroy: false,
  53892. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  53893. corkedRequestsFree:
  53894. { next: null,
  53895. entry: null,
  53896. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  53897. writable: true,
  53898. allowHalfOpen: false,
  53899. _sockname: null,
  53900. _pendingData: null,
  53901. _pendingEncoding: '',
  53902. server: null,
  53903. _server: null,
  53904. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  53905. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  53906. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  53907. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  53908. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  53909. _internalId: 1,
  53910. _commands:
  53911. Denque {
  53912. _head: 0,
  53913. _tail: 0,
  53914. _capacityMask: 3,
  53915. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53916. _command: undefined,
  53917. _paused: false,
  53918. _paused_packets:
  53919. Denque {
  53920. _head: 0,
  53921. _tail: 0,
  53922. _capacityMask: 3,
  53923. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  53924. _statements:
  53925. LRUCache {
  53926. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  53927. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  53928. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  53929. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  53930. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  53931. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  53932. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  53933. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  53934. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  53935. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53936. authorized: true,
  53937. sequenceId: 23,
  53938. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  53939. threadId: 1303,
  53940. _handshakePacket:
  53941. Handshake {
  53942. protocolVersion: 10,
  53943. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  53944. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  53945. connectionId: 1303,
  53946. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  53947. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  53948. characterSet: 255,
  53949. statusFlags: 2 },
  53950. _fatalError: null,
  53951. _protocolError: null,
  53952. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  53953. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  53954. packetParser:
  53955. PacketParser {
  53956. buffer: [],
  53957. bufferLength: 0,
  53958. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  53959. headerLen: 0,
  53960. length: 5,
  53961. largePacketParts: [],
  53962. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  53963. onPacket: [Function],
  53964. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  53965. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  53966. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  53967. connectTimeout: null,
  53968. connectionId: 1303 },
  53969. state: 'IDLE' } },
  53970. data:
  53971. PooledResource {
  53972. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  53973. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  53974. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  53975. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  53976. obj:
  53977. Connection {
  53978. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  53979. _eventsCount: 1,
  53980. _maxListeners: undefined,
  53981. config:
  53982. ConnectionConfig {
  53983. isServer: undefined,
  53984. stream: undefined,
  53985. host: 'localhost',
  53986. port: 3306,
  53987. localAddress: undefined,
  53988. socketPath: undefined,
  53989. user: 'root',
  53990. password: 'abcd1234',
  53991. passwordSha1: undefined,
  53992. database: 'lbry',
  53993. connectTimeout: 10000,
  53994. insecureAuth: false,
  53995. supportBigNumbers: true,
  53996. bigNumberStrings: false,
  53997. decimalNumbers: false,
  53998. dateStrings: false,
  53999. debug: undefined,
  54000. trace: true,
  54001. stringifyObjects: false,
  54002. timezone: '+00:00',
  54003. queryFormat: undefined,
  54004. pool: undefined,
  54005. ssl: false,
  54006. multipleStatements: false,
  54007. rowsAsArray: false,
  54008. namedPlaceholders: false,
  54009. nestTables: undefined,
  54010. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  54011. maxPacketSize: 0,
  54012. charsetNumber: 224,
  54013. compress: false,
  54014. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  54015. clientFlags: 8582093,
  54016. connectAttributes: undefined,
  54017. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  54018. stream:
  54019. Socket {
  54020. connecting: false,
  54021. _hadError: false,
  54022. _handle:
  54023. TCP {
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  54025. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  54026. onconnection: null,
  54027. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  54028. _parent: null,
  54029. _host: 'localhost',
  54030. _readableState:
  54031. ReadableState {
  54032. objectMode: false,
  54033. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54034. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  54035. length: 0,
  54036. pipes: null,
  54037. pipesCount: 0,
  54038. flowing: true,
  54039. ended: false,
  54040. endEmitted: false,
  54041. reading: true,
  54042. sync: false,
  54043. needReadable: true,
  54044. emittedReadable: false,
  54045. readableListening: false,
  54046. resumeScheduled: false,
  54047. emitClose: false,
  54048. autoDestroy: false,
  54049. destroyed: false,
  54050. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54051. awaitDrain: 0,
  54052. readingMore: false,
  54053. decoder: null,
  54054. encoding: null },
  54055. readable: true,
  54056. _events:
  54057. [Object: null prototype] {
  54058. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  54059. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  54060. data: [Function],
  54061. close: [Function] },
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  54063. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  54066. objectMode: false,
  54067. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54068. finalCalled: false,
  54069. needDrain: false,
  54070. ending: false,
  54071. ended: false,
  54072. finished: false,
  54073. destroyed: false,
  54074. decodeStrings: false,
  54075. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54076. length: 0,
  54077. writing: false,
  54078. corked: 0,
  54079. sync: false,
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  54081. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  54083. writelen: 0,
  54084. bufferedRequest: null,
  54085. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  54086. pendingcb: 0,
  54087. prefinished: false,
  54088. errorEmitted: false,
  54089. emitClose: false,
  54090. autoDestroy: false,
  54091. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  54092. corkedRequestsFree:
  54093. { next: null,
  54094. entry: null,
  54095. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  54096. writable: true,
  54097. allowHalfOpen: false,
  54098. _sockname: null,
  54099. _pendingData: null,
  54100. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  54102. _server: null,
  54103. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  54104. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  54105. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  54106. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  54107. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  54108. _internalId: 2,
  54109. _commands:
  54110. Denque {
  54111. _head: 0,
  54112. _tail: 0,
  54113. _capacityMask: 3,
  54114. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54115. _command: undefined,
  54116. _paused: false,
  54117. _paused_packets:
  54118. Denque {
  54119. _head: 0,
  54120. _tail: 0,
  54121. _capacityMask: 3,
  54122. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54123. _statements:
  54124. LRUCache {
  54125. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  54126. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  54127. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  54128. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  54129. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  54130. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  54131. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  54132. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  54133. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  54134. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54135. authorized: true,
  54136. sequenceId: 2,
  54137. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  54138. threadId: 1302,
  54139. _handshakePacket:
  54140. Handshake {
  54141. protocolVersion: 10,
  54142. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  54143. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54144. connectionId: 1302,
  54145. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  54146. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  54147. characterSet: 255,
  54148. statusFlags: 2 },
  54149. _fatalError: null,
  54150. _protocolError: null,
  54151. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  54152. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  54153. packetParser:
  54154. PacketParser {
  54155. buffer: [],
  54156. bufferLength: 0,
  54157. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  54158. headerLen: 0,
  54159. length: 7,
  54160. largePacketParts: [],
  54161. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  54162. onPacket: [Function],
  54163. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  54164. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  54165. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  54166. connectTimeout: null,
  54167. connectionId: 1302 },
  54168. state: 'IDLE' } },
  54169. tail:
  54170. { prev:
  54171. { prev: null,
  54172. next: [Circular],
  54173. data:
  54174. PooledResource {
  54175. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  54176. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  54177. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  54178. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  54179. obj:
  54180. Connection {
  54181. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  54182. _eventsCount: 1,
  54183. _maxListeners: undefined,
  54184. config:
  54185. ConnectionConfig {
  54186. isServer: undefined,
  54187. stream: undefined,
  54188. host: 'localhost',
  54189. port: 3306,
  54190. localAddress: undefined,
  54191. socketPath: undefined,
  54192. user: 'root',
  54193. password: 'abcd1234',
  54194. passwordSha1: undefined,
  54195. database: 'lbry',
  54196. connectTimeout: 10000,
  54197. insecureAuth: false,
  54198. supportBigNumbers: true,
  54199. bigNumberStrings: false,
  54200. decimalNumbers: false,
  54201. dateStrings: false,
  54202. debug: undefined,
  54203. trace: true,
  54204. stringifyObjects: false,
  54205. timezone: '+00:00',
  54206. queryFormat: undefined,
  54207. pool: undefined,
  54208. ssl: false,
  54209. multipleStatements: false,
  54210. rowsAsArray: false,
  54211. namedPlaceholders: false,
  54212. nestTables: undefined,
  54213. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  54214. maxPacketSize: 0,
  54215. charsetNumber: 224,
  54216. compress: false,
  54217. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  54218. clientFlags: 8582093,
  54219. connectAttributes: undefined,
  54220. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  54221. stream:
  54222. Socket {
  54223. connecting: false,
  54224. _hadError: false,
  54225. _handle:
  54226. TCP {
  54227. reading: true,
  54228. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  54229. onconnection: null,
  54230. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  54231. _parent: null,
  54232. _host: 'localhost',
  54233. _readableState:
  54234. ReadableState {
  54235. objectMode: false,
  54236. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54237. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  54238. length: 0,
  54239. pipes: null,
  54240. pipesCount: 0,
  54241. flowing: true,
  54242. ended: false,
  54243. endEmitted: false,
  54244. reading: true,
  54245. sync: false,
  54246. needReadable: true,
  54247. emittedReadable: false,
  54248. readableListening: false,
  54249. resumeScheduled: false,
  54250. emitClose: false,
  54251. autoDestroy: false,
  54252. destroyed: false,
  54253. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54254. awaitDrain: 0,
  54255. readingMore: false,
  54256. decoder: null,
  54257. encoding: null },
  54258. readable: true,
  54259. _events:
  54260. [Object: null prototype] {
  54261. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  54262. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  54263. data: [Function],
  54264. close: [Function] },
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  54266. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  54268. WritableState {
  54269. objectMode: false,
  54270. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54271. finalCalled: false,
  54272. needDrain: false,
  54273. ending: false,
  54274. ended: false,
  54275. finished: false,
  54276. destroyed: false,
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  54278. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54279. length: 0,
  54280. writing: false,
  54281. corked: 0,
  54282. sync: false,
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  54284. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  54286. writelen: 0,
  54287. bufferedRequest: null,
  54288. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  54289. pendingcb: 0,
  54290. prefinished: false,
  54291. errorEmitted: false,
  54292. emitClose: false,
  54293. autoDestroy: false,
  54294. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  54295. corkedRequestsFree:
  54296. { next: null,
  54297. entry: null,
  54298. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  54299. writable: true,
  54300. allowHalfOpen: false,
  54301. _sockname: null,
  54302. _pendingData: null,
  54303. _pendingEncoding: '',
  54304. server: null,
  54305. _server: null,
  54306. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  54307. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  54308. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  54309. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  54310. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  54311. _internalId: 2,
  54312. _commands:
  54313. Denque {
  54314. _head: 0,
  54315. _tail: 0,
  54316. _capacityMask: 3,
  54317. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54318. _command: undefined,
  54319. _paused: false,
  54320. _paused_packets:
  54321. Denque {
  54322. _head: 0,
  54323. _tail: 0,
  54324. _capacityMask: 3,
  54325. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54326. _statements:
  54327. LRUCache {
  54328. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  54329. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  54330. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  54331. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  54332. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  54333. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  54334. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  54335. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  54336. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  54337. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54338. authorized: true,
  54339. sequenceId: 2,
  54340. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  54341. threadId: 1302,
  54342. _handshakePacket:
  54343. Handshake {
  54344. protocolVersion: 10,
  54345. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  54346. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54347. connectionId: 1302,
  54348. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  54349. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  54350. characterSet: 255,
  54351. statusFlags: 2 },
  54352. _fatalError: null,
  54353. _protocolError: null,
  54354. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  54355. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  54356. packetParser:
  54357. PacketParser {
  54358. buffer: [],
  54359. bufferLength: 0,
  54360. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  54361. headerLen: 0,
  54362. length: 7,
  54363. largePacketParts: [],
  54364. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  54365. onPacket: [Function],
  54366. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  54367. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  54368. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  54369. connectTimeout: null,
  54370. connectionId: 1302 },
  54371. state: 'IDLE' } },
  54372. next: null,
  54373. data:
  54374. PooledResource {
  54375. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  54376. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  54377. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  54378. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  54379. obj:
  54380. Connection {
  54381. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  54382. _eventsCount: 1,
  54383. _maxListeners: undefined,
  54384. config:
  54385. ConnectionConfig {
  54386. isServer: undefined,
  54387. stream: undefined,
  54388. host: 'localhost',
  54389. port: 3306,
  54390. localAddress: undefined,
  54391. socketPath: undefined,
  54392. user: 'root',
  54393. password: 'abcd1234',
  54394. passwordSha1: undefined,
  54395. database: 'lbry',
  54396. connectTimeout: 10000,
  54397. insecureAuth: false,
  54398. supportBigNumbers: true,
  54399. bigNumberStrings: false,
  54400. decimalNumbers: false,
  54401. dateStrings: false,
  54402. debug: undefined,
  54403. trace: true,
  54404. stringifyObjects: false,
  54405. timezone: '+00:00',
  54406. queryFormat: undefined,
  54407. pool: undefined,
  54408. ssl: false,
  54409. multipleStatements: false,
  54410. rowsAsArray: false,
  54411. namedPlaceholders: false,
  54412. nestTables: undefined,
  54413. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  54414. maxPacketSize: 0,
  54415. charsetNumber: 224,
  54416. compress: false,
  54417. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  54418. clientFlags: 8582093,
  54419. connectAttributes: undefined,
  54420. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  54421. stream:
  54422. Socket {
  54423. connecting: false,
  54424. _hadError: false,
  54425. _handle:
  54426. TCP {
  54427. reading: true,
  54428. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  54429. onconnection: null,
  54430. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  54431. _parent: null,
  54432. _host: 'localhost',
  54433. _readableState:
  54434. ReadableState {
  54435. objectMode: false,
  54436. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54437. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  54438. length: 0,
  54439. pipes: null,
  54440. pipesCount: 0,
  54441. flowing: true,
  54442. ended: false,
  54443. endEmitted: false,
  54444. reading: true,
  54445. sync: false,
  54446. needReadable: true,
  54447. emittedReadable: false,
  54448. readableListening: false,
  54449. resumeScheduled: false,
  54450. emitClose: false,
  54451. autoDestroy: false,
  54452. destroyed: false,
  54453. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54454. awaitDrain: 0,
  54455. readingMore: false,
  54456. decoder: null,
  54457. encoding: null },
  54458. readable: true,
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  54460. [Object: null prototype] {
  54461. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  54462. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  54463. data: [Function],
  54464. close: [Function] },
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  54466. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  54468. WritableState {
  54469. objectMode: false,
  54470. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54471. finalCalled: false,
  54472. needDrain: false,
  54473. ending: false,
  54474. ended: false,
  54475. finished: false,
  54476. destroyed: false,
  54477. decodeStrings: false,
  54478. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  54479. length: 0,
  54480. writing: false,
  54481. corked: 0,
  54482. sync: false,
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  54484. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  54486. writelen: 0,
  54487. bufferedRequest: null,
  54488. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  54489. pendingcb: 0,
  54490. prefinished: false,
  54491. errorEmitted: false,
  54492. emitClose: false,
  54493. autoDestroy: false,
  54494. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  54495. corkedRequestsFree:
  54496. { next: null,
  54497. entry: null,
  54498. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  54499. writable: true,
  54500. allowHalfOpen: false,
  54501. _sockname: null,
  54502. _pendingData: null,
  54503. _pendingEncoding: '',
  54504. server: null,
  54505. _server: null,
  54506. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  54507. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  54508. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  54509. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  54510. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  54511. _internalId: 1,
  54512. _commands:
  54513. Denque {
  54514. _head: 0,
  54515. _tail: 0,
  54516. _capacityMask: 3,
  54517. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54518. _command: undefined,
  54519. _paused: false,
  54520. _paused_packets:
  54521. Denque {
  54522. _head: 0,
  54523. _tail: 0,
  54524. _capacityMask: 3,
  54525. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  54526. _statements:
  54527. LRUCache {
  54528. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  54529. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  54530. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  54531. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  54532. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  54533. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  54534. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  54535. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  54536. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  54537. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54538. authorized: true,
  54539. sequenceId: 23,
  54540. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  54541. threadId: 1303,
  54542. _handshakePacket:
  54543. Handshake {
  54544. protocolVersion: 10,
  54545. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  54546. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  54547. connectionId: 1303,
  54548. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  54549. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  54550. characterSet: 255,
  54551. statusFlags: 2 },
  54552. _fatalError: null,
  54553. _protocolError: null,
  54554. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  54555. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  54556. packetParser:
  54557. PacketParser {
  54558. buffer: [],
  54559. bufferLength: 0,
  54560. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  54561. headerLen: 0,
  54562. length: 5,
  54563. largePacketParts: [],
  54564. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  54565. onPacket: [Function],
  54566. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  54567. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  54568. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  54569. connectTimeout: null,
  54570. connectionId: 1303 },
  54571. state: 'IDLE' } },
  54572. length: 2 },
  54573. _direction: 'next',
  54574. _startPosition: 'head',
  54575. _started: false,
  54576. _cursor: null,
  54577. _done: false },
  54578. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  54579. _scheduledEviction:
  54580. Timeout {
  54581. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  54582. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  54583. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  54584. _idleStart: 432,
  54585. _onTimeout: [Function],
  54586. _timerArgs: undefined,
  54587. _repeat: null,
  54588. _destroyed: false,
  54589. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  54590. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  54591. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  54592. lib:
  54593. { createConnection: [Function],
  54594. connect: [Function],
  54595. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  54596. createPool: [Function],
  54597. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  54598. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  54599. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  54600. createServer: [Function],
  54601. PoolConnection:
  54602. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  54603. escape: [Function: escape],
  54604. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  54605. format: [Function: format],
  54606. raw: [Function: raw],
  54607. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  54608. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  54609. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  54610. Types: [Getter],
  54611. Charsets: [Getter],
  54612. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  54613. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  54614. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  54615. importCache: {},
  54616. test:
  54617. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  54618. _runningQueries: 0,
  54619. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  54620. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  54621. hooks: {},
  54622. uniqueKeys: {} },
  54623. _options:
  54624. { isNewRecord: false,
  54625. _schema: null,
  54626. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  54627. raw: true,
  54628. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  54629. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  54630. isNewRecord: false },
  54631. Balloons {
  54632. dataValues:
  54633. { id: 7,
  54634. size: 'large',
  54635. color: 'red',
  54636. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:23.000Z,
  54637. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:23.000Z },
  54638. _previousDataValues:
  54639. { id: 7,
  54640. size: 'large',
  54641. color: 'red',
  54642. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:23.000Z,
  54643. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:23.000Z },
  54644. _changed: {},
  54645. _modelOptions:
  54646. { timestamps: true,
  54647. validate: {},
  54648. freezeTableName: false,
  54649. underscored: false,
  54650. underscoredAll: false,
  54651. paranoid: false,
  54652. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  54653. whereCollection: null,
  54654. schema: null,
  54655. schemaDelimiter: '',
  54656. defaultScope: {},
  54657. scopes: [],
  54658. indexes: [],
  54659. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  54660. omitNull: false,
  54661. sequelize:
  54662. Sequelize {
  54663. options:
  54664. { dialect: 'mysql',
  54665. dialectModulePath: null,
  54666. host: 'localhost',
  54667. protocol: 'tcp',
  54668. define: {},
  54669. query: {},
  54670. sync: {},
  54671. timezone: '+00:00',
  54672. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  54673. omitNull: false,
  54674. native: false,
  54675. replication: false,
  54676. ssl: undefined,
  54677. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  54678. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  54679. hooks: {},
  54680. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  54681. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  54682. isolationLevel: null,
  54683. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  54684. typeValidation: false,
  54685. benchmark: false,
  54686. operatorsAliases: false },
  54687. config:
  54688. { database: 'lbry',
  54689. username: 'root',
  54690. password: 'abcd1234',
  54691. host: 'localhost',
  54692. port: 3306,
  54693. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  54694. protocol: 'tcp',
  54695. native: false,
  54696. ssl: undefined,
  54697. replication: false,
  54698. dialectModulePath: null,
  54699. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  54700. dialectOptions: undefined },
  54701. dialect:
  54702. MysqlDialect {
  54703. sequelize: [Circular],
  54704. connectionManager:
  54705. ConnectionManager {
  54706. sequelize: [Circular],
  54707. config:
  54708. { database: 'lbry',
  54709. username: 'root',
  54710. password: 'abcd1234',
  54711. host: 'localhost',
  54712. port: undefined,
  54713. pool:
  54714. { max: 5,
  54715. min: 0,
  54716. acquire: 30000,
  54717. idle: 10000,
  54718. evict: 10000,
  54719. handleDisconnects: true,
  54720. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  54721. Promise:
  54722. { [Function: Promise]
  54723. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  54724. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  54725. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  54726. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  54727. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54728. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54729. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  54730. _peekContext: [Function],
  54731. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  54732. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  54733. longStackTraces: [Function],
  54734. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  54735. config: [Function],
  54736. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  54737. is: [Function],
  54738. fromCallback: [Function],
  54739. fromNode: [Function],
  54740. all: [Function],
  54741. cast: [Function],
  54742. fulfilled: [Function],
  54743. resolve: [Function],
  54744. rejected: [Function],
  54745. reject: [Function],
  54746. setScheduler: [Function],
  54747. pending: [Function],
  54748. defer: [Function],
  54749. method: [Function],
  54750. try: [Function],
  54751. attempt: [Function],
  54752. bind: [Function],
  54753. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  54754. join: [Function],
  54755. Promise: [Circular],
  54756. version: '3.5.3',
  54757. map: [Function],
  54758. using: [Function],
  54759. delay: [Function],
  54760. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  54761. spawn: [Function],
  54762. promisify: [Function],
  54763. promisifyAll: [Function],
  54764. props: [Function],
  54765. race: [Function],
  54766. reduce: [Function],
  54767. settle: [Function],
  54768. some: [Function],
  54769. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  54770. filter: [Function],
  54771. each: [Function],
  54772. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  54773. any: [Function],
  54774. default: [Circular] } },
  54775. protocol: 'tcp',
  54776. native: false,
  54777. ssl: undefined,
  54778. replication: false,
  54779. dialectModulePath: null,
  54780. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  54781. dialectOptions: undefined },
  54782. dialect: [Circular],
  54783. versionPromise: null,
  54784. dialectName: 'mysql',
  54785. pool:
  54786. Pool {
  54787. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  54788. _eventsCount: 0,
  54789. _maxListeners: undefined,
  54790. _config:
  54791. PoolOptions {
  54792. fifo: true,
  54793. priorityRange: 1,
  54794. testOnBorrow: true,
  54795. testOnReturn: false,
  54796. autostart: false,
  54797. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  54798. max: 5,
  54799. min: 0,
  54800. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  54801. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  54802. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  54803. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  54804. Promise:
  54805. { [Function: Promise]
  54806. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  54807. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  54808. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  54809. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  54810. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54811. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54812. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  54813. _peekContext: [Function],
  54814. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  54815. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  54816. longStackTraces: [Function],
  54817. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  54818. config: [Function],
  54819. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  54820. is: [Function],
  54821. fromCallback: [Function],
  54822. fromNode: [Function],
  54823. all: [Function],
  54824. cast: [Function],
  54825. fulfilled: [Function],
  54826. resolve: [Function],
  54827. rejected: [Function],
  54828. reject: [Function],
  54829. setScheduler: [Function],
  54830. pending: [Function],
  54831. defer: [Function],
  54832. method: [Function],
  54833. try: [Function],
  54834. attempt: [Function],
  54835. bind: [Function],
  54836. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  54837. join: [Function],
  54838. Promise: [Circular],
  54839. version: '3.5.3',
  54840. map: [Function],
  54841. using: [Function],
  54842. delay: [Function],
  54843. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  54844. spawn: [Function],
  54845. promisify: [Function],
  54846. promisifyAll: [Function],
  54847. props: [Function],
  54848. race: [Function],
  54849. reduce: [Function],
  54850. settle: [Function],
  54851. some: [Function],
  54852. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  54853. filter: [Function],
  54854. each: [Function],
  54855. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  54856. any: [Function],
  54857. default: [Circular] } },
  54858. _Promise:
  54859. { [Function: Promise]
  54860. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  54861. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  54862. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  54863. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  54864. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54865. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  54866. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  54867. _peekContext: [Function],
  54868. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  54869. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  54870. longStackTraces: [Function],
  54871. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  54872. config: [Function],
  54873. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  54874. is: [Function],
  54875. fromCallback: [Function],
  54876. fromNode: [Function],
  54877. all: [Function],
  54878. cast: [Function],
  54879. fulfilled: [Function],
  54880. resolve: [Function],
  54881. rejected: [Function],
  54882. reject: [Function],
  54883. setScheduler: [Function],
  54884. pending: [Function],
  54885. defer: [Function],
  54886. method: [Function],
  54887. try: [Function],
  54888. attempt: [Function],
  54889. bind: [Function],
  54890. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  54891. join: [Function],
  54892. Promise: [Circular],
  54893. version: '3.5.3',
  54894. map: [Function],
  54895. using: [Function],
  54896. delay: [Function],
  54897. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  54898. spawn: [Function],
  54899. promisify: [Function],
  54900. promisifyAll: [Function],
  54901. props: [Function],
  54902. race: [Function],
  54903. reduce: [Function],
  54904. settle: [Function],
  54905. some: [Function],
  54906. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  54907. filter: [Function],
  54908. each: [Function],
  54909. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  54910. any: [Function],
  54911. default: [Circular] },
  54912. _factory:
  54913. { create: [Function: create],
  54914. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  54915. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  54916. _draining: false,
  54917. _started: true,
  54918. _waitingClientsQueue:
  54919. PriorityQueue {
  54920. _size: 1,
  54921. _slots:
  54922. [ Queue {
  54923. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  54924. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  54925. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  54926. _availableObjects:
  54927. Deque {
  54928. _list:
  54929. DoublyLinkedList {
  54930. head:
  54931. { prev: null,
  54932. next:
  54933. { prev: [Circular],
  54934. next: null,
  54935. data:
  54936. PooledResource {
  54937. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  54938. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  54939. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  54940. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  54941. obj:
  54942. Connection {
  54943. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  54944. _eventsCount: 1,
  54945. _maxListeners: undefined,
  54946. config:
  54947. ConnectionConfig {
  54948. isServer: undefined,
  54949. stream: undefined,
  54950. host: 'localhost',
  54951. port: 3306,
  54952. localAddress: undefined,
  54953. socketPath: undefined,
  54954. user: 'root',
  54955. password: 'abcd1234',
  54956. passwordSha1: undefined,
  54957. database: 'lbry',
  54958. connectTimeout: 10000,
  54959. insecureAuth: false,
  54960. supportBigNumbers: true,
  54961. bigNumberStrings: false,
  54962. decimalNumbers: false,
  54963. dateStrings: false,
  54964. debug: undefined,
  54965. trace: true,
  54966. stringifyObjects: false,
  54967. timezone: '+00:00',
  54968. queryFormat: undefined,
  54969. pool: undefined,
  54970. ssl: false,
  54971. multipleStatements: false,
  54972. rowsAsArray: false,
  54973. namedPlaceholders: false,
  54974. nestTables: undefined,
  54975. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  54976. maxPacketSize: 0,
  54977. charsetNumber: 224,
  54978. compress: false,
  54979. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  54980. clientFlags: 8582093,
  54981. connectAttributes: undefined,
  54982. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  54983. stream:
  54984. Socket {
  54985. connecting: false,
  54986. _hadError: false,
  54987. _handle:
  54988. TCP {
  54989. reading: true,
  54990. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  54991. onconnection: null,
  54992. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  54993. _parent: null,
  54994. _host: 'localhost',
  54995. _readableState:
  54996. ReadableState {
  54997. objectMode: false,
  54998. highWaterMark: 16384,
  54999. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  55000. length: 0,
  55001. pipes: null,
  55002. pipesCount: 0,
  55003. flowing: true,
  55004. ended: false,
  55005. endEmitted: false,
  55006. reading: true,
  55007. sync: false,
  55008. needReadable: true,
  55009. emittedReadable: false,
  55010. readableListening: false,
  55011. resumeScheduled: false,
  55012. emitClose: false,
  55013. autoDestroy: false,
  55014. destroyed: false,
  55015. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55016. awaitDrain: 0,
  55017. readingMore: false,
  55018. decoder: null,
  55019. encoding: null },
  55020. readable: true,
  55021. _events:
  55022. [Object: null prototype] {
  55023. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  55024. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  55025. data: [Function],
  55026. close: [Function] },
  55027. _eventsCount: 4,
  55028. _maxListeners: undefined,
  55029. _writableState:
  55030. WritableState {
  55031. objectMode: false,
  55032. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55033. finalCalled: false,
  55034. needDrain: false,
  55035. ending: false,
  55036. ended: false,
  55037. finished: false,
  55038. destroyed: false,
  55039. decodeStrings: false,
  55040. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55041. length: 0,
  55042. writing: false,
  55043. corked: 0,
  55044. sync: false,
  55045. bufferProcessing: false,
  55046. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  55047. writecb: null,
  55048. writelen: 0,
  55049. bufferedRequest: null,
  55050. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  55051. pendingcb: 0,
  55052. prefinished: false,
  55053. errorEmitted: false,
  55054. emitClose: false,
  55055. autoDestroy: false,
  55056. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  55057. corkedRequestsFree:
  55058. { next: null,
  55059. entry: null,
  55060. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  55061. writable: true,
  55062. allowHalfOpen: false,
  55063. _sockname: null,
  55064. _pendingData: null,
  55065. _pendingEncoding: '',
  55066. server: null,
  55067. _server: null,
  55068. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  55069. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  55070. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  55071. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  55072. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  55073. _internalId: 1,
  55074. _commands:
  55075. Denque {
  55076. _head: 0,
  55077. _tail: 0,
  55078. _capacityMask: 3,
  55079. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  55080. _command: undefined,
  55081. _paused: false,
  55082. _paused_packets:
  55083. Denque {
  55084. _head: 0,
  55085. _tail: 0,
  55086. _capacityMask: 3,
  55087. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  55088. _statements:
  55089. LRUCache {
  55090. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  55091. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  55092. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  55093. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  55094. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  55095. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  55096. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  55097. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  55098. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  55099. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55100. authorized: true,
  55101. sequenceId: 23,
  55102. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  55103. threadId: 1303,
  55104. _handshakePacket:
  55105. Handshake {
  55106. protocolVersion: 10,
  55107. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  55108. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55109. connectionId: 1303,
  55110. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  55111. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  55112. characterSet: 255,
  55113. statusFlags: 2 },
  55114. _fatalError: null,
  55115. _protocolError: null,
  55116. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  55117. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  55118. packetParser:
  55119. PacketParser {
  55120. buffer: [],
  55121. bufferLength: 0,
  55122. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  55123. headerLen: 0,
  55124. length: 5,
  55125. largePacketParts: [],
  55126. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  55127. onPacket: [Function],
  55128. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  55129. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  55130. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  55131. connectTimeout: null,
  55132. connectionId: 1303 },
  55133. state: 'IDLE' } },
  55134. data:
  55135. PooledResource {
  55136. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  55137. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  55138. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  55139. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  55140. obj:
  55141. Connection {
  55142. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  55143. _eventsCount: 1,
  55144. _maxListeners: undefined,
  55145. config:
  55146. ConnectionConfig {
  55147. isServer: undefined,
  55148. stream: undefined,
  55149. host: 'localhost',
  55150. port: 3306,
  55151. localAddress: undefined,
  55152. socketPath: undefined,
  55153. user: 'root',
  55154. password: 'abcd1234',
  55155. passwordSha1: undefined,
  55156. database: 'lbry',
  55157. connectTimeout: 10000,
  55158. insecureAuth: false,
  55159. supportBigNumbers: true,
  55160. bigNumberStrings: false,
  55161. decimalNumbers: false,
  55162. dateStrings: false,
  55163. debug: undefined,
  55164. trace: true,
  55165. stringifyObjects: false,
  55166. timezone: '+00:00',
  55167. queryFormat: undefined,
  55168. pool: undefined,
  55169. ssl: false,
  55170. multipleStatements: false,
  55171. rowsAsArray: false,
  55172. namedPlaceholders: false,
  55173. nestTables: undefined,
  55174. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  55175. maxPacketSize: 0,
  55176. charsetNumber: 224,
  55177. compress: false,
  55178. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  55179. clientFlags: 8582093,
  55180. connectAttributes: undefined,
  55181. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  55182. stream:
  55183. Socket {
  55184. connecting: false,
  55185. _hadError: false,
  55186. _handle:
  55187. TCP {
  55188. reading: true,
  55189. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  55190. onconnection: null,
  55191. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  55192. _parent: null,
  55193. _host: 'localhost',
  55194. _readableState:
  55195. ReadableState {
  55196. objectMode: false,
  55197. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55198. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  55199. length: 0,
  55200. pipes: null,
  55201. pipesCount: 0,
  55202. flowing: true,
  55203. ended: false,
  55204. endEmitted: false,
  55205. reading: true,
  55206. sync: false,
  55207. needReadable: true,
  55208. emittedReadable: false,
  55209. readableListening: false,
  55210. resumeScheduled: false,
  55211. emitClose: false,
  55212. autoDestroy: false,
  55213. destroyed: false,
  55214. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55215. awaitDrain: 0,
  55216. readingMore: false,
  55217. decoder: null,
  55218. encoding: null },
  55219. readable: true,
  55220. _events:
  55221. [Object: null prototype] {
  55222. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  55223. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  55224. data: [Function],
  55225. close: [Function] },
  55226. _eventsCount: 4,
  55227. _maxListeners: undefined,
  55228. _writableState:
  55229. WritableState {
  55230. objectMode: false,
  55231. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55232. finalCalled: false,
  55233. needDrain: false,
  55234. ending: false,
  55235. ended: false,
  55236. finished: false,
  55237. destroyed: false,
  55238. decodeStrings: false,
  55239. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55240. length: 0,
  55241. writing: false,
  55242. corked: 0,
  55243. sync: false,
  55244. bufferProcessing: false,
  55245. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  55246. writecb: null,
  55247. writelen: 0,
  55248. bufferedRequest: null,
  55249. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  55250. pendingcb: 0,
  55251. prefinished: false,
  55252. errorEmitted: false,
  55253. emitClose: false,
  55254. autoDestroy: false,
  55255. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  55256. corkedRequestsFree:
  55257. { next: null,
  55258. entry: null,
  55259. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  55260. writable: true,
  55261. allowHalfOpen: false,
  55262. _sockname: null,
  55263. _pendingData: null,
  55264. _pendingEncoding: '',
  55265. server: null,
  55266. _server: null,
  55267. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  55268. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  55269. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  55270. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  55271. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  55272. _internalId: 2,
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  55274. Denque {
  55275. _head: 0,
  55276. _tail: 0,
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  55278. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55280. _paused: false,
  55281. _paused_packets:
  55282. Denque {
  55283. _head: 0,
  55284. _tail: 0,
  55285. _capacityMask: 3,
  55286. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55289. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  55290. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  55291. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  55292. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  55293. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  55294. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  55295. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  55296. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  55297. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  55298. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55299. authorized: true,
  55300. sequenceId: 2,
  55301. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  55302. threadId: 1302,
  55303. _handshakePacket:
  55304. Handshake {
  55305. protocolVersion: 10,
  55306. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  55307. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55308. connectionId: 1302,
  55309. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  55310. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  55311. characterSet: 255,
  55312. statusFlags: 2 },
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  55314. _protocolError: null,
  55315. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  55316. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  55317. packetParser:
  55318. PacketParser {
  55319. buffer: [],
  55320. bufferLength: 0,
  55321. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  55322. headerLen: 0,
  55323. length: 7,
  55324. largePacketParts: [],
  55325. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  55326. onPacket: [Function],
  55327. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  55328. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  55329. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  55330. connectTimeout: null,
  55331. connectionId: 1302 },
  55332. state: 'IDLE' } },
  55333. tail:
  55334. { prev:
  55335. { prev: null,
  55336. next: [Circular],
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  55338. PooledResource {
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  55340. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  55341. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  55342. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  55343. obj:
  55344. Connection {
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  55346. _eventsCount: 1,
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  55351. stream: undefined,
  55352. host: 'localhost',
  55353. port: 3306,
  55354. localAddress: undefined,
  55355. socketPath: undefined,
  55356. user: 'root',
  55357. password: 'abcd1234',
  55358. passwordSha1: undefined,
  55359. database: 'lbry',
  55360. connectTimeout: 10000,
  55361. insecureAuth: false,
  55362. supportBigNumbers: true,
  55363. bigNumberStrings: false,
  55364. decimalNumbers: false,
  55365. dateStrings: false,
  55366. debug: undefined,
  55367. trace: true,
  55368. stringifyObjects: false,
  55369. timezone: '+00:00',
  55370. queryFormat: undefined,
  55371. pool: undefined,
  55372. ssl: false,
  55373. multipleStatements: false,
  55374. rowsAsArray: false,
  55375. namedPlaceholders: false,
  55376. nestTables: undefined,
  55377. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  55379. charsetNumber: 224,
  55380. compress: false,
  55381. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  55382. clientFlags: 8582093,
  55383. connectAttributes: undefined,
  55384. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  55386. Socket {
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  55390. TCP {
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  55392. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  55394. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  55396. _host: 'localhost',
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  55398. ReadableState {
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  55400. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55401. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  55402. length: 0,
  55403. pipes: null,
  55404. pipesCount: 0,
  55405. flowing: true,
  55406. ended: false,
  55407. endEmitted: false,
  55408. reading: true,
  55409. sync: false,
  55410. needReadable: true,
  55411. emittedReadable: false,
  55412. readableListening: false,
  55413. resumeScheduled: false,
  55414. emitClose: false,
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  55416. destroyed: false,
  55417. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55418. awaitDrain: 0,
  55419. readingMore: false,
  55420. decoder: null,
  55421. encoding: null },
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  55425. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  55426. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  55427. data: [Function],
  55428. close: [Function] },
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  55435. finalCalled: false,
  55436. needDrain: false,
  55437. ending: false,
  55438. ended: false,
  55439. finished: false,
  55440. destroyed: false,
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  55443. length: 0,
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  55452. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  55453. pendingcb: 0,
  55454. prefinished: false,
  55455. errorEmitted: false,
  55456. emitClose: false,
  55457. autoDestroy: false,
  55458. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  55459. corkedRequestsFree:
  55460. { next: null,
  55461. entry: null,
  55462. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  55464. allowHalfOpen: false,
  55465. _sockname: null,
  55466. _pendingData: null,
  55467. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  55469. _server: null,
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  55471. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  55472. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  55473. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  55474. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  55477. Denque {
  55478. _head: 0,
  55479. _tail: 0,
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  55481. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55484. _paused_packets:
  55485. Denque {
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  55487. _tail: 0,
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  55489. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55494. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  55495. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  55496. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  55497. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  55498. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  55499. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  55500. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  55501. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55502. authorized: true,
  55503. sequenceId: 2,
  55504. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  55505. threadId: 1302,
  55506. _handshakePacket:
  55507. Handshake {
  55508. protocolVersion: 10,
  55509. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  55510. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55511. connectionId: 1302,
  55512. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  55513. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  55514. characterSet: 255,
  55515. statusFlags: 2 },
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  55517. _protocolError: null,
  55518. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  55519. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  55520. packetParser:
  55521. PacketParser {
  55522. buffer: [],
  55523. bufferLength: 0,
  55524. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  55525. headerLen: 0,
  55526. length: 7,
  55527. largePacketParts: [],
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  55529. onPacket: [Function],
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  55531. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  55532. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  55533. connectTimeout: null,
  55534. connectionId: 1302 },
  55535. state: 'IDLE' } },
  55536. next: null,
  55537. data:
  55538. PooledResource {
  55539. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  55540. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  55541. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  55542. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  55543. obj:
  55544. Connection {
  55545. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  55546. _eventsCount: 1,
  55547. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  55549. ConnectionConfig {
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  55551. stream: undefined,
  55552. host: 'localhost',
  55553. port: 3306,
  55554. localAddress: undefined,
  55555. socketPath: undefined,
  55556. user: 'root',
  55557. password: 'abcd1234',
  55558. passwordSha1: undefined,
  55559. database: 'lbry',
  55560. connectTimeout: 10000,
  55561. insecureAuth: false,
  55562. supportBigNumbers: true,
  55563. bigNumberStrings: false,
  55564. decimalNumbers: false,
  55565. dateStrings: false,
  55566. debug: undefined,
  55567. trace: true,
  55568. stringifyObjects: false,
  55569. timezone: '+00:00',
  55570. queryFormat: undefined,
  55571. pool: undefined,
  55572. ssl: false,
  55573. multipleStatements: false,
  55574. rowsAsArray: false,
  55575. namedPlaceholders: false,
  55576. nestTables: undefined,
  55577. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  55579. charsetNumber: 224,
  55580. compress: false,
  55581. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  55582. clientFlags: 8582093,
  55583. connectAttributes: undefined,
  55584. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  55586. Socket {
  55587. connecting: false,
  55588. _hadError: false,
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  55590. TCP {
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  55592. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  55594. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  55596. _host: 'localhost',
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  55598. ReadableState {
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  55600. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55601. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  55602. length: 0,
  55603. pipes: null,
  55604. pipesCount: 0,
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  55608. reading: true,
  55609. sync: false,
  55610. needReadable: true,
  55611. emittedReadable: false,
  55612. readableListening: false,
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  55616. destroyed: false,
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  55619. readingMore: false,
  55620. decoder: null,
  55621. encoding: null },
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  55627. data: [Function],
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  55636. needDrain: false,
  55637. ending: false,
  55638. ended: false,
  55639. finished: false,
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  55642. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55643. length: 0,
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  55645. corked: 0,
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  55653. pendingcb: 0,
  55654. prefinished: false,
  55655. errorEmitted: false,
  55656. emitClose: false,
  55657. autoDestroy: false,
  55658. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  55660. { next: null,
  55661. entry: null,
  55662. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  55664. allowHalfOpen: false,
  55665. _sockname: null,
  55666. _pendingData: null,
  55667. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  55669. _server: null,
  55670. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  55671. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  55672. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  55673. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  55674. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  55675. _internalId: 1,
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  55677. Denque {
  55678. _head: 0,
  55679. _tail: 0,
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  55681. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55683. _paused: false,
  55684. _paused_packets:
  55685. Denque {
  55686. _head: 0,
  55687. _tail: 0,
  55688. _capacityMask: 3,
  55689. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55695. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  55696. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  55697. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  55698. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  55699. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  55700. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  55701. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55702. authorized: true,
  55703. sequenceId: 23,
  55704. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  55705. threadId: 1303,
  55706. _handshakePacket:
  55707. Handshake {
  55708. protocolVersion: 10,
  55709. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  55710. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55711. connectionId: 1303,
  55712. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  55713. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  55714. characterSet: 255,
  55715. statusFlags: 2 },
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  55717. _protocolError: null,
  55718. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  55719. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  55720. packetParser:
  55721. PacketParser {
  55722. buffer: [],
  55723. bufferLength: 0,
  55724. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  55725. headerLen: 0,
  55726. length: 5,
  55727. largePacketParts: [],
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  55729. onPacket: [Function],
  55730. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  55731. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  55732. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  55733. connectTimeout: null,
  55734. connectionId: 1303 },
  55735. state: 'IDLE' } },
  55736. length: 2 } },
  55737. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  55738. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  55739. _validationOperations: Set {},
  55740. _allObjects:
  55741. Set {
  55742. PooledResource {
  55743. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  55744. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  55745. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  55746. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  55747. obj:
  55748. Connection {
  55749. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  55750. _eventsCount: 1,
  55751. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  55753. ConnectionConfig {
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  55755. stream: undefined,
  55756. host: 'localhost',
  55757. port: 3306,
  55758. localAddress: undefined,
  55759. socketPath: undefined,
  55760. user: 'root',
  55761. password: 'abcd1234',
  55762. passwordSha1: undefined,
  55763. database: 'lbry',
  55764. connectTimeout: 10000,
  55765. insecureAuth: false,
  55766. supportBigNumbers: true,
  55767. bigNumberStrings: false,
  55768. decimalNumbers: false,
  55769. dateStrings: false,
  55770. debug: undefined,
  55771. trace: true,
  55772. stringifyObjects: false,
  55773. timezone: '+00:00',
  55774. queryFormat: undefined,
  55775. pool: undefined,
  55776. ssl: false,
  55777. multipleStatements: false,
  55778. rowsAsArray: false,
  55779. namedPlaceholders: false,
  55780. nestTables: undefined,
  55781. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  55783. charsetNumber: 224,
  55784. compress: false,
  55785. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  55786. clientFlags: 8582093,
  55787. connectAttributes: undefined,
  55788. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  55790. Socket {
  55791. connecting: false,
  55792. _hadError: false,
  55793. _handle:
  55794. TCP {
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  55796. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  55797. onconnection: null,
  55798. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  55800. _host: 'localhost',
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  55802. ReadableState {
  55803. objectMode: false,
  55804. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55805. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  55806. length: 0,
  55807. pipes: null,
  55808. pipesCount: 0,
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  55813. sync: false,
  55814. needReadable: true,
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  55816. readableListening: false,
  55817. resumeScheduled: false,
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  55820. destroyed: false,
  55821. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
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  55823. readingMore: false,
  55824. decoder: null,
  55825. encoding: null },
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  55828. [Object: null prototype] {
  55829. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  55830. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  55831. data: [Function],
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  55838. highWaterMark: 16384,
  55839. finalCalled: false,
  55840. needDrain: false,
  55841. ending: false,
  55842. ended: false,
  55843. finished: false,
  55844. destroyed: false,
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  55846. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  55847. length: 0,
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  55849. corked: 0,
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  55856. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  55857. pendingcb: 0,
  55858. prefinished: false,
  55859. errorEmitted: false,
  55860. emitClose: false,
  55861. autoDestroy: false,
  55862. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  55863. corkedRequestsFree:
  55864. { next: null,
  55865. entry: null,
  55866. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  55867. writable: true,
  55868. allowHalfOpen: false,
  55869. _sockname: null,
  55870. _pendingData: null,
  55871. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  55873. _server: null,
  55874. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  55875. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  55876. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  55877. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  55878. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  55881. Denque {
  55882. _head: 0,
  55883. _tail: 0,
  55884. _capacityMask: 3,
  55885. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  55886. _command: undefined,
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  55888. _paused_packets:
  55889. Denque {
  55890. _head: 0,
  55891. _tail: 0,
  55892. _capacityMask: 3,
  55893. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  55898. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  55899. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  55900. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  55901. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  55902. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  55903. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  55904. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  55905. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55906. authorized: true,
  55907. sequenceId: 2,
  55908. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  55909. threadId: 1302,
  55910. _handshakePacket:
  55911. Handshake {
  55912. protocolVersion: 10,
  55913. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  55914. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  55915. connectionId: 1302,
  55916. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  55917. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  55918. characterSet: 255,
  55919. statusFlags: 2 },
  55920. _fatalError: null,
  55921. _protocolError: null,
  55922. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  55923. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  55924. packetParser:
  55925. PacketParser {
  55926. buffer: [],
  55927. bufferLength: 0,
  55928. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  55929. headerLen: 0,
  55930. length: 7,
  55931. largePacketParts: [],
  55932. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  55933. onPacket: [Function],
  55934. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  55935. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  55936. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  55937. connectTimeout: null,
  55938. connectionId: 1302 },
  55939. state: 'IDLE' },
  55940. PooledResource {
  55941. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  55942. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  55943. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  55944. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  55945. obj:
  55946. Connection {
  55947. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  55948. _eventsCount: 1,
  55949. _maxListeners: undefined,
  55950. config:
  55951. ConnectionConfig {
  55952. isServer: undefined,
  55953. stream: undefined,
  55954. host: 'localhost',
  55955. port: 3306,
  55956. localAddress: undefined,
  55957. socketPath: undefined,
  55958. user: 'root',
  55959. password: 'abcd1234',
  55960. passwordSha1: undefined,
  55961. database: 'lbry',
  55962. connectTimeout: 10000,
  55963. insecureAuth: false,
  55964. supportBigNumbers: true,
  55965. bigNumberStrings: false,
  55966. decimalNumbers: false,
  55967. dateStrings: false,
  55968. debug: undefined,
  55969. trace: true,
  55970. stringifyObjects: false,
  55971. timezone: '+00:00',
  55972. queryFormat: undefined,
  55973. pool: undefined,
  55974. ssl: false,
  55975. multipleStatements: false,
  55976. rowsAsArray: false,
  55977. namedPlaceholders: false,
  55978. nestTables: undefined,
  55979. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  55980. maxPacketSize: 0,
  55981. charsetNumber: 224,
  55982. compress: false,
  55983. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  55984. clientFlags: 8582093,
  55985. connectAttributes: undefined,
  55986. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  55987. stream:
  55988. Socket {
  55989. connecting: false,
  55990. _hadError: false,
  55991. _handle:
  55992. TCP {
  55993. reading: true,
  55994. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  55995. onconnection: null,
  55996. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  55997. _parent: null,
  55998. _host: 'localhost',
  55999. _readableState:
  56000. ReadableState {
  56001. objectMode: false,
  56002. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56003. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  56004. length: 0,
  56005. pipes: null,
  56006. pipesCount: 0,
  56007. flowing: true,
  56008. ended: false,
  56009. endEmitted: false,
  56010. reading: true,
  56011. sync: false,
  56012. needReadable: true,
  56013. emittedReadable: false,
  56014. readableListening: false,
  56015. resumeScheduled: false,
  56016. emitClose: false,
  56017. autoDestroy: false,
  56018. destroyed: false,
  56019. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56020. awaitDrain: 0,
  56021. readingMore: false,
  56022. decoder: null,
  56023. encoding: null },
  56024. readable: true,
  56025. _events:
  56026. [Object: null prototype] {
  56027. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  56028. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  56029. data: [Function],
  56030. close: [Function] },
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  56032. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  56034. WritableState {
  56035. objectMode: false,
  56036. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56037. finalCalled: false,
  56038. needDrain: false,
  56039. ending: false,
  56040. ended: false,
  56041. finished: false,
  56042. destroyed: false,
  56043. decodeStrings: false,
  56044. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56045. length: 0,
  56046. writing: false,
  56047. corked: 0,
  56048. sync: false,
  56049. bufferProcessing: false,
  56050. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  56052. writelen: 0,
  56053. bufferedRequest: null,
  56054. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  56055. pendingcb: 0,
  56056. prefinished: false,
  56057. errorEmitted: false,
  56058. emitClose: false,
  56059. autoDestroy: false,
  56060. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  56061. corkedRequestsFree:
  56062. { next: null,
  56063. entry: null,
  56064. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  56065. writable: true,
  56066. allowHalfOpen: false,
  56067. _sockname: null,
  56068. _pendingData: null,
  56069. _pendingEncoding: '',
  56070. server: null,
  56071. _server: null,
  56072. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  56073. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  56074. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  56075. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  56076. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  56077. _internalId: 1,
  56078. _commands:
  56079. Denque {
  56080. _head: 0,
  56081. _tail: 0,
  56082. _capacityMask: 3,
  56083. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56084. _command: undefined,
  56085. _paused: false,
  56086. _paused_packets:
  56087. Denque {
  56088. _head: 0,
  56089. _tail: 0,
  56090. _capacityMask: 3,
  56091. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56092. _statements:
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  56094. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  56095. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  56096. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  56097. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  56098. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  56099. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  56100. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  56101. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  56102. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  56103. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56104. authorized: true,
  56105. sequenceId: 23,
  56106. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  56107. threadId: 1303,
  56108. _handshakePacket:
  56109. Handshake {
  56110. protocolVersion: 10,
  56111. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  56112. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56113. connectionId: 1303,
  56114. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  56115. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  56116. characterSet: 255,
  56117. statusFlags: 2 },
  56118. _fatalError: null,
  56119. _protocolError: null,
  56120. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  56121. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  56122. packetParser:
  56123. PacketParser {
  56124. buffer: [],
  56125. bufferLength: 0,
  56126. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  56127. headerLen: 0,
  56128. length: 5,
  56129. largePacketParts: [],
  56130. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  56131. onPacket: [Function],
  56132. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  56133. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  56134. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  56135. connectTimeout: null,
  56136. connectionId: 1303 },
  56137. state: 'IDLE' } },
  56138. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  56139. _evictionIterator:
  56140. DequeIterator {
  56141. _list:
  56142. DoublyLinkedList {
  56143. head:
  56144. { prev: null,
  56145. next:
  56146. { prev: [Circular],
  56147. next: null,
  56148. data:
  56149. PooledResource {
  56150. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  56151. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  56152. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  56153. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  56154. obj:
  56155. Connection {
  56156. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  56157. _eventsCount: 1,
  56158. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56159. config:
  56160. ConnectionConfig {
  56161. isServer: undefined,
  56162. stream: undefined,
  56163. host: 'localhost',
  56164. port: 3306,
  56165. localAddress: undefined,
  56166. socketPath: undefined,
  56167. user: 'root',
  56168. password: 'abcd1234',
  56169. passwordSha1: undefined,
  56170. database: 'lbry',
  56171. connectTimeout: 10000,
  56172. insecureAuth: false,
  56173. supportBigNumbers: true,
  56174. bigNumberStrings: false,
  56175. decimalNumbers: false,
  56176. dateStrings: false,
  56177. debug: undefined,
  56178. trace: true,
  56179. stringifyObjects: false,
  56180. timezone: '+00:00',
  56181. queryFormat: undefined,
  56182. pool: undefined,
  56183. ssl: false,
  56184. multipleStatements: false,
  56185. rowsAsArray: false,
  56186. namedPlaceholders: false,
  56187. nestTables: undefined,
  56188. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  56189. maxPacketSize: 0,
  56190. charsetNumber: 224,
  56191. compress: false,
  56192. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  56193. clientFlags: 8582093,
  56194. connectAttributes: undefined,
  56195. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  56196. stream:
  56197. Socket {
  56198. connecting: false,
  56199. _hadError: false,
  56200. _handle:
  56201. TCP {
  56202. reading: true,
  56203. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  56204. onconnection: null,
  56205. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  56206. _parent: null,
  56207. _host: 'localhost',
  56208. _readableState:
  56209. ReadableState {
  56210. objectMode: false,
  56211. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56212. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  56213. length: 0,
  56214. pipes: null,
  56215. pipesCount: 0,
  56216. flowing: true,
  56217. ended: false,
  56218. endEmitted: false,
  56219. reading: true,
  56220. sync: false,
  56221. needReadable: true,
  56222. emittedReadable: false,
  56223. readableListening: false,
  56224. resumeScheduled: false,
  56225. emitClose: false,
  56226. autoDestroy: false,
  56227. destroyed: false,
  56228. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56229. awaitDrain: 0,
  56230. readingMore: false,
  56231. decoder: null,
  56232. encoding: null },
  56233. readable: true,
  56234. _events:
  56235. [Object: null prototype] {
  56236. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  56237. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  56238. data: [Function],
  56239. close: [Function] },
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  56241. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  56243. WritableState {
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  56245. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56246. finalCalled: false,
  56247. needDrain: false,
  56248. ending: false,
  56249. ended: false,
  56250. finished: false,
  56251. destroyed: false,
  56252. decodeStrings: false,
  56253. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56254. length: 0,
  56255. writing: false,
  56256. corked: 0,
  56257. sync: false,
  56258. bufferProcessing: false,
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  56261. writelen: 0,
  56262. bufferedRequest: null,
  56263. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  56264. pendingcb: 0,
  56265. prefinished: false,
  56266. errorEmitted: false,
  56267. emitClose: false,
  56268. autoDestroy: false,
  56269. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  56270. corkedRequestsFree:
  56271. { next: null,
  56272. entry: null,
  56273. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  56274. writable: true,
  56275. allowHalfOpen: false,
  56276. _sockname: null,
  56277. _pendingData: null,
  56278. _pendingEncoding: '',
  56279. server: null,
  56280. _server: null,
  56281. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  56282. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  56283. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  56284. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  56285. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  56286. _internalId: 1,
  56287. _commands:
  56288. Denque {
  56289. _head: 0,
  56290. _tail: 0,
  56291. _capacityMask: 3,
  56292. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56293. _command: undefined,
  56294. _paused: false,
  56295. _paused_packets:
  56296. Denque {
  56297. _head: 0,
  56298. _tail: 0,
  56299. _capacityMask: 3,
  56300. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56301. _statements:
  56302. LRUCache {
  56303. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  56304. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  56305. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  56306. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  56307. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  56308. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  56309. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  56310. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  56311. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  56312. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56313. authorized: true,
  56314. sequenceId: 23,
  56315. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  56316. threadId: 1303,
  56317. _handshakePacket:
  56318. Handshake {
  56319. protocolVersion: 10,
  56320. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  56321. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56322. connectionId: 1303,
  56323. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  56324. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  56325. characterSet: 255,
  56326. statusFlags: 2 },
  56327. _fatalError: null,
  56328. _protocolError: null,
  56329. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  56330. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  56331. packetParser:
  56332. PacketParser {
  56333. buffer: [],
  56334. bufferLength: 0,
  56335. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  56336. headerLen: 0,
  56337. length: 5,
  56338. largePacketParts: [],
  56339. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  56340. onPacket: [Function],
  56341. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  56342. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  56343. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  56344. connectTimeout: null,
  56345. connectionId: 1303 },
  56346. state: 'IDLE' } },
  56347. data:
  56348. PooledResource {
  56349. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  56350. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  56351. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  56352. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  56353. obj:
  56354. Connection {
  56355. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  56356. _eventsCount: 1,
  56357. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56358. config:
  56359. ConnectionConfig {
  56360. isServer: undefined,
  56361. stream: undefined,
  56362. host: 'localhost',
  56363. port: 3306,
  56364. localAddress: undefined,
  56365. socketPath: undefined,
  56366. user: 'root',
  56367. password: 'abcd1234',
  56368. passwordSha1: undefined,
  56369. database: 'lbry',
  56370. connectTimeout: 10000,
  56371. insecureAuth: false,
  56372. supportBigNumbers: true,
  56373. bigNumberStrings: false,
  56374. decimalNumbers: false,
  56375. dateStrings: false,
  56376. debug: undefined,
  56377. trace: true,
  56378. stringifyObjects: false,
  56379. timezone: '+00:00',
  56380. queryFormat: undefined,
  56381. pool: undefined,
  56382. ssl: false,
  56383. multipleStatements: false,
  56384. rowsAsArray: false,
  56385. namedPlaceholders: false,
  56386. nestTables: undefined,
  56387. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  56388. maxPacketSize: 0,
  56389. charsetNumber: 224,
  56390. compress: false,
  56391. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  56392. clientFlags: 8582093,
  56393. connectAttributes: undefined,
  56394. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  56395. stream:
  56396. Socket {
  56397. connecting: false,
  56398. _hadError: false,
  56399. _handle:
  56400. TCP {
  56401. reading: true,
  56402. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  56403. onconnection: null,
  56404. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  56405. _parent: null,
  56406. _host: 'localhost',
  56407. _readableState:
  56408. ReadableState {
  56409. objectMode: false,
  56410. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56411. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  56412. length: 0,
  56413. pipes: null,
  56414. pipesCount: 0,
  56415. flowing: true,
  56416. ended: false,
  56417. endEmitted: false,
  56418. reading: true,
  56419. sync: false,
  56420. needReadable: true,
  56421. emittedReadable: false,
  56422. readableListening: false,
  56423. resumeScheduled: false,
  56424. emitClose: false,
  56425. autoDestroy: false,
  56426. destroyed: false,
  56427. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56428. awaitDrain: 0,
  56429. readingMore: false,
  56430. decoder: null,
  56431. encoding: null },
  56432. readable: true,
  56433. _events:
  56434. [Object: null prototype] {
  56435. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  56436. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  56437. data: [Function],
  56438. close: [Function] },
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  56440. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  56442. WritableState {
  56443. objectMode: false,
  56444. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56445. finalCalled: false,
  56446. needDrain: false,
  56447. ending: false,
  56448. ended: false,
  56449. finished: false,
  56450. destroyed: false,
  56451. decodeStrings: false,
  56452. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56453. length: 0,
  56454. writing: false,
  56455. corked: 0,
  56456. sync: false,
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  56458. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  56460. writelen: 0,
  56461. bufferedRequest: null,
  56462. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  56463. pendingcb: 0,
  56464. prefinished: false,
  56465. errorEmitted: false,
  56466. emitClose: false,
  56467. autoDestroy: false,
  56468. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  56469. corkedRequestsFree:
  56470. { next: null,
  56471. entry: null,
  56472. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  56473. writable: true,
  56474. allowHalfOpen: false,
  56475. _sockname: null,
  56476. _pendingData: null,
  56477. _pendingEncoding: '',
  56478. server: null,
  56479. _server: null,
  56480. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  56481. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  56482. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  56483. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  56484. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  56485. _internalId: 2,
  56486. _commands:
  56487. Denque {
  56488. _head: 0,
  56489. _tail: 0,
  56490. _capacityMask: 3,
  56491. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56492. _command: undefined,
  56493. _paused: false,
  56494. _paused_packets:
  56495. Denque {
  56496. _head: 0,
  56497. _tail: 0,
  56498. _capacityMask: 3,
  56499. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56500. _statements:
  56501. LRUCache {
  56502. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  56503. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  56504. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  56505. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  56506. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  56507. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  56508. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  56509. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  56510. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  56511. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56512. authorized: true,
  56513. sequenceId: 2,
  56514. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  56515. threadId: 1302,
  56516. _handshakePacket:
  56517. Handshake {
  56518. protocolVersion: 10,
  56519. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  56520. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56521. connectionId: 1302,
  56522. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  56523. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  56524. characterSet: 255,
  56525. statusFlags: 2 },
  56526. _fatalError: null,
  56527. _protocolError: null,
  56528. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  56529. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  56530. packetParser:
  56531. PacketParser {
  56532. buffer: [],
  56533. bufferLength: 0,
  56534. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  56535. headerLen: 0,
  56536. length: 7,
  56537. largePacketParts: [],
  56538. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  56539. onPacket: [Function],
  56540. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  56541. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  56542. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  56543. connectTimeout: null,
  56544. connectionId: 1302 },
  56545. state: 'IDLE' } },
  56546. tail:
  56547. { prev:
  56548. { prev: null,
  56549. next: [Circular],
  56550. data:
  56551. PooledResource {
  56552. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  56553. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  56554. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  56555. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  56556. obj:
  56557. Connection {
  56558. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  56559. _eventsCount: 1,
  56560. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56561. config:
  56562. ConnectionConfig {
  56563. isServer: undefined,
  56564. stream: undefined,
  56565. host: 'localhost',
  56566. port: 3306,
  56567. localAddress: undefined,
  56568. socketPath: undefined,
  56569. user: 'root',
  56570. password: 'abcd1234',
  56571. passwordSha1: undefined,
  56572. database: 'lbry',
  56573. connectTimeout: 10000,
  56574. insecureAuth: false,
  56575. supportBigNumbers: true,
  56576. bigNumberStrings: false,
  56577. decimalNumbers: false,
  56578. dateStrings: false,
  56579. debug: undefined,
  56580. trace: true,
  56581. stringifyObjects: false,
  56582. timezone: '+00:00',
  56583. queryFormat: undefined,
  56584. pool: undefined,
  56585. ssl: false,
  56586. multipleStatements: false,
  56587. rowsAsArray: false,
  56588. namedPlaceholders: false,
  56589. nestTables: undefined,
  56590. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  56591. maxPacketSize: 0,
  56592. charsetNumber: 224,
  56593. compress: false,
  56594. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  56595. clientFlags: 8582093,
  56596. connectAttributes: undefined,
  56597. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  56598. stream:
  56599. Socket {
  56600. connecting: false,
  56601. _hadError: false,
  56602. _handle:
  56603. TCP {
  56604. reading: true,
  56605. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  56606. onconnection: null,
  56607. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  56608. _parent: null,
  56609. _host: 'localhost',
  56610. _readableState:
  56611. ReadableState {
  56612. objectMode: false,
  56613. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56614. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  56615. length: 0,
  56616. pipes: null,
  56617. pipesCount: 0,
  56618. flowing: true,
  56619. ended: false,
  56620. endEmitted: false,
  56621. reading: true,
  56622. sync: false,
  56623. needReadable: true,
  56624. emittedReadable: false,
  56625. readableListening: false,
  56626. resumeScheduled: false,
  56627. emitClose: false,
  56628. autoDestroy: false,
  56629. destroyed: false,
  56630. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56631. awaitDrain: 0,
  56632. readingMore: false,
  56633. decoder: null,
  56634. encoding: null },
  56635. readable: true,
  56636. _events:
  56637. [Object: null prototype] {
  56638. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  56639. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  56640. data: [Function],
  56641. close: [Function] },
  56642. _eventsCount: 4,
  56643. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56644. _writableState:
  56645. WritableState {
  56646. objectMode: false,
  56647. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56648. finalCalled: false,
  56649. needDrain: false,
  56650. ending: false,
  56651. ended: false,
  56652. finished: false,
  56653. destroyed: false,
  56654. decodeStrings: false,
  56655. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56656. length: 0,
  56657. writing: false,
  56658. corked: 0,
  56659. sync: false,
  56660. bufferProcessing: false,
  56661. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  56662. writecb: null,
  56663. writelen: 0,
  56664. bufferedRequest: null,
  56665. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  56666. pendingcb: 0,
  56667. prefinished: false,
  56668. errorEmitted: false,
  56669. emitClose: false,
  56670. autoDestroy: false,
  56671. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  56672. corkedRequestsFree:
  56673. { next: null,
  56674. entry: null,
  56675. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  56676. writable: true,
  56677. allowHalfOpen: false,
  56678. _sockname: null,
  56679. _pendingData: null,
  56680. _pendingEncoding: '',
  56681. server: null,
  56682. _server: null,
  56683. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  56684. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  56685. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  56686. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  56687. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  56688. _internalId: 2,
  56689. _commands:
  56690. Denque {
  56691. _head: 0,
  56692. _tail: 0,
  56693. _capacityMask: 3,
  56694. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56695. _command: undefined,
  56696. _paused: false,
  56697. _paused_packets:
  56698. Denque {
  56699. _head: 0,
  56700. _tail: 0,
  56701. _capacityMask: 3,
  56702. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56703. _statements:
  56704. LRUCache {
  56705. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  56706. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  56707. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  56708. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  56709. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  56710. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  56711. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  56712. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  56713. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  56714. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56715. authorized: true,
  56716. sequenceId: 2,
  56717. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  56718. threadId: 1302,
  56719. _handshakePacket:
  56720. Handshake {
  56721. protocolVersion: 10,
  56722. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  56723. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56724. connectionId: 1302,
  56725. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  56726. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  56727. characterSet: 255,
  56728. statusFlags: 2 },
  56729. _fatalError: null,
  56730. _protocolError: null,
  56731. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  56732. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  56733. packetParser:
  56734. PacketParser {
  56735. buffer: [],
  56736. bufferLength: 0,
  56737. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  56738. headerLen: 0,
  56739. length: 7,
  56740. largePacketParts: [],
  56741. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  56742. onPacket: [Function],
  56743. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  56744. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  56745. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  56746. connectTimeout: null,
  56747. connectionId: 1302 },
  56748. state: 'IDLE' } },
  56749. next: null,
  56750. data:
  56751. PooledResource {
  56752. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  56753. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  56754. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  56755. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  56756. obj:
  56757. Connection {
  56758. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  56759. _eventsCount: 1,
  56760. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56761. config:
  56762. ConnectionConfig {
  56763. isServer: undefined,
  56764. stream: undefined,
  56765. host: 'localhost',
  56766. port: 3306,
  56767. localAddress: undefined,
  56768. socketPath: undefined,
  56769. user: 'root',
  56770. password: 'abcd1234',
  56771. passwordSha1: undefined,
  56772. database: 'lbry',
  56773. connectTimeout: 10000,
  56774. insecureAuth: false,
  56775. supportBigNumbers: true,
  56776. bigNumberStrings: false,
  56777. decimalNumbers: false,
  56778. dateStrings: false,
  56779. debug: undefined,
  56780. trace: true,
  56781. stringifyObjects: false,
  56782. timezone: '+00:00',
  56783. queryFormat: undefined,
  56784. pool: undefined,
  56785. ssl: false,
  56786. multipleStatements: false,
  56787. rowsAsArray: false,
  56788. namedPlaceholders: false,
  56789. nestTables: undefined,
  56790. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  56791. maxPacketSize: 0,
  56792. charsetNumber: 224,
  56793. compress: false,
  56794. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  56795. clientFlags: 8582093,
  56796. connectAttributes: undefined,
  56797. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  56798. stream:
  56799. Socket {
  56800. connecting: false,
  56801. _hadError: false,
  56802. _handle:
  56803. TCP {
  56804. reading: true,
  56805. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  56806. onconnection: null,
  56807. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  56808. _parent: null,
  56809. _host: 'localhost',
  56810. _readableState:
  56811. ReadableState {
  56812. objectMode: false,
  56813. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56814. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  56815. length: 0,
  56816. pipes: null,
  56817. pipesCount: 0,
  56818. flowing: true,
  56819. ended: false,
  56820. endEmitted: false,
  56821. reading: true,
  56822. sync: false,
  56823. needReadable: true,
  56824. emittedReadable: false,
  56825. readableListening: false,
  56826. resumeScheduled: false,
  56827. emitClose: false,
  56828. autoDestroy: false,
  56829. destroyed: false,
  56830. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56831. awaitDrain: 0,
  56832. readingMore: false,
  56833. decoder: null,
  56834. encoding: null },
  56835. readable: true,
  56836. _events:
  56837. [Object: null prototype] {
  56838. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  56839. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  56840. data: [Function],
  56841. close: [Function] },
  56842. _eventsCount: 4,
  56843. _maxListeners: undefined,
  56844. _writableState:
  56845. WritableState {
  56846. objectMode: false,
  56847. highWaterMark: 16384,
  56848. finalCalled: false,
  56849. needDrain: false,
  56850. ending: false,
  56851. ended: false,
  56852. finished: false,
  56853. destroyed: false,
  56854. decodeStrings: false,
  56855. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  56856. length: 0,
  56857. writing: false,
  56858. corked: 0,
  56859. sync: false,
  56860. bufferProcessing: false,
  56861. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  56862. writecb: null,
  56863. writelen: 0,
  56864. bufferedRequest: null,
  56865. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  56866. pendingcb: 0,
  56867. prefinished: false,
  56868. errorEmitted: false,
  56869. emitClose: false,
  56870. autoDestroy: false,
  56871. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  56872. corkedRequestsFree:
  56873. { next: null,
  56874. entry: null,
  56875. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  56876. writable: true,
  56877. allowHalfOpen: false,
  56878. _sockname: null,
  56879. _pendingData: null,
  56880. _pendingEncoding: '',
  56881. server: null,
  56882. _server: null,
  56883. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  56884. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  56885. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  56886. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  56887. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  56888. _internalId: 1,
  56889. _commands:
  56890. Denque {
  56891. _head: 0,
  56892. _tail: 0,
  56893. _capacityMask: 3,
  56894. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56895. _command: undefined,
  56896. _paused: false,
  56897. _paused_packets:
  56898. Denque {
  56899. _head: 0,
  56900. _tail: 0,
  56901. _capacityMask: 3,
  56902. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  56903. _statements:
  56904. LRUCache {
  56905. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  56906. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  56907. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  56908. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  56909. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  56910. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  56911. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  56912. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  56913. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  56914. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56915. authorized: true,
  56916. sequenceId: 23,
  56917. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  56918. threadId: 1303,
  56919. _handshakePacket:
  56920. Handshake {
  56921. protocolVersion: 10,
  56922. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  56923. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  56924. connectionId: 1303,
  56925. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  56926. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  56927. characterSet: 255,
  56928. statusFlags: 2 },
  56929. _fatalError: null,
  56930. _protocolError: null,
  56931. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  56932. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  56933. packetParser:
  56934. PacketParser {
  56935. buffer: [],
  56936. bufferLength: 0,
  56937. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  56938. headerLen: 0,
  56939. length: 5,
  56940. largePacketParts: [],
  56941. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  56942. onPacket: [Function],
  56943. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  56944. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  56945. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  56946. connectTimeout: null,
  56947. connectionId: 1303 },
  56948. state: 'IDLE' } },
  56949. length: 2 },
  56950. _direction: 'next',
  56951. _startPosition: 'head',
  56952. _started: false,
  56953. _cursor: null,
  56954. _done: false },
  56955. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  56956. _scheduledEviction:
  56957. Timeout {
  56958. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  56959. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  56960. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  56961. _idleStart: 432,
  56962. _onTimeout: [Function],
  56963. _timerArgs: undefined,
  56964. _repeat: null,
  56965. _destroyed: false,
  56966. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  56967. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  56968. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  56969. lib:
  56970. { createConnection: [Function],
  56971. connect: [Function],
  56972. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  56973. createPool: [Function],
  56974. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  56975. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  56976. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  56977. createServer: [Function],
  56978. PoolConnection:
  56979. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  56980. escape: [Function: escape],
  56981. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  56982. format: [Function: format],
  56983. raw: [Function: raw],
  56984. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  56985. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  56986. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  56987. Types: [Getter],
  56988. Charsets: [Getter],
  56989. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  56990. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  56991. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  56992. QueryGenerator:
  56993. { dialect: 'mysql',
  56994. OperatorMap:
  56995. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  56996. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  56997. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  56998. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  56999. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  57000. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  57001. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  57002. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  57003. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  57004. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  57005. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  57006. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  57007. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  57008. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  57009. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  57010. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  57011. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  57012. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  57013. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  57014. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  57015. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  57016. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  57017. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  57018. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  57019. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  57020. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  57021. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  57022. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  57023. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  57024. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  57025. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  57026. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  57027. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  57028. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  57029. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  57030. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  57031. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  57032. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  57033. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  57034. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  57035. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  57036. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  57037. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  57038. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  57039. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  57040. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  57041. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  57042. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  57043. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  57044. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  57045. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  57046. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  57047. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  57048. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  57049. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  57050. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  57051. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  57052. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  57053. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  57054. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  57055. _templateSettings:
  57056. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57057. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57058. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57059. variable: '',
  57060. imports:
  57061. { _:
  57062. { [Function: lodash]
  57063. templateSettings: [Circular],
  57064. after: [Function: after],
  57065. ary: [Function: ary],
  57066. assign: [Function],
  57067. assignIn: [Function],
  57068. assignInWith: [Function],
  57069. assignWith: [Function],
  57070. at: [Function],
  57071. before: [Function: before],
  57072. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57073. bindAll: [Function],
  57074. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57075. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  57076. chain: [Function: chain],
  57077. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  57078. compact: [Function: compact],
  57079. concat: [Function: concat],
  57080. cond: [Function: cond],
  57081. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  57082. constant: [Function: constant],
  57083. countBy: [Function],
  57084. create: [Function: create],
  57085. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57086. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57087. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  57088. defaults: [Function],
  57089. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  57090. defer: [Function],
  57091. delay: [Function],
  57092. difference: [Function],
  57093. differenceBy: [Function],
  57094. differenceWith: [Function],
  57095. drop: [Function: drop],
  57096. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  57097. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  57098. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  57099. fill: [Function: fill],
  57100. filter: [Function: filter],
  57101. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  57102. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  57103. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  57104. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  57105. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  57106. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  57107. flip: [Function: flip],
  57108. flow: [Function],
  57109. flowRight: [Function],
  57110. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  57111. functions: [Function: functions],
  57112. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  57113. groupBy: [Function],
  57114. initial: [Function: initial],
  57115. intersection: [Function],
  57116. intersectionBy: [Function],
  57117. intersectionWith: [Function],
  57118. invert: [Function],
  57119. invertBy: [Function],
  57120. invokeMap: [Function],
  57121. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  57122. keyBy: [Function],
  57123. keys: [Function: keys],
  57124. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  57125. map: [Function: map],
  57126. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  57127. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  57128. matches: [Function: matches],
  57129. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  57130. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  57131. merge: [Function],
  57132. mergeWith: [Function],
  57133. method: [Function],
  57134. methodOf: [Function],
  57135. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  57136. negate: [Function: negate],
  57137. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  57138. omit: [Function],
  57139. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  57140. once: [Function: once],
  57141. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  57142. over: [Function],
  57143. overArgs: [Function],
  57144. overEvery: [Function],
  57145. overSome: [Function],
  57146. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57147. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57148. partition: [Function],
  57149. pick: [Function],
  57150. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  57151. property: [Function: property],
  57152. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  57153. pull: [Function],
  57154. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  57155. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  57156. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  57157. pullAt: [Function],
  57158. range: [Function],
  57159. rangeRight: [Function],
  57160. rearg: [Function],
  57161. reject: [Function: reject],
  57162. remove: [Function: remove],
  57163. rest: [Function: rest],
  57164. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  57165. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  57166. set: [Function: set],
  57167. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  57168. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  57169. slice: [Function: slice],
  57170. sortBy: [Function],
  57171. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  57172. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  57173. split: [Function: split],
  57174. spread: [Function: spread],
  57175. tail: [Function: tail],
  57176. take: [Function: take],
  57177. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  57178. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  57179. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  57180. tap: [Function: tap],
  57181. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  57182. thru: [Function: thru],
  57183. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  57184. toPairs: [Function],
  57185. toPairsIn: [Function],
  57186. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  57187. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  57188. transform: [Function: transform],
  57189. unary: [Function: unary],
  57190. union: [Function],
  57191. unionBy: [Function],
  57192. unionWith: [Function],
  57193. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  57194. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  57195. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  57196. unset: [Function: unset],
  57197. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  57198. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  57199. update: [Function: update],
  57200. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  57201. values: [Function: values],
  57202. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  57203. without: [Function],
  57204. words: [Function: words],
  57205. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  57206. xor: [Function],
  57207. xorBy: [Function],
  57208. xorWith: [Function],
  57209. zip: [Function],
  57210. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  57211. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  57212. zipWith: [Function],
  57213. entries: [Function],
  57214. entriesIn: [Function],
  57215. extend: [Function],
  57216. extendWith: [Function],
  57217. add: [Function],
  57218. attempt: [Function],
  57219. camelCase: [Function],
  57220. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  57221. ceil: [Function],
  57222. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  57223. clone: [Function: clone],
  57224. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  57225. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  57226. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  57227. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  57228. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  57229. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  57230. divide: [Function],
  57231. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  57232. eq: [Function: eq],
  57233. escape: [Function: escape],
  57234. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  57235. every: [Function: every],
  57236. find: [Function],
  57237. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  57238. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  57239. findLast: [Function],
  57240. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  57241. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  57242. floor: [Function],
  57243. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  57244. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  57245. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  57246. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  57247. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  57248. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  57249. get: [Function: get],
  57250. gt: [Function],
  57251. gte: [Function],
  57252. has: [Function: has],
  57253. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  57254. head: [Function: head],
  57255. identity: [Function: identity],
  57256. includes: [Function: includes],
  57257. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  57258. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  57259. invoke: [Function],
  57260. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  57261. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  57262. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  57263. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  57264. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  57265. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  57266. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  57267. isDate: [Function],
  57268. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  57269. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  57270. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  57271. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  57272. isError: [Function: isError],
  57273. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  57274. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  57275. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  57276. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  57277. isMap: [Function],
  57278. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  57279. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  57280. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  57281. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  57282. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  57283. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  57284. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  57285. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  57286. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  57287. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  57288. isRegExp: [Function],
  57289. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  57290. isSet: [Function],
  57291. isString: [Function: isString],
  57292. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  57293. isTypedArray: [Function],
  57294. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  57295. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  57296. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  57297. join: [Function: join],
  57298. kebabCase: [Function],
  57299. last: [Function: last],
  57300. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  57301. lowerCase: [Function],
  57302. lowerFirst: [Function],
  57303. lt: [Function],
  57304. lte: [Function],
  57305. max: [Function: max],
  57306. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  57307. mean: [Function: mean],
  57308. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  57309. min: [Function: min],
  57310. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  57311. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  57312. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  57313. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  57314. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  57315. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  57316. multiply: [Function],
  57317. nth: [Function: nth],
  57318. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  57319. noop: [Function: noop],
  57320. now: [Function],
  57321. pad: [Function: pad],
  57322. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  57323. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  57324. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  57325. random: [Function: random],
  57326. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  57327. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  57328. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  57329. replace: [Function: replace],
  57330. result: [Function: result],
  57331. round: [Function],
  57332. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  57333. sample: [Function: sample],
  57334. size: [Function: size],
  57335. snakeCase: [Function],
  57336. some: [Function: some],
  57337. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  57338. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  57339. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  57340. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  57341. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  57342. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  57343. startCase: [Function],
  57344. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  57345. subtract: [Function],
  57346. sum: [Function: sum],
  57347. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  57348. template: [Function: template],
  57349. times: [Function: times],
  57350. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  57351. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  57352. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  57353. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  57354. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  57355. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  57356. toString: [Function: toString],
  57357. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  57358. trim: [Function: trim],
  57359. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  57360. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  57361. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  57362. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  57363. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  57364. upperCase: [Function],
  57365. upperFirst: [Function],
  57366. each: [Function: forEach],
  57367. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  57368. first: [Function: head],
  57369. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  57370. options:
  57371. { dialect: 'mysql',
  57372. dialectModulePath: null,
  57373. host: 'localhost',
  57374. protocol: 'tcp',
  57375. define: {},
  57376. query: {},
  57377. sync: {},
  57378. timezone: '+00:00',
  57379. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  57380. omitNull: false,
  57381. native: false,
  57382. replication: false,
  57383. ssl: undefined,
  57384. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  57385. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  57386. hooks: {},
  57387. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  57388. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  57389. isolationLevel: null,
  57390. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  57391. typeValidation: false,
  57392. benchmark: false,
  57393. operatorsAliases: false },
  57394. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  57395. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  57396. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  57397. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  57398. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  57399. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  57400. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  57401. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  57402. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  57403. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  57404. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  57405. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  57406. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  57407. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  57408. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  57409. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  57410. quote: [Function: quote],
  57411. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  57412. escape: [Function: escape],
  57413. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  57414. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  57415. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  57416. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  57417. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  57418. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  57419. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  57420. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  57421. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  57422. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  57423. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  57424. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  57425. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  57426. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  57427. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  57428. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  57429. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  57430. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  57431. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  57432. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  57433. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  57434. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  57435. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  57436. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  57437. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  57438. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  57439. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  57440. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  57441. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  57442. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  57443. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  57444. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  57445. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  57446. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  57447. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  57448. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  57449. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  57450. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  57451. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  57452. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  57453. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  57454. _dialect: [Circular],
  57455. sequelize: [Circular],
  57456. typeValidation: undefined } },
  57457. queryInterface:
  57458. QueryInterface {
  57459. sequelize: [Circular],
  57460. QueryGenerator:
  57461. { dialect: 'mysql',
  57462. OperatorMap:
  57463. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  57464. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  57465. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  57466. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  57467. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  57468. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  57469. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  57470. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  57471. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  57472. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  57473. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  57474. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  57475. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  57476. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  57477. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  57478. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  57479. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  57480. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  57481. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  57482. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  57483. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  57484. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  57485. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  57486. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  57487. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  57488. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  57489. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  57490. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  57491. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  57492. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  57493. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  57494. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  57495. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  57496. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  57497. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  57498. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  57499. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  57500. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  57501. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  57502. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  57503. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  57504. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  57505. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  57506. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  57507. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  57508. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  57509. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  57510. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  57511. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  57512. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  57513. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  57514. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  57515. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  57516. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  57517. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  57518. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  57519. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  57520. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  57521. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  57522. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  57523. _templateSettings:
  57524. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57525. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57526. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  57527. variable: '',
  57528. imports:
  57529. { _:
  57530. { [Function: lodash]
  57531. templateSettings: [Circular],
  57532. after: [Function: after],
  57533. ary: [Function: ary],
  57534. assign: [Function],
  57535. assignIn: [Function],
  57536. assignInWith: [Function],
  57537. assignWith: [Function],
  57538. at: [Function],
  57539. before: [Function: before],
  57540. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57541. bindAll: [Function],
  57542. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57543. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  57544. chain: [Function: chain],
  57545. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  57546. compact: [Function: compact],
  57547. concat: [Function: concat],
  57548. cond: [Function: cond],
  57549. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  57550. constant: [Function: constant],
  57551. countBy: [Function],
  57552. create: [Function: create],
  57553. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57554. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57555. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  57556. defaults: [Function],
  57557. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  57558. defer: [Function],
  57559. delay: [Function],
  57560. difference: [Function],
  57561. differenceBy: [Function],
  57562. differenceWith: [Function],
  57563. drop: [Function: drop],
  57564. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  57565. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  57566. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  57567. fill: [Function: fill],
  57568. filter: [Function: filter],
  57569. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  57570. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  57571. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  57572. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  57573. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  57574. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  57575. flip: [Function: flip],
  57576. flow: [Function],
  57577. flowRight: [Function],
  57578. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  57579. functions: [Function: functions],
  57580. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  57581. groupBy: [Function],
  57582. initial: [Function: initial],
  57583. intersection: [Function],
  57584. intersectionBy: [Function],
  57585. intersectionWith: [Function],
  57586. invert: [Function],
  57587. invertBy: [Function],
  57588. invokeMap: [Function],
  57589. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  57590. keyBy: [Function],
  57591. keys: [Function: keys],
  57592. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  57593. map: [Function: map],
  57594. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  57595. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  57596. matches: [Function: matches],
  57597. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  57598. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  57599. merge: [Function],
  57600. mergeWith: [Function],
  57601. method: [Function],
  57602. methodOf: [Function],
  57603. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  57604. negate: [Function: negate],
  57605. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  57606. omit: [Function],
  57607. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  57608. once: [Function: once],
  57609. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  57610. over: [Function],
  57611. overArgs: [Function],
  57612. overEvery: [Function],
  57613. overSome: [Function],
  57614. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57615. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  57616. partition: [Function],
  57617. pick: [Function],
  57618. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  57619. property: [Function: property],
  57620. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  57621. pull: [Function],
  57622. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  57623. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  57624. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  57625. pullAt: [Function],
  57626. range: [Function],
  57627. rangeRight: [Function],
  57628. rearg: [Function],
  57629. reject: [Function: reject],
  57630. remove: [Function: remove],
  57631. rest: [Function: rest],
  57632. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  57633. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  57634. set: [Function: set],
  57635. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  57636. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  57637. slice: [Function: slice],
  57638. sortBy: [Function],
  57639. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  57640. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  57641. split: [Function: split],
  57642. spread: [Function: spread],
  57643. tail: [Function: tail],
  57644. take: [Function: take],
  57645. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  57646. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  57647. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  57648. tap: [Function: tap],
  57649. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  57650. thru: [Function: thru],
  57651. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  57652. toPairs: [Function],
  57653. toPairsIn: [Function],
  57654. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  57655. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  57656. transform: [Function: transform],
  57657. unary: [Function: unary],
  57658. union: [Function],
  57659. unionBy: [Function],
  57660. unionWith: [Function],
  57661. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  57662. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  57663. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  57664. unset: [Function: unset],
  57665. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  57666. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  57667. update: [Function: update],
  57668. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  57669. values: [Function: values],
  57670. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  57671. without: [Function],
  57672. words: [Function: words],
  57673. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  57674. xor: [Function],
  57675. xorBy: [Function],
  57676. xorWith: [Function],
  57677. zip: [Function],
  57678. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  57679. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  57680. zipWith: [Function],
  57681. entries: [Function],
  57682. entriesIn: [Function],
  57683. extend: [Function],
  57684. extendWith: [Function],
  57685. add: [Function],
  57686. attempt: [Function],
  57687. camelCase: [Function],
  57688. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  57689. ceil: [Function],
  57690. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  57691. clone: [Function: clone],
  57692. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  57693. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  57694. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  57695. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  57696. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  57697. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  57698. divide: [Function],
  57699. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  57700. eq: [Function: eq],
  57701. escape: [Function: escape],
  57702. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  57703. every: [Function: every],
  57704. find: [Function],
  57705. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  57706. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  57707. findLast: [Function],
  57708. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  57709. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  57710. floor: [Function],
  57711. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  57712. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  57713. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  57714. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  57715. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  57716. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  57717. get: [Function: get],
  57718. gt: [Function],
  57719. gte: [Function],
  57720. has: [Function: has],
  57721. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  57722. head: [Function: head],
  57723. identity: [Function: identity],
  57724. includes: [Function: includes],
  57725. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  57726. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  57727. invoke: [Function],
  57728. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  57729. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  57730. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  57731. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  57732. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  57733. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  57734. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  57735. isDate: [Function],
  57736. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  57737. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  57738. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  57739. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  57740. isError: [Function: isError],
  57741. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  57742. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  57743. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  57744. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  57745. isMap: [Function],
  57746. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  57747. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  57748. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  57749. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  57750. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  57751. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  57752. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  57753. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  57754. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  57755. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  57756. isRegExp: [Function],
  57757. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  57758. isSet: [Function],
  57759. isString: [Function: isString],
  57760. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  57761. isTypedArray: [Function],
  57762. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  57763. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  57764. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  57765. join: [Function: join],
  57766. kebabCase: [Function],
  57767. last: [Function: last],
  57768. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  57769. lowerCase: [Function],
  57770. lowerFirst: [Function],
  57771. lt: [Function],
  57772. lte: [Function],
  57773. max: [Function: max],
  57774. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  57775. mean: [Function: mean],
  57776. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  57777. min: [Function: min],
  57778. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  57779. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  57780. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  57781. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  57782. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  57783. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  57784. multiply: [Function],
  57785. nth: [Function: nth],
  57786. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  57787. noop: [Function: noop],
  57788. now: [Function],
  57789. pad: [Function: pad],
  57790. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  57791. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  57792. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  57793. random: [Function: random],
  57794. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  57795. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  57796. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  57797. replace: [Function: replace],
  57798. result: [Function: result],
  57799. round: [Function],
  57800. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  57801. sample: [Function: sample],
  57802. size: [Function: size],
  57803. snakeCase: [Function],
  57804. some: [Function: some],
  57805. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  57806. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  57807. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  57808. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  57809. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  57810. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  57811. startCase: [Function],
  57812. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  57813. subtract: [Function],
  57814. sum: [Function: sum],
  57815. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  57816. template: [Function: template],
  57817. times: [Function: times],
  57818. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  57819. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  57820. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  57821. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  57822. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  57823. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  57824. toString: [Function: toString],
  57825. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  57826. trim: [Function: trim],
  57827. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  57828. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  57829. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  57830. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  57831. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  57832. upperCase: [Function],
  57833. upperFirst: [Function],
  57834. each: [Function: forEach],
  57835. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  57836. first: [Function: head],
  57837. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  57838. options:
  57839. { dialect: 'mysql',
  57840. dialectModulePath: null,
  57841. host: 'localhost',
  57842. protocol: 'tcp',
  57843. define: {},
  57844. query: {},
  57845. sync: {},
  57846. timezone: '+00:00',
  57847. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  57848. omitNull: false,
  57849. native: false,
  57850. replication: false,
  57851. ssl: undefined,
  57852. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  57853. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  57854. hooks: {},
  57855. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  57856. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  57857. isolationLevel: null,
  57858. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  57859. typeValidation: false,
  57860. benchmark: false,
  57861. operatorsAliases: false },
  57862. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  57863. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  57864. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  57865. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  57866. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  57867. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  57868. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  57869. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  57870. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  57871. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  57872. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  57873. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  57874. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  57875. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  57876. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  57877. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  57878. quote: [Function: quote],
  57879. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  57880. escape: [Function: escape],
  57881. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  57882. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  57883. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  57884. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  57885. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  57886. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  57887. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  57888. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  57889. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  57890. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  57891. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  57892. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  57893. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  57894. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  57895. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  57896. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  57897. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  57898. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  57899. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  57900. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  57901. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  57902. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  57903. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  57904. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  57905. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  57906. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  57907. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  57908. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  57909. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  57910. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  57911. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  57912. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  57913. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  57914. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  57915. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  57916. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  57917. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  57918. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  57919. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  57920. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  57921. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  57922. _dialect:
  57923. MysqlDialect {
  57924. sequelize: [Circular],
  57925. connectionManager:
  57926. ConnectionManager {
  57927. sequelize: [Circular],
  57928. config:
  57929. { database: 'lbry',
  57930. username: 'root',
  57931. password: 'abcd1234',
  57932. host: 'localhost',
  57933. port: undefined,
  57934. pool:
  57935. { max: 5,
  57936. min: 0,
  57937. acquire: 30000,
  57938. idle: 10000,
  57939. evict: 10000,
  57940. handleDisconnects: true,
  57941. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  57942. Promise:
  57943. { [Function: Promise]
  57944. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  57945. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  57946. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  57947. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  57948. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  57949. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  57950. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  57951. _peekContext: [Function],
  57952. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  57953. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  57954. longStackTraces: [Function],
  57955. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  57956. config: [Function],
  57957. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  57958. is: [Function],
  57959. fromCallback: [Function],
  57960. fromNode: [Function],
  57961. all: [Function],
  57962. cast: [Function],
  57963. fulfilled: [Function],
  57964. resolve: [Function],
  57965. rejected: [Function],
  57966. reject: [Function],
  57967. setScheduler: [Function],
  57968. pending: [Function],
  57969. defer: [Function],
  57970. method: [Function],
  57971. try: [Function],
  57972. attempt: [Function],
  57973. bind: [Function],
  57974. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  57975. join: [Function],
  57976. Promise: [Circular],
  57977. version: '3.5.3',
  57978. map: [Function],
  57979. using: [Function],
  57980. delay: [Function],
  57981. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  57982. spawn: [Function],
  57983. promisify: [Function],
  57984. promisifyAll: [Function],
  57985. props: [Function],
  57986. race: [Function],
  57987. reduce: [Function],
  57988. settle: [Function],
  57989. some: [Function],
  57990. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  57991. filter: [Function],
  57992. each: [Function],
  57993. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  57994. any: [Function],
  57995. default: [Circular] } },
  57996. protocol: 'tcp',
  57997. native: false,
  57998. ssl: undefined,
  57999. replication: false,
  58000. dialectModulePath: null,
  58001. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  58002. dialectOptions: undefined },
  58003. dialect: [Circular],
  58004. versionPromise: null,
  58005. dialectName: 'mysql',
  58006. pool:
  58007. Pool {
  58008. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  58009. _eventsCount: 0,
  58010. _maxListeners: undefined,
  58011. _config:
  58012. PoolOptions {
  58013. fifo: true,
  58014. priorityRange: 1,
  58015. testOnBorrow: true,
  58016. testOnReturn: false,
  58017. autostart: false,
  58018. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  58019. max: 5,
  58020. min: 0,
  58021. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  58022. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  58023. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  58024. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  58025. Promise:
  58026. { [Function: Promise]
  58027. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  58028. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  58029. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  58030. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  58031. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  58032. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  58033. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  58034. _peekContext: [Function],
  58035. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  58036. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  58037. longStackTraces: [Function],
  58038. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  58039. config: [Function],
  58040. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  58041. is: [Function],
  58042. fromCallback: [Function],
  58043. fromNode: [Function],
  58044. all: [Function],
  58045. cast: [Function],
  58046. fulfilled: [Function],
  58047. resolve: [Function],
  58048. rejected: [Function],
  58049. reject: [Function],
  58050. setScheduler: [Function],
  58051. pending: [Function],
  58052. defer: [Function],
  58053. method: [Function],
  58054. try: [Function],
  58055. attempt: [Function],
  58056. bind: [Function],
  58057. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  58058. join: [Function],
  58059. Promise: [Circular],
  58060. version: '3.5.3',
  58061. map: [Function],
  58062. using: [Function],
  58063. delay: [Function],
  58064. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  58065. spawn: [Function],
  58066. promisify: [Function],
  58067. promisifyAll: [Function],
  58068. props: [Function],
  58069. race: [Function],
  58070. reduce: [Function],
  58071. settle: [Function],
  58072. some: [Function],
  58073. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  58074. filter: [Function],
  58075. each: [Function],
  58076. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  58077. any: [Function],
  58078. default: [Circular] } },
  58079. _Promise:
  58080. { [Function: Promise]
  58081. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  58082. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  58083. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  58084. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  58085. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  58086. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  58087. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  58088. _peekContext: [Function],
  58089. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  58090. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  58091. longStackTraces: [Function],
  58092. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  58093. config: [Function],
  58094. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  58095. is: [Function],
  58096. fromCallback: [Function],
  58097. fromNode: [Function],
  58098. all: [Function],
  58099. cast: [Function],
  58100. fulfilled: [Function],
  58101. resolve: [Function],
  58102. rejected: [Function],
  58103. reject: [Function],
  58104. setScheduler: [Function],
  58105. pending: [Function],
  58106. defer: [Function],
  58107. method: [Function],
  58108. try: [Function],
  58109. attempt: [Function],
  58110. bind: [Function],
  58111. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  58112. join: [Function],
  58113. Promise: [Circular],
  58114. version: '3.5.3',
  58115. map: [Function],
  58116. using: [Function],
  58117. delay: [Function],
  58118. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  58119. spawn: [Function],
  58120. promisify: [Function],
  58121. promisifyAll: [Function],
  58122. props: [Function],
  58123. race: [Function],
  58124. reduce: [Function],
  58125. settle: [Function],
  58126. some: [Function],
  58127. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  58128. filter: [Function],
  58129. each: [Function],
  58130. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  58131. any: [Function],
  58132. default: [Circular] },
  58133. _factory:
  58134. { create: [Function: create],
  58135. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  58136. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  58137. _draining: false,
  58138. _started: true,
  58139. _waitingClientsQueue:
  58140. PriorityQueue {
  58141. _size: 1,
  58142. _slots:
  58143. [ Queue {
  58144. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  58145. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  58146. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  58147. _availableObjects:
  58148. Deque {
  58149. _list:
  58150. DoublyLinkedList {
  58151. head:
  58152. { prev: null,
  58153. next:
  58154. { prev: [Circular],
  58155. next: null,
  58156. data:
  58157. PooledResource {
  58158. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  58159. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  58160. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  58161. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  58162. obj:
  58163. Connection {
  58164. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  58165. _eventsCount: 1,
  58166. _maxListeners: undefined,
  58167. config:
  58168. ConnectionConfig {
  58169. isServer: undefined,
  58170. stream: undefined,
  58171. host: 'localhost',
  58172. port: 3306,
  58173. localAddress: undefined,
  58174. socketPath: undefined,
  58175. user: 'root',
  58176. password: 'abcd1234',
  58177. passwordSha1: undefined,
  58178. database: 'lbry',
  58179. connectTimeout: 10000,
  58180. insecureAuth: false,
  58181. supportBigNumbers: true,
  58182. bigNumberStrings: false,
  58183. decimalNumbers: false,
  58184. dateStrings: false,
  58185. debug: undefined,
  58186. trace: true,
  58187. stringifyObjects: false,
  58188. timezone: '+00:00',
  58189. queryFormat: undefined,
  58190. pool: undefined,
  58191. ssl: false,
  58192. multipleStatements: false,
  58193. rowsAsArray: false,
  58194. namedPlaceholders: false,
  58195. nestTables: undefined,
  58196. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  58197. maxPacketSize: 0,
  58198. charsetNumber: 224,
  58199. compress: false,
  58200. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  58201. clientFlags: 8582093,
  58202. connectAttributes: undefined,
  58203. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  58204. stream:
  58205. Socket {
  58206. connecting: false,
  58207. _hadError: false,
  58208. _handle:
  58209. TCP {
  58210. reading: true,
  58211. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  58212. onconnection: null,
  58213. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  58214. _parent: null,
  58215. _host: 'localhost',
  58216. _readableState:
  58217. ReadableState {
  58218. objectMode: false,
  58219. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58220. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  58221. length: 0,
  58222. pipes: null,
  58223. pipesCount: 0,
  58224. flowing: true,
  58225. ended: false,
  58226. endEmitted: false,
  58227. reading: true,
  58228. sync: false,
  58229. needReadable: true,
  58230. emittedReadable: false,
  58231. readableListening: false,
  58232. resumeScheduled: false,
  58233. emitClose: false,
  58234. autoDestroy: false,
  58235. destroyed: false,
  58236. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58237. awaitDrain: 0,
  58238. readingMore: false,
  58239. decoder: null,
  58240. encoding: null },
  58241. readable: true,
  58242. _events:
  58243. [Object: null prototype] {
  58244. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  58245. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  58246. data: [Function],
  58247. close: [Function] },
  58248. _eventsCount: 4,
  58249. _maxListeners: undefined,
  58250. _writableState:
  58251. WritableState {
  58252. objectMode: false,
  58253. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58254. finalCalled: false,
  58255. needDrain: false,
  58256. ending: false,
  58257. ended: false,
  58258. finished: false,
  58259. destroyed: false,
  58260. decodeStrings: false,
  58261. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58262. length: 0,
  58263. writing: false,
  58264. corked: 0,
  58265. sync: false,
  58266. bufferProcessing: false,
  58267. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  58268. writecb: null,
  58269. writelen: 0,
  58270. bufferedRequest: null,
  58271. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  58272. pendingcb: 0,
  58273. prefinished: false,
  58274. errorEmitted: false,
  58275. emitClose: false,
  58276. autoDestroy: false,
  58277. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  58278. corkedRequestsFree:
  58279. { next: null,
  58280. entry: null,
  58281. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  58282. writable: true,
  58283. allowHalfOpen: false,
  58284. _sockname: null,
  58285. _pendingData: null,
  58286. _pendingEncoding: '',
  58287. server: null,
  58288. _server: null,
  58289. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  58290. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  58291. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  58292. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  58293. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  58294. _internalId: 1,
  58295. _commands:
  58296. Denque {
  58297. _head: 0,
  58298. _tail: 0,
  58299. _capacityMask: 3,
  58300. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  58301. _command: undefined,
  58302. _paused: false,
  58303. _paused_packets:
  58304. Denque {
  58305. _head: 0,
  58306. _tail: 0,
  58307. _capacityMask: 3,
  58308. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  58309. _statements:
  58310. LRUCache {
  58311. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  58312. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  58313. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  58314. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  58315. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  58316. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  58317. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  58318. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  58319. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  58320. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58321. authorized: true,
  58322. sequenceId: 23,
  58323. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  58324. threadId: 1303,
  58325. _handshakePacket:
  58326. Handshake {
  58327. protocolVersion: 10,
  58328. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  58329. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58330. connectionId: 1303,
  58331. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  58332. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  58333. characterSet: 255,
  58334. statusFlags: 2 },
  58335. _fatalError: null,
  58336. _protocolError: null,
  58337. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  58338. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  58339. packetParser:
  58340. PacketParser {
  58341. buffer: [],
  58342. bufferLength: 0,
  58343. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  58344. headerLen: 0,
  58345. length: 5,
  58346. largePacketParts: [],
  58347. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  58348. onPacket: [Function],
  58349. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  58350. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  58351. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  58352. connectTimeout: null,
  58353. connectionId: 1303 },
  58354. state: 'IDLE' } },
  58355. data:
  58356. PooledResource {
  58357. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  58358. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  58359. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  58360. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  58361. obj:
  58362. Connection {
  58363. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  58364. _eventsCount: 1,
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  58369. stream: undefined,
  58370. host: 'localhost',
  58371. port: 3306,
  58372. localAddress: undefined,
  58373. socketPath: undefined,
  58374. user: 'root',
  58375. password: 'abcd1234',
  58376. passwordSha1: undefined,
  58377. database: 'lbry',
  58378. connectTimeout: 10000,
  58379. insecureAuth: false,
  58380. supportBigNumbers: true,
  58381. bigNumberStrings: false,
  58382. decimalNumbers: false,
  58383. dateStrings: false,
  58384. debug: undefined,
  58385. trace: true,
  58386. stringifyObjects: false,
  58387. timezone: '+00:00',
  58388. queryFormat: undefined,
  58389. pool: undefined,
  58390. ssl: false,
  58391. multipleStatements: false,
  58392. rowsAsArray: false,
  58393. namedPlaceholders: false,
  58394. nestTables: undefined,
  58395. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  58397. charsetNumber: 224,
  58398. compress: false,
  58399. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  58400. clientFlags: 8582093,
  58401. connectAttributes: undefined,
  58402. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  58404. Socket {
  58405. connecting: false,
  58406. _hadError: false,
  58407. _handle:
  58408. TCP {
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  58410. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  58411. onconnection: null,
  58412. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  58414. _host: 'localhost',
  58415. _readableState:
  58416. ReadableState {
  58417. objectMode: false,
  58418. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58419. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  58420. length: 0,
  58421. pipes: null,
  58422. pipesCount: 0,
  58423. flowing: true,
  58424. ended: false,
  58425. endEmitted: false,
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  58427. sync: false,
  58428. needReadable: true,
  58429. emittedReadable: false,
  58430. readableListening: false,
  58431. resumeScheduled: false,
  58432. emitClose: false,
  58433. autoDestroy: false,
  58434. destroyed: false,
  58435. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58436. awaitDrain: 0,
  58437. readingMore: false,
  58438. decoder: null,
  58439. encoding: null },
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  58443. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  58444. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  58445. data: [Function],
  58446. close: [Function] },
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  58453. finalCalled: false,
  58454. needDrain: false,
  58455. ending: false,
  58456. ended: false,
  58457. finished: false,
  58458. destroyed: false,
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  58460. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58461. length: 0,
  58462. writing: false,
  58463. corked: 0,
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  58468. writelen: 0,
  58469. bufferedRequest: null,
  58470. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  58471. pendingcb: 0,
  58472. prefinished: false,
  58473. errorEmitted: false,
  58474. emitClose: false,
  58475. autoDestroy: false,
  58476. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  58477. corkedRequestsFree:
  58478. { next: null,
  58479. entry: null,
  58480. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  58482. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  58485. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  58487. _server: null,
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  58489. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  58490. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  58491. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  58492. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  58493. _internalId: 2,
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  58495. Denque {
  58496. _head: 0,
  58497. _tail: 0,
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  58499. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  58502. _paused_packets:
  58503. Denque {
  58504. _head: 0,
  58505. _tail: 0,
  58506. _capacityMask: 3,
  58507. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  58511. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  58512. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  58513. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  58514. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  58515. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  58516. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  58517. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  58518. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  58519. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58520. authorized: true,
  58521. sequenceId: 2,
  58522. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  58523. threadId: 1302,
  58524. _handshakePacket:
  58525. Handshake {
  58526. protocolVersion: 10,
  58527. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  58528. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58529. connectionId: 1302,
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  58531. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  58532. characterSet: 255,
  58533. statusFlags: 2 },
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  58535. _protocolError: null,
  58536. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  58537. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  58538. packetParser:
  58539. PacketParser {
  58540. buffer: [],
  58541. bufferLength: 0,
  58542. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  58543. headerLen: 0,
  58544. length: 7,
  58545. largePacketParts: [],
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  58547. onPacket: [Function],
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  58550. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  58551. connectTimeout: null,
  58552. connectionId: 1302 },
  58553. state: 'IDLE' } },
  58554. tail:
  58555. { prev:
  58556. { prev: null,
  58557. next: [Circular],
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  58559. PooledResource {
  58560. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  58561. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  58562. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  58563. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  58564. obj:
  58565. Connection {
  58566. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  58567. _eventsCount: 1,
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  58572. stream: undefined,
  58573. host: 'localhost',
  58574. port: 3306,
  58575. localAddress: undefined,
  58576. socketPath: undefined,
  58577. user: 'root',
  58578. password: 'abcd1234',
  58579. passwordSha1: undefined,
  58580. database: 'lbry',
  58581. connectTimeout: 10000,
  58582. insecureAuth: false,
  58583. supportBigNumbers: true,
  58584. bigNumberStrings: false,
  58585. decimalNumbers: false,
  58586. dateStrings: false,
  58587. debug: undefined,
  58588. trace: true,
  58589. stringifyObjects: false,
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  58591. queryFormat: undefined,
  58592. pool: undefined,
  58593. ssl: false,
  58594. multipleStatements: false,
  58595. rowsAsArray: false,
  58596. namedPlaceholders: false,
  58597. nestTables: undefined,
  58598. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  58600. charsetNumber: 224,
  58601. compress: false,
  58602. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  58603. clientFlags: 8582093,
  58604. connectAttributes: undefined,
  58605. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  58607. Socket {
  58608. connecting: false,
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  58611. TCP {
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  58613. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  58615. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  58619. ReadableState {
  58620. objectMode: false,
  58621. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58622. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  58623. length: 0,
  58624. pipes: null,
  58625. pipesCount: 0,
  58626. flowing: true,
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  58628. endEmitted: false,
  58629. reading: true,
  58630. sync: false,
  58631. needReadable: true,
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  58633. readableListening: false,
  58634. resumeScheduled: false,
  58635. emitClose: false,
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  58637. destroyed: false,
  58638. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58639. awaitDrain: 0,
  58640. readingMore: false,
  58641. decoder: null,
  58642. encoding: null },
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  58645. [Object: null prototype] {
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  58647. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  58648. data: [Function],
  58649. close: [Function] },
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  58657. needDrain: false,
  58658. ending: false,
  58659. ended: false,
  58660. finished: false,
  58661. destroyed: false,
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  58664. length: 0,
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  58666. corked: 0,
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  58673. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  58674. pendingcb: 0,
  58675. prefinished: false,
  58676. errorEmitted: false,
  58677. emitClose: false,
  58678. autoDestroy: false,
  58679. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  58680. corkedRequestsFree:
  58681. { next: null,
  58682. entry: null,
  58683. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  58685. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  58687. _pendingData: null,
  58688. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  58690. _server: null,
  58691. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  58692. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  58693. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  58694. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  58695. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  58696. _internalId: 2,
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  58698. Denque {
  58699. _head: 0,
  58700. _tail: 0,
  58701. _capacityMask: 3,
  58702. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  58706. Denque {
  58707. _head: 0,
  58708. _tail: 0,
  58709. _capacityMask: 3,
  58710. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  58715. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  58716. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  58717. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  58718. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  58719. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  58720. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  58721. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  58722. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58723. authorized: true,
  58724. sequenceId: 2,
  58725. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  58726. threadId: 1302,
  58727. _handshakePacket:
  58728. Handshake {
  58729. protocolVersion: 10,
  58730. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  58731. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58732. connectionId: 1302,
  58733. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  58734. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  58735. characterSet: 255,
  58736. statusFlags: 2 },
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  58738. _protocolError: null,
  58739. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  58741. packetParser:
  58742. PacketParser {
  58743. buffer: [],
  58744. bufferLength: 0,
  58745. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  58746. headerLen: 0,
  58747. length: 7,
  58748. largePacketParts: [],
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  58750. onPacket: [Function],
  58751. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  58753. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  58754. connectTimeout: null,
  58755. connectionId: 1302 },
  58756. state: 'IDLE' } },
  58757. next: null,
  58758. data:
  58759. PooledResource {
  58760. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  58761. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  58762. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  58763. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  58764. obj:
  58765. Connection {
  58766. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  58767. _eventsCount: 1,
  58768. _maxListeners: undefined,
  58769. config:
  58770. ConnectionConfig {
  58771. isServer: undefined,
  58772. stream: undefined,
  58773. host: 'localhost',
  58774. port: 3306,
  58775. localAddress: undefined,
  58776. socketPath: undefined,
  58777. user: 'root',
  58778. password: 'abcd1234',
  58779. passwordSha1: undefined,
  58780. database: 'lbry',
  58781. connectTimeout: 10000,
  58782. insecureAuth: false,
  58783. supportBigNumbers: true,
  58784. bigNumberStrings: false,
  58785. decimalNumbers: false,
  58786. dateStrings: false,
  58787. debug: undefined,
  58788. trace: true,
  58789. stringifyObjects: false,
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  58791. queryFormat: undefined,
  58792. pool: undefined,
  58793. ssl: false,
  58794. multipleStatements: false,
  58795. rowsAsArray: false,
  58796. namedPlaceholders: false,
  58797. nestTables: undefined,
  58798. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  58799. maxPacketSize: 0,
  58800. charsetNumber: 224,
  58801. compress: false,
  58802. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  58803. clientFlags: 8582093,
  58804. connectAttributes: undefined,
  58805. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  58806. stream:
  58807. Socket {
  58808. connecting: false,
  58809. _hadError: false,
  58810. _handle:
  58811. TCP {
  58812. reading: true,
  58813. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  58814. onconnection: null,
  58815. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  58816. _parent: null,
  58817. _host: 'localhost',
  58818. _readableState:
  58819. ReadableState {
  58820. objectMode: false,
  58821. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58822. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  58823. length: 0,
  58824. pipes: null,
  58825. pipesCount: 0,
  58826. flowing: true,
  58827. ended: false,
  58828. endEmitted: false,
  58829. reading: true,
  58830. sync: false,
  58831. needReadable: true,
  58832. emittedReadable: false,
  58833. readableListening: false,
  58834. resumeScheduled: false,
  58835. emitClose: false,
  58836. autoDestroy: false,
  58837. destroyed: false,
  58838. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58839. awaitDrain: 0,
  58840. readingMore: false,
  58841. decoder: null,
  58842. encoding: null },
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  58845. [Object: null prototype] {
  58846. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  58847. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  58848. data: [Function],
  58849. close: [Function] },
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  58851. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  58853. WritableState {
  58854. objectMode: false,
  58855. highWaterMark: 16384,
  58856. finalCalled: false,
  58857. needDrain: false,
  58858. ending: false,
  58859. ended: false,
  58860. finished: false,
  58861. destroyed: false,
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  58863. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  58864. length: 0,
  58865. writing: false,
  58866. corked: 0,
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  58869. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  58871. writelen: 0,
  58872. bufferedRequest: null,
  58873. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  58874. pendingcb: 0,
  58875. prefinished: false,
  58876. errorEmitted: false,
  58877. emitClose: false,
  58878. autoDestroy: false,
  58879. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  58880. corkedRequestsFree:
  58881. { next: null,
  58882. entry: null,
  58883. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  58884. writable: true,
  58885. allowHalfOpen: false,
  58886. _sockname: null,
  58887. _pendingData: null,
  58888. _pendingEncoding: '',
  58889. server: null,
  58890. _server: null,
  58891. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  58892. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  58893. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  58894. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  58895. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  58896. _internalId: 1,
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  58898. Denque {
  58899. _head: 0,
  58900. _tail: 0,
  58901. _capacityMask: 3,
  58902. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  58903. _command: undefined,
  58904. _paused: false,
  58905. _paused_packets:
  58906. Denque {
  58907. _head: 0,
  58908. _tail: 0,
  58909. _capacityMask: 3,
  58910. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  58912. LRUCache {
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  58914. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  58915. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  58916. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  58917. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  58918. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  58919. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  58920. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  58921. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  58922. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58923. authorized: true,
  58924. sequenceId: 23,
  58925. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  58926. threadId: 1303,
  58927. _handshakePacket:
  58928. Handshake {
  58929. protocolVersion: 10,
  58930. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  58931. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  58932. connectionId: 1303,
  58933. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  58934. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  58935. characterSet: 255,
  58936. statusFlags: 2 },
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  58938. _protocolError: null,
  58939. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  58940. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  58941. packetParser:
  58942. PacketParser {
  58943. buffer: [],
  58944. bufferLength: 0,
  58945. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  58946. headerLen: 0,
  58947. length: 5,
  58948. largePacketParts: [],
  58949. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  58950. onPacket: [Function],
  58951. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  58952. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  58953. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  58954. connectTimeout: null,
  58955. connectionId: 1303 },
  58956. state: 'IDLE' } },
  58957. length: 2 } },
  58958. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  58959. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  58960. _validationOperations: Set {},
  58961. _allObjects:
  58962. Set {
  58963. PooledResource {
  58964. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  58965. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  58966. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  58967. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  58968. obj:
  58969. Connection {
  58970. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  58971. _eventsCount: 1,
  58972. _maxListeners: undefined,
  58973. config:
  58974. ConnectionConfig {
  58975. isServer: undefined,
  58976. stream: undefined,
  58977. host: 'localhost',
  58978. port: 3306,
  58979. localAddress: undefined,
  58980. socketPath: undefined,
  58981. user: 'root',
  58982. password: 'abcd1234',
  58983. passwordSha1: undefined,
  58984. database: 'lbry',
  58985. connectTimeout: 10000,
  58986. insecureAuth: false,
  58987. supportBigNumbers: true,
  58988. bigNumberStrings: false,
  58989. decimalNumbers: false,
  58990. dateStrings: false,
  58991. debug: undefined,
  58992. trace: true,
  58993. stringifyObjects: false,
  58994. timezone: '+00:00',
  58995. queryFormat: undefined,
  58996. pool: undefined,
  58997. ssl: false,
  58998. multipleStatements: false,
  58999. rowsAsArray: false,
  59000. namedPlaceholders: false,
  59001. nestTables: undefined,
  59002. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  59003. maxPacketSize: 0,
  59004. charsetNumber: 224,
  59005. compress: false,
  59006. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  59007. clientFlags: 8582093,
  59008. connectAttributes: undefined,
  59009. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  59010. stream:
  59011. Socket {
  59012. connecting: false,
  59013. _hadError: false,
  59014. _handle:
  59015. TCP {
  59016. reading: true,
  59017. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  59018. onconnection: null,
  59019. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  59020. _parent: null,
  59021. _host: 'localhost',
  59022. _readableState:
  59023. ReadableState {
  59024. objectMode: false,
  59025. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59026. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  59027. length: 0,
  59028. pipes: null,
  59029. pipesCount: 0,
  59030. flowing: true,
  59031. ended: false,
  59032. endEmitted: false,
  59033. reading: true,
  59034. sync: false,
  59035. needReadable: true,
  59036. emittedReadable: false,
  59037. readableListening: false,
  59038. resumeScheduled: false,
  59039. emitClose: false,
  59040. autoDestroy: false,
  59041. destroyed: false,
  59042. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59043. awaitDrain: 0,
  59044. readingMore: false,
  59045. decoder: null,
  59046. encoding: null },
  59047. readable: true,
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  59049. [Object: null prototype] {
  59050. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  59051. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  59052. data: [Function],
  59053. close: [Function] },
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  59055. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  59057. WritableState {
  59058. objectMode: false,
  59059. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59060. finalCalled: false,
  59061. needDrain: false,
  59062. ending: false,
  59063. ended: false,
  59064. finished: false,
  59065. destroyed: false,
  59066. decodeStrings: false,
  59067. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59068. length: 0,
  59069. writing: false,
  59070. corked: 0,
  59071. sync: false,
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  59073. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  59075. writelen: 0,
  59076. bufferedRequest: null,
  59077. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  59078. pendingcb: 0,
  59079. prefinished: false,
  59080. errorEmitted: false,
  59081. emitClose: false,
  59082. autoDestroy: false,
  59083. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  59084. corkedRequestsFree:
  59085. { next: null,
  59086. entry: null,
  59087. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  59088. writable: true,
  59089. allowHalfOpen: false,
  59090. _sockname: null,
  59091. _pendingData: null,
  59092. _pendingEncoding: '',
  59093. server: null,
  59094. _server: null,
  59095. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  59096. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  59097. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  59098. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  59099. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  59100. _internalId: 2,
  59101. _commands:
  59102. Denque {
  59103. _head: 0,
  59104. _tail: 0,
  59105. _capacityMask: 3,
  59106. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  59107. _command: undefined,
  59108. _paused: false,
  59109. _paused_packets:
  59110. Denque {
  59111. _head: 0,
  59112. _tail: 0,
  59113. _capacityMask: 3,
  59114. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  59117. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  59118. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  59119. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  59120. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  59121. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  59122. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  59123. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  59124. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  59125. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  59126. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59127. authorized: true,
  59128. sequenceId: 2,
  59129. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  59130. threadId: 1302,
  59131. _handshakePacket:
  59132. Handshake {
  59133. protocolVersion: 10,
  59134. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  59135. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59136. connectionId: 1302,
  59137. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  59138. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  59139. characterSet: 255,
  59140. statusFlags: 2 },
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  59142. _protocolError: null,
  59143. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  59144. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  59145. packetParser:
  59146. PacketParser {
  59147. buffer: [],
  59148. bufferLength: 0,
  59149. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  59150. headerLen: 0,
  59151. length: 7,
  59152. largePacketParts: [],
  59153. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  59154. onPacket: [Function],
  59155. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  59156. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  59157. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  59158. connectTimeout: null,
  59159. connectionId: 1302 },
  59160. state: 'IDLE' },
  59161. PooledResource {
  59162. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  59163. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  59164. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  59165. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  59166. obj:
  59167. Connection {
  59168. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  59169. _eventsCount: 1,
  59170. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  59174. stream: undefined,
  59175. host: 'localhost',
  59176. port: 3306,
  59177. localAddress: undefined,
  59178. socketPath: undefined,
  59179. user: 'root',
  59180. password: 'abcd1234',
  59181. passwordSha1: undefined,
  59182. database: 'lbry',
  59183. connectTimeout: 10000,
  59184. insecureAuth: false,
  59185. supportBigNumbers: true,
  59186. bigNumberStrings: false,
  59187. decimalNumbers: false,
  59188. dateStrings: false,
  59189. debug: undefined,
  59190. trace: true,
  59191. stringifyObjects: false,
  59192. timezone: '+00:00',
  59193. queryFormat: undefined,
  59194. pool: undefined,
  59195. ssl: false,
  59196. multipleStatements: false,
  59197. rowsAsArray: false,
  59198. namedPlaceholders: false,
  59199. nestTables: undefined,
  59200. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  59201. maxPacketSize: 0,
  59202. charsetNumber: 224,
  59203. compress: false,
  59204. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  59205. clientFlags: 8582093,
  59206. connectAttributes: undefined,
  59207. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  59209. Socket {
  59210. connecting: false,
  59211. _hadError: false,
  59212. _handle:
  59213. TCP {
  59214. reading: true,
  59215. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  59216. onconnection: null,
  59217. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  59218. _parent: null,
  59219. _host: 'localhost',
  59220. _readableState:
  59221. ReadableState {
  59222. objectMode: false,
  59223. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59224. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  59225. length: 0,
  59226. pipes: null,
  59227. pipesCount: 0,
  59228. flowing: true,
  59229. ended: false,
  59230. endEmitted: false,
  59231. reading: true,
  59232. sync: false,
  59233. needReadable: true,
  59234. emittedReadable: false,
  59235. readableListening: false,
  59236. resumeScheduled: false,
  59237. emitClose: false,
  59238. autoDestroy: false,
  59239. destroyed: false,
  59240. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59241. awaitDrain: 0,
  59242. readingMore: false,
  59243. decoder: null,
  59244. encoding: null },
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  59247. [Object: null prototype] {
  59248. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  59249. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  59250. data: [Function],
  59251. close: [Function] },
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  59257. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59258. finalCalled: false,
  59259. needDrain: false,
  59260. ending: false,
  59261. ended: false,
  59262. finished: false,
  59263. destroyed: false,
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  59265. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59266. length: 0,
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  59268. corked: 0,
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  59275. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  59276. pendingcb: 0,
  59277. prefinished: false,
  59278. errorEmitted: false,
  59279. emitClose: false,
  59280. autoDestroy: false,
  59281. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  59282. corkedRequestsFree:
  59283. { next: null,
  59284. entry: null,
  59285. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  59286. writable: true,
  59287. allowHalfOpen: false,
  59288. _sockname: null,
  59289. _pendingData: null,
  59290. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  59292. _server: null,
  59293. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  59294. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  59295. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  59296. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  59297. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  59299. _commands:
  59300. Denque {
  59301. _head: 0,
  59302. _tail: 0,
  59303. _capacityMask: 3,
  59304. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  59306. _paused: false,
  59307. _paused_packets:
  59308. Denque {
  59309. _head: 0,
  59310. _tail: 0,
  59311. _capacityMask: 3,
  59312. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  59316. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  59317. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  59318. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  59319. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  59320. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  59321. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  59322. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  59323. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  59324. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59325. authorized: true,
  59326. sequenceId: 23,
  59327. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  59328. threadId: 1303,
  59329. _handshakePacket:
  59330. Handshake {
  59331. protocolVersion: 10,
  59332. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  59333. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59334. connectionId: 1303,
  59335. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  59336. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  59337. characterSet: 255,
  59338. statusFlags: 2 },
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  59340. _protocolError: null,
  59341. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  59342. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  59343. packetParser:
  59344. PacketParser {
  59345. buffer: [],
  59346. bufferLength: 0,
  59347. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  59348. headerLen: 0,
  59349. length: 5,
  59350. largePacketParts: [],
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  59352. onPacket: [Function],
  59353. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  59354. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  59355. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  59356. connectTimeout: null,
  59357. connectionId: 1303 },
  59358. state: 'IDLE' } },
  59359. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  59360. _evictionIterator:
  59361. DequeIterator {
  59362. _list:
  59363. DoublyLinkedList {
  59364. head:
  59365. { prev: null,
  59366. next:
  59367. { prev: [Circular],
  59368. next: null,
  59369. data:
  59370. PooledResource {
  59371. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  59372. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  59373. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  59374. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  59375. obj:
  59376. Connection {
  59377. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  59378. _eventsCount: 1,
  59379. _maxListeners: undefined,
  59380. config:
  59381. ConnectionConfig {
  59382. isServer: undefined,
  59383. stream: undefined,
  59384. host: 'localhost',
  59385. port: 3306,
  59386. localAddress: undefined,
  59387. socketPath: undefined,
  59388. user: 'root',
  59389. password: 'abcd1234',
  59390. passwordSha1: undefined,
  59391. database: 'lbry',
  59392. connectTimeout: 10000,
  59393. insecureAuth: false,
  59394. supportBigNumbers: true,
  59395. bigNumberStrings: false,
  59396. decimalNumbers: false,
  59397. dateStrings: false,
  59398. debug: undefined,
  59399. trace: true,
  59400. stringifyObjects: false,
  59401. timezone: '+00:00',
  59402. queryFormat: undefined,
  59403. pool: undefined,
  59404. ssl: false,
  59405. multipleStatements: false,
  59406. rowsAsArray: false,
  59407. namedPlaceholders: false,
  59408. nestTables: undefined,
  59409. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  59410. maxPacketSize: 0,
  59411. charsetNumber: 224,
  59412. compress: false,
  59413. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  59414. clientFlags: 8582093,
  59415. connectAttributes: undefined,
  59416. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  59417. stream:
  59418. Socket {
  59419. connecting: false,
  59420. _hadError: false,
  59421. _handle:
  59422. TCP {
  59423. reading: true,
  59424. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  59425. onconnection: null,
  59426. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  59427. _parent: null,
  59428. _host: 'localhost',
  59429. _readableState:
  59430. ReadableState {
  59431. objectMode: false,
  59432. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59433. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  59434. length: 0,
  59435. pipes: null,
  59436. pipesCount: 0,
  59437. flowing: true,
  59438. ended: false,
  59439. endEmitted: false,
  59440. reading: true,
  59441. sync: false,
  59442. needReadable: true,
  59443. emittedReadable: false,
  59444. readableListening: false,
  59445. resumeScheduled: false,
  59446. emitClose: false,
  59447. autoDestroy: false,
  59448. destroyed: false,
  59449. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59450. awaitDrain: 0,
  59451. readingMore: false,
  59452. decoder: null,
  59453. encoding: null },
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  59456. [Object: null prototype] {
  59457. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  59458. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  59459. data: [Function],
  59460. close: [Function] },
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  59462. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  59464. WritableState {
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  59466. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59467. finalCalled: false,
  59468. needDrain: false,
  59469. ending: false,
  59470. ended: false,
  59471. finished: false,
  59472. destroyed: false,
  59473. decodeStrings: false,
  59474. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59475. length: 0,
  59476. writing: false,
  59477. corked: 0,
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  59484. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  59485. pendingcb: 0,
  59486. prefinished: false,
  59487. errorEmitted: false,
  59488. emitClose: false,
  59489. autoDestroy: false,
  59490. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  59491. corkedRequestsFree:
  59492. { next: null,
  59493. entry: null,
  59494. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  59495. writable: true,
  59496. allowHalfOpen: false,
  59497. _sockname: null,
  59498. _pendingData: null,
  59499. _pendingEncoding: '',
  59500. server: null,
  59501. _server: null,
  59502. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  59503. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  59504. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  59505. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  59506. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  59507. _internalId: 1,
  59508. _commands:
  59509. Denque {
  59510. _head: 0,
  59511. _tail: 0,
  59512. _capacityMask: 3,
  59513. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  59514. _command: undefined,
  59515. _paused: false,
  59516. _paused_packets:
  59517. Denque {
  59518. _head: 0,
  59519. _tail: 0,
  59520. _capacityMask: 3,
  59521. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  59522. _statements:
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  59525. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  59526. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  59527. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  59528. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  59529. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  59530. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  59531. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  59532. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  59533. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59534. authorized: true,
  59535. sequenceId: 23,
  59536. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  59537. threadId: 1303,
  59538. _handshakePacket:
  59539. Handshake {
  59540. protocolVersion: 10,
  59541. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  59542. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59543. connectionId: 1303,
  59544. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  59545. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  59546. characterSet: 255,
  59547. statusFlags: 2 },
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  59549. _protocolError: null,
  59550. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  59551. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  59552. packetParser:
  59553. PacketParser {
  59554. buffer: [],
  59555. bufferLength: 0,
  59556. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  59557. headerLen: 0,
  59558. length: 5,
  59559. largePacketParts: [],
  59560. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  59561. onPacket: [Function],
  59562. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  59563. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  59564. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  59565. connectTimeout: null,
  59566. connectionId: 1303 },
  59567. state: 'IDLE' } },
  59568. data:
  59569. PooledResource {
  59570. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  59571. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  59572. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  59573. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  59574. obj:
  59575. Connection {
  59576. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  59577. _eventsCount: 1,
  59578. _maxListeners: undefined,
  59579. config:
  59580. ConnectionConfig {
  59581. isServer: undefined,
  59582. stream: undefined,
  59583. host: 'localhost',
  59584. port: 3306,
  59585. localAddress: undefined,
  59586. socketPath: undefined,
  59587. user: 'root',
  59588. password: 'abcd1234',
  59589. passwordSha1: undefined,
  59590. database: 'lbry',
  59591. connectTimeout: 10000,
  59592. insecureAuth: false,
  59593. supportBigNumbers: true,
  59594. bigNumberStrings: false,
  59595. decimalNumbers: false,
  59596. dateStrings: false,
  59597. debug: undefined,
  59598. trace: true,
  59599. stringifyObjects: false,
  59600. timezone: '+00:00',
  59601. queryFormat: undefined,
  59602. pool: undefined,
  59603. ssl: false,
  59604. multipleStatements: false,
  59605. rowsAsArray: false,
  59606. namedPlaceholders: false,
  59607. nestTables: undefined,
  59608. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  59610. charsetNumber: 224,
  59611. compress: false,
  59612. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  59613. clientFlags: 8582093,
  59614. connectAttributes: undefined,
  59615. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  59616. stream:
  59617. Socket {
  59618. connecting: false,
  59619. _hadError: false,
  59620. _handle:
  59621. TCP {
  59622. reading: true,
  59623. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  59624. onconnection: null,
  59625. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  59626. _parent: null,
  59627. _host: 'localhost',
  59628. _readableState:
  59629. ReadableState {
  59630. objectMode: false,
  59631. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59632. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  59633. length: 0,
  59634. pipes: null,
  59635. pipesCount: 0,
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  59638. endEmitted: false,
  59639. reading: true,
  59640. sync: false,
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  59642. emittedReadable: false,
  59643. readableListening: false,
  59644. resumeScheduled: false,
  59645. emitClose: false,
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  59647. destroyed: false,
  59648. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59649. awaitDrain: 0,
  59650. readingMore: false,
  59651. decoder: null,
  59652. encoding: null },
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  59655. [Object: null prototype] {
  59656. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  59657. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  59658. data: [Function],
  59659. close: [Function] },
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  59661. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  59663. WritableState {
  59664. objectMode: false,
  59665. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59666. finalCalled: false,
  59667. needDrain: false,
  59668. ending: false,
  59669. ended: false,
  59670. finished: false,
  59671. destroyed: false,
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  59673. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59674. length: 0,
  59675. writing: false,
  59676. corked: 0,
  59677. sync: false,
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  59679. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  59681. writelen: 0,
  59682. bufferedRequest: null,
  59683. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  59684. pendingcb: 0,
  59685. prefinished: false,
  59686. errorEmitted: false,
  59687. emitClose: false,
  59688. autoDestroy: false,
  59689. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  59690. corkedRequestsFree:
  59691. { next: null,
  59692. entry: null,
  59693. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  59694. writable: true,
  59695. allowHalfOpen: false,
  59696. _sockname: null,
  59697. _pendingData: null,
  59698. _pendingEncoding: '',
  59699. server: null,
  59700. _server: null,
  59701. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  59702. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  59703. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  59704. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  59705. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  59706. _internalId: 2,
  59707. _commands:
  59708. Denque {
  59709. _head: 0,
  59710. _tail: 0,
  59711. _capacityMask: 3,
  59712. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  59713. _command: undefined,
  59714. _paused: false,
  59715. _paused_packets:
  59716. Denque {
  59717. _head: 0,
  59718. _tail: 0,
  59719. _capacityMask: 3,
  59720. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  59721. _statements:
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  59723. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  59724. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  59725. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  59726. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  59727. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  59728. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  59729. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  59730. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  59731. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  59732. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59733. authorized: true,
  59734. sequenceId: 2,
  59735. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  59736. threadId: 1302,
  59737. _handshakePacket:
  59738. Handshake {
  59739. protocolVersion: 10,
  59740. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  59741. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59742. connectionId: 1302,
  59743. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  59744. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  59745. characterSet: 255,
  59746. statusFlags: 2 },
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  59748. _protocolError: null,
  59749. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  59750. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  59751. packetParser:
  59752. PacketParser {
  59753. buffer: [],
  59754. bufferLength: 0,
  59755. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  59756. headerLen: 0,
  59757. length: 7,
  59758. largePacketParts: [],
  59759. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  59760. onPacket: [Function],
  59761. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  59762. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  59763. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  59764. connectTimeout: null,
  59765. connectionId: 1302 },
  59766. state: 'IDLE' } },
  59767. tail:
  59768. { prev:
  59769. { prev: null,
  59770. next: [Circular],
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  59772. PooledResource {
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  59774. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  59775. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  59776. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  59777. obj:
  59778. Connection {
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  59780. _eventsCount: 1,
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  59784. isServer: undefined,
  59785. stream: undefined,
  59786. host: 'localhost',
  59787. port: 3306,
  59788. localAddress: undefined,
  59789. socketPath: undefined,
  59790. user: 'root',
  59791. password: 'abcd1234',
  59792. passwordSha1: undefined,
  59793. database: 'lbry',
  59794. connectTimeout: 10000,
  59795. insecureAuth: false,
  59796. supportBigNumbers: true,
  59797. bigNumberStrings: false,
  59798. decimalNumbers: false,
  59799. dateStrings: false,
  59800. debug: undefined,
  59801. trace: true,
  59802. stringifyObjects: false,
  59803. timezone: '+00:00',
  59804. queryFormat: undefined,
  59805. pool: undefined,
  59806. ssl: false,
  59807. multipleStatements: false,
  59808. rowsAsArray: false,
  59809. namedPlaceholders: false,
  59810. nestTables: undefined,
  59811. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  59812. maxPacketSize: 0,
  59813. charsetNumber: 224,
  59814. compress: false,
  59815. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  59816. clientFlags: 8582093,
  59817. connectAttributes: undefined,
  59818. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  59820. Socket {
  59821. connecting: false,
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  59824. TCP {
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  59826. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  59828. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  59830. _host: 'localhost',
  59831. _readableState:
  59832. ReadableState {
  59833. objectMode: false,
  59834. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59835. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  59836. length: 0,
  59837. pipes: null,
  59838. pipesCount: 0,
  59839. flowing: true,
  59840. ended: false,
  59841. endEmitted: false,
  59842. reading: true,
  59843. sync: false,
  59844. needReadable: true,
  59845. emittedReadable: false,
  59846. readableListening: false,
  59847. resumeScheduled: false,
  59848. emitClose: false,
  59849. autoDestroy: false,
  59850. destroyed: false,
  59851. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59852. awaitDrain: 0,
  59853. readingMore: false,
  59854. decoder: null,
  59855. encoding: null },
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  59858. [Object: null prototype] {
  59859. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  59860. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  59861. data: [Function],
  59862. close: [Function] },
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  59864. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  59868. highWaterMark: 16384,
  59869. finalCalled: false,
  59870. needDrain: false,
  59871. ending: false,
  59872. ended: false,
  59873. finished: false,
  59874. destroyed: false,
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  59876. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  59877. length: 0,
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  59879. corked: 0,
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  59884. writelen: 0,
  59885. bufferedRequest: null,
  59886. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  59887. pendingcb: 0,
  59888. prefinished: false,
  59889. errorEmitted: false,
  59890. emitClose: false,
  59891. autoDestroy: false,
  59892. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  59893. corkedRequestsFree:
  59894. { next: null,
  59895. entry: null,
  59896. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  59898. allowHalfOpen: false,
  59899. _sockname: null,
  59900. _pendingData: null,
  59901. _pendingEncoding: '',
  59902. server: null,
  59903. _server: null,
  59904. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  59905. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  59906. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  59907. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  59908. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  59909. _internalId: 2,
  59910. _commands:
  59911. Denque {
  59912. _head: 0,
  59913. _tail: 0,
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  59915. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  59918. _paused_packets:
  59919. Denque {
  59920. _head: 0,
  59921. _tail: 0,
  59922. _capacityMask: 3,
  59923. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  59929. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  59930. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  59931. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  59932. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  59933. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  59934. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  59935. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59936. authorized: true,
  59937. sequenceId: 2,
  59938. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  59939. threadId: 1302,
  59940. _handshakePacket:
  59941. Handshake {
  59942. protocolVersion: 10,
  59943. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  59944. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  59945. connectionId: 1302,
  59946. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  59947. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  59948. characterSet: 255,
  59949. statusFlags: 2 },
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  59951. _protocolError: null,
  59952. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  59953. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  59954. packetParser:
  59955. PacketParser {
  59956. buffer: [],
  59957. bufferLength: 0,
  59958. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  59959. headerLen: 0,
  59960. length: 7,
  59961. largePacketParts: [],
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  59963. onPacket: [Function],
  59964. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  59965. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  59966. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  59967. connectTimeout: null,
  59968. connectionId: 1302 },
  59969. state: 'IDLE' } },
  59970. next: null,
  59971. data:
  59972. PooledResource {
  59973. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  59974. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  59975. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  59976. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  59977. obj:
  59978. Connection {
  59979. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  59980. _eventsCount: 1,
  59981. _maxListeners: undefined,
  59982. config:
  59983. ConnectionConfig {
  59984. isServer: undefined,
  59985. stream: undefined,
  59986. host: 'localhost',
  59987. port: 3306,
  59988. localAddress: undefined,
  59989. socketPath: undefined,
  59990. user: 'root',
  59991. password: 'abcd1234',
  59992. passwordSha1: undefined,
  59993. database: 'lbry',
  59994. connectTimeout: 10000,
  59995. insecureAuth: false,
  59996. supportBigNumbers: true,
  59997. bigNumberStrings: false,
  59998. decimalNumbers: false,
  59999. dateStrings: false,
  60000. debug: undefined,
  60001. trace: true,
  60002. stringifyObjects: false,
  60003. timezone: '+00:00',
  60004. queryFormat: undefined,
  60005. pool: undefined,
  60006. ssl: false,
  60007. multipleStatements: false,
  60008. rowsAsArray: false,
  60009. namedPlaceholders: false,
  60010. nestTables: undefined,
  60011. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  60012. maxPacketSize: 0,
  60013. charsetNumber: 224,
  60014. compress: false,
  60015. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  60016. clientFlags: 8582093,
  60017. connectAttributes: undefined,
  60018. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  60019. stream:
  60020. Socket {
  60021. connecting: false,
  60022. _hadError: false,
  60023. _handle:
  60024. TCP {
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  60026. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  60027. onconnection: null,
  60028. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  60029. _parent: null,
  60030. _host: 'localhost',
  60031. _readableState:
  60032. ReadableState {
  60033. objectMode: false,
  60034. highWaterMark: 16384,
  60035. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  60036. length: 0,
  60037. pipes: null,
  60038. pipesCount: 0,
  60039. flowing: true,
  60040. ended: false,
  60041. endEmitted: false,
  60042. reading: true,
  60043. sync: false,
  60044. needReadable: true,
  60045. emittedReadable: false,
  60046. readableListening: false,
  60047. resumeScheduled: false,
  60048. emitClose: false,
  60049. autoDestroy: false,
  60050. destroyed: false,
  60051. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  60052. awaitDrain: 0,
  60053. readingMore: false,
  60054. decoder: null,
  60055. encoding: null },
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  60058. [Object: null prototype] {
  60059. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  60060. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  60061. data: [Function],
  60062. close: [Function] },
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  60064. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  60066. WritableState {
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  60068. highWaterMark: 16384,
  60069. finalCalled: false,
  60070. needDrain: false,
  60071. ending: false,
  60072. ended: false,
  60073. finished: false,
  60074. destroyed: false,
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  60076. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  60077. length: 0,
  60078. writing: false,
  60079. corked: 0,
  60080. sync: false,
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  60084. writelen: 0,
  60085. bufferedRequest: null,
  60086. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  60087. pendingcb: 0,
  60088. prefinished: false,
  60089. errorEmitted: false,
  60090. emitClose: false,
  60091. autoDestroy: false,
  60092. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  60093. corkedRequestsFree:
  60094. { next: null,
  60095. entry: null,
  60096. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  60097. writable: true,
  60098. allowHalfOpen: false,
  60099. _sockname: null,
  60100. _pendingData: null,
  60101. _pendingEncoding: '',
  60102. server: null,
  60103. _server: null,
  60104. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  60105. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  60106. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  60107. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  60108. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  60109. _internalId: 1,
  60110. _commands:
  60111. Denque {
  60112. _head: 0,
  60113. _tail: 0,
  60114. _capacityMask: 3,
  60115. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  60116. _command: undefined,
  60117. _paused: false,
  60118. _paused_packets:
  60119. Denque {
  60120. _head: 0,
  60121. _tail: 0,
  60122. _capacityMask: 3,
  60123. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  60124. _statements:
  60125. LRUCache {
  60126. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  60127. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  60128. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  60129. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  60130. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  60131. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  60132. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  60133. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  60134. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  60135. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  60136. authorized: true,
  60137. sequenceId: 23,
  60138. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  60139. threadId: 1303,
  60140. _handshakePacket:
  60141. Handshake {
  60142. protocolVersion: 10,
  60143. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  60144. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  60145. connectionId: 1303,
  60146. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  60147. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  60148. characterSet: 255,
  60149. statusFlags: 2 },
  60150. _fatalError: null,
  60151. _protocolError: null,
  60152. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  60153. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  60154. packetParser:
  60155. PacketParser {
  60156. buffer: [],
  60157. bufferLength: 0,
  60158. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  60159. headerLen: 0,
  60160. length: 5,
  60161. largePacketParts: [],
  60162. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  60163. onPacket: [Function],
  60164. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  60165. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  60166. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  60167. connectTimeout: null,
  60168. connectionId: 1303 },
  60169. state: 'IDLE' } },
  60170. length: 2 },
  60171. _direction: 'next',
  60172. _startPosition: 'head',
  60173. _started: false,
  60174. _cursor: null,
  60175. _done: false },
  60176. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  60177. _scheduledEviction:
  60178. Timeout {
  60179. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  60180. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  60181. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  60182. _idleStart: 432,
  60183. _onTimeout: [Function],
  60184. _timerArgs: undefined,
  60185. _repeat: null,
  60186. _destroyed: false,
  60187. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  60188. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  60189. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  60190. lib:
  60191. { createConnection: [Function],
  60192. connect: [Function],
  60193. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  60194. createPool: [Function],
  60195. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  60196. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  60197. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  60198. createServer: [Function],
  60199. PoolConnection:
  60200. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  60201. escape: [Function: escape],
  60202. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  60203. format: [Function: format],
  60204. raw: [Function: raw],
  60205. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  60206. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  60207. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  60208. Types: [Getter],
  60209. Charsets: [Getter],
  60210. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  60211. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  60212. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  60213. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  60214. sequelize: [Circular],
  60215. typeValidation: undefined } },
  60216. models:
  60217. { Balloons:
  60218. { [Function: Balloons]
  60219. sequelize: [Circular],
  60220. options: [Circular],
  60221. associations: {},
  60222. underscored: undefined,
  60223. tableName: 'Balloons',
  60224. _schema: null,
  60225. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  60226. rawAttributes:
  60227. { id:
  60228. { type:
  60229. INTEGER {
  60230. options: { length: undefined },
  60231. _length: undefined,
  60232. _zerofill: undefined,
  60233. _decimals: undefined,
  60234. _precision: undefined,
  60235. _scale: undefined,
  60236. _unsigned: undefined },
  60237. allowNull: false,
  60238. primaryKey: true,
  60239. autoIncrement: true,
  60240. _autoGenerated: true,
  60241. Model: [Circular],
  60242. fieldName: 'id',
  60243. _modelAttribute: true,
  60244. field: 'id' },
  60245. size:
  60246. { type:
  60247. STRING {
  60248. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  60249. _binary: undefined,
  60250. _length: 255 },
  60251. Model: [Circular],
  60252. fieldName: 'size',
  60253. _modelAttribute: true,
  60254. field: 'size' },
  60255. color:
  60256. { type:
  60257. STRING {
  60258. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  60259. _binary: undefined,
  60260. _length: 255 },
  60261. Model: [Circular],
  60262. fieldName: 'color',
  60263. _modelAttribute: true,
  60264. field: 'color' },
  60265. createdAt:
  60266. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  60267. allowNull: false,
  60268. _autoGenerated: true,
  60269. Model: [Circular],
  60270. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  60271. _modelAttribute: true,
  60272. field: 'createdAt' },
  60273. updatedAt:
  60274. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  60275. allowNull: false,
  60276. _autoGenerated: true,
  60277. Model: [Circular],
  60278. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  60279. _modelAttribute: true,
  60280. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  60281. primaryKeys:
  60282. { id:
  60283. { type:
  60284. INTEGER {
  60285. options: { length: undefined },
  60286. _length: undefined,
  60287. _zerofill: undefined,
  60288. _decimals: undefined,
  60289. _precision: undefined,
  60290. _scale: undefined,
  60291. _unsigned: undefined },
  60292. allowNull: false,
  60293. primaryKey: true,
  60294. autoIncrement: true,
  60295. _autoGenerated: true,
  60296. Model: [Circular],
  60297. fieldName: 'id',
  60298. _modelAttribute: true,
  60299. field: 'id' } },
  60300. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  60301. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  60302. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  60303. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  60304. { [Function: memoized]
  60305. cache:
  60306. MapCache {
  60307. size: 0,
  60308. __data__:
  60309. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  60310. map: Map {},
  60311. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  60312. _dataTypeChanges:
  60313. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  60314. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  60315. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  60316. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  60317. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  60318. _booleanAttributes: [],
  60319. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  60320. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  60321. _rangeAttributes: [],
  60322. _jsonAttributes: [],
  60323. _geometryAttributes: [],
  60324. _virtualAttributes: [],
  60325. _defaultValues: {},
  60326. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  60327. { id:
  60328. { type:
  60329. INTEGER {
  60330. options: { length: undefined },
  60331. _length: undefined,
  60332. _zerofill: undefined,
  60333. _decimals: undefined,
  60334. _precision: undefined,
  60335. _scale: undefined,
  60336. _unsigned: undefined },
  60337. allowNull: false,
  60338. primaryKey: true,
  60339. autoIncrement: true,
  60340. _autoGenerated: true,
  60341. Model: [Circular],
  60342. fieldName: 'id',
  60343. _modelAttribute: true,
  60344. field: 'id' },
  60345. size:
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  60380. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  60517. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  60556. field: 'color' },
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  60603. INTEGER {
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  60646. field: 'createdAt' },
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  60654. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  60673. field: 'id' } },
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  60868. STRING {
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  60870. _binary: undefined,
  60871. _length: 255 },
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  60891. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  60916. _length: 255 },
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  60923. STRING {
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  60925. _binary: undefined,
  60926. _length: 255 },
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  60967. config:
  60968. { database: 'lbry',
  60969. username: 'root',
  60970. password: 'abcd1234',
  60971. host: 'localhost',
  60972. port: undefined,
  60973. pool:
  60974. { max: 5,
  60975. min: 0,
  60976. acquire: 30000,
  60977. idle: 10000,
  60978. evict: 10000,
  60979. handleDisconnects: true,
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  60981. Promise:
  60982. { [Function: Promise]
  60983. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  60984. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  60985. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  60986. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  60987. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  60988. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
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  60999. fromNode: [Function],
  61000. all: [Function],
  61001. cast: [Function],
  61002. fulfilled: [Function],
  61003. resolve: [Function],
  61004. rejected: [Function],
  61005. reject: [Function],
  61006. setScheduler: [Function],
  61007. pending: [Function],
  61008. defer: [Function],
  61009. method: [Function],
  61010. try: [Function],
  61011. attempt: [Function],
  61012. bind: [Function],
  61013. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  61014. join: [Function],
  61015. Promise: [Circular],
  61016. version: '3.5.3',
  61017. map: [Function],
  61018. using: [Function],
  61019. delay: [Function],
  61020. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  61021. spawn: [Function],
  61022. promisify: [Function],
  61023. promisifyAll: [Function],
  61024. props: [Function],
  61025. race: [Function],
  61026. reduce: [Function],
  61027. settle: [Function],
  61028. some: [Function],
  61029. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  61030. filter: [Function],
  61031. each: [Function],
  61032. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  61033. any: [Function],
  61034. default: [Circular] } },
  61035. protocol: 'tcp',
  61036. native: false,
  61037. ssl: undefined,
  61038. replication: false,
  61039. dialectModulePath: null,
  61040. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  61041. dialectOptions: undefined },
  61042. dialect:
  61043. MysqlDialect {
  61044. sequelize: [Circular],
  61045. connectionManager: [Circular],
  61046. QueryGenerator:
  61047. { dialect: 'mysql',
  61048. OperatorMap:
  61049. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  61050. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  61051. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  61052. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  61053. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  61054. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  61055. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  61056. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  61057. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  61058. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  61059. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  61060. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  61061. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  61062. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  61063. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  61064. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  61065. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  61066. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  61067. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  61068. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  61069. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  61070. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  61071. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  61072. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  61073. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  61074. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  61075. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  61076. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  61077. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  61078. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  61079. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  61080. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  61081. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  61082. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  61083. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  61084. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  61085. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  61086. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  61087. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  61088. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  61089. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  61090. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  61091. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  61092. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  61093. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  61094. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  61095. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  61096. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  61097. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  61098. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  61099. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  61100. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  61101. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  61102. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  61103. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  61104. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  61105. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  61106. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  61107. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  61108. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  61109. _templateSettings:
  61110. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  61111. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  61112. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  61113. variable: '',
  61114. imports:
  61115. { _:
  61116. { [Function: lodash]
  61117. templateSettings: [Circular],
  61118. after: [Function: after],
  61119. ary: [Function: ary],
  61120. assign: [Function],
  61121. assignIn: [Function],
  61122. assignInWith: [Function],
  61123. assignWith: [Function],
  61124. at: [Function],
  61125. before: [Function: before],
  61126. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61127. bindAll: [Function],
  61128. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61129. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  61130. chain: [Function: chain],
  61131. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  61132. compact: [Function: compact],
  61133. concat: [Function: concat],
  61134. cond: [Function: cond],
  61135. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  61136. constant: [Function: constant],
  61137. countBy: [Function],
  61138. create: [Function: create],
  61139. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61140. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61141. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  61142. defaults: [Function],
  61143. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  61144. defer: [Function],
  61145. delay: [Function],
  61146. difference: [Function],
  61147. differenceBy: [Function],
  61148. differenceWith: [Function],
  61149. drop: [Function: drop],
  61150. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  61151. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  61152. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  61153. fill: [Function: fill],
  61154. filter: [Function: filter],
  61155. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  61156. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  61157. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  61158. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  61159. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  61160. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  61161. flip: [Function: flip],
  61162. flow: [Function],
  61163. flowRight: [Function],
  61164. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  61165. functions: [Function: functions],
  61166. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  61167. groupBy: [Function],
  61168. initial: [Function: initial],
  61169. intersection: [Function],
  61170. intersectionBy: [Function],
  61171. intersectionWith: [Function],
  61172. invert: [Function],
  61173. invertBy: [Function],
  61174. invokeMap: [Function],
  61175. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  61176. keyBy: [Function],
  61177. keys: [Function: keys],
  61178. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  61179. map: [Function: map],
  61180. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  61181. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  61182. matches: [Function: matches],
  61183. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  61184. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  61185. merge: [Function],
  61186. mergeWith: [Function],
  61187. method: [Function],
  61188. methodOf: [Function],
  61189. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  61190. negate: [Function: negate],
  61191. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  61192. omit: [Function],
  61193. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  61194. once: [Function: once],
  61195. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  61196. over: [Function],
  61197. overArgs: [Function],
  61198. overEvery: [Function],
  61199. overSome: [Function],
  61200. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61201. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  61202. partition: [Function],
  61203. pick: [Function],
  61204. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  61205. property: [Function: property],
  61206. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  61207. pull: [Function],
  61208. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  61209. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  61210. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  61211. pullAt: [Function],
  61212. range: [Function],
  61213. rangeRight: [Function],
  61214. rearg: [Function],
  61215. reject: [Function: reject],
  61216. remove: [Function: remove],
  61217. rest: [Function: rest],
  61218. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  61219. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  61220. set: [Function: set],
  61221. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  61222. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  61223. slice: [Function: slice],
  61224. sortBy: [Function],
  61225. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  61226. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  61227. split: [Function: split],
  61228. spread: [Function: spread],
  61229. tail: [Function: tail],
  61230. take: [Function: take],
  61231. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  61232. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  61233. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  61234. tap: [Function: tap],
  61235. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  61236. thru: [Function: thru],
  61237. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  61238. toPairs: [Function],
  61239. toPairsIn: [Function],
  61240. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  61241. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  61242. transform: [Function: transform],
  61243. unary: [Function: unary],
  61244. union: [Function],
  61245. unionBy: [Function],
  61246. unionWith: [Function],
  61247. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  61248. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  61249. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  61250. unset: [Function: unset],
  61251. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  61252. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  61253. update: [Function: update],
  61254. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  61255. values: [Function: values],
  61256. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  61257. without: [Function],
  61258. words: [Function: words],
  61259. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  61260. xor: [Function],
  61261. xorBy: [Function],
  61262. xorWith: [Function],
  61263. zip: [Function],
  61264. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  61265. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  61266. zipWith: [Function],
  61267. entries: [Function],
  61268. entriesIn: [Function],
  61269. extend: [Function],
  61270. extendWith: [Function],
  61271. add: [Function],
  61272. attempt: [Function],
  61273. camelCase: [Function],
  61274. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  61275. ceil: [Function],
  61276. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  61277. clone: [Function: clone],
  61278. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  61279. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  61280. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  61281. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  61282. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  61283. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  61284. divide: [Function],
  61285. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  61286. eq: [Function: eq],
  61287. escape: [Function: escape],
  61288. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  61289. every: [Function: every],
  61290. find: [Function],
  61291. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  61292. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  61293. findLast: [Function],
  61294. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  61295. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  61296. floor: [Function],
  61297. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  61298. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  61299. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  61300. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  61301. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  61302. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  61303. get: [Function: get],
  61304. gt: [Function],
  61305. gte: [Function],
  61306. has: [Function: has],
  61307. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  61308. head: [Function: head],
  61309. identity: [Function: identity],
  61310. includes: [Function: includes],
  61311. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  61312. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  61313. invoke: [Function],
  61314. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  61315. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  61316. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  61317. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  61318. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  61319. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  61320. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  61321. isDate: [Function],
  61322. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  61323. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  61324. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  61325. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  61326. isError: [Function: isError],
  61327. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  61328. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  61329. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  61330. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  61331. isMap: [Function],
  61332. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  61333. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  61334. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  61335. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  61336. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  61337. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  61338. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  61339. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  61340. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  61341. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  61342. isRegExp: [Function],
  61343. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  61344. isSet: [Function],
  61345. isString: [Function: isString],
  61346. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  61347. isTypedArray: [Function],
  61348. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  61349. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  61350. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  61351. join: [Function: join],
  61352. kebabCase: [Function],
  61353. last: [Function: last],
  61354. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  61355. lowerCase: [Function],
  61356. lowerFirst: [Function],
  61357. lt: [Function],
  61358. lte: [Function],
  61359. max: [Function: max],
  61360. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  61361. mean: [Function: mean],
  61362. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  61363. min: [Function: min],
  61364. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  61365. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  61366. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  61367. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  61368. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  61369. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  61370. multiply: [Function],
  61371. nth: [Function: nth],
  61372. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  61373. noop: [Function: noop],
  61374. now: [Function],
  61375. pad: [Function: pad],
  61376. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  61377. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  61378. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  61379. random: [Function: random],
  61380. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  61381. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  61382. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  61383. replace: [Function: replace],
  61384. result: [Function: result],
  61385. round: [Function],
  61386. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  61387. sample: [Function: sample],
  61388. size: [Function: size],
  61389. snakeCase: [Function],
  61390. some: [Function: some],
  61391. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  61392. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  61393. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  61394. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  61395. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  61396. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  61397. startCase: [Function],
  61398. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  61399. subtract: [Function],
  61400. sum: [Function: sum],
  61401. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  61402. template: [Function: template],
  61403. times: [Function: times],
  61404. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  61405. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  61406. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  61407. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  61408. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  61409. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  61410. toString: [Function: toString],
  61411. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  61412. trim: [Function: trim],
  61413. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  61414. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  61415. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  61416. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  61417. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  61418. upperCase: [Function],
  61419. upperFirst: [Function],
  61420. each: [Function: forEach],
  61421. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  61422. first: [Function: head],
  61423. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  61424. options:
  61425. { dialect: 'mysql',
  61426. dialectModulePath: null,
  61427. host: 'localhost',
  61428. protocol: 'tcp',
  61429. define: {},
  61430. query: {},
  61431. sync: {},
  61432. timezone: '+00:00',
  61433. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  61434. omitNull: false,
  61435. native: false,
  61436. replication: false,
  61437. ssl: undefined,
  61438. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  61439. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  61440. hooks: {},
  61441. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  61442. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  61443. isolationLevel: null,
  61444. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  61445. typeValidation: false,
  61446. benchmark: false,
  61447. operatorsAliases: false },
  61448. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  61449. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  61450. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  61451. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  61452. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  61453. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  61454. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  61455. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  61456. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  61457. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  61458. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  61459. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  61460. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  61461. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  61462. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  61463. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  61464. quote: [Function: quote],
  61465. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  61466. escape: [Function: escape],
  61467. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  61468. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  61469. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  61470. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  61471. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  61472. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  61473. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  61474. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  61475. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  61476. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  61477. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  61478. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  61479. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  61480. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  61481. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  61482. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  61483. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  61484. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  61485. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  61486. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  61487. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  61488. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  61489. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  61490. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  61491. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  61492. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  61493. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  61494. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  61495. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  61496. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  61497. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  61498. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  61499. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  61500. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  61501. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  61502. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  61503. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  61504. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  61505. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  61506. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  61507. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  61508. _dialect: [Circular],
  61509. sequelize: [Circular],
  61510. typeValidation: undefined } },
  61511. versionPromise: null,
  61512. dialectName: 'mysql',
  61513. pool:
  61514. Pool {
  61515. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  61516. _eventsCount: 0,
  61517. _maxListeners: undefined,
  61518. _config:
  61519. PoolOptions {
  61520. fifo: true,
  61521. priorityRange: 1,
  61522. testOnBorrow: true,
  61523. testOnReturn: false,
  61524. autostart: false,
  61525. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  61526. max: 5,
  61527. min: 0,
  61528. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  61529. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  61530. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  61531. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  61532. Promise:
  61533. { [Function: Promise]
  61534. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  61535. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  61536. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  61537. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  61538. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  61539. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  61540. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  61541. _peekContext: [Function],
  61542. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  61543. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  61544. longStackTraces: [Function],
  61545. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  61546. config: [Function],
  61547. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  61548. is: [Function],
  61549. fromCallback: [Function],
  61550. fromNode: [Function],
  61551. all: [Function],
  61552. cast: [Function],
  61553. fulfilled: [Function],
  61554. resolve: [Function],
  61555. rejected: [Function],
  61556. reject: [Function],
  61557. setScheduler: [Function],
  61558. pending: [Function],
  61559. defer: [Function],
  61560. method: [Function],
  61561. try: [Function],
  61562. attempt: [Function],
  61563. bind: [Function],
  61564. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  61565. join: [Function],
  61566. Promise: [Circular],
  61567. version: '3.5.3',
  61568. map: [Function],
  61569. using: [Function],
  61570. delay: [Function],
  61571. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  61572. spawn: [Function],
  61573. promisify: [Function],
  61574. promisifyAll: [Function],
  61575. props: [Function],
  61576. race: [Function],
  61577. reduce: [Function],
  61578. settle: [Function],
  61579. some: [Function],
  61580. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  61581. filter: [Function],
  61582. each: [Function],
  61583. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  61584. any: [Function],
  61585. default: [Circular] } },
  61586. _Promise:
  61587. { [Function: Promise]
  61588. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  61589. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  61590. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  61591. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  61592. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  61593. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  61594. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  61595. _peekContext: [Function],
  61596. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  61597. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  61598. longStackTraces: [Function],
  61599. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  61600. config: [Function],
  61601. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  61602. is: [Function],
  61603. fromCallback: [Function],
  61604. fromNode: [Function],
  61605. all: [Function],
  61606. cast: [Function],
  61607. fulfilled: [Function],
  61608. resolve: [Function],
  61609. rejected: [Function],
  61610. reject: [Function],
  61611. setScheduler: [Function],
  61612. pending: [Function],
  61613. defer: [Function],
  61614. method: [Function],
  61615. try: [Function],
  61616. attempt: [Function],
  61617. bind: [Function],
  61618. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  61619. join: [Function],
  61620. Promise: [Circular],
  61621. version: '3.5.3',
  61622. map: [Function],
  61623. using: [Function],
  61624. delay: [Function],
  61625. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  61626. spawn: [Function],
  61627. promisify: [Function],
  61628. promisifyAll: [Function],
  61629. props: [Function],
  61630. race: [Function],
  61631. reduce: [Function],
  61632. settle: [Function],
  61633. some: [Function],
  61634. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  61635. filter: [Function],
  61636. each: [Function],
  61637. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  61638. any: [Function],
  61639. default: [Circular] },
  61640. _factory:
  61641. { create: [Function: create],
  61642. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  61643. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  61644. _draining: false,
  61645. _started: true,
  61646. _waitingClientsQueue:
  61647. PriorityQueue {
  61648. _size: 1,
  61649. _slots:
  61650. [ Queue {
  61651. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  61652. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  61653. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  61654. _availableObjects:
  61655. Deque {
  61656. _list:
  61657. DoublyLinkedList {
  61658. head:
  61659. { prev: null,
  61660. next:
  61661. { prev: [Circular],
  61662. next: null,
  61663. data:
  61664. PooledResource {
  61665. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  61666. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  61667. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  61668. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  61669. obj:
  61670. Connection {
  61671. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  61672. _eventsCount: 1,
  61673. _maxListeners: undefined,
  61674. config:
  61675. ConnectionConfig {
  61676. isServer: undefined,
  61677. stream: undefined,
  61678. host: 'localhost',
  61679. port: 3306,
  61680. localAddress: undefined,
  61681. socketPath: undefined,
  61682. user: 'root',
  61683. password: 'abcd1234',
  61684. passwordSha1: undefined,
  61685. database: 'lbry',
  61686. connectTimeout: 10000,
  61687. insecureAuth: false,
  61688. supportBigNumbers: true,
  61689. bigNumberStrings: false,
  61690. decimalNumbers: false,
  61691. dateStrings: false,
  61692. debug: undefined,
  61693. trace: true,
  61694. stringifyObjects: false,
  61695. timezone: '+00:00',
  61696. queryFormat: undefined,
  61697. pool: undefined,
  61698. ssl: false,
  61699. multipleStatements: false,
  61700. rowsAsArray: false,
  61701. namedPlaceholders: false,
  61702. nestTables: undefined,
  61703. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  61704. maxPacketSize: 0,
  61705. charsetNumber: 224,
  61706. compress: false,
  61707. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  61708. clientFlags: 8582093,
  61709. connectAttributes: undefined,
  61710. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  61711. stream:
  61712. Socket {
  61713. connecting: false,
  61714. _hadError: false,
  61715. _handle:
  61716. TCP {
  61717. reading: true,
  61718. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  61719. onconnection: null,
  61720. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  61721. _parent: null,
  61722. _host: 'localhost',
  61723. _readableState:
  61724. ReadableState {
  61725. objectMode: false,
  61726. highWaterMark: 16384,
  61727. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  61728. length: 0,
  61729. pipes: null,
  61730. pipesCount: 0,
  61731. flowing: true,
  61732. ended: false,
  61733. endEmitted: false,
  61734. reading: true,
  61735. sync: false,
  61736. needReadable: true,
  61737. emittedReadable: false,
  61738. readableListening: false,
  61739. resumeScheduled: false,
  61740. emitClose: false,
  61741. autoDestroy: false,
  61742. destroyed: false,
  61743. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  61744. awaitDrain: 0,
  61745. readingMore: false,
  61746. decoder: null,
  61747. encoding: null },
  61748. readable: true,
  61749. _events:
  61750. [Object: null prototype] {
  61751. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  61752. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  61753. data: [Function],
  61754. close: [Function] },
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  61756. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  61759. objectMode: false,
  61760. highWaterMark: 16384,
  61761. finalCalled: false,
  61762. needDrain: false,
  61763. ending: false,
  61764. ended: false,
  61765. finished: false,
  61766. destroyed: false,
  61767. decodeStrings: false,
  61768. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  61769. length: 0,
  61770. writing: false,
  61771. corked: 0,
  61772. sync: false,
  61773. bufferProcessing: false,
  61774. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  61776. writelen: 0,
  61777. bufferedRequest: null,
  61778. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  61779. pendingcb: 0,
  61780. prefinished: false,
  61781. errorEmitted: false,
  61782. emitClose: false,
  61783. autoDestroy: false,
  61784. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  61785. corkedRequestsFree:
  61786. { next: null,
  61787. entry: null,
  61788. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  61789. writable: true,
  61790. allowHalfOpen: false,
  61791. _sockname: null,
  61792. _pendingData: null,
  61793. _pendingEncoding: '',
  61794. server: null,
  61795. _server: null,
  61796. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  61797. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  61798. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  61799. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  61800. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  61801. _internalId: 1,
  61802. _commands:
  61803. Denque {
  61804. _head: 0,
  61805. _tail: 0,
  61806. _capacityMask: 3,
  61807. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  61808. _command: undefined,
  61809. _paused: false,
  61810. _paused_packets:
  61811. Denque {
  61812. _head: 0,
  61813. _tail: 0,
  61814. _capacityMask: 3,
  61815. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  61816. _statements:
  61817. LRUCache {
  61818. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  61819. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  61820. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  61821. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  61822. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  61823. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  61824. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  61825. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  61826. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  61827. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  61828. authorized: true,
  61829. sequenceId: 23,
  61830. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  61831. threadId: 1303,
  61832. _handshakePacket:
  61833. Handshake {
  61834. protocolVersion: 10,
  61835. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  61836. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  61837. connectionId: 1303,
  61838. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  61839. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  61840. characterSet: 255,
  61841. statusFlags: 2 },
  61842. _fatalError: null,
  61843. _protocolError: null,
  61844. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  61845. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  61846. packetParser:
  61847. PacketParser {
  61848. buffer: [],
  61849. bufferLength: 0,
  61850. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  61851. headerLen: 0,
  61852. length: 5,
  61853. largePacketParts: [],
  61854. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  61855. onPacket: [Function],
  61856. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  61857. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  61858. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  61859. connectTimeout: null,
  61860. connectionId: 1303 },
  61861. state: 'IDLE' } },
  61862. data:
  61863. PooledResource {
  61864. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  61865. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  61866. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  61867. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  61868. obj:
  61869. Connection {
  61870. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  61871. _eventsCount: 1,
  61872. _maxListeners: undefined,
  61873. config:
  61874. ConnectionConfig {
  61875. isServer: undefined,
  61876. stream: undefined,
  61877. host: 'localhost',
  61878. port: 3306,
  61879. localAddress: undefined,
  61880. socketPath: undefined,
  61881. user: 'root',
  61882. password: 'abcd1234',
  61883. passwordSha1: undefined,
  61884. database: 'lbry',
  61885. connectTimeout: 10000,
  61886. insecureAuth: false,
  61887. supportBigNumbers: true,
  61888. bigNumberStrings: false,
  61889. decimalNumbers: false,
  61890. dateStrings: false,
  61891. debug: undefined,
  61892. trace: true,
  61893. stringifyObjects: false,
  61894. timezone: '+00:00',
  61895. queryFormat: undefined,
  61896. pool: undefined,
  61897. ssl: false,
  61898. multipleStatements: false,
  61899. rowsAsArray: false,
  61900. namedPlaceholders: false,
  61901. nestTables: undefined,
  61902. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  61903. maxPacketSize: 0,
  61904. charsetNumber: 224,
  61905. compress: false,
  61906. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  61907. clientFlags: 8582093,
  61908. connectAttributes: undefined,
  61909. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  61910. stream:
  61911. Socket {
  61912. connecting: false,
  61913. _hadError: false,
  61914. _handle:
  61915. TCP {
  61916. reading: true,
  61917. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  61918. onconnection: null,
  61919. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  61920. _parent: null,
  61921. _host: 'localhost',
  61922. _readableState:
  61923. ReadableState {
  61924. objectMode: false,
  61925. highWaterMark: 16384,
  61926. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  61927. length: 0,
  61928. pipes: null,
  61929. pipesCount: 0,
  61930. flowing: true,
  61931. ended: false,
  61932. endEmitted: false,
  61933. reading: true,
  61934. sync: false,
  61935. needReadable: true,
  61936. emittedReadable: false,
  61937. readableListening: false,
  61938. resumeScheduled: false,
  61939. emitClose: false,
  61940. autoDestroy: false,
  61941. destroyed: false,
  61942. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  61943. awaitDrain: 0,
  61944. readingMore: false,
  61945. decoder: null,
  61946. encoding: null },
  61947. readable: true,
  61948. _events:
  61949. [Object: null prototype] {
  61950. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  61951. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  61952. data: [Function],
  61953. close: [Function] },
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  61955. _maxListeners: undefined,
  61956. _writableState:
  61957. WritableState {
  61958. objectMode: false,
  61959. highWaterMark: 16384,
  61960. finalCalled: false,
  61961. needDrain: false,
  61962. ending: false,
  61963. ended: false,
  61964. finished: false,
  61965. destroyed: false,
  61966. decodeStrings: false,
  61967. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  61968. length: 0,
  61969. writing: false,
  61970. corked: 0,
  61971. sync: false,
  61972. bufferProcessing: false,
  61973. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  61975. writelen: 0,
  61976. bufferedRequest: null,
  61977. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  61978. pendingcb: 0,
  61979. prefinished: false,
  61980. errorEmitted: false,
  61981. emitClose: false,
  61982. autoDestroy: false,
  61983. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  61984. corkedRequestsFree:
  61985. { next: null,
  61986. entry: null,
  61987. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  61988. writable: true,
  61989. allowHalfOpen: false,
  61990. _sockname: null,
  61991. _pendingData: null,
  61992. _pendingEncoding: '',
  61993. server: null,
  61994. _server: null,
  61995. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  61996. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  61997. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  61998. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  61999. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  62000. _internalId: 2,
  62001. _commands:
  62002. Denque {
  62003. _head: 0,
  62004. _tail: 0,
  62005. _capacityMask: 3,
  62006. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62007. _command: undefined,
  62008. _paused: false,
  62009. _paused_packets:
  62010. Denque {
  62011. _head: 0,
  62012. _tail: 0,
  62013. _capacityMask: 3,
  62014. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62015. _statements:
  62016. LRUCache {
  62017. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  62018. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  62019. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  62020. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  62021. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  62022. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  62023. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  62024. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  62025. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  62026. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62027. authorized: true,
  62028. sequenceId: 2,
  62029. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  62030. threadId: 1302,
  62031. _handshakePacket:
  62032. Handshake {
  62033. protocolVersion: 10,
  62034. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  62035. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62036. connectionId: 1302,
  62037. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  62038. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  62039. characterSet: 255,
  62040. statusFlags: 2 },
  62041. _fatalError: null,
  62042. _protocolError: null,
  62043. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  62044. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  62045. packetParser:
  62046. PacketParser {
  62047. buffer: [],
  62048. bufferLength: 0,
  62049. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  62050. headerLen: 0,
  62051. length: 7,
  62052. largePacketParts: [],
  62053. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  62054. onPacket: [Function],
  62055. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  62056. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  62057. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  62058. connectTimeout: null,
  62059. connectionId: 1302 },
  62060. state: 'IDLE' } },
  62061. tail:
  62062. { prev:
  62063. { prev: null,
  62064. next: [Circular],
  62065. data:
  62066. PooledResource {
  62067. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  62068. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  62069. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  62070. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  62071. obj:
  62072. Connection {
  62073. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  62074. _eventsCount: 1,
  62075. _maxListeners: undefined,
  62076. config:
  62077. ConnectionConfig {
  62078. isServer: undefined,
  62079. stream: undefined,
  62080. host: 'localhost',
  62081. port: 3306,
  62082. localAddress: undefined,
  62083. socketPath: undefined,
  62084. user: 'root',
  62085. password: 'abcd1234',
  62086. passwordSha1: undefined,
  62087. database: 'lbry',
  62088. connectTimeout: 10000,
  62089. insecureAuth: false,
  62090. supportBigNumbers: true,
  62091. bigNumberStrings: false,
  62092. decimalNumbers: false,
  62093. dateStrings: false,
  62094. debug: undefined,
  62095. trace: true,
  62096. stringifyObjects: false,
  62097. timezone: '+00:00',
  62098. queryFormat: undefined,
  62099. pool: undefined,
  62100. ssl: false,
  62101. multipleStatements: false,
  62102. rowsAsArray: false,
  62103. namedPlaceholders: false,
  62104. nestTables: undefined,
  62105. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  62106. maxPacketSize: 0,
  62107. charsetNumber: 224,
  62108. compress: false,
  62109. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  62110. clientFlags: 8582093,
  62111. connectAttributes: undefined,
  62112. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  62113. stream:
  62114. Socket {
  62115. connecting: false,
  62116. _hadError: false,
  62117. _handle:
  62118. TCP {
  62119. reading: true,
  62120. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  62121. onconnection: null,
  62122. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  62123. _parent: null,
  62124. _host: 'localhost',
  62125. _readableState:
  62126. ReadableState {
  62127. objectMode: false,
  62128. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62129. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  62130. length: 0,
  62131. pipes: null,
  62132. pipesCount: 0,
  62133. flowing: true,
  62134. ended: false,
  62135. endEmitted: false,
  62136. reading: true,
  62137. sync: false,
  62138. needReadable: true,
  62139. emittedReadable: false,
  62140. readableListening: false,
  62141. resumeScheduled: false,
  62142. emitClose: false,
  62143. autoDestroy: false,
  62144. destroyed: false,
  62145. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62146. awaitDrain: 0,
  62147. readingMore: false,
  62148. decoder: null,
  62149. encoding: null },
  62150. readable: true,
  62151. _events:
  62152. [Object: null prototype] {
  62153. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  62154. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  62155. data: [Function],
  62156. close: [Function] },
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  62158. _maxListeners: undefined,
  62159. _writableState:
  62160. WritableState {
  62161. objectMode: false,
  62162. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62163. finalCalled: false,
  62164. needDrain: false,
  62165. ending: false,
  62166. ended: false,
  62167. finished: false,
  62168. destroyed: false,
  62169. decodeStrings: false,
  62170. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62171. length: 0,
  62172. writing: false,
  62173. corked: 0,
  62174. sync: false,
  62175. bufferProcessing: false,
  62176. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  62178. writelen: 0,
  62179. bufferedRequest: null,
  62180. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  62181. pendingcb: 0,
  62182. prefinished: false,
  62183. errorEmitted: false,
  62184. emitClose: false,
  62185. autoDestroy: false,
  62186. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  62187. corkedRequestsFree:
  62188. { next: null,
  62189. entry: null,
  62190. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  62191. writable: true,
  62192. allowHalfOpen: false,
  62193. _sockname: null,
  62194. _pendingData: null,
  62195. _pendingEncoding: '',
  62196. server: null,
  62197. _server: null,
  62198. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  62199. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  62200. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  62201. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  62202. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  62203. _internalId: 2,
  62204. _commands:
  62205. Denque {
  62206. _head: 0,
  62207. _tail: 0,
  62208. _capacityMask: 3,
  62209. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62210. _command: undefined,
  62211. _paused: false,
  62212. _paused_packets:
  62213. Denque {
  62214. _head: 0,
  62215. _tail: 0,
  62216. _capacityMask: 3,
  62217. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62218. _statements:
  62219. LRUCache {
  62220. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  62221. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  62222. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  62223. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  62224. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  62225. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  62226. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  62227. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  62228. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  62229. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62230. authorized: true,
  62231. sequenceId: 2,
  62232. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  62233. threadId: 1302,
  62234. _handshakePacket:
  62235. Handshake {
  62236. protocolVersion: 10,
  62237. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  62238. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62239. connectionId: 1302,
  62240. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  62241. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  62242. characterSet: 255,
  62243. statusFlags: 2 },
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  62245. _protocolError: null,
  62246. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  62247. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  62248. packetParser:
  62249. PacketParser {
  62250. buffer: [],
  62251. bufferLength: 0,
  62252. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  62253. headerLen: 0,
  62254. length: 7,
  62255. largePacketParts: [],
  62256. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  62257. onPacket: [Function],
  62258. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  62259. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  62260. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  62261. connectTimeout: null,
  62262. connectionId: 1302 },
  62263. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  62265. data:
  62266. PooledResource {
  62267. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  62268. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  62269. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  62270. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  62271. obj:
  62272. Connection {
  62273. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  62274. _eventsCount: 1,
  62275. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  62279. stream: undefined,
  62280. host: 'localhost',
  62281. port: 3306,
  62282. localAddress: undefined,
  62283. socketPath: undefined,
  62284. user: 'root',
  62285. password: 'abcd1234',
  62286. passwordSha1: undefined,
  62287. database: 'lbry',
  62288. connectTimeout: 10000,
  62289. insecureAuth: false,
  62290. supportBigNumbers: true,
  62291. bigNumberStrings: false,
  62292. decimalNumbers: false,
  62293. dateStrings: false,
  62294. debug: undefined,
  62295. trace: true,
  62296. stringifyObjects: false,
  62297. timezone: '+00:00',
  62298. queryFormat: undefined,
  62299. pool: undefined,
  62300. ssl: false,
  62301. multipleStatements: false,
  62302. rowsAsArray: false,
  62303. namedPlaceholders: false,
  62304. nestTables: undefined,
  62305. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  62306. maxPacketSize: 0,
  62307. charsetNumber: 224,
  62308. compress: false,
  62309. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  62310. clientFlags: 8582093,
  62311. connectAttributes: undefined,
  62312. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  62314. Socket {
  62315. connecting: false,
  62316. _hadError: false,
  62317. _handle:
  62318. TCP {
  62319. reading: true,
  62320. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  62321. onconnection: null,
  62322. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  62324. _host: 'localhost',
  62325. _readableState:
  62326. ReadableState {
  62327. objectMode: false,
  62328. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62329. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  62330. length: 0,
  62331. pipes: null,
  62332. pipesCount: 0,
  62333. flowing: true,
  62334. ended: false,
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  62337. sync: false,
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  62339. emittedReadable: false,
  62340. readableListening: false,
  62341. resumeScheduled: false,
  62342. emitClose: false,
  62343. autoDestroy: false,
  62344. destroyed: false,
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  62346. awaitDrain: 0,
  62347. readingMore: false,
  62348. decoder: null,
  62349. encoding: null },
  62350. readable: true,
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  62352. [Object: null prototype] {
  62353. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  62354. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  62355. data: [Function],
  62356. close: [Function] },
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  62358. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  62362. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62363. finalCalled: false,
  62364. needDrain: false,
  62365. ending: false,
  62366. ended: false,
  62367. finished: false,
  62368. destroyed: false,
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  62370. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62371. length: 0,
  62372. writing: false,
  62373. corked: 0,
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  62378. writelen: 0,
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  62380. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  62381. pendingcb: 0,
  62382. prefinished: false,
  62383. errorEmitted: false,
  62384. emitClose: false,
  62385. autoDestroy: false,
  62386. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  62387. corkedRequestsFree:
  62388. { next: null,
  62389. entry: null,
  62390. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  62391. writable: true,
  62392. allowHalfOpen: false,
  62393. _sockname: null,
  62394. _pendingData: null,
  62395. _pendingEncoding: '',
  62396. server: null,
  62397. _server: null,
  62398. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  62399. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  62400. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  62401. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  62402. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  62403. _internalId: 1,
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  62406. _head: 0,
  62407. _tail: 0,
  62408. _capacityMask: 3,
  62409. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  62412. _paused_packets:
  62413. Denque {
  62414. _head: 0,
  62415. _tail: 0,
  62416. _capacityMask: 3,
  62417. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  62420. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  62421. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  62422. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  62423. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  62424. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  62425. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  62426. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  62427. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  62428. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  62429. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62430. authorized: true,
  62431. sequenceId: 23,
  62432. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  62433. threadId: 1303,
  62434. _handshakePacket:
  62435. Handshake {
  62436. protocolVersion: 10,
  62437. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  62438. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62439. connectionId: 1303,
  62440. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  62441. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  62442. characterSet: 255,
  62443. statusFlags: 2 },
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  62445. _protocolError: null,
  62446. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  62447. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  62448. packetParser:
  62449. PacketParser {
  62450. buffer: [],
  62451. bufferLength: 0,
  62452. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  62453. headerLen: 0,
  62454. length: 5,
  62455. largePacketParts: [],
  62456. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  62457. onPacket: [Function],
  62458. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  62459. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  62460. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  62461. connectTimeout: null,
  62462. connectionId: 1303 },
  62463. state: 'IDLE' } },
  62464. length: 2 } },
  62465. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  62466. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  62467. _validationOperations: Set {},
  62468. _allObjects:
  62469. Set {
  62470. PooledResource {
  62471. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  62472. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  62473. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  62474. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  62475. obj:
  62476. Connection {
  62477. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  62478. _eventsCount: 1,
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  62481. ConnectionConfig {
  62482. isServer: undefined,
  62483. stream: undefined,
  62484. host: 'localhost',
  62485. port: 3306,
  62486. localAddress: undefined,
  62487. socketPath: undefined,
  62488. user: 'root',
  62489. password: 'abcd1234',
  62490. passwordSha1: undefined,
  62491. database: 'lbry',
  62492. connectTimeout: 10000,
  62493. insecureAuth: false,
  62494. supportBigNumbers: true,
  62495. bigNumberStrings: false,
  62496. decimalNumbers: false,
  62497. dateStrings: false,
  62498. debug: undefined,
  62499. trace: true,
  62500. stringifyObjects: false,
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  62502. queryFormat: undefined,
  62503. pool: undefined,
  62504. ssl: false,
  62505. multipleStatements: false,
  62506. rowsAsArray: false,
  62507. namedPlaceholders: false,
  62508. nestTables: undefined,
  62509. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  62510. maxPacketSize: 0,
  62511. charsetNumber: 224,
  62512. compress: false,
  62513. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  62514. clientFlags: 8582093,
  62515. connectAttributes: undefined,
  62516. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  62518. Socket {
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  62522. TCP {
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  62524. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  62526. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  62528. _host: 'localhost',
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  62530. ReadableState {
  62531. objectMode: false,
  62532. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62533. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  62534. length: 0,
  62535. pipes: null,
  62536. pipesCount: 0,
  62537. flowing: true,
  62538. ended: false,
  62539. endEmitted: false,
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  62541. sync: false,
  62542. needReadable: true,
  62543. emittedReadable: false,
  62544. readableListening: false,
  62545. resumeScheduled: false,
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  62548. destroyed: false,
  62549. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62550. awaitDrain: 0,
  62551. readingMore: false,
  62552. decoder: null,
  62553. encoding: null },
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  62556. [Object: null prototype] {
  62557. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  62558. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  62559. data: [Function],
  62560. close: [Function] },
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  62562. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  62568. needDrain: false,
  62569. ending: false,
  62570. ended: false,
  62571. finished: false,
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  62574. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62575. length: 0,
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  62577. corked: 0,
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  62583. bufferedRequest: null,
  62584. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  62585. pendingcb: 0,
  62586. prefinished: false,
  62587. errorEmitted: false,
  62588. emitClose: false,
  62589. autoDestroy: false,
  62590. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  62591. corkedRequestsFree:
  62592. { next: null,
  62593. entry: null,
  62594. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  62596. allowHalfOpen: false,
  62597. _sockname: null,
  62598. _pendingData: null,
  62599. _pendingEncoding: '',
  62600. server: null,
  62601. _server: null,
  62602. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  62603. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  62604. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  62605. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  62606. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  62607. _internalId: 2,
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  62609. Denque {
  62610. _head: 0,
  62611. _tail: 0,
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  62613. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  62617. Denque {
  62618. _head: 0,
  62619. _tail: 0,
  62620. _capacityMask: 3,
  62621. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  62625. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  62626. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  62627. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  62628. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  62629. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  62630. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  62631. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  62632. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  62633. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62634. authorized: true,
  62635. sequenceId: 2,
  62636. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  62637. threadId: 1302,
  62638. _handshakePacket:
  62639. Handshake {
  62640. protocolVersion: 10,
  62641. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  62642. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62643. connectionId: 1302,
  62644. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  62645. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  62646. characterSet: 255,
  62647. statusFlags: 2 },
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  62649. _protocolError: null,
  62650. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  62652. packetParser:
  62653. PacketParser {
  62654. buffer: [],
  62655. bufferLength: 0,
  62656. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  62657. headerLen: 0,
  62658. length: 7,
  62659. largePacketParts: [],
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  62661. onPacket: [Function],
  62662. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  62663. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  62664. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  62665. connectTimeout: null,
  62666. connectionId: 1302 },
  62667. state: 'IDLE' },
  62668. PooledResource {
  62669. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  62670. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  62671. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  62672. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  62673. obj:
  62674. Connection {
  62675. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  62676. _eventsCount: 1,
  62677. _maxListeners: undefined,
  62678. config:
  62679. ConnectionConfig {
  62680. isServer: undefined,
  62681. stream: undefined,
  62682. host: 'localhost',
  62683. port: 3306,
  62684. localAddress: undefined,
  62685. socketPath: undefined,
  62686. user: 'root',
  62687. password: 'abcd1234',
  62688. passwordSha1: undefined,
  62689. database: 'lbry',
  62690. connectTimeout: 10000,
  62691. insecureAuth: false,
  62692. supportBigNumbers: true,
  62693. bigNumberStrings: false,
  62694. decimalNumbers: false,
  62695. dateStrings: false,
  62696. debug: undefined,
  62697. trace: true,
  62698. stringifyObjects: false,
  62699. timezone: '+00:00',
  62700. queryFormat: undefined,
  62701. pool: undefined,
  62702. ssl: false,
  62703. multipleStatements: false,
  62704. rowsAsArray: false,
  62705. namedPlaceholders: false,
  62706. nestTables: undefined,
  62707. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  62708. maxPacketSize: 0,
  62709. charsetNumber: 224,
  62710. compress: false,
  62711. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  62712. clientFlags: 8582093,
  62713. connectAttributes: undefined,
  62714. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  62716. Socket {
  62717. connecting: false,
  62718. _hadError: false,
  62719. _handle:
  62720. TCP {
  62721. reading: true,
  62722. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  62723. onconnection: null,
  62724. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  62725. _parent: null,
  62726. _host: 'localhost',
  62727. _readableState:
  62728. ReadableState {
  62729. objectMode: false,
  62730. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62731. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  62732. length: 0,
  62733. pipes: null,
  62734. pipesCount: 0,
  62735. flowing: true,
  62736. ended: false,
  62737. endEmitted: false,
  62738. reading: true,
  62739. sync: false,
  62740. needReadable: true,
  62741. emittedReadable: false,
  62742. readableListening: false,
  62743. resumeScheduled: false,
  62744. emitClose: false,
  62745. autoDestroy: false,
  62746. destroyed: false,
  62747. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62748. awaitDrain: 0,
  62749. readingMore: false,
  62750. decoder: null,
  62751. encoding: null },
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  62754. [Object: null prototype] {
  62755. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  62756. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  62757. data: [Function],
  62758. close: [Function] },
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  62760. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  62762. WritableState {
  62763. objectMode: false,
  62764. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62765. finalCalled: false,
  62766. needDrain: false,
  62767. ending: false,
  62768. ended: false,
  62769. finished: false,
  62770. destroyed: false,
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  62772. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62773. length: 0,
  62774. writing: false,
  62775. corked: 0,
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  62780. writelen: 0,
  62781. bufferedRequest: null,
  62782. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  62783. pendingcb: 0,
  62784. prefinished: false,
  62785. errorEmitted: false,
  62786. emitClose: false,
  62787. autoDestroy: false,
  62788. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  62789. corkedRequestsFree:
  62790. { next: null,
  62791. entry: null,
  62792. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  62793. writable: true,
  62794. allowHalfOpen: false,
  62795. _sockname: null,
  62796. _pendingData: null,
  62797. _pendingEncoding: '',
  62798. server: null,
  62799. _server: null,
  62800. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  62801. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  62802. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  62803. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  62804. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  62805. _internalId: 1,
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  62807. Denque {
  62808. _head: 0,
  62809. _tail: 0,
  62810. _capacityMask: 3,
  62811. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62812. _command: undefined,
  62813. _paused: false,
  62814. _paused_packets:
  62815. Denque {
  62816. _head: 0,
  62817. _tail: 0,
  62818. _capacityMask: 3,
  62819. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  62820. _statements:
  62821. LRUCache {
  62822. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  62823. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  62824. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  62825. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  62826. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  62827. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  62828. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  62829. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  62830. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  62831. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62832. authorized: true,
  62833. sequenceId: 23,
  62834. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  62835. threadId: 1303,
  62836. _handshakePacket:
  62837. Handshake {
  62838. protocolVersion: 10,
  62839. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  62840. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  62841. connectionId: 1303,
  62842. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  62843. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  62844. characterSet: 255,
  62845. statusFlags: 2 },
  62846. _fatalError: null,
  62847. _protocolError: null,
  62848. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  62849. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  62850. packetParser:
  62851. PacketParser {
  62852. buffer: [],
  62853. bufferLength: 0,
  62854. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  62855. headerLen: 0,
  62856. length: 5,
  62857. largePacketParts: [],
  62858. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  62859. onPacket: [Function],
  62860. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  62861. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  62862. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  62863. connectTimeout: null,
  62864. connectionId: 1303 },
  62865. state: 'IDLE' } },
  62866. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  62867. _evictionIterator:
  62868. DequeIterator {
  62869. _list:
  62870. DoublyLinkedList {
  62871. head:
  62872. { prev: null,
  62873. next:
  62874. { prev: [Circular],
  62875. next: null,
  62876. data:
  62877. PooledResource {
  62878. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  62879. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  62880. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  62881. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  62882. obj:
  62883. Connection {
  62884. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  62885. _eventsCount: 1,
  62886. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  62890. stream: undefined,
  62891. host: 'localhost',
  62892. port: 3306,
  62893. localAddress: undefined,
  62894. socketPath: undefined,
  62895. user: 'root',
  62896. password: 'abcd1234',
  62897. passwordSha1: undefined,
  62898. database: 'lbry',
  62899. connectTimeout: 10000,
  62900. insecureAuth: false,
  62901. supportBigNumbers: true,
  62902. bigNumberStrings: false,
  62903. decimalNumbers: false,
  62904. dateStrings: false,
  62905. debug: undefined,
  62906. trace: true,
  62907. stringifyObjects: false,
  62908. timezone: '+00:00',
  62909. queryFormat: undefined,
  62910. pool: undefined,
  62911. ssl: false,
  62912. multipleStatements: false,
  62913. rowsAsArray: false,
  62914. namedPlaceholders: false,
  62915. nestTables: undefined,
  62916. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  62917. maxPacketSize: 0,
  62918. charsetNumber: 224,
  62919. compress: false,
  62920. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  62921. clientFlags: 8582093,
  62922. connectAttributes: undefined,
  62923. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  62925. Socket {
  62926. connecting: false,
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  62928. _handle:
  62929. TCP {
  62930. reading: true,
  62931. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  62933. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  62935. _host: 'localhost',
  62936. _readableState:
  62937. ReadableState {
  62938. objectMode: false,
  62939. highWaterMark: 16384,
  62940. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  62941. length: 0,
  62942. pipes: null,
  62943. pipesCount: 0,
  62944. flowing: true,
  62945. ended: false,
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  62947. reading: true,
  62948. sync: false,
  62949. needReadable: true,
  62950. emittedReadable: false,
  62951. readableListening: false,
  62952. resumeScheduled: false,
  62953. emitClose: false,
  62954. autoDestroy: false,
  62955. destroyed: false,
  62956. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62957. awaitDrain: 0,
  62958. readingMore: false,
  62959. decoder: null,
  62960. encoding: null },
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  62963. [Object: null prototype] {
  62964. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  62965. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  62966. data: [Function],
  62967. close: [Function] },
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  62974. finalCalled: false,
  62975. needDrain: false,
  62976. ending: false,
  62977. ended: false,
  62978. finished: false,
  62979. destroyed: false,
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  62981. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  62982. length: 0,
  62983. writing: false,
  62984. corked: 0,
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  62991. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  62992. pendingcb: 0,
  62993. prefinished: false,
  62994. errorEmitted: false,
  62995. emitClose: false,
  62996. autoDestroy: false,
  62997. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  62998. corkedRequestsFree:
  62999. { next: null,
  63000. entry: null,
  63001. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  63003. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  63005. _pendingData: null,
  63006. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  63008. _server: null,
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  63010. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  63011. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  63012. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  63013. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  63014. _internalId: 1,
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  63016. Denque {
  63017. _head: 0,
  63018. _tail: 0,
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  63020. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  63024. Denque {
  63025. _head: 0,
  63026. _tail: 0,
  63027. _capacityMask: 3,
  63028. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  63033. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  63034. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  63035. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  63036. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  63037. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  63038. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  63039. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  63040. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63041. authorized: true,
  63042. sequenceId: 23,
  63043. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  63044. threadId: 1303,
  63045. _handshakePacket:
  63046. Handshake {
  63047. protocolVersion: 10,
  63048. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  63049. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63050. connectionId: 1303,
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  63052. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  63053. characterSet: 255,
  63054. statusFlags: 2 },
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  63056. _protocolError: null,
  63057. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  63059. packetParser:
  63060. PacketParser {
  63061. buffer: [],
  63062. bufferLength: 0,
  63063. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  63064. headerLen: 0,
  63065. length: 5,
  63066. largePacketParts: [],
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  63068. onPacket: [Function],
  63069. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  63070. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  63071. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  63072. connectTimeout: null,
  63073. connectionId: 1303 },
  63074. state: 'IDLE' } },
  63075. data:
  63076. PooledResource {
  63077. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  63078. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  63079. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  63080. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  63081. obj:
  63082. Connection {
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  63084. _eventsCount: 1,
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  63087. ConnectionConfig {
  63088. isServer: undefined,
  63089. stream: undefined,
  63090. host: 'localhost',
  63091. port: 3306,
  63092. localAddress: undefined,
  63093. socketPath: undefined,
  63094. user: 'root',
  63095. password: 'abcd1234',
  63096. passwordSha1: undefined,
  63097. database: 'lbry',
  63098. connectTimeout: 10000,
  63099. insecureAuth: false,
  63100. supportBigNumbers: true,
  63101. bigNumberStrings: false,
  63102. decimalNumbers: false,
  63103. dateStrings: false,
  63104. debug: undefined,
  63105. trace: true,
  63106. stringifyObjects: false,
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  63108. queryFormat: undefined,
  63109. pool: undefined,
  63110. ssl: false,
  63111. multipleStatements: false,
  63112. rowsAsArray: false,
  63113. namedPlaceholders: false,
  63114. nestTables: undefined,
  63115. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  63117. charsetNumber: 224,
  63118. compress: false,
  63119. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  63120. clientFlags: 8582093,
  63121. connectAttributes: undefined,
  63122. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  63124. Socket {
  63125. connecting: false,
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  63128. TCP {
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  63130. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  63132. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  63134. _host: 'localhost',
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  63136. ReadableState {
  63137. objectMode: false,
  63138. highWaterMark: 16384,
  63139. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  63140. length: 0,
  63141. pipes: null,
  63142. pipesCount: 0,
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  63145. endEmitted: false,
  63146. reading: true,
  63147. sync: false,
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  63150. readableListening: false,
  63151. resumeScheduled: false,
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  63154. destroyed: false,
  63155. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63156. awaitDrain: 0,
  63157. readingMore: false,
  63158. decoder: null,
  63159. encoding: null },
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  63162. [Object: null prototype] {
  63163. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  63164. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  63165. data: [Function],
  63166. close: [Function] },
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  63174. needDrain: false,
  63175. ending: false,
  63176. ended: false,
  63177. finished: false,
  63178. destroyed: false,
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  63180. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63181. length: 0,
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  63183. corked: 0,
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  63190. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  63191. pendingcb: 0,
  63192. prefinished: false,
  63193. errorEmitted: false,
  63194. emitClose: false,
  63195. autoDestroy: false,
  63196. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  63197. corkedRequestsFree:
  63198. { next: null,
  63199. entry: null,
  63200. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  63201. writable: true,
  63202. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  63204. _pendingData: null,
  63205. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  63207. _server: null,
  63208. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  63209. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  63210. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  63211. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  63212. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  63215. Denque {
  63216. _head: 0,
  63217. _tail: 0,
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  63219. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  63223. Denque {
  63224. _head: 0,
  63225. _tail: 0,
  63226. _capacityMask: 3,
  63227. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  63231. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  63232. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  63233. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  63234. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  63235. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  63236. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  63237. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  63238. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  63239. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63240. authorized: true,
  63241. sequenceId: 2,
  63242. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  63243. threadId: 1302,
  63244. _handshakePacket:
  63245. Handshake {
  63246. protocolVersion: 10,
  63247. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  63248. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63249. connectionId: 1302,
  63250. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  63251. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  63252. characterSet: 255,
  63253. statusFlags: 2 },
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  63255. _protocolError: null,
  63256. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  63257. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  63258. packetParser:
  63259. PacketParser {
  63260. buffer: [],
  63261. bufferLength: 0,
  63262. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  63263. headerLen: 0,
  63264. length: 7,
  63265. largePacketParts: [],
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  63267. onPacket: [Function],
  63268. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  63269. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  63270. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  63271. connectTimeout: null,
  63272. connectionId: 1302 },
  63273. state: 'IDLE' } },
  63274. tail:
  63275. { prev:
  63276. { prev: null,
  63277. next: [Circular],
  63278. data:
  63279. PooledResource {
  63280. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  63281. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  63282. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  63283. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  63284. obj:
  63285. Connection {
  63286. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  63287. _eventsCount: 1,
  63288. _maxListeners: undefined,
  63289. config:
  63290. ConnectionConfig {
  63291. isServer: undefined,
  63292. stream: undefined,
  63293. host: 'localhost',
  63294. port: 3306,
  63295. localAddress: undefined,
  63296. socketPath: undefined,
  63297. user: 'root',
  63298. password: 'abcd1234',
  63299. passwordSha1: undefined,
  63300. database: 'lbry',
  63301. connectTimeout: 10000,
  63302. insecureAuth: false,
  63303. supportBigNumbers: true,
  63304. bigNumberStrings: false,
  63305. decimalNumbers: false,
  63306. dateStrings: false,
  63307. debug: undefined,
  63308. trace: true,
  63309. stringifyObjects: false,
  63310. timezone: '+00:00',
  63311. queryFormat: undefined,
  63312. pool: undefined,
  63313. ssl: false,
  63314. multipleStatements: false,
  63315. rowsAsArray: false,
  63316. namedPlaceholders: false,
  63317. nestTables: undefined,
  63318. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  63319. maxPacketSize: 0,
  63320. charsetNumber: 224,
  63321. compress: false,
  63322. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  63323. clientFlags: 8582093,
  63324. connectAttributes: undefined,
  63325. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  63327. Socket {
  63328. connecting: false,
  63329. _hadError: false,
  63330. _handle:
  63331. TCP {
  63332. reading: true,
  63333. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  63335. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  63337. _host: 'localhost',
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  63339. ReadableState {
  63340. objectMode: false,
  63341. highWaterMark: 16384,
  63342. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  63343. length: 0,
  63344. pipes: null,
  63345. pipesCount: 0,
  63346. flowing: true,
  63347. ended: false,
  63348. endEmitted: false,
  63349. reading: true,
  63350. sync: false,
  63351. needReadable: true,
  63352. emittedReadable: false,
  63353. readableListening: false,
  63354. resumeScheduled: false,
  63355. emitClose: false,
  63356. autoDestroy: false,
  63357. destroyed: false,
  63358. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63359. awaitDrain: 0,
  63360. readingMore: false,
  63361. decoder: null,
  63362. encoding: null },
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  63364. _events:
  63365. [Object: null prototype] {
  63366. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  63367. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  63368. data: [Function],
  63369. close: [Function] },
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  63371. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  63373. WritableState {
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  63375. highWaterMark: 16384,
  63376. finalCalled: false,
  63377. needDrain: false,
  63378. ending: false,
  63379. ended: false,
  63380. finished: false,
  63381. destroyed: false,
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  63383. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63384. length: 0,
  63385. writing: false,
  63386. corked: 0,
  63387. sync: false,
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  63389. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  63391. writelen: 0,
  63392. bufferedRequest: null,
  63393. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  63394. pendingcb: 0,
  63395. prefinished: false,
  63396. errorEmitted: false,
  63397. emitClose: false,
  63398. autoDestroy: false,
  63399. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  63400. corkedRequestsFree:
  63401. { next: null,
  63402. entry: null,
  63403. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  63405. allowHalfOpen: false,
  63406. _sockname: null,
  63407. _pendingData: null,
  63408. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  63410. _server: null,
  63411. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  63412. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  63413. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  63414. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  63415. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  63416. _internalId: 2,
  63417. _commands:
  63418. Denque {
  63419. _head: 0,
  63420. _tail: 0,
  63421. _capacityMask: 3,
  63422. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  63423. _command: undefined,
  63424. _paused: false,
  63425. _paused_packets:
  63426. Denque {
  63427. _head: 0,
  63428. _tail: 0,
  63429. _capacityMask: 3,
  63430. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  63434. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  63435. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  63436. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  63437. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  63438. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  63439. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  63440. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  63441. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  63442. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63443. authorized: true,
  63444. sequenceId: 2,
  63445. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  63446. threadId: 1302,
  63447. _handshakePacket:
  63448. Handshake {
  63449. protocolVersion: 10,
  63450. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  63451. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63452. connectionId: 1302,
  63453. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  63454. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  63455. characterSet: 255,
  63456. statusFlags: 2 },
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  63458. _protocolError: null,
  63459. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  63460. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  63461. packetParser:
  63462. PacketParser {
  63463. buffer: [],
  63464. bufferLength: 0,
  63465. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  63466. headerLen: 0,
  63467. length: 7,
  63468. largePacketParts: [],
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  63470. onPacket: [Function],
  63471. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  63472. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  63473. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  63474. connectTimeout: null,
  63475. connectionId: 1302 },
  63476. state: 'IDLE' } },
  63477. next: null,
  63478. data:
  63479. PooledResource {
  63480. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  63481. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  63482. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  63483. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  63484. obj:
  63485. Connection {
  63486. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  63487. _eventsCount: 1,
  63488. _maxListeners: undefined,
  63489. config:
  63490. ConnectionConfig {
  63491. isServer: undefined,
  63492. stream: undefined,
  63493. host: 'localhost',
  63494. port: 3306,
  63495. localAddress: undefined,
  63496. socketPath: undefined,
  63497. user: 'root',
  63498. password: 'abcd1234',
  63499. passwordSha1: undefined,
  63500. database: 'lbry',
  63501. connectTimeout: 10000,
  63502. insecureAuth: false,
  63503. supportBigNumbers: true,
  63504. bigNumberStrings: false,
  63505. decimalNumbers: false,
  63506. dateStrings: false,
  63507. debug: undefined,
  63508. trace: true,
  63509. stringifyObjects: false,
  63510. timezone: '+00:00',
  63511. queryFormat: undefined,
  63512. pool: undefined,
  63513. ssl: false,
  63514. multipleStatements: false,
  63515. rowsAsArray: false,
  63516. namedPlaceholders: false,
  63517. nestTables: undefined,
  63518. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  63519. maxPacketSize: 0,
  63520. charsetNumber: 224,
  63521. compress: false,
  63522. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  63523. clientFlags: 8582093,
  63524. connectAttributes: undefined,
  63525. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  63526. stream:
  63527. Socket {
  63528. connecting: false,
  63529. _hadError: false,
  63530. _handle:
  63531. TCP {
  63532. reading: true,
  63533. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  63534. onconnection: null,
  63535. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  63536. _parent: null,
  63537. _host: 'localhost',
  63538. _readableState:
  63539. ReadableState {
  63540. objectMode: false,
  63541. highWaterMark: 16384,
  63542. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  63543. length: 0,
  63544. pipes: null,
  63545. pipesCount: 0,
  63546. flowing: true,
  63547. ended: false,
  63548. endEmitted: false,
  63549. reading: true,
  63550. sync: false,
  63551. needReadable: true,
  63552. emittedReadable: false,
  63553. readableListening: false,
  63554. resumeScheduled: false,
  63555. emitClose: false,
  63556. autoDestroy: false,
  63557. destroyed: false,
  63558. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63559. awaitDrain: 0,
  63560. readingMore: false,
  63561. decoder: null,
  63562. encoding: null },
  63563. readable: true,
  63564. _events:
  63565. [Object: null prototype] {
  63566. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  63567. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  63568. data: [Function],
  63569. close: [Function] },
  63570. _eventsCount: 4,
  63571. _maxListeners: undefined,
  63572. _writableState:
  63573. WritableState {
  63574. objectMode: false,
  63575. highWaterMark: 16384,
  63576. finalCalled: false,
  63577. needDrain: false,
  63578. ending: false,
  63579. ended: false,
  63580. finished: false,
  63581. destroyed: false,
  63582. decodeStrings: false,
  63583. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  63584. length: 0,
  63585. writing: false,
  63586. corked: 0,
  63587. sync: false,
  63588. bufferProcessing: false,
  63589. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  63590. writecb: null,
  63591. writelen: 0,
  63592. bufferedRequest: null,
  63593. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  63594. pendingcb: 0,
  63595. prefinished: false,
  63596. errorEmitted: false,
  63597. emitClose: false,
  63598. autoDestroy: false,
  63599. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  63600. corkedRequestsFree:
  63601. { next: null,
  63602. entry: null,
  63603. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  63604. writable: true,
  63605. allowHalfOpen: false,
  63606. _sockname: null,
  63607. _pendingData: null,
  63608. _pendingEncoding: '',
  63609. server: null,
  63610. _server: null,
  63611. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  63612. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  63613. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  63614. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  63615. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  63616. _internalId: 1,
  63617. _commands:
  63618. Denque {
  63619. _head: 0,
  63620. _tail: 0,
  63621. _capacityMask: 3,
  63622. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  63623. _command: undefined,
  63624. _paused: false,
  63625. _paused_packets:
  63626. Denque {
  63627. _head: 0,
  63628. _tail: 0,
  63629. _capacityMask: 3,
  63630. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  63631. _statements:
  63632. LRUCache {
  63633. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  63634. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  63635. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  63636. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  63637. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  63638. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  63639. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  63640. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  63641. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  63642. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63643. authorized: true,
  63644. sequenceId: 23,
  63645. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  63646. threadId: 1303,
  63647. _handshakePacket:
  63648. Handshake {
  63649. protocolVersion: 10,
  63650. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  63651. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  63652. connectionId: 1303,
  63653. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  63654. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  63655. characterSet: 255,
  63656. statusFlags: 2 },
  63657. _fatalError: null,
  63658. _protocolError: null,
  63659. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  63660. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  63661. packetParser:
  63662. PacketParser {
  63663. buffer: [],
  63664. bufferLength: 0,
  63665. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  63666. headerLen: 0,
  63667. length: 5,
  63668. largePacketParts: [],
  63669. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  63670. onPacket: [Function],
  63671. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  63672. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  63673. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  63674. connectTimeout: null,
  63675. connectionId: 1303 },
  63676. state: 'IDLE' } },
  63677. length: 2 },
  63678. _direction: 'next',
  63679. _startPosition: 'head',
  63680. _started: false,
  63681. _cursor: null,
  63682. _done: false },
  63683. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  63684. _scheduledEviction:
  63685. Timeout {
  63686. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  63687. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  63688. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  63689. _idleStart: 432,
  63690. _onTimeout: [Function],
  63691. _timerArgs: undefined,
  63692. _repeat: null,
  63693. _destroyed: false,
  63694. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  63695. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  63696. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  63697. lib:
  63698. { createConnection: [Function],
  63699. connect: [Function],
  63700. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  63701. createPool: [Function],
  63702. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  63703. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  63704. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  63705. createServer: [Function],
  63706. PoolConnection:
  63707. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  63708. escape: [Function: escape],
  63709. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  63710. format: [Function: format],
  63711. raw: [Function: raw],
  63712. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  63713. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  63714. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  63715. Types: [Getter],
  63716. Charsets: [Getter],
  63717. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  63718. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  63719. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  63720. importCache: {},
  63721. test:
  63722. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  63723. _runningQueries: 0,
  63724. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  63725. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  63726. hooks: {},
  63727. uniqueKeys: {} },
  63728. _options:
  63729. { isNewRecord: false,
  63730. _schema: null,
  63731. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  63732. raw: true,
  63733. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  63734. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  63735. isNewRecord: false },
  63736. Balloons {
  63737. dataValues:
  63738. { id: 8,
  63739. size: 'large',
  63740. color: 'red',
  63741. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:56.000Z,
  63742. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:56.000Z },
  63743. _previousDataValues:
  63744. { id: 8,
  63745. size: 'large',
  63746. color: 'red',
  63747. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:56.000Z,
  63748. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:12:56.000Z },
  63749. _changed: {},
  63750. _modelOptions:
  63751. { timestamps: true,
  63752. validate: {},
  63753. freezeTableName: false,
  63754. underscored: false,
  63755. underscoredAll: false,
  63756. paranoid: false,
  63757. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  63758. whereCollection: null,
  63759. schema: null,
  63760. schemaDelimiter: '',
  63761. defaultScope: {},
  63762. scopes: [],
  63763. indexes: [],
  63764. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  63765. omitNull: false,
  63766. sequelize:
  63767. Sequelize {
  63768. options:
  63769. { dialect: 'mysql',
  63770. dialectModulePath: null,
  63771. host: 'localhost',
  63772. protocol: 'tcp',
  63773. define: {},
  63774. query: {},
  63775. sync: {},
  63776. timezone: '+00:00',
  63777. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  63778. omitNull: false,
  63779. native: false,
  63780. replication: false,
  63781. ssl: undefined,
  63782. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  63783. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  63784. hooks: {},
  63785. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  63786. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  63787. isolationLevel: null,
  63788. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  63789. typeValidation: false,
  63790. benchmark: false,
  63791. operatorsAliases: false },
  63792. config:
  63793. { database: 'lbry',
  63794. username: 'root',
  63795. password: 'abcd1234',
  63796. host: 'localhost',
  63797. port: 3306,
  63798. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  63799. protocol: 'tcp',
  63800. native: false,
  63801. ssl: undefined,
  63802. replication: false,
  63803. dialectModulePath: null,
  63804. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  63805. dialectOptions: undefined },
  63806. dialect:
  63807. MysqlDialect {
  63808. sequelize: [Circular],
  63809. connectionManager:
  63810. ConnectionManager {
  63811. sequelize: [Circular],
  63812. config:
  63813. { database: 'lbry',
  63814. username: 'root',
  63815. password: 'abcd1234',
  63816. host: 'localhost',
  63817. port: undefined,
  63818. pool:
  63819. { max: 5,
  63820. min: 0,
  63821. acquire: 30000,
  63822. idle: 10000,
  63823. evict: 10000,
  63824. handleDisconnects: true,
  63825. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  63826. Promise:
  63827. { [Function: Promise]
  63828. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  63829. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  63830. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  63831. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  63832. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63833. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63834. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  63835. _peekContext: [Function],
  63836. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  63837. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  63838. longStackTraces: [Function],
  63839. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  63840. config: [Function],
  63841. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  63842. is: [Function],
  63843. fromCallback: [Function],
  63844. fromNode: [Function],
  63845. all: [Function],
  63846. cast: [Function],
  63847. fulfilled: [Function],
  63848. resolve: [Function],
  63849. rejected: [Function],
  63850. reject: [Function],
  63851. setScheduler: [Function],
  63852. pending: [Function],
  63853. defer: [Function],
  63854. method: [Function],
  63855. try: [Function],
  63856. attempt: [Function],
  63857. bind: [Function],
  63858. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  63859. join: [Function],
  63860. Promise: [Circular],
  63861. version: '3.5.3',
  63862. map: [Function],
  63863. using: [Function],
  63864. delay: [Function],
  63865. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  63866. spawn: [Function],
  63867. promisify: [Function],
  63868. promisifyAll: [Function],
  63869. props: [Function],
  63870. race: [Function],
  63871. reduce: [Function],
  63872. settle: [Function],
  63873. some: [Function],
  63874. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  63875. filter: [Function],
  63876. each: [Function],
  63877. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  63878. any: [Function],
  63879. default: [Circular] } },
  63880. protocol: 'tcp',
  63881. native: false,
  63882. ssl: undefined,
  63883. replication: false,
  63884. dialectModulePath: null,
  63885. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  63886. dialectOptions: undefined },
  63887. dialect: [Circular],
  63888. versionPromise: null,
  63889. dialectName: 'mysql',
  63890. pool:
  63891. Pool {
  63892. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  63893. _eventsCount: 0,
  63894. _maxListeners: undefined,
  63895. _config:
  63896. PoolOptions {
  63897. fifo: true,
  63898. priorityRange: 1,
  63899. testOnBorrow: true,
  63900. testOnReturn: false,
  63901. autostart: false,
  63902. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  63903. max: 5,
  63904. min: 0,
  63905. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  63906. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  63907. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  63908. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  63909. Promise:
  63910. { [Function: Promise]
  63911. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  63912. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  63913. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  63914. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  63915. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63916. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63917. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  63918. _peekContext: [Function],
  63919. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  63920. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  63921. longStackTraces: [Function],
  63922. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  63923. config: [Function],
  63924. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  63925. is: [Function],
  63926. fromCallback: [Function],
  63927. fromNode: [Function],
  63928. all: [Function],
  63929. cast: [Function],
  63930. fulfilled: [Function],
  63931. resolve: [Function],
  63932. rejected: [Function],
  63933. reject: [Function],
  63934. setScheduler: [Function],
  63935. pending: [Function],
  63936. defer: [Function],
  63937. method: [Function],
  63938. try: [Function],
  63939. attempt: [Function],
  63940. bind: [Function],
  63941. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  63942. join: [Function],
  63943. Promise: [Circular],
  63944. version: '3.5.3',
  63945. map: [Function],
  63946. using: [Function],
  63947. delay: [Function],
  63948. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  63949. spawn: [Function],
  63950. promisify: [Function],
  63951. promisifyAll: [Function],
  63952. props: [Function],
  63953. race: [Function],
  63954. reduce: [Function],
  63955. settle: [Function],
  63956. some: [Function],
  63957. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  63958. filter: [Function],
  63959. each: [Function],
  63960. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  63961. any: [Function],
  63962. default: [Circular] } },
  63963. _Promise:
  63964. { [Function: Promise]
  63965. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  63966. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  63967. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  63968. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  63969. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63970. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  63971. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  63972. _peekContext: [Function],
  63973. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  63974. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  63975. longStackTraces: [Function],
  63976. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  63977. config: [Function],
  63978. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  63979. is: [Function],
  63980. fromCallback: [Function],
  63981. fromNode: [Function],
  63982. all: [Function],
  63983. cast: [Function],
  63984. fulfilled: [Function],
  63985. resolve: [Function],
  63986. rejected: [Function],
  63987. reject: [Function],
  63988. setScheduler: [Function],
  63989. pending: [Function],
  63990. defer: [Function],
  63991. method: [Function],
  63992. try: [Function],
  63993. attempt: [Function],
  63994. bind: [Function],
  63995. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  63996. join: [Function],
  63997. Promise: [Circular],
  63998. version: '3.5.3',
  63999. map: [Function],
  64000. using: [Function],
  64001. delay: [Function],
  64002. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  64003. spawn: [Function],
  64004. promisify: [Function],
  64005. promisifyAll: [Function],
  64006. props: [Function],
  64007. race: [Function],
  64008. reduce: [Function],
  64009. settle: [Function],
  64010. some: [Function],
  64011. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  64012. filter: [Function],
  64013. each: [Function],
  64014. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  64015. any: [Function],
  64016. default: [Circular] },
  64017. _factory:
  64018. { create: [Function: create],
  64019. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  64020. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  64021. _draining: false,
  64022. _started: true,
  64023. _waitingClientsQueue:
  64024. PriorityQueue {
  64025. _size: 1,
  64026. _slots:
  64027. [ Queue {
  64028. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  64029. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  64030. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  64031. _availableObjects:
  64032. Deque {
  64033. _list:
  64034. DoublyLinkedList {
  64035. head:
  64036. { prev: null,
  64037. next:
  64038. { prev: [Circular],
  64039. next: null,
  64040. data:
  64041. PooledResource {
  64042. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  64043. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  64044. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  64045. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  64046. obj:
  64047. Connection {
  64048. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  64049. _eventsCount: 1,
  64050. _maxListeners: undefined,
  64051. config:
  64052. ConnectionConfig {
  64053. isServer: undefined,
  64054. stream: undefined,
  64055. host: 'localhost',
  64056. port: 3306,
  64057. localAddress: undefined,
  64058. socketPath: undefined,
  64059. user: 'root',
  64060. password: 'abcd1234',
  64061. passwordSha1: undefined,
  64062. database: 'lbry',
  64063. connectTimeout: 10000,
  64064. insecureAuth: false,
  64065. supportBigNumbers: true,
  64066. bigNumberStrings: false,
  64067. decimalNumbers: false,
  64068. dateStrings: false,
  64069. debug: undefined,
  64070. trace: true,
  64071. stringifyObjects: false,
  64072. timezone: '+00:00',
  64073. queryFormat: undefined,
  64074. pool: undefined,
  64075. ssl: false,
  64076. multipleStatements: false,
  64077. rowsAsArray: false,
  64078. namedPlaceholders: false,
  64079. nestTables: undefined,
  64080. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  64081. maxPacketSize: 0,
  64082. charsetNumber: 224,
  64083. compress: false,
  64084. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  64085. clientFlags: 8582093,
  64086. connectAttributes: undefined,
  64087. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  64088. stream:
  64089. Socket {
  64090. connecting: false,
  64091. _hadError: false,
  64092. _handle:
  64093. TCP {
  64094. reading: true,
  64095. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  64096. onconnection: null,
  64097. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  64098. _parent: null,
  64099. _host: 'localhost',
  64100. _readableState:
  64101. ReadableState {
  64102. objectMode: false,
  64103. highWaterMark: 16384,
  64104. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  64105. length: 0,
  64106. pipes: null,
  64107. pipesCount: 0,
  64108. flowing: true,
  64109. ended: false,
  64110. endEmitted: false,
  64111. reading: true,
  64112. sync: false,
  64113. needReadable: true,
  64114. emittedReadable: false,
  64115. readableListening: false,
  64116. resumeScheduled: false,
  64117. emitClose: false,
  64118. autoDestroy: false,
  64119. destroyed: false,
  64120. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  64121. awaitDrain: 0,
  64122. readingMore: false,
  64123. decoder: null,
  64124. encoding: null },
  64125. readable: true,
  64126. _events:
  64127. [Object: null prototype] {
  64128. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  64129. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  64130. data: [Function],
  64131. close: [Function] },
  64132. _eventsCount: 4,
  64133. _maxListeners: undefined,
  64134. _writableState:
  64135. WritableState {
  64136. objectMode: false,
  64137. highWaterMark: 16384,
  64138. finalCalled: false,
  64139. needDrain: false,
  64140. ending: false,
  64141. ended: false,
  64142. finished: false,
  64143. destroyed: false,
  64144. decodeStrings: false,
  64145. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  64146. length: 0,
  64147. writing: false,
  64148. corked: 0,
  64149. sync: false,
  64150. bufferProcessing: false,
  64151. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  64152. writecb: null,
  64153. writelen: 0,
  64154. bufferedRequest: null,
  64155. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  64156. pendingcb: 0,
  64157. prefinished: false,
  64158. errorEmitted: false,
  64159. emitClose: false,
  64160. autoDestroy: false,
  64161. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  64162. corkedRequestsFree:
  64163. { next: null,
  64164. entry: null,
  64165. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  64166. writable: true,
  64167. allowHalfOpen: false,
  64168. _sockname: null,
  64169. _pendingData: null,
  64170. _pendingEncoding: '',
  64171. server: null,
  64172. _server: null,
  64173. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  64174. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  64175. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  64176. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  64177. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  64178. _internalId: 1,
  64179. _commands:
  64180. Denque {
  64181. _head: 0,
  64182. _tail: 0,
  64183. _capacityMask: 3,
  64184. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  64185. _command: undefined,
  64186. _paused: false,
  64187. _paused_packets:
  64188. Denque {
  64189. _head: 0,
  64190. _tail: 0,
  64191. _capacityMask: 3,
  64192. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  64193. _statements:
  64194. LRUCache {
  64195. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  64196. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  64197. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  64198. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  64199. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  64200. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  64201. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  64202. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  64203. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  64205. authorized: true,
  64206. sequenceId: 23,
  64207. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  64208. threadId: 1303,
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  64210. Handshake {
  64211. protocolVersion: 10,
  64212. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  64213. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  64216. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  64217. characterSet: 255,
  64218. statusFlags: 2 },
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  64220. _protocolError: null,
  64221. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  64225. buffer: [],
  64226. bufferLength: 0,
  64227. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  64228. headerLen: 0,
  64229. length: 5,
  64230. largePacketParts: [],
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  64235. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  64236. connectTimeout: null,
  64237. connectionId: 1303 },
  64238. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  64240. PooledResource {
  64241. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  64242. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  64243. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  64244. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  64254. host: 'localhost',
  64255. port: 3306,
  64256. localAddress: undefined,
  64257. socketPath: undefined,
  64258. user: 'root',
  64259. password: 'abcd1234',
  64260. passwordSha1: undefined,
  64261. database: 'lbry',
  64262. connectTimeout: 10000,
  64263. insecureAuth: false,
  64264. supportBigNumbers: true,
  64265. bigNumberStrings: false,
  64266. decimalNumbers: false,
  64267. dateStrings: false,
  64268. debug: undefined,
  64269. trace: true,
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  64274. ssl: false,
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  64277. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  64282. compress: false,
  64283. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  64284. clientFlags: 8582093,
  64285. connectAttributes: undefined,
  64286. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  64288. Socket {
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  64292. TCP {
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  64296. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  64304. length: 0,
  64305. pipes: null,
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  64318. destroyed: false,
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  64320. awaitDrain: 0,
  64321. readingMore: false,
  64322. decoder: null,
  64323. encoding: null },
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  64327. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  64329. data: [Function],
  64330. close: [Function] },
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  64340. ended: false,
  64341. finished: false,
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  64356. prefinished: false,
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  64359. autoDestroy: false,
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  64362. { next: null,
  64363. entry: null,
  64364. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  64369. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  64371. _server: null,
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  64373. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  64374. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  64375. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  64376. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  64381. _tail: 0,
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  64383. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64389. _tail: 0,
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  64391. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64397. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  64398. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  64400. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  64401. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  64402. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  64404. authorized: true,
  64405. sequenceId: 2,
  64406. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  64407. threadId: 1302,
  64408. _handshakePacket:
  64409. Handshake {
  64410. protocolVersion: 10,
  64411. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  64412. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  64413. connectionId: 1302,
  64414. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  64415. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  64416. characterSet: 255,
  64417. statusFlags: 2 },
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  64419. _protocolError: null,
  64420. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  64423. PacketParser {
  64424. buffer: [],
  64425. bufferLength: 0,
  64426. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  64427. headerLen: 0,
  64428. length: 7,
  64429. largePacketParts: [],
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  64435. connectTimeout: null,
  64436. connectionId: 1302 },
  64437. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  64439. { prev:
  64440. { prev: null,
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  64443. PooledResource {
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  64445. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  64446. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  64447. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  64448. obj:
  64449. Connection {
  64450. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  64451. _eventsCount: 1,
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  64456. stream: undefined,
  64457. host: 'localhost',
  64458. port: 3306,
  64459. localAddress: undefined,
  64460. socketPath: undefined,
  64461. user: 'root',
  64462. password: 'abcd1234',
  64463. passwordSha1: undefined,
  64464. database: 'lbry',
  64465. connectTimeout: 10000,
  64466. insecureAuth: false,
  64467. supportBigNumbers: true,
  64468. bigNumberStrings: false,
  64469. decimalNumbers: false,
  64470. dateStrings: false,
  64471. debug: undefined,
  64472. trace: true,
  64473. stringifyObjects: false,
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  64475. queryFormat: undefined,
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  64477. ssl: false,
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  64480. namedPlaceholders: false,
  64481. nestTables: undefined,
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  64485. compress: false,
  64486. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  64487. clientFlags: 8582093,
  64488. connectAttributes: undefined,
  64489. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  64491. Socket {
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  64495. TCP {
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  64499. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  64507. length: 0,
  64508. pipes: null,
  64509. pipesCount: 0,
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  64517. readableListening: false,
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  64521. destroyed: false,
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  64524. readingMore: false,
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  64526. encoding: null },
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  64541. needDrain: false,
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  64543. ended: false,
  64544. finished: false,
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  64562. autoDestroy: false,
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  64566. entry: null,
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  64572. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  64574. _server: null,
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  64577. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  64578. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  64579. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  64584. _tail: 0,
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  64586. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64592. _tail: 0,
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  64594. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64601. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  64603. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  64604. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  64605. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  64607. authorized: true,
  64608. sequenceId: 2,
  64609. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  64610. threadId: 1302,
  64611. _handshakePacket:
  64612. Handshake {
  64613. protocolVersion: 10,
  64614. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  64615. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  64616. connectionId: 1302,
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  64618. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  64619. characterSet: 255,
  64620. statusFlags: 2 },
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  64622. _protocolError: null,
  64623. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  64626. PacketParser {
  64627. buffer: [],
  64628. bufferLength: 0,
  64629. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  64630. headerLen: 0,
  64631. length: 7,
  64632. largePacketParts: [],
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  64637. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  64638. connectTimeout: null,
  64639. connectionId: 1302 },
  64640. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  64643. PooledResource {
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  64645. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  64646. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  64647. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  64648. obj:
  64649. Connection {
  64650. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  64651. _eventsCount: 1,
  64652. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  64654. ConnectionConfig {
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  64656. stream: undefined,
  64657. host: 'localhost',
  64658. port: 3306,
  64659. localAddress: undefined,
  64660. socketPath: undefined,
  64661. user: 'root',
  64662. password: 'abcd1234',
  64663. passwordSha1: undefined,
  64664. database: 'lbry',
  64665. connectTimeout: 10000,
  64666. insecureAuth: false,
  64667. supportBigNumbers: true,
  64668. bigNumberStrings: false,
  64669. decimalNumbers: false,
  64670. dateStrings: false,
  64671. debug: undefined,
  64672. trace: true,
  64673. stringifyObjects: false,
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  64685. compress: false,
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  64687. clientFlags: 8582093,
  64688. connectAttributes: undefined,
  64689. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  64691. Socket {
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  64695. TCP {
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  64699. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  64707. length: 0,
  64708. pipes: null,
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  64717. readableListening: false,
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  64721. destroyed: false,
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  64724. readingMore: false,
  64725. decoder: null,
  64726. encoding: null },
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  64729. [Object: null prototype] {
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  64741. needDrain: false,
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  64743. ended: false,
  64744. finished: false,
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  64750. corked: 0,
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  64762. autoDestroy: false,
  64763. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  64766. entry: null,
  64767. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  64772. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  64774. _server: null,
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  64777. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  64778. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  64779. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  64784. _tail: 0,
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  64786. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64790. Denque {
  64791. _head: 0,
  64792. _tail: 0,
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  64794. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64800. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  64801. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  64803. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  64804. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  64805. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  64807. authorized: true,
  64808. sequenceId: 23,
  64809. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  64810. threadId: 1303,
  64811. _handshakePacket:
  64812. Handshake {
  64813. protocolVersion: 10,
  64814. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  64815. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  64816. connectionId: 1303,
  64817. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  64818. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  64819. characterSet: 255,
  64820. statusFlags: 2 },
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  64822. _protocolError: null,
  64823. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  64824. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  64825. packetParser:
  64826. PacketParser {
  64827. buffer: [],
  64828. bufferLength: 0,
  64829. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  64830. headerLen: 0,
  64831. length: 5,
  64832. largePacketParts: [],
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  64834. onPacket: [Function],
  64835. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  64836. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  64837. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  64838. connectTimeout: null,
  64839. connectionId: 1303 },
  64840. state: 'IDLE' } },
  64841. length: 2 } },
  64842. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  64843. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  64844. _validationOperations: Set {},
  64845. _allObjects:
  64846. Set {
  64847. PooledResource {
  64848. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  64849. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  64850. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  64851. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  64852. obj:
  64853. Connection {
  64854. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  64855. _eventsCount: 1,
  64856. _maxListeners: undefined,
  64857. config:
  64858. ConnectionConfig {
  64859. isServer: undefined,
  64860. stream: undefined,
  64861. host: 'localhost',
  64862. port: 3306,
  64863. localAddress: undefined,
  64864. socketPath: undefined,
  64865. user: 'root',
  64866. password: 'abcd1234',
  64867. passwordSha1: undefined,
  64868. database: 'lbry',
  64869. connectTimeout: 10000,
  64870. insecureAuth: false,
  64871. supportBigNumbers: true,
  64872. bigNumberStrings: false,
  64873. decimalNumbers: false,
  64874. dateStrings: false,
  64875. debug: undefined,
  64876. trace: true,
  64877. stringifyObjects: false,
  64878. timezone: '+00:00',
  64879. queryFormat: undefined,
  64880. pool: undefined,
  64881. ssl: false,
  64882. multipleStatements: false,
  64883. rowsAsArray: false,
  64884. namedPlaceholders: false,
  64885. nestTables: undefined,
  64886. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  64887. maxPacketSize: 0,
  64888. charsetNumber: 224,
  64889. compress: false,
  64890. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  64891. clientFlags: 8582093,
  64892. connectAttributes: undefined,
  64893. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  64895. Socket {
  64896. connecting: false,
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  64899. TCP {
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  64901. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  64902. onconnection: null,
  64903. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  64904. _parent: null,
  64905. _host: 'localhost',
  64906. _readableState:
  64907. ReadableState {
  64908. objectMode: false,
  64909. highWaterMark: 16384,
  64910. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  64911. length: 0,
  64912. pipes: null,
  64913. pipesCount: 0,
  64914. flowing: true,
  64915. ended: false,
  64916. endEmitted: false,
  64917. reading: true,
  64918. sync: false,
  64919. needReadable: true,
  64920. emittedReadable: false,
  64921. readableListening: false,
  64922. resumeScheduled: false,
  64923. emitClose: false,
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  64925. destroyed: false,
  64926. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  64927. awaitDrain: 0,
  64928. readingMore: false,
  64929. decoder: null,
  64930. encoding: null },
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  64933. [Object: null prototype] {
  64934. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  64935. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  64936. data: [Function],
  64937. close: [Function] },
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  64939. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  64944. finalCalled: false,
  64945. needDrain: false,
  64946. ending: false,
  64947. ended: false,
  64948. finished: false,
  64949. destroyed: false,
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  64951. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  64952. length: 0,
  64953. writing: false,
  64954. corked: 0,
  64955. sync: false,
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  64959. writelen: 0,
  64960. bufferedRequest: null,
  64961. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  64962. pendingcb: 0,
  64963. prefinished: false,
  64964. errorEmitted: false,
  64965. emitClose: false,
  64966. autoDestroy: false,
  64967. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  64968. corkedRequestsFree:
  64969. { next: null,
  64970. entry: null,
  64971. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  64972. writable: true,
  64973. allowHalfOpen: false,
  64974. _sockname: null,
  64975. _pendingData: null,
  64976. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  64978. _server: null,
  64979. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  64980. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  64981. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  64982. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  64983. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  64984. _internalId: 2,
  64985. _commands:
  64986. Denque {
  64987. _head: 0,
  64988. _tail: 0,
  64989. _capacityMask: 3,
  64990. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  64993. _paused_packets:
  64994. Denque {
  64995. _head: 0,
  64996. _tail: 0,
  64997. _capacityMask: 3,
  64998. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  65000. LRUCache {
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  65002. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  65003. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  65004. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  65005. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  65006. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  65007. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  65008. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  65009. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  65010. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65011. authorized: true,
  65012. sequenceId: 2,
  65013. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  65014. threadId: 1302,
  65015. _handshakePacket:
  65016. Handshake {
  65017. protocolVersion: 10,
  65018. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  65019. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65020. connectionId: 1302,
  65021. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  65022. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  65023. characterSet: 255,
  65024. statusFlags: 2 },
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  65026. _protocolError: null,
  65027. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  65028. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  65029. packetParser:
  65030. PacketParser {
  65031. buffer: [],
  65032. bufferLength: 0,
  65033. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  65034. headerLen: 0,
  65035. length: 7,
  65036. largePacketParts: [],
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  65038. onPacket: [Function],
  65039. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  65040. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  65041. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  65042. connectTimeout: null,
  65043. connectionId: 1302 },
  65044. state: 'IDLE' },
  65045. PooledResource {
  65046. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  65047. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  65048. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  65049. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  65050. obj:
  65051. Connection {
  65052. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  65053. _eventsCount: 1,
  65054. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65055. config:
  65056. ConnectionConfig {
  65057. isServer: undefined,
  65058. stream: undefined,
  65059. host: 'localhost',
  65060. port: 3306,
  65061. localAddress: undefined,
  65062. socketPath: undefined,
  65063. user: 'root',
  65064. password: 'abcd1234',
  65065. passwordSha1: undefined,
  65066. database: 'lbry',
  65067. connectTimeout: 10000,
  65068. insecureAuth: false,
  65069. supportBigNumbers: true,
  65070. bigNumberStrings: false,
  65071. decimalNumbers: false,
  65072. dateStrings: false,
  65073. debug: undefined,
  65074. trace: true,
  65075. stringifyObjects: false,
  65076. timezone: '+00:00',
  65077. queryFormat: undefined,
  65078. pool: undefined,
  65079. ssl: false,
  65080. multipleStatements: false,
  65081. rowsAsArray: false,
  65082. namedPlaceholders: false,
  65083. nestTables: undefined,
  65084. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  65085. maxPacketSize: 0,
  65086. charsetNumber: 224,
  65087. compress: false,
  65088. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  65089. clientFlags: 8582093,
  65090. connectAttributes: undefined,
  65091. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  65093. Socket {
  65094. connecting: false,
  65095. _hadError: false,
  65096. _handle:
  65097. TCP {
  65098. reading: true,
  65099. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  65100. onconnection: null,
  65101. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  65105. ReadableState {
  65106. objectMode: false,
  65107. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65108. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  65109. length: 0,
  65110. pipes: null,
  65111. pipesCount: 0,
  65112. flowing: true,
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  65114. endEmitted: false,
  65115. reading: true,
  65116. sync: false,
  65117. needReadable: true,
  65118. emittedReadable: false,
  65119. readableListening: false,
  65120. resumeScheduled: false,
  65121. emitClose: false,
  65122. autoDestroy: false,
  65123. destroyed: false,
  65124. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65125. awaitDrain: 0,
  65126. readingMore: false,
  65127. decoder: null,
  65128. encoding: null },
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  65131. [Object: null prototype] {
  65132. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  65133. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  65134. data: [Function],
  65135. close: [Function] },
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  65139. WritableState {
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  65142. finalCalled: false,
  65143. needDrain: false,
  65144. ending: false,
  65145. ended: false,
  65146. finished: false,
  65147. destroyed: false,
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  65149. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65150. length: 0,
  65151. writing: false,
  65152. corked: 0,
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  65159. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  65160. pendingcb: 0,
  65161. prefinished: false,
  65162. errorEmitted: false,
  65163. emitClose: false,
  65164. autoDestroy: false,
  65165. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  65166. corkedRequestsFree:
  65167. { next: null,
  65168. entry: null,
  65169. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  65170. writable: true,
  65171. allowHalfOpen: false,
  65172. _sockname: null,
  65173. _pendingData: null,
  65174. _pendingEncoding: '',
  65175. server: null,
  65176. _server: null,
  65177. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  65178. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  65179. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  65180. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  65181. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  65182. _internalId: 1,
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  65184. Denque {
  65185. _head: 0,
  65186. _tail: 0,
  65187. _capacityMask: 3,
  65188. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65189. _command: undefined,
  65190. _paused: false,
  65191. _paused_packets:
  65192. Denque {
  65193. _head: 0,
  65194. _tail: 0,
  65195. _capacityMask: 3,
  65196. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65197. _statements:
  65198. LRUCache {
  65199. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  65200. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  65201. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  65202. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  65203. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  65204. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  65205. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  65206. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  65207. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  65208. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65209. authorized: true,
  65210. sequenceId: 23,
  65211. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  65212. threadId: 1303,
  65213. _handshakePacket:
  65214. Handshake {
  65215. protocolVersion: 10,
  65216. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  65217. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65218. connectionId: 1303,
  65219. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  65220. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  65221. characterSet: 255,
  65222. statusFlags: 2 },
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  65224. _protocolError: null,
  65225. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  65226. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  65227. packetParser:
  65228. PacketParser {
  65229. buffer: [],
  65230. bufferLength: 0,
  65231. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  65232. headerLen: 0,
  65233. length: 5,
  65234. largePacketParts: [],
  65235. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  65236. onPacket: [Function],
  65237. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  65238. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  65239. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  65240. connectTimeout: null,
  65241. connectionId: 1303 },
  65242. state: 'IDLE' } },
  65243. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  65244. _evictionIterator:
  65245. DequeIterator {
  65246. _list:
  65247. DoublyLinkedList {
  65248. head:
  65249. { prev: null,
  65250. next:
  65251. { prev: [Circular],
  65252. next: null,
  65253. data:
  65254. PooledResource {
  65255. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  65256. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  65257. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  65258. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  65259. obj:
  65260. Connection {
  65261. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  65262. _eventsCount: 1,
  65263. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65264. config:
  65265. ConnectionConfig {
  65266. isServer: undefined,
  65267. stream: undefined,
  65268. host: 'localhost',
  65269. port: 3306,
  65270. localAddress: undefined,
  65271. socketPath: undefined,
  65272. user: 'root',
  65273. password: 'abcd1234',
  65274. passwordSha1: undefined,
  65275. database: 'lbry',
  65276. connectTimeout: 10000,
  65277. insecureAuth: false,
  65278. supportBigNumbers: true,
  65279. bigNumberStrings: false,
  65280. decimalNumbers: false,
  65281. dateStrings: false,
  65282. debug: undefined,
  65283. trace: true,
  65284. stringifyObjects: false,
  65285. timezone: '+00:00',
  65286. queryFormat: undefined,
  65287. pool: undefined,
  65288. ssl: false,
  65289. multipleStatements: false,
  65290. rowsAsArray: false,
  65291. namedPlaceholders: false,
  65292. nestTables: undefined,
  65293. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  65294. maxPacketSize: 0,
  65295. charsetNumber: 224,
  65296. compress: false,
  65297. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  65298. clientFlags: 8582093,
  65299. connectAttributes: undefined,
  65300. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  65301. stream:
  65302. Socket {
  65303. connecting: false,
  65304. _hadError: false,
  65305. _handle:
  65306. TCP {
  65307. reading: true,
  65308. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  65309. onconnection: null,
  65310. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  65311. _parent: null,
  65312. _host: 'localhost',
  65313. _readableState:
  65314. ReadableState {
  65315. objectMode: false,
  65316. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65317. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  65318. length: 0,
  65319. pipes: null,
  65320. pipesCount: 0,
  65321. flowing: true,
  65322. ended: false,
  65323. endEmitted: false,
  65324. reading: true,
  65325. sync: false,
  65326. needReadable: true,
  65327. emittedReadable: false,
  65328. readableListening: false,
  65329. resumeScheduled: false,
  65330. emitClose: false,
  65331. autoDestroy: false,
  65332. destroyed: false,
  65333. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65334. awaitDrain: 0,
  65335. readingMore: false,
  65336. decoder: null,
  65337. encoding: null },
  65338. readable: true,
  65339. _events:
  65340. [Object: null prototype] {
  65341. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  65342. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  65343. data: [Function],
  65344. close: [Function] },
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  65346. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  65348. WritableState {
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  65350. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65351. finalCalled: false,
  65352. needDrain: false,
  65353. ending: false,
  65354. ended: false,
  65355. finished: false,
  65356. destroyed: false,
  65357. decodeStrings: false,
  65358. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65359. length: 0,
  65360. writing: false,
  65361. corked: 0,
  65362. sync: false,
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  65364. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  65366. writelen: 0,
  65367. bufferedRequest: null,
  65368. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  65369. pendingcb: 0,
  65370. prefinished: false,
  65371. errorEmitted: false,
  65372. emitClose: false,
  65373. autoDestroy: false,
  65374. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  65375. corkedRequestsFree:
  65376. { next: null,
  65377. entry: null,
  65378. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  65379. writable: true,
  65380. allowHalfOpen: false,
  65381. _sockname: null,
  65382. _pendingData: null,
  65383. _pendingEncoding: '',
  65384. server: null,
  65385. _server: null,
  65386. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  65387. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  65388. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  65389. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  65390. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  65391. _internalId: 1,
  65392. _commands:
  65393. Denque {
  65394. _head: 0,
  65395. _tail: 0,
  65396. _capacityMask: 3,
  65397. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65398. _command: undefined,
  65399. _paused: false,
  65400. _paused_packets:
  65401. Denque {
  65402. _head: 0,
  65403. _tail: 0,
  65404. _capacityMask: 3,
  65405. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65406. _statements:
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  65409. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  65410. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  65411. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  65412. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  65413. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  65414. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  65415. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  65416. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  65417. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65418. authorized: true,
  65419. sequenceId: 23,
  65420. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  65421. threadId: 1303,
  65422. _handshakePacket:
  65423. Handshake {
  65424. protocolVersion: 10,
  65425. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  65426. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65427. connectionId: 1303,
  65428. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  65429. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  65430. characterSet: 255,
  65431. statusFlags: 2 },
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  65433. _protocolError: null,
  65434. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  65435. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  65436. packetParser:
  65437. PacketParser {
  65438. buffer: [],
  65439. bufferLength: 0,
  65440. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  65441. headerLen: 0,
  65442. length: 5,
  65443. largePacketParts: [],
  65444. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  65445. onPacket: [Function],
  65446. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  65447. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  65448. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  65449. connectTimeout: null,
  65450. connectionId: 1303 },
  65451. state: 'IDLE' } },
  65452. data:
  65453. PooledResource {
  65454. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  65455. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  65456. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  65457. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  65458. obj:
  65459. Connection {
  65460. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  65461. _eventsCount: 1,
  65462. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65463. config:
  65464. ConnectionConfig {
  65465. isServer: undefined,
  65466. stream: undefined,
  65467. host: 'localhost',
  65468. port: 3306,
  65469. localAddress: undefined,
  65470. socketPath: undefined,
  65471. user: 'root',
  65472. password: 'abcd1234',
  65473. passwordSha1: undefined,
  65474. database: 'lbry',
  65475. connectTimeout: 10000,
  65476. insecureAuth: false,
  65477. supportBigNumbers: true,
  65478. bigNumberStrings: false,
  65479. decimalNumbers: false,
  65480. dateStrings: false,
  65481. debug: undefined,
  65482. trace: true,
  65483. stringifyObjects: false,
  65484. timezone: '+00:00',
  65485. queryFormat: undefined,
  65486. pool: undefined,
  65487. ssl: false,
  65488. multipleStatements: false,
  65489. rowsAsArray: false,
  65490. namedPlaceholders: false,
  65491. nestTables: undefined,
  65492. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  65493. maxPacketSize: 0,
  65494. charsetNumber: 224,
  65495. compress: false,
  65496. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  65497. clientFlags: 8582093,
  65498. connectAttributes: undefined,
  65499. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  65500. stream:
  65501. Socket {
  65502. connecting: false,
  65503. _hadError: false,
  65504. _handle:
  65505. TCP {
  65506. reading: true,
  65507. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  65508. onconnection: null,
  65509. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  65510. _parent: null,
  65511. _host: 'localhost',
  65512. _readableState:
  65513. ReadableState {
  65514. objectMode: false,
  65515. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65516. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  65517. length: 0,
  65518. pipes: null,
  65519. pipesCount: 0,
  65520. flowing: true,
  65521. ended: false,
  65522. endEmitted: false,
  65523. reading: true,
  65524. sync: false,
  65525. needReadable: true,
  65526. emittedReadable: false,
  65527. readableListening: false,
  65528. resumeScheduled: false,
  65529. emitClose: false,
  65530. autoDestroy: false,
  65531. destroyed: false,
  65532. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65533. awaitDrain: 0,
  65534. readingMore: false,
  65535. decoder: null,
  65536. encoding: null },
  65537. readable: true,
  65538. _events:
  65539. [Object: null prototype] {
  65540. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  65541. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  65542. data: [Function],
  65543. close: [Function] },
  65544. _eventsCount: 4,
  65545. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65546. _writableState:
  65547. WritableState {
  65548. objectMode: false,
  65549. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65550. finalCalled: false,
  65551. needDrain: false,
  65552. ending: false,
  65553. ended: false,
  65554. finished: false,
  65555. destroyed: false,
  65556. decodeStrings: false,
  65557. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65558. length: 0,
  65559. writing: false,
  65560. corked: 0,
  65561. sync: false,
  65562. bufferProcessing: false,
  65563. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  65564. writecb: null,
  65565. writelen: 0,
  65566. bufferedRequest: null,
  65567. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  65568. pendingcb: 0,
  65569. prefinished: false,
  65570. errorEmitted: false,
  65571. emitClose: false,
  65572. autoDestroy: false,
  65573. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  65574. corkedRequestsFree:
  65575. { next: null,
  65576. entry: null,
  65577. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  65578. writable: true,
  65579. allowHalfOpen: false,
  65580. _sockname: null,
  65581. _pendingData: null,
  65582. _pendingEncoding: '',
  65583. server: null,
  65584. _server: null,
  65585. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  65586. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  65587. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  65588. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  65589. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  65590. _internalId: 2,
  65591. _commands:
  65592. Denque {
  65593. _head: 0,
  65594. _tail: 0,
  65595. _capacityMask: 3,
  65596. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65597. _command: undefined,
  65598. _paused: false,
  65599. _paused_packets:
  65600. Denque {
  65601. _head: 0,
  65602. _tail: 0,
  65603. _capacityMask: 3,
  65604. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65605. _statements:
  65606. LRUCache {
  65607. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  65608. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  65609. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  65610. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  65611. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  65612. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  65613. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  65614. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  65615. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  65616. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65617. authorized: true,
  65618. sequenceId: 2,
  65619. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  65620. threadId: 1302,
  65621. _handshakePacket:
  65622. Handshake {
  65623. protocolVersion: 10,
  65624. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  65625. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65626. connectionId: 1302,
  65627. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  65628. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  65629. characterSet: 255,
  65630. statusFlags: 2 },
  65631. _fatalError: null,
  65632. _protocolError: null,
  65633. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  65634. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  65635. packetParser:
  65636. PacketParser {
  65637. buffer: [],
  65638. bufferLength: 0,
  65639. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  65640. headerLen: 0,
  65641. length: 7,
  65642. largePacketParts: [],
  65643. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  65644. onPacket: [Function],
  65645. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  65646. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  65647. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  65648. connectTimeout: null,
  65649. connectionId: 1302 },
  65650. state: 'IDLE' } },
  65651. tail:
  65652. { prev:
  65653. { prev: null,
  65654. next: [Circular],
  65655. data:
  65656. PooledResource {
  65657. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  65658. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  65659. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  65660. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  65661. obj:
  65662. Connection {
  65663. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  65664. _eventsCount: 1,
  65665. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65666. config:
  65667. ConnectionConfig {
  65668. isServer: undefined,
  65669. stream: undefined,
  65670. host: 'localhost',
  65671. port: 3306,
  65672. localAddress: undefined,
  65673. socketPath: undefined,
  65674. user: 'root',
  65675. password: 'abcd1234',
  65676. passwordSha1: undefined,
  65677. database: 'lbry',
  65678. connectTimeout: 10000,
  65679. insecureAuth: false,
  65680. supportBigNumbers: true,
  65681. bigNumberStrings: false,
  65682. decimalNumbers: false,
  65683. dateStrings: false,
  65684. debug: undefined,
  65685. trace: true,
  65686. stringifyObjects: false,
  65687. timezone: '+00:00',
  65688. queryFormat: undefined,
  65689. pool: undefined,
  65690. ssl: false,
  65691. multipleStatements: false,
  65692. rowsAsArray: false,
  65693. namedPlaceholders: false,
  65694. nestTables: undefined,
  65695. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  65696. maxPacketSize: 0,
  65697. charsetNumber: 224,
  65698. compress: false,
  65699. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  65700. clientFlags: 8582093,
  65701. connectAttributes: undefined,
  65702. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  65703. stream:
  65704. Socket {
  65705. connecting: false,
  65706. _hadError: false,
  65707. _handle:
  65708. TCP {
  65709. reading: true,
  65710. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  65711. onconnection: null,
  65712. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  65713. _parent: null,
  65714. _host: 'localhost',
  65715. _readableState:
  65716. ReadableState {
  65717. objectMode: false,
  65718. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65719. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  65720. length: 0,
  65721. pipes: null,
  65722. pipesCount: 0,
  65723. flowing: true,
  65724. ended: false,
  65725. endEmitted: false,
  65726. reading: true,
  65727. sync: false,
  65728. needReadable: true,
  65729. emittedReadable: false,
  65730. readableListening: false,
  65731. resumeScheduled: false,
  65732. emitClose: false,
  65733. autoDestroy: false,
  65734. destroyed: false,
  65735. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65736. awaitDrain: 0,
  65737. readingMore: false,
  65738. decoder: null,
  65739. encoding: null },
  65740. readable: true,
  65741. _events:
  65742. [Object: null prototype] {
  65743. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  65744. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  65745. data: [Function],
  65746. close: [Function] },
  65747. _eventsCount: 4,
  65748. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65749. _writableState:
  65750. WritableState {
  65751. objectMode: false,
  65752. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65753. finalCalled: false,
  65754. needDrain: false,
  65755. ending: false,
  65756. ended: false,
  65757. finished: false,
  65758. destroyed: false,
  65759. decodeStrings: false,
  65760. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65761. length: 0,
  65762. writing: false,
  65763. corked: 0,
  65764. sync: false,
  65765. bufferProcessing: false,
  65766. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  65768. writelen: 0,
  65769. bufferedRequest: null,
  65770. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  65771. pendingcb: 0,
  65772. prefinished: false,
  65773. errorEmitted: false,
  65774. emitClose: false,
  65775. autoDestroy: false,
  65776. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  65777. corkedRequestsFree:
  65778. { next: null,
  65779. entry: null,
  65780. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  65781. writable: true,
  65782. allowHalfOpen: false,
  65783. _sockname: null,
  65784. _pendingData: null,
  65785. _pendingEncoding: '',
  65786. server: null,
  65787. _server: null,
  65788. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  65789. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  65790. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  65791. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  65792. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  65793. _internalId: 2,
  65794. _commands:
  65795. Denque {
  65796. _head: 0,
  65797. _tail: 0,
  65798. _capacityMask: 3,
  65799. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65800. _command: undefined,
  65801. _paused: false,
  65802. _paused_packets:
  65803. Denque {
  65804. _head: 0,
  65805. _tail: 0,
  65806. _capacityMask: 3,
  65807. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  65808. _statements:
  65809. LRUCache {
  65810. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  65811. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  65812. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  65813. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  65814. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  65815. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  65816. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  65817. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  65818. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  65819. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65820. authorized: true,
  65821. sequenceId: 2,
  65822. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  65823. threadId: 1302,
  65824. _handshakePacket:
  65825. Handshake {
  65826. protocolVersion: 10,
  65827. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  65828. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  65829. connectionId: 1302,
  65830. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  65831. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  65832. characterSet: 255,
  65833. statusFlags: 2 },
  65834. _fatalError: null,
  65835. _protocolError: null,
  65836. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  65837. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  65838. packetParser:
  65839. PacketParser {
  65840. buffer: [],
  65841. bufferLength: 0,
  65842. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  65843. headerLen: 0,
  65844. length: 7,
  65845. largePacketParts: [],
  65846. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  65847. onPacket: [Function],
  65848. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  65849. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  65850. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  65851. connectTimeout: null,
  65852. connectionId: 1302 },
  65853. state: 'IDLE' } },
  65854. next: null,
  65855. data:
  65856. PooledResource {
  65857. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  65858. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  65859. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  65860. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  65861. obj:
  65862. Connection {
  65863. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  65864. _eventsCount: 1,
  65865. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65866. config:
  65867. ConnectionConfig {
  65868. isServer: undefined,
  65869. stream: undefined,
  65870. host: 'localhost',
  65871. port: 3306,
  65872. localAddress: undefined,
  65873. socketPath: undefined,
  65874. user: 'root',
  65875. password: 'abcd1234',
  65876. passwordSha1: undefined,
  65877. database: 'lbry',
  65878. connectTimeout: 10000,
  65879. insecureAuth: false,
  65880. supportBigNumbers: true,
  65881. bigNumberStrings: false,
  65882. decimalNumbers: false,
  65883. dateStrings: false,
  65884. debug: undefined,
  65885. trace: true,
  65886. stringifyObjects: false,
  65887. timezone: '+00:00',
  65888. queryFormat: undefined,
  65889. pool: undefined,
  65890. ssl: false,
  65891. multipleStatements: false,
  65892. rowsAsArray: false,
  65893. namedPlaceholders: false,
  65894. nestTables: undefined,
  65895. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  65896. maxPacketSize: 0,
  65897. charsetNumber: 224,
  65898. compress: false,
  65899. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  65900. clientFlags: 8582093,
  65901. connectAttributes: undefined,
  65902. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  65903. stream:
  65904. Socket {
  65905. connecting: false,
  65906. _hadError: false,
  65907. _handle:
  65908. TCP {
  65909. reading: true,
  65910. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  65911. onconnection: null,
  65912. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  65913. _parent: null,
  65914. _host: 'localhost',
  65915. _readableState:
  65916. ReadableState {
  65917. objectMode: false,
  65918. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65919. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  65920. length: 0,
  65921. pipes: null,
  65922. pipesCount: 0,
  65923. flowing: true,
  65924. ended: false,
  65925. endEmitted: false,
  65926. reading: true,
  65927. sync: false,
  65928. needReadable: true,
  65929. emittedReadable: false,
  65930. readableListening: false,
  65931. resumeScheduled: false,
  65932. emitClose: false,
  65933. autoDestroy: false,
  65934. destroyed: false,
  65935. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65936. awaitDrain: 0,
  65937. readingMore: false,
  65938. decoder: null,
  65939. encoding: null },
  65940. readable: true,
  65941. _events:
  65942. [Object: null prototype] {
  65943. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  65944. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  65945. data: [Function],
  65946. close: [Function] },
  65947. _eventsCount: 4,
  65948. _maxListeners: undefined,
  65949. _writableState:
  65950. WritableState {
  65951. objectMode: false,
  65952. highWaterMark: 16384,
  65953. finalCalled: false,
  65954. needDrain: false,
  65955. ending: false,
  65956. ended: false,
  65957. finished: false,
  65958. destroyed: false,
  65959. decodeStrings: false,
  65960. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  65961. length: 0,
  65962. writing: false,
  65963. corked: 0,
  65964. sync: false,
  65965. bufferProcessing: false,
  65966. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  65967. writecb: null,
  65968. writelen: 0,
  65969. bufferedRequest: null,
  65970. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  65971. pendingcb: 0,
  65972. prefinished: false,
  65973. errorEmitted: false,
  65974. emitClose: false,
  65975. autoDestroy: false,
  65976. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  65977. corkedRequestsFree:
  65978. { next: null,
  65979. entry: null,
  65980. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  65981. writable: true,
  65982. allowHalfOpen: false,
  65983. _sockname: null,
  65984. _pendingData: null,
  65985. _pendingEncoding: '',
  65986. server: null,
  65987. _server: null,
  65988. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  65989. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  65990. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  65991. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  65992. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  65993. _internalId: 1,
  65994. _commands:
  65995. Denque {
  65996. _head: 0,
  65997. _tail: 0,
  65998. _capacityMask: 3,
  65999. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  66000. _command: undefined,
  66001. _paused: false,
  66002. _paused_packets:
  66003. Denque {
  66004. _head: 0,
  66005. _tail: 0,
  66006. _capacityMask: 3,
  66007. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  66008. _statements:
  66009. LRUCache {
  66010. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  66011. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  66012. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  66013. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  66014. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  66015. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  66016. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  66017. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  66018. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  66019. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  66020. authorized: true,
  66021. sequenceId: 23,
  66022. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  66023. threadId: 1303,
  66024. _handshakePacket:
  66025. Handshake {
  66026. protocolVersion: 10,
  66027. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  66028. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  66029. connectionId: 1303,
  66030. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  66031. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  66032. characterSet: 255,
  66033. statusFlags: 2 },
  66034. _fatalError: null,
  66035. _protocolError: null,
  66036. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  66037. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  66038. packetParser:
  66039. PacketParser {
  66040. buffer: [],
  66041. bufferLength: 0,
  66042. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  66043. headerLen: 0,
  66044. length: 5,
  66045. largePacketParts: [],
  66046. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  66047. onPacket: [Function],
  66048. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  66049. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  66050. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  66051. connectTimeout: null,
  66052. connectionId: 1303 },
  66053. state: 'IDLE' } },
  66054. length: 2 },
  66055. _direction: 'next',
  66056. _startPosition: 'head',
  66057. _started: false,
  66058. _cursor: null,
  66059. _done: false },
  66060. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  66061. _scheduledEviction:
  66062. Timeout {
  66063. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  66064. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  66065. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  66066. _idleStart: 432,
  66067. _onTimeout: [Function],
  66068. _timerArgs: undefined,
  66069. _repeat: null,
  66070. _destroyed: false,
  66071. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  66072. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  66073. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  66074. lib:
  66075. { createConnection: [Function],
  66076. connect: [Function],
  66077. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  66078. createPool: [Function],
  66079. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  66080. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  66081. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  66082. createServer: [Function],
  66083. PoolConnection:
  66084. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  66085. escape: [Function: escape],
  66086. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  66087. format: [Function: format],
  66088. raw: [Function: raw],
  66089. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  66090. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  66091. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  66092. Types: [Getter],
  66093. Charsets: [Getter],
  66094. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  66095. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  66096. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  66097. QueryGenerator:
  66098. { dialect: 'mysql',
  66099. OperatorMap:
  66100. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  66101. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  66102. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  66103. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  66104. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  66105. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  66106. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  66107. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  66108. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  66109. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  66110. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  66111. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  66112. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  66113. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  66114. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  66115. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  66116. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  66117. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  66118. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  66119. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  66120. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  66121. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  66122. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  66123. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  66124. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  66125. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  66126. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  66127. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  66128. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  66129. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  66130. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  66131. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  66132. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  66133. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  66134. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  66135. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  66136. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  66137. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  66138. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  66139. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  66140. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  66141. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  66142. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  66143. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  66144. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  66145. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  66146. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  66147. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  66148. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  66149. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  66150. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  66151. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  66152. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  66153. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  66154. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  66155. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  66156. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  66157. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  66158. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  66159. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  66160. _templateSettings:
  66161. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66162. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66163. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66164. variable: '',
  66165. imports:
  66166. { _:
  66167. { [Function: lodash]
  66168. templateSettings: [Circular],
  66169. after: [Function: after],
  66170. ary: [Function: ary],
  66171. assign: [Function],
  66172. assignIn: [Function],
  66173. assignInWith: [Function],
  66174. assignWith: [Function],
  66175. at: [Function],
  66176. before: [Function: before],
  66177. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66178. bindAll: [Function],
  66179. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66180. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  66181. chain: [Function: chain],
  66182. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  66183. compact: [Function: compact],
  66184. concat: [Function: concat],
  66185. cond: [Function: cond],
  66186. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  66187. constant: [Function: constant],
  66188. countBy: [Function],
  66189. create: [Function: create],
  66190. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66191. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66192. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  66193. defaults: [Function],
  66194. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  66195. defer: [Function],
  66196. delay: [Function],
  66197. difference: [Function],
  66198. differenceBy: [Function],
  66199. differenceWith: [Function],
  66200. drop: [Function: drop],
  66201. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  66202. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  66203. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  66204. fill: [Function: fill],
  66205. filter: [Function: filter],
  66206. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  66207. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  66208. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  66209. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  66210. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  66211. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  66212. flip: [Function: flip],
  66213. flow: [Function],
  66214. flowRight: [Function],
  66215. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  66216. functions: [Function: functions],
  66217. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  66218. groupBy: [Function],
  66219. initial: [Function: initial],
  66220. intersection: [Function],
  66221. intersectionBy: [Function],
  66222. intersectionWith: [Function],
  66223. invert: [Function],
  66224. invertBy: [Function],
  66225. invokeMap: [Function],
  66226. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  66227. keyBy: [Function],
  66228. keys: [Function: keys],
  66229. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  66230. map: [Function: map],
  66231. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  66232. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  66233. matches: [Function: matches],
  66234. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  66235. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  66236. merge: [Function],
  66237. mergeWith: [Function],
  66238. method: [Function],
  66239. methodOf: [Function],
  66240. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  66241. negate: [Function: negate],
  66242. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  66243. omit: [Function],
  66244. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  66245. once: [Function: once],
  66246. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  66247. over: [Function],
  66248. overArgs: [Function],
  66249. overEvery: [Function],
  66250. overSome: [Function],
  66251. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66252. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66253. partition: [Function],
  66254. pick: [Function],
  66255. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  66256. property: [Function: property],
  66257. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  66258. pull: [Function],
  66259. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  66260. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  66261. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  66262. pullAt: [Function],
  66263. range: [Function],
  66264. rangeRight: [Function],
  66265. rearg: [Function],
  66266. reject: [Function: reject],
  66267. remove: [Function: remove],
  66268. rest: [Function: rest],
  66269. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  66270. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  66271. set: [Function: set],
  66272. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  66273. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  66274. slice: [Function: slice],
  66275. sortBy: [Function],
  66276. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  66277. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  66278. split: [Function: split],
  66279. spread: [Function: spread],
  66280. tail: [Function: tail],
  66281. take: [Function: take],
  66282. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  66283. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  66284. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  66285. tap: [Function: tap],
  66286. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  66287. thru: [Function: thru],
  66288. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  66289. toPairs: [Function],
  66290. toPairsIn: [Function],
  66291. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  66292. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  66293. transform: [Function: transform],
  66294. unary: [Function: unary],
  66295. union: [Function],
  66296. unionBy: [Function],
  66297. unionWith: [Function],
  66298. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  66299. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  66300. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  66301. unset: [Function: unset],
  66302. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  66303. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  66304. update: [Function: update],
  66305. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  66306. values: [Function: values],
  66307. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  66308. without: [Function],
  66309. words: [Function: words],
  66310. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  66311. xor: [Function],
  66312. xorBy: [Function],
  66313. xorWith: [Function],
  66314. zip: [Function],
  66315. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  66316. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  66317. zipWith: [Function],
  66318. entries: [Function],
  66319. entriesIn: [Function],
  66320. extend: [Function],
  66321. extendWith: [Function],
  66322. add: [Function],
  66323. attempt: [Function],
  66324. camelCase: [Function],
  66325. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  66326. ceil: [Function],
  66327. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  66328. clone: [Function: clone],
  66329. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  66330. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  66331. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  66332. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  66333. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  66334. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  66335. divide: [Function],
  66336. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  66337. eq: [Function: eq],
  66338. escape: [Function: escape],
  66339. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  66340. every: [Function: every],
  66341. find: [Function],
  66342. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  66343. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  66344. findLast: [Function],
  66345. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  66346. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  66347. floor: [Function],
  66348. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  66349. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  66350. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  66351. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  66352. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  66353. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  66354. get: [Function: get],
  66355. gt: [Function],
  66356. gte: [Function],
  66357. has: [Function: has],
  66358. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  66359. head: [Function: head],
  66360. identity: [Function: identity],
  66361. includes: [Function: includes],
  66362. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  66363. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  66364. invoke: [Function],
  66365. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  66366. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  66367. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  66368. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  66369. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  66370. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  66371. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  66372. isDate: [Function],
  66373. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  66374. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  66375. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  66376. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  66377. isError: [Function: isError],
  66378. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  66379. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  66380. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  66381. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  66382. isMap: [Function],
  66383. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  66384. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  66385. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  66386. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  66387. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  66388. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  66389. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  66390. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  66391. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  66392. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  66393. isRegExp: [Function],
  66394. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  66395. isSet: [Function],
  66396. isString: [Function: isString],
  66397. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  66398. isTypedArray: [Function],
  66399. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  66400. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  66401. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  66402. join: [Function: join],
  66403. kebabCase: [Function],
  66404. last: [Function: last],
  66405. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  66406. lowerCase: [Function],
  66407. lowerFirst: [Function],
  66408. lt: [Function],
  66409. lte: [Function],
  66410. max: [Function: max],
  66411. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  66412. mean: [Function: mean],
  66413. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  66414. min: [Function: min],
  66415. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  66416. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  66417. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  66418. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  66419. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  66420. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  66421. multiply: [Function],
  66422. nth: [Function: nth],
  66423. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  66424. noop: [Function: noop],
  66425. now: [Function],
  66426. pad: [Function: pad],
  66427. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  66428. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  66429. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  66430. random: [Function: random],
  66431. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  66432. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  66433. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  66434. replace: [Function: replace],
  66435. result: [Function: result],
  66436. round: [Function],
  66437. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  66438. sample: [Function: sample],
  66439. size: [Function: size],
  66440. snakeCase: [Function],
  66441. some: [Function: some],
  66442. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  66443. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  66444. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  66445. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  66446. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  66447. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  66448. startCase: [Function],
  66449. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  66450. subtract: [Function],
  66451. sum: [Function: sum],
  66452. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  66453. template: [Function: template],
  66454. times: [Function: times],
  66455. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  66456. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  66457. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  66458. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  66459. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  66460. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  66461. toString: [Function: toString],
  66462. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  66463. trim: [Function: trim],
  66464. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  66465. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  66466. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  66467. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  66468. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  66469. upperCase: [Function],
  66470. upperFirst: [Function],
  66471. each: [Function: forEach],
  66472. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  66473. first: [Function: head],
  66474. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  66475. options:
  66476. { dialect: 'mysql',
  66477. dialectModulePath: null,
  66478. host: 'localhost',
  66479. protocol: 'tcp',
  66480. define: {},
  66481. query: {},
  66482. sync: {},
  66483. timezone: '+00:00',
  66484. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  66485. omitNull: false,
  66486. native: false,
  66487. replication: false,
  66488. ssl: undefined,
  66489. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  66490. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  66491. hooks: {},
  66492. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  66493. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  66494. isolationLevel: null,
  66495. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  66496. typeValidation: false,
  66497. benchmark: false,
  66498. operatorsAliases: false },
  66499. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  66500. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  66501. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  66502. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  66503. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  66504. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  66505. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  66506. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  66507. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  66508. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  66509. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  66510. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  66511. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  66512. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  66513. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  66514. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  66515. quote: [Function: quote],
  66516. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  66517. escape: [Function: escape],
  66518. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  66519. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  66520. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  66521. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  66522. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  66523. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  66524. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  66525. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  66526. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  66527. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  66528. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  66529. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  66530. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  66531. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  66532. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  66533. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  66534. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  66535. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  66536. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  66537. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  66538. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  66539. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  66540. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  66541. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  66542. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  66543. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  66544. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  66545. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  66546. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  66547. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  66548. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  66549. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  66550. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  66551. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  66552. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  66553. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  66554. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  66555. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  66556. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  66557. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  66558. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  66559. _dialect: [Circular],
  66560. sequelize: [Circular],
  66561. typeValidation: undefined } },
  66562. queryInterface:
  66563. QueryInterface {
  66564. sequelize: [Circular],
  66565. QueryGenerator:
  66566. { dialect: 'mysql',
  66567. OperatorMap:
  66568. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  66569. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  66570. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  66571. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  66572. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  66573. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  66574. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  66575. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  66576. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  66577. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  66578. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  66579. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  66580. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  66581. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  66582. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  66583. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  66584. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  66585. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  66586. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  66587. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  66588. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  66589. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  66590. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  66591. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  66592. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  66593. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  66594. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  66595. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  66596. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  66597. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  66598. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  66599. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  66600. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  66601. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  66602. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  66603. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  66604. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  66605. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  66606. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  66607. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  66608. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  66609. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  66610. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  66611. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  66612. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  66613. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  66614. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  66615. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  66616. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  66617. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  66618. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  66619. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  66620. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  66621. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  66622. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  66623. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  66624. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  66625. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  66626. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  66627. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  66628. _templateSettings:
  66629. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66630. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66631. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  66632. variable: '',
  66633. imports:
  66634. { _:
  66635. { [Function: lodash]
  66636. templateSettings: [Circular],
  66637. after: [Function: after],
  66638. ary: [Function: ary],
  66639. assign: [Function],
  66640. assignIn: [Function],
  66641. assignInWith: [Function],
  66642. assignWith: [Function],
  66643. at: [Function],
  66644. before: [Function: before],
  66645. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66646. bindAll: [Function],
  66647. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66648. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  66649. chain: [Function: chain],
  66650. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  66651. compact: [Function: compact],
  66652. concat: [Function: concat],
  66653. cond: [Function: cond],
  66654. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  66655. constant: [Function: constant],
  66656. countBy: [Function],
  66657. create: [Function: create],
  66658. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66659. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66660. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  66661. defaults: [Function],
  66662. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  66663. defer: [Function],
  66664. delay: [Function],
  66665. difference: [Function],
  66666. differenceBy: [Function],
  66667. differenceWith: [Function],
  66668. drop: [Function: drop],
  66669. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  66670. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  66671. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  66672. fill: [Function: fill],
  66673. filter: [Function: filter],
  66674. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  66675. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  66676. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  66677. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  66678. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  66679. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  66680. flip: [Function: flip],
  66681. flow: [Function],
  66682. flowRight: [Function],
  66683. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  66684. functions: [Function: functions],
  66685. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  66686. groupBy: [Function],
  66687. initial: [Function: initial],
  66688. intersection: [Function],
  66689. intersectionBy: [Function],
  66690. intersectionWith: [Function],
  66691. invert: [Function],
  66692. invertBy: [Function],
  66693. invokeMap: [Function],
  66694. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  66695. keyBy: [Function],
  66696. keys: [Function: keys],
  66697. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  66698. map: [Function: map],
  66699. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  66700. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  66701. matches: [Function: matches],
  66702. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  66703. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  66704. merge: [Function],
  66705. mergeWith: [Function],
  66706. method: [Function],
  66707. methodOf: [Function],
  66708. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  66709. negate: [Function: negate],
  66710. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  66711. omit: [Function],
  66712. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  66713. once: [Function: once],
  66714. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  66715. over: [Function],
  66716. overArgs: [Function],
  66717. overEvery: [Function],
  66718. overSome: [Function],
  66719. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66720. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  66721. partition: [Function],
  66722. pick: [Function],
  66723. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  66724. property: [Function: property],
  66725. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  66726. pull: [Function],
  66727. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  66728. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  66729. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  66730. pullAt: [Function],
  66731. range: [Function],
  66732. rangeRight: [Function],
  66733. rearg: [Function],
  66734. reject: [Function: reject],
  66735. remove: [Function: remove],
  66736. rest: [Function: rest],
  66737. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  66738. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  66739. set: [Function: set],
  66740. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  66741. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  66742. slice: [Function: slice],
  66743. sortBy: [Function],
  66744. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  66745. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  66746. split: [Function: split],
  66747. spread: [Function: spread],
  66748. tail: [Function: tail],
  66749. take: [Function: take],
  66750. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  66751. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  66752. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  66753. tap: [Function: tap],
  66754. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  66755. thru: [Function: thru],
  66756. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  66757. toPairs: [Function],
  66758. toPairsIn: [Function],
  66759. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  66760. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  66761. transform: [Function: transform],
  66762. unary: [Function: unary],
  66763. union: [Function],
  66764. unionBy: [Function],
  66765. unionWith: [Function],
  66766. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  66767. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  66768. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  66769. unset: [Function: unset],
  66770. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  66771. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  66772. update: [Function: update],
  66773. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  66774. values: [Function: values],
  66775. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  66776. without: [Function],
  66777. words: [Function: words],
  66778. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  66779. xor: [Function],
  66780. xorBy: [Function],
  66781. xorWith: [Function],
  66782. zip: [Function],
  66783. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  66784. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  66785. zipWith: [Function],
  66786. entries: [Function],
  66787. entriesIn: [Function],
  66788. extend: [Function],
  66789. extendWith: [Function],
  66790. add: [Function],
  66791. attempt: [Function],
  66792. camelCase: [Function],
  66793. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  66794. ceil: [Function],
  66795. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  66796. clone: [Function: clone],
  66797. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  66798. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  66799. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  66800. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  66801. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  66802. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  66803. divide: [Function],
  66804. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  66805. eq: [Function: eq],
  66806. escape: [Function: escape],
  66807. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  66808. every: [Function: every],
  66809. find: [Function],
  66810. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  66811. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  66812. findLast: [Function],
  66813. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  66814. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  66815. floor: [Function],
  66816. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  66817. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  66818. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  66819. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  66820. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  66821. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  66822. get: [Function: get],
  66823. gt: [Function],
  66824. gte: [Function],
  66825. has: [Function: has],
  66826. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  66827. head: [Function: head],
  66828. identity: [Function: identity],
  66829. includes: [Function: includes],
  66830. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  66831. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  66832. invoke: [Function],
  66833. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  66834. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  66835. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  66836. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  66837. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  66838. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  66839. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  66840. isDate: [Function],
  66841. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  66842. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  66843. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  66844. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  66845. isError: [Function: isError],
  66846. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  66847. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  66848. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  66849. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  66850. isMap: [Function],
  66851. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  66852. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  66853. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  66854. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  66855. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  66856. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  66857. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  66858. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  66859. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  66860. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  66861. isRegExp: [Function],
  66862. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  66863. isSet: [Function],
  66864. isString: [Function: isString],
  66865. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  66866. isTypedArray: [Function],
  66867. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  66868. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  66869. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  66870. join: [Function: join],
  66871. kebabCase: [Function],
  66872. last: [Function: last],
  66873. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  66874. lowerCase: [Function],
  66875. lowerFirst: [Function],
  66876. lt: [Function],
  66877. lte: [Function],
  66878. max: [Function: max],
  66879. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  66880. mean: [Function: mean],
  66881. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  66882. min: [Function: min],
  66883. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  66884. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  66885. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  66886. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  66887. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  66888. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  66889. multiply: [Function],
  66890. nth: [Function: nth],
  66891. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  66892. noop: [Function: noop],
  66893. now: [Function],
  66894. pad: [Function: pad],
  66895. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  66896. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  66897. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  66898. random: [Function: random],
  66899. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  66900. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  66901. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  66902. replace: [Function: replace],
  66903. result: [Function: result],
  66904. round: [Function],
  66905. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  66906. sample: [Function: sample],
  66907. size: [Function: size],
  66908. snakeCase: [Function],
  66909. some: [Function: some],
  66910. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  66911. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  66912. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  66913. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  66914. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  66915. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  66916. startCase: [Function],
  66917. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  66918. subtract: [Function],
  66919. sum: [Function: sum],
  66920. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  66921. template: [Function: template],
  66922. times: [Function: times],
  66923. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  66924. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  66925. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  66926. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  66927. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  66928. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  66929. toString: [Function: toString],
  66930. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  66931. trim: [Function: trim],
  66932. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  66933. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  66934. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  66935. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  66936. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  66937. upperCase: [Function],
  66938. upperFirst: [Function],
  66939. each: [Function: forEach],
  66940. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  66941. first: [Function: head],
  66942. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  66943. options:
  66944. { dialect: 'mysql',
  66945. dialectModulePath: null,
  66946. host: 'localhost',
  66947. protocol: 'tcp',
  66948. define: {},
  66949. query: {},
  66950. sync: {},
  66951. timezone: '+00:00',
  66952. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  66953. omitNull: false,
  66954. native: false,
  66955. replication: false,
  66956. ssl: undefined,
  66957. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  66958. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  66959. hooks: {},
  66960. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  66961. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  66962. isolationLevel: null,
  66963. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  66964. typeValidation: false,
  66965. benchmark: false,
  66966. operatorsAliases: false },
  66967. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  66968. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  66969. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  66970. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  66971. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  66972. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  66973. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  66974. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  66975. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  66976. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  66977. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  66978. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  66979. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  66980. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  66981. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  66982. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  66983. quote: [Function: quote],
  66984. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  66985. escape: [Function: escape],
  66986. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  66987. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  66988. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  66989. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  66990. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  66991. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  66992. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  66993. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  66994. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  66995. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  66996. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  66997. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  66998. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  66999. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  67000. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  67001. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  67002. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  67003. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  67004. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  67005. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  67006. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  67007. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  67008. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  67009. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  67010. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  67011. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  67012. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  67013. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  67014. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  67015. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  67016. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  67017. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  67018. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  67019. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  67020. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  67021. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  67022. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  67023. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  67024. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  67025. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  67026. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  67027. _dialect:
  67028. MysqlDialect {
  67029. sequelize: [Circular],
  67030. connectionManager:
  67031. ConnectionManager {
  67032. sequelize: [Circular],
  67033. config:
  67034. { database: 'lbry',
  67035. username: 'root',
  67036. password: 'abcd1234',
  67037. host: 'localhost',
  67038. port: undefined,
  67039. pool:
  67040. { max: 5,
  67041. min: 0,
  67042. acquire: 30000,
  67043. idle: 10000,
  67044. evict: 10000,
  67045. handleDisconnects: true,
  67046. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  67047. Promise:
  67048. { [Function: Promise]
  67049. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  67050. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  67051. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  67052. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  67053. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67054. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67055. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  67056. _peekContext: [Function],
  67057. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  67058. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  67059. longStackTraces: [Function],
  67060. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  67061. config: [Function],
  67062. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  67063. is: [Function],
  67064. fromCallback: [Function],
  67065. fromNode: [Function],
  67066. all: [Function],
  67067. cast: [Function],
  67068. fulfilled: [Function],
  67069. resolve: [Function],
  67070. rejected: [Function],
  67071. reject: [Function],
  67072. setScheduler: [Function],
  67073. pending: [Function],
  67074. defer: [Function],
  67075. method: [Function],
  67076. try: [Function],
  67077. attempt: [Function],
  67078. bind: [Function],
  67079. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  67080. join: [Function],
  67081. Promise: [Circular],
  67082. version: '3.5.3',
  67083. map: [Function],
  67084. using: [Function],
  67085. delay: [Function],
  67086. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  67087. spawn: [Function],
  67088. promisify: [Function],
  67089. promisifyAll: [Function],
  67090. props: [Function],
  67091. race: [Function],
  67092. reduce: [Function],
  67093. settle: [Function],
  67094. some: [Function],
  67095. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  67096. filter: [Function],
  67097. each: [Function],
  67098. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  67099. any: [Function],
  67100. default: [Circular] } },
  67101. protocol: 'tcp',
  67102. native: false,
  67103. ssl: undefined,
  67104. replication: false,
  67105. dialectModulePath: null,
  67106. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  67107. dialectOptions: undefined },
  67108. dialect: [Circular],
  67109. versionPromise: null,
  67110. dialectName: 'mysql',
  67111. pool:
  67112. Pool {
  67113. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  67114. _eventsCount: 0,
  67115. _maxListeners: undefined,
  67116. _config:
  67117. PoolOptions {
  67118. fifo: true,
  67119. priorityRange: 1,
  67120. testOnBorrow: true,
  67121. testOnReturn: false,
  67122. autostart: false,
  67123. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  67124. max: 5,
  67125. min: 0,
  67126. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  67127. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  67128. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  67129. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  67130. Promise:
  67131. { [Function: Promise]
  67132. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  67133. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  67134. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  67135. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  67136. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67137. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67138. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  67139. _peekContext: [Function],
  67140. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  67141. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  67142. longStackTraces: [Function],
  67143. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  67144. config: [Function],
  67145. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  67146. is: [Function],
  67147. fromCallback: [Function],
  67148. fromNode: [Function],
  67149. all: [Function],
  67150. cast: [Function],
  67151. fulfilled: [Function],
  67152. resolve: [Function],
  67153. rejected: [Function],
  67154. reject: [Function],
  67155. setScheduler: [Function],
  67156. pending: [Function],
  67157. defer: [Function],
  67158. method: [Function],
  67159. try: [Function],
  67160. attempt: [Function],
  67161. bind: [Function],
  67162. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  67163. join: [Function],
  67164. Promise: [Circular],
  67165. version: '3.5.3',
  67166. map: [Function],
  67167. using: [Function],
  67168. delay: [Function],
  67169. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  67170. spawn: [Function],
  67171. promisify: [Function],
  67172. promisifyAll: [Function],
  67173. props: [Function],
  67174. race: [Function],
  67175. reduce: [Function],
  67176. settle: [Function],
  67177. some: [Function],
  67178. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  67179. filter: [Function],
  67180. each: [Function],
  67181. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  67182. any: [Function],
  67183. default: [Circular] } },
  67184. _Promise:
  67185. { [Function: Promise]
  67186. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  67187. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  67188. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  67189. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  67190. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67191. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  67192. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  67193. _peekContext: [Function],
  67194. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  67195. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  67196. longStackTraces: [Function],
  67197. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  67198. config: [Function],
  67199. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  67200. is: [Function],
  67201. fromCallback: [Function],
  67202. fromNode: [Function],
  67203. all: [Function],
  67204. cast: [Function],
  67205. fulfilled: [Function],
  67206. resolve: [Function],
  67207. rejected: [Function],
  67208. reject: [Function],
  67209. setScheduler: [Function],
  67210. pending: [Function],
  67211. defer: [Function],
  67212. method: [Function],
  67213. try: [Function],
  67214. attempt: [Function],
  67215. bind: [Function],
  67216. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  67217. join: [Function],
  67218. Promise: [Circular],
  67219. version: '3.5.3',
  67220. map: [Function],
  67221. using: [Function],
  67222. delay: [Function],
  67223. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  67224. spawn: [Function],
  67225. promisify: [Function],
  67226. promisifyAll: [Function],
  67227. props: [Function],
  67228. race: [Function],
  67229. reduce: [Function],
  67230. settle: [Function],
  67231. some: [Function],
  67232. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  67233. filter: [Function],
  67234. each: [Function],
  67235. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  67236. any: [Function],
  67237. default: [Circular] },
  67238. _factory:
  67239. { create: [Function: create],
  67240. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  67241. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  67242. _draining: false,
  67243. _started: true,
  67244. _waitingClientsQueue:
  67245. PriorityQueue {
  67246. _size: 1,
  67247. _slots:
  67248. [ Queue {
  67249. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  67250. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  67251. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  67252. _availableObjects:
  67253. Deque {
  67254. _list:
  67255. DoublyLinkedList {
  67256. head:
  67257. { prev: null,
  67258. next:
  67259. { prev: [Circular],
  67260. next: null,
  67261. data:
  67262. PooledResource {
  67263. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  67264. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  67265. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  67266. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  67267. obj:
  67268. Connection {
  67269. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  67270. _eventsCount: 1,
  67271. _maxListeners: undefined,
  67272. config:
  67273. ConnectionConfig {
  67274. isServer: undefined,
  67275. stream: undefined,
  67276. host: 'localhost',
  67277. port: 3306,
  67278. localAddress: undefined,
  67279. socketPath: undefined,
  67280. user: 'root',
  67281. password: 'abcd1234',
  67282. passwordSha1: undefined,
  67283. database: 'lbry',
  67284. connectTimeout: 10000,
  67285. insecureAuth: false,
  67286. supportBigNumbers: true,
  67287. bigNumberStrings: false,
  67288. decimalNumbers: false,
  67289. dateStrings: false,
  67290. debug: undefined,
  67291. trace: true,
  67292. stringifyObjects: false,
  67293. timezone: '+00:00',
  67294. queryFormat: undefined,
  67295. pool: undefined,
  67296. ssl: false,
  67297. multipleStatements: false,
  67298. rowsAsArray: false,
  67299. namedPlaceholders: false,
  67300. nestTables: undefined,
  67301. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  67303. charsetNumber: 224,
  67304. compress: false,
  67305. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  67306. clientFlags: 8582093,
  67307. connectAttributes: undefined,
  67308. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  67310. Socket {
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  67314. TCP {
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  67316. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  67318. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  67320. _host: 'localhost',
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  67322. ReadableState {
  67323. objectMode: false,
  67324. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67325. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  67326. length: 0,
  67327. pipes: null,
  67328. pipesCount: 0,
  67329. flowing: true,
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  67333. sync: false,
  67334. needReadable: true,
  67335. emittedReadable: false,
  67336. readableListening: false,
  67337. resumeScheduled: false,
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  67340. destroyed: false,
  67341. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  67342. awaitDrain: 0,
  67343. readingMore: false,
  67344. decoder: null,
  67345. encoding: null },
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  67349. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  67350. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  67351. data: [Function],
  67352. close: [Function] },
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  67359. finalCalled: false,
  67360. needDrain: false,
  67361. ending: false,
  67362. ended: false,
  67363. finished: false,
  67364. destroyed: false,
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  67366. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  67367. length: 0,
  67368. writing: false,
  67369. corked: 0,
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  67376. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  67377. pendingcb: 0,
  67378. prefinished: false,
  67379. errorEmitted: false,
  67380. emitClose: false,
  67381. autoDestroy: false,
  67382. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  67383. corkedRequestsFree:
  67384. { next: null,
  67385. entry: null,
  67386. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  67391. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  67393. _server: null,
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  67395. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  67396. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  67397. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  67398. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  67402. _head: 0,
  67403. _tail: 0,
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  67405. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67409. Denque {
  67410. _head: 0,
  67411. _tail: 0,
  67412. _capacityMask: 3,
  67413. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67418. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  67419. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  67420. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  67421. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  67422. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  67423. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  67424. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  67425. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67426. authorized: true,
  67427. sequenceId: 23,
  67428. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  67429. threadId: 1303,
  67430. _handshakePacket:
  67431. Handshake {
  67432. protocolVersion: 10,
  67433. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  67434. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67435. connectionId: 1303,
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  67437. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  67438. characterSet: 255,
  67439. statusFlags: 2 },
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  67441. _protocolError: null,
  67442. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  67444. packetParser:
  67445. PacketParser {
  67446. buffer: [],
  67447. bufferLength: 0,
  67448. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  67449. headerLen: 0,
  67450. length: 5,
  67451. largePacketParts: [],
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  67453. onPacket: [Function],
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  67455. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  67456. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  67457. connectTimeout: null,
  67458. connectionId: 1303 },
  67459. state: 'IDLE' } },
  67460. data:
  67461. PooledResource {
  67462. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  67463. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  67464. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  67465. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  67466. obj:
  67467. Connection {
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  67469. _eventsCount: 1,
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  67475. host: 'localhost',
  67476. port: 3306,
  67477. localAddress: undefined,
  67478. socketPath: undefined,
  67479. user: 'root',
  67480. password: 'abcd1234',
  67481. passwordSha1: undefined,
  67482. database: 'lbry',
  67483. connectTimeout: 10000,
  67484. insecureAuth: false,
  67485. supportBigNumbers: true,
  67486. bigNumberStrings: false,
  67487. decimalNumbers: false,
  67488. dateStrings: false,
  67489. debug: undefined,
  67490. trace: true,
  67491. stringifyObjects: false,
  67492. timezone: '+00:00',
  67493. queryFormat: undefined,
  67494. pool: undefined,
  67495. ssl: false,
  67496. multipleStatements: false,
  67497. rowsAsArray: false,
  67498. namedPlaceholders: false,
  67499. nestTables: undefined,
  67500. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  67503. compress: false,
  67504. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  67505. clientFlags: 8582093,
  67506. connectAttributes: undefined,
  67507. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  67509. Socket {
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  67513. TCP {
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  67517. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  67521. ReadableState {
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  67523. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67524. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  67525. length: 0,
  67526. pipes: null,
  67527. pipesCount: 0,
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  67532. sync: false,
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  67535. readableListening: false,
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  67539. destroyed: false,
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  67541. awaitDrain: 0,
  67542. readingMore: false,
  67543. decoder: null,
  67544. encoding: null },
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  67548. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  67559. needDrain: false,
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  67561. ended: false,
  67562. finished: false,
  67563. destroyed: false,
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  67568. corked: 0,
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  67575. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  67577. prefinished: false,
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  67580. autoDestroy: false,
  67581. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  67583. { next: null,
  67584. entry: null,
  67585. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  67590. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  67592. _server: null,
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  67595. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  67596. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  67597. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  67600. Denque {
  67601. _head: 0,
  67602. _tail: 0,
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  67604. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67608. Denque {
  67609. _head: 0,
  67610. _tail: 0,
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  67612. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67618. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  67619. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  67620. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  67621. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  67622. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  67623. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  67624. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67625. authorized: true,
  67626. sequenceId: 2,
  67627. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  67628. threadId: 1302,
  67629. _handshakePacket:
  67630. Handshake {
  67631. protocolVersion: 10,
  67632. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  67633. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67634. connectionId: 1302,
  67635. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  67636. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  67637. characterSet: 255,
  67638. statusFlags: 2 },
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  67640. _protocolError: null,
  67641. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  67643. packetParser:
  67644. PacketParser {
  67645. buffer: [],
  67646. bufferLength: 0,
  67647. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  67648. headerLen: 0,
  67649. length: 7,
  67650. largePacketParts: [],
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  67655. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  67656. connectTimeout: null,
  67657. connectionId: 1302 },
  67658. state: 'IDLE' } },
  67659. tail:
  67660. { prev:
  67661. { prev: null,
  67662. next: [Circular],
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  67664. PooledResource {
  67665. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  67666. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  67667. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  67668. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  67669. obj:
  67670. Connection {
  67671. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  67672. _eventsCount: 1,
  67673. _maxListeners: undefined,
  67674. config:
  67675. ConnectionConfig {
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  67677. stream: undefined,
  67678. host: 'localhost',
  67679. port: 3306,
  67680. localAddress: undefined,
  67681. socketPath: undefined,
  67682. user: 'root',
  67683. password: 'abcd1234',
  67684. passwordSha1: undefined,
  67685. database: 'lbry',
  67686. connectTimeout: 10000,
  67687. insecureAuth: false,
  67688. supportBigNumbers: true,
  67689. bigNumberStrings: false,
  67690. decimalNumbers: false,
  67691. dateStrings: false,
  67692. debug: undefined,
  67693. trace: true,
  67694. stringifyObjects: false,
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  67696. queryFormat: undefined,
  67697. pool: undefined,
  67698. ssl: false,
  67699. multipleStatements: false,
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  67701. namedPlaceholders: false,
  67702. nestTables: undefined,
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  67706. compress: false,
  67707. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  67708. clientFlags: 8582093,
  67709. connectAttributes: undefined,
  67710. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  67712. Socket {
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  67716. TCP {
  67717. reading: true,
  67718. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  67720. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  67725. objectMode: false,
  67726. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67727. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  67728. length: 0,
  67729. pipes: null,
  67730. pipesCount: 0,
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  67738. readableListening: false,
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  67742. destroyed: false,
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  67745. readingMore: false,
  67746. decoder: null,
  67747. encoding: null },
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  67750. [Object: null prototype] {
  67751. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  67752. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  67753. data: [Function],
  67754. close: [Function] },
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  67760. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67761. finalCalled: false,
  67762. needDrain: false,
  67763. ending: false,
  67764. ended: false,
  67765. finished: false,
  67766. destroyed: false,
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  67768. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  67769. length: 0,
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  67771. corked: 0,
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  67776. writelen: 0,
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  67778. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  67779. pendingcb: 0,
  67780. prefinished: false,
  67781. errorEmitted: false,
  67782. emitClose: false,
  67783. autoDestroy: false,
  67784. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  67785. corkedRequestsFree:
  67786. { next: null,
  67787. entry: null,
  67788. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  67790. allowHalfOpen: false,
  67791. _sockname: null,
  67792. _pendingData: null,
  67793. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  67795. _server: null,
  67796. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  67797. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  67798. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  67799. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  67800. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  67801. _internalId: 2,
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  67803. Denque {
  67804. _head: 0,
  67805. _tail: 0,
  67806. _capacityMask: 3,
  67807. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67810. _paused_packets:
  67811. Denque {
  67812. _head: 0,
  67813. _tail: 0,
  67814. _capacityMask: 3,
  67815. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  67821. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  67822. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  67823. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  67824. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  67825. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  67826. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  67827. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67828. authorized: true,
  67829. sequenceId: 2,
  67830. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  67831. threadId: 1302,
  67832. _handshakePacket:
  67833. Handshake {
  67834. protocolVersion: 10,
  67835. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  67836. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  67837. connectionId: 1302,
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  67839. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  67840. characterSet: 255,
  67841. statusFlags: 2 },
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  67843. _protocolError: null,
  67844. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  67846. packetParser:
  67847. PacketParser {
  67848. buffer: [],
  67849. bufferLength: 0,
  67850. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  67851. headerLen: 0,
  67852. length: 7,
  67853. largePacketParts: [],
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  67855. onPacket: [Function],
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  67858. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  67859. connectTimeout: null,
  67860. connectionId: 1302 },
  67861. state: 'IDLE' } },
  67862. next: null,
  67863. data:
  67864. PooledResource {
  67865. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  67866. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  67867. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  67868. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  67869. obj:
  67870. Connection {
  67871. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  67872. _eventsCount: 1,
  67873. _maxListeners: undefined,
  67874. config:
  67875. ConnectionConfig {
  67876. isServer: undefined,
  67877. stream: undefined,
  67878. host: 'localhost',
  67879. port: 3306,
  67880. localAddress: undefined,
  67881. socketPath: undefined,
  67882. user: 'root',
  67883. password: 'abcd1234',
  67884. passwordSha1: undefined,
  67885. database: 'lbry',
  67886. connectTimeout: 10000,
  67887. insecureAuth: false,
  67888. supportBigNumbers: true,
  67889. bigNumberStrings: false,
  67890. decimalNumbers: false,
  67891. dateStrings: false,
  67892. debug: undefined,
  67893. trace: true,
  67894. stringifyObjects: false,
  67895. timezone: '+00:00',
  67896. queryFormat: undefined,
  67897. pool: undefined,
  67898. ssl: false,
  67899. multipleStatements: false,
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  67901. namedPlaceholders: false,
  67902. nestTables: undefined,
  67903. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  67906. compress: false,
  67907. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  67908. clientFlags: 8582093,
  67909. connectAttributes: undefined,
  67910. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  67911. stream:
  67912. Socket {
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  67916. TCP {
  67917. reading: true,
  67918. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  67920. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  67922. _host: 'localhost',
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  67926. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67927. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  67928. length: 0,
  67929. pipes: null,
  67930. pipesCount: 0,
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  67932. ended: false,
  67933. endEmitted: false,
  67934. reading: true,
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  67936. needReadable: true,
  67937. emittedReadable: false,
  67938. readableListening: false,
  67939. resumeScheduled: false,
  67940. emitClose: false,
  67941. autoDestroy: false,
  67942. destroyed: false,
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  67944. awaitDrain: 0,
  67945. readingMore: false,
  67946. decoder: null,
  67947. encoding: null },
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  67950. [Object: null prototype] {
  67951. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  67952. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  67953. data: [Function],
  67954. close: [Function] },
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  67956. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  67958. WritableState {
  67959. objectMode: false,
  67960. highWaterMark: 16384,
  67961. finalCalled: false,
  67962. needDrain: false,
  67963. ending: false,
  67964. ended: false,
  67965. finished: false,
  67966. destroyed: false,
  67967. decodeStrings: false,
  67968. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  67969. length: 0,
  67970. writing: false,
  67971. corked: 0,
  67972. sync: false,
  67973. bufferProcessing: false,
  67974. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  67976. writelen: 0,
  67977. bufferedRequest: null,
  67978. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  67979. pendingcb: 0,
  67980. prefinished: false,
  67981. errorEmitted: false,
  67982. emitClose: false,
  67983. autoDestroy: false,
  67984. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  67985. corkedRequestsFree:
  67986. { next: null,
  67987. entry: null,
  67988. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  67989. writable: true,
  67990. allowHalfOpen: false,
  67991. _sockname: null,
  67992. _pendingData: null,
  67993. _pendingEncoding: '',
  67994. server: null,
  67995. _server: null,
  67996. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  67997. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  67998. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  67999. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  68000. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  68001. _internalId: 1,
  68002. _commands:
  68003. Denque {
  68004. _head: 0,
  68005. _tail: 0,
  68006. _capacityMask: 3,
  68007. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68008. _command: undefined,
  68009. _paused: false,
  68010. _paused_packets:
  68011. Denque {
  68012. _head: 0,
  68013. _tail: 0,
  68014. _capacityMask: 3,
  68015. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68016. _statements:
  68017. LRUCache {
  68018. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  68019. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  68020. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  68021. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  68022. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  68023. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  68024. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  68025. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  68026. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  68027. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68028. authorized: true,
  68029. sequenceId: 23,
  68030. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  68031. threadId: 1303,
  68032. _handshakePacket:
  68033. Handshake {
  68034. protocolVersion: 10,
  68035. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  68036. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68037. connectionId: 1303,
  68038. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  68039. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  68040. characterSet: 255,
  68041. statusFlags: 2 },
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  68043. _protocolError: null,
  68044. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  68045. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  68046. packetParser:
  68047. PacketParser {
  68048. buffer: [],
  68049. bufferLength: 0,
  68050. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  68051. headerLen: 0,
  68052. length: 5,
  68053. largePacketParts: [],
  68054. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  68055. onPacket: [Function],
  68056. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  68057. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  68058. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  68059. connectTimeout: null,
  68060. connectionId: 1303 },
  68061. state: 'IDLE' } },
  68062. length: 2 } },
  68063. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  68064. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  68065. _validationOperations: Set {},
  68066. _allObjects:
  68067. Set {
  68068. PooledResource {
  68069. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  68070. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  68071. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  68072. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  68073. obj:
  68074. Connection {
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  68076. _eventsCount: 1,
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  68080. isServer: undefined,
  68081. stream: undefined,
  68082. host: 'localhost',
  68083. port: 3306,
  68084. localAddress: undefined,
  68085. socketPath: undefined,
  68086. user: 'root',
  68087. password: 'abcd1234',
  68088. passwordSha1: undefined,
  68089. database: 'lbry',
  68090. connectTimeout: 10000,
  68091. insecureAuth: false,
  68092. supportBigNumbers: true,
  68093. bigNumberStrings: false,
  68094. decimalNumbers: false,
  68095. dateStrings: false,
  68096. debug: undefined,
  68097. trace: true,
  68098. stringifyObjects: false,
  68099. timezone: '+00:00',
  68100. queryFormat: undefined,
  68101. pool: undefined,
  68102. ssl: false,
  68103. multipleStatements: false,
  68104. rowsAsArray: false,
  68105. namedPlaceholders: false,
  68106. nestTables: undefined,
  68107. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  68108. maxPacketSize: 0,
  68109. charsetNumber: 224,
  68110. compress: false,
  68111. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  68112. clientFlags: 8582093,
  68113. connectAttributes: undefined,
  68114. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  68116. Socket {
  68117. connecting: false,
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  68119. _handle:
  68120. TCP {
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  68122. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  68123. onconnection: null,
  68124. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  68125. _parent: null,
  68126. _host: 'localhost',
  68127. _readableState:
  68128. ReadableState {
  68129. objectMode: false,
  68130. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68131. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  68132. length: 0,
  68133. pipes: null,
  68134. pipesCount: 0,
  68135. flowing: true,
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  68137. endEmitted: false,
  68138. reading: true,
  68139. sync: false,
  68140. needReadable: true,
  68141. emittedReadable: false,
  68142. readableListening: false,
  68143. resumeScheduled: false,
  68144. emitClose: false,
  68145. autoDestroy: false,
  68146. destroyed: false,
  68147. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68148. awaitDrain: 0,
  68149. readingMore: false,
  68150. decoder: null,
  68151. encoding: null },
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  68154. [Object: null prototype] {
  68155. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  68156. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  68157. data: [Function],
  68158. close: [Function] },
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  68160. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  68164. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68165. finalCalled: false,
  68166. needDrain: false,
  68167. ending: false,
  68168. ended: false,
  68169. finished: false,
  68170. destroyed: false,
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  68172. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68173. length: 0,
  68174. writing: false,
  68175. corked: 0,
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  68182. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  68183. pendingcb: 0,
  68184. prefinished: false,
  68185. errorEmitted: false,
  68186. emitClose: false,
  68187. autoDestroy: false,
  68188. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  68189. corkedRequestsFree:
  68190. { next: null,
  68191. entry: null,
  68192. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  68194. allowHalfOpen: false,
  68195. _sockname: null,
  68196. _pendingData: null,
  68197. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  68199. _server: null,
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  68201. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  68202. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  68203. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  68204. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  68207. Denque {
  68208. _head: 0,
  68209. _tail: 0,
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  68211. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  68215. Denque {
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  68217. _tail: 0,
  68218. _capacityMask: 3,
  68219. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  68223. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  68224. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  68225. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  68226. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  68227. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  68228. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  68229. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  68230. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  68231. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68232. authorized: true,
  68233. sequenceId: 2,
  68234. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  68235. threadId: 1302,
  68236. _handshakePacket:
  68237. Handshake {
  68238. protocolVersion: 10,
  68239. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  68240. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68241. connectionId: 1302,
  68242. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  68243. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  68244. characterSet: 255,
  68245. statusFlags: 2 },
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  68247. _protocolError: null,
  68248. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  68249. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  68250. packetParser:
  68251. PacketParser {
  68252. buffer: [],
  68253. bufferLength: 0,
  68254. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  68255. headerLen: 0,
  68256. length: 7,
  68257. largePacketParts: [],
  68258. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  68259. onPacket: [Function],
  68260. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  68261. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  68262. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  68263. connectTimeout: null,
  68264. connectionId: 1302 },
  68265. state: 'IDLE' },
  68266. PooledResource {
  68267. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  68268. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  68269. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  68270. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  68271. obj:
  68272. Connection {
  68273. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  68274. _eventsCount: 1,
  68275. _maxListeners: undefined,
  68276. config:
  68277. ConnectionConfig {
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  68279. stream: undefined,
  68280. host: 'localhost',
  68281. port: 3306,
  68282. localAddress: undefined,
  68283. socketPath: undefined,
  68284. user: 'root',
  68285. password: 'abcd1234',
  68286. passwordSha1: undefined,
  68287. database: 'lbry',
  68288. connectTimeout: 10000,
  68289. insecureAuth: false,
  68290. supportBigNumbers: true,
  68291. bigNumberStrings: false,
  68292. decimalNumbers: false,
  68293. dateStrings: false,
  68294. debug: undefined,
  68295. trace: true,
  68296. stringifyObjects: false,
  68297. timezone: '+00:00',
  68298. queryFormat: undefined,
  68299. pool: undefined,
  68300. ssl: false,
  68301. multipleStatements: false,
  68302. rowsAsArray: false,
  68303. namedPlaceholders: false,
  68304. nestTables: undefined,
  68305. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  68306. maxPacketSize: 0,
  68307. charsetNumber: 224,
  68308. compress: false,
  68309. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  68310. clientFlags: 8582093,
  68311. connectAttributes: undefined,
  68312. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  68314. Socket {
  68315. connecting: false,
  68316. _hadError: false,
  68317. _handle:
  68318. TCP {
  68319. reading: true,
  68320. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  68321. onconnection: null,
  68322. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  68323. _parent: null,
  68324. _host: 'localhost',
  68325. _readableState:
  68326. ReadableState {
  68327. objectMode: false,
  68328. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68329. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  68330. length: 0,
  68331. pipes: null,
  68332. pipesCount: 0,
  68333. flowing: true,
  68334. ended: false,
  68335. endEmitted: false,
  68336. reading: true,
  68337. sync: false,
  68338. needReadable: true,
  68339. emittedReadable: false,
  68340. readableListening: false,
  68341. resumeScheduled: false,
  68342. emitClose: false,
  68343. autoDestroy: false,
  68344. destroyed: false,
  68345. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68346. awaitDrain: 0,
  68347. readingMore: false,
  68348. decoder: null,
  68349. encoding: null },
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  68352. [Object: null prototype] {
  68353. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  68354. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  68355. data: [Function],
  68356. close: [Function] },
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  68358. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  68360. WritableState {
  68361. objectMode: false,
  68362. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68363. finalCalled: false,
  68364. needDrain: false,
  68365. ending: false,
  68366. ended: false,
  68367. finished: false,
  68368. destroyed: false,
  68369. decodeStrings: false,
  68370. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68371. length: 0,
  68372. writing: false,
  68373. corked: 0,
  68374. sync: false,
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  68378. writelen: 0,
  68379. bufferedRequest: null,
  68380. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  68381. pendingcb: 0,
  68382. prefinished: false,
  68383. errorEmitted: false,
  68384. emitClose: false,
  68385. autoDestroy: false,
  68386. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  68387. corkedRequestsFree:
  68388. { next: null,
  68389. entry: null,
  68390. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  68391. writable: true,
  68392. allowHalfOpen: false,
  68393. _sockname: null,
  68394. _pendingData: null,
  68395. _pendingEncoding: '',
  68396. server: null,
  68397. _server: null,
  68398. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  68399. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  68400. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  68401. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  68402. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  68403. _internalId: 1,
  68404. _commands:
  68405. Denque {
  68406. _head: 0,
  68407. _tail: 0,
  68408. _capacityMask: 3,
  68409. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68410. _command: undefined,
  68411. _paused: false,
  68412. _paused_packets:
  68413. Denque {
  68414. _head: 0,
  68415. _tail: 0,
  68416. _capacityMask: 3,
  68417. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68418. _statements:
  68419. LRUCache {
  68420. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  68421. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  68422. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  68423. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  68424. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  68425. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  68426. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  68427. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  68428. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  68429. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68430. authorized: true,
  68431. sequenceId: 23,
  68432. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  68433. threadId: 1303,
  68434. _handshakePacket:
  68435. Handshake {
  68436. protocolVersion: 10,
  68437. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  68438. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68439. connectionId: 1303,
  68440. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  68441. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  68442. characterSet: 255,
  68443. statusFlags: 2 },
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  68445. _protocolError: null,
  68446. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  68447. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  68448. packetParser:
  68449. PacketParser {
  68450. buffer: [],
  68451. bufferLength: 0,
  68452. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  68453. headerLen: 0,
  68454. length: 5,
  68455. largePacketParts: [],
  68456. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  68457. onPacket: [Function],
  68458. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  68459. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  68460. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  68461. connectTimeout: null,
  68462. connectionId: 1303 },
  68463. state: 'IDLE' } },
  68464. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  68465. _evictionIterator:
  68466. DequeIterator {
  68467. _list:
  68468. DoublyLinkedList {
  68469. head:
  68470. { prev: null,
  68471. next:
  68472. { prev: [Circular],
  68473. next: null,
  68474. data:
  68475. PooledResource {
  68476. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  68477. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  68478. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  68479. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  68480. obj:
  68481. Connection {
  68482. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  68483. _eventsCount: 1,
  68484. _maxListeners: undefined,
  68485. config:
  68486. ConnectionConfig {
  68487. isServer: undefined,
  68488. stream: undefined,
  68489. host: 'localhost',
  68490. port: 3306,
  68491. localAddress: undefined,
  68492. socketPath: undefined,
  68493. user: 'root',
  68494. password: 'abcd1234',
  68495. passwordSha1: undefined,
  68496. database: 'lbry',
  68497. connectTimeout: 10000,
  68498. insecureAuth: false,
  68499. supportBigNumbers: true,
  68500. bigNumberStrings: false,
  68501. decimalNumbers: false,
  68502. dateStrings: false,
  68503. debug: undefined,
  68504. trace: true,
  68505. stringifyObjects: false,
  68506. timezone: '+00:00',
  68507. queryFormat: undefined,
  68508. pool: undefined,
  68509. ssl: false,
  68510. multipleStatements: false,
  68511. rowsAsArray: false,
  68512. namedPlaceholders: false,
  68513. nestTables: undefined,
  68514. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  68515. maxPacketSize: 0,
  68516. charsetNumber: 224,
  68517. compress: false,
  68518. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  68519. clientFlags: 8582093,
  68520. connectAttributes: undefined,
  68521. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  68522. stream:
  68523. Socket {
  68524. connecting: false,
  68525. _hadError: false,
  68526. _handle:
  68527. TCP {
  68528. reading: true,
  68529. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  68531. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  68532. _parent: null,
  68533. _host: 'localhost',
  68534. _readableState:
  68535. ReadableState {
  68536. objectMode: false,
  68537. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68538. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  68539. length: 0,
  68540. pipes: null,
  68541. pipesCount: 0,
  68542. flowing: true,
  68543. ended: false,
  68544. endEmitted: false,
  68545. reading: true,
  68546. sync: false,
  68547. needReadable: true,
  68548. emittedReadable: false,
  68549. readableListening: false,
  68550. resumeScheduled: false,
  68551. emitClose: false,
  68552. autoDestroy: false,
  68553. destroyed: false,
  68554. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68555. awaitDrain: 0,
  68556. readingMore: false,
  68557. decoder: null,
  68558. encoding: null },
  68559. readable: true,
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  68561. [Object: null prototype] {
  68562. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  68563. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  68564. data: [Function],
  68565. close: [Function] },
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  68567. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  68569. WritableState {
  68570. objectMode: false,
  68571. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68572. finalCalled: false,
  68573. needDrain: false,
  68574. ending: false,
  68575. ended: false,
  68576. finished: false,
  68577. destroyed: false,
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  68579. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68580. length: 0,
  68581. writing: false,
  68582. corked: 0,
  68583. sync: false,
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  68587. writelen: 0,
  68588. bufferedRequest: null,
  68589. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  68590. pendingcb: 0,
  68591. prefinished: false,
  68592. errorEmitted: false,
  68593. emitClose: false,
  68594. autoDestroy: false,
  68595. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  68596. corkedRequestsFree:
  68597. { next: null,
  68598. entry: null,
  68599. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  68600. writable: true,
  68601. allowHalfOpen: false,
  68602. _sockname: null,
  68603. _pendingData: null,
  68604. _pendingEncoding: '',
  68605. server: null,
  68606. _server: null,
  68607. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  68608. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  68609. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  68610. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  68611. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  68612. _internalId: 1,
  68613. _commands:
  68614. Denque {
  68615. _head: 0,
  68616. _tail: 0,
  68617. _capacityMask: 3,
  68618. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68619. _command: undefined,
  68620. _paused: false,
  68621. _paused_packets:
  68622. Denque {
  68623. _head: 0,
  68624. _tail: 0,
  68625. _capacityMask: 3,
  68626. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68627. _statements:
  68628. LRUCache {
  68629. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  68630. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  68631. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  68632. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  68633. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  68634. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  68635. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  68636. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  68637. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  68638. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68639. authorized: true,
  68640. sequenceId: 23,
  68641. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  68642. threadId: 1303,
  68643. _handshakePacket:
  68644. Handshake {
  68645. protocolVersion: 10,
  68646. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  68647. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68648. connectionId: 1303,
  68649. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  68650. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  68651. characterSet: 255,
  68652. statusFlags: 2 },
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  68654. _protocolError: null,
  68655. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  68656. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  68657. packetParser:
  68658. PacketParser {
  68659. buffer: [],
  68660. bufferLength: 0,
  68661. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  68662. headerLen: 0,
  68663. length: 5,
  68664. largePacketParts: [],
  68665. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  68666. onPacket: [Function],
  68667. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  68668. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  68669. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  68670. connectTimeout: null,
  68671. connectionId: 1303 },
  68672. state: 'IDLE' } },
  68673. data:
  68674. PooledResource {
  68675. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  68676. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  68677. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  68678. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  68679. obj:
  68680. Connection {
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  68682. _eventsCount: 1,
  68683. _maxListeners: undefined,
  68684. config:
  68685. ConnectionConfig {
  68686. isServer: undefined,
  68687. stream: undefined,
  68688. host: 'localhost',
  68689. port: 3306,
  68690. localAddress: undefined,
  68691. socketPath: undefined,
  68692. user: 'root',
  68693. password: 'abcd1234',
  68694. passwordSha1: undefined,
  68695. database: 'lbry',
  68696. connectTimeout: 10000,
  68697. insecureAuth: false,
  68698. supportBigNumbers: true,
  68699. bigNumberStrings: false,
  68700. decimalNumbers: false,
  68701. dateStrings: false,
  68702. debug: undefined,
  68703. trace: true,
  68704. stringifyObjects: false,
  68705. timezone: '+00:00',
  68706. queryFormat: undefined,
  68707. pool: undefined,
  68708. ssl: false,
  68709. multipleStatements: false,
  68710. rowsAsArray: false,
  68711. namedPlaceholders: false,
  68712. nestTables: undefined,
  68713. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  68714. maxPacketSize: 0,
  68715. charsetNumber: 224,
  68716. compress: false,
  68717. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  68718. clientFlags: 8582093,
  68719. connectAttributes: undefined,
  68720. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  68721. stream:
  68722. Socket {
  68723. connecting: false,
  68724. _hadError: false,
  68725. _handle:
  68726. TCP {
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  68728. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  68730. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  68731. _parent: null,
  68732. _host: 'localhost',
  68733. _readableState:
  68734. ReadableState {
  68735. objectMode: false,
  68736. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68737. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  68738. length: 0,
  68739. pipes: null,
  68740. pipesCount: 0,
  68741. flowing: true,
  68742. ended: false,
  68743. endEmitted: false,
  68744. reading: true,
  68745. sync: false,
  68746. needReadable: true,
  68747. emittedReadable: false,
  68748. readableListening: false,
  68749. resumeScheduled: false,
  68750. emitClose: false,
  68751. autoDestroy: false,
  68752. destroyed: false,
  68753. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68754. awaitDrain: 0,
  68755. readingMore: false,
  68756. decoder: null,
  68757. encoding: null },
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  68760. [Object: null prototype] {
  68761. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  68762. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  68763. data: [Function],
  68764. close: [Function] },
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  68766. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  68770. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68771. finalCalled: false,
  68772. needDrain: false,
  68773. ending: false,
  68774. ended: false,
  68775. finished: false,
  68776. destroyed: false,
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  68778. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68779. length: 0,
  68780. writing: false,
  68781. corked: 0,
  68782. sync: false,
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  68784. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  68786. writelen: 0,
  68787. bufferedRequest: null,
  68788. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  68789. pendingcb: 0,
  68790. prefinished: false,
  68791. errorEmitted: false,
  68792. emitClose: false,
  68793. autoDestroy: false,
  68794. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  68795. corkedRequestsFree:
  68796. { next: null,
  68797. entry: null,
  68798. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  68799. writable: true,
  68800. allowHalfOpen: false,
  68801. _sockname: null,
  68802. _pendingData: null,
  68803. _pendingEncoding: '',
  68804. server: null,
  68805. _server: null,
  68806. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  68807. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  68808. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  68809. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  68810. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  68811. _internalId: 2,
  68812. _commands:
  68813. Denque {
  68814. _head: 0,
  68815. _tail: 0,
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  68817. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  68818. _command: undefined,
  68819. _paused: false,
  68820. _paused_packets:
  68821. Denque {
  68822. _head: 0,
  68823. _tail: 0,
  68824. _capacityMask: 3,
  68825. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  68829. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  68830. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  68831. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  68832. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  68833. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  68834. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  68835. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  68836. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  68837. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68838. authorized: true,
  68839. sequenceId: 2,
  68840. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  68841. threadId: 1302,
  68842. _handshakePacket:
  68843. Handshake {
  68844. protocolVersion: 10,
  68845. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  68846. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  68847. connectionId: 1302,
  68848. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  68849. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  68850. characterSet: 255,
  68851. statusFlags: 2 },
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  68853. _protocolError: null,
  68854. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  68855. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  68856. packetParser:
  68857. PacketParser {
  68858. buffer: [],
  68859. bufferLength: 0,
  68860. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  68861. headerLen: 0,
  68862. length: 7,
  68863. largePacketParts: [],
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  68865. onPacket: [Function],
  68866. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  68867. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  68868. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  68869. connectTimeout: null,
  68870. connectionId: 1302 },
  68871. state: 'IDLE' } },
  68872. tail:
  68873. { prev:
  68874. { prev: null,
  68875. next: [Circular],
  68876. data:
  68877. PooledResource {
  68878. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  68879. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  68880. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  68881. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  68882. obj:
  68883. Connection {
  68884. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  68885. _eventsCount: 1,
  68886. _maxListeners: undefined,
  68887. config:
  68888. ConnectionConfig {
  68889. isServer: undefined,
  68890. stream: undefined,
  68891. host: 'localhost',
  68892. port: 3306,
  68893. localAddress: undefined,
  68894. socketPath: undefined,
  68895. user: 'root',
  68896. password: 'abcd1234',
  68897. passwordSha1: undefined,
  68898. database: 'lbry',
  68899. connectTimeout: 10000,
  68900. insecureAuth: false,
  68901. supportBigNumbers: true,
  68902. bigNumberStrings: false,
  68903. decimalNumbers: false,
  68904. dateStrings: false,
  68905. debug: undefined,
  68906. trace: true,
  68907. stringifyObjects: false,
  68908. timezone: '+00:00',
  68909. queryFormat: undefined,
  68910. pool: undefined,
  68911. ssl: false,
  68912. multipleStatements: false,
  68913. rowsAsArray: false,
  68914. namedPlaceholders: false,
  68915. nestTables: undefined,
  68916. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  68917. maxPacketSize: 0,
  68918. charsetNumber: 224,
  68919. compress: false,
  68920. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  68921. clientFlags: 8582093,
  68922. connectAttributes: undefined,
  68923. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  68924. stream:
  68925. Socket {
  68926. connecting: false,
  68927. _hadError: false,
  68928. _handle:
  68929. TCP {
  68930. reading: true,
  68931. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  68932. onconnection: null,
  68933. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  68935. _host: 'localhost',
  68936. _readableState:
  68937. ReadableState {
  68938. objectMode: false,
  68939. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68940. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  68941. length: 0,
  68942. pipes: null,
  68943. pipesCount: 0,
  68944. flowing: true,
  68945. ended: false,
  68946. endEmitted: false,
  68947. reading: true,
  68948. sync: false,
  68949. needReadable: true,
  68950. emittedReadable: false,
  68951. readableListening: false,
  68952. resumeScheduled: false,
  68953. emitClose: false,
  68954. autoDestroy: false,
  68955. destroyed: false,
  68956. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68957. awaitDrain: 0,
  68958. readingMore: false,
  68959. decoder: null,
  68960. encoding: null },
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  68963. [Object: null prototype] {
  68964. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  68965. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  68966. data: [Function],
  68967. close: [Function] },
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  68969. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  68971. WritableState {
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  68973. highWaterMark: 16384,
  68974. finalCalled: false,
  68975. needDrain: false,
  68976. ending: false,
  68977. ended: false,
  68978. finished: false,
  68979. destroyed: false,
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  68981. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  68982. length: 0,
  68983. writing: false,
  68984. corked: 0,
  68985. sync: false,
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  68989. writelen: 0,
  68990. bufferedRequest: null,
  68991. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  68992. pendingcb: 0,
  68993. prefinished: false,
  68994. errorEmitted: false,
  68995. emitClose: false,
  68996. autoDestroy: false,
  68997. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  68998. corkedRequestsFree:
  68999. { next: null,
  69000. entry: null,
  69001. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  69002. writable: true,
  69003. allowHalfOpen: false,
  69004. _sockname: null,
  69005. _pendingData: null,
  69006. _pendingEncoding: '',
  69007. server: null,
  69008. _server: null,
  69009. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  69010. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  69011. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  69012. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  69013. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  69014. _internalId: 2,
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  69016. Denque {
  69017. _head: 0,
  69018. _tail: 0,
  69019. _capacityMask: 3,
  69020. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  69021. _command: undefined,
  69022. _paused: false,
  69023. _paused_packets:
  69024. Denque {
  69025. _head: 0,
  69026. _tail: 0,
  69027. _capacityMask: 3,
  69028. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  69029. _statements:
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  69032. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  69033. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  69034. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  69035. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  69036. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  69037. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  69038. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  69039. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  69040. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  69041. authorized: true,
  69042. sequenceId: 2,
  69043. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  69044. threadId: 1302,
  69045. _handshakePacket:
  69046. Handshake {
  69047. protocolVersion: 10,
  69048. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  69049. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  69050. connectionId: 1302,
  69051. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  69052. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  69053. characterSet: 255,
  69054. statusFlags: 2 },
  69055. _fatalError: null,
  69056. _protocolError: null,
  69057. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  69058. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  69059. packetParser:
  69060. PacketParser {
  69061. buffer: [],
  69062. bufferLength: 0,
  69063. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  69064. headerLen: 0,
  69065. length: 7,
  69066. largePacketParts: [],
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  69068. onPacket: [Function],
  69069. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  69070. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  69071. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  69072. connectTimeout: null,
  69073. connectionId: 1302 },
  69074. state: 'IDLE' } },
  69075. next: null,
  69076. data:
  69077. PooledResource {
  69078. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  69079. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  69080. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  69081. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  69082. obj:
  69083. Connection {
  69084. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  69085. _eventsCount: 1,
  69086. _maxListeners: undefined,
  69087. config:
  69088. ConnectionConfig {
  69089. isServer: undefined,
  69090. stream: undefined,
  69091. host: 'localhost',
  69092. port: 3306,
  69093. localAddress: undefined,
  69094. socketPath: undefined,
  69095. user: 'root',
  69096. password: 'abcd1234',
  69097. passwordSha1: undefined,
  69098. database: 'lbry',
  69099. connectTimeout: 10000,
  69100. insecureAuth: false,
  69101. supportBigNumbers: true,
  69102. bigNumberStrings: false,
  69103. decimalNumbers: false,
  69104. dateStrings: false,
  69105. debug: undefined,
  69106. trace: true,
  69107. stringifyObjects: false,
  69108. timezone: '+00:00',
  69109. queryFormat: undefined,
  69110. pool: undefined,
  69111. ssl: false,
  69112. multipleStatements: false,
  69113. rowsAsArray: false,
  69114. namedPlaceholders: false,
  69115. nestTables: undefined,
  69116. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  69117. maxPacketSize: 0,
  69118. charsetNumber: 224,
  69119. compress: false,
  69120. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  69121. clientFlags: 8582093,
  69122. connectAttributes: undefined,
  69123. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  69124. stream:
  69125. Socket {
  69126. connecting: false,
  69127. _hadError: false,
  69128. _handle:
  69129. TCP {
  69130. reading: true,
  69131. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  69132. onconnection: null,
  69133. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  69134. _parent: null,
  69135. _host: 'localhost',
  69136. _readableState:
  69137. ReadableState {
  69138. objectMode: false,
  69139. highWaterMark: 16384,
  69140. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  69141. length: 0,
  69142. pipes: null,
  69143. pipesCount: 0,
  69144. flowing: true,
  69145. ended: false,
  69146. endEmitted: false,
  69147. reading: true,
  69148. sync: false,
  69149. needReadable: true,
  69150. emittedReadable: false,
  69151. readableListening: false,
  69152. resumeScheduled: false,
  69153. emitClose: false,
  69154. autoDestroy: false,
  69155. destroyed: false,
  69156. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  69157. awaitDrain: 0,
  69158. readingMore: false,
  69159. decoder: null,
  69160. encoding: null },
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  69163. [Object: null prototype] {
  69164. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  69165. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  69166. data: [Function],
  69167. close: [Function] },
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  69169. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  69171. WritableState {
  69172. objectMode: false,
  69173. highWaterMark: 16384,
  69174. finalCalled: false,
  69175. needDrain: false,
  69176. ending: false,
  69177. ended: false,
  69178. finished: false,
  69179. destroyed: false,
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  69181. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  69182. length: 0,
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  69184. corked: 0,
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  69189. writelen: 0,
  69190. bufferedRequest: null,
  69191. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  69192. pendingcb: 0,
  69193. prefinished: false,
  69194. errorEmitted: false,
  69195. emitClose: false,
  69196. autoDestroy: false,
  69197. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  69198. corkedRequestsFree:
  69199. { next: null,
  69200. entry: null,
  69201. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  69202. writable: true,
  69203. allowHalfOpen: false,
  69204. _sockname: null,
  69205. _pendingData: null,
  69206. _pendingEncoding: '',
  69207. server: null,
  69208. _server: null,
  69209. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  69210. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  69211. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  69212. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  69213. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  69214. _internalId: 1,
  69215. _commands:
  69216. Denque {
  69217. _head: 0,
  69218. _tail: 0,
  69219. _capacityMask: 3,
  69220. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  69221. _command: undefined,
  69222. _paused: false,
  69223. _paused_packets:
  69224. Denque {
  69225. _head: 0,
  69226. _tail: 0,
  69227. _capacityMask: 3,
  69228. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  69229. _statements:
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  69231. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  69232. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  69233. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  69234. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  69235. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  69236. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  69237. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  69238. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  69239. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  69240. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  69241. authorized: true,
  69242. sequenceId: 23,
  69243. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  69244. threadId: 1303,
  69245. _handshakePacket:
  69246. Handshake {
  69247. protocolVersion: 10,
  69248. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  69249. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  69250. connectionId: 1303,
  69251. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  69252. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  69253. characterSet: 255,
  69254. statusFlags: 2 },
  69255. _fatalError: null,
  69256. _protocolError: null,
  69257. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  69258. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  69259. packetParser:
  69260. PacketParser {
  69261. buffer: [],
  69262. bufferLength: 0,
  69263. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  69264. headerLen: 0,
  69265. length: 5,
  69266. largePacketParts: [],
  69267. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  69268. onPacket: [Function],
  69269. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  69270. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  69271. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  69272. connectTimeout: null,
  69273. connectionId: 1303 },
  69274. state: 'IDLE' } },
  69275. length: 2 },
  69276. _direction: 'next',
  69277. _startPosition: 'head',
  69278. _started: false,
  69279. _cursor: null,
  69280. _done: false },
  69281. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  69282. _scheduledEviction:
  69283. Timeout {
  69284. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  69285. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  69286. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  69287. _idleStart: 432,
  69288. _onTimeout: [Function],
  69289. _timerArgs: undefined,
  69290. _repeat: null,
  69291. _destroyed: false,
  69292. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  69293. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  69294. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  69295. lib:
  69296. { createConnection: [Function],
  69297. connect: [Function],
  69298. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  69299. createPool: [Function],
  69300. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  69301. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  69302. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  69303. createServer: [Function],
  69304. PoolConnection:
  69305. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  69306. escape: [Function: escape],
  69307. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  69308. format: [Function: format],
  69309. raw: [Function: raw],
  69310. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  69311. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  69312. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  69313. Types: [Getter],
  69314. Charsets: [Getter],
  69315. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  69316. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  69317. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  69318. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  69319. sequelize: [Circular],
  69320. typeValidation: undefined } },
  69321. models:
  69322. { Balloons:
  69323. { [Function: Balloons]
  69324. sequelize: [Circular],
  69325. options: [Circular],
  69326. associations: {},
  69327. underscored: undefined,
  69328. tableName: 'Balloons',
  69329. _schema: null,
  69330. _schemaDelimiter: '',
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  69333. { type:
  69334. INTEGER {
  69335. options: { length: undefined },
  69336. _length: undefined,
  69337. _zerofill: undefined,
  69338. _decimals: undefined,
  69339. _precision: undefined,
  69340. _scale: undefined,
  69341. _unsigned: undefined },
  69342. allowNull: false,
  69343. primaryKey: true,
  69344. autoIncrement: true,
  69345. _autoGenerated: true,
  69346. Model: [Circular],
  69347. fieldName: 'id',
  69348. _modelAttribute: true,
  69349. field: 'id' },
  69350. size:
  69351. { type:
  69352. STRING {
  69353. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69354. _binary: undefined,
  69355. _length: 255 },
  69356. Model: [Circular],
  69357. fieldName: 'size',
  69358. _modelAttribute: true,
  69359. field: 'size' },
  69360. color:
  69361. { type:
  69362. STRING {
  69363. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69364. _binary: undefined,
  69365. _length: 255 },
  69366. Model: [Circular],
  69367. fieldName: 'color',
  69368. _modelAttribute: true,
  69369. field: 'color' },
  69370. createdAt:
  69371. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69372. allowNull: false,
  69373. _autoGenerated: true,
  69374. Model: [Circular],
  69375. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  69376. _modelAttribute: true,
  69377. field: 'createdAt' },
  69378. updatedAt:
  69379. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69380. allowNull: false,
  69381. _autoGenerated: true,
  69382. Model: [Circular],
  69383. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  69384. _modelAttribute: true,
  69385. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  69386. primaryKeys:
  69387. { id:
  69388. { type:
  69389. INTEGER {
  69390. options: { length: undefined },
  69391. _length: undefined,
  69392. _zerofill: undefined,
  69393. _decimals: undefined,
  69394. _precision: undefined,
  69395. _scale: undefined,
  69396. _unsigned: undefined },
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  69400. _autoGenerated: true,
  69401. Model: [Circular],
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  69403. _modelAttribute: true,
  69404. field: 'id' } },
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  69411. MapCache {
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  69413. __data__:
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  69415. map: Map {},
  69416. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69419. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  69422. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
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  69425. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  69426. _rangeAttributes: [],
  69427. _jsonAttributes: [],
  69428. _geometryAttributes: [],
  69429. _virtualAttributes: [],
  69430. _defaultValues: {},
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  69433. { type:
  69434. INTEGER {
  69435. options: { length: undefined },
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  69438. _decimals: undefined,
  69439. _precision: undefined,
  69440. _scale: undefined,
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  69446. Model: [Circular],
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  69448. _modelAttribute: true,
  69449. field: 'id' },
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  69452. STRING {
  69453. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69454. _binary: undefined,
  69455. _length: 255 },
  69456. Model: [Circular],
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  69458. _modelAttribute: true,
  69459. field: 'size' },
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  69462. STRING {
  69463. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69464. _binary: undefined,
  69465. _length: 255 },
  69466. Model: [Circular],
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  69468. _modelAttribute: true,
  69469. field: 'color' },
  69470. createdAt:
  69471. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  69473. _autoGenerated: true,
  69474. Model: [Circular],
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  69476. _modelAttribute: true,
  69477. field: 'createdAt' },
  69478. updatedAt:
  69479. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69480. allowNull: false,
  69481. _autoGenerated: true,
  69482. Model: [Circular],
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  69484. _modelAttribute: true,
  69485. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  69486. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  69487. uniqueKeys: {},
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  69496. map: Map {},
  69497. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69499. _isDateAttribute:
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  69506. map: Map {},
  69507. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69516. map: Map {},
  69517. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69526. map: Map {},
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  69536. map: Map {},
  69537. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69544. __data__:
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  69546. map: Map {},
  69547. string:
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  69552. size: false,
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  69555. updatedAt: false },
  69556. size: 5 } } } },
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  69563. __data__:
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  69565. map: Map {},
  69566. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69571. INTEGER {
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  69578. _unsigned: undefined },
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  69586. field: 'id' },
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  69589. STRING {
  69590. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  69592. _length: 255 },
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  69596. field: 'size' },
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  69599. STRING {
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  69602. _length: 255 },
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  69606. field: 'color' },
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  69610. _autoGenerated: true,
  69611. Model: [Circular],
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  69614. field: 'createdAt' },
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  69618. _autoGenerated: true,
  69619. Model: [Circular],
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  69621. _modelAttribute: true,
  69622. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  69626. INTEGER {
  69627. options: { length: undefined },
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  69631. _precision: undefined,
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  69633. _unsigned: undefined },
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  69638. Model: [Circular],
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  69640. _modelAttribute: true,
  69641. field: 'id' },
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  69644. STRING {
  69645. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69646. _binary: undefined,
  69647. _length: 255 },
  69648. Model: [Circular],
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  69650. _modelAttribute: true,
  69651. field: 'size' },
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  69653. { type:
  69654. STRING {
  69655. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69656. _binary: undefined,
  69657. _length: 255 },
  69658. Model: [Circular],
  69659. fieldName: 'color',
  69660. _modelAttribute: true,
  69661. field: 'color' },
  69662. createdAt:
  69663. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69664. allowNull: false,
  69665. _autoGenerated: true,
  69666. Model: [Circular],
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  69668. _modelAttribute: true,
  69669. field: 'createdAt' },
  69670. updatedAt:
  69671. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69672. allowNull: false,
  69673. _autoGenerated: true,
  69674. Model: [Circular],
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  69676. _modelAttribute: true,
  69677. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  69679. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  69680. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  69681. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  69682. _isPrimaryKey:
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  69686. size: 0,
  69687. __data__:
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  69689. map: Map {},
  69690. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  69691. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  69692. _scope: {},
  69693. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  69694. modelManager:
  69695. ModelManager {
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  69697. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  69702. tableName: 'Balloons',
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  69704. _schemaDelimiter: '',
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  69707. { type:
  69708. INTEGER {
  69709. options: { length: undefined },
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  69711. _zerofill: undefined,
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  69713. _precision: undefined,
  69714. _scale: undefined,
  69715. _unsigned: undefined },
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  69722. _modelAttribute: true,
  69723. field: 'id' },
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  69726. STRING {
  69727. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  69729. _length: 255 },
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  69733. field: 'size' },
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  69736. STRING {
  69737. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69738. _binary: undefined,
  69739. _length: 255 },
  69740. Model: [Circular],
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  69743. field: 'color' },
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  69747. _autoGenerated: true,
  69748. Model: [Circular],
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  69750. _modelAttribute: true,
  69751. field: 'createdAt' },
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  69754. allowNull: false,
  69755. _autoGenerated: true,
  69756. Model: [Circular],
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  69758. _modelAttribute: true,
  69759. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  69761. { id:
  69762. { type:
  69763. INTEGER {
  69764. options: { length: undefined },
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  69766. _zerofill: undefined,
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  69775. Model: [Circular],
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  69777. _modelAttribute: true,
  69778. field: 'id' } },
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  69789. map: Map {},
  69790. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69823. field: 'id' },
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  69836. STRING {
  69837. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69838. _binary: undefined,
  69839. _length: 255 },
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  69843. field: 'color' },
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  69847. _autoGenerated: true,
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  69850. _modelAttribute: true,
  69851. field: 'createdAt' },
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  69859. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  69890. map: Map {},
  69891. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  69920. map: Map {},
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  69929. updatedAt: false },
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  69949. _decimals: undefined,
  69950. _precision: undefined,
  69951. _scale: undefined,
  69952. _unsigned: undefined },
  69953. allowNull: false,
  69954. primaryKey: true,
  69955. autoIncrement: true,
  69956. _autoGenerated: true,
  69957. Model: [Circular],
  69958. fieldName: 'id',
  69959. _modelAttribute: true,
  69960. field: 'id' },
  69961. size:
  69962. { type:
  69963. STRING {
  69964. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69965. _binary: undefined,
  69966. _length: 255 },
  69967. Model: [Circular],
  69968. fieldName: 'size',
  69969. _modelAttribute: true,
  69970. field: 'size' },
  69971. color:
  69972. { type:
  69973. STRING {
  69974. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  69975. _binary: undefined,
  69976. _length: 255 },
  69977. Model: [Circular],
  69978. fieldName: 'color',
  69979. _modelAttribute: true,
  69980. field: 'color' },
  69981. createdAt:
  69982. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69983. allowNull: false,
  69984. _autoGenerated: true,
  69985. Model: [Circular],
  69986. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  69987. _modelAttribute: true,
  69988. field: 'createdAt' },
  69989. updatedAt:
  69990. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  69991. allowNull: false,
  69992. _autoGenerated: true,
  69993. Model: [Circular],
  69994. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  69995. _modelAttribute: true,
  69996. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  69997. tableAttributes:
  69998. { id:
  69999. { type:
  70000. INTEGER {
  70001. options: { length: undefined },
  70002. _length: undefined,
  70003. _zerofill: undefined,
  70004. _decimals: undefined,
  70005. _precision: undefined,
  70006. _scale: undefined,
  70007. _unsigned: undefined },
  70008. allowNull: false,
  70009. primaryKey: true,
  70010. autoIncrement: true,
  70011. _autoGenerated: true,
  70012. Model: [Circular],
  70013. fieldName: 'id',
  70014. _modelAttribute: true,
  70015. field: 'id' },
  70016. size:
  70017. { type:
  70018. STRING {
  70019. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  70020. _binary: undefined,
  70021. _length: 255 },
  70022. Model: [Circular],
  70023. fieldName: 'size',
  70024. _modelAttribute: true,
  70025. field: 'size' },
  70026. color:
  70027. { type:
  70028. STRING {
  70029. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  70030. _binary: undefined,
  70031. _length: 255 },
  70032. Model: [Circular],
  70033. fieldName: 'color',
  70034. _modelAttribute: true,
  70035. field: 'color' },
  70036. createdAt:
  70037. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  70038. allowNull: false,
  70039. _autoGenerated: true,
  70040. Model: [Circular],
  70041. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  70042. _modelAttribute: true,
  70043. field: 'createdAt' },
  70044. updatedAt:
  70045. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  70046. allowNull: false,
  70047. _autoGenerated: true,
  70048. Model: [Circular],
  70049. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  70050. _modelAttribute: true,
  70051. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  70052. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  70053. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  70054. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  70055. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  70056. _isPrimaryKey:
  70057. { [Function: memoized]
  70058. cache:
  70059. MapCache {
  70060. size: 0,
  70061. __data__:
  70062. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  70063. map: Map {},
  70064. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  70065. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  70066. _scope: {},
  70067. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  70068. sequelize: [Circular] },
  70069. connectionManager:
  70070. ConnectionManager {
  70071. sequelize: [Circular],
  70072. config:
  70073. { database: 'lbry',
  70074. username: 'root',
  70075. password: 'abcd1234',
  70076. host: 'localhost',
  70077. port: undefined,
  70078. pool:
  70079. { max: 5,
  70080. min: 0,
  70081. acquire: 30000,
  70082. idle: 10000,
  70083. evict: 10000,
  70084. handleDisconnects: true,
  70085. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  70086. Promise:
  70087. { [Function: Promise]
  70088. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  70089. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  70090. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  70091. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  70092. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70093. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70094. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  70095. _peekContext: [Function],
  70096. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  70097. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  70098. longStackTraces: [Function],
  70099. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  70100. config: [Function],
  70101. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  70102. is: [Function],
  70103. fromCallback: [Function],
  70104. fromNode: [Function],
  70105. all: [Function],
  70106. cast: [Function],
  70107. fulfilled: [Function],
  70108. resolve: [Function],
  70109. rejected: [Function],
  70110. reject: [Function],
  70111. setScheduler: [Function],
  70112. pending: [Function],
  70113. defer: [Function],
  70114. method: [Function],
  70115. try: [Function],
  70116. attempt: [Function],
  70117. bind: [Function],
  70118. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  70119. join: [Function],
  70120. Promise: [Circular],
  70121. version: '3.5.3',
  70122. map: [Function],
  70123. using: [Function],
  70124. delay: [Function],
  70125. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  70126. spawn: [Function],
  70127. promisify: [Function],
  70128. promisifyAll: [Function],
  70129. props: [Function],
  70130. race: [Function],
  70131. reduce: [Function],
  70132. settle: [Function],
  70133. some: [Function],
  70134. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  70135. filter: [Function],
  70136. each: [Function],
  70137. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  70138. any: [Function],
  70139. default: [Circular] } },
  70140. protocol: 'tcp',
  70141. native: false,
  70142. ssl: undefined,
  70143. replication: false,
  70144. dialectModulePath: null,
  70145. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  70146. dialectOptions: undefined },
  70147. dialect:
  70148. MysqlDialect {
  70149. sequelize: [Circular],
  70150. connectionManager: [Circular],
  70151. QueryGenerator:
  70152. { dialect: 'mysql',
  70153. OperatorMap:
  70154. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  70155. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  70156. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  70157. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  70158. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  70159. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  70160. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  70161. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  70162. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  70163. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  70164. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  70165. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  70166. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  70167. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  70168. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  70169. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  70170. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  70171. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  70172. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  70173. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  70174. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  70175. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  70176. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  70177. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  70178. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  70179. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  70180. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  70181. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  70182. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  70183. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  70184. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  70185. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  70186. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  70187. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  70188. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  70189. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  70190. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  70191. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  70192. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  70193. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  70194. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  70195. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  70196. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  70197. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  70198. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  70199. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  70200. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  70201. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  70202. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  70203. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  70204. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  70205. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  70206. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  70207. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  70208. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  70209. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  70210. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  70211. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  70212. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  70213. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  70214. _templateSettings:
  70215. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  70216. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  70217. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  70218. variable: '',
  70219. imports:
  70220. { _:
  70221. { [Function: lodash]
  70222. templateSettings: [Circular],
  70223. after: [Function: after],
  70224. ary: [Function: ary],
  70225. assign: [Function],
  70226. assignIn: [Function],
  70227. assignInWith: [Function],
  70228. assignWith: [Function],
  70229. at: [Function],
  70230. before: [Function: before],
  70231. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70232. bindAll: [Function],
  70233. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70234. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  70235. chain: [Function: chain],
  70236. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  70237. compact: [Function: compact],
  70238. concat: [Function: concat],
  70239. cond: [Function: cond],
  70240. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  70241. constant: [Function: constant],
  70242. countBy: [Function],
  70243. create: [Function: create],
  70244. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70245. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70246. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  70247. defaults: [Function],
  70248. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  70249. defer: [Function],
  70250. delay: [Function],
  70251. difference: [Function],
  70252. differenceBy: [Function],
  70253. differenceWith: [Function],
  70254. drop: [Function: drop],
  70255. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  70256. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  70257. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  70258. fill: [Function: fill],
  70259. filter: [Function: filter],
  70260. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  70261. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  70262. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  70263. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  70264. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  70265. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  70266. flip: [Function: flip],
  70267. flow: [Function],
  70268. flowRight: [Function],
  70269. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  70270. functions: [Function: functions],
  70271. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  70272. groupBy: [Function],
  70273. initial: [Function: initial],
  70274. intersection: [Function],
  70275. intersectionBy: [Function],
  70276. intersectionWith: [Function],
  70277. invert: [Function],
  70278. invertBy: [Function],
  70279. invokeMap: [Function],
  70280. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  70281. keyBy: [Function],
  70282. keys: [Function: keys],
  70283. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  70284. map: [Function: map],
  70285. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  70286. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  70287. matches: [Function: matches],
  70288. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  70289. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  70290. merge: [Function],
  70291. mergeWith: [Function],
  70292. method: [Function],
  70293. methodOf: [Function],
  70294. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  70295. negate: [Function: negate],
  70296. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  70297. omit: [Function],
  70298. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  70299. once: [Function: once],
  70300. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  70301. over: [Function],
  70302. overArgs: [Function],
  70303. overEvery: [Function],
  70304. overSome: [Function],
  70305. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70306. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  70307. partition: [Function],
  70308. pick: [Function],
  70309. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  70310. property: [Function: property],
  70311. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  70312. pull: [Function],
  70313. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  70314. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  70315. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  70316. pullAt: [Function],
  70317. range: [Function],
  70318. rangeRight: [Function],
  70319. rearg: [Function],
  70320. reject: [Function: reject],
  70321. remove: [Function: remove],
  70322. rest: [Function: rest],
  70323. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  70324. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  70325. set: [Function: set],
  70326. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  70327. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  70328. slice: [Function: slice],
  70329. sortBy: [Function],
  70330. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  70331. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  70332. split: [Function: split],
  70333. spread: [Function: spread],
  70334. tail: [Function: tail],
  70335. take: [Function: take],
  70336. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  70337. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  70338. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  70339. tap: [Function: tap],
  70340. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  70341. thru: [Function: thru],
  70342. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  70343. toPairs: [Function],
  70344. toPairsIn: [Function],
  70345. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  70346. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  70347. transform: [Function: transform],
  70348. unary: [Function: unary],
  70349. union: [Function],
  70350. unionBy: [Function],
  70351. unionWith: [Function],
  70352. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  70353. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  70354. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  70355. unset: [Function: unset],
  70356. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  70357. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  70358. update: [Function: update],
  70359. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  70360. values: [Function: values],
  70361. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  70362. without: [Function],
  70363. words: [Function: words],
  70364. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  70365. xor: [Function],
  70366. xorBy: [Function],
  70367. xorWith: [Function],
  70368. zip: [Function],
  70369. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  70370. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  70371. zipWith: [Function],
  70372. entries: [Function],
  70373. entriesIn: [Function],
  70374. extend: [Function],
  70375. extendWith: [Function],
  70376. add: [Function],
  70377. attempt: [Function],
  70378. camelCase: [Function],
  70379. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  70380. ceil: [Function],
  70381. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  70382. clone: [Function: clone],
  70383. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  70384. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  70385. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  70386. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  70387. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  70388. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  70389. divide: [Function],
  70390. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  70391. eq: [Function: eq],
  70392. escape: [Function: escape],
  70393. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  70394. every: [Function: every],
  70395. find: [Function],
  70396. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  70397. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  70398. findLast: [Function],
  70399. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  70400. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  70401. floor: [Function],
  70402. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  70403. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  70404. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  70405. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  70406. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  70407. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  70408. get: [Function: get],
  70409. gt: [Function],
  70410. gte: [Function],
  70411. has: [Function: has],
  70412. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  70413. head: [Function: head],
  70414. identity: [Function: identity],
  70415. includes: [Function: includes],
  70416. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  70417. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  70418. invoke: [Function],
  70419. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  70420. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  70421. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  70422. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  70423. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  70424. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  70425. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  70426. isDate: [Function],
  70427. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  70428. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  70429. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  70430. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  70431. isError: [Function: isError],
  70432. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  70433. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  70434. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  70435. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  70436. isMap: [Function],
  70437. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  70438. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  70439. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  70440. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  70441. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  70442. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  70443. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  70444. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  70445. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  70446. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  70447. isRegExp: [Function],
  70448. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  70449. isSet: [Function],
  70450. isString: [Function: isString],
  70451. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  70452. isTypedArray: [Function],
  70453. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  70454. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  70455. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  70456. join: [Function: join],
  70457. kebabCase: [Function],
  70458. last: [Function: last],
  70459. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  70460. lowerCase: [Function],
  70461. lowerFirst: [Function],
  70462. lt: [Function],
  70463. lte: [Function],
  70464. max: [Function: max],
  70465. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  70466. mean: [Function: mean],
  70467. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  70468. min: [Function: min],
  70469. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  70470. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  70471. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  70472. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  70473. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  70474. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  70475. multiply: [Function],
  70476. nth: [Function: nth],
  70477. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  70478. noop: [Function: noop],
  70479. now: [Function],
  70480. pad: [Function: pad],
  70481. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  70482. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  70483. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  70484. random: [Function: random],
  70485. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  70486. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  70487. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  70488. replace: [Function: replace],
  70489. result: [Function: result],
  70490. round: [Function],
  70491. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  70492. sample: [Function: sample],
  70493. size: [Function: size],
  70494. snakeCase: [Function],
  70495. some: [Function: some],
  70496. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  70497. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  70498. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  70499. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  70500. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  70501. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  70502. startCase: [Function],
  70503. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  70504. subtract: [Function],
  70505. sum: [Function: sum],
  70506. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  70507. template: [Function: template],
  70508. times: [Function: times],
  70509. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  70510. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  70511. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  70512. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  70513. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  70514. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  70515. toString: [Function: toString],
  70516. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  70517. trim: [Function: trim],
  70518. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  70519. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  70520. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  70521. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  70522. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  70523. upperCase: [Function],
  70524. upperFirst: [Function],
  70525. each: [Function: forEach],
  70526. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  70527. first: [Function: head],
  70528. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  70529. options:
  70530. { dialect: 'mysql',
  70531. dialectModulePath: null,
  70532. host: 'localhost',
  70533. protocol: 'tcp',
  70534. define: {},
  70535. query: {},
  70536. sync: {},
  70537. timezone: '+00:00',
  70538. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  70539. omitNull: false,
  70540. native: false,
  70541. replication: false,
  70542. ssl: undefined,
  70543. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  70544. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  70545. hooks: {},
  70546. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  70547. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  70548. isolationLevel: null,
  70549. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  70550. typeValidation: false,
  70551. benchmark: false,
  70552. operatorsAliases: false },
  70553. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  70554. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  70555. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  70556. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  70557. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  70558. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  70559. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  70560. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  70561. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  70562. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  70563. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  70564. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  70565. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  70566. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  70567. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  70568. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  70569. quote: [Function: quote],
  70570. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  70571. escape: [Function: escape],
  70572. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  70573. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  70574. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  70575. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  70576. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  70577. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  70578. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  70579. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  70580. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  70581. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  70582. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  70583. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  70584. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  70585. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  70586. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  70587. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  70588. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  70589. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  70590. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  70591. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  70592. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  70593. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  70594. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  70595. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  70596. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  70597. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  70598. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  70599. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  70600. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  70601. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  70602. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  70603. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  70604. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  70605. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  70606. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  70607. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  70608. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  70609. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  70610. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  70611. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  70612. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  70613. _dialect: [Circular],
  70614. sequelize: [Circular],
  70615. typeValidation: undefined } },
  70616. versionPromise: null,
  70617. dialectName: 'mysql',
  70618. pool:
  70619. Pool {
  70620. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  70621. _eventsCount: 0,
  70622. _maxListeners: undefined,
  70623. _config:
  70624. PoolOptions {
  70625. fifo: true,
  70626. priorityRange: 1,
  70627. testOnBorrow: true,
  70628. testOnReturn: false,
  70629. autostart: false,
  70630. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  70631. max: 5,
  70632. min: 0,
  70633. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  70634. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  70635. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  70636. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  70637. Promise:
  70638. { [Function: Promise]
  70639. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  70640. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  70641. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  70642. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  70643. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70644. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70645. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  70646. _peekContext: [Function],
  70647. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  70648. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  70649. longStackTraces: [Function],
  70650. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  70651. config: [Function],
  70652. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  70653. is: [Function],
  70654. fromCallback: [Function],
  70655. fromNode: [Function],
  70656. all: [Function],
  70657. cast: [Function],
  70658. fulfilled: [Function],
  70659. resolve: [Function],
  70660. rejected: [Function],
  70661. reject: [Function],
  70662. setScheduler: [Function],
  70663. pending: [Function],
  70664. defer: [Function],
  70665. method: [Function],
  70666. try: [Function],
  70667. attempt: [Function],
  70668. bind: [Function],
  70669. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  70670. join: [Function],
  70671. Promise: [Circular],
  70672. version: '3.5.3',
  70673. map: [Function],
  70674. using: [Function],
  70675. delay: [Function],
  70676. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  70677. spawn: [Function],
  70678. promisify: [Function],
  70679. promisifyAll: [Function],
  70680. props: [Function],
  70681. race: [Function],
  70682. reduce: [Function],
  70683. settle: [Function],
  70684. some: [Function],
  70685. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  70686. filter: [Function],
  70687. each: [Function],
  70688. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  70689. any: [Function],
  70690. default: [Circular] } },
  70691. _Promise:
  70692. { [Function: Promise]
  70693. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  70694. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  70695. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  70696. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  70697. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70698. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  70699. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  70700. _peekContext: [Function],
  70701. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  70702. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  70703. longStackTraces: [Function],
  70704. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  70705. config: [Function],
  70706. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  70707. is: [Function],
  70708. fromCallback: [Function],
  70709. fromNode: [Function],
  70710. all: [Function],
  70711. cast: [Function],
  70712. fulfilled: [Function],
  70713. resolve: [Function],
  70714. rejected: [Function],
  70715. reject: [Function],
  70716. setScheduler: [Function],
  70717. pending: [Function],
  70718. defer: [Function],
  70719. method: [Function],
  70720. try: [Function],
  70721. attempt: [Function],
  70722. bind: [Function],
  70723. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  70724. join: [Function],
  70725. Promise: [Circular],
  70726. version: '3.5.3',
  70727. map: [Function],
  70728. using: [Function],
  70729. delay: [Function],
  70730. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  70731. spawn: [Function],
  70732. promisify: [Function],
  70733. promisifyAll: [Function],
  70734. props: [Function],
  70735. race: [Function],
  70736. reduce: [Function],
  70737. settle: [Function],
  70738. some: [Function],
  70739. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  70740. filter: [Function],
  70741. each: [Function],
  70742. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  70743. any: [Function],
  70744. default: [Circular] },
  70745. _factory:
  70746. { create: [Function: create],
  70747. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  70748. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  70749. _draining: false,
  70750. _started: true,
  70751. _waitingClientsQueue:
  70752. PriorityQueue {
  70753. _size: 1,
  70754. _slots:
  70755. [ Queue {
  70756. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  70757. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  70758. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  70759. _availableObjects:
  70760. Deque {
  70761. _list:
  70762. DoublyLinkedList {
  70763. head:
  70764. { prev: null,
  70765. next:
  70766. { prev: [Circular],
  70767. next: null,
  70768. data:
  70769. PooledResource {
  70770. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  70771. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  70772. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  70773. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  70774. obj:
  70775. Connection {
  70776. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  70777. _eventsCount: 1,
  70778. _maxListeners: undefined,
  70779. config:
  70780. ConnectionConfig {
  70781. isServer: undefined,
  70782. stream: undefined,
  70783. host: 'localhost',
  70784. port: 3306,
  70785. localAddress: undefined,
  70786. socketPath: undefined,
  70787. user: 'root',
  70788. password: 'abcd1234',
  70789. passwordSha1: undefined,
  70790. database: 'lbry',
  70791. connectTimeout: 10000,
  70792. insecureAuth: false,
  70793. supportBigNumbers: true,
  70794. bigNumberStrings: false,
  70795. decimalNumbers: false,
  70796. dateStrings: false,
  70797. debug: undefined,
  70798. trace: true,
  70799. stringifyObjects: false,
  70800. timezone: '+00:00',
  70801. queryFormat: undefined,
  70802. pool: undefined,
  70803. ssl: false,
  70804. multipleStatements: false,
  70805. rowsAsArray: false,
  70806. namedPlaceholders: false,
  70807. nestTables: undefined,
  70808. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  70809. maxPacketSize: 0,
  70810. charsetNumber: 224,
  70811. compress: false,
  70812. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  70813. clientFlags: 8582093,
  70814. connectAttributes: undefined,
  70815. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  70816. stream:
  70817. Socket {
  70818. connecting: false,
  70819. _hadError: false,
  70820. _handle:
  70821. TCP {
  70822. reading: true,
  70823. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  70824. onconnection: null,
  70825. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  70826. _parent: null,
  70827. _host: 'localhost',
  70828. _readableState:
  70829. ReadableState {
  70830. objectMode: false,
  70831. highWaterMark: 16384,
  70832. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  70833. length: 0,
  70834. pipes: null,
  70835. pipesCount: 0,
  70836. flowing: true,
  70837. ended: false,
  70838. endEmitted: false,
  70839. reading: true,
  70840. sync: false,
  70841. needReadable: true,
  70842. emittedReadable: false,
  70843. readableListening: false,
  70844. resumeScheduled: false,
  70845. emitClose: false,
  70846. autoDestroy: false,
  70847. destroyed: false,
  70848. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  70849. awaitDrain: 0,
  70850. readingMore: false,
  70851. decoder: null,
  70852. encoding: null },
  70853. readable: true,
  70854. _events:
  70855. [Object: null prototype] {
  70856. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  70857. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  70858. data: [Function],
  70859. close: [Function] },
  70860. _eventsCount: 4,
  70861. _maxListeners: undefined,
  70862. _writableState:
  70863. WritableState {
  70864. objectMode: false,
  70865. highWaterMark: 16384,
  70866. finalCalled: false,
  70867. needDrain: false,
  70868. ending: false,
  70869. ended: false,
  70870. finished: false,
  70871. destroyed: false,
  70872. decodeStrings: false,
  70873. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  70874. length: 0,
  70875. writing: false,
  70876. corked: 0,
  70877. sync: false,
  70878. bufferProcessing: false,
  70879. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  70880. writecb: null,
  70881. writelen: 0,
  70882. bufferedRequest: null,
  70883. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  70884. pendingcb: 0,
  70885. prefinished: false,
  70886. errorEmitted: false,
  70887. emitClose: false,
  70888. autoDestroy: false,
  70889. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  70890. corkedRequestsFree:
  70891. { next: null,
  70892. entry: null,
  70893. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  70894. writable: true,
  70895. allowHalfOpen: false,
  70896. _sockname: null,
  70897. _pendingData: null,
  70898. _pendingEncoding: '',
  70899. server: null,
  70900. _server: null,
  70901. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  70902. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  70903. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  70904. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  70905. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  70906. _internalId: 1,
  70907. _commands:
  70908. Denque {
  70909. _head: 0,
  70910. _tail: 0,
  70911. _capacityMask: 3,
  70912. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  70913. _command: undefined,
  70914. _paused: false,
  70915. _paused_packets:
  70916. Denque {
  70917. _head: 0,
  70918. _tail: 0,
  70919. _capacityMask: 3,
  70920. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  70921. _statements:
  70922. LRUCache {
  70923. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  70924. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  70925. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  70926. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  70927. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  70928. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  70929. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  70930. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  70931. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  70932. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  70933. authorized: true,
  70934. sequenceId: 23,
  70935. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  70936. threadId: 1303,
  70937. _handshakePacket:
  70938. Handshake {
  70939. protocolVersion: 10,
  70940. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  70941. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  70942. connectionId: 1303,
  70943. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  70944. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  70945. characterSet: 255,
  70946. statusFlags: 2 },
  70947. _fatalError: null,
  70948. _protocolError: null,
  70949. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  70950. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  70951. packetParser:
  70952. PacketParser {
  70953. buffer: [],
  70954. bufferLength: 0,
  70955. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  70956. headerLen: 0,
  70957. length: 5,
  70958. largePacketParts: [],
  70959. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  70960. onPacket: [Function],
  70961. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  70962. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  70963. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  70964. connectTimeout: null,
  70965. connectionId: 1303 },
  70966. state: 'IDLE' } },
  70967. data:
  70968. PooledResource {
  70969. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  70970. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  70971. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  70972. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  70973. obj:
  70974. Connection {
  70975. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  70976. _eventsCount: 1,
  70977. _maxListeners: undefined,
  70978. config:
  70979. ConnectionConfig {
  70980. isServer: undefined,
  70981. stream: undefined,
  70982. host: 'localhost',
  70983. port: 3306,
  70984. localAddress: undefined,
  70985. socketPath: undefined,
  70986. user: 'root',
  70987. password: 'abcd1234',
  70988. passwordSha1: undefined,
  70989. database: 'lbry',
  70990. connectTimeout: 10000,
  70991. insecureAuth: false,
  70992. supportBigNumbers: true,
  70993. bigNumberStrings: false,
  70994. decimalNumbers: false,
  70995. dateStrings: false,
  70996. debug: undefined,
  70997. trace: true,
  70998. stringifyObjects: false,
  70999. timezone: '+00:00',
  71000. queryFormat: undefined,
  71001. pool: undefined,
  71002. ssl: false,
  71003. multipleStatements: false,
  71004. rowsAsArray: false,
  71005. namedPlaceholders: false,
  71006. nestTables: undefined,
  71007. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  71008. maxPacketSize: 0,
  71009. charsetNumber: 224,
  71010. compress: false,
  71011. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  71012. clientFlags: 8582093,
  71013. connectAttributes: undefined,
  71014. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  71015. stream:
  71016. Socket {
  71017. connecting: false,
  71018. _hadError: false,
  71019. _handle:
  71020. TCP {
  71021. reading: true,
  71022. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  71023. onconnection: null,
  71024. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  71025. _parent: null,
  71026. _host: 'localhost',
  71027. _readableState:
  71028. ReadableState {
  71029. objectMode: false,
  71030. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71031. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  71032. length: 0,
  71033. pipes: null,
  71034. pipesCount: 0,
  71035. flowing: true,
  71036. ended: false,
  71037. endEmitted: false,
  71038. reading: true,
  71039. sync: false,
  71040. needReadable: true,
  71041. emittedReadable: false,
  71042. readableListening: false,
  71043. resumeScheduled: false,
  71044. emitClose: false,
  71045. autoDestroy: false,
  71046. destroyed: false,
  71047. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71048. awaitDrain: 0,
  71049. readingMore: false,
  71050. decoder: null,
  71051. encoding: null },
  71052. readable: true,
  71053. _events:
  71054. [Object: null prototype] {
  71055. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  71056. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  71057. data: [Function],
  71058. close: [Function] },
  71059. _eventsCount: 4,
  71060. _maxListeners: undefined,
  71061. _writableState:
  71062. WritableState {
  71063. objectMode: false,
  71064. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71065. finalCalled: false,
  71066. needDrain: false,
  71067. ending: false,
  71068. ended: false,
  71069. finished: false,
  71070. destroyed: false,
  71071. decodeStrings: false,
  71072. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71073. length: 0,
  71074. writing: false,
  71075. corked: 0,
  71076. sync: false,
  71077. bufferProcessing: false,
  71078. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  71079. writecb: null,
  71080. writelen: 0,
  71081. bufferedRequest: null,
  71082. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  71083. pendingcb: 0,
  71084. prefinished: false,
  71085. errorEmitted: false,
  71086. emitClose: false,
  71087. autoDestroy: false,
  71088. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  71089. corkedRequestsFree:
  71090. { next: null,
  71091. entry: null,
  71092. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  71093. writable: true,
  71094. allowHalfOpen: false,
  71095. _sockname: null,
  71096. _pendingData: null,
  71097. _pendingEncoding: '',
  71098. server: null,
  71099. _server: null,
  71100. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  71101. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  71102. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  71103. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  71104. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  71105. _internalId: 2,
  71106. _commands:
  71107. Denque {
  71108. _head: 0,
  71109. _tail: 0,
  71110. _capacityMask: 3,
  71111. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  71112. _command: undefined,
  71113. _paused: false,
  71114. _paused_packets:
  71115. Denque {
  71116. _head: 0,
  71117. _tail: 0,
  71118. _capacityMask: 3,
  71119. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  71120. _statements:
  71121. LRUCache {
  71122. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  71123. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  71124. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  71125. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  71126. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  71127. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  71128. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  71129. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  71130. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  71131. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71132. authorized: true,
  71133. sequenceId: 2,
  71134. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  71135. threadId: 1302,
  71136. _handshakePacket:
  71137. Handshake {
  71138. protocolVersion: 10,
  71139. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  71140. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71141. connectionId: 1302,
  71142. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  71143. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  71144. characterSet: 255,
  71145. statusFlags: 2 },
  71146. _fatalError: null,
  71147. _protocolError: null,
  71148. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  71149. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  71150. packetParser:
  71151. PacketParser {
  71152. buffer: [],
  71153. bufferLength: 0,
  71154. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  71155. headerLen: 0,
  71156. length: 7,
  71157. largePacketParts: [],
  71158. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  71159. onPacket: [Function],
  71160. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  71161. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  71162. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  71163. connectTimeout: null,
  71164. connectionId: 1302 },
  71165. state: 'IDLE' } },
  71166. tail:
  71167. { prev:
  71168. { prev: null,
  71169. next: [Circular],
  71170. data:
  71171. PooledResource {
  71172. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  71173. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  71174. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  71175. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  71176. obj:
  71177. Connection {
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  71179. _eventsCount: 1,
  71180. _maxListeners: undefined,
  71181. config:
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  71183. isServer: undefined,
  71184. stream: undefined,
  71185. host: 'localhost',
  71186. port: 3306,
  71187. localAddress: undefined,
  71188. socketPath: undefined,
  71189. user: 'root',
  71190. password: 'abcd1234',
  71191. passwordSha1: undefined,
  71192. database: 'lbry',
  71193. connectTimeout: 10000,
  71194. insecureAuth: false,
  71195. supportBigNumbers: true,
  71196. bigNumberStrings: false,
  71197. decimalNumbers: false,
  71198. dateStrings: false,
  71199. debug: undefined,
  71200. trace: true,
  71201. stringifyObjects: false,
  71202. timezone: '+00:00',
  71203. queryFormat: undefined,
  71204. pool: undefined,
  71205. ssl: false,
  71206. multipleStatements: false,
  71207. rowsAsArray: false,
  71208. namedPlaceholders: false,
  71209. nestTables: undefined,
  71210. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  71211. maxPacketSize: 0,
  71212. charsetNumber: 224,
  71213. compress: false,
  71214. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  71215. clientFlags: 8582093,
  71216. connectAttributes: undefined,
  71217. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  71219. Socket {
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  71223. TCP {
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  71225. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  71227. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  71228. _parent: null,
  71229. _host: 'localhost',
  71230. _readableState:
  71231. ReadableState {
  71232. objectMode: false,
  71233. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71234. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  71235. length: 0,
  71236. pipes: null,
  71237. pipesCount: 0,
  71238. flowing: true,
  71239. ended: false,
  71240. endEmitted: false,
  71241. reading: true,
  71242. sync: false,
  71243. needReadable: true,
  71244. emittedReadable: false,
  71245. readableListening: false,
  71246. resumeScheduled: false,
  71247. emitClose: false,
  71248. autoDestroy: false,
  71249. destroyed: false,
  71250. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71251. awaitDrain: 0,
  71252. readingMore: false,
  71253. decoder: null,
  71254. encoding: null },
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  71257. [Object: null prototype] {
  71258. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  71259. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  71260. data: [Function],
  71261. close: [Function] },
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  71268. finalCalled: false,
  71269. needDrain: false,
  71270. ending: false,
  71271. ended: false,
  71272. finished: false,
  71273. destroyed: false,
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  71275. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71276. length: 0,
  71277. writing: false,
  71278. corked: 0,
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  71285. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  71286. pendingcb: 0,
  71287. prefinished: false,
  71288. errorEmitted: false,
  71289. emitClose: false,
  71290. autoDestroy: false,
  71291. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  71292. corkedRequestsFree:
  71293. { next: null,
  71294. entry: null,
  71295. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  71296. writable: true,
  71297. allowHalfOpen: false,
  71298. _sockname: null,
  71299. _pendingData: null,
  71300. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  71302. _server: null,
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  71304. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  71305. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  71306. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  71307. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  71308. _internalId: 2,
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  71310. Denque {
  71311. _head: 0,
  71312. _tail: 0,
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  71314. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71317. _paused_packets:
  71318. Denque {
  71319. _head: 0,
  71320. _tail: 0,
  71321. _capacityMask: 3,
  71322. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71325. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  71326. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  71327. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  71328. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  71329. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  71330. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  71331. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  71332. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  71333. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  71334. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71335. authorized: true,
  71336. sequenceId: 2,
  71337. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  71338. threadId: 1302,
  71339. _handshakePacket:
  71340. Handshake {
  71341. protocolVersion: 10,
  71342. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  71343. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71344. connectionId: 1302,
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  71346. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  71347. characterSet: 255,
  71348. statusFlags: 2 },
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  71350. _protocolError: null,
  71351. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  71353. packetParser:
  71354. PacketParser {
  71355. buffer: [],
  71356. bufferLength: 0,
  71357. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  71358. headerLen: 0,
  71359. length: 7,
  71360. largePacketParts: [],
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  71362. onPacket: [Function],
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  71365. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  71366. connectTimeout: null,
  71367. connectionId: 1302 },
  71368. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  71370. data:
  71371. PooledResource {
  71372. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  71373. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  71374. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  71375. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  71376. obj:
  71377. Connection {
  71378. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  71379. _eventsCount: 1,
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  71384. stream: undefined,
  71385. host: 'localhost',
  71386. port: 3306,
  71387. localAddress: undefined,
  71388. socketPath: undefined,
  71389. user: 'root',
  71390. password: 'abcd1234',
  71391. passwordSha1: undefined,
  71392. database: 'lbry',
  71393. connectTimeout: 10000,
  71394. insecureAuth: false,
  71395. supportBigNumbers: true,
  71396. bigNumberStrings: false,
  71397. decimalNumbers: false,
  71398. dateStrings: false,
  71399. debug: undefined,
  71400. trace: true,
  71401. stringifyObjects: false,
  71402. timezone: '+00:00',
  71403. queryFormat: undefined,
  71404. pool: undefined,
  71405. ssl: false,
  71406. multipleStatements: false,
  71407. rowsAsArray: false,
  71408. namedPlaceholders: false,
  71409. nestTables: undefined,
  71410. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  71411. maxPacketSize: 0,
  71412. charsetNumber: 224,
  71413. compress: false,
  71414. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  71415. clientFlags: 8582093,
  71416. connectAttributes: undefined,
  71417. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  71419. Socket {
  71420. connecting: false,
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  71423. TCP {
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  71425. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  71427. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  71429. _host: 'localhost',
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  71432. objectMode: false,
  71433. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71434. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  71435. length: 0,
  71436. pipes: null,
  71437. pipesCount: 0,
  71438. flowing: true,
  71439. ended: false,
  71440. endEmitted: false,
  71441. reading: true,
  71442. sync: false,
  71443. needReadable: true,
  71444. emittedReadable: false,
  71445. readableListening: false,
  71446. resumeScheduled: false,
  71447. emitClose: false,
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  71449. destroyed: false,
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  71451. awaitDrain: 0,
  71452. readingMore: false,
  71453. decoder: null,
  71454. encoding: null },
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  71457. [Object: null prototype] {
  71458. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  71459. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  71460. data: [Function],
  71461. close: [Function] },
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  71468. finalCalled: false,
  71469. needDrain: false,
  71470. ending: false,
  71471. ended: false,
  71472. finished: false,
  71473. destroyed: false,
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  71475. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71476. length: 0,
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  71478. corked: 0,
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  71485. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  71486. pendingcb: 0,
  71487. prefinished: false,
  71488. errorEmitted: false,
  71489. emitClose: false,
  71490. autoDestroy: false,
  71491. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  71492. corkedRequestsFree:
  71493. { next: null,
  71494. entry: null,
  71495. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  71498. _sockname: null,
  71499. _pendingData: null,
  71500. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  71502. _server: null,
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  71504. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  71505. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  71506. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  71507. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  71508. _internalId: 1,
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  71510. Denque {
  71511. _head: 0,
  71512. _tail: 0,
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  71514. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71518. Denque {
  71519. _head: 0,
  71520. _tail: 0,
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  71522. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71528. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  71529. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  71530. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  71531. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  71532. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  71533. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  71534. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71535. authorized: true,
  71536. sequenceId: 23,
  71537. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  71538. threadId: 1303,
  71539. _handshakePacket:
  71540. Handshake {
  71541. protocolVersion: 10,
  71542. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  71543. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71544. connectionId: 1303,
  71545. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  71546. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  71547. characterSet: 255,
  71548. statusFlags: 2 },
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  71550. _protocolError: null,
  71551. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  71553. packetParser:
  71554. PacketParser {
  71555. buffer: [],
  71556. bufferLength: 0,
  71557. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  71558. headerLen: 0,
  71559. length: 5,
  71560. largePacketParts: [],
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  71562. onPacket: [Function],
  71563. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  71565. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  71566. connectTimeout: null,
  71567. connectionId: 1303 },
  71568. state: 'IDLE' } },
  71569. length: 2 } },
  71570. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  71571. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  71572. _validationOperations: Set {},
  71573. _allObjects:
  71574. Set {
  71575. PooledResource {
  71576. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  71577. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  71578. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  71579. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  71580. obj:
  71581. Connection {
  71582. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  71583. _eventsCount: 1,
  71584. _maxListeners: undefined,
  71585. config:
  71586. ConnectionConfig {
  71587. isServer: undefined,
  71588. stream: undefined,
  71589. host: 'localhost',
  71590. port: 3306,
  71591. localAddress: undefined,
  71592. socketPath: undefined,
  71593. user: 'root',
  71594. password: 'abcd1234',
  71595. passwordSha1: undefined,
  71596. database: 'lbry',
  71597. connectTimeout: 10000,
  71598. insecureAuth: false,
  71599. supportBigNumbers: true,
  71600. bigNumberStrings: false,
  71601. decimalNumbers: false,
  71602. dateStrings: false,
  71603. debug: undefined,
  71604. trace: true,
  71605. stringifyObjects: false,
  71606. timezone: '+00:00',
  71607. queryFormat: undefined,
  71608. pool: undefined,
  71609. ssl: false,
  71610. multipleStatements: false,
  71611. rowsAsArray: false,
  71612. namedPlaceholders: false,
  71613. nestTables: undefined,
  71614. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  71616. charsetNumber: 224,
  71617. compress: false,
  71618. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  71619. clientFlags: 8582093,
  71620. connectAttributes: undefined,
  71621. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  71623. Socket {
  71624. connecting: false,
  71625. _hadError: false,
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  71627. TCP {
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  71629. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  71631. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  71636. objectMode: false,
  71637. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71638. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  71639. length: 0,
  71640. pipes: null,
  71641. pipesCount: 0,
  71642. flowing: true,
  71643. ended: false,
  71644. endEmitted: false,
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  71646. sync: false,
  71647. needReadable: true,
  71648. emittedReadable: false,
  71649. readableListening: false,
  71650. resumeScheduled: false,
  71651. emitClose: false,
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  71653. destroyed: false,
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  71655. awaitDrain: 0,
  71656. readingMore: false,
  71657. decoder: null,
  71658. encoding: null },
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  71661. [Object: null prototype] {
  71662. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  71663. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  71664. data: [Function],
  71665. close: [Function] },
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  71669. WritableState {
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  71672. finalCalled: false,
  71673. needDrain: false,
  71674. ending: false,
  71675. ended: false,
  71676. finished: false,
  71677. destroyed: false,
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  71679. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71680. length: 0,
  71681. writing: false,
  71682. corked: 0,
  71683. sync: false,
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  71687. writelen: 0,
  71688. bufferedRequest: null,
  71689. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  71690. pendingcb: 0,
  71691. prefinished: false,
  71692. errorEmitted: false,
  71693. emitClose: false,
  71694. autoDestroy: false,
  71695. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  71696. corkedRequestsFree:
  71697. { next: null,
  71698. entry: null,
  71699. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  71700. writable: true,
  71701. allowHalfOpen: false,
  71702. _sockname: null,
  71703. _pendingData: null,
  71704. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  71706. _server: null,
  71707. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  71708. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  71709. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  71710. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  71711. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  71712. _internalId: 2,
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  71714. Denque {
  71715. _head: 0,
  71716. _tail: 0,
  71717. _capacityMask: 3,
  71718. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  71719. _command: undefined,
  71720. _paused: false,
  71721. _paused_packets:
  71722. Denque {
  71723. _head: 0,
  71724. _tail: 0,
  71725. _capacityMask: 3,
  71726. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71732. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  71733. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  71734. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  71735. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  71736. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  71737. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  71738. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71739. authorized: true,
  71740. sequenceId: 2,
  71741. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  71742. threadId: 1302,
  71743. _handshakePacket:
  71744. Handshake {
  71745. protocolVersion: 10,
  71746. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  71747. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71748. connectionId: 1302,
  71749. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  71750. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  71751. characterSet: 255,
  71752. statusFlags: 2 },
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  71754. _protocolError: null,
  71755. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  71757. packetParser:
  71758. PacketParser {
  71759. buffer: [],
  71760. bufferLength: 0,
  71761. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  71762. headerLen: 0,
  71763. length: 7,
  71764. largePacketParts: [],
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  71766. onPacket: [Function],
  71767. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  71769. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  71770. connectTimeout: null,
  71771. connectionId: 1302 },
  71772. state: 'IDLE' },
  71773. PooledResource {
  71774. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  71775. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  71776. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  71777. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  71778. obj:
  71779. Connection {
  71780. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  71781. _eventsCount: 1,
  71782. _maxListeners: undefined,
  71783. config:
  71784. ConnectionConfig {
  71785. isServer: undefined,
  71786. stream: undefined,
  71787. host: 'localhost',
  71788. port: 3306,
  71789. localAddress: undefined,
  71790. socketPath: undefined,
  71791. user: 'root',
  71792. password: 'abcd1234',
  71793. passwordSha1: undefined,
  71794. database: 'lbry',
  71795. connectTimeout: 10000,
  71796. insecureAuth: false,
  71797. supportBigNumbers: true,
  71798. bigNumberStrings: false,
  71799. decimalNumbers: false,
  71800. dateStrings: false,
  71801. debug: undefined,
  71802. trace: true,
  71803. stringifyObjects: false,
  71804. timezone: '+00:00',
  71805. queryFormat: undefined,
  71806. pool: undefined,
  71807. ssl: false,
  71808. multipleStatements: false,
  71809. rowsAsArray: false,
  71810. namedPlaceholders: false,
  71811. nestTables: undefined,
  71812. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  71814. charsetNumber: 224,
  71815. compress: false,
  71816. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  71817. clientFlags: 8582093,
  71818. connectAttributes: undefined,
  71819. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  71820. stream:
  71821. Socket {
  71822. connecting: false,
  71823. _hadError: false,
  71824. _handle:
  71825. TCP {
  71826. reading: true,
  71827. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  71828. onconnection: null,
  71829. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  71830. _parent: null,
  71831. _host: 'localhost',
  71832. _readableState:
  71833. ReadableState {
  71834. objectMode: false,
  71835. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71836. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  71837. length: 0,
  71838. pipes: null,
  71839. pipesCount: 0,
  71840. flowing: true,
  71841. ended: false,
  71842. endEmitted: false,
  71843. reading: true,
  71844. sync: false,
  71845. needReadable: true,
  71846. emittedReadable: false,
  71847. readableListening: false,
  71848. resumeScheduled: false,
  71849. emitClose: false,
  71850. autoDestroy: false,
  71851. destroyed: false,
  71852. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71853. awaitDrain: 0,
  71854. readingMore: false,
  71855. decoder: null,
  71856. encoding: null },
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  71860. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  71861. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  71862. data: [Function],
  71863. close: [Function] },
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  71869. highWaterMark: 16384,
  71870. finalCalled: false,
  71871. needDrain: false,
  71872. ending: false,
  71873. ended: false,
  71874. finished: false,
  71875. destroyed: false,
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  71877. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  71878. length: 0,
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  71880. corked: 0,
  71881. sync: false,
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  71883. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  71885. writelen: 0,
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  71887. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  71888. pendingcb: 0,
  71889. prefinished: false,
  71890. errorEmitted: false,
  71891. emitClose: false,
  71892. autoDestroy: false,
  71893. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  71894. corkedRequestsFree:
  71895. { next: null,
  71896. entry: null,
  71897. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  71899. allowHalfOpen: false,
  71900. _sockname: null,
  71901. _pendingData: null,
  71902. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  71904. _server: null,
  71905. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  71906. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  71907. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  71908. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  71909. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  71910. _internalId: 1,
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  71913. _head: 0,
  71914. _tail: 0,
  71915. _capacityMask: 3,
  71916. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  71917. _command: undefined,
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  71919. _paused_packets:
  71920. Denque {
  71921. _head: 0,
  71922. _tail: 0,
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  71924. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  71927. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  71928. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  71929. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  71930. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  71931. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  71932. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  71933. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  71934. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  71935. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  71936. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71937. authorized: true,
  71938. sequenceId: 23,
  71939. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  71940. threadId: 1303,
  71941. _handshakePacket:
  71942. Handshake {
  71943. protocolVersion: 10,
  71944. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  71945. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  71946. connectionId: 1303,
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  71948. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  71949. characterSet: 255,
  71950. statusFlags: 2 },
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  71952. _protocolError: null,
  71953. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  71955. packetParser:
  71956. PacketParser {
  71957. buffer: [],
  71958. bufferLength: 0,
  71959. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  71960. headerLen: 0,
  71961. length: 5,
  71962. largePacketParts: [],
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  71964. onPacket: [Function],
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  71967. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  71968. connectTimeout: null,
  71969. connectionId: 1303 },
  71970. state: 'IDLE' } },
  71971. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  71972. _evictionIterator:
  71973. DequeIterator {
  71974. _list:
  71975. DoublyLinkedList {
  71976. head:
  71977. { prev: null,
  71978. next:
  71979. { prev: [Circular],
  71980. next: null,
  71981. data:
  71982. PooledResource {
  71983. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  71984. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  71985. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  71986. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  71987. obj:
  71988. Connection {
  71989. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  71990. _eventsCount: 1,
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  71995. stream: undefined,
  71996. host: 'localhost',
  71997. port: 3306,
  71998. localAddress: undefined,
  71999. socketPath: undefined,
  72000. user: 'root',
  72001. password: 'abcd1234',
  72002. passwordSha1: undefined,
  72003. database: 'lbry',
  72004. connectTimeout: 10000,
  72005. insecureAuth: false,
  72006. supportBigNumbers: true,
  72007. bigNumberStrings: false,
  72008. decimalNumbers: false,
  72009. dateStrings: false,
  72010. debug: undefined,
  72011. trace: true,
  72012. stringifyObjects: false,
  72013. timezone: '+00:00',
  72014. queryFormat: undefined,
  72015. pool: undefined,
  72016. ssl: false,
  72017. multipleStatements: false,
  72018. rowsAsArray: false,
  72019. namedPlaceholders: false,
  72020. nestTables: undefined,
  72021. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  72022. maxPacketSize: 0,
  72023. charsetNumber: 224,
  72024. compress: false,
  72025. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  72026. clientFlags: 8582093,
  72027. connectAttributes: undefined,
  72028. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  72030. Socket {
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  72034. TCP {
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  72036. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  72038. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  72040. _host: 'localhost',
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  72042. ReadableState {
  72043. objectMode: false,
  72044. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72045. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  72046. length: 0,
  72047. pipes: null,
  72048. pipesCount: 0,
  72049. flowing: true,
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  72053. sync: false,
  72054. needReadable: true,
  72055. emittedReadable: false,
  72056. readableListening: false,
  72057. resumeScheduled: false,
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  72060. destroyed: false,
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  72062. awaitDrain: 0,
  72063. readingMore: false,
  72064. decoder: null,
  72065. encoding: null },
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  72068. [Object: null prototype] {
  72069. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  72071. data: [Function],
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  72080. needDrain: false,
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  72082. ended: false,
  72083. finished: false,
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  72087. length: 0,
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  72089. corked: 0,
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  72096. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  72097. pendingcb: 0,
  72098. prefinished: false,
  72099. errorEmitted: false,
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  72101. autoDestroy: false,
  72102. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  72104. { next: null,
  72105. entry: null,
  72106. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  72108. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  72111. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  72113. _server: null,
  72114. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  72115. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  72116. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  72117. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  72118. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  72119. _internalId: 1,
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  72121. Denque {
  72122. _head: 0,
  72123. _tail: 0,
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  72125. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  72130. _head: 0,
  72131. _tail: 0,
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  72133. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  72139. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  72140. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  72141. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  72142. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  72143. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  72144. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  72145. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72146. authorized: true,
  72147. sequenceId: 23,
  72148. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  72149. threadId: 1303,
  72150. _handshakePacket:
  72151. Handshake {
  72152. protocolVersion: 10,
  72153. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  72154. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72155. connectionId: 1303,
  72156. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  72157. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  72158. characterSet: 255,
  72159. statusFlags: 2 },
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  72161. _protocolError: null,
  72162. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  72163. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  72164. packetParser:
  72165. PacketParser {
  72166. buffer: [],
  72167. bufferLength: 0,
  72168. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  72169. headerLen: 0,
  72170. length: 5,
  72171. largePacketParts: [],
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  72173. onPacket: [Function],
  72174. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  72176. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  72177. connectTimeout: null,
  72178. connectionId: 1303 },
  72179. state: 'IDLE' } },
  72180. data:
  72181. PooledResource {
  72182. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  72183. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  72184. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  72185. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  72186. obj:
  72187. Connection {
  72188. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  72189. _eventsCount: 1,
  72190. _maxListeners: undefined,
  72191. config:
  72192. ConnectionConfig {
  72193. isServer: undefined,
  72194. stream: undefined,
  72195. host: 'localhost',
  72196. port: 3306,
  72197. localAddress: undefined,
  72198. socketPath: undefined,
  72199. user: 'root',
  72200. password: 'abcd1234',
  72201. passwordSha1: undefined,
  72202. database: 'lbry',
  72203. connectTimeout: 10000,
  72204. insecureAuth: false,
  72205. supportBigNumbers: true,
  72206. bigNumberStrings: false,
  72207. decimalNumbers: false,
  72208. dateStrings: false,
  72209. debug: undefined,
  72210. trace: true,
  72211. stringifyObjects: false,
  72212. timezone: '+00:00',
  72213. queryFormat: undefined,
  72214. pool: undefined,
  72215. ssl: false,
  72216. multipleStatements: false,
  72217. rowsAsArray: false,
  72218. namedPlaceholders: false,
  72219. nestTables: undefined,
  72220. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  72221. maxPacketSize: 0,
  72222. charsetNumber: 224,
  72223. compress: false,
  72224. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  72225. clientFlags: 8582093,
  72226. connectAttributes: undefined,
  72227. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  72229. Socket {
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  72233. TCP {
  72234. reading: true,
  72235. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  72236. onconnection: null,
  72237. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  72238. _parent: null,
  72239. _host: 'localhost',
  72240. _readableState:
  72241. ReadableState {
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  72243. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72244. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  72245. length: 0,
  72246. pipes: null,
  72247. pipesCount: 0,
  72248. flowing: true,
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  72250. endEmitted: false,
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  72252. sync: false,
  72253. needReadable: true,
  72254. emittedReadable: false,
  72255. readableListening: false,
  72256. resumeScheduled: false,
  72257. emitClose: false,
  72258. autoDestroy: false,
  72259. destroyed: false,
  72260. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72261. awaitDrain: 0,
  72262. readingMore: false,
  72263. decoder: null,
  72264. encoding: null },
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  72267. [Object: null prototype] {
  72268. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  72269. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  72270. data: [Function],
  72271. close: [Function] },
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  72275. WritableState {
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  72278. finalCalled: false,
  72279. needDrain: false,
  72280. ending: false,
  72281. ended: false,
  72282. finished: false,
  72283. destroyed: false,
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  72285. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72286. length: 0,
  72287. writing: false,
  72288. corked: 0,
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  72293. writelen: 0,
  72294. bufferedRequest: null,
  72295. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  72296. pendingcb: 0,
  72297. prefinished: false,
  72298. errorEmitted: false,
  72299. emitClose: false,
  72300. autoDestroy: false,
  72301. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  72302. corkedRequestsFree:
  72303. { next: null,
  72304. entry: null,
  72305. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  72307. allowHalfOpen: false,
  72308. _sockname: null,
  72309. _pendingData: null,
  72310. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  72312. _server: null,
  72313. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  72314. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  72315. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  72316. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  72317. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  72318. _internalId: 2,
  72319. _commands:
  72320. Denque {
  72321. _head: 0,
  72322. _tail: 0,
  72323. _capacityMask: 3,
  72324. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  72325. _command: undefined,
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  72327. _paused_packets:
  72328. Denque {
  72329. _head: 0,
  72330. _tail: 0,
  72331. _capacityMask: 3,
  72332. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  72334. LRUCache {
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  72336. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  72337. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  72338. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  72339. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  72340. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  72341. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  72342. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  72343. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  72344. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72345. authorized: true,
  72346. sequenceId: 2,
  72347. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  72348. threadId: 1302,
  72349. _handshakePacket:
  72350. Handshake {
  72351. protocolVersion: 10,
  72352. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  72353. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72354. connectionId: 1302,
  72355. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  72356. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  72357. characterSet: 255,
  72358. statusFlags: 2 },
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  72360. _protocolError: null,
  72361. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  72362. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  72363. packetParser:
  72364. PacketParser {
  72365. buffer: [],
  72366. bufferLength: 0,
  72367. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  72368. headerLen: 0,
  72369. length: 7,
  72370. largePacketParts: [],
  72371. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  72372. onPacket: [Function],
  72373. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  72374. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  72375. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  72376. connectTimeout: null,
  72377. connectionId: 1302 },
  72378. state: 'IDLE' } },
  72379. tail:
  72380. { prev:
  72381. { prev: null,
  72382. next: [Circular],
  72383. data:
  72384. PooledResource {
  72385. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  72386. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  72387. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  72388. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  72389. obj:
  72390. Connection {
  72391. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  72392. _eventsCount: 1,
  72393. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  72395. ConnectionConfig {
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  72397. stream: undefined,
  72398. host: 'localhost',
  72399. port: 3306,
  72400. localAddress: undefined,
  72401. socketPath: undefined,
  72402. user: 'root',
  72403. password: 'abcd1234',
  72404. passwordSha1: undefined,
  72405. database: 'lbry',
  72406. connectTimeout: 10000,
  72407. insecureAuth: false,
  72408. supportBigNumbers: true,
  72409. bigNumberStrings: false,
  72410. decimalNumbers: false,
  72411. dateStrings: false,
  72412. debug: undefined,
  72413. trace: true,
  72414. stringifyObjects: false,
  72415. timezone: '+00:00',
  72416. queryFormat: undefined,
  72417. pool: undefined,
  72418. ssl: false,
  72419. multipleStatements: false,
  72420. rowsAsArray: false,
  72421. namedPlaceholders: false,
  72422. nestTables: undefined,
  72423. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  72425. charsetNumber: 224,
  72426. compress: false,
  72427. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  72428. clientFlags: 8582093,
  72429. connectAttributes: undefined,
  72430. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  72432. Socket {
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  72436. TCP {
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  72438. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  72439. onconnection: null,
  72440. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  72442. _host: 'localhost',
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  72444. ReadableState {
  72445. objectMode: false,
  72446. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72447. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  72448. length: 0,
  72449. pipes: null,
  72450. pipesCount: 0,
  72451. flowing: true,
  72452. ended: false,
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  72454. reading: true,
  72455. sync: false,
  72456. needReadable: true,
  72457. emittedReadable: false,
  72458. readableListening: false,
  72459. resumeScheduled: false,
  72460. emitClose: false,
  72461. autoDestroy: false,
  72462. destroyed: false,
  72463. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72464. awaitDrain: 0,
  72465. readingMore: false,
  72466. decoder: null,
  72467. encoding: null },
  72468. readable: true,
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  72470. [Object: null prototype] {
  72471. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  72472. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  72473. data: [Function],
  72474. close: [Function] },
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  72476. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  72478. WritableState {
  72479. objectMode: false,
  72480. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72481. finalCalled: false,
  72482. needDrain: false,
  72483. ending: false,
  72484. ended: false,
  72485. finished: false,
  72486. destroyed: false,
  72487. decodeStrings: false,
  72488. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72489. length: 0,
  72490. writing: false,
  72491. corked: 0,
  72492. sync: false,
  72493. bufferProcessing: false,
  72494. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  72495. writecb: null,
  72496. writelen: 0,
  72497. bufferedRequest: null,
  72498. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  72499. pendingcb: 0,
  72500. prefinished: false,
  72501. errorEmitted: false,
  72502. emitClose: false,
  72503. autoDestroy: false,
  72504. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  72505. corkedRequestsFree:
  72506. { next: null,
  72507. entry: null,
  72508. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  72509. writable: true,
  72510. allowHalfOpen: false,
  72511. _sockname: null,
  72512. _pendingData: null,
  72513. _pendingEncoding: '',
  72514. server: null,
  72515. _server: null,
  72516. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  72517. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  72518. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  72519. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  72520. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  72521. _internalId: 2,
  72522. _commands:
  72523. Denque {
  72524. _head: 0,
  72525. _tail: 0,
  72526. _capacityMask: 3,
  72527. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  72528. _command: undefined,
  72529. _paused: false,
  72530. _paused_packets:
  72531. Denque {
  72532. _head: 0,
  72533. _tail: 0,
  72534. _capacityMask: 3,
  72535. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  72536. _statements:
  72537. LRUCache {
  72538. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  72539. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  72540. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  72541. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  72542. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  72543. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  72544. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  72545. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  72546. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  72547. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72548. authorized: true,
  72549. sequenceId: 2,
  72550. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  72551. threadId: 1302,
  72552. _handshakePacket:
  72553. Handshake {
  72554. protocolVersion: 10,
  72555. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  72556. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72557. connectionId: 1302,
  72558. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  72559. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  72560. characterSet: 255,
  72561. statusFlags: 2 },
  72562. _fatalError: null,
  72563. _protocolError: null,
  72564. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  72565. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  72566. packetParser:
  72567. PacketParser {
  72568. buffer: [],
  72569. bufferLength: 0,
  72570. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  72571. headerLen: 0,
  72572. length: 7,
  72573. largePacketParts: [],
  72574. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  72575. onPacket: [Function],
  72576. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  72577. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  72578. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  72579. connectTimeout: null,
  72580. connectionId: 1302 },
  72581. state: 'IDLE' } },
  72582. next: null,
  72583. data:
  72584. PooledResource {
  72585. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  72586. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  72587. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  72588. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  72589. obj:
  72590. Connection {
  72591. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  72592. _eventsCount: 1,
  72593. _maxListeners: undefined,
  72594. config:
  72595. ConnectionConfig {
  72596. isServer: undefined,
  72597. stream: undefined,
  72598. host: 'localhost',
  72599. port: 3306,
  72600. localAddress: undefined,
  72601. socketPath: undefined,
  72602. user: 'root',
  72603. password: 'abcd1234',
  72604. passwordSha1: undefined,
  72605. database: 'lbry',
  72606. connectTimeout: 10000,
  72607. insecureAuth: false,
  72608. supportBigNumbers: true,
  72609. bigNumberStrings: false,
  72610. decimalNumbers: false,
  72611. dateStrings: false,
  72612. debug: undefined,
  72613. trace: true,
  72614. stringifyObjects: false,
  72615. timezone: '+00:00',
  72616. queryFormat: undefined,
  72617. pool: undefined,
  72618. ssl: false,
  72619. multipleStatements: false,
  72620. rowsAsArray: false,
  72621. namedPlaceholders: false,
  72622. nestTables: undefined,
  72623. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  72624. maxPacketSize: 0,
  72625. charsetNumber: 224,
  72626. compress: false,
  72627. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  72628. clientFlags: 8582093,
  72629. connectAttributes: undefined,
  72630. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  72631. stream:
  72632. Socket {
  72633. connecting: false,
  72634. _hadError: false,
  72635. _handle:
  72636. TCP {
  72637. reading: true,
  72638. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  72639. onconnection: null,
  72640. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  72641. _parent: null,
  72642. _host: 'localhost',
  72643. _readableState:
  72644. ReadableState {
  72645. objectMode: false,
  72646. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72647. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  72648. length: 0,
  72649. pipes: null,
  72650. pipesCount: 0,
  72651. flowing: true,
  72652. ended: false,
  72653. endEmitted: false,
  72654. reading: true,
  72655. sync: false,
  72656. needReadable: true,
  72657. emittedReadable: false,
  72658. readableListening: false,
  72659. resumeScheduled: false,
  72660. emitClose: false,
  72661. autoDestroy: false,
  72662. destroyed: false,
  72663. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72664. awaitDrain: 0,
  72665. readingMore: false,
  72666. decoder: null,
  72667. encoding: null },
  72668. readable: true,
  72669. _events:
  72670. [Object: null prototype] {
  72671. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  72672. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  72673. data: [Function],
  72674. close: [Function] },
  72675. _eventsCount: 4,
  72676. _maxListeners: undefined,
  72677. _writableState:
  72678. WritableState {
  72679. objectMode: false,
  72680. highWaterMark: 16384,
  72681. finalCalled: false,
  72682. needDrain: false,
  72683. ending: false,
  72684. ended: false,
  72685. finished: false,
  72686. destroyed: false,
  72687. decodeStrings: false,
  72688. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  72689. length: 0,
  72690. writing: false,
  72691. corked: 0,
  72692. sync: false,
  72693. bufferProcessing: false,
  72694. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  72695. writecb: null,
  72696. writelen: 0,
  72697. bufferedRequest: null,
  72698. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  72699. pendingcb: 0,
  72700. prefinished: false,
  72701. errorEmitted: false,
  72702. emitClose: false,
  72703. autoDestroy: false,
  72704. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  72705. corkedRequestsFree:
  72706. { next: null,
  72707. entry: null,
  72708. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  72709. writable: true,
  72710. allowHalfOpen: false,
  72711. _sockname: null,
  72712. _pendingData: null,
  72713. _pendingEncoding: '',
  72714. server: null,
  72715. _server: null,
  72716. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  72717. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  72718. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  72719. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  72720. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  72721. _internalId: 1,
  72722. _commands:
  72723. Denque {
  72724. _head: 0,
  72725. _tail: 0,
  72726. _capacityMask: 3,
  72727. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  72728. _command: undefined,
  72729. _paused: false,
  72730. _paused_packets:
  72731. Denque {
  72732. _head: 0,
  72733. _tail: 0,
  72734. _capacityMask: 3,
  72735. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  72736. _statements:
  72737. LRUCache {
  72738. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  72739. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  72740. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  72741. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  72742. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  72743. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  72744. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  72745. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  72746. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  72747. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72748. authorized: true,
  72749. sequenceId: 23,
  72750. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  72751. threadId: 1303,
  72752. _handshakePacket:
  72753. Handshake {
  72754. protocolVersion: 10,
  72755. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  72756. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  72757. connectionId: 1303,
  72758. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  72759. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  72760. characterSet: 255,
  72761. statusFlags: 2 },
  72762. _fatalError: null,
  72763. _protocolError: null,
  72764. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  72765. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  72766. packetParser:
  72767. PacketParser {
  72768. buffer: [],
  72769. bufferLength: 0,
  72770. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  72771. headerLen: 0,
  72772. length: 5,
  72773. largePacketParts: [],
  72774. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  72775. onPacket: [Function],
  72776. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  72777. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  72778. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  72779. connectTimeout: null,
  72780. connectionId: 1303 },
  72781. state: 'IDLE' } },
  72782. length: 2 },
  72783. _direction: 'next',
  72784. _startPosition: 'head',
  72785. _started: false,
  72786. _cursor: null,
  72787. _done: false },
  72788. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  72789. _scheduledEviction:
  72790. Timeout {
  72791. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  72792. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  72793. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  72794. _idleStart: 432,
  72795. _onTimeout: [Function],
  72796. _timerArgs: undefined,
  72797. _repeat: null,
  72798. _destroyed: false,
  72799. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  72800. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  72801. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  72802. lib:
  72803. { createConnection: [Function],
  72804. connect: [Function],
  72805. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  72806. createPool: [Function],
  72807. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  72808. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  72809. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  72810. createServer: [Function],
  72811. PoolConnection:
  72812. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  72813. escape: [Function: escape],
  72814. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  72815. format: [Function: format],
  72816. raw: [Function: raw],
  72817. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  72818. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  72819. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  72820. Types: [Getter],
  72821. Charsets: [Getter],
  72822. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  72823. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  72824. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  72825. importCache: {},
  72826. test:
  72827. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  72828. _runningQueries: 0,
  72829. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  72830. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  72831. hooks: {},
  72832. uniqueKeys: {} },
  72833. _options:
  72834. { isNewRecord: false,
  72835. _schema: null,
  72836. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  72837. raw: true,
  72838. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  72839. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  72840. isNewRecord: false },
  72841. Balloons {
  72842. dataValues:
  72843. { id: 9,
  72844. size: 'large',
  72845. color: 'red',
  72846. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:13:22.000Z,
  72847. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:13:22.000Z },
  72848. _previousDataValues:
  72849. { id: 9,
  72850. size: 'large',
  72851. color: 'red',
  72852. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:13:22.000Z,
  72853. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:13:22.000Z },
  72854. _changed: {},
  72855. _modelOptions:
  72856. { timestamps: true,
  72857. validate: {},
  72858. freezeTableName: false,
  72859. underscored: false,
  72860. underscoredAll: false,
  72861. paranoid: false,
  72862. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  72863. whereCollection: null,
  72864. schema: null,
  72865. schemaDelimiter: '',
  72866. defaultScope: {},
  72867. scopes: [],
  72868. indexes: [],
  72869. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  72870. omitNull: false,
  72871. sequelize:
  72872. Sequelize {
  72873. options:
  72874. { dialect: 'mysql',
  72875. dialectModulePath: null,
  72876. host: 'localhost',
  72877. protocol: 'tcp',
  72878. define: {},
  72879. query: {},
  72880. sync: {},
  72881. timezone: '+00:00',
  72882. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  72883. omitNull: false,
  72884. native: false,
  72885. replication: false,
  72886. ssl: undefined,
  72887. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  72888. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  72889. hooks: {},
  72890. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  72891. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  72892. isolationLevel: null,
  72893. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  72894. typeValidation: false,
  72895. benchmark: false,
  72896. operatorsAliases: false },
  72897. config:
  72898. { database: 'lbry',
  72899. username: 'root',
  72900. password: 'abcd1234',
  72901. host: 'localhost',
  72902. port: 3306,
  72903. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  72904. protocol: 'tcp',
  72905. native: false,
  72906. ssl: undefined,
  72907. replication: false,
  72908. dialectModulePath: null,
  72909. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  72910. dialectOptions: undefined },
  72911. dialect:
  72912. MysqlDialect {
  72913. sequelize: [Circular],
  72914. connectionManager:
  72915. ConnectionManager {
  72916. sequelize: [Circular],
  72917. config:
  72918. { database: 'lbry',
  72919. username: 'root',
  72920. password: 'abcd1234',
  72921. host: 'localhost',
  72922. port: undefined,
  72923. pool:
  72924. { max: 5,
  72925. min: 0,
  72926. acquire: 30000,
  72927. idle: 10000,
  72928. evict: 10000,
  72929. handleDisconnects: true,
  72930. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  72931. Promise:
  72932. { [Function: Promise]
  72933. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  72934. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  72935. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  72936. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  72937. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  72938. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  72939. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  72940. _peekContext: [Function],
  72941. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  72942. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  72943. longStackTraces: [Function],
  72944. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  72945. config: [Function],
  72946. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  72947. is: [Function],
  72948. fromCallback: [Function],
  72949. fromNode: [Function],
  72950. all: [Function],
  72951. cast: [Function],
  72952. fulfilled: [Function],
  72953. resolve: [Function],
  72954. rejected: [Function],
  72955. reject: [Function],
  72956. setScheduler: [Function],
  72957. pending: [Function],
  72958. defer: [Function],
  72959. method: [Function],
  72960. try: [Function],
  72961. attempt: [Function],
  72962. bind: [Function],
  72963. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  72964. join: [Function],
  72965. Promise: [Circular],
  72966. version: '3.5.3',
  72967. map: [Function],
  72968. using: [Function],
  72969. delay: [Function],
  72970. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  72971. spawn: [Function],
  72972. promisify: [Function],
  72973. promisifyAll: [Function],
  72974. props: [Function],
  72975. race: [Function],
  72976. reduce: [Function],
  72977. settle: [Function],
  72978. some: [Function],
  72979. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  72980. filter: [Function],
  72981. each: [Function],
  72982. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  72983. any: [Function],
  72984. default: [Circular] } },
  72985. protocol: 'tcp',
  72986. native: false,
  72987. ssl: undefined,
  72988. replication: false,
  72989. dialectModulePath: null,
  72990. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  72991. dialectOptions: undefined },
  72992. dialect: [Circular],
  72993. versionPromise: null,
  72994. dialectName: 'mysql',
  72995. pool:
  72996. Pool {
  72997. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  72998. _eventsCount: 0,
  72999. _maxListeners: undefined,
  73000. _config:
  73001. PoolOptions {
  73002. fifo: true,
  73003. priorityRange: 1,
  73004. testOnBorrow: true,
  73005. testOnReturn: false,
  73006. autostart: false,
  73007. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  73008. max: 5,
  73009. min: 0,
  73010. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  73011. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  73012. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  73013. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  73014. Promise:
  73015. { [Function: Promise]
  73016. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  73017. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  73018. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  73019. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  73020. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  73021. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  73022. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  73023. _peekContext: [Function],
  73024. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  73025. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  73026. longStackTraces: [Function],
  73027. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  73028. config: [Function],
  73029. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  73030. is: [Function],
  73031. fromCallback: [Function],
  73032. fromNode: [Function],
  73033. all: [Function],
  73034. cast: [Function],
  73035. fulfilled: [Function],
  73036. resolve: [Function],
  73037. rejected: [Function],
  73038. reject: [Function],
  73039. setScheduler: [Function],
  73040. pending: [Function],
  73041. defer: [Function],
  73042. method: [Function],
  73043. try: [Function],
  73044. attempt: [Function],
  73045. bind: [Function],
  73046. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  73047. join: [Function],
  73048. Promise: [Circular],
  73049. version: '3.5.3',
  73050. map: [Function],
  73051. using: [Function],
  73052. delay: [Function],
  73053. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  73054. spawn: [Function],
  73055. promisify: [Function],
  73056. promisifyAll: [Function],
  73057. props: [Function],
  73058. race: [Function],
  73059. reduce: [Function],
  73060. settle: [Function],
  73061. some: [Function],
  73062. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  73063. filter: [Function],
  73064. each: [Function],
  73065. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  73066. any: [Function],
  73067. default: [Circular] } },
  73068. _Promise:
  73069. { [Function: Promise]
  73070. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  73071. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  73072. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  73073. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  73074. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  73075. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  73076. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  73077. _peekContext: [Function],
  73078. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  73079. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  73080. longStackTraces: [Function],
  73081. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  73082. config: [Function],
  73083. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  73084. is: [Function],
  73085. fromCallback: [Function],
  73086. fromNode: [Function],
  73087. all: [Function],
  73088. cast: [Function],
  73089. fulfilled: [Function],
  73090. resolve: [Function],
  73091. rejected: [Function],
  73092. reject: [Function],
  73093. setScheduler: [Function],
  73094. pending: [Function],
  73095. defer: [Function],
  73096. method: [Function],
  73097. try: [Function],
  73098. attempt: [Function],
  73099. bind: [Function],
  73100. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  73101. join: [Function],
  73102. Promise: [Circular],
  73103. version: '3.5.3',
  73104. map: [Function],
  73105. using: [Function],
  73106. delay: [Function],
  73107. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  73108. spawn: [Function],
  73109. promisify: [Function],
  73110. promisifyAll: [Function],
  73111. props: [Function],
  73112. race: [Function],
  73113. reduce: [Function],
  73114. settle: [Function],
  73115. some: [Function],
  73116. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  73117. filter: [Function],
  73118. each: [Function],
  73119. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  73120. any: [Function],
  73121. default: [Circular] },
  73122. _factory:
  73123. { create: [Function: create],
  73124. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  73125. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  73126. _draining: false,
  73127. _started: true,
  73128. _waitingClientsQueue:
  73129. PriorityQueue {
  73130. _size: 1,
  73131. _slots:
  73132. [ Queue {
  73133. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  73134. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  73135. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  73136. _availableObjects:
  73137. Deque {
  73138. _list:
  73139. DoublyLinkedList {
  73140. head:
  73141. { prev: null,
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  73143. { prev: [Circular],
  73144. next: null,
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  73146. PooledResource {
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  73149. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  73150. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  73152. Connection {
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  73160. host: 'localhost',
  73161. port: 3306,
  73162. localAddress: undefined,
  73163. socketPath: undefined,
  73164. user: 'root',
  73165. password: 'abcd1234',
  73166. passwordSha1: undefined,
  73167. database: 'lbry',
  73168. connectTimeout: 10000,
  73169. insecureAuth: false,
  73170. supportBigNumbers: true,
  73171. bigNumberStrings: false,
  73172. decimalNumbers: false,
  73173. dateStrings: false,
  73174. debug: undefined,
  73175. trace: true,
  73176. stringifyObjects: false,
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  73179. pool: undefined,
  73180. ssl: false,
  73181. multipleStatements: false,
  73182. rowsAsArray: false,
  73183. namedPlaceholders: false,
  73184. nestTables: undefined,
  73185. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  73188. compress: false,
  73189. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  73190. clientFlags: 8582093,
  73191. connectAttributes: undefined,
  73192. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  73194. Socket {
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  73198. TCP {
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  73200. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  73202. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  73206. ReadableState {
  73207. objectMode: false,
  73208. highWaterMark: 16384,
  73209. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  73210. length: 0,
  73211. pipes: null,
  73212. pipesCount: 0,
  73213. flowing: true,
  73214. ended: false,
  73215. endEmitted: false,
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  73217. sync: false,
  73218. needReadable: true,
  73219. emittedReadable: false,
  73220. readableListening: false,
  73221. resumeScheduled: false,
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  73224. destroyed: false,
  73225. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  73226. awaitDrain: 0,
  73227. readingMore: false,
  73228. decoder: null,
  73229. encoding: null },
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  73232. [Object: null prototype] {
  73233. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  73234. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  73235. data: [Function],
  73236. close: [Function] },
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  73243. finalCalled: false,
  73244. needDrain: false,
  73245. ending: false,
  73246. ended: false,
  73247. finished: false,
  73248. destroyed: false,
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  73253. corked: 0,
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  73260. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  73261. pendingcb: 0,
  73262. prefinished: false,
  73263. errorEmitted: false,
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  73265. autoDestroy: false,
  73266. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  73267. corkedRequestsFree:
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  73269. entry: null,
  73270. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  73275. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  73277. _server: null,
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  73279. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  73280. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  73281. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  73282. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  73285. Denque {
  73286. _head: 0,
  73287. _tail: 0,
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  73289. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  73292. _paused_packets:
  73293. Denque {
  73294. _head: 0,
  73295. _tail: 0,
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  73297. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  73303. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  73304. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  73305. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  73306. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  73307. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  73308. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  73309. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73310. authorized: true,
  73311. sequenceId: 23,
  73312. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  73313. threadId: 1303,
  73314. _handshakePacket:
  73315. Handshake {
  73316. protocolVersion: 10,
  73317. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  73318. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73319. connectionId: 1303,
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  73321. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  73322. characterSet: 255,
  73323. statusFlags: 2 },
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  73326. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  73327. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  73328. packetParser:
  73329. PacketParser {
  73330. buffer: [],
  73331. bufferLength: 0,
  73332. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  73333. headerLen: 0,
  73334. length: 5,
  73335. largePacketParts: [],
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  73337. onPacket: [Function],
  73338. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  73340. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  73341. connectTimeout: null,
  73342. connectionId: 1303 },
  73343. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  73345. PooledResource {
  73346. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  73347. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  73348. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  73349. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  73350. obj:
  73351. Connection {
  73352. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  73353. _eventsCount: 1,
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  73358. stream: undefined,
  73359. host: 'localhost',
  73360. port: 3306,
  73361. localAddress: undefined,
  73362. socketPath: undefined,
  73363. user: 'root',
  73364. password: 'abcd1234',
  73365. passwordSha1: undefined,
  73366. database: 'lbry',
  73367. connectTimeout: 10000,
  73368. insecureAuth: false,
  73369. supportBigNumbers: true,
  73370. bigNumberStrings: false,
  73371. decimalNumbers: false,
  73372. dateStrings: false,
  73373. debug: undefined,
  73374. trace: true,
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  73378. pool: undefined,
  73379. ssl: false,
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  73383. nestTables: undefined,
  73384. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  73386. charsetNumber: 224,
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  73388. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  73389. clientFlags: 8582093,
  73390. connectAttributes: undefined,
  73391. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  73393. Socket {
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  73397. TCP {
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  73399. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  73401. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  73405. ReadableState {
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  73407. highWaterMark: 16384,
  73408. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  73409. length: 0,
  73410. pipes: null,
  73411. pipesCount: 0,
  73412. flowing: true,
  73413. ended: false,
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  73416. sync: false,
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  73419. readableListening: false,
  73420. resumeScheduled: false,
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  73423. destroyed: false,
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  73425. awaitDrain: 0,
  73426. readingMore: false,
  73427. decoder: null,
  73428. encoding: null },
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  73431. [Object: null prototype] {
  73432. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  73433. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
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  73435. close: [Function] },
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  73443. needDrain: false,
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  73445. ended: false,
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  73452. corked: 0,
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  73459. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  73460. pendingcb: 0,
  73461. prefinished: false,
  73462. errorEmitted: false,
  73463. emitClose: false,
  73464. autoDestroy: false,
  73465. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  73466. corkedRequestsFree:
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  73468. entry: null,
  73469. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  73474. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  73476. _server: null,
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  73479. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  73480. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  73481. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  73484. Denque {
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  73486. _tail: 0,
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  73488. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  73492. Denque {
  73493. _head: 0,
  73494. _tail: 0,
  73495. _capacityMask: 3,
  73496. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  73500. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
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  73502. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  73503. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  73504. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  73505. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  73506. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  73507. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  73508. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73509. authorized: true,
  73510. sequenceId: 2,
  73511. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  73512. threadId: 1302,
  73513. _handshakePacket:
  73514. Handshake {
  73515. protocolVersion: 10,
  73516. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  73517. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73518. connectionId: 1302,
  73519. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  73520. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  73521. characterSet: 255,
  73522. statusFlags: 2 },
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  73524. _protocolError: null,
  73525. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  73526. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  73527. packetParser:
  73528. PacketParser {
  73529. buffer: [],
  73530. bufferLength: 0,
  73531. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  73532. headerLen: 0,
  73533. length: 7,
  73534. largePacketParts: [],
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  73536. onPacket: [Function],
  73537. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  73538. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  73539. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  73540. connectTimeout: null,
  73541. connectionId: 1302 },
  73542. state: 'IDLE' } },
  73543. tail:
  73544. { prev:
  73545. { prev: null,
  73546. next: [Circular],
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  73548. PooledResource {
  73549. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  73550. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  73551. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  73552. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  73553. obj:
  73554. Connection {
  73555. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  73556. _eventsCount: 1,
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  73561. stream: undefined,
  73562. host: 'localhost',
  73563. port: 3306,
  73564. localAddress: undefined,
  73565. socketPath: undefined,
  73566. user: 'root',
  73567. password: 'abcd1234',
  73568. passwordSha1: undefined,
  73569. database: 'lbry',
  73570. connectTimeout: 10000,
  73571. insecureAuth: false,
  73572. supportBigNumbers: true,
  73573. bigNumberStrings: false,
  73574. decimalNumbers: false,
  73575. dateStrings: false,
  73576. debug: undefined,
  73577. trace: true,
  73578. stringifyObjects: false,
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  73580. queryFormat: undefined,
  73581. pool: undefined,
  73582. ssl: false,
  73583. multipleStatements: false,
  73584. rowsAsArray: false,
  73585. namedPlaceholders: false,
  73586. nestTables: undefined,
  73587. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  73588. maxPacketSize: 0,
  73589. charsetNumber: 224,
  73590. compress: false,
  73591. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  73592. clientFlags: 8582093,
  73593. connectAttributes: undefined,
  73594. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  73596. Socket {
  73597. connecting: false,
  73598. _hadError: false,
  73599. _handle:
  73600. TCP {
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  73602. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  73604. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  73606. _host: 'localhost',
  73607. _readableState:
  73608. ReadableState {
  73609. objectMode: false,
  73610. highWaterMark: 16384,
  73611. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  73612. length: 0,
  73613. pipes: null,
  73614. pipesCount: 0,
  73615. flowing: true,
  73616. ended: false,
  73617. endEmitted: false,
  73618. reading: true,
  73619. sync: false,
  73620. needReadable: true,
  73621. emittedReadable: false,
  73622. readableListening: false,
  73623. resumeScheduled: false,
  73624. emitClose: false,
  73625. autoDestroy: false,
  73626. destroyed: false,
  73627. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  73628. awaitDrain: 0,
  73629. readingMore: false,
  73630. decoder: null,
  73631. encoding: null },
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  73634. [Object: null prototype] {
  73635. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  73636. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  73637. data: [Function],
  73638. close: [Function] },
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  73640. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  73642. WritableState {
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  73645. finalCalled: false,
  73646. needDrain: false,
  73647. ending: false,
  73648. ended: false,
  73649. finished: false,
  73650. destroyed: false,
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  73652. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  73653. length: 0,
  73654. writing: false,
  73655. corked: 0,
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  73660. writelen: 0,
  73661. bufferedRequest: null,
  73662. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  73663. pendingcb: 0,
  73664. prefinished: false,
  73665. errorEmitted: false,
  73666. emitClose: false,
  73667. autoDestroy: false,
  73668. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  73669. corkedRequestsFree:
  73670. { next: null,
  73671. entry: null,
  73672. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  73673. writable: true,
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  73677. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  73679. _server: null,
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  73682. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  73683. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  73684. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  73685. _internalId: 2,
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  73687. Denque {
  73688. _head: 0,
  73689. _tail: 0,
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  73691. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  73692. _command: undefined,
  73693. _paused: false,
  73694. _paused_packets:
  73695. Denque {
  73696. _head: 0,
  73697. _tail: 0,
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  73699. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  73703. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  73704. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  73705. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  73706. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  73707. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  73708. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  73709. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  73710. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  73711. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73712. authorized: true,
  73713. sequenceId: 2,
  73714. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  73715. threadId: 1302,
  73716. _handshakePacket:
  73717. Handshake {
  73718. protocolVersion: 10,
  73719. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  73720. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73721. connectionId: 1302,
  73722. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  73723. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  73724. characterSet: 255,
  73725. statusFlags: 2 },
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  73727. _protocolError: null,
  73728. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  73729. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  73730. packetParser:
  73731. PacketParser {
  73732. buffer: [],
  73733. bufferLength: 0,
  73734. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  73735. headerLen: 0,
  73736. length: 7,
  73737. largePacketParts: [],
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  73739. onPacket: [Function],
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  73741. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  73742. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  73743. connectTimeout: null,
  73744. connectionId: 1302 },
  73745. state: 'IDLE' } },
  73746. next: null,
  73747. data:
  73748. PooledResource {
  73749. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  73750. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  73751. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  73752. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  73753. obj:
  73754. Connection {
  73755. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  73756. _eventsCount: 1,
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  73759. ConnectionConfig {
  73760. isServer: undefined,
  73761. stream: undefined,
  73762. host: 'localhost',
  73763. port: 3306,
  73764. localAddress: undefined,
  73765. socketPath: undefined,
  73766. user: 'root',
  73767. password: 'abcd1234',
  73768. passwordSha1: undefined,
  73769. database: 'lbry',
  73770. connectTimeout: 10000,
  73771. insecureAuth: false,
  73772. supportBigNumbers: true,
  73773. bigNumberStrings: false,
  73774. decimalNumbers: false,
  73775. dateStrings: false,
  73776. debug: undefined,
  73777. trace: true,
  73778. stringifyObjects: false,
  73779. timezone: '+00:00',
  73780. queryFormat: undefined,
  73781. pool: undefined,
  73782. ssl: false,
  73783. multipleStatements: false,
  73784. rowsAsArray: false,
  73785. namedPlaceholders: false,
  73786. nestTables: undefined,
  73787. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  73788. maxPacketSize: 0,
  73789. charsetNumber: 224,
  73790. compress: false,
  73791. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  73792. clientFlags: 8582093,
  73793. connectAttributes: undefined,
  73794. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  73795. stream:
  73796. Socket {
  73797. connecting: false,
  73798. _hadError: false,
  73799. _handle:
  73800. TCP {
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  73802. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  73803. onconnection: null,
  73804. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  73805. _parent: null,
  73806. _host: 'localhost',
  73807. _readableState:
  73808. ReadableState {
  73809. objectMode: false,
  73810. highWaterMark: 16384,
  73811. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  73812. length: 0,
  73813. pipes: null,
  73814. pipesCount: 0,
  73815. flowing: true,
  73816. ended: false,
  73817. endEmitted: false,
  73818. reading: true,
  73819. sync: false,
  73820. needReadable: true,
  73821. emittedReadable: false,
  73822. readableListening: false,
  73823. resumeScheduled: false,
  73824. emitClose: false,
  73825. autoDestroy: false,
  73826. destroyed: false,
  73827. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  73828. awaitDrain: 0,
  73829. readingMore: false,
  73830. decoder: null,
  73831. encoding: null },
  73832. readable: true,
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  73834. [Object: null prototype] {
  73835. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  73836. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  73837. data: [Function],
  73838. close: [Function] },
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  73840. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  73842. WritableState {
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  73844. highWaterMark: 16384,
  73845. finalCalled: false,
  73846. needDrain: false,
  73847. ending: false,
  73848. ended: false,
  73849. finished: false,
  73850. destroyed: false,
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  73852. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  73853. length: 0,
  73854. writing: false,
  73855. corked: 0,
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  73860. writelen: 0,
  73861. bufferedRequest: null,
  73862. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  73863. pendingcb: 0,
  73864. prefinished: false,
  73865. errorEmitted: false,
  73866. emitClose: false,
  73867. autoDestroy: false,
  73868. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  73869. corkedRequestsFree:
  73870. { next: null,
  73871. entry: null,
  73872. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  73873. writable: true,
  73874. allowHalfOpen: false,
  73875. _sockname: null,
  73876. _pendingData: null,
  73877. _pendingEncoding: '',
  73878. server: null,
  73879. _server: null,
  73880. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  73881. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  73882. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  73883. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  73884. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  73885. _internalId: 1,
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  73887. Denque {
  73888. _head: 0,
  73889. _tail: 0,
  73890. _capacityMask: 3,
  73891. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  73892. _command: undefined,
  73893. _paused: false,
  73894. _paused_packets:
  73895. Denque {
  73896. _head: 0,
  73897. _tail: 0,
  73898. _capacityMask: 3,
  73899. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  73900. _statements:
  73901. LRUCache {
  73902. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  73903. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  73904. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  73905. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  73906. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  73907. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  73908. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  73909. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  73910. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  73911. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73912. authorized: true,
  73913. sequenceId: 23,
  73914. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  73915. threadId: 1303,
  73916. _handshakePacket:
  73917. Handshake {
  73918. protocolVersion: 10,
  73919. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  73920. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  73921. connectionId: 1303,
  73922. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  73923. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  73924. characterSet: 255,
  73925. statusFlags: 2 },
  73926. _fatalError: null,
  73927. _protocolError: null,
  73928. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  73929. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  73930. packetParser:
  73931. PacketParser {
  73932. buffer: [],
  73933. bufferLength: 0,
  73934. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  73935. headerLen: 0,
  73936. length: 5,
  73937. largePacketParts: [],
  73938. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  73939. onPacket: [Function],
  73940. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  73941. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  73942. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  73943. connectTimeout: null,
  73944. connectionId: 1303 },
  73945. state: 'IDLE' } },
  73946. length: 2 } },
  73947. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  73948. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  73949. _validationOperations: Set {},
  73950. _allObjects:
  73951. Set {
  73952. PooledResource {
  73953. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  73954. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  73955. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  73956. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  73957. obj:
  73958. Connection {
  73959. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  73960. _eventsCount: 1,
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  73963. ConnectionConfig {
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  73965. stream: undefined,
  73966. host: 'localhost',
  73967. port: 3306,
  73968. localAddress: undefined,
  73969. socketPath: undefined,
  73970. user: 'root',
  73971. password: 'abcd1234',
  73972. passwordSha1: undefined,
  73973. database: 'lbry',
  73974. connectTimeout: 10000,
  73975. insecureAuth: false,
  73976. supportBigNumbers: true,
  73977. bigNumberStrings: false,
  73978. decimalNumbers: false,
  73979. dateStrings: false,
  73980. debug: undefined,
  73981. trace: true,
  73982. stringifyObjects: false,
  73983. timezone: '+00:00',
  73984. queryFormat: undefined,
  73985. pool: undefined,
  73986. ssl: false,
  73987. multipleStatements: false,
  73988. rowsAsArray: false,
  73989. namedPlaceholders: false,
  73990. nestTables: undefined,
  73991. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  73992. maxPacketSize: 0,
  73993. charsetNumber: 224,
  73994. compress: false,
  73995. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  73996. clientFlags: 8582093,
  73997. connectAttributes: undefined,
  73998. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  74000. Socket {
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  74003. _handle:
  74004. TCP {
  74005. reading: true,
  74006. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  74007. onconnection: null,
  74008. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  74009. _parent: null,
  74010. _host: 'localhost',
  74011. _readableState:
  74012. ReadableState {
  74013. objectMode: false,
  74014. highWaterMark: 16384,
  74015. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  74016. length: 0,
  74017. pipes: null,
  74018. pipesCount: 0,
  74019. flowing: true,
  74020. ended: false,
  74021. endEmitted: false,
  74022. reading: true,
  74023. sync: false,
  74024. needReadable: true,
  74025. emittedReadable: false,
  74026. readableListening: false,
  74027. resumeScheduled: false,
  74028. emitClose: false,
  74029. autoDestroy: false,
  74030. destroyed: false,
  74031. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  74032. awaitDrain: 0,
  74033. readingMore: false,
  74034. decoder: null,
  74035. encoding: null },
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  74038. [Object: null prototype] {
  74039. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  74040. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  74041. data: [Function],
  74042. close: [Function] },
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  74049. finalCalled: false,
  74050. needDrain: false,
  74051. ending: false,
  74052. ended: false,
  74053. finished: false,
  74054. destroyed: false,
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  74056. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  74057. length: 0,
  74058. writing: false,
  74059. corked: 0,
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  74066. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  74067. pendingcb: 0,
  74068. prefinished: false,
  74069. errorEmitted: false,
  74070. emitClose: false,
  74071. autoDestroy: false,
  74072. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  74073. corkedRequestsFree:
  74074. { next: null,
  74075. entry: null,
  74076. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  74077. writable: true,
  74078. allowHalfOpen: false,
  74079. _sockname: null,
  74080. _pendingData: null,
  74081. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  74083. _server: null,
  74084. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  74085. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  74086. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  74087. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  74088. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  74089. _internalId: 2,
  74090. _commands:
  74091. Denque {
  74092. _head: 0,
  74093. _tail: 0,
  74094. _capacityMask: 3,
  74095. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  74096. _command: undefined,
  74097. _paused: false,
  74098. _paused_packets:
  74099. Denque {
  74100. _head: 0,
  74101. _tail: 0,
  74102. _capacityMask: 3,
  74103. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74107. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  74108. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  74109. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  74110. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  74111. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  74112. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  74113. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  74114. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  74115. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  74116. authorized: true,
  74117. sequenceId: 2,
  74118. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  74119. threadId: 1302,
  74120. _handshakePacket:
  74121. Handshake {
  74122. protocolVersion: 10,
  74123. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  74124. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  74125. connectionId: 1302,
  74126. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  74127. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  74128. characterSet: 255,
  74129. statusFlags: 2 },
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  74131. _protocolError: null,
  74132. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  74133. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  74134. packetParser:
  74135. PacketParser {
  74136. buffer: [],
  74137. bufferLength: 0,
  74138. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  74139. headerLen: 0,
  74140. length: 7,
  74141. largePacketParts: [],
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  74143. onPacket: [Function],
  74144. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  74145. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  74146. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  74147. connectTimeout: null,
  74148. connectionId: 1302 },
  74149. state: 'IDLE' },
  74150. PooledResource {
  74151. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  74152. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  74153. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  74154. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  74155. obj:
  74156. Connection {
  74157. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  74158. _eventsCount: 1,
  74159. _maxListeners: undefined,
  74160. config:
  74161. ConnectionConfig {
  74162. isServer: undefined,
  74163. stream: undefined,
  74164. host: 'localhost',
  74165. port: 3306,
  74166. localAddress: undefined,
  74167. socketPath: undefined,
  74168. user: 'root',
  74169. password: 'abcd1234',
  74170. passwordSha1: undefined,
  74171. database: 'lbry',
  74172. connectTimeout: 10000,
  74173. insecureAuth: false,
  74174. supportBigNumbers: true,
  74175. bigNumberStrings: false,
  74176. decimalNumbers: false,
  74177. dateStrings: false,
  74178. debug: undefined,
  74179. trace: true,
  74180. stringifyObjects: false,
  74181. timezone: '+00:00',
  74182. queryFormat: undefined,
  74183. pool: undefined,
  74184. ssl: false,
  74185. multipleStatements: false,
  74186. rowsAsArray: false,
  74187. namedPlaceholders: false,
  74188. nestTables: undefined,
  74189. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  74191. charsetNumber: 224,
  74192. compress: false,
  74193. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  74194. clientFlags: 8582093,
  74195. connectAttributes: undefined,
  74196. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  74197. stream:
  74198. Socket {
  74199. connecting: false,
  74200. _hadError: false,
  74201. _handle:
  74202. TCP {
  74203. reading: true,
  74204. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  74205. onconnection: null,
  74206. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  74207. _parent: null,
  74208. _host: 'localhost',
  74209. _readableState:
  74210. ReadableState {
  74211. objectMode: false,
  74212. highWaterMark: 16384,
  74213. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  74214. length: 0,
  74215. pipes: null,
  74216. pipesCount: 0,
  74217. flowing: true,
  74218. ended: false,
  74219. endEmitted: false,
  74220. reading: true,
  74221. sync: false,
  74222. needReadable: true,
  74223. emittedReadable: false,
  74224. readableListening: false,
  74225. resumeScheduled: false,
  74226. emitClose: false,
  74227. autoDestroy: false,
  74228. destroyed: false,
  74229. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  74230. awaitDrain: 0,
  74231. readingMore: false,
  74232. decoder: null,
  74233. encoding: null },
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  74236. [Object: null prototype] {
  74237. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  74238. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  74239. data: [Function],
  74240. close: [Function] },
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  74242. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  74244. WritableState {
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  74246. highWaterMark: 16384,
  74247. finalCalled: false,
  74248. needDrain: false,
  74249. ending: false,
  74250. ended: false,
  74251. finished: false,
  74252. destroyed: false,
  74253. decodeStrings: false,
  74254. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  74255. length: 0,
  74256. writing: false,
  74257. corked: 0,
  74258. sync: false,
  74259. bufferProcessing: false,
  74260. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  74262. writelen: 0,
  74263. bufferedRequest: null,
  74264. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  74265. pendingcb: 0,
  74266. prefinished: false,
  74267. errorEmitted: false,
  74268. emitClose: false,
  74269. autoDestroy: false,
  74270. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  74271. corkedRequestsFree:
  74272. { next: null,
  74273. entry: null,
  74274. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  74275. writable: true,
  74276. allowHalfOpen: false,
  74277. _sockname: null,
  74278. _pendingData: null,
  74279. _pendingEncoding: '',
  74280. server: null,
  74281. _server: null,
  74282. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  74283. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  74284. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  74285. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  74286. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  74287. _internalId: 1,
  74288. _commands:
  74289. Denque {
  74290. _head: 0,
  74291. _tail: 0,
  74292. _capacityMask: 3,
  74293. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  74294. _command: undefined,
  74295. _paused: false,
  74296. _paused_packets:
  74297. Denque {
  74298. _head: 0,
  74299. _tail: 0,
  74300. _capacityMask: 3,
  74301. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  74302. _statements:
  74303. LRUCache {
  74304. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  74305. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  74306. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  74307. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  74308. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  74309. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  74310. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  74311. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  74312. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  74313. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  74314. authorized: true,
  74315. sequenceId: 23,
  74316. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  74317. threadId: 1303,
  74318. _handshakePacket:
  74319. Handshake {
  74320. protocolVersion: 10,
  74321. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  74322. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  74323. connectionId: 1303,
  74324. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  74325. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  74326. characterSet: 255,
  74327. statusFlags: 2 },
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  74329. _protocolError: null,
  74330. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  74331. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  74332. packetParser:
  74333. PacketParser {
  74334. buffer: [],
  74335. bufferLength: 0,
  74336. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  74337. headerLen: 0,
  74338. length: 5,
  74339. largePacketParts: [],
  74340. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  74341. onPacket: [Function],
  74342. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  74343. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  74344. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  74345. connectTimeout: null,
  74346. connectionId: 1303 },
  74347. state: 'IDLE' } },
  74348. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  74349. _evictionIterator:
  74350. DequeIterator {
  74351. _list:
  74352. DoublyLinkedList {
  74353. head:
  74354. { prev: null,
  74355. next:
  74356. { prev: [Circular],
  74357. next: null,
  74358. data:
  74359. PooledResource {
  74360. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  74361. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  74362. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  74363. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  74364. obj:
  74365. Connection {
  74366. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  74367. _eventsCount: 1,
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  74370. ConnectionConfig {
  74371. isServer: undefined,
  74372. stream: undefined,
  74373. host: 'localhost',
  74374. port: 3306,
  74375. localAddress: undefined,
  74376. socketPath: undefined,
  74377. user: 'root',
  74378. password: 'abcd1234',
  74379. passwordSha1: undefined,
  74380. database: 'lbry',
  74381. connectTimeout: 10000,
  74382. insecureAuth: false,
  74383. supportBigNumbers: true,
  74384. bigNumberStrings: false,
  74385. decimalNumbers: false,
  74386. dateStrings: false,
  74387. debug: undefined,
  74388. trace: true,
  74389. stringifyObjects: false,
  74390. timezone: '+00:00',
  74391. queryFormat: undefined,
  74392. pool: undefined,
  74393. ssl: false,
  74394. multipleStatements: false,
  74395. rowsAsArray: false,
  74396. namedPlaceholders: false,
  74397. nestTables: undefined,
  74398. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  74399. maxPacketSize: 0,
  74400. charsetNumber: 224,
  74401. compress: false,
  74402. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  74403. clientFlags: 8582093,
  74404. connectAttributes: undefined,
  74405. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  74406. stream:
  74407. Socket {
  74408. connecting: false,
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  74410. _handle:
  74411. TCP {
  74412. reading: true,
  74413. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  74414. onconnection: null,
  74415. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  74416. _parent: null,
  74417. _host: 'localhost',
  74418. _readableState:
  74419. ReadableState {
  74420. objectMode: false,
  74421. highWaterMark: 16384,
  74422. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  74423. length: 0,
  74424. pipes: null,
  74425. pipesCount: 0,
  74426. flowing: true,
  74427. ended: false,
  74428. endEmitted: false,
  74429. reading: true,
  74430. sync: false,
  74431. needReadable: true,
  74432. emittedReadable: false,
  74433. readableListening: false,
  74434. resumeScheduled: false,
  74435. emitClose: false,
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  74437. destroyed: false,
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  74439. awaitDrain: 0,
  74440. readingMore: false,
  74441. decoder: null,
  74442. encoding: null },
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  74447. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  74448. data: [Function],
  74449. close: [Function] },
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  74456. finalCalled: false,
  74457. needDrain: false,
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  74459. ended: false,
  74460. finished: false,
  74461. destroyed: false,
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  74463. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  74464. length: 0,
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  74466. corked: 0,
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  74473. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  74474. pendingcb: 0,
  74475. prefinished: false,
  74476. errorEmitted: false,
  74477. emitClose: false,
  74478. autoDestroy: false,
  74479. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  74480. corkedRequestsFree:
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  74482. entry: null,
  74483. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  74488. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  74490. _server: null,
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  74492. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  74493. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  74494. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  74495. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  74500. _tail: 0,
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  74502. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74508. _tail: 0,
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  74510. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74516. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  74517. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  74519. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  74520. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  74521. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  74523. authorized: true,
  74524. sequenceId: 23,
  74525. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  74526. threadId: 1303,
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  74529. protocolVersion: 10,
  74530. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  74531. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  74534. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
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  74536. statusFlags: 2 },
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  74538. _protocolError: null,
  74539. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  74540. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  74541. packetParser:
  74542. PacketParser {
  74543. buffer: [],
  74544. bufferLength: 0,
  74545. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  74546. headerLen: 0,
  74547. length: 5,
  74548. largePacketParts: [],
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  74553. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  74554. connectTimeout: null,
  74555. connectionId: 1303 },
  74556. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  74558. PooledResource {
  74559. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  74560. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  74561. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  74562. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  74573. port: 3306,
  74574. localAddress: undefined,
  74575. socketPath: undefined,
  74576. user: 'root',
  74577. password: 'abcd1234',
  74578. passwordSha1: undefined,
  74579. database: 'lbry',
  74580. connectTimeout: 10000,
  74581. insecureAuth: false,
  74582. supportBigNumbers: true,
  74583. bigNumberStrings: false,
  74584. decimalNumbers: false,
  74585. dateStrings: false,
  74586. debug: undefined,
  74587. trace: true,
  74588. stringifyObjects: false,
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  74591. pool: undefined,
  74592. ssl: false,
  74593. multipleStatements: false,
  74594. rowsAsArray: false,
  74595. namedPlaceholders: false,
  74596. nestTables: undefined,
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  74600. compress: false,
  74601. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  74602. clientFlags: 8582093,
  74603. connectAttributes: undefined,
  74604. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  74606. Socket {
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  74610. TCP {
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  74612. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  74614. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  74620. highWaterMark: 16384,
  74621. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  74622. length: 0,
  74623. pipes: null,
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  74629. sync: false,
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  74631. emittedReadable: false,
  74632. readableListening: false,
  74633. resumeScheduled: false,
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  74636. destroyed: false,
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  74638. awaitDrain: 0,
  74639. readingMore: false,
  74640. decoder: null,
  74641. encoding: null },
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  74645. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  74646. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  74647. data: [Function],
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  74656. needDrain: false,
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  74658. ended: false,
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  74672. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  74673. pendingcb: 0,
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  74677. autoDestroy: false,
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  74681. entry: null,
  74682. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  74687. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  74689. _server: null,
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  74692. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  74693. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  74694. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  74697. Denque {
  74698. _head: 0,
  74699. _tail: 0,
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  74701. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74707. _tail: 0,
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  74709. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74715. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  74716. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  74718. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  74719. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  74720. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  74722. authorized: true,
  74723. sequenceId: 2,
  74724. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  74725. threadId: 1302,
  74726. _handshakePacket:
  74727. Handshake {
  74728. protocolVersion: 10,
  74729. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  74730. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  74731. connectionId: 1302,
  74732. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  74733. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  74734. characterSet: 255,
  74735. statusFlags: 2 },
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  74737. _protocolError: null,
  74738. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  74739. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  74740. packetParser:
  74741. PacketParser {
  74742. buffer: [],
  74743. bufferLength: 0,
  74744. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  74745. headerLen: 0,
  74746. length: 7,
  74747. largePacketParts: [],
  74748. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  74749. onPacket: [Function],
  74750. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  74752. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  74753. connectTimeout: null,
  74754. connectionId: 1302 },
  74755. state: 'IDLE' } },
  74756. tail:
  74757. { prev:
  74758. { prev: null,
  74759. next: [Circular],
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  74761. PooledResource {
  74762. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  74763. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  74764. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  74765. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  74766. obj:
  74767. Connection {
  74768. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  74769. _eventsCount: 1,
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  74776. port: 3306,
  74777. localAddress: undefined,
  74778. socketPath: undefined,
  74779. user: 'root',
  74780. password: 'abcd1234',
  74781. passwordSha1: undefined,
  74782. database: 'lbry',
  74783. connectTimeout: 10000,
  74784. insecureAuth: false,
  74785. supportBigNumbers: true,
  74786. bigNumberStrings: false,
  74787. decimalNumbers: false,
  74788. dateStrings: false,
  74789. debug: undefined,
  74790. trace: true,
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  74795. ssl: false,
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  74797. rowsAsArray: false,
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  74799. nestTables: undefined,
  74800. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  74803. compress: false,
  74804. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  74805. clientFlags: 8582093,
  74806. connectAttributes: undefined,
  74807. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  74809. Socket {
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  74813. TCP {
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  74817. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  74824. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  74825. length: 0,
  74826. pipes: null,
  74827. pipesCount: 0,
  74828. flowing: true,
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  74835. readableListening: false,
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  74839. destroyed: false,
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  74842. readingMore: false,
  74843. decoder: null,
  74844. encoding: null },
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  74848. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  74858. finalCalled: false,
  74859. needDrain: false,
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  74861. ended: false,
  74862. finished: false,
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  74866. length: 0,
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  74868. corked: 0,
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  74876. pendingcb: 0,
  74877. prefinished: false,
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  74880. autoDestroy: false,
  74881. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  74883. { next: null,
  74884. entry: null,
  74885. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  74890. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  74892. _server: null,
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  74895. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  74896. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  74897. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  74900. Denque {
  74901. _head: 0,
  74902. _tail: 0,
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  74904. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74907. _paused_packets:
  74908. Denque {
  74909. _head: 0,
  74910. _tail: 0,
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  74912. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  74918. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  74919. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  74921. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  74922. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  74923. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  74925. authorized: true,
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  74927. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  74928. threadId: 1302,
  74929. _handshakePacket:
  74930. Handshake {
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  74932. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  74933. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  74936. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  74937. characterSet: 255,
  74938. statusFlags: 2 },
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  74940. _protocolError: null,
  74941. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  74942. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  74943. packetParser:
  74944. PacketParser {
  74945. buffer: [],
  74946. bufferLength: 0,
  74947. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  74948. headerLen: 0,
  74949. length: 7,
  74950. largePacketParts: [],
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  74955. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  74956. connectTimeout: null,
  74957. connectionId: 1302 },
  74958. state: 'IDLE' } },
  74959. next: null,
  74960. data:
  74961. PooledResource {
  74962. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  74963. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  74964. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  74965. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  74966. obj:
  74967. Connection {
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  74969. _eventsCount: 1,
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  74974. stream: undefined,
  74975. host: 'localhost',
  74976. port: 3306,
  74977. localAddress: undefined,
  74978. socketPath: undefined,
  74979. user: 'root',
  74980. password: 'abcd1234',
  74981. passwordSha1: undefined,
  74982. database: 'lbry',
  74983. connectTimeout: 10000,
  74984. insecureAuth: false,
  74985. supportBigNumbers: true,
  74986. bigNumberStrings: false,
  74987. decimalNumbers: false,
  74988. dateStrings: false,
  74989. debug: undefined,
  74990. trace: true,
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  74994. pool: undefined,
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  75003. compress: false,
  75004. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  75005. clientFlags: 8582093,
  75006. connectAttributes: undefined,
  75007. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  75009. Socket {
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  75013. TCP {
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  75017. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  75022. objectMode: false,
  75023. highWaterMark: 16384,
  75024. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  75025. length: 0,
  75026. pipes: null,
  75027. pipesCount: 0,
  75028. flowing: true,
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  75032. sync: false,
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  75035. readableListening: false,
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  75039. destroyed: false,
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  75042. readingMore: false,
  75043. decoder: null,
  75044. encoding: null },
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  75047. [Object: null prototype] {
  75048. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  75059. needDrain: false,
  75060. ending: false,
  75061. ended: false,
  75062. finished: false,
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  75068. corked: 0,
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  75074. bufferedRequest: null,
  75075. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  75076. pendingcb: 0,
  75077. prefinished: false,
  75078. errorEmitted: false,
  75079. emitClose: false,
  75080. autoDestroy: false,
  75081. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  75082. corkedRequestsFree:
  75083. { next: null,
  75084. entry: null,
  75085. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  75086. writable: true,
  75087. allowHalfOpen: false,
  75088. _sockname: null,
  75089. _pendingData: null,
  75090. _pendingEncoding: '',
  75091. server: null,
  75092. _server: null,
  75093. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  75094. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  75095. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  75096. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  75097. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  75098. _internalId: 1,
  75099. _commands:
  75100. Denque {
  75101. _head: 0,
  75102. _tail: 0,
  75103. _capacityMask: 3,
  75104. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  75105. _command: undefined,
  75106. _paused: false,
  75107. _paused_packets:
  75108. Denque {
  75109. _head: 0,
  75110. _tail: 0,
  75111. _capacityMask: 3,
  75112. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  75113. _statements:
  75114. LRUCache {
  75115. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  75116. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  75117. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  75118. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  75119. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  75120. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  75121. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  75122. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  75123. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  75124. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  75125. authorized: true,
  75126. sequenceId: 23,
  75127. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  75128. threadId: 1303,
  75129. _handshakePacket:
  75130. Handshake {
  75131. protocolVersion: 10,
  75132. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  75133. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  75134. connectionId: 1303,
  75135. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  75136. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  75137. characterSet: 255,
  75138. statusFlags: 2 },
  75139. _fatalError: null,
  75140. _protocolError: null,
  75141. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  75142. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  75143. packetParser:
  75144. PacketParser {
  75145. buffer: [],
  75146. bufferLength: 0,
  75147. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  75148. headerLen: 0,
  75149. length: 5,
  75150. largePacketParts: [],
  75151. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  75152. onPacket: [Function],
  75153. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  75154. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  75155. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  75156. connectTimeout: null,
  75157. connectionId: 1303 },
  75158. state: 'IDLE' } },
  75159. length: 2 },
  75160. _direction: 'next',
  75161. _startPosition: 'head',
  75162. _started: false,
  75163. _cursor: null,
  75164. _done: false },
  75165. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  75166. _scheduledEviction:
  75167. Timeout {
  75168. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  75169. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  75170. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  75171. _idleStart: 432,
  75172. _onTimeout: [Function],
  75173. _timerArgs: undefined,
  75174. _repeat: null,
  75175. _destroyed: false,
  75176. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  75177. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  75178. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  75179. lib:
  75180. { createConnection: [Function],
  75181. connect: [Function],
  75182. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  75183. createPool: [Function],
  75184. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  75185. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  75186. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  75187. createServer: [Function],
  75188. PoolConnection:
  75189. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  75190. escape: [Function: escape],
  75191. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  75192. format: [Function: format],
  75193. raw: [Function: raw],
  75194. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  75195. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  75196. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  75197. Types: [Getter],
  75198. Charsets: [Getter],
  75199. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  75200. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  75201. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  75202. QueryGenerator:
  75203. { dialect: 'mysql',
  75204. OperatorMap:
  75205. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  75206. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  75207. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  75208. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  75209. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  75210. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  75211. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  75212. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  75213. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  75214. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  75215. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  75216. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  75217. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  75218. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  75219. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  75220. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  75221. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  75222. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  75223. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  75224. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  75225. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  75226. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  75227. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  75228. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  75229. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  75230. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  75231. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  75232. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  75233. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  75234. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  75235. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  75236. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  75237. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  75238. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  75239. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  75240. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  75241. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  75242. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  75243. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  75244. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  75245. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  75246. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  75247. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  75248. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  75249. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  75250. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  75251. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  75252. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  75253. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  75254. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  75255. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  75256. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  75257. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  75258. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  75259. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  75260. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  75261. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  75262. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  75263. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  75264. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  75265. _templateSettings:
  75266. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75267. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75268. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75269. variable: '',
  75270. imports:
  75271. { _:
  75272. { [Function: lodash]
  75273. templateSettings: [Circular],
  75274. after: [Function: after],
  75275. ary: [Function: ary],
  75276. assign: [Function],
  75277. assignIn: [Function],
  75278. assignInWith: [Function],
  75279. assignWith: [Function],
  75280. at: [Function],
  75281. before: [Function: before],
  75282. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75283. bindAll: [Function],
  75284. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75285. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  75286. chain: [Function: chain],
  75287. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  75288. compact: [Function: compact],
  75289. concat: [Function: concat],
  75290. cond: [Function: cond],
  75291. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  75292. constant: [Function: constant],
  75293. countBy: [Function],
  75294. create: [Function: create],
  75295. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75296. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75297. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  75298. defaults: [Function],
  75299. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  75300. defer: [Function],
  75301. delay: [Function],
  75302. difference: [Function],
  75303. differenceBy: [Function],
  75304. differenceWith: [Function],
  75305. drop: [Function: drop],
  75306. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  75307. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  75308. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  75309. fill: [Function: fill],
  75310. filter: [Function: filter],
  75311. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  75312. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  75313. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  75314. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  75315. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  75316. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  75317. flip: [Function: flip],
  75318. flow: [Function],
  75319. flowRight: [Function],
  75320. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  75321. functions: [Function: functions],
  75322. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  75323. groupBy: [Function],
  75324. initial: [Function: initial],
  75325. intersection: [Function],
  75326. intersectionBy: [Function],
  75327. intersectionWith: [Function],
  75328. invert: [Function],
  75329. invertBy: [Function],
  75330. invokeMap: [Function],
  75331. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  75332. keyBy: [Function],
  75333. keys: [Function: keys],
  75334. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  75335. map: [Function: map],
  75336. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  75337. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  75338. matches: [Function: matches],
  75339. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  75340. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  75341. merge: [Function],
  75342. mergeWith: [Function],
  75343. method: [Function],
  75344. methodOf: [Function],
  75345. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  75346. negate: [Function: negate],
  75347. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  75348. omit: [Function],
  75349. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  75350. once: [Function: once],
  75351. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  75352. over: [Function],
  75353. overArgs: [Function],
  75354. overEvery: [Function],
  75355. overSome: [Function],
  75356. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75357. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75358. partition: [Function],
  75359. pick: [Function],
  75360. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  75361. property: [Function: property],
  75362. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  75363. pull: [Function],
  75364. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  75365. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  75366. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  75367. pullAt: [Function],
  75368. range: [Function],
  75369. rangeRight: [Function],
  75370. rearg: [Function],
  75371. reject: [Function: reject],
  75372. remove: [Function: remove],
  75373. rest: [Function: rest],
  75374. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  75375. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  75376. set: [Function: set],
  75377. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  75378. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  75379. slice: [Function: slice],
  75380. sortBy: [Function],
  75381. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  75382. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  75383. split: [Function: split],
  75384. spread: [Function: spread],
  75385. tail: [Function: tail],
  75386. take: [Function: take],
  75387. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  75388. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  75389. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  75390. tap: [Function: tap],
  75391. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  75392. thru: [Function: thru],
  75393. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  75394. toPairs: [Function],
  75395. toPairsIn: [Function],
  75396. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  75397. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  75398. transform: [Function: transform],
  75399. unary: [Function: unary],
  75400. union: [Function],
  75401. unionBy: [Function],
  75402. unionWith: [Function],
  75403. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  75404. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  75405. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  75406. unset: [Function: unset],
  75407. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  75408. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  75409. update: [Function: update],
  75410. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  75411. values: [Function: values],
  75412. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  75413. without: [Function],
  75414. words: [Function: words],
  75415. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  75416. xor: [Function],
  75417. xorBy: [Function],
  75418. xorWith: [Function],
  75419. zip: [Function],
  75420. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  75421. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  75422. zipWith: [Function],
  75423. entries: [Function],
  75424. entriesIn: [Function],
  75425. extend: [Function],
  75426. extendWith: [Function],
  75427. add: [Function],
  75428. attempt: [Function],
  75429. camelCase: [Function],
  75430. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  75431. ceil: [Function],
  75432. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  75433. clone: [Function: clone],
  75434. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  75435. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  75436. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  75437. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  75438. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  75439. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  75440. divide: [Function],
  75441. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  75442. eq: [Function: eq],
  75443. escape: [Function: escape],
  75444. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  75445. every: [Function: every],
  75446. find: [Function],
  75447. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  75448. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  75449. findLast: [Function],
  75450. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  75451. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  75452. floor: [Function],
  75453. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  75454. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  75455. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  75456. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  75457. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  75458. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  75459. get: [Function: get],
  75460. gt: [Function],
  75461. gte: [Function],
  75462. has: [Function: has],
  75463. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  75464. head: [Function: head],
  75465. identity: [Function: identity],
  75466. includes: [Function: includes],
  75467. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  75468. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  75469. invoke: [Function],
  75470. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  75471. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  75472. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  75473. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  75474. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  75475. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  75476. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  75477. isDate: [Function],
  75478. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  75479. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  75480. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  75481. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  75482. isError: [Function: isError],
  75483. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  75484. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  75485. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  75486. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  75487. isMap: [Function],
  75488. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  75489. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  75490. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  75491. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  75492. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  75493. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  75494. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  75495. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  75496. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  75497. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  75498. isRegExp: [Function],
  75499. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  75500. isSet: [Function],
  75501. isString: [Function: isString],
  75502. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  75503. isTypedArray: [Function],
  75504. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  75505. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  75506. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  75507. join: [Function: join],
  75508. kebabCase: [Function],
  75509. last: [Function: last],
  75510. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  75511. lowerCase: [Function],
  75512. lowerFirst: [Function],
  75513. lt: [Function],
  75514. lte: [Function],
  75515. max: [Function: max],
  75516. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  75517. mean: [Function: mean],
  75518. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  75519. min: [Function: min],
  75520. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  75521. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  75522. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  75523. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  75524. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  75525. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  75526. multiply: [Function],
  75527. nth: [Function: nth],
  75528. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  75529. noop: [Function: noop],
  75530. now: [Function],
  75531. pad: [Function: pad],
  75532. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  75533. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  75534. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  75535. random: [Function: random],
  75536. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  75537. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  75538. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  75539. replace: [Function: replace],
  75540. result: [Function: result],
  75541. round: [Function],
  75542. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  75543. sample: [Function: sample],
  75544. size: [Function: size],
  75545. snakeCase: [Function],
  75546. some: [Function: some],
  75547. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  75548. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  75549. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  75550. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  75551. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  75552. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  75553. startCase: [Function],
  75554. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  75555. subtract: [Function],
  75556. sum: [Function: sum],
  75557. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  75558. template: [Function: template],
  75559. times: [Function: times],
  75560. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  75561. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  75562. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  75563. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  75564. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  75565. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  75566. toString: [Function: toString],
  75567. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  75568. trim: [Function: trim],
  75569. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  75570. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  75571. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  75572. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  75573. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  75574. upperCase: [Function],
  75575. upperFirst: [Function],
  75576. each: [Function: forEach],
  75577. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  75578. first: [Function: head],
  75579. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  75580. options:
  75581. { dialect: 'mysql',
  75582. dialectModulePath: null,
  75583. host: 'localhost',
  75584. protocol: 'tcp',
  75585. define: {},
  75586. query: {},
  75587. sync: {},
  75588. timezone: '+00:00',
  75589. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  75590. omitNull: false,
  75591. native: false,
  75592. replication: false,
  75593. ssl: undefined,
  75594. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  75595. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  75596. hooks: {},
  75597. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  75598. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  75599. isolationLevel: null,
  75600. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  75601. typeValidation: false,
  75602. benchmark: false,
  75603. operatorsAliases: false },
  75604. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  75605. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  75606. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  75607. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  75608. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  75609. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  75610. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  75611. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  75612. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  75613. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  75614. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  75615. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  75616. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  75617. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  75618. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  75619. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  75620. quote: [Function: quote],
  75621. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  75622. escape: [Function: escape],
  75623. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  75624. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  75625. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  75626. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  75627. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  75628. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  75629. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  75630. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  75631. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  75632. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  75633. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  75634. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  75635. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  75636. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  75637. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  75638. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  75639. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  75640. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  75641. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  75642. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  75643. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  75644. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  75645. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  75646. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  75647. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  75648. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  75649. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  75650. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  75651. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  75652. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  75653. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  75654. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  75655. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  75656. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  75657. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  75658. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  75659. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  75660. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  75661. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  75662. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  75663. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  75664. _dialect: [Circular],
  75665. sequelize: [Circular],
  75666. typeValidation: undefined } },
  75667. queryInterface:
  75668. QueryInterface {
  75669. sequelize: [Circular],
  75670. QueryGenerator:
  75671. { dialect: 'mysql',
  75672. OperatorMap:
  75673. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  75674. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  75675. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  75676. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  75677. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  75678. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  75679. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  75680. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  75681. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  75682. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  75683. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  75684. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  75685. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  75686. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  75687. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  75688. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  75689. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  75690. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  75691. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  75692. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  75693. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  75694. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  75695. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  75696. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  75697. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  75698. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  75699. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  75700. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  75701. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  75702. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  75703. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  75704. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  75705. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  75706. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  75707. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  75708. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  75709. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  75710. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  75711. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  75712. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  75713. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  75714. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  75715. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  75716. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  75717. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  75718. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  75719. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  75720. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  75721. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  75722. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  75723. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  75724. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  75725. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  75726. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  75727. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  75728. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  75729. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  75730. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  75731. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  75732. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  75733. _templateSettings:
  75734. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75735. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75736. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  75737. variable: '',
  75738. imports:
  75739. { _:
  75740. { [Function: lodash]
  75741. templateSettings: [Circular],
  75742. after: [Function: after],
  75743. ary: [Function: ary],
  75744. assign: [Function],
  75745. assignIn: [Function],
  75746. assignInWith: [Function],
  75747. assignWith: [Function],
  75748. at: [Function],
  75749. before: [Function: before],
  75750. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75751. bindAll: [Function],
  75752. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75753. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  75754. chain: [Function: chain],
  75755. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  75756. compact: [Function: compact],
  75757. concat: [Function: concat],
  75758. cond: [Function: cond],
  75759. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  75760. constant: [Function: constant],
  75761. countBy: [Function],
  75762. create: [Function: create],
  75763. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75764. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75765. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  75766. defaults: [Function],
  75767. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  75768. defer: [Function],
  75769. delay: [Function],
  75770. difference: [Function],
  75771. differenceBy: [Function],
  75772. differenceWith: [Function],
  75773. drop: [Function: drop],
  75774. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  75775. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  75776. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  75777. fill: [Function: fill],
  75778. filter: [Function: filter],
  75779. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  75780. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  75781. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  75782. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  75783. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  75784. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  75785. flip: [Function: flip],
  75786. flow: [Function],
  75787. flowRight: [Function],
  75788. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  75789. functions: [Function: functions],
  75790. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  75791. groupBy: [Function],
  75792. initial: [Function: initial],
  75793. intersection: [Function],
  75794. intersectionBy: [Function],
  75795. intersectionWith: [Function],
  75796. invert: [Function],
  75797. invertBy: [Function],
  75798. invokeMap: [Function],
  75799. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  75800. keyBy: [Function],
  75801. keys: [Function: keys],
  75802. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  75803. map: [Function: map],
  75804. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  75805. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  75806. matches: [Function: matches],
  75807. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  75808. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  75809. merge: [Function],
  75810. mergeWith: [Function],
  75811. method: [Function],
  75812. methodOf: [Function],
  75813. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  75814. negate: [Function: negate],
  75815. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  75816. omit: [Function],
  75817. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  75818. once: [Function: once],
  75819. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  75820. over: [Function],
  75821. overArgs: [Function],
  75822. overEvery: [Function],
  75823. overSome: [Function],
  75824. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75825. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  75826. partition: [Function],
  75827. pick: [Function],
  75828. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  75829. property: [Function: property],
  75830. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  75831. pull: [Function],
  75832. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  75833. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  75834. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  75835. pullAt: [Function],
  75836. range: [Function],
  75837. rangeRight: [Function],
  75838. rearg: [Function],
  75839. reject: [Function: reject],
  75840. remove: [Function: remove],
  75841. rest: [Function: rest],
  75842. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  75843. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  75844. set: [Function: set],
  75845. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  75846. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  75847. slice: [Function: slice],
  75848. sortBy: [Function],
  75849. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  75850. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  75851. split: [Function: split],
  75852. spread: [Function: spread],
  75853. tail: [Function: tail],
  75854. take: [Function: take],
  75855. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  75856. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  75857. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  75858. tap: [Function: tap],
  75859. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  75860. thru: [Function: thru],
  75861. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  75862. toPairs: [Function],
  75863. toPairsIn: [Function],
  75864. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  75865. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  75866. transform: [Function: transform],
  75867. unary: [Function: unary],
  75868. union: [Function],
  75869. unionBy: [Function],
  75870. unionWith: [Function],
  75871. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  75872. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  75873. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  75874. unset: [Function: unset],
  75875. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  75876. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  75877. update: [Function: update],
  75878. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  75879. values: [Function: values],
  75880. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  75881. without: [Function],
  75882. words: [Function: words],
  75883. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  75884. xor: [Function],
  75885. xorBy: [Function],
  75886. xorWith: [Function],
  75887. zip: [Function],
  75888. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  75889. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  75890. zipWith: [Function],
  75891. entries: [Function],
  75892. entriesIn: [Function],
  75893. extend: [Function],
  75894. extendWith: [Function],
  75895. add: [Function],
  75896. attempt: [Function],
  75897. camelCase: [Function],
  75898. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  75899. ceil: [Function],
  75900. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  75901. clone: [Function: clone],
  75902. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  75903. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  75904. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  75905. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  75906. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  75907. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  75908. divide: [Function],
  75909. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  75910. eq: [Function: eq],
  75911. escape: [Function: escape],
  75912. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  75913. every: [Function: every],
  75914. find: [Function],
  75915. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  75916. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  75917. findLast: [Function],
  75918. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  75919. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  75920. floor: [Function],
  75921. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  75922. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  75923. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  75924. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  75925. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  75926. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  75927. get: [Function: get],
  75928. gt: [Function],
  75929. gte: [Function],
  75930. has: [Function: has],
  75931. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  75932. head: [Function: head],
  75933. identity: [Function: identity],
  75934. includes: [Function: includes],
  75935. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  75936. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  75937. invoke: [Function],
  75938. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  75939. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  75940. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  75941. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  75942. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  75943. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  75944. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  75945. isDate: [Function],
  75946. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  75947. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  75948. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  75949. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  75950. isError: [Function: isError],
  75951. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  75952. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  75953. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  75954. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  75955. isMap: [Function],
  75956. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  75957. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  75958. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  75959. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  75960. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  75961. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  75962. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  75963. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  75964. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  75965. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  75966. isRegExp: [Function],
  75967. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  75968. isSet: [Function],
  75969. isString: [Function: isString],
  75970. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  75971. isTypedArray: [Function],
  75972. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  75973. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  75974. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  75975. join: [Function: join],
  75976. kebabCase: [Function],
  75977. last: [Function: last],
  75978. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  75979. lowerCase: [Function],
  75980. lowerFirst: [Function],
  75981. lt: [Function],
  75982. lte: [Function],
  75983. max: [Function: max],
  75984. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  75985. mean: [Function: mean],
  75986. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  75987. min: [Function: min],
  75988. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  75989. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  75990. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  75991. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  75992. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  75993. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  75994. multiply: [Function],
  75995. nth: [Function: nth],
  75996. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  75997. noop: [Function: noop],
  75998. now: [Function],
  75999. pad: [Function: pad],
  76000. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  76001. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  76002. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  76003. random: [Function: random],
  76004. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  76005. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  76006. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  76007. replace: [Function: replace],
  76008. result: [Function: result],
  76009. round: [Function],
  76010. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  76011. sample: [Function: sample],
  76012. size: [Function: size],
  76013. snakeCase: [Function],
  76014. some: [Function: some],
  76015. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  76016. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  76017. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  76018. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  76019. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  76020. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  76021. startCase: [Function],
  76022. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  76023. subtract: [Function],
  76024. sum: [Function: sum],
  76025. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  76026. template: [Function: template],
  76027. times: [Function: times],
  76028. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  76029. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  76030. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  76031. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  76032. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  76033. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  76034. toString: [Function: toString],
  76035. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  76036. trim: [Function: trim],
  76037. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  76038. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  76039. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  76040. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  76041. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  76042. upperCase: [Function],
  76043. upperFirst: [Function],
  76044. each: [Function: forEach],
  76045. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  76046. first: [Function: head],
  76047. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  76048. options:
  76049. { dialect: 'mysql',
  76050. dialectModulePath: null,
  76051. host: 'localhost',
  76052. protocol: 'tcp',
  76053. define: {},
  76054. query: {},
  76055. sync: {},
  76056. timezone: '+00:00',
  76057. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  76058. omitNull: false,
  76059. native: false,
  76060. replication: false,
  76061. ssl: undefined,
  76062. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  76063. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  76064. hooks: {},
  76065. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  76066. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  76067. isolationLevel: null,
  76068. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  76069. typeValidation: false,
  76070. benchmark: false,
  76071. operatorsAliases: false },
  76072. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  76073. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  76074. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  76075. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  76076. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  76077. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  76078. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  76079. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  76080. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  76081. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  76082. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  76083. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  76084. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  76085. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  76086. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  76087. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  76088. quote: [Function: quote],
  76089. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  76090. escape: [Function: escape],
  76091. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  76092. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  76093. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  76094. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  76095. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  76096. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  76097. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  76098. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  76099. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  76100. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  76101. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  76102. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  76103. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  76104. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  76105. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  76106. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  76107. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  76108. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  76109. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  76110. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  76111. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  76112. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  76113. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  76114. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  76115. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  76116. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  76117. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  76118. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  76119. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  76120. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  76121. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  76122. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  76123. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  76124. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  76125. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  76126. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  76127. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  76128. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  76129. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  76130. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  76131. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  76132. _dialect:
  76133. MysqlDialect {
  76134. sequelize: [Circular],
  76135. connectionManager:
  76136. ConnectionManager {
  76137. sequelize: [Circular],
  76138. config:
  76139. { database: 'lbry',
  76140. username: 'root',
  76141. password: 'abcd1234',
  76142. host: 'localhost',
  76143. port: undefined,
  76144. pool:
  76145. { max: 5,
  76146. min: 0,
  76147. acquire: 30000,
  76148. idle: 10000,
  76149. evict: 10000,
  76150. handleDisconnects: true,
  76151. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  76152. Promise:
  76153. { [Function: Promise]
  76154. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  76155. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  76156. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  76157. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  76158. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76159. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76160. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  76161. _peekContext: [Function],
  76162. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  76163. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  76164. longStackTraces: [Function],
  76165. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  76166. config: [Function],
  76167. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  76168. is: [Function],
  76169. fromCallback: [Function],
  76170. fromNode: [Function],
  76171. all: [Function],
  76172. cast: [Function],
  76173. fulfilled: [Function],
  76174. resolve: [Function],
  76175. rejected: [Function],
  76176. reject: [Function],
  76177. setScheduler: [Function],
  76178. pending: [Function],
  76179. defer: [Function],
  76180. method: [Function],
  76181. try: [Function],
  76182. attempt: [Function],
  76183. bind: [Function],
  76184. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  76185. join: [Function],
  76186. Promise: [Circular],
  76187. version: '3.5.3',
  76188. map: [Function],
  76189. using: [Function],
  76190. delay: [Function],
  76191. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  76192. spawn: [Function],
  76193. promisify: [Function],
  76194. promisifyAll: [Function],
  76195. props: [Function],
  76196. race: [Function],
  76197. reduce: [Function],
  76198. settle: [Function],
  76199. some: [Function],
  76200. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  76201. filter: [Function],
  76202. each: [Function],
  76203. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  76204. any: [Function],
  76205. default: [Circular] } },
  76206. protocol: 'tcp',
  76207. native: false,
  76208. ssl: undefined,
  76209. replication: false,
  76210. dialectModulePath: null,
  76211. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  76212. dialectOptions: undefined },
  76213. dialect: [Circular],
  76214. versionPromise: null,
  76215. dialectName: 'mysql',
  76216. pool:
  76217. Pool {
  76218. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  76219. _eventsCount: 0,
  76220. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76221. _config:
  76222. PoolOptions {
  76223. fifo: true,
  76224. priorityRange: 1,
  76225. testOnBorrow: true,
  76226. testOnReturn: false,
  76227. autostart: false,
  76228. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  76229. max: 5,
  76230. min: 0,
  76231. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  76232. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  76233. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  76234. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  76235. Promise:
  76236. { [Function: Promise]
  76237. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  76238. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  76239. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  76240. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  76241. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76242. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76243. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  76244. _peekContext: [Function],
  76245. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  76246. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  76247. longStackTraces: [Function],
  76248. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  76249. config: [Function],
  76250. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  76251. is: [Function],
  76252. fromCallback: [Function],
  76253. fromNode: [Function],
  76254. all: [Function],
  76255. cast: [Function],
  76256. fulfilled: [Function],
  76257. resolve: [Function],
  76258. rejected: [Function],
  76259. reject: [Function],
  76260. setScheduler: [Function],
  76261. pending: [Function],
  76262. defer: [Function],
  76263. method: [Function],
  76264. try: [Function],
  76265. attempt: [Function],
  76266. bind: [Function],
  76267. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  76268. join: [Function],
  76269. Promise: [Circular],
  76270. version: '3.5.3',
  76271. map: [Function],
  76272. using: [Function],
  76273. delay: [Function],
  76274. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  76275. spawn: [Function],
  76276. promisify: [Function],
  76277. promisifyAll: [Function],
  76278. props: [Function],
  76279. race: [Function],
  76280. reduce: [Function],
  76281. settle: [Function],
  76282. some: [Function],
  76283. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  76284. filter: [Function],
  76285. each: [Function],
  76286. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  76287. any: [Function],
  76288. default: [Circular] } },
  76289. _Promise:
  76290. { [Function: Promise]
  76291. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  76292. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  76293. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  76294. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  76295. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76296. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  76297. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  76298. _peekContext: [Function],
  76299. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  76300. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  76301. longStackTraces: [Function],
  76302. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  76303. config: [Function],
  76304. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  76305. is: [Function],
  76306. fromCallback: [Function],
  76307. fromNode: [Function],
  76308. all: [Function],
  76309. cast: [Function],
  76310. fulfilled: [Function],
  76311. resolve: [Function],
  76312. rejected: [Function],
  76313. reject: [Function],
  76314. setScheduler: [Function],
  76315. pending: [Function],
  76316. defer: [Function],
  76317. method: [Function],
  76318. try: [Function],
  76319. attempt: [Function],
  76320. bind: [Function],
  76321. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  76322. join: [Function],
  76323. Promise: [Circular],
  76324. version: '3.5.3',
  76325. map: [Function],
  76326. using: [Function],
  76327. delay: [Function],
  76328. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  76329. spawn: [Function],
  76330. promisify: [Function],
  76331. promisifyAll: [Function],
  76332. props: [Function],
  76333. race: [Function],
  76334. reduce: [Function],
  76335. settle: [Function],
  76336. some: [Function],
  76337. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  76338. filter: [Function],
  76339. each: [Function],
  76340. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  76341. any: [Function],
  76342. default: [Circular] },
  76343. _factory:
  76344. { create: [Function: create],
  76345. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  76346. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  76347. _draining: false,
  76348. _started: true,
  76349. _waitingClientsQueue:
  76350. PriorityQueue {
  76351. _size: 1,
  76352. _slots:
  76353. [ Queue {
  76354. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  76355. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  76356. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  76357. _availableObjects:
  76358. Deque {
  76359. _list:
  76360. DoublyLinkedList {
  76361. head:
  76362. { prev: null,
  76363. next:
  76364. { prev: [Circular],
  76365. next: null,
  76366. data:
  76367. PooledResource {
  76368. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  76369. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  76370. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  76371. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  76372. obj:
  76373. Connection {
  76374. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  76375. _eventsCount: 1,
  76376. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76377. config:
  76378. ConnectionConfig {
  76379. isServer: undefined,
  76380. stream: undefined,
  76381. host: 'localhost',
  76382. port: 3306,
  76383. localAddress: undefined,
  76384. socketPath: undefined,
  76385. user: 'root',
  76386. password: 'abcd1234',
  76387. passwordSha1: undefined,
  76388. database: 'lbry',
  76389. connectTimeout: 10000,
  76390. insecureAuth: false,
  76391. supportBigNumbers: true,
  76392. bigNumberStrings: false,
  76393. decimalNumbers: false,
  76394. dateStrings: false,
  76395. debug: undefined,
  76396. trace: true,
  76397. stringifyObjects: false,
  76398. timezone: '+00:00',
  76399. queryFormat: undefined,
  76400. pool: undefined,
  76401. ssl: false,
  76402. multipleStatements: false,
  76403. rowsAsArray: false,
  76404. namedPlaceholders: false,
  76405. nestTables: undefined,
  76406. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  76407. maxPacketSize: 0,
  76408. charsetNumber: 224,
  76409. compress: false,
  76410. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  76411. clientFlags: 8582093,
  76412. connectAttributes: undefined,
  76413. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  76414. stream:
  76415. Socket {
  76416. connecting: false,
  76417. _hadError: false,
  76418. _handle:
  76419. TCP {
  76420. reading: true,
  76421. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  76422. onconnection: null,
  76423. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  76424. _parent: null,
  76425. _host: 'localhost',
  76426. _readableState:
  76427. ReadableState {
  76428. objectMode: false,
  76429. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76430. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  76431. length: 0,
  76432. pipes: null,
  76433. pipesCount: 0,
  76434. flowing: true,
  76435. ended: false,
  76436. endEmitted: false,
  76437. reading: true,
  76438. sync: false,
  76439. needReadable: true,
  76440. emittedReadable: false,
  76441. readableListening: false,
  76442. resumeScheduled: false,
  76443. emitClose: false,
  76444. autoDestroy: false,
  76445. destroyed: false,
  76446. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76447. awaitDrain: 0,
  76448. readingMore: false,
  76449. decoder: null,
  76450. encoding: null },
  76451. readable: true,
  76452. _events:
  76453. [Object: null prototype] {
  76454. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  76455. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  76456. data: [Function],
  76457. close: [Function] },
  76458. _eventsCount: 4,
  76459. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76460. _writableState:
  76461. WritableState {
  76462. objectMode: false,
  76463. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76464. finalCalled: false,
  76465. needDrain: false,
  76466. ending: false,
  76467. ended: false,
  76468. finished: false,
  76469. destroyed: false,
  76470. decodeStrings: false,
  76471. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76472. length: 0,
  76473. writing: false,
  76474. corked: 0,
  76475. sync: false,
  76476. bufferProcessing: false,
  76477. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  76479. writelen: 0,
  76480. bufferedRequest: null,
  76481. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  76482. pendingcb: 0,
  76483. prefinished: false,
  76484. errorEmitted: false,
  76485. emitClose: false,
  76486. autoDestroy: false,
  76487. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  76488. corkedRequestsFree:
  76489. { next: null,
  76490. entry: null,
  76491. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  76492. writable: true,
  76493. allowHalfOpen: false,
  76494. _sockname: null,
  76495. _pendingData: null,
  76496. _pendingEncoding: '',
  76497. server: null,
  76498. _server: null,
  76499. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  76500. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  76501. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  76502. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  76503. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  76504. _internalId: 1,
  76505. _commands:
  76506. Denque {
  76507. _head: 0,
  76508. _tail: 0,
  76509. _capacityMask: 3,
  76510. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  76511. _command: undefined,
  76512. _paused: false,
  76513. _paused_packets:
  76514. Denque {
  76515. _head: 0,
  76516. _tail: 0,
  76517. _capacityMask: 3,
  76518. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  76519. _statements:
  76520. LRUCache {
  76521. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  76522. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  76523. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  76524. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  76525. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  76526. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  76527. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  76528. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  76529. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  76530. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  76531. authorized: true,
  76532. sequenceId: 23,
  76533. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  76534. threadId: 1303,
  76535. _handshakePacket:
  76536. Handshake {
  76537. protocolVersion: 10,
  76538. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  76539. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  76540. connectionId: 1303,
  76541. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  76542. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  76543. characterSet: 255,
  76544. statusFlags: 2 },
  76545. _fatalError: null,
  76546. _protocolError: null,
  76547. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  76548. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  76549. packetParser:
  76550. PacketParser {
  76551. buffer: [],
  76552. bufferLength: 0,
  76553. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  76554. headerLen: 0,
  76555. length: 5,
  76556. largePacketParts: [],
  76557. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  76558. onPacket: [Function],
  76559. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  76560. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  76561. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  76562. connectTimeout: null,
  76563. connectionId: 1303 },
  76564. state: 'IDLE' } },
  76565. data:
  76566. PooledResource {
  76567. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  76568. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  76569. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  76570. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  76571. obj:
  76572. Connection {
  76573. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  76574. _eventsCount: 1,
  76575. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76576. config:
  76577. ConnectionConfig {
  76578. isServer: undefined,
  76579. stream: undefined,
  76580. host: 'localhost',
  76581. port: 3306,
  76582. localAddress: undefined,
  76583. socketPath: undefined,
  76584. user: 'root',
  76585. password: 'abcd1234',
  76586. passwordSha1: undefined,
  76587. database: 'lbry',
  76588. connectTimeout: 10000,
  76589. insecureAuth: false,
  76590. supportBigNumbers: true,
  76591. bigNumberStrings: false,
  76592. decimalNumbers: false,
  76593. dateStrings: false,
  76594. debug: undefined,
  76595. trace: true,
  76596. stringifyObjects: false,
  76597. timezone: '+00:00',
  76598. queryFormat: undefined,
  76599. pool: undefined,
  76600. ssl: false,
  76601. multipleStatements: false,
  76602. rowsAsArray: false,
  76603. namedPlaceholders: false,
  76604. nestTables: undefined,
  76605. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  76606. maxPacketSize: 0,
  76607. charsetNumber: 224,
  76608. compress: false,
  76609. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  76610. clientFlags: 8582093,
  76611. connectAttributes: undefined,
  76612. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  76613. stream:
  76614. Socket {
  76615. connecting: false,
  76616. _hadError: false,
  76617. _handle:
  76618. TCP {
  76619. reading: true,
  76620. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  76621. onconnection: null,
  76622. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  76623. _parent: null,
  76624. _host: 'localhost',
  76625. _readableState:
  76626. ReadableState {
  76627. objectMode: false,
  76628. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76629. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  76630. length: 0,
  76631. pipes: null,
  76632. pipesCount: 0,
  76633. flowing: true,
  76634. ended: false,
  76635. endEmitted: false,
  76636. reading: true,
  76637. sync: false,
  76638. needReadable: true,
  76639. emittedReadable: false,
  76640. readableListening: false,
  76641. resumeScheduled: false,
  76642. emitClose: false,
  76643. autoDestroy: false,
  76644. destroyed: false,
  76645. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76646. awaitDrain: 0,
  76647. readingMore: false,
  76648. decoder: null,
  76649. encoding: null },
  76650. readable: true,
  76651. _events:
  76652. [Object: null prototype] {
  76653. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  76654. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  76655. data: [Function],
  76656. close: [Function] },
  76657. _eventsCount: 4,
  76658. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76659. _writableState:
  76660. WritableState {
  76661. objectMode: false,
  76662. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76663. finalCalled: false,
  76664. needDrain: false,
  76665. ending: false,
  76666. ended: false,
  76667. finished: false,
  76668. destroyed: false,
  76669. decodeStrings: false,
  76670. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76671. length: 0,
  76672. writing: false,
  76673. corked: 0,
  76674. sync: false,
  76675. bufferProcessing: false,
  76676. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  76677. writecb: null,
  76678. writelen: 0,
  76679. bufferedRequest: null,
  76680. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  76681. pendingcb: 0,
  76682. prefinished: false,
  76683. errorEmitted: false,
  76684. emitClose: false,
  76685. autoDestroy: false,
  76686. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  76687. corkedRequestsFree:
  76688. { next: null,
  76689. entry: null,
  76690. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  76691. writable: true,
  76692. allowHalfOpen: false,
  76693. _sockname: null,
  76694. _pendingData: null,
  76695. _pendingEncoding: '',
  76696. server: null,
  76697. _server: null,
  76698. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  76699. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  76700. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  76701. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  76702. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  76703. _internalId: 2,
  76704. _commands:
  76705. Denque {
  76706. _head: 0,
  76707. _tail: 0,
  76708. _capacityMask: 3,
  76709. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  76710. _command: undefined,
  76711. _paused: false,
  76712. _paused_packets:
  76713. Denque {
  76714. _head: 0,
  76715. _tail: 0,
  76716. _capacityMask: 3,
  76717. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  76718. _statements:
  76719. LRUCache {
  76720. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  76721. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  76722. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  76723. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  76724. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  76725. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  76726. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  76727. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  76728. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  76729. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  76730. authorized: true,
  76731. sequenceId: 2,
  76732. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  76733. threadId: 1302,
  76734. _handshakePacket:
  76735. Handshake {
  76736. protocolVersion: 10,
  76737. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  76738. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  76739. connectionId: 1302,
  76740. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  76741. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  76742. characterSet: 255,
  76743. statusFlags: 2 },
  76744. _fatalError: null,
  76745. _protocolError: null,
  76746. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  76747. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  76748. packetParser:
  76749. PacketParser {
  76750. buffer: [],
  76751. bufferLength: 0,
  76752. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  76753. headerLen: 0,
  76754. length: 7,
  76755. largePacketParts: [],
  76756. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  76757. onPacket: [Function],
  76758. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  76759. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  76760. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  76761. connectTimeout: null,
  76762. connectionId: 1302 },
  76763. state: 'IDLE' } },
  76764. tail:
  76765. { prev:
  76766. { prev: null,
  76767. next: [Circular],
  76768. data:
  76769. PooledResource {
  76770. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  76771. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  76772. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  76773. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  76774. obj:
  76775. Connection {
  76776. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  76777. _eventsCount: 1,
  76778. _maxListeners: undefined,
  76779. config:
  76780. ConnectionConfig {
  76781. isServer: undefined,
  76782. stream: undefined,
  76783. host: 'localhost',
  76784. port: 3306,
  76785. localAddress: undefined,
  76786. socketPath: undefined,
  76787. user: 'root',
  76788. password: 'abcd1234',
  76789. passwordSha1: undefined,
  76790. database: 'lbry',
  76791. connectTimeout: 10000,
  76792. insecureAuth: false,
  76793. supportBigNumbers: true,
  76794. bigNumberStrings: false,
  76795. decimalNumbers: false,
  76796. dateStrings: false,
  76797. debug: undefined,
  76798. trace: true,
  76799. stringifyObjects: false,
  76800. timezone: '+00:00',
  76801. queryFormat: undefined,
  76802. pool: undefined,
  76803. ssl: false,
  76804. multipleStatements: false,
  76805. rowsAsArray: false,
  76806. namedPlaceholders: false,
  76807. nestTables: undefined,
  76808. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  76809. maxPacketSize: 0,
  76810. charsetNumber: 224,
  76811. compress: false,
  76812. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  76813. clientFlags: 8582093,
  76814. connectAttributes: undefined,
  76815. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  76816. stream:
  76817. Socket {
  76818. connecting: false,
  76819. _hadError: false,
  76820. _handle:
  76821. TCP {
  76822. reading: true,
  76823. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  76824. onconnection: null,
  76825. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  76826. _parent: null,
  76827. _host: 'localhost',
  76828. _readableState:
  76829. ReadableState {
  76830. objectMode: false,
  76831. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76832. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  76833. length: 0,
  76834. pipes: null,
  76835. pipesCount: 0,
  76836. flowing: true,
  76837. ended: false,
  76838. endEmitted: false,
  76839. reading: true,
  76840. sync: false,
  76841. needReadable: true,
  76842. emittedReadable: false,
  76843. readableListening: false,
  76844. resumeScheduled: false,
  76845. emitClose: false,
  76846. autoDestroy: false,
  76847. destroyed: false,
  76848. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76849. awaitDrain: 0,
  76850. readingMore: false,
  76851. decoder: null,
  76852. encoding: null },
  76853. readable: true,
  76854. _events:
  76855. [Object: null prototype] {
  76856. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  76858. data: [Function],
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  76865. highWaterMark: 16384,
  76866. finalCalled: false,
  76867. needDrain: false,
  76868. ending: false,
  76869. ended: false,
  76870. finished: false,
  76871. destroyed: false,
  76872. decodeStrings: false,
  76873. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  76874. length: 0,
  76875. writing: false,
  76876. corked: 0,
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  76879. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  76881. writelen: 0,
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  76883. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  76884. pendingcb: 0,
  76885. prefinished: false,
  76886. errorEmitted: false,
  76887. emitClose: false,
  76888. autoDestroy: false,
  76889. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  76890. corkedRequestsFree:
  76891. { next: null,
  76892. entry: null,
  76893. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  76894. writable: true,
  76895. allowHalfOpen: false,
  76896. _sockname: null,
  76897. _pendingData: null,
  76898. _pendingEncoding: '',
  76899. server: null,
  76900. _server: null,
  76901. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
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  76903. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  76904. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  76905. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  76909. _head: 0,
  76910. _tail: 0,
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  76912. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  76916. Denque {
  76917. _head: 0,
  76918. _tail: 0,
  76919. _capacityMask: 3,
  76920. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  76926. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  76927. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  76929. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  76930. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  76931. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  76932. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  76933. authorized: true,
  76934. sequenceId: 2,
  76935. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  76936. threadId: 1302,
  76937. _handshakePacket:
  76938. Handshake {
  76939. protocolVersion: 10,
  76940. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  76941. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  76944. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  76945. characterSet: 255,
  76946. statusFlags: 2 },
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  76948. _protocolError: null,
  76949. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  76950. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  76951. packetParser:
  76952. PacketParser {
  76953. buffer: [],
  76954. bufferLength: 0,
  76955. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  76956. headerLen: 0,
  76957. length: 7,
  76958. largePacketParts: [],
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  76960. onPacket: [Function],
  76961. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  76962. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  76963. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  76964. connectTimeout: null,
  76965. connectionId: 1302 },
  76966. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  76968. data:
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  76970. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  76971. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  76972. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  76973. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  76974. obj:
  76975. Connection {
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  76977. _eventsCount: 1,
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  76983. host: 'localhost',
  76984. port: 3306,
  76985. localAddress: undefined,
  76986. socketPath: undefined,
  76987. user: 'root',
  76988. password: 'abcd1234',
  76989. passwordSha1: undefined,
  76990. database: 'lbry',
  76991. connectTimeout: 10000,
  76992. insecureAuth: false,
  76993. supportBigNumbers: true,
  76994. bigNumberStrings: false,
  76995. decimalNumbers: false,
  76996. dateStrings: false,
  76997. debug: undefined,
  76998. trace: true,
  76999. stringifyObjects: false,
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  77001. queryFormat: undefined,
  77002. pool: undefined,
  77003. ssl: false,
  77004. multipleStatements: false,
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  77006. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  77008. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  77011. compress: false,
  77012. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  77013. clientFlags: 8582093,
  77014. connectAttributes: undefined,
  77015. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  77017. Socket {
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  77021. TCP {
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  77025. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  77029. ReadableState {
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  77031. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77032. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  77033. length: 0,
  77034. pipes: null,
  77035. pipesCount: 0,
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  77040. sync: false,
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  77043. readableListening: false,
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  77047. destroyed: false,
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  77049. awaitDrain: 0,
  77050. readingMore: false,
  77051. decoder: null,
  77052. encoding: null },
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  77058. data: [Function],
  77059. close: [Function] },
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  77066. finalCalled: false,
  77067. needDrain: false,
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  77069. ended: false,
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  77076. corked: 0,
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  77092. entry: null,
  77093. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  77098. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  77103. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  77104. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  77105. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  77108. Denque {
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  77110. _tail: 0,
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  77112. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77116. Denque {
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  77118. _tail: 0,
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  77120. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77126. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  77127. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  77129. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  77130. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  77131. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  77133. authorized: true,
  77134. sequenceId: 23,
  77135. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  77136. threadId: 1303,
  77137. _handshakePacket:
  77138. Handshake {
  77139. protocolVersion: 10,
  77140. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  77141. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77142. connectionId: 1303,
  77143. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  77144. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  77145. characterSet: 255,
  77146. statusFlags: 2 },
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  77148. _protocolError: null,
  77149. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  77152. PacketParser {
  77153. buffer: [],
  77154. bufferLength: 0,
  77155. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  77156. headerLen: 0,
  77157. length: 5,
  77158. largePacketParts: [],
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  77160. onPacket: [Function],
  77161. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  77163. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  77164. connectTimeout: null,
  77165. connectionId: 1303 },
  77166. state: 'IDLE' } },
  77167. length: 2 } },
  77168. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  77169. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  77170. _validationOperations: Set {},
  77171. _allObjects:
  77172. Set {
  77173. PooledResource {
  77174. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  77175. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  77176. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  77177. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  77178. obj:
  77179. Connection {
  77180. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  77181. _eventsCount: 1,
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  77184. ConnectionConfig {
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  77186. stream: undefined,
  77187. host: 'localhost',
  77188. port: 3306,
  77189. localAddress: undefined,
  77190. socketPath: undefined,
  77191. user: 'root',
  77192. password: 'abcd1234',
  77193. passwordSha1: undefined,
  77194. database: 'lbry',
  77195. connectTimeout: 10000,
  77196. insecureAuth: false,
  77197. supportBigNumbers: true,
  77198. bigNumberStrings: false,
  77199. decimalNumbers: false,
  77200. dateStrings: false,
  77201. debug: undefined,
  77202. trace: true,
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  77206. pool: undefined,
  77207. ssl: false,
  77208. multipleStatements: false,
  77209. rowsAsArray: false,
  77210. namedPlaceholders: false,
  77211. nestTables: undefined,
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  77215. compress: false,
  77216. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  77217. clientFlags: 8582093,
  77218. connectAttributes: undefined,
  77219. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  77221. Socket {
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  77225. TCP {
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  77229. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  77233. ReadableState {
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  77235. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77236. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  77237. length: 0,
  77238. pipes: null,
  77239. pipesCount: 0,
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  77247. readableListening: false,
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  77251. destroyed: false,
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  77253. awaitDrain: 0,
  77254. readingMore: false,
  77255. decoder: null,
  77256. encoding: null },
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  77259. [Object: null prototype] {
  77260. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  77261. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  77262. data: [Function],
  77263. close: [Function] },
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  77270. finalCalled: false,
  77271. needDrain: false,
  77272. ending: false,
  77273. ended: false,
  77274. finished: false,
  77275. destroyed: false,
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  77280. corked: 0,
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  77287. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  77288. pendingcb: 0,
  77289. prefinished: false,
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  77291. emitClose: false,
  77292. autoDestroy: false,
  77293. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  77295. { next: null,
  77296. entry: null,
  77297. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  77301. _pendingData: null,
  77302. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  77304. _server: null,
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  77306. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  77307. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  77308. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  77309. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  77312. Denque {
  77313. _head: 0,
  77314. _tail: 0,
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  77316. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77320. Denque {
  77321. _head: 0,
  77322. _tail: 0,
  77323. _capacityMask: 3,
  77324. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77329. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  77330. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  77331. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  77332. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  77333. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  77334. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  77335. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  77336. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77337. authorized: true,
  77338. sequenceId: 2,
  77339. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  77340. threadId: 1302,
  77341. _handshakePacket:
  77342. Handshake {
  77343. protocolVersion: 10,
  77344. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  77345. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77346. connectionId: 1302,
  77347. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  77348. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  77349. characterSet: 255,
  77350. statusFlags: 2 },
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  77352. _protocolError: null,
  77353. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  77355. packetParser:
  77356. PacketParser {
  77357. buffer: [],
  77358. bufferLength: 0,
  77359. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  77360. headerLen: 0,
  77361. length: 7,
  77362. largePacketParts: [],
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  77364. onPacket: [Function],
  77365. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  77366. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  77367. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  77368. connectTimeout: null,
  77369. connectionId: 1302 },
  77370. state: 'IDLE' },
  77371. PooledResource {
  77372. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  77373. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  77374. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  77375. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  77376. obj:
  77377. Connection {
  77378. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  77379. _eventsCount: 1,
  77380. _maxListeners: undefined,
  77381. config:
  77382. ConnectionConfig {
  77383. isServer: undefined,
  77384. stream: undefined,
  77385. host: 'localhost',
  77386. port: 3306,
  77387. localAddress: undefined,
  77388. socketPath: undefined,
  77389. user: 'root',
  77390. password: 'abcd1234',
  77391. passwordSha1: undefined,
  77392. database: 'lbry',
  77393. connectTimeout: 10000,
  77394. insecureAuth: false,
  77395. supportBigNumbers: true,
  77396. bigNumberStrings: false,
  77397. decimalNumbers: false,
  77398. dateStrings: false,
  77399. debug: undefined,
  77400. trace: true,
  77401. stringifyObjects: false,
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  77403. queryFormat: undefined,
  77404. pool: undefined,
  77405. ssl: false,
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  77408. namedPlaceholders: false,
  77409. nestTables: undefined,
  77410. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  77413. compress: false,
  77414. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  77415. clientFlags: 8582093,
  77416. connectAttributes: undefined,
  77417. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  77419. Socket {
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  77423. TCP {
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  77425. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  77427. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  77429. _host: 'localhost',
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  77431. ReadableState {
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  77433. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77434. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  77435. length: 0,
  77436. pipes: null,
  77437. pipesCount: 0,
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  77445. readableListening: false,
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  77449. destroyed: false,
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  77451. awaitDrain: 0,
  77452. readingMore: false,
  77453. decoder: null,
  77454. encoding: null },
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  77457. [Object: null prototype] {
  77458. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  77459. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  77460. data: [Function],
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  77465. WritableState {
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  77468. finalCalled: false,
  77469. needDrain: false,
  77470. ending: false,
  77471. ended: false,
  77472. finished: false,
  77473. destroyed: false,
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  77475. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  77476. length: 0,
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  77478. corked: 0,
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  77485. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  77488. errorEmitted: false,
  77489. emitClose: false,
  77490. autoDestroy: false,
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  77492. corkedRequestsFree:
  77493. { next: null,
  77494. entry: null,
  77495. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  77500. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  77502. _server: null,
  77503. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  77504. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  77505. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  77506. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  77507. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  77508. _internalId: 1,
  77509. _commands:
  77510. Denque {
  77511. _head: 0,
  77512. _tail: 0,
  77513. _capacityMask: 3,
  77514. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  77515. _command: undefined,
  77516. _paused: false,
  77517. _paused_packets:
  77518. Denque {
  77519. _head: 0,
  77520. _tail: 0,
  77521. _capacityMask: 3,
  77522. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  77523. _statements:
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  77525. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  77526. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  77527. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  77528. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  77529. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  77530. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  77531. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  77532. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  77533. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  77534. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77535. authorized: true,
  77536. sequenceId: 23,
  77537. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  77538. threadId: 1303,
  77539. _handshakePacket:
  77540. Handshake {
  77541. protocolVersion: 10,
  77542. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  77543. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77544. connectionId: 1303,
  77545. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  77546. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  77547. characterSet: 255,
  77548. statusFlags: 2 },
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  77550. _protocolError: null,
  77551. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  77552. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  77553. packetParser:
  77554. PacketParser {
  77555. buffer: [],
  77556. bufferLength: 0,
  77557. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  77558. headerLen: 0,
  77559. length: 5,
  77560. largePacketParts: [],
  77561. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  77562. onPacket: [Function],
  77563. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  77564. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  77565. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  77566. connectTimeout: null,
  77567. connectionId: 1303 },
  77568. state: 'IDLE' } },
  77569. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  77570. _evictionIterator:
  77571. DequeIterator {
  77572. _list:
  77573. DoublyLinkedList {
  77574. head:
  77575. { prev: null,
  77576. next:
  77577. { prev: [Circular],
  77578. next: null,
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  77580. PooledResource {
  77581. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  77582. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  77583. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  77584. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  77585. obj:
  77586. Connection {
  77587. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  77588. _eventsCount: 1,
  77589. _maxListeners: undefined,
  77590. config:
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  77593. stream: undefined,
  77594. host: 'localhost',
  77595. port: 3306,
  77596. localAddress: undefined,
  77597. socketPath: undefined,
  77598. user: 'root',
  77599. password: 'abcd1234',
  77600. passwordSha1: undefined,
  77601. database: 'lbry',
  77602. connectTimeout: 10000,
  77603. insecureAuth: false,
  77604. supportBigNumbers: true,
  77605. bigNumberStrings: false,
  77606. decimalNumbers: false,
  77607. dateStrings: false,
  77608. debug: undefined,
  77609. trace: true,
  77610. stringifyObjects: false,
  77611. timezone: '+00:00',
  77612. queryFormat: undefined,
  77613. pool: undefined,
  77614. ssl: false,
  77615. multipleStatements: false,
  77616. rowsAsArray: false,
  77617. namedPlaceholders: false,
  77618. nestTables: undefined,
  77619. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  77620. maxPacketSize: 0,
  77621. charsetNumber: 224,
  77622. compress: false,
  77623. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  77624. clientFlags: 8582093,
  77625. connectAttributes: undefined,
  77626. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  77627. stream:
  77628. Socket {
  77629. connecting: false,
  77630. _hadError: false,
  77631. _handle:
  77632. TCP {
  77633. reading: true,
  77634. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  77635. onconnection: null,
  77636. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  77637. _parent: null,
  77638. _host: 'localhost',
  77639. _readableState:
  77640. ReadableState {
  77641. objectMode: false,
  77642. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77643. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  77644. length: 0,
  77645. pipes: null,
  77646. pipesCount: 0,
  77647. flowing: true,
  77648. ended: false,
  77649. endEmitted: false,
  77650. reading: true,
  77651. sync: false,
  77652. needReadable: true,
  77653. emittedReadable: false,
  77654. readableListening: false,
  77655. resumeScheduled: false,
  77656. emitClose: false,
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  77658. destroyed: false,
  77659. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  77660. awaitDrain: 0,
  77661. readingMore: false,
  77662. decoder: null,
  77663. encoding: null },
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  77666. [Object: null prototype] {
  77667. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  77668. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  77669. data: [Function],
  77670. close: [Function] },
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  77677. finalCalled: false,
  77678. needDrain: false,
  77679. ending: false,
  77680. ended: false,
  77681. finished: false,
  77682. destroyed: false,
  77683. decodeStrings: false,
  77684. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  77685. length: 0,
  77686. writing: false,
  77687. corked: 0,
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  77694. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  77695. pendingcb: 0,
  77696. prefinished: false,
  77697. errorEmitted: false,
  77698. emitClose: false,
  77699. autoDestroy: false,
  77700. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  77701. corkedRequestsFree:
  77702. { next: null,
  77703. entry: null,
  77704. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  77705. writable: true,
  77706. allowHalfOpen: false,
  77707. _sockname: null,
  77708. _pendingData: null,
  77709. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  77711. _server: null,
  77712. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  77713. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  77714. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  77715. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  77716. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  77717. _internalId: 1,
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  77719. Denque {
  77720. _head: 0,
  77721. _tail: 0,
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  77723. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77726. _paused_packets:
  77727. Denque {
  77728. _head: 0,
  77729. _tail: 0,
  77730. _capacityMask: 3,
  77731. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77736. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  77737. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  77738. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  77739. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  77740. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  77741. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  77742. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  77743. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77744. authorized: true,
  77745. sequenceId: 23,
  77746. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  77747. threadId: 1303,
  77748. _handshakePacket:
  77749. Handshake {
  77750. protocolVersion: 10,
  77751. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  77752. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77753. connectionId: 1303,
  77754. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  77755. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  77756. characterSet: 255,
  77757. statusFlags: 2 },
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  77759. _protocolError: null,
  77760. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  77761. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  77762. packetParser:
  77763. PacketParser {
  77764. buffer: [],
  77765. bufferLength: 0,
  77766. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  77767. headerLen: 0,
  77768. length: 5,
  77769. largePacketParts: [],
  77770. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  77771. onPacket: [Function],
  77772. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  77773. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  77774. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  77775. connectTimeout: null,
  77776. connectionId: 1303 },
  77777. state: 'IDLE' } },
  77778. data:
  77779. PooledResource {
  77780. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  77781. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  77782. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  77783. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  77784. obj:
  77785. Connection {
  77786. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  77787. _eventsCount: 1,
  77788. _maxListeners: undefined,
  77789. config:
  77790. ConnectionConfig {
  77791. isServer: undefined,
  77792. stream: undefined,
  77793. host: 'localhost',
  77794. port: 3306,
  77795. localAddress: undefined,
  77796. socketPath: undefined,
  77797. user: 'root',
  77798. password: 'abcd1234',
  77799. passwordSha1: undefined,
  77800. database: 'lbry',
  77801. connectTimeout: 10000,
  77802. insecureAuth: false,
  77803. supportBigNumbers: true,
  77804. bigNumberStrings: false,
  77805. decimalNumbers: false,
  77806. dateStrings: false,
  77807. debug: undefined,
  77808. trace: true,
  77809. stringifyObjects: false,
  77810. timezone: '+00:00',
  77811. queryFormat: undefined,
  77812. pool: undefined,
  77813. ssl: false,
  77814. multipleStatements: false,
  77815. rowsAsArray: false,
  77816. namedPlaceholders: false,
  77817. nestTables: undefined,
  77818. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  77819. maxPacketSize: 0,
  77820. charsetNumber: 224,
  77821. compress: false,
  77822. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  77823. clientFlags: 8582093,
  77824. connectAttributes: undefined,
  77825. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  77826. stream:
  77827. Socket {
  77828. connecting: false,
  77829. _hadError: false,
  77830. _handle:
  77831. TCP {
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  77833. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  77834. onconnection: null,
  77835. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  77836. _parent: null,
  77837. _host: 'localhost',
  77838. _readableState:
  77839. ReadableState {
  77840. objectMode: false,
  77841. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77842. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  77843. length: 0,
  77844. pipes: null,
  77845. pipesCount: 0,
  77846. flowing: true,
  77847. ended: false,
  77848. endEmitted: false,
  77849. reading: true,
  77850. sync: false,
  77851. needReadable: true,
  77852. emittedReadable: false,
  77853. readableListening: false,
  77854. resumeScheduled: false,
  77855. emitClose: false,
  77856. autoDestroy: false,
  77857. destroyed: false,
  77858. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  77859. awaitDrain: 0,
  77860. readingMore: false,
  77861. decoder: null,
  77862. encoding: null },
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  77865. [Object: null prototype] {
  77866. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  77867. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  77868. data: [Function],
  77869. close: [Function] },
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  77873. WritableState {
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  77875. highWaterMark: 16384,
  77876. finalCalled: false,
  77877. needDrain: false,
  77878. ending: false,
  77879. ended: false,
  77880. finished: false,
  77881. destroyed: false,
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  77883. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  77884. length: 0,
  77885. writing: false,
  77886. corked: 0,
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  77891. writelen: 0,
  77892. bufferedRequest: null,
  77893. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  77894. pendingcb: 0,
  77895. prefinished: false,
  77896. errorEmitted: false,
  77897. emitClose: false,
  77898. autoDestroy: false,
  77899. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  77900. corkedRequestsFree:
  77901. { next: null,
  77902. entry: null,
  77903. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  77904. writable: true,
  77905. allowHalfOpen: false,
  77906. _sockname: null,
  77907. _pendingData: null,
  77908. _pendingEncoding: '',
  77909. server: null,
  77910. _server: null,
  77911. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  77912. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  77913. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  77914. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  77915. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  77916. _internalId: 2,
  77917. _commands:
  77918. Denque {
  77919. _head: 0,
  77920. _tail: 0,
  77921. _capacityMask: 3,
  77922. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  77923. _command: undefined,
  77924. _paused: false,
  77925. _paused_packets:
  77926. Denque {
  77927. _head: 0,
  77928. _tail: 0,
  77929. _capacityMask: 3,
  77930. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  77934. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
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  77936. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  77937. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  77938. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  77939. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  77940. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  77941. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  77942. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77943. authorized: true,
  77944. sequenceId: 2,
  77945. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  77946. threadId: 1302,
  77947. _handshakePacket:
  77948. Handshake {
  77949. protocolVersion: 10,
  77950. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  77951. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  77952. connectionId: 1302,
  77953. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  77954. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  77955. characterSet: 255,
  77956. statusFlags: 2 },
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  77958. _protocolError: null,
  77959. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  77960. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  77961. packetParser:
  77962. PacketParser {
  77963. buffer: [],
  77964. bufferLength: 0,
  77965. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  77966. headerLen: 0,
  77967. length: 7,
  77968. largePacketParts: [],
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  77970. onPacket: [Function],
  77971. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  77972. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  77973. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  77974. connectTimeout: null,
  77975. connectionId: 1302 },
  77976. state: 'IDLE' } },
  77977. tail:
  77978. { prev:
  77979. { prev: null,
  77980. next: [Circular],
  77981. data:
  77982. PooledResource {
  77983. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  77984. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  77985. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  77986. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  77987. obj:
  77988. Connection {
  77989. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  77990. _eventsCount: 1,
  77991. _maxListeners: undefined,
  77992. config:
  77993. ConnectionConfig {
  77994. isServer: undefined,
  77995. stream: undefined,
  77996. host: 'localhost',
  77997. port: 3306,
  77998. localAddress: undefined,
  77999. socketPath: undefined,
  78000. user: 'root',
  78001. password: 'abcd1234',
  78002. passwordSha1: undefined,
  78003. database: 'lbry',
  78004. connectTimeout: 10000,
  78005. insecureAuth: false,
  78006. supportBigNumbers: true,
  78007. bigNumberStrings: false,
  78008. decimalNumbers: false,
  78009. dateStrings: false,
  78010. debug: undefined,
  78011. trace: true,
  78012. stringifyObjects: false,
  78013. timezone: '+00:00',
  78014. queryFormat: undefined,
  78015. pool: undefined,
  78016. ssl: false,
  78017. multipleStatements: false,
  78018. rowsAsArray: false,
  78019. namedPlaceholders: false,
  78020. nestTables: undefined,
  78021. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  78022. maxPacketSize: 0,
  78023. charsetNumber: 224,
  78024. compress: false,
  78025. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  78026. clientFlags: 8582093,
  78027. connectAttributes: undefined,
  78028. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  78029. stream:
  78030. Socket {
  78031. connecting: false,
  78032. _hadError: false,
  78033. _handle:
  78034. TCP {
  78035. reading: true,
  78036. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  78037. onconnection: null,
  78038. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  78040. _host: 'localhost',
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  78042. ReadableState {
  78043. objectMode: false,
  78044. highWaterMark: 16384,
  78045. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  78046. length: 0,
  78047. pipes: null,
  78048. pipesCount: 0,
  78049. flowing: true,
  78050. ended: false,
  78051. endEmitted: false,
  78052. reading: true,
  78053. sync: false,
  78054. needReadable: true,
  78055. emittedReadable: false,
  78056. readableListening: false,
  78057. resumeScheduled: false,
  78058. emitClose: false,
  78059. autoDestroy: false,
  78060. destroyed: false,
  78061. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  78062. awaitDrain: 0,
  78063. readingMore: false,
  78064. decoder: null,
  78065. encoding: null },
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  78068. [Object: null prototype] {
  78069. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  78070. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  78071. data: [Function],
  78072. close: [Function] },
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  78076. WritableState {
  78077. objectMode: false,
  78078. highWaterMark: 16384,
  78079. finalCalled: false,
  78080. needDrain: false,
  78081. ending: false,
  78082. ended: false,
  78083. finished: false,
  78084. destroyed: false,
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  78086. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  78087. length: 0,
  78088. writing: false,
  78089. corked: 0,
  78090. sync: false,
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  78094. writelen: 0,
  78095. bufferedRequest: null,
  78096. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  78097. pendingcb: 0,
  78098. prefinished: false,
  78099. errorEmitted: false,
  78100. emitClose: false,
  78101. autoDestroy: false,
  78102. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  78103. corkedRequestsFree:
  78104. { next: null,
  78105. entry: null,
  78106. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  78107. writable: true,
  78108. allowHalfOpen: false,
  78109. _sockname: null,
  78110. _pendingData: null,
  78111. _pendingEncoding: '',
  78112. server: null,
  78113. _server: null,
  78114. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  78115. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  78116. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  78117. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  78118. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  78119. _internalId: 2,
  78120. _commands:
  78121. Denque {
  78122. _head: 0,
  78123. _tail: 0,
  78124. _capacityMask: 3,
  78125. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  78126. _command: undefined,
  78127. _paused: false,
  78128. _paused_packets:
  78129. Denque {
  78130. _head: 0,
  78131. _tail: 0,
  78132. _capacityMask: 3,
  78133. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  78135. LRUCache {
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  78137. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  78138. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  78139. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  78140. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  78141. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  78142. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  78143. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  78144. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  78145. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  78146. authorized: true,
  78147. sequenceId: 2,
  78148. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  78149. threadId: 1302,
  78150. _handshakePacket:
  78151. Handshake {
  78152. protocolVersion: 10,
  78153. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  78154. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  78155. connectionId: 1302,
  78156. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  78157. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  78158. characterSet: 255,
  78159. statusFlags: 2 },
  78160. _fatalError: null,
  78161. _protocolError: null,
  78162. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  78163. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  78164. packetParser:
  78165. PacketParser {
  78166. buffer: [],
  78167. bufferLength: 0,
  78168. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  78169. headerLen: 0,
  78170. length: 7,
  78171. largePacketParts: [],
  78172. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  78173. onPacket: [Function],
  78174. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  78175. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  78176. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  78177. connectTimeout: null,
  78178. connectionId: 1302 },
  78179. state: 'IDLE' } },
  78180. next: null,
  78181. data:
  78182. PooledResource {
  78183. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  78184. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  78185. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  78186. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  78187. obj:
  78188. Connection {
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  78190. _eventsCount: 1,
  78191. _maxListeners: undefined,
  78192. config:
  78193. ConnectionConfig {
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  78195. stream: undefined,
  78196. host: 'localhost',
  78197. port: 3306,
  78198. localAddress: undefined,
  78199. socketPath: undefined,
  78200. user: 'root',
  78201. password: 'abcd1234',
  78202. passwordSha1: undefined,
  78203. database: 'lbry',
  78204. connectTimeout: 10000,
  78205. insecureAuth: false,
  78206. supportBigNumbers: true,
  78207. bigNumberStrings: false,
  78208. decimalNumbers: false,
  78209. dateStrings: false,
  78210. debug: undefined,
  78211. trace: true,
  78212. stringifyObjects: false,
  78213. timezone: '+00:00',
  78214. queryFormat: undefined,
  78215. pool: undefined,
  78216. ssl: false,
  78217. multipleStatements: false,
  78218. rowsAsArray: false,
  78219. namedPlaceholders: false,
  78220. nestTables: undefined,
  78221. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  78222. maxPacketSize: 0,
  78223. charsetNumber: 224,
  78224. compress: false,
  78225. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  78226. clientFlags: 8582093,
  78227. connectAttributes: undefined,
  78228. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  78229. stream:
  78230. Socket {
  78231. connecting: false,
  78232. _hadError: false,
  78233. _handle:
  78234. TCP {
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  78236. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  78237. onconnection: null,
  78238. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  78239. _parent: null,
  78240. _host: 'localhost',
  78241. _readableState:
  78242. ReadableState {
  78243. objectMode: false,
  78244. highWaterMark: 16384,
  78245. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  78246. length: 0,
  78247. pipes: null,
  78248. pipesCount: 0,
  78249. flowing: true,
  78250. ended: false,
  78251. endEmitted: false,
  78252. reading: true,
  78253. sync: false,
  78254. needReadable: true,
  78255. emittedReadable: false,
  78256. readableListening: false,
  78257. resumeScheduled: false,
  78258. emitClose: false,
  78259. autoDestroy: false,
  78260. destroyed: false,
  78261. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  78262. awaitDrain: 0,
  78263. readingMore: false,
  78264. decoder: null,
  78265. encoding: null },
  78266. readable: true,
  78267. _events:
  78268. [Object: null prototype] {
  78269. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  78270. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  78271. data: [Function],
  78272. close: [Function] },
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  78274. _maxListeners: undefined,
  78275. _writableState:
  78276. WritableState {
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  78278. highWaterMark: 16384,
  78279. finalCalled: false,
  78280. needDrain: false,
  78281. ending: false,
  78282. ended: false,
  78283. finished: false,
  78284. destroyed: false,
  78285. decodeStrings: false,
  78286. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  78287. length: 0,
  78288. writing: false,
  78289. corked: 0,
  78290. sync: false,
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  78292. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  78294. writelen: 0,
  78295. bufferedRequest: null,
  78296. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  78297. pendingcb: 0,
  78298. prefinished: false,
  78299. errorEmitted: false,
  78300. emitClose: false,
  78301. autoDestroy: false,
  78302. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  78303. corkedRequestsFree:
  78304. { next: null,
  78305. entry: null,
  78306. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  78307. writable: true,
  78308. allowHalfOpen: false,
  78309. _sockname: null,
  78310. _pendingData: null,
  78311. _pendingEncoding: '',
  78312. server: null,
  78313. _server: null,
  78314. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  78315. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  78316. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  78317. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  78318. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  78319. _internalId: 1,
  78320. _commands:
  78321. Denque {
  78322. _head: 0,
  78323. _tail: 0,
  78324. _capacityMask: 3,
  78325. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  78326. _command: undefined,
  78327. _paused: false,
  78328. _paused_packets:
  78329. Denque {
  78330. _head: 0,
  78331. _tail: 0,
  78332. _capacityMask: 3,
  78333. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  78334. _statements:
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  78336. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  78337. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  78338. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  78339. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  78340. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  78341. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  78342. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  78343. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  78344. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  78345. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  78346. authorized: true,
  78347. sequenceId: 23,
  78348. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  78349. threadId: 1303,
  78350. _handshakePacket:
  78351. Handshake {
  78352. protocolVersion: 10,
  78353. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  78354. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  78355. connectionId: 1303,
  78356. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  78357. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  78358. characterSet: 255,
  78359. statusFlags: 2 },
  78360. _fatalError: null,
  78361. _protocolError: null,
  78362. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  78363. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  78364. packetParser:
  78365. PacketParser {
  78366. buffer: [],
  78367. bufferLength: 0,
  78368. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  78369. headerLen: 0,
  78370. length: 5,
  78371. largePacketParts: [],
  78372. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  78373. onPacket: [Function],
  78374. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  78375. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  78376. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  78377. connectTimeout: null,
  78378. connectionId: 1303 },
  78379. state: 'IDLE' } },
  78380. length: 2 },
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  78383. _started: false,
  78384. _cursor: null,
  78385. _done: false },
  78386. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  78387. _scheduledEviction:
  78388. Timeout {
  78389. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  78390. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  78391. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  78392. _idleStart: 432,
  78393. _onTimeout: [Function],
  78394. _timerArgs: undefined,
  78395. _repeat: null,
  78396. _destroyed: false,
  78397. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  78398. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  78399. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  78400. lib:
  78401. { createConnection: [Function],
  78402. connect: [Function],
  78403. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  78404. createPool: [Function],
  78405. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  78406. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  78407. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  78408. createServer: [Function],
  78409. PoolConnection:
  78410. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  78411. escape: [Function: escape],
  78412. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  78413. format: [Function: format],
  78414. raw: [Function: raw],
  78415. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  78416. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  78417. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  78418. Types: [Getter],
  78419. Charsets: [Getter],
  78420. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  78421. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  78422. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  78423. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  78424. sequelize: [Circular],
  78425. typeValidation: undefined } },
  78426. models:
  78427. { Balloons:
  78428. { [Function: Balloons]
  78429. sequelize: [Circular],
  78430. options: [Circular],
  78431. associations: {},
  78432. underscored: undefined,
  78433. tableName: 'Balloons',
  78434. _schema: null,
  78435. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  78436. rawAttributes:
  78437. { id:
  78438. { type:
  78439. INTEGER {
  78440. options: { length: undefined },
  78441. _length: undefined,
  78442. _zerofill: undefined,
  78443. _decimals: undefined,
  78444. _precision: undefined,
  78445. _scale: undefined,
  78446. _unsigned: undefined },
  78447. allowNull: false,
  78448. primaryKey: true,
  78449. autoIncrement: true,
  78450. _autoGenerated: true,
  78451. Model: [Circular],
  78452. fieldName: 'id',
  78453. _modelAttribute: true,
  78454. field: 'id' },
  78455. size:
  78456. { type:
  78457. STRING {
  78458. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78459. _binary: undefined,
  78460. _length: 255 },
  78461. Model: [Circular],
  78462. fieldName: 'size',
  78463. _modelAttribute: true,
  78464. field: 'size' },
  78465. color:
  78466. { type:
  78467. STRING {
  78468. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78469. _binary: undefined,
  78470. _length: 255 },
  78471. Model: [Circular],
  78472. fieldName: 'color',
  78473. _modelAttribute: true,
  78474. field: 'color' },
  78475. createdAt:
  78476. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78477. allowNull: false,
  78478. _autoGenerated: true,
  78479. Model: [Circular],
  78480. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78481. _modelAttribute: true,
  78482. field: 'createdAt' },
  78483. updatedAt:
  78484. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78485. allowNull: false,
  78486. _autoGenerated: true,
  78487. Model: [Circular],
  78488. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78489. _modelAttribute: true,
  78490. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78491. primaryKeys:
  78492. { id:
  78493. { type:
  78494. INTEGER {
  78495. options: { length: undefined },
  78496. _length: undefined,
  78497. _zerofill: undefined,
  78498. _decimals: undefined,
  78499. _precision: undefined,
  78500. _scale: undefined,
  78501. _unsigned: undefined },
  78502. allowNull: false,
  78503. primaryKey: true,
  78504. autoIncrement: true,
  78505. _autoGenerated: true,
  78506. Model: [Circular],
  78507. fieldName: 'id',
  78508. _modelAttribute: true,
  78509. field: 'id' } },
  78510. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  78511. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  78512. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  78513. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  78514. { [Function: memoized]
  78515. cache:
  78516. MapCache {
  78517. size: 0,
  78518. __data__:
  78519. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78520. map: Map {},
  78521. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78522. _dataTypeChanges:
  78523. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  78524. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  78525. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  78526. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  78527. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  78528. _booleanAttributes: [],
  78529. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  78530. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  78531. _rangeAttributes: [],
  78532. _jsonAttributes: [],
  78533. _geometryAttributes: [],
  78534. _virtualAttributes: [],
  78535. _defaultValues: {},
  78536. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  78537. { id:
  78538. { type:
  78539. INTEGER {
  78540. options: { length: undefined },
  78541. _length: undefined,
  78542. _zerofill: undefined,
  78543. _decimals: undefined,
  78544. _precision: undefined,
  78545. _scale: undefined,
  78546. _unsigned: undefined },
  78547. allowNull: false,
  78548. primaryKey: true,
  78549. autoIncrement: true,
  78550. _autoGenerated: true,
  78551. Model: [Circular],
  78552. fieldName: 'id',
  78553. _modelAttribute: true,
  78554. field: 'id' },
  78555. size:
  78556. { type:
  78557. STRING {
  78558. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78559. _binary: undefined,
  78560. _length: 255 },
  78561. Model: [Circular],
  78562. fieldName: 'size',
  78563. _modelAttribute: true,
  78564. field: 'size' },
  78565. color:
  78566. { type:
  78567. STRING {
  78568. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78569. _binary: undefined,
  78570. _length: 255 },
  78571. Model: [Circular],
  78572. fieldName: 'color',
  78573. _modelAttribute: true,
  78574. field: 'color' },
  78575. createdAt:
  78576. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78577. allowNull: false,
  78578. _autoGenerated: true,
  78579. Model: [Circular],
  78580. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78581. _modelAttribute: true,
  78582. field: 'createdAt' },
  78583. updatedAt:
  78584. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78585. allowNull: false,
  78586. _autoGenerated: true,
  78587. Model: [Circular],
  78588. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78589. _modelAttribute: true,
  78590. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78591. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  78592. uniqueKeys: {},
  78593. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  78594. _isBooleanAttribute:
  78595. { [Function: memoized]
  78596. cache:
  78597. MapCache {
  78598. size: 0,
  78599. __data__:
  78600. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78601. map: Map {},
  78602. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78603. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  78604. _isDateAttribute:
  78605. { [Function: memoized]
  78606. cache:
  78607. MapCache {
  78608. size: 0,
  78609. __data__:
  78610. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78611. map: Map {},
  78612. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78613. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  78614. _isHstoreAttribute:
  78615. { [Function: memoized]
  78616. cache:
  78617. MapCache {
  78618. size: 0,
  78619. __data__:
  78620. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78621. map: Map {},
  78622. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78623. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  78624. _isRangeAttribute:
  78625. { [Function: memoized]
  78626. cache:
  78627. MapCache {
  78628. size: 0,
  78629. __data__:
  78630. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78631. map: Map {},
  78632. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78633. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  78634. _isJsonAttribute:
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  78636. cache:
  78637. MapCache {
  78638. size: 0,
  78639. __data__:
  78640. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78641. map: Map {},
  78642. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78643. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  78644. _isVirtualAttribute:
  78645. { [Function: memoized]
  78646. cache:
  78647. MapCache {
  78648. size: 5,
  78649. __data__:
  78650. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78651. map: Map {},
  78652. string:
  78653. Hash {
  78654. __data__:
  78655. [Object: null prototype] {
  78656. id: false,
  78657. size: false,
  78658. color: false,
  78659. createdAt: false,
  78660. updatedAt: false },
  78661. size: 5 } } } },
  78662. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  78663. _isGeometryAttribute:
  78664. { [Function: memoized]
  78665. cache:
  78666. MapCache {
  78667. size: 0,
  78668. __data__:
  78669. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78670. map: Map {},
  78671. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78672. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  78673. attributes:
  78674. { id:
  78675. { type:
  78676. INTEGER {
  78677. options: { length: undefined },
  78678. _length: undefined,
  78679. _zerofill: undefined,
  78680. _decimals: undefined,
  78681. _precision: undefined,
  78682. _scale: undefined,
  78683. _unsigned: undefined },
  78684. allowNull: false,
  78685. primaryKey: true,
  78686. autoIncrement: true,
  78687. _autoGenerated: true,
  78688. Model: [Circular],
  78689. fieldName: 'id',
  78690. _modelAttribute: true,
  78691. field: 'id' },
  78692. size:
  78693. { type:
  78694. STRING {
  78695. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78696. _binary: undefined,
  78697. _length: 255 },
  78698. Model: [Circular],
  78699. fieldName: 'size',
  78700. _modelAttribute: true,
  78701. field: 'size' },
  78702. color:
  78703. { type:
  78704. STRING {
  78705. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78706. _binary: undefined,
  78707. _length: 255 },
  78708. Model: [Circular],
  78709. fieldName: 'color',
  78710. _modelAttribute: true,
  78711. field: 'color' },
  78712. createdAt:
  78713. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78714. allowNull: false,
  78715. _autoGenerated: true,
  78716. Model: [Circular],
  78717. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78718. _modelAttribute: true,
  78719. field: 'createdAt' },
  78720. updatedAt:
  78721. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78722. allowNull: false,
  78723. _autoGenerated: true,
  78724. Model: [Circular],
  78725. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78726. _modelAttribute: true,
  78727. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78728. tableAttributes:
  78729. { id:
  78730. { type:
  78731. INTEGER {
  78732. options: { length: undefined },
  78733. _length: undefined,
  78734. _zerofill: undefined,
  78735. _decimals: undefined,
  78736. _precision: undefined,
  78737. _scale: undefined,
  78738. _unsigned: undefined },
  78739. allowNull: false,
  78740. primaryKey: true,
  78741. autoIncrement: true,
  78742. _autoGenerated: true,
  78743. Model: [Circular],
  78744. fieldName: 'id',
  78745. _modelAttribute: true,
  78746. field: 'id' },
  78747. size:
  78748. { type:
  78749. STRING {
  78750. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78751. _binary: undefined,
  78752. _length: 255 },
  78753. Model: [Circular],
  78754. fieldName: 'size',
  78755. _modelAttribute: true,
  78756. field: 'size' },
  78757. color:
  78758. { type:
  78759. STRING {
  78760. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78761. _binary: undefined,
  78762. _length: 255 },
  78763. Model: [Circular],
  78764. fieldName: 'color',
  78765. _modelAttribute: true,
  78766. field: 'color' },
  78767. createdAt:
  78768. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78769. allowNull: false,
  78770. _autoGenerated: true,
  78771. Model: [Circular],
  78772. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78773. _modelAttribute: true,
  78774. field: 'createdAt' },
  78775. updatedAt:
  78776. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78777. allowNull: false,
  78778. _autoGenerated: true,
  78779. Model: [Circular],
  78780. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78781. _modelAttribute: true,
  78782. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78783. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  78784. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  78785. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  78786. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  78787. _isPrimaryKey:
  78788. { [Function: memoized]
  78789. cache:
  78790. MapCache {
  78791. size: 0,
  78792. __data__:
  78793. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78794. map: Map {},
  78795. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78796. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  78797. _scope: {},
  78798. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  78799. modelManager:
  78800. ModelManager {
  78801. models:
  78802. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  78804. options: [Circular],
  78805. associations: {},
  78806. underscored: undefined,
  78807. tableName: 'Balloons',
  78808. _schema: null,
  78809. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  78810. rawAttributes:
  78811. { id:
  78812. { type:
  78813. INTEGER {
  78814. options: { length: undefined },
  78815. _length: undefined,
  78816. _zerofill: undefined,
  78817. _decimals: undefined,
  78818. _precision: undefined,
  78819. _scale: undefined,
  78820. _unsigned: undefined },
  78821. allowNull: false,
  78822. primaryKey: true,
  78823. autoIncrement: true,
  78824. _autoGenerated: true,
  78825. Model: [Circular],
  78826. fieldName: 'id',
  78827. _modelAttribute: true,
  78828. field: 'id' },
  78829. size:
  78830. { type:
  78831. STRING {
  78832. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78833. _binary: undefined,
  78834. _length: 255 },
  78835. Model: [Circular],
  78836. fieldName: 'size',
  78837. _modelAttribute: true,
  78838. field: 'size' },
  78839. color:
  78840. { type:
  78841. STRING {
  78842. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78843. _binary: undefined,
  78844. _length: 255 },
  78845. Model: [Circular],
  78846. fieldName: 'color',
  78847. _modelAttribute: true,
  78848. field: 'color' },
  78849. createdAt:
  78850. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78851. allowNull: false,
  78852. _autoGenerated: true,
  78853. Model: [Circular],
  78854. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78855. _modelAttribute: true,
  78856. field: 'createdAt' },
  78857. updatedAt:
  78858. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78859. allowNull: false,
  78860. _autoGenerated: true,
  78861. Model: [Circular],
  78862. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78863. _modelAttribute: true,
  78864. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78865. primaryKeys:
  78866. { id:
  78867. { type:
  78868. INTEGER {
  78869. options: { length: undefined },
  78870. _length: undefined,
  78871. _zerofill: undefined,
  78872. _decimals: undefined,
  78873. _precision: undefined,
  78874. _scale: undefined,
  78875. _unsigned: undefined },
  78876. allowNull: false,
  78877. primaryKey: true,
  78878. autoIncrement: true,
  78879. _autoGenerated: true,
  78880. Model: [Circular],
  78881. fieldName: 'id',
  78882. _modelAttribute: true,
  78883. field: 'id' } },
  78884. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  78885. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  78886. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  78887. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  78888. { [Function: memoized]
  78889. cache:
  78890. MapCache {
  78891. size: 0,
  78892. __data__:
  78893. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78894. map: Map {},
  78895. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78896. _dataTypeChanges:
  78897. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  78898. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  78899. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  78900. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  78901. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  78902. _booleanAttributes: [],
  78903. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  78904. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  78905. _rangeAttributes: [],
  78906. _jsonAttributes: [],
  78907. _geometryAttributes: [],
  78908. _virtualAttributes: [],
  78909. _defaultValues: {},
  78910. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  78911. { id:
  78912. { type:
  78913. INTEGER {
  78914. options: { length: undefined },
  78915. _length: undefined,
  78916. _zerofill: undefined,
  78917. _decimals: undefined,
  78918. _precision: undefined,
  78919. _scale: undefined,
  78920. _unsigned: undefined },
  78921. allowNull: false,
  78922. primaryKey: true,
  78923. autoIncrement: true,
  78924. _autoGenerated: true,
  78925. Model: [Circular],
  78926. fieldName: 'id',
  78927. _modelAttribute: true,
  78928. field: 'id' },
  78929. size:
  78930. { type:
  78931. STRING {
  78932. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78933. _binary: undefined,
  78934. _length: 255 },
  78935. Model: [Circular],
  78936. fieldName: 'size',
  78937. _modelAttribute: true,
  78938. field: 'size' },
  78939. color:
  78940. { type:
  78941. STRING {
  78942. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  78943. _binary: undefined,
  78944. _length: 255 },
  78945. Model: [Circular],
  78946. fieldName: 'color',
  78947. _modelAttribute: true,
  78948. field: 'color' },
  78949. createdAt:
  78950. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78951. allowNull: false,
  78952. _autoGenerated: true,
  78953. Model: [Circular],
  78954. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  78955. _modelAttribute: true,
  78956. field: 'createdAt' },
  78957. updatedAt:
  78958. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  78959. allowNull: false,
  78960. _autoGenerated: true,
  78961. Model: [Circular],
  78962. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  78963. _modelAttribute: true,
  78964. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  78965. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  78966. uniqueKeys: {},
  78967. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  78968. _isBooleanAttribute:
  78969. { [Function: memoized]
  78970. cache:
  78971. MapCache {
  78972. size: 0,
  78973. __data__:
  78974. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78975. map: Map {},
  78976. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78977. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  78978. _isDateAttribute:
  78979. { [Function: memoized]
  78980. cache:
  78981. MapCache {
  78982. size: 0,
  78983. __data__:
  78984. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78985. map: Map {},
  78986. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78987. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  78988. _isHstoreAttribute:
  78989. { [Function: memoized]
  78990. cache:
  78991. MapCache {
  78992. size: 0,
  78993. __data__:
  78994. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  78995. map: Map {},
  78996. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  78997. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  78998. _isRangeAttribute:
  78999. { [Function: memoized]
  79000. cache:
  79001. MapCache {
  79002. size: 0,
  79003. __data__:
  79004. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  79005. map: Map {},
  79006. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  79007. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  79008. _isJsonAttribute:
  79009. { [Function: memoized]
  79010. cache:
  79011. MapCache {
  79012. size: 0,
  79013. __data__:
  79014. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  79015. map: Map {},
  79016. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  79017. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  79018. _isVirtualAttribute:
  79019. { [Function: memoized]
  79020. cache:
  79021. MapCache {
  79022. size: 5,
  79023. __data__:
  79024. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  79025. map: Map {},
  79026. string:
  79027. Hash {
  79028. __data__:
  79029. [Object: null prototype] {
  79030. id: false,
  79031. size: false,
  79032. color: false,
  79033. createdAt: false,
  79034. updatedAt: false },
  79035. size: 5 } } } },
  79036. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  79037. _isGeometryAttribute:
  79038. { [Function: memoized]
  79039. cache:
  79040. MapCache {
  79041. size: 0,
  79042. __data__:
  79043. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  79044. map: Map {},
  79045. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  79046. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  79047. attributes:
  79048. { id:
  79049. { type:
  79050. INTEGER {
  79051. options: { length: undefined },
  79052. _length: undefined,
  79053. _zerofill: undefined,
  79054. _decimals: undefined,
  79055. _precision: undefined,
  79056. _scale: undefined,
  79057. _unsigned: undefined },
  79058. allowNull: false,
  79059. primaryKey: true,
  79060. autoIncrement: true,
  79061. _autoGenerated: true,
  79062. Model: [Circular],
  79063. fieldName: 'id',
  79064. _modelAttribute: true,
  79065. field: 'id' },
  79066. size:
  79067. { type:
  79068. STRING {
  79069. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  79070. _binary: undefined,
  79071. _length: 255 },
  79072. Model: [Circular],
  79073. fieldName: 'size',
  79074. _modelAttribute: true,
  79075. field: 'size' },
  79076. color:
  79077. { type:
  79078. STRING {
  79079. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  79080. _binary: undefined,
  79081. _length: 255 },
  79082. Model: [Circular],
  79083. fieldName: 'color',
  79084. _modelAttribute: true,
  79085. field: 'color' },
  79086. createdAt:
  79087. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  79088. allowNull: false,
  79089. _autoGenerated: true,
  79090. Model: [Circular],
  79091. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  79092. _modelAttribute: true,
  79093. field: 'createdAt' },
  79094. updatedAt:
  79095. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  79096. allowNull: false,
  79097. _autoGenerated: true,
  79098. Model: [Circular],
  79099. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  79100. _modelAttribute: true,
  79101. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  79102. tableAttributes:
  79103. { id:
  79104. { type:
  79105. INTEGER {
  79106. options: { length: undefined },
  79107. _length: undefined,
  79108. _zerofill: undefined,
  79109. _decimals: undefined,
  79110. _precision: undefined,
  79111. _scale: undefined,
  79112. _unsigned: undefined },
  79113. allowNull: false,
  79114. primaryKey: true,
  79115. autoIncrement: true,
  79116. _autoGenerated: true,
  79117. Model: [Circular],
  79118. fieldName: 'id',
  79119. _modelAttribute: true,
  79120. field: 'id' },
  79121. size:
  79122. { type:
  79123. STRING {
  79124. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  79125. _binary: undefined,
  79126. _length: 255 },
  79127. Model: [Circular],
  79128. fieldName: 'size',
  79129. _modelAttribute: true,
  79130. field: 'size' },
  79131. color:
  79132. { type:
  79133. STRING {
  79134. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  79135. _binary: undefined,
  79136. _length: 255 },
  79137. Model: [Circular],
  79138. fieldName: 'color',
  79139. _modelAttribute: true,
  79140. field: 'color' },
  79141. createdAt:
  79142. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  79143. allowNull: false,
  79144. _autoGenerated: true,
  79145. Model: [Circular],
  79146. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  79147. _modelAttribute: true,
  79148. field: 'createdAt' },
  79149. updatedAt:
  79150. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  79151. allowNull: false,
  79152. _autoGenerated: true,
  79153. Model: [Circular],
  79154. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  79155. _modelAttribute: true,
  79156. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  79157. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  79158. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  79159. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  79160. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  79161. _isPrimaryKey:
  79162. { [Function: memoized]
  79163. cache:
  79164. MapCache {
  79165. size: 0,
  79166. __data__:
  79167. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  79168. map: Map {},
  79169. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  79170. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  79171. _scope: {},
  79172. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  79173. sequelize: [Circular] },
  79174. connectionManager:
  79175. ConnectionManager {
  79176. sequelize: [Circular],
  79177. config:
  79178. { database: 'lbry',
  79179. username: 'root',
  79180. password: 'abcd1234',
  79181. host: 'localhost',
  79182. port: undefined,
  79183. pool:
  79184. { max: 5,
  79185. min: 0,
  79186. acquire: 30000,
  79187. idle: 10000,
  79188. evict: 10000,
  79189. handleDisconnects: true,
  79190. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  79191. Promise:
  79192. { [Function: Promise]
  79193. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  79194. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  79195. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  79196. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  79197. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79198. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79199. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  79200. _peekContext: [Function],
  79201. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  79202. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  79203. longStackTraces: [Function],
  79204. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  79205. config: [Function],
  79206. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  79207. is: [Function],
  79208. fromCallback: [Function],
  79209. fromNode: [Function],
  79210. all: [Function],
  79211. cast: [Function],
  79212. fulfilled: [Function],
  79213. resolve: [Function],
  79214. rejected: [Function],
  79215. reject: [Function],
  79216. setScheduler: [Function],
  79217. pending: [Function],
  79218. defer: [Function],
  79219. method: [Function],
  79220. try: [Function],
  79221. attempt: [Function],
  79222. bind: [Function],
  79223. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  79224. join: [Function],
  79225. Promise: [Circular],
  79226. version: '3.5.3',
  79227. map: [Function],
  79228. using: [Function],
  79229. delay: [Function],
  79230. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  79231. spawn: [Function],
  79232. promisify: [Function],
  79233. promisifyAll: [Function],
  79234. props: [Function],
  79235. race: [Function],
  79236. reduce: [Function],
  79237. settle: [Function],
  79238. some: [Function],
  79239. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  79240. filter: [Function],
  79241. each: [Function],
  79242. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  79243. any: [Function],
  79244. default: [Circular] } },
  79245. protocol: 'tcp',
  79246. native: false,
  79247. ssl: undefined,
  79248. replication: false,
  79249. dialectModulePath: null,
  79250. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  79251. dialectOptions: undefined },
  79252. dialect:
  79253. MysqlDialect {
  79254. sequelize: [Circular],
  79255. connectionManager: [Circular],
  79256. QueryGenerator:
  79257. { dialect: 'mysql',
  79258. OperatorMap:
  79259. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  79260. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  79261. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  79262. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  79263. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  79264. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  79265. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  79266. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  79267. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  79268. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  79269. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  79270. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  79271. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  79272. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  79273. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  79274. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  79275. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  79276. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  79277. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  79278. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  79279. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  79280. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  79281. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  79282. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  79283. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  79284. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  79285. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  79286. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  79287. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  79288. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  79289. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  79290. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  79291. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  79292. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  79293. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  79294. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  79295. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  79296. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  79297. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  79298. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  79299. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  79300. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  79301. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  79302. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  79303. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  79304. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  79305. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  79306. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  79307. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  79308. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  79309. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  79310. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  79311. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  79312. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  79313. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  79314. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  79315. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  79316. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  79317. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  79318. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  79319. _templateSettings:
  79320. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  79321. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  79322. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  79323. variable: '',
  79324. imports:
  79325. { _:
  79326. { [Function: lodash]
  79327. templateSettings: [Circular],
  79328. after: [Function: after],
  79329. ary: [Function: ary],
  79330. assign: [Function],
  79331. assignIn: [Function],
  79332. assignInWith: [Function],
  79333. assignWith: [Function],
  79334. at: [Function],
  79335. before: [Function: before],
  79336. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79337. bindAll: [Function],
  79338. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79339. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  79340. chain: [Function: chain],
  79341. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  79342. compact: [Function: compact],
  79343. concat: [Function: concat],
  79344. cond: [Function: cond],
  79345. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  79346. constant: [Function: constant],
  79347. countBy: [Function],
  79348. create: [Function: create],
  79349. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79350. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79351. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  79352. defaults: [Function],
  79353. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  79354. defer: [Function],
  79355. delay: [Function],
  79356. difference: [Function],
  79357. differenceBy: [Function],
  79358. differenceWith: [Function],
  79359. drop: [Function: drop],
  79360. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  79361. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  79362. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  79363. fill: [Function: fill],
  79364. filter: [Function: filter],
  79365. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  79366. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  79367. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  79368. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  79369. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  79370. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  79371. flip: [Function: flip],
  79372. flow: [Function],
  79373. flowRight: [Function],
  79374. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  79375. functions: [Function: functions],
  79376. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  79377. groupBy: [Function],
  79378. initial: [Function: initial],
  79379. intersection: [Function],
  79380. intersectionBy: [Function],
  79381. intersectionWith: [Function],
  79382. invert: [Function],
  79383. invertBy: [Function],
  79384. invokeMap: [Function],
  79385. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  79386. keyBy: [Function],
  79387. keys: [Function: keys],
  79388. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  79389. map: [Function: map],
  79390. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  79391. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  79392. matches: [Function: matches],
  79393. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  79394. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  79395. merge: [Function],
  79396. mergeWith: [Function],
  79397. method: [Function],
  79398. methodOf: [Function],
  79399. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  79400. negate: [Function: negate],
  79401. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  79402. omit: [Function],
  79403. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  79404. once: [Function: once],
  79405. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  79406. over: [Function],
  79407. overArgs: [Function],
  79408. overEvery: [Function],
  79409. overSome: [Function],
  79410. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79411. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  79412. partition: [Function],
  79413. pick: [Function],
  79414. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  79415. property: [Function: property],
  79416. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  79417. pull: [Function],
  79418. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  79419. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  79420. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  79421. pullAt: [Function],
  79422. range: [Function],
  79423. rangeRight: [Function],
  79424. rearg: [Function],
  79425. reject: [Function: reject],
  79426. remove: [Function: remove],
  79427. rest: [Function: rest],
  79428. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  79429. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  79430. set: [Function: set],
  79431. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  79432. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  79433. slice: [Function: slice],
  79434. sortBy: [Function],
  79435. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  79436. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  79437. split: [Function: split],
  79438. spread: [Function: spread],
  79439. tail: [Function: tail],
  79440. take: [Function: take],
  79441. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  79442. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  79443. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  79444. tap: [Function: tap],
  79445. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  79446. thru: [Function: thru],
  79447. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  79448. toPairs: [Function],
  79449. toPairsIn: [Function],
  79450. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  79451. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  79452. transform: [Function: transform],
  79453. unary: [Function: unary],
  79454. union: [Function],
  79455. unionBy: [Function],
  79456. unionWith: [Function],
  79457. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  79458. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  79459. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  79460. unset: [Function: unset],
  79461. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  79462. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  79463. update: [Function: update],
  79464. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  79465. values: [Function: values],
  79466. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  79467. without: [Function],
  79468. words: [Function: words],
  79469. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  79470. xor: [Function],
  79471. xorBy: [Function],
  79472. xorWith: [Function],
  79473. zip: [Function],
  79474. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  79475. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  79476. zipWith: [Function],
  79477. entries: [Function],
  79478. entriesIn: [Function],
  79479. extend: [Function],
  79480. extendWith: [Function],
  79481. add: [Function],
  79482. attempt: [Function],
  79483. camelCase: [Function],
  79484. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  79485. ceil: [Function],
  79486. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  79487. clone: [Function: clone],
  79488. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  79489. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  79490. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  79491. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  79492. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  79493. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  79494. divide: [Function],
  79495. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  79496. eq: [Function: eq],
  79497. escape: [Function: escape],
  79498. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  79499. every: [Function: every],
  79500. find: [Function],
  79501. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  79502. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  79503. findLast: [Function],
  79504. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  79505. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  79506. floor: [Function],
  79507. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  79508. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  79509. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  79510. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  79511. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  79512. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  79513. get: [Function: get],
  79514. gt: [Function],
  79515. gte: [Function],
  79516. has: [Function: has],
  79517. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  79518. head: [Function: head],
  79519. identity: [Function: identity],
  79520. includes: [Function: includes],
  79521. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  79522. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  79523. invoke: [Function],
  79524. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  79525. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  79526. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  79527. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  79528. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  79529. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  79530. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  79531. isDate: [Function],
  79532. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  79533. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  79534. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  79535. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  79536. isError: [Function: isError],
  79537. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  79538. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  79539. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  79540. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  79541. isMap: [Function],
  79542. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  79543. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  79544. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  79545. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  79546. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  79547. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  79548. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  79549. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  79550. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  79551. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  79552. isRegExp: [Function],
  79553. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  79554. isSet: [Function],
  79555. isString: [Function: isString],
  79556. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  79557. isTypedArray: [Function],
  79558. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  79559. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  79560. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  79561. join: [Function: join],
  79562. kebabCase: [Function],
  79563. last: [Function: last],
  79564. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  79565. lowerCase: [Function],
  79566. lowerFirst: [Function],
  79567. lt: [Function],
  79568. lte: [Function],
  79569. max: [Function: max],
  79570. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  79571. mean: [Function: mean],
  79572. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  79573. min: [Function: min],
  79574. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  79575. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  79576. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  79577. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  79578. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  79579. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  79580. multiply: [Function],
  79581. nth: [Function: nth],
  79582. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  79583. noop: [Function: noop],
  79584. now: [Function],
  79585. pad: [Function: pad],
  79586. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  79587. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  79588. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  79589. random: [Function: random],
  79590. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  79591. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  79592. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  79593. replace: [Function: replace],
  79594. result: [Function: result],
  79595. round: [Function],
  79596. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  79597. sample: [Function: sample],
  79598. size: [Function: size],
  79599. snakeCase: [Function],
  79600. some: [Function: some],
  79601. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  79602. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  79603. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  79604. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  79605. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  79606. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  79607. startCase: [Function],
  79608. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  79609. subtract: [Function],
  79610. sum: [Function: sum],
  79611. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  79612. template: [Function: template],
  79613. times: [Function: times],
  79614. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  79615. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  79616. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  79617. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  79618. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  79619. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  79620. toString: [Function: toString],
  79621. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  79622. trim: [Function: trim],
  79623. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  79624. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  79625. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  79626. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  79627. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  79628. upperCase: [Function],
  79629. upperFirst: [Function],
  79630. each: [Function: forEach],
  79631. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  79632. first: [Function: head],
  79633. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  79634. options:
  79635. { dialect: 'mysql',
  79636. dialectModulePath: null,
  79637. host: 'localhost',
  79638. protocol: 'tcp',
  79639. define: {},
  79640. query: {},
  79641. sync: {},
  79642. timezone: '+00:00',
  79643. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  79644. omitNull: false,
  79645. native: false,
  79646. replication: false,
  79647. ssl: undefined,
  79648. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  79649. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  79650. hooks: {},
  79651. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  79652. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  79653. isolationLevel: null,
  79654. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  79655. typeValidation: false,
  79656. benchmark: false,
  79657. operatorsAliases: false },
  79658. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  79659. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  79660. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  79661. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  79662. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  79663. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  79664. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  79665. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  79666. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  79667. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  79668. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  79669. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  79670. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  79671. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  79672. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  79673. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  79674. quote: [Function: quote],
  79675. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  79676. escape: [Function: escape],
  79677. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  79678. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  79679. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  79680. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  79681. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  79682. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  79683. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  79684. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  79685. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  79686. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  79687. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  79688. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  79689. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  79690. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  79691. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  79692. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  79693. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  79694. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  79695. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  79696. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  79697. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  79698. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  79699. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  79700. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  79701. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  79702. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  79703. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  79704. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  79705. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  79706. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  79707. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  79708. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  79709. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  79710. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  79711. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  79712. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  79713. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  79714. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  79715. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  79716. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  79717. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  79718. _dialect: [Circular],
  79719. sequelize: [Circular],
  79720. typeValidation: undefined } },
  79721. versionPromise: null,
  79722. dialectName: 'mysql',
  79723. pool:
  79724. Pool {
  79725. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  79726. _eventsCount: 0,
  79727. _maxListeners: undefined,
  79728. _config:
  79729. PoolOptions {
  79730. fifo: true,
  79731. priorityRange: 1,
  79732. testOnBorrow: true,
  79733. testOnReturn: false,
  79734. autostart: false,
  79735. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  79736. max: 5,
  79737. min: 0,
  79738. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  79739. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  79740. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  79741. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  79742. Promise:
  79743. { [Function: Promise]
  79744. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  79745. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  79746. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  79747. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  79748. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79749. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79750. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  79751. _peekContext: [Function],
  79752. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  79753. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  79754. longStackTraces: [Function],
  79755. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  79756. config: [Function],
  79757. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  79758. is: [Function],
  79759. fromCallback: [Function],
  79760. fromNode: [Function],
  79761. all: [Function],
  79762. cast: [Function],
  79763. fulfilled: [Function],
  79764. resolve: [Function],
  79765. rejected: [Function],
  79766. reject: [Function],
  79767. setScheduler: [Function],
  79768. pending: [Function],
  79769. defer: [Function],
  79770. method: [Function],
  79771. try: [Function],
  79772. attempt: [Function],
  79773. bind: [Function],
  79774. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  79775. join: [Function],
  79776. Promise: [Circular],
  79777. version: '3.5.3',
  79778. map: [Function],
  79779. using: [Function],
  79780. delay: [Function],
  79781. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  79782. spawn: [Function],
  79783. promisify: [Function],
  79784. promisifyAll: [Function],
  79785. props: [Function],
  79786. race: [Function],
  79787. reduce: [Function],
  79788. settle: [Function],
  79789. some: [Function],
  79790. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  79791. filter: [Function],
  79792. each: [Function],
  79793. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  79794. any: [Function],
  79795. default: [Circular] } },
  79796. _Promise:
  79797. { [Function: Promise]
  79798. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  79799. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  79800. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  79801. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  79802. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79803. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  79804. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  79805. _peekContext: [Function],
  79806. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  79807. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  79808. longStackTraces: [Function],
  79809. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  79810. config: [Function],
  79811. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  79812. is: [Function],
  79813. fromCallback: [Function],
  79814. fromNode: [Function],
  79815. all: [Function],
  79816. cast: [Function],
  79817. fulfilled: [Function],
  79818. resolve: [Function],
  79819. rejected: [Function],
  79820. reject: [Function],
  79821. setScheduler: [Function],
  79822. pending: [Function],
  79823. defer: [Function],
  79824. method: [Function],
  79825. try: [Function],
  79826. attempt: [Function],
  79827. bind: [Function],
  79828. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  79829. join: [Function],
  79830. Promise: [Circular],
  79831. version: '3.5.3',
  79832. map: [Function],
  79833. using: [Function],
  79834. delay: [Function],
  79835. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  79836. spawn: [Function],
  79837. promisify: [Function],
  79838. promisifyAll: [Function],
  79839. props: [Function],
  79840. race: [Function],
  79841. reduce: [Function],
  79842. settle: [Function],
  79843. some: [Function],
  79844. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  79845. filter: [Function],
  79846. each: [Function],
  79847. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  79848. any: [Function],
  79849. default: [Circular] },
  79850. _factory:
  79851. { create: [Function: create],
  79852. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  79853. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  79854. _draining: false,
  79855. _started: true,
  79856. _waitingClientsQueue:
  79857. PriorityQueue {
  79858. _size: 1,
  79859. _slots:
  79860. [ Queue {
  79861. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  79862. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  79863. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  79864. _availableObjects:
  79865. Deque {
  79866. _list:
  79867. DoublyLinkedList {
  79868. head:
  79869. { prev: null,
  79870. next:
  79871. { prev: [Circular],
  79872. next: null,
  79873. data:
  79874. PooledResource {
  79875. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  79876. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  79877. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  79878. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  79879. obj:
  79880. Connection {
  79881. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  79882. _eventsCount: 1,
  79883. _maxListeners: undefined,
  79884. config:
  79885. ConnectionConfig {
  79886. isServer: undefined,
  79887. stream: undefined,
  79888. host: 'localhost',
  79889. port: 3306,
  79890. localAddress: undefined,
  79891. socketPath: undefined,
  79892. user: 'root',
  79893. password: 'abcd1234',
  79894. passwordSha1: undefined,
  79895. database: 'lbry',
  79896. connectTimeout: 10000,
  79897. insecureAuth: false,
  79898. supportBigNumbers: true,
  79899. bigNumberStrings: false,
  79900. decimalNumbers: false,
  79901. dateStrings: false,
  79902. debug: undefined,
  79903. trace: true,
  79904. stringifyObjects: false,
  79905. timezone: '+00:00',
  79906. queryFormat: undefined,
  79907. pool: undefined,
  79908. ssl: false,
  79909. multipleStatements: false,
  79910. rowsAsArray: false,
  79911. namedPlaceholders: false,
  79912. nestTables: undefined,
  79913. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  79914. maxPacketSize: 0,
  79915. charsetNumber: 224,
  79916. compress: false,
  79917. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  79918. clientFlags: 8582093,
  79919. connectAttributes: undefined,
  79920. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  79921. stream:
  79922. Socket {
  79923. connecting: false,
  79924. _hadError: false,
  79925. _handle:
  79926. TCP {
  79927. reading: true,
  79928. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  79929. onconnection: null,
  79930. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  79931. _parent: null,
  79932. _host: 'localhost',
  79933. _readableState:
  79934. ReadableState {
  79935. objectMode: false,
  79936. highWaterMark: 16384,
  79937. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  79938. length: 0,
  79939. pipes: null,
  79940. pipesCount: 0,
  79941. flowing: true,
  79942. ended: false,
  79943. endEmitted: false,
  79944. reading: true,
  79945. sync: false,
  79946. needReadable: true,
  79947. emittedReadable: false,
  79948. readableListening: false,
  79949. resumeScheduled: false,
  79950. emitClose: false,
  79951. autoDestroy: false,
  79952. destroyed: false,
  79953. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  79954. awaitDrain: 0,
  79955. readingMore: false,
  79956. decoder: null,
  79957. encoding: null },
  79958. readable: true,
  79959. _events:
  79960. [Object: null prototype] {
  79961. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  79962. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  79963. data: [Function],
  79964. close: [Function] },
  79965. _eventsCount: 4,
  79966. _maxListeners: undefined,
  79967. _writableState:
  79968. WritableState {
  79969. objectMode: false,
  79970. highWaterMark: 16384,
  79971. finalCalled: false,
  79972. needDrain: false,
  79973. ending: false,
  79974. ended: false,
  79975. finished: false,
  79976. destroyed: false,
  79977. decodeStrings: false,
  79978. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  79979. length: 0,
  79980. writing: false,
  79981. corked: 0,
  79982. sync: false,
  79983. bufferProcessing: false,
  79984. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  79985. writecb: null,
  79986. writelen: 0,
  79987. bufferedRequest: null,
  79988. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  79989. pendingcb: 0,
  79990. prefinished: false,
  79991. errorEmitted: false,
  79992. emitClose: false,
  79993. autoDestroy: false,
  79994. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  79995. corkedRequestsFree:
  79996. { next: null,
  79997. entry: null,
  79998. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  79999. writable: true,
  80000. allowHalfOpen: false,
  80001. _sockname: null,
  80002. _pendingData: null,
  80003. _pendingEncoding: '',
  80004. server: null,
  80005. _server: null,
  80006. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  80007. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  80008. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  80009. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  80010. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  80011. _internalId: 1,
  80012. _commands:
  80013. Denque {
  80014. _head: 0,
  80015. _tail: 0,
  80016. _capacityMask: 3,
  80017. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80018. _command: undefined,
  80019. _paused: false,
  80020. _paused_packets:
  80021. Denque {
  80022. _head: 0,
  80023. _tail: 0,
  80024. _capacityMask: 3,
  80025. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80026. _statements:
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  80028. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  80029. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  80030. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  80031. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  80032. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  80033. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  80034. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  80035. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  80036. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  80037. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80038. authorized: true,
  80039. sequenceId: 23,
  80040. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  80041. threadId: 1303,
  80042. _handshakePacket:
  80043. Handshake {
  80044. protocolVersion: 10,
  80045. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  80046. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80047. connectionId: 1303,
  80048. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  80049. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  80050. characterSet: 255,
  80051. statusFlags: 2 },
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  80053. _protocolError: null,
  80054. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  80055. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  80056. packetParser:
  80057. PacketParser {
  80058. buffer: [],
  80059. bufferLength: 0,
  80060. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  80061. headerLen: 0,
  80062. length: 5,
  80063. largePacketParts: [],
  80064. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  80065. onPacket: [Function],
  80066. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  80067. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  80068. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  80069. connectTimeout: null,
  80070. connectionId: 1303 },
  80071. state: 'IDLE' } },
  80072. data:
  80073. PooledResource {
  80074. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  80075. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  80076. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  80077. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  80078. obj:
  80079. Connection {
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  80081. _eventsCount: 1,
  80082. _maxListeners: undefined,
  80083. config:
  80084. ConnectionConfig {
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  80086. stream: undefined,
  80087. host: 'localhost',
  80088. port: 3306,
  80089. localAddress: undefined,
  80090. socketPath: undefined,
  80091. user: 'root',
  80092. password: 'abcd1234',
  80093. passwordSha1: undefined,
  80094. database: 'lbry',
  80095. connectTimeout: 10000,
  80096. insecureAuth: false,
  80097. supportBigNumbers: true,
  80098. bigNumberStrings: false,
  80099. decimalNumbers: false,
  80100. dateStrings: false,
  80101. debug: undefined,
  80102. trace: true,
  80103. stringifyObjects: false,
  80104. timezone: '+00:00',
  80105. queryFormat: undefined,
  80106. pool: undefined,
  80107. ssl: false,
  80108. multipleStatements: false,
  80109. rowsAsArray: false,
  80110. namedPlaceholders: false,
  80111. nestTables: undefined,
  80112. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  80113. maxPacketSize: 0,
  80114. charsetNumber: 224,
  80115. compress: false,
  80116. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  80117. clientFlags: 8582093,
  80118. connectAttributes: undefined,
  80119. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  80121. Socket {
  80122. connecting: false,
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  80125. TCP {
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  80127. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  80129. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  80131. _host: 'localhost',
  80132. _readableState:
  80133. ReadableState {
  80134. objectMode: false,
  80135. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80136. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  80137. length: 0,
  80138. pipes: null,
  80139. pipesCount: 0,
  80140. flowing: true,
  80141. ended: false,
  80142. endEmitted: false,
  80143. reading: true,
  80144. sync: false,
  80145. needReadable: true,
  80146. emittedReadable: false,
  80147. readableListening: false,
  80148. resumeScheduled: false,
  80149. emitClose: false,
  80150. autoDestroy: false,
  80151. destroyed: false,
  80152. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80153. awaitDrain: 0,
  80154. readingMore: false,
  80155. decoder: null,
  80156. encoding: null },
  80157. readable: true,
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  80159. [Object: null prototype] {
  80160. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  80161. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  80162. data: [Function],
  80163. close: [Function] },
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  80165. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  80169. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80170. finalCalled: false,
  80171. needDrain: false,
  80172. ending: false,
  80173. ended: false,
  80174. finished: false,
  80175. destroyed: false,
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  80177. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80178. length: 0,
  80179. writing: false,
  80180. corked: 0,
  80181. sync: false,
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  80185. writelen: 0,
  80186. bufferedRequest: null,
  80187. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  80188. pendingcb: 0,
  80189. prefinished: false,
  80190. errorEmitted: false,
  80191. emitClose: false,
  80192. autoDestroy: false,
  80193. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  80194. corkedRequestsFree:
  80195. { next: null,
  80196. entry: null,
  80197. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  80198. writable: true,
  80199. allowHalfOpen: false,
  80200. _sockname: null,
  80201. _pendingData: null,
  80202. _pendingEncoding: '',
  80203. server: null,
  80204. _server: null,
  80205. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  80206. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  80207. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  80208. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  80209. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  80210. _internalId: 2,
  80211. _commands:
  80212. Denque {
  80213. _head: 0,
  80214. _tail: 0,
  80215. _capacityMask: 3,
  80216. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80217. _command: undefined,
  80218. _paused: false,
  80219. _paused_packets:
  80220. Denque {
  80221. _head: 0,
  80222. _tail: 0,
  80223. _capacityMask: 3,
  80224. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  80226. LRUCache {
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  80228. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  80229. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  80230. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  80231. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  80232. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  80233. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  80234. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  80235. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  80236. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80237. authorized: true,
  80238. sequenceId: 2,
  80239. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  80240. threadId: 1302,
  80241. _handshakePacket:
  80242. Handshake {
  80243. protocolVersion: 10,
  80244. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  80245. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80246. connectionId: 1302,
  80247. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  80248. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  80249. characterSet: 255,
  80250. statusFlags: 2 },
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  80252. _protocolError: null,
  80253. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  80254. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  80255. packetParser:
  80256. PacketParser {
  80257. buffer: [],
  80258. bufferLength: 0,
  80259. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  80260. headerLen: 0,
  80261. length: 7,
  80262. largePacketParts: [],
  80263. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  80264. onPacket: [Function],
  80265. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  80266. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  80267. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  80268. connectTimeout: null,
  80269. connectionId: 1302 },
  80270. state: 'IDLE' } },
  80271. tail:
  80272. { prev:
  80273. { prev: null,
  80274. next: [Circular],
  80275. data:
  80276. PooledResource {
  80277. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  80278. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  80279. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  80280. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  80281. obj:
  80282. Connection {
  80283. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  80284. _eventsCount: 1,
  80285. _maxListeners: undefined,
  80286. config:
  80287. ConnectionConfig {
  80288. isServer: undefined,
  80289. stream: undefined,
  80290. host: 'localhost',
  80291. port: 3306,
  80292. localAddress: undefined,
  80293. socketPath: undefined,
  80294. user: 'root',
  80295. password: 'abcd1234',
  80296. passwordSha1: undefined,
  80297. database: 'lbry',
  80298. connectTimeout: 10000,
  80299. insecureAuth: false,
  80300. supportBigNumbers: true,
  80301. bigNumberStrings: false,
  80302. decimalNumbers: false,
  80303. dateStrings: false,
  80304. debug: undefined,
  80305. trace: true,
  80306. stringifyObjects: false,
  80307. timezone: '+00:00',
  80308. queryFormat: undefined,
  80309. pool: undefined,
  80310. ssl: false,
  80311. multipleStatements: false,
  80312. rowsAsArray: false,
  80313. namedPlaceholders: false,
  80314. nestTables: undefined,
  80315. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  80316. maxPacketSize: 0,
  80317. charsetNumber: 224,
  80318. compress: false,
  80319. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  80320. clientFlags: 8582093,
  80321. connectAttributes: undefined,
  80322. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  80323. stream:
  80324. Socket {
  80325. connecting: false,
  80326. _hadError: false,
  80327. _handle:
  80328. TCP {
  80329. reading: true,
  80330. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  80331. onconnection: null,
  80332. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  80333. _parent: null,
  80334. _host: 'localhost',
  80335. _readableState:
  80336. ReadableState {
  80337. objectMode: false,
  80338. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80339. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  80340. length: 0,
  80341. pipes: null,
  80342. pipesCount: 0,
  80343. flowing: true,
  80344. ended: false,
  80345. endEmitted: false,
  80346. reading: true,
  80347. sync: false,
  80348. needReadable: true,
  80349. emittedReadable: false,
  80350. readableListening: false,
  80351. resumeScheduled: false,
  80352. emitClose: false,
  80353. autoDestroy: false,
  80354. destroyed: false,
  80355. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80356. awaitDrain: 0,
  80357. readingMore: false,
  80358. decoder: null,
  80359. encoding: null },
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  80361. _events:
  80362. [Object: null prototype] {
  80363. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  80364. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  80365. data: [Function],
  80366. close: [Function] },
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  80368. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  80370. WritableState {
  80371. objectMode: false,
  80372. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80373. finalCalled: false,
  80374. needDrain: false,
  80375. ending: false,
  80376. ended: false,
  80377. finished: false,
  80378. destroyed: false,
  80379. decodeStrings: false,
  80380. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80381. length: 0,
  80382. writing: false,
  80383. corked: 0,
  80384. sync: false,
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  80388. writelen: 0,
  80389. bufferedRequest: null,
  80390. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  80391. pendingcb: 0,
  80392. prefinished: false,
  80393. errorEmitted: false,
  80394. emitClose: false,
  80395. autoDestroy: false,
  80396. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  80397. corkedRequestsFree:
  80398. { next: null,
  80399. entry: null,
  80400. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  80401. writable: true,
  80402. allowHalfOpen: false,
  80403. _sockname: null,
  80404. _pendingData: null,
  80405. _pendingEncoding: '',
  80406. server: null,
  80407. _server: null,
  80408. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  80409. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  80410. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  80411. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  80412. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  80413. _internalId: 2,
  80414. _commands:
  80415. Denque {
  80416. _head: 0,
  80417. _tail: 0,
  80418. _capacityMask: 3,
  80419. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80420. _command: undefined,
  80421. _paused: false,
  80422. _paused_packets:
  80423. Denque {
  80424. _head: 0,
  80425. _tail: 0,
  80426. _capacityMask: 3,
  80427. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80428. _statements:
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  80431. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  80432. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  80433. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  80434. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  80435. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  80436. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  80437. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  80438. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  80439. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80440. authorized: true,
  80441. sequenceId: 2,
  80442. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  80443. threadId: 1302,
  80444. _handshakePacket:
  80445. Handshake {
  80446. protocolVersion: 10,
  80447. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  80448. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80449. connectionId: 1302,
  80450. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  80451. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  80452. characterSet: 255,
  80453. statusFlags: 2 },
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  80455. _protocolError: null,
  80456. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  80457. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  80458. packetParser:
  80459. PacketParser {
  80460. buffer: [],
  80461. bufferLength: 0,
  80462. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  80463. headerLen: 0,
  80464. length: 7,
  80465. largePacketParts: [],
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  80467. onPacket: [Function],
  80468. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  80469. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  80470. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  80471. connectTimeout: null,
  80472. connectionId: 1302 },
  80473. state: 'IDLE' } },
  80474. next: null,
  80475. data:
  80476. PooledResource {
  80477. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  80478. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  80479. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  80480. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  80481. obj:
  80482. Connection {
  80483. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  80484. _eventsCount: 1,
  80485. _maxListeners: undefined,
  80486. config:
  80487. ConnectionConfig {
  80488. isServer: undefined,
  80489. stream: undefined,
  80490. host: 'localhost',
  80491. port: 3306,
  80492. localAddress: undefined,
  80493. socketPath: undefined,
  80494. user: 'root',
  80495. password: 'abcd1234',
  80496. passwordSha1: undefined,
  80497. database: 'lbry',
  80498. connectTimeout: 10000,
  80499. insecureAuth: false,
  80500. supportBigNumbers: true,
  80501. bigNumberStrings: false,
  80502. decimalNumbers: false,
  80503. dateStrings: false,
  80504. debug: undefined,
  80505. trace: true,
  80506. stringifyObjects: false,
  80507. timezone: '+00:00',
  80508. queryFormat: undefined,
  80509. pool: undefined,
  80510. ssl: false,
  80511. multipleStatements: false,
  80512. rowsAsArray: false,
  80513. namedPlaceholders: false,
  80514. nestTables: undefined,
  80515. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  80516. maxPacketSize: 0,
  80517. charsetNumber: 224,
  80518. compress: false,
  80519. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  80520. clientFlags: 8582093,
  80521. connectAttributes: undefined,
  80522. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  80523. stream:
  80524. Socket {
  80525. connecting: false,
  80526. _hadError: false,
  80527. _handle:
  80528. TCP {
  80529. reading: true,
  80530. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  80531. onconnection: null,
  80532. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  80533. _parent: null,
  80534. _host: 'localhost',
  80535. _readableState:
  80536. ReadableState {
  80537. objectMode: false,
  80538. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80539. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  80540. length: 0,
  80541. pipes: null,
  80542. pipesCount: 0,
  80543. flowing: true,
  80544. ended: false,
  80545. endEmitted: false,
  80546. reading: true,
  80547. sync: false,
  80548. needReadable: true,
  80549. emittedReadable: false,
  80550. readableListening: false,
  80551. resumeScheduled: false,
  80552. emitClose: false,
  80553. autoDestroy: false,
  80554. destroyed: false,
  80555. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80556. awaitDrain: 0,
  80557. readingMore: false,
  80558. decoder: null,
  80559. encoding: null },
  80560. readable: true,
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  80562. [Object: null prototype] {
  80563. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  80564. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  80565. data: [Function],
  80566. close: [Function] },
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  80568. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  80570. WritableState {
  80571. objectMode: false,
  80572. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80573. finalCalled: false,
  80574. needDrain: false,
  80575. ending: false,
  80576. ended: false,
  80577. finished: false,
  80578. destroyed: false,
  80579. decodeStrings: false,
  80580. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80581. length: 0,
  80582. writing: false,
  80583. corked: 0,
  80584. sync: false,
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  80586. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  80588. writelen: 0,
  80589. bufferedRequest: null,
  80590. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  80591. pendingcb: 0,
  80592. prefinished: false,
  80593. errorEmitted: false,
  80594. emitClose: false,
  80595. autoDestroy: false,
  80596. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  80597. corkedRequestsFree:
  80598. { next: null,
  80599. entry: null,
  80600. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  80601. writable: true,
  80602. allowHalfOpen: false,
  80603. _sockname: null,
  80604. _pendingData: null,
  80605. _pendingEncoding: '',
  80606. server: null,
  80607. _server: null,
  80608. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  80609. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  80610. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  80611. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  80612. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  80613. _internalId: 1,
  80614. _commands:
  80615. Denque {
  80616. _head: 0,
  80617. _tail: 0,
  80618. _capacityMask: 3,
  80619. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80620. _command: undefined,
  80621. _paused: false,
  80622. _paused_packets:
  80623. Denque {
  80624. _head: 0,
  80625. _tail: 0,
  80626. _capacityMask: 3,
  80627. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80628. _statements:
  80629. LRUCache {
  80630. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  80631. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  80632. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  80633. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  80634. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  80635. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  80636. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  80637. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  80638. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  80639. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80640. authorized: true,
  80641. sequenceId: 23,
  80642. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  80643. threadId: 1303,
  80644. _handshakePacket:
  80645. Handshake {
  80646. protocolVersion: 10,
  80647. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  80648. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80649. connectionId: 1303,
  80650. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  80651. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  80652. characterSet: 255,
  80653. statusFlags: 2 },
  80654. _fatalError: null,
  80655. _protocolError: null,
  80656. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  80657. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  80658. packetParser:
  80659. PacketParser {
  80660. buffer: [],
  80661. bufferLength: 0,
  80662. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  80663. headerLen: 0,
  80664. length: 5,
  80665. largePacketParts: [],
  80666. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  80667. onPacket: [Function],
  80668. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  80669. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  80670. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  80671. connectTimeout: null,
  80672. connectionId: 1303 },
  80673. state: 'IDLE' } },
  80674. length: 2 } },
  80675. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  80676. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  80677. _validationOperations: Set {},
  80678. _allObjects:
  80679. Set {
  80680. PooledResource {
  80681. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  80682. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  80683. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  80684. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  80685. obj:
  80686. Connection {
  80687. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  80688. _eventsCount: 1,
  80689. _maxListeners: undefined,
  80690. config:
  80691. ConnectionConfig {
  80692. isServer: undefined,
  80693. stream: undefined,
  80694. host: 'localhost',
  80695. port: 3306,
  80696. localAddress: undefined,
  80697. socketPath: undefined,
  80698. user: 'root',
  80699. password: 'abcd1234',
  80700. passwordSha1: undefined,
  80701. database: 'lbry',
  80702. connectTimeout: 10000,
  80703. insecureAuth: false,
  80704. supportBigNumbers: true,
  80705. bigNumberStrings: false,
  80706. decimalNumbers: false,
  80707. dateStrings: false,
  80708. debug: undefined,
  80709. trace: true,
  80710. stringifyObjects: false,
  80711. timezone: '+00:00',
  80712. queryFormat: undefined,
  80713. pool: undefined,
  80714. ssl: false,
  80715. multipleStatements: false,
  80716. rowsAsArray: false,
  80717. namedPlaceholders: false,
  80718. nestTables: undefined,
  80719. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  80720. maxPacketSize: 0,
  80721. charsetNumber: 224,
  80722. compress: false,
  80723. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  80724. clientFlags: 8582093,
  80725. connectAttributes: undefined,
  80726. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  80727. stream:
  80728. Socket {
  80729. connecting: false,
  80730. _hadError: false,
  80731. _handle:
  80732. TCP {
  80733. reading: true,
  80734. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  80735. onconnection: null,
  80736. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  80737. _parent: null,
  80738. _host: 'localhost',
  80739. _readableState:
  80740. ReadableState {
  80741. objectMode: false,
  80742. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80743. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  80744. length: 0,
  80745. pipes: null,
  80746. pipesCount: 0,
  80747. flowing: true,
  80748. ended: false,
  80749. endEmitted: false,
  80750. reading: true,
  80751. sync: false,
  80752. needReadable: true,
  80753. emittedReadable: false,
  80754. readableListening: false,
  80755. resumeScheduled: false,
  80756. emitClose: false,
  80757. autoDestroy: false,
  80758. destroyed: false,
  80759. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80760. awaitDrain: 0,
  80761. readingMore: false,
  80762. decoder: null,
  80763. encoding: null },
  80764. readable: true,
  80765. _events:
  80766. [Object: null prototype] {
  80767. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  80768. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  80769. data: [Function],
  80770. close: [Function] },
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  80772. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  80774. WritableState {
  80775. objectMode: false,
  80776. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80777. finalCalled: false,
  80778. needDrain: false,
  80779. ending: false,
  80780. ended: false,
  80781. finished: false,
  80782. destroyed: false,
  80783. decodeStrings: false,
  80784. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80785. length: 0,
  80786. writing: false,
  80787. corked: 0,
  80788. sync: false,
  80789. bufferProcessing: false,
  80790. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  80792. writelen: 0,
  80793. bufferedRequest: null,
  80794. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  80795. pendingcb: 0,
  80796. prefinished: false,
  80797. errorEmitted: false,
  80798. emitClose: false,
  80799. autoDestroy: false,
  80800. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  80801. corkedRequestsFree:
  80802. { next: null,
  80803. entry: null,
  80804. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  80805. writable: true,
  80806. allowHalfOpen: false,
  80807. _sockname: null,
  80808. _pendingData: null,
  80809. _pendingEncoding: '',
  80810. server: null,
  80811. _server: null,
  80812. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  80813. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  80814. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  80815. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  80816. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  80817. _internalId: 2,
  80818. _commands:
  80819. Denque {
  80820. _head: 0,
  80821. _tail: 0,
  80822. _capacityMask: 3,
  80823. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80824. _command: undefined,
  80825. _paused: false,
  80826. _paused_packets:
  80827. Denque {
  80828. _head: 0,
  80829. _tail: 0,
  80830. _capacityMask: 3,
  80831. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  80832. _statements:
  80833. LRUCache {
  80834. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  80835. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  80836. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  80837. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  80838. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  80839. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  80840. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  80841. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  80842. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  80843. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80844. authorized: true,
  80845. sequenceId: 2,
  80846. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  80847. threadId: 1302,
  80848. _handshakePacket:
  80849. Handshake {
  80850. protocolVersion: 10,
  80851. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  80852. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  80853. connectionId: 1302,
  80854. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  80855. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  80856. characterSet: 255,
  80857. statusFlags: 2 },
  80858. _fatalError: null,
  80859. _protocolError: null,
  80860. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  80861. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  80862. packetParser:
  80863. PacketParser {
  80864. buffer: [],
  80865. bufferLength: 0,
  80866. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  80867. headerLen: 0,
  80868. length: 7,
  80869. largePacketParts: [],
  80870. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  80871. onPacket: [Function],
  80872. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  80873. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  80874. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  80875. connectTimeout: null,
  80876. connectionId: 1302 },
  80877. state: 'IDLE' },
  80878. PooledResource {
  80879. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  80880. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  80881. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  80882. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  80883. obj:
  80884. Connection {
  80885. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  80886. _eventsCount: 1,
  80887. _maxListeners: undefined,
  80888. config:
  80889. ConnectionConfig {
  80890. isServer: undefined,
  80891. stream: undefined,
  80892. host: 'localhost',
  80893. port: 3306,
  80894. localAddress: undefined,
  80895. socketPath: undefined,
  80896. user: 'root',
  80897. password: 'abcd1234',
  80898. passwordSha1: undefined,
  80899. database: 'lbry',
  80900. connectTimeout: 10000,
  80901. insecureAuth: false,
  80902. supportBigNumbers: true,
  80903. bigNumberStrings: false,
  80904. decimalNumbers: false,
  80905. dateStrings: false,
  80906. debug: undefined,
  80907. trace: true,
  80908. stringifyObjects: false,
  80909. timezone: '+00:00',
  80910. queryFormat: undefined,
  80911. pool: undefined,
  80912. ssl: false,
  80913. multipleStatements: false,
  80914. rowsAsArray: false,
  80915. namedPlaceholders: false,
  80916. nestTables: undefined,
  80917. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  80918. maxPacketSize: 0,
  80919. charsetNumber: 224,
  80920. compress: false,
  80921. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  80922. clientFlags: 8582093,
  80923. connectAttributes: undefined,
  80924. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  80925. stream:
  80926. Socket {
  80927. connecting: false,
  80928. _hadError: false,
  80929. _handle:
  80930. TCP {
  80931. reading: true,
  80932. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  80933. onconnection: null,
  80934. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  80935. _parent: null,
  80936. _host: 'localhost',
  80937. _readableState:
  80938. ReadableState {
  80939. objectMode: false,
  80940. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80941. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  80942. length: 0,
  80943. pipes: null,
  80944. pipesCount: 0,
  80945. flowing: true,
  80946. ended: false,
  80947. endEmitted: false,
  80948. reading: true,
  80949. sync: false,
  80950. needReadable: true,
  80951. emittedReadable: false,
  80952. readableListening: false,
  80953. resumeScheduled: false,
  80954. emitClose: false,
  80955. autoDestroy: false,
  80956. destroyed: false,
  80957. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80958. awaitDrain: 0,
  80959. readingMore: false,
  80960. decoder: null,
  80961. encoding: null },
  80962. readable: true,
  80963. _events:
  80964. [Object: null prototype] {
  80965. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  80966. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  80967. data: [Function],
  80968. close: [Function] },
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  80970. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  80972. WritableState {
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  80974. highWaterMark: 16384,
  80975. finalCalled: false,
  80976. needDrain: false,
  80977. ending: false,
  80978. ended: false,
  80979. finished: false,
  80980. destroyed: false,
  80981. decodeStrings: false,
  80982. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  80983. length: 0,
  80984. writing: false,
  80985. corked: 0,
  80986. sync: false,
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  80988. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  80990. writelen: 0,
  80991. bufferedRequest: null,
  80992. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  80993. pendingcb: 0,
  80994. prefinished: false,
  80995. errorEmitted: false,
  80996. emitClose: false,
  80997. autoDestroy: false,
  80998. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  80999. corkedRequestsFree:
  81000. { next: null,
  81001. entry: null,
  81002. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  81003. writable: true,
  81004. allowHalfOpen: false,
  81005. _sockname: null,
  81006. _pendingData: null,
  81007. _pendingEncoding: '',
  81008. server: null,
  81009. _server: null,
  81010. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  81011. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  81012. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  81013. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  81014. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  81015. _internalId: 1,
  81016. _commands:
  81017. Denque {
  81018. _head: 0,
  81019. _tail: 0,
  81020. _capacityMask: 3,
  81021. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81022. _command: undefined,
  81023. _paused: false,
  81024. _paused_packets:
  81025. Denque {
  81026. _head: 0,
  81027. _tail: 0,
  81028. _capacityMask: 3,
  81029. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81030. _statements:
  81031. LRUCache {
  81032. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  81033. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  81034. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  81035. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  81036. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  81037. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  81038. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  81039. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  81040. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  81041. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81042. authorized: true,
  81043. sequenceId: 23,
  81044. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  81045. threadId: 1303,
  81046. _handshakePacket:
  81047. Handshake {
  81048. protocolVersion: 10,
  81049. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  81050. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81051. connectionId: 1303,
  81052. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  81053. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  81054. characterSet: 255,
  81055. statusFlags: 2 },
  81056. _fatalError: null,
  81057. _protocolError: null,
  81058. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  81059. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  81060. packetParser:
  81061. PacketParser {
  81062. buffer: [],
  81063. bufferLength: 0,
  81064. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  81065. headerLen: 0,
  81066. length: 5,
  81067. largePacketParts: [],
  81068. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  81069. onPacket: [Function],
  81070. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  81071. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  81072. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  81073. connectTimeout: null,
  81074. connectionId: 1303 },
  81075. state: 'IDLE' } },
  81076. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  81077. _evictionIterator:
  81078. DequeIterator {
  81079. _list:
  81080. DoublyLinkedList {
  81081. head:
  81082. { prev: null,
  81083. next:
  81084. { prev: [Circular],
  81085. next: null,
  81086. data:
  81087. PooledResource {
  81088. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  81089. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  81090. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  81091. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  81092. obj:
  81093. Connection {
  81094. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  81095. _eventsCount: 1,
  81096. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81097. config:
  81098. ConnectionConfig {
  81099. isServer: undefined,
  81100. stream: undefined,
  81101. host: 'localhost',
  81102. port: 3306,
  81103. localAddress: undefined,
  81104. socketPath: undefined,
  81105. user: 'root',
  81106. password: 'abcd1234',
  81107. passwordSha1: undefined,
  81108. database: 'lbry',
  81109. connectTimeout: 10000,
  81110. insecureAuth: false,
  81111. supportBigNumbers: true,
  81112. bigNumberStrings: false,
  81113. decimalNumbers: false,
  81114. dateStrings: false,
  81115. debug: undefined,
  81116. trace: true,
  81117. stringifyObjects: false,
  81118. timezone: '+00:00',
  81119. queryFormat: undefined,
  81120. pool: undefined,
  81121. ssl: false,
  81122. multipleStatements: false,
  81123. rowsAsArray: false,
  81124. namedPlaceholders: false,
  81125. nestTables: undefined,
  81126. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  81127. maxPacketSize: 0,
  81128. charsetNumber: 224,
  81129. compress: false,
  81130. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  81131. clientFlags: 8582093,
  81132. connectAttributes: undefined,
  81133. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  81134. stream:
  81135. Socket {
  81136. connecting: false,
  81137. _hadError: false,
  81138. _handle:
  81139. TCP {
  81140. reading: true,
  81141. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  81142. onconnection: null,
  81143. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  81144. _parent: null,
  81145. _host: 'localhost',
  81146. _readableState:
  81147. ReadableState {
  81148. objectMode: false,
  81149. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81150. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  81151. length: 0,
  81152. pipes: null,
  81153. pipesCount: 0,
  81154. flowing: true,
  81155. ended: false,
  81156. endEmitted: false,
  81157. reading: true,
  81158. sync: false,
  81159. needReadable: true,
  81160. emittedReadable: false,
  81161. readableListening: false,
  81162. resumeScheduled: false,
  81163. emitClose: false,
  81164. autoDestroy: false,
  81165. destroyed: false,
  81166. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81167. awaitDrain: 0,
  81168. readingMore: false,
  81169. decoder: null,
  81170. encoding: null },
  81171. readable: true,
  81172. _events:
  81173. [Object: null prototype] {
  81174. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  81175. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  81176. data: [Function],
  81177. close: [Function] },
  81178. _eventsCount: 4,
  81179. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81180. _writableState:
  81181. WritableState {
  81182. objectMode: false,
  81183. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81184. finalCalled: false,
  81185. needDrain: false,
  81186. ending: false,
  81187. ended: false,
  81188. finished: false,
  81189. destroyed: false,
  81190. decodeStrings: false,
  81191. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81192. length: 0,
  81193. writing: false,
  81194. corked: 0,
  81195. sync: false,
  81196. bufferProcessing: false,
  81197. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  81199. writelen: 0,
  81200. bufferedRequest: null,
  81201. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  81202. pendingcb: 0,
  81203. prefinished: false,
  81204. errorEmitted: false,
  81205. emitClose: false,
  81206. autoDestroy: false,
  81207. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  81208. corkedRequestsFree:
  81209. { next: null,
  81210. entry: null,
  81211. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  81212. writable: true,
  81213. allowHalfOpen: false,
  81214. _sockname: null,
  81215. _pendingData: null,
  81216. _pendingEncoding: '',
  81217. server: null,
  81218. _server: null,
  81219. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  81220. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  81221. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  81222. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  81223. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  81224. _internalId: 1,
  81225. _commands:
  81226. Denque {
  81227. _head: 0,
  81228. _tail: 0,
  81229. _capacityMask: 3,
  81230. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81231. _command: undefined,
  81232. _paused: false,
  81233. _paused_packets:
  81234. Denque {
  81235. _head: 0,
  81236. _tail: 0,
  81237. _capacityMask: 3,
  81238. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81239. _statements:
  81240. LRUCache {
  81241. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  81242. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  81243. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  81244. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  81245. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  81246. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  81247. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  81248. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  81249. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  81250. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81251. authorized: true,
  81252. sequenceId: 23,
  81253. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  81254. threadId: 1303,
  81255. _handshakePacket:
  81256. Handshake {
  81257. protocolVersion: 10,
  81258. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  81259. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81260. connectionId: 1303,
  81261. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  81262. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  81263. characterSet: 255,
  81264. statusFlags: 2 },
  81265. _fatalError: null,
  81266. _protocolError: null,
  81267. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  81268. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  81269. packetParser:
  81270. PacketParser {
  81271. buffer: [],
  81272. bufferLength: 0,
  81273. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  81274. headerLen: 0,
  81275. length: 5,
  81276. largePacketParts: [],
  81277. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  81278. onPacket: [Function],
  81279. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  81280. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  81281. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  81282. connectTimeout: null,
  81283. connectionId: 1303 },
  81284. state: 'IDLE' } },
  81285. data:
  81286. PooledResource {
  81287. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  81288. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  81289. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  81290. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  81291. obj:
  81292. Connection {
  81293. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  81294. _eventsCount: 1,
  81295. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81296. config:
  81297. ConnectionConfig {
  81298. isServer: undefined,
  81299. stream: undefined,
  81300. host: 'localhost',
  81301. port: 3306,
  81302. localAddress: undefined,
  81303. socketPath: undefined,
  81304. user: 'root',
  81305. password: 'abcd1234',
  81306. passwordSha1: undefined,
  81307. database: 'lbry',
  81308. connectTimeout: 10000,
  81309. insecureAuth: false,
  81310. supportBigNumbers: true,
  81311. bigNumberStrings: false,
  81312. decimalNumbers: false,
  81313. dateStrings: false,
  81314. debug: undefined,
  81315. trace: true,
  81316. stringifyObjects: false,
  81317. timezone: '+00:00',
  81318. queryFormat: undefined,
  81319. pool: undefined,
  81320. ssl: false,
  81321. multipleStatements: false,
  81322. rowsAsArray: false,
  81323. namedPlaceholders: false,
  81324. nestTables: undefined,
  81325. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  81326. maxPacketSize: 0,
  81327. charsetNumber: 224,
  81328. compress: false,
  81329. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  81330. clientFlags: 8582093,
  81331. connectAttributes: undefined,
  81332. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  81333. stream:
  81334. Socket {
  81335. connecting: false,
  81336. _hadError: false,
  81337. _handle:
  81338. TCP {
  81339. reading: true,
  81340. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  81341. onconnection: null,
  81342. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  81343. _parent: null,
  81344. _host: 'localhost',
  81345. _readableState:
  81346. ReadableState {
  81347. objectMode: false,
  81348. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81349. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  81350. length: 0,
  81351. pipes: null,
  81352. pipesCount: 0,
  81353. flowing: true,
  81354. ended: false,
  81355. endEmitted: false,
  81356. reading: true,
  81357. sync: false,
  81358. needReadable: true,
  81359. emittedReadable: false,
  81360. readableListening: false,
  81361. resumeScheduled: false,
  81362. emitClose: false,
  81363. autoDestroy: false,
  81364. destroyed: false,
  81365. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81366. awaitDrain: 0,
  81367. readingMore: false,
  81368. decoder: null,
  81369. encoding: null },
  81370. readable: true,
  81371. _events:
  81372. [Object: null prototype] {
  81373. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  81374. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  81375. data: [Function],
  81376. close: [Function] },
  81377. _eventsCount: 4,
  81378. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81379. _writableState:
  81380. WritableState {
  81381. objectMode: false,
  81382. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81383. finalCalled: false,
  81384. needDrain: false,
  81385. ending: false,
  81386. ended: false,
  81387. finished: false,
  81388. destroyed: false,
  81389. decodeStrings: false,
  81390. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81391. length: 0,
  81392. writing: false,
  81393. corked: 0,
  81394. sync: false,
  81395. bufferProcessing: false,
  81396. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  81397. writecb: null,
  81398. writelen: 0,
  81399. bufferedRequest: null,
  81400. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  81401. pendingcb: 0,
  81402. prefinished: false,
  81403. errorEmitted: false,
  81404. emitClose: false,
  81405. autoDestroy: false,
  81406. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  81407. corkedRequestsFree:
  81408. { next: null,
  81409. entry: null,
  81410. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  81411. writable: true,
  81412. allowHalfOpen: false,
  81413. _sockname: null,
  81414. _pendingData: null,
  81415. _pendingEncoding: '',
  81416. server: null,
  81417. _server: null,
  81418. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  81419. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  81420. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  81421. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  81422. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  81423. _internalId: 2,
  81424. _commands:
  81425. Denque {
  81426. _head: 0,
  81427. _tail: 0,
  81428. _capacityMask: 3,
  81429. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81430. _command: undefined,
  81431. _paused: false,
  81432. _paused_packets:
  81433. Denque {
  81434. _head: 0,
  81435. _tail: 0,
  81436. _capacityMask: 3,
  81437. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81438. _statements:
  81439. LRUCache {
  81440. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  81441. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  81442. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  81443. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  81444. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  81445. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  81446. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  81447. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  81448. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  81449. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81450. authorized: true,
  81451. sequenceId: 2,
  81452. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  81453. threadId: 1302,
  81454. _handshakePacket:
  81455. Handshake {
  81456. protocolVersion: 10,
  81457. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  81458. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81459. connectionId: 1302,
  81460. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  81461. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  81462. characterSet: 255,
  81463. statusFlags: 2 },
  81464. _fatalError: null,
  81465. _protocolError: null,
  81466. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  81467. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  81468. packetParser:
  81469. PacketParser {
  81470. buffer: [],
  81471. bufferLength: 0,
  81472. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  81473. headerLen: 0,
  81474. length: 7,
  81475. largePacketParts: [],
  81476. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  81477. onPacket: [Function],
  81478. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  81479. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  81480. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  81481. connectTimeout: null,
  81482. connectionId: 1302 },
  81483. state: 'IDLE' } },
  81484. tail:
  81485. { prev:
  81486. { prev: null,
  81487. next: [Circular],
  81488. data:
  81489. PooledResource {
  81490. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  81491. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  81492. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  81493. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  81494. obj:
  81495. Connection {
  81496. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  81497. _eventsCount: 1,
  81498. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81499. config:
  81500. ConnectionConfig {
  81501. isServer: undefined,
  81502. stream: undefined,
  81503. host: 'localhost',
  81504. port: 3306,
  81505. localAddress: undefined,
  81506. socketPath: undefined,
  81507. user: 'root',
  81508. password: 'abcd1234',
  81509. passwordSha1: undefined,
  81510. database: 'lbry',
  81511. connectTimeout: 10000,
  81512. insecureAuth: false,
  81513. supportBigNumbers: true,
  81514. bigNumberStrings: false,
  81515. decimalNumbers: false,
  81516. dateStrings: false,
  81517. debug: undefined,
  81518. trace: true,
  81519. stringifyObjects: false,
  81520. timezone: '+00:00',
  81521. queryFormat: undefined,
  81522. pool: undefined,
  81523. ssl: false,
  81524. multipleStatements: false,
  81525. rowsAsArray: false,
  81526. namedPlaceholders: false,
  81527. nestTables: undefined,
  81528. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  81529. maxPacketSize: 0,
  81530. charsetNumber: 224,
  81531. compress: false,
  81532. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  81533. clientFlags: 8582093,
  81534. connectAttributes: undefined,
  81535. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  81536. stream:
  81537. Socket {
  81538. connecting: false,
  81539. _hadError: false,
  81540. _handle:
  81541. TCP {
  81542. reading: true,
  81543. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  81544. onconnection: null,
  81545. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  81546. _parent: null,
  81547. _host: 'localhost',
  81548. _readableState:
  81549. ReadableState {
  81550. objectMode: false,
  81551. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81552. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  81553. length: 0,
  81554. pipes: null,
  81555. pipesCount: 0,
  81556. flowing: true,
  81557. ended: false,
  81558. endEmitted: false,
  81559. reading: true,
  81560. sync: false,
  81561. needReadable: true,
  81562. emittedReadable: false,
  81563. readableListening: false,
  81564. resumeScheduled: false,
  81565. emitClose: false,
  81566. autoDestroy: false,
  81567. destroyed: false,
  81568. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81569. awaitDrain: 0,
  81570. readingMore: false,
  81571. decoder: null,
  81572. encoding: null },
  81573. readable: true,
  81574. _events:
  81575. [Object: null prototype] {
  81576. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  81577. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  81578. data: [Function],
  81579. close: [Function] },
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  81581. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81582. _writableState:
  81583. WritableState {
  81584. objectMode: false,
  81585. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81586. finalCalled: false,
  81587. needDrain: false,
  81588. ending: false,
  81589. ended: false,
  81590. finished: false,
  81591. destroyed: false,
  81592. decodeStrings: false,
  81593. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81594. length: 0,
  81595. writing: false,
  81596. corked: 0,
  81597. sync: false,
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  81599. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  81601. writelen: 0,
  81602. bufferedRequest: null,
  81603. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  81604. pendingcb: 0,
  81605. prefinished: false,
  81606. errorEmitted: false,
  81607. emitClose: false,
  81608. autoDestroy: false,
  81609. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  81610. corkedRequestsFree:
  81611. { next: null,
  81612. entry: null,
  81613. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  81614. writable: true,
  81615. allowHalfOpen: false,
  81616. _sockname: null,
  81617. _pendingData: null,
  81618. _pendingEncoding: '',
  81619. server: null,
  81620. _server: null,
  81621. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  81622. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  81623. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  81624. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  81625. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  81626. _internalId: 2,
  81627. _commands:
  81628. Denque {
  81629. _head: 0,
  81630. _tail: 0,
  81631. _capacityMask: 3,
  81632. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81633. _command: undefined,
  81634. _paused: false,
  81635. _paused_packets:
  81636. Denque {
  81637. _head: 0,
  81638. _tail: 0,
  81639. _capacityMask: 3,
  81640. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81641. _statements:
  81642. LRUCache {
  81643. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  81644. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  81645. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  81646. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  81647. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  81648. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  81649. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  81650. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  81651. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  81652. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81653. authorized: true,
  81654. sequenceId: 2,
  81655. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  81656. threadId: 1302,
  81657. _handshakePacket:
  81658. Handshake {
  81659. protocolVersion: 10,
  81660. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  81661. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81662. connectionId: 1302,
  81663. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  81664. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  81665. characterSet: 255,
  81666. statusFlags: 2 },
  81667. _fatalError: null,
  81668. _protocolError: null,
  81669. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  81670. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  81671. packetParser:
  81672. PacketParser {
  81673. buffer: [],
  81674. bufferLength: 0,
  81675. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  81676. headerLen: 0,
  81677. length: 7,
  81678. largePacketParts: [],
  81679. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  81680. onPacket: [Function],
  81681. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  81682. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  81683. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  81684. connectTimeout: null,
  81685. connectionId: 1302 },
  81686. state: 'IDLE' } },
  81687. next: null,
  81688. data:
  81689. PooledResource {
  81690. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  81691. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  81692. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  81693. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  81694. obj:
  81695. Connection {
  81696. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  81697. _eventsCount: 1,
  81698. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81699. config:
  81700. ConnectionConfig {
  81701. isServer: undefined,
  81702. stream: undefined,
  81703. host: 'localhost',
  81704. port: 3306,
  81705. localAddress: undefined,
  81706. socketPath: undefined,
  81707. user: 'root',
  81708. password: 'abcd1234',
  81709. passwordSha1: undefined,
  81710. database: 'lbry',
  81711. connectTimeout: 10000,
  81712. insecureAuth: false,
  81713. supportBigNumbers: true,
  81714. bigNumberStrings: false,
  81715. decimalNumbers: false,
  81716. dateStrings: false,
  81717. debug: undefined,
  81718. trace: true,
  81719. stringifyObjects: false,
  81720. timezone: '+00:00',
  81721. queryFormat: undefined,
  81722. pool: undefined,
  81723. ssl: false,
  81724. multipleStatements: false,
  81725. rowsAsArray: false,
  81726. namedPlaceholders: false,
  81727. nestTables: undefined,
  81728. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  81729. maxPacketSize: 0,
  81730. charsetNumber: 224,
  81731. compress: false,
  81732. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  81733. clientFlags: 8582093,
  81734. connectAttributes: undefined,
  81735. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  81736. stream:
  81737. Socket {
  81738. connecting: false,
  81739. _hadError: false,
  81740. _handle:
  81741. TCP {
  81742. reading: true,
  81743. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  81744. onconnection: null,
  81745. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  81746. _parent: null,
  81747. _host: 'localhost',
  81748. _readableState:
  81749. ReadableState {
  81750. objectMode: false,
  81751. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81752. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  81753. length: 0,
  81754. pipes: null,
  81755. pipesCount: 0,
  81756. flowing: true,
  81757. ended: false,
  81758. endEmitted: false,
  81759. reading: true,
  81760. sync: false,
  81761. needReadable: true,
  81762. emittedReadable: false,
  81763. readableListening: false,
  81764. resumeScheduled: false,
  81765. emitClose: false,
  81766. autoDestroy: false,
  81767. destroyed: false,
  81768. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81769. awaitDrain: 0,
  81770. readingMore: false,
  81771. decoder: null,
  81772. encoding: null },
  81773. readable: true,
  81774. _events:
  81775. [Object: null prototype] {
  81776. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  81777. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  81778. data: [Function],
  81779. close: [Function] },
  81780. _eventsCount: 4,
  81781. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81782. _writableState:
  81783. WritableState {
  81784. objectMode: false,
  81785. highWaterMark: 16384,
  81786. finalCalled: false,
  81787. needDrain: false,
  81788. ending: false,
  81789. ended: false,
  81790. finished: false,
  81791. destroyed: false,
  81792. decodeStrings: false,
  81793. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  81794. length: 0,
  81795. writing: false,
  81796. corked: 0,
  81797. sync: false,
  81798. bufferProcessing: false,
  81799. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  81800. writecb: null,
  81801. writelen: 0,
  81802. bufferedRequest: null,
  81803. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  81804. pendingcb: 0,
  81805. prefinished: false,
  81806. errorEmitted: false,
  81807. emitClose: false,
  81808. autoDestroy: false,
  81809. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  81810. corkedRequestsFree:
  81811. { next: null,
  81812. entry: null,
  81813. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  81814. writable: true,
  81815. allowHalfOpen: false,
  81816. _sockname: null,
  81817. _pendingData: null,
  81818. _pendingEncoding: '',
  81819. server: null,
  81820. _server: null,
  81821. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  81822. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  81823. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  81824. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  81825. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  81826. _internalId: 1,
  81827. _commands:
  81828. Denque {
  81829. _head: 0,
  81830. _tail: 0,
  81831. _capacityMask: 3,
  81832. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81833. _command: undefined,
  81834. _paused: false,
  81835. _paused_packets:
  81836. Denque {
  81837. _head: 0,
  81838. _tail: 0,
  81839. _capacityMask: 3,
  81840. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  81841. _statements:
  81842. LRUCache {
  81843. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  81844. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  81845. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  81846. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  81847. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  81848. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  81849. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  81850. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  81851. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  81852. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81853. authorized: true,
  81854. sequenceId: 23,
  81855. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  81856. threadId: 1303,
  81857. _handshakePacket:
  81858. Handshake {
  81859. protocolVersion: 10,
  81860. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  81861. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  81862. connectionId: 1303,
  81863. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  81864. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  81865. characterSet: 255,
  81866. statusFlags: 2 },
  81867. _fatalError: null,
  81868. _protocolError: null,
  81869. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  81870. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  81871. packetParser:
  81872. PacketParser {
  81873. buffer: [],
  81874. bufferLength: 0,
  81875. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  81876. headerLen: 0,
  81877. length: 5,
  81878. largePacketParts: [],
  81879. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  81880. onPacket: [Function],
  81881. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  81882. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  81883. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  81884. connectTimeout: null,
  81885. connectionId: 1303 },
  81886. state: 'IDLE' } },
  81887. length: 2 },
  81888. _direction: 'next',
  81889. _startPosition: 'head',
  81890. _started: false,
  81891. _cursor: null,
  81892. _done: false },
  81893. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  81894. _scheduledEviction:
  81895. Timeout {
  81896. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  81897. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  81898. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  81899. _idleStart: 432,
  81900. _onTimeout: [Function],
  81901. _timerArgs: undefined,
  81902. _repeat: null,
  81903. _destroyed: false,
  81904. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  81905. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  81906. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  81907. lib:
  81908. { createConnection: [Function],
  81909. connect: [Function],
  81910. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  81911. createPool: [Function],
  81912. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  81913. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  81914. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  81915. createServer: [Function],
  81916. PoolConnection:
  81917. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  81918. escape: [Function: escape],
  81919. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  81920. format: [Function: format],
  81921. raw: [Function: raw],
  81922. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  81923. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  81924. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  81925. Types: [Getter],
  81926. Charsets: [Getter],
  81927. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  81928. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  81929. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  81930. importCache: {},
  81931. test:
  81932. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  81933. _runningQueries: 0,
  81934. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  81935. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  81936. hooks: {},
  81937. uniqueKeys: {} },
  81938. _options:
  81939. { isNewRecord: false,
  81940. _schema: null,
  81941. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  81942. raw: true,
  81943. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  81944. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  81945. isNewRecord: false },
  81946. Balloons {
  81947. dataValues:
  81948. { id: 10,
  81949. size: 'large',
  81950. color: 'red',
  81951. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:15:49.000Z,
  81952. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:15:49.000Z },
  81953. _previousDataValues:
  81954. { id: 10,
  81955. size: 'large',
  81956. color: 'red',
  81957. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:15:49.000Z,
  81958. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:15:49.000Z },
  81959. _changed: {},
  81960. _modelOptions:
  81961. { timestamps: true,
  81962. validate: {},
  81963. freezeTableName: false,
  81964. underscored: false,
  81965. underscoredAll: false,
  81966. paranoid: false,
  81967. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  81968. whereCollection: null,
  81969. schema: null,
  81970. schemaDelimiter: '',
  81971. defaultScope: {},
  81972. scopes: [],
  81973. indexes: [],
  81974. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  81975. omitNull: false,
  81976. sequelize:
  81977. Sequelize {
  81978. options:
  81979. { dialect: 'mysql',
  81980. dialectModulePath: null,
  81981. host: 'localhost',
  81982. protocol: 'tcp',
  81983. define: {},
  81984. query: {},
  81985. sync: {},
  81986. timezone: '+00:00',
  81987. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  81988. omitNull: false,
  81989. native: false,
  81990. replication: false,
  81991. ssl: undefined,
  81992. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  81993. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  81994. hooks: {},
  81995. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  81996. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  81997. isolationLevel: null,
  81998. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  81999. typeValidation: false,
  82000. benchmark: false,
  82001. operatorsAliases: false },
  82002. config:
  82003. { database: 'lbry',
  82004. username: 'root',
  82005. password: 'abcd1234',
  82006. host: 'localhost',
  82007. port: 3306,
  82008. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  82009. protocol: 'tcp',
  82010. native: false,
  82011. ssl: undefined,
  82012. replication: false,
  82013. dialectModulePath: null,
  82014. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  82015. dialectOptions: undefined },
  82016. dialect:
  82017. MysqlDialect {
  82018. sequelize: [Circular],
  82019. connectionManager:
  82020. ConnectionManager {
  82021. sequelize: [Circular],
  82022. config:
  82023. { database: 'lbry',
  82024. username: 'root',
  82025. password: 'abcd1234',
  82026. host: 'localhost',
  82027. port: undefined,
  82028. pool:
  82029. { max: 5,
  82030. min: 0,
  82031. acquire: 30000,
  82032. idle: 10000,
  82033. evict: 10000,
  82034. handleDisconnects: true,
  82035. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  82036. Promise:
  82037. { [Function: Promise]
  82038. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  82039. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  82040. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  82041. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  82042. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82043. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82044. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  82045. _peekContext: [Function],
  82046. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  82047. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  82048. longStackTraces: [Function],
  82049. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  82050. config: [Function],
  82051. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  82052. is: [Function],
  82053. fromCallback: [Function],
  82054. fromNode: [Function],
  82055. all: [Function],
  82056. cast: [Function],
  82057. fulfilled: [Function],
  82058. resolve: [Function],
  82059. rejected: [Function],
  82060. reject: [Function],
  82061. setScheduler: [Function],
  82062. pending: [Function],
  82063. defer: [Function],
  82064. method: [Function],
  82065. try: [Function],
  82066. attempt: [Function],
  82067. bind: [Function],
  82068. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  82069. join: [Function],
  82070. Promise: [Circular],
  82071. version: '3.5.3',
  82072. map: [Function],
  82073. using: [Function],
  82074. delay: [Function],
  82075. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  82076. spawn: [Function],
  82077. promisify: [Function],
  82078. promisifyAll: [Function],
  82079. props: [Function],
  82080. race: [Function],
  82081. reduce: [Function],
  82082. settle: [Function],
  82083. some: [Function],
  82084. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  82085. filter: [Function],
  82086. each: [Function],
  82087. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  82088. any: [Function],
  82089. default: [Circular] } },
  82090. protocol: 'tcp',
  82091. native: false,
  82092. ssl: undefined,
  82093. replication: false,
  82094. dialectModulePath: null,
  82095. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  82096. dialectOptions: undefined },
  82097. dialect: [Circular],
  82098. versionPromise: null,
  82099. dialectName: 'mysql',
  82100. pool:
  82101. Pool {
  82102. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  82103. _eventsCount: 0,
  82104. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82105. _config:
  82106. PoolOptions {
  82107. fifo: true,
  82108. priorityRange: 1,
  82109. testOnBorrow: true,
  82110. testOnReturn: false,
  82111. autostart: false,
  82112. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  82113. max: 5,
  82114. min: 0,
  82115. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  82116. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  82117. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  82118. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  82119. Promise:
  82120. { [Function: Promise]
  82121. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  82122. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  82123. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  82124. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  82125. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82126. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82127. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  82128. _peekContext: [Function],
  82129. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  82130. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  82131. longStackTraces: [Function],
  82132. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  82133. config: [Function],
  82134. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  82135. is: [Function],
  82136. fromCallback: [Function],
  82137. fromNode: [Function],
  82138. all: [Function],
  82139. cast: [Function],
  82140. fulfilled: [Function],
  82141. resolve: [Function],
  82142. rejected: [Function],
  82143. reject: [Function],
  82144. setScheduler: [Function],
  82145. pending: [Function],
  82146. defer: [Function],
  82147. method: [Function],
  82148. try: [Function],
  82149. attempt: [Function],
  82150. bind: [Function],
  82151. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  82152. join: [Function],
  82153. Promise: [Circular],
  82154. version: '3.5.3',
  82155. map: [Function],
  82156. using: [Function],
  82157. delay: [Function],
  82158. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  82159. spawn: [Function],
  82160. promisify: [Function],
  82161. promisifyAll: [Function],
  82162. props: [Function],
  82163. race: [Function],
  82164. reduce: [Function],
  82165. settle: [Function],
  82166. some: [Function],
  82167. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  82168. filter: [Function],
  82169. each: [Function],
  82170. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  82171. any: [Function],
  82172. default: [Circular] } },
  82173. _Promise:
  82174. { [Function: Promise]
  82175. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  82176. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  82177. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  82178. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  82179. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82180. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  82181. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  82182. _peekContext: [Function],
  82183. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  82184. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  82185. longStackTraces: [Function],
  82186. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  82187. config: [Function],
  82188. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  82189. is: [Function],
  82190. fromCallback: [Function],
  82191. fromNode: [Function],
  82192. all: [Function],
  82193. cast: [Function],
  82194. fulfilled: [Function],
  82195. resolve: [Function],
  82196. rejected: [Function],
  82197. reject: [Function],
  82198. setScheduler: [Function],
  82199. pending: [Function],
  82200. defer: [Function],
  82201. method: [Function],
  82202. try: [Function],
  82203. attempt: [Function],
  82204. bind: [Function],
  82205. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  82206. join: [Function],
  82207. Promise: [Circular],
  82208. version: '3.5.3',
  82209. map: [Function],
  82210. using: [Function],
  82211. delay: [Function],
  82212. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  82213. spawn: [Function],
  82214. promisify: [Function],
  82215. promisifyAll: [Function],
  82216. props: [Function],
  82217. race: [Function],
  82218. reduce: [Function],
  82219. settle: [Function],
  82220. some: [Function],
  82221. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  82222. filter: [Function],
  82223. each: [Function],
  82224. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  82225. any: [Function],
  82226. default: [Circular] },
  82227. _factory:
  82228. { create: [Function: create],
  82229. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  82230. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  82231. _draining: false,
  82232. _started: true,
  82233. _waitingClientsQueue:
  82234. PriorityQueue {
  82235. _size: 1,
  82236. _slots:
  82237. [ Queue {
  82238. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  82239. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  82240. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  82241. _availableObjects:
  82242. Deque {
  82243. _list:
  82244. DoublyLinkedList {
  82245. head:
  82246. { prev: null,
  82247. next:
  82248. { prev: [Circular],
  82249. next: null,
  82250. data:
  82251. PooledResource {
  82252. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  82253. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  82254. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  82255. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  82256. obj:
  82257. Connection {
  82258. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  82259. _eventsCount: 1,
  82260. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82261. config:
  82262. ConnectionConfig {
  82263. isServer: undefined,
  82264. stream: undefined,
  82265. host: 'localhost',
  82266. port: 3306,
  82267. localAddress: undefined,
  82268. socketPath: undefined,
  82269. user: 'root',
  82270. password: 'abcd1234',
  82271. passwordSha1: undefined,
  82272. database: 'lbry',
  82273. connectTimeout: 10000,
  82274. insecureAuth: false,
  82275. supportBigNumbers: true,
  82276. bigNumberStrings: false,
  82277. decimalNumbers: false,
  82278. dateStrings: false,
  82279. debug: undefined,
  82280. trace: true,
  82281. stringifyObjects: false,
  82282. timezone: '+00:00',
  82283. queryFormat: undefined,
  82284. pool: undefined,
  82285. ssl: false,
  82286. multipleStatements: false,
  82287. rowsAsArray: false,
  82288. namedPlaceholders: false,
  82289. nestTables: undefined,
  82290. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  82291. maxPacketSize: 0,
  82292. charsetNumber: 224,
  82293. compress: false,
  82294. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  82295. clientFlags: 8582093,
  82296. connectAttributes: undefined,
  82297. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  82298. stream:
  82299. Socket {
  82300. connecting: false,
  82301. _hadError: false,
  82302. _handle:
  82303. TCP {
  82304. reading: true,
  82305. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  82306. onconnection: null,
  82307. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  82308. _parent: null,
  82309. _host: 'localhost',
  82310. _readableState:
  82311. ReadableState {
  82312. objectMode: false,
  82313. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82314. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  82315. length: 0,
  82316. pipes: null,
  82317. pipesCount: 0,
  82318. flowing: true,
  82319. ended: false,
  82320. endEmitted: false,
  82321. reading: true,
  82322. sync: false,
  82323. needReadable: true,
  82324. emittedReadable: false,
  82325. readableListening: false,
  82326. resumeScheduled: false,
  82327. emitClose: false,
  82328. autoDestroy: false,
  82329. destroyed: false,
  82330. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82331. awaitDrain: 0,
  82332. readingMore: false,
  82333. decoder: null,
  82334. encoding: null },
  82335. readable: true,
  82336. _events:
  82337. [Object: null prototype] {
  82338. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  82339. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  82340. data: [Function],
  82341. close: [Function] },
  82342. _eventsCount: 4,
  82343. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82344. _writableState:
  82345. WritableState {
  82346. objectMode: false,
  82347. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82348. finalCalled: false,
  82349. needDrain: false,
  82350. ending: false,
  82351. ended: false,
  82352. finished: false,
  82353. destroyed: false,
  82354. decodeStrings: false,
  82355. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82356. length: 0,
  82357. writing: false,
  82358. corked: 0,
  82359. sync: false,
  82360. bufferProcessing: false,
  82361. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  82362. writecb: null,
  82363. writelen: 0,
  82364. bufferedRequest: null,
  82365. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  82366. pendingcb: 0,
  82367. prefinished: false,
  82368. errorEmitted: false,
  82369. emitClose: false,
  82370. autoDestroy: false,
  82371. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  82372. corkedRequestsFree:
  82373. { next: null,
  82374. entry: null,
  82375. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  82376. writable: true,
  82377. allowHalfOpen: false,
  82378. _sockname: null,
  82379. _pendingData: null,
  82380. _pendingEncoding: '',
  82381. server: null,
  82382. _server: null,
  82383. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  82384. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  82385. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  82386. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  82387. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  82388. _internalId: 1,
  82389. _commands:
  82390. Denque {
  82391. _head: 0,
  82392. _tail: 0,
  82393. _capacityMask: 3,
  82394. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82395. _command: undefined,
  82396. _paused: false,
  82397. _paused_packets:
  82398. Denque {
  82399. _head: 0,
  82400. _tail: 0,
  82401. _capacityMask: 3,
  82402. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82403. _statements:
  82404. LRUCache {
  82405. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  82406. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  82407. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  82408. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  82409. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  82410. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  82411. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  82412. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  82413. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  82414. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82415. authorized: true,
  82416. sequenceId: 23,
  82417. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  82418. threadId: 1303,
  82419. _handshakePacket:
  82420. Handshake {
  82421. protocolVersion: 10,
  82422. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  82423. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82424. connectionId: 1303,
  82425. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  82426. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  82427. characterSet: 255,
  82428. statusFlags: 2 },
  82429. _fatalError: null,
  82430. _protocolError: null,
  82431. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  82432. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  82433. packetParser:
  82434. PacketParser {
  82435. buffer: [],
  82436. bufferLength: 0,
  82437. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  82438. headerLen: 0,
  82439. length: 5,
  82440. largePacketParts: [],
  82441. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  82442. onPacket: [Function],
  82443. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  82444. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  82445. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  82446. connectTimeout: null,
  82447. connectionId: 1303 },
  82448. state: 'IDLE' } },
  82449. data:
  82450. PooledResource {
  82451. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  82452. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  82453. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  82454. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  82455. obj:
  82456. Connection {
  82457. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  82458. _eventsCount: 1,
  82459. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82460. config:
  82461. ConnectionConfig {
  82462. isServer: undefined,
  82463. stream: undefined,
  82464. host: 'localhost',
  82465. port: 3306,
  82466. localAddress: undefined,
  82467. socketPath: undefined,
  82468. user: 'root',
  82469. password: 'abcd1234',
  82470. passwordSha1: undefined,
  82471. database: 'lbry',
  82472. connectTimeout: 10000,
  82473. insecureAuth: false,
  82474. supportBigNumbers: true,
  82475. bigNumberStrings: false,
  82476. decimalNumbers: false,
  82477. dateStrings: false,
  82478. debug: undefined,
  82479. trace: true,
  82480. stringifyObjects: false,
  82481. timezone: '+00:00',
  82482. queryFormat: undefined,
  82483. pool: undefined,
  82484. ssl: false,
  82485. multipleStatements: false,
  82486. rowsAsArray: false,
  82487. namedPlaceholders: false,
  82488. nestTables: undefined,
  82489. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  82490. maxPacketSize: 0,
  82491. charsetNumber: 224,
  82492. compress: false,
  82493. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  82494. clientFlags: 8582093,
  82495. connectAttributes: undefined,
  82496. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  82497. stream:
  82498. Socket {
  82499. connecting: false,
  82500. _hadError: false,
  82501. _handle:
  82502. TCP {
  82503. reading: true,
  82504. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  82505. onconnection: null,
  82506. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  82507. _parent: null,
  82508. _host: 'localhost',
  82509. _readableState:
  82510. ReadableState {
  82511. objectMode: false,
  82512. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82513. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  82514. length: 0,
  82515. pipes: null,
  82516. pipesCount: 0,
  82517. flowing: true,
  82518. ended: false,
  82519. endEmitted: false,
  82520. reading: true,
  82521. sync: false,
  82522. needReadable: true,
  82523. emittedReadable: false,
  82524. readableListening: false,
  82525. resumeScheduled: false,
  82526. emitClose: false,
  82527. autoDestroy: false,
  82528. destroyed: false,
  82529. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82530. awaitDrain: 0,
  82531. readingMore: false,
  82532. decoder: null,
  82533. encoding: null },
  82534. readable: true,
  82535. _events:
  82536. [Object: null prototype] {
  82537. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  82538. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  82539. data: [Function],
  82540. close: [Function] },
  82541. _eventsCount: 4,
  82542. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82543. _writableState:
  82544. WritableState {
  82545. objectMode: false,
  82546. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82547. finalCalled: false,
  82548. needDrain: false,
  82549. ending: false,
  82550. ended: false,
  82551. finished: false,
  82552. destroyed: false,
  82553. decodeStrings: false,
  82554. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82555. length: 0,
  82556. writing: false,
  82557. corked: 0,
  82558. sync: false,
  82559. bufferProcessing: false,
  82560. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  82561. writecb: null,
  82562. writelen: 0,
  82563. bufferedRequest: null,
  82564. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  82565. pendingcb: 0,
  82566. prefinished: false,
  82567. errorEmitted: false,
  82568. emitClose: false,
  82569. autoDestroy: false,
  82570. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  82571. corkedRequestsFree:
  82572. { next: null,
  82573. entry: null,
  82574. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  82575. writable: true,
  82576. allowHalfOpen: false,
  82577. _sockname: null,
  82578. _pendingData: null,
  82579. _pendingEncoding: '',
  82580. server: null,
  82581. _server: null,
  82582. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  82583. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  82584. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  82585. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  82586. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  82587. _internalId: 2,
  82588. _commands:
  82589. Denque {
  82590. _head: 0,
  82591. _tail: 0,
  82592. _capacityMask: 3,
  82593. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82594. _command: undefined,
  82595. _paused: false,
  82596. _paused_packets:
  82597. Denque {
  82598. _head: 0,
  82599. _tail: 0,
  82600. _capacityMask: 3,
  82601. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82602. _statements:
  82603. LRUCache {
  82604. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  82605. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  82606. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  82607. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  82608. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  82609. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  82610. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  82611. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  82612. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  82613. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82614. authorized: true,
  82615. sequenceId: 2,
  82616. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  82617. threadId: 1302,
  82618. _handshakePacket:
  82619. Handshake {
  82620. protocolVersion: 10,
  82621. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  82622. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82623. connectionId: 1302,
  82624. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  82625. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  82626. characterSet: 255,
  82627. statusFlags: 2 },
  82628. _fatalError: null,
  82629. _protocolError: null,
  82630. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  82631. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  82632. packetParser:
  82633. PacketParser {
  82634. buffer: [],
  82635. bufferLength: 0,
  82636. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  82637. headerLen: 0,
  82638. length: 7,
  82639. largePacketParts: [],
  82640. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  82641. onPacket: [Function],
  82642. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  82643. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  82644. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  82645. connectTimeout: null,
  82646. connectionId: 1302 },
  82647. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  82649. { prev:
  82650. { prev: null,
  82651. next: [Circular],
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  82653. PooledResource {
  82654. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  82655. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  82656. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  82657. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  82658. obj:
  82659. Connection {
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  82661. _eventsCount: 1,
  82662. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  82664. ConnectionConfig {
  82665. isServer: undefined,
  82666. stream: undefined,
  82667. host: 'localhost',
  82668. port: 3306,
  82669. localAddress: undefined,
  82670. socketPath: undefined,
  82671. user: 'root',
  82672. password: 'abcd1234',
  82673. passwordSha1: undefined,
  82674. database: 'lbry',
  82675. connectTimeout: 10000,
  82676. insecureAuth: false,
  82677. supportBigNumbers: true,
  82678. bigNumberStrings: false,
  82679. decimalNumbers: false,
  82680. dateStrings: false,
  82681. debug: undefined,
  82682. trace: true,
  82683. stringifyObjects: false,
  82684. timezone: '+00:00',
  82685. queryFormat: undefined,
  82686. pool: undefined,
  82687. ssl: false,
  82688. multipleStatements: false,
  82689. rowsAsArray: false,
  82690. namedPlaceholders: false,
  82691. nestTables: undefined,
  82692. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  82693. maxPacketSize: 0,
  82694. charsetNumber: 224,
  82695. compress: false,
  82696. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  82697. clientFlags: 8582093,
  82698. connectAttributes: undefined,
  82699. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  82701. Socket {
  82702. connecting: false,
  82703. _hadError: false,
  82704. _handle:
  82705. TCP {
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  82707. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  82708. onconnection: null,
  82709. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  82711. _host: 'localhost',
  82712. _readableState:
  82713. ReadableState {
  82714. objectMode: false,
  82715. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82716. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  82717. length: 0,
  82718. pipes: null,
  82719. pipesCount: 0,
  82720. flowing: true,
  82721. ended: false,
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  82724. sync: false,
  82725. needReadable: true,
  82726. emittedReadable: false,
  82727. readableListening: false,
  82728. resumeScheduled: false,
  82729. emitClose: false,
  82730. autoDestroy: false,
  82731. destroyed: false,
  82732. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82733. awaitDrain: 0,
  82734. readingMore: false,
  82735. decoder: null,
  82736. encoding: null },
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  82739. [Object: null prototype] {
  82740. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  82741. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  82742. data: [Function],
  82743. close: [Function] },
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  82745. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  82749. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82750. finalCalled: false,
  82751. needDrain: false,
  82752. ending: false,
  82753. ended: false,
  82754. finished: false,
  82755. destroyed: false,
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  82757. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82758. length: 0,
  82759. writing: false,
  82760. corked: 0,
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  82765. writelen: 0,
  82766. bufferedRequest: null,
  82767. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  82768. pendingcb: 0,
  82769. prefinished: false,
  82770. errorEmitted: false,
  82771. emitClose: false,
  82772. autoDestroy: false,
  82773. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  82774. corkedRequestsFree:
  82775. { next: null,
  82776. entry: null,
  82777. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  82779. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  82781. _pendingData: null,
  82782. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  82784. _server: null,
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  82786. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  82787. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  82788. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  82789. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  82790. _internalId: 2,
  82791. _commands:
  82792. Denque {
  82793. _head: 0,
  82794. _tail: 0,
  82795. _capacityMask: 3,
  82796. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82797. _command: undefined,
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  82799. _paused_packets:
  82800. Denque {
  82801. _head: 0,
  82802. _tail: 0,
  82803. _capacityMask: 3,
  82804. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82805. _statements:
  82806. LRUCache {
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  82808. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  82809. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  82810. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  82811. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  82812. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  82813. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  82814. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  82815. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  82816. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82817. authorized: true,
  82818. sequenceId: 2,
  82819. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  82820. threadId: 1302,
  82821. _handshakePacket:
  82822. Handshake {
  82823. protocolVersion: 10,
  82824. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  82825. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  82826. connectionId: 1302,
  82827. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  82828. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  82829. characterSet: 255,
  82830. statusFlags: 2 },
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  82832. _protocolError: null,
  82833. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  82834. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  82835. packetParser:
  82836. PacketParser {
  82837. buffer: [],
  82838. bufferLength: 0,
  82839. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  82840. headerLen: 0,
  82841. length: 7,
  82842. largePacketParts: [],
  82843. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  82844. onPacket: [Function],
  82845. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  82846. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  82847. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  82848. connectTimeout: null,
  82849. connectionId: 1302 },
  82850. state: 'IDLE' } },
  82851. next: null,
  82852. data:
  82853. PooledResource {
  82854. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  82855. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  82856. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  82857. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  82858. obj:
  82859. Connection {
  82860. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  82861. _eventsCount: 1,
  82862. _maxListeners: undefined,
  82863. config:
  82864. ConnectionConfig {
  82865. isServer: undefined,
  82866. stream: undefined,
  82867. host: 'localhost',
  82868. port: 3306,
  82869. localAddress: undefined,
  82870. socketPath: undefined,
  82871. user: 'root',
  82872. password: 'abcd1234',
  82873. passwordSha1: undefined,
  82874. database: 'lbry',
  82875. connectTimeout: 10000,
  82876. insecureAuth: false,
  82877. supportBigNumbers: true,
  82878. bigNumberStrings: false,
  82879. decimalNumbers: false,
  82880. dateStrings: false,
  82881. debug: undefined,
  82882. trace: true,
  82883. stringifyObjects: false,
  82884. timezone: '+00:00',
  82885. queryFormat: undefined,
  82886. pool: undefined,
  82887. ssl: false,
  82888. multipleStatements: false,
  82889. rowsAsArray: false,
  82890. namedPlaceholders: false,
  82891. nestTables: undefined,
  82892. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  82893. maxPacketSize: 0,
  82894. charsetNumber: 224,
  82895. compress: false,
  82896. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  82897. clientFlags: 8582093,
  82898. connectAttributes: undefined,
  82899. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  82901. Socket {
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  82904. _handle:
  82905. TCP {
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  82907. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  82908. onconnection: null,
  82909. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  82911. _host: 'localhost',
  82912. _readableState:
  82913. ReadableState {
  82914. objectMode: false,
  82915. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82916. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  82917. length: 0,
  82918. pipes: null,
  82919. pipesCount: 0,
  82920. flowing: true,
  82921. ended: false,
  82922. endEmitted: false,
  82923. reading: true,
  82924. sync: false,
  82925. needReadable: true,
  82926. emittedReadable: false,
  82927. readableListening: false,
  82928. resumeScheduled: false,
  82929. emitClose: false,
  82930. autoDestroy: false,
  82931. destroyed: false,
  82932. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82933. awaitDrain: 0,
  82934. readingMore: false,
  82935. decoder: null,
  82936. encoding: null },
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  82939. [Object: null prototype] {
  82940. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  82941. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  82942. data: [Function],
  82943. close: [Function] },
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  82945. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  82947. WritableState {
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  82949. highWaterMark: 16384,
  82950. finalCalled: false,
  82951. needDrain: false,
  82952. ending: false,
  82953. ended: false,
  82954. finished: false,
  82955. destroyed: false,
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  82957. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  82958. length: 0,
  82959. writing: false,
  82960. corked: 0,
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  82965. writelen: 0,
  82966. bufferedRequest: null,
  82967. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  82968. pendingcb: 0,
  82969. prefinished: false,
  82970. errorEmitted: false,
  82971. emitClose: false,
  82972. autoDestroy: false,
  82973. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  82974. corkedRequestsFree:
  82975. { next: null,
  82976. entry: null,
  82977. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  82978. writable: true,
  82979. allowHalfOpen: false,
  82980. _sockname: null,
  82981. _pendingData: null,
  82982. _pendingEncoding: '',
  82983. server: null,
  82984. _server: null,
  82985. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  82986. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  82987. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  82988. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  82989. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  82990. _internalId: 1,
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  82992. Denque {
  82993. _head: 0,
  82994. _tail: 0,
  82995. _capacityMask: 3,
  82996. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  82997. _command: undefined,
  82998. _paused: false,
  82999. _paused_packets:
  83000. Denque {
  83001. _head: 0,
  83002. _tail: 0,
  83003. _capacityMask: 3,
  83004. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83005. _statements:
  83006. LRUCache {
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  83008. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  83009. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  83010. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  83011. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  83012. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  83013. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  83014. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  83015. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  83016. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83017. authorized: true,
  83018. sequenceId: 23,
  83019. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  83020. threadId: 1303,
  83021. _handshakePacket:
  83022. Handshake {
  83023. protocolVersion: 10,
  83024. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  83025. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83026. connectionId: 1303,
  83027. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  83028. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  83029. characterSet: 255,
  83030. statusFlags: 2 },
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  83032. _protocolError: null,
  83033. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  83034. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  83035. packetParser:
  83036. PacketParser {
  83037. buffer: [],
  83038. bufferLength: 0,
  83039. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  83040. headerLen: 0,
  83041. length: 5,
  83042. largePacketParts: [],
  83043. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  83044. onPacket: [Function],
  83045. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  83046. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  83047. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  83048. connectTimeout: null,
  83049. connectionId: 1303 },
  83050. state: 'IDLE' } },
  83051. length: 2 } },
  83052. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  83053. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  83054. _validationOperations: Set {},
  83055. _allObjects:
  83056. Set {
  83057. PooledResource {
  83058. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  83059. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  83060. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  83061. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  83062. obj:
  83063. Connection {
  83064. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  83065. _eventsCount: 1,
  83066. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83067. config:
  83068. ConnectionConfig {
  83069. isServer: undefined,
  83070. stream: undefined,
  83071. host: 'localhost',
  83072. port: 3306,
  83073. localAddress: undefined,
  83074. socketPath: undefined,
  83075. user: 'root',
  83076. password: 'abcd1234',
  83077. passwordSha1: undefined,
  83078. database: 'lbry',
  83079. connectTimeout: 10000,
  83080. insecureAuth: false,
  83081. supportBigNumbers: true,
  83082. bigNumberStrings: false,
  83083. decimalNumbers: false,
  83084. dateStrings: false,
  83085. debug: undefined,
  83086. trace: true,
  83087. stringifyObjects: false,
  83088. timezone: '+00:00',
  83089. queryFormat: undefined,
  83090. pool: undefined,
  83091. ssl: false,
  83092. multipleStatements: false,
  83093. rowsAsArray: false,
  83094. namedPlaceholders: false,
  83095. nestTables: undefined,
  83096. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  83097. maxPacketSize: 0,
  83098. charsetNumber: 224,
  83099. compress: false,
  83100. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  83101. clientFlags: 8582093,
  83102. connectAttributes: undefined,
  83103. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  83104. stream:
  83105. Socket {
  83106. connecting: false,
  83107. _hadError: false,
  83108. _handle:
  83109. TCP {
  83110. reading: true,
  83111. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  83112. onconnection: null,
  83113. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  83114. _parent: null,
  83115. _host: 'localhost',
  83116. _readableState:
  83117. ReadableState {
  83118. objectMode: false,
  83119. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83120. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  83121. length: 0,
  83122. pipes: null,
  83123. pipesCount: 0,
  83124. flowing: true,
  83125. ended: false,
  83126. endEmitted: false,
  83127. reading: true,
  83128. sync: false,
  83129. needReadable: true,
  83130. emittedReadable: false,
  83131. readableListening: false,
  83132. resumeScheduled: false,
  83133. emitClose: false,
  83134. autoDestroy: false,
  83135. destroyed: false,
  83136. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83137. awaitDrain: 0,
  83138. readingMore: false,
  83139. decoder: null,
  83140. encoding: null },
  83141. readable: true,
  83142. _events:
  83143. [Object: null prototype] {
  83144. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  83145. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  83146. data: [Function],
  83147. close: [Function] },
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  83149. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  83151. WritableState {
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  83153. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83154. finalCalled: false,
  83155. needDrain: false,
  83156. ending: false,
  83157. ended: false,
  83158. finished: false,
  83159. destroyed: false,
  83160. decodeStrings: false,
  83161. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83162. length: 0,
  83163. writing: false,
  83164. corked: 0,
  83165. sync: false,
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  83167. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  83169. writelen: 0,
  83170. bufferedRequest: null,
  83171. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  83172. pendingcb: 0,
  83173. prefinished: false,
  83174. errorEmitted: false,
  83175. emitClose: false,
  83176. autoDestroy: false,
  83177. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  83178. corkedRequestsFree:
  83179. { next: null,
  83180. entry: null,
  83181. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  83182. writable: true,
  83183. allowHalfOpen: false,
  83184. _sockname: null,
  83185. _pendingData: null,
  83186. _pendingEncoding: '',
  83187. server: null,
  83188. _server: null,
  83189. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  83190. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  83191. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  83192. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  83193. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  83194. _internalId: 2,
  83195. _commands:
  83196. Denque {
  83197. _head: 0,
  83198. _tail: 0,
  83199. _capacityMask: 3,
  83200. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83201. _command: undefined,
  83202. _paused: false,
  83203. _paused_packets:
  83204. Denque {
  83205. _head: 0,
  83206. _tail: 0,
  83207. _capacityMask: 3,
  83208. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83209. _statements:
  83210. LRUCache {
  83211. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  83212. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  83213. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  83214. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  83215. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  83216. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  83217. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  83218. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  83219. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  83220. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83221. authorized: true,
  83222. sequenceId: 2,
  83223. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  83224. threadId: 1302,
  83225. _handshakePacket:
  83226. Handshake {
  83227. protocolVersion: 10,
  83228. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  83229. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83230. connectionId: 1302,
  83231. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  83232. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  83233. characterSet: 255,
  83234. statusFlags: 2 },
  83235. _fatalError: null,
  83236. _protocolError: null,
  83237. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  83238. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  83239. packetParser:
  83240. PacketParser {
  83241. buffer: [],
  83242. bufferLength: 0,
  83243. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  83244. headerLen: 0,
  83245. length: 7,
  83246. largePacketParts: [],
  83247. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  83248. onPacket: [Function],
  83249. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  83250. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  83251. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  83252. connectTimeout: null,
  83253. connectionId: 1302 },
  83254. state: 'IDLE' },
  83255. PooledResource {
  83256. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  83257. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  83258. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  83259. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  83260. obj:
  83261. Connection {
  83262. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  83263. _eventsCount: 1,
  83264. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83265. config:
  83266. ConnectionConfig {
  83267. isServer: undefined,
  83268. stream: undefined,
  83269. host: 'localhost',
  83270. port: 3306,
  83271. localAddress: undefined,
  83272. socketPath: undefined,
  83273. user: 'root',
  83274. password: 'abcd1234',
  83275. passwordSha1: undefined,
  83276. database: 'lbry',
  83277. connectTimeout: 10000,
  83278. insecureAuth: false,
  83279. supportBigNumbers: true,
  83280. bigNumberStrings: false,
  83281. decimalNumbers: false,
  83282. dateStrings: false,
  83283. debug: undefined,
  83284. trace: true,
  83285. stringifyObjects: false,
  83286. timezone: '+00:00',
  83287. queryFormat: undefined,
  83288. pool: undefined,
  83289. ssl: false,
  83290. multipleStatements: false,
  83291. rowsAsArray: false,
  83292. namedPlaceholders: false,
  83293. nestTables: undefined,
  83294. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  83295. maxPacketSize: 0,
  83296. charsetNumber: 224,
  83297. compress: false,
  83298. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  83299. clientFlags: 8582093,
  83300. connectAttributes: undefined,
  83301. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  83302. stream:
  83303. Socket {
  83304. connecting: false,
  83305. _hadError: false,
  83306. _handle:
  83307. TCP {
  83308. reading: true,
  83309. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  83310. onconnection: null,
  83311. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  83312. _parent: null,
  83313. _host: 'localhost',
  83314. _readableState:
  83315. ReadableState {
  83316. objectMode: false,
  83317. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83318. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  83319. length: 0,
  83320. pipes: null,
  83321. pipesCount: 0,
  83322. flowing: true,
  83323. ended: false,
  83324. endEmitted: false,
  83325. reading: true,
  83326. sync: false,
  83327. needReadable: true,
  83328. emittedReadable: false,
  83329. readableListening: false,
  83330. resumeScheduled: false,
  83331. emitClose: false,
  83332. autoDestroy: false,
  83333. destroyed: false,
  83334. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83335. awaitDrain: 0,
  83336. readingMore: false,
  83337. decoder: null,
  83338. encoding: null },
  83339. readable: true,
  83340. _events:
  83341. [Object: null prototype] {
  83342. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  83343. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  83344. data: [Function],
  83345. close: [Function] },
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  83347. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  83349. WritableState {
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  83351. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83352. finalCalled: false,
  83353. needDrain: false,
  83354. ending: false,
  83355. ended: false,
  83356. finished: false,
  83357. destroyed: false,
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  83359. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83360. length: 0,
  83361. writing: false,
  83362. corked: 0,
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  83368. bufferedRequest: null,
  83369. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  83370. pendingcb: 0,
  83371. prefinished: false,
  83372. errorEmitted: false,
  83373. emitClose: false,
  83374. autoDestroy: false,
  83375. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  83376. corkedRequestsFree:
  83377. { next: null,
  83378. entry: null,
  83379. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  83380. writable: true,
  83381. allowHalfOpen: false,
  83382. _sockname: null,
  83383. _pendingData: null,
  83384. _pendingEncoding: '',
  83385. server: null,
  83386. _server: null,
  83387. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  83388. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  83389. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  83390. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  83391. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  83392. _internalId: 1,
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  83394. Denque {
  83395. _head: 0,
  83396. _tail: 0,
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  83398. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83399. _command: undefined,
  83400. _paused: false,
  83401. _paused_packets:
  83402. Denque {
  83403. _head: 0,
  83404. _tail: 0,
  83405. _capacityMask: 3,
  83406. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  83409. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  83410. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  83411. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  83412. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  83413. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  83414. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  83415. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  83416. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  83417. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  83418. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83419. authorized: true,
  83420. sequenceId: 23,
  83421. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  83422. threadId: 1303,
  83423. _handshakePacket:
  83424. Handshake {
  83425. protocolVersion: 10,
  83426. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  83427. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83428. connectionId: 1303,
  83429. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  83430. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  83431. characterSet: 255,
  83432. statusFlags: 2 },
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  83434. _protocolError: null,
  83435. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  83436. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  83437. packetParser:
  83438. PacketParser {
  83439. buffer: [],
  83440. bufferLength: 0,
  83441. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  83442. headerLen: 0,
  83443. length: 5,
  83444. largePacketParts: [],
  83445. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  83446. onPacket: [Function],
  83447. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  83448. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  83449. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  83450. connectTimeout: null,
  83451. connectionId: 1303 },
  83452. state: 'IDLE' } },
  83453. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  83454. _evictionIterator:
  83455. DequeIterator {
  83456. _list:
  83457. DoublyLinkedList {
  83458. head:
  83459. { prev: null,
  83460. next:
  83461. { prev: [Circular],
  83462. next: null,
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  83464. PooledResource {
  83465. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  83466. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  83467. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  83468. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  83469. obj:
  83470. Connection {
  83471. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  83472. _eventsCount: 1,
  83473. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83474. config:
  83475. ConnectionConfig {
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  83477. stream: undefined,
  83478. host: 'localhost',
  83479. port: 3306,
  83480. localAddress: undefined,
  83481. socketPath: undefined,
  83482. user: 'root',
  83483. password: 'abcd1234',
  83484. passwordSha1: undefined,
  83485. database: 'lbry',
  83486. connectTimeout: 10000,
  83487. insecureAuth: false,
  83488. supportBigNumbers: true,
  83489. bigNumberStrings: false,
  83490. decimalNumbers: false,
  83491. dateStrings: false,
  83492. debug: undefined,
  83493. trace: true,
  83494. stringifyObjects: false,
  83495. timezone: '+00:00',
  83496. queryFormat: undefined,
  83497. pool: undefined,
  83498. ssl: false,
  83499. multipleStatements: false,
  83500. rowsAsArray: false,
  83501. namedPlaceholders: false,
  83502. nestTables: undefined,
  83503. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  83504. maxPacketSize: 0,
  83505. charsetNumber: 224,
  83506. compress: false,
  83507. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  83508. clientFlags: 8582093,
  83509. connectAttributes: undefined,
  83510. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  83512. Socket {
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  83515. _handle:
  83516. TCP {
  83517. reading: true,
  83518. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  83519. onconnection: null,
  83520. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  83522. _host: 'localhost',
  83523. _readableState:
  83524. ReadableState {
  83525. objectMode: false,
  83526. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83527. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  83528. length: 0,
  83529. pipes: null,
  83530. pipesCount: 0,
  83531. flowing: true,
  83532. ended: false,
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  83534. reading: true,
  83535. sync: false,
  83536. needReadable: true,
  83537. emittedReadable: false,
  83538. readableListening: false,
  83539. resumeScheduled: false,
  83540. emitClose: false,
  83541. autoDestroy: false,
  83542. destroyed: false,
  83543. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83544. awaitDrain: 0,
  83545. readingMore: false,
  83546. decoder: null,
  83547. encoding: null },
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  83550. [Object: null prototype] {
  83551. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  83552. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  83553. data: [Function],
  83554. close: [Function] },
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  83556. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  83558. WritableState {
  83559. objectMode: false,
  83560. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83561. finalCalled: false,
  83562. needDrain: false,
  83563. ending: false,
  83564. ended: false,
  83565. finished: false,
  83566. destroyed: false,
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  83568. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83569. length: 0,
  83570. writing: false,
  83571. corked: 0,
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  83576. writelen: 0,
  83577. bufferedRequest: null,
  83578. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  83579. pendingcb: 0,
  83580. prefinished: false,
  83581. errorEmitted: false,
  83582. emitClose: false,
  83583. autoDestroy: false,
  83584. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  83585. corkedRequestsFree:
  83586. { next: null,
  83587. entry: null,
  83588. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  83589. writable: true,
  83590. allowHalfOpen: false,
  83591. _sockname: null,
  83592. _pendingData: null,
  83593. _pendingEncoding: '',
  83594. server: null,
  83595. _server: null,
  83596. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  83597. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  83598. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  83599. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  83600. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  83601. _internalId: 1,
  83602. _commands:
  83603. Denque {
  83604. _head: 0,
  83605. _tail: 0,
  83606. _capacityMask: 3,
  83607. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83608. _command: undefined,
  83609. _paused: false,
  83610. _paused_packets:
  83611. Denque {
  83612. _head: 0,
  83613. _tail: 0,
  83614. _capacityMask: 3,
  83615. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83616. _statements:
  83617. LRUCache {
  83618. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  83619. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  83620. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  83621. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  83622. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  83623. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  83624. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  83625. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  83626. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  83627. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83628. authorized: true,
  83629. sequenceId: 23,
  83630. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  83631. threadId: 1303,
  83632. _handshakePacket:
  83633. Handshake {
  83634. protocolVersion: 10,
  83635. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  83636. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83637. connectionId: 1303,
  83638. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  83639. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  83640. characterSet: 255,
  83641. statusFlags: 2 },
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  83643. _protocolError: null,
  83644. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  83645. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  83646. packetParser:
  83647. PacketParser {
  83648. buffer: [],
  83649. bufferLength: 0,
  83650. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  83651. headerLen: 0,
  83652. length: 5,
  83653. largePacketParts: [],
  83654. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  83655. onPacket: [Function],
  83656. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  83657. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  83658. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  83659. connectTimeout: null,
  83660. connectionId: 1303 },
  83661. state: 'IDLE' } },
  83662. data:
  83663. PooledResource {
  83664. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  83665. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  83666. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  83667. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  83668. obj:
  83669. Connection {
  83670. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  83671. _eventsCount: 1,
  83672. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83673. config:
  83674. ConnectionConfig {
  83675. isServer: undefined,
  83676. stream: undefined,
  83677. host: 'localhost',
  83678. port: 3306,
  83679. localAddress: undefined,
  83680. socketPath: undefined,
  83681. user: 'root',
  83682. password: 'abcd1234',
  83683. passwordSha1: undefined,
  83684. database: 'lbry',
  83685. connectTimeout: 10000,
  83686. insecureAuth: false,
  83687. supportBigNumbers: true,
  83688. bigNumberStrings: false,
  83689. decimalNumbers: false,
  83690. dateStrings: false,
  83691. debug: undefined,
  83692. trace: true,
  83693. stringifyObjects: false,
  83694. timezone: '+00:00',
  83695. queryFormat: undefined,
  83696. pool: undefined,
  83697. ssl: false,
  83698. multipleStatements: false,
  83699. rowsAsArray: false,
  83700. namedPlaceholders: false,
  83701. nestTables: undefined,
  83702. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  83703. maxPacketSize: 0,
  83704. charsetNumber: 224,
  83705. compress: false,
  83706. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  83707. clientFlags: 8582093,
  83708. connectAttributes: undefined,
  83709. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  83710. stream:
  83711. Socket {
  83712. connecting: false,
  83713. _hadError: false,
  83714. _handle:
  83715. TCP {
  83716. reading: true,
  83717. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  83718. onconnection: null,
  83719. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  83720. _parent: null,
  83721. _host: 'localhost',
  83722. _readableState:
  83723. ReadableState {
  83724. objectMode: false,
  83725. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83726. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  83727. length: 0,
  83728. pipes: null,
  83729. pipesCount: 0,
  83730. flowing: true,
  83731. ended: false,
  83732. endEmitted: false,
  83733. reading: true,
  83734. sync: false,
  83735. needReadable: true,
  83736. emittedReadable: false,
  83737. readableListening: false,
  83738. resumeScheduled: false,
  83739. emitClose: false,
  83740. autoDestroy: false,
  83741. destroyed: false,
  83742. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83743. awaitDrain: 0,
  83744. readingMore: false,
  83745. decoder: null,
  83746. encoding: null },
  83747. readable: true,
  83748. _events:
  83749. [Object: null prototype] {
  83750. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  83751. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  83752. data: [Function],
  83753. close: [Function] },
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  83755. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  83757. WritableState {
  83758. objectMode: false,
  83759. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83760. finalCalled: false,
  83761. needDrain: false,
  83762. ending: false,
  83763. ended: false,
  83764. finished: false,
  83765. destroyed: false,
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  83767. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83768. length: 0,
  83769. writing: false,
  83770. corked: 0,
  83771. sync: false,
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  83773. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  83775. writelen: 0,
  83776. bufferedRequest: null,
  83777. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  83778. pendingcb: 0,
  83779. prefinished: false,
  83780. errorEmitted: false,
  83781. emitClose: false,
  83782. autoDestroy: false,
  83783. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  83784. corkedRequestsFree:
  83785. { next: null,
  83786. entry: null,
  83787. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  83788. writable: true,
  83789. allowHalfOpen: false,
  83790. _sockname: null,
  83791. _pendingData: null,
  83792. _pendingEncoding: '',
  83793. server: null,
  83794. _server: null,
  83795. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  83796. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  83797. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  83798. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  83799. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  83800. _internalId: 2,
  83801. _commands:
  83802. Denque {
  83803. _head: 0,
  83804. _tail: 0,
  83805. _capacityMask: 3,
  83806. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83807. _command: undefined,
  83808. _paused: false,
  83809. _paused_packets:
  83810. Denque {
  83811. _head: 0,
  83812. _tail: 0,
  83813. _capacityMask: 3,
  83814. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  83815. _statements:
  83816. LRUCache {
  83817. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  83818. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  83819. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  83820. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  83821. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  83822. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  83823. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  83824. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  83825. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  83826. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83827. authorized: true,
  83828. sequenceId: 2,
  83829. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  83830. threadId: 1302,
  83831. _handshakePacket:
  83832. Handshake {
  83833. protocolVersion: 10,
  83834. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  83835. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  83836. connectionId: 1302,
  83837. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  83838. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  83839. characterSet: 255,
  83840. statusFlags: 2 },
  83841. _fatalError: null,
  83842. _protocolError: null,
  83843. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  83844. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  83845. packetParser:
  83846. PacketParser {
  83847. buffer: [],
  83848. bufferLength: 0,
  83849. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  83850. headerLen: 0,
  83851. length: 7,
  83852. largePacketParts: [],
  83853. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  83854. onPacket: [Function],
  83855. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  83856. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  83857. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  83858. connectTimeout: null,
  83859. connectionId: 1302 },
  83860. state: 'IDLE' } },
  83861. tail:
  83862. { prev:
  83863. { prev: null,
  83864. next: [Circular],
  83865. data:
  83866. PooledResource {
  83867. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  83868. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  83869. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  83870. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  83871. obj:
  83872. Connection {
  83873. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  83874. _eventsCount: 1,
  83875. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83876. config:
  83877. ConnectionConfig {
  83878. isServer: undefined,
  83879. stream: undefined,
  83880. host: 'localhost',
  83881. port: 3306,
  83882. localAddress: undefined,
  83883. socketPath: undefined,
  83884. user: 'root',
  83885. password: 'abcd1234',
  83886. passwordSha1: undefined,
  83887. database: 'lbry',
  83888. connectTimeout: 10000,
  83889. insecureAuth: false,
  83890. supportBigNumbers: true,
  83891. bigNumberStrings: false,
  83892. decimalNumbers: false,
  83893. dateStrings: false,
  83894. debug: undefined,
  83895. trace: true,
  83896. stringifyObjects: false,
  83897. timezone: '+00:00',
  83898. queryFormat: undefined,
  83899. pool: undefined,
  83900. ssl: false,
  83901. multipleStatements: false,
  83902. rowsAsArray: false,
  83903. namedPlaceholders: false,
  83904. nestTables: undefined,
  83905. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  83906. maxPacketSize: 0,
  83907. charsetNumber: 224,
  83908. compress: false,
  83909. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  83910. clientFlags: 8582093,
  83911. connectAttributes: undefined,
  83912. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  83913. stream:
  83914. Socket {
  83915. connecting: false,
  83916. _hadError: false,
  83917. _handle:
  83918. TCP {
  83919. reading: true,
  83920. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  83921. onconnection: null,
  83922. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  83923. _parent: null,
  83924. _host: 'localhost',
  83925. _readableState:
  83926. ReadableState {
  83927. objectMode: false,
  83928. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83929. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  83930. length: 0,
  83931. pipes: null,
  83932. pipesCount: 0,
  83933. flowing: true,
  83934. ended: false,
  83935. endEmitted: false,
  83936. reading: true,
  83937. sync: false,
  83938. needReadable: true,
  83939. emittedReadable: false,
  83940. readableListening: false,
  83941. resumeScheduled: false,
  83942. emitClose: false,
  83943. autoDestroy: false,
  83944. destroyed: false,
  83945. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83946. awaitDrain: 0,
  83947. readingMore: false,
  83948. decoder: null,
  83949. encoding: null },
  83950. readable: true,
  83951. _events:
  83952. [Object: null prototype] {
  83953. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  83954. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  83955. data: [Function],
  83956. close: [Function] },
  83957. _eventsCount: 4,
  83958. _maxListeners: undefined,
  83959. _writableState:
  83960. WritableState {
  83961. objectMode: false,
  83962. highWaterMark: 16384,
  83963. finalCalled: false,
  83964. needDrain: false,
  83965. ending: false,
  83966. ended: false,
  83967. finished: false,
  83968. destroyed: false,
  83969. decodeStrings: false,
  83970. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  83971. length: 0,
  83972. writing: false,
  83973. corked: 0,
  83974. sync: false,
  83975. bufferProcessing: false,
  83976. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  83977. writecb: null,
  83978. writelen: 0,
  83979. bufferedRequest: null,
  83980. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  83981. pendingcb: 0,
  83982. prefinished: false,
  83983. errorEmitted: false,
  83984. emitClose: false,
  83985. autoDestroy: false,
  83986. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  83987. corkedRequestsFree:
  83988. { next: null,
  83989. entry: null,
  83990. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  83991. writable: true,
  83992. allowHalfOpen: false,
  83993. _sockname: null,
  83994. _pendingData: null,
  83995. _pendingEncoding: '',
  83996. server: null,
  83997. _server: null,
  83998. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  83999. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  84000. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  84001. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  84002. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  84003. _internalId: 2,
  84004. _commands:
  84005. Denque {
  84006. _head: 0,
  84007. _tail: 0,
  84008. _capacityMask: 3,
  84009. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  84010. _command: undefined,
  84011. _paused: false,
  84012. _paused_packets:
  84013. Denque {
  84014. _head: 0,
  84015. _tail: 0,
  84016. _capacityMask: 3,
  84017. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  84018. _statements:
  84019. LRUCache {
  84020. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  84021. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  84022. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  84023. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  84024. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  84025. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  84026. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  84027. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  84028. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  84029. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  84030. authorized: true,
  84031. sequenceId: 2,
  84032. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  84033. threadId: 1302,
  84034. _handshakePacket:
  84035. Handshake {
  84036. protocolVersion: 10,
  84037. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  84038. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  84039. connectionId: 1302,
  84040. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  84041. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  84042. characterSet: 255,
  84043. statusFlags: 2 },
  84044. _fatalError: null,
  84045. _protocolError: null,
  84046. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  84047. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  84048. packetParser:
  84049. PacketParser {
  84050. buffer: [],
  84051. bufferLength: 0,
  84052. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  84053. headerLen: 0,
  84054. length: 7,
  84055. largePacketParts: [],
  84056. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  84057. onPacket: [Function],
  84058. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  84059. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  84060. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  84061. connectTimeout: null,
  84062. connectionId: 1302 },
  84063. state: 'IDLE' } },
  84064. next: null,
  84065. data:
  84066. PooledResource {
  84067. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  84068. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  84069. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  84070. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  84071. obj:
  84072. Connection {
  84073. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  84074. _eventsCount: 1,
  84075. _maxListeners: undefined,
  84076. config:
  84077. ConnectionConfig {
  84078. isServer: undefined,
  84079. stream: undefined,
  84080. host: 'localhost',
  84081. port: 3306,
  84082. localAddress: undefined,
  84083. socketPath: undefined,
  84084. user: 'root',
  84085. password: 'abcd1234',
  84086. passwordSha1: undefined,
  84087. database: 'lbry',
  84088. connectTimeout: 10000,
  84089. insecureAuth: false,
  84090. supportBigNumbers: true,
  84091. bigNumberStrings: false,
  84092. decimalNumbers: false,
  84093. dateStrings: false,
  84094. debug: undefined,
  84095. trace: true,
  84096. stringifyObjects: false,
  84097. timezone: '+00:00',
  84098. queryFormat: undefined,
  84099. pool: undefined,
  84100. ssl: false,
  84101. multipleStatements: false,
  84102. rowsAsArray: false,
  84103. namedPlaceholders: false,
  84104. nestTables: undefined,
  84105. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  84106. maxPacketSize: 0,
  84107. charsetNumber: 224,
  84108. compress: false,
  84109. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  84110. clientFlags: 8582093,
  84111. connectAttributes: undefined,
  84112. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  84113. stream:
  84114. Socket {
  84115. connecting: false,
  84116. _hadError: false,
  84117. _handle:
  84118. TCP {
  84119. reading: true,
  84120. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  84121. onconnection: null,
  84122. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  84123. _parent: null,
  84124. _host: 'localhost',
  84125. _readableState:
  84126. ReadableState {
  84127. objectMode: false,
  84128. highWaterMark: 16384,
  84129. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  84130. length: 0,
  84131. pipes: null,
  84132. pipesCount: 0,
  84133. flowing: true,
  84134. ended: false,
  84135. endEmitted: false,
  84136. reading: true,
  84137. sync: false,
  84138. needReadable: true,
  84139. emittedReadable: false,
  84140. readableListening: false,
  84141. resumeScheduled: false,
  84142. emitClose: false,
  84143. autoDestroy: false,
  84144. destroyed: false,
  84145. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  84146. awaitDrain: 0,
  84147. readingMore: false,
  84148. decoder: null,
  84149. encoding: null },
  84150. readable: true,
  84151. _events:
  84152. [Object: null prototype] {
  84153. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  84154. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  84155. data: [Function],
  84156. close: [Function] },
  84157. _eventsCount: 4,
  84158. _maxListeners: undefined,
  84159. _writableState:
  84160. WritableState {
  84161. objectMode: false,
  84162. highWaterMark: 16384,
  84163. finalCalled: false,
  84164. needDrain: false,
  84165. ending: false,
  84166. ended: false,
  84167. finished: false,
  84168. destroyed: false,
  84169. decodeStrings: false,
  84170. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  84171. length: 0,
  84172. writing: false,
  84173. corked: 0,
  84174. sync: false,
  84175. bufferProcessing: false,
  84176. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  84177. writecb: null,
  84178. writelen: 0,
  84179. bufferedRequest: null,
  84180. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  84181. pendingcb: 0,
  84182. prefinished: false,
  84183. errorEmitted: false,
  84184. emitClose: false,
  84185. autoDestroy: false,
  84186. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  84187. corkedRequestsFree:
  84188. { next: null,
  84189. entry: null,
  84190. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  84191. writable: true,
  84192. allowHalfOpen: false,
  84193. _sockname: null,
  84194. _pendingData: null,
  84195. _pendingEncoding: '',
  84196. server: null,
  84197. _server: null,
  84198. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  84199. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  84200. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  84201. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  84202. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  84203. _internalId: 1,
  84204. _commands:
  84205. Denque {
  84206. _head: 0,
  84207. _tail: 0,
  84208. _capacityMask: 3,
  84209. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  84210. _command: undefined,
  84211. _paused: false,
  84212. _paused_packets:
  84213. Denque {
  84214. _head: 0,
  84215. _tail: 0,
  84216. _capacityMask: 3,
  84217. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  84218. _statements:
  84219. LRUCache {
  84220. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  84221. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  84222. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  84223. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  84224. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  84225. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  84226. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  84227. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  84228. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  84229. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  84230. authorized: true,
  84231. sequenceId: 23,
  84232. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  84233. threadId: 1303,
  84234. _handshakePacket:
  84235. Handshake {
  84236. protocolVersion: 10,
  84237. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  84238. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  84239. connectionId: 1303,
  84240. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  84241. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  84242. characterSet: 255,
  84243. statusFlags: 2 },
  84244. _fatalError: null,
  84245. _protocolError: null,
  84246. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  84247. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  84248. packetParser:
  84249. PacketParser {
  84250. buffer: [],
  84251. bufferLength: 0,
  84252. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  84253. headerLen: 0,
  84254. length: 5,
  84255. largePacketParts: [],
  84256. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  84257. onPacket: [Function],
  84258. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  84259. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  84260. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  84261. connectTimeout: null,
  84262. connectionId: 1303 },
  84263. state: 'IDLE' } },
  84264. length: 2 },
  84265. _direction: 'next',
  84266. _startPosition: 'head',
  84267. _started: false,
  84268. _cursor: null,
  84269. _done: false },
  84270. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  84271. _scheduledEviction:
  84272. Timeout {
  84273. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  84274. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  84275. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  84276. _idleStart: 432,
  84277. _onTimeout: [Function],
  84278. _timerArgs: undefined,
  84279. _repeat: null,
  84280. _destroyed: false,
  84281. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  84282. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  84283. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  84284. lib:
  84285. { createConnection: [Function],
  84286. connect: [Function],
  84287. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  84288. createPool: [Function],
  84289. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  84290. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  84291. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  84292. createServer: [Function],
  84293. PoolConnection:
  84294. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  84295. escape: [Function: escape],
  84296. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  84297. format: [Function: format],
  84298. raw: [Function: raw],
  84299. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  84300. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  84301. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  84302. Types: [Getter],
  84303. Charsets: [Getter],
  84304. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  84305. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  84306. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  84307. QueryGenerator:
  84308. { dialect: 'mysql',
  84309. OperatorMap:
  84310. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  84311. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  84312. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  84313. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  84314. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  84315. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  84316. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  84317. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  84318. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  84319. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  84320. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  84321. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  84322. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  84323. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  84324. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  84325. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  84326. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  84327. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  84328. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  84329. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  84330. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  84331. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  84332. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  84333. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  84334. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  84335. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  84336. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  84337. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  84338. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  84339. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  84340. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  84341. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  84342. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  84343. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  84344. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  84345. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  84346. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  84347. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  84348. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  84349. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  84350. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  84351. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  84352. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  84353. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  84354. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  84355. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  84356. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  84357. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  84358. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  84359. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  84360. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  84361. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  84362. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  84363. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  84364. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  84365. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  84366. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  84367. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  84368. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  84369. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  84370. _templateSettings:
  84371. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84372. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84373. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84374. variable: '',
  84375. imports:
  84376. { _:
  84377. { [Function: lodash]
  84378. templateSettings: [Circular],
  84379. after: [Function: after],
  84380. ary: [Function: ary],
  84381. assign: [Function],
  84382. assignIn: [Function],
  84383. assignInWith: [Function],
  84384. assignWith: [Function],
  84385. at: [Function],
  84386. before: [Function: before],
  84387. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84388. bindAll: [Function],
  84389. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84390. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  84391. chain: [Function: chain],
  84392. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  84393. compact: [Function: compact],
  84394. concat: [Function: concat],
  84395. cond: [Function: cond],
  84396. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  84397. constant: [Function: constant],
  84398. countBy: [Function],
  84399. create: [Function: create],
  84400. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84401. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84402. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  84403. defaults: [Function],
  84404. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  84405. defer: [Function],
  84406. delay: [Function],
  84407. difference: [Function],
  84408. differenceBy: [Function],
  84409. differenceWith: [Function],
  84410. drop: [Function: drop],
  84411. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  84412. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  84413. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  84414. fill: [Function: fill],
  84415. filter: [Function: filter],
  84416. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  84417. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  84418. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  84419. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  84420. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  84421. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  84422. flip: [Function: flip],
  84423. flow: [Function],
  84424. flowRight: [Function],
  84425. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  84426. functions: [Function: functions],
  84427. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  84428. groupBy: [Function],
  84429. initial: [Function: initial],
  84430. intersection: [Function],
  84431. intersectionBy: [Function],
  84432. intersectionWith: [Function],
  84433. invert: [Function],
  84434. invertBy: [Function],
  84435. invokeMap: [Function],
  84436. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  84437. keyBy: [Function],
  84438. keys: [Function: keys],
  84439. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  84440. map: [Function: map],
  84441. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  84442. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  84443. matches: [Function: matches],
  84444. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  84445. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  84446. merge: [Function],
  84447. mergeWith: [Function],
  84448. method: [Function],
  84449. methodOf: [Function],
  84450. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  84451. negate: [Function: negate],
  84452. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  84453. omit: [Function],
  84454. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  84455. once: [Function: once],
  84456. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  84457. over: [Function],
  84458. overArgs: [Function],
  84459. overEvery: [Function],
  84460. overSome: [Function],
  84461. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84462. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84463. partition: [Function],
  84464. pick: [Function],
  84465. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  84466. property: [Function: property],
  84467. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  84468. pull: [Function],
  84469. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  84470. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  84471. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  84472. pullAt: [Function],
  84473. range: [Function],
  84474. rangeRight: [Function],
  84475. rearg: [Function],
  84476. reject: [Function: reject],
  84477. remove: [Function: remove],
  84478. rest: [Function: rest],
  84479. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  84480. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  84481. set: [Function: set],
  84482. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  84483. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  84484. slice: [Function: slice],
  84485. sortBy: [Function],
  84486. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  84487. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  84488. split: [Function: split],
  84489. spread: [Function: spread],
  84490. tail: [Function: tail],
  84491. take: [Function: take],
  84492. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  84493. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  84494. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  84495. tap: [Function: tap],
  84496. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  84497. thru: [Function: thru],
  84498. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  84499. toPairs: [Function],
  84500. toPairsIn: [Function],
  84501. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  84502. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  84503. transform: [Function: transform],
  84504. unary: [Function: unary],
  84505. union: [Function],
  84506. unionBy: [Function],
  84507. unionWith: [Function],
  84508. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  84509. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  84510. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  84511. unset: [Function: unset],
  84512. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  84513. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  84514. update: [Function: update],
  84515. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  84516. values: [Function: values],
  84517. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  84518. without: [Function],
  84519. words: [Function: words],
  84520. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  84521. xor: [Function],
  84522. xorBy: [Function],
  84523. xorWith: [Function],
  84524. zip: [Function],
  84525. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  84526. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  84527. zipWith: [Function],
  84528. entries: [Function],
  84529. entriesIn: [Function],
  84530. extend: [Function],
  84531. extendWith: [Function],
  84532. add: [Function],
  84533. attempt: [Function],
  84534. camelCase: [Function],
  84535. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  84536. ceil: [Function],
  84537. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  84538. clone: [Function: clone],
  84539. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  84540. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  84541. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  84542. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  84543. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  84544. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  84545. divide: [Function],
  84546. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  84547. eq: [Function: eq],
  84548. escape: [Function: escape],
  84549. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  84550. every: [Function: every],
  84551. find: [Function],
  84552. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  84553. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  84554. findLast: [Function],
  84555. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  84556. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  84557. floor: [Function],
  84558. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  84559. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  84560. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  84561. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  84562. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  84563. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  84564. get: [Function: get],
  84565. gt: [Function],
  84566. gte: [Function],
  84567. has: [Function: has],
  84568. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  84569. head: [Function: head],
  84570. identity: [Function: identity],
  84571. includes: [Function: includes],
  84572. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  84573. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  84574. invoke: [Function],
  84575. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  84576. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  84577. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  84578. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  84579. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  84580. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  84581. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  84582. isDate: [Function],
  84583. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  84584. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  84585. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  84586. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  84587. isError: [Function: isError],
  84588. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  84589. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  84590. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  84591. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  84592. isMap: [Function],
  84593. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  84594. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  84595. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  84596. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  84597. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  84598. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  84599. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  84600. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  84601. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  84602. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  84603. isRegExp: [Function],
  84604. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  84605. isSet: [Function],
  84606. isString: [Function: isString],
  84607. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  84608. isTypedArray: [Function],
  84609. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  84610. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  84611. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  84612. join: [Function: join],
  84613. kebabCase: [Function],
  84614. last: [Function: last],
  84615. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  84616. lowerCase: [Function],
  84617. lowerFirst: [Function],
  84618. lt: [Function],
  84619. lte: [Function],
  84620. max: [Function: max],
  84621. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  84622. mean: [Function: mean],
  84623. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  84624. min: [Function: min],
  84625. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  84626. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  84627. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  84628. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  84629. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  84630. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  84631. multiply: [Function],
  84632. nth: [Function: nth],
  84633. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  84634. noop: [Function: noop],
  84635. now: [Function],
  84636. pad: [Function: pad],
  84637. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  84638. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  84639. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  84640. random: [Function: random],
  84641. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  84642. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  84643. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  84644. replace: [Function: replace],
  84645. result: [Function: result],
  84646. round: [Function],
  84647. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  84648. sample: [Function: sample],
  84649. size: [Function: size],
  84650. snakeCase: [Function],
  84651. some: [Function: some],
  84652. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  84653. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  84654. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  84655. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  84656. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  84657. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  84658. startCase: [Function],
  84659. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  84660. subtract: [Function],
  84661. sum: [Function: sum],
  84662. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  84663. template: [Function: template],
  84664. times: [Function: times],
  84665. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  84666. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  84667. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  84668. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  84669. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  84670. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  84671. toString: [Function: toString],
  84672. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  84673. trim: [Function: trim],
  84674. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  84675. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  84676. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  84677. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  84678. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  84679. upperCase: [Function],
  84680. upperFirst: [Function],
  84681. each: [Function: forEach],
  84682. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  84683. first: [Function: head],
  84684. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  84685. options:
  84686. { dialect: 'mysql',
  84687. dialectModulePath: null,
  84688. host: 'localhost',
  84689. protocol: 'tcp',
  84690. define: {},
  84691. query: {},
  84692. sync: {},
  84693. timezone: '+00:00',
  84694. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  84695. omitNull: false,
  84696. native: false,
  84697. replication: false,
  84698. ssl: undefined,
  84699. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  84700. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  84701. hooks: {},
  84702. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  84703. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  84704. isolationLevel: null,
  84705. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  84706. typeValidation: false,
  84707. benchmark: false,
  84708. operatorsAliases: false },
  84709. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  84710. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  84711. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  84712. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  84713. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  84714. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  84715. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  84716. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  84717. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  84718. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  84719. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  84720. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  84721. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  84722. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  84723. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  84724. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  84725. quote: [Function: quote],
  84726. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  84727. escape: [Function: escape],
  84728. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  84729. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  84730. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  84731. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  84732. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  84733. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  84734. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  84735. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  84736. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  84737. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  84738. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  84739. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  84740. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  84741. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  84742. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  84743. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  84744. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  84745. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  84746. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  84747. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  84748. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  84749. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  84750. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  84751. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  84752. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  84753. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  84754. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  84755. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  84756. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  84757. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  84758. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  84759. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  84760. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  84761. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  84762. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  84763. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  84764. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  84765. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  84766. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  84767. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  84768. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  84769. _dialect: [Circular],
  84770. sequelize: [Circular],
  84771. typeValidation: undefined } },
  84772. queryInterface:
  84773. QueryInterface {
  84774. sequelize: [Circular],
  84775. QueryGenerator:
  84776. { dialect: 'mysql',
  84777. OperatorMap:
  84778. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  84779. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  84780. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  84781. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  84782. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  84783. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  84784. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  84785. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  84786. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  84787. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  84788. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  84789. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  84790. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  84791. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  84792. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  84793. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  84794. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  84795. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  84796. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  84797. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  84798. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  84799. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  84800. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  84801. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  84802. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  84803. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  84804. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  84805. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  84806. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  84807. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  84808. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  84809. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  84810. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  84811. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  84812. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  84813. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  84814. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  84815. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  84816. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  84817. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  84818. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  84819. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  84820. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  84821. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  84822. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  84823. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  84824. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  84825. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  84826. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  84827. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  84828. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  84829. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  84830. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  84831. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  84832. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  84833. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  84834. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  84835. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  84836. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  84837. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  84838. _templateSettings:
  84839. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84840. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84841. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  84842. variable: '',
  84843. imports:
  84844. { _:
  84845. { [Function: lodash]
  84846. templateSettings: [Circular],
  84847. after: [Function: after],
  84848. ary: [Function: ary],
  84849. assign: [Function],
  84850. assignIn: [Function],
  84851. assignInWith: [Function],
  84852. assignWith: [Function],
  84853. at: [Function],
  84854. before: [Function: before],
  84855. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84856. bindAll: [Function],
  84857. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84858. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  84859. chain: [Function: chain],
  84860. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  84861. compact: [Function: compact],
  84862. concat: [Function: concat],
  84863. cond: [Function: cond],
  84864. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  84865. constant: [Function: constant],
  84866. countBy: [Function],
  84867. create: [Function: create],
  84868. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84869. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84870. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  84871. defaults: [Function],
  84872. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  84873. defer: [Function],
  84874. delay: [Function],
  84875. difference: [Function],
  84876. differenceBy: [Function],
  84877. differenceWith: [Function],
  84878. drop: [Function: drop],
  84879. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  84880. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  84881. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  84882. fill: [Function: fill],
  84883. filter: [Function: filter],
  84884. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  84885. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  84886. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  84887. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  84888. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  84889. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  84890. flip: [Function: flip],
  84891. flow: [Function],
  84892. flowRight: [Function],
  84893. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  84894. functions: [Function: functions],
  84895. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  84896. groupBy: [Function],
  84897. initial: [Function: initial],
  84898. intersection: [Function],
  84899. intersectionBy: [Function],
  84900. intersectionWith: [Function],
  84901. invert: [Function],
  84902. invertBy: [Function],
  84903. invokeMap: [Function],
  84904. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  84905. keyBy: [Function],
  84906. keys: [Function: keys],
  84907. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  84908. map: [Function: map],
  84909. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  84910. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  84911. matches: [Function: matches],
  84912. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  84913. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  84914. merge: [Function],
  84915. mergeWith: [Function],
  84916. method: [Function],
  84917. methodOf: [Function],
  84918. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  84919. negate: [Function: negate],
  84920. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  84921. omit: [Function],
  84922. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  84923. once: [Function: once],
  84924. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  84925. over: [Function],
  84926. overArgs: [Function],
  84927. overEvery: [Function],
  84928. overSome: [Function],
  84929. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84930. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  84931. partition: [Function],
  84932. pick: [Function],
  84933. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  84934. property: [Function: property],
  84935. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  84936. pull: [Function],
  84937. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  84938. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  84939. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  84940. pullAt: [Function],
  84941. range: [Function],
  84942. rangeRight: [Function],
  84943. rearg: [Function],
  84944. reject: [Function: reject],
  84945. remove: [Function: remove],
  84946. rest: [Function: rest],
  84947. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  84948. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  84949. set: [Function: set],
  84950. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  84951. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  84952. slice: [Function: slice],
  84953. sortBy: [Function],
  84954. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  84955. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  84956. split: [Function: split],
  84957. spread: [Function: spread],
  84958. tail: [Function: tail],
  84959. take: [Function: take],
  84960. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  84961. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  84962. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  84963. tap: [Function: tap],
  84964. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  84965. thru: [Function: thru],
  84966. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  84967. toPairs: [Function],
  84968. toPairsIn: [Function],
  84969. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  84970. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  84971. transform: [Function: transform],
  84972. unary: [Function: unary],
  84973. union: [Function],
  84974. unionBy: [Function],
  84975. unionWith: [Function],
  84976. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  84977. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  84978. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  84979. unset: [Function: unset],
  84980. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  84981. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  84982. update: [Function: update],
  84983. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  84984. values: [Function: values],
  84985. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  84986. without: [Function],
  84987. words: [Function: words],
  84988. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  84989. xor: [Function],
  84990. xorBy: [Function],
  84991. xorWith: [Function],
  84992. zip: [Function],
  84993. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  84994. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  84995. zipWith: [Function],
  84996. entries: [Function],
  84997. entriesIn: [Function],
  84998. extend: [Function],
  84999. extendWith: [Function],
  85000. add: [Function],
  85001. attempt: [Function],
  85002. camelCase: [Function],
  85003. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  85004. ceil: [Function],
  85005. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  85006. clone: [Function: clone],
  85007. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  85008. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  85009. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  85010. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  85011. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  85012. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  85013. divide: [Function],
  85014. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  85015. eq: [Function: eq],
  85016. escape: [Function: escape],
  85017. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  85018. every: [Function: every],
  85019. find: [Function],
  85020. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  85021. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  85022. findLast: [Function],
  85023. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  85024. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  85025. floor: [Function],
  85026. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  85027. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  85028. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  85029. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  85030. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  85031. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  85032. get: [Function: get],
  85033. gt: [Function],
  85034. gte: [Function],
  85035. has: [Function: has],
  85036. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  85037. head: [Function: head],
  85038. identity: [Function: identity],
  85039. includes: [Function: includes],
  85040. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  85041. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  85042. invoke: [Function],
  85043. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  85044. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  85045. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  85046. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  85047. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  85048. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  85049. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  85050. isDate: [Function],
  85051. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  85052. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  85053. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  85054. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  85055. isError: [Function: isError],
  85056. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  85057. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  85058. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  85059. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  85060. isMap: [Function],
  85061. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  85062. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  85063. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  85064. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  85065. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  85066. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  85067. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  85068. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  85069. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  85070. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  85071. isRegExp: [Function],
  85072. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  85073. isSet: [Function],
  85074. isString: [Function: isString],
  85075. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  85076. isTypedArray: [Function],
  85077. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  85078. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  85079. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  85080. join: [Function: join],
  85081. kebabCase: [Function],
  85082. last: [Function: last],
  85083. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  85084. lowerCase: [Function],
  85085. lowerFirst: [Function],
  85086. lt: [Function],
  85087. lte: [Function],
  85088. max: [Function: max],
  85089. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  85090. mean: [Function: mean],
  85091. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  85092. min: [Function: min],
  85093. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  85094. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  85095. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  85096. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  85097. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  85098. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  85099. multiply: [Function],
  85100. nth: [Function: nth],
  85101. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  85102. noop: [Function: noop],
  85103. now: [Function],
  85104. pad: [Function: pad],
  85105. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  85106. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  85107. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  85108. random: [Function: random],
  85109. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  85110. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  85111. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  85112. replace: [Function: replace],
  85113. result: [Function: result],
  85114. round: [Function],
  85115. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  85116. sample: [Function: sample],
  85117. size: [Function: size],
  85118. snakeCase: [Function],
  85119. some: [Function: some],
  85120. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  85121. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  85122. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  85123. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  85124. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  85125. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  85126. startCase: [Function],
  85127. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  85128. subtract: [Function],
  85129. sum: [Function: sum],
  85130. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  85131. template: [Function: template],
  85132. times: [Function: times],
  85133. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  85134. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  85135. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  85136. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  85137. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  85138. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  85139. toString: [Function: toString],
  85140. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  85141. trim: [Function: trim],
  85142. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  85143. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  85144. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  85145. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  85146. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  85147. upperCase: [Function],
  85148. upperFirst: [Function],
  85149. each: [Function: forEach],
  85150. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  85151. first: [Function: head],
  85152. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  85153. options:
  85154. { dialect: 'mysql',
  85155. dialectModulePath: null,
  85156. host: 'localhost',
  85157. protocol: 'tcp',
  85158. define: {},
  85159. query: {},
  85160. sync: {},
  85161. timezone: '+00:00',
  85162. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  85163. omitNull: false,
  85164. native: false,
  85165. replication: false,
  85166. ssl: undefined,
  85167. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  85168. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  85169. hooks: {},
  85170. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  85171. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  85172. isolationLevel: null,
  85173. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  85174. typeValidation: false,
  85175. benchmark: false,
  85176. operatorsAliases: false },
  85177. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  85178. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  85179. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  85180. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  85181. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  85182. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  85183. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  85184. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  85185. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  85186. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  85187. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  85188. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  85189. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  85190. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  85191. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  85192. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  85193. quote: [Function: quote],
  85194. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  85195. escape: [Function: escape],
  85196. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  85197. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  85198. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  85199. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  85200. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  85201. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  85202. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  85203. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  85204. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  85205. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  85206. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  85207. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  85208. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  85209. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  85210. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  85211. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  85212. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  85213. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  85214. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  85215. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  85216. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  85217. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  85218. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  85219. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  85220. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  85221. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  85222. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  85223. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  85224. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  85225. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  85226. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  85227. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  85228. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  85229. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  85230. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  85231. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  85232. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  85233. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  85234. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  85235. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  85236. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  85237. _dialect:
  85238. MysqlDialect {
  85239. sequelize: [Circular],
  85240. connectionManager:
  85241. ConnectionManager {
  85242. sequelize: [Circular],
  85243. config:
  85244. { database: 'lbry',
  85245. username: 'root',
  85246. password: 'abcd1234',
  85247. host: 'localhost',
  85248. port: undefined,
  85249. pool:
  85250. { max: 5,
  85251. min: 0,
  85252. acquire: 30000,
  85253. idle: 10000,
  85254. evict: 10000,
  85255. handleDisconnects: true,
  85256. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  85257. Promise:
  85258. { [Function: Promise]
  85259. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  85260. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  85261. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  85262. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  85263. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85264. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85265. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  85266. _peekContext: [Function],
  85267. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  85268. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  85269. longStackTraces: [Function],
  85270. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  85271. config: [Function],
  85272. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  85273. is: [Function],
  85274. fromCallback: [Function],
  85275. fromNode: [Function],
  85276. all: [Function],
  85277. cast: [Function],
  85278. fulfilled: [Function],
  85279. resolve: [Function],
  85280. rejected: [Function],
  85281. reject: [Function],
  85282. setScheduler: [Function],
  85283. pending: [Function],
  85284. defer: [Function],
  85285. method: [Function],
  85286. try: [Function],
  85287. attempt: [Function],
  85288. bind: [Function],
  85289. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  85290. join: [Function],
  85291. Promise: [Circular],
  85292. version: '3.5.3',
  85293. map: [Function],
  85294. using: [Function],
  85295. delay: [Function],
  85296. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  85297. spawn: [Function],
  85298. promisify: [Function],
  85299. promisifyAll: [Function],
  85300. props: [Function],
  85301. race: [Function],
  85302. reduce: [Function],
  85303. settle: [Function],
  85304. some: [Function],
  85305. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  85306. filter: [Function],
  85307. each: [Function],
  85308. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  85309. any: [Function],
  85310. default: [Circular] } },
  85311. protocol: 'tcp',
  85312. native: false,
  85313. ssl: undefined,
  85314. replication: false,
  85315. dialectModulePath: null,
  85316. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  85317. dialectOptions: undefined },
  85318. dialect: [Circular],
  85319. versionPromise: null,
  85320. dialectName: 'mysql',
  85321. pool:
  85322. Pool {
  85323. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  85324. _eventsCount: 0,
  85325. _maxListeners: undefined,
  85326. _config:
  85327. PoolOptions {
  85328. fifo: true,
  85329. priorityRange: 1,
  85330. testOnBorrow: true,
  85331. testOnReturn: false,
  85332. autostart: false,
  85333. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  85334. max: 5,
  85335. min: 0,
  85336. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  85337. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  85338. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  85339. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  85340. Promise:
  85341. { [Function: Promise]
  85342. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  85343. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  85344. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  85345. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  85346. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85347. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85348. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  85349. _peekContext: [Function],
  85350. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  85351. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  85352. longStackTraces: [Function],
  85353. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  85354. config: [Function],
  85355. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  85356. is: [Function],
  85357. fromCallback: [Function],
  85358. fromNode: [Function],
  85359. all: [Function],
  85360. cast: [Function],
  85361. fulfilled: [Function],
  85362. resolve: [Function],
  85363. rejected: [Function],
  85364. reject: [Function],
  85365. setScheduler: [Function],
  85366. pending: [Function],
  85367. defer: [Function],
  85368. method: [Function],
  85369. try: [Function],
  85370. attempt: [Function],
  85371. bind: [Function],
  85372. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  85373. join: [Function],
  85374. Promise: [Circular],
  85375. version: '3.5.3',
  85376. map: [Function],
  85377. using: [Function],
  85378. delay: [Function],
  85379. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  85380. spawn: [Function],
  85381. promisify: [Function],
  85382. promisifyAll: [Function],
  85383. props: [Function],
  85384. race: [Function],
  85385. reduce: [Function],
  85386. settle: [Function],
  85387. some: [Function],
  85388. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  85389. filter: [Function],
  85390. each: [Function],
  85391. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  85392. any: [Function],
  85393. default: [Circular] } },
  85394. _Promise:
  85395. { [Function: Promise]
  85396. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  85397. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  85398. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  85399. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  85400. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85401. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  85402. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  85403. _peekContext: [Function],
  85404. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  85405. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  85406. longStackTraces: [Function],
  85407. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  85408. config: [Function],
  85409. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  85410. is: [Function],
  85411. fromCallback: [Function],
  85412. fromNode: [Function],
  85413. all: [Function],
  85414. cast: [Function],
  85415. fulfilled: [Function],
  85416. resolve: [Function],
  85417. rejected: [Function],
  85418. reject: [Function],
  85419. setScheduler: [Function],
  85420. pending: [Function],
  85421. defer: [Function],
  85422. method: [Function],
  85423. try: [Function],
  85424. attempt: [Function],
  85425. bind: [Function],
  85426. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  85427. join: [Function],
  85428. Promise: [Circular],
  85429. version: '3.5.3',
  85430. map: [Function],
  85431. using: [Function],
  85432. delay: [Function],
  85433. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  85434. spawn: [Function],
  85435. promisify: [Function],
  85436. promisifyAll: [Function],
  85437. props: [Function],
  85438. race: [Function],
  85439. reduce: [Function],
  85440. settle: [Function],
  85441. some: [Function],
  85442. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  85443. filter: [Function],
  85444. each: [Function],
  85445. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  85446. any: [Function],
  85447. default: [Circular] },
  85448. _factory:
  85449. { create: [Function: create],
  85450. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  85451. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  85452. _draining: false,
  85453. _started: true,
  85454. _waitingClientsQueue:
  85455. PriorityQueue {
  85456. _size: 1,
  85457. _slots:
  85458. [ Queue {
  85459. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  85460. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  85461. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  85462. _availableObjects:
  85463. Deque {
  85464. _list:
  85465. DoublyLinkedList {
  85466. head:
  85467. { prev: null,
  85468. next:
  85469. { prev: [Circular],
  85470. next: null,
  85471. data:
  85472. PooledResource {
  85473. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  85474. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  85475. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  85476. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  85477. obj:
  85478. Connection {
  85479. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  85480. _eventsCount: 1,
  85481. _maxListeners: undefined,
  85482. config:
  85483. ConnectionConfig {
  85484. isServer: undefined,
  85485. stream: undefined,
  85486. host: 'localhost',
  85487. port: 3306,
  85488. localAddress: undefined,
  85489. socketPath: undefined,
  85490. user: 'root',
  85491. password: 'abcd1234',
  85492. passwordSha1: undefined,
  85493. database: 'lbry',
  85494. connectTimeout: 10000,
  85495. insecureAuth: false,
  85496. supportBigNumbers: true,
  85497. bigNumberStrings: false,
  85498. decimalNumbers: false,
  85499. dateStrings: false,
  85500. debug: undefined,
  85501. trace: true,
  85502. stringifyObjects: false,
  85503. timezone: '+00:00',
  85504. queryFormat: undefined,
  85505. pool: undefined,
  85506. ssl: false,
  85507. multipleStatements: false,
  85508. rowsAsArray: false,
  85509. namedPlaceholders: false,
  85510. nestTables: undefined,
  85511. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  85512. maxPacketSize: 0,
  85513. charsetNumber: 224,
  85514. compress: false,
  85515. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  85516. clientFlags: 8582093,
  85517. connectAttributes: undefined,
  85518. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  85519. stream:
  85520. Socket {
  85521. connecting: false,
  85522. _hadError: false,
  85523. _handle:
  85524. TCP {
  85525. reading: true,
  85526. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  85527. onconnection: null,
  85528. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  85529. _parent: null,
  85530. _host: 'localhost',
  85531. _readableState:
  85532. ReadableState {
  85533. objectMode: false,
  85534. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85535. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  85536. length: 0,
  85537. pipes: null,
  85538. pipesCount: 0,
  85539. flowing: true,
  85540. ended: false,
  85541. endEmitted: false,
  85542. reading: true,
  85543. sync: false,
  85544. needReadable: true,
  85545. emittedReadable: false,
  85546. readableListening: false,
  85547. resumeScheduled: false,
  85548. emitClose: false,
  85549. autoDestroy: false,
  85550. destroyed: false,
  85551. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  85552. awaitDrain: 0,
  85553. readingMore: false,
  85554. decoder: null,
  85555. encoding: null },
  85556. readable: true,
  85557. _events:
  85558. [Object: null prototype] {
  85559. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  85560. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  85561. data: [Function],
  85562. close: [Function] },
  85563. _eventsCount: 4,
  85564. _maxListeners: undefined,
  85565. _writableState:
  85566. WritableState {
  85567. objectMode: false,
  85568. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85569. finalCalled: false,
  85570. needDrain: false,
  85571. ending: false,
  85572. ended: false,
  85573. finished: false,
  85574. destroyed: false,
  85575. decodeStrings: false,
  85576. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  85577. length: 0,
  85578. writing: false,
  85579. corked: 0,
  85580. sync: false,
  85581. bufferProcessing: false,
  85582. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  85583. writecb: null,
  85584. writelen: 0,
  85585. bufferedRequest: null,
  85586. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  85587. pendingcb: 0,
  85588. prefinished: false,
  85589. errorEmitted: false,
  85590. emitClose: false,
  85591. autoDestroy: false,
  85592. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  85593. corkedRequestsFree:
  85594. { next: null,
  85595. entry: null,
  85596. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  85597. writable: true,
  85598. allowHalfOpen: false,
  85599. _sockname: null,
  85600. _pendingData: null,
  85601. _pendingEncoding: '',
  85602. server: null,
  85603. _server: null,
  85604. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  85605. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  85606. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  85607. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  85608. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  85609. _internalId: 1,
  85610. _commands:
  85611. Denque {
  85612. _head: 0,
  85613. _tail: 0,
  85614. _capacityMask: 3,
  85615. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  85616. _command: undefined,
  85617. _paused: false,
  85618. _paused_packets:
  85619. Denque {
  85620. _head: 0,
  85621. _tail: 0,
  85622. _capacityMask: 3,
  85623. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  85624. _statements:
  85625. LRUCache {
  85626. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  85627. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  85628. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  85629. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  85630. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  85631. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  85632. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  85633. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  85634. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  85635. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  85636. authorized: true,
  85637. sequenceId: 23,
  85638. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  85639. threadId: 1303,
  85640. _handshakePacket:
  85641. Handshake {
  85642. protocolVersion: 10,
  85643. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  85644. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  85645. connectionId: 1303,
  85646. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  85647. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  85648. characterSet: 255,
  85649. statusFlags: 2 },
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  85651. _protocolError: null,
  85652. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  85653. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  85654. packetParser:
  85655. PacketParser {
  85656. buffer: [],
  85657. bufferLength: 0,
  85658. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  85659. headerLen: 0,
  85660. length: 5,
  85661. largePacketParts: [],
  85662. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  85663. onPacket: [Function],
  85664. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  85665. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  85666. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  85667. connectTimeout: null,
  85668. connectionId: 1303 },
  85669. state: 'IDLE' } },
  85670. data:
  85671. PooledResource {
  85672. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  85673. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  85674. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  85675. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  85676. obj:
  85677. Connection {
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  85679. _eventsCount: 1,
  85680. _maxListeners: undefined,
  85681. config:
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  85683. isServer: undefined,
  85684. stream: undefined,
  85685. host: 'localhost',
  85686. port: 3306,
  85687. localAddress: undefined,
  85688. socketPath: undefined,
  85689. user: 'root',
  85690. password: 'abcd1234',
  85691. passwordSha1: undefined,
  85692. database: 'lbry',
  85693. connectTimeout: 10000,
  85694. insecureAuth: false,
  85695. supportBigNumbers: true,
  85696. bigNumberStrings: false,
  85697. decimalNumbers: false,
  85698. dateStrings: false,
  85699. debug: undefined,
  85700. trace: true,
  85701. stringifyObjects: false,
  85702. timezone: '+00:00',
  85703. queryFormat: undefined,
  85704. pool: undefined,
  85705. ssl: false,
  85706. multipleStatements: false,
  85707. rowsAsArray: false,
  85708. namedPlaceholders: false,
  85709. nestTables: undefined,
  85710. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  85711. maxPacketSize: 0,
  85712. charsetNumber: 224,
  85713. compress: false,
  85714. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  85715. clientFlags: 8582093,
  85716. connectAttributes: undefined,
  85717. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  85718. stream:
  85719. Socket {
  85720. connecting: false,
  85721. _hadError: false,
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  85723. TCP {
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  85725. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  85727. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  85728. _parent: null,
  85729. _host: 'localhost',
  85730. _readableState:
  85731. ReadableState {
  85732. objectMode: false,
  85733. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85734. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  85735. length: 0,
  85736. pipes: null,
  85737. pipesCount: 0,
  85738. flowing: true,
  85739. ended: false,
  85740. endEmitted: false,
  85741. reading: true,
  85742. sync: false,
  85743. needReadable: true,
  85744. emittedReadable: false,
  85745. readableListening: false,
  85746. resumeScheduled: false,
  85747. emitClose: false,
  85748. autoDestroy: false,
  85749. destroyed: false,
  85750. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  85751. awaitDrain: 0,
  85752. readingMore: false,
  85753. decoder: null,
  85754. encoding: null },
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  85757. [Object: null prototype] {
  85758. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  85759. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  85760. data: [Function],
  85761. close: [Function] },
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  85767. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85768. finalCalled: false,
  85769. needDrain: false,
  85770. ending: false,
  85771. ended: false,
  85772. finished: false,
  85773. destroyed: false,
  85774. decodeStrings: false,
  85775. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  85776. length: 0,
  85777. writing: false,
  85778. corked: 0,
  85779. sync: false,
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  85783. writelen: 0,
  85784. bufferedRequest: null,
  85785. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  85786. pendingcb: 0,
  85787. prefinished: false,
  85788. errorEmitted: false,
  85789. emitClose: false,
  85790. autoDestroy: false,
  85791. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  85792. corkedRequestsFree:
  85793. { next: null,
  85794. entry: null,
  85795. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  85797. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  85799. _pendingData: null,
  85800. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  85802. _server: null,
  85803. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  85804. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  85805. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  85806. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  85807. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  85808. _internalId: 2,
  85809. _commands:
  85810. Denque {
  85811. _head: 0,
  85812. _tail: 0,
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  85814. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  85816. _paused: false,
  85817. _paused_packets:
  85818. Denque {
  85819. _head: 0,
  85820. _tail: 0,
  85821. _capacityMask: 3,
  85822. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  85827. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  85828. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  85829. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  85830. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  85831. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  85832. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  85833. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  85834. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  85835. authorized: true,
  85836. sequenceId: 2,
  85837. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  85838. threadId: 1302,
  85839. _handshakePacket:
  85840. Handshake {
  85841. protocolVersion: 10,
  85842. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  85843. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  85844. connectionId: 1302,
  85845. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  85846. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  85847. characterSet: 255,
  85848. statusFlags: 2 },
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  85850. _protocolError: null,
  85851. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  85852. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  85853. packetParser:
  85854. PacketParser {
  85855. buffer: [],
  85856. bufferLength: 0,
  85857. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  85858. headerLen: 0,
  85859. length: 7,
  85860. largePacketParts: [],
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  85865. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  85866. connectTimeout: null,
  85867. connectionId: 1302 },
  85868. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  85870. { prev:
  85871. { prev: null,
  85872. next: [Circular],
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  85874. PooledResource {
  85875. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  85876. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  85877. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  85878. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  85879. obj:
  85880. Connection {
  85881. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  85882. _eventsCount: 1,
  85883. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  85885. ConnectionConfig {
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  85887. stream: undefined,
  85888. host: 'localhost',
  85889. port: 3306,
  85890. localAddress: undefined,
  85891. socketPath: undefined,
  85892. user: 'root',
  85893. password: 'abcd1234',
  85894. passwordSha1: undefined,
  85895. database: 'lbry',
  85896. connectTimeout: 10000,
  85897. insecureAuth: false,
  85898. supportBigNumbers: true,
  85899. bigNumberStrings: false,
  85900. decimalNumbers: false,
  85901. dateStrings: false,
  85902. debug: undefined,
  85903. trace: true,
  85904. stringifyObjects: false,
  85905. timezone: '+00:00',
  85906. queryFormat: undefined,
  85907. pool: undefined,
  85908. ssl: false,
  85909. multipleStatements: false,
  85910. rowsAsArray: false,
  85911. namedPlaceholders: false,
  85912. nestTables: undefined,
  85913. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  85915. charsetNumber: 224,
  85916. compress: false,
  85917. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  85918. clientFlags: 8582093,
  85919. connectAttributes: undefined,
  85920. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  85922. Socket {
  85923. connecting: false,
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  85926. TCP {
  85927. reading: true,
  85928. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  85930. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  85932. _host: 'localhost',
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  85934. ReadableState {
  85935. objectMode: false,
  85936. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85937. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  85938. length: 0,
  85939. pipes: null,
  85940. pipesCount: 0,
  85941. flowing: true,
  85942. ended: false,
  85943. endEmitted: false,
  85944. reading: true,
  85945. sync: false,
  85946. needReadable: true,
  85947. emittedReadable: false,
  85948. readableListening: false,
  85949. resumeScheduled: false,
  85950. emitClose: false,
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  85952. destroyed: false,
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  85954. awaitDrain: 0,
  85955. readingMore: false,
  85956. decoder: null,
  85957. encoding: null },
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  85960. [Object: null prototype] {
  85961. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  85962. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  85963. data: [Function],
  85964. close: [Function] },
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  85966. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  85971. finalCalled: false,
  85972. needDrain: false,
  85973. ending: false,
  85974. ended: false,
  85975. finished: false,
  85976. destroyed: false,
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  85978. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  85979. length: 0,
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  85981. corked: 0,
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  85986. writelen: 0,
  85987. bufferedRequest: null,
  85988. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  85989. pendingcb: 0,
  85990. prefinished: false,
  85991. errorEmitted: false,
  85992. emitClose: false,
  85993. autoDestroy: false,
  85994. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  85995. corkedRequestsFree:
  85996. { next: null,
  85997. entry: null,
  85998. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  86000. allowHalfOpen: false,
  86001. _sockname: null,
  86002. _pendingData: null,
  86003. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  86005. _server: null,
  86006. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  86007. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  86008. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  86009. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  86010. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  86011. _internalId: 2,
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  86013. Denque {
  86014. _head: 0,
  86015. _tail: 0,
  86016. _capacityMask: 3,
  86017. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86019. _paused: false,
  86020. _paused_packets:
  86021. Denque {
  86022. _head: 0,
  86023. _tail: 0,
  86024. _capacityMask: 3,
  86025. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86030. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  86031. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  86032. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  86033. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  86034. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  86035. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  86036. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  86037. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86038. authorized: true,
  86039. sequenceId: 2,
  86040. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  86041. threadId: 1302,
  86042. _handshakePacket:
  86043. Handshake {
  86044. protocolVersion: 10,
  86045. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  86046. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86047. connectionId: 1302,
  86048. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  86049. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  86050. characterSet: 255,
  86051. statusFlags: 2 },
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  86053. _protocolError: null,
  86054. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  86055. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  86056. packetParser:
  86057. PacketParser {
  86058. buffer: [],
  86059. bufferLength: 0,
  86060. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  86061. headerLen: 0,
  86062. length: 7,
  86063. largePacketParts: [],
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  86068. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  86069. connectTimeout: null,
  86070. connectionId: 1302 },
  86071. state: 'IDLE' } },
  86072. next: null,
  86073. data:
  86074. PooledResource {
  86075. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  86076. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  86077. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  86078. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  86079. obj:
  86080. Connection {
  86081. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  86082. _eventsCount: 1,
  86083. _maxListeners: undefined,
  86084. config:
  86085. ConnectionConfig {
  86086. isServer: undefined,
  86087. stream: undefined,
  86088. host: 'localhost',
  86089. port: 3306,
  86090. localAddress: undefined,
  86091. socketPath: undefined,
  86092. user: 'root',
  86093. password: 'abcd1234',
  86094. passwordSha1: undefined,
  86095. database: 'lbry',
  86096. connectTimeout: 10000,
  86097. insecureAuth: false,
  86098. supportBigNumbers: true,
  86099. bigNumberStrings: false,
  86100. decimalNumbers: false,
  86101. dateStrings: false,
  86102. debug: undefined,
  86103. trace: true,
  86104. stringifyObjects: false,
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  86106. queryFormat: undefined,
  86107. pool: undefined,
  86108. ssl: false,
  86109. multipleStatements: false,
  86110. rowsAsArray: false,
  86111. namedPlaceholders: false,
  86112. nestTables: undefined,
  86113. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  86115. charsetNumber: 224,
  86116. compress: false,
  86117. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  86118. clientFlags: 8582093,
  86119. connectAttributes: undefined,
  86120. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  86121. stream:
  86122. Socket {
  86123. connecting: false,
  86124. _hadError: false,
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  86126. TCP {
  86127. reading: true,
  86128. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  86129. onconnection: null,
  86130. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  86132. _host: 'localhost',
  86133. _readableState:
  86134. ReadableState {
  86135. objectMode: false,
  86136. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86137. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  86138. length: 0,
  86139. pipes: null,
  86140. pipesCount: 0,
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  86143. endEmitted: false,
  86144. reading: true,
  86145. sync: false,
  86146. needReadable: true,
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  86148. readableListening: false,
  86149. resumeScheduled: false,
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  86152. destroyed: false,
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  86154. awaitDrain: 0,
  86155. readingMore: false,
  86156. decoder: null,
  86157. encoding: null },
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  86160. [Object: null prototype] {
  86161. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  86162. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  86163. data: [Function],
  86164. close: [Function] },
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  86166. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  86168. WritableState {
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  86170. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86171. finalCalled: false,
  86172. needDrain: false,
  86173. ending: false,
  86174. ended: false,
  86175. finished: false,
  86176. destroyed: false,
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  86178. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86179. length: 0,
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  86181. corked: 0,
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  86188. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  86189. pendingcb: 0,
  86190. prefinished: false,
  86191. errorEmitted: false,
  86192. emitClose: false,
  86193. autoDestroy: false,
  86194. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  86195. corkedRequestsFree:
  86196. { next: null,
  86197. entry: null,
  86198. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  86200. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  86202. _pendingData: null,
  86203. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  86205. _server: null,
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  86207. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  86208. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  86209. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  86210. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  86213. Denque {
  86214. _head: 0,
  86215. _tail: 0,
  86216. _capacityMask: 3,
  86217. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  86218. _command: undefined,
  86219. _paused: false,
  86220. _paused_packets:
  86221. Denque {
  86222. _head: 0,
  86223. _tail: 0,
  86224. _capacityMask: 3,
  86225. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86229. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
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  86231. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  86232. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  86233. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  86234. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  86235. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  86236. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  86237. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86238. authorized: true,
  86239. sequenceId: 23,
  86240. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  86241. threadId: 1303,
  86242. _handshakePacket:
  86243. Handshake {
  86244. protocolVersion: 10,
  86245. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  86246. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86247. connectionId: 1303,
  86248. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  86249. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  86250. characterSet: 255,
  86251. statusFlags: 2 },
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  86253. _protocolError: null,
  86254. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  86255. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  86256. packetParser:
  86257. PacketParser {
  86258. buffer: [],
  86259. bufferLength: 0,
  86260. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  86261. headerLen: 0,
  86262. length: 5,
  86263. largePacketParts: [],
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  86265. onPacket: [Function],
  86266. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  86267. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  86268. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  86269. connectTimeout: null,
  86270. connectionId: 1303 },
  86271. state: 'IDLE' } },
  86272. length: 2 } },
  86273. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  86274. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  86275. _validationOperations: Set {},
  86276. _allObjects:
  86277. Set {
  86278. PooledResource {
  86279. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  86280. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  86281. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  86282. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  86283. obj:
  86284. Connection {
  86285. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  86286. _eventsCount: 1,
  86287. _maxListeners: undefined,
  86288. config:
  86289. ConnectionConfig {
  86290. isServer: undefined,
  86291. stream: undefined,
  86292. host: 'localhost',
  86293. port: 3306,
  86294. localAddress: undefined,
  86295. socketPath: undefined,
  86296. user: 'root',
  86297. password: 'abcd1234',
  86298. passwordSha1: undefined,
  86299. database: 'lbry',
  86300. connectTimeout: 10000,
  86301. insecureAuth: false,
  86302. supportBigNumbers: true,
  86303. bigNumberStrings: false,
  86304. decimalNumbers: false,
  86305. dateStrings: false,
  86306. debug: undefined,
  86307. trace: true,
  86308. stringifyObjects: false,
  86309. timezone: '+00:00',
  86310. queryFormat: undefined,
  86311. pool: undefined,
  86312. ssl: false,
  86313. multipleStatements: false,
  86314. rowsAsArray: false,
  86315. namedPlaceholders: false,
  86316. nestTables: undefined,
  86317. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  86319. charsetNumber: 224,
  86320. compress: false,
  86321. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  86322. clientFlags: 8582093,
  86323. connectAttributes: undefined,
  86324. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  86326. Socket {
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  86330. TCP {
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  86332. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  86334. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  86336. _host: 'localhost',
  86337. _readableState:
  86338. ReadableState {
  86339. objectMode: false,
  86340. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86341. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  86342. length: 0,
  86343. pipes: null,
  86344. pipesCount: 0,
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  86352. readableListening: false,
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  86356. destroyed: false,
  86357. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86358. awaitDrain: 0,
  86359. readingMore: false,
  86360. decoder: null,
  86361. encoding: null },
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  86364. [Object: null prototype] {
  86365. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  86366. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  86367. data: [Function],
  86368. close: [Function] },
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  86375. finalCalled: false,
  86376. needDrain: false,
  86377. ending: false,
  86378. ended: false,
  86379. finished: false,
  86380. destroyed: false,
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  86382. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86383. length: 0,
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  86385. corked: 0,
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  86392. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  86393. pendingcb: 0,
  86394. prefinished: false,
  86395. errorEmitted: false,
  86396. emitClose: false,
  86397. autoDestroy: false,
  86398. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  86400. { next: null,
  86401. entry: null,
  86402. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  86407. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  86409. _server: null,
  86410. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  86411. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  86412. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  86413. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  86414. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  86417. Denque {
  86418. _head: 0,
  86419. _tail: 0,
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  86421. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86424. _paused_packets:
  86425. Denque {
  86426. _head: 0,
  86427. _tail: 0,
  86428. _capacityMask: 3,
  86429. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86434. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  86435. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  86436. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  86437. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  86438. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  86439. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  86440. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  86441. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86442. authorized: true,
  86443. sequenceId: 2,
  86444. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  86445. threadId: 1302,
  86446. _handshakePacket:
  86447. Handshake {
  86448. protocolVersion: 10,
  86449. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  86450. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86451. connectionId: 1302,
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  86453. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  86454. characterSet: 255,
  86455. statusFlags: 2 },
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  86457. _protocolError: null,
  86458. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  86460. packetParser:
  86461. PacketParser {
  86462. buffer: [],
  86463. bufferLength: 0,
  86464. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  86465. headerLen: 0,
  86466. length: 7,
  86467. largePacketParts: [],
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  86469. onPacket: [Function],
  86470. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  86472. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  86473. connectTimeout: null,
  86474. connectionId: 1302 },
  86475. state: 'IDLE' },
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  86477. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  86478. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  86479. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  86480. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  86482. Connection {
  86483. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  86484. _eventsCount: 1,
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  86489. stream: undefined,
  86490. host: 'localhost',
  86491. port: 3306,
  86492. localAddress: undefined,
  86493. socketPath: undefined,
  86494. user: 'root',
  86495. password: 'abcd1234',
  86496. passwordSha1: undefined,
  86497. database: 'lbry',
  86498. connectTimeout: 10000,
  86499. insecureAuth: false,
  86500. supportBigNumbers: true,
  86501. bigNumberStrings: false,
  86502. decimalNumbers: false,
  86503. dateStrings: false,
  86504. debug: undefined,
  86505. trace: true,
  86506. stringifyObjects: false,
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  86508. queryFormat: undefined,
  86509. pool: undefined,
  86510. ssl: false,
  86511. multipleStatements: false,
  86512. rowsAsArray: false,
  86513. namedPlaceholders: false,
  86514. nestTables: undefined,
  86515. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  86517. charsetNumber: 224,
  86518. compress: false,
  86519. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  86520. clientFlags: 8582093,
  86521. connectAttributes: undefined,
  86522. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  86524. Socket {
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  86528. TCP {
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  86530. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  86532. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  86534. _host: 'localhost',
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  86536. ReadableState {
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  86538. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86539. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  86540. length: 0,
  86541. pipes: null,
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  86550. readableListening: false,
  86551. resumeScheduled: false,
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  86554. destroyed: false,
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  86556. awaitDrain: 0,
  86557. readingMore: false,
  86558. decoder: null,
  86559. encoding: null },
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  86562. [Object: null prototype] {
  86563. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  86566. close: [Function] },
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  86573. finalCalled: false,
  86574. needDrain: false,
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  86576. ended: false,
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  86581. length: 0,
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  86583. corked: 0,
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  86590. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  86591. pendingcb: 0,
  86592. prefinished: false,
  86593. errorEmitted: false,
  86594. emitClose: false,
  86595. autoDestroy: false,
  86596. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  86597. corkedRequestsFree:
  86598. { next: null,
  86599. entry: null,
  86600. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  86601. writable: true,
  86602. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  86605. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  86607. _server: null,
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  86610. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  86611. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  86612. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  86613. _internalId: 1,
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  86615. Denque {
  86616. _head: 0,
  86617. _tail: 0,
  86618. _capacityMask: 3,
  86619. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  86620. _command: undefined,
  86621. _paused: false,
  86622. _paused_packets:
  86623. Denque {
  86624. _head: 0,
  86625. _tail: 0,
  86626. _capacityMask: 3,
  86627. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  86628. _statements:
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  86630. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  86631. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  86632. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  86633. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  86634. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  86635. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  86636. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  86637. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  86638. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  86639. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86640. authorized: true,
  86641. sequenceId: 23,
  86642. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  86643. threadId: 1303,
  86644. _handshakePacket:
  86645. Handshake {
  86646. protocolVersion: 10,
  86647. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  86648. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86649. connectionId: 1303,
  86650. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  86651. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  86652. characterSet: 255,
  86653. statusFlags: 2 },
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  86655. _protocolError: null,
  86656. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  86657. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  86658. packetParser:
  86659. PacketParser {
  86660. buffer: [],
  86661. bufferLength: 0,
  86662. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  86663. headerLen: 0,
  86664. length: 5,
  86665. largePacketParts: [],
  86666. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  86667. onPacket: [Function],
  86668. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  86669. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  86670. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  86671. connectTimeout: null,
  86672. connectionId: 1303 },
  86673. state: 'IDLE' } },
  86674. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  86675. _evictionIterator:
  86676. DequeIterator {
  86677. _list:
  86678. DoublyLinkedList {
  86679. head:
  86680. { prev: null,
  86681. next:
  86682. { prev: [Circular],
  86683. next: null,
  86684. data:
  86685. PooledResource {
  86686. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  86687. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  86688. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  86689. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  86690. obj:
  86691. Connection {
  86692. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  86693. _eventsCount: 1,
  86694. _maxListeners: undefined,
  86695. config:
  86696. ConnectionConfig {
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  86698. stream: undefined,
  86699. host: 'localhost',
  86700. port: 3306,
  86701. localAddress: undefined,
  86702. socketPath: undefined,
  86703. user: 'root',
  86704. password: 'abcd1234',
  86705. passwordSha1: undefined,
  86706. database: 'lbry',
  86707. connectTimeout: 10000,
  86708. insecureAuth: false,
  86709. supportBigNumbers: true,
  86710. bigNumberStrings: false,
  86711. decimalNumbers: false,
  86712. dateStrings: false,
  86713. debug: undefined,
  86714. trace: true,
  86715. stringifyObjects: false,
  86716. timezone: '+00:00',
  86717. queryFormat: undefined,
  86718. pool: undefined,
  86719. ssl: false,
  86720. multipleStatements: false,
  86721. rowsAsArray: false,
  86722. namedPlaceholders: false,
  86723. nestTables: undefined,
  86724. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  86726. charsetNumber: 224,
  86727. compress: false,
  86728. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  86729. clientFlags: 8582093,
  86730. connectAttributes: undefined,
  86731. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  86733. Socket {
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  86736. _handle:
  86737. TCP {
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  86739. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  86740. onconnection: null,
  86741. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  86742. _parent: null,
  86743. _host: 'localhost',
  86744. _readableState:
  86745. ReadableState {
  86746. objectMode: false,
  86747. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86748. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  86749. length: 0,
  86750. pipes: null,
  86751. pipesCount: 0,
  86752. flowing: true,
  86753. ended: false,
  86754. endEmitted: false,
  86755. reading: true,
  86756. sync: false,
  86757. needReadable: true,
  86758. emittedReadable: false,
  86759. readableListening: false,
  86760. resumeScheduled: false,
  86761. emitClose: false,
  86762. autoDestroy: false,
  86763. destroyed: false,
  86764. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86765. awaitDrain: 0,
  86766. readingMore: false,
  86767. decoder: null,
  86768. encoding: null },
  86769. readable: true,
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  86771. [Object: null prototype] {
  86772. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  86773. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  86774. data: [Function],
  86775. close: [Function] },
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  86777. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  86779. WritableState {
  86780. objectMode: false,
  86781. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86782. finalCalled: false,
  86783. needDrain: false,
  86784. ending: false,
  86785. ended: false,
  86786. finished: false,
  86787. destroyed: false,
  86788. decodeStrings: false,
  86789. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86790. length: 0,
  86791. writing: false,
  86792. corked: 0,
  86793. sync: false,
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  86795. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  86797. writelen: 0,
  86798. bufferedRequest: null,
  86799. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  86800. pendingcb: 0,
  86801. prefinished: false,
  86802. errorEmitted: false,
  86803. emitClose: false,
  86804. autoDestroy: false,
  86805. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  86806. corkedRequestsFree:
  86807. { next: null,
  86808. entry: null,
  86809. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  86810. writable: true,
  86811. allowHalfOpen: false,
  86812. _sockname: null,
  86813. _pendingData: null,
  86814. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  86816. _server: null,
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  86819. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  86820. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  86821. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  86822. _internalId: 1,
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  86824. Denque {
  86825. _head: 0,
  86826. _tail: 0,
  86827. _capacityMask: 3,
  86828. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  86829. _command: undefined,
  86830. _paused: false,
  86831. _paused_packets:
  86832. Denque {
  86833. _head: 0,
  86834. _tail: 0,
  86835. _capacityMask: 3,
  86836. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  86838. LRUCache {
  86839. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  86840. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  86841. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  86842. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  86843. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  86844. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  86845. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  86846. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  86847. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  86848. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86849. authorized: true,
  86850. sequenceId: 23,
  86851. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  86852. threadId: 1303,
  86853. _handshakePacket:
  86854. Handshake {
  86855. protocolVersion: 10,
  86856. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  86857. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  86858. connectionId: 1303,
  86859. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  86860. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  86861. characterSet: 255,
  86862. statusFlags: 2 },
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  86864. _protocolError: null,
  86865. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  86866. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  86867. packetParser:
  86868. PacketParser {
  86869. buffer: [],
  86870. bufferLength: 0,
  86871. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  86872. headerLen: 0,
  86873. length: 5,
  86874. largePacketParts: [],
  86875. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  86876. onPacket: [Function],
  86877. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  86878. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  86879. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  86880. connectTimeout: null,
  86881. connectionId: 1303 },
  86882. state: 'IDLE' } },
  86883. data:
  86884. PooledResource {
  86885. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  86886. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  86887. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  86888. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  86889. obj:
  86890. Connection {
  86891. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  86892. _eventsCount: 1,
  86893. _maxListeners: undefined,
  86894. config:
  86895. ConnectionConfig {
  86896. isServer: undefined,
  86897. stream: undefined,
  86898. host: 'localhost',
  86899. port: 3306,
  86900. localAddress: undefined,
  86901. socketPath: undefined,
  86902. user: 'root',
  86903. password: 'abcd1234',
  86904. passwordSha1: undefined,
  86905. database: 'lbry',
  86906. connectTimeout: 10000,
  86907. insecureAuth: false,
  86908. supportBigNumbers: true,
  86909. bigNumberStrings: false,
  86910. decimalNumbers: false,
  86911. dateStrings: false,
  86912. debug: undefined,
  86913. trace: true,
  86914. stringifyObjects: false,
  86915. timezone: '+00:00',
  86916. queryFormat: undefined,
  86917. pool: undefined,
  86918. ssl: false,
  86919. multipleStatements: false,
  86920. rowsAsArray: false,
  86921. namedPlaceholders: false,
  86922. nestTables: undefined,
  86923. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  86924. maxPacketSize: 0,
  86925. charsetNumber: 224,
  86926. compress: false,
  86927. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  86928. clientFlags: 8582093,
  86929. connectAttributes: undefined,
  86930. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  86931. stream:
  86932. Socket {
  86933. connecting: false,
  86934. _hadError: false,
  86935. _handle:
  86936. TCP {
  86937. reading: true,
  86938. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  86939. onconnection: null,
  86940. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  86941. _parent: null,
  86942. _host: 'localhost',
  86943. _readableState:
  86944. ReadableState {
  86945. objectMode: false,
  86946. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86947. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  86948. length: 0,
  86949. pipes: null,
  86950. pipesCount: 0,
  86951. flowing: true,
  86952. ended: false,
  86953. endEmitted: false,
  86954. reading: true,
  86955. sync: false,
  86956. needReadable: true,
  86957. emittedReadable: false,
  86958. readableListening: false,
  86959. resumeScheduled: false,
  86960. emitClose: false,
  86961. autoDestroy: false,
  86962. destroyed: false,
  86963. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86964. awaitDrain: 0,
  86965. readingMore: false,
  86966. decoder: null,
  86967. encoding: null },
  86968. readable: true,
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  86971. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  86972. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  86973. data: [Function],
  86974. close: [Function] },
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  86976. _maxListeners: undefined,
  86977. _writableState:
  86978. WritableState {
  86979. objectMode: false,
  86980. highWaterMark: 16384,
  86981. finalCalled: false,
  86982. needDrain: false,
  86983. ending: false,
  86984. ended: false,
  86985. finished: false,
  86986. destroyed: false,
  86987. decodeStrings: false,
  86988. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  86989. length: 0,
  86990. writing: false,
  86991. corked: 0,
  86992. sync: false,
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  86994. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  86996. writelen: 0,
  86997. bufferedRequest: null,
  86998. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  86999. pendingcb: 0,
  87000. prefinished: false,
  87001. errorEmitted: false,
  87002. emitClose: false,
  87003. autoDestroy: false,
  87004. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  87005. corkedRequestsFree:
  87006. { next: null,
  87007. entry: null,
  87008. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  87009. writable: true,
  87010. allowHalfOpen: false,
  87011. _sockname: null,
  87012. _pendingData: null,
  87013. _pendingEncoding: '',
  87014. server: null,
  87015. _server: null,
  87016. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  87017. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  87018. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  87019. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  87020. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  87021. _internalId: 2,
  87022. _commands:
  87023. Denque {
  87024. _head: 0,
  87025. _tail: 0,
  87026. _capacityMask: 3,
  87027. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  87028. _command: undefined,
  87029. _paused: false,
  87030. _paused_packets:
  87031. Denque {
  87032. _head: 0,
  87033. _tail: 0,
  87034. _capacityMask: 3,
  87035. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  87036. _statements:
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  87038. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  87039. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  87040. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  87041. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  87042. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  87043. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  87044. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  87045. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  87046. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  87047. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87048. authorized: true,
  87049. sequenceId: 2,
  87050. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  87051. threadId: 1302,
  87052. _handshakePacket:
  87053. Handshake {
  87054. protocolVersion: 10,
  87055. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  87056. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87057. connectionId: 1302,
  87058. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  87059. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  87060. characterSet: 255,
  87061. statusFlags: 2 },
  87062. _fatalError: null,
  87063. _protocolError: null,
  87064. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  87065. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  87066. packetParser:
  87067. PacketParser {
  87068. buffer: [],
  87069. bufferLength: 0,
  87070. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  87071. headerLen: 0,
  87072. length: 7,
  87073. largePacketParts: [],
  87074. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  87075. onPacket: [Function],
  87076. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  87077. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  87078. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  87079. connectTimeout: null,
  87080. connectionId: 1302 },
  87081. state: 'IDLE' } },
  87082. tail:
  87083. { prev:
  87084. { prev: null,
  87085. next: [Circular],
  87086. data:
  87087. PooledResource {
  87088. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  87089. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  87090. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  87091. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  87092. obj:
  87093. Connection {
  87094. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  87095. _eventsCount: 1,
  87096. _maxListeners: undefined,
  87097. config:
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  87100. stream: undefined,
  87101. host: 'localhost',
  87102. port: 3306,
  87103. localAddress: undefined,
  87104. socketPath: undefined,
  87105. user: 'root',
  87106. password: 'abcd1234',
  87107. passwordSha1: undefined,
  87108. database: 'lbry',
  87109. connectTimeout: 10000,
  87110. insecureAuth: false,
  87111. supportBigNumbers: true,
  87112. bigNumberStrings: false,
  87113. decimalNumbers: false,
  87114. dateStrings: false,
  87115. debug: undefined,
  87116. trace: true,
  87117. stringifyObjects: false,
  87118. timezone: '+00:00',
  87119. queryFormat: undefined,
  87120. pool: undefined,
  87121. ssl: false,
  87122. multipleStatements: false,
  87123. rowsAsArray: false,
  87124. namedPlaceholders: false,
  87125. nestTables: undefined,
  87126. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  87127. maxPacketSize: 0,
  87128. charsetNumber: 224,
  87129. compress: false,
  87130. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  87131. clientFlags: 8582093,
  87132. connectAttributes: undefined,
  87133. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  87135. Socket {
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  87138. _handle:
  87139. TCP {
  87140. reading: true,
  87141. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  87143. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  87145. _host: 'localhost',
  87146. _readableState:
  87147. ReadableState {
  87148. objectMode: false,
  87149. highWaterMark: 16384,
  87150. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  87151. length: 0,
  87152. pipes: null,
  87153. pipesCount: 0,
  87154. flowing: true,
  87155. ended: false,
  87156. endEmitted: false,
  87157. reading: true,
  87158. sync: false,
  87159. needReadable: true,
  87160. emittedReadable: false,
  87161. readableListening: false,
  87162. resumeScheduled: false,
  87163. emitClose: false,
  87164. autoDestroy: false,
  87165. destroyed: false,
  87166. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  87167. awaitDrain: 0,
  87168. readingMore: false,
  87169. decoder: null,
  87170. encoding: null },
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  87173. [Object: null prototype] {
  87174. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  87175. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  87176. data: [Function],
  87177. close: [Function] },
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  87179. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  87181. WritableState {
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  87183. highWaterMark: 16384,
  87184. finalCalled: false,
  87185. needDrain: false,
  87186. ending: false,
  87187. ended: false,
  87188. finished: false,
  87189. destroyed: false,
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  87191. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  87192. length: 0,
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  87194. corked: 0,
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  87200. bufferedRequest: null,
  87201. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  87202. pendingcb: 0,
  87203. prefinished: false,
  87204. errorEmitted: false,
  87205. emitClose: false,
  87206. autoDestroy: false,
  87207. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  87208. corkedRequestsFree:
  87209. { next: null,
  87210. entry: null,
  87211. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  87214. _sockname: null,
  87215. _pendingData: null,
  87216. _pendingEncoding: '',
  87217. server: null,
  87218. _server: null,
  87219. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  87220. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  87221. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  87222. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  87223. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  87224. _internalId: 2,
  87225. _commands:
  87226. Denque {
  87227. _head: 0,
  87228. _tail: 0,
  87229. _capacityMask: 3,
  87230. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  87232. _paused: false,
  87233. _paused_packets:
  87234. Denque {
  87235. _head: 0,
  87236. _tail: 0,
  87237. _capacityMask: 3,
  87238. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  87240. LRUCache {
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  87242. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  87243. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  87244. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  87245. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  87246. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  87247. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  87248. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  87249. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  87250. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87251. authorized: true,
  87252. sequenceId: 2,
  87253. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  87254. threadId: 1302,
  87255. _handshakePacket:
  87256. Handshake {
  87257. protocolVersion: 10,
  87258. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  87259. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87260. connectionId: 1302,
  87261. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  87262. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  87263. characterSet: 255,
  87264. statusFlags: 2 },
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  87266. _protocolError: null,
  87267. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  87268. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  87269. packetParser:
  87270. PacketParser {
  87271. buffer: [],
  87272. bufferLength: 0,
  87273. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  87274. headerLen: 0,
  87275. length: 7,
  87276. largePacketParts: [],
  87277. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  87278. onPacket: [Function],
  87279. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  87280. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  87281. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  87282. connectTimeout: null,
  87283. connectionId: 1302 },
  87284. state: 'IDLE' } },
  87285. next: null,
  87286. data:
  87287. PooledResource {
  87288. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  87289. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  87290. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  87291. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  87292. obj:
  87293. Connection {
  87294. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  87295. _eventsCount: 1,
  87296. _maxListeners: undefined,
  87297. config:
  87298. ConnectionConfig {
  87299. isServer: undefined,
  87300. stream: undefined,
  87301. host: 'localhost',
  87302. port: 3306,
  87303. localAddress: undefined,
  87304. socketPath: undefined,
  87305. user: 'root',
  87306. password: 'abcd1234',
  87307. passwordSha1: undefined,
  87308. database: 'lbry',
  87309. connectTimeout: 10000,
  87310. insecureAuth: false,
  87311. supportBigNumbers: true,
  87312. bigNumberStrings: false,
  87313. decimalNumbers: false,
  87314. dateStrings: false,
  87315. debug: undefined,
  87316. trace: true,
  87317. stringifyObjects: false,
  87318. timezone: '+00:00',
  87319. queryFormat: undefined,
  87320. pool: undefined,
  87321. ssl: false,
  87322. multipleStatements: false,
  87323. rowsAsArray: false,
  87324. namedPlaceholders: false,
  87325. nestTables: undefined,
  87326. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  87327. maxPacketSize: 0,
  87328. charsetNumber: 224,
  87329. compress: false,
  87330. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  87331. clientFlags: 8582093,
  87332. connectAttributes: undefined,
  87333. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  87334. stream:
  87335. Socket {
  87336. connecting: false,
  87337. _hadError: false,
  87338. _handle:
  87339. TCP {
  87340. reading: true,
  87341. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  87342. onconnection: null,
  87343. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  87344. _parent: null,
  87345. _host: 'localhost',
  87346. _readableState:
  87347. ReadableState {
  87348. objectMode: false,
  87349. highWaterMark: 16384,
  87350. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  87351. length: 0,
  87352. pipes: null,
  87353. pipesCount: 0,
  87354. flowing: true,
  87355. ended: false,
  87356. endEmitted: false,
  87357. reading: true,
  87358. sync: false,
  87359. needReadable: true,
  87360. emittedReadable: false,
  87361. readableListening: false,
  87362. resumeScheduled: false,
  87363. emitClose: false,
  87364. autoDestroy: false,
  87365. destroyed: false,
  87366. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  87367. awaitDrain: 0,
  87368. readingMore: false,
  87369. decoder: null,
  87370. encoding: null },
  87371. readable: true,
  87372. _events:
  87373. [Object: null prototype] {
  87374. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  87375. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  87376. data: [Function],
  87377. close: [Function] },
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  87379. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  87381. WritableState {
  87382. objectMode: false,
  87383. highWaterMark: 16384,
  87384. finalCalled: false,
  87385. needDrain: false,
  87386. ending: false,
  87387. ended: false,
  87388. finished: false,
  87389. destroyed: false,
  87390. decodeStrings: false,
  87391. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  87392. length: 0,
  87393. writing: false,
  87394. corked: 0,
  87395. sync: false,
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  87397. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  87399. writelen: 0,
  87400. bufferedRequest: null,
  87401. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  87402. pendingcb: 0,
  87403. prefinished: false,
  87404. errorEmitted: false,
  87405. emitClose: false,
  87406. autoDestroy: false,
  87407. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  87408. corkedRequestsFree:
  87409. { next: null,
  87410. entry: null,
  87411. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  87412. writable: true,
  87413. allowHalfOpen: false,
  87414. _sockname: null,
  87415. _pendingData: null,
  87416. _pendingEncoding: '',
  87417. server: null,
  87418. _server: null,
  87419. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  87420. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  87421. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  87422. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  87423. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  87424. _internalId: 1,
  87425. _commands:
  87426. Denque {
  87427. _head: 0,
  87428. _tail: 0,
  87429. _capacityMask: 3,
  87430. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  87431. _command: undefined,
  87432. _paused: false,
  87433. _paused_packets:
  87434. Denque {
  87435. _head: 0,
  87436. _tail: 0,
  87437. _capacityMask: 3,
  87438. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  87439. _statements:
  87440. LRUCache {
  87441. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  87442. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  87443. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  87444. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  87445. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  87446. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  87447. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  87448. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  87449. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  87450. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87451. authorized: true,
  87452. sequenceId: 23,
  87453. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  87454. threadId: 1303,
  87455. _handshakePacket:
  87456. Handshake {
  87457. protocolVersion: 10,
  87458. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  87459. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  87460. connectionId: 1303,
  87461. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  87462. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  87463. characterSet: 255,
  87464. statusFlags: 2 },
  87465. _fatalError: null,
  87466. _protocolError: null,
  87467. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  87468. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  87469. packetParser:
  87470. PacketParser {
  87471. buffer: [],
  87472. bufferLength: 0,
  87473. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  87474. headerLen: 0,
  87475. length: 5,
  87476. largePacketParts: [],
  87477. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  87478. onPacket: [Function],
  87479. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  87480. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  87481. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  87482. connectTimeout: null,
  87483. connectionId: 1303 },
  87484. state: 'IDLE' } },
  87485. length: 2 },
  87486. _direction: 'next',
  87487. _startPosition: 'head',
  87488. _started: false,
  87489. _cursor: null,
  87490. _done: false },
  87491. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  87492. _scheduledEviction:
  87493. Timeout {
  87494. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  87495. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  87496. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  87497. _idleStart: 432,
  87498. _onTimeout: [Function],
  87499. _timerArgs: undefined,
  87500. _repeat: null,
  87501. _destroyed: false,
  87502. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  87503. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  87504. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  87505. lib:
  87506. { createConnection: [Function],
  87507. connect: [Function],
  87508. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  87509. createPool: [Function],
  87510. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  87511. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  87512. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  87513. createServer: [Function],
  87514. PoolConnection:
  87515. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  87516. escape: [Function: escape],
  87517. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  87518. format: [Function: format],
  87519. raw: [Function: raw],
  87520. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  87521. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  87522. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  87523. Types: [Getter],
  87524. Charsets: [Getter],
  87525. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  87526. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  87527. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  87528. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  87529. sequelize: [Circular],
  87530. typeValidation: undefined } },
  87531. models:
  87532. { Balloons:
  87533. { [Function: Balloons]
  87534. sequelize: [Circular],
  87535. options: [Circular],
  87536. associations: {},
  87537. underscored: undefined,
  87538. tableName: 'Balloons',
  87539. _schema: null,
  87540. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  87541. rawAttributes:
  87542. { id:
  87543. { type:
  87544. INTEGER {
  87545. options: { length: undefined },
  87546. _length: undefined,
  87547. _zerofill: undefined,
  87548. _decimals: undefined,
  87549. _precision: undefined,
  87550. _scale: undefined,
  87551. _unsigned: undefined },
  87552. allowNull: false,
  87553. primaryKey: true,
  87554. autoIncrement: true,
  87555. _autoGenerated: true,
  87556. Model: [Circular],
  87557. fieldName: 'id',
  87558. _modelAttribute: true,
  87559. field: 'id' },
  87560. size:
  87561. { type:
  87562. STRING {
  87563. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  87564. _binary: undefined,
  87565. _length: 255 },
  87566. Model: [Circular],
  87567. fieldName: 'size',
  87568. _modelAttribute: true,
  87569. field: 'size' },
  87570. color:
  87571. { type:
  87572. STRING {
  87573. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  87574. _binary: undefined,
  87575. _length: 255 },
  87576. Model: [Circular],
  87577. fieldName: 'color',
  87578. _modelAttribute: true,
  87579. field: 'color' },
  87580. createdAt:
  87581. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  87582. allowNull: false,
  87583. _autoGenerated: true,
  87584. Model: [Circular],
  87585. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  87586. _modelAttribute: true,
  87587. field: 'createdAt' },
  87588. updatedAt:
  87589. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  87590. allowNull: false,
  87591. _autoGenerated: true,
  87592. Model: [Circular],
  87593. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  87594. _modelAttribute: true,
  87595. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  87596. primaryKeys:
  87597. { id:
  87598. { type:
  87599. INTEGER {
  87600. options: { length: undefined },
  87601. _length: undefined,
  87602. _zerofill: undefined,
  87603. _decimals: undefined,
  87604. _precision: undefined,
  87605. _scale: undefined,
  87606. _unsigned: undefined },
  87607. allowNull: false,
  87608. primaryKey: true,
  87609. autoIncrement: true,
  87610. _autoGenerated: true,
  87611. Model: [Circular],
  87612. fieldName: 'id',
  87613. _modelAttribute: true,
  87614. field: 'id' } },
  87615. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
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  88272. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  88273. map: Map {},
  88274. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  88275. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  88276. _scope: {},
  88277. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  88278. sequelize: [Circular] },
  88279. connectionManager:
  88280. ConnectionManager {
  88281. sequelize: [Circular],
  88282. config:
  88283. { database: 'lbry',
  88284. username: 'root',
  88285. password: 'abcd1234',
  88286. host: 'localhost',
  88287. port: undefined,
  88288. pool:
  88289. { max: 5,
  88290. min: 0,
  88291. acquire: 30000,
  88292. idle: 10000,
  88293. evict: 10000,
  88294. handleDisconnects: true,
  88295. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  88296. Promise:
  88297. { [Function: Promise]
  88298. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  88299. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  88300. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  88301. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  88302. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88303. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88304. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  88305. _peekContext: [Function],
  88306. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  88307. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  88308. longStackTraces: [Function],
  88309. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  88310. config: [Function],
  88311. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  88312. is: [Function],
  88313. fromCallback: [Function],
  88314. fromNode: [Function],
  88315. all: [Function],
  88316. cast: [Function],
  88317. fulfilled: [Function],
  88318. resolve: [Function],
  88319. rejected: [Function],
  88320. reject: [Function],
  88321. setScheduler: [Function],
  88322. pending: [Function],
  88323. defer: [Function],
  88324. method: [Function],
  88325. try: [Function],
  88326. attempt: [Function],
  88327. bind: [Function],
  88328. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  88329. join: [Function],
  88330. Promise: [Circular],
  88331. version: '3.5.3',
  88332. map: [Function],
  88333. using: [Function],
  88334. delay: [Function],
  88335. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  88336. spawn: [Function],
  88337. promisify: [Function],
  88338. promisifyAll: [Function],
  88339. props: [Function],
  88340. race: [Function],
  88341. reduce: [Function],
  88342. settle: [Function],
  88343. some: [Function],
  88344. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  88345. filter: [Function],
  88346. each: [Function],
  88347. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  88348. any: [Function],
  88349. default: [Circular] } },
  88350. protocol: 'tcp',
  88351. native: false,
  88352. ssl: undefined,
  88353. replication: false,
  88354. dialectModulePath: null,
  88355. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  88356. dialectOptions: undefined },
  88357. dialect:
  88358. MysqlDialect {
  88359. sequelize: [Circular],
  88360. connectionManager: [Circular],
  88361. QueryGenerator:
  88362. { dialect: 'mysql',
  88363. OperatorMap:
  88364. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  88365. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  88366. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  88367. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  88368. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  88369. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  88370. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  88371. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  88372. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  88373. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  88374. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  88375. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  88376. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  88377. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  88378. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  88379. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  88380. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  88381. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  88382. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  88383. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  88384. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  88385. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  88386. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  88387. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  88388. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  88389. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  88390. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  88391. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  88392. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  88393. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  88394. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  88395. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  88396. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  88397. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  88398. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  88399. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  88400. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  88401. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  88402. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  88403. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  88404. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  88405. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  88406. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  88407. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  88408. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  88409. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  88410. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  88411. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  88412. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  88413. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  88414. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  88415. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  88416. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  88417. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  88418. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  88419. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  88420. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  88421. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  88422. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  88423. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  88424. _templateSettings:
  88425. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  88426. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  88427. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  88428. variable: '',
  88429. imports:
  88430. { _:
  88431. { [Function: lodash]
  88432. templateSettings: [Circular],
  88433. after: [Function: after],
  88434. ary: [Function: ary],
  88435. assign: [Function],
  88436. assignIn: [Function],
  88437. assignInWith: [Function],
  88438. assignWith: [Function],
  88439. at: [Function],
  88440. before: [Function: before],
  88441. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88442. bindAll: [Function],
  88443. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88444. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  88445. chain: [Function: chain],
  88446. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  88447. compact: [Function: compact],
  88448. concat: [Function: concat],
  88449. cond: [Function: cond],
  88450. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  88451. constant: [Function: constant],
  88452. countBy: [Function],
  88453. create: [Function: create],
  88454. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88455. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88456. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  88457. defaults: [Function],
  88458. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  88459. defer: [Function],
  88460. delay: [Function],
  88461. difference: [Function],
  88462. differenceBy: [Function],
  88463. differenceWith: [Function],
  88464. drop: [Function: drop],
  88465. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  88466. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  88467. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  88468. fill: [Function: fill],
  88469. filter: [Function: filter],
  88470. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  88471. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  88472. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  88473. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  88474. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  88475. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  88476. flip: [Function: flip],
  88477. flow: [Function],
  88478. flowRight: [Function],
  88479. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  88480. functions: [Function: functions],
  88481. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  88482. groupBy: [Function],
  88483. initial: [Function: initial],
  88484. intersection: [Function],
  88485. intersectionBy: [Function],
  88486. intersectionWith: [Function],
  88487. invert: [Function],
  88488. invertBy: [Function],
  88489. invokeMap: [Function],
  88490. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  88491. keyBy: [Function],
  88492. keys: [Function: keys],
  88493. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  88494. map: [Function: map],
  88495. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  88496. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  88497. matches: [Function: matches],
  88498. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  88499. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  88500. merge: [Function],
  88501. mergeWith: [Function],
  88502. method: [Function],
  88503. methodOf: [Function],
  88504. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  88505. negate: [Function: negate],
  88506. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  88507. omit: [Function],
  88508. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  88509. once: [Function: once],
  88510. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  88511. over: [Function],
  88512. overArgs: [Function],
  88513. overEvery: [Function],
  88514. overSome: [Function],
  88515. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88516. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  88517. partition: [Function],
  88518. pick: [Function],
  88519. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  88520. property: [Function: property],
  88521. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  88522. pull: [Function],
  88523. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  88524. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  88525. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  88526. pullAt: [Function],
  88527. range: [Function],
  88528. rangeRight: [Function],
  88529. rearg: [Function],
  88530. reject: [Function: reject],
  88531. remove: [Function: remove],
  88532. rest: [Function: rest],
  88533. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  88534. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  88535. set: [Function: set],
  88536. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  88537. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  88538. slice: [Function: slice],
  88539. sortBy: [Function],
  88540. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  88541. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  88542. split: [Function: split],
  88543. spread: [Function: spread],
  88544. tail: [Function: tail],
  88545. take: [Function: take],
  88546. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  88547. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  88548. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  88549. tap: [Function: tap],
  88550. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  88551. thru: [Function: thru],
  88552. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  88553. toPairs: [Function],
  88554. toPairsIn: [Function],
  88555. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  88556. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  88557. transform: [Function: transform],
  88558. unary: [Function: unary],
  88559. union: [Function],
  88560. unionBy: [Function],
  88561. unionWith: [Function],
  88562. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  88563. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  88564. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  88565. unset: [Function: unset],
  88566. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  88567. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  88568. update: [Function: update],
  88569. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  88570. values: [Function: values],
  88571. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  88572. without: [Function],
  88573. words: [Function: words],
  88574. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  88575. xor: [Function],
  88576. xorBy: [Function],
  88577. xorWith: [Function],
  88578. zip: [Function],
  88579. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  88580. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  88581. zipWith: [Function],
  88582. entries: [Function],
  88583. entriesIn: [Function],
  88584. extend: [Function],
  88585. extendWith: [Function],
  88586. add: [Function],
  88587. attempt: [Function],
  88588. camelCase: [Function],
  88589. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  88590. ceil: [Function],
  88591. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  88592. clone: [Function: clone],
  88593. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  88594. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  88595. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  88596. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  88597. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  88598. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  88599. divide: [Function],
  88600. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  88601. eq: [Function: eq],
  88602. escape: [Function: escape],
  88603. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  88604. every: [Function: every],
  88605. find: [Function],
  88606. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  88607. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  88608. findLast: [Function],
  88609. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  88610. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  88611. floor: [Function],
  88612. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  88613. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  88614. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  88615. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  88616. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  88617. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  88618. get: [Function: get],
  88619. gt: [Function],
  88620. gte: [Function],
  88621. has: [Function: has],
  88622. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  88623. head: [Function: head],
  88624. identity: [Function: identity],
  88625. includes: [Function: includes],
  88626. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  88627. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  88628. invoke: [Function],
  88629. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  88630. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  88631. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  88632. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  88633. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  88634. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  88635. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  88636. isDate: [Function],
  88637. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  88638. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  88639. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  88640. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  88641. isError: [Function: isError],
  88642. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  88643. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  88644. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  88645. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  88646. isMap: [Function],
  88647. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  88648. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  88649. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  88650. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  88651. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  88652. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  88653. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  88654. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  88655. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  88656. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  88657. isRegExp: [Function],
  88658. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  88659. isSet: [Function],
  88660. isString: [Function: isString],
  88661. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  88662. isTypedArray: [Function],
  88663. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  88664. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  88665. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  88666. join: [Function: join],
  88667. kebabCase: [Function],
  88668. last: [Function: last],
  88669. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  88670. lowerCase: [Function],
  88671. lowerFirst: [Function],
  88672. lt: [Function],
  88673. lte: [Function],
  88674. max: [Function: max],
  88675. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  88676. mean: [Function: mean],
  88677. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  88678. min: [Function: min],
  88679. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  88680. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  88681. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  88682. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  88683. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  88684. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  88685. multiply: [Function],
  88686. nth: [Function: nth],
  88687. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  88688. noop: [Function: noop],
  88689. now: [Function],
  88690. pad: [Function: pad],
  88691. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  88692. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  88693. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  88694. random: [Function: random],
  88695. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  88696. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  88697. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  88698. replace: [Function: replace],
  88699. result: [Function: result],
  88700. round: [Function],
  88701. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  88702. sample: [Function: sample],
  88703. size: [Function: size],
  88704. snakeCase: [Function],
  88705. some: [Function: some],
  88706. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  88707. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  88708. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  88709. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  88710. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  88711. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  88712. startCase: [Function],
  88713. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  88714. subtract: [Function],
  88715. sum: [Function: sum],
  88716. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  88717. template: [Function: template],
  88718. times: [Function: times],
  88719. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  88720. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  88721. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  88722. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  88723. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  88724. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  88725. toString: [Function: toString],
  88726. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  88727. trim: [Function: trim],
  88728. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  88729. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  88730. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  88731. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  88732. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  88733. upperCase: [Function],
  88734. upperFirst: [Function],
  88735. each: [Function: forEach],
  88736. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  88737. first: [Function: head],
  88738. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  88739. options:
  88740. { dialect: 'mysql',
  88741. dialectModulePath: null,
  88742. host: 'localhost',
  88743. protocol: 'tcp',
  88744. define: {},
  88745. query: {},
  88746. sync: {},
  88747. timezone: '+00:00',
  88748. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  88749. omitNull: false,
  88750. native: false,
  88751. replication: false,
  88752. ssl: undefined,
  88753. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  88754. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  88755. hooks: {},
  88756. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  88757. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  88758. isolationLevel: null,
  88759. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  88760. typeValidation: false,
  88761. benchmark: false,
  88762. operatorsAliases: false },
  88763. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  88764. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  88765. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  88766. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  88767. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  88768. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  88769. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  88770. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  88771. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  88772. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  88773. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  88774. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  88775. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  88776. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  88777. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  88778. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  88779. quote: [Function: quote],
  88780. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  88781. escape: [Function: escape],
  88782. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  88783. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  88784. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  88785. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  88786. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  88787. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  88788. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  88789. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  88790. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  88791. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  88792. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  88793. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  88794. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  88795. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  88796. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  88797. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  88798. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  88799. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  88800. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  88801. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  88802. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  88803. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  88804. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  88805. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  88806. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  88807. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  88808. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  88809. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  88810. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  88811. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  88812. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  88813. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  88814. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  88815. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  88816. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  88817. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  88818. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  88819. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  88820. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  88821. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  88822. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  88823. _dialect: [Circular],
  88824. sequelize: [Circular],
  88825. typeValidation: undefined } },
  88826. versionPromise: null,
  88827. dialectName: 'mysql',
  88828. pool:
  88829. Pool {
  88830. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  88831. _eventsCount: 0,
  88832. _maxListeners: undefined,
  88833. _config:
  88834. PoolOptions {
  88835. fifo: true,
  88836. priorityRange: 1,
  88837. testOnBorrow: true,
  88838. testOnReturn: false,
  88839. autostart: false,
  88840. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  88841. max: 5,
  88842. min: 0,
  88843. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  88844. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  88845. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  88846. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  88847. Promise:
  88848. { [Function: Promise]
  88849. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  88850. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  88851. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  88852. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  88853. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88854. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88855. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  88856. _peekContext: [Function],
  88857. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  88858. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  88859. longStackTraces: [Function],
  88860. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  88861. config: [Function],
  88862. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  88863. is: [Function],
  88864. fromCallback: [Function],
  88865. fromNode: [Function],
  88866. all: [Function],
  88867. cast: [Function],
  88868. fulfilled: [Function],
  88869. resolve: [Function],
  88870. rejected: [Function],
  88871. reject: [Function],
  88872. setScheduler: [Function],
  88873. pending: [Function],
  88874. defer: [Function],
  88875. method: [Function],
  88876. try: [Function],
  88877. attempt: [Function],
  88878. bind: [Function],
  88879. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  88880. join: [Function],
  88881. Promise: [Circular],
  88882. version: '3.5.3',
  88883. map: [Function],
  88884. using: [Function],
  88885. delay: [Function],
  88886. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  88887. spawn: [Function],
  88888. promisify: [Function],
  88889. promisifyAll: [Function],
  88890. props: [Function],
  88891. race: [Function],
  88892. reduce: [Function],
  88893. settle: [Function],
  88894. some: [Function],
  88895. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  88896. filter: [Function],
  88897. each: [Function],
  88898. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  88899. any: [Function],
  88900. default: [Circular] } },
  88901. _Promise:
  88902. { [Function: Promise]
  88903. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  88904. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  88905. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  88906. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  88907. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88908. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  88909. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  88910. _peekContext: [Function],
  88911. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  88912. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  88913. longStackTraces: [Function],
  88914. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  88915. config: [Function],
  88916. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  88917. is: [Function],
  88918. fromCallback: [Function],
  88919. fromNode: [Function],
  88920. all: [Function],
  88921. cast: [Function],
  88922. fulfilled: [Function],
  88923. resolve: [Function],
  88924. rejected: [Function],
  88925. reject: [Function],
  88926. setScheduler: [Function],
  88927. pending: [Function],
  88928. defer: [Function],
  88929. method: [Function],
  88930. try: [Function],
  88931. attempt: [Function],
  88932. bind: [Function],
  88933. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  88934. join: [Function],
  88935. Promise: [Circular],
  88936. version: '3.5.3',
  88937. map: [Function],
  88938. using: [Function],
  88939. delay: [Function],
  88940. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  88941. spawn: [Function],
  88942. promisify: [Function],
  88943. promisifyAll: [Function],
  88944. props: [Function],
  88945. race: [Function],
  88946. reduce: [Function],
  88947. settle: [Function],
  88948. some: [Function],
  88949. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  88950. filter: [Function],
  88951. each: [Function],
  88952. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  88953. any: [Function],
  88954. default: [Circular] },
  88955. _factory:
  88956. { create: [Function: create],
  88957. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  88958. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  88959. _draining: false,
  88960. _started: true,
  88961. _waitingClientsQueue:
  88962. PriorityQueue {
  88963. _size: 1,
  88964. _slots:
  88965. [ Queue {
  88966. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  88967. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  88968. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  88969. _availableObjects:
  88970. Deque {
  88971. _list:
  88972. DoublyLinkedList {
  88973. head:
  88974. { prev: null,
  88975. next:
  88976. { prev: [Circular],
  88977. next: null,
  88978. data:
  88979. PooledResource {
  88980. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  88981. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  88982. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  88983. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  88984. obj:
  88985. Connection {
  88986. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  88987. _eventsCount: 1,
  88988. _maxListeners: undefined,
  88989. config:
  88990. ConnectionConfig {
  88991. isServer: undefined,
  88992. stream: undefined,
  88993. host: 'localhost',
  88994. port: 3306,
  88995. localAddress: undefined,
  88996. socketPath: undefined,
  88997. user: 'root',
  88998. password: 'abcd1234',
  88999. passwordSha1: undefined,
  89000. database: 'lbry',
  89001. connectTimeout: 10000,
  89002. insecureAuth: false,
  89003. supportBigNumbers: true,
  89004. bigNumberStrings: false,
  89005. decimalNumbers: false,
  89006. dateStrings: false,
  89007. debug: undefined,
  89008. trace: true,
  89009. stringifyObjects: false,
  89010. timezone: '+00:00',
  89011. queryFormat: undefined,
  89012. pool: undefined,
  89013. ssl: false,
  89014. multipleStatements: false,
  89015. rowsAsArray: false,
  89016. namedPlaceholders: false,
  89017. nestTables: undefined,
  89018. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  89019. maxPacketSize: 0,
  89020. charsetNumber: 224,
  89021. compress: false,
  89022. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  89023. clientFlags: 8582093,
  89024. connectAttributes: undefined,
  89025. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  89026. stream:
  89027. Socket {
  89028. connecting: false,
  89029. _hadError: false,
  89030. _handle:
  89031. TCP {
  89032. reading: true,
  89033. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  89034. onconnection: null,
  89035. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  89036. _parent: null,
  89037. _host: 'localhost',
  89038. _readableState:
  89039. ReadableState {
  89040. objectMode: false,
  89041. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89042. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  89043. length: 0,
  89044. pipes: null,
  89045. pipesCount: 0,
  89046. flowing: true,
  89047. ended: false,
  89048. endEmitted: false,
  89049. reading: true,
  89050. sync: false,
  89051. needReadable: true,
  89052. emittedReadable: false,
  89053. readableListening: false,
  89054. resumeScheduled: false,
  89055. emitClose: false,
  89056. autoDestroy: false,
  89057. destroyed: false,
  89058. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89059. awaitDrain: 0,
  89060. readingMore: false,
  89061. decoder: null,
  89062. encoding: null },
  89063. readable: true,
  89064. _events:
  89065. [Object: null prototype] {
  89066. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  89067. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  89068. data: [Function],
  89069. close: [Function] },
  89070. _eventsCount: 4,
  89071. _maxListeners: undefined,
  89072. _writableState:
  89073. WritableState {
  89074. objectMode: false,
  89075. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89076. finalCalled: false,
  89077. needDrain: false,
  89078. ending: false,
  89079. ended: false,
  89080. finished: false,
  89081. destroyed: false,
  89082. decodeStrings: false,
  89083. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89084. length: 0,
  89085. writing: false,
  89086. corked: 0,
  89087. sync: false,
  89088. bufferProcessing: false,
  89089. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  89091. writelen: 0,
  89092. bufferedRequest: null,
  89093. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  89094. pendingcb: 0,
  89095. prefinished: false,
  89096. errorEmitted: false,
  89097. emitClose: false,
  89098. autoDestroy: false,
  89099. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  89100. corkedRequestsFree:
  89101. { next: null,
  89102. entry: null,
  89103. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  89104. writable: true,
  89105. allowHalfOpen: false,
  89106. _sockname: null,
  89107. _pendingData: null,
  89108. _pendingEncoding: '',
  89109. server: null,
  89110. _server: null,
  89111. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  89112. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  89113. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  89114. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  89115. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  89116. _internalId: 1,
  89117. _commands:
  89118. Denque {
  89119. _head: 0,
  89120. _tail: 0,
  89121. _capacityMask: 3,
  89122. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  89123. _command: undefined,
  89124. _paused: false,
  89125. _paused_packets:
  89126. Denque {
  89127. _head: 0,
  89128. _tail: 0,
  89129. _capacityMask: 3,
  89130. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  89131. _statements:
  89132. LRUCache {
  89133. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  89134. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  89135. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  89136. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  89137. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  89138. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  89139. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  89140. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  89141. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  89142. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89143. authorized: true,
  89144. sequenceId: 23,
  89145. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  89146. threadId: 1303,
  89147. _handshakePacket:
  89148. Handshake {
  89149. protocolVersion: 10,
  89150. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  89151. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89152. connectionId: 1303,
  89153. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  89154. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  89155. characterSet: 255,
  89156. statusFlags: 2 },
  89157. _fatalError: null,
  89158. _protocolError: null,
  89159. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  89160. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  89161. packetParser:
  89162. PacketParser {
  89163. buffer: [],
  89164. bufferLength: 0,
  89165. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  89166. headerLen: 0,
  89167. length: 5,
  89168. largePacketParts: [],
  89169. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  89170. onPacket: [Function],
  89171. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  89172. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  89173. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  89174. connectTimeout: null,
  89175. connectionId: 1303 },
  89176. state: 'IDLE' } },
  89177. data:
  89178. PooledResource {
  89179. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  89180. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  89181. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  89182. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  89183. obj:
  89184. Connection {
  89185. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  89186. _eventsCount: 1,
  89187. _maxListeners: undefined,
  89188. config:
  89189. ConnectionConfig {
  89190. isServer: undefined,
  89191. stream: undefined,
  89192. host: 'localhost',
  89193. port: 3306,
  89194. localAddress: undefined,
  89195. socketPath: undefined,
  89196. user: 'root',
  89197. password: 'abcd1234',
  89198. passwordSha1: undefined,
  89199. database: 'lbry',
  89200. connectTimeout: 10000,
  89201. insecureAuth: false,
  89202. supportBigNumbers: true,
  89203. bigNumberStrings: false,
  89204. decimalNumbers: false,
  89205. dateStrings: false,
  89206. debug: undefined,
  89207. trace: true,
  89208. stringifyObjects: false,
  89209. timezone: '+00:00',
  89210. queryFormat: undefined,
  89211. pool: undefined,
  89212. ssl: false,
  89213. multipleStatements: false,
  89214. rowsAsArray: false,
  89215. namedPlaceholders: false,
  89216. nestTables: undefined,
  89217. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  89218. maxPacketSize: 0,
  89219. charsetNumber: 224,
  89220. compress: false,
  89221. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  89222. clientFlags: 8582093,
  89223. connectAttributes: undefined,
  89224. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  89225. stream:
  89226. Socket {
  89227. connecting: false,
  89228. _hadError: false,
  89229. _handle:
  89230. TCP {
  89231. reading: true,
  89232. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  89233. onconnection: null,
  89234. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  89235. _parent: null,
  89236. _host: 'localhost',
  89237. _readableState:
  89238. ReadableState {
  89239. objectMode: false,
  89240. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89241. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  89242. length: 0,
  89243. pipes: null,
  89244. pipesCount: 0,
  89245. flowing: true,
  89246. ended: false,
  89247. endEmitted: false,
  89248. reading: true,
  89249. sync: false,
  89250. needReadable: true,
  89251. emittedReadable: false,
  89252. readableListening: false,
  89253. resumeScheduled: false,
  89254. emitClose: false,
  89255. autoDestroy: false,
  89256. destroyed: false,
  89257. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89258. awaitDrain: 0,
  89259. readingMore: false,
  89260. decoder: null,
  89261. encoding: null },
  89262. readable: true,
  89263. _events:
  89264. [Object: null prototype] {
  89265. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  89266. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  89267. data: [Function],
  89268. close: [Function] },
  89269. _eventsCount: 4,
  89270. _maxListeners: undefined,
  89271. _writableState:
  89272. WritableState {
  89273. objectMode: false,
  89274. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89275. finalCalled: false,
  89276. needDrain: false,
  89277. ending: false,
  89278. ended: false,
  89279. finished: false,
  89280. destroyed: false,
  89281. decodeStrings: false,
  89282. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89283. length: 0,
  89284. writing: false,
  89285. corked: 0,
  89286. sync: false,
  89287. bufferProcessing: false,
  89288. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  89290. writelen: 0,
  89291. bufferedRequest: null,
  89292. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  89293. pendingcb: 0,
  89294. prefinished: false,
  89295. errorEmitted: false,
  89296. emitClose: false,
  89297. autoDestroy: false,
  89298. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  89299. corkedRequestsFree:
  89300. { next: null,
  89301. entry: null,
  89302. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  89303. writable: true,
  89304. allowHalfOpen: false,
  89305. _sockname: null,
  89306. _pendingData: null,
  89307. _pendingEncoding: '',
  89308. server: null,
  89309. _server: null,
  89310. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  89311. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  89312. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  89313. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  89314. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  89315. _internalId: 2,
  89316. _commands:
  89317. Denque {
  89318. _head: 0,
  89319. _tail: 0,
  89320. _capacityMask: 3,
  89321. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  89322. _command: undefined,
  89323. _paused: false,
  89324. _paused_packets:
  89325. Denque {
  89326. _head: 0,
  89327. _tail: 0,
  89328. _capacityMask: 3,
  89329. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  89330. _statements:
  89331. LRUCache {
  89332. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  89333. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  89334. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  89335. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  89336. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  89337. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  89338. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  89339. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  89340. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  89341. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89342. authorized: true,
  89343. sequenceId: 2,
  89344. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  89345. threadId: 1302,
  89346. _handshakePacket:
  89347. Handshake {
  89348. protocolVersion: 10,
  89349. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  89350. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89351. connectionId: 1302,
  89352. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  89353. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  89354. characterSet: 255,
  89355. statusFlags: 2 },
  89356. _fatalError: null,
  89357. _protocolError: null,
  89358. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  89359. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  89360. packetParser:
  89361. PacketParser {
  89362. buffer: [],
  89363. bufferLength: 0,
  89364. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  89365. headerLen: 0,
  89366. length: 7,
  89367. largePacketParts: [],
  89368. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  89369. onPacket: [Function],
  89370. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  89371. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  89372. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  89373. connectTimeout: null,
  89374. connectionId: 1302 },
  89375. state: 'IDLE' } },
  89376. tail:
  89377. { prev:
  89378. { prev: null,
  89379. next: [Circular],
  89380. data:
  89381. PooledResource {
  89382. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  89383. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  89384. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  89385. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  89386. obj:
  89387. Connection {
  89388. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  89389. _eventsCount: 1,
  89390. _maxListeners: undefined,
  89391. config:
  89392. ConnectionConfig {
  89393. isServer: undefined,
  89394. stream: undefined,
  89395. host: 'localhost',
  89396. port: 3306,
  89397. localAddress: undefined,
  89398. socketPath: undefined,
  89399. user: 'root',
  89400. password: 'abcd1234',
  89401. passwordSha1: undefined,
  89402. database: 'lbry',
  89403. connectTimeout: 10000,
  89404. insecureAuth: false,
  89405. supportBigNumbers: true,
  89406. bigNumberStrings: false,
  89407. decimalNumbers: false,
  89408. dateStrings: false,
  89409. debug: undefined,
  89410. trace: true,
  89411. stringifyObjects: false,
  89412. timezone: '+00:00',
  89413. queryFormat: undefined,
  89414. pool: undefined,
  89415. ssl: false,
  89416. multipleStatements: false,
  89417. rowsAsArray: false,
  89418. namedPlaceholders: false,
  89419. nestTables: undefined,
  89420. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  89421. maxPacketSize: 0,
  89422. charsetNumber: 224,
  89423. compress: false,
  89424. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  89425. clientFlags: 8582093,
  89426. connectAttributes: undefined,
  89427. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  89428. stream:
  89429. Socket {
  89430. connecting: false,
  89431. _hadError: false,
  89432. _handle:
  89433. TCP {
  89434. reading: true,
  89435. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  89436. onconnection: null,
  89437. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  89438. _parent: null,
  89439. _host: 'localhost',
  89440. _readableState:
  89441. ReadableState {
  89442. objectMode: false,
  89443. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89444. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  89445. length: 0,
  89446. pipes: null,
  89447. pipesCount: 0,
  89448. flowing: true,
  89449. ended: false,
  89450. endEmitted: false,
  89451. reading: true,
  89452. sync: false,
  89453. needReadable: true,
  89454. emittedReadable: false,
  89455. readableListening: false,
  89456. resumeScheduled: false,
  89457. emitClose: false,
  89458. autoDestroy: false,
  89459. destroyed: false,
  89460. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89461. awaitDrain: 0,
  89462. readingMore: false,
  89463. decoder: null,
  89464. encoding: null },
  89465. readable: true,
  89466. _events:
  89467. [Object: null prototype] {
  89468. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  89469. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  89470. data: [Function],
  89471. close: [Function] },
  89472. _eventsCount: 4,
  89473. _maxListeners: undefined,
  89474. _writableState:
  89475. WritableState {
  89476. objectMode: false,
  89477. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89478. finalCalled: false,
  89479. needDrain: false,
  89480. ending: false,
  89481. ended: false,
  89482. finished: false,
  89483. destroyed: false,
  89484. decodeStrings: false,
  89485. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89486. length: 0,
  89487. writing: false,
  89488. corked: 0,
  89489. sync: false,
  89490. bufferProcessing: false,
  89491. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  89492. writecb: null,
  89493. writelen: 0,
  89494. bufferedRequest: null,
  89495. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  89496. pendingcb: 0,
  89497. prefinished: false,
  89498. errorEmitted: false,
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  89500. autoDestroy: false,
  89501. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  89504. entry: null,
  89505. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  89507. allowHalfOpen: false,
  89508. _sockname: null,
  89509. _pendingData: null,
  89510. _pendingEncoding: '',
  89511. server: null,
  89512. _server: null,
  89513. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  89514. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  89515. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  89516. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  89517. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  89521. _head: 0,
  89522. _tail: 0,
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  89524. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89527. _paused_packets:
  89528. Denque {
  89529. _head: 0,
  89530. _tail: 0,
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  89532. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89538. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  89539. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  89541. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  89542. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  89543. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  89544. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89545. authorized: true,
  89546. sequenceId: 2,
  89547. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  89548. threadId: 1302,
  89549. _handshakePacket:
  89550. Handshake {
  89551. protocolVersion: 10,
  89552. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  89553. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  89556. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  89557. characterSet: 255,
  89558. statusFlags: 2 },
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  89560. _protocolError: null,
  89561. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  89562. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  89563. packetParser:
  89564. PacketParser {
  89565. buffer: [],
  89566. bufferLength: 0,
  89567. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  89568. headerLen: 0,
  89569. length: 7,
  89570. largePacketParts: [],
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  89573. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  89575. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  89576. connectTimeout: null,
  89577. connectionId: 1302 },
  89578. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  89580. data:
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  89583. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  89584. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  89585. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  89586. obj:
  89587. Connection {
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  89589. _eventsCount: 1,
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  89596. port: 3306,
  89597. localAddress: undefined,
  89598. socketPath: undefined,
  89599. user: 'root',
  89600. password: 'abcd1234',
  89601. passwordSha1: undefined,
  89602. database: 'lbry',
  89603. connectTimeout: 10000,
  89604. insecureAuth: false,
  89605. supportBigNumbers: true,
  89606. bigNumberStrings: false,
  89607. decimalNumbers: false,
  89608. dateStrings: false,
  89609. debug: undefined,
  89610. trace: true,
  89611. stringifyObjects: false,
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  89613. queryFormat: undefined,
  89614. pool: undefined,
  89615. ssl: false,
  89616. multipleStatements: false,
  89617. rowsAsArray: false,
  89618. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  89620. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  89623. compress: false,
  89624. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  89625. clientFlags: 8582093,
  89626. connectAttributes: undefined,
  89627. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  89629. Socket {
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  89633. TCP {
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  89637. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  89641. ReadableState {
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  89644. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  89645. length: 0,
  89646. pipes: null,
  89647. pipesCount: 0,
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  89655. readableListening: false,
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  89659. destroyed: false,
  89660. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  89661. awaitDrain: 0,
  89662. readingMore: false,
  89663. decoder: null,
  89664. encoding: null },
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  89670. data: [Function],
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  89678. finalCalled: false,
  89679. needDrain: false,
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  89681. ended: false,
  89682. finished: false,
  89683. destroyed: false,
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  89688. corked: 0,
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  89698. errorEmitted: false,
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  89703. { next: null,
  89704. entry: null,
  89705. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  89710. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  89715. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  89716. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  89717. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  89720. Denque {
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  89722. _tail: 0,
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  89724. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89730. _tail: 0,
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  89732. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89739. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  89742. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  89743. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  89745. authorized: true,
  89746. sequenceId: 23,
  89747. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  89748. threadId: 1303,
  89749. _handshakePacket:
  89750. Handshake {
  89751. protocolVersion: 10,
  89752. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  89753. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  89756. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  89757. characterSet: 255,
  89758. statusFlags: 2 },
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  89760. _protocolError: null,
  89761. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  89764. PacketParser {
  89765. buffer: [],
  89766. bufferLength: 0,
  89767. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  89768. headerLen: 0,
  89769. length: 5,
  89770. largePacketParts: [],
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  89775. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  89776. connectTimeout: null,
  89777. connectionId: 1303 },
  89778. state: 'IDLE' } },
  89779. length: 2 } },
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  89781. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  89782. _validationOperations: Set {},
  89783. _allObjects:
  89784. Set {
  89785. PooledResource {
  89786. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  89787. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  89788. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  89789. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  89790. obj:
  89791. Connection {
  89792. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  89793. _eventsCount: 1,
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  89800. port: 3306,
  89801. localAddress: undefined,
  89802. socketPath: undefined,
  89803. user: 'root',
  89804. password: 'abcd1234',
  89805. passwordSha1: undefined,
  89806. database: 'lbry',
  89807. connectTimeout: 10000,
  89808. insecureAuth: false,
  89809. supportBigNumbers: true,
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  89811. decimalNumbers: false,
  89812. dateStrings: false,
  89813. debug: undefined,
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  89818. pool: undefined,
  89819. ssl: false,
  89820. multipleStatements: false,
  89821. rowsAsArray: false,
  89822. namedPlaceholders: false,
  89823. nestTables: undefined,
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  89827. compress: false,
  89828. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  89829. clientFlags: 8582093,
  89830. connectAttributes: undefined,
  89831. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  89833. Socket {
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  89837. TCP {
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  89839. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  89841. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  89847. highWaterMark: 16384,
  89848. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  89849. length: 0,
  89850. pipes: null,
  89851. pipesCount: 0,
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  89859. readableListening: false,
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  89863. destroyed: false,
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  89866. readingMore: false,
  89867. decoder: null,
  89868. encoding: null },
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  89882. finalCalled: false,
  89883. needDrain: false,
  89884. ending: false,
  89885. ended: false,
  89886. finished: false,
  89887. destroyed: false,
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  89892. corked: 0,
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  89899. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  89900. pendingcb: 0,
  89901. prefinished: false,
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  89903. emitClose: false,
  89904. autoDestroy: false,
  89905. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  89906. corkedRequestsFree:
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  89908. entry: null,
  89909. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  89914. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  89919. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  89920. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  89921. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  89926. _tail: 0,
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  89928. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89934. _tail: 0,
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  89936. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  89942. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
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  89945. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  89946. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  89947. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  89948. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89949. authorized: true,
  89950. sequenceId: 2,
  89951. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  89952. threadId: 1302,
  89953. _handshakePacket:
  89954. Handshake {
  89955. protocolVersion: 10,
  89956. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  89957. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  89958. connectionId: 1302,
  89959. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  89960. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  89961. characterSet: 255,
  89962. statusFlags: 2 },
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  89965. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  89966. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  89967. packetParser:
  89968. PacketParser {
  89969. buffer: [],
  89970. bufferLength: 0,
  89971. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  89972. headerLen: 0,
  89973. length: 7,
  89974. largePacketParts: [],
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  89976. onPacket: [Function],
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  89979. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  89980. connectTimeout: null,
  89981. connectionId: 1302 },
  89982. state: 'IDLE' },
  89983. PooledResource {
  89984. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  89985. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  89986. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  89987. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  89988. obj:
  89989. Connection {
  89990. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  89991. _eventsCount: 1,
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  89998. port: 3306,
  89999. localAddress: undefined,
  90000. socketPath: undefined,
  90001. user: 'root',
  90002. password: 'abcd1234',
  90003. passwordSha1: undefined,
  90004. database: 'lbry',
  90005. connectTimeout: 10000,
  90006. insecureAuth: false,
  90007. supportBigNumbers: true,
  90008. bigNumberStrings: false,
  90009. decimalNumbers: false,
  90010. dateStrings: false,
  90011. debug: undefined,
  90012. trace: true,
  90013. stringifyObjects: false,
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  90017. ssl: false,
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  90025. compress: false,
  90026. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  90027. clientFlags: 8582093,
  90028. connectAttributes: undefined,
  90029. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  90031. Socket {
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  90035. TCP {
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  90039. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  90045. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90046. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  90047. length: 0,
  90048. pipes: null,
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  90057. readableListening: false,
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  90061. destroyed: false,
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  90064. readingMore: false,
  90065. decoder: null,
  90066. encoding: null },
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  90069. [Object: null prototype] {
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  90081. needDrain: false,
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  90083. ended: false,
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  90090. corked: 0,
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  90097. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  90102. autoDestroy: false,
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  90105. { next: null,
  90106. entry: null,
  90107. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  90112. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  90117. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  90118. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  90119. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  90122. Denque {
  90123. _head: 0,
  90124. _tail: 0,
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  90126. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  90130. Denque {
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  90132. _tail: 0,
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  90134. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  90140. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  90141. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  90142. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  90143. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  90144. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  90145. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  90146. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90147. authorized: true,
  90148. sequenceId: 23,
  90149. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  90150. threadId: 1303,
  90151. _handshakePacket:
  90152. Handshake {
  90153. protocolVersion: 10,
  90154. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  90155. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90156. connectionId: 1303,
  90157. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  90158. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  90159. characterSet: 255,
  90160. statusFlags: 2 },
  90161. _fatalError: null,
  90162. _protocolError: null,
  90163. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  90164. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  90165. packetParser:
  90166. PacketParser {
  90167. buffer: [],
  90168. bufferLength: 0,
  90169. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  90170. headerLen: 0,
  90171. length: 5,
  90172. largePacketParts: [],
  90173. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  90174. onPacket: [Function],
  90175. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  90176. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  90177. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  90178. connectTimeout: null,
  90179. connectionId: 1303 },
  90180. state: 'IDLE' } },
  90181. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  90182. _evictionIterator:
  90183. DequeIterator {
  90184. _list:
  90185. DoublyLinkedList {
  90186. head:
  90187. { prev: null,
  90188. next:
  90189. { prev: [Circular],
  90190. next: null,
  90191. data:
  90192. PooledResource {
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  90194. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  90195. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  90196. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  90197. obj:
  90198. Connection {
  90199. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  90200. _eventsCount: 1,
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  90205. stream: undefined,
  90206. host: 'localhost',
  90207. port: 3306,
  90208. localAddress: undefined,
  90209. socketPath: undefined,
  90210. user: 'root',
  90211. password: 'abcd1234',
  90212. passwordSha1: undefined,
  90213. database: 'lbry',
  90214. connectTimeout: 10000,
  90215. insecureAuth: false,
  90216. supportBigNumbers: true,
  90217. bigNumberStrings: false,
  90218. decimalNumbers: false,
  90219. dateStrings: false,
  90220. debug: undefined,
  90221. trace: true,
  90222. stringifyObjects: false,
  90223. timezone: '+00:00',
  90224. queryFormat: undefined,
  90225. pool: undefined,
  90226. ssl: false,
  90227. multipleStatements: false,
  90228. rowsAsArray: false,
  90229. namedPlaceholders: false,
  90230. nestTables: undefined,
  90231. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  90232. maxPacketSize: 0,
  90233. charsetNumber: 224,
  90234. compress: false,
  90235. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  90236. clientFlags: 8582093,
  90237. connectAttributes: undefined,
  90238. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  90240. Socket {
  90241. connecting: false,
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  90244. TCP {
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  90246. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  90248. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  90250. _host: 'localhost',
  90251. _readableState:
  90252. ReadableState {
  90253. objectMode: false,
  90254. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90255. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  90256. length: 0,
  90257. pipes: null,
  90258. pipesCount: 0,
  90259. flowing: true,
  90260. ended: false,
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  90266. readableListening: false,
  90267. resumeScheduled: false,
  90268. emitClose: false,
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  90270. destroyed: false,
  90271. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90272. awaitDrain: 0,
  90273. readingMore: false,
  90274. decoder: null,
  90275. encoding: null },
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  90278. [Object: null prototype] {
  90279. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  90280. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  90281. data: [Function],
  90282. close: [Function] },
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  90288. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90289. finalCalled: false,
  90290. needDrain: false,
  90291. ending: false,
  90292. ended: false,
  90293. finished: false,
  90294. destroyed: false,
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  90296. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90297. length: 0,
  90298. writing: false,
  90299. corked: 0,
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  90306. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  90307. pendingcb: 0,
  90308. prefinished: false,
  90309. errorEmitted: false,
  90310. emitClose: false,
  90311. autoDestroy: false,
  90312. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  90313. corkedRequestsFree:
  90314. { next: null,
  90315. entry: null,
  90316. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  90318. allowHalfOpen: false,
  90319. _sockname: null,
  90320. _pendingData: null,
  90321. _pendingEncoding: '',
  90322. server: null,
  90323. _server: null,
  90324. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  90325. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  90326. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  90327. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  90328. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  90332. _head: 0,
  90333. _tail: 0,
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  90335. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  90338. _paused_packets:
  90339. Denque {
  90340. _head: 0,
  90341. _tail: 0,
  90342. _capacityMask: 3,
  90343. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  90348. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  90349. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  90350. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  90351. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  90352. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  90353. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  90354. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  90355. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90356. authorized: true,
  90357. sequenceId: 23,
  90358. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  90359. threadId: 1303,
  90360. _handshakePacket:
  90361. Handshake {
  90362. protocolVersion: 10,
  90363. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  90364. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90365. connectionId: 1303,
  90366. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  90367. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  90368. characterSet: 255,
  90369. statusFlags: 2 },
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  90371. _protocolError: null,
  90372. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  90373. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  90374. packetParser:
  90375. PacketParser {
  90376. buffer: [],
  90377. bufferLength: 0,
  90378. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  90379. headerLen: 0,
  90380. length: 5,
  90381. largePacketParts: [],
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  90383. onPacket: [Function],
  90384. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  90385. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  90386. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  90387. connectTimeout: null,
  90388. connectionId: 1303 },
  90389. state: 'IDLE' } },
  90390. data:
  90391. PooledResource {
  90392. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  90393. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  90394. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  90395. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  90396. obj:
  90397. Connection {
  90398. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  90399. _eventsCount: 1,
  90400. _maxListeners: undefined,
  90401. config:
  90402. ConnectionConfig {
  90403. isServer: undefined,
  90404. stream: undefined,
  90405. host: 'localhost',
  90406. port: 3306,
  90407. localAddress: undefined,
  90408. socketPath: undefined,
  90409. user: 'root',
  90410. password: 'abcd1234',
  90411. passwordSha1: undefined,
  90412. database: 'lbry',
  90413. connectTimeout: 10000,
  90414. insecureAuth: false,
  90415. supportBigNumbers: true,
  90416. bigNumberStrings: false,
  90417. decimalNumbers: false,
  90418. dateStrings: false,
  90419. debug: undefined,
  90420. trace: true,
  90421. stringifyObjects: false,
  90422. timezone: '+00:00',
  90423. queryFormat: undefined,
  90424. pool: undefined,
  90425. ssl: false,
  90426. multipleStatements: false,
  90427. rowsAsArray: false,
  90428. namedPlaceholders: false,
  90429. nestTables: undefined,
  90430. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  90431. maxPacketSize: 0,
  90432. charsetNumber: 224,
  90433. compress: false,
  90434. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  90435. clientFlags: 8582093,
  90436. connectAttributes: undefined,
  90437. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  90438. stream:
  90439. Socket {
  90440. connecting: false,
  90441. _hadError: false,
  90442. _handle:
  90443. TCP {
  90444. reading: true,
  90445. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  90446. onconnection: null,
  90447. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  90449. _host: 'localhost',
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  90451. ReadableState {
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  90453. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90454. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  90455. length: 0,
  90456. pipes: null,
  90457. pipesCount: 0,
  90458. flowing: true,
  90459. ended: false,
  90460. endEmitted: false,
  90461. reading: true,
  90462. sync: false,
  90463. needReadable: true,
  90464. emittedReadable: false,
  90465. readableListening: false,
  90466. resumeScheduled: false,
  90467. emitClose: false,
  90468. autoDestroy: false,
  90469. destroyed: false,
  90470. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90471. awaitDrain: 0,
  90472. readingMore: false,
  90473. decoder: null,
  90474. encoding: null },
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  90477. [Object: null prototype] {
  90478. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  90479. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  90480. data: [Function],
  90481. close: [Function] },
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  90483. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  90487. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90488. finalCalled: false,
  90489. needDrain: false,
  90490. ending: false,
  90491. ended: false,
  90492. finished: false,
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  90495. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90496. length: 0,
  90497. writing: false,
  90498. corked: 0,
  90499. sync: false,
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  90504. bufferedRequest: null,
  90505. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  90506. pendingcb: 0,
  90507. prefinished: false,
  90508. errorEmitted: false,
  90509. emitClose: false,
  90510. autoDestroy: false,
  90511. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  90512. corkedRequestsFree:
  90513. { next: null,
  90514. entry: null,
  90515. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  90516. writable: true,
  90517. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  90519. _pendingData: null,
  90520. _pendingEncoding: '',
  90521. server: null,
  90522. _server: null,
  90523. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
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  90525. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  90526. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  90527. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  90530. Denque {
  90531. _head: 0,
  90532. _tail: 0,
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  90534. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  90536. _paused: false,
  90537. _paused_packets:
  90538. Denque {
  90539. _head: 0,
  90540. _tail: 0,
  90541. _capacityMask: 3,
  90542. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  90543. _statements:
  90544. LRUCache {
  90545. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  90546. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  90547. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  90548. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  90549. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  90550. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  90551. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  90552. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  90553. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  90554. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90555. authorized: true,
  90556. sequenceId: 2,
  90557. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  90558. threadId: 1302,
  90559. _handshakePacket:
  90560. Handshake {
  90561. protocolVersion: 10,
  90562. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  90563. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90564. connectionId: 1302,
  90565. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  90566. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  90567. characterSet: 255,
  90568. statusFlags: 2 },
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  90570. _protocolError: null,
  90571. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  90572. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  90573. packetParser:
  90574. PacketParser {
  90575. buffer: [],
  90576. bufferLength: 0,
  90577. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  90578. headerLen: 0,
  90579. length: 7,
  90580. largePacketParts: [],
  90581. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  90582. onPacket: [Function],
  90583. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  90584. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  90585. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  90586. connectTimeout: null,
  90587. connectionId: 1302 },
  90588. state: 'IDLE' } },
  90589. tail:
  90590. { prev:
  90591. { prev: null,
  90592. next: [Circular],
  90593. data:
  90594. PooledResource {
  90595. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  90596. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  90597. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  90598. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  90599. obj:
  90600. Connection {
  90601. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  90602. _eventsCount: 1,
  90603. _maxListeners: undefined,
  90604. config:
  90605. ConnectionConfig {
  90606. isServer: undefined,
  90607. stream: undefined,
  90608. host: 'localhost',
  90609. port: 3306,
  90610. localAddress: undefined,
  90611. socketPath: undefined,
  90612. user: 'root',
  90613. password: 'abcd1234',
  90614. passwordSha1: undefined,
  90615. database: 'lbry',
  90616. connectTimeout: 10000,
  90617. insecureAuth: false,
  90618. supportBigNumbers: true,
  90619. bigNumberStrings: false,
  90620. decimalNumbers: false,
  90621. dateStrings: false,
  90622. debug: undefined,
  90623. trace: true,
  90624. stringifyObjects: false,
  90625. timezone: '+00:00',
  90626. queryFormat: undefined,
  90627. pool: undefined,
  90628. ssl: false,
  90629. multipleStatements: false,
  90630. rowsAsArray: false,
  90631. namedPlaceholders: false,
  90632. nestTables: undefined,
  90633. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  90634. maxPacketSize: 0,
  90635. charsetNumber: 224,
  90636. compress: false,
  90637. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  90638. clientFlags: 8582093,
  90639. connectAttributes: undefined,
  90640. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  90641. stream:
  90642. Socket {
  90643. connecting: false,
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  90645. _handle:
  90646. TCP {
  90647. reading: true,
  90648. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  90650. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  90651. _parent: null,
  90652. _host: 'localhost',
  90653. _readableState:
  90654. ReadableState {
  90655. objectMode: false,
  90656. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90657. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  90658. length: 0,
  90659. pipes: null,
  90660. pipesCount: 0,
  90661. flowing: true,
  90662. ended: false,
  90663. endEmitted: false,
  90664. reading: true,
  90665. sync: false,
  90666. needReadable: true,
  90667. emittedReadable: false,
  90668. readableListening: false,
  90669. resumeScheduled: false,
  90670. emitClose: false,
  90671. autoDestroy: false,
  90672. destroyed: false,
  90673. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90674. awaitDrain: 0,
  90675. readingMore: false,
  90676. decoder: null,
  90677. encoding: null },
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  90680. [Object: null prototype] {
  90681. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  90682. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  90683. data: [Function],
  90684. close: [Function] },
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  90688. WritableState {
  90689. objectMode: false,
  90690. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90691. finalCalled: false,
  90692. needDrain: false,
  90693. ending: false,
  90694. ended: false,
  90695. finished: false,
  90696. destroyed: false,
  90697. decodeStrings: false,
  90698. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90699. length: 0,
  90700. writing: false,
  90701. corked: 0,
  90702. sync: false,
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  90704. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  90706. writelen: 0,
  90707. bufferedRequest: null,
  90708. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  90709. pendingcb: 0,
  90710. prefinished: false,
  90711. errorEmitted: false,
  90712. emitClose: false,
  90713. autoDestroy: false,
  90714. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  90715. corkedRequestsFree:
  90716. { next: null,
  90717. entry: null,
  90718. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  90719. writable: true,
  90720. allowHalfOpen: false,
  90721. _sockname: null,
  90722. _pendingData: null,
  90723. _pendingEncoding: '',
  90724. server: null,
  90725. _server: null,
  90726. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  90727. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  90728. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  90729. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  90730. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  90731. _internalId: 2,
  90732. _commands:
  90733. Denque {
  90734. _head: 0,
  90735. _tail: 0,
  90736. _capacityMask: 3,
  90737. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  90738. _command: undefined,
  90739. _paused: false,
  90740. _paused_packets:
  90741. Denque {
  90742. _head: 0,
  90743. _tail: 0,
  90744. _capacityMask: 3,
  90745. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  90746. _statements:
  90747. LRUCache {
  90748. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  90749. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  90750. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  90751. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  90752. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  90753. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  90754. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  90755. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  90756. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  90757. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90758. authorized: true,
  90759. sequenceId: 2,
  90760. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  90761. threadId: 1302,
  90762. _handshakePacket:
  90763. Handshake {
  90764. protocolVersion: 10,
  90765. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  90766. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90767. connectionId: 1302,
  90768. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  90769. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  90770. characterSet: 255,
  90771. statusFlags: 2 },
  90772. _fatalError: null,
  90773. _protocolError: null,
  90774. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  90775. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  90776. packetParser:
  90777. PacketParser {
  90778. buffer: [],
  90779. bufferLength: 0,
  90780. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  90781. headerLen: 0,
  90782. length: 7,
  90783. largePacketParts: [],
  90784. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  90785. onPacket: [Function],
  90786. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  90787. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  90788. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  90789. connectTimeout: null,
  90790. connectionId: 1302 },
  90791. state: 'IDLE' } },
  90792. next: null,
  90793. data:
  90794. PooledResource {
  90795. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  90796. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  90797. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  90798. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  90799. obj:
  90800. Connection {
  90801. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  90802. _eventsCount: 1,
  90803. _maxListeners: undefined,
  90804. config:
  90805. ConnectionConfig {
  90806. isServer: undefined,
  90807. stream: undefined,
  90808. host: 'localhost',
  90809. port: 3306,
  90810. localAddress: undefined,
  90811. socketPath: undefined,
  90812. user: 'root',
  90813. password: 'abcd1234',
  90814. passwordSha1: undefined,
  90815. database: 'lbry',
  90816. connectTimeout: 10000,
  90817. insecureAuth: false,
  90818. supportBigNumbers: true,
  90819. bigNumberStrings: false,
  90820. decimalNumbers: false,
  90821. dateStrings: false,
  90822. debug: undefined,
  90823. trace: true,
  90824. stringifyObjects: false,
  90825. timezone: '+00:00',
  90826. queryFormat: undefined,
  90827. pool: undefined,
  90828. ssl: false,
  90829. multipleStatements: false,
  90830. rowsAsArray: false,
  90831. namedPlaceholders: false,
  90832. nestTables: undefined,
  90833. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  90834. maxPacketSize: 0,
  90835. charsetNumber: 224,
  90836. compress: false,
  90837. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  90838. clientFlags: 8582093,
  90839. connectAttributes: undefined,
  90840. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  90841. stream:
  90842. Socket {
  90843. connecting: false,
  90844. _hadError: false,
  90845. _handle:
  90846. TCP {
  90847. reading: true,
  90848. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  90849. onconnection: null,
  90850. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  90851. _parent: null,
  90852. _host: 'localhost',
  90853. _readableState:
  90854. ReadableState {
  90855. objectMode: false,
  90856. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90857. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  90858. length: 0,
  90859. pipes: null,
  90860. pipesCount: 0,
  90861. flowing: true,
  90862. ended: false,
  90863. endEmitted: false,
  90864. reading: true,
  90865. sync: false,
  90866. needReadable: true,
  90867. emittedReadable: false,
  90868. readableListening: false,
  90869. resumeScheduled: false,
  90870. emitClose: false,
  90871. autoDestroy: false,
  90872. destroyed: false,
  90873. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90874. awaitDrain: 0,
  90875. readingMore: false,
  90876. decoder: null,
  90877. encoding: null },
  90878. readable: true,
  90879. _events:
  90880. [Object: null prototype] {
  90881. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  90882. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  90883. data: [Function],
  90884. close: [Function] },
  90885. _eventsCount: 4,
  90886. _maxListeners: undefined,
  90887. _writableState:
  90888. WritableState {
  90889. objectMode: false,
  90890. highWaterMark: 16384,
  90891. finalCalled: false,
  90892. needDrain: false,
  90893. ending: false,
  90894. ended: false,
  90895. finished: false,
  90896. destroyed: false,
  90897. decodeStrings: false,
  90898. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  90899. length: 0,
  90900. writing: false,
  90901. corked: 0,
  90902. sync: false,
  90903. bufferProcessing: false,
  90904. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  90905. writecb: null,
  90906. writelen: 0,
  90907. bufferedRequest: null,
  90908. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  90909. pendingcb: 0,
  90910. prefinished: false,
  90911. errorEmitted: false,
  90912. emitClose: false,
  90913. autoDestroy: false,
  90914. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  90915. corkedRequestsFree:
  90916. { next: null,
  90917. entry: null,
  90918. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  90919. writable: true,
  90920. allowHalfOpen: false,
  90921. _sockname: null,
  90922. _pendingData: null,
  90923. _pendingEncoding: '',
  90924. server: null,
  90925. _server: null,
  90926. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  90927. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  90928. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  90929. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  90930. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  90931. _internalId: 1,
  90932. _commands:
  90933. Denque {
  90934. _head: 0,
  90935. _tail: 0,
  90936. _capacityMask: 3,
  90937. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  90938. _command: undefined,
  90939. _paused: false,
  90940. _paused_packets:
  90941. Denque {
  90942. _head: 0,
  90943. _tail: 0,
  90944. _capacityMask: 3,
  90945. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  90946. _statements:
  90947. LRUCache {
  90948. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  90949. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  90950. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  90951. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  90952. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  90953. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  90954. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  90955. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  90956. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  90957. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90958. authorized: true,
  90959. sequenceId: 23,
  90960. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  90961. threadId: 1303,
  90962. _handshakePacket:
  90963. Handshake {
  90964. protocolVersion: 10,
  90965. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  90966. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  90967. connectionId: 1303,
  90968. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  90969. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  90970. characterSet: 255,
  90971. statusFlags: 2 },
  90972. _fatalError: null,
  90973. _protocolError: null,
  90974. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  90975. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  90976. packetParser:
  90977. PacketParser {
  90978. buffer: [],
  90979. bufferLength: 0,
  90980. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  90981. headerLen: 0,
  90982. length: 5,
  90983. largePacketParts: [],
  90984. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  90985. onPacket: [Function],
  90986. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  90987. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  90988. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  90989. connectTimeout: null,
  90990. connectionId: 1303 },
  90991. state: 'IDLE' } },
  90992. length: 2 },
  90993. _direction: 'next',
  90994. _startPosition: 'head',
  90995. _started: false,
  90996. _cursor: null,
  90997. _done: false },
  90998. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  90999. _scheduledEviction:
  91000. Timeout {
  91001. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  91002. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  91003. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  91004. _idleStart: 432,
  91005. _onTimeout: [Function],
  91006. _timerArgs: undefined,
  91007. _repeat: null,
  91008. _destroyed: false,
  91009. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  91010. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  91011. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  91012. lib:
  91013. { createConnection: [Function],
  91014. connect: [Function],
  91015. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  91016. createPool: [Function],
  91017. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  91018. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  91019. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  91020. createServer: [Function],
  91021. PoolConnection:
  91022. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  91023. escape: [Function: escape],
  91024. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  91025. format: [Function: format],
  91026. raw: [Function: raw],
  91027. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  91028. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  91029. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  91030. Types: [Getter],
  91031. Charsets: [Getter],
  91032. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  91033. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  91034. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  91035. importCache: {},
  91036. test:
  91037. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  91038. _runningQueries: 0,
  91039. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  91040. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  91041. hooks: {},
  91042. uniqueKeys: {} },
  91043. _options:
  91044. { isNewRecord: false,
  91045. _schema: null,
  91046. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  91047. raw: true,
  91048. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  91049. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  91050. isNewRecord: false },
  91051. Balloons {
  91052. dataValues:
  91053. { id: 11,
  91054. size: 'large',
  91055. color: 'red',
  91056. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:16:01.000Z,
  91057. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:16:01.000Z },
  91058. _previousDataValues:
  91059. { id: 11,
  91060. size: 'large',
  91061. color: 'red',
  91062. createdAt: 2018-12-29T06:16:01.000Z,
  91063. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T06:16:01.000Z },
  91064. _changed: {},
  91065. _modelOptions:
  91066. { timestamps: true,
  91067. validate: {},
  91068. freezeTableName: false,
  91069. underscored: false,
  91070. underscoredAll: false,
  91071. paranoid: false,
  91072. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  91073. whereCollection: null,
  91074. schema: null,
  91075. schemaDelimiter: '',
  91076. defaultScope: {},
  91077. scopes: [],
  91078. indexes: [],
  91079. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  91080. omitNull: false,
  91081. sequelize:
  91082. Sequelize {
  91083. options:
  91084. { dialect: 'mysql',
  91085. dialectModulePath: null,
  91086. host: 'localhost',
  91087. protocol: 'tcp',
  91088. define: {},
  91089. query: {},
  91090. sync: {},
  91091. timezone: '+00:00',
  91092. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  91093. omitNull: false,
  91094. native: false,
  91095. replication: false,
  91096. ssl: undefined,
  91097. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  91098. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  91099. hooks: {},
  91100. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  91101. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  91102. isolationLevel: null,
  91103. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  91104. typeValidation: false,
  91105. benchmark: false,
  91106. operatorsAliases: false },
  91107. config:
  91108. { database: 'lbry',
  91109. username: 'root',
  91110. password: 'abcd1234',
  91111. host: 'localhost',
  91112. port: 3306,
  91113. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  91114. protocol: 'tcp',
  91115. native: false,
  91116. ssl: undefined,
  91117. replication: false,
  91118. dialectModulePath: null,
  91119. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  91120. dialectOptions: undefined },
  91121. dialect:
  91122. MysqlDialect {
  91123. sequelize: [Circular],
  91124. connectionManager:
  91125. ConnectionManager {
  91126. sequelize: [Circular],
  91127. config:
  91128. { database: 'lbry',
  91129. username: 'root',
  91130. password: 'abcd1234',
  91131. host: 'localhost',
  91132. port: undefined,
  91133. pool:
  91134. { max: 5,
  91135. min: 0,
  91136. acquire: 30000,
  91137. idle: 10000,
  91138. evict: 10000,
  91139. handleDisconnects: true,
  91140. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  91141. Promise:
  91142. { [Function: Promise]
  91143. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  91144. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  91145. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  91146. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  91147. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91148. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91149. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  91150. _peekContext: [Function],
  91151. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  91152. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  91153. longStackTraces: [Function],
  91154. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  91155. config: [Function],
  91156. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  91157. is: [Function],
  91158. fromCallback: [Function],
  91159. fromNode: [Function],
  91160. all: [Function],
  91161. cast: [Function],
  91162. fulfilled: [Function],
  91163. resolve: [Function],
  91164. rejected: [Function],
  91165. reject: [Function],
  91166. setScheduler: [Function],
  91167. pending: [Function],
  91168. defer: [Function],
  91169. method: [Function],
  91170. try: [Function],
  91171. attempt: [Function],
  91172. bind: [Function],
  91173. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  91174. join: [Function],
  91175. Promise: [Circular],
  91176. version: '3.5.3',
  91177. map: [Function],
  91178. using: [Function],
  91179. delay: [Function],
  91180. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  91181. spawn: [Function],
  91182. promisify: [Function],
  91183. promisifyAll: [Function],
  91184. props: [Function],
  91185. race: [Function],
  91186. reduce: [Function],
  91187. settle: [Function],
  91188. some: [Function],
  91189. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  91190. filter: [Function],
  91191. each: [Function],
  91192. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  91193. any: [Function],
  91194. default: [Circular] } },
  91195. protocol: 'tcp',
  91196. native: false,
  91197. ssl: undefined,
  91198. replication: false,
  91199. dialectModulePath: null,
  91200. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  91201. dialectOptions: undefined },
  91202. dialect: [Circular],
  91203. versionPromise: null,
  91204. dialectName: 'mysql',
  91205. pool:
  91206. Pool {
  91207. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  91208. _eventsCount: 0,
  91209. _maxListeners: undefined,
  91210. _config:
  91211. PoolOptions {
  91212. fifo: true,
  91213. priorityRange: 1,
  91214. testOnBorrow: true,
  91215. testOnReturn: false,
  91216. autostart: false,
  91217. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  91218. max: 5,
  91219. min: 0,
  91220. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  91221. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  91222. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  91223. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  91224. Promise:
  91225. { [Function: Promise]
  91226. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  91227. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  91228. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  91229. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  91230. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91231. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91232. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  91233. _peekContext: [Function],
  91234. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  91235. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  91236. longStackTraces: [Function],
  91237. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  91238. config: [Function],
  91239. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  91240. is: [Function],
  91241. fromCallback: [Function],
  91242. fromNode: [Function],
  91243. all: [Function],
  91244. cast: [Function],
  91245. fulfilled: [Function],
  91246. resolve: [Function],
  91247. rejected: [Function],
  91248. reject: [Function],
  91249. setScheduler: [Function],
  91250. pending: [Function],
  91251. defer: [Function],
  91252. method: [Function],
  91253. try: [Function],
  91254. attempt: [Function],
  91255. bind: [Function],
  91256. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  91257. join: [Function],
  91258. Promise: [Circular],
  91259. version: '3.5.3',
  91260. map: [Function],
  91261. using: [Function],
  91262. delay: [Function],
  91263. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  91264. spawn: [Function],
  91265. promisify: [Function],
  91266. promisifyAll: [Function],
  91267. props: [Function],
  91268. race: [Function],
  91269. reduce: [Function],
  91270. settle: [Function],
  91271. some: [Function],
  91272. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  91273. filter: [Function],
  91274. each: [Function],
  91275. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  91276. any: [Function],
  91277. default: [Circular] } },
  91278. _Promise:
  91279. { [Function: Promise]
  91280. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  91281. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  91282. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  91283. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  91284. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91285. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  91286. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  91287. _peekContext: [Function],
  91288. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  91289. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  91290. longStackTraces: [Function],
  91291. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  91292. config: [Function],
  91293. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  91294. is: [Function],
  91295. fromCallback: [Function],
  91296. fromNode: [Function],
  91297. all: [Function],
  91298. cast: [Function],
  91299. fulfilled: [Function],
  91300. resolve: [Function],
  91301. rejected: [Function],
  91302. reject: [Function],
  91303. setScheduler: [Function],
  91304. pending: [Function],
  91305. defer: [Function],
  91306. method: [Function],
  91307. try: [Function],
  91308. attempt: [Function],
  91309. bind: [Function],
  91310. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  91311. join: [Function],
  91312. Promise: [Circular],
  91313. version: '3.5.3',
  91314. map: [Function],
  91315. using: [Function],
  91316. delay: [Function],
  91317. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  91318. spawn: [Function],
  91319. promisify: [Function],
  91320. promisifyAll: [Function],
  91321. props: [Function],
  91322. race: [Function],
  91323. reduce: [Function],
  91324. settle: [Function],
  91325. some: [Function],
  91326. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  91327. filter: [Function],
  91328. each: [Function],
  91329. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  91330. any: [Function],
  91331. default: [Circular] },
  91332. _factory:
  91333. { create: [Function: create],
  91334. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  91335. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  91336. _draining: false,
  91337. _started: true,
  91338. _waitingClientsQueue:
  91339. PriorityQueue {
  91340. _size: 1,
  91341. _slots:
  91342. [ Queue {
  91343. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  91344. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  91345. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  91346. _availableObjects:
  91347. Deque {
  91348. _list:
  91349. DoublyLinkedList {
  91350. head:
  91351. { prev: null,
  91352. next:
  91353. { prev: [Circular],
  91354. next: null,
  91355. data:
  91356. PooledResource {
  91357. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  91358. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  91359. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  91360. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  91361. obj:
  91362. Connection {
  91363. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  91364. _eventsCount: 1,
  91365. _maxListeners: undefined,
  91366. config:
  91367. ConnectionConfig {
  91368. isServer: undefined,
  91369. stream: undefined,
  91370. host: 'localhost',
  91371. port: 3306,
  91372. localAddress: undefined,
  91373. socketPath: undefined,
  91374. user: 'root',
  91375. password: 'abcd1234',
  91376. passwordSha1: undefined,
  91377. database: 'lbry',
  91378. connectTimeout: 10000,
  91379. insecureAuth: false,
  91380. supportBigNumbers: true,
  91381. bigNumberStrings: false,
  91382. decimalNumbers: false,
  91383. dateStrings: false,
  91384. debug: undefined,
  91385. trace: true,
  91386. stringifyObjects: false,
  91387. timezone: '+00:00',
  91388. queryFormat: undefined,
  91389. pool: undefined,
  91390. ssl: false,
  91391. multipleStatements: false,
  91392. rowsAsArray: false,
  91393. namedPlaceholders: false,
  91394. nestTables: undefined,
  91395. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  91396. maxPacketSize: 0,
  91397. charsetNumber: 224,
  91398. compress: false,
  91399. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  91400. clientFlags: 8582093,
  91401. connectAttributes: undefined,
  91402. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  91403. stream:
  91404. Socket {
  91405. connecting: false,
  91406. _hadError: false,
  91407. _handle:
  91408. TCP {
  91409. reading: true,
  91410. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  91411. onconnection: null,
  91412. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  91413. _parent: null,
  91414. _host: 'localhost',
  91415. _readableState:
  91416. ReadableState {
  91417. objectMode: false,
  91418. highWaterMark: 16384,
  91419. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  91420. length: 0,
  91421. pipes: null,
  91422. pipesCount: 0,
  91423. flowing: true,
  91424. ended: false,
  91425. endEmitted: false,
  91426. reading: true,
  91427. sync: false,
  91428. needReadable: true,
  91429. emittedReadable: false,
  91430. readableListening: false,
  91431. resumeScheduled: false,
  91432. emitClose: false,
  91433. autoDestroy: false,
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  91438. decoder: null,
  91439. encoding: null },
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  91443. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  91446. close: [Function] },
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  91453. finalCalled: false,
  91454. needDrain: false,
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  91463. corked: 0,
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  91474. emitClose: false,
  91475. autoDestroy: false,
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  91479. entry: null,
  91480. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  91485. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  91490. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  91491. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  91492. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  91496. _head: 0,
  91497. _tail: 0,
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  91499. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91503. Denque {
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  91505. _tail: 0,
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  91507. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91512. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  91513. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  91514. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  91515. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  91516. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  91517. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  91518. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  91520. authorized: true,
  91521. sequenceId: 23,
  91522. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  91523. threadId: 1303,
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  91525. Handshake {
  91526. protocolVersion: 10,
  91527. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  91528. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  91531. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  91532. characterSet: 255,
  91533. statusFlags: 2 },
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  91539. PacketParser {
  91540. buffer: [],
  91541. bufferLength: 0,
  91542. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  91543. headerLen: 0,
  91544. length: 5,
  91545. largePacketParts: [],
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  91550. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  91551. connectTimeout: null,
  91552. connectionId: 1303 },
  91553. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  91556. creationTime: 1546120030829,
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  91558. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  91559. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  91571. localAddress: undefined,
  91572. socketPath: undefined,
  91573. user: 'root',
  91574. password: 'abcd1234',
  91575. passwordSha1: undefined,
  91576. database: 'lbry',
  91577. connectTimeout: 10000,
  91578. insecureAuth: false,
  91579. supportBigNumbers: true,
  91580. bigNumberStrings: false,
  91581. decimalNumbers: false,
  91582. dateStrings: false,
  91583. debug: undefined,
  91584. trace: true,
  91585. stringifyObjects: false,
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  91588. pool: undefined,
  91589. ssl: false,
  91590. multipleStatements: false,
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  91592. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  91597. compress: false,
  91598. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  91599. clientFlags: 8582093,
  91600. connectAttributes: undefined,
  91601. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  91611. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  91619. length: 0,
  91620. pipes: null,
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  91629. readableListening: false,
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  91636. readingMore: false,
  91637. decoder: null,
  91638. encoding: null },
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  91678. entry: null,
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  91684. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  91689. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  91690. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  91691. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  91696. _tail: 0,
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  91698. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91706. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91712. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  91713. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  91715. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  91716. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  91717. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  91719. authorized: true,
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  91721. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  91722. threadId: 1302,
  91723. _handshakePacket:
  91724. Handshake {
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  91726. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  91727. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  91731. characterSet: 255,
  91732. statusFlags: 2 },
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  91738. PacketParser {
  91739. buffer: [],
  91740. bufferLength: 0,
  91741. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  91742. headerLen: 0,
  91743. length: 7,
  91744. largePacketParts: [],
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  91746. onPacket: [Function],
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  91749. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  91750. connectTimeout: null,
  91751. connectionId: 1302 },
  91752. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  91754. { prev:
  91755. { prev: null,
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  91760. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  91761. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  91762. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  91764. Connection {
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  91771. stream: undefined,
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  91774. localAddress: undefined,
  91775. socketPath: undefined,
  91776. user: 'root',
  91777. password: 'abcd1234',
  91778. passwordSha1: undefined,
  91779. database: 'lbry',
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  91783. bigNumberStrings: false,
  91784. decimalNumbers: false,
  91785. dateStrings: false,
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  91792. ssl: false,
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  91802. clientFlags: 8582093,
  91803. connectAttributes: undefined,
  91804. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  91814. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  91822. length: 0,
  91823. pipes: null,
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  91832. readableListening: false,
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  91839. readingMore: false,
  91840. decoder: null,
  91841. encoding: null },
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  91845. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  91856. needDrain: false,
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  91858. ended: false,
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  91874. prefinished: false,
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  91877. autoDestroy: false,
  91878. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  91880. { next: null,
  91881. entry: null,
  91882. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  91887. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  91892. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  91893. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  91894. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  91897. Denque {
  91898. _head: 0,
  91899. _tail: 0,
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  91901. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91907. _tail: 0,
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  91909. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  91915. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  91916. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  91917. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  91918. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  91919. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  91920. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  91922. authorized: true,
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  91924. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  91925. threadId: 1302,
  91926. _handshakePacket:
  91927. Handshake {
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  91929. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  91930. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  91931. connectionId: 1302,
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  91933. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  91934. characterSet: 255,
  91935. statusFlags: 2 },
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  91938. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  91940. packetParser:
  91941. PacketParser {
  91942. buffer: [],
  91943. bufferLength: 0,
  91944. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  91945. headerLen: 0,
  91946. length: 7,
  91947. largePacketParts: [],
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  91952. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  91953. connectTimeout: null,
  91954. connectionId: 1302 },
  91955. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  91957. data:
  91958. PooledResource {
  91959. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  91960. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  91961. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  91962. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  91963. obj:
  91964. Connection {
  91965. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  91966. _eventsCount: 1,
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  91969. ConnectionConfig {
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  91971. stream: undefined,
  91972. host: 'localhost',
  91973. port: 3306,
  91974. localAddress: undefined,
  91975. socketPath: undefined,
  91976. user: 'root',
  91977. password: 'abcd1234',
  91978. passwordSha1: undefined,
  91979. database: 'lbry',
  91980. connectTimeout: 10000,
  91981. insecureAuth: false,
  91982. supportBigNumbers: true,
  91983. bigNumberStrings: false,
  91984. decimalNumbers: false,
  91985. dateStrings: false,
  91986. debug: undefined,
  91987. trace: true,
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  91990. queryFormat: undefined,
  91991. pool: undefined,
  91992. ssl: false,
  91993. multipleStatements: false,
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  91995. namedPlaceholders: false,
  91996. nestTables: undefined,
  91997. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  91999. charsetNumber: 224,
  92000. compress: false,
  92001. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  92002. clientFlags: 8582093,
  92003. connectAttributes: undefined,
  92004. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  92006. Socket {
  92007. connecting: false,
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  92009. _handle:
  92010. TCP {
  92011. reading: true,
  92012. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  92014. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  92016. _host: 'localhost',
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  92018. ReadableState {
  92019. objectMode: false,
  92020. highWaterMark: 16384,
  92021. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  92022. length: 0,
  92023. pipes: null,
  92024. pipesCount: 0,
  92025. flowing: true,
  92026. ended: false,
  92027. endEmitted: false,
  92028. reading: true,
  92029. sync: false,
  92030. needReadable: true,
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  92032. readableListening: false,
  92033. resumeScheduled: false,
  92034. emitClose: false,
  92035. autoDestroy: false,
  92036. destroyed: false,
  92037. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  92038. awaitDrain: 0,
  92039. readingMore: false,
  92040. decoder: null,
  92041. encoding: null },
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  92044. [Object: null prototype] {
  92045. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  92046. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  92047. data: [Function],
  92048. close: [Function] },
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  92055. finalCalled: false,
  92056. needDrain: false,
  92057. ending: false,
  92058. ended: false,
  92059. finished: false,
  92060. destroyed: false,
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  92062. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  92063. length: 0,
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  92065. corked: 0,
  92066. sync: false,
  92067. bufferProcessing: false,
  92068. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  92070. writelen: 0,
  92071. bufferedRequest: null,
  92072. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  92073. pendingcb: 0,
  92074. prefinished: false,
  92075. errorEmitted: false,
  92076. emitClose: false,
  92077. autoDestroy: false,
  92078. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  92079. corkedRequestsFree:
  92080. { next: null,
  92081. entry: null,
  92082. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  92083. writable: true,
  92084. allowHalfOpen: false,
  92085. _sockname: null,
  92086. _pendingData: null,
  92087. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  92089. _server: null,
  92090. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  92091. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  92092. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  92093. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  92094. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  92095. _internalId: 1,
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  92098. _head: 0,
  92099. _tail: 0,
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  92101. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92105. Denque {
  92106. _head: 0,
  92107. _tail: 0,
  92108. _capacityMask: 3,
  92109. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92114. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  92115. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  92116. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  92117. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  92118. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  92119. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  92120. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  92122. authorized: true,
  92123. sequenceId: 23,
  92124. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  92125. threadId: 1303,
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  92127. Handshake {
  92128. protocolVersion: 10,
  92129. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  92130. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  92133. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  92134. characterSet: 255,
  92135. statusFlags: 2 },
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  92137. _protocolError: null,
  92138. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  92139. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  92140. packetParser:
  92141. PacketParser {
  92142. buffer: [],
  92143. bufferLength: 0,
  92144. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  92145. headerLen: 0,
  92146. length: 5,
  92147. largePacketParts: [],
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  92149. onPacket: [Function],
  92150. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  92152. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  92153. connectTimeout: null,
  92154. connectionId: 1303 },
  92155. state: 'IDLE' } },
  92156. length: 2 } },
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  92158. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  92159. _validationOperations: Set {},
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  92161. Set {
  92162. PooledResource {
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  92165. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  92166. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  92167. obj:
  92168. Connection {
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  92176. host: 'localhost',
  92177. port: 3306,
  92178. localAddress: undefined,
  92179. socketPath: undefined,
  92180. user: 'root',
  92181. password: 'abcd1234',
  92182. passwordSha1: undefined,
  92183. database: 'lbry',
  92184. connectTimeout: 10000,
  92185. insecureAuth: false,
  92186. supportBigNumbers: true,
  92187. bigNumberStrings: false,
  92188. decimalNumbers: false,
  92189. dateStrings: false,
  92190. debug: undefined,
  92191. trace: true,
  92192. stringifyObjects: false,
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  92194. queryFormat: undefined,
  92195. pool: undefined,
  92196. ssl: false,
  92197. multipleStatements: false,
  92198. rowsAsArray: false,
  92199. namedPlaceholders: false,
  92200. nestTables: undefined,
  92201. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  92203. charsetNumber: 224,
  92204. compress: false,
  92205. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  92206. clientFlags: 8582093,
  92207. connectAttributes: undefined,
  92208. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  92214. TCP {
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  92216. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  92218. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  92220. _host: 'localhost',
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  92224. highWaterMark: 16384,
  92225. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  92226. length: 0,
  92227. pipes: null,
  92228. pipesCount: 0,
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  92233. sync: false,
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  92236. readableListening: false,
  92237. resumeScheduled: false,
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  92240. destroyed: false,
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  92242. awaitDrain: 0,
  92243. readingMore: false,
  92244. decoder: null,
  92245. encoding: null },
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  92251. data: [Function],
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  92262. ended: false,
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  92269. corked: 0,
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  92281. autoDestroy: false,
  92282. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  92285. entry: null,
  92286. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  92291. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  92296. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  92297. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  92298. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  92303. _tail: 0,
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  92305. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92310. _head: 0,
  92311. _tail: 0,
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  92313. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92319. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  92320. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  92321. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  92322. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  92323. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  92324. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  92325. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  92326. authorized: true,
  92327. sequenceId: 2,
  92328. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  92329. threadId: 1302,
  92330. _handshakePacket:
  92331. Handshake {
  92332. protocolVersion: 10,
  92333. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  92334. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  92337. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  92338. characterSet: 255,
  92339. statusFlags: 2 },
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  92341. _protocolError: null,
  92342. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  92344. packetParser:
  92345. PacketParser {
  92346. buffer: [],
  92347. bufferLength: 0,
  92348. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  92349. headerLen: 0,
  92350. length: 7,
  92351. largePacketParts: [],
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  92353. onPacket: [Function],
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  92356. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  92357. connectTimeout: null,
  92358. connectionId: 1302 },
  92359. state: 'IDLE' },
  92360. PooledResource {
  92361. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  92362. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  92363. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  92364. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  92365. obj:
  92366. Connection {
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  92368. _eventsCount: 1,
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  92373. stream: undefined,
  92374. host: 'localhost',
  92375. port: 3306,
  92376. localAddress: undefined,
  92377. socketPath: undefined,
  92378. user: 'root',
  92379. password: 'abcd1234',
  92380. passwordSha1: undefined,
  92381. database: 'lbry',
  92382. connectTimeout: 10000,
  92383. insecureAuth: false,
  92384. supportBigNumbers: true,
  92385. bigNumberStrings: false,
  92386. decimalNumbers: false,
  92387. dateStrings: false,
  92388. debug: undefined,
  92389. trace: true,
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  92393. pool: undefined,
  92394. ssl: false,
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  92396. rowsAsArray: false,
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  92398. nestTables: undefined,
  92399. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  92400. maxPacketSize: 0,
  92401. charsetNumber: 224,
  92402. compress: false,
  92403. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  92404. clientFlags: 8582093,
  92405. connectAttributes: undefined,
  92406. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  92408. Socket {
  92409. connecting: false,
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  92412. TCP {
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  92416. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  92422. highWaterMark: 16384,
  92423. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  92424. length: 0,
  92425. pipes: null,
  92426. pipesCount: 0,
  92427. flowing: true,
  92428. ended: false,
  92429. endEmitted: false,
  92430. reading: true,
  92431. sync: false,
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  92434. readableListening: false,
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  92438. destroyed: false,
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  92441. readingMore: false,
  92442. decoder: null,
  92443. encoding: null },
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  92449. data: [Function],
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  92458. needDrain: false,
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  92460. ended: false,
  92461. finished: false,
  92462. destroyed: false,
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  92465. length: 0,
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  92467. corked: 0,
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  92474. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  92475. pendingcb: 0,
  92476. prefinished: false,
  92477. errorEmitted: false,
  92478. emitClose: false,
  92479. autoDestroy: false,
  92480. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  92482. { next: null,
  92483. entry: null,
  92484. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  92489. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  92491. _server: null,
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  92493. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  92494. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  92495. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  92496. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  92499. Denque {
  92500. _head: 0,
  92501. _tail: 0,
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  92503. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92506. _paused_packets:
  92507. Denque {
  92508. _head: 0,
  92509. _tail: 0,
  92510. _capacityMask: 3,
  92511. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92517. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  92518. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  92520. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  92521. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  92522. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  92523. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  92524. authorized: true,
  92525. sequenceId: 23,
  92526. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  92527. threadId: 1303,
  92528. _handshakePacket:
  92529. Handshake {
  92530. protocolVersion: 10,
  92531. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  92532. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  92533. connectionId: 1303,
  92534. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  92535. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  92536. characterSet: 255,
  92537. statusFlags: 2 },
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  92539. _protocolError: null,
  92540. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  92542. packetParser:
  92543. PacketParser {
  92544. buffer: [],
  92545. bufferLength: 0,
  92546. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  92547. headerLen: 0,
  92548. length: 5,
  92549. largePacketParts: [],
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  92551. onPacket: [Function],
  92552. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  92554. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  92555. connectTimeout: null,
  92556. connectionId: 1303 },
  92557. state: 'IDLE' } },
  92558. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  92559. _evictionIterator:
  92560. DequeIterator {
  92561. _list:
  92562. DoublyLinkedList {
  92563. head:
  92564. { prev: null,
  92565. next:
  92566. { prev: [Circular],
  92567. next: null,
  92568. data:
  92569. PooledResource {
  92570. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  92571. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  92572. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  92573. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  92574. obj:
  92575. Connection {
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  92577. _eventsCount: 1,
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  92582. stream: undefined,
  92583. host: 'localhost',
  92584. port: 3306,
  92585. localAddress: undefined,
  92586. socketPath: undefined,
  92587. user: 'root',
  92588. password: 'abcd1234',
  92589. passwordSha1: undefined,
  92590. database: 'lbry',
  92591. connectTimeout: 10000,
  92592. insecureAuth: false,
  92593. supportBigNumbers: true,
  92594. bigNumberStrings: false,
  92595. decimalNumbers: false,
  92596. dateStrings: false,
  92597. debug: undefined,
  92598. trace: true,
  92599. stringifyObjects: false,
  92600. timezone: '+00:00',
  92601. queryFormat: undefined,
  92602. pool: undefined,
  92603. ssl: false,
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  92608. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  92611. compress: false,
  92612. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  92613. clientFlags: 8582093,
  92614. connectAttributes: undefined,
  92615. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  92617. Socket {
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  92621. TCP {
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  92625. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  92627. _host: 'localhost',
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  92630. objectMode: false,
  92631. highWaterMark: 16384,
  92632. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  92633. length: 0,
  92634. pipes: null,
  92635. pipesCount: 0,
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  92639. reading: true,
  92640. sync: false,
  92641. needReadable: true,
  92642. emittedReadable: false,
  92643. readableListening: false,
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  92645. emitClose: false,
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  92647. destroyed: false,
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  92649. awaitDrain: 0,
  92650. readingMore: false,
  92651. decoder: null,
  92652. encoding: null },
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  92655. [Object: null prototype] {
  92656. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  92657. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
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  92659. close: [Function] },
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  92667. needDrain: false,
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  92669. ended: false,
  92670. finished: false,
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  92673. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  92674. length: 0,
  92675. writing: false,
  92676. corked: 0,
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  92683. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  92684. pendingcb: 0,
  92685. prefinished: false,
  92686. errorEmitted: false,
  92687. emitClose: false,
  92688. autoDestroy: false,
  92689. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  92690. corkedRequestsFree:
  92691. { next: null,
  92692. entry: null,
  92693. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  92694. writable: true,
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  92697. _pendingData: null,
  92698. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  92700. _server: null,
  92701. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  92702. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  92703. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  92704. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  92705. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  92706. _internalId: 1,
  92707. _commands:
  92708. Denque {
  92709. _head: 0,
  92710. _tail: 0,
  92711. _capacityMask: 3,
  92712. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92717. _head: 0,
  92718. _tail: 0,
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  92720. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92726. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  92727. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  92729. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  92730. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  92731. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  92733. authorized: true,
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  92735. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  92736. threadId: 1303,
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  92738. Handshake {
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  92740. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  92741. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  92744. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  92745. characterSet: 255,
  92746. statusFlags: 2 },
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  92748. _protocolError: null,
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  92753. buffer: [],
  92754. bufferLength: 0,
  92755. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  92756. headerLen: 0,
  92757. length: 5,
  92758. largePacketParts: [],
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  92760. onPacket: [Function],
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  92763. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  92764. connectTimeout: null,
  92765. connectionId: 1303 },
  92766. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  92771. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  92772. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  92783. port: 3306,
  92784. localAddress: undefined,
  92785. socketPath: undefined,
  92786. user: 'root',
  92787. password: 'abcd1234',
  92788. passwordSha1: undefined,
  92789. database: 'lbry',
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  92792. supportBigNumbers: true,
  92793. bigNumberStrings: false,
  92794. decimalNumbers: false,
  92795. dateStrings: false,
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  92801. pool: undefined,
  92802. ssl: false,
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  92812. clientFlags: 8582093,
  92813. connectAttributes: undefined,
  92814. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  92824. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  92832. length: 0,
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  92842. readableListening: false,
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  92849. readingMore: false,
  92850. decoder: null,
  92851. encoding: null },
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  92891. entry: null,
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  92897. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  92902. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
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  92904. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  92911. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92917. _tail: 0,
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  92919. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  92925. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  92926. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  92929. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  92930. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  92932. authorized: true,
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  92934. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  92935. threadId: 1302,
  92936. _handshakePacket:
  92937. Handshake {
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  92939. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  92940. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  92944. characterSet: 255,
  92945. statusFlags: 2 },
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  92948. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  92951. PacketParser {
  92952. buffer: [],
  92953. bufferLength: 0,
  92954. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  92955. headerLen: 0,
  92956. length: 7,
  92957. largePacketParts: [],
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  92959. onPacket: [Function],
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  92962. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  92963. connectTimeout: null,
  92964. connectionId: 1302 },
  92965. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  92967. { prev:
  92968. { prev: null,
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  92973. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  92974. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  92975. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  92977. Connection {
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  92987. localAddress: undefined,
  92988. socketPath: undefined,
  92989. user: 'root',
  92990. password: 'abcd1234',
  92991. passwordSha1: undefined,
  92992. database: 'lbry',
  92993. connectTimeout: 10000,
  92994. insecureAuth: false,
  92995. supportBigNumbers: true,
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  92997. decimalNumbers: false,
  92998. dateStrings: false,
  92999. debug: undefined,
  93000. trace: true,
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  93003. queryFormat: undefined,
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  93005. ssl: false,
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  93013. compress: false,
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  93015. clientFlags: 8582093,
  93016. connectAttributes: undefined,
  93017. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  93019. Socket {
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  93023. TCP {
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  93027. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  93033. highWaterMark: 16384,
  93034. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  93035. length: 0,
  93036. pipes: null,
  93037. pipesCount: 0,
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  93049. destroyed: false,
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  93052. readingMore: false,
  93053. decoder: null,
  93054. encoding: null },
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  93069. needDrain: false,
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  93071. ended: false,
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  93094. entry: null,
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  93100. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  93105. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  93106. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  93107. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  93112. _tail: 0,
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  93114. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  93122. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  93129. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  93131. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  93132. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  93133. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  93135. authorized: true,
  93136. sequenceId: 2,
  93137. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  93138. threadId: 1302,
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  93140. Handshake {
  93141. protocolVersion: 10,
  93142. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  93143. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  93146. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  93147. characterSet: 255,
  93148. statusFlags: 2 },
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  93155. buffer: [],
  93156. bufferLength: 0,
  93157. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  93158. headerLen: 0,
  93159. length: 7,
  93160. largePacketParts: [],
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  93166. connectTimeout: null,
  93167. connectionId: 1302 },
  93168. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  93171. PooledResource {
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  93173. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  93174. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  93175. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  93176. obj:
  93177. Connection {
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  93179. _eventsCount: 1,
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  93185. host: 'localhost',
  93186. port: 3306,
  93187. localAddress: undefined,
  93188. socketPath: undefined,
  93189. user: 'root',
  93190. password: 'abcd1234',
  93191. passwordSha1: undefined,
  93192. database: 'lbry',
  93193. connectTimeout: 10000,
  93194. insecureAuth: false,
  93195. supportBigNumbers: true,
  93196. bigNumberStrings: false,
  93197. decimalNumbers: false,
  93198. dateStrings: false,
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  93216. connectAttributes: undefined,
  93217. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  93219. Socket {
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  93223. TCP {
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  93227. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  93234. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  93235. length: 0,
  93236. pipes: null,
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  93245. readableListening: false,
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  93252. readingMore: false,
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  93254. encoding: null },
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  93269. needDrain: false,
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  93271. ended: false,
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  93290. autoDestroy: false,
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  93293. { next: null,
  93294. entry: null,
  93295. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  93300. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  93305. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  93306. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  93307. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  93310. Denque {
  93311. _head: 0,
  93312. _tail: 0,
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  93314. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  93318. Denque {
  93319. _head: 0,
  93320. _tail: 0,
  93321. _capacityMask: 3,
  93322. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  93328. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  93329. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  93330. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  93331. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  93332. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  93333. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  93334. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  93335. authorized: true,
  93336. sequenceId: 23,
  93337. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  93338. threadId: 1303,
  93339. _handshakePacket:
  93340. Handshake {
  93341. protocolVersion: 10,
  93342. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  93343. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  93344. connectionId: 1303,
  93345. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  93346. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  93347. characterSet: 255,
  93348. statusFlags: 2 },
  93349. _fatalError: null,
  93350. _protocolError: null,
  93351. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  93352. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  93353. packetParser:
  93354. PacketParser {
  93355. buffer: [],
  93356. bufferLength: 0,
  93357. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  93358. headerLen: 0,
  93359. length: 5,
  93360. largePacketParts: [],
  93361. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  93362. onPacket: [Function],
  93363. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  93364. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  93365. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  93366. connectTimeout: null,
  93367. connectionId: 1303 },
  93368. state: 'IDLE' } },
  93369. length: 2 },
  93370. _direction: 'next',
  93371. _startPosition: 'head',
  93372. _started: false,
  93373. _cursor: null,
  93374. _done: false },
  93375. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  93376. _scheduledEviction:
  93377. Timeout {
  93378. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  93379. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  93380. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  93381. _idleStart: 432,
  93382. _onTimeout: [Function],
  93383. _timerArgs: undefined,
  93384. _repeat: null,
  93385. _destroyed: false,
  93386. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  93387. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  93388. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  93389. lib:
  93390. { createConnection: [Function],
  93391. connect: [Function],
  93392. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  93393. createPool: [Function],
  93394. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  93395. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  93396. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  93397. createServer: [Function],
  93398. PoolConnection:
  93399. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  93400. escape: [Function: escape],
  93401. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  93402. format: [Function: format],
  93403. raw: [Function: raw],
  93404. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  93405. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  93406. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  93407. Types: [Getter],
  93408. Charsets: [Getter],
  93409. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  93410. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  93411. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  93412. QueryGenerator:
  93413. { dialect: 'mysql',
  93414. OperatorMap:
  93415. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  93416. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  93417. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  93418. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  93419. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  93420. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  93421. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  93422. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  93423. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  93424. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  93425. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  93426. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  93427. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  93428. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  93429. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  93430. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  93431. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  93432. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  93433. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  93434. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  93435. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  93436. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  93437. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  93438. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  93439. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  93440. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  93441. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  93442. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  93443. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  93444. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  93445. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  93446. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  93447. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  93448. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  93449. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  93450. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  93451. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  93452. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  93453. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  93454. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  93455. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  93456. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  93457. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  93458. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  93459. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  93460. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  93461. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  93462. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  93463. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  93464. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  93465. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  93466. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  93467. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  93468. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  93469. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  93470. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  93471. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  93472. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  93473. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  93474. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  93475. _templateSettings:
  93476. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93477. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93478. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93479. variable: '',
  93480. imports:
  93481. { _:
  93482. { [Function: lodash]
  93483. templateSettings: [Circular],
  93484. after: [Function: after],
  93485. ary: [Function: ary],
  93486. assign: [Function],
  93487. assignIn: [Function],
  93488. assignInWith: [Function],
  93489. assignWith: [Function],
  93490. at: [Function],
  93491. before: [Function: before],
  93492. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93493. bindAll: [Function],
  93494. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93495. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  93496. chain: [Function: chain],
  93497. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  93498. compact: [Function: compact],
  93499. concat: [Function: concat],
  93500. cond: [Function: cond],
  93501. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  93502. constant: [Function: constant],
  93503. countBy: [Function],
  93504. create: [Function: create],
  93505. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93506. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93507. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  93508. defaults: [Function],
  93509. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  93510. defer: [Function],
  93511. delay: [Function],
  93512. difference: [Function],
  93513. differenceBy: [Function],
  93514. differenceWith: [Function],
  93515. drop: [Function: drop],
  93516. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  93517. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  93518. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  93519. fill: [Function: fill],
  93520. filter: [Function: filter],
  93521. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  93522. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  93523. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  93524. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  93525. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  93526. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  93527. flip: [Function: flip],
  93528. flow: [Function],
  93529. flowRight: [Function],
  93530. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  93531. functions: [Function: functions],
  93532. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  93533. groupBy: [Function],
  93534. initial: [Function: initial],
  93535. intersection: [Function],
  93536. intersectionBy: [Function],
  93537. intersectionWith: [Function],
  93538. invert: [Function],
  93539. invertBy: [Function],
  93540. invokeMap: [Function],
  93541. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  93542. keyBy: [Function],
  93543. keys: [Function: keys],
  93544. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  93545. map: [Function: map],
  93546. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  93547. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  93548. matches: [Function: matches],
  93549. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  93550. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  93551. merge: [Function],
  93552. mergeWith: [Function],
  93553. method: [Function],
  93554. methodOf: [Function],
  93555. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  93556. negate: [Function: negate],
  93557. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  93558. omit: [Function],
  93559. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  93560. once: [Function: once],
  93561. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  93562. over: [Function],
  93563. overArgs: [Function],
  93564. overEvery: [Function],
  93565. overSome: [Function],
  93566. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93567. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93568. partition: [Function],
  93569. pick: [Function],
  93570. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  93571. property: [Function: property],
  93572. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  93573. pull: [Function],
  93574. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  93575. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  93576. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  93577. pullAt: [Function],
  93578. range: [Function],
  93579. rangeRight: [Function],
  93580. rearg: [Function],
  93581. reject: [Function: reject],
  93582. remove: [Function: remove],
  93583. rest: [Function: rest],
  93584. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  93585. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  93586. set: [Function: set],
  93587. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  93588. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  93589. slice: [Function: slice],
  93590. sortBy: [Function],
  93591. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  93592. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  93593. split: [Function: split],
  93594. spread: [Function: spread],
  93595. tail: [Function: tail],
  93596. take: [Function: take],
  93597. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  93598. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  93599. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  93600. tap: [Function: tap],
  93601. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  93602. thru: [Function: thru],
  93603. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  93604. toPairs: [Function],
  93605. toPairsIn: [Function],
  93606. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  93607. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  93608. transform: [Function: transform],
  93609. unary: [Function: unary],
  93610. union: [Function],
  93611. unionBy: [Function],
  93612. unionWith: [Function],
  93613. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  93614. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  93615. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  93616. unset: [Function: unset],
  93617. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  93618. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  93619. update: [Function: update],
  93620. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  93621. values: [Function: values],
  93622. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  93623. without: [Function],
  93624. words: [Function: words],
  93625. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  93626. xor: [Function],
  93627. xorBy: [Function],
  93628. xorWith: [Function],
  93629. zip: [Function],
  93630. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  93631. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  93632. zipWith: [Function],
  93633. entries: [Function],
  93634. entriesIn: [Function],
  93635. extend: [Function],
  93636. extendWith: [Function],
  93637. add: [Function],
  93638. attempt: [Function],
  93639. camelCase: [Function],
  93640. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  93641. ceil: [Function],
  93642. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  93643. clone: [Function: clone],
  93644. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  93645. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  93646. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  93647. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  93648. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  93649. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  93650. divide: [Function],
  93651. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  93652. eq: [Function: eq],
  93653. escape: [Function: escape],
  93654. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  93655. every: [Function: every],
  93656. find: [Function],
  93657. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  93658. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  93659. findLast: [Function],
  93660. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  93661. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  93662. floor: [Function],
  93663. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  93664. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  93665. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  93666. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  93667. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  93668. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  93669. get: [Function: get],
  93670. gt: [Function],
  93671. gte: [Function],
  93672. has: [Function: has],
  93673. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  93674. head: [Function: head],
  93675. identity: [Function: identity],
  93676. includes: [Function: includes],
  93677. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  93678. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  93679. invoke: [Function],
  93680. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  93681. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  93682. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  93683. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  93684. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  93685. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  93686. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  93687. isDate: [Function],
  93688. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  93689. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  93690. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  93691. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  93692. isError: [Function: isError],
  93693. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  93694. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  93695. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  93696. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  93697. isMap: [Function],
  93698. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  93699. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  93700. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  93701. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  93702. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  93703. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  93704. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  93705. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  93706. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  93707. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  93708. isRegExp: [Function],
  93709. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  93710. isSet: [Function],
  93711. isString: [Function: isString],
  93712. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  93713. isTypedArray: [Function],
  93714. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  93715. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  93716. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  93717. join: [Function: join],
  93718. kebabCase: [Function],
  93719. last: [Function: last],
  93720. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  93721. lowerCase: [Function],
  93722. lowerFirst: [Function],
  93723. lt: [Function],
  93724. lte: [Function],
  93725. max: [Function: max],
  93726. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  93727. mean: [Function: mean],
  93728. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  93729. min: [Function: min],
  93730. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  93731. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  93732. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  93733. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  93734. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  93735. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  93736. multiply: [Function],
  93737. nth: [Function: nth],
  93738. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  93739. noop: [Function: noop],
  93740. now: [Function],
  93741. pad: [Function: pad],
  93742. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  93743. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  93744. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  93745. random: [Function: random],
  93746. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  93747. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  93748. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  93749. replace: [Function: replace],
  93750. result: [Function: result],
  93751. round: [Function],
  93752. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  93753. sample: [Function: sample],
  93754. size: [Function: size],
  93755. snakeCase: [Function],
  93756. some: [Function: some],
  93757. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  93758. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  93759. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  93760. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  93761. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  93762. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  93763. startCase: [Function],
  93764. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  93765. subtract: [Function],
  93766. sum: [Function: sum],
  93767. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  93768. template: [Function: template],
  93769. times: [Function: times],
  93770. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  93771. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  93772. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  93773. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  93774. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  93775. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  93776. toString: [Function: toString],
  93777. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  93778. trim: [Function: trim],
  93779. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  93780. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  93781. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  93782. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  93783. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  93784. upperCase: [Function],
  93785. upperFirst: [Function],
  93786. each: [Function: forEach],
  93787. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  93788. first: [Function: head],
  93789. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  93790. options:
  93791. { dialect: 'mysql',
  93792. dialectModulePath: null,
  93793. host: 'localhost',
  93794. protocol: 'tcp',
  93795. define: {},
  93796. query: {},
  93797. sync: {},
  93798. timezone: '+00:00',
  93799. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  93800. omitNull: false,
  93801. native: false,
  93802. replication: false,
  93803. ssl: undefined,
  93804. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  93805. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  93806. hooks: {},
  93807. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  93808. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  93809. isolationLevel: null,
  93810. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  93811. typeValidation: false,
  93812. benchmark: false,
  93813. operatorsAliases: false },
  93814. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  93815. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  93816. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  93817. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  93818. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  93819. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  93820. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  93821. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  93822. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  93823. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  93824. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  93825. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  93826. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  93827. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  93828. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  93829. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  93830. quote: [Function: quote],
  93831. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  93832. escape: [Function: escape],
  93833. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  93834. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  93835. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  93836. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  93837. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  93838. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  93839. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  93840. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  93841. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  93842. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  93843. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  93844. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  93845. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  93846. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  93847. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  93848. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  93849. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  93850. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  93851. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  93852. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  93853. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  93854. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  93855. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  93856. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  93857. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  93858. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  93859. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  93860. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  93861. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  93862. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  93863. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  93864. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  93865. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  93866. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  93867. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  93868. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  93869. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  93870. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  93871. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  93872. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  93873. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  93874. _dialect: [Circular],
  93875. sequelize: [Circular],
  93876. typeValidation: undefined } },
  93877. queryInterface:
  93878. QueryInterface {
  93879. sequelize: [Circular],
  93880. QueryGenerator:
  93881. { dialect: 'mysql',
  93882. OperatorMap:
  93883. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  93884. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  93885. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  93886. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  93887. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  93888. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  93889. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  93890. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  93891. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  93892. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  93893. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  93894. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  93895. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  93896. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  93897. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  93898. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  93899. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  93900. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  93901. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  93902. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  93903. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  93904. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  93905. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  93906. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  93907. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  93908. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  93909. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  93910. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  93911. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  93912. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  93913. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  93914. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  93915. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  93916. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  93917. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  93918. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  93919. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  93920. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  93921. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  93922. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  93923. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  93924. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  93925. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  93926. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  93927. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  93928. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  93929. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  93930. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  93931. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  93932. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  93933. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  93934. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  93935. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  93936. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  93937. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  93938. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  93939. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  93940. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  93941. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  93942. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  93943. _templateSettings:
  93944. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93945. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93946. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  93947. variable: '',
  93948. imports:
  93949. { _:
  93950. { [Function: lodash]
  93951. templateSettings: [Circular],
  93952. after: [Function: after],
  93953. ary: [Function: ary],
  93954. assign: [Function],
  93955. assignIn: [Function],
  93956. assignInWith: [Function],
  93957. assignWith: [Function],
  93958. at: [Function],
  93959. before: [Function: before],
  93960. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93961. bindAll: [Function],
  93962. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93963. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  93964. chain: [Function: chain],
  93965. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  93966. compact: [Function: compact],
  93967. concat: [Function: concat],
  93968. cond: [Function: cond],
  93969. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  93970. constant: [Function: constant],
  93971. countBy: [Function],
  93972. create: [Function: create],
  93973. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93974. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  93975. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  93976. defaults: [Function],
  93977. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  93978. defer: [Function],
  93979. delay: [Function],
  93980. difference: [Function],
  93981. differenceBy: [Function],
  93982. differenceWith: [Function],
  93983. drop: [Function: drop],
  93984. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  93985. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  93986. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  93987. fill: [Function: fill],
  93988. filter: [Function: filter],
  93989. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  93990. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  93991. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  93992. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  93993. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  93994. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  93995. flip: [Function: flip],
  93996. flow: [Function],
  93997. flowRight: [Function],
  93998. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  93999. functions: [Function: functions],
  94000. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  94001. groupBy: [Function],
  94002. initial: [Function: initial],
  94003. intersection: [Function],
  94004. intersectionBy: [Function],
  94005. intersectionWith: [Function],
  94006. invert: [Function],
  94007. invertBy: [Function],
  94008. invokeMap: [Function],
  94009. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  94010. keyBy: [Function],
  94011. keys: [Function: keys],
  94012. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  94013. map: [Function: map],
  94014. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  94015. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  94016. matches: [Function: matches],
  94017. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  94018. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  94019. merge: [Function],
  94020. mergeWith: [Function],
  94021. method: [Function],
  94022. methodOf: [Function],
  94023. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  94024. negate: [Function: negate],
  94025. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  94026. omit: [Function],
  94027. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  94028. once: [Function: once],
  94029. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  94030. over: [Function],
  94031. overArgs: [Function],
  94032. overEvery: [Function],
  94033. overSome: [Function],
  94034. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  94035. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  94036. partition: [Function],
  94037. pick: [Function],
  94038. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  94039. property: [Function: property],
  94040. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  94041. pull: [Function],
  94042. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  94043. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  94044. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  94045. pullAt: [Function],
  94046. range: [Function],
  94047. rangeRight: [Function],
  94048. rearg: [Function],
  94049. reject: [Function: reject],
  94050. remove: [Function: remove],
  94051. rest: [Function: rest],
  94052. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  94053. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  94054. set: [Function: set],
  94055. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  94056. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  94057. slice: [Function: slice],
  94058. sortBy: [Function],
  94059. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  94060. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  94061. split: [Function: split],
  94062. spread: [Function: spread],
  94063. tail: [Function: tail],
  94064. take: [Function: take],
  94065. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  94066. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  94067. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  94068. tap: [Function: tap],
  94069. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  94070. thru: [Function: thru],
  94071. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  94072. toPairs: [Function],
  94073. toPairsIn: [Function],
  94074. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  94075. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  94076. transform: [Function: transform],
  94077. unary: [Function: unary],
  94078. union: [Function],
  94079. unionBy: [Function],
  94080. unionWith: [Function],
  94081. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  94082. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  94083. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  94084. unset: [Function: unset],
  94085. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  94086. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  94087. update: [Function: update],
  94088. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  94089. values: [Function: values],
  94090. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  94091. without: [Function],
  94092. words: [Function: words],
  94093. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  94094. xor: [Function],
  94095. xorBy: [Function],
  94096. xorWith: [Function],
  94097. zip: [Function],
  94098. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  94099. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  94100. zipWith: [Function],
  94101. entries: [Function],
  94102. entriesIn: [Function],
  94103. extend: [Function],
  94104. extendWith: [Function],
  94105. add: [Function],
  94106. attempt: [Function],
  94107. camelCase: [Function],
  94108. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  94109. ceil: [Function],
  94110. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  94111. clone: [Function: clone],
  94112. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  94113. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  94114. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  94115. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  94116. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  94117. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  94118. divide: [Function],
  94119. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  94120. eq: [Function: eq],
  94121. escape: [Function: escape],
  94122. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  94123. every: [Function: every],
  94124. find: [Function],
  94125. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  94126. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  94127. findLast: [Function],
  94128. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  94129. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  94130. floor: [Function],
  94131. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  94132. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  94133. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  94134. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  94135. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  94136. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  94137. get: [Function: get],
  94138. gt: [Function],
  94139. gte: [Function],
  94140. has: [Function: has],
  94141. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  94142. head: [Function: head],
  94143. identity: [Function: identity],
  94144. includes: [Function: includes],
  94145. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  94146. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  94147. invoke: [Function],
  94148. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  94149. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  94150. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  94151. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  94152. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  94153. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  94154. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  94155. isDate: [Function],
  94156. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  94157. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  94158. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  94159. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  94160. isError: [Function: isError],
  94161. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  94162. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  94163. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  94164. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  94165. isMap: [Function],
  94166. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  94167. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  94168. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  94169. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  94170. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  94171. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  94172. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  94173. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  94174. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  94175. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  94176. isRegExp: [Function],
  94177. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  94178. isSet: [Function],
  94179. isString: [Function: isString],
  94180. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  94181. isTypedArray: [Function],
  94182. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  94183. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  94184. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  94185. join: [Function: join],
  94186. kebabCase: [Function],
  94187. last: [Function: last],
  94188. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  94189. lowerCase: [Function],
  94190. lowerFirst: [Function],
  94191. lt: [Function],
  94192. lte: [Function],
  94193. max: [Function: max],
  94194. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  94195. mean: [Function: mean],
  94196. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  94197. min: [Function: min],
  94198. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  94199. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  94200. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  94201. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  94202. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  94203. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  94204. multiply: [Function],
  94205. nth: [Function: nth],
  94206. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  94207. noop: [Function: noop],
  94208. now: [Function],
  94209. pad: [Function: pad],
  94210. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  94211. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  94212. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  94213. random: [Function: random],
  94214. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  94215. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  94216. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  94217. replace: [Function: replace],
  94218. result: [Function: result],
  94219. round: [Function],
  94220. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  94221. sample: [Function: sample],
  94222. size: [Function: size],
  94223. snakeCase: [Function],
  94224. some: [Function: some],
  94225. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  94226. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  94227. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  94228. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  94229. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  94230. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  94231. startCase: [Function],
  94232. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  94233. subtract: [Function],
  94234. sum: [Function: sum],
  94235. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  94236. template: [Function: template],
  94237. times: [Function: times],
  94238. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  94239. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  94240. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  94241. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  94242. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  94243. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  94244. toString: [Function: toString],
  94245. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  94246. trim: [Function: trim],
  94247. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  94248. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  94249. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  94250. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  94251. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  94252. upperCase: [Function],
  94253. upperFirst: [Function],
  94254. each: [Function: forEach],
  94255. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  94256. first: [Function: head],
  94257. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  94258. options:
  94259. { dialect: 'mysql',
  94260. dialectModulePath: null,
  94261. host: 'localhost',
  94262. protocol: 'tcp',
  94263. define: {},
  94264. query: {},
  94265. sync: {},
  94266. timezone: '+00:00',
  94267. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  94268. omitNull: false,
  94269. native: false,
  94270. replication: false,
  94271. ssl: undefined,
  94272. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  94273. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  94274. hooks: {},
  94275. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  94276. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  94277. isolationLevel: null,
  94278. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  94279. typeValidation: false,
  94280. benchmark: false,
  94281. operatorsAliases: false },
  94282. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  94283. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  94284. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  94285. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  94286. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  94287. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  94288. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  94289. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  94290. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  94291. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  94292. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  94293. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  94294. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  94295. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  94296. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  94297. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  94298. quote: [Function: quote],
  94299. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  94300. escape: [Function: escape],
  94301. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  94302. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  94303. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  94304. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  94305. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  94306. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  94307. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  94308. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  94309. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  94310. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  94311. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  94312. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  94313. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  94314. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  94315. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  94316. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  94317. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  94318. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  94319. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  94320. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  94321. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  94322. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  94323. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  94324. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  94325. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  94326. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  94327. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  94328. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  94329. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  94330. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  94331. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  94332. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  94333. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  94334. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  94335. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  94336. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  94337. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  94338. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  94339. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  94340. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  94341. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  94342. _dialect:
  94343. MysqlDialect {
  94344. sequelize: [Circular],
  94345. connectionManager:
  94346. ConnectionManager {
  94347. sequelize: [Circular],
  94348. config:
  94349. { database: 'lbry',
  94350. username: 'root',
  94351. password: 'abcd1234',
  94352. host: 'localhost',
  94353. port: undefined,
  94354. pool:
  94355. { max: 5,
  94356. min: 0,
  94357. acquire: 30000,
  94358. idle: 10000,
  94359. evict: 10000,
  94360. handleDisconnects: true,
  94361. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  94362. Promise:
  94363. { [Function: Promise]
  94364. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  94365. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  94366. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  94367. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  94368. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94369. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94370. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  94371. _peekContext: [Function],
  94372. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  94373. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  94374. longStackTraces: [Function],
  94375. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  94376. config: [Function],
  94377. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  94378. is: [Function],
  94379. fromCallback: [Function],
  94380. fromNode: [Function],
  94381. all: [Function],
  94382. cast: [Function],
  94383. fulfilled: [Function],
  94384. resolve: [Function],
  94385. rejected: [Function],
  94386. reject: [Function],
  94387. setScheduler: [Function],
  94388. pending: [Function],
  94389. defer: [Function],
  94390. method: [Function],
  94391. try: [Function],
  94392. attempt: [Function],
  94393. bind: [Function],
  94394. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  94395. join: [Function],
  94396. Promise: [Circular],
  94397. version: '3.5.3',
  94398. map: [Function],
  94399. using: [Function],
  94400. delay: [Function],
  94401. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  94402. spawn: [Function],
  94403. promisify: [Function],
  94404. promisifyAll: [Function],
  94405. props: [Function],
  94406. race: [Function],
  94407. reduce: [Function],
  94408. settle: [Function],
  94409. some: [Function],
  94410. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  94411. filter: [Function],
  94412. each: [Function],
  94413. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  94414. any: [Function],
  94415. default: [Circular] } },
  94416. protocol: 'tcp',
  94417. native: false,
  94418. ssl: undefined,
  94419. replication: false,
  94420. dialectModulePath: null,
  94421. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  94422. dialectOptions: undefined },
  94423. dialect: [Circular],
  94424. versionPromise: null,
  94425. dialectName: 'mysql',
  94426. pool:
  94427. Pool {
  94428. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  94429. _eventsCount: 0,
  94430. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94431. _config:
  94432. PoolOptions {
  94433. fifo: true,
  94434. priorityRange: 1,
  94435. testOnBorrow: true,
  94436. testOnReturn: false,
  94437. autostart: false,
  94438. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  94439. max: 5,
  94440. min: 0,
  94441. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  94442. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  94443. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  94444. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  94445. Promise:
  94446. { [Function: Promise]
  94447. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  94448. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  94449. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  94450. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  94451. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94452. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94453. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  94454. _peekContext: [Function],
  94455. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  94456. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  94457. longStackTraces: [Function],
  94458. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  94459. config: [Function],
  94460. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  94461. is: [Function],
  94462. fromCallback: [Function],
  94463. fromNode: [Function],
  94464. all: [Function],
  94465. cast: [Function],
  94466. fulfilled: [Function],
  94467. resolve: [Function],
  94468. rejected: [Function],
  94469. reject: [Function],
  94470. setScheduler: [Function],
  94471. pending: [Function],
  94472. defer: [Function],
  94473. method: [Function],
  94474. try: [Function],
  94475. attempt: [Function],
  94476. bind: [Function],
  94477. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  94478. join: [Function],
  94479. Promise: [Circular],
  94480. version: '3.5.3',
  94481. map: [Function],
  94482. using: [Function],
  94483. delay: [Function],
  94484. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  94485. spawn: [Function],
  94486. promisify: [Function],
  94487. promisifyAll: [Function],
  94488. props: [Function],
  94489. race: [Function],
  94490. reduce: [Function],
  94491. settle: [Function],
  94492. some: [Function],
  94493. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  94494. filter: [Function],
  94495. each: [Function],
  94496. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  94497. any: [Function],
  94498. default: [Circular] } },
  94499. _Promise:
  94500. { [Function: Promise]
  94501. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  94502. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  94503. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  94504. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  94505. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94506. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  94507. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  94508. _peekContext: [Function],
  94509. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  94510. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  94511. longStackTraces: [Function],
  94512. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  94513. config: [Function],
  94514. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  94515. is: [Function],
  94516. fromCallback: [Function],
  94517. fromNode: [Function],
  94518. all: [Function],
  94519. cast: [Function],
  94520. fulfilled: [Function],
  94521. resolve: [Function],
  94522. rejected: [Function],
  94523. reject: [Function],
  94524. setScheduler: [Function],
  94525. pending: [Function],
  94526. defer: [Function],
  94527. method: [Function],
  94528. try: [Function],
  94529. attempt: [Function],
  94530. bind: [Function],
  94531. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  94532. join: [Function],
  94533. Promise: [Circular],
  94534. version: '3.5.3',
  94535. map: [Function],
  94536. using: [Function],
  94537. delay: [Function],
  94538. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  94539. spawn: [Function],
  94540. promisify: [Function],
  94541. promisifyAll: [Function],
  94542. props: [Function],
  94543. race: [Function],
  94544. reduce: [Function],
  94545. settle: [Function],
  94546. some: [Function],
  94547. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  94548. filter: [Function],
  94549. each: [Function],
  94550. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  94551. any: [Function],
  94552. default: [Circular] },
  94553. _factory:
  94554. { create: [Function: create],
  94555. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  94556. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  94557. _draining: false,
  94558. _started: true,
  94559. _waitingClientsQueue:
  94560. PriorityQueue {
  94561. _size: 1,
  94562. _slots:
  94563. [ Queue {
  94564. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  94565. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  94566. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  94567. _availableObjects:
  94568. Deque {
  94569. _list:
  94570. DoublyLinkedList {
  94571. head:
  94572. { prev: null,
  94573. next:
  94574. { prev: [Circular],
  94575. next: null,
  94576. data:
  94577. PooledResource {
  94578. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  94579. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  94580. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  94581. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  94582. obj:
  94583. Connection {
  94584. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  94585. _eventsCount: 1,
  94586. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94587. config:
  94588. ConnectionConfig {
  94589. isServer: undefined,
  94590. stream: undefined,
  94591. host: 'localhost',
  94592. port: 3306,
  94593. localAddress: undefined,
  94594. socketPath: undefined,
  94595. user: 'root',
  94596. password: 'abcd1234',
  94597. passwordSha1: undefined,
  94598. database: 'lbry',
  94599. connectTimeout: 10000,
  94600. insecureAuth: false,
  94601. supportBigNumbers: true,
  94602. bigNumberStrings: false,
  94603. decimalNumbers: false,
  94604. dateStrings: false,
  94605. debug: undefined,
  94606. trace: true,
  94607. stringifyObjects: false,
  94608. timezone: '+00:00',
  94609. queryFormat: undefined,
  94610. pool: undefined,
  94611. ssl: false,
  94612. multipleStatements: false,
  94613. rowsAsArray: false,
  94614. namedPlaceholders: false,
  94615. nestTables: undefined,
  94616. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  94617. maxPacketSize: 0,
  94618. charsetNumber: 224,
  94619. compress: false,
  94620. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  94621. clientFlags: 8582093,
  94622. connectAttributes: undefined,
  94623. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  94624. stream:
  94625. Socket {
  94626. connecting: false,
  94627. _hadError: false,
  94628. _handle:
  94629. TCP {
  94630. reading: true,
  94631. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  94632. onconnection: null,
  94633. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  94634. _parent: null,
  94635. _host: 'localhost',
  94636. _readableState:
  94637. ReadableState {
  94638. objectMode: false,
  94639. highWaterMark: 16384,
  94640. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  94641. length: 0,
  94642. pipes: null,
  94643. pipesCount: 0,
  94644. flowing: true,
  94645. ended: false,
  94646. endEmitted: false,
  94647. reading: true,
  94648. sync: false,
  94649. needReadable: true,
  94650. emittedReadable: false,
  94651. readableListening: false,
  94652. resumeScheduled: false,
  94653. emitClose: false,
  94654. autoDestroy: false,
  94655. destroyed: false,
  94656. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  94657. awaitDrain: 0,
  94658. readingMore: false,
  94659. decoder: null,
  94660. encoding: null },
  94661. readable: true,
  94662. _events:
  94663. [Object: null prototype] {
  94664. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  94665. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  94666. data: [Function],
  94667. close: [Function] },
  94668. _eventsCount: 4,
  94669. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94670. _writableState:
  94671. WritableState {
  94672. objectMode: false,
  94673. highWaterMark: 16384,
  94674. finalCalled: false,
  94675. needDrain: false,
  94676. ending: false,
  94677. ended: false,
  94678. finished: false,
  94679. destroyed: false,
  94680. decodeStrings: false,
  94681. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  94682. length: 0,
  94683. writing: false,
  94684. corked: 0,
  94685. sync: false,
  94686. bufferProcessing: false,
  94687. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  94688. writecb: null,
  94689. writelen: 0,
  94690. bufferedRequest: null,
  94691. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  94692. pendingcb: 0,
  94693. prefinished: false,
  94694. errorEmitted: false,
  94695. emitClose: false,
  94696. autoDestroy: false,
  94697. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  94698. corkedRequestsFree:
  94699. { next: null,
  94700. entry: null,
  94701. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  94702. writable: true,
  94703. allowHalfOpen: false,
  94704. _sockname: null,
  94705. _pendingData: null,
  94706. _pendingEncoding: '',
  94707. server: null,
  94708. _server: null,
  94709. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  94710. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  94711. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  94712. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  94713. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  94714. _internalId: 1,
  94715. _commands:
  94716. Denque {
  94717. _head: 0,
  94718. _tail: 0,
  94719. _capacityMask: 3,
  94720. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  94721. _command: undefined,
  94722. _paused: false,
  94723. _paused_packets:
  94724. Denque {
  94725. _head: 0,
  94726. _tail: 0,
  94727. _capacityMask: 3,
  94728. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  94729. _statements:
  94730. LRUCache {
  94731. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  94732. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  94733. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  94734. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  94735. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  94736. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  94737. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  94738. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  94739. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  94740. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  94741. authorized: true,
  94742. sequenceId: 23,
  94743. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  94744. threadId: 1303,
  94745. _handshakePacket:
  94746. Handshake {
  94747. protocolVersion: 10,
  94748. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  94749. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  94750. connectionId: 1303,
  94751. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  94752. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  94753. characterSet: 255,
  94754. statusFlags: 2 },
  94755. _fatalError: null,
  94756. _protocolError: null,
  94757. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  94758. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  94759. packetParser:
  94760. PacketParser {
  94761. buffer: [],
  94762. bufferLength: 0,
  94763. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  94764. headerLen: 0,
  94765. length: 5,
  94766. largePacketParts: [],
  94767. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  94768. onPacket: [Function],
  94769. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  94770. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  94771. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  94772. connectTimeout: null,
  94773. connectionId: 1303 },
  94774. state: 'IDLE' } },
  94775. data:
  94776. PooledResource {
  94777. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  94778. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  94779. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  94780. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  94781. obj:
  94782. Connection {
  94783. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  94784. _eventsCount: 1,
  94785. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94786. config:
  94787. ConnectionConfig {
  94788. isServer: undefined,
  94789. stream: undefined,
  94790. host: 'localhost',
  94791. port: 3306,
  94792. localAddress: undefined,
  94793. socketPath: undefined,
  94794. user: 'root',
  94795. password: 'abcd1234',
  94796. passwordSha1: undefined,
  94797. database: 'lbry',
  94798. connectTimeout: 10000,
  94799. insecureAuth: false,
  94800. supportBigNumbers: true,
  94801. bigNumberStrings: false,
  94802. decimalNumbers: false,
  94803. dateStrings: false,
  94804. debug: undefined,
  94805. trace: true,
  94806. stringifyObjects: false,
  94807. timezone: '+00:00',
  94808. queryFormat: undefined,
  94809. pool: undefined,
  94810. ssl: false,
  94811. multipleStatements: false,
  94812. rowsAsArray: false,
  94813. namedPlaceholders: false,
  94814. nestTables: undefined,
  94815. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  94816. maxPacketSize: 0,
  94817. charsetNumber: 224,
  94818. compress: false,
  94819. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  94820. clientFlags: 8582093,
  94821. connectAttributes: undefined,
  94822. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  94823. stream:
  94824. Socket {
  94825. connecting: false,
  94826. _hadError: false,
  94827. _handle:
  94828. TCP {
  94829. reading: true,
  94830. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  94831. onconnection: null,
  94832. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  94833. _parent: null,
  94834. _host: 'localhost',
  94835. _readableState:
  94836. ReadableState {
  94837. objectMode: false,
  94838. highWaterMark: 16384,
  94839. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  94840. length: 0,
  94841. pipes: null,
  94842. pipesCount: 0,
  94843. flowing: true,
  94844. ended: false,
  94845. endEmitted: false,
  94846. reading: true,
  94847. sync: false,
  94848. needReadable: true,
  94849. emittedReadable: false,
  94850. readableListening: false,
  94851. resumeScheduled: false,
  94852. emitClose: false,
  94853. autoDestroy: false,
  94854. destroyed: false,
  94855. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  94856. awaitDrain: 0,
  94857. readingMore: false,
  94858. decoder: null,
  94859. encoding: null },
  94860. readable: true,
  94861. _events:
  94862. [Object: null prototype] {
  94863. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  94864. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  94865. data: [Function],
  94866. close: [Function] },
  94867. _eventsCount: 4,
  94868. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94869. _writableState:
  94870. WritableState {
  94871. objectMode: false,
  94872. highWaterMark: 16384,
  94873. finalCalled: false,
  94874. needDrain: false,
  94875. ending: false,
  94876. ended: false,
  94877. finished: false,
  94878. destroyed: false,
  94879. decodeStrings: false,
  94880. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  94881. length: 0,
  94882. writing: false,
  94883. corked: 0,
  94884. sync: false,
  94885. bufferProcessing: false,
  94886. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  94888. writelen: 0,
  94889. bufferedRequest: null,
  94890. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  94891. pendingcb: 0,
  94892. prefinished: false,
  94893. errorEmitted: false,
  94894. emitClose: false,
  94895. autoDestroy: false,
  94896. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  94897. corkedRequestsFree:
  94898. { next: null,
  94899. entry: null,
  94900. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  94901. writable: true,
  94902. allowHalfOpen: false,
  94903. _sockname: null,
  94904. _pendingData: null,
  94905. _pendingEncoding: '',
  94906. server: null,
  94907. _server: null,
  94908. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  94909. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  94910. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  94911. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  94912. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  94913. _internalId: 2,
  94914. _commands:
  94915. Denque {
  94916. _head: 0,
  94917. _tail: 0,
  94918. _capacityMask: 3,
  94919. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  94920. _command: undefined,
  94921. _paused: false,
  94922. _paused_packets:
  94923. Denque {
  94924. _head: 0,
  94925. _tail: 0,
  94926. _capacityMask: 3,
  94927. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  94928. _statements:
  94929. LRUCache {
  94930. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  94931. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  94932. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  94933. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  94934. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  94935. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  94936. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  94937. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  94938. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  94939. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  94940. authorized: true,
  94941. sequenceId: 2,
  94942. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  94943. threadId: 1302,
  94944. _handshakePacket:
  94945. Handshake {
  94946. protocolVersion: 10,
  94947. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  94948. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  94949. connectionId: 1302,
  94950. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  94951. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  94952. characterSet: 255,
  94953. statusFlags: 2 },
  94954. _fatalError: null,
  94955. _protocolError: null,
  94956. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  94957. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  94958. packetParser:
  94959. PacketParser {
  94960. buffer: [],
  94961. bufferLength: 0,
  94962. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  94963. headerLen: 0,
  94964. length: 7,
  94965. largePacketParts: [],
  94966. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  94967. onPacket: [Function],
  94968. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  94969. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  94970. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  94971. connectTimeout: null,
  94972. connectionId: 1302 },
  94973. state: 'IDLE' } },
  94974. tail:
  94975. { prev:
  94976. { prev: null,
  94977. next: [Circular],
  94978. data:
  94979. PooledResource {
  94980. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  94981. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  94982. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  94983. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  94984. obj:
  94985. Connection {
  94986. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  94987. _eventsCount: 1,
  94988. _maxListeners: undefined,
  94989. config:
  94990. ConnectionConfig {
  94991. isServer: undefined,
  94992. stream: undefined,
  94993. host: 'localhost',
  94994. port: 3306,
  94995. localAddress: undefined,
  94996. socketPath: undefined,
  94997. user: 'root',
  94998. password: 'abcd1234',
  94999. passwordSha1: undefined,
  95000. database: 'lbry',
  95001. connectTimeout: 10000,
  95002. insecureAuth: false,
  95003. supportBigNumbers: true,
  95004. bigNumberStrings: false,
  95005. decimalNumbers: false,
  95006. dateStrings: false,
  95007. debug: undefined,
  95008. trace: true,
  95009. stringifyObjects: false,
  95010. timezone: '+00:00',
  95011. queryFormat: undefined,
  95012. pool: undefined,
  95013. ssl: false,
  95014. multipleStatements: false,
  95015. rowsAsArray: false,
  95016. namedPlaceholders: false,
  95017. nestTables: undefined,
  95018. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  95019. maxPacketSize: 0,
  95020. charsetNumber: 224,
  95021. compress: false,
  95022. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  95023. clientFlags: 8582093,
  95024. connectAttributes: undefined,
  95025. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  95026. stream:
  95027. Socket {
  95028. connecting: false,
  95029. _hadError: false,
  95030. _handle:
  95031. TCP {
  95032. reading: true,
  95033. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  95034. onconnection: null,
  95035. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  95036. _parent: null,
  95037. _host: 'localhost',
  95038. _readableState:
  95039. ReadableState {
  95040. objectMode: false,
  95041. highWaterMark: 16384,
  95042. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  95043. length: 0,
  95044. pipes: null,
  95045. pipesCount: 0,
  95046. flowing: true,
  95047. ended: false,
  95048. endEmitted: false,
  95049. reading: true,
  95050. sync: false,
  95051. needReadable: true,
  95052. emittedReadable: false,
  95053. readableListening: false,
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  95060. readingMore: false,
  95061. decoder: null,
  95062. encoding: null },
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  95068. data: [Function],
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  95077. needDrain: false,
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  95079. ended: false,
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  95097. emitClose: false,
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  95102. entry: null,
  95103. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  95108. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  95113. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  95114. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  95115. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  95120. _tail: 0,
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  95130. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95137. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  95140. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  95141. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  95145. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  95146. threadId: 1302,
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  95150. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
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  95154. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  95155. characterSet: 255,
  95156. statusFlags: 2 },
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  95166. headerLen: 0,
  95167. length: 7,
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  95174. connectTimeout: null,
  95175. connectionId: 1302 },
  95176. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  95182. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  95183. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  95196. socketPath: undefined,
  95197. user: 'root',
  95198. password: 'abcd1234',
  95199. passwordSha1: undefined,
  95200. database: 'lbry',
  95201. connectTimeout: 10000,
  95202. insecureAuth: false,
  95203. supportBigNumbers: true,
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  95205. decimalNumbers: false,
  95206. dateStrings: false,
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  95224. connectAttributes: undefined,
  95225. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  95227. Socket {
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  95231. TCP {
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  95235. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  95243. length: 0,
  95244. pipes: null,
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  95260. readingMore: false,
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  95262. encoding: null },
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  95302. entry: null,
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  95308. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  95315. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  95340. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  95341. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  95345. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  95346. threadId: 1303,
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  95348. Handshake {
  95349. protocolVersion: 10,
  95350. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
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  95354. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  95355. characterSet: 255,
  95356. statusFlags: 2 },
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  95364. bufferLength: 0,
  95365. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  95366. headerLen: 0,
  95367. length: 5,
  95368. largePacketParts: [],
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  95373. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  95374. connectTimeout: null,
  95375. connectionId: 1303 },
  95376. state: 'IDLE' } },
  95377. length: 2 } },
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  95379. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  95380. _validationOperations: Set {},
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  95382. Set {
  95383. PooledResource {
  95384. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  95385. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  95386. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  95387. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  95388. obj:
  95389. Connection {
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  95391. _eventsCount: 1,
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  95398. port: 3306,
  95399. localAddress: undefined,
  95400. socketPath: undefined,
  95401. user: 'root',
  95402. password: 'abcd1234',
  95403. passwordSha1: undefined,
  95404. database: 'lbry',
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  95406. insecureAuth: false,
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  95411. debug: undefined,
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  95425. compress: false,
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  95427. clientFlags: 8582093,
  95428. connectAttributes: undefined,
  95429. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  95431. Socket {
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  95435. TCP {
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  95439. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  95446. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  95447. length: 0,
  95448. pipes: null,
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  95461. destroyed: false,
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  95464. readingMore: false,
  95465. decoder: null,
  95466. encoding: null },
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  95483. ended: false,
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  95506. entry: null,
  95507. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  95512. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  95517. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  95518. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  95519. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  95524. _tail: 0,
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  95526. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95534. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95541. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  95543. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  95544. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  95545. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  95547. authorized: true,
  95548. sequenceId: 2,
  95549. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  95550. threadId: 1302,
  95551. _handshakePacket:
  95552. Handshake {
  95553. protocolVersion: 10,
  95554. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  95555. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  95558. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  95559. characterSet: 255,
  95560. statusFlags: 2 },
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  95563. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  95566. PacketParser {
  95567. buffer: [],
  95568. bufferLength: 0,
  95569. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  95570. headerLen: 0,
  95571. length: 7,
  95572. largePacketParts: [],
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  95578. connectTimeout: null,
  95579. connectionId: 1302 },
  95580. state: 'IDLE' },
  95581. PooledResource {
  95582. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  95583. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  95584. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  95585. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  95587. Connection {
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  95589. _eventsCount: 1,
  95590. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  95592. ConnectionConfig {
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  95594. stream: undefined,
  95595. host: 'localhost',
  95596. port: 3306,
  95597. localAddress: undefined,
  95598. socketPath: undefined,
  95599. user: 'root',
  95600. password: 'abcd1234',
  95601. passwordSha1: undefined,
  95602. database: 'lbry',
  95603. connectTimeout: 10000,
  95604. insecureAuth: false,
  95605. supportBigNumbers: true,
  95606. bigNumberStrings: false,
  95607. decimalNumbers: false,
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  95626. connectAttributes: undefined,
  95627. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  95629. Socket {
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  95633. TCP {
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  95637. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  95641. ReadableState {
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  95645. length: 0,
  95646. pipes: null,
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  95662. readingMore: false,
  95663. decoder: null,
  95664. encoding: null },
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  95679. needDrain: false,
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  95681. ended: false,
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  95703. { next: null,
  95704. entry: null,
  95705. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  95710. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  95712. _server: null,
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  95714. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  95715. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  95716. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  95717. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  95718. _internalId: 1,
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  95720. Denque {
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  95722. _tail: 0,
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  95724. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95727. _paused_packets:
  95728. Denque {
  95729. _head: 0,
  95730. _tail: 0,
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  95732. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95737. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  95738. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  95739. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  95740. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  95741. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  95742. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  95743. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  95744. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  95745. authorized: true,
  95746. sequenceId: 23,
  95747. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  95748. threadId: 1303,
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  95750. Handshake {
  95751. protocolVersion: 10,
  95752. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  95753. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  95754. connectionId: 1303,
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  95756. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  95757. characterSet: 255,
  95758. statusFlags: 2 },
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  95760. _protocolError: null,
  95761. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  95762. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  95763. packetParser:
  95764. PacketParser {
  95765. buffer: [],
  95766. bufferLength: 0,
  95767. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  95768. headerLen: 0,
  95769. length: 5,
  95770. largePacketParts: [],
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  95772. onPacket: [Function],
  95773. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  95775. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  95776. connectTimeout: null,
  95777. connectionId: 1303 },
  95778. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  95780. _evictionIterator:
  95781. DequeIterator {
  95782. _list:
  95783. DoublyLinkedList {
  95784. head:
  95785. { prev: null,
  95786. next:
  95787. { prev: [Circular],
  95788. next: null,
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  95792. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  95793. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  95794. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
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  95796. Connection {
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  95804. host: 'localhost',
  95805. port: 3306,
  95806. localAddress: undefined,
  95807. socketPath: undefined,
  95808. user: 'root',
  95809. password: 'abcd1234',
  95810. passwordSha1: undefined,
  95811. database: 'lbry',
  95812. connectTimeout: 10000,
  95813. insecureAuth: false,
  95814. supportBigNumbers: true,
  95815. bigNumberStrings: false,
  95816. decimalNumbers: false,
  95817. dateStrings: false,
  95818. debug: undefined,
  95819. trace: true,
  95820. stringifyObjects: false,
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  95824. ssl: false,
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  95826. rowsAsArray: false,
  95827. namedPlaceholders: false,
  95828. nestTables: undefined,
  95829. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  95832. compress: false,
  95833. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  95834. clientFlags: 8582093,
  95835. connectAttributes: undefined,
  95836. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  95838. Socket {
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  95842. TCP {
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  95846. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  95850. ReadableState {
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  95853. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  95854. length: 0,
  95855. pipes: null,
  95856. pipesCount: 0,
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  95860. reading: true,
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  95864. readableListening: false,
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  95868. destroyed: false,
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  95870. awaitDrain: 0,
  95871. readingMore: false,
  95872. decoder: null,
  95873. encoding: null },
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  95879. data: [Function],
  95880. close: [Function] },
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  95890. ended: false,
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  95904. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  95905. pendingcb: 0,
  95906. prefinished: false,
  95907. errorEmitted: false,
  95908. emitClose: false,
  95909. autoDestroy: false,
  95910. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  95911. corkedRequestsFree:
  95912. { next: null,
  95913. entry: null,
  95914. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  95919. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  95921. _server: null,
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  95923. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  95924. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  95925. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  95926. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  95931. _tail: 0,
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  95939. _tail: 0,
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  95941. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  95947. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  95948. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  95949. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  95950. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  95951. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  95952. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  95954. authorized: true,
  95955. sequenceId: 23,
  95956. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  95957. threadId: 1303,
  95958. _handshakePacket:
  95959. Handshake {
  95960. protocolVersion: 10,
  95961. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  95962. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  95965. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  95966. characterSet: 255,
  95967. statusFlags: 2 },
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  95969. _protocolError: null,
  95970. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  95973. PacketParser {
  95974. buffer: [],
  95975. bufferLength: 0,
  95976. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  95977. headerLen: 0,
  95978. length: 5,
  95979. largePacketParts: [],
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  95984. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  95985. connectTimeout: null,
  95986. connectionId: 1303 },
  95987. state: 'IDLE' } },
  95988. data:
  95989. PooledResource {
  95990. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  95991. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  95992. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  95993. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  95994. obj:
  95995. Connection {
  95996. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  95997. _eventsCount: 1,
  95998. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  96000. ConnectionConfig {
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  96002. stream: undefined,
  96003. host: 'localhost',
  96004. port: 3306,
  96005. localAddress: undefined,
  96006. socketPath: undefined,
  96007. user: 'root',
  96008. password: 'abcd1234',
  96009. passwordSha1: undefined,
  96010. database: 'lbry',
  96011. connectTimeout: 10000,
  96012. insecureAuth: false,
  96013. supportBigNumbers: true,
  96014. bigNumberStrings: false,
  96015. decimalNumbers: false,
  96016. dateStrings: false,
  96017. debug: undefined,
  96018. trace: true,
  96019. stringifyObjects: false,
  96020. timezone: '+00:00',
  96021. queryFormat: undefined,
  96022. pool: undefined,
  96023. ssl: false,
  96024. multipleStatements: false,
  96025. rowsAsArray: false,
  96026. namedPlaceholders: false,
  96027. nestTables: undefined,
  96028. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  96031. compress: false,
  96032. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  96033. clientFlags: 8582093,
  96034. connectAttributes: undefined,
  96035. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  96037. Socket {
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  96041. TCP {
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  96043. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  96045. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  96049. ReadableState {
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  96051. highWaterMark: 16384,
  96052. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  96053. length: 0,
  96054. pipes: null,
  96055. pipesCount: 0,
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  96063. readableListening: false,
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  96067. destroyed: false,
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  96070. readingMore: false,
  96071. decoder: null,
  96072. encoding: null },
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  96087. needDrain: false,
  96088. ending: false,
  96089. ended: false,
  96090. finished: false,
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  96096. corked: 0,
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  96108. autoDestroy: false,
  96109. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  96112. entry: null,
  96113. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  96118. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  96123. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  96124. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  96125. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  96130. _tail: 0,
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  96132. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96138. _tail: 0,
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  96140. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96146. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  96147. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  96149. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  96150. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  96151. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  96153. authorized: true,
  96154. sequenceId: 2,
  96155. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  96156. threadId: 1302,
  96157. _handshakePacket:
  96158. Handshake {
  96159. protocolVersion: 10,
  96160. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  96161. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  96162. connectionId: 1302,
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  96164. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  96165. characterSet: 255,
  96166. statusFlags: 2 },
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  96168. _protocolError: null,
  96169. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  96171. packetParser:
  96172. PacketParser {
  96173. buffer: [],
  96174. bufferLength: 0,
  96175. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  96176. headerLen: 0,
  96177. length: 7,
  96178. largePacketParts: [],
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  96184. connectTimeout: null,
  96185. connectionId: 1302 },
  96186. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  96188. { prev:
  96189. { prev: null,
  96190. next: [Circular],
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  96192. PooledResource {
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  96194. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  96195. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  96196. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  96197. obj:
  96198. Connection {
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  96200. _eventsCount: 1,
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  96205. stream: undefined,
  96206. host: 'localhost',
  96207. port: 3306,
  96208. localAddress: undefined,
  96209. socketPath: undefined,
  96210. user: 'root',
  96211. password: 'abcd1234',
  96212. passwordSha1: undefined,
  96213. database: 'lbry',
  96214. connectTimeout: 10000,
  96215. insecureAuth: false,
  96216. supportBigNumbers: true,
  96217. bigNumberStrings: false,
  96218. decimalNumbers: false,
  96219. dateStrings: false,
  96220. debug: undefined,
  96221. trace: true,
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  96224. queryFormat: undefined,
  96225. pool: undefined,
  96226. ssl: false,
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  96234. compress: false,
  96235. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  96236. clientFlags: 8582093,
  96237. connectAttributes: undefined,
  96238. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  96240. Socket {
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  96244. TCP {
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  96248. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  96256. length: 0,
  96257. pipes: null,
  96258. pipesCount: 0,
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  96264. needReadable: true,
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  96266. readableListening: false,
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  96270. destroyed: false,
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  96273. readingMore: false,
  96274. decoder: null,
  96275. encoding: null },
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  96278. [Object: null prototype] {
  96279. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  96281. data: [Function],
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  96290. needDrain: false,
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  96292. ended: false,
  96293. finished: false,
  96294. destroyed: false,
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  96299. corked: 0,
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  96307. pendingcb: 0,
  96308. prefinished: false,
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  96311. autoDestroy: false,
  96312. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  96313. corkedRequestsFree:
  96314. { next: null,
  96315. entry: null,
  96316. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  96321. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  96323. _server: null,
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  96327. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  96328. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  96331. Denque {
  96332. _head: 0,
  96333. _tail: 0,
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  96335. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96339. Denque {
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  96343. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96349. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  96350. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  96352. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  96353. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  96354. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  96356. authorized: true,
  96357. sequenceId: 2,
  96358. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  96359. threadId: 1302,
  96360. _handshakePacket:
  96361. Handshake {
  96362. protocolVersion: 10,
  96363. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  96364. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  96365. connectionId: 1302,
  96366. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  96367. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  96368. characterSet: 255,
  96369. statusFlags: 2 },
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  96371. _protocolError: null,
  96372. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  96373. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  96374. packetParser:
  96375. PacketParser {
  96376. buffer: [],
  96377. bufferLength: 0,
  96378. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  96379. headerLen: 0,
  96380. length: 7,
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  96387. connectTimeout: null,
  96388. connectionId: 1302 },
  96389. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  96391. data:
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  96394. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  96395. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  96396. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  96397. obj:
  96398. Connection {
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  96400. _eventsCount: 1,
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  96402. config:
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  96405. stream: undefined,
  96406. host: 'localhost',
  96407. port: 3306,
  96408. localAddress: undefined,
  96409. socketPath: undefined,
  96410. user: 'root',
  96411. password: 'abcd1234',
  96412. passwordSha1: undefined,
  96413. database: 'lbry',
  96414. connectTimeout: 10000,
  96415. insecureAuth: false,
  96416. supportBigNumbers: true,
  96417. bigNumberStrings: false,
  96418. decimalNumbers: false,
  96419. dateStrings: false,
  96420. debug: undefined,
  96421. trace: true,
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  96423. timezone: '+00:00',
  96424. queryFormat: undefined,
  96425. pool: undefined,
  96426. ssl: false,
  96427. multipleStatements: false,
  96428. rowsAsArray: false,
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  96431. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  96433. charsetNumber: 224,
  96434. compress: false,
  96435. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  96436. clientFlags: 8582093,
  96437. connectAttributes: undefined,
  96438. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  96444. TCP {
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  96446. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  96448. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  96455. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  96456. length: 0,
  96457. pipes: null,
  96458. pipesCount: 0,
  96459. flowing: true,
  96460. ended: false,
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  96463. sync: false,
  96464. needReadable: true,
  96465. emittedReadable: false,
  96466. readableListening: false,
  96467. resumeScheduled: false,
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  96470. destroyed: false,
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  96472. awaitDrain: 0,
  96473. readingMore: false,
  96474. decoder: null,
  96475. encoding: null },
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  96480. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
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  96484. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  96488. highWaterMark: 16384,
  96489. finalCalled: false,
  96490. needDrain: false,
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  96492. ended: false,
  96493. finished: false,
  96494. destroyed: false,
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  96497. length: 0,
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  96499. corked: 0,
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  96506. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  96507. pendingcb: 0,
  96508. prefinished: false,
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  96515. entry: null,
  96516. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  96521. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  96523. _server: null,
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  96526. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  96527. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  96528. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  96533. _tail: 0,
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  96535. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96541. _tail: 0,
  96542. _capacityMask: 3,
  96543. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  96548. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  96549. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  96550. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  96551. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  96552. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  96553. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  96554. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  96556. authorized: true,
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  96558. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  96559. threadId: 1303,
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  96563. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
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  96567. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  96568. characterSet: 255,
  96569. statusFlags: 2 },
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  96571. _protocolError: null,
  96572. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  96573. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  96574. packetParser:
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  96577. bufferLength: 0,
  96578. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  96579. headerLen: 0,
  96580. length: 5,
  96581. largePacketParts: [],
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  96583. onPacket: [Function],
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  96586. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  96587. connectTimeout: null,
  96588. connectionId: 1303 },
  96589. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  96594. _cursor: null,
  96595. _done: false },
  96596. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  96597. _scheduledEviction:
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  96602. _idleStart: 432,
  96603. _onTimeout: [Function],
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  96605. _repeat: null,
  96606. _destroyed: false,
  96607. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  96608. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  96609. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  96610. lib:
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  96612. connect: [Function],
  96613. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  96614. createPool: [Function],
  96615. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  96616. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  96617. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  96618. createServer: [Function],
  96619. PoolConnection:
  96620. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  96621. escape: [Function: escape],
  96622. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  96623. format: [Function: format],
  96624. raw: [Function: raw],
  96625. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  96626. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  96627. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  96628. Types: [Getter],
  96629. Charsets: [Getter],
  96630. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  96631. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  96632. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  96633. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  96634. sequelize: [Circular],
  96635. typeValidation: undefined } },
  96636. models:
  96637. { Balloons:
  96638. { [Function: Balloons]
  96639. sequelize: [Circular],
  96640. options: [Circular],
  96641. associations: {},
  96642. underscored: undefined,
  96643. tableName: 'Balloons',
  96644. _schema: null,
  96645. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  96646. rawAttributes:
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  96648. { type:
  96649. INTEGER {
  96650. options: { length: undefined },
  96651. _length: undefined,
  96652. _zerofill: undefined,
  96653. _decimals: undefined,
  96654. _precision: undefined,
  96655. _scale: undefined,
  96656. _unsigned: undefined },
  96657. allowNull: false,
  96658. primaryKey: true,
  96659. autoIncrement: true,
  96660. _autoGenerated: true,
  96661. Model: [Circular],
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  96663. _modelAttribute: true,
  96664. field: 'id' },
  96665. size:
  96666. { type:
  96667. STRING {
  96668. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96669. _binary: undefined,
  96670. _length: 255 },
  96671. Model: [Circular],
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  96673. _modelAttribute: true,
  96674. field: 'size' },
  96675. color:
  96676. { type:
  96677. STRING {
  96678. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96679. _binary: undefined,
  96680. _length: 255 },
  96681. Model: [Circular],
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  96683. _modelAttribute: true,
  96684. field: 'color' },
  96685. createdAt:
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  96687. allowNull: false,
  96688. _autoGenerated: true,
  96689. Model: [Circular],
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  96691. _modelAttribute: true,
  96692. field: 'createdAt' },
  96693. updatedAt:
  96694. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  96695. allowNull: false,
  96696. _autoGenerated: true,
  96697. Model: [Circular],
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  96699. _modelAttribute: true,
  96700. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  96701. primaryKeys:
  96702. { id:
  96703. { type:
  96704. INTEGER {
  96705. options: { length: undefined },
  96706. _length: undefined,
  96707. _zerofill: undefined,
  96708. _decimals: undefined,
  96709. _precision: undefined,
  96710. _scale: undefined,
  96711. _unsigned: undefined },
  96712. allowNull: false,
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  96716. Model: [Circular],
  96717. fieldName: 'id',
  96718. _modelAttribute: true,
  96719. field: 'id' } },
  96720. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  96721. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  96722. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  96723. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
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  96726. MapCache {
  96727. size: 0,
  96728. __data__:
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  96730. map: Map {},
  96731. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  96734. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  96737. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
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  96740. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  96741. _rangeAttributes: [],
  96742. _jsonAttributes: [],
  96743. _geometryAttributes: [],
  96744. _virtualAttributes: [],
  96745. _defaultValues: {},
  96746. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  96747. { id:
  96748. { type:
  96749. INTEGER {
  96750. options: { length: undefined },
  96751. _length: undefined,
  96752. _zerofill: undefined,
  96753. _decimals: undefined,
  96754. _precision: undefined,
  96755. _scale: undefined,
  96756. _unsigned: undefined },
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  96760. _autoGenerated: true,
  96761. Model: [Circular],
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  96763. _modelAttribute: true,
  96764. field: 'id' },
  96765. size:
  96766. { type:
  96767. STRING {
  96768. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96769. _binary: undefined,
  96770. _length: 255 },
  96771. Model: [Circular],
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  96773. _modelAttribute: true,
  96774. field: 'size' },
  96775. color:
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  96777. STRING {
  96778. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96779. _binary: undefined,
  96780. _length: 255 },
  96781. Model: [Circular],
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  96783. _modelAttribute: true,
  96784. field: 'color' },
  96785. createdAt:
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  96787. allowNull: false,
  96788. _autoGenerated: true,
  96789. Model: [Circular],
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  96791. _modelAttribute: true,
  96792. field: 'createdAt' },
  96793. updatedAt:
  96794. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  96795. allowNull: false,
  96796. _autoGenerated: true,
  96797. Model: [Circular],
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  96799. _modelAttribute: true,
  96800. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  96801. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  96802. uniqueKeys: {},
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  96809. __data__:
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  96811. map: Map {},
  96812. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  96813. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  96814. _isDateAttribute:
  96815. { [Function: memoized]
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  96818. size: 0,
  96819. __data__:
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  96821. map: Map {},
  96822. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  96827. MapCache {
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  96829. __data__:
  96830. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  96831. map: Map {},
  96832. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  96838. size: 0,
  96839. __data__:
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  96841. map: Map {},
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  96851. map: Map {},
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  96853. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  96854. _isVirtualAttribute:
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  96859. __data__:
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  96861. map: Map {},
  96862. string:
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  96867. size: false,
  96868. color: false,
  96869. createdAt: false,
  96870. updatedAt: false },
  96871. size: 5 } } } },
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  96873. _isGeometryAttribute:
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  96876. MapCache {
  96877. size: 0,
  96878. __data__:
  96879. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  96880. map: Map {},
  96881. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  96883. attributes:
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  96885. { type:
  96886. INTEGER {
  96887. options: { length: undefined },
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  96889. _zerofill: undefined,
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  96891. _precision: undefined,
  96892. _scale: undefined,
  96893. _unsigned: undefined },
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  96900. _modelAttribute: true,
  96901. field: 'id' },
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  96903. { type:
  96904. STRING {
  96905. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96906. _binary: undefined,
  96907. _length: 255 },
  96908. Model: [Circular],
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  96911. field: 'size' },
  96912. color:
  96913. { type:
  96914. STRING {
  96915. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96916. _binary: undefined,
  96917. _length: 255 },
  96918. Model: [Circular],
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  96921. field: 'color' },
  96922. createdAt:
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  96924. allowNull: false,
  96925. _autoGenerated: true,
  96926. Model: [Circular],
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  96928. _modelAttribute: true,
  96929. field: 'createdAt' },
  96930. updatedAt:
  96931. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  96932. allowNull: false,
  96933. _autoGenerated: true,
  96934. Model: [Circular],
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  96936. _modelAttribute: true,
  96937. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  96938. tableAttributes:
  96939. { id:
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  96941. INTEGER {
  96942. options: { length: undefined },
  96943. _length: undefined,
  96944. _zerofill: undefined,
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  96946. _precision: undefined,
  96947. _scale: undefined,
  96948. _unsigned: undefined },
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  96953. Model: [Circular],
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  96955. _modelAttribute: true,
  96956. field: 'id' },
  96957. size:
  96958. { type:
  96959. STRING {
  96960. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96961. _binary: undefined,
  96962. _length: 255 },
  96963. Model: [Circular],
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  96965. _modelAttribute: true,
  96966. field: 'size' },
  96967. color:
  96968. { type:
  96969. STRING {
  96970. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  96971. _binary: undefined,
  96972. _length: 255 },
  96973. Model: [Circular],
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  96975. _modelAttribute: true,
  96976. field: 'color' },
  96977. createdAt:
  96978. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  96979. allowNull: false,
  96980. _autoGenerated: true,
  96981. Model: [Circular],
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  96983. _modelAttribute: true,
  96984. field: 'createdAt' },
  96985. updatedAt:
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  96987. allowNull: false,
  96988. _autoGenerated: true,
  96989. Model: [Circular],
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  96991. _modelAttribute: true,
  96992. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  96993. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  96994. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  96995. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  96996. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  96997. _isPrimaryKey:
  96998. { [Function: memoized]
  96999. cache:
  97000. MapCache {
  97001. size: 0,
  97002. __data__:
  97003. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97004. map: Map {},
  97005. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97006. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  97007. _scope: {},
  97008. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  97009. modelManager:
  97010. ModelManager {
  97011. models:
  97012. [ { [Function: Balloons]
  97013. sequelize: [Circular],
  97014. options: [Circular],
  97015. associations: {},
  97016. underscored: undefined,
  97017. tableName: 'Balloons',
  97018. _schema: null,
  97019. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  97020. rawAttributes:
  97021. { id:
  97022. { type:
  97023. INTEGER {
  97024. options: { length: undefined },
  97025. _length: undefined,
  97026. _zerofill: undefined,
  97027. _decimals: undefined,
  97028. _precision: undefined,
  97029. _scale: undefined,
  97030. _unsigned: undefined },
  97031. allowNull: false,
  97032. primaryKey: true,
  97033. autoIncrement: true,
  97034. _autoGenerated: true,
  97035. Model: [Circular],
  97036. fieldName: 'id',
  97037. _modelAttribute: true,
  97038. field: 'id' },
  97039. size:
  97040. { type:
  97041. STRING {
  97042. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97043. _binary: undefined,
  97044. _length: 255 },
  97045. Model: [Circular],
  97046. fieldName: 'size',
  97047. _modelAttribute: true,
  97048. field: 'size' },
  97049. color:
  97050. { type:
  97051. STRING {
  97052. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97053. _binary: undefined,
  97054. _length: 255 },
  97055. Model: [Circular],
  97056. fieldName: 'color',
  97057. _modelAttribute: true,
  97058. field: 'color' },
  97059. createdAt:
  97060. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97061. allowNull: false,
  97062. _autoGenerated: true,
  97063. Model: [Circular],
  97064. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  97065. _modelAttribute: true,
  97066. field: 'createdAt' },
  97067. updatedAt:
  97068. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97069. allowNull: false,
  97070. _autoGenerated: true,
  97071. Model: [Circular],
  97072. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  97073. _modelAttribute: true,
  97074. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  97075. primaryKeys:
  97076. { id:
  97077. { type:
  97078. INTEGER {
  97079. options: { length: undefined },
  97080. _length: undefined,
  97081. _zerofill: undefined,
  97082. _decimals: undefined,
  97083. _precision: undefined,
  97084. _scale: undefined,
  97085. _unsigned: undefined },
  97086. allowNull: false,
  97087. primaryKey: true,
  97088. autoIncrement: true,
  97089. _autoGenerated: true,
  97090. Model: [Circular],
  97091. fieldName: 'id',
  97092. _modelAttribute: true,
  97093. field: 'id' } },
  97094. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  97095. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  97096. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  97097. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  97098. { [Function: memoized]
  97099. cache:
  97100. MapCache {
  97101. size: 0,
  97102. __data__:
  97103. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97104. map: Map {},
  97105. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97106. _dataTypeChanges:
  97107. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  97108. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  97109. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  97110. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  97111. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  97112. _booleanAttributes: [],
  97113. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  97114. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  97115. _rangeAttributes: [],
  97116. _jsonAttributes: [],
  97117. _geometryAttributes: [],
  97118. _virtualAttributes: [],
  97119. _defaultValues: {},
  97120. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  97121. { id:
  97122. { type:
  97123. INTEGER {
  97124. options: { length: undefined },
  97125. _length: undefined,
  97126. _zerofill: undefined,
  97127. _decimals: undefined,
  97128. _precision: undefined,
  97129. _scale: undefined,
  97130. _unsigned: undefined },
  97131. allowNull: false,
  97132. primaryKey: true,
  97133. autoIncrement: true,
  97134. _autoGenerated: true,
  97135. Model: [Circular],
  97136. fieldName: 'id',
  97137. _modelAttribute: true,
  97138. field: 'id' },
  97139. size:
  97140. { type:
  97141. STRING {
  97142. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97143. _binary: undefined,
  97144. _length: 255 },
  97145. Model: [Circular],
  97146. fieldName: 'size',
  97147. _modelAttribute: true,
  97148. field: 'size' },
  97149. color:
  97150. { type:
  97151. STRING {
  97152. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97153. _binary: undefined,
  97154. _length: 255 },
  97155. Model: [Circular],
  97156. fieldName: 'color',
  97157. _modelAttribute: true,
  97158. field: 'color' },
  97159. createdAt:
  97160. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97161. allowNull: false,
  97162. _autoGenerated: true,
  97163. Model: [Circular],
  97164. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  97165. _modelAttribute: true,
  97166. field: 'createdAt' },
  97167. updatedAt:
  97168. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97169. allowNull: false,
  97170. _autoGenerated: true,
  97171. Model: [Circular],
  97172. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  97173. _modelAttribute: true,
  97174. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  97175. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  97176. uniqueKeys: {},
  97177. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  97178. _isBooleanAttribute:
  97179. { [Function: memoized]
  97180. cache:
  97181. MapCache {
  97182. size: 0,
  97183. __data__:
  97184. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97185. map: Map {},
  97186. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97187. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  97188. _isDateAttribute:
  97189. { [Function: memoized]
  97190. cache:
  97191. MapCache {
  97192. size: 0,
  97193. __data__:
  97194. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97195. map: Map {},
  97196. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97197. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  97198. _isHstoreAttribute:
  97199. { [Function: memoized]
  97200. cache:
  97201. MapCache {
  97202. size: 0,
  97203. __data__:
  97204. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97205. map: Map {},
  97206. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97207. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  97208. _isRangeAttribute:
  97209. { [Function: memoized]
  97210. cache:
  97211. MapCache {
  97212. size: 0,
  97213. __data__:
  97214. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97215. map: Map {},
  97216. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97217. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  97218. _isJsonAttribute:
  97219. { [Function: memoized]
  97220. cache:
  97221. MapCache {
  97222. size: 0,
  97223. __data__:
  97224. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97225. map: Map {},
  97226. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97227. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  97228. _isVirtualAttribute:
  97229. { [Function: memoized]
  97230. cache:
  97231. MapCache {
  97232. size: 5,
  97233. __data__:
  97234. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97235. map: Map {},
  97236. string:
  97237. Hash {
  97238. __data__:
  97239. [Object: null prototype] {
  97240. id: false,
  97241. size: false,
  97242. color: false,
  97243. createdAt: false,
  97244. updatedAt: false },
  97245. size: 5 } } } },
  97246. _hasGeometryAttributes: false,
  97247. _isGeometryAttribute:
  97248. { [Function: memoized]
  97249. cache:
  97250. MapCache {
  97251. size: 0,
  97252. __data__:
  97253. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97254. map: Map {},
  97255. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97256. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  97257. attributes:
  97258. { id:
  97259. { type:
  97260. INTEGER {
  97261. options: { length: undefined },
  97262. _length: undefined,
  97263. _zerofill: undefined,
  97264. _decimals: undefined,
  97265. _precision: undefined,
  97266. _scale: undefined,
  97267. _unsigned: undefined },
  97268. allowNull: false,
  97269. primaryKey: true,
  97270. autoIncrement: true,
  97271. _autoGenerated: true,
  97272. Model: [Circular],
  97273. fieldName: 'id',
  97274. _modelAttribute: true,
  97275. field: 'id' },
  97276. size:
  97277. { type:
  97278. STRING {
  97279. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97280. _binary: undefined,
  97281. _length: 255 },
  97282. Model: [Circular],
  97283. fieldName: 'size',
  97284. _modelAttribute: true,
  97285. field: 'size' },
  97286. color:
  97287. { type:
  97288. STRING {
  97289. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97290. _binary: undefined,
  97291. _length: 255 },
  97292. Model: [Circular],
  97293. fieldName: 'color',
  97294. _modelAttribute: true,
  97295. field: 'color' },
  97296. createdAt:
  97297. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97298. allowNull: false,
  97299. _autoGenerated: true,
  97300. Model: [Circular],
  97301. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  97302. _modelAttribute: true,
  97303. field: 'createdAt' },
  97304. updatedAt:
  97305. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97306. allowNull: false,
  97307. _autoGenerated: true,
  97308. Model: [Circular],
  97309. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  97310. _modelAttribute: true,
  97311. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  97312. tableAttributes:
  97313. { id:
  97314. { type:
  97315. INTEGER {
  97316. options: { length: undefined },
  97317. _length: undefined,
  97318. _zerofill: undefined,
  97319. _decimals: undefined,
  97320. _precision: undefined,
  97321. _scale: undefined,
  97322. _unsigned: undefined },
  97323. allowNull: false,
  97324. primaryKey: true,
  97325. autoIncrement: true,
  97326. _autoGenerated: true,
  97327. Model: [Circular],
  97328. fieldName: 'id',
  97329. _modelAttribute: true,
  97330. field: 'id' },
  97331. size:
  97332. { type:
  97333. STRING {
  97334. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97335. _binary: undefined,
  97336. _length: 255 },
  97337. Model: [Circular],
  97338. fieldName: 'size',
  97339. _modelAttribute: true,
  97340. field: 'size' },
  97341. color:
  97342. { type:
  97343. STRING {
  97344. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  97345. _binary: undefined,
  97346. _length: 255 },
  97347. Model: [Circular],
  97348. fieldName: 'color',
  97349. _modelAttribute: true,
  97350. field: 'color' },
  97351. createdAt:
  97352. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97353. allowNull: false,
  97354. _autoGenerated: true,
  97355. Model: [Circular],
  97356. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  97357. _modelAttribute: true,
  97358. field: 'createdAt' },
  97359. updatedAt:
  97360. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  97361. allowNull: false,
  97362. _autoGenerated: true,
  97363. Model: [Circular],
  97364. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  97365. _modelAttribute: true,
  97366. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  97367. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  97368. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  97369. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  97370. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  97371. _isPrimaryKey:
  97372. { [Function: memoized]
  97373. cache:
  97374. MapCache {
  97375. size: 0,
  97376. __data__:
  97377. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  97378. map: Map {},
  97379. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  97380. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  97381. _scope: {},
  97382. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  97383. sequelize: [Circular] },
  97384. connectionManager:
  97385. ConnectionManager {
  97386. sequelize: [Circular],
  97387. config:
  97388. { database: 'lbry',
  97389. username: 'root',
  97390. password: 'abcd1234',
  97391. host: 'localhost',
  97392. port: undefined,
  97393. pool:
  97394. { max: 5,
  97395. min: 0,
  97396. acquire: 30000,
  97397. idle: 10000,
  97398. evict: 10000,
  97399. handleDisconnects: true,
  97400. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  97401. Promise:
  97402. { [Function: Promise]
  97403. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  97404. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  97405. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  97406. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  97407. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  97408. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  97409. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  97410. _peekContext: [Function],
  97411. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  97412. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  97413. longStackTraces: [Function],
  97414. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  97415. config: [Function],
  97416. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  97417. is: [Function],
  97418. fromCallback: [Function],
  97419. fromNode: [Function],
  97420. all: [Function],
  97421. cast: [Function],
  97422. fulfilled: [Function],
  97423. resolve: [Function],
  97424. rejected: [Function],
  97425. reject: [Function],
  97426. setScheduler: [Function],
  97427. pending: [Function],
  97428. defer: [Function],
  97429. method: [Function],
  97430. try: [Function],
  97431. attempt: [Function],
  97432. bind: [Function],
  97433. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  97434. join: [Function],
  97435. Promise: [Circular],
  97436. version: '3.5.3',
  97437. map: [Function],
  97438. using: [Function],
  97439. delay: [Function],
  97440. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  97441. spawn: [Function],
  97442. promisify: [Function],
  97443. promisifyAll: [Function],
  97444. props: [Function],
  97445. race: [Function],
  97446. reduce: [Function],
  97447. settle: [Function],
  97448. some: [Function],
  97449. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  97450. filter: [Function],
  97451. each: [Function],
  97452. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  97453. any: [Function],
  97454. default: [Circular] } },
  97455. protocol: 'tcp',
  97456. native: false,
  97457. ssl: undefined,
  97458. replication: false,
  97459. dialectModulePath: null,
  97460. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  97461. dialectOptions: undefined },
  97462. dialect:
  97463. MysqlDialect {
  97464. sequelize: [Circular],
  97465. connectionManager: [Circular],
  97466. QueryGenerator:
  97467. { dialect: 'mysql',
  97468. OperatorMap:
  97469. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  97470. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  97471. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  97472. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  97473. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  97474. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  97475. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  97476. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  97477. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  97478. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  97479. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  97480. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  97481. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  97482. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  97483. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  97484. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  97485. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  97486. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  97487. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  97488. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  97489. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  97490. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  97491. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  97492. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  97493. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  97494. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  97495. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  97496. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  97497. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  97498. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  97499. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  97500. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  97501. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  97502. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  97503. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  97504. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  97505. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  97506. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  97507. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  97508. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  97509. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  97510. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  97511. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  97512. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  97513. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  97514. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  97515. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  97516. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  97517. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  97518. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  97519. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  97520. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  97521. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  97522. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  97523. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  97524. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  97525. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  97526. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  97527. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  97528. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  97529. _templateSettings:
  97530. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  97531. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  97532. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  97533. variable: '',
  97534. imports:
  97535. { _:
  97536. { [Function: lodash]
  97537. templateSettings: [Circular],
  97538. after: [Function: after],
  97539. ary: [Function: ary],
  97540. assign: [Function],
  97541. assignIn: [Function],
  97542. assignInWith: [Function],
  97543. assignWith: [Function],
  97544. at: [Function],
  97545. before: [Function: before],
  97546. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97547. bindAll: [Function],
  97548. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97549. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  97550. chain: [Function: chain],
  97551. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  97552. compact: [Function: compact],
  97553. concat: [Function: concat],
  97554. cond: [Function: cond],
  97555. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  97556. constant: [Function: constant],
  97557. countBy: [Function],
  97558. create: [Function: create],
  97559. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97560. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97561. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  97562. defaults: [Function],
  97563. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  97564. defer: [Function],
  97565. delay: [Function],
  97566. difference: [Function],
  97567. differenceBy: [Function],
  97568. differenceWith: [Function],
  97569. drop: [Function: drop],
  97570. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  97571. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  97572. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  97573. fill: [Function: fill],
  97574. filter: [Function: filter],
  97575. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  97576. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  97577. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  97578. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  97579. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  97580. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  97581. flip: [Function: flip],
  97582. flow: [Function],
  97583. flowRight: [Function],
  97584. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  97585. functions: [Function: functions],
  97586. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  97587. groupBy: [Function],
  97588. initial: [Function: initial],
  97589. intersection: [Function],
  97590. intersectionBy: [Function],
  97591. intersectionWith: [Function],
  97592. invert: [Function],
  97593. invertBy: [Function],
  97594. invokeMap: [Function],
  97595. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  97596. keyBy: [Function],
  97597. keys: [Function: keys],
  97598. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  97599. map: [Function: map],
  97600. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  97601. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  97602. matches: [Function: matches],
  97603. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  97604. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  97605. merge: [Function],
  97606. mergeWith: [Function],
  97607. method: [Function],
  97608. methodOf: [Function],
  97609. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  97610. negate: [Function: negate],
  97611. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  97612. omit: [Function],
  97613. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  97614. once: [Function: once],
  97615. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  97616. over: [Function],
  97617. overArgs: [Function],
  97618. overEvery: [Function],
  97619. overSome: [Function],
  97620. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97621. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  97622. partition: [Function],
  97623. pick: [Function],
  97624. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  97625. property: [Function: property],
  97626. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  97627. pull: [Function],
  97628. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  97629. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  97630. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  97631. pullAt: [Function],
  97632. range: [Function],
  97633. rangeRight: [Function],
  97634. rearg: [Function],
  97635. reject: [Function: reject],
  97636. remove: [Function: remove],
  97637. rest: [Function: rest],
  97638. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  97639. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  97640. set: [Function: set],
  97641. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  97642. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  97643. slice: [Function: slice],
  97644. sortBy: [Function],
  97645. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  97646. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  97647. split: [Function: split],
  97648. spread: [Function: spread],
  97649. tail: [Function: tail],
  97650. take: [Function: take],
  97651. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  97652. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  97653. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  97654. tap: [Function: tap],
  97655. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  97656. thru: [Function: thru],
  97657. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  97658. toPairs: [Function],
  97659. toPairsIn: [Function],
  97660. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  97661. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  97662. transform: [Function: transform],
  97663. unary: [Function: unary],
  97664. union: [Function],
  97665. unionBy: [Function],
  97666. unionWith: [Function],
  97667. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  97668. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  97669. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  97670. unset: [Function: unset],
  97671. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  97672. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  97673. update: [Function: update],
  97674. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  97675. values: [Function: values],
  97676. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  97677. without: [Function],
  97678. words: [Function: words],
  97679. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  97680. xor: [Function],
  97681. xorBy: [Function],
  97682. xorWith: [Function],
  97683. zip: [Function],
  97684. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  97685. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  97686. zipWith: [Function],
  97687. entries: [Function],
  97688. entriesIn: [Function],
  97689. extend: [Function],
  97690. extendWith: [Function],
  97691. add: [Function],
  97692. attempt: [Function],
  97693. camelCase: [Function],
  97694. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  97695. ceil: [Function],
  97696. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  97697. clone: [Function: clone],
  97698. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  97699. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  97700. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  97701. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  97702. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  97703. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  97704. divide: [Function],
  97705. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  97706. eq: [Function: eq],
  97707. escape: [Function: escape],
  97708. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  97709. every: [Function: every],
  97710. find: [Function],
  97711. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  97712. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  97713. findLast: [Function],
  97714. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  97715. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  97716. floor: [Function],
  97717. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  97718. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  97719. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  97720. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  97721. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  97722. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  97723. get: [Function: get],
  97724. gt: [Function],
  97725. gte: [Function],
  97726. has: [Function: has],
  97727. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  97728. head: [Function: head],
  97729. identity: [Function: identity],
  97730. includes: [Function: includes],
  97731. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  97732. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  97733. invoke: [Function],
  97734. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  97735. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  97736. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  97737. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  97738. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  97739. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  97740. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  97741. isDate: [Function],
  97742. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  97743. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  97744. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  97745. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  97746. isError: [Function: isError],
  97747. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  97748. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  97749. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  97750. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  97751. isMap: [Function],
  97752. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  97753. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  97754. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  97755. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  97756. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  97757. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  97758. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  97759. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  97760. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  97761. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  97762. isRegExp: [Function],
  97763. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  97764. isSet: [Function],
  97765. isString: [Function: isString],
  97766. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  97767. isTypedArray: [Function],
  97768. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  97769. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  97770. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  97771. join: [Function: join],
  97772. kebabCase: [Function],
  97773. last: [Function: last],
  97774. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  97775. lowerCase: [Function],
  97776. lowerFirst: [Function],
  97777. lt: [Function],
  97778. lte: [Function],
  97779. max: [Function: max],
  97780. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  97781. mean: [Function: mean],
  97782. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  97783. min: [Function: min],
  97784. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  97785. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  97786. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  97787. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  97788. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  97789. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  97790. multiply: [Function],
  97791. nth: [Function: nth],
  97792. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  97793. noop: [Function: noop],
  97794. now: [Function],
  97795. pad: [Function: pad],
  97796. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  97797. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  97798. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  97799. random: [Function: random],
  97800. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  97801. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  97802. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  97803. replace: [Function: replace],
  97804. result: [Function: result],
  97805. round: [Function],
  97806. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  97807. sample: [Function: sample],
  97808. size: [Function: size],
  97809. snakeCase: [Function],
  97810. some: [Function: some],
  97811. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  97812. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  97813. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  97814. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  97815. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  97816. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  97817. startCase: [Function],
  97818. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  97819. subtract: [Function],
  97820. sum: [Function: sum],
  97821. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  97822. template: [Function: template],
  97823. times: [Function: times],
  97824. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  97825. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  97826. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  97827. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  97828. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  97829. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  97830. toString: [Function: toString],
  97831. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  97832. trim: [Function: trim],
  97833. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  97834. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  97835. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  97836. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  97837. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  97838. upperCase: [Function],
  97839. upperFirst: [Function],
  97840. each: [Function: forEach],
  97841. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  97842. first: [Function: head],
  97843. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  97844. options:
  97845. { dialect: 'mysql',
  97846. dialectModulePath: null,
  97847. host: 'localhost',
  97848. protocol: 'tcp',
  97849. define: {},
  97850. query: {},
  97851. sync: {},
  97852. timezone: '+00:00',
  97853. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  97854. omitNull: false,
  97855. native: false,
  97856. replication: false,
  97857. ssl: undefined,
  97858. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  97859. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  97860. hooks: {},
  97861. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  97862. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  97863. isolationLevel: null,
  97864. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  97865. typeValidation: false,
  97866. benchmark: false,
  97867. operatorsAliases: false },
  97868. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  97869. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  97870. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  97871. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  97872. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  97873. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  97874. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  97875. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  97876. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  97877. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  97878. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  97879. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  97880. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  97881. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  97882. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  97883. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  97884. quote: [Function: quote],
  97885. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  97886. escape: [Function: escape],
  97887. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  97888. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  97889. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  97890. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  97891. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  97892. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  97893. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  97894. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  97895. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  97896. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  97897. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  97898. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  97899. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  97900. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  97901. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  97902. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  97903. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  97904. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  97905. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  97906. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  97907. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  97908. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  97909. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  97910. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  97911. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  97912. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  97913. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  97914. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  97915. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  97916. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  97917. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  97918. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  97919. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  97920. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  97921. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  97922. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  97923. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  97924. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  97925. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  97926. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  97927. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  97928. _dialect: [Circular],
  97929. sequelize: [Circular],
  97930. typeValidation: undefined } },
  97931. versionPromise: null,
  97932. dialectName: 'mysql',
  97933. pool:
  97934. Pool {
  97935. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  97936. _eventsCount: 0,
  97937. _maxListeners: undefined,
  97938. _config:
  97939. PoolOptions {
  97940. fifo: true,
  97941. priorityRange: 1,
  97942. testOnBorrow: true,
  97943. testOnReturn: false,
  97944. autostart: false,
  97945. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  97946. max: 5,
  97947. min: 0,
  97948. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  97949. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  97950. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  97951. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  97952. Promise:
  97953. { [Function: Promise]
  97954. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  97955. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  97956. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  97957. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  97958. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  97959. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  97960. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  97961. _peekContext: [Function],
  97962. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  97963. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  97964. longStackTraces: [Function],
  97965. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  97966. config: [Function],
  97967. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  97968. is: [Function],
  97969. fromCallback: [Function],
  97970. fromNode: [Function],
  97971. all: [Function],
  97972. cast: [Function],
  97973. fulfilled: [Function],
  97974. resolve: [Function],
  97975. rejected: [Function],
  97976. reject: [Function],
  97977. setScheduler: [Function],
  97978. pending: [Function],
  97979. defer: [Function],
  97980. method: [Function],
  97981. try: [Function],
  97982. attempt: [Function],
  97983. bind: [Function],
  97984. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  97985. join: [Function],
  97986. Promise: [Circular],
  97987. version: '3.5.3',
  97988. map: [Function],
  97989. using: [Function],
  97990. delay: [Function],
  97991. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  97992. spawn: [Function],
  97993. promisify: [Function],
  97994. promisifyAll: [Function],
  97995. props: [Function],
  97996. race: [Function],
  97997. reduce: [Function],
  97998. settle: [Function],
  97999. some: [Function],
  98000. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  98001. filter: [Function],
  98002. each: [Function],
  98003. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  98004. any: [Function],
  98005. default: [Circular] } },
  98006. _Promise:
  98007. { [Function: Promise]
  98008. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  98009. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  98010. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  98011. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  98012. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  98013. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  98014. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  98015. _peekContext: [Function],
  98016. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  98017. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  98018. longStackTraces: [Function],
  98019. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  98020. config: [Function],
  98021. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  98022. is: [Function],
  98023. fromCallback: [Function],
  98024. fromNode: [Function],
  98025. all: [Function],
  98026. cast: [Function],
  98027. fulfilled: [Function],
  98028. resolve: [Function],
  98029. rejected: [Function],
  98030. reject: [Function],
  98031. setScheduler: [Function],
  98032. pending: [Function],
  98033. defer: [Function],
  98034. method: [Function],
  98035. try: [Function],
  98036. attempt: [Function],
  98037. bind: [Function],
  98038. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  98039. join: [Function],
  98040. Promise: [Circular],
  98041. version: '3.5.3',
  98042. map: [Function],
  98043. using: [Function],
  98044. delay: [Function],
  98045. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  98046. spawn: [Function],
  98047. promisify: [Function],
  98048. promisifyAll: [Function],
  98049. props: [Function],
  98050. race: [Function],
  98051. reduce: [Function],
  98052. settle: [Function],
  98053. some: [Function],
  98054. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  98055. filter: [Function],
  98056. each: [Function],
  98057. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  98058. any: [Function],
  98059. default: [Circular] },
  98060. _factory:
  98061. { create: [Function: create],
  98062. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  98063. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  98064. _draining: false,
  98065. _started: true,
  98066. _waitingClientsQueue:
  98067. PriorityQueue {
  98068. _size: 1,
  98069. _slots:
  98070. [ Queue {
  98071. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  98072. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  98073. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  98074. _availableObjects:
  98075. Deque {
  98076. _list:
  98077. DoublyLinkedList {
  98078. head:
  98079. { prev: null,
  98080. next:
  98081. { prev: [Circular],
  98082. next: null,
  98083. data:
  98084. PooledResource {
  98085. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  98086. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  98087. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  98088. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  98089. obj:
  98090. Connection {
  98091. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  98092. _eventsCount: 1,
  98093. _maxListeners: undefined,
  98094. config:
  98095. ConnectionConfig {
  98096. isServer: undefined,
  98097. stream: undefined,
  98098. host: 'localhost',
  98099. port: 3306,
  98100. localAddress: undefined,
  98101. socketPath: undefined,
  98102. user: 'root',
  98103. password: 'abcd1234',
  98104. passwordSha1: undefined,
  98105. database: 'lbry',
  98106. connectTimeout: 10000,
  98107. insecureAuth: false,
  98108. supportBigNumbers: true,
  98109. bigNumberStrings: false,
  98110. decimalNumbers: false,
  98111. dateStrings: false,
  98112. debug: undefined,
  98113. trace: true,
  98114. stringifyObjects: false,
  98115. timezone: '+00:00',
  98116. queryFormat: undefined,
  98117. pool: undefined,
  98118. ssl: false,
  98119. multipleStatements: false,
  98120. rowsAsArray: false,
  98121. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  98123. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  98125. charsetNumber: 224,
  98126. compress: false,
  98127. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  98128. clientFlags: 8582093,
  98129. connectAttributes: undefined,
  98130. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  98132. Socket {
  98133. connecting: false,
  98134. _hadError: false,
  98135. _handle:
  98136. TCP {
  98137. reading: true,
  98138. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  98139. onconnection: null,
  98140. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  98141. _parent: null,
  98142. _host: 'localhost',
  98143. _readableState:
  98144. ReadableState {
  98145. objectMode: false,
  98146. highWaterMark: 16384,
  98147. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  98148. length: 0,
  98149. pipes: null,
  98150. pipesCount: 0,
  98151. flowing: true,
  98152. ended: false,
  98153. endEmitted: false,
  98154. reading: true,
  98155. sync: false,
  98156. needReadable: true,
  98157. emittedReadable: false,
  98158. readableListening: false,
  98159. resumeScheduled: false,
  98160. emitClose: false,
  98161. autoDestroy: false,
  98162. destroyed: false,
  98163. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  98164. awaitDrain: 0,
  98165. readingMore: false,
  98166. decoder: null,
  98167. encoding: null },
  98168. readable: true,
  98169. _events:
  98170. [Object: null prototype] {
  98171. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  98172. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  98173. data: [Function],
  98174. close: [Function] },
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  98176. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  98178. WritableState {
  98179. objectMode: false,
  98180. highWaterMark: 16384,
  98181. finalCalled: false,
  98182. needDrain: false,
  98183. ending: false,
  98184. ended: false,
  98185. finished: false,
  98186. destroyed: false,
  98187. decodeStrings: false,
  98188. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  98189. length: 0,
  98190. writing: false,
  98191. corked: 0,
  98192. sync: false,
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  98194. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  98196. writelen: 0,
  98197. bufferedRequest: null,
  98198. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  98199. pendingcb: 0,
  98200. prefinished: false,
  98201. errorEmitted: false,
  98202. emitClose: false,
  98203. autoDestroy: false,
  98204. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  98205. corkedRequestsFree:
  98206. { next: null,
  98207. entry: null,
  98208. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  98209. writable: true,
  98210. allowHalfOpen: false,
  98211. _sockname: null,
  98212. _pendingData: null,
  98213. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  98215. _server: null,
  98216. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  98217. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  98218. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  98219. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  98220. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  98221. _internalId: 1,
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  98224. _head: 0,
  98225. _tail: 0,
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  98227. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98230. _paused_packets:
  98231. Denque {
  98232. _head: 0,
  98233. _tail: 0,
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  98235. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98240. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  98241. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  98242. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  98243. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  98244. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  98245. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  98246. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  98248. authorized: true,
  98249. sequenceId: 23,
  98250. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  98251. threadId: 1303,
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  98254. protocolVersion: 10,
  98255. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  98256. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  98259. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  98260. characterSet: 255,
  98261. statusFlags: 2 },
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  98263. _protocolError: null,
  98264. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  98266. packetParser:
  98267. PacketParser {
  98268. buffer: [],
  98269. bufferLength: 0,
  98270. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  98271. headerLen: 0,
  98272. length: 5,
  98273. largePacketParts: [],
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  98278. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  98279. connectTimeout: null,
  98280. connectionId: 1303 },
  98281. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  98283. PooledResource {
  98284. creationTime: 1546120030829,
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  98286. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  98287. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  98289. Connection {
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  98297. host: 'localhost',
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  98299. localAddress: undefined,
  98300. socketPath: undefined,
  98301. user: 'root',
  98302. password: 'abcd1234',
  98303. passwordSha1: undefined,
  98304. database: 'lbry',
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  98306. insecureAuth: false,
  98307. supportBigNumbers: true,
  98308. bigNumberStrings: false,
  98309. decimalNumbers: false,
  98310. dateStrings: false,
  98311. debug: undefined,
  98312. trace: true,
  98313. stringifyObjects: false,
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  98316. pool: undefined,
  98317. ssl: false,
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  98319. rowsAsArray: false,
  98320. namedPlaceholders: false,
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  98322. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  98325. compress: false,
  98326. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  98327. clientFlags: 8582093,
  98328. connectAttributes: undefined,
  98329. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  98331. Socket {
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  98339. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  98345. highWaterMark: 16384,
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  98347. length: 0,
  98348. pipes: null,
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  98357. readableListening: false,
  98358. resumeScheduled: false,
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  98361. destroyed: false,
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  98364. readingMore: false,
  98365. decoder: null,
  98366. encoding: null },
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  98371. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  98372. data: [Function],
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  98383. ended: false,
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  98397. lastBufferedRequest: null,
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  98399. prefinished: false,
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  98402. autoDestroy: false,
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  98406. entry: null,
  98407. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  98412. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  98414. _server: null,
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  98417. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  98418. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  98419. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  98426. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98432. _tail: 0,
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  98434. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98440. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  98441. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  98443. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  98444. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  98445. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  98447. authorized: true,
  98448. sequenceId: 2,
  98449. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  98450. threadId: 1302,
  98451. _handshakePacket:
  98452. Handshake {
  98453. protocolVersion: 10,
  98454. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  98455. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  98456. connectionId: 1302,
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  98458. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  98459. characterSet: 255,
  98460. statusFlags: 2 },
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  98462. _protocolError: null,
  98463. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  98464. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  98465. packetParser:
  98466. PacketParser {
  98467. buffer: [],
  98468. bufferLength: 0,
  98469. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  98470. headerLen: 0,
  98471. length: 7,
  98472. largePacketParts: [],
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  98477. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  98478. connectTimeout: null,
  98479. connectionId: 1302 },
  98480. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  98482. { prev:
  98483. { prev: null,
  98484. next: [Circular],
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  98488. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  98489. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  98490. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  98491. obj:
  98492. Connection {
  98493. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  98494. _eventsCount: 1,
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  98501. port: 3306,
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  98503. socketPath: undefined,
  98504. user: 'root',
  98505. password: 'abcd1234',
  98506. passwordSha1: undefined,
  98507. database: 'lbry',
  98508. connectTimeout: 10000,
  98509. insecureAuth: false,
  98510. supportBigNumbers: true,
  98511. bigNumberStrings: false,
  98512. decimalNumbers: false,
  98513. dateStrings: false,
  98514. debug: undefined,
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  98519. pool: undefined,
  98520. ssl: false,
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  98525. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  98529. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
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  98531. connectAttributes: undefined,
  98532. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  98534. Socket {
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  98538. TCP {
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  98540. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  98542. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  98550. length: 0,
  98551. pipes: null,
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  98560. readableListening: false,
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  98567. readingMore: false,
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  98569. encoding: null },
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  98583. finalCalled: false,
  98584. needDrain: false,
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  98586. ended: false,
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  98600. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  98601. pendingcb: 0,
  98602. prefinished: false,
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  98604. emitClose: false,
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  98608. { next: null,
  98609. entry: null,
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  98615. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  98617. _server: null,
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  98620. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  98621. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  98622. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  98626. _head: 0,
  98627. _tail: 0,
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  98629. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98633. Denque {
  98634. _head: 0,
  98635. _tail: 0,
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  98637. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98643. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  98644. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  98646. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  98647. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  98648. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  98650. authorized: true,
  98651. sequenceId: 2,
  98652. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  98653. threadId: 1302,
  98654. _handshakePacket:
  98655. Handshake {
  98656. protocolVersion: 10,
  98657. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  98658. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  98659. connectionId: 1302,
  98660. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  98661. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  98662. characterSet: 255,
  98663. statusFlags: 2 },
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  98665. _protocolError: null,
  98666. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  98667. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  98668. packetParser:
  98669. PacketParser {
  98670. buffer: [],
  98671. bufferLength: 0,
  98672. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  98673. headerLen: 0,
  98674. length: 7,
  98675. largePacketParts: [],
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  98677. onPacket: [Function],
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  98680. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  98681. connectTimeout: null,
  98682. connectionId: 1302 },
  98683. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  98685. data:
  98686. PooledResource {
  98687. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  98688. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  98689. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  98690. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  98691. obj:
  98692. Connection {
  98693. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  98694. _eventsCount: 1,
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  98700. host: 'localhost',
  98701. port: 3306,
  98702. localAddress: undefined,
  98703. socketPath: undefined,
  98704. user: 'root',
  98705. password: 'abcd1234',
  98706. passwordSha1: undefined,
  98707. database: 'lbry',
  98708. connectTimeout: 10000,
  98709. insecureAuth: false,
  98710. supportBigNumbers: true,
  98711. bigNumberStrings: false,
  98712. decimalNumbers: false,
  98713. dateStrings: false,
  98714. debug: undefined,
  98715. trace: true,
  98716. stringifyObjects: false,
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  98728. compress: false,
  98729. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  98730. clientFlags: 8582093,
  98731. connectAttributes: undefined,
  98732. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  98734. Socket {
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  98738. TCP {
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  98742. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  98749. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  98750. length: 0,
  98751. pipes: null,
  98752. pipesCount: 0,
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  98756. reading: true,
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  98760. readableListening: false,
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  98764. destroyed: false,
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  98767. readingMore: false,
  98768. decoder: null,
  98769. encoding: null },
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  98772. [Object: null prototype] {
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  98774. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  98775. data: [Function],
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  98783. finalCalled: false,
  98784. needDrain: false,
  98785. ending: false,
  98786. ended: false,
  98787. finished: false,
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  98791. length: 0,
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  98793. corked: 0,
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  98809. entry: null,
  98810. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  98815. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  98817. _server: null,
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  98820. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  98821. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  98822. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  98829. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98833. Denque {
  98834. _head: 0,
  98835. _tail: 0,
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  98837. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  98843. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  98844. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  98846. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  98847. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  98848. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  98849. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  98850. authorized: true,
  98851. sequenceId: 23,
  98852. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  98853. threadId: 1303,
  98854. _handshakePacket:
  98855. Handshake {
  98856. protocolVersion: 10,
  98857. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  98858. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  98859. connectionId: 1303,
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  98861. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  98862. characterSet: 255,
  98863. statusFlags: 2 },
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  98865. _protocolError: null,
  98866. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  98867. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  98868. packetParser:
  98869. PacketParser {
  98870. buffer: [],
  98871. bufferLength: 0,
  98872. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  98873. headerLen: 0,
  98874. length: 5,
  98875. largePacketParts: [],
  98876. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  98877. onPacket: [Function],
  98878. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  98880. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  98881. connectTimeout: null,
  98882. connectionId: 1303 },
  98883. state: 'IDLE' } },
  98884. length: 2 } },
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  98886. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  98887. _validationOperations: Set {},
  98888. _allObjects:
  98889. Set {
  98890. PooledResource {
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  98892. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  98893. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  98894. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  98896. Connection {
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  98898. _eventsCount: 1,
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  98903. stream: undefined,
  98904. host: 'localhost',
  98905. port: 3306,
  98906. localAddress: undefined,
  98907. socketPath: undefined,
  98908. user: 'root',
  98909. password: 'abcd1234',
  98910. passwordSha1: undefined,
  98911. database: 'lbry',
  98912. connectTimeout: 10000,
  98913. insecureAuth: false,
  98914. supportBigNumbers: true,
  98915. bigNumberStrings: false,
  98916. decimalNumbers: false,
  98917. dateStrings: false,
  98918. debug: undefined,
  98919. trace: true,
  98920. stringifyObjects: false,
  98921. timezone: '+00:00',
  98922. queryFormat: undefined,
  98923. pool: undefined,
  98924. ssl: false,
  98925. multipleStatements: false,
  98926. rowsAsArray: false,
  98927. namedPlaceholders: false,
  98928. nestTables: undefined,
  98929. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  98932. compress: false,
  98933. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  98934. clientFlags: 8582093,
  98935. connectAttributes: undefined,
  98936. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  98938. Socket {
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  98942. TCP {
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  98946. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  98950. ReadableState {
  98951. objectMode: false,
  98952. highWaterMark: 16384,
  98953. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  98954. length: 0,
  98955. pipes: null,
  98956. pipesCount: 0,
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  98960. reading: true,
  98961. sync: false,
  98962. needReadable: true,
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  98964. readableListening: false,
  98965. resumeScheduled: false,
  98966. emitClose: false,
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  98968. destroyed: false,
  98969. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  98970. awaitDrain: 0,
  98971. readingMore: false,
  98972. decoder: null,
  98973. encoding: null },
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  98976. [Object: null prototype] {
  98977. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  98978. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  98979. data: [Function],
  98980. close: [Function] },
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  98988. needDrain: false,
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  98990. ended: false,
  98991. finished: false,
  98992. destroyed: false,
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  98997. corked: 0,
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  99004. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  99005. pendingcb: 0,
  99006. prefinished: false,
  99007. errorEmitted: false,
  99008. emitClose: false,
  99009. autoDestroy: false,
  99010. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  99011. corkedRequestsFree:
  99012. { next: null,
  99013. entry: null,
  99014. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  99016. allowHalfOpen: false,
  99017. _sockname: null,
  99018. _pendingData: null,
  99019. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  99021. _server: null,
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  99023. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  99024. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  99025. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  99026. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  99031. _tail: 0,
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  99033. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99039. _tail: 0,
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  99041. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99047. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  99048. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  99049. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  99050. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  99051. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  99052. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  99053. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99054. authorized: true,
  99055. sequenceId: 2,
  99056. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  99057. threadId: 1302,
  99058. _handshakePacket:
  99059. Handshake {
  99060. protocolVersion: 10,
  99061. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  99062. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99063. connectionId: 1302,
  99064. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  99065. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  99066. characterSet: 255,
  99067. statusFlags: 2 },
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  99069. _protocolError: null,
  99070. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  99071. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  99072. packetParser:
  99073. PacketParser {
  99074. buffer: [],
  99075. bufferLength: 0,
  99076. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  99077. headerLen: 0,
  99078. length: 7,
  99079. largePacketParts: [],
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  99081. onPacket: [Function],
  99082. execute: [Function: executeStart],
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  99084. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  99085. connectTimeout: null,
  99086. connectionId: 1302 },
  99087. state: 'IDLE' },
  99088. PooledResource {
  99089. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  99090. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  99091. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  99092. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  99093. obj:
  99094. Connection {
  99095. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  99096. _eventsCount: 1,
  99097. _maxListeners: undefined,
  99098. config:
  99099. ConnectionConfig {
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  99101. stream: undefined,
  99102. host: 'localhost',
  99103. port: 3306,
  99104. localAddress: undefined,
  99105. socketPath: undefined,
  99106. user: 'root',
  99107. password: 'abcd1234',
  99108. passwordSha1: undefined,
  99109. database: 'lbry',
  99110. connectTimeout: 10000,
  99111. insecureAuth: false,
  99112. supportBigNumbers: true,
  99113. bigNumberStrings: false,
  99114. decimalNumbers: false,
  99115. dateStrings: false,
  99116. debug: undefined,
  99117. trace: true,
  99118. stringifyObjects: false,
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  99120. queryFormat: undefined,
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  99122. ssl: false,
  99123. multipleStatements: false,
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  99125. namedPlaceholders: false,
  99126. nestTables: undefined,
  99127. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  99130. compress: false,
  99131. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  99132. clientFlags: 8582093,
  99133. connectAttributes: undefined,
  99134. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  99136. Socket {
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  99140. TCP {
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  99142. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  99144. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  99148. ReadableState {
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  99150. highWaterMark: 16384,
  99151. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  99152. length: 0,
  99153. pipes: null,
  99154. pipesCount: 0,
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  99162. readableListening: false,
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  99166. destroyed: false,
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  99168. awaitDrain: 0,
  99169. readingMore: false,
  99170. decoder: null,
  99171. encoding: null },
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  99177. data: [Function],
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  99186. needDrain: false,
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  99188. ended: false,
  99189. finished: false,
  99190. destroyed: false,
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  99195. corked: 0,
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  99207. autoDestroy: false,
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  99210. { next: null,
  99211. entry: null,
  99212. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  99217. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  99219. _server: null,
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  99221. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  99222. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  99223. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  99224. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  99229. _tail: 0,
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  99231. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99237. _tail: 0,
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  99239. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99245. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  99246. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  99248. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  99249. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  99250. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  99252. authorized: true,
  99253. sequenceId: 23,
  99254. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  99255. threadId: 1303,
  99256. _handshakePacket:
  99257. Handshake {
  99258. protocolVersion: 10,
  99259. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  99260. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99261. connectionId: 1303,
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  99263. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  99264. characterSet: 255,
  99265. statusFlags: 2 },
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  99267. _protocolError: null,
  99268. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
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  99270. packetParser:
  99271. PacketParser {
  99272. buffer: [],
  99273. bufferLength: 0,
  99274. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  99275. headerLen: 0,
  99276. length: 5,
  99277. largePacketParts: [],
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  99279. onPacket: [Function],
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  99282. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  99283. connectTimeout: null,
  99284. connectionId: 1303 },
  99285. state: 'IDLE' } },
  99286. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  99287. _evictionIterator:
  99288. DequeIterator {
  99289. _list:
  99290. DoublyLinkedList {
  99291. head:
  99292. { prev: null,
  99293. next:
  99294. { prev: [Circular],
  99295. next: null,
  99296. data:
  99297. PooledResource {
  99298. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  99299. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  99300. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  99301. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  99302. obj:
  99303. Connection {
  99304. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  99305. _eventsCount: 1,
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  99310. stream: undefined,
  99311. host: 'localhost',
  99312. port: 3306,
  99313. localAddress: undefined,
  99314. socketPath: undefined,
  99315. user: 'root',
  99316. password: 'abcd1234',
  99317. passwordSha1: undefined,
  99318. database: 'lbry',
  99319. connectTimeout: 10000,
  99320. insecureAuth: false,
  99321. supportBigNumbers: true,
  99322. bigNumberStrings: false,
  99323. decimalNumbers: false,
  99324. dateStrings: false,
  99325. debug: undefined,
  99326. trace: true,
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  99330. pool: undefined,
  99331. ssl: false,
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  99334. namedPlaceholders: false,
  99335. nestTables: undefined,
  99336. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  99338. charsetNumber: 224,
  99339. compress: false,
  99340. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  99341. clientFlags: 8582093,
  99342. connectAttributes: undefined,
  99343. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  99345. Socket {
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  99349. TCP {
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  99353. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  99355. _host: 'localhost',
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  99357. ReadableState {
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  99359. highWaterMark: 16384,
  99360. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  99361. length: 0,
  99362. pipes: null,
  99363. pipesCount: 0,
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  99371. readableListening: false,
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  99375. destroyed: false,
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  99377. awaitDrain: 0,
  99378. readingMore: false,
  99379. decoder: null,
  99380. encoding: null },
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  99383. [Object: null prototype] {
  99384. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  99385. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  99386. data: [Function],
  99387. close: [Function] },
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  99394. finalCalled: false,
  99395. needDrain: false,
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  99397. ended: false,
  99398. finished: false,
  99399. destroyed: false,
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  99402. length: 0,
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  99404. corked: 0,
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  99411. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  99412. pendingcb: 0,
  99413. prefinished: false,
  99414. errorEmitted: false,
  99415. emitClose: false,
  99416. autoDestroy: false,
  99417. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  99418. corkedRequestsFree:
  99419. { next: null,
  99420. entry: null,
  99421. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  99422. writable: true,
  99423. allowHalfOpen: false,
  99424. _sockname: null,
  99425. _pendingData: null,
  99426. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  99428. _server: null,
  99429. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  99430. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  99431. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  99432. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  99433. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  99434. _internalId: 1,
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  99436. Denque {
  99437. _head: 0,
  99438. _tail: 0,
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  99440. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99444. Denque {
  99445. _head: 0,
  99446. _tail: 0,
  99447. _capacityMask: 3,
  99448. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99454. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  99455. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
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  99457. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  99458. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  99459. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  99460. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99461. authorized: true,
  99462. sequenceId: 23,
  99463. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  99464. threadId: 1303,
  99465. _handshakePacket:
  99466. Handshake {
  99467. protocolVersion: 10,
  99468. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  99469. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99470. connectionId: 1303,
  99471. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  99472. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  99473. characterSet: 255,
  99474. statusFlags: 2 },
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  99476. _protocolError: null,
  99477. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  99478. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  99479. packetParser:
  99480. PacketParser {
  99481. buffer: [],
  99482. bufferLength: 0,
  99483. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  99484. headerLen: 0,
  99485. length: 5,
  99486. largePacketParts: [],
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  99488. onPacket: [Function],
  99489. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  99490. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  99491. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  99492. connectTimeout: null,
  99493. connectionId: 1303 },
  99494. state: 'IDLE' } },
  99495. data:
  99496. PooledResource {
  99497. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  99498. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  99499. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  99500. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  99501. obj:
  99502. Connection {
  99503. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  99504. _eventsCount: 1,
  99505. _maxListeners: undefined,
  99506. config:
  99507. ConnectionConfig {
  99508. isServer: undefined,
  99509. stream: undefined,
  99510. host: 'localhost',
  99511. port: 3306,
  99512. localAddress: undefined,
  99513. socketPath: undefined,
  99514. user: 'root',
  99515. password: 'abcd1234',
  99516. passwordSha1: undefined,
  99517. database: 'lbry',
  99518. connectTimeout: 10000,
  99519. insecureAuth: false,
  99520. supportBigNumbers: true,
  99521. bigNumberStrings: false,
  99522. decimalNumbers: false,
  99523. dateStrings: false,
  99524. debug: undefined,
  99525. trace: true,
  99526. stringifyObjects: false,
  99527. timezone: '+00:00',
  99528. queryFormat: undefined,
  99529. pool: undefined,
  99530. ssl: false,
  99531. multipleStatements: false,
  99532. rowsAsArray: false,
  99533. namedPlaceholders: false,
  99534. nestTables: undefined,
  99535. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  99536. maxPacketSize: 0,
  99537. charsetNumber: 224,
  99538. compress: false,
  99539. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  99540. clientFlags: 8582093,
  99541. connectAttributes: undefined,
  99542. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  99544. Socket {
  99545. connecting: false,
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  99548. TCP {
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  99550. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  99552. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  99554. _host: 'localhost',
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  99556. ReadableState {
  99557. objectMode: false,
  99558. highWaterMark: 16384,
  99559. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  99560. length: 0,
  99561. pipes: null,
  99562. pipesCount: 0,
  99563. flowing: true,
  99564. ended: false,
  99565. endEmitted: false,
  99566. reading: true,
  99567. sync: false,
  99568. needReadable: true,
  99569. emittedReadable: false,
  99570. readableListening: false,
  99571. resumeScheduled: false,
  99572. emitClose: false,
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  99574. destroyed: false,
  99575. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  99576. awaitDrain: 0,
  99577. readingMore: false,
  99578. decoder: null,
  99579. encoding: null },
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  99583. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  99584. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  99585. data: [Function],
  99586. close: [Function] },
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  99588. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  99593. finalCalled: false,
  99594. needDrain: false,
  99595. ending: false,
  99596. ended: false,
  99597. finished: false,
  99598. destroyed: false,
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  99601. length: 0,
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  99603. corked: 0,
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  99610. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  99611. pendingcb: 0,
  99612. prefinished: false,
  99613. errorEmitted: false,
  99614. emitClose: false,
  99615. autoDestroy: false,
  99616. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  99617. corkedRequestsFree:
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  99619. entry: null,
  99620. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  99622. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  99625. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  99627. _server: null,
  99628. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  99629. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  99630. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  99631. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  99632. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  99637. _tail: 0,
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  99639. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99645. _tail: 0,
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  99647. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99652. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  99653. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  99654. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  99655. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  99656. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  99657. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  99658. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
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  99660. authorized: true,
  99661. sequenceId: 2,
  99662. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  99663. threadId: 1302,
  99664. _handshakePacket:
  99665. Handshake {
  99666. protocolVersion: 10,
  99667. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  99668. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99669. connectionId: 1302,
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  99671. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  99672. characterSet: 255,
  99673. statusFlags: 2 },
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  99675. _protocolError: null,
  99676. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  99677. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  99678. packetParser:
  99679. PacketParser {
  99680. buffer: [],
  99681. bufferLength: 0,
  99682. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  99683. headerLen: 0,
  99684. length: 7,
  99685. largePacketParts: [],
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  99687. onPacket: [Function],
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  99690. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  99691. connectTimeout: null,
  99692. connectionId: 1302 },
  99693. state: 'IDLE' } },
  99694. tail:
  99695. { prev:
  99696. { prev: null,
  99697. next: [Circular],
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  99699. PooledResource {
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  99701. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  99702. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  99703. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  99704. obj:
  99705. Connection {
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  99707. _eventsCount: 1,
  99708. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  99712. stream: undefined,
  99713. host: 'localhost',
  99714. port: 3306,
  99715. localAddress: undefined,
  99716. socketPath: undefined,
  99717. user: 'root',
  99718. password: 'abcd1234',
  99719. passwordSha1: undefined,
  99720. database: 'lbry',
  99721. connectTimeout: 10000,
  99722. insecureAuth: false,
  99723. supportBigNumbers: true,
  99724. bigNumberStrings: false,
  99725. decimalNumbers: false,
  99726. dateStrings: false,
  99727. debug: undefined,
  99728. trace: true,
  99729. stringifyObjects: false,
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  99731. queryFormat: undefined,
  99732. pool: undefined,
  99733. ssl: false,
  99734. multipleStatements: false,
  99735. rowsAsArray: false,
  99736. namedPlaceholders: false,
  99737. nestTables: undefined,
  99738. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  99740. charsetNumber: 224,
  99741. compress: false,
  99742. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  99743. clientFlags: 8582093,
  99744. connectAttributes: undefined,
  99745. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  99747. Socket {
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  99751. TCP {
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  99755. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  99759. ReadableState {
  99760. objectMode: false,
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  99762. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  99763. length: 0,
  99764. pipes: null,
  99765. pipesCount: 0,
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  99773. readableListening: false,
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  99777. destroyed: false,
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  99780. readingMore: false,
  99781. decoder: null,
  99782. encoding: null },
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  99786. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
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  99788. data: [Function],
  99789. close: [Function] },
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  99797. needDrain: false,
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  99799. ended: false,
  99800. finished: false,
  99801. destroyed: false,
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  99806. corked: 0,
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  99811. writelen: 0,
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  99813. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  99814. pendingcb: 0,
  99815. prefinished: false,
  99816. errorEmitted: false,
  99817. emitClose: false,
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  99819. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
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  99822. entry: null,
  99823. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  99827. _pendingData: null,
  99828. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  99830. _server: null,
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  99833. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  99834. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  99835. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  99838. Denque {
  99839. _head: 0,
  99840. _tail: 0,
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  99842. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99845. _paused_packets:
  99846. Denque {
  99847. _head: 0,
  99848. _tail: 0,
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  99850. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  99856. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  99857. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  99858. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  99859. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  99860. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  99861. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  99862. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99863. authorized: true,
  99864. sequenceId: 2,
  99865. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  99866. threadId: 1302,
  99867. _handshakePacket:
  99868. Handshake {
  99869. protocolVersion: 10,
  99870. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  99871. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  99872. connectionId: 1302,
  99873. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  99874. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  99875. characterSet: 255,
  99876. statusFlags: 2 },
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  99878. _protocolError: null,
  99879. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  99880. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  99881. packetParser:
  99882. PacketParser {
  99883. buffer: [],
  99884. bufferLength: 0,
  99885. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  99886. headerLen: 0,
  99887. length: 7,
  99888. largePacketParts: [],
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  99890. onPacket: [Function],
  99891. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  99892. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  99893. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  99894. connectTimeout: null,
  99895. connectionId: 1302 },
  99896. state: 'IDLE' } },
  99897. next: null,
  99898. data:
  99899. PooledResource {
  99900. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  99901. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  99902. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  99903. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  99904. obj:
  99905. Connection {
  99906. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  99907. _eventsCount: 1,
  99908. _maxListeners: undefined,
  99909. config:
  99910. ConnectionConfig {
  99911. isServer: undefined,
  99912. stream: undefined,
  99913. host: 'localhost',
  99914. port: 3306,
  99915. localAddress: undefined,
  99916. socketPath: undefined,
  99917. user: 'root',
  99918. password: 'abcd1234',
  99919. passwordSha1: undefined,
  99920. database: 'lbry',
  99921. connectTimeout: 10000,
  99922. insecureAuth: false,
  99923. supportBigNumbers: true,
  99924. bigNumberStrings: false,
  99925. decimalNumbers: false,
  99926. dateStrings: false,
  99927. debug: undefined,
  99928. trace: true,
  99929. stringifyObjects: false,
  99930. timezone: '+00:00',
  99931. queryFormat: undefined,
  99932. pool: undefined,
  99933. ssl: false,
  99934. multipleStatements: false,
  99935. rowsAsArray: false,
  99936. namedPlaceholders: false,
  99937. nestTables: undefined,
  99938. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  99939. maxPacketSize: 0,
  99940. charsetNumber: 224,
  99941. compress: false,
  99942. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  99943. clientFlags: 8582093,
  99944. connectAttributes: undefined,
  99945. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  99946. stream:
  99947. Socket {
  99948. connecting: false,
  99949. _hadError: false,
  99950. _handle:
  99951. TCP {
  99952. reading: true,
  99953. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  99954. onconnection: null,
  99955. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  99956. _parent: null,
  99957. _host: 'localhost',
  99958. _readableState:
  99959. ReadableState {
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  99961. highWaterMark: 16384,
  99962. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  99963. length: 0,
  99964. pipes: null,
  99965. pipesCount: 0,
  99966. flowing: true,
  99967. ended: false,
  99968. endEmitted: false,
  99969. reading: true,
  99970. sync: false,
  99971. needReadable: true,
  99972. emittedReadable: false,
  99973. readableListening: false,
  99974. resumeScheduled: false,
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  99977. destroyed: false,
  99978. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  99979. awaitDrain: 0,
  99980. readingMore: false,
  99981. decoder: null,
  99982. encoding: null },
  99983. readable: true,
  99984. _events:
  99985. [Object: null prototype] {
  99986. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  99987. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  99988. data: [Function],
  99989. close: [Function] },
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  99991. _maxListeners: undefined,
  99992. _writableState:
  99993. WritableState {
  99994. objectMode: false,
  99995. highWaterMark: 16384,
  99996. finalCalled: false,
  99997. needDrain: false,
  99998. ending: false,
  99999. ended: false,
  100000. finished: false,
  100001. destroyed: false,
  100002. decodeStrings: false,
  100003. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100004. length: 0,
  100005. writing: false,
  100006. corked: 0,
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  100009. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  100011. writelen: 0,
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  100013. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  100014. pendingcb: 0,
  100015. prefinished: false,
  100016. errorEmitted: false,
  100017. emitClose: false,
  100018. autoDestroy: false,
  100019. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  100020. corkedRequestsFree:
  100021. { next: null,
  100022. entry: null,
  100023. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  100024. writable: true,
  100025. allowHalfOpen: false,
  100026. _sockname: null,
  100027. _pendingData: null,
  100028. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  100030. _server: null,
  100031. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  100032. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  100033. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  100034. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  100035. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  100036. _internalId: 1,
  100037. _commands:
  100038. Denque {
  100039. _head: 0,
  100040. _tail: 0,
  100041. _capacityMask: 3,
  100042. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100043. _command: undefined,
  100044. _paused: false,
  100045. _paused_packets:
  100046. Denque {
  100047. _head: 0,
  100048. _tail: 0,
  100049. _capacityMask: 3,
  100050. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100051. _statements:
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  100053. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  100054. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  100055. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  100056. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  100057. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  100058. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  100059. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  100060. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  100061. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  100062. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100063. authorized: true,
  100064. sequenceId: 23,
  100065. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  100066. threadId: 1303,
  100067. _handshakePacket:
  100068. Handshake {
  100069. protocolVersion: 10,
  100070. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  100071. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100072. connectionId: 1303,
  100073. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  100074. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  100075. characterSet: 255,
  100076. statusFlags: 2 },
  100077. _fatalError: null,
  100078. _protocolError: null,
  100079. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  100080. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  100081. packetParser:
  100082. PacketParser {
  100083. buffer: [],
  100084. bufferLength: 0,
  100085. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  100086. headerLen: 0,
  100087. length: 5,
  100088. largePacketParts: [],
  100089. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  100090. onPacket: [Function],
  100091. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  100092. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  100093. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  100094. connectTimeout: null,
  100095. connectionId: 1303 },
  100096. state: 'IDLE' } },
  100097. length: 2 },
  100098. _direction: 'next',
  100099. _startPosition: 'head',
  100100. _started: false,
  100101. _cursor: null,
  100102. _done: false },
  100103. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  100104. _scheduledEviction:
  100105. Timeout {
  100106. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  100107. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  100108. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  100109. _idleStart: 432,
  100110. _onTimeout: [Function],
  100111. _timerArgs: undefined,
  100112. _repeat: null,
  100113. _destroyed: false,
  100114. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  100115. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  100116. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  100117. lib:
  100118. { createConnection: [Function],
  100119. connect: [Function],
  100120. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  100121. createPool: [Function],
  100122. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  100123. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  100124. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  100125. createServer: [Function],
  100126. PoolConnection:
  100127. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  100128. escape: [Function: escape],
  100129. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  100130. format: [Function: format],
  100131. raw: [Function: raw],
  100132. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  100133. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  100134. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  100135. Types: [Getter],
  100136. Charsets: [Getter],
  100137. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  100138. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  100139. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  100140. importCache: {},
  100141. test:
  100142. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  100143. _runningQueries: 0,
  100144. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  100145. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  100146. hooks: {},
  100147. uniqueKeys: {} },
  100148. _options:
  100149. { isNewRecord: false,
  100150. _schema: null,
  100151. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  100152. raw: true,
  100153. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  100154. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  100155. isNewRecord: false },
  100156. Balloons {
  100157. dataValues:
  100158. { id: 12,
  100159. size: 'large',
  100160. color: 'red',
  100161. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:43:53.000Z,
  100162. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:43:53.000Z },
  100163. _previousDataValues:
  100164. { id: 12,
  100165. size: 'large',
  100166. color: 'red',
  100167. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:43:53.000Z,
  100168. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:43:53.000Z },
  100169. _changed: {},
  100170. _modelOptions:
  100171. { timestamps: true,
  100172. validate: {},
  100173. freezeTableName: false,
  100174. underscored: false,
  100175. underscoredAll: false,
  100176. paranoid: false,
  100177. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  100178. whereCollection: null,
  100179. schema: null,
  100180. schemaDelimiter: '',
  100181. defaultScope: {},
  100182. scopes: [],
  100183. indexes: [],
  100184. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  100185. omitNull: false,
  100186. sequelize:
  100187. Sequelize {
  100188. options:
  100189. { dialect: 'mysql',
  100190. dialectModulePath: null,
  100191. host: 'localhost',
  100192. protocol: 'tcp',
  100193. define: {},
  100194. query: {},
  100195. sync: {},
  100196. timezone: '+00:00',
  100197. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  100198. omitNull: false,
  100199. native: false,
  100200. replication: false,
  100201. ssl: undefined,
  100202. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  100203. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  100204. hooks: {},
  100205. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  100206. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  100207. isolationLevel: null,
  100208. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  100209. typeValidation: false,
  100210. benchmark: false,
  100211. operatorsAliases: false },
  100212. config:
  100213. { database: 'lbry',
  100214. username: 'root',
  100215. password: 'abcd1234',
  100216. host: 'localhost',
  100217. port: 3306,
  100218. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  100219. protocol: 'tcp',
  100220. native: false,
  100221. ssl: undefined,
  100222. replication: false,
  100223. dialectModulePath: null,
  100224. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  100225. dialectOptions: undefined },
  100226. dialect:
  100227. MysqlDialect {
  100228. sequelize: [Circular],
  100229. connectionManager:
  100230. ConnectionManager {
  100231. sequelize: [Circular],
  100232. config:
  100233. { database: 'lbry',
  100234. username: 'root',
  100235. password: 'abcd1234',
  100236. host: 'localhost',
  100237. port: undefined,
  100238. pool:
  100239. { max: 5,
  100240. min: 0,
  100241. acquire: 30000,
  100242. idle: 10000,
  100243. evict: 10000,
  100244. handleDisconnects: true,
  100245. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  100246. Promise:
  100247. { [Function: Promise]
  100248. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  100249. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  100250. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  100251. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  100252. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100253. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100254. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  100255. _peekContext: [Function],
  100256. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  100257. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  100258. longStackTraces: [Function],
  100259. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  100260. config: [Function],
  100261. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  100262. is: [Function],
  100263. fromCallback: [Function],
  100264. fromNode: [Function],
  100265. all: [Function],
  100266. cast: [Function],
  100267. fulfilled: [Function],
  100268. resolve: [Function],
  100269. rejected: [Function],
  100270. reject: [Function],
  100271. setScheduler: [Function],
  100272. pending: [Function],
  100273. defer: [Function],
  100274. method: [Function],
  100275. try: [Function],
  100276. attempt: [Function],
  100277. bind: [Function],
  100278. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  100279. join: [Function],
  100280. Promise: [Circular],
  100281. version: '3.5.3',
  100282. map: [Function],
  100283. using: [Function],
  100284. delay: [Function],
  100285. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  100286. spawn: [Function],
  100287. promisify: [Function],
  100288. promisifyAll: [Function],
  100289. props: [Function],
  100290. race: [Function],
  100291. reduce: [Function],
  100292. settle: [Function],
  100293. some: [Function],
  100294. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  100295. filter: [Function],
  100296. each: [Function],
  100297. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  100298. any: [Function],
  100299. default: [Circular] } },
  100300. protocol: 'tcp',
  100301. native: false,
  100302. ssl: undefined,
  100303. replication: false,
  100304. dialectModulePath: null,
  100305. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  100306. dialectOptions: undefined },
  100307. dialect: [Circular],
  100308. versionPromise: null,
  100309. dialectName: 'mysql',
  100310. pool:
  100311. Pool {
  100312. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  100313. _eventsCount: 0,
  100314. _maxListeners: undefined,
  100315. _config:
  100316. PoolOptions {
  100317. fifo: true,
  100318. priorityRange: 1,
  100319. testOnBorrow: true,
  100320. testOnReturn: false,
  100321. autostart: false,
  100322. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  100323. max: 5,
  100324. min: 0,
  100325. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  100326. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  100327. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  100328. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  100329. Promise:
  100330. { [Function: Promise]
  100331. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  100332. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  100333. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  100334. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  100335. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100336. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100337. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  100338. _peekContext: [Function],
  100339. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  100340. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  100341. longStackTraces: [Function],
  100342. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  100343. config: [Function],
  100344. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  100345. is: [Function],
  100346. fromCallback: [Function],
  100347. fromNode: [Function],
  100348. all: [Function],
  100349. cast: [Function],
  100350. fulfilled: [Function],
  100351. resolve: [Function],
  100352. rejected: [Function],
  100353. reject: [Function],
  100354. setScheduler: [Function],
  100355. pending: [Function],
  100356. defer: [Function],
  100357. method: [Function],
  100358. try: [Function],
  100359. attempt: [Function],
  100360. bind: [Function],
  100361. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  100362. join: [Function],
  100363. Promise: [Circular],
  100364. version: '3.5.3',
  100365. map: [Function],
  100366. using: [Function],
  100367. delay: [Function],
  100368. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  100369. spawn: [Function],
  100370. promisify: [Function],
  100371. promisifyAll: [Function],
  100372. props: [Function],
  100373. race: [Function],
  100374. reduce: [Function],
  100375. settle: [Function],
  100376. some: [Function],
  100377. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  100378. filter: [Function],
  100379. each: [Function],
  100380. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  100381. any: [Function],
  100382. default: [Circular] } },
  100383. _Promise:
  100384. { [Function: Promise]
  100385. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  100386. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  100387. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  100388. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  100389. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100390. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  100391. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  100392. _peekContext: [Function],
  100393. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  100394. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  100395. longStackTraces: [Function],
  100396. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  100397. config: [Function],
  100398. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  100399. is: [Function],
  100400. fromCallback: [Function],
  100401. fromNode: [Function],
  100402. all: [Function],
  100403. cast: [Function],
  100404. fulfilled: [Function],
  100405. resolve: [Function],
  100406. rejected: [Function],
  100407. reject: [Function],
  100408. setScheduler: [Function],
  100409. pending: [Function],
  100410. defer: [Function],
  100411. method: [Function],
  100412. try: [Function],
  100413. attempt: [Function],
  100414. bind: [Function],
  100415. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  100416. join: [Function],
  100417. Promise: [Circular],
  100418. version: '3.5.3',
  100419. map: [Function],
  100420. using: [Function],
  100421. delay: [Function],
  100422. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  100423. spawn: [Function],
  100424. promisify: [Function],
  100425. promisifyAll: [Function],
  100426. props: [Function],
  100427. race: [Function],
  100428. reduce: [Function],
  100429. settle: [Function],
  100430. some: [Function],
  100431. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  100432. filter: [Function],
  100433. each: [Function],
  100434. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  100435. any: [Function],
  100436. default: [Circular] },
  100437. _factory:
  100438. { create: [Function: create],
  100439. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  100440. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  100441. _draining: false,
  100442. _started: true,
  100443. _waitingClientsQueue:
  100444. PriorityQueue {
  100445. _size: 1,
  100446. _slots:
  100447. [ Queue {
  100448. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  100449. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  100450. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  100451. _availableObjects:
  100452. Deque {
  100453. _list:
  100454. DoublyLinkedList {
  100455. head:
  100456. { prev: null,
  100457. next:
  100458. { prev: [Circular],
  100459. next: null,
  100460. data:
  100461. PooledResource {
  100462. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  100463. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  100464. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  100465. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  100466. obj:
  100467. Connection {
  100468. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  100469. _eventsCount: 1,
  100470. _maxListeners: undefined,
  100471. config:
  100472. ConnectionConfig {
  100473. isServer: undefined,
  100474. stream: undefined,
  100475. host: 'localhost',
  100476. port: 3306,
  100477. localAddress: undefined,
  100478. socketPath: undefined,
  100479. user: 'root',
  100480. password: 'abcd1234',
  100481. passwordSha1: undefined,
  100482. database: 'lbry',
  100483. connectTimeout: 10000,
  100484. insecureAuth: false,
  100485. supportBigNumbers: true,
  100486. bigNumberStrings: false,
  100487. decimalNumbers: false,
  100488. dateStrings: false,
  100489. debug: undefined,
  100490. trace: true,
  100491. stringifyObjects: false,
  100492. timezone: '+00:00',
  100493. queryFormat: undefined,
  100494. pool: undefined,
  100495. ssl: false,
  100496. multipleStatements: false,
  100497. rowsAsArray: false,
  100498. namedPlaceholders: false,
  100499. nestTables: undefined,
  100500. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  100501. maxPacketSize: 0,
  100502. charsetNumber: 224,
  100503. compress: false,
  100504. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  100505. clientFlags: 8582093,
  100506. connectAttributes: undefined,
  100507. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  100508. stream:
  100509. Socket {
  100510. connecting: false,
  100511. _hadError: false,
  100512. _handle:
  100513. TCP {
  100514. reading: true,
  100515. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  100516. onconnection: null,
  100517. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  100518. _parent: null,
  100519. _host: 'localhost',
  100520. _readableState:
  100521. ReadableState {
  100522. objectMode: false,
  100523. highWaterMark: 16384,
  100524. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  100525. length: 0,
  100526. pipes: null,
  100527. pipesCount: 0,
  100528. flowing: true,
  100529. ended: false,
  100530. endEmitted: false,
  100531. reading: true,
  100532. sync: false,
  100533. needReadable: true,
  100534. emittedReadable: false,
  100535. readableListening: false,
  100536. resumeScheduled: false,
  100537. emitClose: false,
  100538. autoDestroy: false,
  100539. destroyed: false,
  100540. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100541. awaitDrain: 0,
  100542. readingMore: false,
  100543. decoder: null,
  100544. encoding: null },
  100545. readable: true,
  100546. _events:
  100547. [Object: null prototype] {
  100548. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  100549. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  100550. data: [Function],
  100551. close: [Function] },
  100552. _eventsCount: 4,
  100553. _maxListeners: undefined,
  100554. _writableState:
  100555. WritableState {
  100556. objectMode: false,
  100557. highWaterMark: 16384,
  100558. finalCalled: false,
  100559. needDrain: false,
  100560. ending: false,
  100561. ended: false,
  100562. finished: false,
  100563. destroyed: false,
  100564. decodeStrings: false,
  100565. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100566. length: 0,
  100567. writing: false,
  100568. corked: 0,
  100569. sync: false,
  100570. bufferProcessing: false,
  100571. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  100572. writecb: null,
  100573. writelen: 0,
  100574. bufferedRequest: null,
  100575. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  100576. pendingcb: 0,
  100577. prefinished: false,
  100578. errorEmitted: false,
  100579. emitClose: false,
  100580. autoDestroy: false,
  100581. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  100582. corkedRequestsFree:
  100583. { next: null,
  100584. entry: null,
  100585. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  100586. writable: true,
  100587. allowHalfOpen: false,
  100588. _sockname: null,
  100589. _pendingData: null,
  100590. _pendingEncoding: '',
  100591. server: null,
  100592. _server: null,
  100593. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  100594. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  100595. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  100596. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  100597. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  100598. _internalId: 1,
  100599. _commands:
  100600. Denque {
  100601. _head: 0,
  100602. _tail: 0,
  100603. _capacityMask: 3,
  100604. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100605. _command: undefined,
  100606. _paused: false,
  100607. _paused_packets:
  100608. Denque {
  100609. _head: 0,
  100610. _tail: 0,
  100611. _capacityMask: 3,
  100612. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100613. _statements:
  100614. LRUCache {
  100615. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  100616. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  100617. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  100618. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  100619. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  100620. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  100621. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  100622. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  100623. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  100624. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100625. authorized: true,
  100626. sequenceId: 23,
  100627. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  100628. threadId: 1303,
  100629. _handshakePacket:
  100630. Handshake {
  100631. protocolVersion: 10,
  100632. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  100633. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100634. connectionId: 1303,
  100635. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  100636. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  100637. characterSet: 255,
  100638. statusFlags: 2 },
  100639. _fatalError: null,
  100640. _protocolError: null,
  100641. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  100642. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  100643. packetParser:
  100644. PacketParser {
  100645. buffer: [],
  100646. bufferLength: 0,
  100647. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  100648. headerLen: 0,
  100649. length: 5,
  100650. largePacketParts: [],
  100651. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  100652. onPacket: [Function],
  100653. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  100654. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  100655. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  100656. connectTimeout: null,
  100657. connectionId: 1303 },
  100658. state: 'IDLE' } },
  100659. data:
  100660. PooledResource {
  100661. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  100662. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  100663. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  100664. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  100665. obj:
  100666. Connection {
  100667. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  100668. _eventsCount: 1,
  100669. _maxListeners: undefined,
  100670. config:
  100671. ConnectionConfig {
  100672. isServer: undefined,
  100673. stream: undefined,
  100674. host: 'localhost',
  100675. port: 3306,
  100676. localAddress: undefined,
  100677. socketPath: undefined,
  100678. user: 'root',
  100679. password: 'abcd1234',
  100680. passwordSha1: undefined,
  100681. database: 'lbry',
  100682. connectTimeout: 10000,
  100683. insecureAuth: false,
  100684. supportBigNumbers: true,
  100685. bigNumberStrings: false,
  100686. decimalNumbers: false,
  100687. dateStrings: false,
  100688. debug: undefined,
  100689. trace: true,
  100690. stringifyObjects: false,
  100691. timezone: '+00:00',
  100692. queryFormat: undefined,
  100693. pool: undefined,
  100694. ssl: false,
  100695. multipleStatements: false,
  100696. rowsAsArray: false,
  100697. namedPlaceholders: false,
  100698. nestTables: undefined,
  100699. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  100700. maxPacketSize: 0,
  100701. charsetNumber: 224,
  100702. compress: false,
  100703. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  100704. clientFlags: 8582093,
  100705. connectAttributes: undefined,
  100706. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  100707. stream:
  100708. Socket {
  100709. connecting: false,
  100710. _hadError: false,
  100711. _handle:
  100712. TCP {
  100713. reading: true,
  100714. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  100715. onconnection: null,
  100716. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  100717. _parent: null,
  100718. _host: 'localhost',
  100719. _readableState:
  100720. ReadableState {
  100721. objectMode: false,
  100722. highWaterMark: 16384,
  100723. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  100724. length: 0,
  100725. pipes: null,
  100726. pipesCount: 0,
  100727. flowing: true,
  100728. ended: false,
  100729. endEmitted: false,
  100730. reading: true,
  100731. sync: false,
  100732. needReadable: true,
  100733. emittedReadable: false,
  100734. readableListening: false,
  100735. resumeScheduled: false,
  100736. emitClose: false,
  100737. autoDestroy: false,
  100738. destroyed: false,
  100739. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100740. awaitDrain: 0,
  100741. readingMore: false,
  100742. decoder: null,
  100743. encoding: null },
  100744. readable: true,
  100745. _events:
  100746. [Object: null prototype] {
  100747. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  100748. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  100749. data: [Function],
  100750. close: [Function] },
  100751. _eventsCount: 4,
  100752. _maxListeners: undefined,
  100753. _writableState:
  100754. WritableState {
  100755. objectMode: false,
  100756. highWaterMark: 16384,
  100757. finalCalled: false,
  100758. needDrain: false,
  100759. ending: false,
  100760. ended: false,
  100761. finished: false,
  100762. destroyed: false,
  100763. decodeStrings: false,
  100764. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100765. length: 0,
  100766. writing: false,
  100767. corked: 0,
  100768. sync: false,
  100769. bufferProcessing: false,
  100770. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  100771. writecb: null,
  100772. writelen: 0,
  100773. bufferedRequest: null,
  100774. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  100775. pendingcb: 0,
  100776. prefinished: false,
  100777. errorEmitted: false,
  100778. emitClose: false,
  100779. autoDestroy: false,
  100780. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  100781. corkedRequestsFree:
  100782. { next: null,
  100783. entry: null,
  100784. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  100785. writable: true,
  100786. allowHalfOpen: false,
  100787. _sockname: null,
  100788. _pendingData: null,
  100789. _pendingEncoding: '',
  100790. server: null,
  100791. _server: null,
  100792. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  100793. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  100794. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  100795. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  100796. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  100797. _internalId: 2,
  100798. _commands:
  100799. Denque {
  100800. _head: 0,
  100801. _tail: 0,
  100802. _capacityMask: 3,
  100803. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100804. _command: undefined,
  100805. _paused: false,
  100806. _paused_packets:
  100807. Denque {
  100808. _head: 0,
  100809. _tail: 0,
  100810. _capacityMask: 3,
  100811. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  100812. _statements:
  100813. LRUCache {
  100814. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  100815. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  100816. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  100817. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  100818. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  100819. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  100820. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  100821. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  100822. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  100823. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100824. authorized: true,
  100825. sequenceId: 2,
  100826. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  100827. threadId: 1302,
  100828. _handshakePacket:
  100829. Handshake {
  100830. protocolVersion: 10,
  100831. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  100832. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  100833. connectionId: 1302,
  100834. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  100835. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  100836. characterSet: 255,
  100837. statusFlags: 2 },
  100838. _fatalError: null,
  100839. _protocolError: null,
  100840. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  100841. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  100842. packetParser:
  100843. PacketParser {
  100844. buffer: [],
  100845. bufferLength: 0,
  100846. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  100847. headerLen: 0,
  100848. length: 7,
  100849. largePacketParts: [],
  100850. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  100851. onPacket: [Function],
  100852. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  100853. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  100854. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  100855. connectTimeout: null,
  100856. connectionId: 1302 },
  100857. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  100859. { prev:
  100860. { prev: null,
  100861. next: [Circular],
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  100863. PooledResource {
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  100865. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  100866. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  100867. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
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  100869. Connection {
  100870. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  100871. _eventsCount: 1,
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  100875. isServer: undefined,
  100876. stream: undefined,
  100877. host: 'localhost',
  100878. port: 3306,
  100879. localAddress: undefined,
  100880. socketPath: undefined,
  100881. user: 'root',
  100882. password: 'abcd1234',
  100883. passwordSha1: undefined,
  100884. database: 'lbry',
  100885. connectTimeout: 10000,
  100886. insecureAuth: false,
  100887. supportBigNumbers: true,
  100888. bigNumberStrings: false,
  100889. decimalNumbers: false,
  100890. dateStrings: false,
  100891. debug: undefined,
  100892. trace: true,
  100893. stringifyObjects: false,
  100894. timezone: '+00:00',
  100895. queryFormat: undefined,
  100896. pool: undefined,
  100897. ssl: false,
  100898. multipleStatements: false,
  100899. rowsAsArray: false,
  100900. namedPlaceholders: false,
  100901. nestTables: undefined,
  100902. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  100903. maxPacketSize: 0,
  100904. charsetNumber: 224,
  100905. compress: false,
  100906. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  100907. clientFlags: 8582093,
  100908. connectAttributes: undefined,
  100909. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  100911. Socket {
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  100913. _hadError: false,
  100914. _handle:
  100915. TCP {
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  100917. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  100919. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  100920. _parent: null,
  100921. _host: 'localhost',
  100922. _readableState:
  100923. ReadableState {
  100924. objectMode: false,
  100925. highWaterMark: 16384,
  100926. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  100927. length: 0,
  100928. pipes: null,
  100929. pipesCount: 0,
  100930. flowing: true,
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  100932. endEmitted: false,
  100933. reading: true,
  100934. sync: false,
  100935. needReadable: true,
  100936. emittedReadable: false,
  100937. readableListening: false,
  100938. resumeScheduled: false,
  100939. emitClose: false,
  100940. autoDestroy: false,
  100941. destroyed: false,
  100942. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100943. awaitDrain: 0,
  100944. readingMore: false,
  100945. decoder: null,
  100946. encoding: null },
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  100949. [Object: null prototype] {
  100950. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  100951. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  100952. data: [Function],
  100953. close: [Function] },
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  100960. finalCalled: false,
  100961. needDrain: false,
  100962. ending: false,
  100963. ended: false,
  100964. finished: false,
  100965. destroyed: false,
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  100967. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  100968. length: 0,
  100969. writing: false,
  100970. corked: 0,
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  100975. writelen: 0,
  100976. bufferedRequest: null,
  100977. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  100978. pendingcb: 0,
  100979. prefinished: false,
  100980. errorEmitted: false,
  100981. emitClose: false,
  100982. autoDestroy: false,
  100983. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  100984. corkedRequestsFree:
  100985. { next: null,
  100986. entry: null,
  100987. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  100988. writable: true,
  100989. allowHalfOpen: false,
  100990. _sockname: null,
  100991. _pendingData: null,
  100992. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  100994. _server: null,
  100995. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  100996. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  100997. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  100998. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  100999. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  101000. _internalId: 2,
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  101002. Denque {
  101003. _head: 0,
  101004. _tail: 0,
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  101006. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101009. _paused_packets:
  101010. Denque {
  101011. _head: 0,
  101012. _tail: 0,
  101013. _capacityMask: 3,
  101014. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101018. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  101019. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  101020. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  101021. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  101022. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  101023. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  101024. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  101025. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  101026. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101027. authorized: true,
  101028. sequenceId: 2,
  101029. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  101030. threadId: 1302,
  101031. _handshakePacket:
  101032. Handshake {
  101033. protocolVersion: 10,
  101034. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  101035. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101036. connectionId: 1302,
  101037. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  101038. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  101039. characterSet: 255,
  101040. statusFlags: 2 },
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  101042. _protocolError: null,
  101043. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  101044. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  101045. packetParser:
  101046. PacketParser {
  101047. buffer: [],
  101048. bufferLength: 0,
  101049. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  101050. headerLen: 0,
  101051. length: 7,
  101052. largePacketParts: [],
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  101054. onPacket: [Function],
  101055. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  101056. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  101057. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  101058. connectTimeout: null,
  101059. connectionId: 1302 },
  101060. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  101062. data:
  101063. PooledResource {
  101064. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  101065. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  101066. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  101067. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  101068. obj:
  101069. Connection {
  101070. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  101071. _eventsCount: 1,
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  101076. stream: undefined,
  101077. host: 'localhost',
  101078. port: 3306,
  101079. localAddress: undefined,
  101080. socketPath: undefined,
  101081. user: 'root',
  101082. password: 'abcd1234',
  101083. passwordSha1: undefined,
  101084. database: 'lbry',
  101085. connectTimeout: 10000,
  101086. insecureAuth: false,
  101087. supportBigNumbers: true,
  101088. bigNumberStrings: false,
  101089. decimalNumbers: false,
  101090. dateStrings: false,
  101091. debug: undefined,
  101092. trace: true,
  101093. stringifyObjects: false,
  101094. timezone: '+00:00',
  101095. queryFormat: undefined,
  101096. pool: undefined,
  101097. ssl: false,
  101098. multipleStatements: false,
  101099. rowsAsArray: false,
  101100. namedPlaceholders: false,
  101101. nestTables: undefined,
  101102. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  101105. compress: false,
  101106. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  101107. clientFlags: 8582093,
  101108. connectAttributes: undefined,
  101109. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  101110. stream:
  101111. Socket {
  101112. connecting: false,
  101113. _hadError: false,
  101114. _handle:
  101115. TCP {
  101116. reading: true,
  101117. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  101119. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  101121. _host: 'localhost',
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  101123. ReadableState {
  101124. objectMode: false,
  101125. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101126. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  101127. length: 0,
  101128. pipes: null,
  101129. pipesCount: 0,
  101130. flowing: true,
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  101134. sync: false,
  101135. needReadable: true,
  101136. emittedReadable: false,
  101137. readableListening: false,
  101138. resumeScheduled: false,
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  101141. destroyed: false,
  101142. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101143. awaitDrain: 0,
  101144. readingMore: false,
  101145. decoder: null,
  101146. encoding: null },
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  101149. [Object: null prototype] {
  101150. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  101151. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  101152. data: [Function],
  101153. close: [Function] },
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  101155. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  101157. WritableState {
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  101159. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101160. finalCalled: false,
  101161. needDrain: false,
  101162. ending: false,
  101163. ended: false,
  101164. finished: false,
  101165. destroyed: false,
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  101167. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101168. length: 0,
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  101170. corked: 0,
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  101176. bufferedRequest: null,
  101177. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  101178. pendingcb: 0,
  101179. prefinished: false,
  101180. errorEmitted: false,
  101181. emitClose: false,
  101182. autoDestroy: false,
  101183. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  101184. corkedRequestsFree:
  101185. { next: null,
  101186. entry: null,
  101187. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  101189. allowHalfOpen: false,
  101190. _sockname: null,
  101191. _pendingData: null,
  101192. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  101194. _server: null,
  101195. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  101196. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  101197. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  101198. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  101199. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  101200. _internalId: 1,
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  101202. Denque {
  101203. _head: 0,
  101204. _tail: 0,
  101205. _capacityMask: 3,
  101206. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101208. _paused: false,
  101209. _paused_packets:
  101210. Denque {
  101211. _head: 0,
  101212. _tail: 0,
  101213. _capacityMask: 3,
  101214. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101218. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  101219. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  101220. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  101221. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  101222. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  101223. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  101224. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  101225. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  101226. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101227. authorized: true,
  101228. sequenceId: 23,
  101229. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  101230. threadId: 1303,
  101231. _handshakePacket:
  101232. Handshake {
  101233. protocolVersion: 10,
  101234. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  101235. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101236. connectionId: 1303,
  101237. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  101238. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  101239. characterSet: 255,
  101240. statusFlags: 2 },
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  101242. _protocolError: null,
  101243. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  101244. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  101245. packetParser:
  101246. PacketParser {
  101247. buffer: [],
  101248. bufferLength: 0,
  101249. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  101250. headerLen: 0,
  101251. length: 5,
  101252. largePacketParts: [],
  101253. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  101254. onPacket: [Function],
  101255. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  101256. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  101257. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  101258. connectTimeout: null,
  101259. connectionId: 1303 },
  101260. state: 'IDLE' } },
  101261. length: 2 } },
  101262. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  101263. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  101264. _validationOperations: Set {},
  101265. _allObjects:
  101266. Set {
  101267. PooledResource {
  101268. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  101269. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  101270. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  101271. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  101272. obj:
  101273. Connection {
  101274. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  101275. _eventsCount: 1,
  101276. _maxListeners: undefined,
  101277. config:
  101278. ConnectionConfig {
  101279. isServer: undefined,
  101280. stream: undefined,
  101281. host: 'localhost',
  101282. port: 3306,
  101283. localAddress: undefined,
  101284. socketPath: undefined,
  101285. user: 'root',
  101286. password: 'abcd1234',
  101287. passwordSha1: undefined,
  101288. database: 'lbry',
  101289. connectTimeout: 10000,
  101290. insecureAuth: false,
  101291. supportBigNumbers: true,
  101292. bigNumberStrings: false,
  101293. decimalNumbers: false,
  101294. dateStrings: false,
  101295. debug: undefined,
  101296. trace: true,
  101297. stringifyObjects: false,
  101298. timezone: '+00:00',
  101299. queryFormat: undefined,
  101300. pool: undefined,
  101301. ssl: false,
  101302. multipleStatements: false,
  101303. rowsAsArray: false,
  101304. namedPlaceholders: false,
  101305. nestTables: undefined,
  101306. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  101308. charsetNumber: 224,
  101309. compress: false,
  101310. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  101311. clientFlags: 8582093,
  101312. connectAttributes: undefined,
  101313. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  101314. stream:
  101315. Socket {
  101316. connecting: false,
  101317. _hadError: false,
  101318. _handle:
  101319. TCP {
  101320. reading: true,
  101321. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  101322. onconnection: null,
  101323. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  101325. _host: 'localhost',
  101326. _readableState:
  101327. ReadableState {
  101328. objectMode: false,
  101329. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101330. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  101331. length: 0,
  101332. pipes: null,
  101333. pipesCount: 0,
  101334. flowing: true,
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  101336. endEmitted: false,
  101337. reading: true,
  101338. sync: false,
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  101340. emittedReadable: false,
  101341. readableListening: false,
  101342. resumeScheduled: false,
  101343. emitClose: false,
  101344. autoDestroy: false,
  101345. destroyed: false,
  101346. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101347. awaitDrain: 0,
  101348. readingMore: false,
  101349. decoder: null,
  101350. encoding: null },
  101351. readable: true,
  101352. _events:
  101353. [Object: null prototype] {
  101354. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  101355. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  101356. data: [Function],
  101357. close: [Function] },
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  101359. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  101361. WritableState {
  101362. objectMode: false,
  101363. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101364. finalCalled: false,
  101365. needDrain: false,
  101366. ending: false,
  101367. ended: false,
  101368. finished: false,
  101369. destroyed: false,
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  101371. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101372. length: 0,
  101373. writing: false,
  101374. corked: 0,
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  101379. writelen: 0,
  101380. bufferedRequest: null,
  101381. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  101382. pendingcb: 0,
  101383. prefinished: false,
  101384. errorEmitted: false,
  101385. emitClose: false,
  101386. autoDestroy: false,
  101387. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  101388. corkedRequestsFree:
  101389. { next: null,
  101390. entry: null,
  101391. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  101392. writable: true,
  101393. allowHalfOpen: false,
  101394. _sockname: null,
  101395. _pendingData: null,
  101396. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  101398. _server: null,
  101399. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  101400. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  101401. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  101402. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  101403. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  101404. _internalId: 2,
  101405. _commands:
  101406. Denque {
  101407. _head: 0,
  101408. _tail: 0,
  101409. _capacityMask: 3,
  101410. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  101411. _command: undefined,
  101412. _paused: false,
  101413. _paused_packets:
  101414. Denque {
  101415. _head: 0,
  101416. _tail: 0,
  101417. _capacityMask: 3,
  101418. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  101419. _statements:
  101420. LRUCache {
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  101422. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  101423. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  101424. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  101425. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  101426. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  101427. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  101428. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  101429. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  101430. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101431. authorized: true,
  101432. sequenceId: 2,
  101433. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  101434. threadId: 1302,
  101435. _handshakePacket:
  101436. Handshake {
  101437. protocolVersion: 10,
  101438. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  101439. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101440. connectionId: 1302,
  101441. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  101442. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  101443. characterSet: 255,
  101444. statusFlags: 2 },
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  101446. _protocolError: null,
  101447. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  101448. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  101449. packetParser:
  101450. PacketParser {
  101451. buffer: [],
  101452. bufferLength: 0,
  101453. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  101454. headerLen: 0,
  101455. length: 7,
  101456. largePacketParts: [],
  101457. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  101458. onPacket: [Function],
  101459. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  101460. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  101461. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  101462. connectTimeout: null,
  101463. connectionId: 1302 },
  101464. state: 'IDLE' },
  101465. PooledResource {
  101466. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  101467. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  101468. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  101469. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  101470. obj:
  101471. Connection {
  101472. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  101473. _eventsCount: 1,
  101474. _maxListeners: undefined,
  101475. config:
  101476. ConnectionConfig {
  101477. isServer: undefined,
  101478. stream: undefined,
  101479. host: 'localhost',
  101480. port: 3306,
  101481. localAddress: undefined,
  101482. socketPath: undefined,
  101483. user: 'root',
  101484. password: 'abcd1234',
  101485. passwordSha1: undefined,
  101486. database: 'lbry',
  101487. connectTimeout: 10000,
  101488. insecureAuth: false,
  101489. supportBigNumbers: true,
  101490. bigNumberStrings: false,
  101491. decimalNumbers: false,
  101492. dateStrings: false,
  101493. debug: undefined,
  101494. trace: true,
  101495. stringifyObjects: false,
  101496. timezone: '+00:00',
  101497. queryFormat: undefined,
  101498. pool: undefined,
  101499. ssl: false,
  101500. multipleStatements: false,
  101501. rowsAsArray: false,
  101502. namedPlaceholders: false,
  101503. nestTables: undefined,
  101504. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  101505. maxPacketSize: 0,
  101506. charsetNumber: 224,
  101507. compress: false,
  101508. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  101509. clientFlags: 8582093,
  101510. connectAttributes: undefined,
  101511. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  101513. Socket {
  101514. connecting: false,
  101515. _hadError: false,
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  101517. TCP {
  101518. reading: true,
  101519. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  101520. onconnection: null,
  101521. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  101522. _parent: null,
  101523. _host: 'localhost',
  101524. _readableState:
  101525. ReadableState {
  101526. objectMode: false,
  101527. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101528. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  101529. length: 0,
  101530. pipes: null,
  101531. pipesCount: 0,
  101532. flowing: true,
  101533. ended: false,
  101534. endEmitted: false,
  101535. reading: true,
  101536. sync: false,
  101537. needReadable: true,
  101538. emittedReadable: false,
  101539. readableListening: false,
  101540. resumeScheduled: false,
  101541. emitClose: false,
  101542. autoDestroy: false,
  101543. destroyed: false,
  101544. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101545. awaitDrain: 0,
  101546. readingMore: false,
  101547. decoder: null,
  101548. encoding: null },
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  101551. [Object: null prototype] {
  101552. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  101553. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  101554. data: [Function],
  101555. close: [Function] },
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  101562. finalCalled: false,
  101563. needDrain: false,
  101564. ending: false,
  101565. ended: false,
  101566. finished: false,
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  101569. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101570. length: 0,
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  101572. corked: 0,
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  101577. writelen: 0,
  101578. bufferedRequest: null,
  101579. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  101580. pendingcb: 0,
  101581. prefinished: false,
  101582. errorEmitted: false,
  101583. emitClose: false,
  101584. autoDestroy: false,
  101585. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  101586. corkedRequestsFree:
  101587. { next: null,
  101588. entry: null,
  101589. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  101590. writable: true,
  101591. allowHalfOpen: false,
  101592. _sockname: null,
  101593. _pendingData: null,
  101594. _pendingEncoding: '',
  101595. server: null,
  101596. _server: null,
  101597. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  101598. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  101599. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  101600. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  101601. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  101602. _internalId: 1,
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  101604. Denque {
  101605. _head: 0,
  101606. _tail: 0,
  101607. _capacityMask: 3,
  101608. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101611. _paused_packets:
  101612. Denque {
  101613. _head: 0,
  101614. _tail: 0,
  101615. _capacityMask: 3,
  101616. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101619. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  101620. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  101621. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  101622. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  101623. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  101624. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  101625. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  101626. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  101627. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  101628. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101629. authorized: true,
  101630. sequenceId: 23,
  101631. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  101632. threadId: 1303,
  101633. _handshakePacket:
  101634. Handshake {
  101635. protocolVersion: 10,
  101636. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  101637. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101638. connectionId: 1303,
  101639. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  101640. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  101641. characterSet: 255,
  101642. statusFlags: 2 },
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  101644. _protocolError: null,
  101645. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  101646. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  101647. packetParser:
  101648. PacketParser {
  101649. buffer: [],
  101650. bufferLength: 0,
  101651. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  101652. headerLen: 0,
  101653. length: 5,
  101654. largePacketParts: [],
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  101656. onPacket: [Function],
  101657. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  101658. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  101659. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  101660. connectTimeout: null,
  101661. connectionId: 1303 },
  101662. state: 'IDLE' } },
  101663. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  101664. _evictionIterator:
  101665. DequeIterator {
  101666. _list:
  101667. DoublyLinkedList {
  101668. head:
  101669. { prev: null,
  101670. next:
  101671. { prev: [Circular],
  101672. next: null,
  101673. data:
  101674. PooledResource {
  101675. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  101676. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  101677. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  101678. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  101679. obj:
  101680. Connection {
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  101682. _eventsCount: 1,
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  101687. stream: undefined,
  101688. host: 'localhost',
  101689. port: 3306,
  101690. localAddress: undefined,
  101691. socketPath: undefined,
  101692. user: 'root',
  101693. password: 'abcd1234',
  101694. passwordSha1: undefined,
  101695. database: 'lbry',
  101696. connectTimeout: 10000,
  101697. insecureAuth: false,
  101698. supportBigNumbers: true,
  101699. bigNumberStrings: false,
  101700. decimalNumbers: false,
  101701. dateStrings: false,
  101702. debug: undefined,
  101703. trace: true,
  101704. stringifyObjects: false,
  101705. timezone: '+00:00',
  101706. queryFormat: undefined,
  101707. pool: undefined,
  101708. ssl: false,
  101709. multipleStatements: false,
  101710. rowsAsArray: false,
  101711. namedPlaceholders: false,
  101712. nestTables: undefined,
  101713. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  101714. maxPacketSize: 0,
  101715. charsetNumber: 224,
  101716. compress: false,
  101717. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  101718. clientFlags: 8582093,
  101719. connectAttributes: undefined,
  101720. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  101722. Socket {
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  101726. TCP {
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  101728. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  101730. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  101732. _host: 'localhost',
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  101734. ReadableState {
  101735. objectMode: false,
  101736. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101737. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  101738. length: 0,
  101739. pipes: null,
  101740. pipesCount: 0,
  101741. flowing: true,
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  101746. needReadable: true,
  101747. emittedReadable: false,
  101748. readableListening: false,
  101749. resumeScheduled: false,
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  101752. destroyed: false,
  101753. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101754. awaitDrain: 0,
  101755. readingMore: false,
  101756. decoder: null,
  101757. encoding: null },
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  101760. [Object: null prototype] {
  101761. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  101762. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  101763. data: [Function],
  101764. close: [Function] },
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  101771. finalCalled: false,
  101772. needDrain: false,
  101773. ending: false,
  101774. ended: false,
  101775. finished: false,
  101776. destroyed: false,
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  101778. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
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  101781. corked: 0,
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  101787. bufferedRequest: null,
  101788. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  101789. pendingcb: 0,
  101790. prefinished: false,
  101791. errorEmitted: false,
  101792. emitClose: false,
  101793. autoDestroy: false,
  101794. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  101795. corkedRequestsFree:
  101796. { next: null,
  101797. entry: null,
  101798. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  101799. writable: true,
  101800. allowHalfOpen: false,
  101801. _sockname: null,
  101802. _pendingData: null,
  101803. _pendingEncoding: '',
  101804. server: null,
  101805. _server: null,
  101806. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  101807. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  101808. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  101809. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  101810. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  101811. _internalId: 1,
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  101813. Denque {
  101814. _head: 0,
  101815. _tail: 0,
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  101817. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101819. _paused: false,
  101820. _paused_packets:
  101821. Denque {
  101822. _head: 0,
  101823. _tail: 0,
  101824. _capacityMask: 3,
  101825. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  101829. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  101830. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  101831. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  101832. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  101833. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  101834. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  101835. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  101836. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  101837. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101838. authorized: true,
  101839. sequenceId: 23,
  101840. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  101841. threadId: 1303,
  101842. _handshakePacket:
  101843. Handshake {
  101844. protocolVersion: 10,
  101845. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  101846. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  101847. connectionId: 1303,
  101848. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  101849. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  101850. characterSet: 255,
  101851. statusFlags: 2 },
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  101853. _protocolError: null,
  101854. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  101855. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  101856. packetParser:
  101857. PacketParser {
  101858. buffer: [],
  101859. bufferLength: 0,
  101860. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  101861. headerLen: 0,
  101862. length: 5,
  101863. largePacketParts: [],
  101864. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  101865. onPacket: [Function],
  101866. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  101867. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  101868. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  101869. connectTimeout: null,
  101870. connectionId: 1303 },
  101871. state: 'IDLE' } },
  101872. data:
  101873. PooledResource {
  101874. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  101875. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  101876. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  101877. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  101878. obj:
  101879. Connection {
  101880. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  101881. _eventsCount: 1,
  101882. _maxListeners: undefined,
  101883. config:
  101884. ConnectionConfig {
  101885. isServer: undefined,
  101886. stream: undefined,
  101887. host: 'localhost',
  101888. port: 3306,
  101889. localAddress: undefined,
  101890. socketPath: undefined,
  101891. user: 'root',
  101892. password: 'abcd1234',
  101893. passwordSha1: undefined,
  101894. database: 'lbry',
  101895. connectTimeout: 10000,
  101896. insecureAuth: false,
  101897. supportBigNumbers: true,
  101898. bigNumberStrings: false,
  101899. decimalNumbers: false,
  101900. dateStrings: false,
  101901. debug: undefined,
  101902. trace: true,
  101903. stringifyObjects: false,
  101904. timezone: '+00:00',
  101905. queryFormat: undefined,
  101906. pool: undefined,
  101907. ssl: false,
  101908. multipleStatements: false,
  101909. rowsAsArray: false,
  101910. namedPlaceholders: false,
  101911. nestTables: undefined,
  101912. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  101913. maxPacketSize: 0,
  101914. charsetNumber: 224,
  101915. compress: false,
  101916. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  101917. clientFlags: 8582093,
  101918. connectAttributes: undefined,
  101919. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  101920. stream:
  101921. Socket {
  101922. connecting: false,
  101923. _hadError: false,
  101924. _handle:
  101925. TCP {
  101926. reading: true,
  101927. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  101928. onconnection: null,
  101929. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  101931. _host: 'localhost',
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  101933. ReadableState {
  101934. objectMode: false,
  101935. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101936. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  101937. length: 0,
  101938. pipes: null,
  101939. pipesCount: 0,
  101940. flowing: true,
  101941. ended: false,
  101942. endEmitted: false,
  101943. reading: true,
  101944. sync: false,
  101945. needReadable: true,
  101946. emittedReadable: false,
  101947. readableListening: false,
  101948. resumeScheduled: false,
  101949. emitClose: false,
  101950. autoDestroy: false,
  101951. destroyed: false,
  101952. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101953. awaitDrain: 0,
  101954. readingMore: false,
  101955. decoder: null,
  101956. encoding: null },
  101957. readable: true,
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  101959. [Object: null prototype] {
  101960. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  101961. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  101962. data: [Function],
  101963. close: [Function] },
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  101965. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  101967. WritableState {
  101968. objectMode: false,
  101969. highWaterMark: 16384,
  101970. finalCalled: false,
  101971. needDrain: false,
  101972. ending: false,
  101973. ended: false,
  101974. finished: false,
  101975. destroyed: false,
  101976. decodeStrings: false,
  101977. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  101978. length: 0,
  101979. writing: false,
  101980. corked: 0,
  101981. sync: false,
  101982. bufferProcessing: false,
  101983. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  101985. writelen: 0,
  101986. bufferedRequest: null,
  101987. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  101988. pendingcb: 0,
  101989. prefinished: false,
  101990. errorEmitted: false,
  101991. emitClose: false,
  101992. autoDestroy: false,
  101993. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  101994. corkedRequestsFree:
  101995. { next: null,
  101996. entry: null,
  101997. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  101998. writable: true,
  101999. allowHalfOpen: false,
  102000. _sockname: null,
  102001. _pendingData: null,
  102002. _pendingEncoding: '',
  102003. server: null,
  102004. _server: null,
  102005. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  102006. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  102007. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  102008. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  102009. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  102010. _internalId: 2,
  102011. _commands:
  102012. Denque {
  102013. _head: 0,
  102014. _tail: 0,
  102015. _capacityMask: 3,
  102016. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102017. _command: undefined,
  102018. _paused: false,
  102019. _paused_packets:
  102020. Denque {
  102021. _head: 0,
  102022. _tail: 0,
  102023. _capacityMask: 3,
  102024. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102025. _statements:
  102026. LRUCache {
  102027. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  102028. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  102029. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  102030. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  102031. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  102032. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  102033. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  102034. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  102035. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  102036. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102037. authorized: true,
  102038. sequenceId: 2,
  102039. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  102040. threadId: 1302,
  102041. _handshakePacket:
  102042. Handshake {
  102043. protocolVersion: 10,
  102044. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  102045. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102046. connectionId: 1302,
  102047. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  102048. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  102049. characterSet: 255,
  102050. statusFlags: 2 },
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  102052. _protocolError: null,
  102053. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  102054. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  102055. packetParser:
  102056. PacketParser {
  102057. buffer: [],
  102058. bufferLength: 0,
  102059. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  102060. headerLen: 0,
  102061. length: 7,
  102062. largePacketParts: [],
  102063. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  102064. onPacket: [Function],
  102065. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  102066. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  102067. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  102068. connectTimeout: null,
  102069. connectionId: 1302 },
  102070. state: 'IDLE' } },
  102071. tail:
  102072. { prev:
  102073. { prev: null,
  102074. next: [Circular],
  102075. data:
  102076. PooledResource {
  102077. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  102078. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  102079. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  102080. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  102081. obj:
  102082. Connection {
  102083. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  102084. _eventsCount: 1,
  102085. _maxListeners: undefined,
  102086. config:
  102087. ConnectionConfig {
  102088. isServer: undefined,
  102089. stream: undefined,
  102090. host: 'localhost',
  102091. port: 3306,
  102092. localAddress: undefined,
  102093. socketPath: undefined,
  102094. user: 'root',
  102095. password: 'abcd1234',
  102096. passwordSha1: undefined,
  102097. database: 'lbry',
  102098. connectTimeout: 10000,
  102099. insecureAuth: false,
  102100. supportBigNumbers: true,
  102101. bigNumberStrings: false,
  102102. decimalNumbers: false,
  102103. dateStrings: false,
  102104. debug: undefined,
  102105. trace: true,
  102106. stringifyObjects: false,
  102107. timezone: '+00:00',
  102108. queryFormat: undefined,
  102109. pool: undefined,
  102110. ssl: false,
  102111. multipleStatements: false,
  102112. rowsAsArray: false,
  102113. namedPlaceholders: false,
  102114. nestTables: undefined,
  102115. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  102116. maxPacketSize: 0,
  102117. charsetNumber: 224,
  102118. compress: false,
  102119. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  102120. clientFlags: 8582093,
  102121. connectAttributes: undefined,
  102122. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  102123. stream:
  102124. Socket {
  102125. connecting: false,
  102126. _hadError: false,
  102127. _handle:
  102128. TCP {
  102129. reading: true,
  102130. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  102131. onconnection: null,
  102132. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  102133. _parent: null,
  102134. _host: 'localhost',
  102135. _readableState:
  102136. ReadableState {
  102137. objectMode: false,
  102138. highWaterMark: 16384,
  102139. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  102140. length: 0,
  102141. pipes: null,
  102142. pipesCount: 0,
  102143. flowing: true,
  102144. ended: false,
  102145. endEmitted: false,
  102146. reading: true,
  102147. sync: false,
  102148. needReadable: true,
  102149. emittedReadable: false,
  102150. readableListening: false,
  102151. resumeScheduled: false,
  102152. emitClose: false,
  102153. autoDestroy: false,
  102154. destroyed: false,
  102155. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  102156. awaitDrain: 0,
  102157. readingMore: false,
  102158. decoder: null,
  102159. encoding: null },
  102160. readable: true,
  102161. _events:
  102162. [Object: null prototype] {
  102163. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  102164. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  102165. data: [Function],
  102166. close: [Function] },
  102167. _eventsCount: 4,
  102168. _maxListeners: undefined,
  102169. _writableState:
  102170. WritableState {
  102171. objectMode: false,
  102172. highWaterMark: 16384,
  102173. finalCalled: false,
  102174. needDrain: false,
  102175. ending: false,
  102176. ended: false,
  102177. finished: false,
  102178. destroyed: false,
  102179. decodeStrings: false,
  102180. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  102181. length: 0,
  102182. writing: false,
  102183. corked: 0,
  102184. sync: false,
  102185. bufferProcessing: false,
  102186. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  102187. writecb: null,
  102188. writelen: 0,
  102189. bufferedRequest: null,
  102190. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  102191. pendingcb: 0,
  102192. prefinished: false,
  102193. errorEmitted: false,
  102194. emitClose: false,
  102195. autoDestroy: false,
  102196. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  102197. corkedRequestsFree:
  102198. { next: null,
  102199. entry: null,
  102200. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  102201. writable: true,
  102202. allowHalfOpen: false,
  102203. _sockname: null,
  102204. _pendingData: null,
  102205. _pendingEncoding: '',
  102206. server: null,
  102207. _server: null,
  102208. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  102209. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  102210. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  102211. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  102212. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  102213. _internalId: 2,
  102214. _commands:
  102215. Denque {
  102216. _head: 0,
  102217. _tail: 0,
  102218. _capacityMask: 3,
  102219. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102220. _command: undefined,
  102221. _paused: false,
  102222. _paused_packets:
  102223. Denque {
  102224. _head: 0,
  102225. _tail: 0,
  102226. _capacityMask: 3,
  102227. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102228. _statements:
  102229. LRUCache {
  102230. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  102231. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  102232. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  102233. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  102234. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  102235. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  102236. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  102237. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  102238. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  102239. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102240. authorized: true,
  102241. sequenceId: 2,
  102242. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  102243. threadId: 1302,
  102244. _handshakePacket:
  102245. Handshake {
  102246. protocolVersion: 10,
  102247. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  102248. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102249. connectionId: 1302,
  102250. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  102251. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  102252. characterSet: 255,
  102253. statusFlags: 2 },
  102254. _fatalError: null,
  102255. _protocolError: null,
  102256. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  102257. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  102258. packetParser:
  102259. PacketParser {
  102260. buffer: [],
  102261. bufferLength: 0,
  102262. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  102263. headerLen: 0,
  102264. length: 7,
  102265. largePacketParts: [],
  102266. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  102267. onPacket: [Function],
  102268. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  102269. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  102270. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  102271. connectTimeout: null,
  102272. connectionId: 1302 },
  102273. state: 'IDLE' } },
  102274. next: null,
  102275. data:
  102276. PooledResource {
  102277. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  102278. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  102279. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  102280. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  102281. obj:
  102282. Connection {
  102283. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  102284. _eventsCount: 1,
  102285. _maxListeners: undefined,
  102286. config:
  102287. ConnectionConfig {
  102288. isServer: undefined,
  102289. stream: undefined,
  102290. host: 'localhost',
  102291. port: 3306,
  102292. localAddress: undefined,
  102293. socketPath: undefined,
  102294. user: 'root',
  102295. password: 'abcd1234',
  102296. passwordSha1: undefined,
  102297. database: 'lbry',
  102298. connectTimeout: 10000,
  102299. insecureAuth: false,
  102300. supportBigNumbers: true,
  102301. bigNumberStrings: false,
  102302. decimalNumbers: false,
  102303. dateStrings: false,
  102304. debug: undefined,
  102305. trace: true,
  102306. stringifyObjects: false,
  102307. timezone: '+00:00',
  102308. queryFormat: undefined,
  102309. pool: undefined,
  102310. ssl: false,
  102311. multipleStatements: false,
  102312. rowsAsArray: false,
  102313. namedPlaceholders: false,
  102314. nestTables: undefined,
  102315. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  102316. maxPacketSize: 0,
  102317. charsetNumber: 224,
  102318. compress: false,
  102319. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  102320. clientFlags: 8582093,
  102321. connectAttributes: undefined,
  102322. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  102323. stream:
  102324. Socket {
  102325. connecting: false,
  102326. _hadError: false,
  102327. _handle:
  102328. TCP {
  102329. reading: true,
  102330. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  102331. onconnection: null,
  102332. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  102333. _parent: null,
  102334. _host: 'localhost',
  102335. _readableState:
  102336. ReadableState {
  102337. objectMode: false,
  102338. highWaterMark: 16384,
  102339. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  102340. length: 0,
  102341. pipes: null,
  102342. pipesCount: 0,
  102343. flowing: true,
  102344. ended: false,
  102345. endEmitted: false,
  102346. reading: true,
  102347. sync: false,
  102348. needReadable: true,
  102349. emittedReadable: false,
  102350. readableListening: false,
  102351. resumeScheduled: false,
  102352. emitClose: false,
  102353. autoDestroy: false,
  102354. destroyed: false,
  102355. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  102356. awaitDrain: 0,
  102357. readingMore: false,
  102358. decoder: null,
  102359. encoding: null },
  102360. readable: true,
  102361. _events:
  102362. [Object: null prototype] {
  102363. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  102364. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  102365. data: [Function],
  102366. close: [Function] },
  102367. _eventsCount: 4,
  102368. _maxListeners: undefined,
  102369. _writableState:
  102370. WritableState {
  102371. objectMode: false,
  102372. highWaterMark: 16384,
  102373. finalCalled: false,
  102374. needDrain: false,
  102375. ending: false,
  102376. ended: false,
  102377. finished: false,
  102378. destroyed: false,
  102379. decodeStrings: false,
  102380. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  102381. length: 0,
  102382. writing: false,
  102383. corked: 0,
  102384. sync: false,
  102385. bufferProcessing: false,
  102386. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  102387. writecb: null,
  102388. writelen: 0,
  102389. bufferedRequest: null,
  102390. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  102391. pendingcb: 0,
  102392. prefinished: false,
  102393. errorEmitted: false,
  102394. emitClose: false,
  102395. autoDestroy: false,
  102396. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  102397. corkedRequestsFree:
  102398. { next: null,
  102399. entry: null,
  102400. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  102401. writable: true,
  102402. allowHalfOpen: false,
  102403. _sockname: null,
  102404. _pendingData: null,
  102405. _pendingEncoding: '',
  102406. server: null,
  102407. _server: null,
  102408. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  102409. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  102410. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  102411. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  102412. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  102413. _internalId: 1,
  102414. _commands:
  102415. Denque {
  102416. _head: 0,
  102417. _tail: 0,
  102418. _capacityMask: 3,
  102419. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102420. _command: undefined,
  102421. _paused: false,
  102422. _paused_packets:
  102423. Denque {
  102424. _head: 0,
  102425. _tail: 0,
  102426. _capacityMask: 3,
  102427. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  102428. _statements:
  102429. LRUCache {
  102430. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  102431. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  102432. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  102433. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  102434. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  102435. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  102436. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  102437. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  102438. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  102439. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102440. authorized: true,
  102441. sequenceId: 23,
  102442. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  102443. threadId: 1303,
  102444. _handshakePacket:
  102445. Handshake {
  102446. protocolVersion: 10,
  102447. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  102448. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  102449. connectionId: 1303,
  102450. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  102451. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  102452. characterSet: 255,
  102453. statusFlags: 2 },
  102454. _fatalError: null,
  102455. _protocolError: null,
  102456. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  102457. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  102458. packetParser:
  102459. PacketParser {
  102460. buffer: [],
  102461. bufferLength: 0,
  102462. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  102463. headerLen: 0,
  102464. length: 5,
  102465. largePacketParts: [],
  102466. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  102467. onPacket: [Function],
  102468. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  102469. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  102470. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  102471. connectTimeout: null,
  102472. connectionId: 1303 },
  102473. state: 'IDLE' } },
  102474. length: 2 },
  102475. _direction: 'next',
  102476. _startPosition: 'head',
  102477. _started: false,
  102478. _cursor: null,
  102479. _done: false },
  102480. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  102481. _scheduledEviction:
  102482. Timeout {
  102483. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  102484. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  102485. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  102486. _idleStart: 432,
  102487. _onTimeout: [Function],
  102488. _timerArgs: undefined,
  102489. _repeat: null,
  102490. _destroyed: false,
  102491. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  102492. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  102493. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  102494. lib:
  102495. { createConnection: [Function],
  102496. connect: [Function],
  102497. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  102498. createPool: [Function],
  102499. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  102500. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  102501. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  102502. createServer: [Function],
  102503. PoolConnection:
  102504. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  102505. escape: [Function: escape],
  102506. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  102507. format: [Function: format],
  102508. raw: [Function: raw],
  102509. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  102510. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  102511. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  102512. Types: [Getter],
  102513. Charsets: [Getter],
  102514. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  102515. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  102516. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  102517. QueryGenerator:
  102518. { dialect: 'mysql',
  102519. OperatorMap:
  102520. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  102521. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  102522. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  102523. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  102524. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  102525. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  102526. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  102527. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  102528. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  102529. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  102530. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  102531. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  102532. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  102533. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  102534. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  102535. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  102536. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  102537. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  102538. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  102539. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  102540. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  102541. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  102542. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  102543. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  102544. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  102545. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  102546. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  102547. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  102548. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  102549. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  102550. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  102551. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  102552. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  102553. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  102554. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  102555. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  102556. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  102557. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  102558. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  102559. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  102560. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  102561. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  102562. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  102563. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  102564. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  102565. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  102566. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  102567. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  102568. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  102569. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  102570. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  102571. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  102572. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  102573. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  102574. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  102575. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  102576. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  102577. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  102578. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  102579. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  102580. _templateSettings:
  102581. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  102582. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  102583. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  102584. variable: '',
  102585. imports:
  102586. { _:
  102587. { [Function: lodash]
  102588. templateSettings: [Circular],
  102589. after: [Function: after],
  102590. ary: [Function: ary],
  102591. assign: [Function],
  102592. assignIn: [Function],
  102593. assignInWith: [Function],
  102594. assignWith: [Function],
  102595. at: [Function],
  102596. before: [Function: before],
  102597. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102598. bindAll: [Function],
  102599. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102600. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  102601. chain: [Function: chain],
  102602. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  102603. compact: [Function: compact],
  102604. concat: [Function: concat],
  102605. cond: [Function: cond],
  102606. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  102607. constant: [Function: constant],
  102608. countBy: [Function],
  102609. create: [Function: create],
  102610. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102611. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102612. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  102613. defaults: [Function],
  102614. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  102615. defer: [Function],
  102616. delay: [Function],
  102617. difference: [Function],
  102618. differenceBy: [Function],
  102619. differenceWith: [Function],
  102620. drop: [Function: drop],
  102621. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  102622. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  102623. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  102624. fill: [Function: fill],
  102625. filter: [Function: filter],
  102626. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  102627. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  102628. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  102629. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  102630. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  102631. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  102632. flip: [Function: flip],
  102633. flow: [Function],
  102634. flowRight: [Function],
  102635. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  102636. functions: [Function: functions],
  102637. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  102638. groupBy: [Function],
  102639. initial: [Function: initial],
  102640. intersection: [Function],
  102641. intersectionBy: [Function],
  102642. intersectionWith: [Function],
  102643. invert: [Function],
  102644. invertBy: [Function],
  102645. invokeMap: [Function],
  102646. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  102647. keyBy: [Function],
  102648. keys: [Function: keys],
  102649. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  102650. map: [Function: map],
  102651. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  102652. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  102653. matches: [Function: matches],
  102654. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  102655. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  102656. merge: [Function],
  102657. mergeWith: [Function],
  102658. method: [Function],
  102659. methodOf: [Function],
  102660. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  102661. negate: [Function: negate],
  102662. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  102663. omit: [Function],
  102664. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  102665. once: [Function: once],
  102666. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  102667. over: [Function],
  102668. overArgs: [Function],
  102669. overEvery: [Function],
  102670. overSome: [Function],
  102671. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102672. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  102673. partition: [Function],
  102674. pick: [Function],
  102675. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  102676. property: [Function: property],
  102677. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  102678. pull: [Function],
  102679. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  102680. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  102681. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  102682. pullAt: [Function],
  102683. range: [Function],
  102684. rangeRight: [Function],
  102685. rearg: [Function],
  102686. reject: [Function: reject],
  102687. remove: [Function: remove],
  102688. rest: [Function: rest],
  102689. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  102690. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  102691. set: [Function: set],
  102692. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  102693. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  102694. slice: [Function: slice],
  102695. sortBy: [Function],
  102696. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  102697. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  102698. split: [Function: split],
  102699. spread: [Function: spread],
  102700. tail: [Function: tail],
  102701. take: [Function: take],
  102702. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  102703. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  102704. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  102705. tap: [Function: tap],
  102706. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  102707. thru: [Function: thru],
  102708. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  102709. toPairs: [Function],
  102710. toPairsIn: [Function],
  102711. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  102712. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  102713. transform: [Function: transform],
  102714. unary: [Function: unary],
  102715. union: [Function],
  102716. unionBy: [Function],
  102717. unionWith: [Function],
  102718. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  102719. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  102720. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  102721. unset: [Function: unset],
  102722. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  102723. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  102724. update: [Function: update],
  102725. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  102726. values: [Function: values],
  102727. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  102728. without: [Function],
  102729. words: [Function: words],
  102730. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  102731. xor: [Function],
  102732. xorBy: [Function],
  102733. xorWith: [Function],
  102734. zip: [Function],
  102735. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  102736. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  102737. zipWith: [Function],
  102738. entries: [Function],
  102739. entriesIn: [Function],
  102740. extend: [Function],
  102741. extendWith: [Function],
  102742. add: [Function],
  102743. attempt: [Function],
  102744. camelCase: [Function],
  102745. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  102746. ceil: [Function],
  102747. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  102748. clone: [Function: clone],
  102749. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  102750. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  102751. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  102752. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  102753. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  102754. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  102755. divide: [Function],
  102756. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  102757. eq: [Function: eq],
  102758. escape: [Function: escape],
  102759. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  102760. every: [Function: every],
  102761. find: [Function],
  102762. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  102763. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  102764. findLast: [Function],
  102765. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  102766. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  102767. floor: [Function],
  102768. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  102769. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  102770. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  102771. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  102772. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  102773. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  102774. get: [Function: get],
  102775. gt: [Function],
  102776. gte: [Function],
  102777. has: [Function: has],
  102778. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  102779. head: [Function: head],
  102780. identity: [Function: identity],
  102781. includes: [Function: includes],
  102782. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  102783. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  102784. invoke: [Function],
  102785. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  102786. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  102787. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  102788. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  102789. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  102790. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  102791. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  102792. isDate: [Function],
  102793. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  102794. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  102795. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  102796. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  102797. isError: [Function: isError],
  102798. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  102799. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  102800. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  102801. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  102802. isMap: [Function],
  102803. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  102804. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  102805. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  102806. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  102807. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  102808. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  102809. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  102810. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  102811. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  102812. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  102813. isRegExp: [Function],
  102814. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  102815. isSet: [Function],
  102816. isString: [Function: isString],
  102817. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  102818. isTypedArray: [Function],
  102819. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  102820. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  102821. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  102822. join: [Function: join],
  102823. kebabCase: [Function],
  102824. last: [Function: last],
  102825. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  102826. lowerCase: [Function],
  102827. lowerFirst: [Function],
  102828. lt: [Function],
  102829. lte: [Function],
  102830. max: [Function: max],
  102831. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  102832. mean: [Function: mean],
  102833. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  102834. min: [Function: min],
  102835. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  102836. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  102837. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  102838. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  102839. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  102840. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  102841. multiply: [Function],
  102842. nth: [Function: nth],
  102843. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  102844. noop: [Function: noop],
  102845. now: [Function],
  102846. pad: [Function: pad],
  102847. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  102848. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  102849. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  102850. random: [Function: random],
  102851. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  102852. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  102853. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  102854. replace: [Function: replace],
  102855. result: [Function: result],
  102856. round: [Function],
  102857. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  102858. sample: [Function: sample],
  102859. size: [Function: size],
  102860. snakeCase: [Function],
  102861. some: [Function: some],
  102862. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  102863. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  102864. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  102865. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  102866. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  102867. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  102868. startCase: [Function],
  102869. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  102870. subtract: [Function],
  102871. sum: [Function: sum],
  102872. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  102873. template: [Function: template],
  102874. times: [Function: times],
  102875. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  102876. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  102877. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  102878. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  102879. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  102880. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  102881. toString: [Function: toString],
  102882. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  102883. trim: [Function: trim],
  102884. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  102885. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  102886. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  102887. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  102888. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  102889. upperCase: [Function],
  102890. upperFirst: [Function],
  102891. each: [Function: forEach],
  102892. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  102893. first: [Function: head],
  102894. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  102895. options:
  102896. { dialect: 'mysql',
  102897. dialectModulePath: null,
  102898. host: 'localhost',
  102899. protocol: 'tcp',
  102900. define: {},
  102901. query: {},
  102902. sync: {},
  102903. timezone: '+00:00',
  102904. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  102905. omitNull: false,
  102906. native: false,
  102907. replication: false,
  102908. ssl: undefined,
  102909. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  102910. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  102911. hooks: {},
  102912. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  102913. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  102914. isolationLevel: null,
  102915. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  102916. typeValidation: false,
  102917. benchmark: false,
  102918. operatorsAliases: false },
  102919. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  102920. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  102921. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  102922. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  102923. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  102924. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  102925. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  102926. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  102927. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  102928. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  102929. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  102930. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  102931. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  102932. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  102933. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  102934. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  102935. quote: [Function: quote],
  102936. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  102937. escape: [Function: escape],
  102938. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  102939. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  102940. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  102941. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  102942. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  102943. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  102944. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  102945. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  102946. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  102947. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  102948. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  102949. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  102950. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  102951. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  102952. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  102953. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  102954. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  102955. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  102956. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  102957. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  102958. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  102959. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  102960. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  102961. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  102962. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  102963. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  102964. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  102965. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  102966. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  102967. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  102968. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  102969. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  102970. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  102971. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  102972. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  102973. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  102974. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  102975. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  102976. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  102977. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  102978. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  102979. _dialect: [Circular],
  102980. sequelize: [Circular],
  102981. typeValidation: undefined } },
  102982. queryInterface:
  102983. QueryInterface {
  102984. sequelize: [Circular],
  102985. QueryGenerator:
  102986. { dialect: 'mysql',
  102987. OperatorMap:
  102988. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  102989. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  102990. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  102991. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  102992. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  102993. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  102994. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  102995. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  102996. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  102997. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  102998. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  102999. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  103000. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  103001. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  103002. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  103003. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  103004. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  103005. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  103006. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  103007. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  103008. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  103009. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  103010. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  103011. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  103012. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  103013. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  103014. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  103015. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  103016. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  103017. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  103018. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  103019. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  103020. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  103021. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  103022. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  103023. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  103024. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  103025. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  103026. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  103027. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  103028. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  103029. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  103030. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  103031. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  103032. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  103033. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  103034. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  103035. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  103036. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  103037. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  103038. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  103039. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  103040. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  103041. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  103042. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  103043. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  103044. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  103045. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  103046. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  103047. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  103048. _templateSettings:
  103049. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  103050. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  103051. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  103052. variable: '',
  103053. imports:
  103054. { _:
  103055. { [Function: lodash]
  103056. templateSettings: [Circular],
  103057. after: [Function: after],
  103058. ary: [Function: ary],
  103059. assign: [Function],
  103060. assignIn: [Function],
  103061. assignInWith: [Function],
  103062. assignWith: [Function],
  103063. at: [Function],
  103064. before: [Function: before],
  103065. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103066. bindAll: [Function],
  103067. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103068. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  103069. chain: [Function: chain],
  103070. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  103071. compact: [Function: compact],
  103072. concat: [Function: concat],
  103073. cond: [Function: cond],
  103074. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  103075. constant: [Function: constant],
  103076. countBy: [Function],
  103077. create: [Function: create],
  103078. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103079. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103080. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  103081. defaults: [Function],
  103082. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  103083. defer: [Function],
  103084. delay: [Function],
  103085. difference: [Function],
  103086. differenceBy: [Function],
  103087. differenceWith: [Function],
  103088. drop: [Function: drop],
  103089. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  103090. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  103091. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  103092. fill: [Function: fill],
  103093. filter: [Function: filter],
  103094. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  103095. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  103096. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  103097. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  103098. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  103099. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  103100. flip: [Function: flip],
  103101. flow: [Function],
  103102. flowRight: [Function],
  103103. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  103104. functions: [Function: functions],
  103105. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  103106. groupBy: [Function],
  103107. initial: [Function: initial],
  103108. intersection: [Function],
  103109. intersectionBy: [Function],
  103110. intersectionWith: [Function],
  103111. invert: [Function],
  103112. invertBy: [Function],
  103113. invokeMap: [Function],
  103114. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  103115. keyBy: [Function],
  103116. keys: [Function: keys],
  103117. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  103118. map: [Function: map],
  103119. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  103120. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  103121. matches: [Function: matches],
  103122. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  103123. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  103124. merge: [Function],
  103125. mergeWith: [Function],
  103126. method: [Function],
  103127. methodOf: [Function],
  103128. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  103129. negate: [Function: negate],
  103130. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  103131. omit: [Function],
  103132. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  103133. once: [Function: once],
  103134. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  103135. over: [Function],
  103136. overArgs: [Function],
  103137. overEvery: [Function],
  103138. overSome: [Function],
  103139. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103140. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  103141. partition: [Function],
  103142. pick: [Function],
  103143. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  103144. property: [Function: property],
  103145. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  103146. pull: [Function],
  103147. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  103148. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  103149. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  103150. pullAt: [Function],
  103151. range: [Function],
  103152. rangeRight: [Function],
  103153. rearg: [Function],
  103154. reject: [Function: reject],
  103155. remove: [Function: remove],
  103156. rest: [Function: rest],
  103157. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  103158. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  103159. set: [Function: set],
  103160. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  103161. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  103162. slice: [Function: slice],
  103163. sortBy: [Function],
  103164. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  103165. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  103166. split: [Function: split],
  103167. spread: [Function: spread],
  103168. tail: [Function: tail],
  103169. take: [Function: take],
  103170. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  103171. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  103172. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  103173. tap: [Function: tap],
  103174. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  103175. thru: [Function: thru],
  103176. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  103177. toPairs: [Function],
  103178. toPairsIn: [Function],
  103179. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  103180. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  103181. transform: [Function: transform],
  103182. unary: [Function: unary],
  103183. union: [Function],
  103184. unionBy: [Function],
  103185. unionWith: [Function],
  103186. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  103187. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  103188. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  103189. unset: [Function: unset],
  103190. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  103191. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  103192. update: [Function: update],
  103193. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  103194. values: [Function: values],
  103195. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  103196. without: [Function],
  103197. words: [Function: words],
  103198. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  103199. xor: [Function],
  103200. xorBy: [Function],
  103201. xorWith: [Function],
  103202. zip: [Function],
  103203. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  103204. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  103205. zipWith: [Function],
  103206. entries: [Function],
  103207. entriesIn: [Function],
  103208. extend: [Function],
  103209. extendWith: [Function],
  103210. add: [Function],
  103211. attempt: [Function],
  103212. camelCase: [Function],
  103213. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  103214. ceil: [Function],
  103215. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  103216. clone: [Function: clone],
  103217. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  103218. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  103219. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  103220. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  103221. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  103222. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  103223. divide: [Function],
  103224. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  103225. eq: [Function: eq],
  103226. escape: [Function: escape],
  103227. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  103228. every: [Function: every],
  103229. find: [Function],
  103230. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  103231. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  103232. findLast: [Function],
  103233. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  103234. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  103235. floor: [Function],
  103236. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  103237. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  103238. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  103239. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  103240. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  103241. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  103242. get: [Function: get],
  103243. gt: [Function],
  103244. gte: [Function],
  103245. has: [Function: has],
  103246. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  103247. head: [Function: head],
  103248. identity: [Function: identity],
  103249. includes: [Function: includes],
  103250. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  103251. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  103252. invoke: [Function],
  103253. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  103254. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  103255. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  103256. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  103257. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  103258. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  103259. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  103260. isDate: [Function],
  103261. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  103262. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  103263. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  103264. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  103265. isError: [Function: isError],
  103266. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  103267. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  103268. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  103269. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  103270. isMap: [Function],
  103271. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  103272. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  103273. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  103274. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  103275. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  103276. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  103277. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  103278. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  103279. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  103280. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  103281. isRegExp: [Function],
  103282. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  103283. isSet: [Function],
  103284. isString: [Function: isString],
  103285. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  103286. isTypedArray: [Function],
  103287. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  103288. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  103289. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  103290. join: [Function: join],
  103291. kebabCase: [Function],
  103292. last: [Function: last],
  103293. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  103294. lowerCase: [Function],
  103295. lowerFirst: [Function],
  103296. lt: [Function],
  103297. lte: [Function],
  103298. max: [Function: max],
  103299. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  103300. mean: [Function: mean],
  103301. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  103302. min: [Function: min],
  103303. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  103304. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  103305. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  103306. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  103307. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  103308. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  103309. multiply: [Function],
  103310. nth: [Function: nth],
  103311. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  103312. noop: [Function: noop],
  103313. now: [Function],
  103314. pad: [Function: pad],
  103315. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  103316. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  103317. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  103318. random: [Function: random],
  103319. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  103320. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  103321. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  103322. replace: [Function: replace],
  103323. result: [Function: result],
  103324. round: [Function],
  103325. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  103326. sample: [Function: sample],
  103327. size: [Function: size],
  103328. snakeCase: [Function],
  103329. some: [Function: some],
  103330. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  103331. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  103332. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  103333. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  103334. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  103335. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  103336. startCase: [Function],
  103337. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  103338. subtract: [Function],
  103339. sum: [Function: sum],
  103340. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  103341. template: [Function: template],
  103342. times: [Function: times],
  103343. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  103344. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  103345. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  103346. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  103347. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  103348. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  103349. toString: [Function: toString],
  103350. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  103351. trim: [Function: trim],
  103352. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  103353. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  103354. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  103355. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  103356. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  103357. upperCase: [Function],
  103358. upperFirst: [Function],
  103359. each: [Function: forEach],
  103360. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  103361. first: [Function: head],
  103362. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  103363. options:
  103364. { dialect: 'mysql',
  103365. dialectModulePath: null,
  103366. host: 'localhost',
  103367. protocol: 'tcp',
  103368. define: {},
  103369. query: {},
  103370. sync: {},
  103371. timezone: '+00:00',
  103372. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  103373. omitNull: false,
  103374. native: false,
  103375. replication: false,
  103376. ssl: undefined,
  103377. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  103378. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  103379. hooks: {},
  103380. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  103381. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  103382. isolationLevel: null,
  103383. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  103384. typeValidation: false,
  103385. benchmark: false,
  103386. operatorsAliases: false },
  103387. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  103388. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  103389. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  103390. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  103391. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  103392. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  103393. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  103394. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  103395. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  103396. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  103397. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  103398. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  103399. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  103400. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  103401. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  103402. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  103403. quote: [Function: quote],
  103404. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  103405. escape: [Function: escape],
  103406. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  103407. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  103408. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  103409. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  103410. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  103411. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  103412. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  103413. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  103414. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  103415. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  103416. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  103417. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  103418. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  103419. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  103420. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  103421. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  103422. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  103423. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  103424. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  103425. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  103426. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  103427. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  103428. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  103429. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  103430. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  103431. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  103432. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  103433. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  103434. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  103435. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  103436. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  103437. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  103438. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  103439. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  103440. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  103441. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  103442. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  103443. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  103444. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  103445. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  103446. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  103447. _dialect:
  103448. MysqlDialect {
  103449. sequelize: [Circular],
  103450. connectionManager:
  103451. ConnectionManager {
  103452. sequelize: [Circular],
  103453. config:
  103454. { database: 'lbry',
  103455. username: 'root',
  103456. password: 'abcd1234',
  103457. host: 'localhost',
  103458. port: undefined,
  103459. pool:
  103460. { max: 5,
  103461. min: 0,
  103462. acquire: 30000,
  103463. idle: 10000,
  103464. evict: 10000,
  103465. handleDisconnects: true,
  103466. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  103467. Promise:
  103468. { [Function: Promise]
  103469. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  103470. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  103471. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  103472. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  103473. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103474. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103475. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  103476. _peekContext: [Function],
  103477. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  103478. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  103479. longStackTraces: [Function],
  103480. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  103481. config: [Function],
  103482. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  103483. is: [Function],
  103484. fromCallback: [Function],
  103485. fromNode: [Function],
  103486. all: [Function],
  103487. cast: [Function],
  103488. fulfilled: [Function],
  103489. resolve: [Function],
  103490. rejected: [Function],
  103491. reject: [Function],
  103492. setScheduler: [Function],
  103493. pending: [Function],
  103494. defer: [Function],
  103495. method: [Function],
  103496. try: [Function],
  103497. attempt: [Function],
  103498. bind: [Function],
  103499. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  103500. join: [Function],
  103501. Promise: [Circular],
  103502. version: '3.5.3',
  103503. map: [Function],
  103504. using: [Function],
  103505. delay: [Function],
  103506. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  103507. spawn: [Function],
  103508. promisify: [Function],
  103509. promisifyAll: [Function],
  103510. props: [Function],
  103511. race: [Function],
  103512. reduce: [Function],
  103513. settle: [Function],
  103514. some: [Function],
  103515. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  103516. filter: [Function],
  103517. each: [Function],
  103518. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  103519. any: [Function],
  103520. default: [Circular] } },
  103521. protocol: 'tcp',
  103522. native: false,
  103523. ssl: undefined,
  103524. replication: false,
  103525. dialectModulePath: null,
  103526. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  103527. dialectOptions: undefined },
  103528. dialect: [Circular],
  103529. versionPromise: null,
  103530. dialectName: 'mysql',
  103531. pool:
  103532. Pool {
  103533. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  103534. _eventsCount: 0,
  103535. _maxListeners: undefined,
  103536. _config:
  103537. PoolOptions {
  103538. fifo: true,
  103539. priorityRange: 1,
  103540. testOnBorrow: true,
  103541. testOnReturn: false,
  103542. autostart: false,
  103543. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  103544. max: 5,
  103545. min: 0,
  103546. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  103547. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  103548. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  103549. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  103550. Promise:
  103551. { [Function: Promise]
  103552. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  103553. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  103554. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  103555. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  103556. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103557. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103558. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  103559. _peekContext: [Function],
  103560. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  103561. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  103562. longStackTraces: [Function],
  103563. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  103564. config: [Function],
  103565. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  103566. is: [Function],
  103567. fromCallback: [Function],
  103568. fromNode: [Function],
  103569. all: [Function],
  103570. cast: [Function],
  103571. fulfilled: [Function],
  103572. resolve: [Function],
  103573. rejected: [Function],
  103574. reject: [Function],
  103575. setScheduler: [Function],
  103576. pending: [Function],
  103577. defer: [Function],
  103578. method: [Function],
  103579. try: [Function],
  103580. attempt: [Function],
  103581. bind: [Function],
  103582. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  103583. join: [Function],
  103584. Promise: [Circular],
  103585. version: '3.5.3',
  103586. map: [Function],
  103587. using: [Function],
  103588. delay: [Function],
  103589. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  103590. spawn: [Function],
  103591. promisify: [Function],
  103592. promisifyAll: [Function],
  103593. props: [Function],
  103594. race: [Function],
  103595. reduce: [Function],
  103596. settle: [Function],
  103597. some: [Function],
  103598. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  103599. filter: [Function],
  103600. each: [Function],
  103601. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  103602. any: [Function],
  103603. default: [Circular] } },
  103604. _Promise:
  103605. { [Function: Promise]
  103606. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  103607. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  103608. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  103609. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  103610. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103611. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  103612. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  103613. _peekContext: [Function],
  103614. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  103615. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  103616. longStackTraces: [Function],
  103617. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  103618. config: [Function],
  103619. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  103620. is: [Function],
  103621. fromCallback: [Function],
  103622. fromNode: [Function],
  103623. all: [Function],
  103624. cast: [Function],
  103625. fulfilled: [Function],
  103626. resolve: [Function],
  103627. rejected: [Function],
  103628. reject: [Function],
  103629. setScheduler: [Function],
  103630. pending: [Function],
  103631. defer: [Function],
  103632. method: [Function],
  103633. try: [Function],
  103634. attempt: [Function],
  103635. bind: [Function],
  103636. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  103637. join: [Function],
  103638. Promise: [Circular],
  103639. version: '3.5.3',
  103640. map: [Function],
  103641. using: [Function],
  103642. delay: [Function],
  103643. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  103644. spawn: [Function],
  103645. promisify: [Function],
  103646. promisifyAll: [Function],
  103647. props: [Function],
  103648. race: [Function],
  103649. reduce: [Function],
  103650. settle: [Function],
  103651. some: [Function],
  103652. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  103653. filter: [Function],
  103654. each: [Function],
  103655. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  103656. any: [Function],
  103657. default: [Circular] },
  103658. _factory:
  103659. { create: [Function: create],
  103660. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  103661. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  103662. _draining: false,
  103663. _started: true,
  103664. _waitingClientsQueue:
  103665. PriorityQueue {
  103666. _size: 1,
  103667. _slots:
  103668. [ Queue {
  103669. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  103670. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  103671. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  103672. _availableObjects:
  103673. Deque {
  103674. _list:
  103675. DoublyLinkedList {
  103676. head:
  103677. { prev: null,
  103678. next:
  103679. { prev: [Circular],
  103680. next: null,
  103681. data:
  103682. PooledResource {
  103683. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  103684. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  103685. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  103686. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  103687. obj:
  103688. Connection {
  103689. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  103690. _eventsCount: 1,
  103691. _maxListeners: undefined,
  103692. config:
  103693. ConnectionConfig {
  103694. isServer: undefined,
  103695. stream: undefined,
  103696. host: 'localhost',
  103697. port: 3306,
  103698. localAddress: undefined,
  103699. socketPath: undefined,
  103700. user: 'root',
  103701. password: 'abcd1234',
  103702. passwordSha1: undefined,
  103703. database: 'lbry',
  103704. connectTimeout: 10000,
  103705. insecureAuth: false,
  103706. supportBigNumbers: true,
  103707. bigNumberStrings: false,
  103708. decimalNumbers: false,
  103709. dateStrings: false,
  103710. debug: undefined,
  103711. trace: true,
  103712. stringifyObjects: false,
  103713. timezone: '+00:00',
  103714. queryFormat: undefined,
  103715. pool: undefined,
  103716. ssl: false,
  103717. multipleStatements: false,
  103718. rowsAsArray: false,
  103719. namedPlaceholders: false,
  103720. nestTables: undefined,
  103721. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  103722. maxPacketSize: 0,
  103723. charsetNumber: 224,
  103724. compress: false,
  103725. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  103726. clientFlags: 8582093,
  103727. connectAttributes: undefined,
  103728. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  103729. stream:
  103730. Socket {
  103731. connecting: false,
  103732. _hadError: false,
  103733. _handle:
  103734. TCP {
  103735. reading: true,
  103736. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  103737. onconnection: null,
  103738. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  103739. _parent: null,
  103740. _host: 'localhost',
  103741. _readableState:
  103742. ReadableState {
  103743. objectMode: false,
  103744. highWaterMark: 16384,
  103745. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  103746. length: 0,
  103747. pipes: null,
  103748. pipesCount: 0,
  103749. flowing: true,
  103750. ended: false,
  103751. endEmitted: false,
  103752. reading: true,
  103753. sync: false,
  103754. needReadable: true,
  103755. emittedReadable: false,
  103756. readableListening: false,
  103757. resumeScheduled: false,
  103758. emitClose: false,
  103759. autoDestroy: false,
  103760. destroyed: false,
  103761. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  103762. awaitDrain: 0,
  103763. readingMore: false,
  103764. decoder: null,
  103765. encoding: null },
  103766. readable: true,
  103767. _events:
  103768. [Object: null prototype] {
  103769. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  103770. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  103771. data: [Function],
  103772. close: [Function] },
  103773. _eventsCount: 4,
  103774. _maxListeners: undefined,
  103775. _writableState:
  103776. WritableState {
  103777. objectMode: false,
  103778. highWaterMark: 16384,
  103779. finalCalled: false,
  103780. needDrain: false,
  103781. ending: false,
  103782. ended: false,
  103783. finished: false,
  103784. destroyed: false,
  103785. decodeStrings: false,
  103786. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  103787. length: 0,
  103788. writing: false,
  103789. corked: 0,
  103790. sync: false,
  103791. bufferProcessing: false,
  103792. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  103793. writecb: null,
  103794. writelen: 0,
  103795. bufferedRequest: null,
  103796. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  103797. pendingcb: 0,
  103798. prefinished: false,
  103799. errorEmitted: false,
  103800. emitClose: false,
  103801. autoDestroy: false,
  103802. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  103803. corkedRequestsFree:
  103804. { next: null,
  103805. entry: null,
  103806. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  103807. writable: true,
  103808. allowHalfOpen: false,
  103809. _sockname: null,
  103810. _pendingData: null,
  103811. _pendingEncoding: '',
  103812. server: null,
  103813. _server: null,
  103814. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  103815. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  103816. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  103817. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  103818. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  103819. _internalId: 1,
  103820. _commands:
  103821. Denque {
  103822. _head: 0,
  103823. _tail: 0,
  103824. _capacityMask: 3,
  103825. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  103826. _command: undefined,
  103827. _paused: false,
  103828. _paused_packets:
  103829. Denque {
  103830. _head: 0,
  103831. _tail: 0,
  103832. _capacityMask: 3,
  103833. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  103834. _statements:
  103835. LRUCache {
  103836. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  103837. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  103838. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  103839. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  103840. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  103841. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  103842. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  103843. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  103844. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  103845. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  103846. authorized: true,
  103847. sequenceId: 23,
  103848. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  103849. threadId: 1303,
  103850. _handshakePacket:
  103851. Handshake {
  103852. protocolVersion: 10,
  103853. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  103854. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  103855. connectionId: 1303,
  103856. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  103857. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  103858. characterSet: 255,
  103859. statusFlags: 2 },
  103860. _fatalError: null,
  103861. _protocolError: null,
  103862. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  103863. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  103864. packetParser:
  103865. PacketParser {
  103866. buffer: [],
  103867. bufferLength: 0,
  103868. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  103869. headerLen: 0,
  103870. length: 5,
  103871. largePacketParts: [],
  103872. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  103873. onPacket: [Function],
  103874. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  103875. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  103876. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  103877. connectTimeout: null,
  103878. connectionId: 1303 },
  103879. state: 'IDLE' } },
  103880. data:
  103881. PooledResource {
  103882. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  103883. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  103884. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  103885. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  103886. obj:
  103887. Connection {
  103888. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  103889. _eventsCount: 1,
  103890. _maxListeners: undefined,
  103891. config:
  103892. ConnectionConfig {
  103893. isServer: undefined,
  103894. stream: undefined,
  103895. host: 'localhost',
  103896. port: 3306,
  103897. localAddress: undefined,
  103898. socketPath: undefined,
  103899. user: 'root',
  103900. password: 'abcd1234',
  103901. passwordSha1: undefined,
  103902. database: 'lbry',
  103903. connectTimeout: 10000,
  103904. insecureAuth: false,
  103905. supportBigNumbers: true,
  103906. bigNumberStrings: false,
  103907. decimalNumbers: false,
  103908. dateStrings: false,
  103909. debug: undefined,
  103910. trace: true,
  103911. stringifyObjects: false,
  103912. timezone: '+00:00',
  103913. queryFormat: undefined,
  103914. pool: undefined,
  103915. ssl: false,
  103916. multipleStatements: false,
  103917. rowsAsArray: false,
  103918. namedPlaceholders: false,
  103919. nestTables: undefined,
  103920. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  103921. maxPacketSize: 0,
  103922. charsetNumber: 224,
  103923. compress: false,
  103924. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  103925. clientFlags: 8582093,
  103926. connectAttributes: undefined,
  103927. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  103928. stream:
  103929. Socket {
  103930. connecting: false,
  103931. _hadError: false,
  103932. _handle:
  103933. TCP {
  103934. reading: true,
  103935. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  103936. onconnection: null,
  103937. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  103938. _parent: null,
  103939. _host: 'localhost',
  103940. _readableState:
  103941. ReadableState {
  103942. objectMode: false,
  103943. highWaterMark: 16384,
  103944. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  103945. length: 0,
  103946. pipes: null,
  103947. pipesCount: 0,
  103948. flowing: true,
  103949. ended: false,
  103950. endEmitted: false,
  103951. reading: true,
  103952. sync: false,
  103953. needReadable: true,
  103954. emittedReadable: false,
  103955. readableListening: false,
  103956. resumeScheduled: false,
  103957. emitClose: false,
  103958. autoDestroy: false,
  103959. destroyed: false,
  103960. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  103961. awaitDrain: 0,
  103962. readingMore: false,
  103963. decoder: null,
  103964. encoding: null },
  103965. readable: true,
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  103967. [Object: null prototype] {
  103968. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  103969. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  103970. data: [Function],
  103971. close: [Function] },
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  103973. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  103975. WritableState {
  103976. objectMode: false,
  103977. highWaterMark: 16384,
  103978. finalCalled: false,
  103979. needDrain: false,
  103980. ending: false,
  103981. ended: false,
  103982. finished: false,
  103983. destroyed: false,
  103984. decodeStrings: false,
  103985. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  103986. length: 0,
  103987. writing: false,
  103988. corked: 0,
  103989. sync: false,
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  103991. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  103993. writelen: 0,
  103994. bufferedRequest: null,
  103995. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  103996. pendingcb: 0,
  103997. prefinished: false,
  103998. errorEmitted: false,
  103999. emitClose: false,
  104000. autoDestroy: false,
  104001. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  104002. corkedRequestsFree:
  104003. { next: null,
  104004. entry: null,
  104005. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  104006. writable: true,
  104007. allowHalfOpen: false,
  104008. _sockname: null,
  104009. _pendingData: null,
  104010. _pendingEncoding: '',
  104011. server: null,
  104012. _server: null,
  104013. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  104014. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  104015. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  104016. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  104017. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  104018. _internalId: 2,
  104019. _commands:
  104020. Denque {
  104021. _head: 0,
  104022. _tail: 0,
  104023. _capacityMask: 3,
  104024. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104025. _command: undefined,
  104026. _paused: false,
  104027. _paused_packets:
  104028. Denque {
  104029. _head: 0,
  104030. _tail: 0,
  104031. _capacityMask: 3,
  104032. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104033. _statements:
  104034. LRUCache {
  104035. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  104036. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  104037. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  104038. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  104039. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  104040. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  104041. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  104042. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  104043. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  104044. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104045. authorized: true,
  104046. sequenceId: 2,
  104047. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  104048. threadId: 1302,
  104049. _handshakePacket:
  104050. Handshake {
  104051. protocolVersion: 10,
  104052. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  104053. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104054. connectionId: 1302,
  104055. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  104056. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  104057. characterSet: 255,
  104058. statusFlags: 2 },
  104059. _fatalError: null,
  104060. _protocolError: null,
  104061. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  104062. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  104063. packetParser:
  104064. PacketParser {
  104065. buffer: [],
  104066. bufferLength: 0,
  104067. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  104068. headerLen: 0,
  104069. length: 7,
  104070. largePacketParts: [],
  104071. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  104072. onPacket: [Function],
  104073. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  104074. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  104075. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  104076. connectTimeout: null,
  104077. connectionId: 1302 },
  104078. state: 'IDLE' } },
  104079. tail:
  104080. { prev:
  104081. { prev: null,
  104082. next: [Circular],
  104083. data:
  104084. PooledResource {
  104085. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  104086. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  104087. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  104088. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  104089. obj:
  104090. Connection {
  104091. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  104092. _eventsCount: 1,
  104093. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104094. config:
  104095. ConnectionConfig {
  104096. isServer: undefined,
  104097. stream: undefined,
  104098. host: 'localhost',
  104099. port: 3306,
  104100. localAddress: undefined,
  104101. socketPath: undefined,
  104102. user: 'root',
  104103. password: 'abcd1234',
  104104. passwordSha1: undefined,
  104105. database: 'lbry',
  104106. connectTimeout: 10000,
  104107. insecureAuth: false,
  104108. supportBigNumbers: true,
  104109. bigNumberStrings: false,
  104110. decimalNumbers: false,
  104111. dateStrings: false,
  104112. debug: undefined,
  104113. trace: true,
  104114. stringifyObjects: false,
  104115. timezone: '+00:00',
  104116. queryFormat: undefined,
  104117. pool: undefined,
  104118. ssl: false,
  104119. multipleStatements: false,
  104120. rowsAsArray: false,
  104121. namedPlaceholders: false,
  104122. nestTables: undefined,
  104123. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  104124. maxPacketSize: 0,
  104125. charsetNumber: 224,
  104126. compress: false,
  104127. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  104128. clientFlags: 8582093,
  104129. connectAttributes: undefined,
  104130. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  104131. stream:
  104132. Socket {
  104133. connecting: false,
  104134. _hadError: false,
  104135. _handle:
  104136. TCP {
  104137. reading: true,
  104138. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  104139. onconnection: null,
  104140. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  104141. _parent: null,
  104142. _host: 'localhost',
  104143. _readableState:
  104144. ReadableState {
  104145. objectMode: false,
  104146. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104147. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  104148. length: 0,
  104149. pipes: null,
  104150. pipesCount: 0,
  104151. flowing: true,
  104152. ended: false,
  104153. endEmitted: false,
  104154. reading: true,
  104155. sync: false,
  104156. needReadable: true,
  104157. emittedReadable: false,
  104158. readableListening: false,
  104159. resumeScheduled: false,
  104160. emitClose: false,
  104161. autoDestroy: false,
  104162. destroyed: false,
  104163. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104164. awaitDrain: 0,
  104165. readingMore: false,
  104166. decoder: null,
  104167. encoding: null },
  104168. readable: true,
  104169. _events:
  104170. [Object: null prototype] {
  104171. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  104172. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  104173. data: [Function],
  104174. close: [Function] },
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  104176. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  104178. WritableState {
  104179. objectMode: false,
  104180. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104181. finalCalled: false,
  104182. needDrain: false,
  104183. ending: false,
  104184. ended: false,
  104185. finished: false,
  104186. destroyed: false,
  104187. decodeStrings: false,
  104188. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104189. length: 0,
  104190. writing: false,
  104191. corked: 0,
  104192. sync: false,
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  104194. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  104196. writelen: 0,
  104197. bufferedRequest: null,
  104198. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  104199. pendingcb: 0,
  104200. prefinished: false,
  104201. errorEmitted: false,
  104202. emitClose: false,
  104203. autoDestroy: false,
  104204. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  104205. corkedRequestsFree:
  104206. { next: null,
  104207. entry: null,
  104208. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  104209. writable: true,
  104210. allowHalfOpen: false,
  104211. _sockname: null,
  104212. _pendingData: null,
  104213. _pendingEncoding: '',
  104214. server: null,
  104215. _server: null,
  104216. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  104217. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  104218. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  104219. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  104220. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  104221. _internalId: 2,
  104222. _commands:
  104223. Denque {
  104224. _head: 0,
  104225. _tail: 0,
  104226. _capacityMask: 3,
  104227. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104228. _command: undefined,
  104229. _paused: false,
  104230. _paused_packets:
  104231. Denque {
  104232. _head: 0,
  104233. _tail: 0,
  104234. _capacityMask: 3,
  104235. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104236. _statements:
  104237. LRUCache {
  104238. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  104239. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  104240. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  104241. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  104242. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  104243. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  104244. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  104245. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  104246. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  104247. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104248. authorized: true,
  104249. sequenceId: 2,
  104250. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  104251. threadId: 1302,
  104252. _handshakePacket:
  104253. Handshake {
  104254. protocolVersion: 10,
  104255. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  104256. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104257. connectionId: 1302,
  104258. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  104259. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  104260. characterSet: 255,
  104261. statusFlags: 2 },
  104262. _fatalError: null,
  104263. _protocolError: null,
  104264. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  104265. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  104266. packetParser:
  104267. PacketParser {
  104268. buffer: [],
  104269. bufferLength: 0,
  104270. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  104271. headerLen: 0,
  104272. length: 7,
  104273. largePacketParts: [],
  104274. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  104275. onPacket: [Function],
  104276. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  104277. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  104278. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  104279. connectTimeout: null,
  104280. connectionId: 1302 },
  104281. state: 'IDLE' } },
  104282. next: null,
  104283. data:
  104284. PooledResource {
  104285. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  104286. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  104287. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  104288. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  104289. obj:
  104290. Connection {
  104291. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  104292. _eventsCount: 1,
  104293. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104294. config:
  104295. ConnectionConfig {
  104296. isServer: undefined,
  104297. stream: undefined,
  104298. host: 'localhost',
  104299. port: 3306,
  104300. localAddress: undefined,
  104301. socketPath: undefined,
  104302. user: 'root',
  104303. password: 'abcd1234',
  104304. passwordSha1: undefined,
  104305. database: 'lbry',
  104306. connectTimeout: 10000,
  104307. insecureAuth: false,
  104308. supportBigNumbers: true,
  104309. bigNumberStrings: false,
  104310. decimalNumbers: false,
  104311. dateStrings: false,
  104312. debug: undefined,
  104313. trace: true,
  104314. stringifyObjects: false,
  104315. timezone: '+00:00',
  104316. queryFormat: undefined,
  104317. pool: undefined,
  104318. ssl: false,
  104319. multipleStatements: false,
  104320. rowsAsArray: false,
  104321. namedPlaceholders: false,
  104322. nestTables: undefined,
  104323. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  104324. maxPacketSize: 0,
  104325. charsetNumber: 224,
  104326. compress: false,
  104327. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  104328. clientFlags: 8582093,
  104329. connectAttributes: undefined,
  104330. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  104331. stream:
  104332. Socket {
  104333. connecting: false,
  104334. _hadError: false,
  104335. _handle:
  104336. TCP {
  104337. reading: true,
  104338. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  104339. onconnection: null,
  104340. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  104341. _parent: null,
  104342. _host: 'localhost',
  104343. _readableState:
  104344. ReadableState {
  104345. objectMode: false,
  104346. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104347. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  104348. length: 0,
  104349. pipes: null,
  104350. pipesCount: 0,
  104351. flowing: true,
  104352. ended: false,
  104353. endEmitted: false,
  104354. reading: true,
  104355. sync: false,
  104356. needReadable: true,
  104357. emittedReadable: false,
  104358. readableListening: false,
  104359. resumeScheduled: false,
  104360. emitClose: false,
  104361. autoDestroy: false,
  104362. destroyed: false,
  104363. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104364. awaitDrain: 0,
  104365. readingMore: false,
  104366. decoder: null,
  104367. encoding: null },
  104368. readable: true,
  104369. _events:
  104370. [Object: null prototype] {
  104371. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  104372. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  104373. data: [Function],
  104374. close: [Function] },
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  104376. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104377. _writableState:
  104378. WritableState {
  104379. objectMode: false,
  104380. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104381. finalCalled: false,
  104382. needDrain: false,
  104383. ending: false,
  104384. ended: false,
  104385. finished: false,
  104386. destroyed: false,
  104387. decodeStrings: false,
  104388. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104389. length: 0,
  104390. writing: false,
  104391. corked: 0,
  104392. sync: false,
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  104394. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  104396. writelen: 0,
  104397. bufferedRequest: null,
  104398. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  104399. pendingcb: 0,
  104400. prefinished: false,
  104401. errorEmitted: false,
  104402. emitClose: false,
  104403. autoDestroy: false,
  104404. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  104405. corkedRequestsFree:
  104406. { next: null,
  104407. entry: null,
  104408. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  104409. writable: true,
  104410. allowHalfOpen: false,
  104411. _sockname: null,
  104412. _pendingData: null,
  104413. _pendingEncoding: '',
  104414. server: null,
  104415. _server: null,
  104416. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  104417. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  104418. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  104419. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  104420. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  104421. _internalId: 1,
  104422. _commands:
  104423. Denque {
  104424. _head: 0,
  104425. _tail: 0,
  104426. _capacityMask: 3,
  104427. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104428. _command: undefined,
  104429. _paused: false,
  104430. _paused_packets:
  104431. Denque {
  104432. _head: 0,
  104433. _tail: 0,
  104434. _capacityMask: 3,
  104435. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104436. _statements:
  104437. LRUCache {
  104438. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  104439. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  104440. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  104441. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  104442. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  104443. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  104444. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  104445. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  104446. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  104447. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104448. authorized: true,
  104449. sequenceId: 23,
  104450. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  104451. threadId: 1303,
  104452. _handshakePacket:
  104453. Handshake {
  104454. protocolVersion: 10,
  104455. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  104456. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104457. connectionId: 1303,
  104458. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  104459. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  104460. characterSet: 255,
  104461. statusFlags: 2 },
  104462. _fatalError: null,
  104463. _protocolError: null,
  104464. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  104465. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  104466. packetParser:
  104467. PacketParser {
  104468. buffer: [],
  104469. bufferLength: 0,
  104470. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  104471. headerLen: 0,
  104472. length: 5,
  104473. largePacketParts: [],
  104474. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  104475. onPacket: [Function],
  104476. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  104477. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  104478. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  104479. connectTimeout: null,
  104480. connectionId: 1303 },
  104481. state: 'IDLE' } },
  104482. length: 2 } },
  104483. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  104484. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  104485. _validationOperations: Set {},
  104486. _allObjects:
  104487. Set {
  104488. PooledResource {
  104489. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  104490. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  104491. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  104492. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  104493. obj:
  104494. Connection {
  104495. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  104496. _eventsCount: 1,
  104497. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104498. config:
  104499. ConnectionConfig {
  104500. isServer: undefined,
  104501. stream: undefined,
  104502. host: 'localhost',
  104503. port: 3306,
  104504. localAddress: undefined,
  104505. socketPath: undefined,
  104506. user: 'root',
  104507. password: 'abcd1234',
  104508. passwordSha1: undefined,
  104509. database: 'lbry',
  104510. connectTimeout: 10000,
  104511. insecureAuth: false,
  104512. supportBigNumbers: true,
  104513. bigNumberStrings: false,
  104514. decimalNumbers: false,
  104515. dateStrings: false,
  104516. debug: undefined,
  104517. trace: true,
  104518. stringifyObjects: false,
  104519. timezone: '+00:00',
  104520. queryFormat: undefined,
  104521. pool: undefined,
  104522. ssl: false,
  104523. multipleStatements: false,
  104524. rowsAsArray: false,
  104525. namedPlaceholders: false,
  104526. nestTables: undefined,
  104527. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  104528. maxPacketSize: 0,
  104529. charsetNumber: 224,
  104530. compress: false,
  104531. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  104532. clientFlags: 8582093,
  104533. connectAttributes: undefined,
  104534. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  104536. Socket {
  104537. connecting: false,
  104538. _hadError: false,
  104539. _handle:
  104540. TCP {
  104541. reading: true,
  104542. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  104543. onconnection: null,
  104544. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  104546. _host: 'localhost',
  104547. _readableState:
  104548. ReadableState {
  104549. objectMode: false,
  104550. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104551. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  104552. length: 0,
  104553. pipes: null,
  104554. pipesCount: 0,
  104555. flowing: true,
  104556. ended: false,
  104557. endEmitted: false,
  104558. reading: true,
  104559. sync: false,
  104560. needReadable: true,
  104561. emittedReadable: false,
  104562. readableListening: false,
  104563. resumeScheduled: false,
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  104565. autoDestroy: false,
  104566. destroyed: false,
  104567. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104568. awaitDrain: 0,
  104569. readingMore: false,
  104570. decoder: null,
  104571. encoding: null },
  104572. readable: true,
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  104574. [Object: null prototype] {
  104575. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  104576. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  104577. data: [Function],
  104578. close: [Function] },
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  104580. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  104582. WritableState {
  104583. objectMode: false,
  104584. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104585. finalCalled: false,
  104586. needDrain: false,
  104587. ending: false,
  104588. ended: false,
  104589. finished: false,
  104590. destroyed: false,
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  104592. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104593. length: 0,
  104594. writing: false,
  104595. corked: 0,
  104596. sync: false,
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  104598. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  104600. writelen: 0,
  104601. bufferedRequest: null,
  104602. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  104603. pendingcb: 0,
  104604. prefinished: false,
  104605. errorEmitted: false,
  104606. emitClose: false,
  104607. autoDestroy: false,
  104608. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  104609. corkedRequestsFree:
  104610. { next: null,
  104611. entry: null,
  104612. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  104613. writable: true,
  104614. allowHalfOpen: false,
  104615. _sockname: null,
  104616. _pendingData: null,
  104617. _pendingEncoding: '',
  104618. server: null,
  104619. _server: null,
  104620. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  104621. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  104622. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  104623. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  104624. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  104625. _internalId: 2,
  104626. _commands:
  104627. Denque {
  104628. _head: 0,
  104629. _tail: 0,
  104630. _capacityMask: 3,
  104631. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104632. _command: undefined,
  104633. _paused: false,
  104634. _paused_packets:
  104635. Denque {
  104636. _head: 0,
  104637. _tail: 0,
  104638. _capacityMask: 3,
  104639. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104640. _statements:
  104641. LRUCache {
  104642. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  104643. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  104644. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  104645. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  104646. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  104647. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  104648. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  104649. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  104650. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  104651. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104652. authorized: true,
  104653. sequenceId: 2,
  104654. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  104655. threadId: 1302,
  104656. _handshakePacket:
  104657. Handshake {
  104658. protocolVersion: 10,
  104659. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  104660. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104661. connectionId: 1302,
  104662. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  104663. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  104664. characterSet: 255,
  104665. statusFlags: 2 },
  104666. _fatalError: null,
  104667. _protocolError: null,
  104668. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  104669. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  104670. packetParser:
  104671. PacketParser {
  104672. buffer: [],
  104673. bufferLength: 0,
  104674. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  104675. headerLen: 0,
  104676. length: 7,
  104677. largePacketParts: [],
  104678. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  104679. onPacket: [Function],
  104680. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  104681. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  104682. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  104683. connectTimeout: null,
  104684. connectionId: 1302 },
  104685. state: 'IDLE' },
  104686. PooledResource {
  104687. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  104688. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  104689. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  104690. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  104691. obj:
  104692. Connection {
  104693. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  104694. _eventsCount: 1,
  104695. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104696. config:
  104697. ConnectionConfig {
  104698. isServer: undefined,
  104699. stream: undefined,
  104700. host: 'localhost',
  104701. port: 3306,
  104702. localAddress: undefined,
  104703. socketPath: undefined,
  104704. user: 'root',
  104705. password: 'abcd1234',
  104706. passwordSha1: undefined,
  104707. database: 'lbry',
  104708. connectTimeout: 10000,
  104709. insecureAuth: false,
  104710. supportBigNumbers: true,
  104711. bigNumberStrings: false,
  104712. decimalNumbers: false,
  104713. dateStrings: false,
  104714. debug: undefined,
  104715. trace: true,
  104716. stringifyObjects: false,
  104717. timezone: '+00:00',
  104718. queryFormat: undefined,
  104719. pool: undefined,
  104720. ssl: false,
  104721. multipleStatements: false,
  104722. rowsAsArray: false,
  104723. namedPlaceholders: false,
  104724. nestTables: undefined,
  104725. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  104726. maxPacketSize: 0,
  104727. charsetNumber: 224,
  104728. compress: false,
  104729. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  104730. clientFlags: 8582093,
  104731. connectAttributes: undefined,
  104732. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  104733. stream:
  104734. Socket {
  104735. connecting: false,
  104736. _hadError: false,
  104737. _handle:
  104738. TCP {
  104739. reading: true,
  104740. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  104741. onconnection: null,
  104742. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  104743. _parent: null,
  104744. _host: 'localhost',
  104745. _readableState:
  104746. ReadableState {
  104747. objectMode: false,
  104748. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104749. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  104750. length: 0,
  104751. pipes: null,
  104752. pipesCount: 0,
  104753. flowing: true,
  104754. ended: false,
  104755. endEmitted: false,
  104756. reading: true,
  104757. sync: false,
  104758. needReadable: true,
  104759. emittedReadable: false,
  104760. readableListening: false,
  104761. resumeScheduled: false,
  104762. emitClose: false,
  104763. autoDestroy: false,
  104764. destroyed: false,
  104765. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104766. awaitDrain: 0,
  104767. readingMore: false,
  104768. decoder: null,
  104769. encoding: null },
  104770. readable: true,
  104771. _events:
  104772. [Object: null prototype] {
  104773. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  104774. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  104775. data: [Function],
  104776. close: [Function] },
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  104778. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  104780. WritableState {
  104781. objectMode: false,
  104782. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104783. finalCalled: false,
  104784. needDrain: false,
  104785. ending: false,
  104786. ended: false,
  104787. finished: false,
  104788. destroyed: false,
  104789. decodeStrings: false,
  104790. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104791. length: 0,
  104792. writing: false,
  104793. corked: 0,
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  104798. writelen: 0,
  104799. bufferedRequest: null,
  104800. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  104801. pendingcb: 0,
  104802. prefinished: false,
  104803. errorEmitted: false,
  104804. emitClose: false,
  104805. autoDestroy: false,
  104806. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  104807. corkedRequestsFree:
  104808. { next: null,
  104809. entry: null,
  104810. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  104811. writable: true,
  104812. allowHalfOpen: false,
  104813. _sockname: null,
  104814. _pendingData: null,
  104815. _pendingEncoding: '',
  104816. server: null,
  104817. _server: null,
  104818. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  104819. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  104820. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  104821. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  104822. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  104823. _internalId: 1,
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  104825. Denque {
  104826. _head: 0,
  104827. _tail: 0,
  104828. _capacityMask: 3,
  104829. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104830. _command: undefined,
  104831. _paused: false,
  104832. _paused_packets:
  104833. Denque {
  104834. _head: 0,
  104835. _tail: 0,
  104836. _capacityMask: 3,
  104837. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  104838. _statements:
  104839. LRUCache {
  104840. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  104841. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  104842. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  104843. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  104844. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  104845. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  104846. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  104847. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  104848. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  104849. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104850. authorized: true,
  104851. sequenceId: 23,
  104852. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  104853. threadId: 1303,
  104854. _handshakePacket:
  104855. Handshake {
  104856. protocolVersion: 10,
  104857. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  104858. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  104859. connectionId: 1303,
  104860. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  104861. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  104862. characterSet: 255,
  104863. statusFlags: 2 },
  104864. _fatalError: null,
  104865. _protocolError: null,
  104866. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  104867. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  104868. packetParser:
  104869. PacketParser {
  104870. buffer: [],
  104871. bufferLength: 0,
  104872. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  104873. headerLen: 0,
  104874. length: 5,
  104875. largePacketParts: [],
  104876. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  104877. onPacket: [Function],
  104878. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  104879. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  104880. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  104881. connectTimeout: null,
  104882. connectionId: 1303 },
  104883. state: 'IDLE' } },
  104884. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  104885. _evictionIterator:
  104886. DequeIterator {
  104887. _list:
  104888. DoublyLinkedList {
  104889. head:
  104890. { prev: null,
  104891. next:
  104892. { prev: [Circular],
  104893. next: null,
  104894. data:
  104895. PooledResource {
  104896. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  104897. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  104898. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  104899. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  104900. obj:
  104901. Connection {
  104902. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  104903. _eventsCount: 1,
  104904. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104905. config:
  104906. ConnectionConfig {
  104907. isServer: undefined,
  104908. stream: undefined,
  104909. host: 'localhost',
  104910. port: 3306,
  104911. localAddress: undefined,
  104912. socketPath: undefined,
  104913. user: 'root',
  104914. password: 'abcd1234',
  104915. passwordSha1: undefined,
  104916. database: 'lbry',
  104917. connectTimeout: 10000,
  104918. insecureAuth: false,
  104919. supportBigNumbers: true,
  104920. bigNumberStrings: false,
  104921. decimalNumbers: false,
  104922. dateStrings: false,
  104923. debug: undefined,
  104924. trace: true,
  104925. stringifyObjects: false,
  104926. timezone: '+00:00',
  104927. queryFormat: undefined,
  104928. pool: undefined,
  104929. ssl: false,
  104930. multipleStatements: false,
  104931. rowsAsArray: false,
  104932. namedPlaceholders: false,
  104933. nestTables: undefined,
  104934. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  104935. maxPacketSize: 0,
  104936. charsetNumber: 224,
  104937. compress: false,
  104938. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  104939. clientFlags: 8582093,
  104940. connectAttributes: undefined,
  104941. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  104942. stream:
  104943. Socket {
  104944. connecting: false,
  104945. _hadError: false,
  104946. _handle:
  104947. TCP {
  104948. reading: true,
  104949. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  104950. onconnection: null,
  104951. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  104952. _parent: null,
  104953. _host: 'localhost',
  104954. _readableState:
  104955. ReadableState {
  104956. objectMode: false,
  104957. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104958. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  104959. length: 0,
  104960. pipes: null,
  104961. pipesCount: 0,
  104962. flowing: true,
  104963. ended: false,
  104964. endEmitted: false,
  104965. reading: true,
  104966. sync: false,
  104967. needReadable: true,
  104968. emittedReadable: false,
  104969. readableListening: false,
  104970. resumeScheduled: false,
  104971. emitClose: false,
  104972. autoDestroy: false,
  104973. destroyed: false,
  104974. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  104975. awaitDrain: 0,
  104976. readingMore: false,
  104977. decoder: null,
  104978. encoding: null },
  104979. readable: true,
  104980. _events:
  104981. [Object: null prototype] {
  104982. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  104983. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  104984. data: [Function],
  104985. close: [Function] },
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  104987. _maxListeners: undefined,
  104988. _writableState:
  104989. WritableState {
  104990. objectMode: false,
  104991. highWaterMark: 16384,
  104992. finalCalled: false,
  104993. needDrain: false,
  104994. ending: false,
  104995. ended: false,
  104996. finished: false,
  104997. destroyed: false,
  104998. decodeStrings: false,
  104999. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105000. length: 0,
  105001. writing: false,
  105002. corked: 0,
  105003. sync: false,
  105004. bufferProcessing: false,
  105005. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  105006. writecb: null,
  105007. writelen: 0,
  105008. bufferedRequest: null,
  105009. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  105010. pendingcb: 0,
  105011. prefinished: false,
  105012. errorEmitted: false,
  105013. emitClose: false,
  105014. autoDestroy: false,
  105015. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  105016. corkedRequestsFree:
  105017. { next: null,
  105018. entry: null,
  105019. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  105020. writable: true,
  105021. allowHalfOpen: false,
  105022. _sockname: null,
  105023. _pendingData: null,
  105024. _pendingEncoding: '',
  105025. server: null,
  105026. _server: null,
  105027. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  105028. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  105029. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  105030. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  105031. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  105032. _internalId: 1,
  105033. _commands:
  105034. Denque {
  105035. _head: 0,
  105036. _tail: 0,
  105037. _capacityMask: 3,
  105038. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105039. _command: undefined,
  105040. _paused: false,
  105041. _paused_packets:
  105042. Denque {
  105043. _head: 0,
  105044. _tail: 0,
  105045. _capacityMask: 3,
  105046. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105047. _statements:
  105048. LRUCache {
  105049. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  105050. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  105051. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  105052. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  105053. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  105054. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  105055. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  105056. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  105057. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  105058. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105059. authorized: true,
  105060. sequenceId: 23,
  105061. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  105062. threadId: 1303,
  105063. _handshakePacket:
  105064. Handshake {
  105065. protocolVersion: 10,
  105066. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  105067. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105068. connectionId: 1303,
  105069. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  105070. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  105071. characterSet: 255,
  105072. statusFlags: 2 },
  105073. _fatalError: null,
  105074. _protocolError: null,
  105075. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  105076. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  105077. packetParser:
  105078. PacketParser {
  105079. buffer: [],
  105080. bufferLength: 0,
  105081. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  105082. headerLen: 0,
  105083. length: 5,
  105084. largePacketParts: [],
  105085. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  105086. onPacket: [Function],
  105087. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  105088. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  105089. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  105090. connectTimeout: null,
  105091. connectionId: 1303 },
  105092. state: 'IDLE' } },
  105093. data:
  105094. PooledResource {
  105095. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  105096. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  105097. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  105098. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  105099. obj:
  105100. Connection {
  105101. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  105102. _eventsCount: 1,
  105103. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105104. config:
  105105. ConnectionConfig {
  105106. isServer: undefined,
  105107. stream: undefined,
  105108. host: 'localhost',
  105109. port: 3306,
  105110. localAddress: undefined,
  105111. socketPath: undefined,
  105112. user: 'root',
  105113. password: 'abcd1234',
  105114. passwordSha1: undefined,
  105115. database: 'lbry',
  105116. connectTimeout: 10000,
  105117. insecureAuth: false,
  105118. supportBigNumbers: true,
  105119. bigNumberStrings: false,
  105120. decimalNumbers: false,
  105121. dateStrings: false,
  105122. debug: undefined,
  105123. trace: true,
  105124. stringifyObjects: false,
  105125. timezone: '+00:00',
  105126. queryFormat: undefined,
  105127. pool: undefined,
  105128. ssl: false,
  105129. multipleStatements: false,
  105130. rowsAsArray: false,
  105131. namedPlaceholders: false,
  105132. nestTables: undefined,
  105133. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  105134. maxPacketSize: 0,
  105135. charsetNumber: 224,
  105136. compress: false,
  105137. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  105138. clientFlags: 8582093,
  105139. connectAttributes: undefined,
  105140. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  105141. stream:
  105142. Socket {
  105143. connecting: false,
  105144. _hadError: false,
  105145. _handle:
  105146. TCP {
  105147. reading: true,
  105148. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  105149. onconnection: null,
  105150. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  105151. _parent: null,
  105152. _host: 'localhost',
  105153. _readableState:
  105154. ReadableState {
  105155. objectMode: false,
  105156. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105157. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  105158. length: 0,
  105159. pipes: null,
  105160. pipesCount: 0,
  105161. flowing: true,
  105162. ended: false,
  105163. endEmitted: false,
  105164. reading: true,
  105165. sync: false,
  105166. needReadable: true,
  105167. emittedReadable: false,
  105168. readableListening: false,
  105169. resumeScheduled: false,
  105170. emitClose: false,
  105171. autoDestroy: false,
  105172. destroyed: false,
  105173. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105174. awaitDrain: 0,
  105175. readingMore: false,
  105176. decoder: null,
  105177. encoding: null },
  105178. readable: true,
  105179. _events:
  105180. [Object: null prototype] {
  105181. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  105182. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  105183. data: [Function],
  105184. close: [Function] },
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  105186. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105187. _writableState:
  105188. WritableState {
  105189. objectMode: false,
  105190. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105191. finalCalled: false,
  105192. needDrain: false,
  105193. ending: false,
  105194. ended: false,
  105195. finished: false,
  105196. destroyed: false,
  105197. decodeStrings: false,
  105198. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105199. length: 0,
  105200. writing: false,
  105201. corked: 0,
  105202. sync: false,
  105203. bufferProcessing: false,
  105204. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  105205. writecb: null,
  105206. writelen: 0,
  105207. bufferedRequest: null,
  105208. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  105209. pendingcb: 0,
  105210. prefinished: false,
  105211. errorEmitted: false,
  105212. emitClose: false,
  105213. autoDestroy: false,
  105214. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  105215. corkedRequestsFree:
  105216. { next: null,
  105217. entry: null,
  105218. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  105219. writable: true,
  105220. allowHalfOpen: false,
  105221. _sockname: null,
  105222. _pendingData: null,
  105223. _pendingEncoding: '',
  105224. server: null,
  105225. _server: null,
  105226. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  105227. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  105228. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  105229. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  105230. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  105231. _internalId: 2,
  105232. _commands:
  105233. Denque {
  105234. _head: 0,
  105235. _tail: 0,
  105236. _capacityMask: 3,
  105237. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105238. _command: undefined,
  105239. _paused: false,
  105240. _paused_packets:
  105241. Denque {
  105242. _head: 0,
  105243. _tail: 0,
  105244. _capacityMask: 3,
  105245. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105246. _statements:
  105247. LRUCache {
  105248. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  105249. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  105250. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  105251. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  105252. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  105253. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  105254. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  105255. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  105256. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  105257. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105258. authorized: true,
  105259. sequenceId: 2,
  105260. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  105261. threadId: 1302,
  105262. _handshakePacket:
  105263. Handshake {
  105264. protocolVersion: 10,
  105265. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  105266. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105267. connectionId: 1302,
  105268. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  105269. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  105270. characterSet: 255,
  105271. statusFlags: 2 },
  105272. _fatalError: null,
  105273. _protocolError: null,
  105274. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  105275. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  105276. packetParser:
  105277. PacketParser {
  105278. buffer: [],
  105279. bufferLength: 0,
  105280. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  105281. headerLen: 0,
  105282. length: 7,
  105283. largePacketParts: [],
  105284. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  105285. onPacket: [Function],
  105286. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  105287. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  105288. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  105289. connectTimeout: null,
  105290. connectionId: 1302 },
  105291. state: 'IDLE' } },
  105292. tail:
  105293. { prev:
  105294. { prev: null,
  105295. next: [Circular],
  105296. data:
  105297. PooledResource {
  105298. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  105299. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  105300. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  105301. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  105302. obj:
  105303. Connection {
  105304. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  105305. _eventsCount: 1,
  105306. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105307. config:
  105308. ConnectionConfig {
  105309. isServer: undefined,
  105310. stream: undefined,
  105311. host: 'localhost',
  105312. port: 3306,
  105313. localAddress: undefined,
  105314. socketPath: undefined,
  105315. user: 'root',
  105316. password: 'abcd1234',
  105317. passwordSha1: undefined,
  105318. database: 'lbry',
  105319. connectTimeout: 10000,
  105320. insecureAuth: false,
  105321. supportBigNumbers: true,
  105322. bigNumberStrings: false,
  105323. decimalNumbers: false,
  105324. dateStrings: false,
  105325. debug: undefined,
  105326. trace: true,
  105327. stringifyObjects: false,
  105328. timezone: '+00:00',
  105329. queryFormat: undefined,
  105330. pool: undefined,
  105331. ssl: false,
  105332. multipleStatements: false,
  105333. rowsAsArray: false,
  105334. namedPlaceholders: false,
  105335. nestTables: undefined,
  105336. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  105337. maxPacketSize: 0,
  105338. charsetNumber: 224,
  105339. compress: false,
  105340. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  105341. clientFlags: 8582093,
  105342. connectAttributes: undefined,
  105343. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  105344. stream:
  105345. Socket {
  105346. connecting: false,
  105347. _hadError: false,
  105348. _handle:
  105349. TCP {
  105350. reading: true,
  105351. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  105352. onconnection: null,
  105353. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  105354. _parent: null,
  105355. _host: 'localhost',
  105356. _readableState:
  105357. ReadableState {
  105358. objectMode: false,
  105359. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105360. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  105361. length: 0,
  105362. pipes: null,
  105363. pipesCount: 0,
  105364. flowing: true,
  105365. ended: false,
  105366. endEmitted: false,
  105367. reading: true,
  105368. sync: false,
  105369. needReadable: true,
  105370. emittedReadable: false,
  105371. readableListening: false,
  105372. resumeScheduled: false,
  105373. emitClose: false,
  105374. autoDestroy: false,
  105375. destroyed: false,
  105376. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105377. awaitDrain: 0,
  105378. readingMore: false,
  105379. decoder: null,
  105380. encoding: null },
  105381. readable: true,
  105382. _events:
  105383. [Object: null prototype] {
  105384. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  105385. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  105386. data: [Function],
  105387. close: [Function] },
  105388. _eventsCount: 4,
  105389. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105390. _writableState:
  105391. WritableState {
  105392. objectMode: false,
  105393. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105394. finalCalled: false,
  105395. needDrain: false,
  105396. ending: false,
  105397. ended: false,
  105398. finished: false,
  105399. destroyed: false,
  105400. decodeStrings: false,
  105401. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105402. length: 0,
  105403. writing: false,
  105404. corked: 0,
  105405. sync: false,
  105406. bufferProcessing: false,
  105407. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  105409. writelen: 0,
  105410. bufferedRequest: null,
  105411. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  105412. pendingcb: 0,
  105413. prefinished: false,
  105414. errorEmitted: false,
  105415. emitClose: false,
  105416. autoDestroy: false,
  105417. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  105418. corkedRequestsFree:
  105419. { next: null,
  105420. entry: null,
  105421. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  105422. writable: true,
  105423. allowHalfOpen: false,
  105424. _sockname: null,
  105425. _pendingData: null,
  105426. _pendingEncoding: '',
  105427. server: null,
  105428. _server: null,
  105429. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  105430. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  105431. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  105432. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  105433. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  105434. _internalId: 2,
  105435. _commands:
  105436. Denque {
  105437. _head: 0,
  105438. _tail: 0,
  105439. _capacityMask: 3,
  105440. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105441. _command: undefined,
  105442. _paused: false,
  105443. _paused_packets:
  105444. Denque {
  105445. _head: 0,
  105446. _tail: 0,
  105447. _capacityMask: 3,
  105448. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105449. _statements:
  105450. LRUCache {
  105451. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  105452. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  105453. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  105454. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  105455. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  105456. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  105457. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  105458. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  105459. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  105460. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105461. authorized: true,
  105462. sequenceId: 2,
  105463. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  105464. threadId: 1302,
  105465. _handshakePacket:
  105466. Handshake {
  105467. protocolVersion: 10,
  105468. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  105469. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105470. connectionId: 1302,
  105471. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  105472. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  105473. characterSet: 255,
  105474. statusFlags: 2 },
  105475. _fatalError: null,
  105476. _protocolError: null,
  105477. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  105478. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  105479. packetParser:
  105480. PacketParser {
  105481. buffer: [],
  105482. bufferLength: 0,
  105483. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  105484. headerLen: 0,
  105485. length: 7,
  105486. largePacketParts: [],
  105487. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  105488. onPacket: [Function],
  105489. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  105490. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  105491. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  105492. connectTimeout: null,
  105493. connectionId: 1302 },
  105494. state: 'IDLE' } },
  105495. next: null,
  105496. data:
  105497. PooledResource {
  105498. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  105499. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  105500. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  105501. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  105502. obj:
  105503. Connection {
  105504. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  105505. _eventsCount: 1,
  105506. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105507. config:
  105508. ConnectionConfig {
  105509. isServer: undefined,
  105510. stream: undefined,
  105511. host: 'localhost',
  105512. port: 3306,
  105513. localAddress: undefined,
  105514. socketPath: undefined,
  105515. user: 'root',
  105516. password: 'abcd1234',
  105517. passwordSha1: undefined,
  105518. database: 'lbry',
  105519. connectTimeout: 10000,
  105520. insecureAuth: false,
  105521. supportBigNumbers: true,
  105522. bigNumberStrings: false,
  105523. decimalNumbers: false,
  105524. dateStrings: false,
  105525. debug: undefined,
  105526. trace: true,
  105527. stringifyObjects: false,
  105528. timezone: '+00:00',
  105529. queryFormat: undefined,
  105530. pool: undefined,
  105531. ssl: false,
  105532. multipleStatements: false,
  105533. rowsAsArray: false,
  105534. namedPlaceholders: false,
  105535. nestTables: undefined,
  105536. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  105537. maxPacketSize: 0,
  105538. charsetNumber: 224,
  105539. compress: false,
  105540. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  105541. clientFlags: 8582093,
  105542. connectAttributes: undefined,
  105543. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  105544. stream:
  105545. Socket {
  105546. connecting: false,
  105547. _hadError: false,
  105548. _handle:
  105549. TCP {
  105550. reading: true,
  105551. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  105552. onconnection: null,
  105553. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  105554. _parent: null,
  105555. _host: 'localhost',
  105556. _readableState:
  105557. ReadableState {
  105558. objectMode: false,
  105559. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105560. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  105561. length: 0,
  105562. pipes: null,
  105563. pipesCount: 0,
  105564. flowing: true,
  105565. ended: false,
  105566. endEmitted: false,
  105567. reading: true,
  105568. sync: false,
  105569. needReadable: true,
  105570. emittedReadable: false,
  105571. readableListening: false,
  105572. resumeScheduled: false,
  105573. emitClose: false,
  105574. autoDestroy: false,
  105575. destroyed: false,
  105576. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105577. awaitDrain: 0,
  105578. readingMore: false,
  105579. decoder: null,
  105580. encoding: null },
  105581. readable: true,
  105582. _events:
  105583. [Object: null prototype] {
  105584. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  105585. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  105586. data: [Function],
  105587. close: [Function] },
  105588. _eventsCount: 4,
  105589. _maxListeners: undefined,
  105590. _writableState:
  105591. WritableState {
  105592. objectMode: false,
  105593. highWaterMark: 16384,
  105594. finalCalled: false,
  105595. needDrain: false,
  105596. ending: false,
  105597. ended: false,
  105598. finished: false,
  105599. destroyed: false,
  105600. decodeStrings: false,
  105601. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  105602. length: 0,
  105603. writing: false,
  105604. corked: 0,
  105605. sync: false,
  105606. bufferProcessing: false,
  105607. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  105608. writecb: null,
  105609. writelen: 0,
  105610. bufferedRequest: null,
  105611. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  105612. pendingcb: 0,
  105613. prefinished: false,
  105614. errorEmitted: false,
  105615. emitClose: false,
  105616. autoDestroy: false,
  105617. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  105618. corkedRequestsFree:
  105619. { next: null,
  105620. entry: null,
  105621. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  105622. writable: true,
  105623. allowHalfOpen: false,
  105624. _sockname: null,
  105625. _pendingData: null,
  105626. _pendingEncoding: '',
  105627. server: null,
  105628. _server: null,
  105629. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  105630. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  105631. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  105632. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  105633. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  105634. _internalId: 1,
  105635. _commands:
  105636. Denque {
  105637. _head: 0,
  105638. _tail: 0,
  105639. _capacityMask: 3,
  105640. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105641. _command: undefined,
  105642. _paused: false,
  105643. _paused_packets:
  105644. Denque {
  105645. _head: 0,
  105646. _tail: 0,
  105647. _capacityMask: 3,
  105648. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  105649. _statements:
  105650. LRUCache {
  105651. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  105652. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  105653. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  105654. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  105655. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  105656. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  105657. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  105658. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  105659. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  105660. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105661. authorized: true,
  105662. sequenceId: 23,
  105663. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  105664. threadId: 1303,
  105665. _handshakePacket:
  105666. Handshake {
  105667. protocolVersion: 10,
  105668. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  105669. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  105670. connectionId: 1303,
  105671. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  105672. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  105673. characterSet: 255,
  105674. statusFlags: 2 },
  105675. _fatalError: null,
  105676. _protocolError: null,
  105677. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  105678. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  105679. packetParser:
  105680. PacketParser {
  105681. buffer: [],
  105682. bufferLength: 0,
  105683. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  105684. headerLen: 0,
  105685. length: 5,
  105686. largePacketParts: [],
  105687. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  105688. onPacket: [Function],
  105689. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  105690. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  105691. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  105692. connectTimeout: null,
  105693. connectionId: 1303 },
  105694. state: 'IDLE' } },
  105695. length: 2 },
  105696. _direction: 'next',
  105697. _startPosition: 'head',
  105698. _started: false,
  105699. _cursor: null,
  105700. _done: false },
  105701. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  105702. _scheduledEviction:
  105703. Timeout {
  105704. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  105705. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  105706. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  105707. _idleStart: 432,
  105708. _onTimeout: [Function],
  105709. _timerArgs: undefined,
  105710. _repeat: null,
  105711. _destroyed: false,
  105712. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  105713. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  105714. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  105715. lib:
  105716. { createConnection: [Function],
  105717. connect: [Function],
  105718. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  105719. createPool: [Function],
  105720. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  105721. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  105722. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  105723. createServer: [Function],
  105724. PoolConnection:
  105725. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  105726. escape: [Function: escape],
  105727. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  105728. format: [Function: format],
  105729. raw: [Function: raw],
  105730. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  105731. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  105732. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  105733. Types: [Getter],
  105734. Charsets: [Getter],
  105735. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  105736. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  105737. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  105738. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  105739. sequelize: [Circular],
  105740. typeValidation: undefined } },
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  105742. { Balloons:
  105743. { [Function: Balloons]
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  105748. tableName: 'Balloons',
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  105750. _schemaDelimiter: '',
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  105753. { type:
  105754. INTEGER {
  105755. options: { length: undefined },
  105756. _length: undefined,
  105757. _zerofill: undefined,
  105758. _decimals: undefined,
  105759. _precision: undefined,
  105760. _scale: undefined,
  105761. _unsigned: undefined },
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  105768. _modelAttribute: true,
  105769. field: 'id' },
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  105772. STRING {
  105773. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  105774. _binary: undefined,
  105775. _length: 255 },
  105776. Model: [Circular],
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  105778. _modelAttribute: true,
  105779. field: 'size' },
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  105782. STRING {
  105783. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  105784. _binary: undefined,
  105785. _length: 255 },
  105786. Model: [Circular],
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  105788. _modelAttribute: true,
  105789. field: 'color' },
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  105792. allowNull: false,
  105793. _autoGenerated: true,
  105794. Model: [Circular],
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  105796. _modelAttribute: true,
  105797. field: 'createdAt' },
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  105799. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  105800. allowNull: false,
  105801. _autoGenerated: true,
  105802. Model: [Circular],
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  105804. _modelAttribute: true,
  105805. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  105809. INTEGER {
  105810. options: { length: undefined },
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  105816. _unsigned: undefined },
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  105824. field: 'id' } },
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  105835. map: Map {},
  105836. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  105869. field: 'id' },
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  105872. STRING {
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  105875. _length: 255 },
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  105879. field: 'size' },
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  105882. STRING {
  105883. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  105884. _binary: undefined,
  105885. _length: 255 },
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  105889. field: 'color' },
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  105893. _autoGenerated: true,
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  105896. _modelAttribute: true,
  105897. field: 'createdAt' },
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  105905. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  105966. map: Map {},
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  105985. map: Map {},
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  106006. field: 'id' },
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  106034. field: 'createdAt' },
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  106042. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  106046. INTEGER {
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  106060. _modelAttribute: true,
  106061. field: 'id' },
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  106064. STRING {
  106065. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  106067. _length: 255 },
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  106071. field: 'size' },
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  106074. STRING {
  106075. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106076. _binary: undefined,
  106077. _length: 255 },
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  106081. field: 'color' },
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  106089. field: 'createdAt' },
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  106097. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  106099. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
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  106109. map: Map {},
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  106111. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  106112. _scope: {},
  106113. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
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  106117. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  106128. INTEGER {
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  106135. _unsigned: undefined },
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  106143. field: 'id' },
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  106146. STRING {
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  106149. _length: 255 },
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  106153. field: 'size' },
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  106156. STRING {
  106157. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106158. _binary: undefined,
  106159. _length: 255 },
  106160. Model: [Circular],
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  106163. field: 'color' },
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  106167. _autoGenerated: true,
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  106171. field: 'createdAt' },
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  106179. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  106183. INTEGER {
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  106198. field: 'id' } },
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  106209. map: Map {},
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  106256. STRING {
  106257. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
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  106259. _length: 255 },
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  106263. field: 'color' },
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  106271. field: 'createdAt' },
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  106369. _decimals: undefined,
  106370. _precision: undefined,
  106371. _scale: undefined,
  106372. _unsigned: undefined },
  106373. allowNull: false,
  106374. primaryKey: true,
  106375. autoIncrement: true,
  106376. _autoGenerated: true,
  106377. Model: [Circular],
  106378. fieldName: 'id',
  106379. _modelAttribute: true,
  106380. field: 'id' },
  106381. size:
  106382. { type:
  106383. STRING {
  106384. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106385. _binary: undefined,
  106386. _length: 255 },
  106387. Model: [Circular],
  106388. fieldName: 'size',
  106389. _modelAttribute: true,
  106390. field: 'size' },
  106391. color:
  106392. { type:
  106393. STRING {
  106394. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106395. _binary: undefined,
  106396. _length: 255 },
  106397. Model: [Circular],
  106398. fieldName: 'color',
  106399. _modelAttribute: true,
  106400. field: 'color' },
  106401. createdAt:
  106402. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  106403. allowNull: false,
  106404. _autoGenerated: true,
  106405. Model: [Circular],
  106406. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  106407. _modelAttribute: true,
  106408. field: 'createdAt' },
  106409. updatedAt:
  106410. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  106411. allowNull: false,
  106412. _autoGenerated: true,
  106413. Model: [Circular],
  106414. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  106415. _modelAttribute: true,
  106416. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  106417. tableAttributes:
  106418. { id:
  106419. { type:
  106420. INTEGER {
  106421. options: { length: undefined },
  106422. _length: undefined,
  106423. _zerofill: undefined,
  106424. _decimals: undefined,
  106425. _precision: undefined,
  106426. _scale: undefined,
  106427. _unsigned: undefined },
  106428. allowNull: false,
  106429. primaryKey: true,
  106430. autoIncrement: true,
  106431. _autoGenerated: true,
  106432. Model: [Circular],
  106433. fieldName: 'id',
  106434. _modelAttribute: true,
  106435. field: 'id' },
  106436. size:
  106437. { type:
  106438. STRING {
  106439. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106440. _binary: undefined,
  106441. _length: 255 },
  106442. Model: [Circular],
  106443. fieldName: 'size',
  106444. _modelAttribute: true,
  106445. field: 'size' },
  106446. color:
  106447. { type:
  106448. STRING {
  106449. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  106450. _binary: undefined,
  106451. _length: 255 },
  106452. Model: [Circular],
  106453. fieldName: 'color',
  106454. _modelAttribute: true,
  106455. field: 'color' },
  106456. createdAt:
  106457. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  106458. allowNull: false,
  106459. _autoGenerated: true,
  106460. Model: [Circular],
  106461. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  106462. _modelAttribute: true,
  106463. field: 'createdAt' },
  106464. updatedAt:
  106465. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  106466. allowNull: false,
  106467. _autoGenerated: true,
  106468. Model: [Circular],
  106469. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  106470. _modelAttribute: true,
  106471. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  106472. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  106473. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  106474. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  106475. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  106476. _isPrimaryKey:
  106477. { [Function: memoized]
  106478. cache:
  106479. MapCache {
  106480. size: 0,
  106481. __data__:
  106482. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  106483. map: Map {},
  106484. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  106485. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  106486. _scope: {},
  106487. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  106488. sequelize: [Circular] },
  106489. connectionManager:
  106490. ConnectionManager {
  106491. sequelize: [Circular],
  106492. config:
  106493. { database: 'lbry',
  106494. username: 'root',
  106495. password: 'abcd1234',
  106496. host: 'localhost',
  106497. port: undefined,
  106498. pool:
  106499. { max: 5,
  106500. min: 0,
  106501. acquire: 30000,
  106502. idle: 10000,
  106503. evict: 10000,
  106504. handleDisconnects: true,
  106505. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  106506. Promise:
  106507. { [Function: Promise]
  106508. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  106509. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  106510. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  106511. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  106512. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  106513. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  106514. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  106515. _peekContext: [Function],
  106516. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  106517. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  106518. longStackTraces: [Function],
  106519. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  106520. config: [Function],
  106521. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  106522. is: [Function],
  106523. fromCallback: [Function],
  106524. fromNode: [Function],
  106525. all: [Function],
  106526. cast: [Function],
  106527. fulfilled: [Function],
  106528. resolve: [Function],
  106529. rejected: [Function],
  106530. reject: [Function],
  106531. setScheduler: [Function],
  106532. pending: [Function],
  106533. defer: [Function],
  106534. method: [Function],
  106535. try: [Function],
  106536. attempt: [Function],
  106537. bind: [Function],
  106538. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  106539. join: [Function],
  106540. Promise: [Circular],
  106541. version: '3.5.3',
  106542. map: [Function],
  106543. using: [Function],
  106544. delay: [Function],
  106545. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  106546. spawn: [Function],
  106547. promisify: [Function],
  106548. promisifyAll: [Function],
  106549. props: [Function],
  106550. race: [Function],
  106551. reduce: [Function],
  106552. settle: [Function],
  106553. some: [Function],
  106554. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  106555. filter: [Function],
  106556. each: [Function],
  106557. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  106558. any: [Function],
  106559. default: [Circular] } },
  106560. protocol: 'tcp',
  106561. native: false,
  106562. ssl: undefined,
  106563. replication: false,
  106564. dialectModulePath: null,
  106565. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  106566. dialectOptions: undefined },
  106567. dialect:
  106568. MysqlDialect {
  106569. sequelize: [Circular],
  106570. connectionManager: [Circular],
  106571. QueryGenerator:
  106572. { dialect: 'mysql',
  106573. OperatorMap:
  106574. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  106575. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  106576. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  106577. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  106578. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  106579. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  106580. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  106581. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  106582. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  106583. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  106584. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  106585. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  106586. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  106587. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  106588. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  106589. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  106590. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  106591. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  106592. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  106593. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  106594. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  106595. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  106596. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  106597. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  106598. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  106599. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  106600. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  106601. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  106602. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  106603. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  106604. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  106605. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  106606. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  106607. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  106608. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  106609. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  106610. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  106611. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  106612. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  106613. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  106614. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  106615. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  106616. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  106617. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  106618. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  106619. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  106620. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  106621. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  106622. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  106623. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  106624. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  106625. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  106626. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  106627. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  106628. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  106629. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  106630. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  106631. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  106632. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  106633. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  106634. _templateSettings:
  106635. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  106636. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  106637. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  106638. variable: '',
  106639. imports:
  106640. { _:
  106641. { [Function: lodash]
  106642. templateSettings: [Circular],
  106643. after: [Function: after],
  106644. ary: [Function: ary],
  106645. assign: [Function],
  106646. assignIn: [Function],
  106647. assignInWith: [Function],
  106648. assignWith: [Function],
  106649. at: [Function],
  106650. before: [Function: before],
  106651. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106652. bindAll: [Function],
  106653. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106654. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  106655. chain: [Function: chain],
  106656. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  106657. compact: [Function: compact],
  106658. concat: [Function: concat],
  106659. cond: [Function: cond],
  106660. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  106661. constant: [Function: constant],
  106662. countBy: [Function],
  106663. create: [Function: create],
  106664. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106665. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106666. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  106667. defaults: [Function],
  106668. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  106669. defer: [Function],
  106670. delay: [Function],
  106671. difference: [Function],
  106672. differenceBy: [Function],
  106673. differenceWith: [Function],
  106674. drop: [Function: drop],
  106675. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  106676. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  106677. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  106678. fill: [Function: fill],
  106679. filter: [Function: filter],
  106680. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  106681. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  106682. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  106683. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  106684. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  106685. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  106686. flip: [Function: flip],
  106687. flow: [Function],
  106688. flowRight: [Function],
  106689. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  106690. functions: [Function: functions],
  106691. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  106692. groupBy: [Function],
  106693. initial: [Function: initial],
  106694. intersection: [Function],
  106695. intersectionBy: [Function],
  106696. intersectionWith: [Function],
  106697. invert: [Function],
  106698. invertBy: [Function],
  106699. invokeMap: [Function],
  106700. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  106701. keyBy: [Function],
  106702. keys: [Function: keys],
  106703. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  106704. map: [Function: map],
  106705. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  106706. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  106707. matches: [Function: matches],
  106708. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  106709. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  106710. merge: [Function],
  106711. mergeWith: [Function],
  106712. method: [Function],
  106713. methodOf: [Function],
  106714. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  106715. negate: [Function: negate],
  106716. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  106717. omit: [Function],
  106718. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  106719. once: [Function: once],
  106720. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  106721. over: [Function],
  106722. overArgs: [Function],
  106723. overEvery: [Function],
  106724. overSome: [Function],
  106725. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106726. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  106727. partition: [Function],
  106728. pick: [Function],
  106729. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  106730. property: [Function: property],
  106731. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  106732. pull: [Function],
  106733. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  106734. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  106735. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  106736. pullAt: [Function],
  106737. range: [Function],
  106738. rangeRight: [Function],
  106739. rearg: [Function],
  106740. reject: [Function: reject],
  106741. remove: [Function: remove],
  106742. rest: [Function: rest],
  106743. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  106744. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  106745. set: [Function: set],
  106746. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  106747. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  106748. slice: [Function: slice],
  106749. sortBy: [Function],
  106750. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  106751. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  106752. split: [Function: split],
  106753. spread: [Function: spread],
  106754. tail: [Function: tail],
  106755. take: [Function: take],
  106756. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  106757. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  106758. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  106759. tap: [Function: tap],
  106760. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  106761. thru: [Function: thru],
  106762. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  106763. toPairs: [Function],
  106764. toPairsIn: [Function],
  106765. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  106766. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  106767. transform: [Function: transform],
  106768. unary: [Function: unary],
  106769. union: [Function],
  106770. unionBy: [Function],
  106771. unionWith: [Function],
  106772. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  106773. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  106774. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  106775. unset: [Function: unset],
  106776. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  106777. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  106778. update: [Function: update],
  106779. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  106780. values: [Function: values],
  106781. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  106782. without: [Function],
  106783. words: [Function: words],
  106784. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  106785. xor: [Function],
  106786. xorBy: [Function],
  106787. xorWith: [Function],
  106788. zip: [Function],
  106789. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  106790. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  106791. zipWith: [Function],
  106792. entries: [Function],
  106793. entriesIn: [Function],
  106794. extend: [Function],
  106795. extendWith: [Function],
  106796. add: [Function],
  106797. attempt: [Function],
  106798. camelCase: [Function],
  106799. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  106800. ceil: [Function],
  106801. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  106802. clone: [Function: clone],
  106803. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  106804. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  106805. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  106806. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  106807. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  106808. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  106809. divide: [Function],
  106810. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  106811. eq: [Function: eq],
  106812. escape: [Function: escape],
  106813. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  106814. every: [Function: every],
  106815. find: [Function],
  106816. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  106817. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  106818. findLast: [Function],
  106819. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  106820. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  106821. floor: [Function],
  106822. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  106823. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  106824. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  106825. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  106826. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  106827. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  106828. get: [Function: get],
  106829. gt: [Function],
  106830. gte: [Function],
  106831. has: [Function: has],
  106832. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  106833. head: [Function: head],
  106834. identity: [Function: identity],
  106835. includes: [Function: includes],
  106836. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  106837. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  106838. invoke: [Function],
  106839. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  106840. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  106841. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  106842. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  106843. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  106844. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  106845. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  106846. isDate: [Function],
  106847. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  106848. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  106849. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  106850. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  106851. isError: [Function: isError],
  106852. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  106853. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  106854. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  106855. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  106856. isMap: [Function],
  106857. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  106858. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  106859. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  106860. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  106861. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  106862. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  106863. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  106864. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  106865. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  106866. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  106867. isRegExp: [Function],
  106868. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  106869. isSet: [Function],
  106870. isString: [Function: isString],
  106871. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  106872. isTypedArray: [Function],
  106873. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  106874. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  106875. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  106876. join: [Function: join],
  106877. kebabCase: [Function],
  106878. last: [Function: last],
  106879. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  106880. lowerCase: [Function],
  106881. lowerFirst: [Function],
  106882. lt: [Function],
  106883. lte: [Function],
  106884. max: [Function: max],
  106885. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  106886. mean: [Function: mean],
  106887. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  106888. min: [Function: min],
  106889. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  106890. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  106891. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  106892. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  106893. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  106894. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  106895. multiply: [Function],
  106896. nth: [Function: nth],
  106897. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  106898. noop: [Function: noop],
  106899. now: [Function],
  106900. pad: [Function: pad],
  106901. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  106902. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  106903. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  106904. random: [Function: random],
  106905. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  106906. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  106907. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  106908. replace: [Function: replace],
  106909. result: [Function: result],
  106910. round: [Function],
  106911. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  106912. sample: [Function: sample],
  106913. size: [Function: size],
  106914. snakeCase: [Function],
  106915. some: [Function: some],
  106916. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  106917. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  106918. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  106919. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  106920. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  106921. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  106922. startCase: [Function],
  106923. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  106924. subtract: [Function],
  106925. sum: [Function: sum],
  106926. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  106927. template: [Function: template],
  106928. times: [Function: times],
  106929. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  106930. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  106931. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  106932. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  106933. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  106934. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  106935. toString: [Function: toString],
  106936. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  106937. trim: [Function: trim],
  106938. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  106939. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  106940. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  106941. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  106942. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  106943. upperCase: [Function],
  106944. upperFirst: [Function],
  106945. each: [Function: forEach],
  106946. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  106947. first: [Function: head],
  106948. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  106949. options:
  106950. { dialect: 'mysql',
  106951. dialectModulePath: null,
  106952. host: 'localhost',
  106953. protocol: 'tcp',
  106954. define: {},
  106955. query: {},
  106956. sync: {},
  106957. timezone: '+00:00',
  106958. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  106959. omitNull: false,
  106960. native: false,
  106961. replication: false,
  106962. ssl: undefined,
  106963. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  106964. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  106965. hooks: {},
  106966. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  106967. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  106968. isolationLevel: null,
  106969. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  106970. typeValidation: false,
  106971. benchmark: false,
  106972. operatorsAliases: false },
  106973. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  106974. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  106975. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  106976. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  106977. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  106978. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  106979. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  106980. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  106981. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  106982. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  106983. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  106984. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  106985. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  106986. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  106987. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  106988. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  106989. quote: [Function: quote],
  106990. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  106991. escape: [Function: escape],
  106992. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  106993. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  106994. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  106995. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  106996. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  106997. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  106998. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  106999. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  107000. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  107001. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  107002. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  107003. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  107004. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  107005. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  107006. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  107007. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  107008. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  107009. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  107010. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  107011. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  107012. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  107013. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  107014. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  107015. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  107016. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  107017. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  107018. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  107019. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  107020. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  107021. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  107022. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  107023. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  107024. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  107025. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  107026. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  107027. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  107028. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  107029. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  107030. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  107031. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  107032. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  107033. _dialect: [Circular],
  107034. sequelize: [Circular],
  107035. typeValidation: undefined } },
  107036. versionPromise: null,
  107037. dialectName: 'mysql',
  107038. pool:
  107039. Pool {
  107040. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  107041. _eventsCount: 0,
  107042. _maxListeners: undefined,
  107043. _config:
  107044. PoolOptions {
  107045. fifo: true,
  107046. priorityRange: 1,
  107047. testOnBorrow: true,
  107048. testOnReturn: false,
  107049. autostart: false,
  107050. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  107051. max: 5,
  107052. min: 0,
  107053. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  107054. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  107055. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  107056. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  107057. Promise:
  107058. { [Function: Promise]
  107059. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  107060. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  107061. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  107062. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  107063. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  107064. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  107065. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  107066. _peekContext: [Function],
  107067. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  107068. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  107069. longStackTraces: [Function],
  107070. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  107071. config: [Function],
  107072. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  107073. is: [Function],
  107074. fromCallback: [Function],
  107075. fromNode: [Function],
  107076. all: [Function],
  107077. cast: [Function],
  107078. fulfilled: [Function],
  107079. resolve: [Function],
  107080. rejected: [Function],
  107081. reject: [Function],
  107082. setScheduler: [Function],
  107083. pending: [Function],
  107084. defer: [Function],
  107085. method: [Function],
  107086. try: [Function],
  107087. attempt: [Function],
  107088. bind: [Function],
  107089. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  107090. join: [Function],
  107091. Promise: [Circular],
  107092. version: '3.5.3',
  107093. map: [Function],
  107094. using: [Function],
  107095. delay: [Function],
  107096. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  107097. spawn: [Function],
  107098. promisify: [Function],
  107099. promisifyAll: [Function],
  107100. props: [Function],
  107101. race: [Function],
  107102. reduce: [Function],
  107103. settle: [Function],
  107104. some: [Function],
  107105. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  107106. filter: [Function],
  107107. each: [Function],
  107108. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  107109. any: [Function],
  107110. default: [Circular] } },
  107111. _Promise:
  107112. { [Function: Promise]
  107113. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  107114. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  107115. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  107116. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  107117. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  107118. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  107119. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  107120. _peekContext: [Function],
  107121. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  107122. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  107123. longStackTraces: [Function],
  107124. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  107125. config: [Function],
  107126. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  107127. is: [Function],
  107128. fromCallback: [Function],
  107129. fromNode: [Function],
  107130. all: [Function],
  107131. cast: [Function],
  107132. fulfilled: [Function],
  107133. resolve: [Function],
  107134. rejected: [Function],
  107135. reject: [Function],
  107136. setScheduler: [Function],
  107137. pending: [Function],
  107138. defer: [Function],
  107139. method: [Function],
  107140. try: [Function],
  107141. attempt: [Function],
  107142. bind: [Function],
  107143. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  107144. join: [Function],
  107145. Promise: [Circular],
  107146. version: '3.5.3',
  107147. map: [Function],
  107148. using: [Function],
  107149. delay: [Function],
  107150. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  107151. spawn: [Function],
  107152. promisify: [Function],
  107153. promisifyAll: [Function],
  107154. props: [Function],
  107155. race: [Function],
  107156. reduce: [Function],
  107157. settle: [Function],
  107158. some: [Function],
  107159. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  107160. filter: [Function],
  107161. each: [Function],
  107162. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  107163. any: [Function],
  107164. default: [Circular] },
  107165. _factory:
  107166. { create: [Function: create],
  107167. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  107168. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  107169. _draining: false,
  107170. _started: true,
  107171. _waitingClientsQueue:
  107172. PriorityQueue {
  107173. _size: 1,
  107174. _slots:
  107175. [ Queue {
  107176. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  107177. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  107178. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  107179. _availableObjects:
  107180. Deque {
  107181. _list:
  107182. DoublyLinkedList {
  107183. head:
  107184. { prev: null,
  107185. next:
  107186. { prev: [Circular],
  107187. next: null,
  107188. data:
  107189. PooledResource {
  107190. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  107191. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  107192. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  107193. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  107194. obj:
  107195. Connection {
  107196. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  107197. _eventsCount: 1,
  107198. _maxListeners: undefined,
  107199. config:
  107200. ConnectionConfig {
  107201. isServer: undefined,
  107202. stream: undefined,
  107203. host: 'localhost',
  107204. port: 3306,
  107205. localAddress: undefined,
  107206. socketPath: undefined,
  107207. user: 'root',
  107208. password: 'abcd1234',
  107209. passwordSha1: undefined,
  107210. database: 'lbry',
  107211. connectTimeout: 10000,
  107212. insecureAuth: false,
  107213. supportBigNumbers: true,
  107214. bigNumberStrings: false,
  107215. decimalNumbers: false,
  107216. dateStrings: false,
  107217. debug: undefined,
  107218. trace: true,
  107219. stringifyObjects: false,
  107220. timezone: '+00:00',
  107221. queryFormat: undefined,
  107222. pool: undefined,
  107223. ssl: false,
  107224. multipleStatements: false,
  107225. rowsAsArray: false,
  107226. namedPlaceholders: false,
  107227. nestTables: undefined,
  107228. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  107229. maxPacketSize: 0,
  107230. charsetNumber: 224,
  107231. compress: false,
  107232. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  107233. clientFlags: 8582093,
  107234. connectAttributes: undefined,
  107235. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  107236. stream:
  107237. Socket {
  107238. connecting: false,
  107239. _hadError: false,
  107240. _handle:
  107241. TCP {
  107242. reading: true,
  107243. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  107244. onconnection: null,
  107245. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  107246. _parent: null,
  107247. _host: 'localhost',
  107248. _readableState:
  107249. ReadableState {
  107250. objectMode: false,
  107251. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107252. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  107253. length: 0,
  107254. pipes: null,
  107255. pipesCount: 0,
  107256. flowing: true,
  107257. ended: false,
  107258. endEmitted: false,
  107259. reading: true,
  107260. sync: false,
  107261. needReadable: true,
  107262. emittedReadable: false,
  107263. readableListening: false,
  107264. resumeScheduled: false,
  107265. emitClose: false,
  107266. autoDestroy: false,
  107267. destroyed: false,
  107268. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107269. awaitDrain: 0,
  107270. readingMore: false,
  107271. decoder: null,
  107272. encoding: null },
  107273. readable: true,
  107274. _events:
  107275. [Object: null prototype] {
  107276. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  107277. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  107278. data: [Function],
  107279. close: [Function] },
  107280. _eventsCount: 4,
  107281. _maxListeners: undefined,
  107282. _writableState:
  107283. WritableState {
  107284. objectMode: false,
  107285. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107286. finalCalled: false,
  107287. needDrain: false,
  107288. ending: false,
  107289. ended: false,
  107290. finished: false,
  107291. destroyed: false,
  107292. decodeStrings: false,
  107293. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107294. length: 0,
  107295. writing: false,
  107296. corked: 0,
  107297. sync: false,
  107298. bufferProcessing: false,
  107299. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  107300. writecb: null,
  107301. writelen: 0,
  107302. bufferedRequest: null,
  107303. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  107304. pendingcb: 0,
  107305. prefinished: false,
  107306. errorEmitted: false,
  107307. emitClose: false,
  107308. autoDestroy: false,
  107309. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  107310. corkedRequestsFree:
  107311. { next: null,
  107312. entry: null,
  107313. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  107314. writable: true,
  107315. allowHalfOpen: false,
  107316. _sockname: null,
  107317. _pendingData: null,
  107318. _pendingEncoding: '',
  107319. server: null,
  107320. _server: null,
  107321. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  107322. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  107323. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  107324. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  107325. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  107326. _internalId: 1,
  107327. _commands:
  107328. Denque {
  107329. _head: 0,
  107330. _tail: 0,
  107331. _capacityMask: 3,
  107332. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  107333. _command: undefined,
  107334. _paused: false,
  107335. _paused_packets:
  107336. Denque {
  107337. _head: 0,
  107338. _tail: 0,
  107339. _capacityMask: 3,
  107340. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  107341. _statements:
  107342. LRUCache {
  107343. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  107344. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  107345. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  107346. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  107347. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  107348. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  107349. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  107350. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  107351. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  107352. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107353. authorized: true,
  107354. sequenceId: 23,
  107355. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  107356. threadId: 1303,
  107357. _handshakePacket:
  107358. Handshake {
  107359. protocolVersion: 10,
  107360. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  107361. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107362. connectionId: 1303,
  107363. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  107364. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  107365. characterSet: 255,
  107366. statusFlags: 2 },
  107367. _fatalError: null,
  107368. _protocolError: null,
  107369. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  107370. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  107371. packetParser:
  107372. PacketParser {
  107373. buffer: [],
  107374. bufferLength: 0,
  107375. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  107376. headerLen: 0,
  107377. length: 5,
  107378. largePacketParts: [],
  107379. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  107380. onPacket: [Function],
  107381. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  107382. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  107383. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  107384. connectTimeout: null,
  107385. connectionId: 1303 },
  107386. state: 'IDLE' } },
  107387. data:
  107388. PooledResource {
  107389. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  107390. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  107391. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  107392. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  107393. obj:
  107394. Connection {
  107395. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  107396. _eventsCount: 1,
  107397. _maxListeners: undefined,
  107398. config:
  107399. ConnectionConfig {
  107400. isServer: undefined,
  107401. stream: undefined,
  107402. host: 'localhost',
  107403. port: 3306,
  107404. localAddress: undefined,
  107405. socketPath: undefined,
  107406. user: 'root',
  107407. password: 'abcd1234',
  107408. passwordSha1: undefined,
  107409. database: 'lbry',
  107410. connectTimeout: 10000,
  107411. insecureAuth: false,
  107412. supportBigNumbers: true,
  107413. bigNumberStrings: false,
  107414. decimalNumbers: false,
  107415. dateStrings: false,
  107416. debug: undefined,
  107417. trace: true,
  107418. stringifyObjects: false,
  107419. timezone: '+00:00',
  107420. queryFormat: undefined,
  107421. pool: undefined,
  107422. ssl: false,
  107423. multipleStatements: false,
  107424. rowsAsArray: false,
  107425. namedPlaceholders: false,
  107426. nestTables: undefined,
  107427. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  107428. maxPacketSize: 0,
  107429. charsetNumber: 224,
  107430. compress: false,
  107431. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  107432. clientFlags: 8582093,
  107433. connectAttributes: undefined,
  107434. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  107435. stream:
  107436. Socket {
  107437. connecting: false,
  107438. _hadError: false,
  107439. _handle:
  107440. TCP {
  107441. reading: true,
  107442. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  107443. onconnection: null,
  107444. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  107445. _parent: null,
  107446. _host: 'localhost',
  107447. _readableState:
  107448. ReadableState {
  107449. objectMode: false,
  107450. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107451. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  107452. length: 0,
  107453. pipes: null,
  107454. pipesCount: 0,
  107455. flowing: true,
  107456. ended: false,
  107457. endEmitted: false,
  107458. reading: true,
  107459. sync: false,
  107460. needReadable: true,
  107461. emittedReadable: false,
  107462. readableListening: false,
  107463. resumeScheduled: false,
  107464. emitClose: false,
  107465. autoDestroy: false,
  107466. destroyed: false,
  107467. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107468. awaitDrain: 0,
  107469. readingMore: false,
  107470. decoder: null,
  107471. encoding: null },
  107472. readable: true,
  107473. _events:
  107474. [Object: null prototype] {
  107475. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  107476. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  107477. data: [Function],
  107478. close: [Function] },
  107479. _eventsCount: 4,
  107480. _maxListeners: undefined,
  107481. _writableState:
  107482. WritableState {
  107483. objectMode: false,
  107484. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107485. finalCalled: false,
  107486. needDrain: false,
  107487. ending: false,
  107488. ended: false,
  107489. finished: false,
  107490. destroyed: false,
  107491. decodeStrings: false,
  107492. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107493. length: 0,
  107494. writing: false,
  107495. corked: 0,
  107496. sync: false,
  107497. bufferProcessing: false,
  107498. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  107499. writecb: null,
  107500. writelen: 0,
  107501. bufferedRequest: null,
  107502. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  107503. pendingcb: 0,
  107504. prefinished: false,
  107505. errorEmitted: false,
  107506. emitClose: false,
  107507. autoDestroy: false,
  107508. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  107509. corkedRequestsFree:
  107510. { next: null,
  107511. entry: null,
  107512. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  107513. writable: true,
  107514. allowHalfOpen: false,
  107515. _sockname: null,
  107516. _pendingData: null,
  107517. _pendingEncoding: '',
  107518. server: null,
  107519. _server: null,
  107520. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  107521. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  107522. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  107523. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  107524. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  107525. _internalId: 2,
  107526. _commands:
  107527. Denque {
  107528. _head: 0,
  107529. _tail: 0,
  107530. _capacityMask: 3,
  107531. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  107532. _command: undefined,
  107533. _paused: false,
  107534. _paused_packets:
  107535. Denque {
  107536. _head: 0,
  107537. _tail: 0,
  107538. _capacityMask: 3,
  107539. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  107540. _statements:
  107541. LRUCache {
  107542. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  107543. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  107544. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  107545. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  107546. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  107547. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  107548. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  107549. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  107550. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  107551. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107552. authorized: true,
  107553. sequenceId: 2,
  107554. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  107555. threadId: 1302,
  107556. _handshakePacket:
  107557. Handshake {
  107558. protocolVersion: 10,
  107559. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  107560. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107561. connectionId: 1302,
  107562. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  107563. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  107564. characterSet: 255,
  107565. statusFlags: 2 },
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  107567. _protocolError: null,
  107568. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  107569. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  107570. packetParser:
  107571. PacketParser {
  107572. buffer: [],
  107573. bufferLength: 0,
  107574. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  107575. headerLen: 0,
  107576. length: 7,
  107577. largePacketParts: [],
  107578. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  107579. onPacket: [Function],
  107580. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  107581. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  107582. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  107583. connectTimeout: null,
  107584. connectionId: 1302 },
  107585. state: 'IDLE' } },
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  107587. { prev:
  107588. { prev: null,
  107589. next: [Circular],
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  107591. PooledResource {
  107592. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  107593. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  107594. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  107595. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  107596. obj:
  107597. Connection {
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  107599. _eventsCount: 1,
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  107604. stream: undefined,
  107605. host: 'localhost',
  107606. port: 3306,
  107607. localAddress: undefined,
  107608. socketPath: undefined,
  107609. user: 'root',
  107610. password: 'abcd1234',
  107611. passwordSha1: undefined,
  107612. database: 'lbry',
  107613. connectTimeout: 10000,
  107614. insecureAuth: false,
  107615. supportBigNumbers: true,
  107616. bigNumberStrings: false,
  107617. decimalNumbers: false,
  107618. dateStrings: false,
  107619. debug: undefined,
  107620. trace: true,
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  107624. pool: undefined,
  107625. ssl: false,
  107626. multipleStatements: false,
  107627. rowsAsArray: false,
  107628. namedPlaceholders: false,
  107629. nestTables: undefined,
  107630. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  107631. maxPacketSize: 0,
  107632. charsetNumber: 224,
  107633. compress: false,
  107634. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  107635. clientFlags: 8582093,
  107636. connectAttributes: undefined,
  107637. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  107639. Socket {
  107640. connecting: false,
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  107643. TCP {
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  107645. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  107647. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  107650. _readableState:
  107651. ReadableState {
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  107653. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107654. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  107655. length: 0,
  107656. pipes: null,
  107657. pipesCount: 0,
  107658. flowing: true,
  107659. ended: false,
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  107661. reading: true,
  107662. sync: false,
  107663. needReadable: true,
  107664. emittedReadable: false,
  107665. readableListening: false,
  107666. resumeScheduled: false,
  107667. emitClose: false,
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  107669. destroyed: false,
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  107671. awaitDrain: 0,
  107672. readingMore: false,
  107673. decoder: null,
  107674. encoding: null },
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  107677. [Object: null prototype] {
  107678. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  107679. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  107680. data: [Function],
  107681. close: [Function] },
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  107683. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  107687. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107688. finalCalled: false,
  107689. needDrain: false,
  107690. ending: false,
  107691. ended: false,
  107692. finished: false,
  107693. destroyed: false,
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  107695. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107696. length: 0,
  107697. writing: false,
  107698. corked: 0,
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  107703. writelen: 0,
  107704. bufferedRequest: null,
  107705. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  107706. pendingcb: 0,
  107707. prefinished: false,
  107708. errorEmitted: false,
  107709. emitClose: false,
  107710. autoDestroy: false,
  107711. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  107712. corkedRequestsFree:
  107713. { next: null,
  107714. entry: null,
  107715. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  107717. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  107719. _pendingData: null,
  107720. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  107722. _server: null,
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  107725. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  107726. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  107727. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  107728. _internalId: 2,
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  107730. Denque {
  107731. _head: 0,
  107732. _tail: 0,
  107733. _capacityMask: 3,
  107734. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  107737. _paused_packets:
  107738. Denque {
  107739. _head: 0,
  107740. _tail: 0,
  107741. _capacityMask: 3,
  107742. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  107744. LRUCache {
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  107746. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  107747. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  107748. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  107749. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  107750. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  107751. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  107752. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  107753. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  107754. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107755. authorized: true,
  107756. sequenceId: 2,
  107757. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  107758. threadId: 1302,
  107759. _handshakePacket:
  107760. Handshake {
  107761. protocolVersion: 10,
  107762. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  107763. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107764. connectionId: 1302,
  107765. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  107766. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  107767. characterSet: 255,
  107768. statusFlags: 2 },
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  107770. _protocolError: null,
  107771. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  107772. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  107773. packetParser:
  107774. PacketParser {
  107775. buffer: [],
  107776. bufferLength: 0,
  107777. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  107778. headerLen: 0,
  107779. length: 7,
  107780. largePacketParts: [],
  107781. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  107782. onPacket: [Function],
  107783. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  107784. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  107785. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  107786. connectTimeout: null,
  107787. connectionId: 1302 },
  107788. state: 'IDLE' } },
  107789. next: null,
  107790. data:
  107791. PooledResource {
  107792. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  107793. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  107794. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  107795. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  107796. obj:
  107797. Connection {
  107798. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  107799. _eventsCount: 1,
  107800. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  107802. ConnectionConfig {
  107803. isServer: undefined,
  107804. stream: undefined,
  107805. host: 'localhost',
  107806. port: 3306,
  107807. localAddress: undefined,
  107808. socketPath: undefined,
  107809. user: 'root',
  107810. password: 'abcd1234',
  107811. passwordSha1: undefined,
  107812. database: 'lbry',
  107813. connectTimeout: 10000,
  107814. insecureAuth: false,
  107815. supportBigNumbers: true,
  107816. bigNumberStrings: false,
  107817. decimalNumbers: false,
  107818. dateStrings: false,
  107819. debug: undefined,
  107820. trace: true,
  107821. stringifyObjects: false,
  107822. timezone: '+00:00',
  107823. queryFormat: undefined,
  107824. pool: undefined,
  107825. ssl: false,
  107826. multipleStatements: false,
  107827. rowsAsArray: false,
  107828. namedPlaceholders: false,
  107829. nestTables: undefined,
  107830. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  107831. maxPacketSize: 0,
  107832. charsetNumber: 224,
  107833. compress: false,
  107834. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  107835. clientFlags: 8582093,
  107836. connectAttributes: undefined,
  107837. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  107839. Socket {
  107840. connecting: false,
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  107843. TCP {
  107844. reading: true,
  107845. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  107847. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  107849. _host: 'localhost',
  107850. _readableState:
  107851. ReadableState {
  107852. objectMode: false,
  107853. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107854. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  107855. length: 0,
  107856. pipes: null,
  107857. pipesCount: 0,
  107858. flowing: true,
  107859. ended: false,
  107860. endEmitted: false,
  107861. reading: true,
  107862. sync: false,
  107863. needReadable: true,
  107864. emittedReadable: false,
  107865. readableListening: false,
  107866. resumeScheduled: false,
  107867. emitClose: false,
  107868. autoDestroy: false,
  107869. destroyed: false,
  107870. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107871. awaitDrain: 0,
  107872. readingMore: false,
  107873. decoder: null,
  107874. encoding: null },
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  107877. [Object: null prototype] {
  107878. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  107879. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  107880. data: [Function],
  107881. close: [Function] },
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  107883. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  107885. WritableState {
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  107887. highWaterMark: 16384,
  107888. finalCalled: false,
  107889. needDrain: false,
  107890. ending: false,
  107891. ended: false,
  107892. finished: false,
  107893. destroyed: false,
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  107895. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  107896. length: 0,
  107897. writing: false,
  107898. corked: 0,
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  107903. writelen: 0,
  107904. bufferedRequest: null,
  107905. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  107906. pendingcb: 0,
  107907. prefinished: false,
  107908. errorEmitted: false,
  107909. emitClose: false,
  107910. autoDestroy: false,
  107911. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  107912. corkedRequestsFree:
  107913. { next: null,
  107914. entry: null,
  107915. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
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  107917. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  107919. _pendingData: null,
  107920. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  107922. _server: null,
  107923. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
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  107925. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  107926. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  107927. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  107930. Denque {
  107931. _head: 0,
  107932. _tail: 0,
  107933. _capacityMask: 3,
  107934. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  107936. _paused: false,
  107937. _paused_packets:
  107938. Denque {
  107939. _head: 0,
  107940. _tail: 0,
  107941. _capacityMask: 3,
  107942. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  107944. LRUCache {
  107945. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
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  107947. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  107948. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  107949. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  107950. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  107951. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  107952. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  107953. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  107954. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107955. authorized: true,
  107956. sequenceId: 23,
  107957. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  107958. threadId: 1303,
  107959. _handshakePacket:
  107960. Handshake {
  107961. protocolVersion: 10,
  107962. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  107963. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  107964. connectionId: 1303,
  107965. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  107966. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  107967. characterSet: 255,
  107968. statusFlags: 2 },
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  107970. _protocolError: null,
  107971. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  107972. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  107973. packetParser:
  107974. PacketParser {
  107975. buffer: [],
  107976. bufferLength: 0,
  107977. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  107978. headerLen: 0,
  107979. length: 5,
  107980. largePacketParts: [],
  107981. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  107982. onPacket: [Function],
  107983. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  107984. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  107985. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  107986. connectTimeout: null,
  107987. connectionId: 1303 },
  107988. state: 'IDLE' } },
  107989. length: 2 } },
  107990. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  107991. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  107992. _validationOperations: Set {},
  107993. _allObjects:
  107994. Set {
  107995. PooledResource {
  107996. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  107997. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  107998. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  107999. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  108000. obj:
  108001. Connection {
  108002. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  108003. _eventsCount: 1,
  108004. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108005. config:
  108006. ConnectionConfig {
  108007. isServer: undefined,
  108008. stream: undefined,
  108009. host: 'localhost',
  108010. port: 3306,
  108011. localAddress: undefined,
  108012. socketPath: undefined,
  108013. user: 'root',
  108014. password: 'abcd1234',
  108015. passwordSha1: undefined,
  108016. database: 'lbry',
  108017. connectTimeout: 10000,
  108018. insecureAuth: false,
  108019. supportBigNumbers: true,
  108020. bigNumberStrings: false,
  108021. decimalNumbers: false,
  108022. dateStrings: false,
  108023. debug: undefined,
  108024. trace: true,
  108025. stringifyObjects: false,
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  108027. queryFormat: undefined,
  108028. pool: undefined,
  108029. ssl: false,
  108030. multipleStatements: false,
  108031. rowsAsArray: false,
  108032. namedPlaceholders: false,
  108033. nestTables: undefined,
  108034. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  108035. maxPacketSize: 0,
  108036. charsetNumber: 224,
  108037. compress: false,
  108038. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  108039. clientFlags: 8582093,
  108040. connectAttributes: undefined,
  108041. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  108043. Socket {
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  108046. _handle:
  108047. TCP {
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  108049. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  108051. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  108053. _host: 'localhost',
  108054. _readableState:
  108055. ReadableState {
  108056. objectMode: false,
  108057. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108058. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  108059. length: 0,
  108060. pipes: null,
  108061. pipesCount: 0,
  108062. flowing: true,
  108063. ended: false,
  108064. endEmitted: false,
  108065. reading: true,
  108066. sync: false,
  108067. needReadable: true,
  108068. emittedReadable: false,
  108069. readableListening: false,
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  108071. emitClose: false,
  108072. autoDestroy: false,
  108073. destroyed: false,
  108074. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108075. awaitDrain: 0,
  108076. readingMore: false,
  108077. decoder: null,
  108078. encoding: null },
  108079. readable: true,
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  108081. [Object: null prototype] {
  108082. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  108083. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  108084. data: [Function],
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  108089. WritableState {
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  108092. finalCalled: false,
  108093. needDrain: false,
  108094. ending: false,
  108095. ended: false,
  108096. finished: false,
  108097. destroyed: false,
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  108099. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108100. length: 0,
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  108102. corked: 0,
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  108108. bufferedRequest: null,
  108109. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  108110. pendingcb: 0,
  108111. prefinished: false,
  108112. errorEmitted: false,
  108113. emitClose: false,
  108114. autoDestroy: false,
  108115. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  108116. corkedRequestsFree:
  108117. { next: null,
  108118. entry: null,
  108119. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  108120. writable: true,
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  108122. _sockname: null,
  108123. _pendingData: null,
  108124. _pendingEncoding: '',
  108125. server: null,
  108126. _server: null,
  108127. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  108128. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  108129. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  108130. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  108131. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  108132. _internalId: 2,
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  108134. Denque {
  108135. _head: 0,
  108136. _tail: 0,
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  108138. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108139. _command: undefined,
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  108141. _paused_packets:
  108142. Denque {
  108143. _head: 0,
  108144. _tail: 0,
  108145. _capacityMask: 3,
  108146. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  108148. LRUCache {
  108149. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  108150. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  108151. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  108152. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  108153. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  108154. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  108155. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  108156. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  108157. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  108158. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108159. authorized: true,
  108160. sequenceId: 2,
  108161. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  108162. threadId: 1302,
  108163. _handshakePacket:
  108164. Handshake {
  108165. protocolVersion: 10,
  108166. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  108167. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108168. connectionId: 1302,
  108169. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  108170. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  108171. characterSet: 255,
  108172. statusFlags: 2 },
  108173. _fatalError: null,
  108174. _protocolError: null,
  108175. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  108176. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  108177. packetParser:
  108178. PacketParser {
  108179. buffer: [],
  108180. bufferLength: 0,
  108181. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  108182. headerLen: 0,
  108183. length: 7,
  108184. largePacketParts: [],
  108185. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  108186. onPacket: [Function],
  108187. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  108188. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  108189. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  108190. connectTimeout: null,
  108191. connectionId: 1302 },
  108192. state: 'IDLE' },
  108193. PooledResource {
  108194. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  108195. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  108196. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  108197. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  108198. obj:
  108199. Connection {
  108200. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  108201. _eventsCount: 1,
  108202. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108203. config:
  108204. ConnectionConfig {
  108205. isServer: undefined,
  108206. stream: undefined,
  108207. host: 'localhost',
  108208. port: 3306,
  108209. localAddress: undefined,
  108210. socketPath: undefined,
  108211. user: 'root',
  108212. password: 'abcd1234',
  108213. passwordSha1: undefined,
  108214. database: 'lbry',
  108215. connectTimeout: 10000,
  108216. insecureAuth: false,
  108217. supportBigNumbers: true,
  108218. bigNumberStrings: false,
  108219. decimalNumbers: false,
  108220. dateStrings: false,
  108221. debug: undefined,
  108222. trace: true,
  108223. stringifyObjects: false,
  108224. timezone: '+00:00',
  108225. queryFormat: undefined,
  108226. pool: undefined,
  108227. ssl: false,
  108228. multipleStatements: false,
  108229. rowsAsArray: false,
  108230. namedPlaceholders: false,
  108231. nestTables: undefined,
  108232. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  108233. maxPacketSize: 0,
  108234. charsetNumber: 224,
  108235. compress: false,
  108236. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  108237. clientFlags: 8582093,
  108238. connectAttributes: undefined,
  108239. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  108240. stream:
  108241. Socket {
  108242. connecting: false,
  108243. _hadError: false,
  108244. _handle:
  108245. TCP {
  108246. reading: true,
  108247. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  108248. onconnection: null,
  108249. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  108250. _parent: null,
  108251. _host: 'localhost',
  108252. _readableState:
  108253. ReadableState {
  108254. objectMode: false,
  108255. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108256. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  108257. length: 0,
  108258. pipes: null,
  108259. pipesCount: 0,
  108260. flowing: true,
  108261. ended: false,
  108262. endEmitted: false,
  108263. reading: true,
  108264. sync: false,
  108265. needReadable: true,
  108266. emittedReadable: false,
  108267. readableListening: false,
  108268. resumeScheduled: false,
  108269. emitClose: false,
  108270. autoDestroy: false,
  108271. destroyed: false,
  108272. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108273. awaitDrain: 0,
  108274. readingMore: false,
  108275. decoder: null,
  108276. encoding: null },
  108277. readable: true,
  108278. _events:
  108279. [Object: null prototype] {
  108280. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  108281. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  108282. data: [Function],
  108283. close: [Function] },
  108284. _eventsCount: 4,
  108285. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108286. _writableState:
  108287. WritableState {
  108288. objectMode: false,
  108289. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108290. finalCalled: false,
  108291. needDrain: false,
  108292. ending: false,
  108293. ended: false,
  108294. finished: false,
  108295. destroyed: false,
  108296. decodeStrings: false,
  108297. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108298. length: 0,
  108299. writing: false,
  108300. corked: 0,
  108301. sync: false,
  108302. bufferProcessing: false,
  108303. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  108305. writelen: 0,
  108306. bufferedRequest: null,
  108307. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  108308. pendingcb: 0,
  108309. prefinished: false,
  108310. errorEmitted: false,
  108311. emitClose: false,
  108312. autoDestroy: false,
  108313. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  108314. corkedRequestsFree:
  108315. { next: null,
  108316. entry: null,
  108317. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  108318. writable: true,
  108319. allowHalfOpen: false,
  108320. _sockname: null,
  108321. _pendingData: null,
  108322. _pendingEncoding: '',
  108323. server: null,
  108324. _server: null,
  108325. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  108326. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  108327. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  108328. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  108329. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  108330. _internalId: 1,
  108331. _commands:
  108332. Denque {
  108333. _head: 0,
  108334. _tail: 0,
  108335. _capacityMask: 3,
  108336. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108337. _command: undefined,
  108338. _paused: false,
  108339. _paused_packets:
  108340. Denque {
  108341. _head: 0,
  108342. _tail: 0,
  108343. _capacityMask: 3,
  108344. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108345. _statements:
  108346. LRUCache {
  108347. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  108348. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  108349. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  108350. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  108351. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  108352. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  108353. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  108354. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  108355. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  108356. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108357. authorized: true,
  108358. sequenceId: 23,
  108359. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  108360. threadId: 1303,
  108361. _handshakePacket:
  108362. Handshake {
  108363. protocolVersion: 10,
  108364. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  108365. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108366. connectionId: 1303,
  108367. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  108368. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  108369. characterSet: 255,
  108370. statusFlags: 2 },
  108371. _fatalError: null,
  108372. _protocolError: null,
  108373. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  108374. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  108375. packetParser:
  108376. PacketParser {
  108377. buffer: [],
  108378. bufferLength: 0,
  108379. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  108380. headerLen: 0,
  108381. length: 5,
  108382. largePacketParts: [],
  108383. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  108384. onPacket: [Function],
  108385. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  108386. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  108387. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  108388. connectTimeout: null,
  108389. connectionId: 1303 },
  108390. state: 'IDLE' } },
  108391. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  108392. _evictionIterator:
  108393. DequeIterator {
  108394. _list:
  108395. DoublyLinkedList {
  108396. head:
  108397. { prev: null,
  108398. next:
  108399. { prev: [Circular],
  108400. next: null,
  108401. data:
  108402. PooledResource {
  108403. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  108404. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  108405. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  108406. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  108407. obj:
  108408. Connection {
  108409. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  108410. _eventsCount: 1,
  108411. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108412. config:
  108413. ConnectionConfig {
  108414. isServer: undefined,
  108415. stream: undefined,
  108416. host: 'localhost',
  108417. port: 3306,
  108418. localAddress: undefined,
  108419. socketPath: undefined,
  108420. user: 'root',
  108421. password: 'abcd1234',
  108422. passwordSha1: undefined,
  108423. database: 'lbry',
  108424. connectTimeout: 10000,
  108425. insecureAuth: false,
  108426. supportBigNumbers: true,
  108427. bigNumberStrings: false,
  108428. decimalNumbers: false,
  108429. dateStrings: false,
  108430. debug: undefined,
  108431. trace: true,
  108432. stringifyObjects: false,
  108433. timezone: '+00:00',
  108434. queryFormat: undefined,
  108435. pool: undefined,
  108436. ssl: false,
  108437. multipleStatements: false,
  108438. rowsAsArray: false,
  108439. namedPlaceholders: false,
  108440. nestTables: undefined,
  108441. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  108442. maxPacketSize: 0,
  108443. charsetNumber: 224,
  108444. compress: false,
  108445. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  108446. clientFlags: 8582093,
  108447. connectAttributes: undefined,
  108448. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  108449. stream:
  108450. Socket {
  108451. connecting: false,
  108452. _hadError: false,
  108453. _handle:
  108454. TCP {
  108455. reading: true,
  108456. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  108457. onconnection: null,
  108458. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  108459. _parent: null,
  108460. _host: 'localhost',
  108461. _readableState:
  108462. ReadableState {
  108463. objectMode: false,
  108464. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108465. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  108466. length: 0,
  108467. pipes: null,
  108468. pipesCount: 0,
  108469. flowing: true,
  108470. ended: false,
  108471. endEmitted: false,
  108472. reading: true,
  108473. sync: false,
  108474. needReadable: true,
  108475. emittedReadable: false,
  108476. readableListening: false,
  108477. resumeScheduled: false,
  108478. emitClose: false,
  108479. autoDestroy: false,
  108480. destroyed: false,
  108481. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108482. awaitDrain: 0,
  108483. readingMore: false,
  108484. decoder: null,
  108485. encoding: null },
  108486. readable: true,
  108487. _events:
  108488. [Object: null prototype] {
  108489. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  108490. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  108491. data: [Function],
  108492. close: [Function] },
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  108494. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108495. _writableState:
  108496. WritableState {
  108497. objectMode: false,
  108498. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108499. finalCalled: false,
  108500. needDrain: false,
  108501. ending: false,
  108502. ended: false,
  108503. finished: false,
  108504. destroyed: false,
  108505. decodeStrings: false,
  108506. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108507. length: 0,
  108508. writing: false,
  108509. corked: 0,
  108510. sync: false,
  108511. bufferProcessing: false,
  108512. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  108513. writecb: null,
  108514. writelen: 0,
  108515. bufferedRequest: null,
  108516. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  108517. pendingcb: 0,
  108518. prefinished: false,
  108519. errorEmitted: false,
  108520. emitClose: false,
  108521. autoDestroy: false,
  108522. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  108523. corkedRequestsFree:
  108524. { next: null,
  108525. entry: null,
  108526. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  108527. writable: true,
  108528. allowHalfOpen: false,
  108529. _sockname: null,
  108530. _pendingData: null,
  108531. _pendingEncoding: '',
  108532. server: null,
  108533. _server: null,
  108534. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  108535. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  108536. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  108537. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  108538. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  108539. _internalId: 1,
  108540. _commands:
  108541. Denque {
  108542. _head: 0,
  108543. _tail: 0,
  108544. _capacityMask: 3,
  108545. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108546. _command: undefined,
  108547. _paused: false,
  108548. _paused_packets:
  108549. Denque {
  108550. _head: 0,
  108551. _tail: 0,
  108552. _capacityMask: 3,
  108553. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108554. _statements:
  108555. LRUCache {
  108556. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  108557. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  108558. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  108559. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  108560. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  108561. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  108562. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  108563. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  108564. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  108565. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108566. authorized: true,
  108567. sequenceId: 23,
  108568. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  108569. threadId: 1303,
  108570. _handshakePacket:
  108571. Handshake {
  108572. protocolVersion: 10,
  108573. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  108574. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108575. connectionId: 1303,
  108576. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  108577. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  108578. characterSet: 255,
  108579. statusFlags: 2 },
  108580. _fatalError: null,
  108581. _protocolError: null,
  108582. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  108583. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  108584. packetParser:
  108585. PacketParser {
  108586. buffer: [],
  108587. bufferLength: 0,
  108588. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  108589. headerLen: 0,
  108590. length: 5,
  108591. largePacketParts: [],
  108592. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  108593. onPacket: [Function],
  108594. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  108595. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  108596. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  108597. connectTimeout: null,
  108598. connectionId: 1303 },
  108599. state: 'IDLE' } },
  108600. data:
  108601. PooledResource {
  108602. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  108603. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  108604. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  108605. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  108606. obj:
  108607. Connection {
  108608. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  108609. _eventsCount: 1,
  108610. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108611. config:
  108612. ConnectionConfig {
  108613. isServer: undefined,
  108614. stream: undefined,
  108615. host: 'localhost',
  108616. port: 3306,
  108617. localAddress: undefined,
  108618. socketPath: undefined,
  108619. user: 'root',
  108620. password: 'abcd1234',
  108621. passwordSha1: undefined,
  108622. database: 'lbry',
  108623. connectTimeout: 10000,
  108624. insecureAuth: false,
  108625. supportBigNumbers: true,
  108626. bigNumberStrings: false,
  108627. decimalNumbers: false,
  108628. dateStrings: false,
  108629. debug: undefined,
  108630. trace: true,
  108631. stringifyObjects: false,
  108632. timezone: '+00:00',
  108633. queryFormat: undefined,
  108634. pool: undefined,
  108635. ssl: false,
  108636. multipleStatements: false,
  108637. rowsAsArray: false,
  108638. namedPlaceholders: false,
  108639. nestTables: undefined,
  108640. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  108641. maxPacketSize: 0,
  108642. charsetNumber: 224,
  108643. compress: false,
  108644. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  108645. clientFlags: 8582093,
  108646. connectAttributes: undefined,
  108647. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  108648. stream:
  108649. Socket {
  108650. connecting: false,
  108651. _hadError: false,
  108652. _handle:
  108653. TCP {
  108654. reading: true,
  108655. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  108656. onconnection: null,
  108657. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  108658. _parent: null,
  108659. _host: 'localhost',
  108660. _readableState:
  108661. ReadableState {
  108662. objectMode: false,
  108663. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108664. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  108665. length: 0,
  108666. pipes: null,
  108667. pipesCount: 0,
  108668. flowing: true,
  108669. ended: false,
  108670. endEmitted: false,
  108671. reading: true,
  108672. sync: false,
  108673. needReadable: true,
  108674. emittedReadable: false,
  108675. readableListening: false,
  108676. resumeScheduled: false,
  108677. emitClose: false,
  108678. autoDestroy: false,
  108679. destroyed: false,
  108680. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108681. awaitDrain: 0,
  108682. readingMore: false,
  108683. decoder: null,
  108684. encoding: null },
  108685. readable: true,
  108686. _events:
  108687. [Object: null prototype] {
  108688. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  108689. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  108690. data: [Function],
  108691. close: [Function] },
  108692. _eventsCount: 4,
  108693. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108694. _writableState:
  108695. WritableState {
  108696. objectMode: false,
  108697. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108698. finalCalled: false,
  108699. needDrain: false,
  108700. ending: false,
  108701. ended: false,
  108702. finished: false,
  108703. destroyed: false,
  108704. decodeStrings: false,
  108705. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108706. length: 0,
  108707. writing: false,
  108708. corked: 0,
  108709. sync: false,
  108710. bufferProcessing: false,
  108711. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  108712. writecb: null,
  108713. writelen: 0,
  108714. bufferedRequest: null,
  108715. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  108716. pendingcb: 0,
  108717. prefinished: false,
  108718. errorEmitted: false,
  108719. emitClose: false,
  108720. autoDestroy: false,
  108721. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  108722. corkedRequestsFree:
  108723. { next: null,
  108724. entry: null,
  108725. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  108726. writable: true,
  108727. allowHalfOpen: false,
  108728. _sockname: null,
  108729. _pendingData: null,
  108730. _pendingEncoding: '',
  108731. server: null,
  108732. _server: null,
  108733. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  108734. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  108735. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  108736. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  108737. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  108738. _internalId: 2,
  108739. _commands:
  108740. Denque {
  108741. _head: 0,
  108742. _tail: 0,
  108743. _capacityMask: 3,
  108744. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108745. _command: undefined,
  108746. _paused: false,
  108747. _paused_packets:
  108748. Denque {
  108749. _head: 0,
  108750. _tail: 0,
  108751. _capacityMask: 3,
  108752. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108753. _statements:
  108754. LRUCache {
  108755. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  108756. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  108757. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  108758. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  108759. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  108760. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  108761. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  108762. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  108763. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  108764. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108765. authorized: true,
  108766. sequenceId: 2,
  108767. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  108768. threadId: 1302,
  108769. _handshakePacket:
  108770. Handshake {
  108771. protocolVersion: 10,
  108772. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  108773. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108774. connectionId: 1302,
  108775. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  108776. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  108777. characterSet: 255,
  108778. statusFlags: 2 },
  108779. _fatalError: null,
  108780. _protocolError: null,
  108781. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  108782. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  108783. packetParser:
  108784. PacketParser {
  108785. buffer: [],
  108786. bufferLength: 0,
  108787. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  108788. headerLen: 0,
  108789. length: 7,
  108790. largePacketParts: [],
  108791. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  108792. onPacket: [Function],
  108793. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  108794. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  108795. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  108796. connectTimeout: null,
  108797. connectionId: 1302 },
  108798. state: 'IDLE' } },
  108799. tail:
  108800. { prev:
  108801. { prev: null,
  108802. next: [Circular],
  108803. data:
  108804. PooledResource {
  108805. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  108806. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  108807. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  108808. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  108809. obj:
  108810. Connection {
  108811. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  108812. _eventsCount: 1,
  108813. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108814. config:
  108815. ConnectionConfig {
  108816. isServer: undefined,
  108817. stream: undefined,
  108818. host: 'localhost',
  108819. port: 3306,
  108820. localAddress: undefined,
  108821. socketPath: undefined,
  108822. user: 'root',
  108823. password: 'abcd1234',
  108824. passwordSha1: undefined,
  108825. database: 'lbry',
  108826. connectTimeout: 10000,
  108827. insecureAuth: false,
  108828. supportBigNumbers: true,
  108829. bigNumberStrings: false,
  108830. decimalNumbers: false,
  108831. dateStrings: false,
  108832. debug: undefined,
  108833. trace: true,
  108834. stringifyObjects: false,
  108835. timezone: '+00:00',
  108836. queryFormat: undefined,
  108837. pool: undefined,
  108838. ssl: false,
  108839. multipleStatements: false,
  108840. rowsAsArray: false,
  108841. namedPlaceholders: false,
  108842. nestTables: undefined,
  108843. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  108844. maxPacketSize: 0,
  108845. charsetNumber: 224,
  108846. compress: false,
  108847. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  108848. clientFlags: 8582093,
  108849. connectAttributes: undefined,
  108850. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  108851. stream:
  108852. Socket {
  108853. connecting: false,
  108854. _hadError: false,
  108855. _handle:
  108856. TCP {
  108857. reading: true,
  108858. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  108859. onconnection: null,
  108860. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  108861. _parent: null,
  108862. _host: 'localhost',
  108863. _readableState:
  108864. ReadableState {
  108865. objectMode: false,
  108866. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108867. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  108868. length: 0,
  108869. pipes: null,
  108870. pipesCount: 0,
  108871. flowing: true,
  108872. ended: false,
  108873. endEmitted: false,
  108874. reading: true,
  108875. sync: false,
  108876. needReadable: true,
  108877. emittedReadable: false,
  108878. readableListening: false,
  108879. resumeScheduled: false,
  108880. emitClose: false,
  108881. autoDestroy: false,
  108882. destroyed: false,
  108883. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108884. awaitDrain: 0,
  108885. readingMore: false,
  108886. decoder: null,
  108887. encoding: null },
  108888. readable: true,
  108889. _events:
  108890. [Object: null prototype] {
  108891. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  108892. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  108893. data: [Function],
  108894. close: [Function] },
  108895. _eventsCount: 4,
  108896. _maxListeners: undefined,
  108897. _writableState:
  108898. WritableState {
  108899. objectMode: false,
  108900. highWaterMark: 16384,
  108901. finalCalled: false,
  108902. needDrain: false,
  108903. ending: false,
  108904. ended: false,
  108905. finished: false,
  108906. destroyed: false,
  108907. decodeStrings: false,
  108908. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  108909. length: 0,
  108910. writing: false,
  108911. corked: 0,
  108912. sync: false,
  108913. bufferProcessing: false,
  108914. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  108915. writecb: null,
  108916. writelen: 0,
  108917. bufferedRequest: null,
  108918. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  108919. pendingcb: 0,
  108920. prefinished: false,
  108921. errorEmitted: false,
  108922. emitClose: false,
  108923. autoDestroy: false,
  108924. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  108925. corkedRequestsFree:
  108926. { next: null,
  108927. entry: null,
  108928. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  108929. writable: true,
  108930. allowHalfOpen: false,
  108931. _sockname: null,
  108932. _pendingData: null,
  108933. _pendingEncoding: '',
  108934. server: null,
  108935. _server: null,
  108936. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  108937. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  108938. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  108939. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  108940. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  108941. _internalId: 2,
  108942. _commands:
  108943. Denque {
  108944. _head: 0,
  108945. _tail: 0,
  108946. _capacityMask: 3,
  108947. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108948. _command: undefined,
  108949. _paused: false,
  108950. _paused_packets:
  108951. Denque {
  108952. _head: 0,
  108953. _tail: 0,
  108954. _capacityMask: 3,
  108955. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  108956. _statements:
  108957. LRUCache {
  108958. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  108959. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  108960. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  108961. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  108962. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  108963. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  108964. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  108965. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  108966. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  108967. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108968. authorized: true,
  108969. sequenceId: 2,
  108970. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  108971. threadId: 1302,
  108972. _handshakePacket:
  108973. Handshake {
  108974. protocolVersion: 10,
  108975. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  108976. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  108977. connectionId: 1302,
  108978. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  108979. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  108980. characterSet: 255,
  108981. statusFlags: 2 },
  108982. _fatalError: null,
  108983. _protocolError: null,
  108984. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  108985. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  108986. packetParser:
  108987. PacketParser {
  108988. buffer: [],
  108989. bufferLength: 0,
  108990. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  108991. headerLen: 0,
  108992. length: 7,
  108993. largePacketParts: [],
  108994. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  108995. onPacket: [Function],
  108996. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  108997. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  108998. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  108999. connectTimeout: null,
  109000. connectionId: 1302 },
  109001. state: 'IDLE' } },
  109002. next: null,
  109003. data:
  109004. PooledResource {
  109005. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  109006. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  109007. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  109008. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  109009. obj:
  109010. Connection {
  109011. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  109012. _eventsCount: 1,
  109013. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109014. config:
  109015. ConnectionConfig {
  109016. isServer: undefined,
  109017. stream: undefined,
  109018. host: 'localhost',
  109019. port: 3306,
  109020. localAddress: undefined,
  109021. socketPath: undefined,
  109022. user: 'root',
  109023. password: 'abcd1234',
  109024. passwordSha1: undefined,
  109025. database: 'lbry',
  109026. connectTimeout: 10000,
  109027. insecureAuth: false,
  109028. supportBigNumbers: true,
  109029. bigNumberStrings: false,
  109030. decimalNumbers: false,
  109031. dateStrings: false,
  109032. debug: undefined,
  109033. trace: true,
  109034. stringifyObjects: false,
  109035. timezone: '+00:00',
  109036. queryFormat: undefined,
  109037. pool: undefined,
  109038. ssl: false,
  109039. multipleStatements: false,
  109040. rowsAsArray: false,
  109041. namedPlaceholders: false,
  109042. nestTables: undefined,
  109043. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  109044. maxPacketSize: 0,
  109045. charsetNumber: 224,
  109046. compress: false,
  109047. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  109048. clientFlags: 8582093,
  109049. connectAttributes: undefined,
  109050. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  109051. stream:
  109052. Socket {
  109053. connecting: false,
  109054. _hadError: false,
  109055. _handle:
  109056. TCP {
  109057. reading: true,
  109058. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  109059. onconnection: null,
  109060. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  109061. _parent: null,
  109062. _host: 'localhost',
  109063. _readableState:
  109064. ReadableState {
  109065. objectMode: false,
  109066. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109067. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  109068. length: 0,
  109069. pipes: null,
  109070. pipesCount: 0,
  109071. flowing: true,
  109072. ended: false,
  109073. endEmitted: false,
  109074. reading: true,
  109075. sync: false,
  109076. needReadable: true,
  109077. emittedReadable: false,
  109078. readableListening: false,
  109079. resumeScheduled: false,
  109080. emitClose: false,
  109081. autoDestroy: false,
  109082. destroyed: false,
  109083. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109084. awaitDrain: 0,
  109085. readingMore: false,
  109086. decoder: null,
  109087. encoding: null },
  109088. readable: true,
  109089. _events:
  109090. [Object: null prototype] {
  109091. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  109092. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  109093. data: [Function],
  109094. close: [Function] },
  109095. _eventsCount: 4,
  109096. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109097. _writableState:
  109098. WritableState {
  109099. objectMode: false,
  109100. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109101. finalCalled: false,
  109102. needDrain: false,
  109103. ending: false,
  109104. ended: false,
  109105. finished: false,
  109106. destroyed: false,
  109107. decodeStrings: false,
  109108. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109109. length: 0,
  109110. writing: false,
  109111. corked: 0,
  109112. sync: false,
  109113. bufferProcessing: false,
  109114. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  109115. writecb: null,
  109116. writelen: 0,
  109117. bufferedRequest: null,
  109118. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  109119. pendingcb: 0,
  109120. prefinished: false,
  109121. errorEmitted: false,
  109122. emitClose: false,
  109123. autoDestroy: false,
  109124. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  109125. corkedRequestsFree:
  109126. { next: null,
  109127. entry: null,
  109128. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  109129. writable: true,
  109130. allowHalfOpen: false,
  109131. _sockname: null,
  109132. _pendingData: null,
  109133. _pendingEncoding: '',
  109134. server: null,
  109135. _server: null,
  109136. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  109137. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  109138. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  109139. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  109140. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  109141. _internalId: 1,
  109142. _commands:
  109143. Denque {
  109144. _head: 0,
  109145. _tail: 0,
  109146. _capacityMask: 3,
  109147. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109148. _command: undefined,
  109149. _paused: false,
  109150. _paused_packets:
  109151. Denque {
  109152. _head: 0,
  109153. _tail: 0,
  109154. _capacityMask: 3,
  109155. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109156. _statements:
  109157. LRUCache {
  109158. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  109159. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  109160. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  109161. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  109162. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  109163. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  109164. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  109165. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  109166. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  109167. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109168. authorized: true,
  109169. sequenceId: 23,
  109170. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  109171. threadId: 1303,
  109172. _handshakePacket:
  109173. Handshake {
  109174. protocolVersion: 10,
  109175. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  109176. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109177. connectionId: 1303,
  109178. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  109179. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  109180. characterSet: 255,
  109181. statusFlags: 2 },
  109182. _fatalError: null,
  109183. _protocolError: null,
  109184. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  109185. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  109186. packetParser:
  109187. PacketParser {
  109188. buffer: [],
  109189. bufferLength: 0,
  109190. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  109191. headerLen: 0,
  109192. length: 5,
  109193. largePacketParts: [],
  109194. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  109195. onPacket: [Function],
  109196. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  109197. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  109198. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  109199. connectTimeout: null,
  109200. connectionId: 1303 },
  109201. state: 'IDLE' } },
  109202. length: 2 },
  109203. _direction: 'next',
  109204. _startPosition: 'head',
  109205. _started: false,
  109206. _cursor: null,
  109207. _done: false },
  109208. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  109209. _scheduledEviction:
  109210. Timeout {
  109211. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  109212. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  109213. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  109214. _idleStart: 432,
  109215. _onTimeout: [Function],
  109216. _timerArgs: undefined,
  109217. _repeat: null,
  109218. _destroyed: false,
  109219. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  109220. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  109221. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  109222. lib:
  109223. { createConnection: [Function],
  109224. connect: [Function],
  109225. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  109226. createPool: [Function],
  109227. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  109228. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  109229. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  109230. createServer: [Function],
  109231. PoolConnection:
  109232. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  109233. escape: [Function: escape],
  109234. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  109235. format: [Function: format],
  109236. raw: [Function: raw],
  109237. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  109238. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  109239. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  109240. Types: [Getter],
  109241. Charsets: [Getter],
  109242. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  109243. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  109244. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  109245. importCache: {},
  109246. test:
  109247. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  109248. _runningQueries: 0,
  109249. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  109250. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  109251. hooks: {},
  109252. uniqueKeys: {} },
  109253. _options:
  109254. { isNewRecord: false,
  109255. _schema: null,
  109256. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  109257. raw: true,
  109258. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  109259. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  109260. isNewRecord: false },
  109261. Balloons {
  109262. dataValues:
  109263. { id: 13,
  109264. size: 'large',
  109265. color: 'red',
  109266. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:45:44.000Z,
  109267. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:45:44.000Z },
  109268. _previousDataValues:
  109269. { id: 13,
  109270. size: 'large',
  109271. color: 'red',
  109272. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:45:44.000Z,
  109273. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:45:44.000Z },
  109274. _changed: {},
  109275. _modelOptions:
  109276. { timestamps: true,
  109277. validate: {},
  109278. freezeTableName: false,
  109279. underscored: false,
  109280. underscoredAll: false,
  109281. paranoid: false,
  109282. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  109283. whereCollection: null,
  109284. schema: null,
  109285. schemaDelimiter: '',
  109286. defaultScope: {},
  109287. scopes: [],
  109288. indexes: [],
  109289. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  109290. omitNull: false,
  109291. sequelize:
  109292. Sequelize {
  109293. options:
  109294. { dialect: 'mysql',
  109295. dialectModulePath: null,
  109296. host: 'localhost',
  109297. protocol: 'tcp',
  109298. define: {},
  109299. query: {},
  109300. sync: {},
  109301. timezone: '+00:00',
  109302. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  109303. omitNull: false,
  109304. native: false,
  109305. replication: false,
  109306. ssl: undefined,
  109307. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  109308. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  109309. hooks: {},
  109310. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  109311. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  109312. isolationLevel: null,
  109313. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  109314. typeValidation: false,
  109315. benchmark: false,
  109316. operatorsAliases: false },
  109317. config:
  109318. { database: 'lbry',
  109319. username: 'root',
  109320. password: 'abcd1234',
  109321. host: 'localhost',
  109322. port: 3306,
  109323. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  109324. protocol: 'tcp',
  109325. native: false,
  109326. ssl: undefined,
  109327. replication: false,
  109328. dialectModulePath: null,
  109329. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  109330. dialectOptions: undefined },
  109331. dialect:
  109332. MysqlDialect {
  109333. sequelize: [Circular],
  109334. connectionManager:
  109335. ConnectionManager {
  109336. sequelize: [Circular],
  109337. config:
  109338. { database: 'lbry',
  109339. username: 'root',
  109340. password: 'abcd1234',
  109341. host: 'localhost',
  109342. port: undefined,
  109343. pool:
  109344. { max: 5,
  109345. min: 0,
  109346. acquire: 30000,
  109347. idle: 10000,
  109348. evict: 10000,
  109349. handleDisconnects: true,
  109350. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  109351. Promise:
  109352. { [Function: Promise]
  109353. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  109354. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  109355. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  109356. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  109357. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109358. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109359. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  109360. _peekContext: [Function],
  109361. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  109362. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  109363. longStackTraces: [Function],
  109364. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  109365. config: [Function],
  109366. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  109367. is: [Function],
  109368. fromCallback: [Function],
  109369. fromNode: [Function],
  109370. all: [Function],
  109371. cast: [Function],
  109372. fulfilled: [Function],
  109373. resolve: [Function],
  109374. rejected: [Function],
  109375. reject: [Function],
  109376. setScheduler: [Function],
  109377. pending: [Function],
  109378. defer: [Function],
  109379. method: [Function],
  109380. try: [Function],
  109381. attempt: [Function],
  109382. bind: [Function],
  109383. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  109384. join: [Function],
  109385. Promise: [Circular],
  109386. version: '3.5.3',
  109387. map: [Function],
  109388. using: [Function],
  109389. delay: [Function],
  109390. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  109391. spawn: [Function],
  109392. promisify: [Function],
  109393. promisifyAll: [Function],
  109394. props: [Function],
  109395. race: [Function],
  109396. reduce: [Function],
  109397. settle: [Function],
  109398. some: [Function],
  109399. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  109400. filter: [Function],
  109401. each: [Function],
  109402. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  109403. any: [Function],
  109404. default: [Circular] } },
  109405. protocol: 'tcp',
  109406. native: false,
  109407. ssl: undefined,
  109408. replication: false,
  109409. dialectModulePath: null,
  109410. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  109411. dialectOptions: undefined },
  109412. dialect: [Circular],
  109413. versionPromise: null,
  109414. dialectName: 'mysql',
  109415. pool:
  109416. Pool {
  109417. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  109418. _eventsCount: 0,
  109419. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109420. _config:
  109421. PoolOptions {
  109422. fifo: true,
  109423. priorityRange: 1,
  109424. testOnBorrow: true,
  109425. testOnReturn: false,
  109426. autostart: false,
  109427. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  109428. max: 5,
  109429. min: 0,
  109430. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  109431. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  109432. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  109433. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  109434. Promise:
  109435. { [Function: Promise]
  109436. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  109437. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  109438. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  109439. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  109440. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109441. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109442. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  109443. _peekContext: [Function],
  109444. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  109445. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  109446. longStackTraces: [Function],
  109447. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  109448. config: [Function],
  109449. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  109450. is: [Function],
  109451. fromCallback: [Function],
  109452. fromNode: [Function],
  109453. all: [Function],
  109454. cast: [Function],
  109455. fulfilled: [Function],
  109456. resolve: [Function],
  109457. rejected: [Function],
  109458. reject: [Function],
  109459. setScheduler: [Function],
  109460. pending: [Function],
  109461. defer: [Function],
  109462. method: [Function],
  109463. try: [Function],
  109464. attempt: [Function],
  109465. bind: [Function],
  109466. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  109467. join: [Function],
  109468. Promise: [Circular],
  109469. version: '3.5.3',
  109470. map: [Function],
  109471. using: [Function],
  109472. delay: [Function],
  109473. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  109474. spawn: [Function],
  109475. promisify: [Function],
  109476. promisifyAll: [Function],
  109477. props: [Function],
  109478. race: [Function],
  109479. reduce: [Function],
  109480. settle: [Function],
  109481. some: [Function],
  109482. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  109483. filter: [Function],
  109484. each: [Function],
  109485. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  109486. any: [Function],
  109487. default: [Circular] } },
  109488. _Promise:
  109489. { [Function: Promise]
  109490. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  109491. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  109492. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  109493. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  109494. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109495. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  109496. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  109497. _peekContext: [Function],
  109498. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  109499. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  109500. longStackTraces: [Function],
  109501. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  109502. config: [Function],
  109503. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  109504. is: [Function],
  109505. fromCallback: [Function],
  109506. fromNode: [Function],
  109507. all: [Function],
  109508. cast: [Function],
  109509. fulfilled: [Function],
  109510. resolve: [Function],
  109511. rejected: [Function],
  109512. reject: [Function],
  109513. setScheduler: [Function],
  109514. pending: [Function],
  109515. defer: [Function],
  109516. method: [Function],
  109517. try: [Function],
  109518. attempt: [Function],
  109519. bind: [Function],
  109520. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  109521. join: [Function],
  109522. Promise: [Circular],
  109523. version: '3.5.3',
  109524. map: [Function],
  109525. using: [Function],
  109526. delay: [Function],
  109527. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  109528. spawn: [Function],
  109529. promisify: [Function],
  109530. promisifyAll: [Function],
  109531. props: [Function],
  109532. race: [Function],
  109533. reduce: [Function],
  109534. settle: [Function],
  109535. some: [Function],
  109536. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  109537. filter: [Function],
  109538. each: [Function],
  109539. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  109540. any: [Function],
  109541. default: [Circular] },
  109542. _factory:
  109543. { create: [Function: create],
  109544. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  109545. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  109546. _draining: false,
  109547. _started: true,
  109548. _waitingClientsQueue:
  109549. PriorityQueue {
  109550. _size: 1,
  109551. _slots:
  109552. [ Queue {
  109553. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  109554. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  109555. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  109556. _availableObjects:
  109557. Deque {
  109558. _list:
  109559. DoublyLinkedList {
  109560. head:
  109561. { prev: null,
  109562. next:
  109563. { prev: [Circular],
  109564. next: null,
  109565. data:
  109566. PooledResource {
  109567. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  109568. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  109569. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  109570. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  109571. obj:
  109572. Connection {
  109573. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  109574. _eventsCount: 1,
  109575. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109576. config:
  109577. ConnectionConfig {
  109578. isServer: undefined,
  109579. stream: undefined,
  109580. host: 'localhost',
  109581. port: 3306,
  109582. localAddress: undefined,
  109583. socketPath: undefined,
  109584. user: 'root',
  109585. password: 'abcd1234',
  109586. passwordSha1: undefined,
  109587. database: 'lbry',
  109588. connectTimeout: 10000,
  109589. insecureAuth: false,
  109590. supportBigNumbers: true,
  109591. bigNumberStrings: false,
  109592. decimalNumbers: false,
  109593. dateStrings: false,
  109594. debug: undefined,
  109595. trace: true,
  109596. stringifyObjects: false,
  109597. timezone: '+00:00',
  109598. queryFormat: undefined,
  109599. pool: undefined,
  109600. ssl: false,
  109601. multipleStatements: false,
  109602. rowsAsArray: false,
  109603. namedPlaceholders: false,
  109604. nestTables: undefined,
  109605. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  109606. maxPacketSize: 0,
  109607. charsetNumber: 224,
  109608. compress: false,
  109609. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  109610. clientFlags: 8582093,
  109611. connectAttributes: undefined,
  109612. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  109613. stream:
  109614. Socket {
  109615. connecting: false,
  109616. _hadError: false,
  109617. _handle:
  109618. TCP {
  109619. reading: true,
  109620. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  109621. onconnection: null,
  109622. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  109623. _parent: null,
  109624. _host: 'localhost',
  109625. _readableState:
  109626. ReadableState {
  109627. objectMode: false,
  109628. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109629. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  109630. length: 0,
  109631. pipes: null,
  109632. pipesCount: 0,
  109633. flowing: true,
  109634. ended: false,
  109635. endEmitted: false,
  109636. reading: true,
  109637. sync: false,
  109638. needReadable: true,
  109639. emittedReadable: false,
  109640. readableListening: false,
  109641. resumeScheduled: false,
  109642. emitClose: false,
  109643. autoDestroy: false,
  109644. destroyed: false,
  109645. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109646. awaitDrain: 0,
  109647. readingMore: false,
  109648. decoder: null,
  109649. encoding: null },
  109650. readable: true,
  109651. _events:
  109652. [Object: null prototype] {
  109653. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  109654. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  109655. data: [Function],
  109656. close: [Function] },
  109657. _eventsCount: 4,
  109658. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  109660. WritableState {
  109661. objectMode: false,
  109662. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109663. finalCalled: false,
  109664. needDrain: false,
  109665. ending: false,
  109666. ended: false,
  109667. finished: false,
  109668. destroyed: false,
  109669. decodeStrings: false,
  109670. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109671. length: 0,
  109672. writing: false,
  109673. corked: 0,
  109674. sync: false,
  109675. bufferProcessing: false,
  109676. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  109678. writelen: 0,
  109679. bufferedRequest: null,
  109680. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  109681. pendingcb: 0,
  109682. prefinished: false,
  109683. errorEmitted: false,
  109684. emitClose: false,
  109685. autoDestroy: false,
  109686. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  109687. corkedRequestsFree:
  109688. { next: null,
  109689. entry: null,
  109690. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  109691. writable: true,
  109692. allowHalfOpen: false,
  109693. _sockname: null,
  109694. _pendingData: null,
  109695. _pendingEncoding: '',
  109696. server: null,
  109697. _server: null,
  109698. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  109699. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  109700. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  109701. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  109702. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  109703. _internalId: 1,
  109704. _commands:
  109705. Denque {
  109706. _head: 0,
  109707. _tail: 0,
  109708. _capacityMask: 3,
  109709. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109710. _command: undefined,
  109711. _paused: false,
  109712. _paused_packets:
  109713. Denque {
  109714. _head: 0,
  109715. _tail: 0,
  109716. _capacityMask: 3,
  109717. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109718. _statements:
  109719. LRUCache {
  109720. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  109721. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  109722. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  109723. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  109724. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  109725. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  109726. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  109727. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  109728. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  109729. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109730. authorized: true,
  109731. sequenceId: 23,
  109732. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  109733. threadId: 1303,
  109734. _handshakePacket:
  109735. Handshake {
  109736. protocolVersion: 10,
  109737. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  109738. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109739. connectionId: 1303,
  109740. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  109741. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  109742. characterSet: 255,
  109743. statusFlags: 2 },
  109744. _fatalError: null,
  109745. _protocolError: null,
  109746. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  109747. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  109748. packetParser:
  109749. PacketParser {
  109750. buffer: [],
  109751. bufferLength: 0,
  109752. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  109753. headerLen: 0,
  109754. length: 5,
  109755. largePacketParts: [],
  109756. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  109757. onPacket: [Function],
  109758. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  109759. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  109760. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  109761. connectTimeout: null,
  109762. connectionId: 1303 },
  109763. state: 'IDLE' } },
  109764. data:
  109765. PooledResource {
  109766. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  109767. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  109768. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  109769. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  109770. obj:
  109771. Connection {
  109772. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  109773. _eventsCount: 1,
  109774. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109775. config:
  109776. ConnectionConfig {
  109777. isServer: undefined,
  109778. stream: undefined,
  109779. host: 'localhost',
  109780. port: 3306,
  109781. localAddress: undefined,
  109782. socketPath: undefined,
  109783. user: 'root',
  109784. password: 'abcd1234',
  109785. passwordSha1: undefined,
  109786. database: 'lbry',
  109787. connectTimeout: 10000,
  109788. insecureAuth: false,
  109789. supportBigNumbers: true,
  109790. bigNumberStrings: false,
  109791. decimalNumbers: false,
  109792. dateStrings: false,
  109793. debug: undefined,
  109794. trace: true,
  109795. stringifyObjects: false,
  109796. timezone: '+00:00',
  109797. queryFormat: undefined,
  109798. pool: undefined,
  109799. ssl: false,
  109800. multipleStatements: false,
  109801. rowsAsArray: false,
  109802. namedPlaceholders: false,
  109803. nestTables: undefined,
  109804. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  109805. maxPacketSize: 0,
  109806. charsetNumber: 224,
  109807. compress: false,
  109808. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  109809. clientFlags: 8582093,
  109810. connectAttributes: undefined,
  109811. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  109812. stream:
  109813. Socket {
  109814. connecting: false,
  109815. _hadError: false,
  109816. _handle:
  109817. TCP {
  109818. reading: true,
  109819. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  109820. onconnection: null,
  109821. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  109822. _parent: null,
  109823. _host: 'localhost',
  109824. _readableState:
  109825. ReadableState {
  109826. objectMode: false,
  109827. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109828. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  109829. length: 0,
  109830. pipes: null,
  109831. pipesCount: 0,
  109832. flowing: true,
  109833. ended: false,
  109834. endEmitted: false,
  109835. reading: true,
  109836. sync: false,
  109837. needReadable: true,
  109838. emittedReadable: false,
  109839. readableListening: false,
  109840. resumeScheduled: false,
  109841. emitClose: false,
  109842. autoDestroy: false,
  109843. destroyed: false,
  109844. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109845. awaitDrain: 0,
  109846. readingMore: false,
  109847. decoder: null,
  109848. encoding: null },
  109849. readable: true,
  109850. _events:
  109851. [Object: null prototype] {
  109852. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  109853. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  109854. data: [Function],
  109855. close: [Function] },
  109856. _eventsCount: 4,
  109857. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109858. _writableState:
  109859. WritableState {
  109860. objectMode: false,
  109861. highWaterMark: 16384,
  109862. finalCalled: false,
  109863. needDrain: false,
  109864. ending: false,
  109865. ended: false,
  109866. finished: false,
  109867. destroyed: false,
  109868. decodeStrings: false,
  109869. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  109870. length: 0,
  109871. writing: false,
  109872. corked: 0,
  109873. sync: false,
  109874. bufferProcessing: false,
  109875. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  109877. writelen: 0,
  109878. bufferedRequest: null,
  109879. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  109880. pendingcb: 0,
  109881. prefinished: false,
  109882. errorEmitted: false,
  109883. emitClose: false,
  109884. autoDestroy: false,
  109885. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  109886. corkedRequestsFree:
  109887. { next: null,
  109888. entry: null,
  109889. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  109890. writable: true,
  109891. allowHalfOpen: false,
  109892. _sockname: null,
  109893. _pendingData: null,
  109894. _pendingEncoding: '',
  109895. server: null,
  109896. _server: null,
  109897. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  109898. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  109899. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  109900. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  109901. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  109902. _internalId: 2,
  109903. _commands:
  109904. Denque {
  109905. _head: 0,
  109906. _tail: 0,
  109907. _capacityMask: 3,
  109908. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109909. _command: undefined,
  109910. _paused: false,
  109911. _paused_packets:
  109912. Denque {
  109913. _head: 0,
  109914. _tail: 0,
  109915. _capacityMask: 3,
  109916. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  109917. _statements:
  109918. LRUCache {
  109919. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  109920. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  109921. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  109922. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  109923. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  109924. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  109925. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  109926. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  109927. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  109928. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109929. authorized: true,
  109930. sequenceId: 2,
  109931. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  109932. threadId: 1302,
  109933. _handshakePacket:
  109934. Handshake {
  109935. protocolVersion: 10,
  109936. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  109937. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  109938. connectionId: 1302,
  109939. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  109940. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  109941. characterSet: 255,
  109942. statusFlags: 2 },
  109943. _fatalError: null,
  109944. _protocolError: null,
  109945. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  109946. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  109947. packetParser:
  109948. PacketParser {
  109949. buffer: [],
  109950. bufferLength: 0,
  109951. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  109952. headerLen: 0,
  109953. length: 7,
  109954. largePacketParts: [],
  109955. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  109956. onPacket: [Function],
  109957. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  109958. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  109959. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  109960. connectTimeout: null,
  109961. connectionId: 1302 },
  109962. state: 'IDLE' } },
  109963. tail:
  109964. { prev:
  109965. { prev: null,
  109966. next: [Circular],
  109967. data:
  109968. PooledResource {
  109969. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  109970. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  109971. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  109972. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  109973. obj:
  109974. Connection {
  109975. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  109976. _eventsCount: 1,
  109977. _maxListeners: undefined,
  109978. config:
  109979. ConnectionConfig {
  109980. isServer: undefined,
  109981. stream: undefined,
  109982. host: 'localhost',
  109983. port: 3306,
  109984. localAddress: undefined,
  109985. socketPath: undefined,
  109986. user: 'root',
  109987. password: 'abcd1234',
  109988. passwordSha1: undefined,
  109989. database: 'lbry',
  109990. connectTimeout: 10000,
  109991. insecureAuth: false,
  109992. supportBigNumbers: true,
  109993. bigNumberStrings: false,
  109994. decimalNumbers: false,
  109995. dateStrings: false,
  109996. debug: undefined,
  109997. trace: true,
  109998. stringifyObjects: false,
  109999. timezone: '+00:00',
  110000. queryFormat: undefined,
  110001. pool: undefined,
  110002. ssl: false,
  110003. multipleStatements: false,
  110004. rowsAsArray: false,
  110005. namedPlaceholders: false,
  110006. nestTables: undefined,
  110007. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  110008. maxPacketSize: 0,
  110009. charsetNumber: 224,
  110010. compress: false,
  110011. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  110012. clientFlags: 8582093,
  110013. connectAttributes: undefined,
  110014. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  110015. stream:
  110016. Socket {
  110017. connecting: false,
  110018. _hadError: false,
  110019. _handle:
  110020. TCP {
  110021. reading: true,
  110022. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  110023. onconnection: null,
  110024. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  110025. _parent: null,
  110026. _host: 'localhost',
  110027. _readableState:
  110028. ReadableState {
  110029. objectMode: false,
  110030. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110031. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  110032. length: 0,
  110033. pipes: null,
  110034. pipesCount: 0,
  110035. flowing: true,
  110036. ended: false,
  110037. endEmitted: false,
  110038. reading: true,
  110039. sync: false,
  110040. needReadable: true,
  110041. emittedReadable: false,
  110042. readableListening: false,
  110043. resumeScheduled: false,
  110044. emitClose: false,
  110045. autoDestroy: false,
  110046. destroyed: false,
  110047. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110048. awaitDrain: 0,
  110049. readingMore: false,
  110050. decoder: null,
  110051. encoding: null },
  110052. readable: true,
  110053. _events:
  110054. [Object: null prototype] {
  110055. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  110056. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  110057. data: [Function],
  110058. close: [Function] },
  110059. _eventsCount: 4,
  110060. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110061. _writableState:
  110062. WritableState {
  110063. objectMode: false,
  110064. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110065. finalCalled: false,
  110066. needDrain: false,
  110067. ending: false,
  110068. ended: false,
  110069. finished: false,
  110070. destroyed: false,
  110071. decodeStrings: false,
  110072. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110073. length: 0,
  110074. writing: false,
  110075. corked: 0,
  110076. sync: false,
  110077. bufferProcessing: false,
  110078. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  110079. writecb: null,
  110080. writelen: 0,
  110081. bufferedRequest: null,
  110082. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  110083. pendingcb: 0,
  110084. prefinished: false,
  110085. errorEmitted: false,
  110086. emitClose: false,
  110087. autoDestroy: false,
  110088. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  110089. corkedRequestsFree:
  110090. { next: null,
  110091. entry: null,
  110092. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  110093. writable: true,
  110094. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110095. _sockname: null,
  110096. _pendingData: null,
  110097. _pendingEncoding: '',
  110098. server: null,
  110099. _server: null,
  110100. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  110101. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  110102. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  110103. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  110104. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  110105. _internalId: 2,
  110106. _commands:
  110107. Denque {
  110108. _head: 0,
  110109. _tail: 0,
  110110. _capacityMask: 3,
  110111. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110112. _command: undefined,
  110113. _paused: false,
  110114. _paused_packets:
  110115. Denque {
  110116. _head: 0,
  110117. _tail: 0,
  110118. _capacityMask: 3,
  110119. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  110121. LRUCache {
  110122. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  110123. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  110124. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  110125. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  110126. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  110127. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  110128. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  110129. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  110130. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  110131. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110132. authorized: true,
  110133. sequenceId: 2,
  110134. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  110135. threadId: 1302,
  110136. _handshakePacket:
  110137. Handshake {
  110138. protocolVersion: 10,
  110139. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  110140. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110141. connectionId: 1302,
  110142. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  110143. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  110144. characterSet: 255,
  110145. statusFlags: 2 },
  110146. _fatalError: null,
  110147. _protocolError: null,
  110148. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  110149. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  110150. packetParser:
  110151. PacketParser {
  110152. buffer: [],
  110153. bufferLength: 0,
  110154. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  110155. headerLen: 0,
  110156. length: 7,
  110157. largePacketParts: [],
  110158. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  110159. onPacket: [Function],
  110160. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  110161. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  110162. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  110163. connectTimeout: null,
  110164. connectionId: 1302 },
  110165. state: 'IDLE' } },
  110166. next: null,
  110167. data:
  110168. PooledResource {
  110169. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  110170. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  110171. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  110172. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  110173. obj:
  110174. Connection {
  110175. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  110176. _eventsCount: 1,
  110177. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110178. config:
  110179. ConnectionConfig {
  110180. isServer: undefined,
  110181. stream: undefined,
  110182. host: 'localhost',
  110183. port: 3306,
  110184. localAddress: undefined,
  110185. socketPath: undefined,
  110186. user: 'root',
  110187. password: 'abcd1234',
  110188. passwordSha1: undefined,
  110189. database: 'lbry',
  110190. connectTimeout: 10000,
  110191. insecureAuth: false,
  110192. supportBigNumbers: true,
  110193. bigNumberStrings: false,
  110194. decimalNumbers: false,
  110195. dateStrings: false,
  110196. debug: undefined,
  110197. trace: true,
  110198. stringifyObjects: false,
  110199. timezone: '+00:00',
  110200. queryFormat: undefined,
  110201. pool: undefined,
  110202. ssl: false,
  110203. multipleStatements: false,
  110204. rowsAsArray: false,
  110205. namedPlaceholders: false,
  110206. nestTables: undefined,
  110207. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  110208. maxPacketSize: 0,
  110209. charsetNumber: 224,
  110210. compress: false,
  110211. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  110212. clientFlags: 8582093,
  110213. connectAttributes: undefined,
  110214. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  110215. stream:
  110216. Socket {
  110217. connecting: false,
  110218. _hadError: false,
  110219. _handle:
  110220. TCP {
  110221. reading: true,
  110222. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  110223. onconnection: null,
  110224. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  110225. _parent: null,
  110226. _host: 'localhost',
  110227. _readableState:
  110228. ReadableState {
  110229. objectMode: false,
  110230. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110231. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  110232. length: 0,
  110233. pipes: null,
  110234. pipesCount: 0,
  110235. flowing: true,
  110236. ended: false,
  110237. endEmitted: false,
  110238. reading: true,
  110239. sync: false,
  110240. needReadable: true,
  110241. emittedReadable: false,
  110242. readableListening: false,
  110243. resumeScheduled: false,
  110244. emitClose: false,
  110245. autoDestroy: false,
  110246. destroyed: false,
  110247. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110248. awaitDrain: 0,
  110249. readingMore: false,
  110250. decoder: null,
  110251. encoding: null },
  110252. readable: true,
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  110254. [Object: null prototype] {
  110255. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  110256. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  110257. data: [Function],
  110258. close: [Function] },
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  110260. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  110262. WritableState {
  110263. objectMode: false,
  110264. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110265. finalCalled: false,
  110266. needDrain: false,
  110267. ending: false,
  110268. ended: false,
  110269. finished: false,
  110270. destroyed: false,
  110271. decodeStrings: false,
  110272. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110273. length: 0,
  110274. writing: false,
  110275. corked: 0,
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  110278. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  110280. writelen: 0,
  110281. bufferedRequest: null,
  110282. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  110283. pendingcb: 0,
  110284. prefinished: false,
  110285. errorEmitted: false,
  110286. emitClose: false,
  110287. autoDestroy: false,
  110288. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  110289. corkedRequestsFree:
  110290. { next: null,
  110291. entry: null,
  110292. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  110293. writable: true,
  110294. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110295. _sockname: null,
  110296. _pendingData: null,
  110297. _pendingEncoding: '',
  110298. server: null,
  110299. _server: null,
  110300. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  110301. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  110302. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  110303. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  110304. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  110305. _internalId: 1,
  110306. _commands:
  110307. Denque {
  110308. _head: 0,
  110309. _tail: 0,
  110310. _capacityMask: 3,
  110311. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110312. _command: undefined,
  110313. _paused: false,
  110314. _paused_packets:
  110315. Denque {
  110316. _head: 0,
  110317. _tail: 0,
  110318. _capacityMask: 3,
  110319. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  110321. LRUCache {
  110322. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  110323. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  110324. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  110325. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  110326. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  110327. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  110328. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  110329. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  110330. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  110331. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110332. authorized: true,
  110333. sequenceId: 23,
  110334. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  110335. threadId: 1303,
  110336. _handshakePacket:
  110337. Handshake {
  110338. protocolVersion: 10,
  110339. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  110340. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110341. connectionId: 1303,
  110342. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  110343. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  110344. characterSet: 255,
  110345. statusFlags: 2 },
  110346. _fatalError: null,
  110347. _protocolError: null,
  110348. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  110349. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  110350. packetParser:
  110351. PacketParser {
  110352. buffer: [],
  110353. bufferLength: 0,
  110354. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  110355. headerLen: 0,
  110356. length: 5,
  110357. largePacketParts: [],
  110358. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  110359. onPacket: [Function],
  110360. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  110361. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  110362. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  110363. connectTimeout: null,
  110364. connectionId: 1303 },
  110365. state: 'IDLE' } },
  110366. length: 2 } },
  110367. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  110368. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  110369. _validationOperations: Set {},
  110370. _allObjects:
  110371. Set {
  110372. PooledResource {
  110373. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  110374. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  110375. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  110376. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  110377. obj:
  110378. Connection {
  110379. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  110380. _eventsCount: 1,
  110381. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110382. config:
  110383. ConnectionConfig {
  110384. isServer: undefined,
  110385. stream: undefined,
  110386. host: 'localhost',
  110387. port: 3306,
  110388. localAddress: undefined,
  110389. socketPath: undefined,
  110390. user: 'root',
  110391. password: 'abcd1234',
  110392. passwordSha1: undefined,
  110393. database: 'lbry',
  110394. connectTimeout: 10000,
  110395. insecureAuth: false,
  110396. supportBigNumbers: true,
  110397. bigNumberStrings: false,
  110398. decimalNumbers: false,
  110399. dateStrings: false,
  110400. debug: undefined,
  110401. trace: true,
  110402. stringifyObjects: false,
  110403. timezone: '+00:00',
  110404. queryFormat: undefined,
  110405. pool: undefined,
  110406. ssl: false,
  110407. multipleStatements: false,
  110408. rowsAsArray: false,
  110409. namedPlaceholders: false,
  110410. nestTables: undefined,
  110411. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  110412. maxPacketSize: 0,
  110413. charsetNumber: 224,
  110414. compress: false,
  110415. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  110416. clientFlags: 8582093,
  110417. connectAttributes: undefined,
  110418. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  110419. stream:
  110420. Socket {
  110421. connecting: false,
  110422. _hadError: false,
  110423. _handle:
  110424. TCP {
  110425. reading: true,
  110426. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  110427. onconnection: null,
  110428. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  110429. _parent: null,
  110430. _host: 'localhost',
  110431. _readableState:
  110432. ReadableState {
  110433. objectMode: false,
  110434. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110435. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  110436. length: 0,
  110437. pipes: null,
  110438. pipesCount: 0,
  110439. flowing: true,
  110440. ended: false,
  110441. endEmitted: false,
  110442. reading: true,
  110443. sync: false,
  110444. needReadable: true,
  110445. emittedReadable: false,
  110446. readableListening: false,
  110447. resumeScheduled: false,
  110448. emitClose: false,
  110449. autoDestroy: false,
  110450. destroyed: false,
  110451. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110452. awaitDrain: 0,
  110453. readingMore: false,
  110454. decoder: null,
  110455. encoding: null },
  110456. readable: true,
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  110458. [Object: null prototype] {
  110459. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  110460. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  110461. data: [Function],
  110462. close: [Function] },
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  110464. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  110466. WritableState {
  110467. objectMode: false,
  110468. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110469. finalCalled: false,
  110470. needDrain: false,
  110471. ending: false,
  110472. ended: false,
  110473. finished: false,
  110474. destroyed: false,
  110475. decodeStrings: false,
  110476. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110477. length: 0,
  110478. writing: false,
  110479. corked: 0,
  110480. sync: false,
  110481. bufferProcessing: false,
  110482. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  110484. writelen: 0,
  110485. bufferedRequest: null,
  110486. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  110487. pendingcb: 0,
  110488. prefinished: false,
  110489. errorEmitted: false,
  110490. emitClose: false,
  110491. autoDestroy: false,
  110492. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  110493. corkedRequestsFree:
  110494. { next: null,
  110495. entry: null,
  110496. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  110497. writable: true,
  110498. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110499. _sockname: null,
  110500. _pendingData: null,
  110501. _pendingEncoding: '',
  110502. server: null,
  110503. _server: null,
  110504. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  110505. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  110506. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  110507. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  110508. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  110509. _internalId: 2,
  110510. _commands:
  110511. Denque {
  110512. _head: 0,
  110513. _tail: 0,
  110514. _capacityMask: 3,
  110515. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110516. _command: undefined,
  110517. _paused: false,
  110518. _paused_packets:
  110519. Denque {
  110520. _head: 0,
  110521. _tail: 0,
  110522. _capacityMask: 3,
  110523. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110524. _statements:
  110525. LRUCache {
  110526. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  110527. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  110528. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  110529. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  110530. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  110531. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  110532. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  110533. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  110534. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  110535. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110536. authorized: true,
  110537. sequenceId: 2,
  110538. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  110539. threadId: 1302,
  110540. _handshakePacket:
  110541. Handshake {
  110542. protocolVersion: 10,
  110543. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  110544. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110545. connectionId: 1302,
  110546. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  110547. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  110548. characterSet: 255,
  110549. statusFlags: 2 },
  110550. _fatalError: null,
  110551. _protocolError: null,
  110552. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  110553. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  110554. packetParser:
  110555. PacketParser {
  110556. buffer: [],
  110557. bufferLength: 0,
  110558. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  110559. headerLen: 0,
  110560. length: 7,
  110561. largePacketParts: [],
  110562. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  110563. onPacket: [Function],
  110564. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  110565. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  110566. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  110567. connectTimeout: null,
  110568. connectionId: 1302 },
  110569. state: 'IDLE' },
  110570. PooledResource {
  110571. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  110572. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  110573. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  110574. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  110575. obj:
  110576. Connection {
  110577. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  110578. _eventsCount: 1,
  110579. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110580. config:
  110581. ConnectionConfig {
  110582. isServer: undefined,
  110583. stream: undefined,
  110584. host: 'localhost',
  110585. port: 3306,
  110586. localAddress: undefined,
  110587. socketPath: undefined,
  110588. user: 'root',
  110589. password: 'abcd1234',
  110590. passwordSha1: undefined,
  110591. database: 'lbry',
  110592. connectTimeout: 10000,
  110593. insecureAuth: false,
  110594. supportBigNumbers: true,
  110595. bigNumberStrings: false,
  110596. decimalNumbers: false,
  110597. dateStrings: false,
  110598. debug: undefined,
  110599. trace: true,
  110600. stringifyObjects: false,
  110601. timezone: '+00:00',
  110602. queryFormat: undefined,
  110603. pool: undefined,
  110604. ssl: false,
  110605. multipleStatements: false,
  110606. rowsAsArray: false,
  110607. namedPlaceholders: false,
  110608. nestTables: undefined,
  110609. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  110610. maxPacketSize: 0,
  110611. charsetNumber: 224,
  110612. compress: false,
  110613. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  110614. clientFlags: 8582093,
  110615. connectAttributes: undefined,
  110616. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  110617. stream:
  110618. Socket {
  110619. connecting: false,
  110620. _hadError: false,
  110621. _handle:
  110622. TCP {
  110623. reading: true,
  110624. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  110625. onconnection: null,
  110626. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  110627. _parent: null,
  110628. _host: 'localhost',
  110629. _readableState:
  110630. ReadableState {
  110631. objectMode: false,
  110632. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110633. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  110634. length: 0,
  110635. pipes: null,
  110636. pipesCount: 0,
  110637. flowing: true,
  110638. ended: false,
  110639. endEmitted: false,
  110640. reading: true,
  110641. sync: false,
  110642. needReadable: true,
  110643. emittedReadable: false,
  110644. readableListening: false,
  110645. resumeScheduled: false,
  110646. emitClose: false,
  110647. autoDestroy: false,
  110648. destroyed: false,
  110649. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110650. awaitDrain: 0,
  110651. readingMore: false,
  110652. decoder: null,
  110653. encoding: null },
  110654. readable: true,
  110655. _events:
  110656. [Object: null prototype] {
  110657. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  110658. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  110659. data: [Function],
  110660. close: [Function] },
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  110662. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  110664. WritableState {
  110665. objectMode: false,
  110666. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110667. finalCalled: false,
  110668. needDrain: false,
  110669. ending: false,
  110670. ended: false,
  110671. finished: false,
  110672. destroyed: false,
  110673. decodeStrings: false,
  110674. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110675. length: 0,
  110676. writing: false,
  110677. corked: 0,
  110678. sync: false,
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  110680. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  110682. writelen: 0,
  110683. bufferedRequest: null,
  110684. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  110685. pendingcb: 0,
  110686. prefinished: false,
  110687. errorEmitted: false,
  110688. emitClose: false,
  110689. autoDestroy: false,
  110690. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  110691. corkedRequestsFree:
  110692. { next: null,
  110693. entry: null,
  110694. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  110695. writable: true,
  110696. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110697. _sockname: null,
  110698. _pendingData: null,
  110699. _pendingEncoding: '',
  110700. server: null,
  110701. _server: null,
  110702. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  110703. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  110704. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  110705. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  110706. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  110707. _internalId: 1,
  110708. _commands:
  110709. Denque {
  110710. _head: 0,
  110711. _tail: 0,
  110712. _capacityMask: 3,
  110713. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110714. _command: undefined,
  110715. _paused: false,
  110716. _paused_packets:
  110717. Denque {
  110718. _head: 0,
  110719. _tail: 0,
  110720. _capacityMask: 3,
  110721. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110722. _statements:
  110723. LRUCache {
  110724. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  110725. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  110726. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  110727. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  110728. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  110729. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  110730. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  110731. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  110732. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  110733. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110734. authorized: true,
  110735. sequenceId: 23,
  110736. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  110737. threadId: 1303,
  110738. _handshakePacket:
  110739. Handshake {
  110740. protocolVersion: 10,
  110741. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  110742. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110743. connectionId: 1303,
  110744. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  110745. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  110746. characterSet: 255,
  110747. statusFlags: 2 },
  110748. _fatalError: null,
  110749. _protocolError: null,
  110750. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  110751. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  110752. packetParser:
  110753. PacketParser {
  110754. buffer: [],
  110755. bufferLength: 0,
  110756. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  110757. headerLen: 0,
  110758. length: 5,
  110759. largePacketParts: [],
  110760. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  110761. onPacket: [Function],
  110762. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  110763. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  110764. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  110765. connectTimeout: null,
  110766. connectionId: 1303 },
  110767. state: 'IDLE' } },
  110768. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  110769. _evictionIterator:
  110770. DequeIterator {
  110771. _list:
  110772. DoublyLinkedList {
  110773. head:
  110774. { prev: null,
  110775. next:
  110776. { prev: [Circular],
  110777. next: null,
  110778. data:
  110779. PooledResource {
  110780. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  110781. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  110782. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  110783. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  110784. obj:
  110785. Connection {
  110786. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  110787. _eventsCount: 1,
  110788. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110789. config:
  110790. ConnectionConfig {
  110791. isServer: undefined,
  110792. stream: undefined,
  110793. host: 'localhost',
  110794. port: 3306,
  110795. localAddress: undefined,
  110796. socketPath: undefined,
  110797. user: 'root',
  110798. password: 'abcd1234',
  110799. passwordSha1: undefined,
  110800. database: 'lbry',
  110801. connectTimeout: 10000,
  110802. insecureAuth: false,
  110803. supportBigNumbers: true,
  110804. bigNumberStrings: false,
  110805. decimalNumbers: false,
  110806. dateStrings: false,
  110807. debug: undefined,
  110808. trace: true,
  110809. stringifyObjects: false,
  110810. timezone: '+00:00',
  110811. queryFormat: undefined,
  110812. pool: undefined,
  110813. ssl: false,
  110814. multipleStatements: false,
  110815. rowsAsArray: false,
  110816. namedPlaceholders: false,
  110817. nestTables: undefined,
  110818. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  110819. maxPacketSize: 0,
  110820. charsetNumber: 224,
  110821. compress: false,
  110822. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  110823. clientFlags: 8582093,
  110824. connectAttributes: undefined,
  110825. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  110826. stream:
  110827. Socket {
  110828. connecting: false,
  110829. _hadError: false,
  110830. _handle:
  110831. TCP {
  110832. reading: true,
  110833. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  110834. onconnection: null,
  110835. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  110836. _parent: null,
  110837. _host: 'localhost',
  110838. _readableState:
  110839. ReadableState {
  110840. objectMode: false,
  110841. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110842. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  110843. length: 0,
  110844. pipes: null,
  110845. pipesCount: 0,
  110846. flowing: true,
  110847. ended: false,
  110848. endEmitted: false,
  110849. reading: true,
  110850. sync: false,
  110851. needReadable: true,
  110852. emittedReadable: false,
  110853. readableListening: false,
  110854. resumeScheduled: false,
  110855. emitClose: false,
  110856. autoDestroy: false,
  110857. destroyed: false,
  110858. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110859. awaitDrain: 0,
  110860. readingMore: false,
  110861. decoder: null,
  110862. encoding: null },
  110863. readable: true,
  110864. _events:
  110865. [Object: null prototype] {
  110866. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  110867. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  110868. data: [Function],
  110869. close: [Function] },
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  110871. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  110873. WritableState {
  110874. objectMode: false,
  110875. highWaterMark: 16384,
  110876. finalCalled: false,
  110877. needDrain: false,
  110878. ending: false,
  110879. ended: false,
  110880. finished: false,
  110881. destroyed: false,
  110882. decodeStrings: false,
  110883. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  110884. length: 0,
  110885. writing: false,
  110886. corked: 0,
  110887. sync: false,
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  110889. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  110891. writelen: 0,
  110892. bufferedRequest: null,
  110893. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  110894. pendingcb: 0,
  110895. prefinished: false,
  110896. errorEmitted: false,
  110897. emitClose: false,
  110898. autoDestroy: false,
  110899. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  110900. corkedRequestsFree:
  110901. { next: null,
  110902. entry: null,
  110903. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  110904. writable: true,
  110905. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110906. _sockname: null,
  110907. _pendingData: null,
  110908. _pendingEncoding: '',
  110909. server: null,
  110910. _server: null,
  110911. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  110912. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  110913. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  110914. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  110915. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  110916. _internalId: 1,
  110917. _commands:
  110918. Denque {
  110919. _head: 0,
  110920. _tail: 0,
  110921. _capacityMask: 3,
  110922. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110923. _command: undefined,
  110924. _paused: false,
  110925. _paused_packets:
  110926. Denque {
  110927. _head: 0,
  110928. _tail: 0,
  110929. _capacityMask: 3,
  110930. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  110931. _statements:
  110932. LRUCache {
  110933. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  110934. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  110935. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  110936. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  110937. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  110938. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  110939. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  110940. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  110941. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  110942. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110943. authorized: true,
  110944. sequenceId: 23,
  110945. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  110946. threadId: 1303,
  110947. _handshakePacket:
  110948. Handshake {
  110949. protocolVersion: 10,
  110950. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  110951. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  110952. connectionId: 1303,
  110953. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  110954. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  110955. characterSet: 255,
  110956. statusFlags: 2 },
  110957. _fatalError: null,
  110958. _protocolError: null,
  110959. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  110960. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  110961. packetParser:
  110962. PacketParser {
  110963. buffer: [],
  110964. bufferLength: 0,
  110965. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  110966. headerLen: 0,
  110967. length: 5,
  110968. largePacketParts: [],
  110969. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  110970. onPacket: [Function],
  110971. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  110972. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  110973. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  110974. connectTimeout: null,
  110975. connectionId: 1303 },
  110976. state: 'IDLE' } },
  110977. data:
  110978. PooledResource {
  110979. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  110980. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  110981. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  110982. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  110983. obj:
  110984. Connection {
  110985. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  110986. _eventsCount: 1,
  110987. _maxListeners: undefined,
  110988. config:
  110989. ConnectionConfig {
  110990. isServer: undefined,
  110991. stream: undefined,
  110992. host: 'localhost',
  110993. port: 3306,
  110994. localAddress: undefined,
  110995. socketPath: undefined,
  110996. user: 'root',
  110997. password: 'abcd1234',
  110998. passwordSha1: undefined,
  110999. database: 'lbry',
  111000. connectTimeout: 10000,
  111001. insecureAuth: false,
  111002. supportBigNumbers: true,
  111003. bigNumberStrings: false,
  111004. decimalNumbers: false,
  111005. dateStrings: false,
  111006. debug: undefined,
  111007. trace: true,
  111008. stringifyObjects: false,
  111009. timezone: '+00:00',
  111010. queryFormat: undefined,
  111011. pool: undefined,
  111012. ssl: false,
  111013. multipleStatements: false,
  111014. rowsAsArray: false,
  111015. namedPlaceholders: false,
  111016. nestTables: undefined,
  111017. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  111018. maxPacketSize: 0,
  111019. charsetNumber: 224,
  111020. compress: false,
  111021. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  111022. clientFlags: 8582093,
  111023. connectAttributes: undefined,
  111024. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  111025. stream:
  111026. Socket {
  111027. connecting: false,
  111028. _hadError: false,
  111029. _handle:
  111030. TCP {
  111031. reading: true,
  111032. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  111033. onconnection: null,
  111034. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  111035. _parent: null,
  111036. _host: 'localhost',
  111037. _readableState:
  111038. ReadableState {
  111039. objectMode: false,
  111040. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111041. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  111042. length: 0,
  111043. pipes: null,
  111044. pipesCount: 0,
  111045. flowing: true,
  111046. ended: false,
  111047. endEmitted: false,
  111048. reading: true,
  111049. sync: false,
  111050. needReadable: true,
  111051. emittedReadable: false,
  111052. readableListening: false,
  111053. resumeScheduled: false,
  111054. emitClose: false,
  111055. autoDestroy: false,
  111056. destroyed: false,
  111057. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111058. awaitDrain: 0,
  111059. readingMore: false,
  111060. decoder: null,
  111061. encoding: null },
  111062. readable: true,
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  111064. [Object: null prototype] {
  111065. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  111066. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  111067. data: [Function],
  111068. close: [Function] },
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  111070. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  111072. WritableState {
  111073. objectMode: false,
  111074. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111075. finalCalled: false,
  111076. needDrain: false,
  111077. ending: false,
  111078. ended: false,
  111079. finished: false,
  111080. destroyed: false,
  111081. decodeStrings: false,
  111082. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111083. length: 0,
  111084. writing: false,
  111085. corked: 0,
  111086. sync: false,
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  111088. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  111090. writelen: 0,
  111091. bufferedRequest: null,
  111092. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  111093. pendingcb: 0,
  111094. prefinished: false,
  111095. errorEmitted: false,
  111096. emitClose: false,
  111097. autoDestroy: false,
  111098. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  111099. corkedRequestsFree:
  111100. { next: null,
  111101. entry: null,
  111102. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  111103. writable: true,
  111104. allowHalfOpen: false,
  111105. _sockname: null,
  111106. _pendingData: null,
  111107. _pendingEncoding: '',
  111108. server: null,
  111109. _server: null,
  111110. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  111111. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  111112. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  111113. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  111114. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  111115. _internalId: 2,
  111116. _commands:
  111117. Denque {
  111118. _head: 0,
  111119. _tail: 0,
  111120. _capacityMask: 3,
  111121. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111122. _command: undefined,
  111123. _paused: false,
  111124. _paused_packets:
  111125. Denque {
  111126. _head: 0,
  111127. _tail: 0,
  111128. _capacityMask: 3,
  111129. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111130. _statements:
  111131. LRUCache {
  111132. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  111133. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  111134. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  111135. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  111136. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  111137. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  111138. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  111139. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  111140. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  111141. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111142. authorized: true,
  111143. sequenceId: 2,
  111144. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  111145. threadId: 1302,
  111146. _handshakePacket:
  111147. Handshake {
  111148. protocolVersion: 10,
  111149. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  111150. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111151. connectionId: 1302,
  111152. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  111153. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  111154. characterSet: 255,
  111155. statusFlags: 2 },
  111156. _fatalError: null,
  111157. _protocolError: null,
  111158. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  111159. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  111160. packetParser:
  111161. PacketParser {
  111162. buffer: [],
  111163. bufferLength: 0,
  111164. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  111165. headerLen: 0,
  111166. length: 7,
  111167. largePacketParts: [],
  111168. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  111169. onPacket: [Function],
  111170. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  111171. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  111172. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  111173. connectTimeout: null,
  111174. connectionId: 1302 },
  111175. state: 'IDLE' } },
  111176. tail:
  111177. { prev:
  111178. { prev: null,
  111179. next: [Circular],
  111180. data:
  111181. PooledResource {
  111182. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  111183. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  111184. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  111185. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  111186. obj:
  111187. Connection {
  111188. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  111189. _eventsCount: 1,
  111190. _maxListeners: undefined,
  111191. config:
  111192. ConnectionConfig {
  111193. isServer: undefined,
  111194. stream: undefined,
  111195. host: 'localhost',
  111196. port: 3306,
  111197. localAddress: undefined,
  111198. socketPath: undefined,
  111199. user: 'root',
  111200. password: 'abcd1234',
  111201. passwordSha1: undefined,
  111202. database: 'lbry',
  111203. connectTimeout: 10000,
  111204. insecureAuth: false,
  111205. supportBigNumbers: true,
  111206. bigNumberStrings: false,
  111207. decimalNumbers: false,
  111208. dateStrings: false,
  111209. debug: undefined,
  111210. trace: true,
  111211. stringifyObjects: false,
  111212. timezone: '+00:00',
  111213. queryFormat: undefined,
  111214. pool: undefined,
  111215. ssl: false,
  111216. multipleStatements: false,
  111217. rowsAsArray: false,
  111218. namedPlaceholders: false,
  111219. nestTables: undefined,
  111220. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  111221. maxPacketSize: 0,
  111222. charsetNumber: 224,
  111223. compress: false,
  111224. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  111225. clientFlags: 8582093,
  111226. connectAttributes: undefined,
  111227. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  111228. stream:
  111229. Socket {
  111230. connecting: false,
  111231. _hadError: false,
  111232. _handle:
  111233. TCP {
  111234. reading: true,
  111235. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  111236. onconnection: null,
  111237. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  111238. _parent: null,
  111239. _host: 'localhost',
  111240. _readableState:
  111241. ReadableState {
  111242. objectMode: false,
  111243. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111244. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  111245. length: 0,
  111246. pipes: null,
  111247. pipesCount: 0,
  111248. flowing: true,
  111249. ended: false,
  111250. endEmitted: false,
  111251. reading: true,
  111252. sync: false,
  111253. needReadable: true,
  111254. emittedReadable: false,
  111255. readableListening: false,
  111256. resumeScheduled: false,
  111257. emitClose: false,
  111258. autoDestroy: false,
  111259. destroyed: false,
  111260. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111261. awaitDrain: 0,
  111262. readingMore: false,
  111263. decoder: null,
  111264. encoding: null },
  111265. readable: true,
  111266. _events:
  111267. [Object: null prototype] {
  111268. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  111269. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  111270. data: [Function],
  111271. close: [Function] },
  111272. _eventsCount: 4,
  111273. _maxListeners: undefined,
  111274. _writableState:
  111275. WritableState {
  111276. objectMode: false,
  111277. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111278. finalCalled: false,
  111279. needDrain: false,
  111280. ending: false,
  111281. ended: false,
  111282. finished: false,
  111283. destroyed: false,
  111284. decodeStrings: false,
  111285. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111286. length: 0,
  111287. writing: false,
  111288. corked: 0,
  111289. sync: false,
  111290. bufferProcessing: false,
  111291. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  111292. writecb: null,
  111293. writelen: 0,
  111294. bufferedRequest: null,
  111295. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  111296. pendingcb: 0,
  111297. prefinished: false,
  111298. errorEmitted: false,
  111299. emitClose: false,
  111300. autoDestroy: false,
  111301. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  111302. corkedRequestsFree:
  111303. { next: null,
  111304. entry: null,
  111305. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  111306. writable: true,
  111307. allowHalfOpen: false,
  111308. _sockname: null,
  111309. _pendingData: null,
  111310. _pendingEncoding: '',
  111311. server: null,
  111312. _server: null,
  111313. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  111314. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  111315. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  111316. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  111317. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  111318. _internalId: 2,
  111319. _commands:
  111320. Denque {
  111321. _head: 0,
  111322. _tail: 0,
  111323. _capacityMask: 3,
  111324. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111325. _command: undefined,
  111326. _paused: false,
  111327. _paused_packets:
  111328. Denque {
  111329. _head: 0,
  111330. _tail: 0,
  111331. _capacityMask: 3,
  111332. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111333. _statements:
  111334. LRUCache {
  111335. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  111336. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  111337. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  111338. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  111339. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  111340. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  111341. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  111342. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  111343. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  111344. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111345. authorized: true,
  111346. sequenceId: 2,
  111347. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  111348. threadId: 1302,
  111349. _handshakePacket:
  111350. Handshake {
  111351. protocolVersion: 10,
  111352. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  111353. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111354. connectionId: 1302,
  111355. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  111356. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  111357. characterSet: 255,
  111358. statusFlags: 2 },
  111359. _fatalError: null,
  111360. _protocolError: null,
  111361. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  111362. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  111363. packetParser:
  111364. PacketParser {
  111365. buffer: [],
  111366. bufferLength: 0,
  111367. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  111368. headerLen: 0,
  111369. length: 7,
  111370. largePacketParts: [],
  111371. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  111372. onPacket: [Function],
  111373. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  111374. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  111375. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  111376. connectTimeout: null,
  111377. connectionId: 1302 },
  111378. state: 'IDLE' } },
  111379. next: null,
  111380. data:
  111381. PooledResource {
  111382. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  111383. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  111384. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  111385. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  111386. obj:
  111387. Connection {
  111388. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  111389. _eventsCount: 1,
  111390. _maxListeners: undefined,
  111391. config:
  111392. ConnectionConfig {
  111393. isServer: undefined,
  111394. stream: undefined,
  111395. host: 'localhost',
  111396. port: 3306,
  111397. localAddress: undefined,
  111398. socketPath: undefined,
  111399. user: 'root',
  111400. password: 'abcd1234',
  111401. passwordSha1: undefined,
  111402. database: 'lbry',
  111403. connectTimeout: 10000,
  111404. insecureAuth: false,
  111405. supportBigNumbers: true,
  111406. bigNumberStrings: false,
  111407. decimalNumbers: false,
  111408. dateStrings: false,
  111409. debug: undefined,
  111410. trace: true,
  111411. stringifyObjects: false,
  111412. timezone: '+00:00',
  111413. queryFormat: undefined,
  111414. pool: undefined,
  111415. ssl: false,
  111416. multipleStatements: false,
  111417. rowsAsArray: false,
  111418. namedPlaceholders: false,
  111419. nestTables: undefined,
  111420. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  111421. maxPacketSize: 0,
  111422. charsetNumber: 224,
  111423. compress: false,
  111424. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  111425. clientFlags: 8582093,
  111426. connectAttributes: undefined,
  111427. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  111428. stream:
  111429. Socket {
  111430. connecting: false,
  111431. _hadError: false,
  111432. _handle:
  111433. TCP {
  111434. reading: true,
  111435. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  111436. onconnection: null,
  111437. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  111438. _parent: null,
  111439. _host: 'localhost',
  111440. _readableState:
  111441. ReadableState {
  111442. objectMode: false,
  111443. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111444. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  111445. length: 0,
  111446. pipes: null,
  111447. pipesCount: 0,
  111448. flowing: true,
  111449. ended: false,
  111450. endEmitted: false,
  111451. reading: true,
  111452. sync: false,
  111453. needReadable: true,
  111454. emittedReadable: false,
  111455. readableListening: false,
  111456. resumeScheduled: false,
  111457. emitClose: false,
  111458. autoDestroy: false,
  111459. destroyed: false,
  111460. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111461. awaitDrain: 0,
  111462. readingMore: false,
  111463. decoder: null,
  111464. encoding: null },
  111465. readable: true,
  111466. _events:
  111467. [Object: null prototype] {
  111468. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  111469. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  111470. data: [Function],
  111471. close: [Function] },
  111472. _eventsCount: 4,
  111473. _maxListeners: undefined,
  111474. _writableState:
  111475. WritableState {
  111476. objectMode: false,
  111477. highWaterMark: 16384,
  111478. finalCalled: false,
  111479. needDrain: false,
  111480. ending: false,
  111481. ended: false,
  111482. finished: false,
  111483. destroyed: false,
  111484. decodeStrings: false,
  111485. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  111486. length: 0,
  111487. writing: false,
  111488. corked: 0,
  111489. sync: false,
  111490. bufferProcessing: false,
  111491. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  111492. writecb: null,
  111493. writelen: 0,
  111494. bufferedRequest: null,
  111495. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  111496. pendingcb: 0,
  111497. prefinished: false,
  111498. errorEmitted: false,
  111499. emitClose: false,
  111500. autoDestroy: false,
  111501. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  111502. corkedRequestsFree:
  111503. { next: null,
  111504. entry: null,
  111505. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  111506. writable: true,
  111507. allowHalfOpen: false,
  111508. _sockname: null,
  111509. _pendingData: null,
  111510. _pendingEncoding: '',
  111511. server: null,
  111512. _server: null,
  111513. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  111514. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  111515. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  111516. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  111517. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  111518. _internalId: 1,
  111519. _commands:
  111520. Denque {
  111521. _head: 0,
  111522. _tail: 0,
  111523. _capacityMask: 3,
  111524. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111525. _command: undefined,
  111526. _paused: false,
  111527. _paused_packets:
  111528. Denque {
  111529. _head: 0,
  111530. _tail: 0,
  111531. _capacityMask: 3,
  111532. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  111533. _statements:
  111534. LRUCache {
  111535. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  111536. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  111537. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  111538. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  111539. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  111540. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  111541. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  111542. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  111543. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  111544. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111545. authorized: true,
  111546. sequenceId: 23,
  111547. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  111548. threadId: 1303,
  111549. _handshakePacket:
  111550. Handshake {
  111551. protocolVersion: 10,
  111552. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  111553. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  111554. connectionId: 1303,
  111555. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  111556. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  111557. characterSet: 255,
  111558. statusFlags: 2 },
  111559. _fatalError: null,
  111560. _protocolError: null,
  111561. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  111562. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  111563. packetParser:
  111564. PacketParser {
  111565. buffer: [],
  111566. bufferLength: 0,
  111567. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  111568. headerLen: 0,
  111569. length: 5,
  111570. largePacketParts: [],
  111571. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  111572. onPacket: [Function],
  111573. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  111574. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  111575. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  111576. connectTimeout: null,
  111577. connectionId: 1303 },
  111578. state: 'IDLE' } },
  111579. length: 2 },
  111580. _direction: 'next',
  111581. _startPosition: 'head',
  111582. _started: false,
  111583. _cursor: null,
  111584. _done: false },
  111585. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  111586. _scheduledEviction:
  111587. Timeout {
  111588. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  111589. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  111590. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  111591. _idleStart: 432,
  111592. _onTimeout: [Function],
  111593. _timerArgs: undefined,
  111594. _repeat: null,
  111595. _destroyed: false,
  111596. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  111597. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  111598. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  111599. lib:
  111600. { createConnection: [Function],
  111601. connect: [Function],
  111602. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  111603. createPool: [Function],
  111604. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  111605. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  111606. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  111607. createServer: [Function],
  111608. PoolConnection:
  111609. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  111610. escape: [Function: escape],
  111611. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  111612. format: [Function: format],
  111613. raw: [Function: raw],
  111614. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  111615. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  111616. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  111617. Types: [Getter],
  111618. Charsets: [Getter],
  111619. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  111620. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  111621. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  111622. QueryGenerator:
  111623. { dialect: 'mysql',
  111624. OperatorMap:
  111625. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  111626. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  111627. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  111628. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  111629. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  111630. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  111631. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  111632. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  111633. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  111634. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  111635. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  111636. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  111637. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  111638. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  111639. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  111640. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  111641. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  111642. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  111643. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  111644. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  111645. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  111646. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  111647. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  111648. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  111649. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  111650. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  111651. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  111652. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  111653. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  111654. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  111655. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  111656. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  111657. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  111658. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  111659. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  111660. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  111661. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  111662. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  111663. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  111664. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  111665. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  111666. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  111667. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  111668. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  111669. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  111670. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  111671. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  111672. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  111673. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  111674. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  111675. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  111676. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  111677. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  111678. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  111679. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  111680. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  111681. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  111682. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  111683. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  111684. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  111685. _templateSettings:
  111686. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  111687. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  111688. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  111689. variable: '',
  111690. imports:
  111691. { _:
  111692. { [Function: lodash]
  111693. templateSettings: [Circular],
  111694. after: [Function: after],
  111695. ary: [Function: ary],
  111696. assign: [Function],
  111697. assignIn: [Function],
  111698. assignInWith: [Function],
  111699. assignWith: [Function],
  111700. at: [Function],
  111701. before: [Function: before],
  111702. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111703. bindAll: [Function],
  111704. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111705. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  111706. chain: [Function: chain],
  111707. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  111708. compact: [Function: compact],
  111709. concat: [Function: concat],
  111710. cond: [Function: cond],
  111711. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  111712. constant: [Function: constant],
  111713. countBy: [Function],
  111714. create: [Function: create],
  111715. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111716. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111717. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  111718. defaults: [Function],
  111719. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  111720. defer: [Function],
  111721. delay: [Function],
  111722. difference: [Function],
  111723. differenceBy: [Function],
  111724. differenceWith: [Function],
  111725. drop: [Function: drop],
  111726. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  111727. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  111728. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  111729. fill: [Function: fill],
  111730. filter: [Function: filter],
  111731. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  111732. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  111733. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  111734. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  111735. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  111736. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  111737. flip: [Function: flip],
  111738. flow: [Function],
  111739. flowRight: [Function],
  111740. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  111741. functions: [Function: functions],
  111742. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  111743. groupBy: [Function],
  111744. initial: [Function: initial],
  111745. intersection: [Function],
  111746. intersectionBy: [Function],
  111747. intersectionWith: [Function],
  111748. invert: [Function],
  111749. invertBy: [Function],
  111750. invokeMap: [Function],
  111751. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  111752. keyBy: [Function],
  111753. keys: [Function: keys],
  111754. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  111755. map: [Function: map],
  111756. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  111757. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  111758. matches: [Function: matches],
  111759. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  111760. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  111761. merge: [Function],
  111762. mergeWith: [Function],
  111763. method: [Function],
  111764. methodOf: [Function],
  111765. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  111766. negate: [Function: negate],
  111767. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  111768. omit: [Function],
  111769. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  111770. once: [Function: once],
  111771. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  111772. over: [Function],
  111773. overArgs: [Function],
  111774. overEvery: [Function],
  111775. overSome: [Function],
  111776. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111777. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  111778. partition: [Function],
  111779. pick: [Function],
  111780. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  111781. property: [Function: property],
  111782. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  111783. pull: [Function],
  111784. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  111785. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  111786. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  111787. pullAt: [Function],
  111788. range: [Function],
  111789. rangeRight: [Function],
  111790. rearg: [Function],
  111791. reject: [Function: reject],
  111792. remove: [Function: remove],
  111793. rest: [Function: rest],
  111794. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  111795. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  111796. set: [Function: set],
  111797. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  111798. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  111799. slice: [Function: slice],
  111800. sortBy: [Function],
  111801. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  111802. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  111803. split: [Function: split],
  111804. spread: [Function: spread],
  111805. tail: [Function: tail],
  111806. take: [Function: take],
  111807. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  111808. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  111809. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  111810. tap: [Function: tap],
  111811. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  111812. thru: [Function: thru],
  111813. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  111814. toPairs: [Function],
  111815. toPairsIn: [Function],
  111816. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  111817. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  111818. transform: [Function: transform],
  111819. unary: [Function: unary],
  111820. union: [Function],
  111821. unionBy: [Function],
  111822. unionWith: [Function],
  111823. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  111824. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  111825. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  111826. unset: [Function: unset],
  111827. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  111828. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  111829. update: [Function: update],
  111830. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  111831. values: [Function: values],
  111832. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  111833. without: [Function],
  111834. words: [Function: words],
  111835. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  111836. xor: [Function],
  111837. xorBy: [Function],
  111838. xorWith: [Function],
  111839. zip: [Function],
  111840. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  111841. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  111842. zipWith: [Function],
  111843. entries: [Function],
  111844. entriesIn: [Function],
  111845. extend: [Function],
  111846. extendWith: [Function],
  111847. add: [Function],
  111848. attempt: [Function],
  111849. camelCase: [Function],
  111850. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  111851. ceil: [Function],
  111852. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  111853. clone: [Function: clone],
  111854. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  111855. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  111856. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  111857. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  111858. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  111859. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  111860. divide: [Function],
  111861. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  111862. eq: [Function: eq],
  111863. escape: [Function: escape],
  111864. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  111865. every: [Function: every],
  111866. find: [Function],
  111867. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  111868. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  111869. findLast: [Function],
  111870. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  111871. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  111872. floor: [Function],
  111873. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  111874. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  111875. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  111876. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  111877. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  111878. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  111879. get: [Function: get],
  111880. gt: [Function],
  111881. gte: [Function],
  111882. has: [Function: has],
  111883. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  111884. head: [Function: head],
  111885. identity: [Function: identity],
  111886. includes: [Function: includes],
  111887. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  111888. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  111889. invoke: [Function],
  111890. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  111891. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  111892. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  111893. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  111894. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  111895. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  111896. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  111897. isDate: [Function],
  111898. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  111899. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  111900. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  111901. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  111902. isError: [Function: isError],
  111903. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  111904. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  111905. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  111906. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  111907. isMap: [Function],
  111908. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  111909. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  111910. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  111911. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  111912. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  111913. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  111914. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  111915. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  111916. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  111917. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  111918. isRegExp: [Function],
  111919. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  111920. isSet: [Function],
  111921. isString: [Function: isString],
  111922. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  111923. isTypedArray: [Function],
  111924. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  111925. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  111926. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  111927. join: [Function: join],
  111928. kebabCase: [Function],
  111929. last: [Function: last],
  111930. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  111931. lowerCase: [Function],
  111932. lowerFirst: [Function],
  111933. lt: [Function],
  111934. lte: [Function],
  111935. max: [Function: max],
  111936. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  111937. mean: [Function: mean],
  111938. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  111939. min: [Function: min],
  111940. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  111941. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  111942. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  111943. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  111944. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  111945. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  111946. multiply: [Function],
  111947. nth: [Function: nth],
  111948. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  111949. noop: [Function: noop],
  111950. now: [Function],
  111951. pad: [Function: pad],
  111952. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  111953. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  111954. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  111955. random: [Function: random],
  111956. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  111957. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  111958. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  111959. replace: [Function: replace],
  111960. result: [Function: result],
  111961. round: [Function],
  111962. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  111963. sample: [Function: sample],
  111964. size: [Function: size],
  111965. snakeCase: [Function],
  111966. some: [Function: some],
  111967. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  111968. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  111969. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  111970. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  111971. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  111972. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  111973. startCase: [Function],
  111974. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  111975. subtract: [Function],
  111976. sum: [Function: sum],
  111977. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  111978. template: [Function: template],
  111979. times: [Function: times],
  111980. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  111981. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  111982. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  111983. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  111984. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  111985. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  111986. toString: [Function: toString],
  111987. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  111988. trim: [Function: trim],
  111989. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  111990. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  111991. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  111992. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  111993. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  111994. upperCase: [Function],
  111995. upperFirst: [Function],
  111996. each: [Function: forEach],
  111997. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  111998. first: [Function: head],
  111999. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  112000. options:
  112001. { dialect: 'mysql',
  112002. dialectModulePath: null,
  112003. host: 'localhost',
  112004. protocol: 'tcp',
  112005. define: {},
  112006. query: {},
  112007. sync: {},
  112008. timezone: '+00:00',
  112009. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  112010. omitNull: false,
  112011. native: false,
  112012. replication: false,
  112013. ssl: undefined,
  112014. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  112015. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  112016. hooks: {},
  112017. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  112018. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  112019. isolationLevel: null,
  112020. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  112021. typeValidation: false,
  112022. benchmark: false,
  112023. operatorsAliases: false },
  112024. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  112025. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  112026. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  112027. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  112028. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  112029. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  112030. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  112031. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  112032. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  112033. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  112034. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  112035. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  112036. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  112037. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  112038. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  112039. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  112040. quote: [Function: quote],
  112041. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  112042. escape: [Function: escape],
  112043. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  112044. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  112045. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  112046. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  112047. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  112048. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  112049. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  112050. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  112051. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  112052. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  112053. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  112054. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  112055. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  112056. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  112057. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  112058. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  112059. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  112060. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  112061. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  112062. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  112063. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  112064. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  112065. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  112066. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  112067. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  112068. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  112069. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  112070. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  112071. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  112072. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  112073. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  112074. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  112075. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  112076. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  112077. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  112078. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  112079. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  112080. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  112081. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  112082. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  112083. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  112084. _dialect: [Circular],
  112085. sequelize: [Circular],
  112086. typeValidation: undefined } },
  112087. queryInterface:
  112088. QueryInterface {
  112089. sequelize: [Circular],
  112090. QueryGenerator:
  112091. { dialect: 'mysql',
  112092. OperatorMap:
  112093. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  112094. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  112095. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  112096. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  112097. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  112098. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  112099. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  112100. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  112101. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  112102. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  112103. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  112104. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  112105. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  112106. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  112107. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  112108. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  112109. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  112110. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  112111. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  112112. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  112113. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  112114. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  112115. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  112116. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  112117. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  112118. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  112119. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  112120. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  112121. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  112122. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  112123. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  112124. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  112125. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  112126. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  112127. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  112128. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  112129. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  112130. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  112131. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  112132. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  112133. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  112134. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  112135. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  112136. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  112137. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  112138. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  112139. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  112140. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  112141. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  112142. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  112143. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  112144. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  112145. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  112146. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  112147. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  112148. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  112149. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  112150. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  112151. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  112152. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  112153. _templateSettings:
  112154. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  112155. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  112156. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  112157. variable: '',
  112158. imports:
  112159. { _:
  112160. { [Function: lodash]
  112161. templateSettings: [Circular],
  112162. after: [Function: after],
  112163. ary: [Function: ary],
  112164. assign: [Function],
  112165. assignIn: [Function],
  112166. assignInWith: [Function],
  112167. assignWith: [Function],
  112168. at: [Function],
  112169. before: [Function: before],
  112170. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112171. bindAll: [Function],
  112172. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112173. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  112174. chain: [Function: chain],
  112175. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  112176. compact: [Function: compact],
  112177. concat: [Function: concat],
  112178. cond: [Function: cond],
  112179. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  112180. constant: [Function: constant],
  112181. countBy: [Function],
  112182. create: [Function: create],
  112183. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112184. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112185. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  112186. defaults: [Function],
  112187. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  112188. defer: [Function],
  112189. delay: [Function],
  112190. difference: [Function],
  112191. differenceBy: [Function],
  112192. differenceWith: [Function],
  112193. drop: [Function: drop],
  112194. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  112195. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  112196. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  112197. fill: [Function: fill],
  112198. filter: [Function: filter],
  112199. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  112200. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  112201. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  112202. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  112203. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  112204. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  112205. flip: [Function: flip],
  112206. flow: [Function],
  112207. flowRight: [Function],
  112208. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  112209. functions: [Function: functions],
  112210. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  112211. groupBy: [Function],
  112212. initial: [Function: initial],
  112213. intersection: [Function],
  112214. intersectionBy: [Function],
  112215. intersectionWith: [Function],
  112216. invert: [Function],
  112217. invertBy: [Function],
  112218. invokeMap: [Function],
  112219. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  112220. keyBy: [Function],
  112221. keys: [Function: keys],
  112222. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  112223. map: [Function: map],
  112224. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  112225. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  112226. matches: [Function: matches],
  112227. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  112228. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  112229. merge: [Function],
  112230. mergeWith: [Function],
  112231. method: [Function],
  112232. methodOf: [Function],
  112233. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  112234. negate: [Function: negate],
  112235. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  112236. omit: [Function],
  112237. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  112238. once: [Function: once],
  112239. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  112240. over: [Function],
  112241. overArgs: [Function],
  112242. overEvery: [Function],
  112243. overSome: [Function],
  112244. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112245. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  112246. partition: [Function],
  112247. pick: [Function],
  112248. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  112249. property: [Function: property],
  112250. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  112251. pull: [Function],
  112252. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  112253. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  112254. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  112255. pullAt: [Function],
  112256. range: [Function],
  112257. rangeRight: [Function],
  112258. rearg: [Function],
  112259. reject: [Function: reject],
  112260. remove: [Function: remove],
  112261. rest: [Function: rest],
  112262. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  112263. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  112264. set: [Function: set],
  112265. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  112266. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  112267. slice: [Function: slice],
  112268. sortBy: [Function],
  112269. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  112270. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  112271. split: [Function: split],
  112272. spread: [Function: spread],
  112273. tail: [Function: tail],
  112274. take: [Function: take],
  112275. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  112276. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  112277. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  112278. tap: [Function: tap],
  112279. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  112280. thru: [Function: thru],
  112281. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  112282. toPairs: [Function],
  112283. toPairsIn: [Function],
  112284. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  112285. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  112286. transform: [Function: transform],
  112287. unary: [Function: unary],
  112288. union: [Function],
  112289. unionBy: [Function],
  112290. unionWith: [Function],
  112291. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  112292. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  112293. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  112294. unset: [Function: unset],
  112295. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  112296. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  112297. update: [Function: update],
  112298. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  112299. values: [Function: values],
  112300. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  112301. without: [Function],
  112302. words: [Function: words],
  112303. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  112304. xor: [Function],
  112305. xorBy: [Function],
  112306. xorWith: [Function],
  112307. zip: [Function],
  112308. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  112309. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  112310. zipWith: [Function],
  112311. entries: [Function],
  112312. entriesIn: [Function],
  112313. extend: [Function],
  112314. extendWith: [Function],
  112315. add: [Function],
  112316. attempt: [Function],
  112317. camelCase: [Function],
  112318. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  112319. ceil: [Function],
  112320. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  112321. clone: [Function: clone],
  112322. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  112323. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  112324. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  112325. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  112326. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  112327. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  112328. divide: [Function],
  112329. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  112330. eq: [Function: eq],
  112331. escape: [Function: escape],
  112332. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  112333. every: [Function: every],
  112334. find: [Function],
  112335. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  112336. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  112337. findLast: [Function],
  112338. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  112339. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  112340. floor: [Function],
  112341. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  112342. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  112343. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  112344. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  112345. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  112346. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  112347. get: [Function: get],
  112348. gt: [Function],
  112349. gte: [Function],
  112350. has: [Function: has],
  112351. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  112352. head: [Function: head],
  112353. identity: [Function: identity],
  112354. includes: [Function: includes],
  112355. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  112356. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  112357. invoke: [Function],
  112358. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  112359. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  112360. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  112361. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  112362. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  112363. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  112364. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  112365. isDate: [Function],
  112366. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  112367. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  112368. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  112369. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  112370. isError: [Function: isError],
  112371. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  112372. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  112373. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  112374. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  112375. isMap: [Function],
  112376. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  112377. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  112378. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  112379. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  112380. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  112381. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  112382. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  112383. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  112384. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  112385. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  112386. isRegExp: [Function],
  112387. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  112388. isSet: [Function],
  112389. isString: [Function: isString],
  112390. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  112391. isTypedArray: [Function],
  112392. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  112393. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  112394. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  112395. join: [Function: join],
  112396. kebabCase: [Function],
  112397. last: [Function: last],
  112398. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  112399. lowerCase: [Function],
  112400. lowerFirst: [Function],
  112401. lt: [Function],
  112402. lte: [Function],
  112403. max: [Function: max],
  112404. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  112405. mean: [Function: mean],
  112406. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  112407. min: [Function: min],
  112408. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  112409. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  112410. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  112411. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  112412. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  112413. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  112414. multiply: [Function],
  112415. nth: [Function: nth],
  112416. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  112417. noop: [Function: noop],
  112418. now: [Function],
  112419. pad: [Function: pad],
  112420. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  112421. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  112422. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  112423. random: [Function: random],
  112424. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  112425. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  112426. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  112427. replace: [Function: replace],
  112428. result: [Function: result],
  112429. round: [Function],
  112430. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  112431. sample: [Function: sample],
  112432. size: [Function: size],
  112433. snakeCase: [Function],
  112434. some: [Function: some],
  112435. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  112436. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  112437. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  112438. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  112439. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  112440. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  112441. startCase: [Function],
  112442. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  112443. subtract: [Function],
  112444. sum: [Function: sum],
  112445. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  112446. template: [Function: template],
  112447. times: [Function: times],
  112448. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  112449. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  112450. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  112451. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  112452. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  112453. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  112454. toString: [Function: toString],
  112455. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  112456. trim: [Function: trim],
  112457. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  112458. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  112459. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  112460. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  112461. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  112462. upperCase: [Function],
  112463. upperFirst: [Function],
  112464. each: [Function: forEach],
  112465. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  112466. first: [Function: head],
  112467. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  112468. options:
  112469. { dialect: 'mysql',
  112470. dialectModulePath: null,
  112471. host: 'localhost',
  112472. protocol: 'tcp',
  112473. define: {},
  112474. query: {},
  112475. sync: {},
  112476. timezone: '+00:00',
  112477. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  112478. omitNull: false,
  112479. native: false,
  112480. replication: false,
  112481. ssl: undefined,
  112482. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  112483. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  112484. hooks: {},
  112485. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  112486. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  112487. isolationLevel: null,
  112488. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  112489. typeValidation: false,
  112490. benchmark: false,
  112491. operatorsAliases: false },
  112492. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  112493. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  112494. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  112495. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  112496. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  112497. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  112498. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  112499. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  112500. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  112501. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  112502. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  112503. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  112504. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  112505. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  112506. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  112507. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  112508. quote: [Function: quote],
  112509. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  112510. escape: [Function: escape],
  112511. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  112512. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  112513. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  112514. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  112515. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  112516. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  112517. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  112518. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  112519. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  112520. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  112521. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  112522. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  112523. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  112524. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  112525. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  112526. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  112527. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  112528. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  112529. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  112530. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  112531. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  112532. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  112533. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  112534. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  112535. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  112536. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  112537. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  112538. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  112539. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  112540. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  112541. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  112542. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  112543. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  112544. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  112545. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  112546. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  112547. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  112548. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  112549. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  112550. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  112551. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  112552. _dialect:
  112553. MysqlDialect {
  112554. sequelize: [Circular],
  112555. connectionManager:
  112556. ConnectionManager {
  112557. sequelize: [Circular],
  112558. config:
  112559. { database: 'lbry',
  112560. username: 'root',
  112561. password: 'abcd1234',
  112562. host: 'localhost',
  112563. port: undefined,
  112564. pool:
  112565. { max: 5,
  112566. min: 0,
  112567. acquire: 30000,
  112568. idle: 10000,
  112569. evict: 10000,
  112570. handleDisconnects: true,
  112571. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  112572. Promise:
  112573. { [Function: Promise]
  112574. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  112575. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  112576. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  112577. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  112578. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112579. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112580. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  112581. _peekContext: [Function],
  112582. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  112583. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  112584. longStackTraces: [Function],
  112585. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  112586. config: [Function],
  112587. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  112588. is: [Function],
  112589. fromCallback: [Function],
  112590. fromNode: [Function],
  112591. all: [Function],
  112592. cast: [Function],
  112593. fulfilled: [Function],
  112594. resolve: [Function],
  112595. rejected: [Function],
  112596. reject: [Function],
  112597. setScheduler: [Function],
  112598. pending: [Function],
  112599. defer: [Function],
  112600. method: [Function],
  112601. try: [Function],
  112602. attempt: [Function],
  112603. bind: [Function],
  112604. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  112605. join: [Function],
  112606. Promise: [Circular],
  112607. version: '3.5.3',
  112608. map: [Function],
  112609. using: [Function],
  112610. delay: [Function],
  112611. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  112612. spawn: [Function],
  112613. promisify: [Function],
  112614. promisifyAll: [Function],
  112615. props: [Function],
  112616. race: [Function],
  112617. reduce: [Function],
  112618. settle: [Function],
  112619. some: [Function],
  112620. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  112621. filter: [Function],
  112622. each: [Function],
  112623. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  112624. any: [Function],
  112625. default: [Circular] } },
  112626. protocol: 'tcp',
  112627. native: false,
  112628. ssl: undefined,
  112629. replication: false,
  112630. dialectModulePath: null,
  112631. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  112632. dialectOptions: undefined },
  112633. dialect: [Circular],
  112634. versionPromise: null,
  112635. dialectName: 'mysql',
  112636. pool:
  112637. Pool {
  112638. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  112639. _eventsCount: 0,
  112640. _maxListeners: undefined,
  112641. _config:
  112642. PoolOptions {
  112643. fifo: true,
  112644. priorityRange: 1,
  112645. testOnBorrow: true,
  112646. testOnReturn: false,
  112647. autostart: false,
  112648. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  112649. max: 5,
  112650. min: 0,
  112651. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  112652. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  112653. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  112654. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  112655. Promise:
  112656. { [Function: Promise]
  112657. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  112658. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  112659. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  112660. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  112661. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112662. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112663. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  112664. _peekContext: [Function],
  112665. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  112666. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  112667. longStackTraces: [Function],
  112668. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  112669. config: [Function],
  112670. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  112671. is: [Function],
  112672. fromCallback: [Function],
  112673. fromNode: [Function],
  112674. all: [Function],
  112675. cast: [Function],
  112676. fulfilled: [Function],
  112677. resolve: [Function],
  112678. rejected: [Function],
  112679. reject: [Function],
  112680. setScheduler: [Function],
  112681. pending: [Function],
  112682. defer: [Function],
  112683. method: [Function],
  112684. try: [Function],
  112685. attempt: [Function],
  112686. bind: [Function],
  112687. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  112688. join: [Function],
  112689. Promise: [Circular],
  112690. version: '3.5.3',
  112691. map: [Function],
  112692. using: [Function],
  112693. delay: [Function],
  112694. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  112695. spawn: [Function],
  112696. promisify: [Function],
  112697. promisifyAll: [Function],
  112698. props: [Function],
  112699. race: [Function],
  112700. reduce: [Function],
  112701. settle: [Function],
  112702. some: [Function],
  112703. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  112704. filter: [Function],
  112705. each: [Function],
  112706. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  112707. any: [Function],
  112708. default: [Circular] } },
  112709. _Promise:
  112710. { [Function: Promise]
  112711. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  112712. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  112713. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  112714. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  112715. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112716. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  112717. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  112718. _peekContext: [Function],
  112719. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  112720. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  112721. longStackTraces: [Function],
  112722. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  112723. config: [Function],
  112724. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  112725. is: [Function],
  112726. fromCallback: [Function],
  112727. fromNode: [Function],
  112728. all: [Function],
  112729. cast: [Function],
  112730. fulfilled: [Function],
  112731. resolve: [Function],
  112732. rejected: [Function],
  112733. reject: [Function],
  112734. setScheduler: [Function],
  112735. pending: [Function],
  112736. defer: [Function],
  112737. method: [Function],
  112738. try: [Function],
  112739. attempt: [Function],
  112740. bind: [Function],
  112741. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  112742. join: [Function],
  112743. Promise: [Circular],
  112744. version: '3.5.3',
  112745. map: [Function],
  112746. using: [Function],
  112747. delay: [Function],
  112748. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  112749. spawn: [Function],
  112750. promisify: [Function],
  112751. promisifyAll: [Function],
  112752. props: [Function],
  112753. race: [Function],
  112754. reduce: [Function],
  112755. settle: [Function],
  112756. some: [Function],
  112757. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  112758. filter: [Function],
  112759. each: [Function],
  112760. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  112761. any: [Function],
  112762. default: [Circular] },
  112763. _factory:
  112764. { create: [Function: create],
  112765. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  112766. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  112767. _draining: false,
  112768. _started: true,
  112769. _waitingClientsQueue:
  112770. PriorityQueue {
  112771. _size: 1,
  112772. _slots:
  112773. [ Queue {
  112774. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  112775. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  112776. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  112777. _availableObjects:
  112778. Deque {
  112779. _list:
  112780. DoublyLinkedList {
  112781. head:
  112782. { prev: null,
  112783. next:
  112784. { prev: [Circular],
  112785. next: null,
  112786. data:
  112787. PooledResource {
  112788. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  112789. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  112790. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  112791. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  112792. obj:
  112793. Connection {
  112794. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  112795. _eventsCount: 1,
  112796. _maxListeners: undefined,
  112797. config:
  112798. ConnectionConfig {
  112799. isServer: undefined,
  112800. stream: undefined,
  112801. host: 'localhost',
  112802. port: 3306,
  112803. localAddress: undefined,
  112804. socketPath: undefined,
  112805. user: 'root',
  112806. password: 'abcd1234',
  112807. passwordSha1: undefined,
  112808. database: 'lbry',
  112809. connectTimeout: 10000,
  112810. insecureAuth: false,
  112811. supportBigNumbers: true,
  112812. bigNumberStrings: false,
  112813. decimalNumbers: false,
  112814. dateStrings: false,
  112815. debug: undefined,
  112816. trace: true,
  112817. stringifyObjects: false,
  112818. timezone: '+00:00',
  112819. queryFormat: undefined,
  112820. pool: undefined,
  112821. ssl: false,
  112822. multipleStatements: false,
  112823. rowsAsArray: false,
  112824. namedPlaceholders: false,
  112825. nestTables: undefined,
  112826. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  112827. maxPacketSize: 0,
  112828. charsetNumber: 224,
  112829. compress: false,
  112830. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  112831. clientFlags: 8582093,
  112832. connectAttributes: undefined,
  112833. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  112834. stream:
  112835. Socket {
  112836. connecting: false,
  112837. _hadError: false,
  112838. _handle:
  112839. TCP {
  112840. reading: true,
  112841. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  112842. onconnection: null,
  112843. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  112844. _parent: null,
  112845. _host: 'localhost',
  112846. _readableState:
  112847. ReadableState {
  112848. objectMode: false,
  112849. highWaterMark: 16384,
  112850. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  112851. length: 0,
  112852. pipes: null,
  112853. pipesCount: 0,
  112854. flowing: true,
  112855. ended: false,
  112856. endEmitted: false,
  112857. reading: true,
  112858. sync: false,
  112859. needReadable: true,
  112860. emittedReadable: false,
  112861. readableListening: false,
  112862. resumeScheduled: false,
  112863. emitClose: false,
  112864. autoDestroy: false,
  112865. destroyed: false,
  112866. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  112867. awaitDrain: 0,
  112868. readingMore: false,
  112869. decoder: null,
  112870. encoding: null },
  112871. readable: true,
  112872. _events:
  112873. [Object: null prototype] {
  112874. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  112875. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  112876. data: [Function],
  112877. close: [Function] },
  112878. _eventsCount: 4,
  112879. _maxListeners: undefined,
  112880. _writableState:
  112881. WritableState {
  112882. objectMode: false,
  112883. highWaterMark: 16384,
  112884. finalCalled: false,
  112885. needDrain: false,
  112886. ending: false,
  112887. ended: false,
  112888. finished: false,
  112889. destroyed: false,
  112890. decodeStrings: false,
  112891. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  112892. length: 0,
  112893. writing: false,
  112894. corked: 0,
  112895. sync: false,
  112896. bufferProcessing: false,
  112897. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  112898. writecb: null,
  112899. writelen: 0,
  112900. bufferedRequest: null,
  112901. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  112902. pendingcb: 0,
  112903. prefinished: false,
  112904. errorEmitted: false,
  112905. emitClose: false,
  112906. autoDestroy: false,
  112907. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  112908. corkedRequestsFree:
  112909. { next: null,
  112910. entry: null,
  112911. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  112912. writable: true,
  112913. allowHalfOpen: false,
  112914. _sockname: null,
  112915. _pendingData: null,
  112916. _pendingEncoding: '',
  112917. server: null,
  112918. _server: null,
  112919. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  112920. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  112921. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  112922. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  112923. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  112924. _internalId: 1,
  112925. _commands:
  112926. Denque {
  112927. _head: 0,
  112928. _tail: 0,
  112929. _capacityMask: 3,
  112930. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  112931. _command: undefined,
  112932. _paused: false,
  112933. _paused_packets:
  112934. Denque {
  112935. _head: 0,
  112936. _tail: 0,
  112937. _capacityMask: 3,
  112938. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  112939. _statements:
  112940. LRUCache {
  112941. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  112942. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  112943. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  112944. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  112945. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  112946. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  112947. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  112948. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  112949. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  112950. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  112951. authorized: true,
  112952. sequenceId: 23,
  112953. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  112954. threadId: 1303,
  112955. _handshakePacket:
  112956. Handshake {
  112957. protocolVersion: 10,
  112958. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  112959. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  112960. connectionId: 1303,
  112961. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  112962. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  112963. characterSet: 255,
  112964. statusFlags: 2 },
  112965. _fatalError: null,
  112966. _protocolError: null,
  112967. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  112968. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  112969. packetParser:
  112970. PacketParser {
  112971. buffer: [],
  112972. bufferLength: 0,
  112973. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  112974. headerLen: 0,
  112975. length: 5,
  112976. largePacketParts: [],
  112977. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  112978. onPacket: [Function],
  112979. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  112980. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  112981. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  112982. connectTimeout: null,
  112983. connectionId: 1303 },
  112984. state: 'IDLE' } },
  112985. data:
  112986. PooledResource {
  112987. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  112988. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  112989. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  112990. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  112991. obj:
  112992. Connection {
  112993. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  112994. _eventsCount: 1,
  112995. _maxListeners: undefined,
  112996. config:
  112997. ConnectionConfig {
  112998. isServer: undefined,
  112999. stream: undefined,
  113000. host: 'localhost',
  113001. port: 3306,
  113002. localAddress: undefined,
  113003. socketPath: undefined,
  113004. user: 'root',
  113005. password: 'abcd1234',
  113006. passwordSha1: undefined,
  113007. database: 'lbry',
  113008. connectTimeout: 10000,
  113009. insecureAuth: false,
  113010. supportBigNumbers: true,
  113011. bigNumberStrings: false,
  113012. decimalNumbers: false,
  113013. dateStrings: false,
  113014. debug: undefined,
  113015. trace: true,
  113016. stringifyObjects: false,
  113017. timezone: '+00:00',
  113018. queryFormat: undefined,
  113019. pool: undefined,
  113020. ssl: false,
  113021. multipleStatements: false,
  113022. rowsAsArray: false,
  113023. namedPlaceholders: false,
  113024. nestTables: undefined,
  113025. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  113026. maxPacketSize: 0,
  113027. charsetNumber: 224,
  113028. compress: false,
  113029. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  113030. clientFlags: 8582093,
  113031. connectAttributes: undefined,
  113032. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  113033. stream:
  113034. Socket {
  113035. connecting: false,
  113036. _hadError: false,
  113037. _handle:
  113038. TCP {
  113039. reading: true,
  113040. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  113041. onconnection: null,
  113042. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  113043. _parent: null,
  113044. _host: 'localhost',
  113045. _readableState:
  113046. ReadableState {
  113047. objectMode: false,
  113048. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113049. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  113050. length: 0,
  113051. pipes: null,
  113052. pipesCount: 0,
  113053. flowing: true,
  113054. ended: false,
  113055. endEmitted: false,
  113056. reading: true,
  113057. sync: false,
  113058. needReadable: true,
  113059. emittedReadable: false,
  113060. readableListening: false,
  113061. resumeScheduled: false,
  113062. emitClose: false,
  113063. autoDestroy: false,
  113064. destroyed: false,
  113065. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113066. awaitDrain: 0,
  113067. readingMore: false,
  113068. decoder: null,
  113069. encoding: null },
  113070. readable: true,
  113071. _events:
  113072. [Object: null prototype] {
  113073. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  113074. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  113075. data: [Function],
  113076. close: [Function] },
  113077. _eventsCount: 4,
  113078. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113079. _writableState:
  113080. WritableState {
  113081. objectMode: false,
  113082. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113083. finalCalled: false,
  113084. needDrain: false,
  113085. ending: false,
  113086. ended: false,
  113087. finished: false,
  113088. destroyed: false,
  113089. decodeStrings: false,
  113090. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113091. length: 0,
  113092. writing: false,
  113093. corked: 0,
  113094. sync: false,
  113095. bufferProcessing: false,
  113096. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  113097. writecb: null,
  113098. writelen: 0,
  113099. bufferedRequest: null,
  113100. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  113101. pendingcb: 0,
  113102. prefinished: false,
  113103. errorEmitted: false,
  113104. emitClose: false,
  113105. autoDestroy: false,
  113106. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  113107. corkedRequestsFree:
  113108. { next: null,
  113109. entry: null,
  113110. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  113111. writable: true,
  113112. allowHalfOpen: false,
  113113. _sockname: null,
  113114. _pendingData: null,
  113115. _pendingEncoding: '',
  113116. server: null,
  113117. _server: null,
  113118. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  113119. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  113120. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  113121. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  113122. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  113123. _internalId: 2,
  113124. _commands:
  113125. Denque {
  113126. _head: 0,
  113127. _tail: 0,
  113128. _capacityMask: 3,
  113129. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113130. _command: undefined,
  113131. _paused: false,
  113132. _paused_packets:
  113133. Denque {
  113134. _head: 0,
  113135. _tail: 0,
  113136. _capacityMask: 3,
  113137. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113138. _statements:
  113139. LRUCache {
  113140. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  113141. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  113142. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  113143. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  113144. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  113145. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  113146. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  113147. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  113148. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  113149. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113150. authorized: true,
  113151. sequenceId: 2,
  113152. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  113153. threadId: 1302,
  113154. _handshakePacket:
  113155. Handshake {
  113156. protocolVersion: 10,
  113157. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  113158. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113159. connectionId: 1302,
  113160. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  113161. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  113162. characterSet: 255,
  113163. statusFlags: 2 },
  113164. _fatalError: null,
  113165. _protocolError: null,
  113166. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  113167. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  113168. packetParser:
  113169. PacketParser {
  113170. buffer: [],
  113171. bufferLength: 0,
  113172. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  113173. headerLen: 0,
  113174. length: 7,
  113175. largePacketParts: [],
  113176. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  113177. onPacket: [Function],
  113178. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  113179. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  113180. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  113181. connectTimeout: null,
  113182. connectionId: 1302 },
  113183. state: 'IDLE' } },
  113184. tail:
  113185. { prev:
  113186. { prev: null,
  113187. next: [Circular],
  113188. data:
  113189. PooledResource {
  113190. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  113191. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  113192. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  113193. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  113194. obj:
  113195. Connection {
  113196. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  113197. _eventsCount: 1,
  113198. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113199. config:
  113200. ConnectionConfig {
  113201. isServer: undefined,
  113202. stream: undefined,
  113203. host: 'localhost',
  113204. port: 3306,
  113205. localAddress: undefined,
  113206. socketPath: undefined,
  113207. user: 'root',
  113208. password: 'abcd1234',
  113209. passwordSha1: undefined,
  113210. database: 'lbry',
  113211. connectTimeout: 10000,
  113212. insecureAuth: false,
  113213. supportBigNumbers: true,
  113214. bigNumberStrings: false,
  113215. decimalNumbers: false,
  113216. dateStrings: false,
  113217. debug: undefined,
  113218. trace: true,
  113219. stringifyObjects: false,
  113220. timezone: '+00:00',
  113221. queryFormat: undefined,
  113222. pool: undefined,
  113223. ssl: false,
  113224. multipleStatements: false,
  113225. rowsAsArray: false,
  113226. namedPlaceholders: false,
  113227. nestTables: undefined,
  113228. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  113229. maxPacketSize: 0,
  113230. charsetNumber: 224,
  113231. compress: false,
  113232. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  113233. clientFlags: 8582093,
  113234. connectAttributes: undefined,
  113235. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  113236. stream:
  113237. Socket {
  113238. connecting: false,
  113239. _hadError: false,
  113240. _handle:
  113241. TCP {
  113242. reading: true,
  113243. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  113244. onconnection: null,
  113245. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  113246. _parent: null,
  113247. _host: 'localhost',
  113248. _readableState:
  113249. ReadableState {
  113250. objectMode: false,
  113251. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113252. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  113253. length: 0,
  113254. pipes: null,
  113255. pipesCount: 0,
  113256. flowing: true,
  113257. ended: false,
  113258. endEmitted: false,
  113259. reading: true,
  113260. sync: false,
  113261. needReadable: true,
  113262. emittedReadable: false,
  113263. readableListening: false,
  113264. resumeScheduled: false,
  113265. emitClose: false,
  113266. autoDestroy: false,
  113267. destroyed: false,
  113268. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113269. awaitDrain: 0,
  113270. readingMore: false,
  113271. decoder: null,
  113272. encoding: null },
  113273. readable: true,
  113274. _events:
  113275. [Object: null prototype] {
  113276. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  113277. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  113278. data: [Function],
  113279. close: [Function] },
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  113281. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  113283. WritableState {
  113284. objectMode: false,
  113285. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113286. finalCalled: false,
  113287. needDrain: false,
  113288. ending: false,
  113289. ended: false,
  113290. finished: false,
  113291. destroyed: false,
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  113293. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113294. length: 0,
  113295. writing: false,
  113296. corked: 0,
  113297. sync: false,
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  113299. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  113301. writelen: 0,
  113302. bufferedRequest: null,
  113303. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  113304. pendingcb: 0,
  113305. prefinished: false,
  113306. errorEmitted: false,
  113307. emitClose: false,
  113308. autoDestroy: false,
  113309. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  113310. corkedRequestsFree:
  113311. { next: null,
  113312. entry: null,
  113313. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  113314. writable: true,
  113315. allowHalfOpen: false,
  113316. _sockname: null,
  113317. _pendingData: null,
  113318. _pendingEncoding: '',
  113319. server: null,
  113320. _server: null,
  113321. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  113322. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  113323. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  113324. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  113325. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  113326. _internalId: 2,
  113327. _commands:
  113328. Denque {
  113329. _head: 0,
  113330. _tail: 0,
  113331. _capacityMask: 3,
  113332. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113333. _command: undefined,
  113334. _paused: false,
  113335. _paused_packets:
  113336. Denque {
  113337. _head: 0,
  113338. _tail: 0,
  113339. _capacityMask: 3,
  113340. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113341. _statements:
  113342. LRUCache {
  113343. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  113344. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  113345. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  113346. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  113347. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  113348. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  113349. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  113350. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  113351. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  113352. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113353. authorized: true,
  113354. sequenceId: 2,
  113355. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  113356. threadId: 1302,
  113357. _handshakePacket:
  113358. Handshake {
  113359. protocolVersion: 10,
  113360. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  113361. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113362. connectionId: 1302,
  113363. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  113364. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  113365. characterSet: 255,
  113366. statusFlags: 2 },
  113367. _fatalError: null,
  113368. _protocolError: null,
  113369. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  113370. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  113371. packetParser:
  113372. PacketParser {
  113373. buffer: [],
  113374. bufferLength: 0,
  113375. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  113376. headerLen: 0,
  113377. length: 7,
  113378. largePacketParts: [],
  113379. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  113380. onPacket: [Function],
  113381. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  113382. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  113383. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  113384. connectTimeout: null,
  113385. connectionId: 1302 },
  113386. state: 'IDLE' } },
  113387. next: null,
  113388. data:
  113389. PooledResource {
  113390. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  113391. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  113392. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  113393. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  113394. obj:
  113395. Connection {
  113396. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  113397. _eventsCount: 1,
  113398. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113399. config:
  113400. ConnectionConfig {
  113401. isServer: undefined,
  113402. stream: undefined,
  113403. host: 'localhost',
  113404. port: 3306,
  113405. localAddress: undefined,
  113406. socketPath: undefined,
  113407. user: 'root',
  113408. password: 'abcd1234',
  113409. passwordSha1: undefined,
  113410. database: 'lbry',
  113411. connectTimeout: 10000,
  113412. insecureAuth: false,
  113413. supportBigNumbers: true,
  113414. bigNumberStrings: false,
  113415. decimalNumbers: false,
  113416. dateStrings: false,
  113417. debug: undefined,
  113418. trace: true,
  113419. stringifyObjects: false,
  113420. timezone: '+00:00',
  113421. queryFormat: undefined,
  113422. pool: undefined,
  113423. ssl: false,
  113424. multipleStatements: false,
  113425. rowsAsArray: false,
  113426. namedPlaceholders: false,
  113427. nestTables: undefined,
  113428. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  113429. maxPacketSize: 0,
  113430. charsetNumber: 224,
  113431. compress: false,
  113432. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  113433. clientFlags: 8582093,
  113434. connectAttributes: undefined,
  113435. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  113436. stream:
  113437. Socket {
  113438. connecting: false,
  113439. _hadError: false,
  113440. _handle:
  113441. TCP {
  113442. reading: true,
  113443. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  113444. onconnection: null,
  113445. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  113446. _parent: null,
  113447. _host: 'localhost',
  113448. _readableState:
  113449. ReadableState {
  113450. objectMode: false,
  113451. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113452. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  113453. length: 0,
  113454. pipes: null,
  113455. pipesCount: 0,
  113456. flowing: true,
  113457. ended: false,
  113458. endEmitted: false,
  113459. reading: true,
  113460. sync: false,
  113461. needReadable: true,
  113462. emittedReadable: false,
  113463. readableListening: false,
  113464. resumeScheduled: false,
  113465. emitClose: false,
  113466. autoDestroy: false,
  113467. destroyed: false,
  113468. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113469. awaitDrain: 0,
  113470. readingMore: false,
  113471. decoder: null,
  113472. encoding: null },
  113473. readable: true,
  113474. _events:
  113475. [Object: null prototype] {
  113476. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  113477. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  113478. data: [Function],
  113479. close: [Function] },
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  113481. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113482. _writableState:
  113483. WritableState {
  113484. objectMode: false,
  113485. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113486. finalCalled: false,
  113487. needDrain: false,
  113488. ending: false,
  113489. ended: false,
  113490. finished: false,
  113491. destroyed: false,
  113492. decodeStrings: false,
  113493. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113494. length: 0,
  113495. writing: false,
  113496. corked: 0,
  113497. sync: false,
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  113499. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  113501. writelen: 0,
  113502. bufferedRequest: null,
  113503. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  113504. pendingcb: 0,
  113505. prefinished: false,
  113506. errorEmitted: false,
  113507. emitClose: false,
  113508. autoDestroy: false,
  113509. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  113510. corkedRequestsFree:
  113511. { next: null,
  113512. entry: null,
  113513. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  113514. writable: true,
  113515. allowHalfOpen: false,
  113516. _sockname: null,
  113517. _pendingData: null,
  113518. _pendingEncoding: '',
  113519. server: null,
  113520. _server: null,
  113521. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  113522. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  113523. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  113524. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  113525. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  113526. _internalId: 1,
  113527. _commands:
  113528. Denque {
  113529. _head: 0,
  113530. _tail: 0,
  113531. _capacityMask: 3,
  113532. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113533. _command: undefined,
  113534. _paused: false,
  113535. _paused_packets:
  113536. Denque {
  113537. _head: 0,
  113538. _tail: 0,
  113539. _capacityMask: 3,
  113540. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113541. _statements:
  113542. LRUCache {
  113543. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  113544. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  113545. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  113546. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  113547. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  113548. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  113549. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  113550. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  113551. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  113552. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113553. authorized: true,
  113554. sequenceId: 23,
  113555. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  113556. threadId: 1303,
  113557. _handshakePacket:
  113558. Handshake {
  113559. protocolVersion: 10,
  113560. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  113561. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113562. connectionId: 1303,
  113563. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  113564. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  113565. characterSet: 255,
  113566. statusFlags: 2 },
  113567. _fatalError: null,
  113568. _protocolError: null,
  113569. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  113570. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  113571. packetParser:
  113572. PacketParser {
  113573. buffer: [],
  113574. bufferLength: 0,
  113575. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  113576. headerLen: 0,
  113577. length: 5,
  113578. largePacketParts: [],
  113579. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  113580. onPacket: [Function],
  113581. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  113582. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  113583. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  113584. connectTimeout: null,
  113585. connectionId: 1303 },
  113586. state: 'IDLE' } },
  113587. length: 2 } },
  113588. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  113589. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  113590. _validationOperations: Set {},
  113591. _allObjects:
  113592. Set {
  113593. PooledResource {
  113594. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  113595. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  113596. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  113597. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  113598. obj:
  113599. Connection {
  113600. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  113601. _eventsCount: 1,
  113602. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113603. config:
  113604. ConnectionConfig {
  113605. isServer: undefined,
  113606. stream: undefined,
  113607. host: 'localhost',
  113608. port: 3306,
  113609. localAddress: undefined,
  113610. socketPath: undefined,
  113611. user: 'root',
  113612. password: 'abcd1234',
  113613. passwordSha1: undefined,
  113614. database: 'lbry',
  113615. connectTimeout: 10000,
  113616. insecureAuth: false,
  113617. supportBigNumbers: true,
  113618. bigNumberStrings: false,
  113619. decimalNumbers: false,
  113620. dateStrings: false,
  113621. debug: undefined,
  113622. trace: true,
  113623. stringifyObjects: false,
  113624. timezone: '+00:00',
  113625. queryFormat: undefined,
  113626. pool: undefined,
  113627. ssl: false,
  113628. multipleStatements: false,
  113629. rowsAsArray: false,
  113630. namedPlaceholders: false,
  113631. nestTables: undefined,
  113632. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  113633. maxPacketSize: 0,
  113634. charsetNumber: 224,
  113635. compress: false,
  113636. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  113637. clientFlags: 8582093,
  113638. connectAttributes: undefined,
  113639. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  113640. stream:
  113641. Socket {
  113642. connecting: false,
  113643. _hadError: false,
  113644. _handle:
  113645. TCP {
  113646. reading: true,
  113647. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  113648. onconnection: null,
  113649. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  113650. _parent: null,
  113651. _host: 'localhost',
  113652. _readableState:
  113653. ReadableState {
  113654. objectMode: false,
  113655. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113656. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  113657. length: 0,
  113658. pipes: null,
  113659. pipesCount: 0,
  113660. flowing: true,
  113661. ended: false,
  113662. endEmitted: false,
  113663. reading: true,
  113664. sync: false,
  113665. needReadable: true,
  113666. emittedReadable: false,
  113667. readableListening: false,
  113668. resumeScheduled: false,
  113669. emitClose: false,
  113670. autoDestroy: false,
  113671. destroyed: false,
  113672. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113673. awaitDrain: 0,
  113674. readingMore: false,
  113675. decoder: null,
  113676. encoding: null },
  113677. readable: true,
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  113679. [Object: null prototype] {
  113680. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  113681. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  113682. data: [Function],
  113683. close: [Function] },
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  113685. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113686. _writableState:
  113687. WritableState {
  113688. objectMode: false,
  113689. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113690. finalCalled: false,
  113691. needDrain: false,
  113692. ending: false,
  113693. ended: false,
  113694. finished: false,
  113695. destroyed: false,
  113696. decodeStrings: false,
  113697. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113698. length: 0,
  113699. writing: false,
  113700. corked: 0,
  113701. sync: false,
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  113705. writelen: 0,
  113706. bufferedRequest: null,
  113707. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  113708. pendingcb: 0,
  113709. prefinished: false,
  113710. errorEmitted: false,
  113711. emitClose: false,
  113712. autoDestroy: false,
  113713. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  113714. corkedRequestsFree:
  113715. { next: null,
  113716. entry: null,
  113717. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  113718. writable: true,
  113719. allowHalfOpen: false,
  113720. _sockname: null,
  113721. _pendingData: null,
  113722. _pendingEncoding: '',
  113723. server: null,
  113724. _server: null,
  113725. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  113726. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  113727. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  113728. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  113729. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  113730. _internalId: 2,
  113731. _commands:
  113732. Denque {
  113733. _head: 0,
  113734. _tail: 0,
  113735. _capacityMask: 3,
  113736. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113737. _command: undefined,
  113738. _paused: false,
  113739. _paused_packets:
  113740. Denque {
  113741. _head: 0,
  113742. _tail: 0,
  113743. _capacityMask: 3,
  113744. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113745. _statements:
  113746. LRUCache {
  113747. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  113748. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  113749. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  113750. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  113751. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  113752. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  113753. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  113754. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  113755. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  113756. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113757. authorized: true,
  113758. sequenceId: 2,
  113759. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  113760. threadId: 1302,
  113761. _handshakePacket:
  113762. Handshake {
  113763. protocolVersion: 10,
  113764. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  113765. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113766. connectionId: 1302,
  113767. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  113768. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  113769. characterSet: 255,
  113770. statusFlags: 2 },
  113771. _fatalError: null,
  113772. _protocolError: null,
  113773. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  113774. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  113775. packetParser:
  113776. PacketParser {
  113777. buffer: [],
  113778. bufferLength: 0,
  113779. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  113780. headerLen: 0,
  113781. length: 7,
  113782. largePacketParts: [],
  113783. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  113784. onPacket: [Function],
  113785. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  113786. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  113787. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  113788. connectTimeout: null,
  113789. connectionId: 1302 },
  113790. state: 'IDLE' },
  113791. PooledResource {
  113792. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  113793. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  113794. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  113795. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  113796. obj:
  113797. Connection {
  113798. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  113799. _eventsCount: 1,
  113800. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113801. config:
  113802. ConnectionConfig {
  113803. isServer: undefined,
  113804. stream: undefined,
  113805. host: 'localhost',
  113806. port: 3306,
  113807. localAddress: undefined,
  113808. socketPath: undefined,
  113809. user: 'root',
  113810. password: 'abcd1234',
  113811. passwordSha1: undefined,
  113812. database: 'lbry',
  113813. connectTimeout: 10000,
  113814. insecureAuth: false,
  113815. supportBigNumbers: true,
  113816. bigNumberStrings: false,
  113817. decimalNumbers: false,
  113818. dateStrings: false,
  113819. debug: undefined,
  113820. trace: true,
  113821. stringifyObjects: false,
  113822. timezone: '+00:00',
  113823. queryFormat: undefined,
  113824. pool: undefined,
  113825. ssl: false,
  113826. multipleStatements: false,
  113827. rowsAsArray: false,
  113828. namedPlaceholders: false,
  113829. nestTables: undefined,
  113830. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  113831. maxPacketSize: 0,
  113832. charsetNumber: 224,
  113833. compress: false,
  113834. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  113835. clientFlags: 8582093,
  113836. connectAttributes: undefined,
  113837. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  113838. stream:
  113839. Socket {
  113840. connecting: false,
  113841. _hadError: false,
  113842. _handle:
  113843. TCP {
  113844. reading: true,
  113845. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  113846. onconnection: null,
  113847. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  113848. _parent: null,
  113849. _host: 'localhost',
  113850. _readableState:
  113851. ReadableState {
  113852. objectMode: false,
  113853. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113854. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  113855. length: 0,
  113856. pipes: null,
  113857. pipesCount: 0,
  113858. flowing: true,
  113859. ended: false,
  113860. endEmitted: false,
  113861. reading: true,
  113862. sync: false,
  113863. needReadable: true,
  113864. emittedReadable: false,
  113865. readableListening: false,
  113866. resumeScheduled: false,
  113867. emitClose: false,
  113868. autoDestroy: false,
  113869. destroyed: false,
  113870. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113871. awaitDrain: 0,
  113872. readingMore: false,
  113873. decoder: null,
  113874. encoding: null },
  113875. readable: true,
  113876. _events:
  113877. [Object: null prototype] {
  113878. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  113879. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  113880. data: [Function],
  113881. close: [Function] },
  113882. _eventsCount: 4,
  113883. _maxListeners: undefined,
  113884. _writableState:
  113885. WritableState {
  113886. objectMode: false,
  113887. highWaterMark: 16384,
  113888. finalCalled: false,
  113889. needDrain: false,
  113890. ending: false,
  113891. ended: false,
  113892. finished: false,
  113893. destroyed: false,
  113894. decodeStrings: false,
  113895. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  113896. length: 0,
  113897. writing: false,
  113898. corked: 0,
  113899. sync: false,
  113900. bufferProcessing: false,
  113901. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  113902. writecb: null,
  113903. writelen: 0,
  113904. bufferedRequest: null,
  113905. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  113906. pendingcb: 0,
  113907. prefinished: false,
  113908. errorEmitted: false,
  113909. emitClose: false,
  113910. autoDestroy: false,
  113911. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  113912. corkedRequestsFree:
  113913. { next: null,
  113914. entry: null,
  113915. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  113916. writable: true,
  113917. allowHalfOpen: false,
  113918. _sockname: null,
  113919. _pendingData: null,
  113920. _pendingEncoding: '',
  113921. server: null,
  113922. _server: null,
  113923. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  113924. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  113925. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  113926. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  113927. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  113928. _internalId: 1,
  113929. _commands:
  113930. Denque {
  113931. _head: 0,
  113932. _tail: 0,
  113933. _capacityMask: 3,
  113934. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113935. _command: undefined,
  113936. _paused: false,
  113937. _paused_packets:
  113938. Denque {
  113939. _head: 0,
  113940. _tail: 0,
  113941. _capacityMask: 3,
  113942. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  113943. _statements:
  113944. LRUCache {
  113945. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  113946. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  113947. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  113948. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  113949. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  113950. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  113951. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  113952. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  113953. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  113954. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113955. authorized: true,
  113956. sequenceId: 23,
  113957. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  113958. threadId: 1303,
  113959. _handshakePacket:
  113960. Handshake {
  113961. protocolVersion: 10,
  113962. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  113963. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  113964. connectionId: 1303,
  113965. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  113966. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  113967. characterSet: 255,
  113968. statusFlags: 2 },
  113969. _fatalError: null,
  113970. _protocolError: null,
  113971. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  113972. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  113973. packetParser:
  113974. PacketParser {
  113975. buffer: [],
  113976. bufferLength: 0,
  113977. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  113978. headerLen: 0,
  113979. length: 5,
  113980. largePacketParts: [],
  113981. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  113982. onPacket: [Function],
  113983. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  113984. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  113985. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  113986. connectTimeout: null,
  113987. connectionId: 1303 },
  113988. state: 'IDLE' } },
  113989. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  113990. _evictionIterator:
  113991. DequeIterator {
  113992. _list:
  113993. DoublyLinkedList {
  113994. head:
  113995. { prev: null,
  113996. next:
  113997. { prev: [Circular],
  113998. next: null,
  113999. data:
  114000. PooledResource {
  114001. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  114002. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  114003. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  114004. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  114005. obj:
  114006. Connection {
  114007. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  114008. _eventsCount: 1,
  114009. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114010. config:
  114011. ConnectionConfig {
  114012. isServer: undefined,
  114013. stream: undefined,
  114014. host: 'localhost',
  114015. port: 3306,
  114016. localAddress: undefined,
  114017. socketPath: undefined,
  114018. user: 'root',
  114019. password: 'abcd1234',
  114020. passwordSha1: undefined,
  114021. database: 'lbry',
  114022. connectTimeout: 10000,
  114023. insecureAuth: false,
  114024. supportBigNumbers: true,
  114025. bigNumberStrings: false,
  114026. decimalNumbers: false,
  114027. dateStrings: false,
  114028. debug: undefined,
  114029. trace: true,
  114030. stringifyObjects: false,
  114031. timezone: '+00:00',
  114032. queryFormat: undefined,
  114033. pool: undefined,
  114034. ssl: false,
  114035. multipleStatements: false,
  114036. rowsAsArray: false,
  114037. namedPlaceholders: false,
  114038. nestTables: undefined,
  114039. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  114040. maxPacketSize: 0,
  114041. charsetNumber: 224,
  114042. compress: false,
  114043. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  114044. clientFlags: 8582093,
  114045. connectAttributes: undefined,
  114046. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  114047. stream:
  114048. Socket {
  114049. connecting: false,
  114050. _hadError: false,
  114051. _handle:
  114052. TCP {
  114053. reading: true,
  114054. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  114055. onconnection: null,
  114056. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  114057. _parent: null,
  114058. _host: 'localhost',
  114059. _readableState:
  114060. ReadableState {
  114061. objectMode: false,
  114062. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114063. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  114064. length: 0,
  114065. pipes: null,
  114066. pipesCount: 0,
  114067. flowing: true,
  114068. ended: false,
  114069. endEmitted: false,
  114070. reading: true,
  114071. sync: false,
  114072. needReadable: true,
  114073. emittedReadable: false,
  114074. readableListening: false,
  114075. resumeScheduled: false,
  114076. emitClose: false,
  114077. autoDestroy: false,
  114078. destroyed: false,
  114079. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114080. awaitDrain: 0,
  114081. readingMore: false,
  114082. decoder: null,
  114083. encoding: null },
  114084. readable: true,
  114085. _events:
  114086. [Object: null prototype] {
  114087. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  114088. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  114089. data: [Function],
  114090. close: [Function] },
  114091. _eventsCount: 4,
  114092. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114093. _writableState:
  114094. WritableState {
  114095. objectMode: false,
  114096. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114097. finalCalled: false,
  114098. needDrain: false,
  114099. ending: false,
  114100. ended: false,
  114101. finished: false,
  114102. destroyed: false,
  114103. decodeStrings: false,
  114104. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114105. length: 0,
  114106. writing: false,
  114107. corked: 0,
  114108. sync: false,
  114109. bufferProcessing: false,
  114110. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  114112. writelen: 0,
  114113. bufferedRequest: null,
  114114. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  114115. pendingcb: 0,
  114116. prefinished: false,
  114117. errorEmitted: false,
  114118. emitClose: false,
  114119. autoDestroy: false,
  114120. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  114121. corkedRequestsFree:
  114122. { next: null,
  114123. entry: null,
  114124. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  114125. writable: true,
  114126. allowHalfOpen: false,
  114127. _sockname: null,
  114128. _pendingData: null,
  114129. _pendingEncoding: '',
  114130. server: null,
  114131. _server: null,
  114132. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  114133. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  114134. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  114135. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  114136. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  114137. _internalId: 1,
  114138. _commands:
  114139. Denque {
  114140. _head: 0,
  114141. _tail: 0,
  114142. _capacityMask: 3,
  114143. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114144. _command: undefined,
  114145. _paused: false,
  114146. _paused_packets:
  114147. Denque {
  114148. _head: 0,
  114149. _tail: 0,
  114150. _capacityMask: 3,
  114151. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114152. _statements:
  114153. LRUCache {
  114154. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  114155. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  114156. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  114157. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  114158. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  114159. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  114160. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  114161. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  114162. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  114163. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114164. authorized: true,
  114165. sequenceId: 23,
  114166. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  114167. threadId: 1303,
  114168. _handshakePacket:
  114169. Handshake {
  114170. protocolVersion: 10,
  114171. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  114172. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114173. connectionId: 1303,
  114174. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  114175. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  114176. characterSet: 255,
  114177. statusFlags: 2 },
  114178. _fatalError: null,
  114179. _protocolError: null,
  114180. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  114181. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  114182. packetParser:
  114183. PacketParser {
  114184. buffer: [],
  114185. bufferLength: 0,
  114186. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  114187. headerLen: 0,
  114188. length: 5,
  114189. largePacketParts: [],
  114190. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  114191. onPacket: [Function],
  114192. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  114193. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  114194. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  114195. connectTimeout: null,
  114196. connectionId: 1303 },
  114197. state: 'IDLE' } },
  114198. data:
  114199. PooledResource {
  114200. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  114201. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  114202. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  114203. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  114204. obj:
  114205. Connection {
  114206. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  114207. _eventsCount: 1,
  114208. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114209. config:
  114210. ConnectionConfig {
  114211. isServer: undefined,
  114212. stream: undefined,
  114213. host: 'localhost',
  114214. port: 3306,
  114215. localAddress: undefined,
  114216. socketPath: undefined,
  114217. user: 'root',
  114218. password: 'abcd1234',
  114219. passwordSha1: undefined,
  114220. database: 'lbry',
  114221. connectTimeout: 10000,
  114222. insecureAuth: false,
  114223. supportBigNumbers: true,
  114224. bigNumberStrings: false,
  114225. decimalNumbers: false,
  114226. dateStrings: false,
  114227. debug: undefined,
  114228. trace: true,
  114229. stringifyObjects: false,
  114230. timezone: '+00:00',
  114231. queryFormat: undefined,
  114232. pool: undefined,
  114233. ssl: false,
  114234. multipleStatements: false,
  114235. rowsAsArray: false,
  114236. namedPlaceholders: false,
  114237. nestTables: undefined,
  114238. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  114239. maxPacketSize: 0,
  114240. charsetNumber: 224,
  114241. compress: false,
  114242. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  114243. clientFlags: 8582093,
  114244. connectAttributes: undefined,
  114245. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  114246. stream:
  114247. Socket {
  114248. connecting: false,
  114249. _hadError: false,
  114250. _handle:
  114251. TCP {
  114252. reading: true,
  114253. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  114254. onconnection: null,
  114255. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  114256. _parent: null,
  114257. _host: 'localhost',
  114258. _readableState:
  114259. ReadableState {
  114260. objectMode: false,
  114261. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114262. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  114263. length: 0,
  114264. pipes: null,
  114265. pipesCount: 0,
  114266. flowing: true,
  114267. ended: false,
  114268. endEmitted: false,
  114269. reading: true,
  114270. sync: false,
  114271. needReadable: true,
  114272. emittedReadable: false,
  114273. readableListening: false,
  114274. resumeScheduled: false,
  114275. emitClose: false,
  114276. autoDestroy: false,
  114277. destroyed: false,
  114278. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114279. awaitDrain: 0,
  114280. readingMore: false,
  114281. decoder: null,
  114282. encoding: null },
  114283. readable: true,
  114284. _events:
  114285. [Object: null prototype] {
  114286. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  114287. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  114288. data: [Function],
  114289. close: [Function] },
  114290. _eventsCount: 4,
  114291. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114292. _writableState:
  114293. WritableState {
  114294. objectMode: false,
  114295. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114296. finalCalled: false,
  114297. needDrain: false,
  114298. ending: false,
  114299. ended: false,
  114300. finished: false,
  114301. destroyed: false,
  114302. decodeStrings: false,
  114303. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114304. length: 0,
  114305. writing: false,
  114306. corked: 0,
  114307. sync: false,
  114308. bufferProcessing: false,
  114309. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  114310. writecb: null,
  114311. writelen: 0,
  114312. bufferedRequest: null,
  114313. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  114314. pendingcb: 0,
  114315. prefinished: false,
  114316. errorEmitted: false,
  114317. emitClose: false,
  114318. autoDestroy: false,
  114319. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  114320. corkedRequestsFree:
  114321. { next: null,
  114322. entry: null,
  114323. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  114324. writable: true,
  114325. allowHalfOpen: false,
  114326. _sockname: null,
  114327. _pendingData: null,
  114328. _pendingEncoding: '',
  114329. server: null,
  114330. _server: null,
  114331. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  114332. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  114333. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  114334. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  114335. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  114336. _internalId: 2,
  114337. _commands:
  114338. Denque {
  114339. _head: 0,
  114340. _tail: 0,
  114341. _capacityMask: 3,
  114342. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114343. _command: undefined,
  114344. _paused: false,
  114345. _paused_packets:
  114346. Denque {
  114347. _head: 0,
  114348. _tail: 0,
  114349. _capacityMask: 3,
  114350. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114351. _statements:
  114352. LRUCache {
  114353. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  114354. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  114355. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  114356. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  114357. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  114358. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  114359. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  114360. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  114361. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  114362. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114363. authorized: true,
  114364. sequenceId: 2,
  114365. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  114366. threadId: 1302,
  114367. _handshakePacket:
  114368. Handshake {
  114369. protocolVersion: 10,
  114370. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  114371. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114372. connectionId: 1302,
  114373. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  114374. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  114375. characterSet: 255,
  114376. statusFlags: 2 },
  114377. _fatalError: null,
  114378. _protocolError: null,
  114379. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  114380. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  114381. packetParser:
  114382. PacketParser {
  114383. buffer: [],
  114384. bufferLength: 0,
  114385. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  114386. headerLen: 0,
  114387. length: 7,
  114388. largePacketParts: [],
  114389. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  114390. onPacket: [Function],
  114391. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  114392. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  114393. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  114394. connectTimeout: null,
  114395. connectionId: 1302 },
  114396. state: 'IDLE' } },
  114397. tail:
  114398. { prev:
  114399. { prev: null,
  114400. next: [Circular],
  114401. data:
  114402. PooledResource {
  114403. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  114404. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  114405. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  114406. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  114407. obj:
  114408. Connection {
  114409. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  114410. _eventsCount: 1,
  114411. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114412. config:
  114413. ConnectionConfig {
  114414. isServer: undefined,
  114415. stream: undefined,
  114416. host: 'localhost',
  114417. port: 3306,
  114418. localAddress: undefined,
  114419. socketPath: undefined,
  114420. user: 'root',
  114421. password: 'abcd1234',
  114422. passwordSha1: undefined,
  114423. database: 'lbry',
  114424. connectTimeout: 10000,
  114425. insecureAuth: false,
  114426. supportBigNumbers: true,
  114427. bigNumberStrings: false,
  114428. decimalNumbers: false,
  114429. dateStrings: false,
  114430. debug: undefined,
  114431. trace: true,
  114432. stringifyObjects: false,
  114433. timezone: '+00:00',
  114434. queryFormat: undefined,
  114435. pool: undefined,
  114436. ssl: false,
  114437. multipleStatements: false,
  114438. rowsAsArray: false,
  114439. namedPlaceholders: false,
  114440. nestTables: undefined,
  114441. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  114442. maxPacketSize: 0,
  114443. charsetNumber: 224,
  114444. compress: false,
  114445. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  114446. clientFlags: 8582093,
  114447. connectAttributes: undefined,
  114448. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  114449. stream:
  114450. Socket {
  114451. connecting: false,
  114452. _hadError: false,
  114453. _handle:
  114454. TCP {
  114455. reading: true,
  114456. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  114457. onconnection: null,
  114458. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  114459. _parent: null,
  114460. _host: 'localhost',
  114461. _readableState:
  114462. ReadableState {
  114463. objectMode: false,
  114464. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114465. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  114466. length: 0,
  114467. pipes: null,
  114468. pipesCount: 0,
  114469. flowing: true,
  114470. ended: false,
  114471. endEmitted: false,
  114472. reading: true,
  114473. sync: false,
  114474. needReadable: true,
  114475. emittedReadable: false,
  114476. readableListening: false,
  114477. resumeScheduled: false,
  114478. emitClose: false,
  114479. autoDestroy: false,
  114480. destroyed: false,
  114481. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114482. awaitDrain: 0,
  114483. readingMore: false,
  114484. decoder: null,
  114485. encoding: null },
  114486. readable: true,
  114487. _events:
  114488. [Object: null prototype] {
  114489. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  114490. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  114491. data: [Function],
  114492. close: [Function] },
  114493. _eventsCount: 4,
  114494. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114495. _writableState:
  114496. WritableState {
  114497. objectMode: false,
  114498. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114499. finalCalled: false,
  114500. needDrain: false,
  114501. ending: false,
  114502. ended: false,
  114503. finished: false,
  114504. destroyed: false,
  114505. decodeStrings: false,
  114506. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114507. length: 0,
  114508. writing: false,
  114509. corked: 0,
  114510. sync: false,
  114511. bufferProcessing: false,
  114512. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  114513. writecb: null,
  114514. writelen: 0,
  114515. bufferedRequest: null,
  114516. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  114517. pendingcb: 0,
  114518. prefinished: false,
  114519. errorEmitted: false,
  114520. emitClose: false,
  114521. autoDestroy: false,
  114522. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  114523. corkedRequestsFree:
  114524. { next: null,
  114525. entry: null,
  114526. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  114527. writable: true,
  114528. allowHalfOpen: false,
  114529. _sockname: null,
  114530. _pendingData: null,
  114531. _pendingEncoding: '',
  114532. server: null,
  114533. _server: null,
  114534. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  114535. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  114536. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  114537. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  114538. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  114539. _internalId: 2,
  114540. _commands:
  114541. Denque {
  114542. _head: 0,
  114543. _tail: 0,
  114544. _capacityMask: 3,
  114545. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114546. _command: undefined,
  114547. _paused: false,
  114548. _paused_packets:
  114549. Denque {
  114550. _head: 0,
  114551. _tail: 0,
  114552. _capacityMask: 3,
  114553. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114554. _statements:
  114555. LRUCache {
  114556. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  114557. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  114558. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  114559. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  114560. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  114561. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  114562. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  114563. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  114564. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  114565. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114566. authorized: true,
  114567. sequenceId: 2,
  114568. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  114569. threadId: 1302,
  114570. _handshakePacket:
  114571. Handshake {
  114572. protocolVersion: 10,
  114573. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  114574. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114575. connectionId: 1302,
  114576. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  114577. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  114578. characterSet: 255,
  114579. statusFlags: 2 },
  114580. _fatalError: null,
  114581. _protocolError: null,
  114582. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  114583. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  114584. packetParser:
  114585. PacketParser {
  114586. buffer: [],
  114587. bufferLength: 0,
  114588. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  114589. headerLen: 0,
  114590. length: 7,
  114591. largePacketParts: [],
  114592. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  114593. onPacket: [Function],
  114594. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  114595. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  114596. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  114597. connectTimeout: null,
  114598. connectionId: 1302 },
  114599. state: 'IDLE' } },
  114600. next: null,
  114601. data:
  114602. PooledResource {
  114603. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  114604. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  114605. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  114606. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  114607. obj:
  114608. Connection {
  114609. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  114610. _eventsCount: 1,
  114611. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114612. config:
  114613. ConnectionConfig {
  114614. isServer: undefined,
  114615. stream: undefined,
  114616. host: 'localhost',
  114617. port: 3306,
  114618. localAddress: undefined,
  114619. socketPath: undefined,
  114620. user: 'root',
  114621. password: 'abcd1234',
  114622. passwordSha1: undefined,
  114623. database: 'lbry',
  114624. connectTimeout: 10000,
  114625. insecureAuth: false,
  114626. supportBigNumbers: true,
  114627. bigNumberStrings: false,
  114628. decimalNumbers: false,
  114629. dateStrings: false,
  114630. debug: undefined,
  114631. trace: true,
  114632. stringifyObjects: false,
  114633. timezone: '+00:00',
  114634. queryFormat: undefined,
  114635. pool: undefined,
  114636. ssl: false,
  114637. multipleStatements: false,
  114638. rowsAsArray: false,
  114639. namedPlaceholders: false,
  114640. nestTables: undefined,
  114641. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  114642. maxPacketSize: 0,
  114643. charsetNumber: 224,
  114644. compress: false,
  114645. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  114646. clientFlags: 8582093,
  114647. connectAttributes: undefined,
  114648. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  114649. stream:
  114650. Socket {
  114651. connecting: false,
  114652. _hadError: false,
  114653. _handle:
  114654. TCP {
  114655. reading: true,
  114656. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  114657. onconnection: null,
  114658. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  114659. _parent: null,
  114660. _host: 'localhost',
  114661. _readableState:
  114662. ReadableState {
  114663. objectMode: false,
  114664. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114665. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  114666. length: 0,
  114667. pipes: null,
  114668. pipesCount: 0,
  114669. flowing: true,
  114670. ended: false,
  114671. endEmitted: false,
  114672. reading: true,
  114673. sync: false,
  114674. needReadable: true,
  114675. emittedReadable: false,
  114676. readableListening: false,
  114677. resumeScheduled: false,
  114678. emitClose: false,
  114679. autoDestroy: false,
  114680. destroyed: false,
  114681. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114682. awaitDrain: 0,
  114683. readingMore: false,
  114684. decoder: null,
  114685. encoding: null },
  114686. readable: true,
  114687. _events:
  114688. [Object: null prototype] {
  114689. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  114690. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  114691. data: [Function],
  114692. close: [Function] },
  114693. _eventsCount: 4,
  114694. _maxListeners: undefined,
  114695. _writableState:
  114696. WritableState {
  114697. objectMode: false,
  114698. highWaterMark: 16384,
  114699. finalCalled: false,
  114700. needDrain: false,
  114701. ending: false,
  114702. ended: false,
  114703. finished: false,
  114704. destroyed: false,
  114705. decodeStrings: false,
  114706. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  114707. length: 0,
  114708. writing: false,
  114709. corked: 0,
  114710. sync: false,
  114711. bufferProcessing: false,
  114712. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  114713. writecb: null,
  114714. writelen: 0,
  114715. bufferedRequest: null,
  114716. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  114717. pendingcb: 0,
  114718. prefinished: false,
  114719. errorEmitted: false,
  114720. emitClose: false,
  114721. autoDestroy: false,
  114722. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  114723. corkedRequestsFree:
  114724. { next: null,
  114725. entry: null,
  114726. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  114727. writable: true,
  114728. allowHalfOpen: false,
  114729. _sockname: null,
  114730. _pendingData: null,
  114731. _pendingEncoding: '',
  114732. server: null,
  114733. _server: null,
  114734. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  114735. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  114736. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  114737. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  114738. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  114739. _internalId: 1,
  114740. _commands:
  114741. Denque {
  114742. _head: 0,
  114743. _tail: 0,
  114744. _capacityMask: 3,
  114745. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114746. _command: undefined,
  114747. _paused: false,
  114748. _paused_packets:
  114749. Denque {
  114750. _head: 0,
  114751. _tail: 0,
  114752. _capacityMask: 3,
  114753. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  114754. _statements:
  114755. LRUCache {
  114756. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  114757. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  114758. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  114759. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  114760. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  114761. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  114762. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  114763. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  114764. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  114765. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114766. authorized: true,
  114767. sequenceId: 23,
  114768. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  114769. threadId: 1303,
  114770. _handshakePacket:
  114771. Handshake {
  114772. protocolVersion: 10,
  114773. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  114774. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  114775. connectionId: 1303,
  114776. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  114777. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  114778. characterSet: 255,
  114779. statusFlags: 2 },
  114780. _fatalError: null,
  114781. _protocolError: null,
  114782. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  114783. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  114784. packetParser:
  114785. PacketParser {
  114786. buffer: [],
  114787. bufferLength: 0,
  114788. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  114789. headerLen: 0,
  114790. length: 5,
  114791. largePacketParts: [],
  114792. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  114793. onPacket: [Function],
  114794. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  114795. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  114796. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  114797. connectTimeout: null,
  114798. connectionId: 1303 },
  114799. state: 'IDLE' } },
  114800. length: 2 },
  114801. _direction: 'next',
  114802. _startPosition: 'head',
  114803. _started: false,
  114804. _cursor: null,
  114805. _done: false },
  114806. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  114807. _scheduledEviction:
  114808. Timeout {
  114809. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  114810. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  114811. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  114812. _idleStart: 432,
  114813. _onTimeout: [Function],
  114814. _timerArgs: undefined,
  114815. _repeat: null,
  114816. _destroyed: false,
  114817. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  114818. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  114819. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  114820. lib:
  114821. { createConnection: [Function],
  114822. connect: [Function],
  114823. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  114824. createPool: [Function],
  114825. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  114826. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  114827. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  114828. createServer: [Function],
  114829. PoolConnection:
  114830. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  114831. escape: [Function: escape],
  114832. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  114833. format: [Function: format],
  114834. raw: [Function: raw],
  114835. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  114836. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  114837. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  114838. Types: [Getter],
  114839. Charsets: [Getter],
  114840. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  114841. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  114842. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  114843. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  114844. sequelize: [Circular],
  114845. typeValidation: undefined } },
  114846. models:
  114847. { Balloons:
  114848. { [Function: Balloons]
  114849. sequelize: [Circular],
  114850. options: [Circular],
  114851. associations: {},
  114852. underscored: undefined,
  114853. tableName: 'Balloons',
  114854. _schema: null,
  114855. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  114856. rawAttributes:
  114857. { id:
  114858. { type:
  114859. INTEGER {
  114860. options: { length: undefined },
  114861. _length: undefined,
  114862. _zerofill: undefined,
  114863. _decimals: undefined,
  114864. _precision: undefined,
  114865. _scale: undefined,
  114866. _unsigned: undefined },
  114867. allowNull: false,
  114868. primaryKey: true,
  114869. autoIncrement: true,
  114870. _autoGenerated: true,
  114871. Model: [Circular],
  114872. fieldName: 'id',
  114873. _modelAttribute: true,
  114874. field: 'id' },
  114875. size:
  114876. { type:
  114877. STRING {
  114878. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  114879. _binary: undefined,
  114880. _length: 255 },
  114881. Model: [Circular],
  114882. fieldName: 'size',
  114883. _modelAttribute: true,
  114884. field: 'size' },
  114885. color:
  114886. { type:
  114887. STRING {
  114888. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  114889. _binary: undefined,
  114890. _length: 255 },
  114891. Model: [Circular],
  114892. fieldName: 'color',
  114893. _modelAttribute: true,
  114894. field: 'color' },
  114895. createdAt:
  114896. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  114897. allowNull: false,
  114898. _autoGenerated: true,
  114899. Model: [Circular],
  114900. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  114901. _modelAttribute: true,
  114902. field: 'createdAt' },
  114903. updatedAt:
  114904. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  114905. allowNull: false,
  114906. _autoGenerated: true,
  114907. Model: [Circular],
  114908. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  114909. _modelAttribute: true,
  114910. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  114911. primaryKeys:
  114912. { id:
  114913. { type:
  114914. INTEGER {
  114915. options: { length: undefined },
  114916. _length: undefined,
  114917. _zerofill: undefined,
  114918. _decimals: undefined,
  114919. _precision: undefined,
  114920. _scale: undefined,
  114921. _unsigned: undefined },
  114922. allowNull: false,
  114923. primaryKey: true,
  114924. autoIncrement: true,
  114925. _autoGenerated: true,
  114926. Model: [Circular],
  114927. fieldName: 'id',
  114928. _modelAttribute: true,
  114929. field: 'id' } },
  114930. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  114931. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  114932. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  114933. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  114934. { [Function: memoized]
  114935. cache:
  114936. MapCache {
  114937. size: 0,
  114938. __data__:
  114939. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  114940. map: Map {},
  114941. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  114942. _dataTypeChanges:
  114943. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  114944. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  114945. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  114946. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  114947. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  114948. _booleanAttributes: [],
  114949. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  114950. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  114951. _rangeAttributes: [],
  114952. _jsonAttributes: [],
  114953. _geometryAttributes: [],
  114954. _virtualAttributes: [],
  114955. _defaultValues: {},
  114956. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  114957. { id:
  114958. { type:
  114959. INTEGER {
  114960. options: { length: undefined },
  114961. _length: undefined,
  114962. _zerofill: undefined,
  114963. _decimals: undefined,
  114964. _precision: undefined,
  114965. _scale: undefined,
  114966. _unsigned: undefined },
  114967. allowNull: false,
  114968. primaryKey: true,
  114969. autoIncrement: true,
  114970. _autoGenerated: true,
  114971. Model: [Circular],
  114972. fieldName: 'id',
  114973. _modelAttribute: true,
  114974. field: 'id' },
  114975. size:
  114976. { type:
  114977. STRING {
  114978. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  114979. _binary: undefined,
  114980. _length: 255 },
  114981. Model: [Circular],
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  114983. _modelAttribute: true,
  114984. field: 'size' },
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  114987. STRING {
  114988. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  114989. _binary: undefined,
  114990. _length: 255 },
  114991. Model: [Circular],
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  114993. _modelAttribute: true,
  114994. field: 'color' },
  114995. createdAt:
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  114998. _autoGenerated: true,
  114999. Model: [Circular],
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  115001. _modelAttribute: true,
  115002. field: 'createdAt' },
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  115004. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  115006. _autoGenerated: true,
  115007. Model: [Circular],
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  115009. _modelAttribute: true,
  115010. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  115011. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  115012. uniqueKeys: {},
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  115018. size: 0,
  115019. __data__:
  115020. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115021. map: Map {},
  115022. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115031. map: Map {},
  115032. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115041. map: Map {},
  115042. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115051. map: Map {},
  115052. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115061. map: Map {},
  115062. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115071. map: Map {},
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  115077. size: false,
  115078. color: false,
  115079. createdAt: false,
  115080. updatedAt: false },
  115081. size: 5 } } } },
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  115087. size: 0,
  115088. __data__:
  115089. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115090. map: Map {},
  115091. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115095. { type:
  115096. INTEGER {
  115097. options: { length: undefined },
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  115099. _zerofill: undefined,
  115100. _decimals: undefined,
  115101. _precision: undefined,
  115102. _scale: undefined,
  115103. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115108. Model: [Circular],
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  115110. _modelAttribute: true,
  115111. field: 'id' },
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  115113. { type:
  115114. STRING {
  115115. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115116. _binary: undefined,
  115117. _length: 255 },
  115118. Model: [Circular],
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  115121. field: 'size' },
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  115123. { type:
  115124. STRING {
  115125. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115126. _binary: undefined,
  115127. _length: 255 },
  115128. Model: [Circular],
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  115130. _modelAttribute: true,
  115131. field: 'color' },
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  115135. _autoGenerated: true,
  115136. Model: [Circular],
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  115138. _modelAttribute: true,
  115139. field: 'createdAt' },
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  115141. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115142. allowNull: false,
  115143. _autoGenerated: true,
  115144. Model: [Circular],
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  115146. _modelAttribute: true,
  115147. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  115151. INTEGER {
  115152. options: { length: undefined },
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  115154. _zerofill: undefined,
  115155. _decimals: undefined,
  115156. _precision: undefined,
  115157. _scale: undefined,
  115158. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115163. Model: [Circular],
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  115165. _modelAttribute: true,
  115166. field: 'id' },
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  115168. { type:
  115169. STRING {
  115170. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115171. _binary: undefined,
  115172. _length: 255 },
  115173. Model: [Circular],
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  115175. _modelAttribute: true,
  115176. field: 'size' },
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  115178. { type:
  115179. STRING {
  115180. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115181. _binary: undefined,
  115182. _length: 255 },
  115183. Model: [Circular],
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  115185. _modelAttribute: true,
  115186. field: 'color' },
  115187. createdAt:
  115188. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115189. allowNull: false,
  115190. _autoGenerated: true,
  115191. Model: [Circular],
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  115193. _modelAttribute: true,
  115194. field: 'createdAt' },
  115195. updatedAt:
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  115198. _autoGenerated: true,
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  115201. _modelAttribute: true,
  115202. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  115204. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
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  115210. MapCache {
  115211. size: 0,
  115212. __data__:
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  115214. map: Map {},
  115215. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  115216. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  115217. _scope: {},
  115218. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  115219. modelManager:
  115220. ModelManager {
  115221. models:
  115222. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  115224. options: [Circular],
  115225. associations: {},
  115226. underscored: undefined,
  115227. tableName: 'Balloons',
  115228. _schema: null,
  115229. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  115230. rawAttributes:
  115231. { id:
  115232. { type:
  115233. INTEGER {
  115234. options: { length: undefined },
  115235. _length: undefined,
  115236. _zerofill: undefined,
  115237. _decimals: undefined,
  115238. _precision: undefined,
  115239. _scale: undefined,
  115240. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115245. Model: [Circular],
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  115247. _modelAttribute: true,
  115248. field: 'id' },
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  115251. STRING {
  115252. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115253. _binary: undefined,
  115254. _length: 255 },
  115255. Model: [Circular],
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  115257. _modelAttribute: true,
  115258. field: 'size' },
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  115260. { type:
  115261. STRING {
  115262. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115263. _binary: undefined,
  115264. _length: 255 },
  115265. Model: [Circular],
  115266. fieldName: 'color',
  115267. _modelAttribute: true,
  115268. field: 'color' },
  115269. createdAt:
  115270. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115271. allowNull: false,
  115272. _autoGenerated: true,
  115273. Model: [Circular],
  115274. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  115275. _modelAttribute: true,
  115276. field: 'createdAt' },
  115277. updatedAt:
  115278. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115279. allowNull: false,
  115280. _autoGenerated: true,
  115281. Model: [Circular],
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  115283. _modelAttribute: true,
  115284. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  115285. primaryKeys:
  115286. { id:
  115287. { type:
  115288. INTEGER {
  115289. options: { length: undefined },
  115290. _length: undefined,
  115291. _zerofill: undefined,
  115292. _decimals: undefined,
  115293. _precision: undefined,
  115294. _scale: undefined,
  115295. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115299. _autoGenerated: true,
  115300. Model: [Circular],
  115301. fieldName: 'id',
  115302. _modelAttribute: true,
  115303. field: 'id' } },
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  115306. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
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  115310. MapCache {
  115311. size: 0,
  115312. __data__:
  115313. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115314. map: Map {},
  115315. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115318. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  115321. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
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  115324. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  115325. _rangeAttributes: [],
  115326. _jsonAttributes: [],
  115327. _geometryAttributes: [],
  115328. _virtualAttributes: [],
  115329. _defaultValues: {},
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  115332. { type:
  115333. INTEGER {
  115334. options: { length: undefined },
  115335. _length: undefined,
  115336. _zerofill: undefined,
  115337. _decimals: undefined,
  115338. _precision: undefined,
  115339. _scale: undefined,
  115340. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115347. _modelAttribute: true,
  115348. field: 'id' },
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  115351. STRING {
  115352. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115353. _binary: undefined,
  115354. _length: 255 },
  115355. Model: [Circular],
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  115358. field: 'size' },
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  115360. { type:
  115361. STRING {
  115362. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115363. _binary: undefined,
  115364. _length: 255 },
  115365. Model: [Circular],
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  115367. _modelAttribute: true,
  115368. field: 'color' },
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  115372. _autoGenerated: true,
  115373. Model: [Circular],
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  115375. _modelAttribute: true,
  115376. field: 'createdAt' },
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  115380. _autoGenerated: true,
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  115383. _modelAttribute: true,
  115384. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  115395. map: Map {},
  115396. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115399. { [Function: memoized]
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  115403. __data__:
  115404. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115405. map: Map {},
  115406. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115411. MapCache {
  115412. size: 0,
  115413. __data__:
  115414. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115415. map: Map {},
  115416. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  115425. map: Map {},
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  115435. map: Map {},
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  115445. map: Map {},
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  115451. size: false,
  115452. color: false,
  115453. createdAt: false,
  115454. updatedAt: false },
  115455. size: 5 } } } },
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  115464. map: Map {},
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  115469. { type:
  115470. INTEGER {
  115471. options: { length: undefined },
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  115477. _unsigned: undefined },
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  115485. field: 'id' },
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  115488. STRING {
  115489. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115490. _binary: undefined,
  115491. _length: 255 },
  115492. Model: [Circular],
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  115495. field: 'size' },
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  115497. { type:
  115498. STRING {
  115499. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115500. _binary: undefined,
  115501. _length: 255 },
  115502. Model: [Circular],
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  115504. _modelAttribute: true,
  115505. field: 'color' },
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  115508. allowNull: false,
  115509. _autoGenerated: true,
  115510. Model: [Circular],
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  115512. _modelAttribute: true,
  115513. field: 'createdAt' },
  115514. updatedAt:
  115515. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115516. allowNull: false,
  115517. _autoGenerated: true,
  115518. Model: [Circular],
  115519. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  115520. _modelAttribute: true,
  115521. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  115522. tableAttributes:
  115523. { id:
  115524. { type:
  115525. INTEGER {
  115526. options: { length: undefined },
  115527. _length: undefined,
  115528. _zerofill: undefined,
  115529. _decimals: undefined,
  115530. _precision: undefined,
  115531. _scale: undefined,
  115532. _unsigned: undefined },
  115533. allowNull: false,
  115534. primaryKey: true,
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  115536. _autoGenerated: true,
  115537. Model: [Circular],
  115538. fieldName: 'id',
  115539. _modelAttribute: true,
  115540. field: 'id' },
  115541. size:
  115542. { type:
  115543. STRING {
  115544. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115545. _binary: undefined,
  115546. _length: 255 },
  115547. Model: [Circular],
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  115549. _modelAttribute: true,
  115550. field: 'size' },
  115551. color:
  115552. { type:
  115553. STRING {
  115554. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  115555. _binary: undefined,
  115556. _length: 255 },
  115557. Model: [Circular],
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  115559. _modelAttribute: true,
  115560. field: 'color' },
  115561. createdAt:
  115562. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  115563. allowNull: false,
  115564. _autoGenerated: true,
  115565. Model: [Circular],
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  115568. field: 'createdAt' },
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  115571. allowNull: false,
  115572. _autoGenerated: true,
  115573. Model: [Circular],
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  115575. _modelAttribute: true,
  115576. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  115577. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  115578. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  115579. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  115580. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  115581. _isPrimaryKey:
  115582. { [Function: memoized]
  115583. cache:
  115584. MapCache {
  115585. size: 0,
  115586. __data__:
  115587. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  115588. map: Map {},
  115589. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  115590. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  115591. _scope: {},
  115592. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  115593. sequelize: [Circular] },
  115594. connectionManager:
  115595. ConnectionManager {
  115596. sequelize: [Circular],
  115597. config:
  115598. { database: 'lbry',
  115599. username: 'root',
  115600. password: 'abcd1234',
  115601. host: 'localhost',
  115602. port: undefined,
  115603. pool:
  115604. { max: 5,
  115605. min: 0,
  115606. acquire: 30000,
  115607. idle: 10000,
  115608. evict: 10000,
  115609. handleDisconnects: true,
  115610. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  115611. Promise:
  115612. { [Function: Promise]
  115613. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  115614. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  115615. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  115616. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  115617. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  115618. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  115619. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  115620. _peekContext: [Function],
  115621. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  115622. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  115623. longStackTraces: [Function],
  115624. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  115625. config: [Function],
  115626. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  115627. is: [Function],
  115628. fromCallback: [Function],
  115629. fromNode: [Function],
  115630. all: [Function],
  115631. cast: [Function],
  115632. fulfilled: [Function],
  115633. resolve: [Function],
  115634. rejected: [Function],
  115635. reject: [Function],
  115636. setScheduler: [Function],
  115637. pending: [Function],
  115638. defer: [Function],
  115639. method: [Function],
  115640. try: [Function],
  115641. attempt: [Function],
  115642. bind: [Function],
  115643. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  115644. join: [Function],
  115645. Promise: [Circular],
  115646. version: '3.5.3',
  115647. map: [Function],
  115648. using: [Function],
  115649. delay: [Function],
  115650. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  115651. spawn: [Function],
  115652. promisify: [Function],
  115653. promisifyAll: [Function],
  115654. props: [Function],
  115655. race: [Function],
  115656. reduce: [Function],
  115657. settle: [Function],
  115658. some: [Function],
  115659. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  115660. filter: [Function],
  115661. each: [Function],
  115662. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  115663. any: [Function],
  115664. default: [Circular] } },
  115665. protocol: 'tcp',
  115666. native: false,
  115667. ssl: undefined,
  115668. replication: false,
  115669. dialectModulePath: null,
  115670. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  115671. dialectOptions: undefined },
  115672. dialect:
  115673. MysqlDialect {
  115674. sequelize: [Circular],
  115675. connectionManager: [Circular],
  115676. QueryGenerator:
  115677. { dialect: 'mysql',
  115678. OperatorMap:
  115679. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  115680. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  115681. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  115682. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  115683. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  115684. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  115685. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  115686. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  115687. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  115688. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  115689. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  115690. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  115691. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  115692. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  115693. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  115694. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  115695. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  115696. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  115697. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  115698. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  115699. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  115700. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  115701. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  115702. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  115703. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  115704. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  115705. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  115706. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  115707. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  115708. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  115709. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  115710. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  115711. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  115712. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  115713. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  115714. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  115715. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  115716. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  115717. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  115718. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  115719. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  115720. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  115721. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  115722. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  115723. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  115724. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  115725. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  115726. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  115727. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  115728. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  115729. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  115730. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  115731. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  115732. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  115733. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  115734. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  115735. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  115736. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  115737. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  115738. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  115739. _templateSettings:
  115740. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  115741. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  115742. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  115743. variable: '',
  115744. imports:
  115745. { _:
  115746. { [Function: lodash]
  115747. templateSettings: [Circular],
  115748. after: [Function: after],
  115749. ary: [Function: ary],
  115750. assign: [Function],
  115751. assignIn: [Function],
  115752. assignInWith: [Function],
  115753. assignWith: [Function],
  115754. at: [Function],
  115755. before: [Function: before],
  115756. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115757. bindAll: [Function],
  115758. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115759. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  115760. chain: [Function: chain],
  115761. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  115762. compact: [Function: compact],
  115763. concat: [Function: concat],
  115764. cond: [Function: cond],
  115765. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  115766. constant: [Function: constant],
  115767. countBy: [Function],
  115768. create: [Function: create],
  115769. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115770. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115771. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  115772. defaults: [Function],
  115773. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  115774. defer: [Function],
  115775. delay: [Function],
  115776. difference: [Function],
  115777. differenceBy: [Function],
  115778. differenceWith: [Function],
  115779. drop: [Function: drop],
  115780. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  115781. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  115782. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  115783. fill: [Function: fill],
  115784. filter: [Function: filter],
  115785. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  115786. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  115787. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  115788. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  115789. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  115790. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  115791. flip: [Function: flip],
  115792. flow: [Function],
  115793. flowRight: [Function],
  115794. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  115795. functions: [Function: functions],
  115796. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  115797. groupBy: [Function],
  115798. initial: [Function: initial],
  115799. intersection: [Function],
  115800. intersectionBy: [Function],
  115801. intersectionWith: [Function],
  115802. invert: [Function],
  115803. invertBy: [Function],
  115804. invokeMap: [Function],
  115805. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  115806. keyBy: [Function],
  115807. keys: [Function: keys],
  115808. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  115809. map: [Function: map],
  115810. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  115811. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  115812. matches: [Function: matches],
  115813. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  115814. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  115815. merge: [Function],
  115816. mergeWith: [Function],
  115817. method: [Function],
  115818. methodOf: [Function],
  115819. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  115820. negate: [Function: negate],
  115821. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  115822. omit: [Function],
  115823. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  115824. once: [Function: once],
  115825. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  115826. over: [Function],
  115827. overArgs: [Function],
  115828. overEvery: [Function],
  115829. overSome: [Function],
  115830. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115831. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  115832. partition: [Function],
  115833. pick: [Function],
  115834. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  115835. property: [Function: property],
  115836. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  115837. pull: [Function],
  115838. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  115839. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  115840. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  115841. pullAt: [Function],
  115842. range: [Function],
  115843. rangeRight: [Function],
  115844. rearg: [Function],
  115845. reject: [Function: reject],
  115846. remove: [Function: remove],
  115847. rest: [Function: rest],
  115848. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  115849. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  115850. set: [Function: set],
  115851. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  115852. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  115853. slice: [Function: slice],
  115854. sortBy: [Function],
  115855. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  115856. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  115857. split: [Function: split],
  115858. spread: [Function: spread],
  115859. tail: [Function: tail],
  115860. take: [Function: take],
  115861. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  115862. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  115863. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  115864. tap: [Function: tap],
  115865. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  115866. thru: [Function: thru],
  115867. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  115868. toPairs: [Function],
  115869. toPairsIn: [Function],
  115870. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  115871. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  115872. transform: [Function: transform],
  115873. unary: [Function: unary],
  115874. union: [Function],
  115875. unionBy: [Function],
  115876. unionWith: [Function],
  115877. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  115878. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  115879. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  115880. unset: [Function: unset],
  115881. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  115882. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  115883. update: [Function: update],
  115884. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  115885. values: [Function: values],
  115886. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  115887. without: [Function],
  115888. words: [Function: words],
  115889. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  115890. xor: [Function],
  115891. xorBy: [Function],
  115892. xorWith: [Function],
  115893. zip: [Function],
  115894. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  115895. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  115896. zipWith: [Function],
  115897. entries: [Function],
  115898. entriesIn: [Function],
  115899. extend: [Function],
  115900. extendWith: [Function],
  115901. add: [Function],
  115902. attempt: [Function],
  115903. camelCase: [Function],
  115904. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  115905. ceil: [Function],
  115906. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  115907. clone: [Function: clone],
  115908. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  115909. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  115910. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  115911. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  115912. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  115913. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  115914. divide: [Function],
  115915. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  115916. eq: [Function: eq],
  115917. escape: [Function: escape],
  115918. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  115919. every: [Function: every],
  115920. find: [Function],
  115921. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  115922. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  115923. findLast: [Function],
  115924. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  115925. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  115926. floor: [Function],
  115927. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  115928. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  115929. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  115930. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  115931. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  115932. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  115933. get: [Function: get],
  115934. gt: [Function],
  115935. gte: [Function],
  115936. has: [Function: has],
  115937. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  115938. head: [Function: head],
  115939. identity: [Function: identity],
  115940. includes: [Function: includes],
  115941. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  115942. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  115943. invoke: [Function],
  115944. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  115945. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  115946. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  115947. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  115948. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  115949. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  115950. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  115951. isDate: [Function],
  115952. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  115953. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  115954. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  115955. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  115956. isError: [Function: isError],
  115957. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  115958. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  115959. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  115960. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  115961. isMap: [Function],
  115962. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  115963. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  115964. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  115965. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  115966. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  115967. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  115968. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  115969. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  115970. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  115971. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  115972. isRegExp: [Function],
  115973. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  115974. isSet: [Function],
  115975. isString: [Function: isString],
  115976. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  115977. isTypedArray: [Function],
  115978. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  115979. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  115980. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  115981. join: [Function: join],
  115982. kebabCase: [Function],
  115983. last: [Function: last],
  115984. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  115985. lowerCase: [Function],
  115986. lowerFirst: [Function],
  115987. lt: [Function],
  115988. lte: [Function],
  115989. max: [Function: max],
  115990. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  115991. mean: [Function: mean],
  115992. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  115993. min: [Function: min],
  115994. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  115995. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  115996. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  115997. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  115998. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  115999. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  116000. multiply: [Function],
  116001. nth: [Function: nth],
  116002. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  116003. noop: [Function: noop],
  116004. now: [Function],
  116005. pad: [Function: pad],
  116006. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  116007. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  116008. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  116009. random: [Function: random],
  116010. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  116011. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  116012. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  116013. replace: [Function: replace],
  116014. result: [Function: result],
  116015. round: [Function],
  116016. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  116017. sample: [Function: sample],
  116018. size: [Function: size],
  116019. snakeCase: [Function],
  116020. some: [Function: some],
  116021. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  116022. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  116023. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  116024. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  116025. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  116026. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  116027. startCase: [Function],
  116028. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  116029. subtract: [Function],
  116030. sum: [Function: sum],
  116031. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  116032. template: [Function: template],
  116033. times: [Function: times],
  116034. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  116035. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  116036. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  116037. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  116038. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  116039. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  116040. toString: [Function: toString],
  116041. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  116042. trim: [Function: trim],
  116043. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  116044. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  116045. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  116046. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  116047. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  116048. upperCase: [Function],
  116049. upperFirst: [Function],
  116050. each: [Function: forEach],
  116051. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  116052. first: [Function: head],
  116053. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  116054. options:
  116055. { dialect: 'mysql',
  116056. dialectModulePath: null,
  116057. host: 'localhost',
  116058. protocol: 'tcp',
  116059. define: {},
  116060. query: {},
  116061. sync: {},
  116062. timezone: '+00:00',
  116063. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  116064. omitNull: false,
  116065. native: false,
  116066. replication: false,
  116067. ssl: undefined,
  116068. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  116069. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  116070. hooks: {},
  116071. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  116072. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  116073. isolationLevel: null,
  116074. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  116075. typeValidation: false,
  116076. benchmark: false,
  116077. operatorsAliases: false },
  116078. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  116079. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  116080. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  116081. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  116082. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  116083. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  116084. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  116085. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  116086. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  116087. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  116088. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  116089. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  116090. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  116091. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  116092. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  116093. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  116094. quote: [Function: quote],
  116095. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  116096. escape: [Function: escape],
  116097. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  116098. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  116099. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  116100. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  116101. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  116102. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  116103. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  116104. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  116105. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  116106. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  116107. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  116108. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  116109. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  116110. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  116111. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  116112. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  116113. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  116114. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  116115. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  116116. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  116117. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  116118. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  116119. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  116120. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  116121. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  116122. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  116123. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  116124. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  116125. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  116126. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  116127. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  116128. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  116129. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  116130. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  116131. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  116132. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  116133. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  116134. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  116135. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  116136. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  116137. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  116138. _dialect: [Circular],
  116139. sequelize: [Circular],
  116140. typeValidation: undefined } },
  116141. versionPromise: null,
  116142. dialectName: 'mysql',
  116143. pool:
  116144. Pool {
  116145. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  116146. _eventsCount: 0,
  116147. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116148. _config:
  116149. PoolOptions {
  116150. fifo: true,
  116151. priorityRange: 1,
  116152. testOnBorrow: true,
  116153. testOnReturn: false,
  116154. autostart: false,
  116155. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  116156. max: 5,
  116157. min: 0,
  116158. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  116159. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  116160. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  116161. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  116162. Promise:
  116163. { [Function: Promise]
  116164. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  116165. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  116166. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  116167. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  116168. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  116169. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  116170. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  116171. _peekContext: [Function],
  116172. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  116173. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  116174. longStackTraces: [Function],
  116175. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  116176. config: [Function],
  116177. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  116178. is: [Function],
  116179. fromCallback: [Function],
  116180. fromNode: [Function],
  116181. all: [Function],
  116182. cast: [Function],
  116183. fulfilled: [Function],
  116184. resolve: [Function],
  116185. rejected: [Function],
  116186. reject: [Function],
  116187. setScheduler: [Function],
  116188. pending: [Function],
  116189. defer: [Function],
  116190. method: [Function],
  116191. try: [Function],
  116192. attempt: [Function],
  116193. bind: [Function],
  116194. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  116195. join: [Function],
  116196. Promise: [Circular],
  116197. version: '3.5.3',
  116198. map: [Function],
  116199. using: [Function],
  116200. delay: [Function],
  116201. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  116202. spawn: [Function],
  116203. promisify: [Function],
  116204. promisifyAll: [Function],
  116205. props: [Function],
  116206. race: [Function],
  116207. reduce: [Function],
  116208. settle: [Function],
  116209. some: [Function],
  116210. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  116211. filter: [Function],
  116212. each: [Function],
  116213. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  116214. any: [Function],
  116215. default: [Circular] } },
  116216. _Promise:
  116217. { [Function: Promise]
  116218. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  116219. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  116220. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  116221. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  116222. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  116223. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  116224. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  116225. _peekContext: [Function],
  116226. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  116227. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  116228. longStackTraces: [Function],
  116229. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  116230. config: [Function],
  116231. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  116232. is: [Function],
  116233. fromCallback: [Function],
  116234. fromNode: [Function],
  116235. all: [Function],
  116236. cast: [Function],
  116237. fulfilled: [Function],
  116238. resolve: [Function],
  116239. rejected: [Function],
  116240. reject: [Function],
  116241. setScheduler: [Function],
  116242. pending: [Function],
  116243. defer: [Function],
  116244. method: [Function],
  116245. try: [Function],
  116246. attempt: [Function],
  116247. bind: [Function],
  116248. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  116249. join: [Function],
  116250. Promise: [Circular],
  116251. version: '3.5.3',
  116252. map: [Function],
  116253. using: [Function],
  116254. delay: [Function],
  116255. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  116256. spawn: [Function],
  116257. promisify: [Function],
  116258. promisifyAll: [Function],
  116259. props: [Function],
  116260. race: [Function],
  116261. reduce: [Function],
  116262. settle: [Function],
  116263. some: [Function],
  116264. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  116265. filter: [Function],
  116266. each: [Function],
  116267. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  116268. any: [Function],
  116269. default: [Circular] },
  116270. _factory:
  116271. { create: [Function: create],
  116272. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  116273. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  116274. _draining: false,
  116275. _started: true,
  116276. _waitingClientsQueue:
  116277. PriorityQueue {
  116278. _size: 1,
  116279. _slots:
  116280. [ Queue {
  116281. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  116282. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  116283. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  116284. _availableObjects:
  116285. Deque {
  116286. _list:
  116287. DoublyLinkedList {
  116288. head:
  116289. { prev: null,
  116290. next:
  116291. { prev: [Circular],
  116292. next: null,
  116293. data:
  116294. PooledResource {
  116295. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  116296. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  116297. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  116298. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  116299. obj:
  116300. Connection {
  116301. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  116302. _eventsCount: 1,
  116303. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116304. config:
  116305. ConnectionConfig {
  116306. isServer: undefined,
  116307. stream: undefined,
  116308. host: 'localhost',
  116309. port: 3306,
  116310. localAddress: undefined,
  116311. socketPath: undefined,
  116312. user: 'root',
  116313. password: 'abcd1234',
  116314. passwordSha1: undefined,
  116315. database: 'lbry',
  116316. connectTimeout: 10000,
  116317. insecureAuth: false,
  116318. supportBigNumbers: true,
  116319. bigNumberStrings: false,
  116320. decimalNumbers: false,
  116321. dateStrings: false,
  116322. debug: undefined,
  116323. trace: true,
  116324. stringifyObjects: false,
  116325. timezone: '+00:00',
  116326. queryFormat: undefined,
  116327. pool: undefined,
  116328. ssl: false,
  116329. multipleStatements: false,
  116330. rowsAsArray: false,
  116331. namedPlaceholders: false,
  116332. nestTables: undefined,
  116333. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  116334. maxPacketSize: 0,
  116335. charsetNumber: 224,
  116336. compress: false,
  116337. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  116338. clientFlags: 8582093,
  116339. connectAttributes: undefined,
  116340. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  116341. stream:
  116342. Socket {
  116343. connecting: false,
  116344. _hadError: false,
  116345. _handle:
  116346. TCP {
  116347. reading: true,
  116348. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  116349. onconnection: null,
  116350. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  116351. _parent: null,
  116352. _host: 'localhost',
  116353. _readableState:
  116354. ReadableState {
  116355. objectMode: false,
  116356. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116357. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  116358. length: 0,
  116359. pipes: null,
  116360. pipesCount: 0,
  116361. flowing: true,
  116362. ended: false,
  116363. endEmitted: false,
  116364. reading: true,
  116365. sync: false,
  116366. needReadable: true,
  116367. emittedReadable: false,
  116368. readableListening: false,
  116369. resumeScheduled: false,
  116370. emitClose: false,
  116371. autoDestroy: false,
  116372. destroyed: false,
  116373. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116374. awaitDrain: 0,
  116375. readingMore: false,
  116376. decoder: null,
  116377. encoding: null },
  116378. readable: true,
  116379. _events:
  116380. [Object: null prototype] {
  116381. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  116382. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  116383. data: [Function],
  116384. close: [Function] },
  116385. _eventsCount: 4,
  116386. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116387. _writableState:
  116388. WritableState {
  116389. objectMode: false,
  116390. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116391. finalCalled: false,
  116392. needDrain: false,
  116393. ending: false,
  116394. ended: false,
  116395. finished: false,
  116396. destroyed: false,
  116397. decodeStrings: false,
  116398. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116399. length: 0,
  116400. writing: false,
  116401. corked: 0,
  116402. sync: false,
  116403. bufferProcessing: false,
  116404. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  116405. writecb: null,
  116406. writelen: 0,
  116407. bufferedRequest: null,
  116408. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  116409. pendingcb: 0,
  116410. prefinished: false,
  116411. errorEmitted: false,
  116412. emitClose: false,
  116413. autoDestroy: false,
  116414. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  116415. corkedRequestsFree:
  116416. { next: null,
  116417. entry: null,
  116418. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  116419. writable: true,
  116420. allowHalfOpen: false,
  116421. _sockname: null,
  116422. _pendingData: null,
  116423. _pendingEncoding: '',
  116424. server: null,
  116425. _server: null,
  116426. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  116427. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  116428. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  116429. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  116430. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  116431. _internalId: 1,
  116432. _commands:
  116433. Denque {
  116434. _head: 0,
  116435. _tail: 0,
  116436. _capacityMask: 3,
  116437. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116438. _command: undefined,
  116439. _paused: false,
  116440. _paused_packets:
  116441. Denque {
  116442. _head: 0,
  116443. _tail: 0,
  116444. _capacityMask: 3,
  116445. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116446. _statements:
  116447. LRUCache {
  116448. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  116449. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  116450. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  116451. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  116452. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  116453. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  116454. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  116455. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  116456. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  116457. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116458. authorized: true,
  116459. sequenceId: 23,
  116460. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  116461. threadId: 1303,
  116462. _handshakePacket:
  116463. Handshake {
  116464. protocolVersion: 10,
  116465. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  116466. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116467. connectionId: 1303,
  116468. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  116469. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  116470. characterSet: 255,
  116471. statusFlags: 2 },
  116472. _fatalError: null,
  116473. _protocolError: null,
  116474. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  116475. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  116476. packetParser:
  116477. PacketParser {
  116478. buffer: [],
  116479. bufferLength: 0,
  116480. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  116481. headerLen: 0,
  116482. length: 5,
  116483. largePacketParts: [],
  116484. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  116485. onPacket: [Function],
  116486. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  116487. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  116488. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  116489. connectTimeout: null,
  116490. connectionId: 1303 },
  116491. state: 'IDLE' } },
  116492. data:
  116493. PooledResource {
  116494. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  116495. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  116496. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  116497. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  116498. obj:
  116499. Connection {
  116500. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  116501. _eventsCount: 1,
  116502. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116503. config:
  116504. ConnectionConfig {
  116505. isServer: undefined,
  116506. stream: undefined,
  116507. host: 'localhost',
  116508. port: 3306,
  116509. localAddress: undefined,
  116510. socketPath: undefined,
  116511. user: 'root',
  116512. password: 'abcd1234',
  116513. passwordSha1: undefined,
  116514. database: 'lbry',
  116515. connectTimeout: 10000,
  116516. insecureAuth: false,
  116517. supportBigNumbers: true,
  116518. bigNumberStrings: false,
  116519. decimalNumbers: false,
  116520. dateStrings: false,
  116521. debug: undefined,
  116522. trace: true,
  116523. stringifyObjects: false,
  116524. timezone: '+00:00',
  116525. queryFormat: undefined,
  116526. pool: undefined,
  116527. ssl: false,
  116528. multipleStatements: false,
  116529. rowsAsArray: false,
  116530. namedPlaceholders: false,
  116531. nestTables: undefined,
  116532. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  116533. maxPacketSize: 0,
  116534. charsetNumber: 224,
  116535. compress: false,
  116536. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  116537. clientFlags: 8582093,
  116538. connectAttributes: undefined,
  116539. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  116540. stream:
  116541. Socket {
  116542. connecting: false,
  116543. _hadError: false,
  116544. _handle:
  116545. TCP {
  116546. reading: true,
  116547. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  116548. onconnection: null,
  116549. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  116550. _parent: null,
  116551. _host: 'localhost',
  116552. _readableState:
  116553. ReadableState {
  116554. objectMode: false,
  116555. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116556. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  116557. length: 0,
  116558. pipes: null,
  116559. pipesCount: 0,
  116560. flowing: true,
  116561. ended: false,
  116562. endEmitted: false,
  116563. reading: true,
  116564. sync: false,
  116565. needReadable: true,
  116566. emittedReadable: false,
  116567. readableListening: false,
  116568. resumeScheduled: false,
  116569. emitClose: false,
  116570. autoDestroy: false,
  116571. destroyed: false,
  116572. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116573. awaitDrain: 0,
  116574. readingMore: false,
  116575. decoder: null,
  116576. encoding: null },
  116577. readable: true,
  116578. _events:
  116579. [Object: null prototype] {
  116580. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  116581. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  116582. data: [Function],
  116583. close: [Function] },
  116584. _eventsCount: 4,
  116585. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116586. _writableState:
  116587. WritableState {
  116588. objectMode: false,
  116589. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116590. finalCalled: false,
  116591. needDrain: false,
  116592. ending: false,
  116593. ended: false,
  116594. finished: false,
  116595. destroyed: false,
  116596. decodeStrings: false,
  116597. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116598. length: 0,
  116599. writing: false,
  116600. corked: 0,
  116601. sync: false,
  116602. bufferProcessing: false,
  116603. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  116604. writecb: null,
  116605. writelen: 0,
  116606. bufferedRequest: null,
  116607. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  116608. pendingcb: 0,
  116609. prefinished: false,
  116610. errorEmitted: false,
  116611. emitClose: false,
  116612. autoDestroy: false,
  116613. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  116614. corkedRequestsFree:
  116615. { next: null,
  116616. entry: null,
  116617. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  116618. writable: true,
  116619. allowHalfOpen: false,
  116620. _sockname: null,
  116621. _pendingData: null,
  116622. _pendingEncoding: '',
  116623. server: null,
  116624. _server: null,
  116625. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  116626. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  116627. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  116628. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  116629. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  116630. _internalId: 2,
  116631. _commands:
  116632. Denque {
  116633. _head: 0,
  116634. _tail: 0,
  116635. _capacityMask: 3,
  116636. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116637. _command: undefined,
  116638. _paused: false,
  116639. _paused_packets:
  116640. Denque {
  116641. _head: 0,
  116642. _tail: 0,
  116643. _capacityMask: 3,
  116644. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116645. _statements:
  116646. LRUCache {
  116647. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  116648. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  116649. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  116650. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  116651. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  116652. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  116653. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  116654. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  116655. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  116656. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116657. authorized: true,
  116658. sequenceId: 2,
  116659. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  116660. threadId: 1302,
  116661. _handshakePacket:
  116662. Handshake {
  116663. protocolVersion: 10,
  116664. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  116665. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116666. connectionId: 1302,
  116667. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  116668. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  116669. characterSet: 255,
  116670. statusFlags: 2 },
  116671. _fatalError: null,
  116672. _protocolError: null,
  116673. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  116674. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  116675. packetParser:
  116676. PacketParser {
  116677. buffer: [],
  116678. bufferLength: 0,
  116679. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  116680. headerLen: 0,
  116681. length: 7,
  116682. largePacketParts: [],
  116683. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  116684. onPacket: [Function],
  116685. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  116686. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  116687. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  116688. connectTimeout: null,
  116689. connectionId: 1302 },
  116690. state: 'IDLE' } },
  116691. tail:
  116692. { prev:
  116693. { prev: null,
  116694. next: [Circular],
  116695. data:
  116696. PooledResource {
  116697. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  116698. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  116699. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  116700. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  116701. obj:
  116702. Connection {
  116703. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  116704. _eventsCount: 1,
  116705. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116706. config:
  116707. ConnectionConfig {
  116708. isServer: undefined,
  116709. stream: undefined,
  116710. host: 'localhost',
  116711. port: 3306,
  116712. localAddress: undefined,
  116713. socketPath: undefined,
  116714. user: 'root',
  116715. password: 'abcd1234',
  116716. passwordSha1: undefined,
  116717. database: 'lbry',
  116718. connectTimeout: 10000,
  116719. insecureAuth: false,
  116720. supportBigNumbers: true,
  116721. bigNumberStrings: false,
  116722. decimalNumbers: false,
  116723. dateStrings: false,
  116724. debug: undefined,
  116725. trace: true,
  116726. stringifyObjects: false,
  116727. timezone: '+00:00',
  116728. queryFormat: undefined,
  116729. pool: undefined,
  116730. ssl: false,
  116731. multipleStatements: false,
  116732. rowsAsArray: false,
  116733. namedPlaceholders: false,
  116734. nestTables: undefined,
  116735. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  116736. maxPacketSize: 0,
  116737. charsetNumber: 224,
  116738. compress: false,
  116739. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  116740. clientFlags: 8582093,
  116741. connectAttributes: undefined,
  116742. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  116743. stream:
  116744. Socket {
  116745. connecting: false,
  116746. _hadError: false,
  116747. _handle:
  116748. TCP {
  116749. reading: true,
  116750. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  116751. onconnection: null,
  116752. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  116753. _parent: null,
  116754. _host: 'localhost',
  116755. _readableState:
  116756. ReadableState {
  116757. objectMode: false,
  116758. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116759. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  116760. length: 0,
  116761. pipes: null,
  116762. pipesCount: 0,
  116763. flowing: true,
  116764. ended: false,
  116765. endEmitted: false,
  116766. reading: true,
  116767. sync: false,
  116768. needReadable: true,
  116769. emittedReadable: false,
  116770. readableListening: false,
  116771. resumeScheduled: false,
  116772. emitClose: false,
  116773. autoDestroy: false,
  116774. destroyed: false,
  116775. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116776. awaitDrain: 0,
  116777. readingMore: false,
  116778. decoder: null,
  116779. encoding: null },
  116780. readable: true,
  116781. _events:
  116782. [Object: null prototype] {
  116783. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  116784. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  116785. data: [Function],
  116786. close: [Function] },
  116787. _eventsCount: 4,
  116788. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116789. _writableState:
  116790. WritableState {
  116791. objectMode: false,
  116792. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116793. finalCalled: false,
  116794. needDrain: false,
  116795. ending: false,
  116796. ended: false,
  116797. finished: false,
  116798. destroyed: false,
  116799. decodeStrings: false,
  116800. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116801. length: 0,
  116802. writing: false,
  116803. corked: 0,
  116804. sync: false,
  116805. bufferProcessing: false,
  116806. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  116807. writecb: null,
  116808. writelen: 0,
  116809. bufferedRequest: null,
  116810. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  116811. pendingcb: 0,
  116812. prefinished: false,
  116813. errorEmitted: false,
  116814. emitClose: false,
  116815. autoDestroy: false,
  116816. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  116817. corkedRequestsFree:
  116818. { next: null,
  116819. entry: null,
  116820. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  116821. writable: true,
  116822. allowHalfOpen: false,
  116823. _sockname: null,
  116824. _pendingData: null,
  116825. _pendingEncoding: '',
  116826. server: null,
  116827. _server: null,
  116828. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  116829. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  116830. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  116831. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  116832. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  116833. _internalId: 2,
  116834. _commands:
  116835. Denque {
  116836. _head: 0,
  116837. _tail: 0,
  116838. _capacityMask: 3,
  116839. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116840. _command: undefined,
  116841. _paused: false,
  116842. _paused_packets:
  116843. Denque {
  116844. _head: 0,
  116845. _tail: 0,
  116846. _capacityMask: 3,
  116847. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  116848. _statements:
  116849. LRUCache {
  116850. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  116851. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  116852. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  116853. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  116854. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  116855. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  116856. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  116857. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  116858. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  116859. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116860. authorized: true,
  116861. sequenceId: 2,
  116862. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  116863. threadId: 1302,
  116864. _handshakePacket:
  116865. Handshake {
  116866. protocolVersion: 10,
  116867. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  116868. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  116869. connectionId: 1302,
  116870. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  116871. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  116872. characterSet: 255,
  116873. statusFlags: 2 },
  116874. _fatalError: null,
  116875. _protocolError: null,
  116876. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  116877. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  116878. packetParser:
  116879. PacketParser {
  116880. buffer: [],
  116881. bufferLength: 0,
  116882. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  116883. headerLen: 0,
  116884. length: 7,
  116885. largePacketParts: [],
  116886. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  116887. onPacket: [Function],
  116888. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  116889. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  116890. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  116891. connectTimeout: null,
  116892. connectionId: 1302 },
  116893. state: 'IDLE' } },
  116894. next: null,
  116895. data:
  116896. PooledResource {
  116897. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  116898. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  116899. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  116900. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  116901. obj:
  116902. Connection {
  116903. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  116904. _eventsCount: 1,
  116905. _maxListeners: undefined,
  116906. config:
  116907. ConnectionConfig {
  116908. isServer: undefined,
  116909. stream: undefined,
  116910. host: 'localhost',
  116911. port: 3306,
  116912. localAddress: undefined,
  116913. socketPath: undefined,
  116914. user: 'root',
  116915. password: 'abcd1234',
  116916. passwordSha1: undefined,
  116917. database: 'lbry',
  116918. connectTimeout: 10000,
  116919. insecureAuth: false,
  116920. supportBigNumbers: true,
  116921. bigNumberStrings: false,
  116922. decimalNumbers: false,
  116923. dateStrings: false,
  116924. debug: undefined,
  116925. trace: true,
  116926. stringifyObjects: false,
  116927. timezone: '+00:00',
  116928. queryFormat: undefined,
  116929. pool: undefined,
  116930. ssl: false,
  116931. multipleStatements: false,
  116932. rowsAsArray: false,
  116933. namedPlaceholders: false,
  116934. nestTables: undefined,
  116935. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  116936. maxPacketSize: 0,
  116937. charsetNumber: 224,
  116938. compress: false,
  116939. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  116940. clientFlags: 8582093,
  116941. connectAttributes: undefined,
  116942. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  116943. stream:
  116944. Socket {
  116945. connecting: false,
  116946. _hadError: false,
  116947. _handle:
  116948. TCP {
  116949. reading: true,
  116950. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  116951. onconnection: null,
  116952. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  116953. _parent: null,
  116954. _host: 'localhost',
  116955. _readableState:
  116956. ReadableState {
  116957. objectMode: false,
  116958. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116959. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  116960. length: 0,
  116961. pipes: null,
  116962. pipesCount: 0,
  116963. flowing: true,
  116964. ended: false,
  116965. endEmitted: false,
  116966. reading: true,
  116967. sync: false,
  116968. needReadable: true,
  116969. emittedReadable: false,
  116970. readableListening: false,
  116971. resumeScheduled: false,
  116972. emitClose: false,
  116973. autoDestroy: false,
  116974. destroyed: false,
  116975. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  116976. awaitDrain: 0,
  116977. readingMore: false,
  116978. decoder: null,
  116979. encoding: null },
  116980. readable: true,
  116981. _events:
  116982. [Object: null prototype] {
  116983. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  116984. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  116985. data: [Function],
  116986. close: [Function] },
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  116988. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  116990. WritableState {
  116991. objectMode: false,
  116992. highWaterMark: 16384,
  116993. finalCalled: false,
  116994. needDrain: false,
  116995. ending: false,
  116996. ended: false,
  116997. finished: false,
  116998. destroyed: false,
  116999. decodeStrings: false,
  117000. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117001. length: 0,
  117002. writing: false,
  117003. corked: 0,
  117004. sync: false,
  117005. bufferProcessing: false,
  117006. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  117008. writelen: 0,
  117009. bufferedRequest: null,
  117010. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  117011. pendingcb: 0,
  117012. prefinished: false,
  117013. errorEmitted: false,
  117014. emitClose: false,
  117015. autoDestroy: false,
  117016. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  117017. corkedRequestsFree:
  117018. { next: null,
  117019. entry: null,
  117020. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  117021. writable: true,
  117022. allowHalfOpen: false,
  117023. _sockname: null,
  117024. _pendingData: null,
  117025. _pendingEncoding: '',
  117026. server: null,
  117027. _server: null,
  117028. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  117029. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  117030. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  117031. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  117032. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  117033. _internalId: 1,
  117034. _commands:
  117035. Denque {
  117036. _head: 0,
  117037. _tail: 0,
  117038. _capacityMask: 3,
  117039. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117040. _command: undefined,
  117041. _paused: false,
  117042. _paused_packets:
  117043. Denque {
  117044. _head: 0,
  117045. _tail: 0,
  117046. _capacityMask: 3,
  117047. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117048. _statements:
  117049. LRUCache {
  117050. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  117051. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  117052. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  117053. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  117054. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  117055. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  117056. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  117057. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  117058. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  117059. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117060. authorized: true,
  117061. sequenceId: 23,
  117062. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  117063. threadId: 1303,
  117064. _handshakePacket:
  117065. Handshake {
  117066. protocolVersion: 10,
  117067. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  117068. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117069. connectionId: 1303,
  117070. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  117071. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  117072. characterSet: 255,
  117073. statusFlags: 2 },
  117074. _fatalError: null,
  117075. _protocolError: null,
  117076. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  117077. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  117078. packetParser:
  117079. PacketParser {
  117080. buffer: [],
  117081. bufferLength: 0,
  117082. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  117083. headerLen: 0,
  117084. length: 5,
  117085. largePacketParts: [],
  117086. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  117087. onPacket: [Function],
  117088. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  117089. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  117090. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  117091. connectTimeout: null,
  117092. connectionId: 1303 },
  117093. state: 'IDLE' } },
  117094. length: 2 } },
  117095. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  117096. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  117097. _validationOperations: Set {},
  117098. _allObjects:
  117099. Set {
  117100. PooledResource {
  117101. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  117102. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  117103. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  117104. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  117105. obj:
  117106. Connection {
  117107. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  117108. _eventsCount: 1,
  117109. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117110. config:
  117111. ConnectionConfig {
  117112. isServer: undefined,
  117113. stream: undefined,
  117114. host: 'localhost',
  117115. port: 3306,
  117116. localAddress: undefined,
  117117. socketPath: undefined,
  117118. user: 'root',
  117119. password: 'abcd1234',
  117120. passwordSha1: undefined,
  117121. database: 'lbry',
  117122. connectTimeout: 10000,
  117123. insecureAuth: false,
  117124. supportBigNumbers: true,
  117125. bigNumberStrings: false,
  117126. decimalNumbers: false,
  117127. dateStrings: false,
  117128. debug: undefined,
  117129. trace: true,
  117130. stringifyObjects: false,
  117131. timezone: '+00:00',
  117132. queryFormat: undefined,
  117133. pool: undefined,
  117134. ssl: false,
  117135. multipleStatements: false,
  117136. rowsAsArray: false,
  117137. namedPlaceholders: false,
  117138. nestTables: undefined,
  117139. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  117140. maxPacketSize: 0,
  117141. charsetNumber: 224,
  117142. compress: false,
  117143. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  117144. clientFlags: 8582093,
  117145. connectAttributes: undefined,
  117146. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  117147. stream:
  117148. Socket {
  117149. connecting: false,
  117150. _hadError: false,
  117151. _handle:
  117152. TCP {
  117153. reading: true,
  117154. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  117155. onconnection: null,
  117156. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  117157. _parent: null,
  117158. _host: 'localhost',
  117159. _readableState:
  117160. ReadableState {
  117161. objectMode: false,
  117162. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117163. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  117164. length: 0,
  117165. pipes: null,
  117166. pipesCount: 0,
  117167. flowing: true,
  117168. ended: false,
  117169. endEmitted: false,
  117170. reading: true,
  117171. sync: false,
  117172. needReadable: true,
  117173. emittedReadable: false,
  117174. readableListening: false,
  117175. resumeScheduled: false,
  117176. emitClose: false,
  117177. autoDestroy: false,
  117178. destroyed: false,
  117179. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117180. awaitDrain: 0,
  117181. readingMore: false,
  117182. decoder: null,
  117183. encoding: null },
  117184. readable: true,
  117185. _events:
  117186. [Object: null prototype] {
  117187. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  117188. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  117189. data: [Function],
  117190. close: [Function] },
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  117192. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  117194. WritableState {
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  117196. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117197. finalCalled: false,
  117198. needDrain: false,
  117199. ending: false,
  117200. ended: false,
  117201. finished: false,
  117202. destroyed: false,
  117203. decodeStrings: false,
  117204. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117205. length: 0,
  117206. writing: false,
  117207. corked: 0,
  117208. sync: false,
  117209. bufferProcessing: false,
  117210. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  117212. writelen: 0,
  117213. bufferedRequest: null,
  117214. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  117215. pendingcb: 0,
  117216. prefinished: false,
  117217. errorEmitted: false,
  117218. emitClose: false,
  117219. autoDestroy: false,
  117220. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  117221. corkedRequestsFree:
  117222. { next: null,
  117223. entry: null,
  117224. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  117225. writable: true,
  117226. allowHalfOpen: false,
  117227. _sockname: null,
  117228. _pendingData: null,
  117229. _pendingEncoding: '',
  117230. server: null,
  117231. _server: null,
  117232. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  117233. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  117234. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  117235. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  117236. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  117237. _internalId: 2,
  117238. _commands:
  117239. Denque {
  117240. _head: 0,
  117241. _tail: 0,
  117242. _capacityMask: 3,
  117243. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117244. _command: undefined,
  117245. _paused: false,
  117246. _paused_packets:
  117247. Denque {
  117248. _head: 0,
  117249. _tail: 0,
  117250. _capacityMask: 3,
  117251. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117252. _statements:
  117253. LRUCache {
  117254. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  117255. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  117256. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  117257. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  117258. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  117259. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  117260. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  117261. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  117262. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  117263. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117264. authorized: true,
  117265. sequenceId: 2,
  117266. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  117267. threadId: 1302,
  117268. _handshakePacket:
  117269. Handshake {
  117270. protocolVersion: 10,
  117271. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  117272. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117273. connectionId: 1302,
  117274. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  117275. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  117276. characterSet: 255,
  117277. statusFlags: 2 },
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  117279. _protocolError: null,
  117280. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  117281. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  117282. packetParser:
  117283. PacketParser {
  117284. buffer: [],
  117285. bufferLength: 0,
  117286. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  117287. headerLen: 0,
  117288. length: 7,
  117289. largePacketParts: [],
  117290. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  117291. onPacket: [Function],
  117292. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  117293. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  117294. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  117295. connectTimeout: null,
  117296. connectionId: 1302 },
  117297. state: 'IDLE' },
  117298. PooledResource {
  117299. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  117300. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  117301. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  117302. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  117303. obj:
  117304. Connection {
  117305. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  117306. _eventsCount: 1,
  117307. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117308. config:
  117309. ConnectionConfig {
  117310. isServer: undefined,
  117311. stream: undefined,
  117312. host: 'localhost',
  117313. port: 3306,
  117314. localAddress: undefined,
  117315. socketPath: undefined,
  117316. user: 'root',
  117317. password: 'abcd1234',
  117318. passwordSha1: undefined,
  117319. database: 'lbry',
  117320. connectTimeout: 10000,
  117321. insecureAuth: false,
  117322. supportBigNumbers: true,
  117323. bigNumberStrings: false,
  117324. decimalNumbers: false,
  117325. dateStrings: false,
  117326. debug: undefined,
  117327. trace: true,
  117328. stringifyObjects: false,
  117329. timezone: '+00:00',
  117330. queryFormat: undefined,
  117331. pool: undefined,
  117332. ssl: false,
  117333. multipleStatements: false,
  117334. rowsAsArray: false,
  117335. namedPlaceholders: false,
  117336. nestTables: undefined,
  117337. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  117338. maxPacketSize: 0,
  117339. charsetNumber: 224,
  117340. compress: false,
  117341. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  117342. clientFlags: 8582093,
  117343. connectAttributes: undefined,
  117344. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  117345. stream:
  117346. Socket {
  117347. connecting: false,
  117348. _hadError: false,
  117349. _handle:
  117350. TCP {
  117351. reading: true,
  117352. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  117353. onconnection: null,
  117354. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  117355. _parent: null,
  117356. _host: 'localhost',
  117357. _readableState:
  117358. ReadableState {
  117359. objectMode: false,
  117360. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117361. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  117362. length: 0,
  117363. pipes: null,
  117364. pipesCount: 0,
  117365. flowing: true,
  117366. ended: false,
  117367. endEmitted: false,
  117368. reading: true,
  117369. sync: false,
  117370. needReadable: true,
  117371. emittedReadable: false,
  117372. readableListening: false,
  117373. resumeScheduled: false,
  117374. emitClose: false,
  117375. autoDestroy: false,
  117376. destroyed: false,
  117377. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117378. awaitDrain: 0,
  117379. readingMore: false,
  117380. decoder: null,
  117381. encoding: null },
  117382. readable: true,
  117383. _events:
  117384. [Object: null prototype] {
  117385. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  117386. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  117387. data: [Function],
  117388. close: [Function] },
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  117390. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117391. _writableState:
  117392. WritableState {
  117393. objectMode: false,
  117394. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117395. finalCalled: false,
  117396. needDrain: false,
  117397. ending: false,
  117398. ended: false,
  117399. finished: false,
  117400. destroyed: false,
  117401. decodeStrings: false,
  117402. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117403. length: 0,
  117404. writing: false,
  117405. corked: 0,
  117406. sync: false,
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  117408. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  117410. writelen: 0,
  117411. bufferedRequest: null,
  117412. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  117413. pendingcb: 0,
  117414. prefinished: false,
  117415. errorEmitted: false,
  117416. emitClose: false,
  117417. autoDestroy: false,
  117418. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  117419. corkedRequestsFree:
  117420. { next: null,
  117421. entry: null,
  117422. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  117423. writable: true,
  117424. allowHalfOpen: false,
  117425. _sockname: null,
  117426. _pendingData: null,
  117427. _pendingEncoding: '',
  117428. server: null,
  117429. _server: null,
  117430. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  117431. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  117432. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  117433. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  117434. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  117435. _internalId: 1,
  117436. _commands:
  117437. Denque {
  117438. _head: 0,
  117439. _tail: 0,
  117440. _capacityMask: 3,
  117441. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117442. _command: undefined,
  117443. _paused: false,
  117444. _paused_packets:
  117445. Denque {
  117446. _head: 0,
  117447. _tail: 0,
  117448. _capacityMask: 3,
  117449. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117450. _statements:
  117451. LRUCache {
  117452. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  117453. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  117454. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  117455. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  117456. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  117457. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  117458. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  117459. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  117460. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  117461. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117462. authorized: true,
  117463. sequenceId: 23,
  117464. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  117465. threadId: 1303,
  117466. _handshakePacket:
  117467. Handshake {
  117468. protocolVersion: 10,
  117469. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  117470. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117471. connectionId: 1303,
  117472. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  117473. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  117474. characterSet: 255,
  117475. statusFlags: 2 },
  117476. _fatalError: null,
  117477. _protocolError: null,
  117478. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  117479. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  117480. packetParser:
  117481. PacketParser {
  117482. buffer: [],
  117483. bufferLength: 0,
  117484. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  117485. headerLen: 0,
  117486. length: 5,
  117487. largePacketParts: [],
  117488. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  117489. onPacket: [Function],
  117490. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  117491. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  117492. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  117493. connectTimeout: null,
  117494. connectionId: 1303 },
  117495. state: 'IDLE' } },
  117496. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  117497. _evictionIterator:
  117498. DequeIterator {
  117499. _list:
  117500. DoublyLinkedList {
  117501. head:
  117502. { prev: null,
  117503. next:
  117504. { prev: [Circular],
  117505. next: null,
  117506. data:
  117507. PooledResource {
  117508. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  117509. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  117510. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  117511. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  117512. obj:
  117513. Connection {
  117514. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  117515. _eventsCount: 1,
  117516. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117517. config:
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  117520. stream: undefined,
  117521. host: 'localhost',
  117522. port: 3306,
  117523. localAddress: undefined,
  117524. socketPath: undefined,
  117525. user: 'root',
  117526. password: 'abcd1234',
  117527. passwordSha1: undefined,
  117528. database: 'lbry',
  117529. connectTimeout: 10000,
  117530. insecureAuth: false,
  117531. supportBigNumbers: true,
  117532. bigNumberStrings: false,
  117533. decimalNumbers: false,
  117534. dateStrings: false,
  117535. debug: undefined,
  117536. trace: true,
  117537. stringifyObjects: false,
  117538. timezone: '+00:00',
  117539. queryFormat: undefined,
  117540. pool: undefined,
  117541. ssl: false,
  117542. multipleStatements: false,
  117543. rowsAsArray: false,
  117544. namedPlaceholders: false,
  117545. nestTables: undefined,
  117546. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  117547. maxPacketSize: 0,
  117548. charsetNumber: 224,
  117549. compress: false,
  117550. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  117551. clientFlags: 8582093,
  117552. connectAttributes: undefined,
  117553. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  117555. Socket {
  117556. connecting: false,
  117557. _hadError: false,
  117558. _handle:
  117559. TCP {
  117560. reading: true,
  117561. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  117562. onconnection: null,
  117563. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  117564. _parent: null,
  117565. _host: 'localhost',
  117566. _readableState:
  117567. ReadableState {
  117568. objectMode: false,
  117569. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117570. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  117571. length: 0,
  117572. pipes: null,
  117573. pipesCount: 0,
  117574. flowing: true,
  117575. ended: false,
  117576. endEmitted: false,
  117577. reading: true,
  117578. sync: false,
  117579. needReadable: true,
  117580. emittedReadable: false,
  117581. readableListening: false,
  117582. resumeScheduled: false,
  117583. emitClose: false,
  117584. autoDestroy: false,
  117585. destroyed: false,
  117586. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117587. awaitDrain: 0,
  117588. readingMore: false,
  117589. decoder: null,
  117590. encoding: null },
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  117593. [Object: null prototype] {
  117594. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  117595. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  117596. data: [Function],
  117597. close: [Function] },
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  117599. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  117602. objectMode: false,
  117603. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117604. finalCalled: false,
  117605. needDrain: false,
  117606. ending: false,
  117607. ended: false,
  117608. finished: false,
  117609. destroyed: false,
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  117611. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117612. length: 0,
  117613. writing: false,
  117614. corked: 0,
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  117619. writelen: 0,
  117620. bufferedRequest: null,
  117621. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  117622. pendingcb: 0,
  117623. prefinished: false,
  117624. errorEmitted: false,
  117625. emitClose: false,
  117626. autoDestroy: false,
  117627. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  117628. corkedRequestsFree:
  117629. { next: null,
  117630. entry: null,
  117631. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  117632. writable: true,
  117633. allowHalfOpen: false,
  117634. _sockname: null,
  117635. _pendingData: null,
  117636. _pendingEncoding: '',
  117637. server: null,
  117638. _server: null,
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  117640. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  117641. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  117642. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  117643. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  117644. _internalId: 1,
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  117646. Denque {
  117647. _head: 0,
  117648. _tail: 0,
  117649. _capacityMask: 3,
  117650. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  117654. Denque {
  117655. _head: 0,
  117656. _tail: 0,
  117657. _capacityMask: 3,
  117658. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117659. _statements:
  117660. LRUCache {
  117661. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  117662. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  117663. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  117664. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  117665. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  117666. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  117667. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  117668. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  117669. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  117670. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117671. authorized: true,
  117672. sequenceId: 23,
  117673. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  117674. threadId: 1303,
  117675. _handshakePacket:
  117676. Handshake {
  117677. protocolVersion: 10,
  117678. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  117679. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117680. connectionId: 1303,
  117681. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  117682. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  117683. characterSet: 255,
  117684. statusFlags: 2 },
  117685. _fatalError: null,
  117686. _protocolError: null,
  117687. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  117688. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  117689. packetParser:
  117690. PacketParser {
  117691. buffer: [],
  117692. bufferLength: 0,
  117693. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  117694. headerLen: 0,
  117695. length: 5,
  117696. largePacketParts: [],
  117697. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  117698. onPacket: [Function],
  117699. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  117700. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  117701. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  117702. connectTimeout: null,
  117703. connectionId: 1303 },
  117704. state: 'IDLE' } },
  117705. data:
  117706. PooledResource {
  117707. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  117708. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  117709. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  117710. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  117711. obj:
  117712. Connection {
  117713. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  117714. _eventsCount: 1,
  117715. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117716. config:
  117717. ConnectionConfig {
  117718. isServer: undefined,
  117719. stream: undefined,
  117720. host: 'localhost',
  117721. port: 3306,
  117722. localAddress: undefined,
  117723. socketPath: undefined,
  117724. user: 'root',
  117725. password: 'abcd1234',
  117726. passwordSha1: undefined,
  117727. database: 'lbry',
  117728. connectTimeout: 10000,
  117729. insecureAuth: false,
  117730. supportBigNumbers: true,
  117731. bigNumberStrings: false,
  117732. decimalNumbers: false,
  117733. dateStrings: false,
  117734. debug: undefined,
  117735. trace: true,
  117736. stringifyObjects: false,
  117737. timezone: '+00:00',
  117738. queryFormat: undefined,
  117739. pool: undefined,
  117740. ssl: false,
  117741. multipleStatements: false,
  117742. rowsAsArray: false,
  117743. namedPlaceholders: false,
  117744. nestTables: undefined,
  117745. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  117746. maxPacketSize: 0,
  117747. charsetNumber: 224,
  117748. compress: false,
  117749. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  117750. clientFlags: 8582093,
  117751. connectAttributes: undefined,
  117752. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  117753. stream:
  117754. Socket {
  117755. connecting: false,
  117756. _hadError: false,
  117757. _handle:
  117758. TCP {
  117759. reading: true,
  117760. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  117761. onconnection: null,
  117762. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  117763. _parent: null,
  117764. _host: 'localhost',
  117765. _readableState:
  117766. ReadableState {
  117767. objectMode: false,
  117768. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117769. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  117770. length: 0,
  117771. pipes: null,
  117772. pipesCount: 0,
  117773. flowing: true,
  117774. ended: false,
  117775. endEmitted: false,
  117776. reading: true,
  117777. sync: false,
  117778. needReadable: true,
  117779. emittedReadable: false,
  117780. readableListening: false,
  117781. resumeScheduled: false,
  117782. emitClose: false,
  117783. autoDestroy: false,
  117784. destroyed: false,
  117785. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117786. awaitDrain: 0,
  117787. readingMore: false,
  117788. decoder: null,
  117789. encoding: null },
  117790. readable: true,
  117791. _events:
  117792. [Object: null prototype] {
  117793. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  117794. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  117795. data: [Function],
  117796. close: [Function] },
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  117798. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  117802. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117803. finalCalled: false,
  117804. needDrain: false,
  117805. ending: false,
  117806. ended: false,
  117807. finished: false,
  117808. destroyed: false,
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  117810. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117811. length: 0,
  117812. writing: false,
  117813. corked: 0,
  117814. sync: false,
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  117818. writelen: 0,
  117819. bufferedRequest: null,
  117820. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  117821. pendingcb: 0,
  117822. prefinished: false,
  117823. errorEmitted: false,
  117824. emitClose: false,
  117825. autoDestroy: false,
  117826. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  117827. corkedRequestsFree:
  117828. { next: null,
  117829. entry: null,
  117830. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  117831. writable: true,
  117832. allowHalfOpen: false,
  117833. _sockname: null,
  117834. _pendingData: null,
  117835. _pendingEncoding: '',
  117836. server: null,
  117837. _server: null,
  117838. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  117839. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  117840. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  117841. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  117842. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  117843. _internalId: 2,
  117844. _commands:
  117845. Denque {
  117846. _head: 0,
  117847. _tail: 0,
  117848. _capacityMask: 3,
  117849. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117850. _command: undefined,
  117851. _paused: false,
  117852. _paused_packets:
  117853. Denque {
  117854. _head: 0,
  117855. _tail: 0,
  117856. _capacityMask: 3,
  117857. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  117858. _statements:
  117859. LRUCache {
  117860. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  117861. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  117862. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  117863. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  117864. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  117865. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  117866. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  117867. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  117868. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  117869. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117870. authorized: true,
  117871. sequenceId: 2,
  117872. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  117873. threadId: 1302,
  117874. _handshakePacket:
  117875. Handshake {
  117876. protocolVersion: 10,
  117877. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  117878. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  117879. connectionId: 1302,
  117880. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  117881. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  117882. characterSet: 255,
  117883. statusFlags: 2 },
  117884. _fatalError: null,
  117885. _protocolError: null,
  117886. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  117887. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  117888. packetParser:
  117889. PacketParser {
  117890. buffer: [],
  117891. bufferLength: 0,
  117892. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  117893. headerLen: 0,
  117894. length: 7,
  117895. largePacketParts: [],
  117896. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  117897. onPacket: [Function],
  117898. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  117899. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  117900. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  117901. connectTimeout: null,
  117902. connectionId: 1302 },
  117903. state: 'IDLE' } },
  117904. tail:
  117905. { prev:
  117906. { prev: null,
  117907. next: [Circular],
  117908. data:
  117909. PooledResource {
  117910. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  117911. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  117912. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  117913. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  117914. obj:
  117915. Connection {
  117916. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  117917. _eventsCount: 1,
  117918. _maxListeners: undefined,
  117919. config:
  117920. ConnectionConfig {
  117921. isServer: undefined,
  117922. stream: undefined,
  117923. host: 'localhost',
  117924. port: 3306,
  117925. localAddress: undefined,
  117926. socketPath: undefined,
  117927. user: 'root',
  117928. password: 'abcd1234',
  117929. passwordSha1: undefined,
  117930. database: 'lbry',
  117931. connectTimeout: 10000,
  117932. insecureAuth: false,
  117933. supportBigNumbers: true,
  117934. bigNumberStrings: false,
  117935. decimalNumbers: false,
  117936. dateStrings: false,
  117937. debug: undefined,
  117938. trace: true,
  117939. stringifyObjects: false,
  117940. timezone: '+00:00',
  117941. queryFormat: undefined,
  117942. pool: undefined,
  117943. ssl: false,
  117944. multipleStatements: false,
  117945. rowsAsArray: false,
  117946. namedPlaceholders: false,
  117947. nestTables: undefined,
  117948. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  117949. maxPacketSize: 0,
  117950. charsetNumber: 224,
  117951. compress: false,
  117952. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  117953. clientFlags: 8582093,
  117954. connectAttributes: undefined,
  117955. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  117956. stream:
  117957. Socket {
  117958. connecting: false,
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  117960. _handle:
  117961. TCP {
  117962. reading: true,
  117963. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  117964. onconnection: null,
  117965. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  117966. _parent: null,
  117967. _host: 'localhost',
  117968. _readableState:
  117969. ReadableState {
  117970. objectMode: false,
  117971. highWaterMark: 16384,
  117972. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  117973. length: 0,
  117974. pipes: null,
  117975. pipesCount: 0,
  117976. flowing: true,
  117977. ended: false,
  117978. endEmitted: false,
  117979. reading: true,
  117980. sync: false,
  117981. needReadable: true,
  117982. emittedReadable: false,
  117983. readableListening: false,
  117984. resumeScheduled: false,
  117985. emitClose: false,
  117986. autoDestroy: false,
  117987. destroyed: false,
  117988. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  117989. awaitDrain: 0,
  117990. readingMore: false,
  117991. decoder: null,
  117992. encoding: null },
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  117995. [Object: null prototype] {
  117996. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  117997. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  117998. data: [Function],
  117999. close: [Function] },
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  118001. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118002. _writableState:
  118003. WritableState {
  118004. objectMode: false,
  118005. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118006. finalCalled: false,
  118007. needDrain: false,
  118008. ending: false,
  118009. ended: false,
  118010. finished: false,
  118011. destroyed: false,
  118012. decodeStrings: false,
  118013. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118014. length: 0,
  118015. writing: false,
  118016. corked: 0,
  118017. sync: false,
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  118019. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  118021. writelen: 0,
  118022. bufferedRequest: null,
  118023. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  118024. pendingcb: 0,
  118025. prefinished: false,
  118026. errorEmitted: false,
  118027. emitClose: false,
  118028. autoDestroy: false,
  118029. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  118030. corkedRequestsFree:
  118031. { next: null,
  118032. entry: null,
  118033. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  118034. writable: true,
  118035. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  118037. _pendingData: null,
  118038. _pendingEncoding: '',
  118039. server: null,
  118040. _server: null,
  118041. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  118042. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  118043. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  118044. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  118045. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  118046. _internalId: 2,
  118047. _commands:
  118048. Denque {
  118049. _head: 0,
  118050. _tail: 0,
  118051. _capacityMask: 3,
  118052. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118053. _command: undefined,
  118054. _paused: false,
  118055. _paused_packets:
  118056. Denque {
  118057. _head: 0,
  118058. _tail: 0,
  118059. _capacityMask: 3,
  118060. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118061. _statements:
  118062. LRUCache {
  118063. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  118064. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  118065. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  118066. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  118067. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  118068. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  118069. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  118070. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  118071. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  118072. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118073. authorized: true,
  118074. sequenceId: 2,
  118075. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  118076. threadId: 1302,
  118077. _handshakePacket:
  118078. Handshake {
  118079. protocolVersion: 10,
  118080. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  118081. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118082. connectionId: 1302,
  118083. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  118084. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  118085. characterSet: 255,
  118086. statusFlags: 2 },
  118087. _fatalError: null,
  118088. _protocolError: null,
  118089. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  118090. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  118091. packetParser:
  118092. PacketParser {
  118093. buffer: [],
  118094. bufferLength: 0,
  118095. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  118096. headerLen: 0,
  118097. length: 7,
  118098. largePacketParts: [],
  118099. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  118100. onPacket: [Function],
  118101. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  118102. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  118103. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  118104. connectTimeout: null,
  118105. connectionId: 1302 },
  118106. state: 'IDLE' } },
  118107. next: null,
  118108. data:
  118109. PooledResource {
  118110. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  118111. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  118112. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  118113. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  118114. obj:
  118115. Connection {
  118116. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  118117. _eventsCount: 1,
  118118. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118119. config:
  118120. ConnectionConfig {
  118121. isServer: undefined,
  118122. stream: undefined,
  118123. host: 'localhost',
  118124. port: 3306,
  118125. localAddress: undefined,
  118126. socketPath: undefined,
  118127. user: 'root',
  118128. password: 'abcd1234',
  118129. passwordSha1: undefined,
  118130. database: 'lbry',
  118131. connectTimeout: 10000,
  118132. insecureAuth: false,
  118133. supportBigNumbers: true,
  118134. bigNumberStrings: false,
  118135. decimalNumbers: false,
  118136. dateStrings: false,
  118137. debug: undefined,
  118138. trace: true,
  118139. stringifyObjects: false,
  118140. timezone: '+00:00',
  118141. queryFormat: undefined,
  118142. pool: undefined,
  118143. ssl: false,
  118144. multipleStatements: false,
  118145. rowsAsArray: false,
  118146. namedPlaceholders: false,
  118147. nestTables: undefined,
  118148. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  118149. maxPacketSize: 0,
  118150. charsetNumber: 224,
  118151. compress: false,
  118152. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  118153. clientFlags: 8582093,
  118154. connectAttributes: undefined,
  118155. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  118156. stream:
  118157. Socket {
  118158. connecting: false,
  118159. _hadError: false,
  118160. _handle:
  118161. TCP {
  118162. reading: true,
  118163. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  118164. onconnection: null,
  118165. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  118166. _parent: null,
  118167. _host: 'localhost',
  118168. _readableState:
  118169. ReadableState {
  118170. objectMode: false,
  118171. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118172. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  118173. length: 0,
  118174. pipes: null,
  118175. pipesCount: 0,
  118176. flowing: true,
  118177. ended: false,
  118178. endEmitted: false,
  118179. reading: true,
  118180. sync: false,
  118181. needReadable: true,
  118182. emittedReadable: false,
  118183. readableListening: false,
  118184. resumeScheduled: false,
  118185. emitClose: false,
  118186. autoDestroy: false,
  118187. destroyed: false,
  118188. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118189. awaitDrain: 0,
  118190. readingMore: false,
  118191. decoder: null,
  118192. encoding: null },
  118193. readable: true,
  118194. _events:
  118195. [Object: null prototype] {
  118196. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  118197. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  118198. data: [Function],
  118199. close: [Function] },
  118200. _eventsCount: 4,
  118201. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118202. _writableState:
  118203. WritableState {
  118204. objectMode: false,
  118205. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118206. finalCalled: false,
  118207. needDrain: false,
  118208. ending: false,
  118209. ended: false,
  118210. finished: false,
  118211. destroyed: false,
  118212. decodeStrings: false,
  118213. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118214. length: 0,
  118215. writing: false,
  118216. corked: 0,
  118217. sync: false,
  118218. bufferProcessing: false,
  118219. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  118220. writecb: null,
  118221. writelen: 0,
  118222. bufferedRequest: null,
  118223. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  118224. pendingcb: 0,
  118225. prefinished: false,
  118226. errorEmitted: false,
  118227. emitClose: false,
  118228. autoDestroy: false,
  118229. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  118230. corkedRequestsFree:
  118231. { next: null,
  118232. entry: null,
  118233. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  118234. writable: true,
  118235. allowHalfOpen: false,
  118236. _sockname: null,
  118237. _pendingData: null,
  118238. _pendingEncoding: '',
  118239. server: null,
  118240. _server: null,
  118241. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  118242. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  118243. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  118244. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  118245. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  118246. _internalId: 1,
  118247. _commands:
  118248. Denque {
  118249. _head: 0,
  118250. _tail: 0,
  118251. _capacityMask: 3,
  118252. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118253. _command: undefined,
  118254. _paused: false,
  118255. _paused_packets:
  118256. Denque {
  118257. _head: 0,
  118258. _tail: 0,
  118259. _capacityMask: 3,
  118260. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118261. _statements:
  118262. LRUCache {
  118263. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  118264. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  118265. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  118266. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  118267. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  118268. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  118269. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  118270. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  118271. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  118272. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118273. authorized: true,
  118274. sequenceId: 23,
  118275. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  118276. threadId: 1303,
  118277. _handshakePacket:
  118278. Handshake {
  118279. protocolVersion: 10,
  118280. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  118281. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118282. connectionId: 1303,
  118283. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  118284. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  118285. characterSet: 255,
  118286. statusFlags: 2 },
  118287. _fatalError: null,
  118288. _protocolError: null,
  118289. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  118290. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  118291. packetParser:
  118292. PacketParser {
  118293. buffer: [],
  118294. bufferLength: 0,
  118295. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  118296. headerLen: 0,
  118297. length: 5,
  118298. largePacketParts: [],
  118299. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  118300. onPacket: [Function],
  118301. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  118302. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  118303. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  118304. connectTimeout: null,
  118305. connectionId: 1303 },
  118306. state: 'IDLE' } },
  118307. length: 2 },
  118308. _direction: 'next',
  118309. _startPosition: 'head',
  118310. _started: false,
  118311. _cursor: null,
  118312. _done: false },
  118313. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  118314. _scheduledEviction:
  118315. Timeout {
  118316. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  118317. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  118318. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  118319. _idleStart: 432,
  118320. _onTimeout: [Function],
  118321. _timerArgs: undefined,
  118322. _repeat: null,
  118323. _destroyed: false,
  118324. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  118325. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  118326. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  118327. lib:
  118328. { createConnection: [Function],
  118329. connect: [Function],
  118330. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  118331. createPool: [Function],
  118332. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  118333. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  118334. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  118335. createServer: [Function],
  118336. PoolConnection:
  118337. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  118338. escape: [Function: escape],
  118339. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  118340. format: [Function: format],
  118341. raw: [Function: raw],
  118342. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  118343. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  118344. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  118345. Types: [Getter],
  118346. Charsets: [Getter],
  118347. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  118348. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  118349. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  118350. importCache: {},
  118351. test:
  118352. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  118353. _runningQueries: 0,
  118354. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  118355. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  118356. hooks: {},
  118357. uniqueKeys: {} },
  118358. _options:
  118359. { isNewRecord: false,
  118360. _schema: null,
  118361. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  118362. raw: true,
  118363. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  118364. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  118365. isNewRecord: false },
  118366. Balloons {
  118367. dataValues:
  118368. { id: 14,
  118369. size: 'large',
  118370. color: 'red',
  118371. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:47:10.000Z,
  118372. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:47:10.000Z },
  118373. _previousDataValues:
  118374. { id: 14,
  118375. size: 'large',
  118376. color: 'red',
  118377. createdAt: 2018-12-29T21:47:10.000Z,
  118378. updatedAt: 2018-12-29T21:47:10.000Z },
  118379. _changed: {},
  118380. _modelOptions:
  118381. { timestamps: true,
  118382. validate: {},
  118383. freezeTableName: false,
  118384. underscored: false,
  118385. underscoredAll: false,
  118386. paranoid: false,
  118387. rejectOnEmpty: false,
  118388. whereCollection: null,
  118389. schema: null,
  118390. schemaDelimiter: '',
  118391. defaultScope: {},
  118392. scopes: [],
  118393. indexes: [],
  118394. name: { plural: 'Balloons', singular: 'Balloon' },
  118395. omitNull: false,
  118396. sequelize:
  118397. Sequelize {
  118398. options:
  118399. { dialect: 'mysql',
  118400. dialectModulePath: null,
  118401. host: 'localhost',
  118402. protocol: 'tcp',
  118403. define: {},
  118404. query: {},
  118405. sync: {},
  118406. timezone: '+00:00',
  118407. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  118408. omitNull: false,
  118409. native: false,
  118410. replication: false,
  118411. ssl: undefined,
  118412. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  118413. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  118414. hooks: {},
  118415. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  118416. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  118417. isolationLevel: null,
  118418. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  118419. typeValidation: false,
  118420. benchmark: false,
  118421. operatorsAliases: false },
  118422. config:
  118423. { database: 'lbry',
  118424. username: 'root',
  118425. password: 'abcd1234',
  118426. host: 'localhost',
  118427. port: 3306,
  118428. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  118429. protocol: 'tcp',
  118430. native: false,
  118431. ssl: undefined,
  118432. replication: false,
  118433. dialectModulePath: null,
  118434. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  118435. dialectOptions: undefined },
  118436. dialect:
  118437. MysqlDialect {
  118438. sequelize: [Circular],
  118439. connectionManager:
  118440. ConnectionManager {
  118441. sequelize: [Circular],
  118442. config:
  118443. { database: 'lbry',
  118444. username: 'root',
  118445. password: 'abcd1234',
  118446. host: 'localhost',
  118447. port: undefined,
  118448. pool:
  118449. { max: 5,
  118450. min: 0,
  118451. acquire: 30000,
  118452. idle: 10000,
  118453. evict: 10000,
  118454. handleDisconnects: true,
  118455. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  118456. Promise:
  118457. { [Function: Promise]
  118458. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  118459. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  118460. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  118461. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  118462. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118463. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118464. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  118465. _peekContext: [Function],
  118466. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  118467. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  118468. longStackTraces: [Function],
  118469. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  118470. config: [Function],
  118471. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  118472. is: [Function],
  118473. fromCallback: [Function],
  118474. fromNode: [Function],
  118475. all: [Function],
  118476. cast: [Function],
  118477. fulfilled: [Function],
  118478. resolve: [Function],
  118479. rejected: [Function],
  118480. reject: [Function],
  118481. setScheduler: [Function],
  118482. pending: [Function],
  118483. defer: [Function],
  118484. method: [Function],
  118485. try: [Function],
  118486. attempt: [Function],
  118487. bind: [Function],
  118488. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  118489. join: [Function],
  118490. Promise: [Circular],
  118491. version: '3.5.3',
  118492. map: [Function],
  118493. using: [Function],
  118494. delay: [Function],
  118495. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  118496. spawn: [Function],
  118497. promisify: [Function],
  118498. promisifyAll: [Function],
  118499. props: [Function],
  118500. race: [Function],
  118501. reduce: [Function],
  118502. settle: [Function],
  118503. some: [Function],
  118504. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  118505. filter: [Function],
  118506. each: [Function],
  118507. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  118508. any: [Function],
  118509. default: [Circular] } },
  118510. protocol: 'tcp',
  118511. native: false,
  118512. ssl: undefined,
  118513. replication: false,
  118514. dialectModulePath: null,
  118515. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  118516. dialectOptions: undefined },
  118517. dialect: [Circular],
  118518. versionPromise: null,
  118519. dialectName: 'mysql',
  118520. pool:
  118521. Pool {
  118522. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  118523. _eventsCount: 0,
  118524. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118525. _config:
  118526. PoolOptions {
  118527. fifo: true,
  118528. priorityRange: 1,
  118529. testOnBorrow: true,
  118530. testOnReturn: false,
  118531. autostart: false,
  118532. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  118533. max: 5,
  118534. min: 0,
  118535. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  118536. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  118537. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  118538. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  118539. Promise:
  118540. { [Function: Promise]
  118541. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  118542. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  118543. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  118544. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  118545. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118546. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118547. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  118548. _peekContext: [Function],
  118549. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  118550. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  118551. longStackTraces: [Function],
  118552. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  118553. config: [Function],
  118554. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  118555. is: [Function],
  118556. fromCallback: [Function],
  118557. fromNode: [Function],
  118558. all: [Function],
  118559. cast: [Function],
  118560. fulfilled: [Function],
  118561. resolve: [Function],
  118562. rejected: [Function],
  118563. reject: [Function],
  118564. setScheduler: [Function],
  118565. pending: [Function],
  118566. defer: [Function],
  118567. method: [Function],
  118568. try: [Function],
  118569. attempt: [Function],
  118570. bind: [Function],
  118571. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  118572. join: [Function],
  118573. Promise: [Circular],
  118574. version: '3.5.3',
  118575. map: [Function],
  118576. using: [Function],
  118577. delay: [Function],
  118578. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  118579. spawn: [Function],
  118580. promisify: [Function],
  118581. promisifyAll: [Function],
  118582. props: [Function],
  118583. race: [Function],
  118584. reduce: [Function],
  118585. settle: [Function],
  118586. some: [Function],
  118587. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  118588. filter: [Function],
  118589. each: [Function],
  118590. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  118591. any: [Function],
  118592. default: [Circular] } },
  118593. _Promise:
  118594. { [Function: Promise]
  118595. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  118596. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  118597. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  118598. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  118599. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118600. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  118601. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  118602. _peekContext: [Function],
  118603. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  118604. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  118605. longStackTraces: [Function],
  118606. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  118607. config: [Function],
  118608. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  118609. is: [Function],
  118610. fromCallback: [Function],
  118611. fromNode: [Function],
  118612. all: [Function],
  118613. cast: [Function],
  118614. fulfilled: [Function],
  118615. resolve: [Function],
  118616. rejected: [Function],
  118617. reject: [Function],
  118618. setScheduler: [Function],
  118619. pending: [Function],
  118620. defer: [Function],
  118621. method: [Function],
  118622. try: [Function],
  118623. attempt: [Function],
  118624. bind: [Function],
  118625. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  118626. join: [Function],
  118627. Promise: [Circular],
  118628. version: '3.5.3',
  118629. map: [Function],
  118630. using: [Function],
  118631. delay: [Function],
  118632. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  118633. spawn: [Function],
  118634. promisify: [Function],
  118635. promisifyAll: [Function],
  118636. props: [Function],
  118637. race: [Function],
  118638. reduce: [Function],
  118639. settle: [Function],
  118640. some: [Function],
  118641. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  118642. filter: [Function],
  118643. each: [Function],
  118644. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  118645. any: [Function],
  118646. default: [Circular] },
  118647. _factory:
  118648. { create: [Function: create],
  118649. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  118650. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  118651. _draining: false,
  118652. _started: true,
  118653. _waitingClientsQueue:
  118654. PriorityQueue {
  118655. _size: 1,
  118656. _slots:
  118657. [ Queue {
  118658. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  118659. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  118660. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  118661. _availableObjects:
  118662. Deque {
  118663. _list:
  118664. DoublyLinkedList {
  118665. head:
  118666. { prev: null,
  118667. next:
  118668. { prev: [Circular],
  118669. next: null,
  118670. data:
  118671. PooledResource {
  118672. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  118673. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  118674. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  118675. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  118676. obj:
  118677. Connection {
  118678. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  118679. _eventsCount: 1,
  118680. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118681. config:
  118682. ConnectionConfig {
  118683. isServer: undefined,
  118684. stream: undefined,
  118685. host: 'localhost',
  118686. port: 3306,
  118687. localAddress: undefined,
  118688. socketPath: undefined,
  118689. user: 'root',
  118690. password: 'abcd1234',
  118691. passwordSha1: undefined,
  118692. database: 'lbry',
  118693. connectTimeout: 10000,
  118694. insecureAuth: false,
  118695. supportBigNumbers: true,
  118696. bigNumberStrings: false,
  118697. decimalNumbers: false,
  118698. dateStrings: false,
  118699. debug: undefined,
  118700. trace: true,
  118701. stringifyObjects: false,
  118702. timezone: '+00:00',
  118703. queryFormat: undefined,
  118704. pool: undefined,
  118705. ssl: false,
  118706. multipleStatements: false,
  118707. rowsAsArray: false,
  118708. namedPlaceholders: false,
  118709. nestTables: undefined,
  118710. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  118711. maxPacketSize: 0,
  118712. charsetNumber: 224,
  118713. compress: false,
  118714. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  118715. clientFlags: 8582093,
  118716. connectAttributes: undefined,
  118717. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  118718. stream:
  118719. Socket {
  118720. connecting: false,
  118721. _hadError: false,
  118722. _handle:
  118723. TCP {
  118724. reading: true,
  118725. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  118726. onconnection: null,
  118727. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  118728. _parent: null,
  118729. _host: 'localhost',
  118730. _readableState:
  118731. ReadableState {
  118732. objectMode: false,
  118733. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118734. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  118735. length: 0,
  118736. pipes: null,
  118737. pipesCount: 0,
  118738. flowing: true,
  118739. ended: false,
  118740. endEmitted: false,
  118741. reading: true,
  118742. sync: false,
  118743. needReadable: true,
  118744. emittedReadable: false,
  118745. readableListening: false,
  118746. resumeScheduled: false,
  118747. emitClose: false,
  118748. autoDestroy: false,
  118749. destroyed: false,
  118750. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118751. awaitDrain: 0,
  118752. readingMore: false,
  118753. decoder: null,
  118754. encoding: null },
  118755. readable: true,
  118756. _events:
  118757. [Object: null prototype] {
  118758. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  118759. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  118760. data: [Function],
  118761. close: [Function] },
  118762. _eventsCount: 4,
  118763. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118764. _writableState:
  118765. WritableState {
  118766. objectMode: false,
  118767. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118768. finalCalled: false,
  118769. needDrain: false,
  118770. ending: false,
  118771. ended: false,
  118772. finished: false,
  118773. destroyed: false,
  118774. decodeStrings: false,
  118775. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118776. length: 0,
  118777. writing: false,
  118778. corked: 0,
  118779. sync: false,
  118780. bufferProcessing: false,
  118781. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  118782. writecb: null,
  118783. writelen: 0,
  118784. bufferedRequest: null,
  118785. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  118786. pendingcb: 0,
  118787. prefinished: false,
  118788. errorEmitted: false,
  118789. emitClose: false,
  118790. autoDestroy: false,
  118791. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  118792. corkedRequestsFree:
  118793. { next: null,
  118794. entry: null,
  118795. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  118796. writable: true,
  118797. allowHalfOpen: false,
  118798. _sockname: null,
  118799. _pendingData: null,
  118800. _pendingEncoding: '',
  118801. server: null,
  118802. _server: null,
  118803. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  118804. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  118805. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  118806. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  118807. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  118808. _internalId: 1,
  118809. _commands:
  118810. Denque {
  118811. _head: 0,
  118812. _tail: 0,
  118813. _capacityMask: 3,
  118814. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118815. _command: undefined,
  118816. _paused: false,
  118817. _paused_packets:
  118818. Denque {
  118819. _head: 0,
  118820. _tail: 0,
  118821. _capacityMask: 3,
  118822. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  118823. _statements:
  118824. LRUCache {
  118825. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  118826. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  118827. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  118828. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  118829. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  118830. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  118831. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  118832. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  118833. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  118834. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118835. authorized: true,
  118836. sequenceId: 23,
  118837. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  118838. threadId: 1303,
  118839. _handshakePacket:
  118840. Handshake {
  118841. protocolVersion: 10,
  118842. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  118843. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  118844. connectionId: 1303,
  118845. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  118846. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  118847. characterSet: 255,
  118848. statusFlags: 2 },
  118849. _fatalError: null,
  118850. _protocolError: null,
  118851. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  118852. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  118853. packetParser:
  118854. PacketParser {
  118855. buffer: [],
  118856. bufferLength: 0,
  118857. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  118858. headerLen: 0,
  118859. length: 5,
  118860. largePacketParts: [],
  118861. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  118862. onPacket: [Function],
  118863. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  118864. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  118865. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  118866. connectTimeout: null,
  118867. connectionId: 1303 },
  118868. state: 'IDLE' } },
  118869. data:
  118870. PooledResource {
  118871. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  118872. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  118873. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  118874. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  118875. obj:
  118876. Connection {
  118877. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  118878. _eventsCount: 1,
  118879. _maxListeners: undefined,
  118880. config:
  118881. ConnectionConfig {
  118882. isServer: undefined,
  118883. stream: undefined,
  118884. host: 'localhost',
  118885. port: 3306,
  118886. localAddress: undefined,
  118887. socketPath: undefined,
  118888. user: 'root',
  118889. password: 'abcd1234',
  118890. passwordSha1: undefined,
  118891. database: 'lbry',
  118892. connectTimeout: 10000,
  118893. insecureAuth: false,
  118894. supportBigNumbers: true,
  118895. bigNumberStrings: false,
  118896. decimalNumbers: false,
  118897. dateStrings: false,
  118898. debug: undefined,
  118899. trace: true,
  118900. stringifyObjects: false,
  118901. timezone: '+00:00',
  118902. queryFormat: undefined,
  118903. pool: undefined,
  118904. ssl: false,
  118905. multipleStatements: false,
  118906. rowsAsArray: false,
  118907. namedPlaceholders: false,
  118908. nestTables: undefined,
  118909. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  118910. maxPacketSize: 0,
  118911. charsetNumber: 224,
  118912. compress: false,
  118913. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  118914. clientFlags: 8582093,
  118915. connectAttributes: undefined,
  118916. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  118917. stream:
  118918. Socket {
  118919. connecting: false,
  118920. _hadError: false,
  118921. _handle:
  118922. TCP {
  118923. reading: true,
  118924. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  118925. onconnection: null,
  118926. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  118927. _parent: null,
  118928. _host: 'localhost',
  118929. _readableState:
  118930. ReadableState {
  118931. objectMode: false,
  118932. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118933. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  118934. length: 0,
  118935. pipes: null,
  118936. pipesCount: 0,
  118937. flowing: true,
  118938. ended: false,
  118939. endEmitted: false,
  118940. reading: true,
  118941. sync: false,
  118942. needReadable: true,
  118943. emittedReadable: false,
  118944. readableListening: false,
  118945. resumeScheduled: false,
  118946. emitClose: false,
  118947. autoDestroy: false,
  118948. destroyed: false,
  118949. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118950. awaitDrain: 0,
  118951. readingMore: false,
  118952. decoder: null,
  118953. encoding: null },
  118954. readable: true,
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  118956. [Object: null prototype] {
  118957. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  118958. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  118959. data: [Function],
  118960. close: [Function] },
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  118962. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  118964. WritableState {
  118965. objectMode: false,
  118966. highWaterMark: 16384,
  118967. finalCalled: false,
  118968. needDrain: false,
  118969. ending: false,
  118970. ended: false,
  118971. finished: false,
  118972. destroyed: false,
  118973. decodeStrings: false,
  118974. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  118975. length: 0,
  118976. writing: false,
  118977. corked: 0,
  118978. sync: false,
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  118980. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  118982. writelen: 0,
  118983. bufferedRequest: null,
  118984. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  118985. pendingcb: 0,
  118986. prefinished: false,
  118987. errorEmitted: false,
  118988. emitClose: false,
  118989. autoDestroy: false,
  118990. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  118991. corkedRequestsFree:
  118992. { next: null,
  118993. entry: null,
  118994. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  118995. writable: true,
  118996. allowHalfOpen: false,
  118997. _sockname: null,
  118998. _pendingData: null,
  118999. _pendingEncoding: '',
  119000. server: null,
  119001. _server: null,
  119002. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  119003. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  119004. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  119005. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  119006. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  119007. _internalId: 2,
  119008. _commands:
  119009. Denque {
  119010. _head: 0,
  119011. _tail: 0,
  119012. _capacityMask: 3,
  119013. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119014. _command: undefined,
  119015. _paused: false,
  119016. _paused_packets:
  119017. Denque {
  119018. _head: 0,
  119019. _tail: 0,
  119020. _capacityMask: 3,
  119021. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119022. _statements:
  119023. LRUCache {
  119024. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  119025. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  119026. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  119027. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  119028. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  119029. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  119030. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  119031. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  119032. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  119033. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119034. authorized: true,
  119035. sequenceId: 2,
  119036. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  119037. threadId: 1302,
  119038. _handshakePacket:
  119039. Handshake {
  119040. protocolVersion: 10,
  119041. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  119042. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119043. connectionId: 1302,
  119044. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  119045. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  119046. characterSet: 255,
  119047. statusFlags: 2 },
  119048. _fatalError: null,
  119049. _protocolError: null,
  119050. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  119051. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  119052. packetParser:
  119053. PacketParser {
  119054. buffer: [],
  119055. bufferLength: 0,
  119056. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  119057. headerLen: 0,
  119058. length: 7,
  119059. largePacketParts: [],
  119060. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  119061. onPacket: [Function],
  119062. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  119063. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  119064. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  119065. connectTimeout: null,
  119066. connectionId: 1302 },
  119067. state: 'IDLE' } },
  119068. tail:
  119069. { prev:
  119070. { prev: null,
  119071. next: [Circular],
  119072. data:
  119073. PooledResource {
  119074. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  119075. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  119076. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  119077. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  119078. obj:
  119079. Connection {
  119080. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  119081. _eventsCount: 1,
  119082. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119083. config:
  119084. ConnectionConfig {
  119085. isServer: undefined,
  119086. stream: undefined,
  119087. host: 'localhost',
  119088. port: 3306,
  119089. localAddress: undefined,
  119090. socketPath: undefined,
  119091. user: 'root',
  119092. password: 'abcd1234',
  119093. passwordSha1: undefined,
  119094. database: 'lbry',
  119095. connectTimeout: 10000,
  119096. insecureAuth: false,
  119097. supportBigNumbers: true,
  119098. bigNumberStrings: false,
  119099. decimalNumbers: false,
  119100. dateStrings: false,
  119101. debug: undefined,
  119102. trace: true,
  119103. stringifyObjects: false,
  119104. timezone: '+00:00',
  119105. queryFormat: undefined,
  119106. pool: undefined,
  119107. ssl: false,
  119108. multipleStatements: false,
  119109. rowsAsArray: false,
  119110. namedPlaceholders: false,
  119111. nestTables: undefined,
  119112. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  119113. maxPacketSize: 0,
  119114. charsetNumber: 224,
  119115. compress: false,
  119116. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  119117. clientFlags: 8582093,
  119118. connectAttributes: undefined,
  119119. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  119120. stream:
  119121. Socket {
  119122. connecting: false,
  119123. _hadError: false,
  119124. _handle:
  119125. TCP {
  119126. reading: true,
  119127. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  119128. onconnection: null,
  119129. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  119130. _parent: null,
  119131. _host: 'localhost',
  119132. _readableState:
  119133. ReadableState {
  119134. objectMode: false,
  119135. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119136. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  119137. length: 0,
  119138. pipes: null,
  119139. pipesCount: 0,
  119140. flowing: true,
  119141. ended: false,
  119142. endEmitted: false,
  119143. reading: true,
  119144. sync: false,
  119145. needReadable: true,
  119146. emittedReadable: false,
  119147. readableListening: false,
  119148. resumeScheduled: false,
  119149. emitClose: false,
  119150. autoDestroy: false,
  119151. destroyed: false,
  119152. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119153. awaitDrain: 0,
  119154. readingMore: false,
  119155. decoder: null,
  119156. encoding: null },
  119157. readable: true,
  119158. _events:
  119159. [Object: null prototype] {
  119160. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  119161. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  119162. data: [Function],
  119163. close: [Function] },
  119164. _eventsCount: 4,
  119165. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119166. _writableState:
  119167. WritableState {
  119168. objectMode: false,
  119169. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119170. finalCalled: false,
  119171. needDrain: false,
  119172. ending: false,
  119173. ended: false,
  119174. finished: false,
  119175. destroyed: false,
  119176. decodeStrings: false,
  119177. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119178. length: 0,
  119179. writing: false,
  119180. corked: 0,
  119181. sync: false,
  119182. bufferProcessing: false,
  119183. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  119185. writelen: 0,
  119186. bufferedRequest: null,
  119187. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  119188. pendingcb: 0,
  119189. prefinished: false,
  119190. errorEmitted: false,
  119191. emitClose: false,
  119192. autoDestroy: false,
  119193. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  119194. corkedRequestsFree:
  119195. { next: null,
  119196. entry: null,
  119197. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  119198. writable: true,
  119199. allowHalfOpen: false,
  119200. _sockname: null,
  119201. _pendingData: null,
  119202. _pendingEncoding: '',
  119203. server: null,
  119204. _server: null,
  119205. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  119206. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  119207. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  119208. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  119209. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  119210. _internalId: 2,
  119211. _commands:
  119212. Denque {
  119213. _head: 0,
  119214. _tail: 0,
  119215. _capacityMask: 3,
  119216. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119217. _command: undefined,
  119218. _paused: false,
  119219. _paused_packets:
  119220. Denque {
  119221. _head: 0,
  119222. _tail: 0,
  119223. _capacityMask: 3,
  119224. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119225. _statements:
  119226. LRUCache {
  119227. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  119228. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  119229. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  119230. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  119231. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  119232. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  119233. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  119234. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  119235. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  119236. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119237. authorized: true,
  119238. sequenceId: 2,
  119239. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  119240. threadId: 1302,
  119241. _handshakePacket:
  119242. Handshake {
  119243. protocolVersion: 10,
  119244. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  119245. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119246. connectionId: 1302,
  119247. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  119248. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  119249. characterSet: 255,
  119250. statusFlags: 2 },
  119251. _fatalError: null,
  119252. _protocolError: null,
  119253. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  119254. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  119255. packetParser:
  119256. PacketParser {
  119257. buffer: [],
  119258. bufferLength: 0,
  119259. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  119260. headerLen: 0,
  119261. length: 7,
  119262. largePacketParts: [],
  119263. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  119264. onPacket: [Function],
  119265. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  119266. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  119267. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  119268. connectTimeout: null,
  119269. connectionId: 1302 },
  119270. state: 'IDLE' } },
  119271. next: null,
  119272. data:
  119273. PooledResource {
  119274. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  119275. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  119276. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  119277. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  119278. obj:
  119279. Connection {
  119280. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  119281. _eventsCount: 1,
  119282. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119283. config:
  119284. ConnectionConfig {
  119285. isServer: undefined,
  119286. stream: undefined,
  119287. host: 'localhost',
  119288. port: 3306,
  119289. localAddress: undefined,
  119290. socketPath: undefined,
  119291. user: 'root',
  119292. password: 'abcd1234',
  119293. passwordSha1: undefined,
  119294. database: 'lbry',
  119295. connectTimeout: 10000,
  119296. insecureAuth: false,
  119297. supportBigNumbers: true,
  119298. bigNumberStrings: false,
  119299. decimalNumbers: false,
  119300. dateStrings: false,
  119301. debug: undefined,
  119302. trace: true,
  119303. stringifyObjects: false,
  119304. timezone: '+00:00',
  119305. queryFormat: undefined,
  119306. pool: undefined,
  119307. ssl: false,
  119308. multipleStatements: false,
  119309. rowsAsArray: false,
  119310. namedPlaceholders: false,
  119311. nestTables: undefined,
  119312. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  119313. maxPacketSize: 0,
  119314. charsetNumber: 224,
  119315. compress: false,
  119316. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  119317. clientFlags: 8582093,
  119318. connectAttributes: undefined,
  119319. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  119320. stream:
  119321. Socket {
  119322. connecting: false,
  119323. _hadError: false,
  119324. _handle:
  119325. TCP {
  119326. reading: true,
  119327. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  119328. onconnection: null,
  119329. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  119330. _parent: null,
  119331. _host: 'localhost',
  119332. _readableState:
  119333. ReadableState {
  119334. objectMode: false,
  119335. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119336. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  119337. length: 0,
  119338. pipes: null,
  119339. pipesCount: 0,
  119340. flowing: true,
  119341. ended: false,
  119342. endEmitted: false,
  119343. reading: true,
  119344. sync: false,
  119345. needReadable: true,
  119346. emittedReadable: false,
  119347. readableListening: false,
  119348. resumeScheduled: false,
  119349. emitClose: false,
  119350. autoDestroy: false,
  119351. destroyed: false,
  119352. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119353. awaitDrain: 0,
  119354. readingMore: false,
  119355. decoder: null,
  119356. encoding: null },
  119357. readable: true,
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  119359. [Object: null prototype] {
  119360. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  119361. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  119362. data: [Function],
  119363. close: [Function] },
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  119365. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119366. _writableState:
  119367. WritableState {
  119368. objectMode: false,
  119369. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119370. finalCalled: false,
  119371. needDrain: false,
  119372. ending: false,
  119373. ended: false,
  119374. finished: false,
  119375. destroyed: false,
  119376. decodeStrings: false,
  119377. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119378. length: 0,
  119379. writing: false,
  119380. corked: 0,
  119381. sync: false,
  119382. bufferProcessing: false,
  119383. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  119385. writelen: 0,
  119386. bufferedRequest: null,
  119387. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  119388. pendingcb: 0,
  119389. prefinished: false,
  119390. errorEmitted: false,
  119391. emitClose: false,
  119392. autoDestroy: false,
  119393. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  119394. corkedRequestsFree:
  119395. { next: null,
  119396. entry: null,
  119397. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  119398. writable: true,
  119399. allowHalfOpen: false,
  119400. _sockname: null,
  119401. _pendingData: null,
  119402. _pendingEncoding: '',
  119403. server: null,
  119404. _server: null,
  119405. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  119406. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  119407. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  119408. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  119409. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  119410. _internalId: 1,
  119411. _commands:
  119412. Denque {
  119413. _head: 0,
  119414. _tail: 0,
  119415. _capacityMask: 3,
  119416. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119417. _command: undefined,
  119418. _paused: false,
  119419. _paused_packets:
  119420. Denque {
  119421. _head: 0,
  119422. _tail: 0,
  119423. _capacityMask: 3,
  119424. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119425. _statements:
  119426. LRUCache {
  119427. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  119428. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  119429. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  119430. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  119431. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  119432. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  119433. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  119434. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  119435. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  119436. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119437. authorized: true,
  119438. sequenceId: 23,
  119439. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  119440. threadId: 1303,
  119441. _handshakePacket:
  119442. Handshake {
  119443. protocolVersion: 10,
  119444. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  119445. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119446. connectionId: 1303,
  119447. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  119448. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  119449. characterSet: 255,
  119450. statusFlags: 2 },
  119451. _fatalError: null,
  119452. _protocolError: null,
  119453. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  119454. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  119455. packetParser:
  119456. PacketParser {
  119457. buffer: [],
  119458. bufferLength: 0,
  119459. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  119460. headerLen: 0,
  119461. length: 5,
  119462. largePacketParts: [],
  119463. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  119464. onPacket: [Function],
  119465. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  119466. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  119467. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  119468. connectTimeout: null,
  119469. connectionId: 1303 },
  119470. state: 'IDLE' } },
  119471. length: 2 } },
  119472. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  119473. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  119474. _validationOperations: Set {},
  119475. _allObjects:
  119476. Set {
  119477. PooledResource {
  119478. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  119479. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  119480. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  119481. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  119482. obj:
  119483. Connection {
  119484. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  119485. _eventsCount: 1,
  119486. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119487. config:
  119488. ConnectionConfig {
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  119490. stream: undefined,
  119491. host: 'localhost',
  119492. port: 3306,
  119493. localAddress: undefined,
  119494. socketPath: undefined,
  119495. user: 'root',
  119496. password: 'abcd1234',
  119497. passwordSha1: undefined,
  119498. database: 'lbry',
  119499. connectTimeout: 10000,
  119500. insecureAuth: false,
  119501. supportBigNumbers: true,
  119502. bigNumberStrings: false,
  119503. decimalNumbers: false,
  119504. dateStrings: false,
  119505. debug: undefined,
  119506. trace: true,
  119507. stringifyObjects: false,
  119508. timezone: '+00:00',
  119509. queryFormat: undefined,
  119510. pool: undefined,
  119511. ssl: false,
  119512. multipleStatements: false,
  119513. rowsAsArray: false,
  119514. namedPlaceholders: false,
  119515. nestTables: undefined,
  119516. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  119517. maxPacketSize: 0,
  119518. charsetNumber: 224,
  119519. compress: false,
  119520. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  119521. clientFlags: 8582093,
  119522. connectAttributes: undefined,
  119523. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  119524. stream:
  119525. Socket {
  119526. connecting: false,
  119527. _hadError: false,
  119528. _handle:
  119529. TCP {
  119530. reading: true,
  119531. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  119532. onconnection: null,
  119533. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  119534. _parent: null,
  119535. _host: 'localhost',
  119536. _readableState:
  119537. ReadableState {
  119538. objectMode: false,
  119539. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119540. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  119541. length: 0,
  119542. pipes: null,
  119543. pipesCount: 0,
  119544. flowing: true,
  119545. ended: false,
  119546. endEmitted: false,
  119547. reading: true,
  119548. sync: false,
  119549. needReadable: true,
  119550. emittedReadable: false,
  119551. readableListening: false,
  119552. resumeScheduled: false,
  119553. emitClose: false,
  119554. autoDestroy: false,
  119555. destroyed: false,
  119556. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119557. awaitDrain: 0,
  119558. readingMore: false,
  119559. decoder: null,
  119560. encoding: null },
  119561. readable: true,
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  119563. [Object: null prototype] {
  119564. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  119565. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  119566. data: [Function],
  119567. close: [Function] },
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  119569. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  119571. WritableState {
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  119574. finalCalled: false,
  119575. needDrain: false,
  119576. ending: false,
  119577. ended: false,
  119578. finished: false,
  119579. destroyed: false,
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  119581. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119582. length: 0,
  119583. writing: false,
  119584. corked: 0,
  119585. sync: false,
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  119589. writelen: 0,
  119590. bufferedRequest: null,
  119591. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  119592. pendingcb: 0,
  119593. prefinished: false,
  119594. errorEmitted: false,
  119595. emitClose: false,
  119596. autoDestroy: false,
  119597. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  119598. corkedRequestsFree:
  119599. { next: null,
  119600. entry: null,
  119601. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  119602. writable: true,
  119603. allowHalfOpen: false,
  119604. _sockname: null,
  119605. _pendingData: null,
  119606. _pendingEncoding: '',
  119607. server: null,
  119608. _server: null,
  119609. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  119610. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  119611. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  119612. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  119613. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  119614. _internalId: 2,
  119615. _commands:
  119616. Denque {
  119617. _head: 0,
  119618. _tail: 0,
  119619. _capacityMask: 3,
  119620. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119621. _command: undefined,
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  119623. _paused_packets:
  119624. Denque {
  119625. _head: 0,
  119626. _tail: 0,
  119627. _capacityMask: 3,
  119628. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119629. _statements:
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  119631. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  119632. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  119633. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  119634. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  119635. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  119636. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  119637. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  119638. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  119639. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  119640. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119641. authorized: true,
  119642. sequenceId: 2,
  119643. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  119644. threadId: 1302,
  119645. _handshakePacket:
  119646. Handshake {
  119647. protocolVersion: 10,
  119648. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  119649. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119650. connectionId: 1302,
  119651. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  119652. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  119653. characterSet: 255,
  119654. statusFlags: 2 },
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  119656. _protocolError: null,
  119657. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  119658. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  119659. packetParser:
  119660. PacketParser {
  119661. buffer: [],
  119662. bufferLength: 0,
  119663. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  119664. headerLen: 0,
  119665. length: 7,
  119666. largePacketParts: [],
  119667. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  119668. onPacket: [Function],
  119669. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  119670. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  119671. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  119672. connectTimeout: null,
  119673. connectionId: 1302 },
  119674. state: 'IDLE' },
  119675. PooledResource {
  119676. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  119677. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  119678. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  119679. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  119680. obj:
  119681. Connection {
  119682. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  119683. _eventsCount: 1,
  119684. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119685. config:
  119686. ConnectionConfig {
  119687. isServer: undefined,
  119688. stream: undefined,
  119689. host: 'localhost',
  119690. port: 3306,
  119691. localAddress: undefined,
  119692. socketPath: undefined,
  119693. user: 'root',
  119694. password: 'abcd1234',
  119695. passwordSha1: undefined,
  119696. database: 'lbry',
  119697. connectTimeout: 10000,
  119698. insecureAuth: false,
  119699. supportBigNumbers: true,
  119700. bigNumberStrings: false,
  119701. decimalNumbers: false,
  119702. dateStrings: false,
  119703. debug: undefined,
  119704. trace: true,
  119705. stringifyObjects: false,
  119706. timezone: '+00:00',
  119707. queryFormat: undefined,
  119708. pool: undefined,
  119709. ssl: false,
  119710. multipleStatements: false,
  119711. rowsAsArray: false,
  119712. namedPlaceholders: false,
  119713. nestTables: undefined,
  119714. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  119715. maxPacketSize: 0,
  119716. charsetNumber: 224,
  119717. compress: false,
  119718. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  119719. clientFlags: 8582093,
  119720. connectAttributes: undefined,
  119721. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  119722. stream:
  119723. Socket {
  119724. connecting: false,
  119725. _hadError: false,
  119726. _handle:
  119727. TCP {
  119728. reading: true,
  119729. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  119730. onconnection: null,
  119731. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  119732. _parent: null,
  119733. _host: 'localhost',
  119734. _readableState:
  119735. ReadableState {
  119736. objectMode: false,
  119737. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119738. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  119739. length: 0,
  119740. pipes: null,
  119741. pipesCount: 0,
  119742. flowing: true,
  119743. ended: false,
  119744. endEmitted: false,
  119745. reading: true,
  119746. sync: false,
  119747. needReadable: true,
  119748. emittedReadable: false,
  119749. readableListening: false,
  119750. resumeScheduled: false,
  119751. emitClose: false,
  119752. autoDestroy: false,
  119753. destroyed: false,
  119754. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119755. awaitDrain: 0,
  119756. readingMore: false,
  119757. decoder: null,
  119758. encoding: null },
  119759. readable: true,
  119760. _events:
  119761. [Object: null prototype] {
  119762. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  119763. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  119764. data: [Function],
  119765. close: [Function] },
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  119767. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  119769. WritableState {
  119770. objectMode: false,
  119771. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119772. finalCalled: false,
  119773. needDrain: false,
  119774. ending: false,
  119775. ended: false,
  119776. finished: false,
  119777. destroyed: false,
  119778. decodeStrings: false,
  119779. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119780. length: 0,
  119781. writing: false,
  119782. corked: 0,
  119783. sync: false,
  119784. bufferProcessing: false,
  119785. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  119787. writelen: 0,
  119788. bufferedRequest: null,
  119789. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  119790. pendingcb: 0,
  119791. prefinished: false,
  119792. errorEmitted: false,
  119793. emitClose: false,
  119794. autoDestroy: false,
  119795. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  119796. corkedRequestsFree:
  119797. { next: null,
  119798. entry: null,
  119799. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  119800. writable: true,
  119801. allowHalfOpen: false,
  119802. _sockname: null,
  119803. _pendingData: null,
  119804. _pendingEncoding: '',
  119805. server: null,
  119806. _server: null,
  119807. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  119808. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  119809. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  119810. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  119811. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  119812. _internalId: 1,
  119813. _commands:
  119814. Denque {
  119815. _head: 0,
  119816. _tail: 0,
  119817. _capacityMask: 3,
  119818. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119819. _command: undefined,
  119820. _paused: false,
  119821. _paused_packets:
  119822. Denque {
  119823. _head: 0,
  119824. _tail: 0,
  119825. _capacityMask: 3,
  119826. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  119827. _statements:
  119828. LRUCache {
  119829. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  119830. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  119831. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  119832. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  119833. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  119834. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  119835. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  119836. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  119837. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  119838. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119839. authorized: true,
  119840. sequenceId: 23,
  119841. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  119842. threadId: 1303,
  119843. _handshakePacket:
  119844. Handshake {
  119845. protocolVersion: 10,
  119846. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  119847. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  119848. connectionId: 1303,
  119849. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  119850. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  119851. characterSet: 255,
  119852. statusFlags: 2 },
  119853. _fatalError: null,
  119854. _protocolError: null,
  119855. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  119856. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  119857. packetParser:
  119858. PacketParser {
  119859. buffer: [],
  119860. bufferLength: 0,
  119861. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  119862. headerLen: 0,
  119863. length: 5,
  119864. largePacketParts: [],
  119865. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  119866. onPacket: [Function],
  119867. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  119868. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  119869. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  119870. connectTimeout: null,
  119871. connectionId: 1303 },
  119872. state: 'IDLE' } },
  119873. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  119874. _evictionIterator:
  119875. DequeIterator {
  119876. _list:
  119877. DoublyLinkedList {
  119878. head:
  119879. { prev: null,
  119880. next:
  119881. { prev: [Circular],
  119882. next: null,
  119883. data:
  119884. PooledResource {
  119885. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  119886. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  119887. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  119888. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  119889. obj:
  119890. Connection {
  119891. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  119892. _eventsCount: 1,
  119893. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119894. config:
  119895. ConnectionConfig {
  119896. isServer: undefined,
  119897. stream: undefined,
  119898. host: 'localhost',
  119899. port: 3306,
  119900. localAddress: undefined,
  119901. socketPath: undefined,
  119902. user: 'root',
  119903. password: 'abcd1234',
  119904. passwordSha1: undefined,
  119905. database: 'lbry',
  119906. connectTimeout: 10000,
  119907. insecureAuth: false,
  119908. supportBigNumbers: true,
  119909. bigNumberStrings: false,
  119910. decimalNumbers: false,
  119911. dateStrings: false,
  119912. debug: undefined,
  119913. trace: true,
  119914. stringifyObjects: false,
  119915. timezone: '+00:00',
  119916. queryFormat: undefined,
  119917. pool: undefined,
  119918. ssl: false,
  119919. multipleStatements: false,
  119920. rowsAsArray: false,
  119921. namedPlaceholders: false,
  119922. nestTables: undefined,
  119923. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  119924. maxPacketSize: 0,
  119925. charsetNumber: 224,
  119926. compress: false,
  119927. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  119928. clientFlags: 8582093,
  119929. connectAttributes: undefined,
  119930. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  119931. stream:
  119932. Socket {
  119933. connecting: false,
  119934. _hadError: false,
  119935. _handle:
  119936. TCP {
  119937. reading: true,
  119938. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  119939. onconnection: null,
  119940. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  119941. _parent: null,
  119942. _host: 'localhost',
  119943. _readableState:
  119944. ReadableState {
  119945. objectMode: false,
  119946. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119947. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  119948. length: 0,
  119949. pipes: null,
  119950. pipesCount: 0,
  119951. flowing: true,
  119952. ended: false,
  119953. endEmitted: false,
  119954. reading: true,
  119955. sync: false,
  119956. needReadable: true,
  119957. emittedReadable: false,
  119958. readableListening: false,
  119959. resumeScheduled: false,
  119960. emitClose: false,
  119961. autoDestroy: false,
  119962. destroyed: false,
  119963. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119964. awaitDrain: 0,
  119965. readingMore: false,
  119966. decoder: null,
  119967. encoding: null },
  119968. readable: true,
  119969. _events:
  119970. [Object: null prototype] {
  119971. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  119972. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  119973. data: [Function],
  119974. close: [Function] },
  119975. _eventsCount: 4,
  119976. _maxListeners: undefined,
  119977. _writableState:
  119978. WritableState {
  119979. objectMode: false,
  119980. highWaterMark: 16384,
  119981. finalCalled: false,
  119982. needDrain: false,
  119983. ending: false,
  119984. ended: false,
  119985. finished: false,
  119986. destroyed: false,
  119987. decodeStrings: false,
  119988. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  119989. length: 0,
  119990. writing: false,
  119991. corked: 0,
  119992. sync: false,
  119993. bufferProcessing: false,
  119994. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  119995. writecb: null,
  119996. writelen: 0,
  119997. bufferedRequest: null,
  119998. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  119999. pendingcb: 0,
  120000. prefinished: false,
  120001. errorEmitted: false,
  120002. emitClose: false,
  120003. autoDestroy: false,
  120004. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  120005. corkedRequestsFree:
  120006. { next: null,
  120007. entry: null,
  120008. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  120009. writable: true,
  120010. allowHalfOpen: false,
  120011. _sockname: null,
  120012. _pendingData: null,
  120013. _pendingEncoding: '',
  120014. server: null,
  120015. _server: null,
  120016. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  120017. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  120018. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  120019. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  120020. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  120021. _internalId: 1,
  120022. _commands:
  120023. Denque {
  120024. _head: 0,
  120025. _tail: 0,
  120026. _capacityMask: 3,
  120027. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120028. _command: undefined,
  120029. _paused: false,
  120030. _paused_packets:
  120031. Denque {
  120032. _head: 0,
  120033. _tail: 0,
  120034. _capacityMask: 3,
  120035. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120036. _statements:
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  120038. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  120039. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  120040. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  120041. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  120042. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  120043. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  120044. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  120045. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  120046. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  120047. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120048. authorized: true,
  120049. sequenceId: 23,
  120050. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  120051. threadId: 1303,
  120052. _handshakePacket:
  120053. Handshake {
  120054. protocolVersion: 10,
  120055. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  120056. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120057. connectionId: 1303,
  120058. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  120059. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  120060. characterSet: 255,
  120061. statusFlags: 2 },
  120062. _fatalError: null,
  120063. _protocolError: null,
  120064. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  120065. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  120066. packetParser:
  120067. PacketParser {
  120068. buffer: [],
  120069. bufferLength: 0,
  120070. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  120071. headerLen: 0,
  120072. length: 5,
  120073. largePacketParts: [],
  120074. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  120075. onPacket: [Function],
  120076. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  120077. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  120078. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  120079. connectTimeout: null,
  120080. connectionId: 1303 },
  120081. state: 'IDLE' } },
  120082. data:
  120083. PooledResource {
  120084. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  120085. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  120086. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  120087. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  120088. obj:
  120089. Connection {
  120090. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  120091. _eventsCount: 1,
  120092. _maxListeners: undefined,
  120093. config:
  120094. ConnectionConfig {
  120095. isServer: undefined,
  120096. stream: undefined,
  120097. host: 'localhost',
  120098. port: 3306,
  120099. localAddress: undefined,
  120100. socketPath: undefined,
  120101. user: 'root',
  120102. password: 'abcd1234',
  120103. passwordSha1: undefined,
  120104. database: 'lbry',
  120105. connectTimeout: 10000,
  120106. insecureAuth: false,
  120107. supportBigNumbers: true,
  120108. bigNumberStrings: false,
  120109. decimalNumbers: false,
  120110. dateStrings: false,
  120111. debug: undefined,
  120112. trace: true,
  120113. stringifyObjects: false,
  120114. timezone: '+00:00',
  120115. queryFormat: undefined,
  120116. pool: undefined,
  120117. ssl: false,
  120118. multipleStatements: false,
  120119. rowsAsArray: false,
  120120. namedPlaceholders: false,
  120121. nestTables: undefined,
  120122. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  120123. maxPacketSize: 0,
  120124. charsetNumber: 224,
  120125. compress: false,
  120126. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  120127. clientFlags: 8582093,
  120128. connectAttributes: undefined,
  120129. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  120130. stream:
  120131. Socket {
  120132. connecting: false,
  120133. _hadError: false,
  120134. _handle:
  120135. TCP {
  120136. reading: true,
  120137. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  120138. onconnection: null,
  120139. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  120140. _parent: null,
  120141. _host: 'localhost',
  120142. _readableState:
  120143. ReadableState {
  120144. objectMode: false,
  120145. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120146. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  120147. length: 0,
  120148. pipes: null,
  120149. pipesCount: 0,
  120150. flowing: true,
  120151. ended: false,
  120152. endEmitted: false,
  120153. reading: true,
  120154. sync: false,
  120155. needReadable: true,
  120156. emittedReadable: false,
  120157. readableListening: false,
  120158. resumeScheduled: false,
  120159. emitClose: false,
  120160. autoDestroy: false,
  120161. destroyed: false,
  120162. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120163. awaitDrain: 0,
  120164. readingMore: false,
  120165. decoder: null,
  120166. encoding: null },
  120167. readable: true,
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  120169. [Object: null prototype] {
  120170. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  120171. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  120172. data: [Function],
  120173. close: [Function] },
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  120175. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  120177. WritableState {
  120178. objectMode: false,
  120179. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120180. finalCalled: false,
  120181. needDrain: false,
  120182. ending: false,
  120183. ended: false,
  120184. finished: false,
  120185. destroyed: false,
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  120187. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120188. length: 0,
  120189. writing: false,
  120190. corked: 0,
  120191. sync: false,
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  120193. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  120195. writelen: 0,
  120196. bufferedRequest: null,
  120197. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  120198. pendingcb: 0,
  120199. prefinished: false,
  120200. errorEmitted: false,
  120201. emitClose: false,
  120202. autoDestroy: false,
  120203. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  120204. corkedRequestsFree:
  120205. { next: null,
  120206. entry: null,
  120207. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  120208. writable: true,
  120209. allowHalfOpen: false,
  120210. _sockname: null,
  120211. _pendingData: null,
  120212. _pendingEncoding: '',
  120213. server: null,
  120214. _server: null,
  120215. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  120216. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  120217. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  120218. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  120219. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  120220. _internalId: 2,
  120221. _commands:
  120222. Denque {
  120223. _head: 0,
  120224. _tail: 0,
  120225. _capacityMask: 3,
  120226. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120227. _command: undefined,
  120228. _paused: false,
  120229. _paused_packets:
  120230. Denque {
  120231. _head: 0,
  120232. _tail: 0,
  120233. _capacityMask: 3,
  120234. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120235. _statements:
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  120237. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  120238. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  120239. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  120240. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  120241. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  120242. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  120243. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  120244. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  120245. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  120246. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120247. authorized: true,
  120248. sequenceId: 2,
  120249. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  120250. threadId: 1302,
  120251. _handshakePacket:
  120252. Handshake {
  120253. protocolVersion: 10,
  120254. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  120255. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120256. connectionId: 1302,
  120257. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  120258. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  120259. characterSet: 255,
  120260. statusFlags: 2 },
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  120262. _protocolError: null,
  120263. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  120264. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  120265. packetParser:
  120266. PacketParser {
  120267. buffer: [],
  120268. bufferLength: 0,
  120269. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  120270. headerLen: 0,
  120271. length: 7,
  120272. largePacketParts: [],
  120273. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  120274. onPacket: [Function],
  120275. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  120276. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  120277. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  120278. connectTimeout: null,
  120279. connectionId: 1302 },
  120280. state: 'IDLE' } },
  120281. tail:
  120282. { prev:
  120283. { prev: null,
  120284. next: [Circular],
  120285. data:
  120286. PooledResource {
  120287. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  120288. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  120289. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  120290. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  120291. obj:
  120292. Connection {
  120293. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  120294. _eventsCount: 1,
  120295. _maxListeners: undefined,
  120296. config:
  120297. ConnectionConfig {
  120298. isServer: undefined,
  120299. stream: undefined,
  120300. host: 'localhost',
  120301. port: 3306,
  120302. localAddress: undefined,
  120303. socketPath: undefined,
  120304. user: 'root',
  120305. password: 'abcd1234',
  120306. passwordSha1: undefined,
  120307. database: 'lbry',
  120308. connectTimeout: 10000,
  120309. insecureAuth: false,
  120310. supportBigNumbers: true,
  120311. bigNumberStrings: false,
  120312. decimalNumbers: false,
  120313. dateStrings: false,
  120314. debug: undefined,
  120315. trace: true,
  120316. stringifyObjects: false,
  120317. timezone: '+00:00',
  120318. queryFormat: undefined,
  120319. pool: undefined,
  120320. ssl: false,
  120321. multipleStatements: false,
  120322. rowsAsArray: false,
  120323. namedPlaceholders: false,
  120324. nestTables: undefined,
  120325. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  120326. maxPacketSize: 0,
  120327. charsetNumber: 224,
  120328. compress: false,
  120329. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  120330. clientFlags: 8582093,
  120331. connectAttributes: undefined,
  120332. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  120333. stream:
  120334. Socket {
  120335. connecting: false,
  120336. _hadError: false,
  120337. _handle:
  120338. TCP {
  120339. reading: true,
  120340. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  120341. onconnection: null,
  120342. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  120343. _parent: null,
  120344. _host: 'localhost',
  120345. _readableState:
  120346. ReadableState {
  120347. objectMode: false,
  120348. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120349. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  120350. length: 0,
  120351. pipes: null,
  120352. pipesCount: 0,
  120353. flowing: true,
  120354. ended: false,
  120355. endEmitted: false,
  120356. reading: true,
  120357. sync: false,
  120358. needReadable: true,
  120359. emittedReadable: false,
  120360. readableListening: false,
  120361. resumeScheduled: false,
  120362. emitClose: false,
  120363. autoDestroy: false,
  120364. destroyed: false,
  120365. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120366. awaitDrain: 0,
  120367. readingMore: false,
  120368. decoder: null,
  120369. encoding: null },
  120370. readable: true,
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  120372. [Object: null prototype] {
  120373. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  120374. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  120375. data: [Function],
  120376. close: [Function] },
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  120378. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  120380. WritableState {
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  120382. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120383. finalCalled: false,
  120384. needDrain: false,
  120385. ending: false,
  120386. ended: false,
  120387. finished: false,
  120388. destroyed: false,
  120389. decodeStrings: false,
  120390. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120391. length: 0,
  120392. writing: false,
  120393. corked: 0,
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  120395. bufferProcessing: false,
  120396. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  120398. writelen: 0,
  120399. bufferedRequest: null,
  120400. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  120401. pendingcb: 0,
  120402. prefinished: false,
  120403. errorEmitted: false,
  120404. emitClose: false,
  120405. autoDestroy: false,
  120406. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  120407. corkedRequestsFree:
  120408. { next: null,
  120409. entry: null,
  120410. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  120411. writable: true,
  120412. allowHalfOpen: false,
  120413. _sockname: null,
  120414. _pendingData: null,
  120415. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  120417. _server: null,
  120418. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  120419. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  120420. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  120421. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  120422. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  120423. _internalId: 2,
  120424. _commands:
  120425. Denque {
  120426. _head: 0,
  120427. _tail: 0,
  120428. _capacityMask: 3,
  120429. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120430. _command: undefined,
  120431. _paused: false,
  120432. _paused_packets:
  120433. Denque {
  120434. _head: 0,
  120435. _tail: 0,
  120436. _capacityMask: 3,
  120437. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120438. _statements:
  120439. LRUCache {
  120440. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  120441. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  120442. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  120443. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  120444. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  120445. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  120446. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  120447. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  120448. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  120449. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120450. authorized: true,
  120451. sequenceId: 2,
  120452. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  120453. threadId: 1302,
  120454. _handshakePacket:
  120455. Handshake {
  120456. protocolVersion: 10,
  120457. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  120458. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120459. connectionId: 1302,
  120460. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  120461. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  120462. characterSet: 255,
  120463. statusFlags: 2 },
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  120465. _protocolError: null,
  120466. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  120467. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  120468. packetParser:
  120469. PacketParser {
  120470. buffer: [],
  120471. bufferLength: 0,
  120472. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  120473. headerLen: 0,
  120474. length: 7,
  120475. largePacketParts: [],
  120476. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  120477. onPacket: [Function],
  120478. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  120479. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  120480. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  120481. connectTimeout: null,
  120482. connectionId: 1302 },
  120483. state: 'IDLE' } },
  120484. next: null,
  120485. data:
  120486. PooledResource {
  120487. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  120488. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  120489. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  120490. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  120491. obj:
  120492. Connection {
  120493. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  120494. _eventsCount: 1,
  120495. _maxListeners: undefined,
  120496. config:
  120497. ConnectionConfig {
  120498. isServer: undefined,
  120499. stream: undefined,
  120500. host: 'localhost',
  120501. port: 3306,
  120502. localAddress: undefined,
  120503. socketPath: undefined,
  120504. user: 'root',
  120505. password: 'abcd1234',
  120506. passwordSha1: undefined,
  120507. database: 'lbry',
  120508. connectTimeout: 10000,
  120509. insecureAuth: false,
  120510. supportBigNumbers: true,
  120511. bigNumberStrings: false,
  120512. decimalNumbers: false,
  120513. dateStrings: false,
  120514. debug: undefined,
  120515. trace: true,
  120516. stringifyObjects: false,
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  120518. queryFormat: undefined,
  120519. pool: undefined,
  120520. ssl: false,
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  120522. rowsAsArray: false,
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  120525. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  120527. charsetNumber: 224,
  120528. compress: false,
  120529. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  120530. clientFlags: 8582093,
  120531. connectAttributes: undefined,
  120532. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  120533. stream:
  120534. Socket {
  120535. connecting: false,
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  120538. TCP {
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  120540. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  120542. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  120544. _host: 'localhost',
  120545. _readableState:
  120546. ReadableState {
  120547. objectMode: false,
  120548. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120549. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  120550. length: 0,
  120551. pipes: null,
  120552. pipesCount: 0,
  120553. flowing: true,
  120554. ended: false,
  120555. endEmitted: false,
  120556. reading: true,
  120557. sync: false,
  120558. needReadable: true,
  120559. emittedReadable: false,
  120560. readableListening: false,
  120561. resumeScheduled: false,
  120562. emitClose: false,
  120563. autoDestroy: false,
  120564. destroyed: false,
  120565. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120566. awaitDrain: 0,
  120567. readingMore: false,
  120568. decoder: null,
  120569. encoding: null },
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  120572. [Object: null prototype] {
  120573. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  120574. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  120575. data: [Function],
  120576. close: [Function] },
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  120578. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  120582. highWaterMark: 16384,
  120583. finalCalled: false,
  120584. needDrain: false,
  120585. ending: false,
  120586. ended: false,
  120587. finished: false,
  120588. destroyed: false,
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  120590. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  120591. length: 0,
  120592. writing: false,
  120593. corked: 0,
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  120598. writelen: 0,
  120599. bufferedRequest: null,
  120600. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  120601. pendingcb: 0,
  120602. prefinished: false,
  120603. errorEmitted: false,
  120604. emitClose: false,
  120605. autoDestroy: false,
  120606. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  120607. corkedRequestsFree:
  120608. { next: null,
  120609. entry: null,
  120610. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  120611. writable: true,
  120612. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  120614. _pendingData: null,
  120615. _pendingEncoding: '',
  120616. server: null,
  120617. _server: null,
  120618. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  120619. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  120620. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  120621. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  120622. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  120623. _internalId: 1,
  120624. _commands:
  120625. Denque {
  120626. _head: 0,
  120627. _tail: 0,
  120628. _capacityMask: 3,
  120629. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120630. _command: undefined,
  120631. _paused: false,
  120632. _paused_packets:
  120633. Denque {
  120634. _head: 0,
  120635. _tail: 0,
  120636. _capacityMask: 3,
  120637. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  120638. _statements:
  120639. LRUCache {
  120640. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  120641. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  120642. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  120643. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  120644. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  120645. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  120646. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  120647. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  120648. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  120649. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120650. authorized: true,
  120651. sequenceId: 23,
  120652. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  120653. threadId: 1303,
  120654. _handshakePacket:
  120655. Handshake {
  120656. protocolVersion: 10,
  120657. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  120658. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  120659. connectionId: 1303,
  120660. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  120661. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  120662. characterSet: 255,
  120663. statusFlags: 2 },
  120664. _fatalError: null,
  120665. _protocolError: null,
  120666. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  120667. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  120668. packetParser:
  120669. PacketParser {
  120670. buffer: [],
  120671. bufferLength: 0,
  120672. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  120673. headerLen: 0,
  120674. length: 5,
  120675. largePacketParts: [],
  120676. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  120677. onPacket: [Function],
  120678. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  120679. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  120680. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  120681. connectTimeout: null,
  120682. connectionId: 1303 },
  120683. state: 'IDLE' } },
  120684. length: 2 },
  120685. _direction: 'next',
  120686. _startPosition: 'head',
  120687. _started: false,
  120688. _cursor: null,
  120689. _done: false },
  120690. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  120691. _scheduledEviction:
  120692. Timeout {
  120693. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  120694. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  120695. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  120696. _idleStart: 432,
  120697. _onTimeout: [Function],
  120698. _timerArgs: undefined,
  120699. _repeat: null,
  120700. _destroyed: false,
  120701. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  120702. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  120703. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  120704. lib:
  120705. { createConnection: [Function],
  120706. connect: [Function],
  120707. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  120708. createPool: [Function],
  120709. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  120710. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  120711. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  120712. createServer: [Function],
  120713. PoolConnection:
  120714. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  120715. escape: [Function: escape],
  120716. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  120717. format: [Function: format],
  120718. raw: [Function: raw],
  120719. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  120720. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  120721. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  120722. Types: [Getter],
  120723. Charsets: [Getter],
  120724. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  120725. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  120726. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  120727. QueryGenerator:
  120728. { dialect: 'mysql',
  120729. OperatorMap:
  120730. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  120731. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  120732. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  120733. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  120734. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  120735. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  120736. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  120737. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  120738. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  120739. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  120740. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  120741. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  120742. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  120743. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  120744. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  120745. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  120746. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  120747. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  120748. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  120749. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  120750. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  120751. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  120752. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  120753. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  120754. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  120755. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  120756. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  120757. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  120758. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  120759. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  120760. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  120761. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  120762. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  120763. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  120764. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  120765. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  120766. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  120767. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  120768. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  120769. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  120770. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  120771. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  120772. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  120773. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  120774. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  120775. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  120776. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  120777. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  120778. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  120779. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  120780. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  120781. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  120782. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  120783. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  120784. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  120785. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  120786. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  120787. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  120788. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  120789. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  120790. _templateSettings:
  120791. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  120792. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  120793. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  120794. variable: '',
  120795. imports:
  120796. { _:
  120797. { [Function: lodash]
  120798. templateSettings: [Circular],
  120799. after: [Function: after],
  120800. ary: [Function: ary],
  120801. assign: [Function],
  120802. assignIn: [Function],
  120803. assignInWith: [Function],
  120804. assignWith: [Function],
  120805. at: [Function],
  120806. before: [Function: before],
  120807. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120808. bindAll: [Function],
  120809. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120810. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  120811. chain: [Function: chain],
  120812. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  120813. compact: [Function: compact],
  120814. concat: [Function: concat],
  120815. cond: [Function: cond],
  120816. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  120817. constant: [Function: constant],
  120818. countBy: [Function],
  120819. create: [Function: create],
  120820. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120821. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120822. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  120823. defaults: [Function],
  120824. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  120825. defer: [Function],
  120826. delay: [Function],
  120827. difference: [Function],
  120828. differenceBy: [Function],
  120829. differenceWith: [Function],
  120830. drop: [Function: drop],
  120831. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  120832. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  120833. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  120834. fill: [Function: fill],
  120835. filter: [Function: filter],
  120836. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  120837. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  120838. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  120839. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  120840. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  120841. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  120842. flip: [Function: flip],
  120843. flow: [Function],
  120844. flowRight: [Function],
  120845. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  120846. functions: [Function: functions],
  120847. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  120848. groupBy: [Function],
  120849. initial: [Function: initial],
  120850. intersection: [Function],
  120851. intersectionBy: [Function],
  120852. intersectionWith: [Function],
  120853. invert: [Function],
  120854. invertBy: [Function],
  120855. invokeMap: [Function],
  120856. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  120857. keyBy: [Function],
  120858. keys: [Function: keys],
  120859. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  120860. map: [Function: map],
  120861. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  120862. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  120863. matches: [Function: matches],
  120864. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  120865. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  120866. merge: [Function],
  120867. mergeWith: [Function],
  120868. method: [Function],
  120869. methodOf: [Function],
  120870. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  120871. negate: [Function: negate],
  120872. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  120873. omit: [Function],
  120874. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  120875. once: [Function: once],
  120876. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  120877. over: [Function],
  120878. overArgs: [Function],
  120879. overEvery: [Function],
  120880. overSome: [Function],
  120881. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120882. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  120883. partition: [Function],
  120884. pick: [Function],
  120885. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  120886. property: [Function: property],
  120887. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  120888. pull: [Function],
  120889. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  120890. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  120891. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  120892. pullAt: [Function],
  120893. range: [Function],
  120894. rangeRight: [Function],
  120895. rearg: [Function],
  120896. reject: [Function: reject],
  120897. remove: [Function: remove],
  120898. rest: [Function: rest],
  120899. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  120900. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  120901. set: [Function: set],
  120902. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  120903. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  120904. slice: [Function: slice],
  120905. sortBy: [Function],
  120906. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  120907. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  120908. split: [Function: split],
  120909. spread: [Function: spread],
  120910. tail: [Function: tail],
  120911. take: [Function: take],
  120912. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  120913. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  120914. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  120915. tap: [Function: tap],
  120916. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  120917. thru: [Function: thru],
  120918. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  120919. toPairs: [Function],
  120920. toPairsIn: [Function],
  120921. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  120922. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  120923. transform: [Function: transform],
  120924. unary: [Function: unary],
  120925. union: [Function],
  120926. unionBy: [Function],
  120927. unionWith: [Function],
  120928. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  120929. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  120930. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  120931. unset: [Function: unset],
  120932. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  120933. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  120934. update: [Function: update],
  120935. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  120936. values: [Function: values],
  120937. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  120938. without: [Function],
  120939. words: [Function: words],
  120940. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  120941. xor: [Function],
  120942. xorBy: [Function],
  120943. xorWith: [Function],
  120944. zip: [Function],
  120945. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  120946. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  120947. zipWith: [Function],
  120948. entries: [Function],
  120949. entriesIn: [Function],
  120950. extend: [Function],
  120951. extendWith: [Function],
  120952. add: [Function],
  120953. attempt: [Function],
  120954. camelCase: [Function],
  120955. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  120956. ceil: [Function],
  120957. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  120958. clone: [Function: clone],
  120959. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  120960. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  120961. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  120962. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  120963. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  120964. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  120965. divide: [Function],
  120966. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  120967. eq: [Function: eq],
  120968. escape: [Function: escape],
  120969. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  120970. every: [Function: every],
  120971. find: [Function],
  120972. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  120973. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  120974. findLast: [Function],
  120975. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  120976. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  120977. floor: [Function],
  120978. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  120979. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  120980. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  120981. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  120982. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  120983. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  120984. get: [Function: get],
  120985. gt: [Function],
  120986. gte: [Function],
  120987. has: [Function: has],
  120988. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  120989. head: [Function: head],
  120990. identity: [Function: identity],
  120991. includes: [Function: includes],
  120992. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  120993. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  120994. invoke: [Function],
  120995. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  120996. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  120997. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  120998. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  120999. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  121000. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  121001. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  121002. isDate: [Function],
  121003. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  121004. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  121005. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  121006. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  121007. isError: [Function: isError],
  121008. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  121009. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  121010. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  121011. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  121012. isMap: [Function],
  121013. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  121014. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  121015. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  121016. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  121017. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  121018. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  121019. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  121020. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  121021. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  121022. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  121023. isRegExp: [Function],
  121024. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  121025. isSet: [Function],
  121026. isString: [Function: isString],
  121027. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  121028. isTypedArray: [Function],
  121029. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  121030. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  121031. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  121032. join: [Function: join],
  121033. kebabCase: [Function],
  121034. last: [Function: last],
  121035. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  121036. lowerCase: [Function],
  121037. lowerFirst: [Function],
  121038. lt: [Function],
  121039. lte: [Function],
  121040. max: [Function: max],
  121041. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  121042. mean: [Function: mean],
  121043. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  121044. min: [Function: min],
  121045. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  121046. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  121047. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  121048. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  121049. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  121050. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  121051. multiply: [Function],
  121052. nth: [Function: nth],
  121053. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  121054. noop: [Function: noop],
  121055. now: [Function],
  121056. pad: [Function: pad],
  121057. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  121058. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  121059. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  121060. random: [Function: random],
  121061. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  121062. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  121063. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  121064. replace: [Function: replace],
  121065. result: [Function: result],
  121066. round: [Function],
  121067. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  121068. sample: [Function: sample],
  121069. size: [Function: size],
  121070. snakeCase: [Function],
  121071. some: [Function: some],
  121072. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  121073. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  121074. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  121075. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  121076. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  121077. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  121078. startCase: [Function],
  121079. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  121080. subtract: [Function],
  121081. sum: [Function: sum],
  121082. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  121083. template: [Function: template],
  121084. times: [Function: times],
  121085. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  121086. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  121087. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  121088. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  121089. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  121090. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  121091. toString: [Function: toString],
  121092. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  121093. trim: [Function: trim],
  121094. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  121095. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  121096. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  121097. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  121098. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  121099. upperCase: [Function],
  121100. upperFirst: [Function],
  121101. each: [Function: forEach],
  121102. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  121103. first: [Function: head],
  121104. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  121105. options:
  121106. { dialect: 'mysql',
  121107. dialectModulePath: null,
  121108. host: 'localhost',
  121109. protocol: 'tcp',
  121110. define: {},
  121111. query: {},
  121112. sync: {},
  121113. timezone: '+00:00',
  121114. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  121115. omitNull: false,
  121116. native: false,
  121117. replication: false,
  121118. ssl: undefined,
  121119. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  121120. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  121121. hooks: {},
  121122. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  121123. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  121124. isolationLevel: null,
  121125. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  121126. typeValidation: false,
  121127. benchmark: false,
  121128. operatorsAliases: false },
  121129. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  121130. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  121131. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  121132. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  121133. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  121134. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  121135. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  121136. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  121137. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  121138. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  121139. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  121140. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  121141. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  121142. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  121143. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  121144. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  121145. quote: [Function: quote],
  121146. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  121147. escape: [Function: escape],
  121148. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  121149. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  121150. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  121151. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  121152. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  121153. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  121154. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  121155. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  121156. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  121157. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  121158. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  121159. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  121160. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  121161. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  121162. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  121163. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  121164. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  121165. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  121166. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  121167. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  121168. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  121169. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  121170. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  121171. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  121172. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  121173. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  121174. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  121175. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  121176. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  121177. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  121178. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  121179. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  121180. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  121181. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  121182. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  121183. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  121184. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  121185. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  121186. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  121187. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  121188. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  121189. _dialect: [Circular],
  121190. sequelize: [Circular],
  121191. typeValidation: undefined } },
  121192. queryInterface:
  121193. QueryInterface {
  121194. sequelize: [Circular],
  121195. QueryGenerator:
  121196. { dialect: 'mysql',
  121197. OperatorMap:
  121198. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  121199. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  121200. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  121201. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  121202. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  121203. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  121204. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  121205. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  121206. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  121207. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  121208. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  121209. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  121210. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  121211. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  121212. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  121213. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  121214. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  121215. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  121216. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  121217. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  121218. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  121219. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  121220. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  121221. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  121222. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  121223. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  121224. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  121225. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  121226. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  121227. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  121228. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  121229. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  121230. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  121231. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  121232. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  121233. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  121234. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  121235. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  121236. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  121237. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  121238. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  121239. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  121240. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  121241. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  121242. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  121243. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  121244. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  121245. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  121246. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  121247. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  121248. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  121249. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  121250. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  121251. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  121252. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  121253. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  121254. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  121255. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  121256. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  121257. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  121258. _templateSettings:
  121259. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  121260. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  121261. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  121262. variable: '',
  121263. imports:
  121264. { _:
  121265. { [Function: lodash]
  121266. templateSettings: [Circular],
  121267. after: [Function: after],
  121268. ary: [Function: ary],
  121269. assign: [Function],
  121270. assignIn: [Function],
  121271. assignInWith: [Function],
  121272. assignWith: [Function],
  121273. at: [Function],
  121274. before: [Function: before],
  121275. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121276. bindAll: [Function],
  121277. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121278. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  121279. chain: [Function: chain],
  121280. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  121281. compact: [Function: compact],
  121282. concat: [Function: concat],
  121283. cond: [Function: cond],
  121284. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  121285. constant: [Function: constant],
  121286. countBy: [Function],
  121287. create: [Function: create],
  121288. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121289. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121290. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  121291. defaults: [Function],
  121292. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  121293. defer: [Function],
  121294. delay: [Function],
  121295. difference: [Function],
  121296. differenceBy: [Function],
  121297. differenceWith: [Function],
  121298. drop: [Function: drop],
  121299. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  121300. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  121301. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  121302. fill: [Function: fill],
  121303. filter: [Function: filter],
  121304. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  121305. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  121306. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  121307. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  121308. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  121309. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  121310. flip: [Function: flip],
  121311. flow: [Function],
  121312. flowRight: [Function],
  121313. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  121314. functions: [Function: functions],
  121315. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  121316. groupBy: [Function],
  121317. initial: [Function: initial],
  121318. intersection: [Function],
  121319. intersectionBy: [Function],
  121320. intersectionWith: [Function],
  121321. invert: [Function],
  121322. invertBy: [Function],
  121323. invokeMap: [Function],
  121324. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  121325. keyBy: [Function],
  121326. keys: [Function: keys],
  121327. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  121328. map: [Function: map],
  121329. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  121330. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  121331. matches: [Function: matches],
  121332. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  121333. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  121334. merge: [Function],
  121335. mergeWith: [Function],
  121336. method: [Function],
  121337. methodOf: [Function],
  121338. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  121339. negate: [Function: negate],
  121340. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  121341. omit: [Function],
  121342. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  121343. once: [Function: once],
  121344. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  121345. over: [Function],
  121346. overArgs: [Function],
  121347. overEvery: [Function],
  121348. overSome: [Function],
  121349. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121350. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  121351. partition: [Function],
  121352. pick: [Function],
  121353. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  121354. property: [Function: property],
  121355. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  121356. pull: [Function],
  121357. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  121358. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  121359. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  121360. pullAt: [Function],
  121361. range: [Function],
  121362. rangeRight: [Function],
  121363. rearg: [Function],
  121364. reject: [Function: reject],
  121365. remove: [Function: remove],
  121366. rest: [Function: rest],
  121367. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  121368. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  121369. set: [Function: set],
  121370. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  121371. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  121372. slice: [Function: slice],
  121373. sortBy: [Function],
  121374. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  121375. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  121376. split: [Function: split],
  121377. spread: [Function: spread],
  121378. tail: [Function: tail],
  121379. take: [Function: take],
  121380. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  121381. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  121382. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  121383. tap: [Function: tap],
  121384. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  121385. thru: [Function: thru],
  121386. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  121387. toPairs: [Function],
  121388. toPairsIn: [Function],
  121389. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  121390. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  121391. transform: [Function: transform],
  121392. unary: [Function: unary],
  121393. union: [Function],
  121394. unionBy: [Function],
  121395. unionWith: [Function],
  121396. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  121397. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  121398. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  121399. unset: [Function: unset],
  121400. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  121401. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  121402. update: [Function: update],
  121403. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  121404. values: [Function: values],
  121405. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  121406. without: [Function],
  121407. words: [Function: words],
  121408. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  121409. xor: [Function],
  121410. xorBy: [Function],
  121411. xorWith: [Function],
  121412. zip: [Function],
  121413. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  121414. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  121415. zipWith: [Function],
  121416. entries: [Function],
  121417. entriesIn: [Function],
  121418. extend: [Function],
  121419. extendWith: [Function],
  121420. add: [Function],
  121421. attempt: [Function],
  121422. camelCase: [Function],
  121423. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  121424. ceil: [Function],
  121425. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  121426. clone: [Function: clone],
  121427. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  121428. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  121429. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  121430. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  121431. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  121432. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  121433. divide: [Function],
  121434. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  121435. eq: [Function: eq],
  121436. escape: [Function: escape],
  121437. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  121438. every: [Function: every],
  121439. find: [Function],
  121440. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  121441. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  121442. findLast: [Function],
  121443. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  121444. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  121445. floor: [Function],
  121446. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  121447. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  121448. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  121449. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  121450. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  121451. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  121452. get: [Function: get],
  121453. gt: [Function],
  121454. gte: [Function],
  121455. has: [Function: has],
  121456. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  121457. head: [Function: head],
  121458. identity: [Function: identity],
  121459. includes: [Function: includes],
  121460. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  121461. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  121462. invoke: [Function],
  121463. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  121464. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  121465. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  121466. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  121467. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  121468. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  121469. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  121470. isDate: [Function],
  121471. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  121472. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  121473. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  121474. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  121475. isError: [Function: isError],
  121476. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  121477. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  121478. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  121479. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  121480. isMap: [Function],
  121481. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  121482. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  121483. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  121484. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  121485. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  121486. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  121487. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  121488. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  121489. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  121490. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  121491. isRegExp: [Function],
  121492. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  121493. isSet: [Function],
  121494. isString: [Function: isString],
  121495. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  121496. isTypedArray: [Function],
  121497. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  121498. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  121499. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  121500. join: [Function: join],
  121501. kebabCase: [Function],
  121502. last: [Function: last],
  121503. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  121504. lowerCase: [Function],
  121505. lowerFirst: [Function],
  121506. lt: [Function],
  121507. lte: [Function],
  121508. max: [Function: max],
  121509. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  121510. mean: [Function: mean],
  121511. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  121512. min: [Function: min],
  121513. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  121514. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  121515. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  121516. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  121517. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  121518. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  121519. multiply: [Function],
  121520. nth: [Function: nth],
  121521. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  121522. noop: [Function: noop],
  121523. now: [Function],
  121524. pad: [Function: pad],
  121525. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  121526. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  121527. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  121528. random: [Function: random],
  121529. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  121530. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  121531. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  121532. replace: [Function: replace],
  121533. result: [Function: result],
  121534. round: [Function],
  121535. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  121536. sample: [Function: sample],
  121537. size: [Function: size],
  121538. snakeCase: [Function],
  121539. some: [Function: some],
  121540. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  121541. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  121542. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  121543. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  121544. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  121545. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  121546. startCase: [Function],
  121547. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  121548. subtract: [Function],
  121549. sum: [Function: sum],
  121550. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  121551. template: [Function: template],
  121552. times: [Function: times],
  121553. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  121554. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  121555. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  121556. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  121557. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  121558. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  121559. toString: [Function: toString],
  121560. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  121561. trim: [Function: trim],
  121562. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  121563. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  121564. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  121565. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  121566. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  121567. upperCase: [Function],
  121568. upperFirst: [Function],
  121569. each: [Function: forEach],
  121570. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  121571. first: [Function: head],
  121572. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  121573. options:
  121574. { dialect: 'mysql',
  121575. dialectModulePath: null,
  121576. host: 'localhost',
  121577. protocol: 'tcp',
  121578. define: {},
  121579. query: {},
  121580. sync: {},
  121581. timezone: '+00:00',
  121582. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  121583. omitNull: false,
  121584. native: false,
  121585. replication: false,
  121586. ssl: undefined,
  121587. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  121588. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  121589. hooks: {},
  121590. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  121591. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  121592. isolationLevel: null,
  121593. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  121594. typeValidation: false,
  121595. benchmark: false,
  121596. operatorsAliases: false },
  121597. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  121598. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  121599. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  121600. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  121601. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  121602. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  121603. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  121604. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  121605. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  121606. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  121607. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  121608. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  121609. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  121610. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  121611. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  121612. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  121613. quote: [Function: quote],
  121614. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  121615. escape: [Function: escape],
  121616. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  121617. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  121618. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  121619. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  121620. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  121621. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  121622. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  121623. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  121624. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  121625. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  121626. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  121627. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  121628. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  121629. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  121630. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  121631. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  121632. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  121633. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  121634. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  121635. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  121636. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  121637. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  121638. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  121639. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  121640. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  121641. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  121642. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  121643. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  121644. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  121645. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  121646. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  121647. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  121648. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  121649. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  121650. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  121651. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  121652. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  121653. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  121654. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  121655. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  121656. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  121657. _dialect:
  121658. MysqlDialect {
  121659. sequelize: [Circular],
  121660. connectionManager:
  121661. ConnectionManager {
  121662. sequelize: [Circular],
  121663. config:
  121664. { database: 'lbry',
  121665. username: 'root',
  121666. password: 'abcd1234',
  121667. host: 'localhost',
  121668. port: undefined,
  121669. pool:
  121670. { max: 5,
  121671. min: 0,
  121672. acquire: 30000,
  121673. idle: 10000,
  121674. evict: 10000,
  121675. handleDisconnects: true,
  121676. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  121677. Promise:
  121678. { [Function: Promise]
  121679. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  121680. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  121681. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  121682. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  121683. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121684. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121685. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  121686. _peekContext: [Function],
  121687. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  121688. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  121689. longStackTraces: [Function],
  121690. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  121691. config: [Function],
  121692. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  121693. is: [Function],
  121694. fromCallback: [Function],
  121695. fromNode: [Function],
  121696. all: [Function],
  121697. cast: [Function],
  121698. fulfilled: [Function],
  121699. resolve: [Function],
  121700. rejected: [Function],
  121701. reject: [Function],
  121702. setScheduler: [Function],
  121703. pending: [Function],
  121704. defer: [Function],
  121705. method: [Function],
  121706. try: [Function],
  121707. attempt: [Function],
  121708. bind: [Function],
  121709. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  121710. join: [Function],
  121711. Promise: [Circular],
  121712. version: '3.5.3',
  121713. map: [Function],
  121714. using: [Function],
  121715. delay: [Function],
  121716. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  121717. spawn: [Function],
  121718. promisify: [Function],
  121719. promisifyAll: [Function],
  121720. props: [Function],
  121721. race: [Function],
  121722. reduce: [Function],
  121723. settle: [Function],
  121724. some: [Function],
  121725. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  121726. filter: [Function],
  121727. each: [Function],
  121728. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  121729. any: [Function],
  121730. default: [Circular] } },
  121731. protocol: 'tcp',
  121732. native: false,
  121733. ssl: undefined,
  121734. replication: false,
  121735. dialectModulePath: null,
  121736. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  121737. dialectOptions: undefined },
  121738. dialect: [Circular],
  121739. versionPromise: null,
  121740. dialectName: 'mysql',
  121741. pool:
  121742. Pool {
  121743. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  121744. _eventsCount: 0,
  121745. _maxListeners: undefined,
  121746. _config:
  121747. PoolOptions {
  121748. fifo: true,
  121749. priorityRange: 1,
  121750. testOnBorrow: true,
  121751. testOnReturn: false,
  121752. autostart: false,
  121753. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  121754. max: 5,
  121755. min: 0,
  121756. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  121757. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  121758. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  121759. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  121760. Promise:
  121761. { [Function: Promise]
  121762. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  121763. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  121764. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  121765. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  121766. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121767. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121768. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  121769. _peekContext: [Function],
  121770. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  121771. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  121772. longStackTraces: [Function],
  121773. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  121774. config: [Function],
  121775. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  121776. is: [Function],
  121777. fromCallback: [Function],
  121778. fromNode: [Function],
  121779. all: [Function],
  121780. cast: [Function],
  121781. fulfilled: [Function],
  121782. resolve: [Function],
  121783. rejected: [Function],
  121784. reject: [Function],
  121785. setScheduler: [Function],
  121786. pending: [Function],
  121787. defer: [Function],
  121788. method: [Function],
  121789. try: [Function],
  121790. attempt: [Function],
  121791. bind: [Function],
  121792. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  121793. join: [Function],
  121794. Promise: [Circular],
  121795. version: '3.5.3',
  121796. map: [Function],
  121797. using: [Function],
  121798. delay: [Function],
  121799. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  121800. spawn: [Function],
  121801. promisify: [Function],
  121802. promisifyAll: [Function],
  121803. props: [Function],
  121804. race: [Function],
  121805. reduce: [Function],
  121806. settle: [Function],
  121807. some: [Function],
  121808. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  121809. filter: [Function],
  121810. each: [Function],
  121811. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  121812. any: [Function],
  121813. default: [Circular] } },
  121814. _Promise:
  121815. { [Function: Promise]
  121816. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  121817. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  121818. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  121819. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  121820. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121821. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  121822. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  121823. _peekContext: [Function],
  121824. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  121825. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  121826. longStackTraces: [Function],
  121827. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  121828. config: [Function],
  121829. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  121830. is: [Function],
  121831. fromCallback: [Function],
  121832. fromNode: [Function],
  121833. all: [Function],
  121834. cast: [Function],
  121835. fulfilled: [Function],
  121836. resolve: [Function],
  121837. rejected: [Function],
  121838. reject: [Function],
  121839. setScheduler: [Function],
  121840. pending: [Function],
  121841. defer: [Function],
  121842. method: [Function],
  121843. try: [Function],
  121844. attempt: [Function],
  121845. bind: [Function],
  121846. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  121847. join: [Function],
  121848. Promise: [Circular],
  121849. version: '3.5.3',
  121850. map: [Function],
  121851. using: [Function],
  121852. delay: [Function],
  121853. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  121854. spawn: [Function],
  121855. promisify: [Function],
  121856. promisifyAll: [Function],
  121857. props: [Function],
  121858. race: [Function],
  121859. reduce: [Function],
  121860. settle: [Function],
  121861. some: [Function],
  121862. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  121863. filter: [Function],
  121864. each: [Function],
  121865. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  121866. any: [Function],
  121867. default: [Circular] },
  121868. _factory:
  121869. { create: [Function: create],
  121870. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  121871. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  121872. _draining: false,
  121873. _started: true,
  121874. _waitingClientsQueue:
  121875. PriorityQueue {
  121876. _size: 1,
  121877. _slots:
  121878. [ Queue {
  121879. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  121880. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  121881. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  121882. _availableObjects:
  121883. Deque {
  121884. _list:
  121885. DoublyLinkedList {
  121886. head:
  121887. { prev: null,
  121888. next:
  121889. { prev: [Circular],
  121890. next: null,
  121891. data:
  121892. PooledResource {
  121893. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  121894. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  121895. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  121896. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  121897. obj:
  121898. Connection {
  121899. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  121900. _eventsCount: 1,
  121901. _maxListeners: undefined,
  121902. config:
  121903. ConnectionConfig {
  121904. isServer: undefined,
  121905. stream: undefined,
  121906. host: 'localhost',
  121907. port: 3306,
  121908. localAddress: undefined,
  121909. socketPath: undefined,
  121910. user: 'root',
  121911. password: 'abcd1234',
  121912. passwordSha1: undefined,
  121913. database: 'lbry',
  121914. connectTimeout: 10000,
  121915. insecureAuth: false,
  121916. supportBigNumbers: true,
  121917. bigNumberStrings: false,
  121918. decimalNumbers: false,
  121919. dateStrings: false,
  121920. debug: undefined,
  121921. trace: true,
  121922. stringifyObjects: false,
  121923. timezone: '+00:00',
  121924. queryFormat: undefined,
  121925. pool: undefined,
  121926. ssl: false,
  121927. multipleStatements: false,
  121928. rowsAsArray: false,
  121929. namedPlaceholders: false,
  121930. nestTables: undefined,
  121931. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  121932. maxPacketSize: 0,
  121933. charsetNumber: 224,
  121934. compress: false,
  121935. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  121936. clientFlags: 8582093,
  121937. connectAttributes: undefined,
  121938. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  121939. stream:
  121940. Socket {
  121941. connecting: false,
  121942. _hadError: false,
  121943. _handle:
  121944. TCP {
  121945. reading: true,
  121946. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  121947. onconnection: null,
  121948. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  121949. _parent: null,
  121950. _host: 'localhost',
  121951. _readableState:
  121952. ReadableState {
  121953. objectMode: false,
  121954. highWaterMark: 16384,
  121955. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  121956. length: 0,
  121957. pipes: null,
  121958. pipesCount: 0,
  121959. flowing: true,
  121960. ended: false,
  121961. endEmitted: false,
  121962. reading: true,
  121963. sync: false,
  121964. needReadable: true,
  121965. emittedReadable: false,
  121966. readableListening: false,
  121967. resumeScheduled: false,
  121968. emitClose: false,
  121969. autoDestroy: false,
  121970. destroyed: false,
  121971. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  121972. awaitDrain: 0,
  121973. readingMore: false,
  121974. decoder: null,
  121975. encoding: null },
  121976. readable: true,
  121977. _events:
  121978. [Object: null prototype] {
  121979. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  121980. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  121981. data: [Function],
  121982. close: [Function] },
  121983. _eventsCount: 4,
  121984. _maxListeners: undefined,
  121985. _writableState:
  121986. WritableState {
  121987. objectMode: false,
  121988. highWaterMark: 16384,
  121989. finalCalled: false,
  121990. needDrain: false,
  121991. ending: false,
  121992. ended: false,
  121993. finished: false,
  121994. destroyed: false,
  121995. decodeStrings: false,
  121996. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  121997. length: 0,
  121998. writing: false,
  121999. corked: 0,
  122000. sync: false,
  122001. bufferProcessing: false,
  122002. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  122003. writecb: null,
  122004. writelen: 0,
  122005. bufferedRequest: null,
  122006. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  122007. pendingcb: 0,
  122008. prefinished: false,
  122009. errorEmitted: false,
  122010. emitClose: false,
  122011. autoDestroy: false,
  122012. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  122013. corkedRequestsFree:
  122014. { next: null,
  122015. entry: null,
  122016. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  122017. writable: true,
  122018. allowHalfOpen: false,
  122019. _sockname: null,
  122020. _pendingData: null,
  122021. _pendingEncoding: '',
  122022. server: null,
  122023. _server: null,
  122024. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  122025. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  122026. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  122027. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  122028. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  122029. _internalId: 1,
  122030. _commands:
  122031. Denque {
  122032. _head: 0,
  122033. _tail: 0,
  122034. _capacityMask: 3,
  122035. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122036. _command: undefined,
  122037. _paused: false,
  122038. _paused_packets:
  122039. Denque {
  122040. _head: 0,
  122041. _tail: 0,
  122042. _capacityMask: 3,
  122043. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122044. _statements:
  122045. LRUCache {
  122046. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  122047. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  122048. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  122049. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  122050. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  122051. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  122052. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  122053. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  122054. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  122055. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122056. authorized: true,
  122057. sequenceId: 23,
  122058. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  122059. threadId: 1303,
  122060. _handshakePacket:
  122061. Handshake {
  122062. protocolVersion: 10,
  122063. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  122064. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122065. connectionId: 1303,
  122066. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  122067. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  122068. characterSet: 255,
  122069. statusFlags: 2 },
  122070. _fatalError: null,
  122071. _protocolError: null,
  122072. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  122073. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  122074. packetParser:
  122075. PacketParser {
  122076. buffer: [],
  122077. bufferLength: 0,
  122078. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  122079. headerLen: 0,
  122080. length: 5,
  122081. largePacketParts: [],
  122082. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  122083. onPacket: [Function],
  122084. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  122085. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  122086. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  122087. connectTimeout: null,
  122088. connectionId: 1303 },
  122089. state: 'IDLE' } },
  122090. data:
  122091. PooledResource {
  122092. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  122093. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  122094. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  122095. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  122096. obj:
  122097. Connection {
  122098. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  122099. _eventsCount: 1,
  122100. _maxListeners: undefined,
  122101. config:
  122102. ConnectionConfig {
  122103. isServer: undefined,
  122104. stream: undefined,
  122105. host: 'localhost',
  122106. port: 3306,
  122107. localAddress: undefined,
  122108. socketPath: undefined,
  122109. user: 'root',
  122110. password: 'abcd1234',
  122111. passwordSha1: undefined,
  122112. database: 'lbry',
  122113. connectTimeout: 10000,
  122114. insecureAuth: false,
  122115. supportBigNumbers: true,
  122116. bigNumberStrings: false,
  122117. decimalNumbers: false,
  122118. dateStrings: false,
  122119. debug: undefined,
  122120. trace: true,
  122121. stringifyObjects: false,
  122122. timezone: '+00:00',
  122123. queryFormat: undefined,
  122124. pool: undefined,
  122125. ssl: false,
  122126. multipleStatements: false,
  122127. rowsAsArray: false,
  122128. namedPlaceholders: false,
  122129. nestTables: undefined,
  122130. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  122131. maxPacketSize: 0,
  122132. charsetNumber: 224,
  122133. compress: false,
  122134. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  122135. clientFlags: 8582093,
  122136. connectAttributes: undefined,
  122137. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  122138. stream:
  122139. Socket {
  122140. connecting: false,
  122141. _hadError: false,
  122142. _handle:
  122143. TCP {
  122144. reading: true,
  122145. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  122146. onconnection: null,
  122147. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  122148. _parent: null,
  122149. _host: 'localhost',
  122150. _readableState:
  122151. ReadableState {
  122152. objectMode: false,
  122153. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122154. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  122155. length: 0,
  122156. pipes: null,
  122157. pipesCount: 0,
  122158. flowing: true,
  122159. ended: false,
  122160. endEmitted: false,
  122161. reading: true,
  122162. sync: false,
  122163. needReadable: true,
  122164. emittedReadable: false,
  122165. readableListening: false,
  122166. resumeScheduled: false,
  122167. emitClose: false,
  122168. autoDestroy: false,
  122169. destroyed: false,
  122170. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122171. awaitDrain: 0,
  122172. readingMore: false,
  122173. decoder: null,
  122174. encoding: null },
  122175. readable: true,
  122176. _events:
  122177. [Object: null prototype] {
  122178. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  122179. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  122180. data: [Function],
  122181. close: [Function] },
  122182. _eventsCount: 4,
  122183. _maxListeners: undefined,
  122184. _writableState:
  122185. WritableState {
  122186. objectMode: false,
  122187. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122188. finalCalled: false,
  122189. needDrain: false,
  122190. ending: false,
  122191. ended: false,
  122192. finished: false,
  122193. destroyed: false,
  122194. decodeStrings: false,
  122195. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122196. length: 0,
  122197. writing: false,
  122198. corked: 0,
  122199. sync: false,
  122200. bufferProcessing: false,
  122201. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  122202. writecb: null,
  122203. writelen: 0,
  122204. bufferedRequest: null,
  122205. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  122206. pendingcb: 0,
  122207. prefinished: false,
  122208. errorEmitted: false,
  122209. emitClose: false,
  122210. autoDestroy: false,
  122211. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  122212. corkedRequestsFree:
  122213. { next: null,
  122214. entry: null,
  122215. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  122216. writable: true,
  122217. allowHalfOpen: false,
  122218. _sockname: null,
  122219. _pendingData: null,
  122220. _pendingEncoding: '',
  122221. server: null,
  122222. _server: null,
  122223. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  122224. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  122225. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  122226. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  122227. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  122228. _internalId: 2,
  122229. _commands:
  122230. Denque {
  122231. _head: 0,
  122232. _tail: 0,
  122233. _capacityMask: 3,
  122234. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122235. _command: undefined,
  122236. _paused: false,
  122237. _paused_packets:
  122238. Denque {
  122239. _head: 0,
  122240. _tail: 0,
  122241. _capacityMask: 3,
  122242. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122243. _statements:
  122244. LRUCache {
  122245. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  122246. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  122247. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  122248. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  122249. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  122250. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  122251. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  122252. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  122253. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  122254. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122255. authorized: true,
  122256. sequenceId: 2,
  122257. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  122258. threadId: 1302,
  122259. _handshakePacket:
  122260. Handshake {
  122261. protocolVersion: 10,
  122262. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  122263. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122264. connectionId: 1302,
  122265. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  122266. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  122267. characterSet: 255,
  122268. statusFlags: 2 },
  122269. _fatalError: null,
  122270. _protocolError: null,
  122271. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  122272. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  122273. packetParser:
  122274. PacketParser {
  122275. buffer: [],
  122276. bufferLength: 0,
  122277. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  122278. headerLen: 0,
  122279. length: 7,
  122280. largePacketParts: [],
  122281. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  122282. onPacket: [Function],
  122283. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  122284. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  122285. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  122286. connectTimeout: null,
  122287. connectionId: 1302 },
  122288. state: 'IDLE' } },
  122289. tail:
  122290. { prev:
  122291. { prev: null,
  122292. next: [Circular],
  122293. data:
  122294. PooledResource {
  122295. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  122296. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  122297. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  122298. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  122299. obj:
  122300. Connection {
  122301. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  122302. _eventsCount: 1,
  122303. _maxListeners: undefined,
  122304. config:
  122305. ConnectionConfig {
  122306. isServer: undefined,
  122307. stream: undefined,
  122308. host: 'localhost',
  122309. port: 3306,
  122310. localAddress: undefined,
  122311. socketPath: undefined,
  122312. user: 'root',
  122313. password: 'abcd1234',
  122314. passwordSha1: undefined,
  122315. database: 'lbry',
  122316. connectTimeout: 10000,
  122317. insecureAuth: false,
  122318. supportBigNumbers: true,
  122319. bigNumberStrings: false,
  122320. decimalNumbers: false,
  122321. dateStrings: false,
  122322. debug: undefined,
  122323. trace: true,
  122324. stringifyObjects: false,
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  122326. queryFormat: undefined,
  122327. pool: undefined,
  122328. ssl: false,
  122329. multipleStatements: false,
  122330. rowsAsArray: false,
  122331. namedPlaceholders: false,
  122332. nestTables: undefined,
  122333. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  122334. maxPacketSize: 0,
  122335. charsetNumber: 224,
  122336. compress: false,
  122337. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  122338. clientFlags: 8582093,
  122339. connectAttributes: undefined,
  122340. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  122342. Socket {
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  122346. TCP {
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  122348. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  122349. onconnection: null,
  122350. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  122352. _host: 'localhost',
  122353. _readableState:
  122354. ReadableState {
  122355. objectMode: false,
  122356. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122357. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  122358. length: 0,
  122359. pipes: null,
  122360. pipesCount: 0,
  122361. flowing: true,
  122362. ended: false,
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  122365. sync: false,
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  122368. readableListening: false,
  122369. resumeScheduled: false,
  122370. emitClose: false,
  122371. autoDestroy: false,
  122372. destroyed: false,
  122373. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122374. awaitDrain: 0,
  122375. readingMore: false,
  122376. decoder: null,
  122377. encoding: null },
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  122380. [Object: null prototype] {
  122381. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  122382. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  122383. data: [Function],
  122384. close: [Function] },
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  122386. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  122388. WritableState {
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  122390. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122391. finalCalled: false,
  122392. needDrain: false,
  122393. ending: false,
  122394. ended: false,
  122395. finished: false,
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  122399. length: 0,
  122400. writing: false,
  122401. corked: 0,
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  122408. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  122409. pendingcb: 0,
  122410. prefinished: false,
  122411. errorEmitted: false,
  122412. emitClose: false,
  122413. autoDestroy: false,
  122414. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  122415. corkedRequestsFree:
  122416. { next: null,
  122417. entry: null,
  122418. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  122419. writable: true,
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  122422. _pendingData: null,
  122423. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  122427. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  122428. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  122429. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  122430. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  122434. _head: 0,
  122435. _tail: 0,
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  122437. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  122441. Denque {
  122442. _head: 0,
  122443. _tail: 0,
  122444. _capacityMask: 3,
  122445. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  122450. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  122451. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  122452. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  122453. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  122454. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  122455. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  122456. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  122457. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122458. authorized: true,
  122459. sequenceId: 2,
  122460. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  122461. threadId: 1302,
  122462. _handshakePacket:
  122463. Handshake {
  122464. protocolVersion: 10,
  122465. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  122466. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
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  122469. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  122470. characterSet: 255,
  122471. statusFlags: 2 },
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  122473. _protocolError: null,
  122474. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  122475. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  122476. packetParser:
  122477. PacketParser {
  122478. buffer: [],
  122479. bufferLength: 0,
  122480. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  122481. headerLen: 0,
  122482. length: 7,
  122483. largePacketParts: [],
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  122485. onPacket: [Function],
  122486. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  122487. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  122488. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  122489. connectTimeout: null,
  122490. connectionId: 1302 },
  122491. state: 'IDLE' } },
  122492. next: null,
  122493. data:
  122494. PooledResource {
  122495. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  122496. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  122497. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  122498. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  122499. obj:
  122500. Connection {
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  122502. _eventsCount: 1,
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  122507. stream: undefined,
  122508. host: 'localhost',
  122509. port: 3306,
  122510. localAddress: undefined,
  122511. socketPath: undefined,
  122512. user: 'root',
  122513. password: 'abcd1234',
  122514. passwordSha1: undefined,
  122515. database: 'lbry',
  122516. connectTimeout: 10000,
  122517. insecureAuth: false,
  122518. supportBigNumbers: true,
  122519. bigNumberStrings: false,
  122520. decimalNumbers: false,
  122521. dateStrings: false,
  122522. debug: undefined,
  122523. trace: true,
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  122526. queryFormat: undefined,
  122527. pool: undefined,
  122528. ssl: false,
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  122530. rowsAsArray: false,
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  122533. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  122535. charsetNumber: 224,
  122536. compress: false,
  122537. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  122538. clientFlags: 8582093,
  122539. connectAttributes: undefined,
  122540. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  122542. Socket {
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  122546. TCP {
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  122548. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
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  122550. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  122552. _host: 'localhost',
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  122554. ReadableState {
  122555. objectMode: false,
  122556. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122557. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  122558. length: 0,
  122559. pipes: null,
  122560. pipesCount: 0,
  122561. flowing: true,
  122562. ended: false,
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  122565. sync: false,
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  122568. readableListening: false,
  122569. resumeScheduled: false,
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  122572. destroyed: false,
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  122574. awaitDrain: 0,
  122575. readingMore: false,
  122576. decoder: null,
  122577. encoding: null },
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  122580. [Object: null prototype] {
  122581. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  122582. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  122583. data: [Function],
  122584. close: [Function] },
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  122591. finalCalled: false,
  122592. needDrain: false,
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  122594. ended: false,
  122595. finished: false,
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  122598. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122599. length: 0,
  122600. writing: false,
  122601. corked: 0,
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  122606. writelen: 0,
  122607. bufferedRequest: null,
  122608. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  122609. pendingcb: 0,
  122610. prefinished: false,
  122611. errorEmitted: false,
  122612. emitClose: false,
  122613. autoDestroy: false,
  122614. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  122615. corkedRequestsFree:
  122616. { next: null,
  122617. entry: null,
  122618. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  122619. writable: true,
  122620. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  122622. _pendingData: null,
  122623. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  122625. _server: null,
  122626. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  122627. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  122628. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  122629. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  122630. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  122633. Denque {
  122634. _head: 0,
  122635. _tail: 0,
  122636. _capacityMask: 3,
  122637. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122638. _command: undefined,
  122639. _paused: false,
  122640. _paused_packets:
  122641. Denque {
  122642. _head: 0,
  122643. _tail: 0,
  122644. _capacityMask: 3,
  122645. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122646. _statements:
  122647. LRUCache {
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  122649. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  122650. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  122651. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  122652. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  122653. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  122654. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  122655. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  122656. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  122657. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122658. authorized: true,
  122659. sequenceId: 23,
  122660. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  122661. threadId: 1303,
  122662. _handshakePacket:
  122663. Handshake {
  122664. protocolVersion: 10,
  122665. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  122666. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122667. connectionId: 1303,
  122668. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  122669. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  122670. characterSet: 255,
  122671. statusFlags: 2 },
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  122673. _protocolError: null,
  122674. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  122675. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  122676. packetParser:
  122677. PacketParser {
  122678. buffer: [],
  122679. bufferLength: 0,
  122680. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  122681. headerLen: 0,
  122682. length: 5,
  122683. largePacketParts: [],
  122684. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  122685. onPacket: [Function],
  122686. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  122687. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  122688. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  122689. connectTimeout: null,
  122690. connectionId: 1303 },
  122691. state: 'IDLE' } },
  122692. length: 2 } },
  122693. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  122694. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  122695. _validationOperations: Set {},
  122696. _allObjects:
  122697. Set {
  122698. PooledResource {
  122699. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  122700. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  122701. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  122702. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  122703. obj:
  122704. Connection {
  122705. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  122706. _eventsCount: 1,
  122707. _maxListeners: undefined,
  122708. config:
  122709. ConnectionConfig {
  122710. isServer: undefined,
  122711. stream: undefined,
  122712. host: 'localhost',
  122713. port: 3306,
  122714. localAddress: undefined,
  122715. socketPath: undefined,
  122716. user: 'root',
  122717. password: 'abcd1234',
  122718. passwordSha1: undefined,
  122719. database: 'lbry',
  122720. connectTimeout: 10000,
  122721. insecureAuth: false,
  122722. supportBigNumbers: true,
  122723. bigNumberStrings: false,
  122724. decimalNumbers: false,
  122725. dateStrings: false,
  122726. debug: undefined,
  122727. trace: true,
  122728. stringifyObjects: false,
  122729. timezone: '+00:00',
  122730. queryFormat: undefined,
  122731. pool: undefined,
  122732. ssl: false,
  122733. multipleStatements: false,
  122734. rowsAsArray: false,
  122735. namedPlaceholders: false,
  122736. nestTables: undefined,
  122737. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
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  122739. charsetNumber: 224,
  122740. compress: false,
  122741. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  122742. clientFlags: 8582093,
  122743. connectAttributes: undefined,
  122744. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  122745. stream:
  122746. Socket {
  122747. connecting: false,
  122748. _hadError: false,
  122749. _handle:
  122750. TCP {
  122751. reading: true,
  122752. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  122753. onconnection: null,
  122754. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  122755. _parent: null,
  122756. _host: 'localhost',
  122757. _readableState:
  122758. ReadableState {
  122759. objectMode: false,
  122760. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122761. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  122762. length: 0,
  122763. pipes: null,
  122764. pipesCount: 0,
  122765. flowing: true,
  122766. ended: false,
  122767. endEmitted: false,
  122768. reading: true,
  122769. sync: false,
  122770. needReadable: true,
  122771. emittedReadable: false,
  122772. readableListening: false,
  122773. resumeScheduled: false,
  122774. emitClose: false,
  122775. autoDestroy: false,
  122776. destroyed: false,
  122777. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122778. awaitDrain: 0,
  122779. readingMore: false,
  122780. decoder: null,
  122781. encoding: null },
  122782. readable: true,
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  122784. [Object: null prototype] {
  122785. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  122786. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  122787. data: [Function],
  122788. close: [Function] },
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  122790. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  122793. objectMode: false,
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  122795. finalCalled: false,
  122796. needDrain: false,
  122797. ending: false,
  122798. ended: false,
  122799. finished: false,
  122800. destroyed: false,
  122801. decodeStrings: false,
  122802. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122803. length: 0,
  122804. writing: false,
  122805. corked: 0,
  122806. sync: false,
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  122808. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  122811. bufferedRequest: null,
  122812. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  122813. pendingcb: 0,
  122814. prefinished: false,
  122815. errorEmitted: false,
  122816. emitClose: false,
  122817. autoDestroy: false,
  122818. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  122819. corkedRequestsFree:
  122820. { next: null,
  122821. entry: null,
  122822. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  122823. writable: true,
  122824. allowHalfOpen: false,
  122825. _sockname: null,
  122826. _pendingData: null,
  122827. _pendingEncoding: '',
  122828. server: null,
  122829. _server: null,
  122830. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  122831. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  122832. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  122833. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  122834. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  122835. _internalId: 2,
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  122837. Denque {
  122838. _head: 0,
  122839. _tail: 0,
  122840. _capacityMask: 3,
  122841. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122842. _command: undefined,
  122843. _paused: false,
  122844. _paused_packets:
  122845. Denque {
  122846. _head: 0,
  122847. _tail: 0,
  122848. _capacityMask: 3,
  122849. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  122850. _statements:
  122851. LRUCache {
  122852. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  122853. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  122854. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  122855. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  122856. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  122857. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  122858. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  122859. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  122860. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  122861. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122862. authorized: true,
  122863. sequenceId: 2,
  122864. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  122865. threadId: 1302,
  122866. _handshakePacket:
  122867. Handshake {
  122868. protocolVersion: 10,
  122869. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  122870. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  122871. connectionId: 1302,
  122872. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  122873. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  122874. characterSet: 255,
  122875. statusFlags: 2 },
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  122877. _protocolError: null,
  122878. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  122879. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  122880. packetParser:
  122881. PacketParser {
  122882. buffer: [],
  122883. bufferLength: 0,
  122884. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  122885. headerLen: 0,
  122886. length: 7,
  122887. largePacketParts: [],
  122888. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  122889. onPacket: [Function],
  122890. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  122891. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  122892. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  122893. connectTimeout: null,
  122894. connectionId: 1302 },
  122895. state: 'IDLE' },
  122896. PooledResource {
  122897. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  122898. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  122899. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  122900. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  122901. obj:
  122902. Connection {
  122903. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  122904. _eventsCount: 1,
  122905. _maxListeners: undefined,
  122906. config:
  122907. ConnectionConfig {
  122908. isServer: undefined,
  122909. stream: undefined,
  122910. host: 'localhost',
  122911. port: 3306,
  122912. localAddress: undefined,
  122913. socketPath: undefined,
  122914. user: 'root',
  122915. password: 'abcd1234',
  122916. passwordSha1: undefined,
  122917. database: 'lbry',
  122918. connectTimeout: 10000,
  122919. insecureAuth: false,
  122920. supportBigNumbers: true,
  122921. bigNumberStrings: false,
  122922. decimalNumbers: false,
  122923. dateStrings: false,
  122924. debug: undefined,
  122925. trace: true,
  122926. stringifyObjects: false,
  122927. timezone: '+00:00',
  122928. queryFormat: undefined,
  122929. pool: undefined,
  122930. ssl: false,
  122931. multipleStatements: false,
  122932. rowsAsArray: false,
  122933. namedPlaceholders: false,
  122934. nestTables: undefined,
  122935. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  122936. maxPacketSize: 0,
  122937. charsetNumber: 224,
  122938. compress: false,
  122939. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  122940. clientFlags: 8582093,
  122941. connectAttributes: undefined,
  122942. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  122944. Socket {
  122945. connecting: false,
  122946. _hadError: false,
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  122948. TCP {
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  122950. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  122951. onconnection: null,
  122952. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  122953. _parent: null,
  122954. _host: 'localhost',
  122955. _readableState:
  122956. ReadableState {
  122957. objectMode: false,
  122958. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122959. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  122960. length: 0,
  122961. pipes: null,
  122962. pipesCount: 0,
  122963. flowing: true,
  122964. ended: false,
  122965. endEmitted: false,
  122966. reading: true,
  122967. sync: false,
  122968. needReadable: true,
  122969. emittedReadable: false,
  122970. readableListening: false,
  122971. resumeScheduled: false,
  122972. emitClose: false,
  122973. autoDestroy: false,
  122974. destroyed: false,
  122975. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  122976. awaitDrain: 0,
  122977. readingMore: false,
  122978. decoder: null,
  122979. encoding: null },
  122980. readable: true,
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  122982. [Object: null prototype] {
  122983. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  122984. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  122985. data: [Function],
  122986. close: [Function] },
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  122988. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  122992. highWaterMark: 16384,
  122993. finalCalled: false,
  122994. needDrain: false,
  122995. ending: false,
  122996. ended: false,
  122997. finished: false,
  122998. destroyed: false,
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  123000. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123001. length: 0,
  123002. writing: false,
  123003. corked: 0,
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  123008. writelen: 0,
  123009. bufferedRequest: null,
  123010. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  123011. pendingcb: 0,
  123012. prefinished: false,
  123013. errorEmitted: false,
  123014. emitClose: false,
  123015. autoDestroy: false,
  123016. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  123017. corkedRequestsFree:
  123018. { next: null,
  123019. entry: null,
  123020. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  123021. writable: true,
  123022. allowHalfOpen: false,
  123023. _sockname: null,
  123024. _pendingData: null,
  123025. _pendingEncoding: '',
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  123027. _server: null,
  123028. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  123029. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  123030. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  123031. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  123032. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  123033. _internalId: 1,
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  123035. Denque {
  123036. _head: 0,
  123037. _tail: 0,
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  123039. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  123042. _paused_packets:
  123043. Denque {
  123044. _head: 0,
  123045. _tail: 0,
  123046. _capacityMask: 3,
  123047. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123048. _statements:
  123049. LRUCache {
  123050. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  123051. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  123052. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  123053. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  123054. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  123055. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  123056. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  123057. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  123058. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  123059. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123060. authorized: true,
  123061. sequenceId: 23,
  123062. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  123063. threadId: 1303,
  123064. _handshakePacket:
  123065. Handshake {
  123066. protocolVersion: 10,
  123067. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  123068. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123069. connectionId: 1303,
  123070. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  123071. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  123072. characterSet: 255,
  123073. statusFlags: 2 },
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  123075. _protocolError: null,
  123076. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  123077. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  123078. packetParser:
  123079. PacketParser {
  123080. buffer: [],
  123081. bufferLength: 0,
  123082. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  123083. headerLen: 0,
  123084. length: 5,
  123085. largePacketParts: [],
  123086. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  123087. onPacket: [Function],
  123088. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  123089. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  123090. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  123091. connectTimeout: null,
  123092. connectionId: 1303 },
  123093. state: 'IDLE' } },
  123094. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  123095. _evictionIterator:
  123096. DequeIterator {
  123097. _list:
  123098. DoublyLinkedList {
  123099. head:
  123100. { prev: null,
  123101. next:
  123102. { prev: [Circular],
  123103. next: null,
  123104. data:
  123105. PooledResource {
  123106. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  123107. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  123108. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  123109. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  123110. obj:
  123111. Connection {
  123112. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  123113. _eventsCount: 1,
  123114. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123115. config:
  123116. ConnectionConfig {
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  123118. stream: undefined,
  123119. host: 'localhost',
  123120. port: 3306,
  123121. localAddress: undefined,
  123122. socketPath: undefined,
  123123. user: 'root',
  123124. password: 'abcd1234',
  123125. passwordSha1: undefined,
  123126. database: 'lbry',
  123127. connectTimeout: 10000,
  123128. insecureAuth: false,
  123129. supportBigNumbers: true,
  123130. bigNumberStrings: false,
  123131. decimalNumbers: false,
  123132. dateStrings: false,
  123133. debug: undefined,
  123134. trace: true,
  123135. stringifyObjects: false,
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  123137. queryFormat: undefined,
  123138. pool: undefined,
  123139. ssl: false,
  123140. multipleStatements: false,
  123141. rowsAsArray: false,
  123142. namedPlaceholders: false,
  123143. nestTables: undefined,
  123144. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  123145. maxPacketSize: 0,
  123146. charsetNumber: 224,
  123147. compress: false,
  123148. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  123149. clientFlags: 8582093,
  123150. connectAttributes: undefined,
  123151. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  123153. Socket {
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  123157. TCP {
  123158. reading: true,
  123159. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  123160. onconnection: null,
  123161. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  123163. _host: 'localhost',
  123164. _readableState:
  123165. ReadableState {
  123166. objectMode: false,
  123167. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123168. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  123169. length: 0,
  123170. pipes: null,
  123171. pipesCount: 0,
  123172. flowing: true,
  123173. ended: false,
  123174. endEmitted: false,
  123175. reading: true,
  123176. sync: false,
  123177. needReadable: true,
  123178. emittedReadable: false,
  123179. readableListening: false,
  123180. resumeScheduled: false,
  123181. emitClose: false,
  123182. autoDestroy: false,
  123183. destroyed: false,
  123184. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123185. awaitDrain: 0,
  123186. readingMore: false,
  123187. decoder: null,
  123188. encoding: null },
  123189. readable: true,
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  123191. [Object: null prototype] {
  123192. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  123193. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  123194. data: [Function],
  123195. close: [Function] },
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  123202. finalCalled: false,
  123203. needDrain: false,
  123204. ending: false,
  123205. ended: false,
  123206. finished: false,
  123207. destroyed: false,
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  123209. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123210. length: 0,
  123211. writing: false,
  123212. corked: 0,
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  123219. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  123220. pendingcb: 0,
  123221. prefinished: false,
  123222. errorEmitted: false,
  123223. emitClose: false,
  123224. autoDestroy: false,
  123225. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  123226. corkedRequestsFree:
  123227. { next: null,
  123228. entry: null,
  123229. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  123230. writable: true,
  123231. allowHalfOpen: false,
  123232. _sockname: null,
  123233. _pendingData: null,
  123234. _pendingEncoding: '',
  123235. server: null,
  123236. _server: null,
  123237. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  123238. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  123239. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  123240. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  123241. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
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  123244. Denque {
  123245. _head: 0,
  123246. _tail: 0,
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  123248. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123249. _command: undefined,
  123250. _paused: false,
  123251. _paused_packets:
  123252. Denque {
  123253. _head: 0,
  123254. _tail: 0,
  123255. _capacityMask: 3,
  123256. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  123258. LRUCache {
  123259. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
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  123261. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  123262. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  123263. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  123264. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  123265. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  123266. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  123267. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  123268. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123269. authorized: true,
  123270. sequenceId: 23,
  123271. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  123272. threadId: 1303,
  123273. _handshakePacket:
  123274. Handshake {
  123275. protocolVersion: 10,
  123276. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  123277. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123278. connectionId: 1303,
  123279. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  123280. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  123281. characterSet: 255,
  123282. statusFlags: 2 },
  123283. _fatalError: null,
  123284. _protocolError: null,
  123285. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  123286. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  123287. packetParser:
  123288. PacketParser {
  123289. buffer: [],
  123290. bufferLength: 0,
  123291. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  123292. headerLen: 0,
  123293. length: 5,
  123294. largePacketParts: [],
  123295. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  123296. onPacket: [Function],
  123297. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  123298. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  123299. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  123300. connectTimeout: null,
  123301. connectionId: 1303 },
  123302. state: 'IDLE' } },
  123303. data:
  123304. PooledResource {
  123305. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  123306. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  123307. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  123308. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  123309. obj:
  123310. Connection {
  123311. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  123312. _eventsCount: 1,
  123313. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123314. config:
  123315. ConnectionConfig {
  123316. isServer: undefined,
  123317. stream: undefined,
  123318. host: 'localhost',
  123319. port: 3306,
  123320. localAddress: undefined,
  123321. socketPath: undefined,
  123322. user: 'root',
  123323. password: 'abcd1234',
  123324. passwordSha1: undefined,
  123325. database: 'lbry',
  123326. connectTimeout: 10000,
  123327. insecureAuth: false,
  123328. supportBigNumbers: true,
  123329. bigNumberStrings: false,
  123330. decimalNumbers: false,
  123331. dateStrings: false,
  123332. debug: undefined,
  123333. trace: true,
  123334. stringifyObjects: false,
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  123336. queryFormat: undefined,
  123337. pool: undefined,
  123338. ssl: false,
  123339. multipleStatements: false,
  123340. rowsAsArray: false,
  123341. namedPlaceholders: false,
  123342. nestTables: undefined,
  123343. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  123344. maxPacketSize: 0,
  123345. charsetNumber: 224,
  123346. compress: false,
  123347. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  123348. clientFlags: 8582093,
  123349. connectAttributes: undefined,
  123350. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  123351. stream:
  123352. Socket {
  123353. connecting: false,
  123354. _hadError: false,
  123355. _handle:
  123356. TCP {
  123357. reading: true,
  123358. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  123359. onconnection: null,
  123360. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  123361. _parent: null,
  123362. _host: 'localhost',
  123363. _readableState:
  123364. ReadableState {
  123365. objectMode: false,
  123366. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123367. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  123368. length: 0,
  123369. pipes: null,
  123370. pipesCount: 0,
  123371. flowing: true,
  123372. ended: false,
  123373. endEmitted: false,
  123374. reading: true,
  123375. sync: false,
  123376. needReadable: true,
  123377. emittedReadable: false,
  123378. readableListening: false,
  123379. resumeScheduled: false,
  123380. emitClose: false,
  123381. autoDestroy: false,
  123382. destroyed: false,
  123383. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123384. awaitDrain: 0,
  123385. readingMore: false,
  123386. decoder: null,
  123387. encoding: null },
  123388. readable: true,
  123389. _events:
  123390. [Object: null prototype] {
  123391. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  123392. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  123393. data: [Function],
  123394. close: [Function] },
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  123396. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  123398. WritableState {
  123399. objectMode: false,
  123400. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123401. finalCalled: false,
  123402. needDrain: false,
  123403. ending: false,
  123404. ended: false,
  123405. finished: false,
  123406. destroyed: false,
  123407. decodeStrings: false,
  123408. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123409. length: 0,
  123410. writing: false,
  123411. corked: 0,
  123412. sync: false,
  123413. bufferProcessing: false,
  123414. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  123416. writelen: 0,
  123417. bufferedRequest: null,
  123418. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  123419. pendingcb: 0,
  123420. prefinished: false,
  123421. errorEmitted: false,
  123422. emitClose: false,
  123423. autoDestroy: false,
  123424. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  123425. corkedRequestsFree:
  123426. { next: null,
  123427. entry: null,
  123428. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  123429. writable: true,
  123430. allowHalfOpen: false,
  123431. _sockname: null,
  123432. _pendingData: null,
  123433. _pendingEncoding: '',
  123434. server: null,
  123435. _server: null,
  123436. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  123437. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  123438. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  123439. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  123440. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  123441. _internalId: 2,
  123442. _commands:
  123443. Denque {
  123444. _head: 0,
  123445. _tail: 0,
  123446. _capacityMask: 3,
  123447. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123448. _command: undefined,
  123449. _paused: false,
  123450. _paused_packets:
  123451. Denque {
  123452. _head: 0,
  123453. _tail: 0,
  123454. _capacityMask: 3,
  123455. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123456. _statements:
  123457. LRUCache {
  123458. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  123459. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  123460. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  123461. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  123462. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  123463. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  123464. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  123465. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  123466. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  123467. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123468. authorized: true,
  123469. sequenceId: 2,
  123470. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  123471. threadId: 1302,
  123472. _handshakePacket:
  123473. Handshake {
  123474. protocolVersion: 10,
  123475. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  123476. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123477. connectionId: 1302,
  123478. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  123479. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  123480. characterSet: 255,
  123481. statusFlags: 2 },
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  123483. _protocolError: null,
  123484. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  123485. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  123486. packetParser:
  123487. PacketParser {
  123488. buffer: [],
  123489. bufferLength: 0,
  123490. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  123491. headerLen: 0,
  123492. length: 7,
  123493. largePacketParts: [],
  123494. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  123495. onPacket: [Function],
  123496. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  123497. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  123498. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  123499. connectTimeout: null,
  123500. connectionId: 1302 },
  123501. state: 'IDLE' } },
  123502. tail:
  123503. { prev:
  123504. { prev: null,
  123505. next: [Circular],
  123506. data:
  123507. PooledResource {
  123508. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  123509. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  123510. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  123511. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  123512. obj:
  123513. Connection {
  123514. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  123515. _eventsCount: 1,
  123516. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123517. config:
  123518. ConnectionConfig {
  123519. isServer: undefined,
  123520. stream: undefined,
  123521. host: 'localhost',
  123522. port: 3306,
  123523. localAddress: undefined,
  123524. socketPath: undefined,
  123525. user: 'root',
  123526. password: 'abcd1234',
  123527. passwordSha1: undefined,
  123528. database: 'lbry',
  123529. connectTimeout: 10000,
  123530. insecureAuth: false,
  123531. supportBigNumbers: true,
  123532. bigNumberStrings: false,
  123533. decimalNumbers: false,
  123534. dateStrings: false,
  123535. debug: undefined,
  123536. trace: true,
  123537. stringifyObjects: false,
  123538. timezone: '+00:00',
  123539. queryFormat: undefined,
  123540. pool: undefined,
  123541. ssl: false,
  123542. multipleStatements: false,
  123543. rowsAsArray: false,
  123544. namedPlaceholders: false,
  123545. nestTables: undefined,
  123546. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  123547. maxPacketSize: 0,
  123548. charsetNumber: 224,
  123549. compress: false,
  123550. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  123551. clientFlags: 8582093,
  123552. connectAttributes: undefined,
  123553. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  123554. stream:
  123555. Socket {
  123556. connecting: false,
  123557. _hadError: false,
  123558. _handle:
  123559. TCP {
  123560. reading: true,
  123561. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  123562. onconnection: null,
  123563. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  123564. _parent: null,
  123565. _host: 'localhost',
  123566. _readableState:
  123567. ReadableState {
  123568. objectMode: false,
  123569. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123570. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  123571. length: 0,
  123572. pipes: null,
  123573. pipesCount: 0,
  123574. flowing: true,
  123575. ended: false,
  123576. endEmitted: false,
  123577. reading: true,
  123578. sync: false,
  123579. needReadable: true,
  123580. emittedReadable: false,
  123581. readableListening: false,
  123582. resumeScheduled: false,
  123583. emitClose: false,
  123584. autoDestroy: false,
  123585. destroyed: false,
  123586. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123587. awaitDrain: 0,
  123588. readingMore: false,
  123589. decoder: null,
  123590. encoding: null },
  123591. readable: true,
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  123593. [Object: null prototype] {
  123594. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  123595. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  123596. data: [Function],
  123597. close: [Function] },
  123598. _eventsCount: 4,
  123599. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123600. _writableState:
  123601. WritableState {
  123602. objectMode: false,
  123603. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123604. finalCalled: false,
  123605. needDrain: false,
  123606. ending: false,
  123607. ended: false,
  123608. finished: false,
  123609. destroyed: false,
  123610. decodeStrings: false,
  123611. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123612. length: 0,
  123613. writing: false,
  123614. corked: 0,
  123615. sync: false,
  123616. bufferProcessing: false,
  123617. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  123618. writecb: null,
  123619. writelen: 0,
  123620. bufferedRequest: null,
  123621. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  123622. pendingcb: 0,
  123623. prefinished: false,
  123624. errorEmitted: false,
  123625. emitClose: false,
  123626. autoDestroy: false,
  123627. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  123628. corkedRequestsFree:
  123629. { next: null,
  123630. entry: null,
  123631. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  123632. writable: true,
  123633. allowHalfOpen: false,
  123634. _sockname: null,
  123635. _pendingData: null,
  123636. _pendingEncoding: '',
  123637. server: null,
  123638. _server: null,
  123639. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  123640. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  123641. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  123642. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  123643. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  123644. _internalId: 2,
  123645. _commands:
  123646. Denque {
  123647. _head: 0,
  123648. _tail: 0,
  123649. _capacityMask: 3,
  123650. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123651. _command: undefined,
  123652. _paused: false,
  123653. _paused_packets:
  123654. Denque {
  123655. _head: 0,
  123656. _tail: 0,
  123657. _capacityMask: 3,
  123658. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123659. _statements:
  123660. LRUCache {
  123661. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  123662. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  123663. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  123664. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  123665. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  123666. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  123667. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  123668. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  123669. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  123670. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123671. authorized: true,
  123672. sequenceId: 2,
  123673. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  123674. threadId: 1302,
  123675. _handshakePacket:
  123676. Handshake {
  123677. protocolVersion: 10,
  123678. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  123679. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123680. connectionId: 1302,
  123681. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  123682. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  123683. characterSet: 255,
  123684. statusFlags: 2 },
  123685. _fatalError: null,
  123686. _protocolError: null,
  123687. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  123688. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  123689. packetParser:
  123690. PacketParser {
  123691. buffer: [],
  123692. bufferLength: 0,
  123693. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  123694. headerLen: 0,
  123695. length: 7,
  123696. largePacketParts: [],
  123697. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  123698. onPacket: [Function],
  123699. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  123700. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  123701. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  123702. connectTimeout: null,
  123703. connectionId: 1302 },
  123704. state: 'IDLE' } },
  123705. next: null,
  123706. data:
  123707. PooledResource {
  123708. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  123709. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  123710. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  123711. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  123712. obj:
  123713. Connection {
  123714. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  123715. _eventsCount: 1,
  123716. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123717. config:
  123718. ConnectionConfig {
  123719. isServer: undefined,
  123720. stream: undefined,
  123721. host: 'localhost',
  123722. port: 3306,
  123723. localAddress: undefined,
  123724. socketPath: undefined,
  123725. user: 'root',
  123726. password: 'abcd1234',
  123727. passwordSha1: undefined,
  123728. database: 'lbry',
  123729. connectTimeout: 10000,
  123730. insecureAuth: false,
  123731. supportBigNumbers: true,
  123732. bigNumberStrings: false,
  123733. decimalNumbers: false,
  123734. dateStrings: false,
  123735. debug: undefined,
  123736. trace: true,
  123737. stringifyObjects: false,
  123738. timezone: '+00:00',
  123739. queryFormat: undefined,
  123740. pool: undefined,
  123741. ssl: false,
  123742. multipleStatements: false,
  123743. rowsAsArray: false,
  123744. namedPlaceholders: false,
  123745. nestTables: undefined,
  123746. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  123747. maxPacketSize: 0,
  123748. charsetNumber: 224,
  123749. compress: false,
  123750. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  123751. clientFlags: 8582093,
  123752. connectAttributes: undefined,
  123753. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  123754. stream:
  123755. Socket {
  123756. connecting: false,
  123757. _hadError: false,
  123758. _handle:
  123759. TCP {
  123760. reading: true,
  123761. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  123762. onconnection: null,
  123763. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  123764. _parent: null,
  123765. _host: 'localhost',
  123766. _readableState:
  123767. ReadableState {
  123768. objectMode: false,
  123769. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123770. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  123771. length: 0,
  123772. pipes: null,
  123773. pipesCount: 0,
  123774. flowing: true,
  123775. ended: false,
  123776. endEmitted: false,
  123777. reading: true,
  123778. sync: false,
  123779. needReadable: true,
  123780. emittedReadable: false,
  123781. readableListening: false,
  123782. resumeScheduled: false,
  123783. emitClose: false,
  123784. autoDestroy: false,
  123785. destroyed: false,
  123786. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123787. awaitDrain: 0,
  123788. readingMore: false,
  123789. decoder: null,
  123790. encoding: null },
  123791. readable: true,
  123792. _events:
  123793. [Object: null prototype] {
  123794. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  123795. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  123796. data: [Function],
  123797. close: [Function] },
  123798. _eventsCount: 4,
  123799. _maxListeners: undefined,
  123800. _writableState:
  123801. WritableState {
  123802. objectMode: false,
  123803. highWaterMark: 16384,
  123804. finalCalled: false,
  123805. needDrain: false,
  123806. ending: false,
  123807. ended: false,
  123808. finished: false,
  123809. destroyed: false,
  123810. decodeStrings: false,
  123811. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  123812. length: 0,
  123813. writing: false,
  123814. corked: 0,
  123815. sync: false,
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  123817. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  123819. writelen: 0,
  123820. bufferedRequest: null,
  123821. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  123822. pendingcb: 0,
  123823. prefinished: false,
  123824. errorEmitted: false,
  123825. emitClose: false,
  123826. autoDestroy: false,
  123827. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  123828. corkedRequestsFree:
  123829. { next: null,
  123830. entry: null,
  123831. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  123832. writable: true,
  123833. allowHalfOpen: false,
  123834. _sockname: null,
  123835. _pendingData: null,
  123836. _pendingEncoding: '',
  123837. server: null,
  123838. _server: null,
  123839. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  123840. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  123841. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  123842. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  123843. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  123844. _internalId: 1,
  123845. _commands:
  123846. Denque {
  123847. _head: 0,
  123848. _tail: 0,
  123849. _capacityMask: 3,
  123850. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123851. _command: undefined,
  123852. _paused: false,
  123853. _paused_packets:
  123854. Denque {
  123855. _head: 0,
  123856. _tail: 0,
  123857. _capacityMask: 3,
  123858. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  123859. _statements:
  123860. LRUCache {
  123861. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  123862. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  123863. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  123864. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  123865. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  123866. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  123867. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  123868. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  123869. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  123870. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123871. authorized: true,
  123872. sequenceId: 23,
  123873. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  123874. threadId: 1303,
  123875. _handshakePacket:
  123876. Handshake {
  123877. protocolVersion: 10,
  123878. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  123879. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  123880. connectionId: 1303,
  123881. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  123882. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  123883. characterSet: 255,
  123884. statusFlags: 2 },
  123885. _fatalError: null,
  123886. _protocolError: null,
  123887. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  123888. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  123889. packetParser:
  123890. PacketParser {
  123891. buffer: [],
  123892. bufferLength: 0,
  123893. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  123894. headerLen: 0,
  123895. length: 5,
  123896. largePacketParts: [],
  123897. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  123898. onPacket: [Function],
  123899. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  123900. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  123901. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  123902. connectTimeout: null,
  123903. connectionId: 1303 },
  123904. state: 'IDLE' } },
  123905. length: 2 },
  123906. _direction: 'next',
  123907. _startPosition: 'head',
  123908. _started: false,
  123909. _cursor: null,
  123910. _done: false },
  123911. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  123912. _scheduledEviction:
  123913. Timeout {
  123914. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  123915. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  123916. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  123917. _idleStart: 432,
  123918. _onTimeout: [Function],
  123919. _timerArgs: undefined,
  123920. _repeat: null,
  123921. _destroyed: false,
  123922. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  123923. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  123924. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  123925. lib:
  123926. { createConnection: [Function],
  123927. connect: [Function],
  123928. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  123929. createPool: [Function],
  123930. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  123931. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  123932. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  123933. createServer: [Function],
  123934. PoolConnection:
  123935. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  123936. escape: [Function: escape],
  123937. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  123938. format: [Function: format],
  123939. raw: [Function: raw],
  123940. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  123941. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  123942. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  123943. Types: [Getter],
  123944. Charsets: [Getter],
  123945. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  123946. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  123947. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  123948. QueryGenerator: [Circular] },
  123949. sequelize: [Circular],
  123950. typeValidation: undefined } },
  123951. models:
  123952. { Balloons:
  123953. { [Function: Balloons]
  123954. sequelize: [Circular],
  123955. options: [Circular],
  123956. associations: {},
  123957. underscored: undefined,
  123958. tableName: 'Balloons',
  123959. _schema: null,
  123960. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  123961. rawAttributes:
  123962. { id:
  123963. { type:
  123964. INTEGER {
  123965. options: { length: undefined },
  123966. _length: undefined,
  123967. _zerofill: undefined,
  123968. _decimals: undefined,
  123969. _precision: undefined,
  123970. _scale: undefined,
  123971. _unsigned: undefined },
  123972. allowNull: false,
  123973. primaryKey: true,
  123974. autoIncrement: true,
  123975. _autoGenerated: true,
  123976. Model: [Circular],
  123977. fieldName: 'id',
  123978. _modelAttribute: true,
  123979. field: 'id' },
  123980. size:
  123981. { type:
  123982. STRING {
  123983. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  123984. _binary: undefined,
  123985. _length: 255 },
  123986. Model: [Circular],
  123987. fieldName: 'size',
  123988. _modelAttribute: true,
  123989. field: 'size' },
  123990. color:
  123991. { type:
  123992. STRING {
  123993. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  123994. _binary: undefined,
  123995. _length: 255 },
  123996. Model: [Circular],
  123997. fieldName: 'color',
  123998. _modelAttribute: true,
  123999. field: 'color' },
  124000. createdAt:
  124001. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124002. allowNull: false,
  124003. _autoGenerated: true,
  124004. Model: [Circular],
  124005. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  124006. _modelAttribute: true,
  124007. field: 'createdAt' },
  124008. updatedAt:
  124009. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124010. allowNull: false,
  124011. _autoGenerated: true,
  124012. Model: [Circular],
  124013. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  124014. _modelAttribute: true,
  124015. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124016. primaryKeys:
  124017. { id:
  124018. { type:
  124019. INTEGER {
  124020. options: { length: undefined },
  124021. _length: undefined,
  124022. _zerofill: undefined,
  124023. _decimals: undefined,
  124024. _precision: undefined,
  124025. _scale: undefined,
  124026. _unsigned: undefined },
  124027. allowNull: false,
  124028. primaryKey: true,
  124029. autoIncrement: true,
  124030. _autoGenerated: true,
  124031. Model: [Circular],
  124032. fieldName: 'id',
  124033. _modelAttribute: true,
  124034. field: 'id' } },
  124035. _timestampAttributes: { createdAt: 'createdAt', updatedAt: 'updatedAt' },
  124036. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  124037. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  124038. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  124039. { [Function: memoized]
  124040. cache:
  124041. MapCache {
  124042. size: 0,
  124043. __data__:
  124044. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124045. map: Map {},
  124046. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124047. _dataTypeChanges:
  124048. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  124049. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
  124050. _dataTypeSanitizers:
  124051. { createdAt: [Function: _sanitize],
  124052. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
  124053. _booleanAttributes: [],
  124054. _dateAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  124055. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  124056. _rangeAttributes: [],
  124057. _jsonAttributes: [],
  124058. _geometryAttributes: [],
  124059. _virtualAttributes: [],
  124060. _defaultValues: {},
  124061. fieldRawAttributesMap:
  124062. { id:
  124063. { type:
  124064. INTEGER {
  124065. options: { length: undefined },
  124066. _length: undefined,
  124067. _zerofill: undefined,
  124068. _decimals: undefined,
  124069. _precision: undefined,
  124070. _scale: undefined,
  124071. _unsigned: undefined },
  124072. allowNull: false,
  124073. primaryKey: true,
  124074. autoIncrement: true,
  124075. _autoGenerated: true,
  124076. Model: [Circular],
  124077. fieldName: 'id',
  124078. _modelAttribute: true,
  124079. field: 'id' },
  124080. size:
  124081. { type:
  124082. STRING {
  124083. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124084. _binary: undefined,
  124085. _length: 255 },
  124086. Model: [Circular],
  124087. fieldName: 'size',
  124088. _modelAttribute: true,
  124089. field: 'size' },
  124090. color:
  124091. { type:
  124092. STRING {
  124093. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124094. _binary: undefined,
  124095. _length: 255 },
  124096. Model: [Circular],
  124097. fieldName: 'color',
  124098. _modelAttribute: true,
  124099. field: 'color' },
  124100. createdAt:
  124101. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124102. allowNull: false,
  124103. _autoGenerated: true,
  124104. Model: [Circular],
  124105. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  124106. _modelAttribute: true,
  124107. field: 'createdAt' },
  124108. updatedAt:
  124109. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124110. allowNull: false,
  124111. _autoGenerated: true,
  124112. Model: [Circular],
  124113. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  124114. _modelAttribute: true,
  124115. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124116. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  124117. uniqueKeys: {},
  124118. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  124119. _isBooleanAttribute:
  124120. { [Function: memoized]
  124121. cache:
  124122. MapCache {
  124123. size: 0,
  124124. __data__:
  124125. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124126. map: Map {},
  124127. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124128. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  124129. _isDateAttribute:
  124130. { [Function: memoized]
  124131. cache:
  124132. MapCache {
  124133. size: 0,
  124134. __data__:
  124135. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124136. map: Map {},
  124137. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124138. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
  124139. _isHstoreAttribute:
  124140. { [Function: memoized]
  124141. cache:
  124142. MapCache {
  124143. size: 0,
  124144. __data__:
  124145. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124146. map: Map {},
  124147. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124148. _hasRangeAttributes: false,
  124149. _isRangeAttribute:
  124150. { [Function: memoized]
  124151. cache:
  124152. MapCache {
  124153. size: 0,
  124154. __data__:
  124155. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124156. map: Map {},
  124157. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124158. _hasJsonAttributes: false,
  124159. _isJsonAttribute:
  124160. { [Function: memoized]
  124161. cache:
  124162. MapCache {
  124163. size: 0,
  124164. __data__:
  124165. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124166. map: Map {},
  124167. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124168. _hasVirtualAttributes: false,
  124169. _isVirtualAttribute:
  124170. { [Function: memoized]
  124171. cache:
  124172. MapCache {
  124173. size: 5,
  124174. __data__:
  124175. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124176. map: Map {},
  124177. string:
  124178. Hash {
  124179. __data__:
  124180. [Object: null prototype] {
  124181. id: false,
  124182. size: false,
  124183. color: false,
  124184. createdAt: false,
  124185. updatedAt: false },
  124186. size: 5 } } } },
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  124191. MapCache {
  124192. size: 0,
  124193. __data__:
  124194. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124195. map: Map {},
  124196. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  124198. attributes:
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  124200. { type:
  124201. INTEGER {
  124202. options: { length: undefined },
  124203. _length: undefined,
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  124205. _decimals: undefined,
  124206. _precision: undefined,
  124207. _scale: undefined,
  124208. _unsigned: undefined },
  124209. allowNull: false,
  124210. primaryKey: true,
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  124212. _autoGenerated: true,
  124213. Model: [Circular],
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  124215. _modelAttribute: true,
  124216. field: 'id' },
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  124218. { type:
  124219. STRING {
  124220. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124221. _binary: undefined,
  124222. _length: 255 },
  124223. Model: [Circular],
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  124225. _modelAttribute: true,
  124226. field: 'size' },
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  124229. STRING {
  124230. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124231. _binary: undefined,
  124232. _length: 255 },
  124233. Model: [Circular],
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  124236. field: 'color' },
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  124240. _autoGenerated: true,
  124241. Model: [Circular],
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  124243. _modelAttribute: true,
  124244. field: 'createdAt' },
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  124248. _autoGenerated: true,
  124249. Model: [Circular],
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  124251. _modelAttribute: true,
  124252. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  124254. { id:
  124255. { type:
  124256. INTEGER {
  124257. options: { length: undefined },
  124258. _length: undefined,
  124259. _zerofill: undefined,
  124260. _decimals: undefined,
  124261. _precision: undefined,
  124262. _scale: undefined,
  124263. _unsigned: undefined },
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  124271. field: 'id' },
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  124274. STRING {
  124275. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124276. _binary: undefined,
  124277. _length: 255 },
  124278. Model: [Circular],
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  124280. _modelAttribute: true,
  124281. field: 'size' },
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  124283. { type:
  124284. STRING {
  124285. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124286. _binary: undefined,
  124287. _length: 255 },
  124288. Model: [Circular],
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  124290. _modelAttribute: true,
  124291. field: 'color' },
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  124293. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  124295. _autoGenerated: true,
  124296. Model: [Circular],
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  124298. _modelAttribute: true,
  124299. field: 'createdAt' },
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  124301. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  124303. _autoGenerated: true,
  124304. Model: [Circular],
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  124306. _modelAttribute: true,
  124307. field: 'updatedAt' } },
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  124309. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
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  124315. MapCache {
  124316. size: 0,
  124317. __data__:
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  124319. map: Map {},
  124320. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124321. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  124322. _scope: {},
  124323. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } },
  124324. modelManager:
  124325. ModelManager {
  124326. models:
  124327. [ { [Function: Balloons]
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  124329. options: [Circular],
  124330. associations: {},
  124331. underscored: undefined,
  124332. tableName: 'Balloons',
  124333. _schema: null,
  124334. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  124335. rawAttributes:
  124336. { id:
  124337. { type:
  124338. INTEGER {
  124339. options: { length: undefined },
  124340. _length: undefined,
  124341. _zerofill: undefined,
  124342. _decimals: undefined,
  124343. _precision: undefined,
  124344. _scale: undefined,
  124345. _unsigned: undefined },
  124346. allowNull: false,
  124347. primaryKey: true,
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  124350. Model: [Circular],
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  124352. _modelAttribute: true,
  124353. field: 'id' },
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  124355. { type:
  124356. STRING {
  124357. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124358. _binary: undefined,
  124359. _length: 255 },
  124360. Model: [Circular],
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  124362. _modelAttribute: true,
  124363. field: 'size' },
  124364. color:
  124365. { type:
  124366. STRING {
  124367. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124368. _binary: undefined,
  124369. _length: 255 },
  124370. Model: [Circular],
  124371. fieldName: 'color',
  124372. _modelAttribute: true,
  124373. field: 'color' },
  124374. createdAt:
  124375. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124376. allowNull: false,
  124377. _autoGenerated: true,
  124378. Model: [Circular],
  124379. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  124380. _modelAttribute: true,
  124381. field: 'createdAt' },
  124382. updatedAt:
  124383. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124384. allowNull: false,
  124385. _autoGenerated: true,
  124386. Model: [Circular],
  124387. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  124388. _modelAttribute: true,
  124389. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124390. primaryKeys:
  124391. { id:
  124392. { type:
  124393. INTEGER {
  124394. options: { length: undefined },
  124395. _length: undefined,
  124396. _zerofill: undefined,
  124397. _decimals: undefined,
  124398. _precision: undefined,
  124399. _scale: undefined,
  124400. _unsigned: undefined },
  124401. allowNull: false,
  124402. primaryKey: true,
  124403. autoIncrement: true,
  124404. _autoGenerated: true,
  124405. Model: [Circular],
  124406. fieldName: 'id',
  124407. _modelAttribute: true,
  124408. field: 'id' } },
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  124410. _readOnlyAttributes: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ],
  124411. _hasReadOnlyAttributes: 2,
  124412. _isReadOnlyAttribute:
  124413. { [Function: memoized]
  124414. cache:
  124415. MapCache {
  124416. size: 0,
  124417. __data__:
  124418. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124419. map: Map {},
  124420. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  124422. { createdAt: [Function: _isChanged],
  124423. updatedAt: [Function: _isChanged] },
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  124426. updatedAt: [Function: _sanitize] },
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  124429. _hstoreAttributes: [],
  124430. _rangeAttributes: [],
  124431. _jsonAttributes: [],
  124432. _geometryAttributes: [],
  124433. _virtualAttributes: [],
  124434. _defaultValues: {},
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  124437. { type:
  124438. INTEGER {
  124439. options: { length: undefined },
  124440. _length: undefined,
  124441. _zerofill: undefined,
  124442. _decimals: undefined,
  124443. _precision: undefined,
  124444. _scale: undefined,
  124445. _unsigned: undefined },
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  124449. _autoGenerated: true,
  124450. Model: [Circular],
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  124452. _modelAttribute: true,
  124453. field: 'id' },
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  124455. { type:
  124456. STRING {
  124457. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124458. _binary: undefined,
  124459. _length: 255 },
  124460. Model: [Circular],
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  124462. _modelAttribute: true,
  124463. field: 'size' },
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  124465. { type:
  124466. STRING {
  124467. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124468. _binary: undefined,
  124469. _length: 255 },
  124470. Model: [Circular],
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  124472. _modelAttribute: true,
  124473. field: 'color' },
  124474. createdAt:
  124475. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124476. allowNull: false,
  124477. _autoGenerated: true,
  124478. Model: [Circular],
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  124480. _modelAttribute: true,
  124481. field: 'createdAt' },
  124482. updatedAt:
  124483. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
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  124485. _autoGenerated: true,
  124486. Model: [Circular],
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  124488. _modelAttribute: true,
  124489. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124490. fieldAttributeMap: {},
  124491. uniqueKeys: {},
  124492. _hasBooleanAttributes: false,
  124493. _isBooleanAttribute:
  124494. { [Function: memoized]
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  124497. size: 0,
  124498. __data__:
  124499. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124500. map: Map {},
  124501. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124502. _hasDateAttributes: true,
  124503. _isDateAttribute:
  124504. { [Function: memoized]
  124505. cache:
  124506. MapCache {
  124507. size: 0,
  124508. __data__:
  124509. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124510. map: Map {},
  124511. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124512. _hasHstoreAttributes: false,
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  124514. { [Function: memoized]
  124515. cache:
  124516. MapCache {
  124517. size: 0,
  124518. __data__:
  124519. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124520. map: Map {},
  124521. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  124524. { [Function: memoized]
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  124530. map: Map {},
  124531. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  124534. { [Function: memoized]
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  124538. __data__:
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  124540. map: Map {},
  124541. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
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  124543. _isVirtualAttribute:
  124544. { [Function: memoized]
  124545. cache:
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  124547. size: 5,
  124548. __data__:
  124549. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124550. map: Map {},
  124551. string:
  124552. Hash {
  124553. __data__:
  124554. [Object: null prototype] {
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  124556. size: false,
  124557. color: false,
  124558. createdAt: false,
  124559. updatedAt: false },
  124560. size: 5 } } } },
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  124562. _isGeometryAttribute:
  124563. { [Function: memoized]
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  124565. MapCache {
  124566. size: 0,
  124567. __data__:
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  124569. map: Map {},
  124570. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124571. _hasDefaultValues: false,
  124572. attributes:
  124573. { id:
  124574. { type:
  124575. INTEGER {
  124576. options: { length: undefined },
  124577. _length: undefined,
  124578. _zerofill: undefined,
  124579. _decimals: undefined,
  124580. _precision: undefined,
  124581. _scale: undefined,
  124582. _unsigned: undefined },
  124583. allowNull: false,
  124584. primaryKey: true,
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  124586. _autoGenerated: true,
  124587. Model: [Circular],
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  124589. _modelAttribute: true,
  124590. field: 'id' },
  124591. size:
  124592. { type:
  124593. STRING {
  124594. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124595. _binary: undefined,
  124596. _length: 255 },
  124597. Model: [Circular],
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  124599. _modelAttribute: true,
  124600. field: 'size' },
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  124602. { type:
  124603. STRING {
  124604. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124605. _binary: undefined,
  124606. _length: 255 },
  124607. Model: [Circular],
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  124609. _modelAttribute: true,
  124610. field: 'color' },
  124611. createdAt:
  124612. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124613. allowNull: false,
  124614. _autoGenerated: true,
  124615. Model: [Circular],
  124616. fieldName: 'createdAt',
  124617. _modelAttribute: true,
  124618. field: 'createdAt' },
  124619. updatedAt:
  124620. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124621. allowNull: false,
  124622. _autoGenerated: true,
  124623. Model: [Circular],
  124624. fieldName: 'updatedAt',
  124625. _modelAttribute: true,
  124626. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124627. tableAttributes:
  124628. { id:
  124629. { type:
  124630. INTEGER {
  124631. options: { length: undefined },
  124632. _length: undefined,
  124633. _zerofill: undefined,
  124634. _decimals: undefined,
  124635. _precision: undefined,
  124636. _scale: undefined,
  124637. _unsigned: undefined },
  124638. allowNull: false,
  124639. primaryKey: true,
  124640. autoIncrement: true,
  124641. _autoGenerated: true,
  124642. Model: [Circular],
  124643. fieldName: 'id',
  124644. _modelAttribute: true,
  124645. field: 'id' },
  124646. size:
  124647. { type:
  124648. STRING {
  124649. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124650. _binary: undefined,
  124651. _length: 255 },
  124652. Model: [Circular],
  124653. fieldName: 'size',
  124654. _modelAttribute: true,
  124655. field: 'size' },
  124656. color:
  124657. { type:
  124658. STRING {
  124659. options: { length: undefined, binary: undefined },
  124660. _binary: undefined,
  124661. _length: 255 },
  124662. Model: [Circular],
  124663. fieldName: 'color',
  124664. _modelAttribute: true,
  124665. field: 'color' },
  124666. createdAt:
  124667. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124668. allowNull: false,
  124669. _autoGenerated: true,
  124670. Model: [Circular],
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  124672. _modelAttribute: true,
  124673. field: 'createdAt' },
  124674. updatedAt:
  124675. { type: DATE { options: { length: undefined }, _length: '' },
  124676. allowNull: false,
  124677. _autoGenerated: true,
  124678. Model: [Circular],
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  124680. _modelAttribute: true,
  124681. field: 'updatedAt' } },
  124682. primaryKeyAttributes: [ 'id' ],
  124683. primaryKeyAttribute: 'id',
  124684. primaryKeyField: 'id',
  124685. _hasPrimaryKeys: true,
  124686. _isPrimaryKey:
  124687. { [Function: memoized]
  124688. cache:
  124689. MapCache {
  124690. size: 0,
  124691. __data__:
  124692. { hash: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 },
  124693. map: Map {},
  124694. string: Hash { __data__: [Object: null prototype] {}, size: 0 } } } },
  124695. autoIncrementAttribute: 'id',
  124696. _scope: {},
  124697. _scopeNames: [ 'defaultScope' ] } ],
  124698. sequelize: [Circular] },
  124699. connectionManager:
  124700. ConnectionManager {
  124701. sequelize: [Circular],
  124702. config:
  124703. { database: 'lbry',
  124704. username: 'root',
  124705. password: 'abcd1234',
  124706. host: 'localhost',
  124707. port: undefined,
  124708. pool:
  124709. { max: 5,
  124710. min: 0,
  124711. acquire: 30000,
  124712. idle: 10000,
  124713. evict: 10000,
  124714. handleDisconnects: true,
  124715. validate: [Function: bound _validate],
  124716. Promise:
  124717. { [Function: Promise]
  124718. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  124719. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  124720. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  124721. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  124722. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  124723. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  124724. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  124725. _peekContext: [Function],
  124726. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  124727. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  124728. longStackTraces: [Function],
  124729. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  124730. config: [Function],
  124731. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  124732. is: [Function],
  124733. fromCallback: [Function],
  124734. fromNode: [Function],
  124735. all: [Function],
  124736. cast: [Function],
  124737. fulfilled: [Function],
  124738. resolve: [Function],
  124739. rejected: [Function],
  124740. reject: [Function],
  124741. setScheduler: [Function],
  124742. pending: [Function],
  124743. defer: [Function],
  124744. method: [Function],
  124745. try: [Function],
  124746. attempt: [Function],
  124747. bind: [Function],
  124748. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  124749. join: [Function],
  124750. Promise: [Circular],
  124751. version: '3.5.3',
  124752. map: [Function],
  124753. using: [Function],
  124754. delay: [Function],
  124755. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  124756. spawn: [Function],
  124757. promisify: [Function],
  124758. promisifyAll: [Function],
  124759. props: [Function],
  124760. race: [Function],
  124761. reduce: [Function],
  124762. settle: [Function],
  124763. some: [Function],
  124764. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  124765. filter: [Function],
  124766. each: [Function],
  124767. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  124768. any: [Function],
  124769. default: [Circular] } },
  124770. protocol: 'tcp',
  124771. native: false,
  124772. ssl: undefined,
  124773. replication: false,
  124774. dialectModulePath: null,
  124775. keepDefaultTimezone: undefined,
  124776. dialectOptions: undefined },
  124777. dialect:
  124778. MysqlDialect {
  124779. sequelize: [Circular],
  124780. connectionManager: [Circular],
  124781. QueryGenerator:
  124782. { dialect: 'mysql',
  124783. OperatorMap:
  124784. { [Symbol(eq)]: '=',
  124785. [Symbol(ne)]: '!=',
  124786. [Symbol(gte)]: '>=',
  124787. [Symbol(gt)]: '>',
  124788. [Symbol(lte)]: '<=',
  124789. [Symbol(lt)]: '<',
  124790. [Symbol(not)]: 'IS NOT',
  124791. [Symbol(is)]: 'IS',
  124792. [Symbol(in)]: 'IN',
  124793. [Symbol(notIn)]: 'NOT IN',
  124794. [Symbol(like)]: 'LIKE',
  124795. [Symbol(notLike)]: 'NOT LIKE',
  124796. [Symbol(iLike)]: 'ILIKE',
  124797. [Symbol(notILike)]: 'NOT ILIKE',
  124798. [Symbol(regexp)]: 'REGEXP',
  124799. [Symbol(notRegexp)]: 'NOT REGEXP',
  124800. [Symbol(iRegexp)]: '~*',
  124801. [Symbol(notIRegexp)]: '!~*',
  124802. [Symbol(between)]: 'BETWEEN',
  124803. [Symbol(notBetween)]: 'NOT BETWEEN',
  124804. [Symbol(overlap)]: '&&',
  124805. [Symbol(contains)]: '@>',
  124806. [Symbol(contained)]: '<@',
  124807. [Symbol(adjacent)]: '-|-',
  124808. [Symbol(strictLeft)]: '<<',
  124809. [Symbol(strictRight)]: '>>',
  124810. [Symbol(noExtendRight)]: '&<',
  124811. [Symbol(noExtendLeft)]: '&>',
  124812. [Symbol(any)]: 'ANY',
  124813. [Symbol(all)]: 'ALL',
  124814. [Symbol(and)]: ' AND ',
  124815. [Symbol(or)]: ' OR ',
  124816. [Symbol(col)]: 'COL',
  124817. [Symbol(placeholder)]: '$$PLACEHOLDER$$',
  124818. [Symbol(raw)]: 'DEPRECATED' },
  124819. createSchema: [Function: createSchema],
  124820. showSchemasQuery: [Function: showSchemasQuery],
  124821. versionQuery: [Function: versionQuery],
  124822. createTableQuery: [Function: createTableQuery],
  124823. showTablesQuery: [Function: showTablesQuery],
  124824. addColumnQuery: [Function: addColumnQuery],
  124825. removeColumnQuery: [Function: removeColumnQuery],
  124826. changeColumnQuery: [Function: changeColumnQuery],
  124827. renameColumnQuery: [Function: renameColumnQuery],
  124828. handleSequelizeMethod: [Function: handleSequelizeMethod],
  124829. _toJSONValue: [Function: _toJSONValue],
  124830. upsertQuery: [Function: upsertQuery],
  124831. deleteQuery: [Function: deleteQuery],
  124832. showIndexesQuery: [Function: showIndexesQuery],
  124833. showConstraintsQuery: [Function: showConstraintsQuery],
  124834. removeIndexQuery: [Function: removeIndexQuery],
  124835. attributeToSQL: [Function: attributeToSQL],
  124836. attributesToSQL: [Function: attributesToSQL],
  124837. quoteIdentifier: [Function: quoteIdentifier],
  124838. _checkValidJsonStatement: [Function: _checkValidJsonStatement],
  124839. jsonPathExtractionQuery: [Function: jsonPathExtractionQuery],
  124840. _getForeignKeysQueryFields: [Function: _getForeignKeysQueryFields],
  124841. getForeignKeysQuery: [Function: getForeignKeysQuery],
  124842. getForeignKeyQuery: [Function: getForeignKeyQuery],
  124843. dropForeignKeyQuery: [Function: dropForeignKeyQuery],
  124844. _templateSettings:
  124845. { escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  124846. evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  124847. interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
  124848. variable: '',
  124849. imports:
  124850. { _:
  124851. { [Function: lodash]
  124852. templateSettings: [Circular],
  124853. after: [Function: after],
  124854. ary: [Function: ary],
  124855. assign: [Function],
  124856. assignIn: [Function],
  124857. assignInWith: [Function],
  124858. assignWith: [Function],
  124859. at: [Function],
  124860. before: [Function: before],
  124861. bind: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124862. bindAll: [Function],
  124863. bindKey: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124864. castArray: [Function: castArray],
  124865. chain: [Function: chain],
  124866. chunk: [Function: chunk],
  124867. compact: [Function: compact],
  124868. concat: [Function: concat],
  124869. cond: [Function: cond],
  124870. conforms: [Function: conforms],
  124871. constant: [Function: constant],
  124872. countBy: [Function],
  124873. create: [Function: create],
  124874. curry: { [Function: curry] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124875. curryRight: { [Function: curryRight] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124876. debounce: [Function: debounce],
  124877. defaults: [Function],
  124878. defaultsDeep: [Function],
  124879. defer: [Function],
  124880. delay: [Function],
  124881. difference: [Function],
  124882. differenceBy: [Function],
  124883. differenceWith: [Function],
  124884. drop: [Function: drop],
  124885. dropRight: [Function: dropRight],
  124886. dropRightWhile: [Function: dropRightWhile],
  124887. dropWhile: [Function: dropWhile],
  124888. fill: [Function: fill],
  124889. filter: [Function: filter],
  124890. flatMap: [Function: flatMap],
  124891. flatMapDeep: [Function: flatMapDeep],
  124892. flatMapDepth: [Function: flatMapDepth],
  124893. flatten: [Function: flatten],
  124894. flattenDeep: [Function: flattenDeep],
  124895. flattenDepth: [Function: flattenDepth],
  124896. flip: [Function: flip],
  124897. flow: [Function],
  124898. flowRight: [Function],
  124899. fromPairs: [Function: fromPairs],
  124900. functions: [Function: functions],
  124901. functionsIn: [Function: functionsIn],
  124902. groupBy: [Function],
  124903. initial: [Function: initial],
  124904. intersection: [Function],
  124905. intersectionBy: [Function],
  124906. intersectionWith: [Function],
  124907. invert: [Function],
  124908. invertBy: [Function],
  124909. invokeMap: [Function],
  124910. iteratee: [Function: iteratee],
  124911. keyBy: [Function],
  124912. keys: [Function: keys],
  124913. keysIn: [Function: keysIn],
  124914. map: [Function: map],
  124915. mapKeys: [Function: mapKeys],
  124916. mapValues: [Function: mapValues],
  124917. matches: [Function: matches],
  124918. matchesProperty: [Function: matchesProperty],
  124919. memoize: { [Function: memoize] Cache: [Function: MapCache] },
  124920. merge: [Function],
  124921. mergeWith: [Function],
  124922. method: [Function],
  124923. methodOf: [Function],
  124924. mixin: [Function: mixin],
  124925. negate: [Function: negate],
  124926. nthArg: [Function: nthArg],
  124927. omit: [Function],
  124928. omitBy: [Function: omitBy],
  124929. once: [Function: once],
  124930. orderBy: [Function: orderBy],
  124931. over: [Function],
  124932. overArgs: [Function],
  124933. overEvery: [Function],
  124934. overSome: [Function],
  124935. partial: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124936. partialRight: { [Function] placeholder: [Circular] },
  124937. partition: [Function],
  124938. pick: [Function],
  124939. pickBy: [Function: pickBy],
  124940. property: [Function: property],
  124941. propertyOf: [Function: propertyOf],
  124942. pull: [Function],
  124943. pullAll: [Function: pullAll],
  124944. pullAllBy: [Function: pullAllBy],
  124945. pullAllWith: [Function: pullAllWith],
  124946. pullAt: [Function],
  124947. range: [Function],
  124948. rangeRight: [Function],
  124949. rearg: [Function],
  124950. reject: [Function: reject],
  124951. remove: [Function: remove],
  124952. rest: [Function: rest],
  124953. reverse: [Function: reverse],
  124954. sampleSize: [Function: sampleSize],
  124955. set: [Function: set],
  124956. setWith: [Function: setWith],
  124957. shuffle: [Function: shuffle],
  124958. slice: [Function: slice],
  124959. sortBy: [Function],
  124960. sortedUniq: [Function: sortedUniq],
  124961. sortedUniqBy: [Function: sortedUniqBy],
  124962. split: [Function: split],
  124963. spread: [Function: spread],
  124964. tail: [Function: tail],
  124965. take: [Function: take],
  124966. takeRight: [Function: takeRight],
  124967. takeRightWhile: [Function: takeRightWhile],
  124968. takeWhile: [Function: takeWhile],
  124969. tap: [Function: tap],
  124970. throttle: [Function: throttle],
  124971. thru: [Function: thru],
  124972. toArray: [Function: toArray],
  124973. toPairs: [Function],
  124974. toPairsIn: [Function],
  124975. toPath: [Function: toPath],
  124976. toPlainObject: [Function: toPlainObject],
  124977. transform: [Function: transform],
  124978. unary: [Function: unary],
  124979. union: [Function],
  124980. unionBy: [Function],
  124981. unionWith: [Function],
  124982. uniq: [Function: uniq],
  124983. uniqBy: [Function: uniqBy],
  124984. uniqWith: [Function: uniqWith],
  124985. unset: [Function: unset],
  124986. unzip: [Function: unzip],
  124987. unzipWith: [Function: unzipWith],
  124988. update: [Function: update],
  124989. updateWith: [Function: updateWith],
  124990. values: [Function: values],
  124991. valuesIn: [Function: valuesIn],
  124992. without: [Function],
  124993. words: [Function: words],
  124994. wrap: [Function: wrap],
  124995. xor: [Function],
  124996. xorBy: [Function],
  124997. xorWith: [Function],
  124998. zip: [Function],
  124999. zipObject: [Function: zipObject],
  125000. zipObjectDeep: [Function: zipObjectDeep],
  125001. zipWith: [Function],
  125002. entries: [Function],
  125003. entriesIn: [Function],
  125004. extend: [Function],
  125005. extendWith: [Function],
  125006. add: [Function],
  125007. attempt: [Function],
  125008. camelCase: [Function],
  125009. capitalize: [Function: capitalize],
  125010. ceil: [Function],
  125011. clamp: [Function: clamp],
  125012. clone: [Function: clone],
  125013. cloneDeep: [Function: cloneDeep],
  125014. cloneDeepWith: [Function: cloneDeepWith],
  125015. cloneWith: [Function: cloneWith],
  125016. conformsTo: [Function: conformsTo],
  125017. deburr: [Function: deburr],
  125018. defaultTo: [Function: defaultTo],
  125019. divide: [Function],
  125020. endsWith: [Function: endsWith],
  125021. eq: [Function: eq],
  125022. escape: [Function: escape],
  125023. escapeRegExp: [Function: escapeRegExp],
  125024. every: [Function: every],
  125025. find: [Function],
  125026. findIndex: [Function: findIndex],
  125027. findKey: [Function: findKey],
  125028. findLast: [Function],
  125029. findLastIndex: [Function: findLastIndex],
  125030. findLastKey: [Function: findLastKey],
  125031. floor: [Function],
  125032. forEach: [Function: forEach],
  125033. forEachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  125034. forIn: [Function: forIn],
  125035. forInRight: [Function: forInRight],
  125036. forOwn: [Function: forOwn],
  125037. forOwnRight: [Function: forOwnRight],
  125038. get: [Function: get],
  125039. gt: [Function],
  125040. gte: [Function],
  125041. has: [Function: has],
  125042. hasIn: [Function: hasIn],
  125043. head: [Function: head],
  125044. identity: [Function: identity],
  125045. includes: [Function: includes],
  125046. indexOf: [Function: indexOf],
  125047. inRange: [Function: inRange],
  125048. invoke: [Function],
  125049. isArguments: [Function: baseIsArguments],
  125050. isArray: [Function: isArray],
  125051. isArrayBuffer: [Function],
  125052. isArrayLike: [Function: isArrayLike],
  125053. isArrayLikeObject: [Function: isArrayLikeObject],
  125054. isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean],
  125055. isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer],
  125056. isDate: [Function],
  125057. isElement: [Function: isElement],
  125058. isEmpty: [Function: isEmpty],
  125059. isEqual: [Function: isEqual],
  125060. isEqualWith: [Function: isEqualWith],
  125061. isError: [Function: isError],
  125062. isFinite: [Function: isFinite],
  125063. isFunction: [Function: isFunction],
  125064. isInteger: [Function: isInteger],
  125065. isLength: [Function: isLength],
  125066. isMap: [Function],
  125067. isMatch: [Function: isMatch],
  125068. isMatchWith: [Function: isMatchWith],
  125069. isNaN: [Function: isNaN],
  125070. isNative: [Function: isNative],
  125071. isNil: [Function: isNil],
  125072. isNull: [Function: isNull],
  125073. isNumber: [Function: isNumber],
  125074. isObject: [Function: isObject],
  125075. isObjectLike: [Function: isObjectLike],
  125076. isPlainObject: [Function: isPlainObject],
  125077. isRegExp: [Function],
  125078. isSafeInteger: [Function: isSafeInteger],
  125079. isSet: [Function],
  125080. isString: [Function: isString],
  125081. isSymbol: [Function: isSymbol],
  125082. isTypedArray: [Function],
  125083. isUndefined: [Function: isUndefined],
  125084. isWeakMap: [Function: isWeakMap],
  125085. isWeakSet: [Function: isWeakSet],
  125086. join: [Function: join],
  125087. kebabCase: [Function],
  125088. last: [Function: last],
  125089. lastIndexOf: [Function: lastIndexOf],
  125090. lowerCase: [Function],
  125091. lowerFirst: [Function],
  125092. lt: [Function],
  125093. lte: [Function],
  125094. max: [Function: max],
  125095. maxBy: [Function: maxBy],
  125096. mean: [Function: mean],
  125097. meanBy: [Function: meanBy],
  125098. min: [Function: min],
  125099. minBy: [Function: minBy],
  125100. stubArray: [Function: stubArray],
  125101. stubFalse: [Function: stubFalse],
  125102. stubObject: [Function: stubObject],
  125103. stubString: [Function: stubString],
  125104. stubTrue: [Function: stubTrue],
  125105. multiply: [Function],
  125106. nth: [Function: nth],
  125107. noConflict: [Function: noConflict],
  125108. noop: [Function: noop],
  125109. now: [Function],
  125110. pad: [Function: pad],
  125111. padEnd: [Function: padEnd],
  125112. padStart: [Function: padStart],
  125113. parseInt: [Function: parseInt],
  125114. random: [Function: random],
  125115. reduce: [Function: reduce],
  125116. reduceRight: [Function: reduceRight],
  125117. repeat: [Function: repeat],
  125118. replace: [Function: replace],
  125119. result: [Function: result],
  125120. round: [Function],
  125121. runInContext: [Function: runInContext],
  125122. sample: [Function: sample],
  125123. size: [Function: size],
  125124. snakeCase: [Function],
  125125. some: [Function: some],
  125126. sortedIndex: [Function: sortedIndex],
  125127. sortedIndexBy: [Function: sortedIndexBy],
  125128. sortedIndexOf: [Function: sortedIndexOf],
  125129. sortedLastIndex: [Function: sortedLastIndex],
  125130. sortedLastIndexBy: [Function: sortedLastIndexBy],
  125131. sortedLastIndexOf: [Function: sortedLastIndexOf],
  125132. startCase: [Function],
  125133. startsWith: [Function: startsWith],
  125134. subtract: [Function],
  125135. sum: [Function: sum],
  125136. sumBy: [Function: sumBy],
  125137. template: [Function: template],
  125138. times: [Function: times],
  125139. toFinite: [Function: toFinite],
  125140. toInteger: [Function: toInteger],
  125141. toLength: [Function: toLength],
  125142. toLower: [Function: toLower],
  125143. toNumber: [Function: toNumber],
  125144. toSafeInteger: [Function: toSafeInteger],
  125145. toString: [Function: toString],
  125146. toUpper: [Function: toUpper],
  125147. trim: [Function: trim],
  125148. trimEnd: [Function: trimEnd],
  125149. trimStart: [Function: trimStart],
  125150. truncate: [Function: truncate],
  125151. unescape: [Function: unescape],
  125152. uniqueId: [Function: uniqueId],
  125153. upperCase: [Function],
  125154. upperFirst: [Function],
  125155. each: [Function: forEach],
  125156. eachRight: [Function: forEachRight],
  125157. first: [Function: head],
  125158. VERSION: '4.17.11' } } },
  125159. options:
  125160. { dialect: 'mysql',
  125161. dialectModulePath: null,
  125162. host: 'localhost',
  125163. protocol: 'tcp',
  125164. define: {},
  125165. query: {},
  125166. sync: {},
  125167. timezone: '+00:00',
  125168. logging: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  125169. omitNull: false,
  125170. native: false,
  125171. replication: false,
  125172. ssl: undefined,
  125173. pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
  125174. quoteIdentifiers: true,
  125175. hooks: {},
  125176. retry: { max: 5, match: [ 'SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked' ] },
  125177. transactionType: 'DEFERRED',
  125178. isolationLevel: null,
  125179. databaseVersion: '8.0.13',
  125180. typeValidation: false,
  125181. benchmark: false,
  125182. operatorsAliases: false },
  125183. extractTableDetails: [Function: extractTableDetails],
  125184. addSchema: [Function: addSchema],
  125185. dropSchema: [Function: dropSchema],
  125186. describeTableQuery: [Function: describeTableQuery],
  125187. dropTableQuery: [Function: dropTableQuery],
  125188. renameTableQuery: [Function: renameTableQuery],
  125189. insertQuery: [Function: insertQuery],
  125190. bulkInsertQuery: [Function: bulkInsertQuery],
  125191. updateQuery: [Function: updateQuery],
  125192. arithmeticQuery: [Function: arithmeticQuery],
  125193. nameIndexes: [Function: nameIndexes],
  125194. addIndexQuery: [Function: addIndexQuery],
  125195. addConstraintQuery: [Function: addConstraintQuery],
  125196. getConstraintSnippet: [Function: getConstraintSnippet],
  125197. removeConstraintQuery: [Function: removeConstraintQuery],
  125198. quoteTable: [Function: quoteTable],
  125199. quote: [Function: quote],
  125200. quoteIdentifiers: [Function: quoteIdentifiers],
  125201. escape: [Function: escape],
  125202. selectQuery: [Function: selectQuery],
  125203. escapeAttributes: [Function: escapeAttributes],
  125204. generateInclude: [Function: generateInclude],
  125205. generateJoin: [Function: generateJoin],
  125206. generateThroughJoin: [Function: generateThroughJoin],
  125207. _generateSubQueryFilter: [Function: _generateSubQueryFilter],
  125208. _getRequiredClosure: [Function: _getRequiredClosure],
  125209. getQueryOrders: [Function: getQueryOrders],
  125210. selectFromTableFragment: [Function: selectFromTableFragment],
  125211. setAutocommitQuery: [Function: setAutocommitQuery],
  125212. setIsolationLevelQuery: [Function: setIsolationLevelQuery],
  125213. generateTransactionId: [Function: generateTransactionId],
  125214. startTransactionQuery: [Function: startTransactionQuery],
  125215. deferConstraintsQuery: [Function: deferConstraintsQuery],
  125216. setConstraintQuery: [Function: setConstraintQuery],
  125217. setDeferredQuery: [Function: setDeferredQuery],
  125218. setImmediateQuery: [Function: setImmediateQuery],
  125219. commitTransactionQuery: [Function: commitTransactionQuery],
  125220. rollbackTransactionQuery: [Function: rollbackTransactionQuery],
  125221. addLimitAndOffset: [Function: addLimitAndOffset],
  125222. whereQuery: [Function: whereQuery],
  125223. whereItemsQuery: [Function: whereItemsQuery],
  125224. OperatorsAliasMap: false,
  125225. setOperatorsAliases: [Function: setOperatorsAliases],
  125226. whereItemQuery: [Function: whereItemQuery],
  125227. _findField: [Function: _findField],
  125228. _replaceAliases: [Function: _replaceAliases],
  125229. _whereGroupBind: [Function: _whereGroupBind],
  125230. _whereBind: [Function: _whereBind],
  125231. _whereJSON: [Function: _whereJSON],
  125232. _traverseJSON: [Function: _traverseJSON],
  125233. _castKey: [Function: _castKey],
  125234. _getJsonCast: [Function: _getJsonCast],
  125235. _joinKeyValue: [Function: _joinKeyValue],
  125236. _getSafeKey: [Function: _getSafeKey],
  125237. _prefixKey: [Function: _prefixKey],
  125238. _whereParseSingleValueObject: [Function: _whereParseSingleValueObject],
  125239. getWhereConditions: [Function: getWhereConditions],
  125240. parseConditionObject: [Function: parseConditionObject],
  125241. isIdentifierQuoted: [Function: isIdentifierQuoted],
  125242. booleanValue: [Function: booleanValue],
  125243. _dialect: [Circular],
  125244. sequelize: [Circular],
  125245. typeValidation: undefined } },
  125246. versionPromise: null,
  125247. dialectName: 'mysql',
  125248. pool:
  125249. Pool {
  125250. _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  125251. _eventsCount: 0,
  125252. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125253. _config:
  125254. PoolOptions {
  125255. fifo: true,
  125256. priorityRange: 1,
  125257. testOnBorrow: true,
  125258. testOnReturn: false,
  125259. autostart: false,
  125260. acquireTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  125261. max: 5,
  125262. min: 0,
  125263. evictionRunIntervalMillis: 10000,
  125264. numTestsPerEvictionRun: 3,
  125265. softIdleTimeoutMillis: -1,
  125266. idleTimeoutMillis: 10000,
  125267. Promise:
  125268. { [Function: Promise]
  125269. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  125270. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  125271. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  125272. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  125273. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  125274. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  125275. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  125276. _peekContext: [Function],
  125277. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  125278. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  125279. longStackTraces: [Function],
  125280. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  125281. config: [Function],
  125282. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  125283. is: [Function],
  125284. fromCallback: [Function],
  125285. fromNode: [Function],
  125286. all: [Function],
  125287. cast: [Function],
  125288. fulfilled: [Function],
  125289. resolve: [Function],
  125290. rejected: [Function],
  125291. reject: [Function],
  125292. setScheduler: [Function],
  125293. pending: [Function],
  125294. defer: [Function],
  125295. method: [Function],
  125296. try: [Function],
  125297. attempt: [Function],
  125298. bind: [Function],
  125299. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  125300. join: [Function],
  125301. Promise: [Circular],
  125302. version: '3.5.3',
  125303. map: [Function],
  125304. using: [Function],
  125305. delay: [Function],
  125306. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  125307. spawn: [Function],
  125308. promisify: [Function],
  125309. promisifyAll: [Function],
  125310. props: [Function],
  125311. race: [Function],
  125312. reduce: [Function],
  125313. settle: [Function],
  125314. some: [Function],
  125315. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  125316. filter: [Function],
  125317. each: [Function],
  125318. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  125319. any: [Function],
  125320. default: [Circular] } },
  125321. _Promise:
  125322. { [Function: Promise]
  125323. TypeError: [Function: TypeError],
  125324. RangeError: [Function: RangeError],
  125325. CancellationError: [Function: SubError],
  125326. TimeoutError: [Function: SubError],
  125327. OperationalError: [Function: OperationalError],
  125328. RejectionError: [Function: OperationalError],
  125329. AggregateError: [Function: SubError],
  125330. _peekContext: [Function],
  125331. onPossiblyUnhandledRejection: [Function],
  125332. onUnhandledRejectionHandled: [Function],
  125333. longStackTraces: [Function],
  125334. hasLongStackTraces: [Function],
  125335. config: [Function],
  125336. getNewLibraryCopy: [Function],
  125337. is: [Function],
  125338. fromCallback: [Function],
  125339. fromNode: [Function],
  125340. all: [Function],
  125341. cast: [Function],
  125342. fulfilled: [Function],
  125343. resolve: [Function],
  125344. rejected: [Function],
  125345. reject: [Function],
  125346. setScheduler: [Function],
  125347. pending: [Function],
  125348. defer: [Function],
  125349. method: [Function],
  125350. try: [Function],
  125351. attempt: [Function],
  125352. bind: [Function],
  125353. PromiseInspection: [Function: PromiseInspection],
  125354. join: [Function],
  125355. Promise: [Circular],
  125356. version: '3.5.3',
  125357. map: [Function],
  125358. using: [Function],
  125359. delay: [Function],
  125360. coroutine: { [Function] addYieldHandler: [Function] },
  125361. spawn: [Function],
  125362. promisify: [Function],
  125363. promisifyAll: [Function],
  125364. props: [Function],
  125365. race: [Function],
  125366. reduce: [Function],
  125367. settle: [Function],
  125368. some: [Function],
  125369. _SomePromiseArray: [Function: SomePromiseArray],
  125370. filter: [Function],
  125371. each: [Function],
  125372. mapSeries: [Function: PromiseMapSeries],
  125373. any: [Function],
  125374. default: [Circular] },
  125375. _factory:
  125376. { create: [Function: create],
  125377. destroy: [Function: destroy],
  125378. validate: [Function: bound _validate] },
  125379. _draining: false,
  125380. _started: true,
  125381. _waitingClientsQueue:
  125382. PriorityQueue {
  125383. _size: 1,
  125384. _slots:
  125385. [ Queue {
  125386. _list: DoublyLinkedList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 } } ] },
  125387. _factoryCreateOperations: Set {},
  125388. _factoryDestroyOperations: Set {},
  125389. _availableObjects:
  125390. Deque {
  125391. _list:
  125392. DoublyLinkedList {
  125393. head:
  125394. { prev: null,
  125395. next:
  125396. { prev: [Circular],
  125397. next: null,
  125398. data:
  125399. PooledResource {
  125400. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  125401. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  125402. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  125403. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  125404. obj:
  125405. Connection {
  125406. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  125407. _eventsCount: 1,
  125408. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125409. config:
  125410. ConnectionConfig {
  125411. isServer: undefined,
  125412. stream: undefined,
  125413. host: 'localhost',
  125414. port: 3306,
  125415. localAddress: undefined,
  125416. socketPath: undefined,
  125417. user: 'root',
  125418. password: 'abcd1234',
  125419. passwordSha1: undefined,
  125420. database: 'lbry',
  125421. connectTimeout: 10000,
  125422. insecureAuth: false,
  125423. supportBigNumbers: true,
  125424. bigNumberStrings: false,
  125425. decimalNumbers: false,
  125426. dateStrings: false,
  125427. debug: undefined,
  125428. trace: true,
  125429. stringifyObjects: false,
  125430. timezone: '+00:00',
  125431. queryFormat: undefined,
  125432. pool: undefined,
  125433. ssl: false,
  125434. multipleStatements: false,
  125435. rowsAsArray: false,
  125436. namedPlaceholders: false,
  125437. nestTables: undefined,
  125438. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  125439. maxPacketSize: 0,
  125440. charsetNumber: 224,
  125441. compress: false,
  125442. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  125443. clientFlags: 8582093,
  125444. connectAttributes: undefined,
  125445. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  125446. stream:
  125447. Socket {
  125448. connecting: false,
  125449. _hadError: false,
  125450. _handle:
  125451. TCP {
  125452. reading: true,
  125453. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  125454. onconnection: null,
  125455. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  125456. _parent: null,
  125457. _host: 'localhost',
  125458. _readableState:
  125459. ReadableState {
  125460. objectMode: false,
  125461. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125462. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  125463. length: 0,
  125464. pipes: null,
  125465. pipesCount: 0,
  125466. flowing: true,
  125467. ended: false,
  125468. endEmitted: false,
  125469. reading: true,
  125470. sync: false,
  125471. needReadable: true,
  125472. emittedReadable: false,
  125473. readableListening: false,
  125474. resumeScheduled: false,
  125475. emitClose: false,
  125476. autoDestroy: false,
  125477. destroyed: false,
  125478. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125479. awaitDrain: 0,
  125480. readingMore: false,
  125481. decoder: null,
  125482. encoding: null },
  125483. readable: true,
  125484. _events:
  125485. [Object: null prototype] {
  125486. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  125487. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  125488. data: [Function],
  125489. close: [Function] },
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  125491. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  125493. WritableState {
  125494. objectMode: false,
  125495. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125496. finalCalled: false,
  125497. needDrain: false,
  125498. ending: false,
  125499. ended: false,
  125500. finished: false,
  125501. destroyed: false,
  125502. decodeStrings: false,
  125503. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125504. length: 0,
  125505. writing: false,
  125506. corked: 0,
  125507. sync: false,
  125508. bufferProcessing: false,
  125509. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  125511. writelen: 0,
  125512. bufferedRequest: null,
  125513. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  125514. pendingcb: 0,
  125515. prefinished: false,
  125516. errorEmitted: false,
  125517. emitClose: false,
  125518. autoDestroy: false,
  125519. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  125520. corkedRequestsFree:
  125521. { next: null,
  125522. entry: null,
  125523. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  125524. writable: true,
  125525. allowHalfOpen: false,
  125526. _sockname: null,
  125527. _pendingData: null,
  125528. _pendingEncoding: '',
  125529. server: null,
  125530. _server: null,
  125531. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  125532. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  125533. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  125534. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  125535. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  125536. _internalId: 1,
  125537. _commands:
  125538. Denque {
  125539. _head: 0,
  125540. _tail: 0,
  125541. _capacityMask: 3,
  125542. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125543. _command: undefined,
  125544. _paused: false,
  125545. _paused_packets:
  125546. Denque {
  125547. _head: 0,
  125548. _tail: 0,
  125549. _capacityMask: 3,
  125550. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125551. _statements:
  125552. LRUCache {
  125553. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  125554. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  125555. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  125556. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  125557. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  125558. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  125559. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  125560. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  125561. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  125562. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125563. authorized: true,
  125564. sequenceId: 23,
  125565. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  125566. threadId: 1303,
  125567. _handshakePacket:
  125568. Handshake {
  125569. protocolVersion: 10,
  125570. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  125571. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125572. connectionId: 1303,
  125573. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  125574. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  125575. characterSet: 255,
  125576. statusFlags: 2 },
  125577. _fatalError: null,
  125578. _protocolError: null,
  125579. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  125580. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  125581. packetParser:
  125582. PacketParser {
  125583. buffer: [],
  125584. bufferLength: 0,
  125585. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  125586. headerLen: 0,
  125587. length: 5,
  125588. largePacketParts: [],
  125589. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  125590. onPacket: [Function],
  125591. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  125592. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  125593. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  125594. connectTimeout: null,
  125595. connectionId: 1303 },
  125596. state: 'IDLE' } },
  125597. data:
  125598. PooledResource {
  125599. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  125600. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  125601. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  125602. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  125603. obj:
  125604. Connection {
  125605. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  125606. _eventsCount: 1,
  125607. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125608. config:
  125609. ConnectionConfig {
  125610. isServer: undefined,
  125611. stream: undefined,
  125612. host: 'localhost',
  125613. port: 3306,
  125614. localAddress: undefined,
  125615. socketPath: undefined,
  125616. user: 'root',
  125617. password: 'abcd1234',
  125618. passwordSha1: undefined,
  125619. database: 'lbry',
  125620. connectTimeout: 10000,
  125621. insecureAuth: false,
  125622. supportBigNumbers: true,
  125623. bigNumberStrings: false,
  125624. decimalNumbers: false,
  125625. dateStrings: false,
  125626. debug: undefined,
  125627. trace: true,
  125628. stringifyObjects: false,
  125629. timezone: '+00:00',
  125630. queryFormat: undefined,
  125631. pool: undefined,
  125632. ssl: false,
  125633. multipleStatements: false,
  125634. rowsAsArray: false,
  125635. namedPlaceholders: false,
  125636. nestTables: undefined,
  125637. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  125638. maxPacketSize: 0,
  125639. charsetNumber: 224,
  125640. compress: false,
  125641. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  125642. clientFlags: 8582093,
  125643. connectAttributes: undefined,
  125644. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  125645. stream:
  125646. Socket {
  125647. connecting: false,
  125648. _hadError: false,
  125649. _handle:
  125650. TCP {
  125651. reading: true,
  125652. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  125653. onconnection: null,
  125654. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  125655. _parent: null,
  125656. _host: 'localhost',
  125657. _readableState:
  125658. ReadableState {
  125659. objectMode: false,
  125660. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125661. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  125662. length: 0,
  125663. pipes: null,
  125664. pipesCount: 0,
  125665. flowing: true,
  125666. ended: false,
  125667. endEmitted: false,
  125668. reading: true,
  125669. sync: false,
  125670. needReadable: true,
  125671. emittedReadable: false,
  125672. readableListening: false,
  125673. resumeScheduled: false,
  125674. emitClose: false,
  125675. autoDestroy: false,
  125676. destroyed: false,
  125677. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125678. awaitDrain: 0,
  125679. readingMore: false,
  125680. decoder: null,
  125681. encoding: null },
  125682. readable: true,
  125683. _events:
  125684. [Object: null prototype] {
  125685. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  125686. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  125687. data: [Function],
  125688. close: [Function] },
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  125690. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125691. _writableState:
  125692. WritableState {
  125693. objectMode: false,
  125694. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125695. finalCalled: false,
  125696. needDrain: false,
  125697. ending: false,
  125698. ended: false,
  125699. finished: false,
  125700. destroyed: false,
  125701. decodeStrings: false,
  125702. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125703. length: 0,
  125704. writing: false,
  125705. corked: 0,
  125706. sync: false,
  125707. bufferProcessing: false,
  125708. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  125710. writelen: 0,
  125711. bufferedRequest: null,
  125712. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  125713. pendingcb: 0,
  125714. prefinished: false,
  125715. errorEmitted: false,
  125716. emitClose: false,
  125717. autoDestroy: false,
  125718. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  125719. corkedRequestsFree:
  125720. { next: null,
  125721. entry: null,
  125722. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  125723. writable: true,
  125724. allowHalfOpen: false,
  125725. _sockname: null,
  125726. _pendingData: null,
  125727. _pendingEncoding: '',
  125728. server: null,
  125729. _server: null,
  125730. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  125731. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  125732. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  125733. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  125734. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  125735. _internalId: 2,
  125736. _commands:
  125737. Denque {
  125738. _head: 0,
  125739. _tail: 0,
  125740. _capacityMask: 3,
  125741. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125742. _command: undefined,
  125743. _paused: false,
  125744. _paused_packets:
  125745. Denque {
  125746. _head: 0,
  125747. _tail: 0,
  125748. _capacityMask: 3,
  125749. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125750. _statements:
  125751. LRUCache {
  125752. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  125753. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  125754. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  125755. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  125756. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  125757. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  125758. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  125759. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  125760. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  125761. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125762. authorized: true,
  125763. sequenceId: 2,
  125764. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  125765. threadId: 1302,
  125766. _handshakePacket:
  125767. Handshake {
  125768. protocolVersion: 10,
  125769. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  125770. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125771. connectionId: 1302,
  125772. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  125773. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  125774. characterSet: 255,
  125775. statusFlags: 2 },
  125776. _fatalError: null,
  125777. _protocolError: null,
  125778. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  125779. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  125780. packetParser:
  125781. PacketParser {
  125782. buffer: [],
  125783. bufferLength: 0,
  125784. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  125785. headerLen: 0,
  125786. length: 7,
  125787. largePacketParts: [],
  125788. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  125789. onPacket: [Function],
  125790. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  125791. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  125792. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  125793. connectTimeout: null,
  125794. connectionId: 1302 },
  125795. state: 'IDLE' } },
  125796. tail:
  125797. { prev:
  125798. { prev: null,
  125799. next: [Circular],
  125800. data:
  125801. PooledResource {
  125802. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  125803. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  125804. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  125805. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  125806. obj:
  125807. Connection {
  125808. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  125809. _eventsCount: 1,
  125810. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125811. config:
  125812. ConnectionConfig {
  125813. isServer: undefined,
  125814. stream: undefined,
  125815. host: 'localhost',
  125816. port: 3306,
  125817. localAddress: undefined,
  125818. socketPath: undefined,
  125819. user: 'root',
  125820. password: 'abcd1234',
  125821. passwordSha1: undefined,
  125822. database: 'lbry',
  125823. connectTimeout: 10000,
  125824. insecureAuth: false,
  125825. supportBigNumbers: true,
  125826. bigNumberStrings: false,
  125827. decimalNumbers: false,
  125828. dateStrings: false,
  125829. debug: undefined,
  125830. trace: true,
  125831. stringifyObjects: false,
  125832. timezone: '+00:00',
  125833. queryFormat: undefined,
  125834. pool: undefined,
  125835. ssl: false,
  125836. multipleStatements: false,
  125837. rowsAsArray: false,
  125838. namedPlaceholders: false,
  125839. nestTables: undefined,
  125840. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  125841. maxPacketSize: 0,
  125842. charsetNumber: 224,
  125843. compress: false,
  125844. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  125845. clientFlags: 8582093,
  125846. connectAttributes: undefined,
  125847. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  125848. stream:
  125849. Socket {
  125850. connecting: false,
  125851. _hadError: false,
  125852. _handle:
  125853. TCP {
  125854. reading: true,
  125855. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  125856. onconnection: null,
  125857. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  125858. _parent: null,
  125859. _host: 'localhost',
  125860. _readableState:
  125861. ReadableState {
  125862. objectMode: false,
  125863. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125864. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  125865. length: 0,
  125866. pipes: null,
  125867. pipesCount: 0,
  125868. flowing: true,
  125869. ended: false,
  125870. endEmitted: false,
  125871. reading: true,
  125872. sync: false,
  125873. needReadable: true,
  125874. emittedReadable: false,
  125875. readableListening: false,
  125876. resumeScheduled: false,
  125877. emitClose: false,
  125878. autoDestroy: false,
  125879. destroyed: false,
  125880. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125881. awaitDrain: 0,
  125882. readingMore: false,
  125883. decoder: null,
  125884. encoding: null },
  125885. readable: true,
  125886. _events:
  125887. [Object: null prototype] {
  125888. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  125889. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  125890. data: [Function],
  125891. close: [Function] },
  125892. _eventsCount: 4,
  125893. _maxListeners: undefined,
  125894. _writableState:
  125895. WritableState {
  125896. objectMode: false,
  125897. highWaterMark: 16384,
  125898. finalCalled: false,
  125899. needDrain: false,
  125900. ending: false,
  125901. ended: false,
  125902. finished: false,
  125903. destroyed: false,
  125904. decodeStrings: false,
  125905. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  125906. length: 0,
  125907. writing: false,
  125908. corked: 0,
  125909. sync: false,
  125910. bufferProcessing: false,
  125911. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  125912. writecb: null,
  125913. writelen: 0,
  125914. bufferedRequest: null,
  125915. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  125916. pendingcb: 0,
  125917. prefinished: false,
  125918. errorEmitted: false,
  125919. emitClose: false,
  125920. autoDestroy: false,
  125921. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  125922. corkedRequestsFree:
  125923. { next: null,
  125924. entry: null,
  125925. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  125926. writable: true,
  125927. allowHalfOpen: false,
  125928. _sockname: null,
  125929. _pendingData: null,
  125930. _pendingEncoding: '',
  125931. server: null,
  125932. _server: null,
  125933. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  125934. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  125935. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  125936. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  125937. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  125938. _internalId: 2,
  125939. _commands:
  125940. Denque {
  125941. _head: 0,
  125942. _tail: 0,
  125943. _capacityMask: 3,
  125944. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125945. _command: undefined,
  125946. _paused: false,
  125947. _paused_packets:
  125948. Denque {
  125949. _head: 0,
  125950. _tail: 0,
  125951. _capacityMask: 3,
  125952. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  125953. _statements:
  125954. LRUCache {
  125955. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  125956. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  125957. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  125958. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  125959. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  125960. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  125961. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  125962. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  125963. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  125964. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125965. authorized: true,
  125966. sequenceId: 2,
  125967. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  125968. threadId: 1302,
  125969. _handshakePacket:
  125970. Handshake {
  125971. protocolVersion: 10,
  125972. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  125973. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  125974. connectionId: 1302,
  125975. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  125976. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  125977. characterSet: 255,
  125978. statusFlags: 2 },
  125979. _fatalError: null,
  125980. _protocolError: null,
  125981. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  125982. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  125983. packetParser:
  125984. PacketParser {
  125985. buffer: [],
  125986. bufferLength: 0,
  125987. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  125988. headerLen: 0,
  125989. length: 7,
  125990. largePacketParts: [],
  125991. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  125992. onPacket: [Function],
  125993. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  125994. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  125995. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  125996. connectTimeout: null,
  125997. connectionId: 1302 },
  125998. state: 'IDLE' } },
  125999. next: null,
  126000. data:
  126001. PooledResource {
  126002. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  126003. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  126004. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  126005. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  126006. obj:
  126007. Connection {
  126008. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  126009. _eventsCount: 1,
  126010. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126011. config:
  126012. ConnectionConfig {
  126013. isServer: undefined,
  126014. stream: undefined,
  126015. host: 'localhost',
  126016. port: 3306,
  126017. localAddress: undefined,
  126018. socketPath: undefined,
  126019. user: 'root',
  126020. password: 'abcd1234',
  126021. passwordSha1: undefined,
  126022. database: 'lbry',
  126023. connectTimeout: 10000,
  126024. insecureAuth: false,
  126025. supportBigNumbers: true,
  126026. bigNumberStrings: false,
  126027. decimalNumbers: false,
  126028. dateStrings: false,
  126029. debug: undefined,
  126030. trace: true,
  126031. stringifyObjects: false,
  126032. timezone: '+00:00',
  126033. queryFormat: undefined,
  126034. pool: undefined,
  126035. ssl: false,
  126036. multipleStatements: false,
  126037. rowsAsArray: false,
  126038. namedPlaceholders: false,
  126039. nestTables: undefined,
  126040. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  126041. maxPacketSize: 0,
  126042. charsetNumber: 224,
  126043. compress: false,
  126044. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  126045. clientFlags: 8582093,
  126046. connectAttributes: undefined,
  126047. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  126048. stream:
  126049. Socket {
  126050. connecting: false,
  126051. _hadError: false,
  126052. _handle:
  126053. TCP {
  126054. reading: true,
  126055. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  126056. onconnection: null,
  126057. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  126058. _parent: null,
  126059. _host: 'localhost',
  126060. _readableState:
  126061. ReadableState {
  126062. objectMode: false,
  126063. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126064. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  126065. length: 0,
  126066. pipes: null,
  126067. pipesCount: 0,
  126068. flowing: true,
  126069. ended: false,
  126070. endEmitted: false,
  126071. reading: true,
  126072. sync: false,
  126073. needReadable: true,
  126074. emittedReadable: false,
  126075. readableListening: false,
  126076. resumeScheduled: false,
  126077. emitClose: false,
  126078. autoDestroy: false,
  126079. destroyed: false,
  126080. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126081. awaitDrain: 0,
  126082. readingMore: false,
  126083. decoder: null,
  126084. encoding: null },
  126085. readable: true,
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  126087. [Object: null prototype] {
  126088. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  126089. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  126090. data: [Function],
  126091. close: [Function] },
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  126093. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  126095. WritableState {
  126096. objectMode: false,
  126097. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126098. finalCalled: false,
  126099. needDrain: false,
  126100. ending: false,
  126101. ended: false,
  126102. finished: false,
  126103. destroyed: false,
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  126105. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126106. length: 0,
  126107. writing: false,
  126108. corked: 0,
  126109. sync: false,
  126110. bufferProcessing: false,
  126111. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  126113. writelen: 0,
  126114. bufferedRequest: null,
  126115. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  126116. pendingcb: 0,
  126117. prefinished: false,
  126118. errorEmitted: false,
  126119. emitClose: false,
  126120. autoDestroy: false,
  126121. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  126122. corkedRequestsFree:
  126123. { next: null,
  126124. entry: null,
  126125. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  126126. writable: true,
  126127. allowHalfOpen: false,
  126128. _sockname: null,
  126129. _pendingData: null,
  126130. _pendingEncoding: '',
  126131. server: null,
  126132. _server: null,
  126133. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  126134. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  126135. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  126136. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  126137. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  126138. _internalId: 1,
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  126140. Denque {
  126141. _head: 0,
  126142. _tail: 0,
  126143. _capacityMask: 3,
  126144. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126145. _command: undefined,
  126146. _paused: false,
  126147. _paused_packets:
  126148. Denque {
  126149. _head: 0,
  126150. _tail: 0,
  126151. _capacityMask: 3,
  126152. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126153. _statements:
  126154. LRUCache {
  126155. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  126156. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  126157. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  126158. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  126159. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  126160. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  126161. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  126162. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  126163. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  126164. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126165. authorized: true,
  126166. sequenceId: 23,
  126167. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  126168. threadId: 1303,
  126169. _handshakePacket:
  126170. Handshake {
  126171. protocolVersion: 10,
  126172. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  126173. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126174. connectionId: 1303,
  126175. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  126176. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  126177. characterSet: 255,
  126178. statusFlags: 2 },
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  126180. _protocolError: null,
  126181. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  126182. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  126183. packetParser:
  126184. PacketParser {
  126185. buffer: [],
  126186. bufferLength: 0,
  126187. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  126188. headerLen: 0,
  126189. length: 5,
  126190. largePacketParts: [],
  126191. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  126192. onPacket: [Function],
  126193. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  126194. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  126195. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  126196. connectTimeout: null,
  126197. connectionId: 1303 },
  126198. state: 'IDLE' } },
  126199. length: 2 } },
  126200. _testOnBorrowResources: Set {},
  126201. _testOnReturnResources: Set {},
  126202. _validationOperations: Set {},
  126203. _allObjects:
  126204. Set {
  126205. PooledResource {
  126206. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  126207. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  126208. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  126209. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  126210. obj:
  126211. Connection {
  126212. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  126213. _eventsCount: 1,
  126214. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126215. config:
  126216. ConnectionConfig {
  126217. isServer: undefined,
  126218. stream: undefined,
  126219. host: 'localhost',
  126220. port: 3306,
  126221. localAddress: undefined,
  126222. socketPath: undefined,
  126223. user: 'root',
  126224. password: 'abcd1234',
  126225. passwordSha1: undefined,
  126226. database: 'lbry',
  126227. connectTimeout: 10000,
  126228. insecureAuth: false,
  126229. supportBigNumbers: true,
  126230. bigNumberStrings: false,
  126231. decimalNumbers: false,
  126232. dateStrings: false,
  126233. debug: undefined,
  126234. trace: true,
  126235. stringifyObjects: false,
  126236. timezone: '+00:00',
  126237. queryFormat: undefined,
  126238. pool: undefined,
  126239. ssl: false,
  126240. multipleStatements: false,
  126241. rowsAsArray: false,
  126242. namedPlaceholders: false,
  126243. nestTables: undefined,
  126244. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  126245. maxPacketSize: 0,
  126246. charsetNumber: 224,
  126247. compress: false,
  126248. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  126249. clientFlags: 8582093,
  126250. connectAttributes: undefined,
  126251. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  126252. stream:
  126253. Socket {
  126254. connecting: false,
  126255. _hadError: false,
  126256. _handle:
  126257. TCP {
  126258. reading: true,
  126259. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  126260. onconnection: null,
  126261. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
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  126263. _host: 'localhost',
  126264. _readableState:
  126265. ReadableState {
  126266. objectMode: false,
  126267. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126268. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  126269. length: 0,
  126270. pipes: null,
  126271. pipesCount: 0,
  126272. flowing: true,
  126273. ended: false,
  126274. endEmitted: false,
  126275. reading: true,
  126276. sync: false,
  126277. needReadable: true,
  126278. emittedReadable: false,
  126279. readableListening: false,
  126280. resumeScheduled: false,
  126281. emitClose: false,
  126282. autoDestroy: false,
  126283. destroyed: false,
  126284. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126285. awaitDrain: 0,
  126286. readingMore: false,
  126287. decoder: null,
  126288. encoding: null },
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  126291. [Object: null prototype] {
  126292. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  126293. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  126294. data: [Function],
  126295. close: [Function] },
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  126297. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  126299. WritableState {
  126300. objectMode: false,
  126301. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126302. finalCalled: false,
  126303. needDrain: false,
  126304. ending: false,
  126305. ended: false,
  126306. finished: false,
  126307. destroyed: false,
  126308. decodeStrings: false,
  126309. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126310. length: 0,
  126311. writing: false,
  126312. corked: 0,
  126313. sync: false,
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  126315. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  126317. writelen: 0,
  126318. bufferedRequest: null,
  126319. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  126320. pendingcb: 0,
  126321. prefinished: false,
  126322. errorEmitted: false,
  126323. emitClose: false,
  126324. autoDestroy: false,
  126325. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  126326. corkedRequestsFree:
  126327. { next: null,
  126328. entry: null,
  126329. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  126330. writable: true,
  126331. allowHalfOpen: false,
  126332. _sockname: null,
  126333. _pendingData: null,
  126334. _pendingEncoding: '',
  126335. server: null,
  126336. _server: null,
  126337. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  126338. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  126339. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  126340. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  126341. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  126342. _internalId: 2,
  126343. _commands:
  126344. Denque {
  126345. _head: 0,
  126346. _tail: 0,
  126347. _capacityMask: 3,
  126348. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126349. _command: undefined,
  126350. _paused: false,
  126351. _paused_packets:
  126352. Denque {
  126353. _head: 0,
  126354. _tail: 0,
  126355. _capacityMask: 3,
  126356. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126357. _statements:
  126358. LRUCache {
  126359. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  126360. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  126361. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  126362. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  126363. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  126364. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  126365. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  126366. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  126367. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  126368. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126369. authorized: true,
  126370. sequenceId: 2,
  126371. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  126372. threadId: 1302,
  126373. _handshakePacket:
  126374. Handshake {
  126375. protocolVersion: 10,
  126376. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  126377. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126378. connectionId: 1302,
  126379. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  126380. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  126381. characterSet: 255,
  126382. statusFlags: 2 },
  126383. _fatalError: null,
  126384. _protocolError: null,
  126385. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  126386. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  126387. packetParser:
  126388. PacketParser {
  126389. buffer: [],
  126390. bufferLength: 0,
  126391. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  126392. headerLen: 0,
  126393. length: 7,
  126394. largePacketParts: [],
  126395. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  126396. onPacket: [Function],
  126397. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  126398. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  126399. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  126400. connectTimeout: null,
  126401. connectionId: 1302 },
  126402. state: 'IDLE' },
  126403. PooledResource {
  126404. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  126405. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  126406. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  126407. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  126408. obj:
  126409. Connection {
  126410. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  126411. _eventsCount: 1,
  126412. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126413. config:
  126414. ConnectionConfig {
  126415. isServer: undefined,
  126416. stream: undefined,
  126417. host: 'localhost',
  126418. port: 3306,
  126419. localAddress: undefined,
  126420. socketPath: undefined,
  126421. user: 'root',
  126422. password: 'abcd1234',
  126423. passwordSha1: undefined,
  126424. database: 'lbry',
  126425. connectTimeout: 10000,
  126426. insecureAuth: false,
  126427. supportBigNumbers: true,
  126428. bigNumberStrings: false,
  126429. decimalNumbers: false,
  126430. dateStrings: false,
  126431. debug: undefined,
  126432. trace: true,
  126433. stringifyObjects: false,
  126434. timezone: '+00:00',
  126435. queryFormat: undefined,
  126436. pool: undefined,
  126437. ssl: false,
  126438. multipleStatements: false,
  126439. rowsAsArray: false,
  126440. namedPlaceholders: false,
  126441. nestTables: undefined,
  126442. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  126443. maxPacketSize: 0,
  126444. charsetNumber: 224,
  126445. compress: false,
  126446. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  126447. clientFlags: 8582093,
  126448. connectAttributes: undefined,
  126449. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  126450. stream:
  126451. Socket {
  126452. connecting: false,
  126453. _hadError: false,
  126454. _handle:
  126455. TCP {
  126456. reading: true,
  126457. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  126458. onconnection: null,
  126459. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  126460. _parent: null,
  126461. _host: 'localhost',
  126462. _readableState:
  126463. ReadableState {
  126464. objectMode: false,
  126465. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126466. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  126467. length: 0,
  126468. pipes: null,
  126469. pipesCount: 0,
  126470. flowing: true,
  126471. ended: false,
  126472. endEmitted: false,
  126473. reading: true,
  126474. sync: false,
  126475. needReadable: true,
  126476. emittedReadable: false,
  126477. readableListening: false,
  126478. resumeScheduled: false,
  126479. emitClose: false,
  126480. autoDestroy: false,
  126481. destroyed: false,
  126482. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126483. awaitDrain: 0,
  126484. readingMore: false,
  126485. decoder: null,
  126486. encoding: null },
  126487. readable: true,
  126488. _events:
  126489. [Object: null prototype] {
  126490. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  126491. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  126492. data: [Function],
  126493. close: [Function] },
  126494. _eventsCount: 4,
  126495. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126496. _writableState:
  126497. WritableState {
  126498. objectMode: false,
  126499. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126500. finalCalled: false,
  126501. needDrain: false,
  126502. ending: false,
  126503. ended: false,
  126504. finished: false,
  126505. destroyed: false,
  126506. decodeStrings: false,
  126507. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126508. length: 0,
  126509. writing: false,
  126510. corked: 0,
  126511. sync: false,
  126512. bufferProcessing: false,
  126513. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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  126515. writelen: 0,
  126516. bufferedRequest: null,
  126517. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  126518. pendingcb: 0,
  126519. prefinished: false,
  126520. errorEmitted: false,
  126521. emitClose: false,
  126522. autoDestroy: false,
  126523. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  126524. corkedRequestsFree:
  126525. { next: null,
  126526. entry: null,
  126527. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  126528. writable: true,
  126529. allowHalfOpen: false,
  126530. _sockname: null,
  126531. _pendingData: null,
  126532. _pendingEncoding: '',
  126533. server: null,
  126534. _server: null,
  126535. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  126536. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  126537. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  126538. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  126539. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  126540. _internalId: 1,
  126541. _commands:
  126542. Denque {
  126543. _head: 0,
  126544. _tail: 0,
  126545. _capacityMask: 3,
  126546. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126547. _command: undefined,
  126548. _paused: false,
  126549. _paused_packets:
  126550. Denque {
  126551. _head: 0,
  126552. _tail: 0,
  126553. _capacityMask: 3,
  126554. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126555. _statements:
  126556. LRUCache {
  126557. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  126558. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  126559. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  126560. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  126561. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  126562. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  126563. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  126564. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  126565. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  126566. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126567. authorized: true,
  126568. sequenceId: 23,
  126569. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  126570. threadId: 1303,
  126571. _handshakePacket:
  126572. Handshake {
  126573. protocolVersion: 10,
  126574. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  126575. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126576. connectionId: 1303,
  126577. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  126578. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  126579. characterSet: 255,
  126580. statusFlags: 2 },
  126581. _fatalError: null,
  126582. _protocolError: null,
  126583. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  126584. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  126585. packetParser:
  126586. PacketParser {
  126587. buffer: [],
  126588. bufferLength: 0,
  126589. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  126590. headerLen: 0,
  126591. length: 5,
  126592. largePacketParts: [],
  126593. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  126594. onPacket: [Function],
  126595. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  126596. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  126597. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  126598. connectTimeout: null,
  126599. connectionId: 1303 },
  126600. state: 'IDLE' } },
  126601. _resourceLoans: Map {},
  126602. _evictionIterator:
  126603. DequeIterator {
  126604. _list:
  126605. DoublyLinkedList {
  126606. head:
  126607. { prev: null,
  126608. next:
  126609. { prev: [Circular],
  126610. next: null,
  126611. data:
  126612. PooledResource {
  126613. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  126614. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  126615. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  126616. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  126617. obj:
  126618. Connection {
  126619. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  126620. _eventsCount: 1,
  126621. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126622. config:
  126623. ConnectionConfig {
  126624. isServer: undefined,
  126625. stream: undefined,
  126626. host: 'localhost',
  126627. port: 3306,
  126628. localAddress: undefined,
  126629. socketPath: undefined,
  126630. user: 'root',
  126631. password: 'abcd1234',
  126632. passwordSha1: undefined,
  126633. database: 'lbry',
  126634. connectTimeout: 10000,
  126635. insecureAuth: false,
  126636. supportBigNumbers: true,
  126637. bigNumberStrings: false,
  126638. decimalNumbers: false,
  126639. dateStrings: false,
  126640. debug: undefined,
  126641. trace: true,
  126642. stringifyObjects: false,
  126643. timezone: '+00:00',
  126644. queryFormat: undefined,
  126645. pool: undefined,
  126646. ssl: false,
  126647. multipleStatements: false,
  126648. rowsAsArray: false,
  126649. namedPlaceholders: false,
  126650. nestTables: undefined,
  126651. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  126652. maxPacketSize: 0,
  126653. charsetNumber: 224,
  126654. compress: false,
  126655. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  126656. clientFlags: 8582093,
  126657. connectAttributes: undefined,
  126658. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
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  126660. Socket {
  126661. connecting: false,
  126662. _hadError: false,
  126663. _handle:
  126664. TCP {
  126665. reading: true,
  126666. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  126667. onconnection: null,
  126668. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  126669. _parent: null,
  126670. _host: 'localhost',
  126671. _readableState:
  126672. ReadableState {
  126673. objectMode: false,
  126674. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126675. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  126676. length: 0,
  126677. pipes: null,
  126678. pipesCount: 0,
  126679. flowing: true,
  126680. ended: false,
  126681. endEmitted: false,
  126682. reading: true,
  126683. sync: false,
  126684. needReadable: true,
  126685. emittedReadable: false,
  126686. readableListening: false,
  126687. resumeScheduled: false,
  126688. emitClose: false,
  126689. autoDestroy: false,
  126690. destroyed: false,
  126691. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126692. awaitDrain: 0,
  126693. readingMore: false,
  126694. decoder: null,
  126695. encoding: null },
  126696. readable: true,
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  126698. [Object: null prototype] {
  126699. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  126700. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  126701. data: [Function],
  126702. close: [Function] },
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  126704. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  126706. WritableState {
  126707. objectMode: false,
  126708. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126709. finalCalled: false,
  126710. needDrain: false,
  126711. ending: false,
  126712. ended: false,
  126713. finished: false,
  126714. destroyed: false,
  126715. decodeStrings: false,
  126716. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126717. length: 0,
  126718. writing: false,
  126719. corked: 0,
  126720. sync: false,
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  126724. writelen: 0,
  126725. bufferedRequest: null,
  126726. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  126727. pendingcb: 0,
  126728. prefinished: false,
  126729. errorEmitted: false,
  126730. emitClose: false,
  126731. autoDestroy: false,
  126732. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  126733. corkedRequestsFree:
  126734. { next: null,
  126735. entry: null,
  126736. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  126737. writable: true,
  126738. allowHalfOpen: false,
  126739. _sockname: null,
  126740. _pendingData: null,
  126741. _pendingEncoding: '',
  126742. server: null,
  126743. _server: null,
  126744. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  126745. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  126746. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  126747. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  126748. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  126749. _internalId: 1,
  126750. _commands:
  126751. Denque {
  126752. _head: 0,
  126753. _tail: 0,
  126754. _capacityMask: 3,
  126755. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126756. _command: undefined,
  126757. _paused: false,
  126758. _paused_packets:
  126759. Denque {
  126760. _head: 0,
  126761. _tail: 0,
  126762. _capacityMask: 3,
  126763. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126764. _statements:
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  126766. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  126767. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  126768. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  126769. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  126770. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  126771. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  126772. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  126773. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  126774. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  126775. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126776. authorized: true,
  126777. sequenceId: 23,
  126778. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  126779. threadId: 1303,
  126780. _handshakePacket:
  126781. Handshake {
  126782. protocolVersion: 10,
  126783. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  126784. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126785. connectionId: 1303,
  126786. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  126787. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  126788. characterSet: 255,
  126789. statusFlags: 2 },
  126790. _fatalError: null,
  126791. _protocolError: null,
  126792. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  126793. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  126794. packetParser:
  126795. PacketParser {
  126796. buffer: [],
  126797. bufferLength: 0,
  126798. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  126799. headerLen: 0,
  126800. length: 5,
  126801. largePacketParts: [],
  126802. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  126803. onPacket: [Function],
  126804. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  126805. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  126806. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  126807. connectTimeout: null,
  126808. connectionId: 1303 },
  126809. state: 'IDLE' } },
  126810. data:
  126811. PooledResource {
  126812. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  126813. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  126814. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  126815. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  126816. obj:
  126817. Connection {
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  126819. _eventsCount: 1,
  126820. _maxListeners: undefined,
  126821. config:
  126822. ConnectionConfig {
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  126824. stream: undefined,
  126825. host: 'localhost',
  126826. port: 3306,
  126827. localAddress: undefined,
  126828. socketPath: undefined,
  126829. user: 'root',
  126830. password: 'abcd1234',
  126831. passwordSha1: undefined,
  126832. database: 'lbry',
  126833. connectTimeout: 10000,
  126834. insecureAuth: false,
  126835. supportBigNumbers: true,
  126836. bigNumberStrings: false,
  126837. decimalNumbers: false,
  126838. dateStrings: false,
  126839. debug: undefined,
  126840. trace: true,
  126841. stringifyObjects: false,
  126842. timezone: '+00:00',
  126843. queryFormat: undefined,
  126844. pool: undefined,
  126845. ssl: false,
  126846. multipleStatements: false,
  126847. rowsAsArray: false,
  126848. namedPlaceholders: false,
  126849. nestTables: undefined,
  126850. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  126851. maxPacketSize: 0,
  126852. charsetNumber: 224,
  126853. compress: false,
  126854. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  126855. clientFlags: 8582093,
  126856. connectAttributes: undefined,
  126857. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  126858. stream:
  126859. Socket {
  126860. connecting: false,
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  126862. _handle:
  126863. TCP {
  126864. reading: true,
  126865. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  126866. onconnection: null,
  126867. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  126868. _parent: null,
  126869. _host: 'localhost',
  126870. _readableState:
  126871. ReadableState {
  126872. objectMode: false,
  126873. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126874. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  126875. length: 0,
  126876. pipes: null,
  126877. pipesCount: 0,
  126878. flowing: true,
  126879. ended: false,
  126880. endEmitted: false,
  126881. reading: true,
  126882. sync: false,
  126883. needReadable: true,
  126884. emittedReadable: false,
  126885. readableListening: false,
  126886. resumeScheduled: false,
  126887. emitClose: false,
  126888. autoDestroy: false,
  126889. destroyed: false,
  126890. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126891. awaitDrain: 0,
  126892. readingMore: false,
  126893. decoder: null,
  126894. encoding: null },
  126895. readable: true,
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  126897. [Object: null prototype] {
  126898. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  126899. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  126900. data: [Function],
  126901. close: [Function] },
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  126903. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  126905. WritableState {
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  126907. highWaterMark: 16384,
  126908. finalCalled: false,
  126909. needDrain: false,
  126910. ending: false,
  126911. ended: false,
  126912. finished: false,
  126913. destroyed: false,
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  126915. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  126916. length: 0,
  126917. writing: false,
  126918. corked: 0,
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  126924. bufferedRequest: null,
  126925. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  126926. pendingcb: 0,
  126927. prefinished: false,
  126928. errorEmitted: false,
  126929. emitClose: false,
  126930. autoDestroy: false,
  126931. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  126932. corkedRequestsFree:
  126933. { next: null,
  126934. entry: null,
  126935. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  126936. writable: true,
  126937. allowHalfOpen: false,
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  126939. _pendingData: null,
  126940. _pendingEncoding: '',
  126941. server: null,
  126942. _server: null,
  126943. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  126944. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  126945. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  126946. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  126947. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  126948. _internalId: 2,
  126949. _commands:
  126950. Denque {
  126951. _head: 0,
  126952. _tail: 0,
  126953. _capacityMask: 3,
  126954. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126955. _command: undefined,
  126956. _paused: false,
  126957. _paused_packets:
  126958. Denque {
  126959. _head: 0,
  126960. _tail: 0,
  126961. _capacityMask: 3,
  126962. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  126963. _statements:
  126964. LRUCache {
  126965. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  126966. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  126967. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  126968. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  126969. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  126970. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  126971. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  126972. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  126973. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  126974. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126975. authorized: true,
  126976. sequenceId: 2,
  126977. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  126978. threadId: 1302,
  126979. _handshakePacket:
  126980. Handshake {
  126981. protocolVersion: 10,
  126982. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  126983. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  126984. connectionId: 1302,
  126985. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  126986. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  126987. characterSet: 255,
  126988. statusFlags: 2 },
  126989. _fatalError: null,
  126990. _protocolError: null,
  126991. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  126992. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  126993. packetParser:
  126994. PacketParser {
  126995. buffer: [],
  126996. bufferLength: 0,
  126997. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  126998. headerLen: 0,
  126999. length: 7,
  127000. largePacketParts: [],
  127001. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  127002. onPacket: [Function],
  127003. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  127004. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  127005. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  127006. connectTimeout: null,
  127007. connectionId: 1302 },
  127008. state: 'IDLE' } },
  127009. tail:
  127010. { prev:
  127011. { prev: null,
  127012. next: [Circular],
  127013. data:
  127014. PooledResource {
  127015. creationTime: 1546120030829,
  127016. lastReturnTime: 1546120031030,
  127017. lastBorrowTime: 1546120030911,
  127018. lastIdleTime: 1546120031030,
  127019. obj:
  127020. Connection {
  127021. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  127022. _eventsCount: 1,
  127023. _maxListeners: undefined,
  127024. config:
  127025. ConnectionConfig {
  127026. isServer: undefined,
  127027. stream: undefined,
  127028. host: 'localhost',
  127029. port: 3306,
  127030. localAddress: undefined,
  127031. socketPath: undefined,
  127032. user: 'root',
  127033. password: 'abcd1234',
  127034. passwordSha1: undefined,
  127035. database: 'lbry',
  127036. connectTimeout: 10000,
  127037. insecureAuth: false,
  127038. supportBigNumbers: true,
  127039. bigNumberStrings: false,
  127040. decimalNumbers: false,
  127041. dateStrings: false,
  127042. debug: undefined,
  127043. trace: true,
  127044. stringifyObjects: false,
  127045. timezone: '+00:00',
  127046. queryFormat: undefined,
  127047. pool: undefined,
  127048. ssl: false,
  127049. multipleStatements: false,
  127050. rowsAsArray: false,
  127051. namedPlaceholders: false,
  127052. nestTables: undefined,
  127053. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  127054. maxPacketSize: 0,
  127055. charsetNumber: 224,
  127056. compress: false,
  127057. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  127058. clientFlags: 8582093,
  127059. connectAttributes: undefined,
  127060. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  127061. stream:
  127062. Socket {
  127063. connecting: false,
  127064. _hadError: false,
  127065. _handle:
  127066. TCP {
  127067. reading: true,
  127068. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  127069. onconnection: null,
  127070. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  127071. _parent: null,
  127072. _host: 'localhost',
  127073. _readableState:
  127074. ReadableState {
  127075. objectMode: false,
  127076. highWaterMark: 16384,
  127077. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  127078. length: 0,
  127079. pipes: null,
  127080. pipesCount: 0,
  127081. flowing: true,
  127082. ended: false,
  127083. endEmitted: false,
  127084. reading: true,
  127085. sync: false,
  127086. needReadable: true,
  127087. emittedReadable: false,
  127088. readableListening: false,
  127089. resumeScheduled: false,
  127090. emitClose: false,
  127091. autoDestroy: false,
  127092. destroyed: false,
  127093. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  127094. awaitDrain: 0,
  127095. readingMore: false,
  127096. decoder: null,
  127097. encoding: null },
  127098. readable: true,
  127099. _events:
  127100. [Object: null prototype] {
  127101. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  127102. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  127103. data: [Function],
  127104. close: [Function] },
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  127106. _maxListeners: undefined,
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  127108. WritableState {
  127109. objectMode: false,
  127110. highWaterMark: 16384,
  127111. finalCalled: false,
  127112. needDrain: false,
  127113. ending: false,
  127114. ended: false,
  127115. finished: false,
  127116. destroyed: false,
  127117. decodeStrings: false,
  127118. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  127119. length: 0,
  127120. writing: false,
  127121. corked: 0,
  127122. sync: false,
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  127126. writelen: 0,
  127127. bufferedRequest: null,
  127128. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  127129. pendingcb: 0,
  127130. prefinished: false,
  127131. errorEmitted: false,
  127132. emitClose: false,
  127133. autoDestroy: false,
  127134. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  127135. corkedRequestsFree:
  127136. { next: null,
  127137. entry: null,
  127138. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  127139. writable: true,
  127140. allowHalfOpen: false,
  127141. _sockname: null,
  127142. _pendingData: null,
  127143. _pendingEncoding: '',
  127144. server: null,
  127145. _server: null,
  127146. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 35,
  127147. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  127148. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  127149. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  127150. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  127151. _internalId: 2,
  127152. _commands:
  127153. Denque {
  127154. _head: 0,
  127155. _tail: 0,
  127156. _capacityMask: 3,
  127157. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  127158. _command: undefined,
  127159. _paused: false,
  127160. _paused_packets:
  127161. Denque {
  127162. _head: 0,
  127163. _tail: 0,
  127164. _capacityMask: 3,
  127165. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
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  127168. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  127169. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  127170. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  127171. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  127172. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  127173. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  127174. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  127175. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  127176. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  127177. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  127178. authorized: true,
  127179. sequenceId: 2,
  127180. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  127181. threadId: 1302,
  127182. _handshakePacket:
  127183. Handshake {
  127184. protocolVersion: 10,
  127185. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  127186. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  127187. connectionId: 1302,
  127188. authPluginData1: <Buffer 4c 2d 0d 48 0f 17 02 69>,
  127189. authPluginData2: <Buffer 65 74 7e 01 0c 5b 49 1a 3e 0e 26 6f>,
  127190. characterSet: 255,
  127191. statusFlags: 2 },
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  127193. _protocolError: null,
  127194. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  127195. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  127196. packetParser:
  127197. PacketParser {
  127198. buffer: [],
  127199. bufferLength: 0,
  127200. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  127201. headerLen: 0,
  127202. length: 7,
  127203. largePacketParts: [],
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  127205. onPacket: [Function],
  127206. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  127207. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  127208. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  127209. connectTimeout: null,
  127210. connectionId: 1302 },
  127211. state: 'IDLE' } },
  127212. next: null,
  127213. data:
  127214. PooledResource {
  127215. creationTime: 1546120030848,
  127216. lastReturnTime: 1546120031060,
  127217. lastBorrowTime: 1546120031044,
  127218. lastIdleTime: 1546120031060,
  127219. obj:
  127220. Connection {
  127221. _events: [Object: null prototype] { error: [Function: errorHandler] },
  127222. _eventsCount: 1,
  127223. _maxListeners: undefined,
  127224. config:
  127225. ConnectionConfig {
  127226. isServer: undefined,
  127227. stream: undefined,
  127228. host: 'localhost',
  127229. port: 3306,
  127230. localAddress: undefined,
  127231. socketPath: undefined,
  127232. user: 'root',
  127233. password: 'abcd1234',
  127234. passwordSha1: undefined,
  127235. database: 'lbry',
  127236. connectTimeout: 10000,
  127237. insecureAuth: false,
  127238. supportBigNumbers: true,
  127239. bigNumberStrings: false,
  127240. decimalNumbers: false,
  127241. dateStrings: false,
  127242. debug: undefined,
  127243. trace: true,
  127244. stringifyObjects: false,
  127245. timezone: '+00:00',
  127246. queryFormat: undefined,
  127247. pool: undefined,
  127248. ssl: false,
  127249. multipleStatements: false,
  127250. rowsAsArray: false,
  127251. namedPlaceholders: false,
  127252. nestTables: undefined,
  127253. typeCast: [Function: bound _typecast],
  127254. maxPacketSize: 0,
  127255. charsetNumber: 224,
  127256. compress: false,
  127257. authSwitchHandler: undefined,
  127258. clientFlags: 8582093,
  127259. connectAttributes: undefined,
  127260. maxPreparedStatements: 16000 },
  127261. stream:
  127262. Socket {
  127263. connecting: false,
  127264. _hadError: false,
  127265. _handle:
  127266. TCP {
  127267. reading: true,
  127268. onread: [Function: onStreamRead],
  127269. onconnection: null,
  127270. [Symbol(owner)]: [Circular] },
  127271. _parent: null,
  127272. _host: 'localhost',
  127273. _readableState:
  127274. ReadableState {
  127275. objectMode: false,
  127276. highWaterMark: 16384,
  127277. buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
  127278. length: 0,
  127279. pipes: null,
  127280. pipesCount: 0,
  127281. flowing: true,
  127282. ended: false,
  127283. endEmitted: false,
  127284. reading: true,
  127285. sync: false,
  127286. needReadable: true,
  127287. emittedReadable: false,
  127288. readableListening: false,
  127289. resumeScheduled: false,
  127290. emitClose: false,
  127291. autoDestroy: false,
  127292. destroyed: false,
  127293. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  127294. awaitDrain: 0,
  127295. readingMore: false,
  127296. decoder: null,
  127297. encoding: null },
  127298. readable: true,
  127299. _events:
  127300. [Object: null prototype] {
  127301. end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
  127302. error: [Function: bound _handleNetworkError],
  127303. data: [Function],
  127304. close: [Function] },
  127305. _eventsCount: 4,
  127306. _maxListeners: undefined,
  127307. _writableState:
  127308. WritableState {
  127309. objectMode: false,
  127310. highWaterMark: 16384,
  127311. finalCalled: false,
  127312. needDrain: false,
  127313. ending: false,
  127314. ended: false,
  127315. finished: false,
  127316. destroyed: false,
  127317. decodeStrings: false,
  127318. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  127319. length: 0,
  127320. writing: false,
  127321. corked: 0,
  127322. sync: false,
  127323. bufferProcessing: false,
  127324. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  127325. writecb: null,
  127326. writelen: 0,
  127327. bufferedRequest: null,
  127328. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  127329. pendingcb: 0,
  127330. prefinished: false,
  127331. errorEmitted: false,
  127332. emitClose: false,
  127333. autoDestroy: false,
  127334. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  127335. corkedRequestsFree:
  127336. { next: null,
  127337. entry: null,
  127338. finish: [Function: bound onCorkedFinish] } },
  127339. writable: true,
  127340. allowHalfOpen: false,
  127341. _sockname: null,
  127342. _pendingData: null,
  127343. _pendingEncoding: '',
  127344. server: null,
  127345. _server: null,
  127346. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 31,
  127347. [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  127348. [Symbol(timeout)]: null,
  127349. [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  127350. [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0 },
  127351. _internalId: 1,
  127352. _commands:
  127353. Denque {
  127354. _head: 0,
  127355. _tail: 0,
  127356. _capacityMask: 3,
  127357. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  127358. _command: undefined,
  127359. _paused: false,
  127360. _paused_packets:
  127361. Denque {
  127362. _head: 0,
  127363. _tail: 0,
  127364. _capacityMask: 3,
  127365. _list: [ <4 empty items> ] },
  127366. _statements:
  127367. LRUCache {
  127368. [Symbol(max)]: 16000,
  127369. [Symbol(lengthCalculator)]: [Function: naiveLength],
  127370. [Symbol(allowStale)]: false,
  127371. [Symbol(maxAge)]: 0,
  127372. [Symbol(dispose)]: [Function: dispose],
  127373. [Symbol(noDisposeOnSet)]: false,
  127374. [Symbol(cache)]: Map {},
  127375. [Symbol(lruList)]: Yallist { tail: null, head: null, length: 0 },
  127376. [Symbol(length)]: 0 },
  127377. serverCapabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  127378. authorized: true,
  127379. sequenceId: 23,
  127380. compressedSequenceId: 0,
  127381. threadId: 1303,
  127382. _handshakePacket:
  127383. Handshake {
  127384. protocolVersion: 10,
  127385. serverVersion: '8.0.13',
  127386. capabilityFlags: 3288334335,
  127387. connectionId: 1303,
  127388. authPluginData1: <Buffer 1d 26 18 64 15 29 1a 40>,
  127389. authPluginData2: <Buffer 4b 63 4f 6c 23 76 7d 6a 57 5f 01 02>,
  127390. characterSet: 255,
  127391. statusFlags: 2 },
  127392. _fatalError: null,
  127393. _protocolError: null,
  127394. _outOfOrderPackets: [],
  127395. clientEncoding: 'utf8',
  127396. packetParser:
  127397. PacketParser {
  127398. buffer: [],
  127399. bufferLength: 0,
  127400. packetHeaderLength: 4,
  127401. headerLen: 0,
  127402. length: 5,
  127403. largePacketParts: [],
  127404. firstPacketSequenceId: 0,
  127405. onPacket: [Function],
  127406. execute: [Function: executeStart],
  127407. _flushLargePacket: [Function: _flushLargePacket4] },
  127408. serverEncoding: 'utf8',
  127409. connectTimeout: null,
  127410. connectionId: 1303 },
  127411. state: 'IDLE' } },
  127412. length: 2 },
  127413. _direction: 'next',
  127414. _startPosition: 'head',
  127415. _started: false,
  127416. _cursor: null,
  127417. _done: false },
  127418. _evictor: DefaultEvictor {},
  127419. _scheduledEviction:
  127420. Timeout {
  127421. _idleTimeout: 10000,
  127422. _idlePrev: [TimersList],
  127423. _idleNext: [TimersList],
  127424. _idleStart: 432,
  127425. _onTimeout: [Function],
  127426. _timerArgs: undefined,
  127427. _repeat: null,
  127428. _destroyed: false,
  127429. [Symbol(refed)]: true,
  127430. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 28,
  127431. [Symbol(triggerId)]: 26 } },
  127432. lib:
  127433. { createConnection: [Function],
  127434. connect: [Function],
  127435. Connection: [Function: Connection],
  127436. createPool: [Function],
  127437. createPoolCluster: [Function],
  127438. createQuery: [Function: createQuery],
  127439. Pool: [Function: Pool],
  127440. createServer: [Function],
  127441. PoolConnection:
  127442. { [Function: PoolConnection] statementKey: [Function: statementKey] },
  127443. escape: [Function: escape],
  127444. escapeId: [Function: escapeId],
  127445. format: [Function: format],
  127446. raw: [Function: raw],
  127447. createConnectionPromise: [Getter],
  127448. createPoolPromise: [Getter],
  127449. createPoolClusterPromise: [Getter],
  127450. Types: [Getter],
  127451. Charsets: [Getter],
  127452. CharsetToEncoding: [Getter],
  127453. setMaxParserCache: [Function],
  127454. clearParserCache: [Function] } },
  127455. importCache: {},
  127456. test:
  127457. { _trackRunningQueries: false,
  127458. _runningQueries: 0,
  127459. trackRunningQueries: [Function: trackRunningQueries],
  127460. verifyNoRunningQueries: [Function: verifyNoRunningQueries] } },
  127461. hooks: {},
  127462. uniqueKeys: {} },
  127463. _options:
  127464. { isNewRecord: false,
  127465. _schema: null,
  127466. _schemaDelimiter: '',
  127467. raw: true,
  127468. attributes: [ 'id', 'size', 'color', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ] },
  127469. __eagerlyLoadedAssociations: [],
  127470. isNewRecord: false } ]
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