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Jul 3rd, 2018
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  1. gdbm-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gdbm
  2. libgpg-error-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libgpg-error
  3. gcovr - Management tool for GNU gcov
  4. fribidi-devel - Development files for fribidi
  5. libunistring-docs - Documentation for libunistring
  6. libmicrohttpd-devel - Development files for libmicrohttpd
  7. gdbm-devel - Development files for gdbm
  8. libassuan - IPC library used by some GnuPG related software
  9. libbsd - BSD functionality library
  10. gzip - gzip (Compression utility)
  11. libidn-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libidn
  12. fribidi-dbginfo - Debug symbols for fribidi
  13. perl-term-readline-gnu-dbginfo - Debug symbols for perl-term-readline-gnu
  14. libbsd-devel - Development files for libbsd
  15. libgnutls-32bit - The GnuTLS package contains libraries and userspace tools which provide a secure layer over a reliable transport layer
  16. libidn-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libidn
  17. libgcrypt-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libgcrypt
  18. libgcrypt-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libgcrypt
  19. glibc-32bit - 32-bit libraries for glibc
  20. lash-devel - Development files for lash
  21. libunistring-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libunistring
  22. libvirt-glib-devel - Development files for libvirt-glib
  23. gnuplot-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnuplot
  24. libgnutls-docs - API Documentation for libgnutls
  25. curl-gnutls-32bit - 32-bit libraries for curl-gnutls
  26. kleopatra-dbginfo - Debug symbols for kleopatra
  27. emacs-dbginfo - Debug symbols for emacs
  28. gcc-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gcc
  29. emacs - An extensible, customizable text editor—and more
  30. glpk - The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package
  31. gdbm-32bit - 32-bit libraries for gdbm
  32. gtypist - A universal typing tutor
  33. gdbm - Standard GNU database libraries
  34. gnuchess - GNU Chess program
  35. gfortran - GNU Compiler Collection
  36. gnutls - Command line applications for GnuTLS
  37. libbsd-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libbsd
  38. duplicity-dbginfo - Debug symbols for duplicity
  39. libgnutls-devel - Development files for libgnutls
  40. vcdimager-devel - Development files for vcdimager
  41. light-dbginfo - Debug symbols for light
  42. libgcrypt-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libgcrypt
  43. gnucash-devel - Development files for gnucash
  44. lash - Session management system for GNU/Linux audio applications
  45. guile-32bit - 32-bit libraries for guile
  46. seahorse-nautilus - Encryption extension for Nautilus
  47. libgcrypt-devel - Development files for libgcrypt
  48. bc - The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
  49. wget - retrieves files from the web
  50. gnuplot - Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility
  51. seahorse-nautilus-dbginfo - Debug symbols for seahorse-nautilus
  52. gpgme-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gpgme
  53. octave - GNU Octave is a high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations
  54. npth-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for npth
  55. mc-dbginfo - Debug symbols for mc
  56. gnubg-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnubg
  57. fribidi-32bit - 32-bit libraries for fribidi
  58. npth-devel - Development files for npth
  59. kleopatra - Kleopatra is a GUI for GnuPG
  60. libgcrypt-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libgcrypt
  61. libtool-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libtool
  62. razergenie - Standalone Qt application for configuring your Razer devices under GNU/Linux.
  63. macchanger - GNU MAC Changer is an utility that makes the maniputation of MAC addresses of network interfaces easier
  64. kleopatra-devel - Development files for kleopatra
  65. bash-recovery - Specialised bash build for the initramfs
  66. curl-gnutls-dbginfo - Debug symbols for curl-gnutls
  67. gnubg - GNU Backgammon (gnubg) is for playing and analysing backgammon positions, games and matches.
  68. guile - GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
  69. gzip-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gzip
  70. nano - Small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico
  71. rlwrap - a readline wrapper
  72. npth-32bit - 32-bit libraries for npth
  73. gnumeric-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnumeric
  74. gnutls-dbginfo - Debug files for gnutls
  75. fribidi-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for fribidi
  76. curl-gnutls - curl-gnutls (GnuTLS version of curl)
  77. glibc-dbginfo - Debug symbols for glibc
  78. global - GNU GLOBAL is a source code tagging system that works the same way across diverse environments
  79. gnucash - GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software
  80. gawk - gawk - GNU Awk (Data extraction and reporting tool)
  81. libgpg-error-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libgpg-error
  82. glibc-devel - Development files for glibc
  83. guitarix - GNU/linux Virtual Guitar Amplifier
  84. octave-dbginfo - Debug symbols for octave
  85. gnumeric - GNOME Desktop spreadsheet application aiming for speed and lightness
  86. texinfo - texinfo (Documentation format used by GNU)
  87. gcc-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for gcc
  88. byobu - Byobu is an enhancement for the GNU Screen or Tmux
  89. gnu-efi-devel - Development files for gnu-efi
  90. libvirt-glib-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libvirt-glib
  91. gnumeric-devel - Development files for gnumeric
  92. gpgme - language library in C for cryptography support
  93. gnu-efi-32bit - 32-bit libraries for gnu-efi
  94. libunistring-devel - Development files for libunistring
  95. hatari - Hatari is an Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator
  96. bash - bash (sh-compatible shell)
  97. libgcrypt - GNU's basic cryptographic library
  98. gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Program
  99. dejagnu - DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs
  100. libgomp - GNU Compiler Collection
  101. gnome-twitch-devel - Development files for gnome-twitch
  102. libassuan-devel - Development files for libassuan
  103. dejagnu-devel - Development files for dejagnu
  104. remake-dbginfo - Debug symbols for remake
  105. glpk-devel - Development files for glpk
  106. bash-dbginfo - Debug symbols for bash
  107. libgpg-error-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libgpg-error
  108. yubico-pam - Yubico Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)
  109. gretl - GNU regression, econometrics and time-series library
  110. texinfo-dbginfo - Debug symbols for texinfo
  111. libiconv - GNU LIBICONV - character set conversion library
  112. libtool-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libtool
  113. libgcc-32bit - GNU Compiler Collection
  114. libsigsegv - GNU libsigsegv is a library for handling page faults in user mode.
  115. libidn-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libidn
  116. fribidi-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit fribidi
  117. libgnutls-32bit-devel - 32-bit Development files for libgnutls
  118. macchanger-dbginfo - Debug symbols for macchanger
  119. libunistring-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libunistring
  120. gnupg - Complete and free implementation of OpenPGP
  121. gsl - Numerical library for C and C++
  122. gdb-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gdb
  123. libgpg-error - library with error codes for GnuPG related software
  124. gsl-devel - Development files for gsl
  125. guile-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for guile
  126. gretl-devel - Development files for gretl
  127. libstdc++ - GNU Compiler Collection
  128. vcdimager - (Super)Video CD image mastering and ripping tool
  129. razergenie-devel - Development files for razergenie
  130. deadbeef - DeaDBeeF is an audio player for GNU/Linux.
  131. remake-devel - Development files for remake
  132. libtool-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libtool
  133. libgcc - GNU Compiler Collection
  134. gnupg-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnupg
  135. gpgme-devel - Development files for gpgme
  136. libtool-32bit - 32-bit libraries for libtool
  137. libidn-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit libidn
  138. remake - Patched GNU Make with improved error reporting and debugging
  139. socat-dbginfo - Debug symbols for socat
  140. libffcall - GNU Libffcall is a collection of four libraries which can be used to build foreign function call interfaces in embedded interpreters.
  141. glibc-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for glibc
  142. glibc-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit glibc
  143. libmicrohttpd-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libmicrohttpd
  144. gtypist-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gtypist
  145. puddletag - puddletag is an audio tag editor (primarily created) for GNU/Linux similar to the Windows program, Mp3tag.
  146. socat - Bidirectional data transfer relay
  147. fribidi - Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
  148. gtick-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gtick
  149. gnuchess-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnuchess
  150. libidl - libIDL is a library for creating trees of CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL) files
  151. libidn - Internationalized domain name support library
  152. libtool-devel - Development files for libtool
  153. gdb - GNU Debugger
  154. cpio-dbginfo - Debug symbols for cpio
  155. gdbm-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit gdbm
  156. gnome-twitch - GNOME Twitch app for watching Twitch on your GNU/Linux desktop.
  157. libgpg-error-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libgpg-error
  158. coreutils - GNU core utilities
  159. gdbm-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for gdbm
  160. libtool - Generic library support script
  161. gsl-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gsl
  162. qdriverstation-dbginfo - Debug symbols for qdriverstation
  163. libunistring - Library for manipulating Unicode strings
  164. gcc - GNU Compiler Collection
  165. groff-docs - Documentation for groff
  166. gawk-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gawk
  167. netcat - netcat - by the GNU project
  168. libgfortran - GNU Compiler Collection
  169. libidl-devel - Development files for libidl
  170. guile-dbginfo - Debug symbols for guile
  171. libgpg-error-devel - Development files for libgpg-error
  172. wget-dbginfo - Debug symbols for wget
  173. gnugo - GNU Go is a free program that plays the game of Go.
  174. gnome-twitch-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnome-twitch
  175. gretl-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gretl
  176. octave-devel - Development files for octave
  177. libunistring-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for libunistring
  178. groff - groff (Typesetting package to read formatted files)
  179. npth-dbginfo - Debug symbols for npth
  180. razergenie-dbginfo - Debug symbols for razergenie
  181. lash-dbginfo - Debug symbols for lash
  182. nano-dbginfo - Debug symbols for nano
  183. pyg3t - PyG3T, python gettext translation toolkit
  184. readline - Another cute console display library
  185. libgomp-32bit - GNU Compiler Collection
  186. hatari-dbginfo - Debug symbols for hatari
  187. libmicrohttpd - GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.
  188. m4 - GNU M4 is an implementation of the traditional Unix macro processor
  189. mc - GNU midnight commander (ncurses based file manager)
  190. libidn-devel - Development files for libidn
  191. parallel - Execute jobs in parallel
  192. libstdc++-32bit - GNU Compiler Collection
  193. groff-dbginfo - Debug symbols for groff
  194. perl-term-readline-gnu - Term::ReadLine::Gnu - Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
  195. qdriverstation - The QDriverStation is a cross-platform and open-source alternative to the FRC Driver Station.
  196. gnu-efi-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit gnu-efi
  197. ddrescue-dbginfo - Debug symbols for ddrescue
  198. libvirt-glib-docs - Documentation for libvirt-glib
  199. ddrescue - Data recovery tool
  200. gts - GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library
  201. gnu-efi - EFI development library
  202. vcdimager-dbginfo - Debug symbols for vcdimager
  203. g++ - GNU Compiler Collection
  204. cpio - a program to manage archives of files
  205. curl-gnutls-32bit-dbginfo - 32-bit debug symbols for curl-gnutls
  206. gawk-devel - Development files for gawk
  207. libunistring-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libunistring
  208. intltool - intltool (Tools to translate different file formats)
  209. automake - Automake is a tool for automatically generating `' files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards
  210. libgfortran-32bit - GNU Compiler Collection
  211. gts-devel - Development files for gts
  212. lutris - Install and play any video game easily
  213. deadbeef-devel - Development files for deadbeef
  214. libgnutls - The GnuTLS package contains libraries and userspace tools which provide a secure layer over a reliable transport layer
  215. duplicity - Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server.
  216. polychromatic - Graphical front end and tray applet for configuring Razer peripherals on GNU/Linux
  217. libvirt-glib - libvirt is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux
  218. glibc - This package contains the GNU C libraries and header files
  219. global-dbginfo - Debug symbols for global
  220. npth - Non-preemptive threads implementation (GNU pth)
  221. guile-devel - Development files for guile
  222. light - GNU/Linux application to control backlights
  223. deadbeef-dbginfo - Debug symbols for deadbeef
  224. gts-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gts
  225. npth-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit npth
  226. gtick - A metronome application
  227. guile-32bit-devel - Development files for 32-bit guile
  228. gnucash-dbginfo - Debug symbols for gnucash
  229. yubico-pam-dbginfo - Debug symbols for yubico-pam
  230. libpth - GNU Portable Threads Library
  231. m4-dbginfo - Debug symbols for m4
  232. libassuan-dbginfo - Debug symbols for libassuan
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