
Moon base

Jun 14th, 2019
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  1. With the thoughts of a wave attack system I think the whole defence system needs to change to suit it.
  3. First I would get rid of the solar satellites, they are a bit op really for the amount of power they give per cost compared to the Dyson, I know they can be destroyed but they are easy to replace and my idea would replace them anyway.
  5. I would remove force field and radar from planet defence and leave the other 3 defences as they are.
  7. My replacement is an idea for a moon base defence system, this base would have separate buildings on it and be a separate menu for their upgeades but in itself a building type upgraded from the infra tab (upgrades will allow more buildings in the same way as the GHQ nothing more)
  8. Requirements to start the moon base build should be linked to logistics, energy and maybe robot center as in my mind it is a fully automated moon defense system. Not sure on which levels will be acceptable.
  9. Moon base tab will show 7 buildings (all accesible as soon as the moon base is started), all 5 current planet defences will have a building that is upgradeable to allow the building of more defences per upgrade except radar, 1 further building called a solar energy channeler that works like the solar satellites to send extra power down to the planet but upgradable in the same way as Dyson is, 1 final building will be the warehouse replacement and will not be linked to logistics but be upgradable by ress, prices for all to be agreed. I would double the costs and stats of the force field as it will now in essence protect everything including the planet from all attacks as part of the the 1st wave defence, until the attacker defeats the first wave the planet defences, ships and buildings cannot be attacked. The radar will have a completely different function to counter the spying capability of the attacker as follows:-
  10. Every level of the radar will distort the attackers readings by a certain percentage each upgrade to give false reading on ships planet side but will not distort the amount of ships kept at the moon base (this needs to be expensive).
  11. Normal Mi would not be able to show the moon base building levels so the attacker cannot calculate the distortion effect, advanced report skill will at the top end show all moon base buildings.
  13. In this way I see the wave attack system as such, attacker sends and arranges 5 waves of ships to attack.
  14. Each wave will have rocket round then normal round
  15. Defender has as first line defence the moon base with its defences and ships stationed there.
  16. If the attacker defeats the defences and ships they deal damage to the buildings with the remaining wave 1 ships, damage calculations per remaining ships logistics or something similar.
  17. If wave 1 fails wave 2 attacks moon bases remaining defences and ships etc.
  18. Once the moon base is beaten the next wave moves planet side and attacks in waves until there is a victor.
  19. Honor will be gained by attacker if they beats the moon base even if they lose planet side but will be doubled if they win planet side too.
  20. Further honor will be won planet side.
  21. Nothing if attacker loses at moon base with all waves.
  22. Defender wins honor for every wave they repel with moon base.
  23. Defender wins double honor if moon base repels all waves.
  24. Defender will still win honor from moon base even if they lose planet side as long as at least 1 wave was repelled by the moon base.
  26. Defences moon base will have no rebuild rates.
  27. Defences planet side retain current rebuild rates.
  29. Moon base defences will give same scrap % as ships and buildings will give 50% of costs.
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