
Sister group

Mar 6th, 2017
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  1. BEBE
  2. @eunhyukleeluv
  3. Name: Kwon Taehee Rookie
  4. Nick: Rookie
  5. Age: 17
  6. Birthday: February 29, 2000
  7. Nationality: Korean-American
  8. Ethnicity: Korean
  9. Hometown: LA
  10. Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand
  11. Height: 176 cm
  12. Weight: 49 kg
  13. Persontlity: A very carefree person. She is very selfless and likes to treat others and take care of them, but she is a very contrasting personality. She roasts all her members and likes to be "the best" at things. She occasionally makes everyone laugh or makes fun of everyone. "Life is through the path of individualism". If you pay attention, she has a really soft heart and can't handle things that she can seem to handle (ex. Rollarcoasters). She loves three people to the most that she holds to herself, which are me, myself, and I. Narcisstic af. She also gives off that swag vibe because of the way she walks and talks, making her seem fierce. Confidence is always shown from her, and she is willing to do anything daring. Very introverted and sometimes an overworked when she doesn't realize it. Ignores others very well. You can't get mad at her because even thought she has a fierce personality, she's actually pretty innocent. To her, aegyo is a talent and her second happiness (besides herself). She seems like a leader and/or the eldest, but in reality, she's the youngest member (of one of). She's usually full of surpriese and you never know what to expect out of her since she's so hyped, but then so serious. Generally, she kind of has polar personalities.
  14. Background: She actually came from a pretty tough background. When she was younger, she was left in poverty with her siblings. Soon enough, a musical couple took them in as they found out that their parents were dead. This musical family influenced the children to grow up musically, since their parents also enjoyed music. Every day, she would go out and do some busking to earn money to buy things of here own, as she really wanted to provide for herself. Soon enough her husking got her and her brothers scouted to a company in South Korea. This gained cause the brothers to become producers and her to become a trainee. She also was able to enter contests with this new boost of confidence. She's also not fan girl for Kpop, but she does listen to Kpop.
  16. JULY
  17. Slots: Bubble Tea
  18. Backup: Black Tea
  19. Face claim: WJSN Bona
  20. Backup: WJSN Xuan Yi
  21. Stage name: Rookie
  22. Group: Xtra
  23. Backup: Neo Culture Girls
  24. Positions: Main dancer
  26. • eating
  27. • roasting
  28. • herself
  29. • compliments
  30. • dancing
  31. • confidence
  32. • feeling like high priority
  33. • fashion
  34. • attempting to rap or do high notes
  35. Dislikes:
  36. • scary rides
  37. • scary movies
  38. • unconfidence
  39. • giving up
  40. • ignorant people
  41. • chaos
  42. • disorganization
  43. • violence
  44. Habits
  45. • randomly touching her collarbone
  46. • rubbing her legs when she's nervous
  47. • reading different colors (ex. Read "red" but thought "blue")
  48. • getting randomly hyper
  49. • doodling/snoozing randomly when it's quiet/boring
  50. Trivias
  51. • Featured in MV predebut
  52. • wanted to be in entertainment since 10
  53. • polar personalities
  54. • aegyo is her weapon
  55. • huge narcissist and hypocrite
  56. • can talk out of anything
  57. • usually is the one to overwork or contribute the most
  58. • quickly influenced
  59. • is okay with almost anything
  60. • fashion enthusiast
  61. Predebut activities:
  62. She was featured in some MVs, co-produced with her protégés and did some modeling and CFs
  65. Love interest:
  66. 1st - ASTRO JinJin
  67. 2nd - SVT Dino
  68. Backup:
  69. 1st - NCT Taeil
  70. 2nd - SVT Jeonghan
  72. One to one trainer: Mark
  73. Backup: Sanha
  75. Specialty: Freestyle dance
  77. Skills ranking:
  78. 10/10 dance
  79. 6/10 song
  80. 6/10 rap
  81. 9/10 variety
  83. Audition songs: AOORA - Juicy, SVT - Beautiful, BEATWIN - Beautiful Night, Bonnie & Clyde - DEAN, I'm Not Sorry - DEAN, SF9 - Jungle Game, Going Going - N.Sonic
  85. TT
  86. Password - Mingyu, Yeri, Jungkook, Jooheon(?)
  87. Suggested scenes - predebut when they first met, first impressions, daily life in the dorm, how they handle arguements
  88. Message to admins
  89. Hello! It's my first time honestly being wit you guys, but I really enjoy your guys' participation into such a hard thing. Well done!
  90. -Cara
  91. Hey! I hope this is t so awkward or anything, but I've read some of you comments which made me laugh :)
  92. -Miyu
  93. I wish I New more about you, but his is my first time meeting you! Nice to meet you and I happen I eventually learn more :)
  94. -Ary
  95. I also don't know much about you, but I generally wish to keep up on your account and wish to be some of the people who brighten any of your guys' days :)
  96. -Wei
  97. I think I've seen your post most often? I'm not sure but you seem like a fun and cool person! I hope we get to know each other better!
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