
Mood: Apathetic.

Jan 5th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Steph laid in bed where she'd been for virtually two days except getting up to use the bathroom. She hasnt showered or changed her clothes since the day of her testimony and just laid in bed with the blankets pulled up over her head. She had Penny under the blankets with her, her body curled around the dog with her cheek pressed against her fur just doing the cuddlings.-
  2. Covet: Felix was in the kitchen taking care of his dishes from what he'd made himself for dinner, probably dino nuggets and barbeque sauce. Dude you're 21 c'mon. Finishing them, he made his way back into Steph's room and looked at her, moving to the edge of the bed so that he could climb up under the blanket where she and Penny were hiding. "Okay... Talk to me. You haven't changed, I'm sure your normal self is screaming internally about the state of your hygiene. I haven't wanted to prod about it, because I respect your space, but after our conversation today, and the events I feel like I need to know more."
  3. Alexithymiaa: (When Bryan was in my apartment, I had the box from the dino nuggets next to the garbage and he completely lost his shit so excited that Ryan also eats dino nuggets. 30 and 27 years old.)
  4. Covet has left the chat
  5. Covet has joined the chat
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Seeing the blankets move, she watched Felix climb under the blankets with them, giving him a casual shrug, her face blank. "There's nothing to tell."-
  7. Covet: "Sure there is. I don't care if I've heard it already. I want you to talk to me about how your feeling, what's on your mind. Just so I can make sure I understand it." He told her, with a comforting look in a casual tone.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I just don't feel like doing anything." She said in a small voice, her fingers trailing over Penny's fur repeatedly, settling into silence again.-
  9. Covet: "Since when has that ever been you. Normally I'd be thrilled to hear you say those words, but not when it's got you like this." He said. "You've been in bed the last two days. Even I can't do that, and I'm lazy as fuck."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "There's nothing wrong with wanting to do nothing after an otherwise hectic few weeks. Especially when it's cold." She moved her hand to her face, pushing her hair back out of her eyes.-
  11. Covet: "True, I'll give you that and can't argue there. But there's a line..." He told her. "If you were in here sleeping, I probably wouldn't mind so much, but you're just laying in here, hiding." He reached over to help tuck her hair back. "Which is why I also came in to prepare you to get up."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She flinched when he put his hand out to push her hair back, exhaling deeply before shaking her head. "I appreciate that you're trying to help, but I don't want to get up."-
  13. Covet: "I don't think you quite understand. I wasn't really giving you the option of not getting up. You've got thirty second." He told her then walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen so he could get one of the THC gummies, a small handful of grapes, and the medication bottle Bryan had gotten her set up with, walking back into the room.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, rolling over onto her other side to face the opposite direction, her hands reaching up to pull one of the pillows down so she could cover her head with it.-
  15. Covet: Felix set the pill bottle down on the side dresser, and went to take the pillow from her and hold out the grapes and the gummy. "C'mon. Get these down, and then we're going to take a shower together." He said giving her a sympathetic, but firm look.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She groaned when he took her pillow, keeping her head ducked down below the blanket, her voice muffled. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"-
  17. Covet: "Because. I'm obnoxious and a pain in the ass. And I'm not sleeping next to you, without a shower tonight." He expressed to her. "Penny needs to go out too, so you won't have her to keep you distracted." He said walking over to the door that lead out back, giving a whistle for Penny, figuring she'd be fine until they were out of the shower.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "No ones forcing you to..." She grumbled, being forced to shift when Penny crawled out from under the blankets at Felix's whistle so that she could run outside. "I just want to stay here. I'm comfortable and warm."-
  19. Covet: "You'll be comfortable and warm in the shower too." Felix told her stubborn ass as he closed the door and walked back around to her side of the bed. "Don't make me pull my ultimatum card. You won't like it." He said then handed her the grapes and the gummy. "It's only six grapes, and the gummy will kick in by the time we're out of the shower."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "You mean I won't like it even more than I don't like this?" Her voice snapped a little as she furiously threw the blankets back in a huff, sitting up in bed and taking the grapes and gummy from him, just staring at them in her hands.-
  21. Covet: "Yeah probably." He told her keeping his cool, he knew he wasn't really the target of how she was feeling, he was just agravating it. " There you go. See you're up, now next step." He said putting his hands underneath hers to lift them up. " I wouldn't be doing any of this, if it wasn't to help. Oblige me now and you can go back to doing nothing in a little bit. I'll even read to you."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I know..." She mumbled, her eyes staring at the grapes. She carefully lifted one up to her mouth, popping it in and just holding it there without chewing, feeling her stomach flip at even the prospect of eating. Leaning forward, she spit the whole grape back into her hand, shaking her head. "I can't."-
  23. Covet: "Why not?" He asked her as she spit it back out. Felix didn't want to push her to answer, instead took the grapes setting them down on the dresser. "Can you force the gummy down at least? I know you don't care so much for smoking...We can try the grapes after our shower."
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  25. Alexithymiaa: -She threw the gummy into her mouth and instantly swallowed it like forcing a pill down your throat, squeezing her eyes closed and forcing herself not to gag on it. Once she was sure she wasnt going to be sick, she slowly stood from the edge of the bed, putting her hand out to keep her balance since she really hadnt been on her feet much in the last two days, nor has she eaten or drank anything. She's a mess. She took a few staggering steps, stopping to sigh because even that felt exhausting.-
  26. Covet has joined the chat
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She threw the gummy into her mouth and instantly swallowed it like forcing a pill down your throat, squeezing her eyes closed and forcing herself not to gag on it. Once she was sure she wasnt going to be sick, she slowly stood from the edge of the bed, putting her hand out to keep her balance since she really hadnt been on her feet much in the last two days, nor has she eaten or drank anything. She's a mess. She took a few staggering steps, stopping to sigh because even that felt exhausting.-
  28. Covet: Felix watched and gave her a smile as she got the gummy down. He noticed she wasn't doing the greatest on her feet and put his arms around her to help keep her going. "I've got you. I can see what you mean now when doing nothing isn't always the best on you." Felix got her into the bathroom and looked at her, "Want me to help get you undressed? I was going to just do it, but I figured with everything, you'd like to know so I don't get smacked." He said lightly.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -She made her way into the bathroom with him, stopping to stare at her reflection in the mirror. "No... please don't..." She gently started to pull her arms into her oversized t-shirt, pausing for a moment before lifting it up and over her head. She dropped it on the floor without a care, stepping on it as she moved to the shower to turn the water on.-
  30. Covet: Felix watched her undress and head to the shower. He started to undress himself, but stopped, he felt only slightly hurt that she was avoiding any direct physical contact with him, but he understood why, and how that could make showering together difficult. "Can I still come in?"
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She paused for a moment, actually considering his words and bowing her head down to look at her feet. "Yes." She leaned heavily against the pony wall as she waited for the water to get hot, slipping out of her panties and stepping under the stream of hot water, just kind of letting it pour over her head.-
  32. Covet: He finished getting himself undressed and walked in with her, just standing back as she stood under the water. He walked closer to her and spoke, "I love you. We're going to get through this. Can I wash your hair?" He asked her watching her, intending to bathe her himself if he needed to
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her eyes to look up at him, starting to nod before her lower lip quivered. Bursting into hysterics she stepped in closer to him and wrapped her arms around his back, clinging onto him tightly.-
  34. Covet: Felix held her close as the stood under the water, and let her cry as long as she needed. Since she'd initiated the contact, once she was able to pull back, he got her washed up and not looking like a 2 day grungefest. He got her back in bed, and let Penny back in, then went to the kitchen to get her some water, to take the sleep aid prescription before climbing in himself so that he could read to her for as long as she needed it to fall asleep. He didn't have anythingn to do tomorrow anyways.
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