
I really like music

Jan 1st, 2017
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  1. I think I'll try something new this year.
  3. My top five artists for 2016
  5. 1. Porter Robinson
  6. Fuck man this guy is the tops. I bought Worlds on CD at the beginning of the year and I've basically listened to it non-stop since. Not to mention that Shelter was fucking amazing. It's only in the past year that he broke into the top five, and even made it to top spot. Listening to The Thrill on a youtube video of his Worlds concert was an experience, and I am SO FUCKING CUT that I turned down seeing him live when I had the chance.
  9. 2. Madeon
  10. I've been following Madeon ever since he released Pop Culture back in 2011, and he's always been up there, but it was 2016 when I finally got around to listening to Adventure and man what a tip top album. La Lune and You're On are my favourite tracks from that album.
  12. (Side note: I am MAD HYPE to see Madeon and Porter together in February. MAD HYYYYPE.
  14. 3. Ujico*/Snail's House
  15. Ujico~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. Ujico just makes the most cheerful fuckin' future bass/weeb music, it's literally impossible to not be upbeat while listening to them. I first heard his music in "Berdst Friends" by Anonym00se the fucking source film maker guy but MAN DO I NOT REGRET looking him up afterwards. I can't wait for him to get big because he deserves it and the world needs some fucking upbeat tunes. It's so hard to pick a notable or favourite song because they're all so good, but I think I might need to settle for Grape Soda. Or Pixel Dream. Or Grape Soda. Por que no los dos? They both make me want to cry from joy.
  17. Seriously if you haven't given this guy a listen yet, do so immediately! Chuck him a like on facebook or soundcloud or whatever your preferred platform is!
  21. 4. Arkasia
  22. One of these things is not like the other~
  23. Arkasia is a lot harder than the rest of the music you'll find on this list, but I am so glad he's on here. He makes some really HEAVY melodic/orchestral/emotional dubstep. Dude comes from a classical, then metal background, and you can hear those influences in his music as he combines choirlike orchestral chords, complex synthlines. droning bass and metal inspired drum beats.
  24. I've loved Arkasia since I heard Pandemonium back in 2011, but I was off him in the intervening years until Gravity came up in my suggested videos box in the middle of the night and I had a listen. Man, it was like visiting another world. I went back and revisited my old favourites and then listened to all the stuff I missed.
  25. This guy is GOOD. He does everything I'm looking for in a dubstep song and takes things in his own unique way. The way his music can bring you on an emotional journey like a good classical piece just speaks for his talent. I really can't describe it. Just go have a listen yourself.
  29. 5. Daft Punk
  30. Daft Punk can't NOT be in the top 5. Not ever. These guys are number one in my ALL TIME list ever since I was a babby.
  31. What's that? I still need a justification and a notable song? I watched Tron Legacy again recently.
  33. (Discovery is their best album tho)
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