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Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. const data = {
  2. club: {
  3. address: {
  4. addressLine1: "Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Str. 13",
  5. addressLine2: null,
  6. city: "Betzdorf",
  7. country: "Deutschland",
  8. countryId: 2,
  9. zip: "57518"
  10. },
  11. bankConnections: [{
  12. bank: "",
  13. bic: "GENODE51WW1",
  14. holder: "Kath. Kirchengemeinde Betzd",
  15. iban: "DE52573918000045311902"
  16. }],
  17. categoryId: 13,
  18. // 1: Musik / Kunst / Kultur
  19. // 2: Sport / Fitness
  20. // 3: Freizeit / Jugend / Senioren
  21. // 4: Soziale Einrichtungen / Hilfswerk
  22. // 5: Rettungs- / Sanitätsdienste
  23. // 6: Beruf / Industrie / Gewerbe
  24. // 7: Religiöse Einrichtungen
  25. // 8: Garten / Natur / Landschaft
  26. // 9: Parteien / Politik
  27. // 10: Juristische Person des Öffentlichen Rechts
  28. // 11: Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts
  29. // 12: Stiftung des privaten Rechts
  30. // 13: Körperschaft, Personenvereinigung, o.Ä.
  31. createdAt: Date,
  32. creator: {
  33. email: "",
  34. firstName: "Markus",
  35. lastName: "Neuroth",
  36. userId: undefined
  37. },
  38. creatorAgreesToRepresentTheClub: true,
  39. creatorAgreesToRepresentTheClubAt: Date,
  40. creatorId: 150800,
  41. creditorId: "DE71ZZZ00000389698",
  42. email: null,
  43. fax: null,
  44. headOffice: "Betzdorf",
  45. id: 1765,
  46. isDemo: undefined,
  47. mobilePhone: null,
  48. name: "HASTE TÖNE",
  49. name2: "Gospel & Worship Chor",
  50. number: undefined, // string
  51. phone: "+49 175 5640424",
  52. phone2: null,
  53. registered: undefined, // e.V. (?)
  54. typeId: 17,
  55. // 1: Sportverein:
  56. // 2: Musikverein
  57. // 3: Gesellschaftsverein
  58. // 4: Sozial- und Rettungsverein
  59. // 5: Tier- und Naturschutzverein
  60. // 6: Medien- und Kulturverein
  61. // 7: Freizeitverein
  62. // 8: Medienverein
  63. // 9: Wirtschaftsverein
  64. // 10: Partei
  65. // 11: Unabhängige Wählervereinigung
  66. // 12: Heimatpflege / Brauchtum
  67. // 13: Wohlfahrt
  68. // 14: Entwicklungshilfe
  69. // 15: Interessenverband
  70. // 16: Bürgerinitiative
  71. // 17: Sonstiges,
  72. updatedAt: Date,
  73. website: ""
  74. },
  75. departments: [{ // Organisationsebenen / Abteilungen. Hier geht es um die Bennenung (Neue App: Organisationsebene 1, alte App: Abteilung …)
  76. level: 1,
  77. name: 'Abteilung'
  78. }],
  79. formsOfAddress: [{ label: 'Familie' }], // Anreden, falls in neuer App nicht Vorhanden
  80. clubContributionRate: [
  81. {
  82. agedRates: [{
  83. amount: 30,
  84. endAge: 10,
  85. isNegative: false,
  86. isPercentageAmount: false,
  87. startAge: 0
  88. }],
  89. amount: 30,
  90. amountType: undefined, // 0: Fee, 1: Donation
  91. clubId: 1765,
  92. endAge: null,
  93. id: 7654,
  94. interval: 3, // 0: Monthly, 1: Quarterly, 2: HalfYearly, 3: Yearly
  95. invoiceText: undefined,
  96. isNegative: undefined,
  97. kind: 0, // 0: Regular, 1: DependsOnAge, 2: DependsOnMembershipDuration, 3: Additional, 4: Donation
  98. name: "Ermäßigt",
  99. rateChangeDate: undefined,
  100. startAge: null,
  101. unitType: undefined // 0: Percent, 1: Euro
  102. }
  103. ],
  104. clubMemberContributionRate: [
  105. {
  106. amount: undefined,
  107. clubContributionRateId: 7654,
  108. clubMemberId: 93431,
  109. itemCount: undefined
  110. }
  111. ],
  112. clubIndividualField: [{
  113. clubId: 1765,
  114. id: 1788,
  115. listId: undefined,
  116. name: "Mikrofonnummer",
  117. options: ['a', 'b'],
  118. type: 0 // 0 :Text, 1: Select, 2: Multiselect, 3: Date, 4: Number
  119. }],
  120. clubMemberIndividualField: [{
  121. clubIndividualFieldId: 1788,
  122. clubMemberId: 93551,
  123. values: ['a']
  124. }],
  125. clubLogo: undefined, // BytesArray
  126. clubMember: [
  127. {
  128. activeMembershipBeginAt: undefined,
  129. activeMembershipEndAt: undefined,
  130. address: {
  131. addressLine1: "",
  132. addressLine2: undefined,
  133. city: "",
  134. country: "Deutschland",
  135. countryId: 2,
  136. zip: null
  137. },
  138. anniversaryDateForSort: Date,
  139. bankConnections: [{
  140. holder: "",
  141. iban: "",
  142. bic: "",
  143. bank: ""
  144. }],
  145. birthday: Date,
  146. birthdayForSort: Date,
  147. birthdayMonth: undefined,
  148. clubId: 1765,
  149. email: "",
  150. facebook: null,
  151. fax: null,
  152. firstName: "Birgit",
  153. formOfAddressName: "Frau", // Frau / Herr / Madame / Monsieur / Mr. / Ms.
  154. gender: 1, // 0: Male, 1: Female, 2: NotSpecified
  155. id: 93512,
  156. invitationState: 4, // 0: Accepted, 1: Invited, 2: Requested, 3: Revoked, 4: NotInvited // should be 4…
  157. invitedAt: undefined,
  158. isHonoured: undefined,
  159. isPassive: true,
  160. isPerson: 1,
  161. lastName: "Moll",
  162. majorId: undefined, // keine Ahnung wozu das da ist.. clubMember.belongsTo(clubMember, { as: "major", foreignKey: "majorId", onDelete: "set null" });
  163. maritalStatus: undefined, // 0: LikeMarriage, 1: Partnership, 2: Divorced, 3: Separate, 4: Single, 5: Married, 6: Widowed
  164. memberId: 10200,
  165. membershipBeginAt: Date,
  166. membershipEndAt: Date,
  167. mobilePhone: "",
  168. mobilePhoneNotes: undefined,
  169. notes: undefined,
  170. notifications: {
  171. byEmail: false,
  172. byPhone: false,
  173. byPost: false,
  174. bySms: false,
  175. interval: 1, // 0: Instantly, 1: Each24Hours, 2: Each5Days
  176. intervalText: ""
  177. },
  178. originalClubMemberId: undefined,
  179. paymentType: {
  180. type: null, // 0: SepaDebit, 1: Invoice, 2: MemberOrContact
  181. sepaMandateReference: null, // set when type is 0
  182. payerMemberId: null, // set when type is 2
  183. seperateRatesInInvoice: null
  184. },
  185. phone: "",
  186. phone2: null,
  187. phone2Notes: undefined,
  188. phoneNotes: undefined,
  189. pictureExists: false,
  190. placeholderColor: "#AB47BC",
  191. profilePicture: undefined, // ByteArray
  192. rateBegin: undefined,
  193. rateEnd: undefined,
  194. state: 2, // 0: Active, 1: Former, 1: Passive
  195. staticClubIndividualFields: undefined,
  196. staticClubSubAreas: undefined,
  197. staticHistories: undefined,
  198. staticListId: undefined,
  199. titleId: undefined,
  200. type: 1, // 0: MemberAndContact, 1: Member, 2: Contact
  201. updatedAt: Date,
  202. userId: undefined,
  203. website: null
  204. }
  205. ],
  206. clubMemberHistory: [{
  207. clubMemberId: 93421,
  208. departmentName: undefined,
  209. isActive: undefined,
  210. isHonoured: undefined,
  211. membershipEnd: null,
  212. membershipStart: Date
  213. }],
  214. clubMemberSepaMandate: [
  215. {
  216. bankAccountHolder: "Julia Goßmann",
  217. bic: "WELADED1SIE",
  218. clubId: 1765,
  219. clubMemberId: 300676,
  220. createdAt: Date,
  221. createDate: Date,
  222. endDate: Date,
  223. iban: "DE84460500010042527366",
  224. kind: 1, // 0: oneTime, 1: untilCancel
  225. nextCharge: 2, // 0: first, 1: following, 2: last
  226. notifyCharge: false,
  227. reference: "12302",
  228. sepaMandateExisting: true, // if scanned document is in db
  229. state: 3, // 0: active, 1: expired, 2: revoked, 3: used
  230. type: 0, // 0: basis, 1: company
  231. updatedAt: Date
  232. }
  233. ],
  234. clubSubArea: [{
  235. areaId: undefined,
  236. clubId: 1765,
  237. id: 5687,
  238. level: 1, // 1: Abteilung, 2: Unterabteilung, 3: Funktion
  239. name: "HASTE TÖNE Chor",
  240. parentId: undefined
  241. }],
  242. clubMemberSubArea: [{
  243. clubMemberId: 93431,
  244. clubSubAreaId: 5687
  245. }],
  246. event: [{
  247. address: {
  248. addressLine1: "Plantagenweg",
  249. addressLine2: undefined,
  250. city: "Betzdorf",
  251. countryId: 2,
  252. zip: "57518"
  253. },
  254. applicationClosingDate: Date,
  255. categoryId: 3,
  256. clubId: 1765,
  257. description: "Gaststätte Bayer", // Achtung!!!! Ortsbezeichnung
  258. endDate: Date,
  259. eventLength: 0, // siehe events doku im confluence
  260. id: 574,
  261. isRecurringEvent: undefined,
  262. notes: "Die Betzdorfer Aktionsgemeinschaft und einige Wirte und Gastronomen der Region bieten ein buntes Konzertprogramm immer mittwochs in Betzdorf. Start ist am 16.Juli.",
  263. parentId: undefined, // siehe events doku im confluence
  264. recType: undefined, // siehe events doku im confluence
  265. siblingId: undefined, // siehe events doku im confluence
  266. startDate: Date,
  267. title: "Mittwochs Betzdorf Mittendrin bei Bayer",
  268. userId: 150800, // creator
  269. }],
  270. eventCategory: [{
  271. clubId: undefined,
  272. color: "#1b7af1",
  273. id: 1,
  274. name: "Mitgliederversammlung"
  275. }],
  276. eventParticipant: [{
  277. acceptedAt: Date, // undefined if not accepted
  278. clubId: undefined,
  279. clubMemberId: 93462,
  280. createdAt: Date,
  281. details: {
  282. email: "",
  283. firstName: "Christoph",
  284. lastName: "Schneider",
  285. memberId: undefined,
  286. mobilePhone: "+49 160 99344189",
  287. phone: "+49 2743 3869",
  288. placeholderColor: null
  289. },
  290. eventId: 33504,
  291. id: 117756,
  292. invitedAt: Date,
  293. occurrenceDate: Date,
  294. parentId: undefined,
  295. rejectedAt: Date, // undefined if not rejected
  296. response: 2, // 0: None, 1: Accept, 2: Reject
  297. userId: undefined
  298. }]
  299. }
  301. const request = {
  302. data,
  303. importSource: 1,
  304. currentClubId: undefined // bei import in bestehenden Verein setzen
  305. }
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