
Apple Dream 2: A New Life

Aug 20th, 2014
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  1. >"So,whatcha say? C'mon Anon help out your old pal Barley over here!" He says as he leans toward you eagerly.
  2. "I don't know man. We're talking about serious money here and besides, I'm dead broke as you are" You say as you down your drink.
  3. >"I'm telling you, I got a feeling that now is the perfect time. Business has been particularly fine these past weeks with patrons doubling in number to boot!" He adds as he tries to convince you.
  4. "Let me think about that one for a few days. Say Barley, mind if I crash the couch for a few minutes?" You say as you stand up.
  5. >"Yeah sure. Just don't barf all over the place after you're done." He grins and leaves you.
  6. >You wake up after a few hours with a massive headache. Liquor never agreed with you especially the morning after a binge of drinking.
  7. "Oh god almighty.." You mutter as you massage your temples in an attempt to ease the pain. You stand up groggily and lean on the wall for a bit. You glance at your watch and you see that it's already seven in the morning. "Time for breakfast." You say to nopony in particular.
  8. >You wince as you exit the tavern. It seems that the sudden intrusion of sunlight made you even more dizzy. You stand by the door for a bit to get your bearings straight.
  9. "Okay Anon, let's get you home in one piece." You say to yourself.
  11. >You spot a familiar pony sitting by at a cafe while on your way home. Talk to her or go home? Bah you're here already so you might as well grab some breakfast.
  12. "Mornin' Octavia.." You say as you sit in front of her.
  13. >"Good morning Anon." She says as she puts her book down. "You look terrible this morning."
  14. You raise your hands "Yeah I know. Special party over at the tavern. Was up playing until four in the morning." You say as you ruffle your hair. "God this job is killing me slowly" You add as you rub your eyes.
  15. >"Why don't you go home and take some more rest? I'm sure you'll feel better later" She says as she looks at you thoughtfully.
  16. "And miss my most favorite part of the day?" You ask with a grin. Well for starters, You and Octavia started a habit of having breakfast together for a month now.
  17. >"Mhm. I thought you said you were more of a night creature" She says while she looks at you sideways.
  18. "Well, we can't have breakfast at night,right?" You jokingly ask her.
  19. >She laughs at that. "Not quite"
  20. >"Now first things first, let's get you fed" And she motions for the waiter. "What do you want Anon?"
  21. "Just water would be fine thanks" You say as your slump forward and bury your head between your arms.
  22. >"No can do Anon." she says as she shakes her head. She turns to the waiter and asks for some bread and butter.
  24. >The waiter arrives after a few minutes carrying a plate piled high with toast, eggs, cheese and a packet of butter. The aroma got you wide awake as your body reminds you that it has been awhile since you ate something decent.
  25. >"Anything new today?" She asks while she watches you attack your food with gusto.
  26. "Nothing much aside from that party.." You say between chewing. "And oh, Barley asked me to be his business partner."
  27. >"Oh? And?" She asks eagerly.
  28. "I said I'd think about it. He wants to expand his tavern since the tobacco shop beside it closed down. The only problem is that we need mucho dinero." You say as you rub your fingers together so she can understand.
  29. >"I'm sure the two of you would come up with something" She assures while she stirs her coffee.
  30. "Enough of me, more about you. Anything new?" You inquire.
  31. >"I have a practice later at three. Do you want to watch? I'm sure my colleagues would be delighted to finally meet you" She adds.
  32. You nod in agreement "Sounds fine with me. They won't bite me,right?"
  33. >She jabs you lightly with her fork and laughs. "They won't as long as you behave."
  35. >You arrive at her apartment later that afternoon. You see her waiting for you by the door.
  36. You smile and greet her "Hi 'Tavi"
  37. >She looks at you and smiles. "A little bit late?"
  38. "Sorry about that. I overslept a bit" You say sheepishly.
  39. >"Nevermind Let's get going. I'm sure they'll like you a lot. Speaking of which.." She trots after her friend.
  40. >"....You!" the cyan pony stammers out. She's turning beet red now.
  41. "Hi Brass" You say quietly.
  42. >Octavia looks at the both of you quizzically. "You know each other already?"
  43. You look at Brass and give her a smile. "A passing acquaintance."
  44. >Octavia raises an eyebrow on you. Brass just looks at the floor while toying with her mane.
  45. >"Quite. Where are the others?" Octavia finally asks Brass.
  46. >"Symphony can't make it since she's down with the flu. I know Frederic is there already though" She finally says. "We need to get going or else he'll get mad again" She adds with a shudder.
  47. >The three of you were greeted by a Stallion by the door. Your arrogant colt detector was already going off even by just looking at him.
  48. >"Late again? Miss Melody? Miss Brass?" The light brown stallion asks while impatiently tapping his hoof at the floor. "And you are?" He asks you.
  49. " Uh..I'm Anon. Nice to meet you" You say as you extend your hand.
  50. >"Charmed." He smiles momentarily and returns back to his deadpan stare. He doesn't take your hand. "I do thank you for escorting Miss Melody and Miss Brass. You may go along now" He says while making shooing motions.
  51. >"Frederic, would you be a gentlecolt and allow Anon to watch our practice? I was the one who invited him" Octavia says apologetically.
  52. >Frederic just gives you a bored look as if he was scrutinizing a speck of dust. "Suit yourselves" He says as he turns.
  53. >Fuck you you faggot of a horse. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.
  54. >Octavia sees the expression on your face and lightly jabs you in the ribs.
  55. >You give her your 'What did I do?' face. She gives you her 'behave yourself' face.
  56. "Fine." you mutter under your breath. Octavia just smiles at you.
  59. >"Octavia told me you were also a musician,no? What instrument do you play?" Frederic asks.
  60. "Well, I play the guitar nightly on the pub just beside the old tobacco shop." You say truthfully.
  61. >He scoffs at our answer and laughs. "What I meant was, What REAL instrument do you play?"
  62. >You were about to say 'nigger come closer so I can bumfuck you' but you notice Octavia looking crossly at you.
  63. >Let it slide, Anon. You'll have your fun later.
  64. "I play a little piano if needed though" You add. You're just a hair away from tearing this bastard a new asshole.
  65. >He walks towards the piano in the middle of the room and proceeds to play a short lively piece. "From the way I see it, it's either you know how to play the piano fully or..not at all" He says with a barb at the end.
  66. >This little bitch is asking for it. If only Octavia wasn't here dammit!
  67. "Well yeah, I noticed that you got some tunes a bit off but all in all it was nice. Just remember, practice makes perfect" You retort back.
  68. >his ears perk up as your statement hits the right nerve. You were sure that you saw his eyes pop out for a moment.
  69. >"I'm sure a dog can play the piano better than you ever can" He says icily. This is it. Standoff.
  70. "And who said you were a good pianist yourself?" You snap back.
  71. >His eyes grow wide and he stands up. "I'll let you know that I'm a master of boxing. Stand up!" He bellows out.
  72. "Haha! I'll pass. You wouldn't even last one round against me. I bet your grandma hits harder than you" You laugh out loud.
  73. >"YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU RUFFIAN! MY GRANDMUM IS A PONY OF STANDING IN CANTERLOT!" He shouts as he runs towards you. Lol he pissed gud now.
  74. >"STOP! THE BOTH OF YOU!" Octavia shouts out. The two of you comply. You never saw her this mad. She looks at you acidly. This can't be good.
  75. >"Anon.Out" She says evenly.
  76. "B-but.." you stammer.
  77. >"OUT! NOW!"
  79. >"What? She kicked you out? Damn son" Barley winces.
  80. "I know right? Barley I tell you, I was this close on kicking the ass of that sucker. THIS CLOSE!" You say sourly as you drink your cider.
  81. >"That's what you get when you hang out with high class folk. An arrogant bunch, the lot of them" Barley concludes.
  82. >"Eherm. I'm afraid you're sorely mistaken. Not all of us are arrogant" A pony behind you says.
  83. You turn around to see Frederic standing behind you. "YOU! YOU BASTA--" And he cuts you off.
  84. >"Miss Brass told me that I'll find you here. I have to say I owe you an apology from that minor scuffle we had this afternoon. I guess it's a habit of mine to get cross whenever ponies are late" He explains
  85. You soften your stare as you study him. "Hey Barley, get this guy some hard cider" You call out
  86. >"Just red wine for me.." He stammers and you wave him off.
  87. "Psh nonsense. You say you're sorry right? I'm sorry too. No sissy drinks tonight. The tab is on me" You say as you break a wide grin.
  89. >"And then I shaid, Symhpony thatsh not your tuba, thatsh my ass!" A drunk Frederic told you while laughing
  90. >"If you could shee the look on her face! Red as an apple! Wooo!" He burped.
  91. >Looks like this Frederic guy is a decent chap after all.
  92. >The two of you exchange jokes and stories for quite awhile. Then he mellows down and looks at you seriously.
  93. >"Hey Anon. Take care of her, understood? Octavia's a lovely mare." He starts out.
  94. "I don't really think she really likes me" You say glumly while sloshing around your mug. Frederic laughs at that.
  95. >"For starters all she talks about is you. And I was all like, 'who in the buck is this pony'? But I guess you're an okay stallion..or human anyways" He says as he finishes his drink.
  96. "I can't take the face value of that especially with that coming from a drunk" You snap back
  97. >He looks at you straight in the eye. "I'm dead serious Anon. She likes you. Now..." He stands up and grabs you by the shoulder. "She said she'll be at the park tonight to get some fresh air. Go" And he pushes you out.
  99. >It took you quite awhile to find her at the park. You were about to give up when you see her seated at one of the benches. She sees you come closer but she stands up and walks the other way.
  100. "Hey Octavia.." You say as you walk behind her.
  101. "Tavi.." She still ignores you.
  102. >She finally stops and turns to look at you. " You can really be childish sometimes Anon. You crossed a line on that little charade of yours" She says crossly.
  103. >"I don't even know why I'm upset about this. It's not that we're in a relationship or something" She adds while she slaps a hoof in her face.
  104. "Look I'm sorry alright? Me and Frederic already talked about it and we're okay already. In fact, we're drinking buddies now" You say proudly. "That 'in a relationship' part sounds good though. I'd love to be your coltfriend" You add with a sly smile.
  105. >She looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Real smooth Anon." She smiles as she comes closer to you and nuzzles your arm.
  106. "So, is this a yes?" You ask her expectantly.
  107. She gives you a peck in the cheek. "Yes Anon. It does sound good"
  108. >"Now about Frederic being your new drinking buddy, don't make him a drunkard alright? We still need him sober during performances" She says as she gives you a sideways look.
  109. You just smile and nod in agreement. "yes ma'am"
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