

Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,541733501,.GetToken,10009,1150]
  2. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,529966656,.GoogleAccountDataService,10009,1150]
  3. W/GLSUser ( 1150): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,529966656,1150]
  5. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,541733501,1150]
  6. I/WifiHAL ( 603): Found some events!!!
  7. W/hne ( 1743): IOException thrown while closing Closeable.
  8. W/hne ( 1743): Write error: ssl=0xb7a76e08: OK
  9. W/hne ( 1743): at Method)
  10. W/hne ( 1743): at$SSLOutputStream.write(
  11. W/hne ( 1743): at
  12. W/hne ( 1743): at iyl.a(PG:380)
  13. W/hne ( 1743): at iym.a(PG:188)
  14. W/hne ( 1743): at
  15. W/hne ( 1743): at iyv.close(PG:615)
  16. W/hne ( 1743): at bdv.close(PG:103)
  17. W/hne ( 1743): at hne.a(PG:80)
  18. W/hne ( 1743): at hne.b(PG:99)
  19. W/hne ( 1743): at ffu.a(PG:147)
  20. W/hne ( 1743): at
  21. W/hne ( 1743): at
  22. W/hne ( 1743): at
  23. W/hne ( 1743): at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
  24. W/hne ( 1743): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  25. W/hne ( 1743): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  26. W/hne ( 1743): at
  27. W/EventLoggerService( 1743): Unable to send logs Write error: ssl=0xb7a76e08: OK
  28. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,782532838,1743]
  29. I/c2dm ( 1150): [8,,4,2]
  30. I/GCM ( 1150): GCM message 0:1404799327086466%5a539273f9fd7ecd
  31. D/ConnectivityService( 603): reportNetworkCondition(1, 100)
  32. D/ConnectivityService( 603): handleInetConditionChange: net=1, condition=100,mActiveDefaultNetwork=1
  33. D/ConnectivityService( 603): handleInetConditionChange: starting a change hold
  34. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,793540985,.GcmIntentService,10052,1956]
  35. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,489211582,.RealTimeChatService,10052,1956]
  36. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,793540985,1956]
  37. I/notification_enqueue( 603): [10052,1956,,0,,0,Notification(pri=0 vibrate=default sound=android.resource:// defaults=0x6 flags=0x11 color=0x00000000)]
  38. I/notification_cancel( 603): [10052,1956,,2,,0,0,64,8,NULL]
  39. I/MediaFocusControl( 603): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from
  40. E/MediaPlayer( 699): Should have subtitle controller already set
  41. D/audio_hw_primary( 195): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  42. D/ACDB-LOADER( 195): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  43. E/AudioSink( 195): received unknown event type: 1 inside CallbackWrapper !
  44. I/notification_cancel( 603): [10052,1956,,7,,0,0,64,8,NULL]
  45. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,489211582,1956]
  46. D/ConnectivityService( 603): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
  47. D/ConnectivityService( 603): sendStickyBroadcast:
  48. I/MediaFocusControl( 603): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from
  49. I/notification_visibility_changed( 603): [,-1|android|17040566|null|1000;-1|android|17040574|null|1000;0|com.whatsapp|1|null|10028;0||0||10052]
  50. I/notification_panel_hidden( 603): []
  51. D/PhoneStatusBar( 699): disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search >
  52. W/InputMethodManagerService( 603): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@136e9704 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@1653a93f
  53. I/ActivityManager( 603): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal Minds S03E12 3rd Life.avi (has extras)} from pid 2577 on display 0
  54. I/wm_task_moved( 603): [3,1,0]
  55. I/am_create_activity( 603): [0,154252525,3,,android.intent.action.VIEW,NULL,file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal Minds S03E12 3rd Life.avi,0]
  56. I/am_pause_activity( 603): [0,652131174,]
  57. D/audio_hw_primary( 195): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
  58. D/ACDB-LOADER( 195): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
  59. I/am_on_paused_called( 2577): [0,]
  60. I/am_restart_activity( 603): [0,154252525,3,]
  61. V/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): onCreate ( dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi
  62. V/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): << Extra >>
  63. V/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): 1) from_video_list=true
  64. V/MX.Player.PP( 2577): Canonicalizing URI file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi -> file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi
  65. V/MX.Player.PP( 2577): Canonicalizing URI(2) file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi -> file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi
  66. V/MX.Player.Database( 2577): States not found: file:///storage/emulated/0/Movies/Criminal%20Minds%20S03E12%203rd%20Life.avi (1ms)
  67. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,403692979,.PlayService,10087,2577]
  68. I/MediaFocusControl( 603): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from
  69. I/MediaFocusControl( 603): Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{3fc01f70: PendingIntentRecord{3ecca2e7 broadcastIntent}}
  70. D/MediaSessionHelper( 2577): Attempting to get helper with context
  71. D/MediaSessionHelper( 2577): addMediaButtonListener added PendingIntent{300f0abc: android.os.BinderProxy@b1d76af}
  72. I/am_on_resume_called( 2577): [0,]
  73. I/backup_data_changed( 603):
  74. D/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): === Enter surfaceCreated. holder=android.view.SurfaceView$4@1c5f8ca7 _surfaceHolderCreated=null_surfaceView=android.view.SurfaceView{21b3f554 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-768,1280 #7f070013 app:id/surfaceView}
  75. V/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): HW Accel=true
  76. D/MX.Player.Screen( 2577): === Leave surfaceCreated.
  77. E/MX.Device.Video( 2577): 2577 | android.view.Surface/mNativeObject field is not found.
  78. V/MX.Player.FF( 2577): === Begin closing soft player
  79. V/MX.Player.FF( 2577): === End closing soft player
  80. D/AndroidRuntime( 2577): Shutting down VM
  81. I/am_activity_launch_time( 603): [0,154252525,,235,235]
  82. I/ActivityManager( 603): Displayed +235ms
  83. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  84. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): Process:, PID: 2577
  85. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no "I" field "mNativeObject" in class "Landroid/view/Surface;" or its superclasses
  86. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at Method)
  87. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at Source)
  88. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at ady.a(Unknown Source)
  89. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at ady.a(Unknown Source)
  90. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at com.mxtech.videoplayer.ActivityScreen.a(Unknown Source)
  91. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at com.mxtech.videoplayer.ActivityScreen.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
  92. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  93. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  94. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at
  95. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  96. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  97. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at$
  98. E/AndroidRuntime( 2577): at
  99. I/am_crash( 603): [2577,0,,8961604,java.lang.NoSuchFieldError,no "I" field "mNativeObject" in class "Landroid/view/Surface;" or its superclasses,NULL,-2]
  100. W/ActivityManager( 603): Force finishing activity
  101. I/am_finish_activity( 603): [0,154252525,3,,crashed]
  102. I/am_pause_activity( 603): [0,154252525,]
  103. W/ActivityManager( 603): Force finishing activity
  104. I/am_finish_activity( 603): [0,652131174,3,,crashed]
  105. I/wm_task_moved( 603): [1,1,0]
  106. W/ActivityManager( 603): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{931b4ed u0 t3 f}
  107. I/am_resume_activity( 603): [0,31172970,1,]
  108. I/art ( 1063): Heap transition to ProcessStateJankPerceptible took 61.071265ms saved at least -52KB
  109. I/art ( 1021): Heap transition to ProcessStateJankPerceptible took 82.862812ms saved at least 32KB
  110. I/am_on_resume_called( 1021): [0,]
  111. I/am_destroy_activity( 603): [0,652131174,3,,finish-idle]
  112. I/am_destroy_activity( 603): [0,154252525,3,,finish-idle]
  113. I/Process ( 2577): Sending signal. PID: 2577 SIG: 9
  114. I/ActivityManager( 603): Process (pid 2577) has died.
  115. I/am_proc_died( 603): [0,2577,]
  116. W/MediaFocusControl( 603): AudioFocus audio focus client died
  117. I/MediaFocusControl( 603): AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for android.os.BinderProxy@2340cee8
  118. I/WindowState( 603): WIN DEATH: Window{24ea720c u0}
  119. W/ActivityManager( 603): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
  120. I/am_schedule_service_restart( 603): [0,,1000]
  121. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,403692979,-1]
  122. I/sf_frame_dur( 192): [,280,15,0,1,1,2,4]
  123. I/WindowState( 603): WIN DEATH: Window{13f46c88 u0}
  124. W/WindowManager( 603): Force-removing child win Window{3112f901 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{13f46c88 u0}
  125. I/art ( 1743): Heap transition to ProcessStateJankPerceptible took 50.999541ms saved at least 439KB
  126. W/WindowManager( 603): Failed looking up window
  127. W/WindowManager( 603): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@f0c407 does not exist
  128. W/WindowManager( 603): at
  129. W/WindowManager( 603): at
  130. W/WindowManager( 603): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
  131. W/WindowManager( 603): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
  132. I/WindowState( 603): WIN DEATH: null
  133. I/wm_task_removed( 603): [3,removeAppToken: last token]
  134. I/wm_task_removed( 603): [3,removeTask]
  135. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 1743): mic_starting eze@3f9b00bb
  136. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 1743): Starting hotword detection.
  137. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,499642772,.IndexService,10009,1063]
  138. I/AudioFlinger( 195): AudioFlinger's thread 0xb4599008 ready to run
  139. W/MessageQueue( 699): Handler ($1) {bd37277} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  140. W/MessageQueue( 699): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler ($1) {bd37277} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  141. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
  142. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
  143. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
  144. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
  145. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(
  146. W/MessageQueue( 699): at
  147. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,104145981,.IndexWorkerService,10009,1063]
  148. W/MessageQueue( 699): Handler ($1) {bd37277} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  149. W/MessageQueue( 699): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler ($1) {bd37277} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  150. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
  151. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
  152. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
  153. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
  154. W/MessageQueue( 699): at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(
  155. W/MessageQueue( 699): at
  156. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,50107136,.LightweightIndexService,10009,1150]
  157. D/audio_hw_primary( 195): select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(16: handset-mic)
  158. E/ACDB-LOADER( 195): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8
  159. I/art ( 1150): Heap transition to ProcessStateJankPerceptible took 30.734015ms saved at least 50KB
  160. I/am_create_service( 603): [0,743753529,.LightweightIndexService$LightweightWorkerService,10009,1150]
  161. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,743753529,1150]
  162. I/am_destroy_service( 603): [0,104145981,1063]
  163. I/HotwordWorker( 1743): onReady
  164. I/sf_frame_dur( 192): [Application Error:,15,0,0,1,0,1,0]
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