
scheherazade partway done archive

Apr 26th, 2020
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  77. </style> <div id="box5only"> Scheherazade's Adventures
  79. <div style="font-family:charm, times;font-size:140px;line-height:170px;color:#80b;text-align:center;margin-top:80px;">
  80. Scheherazade's tendency is to accomplish things. </div>
  82. <div style="font-size:54px;line-height:79px;color:tomato;font-family:calligraffitti, arial;
  83. text-align:justify;padding:230px 22px 0px 22px;letter-spacing:1.7px;">
  84. The following was written after being found guilty of things none of us in the family did: <br>We were absolutely innocent, by any reasoned observation, at all, and in the eyes of any God that may exist. Yet found guilty by idiots. So we self exiled. Now we are returning, angered, vengeance in our hearts,
  85. prepared TO BECOME ACTUALLY GUILTY OF THE OBSCENE MURDER WE DID NOT DO, that suicide we tried to stop.<p><br>
  87. I leave this in my diary because it expresses the truth, and how I felt, and still feel in some way.
  88. <br>Yet rather than vengeance, I will accomplish things, and lead by example. My spirit is to pioneer.
  90. <p><br>New recent history: Accomplishing things not thought possible. About one per week. Sometimes ten. <p>Lately I have had conversations concerning practical mathematics with our Prince, Markus. He really is expansive in his thinking. What a fine student he has become, in some ways passing his teacher. The polynomial algebra he has shown can define beautifully, artfully, in great detail the workings of habitats with their populations interactions, and through time. I am thinking certain functions of trigonometry may be used for certain processes as they change. Yes, several of us will work together to solve this. To the supercomputer on this one.
  92. <div style="color:lavender;">
  93. Scheherazade, as of 7/14/18, is flying solo carrying scientific equipment in Boeing5, to Proxima Centauri for a flyby. Correction, she has altered her mission to fly through the entire Centauri system, and return by 7/26/18with much information. Among the instruments she carriesis the 31 foot reflector narrow view telescope, a gravitometer with high resolution, cosmic ray sensors, and the full arcanist kit. She may be able to communicate with any Lucunditas via any bandwidth, and will collect information more rapidly than any other scientific venture. <p>
  94. As of late evening 7/24/18 pdt, Scheherazade has been retrieved in very critical condition, in hibernation at 312 degrees below zero fahrenheit, badly crushed. She had taken calcium rubberizer prior to her approach to Alpha Centauri flyby which saved her. She endured 10 hours of surgery, and was brought out of hibernation by Glimmer-
  95. Jewel. On board Blaze, Scheherazade will remain in ICU. She is momentarily able to be conscious, and knows where she is. <p>
  96. <center><img src=" " style="width:35%;"></center><p>
  97. Here, by mid August, many thanks to my entire family, and my many friends, private, public, and politically in all spectrums, I am 90% healed, and just an hour ago, returned from a beyond atmosphere 3 orbit of Earth flight. I'm testing my abilities each day. Have joined with Natsuka, Kathy, Michelle the Mouse, Cherry Wolfie, and the glamorous beauty, Shizuka; in a now 6-Way marriage. Dr. Uncle believes in less than a month I'll be approximately 100%.
  99. <div style="color:red;">
  100. I have come terribly close to breaking my vow of being good twice now. Sonia declares I should come to her and get into immediate hibernation the next time anger, no matter how right it may be, comes upon me. I must always remember that I ESCAPED from hell, and was not a soul released for some mitigating circumstance, and that my repentence came too late for parole. Yet all escapees in the long run, and at the very end, are assisted by Savior to have that death in hell that is required to have this birth on Earth. I came very close to dying in this succubus body, and only just barely came out of hibernation; But for the powerful life force Gallan of Blaze keeping my nerve cells alive, and the powerful intelligent Gallan of Glimmer-Jewel working with Dr. Uncle's knowlegeable Gallan and medical skills keeping me alive by what humans will call magic. (But for the few physicists who understand at minimum the workings of Alchemy and how that functions with what can only be faith for humans, the workings of Gallan.)<p>
  101. I must especially thank Blaze! It was her strength that brought all the rendezvous together. Delphina let me know that. She added the accuracy, as did EverAngel and EverTo. <p>
  102. I felt the Gallan of 24 Lucunditas, and sent 7 satellites to orbit their planet. The first 2 should be arriving by actual time, tomorrow and the next day. 3 others will flyby and return in about 2 years to orbit. 2 others will survey the entire system, and slowly enter Lucunditas' colony in the next decade. All have powerful long
  103. reflector lenses in the kilometer diameter range, and many other sensors. It is a matter of how many systems survived the g forces.<br><br>
  105. <div style="color:lightblue;">
  106. I had never called on my Gallan to use my human form prior to my journey to the Centauri system. While healing in my hospital room someone remarked that they never saw my human form. I decided to do so just for the heck and curiosity of it. Dr. Uncle took a few shots of me, first while I looked in a mirror. I am able to control to some extent what my human form looks like. I sure did not think I'd be so pretty and fine faced. The way I feel though, still healing up some, more tender, not quite as
  107. strong, it seems an appropriate way to look. I like it. Hope you do too.
  108. <li> After my flight to the Centauri system, and my brush with death, which would have been eternal, I recovered. I was frail, what I think of as frail. Before I did my first atmospheric orbital, with my sisters aunts, and cousins, my greatuncle told me he'd never seen my human form. With the others encouraging me to, I made my human form. I thought I'd be average or ugly. I didn't know if it'd be boy or girl, or both. Well, it's this fine featured frail girl. Then Kennedy stopped by, that's Kennedy from the nail shop in Ukiah, and she showed me ways to do makeup that suited my face. Ha! I love how pretty I am. I'd love me if I was somebody else!!! Anyhow, it's taken almost a year to get to where I can race Taklamakan and Joshua to Uranus, round it, at no more than 18 g's, that's a rule we have, and return. It's always a close race. My build now in both forms is athletic. I can modify my human form to look like several similar but different human girls.
  110. </div></div></div> </div>
  112. </div> <div style="margin-top:0px;opacity:0;font-size:14px;"><h2><center> 25 Scheherazade 7/29/19 <br> Create 73 Hana Song...74 lilith Vythica is having Sarina's baby...75 marie Caulfield had Sophia WayStone... </center></h2></div></script></body></html>
  113. </body>
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