

Aug 4th, 2019
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  1. AbyssalCraft
  2. Additional Structures
  3. Aether Continuation
  4. AI Improvements
  5. AppleSkin
  6. Astral Sorcery
  7. AtomicStryker's Battle Towers
  8. AutoRegLib
  9. Bad Wither No Cookie
  10. Baubles
  11. Bed Patch
  12. Better Than Mending
  13. BetterFps
  14. BetterPortals
  15. Bewitchment
  16. Blood Magic
  17. Bloodmoon
  18. Botania
  19. Ceramics
  20. Champions
  21. Charm
  22. Clarity
  23. Client Tweaks
  24. Clumps
  25. ContainerFix
  26. Controlling
  27. Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  28. CraftTweaker
  29. Culinary Construct
  30. Default Options
  31. Default World Generator
  32. Diet Hoppers
  33. Dracomelette
  34. Dynamic Surroundings
  35. Electrobob's Wizardry
  36. Embers Rekindled
  37. Enchantment Descriptions
  38. EqualDragons
  39. Familiar Fauna
  40. Farseek
  41. FastFurnace
  42. FastWorkbench
  43. Food Expansion
  44. Guide API
  45. Hardcore Darkness
  46. HelpFixer
  47. Hwyla
  48. Immersive Engineering
  49. Immersive Petroleum
  50. JourneyMap
  51. Just a Few Fish
  52. Just Enough Items
  53. LibraryEx
  54. Living Enchantment
  55. Magical Psi
  56. Mending Fix
  57. Minecraft Comes Alive
  58. ModTweaker
  59. Mouse Tweaks
  60. MTLib
  61. Mystcraft
  62. Natural Nether Portals
  63. Nature's Compass
  64. Nether Chest
  65. NetherEx
  66. NetherPortalFix
  67. NuclearCraft
  68. Ocean Floor
  69. OMLib
  70. OpenComputers
  71. OpenModularTurrets
  72. Optifine (optional)
  73. OreLib
  74. Patchouli
  75. Phosphor
  76. Psi
  77. Quark
  78. ReAuth
  79. Respawnable Pets
  80. Rustic
  81. Rustic Thaumaturgy
  82. Serene Seasons
  83. Shadowfacts' Forgelin
  84. Simple Storage Network
  85. Smooth Water
  86. Soot
  87. Sound Physics
  88. Special AI
  89. Streams
  90. Stygian End: Biome Expansion
  91. Surge
  92. SwingThroughGrass
  93. TexFix
  94. Thaumcraft
  95. Thaumic JEI
  96. The Aether
  97. The Betweenlands
  98. The Endergetic Expansion
  99. The Midnight
  100. Third Person Camera Fix
  101. Tomb Many Graves 2
  102. TombManyGraves 2 API
  103. TombManyPlugins - Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  104. Totemic
  105. Traverse Legacy
  106. VanillaFix
  107. Veining
  108. Waila Harvestability
  109. Wawla
  110. Waystones
  111. Worley's Caves
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