
Dog Strength (idk I'm not really counting anymore lol)

Feb 26th, 2021
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  1. The suit struggled to its feet, using its arms to shield itself from two more shouts from Barker and a barrage from Shatterbird, then stopped short as the cord of silk I’d bound around its neck pulled taut. The other end was wound around one of the coupling rods that stretched between the wheels of one rusted train. I’d worried the coupling rod would come loose, but the elasticity of the silk combined with the durability and sheer thickness of it meant it didn’t snap. The suit was pulled off-balance, giving Biter and Bentley a chance to close in, hammer it into the ground and thrash it.
  3. I glanced at Bitch, saw her mouth set in a grim line.
  5. The suit fought its way free, and Bitch whistled for Bentley to back up. I could see how it was mangled, metal torn and rent. Yes, it had displayed some self-repair technology, but every part of it was a ruined mess. I didn’t want to underestimate Dragon’s work, but-
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