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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. PluginPrefix: '&7[&1VGBoosters&7]&6>>'
  2. NoPerms: '&cYou do not have permission to run this command'
  3. BoosterAlreadyActive: '&cA %booster% Booster is already active'
  4. LackingBooster: '&cYou do not have any of that booster. Please purchase one at /store!'
  5. BoosterActivated: '&aYou have activated a booster! Enjoy the boost!'
  6. AlreadyThankeds: '&cYou have already thanked that player'
  7. SqlNotEnabled: '&cMySQL is not enabled for this plugin. This plugin will not work until it is'
  8. SqlEnabledAndReload: '&aMySQL is now enabled and all files were reloaded'
  9. SqlNotEnabledAndReload: '&aMySQL was not enabled in the config but all files were reloaded'
  10. FilesReloaded: '&aAll files were reloaded'
  11. #All data pertaining to vanilla boosters
  12. mysql:
  13. Enabled: false
  14. Host: ''
  15. Port: ''
  16. Database: ''
  17. Username: ''
  18. Password: ''
  19. VanillaBooster:
  20. #How much the exp should be multiplied by
  21. LuckyBoosterMultiplier: 5
  22. BoosterMultiplier: 3
  23. #Duration of the booster configable to the minute
  24. DurationInMinutes: 180
  25. #How many achievements needed to add another thanking increment
  26. IncrementInterval: 10
  27. #How much exp they get per increment interval
  28. ThankingIncrement: 40
  29. #How much exp a player should get regardless of number of achievements
  30. BaseAmount: 250
  31. #The message player gets when they thank
  32. ThankMessage: '&aYou thanked %player% and got &e%exp% &aexp"
  33. McMMOBooster:
  34. LuckyBoosterMultiplier: 5
  35. BoosterMuliplier: 3
  36. #Duration of the booster configable to the minute
  37. DurationInMinutes: 180
  38. #How many achievements needed to add another thanking increment
  39. IncrementInterval: 100
  40. #How much exp they get per increment interval
  41. ThankingIncrement: 1000
  42. #How much exp a player should get regardless of number of achievements
  43. BaseAmount: 2000
  44. #The message player gets when they thank
  45. ThankMessage: '&aYou thanked %player% and got &e%exp% &aexp"
  46. JobsBooster:
  47. LuckyBoosterExpMultiplier: 5
  48. BoosterExpMultiplier: 3
  49. BoosterMoneyMultiplier: 3
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