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Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. 15:19:52:640 [19012] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (32-bit) built on '2019-01-21 00:12:33' loaded from "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\dxgi.dll" to "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\aamfp.exe" ...
  2. 15:19:52:744 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
  3. 15:19:52:744 [19012] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  4. 15:19:52:744 [19012] | INFO | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
  5. 15:19:52:770 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
  6. 15:19:52:770 [19012] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  7. 15:19:52:770 [19012] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
  8. 15:19:52:796 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d9.dll" ...
  9. 15:19:52:796 [19012] | INFO | > Delayed.
  10. 15:19:52:796 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d10.dll" ...
  11. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | > Delayed.
  12. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d10_1.dll" ...
  13. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | > Delayed.
  14. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\d3d11.dll" ...
  15. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  16. 15:19:52:797 [19012] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
  17. 15:19:52:823 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\dxgi.dll" ...
  18. 15:19:52:823 [19012] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
  19. 15:19:52:823 [19012] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\opengl32.dll" ...
  20. 15:19:52:823 [19012] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
  21. 15:19:52:823 [19012] | INFO | > Found 360 match(es). Installing ...
  22. 15:19:52:853 [19012] | INFO | Initialized.
  23. 15:19:52:915 [11324] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExW(08E2F634)' ...
  24. 15:19:52:915 [11324] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'Message'.
  25. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormat(91011F42, 007AF574)' ...
  26. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | > Dumping pixel format descriptor:
  27. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  28. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | | Name | Value |
  29. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  30. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | | Flags | 0x25 |
  31. 15:19:52:924 [16840] | INFO | | ColorBits | 24 |
  32. 15:19:52:925 [16840] | INFO | | DepthBits | 24 |
  33. 15:19:52:925 [16840] | INFO | | StencilBits | 8 |
  34. 15:19:52:925 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  35. 15:19:53:381 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExA(6AE1FF0C)' ...
  36. 15:19:53:436 [16840] | INFO | > Returned format: 11
  37. 15:19:53:436 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglSetPixelFormat(91011F42, 11, 007AF574)' ...
  38. 15:19:53:436 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateContext(91011F42)' ...
  39. 15:19:53:436 [16840] | INFO | > Passing on to 'wglCreateLayerContext' ...
  40. 15:19:53:436 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateLayerContext(91011F42, 0)' ...
  41. 15:19:53:468 [16840] | INFO | > Returning OpenGL context: 00010000
  42. 15:19:53:468 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(91011F42, 00010000)' ...
  43. 15:19:53:474 [16840] | WARN | > Window class style of window 00130AAE is missing 'CS_OWNDC' flag.
  44. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | > Switched to new runtime 0E4E7978.
  45. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormatARB(91011F42, 007AF610, 007AF604, 1, 007AF56C, 007AF568)' ...
  46. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | > Dumping attributes:
  47. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  48. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | Attribute | Value |
  49. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  50. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB | TRUE |
  51. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_RED_BITS_ARB | 8 |
  52. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB | 8 |
  53. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB | 8 |
  54. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB | 8 |
  55. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB | TRUE |
  56. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB | 24 |
  57. 15:19:56:609 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB | 8 |
  58. 15:19:56:610 [16840] | INFO | | WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB | 0x2027 |
  59. 15:19:56:610 [16840] | INFO | +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
  60. 15:19:56:612 [16840] | INFO | > Returned format(s): 11
  61. 15:19:56:612 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(91011F42, 00000000)' ...
  62. 15:19:56:612 [16840] | INFO | > Cleaning up runtime 0E4E7978 ...
  63. 15:19:56:619 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglDeleteContext(00010000)' ...
  64. 15:19:56:630 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglSetPixelFormat(11011FDF, 11, 007AF714)' ...
  65. 15:19:56:643 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateContext(11011FDF)' ...
  66. 15:19:56:643 [16840] | INFO | > Passing on to 'wglCreateLayerContext' ...
  67. 15:19:56:643 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateLayerContext(11011FDF, 0)' ...
  68. 15:19:56:655 [16840] | INFO | > Returning OpenGL context: 00020000
  69. 15:19:56:655 [16840] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(11011FDF, 00020000)' ...
  70. 15:19:56:667 [16840] | WARN | > Window class style of window 00600362 is missing 'CS_OWNDC' flag.
  71. 15:19:57:657 [16840] | INFO | > Switched to new runtime 0BD861D0.
  72. 15:19:57:686 [16840] | INFO | Resizing runtime 0BD861D0 on device context 11011FDF to 1920x1080 ...
  73. 15:19:57:722 [16840] | INFO | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 0BD861D0.
  74. 15:19:57:812 [17824] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\BloomingHDR.fx".
  75. 15:19:57:822 [04752] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\Depth_Cues.fx".
  76. 15:19:57:855 [19252] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\VR.fx".
  77. 15:19:57:864 [10936] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\SuperDepth3D_2.0.0_Next.fx".
  78. 15:19:57:872 [02960] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\TSSAO.fx".
  79. 15:19:57:898 [10100] | INFO | Successfully loaded "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\TAA Epic Games.fx".
  80. 15:20:05:143 [16840] | INFO | Loading image files for textures ...
  81. 15:20:12:243 [16840] | ERROR | Failed to compile "G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Machine for Pigs\\VR.fx":
  82. Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
  83. ERROR: 1:310: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: fwidth
  84. ERROR: 1:310: error(#160) Cannot convert from: "const float" to: "highp 2-component vector of vec2"
  85. ERROR: 1:321: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: fwidth
  86. ERROR: 1:321: error(#160) Cannot convert from: "const float" to: "highp 2-component vector of vec2"
  87. ERROR: 1:364: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: fwidth
  88. ERROR: 1:364: error(#160) Cannot convert from: "const float" to: "highp 2-component vector of vec2"
  89. ERROR: error(#273) 6 compilation errors. No code generated
  92. 15:20:12:250 [16840] | INFO | Loading image files for textures ...
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