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a guest
Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. Thunderz: welp bros bot fed games over gg
  4. Thunderz: see you next game
  5. Thunderz: aight lets take breather
  6. Thunderz: relax
  7. Thunderz: very winnable
  8. Thunderz: vi just play to play
  9. Thunderz: jhin stop begigng
  10. Thunderz: play around what you got
  11. Thunderz: he has ult i think
  12. Thunderz: and f
  13. Thunderz: head bot
  14. Thunderz: i can take
  15. Thunderz: vi please just head bot side
  16. Thunderz: dont ignore an entire section of the map just because someone begs you for ganks
  17. Thunderz: lmao
  18. Thunderz: jesus christ its like dealing with toddlers
  19. Thunderz: okay lets just ff then
  20. Thunderz: we clealry have 2 children unwilling to talk
  21. Thunderz: team doesnt deserve loss
  22. Thunderz: and you both show no care for your team
  23. Thunderz: so fk it
  24. Thunderz: ok but you arent
  25. Thunderz: okay vi but the rest of us do
  26. Thunderz: ??/
  27. Thunderz: im being the only reasonable one
  28. Thunderz: youre being a child
  29. Thunderz: bro
  30. Thunderz: go to drake
  31. Thunderz: why is this hard for you
  32. Thunderz: child for a jg and im not tolerating it
  33. Thunderz: go to drake
  34. Thunderz: you didnt go once
  35. Thunderz: yuumi stick to others
  36. Thunderz: otherwise 2 are going to be top
  37. Thunderz: no i cant play my own game when youre impacting it
  38. Thunderz: who cares? you are giving up free drakes
  39. Thunderz: because youre a spiteful brat
  40. Thunderz: yea at the risk of j4 coming in and stealing it
  41. Thunderz: lmao toddler
  42. Thunderz: actual child
  43. Thunderz: cry more kid
  44. Thunderz: this ddude cant take a grain of criticism without crying
  45. Thunderz: like a fucking babbling toddler
  46. Thunderz: dude heres some advice
  47. Thunderz: grow up
  48. Thunderz: our jungler not contesting drake is a problem
  49. Thunderz: forcing smiteless champs
  50. Thunderz: to do drake
  51. Thunderz: while you have smite
  52. Thunderz: is a problem
  53. Thunderz: tyou need to get over yourself
  54. Thunderz: listen to what you say
  55. Thunderz: crybaby
  56. Thunderz: mentality of a child
  57. Thunderz: go ahead and int i really dont care i lose 8 lp
  58. Thunderz: actually doubt we got it
  59. Thunderz: vi wont contest
  60. Thunderz: nah you werent
  61. Thunderz: its okay
  62. Thunderz: dont act tough
  63. Thunderz: Q_Q
  64. Thunderz: again i could care less
  65. Thunderz: youre only making yourself lose
  66. Thunderz: i lose 8
  67. Thunderz: big whoop
  68. Thunderz: me typing to you
  69. Thunderz: trying to get you to do things
  70. Thunderz: is not crying
  71. Thunderz: me trying to make calls for you
  72. Thunderz: is not crying
  73. Thunderz: but you can keep being a spiteful brat
  74. Thunderz: enjoy your report
  75. Thunderz: youre the one spitefully inting
  76. Thunderz: im not even plat
  77. Thunderz: lol
  78. Thunderz: me asking you
  79. Thunderz: to do things
  80. Thunderz: isnt crying
  81. Thunderz: you jsut cant take criticism well
  82. Thunderz: its okay i already recorded it
  83. Thunderz: you griefing
  84. Thunderz: is a real sight to see
  85. Thunderz: i really dont
  86. Thunderz: but i can stillr eport you for it
  87. Thunderz: reporting != care
  88. Thunderz: xayahs pretty fed
  89. Thunderz: very fed
  90. Thunderz: gonna get randuins try to slow her
  91. Thunderz: oh well
  92. Thunderz: win some, lose some
  93. Thunderz: ggwp please report vi for toxicity and girefing
  94. Thunderz: griefing *
  95. Post-Game
  96. Thunderz: please report vi for toxicity / griefing
  97. Thunderz: i asked him politely to do various things such as group at drake because he has smite
  98. Thunderz: and instead he spitefully fed
  99. Thunderz: its very unfortunate
  100. Game 2
  101. In-Game
  102. Thunderz: rad
  103. Thunderz: damn 4/0
  104. Thunderz: why stay
  105. Thunderz: just go thru jg
  106. Thunderz: lmfao
  107. Thunderz: prob wont be able to carry
  108. Thunderz: and since veig seems to have
  109. Thunderz: special abilities
  110. Thunderz: time to heavy rely on tf
  111. Thunderz: gg
  112. Thunderz: owo
  113. Thunderz: tf jg is garbage
  114. Thunderz: 9/1
  115. Thunderz: lol
  116. Thunderz: sad
  117. Thunderz: you havent done anything all game
  118. Thunderz: LOL
  119. Thunderz: you
  120. Thunderz: specifically you
  121. Thunderz: only you
  122. Thunderz: ??/
  123. Thunderz: your xerath and sej
  124. Thunderz: have been here
  125. Thunderz: at least
  126. Thunderz: 3 tiems
  127. Thunderz: keep farming
  128. Thunderz: youre closer than me
  129. Thunderz: nd you stayed farming
  130. Thunderz: lmfao
  131. Thunderz: i cant take it
  132. Thunderz: im tryna go next
  133. Thunderz: ill take -8
  134. Thunderz: not worth the ffort trying to guide people
  135. Thunderz: this veigar
  136. Thunderz: LMFAO
  137. Thunderz: me laughing at you isnt flame
  138. Thunderz: get over your sensitivity
  139. Thunderz: HAHAHAHA
  140. Thunderz: no
  141. Thunderz: YOU do
  142. Thunderz: but you stink
  143. Thunderz: so
  144. Thunderz: i cant ult her
  145. Post-Game
  146. Thunderz: youre just mad that i called you out
  147. Thunderz: LMFAO
  148. Thunderz: wontr get one
  149. Thunderz: me laughing at you isnt toxic
  150. Thunderz: get over your sensitivity
  151. Game 3
  152. In-Game
  153. Thunderz: son of a
  154. Thunderz: great the camp begins too
  155. Thunderz: holy
  156. Thunderz: fuck
  157. Thunderz: ill get ft
  158. Thunderz: gonna wait
  159. Thunderz: you go top
  160. Thunderz: jax likes top
  161. Thunderz: id be carteful
  162. Thunderz: well
  163. Thunderz: youre all very behind
  164. Thunderz: which is weird considering i got the camp
  165. Thunderz: supposed to b but ok
  166. Thunderz: fucking stopwatch
  167. Thunderz: at least try to run
  168. Thunderz: where
  169. Thunderz: k
  170. Thunderz: lol
  171. Thunderz: shouldnt go so deep for a supp
  172. Thunderz: just se ta 2/7 rumble back into the game
  173. Thunderz: you guys
  174. Thunderz: do nothing
  175. Thunderz: maybe because we lack a functional mid
  176. Thunderz: just ff
  177. Thunderz: im over it
  178. Thunderz: ive done more
  179. Thunderz: yea really
  180. Thunderz: you and xayah are ineffective
  181. Thunderz: in any situation
  182. Thunderz: we are 3v5ing
  183. Thunderz: you wont catch up
  184. Thunderz: jesus christ
  185. Thunderz: g
  186. Thunderz: we lost anyway?
  187. Thunderz: its a last ditch effort
  188. Post-Game
  189. Thunderz: some booty on my side
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