Guest User


a guest
May 24th, 2017
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  1. {
  3. "LOG_IN": "einloggen",
  4. "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email Adresse",
  5. "PASSWORD": "Passwort",
  6. "REMEMBER_ME": "Erinnere mich",
  7. "LOGIN_WITH_FACEBOOK": "einloggen mit Facebook",
  8. "LOGIN_WITH_GOOGLE": "einloggen mit Google",
  9. "FORGOT_PASSWORD_USERNAME": "Passwort/Benutzername vergessen?",
  10. "DONT_HAVE_AN_ACCOUNT": "Sie haben keinen Account?",
  11. "REGISTER_AN_ACCOUNT": "Registrieren sie einen Account!",
  12. "SERVER_SETTINGS": "Server Einstellungen",
  13. "SERVER_NAME": "Server Name",
  14. "OPS_ADMINS": "OPS/Admins",
  15. "GAME_MODE": "Spielmodus",
  16. "MAP_TYPE": "Map Typ",
  17. "SERVER_LANGUAGE": "Server Sprache",
  18. "MOTD": "MOTD",
  19. "DONATE_REMINDER": "Spenden Erinnerer",
  20. "SERVER_ROLLBACK": "Server Backup",
  21. "REPAIR_SERVER": "Server Reperatur",
  22. "REBOOT_SERVER": "Server Neustarten",
  23. "RESET_PLAYER_PASSWORD": "Spieler Passwort zurücksetzen",
  24. "CHANGE_SERVER_MAKER_PASSWORD": "Server Ersteller Passwort ändern",
  25. "UNBAN_PLAYER": "Spieler entbannen",
  26. "FAQ": "Häufig gestellte Fragen",
  27. "OPEN_COMMUNITY_FORUM": "Community Forum öffnen",
  28. "GET_HELP_CONTACT": "Bekomme Hilfe/Kontaktiere uns",
  29. "BACK": "zurück",
  30. "ACCOUNT_INFORMATION": "Account Information",
  33. "CREDITS": "Credits",
  34. "DAILY_USAGE": "Tägl. Verbrauch",
  35. "LIKE_US_ON_FACEBOOK": "Like uns bei Facebook",
  36. "FOLLOW_US_ON_TWITTER": "Folge uns bei Twitter",
  37. "SUBSCRIBE_ON_YOUTUBE": "Abonniere uns bei Youtube",
  38. "GET_CREDITS": "Bekomme Credits",
  39. "WATCH_VIDEO_FOR_FREE_CREDITS": "Gucke ein Video für kostenlose Credits",
  40. "SIGN_OUT": "Ausloggen",
  41. "SETTINGS": "Einstellungen",
  42. "SUPPORT": "Support",
  43. "SERVER_IS_ASLEEP_PLEASE_WAKE": "Ihr Server schläft, klicke zum aufwecken!",
  44. "SERVER_IS_REBOOTING": "Ihr Server startet gerade neu…",
  45. "PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES": "Professionelle Services",
  46. "SERVER_INFORMATION": "Server Information",
  47. "ADD_FEATURES": "Füge Features hinzu",
  48. "MINIGAMES": "Minispiele",
  49. "PREMIUM_FEATURES": "Premium Features",
  50. "SERIOUS_PROBLEMS": "Haben sie ernsthafte probleme mit ihren Server? Versuchen sie diese zu lösen mit den unten gezeigten optionen.",
  51. "UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE": "Nicht fähig die Probleme mit den oben gezeigten optionen zu lösen? Versuchen sie die unten stehenden optionen um eine Antwort zu finden.",
  52. "CURRENT_BALANCE": "Derzeitige Anzahl",
  53. "INFORMATION": "Information",
  54. "SCROLL_DOWN_FOR_MORE": "Scrolle für mehr",
  55. "BUY": "Kaufen",
  56. "BUY_CREDITS_SMALL": "Kaufe Credits",
  57. "EARN_CREDITS_SMALL": "Verdiene Credits",
  58. "COMPLETE_TASKS_FOR_CREDITS": "Erledige Aufgaben für (1000+) Credits!",
  59. "PLEASE_MAKE_A_CHOICE_BELOW": "Bitte wählen sie eine der untenstehenden optionen",
  60. "REFER_A_FRIEND": "Freunde einladen",
  61. "REFER_A_FRIEND_DESC": "Wenn sie einen Freund einladen bekommen sie 20% der Credits die ihr Freund kauft. Er muss die App installieren und sich mit dem unten stehenden Code registrieren.",
  62. "YOUR_REFERAL_CODE": "Ihr einladungs Code",
  63. "RECENT_DONATIONS_REFERALLS": "letzte spenden/einladungen",
  64. "RECENT_DONATIONS_REFERALLS_DESC": "This page will show recent donations or credits earned through Refer A Friend added to your server.",
  65. "DONATIONS_RECEIVED_HOW": "Donations can be received through our other app 'Send Credits for PlayMC.PE'. 20% of all credits purchased by friends that are referred by you will also be added to your server.",
  66. "MAXIMUM_PLAYERS": "Maximum Players",
  67. "MODIFY_MAXIMUM_PLAYERS_DESC": "Each server has a maximum capacity for online players. Please note that increasing the maximum number of players on your server will consume more credits per day.",
  68. "MODIFY_MAXIMUM_PLAYERS": "Modify maximum players",
  69. "CURRENT_SLOTS": "Current amount of slots",
  70. "MAXIMUM_WORLDS": "Maximum Worlds",
  71. "MAXIMUM_WORLDS_DESC": "You can set your maximum allowed worlds in here, the more worlds you use the more resources our computers require to run it. Therefore the cost per day in credits rises per world.",
  72. "MODIFY_MAXIMUM_WORLDS": "Modify maximum worlds",
  73. "CURRENT_WORLDS": "Current max amount of worlds",
  74. "DAY": "day",
  75. "WORLDS": "worlds",
  76. "SERVER_STATUS": "Server Status",
  77. "IP_ADDRESS": "IP/Address",
  78. "PORT": "Port",
  79. "VERSION": "Version",
  80. "VIEW_RECENT_DONATIONS": "View recent donations/referrals",
  81. "SHARE_YOUR_SERVER": "Share Your Server",
  82. "NUMBER_OF_SLOTS": "Number of slots",
  83. "REGISTERED_USER_LOGIN": "Register User Login",
  84. "WHITELIST": "Whitelist",
  85. "SPAWN_PROTECTION": "Spawn protection",
  86. "LAND_PROTECTION": "Land protection",
  87. "CUSTOM_RANKS": "Custom Ranks",
  88. "PVP_COMBAT": "PVP Combat",
  89. "ALWAYS_DAY": "Always Day",
  90. "NETHER_WORLD": "Nether World",
  91. "REDSTONE": "Redstone",
  92. "MOBS": "Mobs",
  93. "CHANGING_WEATHER": "Changing Weather",
  94. "ECONOMY": "Economy",
  95. "WORLD_EDIT": "World Edit",
  96. "UNLIMITED_WORLD": "Unlimited World",
  97. "UNBAN_ITEMS": "Unban Items",
  98. "ALWAYS_SPAWN": "Always Spawn",
  99. "MODIFY_RANKS": "Modify Ranks",
  100. "PLAYER_KITS": "Player Kits",
  101. "ADMIN_FUN": "Admin Fun",
  102. "PVP_ARENA": "PVP Arena",
  103. "STATUS_SIGN": "Status Sign",
  104. "ITEM_DISPLAY": "Item Display",
  105. "CHANGE_SERVER_IP": "Change Server IP",
  106. "LIGHTNING_STRIKE": "Lightning Strike",
  107. "VIP_SLOTS": "VIP Slots",
  108. "CHAT_FILTER": "Chat Filter",
  109. "RESET_MINE": "Reset Mine",
  110. "MORE_COMMANDS": "More Commands",
  111. "BASIC_HUD": "Basic HUD",
  112. "KILL_RATE": "Kill Rate",
  113. "HEALTH_STATS": "Health Stats",
  114. "I_CONTROL_YOU": "I Control You",
  115. "SLAPPER": "Slapper",
  116. "TAP_TO_DO": "Tap to do",
  117. "SERVER_LOVE": "Server Love",
  118. "COMBAT_LOGGER": "Combat Logger",
  119. "CHEST_LOCK": "Chest Lock",
  120. "CHEST_SHOPS": "Chest Shops",
  121. "CLEAR_LAGG": "Clear Lagg",
  122. "AFK_KICK": "Afk Kick",
  123. "INVENTORY_SEE": "Inventory See",
  124. "SNOWBALL_TELEPORTS": "Snowball Teleports",
  125. "BLOODFX": "BloodFX",
  126. "BOUNCE_BLOCKS": "Bounce Blocks",
  127. "SERVER_MAIL": "Server Mail",
  128. "TIMED_BANS": "Timed bans",
  129. "AUTO_DOOR_OPENER": "Auto door opener",
  130. "AUTO_SMELT": "Auto Smelt",
  131. "WALK_TRAIL": "Walk Trail",
  132. "JAIL": "Jail",
  133. "ANTI_CHAT_SPAM": "Anti Chat Spam",
  134. "FRIENDS": "Friends",
  135. "NETHER_CHESTS": "Nether Chests",
  136. "SITTING_DOWN": "Sitting Down",
  137. "RAINBOW_EFFECT": "Rainbow Effect",
  138. "SERVER_CHANNELS": "Server Channels",
  139. "MULTI_WORLD": "Multi World",
  140. "PLOTS": "Plots",
  141. "BROADCAST": "Broadcast",
  142. "RCON": "RCON/Console Access",
  143. "LUCKY_BLOCKS": "Lucky Blocks",
  144. "AUTO_COMMAND": "Auto Command",
  145. "VOTE_REWARD": "Vote Reward",
  146. "KEEP_INVENTORY": "Keep Inventory",
  147. "CUSTOM_ALERTS": "Custom Alerts",
  148. "VOID_TELEPORT": "Void Teleport",
  149. "LOGIN_NOTIFICATIONS": "Login Notifications",
  150. "CHEST_REFILL": "Chest Refill",
  151. "CRATE_KEYS": "Crate Keys",
  152. "PETS": "Pets",
  153. "PORT_19132": "Default Port 19132",
  154. "REAL_DOMAIN": "Get A .com/.net Domain",
  155. "VOICE_SERVER": "Voice Server",
  156. "SERVER_FORUM": "Get a forum for your server",
  157. "FACTIONS": "Factions",
  158. "SKYWARS": "Skywars",
  159. "SKYBLOCK": "Skyblock",
  160. "NO_SLEEP": "Prevent Sleep Mode",
  161. "SERVER_ROLLBACK_DESC": "If you have problems with your map or user data, you may try to restore this to a previous (working) state:",
  162. "SERVER_ROLLBACK_WARNING": "Please note that rolling back data is a very risky process. You should only try this in a case of emergency",
  163. "SERVER_REPAIR_DESC": "This will reset all player data on the server (not map data). This usually fixes most problems that crash your server.",
  164. "SERVER_REPAIR_WARNING": "This reset is permanent and cannot be reversed. You will lose all your player data and start as a new player",
  165. "RESET_PLAYER_DATA": "Reset Player Data (permanently)",
  166. "REBOOT_SERVER_DESC": "This option will restart your server. This may take a while (usually a couple of minutes) and your server will be offline during this time. Once it starts again it might have resolved some issues you are experiencing.",
  167. "RECOVER": "Recover",
  168. "FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD": "Forgotten password",
  169. "FORGOTTEN_CREDENTIALS": "Forgotten credentials",
  170. "RECOVER_PASSWORD": "Recover password!",
  171. "PLACEHOLDER_EMAIL": "Please enter your email address",
  172. "SIGNUP": "Sign up",
  173. "ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "I already have an account!",
  174. "REFERAL_INPUT": "Referral code (optional - NOT needed/neccesary)",
  175. "FEATURES": "Features",
  176. "RESET_PLAYER_PASSWORD_DESC": "You can enter a player username here and delete their password by clicking the 'reset player password' button. This will reset the player's password for your server.",
  177. "REMOVE_PASSWORD": "Reset Player Password",
  178. "ENTER_PLAYER_NAME": "Enter Player Name",
  179. "ENTER_PLAYER_IP": "Enter Player IP",
  180. "ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD_HERE": "Enter your new password here",
  181. "CHANGE_SERVER_MAKER_PASSWORD_DESC": "You can use this function to reset your mcpeservermaker password, note: this is not your ingame minecraft account.",
  182. "UNBAN_PLAYER_DESC": "You can unban players directly from our app, this can be useful for unbanning players on the go or unbanning an IP adress. A player can find their IP by visiting",
  183. "VIEW_MY_IP": "View my IP",
  184. "UNBAN_IP": "Unban IP",
  185. "FAQ_DESC": "Having questions about your server or the app? Find your answer below by clicking on the question.",
  186. "SEND_US_AN_EMAIL": "Send us an email",
  187. "CONTACT_US_DESC": "You can contact us with any issues that you cannot resolve yourself with the information provided in this application by emailing us on or by sending a message one of our social media platforms below.",
  188. "MESSAGE_US_ON_FACEBOOK": "Message us on Facebook",
  189. "TWEET_US": "Tweet us",
  190. "CUSTOM_DOMAIN": "Custom Domain",
  191. "CUSTOM_DOMAIN_DESC": "With this feature you can create a custom address for your server. The domain name you set will always be followed by Domain names are not case sensitive.",
  192. "CHOOSE_PREFIX": "Choose prefix",
  193. "EXAMPLE": "example",
  194. "YOUR_DOMAIN": "Your domain",
  195. "HOW_IT_WORKS": "How it works",
  196. "HOW_IT_WORKS_DESC": "Enter your desired domain name above. Players will be able to connect to the new domain name and to the old one.",
  197. "APPLY": "Apply",
  198. "SPAWN_PROTECTION_DESC": "When spawn protection is enabled regular users cannot break or place blocks within the radius surrounding the spawn area. The spawn radius defines how many blocks from your spawn point will be protected.",
  199. "ENABLE": "Enable",
  200. "DISABLE": "Disable",
  201. "ENABLED": "Enabled",
  202. "NOT_PURCHASED": "Not Purchased",
  203. "DISABLED": "Disabled",
  204. "RADIUS": "Radius",
  205. "CLICK_TO_REBOOT": "Click To Reboot",
  206. "SERVER_ONLINE_DESC": "Your server is currently online and all is well, if you have any problems or cannot connect, try restarting it via the Restart button in the app. If you require additional help, feel free to contact us on",
  207. "SERVER_SLEEPING_DESC": "Your server will be put into the sleeping state if it has been inactive with 0 players online for 6 hours. If your server is asleep you can wake it up by pressing the button above.",
  208. "SERVER_SUSPENDED_DESC": "Running the servers costs a significant amount of money as we place them on really strong computers so you can play without lag, once you have run out of credits your server will be asleep until you obtain new credits. If your server has been asleep for more than 5 days we will delete it permanently. After this you can make a new one if you would like.",
  209. "SERVER_TERMINATED_DESC": "Your server has been removed either because it has been inactive for over 5 days or you have breached our terms and conditions, if you think there has been a mistake please email",
  210. "SERVER_REBOOTING_DESC": "Your server is currently rebooting, this could be for many reasons such as an update, a change of settings or perhaps it is required from our end. A reboot should not take any longer than a few minutes, if you are having any issues please email",
  211. "SERVER_FAILED_TO_BOOT_DESC": "Your server was not able to start up, this could be due to a temporary error and you can re-try by clicking the Reboot button in the app. If the problem persists, please contact us on",
  212. "TAKING_BACKUP_DESC": "We periodically take backups and when your server gets put to sleep, we save it to a centralized place to ensure it is always available. This process can take a couple of minutes. If your server has been stuck in this process for a while, please contact",
  213. "LOADING": "Loading...",
  214. "FEATURE_UNLOCKED": "Feature Unlocked",
  215. "SHOW_INFORMATION": "Show Information",
  216. "RESET_RCON_PASSWORD": "Reset RCON Password",
  217. "REGISTER_REAL_DOMAIN": "Register Real Domain",
  218. "CHOOSE_DOMAIN": "Choose Domain Name",
  219. "REGISTER_REAL_DOMAIN_DESC": "This feature allows you to register a domain name for your Server that gives you a professional look. You can use the domain extensions .com, .net and .org right now. So for example you can get Please note that due to the fact that we have to register (buy) your domain name for you, it may take a couple of hours before it's available.",
  220. "SERVER_NAME_DESC": "You can customize your server name here, this message is shown together with the MOTD message.",
  221. "NO_COLOUR_CODES": "In the server name color codes cannot be used.",
  222. "SET_NAME": "Set Name!",
  223. "OPS_ADMINS_DESC": "'OPs' or 'Operators' or 'Admins' have special commands on your server that ensure the server stability. Make sure you add your in-game name as OP. Click on a name to remove it.",
  224. "ADD_USERS": "Add users...",
  225. "RETURN_TO_MAIN": "To go back to the main menu of the app, click \"Features\" below",
  226. "SERVER_LANGUAGE_DESC": "You can change the server's main language by choosing from the list below. This does not translate the language of plugins and features.",
  227. "SELECT_LANGUAGE": "Select Language",
  228. "SUCCESFULLY_PURCHASED": "Sucesfully purchased",
  229. "ARE_YOU_SURE": "Are you sure?",
  230. "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REPAIR": "Are you sure you would like to repair your server? Progress will be lost, this cannot be undone.",
  231. "SUCCESFULLY_DISABLED": "Succesfully disabled",
  232. "SUCCESFULLY_ENABLED": "Succesfully enabled",
  233. "YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_A_SERVER_TO_SHARE": "You don't have a server to share.",
  234. "YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_A_SERVER": "You do not have a server currently. Please obtain some credits to create one.",
  235. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_VERSION": "Succesfully updated version",
  236. "COULD_NOT_CREATE_SERVER": "Please contact support, we couldn't create your server",
  237. "WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_PROCEED": "Would you like to proceed?",
  238. "WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_MAKE_YOURSELF_OP": "We've just created your server, would you like to make yourself owner/OP now?",
  239. "WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_SET_UP_AN_OP": "Would you like to set up an OP account?",
  240. "OP_ACCOUNT": "Operator Account",
  241. "WE_ARE_CREATING_YOUR_SERVER": "We're creating your server...",
  242. "Updating": "Updating...",
  243. "WHITELIST_DESC": "Add users to a whitelist to limit login to only these users. Disable the whitelist if you want any user to be able to log in.",
  244. "SUCCESFULL_SIGN_OUT": "Succesfully signed out, see you soon!",
  245. "SPAWN_PROTECTION_ON": "Succesfully turned on spawn protection!",
  246. "SPAWN_PROTECTION_OFF": "Succesfully turned off spawn protection!",
  247. "SPAWN_PROTECTION_CANNOT_WORK": "Spawn protection cannot work with a radius of 0",
  248. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_RADIUS": "Succesfully updated protection radius!",
  249. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_ON_LAND_PROTECTION": "Succesfully turned on land protection!",
  250. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_OFF_LAND_PROTECTION": "Succesfully turned off land protection!",
  251. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_ON_CUSTOM_RANKS": "Succesfully turned on custom ranks!",
  252. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_OFF_CUSTOM_RANKS": "Succesfully turned off custom ranks!",
  253. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_ON_WHITELIST": "Sucesfully turned on whitelist",
  254. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_OFF_WHITELIST": "Succesfully turned off whitelist",
  255. "ERROR_WHILE_LOADING": "Error while loading, please try again",
  256. "SUCCESFULLY_REMOVED_PLAYER_FROM_WHITELIST": "Succesfully removed player from whitelist.",
  257. "SUCCESFULLY_ADDED_PLAYER_TO_WHITELIST": "Successfully added player to whitelist",
  258. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_MAP_TYPE": "Succesfully updated map type!",
  259. "OP_SECURITY_WARNING": "Please note, the command /op will not work ingame due to security reasons. You will only be able to set OPS/Admins from this menu on the app.",
  260. "SUCCESFULLY_REMOVED_PLAYER_FROM_OPERATORS": "Succesfully removed player from operators",
  261. "SUCCESFULLY_ADDED_PLAYER_TO_OPERATORS": "Succesfully added player to operators",
  262. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_LANGUAGE": "Succesfully updated language",
  263. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_MOTD": "Succesfully updated MOTD",
  264. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_NAME": "Succesfully updated name",
  265. "SUCCESFULLY_RESET_THE_PAGE": "Succesfully reset, please reload the page",
  266. "YOUR_SERVER_IS_SLEEPING_PLEASE_WAKE": "Please wake your server up first.\n(You can press the button at the bottom of your screen)",
  267. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_GAME_MODE": "Succesfully updated game mode",
  268. "THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_PURCHASE": "Thank you for your purchase! The credits will be on your account within a minute.",
  269. "ALREADY_CLAIMED": "You've already claimed this reward.",
  270. "YOU_CAN_ONLY_DO_THIS_ONCE_YOU_HAVE_SIGNED_IN": "You can only do this once you have signed in!",
  271. "BACKUP_WILL_START_NOW": "Your backup will start restoring now, this may take a couple of minutes. Once your server shows up as 'Online' again, it's completed.",
  272. "NO_BACKUPS_AVAILABLE": "No rollback/backup moments available for your server. Check again later!",
  273. "SERVER_WILL_START_REPAIRING": "Your server will start repairing now, this may take a couple of minutes.",
  274. "YOUR_SERVER_WILL_START_REBOOTING": "Your server will start rebooting now. This may take a couple of minutes.",
  275. "SUCCESFULLY_RESET_PLAYER_PASSWORD": "Successfully reset password for",
  276. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_PASSWORD": "Successfully updated your password, the next time you sign in you need to use that password.",
  277. "SUCCESFULLY_UNBANNED": "Successfully unbanned",
  278. "SUCCESFULLY_REQUESTED_PASSWORD_RESET": "You have successfully requested a password reset.\nCheck your email in a couple of minutes!",
  279. "SUCCESFULL_SIGN_UP": "You have successfully signed up!",
  280. "SIGNUP_BONUS": "You received 70 credits for free as a signup bonus!",
  281. "YOU_WILL_NOW_SIGN_IN": "You will now be signed in",
  282. "SUCCESFULLY_REGISTERED_DOMAIN": "Successfully registered the domain name, it may take several hours before the new domain starts functioning, as it has to be registered.",
  283. "YOU_ARE_ALREADY_USING_THIS_DOMAIN": "You already are using this domain!",
  284. "SUCCESFULLY_APPLIED_DOMAIN_NAME": "Successfully applied domain name, it may take 10-15 minutes before the new domain starts functioning. The old one will remain working for ever.",
  285. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_ON_USER_LOGIN": "Successfully turned on user login",
  286. "SUCCESFULLY_TURNED_OFF_USER_LOGIN": "Successfully turned off user login",
  287. "SUCCESFULLY_REBOOTED": "Successfully rebooted!",
  288. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_TO_NEW_SLOTS": "Successfully updated amount of slots",
  289. "SUCCESFULLY_UPDATED_AMOUNT_OF_WORLDS": "Successfully updated amount of worlds",
  290. "REBOOT_DESC": "Your server will go offline for a small amount of time while it turns off and on again. Is this okay?",
  291. "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WOULD_LIKE_TO_PURCHASE": "Are you sure you would like to purchase PLUGIN_NAME for PLUGIN_COST credits?",
  292. "WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_PROCEED" : "Would you like to proceed?",
  293. "WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_MAKE_YOURSELF_OP": "We have just created your server, would you like to make yourself owner/op now?",
  294. "ENTER_USERNAME": "Enter Minecraft Username",
  295. "PLEASE_ENTER_THE_USERNAME": "Please enter the Minecraft username below",
  296. "CANCEL": "Cancel",
  297. "SAVE" : "Save",
  298. "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_GET_DOMAIN_NAME": "Are you sure you would like to buy DOMAIN_NAME for 20000 credits?",
  299. "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_GET_SUB_DOMAIN_NAME": "Are you sure you would like to buy DOMAIN_NAME for 849 credits?",
  300. "ARE_YOU_SURE_ROLLBACK": "Are you sure you would like to rollback to this moment? You will lose all current progress on your server.",
  301. "WATCH_VIDEO_FOR_CREDITS": "Watch Video for credits",
  302. "CUSTOM_COMMANDS": "Custom Commands",
  303. "CUSTOM_EVENTS": "Custom Events",
  304. "LAST_SEEN" : "Last Seen",
  305. "POPUPS" : "Popups",
  306. "LIGHTNING_STICK" : "Lightning Stick",
  307. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL" : "How to join the server",
  308. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_DESC" : "Learn how to connect to your Minecraft Pocket Edition server.",
  309. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_0" : "STEP 1: Press the 'PLAY' button in the Minecraft PE app.",
  310. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_1" : "STEP 2: Select the 'FRIENDS' tab and press the highlighted button in the picture below.",
  311. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_2" : "STEP 3: Name your server and enter your server IP and port, then hit the 'SAVE' button.",
  312. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_3" : "STEP 4: Tap on your server to load the world.",
  313. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_4" : "STEP 5: Wait for the game to load...",
  314. "CONNECT_TUTORIAL_5" : "STEP 6: Enjoy playing your very own Minecraft PE Server!",
  315. "HELP_SERVER_MAKER" : "Help Server Maker Become Better!",
  316. "CURRENTLY_HAVE" : "You currently have",
  317. "BUY_MAP" : "Buy",
  318. "INSTALL_MAP" : "Install",
  319. "UNINSTALL_MAP" : "Uninstall",
  320. "DISABLED_MAP" : "Installed",
  321. "MAP_MARKETPLACE" : "Map Marketplace",
  322. "MAP_DETAILS" : "Map Details",
  323. "BLOCK_LOGGER" : "Block Logger",
  324. "RESET_MAP" : "Reset Map",
  325. "RESET_SERVER" : "Reset Server",
  326. "RESET_MAP_DESC" : "This will reset the map on your server back to the default generated map. This action can NOT be undone except by restoring your server to a backup. Please choose carefully.",
  327. "RESET_MAP_DESC_CONFIRM" : "This will reset the map on your server back to the default generated map. <br><b>This action can NOT be undone except by restoring your server to a backup.</b><br>Please choose carefully.",
  328. "RESET_SERVER_DESC" : "This will erase all plugin data on your server so your plugins are reset to fresh settings. All your purchases will be kept and settings saved. This action can NOT be undone except by restoring your server to a backup. Please choose carefully.",
  329. "RESET_SERVER_DESC_CONFIRM" : "This will erase all plugin data on your server so your plugins are reset to fresh settings. All your purchases will be kept and settings saved. <br><b>This action can NOT be undone except by restoring your server to a backup.</b><br>Please choose carefully.",
  330. "CONFIRM_RESET_PLUGIN": "Are you sure you would like to reset PLUGIN_NAME's data? This cannot be undone except by restoring to backup. Choose carefully!",
  331. "UNBAN_ALL" : "Unban All Players",
  332. "ARE_YOU_SURE_MAP_INSTALL" : "Are you sure you want to install this map?",
  333. "ENTER_WORLD" : "Enter World",
  334. "ENTER_WORLD_MAP_INSTALL" : "Enter the world name to install the map on",
  335. "SUCCESSFUL_MAP_INSTALL" : "You've installed this map successfully!",
  336. "DAYS_LEFT" : "Days remaining at current daily usage",
  337. "TRANSACTION_FAILED": "The payment didn't succeed, please note your credit card was NOT charged.",
  338. "CLOSE": "Close",
  339. "MAP_NAME": "Enter map name",
  340. "WHICH_MAP": "Please enter which map you'd like to reset",
  341. "COMMANDS": "Command List",
  343. "NO_SERVERS_YET": "You have not made any servers yet.",
  344. "CLICK_HERE_FOR_FIRST": "Tap here to make your first server",
  345. "CREATE_ANOTHER_SERVER": "Create an additional server",
  346. "MY_DOMAINS": "My Domains",
  347. "NO_DOMAINS_YET_0": "You have not made any domains yet, to do so",
  348. "NO_DOMAINS_YET_1": "1. Select one of your servers",
  349. "NO_DOMAINS_YET_2": "2. Tap on the services tab",
  350. "NO_DOMAINS_YET_3": "3. Select 'Get a .com/.net IP address'",
  351. "JOIN_DISCORD" : "Join Community Discord"
  352. }
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