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Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. 1) Basic Information -
  2. Minecraft username: Jeminaa
  3. Previous Minecraft usernames: Menuh, AyyItsMina, FatShrimpy, WoahChill, Grant1ce FanGirl, TEAM10JEMINA, oJemina
  4. Timezone: EST ( Eastern Timezone )
  5. Age (Note: You must be 16 or over to apply): 16
  6. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a working microphone? (yes/no) Yes
  7. Do you have the ability to record minecraft video? Yes
  8. Are you VIP (or above) (Note: You must be VIP or above to apply.) MVP+
  9. Gaming Twitter link (If you have one):: I don't have a gaming twitter link.
  10. Are you multilingual? (Fluent in multiple languages. Not just learning one.) I can speak fluent english as well as Bengali.
  11. 2) Where are you most active on the Hypixel Network?
  12. What game types do you play? Do you actively use the forums? Do you enjoy being in game more? Etc..?
  13. When on Hypixel I usually spend most of my time on the game mode Ultra HardCore because I feel that it's the most challenging game mode, but when I am not playing Ultra Hardcore I am most likely playing skywars, arcade games or bedwars but I am open to trying other game modes. I do check the forums frequently because I am interested to whats new on the server and other peoples opinions on the gamemode however I do not comment. I mostly enjoy being in game rather then a lobby because it's more entertaining compared to staying in a lobby in my opinion but if I were to become helper on the server then I think that would change which I wouldn't mind.
  14. 3) How much time do you have to contribute to the role?
  15. I log on to Hypixel almost every day. On weekdays I have school from 8:50AM-3:40PM but after school I am willing to stay on for 3-6 hours of course after finishing my real life priorities. On weekends I usually spend a good amount of time but I sometimes help my grandparents out with their gas station from 12-7 but when I get home I could stay on for as long as I want. Overall I can contribute to this role a considerable amount.
  16. 4) Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details.
  17. I have been banned & muted on the Hypixel server but nothing recently. My first punishment was a mute, this is when I first started playing minecraft in general and I did not know there was rules and that this was such a developed server. My second ban I believe was for blacklisted modifications and I think I had been banned twice for this, I used them at the time because I was frustrated because i was not so good at the game. My fourth ban was another mute because a friend and i weren't on good terms and I had said something bannable and he ended up reporting me. My fifth ban was for a compromised account, I had not read all the hypixel rules at the time and that resulted in a compromised account. ( There may be 1-2 more bans but I'm not completely sure, but you can check my ban history). I have also been banned on smaller servers about twice for black listed modifications just for messing around with friends but that was also in the past. In spite of the fact I feel that I matured over time enough to take a big responsibility.
  18. 5) SCENARIO: Suppose it's your first week of being a Helper and you mute a well-known player. Their guild mates start spamming your twitter calling you a bad Helper and telling you to unmute them. What would you do? I would ignore that they called me a "bad helper" and simply explain to them why their friend was muted, basically explain that hypixel has a specific set of rules that you need to follow otherwise you would face consequences. I would not unmute their friend, for such an ignorant reason, their friend should have know the consequences to their actions. If their friend thinks their mute is unfair they'd have to appeal.
  20. 6) Tell us about one of your best moments on the Hypixel server
  21. I have made most of my online friends on this server considering this is the only server I spend my time on when playing minecraft. My friends are the ones who support me and who I can talk to and without Hypixel I would not have met any of them. If I had to specifically choose one of my best moments it would be the time I randomly got teamed with someone in a ultra hard core game who is now one of my great friends and has been for about 8 months I believe.
  22. 7) Tell us about a time you made a mistake within the last year? How did you deal with it? What did you learn? About 13 months ago I had a boyfriend of 2 years. Our relationship was toxic I did not realize it then because I was simply blinded by "love". Throughout our relationship he cheated on me multiple times and every single time I would go back to him because I loved him and every single time it would emotionally hurt me, he lied to me, gave me a bad attitude, cheated on me and despite that I stayed with him just because of something as simple as love. He cheated on me and I let him over and over again, that was my mistake. One day he cheated 0n me again but this time my best friend was involved and that was something that hurt me the most and was unforgivable, 2 people that I loved dearly betrayed me. I ended up breaking up with him and stopped being friends with the girl. I spent the 11 months grieving and I met someone new who treated me beautifully, I thought I knew what love felt like then but I didn't. Overall I learned that every life is precious and you should see yourself as someone who deserves the best, you shouldn't let anyone take advantage of who you are as a person, no one deserves to be feel hurt and not good enough because of another persons actions. If you have the opportunity to get out of a toxic situation then do it because some people don't get that chance to. This can contribute to the role as being a helper because since I experienced something emotional to me and learned from it I feel that I can show an act of sympathy throughout my experience helping. I think sympathy is a big part to being a helper because as a helper you should know how to put your self into certain situations to make the right decision when making a choice.
  24. 8) If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Minecraft ?
  25. I played volleyball for almost 6 years. I played throughout middle school and now I am a Jr in high school and I still enjoy the sport very much. I also do wresting and I recently started when I was 15 but this is a sport I also enjoy. I enjoy both these sports because I like the feeling of being competitive but also having fun. Something I enjoy other then sports is choir, I loved singing since I was a child and to this day I still do and am taking AP Choir. I love singing because it expresses the way I feel, the way talking can't and just makes me feel free. Another thing I do is help my grandparents sometimes with the gas station they own because of how stressful it is, they're old and tired so whenever I'm not really busy I go help them out.
  26. 9) Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?
  27. If so explain what role you played, what skills/experiences you picked up and how this will help you in your role as a helper.
  28. I've only ever been helper on smaller minecraft servers but like any other server I did take the role seriously and did learn things like don't let little things get to you, don't mute someone without giving a warning but if serious mute them etc. I have also been moderator on teamspeaks as well as discords, this is not very much different from being a moderator on minecraft servers, I have still learned the same things but if different situations. Other than minecraft I am the captain of my volleyball team during practices. This was harder for me in the start because everyone treated me differently when i made a mistake or they would just talk bad about me throughout being captain but everyone including myself learned to adapt and I learned to support people, became more persistent, not be too controlling as I am also learning new things everyday like anyone else on the volleyball team. I am captain on the volleyball team but that makes me no different from any other person on the team as a player and when it comes to leadership I support everyone on the team and make sure everyones doing things correctly but at the same time considering what someone has to say in some situations. This can contribute to the role of being helper because although I was not helping on a bigger minecraft server it still gives me experience towards what having responsibility means.
  29. 10) SCENARIO: "You come home from school/work and have ton of homework/work to do, you think to yourself I'll just take a 5 minute break before I start and get on Hypixel. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and you've been on the server all that time." Does this scenario sound familiar to you? This has only happened to me a few times, so this scenario is some what familiar to me. When I get home I usually get my homework done first and then start playing minecraft, so that way I could have my homework finished without being worried or forgetting the next day and still have fun knowing my education does not get affected. I could sometimes relate to this because I admit there has been times where I have forgot that I had homework or just was too lazy to do it and wanted to play minecraft but usually when that's the case I force myself to get off and do my homework, and if I have time i would get back on hypixel.
  31. 11) SCENARIO: You're in a busy lobby as a helper, questions are flying at you rapidly, you can just about keep up. You're getting messaged by 2 different players both asking you to get them a moderator for a hacker, someone then pokes you on teamspeak telling you that there is someone blasting music in their channel. What do you do?
  32. I take a breath, and handle them one by one and as much as I can. I am still a person not a machine and can't handle everything at once but i will try. I would consider directing things to another helper if I can't do everything on time but like any other staff member on the hypixel network they are busy as well so I would try my best to handle things on my own. First I would tell the people looking for a mod to /wdr (username) (type of hacks). Then I would warn the person blasting music in the teamspeak channel. If the person blasting the music did not stop they would be kicked. After doing that, the person looking for a mod will most likely say that they already /wdr if that were the case I would look for a mod online to help. Next I would focus on the lobby and if the people asking me questions were still there I would apologize for taking such a long time and answer their questions. Although all of these situations are important, some of them are more important then others that's why I would focus on the people who need a mod first rather then people asking me questions in a lobby.
  33. 12) Have you made any previous applications, if so how many and what is the date of your last one? This is my first application for helper.
  35. 13) Anything else we should know? As a helper and any role higher in the hypixel community it is a very difficult job. Although this job is very difficult I am willing to take part because I enjoy making things better and fixing things that are wrong (solving conflicts) because it makes me feel good mentally. I feel that as a helper it's not only helping the server out and the community, but also hopefully getting people to learn their lesson and think of what they did wrong and at the same time making the hypixel community a better community and and learning more about the moderation experience and along the way making more friends, thats what I like best about this role.
  37. Note: I edited my application a lot just to go more in to detail because I realized how little effort was put in to in my original application.
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