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Jun 6th, 2017
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  1. //===== Athena Script =======================================
  2. //= Donation NPC
  3. //===== By ==================================================
  4. //= Josh
  5. //===== Version =============================================
  6. //= 1.0  - First release. Probably contains bugs/security
  7. //=    risks.
  8. //= 1.1  - Added a check for whether the account exists when
  9. //=    adding a donator. Need to improve ordering when
  10. //=    viewing all donations.
  11. //= 1.2  - Modified for public use. Added checkweight feature.
  12. //= 2.0  - Many changes, especially ones I had always wanted
  13. //=    to add to this script. Includes reading items from
  14. //=    a separate SQL table and more database manipulation
  15. //=    options for GMs.
  16. //= 2.1  - Made few changes including the add/remove items
  17. //=    feature.
  18. //= 3.0  - All strings inputted by a user and user/char names
  19. //=    in SQL queries are now escaped. Each item has a
  20. //=    price rather than a quantity. This script can work
  21. //=    with decimals.
  22. //= 3.1  - Added quotes to some queries, fixed a variable and
  23. //=    removed a comment.
  24. //= 3.2  - Fixed a problem where eAthena would crash if a
  25. //=    query returned NULL.
  26. //= 3.3  - Optimized query speeds by combining a few select
  27. //=    queries into one. Requires Trunk 7975.
  28. //= 3.4  - Added MySQL version check. If version < 5.0.8, all
  29. //=    queries with CAST are omitted. Use 5.0.8 and up
  30. //=    when possible. SQL errors may consequent if GM's
  31. //=    input is incorrect. Added logging of claims.
  32. //=    "log_npc" in log_athena.conf must be enabled. Logs
  33. //=    will appear in the "npclog" table. Claim menu now
  34. //=    only shows items that can be afforded.
  35. //= 3.5  - Minor change to table.
  36. //= 3.6  - Removed name column in donate_item_db. Added
  37. //=    support for item_db2 table.
  38. //= 3.7  - Added Zeny support. $rate must be set for it to be
  39. //=    used. Removed truncate() in a query since eAthena
  40. //=    automatically truncates floats to ints.
  41. //= 3.8  - Fixed problem with menus and null values.
  42. //= 3.9  - Explicit reset of @aid.
  43. //= 3.10 - Applied previous fix to other variables and forced
  44. //=    dialogue box closure every time database is
  45. //=    modified.
  46. //= 3.11 - Explicit reset of another variable. Fixed typo
  47. //=  - with $rate. Added logmes for GM operations.
  48. //===== Compatible With =====================================
  49. //= eAthena SQL - any version with the new query_sql command
  50. //=       (Trunk 7975 and up).
  51. //= MySQL - 5.0.8 and up highly recommended but not required.
  52. //===== Description =========================================
  53. //= A script that lets a player claim an item for donating.
  54. //= Allows a GM to input each donation.
  55. //===== Comments ============================================
  56. //= This script uses SQL tables to store variables for the
  57. //= amount donated by users and the items claimable.
  58. //===== Installation ========================================
  59. //= You must import donate.sql and donate_item_db.sql (and
  60. //= item_db.sql and item_db2.sql, which comes with eAthena)
  61. //= before using this script.
  62. //===========================================================
  63. //= Thanks to Vich for helping me with the SQL syntax.
  64. //= Thanks to Lance for helping me with the the arrays and
  65. //= for implementing query_sql.
  66. //= Thanks to Skotlex for implementing escape_sql.
  67. //= Thanks to Toms for implementing the new multi-column
  68. //= query_sql command.
  69. //===========================================================
  70. // Zu callende Shops
  71. -   shop    headgears   -1,512:-1
  72. -   shop    weapons -1,512:-1
  73. -   shop    cards   -1,512:-1
  74. // Script beginn
  75. rachel,137,146,5    script  Donation Girl   714,{
  76. if (getgmlevel() >= 80) goto L_GM;
  78. set @npcname$,"[^2B4F81Donation Girl^000000]";
  80. L_START:
  81. mes @npcname$;
  82. mes "Hello! I'm the Donation Girl!";
  83. mes "If you have made a donation,";
  84. mes "you are entitled to a reward!";
  85. next;
  86. menu "More info",-,"Make a claim",L_CHECK,"Statistics",L_STATS;
  87. L_INFO:
  88. mes @npcname$;
  89. mes "Each month, a lot of money is paid to keep this server running.";
  90. next;
  91. mes @npcname$;
  92. mes "You can support us by donating any amount of money.";
  93. next;
  94. mes @npcname$;
  95. mes "To show our appreciation, we will gladly give you a reward.";
  96. next;
  97. menu "Continue",L_START,"Cancel",-;
  99. L_CHECK:
  100. query_sql "SELECT `amount`,`claimed` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @amount$, @claimed$;
  101. query_sql "SELECT "+@amount$+" - "+@claimed$, @value$;
  102. query_sql "SELECT '"+@value$+"' > 0", @enough;
  103. if(!@enough) {
  104.     mes "[Donation Girl]";
  105.     mes "Sorry, you do not have enough to make a claim.";
  106.     mes "If you have donated but have not made a claim,";
  107.     mes "Please give us time to process your donation.";
  108.     close;
  109.     }
  111. L_CLAIM:
  112. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  113. mes "Thankyou for donating!";
  114. mes "You have $"+@value$+" worth of credit!";
  115. mes "What would you like to claim?";
  116. next;
  117. menu "Headgears",L_headgears,"Weapons",L_weapons,"Cards",L_cards,"Zeny",L_ZENY;
  119. L_headgears:
  120.     close2;
  121.     callshop "headgears",1;
  122.     npcshopattach "headgears";
  123.     end;
  127. query_sql "SELECT "+@value$+" / "+@price$, @max;
  129. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  130. mes getitemname(@name[@m])+"s cost $"+@price$+" each.";
  131. mes "How many "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s would you like to claim?";
  132. mes "Maximum: "+@max+".";
  133. input @quantity;
  134. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  135. if(@quantity>@max) {
  136.     mes "Sorry, but you do not have enough to claim "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s.";
  137.     next;
  138.     goto L_CLAIM;
  139.     }
  140. if(!@quantity) {
  141.     mes "You can't have 0 as an amount!";
  142.     next;
  143.     goto L_CLAIM;
  144.     }
  145. if(!checkweight(@name[@m],@quantity)) {
  146.     mes "I'm sorry, but you cannot carry "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s.";
  147.     next;
  148.     goto L_CLAIM;
  149.     }
  150. query_sql "SELECT "+@quantity+" * "+@price$, @total$;
  151. mes "Are you sure you want to claim "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s for $"+@total$+"?";
  152. next;
  153. menu "No",L_CLAIM,"Yes",-;
  154. query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `claimed` = `claimed` + "+@total$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);
  155. logmes "Claimed "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s";
  156. getitem @name[@m],@quantity;
  157. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  158. mes "Thankyou for donating! We hope you enjoy your gift!";
  159. close;
  161. L_ZENY:
  162. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  163. if(!$rate) {
  164.     mes "Sorry, we currently do not allow claiming Zeny.";
  165.     mes "Please go back and claim an item instead.";
  166.     next;
  167.     goto L_CLAIM;
  168.     }
  169. query_sql "SELECT "+@value$+" * "+$rate, @maxzeny;
  170. mes "Very well. You can claim as much as "+@maxzeny+"Z.";
  171. mes "How much Zeny would you like to claim?";
  172. input @zeny;
  173. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  174. if(@zeny>@maxzeny) {
  175.     mes "Sorry, but you do not have enough to claim "+@zeny+"Z.";
  176.     next;
  177.     goto L_CLAIM;
  178.     }
  179. if(!@zeny) {
  180.     mes "You can't have 0 as an amount!";
  181.     next;
  182.     goto L_CLAIM;
  183.     }
  184. set @total, @zeny * $rate;
  185. mes "Are you sure you want to claim "+@zeny+"Z for $"+@total+"?";
  186. next;
  187. menu "No",L_CLAIM,"Yes",-;
  188. query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `claimed` = `claimed` + "+@total+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);
  189. logmes "Claimed "+@zeny+" zenies";
  190. set Zeny, Zeny + @zeny;
  191. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  192. mes "Thankyou for donating! We hope you enjoy your gift!";
  193. close;
  195. L_STATS:
  196. mes "[Donation Girl]";
  197. query_sql "SELECT IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM `donate`),0)", @total$;
  198. mes "Our fund is at a total of $"+@total$;
  199. next;
  200. menu "More info",L_INFO,"Make a claim",L_CHECK,"Statistics",L_STATS;
  202. L_GM:
  203. mes "[GM Menu]";
  204. mes "Hello GM!";
  205. mes "What would you like to do?";
  206. next;
  207. query_sql "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'", @version, @valule$;
  208. query_sql "SELECT '"+@valule$+"' >= '5.0.8'", @version;
  209. menu "Add/Remove Donation",L_GM2,"Add/Remove Items",L_ITEM,"(Re)Set Exchange Rate",L_RATE,"Test Script",L_START;
  211. L_GM2:
  212. menu "Add a donation",L_DONATE,"Remove a donation",L_REMOVE,"View all donations",L_VIEWALL,"Return to main menu",L_GM;
  214. L_ITEM:
  215. menu "Add an item",L_NEWITEM,"Remove an item",L_DELITEM,"View all items",L_ALLITEMS,"Return to main menu",L_GM;
  217. L_NEWITEM:
  218. mes "[GM Menu]";
  219. mes "Please enter the item name:";
  220. input @itemname$;
  221. set @iid, 0;
  222. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' UNION SELECT `id` FROM `item_db2` WHERE `name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"'", @iid;
  223. if(!@iid) goto L_INONE;
  224. query_sql "SELECT 1 FROM `donate_item_db` WHERE `id` = "+@iid, @check;
  225. mes "[GM Menu]";
  226. mes "Please enter the cost of each "+@itemname$+":";
  227. input @cost$;
  228. if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@cost$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @cost$;
  229. query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@cost$)+"' > 0", @valid;
  230. if(!@valid) goto L_ZERO;
  231. mes "[GM Menu]";
  232. mes "You have specified that donators can claim "+@itemname$+"s for $"+@cost$+" each.";
  233. mes "Would you like to continue?";
  234. next;
  235. menu "No",L_ITEM,"Yes",-;
  236. mes "[GM Menu]";
  237. if(!@check){
  238.     query_sql "INSERT INTO `donate_item_db` VALUES ("+@iid+",'"+@cost$+"')";
  239.     logmes "Added "+@itemname$+"s to list of claimable items";
  240.     mes "Item added successfully!";
  241.     } else {
  242.     mes "Item "+@itemname$+" already exists in the database.";
  243.     mes "Would you like to replace it?";
  244.     next;
  245.     menu "No",L_ITEM,"Yes",-;
  246.     query_sql "REPLACE INTO `donate_item_db` VALUES ("+@iid+",'"+@cost$+"')";
  247.     logmes "Changed the price of "+@itemname$+"s";
  248.     mes "[GM Menu]";
  249.     mes "Item replaced successfully!";
  250.     }
  251. close;
  253. L_INONE:
  254. mes "[GM Menu]";
  255. mes "Item "+@itemname$+" does not exist.";
  256. next;
  257. goto L_ITEM;
  259. L_DELITEM:
  260. mes "[GM Menu]";
  261. mes "Please enter the item name:";
  262. input @itemname$;
  263. set @iid, 0;
  264. query_sql "SELECT `donate_item_db`.`id` FROM `donate_item_db` LEFT JOIN `item_db` ON `donate_item_db`.`id` = `item_db`.`id` LEFT JOIN `item_db2` ON `donate_item_db`.`id` = `item_db2`.`id` WHERE `item_db`.`name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db`.`name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db2`.`name_english` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"' || `item_db2`.`name_japanese` = '"+escape_sql(@itemname$)+"'", @iid;
  265. if(!@iid) goto L_INONE;
  266. next;
  267. mes "[GM Menu]";
  268. mes "You have specified to delete "+@itemname$+" from the database.";
  269. mes "Would you like to continue?";
  270. next;
  271. menu "No",L_ITEM,"Yes",-;
  272. query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate_item_db` WHERE `id` = "+@iid;
  273. logmes "Deleted "+@itemname$+"s from list of claimable items";
  274. mes "[GM Menu]";
  275. mes "Item deleted successfully!";
  276. close;
  278. L_ALLITEMS:
  279. mes "[GM Menu]";
  280. query_sql "SELECT `id`,`price` FROM `donate_item_db` ORDER BY `id`", @items, @itemamount$;
  281. for(set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(@items); set @i, @i + 1){
  282.         mes getitemname(@items[@i])+" - $"+@itemamount$[@i];
  283.     }
  284. next;
  285. goto L_GM;
  287. L_DONATE:
  288. mes "[GM Menu]";
  289. mes "Please enter the donator's username:";
  290. input @donator$;
  291. set @aid, 0;
  292. query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(@donator$)+"'", @aid;
  293. if(!@aid) goto L_NONE;
  294. set @donated$, "";
  295. query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @donated$;
  296. query_sql "SELECT '"+@donated$+"' > 0", @donated;
  297. switch(@donated) {
  298.     case 0:
  299.         mes @donator$+" has not donated before.";
  300.         break;
  301.     case 1:
  302.         mes @donator$+" has donated $"+@donated$+".";
  303.         break;
  304.     }
  305. next;
  306. mes "[GM Menu]";
  307. mes "Please enter the amount donated by "+@donator$;
  308. input @donating$;
  309. if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @donating$;
  310. query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' > 0", @valid;
  311. if(!@valid) goto L_ZERO;
  312. mes "[GM Menu]";
  313. mes "You have specified that "+@donator$+" has donated $"+@donating$+".";
  314. mes "Would you like to continue?";
  315. next;
  316. menu "No",L_GM,"Yes",-;
  317. switch(@donated) {
  318.     case 0:
  319.         query_sql "INSERT INTO `donate` VALUES ("+@aid+", '"+@donating$+"', 0)";
  320.         break;
  321.     case 1:
  322.         query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `amount` = `amount` + "+@donating$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid;
  323.         break;
  324.     }
  325. logmes "Credited "+@donator$+" with $"+@donating$;
  326. query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @newdonated$;
  327. mes "[GM Menu]";
  328. mes "Donation added successfully!";
  329. mes @donator$+" has donated a total of $"+@newdonated$;
  330. close;
  332. L_ZERO:
  333. mes "[GM Menu]";
  334. mes "You can't have 0 as an amount!";
  335. next;
  336. goto L_GM;
  338. L_NONE:
  339. mes "[GM Menu]";
  340. mes "Account name "+@donator$+" does not exist.";
  341. next;
  342. goto L_GM;
  344. L_REMOVE:
  345. mes "[GM Menu]";
  346. mes "Please enter the donator's username:";
  347. input @donator$;
  348. set @aid, 0;
  349. query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(@donator$)+"'", @aid;
  350. if(!@aid) goto L_NONE;
  351. query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @donated$;
  352. query_sql "SELECT '"+@donated$+"' > 0", @donated;
  353. mes "[GM Menu]";
  354. if(!@donated) {
  355.     query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid;
  356.     logmes "Deleted "+@donator$+" from donation database";
  357.     mes @donator$+" is not a donator and has been deleted from the donation database.";
  358.     } else {
  359.     mes @donator$+" has donated $"+@donated$+".";
  360.     next;
  361.     switch(select("Deduct an amount from "+@donator$,"Remove "+@donator$+" from the donation database")){
  362.         mes "[GM Menu]";
  363.         case 1:
  364.             mes "Please enter the amount "+@donator$+" is to be deducted by:";
  365.             input @deduct$;
  366.             if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@deduct$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @deduct$;
  367.             query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@deduct$)+"' > 0", @valid;
  368.             if(!@valid) goto L_ZERO;
  369.             mes "[GM Menu]";
  370.             mes "You have specified that "+@donator$+" is to be deducted by $"+@deduct$+".";
  371.             mes "Would you like to continue?";
  372.             next;
  373.             menu "No",L_GM,"Yes",-;
  374.             query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `amount` = `amount` - "+@deduct$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid;
  375.             query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @afterdeduct$;
  376.             logmes "Deducted "+@deduct$+" from "+@donator$;
  377.             mes "[GM Menu]";
  378.             mes "Donation deducted successfully!";
  379.             mes @donator$+" has donated a total of $"+@afterdeduct$;
  380.             break;
  381.         case 2:
  382.             mes "You have specified to remove "+@donator$+" from the donation database.";
  383.             mes "Would you like to continue?";
  384.             next;
  385.             menu "No",L_GM,"Yes",-;
  386.             query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid;
  387.             logmes "Deleted "+@donator$+" from donation database";
  388.             mes "[GM Menu]";
  389.             mes "Donator deleted successfully!";
  390.             break;
  391.         }
  392.     }
  393. close;
  395. L_VIEWALL:
  396. mes "[GM Menu]";
  397. query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`amount` FROM `donate` ORDER BY `amount` DESC", @donatoraid, @donatedamount$;
  398. for(set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(@donatoraid); set @i, @i + 1){
  399.     query_sql "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+@donatoraid[@i], @donateruserid$;
  400.     for(set @j, 0; @j < getarraysize(@donateruserid$); set @j, @j + 1){
  401.         mes @donateruserid$[@j]+" - "+@donatedamount$[@i];
  402.     }
  403. }
  404. next;
  405. goto L_GM;
  407. L_RATE:
  408. mes "[GM Menu]";
  409. if($rate) mes "$1 is currently worth "+$rate+"Z.";
  410. mes "How much Zeny is $1 worth?";
  411. input $rate;
  412. mes "[GM Menu]";
  413. mes "The value of $1 successfully changed to "+$rate+"Z.";
  414. next;
  415. goto L_GM;
  418. OnInit:
  419. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name;
  420. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price$;
  421.     for(set @i, 1; @i < getarraysize(@name); set @i, @i + 1){
  422.         npcshopadditem "headgears",@name[@i],$price$[@i+1];
  423.         npcshopdelitem "headgears",512; // Löscht das unwichtige random item
  424.         end;
  425.     }
  427. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name_weapon;
  428. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price_weapon$;
  429.     for(set @i, 1; @i < getarraysize(@name); set @i, @i + 1){
  430.         npcshopadditem "weapons",@name[@i],$price$[@i+1];
  431.         npcshopdelitem "weapons",512; // Löscht das unwichtige random item
  432.         end;
  433.     }
  435. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name_card;
  436. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price_card$;
  437.     for(set @i, 1; @i < getarraysize(@name); set @i, @i + 1){
  438.         npcshopadditem "cards",@name[@i],$price$[@i+1];
  439.         npcshopdelitem "cards",512; // Löscht das unwichtige random item
  440.         end;
  441.     }
  442. }
  444. function    script  prices_headgears    {
  445. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name;
  446. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price$;
  447.        for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($price); set @i,@i+1)
  448.        {
  449.                if($price[@i] == getarg(0))
  450.                        break; // beendet die Schleife mit dem momentanen Wert von @i
  451.        }
  452.        return @i+1; // gibt @i (= index der item ID) + 1 (macht den index des Preises zur dazugehörigen Item ID) zurück
  454. }
  456. function    script  prices_waepons  {
  457. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name;
  458. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price$;
  459.        for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($price); set @i,@i+1)
  460.        {
  461.                if($price[@i] == getarg(0))
  462.                        break; // beendet die Schleife mit dem momentanen Wert von @i
  463.        }
  464.        return @i+1; // gibt @i (= index der item ID) + 1 (macht den index des Preises zur dazugehörigen Item ID) zurück
  466. }
  468. function    script  prices_cards    {
  469. query_sql "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `price` <= "+@value$+" ORDER BY `id`",@name;
  470. query_sql "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `id` = "+@name[@m], @price$;
  471.        for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize($price); set @i,@i+1)
  472.        {
  473.                if($price[@i] == getarg(0))
  474.                        break; // beendet die Schleife mit dem momentanen Wert von @i
  475.        }
  476.        return @i+1; // gibt @i (= index der item ID) + 1 (macht den index des Preises zur dazugehörigen Item ID) zurück
  478. }
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