
You Wouldn't Pirate Mel(e)sbians

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. Jun 05 21:57:59 <Lenore> AHEM
  2. Jun 05 21:58:01 <Lenore> Tuesday, June 1st, sometime in between when Melanie ghostshifted her mons and when Lecia arrived.
  3. Jun 05 21:59:51 <Lesieli> Lecia arrived?
  4. Jun 05 22:00:08 <Lesieli> Neato, I've got a question for her later~
  5. Jun 05 22:00:30 * Melons yawns as she tries picking some water out of her ear from a recent shower. She quickly snaps her head around to make sure no one saw, shrugs to herself regardless, and goes to tap on Lesieli's door, to see what the hell the narcolpetic kid went to do after the fight.
  6. Jun 05 22:02:52 * Lesieli A few moments pass before the door slowly creaks open a crack "Yeesssss?"
  7. Jun 05 22:03:15 <Melons> "Yo, you awake?" Mel quickly pokes her eye to the crack.
  8. Jun 05 22:03:55 <Lesieli> "Sure looks like it. What, you think I just sleep all day or something?"
  9. Jun 05 22:04:45 <Melons> Mel answers with a blank stare and dark bags under her eyes. "...can I ask you some things?"
  10. Jun 05 22:08:18 * Lesieli returns a blank stare for a moment. S-someone actually wants to talk to me?! "Uh, yeah, sure, come on in I guess."
  11. Jun 05 22:08:20 * Lesieli The rooms quite messy, but not dirty, with a nice blanket and pillow nest on one side next to the computer station. Rest of it looks pretty untouched from the standard room, with a never-used desk and chair on the other wall.
  12. Jun 05 22:09:48 <Melons> Melanie slips in, taking care not to injure the frail little godling. What, this is messy? Pleb. "I expected more of a bird nest."
  13. Jun 05 22:11:50 * Lesieli plops back down in her spot with fluffys "It's cozy enough, and an actual bird nest would have all sorts of dirty twigs and naturey stuff. And bugs probably."
  14. Jun 05 22:12:40 * Lesieli T-that was a joke, was it funny? It wasn't funny was it.
  15. Jun 05 22:13:17 <Melons> "...Ado would still like it either way...oh, before I ask the more...interesting things, quick question for ya: you know hwere those little blue chompy alligator things are?"
  16. Jun 05 22:13:58 <Lesieli> 6d6+6 Probably
  17. Jun 05 22:13:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Probably: 29 [6d6=6,3,6,6,1,1]
  18. Jun 05 22:14:11 <Lenore> She must mean Totodiles...
  19. Jun 05 22:14:39 <Lesieli> Well yeah, but aside from 'water', where would they be?
  20. Jun 05 22:14:54 <Lenore> From what you remember, there's a small population of them in Mosaic Cove.
  21. Jun 05 22:17:35 <Lesieli> "Ah, you mean Totodile? Not too common here in Wakino, but I think there's a small group out in the boonies somewhere"
  22. Jun 05 22:17:35 <Lenore> There are also some living around Whelk Port, from what you understand. They prey on a lot of the bugs there.
  23. Jun 05 22:18:21 <Lesieli> (And I totally typed that out before seeing that section was named 'boonies' on the main page)
  24. Jun 05 22:18:29 <Lenore> (Beautiful)
  25. Jun 05 22:18:50 <Melons> "Anywhere specific?"
  26. Jun 05 22:22:29 <Lesieli> "Oh, out in the shoals area, Mosaic cove, thereabouts. Good terrain for nice, isolated pokemon, lots of rarer species hiding out around there. Oh, and there might be a few around Whelk, but with all the humans and trade they might be a bit harder to find. Thinking of catching one?"
  27. Jun 05 22:24:53 <Melons> "Hm..." She grins a little at the question. "Thinkin' of raising one in the way of Doctor Frankenstein!" Mel scribbles the locations down on her hand with a pen. "Now then..."
  28. Jun 05 22:25:30 <Lesieli> ??? What does horror sci-fi have to do with raising pokemon?
  29. Jun 05 22:26:05 <Melons> Melanie ignores the confusion and makes sure the door is closed, locking it, staring at it, unlocking and relocking it, then turns back to Les. "What all do you know?"
  30. Jun 05 22:26:23 <Melons> She looks a liiiittle excited. That is an understatement.
  31. Jun 05 22:27:18 <Lesieli> Well that's a bit odd "Uhh, you're not trying to assault me or something, are you? I've had quite enough of attempted rape from you and/or your lool-alikes"
  32. Jun 05 22:27:37 * Lesieli has a fluffy sheep ready juuust in case
  33. Jun 05 22:28:00 <Melons> What in the fuck is sh- what were you DOING before I arrived? " want to know about your godhood!"
  34. Jun 05 22:31:12 * Lesieli get a bit more energy after hearing that, actually sitting up kinda-straight for once "Yeah? What about it? Finally people who don't think I'm crazy"
  35. Jun 05 22:31:49 <Melons> "What exactly are you god of? I mean I've heard ABOUT Mele, but...shit's not exactly the most reliable."
  36. Jun 05 22:38:06 <Lesieli> "Hmmm, that's a good question . . . knowledge, information, that sort of thing is part of it I suppose. Trying to go for Wakino's national and cultural identity. Protecting it too. Stuff like that. Really, who says gods have to stick to pre-defined roles and can't do what they want? They are gods after all."
  37. Jun 05 22:38:51 <Lesieli> *swap 'go for' with 'support' plz
  38. Jun 05 22:39:31 <Melons> "Truetruetootrue..ahem..." She tries to calm down a bit. "...but presumably you're not at full strength yet, right? What can you do right now?"
  39. Jun 05 22:40:19 <Lesieli> "That's true it seems, but that never stopped me! I'll do whatever needs to be done, whether I actually can or not!"
  40. Jun 05 22:40:47 <Melons> "Has it given you any...insights into the nature of the world yet?"
  41. Jun 05 22:43:20 <Lesieli> "Insights? Mainly that most people are too dumb to recognize a god when they see one. Though now I can actually do god-like things and be all sparkly and stuff, that should help a lot."
  42. Jun 05 22:43:38 <Melons> "Mhmmm....and what do you know of the thing we fought?"
  43. Jun 05 22:43:58 <Melons> Mel leans in a little close (only temporarily distracted by the dorbsheep).
  44. Jun 05 22:44:43 <Lesieli> "The thing we- you mean rapist-Mel? That was. . . something all right"
  45. Jun 05 22:45:11 <Melons> "I mean Missingno."
  46. Jun 05 22:46:10 <Lesieli> "Yeah, that's what it was, wasn't it. Not sure I know too much actually, definitely not a Wakino god at least"
  47. Jun 05 22:46:13 <Lesieli> (r-right?)
  48. Jun 05 22:46:48 <Lenore> (Right)
  49. Jun 05 22:48:24 <Melons> 1d6-2 Quick, use my intuitive powers to figure out if Les is holding anything back.
  50. Jun 05 22:48:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Quick, use my intuitive powers to figure out if Les is holding anything back.: 0 [1d6=2]
  51. Jun 05 22:50:03 <Lesieli> If I am, I'm too air-headed to realize it. Don't want to start saying stuff about it that's totally incorrect
  52. Jun 05 22:50:55 <Melons> YOU ARE TOTALLY HIDING SOMETHING, YOU ARE! "...mmmhmmm...and why do you suppose it went after me at first?"
  53. Jun 05 22:51:05 <Melons> 4d6+4 Guile to sound genuinely curious rather than rhetorical
  54. Jun 05 22:51:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Guile to sound genuinely curious rather than rhetorical: 21 [4d6=4,5,2,6]
  55. Jun 05 22:52:17 * Lesieli stares at her for a little while, thinking
  56. Jun 05 22:55:13 <Lesieli> ". . . maybe it has a thing for short girls and big breasts?"
  57. Jun 05 22:55:41 <Lenore> [I've got a thing for your form, I sure do~]
  58. Jun 05 22:55:59 <Melons> See! She knows!
  59. Jun 05 22:58:01 <Melons> "....I-I th-thought you were supposed to be nice..."
  60. Jun 05 22:59:22 <Lesieli> "Well, you do deal with and have connections to the occult, I'd guess this thing is drawn to that."
  61. Jun 05 23:00:02 <Lenore> [You were glitched though, that's the main thing]
  62. Jun 05 23:00:13 <Lenore> [I have a fondness of your form from learning of reality from it~]
  63. Jun 05 23:00:14 <Lesieli> Trying to think what else makes her unique, maybe i should get to know my teammates better ;_;
  64. Jun 05 23:00:50 <Melons> You know just what to say to a girl...Mel suddenly snortlaughs at Les. "Wait, you mean you really CAN'T tell?" Smiiiile.
  65. Jun 05 23:00:53 <Mayuri> ("do deal with and have connections to the occult" describes Kain and Mayuri too)
  66. Jun 05 23:01:10 <Mayuri> (Knox*)
  67. Jun 05 23:01:13 <Mayuri> (names aa)
  68. Jun 05 23:03:04 <Lesieli> "Why it came to and mimicked you? No idea really. May have just been right place right time"
  69. Jun 05 23:03:17 <Melons> "Nonono, I mean what's in front of you!"
  70. Jun 05 23:05:59 <Lesieli> "Uhh, you are? Unless your talking about the one in your head, since that's totally what you were planning from the start, wasn't it?"
  71. Jun 05 23:06:47 <Melons> "Which start?"
  72. Jun 05 23:07:01 <Lenore> [Considering you caught me into your brain in front of everyone, I wouldn't be surprised if they all figured it out!]
  73. Jun 05 23:07:39 <Melons> They've not generally been the sharpest bunch.
  74. Jun 05 23:08:05 <Mayuri> 4d6+4 Mayuri totally knows.
  75. Jun 05 23:08:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Mayuri, Mayuri totally knows.: 20 [4d6=6,5,1,4]
  76. Jun 05 23:08:13 <Lesieli> "When we went to fight it at least. I certainly hope you haven't been planning this since we started at PIRATES together"
  77. Jun 05 23:09:07 <Melons> "Actually, wasn't a plan at all! Frankly I didn't have a clue what would happen!" Mel calms down. "But...the bigger point was to say, you haven't anything to fear from me."
  78. Jun 05 23:10:06 <Lesieli> "And that's why you locked the door, eh?"
  79. Jun 05 23:10:58 <Melons> "Actually that was so no one w-...huh, do people even ever come to visit?" Mel frowns and stares to the side, feeling a little guilty.
  80. Jun 05 23:13:17 * Lesieli gives a small sigh "Look, I'm still not sold that it was the best decision, but we are teammates, so I guess it's my job to trust you or something. And I do. I just hope it works out between you two."
  81. Jun 05 23:13:50 <Lenore> [Did she say soemthing sweet? I get the feeling she said something sweet.]
  82. Jun 05 23:14:23 <Melons> Melanie actually looks a little surprised, staring at Les with her mouth open a bit. "'re...not...kidding?"
  83. Jun 05 23:15:39 <Lenore> [Annnnd judging by your reaction I was right! Yippee!]
  84. Jun 05 23:16:14 <Lesieli> "Nope, not at all. Besides, if the worst case comes true and it eats your soul from the inside, I'm sure that now I could take it out myself!"
  85. Jun 05 23:17:50 <Melons> Mel ignores the promise of murder should she be corrupted. " wasn't really so many ways...I would hug you..." Dork stare.
  86. Jun 05 23:18:48 <Lenore> [Just hug her anyway!]
  87. Jun 05 23:19:01 <Lenore> [It could be the first step to something better~]
  88. Jun 05 23:19:17 <Lenore> [Plus seriously I want my chest to touch somebody. Our chest. Whatever.]
  89. Jun 05 23:19:29 <Melons> We JUST GOT DONE doing that!
  90. Jun 05 23:19:43 <Lenore> [That WAS nice, you're right.]
  91. Jun 05 23:19:49 <Lenore> [But variety is the spice of life!]
  92. Jun 05 23:20:08 <Lesieli> "W-wha . . .and here I always thought you hated me for being such a useless goof-up"
  93. Jun 05 23:20:56 <Melons> "Hey, we ended up winning. I just don't...usually play nice in a before I do something stupid, I'm going to g- oh...what's your tumor's name?"
  94. Jun 05 23:21:43 * Lesieli isn't listening at the moment "Baah, fine, if you insist!" *GLOMP*
  95. Jun 05 23:22:28 <Melons> Surprise squiddle.
  96. Jun 05 23:24:22 <Lesieli> -One nice, long hug later-
  97. Jun 05 23:25:24 <Melons> Melanie redfaces.
  98. Jun 05 23:26:23 <Lenore> [Beautiful~]
  99. Jun 05 23:26:38 <Lenore> [I kind of want to know his name too. The mystery around that guy is pretty thick!]
  100. Jun 05 23:26:59 <Melons> We're not doing him.
  101. Jun 05 23:27:11 <Lenore> [Awww.]
  102. Jun 05 23:27:16 <Melons> Melanie redderfaces. "...h-how are you better adjusted than I am..."
  103. Jun 05 23:27:23 <Lenore> [But I'd totally bang him if that meant I could learn his name!]
  104. Jun 05 23:27:47 <Lenore> [You'd better learn it before our sensibilities merge~]
  105. Jun 05 23:28:57 <Melons> And you'd better learn real fear before that point, because it's waiting.
  106. Jun 05 23:31:21 <Lesieli> "Better adjusted? Whattya mean? You seem far better off than me; you go out and chat and do things with everyone else, make friends with them, actually fight effectively when needed. Me, I sit in my room all day and barely do anything. Feel like I barely know anyone on this boat, despite being here for so long."
  107. Jun 05 23:31:33 * Lesieli is starting to tear up a little bit even
  108. Jun 05 23:32:26 <Melons> " don't seem even the slightest bit scared...I've gotten so cared I had to run home to change my pan-....... . . . . . . .th-that's confidential."
  109. Jun 05 23:35:07 <Melons> *scared
  110. Jun 05 23:35:35 <Lesieli> "I-if you say so? Maybe I just don't realize the things that are supposed to be scary are scary."
  111. Jun 05 23:35:37 <Lesieli> "Besides, gods aren't supposed to get scared of mundane things, right?"
  112. Jun 05 23:35:43 <Lenore> [Pantsu~]
  113. Jun 05 23:37:06 <Melons> "Well we've BOTH got fantastic egos haven't we?...alright, tell you what...when we get to Ark...I'm dragging you out and about. Also you should probably talk to some of the other people on the boat...or...your...tumorguyfriendthing."
  114. Jun 05 23:37:49 <Lesieli> "Fine, sure, tumorguyfriendthing?"
  115. Jun 05 23:38:03 <Melons> "...the guy...I don't know his name...he knows you...and he's on the boat."
  116. Jun 05 23:38:03 * Lesieli thinks for a minute
  117. Jun 05 23:38:18 <Lesieli> "Oh, him? Is he still hanging around here? How about that"
  118. Jun 05 23:38:23 * zoofman has quit (Ping timeout)
  119. Jun 05 23:38:30 <Melons> " YOU even know his name?"
  120. Jun 05 23:38:37 <Lenore> He was last spotted on the deck reading something or other.
  121. Jun 05 23:39:00 <Lesieli> "Well of course I do, why wouldn't I?"
  122. Jun 05 23:39:07 * Melons stare.
  123. Jun 05 23:39:10 <Lesieli> "It's, uh, ummmm . . . . hmmmm . . . "
  124. Jun 05 23:39:15 <Lesieli> ". . ."
  125. Jun 05 23:39:31 <Lenore> [D-does even SHE not know it?]
  126. Jun 05 23:39:33 <Lesieli> ". . . gimme a moment, I can get this . . ."
  127. Jun 05 23:40:09 * Melons leans in..and up? uncomfortably closely to Les's face, continuing to staaaaaaaaaaaare.
  128. Jun 05 23:41:16 * Lesieli is whispering to herself, sorta pseudo-counting on her fingers "B-, C-, Ch- . . .F-? No, G-? Umm, uhhhhh . . . "
  129. Jun 05 23:41:34 <Melons> Cheek piiiiiiiiiiiiinch.
  130. Jun 05 23:41:57 <Lesieli> ". . . ask me again tomorrow? I'm sure I'll have it by then~"
  131. Jun 05 23:42:28 <Melons> In fact, Mel DOUBLE cheek pinches Les. "No forgetting names of friends."
  132. Jun 05 23:43:02 <Lesieli> "Psssh, I didn't /forget/ it, I just . . . . temporarily can't recall it"
  133. Jun 05 23:46:39 <Melons> " take the rest of the night to remember...or ask him to jog your memory...if you can't give me an answer by tomorrow morning...hmmmmmm..." Mel plots. And grins maliciously. "If you can't give me an answer, I'm going to do to you what Kalili did to me."
  134. Jun 05 23:49:57 <Lenore> [I'm okay with this.]
  135. Jun 05 23:51:35 <Melons> "I'll give you a hint what that was: hope you don't have embarrassing tan lines."
  136. Jun 05 23:52:46 * Lesieli does a 'NOPE' X with her hands "Uh-uh, no more rapist-Mel allowed here"
  137. Jun 05 23:53:16 <Melons> "No, you idiot, that's not it..."
  138. Jun 05 23:53:33 <Lenore> [ she giving me a bad rap? She's totally hot, I was gonna' make her enjoy her fluffy cloudland even more! I-I swear!]
  139. Jun 05 23:53:42 <Melons> "I mean, I'd at LEAST get your con...sent...I'm leaving now..."
  140. Jun 05 23:53:58 <Melons> Hi feet, how are you today?
  141. Jun 05 23:54:02 <Lenore> [DON'T BE A WIMP]
  142. Jun 05 23:54:09 <Lenore> [DOOOOON'T BEEEE A WIIIIIMP]
  143. Jun 05 23:54:13 <Lenore> [YOU CAN DO THIS]
  144. Jun 05 23:54:34 <Melons> I actually do have shit I need to prepare...
  145. Jun 05 23:56:19 <Melons> ...and how are you not tired?
  146. Jun 05 23:58:17 <Melons> "A-Anyway...uh...see ya...Mele...?" Mel sneeks a peek directly at Les's eye and manages to keep from instantly averting her gaze once more.
  147. Jun 05 23:58:41 <Melons> Of course, it should be awkward she's focusing directlyat one eye.
  148. Jun 05 23:59:01 <Melons> ...obvious...not it is awkward...but....shut up
  149. Jun 05 23:59:32 * Lesieli is too oblivious to notice
  150. Jun 05 23:59:38 <Mayuri> (Mel doesn't need a Missingno to argue with her)
  151. Jun 05 23:59:43 <Mayuri> (She already has herself)
  152. Jun 05 23:59:46 <Melons> I SAID SHUT UP!
  153. Jun 06 00:00:03 <Lesieli> "Yeah, see you later, thanks for the chat. It was nice~"
  154. Jun 06 00:01:12 <Melons> Melanie nods, slips o- nope, looks like a klutz as she walks into a locked door that fails to open. How does th- right, okay, door's open, she's out, it's cl- AH!...closed with a slam...and Melanie remembers to use all of her lungs and gasps for air as she scampers off for a PC.
  155. Jun 06 00:04:49 <Melons> That's </mini>, right? Oh god, please let that be </mini>, I can't handle embarrassing myself anymore.
  156. Jun 06 00:05:09 <Lenore> [You're adorable.]
  157. Jun 06 00:05:13 <Lenore> </mini
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