

Sep 20th, 2014
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  1. -- Issue 3749: Frankly,It Makes No Sense
  2. SET @Scorp := 21909; -- Arcano-Scorp
  3. SET @CreditGuid := 84902; -- There is unused spawn of this
  4. SET @Guid1 := 43463; -- TC team values should be set here -> add missing scorp spawn
  5. SET @Guid2 := 43464; -- TC team values should be set here -> add missing scorp spawn
  6. SET @Control1 := 37867; -- Trigger /connected with dismissing to make vehicle not attack master/
  7. SET @Control1_1 := 37868; -- Control /apply control aura without target/
  8. SET @Control2 := 37892; -- -//-
  9. SET @Control2_2 := 37893; -- -//-
  10. SET @Control3 := 37894; -- -//-
  11. SET @Control3_3 := 37895; -- -//-
  12. SET @Diametron := 21462; -- Greater Fellfire Diametron
  13. -- Arcano-Scorp spells:
  14. SET @Tag := 37851; -- Tag Greater Felfire Diemetradon
  15. SET @Arcano_Cloak := 37917;
  16. SET @Arcano_dismantle := 37919;
  17. SET @Arcano_pince := 37918;
  18. -- Add spawns for two missing Arcano-Scorps
  19. UPDATE `creature_template` SET `AIName`='PetAI',`unit_flags`=512,`MovementType`=1,`spell4`=@Tag,`spell5`=@Arcano_Cloak,`spell6`=@Arcano_dismantle,`spell7`=@Arcano_pince WHERE `entry`=@Scorp;
  20. UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType`=1,`spawndist`=3,`position_x`=-3414.004,`position_y`=825.4113,`position_z`=-30.77301 WHERE `guid`=76655;
  21. DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `guid` IN (@Guid1,@Guid2,@CreditGuid);
  22. INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`,`id`,`map`,`spawnMask`,`phaseMask`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`spawntimesecs`,`spawndist`,`currentwaypoint`,`MovementType`) VALUES
  23. (@Guid1,@Scorp,530,1,1,-3414.294,813.9421,-31.12042,1.478481,30,3,0,1),
  24. (@Guid2,@Scorp,530,1,1,-3408.508,795.8544,-31.42966,1.452154,30,3,0,1);
  25. -- Spell script for trigger of control spell *will rewrite it once SAI spell script is released*
  26. DELETE FROM `spell_scripts` WHERE `id` IN (@Control1,@Control2,@Control3);
  27. INSERT INTO `spell_scripts` (`id`,`effindex`,`delay`,`command`,`datalong`,`datalong2`) VALUES
  28. (@Control1,0,0,15,@Control1_1,2),
  29. (@Control2,0,0,15,@Control2_2,2),
  30. (@Control3,0,0,15,@Control3_3,2);
  31. -- Limit @Tag only to Diametrons,also to ones not affected by it
  32. DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=17 AND `SourceEntry`=@Tag;
  33. INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`,`SourceGroup`,`SourceEntry`,`SourceId`,`ElseGroup`,`ConditionTypeOrReference`,`ConditionTarget`,`ConditionValue1`,`ConditionValue2`,`ConditionValue3`,`NegativeCondition` ,`ErrorTextId`,`ScriptName`,`Comment`) VALUES
  34. (17,0,@Tag,0,0,31,1,3,@Diametron,0,0,0, '', 'Tag can only target Greater Felfire Diametrons'),
  35. (17,0,@Tag,0,0,1,1,@Tag,0,0,1,0, '', 'Tag cannot be casted on tagged Diametrons');
  36. -- Limit Arcano_Dismantle to not being able to hit self and cannot damage anything else beside Arcano-scorp
  37. DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=13 AND `SourceEntry`=@Arcano_dismantle;
  38. INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`,`SourceGroup`,`SourceEntry`,`SourceId`,`ElseGroup`,`ConditionTypeOrReference`,`ConditionTarget`,`ConditionValue1`,`ConditionValue2`,`ConditionValue3`,`NegativeCondition` ,`ErrorTextId`,`ScriptName`,`Comment`) VALUES
  39. (13,1,@Arcano_dismantle,0,0,33,1,0,1,0,1,0, '', 'Arcano-Dismantle effect 0 cannot hit self'),
  40. (13,2,@Arcano_dismantle,0,0,33,1,0,1,0,1,0, '', 'Arcano-Dismantle effect 1 cannot hit self'),
  41. (13,1,@Arcano_dismantle,0,0,31,0,3,@Scorp,0,0,0, '', 'Arcano-Dismantle effect 0 can hit only Arcano-Scorp'),
  42. (13,2,@Arcano_dismantle,0,0,31,0,3,@Scorp,0,0,0, '', 'Arcano-Dismantle effect 1 can hit only Arcano-Scorp');
  43. -- Limit @Arcano_pince to not being able to hit self and cannot damage anything else beside Arcano-scorp
  44. DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=13 AND `SourceEntry`=@Arcano_pince;
  45. INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`,`SourceGroup`,`SourceEntry`,`SourceId`,`ElseGroup`,`ConditionTypeOrReference`,`ConditionTarget`,`ConditionValue1`,`ConditionValue2`,`ConditionValue3`,`NegativeCondition` ,`ErrorTextId`,`ScriptName`,`Comment`) VALUES
  46. (13,1,@Arcano_pince,0,0,33,1,0,1,0,1,0, '', 'Arcano_pince effect 0 cannot hit self'),
  47. (13,1,@Arcano_pince,0,0,31,0,3,@Scorp,0,0,0, '', 'Arcano_pince effect 0 can hit only Arcano-Scorp');
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