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Nov 21st, 2019
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  1. There are so many unheard people. If you aren’t already aware, there’s a bit of a mental epidemic going on in high schools these days. Before you go and build another stadium or talk about how healthy our students are, consider that there’s a good amount of us that are dying. I’d recommend you switch caliber and maybe teach students how to cope with these disastrous mental developments properly, because personally I’ve been so lost, and I speak for many others. We want to trust that we have a stable future, but right now it’s hard for us even see a point in what we’re doing. School is not a place of learning for me any longer. Apparently, grades are everything. It’s honestly sad that I still struggle to even trust my own thoughts. I’ve been wanting to get out of my high school, but turns out it’ll take weeks for my documents to come in to switch schools. Some of us are desperate. Some of us have sadly decided to resort to other means of escaping this chronic pain. I just ask that you try to place focus on student’s mental health. I appreciate the attention to those who need special education, such as my brother. I’ve never been so happy for him, so I sincerely thank you for that. Instead of being so structured to the point where students are unable to have room for their opinion, give flexibility of opinion in classrooms. Conformity-based thought isn’t going to help future adults in a world where robots are taking over jobs, you should be teaching us to be thinking creatively and independently. It’s hard to see the reality that people are becoming more robotic the more they attend high school. It seems like high school is almost handing over the responsibility to get kids ready for life over to college. I feel like I’ve learned few life skills, and it’s no wonder people don’t know where to go after high school, we never even get a chance to bring our passions out because we’re too busy finishing a homework assignment that apparently we weren’t expected to procrastinate on tonight for 3 hours after a 7 hour day of immense questioning of your life choices. I promise you that kids are able to be excited for learning. If a kid doesn’t do their homework, it doesn’t mean they’re lazy. If a kid gets a bad grade, it doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. Smart is a broad term. There are so many types of smart. This is the idea that is indirectly placed into people’s heads, and is what’s driven my friends and I mad. I’ve resorted to skipping class some days to avoid receiving a bad test grade, and sometimes even shaking so hard to get a grade back that I fall into a panic attack and immediately get sent to the counselor who seems like the only one who knows what’s going on. When we would do bad on an assignment, we would feel inferior to others. The school classroom is detrimental. There are so many good things about our education system that I am so happy exist, but the cries of a large majority of students in these high schools are obscured by this push for over arching educational pride. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, see you around. (Hope you see this.)
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