
Solty App

Jun 28th, 2018
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  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Multiverse Crisis MUSH - Application Form 5.5.1
  7. 1a. Who are you? What is your name or online alias, and what is your age?
  9. Marshall, 32
  12. 2a. Have you roleplayed before, and if so, who and where? If you're new, how'd you find us? If you play here or previously played here, please list all of your current or most recent characters. If you're requesting a 7th or 8th character slot, say so here.
  14. Princess Luna, Neuroi Girl, Bahamut, Princess Sarracenia, Twilight Sparkle
  17. 3a. Do you need a wiki account? If so, give us a login name (that is not itself a character name) and an e-mail address to associate with it. If you already have one and want one to preserve a secret alt, specify as much.
  19. I have one already.
  24. Your Profile, Advantages, and Disadvantages (Flaws) are your face on the MUSH. They tell people who you are, what you can do, and what you stumble at. Please remove all examples before submitting the application form. (For example --> Name: Your character's name. 18 character limit, no special letters. <-- should simply read --> Name: Link)
  30. 1b. Profile
  32. Name: Solty Revant
  34. Faction: Unaffiliated
  36. Function: Innocent Android
  38. Series: Solty Rei
  40. Quote: "I just want to make bad things go away and help everyone be happy!"
  42. Profile: Solty Revant is an android more than 200 years old. She and her two sister computers helped humans colonize a new world long ago. A series of tragedies and a bump on the head led to Solty losing her memory and becoming truly self-aware. She is the most advanced android in her world, and her cutting edge construction gives her super strength, speed, durability, hearing, and the ability to generate potentially explosive vibrations. With her new personality came a big heart which directs nearly all her actions. Combined with her inexperience she is sensitive, easily swayed by her emotions, and can even be harmed by very strong feelings of sadness or despair. Despite her abilities, Solty prefers to talk things out and make new friends if possible.
  45. 2b. Character Type: What kind of character are you applying for? Categories are FCs (Canon Characters), OFCs (AU takes on canon characters), and OCs (Original Characters).
  48. FC
  51. 3b. Advantages
  53. This section is divided into three categories: DEFINING, SIGNIFICANT and MINOR. To see how to fill out Advantages, read:
  56. 3b-1. Advantages: Defining
  59. S-grade Design:
  60. Damage Reduction: Solty has heavily armored skin and construction superior to almost anything else from her world.
  61. Attack List - Melee: Solty has no real fighting style. She merely uses powerful punches, kicks, blocks, and other hand to hand techniques. She can augment her strikes with her ability to generate vibrations, adding even more weight to her hits.
  62. Extraordinary Senses: Solty's hearing is sensitive enough to pick up sounds that would be too quiet for most people to hear such as whispers, silenced shots, and the movements of tiny creatures. She also has enhanced vision, able to pick up minute movements.
  64. S-grade Design 2:
  65. Superior - Strength: Solty is able to lift items as heavy as a tank or small mech and throw them. She can also jump several stories high and punch through most materials.
  66. Superior - Speed: Solty is able to react and move with lightning quickness and run at very high speeds.
  67. Remote Viewing: Solty can pinpoint the source of any sound she can hear, and if she concentrates she can hear specific conversations a long distance away or through thick walls.
  72. 3b-2. Advantages: Significant
  75. Energy Manipulation:
  76. Solty is able to perform a variety of actions by directing the energy flow within her body.
  77. Destruction: Solty can create powerful vibrations with her hands and feet, allowing her to explosively disintegrate things with a touch. The area affected can't be larger around than Solty is tall. The explosions created are only strong enough to cause minor harm to those very close by.
  78. Flight: By focusing her energy inward Solty is able to fly.
  79. Water Functionality: In the same way she can control her energy to fly, Solty can also move freely underwater.
  82. Overclock:
  83. By pushing her body and mind to their limits, Solty is able to move incredibly fast.
  84. Time Stop: Solty can move instantaneously from one point to another within the same room. She can perform only one simple action, such as delivering a punch or blocking a hit.
  87. Strong Heart, Hard Head:
  88. Oration: Through impassioned and earnest speeches and actions, Solty can try to win over her opponent without actually defeating them in combat.
  89. Environmental Protection: Solty can survive indefinitely in outer space, and for extended periods of time in extreme temperatures such as typical fires or arctic environments, high ambient radiation, and crushing pressures such as deep sea water pressure.
  90. Immortality: Solty is very difficult to actually kill. Her systems are so durable that as long as her head is not destroyed she can be rebuilt and remain the same person she was before. However, she needs someone else to repair her.
  93. 3b-3. Advantages: Minor
  96. Android Systems:
  97. Low Intake: Solty has no need for air, food, or water.
  100. 4b. Disadvantages
  102. This is split into three sections: TROUBLE, SIGNIFICANT and MINOR. To see how to fill out Disadvantages, read:
  105. 4b-1. Disadvantages: Trouble
  108. Protective Programming <Trouble> - Solty always places the lives of others above her own, even willing to sacrifice herself if it will save others. If she senses an incoming attack on a friend or ally and is able to intercept it, she will. If someone tries to harm a defenseless target such as someone already too weak to stand or unconscious, she will try to stop them even if the target is someone she herself would have fought against. Solty will always try to save as many lives as possible, and has little concern for damage to buildings, vehicles, or landscapes when she is trying to help someone or stop a badguy. She also simply charges headlong into situations without giving any thought to planning or tactics and doesn't check for hidden dangers.
  110. 4b-2. Disadvantages: Significant
  113. Gullible <Significant> - Solty is innocent at heart and as such is easily deceived. She can be tricked into aiding someone with something that she would not normally help with so long as there is no mention of or obvious instance of wrong-doing. Once someone has proved they are untrustworthy Solty is naturally much less likely to believe them again, but if they are a good actor or the cause they are championing is good enough she can be misled again.
  116. 4b-3. Disadvantages: Minor
  119. Inexperienced <Minor> - Although she has superhuman abilities, Solty has had very little life experience. This includes knowledge of things many consider common knowledge, such as common sayings, slang, and typical behavior. It also includes incompetence in everyday activities such as shopping and cooking as well as a general lack of common sense. In addition, Solty doesn't handle strong emotions well and it can lead to complications such as forgetting how strong she is or breaking down in tears over disappointing someone or being yelled at. Extreme emotional stress can actually cause her internal damage.
  130. 5b. Themelisting
  132. If a +themelisting does not already exist for your character, you will have to write one yourself. This should be a concise description of the setting from which the character comes, and if it is a modified/non-canon theme it should usually explain how it diverges from the original. Additionally, we'd be interested in knowing if there are any series -- preferably but not necessarily existing in our standing +themelists -- that you'd be interested in seeing your theme mixing with as neighbors in the Multiverse.
  135. Solty Rei
  137. In a place simply known as The City, people are divided into Registered and Unregistered citizens. The Registered live on the surface while the Unregistered are forced to live underground without the benefit of proper healthcare or city services. The City and the surrounding area are covered in a phenomenon called the Aurora Shell, which is known for the destruction of anything that attempts to go beyond a certain altitude. This phenomenon led to the Blast Fall, a disaster where lightning from the Aurora Shell caused a massive explosion that left hundreds dead, injured, or lost. The event affected nearly everyone in the city in some way and many families were torn apart.
  138. The City and all its functions are controlled by a government-corporation called the R.U.C., a mysterious organization that operates with impunity to maintain the status quo. Beneath all of this the citizens lead relatively normal lives except that law enforcement has been greatly complicated by the development of RESEMBLE technology - cybernetic technology developed to meet the needs of the public after the Blast Fall. It can replicate the human body in every way and can be designed to grant superhuman abilities. This led to the need for bounty hunters since the police forces were inadequate and underpaid to deal with RESEMBLE threats. These so called Hunters perform duties ranging from catching criminals to working as bodyguards.
  139. Recently rumors have been spreading of a particularly skilled middle-aged Hunter who works with a strange young girl with green hair and a thief who promotes herself as a modern day Robin Hood.
  144. 1c. Personality
  146. This section describes your character in terms of their personality, motivations, quirks, fears and aspirations. Give us a good idea of why your character is invested in the Multiverse, how they get themselves into RP, and why they’re fun to play with. Each section must be answered in 100 words or more, ideally less than 400. If in need of inspiration, take a look at Nathan Hall's personality guide.
  149. 1c-1. Response to the Multiverse
  151. If you are applying for an FC: How has the Multiverse changed your character or challenged them in new and different ways? If they’re totally new to the Multiverse at the point of application, how do you expect them to react to the reality of new environments and challenges, and how do you think it will change them?
  154. So far in her theme Solty is used to being the most powerful combatant in her world, but upon introduction to the Multiverse she will learn that there are many beings who can match her power and only slightly less who could threaten her world or those she loves. However, I don't think it will affect her much since she is already prone to putting others before herself. She already runs headlong into danger to protect the innocent and the people she loves with little regard for her own safety. She is well aware of her abilities and toughness, and is not afraid to physically block incoming attacks for others. However, that might change somewhat as she gets more experience against equally tough opponents. Rather than blocking attacks face first she may turn more toward pulling people out of the way or similar actions that place both herself and those she is rescuing at less risk. She also may eventually learn to deal with emotions more effectively and will no doubt learn practical skills along the way. But, changing any more than that would represent a change to the core of the character.
  157. If you are applying for an OC: What do you feel is the driving force behind the character that would bring them out into the Multiverse, instead of staying within their own theme? What compels them to leave and see what the Multiverse has to offer?
  159. If you are applying for an OFC: What did the changes to the original theme do to make the character different from their source material? Answer the above question for OCs as well.
  162. 1c-2. Motivation
  164. What best motivates your character to visit other worlds? What sort of things do they react to by getting out the door and pursuing them? What kind of things excite and intrigue them? What kind of things frighten them or give them pause?
  167. Calls for help are the most likely thing to draw Solty from her home. She has a deep need to help others be happy and helping people in need is one of the best ways to do that. Once she meets a few people she would then be drawn out by a desire to see her new friends. Also she has the natural curiousity of a young person and so would leave sometimes because something sounded intriguing. Once out there, all the injustice and misery out there would inspire Solty to keep leaving. She would try to make a difference wherever she could.
  168. Solty's interests are simple. Things that make people happy. One of her favorites is cooking. She is always trying to improve her cooking and likes to cook for people even though she is only an amateur. She also enjoys the simple pleasures like snow, flowers, waves lapping against a beach, fireworks. And while there's no canonical evidence for it, I suspect she would be intrigued by magic, both stage and mystical, as well as animals since there seems to be none in her world.
  169. The thing that frightens Solty most is losing her adopted family. Roy Revant is her adopted father and she would do almost anything for him. Losing him or her sister Rose Anderson would devastate Solty. Next would be losing her friends, which would be only slightly less devastating to her. She is somewhat disturbed by the fact that she is not human. It makes her feel different from everyone else in The City.
  170. She hates bad people and will try to stop them every chance she gets, and she is baffled by the things bad people do. She truly can't understand why someone would want to murder someone or destroy homes or steal just for fun or personal gain, and is greatly saddened and angered by anything of that nature. Another thing she doesn't understand is prejudice. When she experiences it she doesn't know how to handle it and often has to have help to make sense of it.
  173. 1c-3. Good Side
  175. What would you call the brightest point of your character’s personality? Where do they excel as a person, and what are the upsides of knowing them?
  178. Solty has a huge heart and is always putting others before herself. Those she identifies as good people automatically gain her protection, and those who befriend her gain a fiercely loyal protector as well as a slightly strange but adorable friend who will do just about anything for them so long as it isn't 'bad'. Also, her innocent, enthusiastic, and somewhat clueless attitude should offer plenty of fun during social scenes. She has a talent and preference for solving situations with empassioned speeches even though she has the power to neutralize most any threat through brute force, and loves to help people feel good about themselves and their lives and just generally tries to help people be happy. She also believes in giving people a chance to change, so someone who has done something bad in the past can gain her forgiveness if they apologize and make an effort to change their ways.
  181. 1c-4. Bad Side
  183. What would you call the lowest point of your character’s personality? What qualities of theirs are less than ideal? Do they recognize these low points? How do they feel about them? Most importantly, why is this side of their personality fun for other players to play off of?
  186. The main weak point in Solty's personality is her gullibility. She is easily mislead and very trusting, and as such is easy to take advantage of. She will often mistake tall tales as truth and take sayings too literally. She also has strong reactions to those things she considers bad. She is easy to goad into action with threats to innocent people and a bit over-zealous in her attempts to stop those bad things even when not actually trying to kill someone. She tends to escalate things quickly if it looks like someone might get hurt. She can be very single-minded when it comes to her objectives, especially when it comes to protecting people. She tends to charge in without considering things like traps, hidden foes, or other unknown threats. She is also very confident in her abilities which will get her in trouble in the Multiverse when she charges in and finds foe after foe that is able to defeat her.
  187. These things combined should make it interesting for those who wish to take advantage of Solty's naivety, whether it is in mere social situations or more serious situations.
  189. 1c-5. Faction Relations
  191. Why is your character in the faction that they’re in, or failing that, why aren’t they in a faction at all? If you’re in a faction, what sort of conflict might your character have with that faction’s ideology, and how might it be resolved in play?
  194. Solty will be unaffiliated, at least for a while. Although she would fit into either the Paladins or the Watch, her moral code and her preference for action mean she would have issues with both. Also, she is still quite young at heart despite being hundreds of years old in reality, meaning she is idealistic and naive which would cause some friction within factions. Her father would never approve of her going off into danger either, much less joining factions that are all about confronting those dangers in the Multiverse. But, it is very likely that she would eventually join one of those factions. Most likely it will be the Paladins. She recognizes the need for law and order, but she would likely run into conflict because she wouldn't like laws that are unfair to the people, wouldn't wait for the law to grant permission to stop a dangerous situation, and she doesn't mind befriending criminals so long as they are good people and don't cause any real harm. Laws are much less important to her than protecting people and helping them live happy lives. The Watch is a less likely but still possible option, however her idealism would probably cause even more problems as part of an organization that doesn't really concern itself with morality or law.
  197. 2c. Background
  199. Give us a brief, concise overview of your character's background.
  201. For OCs and OFCs: Three major moments of your character’s life that shaped them as an individual, explaining how each are important.
  203. For FCs: A quick rundown of “the story so far” in your own words, in full or bullet point format, and justify your portrayal of the personality you intend through the most significant moments.
  206. At the point in the story where Solty will be joining the Multiverse, she has been adopted by a Hunter named Roy Revant after she was found unregistered and without her memory. She has become close friends with a thief named Rose Anderson and has encountered R.U.C. Security Section 7 who almost took Solty to prison on some incorrect information. Solty's personality is well established within the source material as a kind, overly caring and sensitive girl who is inexperienced and naive and eager to prove herself useful and worthy of being loved as shown by her obsession with ingratiting herself to Roy even though he constantly rejects her despite having agreed to adopt her. She is also shown to lack common sense and the ease of manipulating her when she runs at her max speed down a public road, destroying the road in the process and disrupting a private military convoy after Rose Anderson tells Solty she just wants to see how fast Solty can run and that she must run at a specific time of day down a specific road, and again when Rose convinces Solty to help recover a stolen emerald because it could help the poor people living underground.
  209. 3c. Combat
  211. This section informs us about your character's ability pertaining to combat RP.
  214. 3c-1. Archetype
  216. Which Archetype do you think fits your character best? For a list of Archetypes, refer to: Archetypes and Quirks. Optionally, you can leave this space blank and let staff pick one. You can have staff’s choice changed to your own later on.
  219. After more consideration I think the All-Star is more appropriate for Solty. Yes, she will try to take attacks for others, but Martyr sounds more like someone using an energy field or other ability to share damage with someone. In a fight she is much more the solid performer and has little in the way of special skills or abilities.
  221. 3c-2. Role What role does fighting play in your character’s narrative, and what role do they play in the larger context of their theme’s combat narrative? For example, is your character the flagship protagonist of a combat heavy plot? The team head who leads the heroes to save the world? The scrappy underdog who triumphs through smarts and resourcefulness? The ultimate final boss who seeks world domination? The renegade who gets in everyone’s way, hero and villain alike? Are they a supporting character who rarely fights themselves? Are they from a series where combat barely or never happens? Are they from a series that is overwhelmingly focused on combat? Furthermore, how does this role pan out in the context of MCM as a setting? Is it altered or recontextualized?
  224. Solty is the primary protagonist in her theme. While combat is not the main focus of the series, when there is combat Solty either completely outclasses her more normal opponents or engages in dramatic, high-flying, super powered combat with opponents. In her theme Solty is rivaled by only a handful of individuals as far as combat power. She often uses her abilities to tank hits for her friends.
  227. 3c-3. Style Where would you say your character’s specialties lie if you had to evaluate them up or down? Is your character glass cannon? A big, slow, heavy hitter? Hard to hit but very fragile? A tank/turtle? Are they just balanced across the board? If they are, where would you say their biggest strength is anyways?
  230. Solty is a pretty balanced fighter, with (at least in her theme) speed, strength, and durability far surpassing all but a few individuals. She isn't all that hard to hit for someone who has power close to hers.
  233. 3c-3b. Stats Optionally, split 100 points between Power (how much damage your character can dish out, Precision (how accurate and consistent your character’s attacks are), Endurance (how well your character can resist damage), and Mitigation (how well your character can actively reduce exposure to attacks). The numbers you assign are to inform staff only, and do not translate directly into anything.
  235. Power: 30
  236. Precision: 20
  237. Endurance: 30
  238. Mitigation: 20
  243. 4c. Why? (OPTIONAL): This question must only be answered if you're applying for a Restricted concept, or if Staff prompts you to answer it. Why do you want to play this character? What do you want to do with them that you can't get out of something else, or something more simple? Can you handle it if it doesn't work out? What do you want to get out of it RP-wise, and what do you expect other people to get out of it in turn?
  246. 5c. Miscellaneous: This is just a miscellaneous field. If you have any notes or special requests (potential defection notices, for example), this is the place to put them.
  249. Once you're done filling the application form out, submit it in the body of an e-mail to
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