
The Sandstorm (Asim)

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. [09:50] The dainty dancer sifted their feet through the sand and danced around Asim, prudent of their attacks and parrying most of what their friend could unleash. It was becoming more hard fought as the two matured over the years. Asim was slowly catching up and perhaps one day he would take the reigns from Kris.
  3. Though the attention was torn away at the sense of hostility!
  5. Turning on a heel, Kris would hear the demand to vacate the land and they wouldn't have it!
  7. "We live here! Don't you dare tell us to leave!"
  8. (Krís)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [09:54] The wave attack that he sent forward fell short. In more ways than one! It was weak and the distance it covered was lackluster. A skill he will need to thoroughly work on. The dancer he was up against danced around the field like they do every time they have dueled. It was expected however he was covering some ground. In due time he might be able to best Kris. Just its a strange magic to understand... Crystals...
  13. Asim's posture straighten and he flourishes his blade. Slinging it over his shoulder rather than sheathing it. The new group that has arrive has already pissed him off.
  15. "Who the hell do you think you are, tell us what to do?" A assertive tone comes from the nomadic magi. "Filth." He mutters to himself. How dare they...
  16. (Asim)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [09:57] The king would hum as the sands picked up, Darius' anger palpable. He merely grinned. "I see the lady Barca has yet to speak to you." He would comment, the desert around himself becoming the opposite of the Parsi Brother's violence, rather - Peaceful and quelled. He tapped his chin in thought.
  21. His hand then went out toward Asim and Kris, urging them to cease, and allow the King to handle it.
  23. "Ah, well. Would you like to dine with us?" The King would offer out of the blue. "I suppose I should show you Shavetia's magnificence, and offer you yet another chance to join it. You, the brother's Parsi, do intrigue me, and it would be of great honor to partake of a meal with you."
  24. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [10:00] Ka kept quiet, merely following his brother's steps along the scorching desert, however, despite the calm and quiet walk, its quietness got stopped by a gathering- which two of them could be seen fighting.
  29. Well! That could be a display of beauty if the gathering hadn't Dragmire... Similar to his brother, Ka's features shift a bit.
  31. "Who're ye? We dare to tell ye 'cuz if y're in the desert, y're our property. We own that, get out of here if y're willin' to walk usin' yer legs and not prosthetic ones."
  33. His gaze, however, flies towards Dragmire- mainly to his feet. "Bhahah... Where are yer shoes, city dweller? Have y'already tell 'em about yer deeds? About how ye refused to challenge us? It's way easier to gather people bein' a pretender 'cuz ye don't need to tell 'em the truth, ain't it fun?"
  35. Once Dragmire makes another request to them, Ka briefly shakes his head- though those requests are getting out of hand, outrageous, even! He's visibly getting somewhat angrier, childishly so, perhaps. "Are ye heckin' dumb? We ain't gettin' into yer shit fake country built by city dwellers, that ain't our thing- I'll be clear, I'll tear ye apart if ye keep bein' frivolous. If ye won't leave, we'll make ye resign yer Kingdom in front of 'em."
  36. (Ka Parsi)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [10:07] Talking about what Barca was to say to him or even something else- It was an obvious thing that even if Dragmire desired to have someone from the city on his side, it did not matter to Darius. One dismissive handwave was offered to the other two.
  41. "You are not the ones invited to leave- The usurper, however, is." His other hand pointed towards the redhead. "You either leave, or you take the same challenge you denied last time. You can try hiding behind other people this time, but I assure you."
  43. "It won't work." His voice boomed out, the sands roaring around the older Parsi. "There will be no dinner. I do not trust it to not be poisoned, even."
  45. "So you either leave this town and leave it to the Parsi raiders, or we'll make you."
  46. (Darius Parsi)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [10:11] Kris grunted at the threat and quickly took to their defensive stance. Not today, they were not having such events transpire. Finally settling in the valley and making a place for themselves just to have it ripped away? Fury entered their heart.
  51. Cold blue hues keen on Ka Parsi, the one who boldly claims they could tear their friends apart. Even if they were invited to stay, it would not be on these two marauders terms!
  53. "King stays. You either agree to disagree or we will have a problem here!" Kris stated sternly with a much louder tone than the Parsi Raiders were speaking.
  54. (Krís)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [10:11] This is the exact reason that Asim said what he did to his Liege. He doesn't place his blade in his scabbard however he waits to see what his king does. This can go any sort of way. Just the way that the 'Leader' of this duo is acting... He might be on the same tier as Rain. Which would be a problem alone. Not to mention the other pipsqueak behind him.
  59. "Tsk." He tries to keep his mouth shut.
  60. (Asim)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [10:17] * You have been awarded 4 Roleplay Points! *
  64. [10:20] "We already have a problem here, in case you didn't notice." It seemed that the whole situation only served to further stress out the Parsi, and if the threats from moments ago were not enough, then the raging sands intensifying would certainly mean so.
  66. They either all leave, or they choose to stay under him. There was no discussion of this matter.
  67. (Darius Parsi)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [10:24] The man would wave his hand. "So be it. Sun Guard, detain the Parsi with me. I've no wish to trade words with dishonorable fools who claim kingship, but have no idea what it means."
  72. With that, the peace around him vanished, his mana flared, and the desert came to life. It would seem that his last offer of peace had been shot down, and so the true King of the desert would have to show them just how wrong they were.
  73. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [10:25] Kuma notices the situation was getting out of control. With a tsk, he'd step up just outside the caves of where the group stayed. "Darius. We had an agreement. 3 years, no sabotaging. What's the meaning of this?" He'd say over towards the brothers.
  77. (Paca Kuma)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [10:29] "This is no sabotaging. I came here and made a simple demand- To leave my territory just like any king would when confronted with a rival." There was a glance of the yellow eyes to the side, towards the one that approached him. His head shook from side to side, slowly even.
  82. "We are not trying to steal your subjects. We are not trying to kill you. We made a simple offer."
  84. "You reject it so... Brashly, and even tell us that we have no idea what it means to be king. Tell me, Dragmire. But tell me the same thing you told last time."
  86. The sands reacted, of course; The slightest hint of an attack was no more than unwelcome by the older Parsi. "What does it mean to rule?"
  87. (Darius Parsi)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [10:32] Agreement? Why should they respect such? If anything, it could be obvious their unwillingness to comply with such demand- plus, the increase of Dragmire's servants did make at least the younger sibling somewhat dubious about the future.
  92. "Pfft. There's no agreement, why should we respect somethin' like an agreement made in a town? There's no agreement when makin' it with a pretender.
  94. Slowly, the boy mouths 'Sun Guard', shaking his head fiercely, furiously perhaps! "Sun Guard? No one is gettin' the Sun claim but me, aye." But he preferred to keep silent afterward- letting his brother speak.
  96. He isn't known for wording things well anyway...
  97. (Ka Parsi)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [10:34] Kuma looks at the two with some disgust. If they could see it through the desert or not is anyone's guess, but it was clear the man wasn't at all happy with the two. "We had an agreement because we wished for what's best for the deserts. So tell us why you're wishing to break it and slow down the deserts expansion? And yes, you are sabotaging things Darius. To negatively effect the other kingdom is to break the terms of agreement."
  101. (Paca Kuma)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [10:36] Asim continues to not pitch into the conversation. The whole thing itself was quite depressing. These mere bandits think they're so high and mighty. How can you even begin to 'rival' a town that already exists. They seem to have perhaps a few people.
  106. He shakes his head while waiting for the speech that Darius has caused his liege to no doubt begin.
  107. (Asim)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [10:44] "To be a King you need subjects and when I look around it seems that Dragmire is more fit to rule than you two miscreants!"
  112. Kris was being harsh, but it was a logical observation. A finger pointed singling out Darius, the older looking of two. Their glare was piercing and their fury obvious on the parts of their visage that wasn't hidden by the veil.
  114. "Dragmire, please let's get these guys out of here!"
  115. (Krís)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [10:48] "To win; but not to destroy. To subjugate; but never to humiliate. A King is a Conqueror, and that is what true conquest is - Winning the hearts and minds of your people." Dragmire would reply, a soft smile coming to his face. "A King must live a life more vivid than any other, and be a figure for all to adore. The King is the one who collects the envy of all the heroes who follow him, and stands as their guide."
  120. His arms folded over his chest, and he'd close his eyes, his own sands still raging about his figure. "A King must greedier than any other. He must laugh louder and rage harder. He must exemplify the extreme of all things, good and evil. To be as the flames of aspiration that burn within the hopes of all your peoples."
  122. Dragmire's eyes would lock onto the Parsi Brothers, full of immovable pride. Groups of Shavetians had emerged from their home with the waking dawn, to gaze upon the ruckus.
  124. "AND THAT IS WHY YOU SHALL FAIL! For there is no GOOD in you! I see only a lust for carnage and destruction, one that has extinguished and devoured itself time and time again throughout history! You do not care for your people, only how much you can take! You are alone, Parsi, and a King is never alone."
  126. Cheers would start to come from the people of his kingdom, washing over his booming voice. Doubtless, the Parsi would feel dwarfed.
  127. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [10:55] Feeling dwarfed. That was a feeling that the Parsi did not know, even if it scratched at the bottom of their hearts. Yet, there was just one reaction from the desert raider. Arms spread wide open, and he shouts out back towards Dragmire.
  132. "I thought you were going to get me, Dragmire! I'm WAITING for our duel, I'm WAITING, and you always take steps back when you notice that there is nothing but failure waiting for you, Dragmire."
  134. And then, Darius would step closer to the much taller Dragmire, and put both his hands together. "I thought you were going to get me, and show me where I belong, Dragmire. I really thought for a second there you had some guts, something a king needs."
  136. "To protect their kingdom from nomadic raiders." The sands, however, started raging away; If there were people cheering against him... Well, this was the time for Darius to allow every single one of them to be buried within the sands, or be stopped.
  138. The raider's camp was far away, indeed- All the way towards the Oasis, where they had made their dominion. "If you step on the desert, Dragmire, you are in my kingdom. Do you want to see the desert expand?"
  140. "I will make the desert grow. It will grow so large that it will encompass the entire western coast of this continent, trees only present wherever the oasis allows them to."
  141. (Darius Parsi)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [11:02] Kris turned their head back to Asim. Giving them a nod, they would encircle around Ka and keep their scimitar gripped tightly. There may be more words, but it wouldn't hurt to keep the pressure on and pincer them.
  146. "To protect our kingdom from threats. Born of the desert I get to choose my liege, and neither of you are worthy."
  147. (Krís)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [11:03] Ka carefully watched the exchange of speeches, of course, he'd like his brother's more, way more! It made more sense due to his background, and, well, they're brothers.
  152. He, however, would shift his gaze to the ones serving Dragmire. "At this point, I really think that sidin' with such weaklin' might be crazy- every speech he makes is an attempt to escape from the conflict, to make him look strong...
  154. While he clearly ain't."
  156. Ka wouldn't feel 'dwarfed' due to all the praise Dragmire received, it might mess with his pride a bit, but only a bit- and such bit vanished once the older sibling proudly buried those only watching.
  158. His grin grows wider, getting prouder and prouder, something only his brother is able to do- every word by Darius empowered the younger sibling, and thus he brought his Ivory Staff, hoping something unfolds from that entire situation.
  160. "Bein' worthy to reign a battle land is what we are, we're stronger than y'all, we're fiercer, we're courageous, we're Parsi, basically."
  161. (Ka Parsi)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [11:03] The nomadic magi walks to the other side of Ka. He readies himself for combat. The shards around him spin faster around him.
  166. "I'm a nomad of this desert and we shall end your false reign." He says confidently.
  167. (Asim)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [11:05] Darius Parsi exclaims, "I am WAITING!"
  171. [11:05] Darius Parsi exclaims, "You spoke THREE TIMES ALREADY OF HOW YOU WERE GOING TO KICK ME FROM THIS TOWN!"
  172. [11:05] Darius Parsi exclaims, "And still I stand HERE, right in front of the FALSE KING, and no one does ANYTHING!"
  173. [11:07] The man would laugh. In fact, he'd laugh so hard, he'd almost double over. "Expand the desert? That's your dream? My," He'd wipe a tear from his eye, straightening back up. "That's so short-sighted."
  175. "You wonder why I do not take you seriously? It is because you play more childish games than an infant given blocks." With that, he'd rear his fist back, and slam it down into the ground, an eruption of sand moving to swallow the Parsi.
  177. "I'm ending this farce now."
  178. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [11:08] As Darius lost their cool, Kris would jump to Ka Parci and initiate their own fight along with Asim! Their blade sweeped at their legs to take them off guard.
  183. "Now Asim!" They shouted!
  184. (Krís)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [11:17] ** Ka Parsi has inflicted an injury upon Asim. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  188. [11:32] That fight was one he could call fair, despite being outnumbered, their strength couldn't be akin to his. The teenager has been fighting since he was a child, the Parsi grew amidst the desert, among beasts, among the hunger, he wouldn't be bested by two guys who he believed to be pity pretenders.
  190. Fighting while the sunset decreased his stakes a bit, the boy is a proud Sun follower and following bellow such while it is at its prime kind of empowers the younger sibling, even if merely mentally.
  192. They were both close-ranged fighters, wielding swords. Ka kept distance from them with a certain ease, he claimed that place as his spraying fire all over the place.
  194. That clash lasted a few minutes, but it ended once they both got aligned and Ka land a powerful fire wave, bigger than any that they've ever seen perhaps- it crippled Asim, and left severe burns on Krís' arm... Burning things, that's the best way he can find to send offerings to the Sun, at least that what he believes!
  196. If anything, that was enough to claim a victory! "Sun guard?" He mouthed, painfully giggling afterward... Still in pain, he'd return to where the conflict began.
  197. (Ka Parsi)
  198. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. [11:34] The cacti made clear whatever intent that Darius had. He was not in this for the joy of the fight, or for the cruelty of the act. He was here to establish one single thing, which was dominance. To show them what was going to happen if they dared to stand against him.
  202. Born amidst raiders, they had one way of going through things, and it was nothing short of going with full force wherever he wanted something. In this case, he wanted to show them that the deserts belonged to him. "If you tread in the sand against the Oasis' will, Dragmire..."
  204. The cacti and gnarled vines lashed out, each moment causing a whole deal of pain for Dragmire. He intended not only to kick him from the desert, but to make it hurt. To make it hurt as much as it could, in the end.
  206. "You will get punished."
  208. "The desert does not forgive weaklings, and you are just short of strength." A lash of sand- Whatever attempts that Dragmire made of hiding behind sand caused a potent blast to collapse against his chest, pushing the redhead further away at each moment.
  210. "Leave the desert, and you won't see this village burn."
  212. "Stay, and I will make you watch."
  213. (Darius Parsi)
  214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [11:39] Kuma let out a disappointed sigh as the two wouldn't stop. The sound of a grip tightening would come from Kuma on the side as he pulled out his staff. The white shine of it would seem brighter than normal. As a yellow aura started to swallow his body, it was clear the brightness was due to it's holy attunement.
  218. "Darius. When you come to assault a kingdom, you can't expect the residents of it to just sit back and watch."
  220. The mans eyes would focus on the elder brother as he made sure to take in all he could over the battle he just fought. A sense of dread would come over Paca as he knew the child he once knew was now older, much more hardier than ever. But he knew he couldn't step down.
  222. "The only thing you have proven is that you are the stronger fighter. But the whole reason for the contest was to see who's a better ruler. I pledge my loyalty to Ganon, so I won't just sit back."
  224. The sand beneath his feet would crunch as Kuma pushed back his right foot. The man would crouch lower than normal, making sure the sand flying up in the air wouldn't obstruct his vision too much.
  226. "Don't worry. I have no plans on injuring you, but when you fight against a kingdom, you fight against it all."
  227. (Paca Kuma)
  228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. [11:39] The duo was in sync and their blades danced as they stepped to their mark. Kris's blade only knicking their target and barely making it back to defend themselves.
  232. Kris was the more agile of the two, making those quick repetitive moves and providing the aggressive motions of the two as Asim was able to batter at them at one point or another. The only disadvantage was left with Kris failing to adapt their magic to a point where it would be useable in battle. It was too late for this.
  234. "Asim Look out!" Kris cried out.
  236. A giant wave of fire consumed Asim and caught Kris by their arm. The burns weren't too bad for them, but Asim...they would live on only suffering from the affliction.
  238. Kris wanted nothing more than to kill these two now, but their heart went out to Asim. The young dancer couldn't bear to see him like this.
  239. (Krís)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [11:43] The fight was far from his best performance. With the lack of overall skill in his magicks he was outclassed. It was to be expected to be honest. Their opponent had been around the block a few more times. He was overpowered by the range and power of the lad they fought. The perfect counter took place, the ranged Explosion magi vs two melee fighters. The fact that they even were able to hold their own is surprising itself!
  244. The battleground was littered with depresses in the sand and broken crystals. Asim fell to a knee, as he was severely wounded! The man was caught in the crossfire of a wave that was sent out burning his body. Mainly his left side, his arm got the worst of it. A thick deep burn was shown on his person.
  246. Screams from the man ring out from the pain that he had to endure from the overall heat. As it ended he moved to place his hand on his burn. Luckily he was able to think about it and halt is movement.
  248. With torn and scorched clothes he sat there defeated. His yellow hues look up to his opponent. A deep seeded hatred has been spawned from his injury. Sadly he doesn't say anything as he is too weak to do so...
  249. (Asim)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [11:43] Even though the King was being beaten back, his chest glittering with blood and sand, he grinned all the same. "I would say, Parsi, that the difference in our strength is almost negligible. That could have gone either way, and you know it." He would break free of the attack, and posture himself upright.
  254. "Honestly, were you not so stubbornly set in the way of worthless bandits you'd make the finest of warriors for Shavetia. But I will not have everything I stand for tarnished by a pair of fools."
  256. As if on cue, Paca strode forward. The King, after all, did have several Magi leagues more powerful than himself, and Paca was amongst them. He tried to blot out the screams of Asim, making a vow of silent vengeance.
  258. "You'd have to defeat ALL of Shavetia to make us abandon our home."
  259. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [11:45]
  263. {LOAD GAME}
  265. [11:48] Well, if Paca was in the way of the raiders... He would get trampled, much like the rest of them. Opposition was not an option to the two of them, it was either bowing down to the Parsi reign, or leaving. Yet, the fact that Dragmire refuses to even move away...
  267. It angered the older Parsi. The sandstorm did not wither, the punishing sand roiling around- If anything, it was obvious that whatever control over it Dragmire once had, it was now being aggressively seized by Darius.
  269. The sands were his, after all.
  271. "If we have to trample over the entirety of a kingdom, then we will."
  272. (Darius Parsi)
  273. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. [11:49] After besting two fighters that Ka judged ironically way stronger than the King himself, the arsonist ran back to the origin of the conflict, just to see his brother threatening to bury all over those infidels living under a false King.
  277. That put a giant grin into his face and thus he'd prevent anyone from interrupting his brother, getting between Paca and Darius.
  279. "Go back to yer town."
  281. But... Would he wait for Paca to return to his town? No. He has already dared the Parsi and that wouldn't be left unnoticed. Violently, he rushes against Paca, engulfing his staff with vile flames, aiming towards Kuma's head...
  283. "Or stay here to watch the Sun's might--" He sternly told while dashing.
  284. (Ka Parsi)
  285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287. [11:49] Dragmire Ruinfall asks, "Parsi, don't you see how strong we could be if we united?"
  288. [11:49] Darius Parsi says, "I see the strength, Dragmire. I recognize potential."
  289. [11:49] Darius Parsi says, "But I will not bow."
  290. [11:50] Dragmire Ruinfall exclaims, "Then don't BOW!"
  291. [11:50] Dragmire Ruinfall exclaims, "Stand with us! Let the Parsi Raiders be known throughout the world as the finest of Raiders!"
  292. [11:59] Darius Parsi says, "One of us will have to bow in the end, Dragmire. You know that well enough."
  293. [11:59] Dragmire Ruinfall asks, "You've... Never heard of an Empire have you?"
  294. [11:59] Kris dragged Asim over to the cliff wall and set them up. There was worry in their eyes and whats more is now Paca was captured. This whole scenario had went to Helheim.
  296. "Asim...stay with me, you're gunna be alright!" Kris cried.
  298. Cool blue eyes looked over Asim and went watery. The burns were really bad and they needed serious help. Kris themselves had winced as their burned hand clenched onto their friend and moved him elsewhere.
  299. (Krís)
  300. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  302. [12:00] Darius Parsi asks, "Isn't there always a supreme leader, Dragmire? Someone above others?"
  303. [12:01] Dragmire Ruinfall says, "Mmm, it's a little more complicated than that."
  304. [12:01] Dragmire Ruinfall says, "... It's a bit difficult to explain as well with the screaming."
  305. [12:04] The injured man gets dragged off to the cliff face. Once he got there he quickly fell back. Using the wall to elevate the muscles. A weak sight comes from his chest. He tries to keep his breathing calm. It hurts for him to breath in to hard.
  307. "I'm... Fine.... Just give... Me space." He weakly says.
  308. (Asim)
  309. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. [12:08] That battle was lackluster, but Ka expected a lackluster fight, he got pride on his battle skills, enormous pride and that means that in any fight... He's always expecting a victory. Against Paca it wouldn't be different.
  313. While Paca tried to control the arena with his holy magic, Ka did it with fire, his fire which is obviously stronger than Paca's holy magic. "Pfft! That ain't somethin' a desert dweller would be bestowed with-" He told- in regard to the holy magic.
  315. The fight ended rather quickly, it could be labeled as a one-sided, even. Paca Kuma doesn't look like a combatant, he's more like a Peacekeeper, but he wouldn't keep peace among the desert, not among those raiders, not among Shavetia which it's Parsi's property now!
  317. Ka's opponent wasn't as lucky as the previous opponents, the explosion which ended the combat was strong enough to knock Paca down and he'd be at mercy of the younger sibling.
  319. "As I told ye, feel the Sun's might."
  321. The younger sibling extends his right-hand, aiming towards his opponent's legs. "Don't ye dare to use 'em to challenge us ever again." Like the Sun scorches, Ka would do it too! A fire wave gets out of his right-hand someway with obvious vile purposes.
  323. It'd cripple Paca Kuma permanently.
  324. (Ka Parsi)
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. [12:18] Dragmire would part the sands in front of them, drawing a circle. "An Empire is a little different than most forms of government..." He would attempt to explain. "Shavetia and Parsi would be separate territories, united under a single banner. Each one operates of it's own accord, with a King headed at the top of each section." He'd make three separate circles in the sand then.
  329. "Neither bows to the other, they operate in unity. Conduct trade, and while yes, Parsi would be a subset, I don't believe you actually wish to govern over hundreds of thousands of people, correct?" The King would continue. "You want to raid and ride. Without assistance though, eventually you'd just be routed by Osrona's Knights."
  331. "Parsi, be the hand of Shavetia that reaches into the throats of foreign lands, and takes everything from them. That is the life you want to live, is it not?"
  332. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  333. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. [12:27] Very well. It was handled, just in Ka's personal way- The brutality caused nothing but the older brother to allow a brief smirk to spread over his expression at that. "Take your fellow subject to the city, then- Get him a doctor."
  337. Arms crossed, and a torch was picked up. It was obvious what Darius wanted to do next, leaving it against a pack of dried out vines created by the very Parsi, aiming to spread the fire at the village.
  339. It was their problem now.
  341. "We might unite, one day- Abandon your foolishness, Dragmire."
  343. "Hurting the sands is something that hurts me just as much as it does to you." With that, however, Darius left them to their problems.
  344. (Darius Parsi)
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [12:33] Dragmire acts quickly, extinguishing the fire almost harmlessly. This had been a great wound upon Shavetia today.
  349. One thing was certain, he'd never surrender. Not to the likes of thugs like them, no matter how dangerous they were.
  350. (Dragmire Ruinfall)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [12:40] Kuma would look on through weary eyes as Ka managed to scorch his legs. The pain wouldn't register as he was still out cold. But Kuma would feel a strong sense of disgust over towards the kid. He could tell that out of everything going on, he was pushing things too far.
  355. Once he regained consciousness, he'd look around. The intense pain on his legs would be over whelming and the only thing keeping his screams of pain from being blindingly loud was the fact Kuma's mind was waking up. With his holy magic pushing out, he'd try to maintain his pain to as much as he could.
  357. "Shit... I can't use my legs well..." He'd say as he looked to the others. "You guys alright? The brothers did this?"
  358. (Paca Kuma)
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. [12:42] Kris wrapped Asim's arm in some linen cloth. Not only would they have to take care of their closest friend, but now Paca had to be treated as well.
  363. "King! We have to help them!" Kris cried out.
  364. (Krís)
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