
Exovaryn Haruke: Detection

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. The connection with Zagrishak, the draconic pureblood had come to a grinding halt. He couldn't feel his energy remotely bound to his own any more, suddenly cleansed by another force. A sudden flash of exorcism... And that part of him, was extinguished-- The once fledgling symbiote spawned was outright purged from his first vessel... However, would prove far from an outright failure. He now had knowledge that his injections worked!
  3. As to whether progression of the Mortis symbiote into the human body would prove progressive in any endeavor, was an entirely different scenario altogether. Thus, he could only succumb to more time idling, to ponder... Further theorizing on that of his plot, his plans for the citadel. He could hear the whispers murmured by cultists abroad the establishment and with strain recognize the telepathic communications of yokai ilk: Rebellion was coming...
  5. He didn't know whom it'd be from... Whether former allies or others lurking in the shadows, it'd matter not-- For destiny would sought them out; civil war was inevitiable for the Rise of the Tenebrae Imperium to be ensured. What remote solace mised itself upon his resting figure, suspended to his own levitations was now squandered with the upheaval of occultic manifestation. A surge of the familar transmundanic essence had riveted the scene, awakening those abroad to the realization of a new birth... Conception to a new Seer of Darkness: Another Kaor had surfaced, within his presence.
  7. " Hm?" He hummed quizzically, a slight wade of his head to imply inspection was followed by rhetoric. " Not once have I ever had the honor of gazing upon your evolutions, live-- This, seems to prove beneficial for the fruition of the Tenebrae Imperium and all that reside within its soon-to-be subjugated grounds." He stated outright.
  9. " Though, I admit to not coming across you in particular. The Aquarius was the only yokai I had met prior... Though, you're clearly a new entity. What is... Your name... Yokai." He inquired with genuine curiousity laced through his baritone voice.
  10. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
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