

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. D2BotChannel.dbj - fixed a bug where it would keep trying to rejoin if there's 2 or more bad games; added more login error/banned key handling
  2. D2BotFollow.dbj - improved crash report; fixed a bug that stopped joining games when leader resets game count too often; added more login error/banned key handling
  3. D2BotLead.dbj - added anni/torch handling; added more login error/banned key handling
  4. D2BotMule.dbj - updated with anni muling; faster muling procedure; added cdkey swapping; more detailed error messages; added more login error/banned key handling
  5. D2BotMuleLog.dbj - added more login error/banned key handling
  6. default.dbj - added support for D2Bot right click profile/Mule option; added anni mule handler
  7. AutoMule.js - added anni muling to torchmule options, it's used when MF bots kill Diablo Clone using Config.KillDclone option; fixed a bug that could cause mules to use the wrong .json file and reset accounts
  8. MuleLogger.js - don't hide ilvl and account info in text files so it can be searched in Character Viewer, they can still be hidden from images saved by MuleLogger
  9. NTItemAlias.dbl - added [poisondamage] for exact posion damage as shown in game and [plusskillcriticalstrike] aliases
  10. NTItemParser.dbl - added pickit line info for unidentified items
  11. OOG.js - break makeCharacter loop when Create Character button is greyed out
  12. bots/BaalHelper.js - more detailed error messages, added Config.Leader handling
  13. bots/Diablo.js - added random wp precast handling
  14. bots/DiabloHelper.js - made skip on baal party optional, added random wp handling, added skip tp option
  15. bots/Duriel.js - added telekinesis on chamber entrance
  16. bots/Enchant.js - added flood control, timeleft command, chant in other acts; fixed a bug where the chanter could be lured out of town with wirt's leg
  17. bots/KillDclone.js - updated with new anni mule handling
  18. bots/Questing.js - improved quest checking and error reporting
  19. bots/Rushee.js - unbug cursor using cube (pick and place), better quest monster handling, restart at the end of current difficulty
  20. bots/ShopBot.js - automatically load shopbot.nip and ignore other pickits, can use multiple npcs when shopping, added more npc support, ScanIDs array can now take item names and can be left empty to scan all
  21. Attack.js - added random move for hammerdins if they keep missing the target; use player's position when calling openChests
  22. Attacks/Paladin.js - fixed a bug when dealing with immune monsters
  23. Cubing.js - added low to normal quality recipe; fixed soj reroll bug where it would see rare rings as sojs
  24. Misc.js - autoequip fixes and tweaks; added Misc.getPlayerCount function; disabled town check when low on gold; better checks for Packet.itemToCursor
  25. Pather.js - added more menus to cancel when moving; added maxrange to teleportTo to be able to tweak teleport precision; useWaypoint code tweaks
  26. Pickit.js - added pickit line info for unidentified items - this is the first matched line since multiple lines can match items that have yet to be identified
  27. Prototypes.js - posion damage calculation in getStatEx; added a check for item already in cursor in item.toCursor
  28. Storage.js - fixed moving items to trade screen
  29. Town.js - automatically finish golden bird or lam essen quest if the right items are picked; fixed some needless npc visits; autoequip tweaks; fixed packet shopping + qiver replace; cast BO on revived merc using random waypoint (if Config.MercWatch is true); don't try to sell quest items (causes d/c); added wpmenu argument to Town.goToTown (true - open menu, false - direct interact)
  30. CloneKilla.js - no longer disables town check
  31. RushThread.js - improved travincal and mephisto
  32. ToolsThread.js - don't reference script names (fixes a crash); improved iron golem code; added posion jav/nova packet blocking
  33. TownChicken.js - various shitfuckery with thread pausing fixed
  35. updated character configs with new options
  36. updated lld pickit
  37. updated shopbot pickit
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