
Hisao and the Chocolate Factory Ch 6: 'Rock' and roll

Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Chapter 6: 'Rock' and roll
  3. Lilly struggled against her weight, slowly pitching forwards and back on her rounded body. The toes of her feet scraped pitifully against the floor as she tried to move herself, but the poor blue girl was now as wide as she was tall. “I can’t- unhh. Could somebody- argh. This isn’t exactly comfortable!”
  5. “Well then,” Hisao said, turning away from the distressed berry-girl. “Is everyone enjoying the tour?”
  7. “No!” Lilly called loudly. Hanako noticed Rin grinning at her blue friend in a very malicious manner.
  9. “Everyone, not everything.” Hisao scolded her.
  11. “What does fruit have to do with candy?” Emi asked.
  13. “I’m glad you noticed that! You see-”
  15. “Excuse me! I do think that my situation would be paramount over this!” Lilly interrupted harshly.
  17. “There’s no need to be rude.” Hisao said. “Though I suppose if you’re just going to continue to be a nuisance, it’d be better to have you on your way first.”
  19. He tapped his cane against the floor. Hanako noticed his thumb pressing down on the top of it, and as if by magic Rai popped up from around Chai, startling the inventor.
  21. “Hello mister Hisao! How can I help?”
  23. “It seems Ms. Satou here has taken some tea that hasn’t agreed with her.” Hisao said, bending down slightly towards the smaller girl. “Would you be able to see her off? We can’t have her along for the rest of the tour, can you imagine how much fabric we’d need?”
  25. “I’m low on stretching powder as well.” Chai said.
  27. “W-what do you mean, see me off?” Lilly nervously asked.
  29. “There’s still a grand prize at the end of all of this, yeah?” Rin asked.
  31. “Oh most assuredly!” Hisao said, clapping his hands. “With how things are progressing, it seems more and more likely that any of you could be able to win.”
  33. Rai tugged on Hisao’s arm. “Well, actually, we may need a few minutes,” she whispered. After that, her whispering grew lower, but evidentially not low enough.
  35. “Cherry?” Emi asked. “Wait, then you mean Rin-”
  37. “Will somebody please get this juice out of me!?” Lilly demanded.
  39. “Tea, dear. Must I always repeat…” Hisao paused and turned to give Lilly a quizzical look. He scratched his head and then looked over at Chai. Chai caught his glance and shrugged, making a large circle with her hands and shook her head.
  41. “Fruitless,” Hisao muttered to himself. “Rai, go and tell Ichi off for his eagerness. You’ll be lead, I assume?”
  43. Rai joyfully nodded and then ran off. “I’ve got just the idea!”
  45. “Lead of what? What idea? What is she doing? Hanako?” Lilly shouted.
  47. “I-I’m here Lilly.” Hanako said, stepping forwards. Her friend was so huge that she hid the machine behind her, her clothing fitting her like a second skin.
  49. “Oh Hanako. At least you’re answering me… Whatever am I going to do?” Lilly asked. She flapped her hands against herself, causing her body to jiggle. Her breasts were larger than Hanako’s head, and Hanako feared for her friend’s decency had Chai not made her clothing stretch.
  51. Emi began to walk in a circle around Lilly. “You really shouldn’t have drunk that stuff.” She said, completely hidden on the other side of the blueberry.
  53. “How could I have possibly known?” Lilly pouted, straining her neck in an attempt to face the girl behind her.
  55. Emi appeared around the other side of Lilly, holding a half-eaten chocolate bar. “Ish naught ah berry ‘afe place,” she spoke though a mouth full of chocolate. It took Hanako a moment to notice that Emi’s pants seemed to be a little tighter, and her stomach slightly less defined.
  57. “This is why I canceled the Beijing operation.” Hisao declared. “Can you imagine? A city filled with people inhaling tea into their bodies? Even in aerosol form, we might garner the same result.”
  59. “Hmm… I think… maybe we should test that?” Chai replied.
  61. “Test? No, most certainly not. We determined this machine would cause this very result, that’s why it’s here.”
  63. “Has this never happened before?” Hanako asked.
  65. Hisao laughed. “I wish, it’d make it simpler to know what to do. Congratulations are in order, I suppose. We’ve been able to successfully mutate the human genetic structure to resemble that of a fruit in about…” he paused to look Lilly up and down “60% capacity?” He turned back to Hanako. “The hair.” He raised his hand up and gripped his own and tugged. “Plus, we have no idea what she looks like inside.”
  67. “What would happen if it managed 100%?”
  69. “Well then, there’d simply be a giant blueberry sitting there, and I’d have less of a head ache.”
  71. A cry of fear came from the large girl. “Y-you can’t let me… you have to turn me back!” Lilly called. “I don’t want to be a blueberry!”
  73. “You’ll be able to fix her, right?” Hanako asked.
  75. Hisao seemed to think for a moment before his snapped his finger and smirked, “Now, Hanako. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.” He said with a wink.
  77. Lilly let out a pitiful moan.
  79. He then turned back to Chai and began discussing the usage of mutations. Hanako turned away and hurried back to her friend.
  81. “Hanako? Hanako are you here?”
  83. “I’m here Lilly.” Hanako said.
  85. The berry-girl nodded her head. “Good. I’m… a bit tense.” She said. She smiled, but Hanako could see it was forced.
  87. “You seem mostly squishy.” Emi said placing her hands on Lilly’s blue skin. Lilly grimaced as she rolled slightly back with the push, but stabilized.
  89. “Hanako I need you to promise me something.” Lilly said.
  91. “Of course.” Hanako said.
  93. “Do this for me?” Lilly lowered her hand, seeming to try and outstretch it towards Hanako for a moment before giving up when it beat uselessly against herself. “Please, this grand prize, it might be a cure for what’s happened to me. This isn’t right, I’m not some fruit.”
  95. “Well I don-” Emi began.
  97. “O-o-of course. Of course I will.” Hanako said. She felt her stomach rise and slightly nauseous as she was put on the spot. “I’ll win, and I’ll make sure everything is put right. Lilly…”
  99. Lilly smiled, and nodded her head. Hanako noticed there were big blue tears in her eyes, but she blinked them away. “You’re strong Hanako. Stronger than me.”
  101. “That’s obvious, you’re as wide as you are tall. Can we just get a roll on?” Rin demanded.
  103. At that moment, there was the sound of a low hissing noise coming from behind Lilly. The girl twitched and slowly she rocked about, her hands flapping. “What’s happening?”
  105. Fog rose from the machines surrounding the blueberry-girl blending her dark blue skin into the purple background. It poured in in sheets and seemed to cling to her well-rounded skin. She batted it away with her hands, but the thickness quickly enveloped her. A mechanical whirring was heard from behind her as a platform was slowly raised, and Hanako could see three distinct shapes in the darkness. Obscured in darkness, one of the shadows stepped forwards the reveal the shape of a small girl holding what seemed to be a guitar.
  107. A bright light snapped on from overhead, revealing Rai as she played the first few notes of the guitar. She wore jeans and a black t-shirt which bore an insignia of a pair of blue lips with a blue tongue sticking out of them. Above the emblem read ‘The Rolling Berries.’
  109. The single notes of the guitar spread out through the room, reverberating off all the machines and the high walls in a rather melancholy tune. “Oh goody, I love this song.” Proclaimed Hisao as he took up position next to Hanako.
  111. Ichi was revealed through the smoke as he loudly began playing the drums and Mikasa could be seen strumming bass as Rai walked further forwards on the platform, standing right behind Lilly and gazed down at her. In a low, tired tone, she began to sing.
  113. ‘I see a red bow and I want it painted blue,
  114. No color other, I just want it to turn blue,
  115. I see this girl roll round in these tightened clothes
  116. We will fulfill our job, but who knows where she goes?’
  118. Rai twirled around and swept a foot out, connecting with Lilly’s back. The blueberry-girl let out a sharp yelp as she slowly rolled forwards and onto her stomach. Her hands flailed wildly to try and keep her balance, but the weight of her breasts seemed to assist gravity’s pull on her
  120. ‘I see a perfect stage and she is painted blue.
  121. This flower girl, has now, been turned into a fruit.’
  123. The red-headed girl then leapt through the air and onto Lilly’s back. Lilly screamed, pitching forwards as Rai steadied her feet. Mikasa let out a shout of laughter as Rai caught her balance on top of her new blue stage.
  125. ‘She cannot turn her head, she cannot look away.
  126. Credit to you my dear girl, this don’t happen every day.’
  128. Rai began to walk while on Lilly’s back, leaning backwards to keep her balance as Lilly slowly began to roll forwards, her belly and breasts pushing against the invent-tea-ing room floor. She shouted in protest, but her words were drowned out by the music.
  130. ‘I wonder if inside your heart has yet turned blue?
  131. Or will it, like this bow, need be painted too?’
  133. Lilly spun, hair whipping round and round in her face as Rai walked her in a circle around the group. Hanako held her hands over her face in shock as she watched her fattened friend be rolled side over side, and then noticed that Hisao seemed to be playing along with the music by strumming on his cane.
  135. ‘But no matter how far you roll, you must now face the facts
  136. It’s not easy knowing we might not turn you back.
  137. No matter, there’s no way you’ll turn a deeper blue.
  138. Alas, no one could foresee this thing happening to you.’
  140. Rai’s pace accelerated towards the nearby wall before she hopped and spun around, going against her own momentum to slow them. Hanako could see the strain of being rolled round and round on the floor was being felt on Lilly’s clothes, as several of the seams of her pants had split and a few extra buttons pinged from her shirt. Her juicy blue flesh bulged out at every opening.
  142. ‘If only you’d look hard enough into that setting sun
  143. Your love and you might’ve laughed before the morning ’d come.’
  145. Rai brought the pair of them to a stop before beginning to roll them the other way. As they passed, Hanako had a clear sight of Lilly’s face, eyes pointlessly open with mouth open in a shocked gasp, and the sound of sloshing liquid emanating from inside her.
  147. ‘I see a red bow and I want it painted blue,
  148. No color other, I just want it to turn blue,
  149. I see this girl roll round in these tightened clothes
  150. We will fulfill our job, but who knows where she goes?’
  152. Rai continued with Lilly down the path the group had taken, humming loudly along the way as the band played their music. Faintly, Hanako could hear Lilly groaning ever so quietly as she was rolled away.
  154. Slowly, the sound of music began to fade as she passed out of the purple section and over into the red, heading towards the entrance. Hanako looked around at her remaining companions to see Rin beaming wickedly after her close friend, with Emi looking at the redhead very nervously while chewing on another bar of Nakai chocolate.
  156. “See? If they’d gone with cherry pie, it’d have thrown off the dynamic.” Hisao said to himself.
  158. After halting play, Mikasa hopped off the stage near him.
  160. “Whatcha got for me, boss?” She inquired.
  162. “Well, you can either help Ichi with the drums…” He began, before hearing a terrible crash from the top of the platform as the drum set toppled over. A muffled ‘I’m okay!’ Came from the pile. “… Or you can go and help your sister.”
  164. Mikasa looked at him curiously. “Help her with what?”
  166. Just then, Rai came tearing up the path. She halted when she noticed everyone looking at her. “She’s stuck. The hallways a bit of a tight fit.” She looked towards Hanako uncomfortably before looking back to Hisao.
  168. Hisao waved the pair off and they quickly proceeded down and away to assist the bulging blueberry through the compressed space.
  170. “Well then. Let’s be off.” Hisao said. He started and the three remaining girls quickly got into line behind him “Anyone care for something to drink?”
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