
shit one

Aug 15th, 2016
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  1. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: we voted another catholic in
  2. Please read the rules list in the F4 menu or on the MOTD, our moderators are seasoned with the rules
  3. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: yay
  4. (OOC) Josh Lector: lol
  5. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: you guys eat babies
  6. [Log] 07:23:25AM: Heinz Kleiner STEAM_0:1:92597370 was killed by Entity [0][worldspawn] No SteamID with a unknown
  7. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: NO WE DONT SHUT UP
  8. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: yeah you do
  9. [Log] 07:23:48AM: Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 was killed by Joey The Gangster STEAM_0:0:56938826 with a weapon_sim_gewehr
  10. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: NO WE FUCKING DONT SHUT UP
  11. [Log] 07:23:51AM: Papa Frankuu STEAM_0:0:49605231 was killed by Muffin Von Reaper STEAM_0:0:83278670 with a weapon_sim_trenchgun
  12. :offline: Player LeafyIsQueer (STEAM_0:0:49605231) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  13. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: History says otherwise, catholic cocksucker
  14. Payday! You received $85! (0% Tax)
  15. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: NO IT DOESNT
  16. (OOC) zxcvbnm: seige
  17. [Log] 07:24:18AM: Aksel Larsen STEAM_0:1:68309206 was killed by Alexi Popov STEAM_0:1:67343624 with a weapon_752_ssdagger
  18. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: atleast we dont worship an Ape
  19. (OOC) zxcvbnm: *monkey
  20. :online: Player DeadlySocks (STEAM_0:0:61789095) has joined the game.
  21. Joey The Gangster: 21 days bannable
  22. We have a 7 strike ban policy, the 7th ban will be a permanent ban, no matter how small the infraction
  23. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: 1965, the great baby eatings of Estonia
  24. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Done by catholics
  25. [Advert] Nick Pentowsi: JOIN FIRE PATROL
  26. The Fuhrer made a good decision! (+5%)
  27. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: 84,950 babies, eaten.
  28. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: NO PROFF IT HAPPEND LIES
  29. (OOC) zxcvbnm: seige heil
  30. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Thats 84,000 babies.
  31. You are no longer under NLR
  32. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Eaten by catholics.
  33. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: yeah no proof LIES
  34. Payday! You received $85! (0% Tax)
  35. (OOC) zxcvbnm: SEIGE HEEL
  36. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Catholics eat babise.
  37. :offline: Player DeadlySocks (STEAM_0:0:61789095) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  38. FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: use
  39. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: and where did you hear that tell me???
  40. (OOC) zxcvbnm: "Okay... Kommandant, you're in charge of that."
  41. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: History.
  42. :online: Player ©¥»HAM_{TH}«¥® (STEAM_0:0:166885634) has joined the game.
  43. (OOC) zxcvbnm: >putting me in charge of any position
  44. (OOC) zxcvbnm: MISTAKE.avi
  45. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: from what sorce
  46. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: I have a master's degree in history, cocksucker.
  47. (OOC) Joey The Gangster: oh no a master's degree in history
  48. (OOC) zxcvbnm: Fucking nuked harder than Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden combined right there.
  49. DO NOT use OOC for in-game purposes including avoiding the advertisement cooldown
  50. (OOC) Joey The Gangster: So usefull wow gj
  51. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: I'm joking lmfao
  52. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: hey im a history guy mysekf i love history and i never heard this HERECY
  53. (OOC) zxcvbnm: >herecy
  54. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Catholicism is herecy lmfao
  55. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: 85,000 estonian babies were eaten by catholics
  56. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: Harambe is Herecy
  57. (OOC) zxcvbnm: Sounds delicious.
  58. Payday! You received $56! (20% Tax)
  59. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: and that didnt happen
  60. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Yes it did.
  61. Player breaking the rules? Report them or record it and post a ban request on our forum!
  62. [Log] 07:28:16AM: Chinko Machine STEAM_0:1:45410321 was killed by Entity [629][entityflame] No SteamID with a entityflame
  63. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: Proof sorce eveidence???
  64. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: A grand total of 650 million babies were eaten by catholics during the crusades
  65. (OOC) zxcvbnm: >sorce >eveidence
  66. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: LIES
  67. :offline: Player Amanda is not a hoe (STEAM_0:1:67343624) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  68. :online: Player KeeperReaper (STEAM_0:1:56222306) has joined the game.
  69. Unable to get the owner of this prop, not valid player or prop!
  70. Unable to get the owner of this prop, not valid player or prop!
  71. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Prove that it is a lie
  72. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: hey that didnt happen i know alot about the crusades and your telling bullshit
  73. Payday! You received $56! (20% Tax)
  74. (OOC) zxcvbnm: If you know a lot about the crusades, are you saying you are a catholic?
  75. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Prove that its bullshit
  76. (OOC) Josh Lector: prove its not
  77. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: Aksel doesnt know history dont listen to him
  78. [Log] 07:29:40AM: Joey The Gangster (STEAM_0:0:56938826) wanted Tristen Heisencock (STEAM_0:1:78010594) for reason Murder Of Reich Official
  79. [Log] 07:29:40AM: Joey The Gangster STEAM_0:0:56938826 was killed by Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 with a FlameThrower
  80. [Log] 07:29:41AM: Heinz Kleiner STEAM_0:1:92597370 was killed by Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 with a FlameThrower
  82. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: No no no, that's not how it works.
  83. (OOC) Otto von Brandenburg: Is Aksel Muslim or something
  84. Moderator abusing his powers? Post on our forum and we'll review it!
  85. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Prove to me that isn't bullshit
  88. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: ok 1 knights dont eat babied 2 they would even think of doing so
  89. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: But can you prove it?
  90. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: PROOF
  91. (OOC) Otto von Brandenburg: Aksel you can't prove they did so yeah
  92. (OOC) zxcvbnm: Do you have a "sorce" on that, Nick?
  93. (OOC) zxcvbnm: Allahu Akbar.
  94. (OOC) Josh Lector: aksel your some jew or muslim lol
  95. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: 1 a knight hat to fight musslems and 2 no sorce document ever recording the Eating of babies
  96. [Log] 07:30:57AM: Aksel Larsen STEAM_0:1:68309206 was killed by Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 with a FlameThrower
  97. [Log] 07:31:05AM: Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 was killed by Alfred Tingles STEAM_0:1:36988336 with a weapon_sim_m1carbine
  98. [Log] 07:31:07AM: Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 was finished off by Alfred Tingles - STEAM_0:1:36988336
  99. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: and 1 is during the crusades
  100. (OOC) zxcvbnm: No shit there would be no documents. Do you think they would keep them?
  101. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: So your an islamophobe?
  102. Please read the rules list in the F4 menu or on the MOTD, our moderators are seasoned with the rules
  103. (OOC) zxcvbnm: What do you think the Nazis did when the commies tried to fuck things up in Berlin? They burnt shit.
  104. (OOC) zxcvbnm: They burnt their documents to a crisp.
  105. [Log] 07:31:53AM: Tristen Heisencock STEAM_0:1:78010594 was killed by Alfred Tingles STEAM_0:1:36988336 with a weapon_sim_m1carbine
  106. Payday! You received $36! (20% Tax)
  107. Aksel Larsen has not been made Wehrmacht!
  108. :offline: Player Instant Crunch (STEAM_0:1:78010594) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  109. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: hey they write down alot so there would atleast be one document saying We ate babies
  110. :offline: Player ©¥»HAM_{TH}«¥® (STEAM_0:0:166885634) has left the server: ©¥»HAM_{TH}«¥® timed out
  111. (OOC) Raphael Chamberland: hey im new someone want to intreduce me?
  112. (OOC) Josh Lector: the victors dont burn documents
  113. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: There were more than knights in Jerusalem, cocksucker
  114. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: They ate babies.
  115. (OOC) zxcvbnm: No fucking shit, Sherlock. Why do you think the Nazis burnt their shit?
  116. (OOC) Otto von Brandenburg: With the crap your saying Aksel your pretty much spreading Islamic propaganda
  117. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: i know but still theres no proof so yeah LIES
  118. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: What's wrong with Islam?
  119. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: WE WIN
  120. (OOC) Otto von Brandenburg: You're going to make more people go out and kill innocent people like the cunt you are
  121. KeeperReaper changed their RPName to: KeeperReaper KeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaperKeeperReaper
  122. KeeperReaper changed their RPName to: KeeperReaper
  123. (OOC) zxcvbnm: seig
  124. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: debunked
  125. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: Really now?
  126. (OOC) Josh Lector: if there is something wrong with catholics there is something wrong with muslims
  127. (OOC) Father David : I like the way Otto thinks :)
  128. Join our TeamSpeak 3 Voice Server and talk with others or contact a moderator! TS3 IP:
  129. (OOC) Aksel Larsen: See, you realize the US Military kill more innocents than the muslims
  130. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: Knights never ate babies
  131. (OOC) zxcvbnm: brb throwing this shit into pastebin
  132. (OOC) zxcvbnm: >knights in 1956
  133. :online: Player GepisaurusRex (STEAM_0:1:43460780) has joined the game.
  134. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: oh you just dont shut up do ya
  135. (OOC) zxcvbnm: negro what
  136. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  137. A supply train has arrived to drop off supplies for the Reich!
  138. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  139. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  140. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  141. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  142. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  143. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  144. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  145. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  146. (Yell) zxcvbnm: ALLAHU AKBAR
  147. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  148. [Log] 07:33:36AM: Joey The Gangster (STEAM_0:0:56938826) wanted Father David (STEAM_0:0:49847458) for reason Murder Of Reich Official
  149. [Log] 07:33:36AM: Joey The Gangster STEAM_0:0:56938826 was killed by Father David STEAM_0:0:49847458 with a weapon_752_carlgustaf
  150. Failed to load sound "^weapons\mp33_shoot-1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  151. :offline: Player Lord Sparklebottom (STEAM_0:1:36988336) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  152. Aksel Larsen: heal
  153. zxcvbnm: ja
  154. Aksel Larsen: thanks
  155. [Log] 07:34:04AM: Joey The Gangster STEAM_0:0:56938826 was revived by KeeperReaper
  156. (OOC) Nick Pentowsi: Aksel doesnt know when to shut up
  157. zxcvbnm: you fine
  158. FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: use
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