
FEF6re: Niels Eisenmarke (GiglameshDespair)

Apr 6th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Name: Niels Eisenmarke
  2. Class: Wyvern Rider
  3. Skill: Fortune
  4. Affinity: Anima
  5. Personal Fault: Flak: When fighting against Archers, -2 DMG
  6. Personal Skill: Unzerbrechliche: When over 50% HP, +2 DEF
  7. Personal Skill: Luftkampf: When fighting against Flying foes, +10 Hit/Eva
  8. //Personal Skill: -on promo-
  10. Preferred stats: STR, DEF
  12. Weapon Proficiencies: Polearm (C), Lance (D)
  14. Level: 12
  15. Total Level: 12
  17. Base Stats:
  19. HP: 22 (60%)
  20. STR: 5 (50%)
  21. MAG: 0
  22. SKL: 4 (60%)
  23. LUK: 1 (10%)
  24. DEF: 6 (60%)
  25. RES: 0 (+2)(30%)
  26. SPD: 3 (+2)(60%)
  28. CON: 9
  29. AID: 8 (+14 with Wyvern)
  30. MOV: 5 (+1 with Wyvern)
  32. Character Creation: +2 RES, +2 SPD, +5% RES
  33. First class lvl2: +LCK, +SPD
  34. First class lvl3: +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  35. First class lvl4: +HP, +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  36. First class lvl5: +STR, +SKL, +DEF
  37. First class lvl6: +STR, +DEF, +RES
  38. First class lvl7: +HP, +STR, +DEF
  39. First class lvl8: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +RES
  40. First class lvl9: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +DEF, +SPD
  41. First class lvl10: +SKL, +DEF
  42. First class lvl11: +HP, +SKL, +LCK, +SPD
  43. First class lvl12: +STR, +SKL, +LCK, +DEF, +SPD
  45. Current Stats:
  47. HP: 27 (60%)
  48. STR: 12 (50%)
  49. MAG: 0
  50. SKL: 12 (60%)
  51. LUK: 4 (10%)
  52. DEF: 12 (60%)
  53. RES: 5 (35%)
  54. SPD: 11 (60%)
  56. CON: 9
  57. AID: 8 (+14 with Wyvern)
  58. MOV: 5 (+1 with Wyvern)
  60. [code]Inventory:
  61. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  62. Iron Halberd Pole (E) 1 7 8 0 70 30/40 (+2 DMG vs Mounted)
  63. Iron Pilum Sper (E) 2 4 7 0 80 25/40 [E] (2 Attacks, no more)
  64. Axereaver Pier (E) 1 10 10 5 65 30/30 [Reverses Weapon Triangle]
  65. Goveron Keyring: Opens Doors and Chests at Goveron University (10/10)
  66. Tonic (4/5)
  67. [/code]
  69. Battle Stats (Iron Halberd):
  70. AT: 19
  71. Hit: 96
  72. AS: 11
  73. Eva: 26
  74. Crt: 6
  75. DG: 4
  77. Battle Stats (Iron Pilum):
  78. AT: 16
  79. Hit: 106
  80. AS: 11
  81. Eva: 26
  82. Crt: 6
  83. DG: 4
  85. Battle Stats (Axereaver):
  86. AT: 22
  87. Hit: 91
  88. AS: 11 - (10-{9+2}=0!) = 11
  89. Eva: 26
  90. Crt: 6
  91. DG: 4
  93. Bio:
  95. Niels is a youthful Drachenreiter of the Reichsland wyvern force. Slightly taller than average, with a thin build and pale white hair, the young man is distinctive with his face tattooed with a old symbol for good fortune - a tradition in the area of his birth.
  97. Born in the mountains near Perde, he was handling wyverns as soon as he was old enough they wouldn't consider him an easy snack. His family were breeders of the beasts, with Niels' brother, Hans, a lieutenant in the Drachenreiters. When he was young, his family moved closer to the capital to better access the market for their wyverns. It was in this time he came into the acquaintance of a girl named Brunhilde Saden. They became friends, of a sort, and trained together in the use of lances - both had aspirations of military service. That seemed to come to an end, however, when a momentary lapse caused him to injure her arm - and for some reason, it did not seem to heal properly, no matter what magic was used.
  99. Escaping from his guilt, he applied to the military as soon as he was grown enough to appear of age, passing the tests to become part of the fearsome Drachenreiter aerial regiment of the Reich - and on his own merit, rather than using his family connections. Eager to prove himself, Niels soon established himself as a competent and reliable wingman. His brother, knowing Astleich personally, pulled a couple of strings to hitch Niels' career to Astleich's rising star.
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