

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. Chat
  2. Misoxeny has joined the chat
  3. Misoxeny: ((Yo.))
  4. Midhat: [Wow...this room reminds me of Sega.]
  5. Misoxeny: ((xD))
  6. Midhat: [Anywho....sit the standers of the room.]
  7. Misoxeny: ((FZ, KZ, T-1Z.))
  8. Midhat: [Time, weather.....etc.]
  9. Misoxeny: ((I'm typing, stinker.))
  10. Misoxeny: ((Hmhm. We're closer to the South, we're smack dab in the middle of Northern Forest. So it would be somewhat warm, I'm thinking... Dusk?))
  11. Misoxeny: ((But you do know they'll both be pissed if we fight and one loses before the /real/ fight this Sunday. xD))
  12. Misoxeny: ((I'm gonna get an ear full.))
  13. Midhat: [We can spit in each others face.....You know.]
  14. Midhat: [You are the river I'm the set the current and I will sail along. How about that?]
  15. Misoxeny: ((Aye.))
  16. Misoxeny: ((Fair enough.))
  17. Midhat: [AFK ten minutes....I need to fap.]
  18. Misoxeny: ((We all have needs. Tyt. xD))
  19. Misoxeny: This. This was where she belonged; nearly naked, thriving in her own womanhood, crouched amonst the brush and listening to the sound of the forest radiating around her. Large sapphire eyes glimmered within the sunlight dimming from above, reflecting in all of their silent thought while the suns fingertips drifted lazily over the horizon. Oranges and reds streaked the powder blue sky, assaulting the matte color with their vibrance and leaving the blonde panther in awe within their wake. Darkness began to pour into the sky, strangling out the light as she rose from her arched position to stand to her near bare feet. It was time to head back. She often did this, fled to waters edge to reflect on her own thoughts while being clever enough to remain hidden along the foliage. Her short bow was drawn upward from the ground, clenched within strong fingers and given a quick tug. Her comrade in battle, her weapon. Her bow and her two steel daggers were her specialties, but the thirst for blood could be satisfied by even her own hands strangling the last flicker of life from her victim's eyes--oh /yes/ it was glorious. She began to make her way up the small beaten paths, checking the small traps her band had left out for small game and even men with unfogiving and scrutunous eyes. She frowned at the stream is disdain, strangely shaken by the silence. The band had gone to hunt, leaving her behind to keep her eyes along the camp and her own peace. She reached for a nearby branch, steadying herself while finally moving into the open to crouch downward and gather a handfull of the clear creek water. Her long hair tumbled over her naked shoulder, exposing her quiver with twenty tipped arrows, adjusted with arrows at the end to help them soar. Straps gave her the little bit of modesty she possessed, covering her heat and the very perk of her breasts when she moved. A twig snapped, causing her to twist and throw the noise off as a small animal without the worth to send her into a chase. The arm holding the band of her seven small throwing knives moved against the warm, smooth rock while she stood again, this time shifting. The band would return--and soon.
  20. Misoxeny: ((Shortness. :D))
  21. Misoxeny: ((BRB))
  22. Midhat: [TYT]
  23. Misoxeny: ((Back.))
  24. Midhat: One more day in the land of no man to walk, one more day he spent sleeping upon the bare land, one more night he spent as his back grinded upon the fur of unlucky bear was to meet….one more night he spent alone. Randgrid was a loner wolf indeed, the Viking was nothing like the others of his blood…Utter. The white hair that matched the pure snow that glow upon the lands of the coldest parts of the land of his blood glowing as moon denying the sun, the blue eyes he had narrowed to focus a vision was the fade ray of life escaping the branches of death were a true miracle to behold……It was holy in a way. Legends spoke of the White Wolf, but none of them was to know who was he…....Just a mercenary who passes the troubled lands to find a gain of gold as the task was to be handed to him. Witch Hunter? A magical creature? Son of Thor? Lighting Striker? So many myths were formed about the man….Yes, the man. With a traveling back bag upon his shoulders, he walked the land. With the bloody red of the new born sun glowing panting his marble-ish skin red, he was painted. With Steel sword attached to his belt and another upon his back, he marched. With a bow in his hand and arrows placed reversed to be pulled from below the bag, he stepped in the land. With a one steel dagger on the other side from the larger blade, he made it inside the darks of the tress. With an assassination blade attached to his leather bracelet, he hunted the bear he slept upon its fur. A firm body of a man, a true sculptured figure as the sweat and blood to be their masters….a figure that no artist from the Greek ages would pay its right to be made as statue that belongs to the temple of the Olympic. The river running a side from him to be a good company, the birds singing upon him to be a musical mate……..he felt true joy of the sensation. His soul danced upon the melodies of nature till the demons got to his mind……and guts. Hunger was a true motive as much as fear, what is worse than a hungry beast? A hungry man. He placed his veined hand before his growling belly as he felt the vibrations through his abs, he scanned the land with a hope to find what could sate that hunger of his……hunger knows no reason. His eyes darted the small figure moving from far, it was a prey with in sight; his eyes cough the shadow of the moving small rabbit running or even less the running from inside a hole seeking succulent grass to break his fast with.........poor bastard. His eyes narrowed, his body tensed, his hand caught the bow and his finger picked the steel tipped arrow –Arrows blissed with touch of what is known by the slung potion. – He took the aim as the arrow pushed against the string of the bow pulling it back closer to its holder. His breathing paused as his heart merely stopped, a far watcher would consider him frozen as he is. How fast lighting strikes over the land? The arrow flow from the bow as fast to go through the ribs of the small animal and stick him to a tree. Did you see the butcher who slight the neck of his butchered and then left the blade with in its cursed neck? He watched the rabbit with passion pouring of his eyes. Did you see the butcher who slight his butchered neck and then picked a tissue you whip its sweaty forehead? He picked up the rabbit sliding its body through the arrow as if it was his dead child. Did you see the pianist who ripped of the strings of his piano? He pulled the skin of the rabbit as that. Did you see him as he did what he did? He did it with love…..He did.
  25. Midhat: [Weba.]
  26. Misoxeny: ((Wicked intro. :D))
  27. Midhat: [Thank you?]
  28. Misoxeny: ((It's a compliment, silly.))
  29. Midhat: [Thank you.]
  30. Midhat: [So long for your second post?]
  31. Misoxeny: ((Sorry, someone was at my door. x.x Almost done. :3))
  32. Midhat: [One of your stalkers?]
  33. Misoxeny: Even with the night drawing nearer, the birds were beginning to sing their last song, content to return to their nests and eggs for their rest--their peace. The sound of insects chirped gently along the forest floor, giving her a harmony as she paused to collect herself along the pathway. And then--that /sound/--the sound of something colliding with wood. Had she not known these woods like the back of her hand she may have thrown it off as a fallen branch... She glanced upward, watching birds scatter overhead...fleeing. But fleeing from /what/? Had the band returned? Kala's plump lips parted to allow a small breath of oxygen to be drawn inward, and she twisted along her foot to begin her way back to where she'd started. No, the panthers would have shrieked with victory, alerting her that they'd found something to fill their bellies that night. She moved with disgusting grace, looming through the brush and exposed branches like a serpent rolled across the sand in search for its prey. After a few moments of searching, twigs and fallen leaves snapping and crunching had alerted her enough to force her long legs to pause. /Gods/. But there /were/ no gods, Kala--and if there were, they would not have favored her. She slunk around the trunk of the large tree to her left, her feet making very little noise, as she peeked around the rough bark with too-curious eyes. He knelt, skinning the carcass of a small rabbit, seemingly focused on his work and Kala resisted the urge to inhale a sharp gasp of breath. A man in panther territory was not uncommon, but to be so unaware... She was too close ot him for her own good, and she knew it. She tightened her grip, holding her bow within her left hand while she retrieved an arrow with her right. She drew back, taking aim, holding her breath. If she shot this man and he retaliated...she was alone. With furrowed brows she lowered her weapon, returned her arrow to the quiver, and began to move away. She would observe the camp--she shouldn't have even been this far out into the forest. "He is lucky," she whispered to herself, allowing her legs ot guide her.
  34. Misoxeny: ((Maybe. xD))
  35. Misoxeny: ((to*))
  36. Misoxeny: ((Sons of bitches, I was typing too quickly. x.x XD))
  37. Midhat: [How many times you felt the creep crawling over your back when you thought you were watched? How many times it was that moment that made you feel like spider man anticipating danger or a threat? Do you recall that moment when you the hit were coming? You know when your mom was watching you and you had to act normal? He experienced them all within a heartbeat. His artistic fingers went through the hole his arrow left and expanded, finding a slide between the flesh and the skin to pull it a part as if he was treating a banana; the current ran over his spin when he sensed the move behind him, he looked he darted his eyes…..there was none. Eyes went wide, ears even extended in a true act of animalism…….nose inhaled catching a scent that might be found in the air. The cracking sound of the branches left by that night stalker was more than easy for his ears to catch, easy to follow as he still working his fingers ripping the skin with a dominic pleasurable touch; Fingers that Satan Blesses –One can truly what fingers can do upon a body to please or destroy…….Utter. He will never miss the sound of a tighten string of a bow, and his body would never fail him in such a moment. His body went tense after a brief of an ease and a promise of wonderful meal, how easily can dreams be shattered upon bitch rock as if it was pointless wind ….Playful wind. It was a true vision he formed if what was to happen behind his behind his back, eyes could not see but ears were more than great of and aid. The silence that fall upon the crickets, the singing that went further, the noise she left behind…….SHE! He knew that was a woman for the steps she made, he could he the delegate crashes under her feet as it was the cheer of roman crowed in The Colosseum......wicked grace. When he sounds were gone his was to start to fade, last thing was to be heard from him when was the breath he gave when he saw her figure as shadow walking far. He left the bag and carried nothing but his weapons upon him with arrows in his hand, five arrows on the back of his hand under his bracelet and bow is tighten between the valley of pride he had between his Mounties of greatness upon his chest and his back………Did you see his skin? Marble was less flawless than this; How can a man in his craft live years was no mark upon his skin? He started to follow unseen and not heard………Another how throws itself upon the land of wonder for it to have its pilgrimage with in your mind.
  38. Midhat: [How many times did you smirk reading this?]
  39. Misoxeny: ((Like ten! Lol.))
  40. Midhat: [Next question, is that good or bad?]
  41. Misoxeny: ((I'll never tell. -Smirk
  42. Misoxeny: -))*
  43. Midhat: [Shit got Riddick.]
  44. Misoxeny: ((XD))
  45. Misoxeny: The dim wave of illumination the fire within the middle of the camp had been her guide when she'd gotten close enough, and after a moment of stepping into the area they'd cleared out, she moved to lower her weapons to the fur covered ground. Her body ached, sore from having been sitting in her previous position before the stream, and her own fingers rose to gnead aimlessly at the muscles strung across her left shoulder. Her spear had been left behind when she'd taken her small 'walk', left within the camp within the cool ground tooth down. The smell of wood burning was enough to make her stomach churn, whimpering at the thought of food. "I should have picked off a rabbit when returning." Her words were bitter, smeared with the disgust in her foolishness while she moved to lower herself before the fire along the rock.
  46. Misoxeny: ((Brb.))
  47. Misoxeny: ((Back ^^))
  48. Midhat: {[Weba]}
  49. Misoxeny: (Thankies.)
  50. Midhat: Upon the branches he pounced with silence redefining finesse and fitness; as he moved his eyes did not part from she went, the steps were made as if it was his land and he passed this way a countless amount of times. He was upon that old oriental branch of an old daughter of the nature, knees pended, back straighten up, eyes darting her with no sensation and ‘arrowing’ her with emotionless looks, what hair dancing with the seductive winds as true waves of a lazy ocean and silence of a dead meat. The cracking sound of the dyeing wood was loud and as symphony to his ears, thank god it was not reaching his way other way he would be giving away easily. He watched her every step, he study her every twitch and heard her every word. It was just moments when he was back to where he just left. It was moments before he was walking back to where she was holding the rabbit with in a hand and his everything on him…….he walked in as man walking through the gates of hell and parting those gates to the land of the wicked. Did you hear of the innocent devils? they were not and they are not……..they just watched how this man act and mimicked him; He walked into her range of sight facing her as it was his destiny to meet her. He rose his free hand giving her a friendly wave and smile that showed true peace and eyes nothing but good hopes adding a smile that could have made a mother forget her dead baby between her hands “Greetings.” He said, He uttered with a true melody……he merely sang.
  51. Midhat: [[By all means! You are fucking welcome. XD]
  52. Misoxeny: ((xD))
  53. Midhat: [My mom thinks I'm wired.......Am I wired?]
  54. Misoxeny: ((Yes! XD))
  55. Midhat: [-Hugs his teddy bear and mummbles.-]
  56. Misoxeny: ((-Shoots bear with a blow dart. Whistles innocently.- ^.^))
  57. Midhat: [-Plants the Blow dart as dick in the teddy bear. Rises it up upon her face with a wide smirk.- Wanna fuck him now?]
  58. Misoxeny: ((O.O; -Shakes head.-))
  59. Midhat: [You are not that kinky...........I see. -smiles pulling the bear to his chest cuddling it, pulls out the dart and rows it between his fingers.-]
  60. Misoxeny: ((-Snickers.- You have no idea, love~ ^.-))
  61. Midhat: [Do not call me love unless there is a ring around your finger that refers to me......only one girl gets that privilege, and she does not exciste yet!]
  62. Misoxeny: ((I call who I want love now deal with it. >:UU))
  63. Midhat: [Respect my you get the same treatment; Do not throw me with an arrow and expect my kind smiles.]
  64. Misoxeny: ((And who said I wanted your kindness. -Bats lashes.-))
  65. Misoxeny: By the time he'd managed to worm his way into view, Kala had already drawn the hunting knife from the leather sheath on her right thigh. She flipped the weapon over within the confines of her hand, drawing it upward and to the side--the sharp edge facing outward, her arm drawing across her breasts. She'd lunged forward, curled into a crouch as if she were a serpent readying itself to strike. His beauty did not deter her, no it was not enough to gain the infatuation of such a cool hearted woman. Her eyes narrowed dimming the flicker of vicious light that flashed behind the large blue pupils studying him, his every breath. A male in panther territory, that was one thing, but him entering a band's camp...? She glanced at her short bow a few feet from her, deciding if it was worth the length of travel to fetch it. "You trespass." Her words were a hiss, unforgiving, too cruel for such a tender face hidden by layers of warpaint. "Do you wish to become a thrall--/fool/?"
  66. Midhat: ‘Panthers……….You mean oversized Kitties.’ He recalled the words he said to a warner spoke to him of the lands he shall pass, and feed his hunger with nothing but generosity about them; He truly admired her and he was not to hide it, but he never hesitated to show his no-approval of what she held against him, not of the unwelcoming attitude of her but of what she held against him……..A KNIFE! Fucken insulting! He ignored it, he did not forget it. He grinned once more knowing it will hardly have an effect on her yet he did out of a need more than a reason. He raised his other hand with the prey with it as he said “I’m here for a trade……half of this rabbit in exchange of fire. Simple deal, yes or no.” His eyes gave another message to her with nothing but shout ‘Do not fuck with me doll’ His eyes said it with tender as much as his voice. That voice! That came out of his lips so powerful yet hypnotizing and charming, a true envision can be seen and heard in mind of a water full exposing it’s might, yet pleasing the ears and the mind with a lovable desirable sensation. He waited for her answer, he waited for her reaction…….did you ever hear about a devil making a honest deal? Here is one.
  67. Midhat: [-Rubs tummy.- Truly hungry thinking of that rabbit....]
  68. Misoxeny: ((
  69. Misoxeny: ((XD!))
  70. Midhat: [ ........Randgrid?]
  71. Midhat:
  72. Midhat: [ ]
  73. Misoxeny: ((Badass.))
  74. Midhat: [Hmmmm............Working on it.]
  75. Midhat: [ You ?]
  76. Misoxeny: ((That reminds me of my barb char, Mari. But Kala... She's blonde. She's not very intimidating looking.))
  77. Misoxeny: Li would slay her where she sat if she would have known that Kala would have allowed a male to even step foot on panther grounds, much less sit at their fire! She visibly paused, lowering her arm merely an inch, debating the offer he had thrown between them. Her stomach grumbled once more, threatening her with aches if she did not comply. "Long enough for me to finish my half," she muttered, glancing away from him for a brief moment and toward her spear. "And you remain over there, male--throw my half to me." She extended her hand, her eyes as untrusting as her expression. He was a pretty one, perhaps worth a silver tarsk if Kala managed to use her charm to influence the slaver.
  78. Midhat: His hands were warped to hold the dead victim between his hands and twist; if he was a seven years old boy trying to break a dry stick he would have found much hardness for breaking it half……the rabbit was snapped with his bare hands as if it was cinnamon stick. He through it to her as he turned his a back to her but not lowering his guard, she should hold sight of the flying to her object that was thrown to the high giving himself three seconds to reach the fire and catch the stick he needed. His eyes was to her, his smile was to her……his words were to her. “Thanks …….Maybe we shall later and give you the worthy hospitality.” He walked back stepping knowing his every step till he was once covered in the darkness…..He was done with his need, was he?
  79. Misoxeny: She rose to catch the carcass with her free hand, while the second crept toward a thing branch just to her right. Once she'd skewered the rabbit and shoved the bloodied end of her stick against the rocks to rest near enough to the flames, she leaned backward, her arms across her chest. Why was he speaking? She shouldn't have been sharing a fire with him, much less conversing with him. "We shall what," she mocked, her lips pursing in obvious disdain. "I do not /need/ your hospitality." Another hiss, this time a flash of teeth were included.
  80. Midhat: He wasn't far, He wasn't near. He was too close, He knew fear. He wasn't scared, a feeling he could not bare. He was hungry, that to him was more than a worthy his time as a dear. He spent time hiding his location for the flames do not give him away, he spent the time cocking this teasty flesh with care. Was he truly a brutal as white snow bear, or another wold that one of his side should gave a care. The flames danced upon his eyes, red over the blue dies; clash of the glows fight with in his eyeballs. It was a wicked moment, it was a silent call. A wolf truly approched his side, asking for a part of this feast or maybe a bite. They seemed friendly with knowladge of each other, the wolf from the rabbit did bite as Randgrid give no bother. It was cocked and ready to eat, the wolf eating for the flesh with a true need. The wonder blazed in his mind, as front of him there was a sight.
  81. Midhat: [ That was kind ryheming?]
  82. Misoxeny: ((xD Yes.))
  83. Misoxeny: Fine. Fine if he wanted to act cocky and silent, so could she. She turned to glance at her own meat, ignoring the predators surrounding them--both in the woods and the two (including the male) in the camp. She rotated the stick, adjusting the now charred area /away/ from the fire. She'd never been one to cook, even when she was a free woman. She drew her long hair over her naked shoulder, allowing it to rest there while shifting forward to put both of her elbows along her knees.
  84. Misoxeny: ((Shortttt. e.e XD))
  85. Midhat: He should have found himself eating, but he did not the wolf left him none of what he disred and for risked hard. Last moment, last was between the jaws of his old friend, it was not worthy the fight. He sit silent over the same rock, a his check under his eye twitched showing an aging tuc. his eye skept watching the flames, dancing with each other with grace. A true love story to be told, that started with a wild spark and old wood. Was she eating? Why he wondrs? She seemed hungry....was that an answer to an answer. He was silent and the center of his own universe, to him all was equal and death
  86. Misoxeny: She'd already begun to pick the flesh from the bone of the rabbit's upper half and shoved a bit of it into the confines of her mouth. The slivers didn't stand a chance when it came down to the furious way the panther chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed. Juices dribbled down her chin and she tossed a bone to the side after having basically licked it clean. Whether he ate or not meant little to her, he'd earned no kindness. Her thighs parted as she leaned forward, steadying herself on the rock as she curled over her meal like an angry predator. She wanted to ask him why he'd had the nads to enter their territory but her mouth was too full, so she swallowed and filled it once more instead. After she'd finished she dropped the bones between her feet and reached upward to smear the juices on her chin. "I hope you have warmed yourself enough, male. Your welcome has run dry."
  87. Midhat: [this is where you fall...........You eat a flesh infect with the slung potion. old nasty venom that knocks out the one who take it for days in a deep sleep. I pick you up....collar you and make you mine. What was that thing you say. "You will look so pretty in my collar." After all you did not ask for my kindness.]
  88. Misoxeny: ((...))
  89. Misoxeny: ((Oh no you didn't! >:U))
  90. Midhat: [You did.]
  91. Misoxeny: ((...Cheater. CHEATER! ;_;))
  92. Midhat: [I love that smile over your face in real.]
  93. Misoxeny: ((... -Snicker.- I just know that this is gonna piss Ripples off. Though how she'll fight without me.. :c))
  94. Misoxeny: ((-Sigh.- Bastard.))
  95. Midhat: [Promise me we will resume this...I have to go in a few.]
  96. Misoxeny: ((A panther making a promise~?))
  97. Midhat: -Watches the effects of his venom on her as she speaks.-
  98. Misoxeny: ((Isn't it proper T-1 to spell out any poisons before they're ingested?))
  99. Misoxeny: ((Or coated on a weapon, etc?))
  100. Misoxeny: ((-Crosses legs and smirks.-))
  101. Midhat: [ I was voiding the Rp for your time. be ready.]
  102. Misoxeny: ((-Wink.- Spell out your poisons next time, love.))
  103. Midhat: [ not call me Love. I really mean it.]
  104. Misoxeny: ((I call /everyone/ love.))
  105. Misoxeny: ((Or hun, or babycakes.))
  106. Misoxeny: ((It's what I do. I can't go remembering people's choices. I know too many blokes.))
  107. Midhat: [Anything but love.]
  108. Misoxeny: ((-Eyeroll.-))
  109. Midhat: [I ask you for the last time.]
  110. Misoxeny: ((I'll try to remember.))
  111. Misoxeny: ((But it will likely happen again, to be truthful.))
  112. Midhat: [Heads up, I may not poo into you again casue of the word.]
  113. Misoxeny: ((May not what? o.O))
  114. Midhat: [In other words.......If you ever call me this again, you shall see me no more.]
  115. Misoxeny: ((Pfft.))
  116. Misoxeny: ((Suppose it'll happen if it happens.))
  117. Midhat: [Now go and ask yourslef what kind of an asshole I'm after what I have did there.....-Winks.-]
  118. Misoxeny: ((A horrible asshole.))
  119. Misoxeny: ((Sneaky. Seems like I'll have to be a meanie.))
  120. Midhat: [And let's say he raped her....not fan of sexual Rp and I will hate to make you a slave this early, deal?]
  121. Misoxeny: ((You know, I could be a douche and say that wasn't proper T-1, aye? Because any other player would have ripped you a new asshole for that.))
  122. Misoxeny: ((Since the poison wasn't specified.))
  123. Midhat: [It was......The Slung potion.]
  124. Midhat: [Read the shoot arrow post.]
  125. Misoxeny: ((not in the /post/))
  126. Misoxeny: ((Wait. ...))
  127. Misoxeny: ((........))
  128. Misoxeny: ((NOOOOOOO! I OVERLOOKD IT!))
  129. Misoxeny: ((-falls to knees, sobs.-))
  130. Midhat: [Yes.........where I said they were and gave - - sings.]
  131. Midhat: [You love me now? I doubt it, but sure you will love to see more tricks.]
  132. Misoxeny: ((....... -sobsobsobs.-))
  133. Misoxeny: ((My wee Kala, I've failed you. -Dramatic sniffle.-))
  134. Misoxeny: ((-Tries to use puppy eyes to worm her way out of this.- Aren't you kind~))
  135. Midhat: [You said you would not ask for my kindness.]
  136. Misoxeny: ((... >.>;))
  137. Midhat: [I should you my other face....Not a man with too many faces, the mask I wear is one.]
  138. Misoxeny: ((...<.<;))
  139. Misoxeny: ((-Hisss.- Fine. I'm a fair player. Do with her what you like. -Claps.- Not many can outsmart me, I respect that.))
  140. Midhat: [-Hugs her tight in squishyhug.- My best friend casue you did the right thing. I respect that.]
  141. Misoxeny: ((-Squashed.-))
  142. Misoxeny: ((So, what will be her fate. Anything you like, I'll play along without griping. -Wafts hand.-))
  143. Midhat: [Now I have to go to collage then to work.........we will chat soon. By the way.......You can call me love. i was playing a mind game to keep you distracted.]
  144. Misoxeny: ((Bastard!))
  145. Misoxeny: ((Cheater, cheater... =w=))
  146. Misoxeny: ((So, what do I do with Kala?))
  147. Midhat: [She is sleep and safe till Rindgrad reachs the kingdom..........just sleep. Okay?]
  148. Midhat: [Anyasks ............Rindgrad AKA me Kidnapped her.]
  149. Misoxeny: ((Gotcha. Wait, he took her?))
  150. Misoxeny: ((Or he raped her and left her?))
  151. Misoxeny: ((Just need to know, etc. FOr clarification.))
  152. Midhat: [Which do you want ?]
  153. Misoxeny: ((Oh.))
  154. Misoxeny: ((Just say that. xD))
  155. Misoxeny: ((Saw**))
  156. Misoxeny: ((So, kidnapping. Got it.))
  157. Misoxeny: ((^.^ -Thumbs up.- Be prepared for a pissed off panther when she wakes. -Claps.-))
  158. Midhat: [Okay kidnapping and then rap in the it.]
  159. Midhat: [[XD]]
  160. Misoxeny: ((rape? o.o ;w; poor wee kala. -pats her.- no mercy. -evil cackle.- yessss chaos!))
  161. Misoxeny: ((Well, i'm off to bed myself.))
  162. Midhat: [Me too collage....Adios.]
  163. Whispering to
  164. Stop whisper
  166. Send
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