
The Family - Complete and Perfect

Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. The time had came again and with it, our journey eastward. With the fruit of our years in tow, we found way by carriage and then by foot. Beneath our feet came firm riverbed. The river, a winding snake coiled at rest. The cool water flowed like time, pebbles and fallen branches along it's path, the rare troubles of our days. The water, persistent, finds a way. A source and a destination. One could be certain how much water had passed if all attention had been devoted to said passing, yet who does that? Along the banks there are many a thing to draw one's attention and keep the mind busy. Things of far more import than the mere flowing of water. We find things to love and cherish and bring with us unto that destination, be it material or memory. And so it was with us and ours.
  3. Should the river ebb quiet for but a moment, we could hear it on the wind. Sprinkled among the ambiance, horses and livestock. For every woodpecker's knock, the fell of a hammer or churn of waterwheel. Gallop of carriage, beating of dusty rugs across creaking railing, or the opening and shutting of door. As we moved from the clay road of nature to the paved road of man, at last came the muffled conversations of kind souls going about their days. And to me, swelling memories of time-distant church bells carried on ever these sweeter breezes. Sunlight through the trees, clouds mustered on the horizon. A painting complete and perfect. The world like sweet music in the air, it tickled the ears and called our names. A song to call us home.
  5. Once through the lumbering gates, our day did truly begin. To the tavern to rent room and have lunch. From there, Snake would take one and I the other. Fannah and I would browse the shops and stalls. The shops carried many a foreign treasure for those that might look thoroughly. With bags overflowing with vegetables and souvenirs, we made our last stop. A traveling artist was back in town, a friend. As arranged, she carried one such treasure. Last year, the four of us sat for a family portrait. We had to make the long journey home before it could be finished, but thankfully she had no issues holding it until our certain return.
  7. As daylight, like us, had nearly spent the last of it's waking hours, we retreated to our rooms. Our children found rest in a new adjacent room to the suite. One of the only changes in all theses years. Perhaps they had built it just for us? I enjoyed that thought. Tucked in and kissed goodnight, Fanar and Fannah concluded their adventure of a day, with another sure to begin in the near morning. I found myself with Snake, as I will forever be, as we danced to the music below and that of our own.
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