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Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. //include Scripts/dim.zr
  2. //include Scripts/dim4.zr
  5. F: isTank(obj) = class(obj) == 139 \
  6. or class(obj) == 148 \
  7. or class(obj) == 149 \
  8. or class(obj) == 150 \
  9. or class(obj) == 151 \
  10. or class(obj) == 106
  12. F: TargetCheckA(obj) = (GroupStatus("ForceAttack") \
  13. or (npc(obj) > 0 \
  14. or isPK(obj) \
  15. or isTwoWayWar(obj) \
  16. or (isFlagged(obj) and not isFriend(obj) and not isMember(obj)) \
  17. or NonFlagZone)) \
  18. and not (isCS(obj) or effectTime(obj,$CelestialPartyProtection) or isMedused(obj) or dead(obj) or obj == me)
  20. F: NonFlagZone = ((zone == 10) or (zone == 11) or (zone == 14) or (zone == 8))
  22. F: isCS(obj) = effectTime(obj,$CelestialPartyProtection) > 0 \
  23. or effectTime(obj,$CelestialProtection) > 0 \
  24. or effectTime(obj,$GiantBarrier) > 0 \
  25. or effectTime(obj,$UndyingWill) > 0 \
  26. or effectTime(obj,$UndyingWill2) > 0 \
  27. or effectTime(obj,$CelestialAegis) > 0 \
  28. or effectTime(obj,3158) > 0 \
  29. or effectTime(obj,9453) > 0 \
  30. or isCelestialed(obj) \
  31. or isExiled(obj)
  33. F: isExiled(obj) = effectTime(obj,$Exile) or effectTime(obj,$MassExile)
  35. F: Dodge(obj) = effectTime(obj,$ShadowDodge)
  36. @CreatureSay type == 3 and isMember(actor) and text == "ninjamode": Assign("FollowTarget") = name(actor); EnableGroup Skills on; EnableGroup PvE on; EnableGroup Orbis on; EnableGroup nextT on; EnableGroup AA on
  37. @CreatureSay type == 3 and isMember(actor) and text == "piratemode": Assign("FollowTarget") = name(actor); EnableGroup Skills on; EnableGroup PvE off; EnableGroup Orbis off; EnableGroup nextT off; EnableGroup AA off
  38. @CreatureSay text == "givepl" and isMember(actor) : Command ("/changepartyleader "..aname)
  39. @CreatureSay text == "invme" : Command ("/invite "..aname)
  40. @CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "plme" : Command ("/changepartyleader "..aname)
  42. F: SkillReady(obj) = not skillCoolTime(obj) and not nowCasting and skillLevel(obj) > 0
  46. >_F11 not nowcasting and TargetCheckA(target(me)) \
  47. : if ( SkillReady($CriticalWound) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $CriticalWound forced } \
  48. : if ( SkillReady($BloodStab) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $BloodStab forced } \
  52. >_F7 not nowcasting and TargetCheckA(target(me)) \
  53. : if ( SkillReady($ShadowChase) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $ShadowChase forced } \
  55. >_F8 not nowcasting and TargetCheckA(target(me)) \
  56. : if ( SkillReady($HeartBreaker) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $HeartBreaker forced } \
  58. >_F12 not nowcasting and TargetCheckA(target(me)) \
  59. : if ( SkillReady($ChainBlow) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $ChainBlow forced } \
  60. : if ( SkillReady($Reverse) and not Dodge(target(me)) ) { Cast $Reverse forced }
  63. //@MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and distance(actor,me) < 300 and (skill == $ShadowHide or skill == $Camouflage) : Cast $RazorRain forced
  65. @MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $HellBinding : Cast $ShadowFakeDeath
  66. @MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $MassHellBinding : Cast $ShadowFakeDeath
  67. //@MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $LightningRoot : Cast $ShadowFakeDeath
  68. //@MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $ShadowFlash : Cast $ShadowFakeDeath
  69. //@MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $CloneAttack : Cast $ShadowFakeDeath
  70. @MagicSkillUser victim == me and skill == $AngelOfDeath : Cast $ThrowPoisonNeedle
  72. //@TargetSelected actor == me and not (isFriend(target(me)) or target(me) == me or npc(target(me)) ) and (not isTank(target(me)) and not npc(target(me)) > 0) and zone ~= 12 : ActionUse usetoken2
  75. ?ForceAttack T(100000000) 1 : nop
  77. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  78. /////////////////////////////////////////////////PVP//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  79. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  80. ///////////////////// Functors///////////////////////////
  81. F: isDisabled(obj) = (isStunned(obj) \
  82. or isMedused(obj) \
  83. or isTranced(obj) \
  84. or isAnchored(obj) \
  85. or isAfraid(obj) \
  86. or (effectTime(obj,$FatalSleep) > 0) \
  87. or (effectTime(obj,$MassFatalSleep) > 0) \
  88. or (effectTime(obj,$AerialYoke) > 0) \
  89. or (effectTime(obj,$Poison22) > 0) \
  90. or (effectTime(obj,$Sleep17) > 0) \
  91. or (effectTime(obj,$Paralyze) > 0) \
  92. or (effectTime(obj,$Exile) > 0) \
  93. or (effectTime(obj,$MassExile) > 0) \
  94. or (effectTime(obj,$DarkParalysis) > 0) \
  95. or (effectTime(obj,$Transform) > 0) \
  96. or (effectTime(obj,$Petrify) > 0) \
  97. or (effectTime(obj,$GardenDarkMagic) > 0) \
  98. or (effectTime(obj,$GardenDarkMagic2) > 0) \
  99. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus) > 0) \
  100. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus2) > 0) \
  101. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus3) > 0) \
  102. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus4) > 0) \
  103. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus5) > 0) \
  104. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus6) > 0) \
  105. or (effectTime(obj,$YokeStatus7) > 0) \
  106. or (effectTime(obj,$HeroicDread) > 0) \
  107. or (effectTime(obj,$Hide) > 0))
  109. F: AutoTarget1 = Alive(actor) and zone ~= 12 and abs(zdiff) <= 200 and actor ~= me and distance(me,actor) < 900 and (isEnemy(actor) or isTwoWayWar(actor) or isPK(actor)) and not isFriend(actor) and not isMember(actor) and not isMedused and not isCelestialed and not isUD
  111. L CharFunctor 400 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 146 or class(actor) == 179 or class(actor) == 180 or class(actor) == 181)) //////////////HEALER
  112. L CharFunctor 401 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 143 or class(actor) == 166 or class(actor) == 167 or class(actor) == 168 or class(actor) == 169 or class(actor) == 170)) //////////////WIZARD
  113. L CharFunctor 402 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 141 or class(actor) == 158 or class(actor) == 159 or class(actor) == 160 or class(actor) == 161)) //////////////DAGGER
  114. L CharFunctor 403 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 142 or class(actor) == 162 or class(actor) == 163 or class(actor) == 164 or class(actor) == 165)) //////////////ARCHER
  115. L CharFunctor 404 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 144 or class(actor) == 171 or class(actor) == 172 or class(actor) == 173 or class(actor) == 174 or class(actor) == 175 or class(actor) == 184)) //////////////ENCHANTER
  116. L CharFunctor 405 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 140 or class(actor) == 152 or class(actor) == 153 or class(actor) == 154 or class(actor) == 155 or class(actor) == 156 or class(actor) == 157)) //////////////WARRIOR
  117. L CharFunctor 406 (AutoTarget1 and (class(actor) == 145 or class(actor) == 176 or class(actor) == 177 or class(actor) == 178)) //////////////SUMMONER
  119. L CharFunctor 420 (php(actor) < 30 and alive(actor) and (zone ~= 12) and abs(zdiff) <= 200 and actor ~= me and distance(me,actor) < 1300 and (isFlagged(actor) or isTwoWayWar(actor) or isEnemy(actor)) and not (isMember(actor) or isFriend(actor)) and not isMedused(actor) and not isCelestialed(actor) and not isUD(actor))
  121. L CharFunctor 666 (effectTime(actor,$NoblesseBlessing) == 0 and alive(actor) and (zone ~= 12) and abs(zdiff) <= 200 and actor ~= me and distance(me,actor) < 1300 and (isFlagged(actor) or isTwoWayWar(actor) or isEnemy(actor)) and not (isMember(actor) or isFriend(actor)) and not isMedused(actor) and not isCelestialed(actor) and not isUD(actor))
  123. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) >= 1 : Select(lastFound) safe
  124. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) >= 1 : Select(lastFound) safe
  127. S EnableGroup AutoT off
  129. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(401) >= 1 : \
  130. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(401) and target(me) ~= me) { \
  131. Select(LastFound) safe \
  132. }
  133. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(403) >= 1 : \
  134. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(403)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  135. Select(LastFound) safe \
  136. }
  137. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(403) == 0 and charsFind(400) >= 1 : \
  138. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(400)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  139. Select(LastFound) safe \
  140. }
  141. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(400) == 0 and charsFind(403) == 0 and charsFind(406) >= 1 : \
  142. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(406)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  143. Select(LastFound) safe \
  144. }
  145. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(400) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(406) == 0 and charsFind(403) == 0 and charsFind(402) >= 1 : \
  146. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(402)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  147. Select(LastFound) safe \
  148. }
  149. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(400) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(402) == 0 and charsFind(403) == 0 and charsFind(406) == 0 and charsFind(405) >= 1: \
  150. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(405)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  151. Select(LastFound) safe \
  152. }
  153. ?AutoT T(500) charsFind(666) == 0 and charsFind(420) == 0 and charsFind(400) == 0 and charsFind(401) == 0 and charsFind(402) == 0 and charsFind(403) == 0 and charsFind(406) == 0 and charsFind(405) ==0 and charsFind(404) >=1 : \
  154. if(alive(me) and not isDisabled(me) and target(me) ~= charsCount(404)and target(me) ~= me) { \
  155. Select(LastFound) safe \
  156. }
  158. S EnableGroup QHP off
  159. ?QHP T(550) zone ~= 12 and zone ~= 14 and (pcp(me) <20 or php(me) <60) and effectTime($CelestialProtection) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialPartyProtection) == 0 and effectTime($CrystalRegeneration) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CrystalForm) == 0 and effectTime($UndyingWill) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime($TransformSacrifice) == 0 and effectTime($EnchanterAbilityBarrier2) == 0 : UseItem 13750
  161. V: myMA
  163. F: DoTarget(obj) = alive(obj) \
  164. and class(target(id(myMA))) ~= 139 \
  165. and not (isFriend(obj) or isMember(obj)) \
  166. and target(id(myMA)) ~= me
  168. // ALT+M = my target is set as myMA
  169. >+M myMA = name(target(me)) ; Display 0 ("MA is"..myMA)
  171. // ALT+A = Assist my MA's target
  172. //>#A target(me) ~= target(id(myMA)) \
  173. and alive(me) \
  174. and DoTarget(target(id(myMA))) : \
  175. Select(target(id(myMA))) safe
  177. // Enable AA to auto assist
  178. ?AA T(500) target(me) ~= target(id(myMA)) \
  179. and alive(me) \
  180. and DoTarget(target(id(myMA))) : \
  181. Select(target(id(myMA))) safe
  183. @GroupSwitch group == "AA" \
  184. and newState \
  185. and id(myMA) : \
  186. Display 0 ("Auto Assisting "..myMA)
  188. S EnableGroup("AA") off
  190. S EnableGroup poison off
  191. ?Orbis T(2000,250) alive(me) and inFight(me) and pmp(me) > 5 and skillCoolTime($PoisonZone) == 0 and distance(target(me)) < 900 and attackable(target(me)) and not isMedused(target(me)) and not dead(me) and alive(target(me)): CastGround $PoisonZone xpos(target(me)) ypos(target(me)) zpos(target(me))
  193. S EnableGroup("AA") off
  194. ?Orbis T(4000) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $ShadowChase
  195. ?Orbis T(4000) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $CriticalWound
  196. ?Orbis T(500) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $BloodStab
  197. ?Orbis T(500) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $Reverse
  198. ?Orbis T(500) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $HeartBreaker
  199. ?Orbis T(500) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $ChainBlow
  200. ?Orbis T(4600) zone ~=12 and effectTime($MortalStrike) == 0 and skillCoolTime($MortalStrike) == 0: Cast $MortalStrike
  201. ?Orbis T(4600) zone ~=12 and effectTime($CriticalChances) == 0 and skillCoolTime($CriticalChances) == 0: Cast $CriticalChances
  202. ?Orbis T(18000) attackable(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) : Cast $CloneAttack
  204. //?nextT T(500, 1000) not dead(me) and ( target(me)==0 or dead(target(me)) ) : Command("/targetnext")
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