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- incdir 'includes:'
- include 'hardware/custom.i'
- include 'graphics/gfxbase.i'
- include 'lvo/exec_lib.i'
- xdef _myCopperInt
- xdef _loadCopperlist
- xdef _initCopperlist
- xref _GfxBase
- ; Inicjalizacja Copperlisty */
- _initCopperlist
- lea planes,a0
- move.l #raster,d0
- move.w d0,6(a0)
- swap d0
- move.w d0,2(a0)
- rts
- ; Obsługa przerwania
- _myCopperInt:
- movea.l 4.w,a6
- movea.l a1,a0
- movea.l (a0)+,a1
- movea.l (a0)+,d0
- jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ; Ładowanie własnej copperlisty
- _loadCopperlist:
- movea.l _GfxBase,a0
- move.l #_myCopperlist,gb_LOFlist(a0)
- rts
- section copperlist,data_c
- ; Własna copperlista
- _myCopperlist:
- dc.w bplcon0, $1200
- dc.w bplcon1, $0000
- dc.w bpl1mod, $0000
- dc.w ddfstrt, $0038
- dc.w ddfstop, $00d0
- dc.w diwstrt, $2c81
- dc.w diwstop, $f4c1
- dc.w color, $0aaa
- dc.w color+2, $0fff
- planes:
- dc.w bplpt, 0
- dc.w bplpt+2, 0
- dc.w $ffff, $fffe
- ; Raster
- raster:
- dcb.l 2000,$ffff0000
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