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Aug 15th, 2014
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  1. # dpkg -l xbian*
  2. Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
  3. | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
  4. |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
  5. ||/ Name Version Architecture Description
  6. +++-=======================================-========================-========================-====================================================================================
  7. ii xbian-package-cec 1.1-1a armhf cec for XBian.
  8. un xbian-package-cec-6q <none> (no description available)
  9. un xbian-package-config <none> (no description available)
  10. ii xbian-package-config-shell 2.1.6-60c armhf Configuration utility for XBian.
  11. ii xbian-package-config-xbmc 1.1.8-2 armhf Configuration utility for XBian.
  12. ii xbian-package-firmware 1.4.14-0 armhf Firmware for XBian. (Mar 19 2014 23:26:47 Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom version 98eb97
  13. un xbian-package-firmware-6q <none> (no description available)
  14. ii xbian-package-initramfs-tools 1.3.4-15c armhf Initramfs handling tools.
  15. ii xbian-package-kernel 1.3-6.10 armhf Latest XBian kernel for the Raspberry Pi (3.12.7+)
  16. un xbian-package-kernel-6q <none> (no description available)
  17. un xbian-package-kernel-headers <none> (no description available)
  18. un xbian-package-kernel3.6.11 <none> (no description available)
  19. rc xbian-package-libshairport 1.0-1 armhf libshairport for XBian
  20. ii xbian-package-libtag 1.0-3 armhf libtag for XBian
  21. ii xbian-package-lirc 1.4.9 armhf Remote controller deamon.
  22. un xbian-package-networkfs <none> (no description available)
  23. ii xbian-package-samba 2.0.0-4 armhf Windows <--> linux filesharing.
  24. ii xbian-package-shairplay 1.0.2-1 armhf libshairplay for XBian
  25. ii xbian-package-splash 2.0.4-3 armhf Splash screen.
  26. ii xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge 1.1.1-5a armhf Bridge between xbmc event and upstart
  27. ii xbian-package-usbmount 1.0.5-5 all automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices
  28. ii xbian-package-vnc-server 1.0.3 armhf VNC Server for Raspberry PI using dispmanx
  29. rc xbian-package-xbmc 2.9-10.19a armhf Frodo nightly.
  30. un xbian-package-xbmc-6q <none> (no description available)
  31. ii xbian-package-xbmc-gotham-nightly 2.9-10.33 armhf Gotham nightly
  32. ii xbian-package-xbmc-scripts 1.0.1-23a armhf XBian XBMC upstart scripts.
  33. ii xbian-package-zram-swap 1.0.6 armhf zram-swap custom xbian package
  34. ii xbian-update 1.0.2-16h armhf Updater package to XBian 1.0 RC1
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