

Mar 20th, 2015
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  1. Krazar77
  2. want to beat the living shit
  3. out of this motherfucker
  4. 7:12
  5. DrGodzilla120
  6. You two, meet me on my wiki's chat.
  7. 7:12
  8. Lord Vehk
  9. For one, his solar reserves burn up quicker.
  10. 7:12
  11. Krazar77
  12. im coming
  13. 7:12
  14. Flaredragon00
  15. (vegeta) *flies in* <( IT'S OVER 9000! IT'S OVER 9000!)
  16. 7:12
  17. DrGodzilla120
  18. If you wish, Krazar.
  19. 7:12
  20. Gojiran103
  21. WHAT 9000?!?!
  22. 7:12
  23. Taryn12348
  25. 7:12
  26. ShodaiGoro
  27. (Shrek) *Shreks everything in sight*
  28. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  29. 7:13
  30. Gojiran103
  31. o/
  32. 7:13
  33. GDF private Peucoman
  34. (BORD) *perches in Shrek's shoulder
  35. 7:13
  36. Flaredragon00
  37. i forgot the wiki's name
  38. 7:13
  39. GDF private Peucoman
  40. <(OGR-YEE
  41. 7:14
  42. Fr0stfur
  43. Legends of the dragon?
  44. Gojiran103 has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  45. 7:15
  46. Lord Vehk
  47. Well it seems I am no longer welcome here...... I guess I will take my leave then.
  48. 7:15
  49. DrGodzilla120
  50. I was talking about my wiki's chat.
  51. 7:15
  52. GDF private Peucoman
  53. do not pull a Specter
  54. 7:15
  55. DrGodzilla120
  56. Go ahead and pull a Specter.
  57. It won't change any shit.
  58. You know how we felt about Specter.
  59. 7:15
  60. Krazar77
  62. 7:15
  63. Fr0stfur
  64. (Specter5) *is 2spooky4GDF*
  65. 7:16
  66. Krazar77
  68. 7:16
  69. Fr0stfur
  70. (Specter5) *starts sp00king Krazar77*
  71. 7:16
  72. GDF private Peucoman
  73. fr0st
  74. I know I criticize your randomness sometimes
  75. 7:16
  76. Lord Vehk
  77. I'm not a Specter. I was just gonna leave for about an hour or two until shit calmed down.
  78. 7:16
  79. GDF private Peucoman
  81. 7:16
  82. Fr0stfur
  83. (Specter5) *sp00ks Vehk*
  84. 7:16
  85. Lord Vehk
  86. * Lord Vehk is not sp00ked
  87. 7:17
  88. DrGodzilla120
  89. Shit won't be calmed as long as your Sues are here.
  90. So it's pointless.
  91. 7:17
  92. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  94. 7:17
  95. Lord Vehk
  96. Oh. So now I have more than one?
  97. 7:17
  98. Fr0stfur
  99. (Specter5) <(I'M TOO SP00KY FOR THIS WIKI!) *leaves WZRP to sp00k Ninjas On Fire*
  100. 7:17
  101. Krazar77
  102. vehk3
  103. shut the hell up
  104. i want
  105. to kill
  106. 7:17
  107. Lord Vehk
  108. Who else is a stu?
  109. 7:17
  110. Krazar77
  111. your stu
  112. so then
  113. you
  114. can shut
  115. the fuck up
  116. 7:17
  117. GDF private Peucoman
  118. the old man covered in honey and that turns stuff into chees
  119. 7:18
  120. Fr0stfur
  121. Herokra
  122. 7:18
  123. ShodaiGoro
  124. GDF, PM
  125. 7:18
  126. GDF private Peucoman
  127. fr0st, fuck the Multi PM idea, it does not works
  128. 7:18
  129. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  130. Krazar: You're not making yourself look any better.
  131. 7:18
  132. Lord Vehk
  133. So you want Sheogorath gone? Is that all?
  134. 7:18
  135. GDF private Peucoman
  136. fancy a normal PM RP?
  137. 7:18
  138. Krazar77
  139. nope
  140. 7:18
  141. DrGodzilla120
  142. Krazar.
  143. 7:18
  144. Krazar77
  145. not really
  146. 7:18
  147. DrGodzilla120
  148. We discuss this like men.
  149. Not animals.
  150. 7:18
  151. Krazar77
  152. okay then
  153. wait arnt we animels
  154. 7:18
  155. Lord Vehk
  156. I merely wanted to test your performance against a real stu. Superboy-Prime was a test.
  157. 7:19
  158. Krazar77
  159. exsept more evolved animels
  160. 7:19
  161. DrGodzilla120
  162. Technically, but you know what I mean.
  163. 7:19
  164. Krazar77
  165. yeah i do
  166. XD
  167. fine
  168. lets test this
  169. vehk pm
  170. 7:19
  171. DrGodzilla120
  172. But then there's a song about it.
  173. The Bad Touch.
  174. The Chorus goes:
  175. "You and me, baby ain't nothin' but mammals so let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel."
  176. 7:19
  177. Lord Vehk
  178. ......
  179. 7:20
  180. DrGodzilla120
  181. Which is why we tend to avoid calling ourselves "animals" or "mammals".
  182. One reason, anyway.
  183. 7:20
  184. Lord Vehk
  185. So. The test was aborted.
  186. 7:20
  187. Krazar77
  188. nope
  189. im in the test
  190. a i am waiting for the challenge
  191. 7:20
  192. DrGodzilla120
  193. Or we could settle this the old fashioned way.
  194. 7:21
  195. Krazar77
  196. which is
  197. 7:21
  198. Lord Vehk
  199. And just finish the fight?
  200. 7:21
  201. ShodaiGoro
  202. GDF, PM
  203. 7:21
  204. DrGodzilla120
  205. For GodMode Sues below the line, we use Okami and FXM.
  206. For GodMode Sues above the line?
  207. You one-on-one Slayer.
  208. 7:21
  209. ShodaiGoro
  210. (SHREK)
  211. 7:21
  212. Lord Vehk
  213. Fine.
  214. 7:21
  215. ShodaiGoro
  216. Slayer and Shrek
  217. 7:21
  218. Fr0stfur
  219. what line?
  220. 7:21
  221. DrGodzilla120
  222. It's an invisible line I use.
  223. 7:21
  224. GDF private Peucoman
  225. Shrek and his Trusty BORD sidekick
  226. 7:22
  227. DrGodzilla120
  228. If you're under the line, you're a GodMode Sue, but not OP as shit.
  229. 7:22
  230. GDF private Peucoman
  231. (BORD) <(birds and Ogres have layers
  232. 7:22
  233. DrGodzilla120
  234. If you cross the line, you're OP as shit.
  235. 7:22
  236. Lord Vehk
  237. But this was a test to see how well the entire chatroom did against one of the most OP characters ever. And also the Menos Grande.
  238. 7:22
  239. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  240. Who has the most OP characters?
  241. 7:22
  242. DrGodzilla120
  243. The Menos Grande can be killed EASILY by a Captain.
  244. For Menos-class Hollows, the larger they are, the weaker they are.
  245. 7:23
  246. Krazar77
  247. can i fight as well
  248. 7:23
  249. GDF private Peucoman
  250. (BORD) *talking to Shrek* <(boss, how can I talk!?
  251. 7:23
  252. Krazar77
  253. zar your in
  254. birthgoji you to
  255. wait no just zar
  256. 7:23
  257. Lord Vehk
  258. I know. And he's human size.
  259. 7:23
  260. DrGodzilla120
  261. Who is "He"?
  262. 7:23
  263. ShodaiGoro
  264. (Shrek) <(Layers.)
  265. 7:24
  266. Krazar77
  267. superboy-rime
  268. 7:24
  269. Flaredragon00
  270. (??) <( I AM A MAN!) *rushes in, punches Superboy Prime in the gut*
  271. 7:24
  272. Lord Vehk
  273. Superboy-Prime.
  274. 7:24
  275. Krazar77
  276. *prime*
  277. 7:24
  278. GDF private Peucoman
  279. (BORD) <(special BORDS and Ogres have Layers
  280. 7:24
  281. DrGodzilla120
  282. The large and weak rule is for Hollows.
  283. 7:24
  284. Krazar77
  285. wait a second
  286. 7:24
  287. Flaredragon00
  288. *Superboy Prime is sent flying back into a bowl of corrosive Mt. Dew*
  289. 7:24
  290. Lord Vehk
  291. (Superboy-Prime) *stomach breaks the hand*
  292. 7:24
  293. GDF private Peucoman
  294. Fr0st, PM
  295. 7:25
  296. Flaredragon00
  297. *Superboy-Prime begins melting in corrosive Mt. Dew*
  299. 7:25
  300. Krazar77
  301. (stan lee)<(excelsior! *turns superboy-prime into shit*
  302. XD
  303. 7:25
  304. ShodaiGoro
  305. GDF, PM
  306. 7:26
  307. Lord Vehk
  308. So basically evolved into crack RP.
  309. 7:26
  310. Taryn12348
  311. I'm so confused right now
  312. 7:26
  313. Lord Vehk
  314. K then.
  315. 7:26
  316. Krazar77
  317. dr pm
  318. 7:26
  319. GDF private Peucoman
  320. do you believe in magic?
  321. You are now away.
  322. 7:26
  323. DrGodzilla120
  324. No.
  325. This isn't crack RP.
  326. This is canon.
  327. Because Krazar is showing what Superboy Prime actually is.
  328. 7:27
  329. Krazar77
  330. zar is helping
  331. 7:27
  332. Flaredragon00
  333. Because literally no one cares for Superboy-Prime, and therefore he shall be turned to laughing stock so that we can care about him.
  334. 7:27
  335. DrGodzilla120
  336. And revealing his true form.
  337. 7:27
  338. Lord Vehk
  339. .
  340. 7:27
  341. Krazar77
  342. ha
  343. 7:27
  344. Lord Vehk
  345. So basically, if you can't beat it, you go higher on the stu list?
  346. 7:28
  347. DrGodzilla120
  348. Oh, we can beat him, alright.
  349. 7:28
  350. Krazar77
  351. yep
  352. zar and slayer
  353. both
  354. powerful
  355. 7:28
  356. DrGodzilla120
  357. Not just them.
  358. Any character at all.
  359. Minilla.
  360. Karma.
  361. 7:28
  362. Krazar77
  363. birthgoji
  364. 7:28
  365. Lord Vehk
  366. XD
  367. 7:28
  368. DrGodzilla120
  369. A fucking piece of shit.
  370. 7:28
  371. Krazar77
  372. goliath
  373. okay thats it
  374. 7:29
  375. Lord Vehk
  376. Alright then. XD
  377. 7:29
  378. GDF private Peucoman
  379. even BORD
  380. 7:29
  381. Krazar77
  382. (Neo zardoris)*brings out his forearm blade*<(slayer you ready
  383. 7:29
  384. DrGodzilla120
  385. Now he's pulling an HMG.
  386. 7:29
  387. GDF private Peucoman
  388. the Special BORD that accompanies Shrek is uniqe
  389. 7:29
  390. Krazar77
  391. HMG??
  392. 7:29
  393. DrGodzilla120
  394. One of my least favorite users.
  395. Spammed " XD " all the time.
  396. 7:29
  397. Krazar77
  398. of course he did
  399. 7:29
  400. Lord Vehk
  401. (Superboy-Prime) <(I WILL KILL YOU ALL TO DEATH!) *explodes for no reason*
  402. 7:30
  403. Krazar77
  404. and of coruse
  405. *course*
  406. the coward he is
  407. lets his foe die
  408. well his char
  409. before slayer and zar can kick his ass
  410. You are no longer away.
  411. funny
  412. 7:31
  413. DrGodzilla120
  414. BBL.
  415. Food.
  416. 7:31
  417. Krazar77
  418. in fact how ironic
  419. Krazar77 has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  420. 7:32
  421. Lord Vehk
  422. Boredom.
  423. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  424. 7:32
  425. Krazar77
  426. of course
  427. boredom
  428. thats your excuse
  429. you know what
  430. nvm
  431. 7:32
  432. Lord Vehk
  433. I try to get this chat to unite against a single foe, and I am vilified for it and compared to HMG and Specter.
  434. 7:33
  435. Krazar77
  436. i know people
  437. who can do that
  438. 7:33
  439. Flaredragon00
  440. Thread:8914
  441. 7:33
  442. Krazar77
  443. better
  444. shodai
  445. dr
  446. flare
  447. 7:33
  448. Fr0stfur
  449. (HeiseiMekaG) <(Wow. I'm compared to Vehk?!) XD
  450. 7:33
  451. Lord Vehk
  452. So now you are insulting me directly Krazar?
  453. 7:33
  454. Krazar77
  455. nope
  456. im just saying
  457. i know people who do it
  458. 7:33
  459. Flaredragon00
  460. Looks like you lead to your own destruction, Vehk. Sorry. :/
  461. 7:33
  462. Krazar77
  463. better
  464. 7:34
  465. Lord Vehk
  466. And now I'm demoted.
  467. 7:34
  468. Krazar77
  469. and i also
  470. see
  471. and question
  472. how everytime something happens
  473. 7:34
  474. Lord Vehk
  475. What?
  476. 7:34
  477. Krazar77
  478. you somehow get your star back
  479. and then power goes to your head
  480. and you get demoted again
  481. and then the cycle goes on and on and on
  482. 7:35
  483. Fr0stfur
  484. (HeiseiMekaG) <(A star? More like a black hole. Or maybe a planet.) XD
  485. 7:35
  486. Lord Vehk
  487. Power goes to my head? Really? I didn't kick you once despite your current attitude, and constant insulting.
  488. 7:35
  489. Krazar77
  490. im not insulting
  491. nor am i having a attitude
  492. 7:35
  493. Lord Vehk
  494. Really?
  495. 7:35
  496. Krazar77
  497. in fact
  498. im pissed
  499. beyond repair
  500. that you
  501. think
  502. that you can make a stu beyond hell
  503. and get away with it
  504. and furthermore attack china
  505. 7:36
  506. Fr0stfur
  507. (HeiseiMekaG) <(Is this getting old? I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm HeiseiMekaG!) XD
  508. 7:36
  509. Krazar77
  510. now i understand why you where demoted
  511. 7:36
  512. Lord Vehk
  513. Please for the love of God, write all of your insults on one line so I follow it better.
  514. 7:36
  515. Krazar77
  516. thats it
  517. vehk
  518. fuck you
  519. fuck you
  520. and all your godamn char
  521. 7:36
  522. Fr0stfur
  523. (Specter5) <(Shut up.) *sp00ks HeiseiMekaG*
  524. 7:36
  525. Krazar77
  526. hell
  527. 7:36
  528. GDF private Peucoman
  529. (Blueeyedbeta) <(DO NOT SPOOK IT
  530. 7:37
  531. Krazar77
  532. your a gary mary sue generatior
  533. 7:37
  534. Fr0stfur
  535. (HeiseiMekaG) <(Woah! That was sp00ky!) XD
  536. 7:37
  537. Krazar77
  538. *generator*
  539. of bullshit
  540. lies
  541. 7:37
  542. GDF private Peucoman
  545. 7:37
  546. Krazar77
  547. and excuses
  548. 7:37
  549. Fr0stfur
  550. (Specter5) <(Crap, was I too sp00ky?)
  551. 7:37
  552. GDF private Peucoman
  553. (blueeyedbeta) <(GO TO HELL BITCH, XD !)
  554. Fr0st, PM
  555. 7:37
  556. Fr0stfur
  557. (Specter5) <(Oh, fuck. Now I ruined everything.)
  558. 7:38
  559. Krazar77
  560. if only
  561. 7:38
  562. Fr0stfur
  563. (HeiseiMekaG) <(It's ok. I just got really sp00ked!) XD
  564. 7:38
  565. Krazar77
  566. chat
  567. had
  568. a
  569. taco
  570. geneartor
  571. 7:38
  572. GDF private Peucoman
  573. tuesday!
  574. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  575. 7:38
  576. Fr0stfur
  577. (Specter5) <(Oh, thanks.)
  578. 7:38
  579. GDF private Peucoman
  580. hey Garuda!
  581. 7:38
  582. Krazar77
  583. and that to
  584. 7:38
  585. Fr0stfur
  586. THE END
  587. hi o/
  588. 7:38
  589. Krazar77
  590. (wave)
  591. 7:38
  592. Flaredragon00
  593. Enter Is My Favorite Spaghetti
  594. 7:38
  595. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  596. Hi
  597. 7:38
  598. GarudaGoji
  599. Damn, i missed the sp00king.
  600. 7:38
  601. Flaredragon00
  603. 7:38
  604. GarudaGoji
  605. :(
  606. 7:38
  607. Fr0stfur
  608. Actually, its Spaghett
  609. 7:39
  610. GarudaGoji
  612. 7:39
  613. Flaredragon00
  614. No that's someone else
  615. 7:39
  616. ShodaiGoro
  617. o/
  618. GarudaGoji
  619. ~Weegee
  620. 7:39
  621. Taryn12348
  622. (Luigi)
  623. 7:39
  624. Fr0stfur
  625. oh
  626. Hax (Luigi) _
  627. 7:39
  628. Krazar77
  629. mario
  630. (mario)
  631. SANIC
  632. 7:39
  633. Taryn12348
  634. (Weegee)
  635. 7:39
  636. Krazar77
  637. (SANIC)
  638. shrek be like
  639. 7:39
  640. Fr0stfur
  641. So
  642. 7:39
  643. Krazar77
  644. (shrek) <(this is ma swamp
  645. that happend
  646. 7:40
  647. GarudaGoji
  648. You did it wrong!
  649. It's....
  650. 7:40
  651. Taryn12348
  652. GTG
  653. cya
  654. 7:40
  655. GDF private Peucoman
  656. see yah Taryn!
  657. 7:40
  658. Krazar77
  659. (wave)
  660. 7:40
  661. GarudaGoji
  663. Oh, bye taryn
  664. 7:40
  665. GDF private Peucoman
  666. and before Draco does some joke, do not do it
  667. 7:41
  668. GarudaGoji
  669. GDF X Taryn
  670. 7:41
  671. Krazar77
  672. yes
  673. i ship it
  674. i ship it so much
  675. 7:41
  676. ShodaiGoro
  677. o/
  678. 7:41
  679. GarudaGoji
  680. I still ship me and utsuho because reasons
  681. 7:41
  682. Krazar77
  683. i ship
  684. me and wraith
  685. because
  686. logic
  687. 7:41
  688. Lord Vehk
  689. Well. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. I bring in a stu for you to try and kill, and I am insulted, demoted, yelled at, and told to leave. I just wanted to see how you guys would work together instead of just bringing in hundreds of characters who have no chance in hell of winning.
  690. Taryn12348 has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  691. 7:41
  692. GarudaGoji
  693. along with FoxMask x Utsuho....because even more reason
  694. 7:41
  695. Lord Vehk
  696. But. I'm done arguing
  697. 7:42
  698. Krazar77
  699. no chance
  700. no chance
  701. bitch please
  702. 7:42
  703. GarudaGoji
  704. Huh? I missed another?
  705. 7:42
  706. GDF private Peucoman
  707. Garuda, PM
  708. 7:42
  709. Krazar77
  710. you need to get your ass kicked
  711. all of your chars do too
  712. 7:42
  713. ShodaiGoro
  714. Krazar
  715. Enough
  716. 7:42
  717. GarudaGoji
  718. WOAH, WOAH.
  719. 7:42
  720. Krazar77
  721. wait
  722. 7:42
  723. GDF private Peucoman
  724. (Tyrannosaurus Alan) <(HELLO THERE MR. VOLCANO!
  725. 7:42
  726. GarudaGoji
  727. Look, even if he did those things he's....a friend.
  728. 7:42
  729. Krazar77
  730. that came out wrong
  731. no,i dont see him as a freind
  732. nore ally
  733. 7:43
  734. Lord Vehk
  735. See. I didn't bother banning you even after everything you said while I still had a star. So now I'm being assaulted and have no way to defend myself.
  736. 7:43
  737. GarudaGoji
  738. Yeah there's mistakes about it and some wrong sides but even if he did the thing i disliked the most, i still count him as a friend.
  739. 7:43
  740. Krazar77
  741. if you did ban me
  742. then everybody would have been on your ass
  743. 7:44
  744. Lord Vehk
  745. I dunno. I had plenty of reason and justification.
  746. 7:44
  747. Krazar77
  748. in fact
  749. 7:44
  750. GarudaGoji
  751. Krazar, ENOUGH.
  752. 7:44
  753. Krazar77
  754. im done here
  755. 7:44
  756. Thegoldnguy
  757. Krazar, everyone. What's going on?
  758. 7:44
  759. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  760. Krazar
  761. 7:44
  762. Lord Vehk
  763. After all the "fuck you"s you sent after me.
  764. 7:44
  765. GDF private Peucoman
  766. Garuda, PM, please
  767. Krazar77 has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  768. 7:44
  769. GDF private Peucoman
  770. we must ignore this!
  771. 7:44
  772. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  773. FINALLY
  774. 7:44
  775. Thegoldnguy
  776. *Sigh*
  777. You are now away.
  778. 7:44
  779. Lord Vehk
  780. Let him go. He needs to blow off steam.
  781. 7:45
  782. GarudaGoji
  783. Like always, an arguement happens.
  784. *Sigh*
  785. 7:45
  786. GDF private Peucoman
  787. isn't that the truth!?
  788. 7:45
  789. Lord Vehk
  790. Hopefully he will return with a better attitude.
  791. 7:45
  792. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  793. Yep, we all would have been on Vehk's ass...
  794. 7:45
  795. GDF private Peucoman
  796. Garuda, PMRP?
  797. please?
  798. 7:45
  799. GarudaGoji
  800. kkk
  801. You are no longer away.
  802. 7:45
  803. Fr0stfur
  804. RP?
  805. 7:46
  806. GDF private Peucoman
  807. Fr0st, PM
  808. 7:46
  809. Fr0stfur
  810. Breather RP, maybe?
  811. 7:46
  812. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  813. Anyway wanna fight ManDogLizard?
  814. 7:46
  815. GDF private Peucoman
  816. yeah, just PMRP with me, while we do the breather RP
  817. (Manbearpig) *sumo wrestles Mandoglizard
  818. 7:46
  819. Thegoldnguy
  820. I'd actually like a PM RP.
  821. PM RP anyone?
  822. 7:47
  823. Fr0stfur
  824. Sure, I guess
  825. GG, you want one with me too?
  826. 7:47
  827. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  828. Sooo
  829. 7:47
  830. GarudaGoji
  831. Hmm....
  832. 7:47
  833. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  834. What can we RP about today...
  835. 7:47
  836. GarudaGoji
  837. Nah.
  838. 7:47
  839. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  840. Kaiju? Pokemon? Or just everything else.
  841. 7:48
  842. GDF private Peucoman
  844. 7:48
  845. GarudaGoji
  846. Hmm....
  847. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  848. 7:49
  849. Krazar77
  850. well im back
  851. 7:49
  852. Lord Vehk
  853. Welcome back Krazar.
  854. GarudaGoji has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  855. 7:49
  856. Thegoldnguy
  857. Welcome back.
  858. 7:49
  859. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  860. Fr0st, Pokemon RP?
  861. 7:49
  862. Lord Vehk
  863. Hope you are feeling better than when you left
  864. 7:49
  865. Fr0stfur
  866. Kaiju RP, anyone?
  867. 7:49
  868. GDF private Peucoman
  869. Fr0stfur, PM
  870. 7:49
  871. Krazar77
  872. well i watched a little bit of bleach
  873. sword art online
  874. 7:49
  875. Fr0stfur
  876. I replied, gfg
  877. 7:50
  878. Krazar77
  879. and made a taco sandwhich
  880. 7:50
  881. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  882. Okie dookie
  883. 7:50
  884. Krazar77
  885. so yeah
  886. im fine
  887. 7:50
  888. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  889. Kaiju it is.
  890. PM or public chat?
  891. 7:50
  892. Lord Vehk
  893. I realize that my actions may be misconstrued to think that I was deliberately trying to do wrong. But it was merely a test. That is all it was. And it cost me a friend, my status, and my pride. So I am sorry.
  894. I hope you will accept my apology.
  895. If not, then I understand
  896. 7:51
  897. Krazar77
  898. im accept
  899. i mean
  900. where a family here
  901. and sometimes
  902. 7:52
  903. Fr0stfur
  904. Public chat?
  905. 7:52
  906. Krazar77
  907. familes fight
  908. but
  909. 7:52
  910. Fr0stfur
  911. Then again
  912. 7:52
  913. Krazar77
  914. they work the stuff out
  915. 7:52
  916. Fr0stfur
  917. I don't think anyone is in the mood right now
  918. 7:52
  919. Krazar77
  920. and then yeah
  921. things get help
  922. well get better
  923. 7:52
  924. GDF private Peucoman
  925. here at Gilligan Island, everything is solved at the end of the episode
  926. 7:52
  927. Krazar77
  928. you know what i mean
  929. 7:52
  930. Lord Vehk
  931. So. How about a pointless one-shot RP?
  932. That somebody else does the villain for....
  933. 7:53
  934. Krazar77
  935. shodai
  936. will you do the honers
  937. 7:53
  938. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  939. ManDogLizard: *Attacking a city*
  940. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  941. 7:53
  942. Fr0stfur
  943. Crystal Crisis, anyone?
  944. hi o/
  945. 7:53
  946. Lord Vehk
  947. o/
  948. 7:54
  949. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  951. 7:54
  952. GDF private Peucoman
  953. hai Garuda! check PM
  954. 7:54
  955. GarudaGoji
  956. hi
  957. 7:54
  958. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  959. ManDogLizard: INTO A GIANT MONSTER
  960. 7:54
  961. Krazar77
  962. sure
  963. i can go for some crystal crissis
  964. 7:55
  965. GarudaGoji
  966. Well, i basically want some city destruction for once but a crystal crisis, sure.)
  967. 7:55
  968. Lord Vehk
  969. (Coyote Tango) *is on standby*
  970. 7:55
  971. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  973. ManDogLizard: *Grabs a tree with a kitten in it* I... HATE... CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  974. 7:56
  975. Fr0stfur
  976. *some gray (Crystal) s appear in Seattle*
  977. 7:56
  978. Lord Vehk
  979. (Coyote Tango) *activates, his conn-pod lighting up as his reactor activates*
  980. 7:57
  981. Fr0stfur
  982. (Tank) 1 <(What the?)
  983. 7:57
  984. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  985. ManDogLizard: *Throws the tree*
  986. 7:57
  987. Lord Vehk
  988. (Coyote Tango) <(I have come to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum.)
  989. 7:57
  990. GDF private Peucoman
  991. (Tank) 102841284701327840 <(I am late!)
  992. 7:58
  993. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  994. ManDogLizard: Huh? Who's quoting Duke Nukem...
  995. 7:58
  996. GDF private Peucoman
  997. (Tank) 2 <(You serious!?
  998. 7:58
  999. Fr0stfur
  1000. He's out of regular gum, does he still have bubblegum?
  1001. 7:58
  1002. Lord Vehk
  1003. XD
  1004. 7:58
  1005. GDF private Peucoman
  1006. <(this is the third time, number 102841284701327840
  1008. I think
  1009. 7:59
  1010. Lord Vehk
  1011. (Coyote Tango) <(Time to die, beast.)
  1012. 7:59
  1013. Fr0stfur
  1014. (Beast) ._.
  1015. 7:59
  1016. Lord Vehk
  1017. ....... Wrong beast
  1018. 7:59
  1019. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1020. ManDogLizard: Oh yeah, bring it on! I'll destroy your bolt balls!
  1021. 7:59
  1022. DrGodzilla120
  1024. Back.
  1025. ...
  1026. GarudaGoji has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  1027. 8:00
  1028. DrGodzilla120
  1029. I come in and see that.
  1030. 8:00
  1031. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1032. XD
  1033. 8:00
  1034. DrGodzilla120
  1035. "Oh yeah, bring it on! I'll destroy your bolt balls!"
  1036. 8:00
  1037. Krazar77
  1038. (birthgoji) *arrives in seattle and begins attacking the crystals*
  1039. 8:00
  1040. Lord Vehk
  1041. Sounds like your kind of party, Dr.
  1042. :3
  1043. 8:00
  1044. Fr0stfur
  1045. (Crystal) 1 *shatters*
  1046. 8:00
  1047. GDF private Peucoman
  1048. (tank) 102841284701327840 <(guys?
  1049. (tank) 21 <(JUST ATTACK NUMBER 102841284701327840
  1050. 8:00
  1051. Fr0stfur
  1052. (Crystal) 2 *fires a (laser) at (Birthgoji) *
  1053. 8:01
  1054. GDF private Peucoman
  1055. test+
  1056. 8:01
  1057. Lord Vehk
  1058. (Coyote Tango) *raises his fists*
  1059. 8:01
  1060. GDF private Peucoman
  1061. *all the tanks attack
  1062. 8:01
  1063. DrGodzilla120
  1064. No.
  1065. My kind of party is an orgy.
  1066. 8:01
  1067. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1068. *ManDogLizard shoots his tongue at (Coyote Tango) and lunges him foward*
  1069. 8:01
  1070. Lord Vehk
  1071. .......
  1072. 8:01
  1073. DrGodzilla120
  1074. JK
  1075. JK
  1076. 8:01
  1077. Krazar77
  1078. (birthgoji) *fires another beam at the beam*
  1079. 8:01
  1080. DrGodzilla120
  1081. It's a nice, fun party.
  1082. 8:01
  1083. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1084. *forward
  1085. 8:01
  1086. Lord Vehk
  1087. (Coyote Tango) *reacts quickly and grabs the tongue*
  1088. 8:01
  1089. DrGodzilla120
  1090. Where my crush and I get drunk.
  1091. And we fuck afterwards.
  1092. Even though we're not even 18 yet.
  1093. JK
  1094. JK
  1095. Just a nice party with good food, fun stuff, video games, and such.
  1096. That's it.
  1097. 8:02
  1098. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1099. ManDogLizard: Argh... Bastard...
  1100. 8:02
  1101. Lord Vehk
  1102. (Coyote Tango) *yanks on the tongue, causing ManDogLizard to come flying at him*
  1103. 8:03
  1104. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1105. ManDogLizard: *Raises his fist while flying and hits Tango in the face*
  1106. 8:03
  1107. GDF private Peucoman
  1108. Fr0st, PM
  1109. 8:04
  1110. Lord Vehk
  1111. (Coyote Tango) *ducks under the fist and punches ManDogLizard in the stomach before bringing both his fists down on his back, slamming him into the ground*
  1112. 8:05
  1113. Krazar77
  1114. (birthgoji) *tanks through the beam and slams into the crystal*
  1115. 8:05
  1116. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1117. ManDogLizard: Ughh... Can't this guy... Take a punch?
  1118. 8:05
  1119. DrGodzilla120
  1120. Is Goro here?
  1121. 8:05
  1122. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1123. ManDogLizard: HEY A UFO!
  1124. You are now away.
  1125. 8:05
  1126. ShodaiGoro
  1127. Yep
  1128. You are no longer away.
  1129. 8:05
  1130. Fr0stfur
  1131. (Crystal) 2 *shatters*
  1132. 8:05
  1133. GDF private Peucoman
  1134. Fr0st, PM
  1135. 8:05
  1136. Fr0stfur
  1137. (Rip) Crystals
  1138. 8:06
  1139. DrGodzilla120
  1140. PM.
  1141. 8:06
  1142. Lord Vehk
  1143. (Coyote Tango) *puts his foot on the hybrid's back and begins crushing his back* <(Now you die.)
  1144. 8:06
  1145. GDF private Peucoman
  1146. just check PM
  1147. 8:06
  1148. Krazar77
  1149. (birthgoji) *absorbs them*
  1150. 8:06
  1151. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1152. ManDogLizard: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!
  1153. 8:07
  1154. DrGodzilla120
  1155. *Coyote is smashed back*
  1156. 8:07
  1157. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1158. ManDogLizard: HELP!!! HELP!!
  1159. 8:07
  1160. Fr0stfur
  1161. *the crystals' energy is now harmful*
  1162. 8:07
  1163. Lord Vehk
  1164. (Coyote Tango) <(You attacked the humans. I cannot allow that.)
  1165. 8:07
  1166. DrGodzilla120
  1167. (Majun) *stands by ManDogLizard's side, hissing*
  1168. 8:07
  1169. Lord Vehk
  1170. (Coyote Tango) *draws both his plasma blades*
  1171. 8:08
  1172. Krazar77
  1173. *coyote is hit by something*
  1174. 8:08
  1175. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1176. *ManDogLizard is lying on the ground* Ugrh, hey thanks for kicking that robot guy's ass...
  1177. 8:08
  1178. Krazar77
  1179. wait no
  1180. 8:08
  1181. DrGodzilla120
  1182. (Majun) *grabs ManDogLizard in his jaws*
  1183. (Majun) *throws him away from the area*
  1184. 8:08
  1185. Krazar77
  1186. *something taps his shoulder*
  1187. 8:08
  1188. DrGodzilla120
  1189. (Majun) *beckons for him to flee*
  1190. 8:08
  1191. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1192. ManDogLizard: SHIIIIIIII-
  1193. 8:08
  1194. Krazar77
  1195. (serptanous)*nods at him telling him that he will help*
  1196. 8:09
  1197. Fr0stfur
  1198. I'm gonna try to have actual enemies next time :)
  1199. 8:09
  1200. GDF private Peucoman
  1201. fr0st, pih ehm
  1202. this might work as a story ark!
  1203. the RPVerse is being plagued by crystals!
  1204. 8:09
  1205. DrGodzilla120
  1206. (Majun) *keeps motioning for ManDogLizard to escape*
  1207. 8:09
  1208. Krazar77
  1209. (birthgoji) *goes to another crystal infestation*
  1210. 8:10
  1211. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1212. ManDogLizard: *Crawls away*
  1213. 8:10
  1214. Krazar77
  1215. i has to go
  1216. bai
  1217. 8:10
  1218. ShodaiGoro
  1219. o/
  1220. 8:10
  1221. Krazar77
  1222. (wave)
  1223. 8:10
  1224. DrGodzilla120
  1225. o/
  1226. 8:10
  1227. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1228. Bubbah bai
  1229. Krazar77 has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  1230. 8:10
  1231. GDF private Peucoman
  1232. see yah
  1233. what too late!?
  1234. 8:10
  1235. Fr0stfur
  1236. The Crystal Crisis IS a story arc...
  1237. 8:10
  1238. Lord Vehk
  1239. (Coyote Tango) <(I do not need help. I can finish this by myself.) *fires a plasma blast near ManDogLizard*
  1240. 8:11
  1241. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1242. @GDF
  1243. 8:11
  1244. DrGodzilla120
  1245. (Majun) *counters it with his own ray*
  1246. 8:11
  1247. GDF private Peucoman
  1248. welp, gtg everyone
  1249. wait
  1250. 8:11
  1251. DrGodzilla120
  1252. (Majun) *headbutts Coyote Tango hard*
  1253. 8:11
  1254. GDF private Peucoman
  1255. have time
  1256. 8:11
  1257. DrGodzilla120
  1258. *it smacks him over*
  1259. 8:11
  1260. GDF private Peucoman
  1261. shut up stay
  1262. wamp wamp wamp!?
  1263. is that really what I did!?
  1264. 8:11
  1265. Lord Vehk
  1266. (Coyote Tango) *falls down, but is relatively unharmed*
  1267. 8:11
  1268. ShodaiGoro
  1269. *Something dropkicks Majun from behind
  1270. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1271. 8:12
  1272. DrGodzilla120
  1273. (Majun) *is fleeing the city*
  1274. 8:12
  1275. ShodaiGoro
  1276. o/
  1277. 8:12
  1278. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1279. :(
  1280. 8:12
  1281. ShodaiGoro
  1282. (FXM) *Cracks knuckles
  1283. o/
  1284. 8:12
  1285. Lord Vehk
  1286. (Coyote Tango) *gets up slowly while Majun is distracted*
  1287. 8:12
  1288. ShodaiGoro
  1289. (FXM) <(Let him go.)
  1290. 8:12
  1291. Fr0stfur
  1292. Hey, Gor
  1293. 8:12
  1294. ShodaiGoro
  1295. (FXM) <(I think he's learned to back off.)
  1296. ?
  1297. 8:12
  1298. Fr0stfur
  1299. Goro*
  1300. What ever happened to (Gor) in RP?
  1301. 8:12
  1302. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1303. He died
  1304. 8:13
  1305. ShodaiGoro
  1306. He's alive.
  1307. 8:13
  1308. Lord Vehk
  1309. (Coyote Tango) <(Very well. But the other one needs to pay for his crimes.)
  1310. 8:13
  1311. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1312. O
  1313. 8:13
  1314. GDF private Peucoman
  1315. yeah
  1316. he is alive!
  1317. fueled by the power of watness
  1318. 8:13
  1319. DrGodzilla120
  1320. (Majun) *follows in ManDogLizard's direction*
  1321. 8:13
  1322. Lord Vehk
  1323. (Coyote Tango) <(rolls his head around and cracks his knuckles*
  1324. *
  1325. 8:14
  1326. GarudaGoji
  1327. Knuckles knuckles knuckles
  1328. K.N.U.C.K.L.E.S
  1329. Starring: Knuckles, Knuckles and Knuckles
  1330. 8:14
  1331. Lord Vehk
  1332. (Coyote Tango) <(I will end this quickly so he does not suffer.)
  1333. 8:14
  1334. GDF private Peucoman
  1335. (Knuckles) <(SONIC!)
  1336. 8:15
  1337. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1338. ManDogLizard: I. HATE. ROBOTS.
  1339. 8:15
  1340. Lord Vehk
  1341. (Coyote Tango) <(...... Racism will make it last longer.)
  1342. 8:15
  1343. ShodaiGoro
  1344. (FXM) *Leaves
  1345. 8:16
  1346. DrGodzilla120
  1347. *Pretty sure ManDogLizard has already escaped.*
  1348. 8:16
  1349. GarudaGoji
  1350. ManDogeLizurd
  1351. 8:16
  1352. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1353. ManDogLizard: Who does that mechanical asshole thinks he is anyway?!
  1354. 8:16
  1355. Lord Vehk
  1356. *Coyote Tango injured his spine, he's going nowhere fast*
  1357. 8:16
  1358. DrGodzilla120
  1359. (Majun) *looks to ManDogLizard*
  1360. 8:16
  1361. GDF private Peucoman
  1363. 8:16
  1364. DrGodzilla120
  1365. (Majun) *beckons for him to get on his back*
  1366. 8:17
  1367. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1369. ManDogLizard: ???
  1370. 8:17
  1371. Lord Vehk
  1372. (Coyote Tango) <(Majun. Stay back.) *drives his plasma blade into ManDogLizard's back*
  1373. 8:17
  1374. DrGodzilla120
  1375. (Majun) *takes the hit instead*
  1376. (Majun) *grabs ManDogLizard and runs off*
  1377. (Majun) *goes into the water*
  1378. You are now away.
  1379. 8:17
  1380. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1381. ManDogLizard: I can't swim!!!
  1382. 8:18
  1383. Lord Vehk
  1384. (Coyote Tango) <(Son of a bitch!)
  1385. 8:18
  1386. DrGodzilla120
  1387. (Majun) *is holding onto him*
  1388. (Majun) *carries him to an island*
  1389. 8:18
  1390. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1391. ManDogLizard: Hey... Thanks... What's your name?
  1392. 8:18
  1393. DrGodzilla120
  1394. (Majun) *is incapable of speech*
  1395. 8:18
  1396. Lord Vehk
  1397. (Coyote Tango) *flies after them, following his secret plasma tracking chip*
  1398. You are no longer away.
  1399. 8:19
  1400. DrGodzilla120
  1401. (Majun) *carries ManDogLizard into a hidden section of the island*
  1402. (Majun) *sets him down on some soft grass*
  1403. 8:19
  1404. Lord Vehk
  1405. (Coyote Tango) *continues to track it*
  1406. 8:19
  1407. DrGodzilla120
  1408. *Majun's mate and hatchlings walk into the area as well, with their kill*
  1409. 8:19
  1410. Lord Vehk
  1411. (Coyote Tango) *arrives in time to see where he is*
  1412. 8:19
  1413. Fr0stfur
  1414. Make the tracker go (Boom) !
  1415. 8:19
  1416. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1417. ManDogLizard: No matter what... THAT GUY IS GONNA FIND ME AND KILL ME!!!
  1418. 8:19
  1419. DrGodzilla120
  1420. (Majun) *rips a leg off the prey and nudges it toward ManDogLizard*
  1421. 8:19
  1422. Fr0stfur
  1423. :3
  1424. 8:20
  1425. DrGodzilla120
  1426. (Majun) *rips another leg off the corpse, eating that one himself*
  1427. *Acra and the hatchlings begin eating the rest of it*
  1428. 8:20
  1429. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1430. ManDogLizard: *Begins eating the leg*
  1431. 8:20
  1432. Lord Vehk
  1433. (Coyote Tango) *walks into the cave slowly* <(Put your fucking hands in the air!)
  1434. 8:20
  1435. DrGodzilla120
  1436. *It's not a cave.*
  1437. 8:21
  1438. GarudaGoji
  1439. How can caves have grass anyways?
  1440. 8:21
  1441. DrGodzilla120
  1442. *It's an area of the island surrounded by cliffs.*
  1443. 8:21
  1444. Lord Vehk
  1445. *area
  1446. 8:21
  1447. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1448. ManDogLizard: ... Oh no...
  1449. *Runs off*
  1450. 8:21
  1451. DrGodzilla120
  1452. (Majun) *turns to Coyote Tango, roaring*
  1453. 8:21
  1454. Lord Vehk
  1455. (Coyote Tango) <(I said put your fucking hands up.)
  1456. (Coyote Tango) <(And I don't want to kill you Majun. You have a family. Think about that for a minute.)
  1457. 8:22
  1458. DrGodzilla120
  1459. (Majun) *turns over, bends down, and farts into Coyote Tango's face*
  1460. 8:22
  1461. Lord Vehk
  1462. (Coyote Tango) <(.......)
  1463. 8:22
  1464. DrGodzilla120
  1465. (Majun) *then gets back up, walks up to Coyote, and lets out an enormous belch*
  1466. 8:22
  1467. Lord Vehk
  1468. (Coyote Tango) * (rage) *
  1469. 8:22
  1470. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1471. ManDogLizard: Alright... I'm sick of running. COYOTE, YOU MUST DIE!
  1472. 8:23
  1473. Lord Vehk
  1474. (Coyote Tango) *enters Evangelion Berserk mode*
  1475. 8:23
  1476. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1477. :3
  1478. 8:23
  1479. DrGodzilla120
  1480. (Majun) *turns to ManDogLizard and shakes his head*
  1481. 8:23
  1482. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1483. ManDogLizard: *Barges into Tango*
  1484. 8:23
  1485. GDF private Peucoman
  1486. fr0st, p
  1487. m
  1488. 8:23
  1489. DrGodzilla120
  1490. *Acra stops ManDogLizard and carries him off the island*
  1491. 8:24
  1492. Lord Vehk
  1493. (Coyote Tango) *lets out an ear-piercing, blood curdling roar*
  1494. 8:24
  1495. DrGodzilla120
  1496. *They're aware his spine was injured, and want to prevent him from being injured further*
  1497. *the hatchlings follow Acra*
  1498. (Majun) *walks to a nearby mountain, and stamps near it*
  1499. You are now away.
  1500. *cracks begin forming at the top*
  1501. (Majun) *has awakened a volcano*
  1502. 8:24
  1503. GDF private Peucoman
  1504. Garuda, PM
  1505. 8:25
  1506. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1507. ManDogLizard: I'm gonna get that... bastard...
  1508. 8:25
  1509. GarudaGoji
  1510. * seems to be heard around the distance*
  1511. 8:25
  1512. Lord Vehk
  1513. You know he's a serial killer right? ManDogLizard is combined from a serial killer, a police dog, and a wild lizard.
  1514. 8:25
  1515. DrGodzilla120
  1516. Majun is doing it so he has a chance to redeem.
  1517. 8:25
  1518. Lord Vehk
  1519. So two wild animals and a serial killer.
  1520. I don't really see redemption happening.....
  1521. 8:26
  1522. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1523. *When ManDogLizard dies they all go back to their original forms.
  1524. You are no longer away.
  1525. 8:26
  1526. DrGodzilla120
  1527. It could happen.
  1528. 8:26
  1529. Lord Vehk
  1530. Then Coyote Tango could kill ManDogLizard, take out the serial killer, leave the dog and the lizard
  1531. 8:26
  1532. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1533. ManDogLizard: *Sneaks behind Tango and kicks him in the back*
  1534. 8:27
  1535. GarudaGoji
  1536. *a roar is loud enough to be heard*
  1537. 8:27
  1538. DrGodzilla120
  1539. *ManDogLizard was being carried away by Acra.*
  1540. *So that he doesn't injure his back again.*
  1541. 8:27
  1542. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1544. 8:28
  1545. DrGodzilla120
  1546. (Majun) *narrows his eyes at hearing "Kill in peace"*
  1547. 8:28
  1548. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1549. ManDogLizard: NOW LET ME GO
  1550. 8:28
  1551. Lord Vehk
  1552. Still think he has redemption in his future?
  1553. 8:28
  1554. DrGodzilla120
  1555. (Majun) *brought ManDogLizard here so he could understand kindness and compassion, and perhaps stop killing*
  1556. 8:28
  1557. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1558. ManDogLizard: *Walks to Tango*
  1559. 8:29
  1560. GarudaGoji
  1561. *the stomps are heard, closer and closer*
  1562. 8:29
  1563. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1564. ManDogLizard: Hey, fuckface!
  1565. *Punches Tango in the face*
  1566. 8:30
  1567. GarudaGoji
  1568. *a foot stomps down nearby Coyote Tango, something looks down at ManDogLizard*
  1569. 8:30
  1570. Lord Vehk
  1571. (Coyote Tango) *grabs the fist and crushes it in his hand*
  1572. 8:31
  1573. ShodaiGoro
  1574. Garuda, PM
  1575. 8:31
  1576. GDF private Peucoman
  1577. well, I GTG everyone!
  1578. 8:31
  1579. DrGodzilla120
  1580. o/
  1581. 8:31
  1582. Giz Mania
  1583. o/
  1584. 8:31
  1585. ShodaiGoro
  1586. o/
  1587. 8:31
  1588. GarudaGoji
  1589. *the camera begins ascending, a blue-like bodybuilt is seen*
  1590. 8:31
  1591. DrGodzilla120
  1592. How can he automatically crush his fist?
  1593. 8:31
  1594. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1596. GDF private Peucoman has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  1597. 8:31
  1598. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1599. Bye
  1600. 8:31
  1601. GarudaGoji
  1602. Bye GDF
  1603. 8:31
  1604. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1605. Oopd
  1606. He left
  1607. 8:31
  1608. DrGodzilla120
  1609. (Majun) *roars at ManDogLizard to either stop killing and have Majun as an ally, or to continue and have him as an enemy*
  1610. 8:32
  1611. Lord Vehk
  1612. He grabs it, and closes his hand.
  1613. 8:32
  1614. GarudaGoji
  1615. *it's....*
  1616. 8:32
  1617. Lord Vehk
  1618. And besides. ManDogeLizard has it coming.
  1619. 8:32
  1620. Giz Mania
  1621. SHREK
  1622. 8:32
  1623. GarudaGoji
  1624. (Awgo) <( )
  1625. 8:32
  1626. ShodaiGoro
  1627. (SHREK)
  1628. (Shrek) <(What is it, laddeht?)
  1629. 8:32
  1630. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1631. ManDogLizard: I. WON'T. STOP. KILLING. EVER.
  1632. 8:33
  1633. DrGodzilla120
  1634. (Majun) *growls and rams ManDogLizard*
  1635. 8:33
  1636. Giz Mania
  1637. *Just finishing Garuda's sentence for him*
  1638. 8:33
  1639. GarudaGoji
  1640. (Awgo) *headbutts ManDogLizard*
  1641. 8:33
  1642. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1643. ManDogLizard: Ugh...
  1644. ManDogLizard: Hey... After you kill me... Are you going to have a three sum?
  1645. 8:34
  1646. DrGodzilla120
  1647. (Majun) *throws up acid*
  1648. 8:34
  1649. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1650. ManDogLizard: EIGHHHH! IT BURNS!!1
  1651. ManDogLizard: Can... I say... One last *coughs* sentence...
  1652. 8:36
  1653. Lord Vehk
  1654. (Coyote Tango) <(No.) *slams his foot down on MDL's face*
  1655. 8:36
  1656. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1657. ManDogLizard: Fuck you.
  1658. 8:36
  1659. GarudaGoji
  1660. (Awgo) <(....NAH.) *fires off (ab) directly at MDL's face*
  1661. 8:36
  1662. Lord Vehk
  1663. *the sound is muffled due to Coyote Tango's foot being there*
  1664. 8:37
  1665. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1666. *ManDogLizard goes back to the original forms*
  1667. *Man gets brutally attack by the police dog*
  1668. 8:37
  1669. GarudaGoji
  1670. (Awgo) <(....)
  1671. 8:37
  1672. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1673. *The lizard runs off*
  1674. Man: ROBOT! HELP!
  1675. 8:38
  1676. DrGodzilla120
  1677. (Majun) *carries the lizard onto another island*
  1678. *As the current island's volcano is erupting*
  1679. 8:39
  1680. GarudaGoji
  1681. (Awgo) <(....SHIT, I THINK I SHOULD LEAVE LIKE....NOW!) *fires off (ab) at the ground, starts hovering for a bit before flying away from the island*
  1682. 8:39
  1683. Lord Vehk
  1684. (Coyote Tango) *blasts the man with a plasma blast, immediately melting him*
  1685. 8:39
  1686. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1687. *The police dog follows (Coyote Tango) *
  1688. 8:39
  1689. Lord Vehk
  1690. (Coyote Tango) <(Wait. Aren't Gojirans completely immune to lava?)
  1691. (Coyote Tango) *picks the dog up and flies away*
  1692. 8:40
  1693. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1694. Well folks, that was the ManDogLizard story arc but it's over now.
  1695. 8:41
  1696. Fr0stfur
  1697. That was more of a single story
  1698. 8:41
  1699. GarudaGoji
  1700. (Awgo) *stops, crash lands into the ocean before swimming away*
  1701. 8:41
  1702. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1703. He appeared before.
  1704. 8:42
  1705. Lord Vehk
  1706. And now the dog can become a kaiju.....
  1707. 8:43
  1708. GarudaGoji
  1710. :3
  1711. 8:43
  1712. Lord Vehk
  1713. Damn that crappy radiation shielding!
  1714. 8:43
  1715. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1716. Haven't seen Kaijuzilla2000 in a while.
  1717. 8:45
  1718. GarudaGoji
  1719. Somehow, i thought that somehow applied to (g54) .
  1720. 8:45
  1721. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1722. Or Scorpi123
  1723. 8:45
  1724. GarudaGoji
  1725. Scorpi was infact MANTAX!
  1726. 8:45
  1727. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1728. ...
  1729. 8:45
  1730. Lord Vehk
  1731. Scorpi was Mantax. He admitted to it.
  1732. 8:45
  1733. GarudaGoji
  1734. Mantaxes never gaved us taxes anyways. :p
  1735. 8:45
  1736. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1737. Oh god...
  1738. PM RP?
  1739. 8:46
  1740. Lord Vehk
  1741. And I was right all along.
  1742. Hmm....
  1743. You are now away.
  1744. You are no longer away.
  1745. 8:46
  1746. Fr0stfur
  1747. You knew it!
  1748. But then again, I guess it was...
  1749. elementary, my dear Fr0stfur.
  1750. 8:47
  1751. GarudaGoji
  1752. That damn jigglypuff....
  1753. 8:47
  1754. DrGodzilla120
  1755. I'm writing Chapter 15 of Rise of the Dovahkiin.
  1756. And what better way to start out than with a macabre scene?
  1757. 8:47
  1758. Lord Vehk
  1759. ......
  1760. 8:48
  1761. Fr0stfur
  1762. cool
  1763. 8:48
  1764. ShodaiGoro
  1765. Garuda, PM
  1766. 8:48
  1767. Fr0stfur
  1768. Will there be a dragon?
  1769. 8:48
  1770. Lord Vehk
  1771. Should I count this as a kill for Coyote Tango?
  1772. 8:49
  1773. DrGodzilla120
  1774. There will probably be a dragon.
  1775. 8:49
  1776. GarudaGoji
  1777. Shriek the lips across the ragged tongue. convulsing together sing violently. Move the jaw, cry out loud. Bound up the dead triumphtantly.
  1778. 8:49
  1779. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1780. Is Herokra (Character) still alive or did Foxmask kill him/her/it?
  1781. 8:50
  1782. Lord Vehk
  1783. Yes it is.
  1784. 8:50
  1785. Fr0stfur
  1786. If Coyote wants a high kill count
  1787. 8:50
  1788. Lord Vehk
  1789. He already has a high kill count.
  1790. 8:50
  1791. Fr0stfur
  1792. he should start destroying universes like Foxmask
  1793. :3
  1794. 8:50
  1795. ShodaiGoro
  1796. FXM killed him
  1797. But then he revived
  1798. 8:51
  1799. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1800. Yay!
  1801. 8:51
  1802. ShodaiGoro
  1803. Somehow.
  1804. 8:51
  1805. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1806. Awww
  1807. 8:51
  1808. Lord Vehk
  1809. Well actually that universe reformed.....
  1810. 8:51
  1811. Fr0stfur
  1812. The Twilight Universe?
  1813. (Nuu)
  1814. 8:51
  1815. Lord Vehk
  1816. *Twilight Universe explosion is reverted*
  1817. 8:51
  1818. GarudaGoji
  1819. The ragged they come and the ragged they kill, you pray so hard on blooded knees. The ragged they come and the ragged they kill, down in the cool air i can see...
  1820. 8:51
  1821. Lord Vehk
  1822. (Jyggalag) <(Boring and sparkly. Just my type.)
  1823. 8:52
  1824. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1825. User blog:Ghidorahnumber1/Why RPs have become boring I do agree with the superheroes one.
  1826. 8:52
  1827. ShodaiGoro
  1828. Well, it was bound to reform
  1829. But yeah
  1830. The killcount still kinda counts
  1831. 8:52
  1832. Lord Vehk
  1833. Yeah.
  1834. 8:52
  1835. GarudaGoji
  1837. 8:52
  1838. Lord Vehk
  1839. But still.
  1840. ......
  1841. 8:52
  1842. GarudaGoji
  1843. Damm, Superbeast is still stuck in my mind!
  1844. 8:53
  1845. Lord Vehk
  1846. (Coyote Tango) *sends word to the Mazins*
  1847. (Coyote Tango) <(There is a new threat.)
  1848. (Coyote Tango) *sends word via lizard bird*
  1849. 8:54
  1850. GarudaGoji
  1851. ....Nobody likes quotes from Superbeast anymore?
  1852. 8:55
  1853. Giz Mania
  1854. nein
  1855. Rammstein
  1856. 8:55
  1857. Lord Vehk
  1858. Not sure anybody ever did :3
  1859. 8:55
  1860. GarudaGoji
  1861. Might be only me....
  1862. 8:55
  1863. DrGodzilla120
  1865. 8:55
  1866. GarudaGoji
  1867. :(
  1868. 8:55
  1869. DrGodzilla120
  1870. That's what I have so far.
  1871. 8:56
  1872. GarudaGoji
  1873. 3sad6me
  1874. 8:56
  1875. ShodaiGoro
  1876. Garuda, PM
  1877. 8:56
  1878. GarudaGoji
  1879. kkk-*shot*
  1880. You are now away.
  1881. Giz Mania has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  1882. 8:57
  1883. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1884. Wow
  1885. Marvel killed off Wolverine permanently...
  1886. 8:58
  1887. DrGodzilla120
  1888. Really?
  1889. 8:58
  1890. Lord Vehk
  1891. YES!
  1892. You are no longer away.
  1893. 8:58
  1894. Fr0stfur
  1895. Ding, Dong!
  1896. 8:58
  1897. Lord Vehk
  1898. Fuck yeah
  1899. 8:58
  1900. Fr0stfur
  1901. The witch is dead!
  1902. 8:58
  1903. GarudaGoji
  1904. (Expand dont)!
  1905. 8:58
  1906. Fr0stfur
  1907. Which old witch?
  1908. 8:58
  1909. GarudaGoji
  1910. * (expand dongHn
  1911. 8:59
  1912. Fr0stfur
  1913. The X-man witch!
  1914. 8:59
  1915. GarudaGoji
  1916. ** (expand dong) !
  1917. 8:59
  1918. Fr0stfur
  1919. Did dong, the X-man witch is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaad!
  1920. 8:59
  1921. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1922. But
  1923. 8:59
  1924. Fr0stfur
  1925. I think this calls for a party
  1926. 8:59
  1927. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1928. So did Spider-Man and he came back
  1929. So
  1930. 8:59
  1931. GarudaGoji
  1932. Ding (dong) , the X-Man witch is ded.
  1933. 8:59
  1934. Fr0stfur
  1935. Yeah
  1936. BUT
  1937. 8:59
  1938. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1939. Don't get your fucking hopes up.
  1940. 8:59
  1941. Fr0stfur
  1942. That wasn't permanent, now was it?
  1943. 9:00
  1944. GarudaGoji
  1945. My hopes aren't high....
  1946. They didn't smoked (cigar) s yet.
  1947. :p
  1948. 9:00
  1949. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1950. Hopefully they kill off Deadpool
  1951. 9:00
  1952. Fr0stfur
  1953. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6
  1954. Pls
  1955. 9:00
  1956. GarudaGoji
  1957. Considering that there were deadpool-ripoffs, yeah.
  1958. 9:01
  1959. Fr0stfur
  1960. The RPVerse is luckily rid of Deadpool
  1961. 9:01
  1962. GarudaGoji
  1964. 9:01
  1965. Fr0stfur
  1966. Since Themy is M.I.A.
  1967. 9:01
  1968. DrGodzilla120
  1969. Vehk.
  1970. 9:01
  1971. GarudaGoji
  1972. Yeh...
  1973. 9:01
  1974. Lord Vehk
  1975. (Coyote Tango) *waits for a kaiju to attack somewhere*
  1976. 9:01
  1977. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1978. He's not funny, his costume looks like a shitty Spider-Man cosplay, he's overrated, he's a rip-off of Deathstroke.
  1979. 9:01
  1980. Lord Vehk
  1981. ?
  1982. 9:01
  1983. ShodaiGoro
  1984. DISAGREED.
  1985. 9:01
  1986. DrGodzilla120
  1987. Dracoruss's main team in Skyrim is composed of three characters and a dragon, right?
  1988. Three sapient beings and a creature.
  1989. 9:02
  1990. Fr0stfur
  1991. There are, however, some.......
  1992. *deep breath*
  1993. 9:02
  1994. DrGodzilla120
  1995. Silence's team (as of now) is composed of him, Midnight, and Iitatorem.
  1996. 9:02
  1997. Lord Vehk
  1998. Right.
  1999. 9:02
  2000. DrGodzilla120
  2001. I want him to have a beast so that he can match Dracoruss.
  2002. What should his team's creature be?
  2003. 9:02
  2004. GarudaGoji
  2005. But still though...Ah fuck it i actually like deadpool.
  2006. He's...funny.
  2007. 9:02
  2008. Fr0stfur
  2009. crappy cop-out carbon-copy copycat comparisons compared to the Disney Afternoon.
  2010. Err, I mean Deadpool.
  2011. 9:03
  2012. GarudaGoji
  2013. Seriously, it's funny seeing the fourth wall get broken.
  2014. Like...
  2015. 9:03
  2016. Fr0stfur
  2017. A dragon!
  2018. 9:03
  2019. GarudaGoji
  2021. 9:03
  2022. ShodaiGoro
  2023. It's funny when DP does it
  2024. Not when Herokra does it
  2025. 9:03
  2026. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2028. 9:04
  2029. Fr0stfur
  2031. 9:04
  2032. GarudaGoji
  2033. Yeah....
  2034. 9:04
  2035. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2036. Herokra..
  2037. 9:04
  2038. Fr0stfur
  2039. * Fr0stfur tries to think of other shitty deadpool rip-offs*
  2040. 9:04
  2041. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2042. So is he a hero... and a... kra???
  2043. 9:04
  2044. Fr0stfur
  2046. deaaaadpoooool?????????????
  2047. 9:04
  2048. GarudaGoji
  2049. The hell's a kra?
  2050. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2051. 9:05
  2052. DrGodzilla120
  2053. o/
  2054. 9:05
  2055. Fr0stfur
  2056. hi o/
  2057. 9:05
  2058. Lord Ghetsis
  2059. Hello
  2060. 9:05
  2061. GarudaGoji
  2062. Hi ghetsis
  2063. 9:05
  2064. Thegoldnguy
  2065. o hai.
  2066. 9:05
  2067. DrGodzilla120
  2068. I think "Kra" is short for "Kratos".
  2069. 9:05
  2070. GarudaGoji
  2071. Oh....
  2072. ....
  2073. 9:05
  2074. DrGodzilla120
  2075. Kratos is an asshole and violent designated hero.
  2076. That explains a lot.
  2077. 9:05
  2078. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2079. I like GOW...
  2080. 9:05
  2081. Lord Ghetsis
  2082. Kratos is overrated sometimes.
  2083. 9:05
  2084. DrGodzilla120
  2085. It's a good video game series.
  2086. And Aphrodite is hot.
  2087. 9:05
  2088. Lord Ghetsis
  2089. People make him out to be some invincible being.
  2090. 9:06
  2091. DrGodzilla120
  2092. I just think Kratos is too...Yeah.
  2093. And agreed with Ghetsis.
  2094. 9:06
  2095. Lord Ghetsis
  2096. I've even seen people say Kratos has a chance against Thanos.
  2097. 9:06
  2098. Fr0stfur
  2099. Aphrodite is goobut Artemis is better
  2100. 9:06
  2101. Lord Ghetsis
  2102. Me: Lolnope
  2103. 9:06
  2104. DrGodzilla120
  2105. Aphrodite exposes her boobs.
  2106. Artemis can go rot in a hole.
  2107. 9:06
  2108. Fr0stfur
  2109. Artemis doesnm't even appear
  2110. 9:06
  2111. Lord Vehk
  2112. She actually does
  2113. 9:07
  2114. DrGodzilla120
  2115. Oh, Vehk.
  2116. 9:07
  2117. Fr0stfur
  2118. Or she does
  2119. 9:07
  2120. DrGodzilla120
  2121. Any ideas?
  2122. 9:07
  2123. Lord Vehk
  2124. In the first game.
  2125. 9:07
  2126. Lord Ghetsis
  2127. Tbh I prefer Dante to Kratos.
  2128. 9:07
  2129. Fr0stfur
  2130. She does?
  2131. :?
  2132. 9:07
  2133. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2134. Dante is annoying
  2135. 9:07
  2136. Lord Ghetsis
  2137. Still better than Kratos
  2138. 9:07
  2139. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2140. Like Deadpool
  2141. 9:07
  2142. Lord Vehk
  2143. Yes. She gives you a big purple blade.
  2144. 9:07
  2145. Fr0stfur
  2146. Than whoever didn't appear
  2147. 9:07
  2148. Lord Ghetsis
  2149. Dante actually fought an anti-christ/Mundus
  2150. 9:07
  2151. Fr0stfur
  2152. Apollo, I guess
  2153. 9:07
  2154. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2155. And?
  2156. 9:07
  2157. ShodaiGoro
  2158. Sadly, DmC ruined Dante
  2159. 9:08
  2160. Lord Ghetsis
  2161. And he's got better abilities
  2162. DMC 1 Dante was the best.
  2163. The original one.
  2164. Then yes as Goro said, they ruined his character.
  2165. 9:08
  2166. ShodaiGoro
  2167. Donte can go fuck himself
  2168. 9:08
  2169. DrGodzilla120
  2170. Yo.
  2171. Vehk.
  2172. 9:08
  2173. Lord Ghetsis
  2174. The retconned Mundus sucks as well
  2175. 9:08
  2176. ShodaiGoro
  2177. Better yet...
  2178. 9:08
  2179. DrGodzilla120
  2180. Any ideas for Silence's team's beast?
  2181. 9:09
  2182. Fr0stfur
  2183. Who is Silence?
  2184. 9:09
  2185. Lord Ghetsis
  2186. He goes from having a fallen angel form to a fatass Kingpin ripoff form who controls the earth through DEBTS.
  2187. ._.
  2188. 9:09
  2189. DrGodzilla120
  2190. Dovahkiin. Dark Brotherhood member. Hired by Killer Slash.
  2191. A member of the main cast in my Skyrim fic.
  2192. 9:09
  2193. ShodaiGoro
  2194. NVM
  2195. I can't find it
  2196. 9:09
  2197. Lord Vehk
  2198. Hmm
  2199. GarudaGoji has been trampled in a Baragon stampede!
  2200. 9:09
  2201. ShodaiGoro
  2202. Simply put, have you ever heard of "ur a faget"?
  2203. 9:09
  2204. Lord Ghetsis
  2205. ^
  2206. Yep
  2207. I say that sometimes
  2208. 9:10
  2209. ShodaiGoro
  2210. It was a video of that.
  2211. But instead of Virgil
  2212. It was Donte
  2213. 9:10
  2214. Fr0stfur
  2215. What happened to Killer Slash? Does he get a team?
  2216. 9:10
  2217. Lord Ghetsis
  2218. Sparda >>> Both of them
  2219. 9:10
  2220. DrGodzilla120
  2221. Yes.
  2222. 9:10
  2223. Fr0stfur
  2224. k
  2225. 9:10
  2226. DrGodzilla120
  2227. Killer Slash has a team.
  2228. In fact, Silence's team is part of Killer Slash's team.
  2229. 9:11
  2230. Fr0stfur
  2232. 9:11
  2233. DrGodzilla120
  2234. Except for Iitatorem.
  2235. Iitatorem is currently forced to be a member of the team.
  2236. 9:11
  2237. Lord Vehk
  2238. Hmm
  2239. 9:11
  2240. DrGodzilla120
  2241. He disapproves of their actions. A lot.
  2242. But he's also too much of a coward to stand up to them (That's his conflict throughout the story).
  2243. He needs to develop courage.
  2244. 9:12
  2245. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2246. Anyone want to RP?
  2247. 9:12
  2248. Lord Ghetsis
  2249. I'll RP
  2250. 9:12
  2251. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2252. Okie dookie
  2253. 9:13
  2254. DrGodzilla120
  2255. Goro.
  2256. You got ideas?
  2257. 9:13
  2258. ShodaiGoro
  2259. Not really
  2260. (WAKE UP!)
  2261. 9:13
  2262. Lord Ghetsis
  2263. (Bouffalant) *Walks through Icirrus moor* <(This place has changed a lot since I last came here.)
  2264. 9:13
  2265. Lord Vehk
  2266. I suggest having a Xivilai.
  2267. 9:13
  2268. DrGodzilla120
  2269. Xivilai?
  2270. 9:14
  2271. Lord Vehk
  2272. Yes.
  2273. 9:14
  2274. DrGodzilla120
  2275. Isn't that a Daedra?
  2276. 9:14
  2277. Fr0stfur
  2278. Xivilai
  2279. 9:14
  2280. DrGodzilla120
  2281. So it would count as sapient?
  2282. 9:14
  2283. Fr0stfur
  2284. Daedra?
  2285. 9:14
  2286. DrGodzilla120
  2287. It's a sapient Daedra.
  2288. 9:14
  2289. Fr0stfur
  2290. Is that a type of fedora?
  2291. 9:15
  2292. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2293. *Sudowoodo, Snorlax and Swinub are all sat by a tree*
  2294. 9:15
  2295. Lord Vehk
  2297. 9:15
  2298. Lord Ghetsis
  2299. (Bouffalant) *Noms on the grass* <(At leas this is still good)
  2300. least*
  2301. 9:15
  2302. DrGodzilla120
  2303. Just asking, Goro.
  2304. Are the Pokemon Gehtsis using available?
  2305. Ghetsis*
  2306. And Vehk.
  2307. 9:16
  2308. Fr0stfur
  2309. Maybe some giant spiders?
  2310. 9:16
  2311. ShodaiGoro
  2312. I think so
  2313. 9:16
  2314. Fr0stfur
  2315. What's Skyrim without giant spiders?
  2316. 9:16
  2317. Lord Ghetsis
  2318. Available for what?
  2319. 9:16
  2320. Lord Vehk
  2321. Not as a sapient.
  2322. 9:16
  2323. ShodaiGoro
  2324. Does it matter though?
  2325. 9:16
  2326. DrGodzilla120
  2327. I was thinking this:
  2329. 9:17
  2330. Lord Vehk
  2331. .....
  2332. 9:17
  2333. ShodaiGoro
  2334. Bouffalant is a species
  2335. 9:17
  2336. DrGodzilla120
  2337. Eh.
  2338. 9:17
  2339. Fr0stfur
  2340. What about giant snakes AND giant spiders?
  2341. 9:17
  2342. DrGodzilla120
  2343. Just checking.
  2344. 9:17
  2345. Lord Ghetsis
  2346. Yeah they're available
  2347. I have my own versions
  2348. 9:17
  2349. DrGodzilla120
  2350. Just one beast.
  2351. And also, Vehk.
  2352. Remember the possible sequel after this series?
  2353. 9:18
  2354. Lord Ghetsis
  2355. (Bouffalant) *Head charges the tree* :3
  2356. 9:18
  2357. Lord Vehk
  2358. Yeah.
  2359. 9:18
  2360. DrGodzilla120
  2361. I think I might know what the Daedric Dragonborn's mount will be.
  2363. 9:18
  2364. Lord Vehk
  2365. Fuck yeah.
  2366. 9:19
  2367. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2368. *The three wake up*
  2369. 9:20
  2370. Lord Ghetsis
  2371. (Bouffalant) *Sends the tree crashing down on them* (troll)
  2372. 9:20
  2373. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2374. *It bounces off of Snorlax and onto (Bouffalant) * MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  2375. 9:21
  2376. Lord Ghetsis
  2377. (Bouffalant) *Ran to the side to avoid the tree* <(Should off known it would bounce off that fatass)
  2378. 9:21
  2379. DrGodzilla120
  2380. Daedric Titan vs Odahviing.
  2381. The Dovahkiin's personal dragon vs...That thing.
  2382. 9:21
  2383. Lord Vehk
  2384. Hmm
  2385. 9:21
  2386. Lord Ghetsis
  2387. Odahviing
  2388. 9:21
  2389. Lord Vehk
  2390. Awesome.
  2391. 9:21
  2392. Lord Ghetsis
  2393. Provided he stays in the air
  2394. 9:21
  2395. Fr0stfur
  2396. The dragon
  2397. 9:21
  2398. Lord Ghetsis
  2399. Or keeps his distance
  2400. 9:22
  2401. DrGodzilla120
  2402. Odahviing is the DOVAHKIIN'S dragon.
  2403. 9:22
  2404. Fr0stfur
  2405. Odahviing
  2406. 9:22
  2407. DrGodzilla120
  2408. That thing isn't going down easily.
  2409. By "that thing", I mean Odahviing.
  2410. 9:22
  2411. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2412. Snorlax: *Thinks (Bouffalant) is a cookie*
  2413. 9:23
  2414. Lord Ghetsis
  2415. (Bouffalant) *Stole (Snorlax) 's food and ran*
  2416. (Bouffalant) <(Can't catch me fatty)
  2417. 9:24
  2418. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2419. (Snorlax) *Still follows him*
  2420. 9:25
  2421. Lord Ghetsis
  2422. (Bouffalant) *Meets (Cofagrigus) * <(Oi you! Hide his food inside you and pretend to be a normal coffin)
  2423. (Cofagrigus) *Opens himself and hides the food inside before pretending to be a coffin as (Bouffalant) ran off*
  2424. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2425. 9:25
  2426. ShodaiGoro
  2427. o/
  2428. 9:26
  2429. Lord Ghetsis
  2430. Hai
  2431. 9:26
  2432. GarudaGoji
  2433. Hi
  2434. 9:26
  2435. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2436. (Snorlax) *Steps on (Cofagrigus) *
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